Changeset 58 for cestina/addons

Feb 9, 2012, 7:54:27 AM (13 years ago)
1 edited


  • cestina/addons/base/i18n/cs.po

    r56 r58  
    77"Project-Id-Version: openobject-server\n"
    9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-11 11:14+0000\n"
    10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 09:07+0100\n"
     9"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-08 00:44+0000\n"
     10"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-09 07:53+0100\n"
    1111"Last-Translator: Jiří Hajda <>\n"
    1212"Language-Team: openerp-i18n-czech < >\n"
    1414"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    1515"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    16 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-06-22 05:24+0000\n"
    17 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build 13265)\n"
     16"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2012-02-09 05:47+0000\n"
     17"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 14763)\n"
    1818"X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n"
    20 #. module: base
    21 #: view:ir.filters:0
    22 #: field:ir.model.fields,domain:0
    23 #: field:ir.rule,domain:0
    24 #: field:ir.rule,domain_force:0
    25 #: field:res.partner.title,domain:0
    26 msgid "Domain"
    27 msgstr "Doména"
    2920#. module: base
    4435#. module: base
    45 #: code:addons/
     36#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_mailgate
     37msgid "Tasks-Mail Integration"
     38msgstr ""
     40#. module: base
     41#: code:addons/
    4642#, python-format
    4743msgid "The second argument of the many2many field %s must be a SQL table !You used %s, which is not a valid SQL table name."
    4844msgstr "Druhý parametr pole many2many %s musí být SQL tabulka ! Použili jste %s, což není platné jméno SQL tabulky."
    50 #. module: base
    51 #: view:ir.values:0
    52 #: field:ir.values,meta_unpickle:0
    53 msgid "Metadata"
    54 msgstr "Metadata"
    5646#. module: base
    5949msgid "View Architecture"
    6050msgstr "Architektura zobrazení"
     52#. module: base
     53#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project
     54msgid ""
     56"Project management module tracks multi-level projects, tasks, work done on tasks, eso.\n"
     59"It is able to render planning, order tasks, eso.\n"
     61"Dashboard for project members that includes:\n"
     63"    * List of my open tasks\n"
     64"    * List of my delegated tasks\n"
     65"    * Graph of My Projects: Planned vs Total Hours\n"
     66"    * Graph of My Remaining Hours by Project\n"
     67"    "
     68msgstr ""
    6270#. module: base
    7785#. module: base
    78 #: view:partner.sms.send:0
    79 msgid "SMS - Gateway: clickatell"
    80 msgstr "SMS brána Clickatell"
     86#: selection:ir.sequence,implementation:0
     87msgid "No gap"
     88msgstr "Bez mezery"
    8290#. module: base
    8795#. module: base
    88 #: selection:ir.model.fields,select_level:0
    89 msgid "Not Searchable"
    90 msgstr "Nevyhledávatelné"
    92 #. module: base
    9396#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    94 msgid "Spanish (VE) / Español (VE)"
    95 msgstr "Šapnělština (VE) / Español (VE)"
    97 #. module: base
    98 #: field:ir.actions.server,wkf_model_id:0
    99 msgid "Workflow On"
    100 msgstr "Aktivovat pracovní postup"
     97msgid "Spanish (PY) / Español (PY)"
     98msgstr "Španělština (PY) / Español (PY)"
     100#. module: base
     101#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_project_management
     102msgid "Helps you manage your projects and tasks by tracking them, generating plannings, etc..."
     103msgstr "Pomůže vám spravovat vaše projekty a úkoly pomocí jejich sledování, generování plánování, atd..."
    102105#. module: base
    107110#. module: base
     111#: help:ir.cron,model:0
     112msgid "Model name on which the method to be called is located, e.g. 'res.partner'."
     113msgstr ""
     115#. module: base
    108116#: view:ir.module.module:0
    109117msgid "Created Views"
    112120#. module: base
    113 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     121#: code:addons/base/ir/
    114122#, python-format
    115123msgid "You can not write in this document (%s) ! Be sure your user belongs to one of these groups: %s."
    116 msgstr "Nemůžete zapisat dokument (%s) ! Ujistěte se, že váš uživatel patří do jedné ze skupin: %s."
     124msgstr "Nemůžete zapisovat do tohoto dokumentu (%s)! Ujistěte se, že váš uživatel patří do některé z těchto skupin: %s."
     126#. module: base
     127#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_event_project
     128msgid ""
     130"Organization and management of events.\n"
     133"This module allows you to create retro planning for managing your events.\n"
     134msgstr ""
    118136#. module: base
    119137#: help:ir.model.fields,domain:0
    120138msgid "The optional domain to restrict possible values for relationship fields, specified as a Python expression defining a list of triplets. For example: [('color','=','red')]"
    121 msgstr "Volitelná doména k omezení možných hodnot pro vztahy polí, zadáno jako výraz Pythonu určující seznam trojic. Např. [('color','=','red')]"
     139msgstr "Volitelná doména k omezení možných hodnot pro pole, specifikovaná jako výraz v Pythonu obsahující seznam trojic. Například: [('color','=','red')]"
    123141#. module: base
    128146#. module: base
     147#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_be_invoice_bba
     148msgid "Belgium - Structured Communication"
     149msgstr ""
     151#. module: base
    129152#: field:ir.actions.act_window,target:0
    130153msgid "Target Window"
    133156#. module: base
    134 #: code:addons/base/res/
     157#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_sale_analytic_plans
     158msgid "Sales Analytic Distribution"
     159msgstr ""
     161#. module: base
     162#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_process
     163msgid "Process"
     164msgstr "Proces"
     166#. module: base
     167#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_analytic_journal_billing_rate
     168msgid "Billing Rates on Contracts"
     169msgstr ""
     171#. module: base
     172#: code:addons/base/res/
    135173#, python-format
    136174msgid "Warning!"
    139177#. module: base
    140 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     178#: code:addons/base/ir/
    141179#, python-format
    142180msgid "Properties of base fields cannot be altered in this manner! Please modify them through Python code, preferably through a custom addon!"
    143 msgstr "Tímto způsobem nemůžou být změněny vlastnosti základních polí! Prosíme upravte je přes kód Pythonu, přednostně přes vlastní doplněk!"
    145 #. module: base
    146 #: code:addons/
     181msgstr "Vlastnosti základních polí (base fields) nemohou být takto měněny! Modifikujte je pomocí kódu v Pythonu, nejlépe prostřednictvím vlastního add-onu!"
     183#. module: base
     184#: code:addons/
    147185#, python-format
    148186msgid "Constraint Error"
    156194#. module: base
     195#: code:addons/base/ir/
     196#, python-format
     197msgid "Renaming sparse field \"%s\" is not allowed"
     198msgstr ""
     200#. module: base
    158202msgid "Swaziland"
    159 msgstr "Švýcarsko"
    161 #. module: base
    162 #: code:addons/
    163 #: code:addons/
     203msgstr "Svazijsko"
     205#. module: base
     206#: code:addons/
    164207#, python-format
    165208msgid "created."
    168211#. module: base
    169 #: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_woodsuppliers0
    170 msgid "Wood Suppliers"
    171 msgstr "Dodavatelé dřeva"
    173 #. module: base
    174 #: code:addons/base/module/
     212#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_tr
     213msgid "Turkey - Accounting"
     214msgstr "Turecko - Účetnictví"
     216#. module: base
     217#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_mrp_subproduct
     218msgid "MRP Subproducts"
     219msgstr "Podprodukty MRP"
     221#. module: base
     222#: code:addons/base/module/
    175223#, python-format
    176224msgid ""
    199247#. module: base
     248#: model:ir.actions.todo.category,name:base.category_sales_management_config
     249#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_sales_management
     250#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_sale
     251msgid "Sales Management"
     252msgstr "Správa prodeje"
     254#. module: base
    200255#: view:res.partner:0
    201256msgid "Search Partner"
    202 msgstr "Hledat partnera"
    204 #. module: base
    205 #: code:addons/base/res/
    206 #, python-format
    207 msgid "\"smtp_server\" needs to be set to send mails to users"
    208 msgstr "\"smtp_server\" musí být nastavení, aby bylo možné posílat poštu uživatelům"
     257msgstr "Hledat společníka"
    210259#. module: base
    236285#. module: base
     286#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_reporting
     295msgid "Reporting"
     296msgstr "Hlášení"
     298#. module: base
     299#: view:res.partner:0
     300#: field:res.partner,subname:0
    237301#: field:res.partner.address,name:0
    238302msgid "Contact Name"
    247311#. module: base
     312#: help:ir.values,key2:0
     313msgid ""
     314"For actions, one of the possible action slots: \n"
     315"  - client_action_multi\n"
     316"  - client_print_multi\n"
     317"  - client_action_relate\n"
     318"  - tree_but_open\n"
     319"For defaults, an optional condition"
     320msgstr ""
     322#. module: base
    248323#: sql_constraint:res.lang:0
    249324msgid "The name of the language must be unique !"
    252327#. module: base
    253 #: selection:res.request,state:0
    254 msgid "active"
    255 msgstr "Aktivní"
     328#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_import_base
     329msgid ""
     331"        This module provide a class import_framework to help importing \n"
     332"        complex data from other software\n"
     333"    "
     334msgstr ""
    257336#. module: base
    262341#. module: base
    263 #: code:addons/
     342#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_partner_manager
     343msgid "Partner Manager"
     344msgstr "Správa partnerů"
     346#. module: base
     347#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_customer_relationship_management
     348msgid "Customer Relationship Management"
     349msgstr "Řízení vztahů se zákazníky"
     351#. module: base
     352#: view:ir.module.module:0
     353msgid "Extra"
     354msgstr "Dodatečné"
     356#. module: base
     357#: code:addons/
    264358#, python-format
    265359msgid "Invalid group_by"
    266360msgstr "Neplatné group_by"
     362#. module: base
     363#: field:ir.module.category,child_ids:0
     364msgid "Child Applications"
     365msgstr "Podřízené aplikace"
    268367#. module: base
    273372#. module: base
     373#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_graph
     374msgid "Openerp web graph view"
     375msgstr "Pohled webový graf OpenERP"
     377#. module: base
    275379msgid "Update Date"
    278382#. module: base
     383#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_action_rule
     384msgid "Automated Action Rules"
     385msgstr "Pravidla automatických akcí"
     387#. module: base
    279388#: view:ir.attachment:0
    280389msgid "Owner"
    285394msgid "Source Object"
    286395msgstr "Zdrojový objekt"
     397#. module: base
     399msgid "%(bank_name)s: %(acc_number)s"
     400msgstr "%(bank_name)s: %(acc_number)s"
    288402#. module: base
    305419#: view:ir.model.access:0
    306420#: field:ir.model.access,group_id:0
    307 #: view:res.config.users:0
    308421msgid "Group"
    309422msgstr "Skupina"
    311424#. module: base
    312 #: field:ir.exports.line,name:0
    313 #: field:ir.translation,name:0
    314 #:,name:0
    315 msgid "Field Name"
    316 msgstr "Název pole"
    318 #. module: base
    319 #: wizard_view:server.action.create,init:0
    320 #: wizard_field:server.action.create,init,type:0
    321 msgid "Select Action Type"
    322 msgstr "Vyberte typ akce"
     425#: constraint:res.lang:0
     426msgid "Invalid date/time format directive specified. Please refer to the list of allowed directives, displayed when you edit a language."
     427msgstr ""
     429#. module: base
     430#: code:addons/
     431#, python-format
     432msgid "One of the records you are trying to modify has already been deleted (Document type: %s)."
     433msgstr "Jeden ze záznamů, který se snažíte změnit byl již smazán (Typ dokumentu: %s)."
     435#. module: base
     436#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_pad_project
     437msgid "Specifications on PADs"
     438msgstr ""
     440#. module: base
     441#: help:ir.filters,user_id:0
     442msgid "The user this filter is available to. When left empty the filter is usable by the system only."
     443msgstr ""
     445#. module: base
     446#: help:res.partner,website:0
     447msgid "Website of Partner."
     448msgstr "Webové stránky partnera."
     450#. module: base
     451#: help:ir.actions.act_window,views:0
     452msgid "This function field computes the ordered list of views that should be enabled when displaying the result of an action, federating view mode, views and reference view. The result is returned as an ordered list of pairs (view_id,view_mode)."
     453msgstr ""
    324455#. module: base
    336467msgid "Date Format"
    337468msgstr "Formát data"
     470#. module: base
     471#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_report_designer
     472msgid "OpenOffice Report Designer"
     473msgstr "Návrhář výkazů OpenOffice"
    339475#. module: base
    350486#. module: base
    351 #: code:addons/base/res/
     488msgid "Romania"
     489msgstr "Rumunsko"
     491#. module: base
     492#: code:addons/base/res/
    352493#, python-format
    353494msgid "You can not remove the admin user as it is used internally for resources created by OpenERP (updates, module installation, ...)"
    354495msgstr "Nemůžete odstranit uživatele správce, protože je vnitřně používán pro zdroje vytvářené OpenERP (aktualizace, instalace modulů, ...)"
     497#. module: base
     498#: view:ir.values:0
     499msgid "Action Binding"
     500msgstr "Poutání akcí"
    356502#. module: base
    361507#. module: base
    362 #: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    363 msgid "Greek / Ελληνικά"
    364 msgstr "Řečtina / Ελληνικά"
     508#: field:ir.ui.view.custom,ref_id:0
     509msgid "Original View"
     510msgstr "Původní pohled"
    366512#. module: base
    373519msgid "If you check this, then the second time the user prints with same attachment name, it returns the previous report."
    374 msgstr "Pokud toto zaškrtnete, vrátí předchozí výkaz, pokud uživatel podruhé vytiskne stejné jméno přílohy."
    376 #. module: base
    377 #: code:addons/
    378 #, python-format
    379 msgid "The read method is not implemented on this object !"
    380 msgstr "U tohoto objektu není vytvořena čtecí metoda."
    382 #. module: base
    383 #: help:res.lang,iso_code:0
    384 msgid "This ISO code is the name of po files to use for translations"
    385 msgstr "Tento kód ISO je jméno po souborů pro použití překladů"
     520msgstr "Pokud toto zaškrtnute, příště když uživatel bude tisknout přílohu se stejným názvem, vrátí se mu předchozí report."
     522#. module: base
     523#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_sale_layout
     524msgid "Sales Orders Print Layout"
     525msgstr "Tiskové rozvržení prodejních objednávek"
     527#. module: base
     528#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
     529msgid "Spanish (VE) / Español (VE)"
     530msgstr "Šapnělština (VE) / Español (VE)"
     532#. module: base
     533#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_timesheet_invoice
     534msgid "Invoice on Timesheets"
     535msgstr "Fakturovat podle časového rozvrhu"
    387537#. module: base
    398548#. module: base
     549#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_followup
     550msgid ""
     552"Module to automate letters for unpaid invoices, with multi-level recalls.\n"
     555"You can define your multiple levels of recall through the menu:\n"
     556"    Accounting/Configuration/Miscellaneous/Follow-Ups\n"
     558"Once it is defined, you can automatically print recalls every day through simply clicking on the menu:\n"
     559"    Accounting/Periodical Processing/Billing/Send followups\n"
     561"It will generate a PDF with all the letters according to the the\n"
     562"different levels of recall defined. You can define different policies\n"
     563"for different companies. You can also send mail to the customer.\n"
     565"Note that if you want to check the followup level for a given partner/account entry, you can do from in the menu:\n"
     566"    Accounting/Reporting/Generic Reporting/Partners/Follow-ups Sent\n"
     568msgstr ""
     570#. module: base
    400572msgid "Country Name"
    408580#. module: base
    409 #: view:ir.module.module:0
    410 msgid "Schedule Upgrade"
    411 msgstr "Naplánovat povýšení"
    413 #. module: base
    414 #: code:addons/
     581#: code:addons/
    415582#, python-format
    416583msgid "Key/value '%s' not found in selection field '%s'"
    423590"You can use this field for quick search."
    424591msgstr ""
    425 "Dvouznakovýá kód země ISO.\n"
    426 "Můžete použít toto pole pro rychlé vyhledání."
     592"ISO kód země - dvě písmena.\n"
     593"Toto pole můžete použít pro rychlé hledání."
    428595#. module: base
    444611#: help:ir.actions.act_window,context:0
    445612msgid "Context dictionary as Python expression, empty by default (Default: {})"
    446 msgstr "Kontextový slovník jako výraz Pythonu, jako výchozí je prázdné (Výchozí: {})"
     613msgstr "Kontextový slovník jako výraz Pythonu, výchozí hodnota je prázdný slovník (výchozí: {})"
    448615#. module: base
    460627#. module: base
    461 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     628#: code:addons/base/ir/
    462629#, python-format
    463630msgid "Custom fields must have a name that starts with 'x_' !"
    464631msgstr "Vlastní pole musí mít jméno začínající s 'x_' !"
     633#. module: base
     634#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_mx
     635msgid "Mexico - Accounting"
     636msgstr "Mexiko - Účetnictví"
    466638#. module: base
    471643#. module: base
    472 #: view:res.config.users:0
    473 msgid "New User"
    474 msgstr "Nový uživatel"
     645msgid "Anguilla"
     646msgstr "Anguilla"
    476648#. module: base
    481653#. module: base
     654#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_plugin_outlook
     655msgid "Outlook Plug-In"
     656msgstr "Doplněk Outlook"
     658#. module: base
    482659#: view:ir.model:0
     660#: field:ir.model,name:0
    483661msgid "Model Description"
    484662msgstr "Popis modelu"
    487665#: help:ir.actions.act_window,src_model:0
    488666msgid "Optional model name of the objects on which this action should be visible"
    489 msgstr "Volitelné jméno modelu objektů, u kterých by měla být tato akce viditelná"
     667msgstr "Volitelné jméno modelu objektů, u kterých má tato akce být dostupná"
    491669#. module: base
    501679#. module: base
    502 #: view:ir.module.module:0
    503 msgid "Certified"
    504 msgstr "Certifikovaný"
     680#: help:ir.cron,nextcall:0
     681msgid "Next planned execution date for this job."
     682msgstr "Další plánované datum vykonání této úlohy."
     684#. module: base
     685#: code:addons/base/ir/
     686#, python-format
     687msgid "You can not remove the model '%s' !"
     688msgstr "Nemůžete odebrat model '%s' !"
    506690#. module: base
    508692msgid "Eritrea"
    509693msgstr "Eritrea"
     695#. module: base
     697msgid "The company name must be unique !"
     698msgstr "Jméno společnosti musí být jedinečné !"
    511700#. module: base
    517706#. module: base
    519709msgid "Automated Actions"
    520710msgstr "Automatizované akce"
    522712#. module: base
    523 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_actions
    524 msgid "ir.actions.actions"
    525 msgstr "ir.actions.actions"
     713#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_ro
     714msgid "Romania - Accounting"
     715msgstr "Rumunsko - Účetnictví"
    527717#. module: base
    528718#: view:partner.wizard.ean.check:0
    529719msgid "Want to check Ean ? "
    530 msgstr "Chcete zkontrolovat Ean?"
    532 #. module: base
    533 #: field:ir.values,key2:0
    534 msgid "Event Type"
    535 msgstr "Typ události"
     720msgstr "Chcete zkontrolovat Ean? "
     722#. module: base
     723#: help:ir.actions.server,mobile:0
     724msgid "Provides fields that be used to fetch the mobile number, e.g. you select the invoice, then `` is the field which gives the correct mobile number"
     725msgstr "Poskytuje pole, které jsou použity pro vyčtení mobilního čísla, např. vyberete fakturu, pak `` je pole, které dává aktuální mobilní číslo"
     727#. module: base
     728#: view:ir.mail_server:0
     729msgid "Security and Authentication"
     730msgstr "Zabezpečení a ověřování"
    537732#. module: base
    542737#. module: base
    543 #: field:res.partner,title:0
    544 msgid "Partner Form"
    545 msgstr "Formulář partnera"
     738#: help:ir.actions.todo,type:0
     739msgid ""
     740"Manual: Launched manually.\n"
     741"Automatic: Runs whenever the system is reconfigured.\n"
     742"Launch Manually Once: after hacing been launched manually, it sets automatically to Done."
     743msgstr ""
    547745#. module: base
    564762msgid "Cambodia, Kingdom of"
    565 msgstr "Kambodža, Královstí "
    567 #. module: base
    568 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.ir_sequence_form
    569 #: view:ir.sequence:0
    570 #:,name:base.menu_ir_sequence_form
    571 #:,name:base.next_id_5
    572 msgid "Sequences"
    573 msgstr "Posloupnosti"
     763msgstr "Kambodžské království"
     765#. module: base
     766#: field:base.language.import,overwrite:0
     767#: field:base.language.install,overwrite:0
     768msgid "Overwrite Existing Terms"
     769msgstr "Přepsat existující výrazy"
    575771#. module: base
    580776#. module: base
    581 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_config_users
    582 msgid "res.config.users"
    583 msgstr "res.config.users"
     777#: help:ir.cron,interval_number:0
     778msgid "Repeat every x."
     779msgstr "Opakovat každých x."
    585781#. module: base
    600796#. module: base
    601 #:,
    602 msgid "Papua New Guinea"
    603 msgstr "Papua - Nová Guinea"
     797#: help:ir.actions.server,write_id:0
     798msgid "Provide the field name that the record id refers to for the write operation. If it is empty it will refer to the active id of the object."
     799msgstr "Poskytuje jméno pole, na které odkazuje id záznamu, pro operaci zápisu. Pokud je prázdné tak odkazuje na aktivní id objektu."
    605801#. module: base
    610806#. module: base
     807#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_document_webdav
     808msgid "Shared Repositories (WebDAV)"
     809msgstr "Sdílená úložiště (WebDAV)"
     811#. module: base
     812#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_import_google
     813msgid "The module adds google contact in partner address and add google calendar events details in Meeting"
     814msgstr ""
     816#. module: base
     817#: view:res.users:0
     818msgid "Email Preferences"
     819msgstr "Předvolby Emailu"
     821#. module: base
     822#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_audittrail
     823msgid ""
     825"This module lets administrator track every user operation on all the objects of the system.\n"
     828"The administrator can subscribe to rules for read, write and\n"
     829"delete on objects and can check logs.\n"
     830"    "
     831msgstr ""
     833#. module: base
    611834#: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_4
    612835msgid "Basic Partner"
    613 msgstr "Základní partner"
     836msgstr "Základní společník"
    615838#. module: base
    621844#: view:res.partner:0
    622845msgid "My Partners"
    623 msgstr "Moji partneři"
     846msgstr "Moji společníci"
    625848#. module: base
    635858#. module: base
    636 #:,name:base.menu_translation_export
    637 msgid "Import / Export"
    638 msgstr "Import / Export"
     859#: view:base.module.update:0
     860msgid "Please be patient, as this operation may take a few seconds..."
     861msgstr "Prosíme buďte trpěliví, protože tato operace může trvat několik sekund..."
    640863#. module: base
    651874#. module: base
    652 #: view:res.config.users:0
    653 msgid "Groups are used to define access rights on objects and the visibility of screens and menus"
    654 msgstr "Skupiny jsou použity pro určení přístupových práv nad objekty a viditelnost obrazovek a nabídek"
    656 #. module: base
    657875#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    658876msgid "Spanish (UY) / Español (UY)"
    672890#. module: base
    673 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_payterm_form
    674 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_payterm
    675 msgid "Payment term"
    676 msgstr "Platební období"
     891#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_mrp
     892msgid "MRP"
     893msgstr "MRP"
     895#. module: base
     896#: report:ir.module.reference.graph:0
     897msgid "1cm 28cm 20cm 28cm"
     898msgstr "1cm 28cm 20cm 28cm"
    678900#. module: base
    683905#. module: base
    684 #: selection:ir.cron,interval_type:0
    685 msgid "Work Days"
    686 msgstr "Pracovní dny"
     906#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_membership
     907msgid "Membership Management"
     908msgstr "Správa členství"
    688910#. module: base
    690912msgid "Other OSI Approved Licence"
    691913msgstr "Jiné schválené licence OSI"
    693 #. module: base
    694 #: help:res.config.users,context_lang:0
    695 #: help:res.users,context_lang:0
    696 msgid "Sets the language for the user's user interface, when UI translations are available"
    697 msgstr "Pokud jsou dostupné překlady rozhraní, nastaví jazyk pro uživatelské rozhraní uživatele."
    699 #. module: base
    700 #: code:addons/
    701 #, python-format
    702 msgid "The unlink method is not implemented on this object !"
    703 msgstr "Metoda unline není pro tento objekt implementována !"
    705915#. module: base
    722932#. module: base
    723 #: view:ir.values:0
    724 msgid "client_action_multi, client_action_relate"
    725 msgstr "client_action_multi, client_action_relate"
     933#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_google_base_account
     934msgid "Google Users"
     935msgstr "Uživatelé Googlu"
     937#. module: base
     938#: help:ir.server.object.lines,value:0
     939msgid ""
     940"Expression containing a value specification. \n"
     941"When Formula type is selected, this field may be a Python expression  that can use the same values as for the condition field on the server action.\n"
     942"If Value type is selected, the value will be used directly without evaluation."
     943msgstr ""
    727945#. module: base
    732950#. module: base
    733 #: field:ir.module.category,child_ids:0
    734951#: field:res.partner.category,child_ids:0
    735952msgid "Child Categories"
    748965#. module: base
     966#: view:res.groups:0
     967msgid "Users added to this group are automatically added in the following groups."
     968msgstr ""
     970#. module: base
    749971#: view:res.lang:0
    750972msgid "%B - Full month name."
    753975#. module: base
     976#: field:ir.actions.todo,type:0
    754977#: view:ir.attachment:0
    755978#: field:ir.attachment,type:0
    769992#. module: base
    770 #: code:addons/
     993#: field:ir.mail_server,smtp_user:0
     994msgid "Username"
     995msgstr "Jméno uživatele"
     997#. module: base
     998#: code:addons/
    771999#, python-format
    7721000msgid ""
    7841012#. module: base
    785 #:,name:base.menu_hr_project
    786 msgid "Human Resources Dashboard"
    787 msgstr "Nástěnka lidských zdrojů"
    789 #. module: base
    790 #: code:addons/base/res/
     1013#: code:addons/base/res/
    7911014#, python-format
    7921015msgid "Setting empty passwords is not allowed for security reasons!"
    7931016msgstr "Nastavení prázdného hesla není povoleno z bezpečnostních důvodů!"
     1018#. module: base
     1019#: code:addons/base/ir/
     1020#, python-format
     1021msgid "Connection test failed!"
     1022msgstr "Test spojení selhal!"
    7951024#. module: base
    8231052#. module: base
    824 #: code:addons/
     1053#: code:addons/
    8251054#, python-format
    8261055msgid "Record #%d of %s not found, cannot copy!"
    8341063#. module: base
     1064#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_planning
     1065msgid ""
     1066"Keep track of your planning\n"
     1067"This module helps you to manage your plannings.\n"
     1070"This module is based on the analytic accounting and is totally integrated with\n"
     1071"* the timesheets encoding\n"
     1072"* the holidays management\n"
     1073"* the project management\n"
     1075"So that, each department manager can know if someone in his team has still unallocated time for a given planning (taking in consideration the validated leaves) or if he still needs to encode tasks.\n"
     1077"At the end of the month, the planning manager can also check if the encoded timesheets are respecting the planned time on each analytic account.\n"
     1078msgstr ""
     1080#. module: base
    8361082msgid "Char"
    8391085#. module: base
    840 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_publisher_warranty_contract_form
    841 #:,name:base.menu_publisher_warranty_contract
    842 msgid "Contracts"
    843 msgstr "Kontakty"
     1086#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
     1087msgid "Slovak / Slovenský jazyk"
     1088msgstr "Slovenština / Slovenský jazyk"
    8451090#. module: base
    8851130#. module: base
     1131#: field:ir.mail_server,smtp_port:0
     1132msgid "SMTP Port"
     1133msgstr "Port SMTP"
     1135#. module: base
     1136#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_import_sugarcrm
     1137msgid "SugarCRM Import"
     1138msgstr "Import SugarCRM"
     1140#. module: base
    8861141#: view:res.lang:0
    8871142msgid "%W - Week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0."
    8901145#. module: base
    891 #: field:ir.module.module,website:0
    892 #: field:res.partner,website:0
    893 msgid "Website"
    894 msgstr "Webová stránka"
     1146#: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
     1147#, python-format
     1148msgid "Language Pack"
     1149msgstr "Jazykový balíček"
     1151#. module: base
     1152#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_tests
     1153msgid "Tests"
     1154msgstr "Testy"
     1156#. module: base
     1157#: field:ir.ui.view_sc,res_id:0
     1158msgid "Resource Ref."
     1159msgstr "Odkaz zdroje"
    8961161#. module: base
    9161181#. module: base
    917 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     1182#: code:addons/base/ir/
    9181183#, python-format
    9191184msgid "Changing the model of a field is forbidden!"
    9331198#. module: base
    934 #: code:addons/
     1199#: code:addons/
    9351200#, python-format
    9361201msgid ""
    9451210#. module: base
    946 #: view:ir.rule:0
    947 msgid "2. Group-specific rules are combined together with a logical AND operator"
    948 msgstr "2. Pravidla určitá pro skupinu jsou kombinována společně s logickým operátorem AND"
    950 #. module: base
    951 #: code:addons/base/res/
     1211#: field:ir.module.category,parent_id:0
     1212msgid "Parent Application"
     1213msgstr ""
     1215#. module: base
     1216#: code:addons/base/res/
    9521217#, python-format
    9531218msgid "Operation Canceled"
    9611226#. module: base
    962 #: view:res.request:0
    963 msgid "Request Date"
    964 msgstr "Datum požadavku"
    966 #. module: base
    967 #:,name:base.menu_hr_dasboard
    968 msgid "Dashboard"
    969 msgstr "Nástěnka"
     1227#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_document
     1228#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_knowledge
     1229msgid "Document Management System"
     1230msgstr "Systém správy dokumentů"
     1232#. module: base
     1233#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_crm_claim
     1234msgid "Claims Management"
     1235msgstr "Správa pohledávek"
    9711237#. module: base
    9831249msgid "Features"
    9841250msgstr "Vlastnosti"
     1252#. module: base
     1253#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.bank_account_update
     1254msgid "Configure your company's bank accounts and select those that must appear on the report footer. You can reorder bank accounts from the list view. If you use the accounting application of OpenERP, journals and accounts will be created automatically based on these data."
     1255msgstr ""
    9861257#. module: base
    9921263#. module: base
    993 #: view:ir.model.access:0
    994 #: field:ir.model.access,perm_read:0
    995 #: view:ir.rule:0
    996 msgid "Read Access"
    997 msgstr "Přístup pro čtení"
     1264#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_sale_order_dates
     1265msgid ""
     1267"Add additional date information to the sales order.\n"
     1270"You can add the following additional dates to a sale order:\n"
     1271"    * Requested Date\n"
     1272"    * Commitment Date\n"
     1273"    * Effective Date\n"
     1274msgstr ""
     1276#. module: base
     1277#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_sequence
     1278msgid "Entries Sequence Numbering"
     1279msgstr "Pořadové číslování položek"
    9991281#. module: base
    10101292#. module: base
    1011 #: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
    1012 #, python-format
    1013 msgid "Error during communication with the publisher warranty server."
    1014 msgstr "Chyba během komunikace se serverem záruky vydavatele."
    1016 #. module: base
    1017 #: help:ir.actions.server,email:0
    1018 msgid "Provides the fields that will be used to fetch the email address, e.g. when you select the invoice, then `` is the field which gives the correct address"
    1019 msgstr "Poskytuje pole, která budou použita pro získání emailové adresy, např. když vyberete fakturu, pak `` je pole, které dává platnou adresu"
     1293#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_document
     1294msgid ""
     1296"This is a complete document management system.\n"
     1299"    * User Authentication\n"
     1300"    * Document Indexation :- .pptx and .docx files are not supported in Windows platform.\n"
     1301"    * Dashboard for Document that includes:\n"
     1302"        * New Files (list)\n"
     1303"        * Files by Resource Type (graph)\n"
     1304"        * Files by Partner (graph)\n"
     1305"        * Files Size by Month (graph)\n"
     1308"    - When you install this module in a running company that have already PDF files stored into the database,\n"
     1309"      you will lose them all.\n"
     1310"    - After installing this module PDF's are no longer stored into the database,\n"
     1311"      but in the servers rootpad like /server/bin/filestore.\n"
     1312msgstr ""
    10211314#. module: base
    10261319#. module: base
     1320#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_gantt
     1321msgid ""
     1323"        OpenERP Web gantt chart view.\n"
     1324"        "
     1325msgstr ""
     1327"        Webový ganttův grafový pohled OpenERP.\n"
     1328"        "
     1330#. module: base
    10271331#: report:ir.module.reference.graph:0
    10281332msgid "-"
    10331337msgid "This wizard helps you register a publisher warranty contract in your OpenERP system. After the contract has been registered, you will be able to send issues directly to OpenERP."
    10341338msgstr "Tento průvodce vám pomůže registrovat záruční smlouvu vydavatele ve vašem systému OpenERP. Poté co bude smlouva registrována, budete moci odeslílat dotazy přímo do OpenERP."
    1036 #. module: base
    1037 #: code:addons/
    1038 #, python-format
    1039 msgid "The search method is not implemented on this object !"
    1040 msgstr "Metoda hledání není u tohoto objektu realizována !"
    10421340#. module: base
    10641362#. module: base
     1363#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_html_view
     1364msgid ""
     1366"This is the test module which shows HTML tag support in normal XML form view.\n"
     1369"Creates a sample form-view using HTML tags. It is visible only in OpenERP Web.\n"
     1370"    "
     1371msgstr ""
     1373#. module: base
     1374#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_purchase_management
     1375msgid "Helps you manage your purchase-related processes such as requests for quotations, supplier invoices, etc..."
     1376msgstr "Pomůže vám spravovat vaše nákupní procesy jako požadavky na ocenění, faktury dodavatelů, aj."
     1378#. module: base
    10651379#: help:base.language.install,overwrite:0
    10661380msgid "If you check this box, your customized translations will be overwritten and replaced by the official ones."
    10921406#. module: base
    1093 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     1407#: code:addons/base/ir/
    10941408#, python-format
    10951409msgid "'%s' contains too many dots. XML ids should not contain dots ! These are used to refer to other modules data, as in module.reference_id"
    10981412#. module: base
    10991413#: field:partner.sms.send,user:0
    1100 #: field:res.config.users,login:0
    11011414#: field:res.users,login:0
    11021415msgid "Login"
    11051418#. module: base
     1419#: view:base.update.translations:0
     1420#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_wizard_update_translations
     1422msgid "Synchronize Terms"
     1423msgstr ""
     1425#. module: base
    11061426#: view:ir.actions.server:0
    11071427msgid "Access all the fields related to the current object using expressions, i.e. "
    1108 msgstr "Přístup ke všem polím vztaženým k aktuálnímu objektu použitím výrazů, např."
    1110 #. module: base
    1111 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_country_state
    1112 msgid "Country state"
    1113 msgstr "Stát země"
     1428msgstr "Přístup ke všem polím vztaženým k aktuálnímu objektu použitím výrazů, např. "
     1430#. module: base
     1431#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_event
     1432msgid ""
     1434"Organization and management of Events.\n"
     1437"This module allows you\n"
     1438"    * to manage your events and their registrations\n"
     1439"    * to use emails to automatically confirm and send acknowledgements for any registration to an event\n"
     1440"    * ...\n"
     1442"Note that:\n"
     1443"    - You can define new types of events in\n"
     1444"        Association / Configuration / Types of Events\n"
     1445msgstr ""
     1447#. module: base
     1449msgid "Tools"
     1450msgstr "Nástroje"
    11151452#. module: base
    11171454msgid "Float"
    11181455msgstr "Float"
     1457#. module: base
     1458#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_warehouse_management
     1459#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_stock
     1460msgid "Warehouse Management"
     1461msgstr "Správa skladů"
    11201463#. module: base
    11421485#. module: base
     1486#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_lu
     1487msgid "Luxembourg - Accounting"
     1488msgstr "Lucembursko - Účetnictví"
     1490#. module: base
    11441492msgid "East Timor"
    11761524#. module: base
     1525#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_share
     1526msgid ""
     1528"This module adds generic sharing tools to your current OpenERP database.\n"
     1531"It specifically adds a 'share' button that is available in the Web client to\n"
     1532"share any kind of OpenERP data with colleagues, customers, friends, etc.\n"
     1534"The system will work by creating new users and groups on the fly, and by\n"
     1535"combining the appropriate access rights and ir.rules to ensure that the\n"
     1536"shared users only have access to the data that has been shared with them.\n"
     1538"This is extremely useful for collaborative work, knowledge sharing,\n"
     1539"synchronization with other companies, etc.\n"
     1541"    "
     1542msgstr ""
     1544#. module: base
    11771545#: field:res.currency,accuracy:0
    11781546msgid "Computational Accuracy"
    11811549#. module: base
    1182 #: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    1183 msgid "Sinhalese / සිංහල"
    1184 msgstr "Sinhalština / සිංහල"
     1550#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_lunch
     1551msgid ""
     1553"    The base module to manage lunch\n"
     1555"    keep track for the Lunch Order ,Cash Moves ,CashBox ,Product.\n"
     1556"    Apply Different Category for the product.\n"
     1557"    "
     1558msgstr ""
     1560"    Základní modul pro správu obědů\n"
     1562"   udržuje přehled o Obědnávkách obědů, Pohybech hotovosti, Pokladně, Výrobcích.\n"
     1563"    Používá různé kategorie pro výrobky.\n"
     1564"    "
     1566#. module: base
     1568msgid "Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)"
     1569msgstr "Kyrgyzská republika (Kyrgyzstán)"
    11861571#. module: base
    11961581#. module: base
     1582#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_vat
     1583msgid ""
     1585"VAT validation for Partners' VAT numbers\n"
     1588"After installing this module, values entered in the VAT field of Partners will\n"
     1589"be validated for all supported countries. The country is inferred from the\n"
     1590"2-letter country code that prefixes the VAT number, e.g. ``BE0477472701``\n"
     1591"will be validated using the Belgian rules.\n"
     1593"There are two different levels of VAT number validation:\n"
     1595" * By default, a simple off-line check is performed using the known validation\n"
     1596"   rules for the country, usually a simple check digit. This is quick and \n"
     1597"   always available, but allows numbers that are perhaps not truly allocated,\n"
     1598"   or not valid anymore.\n"
     1599" * When the \"VAT VIES Check\" option is enabled (in the configuration of the user's\n"
     1600"   Company), VAT numbers will be instead submitted to the online EU VIES\n"
     1601"   database, which will truly verify that the number is valid and currently\n"
     1602"   allocated to a EU company. This is a little bit slower than the simple\n"
     1603"   off-line check, requires an Internet connection, and may not be available\n"
     1604"   all the time. If the service is not available or does not support the\n"
     1605"   requested country (e.g. for non-EU countries), a simple check will be performed\n"
     1606"   instead.\n"
     1608"Supported countries currently include EU countries, and a few non-EU countries\n"
     1609"such as Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Norway or Russia. For unsupported countries,\n"
     1610"only the country code will be validated.\n"
     1612"    "
     1613msgstr ""
     1615#. module: base
    11971616#: view:ir.sequence:0
    11981617msgid "Day: %(day)s"
    12011620#. module: base
     1621#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_point_of_sale
     1622msgid "Helps you get the most out of your points of sales with fast sale encoding, simplified payment mode encoding, automatic picking lists generation and more."
     1623msgstr "Pomůže vám s většinou vašich prodejních míst díky rychlému kódování prodeje, zjednodušenému kódování režimu plateb, automatickému generování naváděcích seznamu a další."
     1625#. module: base
    12031627msgid "Maldives"
    12061630#. module: base
    1207 #: help:ir.values,res_id:0
    1208 msgid "Keep 0 if the action must appear on all resources."
    1209 msgstr "Nechejte 0 pokud se musí akce objevit u všech zdrojů."
     1631#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_idea
     1632msgid ""
     1634"This module allows your user to easily and efficiently participate in enterprise innovation.\n"
     1637"It allows everybody to express ideas about different subjects.\n"
     1638"Then, other users can comment on these ideas and vote for particular ideas.\n"
     1639"Each idea has a score based on the different votes.\n"
     1640"The managers can obtain an easy view of best ideas from all the users.\n"
     1641"Once installed, check the menu 'Ideas' in the 'Tools' main menu."
     1642msgstr ""
    12111644#. module: base
    12211654#. module: base
    1222 #: help:ir.actions.server,condition:0
    1223 msgid "Condition that is to be tested before action is executed, e.g. object.list_price > object.cost_price"
    1224 msgstr "Podmínka, která musí být otestována před vykonáním akce, např. object.list_price > object.cost_price"
    1226 #. module: base
    1227 #: code:addons/base/res/partner/
     1655#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_rpc
     1656msgid "OpenERP Web web"
     1657msgstr "Web OpenERP"
     1659#. module: base
     1660#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_html_view
     1661msgid "Html View"
     1662msgstr "HTML pohled"
     1664#. module: base
     1665#: field:res.currency,position:0
     1666msgid "Symbol position"
     1667msgstr "Pozice symbolu"
     1669#. module: base
     1670#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_process
     1671msgid "Enterprise Process"
     1672msgstr "Firemní proces"
     1674#. module: base
     1675#: help:ir.cron,function:0
     1676msgid "Name of the method to be called when this job is processed."
     1677msgstr ""
     1679#. module: base
     1680#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_evaluation
     1681msgid "Employee Appraisals"
     1682msgstr ""
     1684#. module: base
     1685#: selection:ir.actions.server,state:0
     1686msgid "Write Object"
     1687msgstr "Zapsat objekt"
     1689#. module: base
    12281690#: code:addons/base/res/
     1691#: code:addons/base/res/
    12291692#, python-format
    12301693msgid " (copy)"
    12311694msgstr " (kopie)"
     1696#. module: base
     1698msgid "General Information Footer"
     1699msgstr "Záhlaví obecné informace"
    12331701#. module: base
    12411709#: field:res.partner.category,partner_ids:0
    12421710msgid "Partners"
    1243 msgstr "Partneři"
     1711msgstr "Společníci"
    12451713#. module: base
    12501718#. module: base
    1251 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.res_widget_act_window
    1252 #:,name:base.menu_res_widget_act_window
    1253 msgid "Homepage Widgets"
    1254 msgstr "Pomůcky domovské stránky"
    1256 #. module: base
    1257 #: help:ir.actions.server,message:0
    1258 msgid "Specify the message. You can use the fields from the object. e.g. `Dear [[ ]]`"
    1259 msgstr "Zadejte zprávu. Můžete použít pole z objektu. např. `Vážený [[ ]]`"
     1719#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_mrp
     1720msgid "Create Tasks on SO"
     1721msgstr ""
    12611723#. module: base
    12661728#. module: base
    1267 #: view:ir.rule:0
    1268 msgid "Domain Setup"
    1269 msgstr "Nastavení domény"
    1271 #. module: base
    1272 #: field:ir.actions.server,trigger_name:0
    1273 msgid "Trigger Name"
    1274 msgstr "Jméno spouštěče"
     1730msgid "Display on Reports"
     1731msgstr ""
     1733#. module: base
     1734#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_cn
     1735msgid ""
     1737"        添加中文省份数据\n"
     1738"        科目类型\\会计科目表模板\\增值税\\辅助核算类别\\管理会计凭证簿\\财务会计凭证簿\n"
     1739"        ============================================================\n"
     1740"    "
     1741msgstr ""
    12761743#. module: base
    12811748#. module: base
    12821749#: field:ir.cron,priority:0
     1750#: field:ir.mail_server,sequence:0
    12831751#: field:res.request,priority:0
    13031771#. module: base
    1304 #: code:addons/base/res/
     1772#: code:addons/base/res/
    13051773#, python-format
    13061774msgid "Can not remove root user!"
    13141782#. module: base
    1315 #: code:addons/base/res/
    1316 #: code:addons/base/res/
     1783#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_ec
     1784msgid ""
     1786"This is the base module to manage the accounting chart for Ecuador in OpenERP.\n"
     1789"Accounting chart and localization for Ecuador.\n"
     1790"    "
     1791msgstr ""
     1793#. module: base
     1794#: code:addons/base/ir/
     1795#: code:addons/base/res/
     1796#: code:addons/base/res/
    13171797#, python-format
    13181798msgid "%s (copy)"
    13191799msgstr "%s (kopie)"
     1801#. module: base
     1802#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_chart
     1803msgid "Template of Charts of Accounts"
     1804msgstr "Šablona Účtové osnovy"
    13211806#. module: base
    13311816#. module: base
     1817#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_br
     1818msgid ""
     1820"Base module for the Brazilian localization\n"
     1823"This module consists in:\n"
     1825" - Generic Brazilian chart of accounts\n"
     1826" - Brazilian taxes such as:\n"
     1828"        - IPI\n"
     1829"        - ICMS\n"
     1830"        - PIS\n"
     1831"        - COFINS\n"
     1832"        - ISS\n"
     1833"        - IR\n"
     1834"        - IRPJ\n"
     1835"        - CSLL\n"
     1837" - Tax Situation Code (CST) required for the electronic fiscal invoicing (NFe)\n"
     1839"The field tax_discount has also been added in the and objects to allow the proper computation of some Brazilian VATs such as ICMS. The chart of account creation wizard has been extended to propagate those new data properly.\n"
     1841"It's important to note however that this module lack many implementations to use OpenERP properly in Brazil. Those implementations (such as the electronic fiscal Invoicing which is already operational) are brought by more than 15 additional modules of the Brazilian Launchpad localization project and their dependencies in the extra addons branch. Those modules aim at not breaking with the remarkable OpenERP modularity, this is why they are numerous but small. One of the reasons for maintaining those modules apart is that Brazilian Localization leaders need commit rights agility to complete the localization as companies fund the remaining legal requirements (such as soon fiscal ledgers, accounting SPED, fiscal SPED and PAF ECF that are still missing as September 2011). Those modules are also strictly licensed under AGPL V3 and today don't come with any additional paid permission for online use of 'private modules'."
     1842msgstr ""
     1844#. module: base
    13321845#: view:res.request:0
    13331846msgid "References"
    13481861msgid "Finland"
    13491862msgstr "Finsko"
     1864#. module: base
     1865#: code:addons/base/res/
     1866#, python-format
     1867msgid "Website: "
     1868msgstr "Webová stránka:"
     1870#. module: base
     1872msgid "Settings"
     1873msgstr "Nastavení"
    13511875#. module: base
    13601884#. module: base
    1361 #: help:res.config.users,password:0
    1362 msgid "Keep empty if you don't want the user to be able to connect on the system."
    1363 msgstr "Ponechejte prázdné pokud nechcete, aby se uživatel mohl připojit k systému."
    1365 #. module: base
    1366 #: view:ir.actions.server:0
    1367 msgid "Create / Write / Copy"
    1368 msgstr "Vytvořit / Zapsat / Kopírovat"
     1885#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_analytic_multicurrency
     1886msgid "Multi-Currency in Analytic"
     1887msgstr "Více měn v analytickém"
    13701889#. module: base
    13801899#. module: base
     1901msgid "Display this bank account on the footer of printed documents like invoices and sales orders."
     1902msgstr ""
     1904#. module: base
    13811905#: view:base.language.import:0
    13821906msgid "When using CSV format, please also check that the first line of your file is one of the following:"
    13851909#. module: base
    1386 #: code:addons/
    1387 #, python-format
    1388 msgid "Not implemented search_memory method !"
    1389 msgstr "Nerealizovaná metoda search_memory !"
    1391 #. module: base
    13921910#: view:res.log:0
    13931911msgid "Logs"
    14111929#. module: base
     1930#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_sale_journal
     1931msgid ""
     1933"The sales journal modules allows you to categorise your sales and deliveries (picking lists) between different journals.\n"
     1936"This module is very helpful for bigger companies that\n"
     1937"works by departments.\n"
     1939"You can use journal for different purposes, some examples:\n"
     1940"    * isolate sales of different departments\n"
     1941"    * journals for deliveries by truck or by UPS\n"
     1943"Journals have a responsible and evolves between different status:\n"
     1944"    * draft, open, cancel, done.\n"
     1946"Batch operations can be processed on the different journals to\n"
     1947"confirm all sales at once, to validate or invoice packing, ...\n"
     1949"It also supports batch invoicing methods that can be configured by partners and sales orders, examples:\n"
     1950"    * daily invoicing,\n"
     1951"    * monthly invoicing, ...\n"
     1953"Some statistics by journals are provided.\n"
     1954"    "
     1955msgstr ""
     1957#. module: base
    14131959msgid "Logo"
    14161962#. module: base
    1417 #: view:res.partner.address:0
    1418 msgid "Search Contact"
    1419 msgstr "Hledat kontakt"
     1963#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_cr
     1964msgid "Costa Rica - Accounting"
     1965msgstr "Costa Rica - Účetnictví"
    14211967#. module: base
    14261972#. module: base
    1427 #: selection:ir.actions.act_window,target:0
    1428 #: selection:ir.actions.url,target:0
    1429 msgid "New Window"
    1430 msgstr "Nové okno"
     1973#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_expense
     1974msgid ""
     1976"This module aims to manage employee's expenses.\n"
     1979"The whole workflow is implemented:\n"
     1980"    * Draft expense\n"
     1981"    * Confirmation of the sheet by the employee\n"
     1982"    * Validation by his manager\n"
     1983"    * Validation by the accountant and invoice creation\n"
     1984"    * Payment of the invoice to the employee\n"
     1986"This module also uses the analytic accounting and is compatible with\n"
     1987"the invoice on timesheet module so that you will be able to automatically\n"
     1988"re-invoice your customer's expenses if your work by project.\n"
     1989"    "
     1990msgstr ""
     1992#. module: base
     1993#: field:ir.values,action_id:0
     1994msgid "Action (change only)"
     1995msgstr ""
     1997#. module: base
     1998#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_subscription
     1999msgid "Recurring Documents"
     2000msgstr ""
    14322002#. module: base
    14372007#. module: base
    1438 #: code:addons/base/res/partner/
     2008#: selection:res.request,state:0
     2009msgid "active"
     2010msgstr "Aktivní"
     2012#. module: base
     2013#: code:addons/base/res/
    14392014#, python-format
    14402015msgid "Couldn't generate the next id because some partners have an alphabetic id !"
    14582033#. module: base
    1459 #: code:addons/
    1460 #, python-format
    1461 msgid "Not implemented set_memory method !"
    1462 msgstr "Nerealizována metoda set_memory !"
     2034#: field:ir.cron,function:0
     2035msgid "Method"
     2036msgstr "Metoda"
     2038#. module: base
     2039#: view:res.partner.event:0
     2040msgid "General Description"
     2041msgstr "Obecný popis"
    14642043#. module: base
    14692048#. module: base
    1470 #: view:ir.rule:0
    1474 #. module: base
    14752049#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.action_ui_view
    14762050msgid "Views allows you to personalize each view of OpenERP. You can add new fields, move fields, rename them or delete the ones that you do not need."
    14772051msgstr "Pohledy vám umožňují přizpůsobit každý pohled OpenERP. Můžete přidat nové pole, přesunout pole, přejmenovat je nebo smazat ty, které nepotřebujete."
     2053#. module: base
     2054#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_setup
     2055msgid "Initial Setup Tools"
     2056msgstr ""
    14792058#. module: base
    1493 #: field:res.config.users,groups_id:0
    14942072#: view:res.groups:0
    1495 #: view:res.users:0
    14962073#: field:res.users,groups_id:0
    14972074msgid "Groups"
    15052082#. module: base
    1506 #: view:res.config.users:0
    1507 msgid "Create additional users and assign them groups that will allow them to have access to selected functionalities within the system. Click on 'Done' if you do not wish to add more users at this stage, you can always do this later."
    1508 msgstr "Vytvoří dodatečné uživatele a přiřadí je do skupin, které vám umožní, aby měly přístup k vybraným funkcím v systému. Klikněte na 'Dokončeno', pokud již nechcete přidávat v této fázi další uživatele. Toto můžete vždy provést později."
    1510 #. module: base
    15122084msgid "Belize"
    15152087#. module: base
    1516 #:,
    1517 msgid "Georgia"
    1518 msgstr "Gruzie"
     2089msgid "Add or not the corporate RML header"
     2090msgstr "Přidat nebo nepřidat RML hlavičku společnosti"
     2092#. module: base
     2093#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_recruitment
     2094msgid ""
     2096"Manages job positions and the recruitment process.\n"
     2099"It's integrated with the survey module to allow you to define interview for different jobs.\n"
     2101"This module is integrated with the mail gateway to automatically tracks email\n"
     2102"sent to It's also integrated with the document management\n"
     2103"system to store and search in your CV base.\n"
     2104"    "
     2105msgstr ""
     2107#. module: base
     2108#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_res_widget_wizard
     2109msgid "Homepage Widgets Management"
     2110msgstr "Správa pomůcek domovské stránky"
     2112#. module: base
     2114msgid "Report Header / Company Slogan"
     2115msgstr ""
    15202117#. module: base
    15302127#. module: base
    1531 #: code:addons/
     2128#: code:addons/
    15322129#, python-format
    15332130msgid "A document was modified since you last viewed it (%s:%d)"
    15572154#. module: base
    1558 #:,fields_id:0
    1559 #: selection:ir.translation,type:0
    1560 #: field:multi_company.default,field_id:0
    1561 msgid "Field"
    1562 msgstr "Pole"
     2155#: field:ir.mail_server,smtp_debug:0
     2156msgid "Debugging"
     2157msgstr "Ladění"
     2159#. module: base
     2160#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_crm_helpdesk
     2161msgid ""
     2163"Helpdesk Management.\n"
     2166"Like records and processing of claims, Helpdesk and Support are good tools\n"
     2167"to trace your interventions. This menu is more adapted to oral communication,\n"
     2168"which is not necessarily related to a claim. Select a customer, add notes\n"
     2169"and categorize your interventions with a channel and a priority level.\n"
     2170"    "
     2171msgstr ""
     2173#. module: base
     2174#: sql_constraint:ir.ui.view_sc:0
     2175msgid "Shortcut for this menu already exists!"
     2176msgstr "Zkratka pro tuto nabídku již existuje!"
     2178#. module: base
     2179#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_resource
     2180msgid ""
     2182"Module for resource management.\n"
     2185"A resource represent something that can be scheduled\n"
     2186"(a developer on a task or a work center on manufacturing orders).\n"
     2187"This module manages a resource calendar associated to every resource.\n"
     2188"It also manages the leaves of every resource.\n"
     2190"    "
     2191msgstr ""
    15642193#. module: base
    15692198#. module: base
    1570 #:,
    1571 msgid "Faroe Islands"
    1572 msgstr "Faerské ostrovy"
    1574 #. module: base
    1575 #: selection:res.config.users,view:0
    1576 #: selection:res.config.view,view:0
    15772199#: selection:res.users,view:0
    15782200msgid "Simplified"
    16012223#. module: base
     2224#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_synchro
     2225msgid ""
     2227"Synchronization with all objects.\n"
     2230"Configure servers and trigger synchronization with its database objects.\n"
     2231msgstr ""
     2233#. module: base
    16032235msgid "Madagascar"
    16062238#. module: base
    1607 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     2239#: code:addons/base/ir/
    16082240#, python-format
    16092241msgid "The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
    16292261#. module: base
    1630 #: field:ir.ui.view.custom,ref_id:0
    1631 msgid "Original View"
    1632 msgstr "Původní pohled"
    1634 #. module: base
    1635 #: view:ir.values:0
    1636 msgid "Action To Launch"
    1637 msgstr "Akce k provedení"
     2262#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_idea
     2263msgid "Ideas"
     2264msgstr "Nápady"
     2266#. module: base
     2267#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_sale_crm
     2268msgid "Opportunity to Quotation"
     2269msgstr ""
     2271#. module: base
     2272#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_sale_analytic_plans
     2273msgid ""
     2275"The base module to manage analytic distribution and sales orders.\n"
     2278"Using this module you will be able to link analytic accounts to sales orders.\n"
     2279"    "
     2280msgstr ""
    16392282#. module: base
    16442287#. module: base
    1645 #:,
    1646 msgid "Anguilla"
    1647 msgstr "Anguilla"
     2288#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_calendar
     2289msgid "Calendar Layer"
     2290msgstr ""
     2292#. module: base
     2294msgid "Model Overview"
     2295msgstr ""
     2297#. module: base
     2298#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_product_margin
     2299msgid "Margins by Products"
     2300msgstr ""
     2302#. module: base
     2304msgid "Invoicing"
     2305msgstr "Fakturování"
    16492307#. module: base
    16592317#. module: base
    1660 #: help:ir.actions.server,write_id:0
    1661 msgid "Provide the field name that the record id refers to for the write operation. If it is empty it will refer to the active id of the object."
    1662 msgstr "Poskytuje jméno pole, na které odkazuje id záznamu, pro operaci zápisu. Pokud je prázdné tak odkazuje na aktivní id objektu."
     2319msgid "Papua New Guinea"
     2320msgstr "Papua - Nová Guinea"
    16642322#. module: base
    16692327#. module: base
    1670 #: view:base.module.update:0
    1671 msgid "Please be patient, as this operation may take a few seconds..."
    1672 msgstr "Prosíme buďte trpěliví, protože tato operace může trvat několik sekund..."
    1674 #. module: base
    1675 #: help:ir.values,action_id:0
    1676 msgid "This field is not used, it only helps you to select the right action."
    1677 msgstr "Toto pole není použito, pouze vám pomáhá vybrat správnou akci."
     2329msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
     2330msgstr "Teritorium indických britských ostrovů"
     2332#. module: base
     2334msgid "Import / Export"
     2335msgstr "Import / Export"
     2337#. module: base
     2338#: model:ir.actions.todo.category,name:base.category_tools_customization_config
     2339msgid "Tools / Customization"
     2340msgstr ""
     2342#. module: base
     2344#: field:ir.values,res_id:0
     2345msgid "Record ID"
     2346msgstr ""
    16792348#. module: base
    16952364#. module: base
     2365#: help:ir.actions.client,params:0
     2366msgid "Arguments sent to the client along withthe view tag"
     2367msgstr ""
     2369#. module: base
     2370#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_gtd
     2371msgid ""
     2373"This module implements all concepts defined by the Getting Things Done methodology.\n"
     2376"This module implements a simple personnal Todo list based on tasks. It adds in\n"
     2377"the project application an editable list of tasks simplified to the minimum\n"
     2378"required fields.\n"
     2380"The todo list is based on the GTD methodology. This world-wide used methodology\n"
     2381"is used for personal time management improvement.\n"
     2383"Getting Things Done (commonly abbreviated as GTD) is an action management\n"
     2384"method created by David Allen, and described in a book of the same name.\n"
     2386"GTD rests on the principle that a person needs to move tasks out of the mind by\n"
     2387"recording them externally. That way, the mind is freed from the job of\n"
     2388"remembering everything that needs to be done, and can concentrate on actually\n"
     2389"performing those tasks.\n"
     2390"    "
     2391msgstr ""
     2393#. module: base
    16972395msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
    17052403#. module: base
    1706 #: view:ir.values:0
    1707 msgid "Values"
    1708 msgstr "Hodnoty"
     2404#: view:partner.sms.send:0
     2405msgid "SMS - Gateway: clickatell"
     2406msgstr "SMS brána Clickatell"
    17102408#. module: base
    17152413#. module: base
    1716 #: view:base.language.export:0
    1717 msgid "Export Translations"
    1718 msgstr "Exportovat překlady"
     2414#: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
     2415#: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
     2416#, python-format
     2417msgid "Error during communication with the publisher warranty server."
     2418msgstr "Chyba během komunikace se serverem záruky vydavatele."
     2420#. module: base
     2421#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_sale_manager
     2422#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_tool_manager
     2423msgid "Manager"
     2424msgstr "Správce"
    17202426#. module: base
    17522458#. module: base
    1753 #: help:ir.cron,model:0
    1754 msgid "Name of object whose function will be called when this scheduler will run. e.g. 'res.partener'"
    1755 msgstr "Jméno objektu jehož funkce bude volána, když bude spuštěn tento plánovač . např. 'res.partner'"
    1757 #. module: base
    1758 #: code:addons/
    1759 #, python-format
    1760 msgid "The perm_read method is not implemented on this object !"
    1761 msgstr "Metoda perm_read není pro tento objekt realizována !"
     2459#: view:res.groups:0
     2460msgid "Inherited"
     2461msgstr ""
     2463#. module: base
     2464#: field:ir.model.fields,serialization_field_id:0
     2465msgid "Serialization Field"
     2466msgstr ""
     2468#. module: base
     2469#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_report_designer
     2470msgid "Lets you install various tools to simplify and enhance OpenERP's report creation."
     2471msgstr "Umožní vám instalovat rozličné nástroje ke zjednodušení a vylepšení vytváření výkazů OpenERP."
    17632473#. module: base
    17682478#. module: base
     2479#: code:addons/base/res/
     2480#, python-format
     2481msgid "Fax: "
     2482msgstr "Fax:"
     2484#. module: base
    17702486msgid "Slovenia"
    17732489#. module: base
    1774 #:,
    1775 msgid "Pakistan"
    1776 msgstr "Pakistán"
    1778 #. module: base
    1779 #: code:addons/
     2490#: help:res.currency,name:0
     2491msgid "Currency Code (ISO 4217)"
     2492msgstr ""
     2494#. module: base
     2495#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.res_log_act_window
     2497msgid "Client Logs"
     2498msgstr "Záznamy klienta"
     2500#. module: base
     2501#: code:addons/
     2502#: code:addons/
    17802503#, python-format
    17812504msgid "Invalid Object Architecture!"
    17842507#. module: base
    1785 #:,name:base.menu_email_gateway_form
    1786 msgid "Messages"
    1787 msgstr "Zprávy"
    1789 #. module: base
    1790 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    1791 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    1792 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    1793 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    1794 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    1795 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     2508#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2509#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2510#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2511#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2512#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2513#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2514#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2515#: code:addons/base/ir/
    17962516#: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
    17972517#, python-format
    17982518msgid "Error!"
    17992519msgstr "Chyba!"
     2521#. module: base
     2522#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_fr_rib
     2523msgid "French RIB Bank Details"
     2524msgstr ""
    18012526#. module: base
    18262551#. module: base
    1827 #: code:addons/
    1828 #, python-format
    1829 msgid "One of the records you are trying to modify has already been deleted (Document type: %s)."
    1830 msgstr "Jeden ze záznamů, který se snažíte změnit byl již smazán (Typ dokumentu: %s)."
     2552#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_pad_project
     2553msgid ""
     2555"This module adds a PAD in all project kanban views\n"
     2557"    "
     2558msgstr ""
    18322560#. module: base
    18332561#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.action_country
    18342562msgid "Display and manage the list of all countries that can be assigned to your partner records. You can create or delete countries to make sure the ones you are working on will be maintained."
    1835 msgstr "Zobrazit nebo spravovat seznam všech zemí, které mohou být přiřazeny k záznamům vašich partnerů. Můžete vytvořit nebo odstranit země, abyste se ujistili, že ty, se kterými pracujete budou udržována."
     2563msgstr "Zobrazit nebo spravovat seznam všech zemí, které mohou být přiřazeny k záznamům vašich společníků. Můžete vytvořit nebo odstranit země, abyste se ujistili, že ty, se kterými pracujete budou udržována."
    18372565#. module: base
    18682596#. module: base
    1869 #:
    1870 msgid "Error! You can not create recursive companies."
    1871 msgstr "Chyba! Nemůžete vytvářet rekurzivní společnosti."
     2597#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_retro_planning
     2598msgid "Project Retro-planning"
     2599msgstr ""
     2601#. module: base
     2602#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_stock_planning
     2603msgid "Master Procurement Schedule"
     2604msgstr ""
     2606#. module: base
     2607#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_module_category
     2608#: field:ir.module.module,application:0
     2609#: field:res.groups,category_id:0
     2610msgid "Application"
     2611msgstr "Aplikace"
    18732613#. module: base
    18782618#. module: base
    1879 #: selection:ir.translation,type:0
    1880 msgid "XSL"
    1881 msgstr "XSL"
    1883 #. module: base
    1884 #: code:addons/base/module/
     2619#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_decimal_precision
     2620msgid ""
     2622"Configure the price accuracy you need for different kinds of usage: accounting, sales, purchases, etc.\n"
     2625"The decimal precision is configured per company.\n"
     2626msgstr ""
     2628#. module: base
     2629#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_pl
     2630msgid ""
     2632"This is the module to manage the accounting chart and taxes for Poland in OpenERP.\n"
     2635"To jest moduł do tworzenia wzorcowego planu kont i podstawowych ustawień do podatków\n"
     2636"VAT 0%, 7% i 22%. Moduł ustawia też konta do kupna i sprzedaży towarów zakładając,\n"
     2637"że wszystkie towary są w obrocie hurtowym.\n"
     2638"    "
     2639msgstr ""
     2641#. module: base
     2642#: field:ir.actions.client,params_store:0
     2643msgid "Params storage"
     2644msgstr ""
     2646#. module: base
     2647#: code:addons/base/module/
    18852648#, python-format
    18862649msgid "Can not upgrade module '%s'. It is not installed."
    18942657#. module: base
    1895 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_partner_event
    1896 msgid "res.partner.event"
    1897 msgstr "res.partner.event"
     2658#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_crm_profiling
     2659msgid ""
     2661"This module allows users to perform segmentation within partners.\n"
     2664"It uses the profiles criteria from the earlier segmentation module and improve it. Thanks to the new concept of questionnaire. You can now regroup questions into a questionnaire and directly use it on a partner.\n"
     2666"It also has been merged with the earlier CRM & SRM segmentation tool because they were overlapping.\n"
     2668"    * Note: this module is not compatible with the module segmentation, since it's the same which has been renamed.\n"
     2669"    "
     2670msgstr ""
     2672#. module: base
     2673#: code:addons/
     2674#, python-format
     2675msgid "Unknown report type: %s"
     2676msgstr ""
     2678#. module: base
     2679#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2680#, python-format
     2681msgid "For selection fields, the Selection Options must be given!"
     2682msgstr "Volby výběru musí být dány pro vybraná pole."
    18992684#. module: base
    19372722#. module: base
    19382723#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_partner_bank_type
    19402726msgid "Bank Account Type"
    19532739#: field:res.config,config_logo:0
    19542740#: field:res.config.installer,config_logo:0
    1955 #: field:res.config.users,config_logo:0
    1956 #: field:res.config.view,config_logo:0
    19572741msgid "Image"
    19582742msgstr "Obrázek"
    19752759#. module: base
    1976 #: selection:base.language.install,state:0
    1977 #: selection:base.module.import,state:0
    1978 #: selection:base.module.update,state:0
    1979 msgid "done"
    1980 msgstr "provedeno"
     2760#: view:ir.module.module:0
     2761msgid "Cancel Install"
     2762msgstr "Zrušení instalace"
     2764#. module: base
     2765#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_be_invoice_bba
     2766msgid ""
     2768"    \n"
     2769"Belgian localisation for in- and outgoing invoices (prereq to account_coda):\n"
     2770"    - Rename 'reference' field labels to 'Communication'\n"
     2771"    - Add support for Belgian Structured Communication\n"
     2773"A Structured Communication can be generated automatically on outgoing invoices according to the following algorithms:\n"
     2774"    1) Random : +++RRR/RRRR/RRRDD+++\n"
     2775"        R..R = Random Digits, DD = Check Digits\n"
     2776"    2) Date : +++DOY/YEAR/SSSDD+++\n"
     2777"        DOY = Day of the Year, SSS = Sequence Number, DD = Check Digits)\n"
     2778"    3) Customer Reference +++RRR/RRRR/SSSDDD+++\n"
     2779"        R..R = Customer Reference without non-numeric characters, SSS = Sequence Number, DD = Check Digits)  \n"
     2780"        \n"
     2781"The preferred type of Structured Communication and associated Algorithm can be specified on the Partner records. \n"
     2782"A 'random' Structured Communication will generated if no algorithm is specified on the Partner record. \n"
     2784"    "
     2785msgstr ""
     2787#. module: base
     2788#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_wiki_quality_manual
     2789msgid "Wiki: Quality Manual"
     2790msgstr ""
    19822792#. module: base
    19912801#: field:res.partner.address,partner_id:0
    19922802msgid "Partner Name"
    1993 msgstr "Jméno partnera"
     2803msgstr "Jméno společníka"
    19952805#. module: base
    20052815#. module: base
    2006 #: code:addons/
     2817msgid "Administration Dashboard"
     2818msgstr "Správa nástěnky"
     2820#. module: base
     2821#: code:addons/
    20072822#, python-format
    20082823msgid "Invalid \"order\" specified. A valid \"order\" specification is a comma-separated list of valid field names (optionally followed by asc/desc for the direction)"
    20212836#. module: base
    2022 #: selection:res.config.users,view:0
    2023 #: selection:res.config.view,view:0
    20242837#: selection:res.users,view:0
    20252838msgid "Extended"
    20292842#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.action_partner_title_contact
    20302843msgid "Manage the contact titles you want to have available in your system and the way you want to print them in letters and other documents. Some example: Mr., Mrs. "
    2031 msgstr "Spravuje tituly kontaktů, které chcete mít dostupné ve vašem systému a způsob, jakým je tisknout na dopisech a jiných dokumentech. Některé příklady: Pan, Paní"
    2033 #. module: base
    2034 #:,rml_footer1:0
    2035 msgid "Report Footer 1"
    2036 msgstr "Patička výpisu 1"
    2038 #. module: base
    2039 #:,rml_footer2:0
    2040 msgid "Report Footer 2"
    2041 msgstr "Patička výpisu 1"
     2844msgstr "Spravuje tituly kontaktů, které chcete mít dostupné ve vašem systému a způsob, jakým je tisknout na dopisech a jiných dokumentech. Některé příklady: Pan, Paní "
    20432846#. module: base
    20502853#. module: base
     2854#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2855#, python-format
     2856msgid "The Selection Options expression is not a valid Pythonic expression.Please provide an expression in the [('key','Label'), ...] format."
     2857msgstr "Výraz výběru voleb není platný Pythonovský výraz. Prosíme poskytněte výraz ve formátu [('klíč', 'Titulek'), ...]."
     2859#. module: base
     2860#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_survey_user
     2861msgid "Survey / User"
     2862msgstr ""
     2864#. module: base
    20512865#: view:ir.module.module:0
    20522866#: field:ir.module.module,dependencies_id:0
    20662880#. module: base
     2881#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_diagram
     2882msgid "Openerp web Diagram view"
     2883msgstr ""
     2885#. module: base
     2886#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_hr_user
     2887msgid "HR Officer"
     2888msgstr ""
     2890#. module: base
     2891#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_contract
     2892msgid "Employee Contracts"
     2893msgstr "Kontakty zaměstnance"
     2895#. module: base
     2896#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_wiki_faq
     2897msgid ""
     2899"This module provides a Wiki FAQ Template.\n"
     2902"It provides demo data, thereby creating a Wiki Group and a Wiki Page\n"
     2903"for Wiki FAQ.\n"
     2904"    "
     2905msgstr ""
     2907#. module: base
    20672908#: view:ir.actions.server:0
    20682909msgid "If you use a formula type, use a python expression using the variable 'object'."
    20692910msgstr "Pokud použijete typ vzorce, použijte výraz pythonu s použitím proměnné 'object'."
     2912#. module: base
     2914msgid "Error! You can not create recursive companies."
     2915msgstr "Chyba! Nemůžete vytvářet rekurzivní společnosti."
     2917#. module: base
     2918#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_res_users
     2919#: field:ir.default,uid:0
     2922#: view:res.groups:0
     2923#: field:res.groups,users:0
     2924#: view:res.users:0
     2925msgid "Users"
     2926msgstr "Uživatelé"
    20712928#. module: base
    20822939#. module: base
     2940#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_product_manufacturer
     2941msgid "Products Manufacturers"
     2942msgstr ""
     2944#. module: base
     2945#: code:addons/base/ir/
     2946#, python-format
     2947msgid "SMTP-over-SSL mode unavailable"
     2948msgstr ""
     2950#. module: base
     2951#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_survey
     2952msgid "Survey"
     2953msgstr ""
     2955#. module: base
    20832956#: view:base.language.import:0
    20842957msgid "Please double-check that the file encoding is set to UTF-8 (sometimes called Unicode) when the translator exports it."
    20922965#. module: base
     2967msgid "Namibia"
     2968msgstr "Namibie"
     2970#. module: base
    20932971#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_workflow_activity
    20942972msgid "workflow.activity"
    21122990#. module: base
     2991#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_fetchmail_crm
     2992msgid "eMail Gateway for Leads"
     2993msgstr ""
     2995#. module: base
    21132996#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    21142997msgid "Finnish / Suomi"
    21323015#. module: base
    2133 #: help:ir.actions.server,trigger_name:0
    2134 msgid "Select the Signal name that is to be used as the trigger."
    2135 msgstr "Vyberte jméno signálu, který bude použit jako spouštěč."
    2137 #. module: base
    21383016#: view:ir.actions.server:0
    21393017msgid "Fields Mapping"
    21423020#. module: base
     3021#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_dashboard
     3022msgid "web Dashboard"
     3023msgstr ""
     3025#. module: base
     3026#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_sale
     3027msgid ""
     3029"The base module to manage quotations and sales orders.\n"
     3032"Workflow with validation steps:\n"
     3034"    * Quotation -> Sales order -> Invoice\n"
     3036"Invoicing methods:\n"
     3038"    * Invoice on order (before or after shipping)\n"
     3039"    * Invoice on delivery\n"
     3040"    * Invoice on timesheets\n"
     3041"    * Advance invoice\n"
     3043"Partners preferences:\n"
     3045"    * shipping\n"
     3046"    * invoicing\n"
     3047"    * incoterm\n"
     3049"Products stocks and prices\n"
     3052"Delivery methods:\n"
     3054"    * all at once\n"
     3055"    * multi-parcel\n"
     3056"    * delivery costs\n"
     3058"Dashboard for Sales Manager that includes:\n"
     3060"    * Quotations\n"
     3061"    * Sales by Month\n"
     3062"    * Graph of Sales by Salesman in last 90 days\n"
     3063"    * Graph of Sales per Customer in last 90 days\n"
     3064"    * Graph of Sales by Product's Category in last 90 days\n"
     3065"    "
     3066msgstr ""
     3068#. module: base
    21433069#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    21443070msgid "Portugese / Português"
    21523078#. module: base
    2153 #: code:addons/
    2154 #, python-format
    2155 msgid "There is no view of type '%s' defined for the structure!"
    2156 msgstr "Pro strukturu není definován pohled typu '%s'!"
    2158 #. module: base
    2159 #: field:ir.default,ref_id:0
    2160 msgid "ID Ref."
    2161 msgstr "ID Ref."
    2163 #. module: base
    2164 #: model:ir.actions.server,name:base.action_start_configurator
    2165 #:,name:base.menu_view_base_module_configuration
    2166 msgid "Start Configuration"
    2167 msgstr "Start nastavení"
     3079#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_ca
     3080msgid ""
     3082"This is the module to manage the English and French - Canadian accounting chart in OpenERP.\n"
     3085"Canadian accounting charts and localizations.\n"
     3086"    "
     3087msgstr ""
     3089#. module: base
     3090#: view:base.module.import:0
     3091msgid "Select module package to import (.zip file):"
     3092msgstr "Vyberte balíček modulu k importu (.zip soubor)"
     3094#. module: base
     3095#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
     3096msgid "French / Français"
     3097msgstr "Francouzština / Français"
    21693099#. module: base
    21793109#. module: base
    2180 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_module_module
    2181 #:
    2182 #:,module:0
    2183 #: view:ir.module.module:0
    2184 #: field:ir.module.module.dependency,module_id:0
    2185 #: report:ir.module.reference.graph:0
    2186 #: field:ir.translation,module:0
    2187 msgid "Module"
    2188 msgstr "Modul"
     3110#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_lu
     3111msgid ""
     3113"This is the base module to manage the accounting chart for Luxembourg.\n"
     3116"    * the KLUWER Chart of Accounts,\n"
     3117"    * the Tax Code Chart for Luxembourg\n"
     3118"    * the main taxes used in Luxembourg"
     3119msgstr ""
     3121#. module: base
     3122#: field:ir.module.module,demo:0
     3123msgid "Demo data"
     3124msgstr "Ukázková data"
     3126#. module: base
     3127#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_portal
     3128msgid ""
     3130"This module defines 'portals' to customize the access to your OpenERP database\n"
     3131"for external users.\n"
     3133"A portal defines customized user menu and access rights for a group of users\n"
     3134"(the ones associated to that portal).  It also associates user groups to the\n"
     3135"portal users (adding a group in the portal automatically adds it to the portal\n"
     3136"users, etc).  That feature is very handy when used in combination with the\n"
     3137"module 'share'.\n"
     3138"    "
     3139msgstr ""
     3141"Tento modul určuje 'portály' k přizpůsobení přístupu k vaší databázi OpenERP\n"
     3142"pro vnější uživatele.\n"
     3144"Portál určuje přizpůsobení nabídky uživatele a jeho přístupových práv pro skupinu uživatelů\n"
     3145"(těch přiřazených k portálu).  Také přidružuje uživatelské skupiny k\n"
     3146"uživatelům portálu (přidáním skupiny v portálu automaticky je přidáte k uživatelům\n"
     3147"portálu, atd.).  Tato funkce je velmi užitečný v kombinaci s\n"
     3148"modulem 'sdílení'.\n"
     3149"    "
     3151#. module: base
     3152#: selection:res.request,priority:0
     3153msgid "High"
     3154msgstr "Vysoká"
    21903156#. module: base
    21913157#: field:ir.attachment,description:0
     3158#: field:ir.mail_server,name:0
     3159#: field:ir.module.category,description:0
    21923160#: view:ir.module.module:0
    21933161#: field:ir.module.module,description:0
    2194 #:,name:0
    21953162#: view:res.partner.event:0
    21963163#: field:res.partner.event,description:0
    22073174#. module: base
    2208 #:,
    2209 msgid "Antarctica"
    2210 msgstr "Antarktida"
     3175#: help:ir.mail_server,smtp_host:0
     3176msgid "Hostname or IP of SMTP server"
     3177msgstr ""
     3179#. module: base
     3180#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
     3181msgid "Japanese / 日本語"
     3182msgstr "Japonština / 日本語"
    22123184#. module: base
    22223194#. module: base
    2223 #: view:res.partner.canal:0
    2224 msgid "Channel"
    2225 msgstr "Kanál"
     3195#: selection:ir.translation,type:0
     3196msgid "XSL"
     3197msgstr "XSL"
    22273199#. module: base
    22323204#. module: base
     3206msgid "The RIB and/or IBAN is not valid"
     3207msgstr ""
     3209#. module: base
     3210#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_report_webkit
     3211msgid "Webkit Report Engine"
     3212msgstr ""
     3214#. module: base
    22333215#: selection:publisher_warranty.contract,state:0
    22343216msgid "Unvalidated"
    22423224#. module: base
    22433225#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_partner_mass_mail
    2244 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_partner_wizard_spam
    2245 #: view:partner.wizard.spam:0
     3226#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_partner_massmail_wizard
     3227#: view:partner.massmail.wizard:0
    22463228msgid "Mass Mailing"
    22473229msgstr "Hromadné zasílání mailů"
    22543236#. module: base
    2255 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    2256 #, python-format
    2257 msgid "Please specify an action to launch !"
    2258 msgstr "Prosíme určete akci k vykonání !"
     3237#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_crm_todo
     3238msgid "Tasks on CRM"
     3239msgstr ""
     3241#. module: base
     3242#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_generic_modules_accounting
     3244msgid "Accounting"
     3245msgstr "Účetnictví"
     3247#. module: base
     3248#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_payment
     3249msgid ""
     3251"Module to manage invoice payment.\n"
     3254"This module provides :\n"
     3256"* a more efficient way to manage invoice payment.\n"
     3257"* a basic mechanism to easily plug various automated payment.\n"
     3258"    "
     3259msgstr ""
     3261#. module: base
     3262#: view:ir.rule:0
     3263msgid "Interaction between rules"
     3264msgstr ""
     3266#. module: base
     3267#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_invoice_layout
     3268msgid ""
     3270"This module provides some features to improve the layout of the invoices.\n"
     3273"It gives you the possibility to:\n"
     3275"    * order all the lines of an invoice\n"
     3276"    * add titles, comment lines, sub total lines\n"
     3277"    * draw horizontal lines and put page breaks\n"
     3279"Moreover, there is one option which allows you to print all the selected invoices with a given special message at the bottom of it. This feature can be very useful for printing your invoices with end-of-year wishes, special punctual conditions.\n"
     3281"    "
     3282msgstr ""
     3284#. module: base
     3285#: constraint:res.partner:0
     3286msgid "Error ! You cannot create recursive associated members."
     3287msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní přidružené členy."
    22603289#. module: base
    22673296msgid "Right-to-Left"
    22683297msgstr "Zprava do leva"
     3299#. module: base
     3300#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_partner_event
     3301msgid "res.partner.event"
     3302msgstr "res.partner.event"
    22703304#. module: base
    22793313#. module: base
    2280 #: code:addons/
    2281 #, python-format
    2282 msgid "Please check that all your lines have %d columns."
    2283 msgstr "Prosíme zkontrolujte, že všechny vaše řádky mají %d sloupců."
     3314#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.open_module_tree
     3315msgid "You can install new modules in order to activate new features, menu, reports or data in your OpenERP instance. To install some modules, click on the button \"Install\" from the form view and then click on \"Start Upgrade\"."
     3316msgstr ""
    22853318#. module: base
    22923325#. module: base
     3326#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_chat
     3327msgid ""
     3329"        OpenERP Web chat module.\n"
     3330"        "
     3331msgstr ""
     3333#. module: base
    22933334#: field:res.partner.address,title:0
    22943335#: field:res.partner.title,name:0
    23043345#. module: base
    2305 #: code:addons/
     3346#: code:addons/
    23063347#, python-format
    23073348msgid "Recursivity Detected."
    23103351#. module: base
    2311 #: code:addons/base/module/
     3352#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_report_webkit_sample
     3353msgid "Webkit Report Samples"
     3354msgstr ""
     3356#. module: base
     3357#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_point_of_sale
     3358msgid "Point Of Sale"
     3359msgstr ""
     3361#. module: base
     3362#: code:addons/base/module/
    23123363#, python-format
    23133364msgid "Recursion error in modules dependencies !"
    23173368#: view:base.language.install:0
    23183369msgid "This wizard helps you add a new language to your OpenERP system. After loading a new language it becomes available as default interface language for users and partners."
    2319 msgstr "Tento průvodce vám pomůže přidat nový jazyk do vašeho systému OpenERP. Po načtení nového jazyka bude dostupný jako výchozí jazyk rozhraní pro uživatele a partnery."
     3370msgstr "Tento průvodce vám pomůže přidat nový jazyk do vašeho systému OpenERP. Po načtení nového jazyka bude dostupný jako výchozí jazyk rozhraní pro uživatele a společníky."
    23213372#. module: base
    23313382#. module: base
     3383#: selection:ir.sequence,implementation:0
     3384msgid "Standard"
     3385msgstr ""
     3387#. module: base
    23323388#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_maintenance_contract
    23333389msgid "maintenance.contract"
    23483404msgid "Company Name"
    23493405msgstr "Název společnosti"
     3407#. module: base
     3408#: code:addons/
     3409#, python-format
     3410msgid "Invalid value for reference field \"%s.%s\" (last part must be a non-zero integer): \"%s\""
     3411msgstr "Neplatná hodnota pole odkazu \"%s.%s\" (poslední část musí být nenulové číslo): \"%s\""
     3413#. module: base
     3414#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_human_resources
     3415msgid "Human Resources"
     3416msgstr "Lidské zdroje"
    23513418#. module: base
    23623429#. module: base
     3430#: sql_constraint:ir.translation:0
     3431msgid "Language code of translation item must be among known languages"
     3432msgstr "Kód jazyka překladové položky musí být ze známých jazyků"
     3434#. module: base
    23633435#: view:ir.rule:0
    23643436msgid "Record rules"
    23693441msgid "Field Information"
    23703442msgstr "Informace pole"
     3444#. module: base
     3445#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_multilang
     3446msgid ""
     3448"    * Multi language support for Chart of Accounts, Taxes, Tax Codes , Journals, Accounting Templates,\n"
     3449"        Analytic Chart of Accounts and Analytic Journals.\n"
     3450"    * Setup wizard changes\n"
     3451"        - Copy translations for COA, Tax, Tax Code and Fiscal Position from templates to target objects.\n"
     3452"    "
     3453msgstr ""
    23723455#. module: base
    23883471#. module: base
     3472#: field:res.users,new_password:0
     3473msgid "Set password"
     3474msgstr "Nastavit heslo"
     3476#. module: base
    23893477#: view:res.lang:0
    23903478msgid "12. %w              ==> 5 ( Friday is the 6th day)"
    24033491#. module: base
     3492#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_mobile
     3493msgid ""
     3495"        OpenERP Web mobile.\n"
     3496"        "
     3497msgstr ""
     3499#. module: base
    24043500#: view:res.lang:0
    24053501msgid "%d - Day of the month [01,31]."
    24233519#. module: base
    2424 #: code:addons/base/module/
     3520#: code:addons/base/module/
    24253521#, python-format
    24263522msgid ""
    24333529#. module: base
    2434 #: code:addons/
     3530#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_wizard
     3532msgid "ir.actions.wizard"
     3533msgstr "ir.actions.wizard"
     3535#. module: base
     3536#: code:addons/
    24353537#, python-format
    24363538msgid "Operation prohibited by access rules, or performed on an already deleted document (Operation: read, Document type: %s)."
    24443546#. module: base
    2445 #: code:addons/base/module/
     3547#: report:ir.module.reference.graph:0
     3548msgid "Introspection report on objects"
     3549msgstr "Výkaz vnitřního náhledu objektů"
     3551#. module: base
     3552#: code:addons/base/module/
    24463553#, python-format
    24473554msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
    24503557#. module: base
    2451 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_property
    2452 msgid ""
    2453 msgstr ""
     3558#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_hn
     3559msgid "Agrega una nomenclatura contable para Honduras. También incluye impuestos y la moneda Lempira. -- Adds accounting chart for Honduras.  It also includes taxes and the Lempira currency"
     3560msgstr ""
    24553562#. module: base
    24643571#. module: base
     3572#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_it
     3573msgid ""
     3575"Piano dei conti italiano di un'impresa generica.\n"
     3578"Italian accounting chart and localization.\n"
     3579"    "
     3580msgstr ""
     3582#. module: base
    24663584msgid "Montenegro"
    24673585msgstr "Černá Hora"
     3587#. module: base
     3588#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_document_ics
     3589msgid "iCal Support"
     3590msgstr ""
     3592#. module: base
     3593#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_fetchmail
     3594msgid "Email Gateway"
     3595msgstr ""
     3597#. module: base
     3598#: code:addons/base/ir/
     3599#, python-format
     3600msgid ""
     3601"Mail delivery failed via SMTP server '%s'.\n"
     3602"%s: %s"
     3603msgstr ""
    24693605#. module: base
    24803616#. module: base
     3617#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_mobile
     3618msgid "OpenERP Web mobile"
     3619msgstr ""
     3621#. module: base
    24813622#: view:base.language.import:0
    24823623msgid "If you need another language than the official ones available, you can import a language pack from here. Other OpenERP languages than the official ones can be found on launchpad."
    24853626#. module: base
    2486 #: view:ir.module.module:0
     3627#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_accountant
     3628msgid ""
     3630"Accounting Access Rights.\n"
     3633"This module gives the admin user the access to all the accounting features\n"
     3634"like the journal items and the chart of accounts.\n"
     3636"It assigns manager and user access rights to the Administrator, and only\n"
     3637"user rights to Demo user.\n"
     3638"    "
     3639msgstr ""
     3641#. module: base
    24873642#: selection:ir.module.module,state:0
    24883643#: selection:ir.module.module.dependency,state:0
    25073662#. module: base
    2508 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_partner_sms_send
    2509 #: view:partner.sms.send:0
    2510 msgid "Send SMS"
    2511 msgstr "Zaslat SMS"
     3663#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_rpc
     3664msgid "Openerp web web"
     3665msgstr "Web OpenERP"
     3667#. module: base
     3668#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_issue_sheet
     3669msgid "Timesheet on Issues"
     3670msgstr ""
     3672#. module: base
     3673#: model:res.partner.title,name:base.res_partner_title_ltd
     3674msgid "Ltd"
     3675msgstr "s.r.o."
     3677#. module: base
     3678#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_voucher
     3679msgid ""
     3681"Account Voucher module includes all the basic requirements of Voucher Entries for Bank, Cash, Sales, Purchase, Expanse, Contra, etc.\n"
     3684"    * Voucher Entry\n"
     3685"    * Voucher Receipt\n"
     3686"    * Cheque Register\n"
     3687"    "
     3688msgstr ""
    25133690#. module: base
    25183695#. module: base
    2519 #: code:addons/
     3696#: code:addons/
    25203697#, python-format
    25213698msgid "Invalid Architecture!"
    25293706#. module: base
    2530 #:
    2531 msgid "You cannot have multiple records with the same id for the same module !"
    2532 msgstr "Nemůžete mít více záznamů se stejným id ve stejném modulu !"
     3707#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_share
     3708msgid "Share any Document"
     3709msgstr "Sdílet jakýkoliv dokument"
    25343711#. module: base
    25443721#. module: base
    2545 #: field:res.config.users,date:0
    2546 #: field:res.users,date:0
    2547 msgid "Last Connection"
    2548 msgstr "Poslední spojení"
     3722#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_analytic_multicurrency
     3723msgid ""
     3725"This improve OpenERP multi-currency handling in analytic accountiong, overall for multi-company.\n"
     3727"This module is based on the work made in all c2c_multicost* available on the v5.0 stable version and\n"
     3728"allow you to shar analytic account between company (even if currency differs in each one).\n"
     3730"What has been done here:\n"
     3732"  * Adapt the owner of analytic line (= to company that own the general account associated with en analytic line)\n"
     3733"  * Add multi-currency on analytic lines (similar to financial accounting)\n"
     3734"  * Correct all \"costs\" indicators into analytic account to base them on the right currency (owner's company)\n"
     3735"  * By default, nothing change for single company implementation.\n"
     3737"As a result, we can now really share the same analytic account between companies that doesn't have the same \n"
     3738"currency. This setup becomes True, Enjoy !\n"
     3740"- Company A : EUR\n"
     3741"- Company B : CHF\n"
     3743"- Analytic Account A : USD, owned by Company A\n"
     3744"    - Analytic Account B : CHF, owned by Company A\n"
     3745"    - Analytic Account C : EUR, owned by Company B\n"
     3748msgstr ""
     3750#. module: base
     3751#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_it
     3752msgid "Italy - Accounting"
     3753msgstr "Itálie - Účetnictví"
    25503755#. module: base
    25563761#: help:res.partner,customer:0
    25573762msgid "Check this box if the partner is a customer."
    2558 msgstr "Zaškrtněte toto pole, pokud je partner zákazníkem."
     3763msgstr "Zaškrtněte toto pole pokud je společník zákazníkem."
     3765#. module: base
     3766#: help:ir.module.module,auto_install:0
     3767msgid "An auto-installable module is automatically installed by the system when all its dependencies are satisfied. If the module has no dependency, it is always installed."
     3768msgstr ""
    25603770#. module: base
    25683778#. module: base
     3779#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_crm_claim
     3780msgid ""
     3782"This modules allows you to track your customers/suppliers claims and grievances.\n"
     3785"It is fully integrated with the email gateway so that you can create\n"
     3786"automatically new claims based on incoming emails.\n"
     3787"    "
     3788msgstr ""
     3790#. module: base
    25693791#: selection:workflow.activity,join_mode:0
    25703792#: selection:workflow.activity,split_mode:0
    25743796#. module: base
    2575 #:,
    2576 msgid "Ecuador"
    2577 msgstr "Ekvádor"
     3797#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_localization_account_charts
     3798msgid "Account Charts"
     3799msgstr "Účtové osnovy"
     3801#. module: base
     3802#: view:res.request:0
     3803msgid "Request Date"
     3804msgstr "Datum požadavku"
    25793806#. module: base
    26133840#. module: base
    2614 #: view:publisher_warranty.contract:0
    2615 msgid "Validate"
    2616 msgstr "Ověřit"
    2618 #. module: base
    2619 #: field:ir.actions.todo,restart:0
    2620 msgid "Restart"
    2621 msgstr "Restartovat"
     3841#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_anonymization
     3842msgid ""
     3844"This module allows you to anonymize a database.\n"
     3847"This module allows you to keep your data confidential for a given database.\n"
     3848"This process is useful if you want to use the migration process and protect\n"
     3849"your own or your customer’s confidential data. The principle is that you run\n"
     3850"an anonymization tool which will hide your confidential data(they are replaced\n"
     3851"by ‘XXX’ characters). Then you can send the anonymized database to the migration\n"
     3852"team. Once you get back your migrated database, you restore it and reverse the\n"
     3853"anonymization process to recover your previous data.\n"
     3854"    "
     3855msgstr ""
     3857#. module: base
     3858#: help:publisher_warranty.contract,name:0
     3859#: help:publisher_warranty.contract.wizard,name:0
     3860msgid "Your OpenERP Publisher's Warranty Contract unique key, also called serial number."
     3861msgstr ""
     3863#. module: base
     3864#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_setup
     3865msgid ""
     3867"This module helps to configure the system at the installation of a new database.\n"
     3870"Shows you a list of applications features to install from.\n"
     3872"    "
     3873msgstr ""
    26233875#. module: base
    26293881#. module: base
    2630 #: view:ir.actions.wizard:0
    2631 #:,wizard_id:0
    2632 msgid "Wizard"
    2633 msgstr "Průvodce"
     3882#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_pl
     3883msgid "Poland - Accounting"
     3884msgstr "Polsko - Účetnictví"
    26353886#. module: base
    26403891#. module: base
    2641 #: code:addons/base/res/
    2642 #, python-format
    2643 msgid "\"email_from\" needs to be set to send welcome mails to users"
    2644 msgstr "\"email_from\" potřebuje být nastaveno pro odeslání uvítacích dopisů uživatelům"
    2646 #. module: base
    26473892#: selection:ir.translation,type:0
    26483893msgid "Constraint"
    26513896#. module: base
    2652 #: selection:ir.values,key:0
    2653 #: selection:res.partner.address,type:0
    2654 msgid "Default"
    2655 msgstr "Standartní"
     3897#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_purchase
     3898msgid ""
     3900"Purchase module is for generating a purchase order for purchase of goods from a supplier.\n"
     3903"A supplier invoice is created for the particular purchase order.\n"
     3905"Dashboard for purchase management that includes:\n"
     3906"    * Current Purchase Orders\n"
     3907"    * Draft Purchase Orders\n"
     3908"    * Graph for quantity and amount per month\n"
     3910"    "
     3911msgstr ""
    26573913#. module: base
    26743930#. module: base
     3931#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_hidden_dependency
     3932msgid "Dependency"
     3933msgstr "Závislost"
     3935#. module: base
    26753936#: field:multi_company.default,expression:0
    26763937msgid "Expression"
    26793940#. module: base
    2680 #: help:ir.actions.server,subject:0
    2681 msgid "Specify the subject. You can use fields from the object, e.g. `Hello [[ ]]`"
    2682 msgstr "Zadejte předmět. Můžete použít pole objektu, např. `Ahoj [[ ]]`"
     3941#: view:publisher_warranty.contract:0
     3942msgid "Validate"
     3943msgstr "Ověřit"
    26843945#. module: base
    26893950#. module: base
     3951#: help:ir.mail_server,sequence:0
     3952msgid "When no specific mail server is requested for a mail, the highest priority one is used. Default priority is 10 (smaller number = higher priority)"
     3953msgstr ""
     3955#. module: base
     3956#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_crm_partner_assign
     3957msgid ""
     3959"This is the module used by OpenERP SA to redirect customers to its partners, based on geolocalization.\n"
     3962"You can geolocalize your opportunities by using this module.\n"
     3964"Use geolocalization when assigning opportunities to partners.\n"
     3965"Determine the GPS coordinates according to the address of the partner.\n"
     3966"The most appropriate partner can be assigned.\n"
     3967"You can also use the geolocalization without using the GPS coordinates.\n"
     3968"    "
     3969msgstr ""
     3971#. module: base
    26903972#: help:ir.actions.act_window,help:0
    26913973msgid "Optional help text for the users with a description of the target view, such as its usage and purpose."
    27043986#. module: base
    2705 #: field:ir.ui.view,xml_id:0
    2706 msgid "XML ID"
    2707 msgstr "XML ID"
    2709 #. module: base
    27103987#: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_16
    27113988msgid "Telecom sector"
    27193996#. module: base
    2720 #: view:res.users:0
    2721 msgid "Current Activity"
    2722 msgstr "Aktuální aktivita"
     3997#: sql_constraint:ir.sequence.type:0
     3998msgid "`code` must be unique."
     3999msgstr ""
     4001#. module: base
     4002#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_expense
     4003msgid "Expenses Management"
     4004msgstr ""
    27244006#. module: base
    27304012#. module: base
     4013#: field:ir.values,value_unpickle:0
     4014msgid "Default value or action reference"
     4015msgstr ""
     4017#. module: base
    27324019msgid "Suriname"
    27354022#. module: base
     4023#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_timesheet
     4024msgid "Bill Time on Tasks"
     4025msgstr "Účtovaný čas úloh"
     4027#. module: base
     4028#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_marketing
     4029#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_marketing
    27374031msgid "Marketing"
    27404034#. module: base
    2742 #:,name:base.bank_normal
    27434036msgid "Bank account"
    27444037msgstr "Bankovní účet"
     4039#. module: base
     4040#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_gr
     4041msgid "Greece - Accounting"
     4042msgstr "Řecko - Účetnictví"
    27464044#. module: base
    27614059#. module: base
     4060#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_gantt
     4061msgid "web Gantt"
     4062msgstr ""
     4064#. module: base
    27624065#: field:ir.module.module,license:0
    27634066msgid "License"
    27664069#. module: base
     4070#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_graph
     4071msgid "web Graph"
     4072msgstr ""
     4074#. module: base
    27674075#: field:ir.attachment,url:0
    27684076msgid "Url"
    27714079#. module: base
    2772 #: selection:ir.actions.todo,restart:0
    2773 msgid "Always"
    2774 msgstr "Vždy"
    2776 #. module: base
    27774080#: selection:ir.translation,type:0
    27784081msgid "SQL Constraint"
    27814084#. module: base
     4086msgid "If you have groups, the visibility of this menu will be based on these groups. If this field is empty, OpenERP will compute visibility based on the related object's read access."
     4087msgstr "Pokud máte skupiny, viditelnost této nabídky bude založena na těchto skupinách. Pokud je toto pole prázdné, OpenERP spočítá viditelnost na základě přístupu pro čtení vztažených objektů."
     4089#. module: base
     4090#: view:base.module.upgrade:0
     4091msgid "We suggest to reload the menu tab to see the new menus (Ctrl+T then Ctrl+R)."
     4092msgstr "Doporučejem znovu načíst záložku nabídky ke zhlédnutí nových nabídek (Ctrl+T pak Ctrl+R)"
     4094#. module: base
     4095#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_subscription
     4096msgid ""
     4098"Create recurring documents.\n"
     4101"This module allows to create new documents and add subscriptions on that document.\n"
     4103"e.g. To have an invoice generated automatically periodically:\n"
     4104"    * Define a document type based on Invoice object\n"
     4105"    * Define a subscription whose source document is the document defined as above. Specify the interval information and partner to be invoice.\n"
     4106"    "
     4107msgstr ""
     4109#. module: base
    27824110#: field:ir.actions.server,srcmodel_id:0
     4111#: field:ir.model,model:0
    27834112#: field:ir.model.fields,model_id:0
     4113#: view:ir.values:0
    27844114msgid "Model"
    27854115msgstr "Model"
    28044134msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
    28054135msgstr "Rovníková Guinea"
     4137#. module: base
     4138#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_warning
     4139msgid "Warning Messages and Alerts"
     4140msgstr ""
    28074142#. module: base
    28134148#. module: base
     4149#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_ch
     4150msgid "Switzerland - Accounting"
     4151msgstr "Švýcarsko - Účetnictví"
     4153#. module: base
    28154156#: field:res.partner.address,zip:0
    28314172#. module: base
     4173#: view:ir.actions.todo:0
     4174msgid "Set as Todo"
     4175msgstr "Nastavit jako úkol"
     4177#. module: base
    28324178#: view:res.lang:0
    28334179msgid "%c - Appropriate date and time representation."
    28364182#. module: base
    2837 #: code:addons/base/res/
     4183#: code:addons/base/res/
    28384184#, python-format
    28394185msgid ""
    28464192"Klikněte na 'Pokračovat' a užívejte si and enjoy your OpenERP experience..."
     4194#. module: base
     4195#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_marketing
     4196msgid "Helps you manage your marketing campaigns step by step."
     4197msgstr "Pomáhá vám krok za krokem spravovat vaše marketingové kampaně."
    28484199#. module: base
    28714222#: field:ir.actions.act_window,view_ids:0
    28724223#: field:ir.actions.act_window,views:0
     4224#: view:ir.model:0
     4225#: field:ir.model,view_ids:0
    28734226#: field:ir.module.module,views_by_module:0
    28854238#. module: base
    2886 #: code:addons/base/module/
     4239#: field:ir.mail_server,smtp_host:0
     4240msgid "SMTP Server"
     4241msgstr "Server SMTP"
     4243#. module: base
     4244#: code:addons/base/module/
    28874245#, python-format
    28884246msgid "You try to remove a module that is installed or will be installed"
    29034261msgid "Guatemala"
    29044262msgstr "Guatemala"
     4264#. module: base
     4265#: help:ir.actions.server,message:0
     4266msgid "Email contents, may contain expressions enclosed in double brackets based on the same values as those available in the condition field, e.g. `Dear [[ ]]`"
     4267msgstr ""
    29064269#. module: base
    29144277#. module: base
    2915 #: field:ir.translation,xml_id:0
    2916 msgid "XML Id"
    2917 msgstr "XML Id"
    2919 #. module: base
    2920 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_config_user_form
    2921 msgid "Create Users"
    2922 msgstr "Vytvoření uživatelů"
    2924 #. module: base
    2925 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_partner_title
    2926 msgid "res.partner.title"
    2927 msgstr "res.partner.title"
    2929 #. module: base
    2930 #: view:ir.values:0
    2931 msgid "tree_but_action, client_print_multi"
    2932 msgstr "tree_but_action, client_print_multi"
     4278#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_profile_tools
     4279msgid ""
     4281"Installer for extra Hidden like lunch, survey, idea, share, etc.\n"
     4284"Makes the Extra Hidden Configuration available from where you can install\n"
     4285"modules like share, lunch, pad, idea, survey and subscription.\n"
     4286"    "
     4287msgstr ""
     4289#. module: base
     4290#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_specific_industry_applications
     4291msgid "Specific Industry Applications"
     4292msgstr ""
    29344294#. module: base
    29394299#. module: base
    2940 #: help:ir.cron,priority:0
    2941 msgid ""
    2942 "0=Very Urgent\n"
    2943 "10=Not urgent"
    2944 msgstr ""
    2945 "0=Velmi důležité\n"
    2946 "10=Méně důležité"
    2948 #. module: base
    2949 #: view:res.config:0
    2950 #: view:res.config.installer:0
    2951 msgid "Skip"
    2952 msgstr "Vynechat"
     4300#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_uservoice
     4301msgid "Receive User Feedback"
     4302msgstr ""
    29544304#. module: base
    29594309#. module: base
    2960 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    2961 #, python-format
    2962 msgid "You can not remove the model '%s' !"
    2963 msgstr "Nemůžete odebrat model '%s' !"
     4310#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_vat
     4311msgid "VAT Number Validation"
     4312msgstr "Ověření čísla DIČ"
     4314#. module: base
     4315#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_crm_partner_assign
     4316msgid "Partners Geo-Localization"
     4317msgstr ""
    29654319#. module: base
    29704324#. module: base
     4325#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_translation
     4327msgid "Translated Terms"
     4328msgstr "Přeložené výrazy"
     4330#. module: base
    29714331#: view:res.partner.event:0
    29724332msgid "Event"
    29904350#. module: base
    2991 #: code:addons/
     4351#: code:addons/
    29924352#, python-format
    29934353msgid "Error occurred while validating the field(s) %s: %s"
    30014361#. module: base
     4362#: view:ir.actions.server:0
     4363msgid "SMS Configuration"
     4364msgstr "Nastavení SMS"
     4366#. module: base
     4367#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_document_webdav
     4368msgid ""
     4370"With this module, the WebDAV server for documents is activated.\n"
     4373"You can then use any compatible browser to remotely see the attachments of OpenObject.\n"
     4375"After installation, the WebDAV server can be controlled by a [webdav] section in the server's config.\n"
     4376"Server Configuration Parameter:\n"
     4378"    [webdav]\n"
     4379"    ; enable = True ; Serve webdav over the http(s) servers\n"
     4380"    ; vdir = webdav ; the directory that webdav will be served at\n"
     4381"    ; this default val means that webdav will be\n"
     4382"    ; on \"http://localhost:8069/webdav/\n"
     4383"    ; verbose = True ; Turn on the verbose messages of webdav\n"
     4384"    ; debug = True ; Turn on the debugging messages of webdav\n"
     4385"    ; since the messages are routed to the python logging, with\n"
     4386"    ; levels \"debug\" and \"debug_rpc\" respectively, you can leave\n"
     4387"    ; these options on\n"
     4389"Also implements IETF RFC 5785 for services discovery on a http server,\n"
     4390"which needs explicit configuration in openerp-server.conf, too.\n"
     4391msgstr ""
     4393#. module: base
    30034395msgid "San Marino"
    30064398#. module: base
     4399#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_survey
     4400msgid ""
     4402"This module is used for surveying.\n"
     4405"It depends on the answers or reviews of some questions by different users.\n"
     4406"A survey may have multiple pages. Each page may contain multiple questions and each question may have multiple answers.\n"
     4407"Different users may give different answers of question and according to that survey is done.\n"
     4408"Partners are also sent mails with user name and password for the invitation of the survey\n"
     4409"    "
     4410msgstr ""
     4412#. module: base
    30084414msgid "Bermuda"
    30264432#. module: base
    3027 #: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
     4433#: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
     4434#: sql_constraint:publisher_warranty.contract:0
    30284435#, python-format
    30294436msgid "That contract is already registered in the system."
    30304437msgstr "Tato smlouva je již v systému registrována."
     4439#. module: base
     4440#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_res_partner_bank_type_form
     4442msgid "Bank Account Types"
     4443msgstr "Typy bankovních účtů"
    30324445#. module: base
    30374450#. module: base
    3038 #: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    3039 msgid "Spanish (PY) / Español (PY)"
    3040 msgstr "Španělština (PY) / Español (PY)"
     4451#: help:ir.mail_server,smtp_user:0
     4452msgid "Optional username for SMTP authentication"
     4453msgstr "Volitelné jméno pro ověření SMTP"
     4455#. module: base
     4456#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_actions
     4457msgid "ir.actions.actions"
     4458msgstr "ir.actions.actions"
     4460#. module: base
     4461#: selection:ir.model.fields,select_level:0
     4462msgid "Not Searchable"
     4463msgstr "Nevyhledávatelné"
    30424465#. module: base
    30524475#. module: base
     4476#: code:addons/base/res/
     4477#, python-format
     4478msgid "Please keep in mind that documents currently displayed may not be relevant after switching to another company. If you have unsaved changes, please make sure to save and close all forms before switching to a different company. (You can click on Cancel in the User Preferences now)"
     4479msgstr ""
     4481#. module: base
    30534482#: field:partner.sms.send,app_id:0
    30544483msgid "API ID"
    30574486#. module: base
    3058 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     4487#: code:addons/base/ir/
    30594488#, python-format
    30604489msgid "You can not create this document (%s) ! Be sure your user belongs to one of these groups: %s."
    30614490msgstr "Nemůžete vytvořit dokument (%s) ! Ujistěte se, že váš uživatel patří do jedné z těchto skupin: %s."
     4492#. module: base
     4493#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_chat
     4494msgid "Web Chat"
     4495msgstr "Webový chat"
     4497#. module: base
     4499msgid "Bank Accounts Footer"
     4500msgstr "Záhlaví bankovních účtů"
    30634502#. module: base
    30834522#. module: base
    3084 #: model:res.widget,title:base.openerp_favorites_twitter_widget
    3085 msgid "OpenERP Favorites"
    3086 msgstr "OpenERP Oblíbené"
     4523#: code:addons/base/ir/
     4524#, python-format
     4525msgid "Changing the storing system for field \"%s\" is not allowed."
     4526msgstr ""
     4528#. module: base
     4530msgid "Only if this bank account belong to your company"
     4531msgstr ""
    30884533#. module: base
    31054550#. module: base
    3106 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_translation
    3107 #:,name:base.menu_action_translation
    3108 msgid "Translation Terms"
    3109 msgstr "Termíny překladu"
    3111 #. module: base
    31134552msgid "Senegal"
    31164555#. module: base
     4556#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_purchase_requisition
     4557msgid ""
     4559"This module allows you to manage your Purchase Requisition.\n"
     4562"When a purchase order is created, you now have the opportunity to save the related requisition.\n"
     4563"This new object will regroup and will allow you to easily keep track and order all your purchase orders.\n"
     4564msgstr ""
     4566#. module: base
    31184568msgid "Hungary"
    31214571#. module: base
    3122 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_groups
    3123 msgid "res.groups"
    3124 msgstr "res.groups"
     4572#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_recruitment
     4573msgid "Recruitment Process"
     4574msgstr "Průběh náboru"
    31264576#. module: base
    31484598msgid "Expression to be satisfied if we want the transition done."
    31494599msgstr "Podmínky, které je potřeba dodržet pokud chcete provést změny."
     4601#. module: base
     4602#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_publisher_warranty_contract_wizard
     4603msgid "publisher_warranty.contract.wizard"
     4604msgstr "publisher_warranty.contract.wizard"
    31514606#. module: base
    31724627#. module: base
    3173 #: help:ir.actions.server,mobile:0
    3174 msgid "Provides fields that be used to fetch the mobile number, e.g. you select the invoice, then `` is the field which gives the correct mobile number"
    3175 msgstr "Poskytuje pole, které jsou použity pro vyčtení mobilního čísla, např. vyberete fakturu, pak `` je pole, které dává aktuální mobilní číslo"
    3177 #. module: base
    31784628#: view:base.module.upgrade:0
    31794629msgid "System update completed"
    31804630msgstr "Aktualizace systému dokončena"
     4632#. module: base
     4633#: sql_constraint:ir.model:0
     4634msgid "Each model must be unique!"
     4635msgstr "Každý model musí být jedinečný!"
     4637#. module: base
     4638#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_localization
     4639msgid "Localization"
     4640msgstr "Lokalizace"
     4642#. module: base
     4643#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_sale_mrp
     4644msgid ""
     4646"This module provides facility to the user to install mrp and sales modulesat a time.\n"
     4649"It is basically used when we want to keep track of production\n"
     4650"orders generated from sales order.\n"
     4651"It adds sales name and sales Reference on production order.\n"
     4652"    "
     4653msgstr ""
    31824655#. module: base
    32074680#. module: base
     4681#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_timesheet_invoice
     4682msgid ""
     4683"Generate your Invoices from Expenses, Timesheet Entries, ...\n"
     4684"Module to generate invoices based on costs (human resources, expenses, ...).\n"
     4687"You can define price lists in analytic account, make some theoretical revenue\n"
     4688"reports, etc."
     4689msgstr ""
     4691#. module: base
    32134697#. module: base
     4699msgid "Account Owner Name"
     4700msgstr ""
     4702#. module: base
    32144703#: field:ir.rule,perm_unlink:0
    32154704msgid "Apply For Delete"
    32184707#. module: base
    3219 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     4708#: code:addons/base/ir/
    32204709#, python-format
    32214710msgid "Cannot rename column to %s, because that column already exists!"
    32344723#. module: base
     4724#: code:addons/base/module/
     4725#: view:ir.module.module:0
     4726#, python-format
     4727msgid "Install"
     4728msgstr "Instalovat"
     4730#. module: base
    32354731#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.action_res_groups
    32364732msgid "A group is a set of functional areas that will be assigned to the user in order to give them access and rights to specific applications and tasks in the system. You can create custom groups or edit the ones existing by default in order to customize the view of the menu that users will be able to see. Whether they can have a read, write, create and delete access right can be managed from here."
    32374733msgstr ""
     4735#. module: base
     4736#: field:ir.filters,name:0
     4737msgid "Filter Name"
     4738msgstr "Jméno filtru"
    32394740#. module: base
    32464747#. module: base
     4748#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_uk
     4749msgid ""
     4750"This is the latest UK OpenERP localisation necesary to run OpenERP accounting for UK SME's with:\n"
     4751"    - a CT600-ready chart of accounts\n"
     4752"    - VAT100-ready tax structure\n"
     4753"    - InfoLogic UK counties listing\n"
     4754"    - a few other adaptations"
     4755msgstr ""
     4757#. module: base
    32474758#: field:ir.attachment,create_uid:0
    32484759msgid "Creator"
    32514762#. module: base
    3252 #:,overdue_msg:base.main_company
    3253 msgid ""
    3254 "Please note that the following payments are now due. If your payment                         has been sent, kindly forward your payment details. If payment will be                         delayed further, please contact us to discuss.                         \n"
    3255 "Would your payment have been carried out after this mail was sent, please consider the present one as void."
    3256 msgstr ""
    3258 #. module: base
    3259 #:,
    3260 msgid "Mexico"
    3261 msgstr "Mexiko"
     4763#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_asset
     4764msgid ""
     4765"Financial and accounting asset management.\n"
     4766"    This Module manages the assets owned by a company or an individual. It will keep track of depreciation's occurred on\n"
     4767"    those assets. And it allows to create Move's of the depreciation lines.\n"
     4768"    "
     4769msgstr ""
     4771#. module: base
     4773msgid "Bouvet Island"
     4774msgstr "Ostrov Bouvet"
    32634776#. module: base
    32834796#. module: base
    3284 #: code:addons/
    3285 #, python-format
    3286 msgid "The write method is not implemented on this object !"
    3287 msgstr "Metoda write není realizována pro tento objekt !"
    3289 #. module: base
    3290 #: view:res.partner.event:0
    3291 msgid "General Description"
    3292 msgstr "Obecný popis"
    3294 #. module: base
    3295 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_config_simple_view_form
    3296 #: view:res.config.view:0
    3297 msgid "Configure Your Interface"
    3298 msgstr "Nastavit vaše rozhraní"
    3300 #. module: base
    3301 #: field:ir.values,meta:0
    3302 msgid "Meta Datas"
    3303 msgstr "Meta informace"
    3305 #. module: base
    3306 #: sql_constraint:ir.ui.view_sc:0
    3307 msgid "Shortcut for this menu already exists!"
    3308 msgstr "Zkratka pro tuto nabídku již existuje!"
     4797#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_be
     4798msgid ""
     4800"This is the base module to manage the accounting chart for Belgium in OpenERP.\n"
     4803"After installing this module, the Configuration wizard for accounting is launched.\n"
     4804"    * We have the account templates which can be helpful to generate Charts of Accounts.\n"
     4805"    * On that particular wizard, you will be asked to pass the name of the company, the chart template to follow, the no. of digits to generate, the code for your account and bank account, currency to create journals.\n"
     4807"Thus, the pure copy of Chart Template is generated.\n"
     4809"Wizards provided by this module:\n"
     4810"    * Partner VAT Intra: Enlist the partners with their related VAT and invoiced amounts.Prepares an XML file format.\n"
     4811"            Path to access : Accounting/Reporting//Legal Statements/Belgium Statements/Partner VAT Listing\n"
     4812"    * Periodical VAT Declaration: Prepares an XML file for Vat Declaration of the Main company of the User currently Logged in.\n"
     4813"            Path to access : Accounting/Reporting/Legal Statements/Belgium Statements/Periodical VAT Declaration\n"
     4814"    * Annual Listing Of VAT-Subjected Customers: Prepares an XML file for Vat Declaration of the Main company of the User currently Logged in.Based on Fiscal year\n"
     4815"            Path to access : Accounting/Reporting/Legal Statements/Belgium Statements/Annual Listing Of VAT-Subjected Customers\n"
     4817"    "
     4818msgstr ""
     4820#. module: base
     4822#: selection:ir.translation,type:0
     4823#: field:multi_company.default,field_id:0
     4824msgid "Field"
     4825msgstr "Pole"
     4827#. module: base
     4828#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_long_term
     4829msgid "Long Term Projects"
     4830msgstr ""
    33104832#. module: base
    33254847#. module: base
     4848#: view:ir.actions.todo:0
     4849msgid "Launch Configuration Wizard"
     4850msgstr ""
     4852#. module: base
    33264853#: help:res.partner,user_id:0
    33274854msgid "The internal user that is in charge of communicating with this partner if any."
    3328 msgstr "Vnitřní uživatel, který má pověření komunikovat s tímto partnerem, pokud nějaký je."
     4855msgstr "Vnitřní uživatel, který má pověření komunikovat s tímto společníkem, pokud nějaký je."
    33304857#. module: base
    33314858#: field:res.partner,parent_id:0
    33324859msgid "Parent Partner"
    3333 msgstr "Nadřazený partner"
     4860msgstr "Rodičovský společník"
    33354862#. module: base
    33474874msgid "Kazakhstan"
    3348 msgstr "Kazakstán"
     4875msgstr "Kazachstán"
    33504877#. module: base
    33624889#: field:ir.actions.todo,name:0
     4890#: field:ir.actions.todo.category,name:0
    33634891#: field:ir.cron,name:0
    33644892#: field:ir.model.access,name:0
    33654893#: field:ir.model.fields,name:0
    33664894#: field:ir.module.category,name:0
     4895#: view:ir.module.module:0
    33674896#: field:ir.module.module,name:0
    33684897#: field:ir.module.module.dependency,name:0
    33754904#: field:multi_company.default,name:0
    3377 #: field:res.config.view,name:0
     4906#: field:res.currency.rate.type,name:0
     4907#: field:res.groups,name:0
    33784908#: field:res.lang,name:0
    33794909#: field:res.partner,name:0
    33984928#. module: base
    3399 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    3400 #, python-format
    3401 msgid "The Selection Options expression is not a valid Pythonic expression.Please provide an expression in the [('key','Label'), ...] format."
    3402 msgstr "Výraz výběru voleb není platný Pythonovský výraz. Prosíme poskytněte výraz ve formátu [('klíč', 'Titulek'), ...]."
     4929#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_decimal_precision
     4930msgid "Decimal Precision Configuration"
     4931msgstr ""
    34044933#. module: base
    34094938#. module: base
    3410 #: help:res.config.users,context_tz:0
    3411 #: help:res.users,context_tz:0
    3412 msgid "The user's timezone, used to perform timezone conversions between the server and the client."
    3413 msgstr "Uživatelská časová zóna použita pro vykonání převodů mezi časovou zónou serveru a klienta."
    3415 #. module: base
    3416 #: field:ir.module.module,demo:0
    3417 msgid "Demo data"
    3418 msgstr "Ukázková data"
     4939#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_stock
     4940msgid ""
     4942"OpenERP Inventory Management module can manage multi-warehouses, multi and structured stock locations.\n"
     4945"Thanks to the double entry management, the inventory controlling is powerful and flexible:\n"
     4946"    * Moves history and planning,\n"
     4947"    * Different inventory methods (FIFO, LIFO, ...)\n"
     4948"    * Stock valuation (standard or average price, ...)\n"
     4949"    * Robustness faced with Inventory differences\n"
     4950"    * Automatic reordering rules (stock level, JIT, ...)\n"
     4951"    * Bar code supported\n"
     4952"    * Rapid detection of mistakes through double entry system\n"
     4953"    * Traceability (upstream/downstream, production lots, serial number, ...)\n"
     4954"    * Dashboard for warehouse that includes:\n"
     4955"        * Procurement in exception\n"
     4956"        * List of Incoming Products\n"
     4957"        * List of Outgoing Products\n"
     4958"        * Graph : Products to receive in delay (date < = today)\n"
     4959"        * Graph : Products to send in delay (date < = today)\n"
     4960"    "
     4961msgstr ""
     4963#. module: base
     4964#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_module_module
     4967#: view:ir.module.module:0
     4968#: field:ir.module.module.dependency,module_id:0
     4969#: report:ir.module.reference.graph:0
     4970msgid "Module"
     4971msgstr "Modul"
    34204973#. module: base
    34254978#. module: base
    3426 #: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    3427 msgid "Japanese / 日本語"
    3428 msgstr "Japonština / 日本語"
     4980msgid "Antarctica"
     4981msgstr "Antarktida"
    34304983#. module: base
    34364989#: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_3
    34374990msgid "Starter Partner"
    3438 msgstr "Počáteční partner"
     4991msgstr "Počáteční společník"
    34404993#. module: base
    34454998#. module: base
     4999#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_budget
     5000msgid ""
     5002"This module allows accountants to manage analytic and crossovered budgets.\n"
     5005"Once the Master Budgets and the Budgets are defined (in Accounting/Budgets/),\n"
     5006"the Project Managers can set the planned amount on each Analytic Account.\n"
     5008"The accountant has the possibility to see the total of amount planned for each\n"
     5009"Budget and Master Budget in order to ensure the total planned is not\n"
     5010"greater/lower than what he planned for this Budget/Master Budget. Each list of\n"
     5011"record can also be switched to a graphical view of it.\n"
     5013"Three reports are available:\n"
     5014"    1. The first is available from a list of Budgets. It gives the spreading, for these Budgets, of the Analytic Accounts per Master Budgets.\n"
     5016"    2. The second is a summary of the previous one, it only gives the spreading, for the selected Budgets, of the Analytic Accounts.\n"
     5018"    3. The last one is available from the Analytic Chart of Accounts. It gives the spreading, for the selected Analytic Accounts, of the Master Budgets per Budgets.\n"
     5020msgstr ""
     5022#. module: base
     5023#: help:res.lang,iso_code:0
     5024msgid "This ISO code is the name of po files to use for translations"
     5025msgstr "ISO kód je název .po souborů použitých pro překlady"
     5027#. module: base
    34465028#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_act_window_view
    34475029msgid "ir.actions.act_window.view"
    34555037#. module: base
     5038#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_lunch
     5039msgid "Lunch Orders"
     5040msgstr "Obědnávky obědů"
     5042#. module: base
    34565043#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    34575044msgid "English (CA)"
    34655052#. module: base
     5053#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_coda
     5054msgid ""
     5056"    Module to import CODA bank statements.\n"
     5058"    Supported are CODA flat files in V2 format from Belgian bank accounts.\n"
     5059"    - CODA v1 support.\n"
     5060"    - CODA v2.2 support.\n"
     5061"    - Foreign Currency support.\n"
     5062"    - Support for all data record types (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9).\n"
     5063"    - Parsing & logging of all Transaction Codes and Structured Format Communications.\n"
     5064"    - Automatic Financial Journal assignment via CODA configuration parameters.\n"
     5065"    - Support for multiple Journals per Bank Account Number.\n"
     5066"    - Support for multiple statements from different bank accounts in a single CODA file.\n"
     5067"    - Support for 'parsing only' CODA Bank Accounts (defined as type='info' in the CODA Bank Account configuration records).\n"
     5068"    - Multi-language CODA parsing, parsing configuration data provided for EN, NL, FR.\n"
     5070"    The machine readable CODA Files are parsed and stored in human readable format in CODA Bank Statements.\n"
     5071"    Also Bank Statements are generated containing a subset of the CODA information (only those transaction lines\n"
     5072"    that are required for the creation of the Financial Accounting records).\n"
     5073"    The CODA Bank Statement is a 'read-only' object, hence remaining a reliable representation of the original CODA file\n"
     5074"    whereas the Bank Statement will get modified as required by accounting business processes.\n"
     5076"    CODA Bank Accounts configured as type 'Info' will only generate CODA Bank Statements.\n"
     5078"    A removal of one object in the CODA processing results in the removal of the associated objects.\n"
     5079"    The removal of a CODA File containing multiple Bank Statements will also remove those associated\n"
     5080"    statements.\n"
     5082"    The following reconciliation logic has been implemented in the CODA processing:\n"
     5083"    1) The Company's Bank Account Number of the CODA statement is compared against the Bank Account Number field\n"
     5084"       of the Company's CODA Bank Account configuration records (whereby bank accounts defined in type='info' configuration records are ignored).\n"
     5085"       If this is the case an 'internal transfer' transaction is generated using the 'Internal Transfer Account' field of the CODA File Import wizard.\n"
     5086"    2) As a second step the 'Structured Communication' field of the CODA transaction line is matched against\n"
     5087"       the reference field of in- and outgoing invoices (supported : Belgian Structured Communication Type).\n"
     5088"    3) When the previous step doesn't find a match, the transaction counterparty is located via the\n"
     5089"       Bank Account Number configured on the OpenERP Customer and Supplier records.\n"
     5090"    4) In case the previous steps are not successful, the transaction is generated by using the 'Default Account\n"
     5091"       for Unrecognized Movement' field of the CODA File Import wizard in order to allow further manual processing.\n"
     5093"    In stead of a manual adjustment of the generated Bank Statements, you can also re-import the CODA\n"
     5094"    after updating the OpenERP database with the information that was missing to allow automatic reconciliation.\n"
     5096"    Remark on CODA V1 support:\n"
     5097"    In some cases a transaction code, transaction category or structured communication code has been given a new or clearer description in CODA V2.\n"
     5098"    The description provided by the CODA configuration tables is based upon the CODA V2.2 specifications.\n"
     5099"    If required, you can manually adjust the descriptions via the CODA configuration menu.\n"
     5101"    "
     5102msgstr ""
     5104#. module: base
    34675106msgid "Ethiopia"
    34705109#. module: base
     5110#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_analytic_plans
     5111msgid ""
     5113"This module allows to use several analytic plans, according to the general journal.\n"
     5116"Here multiple analytic lines are created when the invoice or the entries\n"
     5117"are confirmed.\n"
     5119"For example, you can define the following analytic structure:\n"
     5120"  Projects\n"
     5121"      Project 1\n"
     5122"          SubProj 1.1\n"
     5123"          SubProj 1.2\n"
     5125"      Project 2\n"
     5126"  Salesman\n"
     5127"      Eric\n"
     5128"      Fabien\n"
     5130"Here, we have two plans: Projects and Salesman. An invoice line must\n"
     5131"be able to write analytic entries in the 2 plans: SubProj 1.1 and\n"
     5132"Fabien. The amount can also be split. The following example is for\n"
     5133"an invoice that touches the two subproject and assigned to one salesman:\n"
     5136"    SubProject 1.1 : 50%\n"
     5137"    SubProject 1.2 : 50%\n"
     5139"    Eric: 100%\n"
     5141"So when this line of invoice will be confirmed, it will generate 3 analytic lines,\n"
     5142"for one account entry.\n"
     5143"The analytic plan validates the minimum and maximum percentage at the time of creation\n"
     5144"of distribution models.\n"
     5145"        "
     5146msgstr ""
     5148#. module: base
    34725150msgid "The state code in three chars.\n"
    34805158#. module: base
    3481 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_wizard
    3482 #:,action:0
    3483 msgid "ir.actions.wizard"
    3484 msgstr "ir.actions.wizard"
     5159#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_hidden_test
     5160msgid "Test"
     5161msgstr ""
     5163#. module: base
     5164#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_kanban
     5165msgid "Base Kanban"
     5166msgstr ""
    34865168#. module: base
    34895171#: view:ir.actions.server:0
    3490 #: view:ir.filters:0
    34915172#: view:res.request:0
    34925173msgid "Group By"
    35015182#. module: base
     5183#: field:base.language.install,state:0
     5184#: field:base.module.import,state:0
     5185#: field:base.module.update,state:0
     5186msgid "state"
     5187msgstr "stav"
     5189#. module: base
     5190#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_analytic_analysis
     5191msgid ""
     5193"This module is for modifying account analytic view to show important data to project manager of services companies.\n"
     5196"Adds menu to show relevant information to each manager.\n"
     5197"You can also view the report of account analytic summary\n"
     5198"user-wise as well as month wise.\n"
     5199msgstr ""
     5201#. module: base
    35025202#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_base_language_install
    35035203msgid "Install Language"
    35165216#. module: base
     5217#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_cr
     5218msgid ""
     5220"Chart of accounts for Costa Rica.\n"
     5224"* account.type\n"
     5225"* account.account.template\n"
     5228"* account.chart.template\n"
     5230"Everything is in English with Spanish translation. Further translations are welcome, please go to\n"
     5232"    "
     5233msgstr ""
     5235#. module: base
    35175236#: selection:base.language.export,state:0
    35185237msgid "get"
    35265245#. module: base
     5246#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_accounting_and_finance
     5247msgid "Accounting & Finance"
     5248msgstr "Účetnictví & peněžnictví"
     5250#. module: base
    35275251#: field:ir.actions.server,write_id:0
    35285252msgid "Write Id"
    35335257msgid "Products"
    35345258msgstr "Výrobky"
     5260#. module: base
     5261#: help:res.users,name:0
     5262msgid "The new user's real name, used for searching and most listings"
     5263msgstr "Skutečné jméno nového uživatele použité pro hledání a procházení"
     5265#. module: base
     5266#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.act_values_form_defaults
     5268#: view:ir.values:0
     5269msgid "User-defined Defaults"
     5270msgstr ""
     5272#. module: base
     5273#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_usability
     5274#: view:res.users:0
     5275msgid "Usability"
     5276msgstr ""
    35365278#. module: base
    35425284#. module: base
    3543 #: view:ir.actions.server:0
    3544 msgid "SMS Configuration"
    3545 msgstr "Nastavení SMS"
     5285#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_module_quality
     5286msgid "Analyse Module Quality"
     5287msgstr ""
    35475289#. module: base
    35635305#. module: base
    3564 #:,state:0
     5306#: help:ir.cron,numbercall:0
     5307msgid ""
     5308"How many times the method is called,\n"
     5309"a negative number indicates no limit."
     5310msgstr ""
     5312#. module: base
    35665314msgid "Bank Type"
    35695317#. module: base
    3570 #: code:addons/base/res/
    3571 #: code:addons/base/res/
     5318#: code:addons/base/res/
     5319#: code:addons/base/res/
    35725320#, python-format
    35735321msgid "The name of the group can not start with \"-\""
    35745322msgstr "Jméno skupiny nemůže začínat s \"-\""
     5324#. module: base
     5325#: view:ir.module.module:0
     5326msgid "Apps"
     5327msgstr ""
    35765329#. module: base
    35925345#. module: base
    3593 #: code:addons/base/module/
     5346#: code:addons/base/module/
    35945347#, python-format
    35955348msgid "Unable to process module \"%s\" because an external dependency is not met: %s"
    35985351#. module: base
     5352#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_be_hr_payroll
     5353msgid "Belgium - Payroll"
     5354msgstr ""
     5356#. module: base
    35995357#: view:publisher_warranty.contract.wizard:0
    36005358msgid "Please enter the serial key provided in your contract document:"
    3601 msgstr "Prosíme zadejte sériové číslo poskytnuté ve dokumentu vaší smlouvy:"
     5359msgstr "Prosíme zadejte sériové číslo poskytnuté v dokumentu vaší smlouvy:"
    36035361#. module: base
    36095367#. module: base
    3610 #: code:addons/
    3611 #, python-format
    3612 msgid "module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)"
    3613 msgstr "modul base nelze načíst! (pokyn: zkontrolujte addons-path)"
     5368#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_partner_title
     5369msgid "res.partner.title"
     5370msgstr "res.partner.title"
    36155372#. module: base
    36205377#. module: base
    3621 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.act_values_form
    3622 msgid "Client Actions Connections"
    3623 msgstr "Nastavení akcí klienta"
     5378#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_uncategorized
     5379msgid "Uncategorized"
     5380msgstr ""
    36255382#. module: base
    36315388#. module: base
     5389#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_default
     5390msgid "ir.default"
     5391msgstr "ir.default"
     5393#. module: base
     5394#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_payroll
     5395msgid ""
     5397"Generic Payroll system.\n"
     5400"    * Employee Details\n"
     5401"    * Employee Contracts\n"
     5402"    * Passport based Contract\n"
     5403"    * Allowances / Deductions\n"
     5404"    * Allow to configure Basic / Grows / Net Salary\n"
     5405"    * Employee Payslip\n"
     5406"    * Monthly Payroll Register\n"
     5407"    * Integrated with Holiday Management\n"
     5408"    "
     5409msgstr ""
     5411#. module: base
    36325412#: selection:ir.cron,interval_type:0
    36335413msgid "Hours"
    36415421#. module: base
    3642 #: code:addons/base/res/
    3643 #: code:addons/base/res/
    3644 #: code:addons/base/res/
     5422#: code:addons/base/res/
     5423#: code:addons/base/res/
     5424#: code:addons/base/res/
    36455425#, python-format
    36465426msgid "User Error"
    36545434#. module: base
     5435#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_diagram
     5436msgid "OpenERP Web Diagram"
     5437msgstr ""
     5439#. module: base
     5441msgid "My Banks"
     5442msgstr ""
     5444#. module: base
    36555445#: help:multi_company.default,object_id:0
    36565446msgid "Object affected by this rule"
    36745464#. module: base
     5465#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_board
     5466msgid ""
     5468"Lets the user create a custom dashboard.\n"
     5471"This module also creates the Administration Dashboard.\n"
     5473"The user can also publish notes.\n"
     5474"    "
     5475msgstr ""
     5477#. module: base
     5478#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_scrum
     5479msgid "Methodology: SCRUM"
     5480msgstr ""
     5482#. module: base
    36755483#: view:ir.attachment:0
    36765484msgid "Month"
    36815489msgid "Malaysia"
    3682 msgstr "Malaysie"
     5490msgstr "Malajsie"
    36845492#. module: base
    36905498#. module: base
    3691 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_request_history
    3692 msgid "res.request.history"
    3693 msgstr "res.request.history"
     5499#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_cancel
     5500msgid "Cancel Journal Entries"
     5501msgstr ""
    36955503#. module: base
    37025510#: view:res.partner.address:0
    37035511msgid "Partner Addresses"
    3704 msgstr "Adresy partnerů"
    3706 #. module: base
    3707 #: help:ir.model.fields,translate:0
    3708 msgid "Whether values for this field can be translated (enables the translation mechanism for that field)"
    3709 msgstr "Zda lze překládat hodnoty tohoto pole (povoluje překladový mechanizmus pro toto pole)"
     5512msgstr "Adresy společníků"
     5514#. module: base
     5515#: help:ir.mail_server,smtp_debug:0
     5516msgid "If enabled, the full output of SMTP sessions will be written to the server log at DEBUG level(this is very verbose and may include confidential info!)"
     5517msgstr ""
     5519#. module: base
     5520#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_report_creator
     5521msgid "Query Builder"
     5522msgstr ""
     5524#. module: base
     5525#: selection:ir.actions.todo,type:0
     5526msgid "Launch Automatically"
     5527msgstr ""
     5529#. module: base
     5530#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_mail
     5531msgid ""
     5533"A generic email subsystem with message storage and queuing\n"
     5536"This email subsystem is not intended to be used as as standalone\n"
     5537"application, but to provide a unified email abstraction that all\n"
     5538"other applications can use.\n"
     5540"The main features are:\n"
     5542"    * Relies on the global Outgoing Mail Servers configured in the \n"
     5543"      Administration menu for delivering outgoing mail\n"
     5544"    * Provides an API for sending messages and archiving them,\n"
     5545"      grouped by conversation\n"
     5546"    * Any OpenERP document can act as a conversation topic, provided\n"
     5547"      it includes the necessary support for handling incoming emails\n"
     5548"      (see the ``mail.thread`` class for more details). \n"
     5549"    * Includes queuing mechanism with automated configurable\n"
     5550"      scheduler-based processing\n"
     5551"    * Includes a generic email composition assistant, that can turn\n"
     5552"      into a mass-mailing assistant, and is capable of interpreting\n"
     5553"      simple *placeholder expressions* that will be replaced with\n"
     5554"      dynamic data when each email is actually sent.\n"
     5555"      This generic assistant is easily extensible to provide advanced\n"
     5556"      features (see ``email_template`` for example, which adds email\n"
     5557"      templating features to this assistant)\n"
     5559"    "
     5560msgstr ""
    37115562#. module: base
    37215572#. module: base
    3722 #: view:base.module.import:0
    3723 msgid "Select module package to import (.zip file):"
    3724 msgstr "Vyberte balíček modulu k importu (.zip soubor)"
     5573#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_contact
     5574msgid ""
     5576"This module allows you to manage your contacts\n"
     5579"It lets you define:\n"
     5580"    * contacts unrelated to a partner,\n"
     5581"    * contacts working at several addresses (possibly for different partners),\n"
     5582"    * contacts with possibly different functions for each of its job's addresses\n"
     5584"It also adds new menu items located in\n"
     5585"    Purchases / Address Book / Contacts\n"
     5586"    Sales / Address Book / Contacts\n"
     5588"Pay attention that this module converts the existing addresses into \"addresses + contacts\". It means that some fields of the addresses will be missing (like the contact name), since these are supposed to be defined in an other object.\n"
     5589"    "
     5590msgstr ""
    37265592#. module: base
    37275593#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.act_res_partner_event
    37285595#: field:res.partner,events:0
    37295596#: field:res.partner.event,name:0
    37455612#. module: base
    3746 #: code:addons/
    3747 #, python-format
    3748 msgid "Wrong ID for the browse record, got %r, expected an integer."
    3749 msgstr "Neplatné ID pro záznam procházení, máme %r, očekáván integer."
     5613#: help:ir.values,key:0
     5614msgid ""
     5615"- Action: an action attached to one slot of the given model\n"
     5616"- Default: a default value for a model field"
     5617msgstr ""
    37515619#. module: base
    37785646#. module: base
    3779 #: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    3780 msgid "French / Français"
    3781 msgstr "Francouzština / Français"
    3783 #. module: base
    3784 #: code:addons/
    3785 #, python-format
    3786 msgid "The create method is not implemented on this object !"
    3787 msgstr "Vytvářecí metoda není realizována pro tento objekt !"
     5647#: model:res.widget,title:base.openerp_favorites_twitter_widget
     5648msgid "OpenERP Tweets"
     5649msgstr ""
     5651#. module: base
     5652#: code:addons/base/module/
     5653#, python-format
     5654msgid "Uninstall"
     5655msgstr ""
     5657#. module: base
     5658#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_budget
     5659msgid "Budgets Management"
     5660msgstr ""
    37895662#. module: base
    37945667#. module: base
    3795 #: view:ir.actions.todo:0
    3796 msgid "Set as Todo"
    3797 msgstr "Nastavit jako úkol"
     5668#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_anonymization
     5669msgid "Database Anonymization"
     5670msgstr ""
     5672#. module: base
     5673#: selection:ir.mail_server,smtp_encryption:0
     5674msgid "SSL/TLS"
     5675msgstr ""
     5677#. module: base
     5678#: field:publisher_warranty.contract,check_opw:0
     5679msgid "OPW"
     5680msgstr ""
     5682#. module: base
     5683#: field:res.log,secondary:0
     5684msgid "Secondary Log"
     5685msgstr "Vedlejší záznam"
    37995687#. module: base
    38025690#: field:ir.actions.todo,action_id:0
    3804 #: field:ir.values,action_id:0
     5692#: view:ir.values:0
    38055693#: selection:ir.values,key:0
    38065694#: view:res.users:0
    38205708#. module: base
    3821 #: view:ir.rule:0
    3822 msgid "Combination of rules"
    3823 msgstr "Kombinace pravidel"
     5709#: field:partner.sms.send,mobile_to:0
     5710#: field:res.request,act_to:0
     5711#: field:res.request.history,act_to:0
     5712msgid "To"
     5713msgstr "Do"
    38255715#. module: base
    38305720#. module: base
    3831 #: field:ir.actions.server,trigger_obj_id:0
    3832 msgid "Trigger On"
    3833 msgstr "Zapnout spouštěč"
     5721#: help:ir.actions.client,tag:0
     5722msgid "An arbitrary string, interpreted by the client according to its own needs and wishes. There is no central tag repository across clients."
     5723msgstr ""
    38355725#. module: base
    38425732msgid "Fiji"
    3843 msgstr "Fiji"
     5733msgstr "Fidži"
     5735#. module: base
     5736#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_document_ftp
     5737msgid ""
     5739"This is a support FTP Interface with document management system.\n"
     5742"With this module you would not only be able to access documents through OpenERP\n"
     5743"but you would also be able to connect with them through the file system using the\n"
     5744"FTP client.\n"
     5745msgstr ""
    38455747#. module: base
    38505752#. module: base
     5753#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_analytic_user_function
     5754msgid ""
     5756"This module allows you to define what is the default function of a specific user on a given account.\n"
     5759"This is mostly used when a user encodes his timesheet: the values are retrieved and the fields are auto-filled. But the possibility to change these values is still available.\n"
     5761"Obviously if no data has been recorded for the current account, the default value is given as usual by the employee data so that this module is perfectly compatible with older configurations.\n"
     5763"    "
     5764msgstr ""
     5766#. module: base
     5767#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_audittrail
     5768msgid "Audit Trail"
     5769msgstr "Prověřovací záznam"
     5771#. module: base
    38525773msgid "Sudan"
    3853 msgstr "Sudan"
     5774msgstr "Súdán"
     5776#. module: base
     5777#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_currency_rate_type_form
     5778#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_currency_rate_type
     5779#: field:res.currency.rate,currency_rate_type_id:0
     5780#: view:res.currency.rate.type:0
     5781msgid "Currency Rate Type"
     5782msgstr ""
    38555784#. module: base
    38605789#. module: base
    3861 #: view:res.request.history:0
    3862 msgid "Request History"
    3863 msgstr "Historie požadavku"
    3865 #. module: base
    3866 #: field:ir.actions.act_window,menus:0
     5790#: field:res.widget,content:0
     5791msgid "Content"
     5792msgstr "Obsah"
     5794#. module: base
    38675795#: field:ir.module.module,menus_by_module:0
    38685796#: view:res.groups:0
    38725800#. module: base
     5801#: selection:ir.actions.todo,type:0
     5802msgid "Launch Manually Once"
     5803msgstr ""
     5805#. module: base
     5806#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_hidden
     5807msgid "Hidden"
     5808msgstr ""
     5810#. module: base
    38735811#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    38745812msgid "Serbian (Latin) / srpski"
    38825820#. module: base
    3883 #: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:base.wizard_server_action_create
    3884 msgid "Create Action"
    3885 msgstr "Vytvořit akci"
    3887 #. module: base
    3888 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_model_model
    3889 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_model
    3890 #:,name:base.ir_model_model_menu
    3891 msgid "Objects"
    3892 msgstr "Objekty"
     5821#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_syscohada
     5822msgid "OHADA - Accounting"
     5823msgstr "OHADA - Účetnictví"
     5825#. module: base
     5827msgid "Sometimes called BIC or Swift."
     5828msgstr ""
     5830#. module: base
     5831#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_mx
     5832msgid ""
     5834"This is the module to manage the accounting chart for Mexico in OpenERP.\n"
     5837"Mexican accounting chart and localization.\n"
     5838"    "
     5839msgstr ""
    38945841#. module: base
    38995846#. module: base
     5847#: code:addons/
     5848#, python-format
     5849msgid "There is no view of type '%s' defined for the structure!"
     5850msgstr "Pro strukturu není definován pohled typu '%s'!"
     5852#. module: base
    39005853#: view:ir.module.module:0
    39015854msgid "Defined Reports"
    3902 msgstr "Definoavné výkazy"
     5855msgstr "Definované výkazy"
     5857#. module: base
     5858#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_payterm_form
     5859#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_payterm
     5860msgid "Payment term"
     5861msgstr "Platební období"
    39045863#. module: base
    39115870#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_module_open_categ
    39125871#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.open_module_tree
     5872#: field:ir.module.category,module_ids:0
    39135873#: view:ir.module.module:0
    39505910#. module: base
     5911#: field:res.users,id:0
     5912msgid "ID"
     5913msgstr "ID"
     5915#. module: base
    39515916#: field:ir.cron,doall:0
    39525917msgid "Repeat Missed"
    39555920#. module: base
    3956 #: help:ir.actions.server,state:0
    3957 msgid "Type of the Action that is to be executed"
    3958 msgstr "Typ akce, která bude spuštěna"
     5921#: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
     5922#, python-format
     5923msgid "Can not create the module file: %s !"
     5924msgstr "Nelze vytvořit soubor modulu: %s !"
    39605926#. module: base
    39655931#. module: base
    3966 #: help:res.currency,rate:0
     5932#: field:ir.ui.view,xml_id:0
     5933msgid "External ID"
     5934msgstr ""
     5936#. module: base
    39675937#: help:res.currency.rate,rate:0
    39685938msgid "The rate of the currency to the currency of rate 1"
    39765946#. module: base
    39775947#: view:res.config:0
    3978 #: view:res.config.users:0
    3979 #: view:res.config.view:0
    39805948msgid "res_config_contents"
    39815949msgstr "res_config_contents"
    40015969#: view:res.partner.title:0
    40025970msgid "Partner Titles"
    4003 msgstr "Formy partnera"
     5971msgstr "Jména společníků"
    40055973#. module: base
    40115979#: help:res.partner,employee:0
    40125980msgid "Check this box if the partner is an Employee."
    4013 msgstr "Zaškrtněte toto políčko pokud je partner zaměstnancem."
     5981msgstr "Zaškrtněte toto políčko pokud je společník zaměstnanec."
     5983#. module: base
     5984#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_crm_profiling
     5985msgid "Customer Profiling"
     5986msgstr ""
     5988#. module: base
     5989#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_issue
     5990msgid "Issues Tracker"
     5991msgstr "Sledovač problémů"
     5993#. module: base
     5994#: selection:ir.cron,interval_type:0
     5995msgid "Work Days"
     5996msgstr "Pracovní dny"
     5998#. module: base
     5999#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_multi_company
     6000msgid "Multi-Company"
     6001msgstr ""
    40156003#. module: base
    40276015#. module: base
     6016#: code:addons/
     6017#, python-format
     6018msgid "Please check that all your lines have %d columns.Stopped around line %d having %d columns."
     6019msgstr ""
     6021#. module: base
    40286022#: field:base.language.export,advice:0
    40296023msgid "Advice"
    40326026#. module: base
     6028msgid "Header/Footer of Reports"
     6029msgstr ""
     6031#. module: base
     6032#: code:addons/base/res/
     6033#: view:res.users:0
     6034#, python-format
     6035msgid "Applications"
     6036msgstr ""
     6038#. module: base
    40336039#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_attachment
    40346040msgid "ir.attachment"
    40376043#. module: base
    4038 #: code:addons/
     6044#: code:addons/
    40396045#, python-format
    40406046msgid "You cannot perform this operation. New Record Creation is not allowed for this object as this object is for reporting purpose."
    40436049#. module: base
    4044 #: view:base.language.import:0
    4045 msgid "- module,type,name,res_id,src,value"
    4046 msgstr "- module,type,name,res_id,src,value"
     6050#: help:ir.model.fields,translate:0
     6051msgid "Whether values for this field can be translated (enables the translation mechanism for that field)"
     6052msgstr "Zda lze překládat hodnoty tohoto pole (povoluje překladový mechanizmus pro toto pole)"
     6054#. module: base
     6055#: selection:res.currency,position:0
     6056msgid "After Amount"
     6057msgstr ""
    40486059#. module: base
    40686079#. module: base
     6080#: help:base.language.import,overwrite:0
     6081msgid "If you enable this option, existing translations (including custom ones) will be overwritten and replaced by those in this file"
     6082msgstr ""
     6084#. module: base
    40696085#: field:ir.ui.view,inherit_id:0
    40706086msgid "Inherited View"
    40786094#. module: base
     6095#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_timesheet_sheet
     6096msgid "Timesheets Validation"
     6097msgstr ""
     6099#. module: base
    40806101msgid "Project"
    40936114#. module: base
    4094 #: selection:ir.actions.todo,state:0
    4095 msgid "Cancelled"
    4096 msgstr "Zrušeno"
    4098 #. module: base
    4099 #: view:res.config.users:0
    4100 msgid "Create User"
    4101 msgstr "Vytvořit uživatele"
    4103 #. module: base
    4104 #: view:partner.clear.ids:0
    4105 msgid "Want to Clear Ids ? "
    4106 msgstr "Chcete vyčistit Id?"
     6116msgid "Samoa"
     6117msgstr "Samoa"
    41086119#. module: base
    41146125#. module: base
    4115 #: selection:res.request,priority:0
    4116 msgid "Low"
    4117 msgstr "Nízká"
     6126#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_timesheet
     6127msgid "Timesheets"
     6128msgstr "Časové rozvrhy"
     6130#. module: base
     6131#: field:res.partner,function:0
     6132msgid "function"
     6133msgstr "funkce"
    41196135#. module: base
    41246140#. module: base
     6141#: help:ir.values,company_id:0
     6142msgid "If set, action binding only applies for this company"
     6143msgstr ""
     6145#. module: base
    41266147msgid "Saint Lucia"
    41296150#. module: base
     6151#: help:res.users,new_password:0
     6152msgid "Specify a value only when creating a user or if you're changing the user's password, otherwise leave empty. After a change of password, the user has to login again."
     6153msgstr ""
     6155#. module: base
    41306156#: view:publisher_warranty.contract:0
    41316157msgid "Maintenance Contract"
    41346160#. module: base
    4135 #: help:ir.actions.server,trigger_obj_id:0
    4136 msgid "Select the object from the model on which the workflow will executed."
    4137 msgstr "Vyberte objekty z modelu, u kterého bude vykonán pracovní tok."
    4139 #. module: base
     6161#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_user
    41406162#: field:res.partner,employee:0
    41416163msgid "Employee"
    41496171#. module: base
    41506174#: field:res.partner.address,state_id:0
    41516176msgid "Fed. State"
    41526177msgstr "Fed. stát"
    41696194#. module: base
    4170 #:,
    4171 msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
    4172 msgstr "Teritorium indických britských ostrovů"
    4174 #. module: base
    4175 #: field:res.config.users,view:0
    4176 #: field:res.config.view,view:0
     6195#: view:res.partner:0
     6196#: view:res.partner.address:0
     6197msgid "Edit"
     6198msgstr "Upravit"
     6200#. module: base
     6201#: field:ir.actions.client,params:0
     6202msgid "Supplementary arguments"
     6203msgstr ""
     6205#. module: base
    41776206#: field:res.users,view:0
    41786207msgid "Interface"
    41916220#. module: base
    4192 #: view:ir.model:0
    41936221#: field:ir.model.fields,ttype:0
    41946222msgid "Field Type"
    42046232msgid "On delete"
    42056233msgstr "Při mazání"
     6235#. module: base
     6236#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_multilang
     6237msgid "Multi Language Chart of Accounts"
     6238msgstr ""
    42076240#. module: base
    42186251#. module: base
    4219 #:,
    4220 msgid "Vietnam"
    4221 msgstr "Vietnam"
    4223 #. module: base
    4224 #: field:res.config.users,signature:0
    4225 #: view:res.users:0
     6252#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_analytic
     6253msgid ""
     6255"Module for defining analytic accounting object.\n"
     6258"In OpenERP, analytic accounts are linked to general accounts but are treated\n"
     6259"totally independently. So you can enter various different analytic operations\n"
     6260"that have no counterpart in the general financial accounts.\n"
     6261"    "
     6262msgstr ""
     6264#. module: base
    42266265#: field:res.users,signature:0
    42276266msgid "Signature"
    42306269#. module: base
    4231 #: code:addons/
    4232 #: code:addons/
    4233 #: code:addons/
    4234 #: code:addons/
    4235 #: code:addons/
    4236 #: code:addons/
    4237 #: code:addons/
    4238 #, python-format
    4239 msgid "Not Implemented"
    4240 msgstr "Nerealizováno"
     6270#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_crm_caldav
     6271msgid "Meetings Synchronization"
     6272msgstr ""
     6274#. module: base
     6275#: field:ir.actions.act_window,context:0
     6276#: field:ir.filters,context:0
     6277msgid "Context Value"
     6278msgstr "Kontextová hodnota"
    42426280#. module: base
    42576295#. module: base
    4258 #: help:ir.filters,user_id:0
    4259 msgid "False means for every user"
    4260 msgstr "Nepravda znamená pro všechny uživatele"
    4262 #. module: base
    4263 #: code:addons/base/module/
     6296#: code:addons/base/module/
    42646297#, python-format
    42656298msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
    42666299msgstr "Jméno modulu musí být jedinečné !"
     6301#. module: base
     6302#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_contact
     6303msgid "Contacts Management"
     6304msgstr ""
     6306#. module: base
     6307#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_fr_rib
     6308msgid ""
     6310"This module lets users enter the banking details of Partners in the RIB format (French standard for bank accounts details).\n"
     6311"RIB Bank Accounts can be entered in the \"Accounting\" tab of the Partner form by specifying the account type \"RIB\". The four standard RIB fields will then become mandatory:\n"
     6312"- Bank Code\n"
     6313"- Office Code\n"
     6314"- Account number\n"
     6315"- RIB key\n"
     6316"As a safety measure, OpenERP will check the RIB key whenever a RIB is saved, and will refuse to record the data if the key is incorrect. Please bear in mind that this can only happen when the user presses the \"save\" button, for example on the Partner Form.\n"
     6317"Since each bank account may relate to a Bank, users may enter the RIB Bank Code in the Bank form - it will the pre-fill the Bank Code on the RIB when they select the Bank. \n"
     6318"To make this easier, this module will also let users find Banks using their RIB code.\n"
     6320"The module base_iban can be a useful addition to this module, because French banks are now progressively adopting the international IBAN format instead of the RIB format.\n"
     6321"The RIB and IBAN codes for a single account can be entered by recording two Bank Accounts in OpenERP: the first with the type \"RIB\", the second with the type \"IBAN\". \n"
     6322msgstr ""
     6324#. module: base
     6326msgid "Parameters that are used by all resources."
     6327msgstr ""
    42686329#. module: base
    42736334#. module: base
     6335#: help:ir.values,action_id:0
     6336msgid "Action bound to this entry - helper field for binding an action, will automatically set the correct reference"
     6337msgstr ""
     6339#. module: base
    42756341msgid "Long Term Planning"
    42786344#. module: base
    42796345#: field:ir.actions.server,message:0
     6346#: field:partner.massmail.wizard,text:0
    42806347#: view:partner.sms.send:0
    4281 #: field:partner.wizard.spam,text:0
    42826348#: field:res.log,name:0
    42836349msgid "Message"
    42976363#. module: base
     6364#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_accountant
     6365msgid "Accounting and Finance"
     6366msgstr ""
     6368#. module: base
     6369#: code:addons/base/module/
     6370#: view:ir.module.module:0
     6371#, python-format
     6372msgid "Upgrade"
     6373msgstr ""
     6375#. module: base
    42986376#: field:res.partner,address:0
    42996377#: view:res.partner.address:0
    43036381#. module: base
    4304 #: code:addons/
    4305 #, python-format
    4306 msgid "Unable to delete this document because it is used as a default property"
    4307 msgstr "Nelze smazat dokument, protože je použit jako výchozí vlastnost"
     6383msgid "Faroe Islands"
     6384msgstr "Faerské ostrovy"
     6386#. module: base
     6387#: field:ir.mail_server,smtp_encryption:0
     6388msgid "Connection Security"
     6389msgstr ""
     6391#. module: base
     6392#: code:addons/base/ir/
     6393#, python-format
     6394msgid "Please specify an action to launch !"
     6395msgstr "Prosíme určete akci k vykonání !"
     6397#. module: base
     6398#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_us
     6399msgid ""
     6401"        United States - Chart of accounts\n"
     6402"    "
     6403msgstr ""
    43096405#. module: base
    43146410#. module: base
    4315 #: view:base.module.upgrade:0
    4316 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_view_base_module_upgrade_window
    4317 #:,name:base.menu_view_base_module_upgrade
    4318 msgid "Apply Scheduled Upgrades"
    4319 msgstr "Použít plánované povýšení"
     6411#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_ec
     6412msgid "Ecuador - Accounting"
     6413msgstr "Ekvádor - Účetnictví"
     6415#. module: base
     6416#: field:res.partner.category,name:0
     6417msgid "Category Name"
     6418msgstr "Název kategorie"
    43216420#. module: base
    43316430#. module: base
     6431#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr
     6432msgid ""
     6434"Module for human resource management.\n"
     6437"You can manage:\n"
     6438"    * Employees and hierarchies : You can define your employee with User and display hierarchies\n"
     6439"    * HR Departments\n"
     6440"    * HR Jobs\n"
     6441"    "
     6442msgstr ""
     6444#. module: base
    43326445#: view:res.widget.wizard:0
    43336446msgid "Widget Wizard"
    43366449#. module: base
    4337 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.act_ir_actions_todo_form
    4338 msgid "The configuration wizards are used to help you configure a new instance of OpenERP. They are launched during the installation of new modules, but you can choose to restart some wizards manually from this menu."
    4339 msgstr "Potvrzovací průvodce je použit, aby vám pomohl nastavit novou instanci OpenERP. Je spuštěn během instalace nových modulů, ale nemůžet zvolit ručně z této nabídky restart některých průvodců."
    4341 #. module: base
    4342 #: code:addons/base/res/
     6450#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_hn
     6451msgid "Honduras - Accounting"
     6452msgstr "Honduras - Účetnictví"
     6454#. module: base
     6455#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_report_intrastat
     6456msgid "Intrastat Reporting"
     6457msgstr ""
     6459#. module: base
     6460#: code:addons/base/res/
    43436461#, python-format
    43446462msgid "Please use the change password wizard (in User Preferences or User menu) to change your own password."
    43476465#. module: base
    4348 #: code:addons/
     6466#: code:addons/
    43496467#, python-format
    43506468msgid "Insufficient fields for Calendar View!"
    43586476#. module: base
    4359 #:,report_rml:0
    4360 msgid "The path to the main report file (depending on Report Type) or NULL if the content is in another data field"
    4361 msgstr "Cesta k hlavnímu souboru výkazu (závisí na typu výkazu) nebo NULL, pokud obsah je jiné datové pole"
    4363 #. module: base
    4364 #: help:res.config.users,company_id:0
     6477#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
     6478msgid "Hindi / हिंदी"
     6479msgstr "Hindština / हिंदी"
     6481#. module: base
    43656482#: help:res.users,company_id:0
    43666483msgid "The company this user is currently working for."
    43796496#. module: base
    4380 #: field:res.groups,menu_access:0
    4381 msgid "Access Menu"
    4382 msgstr "Přístup k nabídce"
    4384 #. module: base
    4385 #:,
    4386 msgid "Namibia"
    4387 msgstr "Nambie"
     6497#: field:ir.cron,active:0
     6498#: field:ir.sequence,active:0
     6500#: field:res.currency,active:0
     6501#: field:res.lang,active:0
     6502#: field:res.partner,active:0
     6503#: field:res.partner.address,active:0
     6504#: field:res.partner.category,active:0
     6505#: field:res.request,active:0
     6506#: field:res.users,active:0
     6507#: view:workflow.instance:0
     6508#: view:workflow.workitem:0
     6509msgid "Active"
     6510msgstr "Aktivní"
     6512#. module: base
     6513#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_ma
     6514msgid "Maroc - Accounting"
     6515msgstr "Maroko - Účetnictví"
    43896517#. module: base
    43996527#. module: base
     6528#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_analytic_default
     6529msgid "Account Analytic Defaults"
     6530msgstr ""
     6532#. module: base
     6533#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_contract
     6534msgid ""
     6536"Add all information on the employee form to manage contracts.\n"
     6539"    * Marital status,\n"
     6540"    * Security number,\n"
     6541"    * Place of birth, birth date, ...\n"
     6543"You can assign several contracts per employee.\n"
     6544"    "
     6545msgstr ""
     6547#. module: base
    44006548#: selection:ir.ui.view,type:0
    44016549msgid "mdx"
    44026550msgstr "mdx"
     6552#. module: base
     6553#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_sale_crm
     6554msgid ""
     6556"This module adds a shortcut on one or several opportunity cases in the CRM.\n"
     6559"This shortcut allows you to generate a sales order based on the selected case.\n"
     6560"If different cases are open (a list), it generates one sale order by\n"
     6562"The case is then closed and linked to the generated sales order.\n"
     6564"We suggest you to install this module if you installed both the sale and the\n"
     6565"crm modules.\n"
     6566"    "
     6567msgstr ""
    44046569#. module: base
    44136578#: view:publisher_warranty.contract.wizard:0
    44146579#: view:res.request:0
    4415 #: wizard_button:server.action.create,init,end:0
    4416 #: wizard_button:server.action.create,step_1,end:0
    44176580msgid "Close"
    44186581msgstr "Zavřít"
    44256588#. module: base
     6589#: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
     6590#, python-format
     6591msgid "Please verify your publisher warranty serial number and validity."
     6592msgstr ""
     6594#. module: base
    44266595#: view:res.log:0
    44276596msgid "My Logs"
    44676636msgid "ISO code"
    44686637msgstr "Kód ISO"
    4470 #. module: base
    4471 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_config_view
    4472 msgid "res.config.view"
    4473 msgstr "res.config.view"
    44756639#. module: base
    44816645#. module: base
    4482 #:
    4483 msgid "The name of the country must be unique !"
    4484 msgstr "Jméno země musí být jedinečné !"
     6646#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_association
     6647msgid "Associations Management"
     6648msgstr ""
     6650#. module: base
     6651#: help:ir.model,modules:0
     6652msgid "List of modules in which the object is defined or inherited"
     6653msgstr ""
     6655#. module: base
     6656#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_payroll
     6657msgid "Payroll"
     6658msgstr "Mzdy"
    44866660#. module: base
    44916665#. module: base
     6666#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_delivery
     6667msgid ""
     6669"Allows you to add delivery methods in sale orders and picking.\n"
     6672"You can define your own carrier and delivery grids for prices.\n"
     6673"When creating invoices from picking, OpenERP is able to add and compute the shipping line.\n"
     6675"     "
     6676msgstr ""
     6678#. module: base
    44926679#: view:workflow.workitem:0
    44936680msgid "Workflow Workitems"
    45016688#. module: base
     6689#: field:ir.mail_server,smtp_pass:0
    45026690#: field:partner.sms.send,password:0
    4503 #: field:res.config.users,password:0
    45046691#: field:res.users,password:0
    45056692msgid "Password"
    45066693msgstr "Heslo"
     6695#. module: base
     6696#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_anglo_saxon
     6697msgid ""
     6699"This module supports the Anglo-Saxon accounting methodology by changing the accounting logic with stock transactions.\n"
     6702"The difference between the Anglo-Saxon accounting countries\n"
     6703"and the Rhine or also called Continental accounting countries is the moment of taking the Cost of Goods Sold versus Cost of Sales.\n"
     6704"Anglo-Saxons accounting does take the cost when sales invoice is created, Continental accounting will take the cost at the moment the goods are shipped.\n"
     6705"This module will add this functionality by using a interim account, to store the value of shipped goods and will contra book this interim account\n"
     6706"when the invoice is created to transfer this amount to the debtor or creditor account.\n"
     6707"Secondly, price differences between actual purchase price and fixed product standard price are booked on a separate account"
     6708msgstr ""
     6710#. module: base
     6711#: field:res.partner,title:0
     6712msgid "Partner Firm"
     6713msgstr ""
    45086715#. module: base
    45236730#. module: base
     6731#: field:ir.exports.line,name:0
     6732#: field:ir.translation,name:0
     6734msgid "Field Name"
     6735msgstr "Název pole"
     6737#. module: base
    45246738#: help:res.log,read:0
    45256739msgid "If this log item has been read, get() should not send it to the client"
    45266740msgstr "Pokud byla tato položka záznamu přečtena, get() by ji neměl odeslat klientovi"
     6742#. module: base
     6743#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_uservoice
     6744msgid ""
     6746"Add Feedback button in header.\n"
     6749"Invite OpenERP user feedback, powered by uservoice.\n"
     6750"    "
     6751msgstr ""
    45286753#. module: base
    45446769#. module: base
    4545 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.res_partner_canal-act
    4546 msgid "Track from where is coming your leads and opportunities by creating specific channels that will be maintained at the creation of a document in the system. Some examples of channels can be: Website, Phone Call, Reseller, etc."
    4547 msgstr ""
    4549 #. module: base
    4550 #:,name:base.bank_normal_field
    4551 msgid "acc_number"
    4552 msgstr "acc_number"
     6770#: view:ir.mail_server:0
     6771msgid "Test Connection"
     6772msgstr ""
    45546774#. module: base
    45626782msgid "Myanmar"
    4563 msgstr "Barma"
     6783msgstr "Myanmar"
     6785#. module: base
     6786#: help:ir.model.fields,modules:0
     6787msgid "List of modules in which the field is defined"
     6788msgstr ""
    45656790#. module: base
    45706795#. module: base
    45726798#: field:res.partner.address,street:0
    45826808#. module: base
    4583 #:,name:0
    4584 msgid "XML Identifier"
    4585 msgstr "XML identifikátor"
     6809#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_purchase_double_validation
     6810msgid ""
     6812"Double-validation for purchases exceeding minimum amount.\n"
     6815"This module modifies the purchase workflow in order to validate purchases\n"
     6816"that exceeds minimum amount set by configuration wizard.\n"
     6817"    "
     6818msgstr ""
     6820#. module: base
     6821#: field:res.currency,rounding:0
     6822msgid "Rounding Factor"
     6823msgstr "Faktor zaokrouhlení"
    45876825#. module: base
    45926830#. module: base
     6831#: code:addons/base/res/
     6832#, python-format
     6833msgid "Reg: "
     6834msgstr ""
     6836#. module: base
     6837#: help:res.currency.rate,currency_rate_type_id:0
     6838msgid "Allow you to define your own currency rate types, like 'Average' or 'Year to Date'. Leave empty if you simply want to use the normal 'spot' rate type"
     6839msgstr ""
     6841#. module: base
    45936842#: selection:ir.module.module.dependency,state:0
    45946843msgid "Unknown"
    46026851#. module: base
    4603 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     6852#: code:addons/base/ir/
    46046853#, python-format
    46056854msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
    46136862#. module: base
     6863#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_ro
     6864msgid ""
     6866"This is the module to manage the accounting chart, VAT structure and Registration Number for Romania in OpenERP.\n"
     6869"Romanian accounting chart and localization.\n"
     6870"    "
     6871msgstr ""
     6873#. module: base
    46156875msgid "Cameroon"
    46236883#. module: base
    4624 #: selection:ir.actions.todo,state:0
    4625 msgid "Skipped"
    4626 msgstr "Přeskočeno"
    4628 #. module: base
    46296884#: selection:ir.model.fields,state:0
    46306885msgid "Custom Field"
    46336888#. module: base
    4634 #: field:ir.module.module,web:0
    4635 msgid "Has a web component"
    4636 msgstr "Má webovou součást"
     6889#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_retro_planning
     6890msgid ""
     6892"Changes dates according to change in project End Date.\n"
     6895"If end date of project is changed then the deadline date and start date for all the tasks will change accordingly.\n"
     6896"    "
     6897msgstr ""
     6899#. module: base
     6900#: help:res.users,view:0
     6901msgid "OpenERP offers a simplified and an extended user interface. If you use OpenERP for the first time we strongly advise you to select the simplified interface, which has less features but is easier to use. You can switch to the other interface from the User/Preferences menu at any time."
     6902msgstr ""
    46386904#. module: base
    46656931#. module: base
    4666 #: code:addons/base/res/
     6933msgid "US Letter"
     6934msgstr ""
     6936#. module: base
     6937#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_stock_location
     6938msgid ""
     6940"This module supplements the Warehouse application by effectively implementing Push and Pull inventory flows.\n"
     6943"Typically this could be used to:\n"
     6944"    * Manage product manufacturing chains\n"
     6945"    * Manage default locations per product\n"
     6946"    * Define routes within your warehouse according to business needs, such as:\n"
     6947"       - Quality Control\n"
     6948"       - After Sales Services\n"
     6949"       - Supplier Returns\n"
     6951"    * Help rental management, by generating automated return moves for rented products\n"
     6953"Once this module is installed, an additional tab appear on the product form, where you can add\n"
     6954"Push and Pull flow specifications. The demo data of CPU1 product for that push/pull :\n"
     6956"Push flows\n"
     6958"Push flows are useful when the arrival of certain products in a given location should always\n"
     6959"be followed by a corresponding move to another location, optionally after a certain delay.\n"
     6960"The original Warehouse application already supports such Push flow specifications on the\n"
     6961"Locations themselves, but these cannot be refined per-product.\n"
     6963"A push flow specification indicates which location is chained with which location, and with\n"
     6964"what parameters. As soon as a given quantity of products is moved in the source location,\n"
     6965"a chained move is automatically foreseen according to the parameters set on the flow specification\n"
     6966"(destination location, delay, type of move, journal, etc.) The new move can be automatically\n"
     6967"processed, or require a manual confirmation, depending on the parameters.\n"
     6969"Pull flows\n"
     6971"Pull flows are a bit different from Push flows, in the sense that they are not related to\n"
     6972"the processing of product moves, but rather to the processing of procurement orders.\n"
     6973"What is being pulled is a need, not directly products.\n"
     6974"A classical example of Pull flow is when you have an Outlet company, with a parent Company\n"
     6975"that is responsible for the supplies of the Outlet.\n"
     6977"  [ Customer ] <- A - [ Outlet ]  <- B -  [ Holding ] <~ C ~ [ Supplier ]\n"
     6979"When a new procurement order (A, coming from the confirmation of a Sale Order for example) arrives\n"
     6980"in the Outlet, it is converted into another procurement (B, via a Pull flow of type 'move')\n"
     6981"requested from the Holding. When procurement order B is processed by the Holding company, and\n"
     6982"if the product is out of stock, it can be converted into a Purchase Order (C) from the Supplier\n"
     6983"(Pull flow of type Purchase). The result is that the procurement order, the need, is pushed\n"
     6984"all the way between the Customer and Supplier.\n"
     6986"Technically, Pull flows allow to process procurement orders differently, not only depending on\n"
     6987"the product being considered, but also depending on which location holds the \"need\" for that\n"
     6988"product (i.e. the destination location of that procurement order).\n"
     6993"You can use the demo data as follow:\n"
     6994"  CPU1: Sell some CPU1 from Shop 1 and run the scheduler\n"
     6995"     - Warehouse: delivery order, Shop 1: reception\n"
     6996"  CPU3:\n"
     6997"     - When receiving the product, it goes to Quality Control location then stored to shelf 2.\n"
     6998"     - When delivering the customer: Pick List -> Packing -> Delivery Order from Gate A\n"
     6999"    "
     7000msgstr ""
     7002#. module: base
     7003#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_marketing
     7004msgid ""
     7006"Menu for Marketing.\n"
     7009"Contains the installer for marketing-related modules.\n"
     7010"    "
     7011msgstr ""
     7013#. module: base
     7014#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_knowledge_management
     7015msgid "Knowledge Management"
     7016msgstr "Správa znalostí"
     7018#. module: base
     7019#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.bank_account_update
     7020msgid "Company Bank Accounts"
     7021msgstr ""
     7023#. module: base
     7024#: help:ir.mail_server,smtp_pass:0
     7025msgid "Optional password for SMTP authentication"
     7026msgstr ""
     7028#. module: base
     7029#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_mrp
     7030msgid ""
     7032"Automatically creates project tasks from procurement lines\n"
     7035"This module will automatically create a new task for each procurement\n"
     7036"order line (e.g. for sale order lines), if the corresponding product\n"
     7037"meets the following characteristics:\n"
     7039"  * Type = Service\n"
     7040"  * Procurement method (Order fulfillment) = MTO (make to order)\n"
     7041"  * Supply/Procurement method = Produce\n"
     7043"If on top of that a projet is specified on the product form (in the Procurement\n"
     7044"tab), then the new task will be created in that specific project.\n"
     7045"Otherwise, the new task will not belong to any project, and may be added to a\n"
     7046"project manually later.\n"
     7048"When the project task is completed or cancelled, the workflow of the corresponding\n"
     7049"procurement line is updated accordingly. For example if this procurement corresponds\n"
     7050"to a sale order line, the sale order line will be considered delivered when the\n"
     7051"task is completed.\n"
     7053msgstr ""
     7055#. module: base
     7056#: code:addons/base/res/
    46677057#, python-format
    46687058msgid ""
    46777067#. module: base
    4678 #: help:ir.cron,interval_number:0
    4679 msgid "Repeat every x."
    4680 msgstr "Opakovat každých x."
    4682 #. module: base
    4683 #: wizard_view:server.action.create,step_1:0
    4684 #: wizard_field:server.action.create,step_1,report:0
    4685 msgid "Select Report"
    4686 msgstr "Vybrat výkaz"
    4688 #. module: base
    4689 #: report:ir.module.reference.graph:0
    4690 msgid "1cm 28cm 20cm 28cm"
    4691 msgstr "1cm 28cm 20cm 28cm"
     7068#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_check_writing
     7069msgid ""
     7071"    Module for the Check writing and check printing  \n"
     7072"    "
     7073msgstr ""
     7075#. module: base
     7077msgid "Normal Bank Account"
     7078msgstr ""
     7080#. module: base
     7081#: view:ir.actions.wizard:0
     7083msgid "Wizard"
     7084msgstr "Průvodce"
     7086#. module: base
     7087#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_mailgate
     7088msgid ""
     7090"This module can automatically create Project Tasks based on incoming emails\n"
     7093"Allows creating tasks based on new emails arriving at a given mailbox,\n"
     7094"similarly to what the CRM application has for Leads/Opportunities.\n"
     7095"There are two common alternatives to configure the mailbox integration:\n"
     7097" * Install the ``fetchmail`` module and configure a new mailbox, then select\n"
     7098"   ``Project Tasks`` as the target for incoming emails.\n"
     7099" * Set it up manually on your mail server based on the 'mail gateway' script\n"
     7100"   provided in the ``mail`` module - and connect it to the `project.task` model.\n"
     7103"    "
     7104msgstr ""
     7106#. module: base
     7107#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_membership
     7108msgid ""
     7110"This module allows you to manage all operations for managing memberships.\n"
     7113"It supports different kind of members:\n"
     7114"* Free member\n"
     7115"* Associated member (eg.: a group subscribes to a membership for all subsidiaries)\n"
     7116"* Paid members,\n"
     7117"* Special member prices, ...\n"
     7119"It is integrated with sales and accounting to allow you to automatically\n"
     7120"invoice and send propositions for membership renewal.\n"
     7121"    "
     7122msgstr ""
     7124#. module: base
     7125#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_attendance
     7126msgid ""
     7128"This module aims to manage employee's attendances.\n"
     7131"Keeps account of the attendances of the employees on the basis of the\n"
     7132"actions(Sign in/Sign out) performed by them.\n"
     7133"       "
     7134msgstr ""
    46937136#. module: base
    47137156#. module: base
    4714 #: field:partner.wizard.spam,email_from:0
     7157#: field:partner.massmail.wizard,email_from:0
    47157158msgid "Sender's email"
    47167159msgstr "email odesílatele"
    47337176#. module: base
    4734 #: help:res.config.users,action_id:0
     7177#: help:ir.actions.server,subject:0
     7178msgid "Email subject, may contain expressions enclosed in double brackets based on the same values as those available in the condition field, e.g. `Hello [[ ]]`"
     7179msgstr ""
     7181#. module: base
     7182#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_sequence
     7183msgid ""
     7185"This module maintains internal sequence number for accounting entries.\n"
     7188"Allows you to configure the accounting sequences to be maintained.\n"
     7190"You can customize the following attributes of the sequence:\n"
     7191"    * Prefix\n"
     7192"    * Suffix\n"
     7193"    * Next Number\n"
     7194"    * Increment Number\n"
     7195"    * Number Padding\n"
     7196"    "
     7197msgstr ""
     7199#. module: base
     7201msgid "Tonga"
     7202msgstr "Tonga"
     7204#. module: base
     7205#: help:ir.model.fields,serialization_field_id:0
     7206msgid "If set, this field will be stored in the sparse structure of the serialization field, instead of having its own database column. This cannot be changed after creation."
     7207msgstr ""
     7209#. module: base
     7211msgid "Bank accounts belonging to one of your companies"
     7212msgstr ""
     7214#. module: base
    47357215#: help:res.users,action_id:0
    47367216msgid "If specified, this action will be opened at logon for this user, in addition to the standard menu."
    47397219#. module: base
     7220#: selection:ir.module.module,complexity:0
     7221msgid "Easy"
     7222msgstr ""
     7224#. module: base
    47407225#: view:ir.values:0
    47417226msgid "Client Actions"
    47447229#. module: base
    4745 #: code:addons/
    4746 #, python-format
    4747 msgid "The exists method is not implemented on this object !"
    4748 msgstr "Metoda exists není realizována pro tento objekt !"
    4750 #. module: base
    4751 #: code:addons/base/module/
     7230#: help:ir.actions.server,trigger_obj_id:0
     7231msgid "The field on the current object that links to the target object record (must be a many2one, or an integer field with the record ID)"
     7232msgstr ""
     7234#. module: base
     7235#: code:addons/base/module/
    47527236#, python-format
    47537237msgid ""
    47657249#. module: base
    4766 #: view:ir.values:0
    4767 msgid "Connect Events to Actions"
    4768 msgstr "Připojit události k akcím"
     7250#: help:res.currency,position:0
     7251msgid "Determines where the currency symbol should be placed after or before the amount."
     7252msgstr ""
    47707254#. module: base
    47757259#. module: base
    4776 #: field:ir.module.category,parent_id:0
    47777260#: field:res.partner.category,parent_id:0
    47787261msgid "Parent Category"
    47877270#: selection:res.partner.address,type:0
    47887271#: selection:res.partner.title,domain:0
    4789 #: view:res.users:0
    47907272msgid "Contact"
    47917273msgstr "Kontaktní"
     7275#. module: base
     7276#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_at
     7277msgid "Austria - Accounting"
     7278msgstr "Rakousko - Účetnictví"
    47937280#. module: base
    47987285#. module: base
     7286#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_project_management
     7287#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project
     7288msgid "Project Management"
     7289msgstr "Správa projektů"
     7291#. module: base
    48007293msgid "United States"
    48017294msgstr "Spojené státy"
     7296#. module: base
     7297#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_crm_fundraising
     7298msgid "Fundraising"
     7299msgstr ""
    48037301#. module: base
    48157313#. module: base
     7314#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_analytic
     7315msgid "Analytic Accounting"
     7316msgstr "Analytické účetnictví"
     7318#. module: base
    48177320msgid "RML Report"
    48257328#. module: base
    4826 #: code:addons/base/module/
     7329#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_be
     7330msgid "Belgium - Accounting"
     7331msgstr "Belgie - Účetnictví"
     7333#. module: base
     7334#: code:addons/base/module/
    48277335#, python-format
    48287336msgid "Module %s: Invalid Quality Certificate"
    48467354#. module: base
     7356msgid "You cannot have multiple records with the same external ID in the same module!"
     7357msgstr ""
     7359#. module: base
    48487361msgid "Many2One"
    48567369#. module: base
    4857 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    4858 #, python-format
    4859 msgid "For selection fields, the Selection Options must be given!"
    4860 msgstr "Volby výběru musí být dány pro vybraná pole."
    4862 #. module: base
    4863 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_partner_sms_send
    4864 msgid "SMS Send"
    4865 msgstr "Poslat SMS"
     7370#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_crm_caldav
     7371msgid ""
     7373"Caldav features in Meeting.\n"
     7376"    *  Share meeting with other calendar clients like sunbird\n"
     7377msgstr ""
     7379#. module: base
     7380#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_iban
     7381msgid "IBAN Bank Accounts"
     7382msgstr ""
    48677384#. module: base
    48777394#. module: base
    4878 #: view:ir.values:0
    4879 msgid "Values for Event Type"
    4880 msgstr "Hodnoty pro typ události"
     7395#: field:ir.actions.server,wkf_model_id:0
     7396msgid "Target Object"
     7397msgstr ""
    48827399#. module: base
    48927409#. module: base
    4893 #: help:ir.actions.server,name:0
    4894 msgid "Easy to Refer action by name e.g. One Sales Order -> Many Invoices"
    4895 msgstr "Jednoduše odkazovaná jméno akce např. Jedena prodejní objednávka -> Mnoho faktur"
     7410#: field:ir.default,ref_id:0
     7411msgid "ID Ref."
     7412msgstr "ID Ref."
    48977414#. module: base
    49127429#. module: base
     7430#: help:ir.values,model_id:0
     7431msgid "Model to which this entry applies - helper field for setting a model, will automatically set the correct model name"
     7432msgstr ""
     7434#. module: base
    49137435#: view:res.lang:0
    49147436msgid "2.  %a ,%A         ==> Fri, Friday"
    49177439#. module: base
    4918 #: field:res.widget,content:0
    4919 msgid "Content"
    4920 msgstr "Obsah"
     7440#: view:res.request.history:0
     7441msgid "Request History"
     7442msgstr "Historie požadavku"
    49227444#. module: base
    49327454#. module: base
     7455#: help:ir.cron,priority:0
     7456msgid "The priority of the job, as an integer: 0 means higher priority, 10 means lower priority."
     7457msgstr ""
     7459#. module: base
    49337460#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_workflow_transition
    49347461msgid "workflow.transition"
    49427469#. module: base
    4943 #: report:ir.module.reference.graph:0
    4944 msgid "Introspection report on objects"
    4945 msgstr "Výkaz vnitřního náhledu objektů"
     7471msgid "Submenus"
     7472msgstr ""
     7474#. module: base
     7475#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_extended
     7476msgid "Extended View"
     7477msgstr ""
    49477479#. module: base
    49577489#. module: base
    4958 #: sql_constraint:publisher_warranty.contract:0
    4959 msgid "Your publisher warranty contract is already subscribed in the system !"
    4960 msgstr "Vaše smlouva o záruce vydavatele je již podepsána v systému !"
    4962 #. module: base
    4963 #: help:ir.cron,nextcall:0
    4964 msgid "Next planned execution date for this scheduler"
    4965 msgstr "Další plánovaný datum spuštění pro tento plánovač"
    4967 #. module: base
    4968 #: help:res.config.users,view:0
    4969 #: help:res.users,view:0
    4970 msgid "Choose between the simplified interface and the extended one"
    4971 msgstr "Vyberte mezi zjednodušeným rozhraním a rozšířenou variantou"
     7490#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_module_record
     7491msgid "Record and Create Modules"
     7492msgstr ""
     7494#. module: base
     7495#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_partner_sms_send
     7496#: view:partner.sms.send:0
     7497msgid "Send SMS"
     7498msgstr "Zaslat SMS"
     7500#. module: base
     7501#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_holidays
     7502msgid ""
     7504"This module allows you to manage leaves and leaves' requests.\n"
     7507"Implements a dashboard for human resource management that includes.\n"
     7508"    * Leaves\n"
     7510"Note that:\n"
     7511"    - A synchronisation with an internal agenda (use of the CRM module) is possible: in order to automatically create a case when an holiday request is accepted, you have to link the holidays status to a case section. You can set up this info and your colour preferences in\n"
     7512"                Human Resources/Configuration/Holidays/Leave Type\n"
     7513"    - An employee can make an ask for more off-days by making a new Allocation It will increase his total of that leave type available (if the request is accepted).\n"
     7514"    - There are two ways to print the employee's holidays:\n"
     7515"        * The first will allow to choose employees by department and is used by clicking the menu item located in\n"
     7516"                Human Resources/Reporting/Holidays/Leaves by Department\n"
     7517"        * The second will allow you to choose the holidays report for specific employees. Go on the list\n"
     7518"                Human Resources/Human Resources/Employees\n"
     7519"                then select the ones you want to choose, click on the print icon and select the option\n"
     7520"                'Employee's Holidays'\n"
     7521"    - The wizard allows you to choose if you want to print either the Confirmed & Validated holidays or only the Validated ones. These states must be set up by a user from the group 'HR'. You can define these features in the security tab from the user data in\n"
     7522"                Administration / Users / Users\n"
     7523"                for example, you maybe will do it for the user 'admin'.\n"
     7524msgstr ""
     7526#. module: base
     7528msgid "XSL path"
     7529msgstr "Cesta k XSL"
     7531#. module: base
     7532#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_invoice_layout
     7533msgid "Invoice Layouts"
     7534msgstr ""
     7536#. module: base
     7537#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_stock_location
     7538msgid "Advanced Routes"
     7539msgstr "Pokročilé trasy"
     7541#. module: base
     7542#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_pad
     7543msgid "Collaborative Pads"
     7544msgstr ""
     7546#. module: base
     7547#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_anglo_saxon
     7548msgid "Anglo-Saxon Accounting"
     7549msgstr "Anglosaské účetnictví"
    49737551#. module: base
    49787556#. module: base
    4979 #: code:addons/
    4980 #, python-format
    4981 msgid "Invalid value for reference field \"%s\" (last part must be a non-zero integer): \"%s\""
    4982 msgstr "Neplatná hodnota pole odkazu \"%s\" (poslední část musí být nenulové číslo): \"%s\""
    4984 #. module: base
    4985 #: help:ir.cron,args:0
    4986 msgid "Arguments to be passed to the method. e.g. (uid,)"
    4987 msgstr "Parametry, které budou předány metodě. např. (uid,)"
    4989 #. module: base
    4990 #:,groups_id:0
    4991 msgid "If you have groups, the visibility of this menu will be based on these groups. If this field is empty, OpenERP will compute visibility based on the related object's read access."
    4992 msgstr "Pokud máte skupiny, viditelnost této nabídky bude založena na těchto skupinách. Pokud je toto pole prázdné, OpenERP spočítá viditelnost na základě přístupu pro čtení vztažených objektů."
     7557#: help:res.groups,implied_ids:0
     7558msgid "Users of this group automatically inherit those groups"
     7559msgstr ""
     7561#. module: base
     7562#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_attendance
     7563msgid "Attendances"
     7564msgstr "Docházka"
     7566#. module: base
     7567#: field:ir.module.category,visible:0
     7568msgid "Visible"
     7569msgstr "Viditelné"
    49947571#. module: base
    50067583#. module: base
     7584#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_wiki_quality_manual
     7585msgid ""
     7587"Quality Manual Template.\n"
     7590"It provides demo data, thereby creating a Wiki Group and a Wiki Page\n"
     7591"for Wiki Quality Manual.\n"
     7592"    "
     7593msgstr ""
     7595#. module: base
     7596#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.act_values_form_action
     7598#: view:ir.values:0
     7599msgid "Action Bindings"
     7600msgstr ""
     7602#. module: base
    50077603#: view:ir.sequence:0
    50087604msgid "Seconde: %(sec)s"
    50167612#. module: base
    5017 #: code:addons/base/module/
     7613#: code:addons/base/module/
    50187614#, python-format
    50197615msgid "Unable to upgrade module \"%s\" because an external dependency is not met: %s"
    50227618#. module: base
    5023 #: code:addons/base/res/
    5024 #, python-format
    5025 msgid "Please keep in mind that documents currently displayed may not be relevant after switching to another company. If you have unsaved changes, please make sure to save and close all forms before switching to a different company. (You can click on Cancel in the User Preferences now)"
    5026 msgstr ""
     7619#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account
     7620msgid "eInvoicing"
     7621msgstr ""
     7623#. module: base
     7624#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_association
     7625msgid ""
     7627"This module is to configure modules related to an association.\n"
     7630"It installs the profile for associations to manage events, registrations, memberships, membership products (schemes), etc.\n"
     7631"    "
     7632msgstr ""
     7634#. module: base
     7635#: code:addons/
     7636#, python-format
     7637msgid "The value \"%s\" for the field \"%s.%s\" is not in the selection"
     7638msgstr "Hodnota \"%s\" pro pole \"%s.%s\" není ve výběru"
    50287640#. module: base
    50387650#. module: base
    5039 #: code:addons/
     7651#: code:addons/
    50407652#, python-format
    50417653msgid "Object %s does not exists"
    50427654msgstr "Objekt %s neexistuje"
     7656#. module: base
     7657#: view:res.lang:0
     7658msgid "%j - Day of the year [001,366]."
     7659msgstr "%j - Den v roce [001,366]."
    50447661#. module: base
    50497666#. module: base
     7667#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_wiki
     7668msgid "Wiki"
     7669msgstr "Wiki"
     7671#. module: base
     7672#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_de
     7673msgid ""
     7675"Dieses  Modul beinhaltet einen deutschen Kontenrahmen basierend auf dem SKR03.\n"
     7678"German accounting chart and localization.\n"
     7679"    "
     7680msgstr ""
     7682#. module: base
    50517684msgid "Reload from Attachment"
    50547687#. module: base
    5055 #:,
    5056 msgid "Bouvet Island"
    5057 msgstr "Ostrov Bouvet"
     7688#: view:ir.module.module:0
     7689msgid "Hide technical modules"
     7690msgstr ""
     7692#. module: base
     7693#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_procurement
     7694msgid ""
     7696"This is the module for computing Procurements.\n"
     7699"In the MRP process, procurements orders are created to launch manufacturing\n"
     7700"orders, purchase orders, stock allocations, etc. Procurement orders are\n"
     7701"generated automatically by the system and unless there is a problem, the\n"
     7702"user will not be notified. In case of problems, the system will raise some\n"
     7703"procurement exceptions to inform the user about blocking problems that need\n"
     7704"to be resolved manually (like, missing BoM structure or missing supplier).\n"
     7706"The procurement order will schedule a proposal for automatic procurement\n"
     7707"for the product which needs replenishment. This procurement will start a\n"
     7708"task, either a purchase order form for the supplier, or a production order\n"
     7709"depending on the product's configuration.\n"
     7710"    "
     7711msgstr ""
     7713#. module: base
     7715msgid "Mexico"
     7716msgstr "Mexiko"
     7718#. module: base
     7719#: code:addons/base/ir/
     7720#, python-format
     7721msgid "Missing SMTP Server"
     7722msgstr ""
    50597724#. module: base
    50707735#. module: base
    5071 #: view:res.config.users:0
    5072 msgid "Add User"
    5073 msgstr "Přidat uživatele"
    5075 #. module: base
    50767736#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_view_base_module_upgrade_install
    50777737msgid "Module Upgrade Install"
    50807740#. module: base
     7741#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_email_template
     7742msgid "E-Mail Templates"
     7743msgstr ""
     7745#. module: base
    50817746#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_configuration_wizard
    50827747msgid "ir.actions.configuration.wizard"
    50837748msgstr "ir.actions.configuration.wizard"
     7750#. module: base
     7751#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_report_webkit
     7752msgid ""
     7754"This module adds a new Report Engine based on WebKit library (wkhtmltopdf) to support reports designed in HTML + CSS.\n"
     7757"The module structure and some code is inspired by the report_openoffice module.\n"
     7759"The module allows:\n"
     7761"    - HTML report definition\n"
     7762"    - Multi header support\n"
     7763"    - Multi logo\n"
     7764"    - Multi company support\n"
     7765"    - HTML and CSS-3 support (In the limit of the actual WebKIT version)\n"
     7766"    - JavaScript support\n"
     7767"    - Raw HTML debugger\n"
     7768"    - Book printing capabilities\n"
     7769"    - Margins definition\n"
     7770"    - Paper size definition\n"
     7772"... and much more\n"
     7774"Multiple headers and logos can be defined per company.\n"
     7775"CSS style, header and footer body are defined per company.\n"
     7777"For a sample report see also the webkit_report_sample module, and this video:\n"
     7780"Requirements and Installation\n"
     7782"This module requires the ``wkthtmltopdf`` library to render HTML documents as\n"
     7783"PDF. Version 0.9.9 or later is necessary, and can be found at\n"
     7784"for Linux, Mac OS X (i386) and Windows (32bits).\n"
     7786"After installing the library on the OpenERP Server machine, you need to set the\n"
     7787"path to the ``wkthtmltopdf`` executable file on each Company.\n"
     7789"If you are experiencing missing header/footer problems on Linux, be sure to\n"
     7790"install a \"static\" version of the library. The default ``wkhtmltopdf`` on\n"
     7791"Ubuntu is known to have this issue.\n"
     7797" * JavaScript support activation deactivation\n"
     7798" * Collated and book format support\n"
     7799" * Zip return for separated PDF\n"
     7800" * Web client WYSIWYG\n"
     7802"                    "
     7803msgstr ""
     7805#. module: base
     7806#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_gt
     7807msgid ""
     7809"This is the base module to manage the accounting chart for Guatemala.\n"
     7812"Agrega una nomenclatura contable para Guatemala. También icluye impuestos y la moneda del Quetzal. -- Adds accounting chart for Guatemala.  It also includes taxes and the Quetzal currency"
     7813msgstr ""
    50857815#. module: base
    51267856#. module: base
    51277857#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_base_module_import
    5128 #:,name:base.menu_view_base_module_import
    51297858msgid "Import Module"
    51307859msgstr "Importovat modul"
    51427871#. module: base
    5143 #: field:res.log,secondary:0
    5144 msgid "Secondary Log"
    5145 msgstr "Vedlejší záznam"
     7872#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_caldav
     7873msgid ""
     7875"This module contains basic functionality for Caldav system.\n"
     7878"  - Webdav server that provides remote access to calendar\n"
     7879"  - Synchronisation of calendar using WebDAV\n"
     7880"  - Customize calendar event and todo attribute with any of OpenERP model\n"
     7881"  - Provides iCal Import/Export functionality\n"
     7883"To access Calendars using CalDAV clients, point them to:\n"
     7884"    http://HOSTNAME:PORT/webdav/DATABASE_NAME/calendars/users/USERNAME/c\n"
     7886"To access OpenERP Calendar using WebCal to remote site use the URL like:\n"
     7887"    http://HOSTNAME:PORT/webdav/DATABASE_NAME/Calendars/CALENDAR_NAME.ics\n"
     7889"    Where,\n"
     7890"        HOSTNAME: Host on which OpenERP server(With webdav) is running\n"
     7891"        PORT : Port on which OpenERP server is running (By Default : 8069)\n"
     7892"        DATABASE_NAME: Name of database on which OpenERP Calendar is created\n"
     7893"        CALENDAR_NAME: Name of calendar to access\n"
     7894msgstr ""
    51477896#. module: base
    51527901#. module: base
     7902#: code:addons/base/ir/
     7903#, python-format
     7904msgid "Everything seems properly set up!"
     7905msgstr ""
     7907#. module: base
     7908#: field:res.users,date:0
     7909msgid "Latest Connection"
     7910msgstr ""
     7912#. module: base
    51547914msgid "Request Link"
    51557915msgstr "Odkaz požadavku"
     7917#. module: base
     7918#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_plugin_outlook
     7919msgid ""
     7921"This module provides the Outlook Plug-in.\n"
     7923"Outlook plug-in allows you to select an object that you would like to add\n"
     7924"to your email and its attachments from MS Outlook. You can select a partner, a task,\n"
     7925"a project, an analytical account, or any other object and archive selected\n"
     7926"mail into mail.message with attachments.\n"
     7927"      "
     7928msgstr ""
    51577930#. module: base
    51647937#. module: base
     7938#: help:res.users,context_tz:0
     7939msgid "The user's timezone, used to output proper date and time values inside printed reports. It is important to set a value for this field. You should use the same timezone that is otherwise used to pick and render date and time values: your computer's timezone."
     7940msgstr ""
     7942#. module: base
    51667944msgid "The full name of the country."
    51747952#. module: base
    5175 #: code:addons/
    5176 #: code:addons/
     7953#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_planning
     7954msgid "Resources Planing"
     7955msgstr ""
     7957#. module: base
     7958#: field:ir.module.module,complexity:0
     7959msgid "Complexity"
     7960msgstr ""
     7962#. module: base
     7963#: selection:ir.actions.act_window,target:0
     7964msgid "Inline"
     7965msgstr ""
     7967#. module: base
     7969msgid "bank_bic"
     7970msgstr ""
     7972#. module: base
     7973#: code:addons/
     7974#: code:addons/
    51777975#, python-format
    51787976msgid "UserError"
    51797977msgstr "UserError"
     7979#. module: base
     7980#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_analytic_default
     7981msgid ""
     7982"Set default values for your analytic accounts\n"
     7983"Allows to automatically select analytic accounts based on criterions:\n"
     7986"* Product\n"
     7987"* Partner\n"
     7988"* User\n"
     7989"* Company\n"
     7990"* Date\n"
     7991"    "
     7992msgstr ""
    51817994#. module: base
    51867999#. module: base
     8000#: code:addons/
     8001#, python-format
     8002msgid "Unable to delete this document because it is used as a default property"
     8003msgstr "Nelze smazat dokument, protože je použit jako výchozí vlastnost"
     8005#. module: base
    51888007msgid "Recruitment"
    51918010#. module: base
     8011#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_gr
     8012msgid ""
     8014"This is the base module to manage the accounting chart for Greece.\n"
     8017"Greek accounting chart and localization.\n"
     8018"    "
     8019msgstr ""
     8021#. module: base
     8022#: view:ir.values:0
     8023msgid "Action Reference"
     8024msgstr ""
     8026#. module: base
    51938028msgid "Reunion (French)"
    51968031#. module: base
    5197 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     8032#: code:addons/base/ir/
    51988033#, python-format
    51998034msgid "New column name must still start with x_ , because it is a custom field!"
    52008035msgstr "Jméno nového sloupce musí začínat s x_, protože jde o vlastní pole!"
     8037#. module: base
     8038#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_wiki
     8039msgid ""
     8041"The base module to manage documents(wiki).\n"
     8044"Keep track of Wiki groups, pages, and history.\n"
     8045"    "
     8046msgstr ""
     8048#. module: base
     8049#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_mrp_repair
     8050msgid "Repairs Management"
     8051msgstr ""
     8053#. module: base
     8054#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_asset
     8055msgid "Assets Management"
     8056msgstr ""
    52028058#. module: base
    52098065#. module: base
     8066#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_stock_planning
     8067msgid ""
     8069"MPS allows to create a manual procurement plan apart of the normal MRP scheduling, which works automatically based on minimum stock rules\n"
     8072"Quick Glossary\n"
     8074"- Stock Period - the time boundaries (between Start Date and End Date) for your Sales and Stock forecasts and planning\n"
     8075"- Sales Forecast - the quantity of products you plan to sell during the related Stock Period.\n"
     8076"- Stock Planning - the quantity of products you plan to purchase or produce for the related Stock Period.\n"
     8078"To avoid confusion with the terms used by the ``sale_forecast`` module, (\"Sales Forecast\" and \"Planning\" are amounts) we use terms \"Stock and Sales Forecast\" and \"Stock Planning\" to emphasize that we use quantity values.\n"
     8080"Where to begin\n"
     8082"Using this module is done in three steps:\n"
     8084" * Create Stock Periods via the Warehouse>Configuration>Stock Periods menu (Mandatory step)\n"
     8085" * Create Sale Forecasts fill them with forecast quantities, via the Sales>Sales Forecast menu. (Optional step but useful for further planning)\n"
     8086" * Create the actual MPS plan, check the balance and trigger the procurements as required. The actual procurement is the final step for the Stock Period.\n"
     8088"Stock Period configuration\n"
     8090"You have two menu items for Periods in \"Warehouse > Configuration > Stock Periods\". There are:\n"
     8092" * \"Create Stock Periods\" - can automatically creating daily, weekly or monthly periods.\n"
     8093" * \"Stock Periods\" - allows to create any type of periods, change the dates and change the state of period.\n"
     8095"Creating periods is the first step. You can create custom periods using the \"New\" button in \"Stock Periods\", but it is recommended to use the automatic assistant \"Create Stock Periods\".\n"
     8099" - These periods (Stock Periods) are completely distinct from Financial or other periods in the system.\n"
     8100" - Periods are not assigned to companies (when you use multicompany). Module suppose that you use the same periods across companies. If you wish to use different periods for different companies define them as you wish (they can overlap). Later on in this text will be indications how to use such periods.\n"
     8101" - When periods are created automatically their start and finish dates are with start hour 00:00:00 and end hour 23:59:00. When you create daily periods they will have start date 31.01.2010 00:00:00 and end date 31.01.2010 23:59:00. It works only in automatic creation of periods. When you create periods manually you have to take care about hours because you can have incorrect values form sales or stock.\n"
     8102" - If you use overlapping periods for the same product, warehouse and company results can be unpredictable.\n"
     8103" - If current date doesn't belong to any period or you have holes between periods results can be unpredictable.\n"
     8105"Sales Forecasts configuration\n"
     8107"You have few menus for Sales forecast in \"Sales > Sales Forecasts\":\n"
     8109" - \"Create Sales Forecasts\" - can automatically create forecast lines according to your needs\n"
     8110" - \"Sales Forecasts\" - for managing the Sales forecasts\n"
     8112"Menu \"Create Sales Forecasts\" creates Forecasts for products from selected Category, for selected Period and for selected Warehouse.\n"
     8113"It is also possible to copy the previous forecast.\n"
     8117" - This tool doesn't duplicate lines if you already have an entry for the same Product, Period, Warehouse, created or validated by the same user. If you wish to create another forecast, if relevant lines exists you have to do it manually as described below.\n"
     8118" - When created lines are validated by someone else you can use this tool to create another line for the same Period, Product and Warehouse.\n"
     8119" - When you choose \"Copy Last Forecast\", created line take quantity and other settings from your (validated by you or created by you if not validated yet) forecast which is for last period before period of created forecast.\n"
     8121"On \"Sales Forecast\" form mainly you have to enter a forecast quantity in \"Product Quantity\".\n"
     8122"Further calculation can work for draft forecasts. But validation can save your data against any accidental changes.\n"
     8123"You can click \"Validate\" button but it is not mandatory.\n"
     8125"Instead of forecast quantity you may enter the amount of forecast sales via the \"Product Amount\" field.\n"
     8126"The system will count quantity from amount according to Sale price of the Product.\n"
     8128"All values on the form are expressed in unit of measure selected on form.\n"
     8129"You can select a unit of measure from the default category or from secondary category.\n"
     8130"When you change unit of measure the forecast product quantity will be re-computed according to new UoM.\n"
     8132"To work out your Sale Forecast you can use the \"Sales History\" of the product.\n"
     8133"You have to enter parameters to the top and left of this table and system will count sale quantities according to these parameters.\n"
     8134"So you can get results for a given sales team or period.\n"
     8137"MPS or Procurement Planning\n"
     8139"An MPS planning consists in Stock Planning lines, used to analyze and possibly drive the procurement of \n"
     8140"products for each relevant Stock Period and Warehouse.\n"
     8141"The menu is located in \"Warehouse > Schedulers > Master Procurement Schedule\":\n"
     8143" - \"Create Stock Planning Lines\" - a wizard to help automatically create many planning lines\n"
     8144" - \"Master Procurement Schedule\" - management of your planning lines\n"
     8146"Similarly to the way Sales forecast serves to define your sales planning, the MPS lets you plan your procurements (Purchase/Manufacturing).\n"
     8147"You can quickly populate the MPS with the \"Create Stock Planning Lines\" wizard, and then proceed to review them via the \"Master Procurement Schedule\" menu.\n"
     8149"The \"Create Stock Planning Lines\" wizard lets you to quickly create all MPS lines for a given Product Category, and a given Period and Warehouse.\n"
     8150"When you enable the \"All Products with Forecast\" option of the wizard, the system creates lines for all products having sales forecast for selected\n"
     8151"Period and Warehouse (the selected Category will be ignored in this case).\n"
     8153"Under menu \"Master Procurement Schedule\" you will usually change the \"Planned Out\" and \"Planned In\" quantities and observe the resulting \"Stock Simulation\" value\n"
     8154"to decide if you need to procure more products for the given Period.\n"
     8155"\"Planned Out\" will be initially based on \"Warehouse Forecast\" which is the sum of all outgoing stock moves already planned for the Period and Warehouse.\n"
     8156"Of course you can alter this value to provide your own quantities. It is not necessary to have any forecast.\n"
     8157"\"Planned In\" quantity is used to calculate field \"Incoming Left\" which is the quantity to be procured to reach the \"Stock Simulation\" at the end of Period.\n"
     8158"You can compare \"Stock Simulation\" quantity to minimum stock rules visible on the form.\n"
     8159"And you can plan different quantity than in Minimum Stock Rules. Calculations are done for whole Warehouse by default,\n"
     8160"if you want to see values for Stock location of calculated warehouse you can check \"Stock Location Only\".\n"
     8162"When you are satisfied with the \"Planned Out\", \"Planned In\" and end of period \"Stock Simulation\",\n"
     8163"you can click on \"Procure Incoming Left\" to create a procurement for the \"Incoming Left\" quantity.\n"
     8164"You can decide if procurement will go to the to Stock or Input location of the Warehouse.\n"
     8166"If you don't want to Produce or Buy the product but just transfer the calculated quantity from another warehouse\n"
     8167"you can click \"Supply from Another Warehouse\" (instead of \"Procure Incoming Left\") and the system will\n"
     8168"create the appropriate picking list (stock moves).\n"
     8169"You can choose to take the goods from the Stock or the Output location of the source warehouse.\n"
     8170"Destination location (Stock or Input) in the destination warehouse will be taken as for the procurement case.\n"
     8172"To see update the quantities of \"Confirmed In\", \"Confirmed Out\", \"Confirmed In Before\", \"Planned Out Before\"\n"
     8173"and \"Stock Simulation\" you can press \"Calculate Planning\".\n"
     8175"All values on the form are expressed in unit of measure selected on form.\n"
     8176"You can select one of unit of measure from default category or from secondary category.\n"
     8177"When you change unit of measure the editable quantities will be re-computed according to new UoM. The others will be updated after pressing \"Calculate Planning\".\n"
     8179"Computation of Stock Simulation quantities\n"
     8181"The Stock Simulation value is the estimated stock quantity at the end of the period.\n"
     8182"The calculation always starts with the real stock on hand at the beginning of the current period, then\n"
     8183"adds or subtracts the computed quantities.\n"
     8184"When you are in the same period (current period is the same as calculated) Stock Simulation is calculated as follows:\n"
     8186"Stock Simulation =\n"
     8187"\tStock of beginning of current Period\n"
     8188"\t- Planned Out\n"
     8189"\t+ Planned In\n"
     8191"When you calculate period next to current:\n"
     8193"Stock Simulation =\n"
     8194"\tStock of beginning of current Period\n"
     8195"\t- Planned Out of current Period\n"
     8196"\t+ Confirmed In of current Period  (incl. Already In)\n"
     8197"\t- Planned Out of calculated Period\n"
     8198"\t+ Planned In of calculated Period .\n"
     8200"As you see the calculated Period is taken the same way as in previous case, but the calculation in the current\n"
     8201"Period is a little bit different. First you should note that system takes for only Confirmed moves for the\n"
     8202"current period. This means that you should complete the planning and procurement of the current Period before\n"
     8203"going to the next one.\n"
     8205"When you plan for future Periods:\n"
     8207"Stock Simulation =\n"
     8208"\tStock of beginning of current Period\n"
     8209"\t- Sum of Planned Out of Periods before calculated\n"
     8210"\t+ Sum of Confirmed In of Periods before calculated (incl. Already In)\n"
     8211"\t- Planned Out of calculated Period\n"
     8212"\t+ Planned In of calculated Period.\n"
     8214"Here \"Periods before calculated\" designates all periods starting with the current until the period before the one being calculated.\n"
     8218" - Remember to make the proceed with the planning of each period in chronological order, otherwise the numbers will not reflect the\n"
     8219"   reality\n"
     8220" - If you planned for future periods and find that real Confirmed Out is larger than Planned Out in some periods before,\n"
     8221"   you can repeat Planning and make another procurement. You should do it in the same planning line.\n"
     8222"   If you create another planning line the suggestions can be wrong.\n"
     8223" - When you wish to work with different periods for some products, define two kinds of periods (e.g. Weekly and Monthly) and use\n"
     8224"   them for different products. Example: If you use always Weekly periods for Product A, and Monthly periods for Product B\n"
     8225"   all calculations will work correctly. You can also use different kind of periods for the same product from different warehouse\n"
     8226"   or companies. But you cannot use overlapping periods for the same product, warehouse and company because results\n"
     8227"   can be unpredictable. The same applies to Forecasts lines.\n"
     8228msgstr ""
     8230#. module: base
    52118232msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
    5212 msgstr "Severní Mariánské ostrovy"
     8233msgstr "Severní Mariany"
     8235#. module: base
     8236#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_claim_from_delivery
     8237msgid "Claim on Deliveries"
     8238msgstr ""
    52148240#. module: base
    52168242msgid "Solomon Islands"
    5217 msgstr "Šalamounovy Ostrovy"
    5219 #. module: base
    5220 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    5221 #: code:addons/
    5222 #: code:addons/
    5223 #: code:addons/
    5224 #: code:addons/
    5225 #: code:addons/
     8243msgstr "Šalamounovy ostrovy"
     8245#. module: base
     8246#: code:addons/base/ir/
     8247#: code:addons/
     8248#: code:addons/
     8249#: code:addons/
     8250#: code:addons/
     8251#: code:addons/
    52268252#, python-format
    52278253msgid "AccessError"
    52358261#. module: base
    5236 #: code:addons/
    5237 #, python-format
    5238 msgid "Could not load base module"
    5239 msgstr "Nelze načíst základní modul"
     8262#: field:ir.exports,resource:0
     8263#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_resource
     8266msgid "Resource"
     8267msgstr "Zdroj"
    52418269#. module: base
    52468274#. module: base
    5247 #: code:addons/
    5248 #, python-format
    5249 msgid "The copy method is not implemented on this object !"
    5250 msgstr "Kopírovací metoda není u tohoto objektu realizována !"
     8275#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_module_doc_rst
     8276msgid ""
     8278"This module generates the Technical Guides of selected modules in Restructured Text format (RST).\n"
     8281"    * It uses the Sphinx ( implementation of RST\n"
     8282"    * It creates a tarball (.tgz file suffix) containing an index file and one file per module\n"
     8283"    * Generates Relationship Graph\n"
     8284"    "
     8285msgstr ""
    52528287#. module: base
    52638298#. module: base
    5264 #: field:ir.sequence,padding:0
    5265 msgid "Number padding"
    5266 msgstr "Zarovnání čísla"
     8299#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_gtd
     8300msgid "Todo Lists"
     8301msgstr ""
    52688303#. module: base
    52738308#. module: base
     8309#: code:addons/base/ir/
     8310#, python-format
     8311msgid "Your OpenERP Server does not support SMTP-over-SSL. You could use STARTTLS instead.If SSL is needed, an upgrade to Python 2.6 on the server-side should do the trick."
     8312msgstr ""
     8314#. module: base
    52758316msgid "Ukraine"
    52788319#. module: base
    5279 #:,
    5280 msgid "Tonga"
    5281 msgstr "Tonga"
    5283 #. module: base
    5284 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_module_category
     8320#: field:ir.module.module,website:0
     8322#: field:res.partner,website:0
     8323msgid "Website"
     8324msgstr "Webová stránka"
     8326#. module: base
     8327#: selection:ir.mail_server,smtp_encryption:0
     8328msgid "None"
     8329msgstr "Žádné"
     8331#. module: base
    52858332#: view:ir.module.category:0
    52868333msgid "Module Category"
    52998346#. module: base
     8347#: view:ir.values:0
     8348msgid "Default Value Scope"
     8349msgstr ""
     8351#. module: base
    53008352#: view:ir.ui.view:0
    53018353msgid "Architecture"
    53098361#. module: base
    5310 #: help:res.config.users,email:0
    5311 #: help:res.users,email:0
    5312 msgid ""
    5313 "If an email is provided, the user will be sent a message welcoming him.\n"
    5314 "\n"
    5315 "Warning: if \"email_from\" and \"smtp_server\" aren't configured, it won't be possible to email new users."
    5316 msgstr ""
    5317 "Pokud je zadán email, uživateli bude zaslán uvítací email.\n"
    5318 "\n"
    5319 "Varování: pokud \"email_from\" a \"smtp_server\" nejsou nastaveny, nebude možné odeslat email novým uživatelům."
     8362#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_at
     8363msgid "This module provides the standard Accounting Chart for Austria which is based on the Template from Please keep in mind that you should review and adapt it with your Accountant, before using it in a live Environment."
     8364msgstr ""
    53218366#. module: base
    53368381#. module: base
    5337 #:,report_xsl:0
    5338 msgid "XSL path"
    5339 msgstr "Cesta k XSL"
     8382#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_timesheet_sheet
     8383msgid ""
     8385"This module helps you to easily encode and validate timesheet and attendances within the same view.\n"
     8388"The upper part of the view is for attendances and track (sign in/sign out) events.\n"
     8389"The lower part is for timesheet.\n"
     8391"Other tabs contains statistics views to help you analyse your\n"
     8392"time or the time of your team:\n"
     8393"* Time spent by day (with attendances)\n"
     8394"* Time spent by project\n"
     8396"This module also implements a complete timesheet validation process:\n"
     8397"* Draft sheet\n"
     8398"* Confirmation at the end of the period by the employee\n"
     8399"* Validation by the project manager\n"
     8401"The validation can be configured in the company:\n"
     8402"* Period size (day, week, month, year)\n"
     8403"* Maximal difference between timesheet and attendances\n"
     8404"    "
     8405msgstr ""
    53418407#. module: base
    53438409msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
    53448410msgstr "Brunei Darussalam"
     8412#. module: base
     8413#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_fetchmail_crm
     8414#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_fetchmail_crm_claim
     8415#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_fetchmail_hr_recruitment
     8416#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_fetchmail_project_issue
     8417msgid ""
     8419"    "
     8420msgstr ""
    53468422#. module: base
    53608436#. module: base
     8437#: field:res.partner,child_ids:0
     8438#: field:res.request,ref_partner_id:0
     8439msgid "Partner Ref."
     8440msgstr "Ref partnera"
     8442#. module: base
    53618443#: field:ir.attachment,create_date:0
    53628444msgid "Date Created"
    53658447#. module: base
    5366 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_todo
    5367 msgid "ir.actions.todo"
    5368 msgstr "ir.actions.todo"
    5370 #. module: base
    5371 #: code:addons/base/res/
    5372 #, python-format
    5373 msgid "Couldn't find previous ir.actions.todo"
    5374 msgstr "Nelze najít předchozí ir.actions.todo"
     8448#: help:ir.actions.server,trigger_name:0
     8449msgid "The workflow signal to trigger"
     8450msgstr ""
     8452#. module: base
     8453#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_mrp
     8454msgid ""
     8456"This is the base module to manage the manufacturing process in OpenERP.\n"
     8461"    * Make to Stock / Make to Order (by line)\n"
     8462"    * Multi-level BoMs, no limit\n"
     8463"    * Multi-level routing, no limit\n"
     8464"    * Routing and work center integrated with analytic accounting\n"
     8465"    * Scheduler computation periodically / Just In Time module\n"
     8466"    * Multi-pos, multi-warehouse\n"
     8467"    * Different reordering policies\n"
     8468"    * Cost method by product: standard price, average price\n"
     8469"    * Easy analysis of troubles or needs\n"
     8470"    * Very flexible\n"
     8471"    * Allows to browse Bill of Materials in complete structure that include child and phantom BoMs\n"
     8473"It supports complete integration and planification of stockable goods,\n"
     8474"consumable of services. Services are completely integrated with the rest\n"
     8475"of the software. For instance, you can set up a sub-contracting service\n"
     8476"in a BoM to automatically purchase on order the assembly of your production.\n"
     8478"Reports provided by this module:\n"
     8480"    * Bill of Material structure and components\n"
     8481"    * Load forecast on Work Centers\n"
     8482"    * Print a production order\n"
     8483"    * Stock forecasts\n"
     8485"Dashboard provided by this module:\n"
     8487"    * List of next production orders\n"
     8488"    * List of procurements in exception\n"
     8489"    * Graph of work center load\n"
     8490"    * Graph of stock value variation\n"
     8491"    "
     8492msgstr ""
     8494#. module: base
     8495#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_google_base_account
     8496msgid "The module adds google user in res user"
     8497msgstr ""
     8499#. module: base
     8500#: selection:base.language.install,state:0
     8501#: selection:base.module.import,state:0
     8502#: selection:base.module.update,state:0
     8503msgid "done"
     8504msgstr "provedeno"
    53768506#. module: base
    53818511#. module: base
     8512#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_uy
     8513msgid "Uruguay - Chart of Accounts"
     8514msgstr ""
     8516#. module: base
    53838518msgid "Custom Shortcuts"
    53968531#. module: base
     8532#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_plugin
     8533msgid "CRM Plugins"
     8534msgstr ""
     8536#. module: base
     8537#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_model_model
     8538#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_model
     8540msgid "Models"
     8541msgstr ""
     8543#. module: base
     8544#: code:addons/base/ir/
     8545#, python-format
     8546msgid "Record cannot be modified right now"
     8547msgstr ""
     8549#. module: base
     8550#: selection:ir.actions.todo,type:0
     8551msgid "Launch Manually"
     8552msgstr ""
     8554#. module: base
    53988556msgid "Belgium"
    54018559#. module: base
    5402 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_osv_memory_autovacuum
    5403 msgid "osv_memory.autovacuum"
    5404 msgstr "osv_memory.autovacuum"
     8561msgid "Preview Header"
     8562msgstr ""
     8564#. module: base
     8566msgid "Paper Format"
     8567msgstr ""
    54068569#. module: base
    54098572#: field:base.update.translations,lang:0
    54108573#: field:ir.translation,lang:0
    5411 #: field:res.config.users,context_lang:0
    54128574#: field:res.partner,lang:0
    54138575#: field:res.users,context_lang:0
    54198581msgid "Gambia"
    5420 msgstr "Gambia"
     8582msgstr "Gambie"
    54228584#. module: base
    5428 #: field:res.config.users,company_ids:0
    5429 #: view:res.users:0
    54308590#: field:res.users,company_ids:0
    54318591msgid "Companies"
    54348594#. module: base
     8595#: help:res.currency,symbol:0
     8596msgid "Currency sign, to be used when printing amounts."
     8597msgstr ""
     8599#. module: base
    54358600#: view:res.lang:0
    54368601msgid "%H - Hour (24-hour clock) [00,23]."
    54398604#. module: base
     8605#: code:addons/base/ir/
     8606#, python-format
     8607msgid "Your server does not seem to support SSL, you may want to try STARTTLS instead"
     8608msgstr ""
     8610#. module: base
    54408611#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_widget
    54418612msgid "res.widget"
    54448615#. module: base
    5445 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     8616#: code:addons/base/ir/
    54468617#, python-format
    54478618msgid "Model %s does not exist!"
    54508621#. module: base
    5451 #: code:addons/base/res/
    5452 #, python-format
    5453 msgid "You cannot delete the language which is User's Preferred Language !"
    5454 msgstr "Nemůžete smazat jazyk, který mají uživatelé jako upřednostňovaný !"
    5456 #. module: base
    5457 #: code:addons/
    5458 #, python-format
    5459 msgid "Not implemented get_memory method !"
    5460 msgstr "Metoda get_memory nerealizována !"
     8622#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_plugin
     8623msgid ""
     8625"The common interface for pugin.\n"
     8628msgstr ""
     8630#. module: base
     8631#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_mrp_jit
     8632msgid "Just In Time Scheduling"
     8633msgstr "Právě v plánovaný čas"
     8635#. module: base
     8636#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_bank_statement_extensions
     8637msgid "Bank Statement extensions to support e-banking"
     8638msgstr ""
    54628640#. module: base
    54698647#. module: base
    5470 #: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
    5471 #, python-format
    5472 msgid "Can not create the module file: %s !"
    5473 msgstr "Nelze vytvořit soubor modulu: %s !"
    5475 #. module: base
    5476 #: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_meta_information
     8648#: help:ir.actions.server,state:0
     8649msgid "Type of the Action that is to be executed"
     8650msgstr "Typ akce, která bude spuštěna"
     8652#. module: base
     8653#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base
    54778654msgid "The kernel of OpenERP, needed for all installation."
    54788655msgstr "Jádro OpenERP potřebné pro všechny instalace."
     8657#. module: base
     8658#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_osv_memory_autovacuum
     8659msgid "osv_memory.autovacuum"
     8660msgstr "osv_memory.autovacuum"
     8662#. module: base
     8663#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_us
     8664msgid "United States - Chart of accounts"
     8665msgstr ""
    54808667#. module: base
    54858672#: view:base.update.translations:0
    54868673#: view:partner.clear.ids:0
     8674#: view:partner.massmail.wizard:0
    54878675#: view:partner.sms.send:0
    5488 #: view:partner.wizard.spam:0
    54898676#: view:publisher_warranty.contract.wizard:0
     8677#: view:res.config:0
     8678#: view:res.config.installer:0
    54908679#: view:res.widget.wizard:0
    54918680msgid "Cancel"
    55048693#. module: base
    5505 #: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    5506 msgid "Hindi / हिंदी"
    5507 msgstr "Hindština / हिंदी"
    5509 #. module: base
    55108694#: view:ir.model:0
    55118695msgid "Custom"
    55198703#. module: base
     8704#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_crm_fundraising
     8705msgid ""
     8710"When you wish to support your organization or a campaign, you can trace\n"
     8711"all your activities for collecting money. The menu opens a search list\n"
     8712"where you can find fund descriptions, email, history and probability of\n"
     8713"success. Several action buttons allow you to easily modify your different\n"
     8714"fund status.\n"
     8715"    "
     8716msgstr ""
     8718#. module: base
     8719#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_sale_margin
     8720msgid "Margins in Sales Orders"
     8721msgstr "Marže v prodejních objednávkách"
     8723#. module: base
    55208724#: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_9
    55218725msgid "Components Supplier"
    55248728#. module: base
    5525 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_res_users
    5526 #: field:ir.default,uid:0
    5527 #:,name:base.menu_action_res_users
    5528 #:,name:base.menu_users
    5529 #: view:res.groups:0
    5530 #: field:res.groups,users:0
    5531 #: view:res.users:0
    5532 msgid "Users"
    5533 msgstr "Uživatelé"
     8729#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_purchase_management
     8730#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_purchase
     8731msgid "Purchase Management"
     8732msgstr "Řízení nákupu"
    55358734#. module: base
    55818780#. module: base
     8781#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_multi_company
     8782msgid ""
     8784"This module is for managing a multicompany environment.\n"
     8787"This module is the base module for other multi-company modules.\n"
     8788"    "
     8789msgstr ""
     8791#. module: base
     8792#: sql_constraint:res.currency:0
     8793msgid "The currency code must be unique per company!"
     8794msgstr "Kód měny musí být jedinečný podle společnosti!"
     8796#. module: base
     8797#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_property
     8798msgid ""
     8799msgstr ""
     8801#. module: base
     8802#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_fetchmail
     8803msgid ""
     8805"Retrieve incoming email on POP / IMAP servers\n"
     8808"Enter the parameters of your POP/IMAP account(s), and any incoming\n"
     8809"emails on these accounts will be automatically downloaded into your OpenERP\n"
     8810"system. All POP3/IMAP-compatible servers are supported, included those\n"
     8811"that require an encrypted SSL/TLS connection.\n"
     8813"This can be used to easily create email-based workflows for many\n"
     8814"email-enabled OpenERP documents, such as:\n"
     8816" * CRM Leads/Opportunities\n"
     8817" * CRM Claims\n"
     8818" * Project Issues\n"
     8819" * Project Tasks\n"
     8820" * Human Resource Recruitments (Applicants)\n"
     8821" * etc.\n"
     8823"Just install the relevant application, and you can assign any of\n"
     8824"these document types (Leads, Project Issues, etc.) to your incoming\n"
     8825"email accounts. New emails will automatically spawn new documents\n"
     8826"of the chosen type, so it's a snap to create a mailbox-to-OpenERP\n"
     8827"integration. Even better: these documents directly act as mini\n"
     8828"conversations synchronized by email. You can reply from within\n"
     8829"OpenERP, and the answers will automatically be collected when\n"
     8830"they come back, and attached to the same *conversation* document.\n"
     8832"For more specific needs, you may also assign custom-defined actions\n"
     8833"(technically: Server Actions) to be triggered for each incoming\n"
     8834"mail. \n"
     8835"    "
     8836msgstr ""
     8838#. module: base
     8839#: help:ir.actions.server,email:0
     8840msgid ""
     8841"Expression that returns the email address to send to. Can be based on the same values as for the condition field.\n"
     8842"Example:, or ''"
     8843msgstr ""
     8845#. module: base
     8846#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_hello
     8847msgid ""
     8849"        OpenERP Web example module.\n"
     8850"        "
     8851msgstr ""
     8853#. module: base
    55838855msgid "Guyana"
    55868858#. module: base
     8859#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_product_expiry
     8860msgid "Products Expiry Date"
     8861msgstr ""
     8863#. module: base
     8864#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account
     8865msgid ""
     8867"Accounting and Financial Management.\n"
     8870"Financial and accounting module that covers:\n"
     8872"General accountings\n"
     8873"Cost / Analytic accounting\n"
     8874"Third party accounting\n"
     8875"Taxes management\n"
     8877"Customer and Supplier Invoices\n"
     8878"Bank statements\n"
     8879"Reconciliation process by partner\n"
     8881"Creates a dashboard for accountants that includes:\n"
     8883"* List of Customer Invoice to Approve\n"
     8884"* Company Analysis\n"
     8885"* Graph of Aged Receivables\n"
     8886"* Graph of Treasury\n"
     8888"The processes like maintaining of general ledger is done through the defined financial Journals (entry move line or\n"
     8889"grouping is maintained through journal) for a particular financial year and for preparation of vouchers there is a\n"
     8890"module named account_voucher.\n"
     8891"    "
     8892msgstr ""
     8894#. module: base
    55878895#: help:ir.actions.act_window,view_type:0
    55888896msgid "View type: set to 'tree' for a hierarchical tree view, or 'form' for other views"
    55918899#. module: base
    5592 #: code:addons/base/res/
     8900#: code:addons/base/res/
    55938901#, python-format
    55948902msgid "Click 'Continue' to configure the next addon..."
    56078915#. module: base
    5608 #: help:res.config.users,menu_tips:0
    56098916#: help:res.users,menu_tips:0
    56108917msgid "Check out this box if you want to always display tips on each menu action"
    56288935#. module: base
    5629 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    5630 #, python-format
    5631 msgid "Please specify server option --email-from !"
    5632 msgstr "Prosíme zadejte volbu serveru --email-from !"
    5634 #. module: base
    56358936#: field:base.language.import,name:0
    56368937msgid "Language Name"
    56448945#. module: base
     8946#: help:ir.mail_server,smtp_encryption:0
     8947msgid ""
     8948"Choose the connection encryption scheme:\n"
     8949"- None: SMTP sessions are done in cleartext.\n"
     8950"- TLS (STARTTLS): TLS encryption is requested at start of SMTP session (Recommended)\n"
     8951"- SSL/TLS: SMTP sessions are encrypted with SSL/TLS through a dedicated port (default: 465)"
     8952msgstr ""
     8954#. module: base
    56458955#: view:ir.model:0
    56468956msgid "Fields Description"
    56498959#. module: base
     8960#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_report_designer
     8961msgid ""
     8963"Installer for reporting Hidden.\n"
     8966"Makes the Reporting Hidden Configuration available from where you can install\n"
     8967"modules like base_report_designer and base_report_creator.\n"
     8968"    "
     8969msgstr ""
     8971#. module: base
     8972#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_synchro
     8973msgid "Multi-DB Synchronization"
     8974msgstr ""
     8976#. module: base
     8977#: selection:ir.module.module,complexity:0
     8978msgid "Expert"
     8979msgstr ""
     8981#. module: base
     8982#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_holidays
     8983msgid "Leaves Management"
     8984msgstr "Správa uvolnění"
     8986#. module: base
     8987#: view:ir.actions.todo:0
    56508988#: view:ir.attachment:0
    56518989#: view:ir.cron:0
    56548992#: view:ir.model.fields:0
    5655 #: view:ir.module.module:0
    5656 #: view:ir.rule:0
    56578993#: view:ir.ui.view:0
    56588994#: view:ir.values:0
    56729008#. module: base
     9009#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_crm_todo
     9010msgid ""
     9012"Todo list for CRM leads and opportunities.\n"
     9013"    "
     9014msgstr ""
     9016#. module: base
    56739017#: field:ir.actions.act_window.view,view_id:0
    56749018#: field:ir.default,page:0
    56809024#. module: base
     9025#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_wiki_sale_faq
     9026msgid "Wiki: Sale FAQ"
     9027msgstr ""
     9029#. module: base
    56819030#: selection:ir.module.module,state:0
    56829031#: selection:ir.module.module.dependency,state:0
    56919040#. module: base
    56929041#: view:ir.model:0
    5693 #: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_meta_information
     9042#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base
    56949043#: field:res.currency,base:0
    56959044msgid "Base"
    56989047#. module: base
     9049#: field:ir.values,model:0
     9050msgid "Model Name"
     9051msgstr "Jméno modelu"
     9053#. module: base
    56999054#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    57009055msgid "Telugu / తెలుగు"
    57039058#. module: base
     9059#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_document_ics
     9060msgid ""
     9062"Allows to synchronise calendars with others applications.\n"
     9065"Will allow you to synchronise your OpenERP calendars with your phone, outlook, Sunbird, ical, ...\n"
     9066"    "
     9067msgstr ""
     9069#. module: base
    57059071msgid "Liberia"
    57069072msgstr "Libérie"
     9074#. module: base
     9075#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_in
     9076msgid ""
     9078"Indian Accounting : Chart of Account.\n"
     9081"Indian accounting chart and localization.\n"
     9082"    "
     9083msgstr ""
    57089085#. module: base
    57269103#: selection:ir.server.object.lines,type:0
    57279104#: field:ir.server.object.lines,value:0
    5728 #: view:ir.values:0
    57299105#: field:ir.values,value:0
    5730 #: field:ir.values,value_unpickle:0
    57319106msgid "Value"
    57329107msgstr "Hodnota"
    57369111#: field:ir.sequence.type,code:0
    57379112#: selection:ir.translation,type:0
    5738 #:,code:0
    57409114msgid "Code"
    57539127#. module: base
     9128#: view:base.module.import:0
     9129msgid "Please be patient, this operation may take a few minutes..."
     9130msgstr ""
     9132#. module: base
    57549133#: selection:ir.cron,interval_type:0
    57559134msgid "Minutes"
    57589137#. module: base
     9138#: view:res.currency:0
     9139msgid "Display"
     9140msgstr "Zobrazit"
     9142#. module: base
    57599143#: selection:ir.translation,type:0
    57609144msgid "Help"
    57639147#. module: base
    5764 #: help:res.config.users,menu_id:0
    57659148#: help:res.users,menu_id:0
    57669149msgid "If specified, the action will replace the standard menu for this user."
    57699152#. module: base
    5770 #: selection:ir.actions.server,state:0
    5771 msgid "Write Object"
    5772 msgstr "Zapsat objekt"
     9153#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_google_map
     9154msgid "Google Maps on Customers"
     9155msgstr ""
     9157#. module: base
     9159msgid "Preview Report"
     9160msgstr ""
     9162#. module: base
     9163#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_purchase_analytic_plans
     9164msgid "Purchase Analytic Plans"
     9165msgstr "Analytické plány nákupů"
     9167#. module: base
     9168#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_analytic_journal_billing_rate
     9169msgid ""
     9171"This module allows you to define what is the default invoicing rate for a specific journal on a given account.\n"
     9174"This is mostly used when a user encodes his timesheet: the values are retrieved and the fields are auto-filled. But the possibility to change these values is still available.\n"
     9176"Obviously if no data has been recorded for the current account, the default value is given as usual by the account data so that this module is perfectly compatible with older configurations.\n"
     9178"    "
     9179msgstr ""
    57749181#. module: base
    57959202#. module: base
    5796 #: wizard_button:server.action.create,step_1,create:0
    5797 msgid "Create"
    5798 msgstr "Vytvořit"
    5800 #. module: base
    58019203#: view:ir.sequence:0
    58029204msgid "Current Year with Century: %(year)s"
    58179219msgid "res.log"
    58189220msgstr "res.log"
    5820 #. module: base
    5821 #: help:ir.translation,module:0
    5822 #: help:ir.translation,xml_id:0
    5823 msgid "Maps to the ir_model_data for which this translation is provided."
    5824 msgstr "Mapy k ir_model_data, pro který je poskytnut tento překlad."
    58269222#. module: base
    58379233#. module: base
     9234#: code:addons/base/res/
     9235#, python-format
     9236msgid "VAT: "
     9237msgstr "DPH:"
     9239#. module: base
    58399241msgid "Afghanistan, Islamic State of"
    58429244#. module: base
    5843 #: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
     9245#: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
     9246#: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
    58449247#, python-format
    58459248msgid "Error !"
    58489251#. module: base
    5849 #:,name:base.bank_normal_field_contry
    5850 msgid "country_id"
    5851 msgstr "country_id"
     9252#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_marketing_campaign_crm_demo
     9253msgid "Marketing Campaign - Demo"
     9254msgstr ""
     9256#. module: base
     9257#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_fetchmail_hr_recruitment
     9258msgid "eMail Gateway for Applicants"
     9259msgstr ""
     9261#. module: base
     9262#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_coda
     9263msgid "Belgium - Import bank CODA statements"
     9264msgstr ""
    58539266#. module: base
    58649277#. module: base
    5865 #: code:addons/
     9278#: code:addons/
    58669279#, python-format
    58679280msgid "This method does not exist anymore"
    58709283#. module: base
    5871 #:,fax:0
    5872 #: field:res.partner.address,fax:0
    5873 msgid "Fax"
    5874 msgstr "Fax"
     9284#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_import_google
     9285msgid "Google Import"
     9286msgstr ""
     9288#. module: base
     9289#: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_12
     9290msgid "Segmentation"
     9291msgstr "Členění"
    58769293#. module: base
    58869303#. module: base
     9304#: view:ir.module.module:0
     9305msgid "Keywords"
     9306msgstr "Klíčová slova"
     9308#. module: base
     9309#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_cn
     9310msgid "中国会计科目表 - Accounting"
     9311msgstr ""
     9313#. module: base
     9314#: view:ir.model.access:0
     9315#: field:ir.model.access,perm_read:0
     9316#: view:ir.rule:0
     9317msgid "Read Access"
     9318msgstr "Přístup pro čtení"
     9320#. module: base
    58879321#: help:ir.actions.server,loop_action:0
    58889322msgid "Select the action that will be executed. Loop action will not be avaliable inside loop."
    58919325#. module: base
     9327msgid "ID of the target record in the database"
     9328msgstr ""
     9330#. module: base
     9331#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_analytic_analysis
     9332msgid "Contracts Management"
     9333msgstr ""
     9335#. module: base
    58929336#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    58939337msgid "Chinese (TW) / 正體字"
    59119355#. module: base
     9356#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_product_visible_discount
     9357msgid "Prices Visible Discounts"
     9358msgstr ""
     9360#. module: base
    59129361#: field:ir.attachment,datas:0
    59139362msgid "File Content"
    59219370#. module: base
    5922 #: model:res.partner.title,name:base.res_partner_title_ltd
    5923 msgid "Ltd"
    5924 msgstr "s.r.o."
    5926 #. module: base
    5927 #: help:workflow.transition,group_id:0
    5928 msgid "The group that a user must have to be authorized to validate this transition."
    5929 msgstr "Skupina, pro kterou musí být uživatel autorizován k ověření této změny."
    5931 #. module: base
    5932 #: constraint:res.config.users:0
     9371#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_bank_statement_extensions
     9372msgid ""
     9374"Module that extends the standard account_bank_statement_line object for improved e-banking support.\n"
     9377"- valuta date\n"
     9378"- batch payments\n"
     9379"- traceability of changes to bank statement lines\n"
     9380"- bank statement line views\n"
     9381"- bank statements balances report\n"
     9382"- performance improvements for digital import of bank statement (via 'ebanking_import' context flag)\n"
     9383"- name_search on enhanced to allow search on bank and iban account numbers\n"
     9384"    "
     9385msgstr ""
     9387#. module: base
     9388#: code:addons/
     9389#, python-format
     9390msgid ""
     9391"Insufficient fields to generate a Calendar View for %s, missing a date_stop or a date_delay\" % (self._name)))\n"
     9393"        return view\n"
     9395"    def _get_default_search_view(self, cr, uid, context=None):\n"
     9396"        \"\n"
     9397"        :param cr: database cursor\n"
     9398"        :param int user: user id\n"
     9399"        :param dict context: connection context\n"
     9400"        :returns: an lxml document of the view\n"
     9401"        :rtype: etree._Element\n"
     9402"        \"\n"
     9403"        form_view = self.fields_view_get(cr, uid, False, 'form', context=context)\n"
     9404"        tree_view = self.fields_view_get(cr, uid, False, 'tree', context=context)\n"
     9406"        # TODO it seems _all_columns could be used instead of fields_get (no need for translated fields info)\n"
     9407"        fields = self.fields_get(cr, uid, context=context)\n"
     9408"        fields_to_search = set(\n"
     9409"            field for field, descriptor in fields.iteritems()\n"
     9410"            if descriptor.get('select'))\n"
     9412"        for view in (form_view, tree_view):\n"
     9413"            view_root = etree.fromstring(view['arch'])\n"
     9414"            # Only care about select=1 in xpath below, because select=2 is covered\n"
     9415"            # by the custom advanced search in clients\n"
     9416"            fields_to_search.update(view_root.xpath(\"//field[@select=1]/@name"
     9417msgstr ""
     9419#. module: base
    59339420#: constraint:res.users:0
    59349421msgid "The chosen company is not in the allowed companies for this user"
    59479434#. module: base
    5948 #:,
    5949 msgid "Pitcairn Island"
    5950 msgstr "Ostrov Pitcairn"
    5952 #. module: base
    5953 #: view:base.module.upgrade:0
    5954 msgid "We suggest to reload the menu tab to see the new menus (Ctrl+T then Ctrl+R)."
    5955 msgstr "Doporučejem znovu načíst záložku nabídky ke zhlédnutí nových nabídek (Ctrl+T pak Ctrl+R)"
     9435#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_import_base
     9436msgid "Framework for complex import"
     9437msgstr ""
     9439#. module: base
     9440#: view:ir.actions.todo.category:0
     9441msgid "Wizard Category"
     9442msgstr ""
     9444#. module: base
     9445#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_cancel
     9446msgid ""
     9448"Allows cancelling accounting entries.\n"
     9451"This module adds 'Allow cancelling entries' field on form view of account journal. If set to true it allows user to cancel entries & invoices.\n"
     9452"    "
     9453msgstr ""
    59579455#. module: base
    59639461#. module: base
    5964 #: field:res.config.users,name:0
    59659462#: field:res.users,name:0
    59669463msgid "User Name"
    59719468msgid "Day of the year: %(doy)s"
    59729469msgstr "Den v roce: %(doy)s"
     9471#. module: base
     9472#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_portal
     9473#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_portal
     9474msgid "Portal"
     9475msgstr "Portál"
     9477#. module: base
     9478#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_claim_from_delivery
     9479msgid ""
     9481"Create a claim from a delivery order.\n"
     9484"Adds a Claim link to the delivery order.\n"
     9485msgstr ""
    59749487#. module: base
    59869499#. module: base
     9501msgid ""
     9503"Please define BIC/Swift code on bank for bank type IBAN Account to make valid payments"
     9504msgstr ""
     9506#. module: base
    59879507#: view:res.lang:0
    59889508msgid "%A - Full weekday name."
    59919511#. module: base
    5992 #: selection:ir.cron,interval_type:0
    5993 msgid "Months"
    5994 msgstr "Měsíců"
     9512#: help:ir.values,user_id:0
     9513msgid "If set, action binding only applies for this user."
     9514msgstr ""
     9516#. module: base
     9518msgid "Guinea Bissau"
     9519msgstr "Guinea Bissau"
    59969521#. module: base
    59989523msgid "Search View"
    59999524msgstr "Pohled hledání"
     9526#. module: base
     9527#: view:base.language.import:0
     9528msgid "- module,type,name,res_id,src,value"
     9529msgstr "- module,type,name,res_id,src,value"
    60019531#. module: base
    60149544#. module: base
     9545#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_uy
     9546msgid ""
     9548"General Chart of Accounts\n"
     9551"Provide Templates for Chart of Accounts, Taxes for Uruguay\n"
     9553msgstr ""
     9555#. module: base
     9557msgid "Bank accounts related to this company"
     9558msgstr ""
     9560#. module: base
    60269572#. module: base
    60279573#: selection:ir.actions.todo,state:0
    6028 #: view:res.config.users:0
    60299574msgid "Done"
    60309575msgstr "Provedeno"
     9577#. module: base
     9578#: help:ir.cron,doall:0
     9579msgid "Specify if missed occurrences should be executed when the server restarts."
     9580msgstr ""
    60329582#. module: base
    60499599#. module: base
    60519602#: field:res.partner,city:0
    60529603#: field:res.partner.address,city:0
    60789629#. module: base
    6079 #: field:res.config.users,email:0
    60809630#: field:res.partner,email:0
    6081 #: field:res.users,email:0
    60829631msgid "E-mail"
    60839632msgstr "E-mail"
    60909639#. module: base
     9640#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_google_map
     9641msgid ""
     9643"The module adds Google Map field in partner address.\n"
     9646"Using this you can directly open Google Map from the URL widget."
     9647msgstr ""
     9649#. module: base
    60919650#: field:workflow.activity,action:0
    60929651msgid "Python Action"
    60959654#. module: base
     9655#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_report_webkit_sample
     9656msgid ""
     9658"Samples for Webkit Report Engine (report_webkit module).\n"
     9661"A sample invoice report is included in this module, as well as a wizard to\n"
     9662"add Webkit Report entries on any Document in the system.\n"
     9664"You have to create the print buttons by calling the wizard. For more details see:\n"
     9666"                    "
     9667msgstr ""
     9669#. module: base
    60969670#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    60979671msgid "English (US)"
    61009674#. module: base
    6101 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_model_data
    6102 #:
    6103 #:,name:base.ir_model_data_menu
    6104 msgid "Object Identifiers"
    6105 msgstr "Identifikátory objektu"
    6107 #. module: base
    61089675#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.action_partner_title_partner
    61099676msgid "Manage the partner titles you want to have available in your system. The partner titles is the legal status of the company: Private Limited, SA, etc."
    61179684#. module: base
    6118 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     9685#: code:addons/base/ir/
    61199686#, python-format
    61209687msgid "You can not read this document (%s) ! Be sure your user belongs to one of these groups: %s."
    61239690#. module: base
    6125 #: field:res.config.users,address_id:0
    61269692#: view:res.partner.address:0
    6127 #: view:res.users:0
    6128 #: field:res.users,address_id:0
    61299693msgid "Address"
    61309694msgstr "Adresa"
     9696#. module: base
     9697#: code:addons/base/module/
     9698#, python-format
     9699msgid ""
     9700"You try to install module '%s' that depends on module '%s'.\n"
     9701"But the latter module is not available in your system."
     9702msgstr ""
     9703"Můžete zkusit instalovat modul '%s', který závisí na modulu '%s'.\n"
     9704"Ale zmíněný modul není ve vašem systému dostupný."
    61329706#. module: base
    61449718msgid "Mauritania"
    6145 msgstr "Mauretánie"
     9719msgstr "Mauritánie"
    61479721#. module: base
    61499723msgid "ir.translation"
    61509724msgstr "ir.translation"
     9726#. module: base
     9727#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_product_manufacturer
     9728msgid ""
     9730"A module that adds manufacturers and attributes on the product form.\n"
     9733"You can now define the following for a product:\n"
     9734"    * Manufacturer\n"
     9735"    * Manufacturer Product Name\n"
     9736"    * Manufacturer Product Code\n"
     9737"    * Product Attributes\n"
     9738"    "
     9739msgstr ""
     9741#. module: base
     9742#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_todo_category
     9743msgid "Configuration Wizard Category"
     9744msgstr ""
    61529746#. module: base
    61749768#. module: base
     9769#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_iban
     9770msgid ""
     9772"This module installs the base for IBAN (International Bank Account Number) bank accounts and checks for its validity.\n"
     9775"The ability to extract the correctly represented local accounts from IBAN accounts with a single statement.\n"
     9776"    "
     9777msgstr ""
     9779#. module: base
     9780#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_mail_server
     9781msgid "ir.mail_server"
     9782msgstr ""
     9784#. module: base
    61759785#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    61769786msgid "Spanish (CR) / Español (CR)"
    61799789#. module: base
     9790#: view:ir.rule:0
     9791msgid "Global rules (non group-specific) are restrictions, and cannot be bypassed. Group-local rules grant additional permissions, but are constrained within the bounds of global ones. The first group rules restrict further than global rules, but any additional group rule will add more permissions"
     9792msgstr ""
     9794#. module: base
    61809795#: field:res.currency.rate,rate:0
    61819796msgid "Rate"
    61949809#. module: base
    61959810#: field:ir.default,value:0
     9811#: view:ir.values:0
    61969812msgid "Default Value"
    61979813msgstr "Výchozí hodnota"
    61999815#. module: base
    6200 #:,name:base.menu_tools
    6201 msgid "Tools"
    6202 msgstr "Nástroje"
     9816#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_country_state
     9817msgid "Country state"
     9818msgstr "Stát země"
     9820#. module: base
     9822msgid "Sequences & Identifiers"
     9823msgstr ""
     9825#. module: base
     9826#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_th
     9827msgid ""
     9829"Chart of Accounts for Thailand.\n"
     9832"Thai accounting chart and localization.\n"
     9833"    "
     9834msgstr ""
    62049836#. module: base
    62099841#. module: base
    6210 #: code:addons/base/res/
     9842#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_point_of_sale
     9843msgid "Point of Sales"
     9844msgstr "Prodejní místo"
     9846#. module: base
     9847#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_payroll_account
     9848msgid ""
     9850"Generic Payroll system Integrated with Accountings.\n"
     9853"    * Expense Encoding\n"
     9854"    * Payment Encoding\n"
     9855"    * Company Contribution Management\n"
     9856"    "
     9857msgstr ""
     9859#. module: base
     9860#: code:addons/base/res/
    62119861#, python-format
    62129862msgid ""
    62219871#. module: base
     9872#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_point_of_sale
     9873msgid ""
     9875"This module provides a quick and easy sale process.\n"
     9878"Main features :\n"
     9880"    * Fast encoding of the sale.\n"
     9881"    * Allow to choose one payment mode (the quick way) or to split the payment between several payment mode.\n"
     9882"    * Computation of the amount of money to return.\n"
     9883"    * Create and confirm picking list automatically.\n"
     9884"    * Allow the user to create invoice automatically.\n"
     9885"    * Allow to refund former sales.\n"
     9886"    "
     9887msgstr ""
     9889#. module: base
    62229890#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.action_ui_view_custom
    62239891msgid "Customized views are used when users reorganize the content of their dashboard views (via web client)"
    62269894#. module: base
    6227 #: field:ir.model,name:0
     9895#: help:publisher_warranty.contract,check_opw:0
     9896msgid "Checked if this is an OpenERP Publisher's Warranty contract (versus older contract types"
     9897msgstr ""
     9899#. module: base
    62289900#: field:ir.model.fields,model:0
    6229 #: field:ir.values,model:0
    62309901msgid "Object Name"
    62319902msgstr "Jméno objektu"
    62569927#. module: base
     9928#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_human_resources
     9929msgid "Helps you manage your human resources by encoding your employees structure, generating work sheets, tracking attendance and more."
     9930msgstr "Pomůže vám spravovat vaše lidské zdroje pomocí nakódování struktury zaměstnanců, generování pracovních listů, sledování docházky a další."
     9932#. module: base
    62579933#: help:ir.model.fields,model_id:0
    62589934msgid "The model this field belongs to"
    62669942#. module: base
     9943#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_wiki_sale_faq
     9944msgid ""
     9946"This module provides a Wiki Sales FAQ Template.\n"
     9949"It provides demo data, thereby creating a Wiki Group and a Wiki Page\n"
     9950"for Wiki Sale FAQ.\n"
     9951"    "
     9952msgstr ""
     9954#. module: base
    62679955#: view:ir.sequence.type:0
    62689956msgid "Sequences Type"
    62699957msgstr "Typ posloupnosti"
     9959#. module: base
     9960#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_action_rule
     9961msgid ""
     9963"This module allows to implement action rules for any object.\n"
     9966"Use automated actions to automatically trigger actions for various screens.\n"
     9968"Example: a lead created by a specific user may be automatically set to a specific\n"
     9969"sales team, or an opportunity which still has status pending after 14 days might\n"
     9970"trigger an automatic reminder email.\n"
     9971"    "
     9972msgstr ""
    62719974#. module: base
    62899992#. module: base
    6290 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.res_log_act_window
    6291 #:,name:base.menu_res_log_act_window
    6292 msgid "Client Logs"
    6293 msgstr "Záznamy klienta"
     9993#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_br
     9994msgid "Brazilian - Accounting"
     9995msgstr "Brazílie - Účetnictví"
     9997#. module: base
     9999msgid "Pakistan"
     10000msgstr "Pákistán"
     10002#. module: base
     10003#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_product_margin
     10004msgid ""
     10006"Adds a reporting menu in products that computes sales, purchases, margins and other interesting indicators based on invoices.\n"
     10009"The wizard to launch the report has several options to help you get the data you need.\n"
     10010msgstr ""
    629510012#. module: base
    630010017#. module: base
    6301 #:,
    6302 msgid "Samoa"
    6303 msgstr "Samoa"
    6305 #. module: base
    6306 #: code:addons/base/res/
     10018#: help:ir.module.module,complexity:0
     10019msgid "Level of difficulty of module. Easy: intuitive and easy to use for everyone. Normal: easy to use for business experts. Expert: requires technical skills."
     10020msgstr ""
     10022#. module: base
     10023#: code:addons/base/res/
    630710024#, python-format
    630810025msgid ""
    631510032#. module: base
    631610033#: view:base.language.install:0
    6317 #: view:base.module.import:0
    631810034msgid "Please be patient, this operation may take a few minutes (depending on the number of modules currently installed)..."
    631910035msgstr "Prosíme buďte trpěliví, tato operace může trvat několik minut (v závislosti na počtu instalovaných modulů)..."
    632610042#. module: base
    6327 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    6328 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     10043#: code:addons/base/ir/
     10044#: code:addons/base/ir/
    632910045#, python-format
    633010046msgid "Problem in configuration `Record Id` in Server Action!"
    633310049#. module: base
    6334 #: code:addons/
    6335 #: code:addons/
     10050#: code:addons/
     10051#: code:addons/
    633610052#, python-format
    633710053msgid "ValidateError"
    634610062#. module: base
     10063#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_sale_margin
     10064msgid ""
     10066"This module adds the 'Margin' on sales order.\n"
     10069"This gives the profitability by calculating the difference between the Unit Price and Cost Price.\n"
     10070"    "
     10071msgstr ""
     10073#. module: base
    634710074#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.action_res_bank_form
    634810075msgid "Manage bank records you want to be used in the system."
    637110098#. module: base
    637210099#: selection:ir.actions.server,state:0
    6373 #: field:res.config.users,user_email:0
    637410102#: field:res.users,user_email:0
    637510103msgid "Email"
    637810106#. module: base
    6379 #: field:res.config.users,action_id:0
    638010107#: field:res.users,action_id:0
    638110108msgid "Home Action"
    638410111#. module: base
    6385 #: code:addons/
     10112#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_event_project
     10113msgid "Retro-Planning on Events"
     10114msgstr ""
     10116#. module: base
     10117#: code:addons/
    638610118#, python-format
    638710119msgid ""
    639410126#. module: base
    6395 #:,name:base.menu_lunch_reporting
    6396 #:,name:base.menu_project_report
    6397 #:,name:base.menu_report_association
    6398 #:,name:base.menu_report_marketing
    6399 #:,name:base.menu_reporting
    6400 #:,name:base.next_id_64
    6401 #:,name:base.next_id_73
    6402 #:,name:base.reporting_menu
    6403 msgid "Reporting"
    6404 msgstr "Hlášení"
     10127#: view:partner.clear.ids:0
     10128msgid "Want to Clear Ids ? "
     10129msgstr "Chcete vyčistit Id? "
     10131#. module: base
     10133msgid "Information About the Bank"
     10134msgstr "Informace o bance"
     10136#. module: base
     10137#: help:ir.actions.server,condition:0
     10138msgid ""
     10139"Condition that is tested before the action is executed, and prevent execution if it is not verified.\n"
     10140"Example: object.list_price > 5000\n"
     10141"It is a Python expression that can use the following values:\n"
     10142" - self: ORM model of the record on which the action is triggered\n"
     10143" - object or obj: browse_record of the record on which the action is triggered\n"
     10144" - pool: ORM model pool (i.e. self.pool)\n"
     10145" - time: Python time module\n"
     10146" - cr: database cursor\n"
     10147" - uid: current user id\n"
     10148" - context: current context"
     10149msgstr ""
     10151#. module: base
     10152#: view:ir.rule:0
     10153msgid "2. Group-specific rules are combined together with a logical OR operator"
     10154msgstr ""
     10156#. module: base
     10157#: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_woodsuppliers0
     10158msgid "Wood Suppliers"
     10159msgstr "Dodavatelé dřeva"
    640610161#. module: base
    641610171#. module: base
     10173msgid "Ecuador"
     10174msgstr "Ekvádor"
     10176#. module: base
    641710177#: selection:workflow.activity,kind:0
    641810178msgid "Stop All"
    642110181#. module: base
    6422 #: code:addons/
    6423 #, python-format
    6424 msgid "The read_group method is not implemented on this object !"
    6425 msgstr "Metoda read_group není pro objekt realizována !"
     10182#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_analytic_user_function
     10183msgid "Jobs on Contracts"
     10184msgstr ""
     10186#. module: base
     10187#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_import_sugarcrm
     10188msgid ""
     10189"This Module Import SugarCRM \"Leads\", \"Opportunities\", \"Users\", \"Accounts\", \n"
     10190"            \"Contacts\", \"Employees\", Meetings, Phonecalls, Emails, and Project, Project Tasks Data into OpenERP Module."
     10191msgstr ""
     10193#. module: base
     10194#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_publisher_warranty_contract_add_wizard
     10196#: view:publisher_warranty.contract.wizard:0
     10197msgid "Register a Contract"
     10198msgstr "Registrovat smlouvu"
     10200#. module: base
     10201#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_ve
     10202msgid ""
     10204"This is the module to manage the accounting chart for Venezuela in OpenERP.\n"
     10207"Este módulo es para manejar un catálogo de cuentas ejemplo para Venezuela.\n"
     10208msgstr ""
    642710210#. module: base
    644710230#. module: base
     10231#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_knowledge_management
     10232msgid "Lets you install addons geared towards sharing knowledge with and between your employees."
     10233msgstr "Umožní vám instalovat doplňky zaměřené na sdílení znalostí s a mezi vašimi zaměstnanci."
     10235#. module: base
     10236#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
     10237msgid "Arabic / الْعَرَبيّة"
     10238msgstr "Arabština / الْعَرَبيّة"
     10240#. module: base
     10241#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_hello
     10242msgid "Hello"
     10243msgstr ""
     10245#. module: base
    644810246#: view:ir.actions.configuration.wizard:0
    644910247msgid "Next Configuration Step"
    645710255#. module: base
    6458 #:,
    6459 msgid "Romania"
    6460 msgstr "Rumunsko"
    6462 #. module: base
    6463 #: help:ir.cron,doall:0
    6464 msgid "Enable this if you want to execute missed occurences as soon as the server restarts."
    6465 msgstr "Povolte toto pokud chcete vykona chybějící výskyty jakmile se server vyrestartuje."
    6467 #. module: base
    6468 #: view:base.module.upgrade:0
    6469 msgid "Start update"
    6470 msgstr "Odstartovat aktualizaci"
     10256#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_hr_manager
     10257msgid "HR Manager"
     10258msgstr "Správce HR"
     10260#. module: base
     10261#: view:ir.filters:0
     10262#: field:ir.model.fields,domain:0
     10263#: field:ir.rule,domain:0
     10264#: field:ir.rule,domain_force:0
     10265#: field:res.partner.title,domain:0
     10266msgid "Domain"
     10267msgstr "Doména"
     10269#. module: base
     10270#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_marketing_campaign
     10271msgid "Marketing Campaigns"
     10272msgstr ""
    647210274#. module: base
    647510277msgid "Contract validation error"
    647610278msgstr "Chyba ověření smlouvy"
     10280#. module: base
     10281#: field:ir.values,key2:0
     10282msgid "Qualifier"
     10283msgstr ""
    647810285#. module: base
    648310290#. module: base
     10291#: view:res.lang:0
     10292msgid "Update Languague Terms"
     10293msgstr ""
     10295#. module: base
    648410296#: field:workflow.activity,join_mode:0
    648510297msgid "Join Mode"
    648810300#. module: base
    6489 #: field:res.config.users,context_tz:0
    649010301#: field:res.users,context_tz:0
    649110302msgid "Timezone"
    649210303msgstr "Časová zóna"
     10305#. module: base
     10306#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_wiki_faq
     10307msgid "Wiki: Internal FAQ"
     10308msgstr ""
    649410310#. module: base
    650010316#. module: base
     10317#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_issue_sheet
     10318msgid ""
     10320"This module adds the Timesheet support for the Issues/Bugs Management in Project.\n"
     10323"Worklogs can be maintained to signify number of hours spent by users to handle an issue.\n"
     10324"                "
     10325msgstr ""
     10327#. module: base
     10328#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.ir_sequence_form
     10329#: view:ir.sequence:0
     10331msgid "Sequences"
     10332msgstr "Posloupnosti"
     10334#. module: base
    650110335#: model:res.partner.title,shortcut:base.res_partner_title_miss
    650210336msgid "Mss"
    651010344#. module: base
    6511 #: constraint:res.partner:0
    6512 msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive associated members."
    6513 msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní přiřazené členy."
    6515 #. module: base
    651610345#: help:res.lang,code:0
    651710346msgid "This field is used to set/get locales for user"
    652110350#: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_2
    652210351msgid "OpenERP Partners"
    6523 msgstr "Partneři OpenERP"
    6525 #. module: base
    6526 #:,name:base.menu_hr_manager
    6527 msgid "HR Manager Dashboard"
    6528 msgstr "Nástěnka správy HR"
    6530 #. module: base
    6531 #: code:addons/base/module/
     10352msgstr "Společníci OpenERP"
     10354#. module: base
     10355#: code:addons/base/module/
    653210356#, python-format
    653310357msgid "Unable to install module \"%s\" because an external dependency is not met: %s"
    654810372#: field:ir.actions.act_window_close,name:0
    654910373#: field:ir.actions.actions,name:0
     10374#: field:ir.actions.client,name:0
    655010375#: field:ir.actions.server,name:0
    655110376#: field:ir.actions.url,name:0
    6552 #: field:ir.filters,name:0
    655310377msgid "Action Name"
    655410378msgstr "Jméno akce"
    656110385#. module: base
     10386#: selection:ir.module.module,complexity:0
    656210387#: selection:res.request,priority:0
    656310388msgid "Normal"
    656610391#. module: base
     10392#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_purchase_double_validation
     10393msgid "Double Validation on Purchases"
     10394msgstr ""
     10396#. module: base
    656810399#: field:res.partner.address,street2:0
    656910400msgid "Street2"
    657910410#, python-format
    658010411msgid "Following modules are not installed or unknown: %s"
    6581 msgstr "Následující moduly nejsou instalovány nebo jsou neznámé: %s"
     10412msgstr "Následující modukly nejsou instalovány nebo jsou neznámé: %s"
    658310414#. module: base
    658410415#: view:ir.cron:0
    658510416#: field:ir.cron,user_id:0
    6586 #: view:ir.filters:0
    658710417#: field:ir.filters,user_id:0
    658810418#: field:ir.ui.view.custom,user_id:0
    658910419#: field:ir.values,user_id:0
     10420#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_document_user
     10421#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_tool_user
    659010422#: field:res.log,user_id:0
    659110423#: field:res.partner.event,user_id:0
    662210454#. module: base
     10455#: view:base.module.import:0
     10456msgid "This wizard helps you to import a new module to your OpenERP system. After importing a new module you can install it by clicking on the button \"Install\" from the form view."
     10457msgstr ""
     10459#. module: base
    662410461msgid "Switzerland"
    663210469#. module: base
    6633 #:,
    6634 msgid "Wallis and Futuna Islands"
    6635 msgstr "Ostrovy Wallis a Futuna"
    6637 #. module: base
    6638 #: selection:server.action.create,init,type:0
    6639 msgid "Open Report"
    6640 msgstr "Otevřít výkaz"
    6642 #. module: base
    6643 #: field:res.currency,rounding:0
    6644 msgid "Rounding factor"
    6645 msgstr "Faktor zaokrouhlení"
     10470#: view:ir.actions.server:0
     10471msgid "Trigger Configuration"
     10472msgstr "Nastavení spouštěče"
    664710474#. module: base
    665210479#. module: base
    6653 #: help:res.config.users,name:0
    6654 #: help:res.users,name:0
    6655 msgid "The new user's real name, used for searching and most listings"
    6656 msgstr "Skutečné jméno nového uživatele použité pro hledání a procházení"
    6658 #. module: base
    6659 #: code:addons/
    6660 #: code:addons/
     10480#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_warning
     10481msgid ""
     10483"Module to trigger warnings in OpenERP objects.\n"
     10486"Warning messages can be displayed for objects like sale order, purchase order,\n"
     10487"picking and invoice. The message is triggered by the form's onchange event.\n"
     10488"    "
     10489msgstr ""
     10491#. module: base
     10492#: code:addons/
     10493#: code:addons/
    666110494#, python-format
    666210495msgid "Integrity Error"
    667010503#. module: base
    6671 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     10504#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_workflow
     10505msgid "workflow"
     10506msgstr "pracovní postup"
     10508#. module: base
     10509#: code:addons/base/ir/
    667210510#, python-format
    667310511msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
    668110519#. module: base
     10520#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_mrp_operations
     10521msgid "Manufacturing Operations"
     10522msgstr "Výrobní operace"
     10524#. module: base
    668210525#: selection:publisher_warranty.contract,state:0
    668310526msgid "Terminated"
    669610539#. module: base
    6697 #: field:partner.sms.send,mobile_to:0
    6698 #: field:res.request,act_to:0
    6699 #: field:res.request.history,act_to:0
    6700 msgid "To"
    6701 msgstr "Do"
     10540#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_messages
     10541msgid ""
     10543"This module provides the functionality to send messages within a project.\n"
     10546"A user can send messages individually to other user. He can even broadcast\n"
     10547"it to all the users.\n"
     10548"    "
     10549msgstr ""
     10551#. module: base
     10552#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr
     10553msgid "Employee Directory"
     10554msgstr "Adresář zaměstnance"
    670310556#. module: base
    670910562#. module: base
    6710 #: code:addons/
     10563#: code:addons/
    671110564#, python-format
    671210565msgid "Database ID doesn't exist: %s : %s"
    672510578#. module: base
    6726 #: code:addons/
     10579#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_report_intrastat
     10580msgid ""
     10582"A module that adds intrastat reports.\n"
     10585"This module gives the details of the goods traded between the countries of European Union "
     10586msgstr ""
     10588#. module: base
     10589#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_stock_invoice_directly
     10590msgid ""
     10592"Invoice Wizard for Delivery.\n"
     10595"When you send or deliver goods, this module automatically launch\n"
     10596"the invoicing wizard if the delivery is to be invoiced.\n"
     10597"    "
     10598msgstr ""
     10600#. module: base
     10601#: code:addons/
    672710602#, python-format
    672810603msgid "key '%s' not found in selection field '%s'"
    672910604msgstr "klíč '%s' nenalezen ve výběru pole '%s'"
     10606#. module: base
     10607#: selection:ir.values,key:0
     10608#: selection:res.partner.address,type:0
     10609msgid "Default"
     10610msgstr "Standartní"
    673110612#. module: base
    673610617#. module: base
    6737 #: code:addons/
    6738 #, python-format
    6739 msgid "The value \"%s\" for the field \"%s\" is not in the selection"
    6740 msgstr "Hodnota \"%s\" pro pole \"%s\" není ve výběru"
     10619msgid "A4"
     10620msgstr "A4"
     10622#. module: base
     10623#: field:publisher_warranty.contract,check_support:0
     10624msgid "Support Level 1"
     10625msgstr "Úroveň podpory 1"
    674210627#. module: base
    675510640#. module: base
     10641#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_product_visible_discount
     10642msgid ""
     10644"This module lets you calculate discounts on Sale Order lines and Invoice lines base on the partner's pricelist.\n"
     10647"To this end, a new check box named \"Visible Discount\" is added to the pricelist form.\n"
     10650"    For the product PC1 and the partner \"Asustek\": if listprice=450, and the price calculated using Asustek's pricelist is 225\n"
     10651"    If the check box is checked, we will have on the sale order line: Unit price=450, Discount=50,00, Net price=225\n"
     10652"    If the check box is unchecked, we will have on Sale Order and Invoice lines: Unit price=225, Discount=0,00, Net price=225\n"
     10653"    "
     10654msgstr ""
     10656#. module: base
    675610657#: field:ir.module.module,shortdesc:0
    675710658msgid "Short Description"
    676010661#. module: base
    6761 #: field:ir.actions.act_window,context:0
    6762 #: field:ir.filters,context:0
    6763 msgid "Context Value"
    6764 msgstr "Kontextová hodnota"
     10663msgid "Country Code"
     10664msgstr "Kód země"
    676610666#. module: base
    677610676#. module: base
     10677#: field:ir.sequence,padding:0
     10678msgid "Number Padding"
     10679msgstr "Zarovnání čísla"
     10681#. module: base
    677710682#: help:multi_company.default,field_id:0
    677810683msgid "Select field property"
    679310698#: field:ir.actions.server,sequence:0
    679410699#: field:ir.actions.todo,sequence:0
     10700#: field:ir.actions.todo.category,sequence:0
    679510701#: view:ir.cron:0
     10702#: field:ir.module.category,sequence:0
     10703#: field:ir.module.module,sequence:0
    679610704#: view:ir.sequence:0
    681310721#. module: base
     10722#: view:ir.actions.todo:0
     10723msgid "Wizards to be Launched"
     10724msgstr "Průvodci ke spuštění"
     10726#. module: base
     10727#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_manufacturing
    681510729msgid "Manufacturing"
    682010734msgid "Comoros"
    682110735msgstr "Komory"
     10737#. module: base
     10738#: view:res.request:0
     10739msgid "Draft and Active"
     10740msgstr ""
    682310742#. module: base
    683010749#. module: base
    6831 #: view:ir.module.module:0
    6832 msgid "Cancel Install"
    6833 msgstr "Zrušení instalace"
     10751msgid "Format Layout"
     10752msgstr "Formát rozvržení"
    683510754#. module: base
    684510764#. module: base
     10765#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_auth_openid
     10766msgid "OpenID Authentification"
     10767msgstr "Ověření OpenID"
     10769#. module: base
     10770#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_plugin_thunderbird
     10771msgid ""
     10773"This module is required for the Thuderbird Plug-in to work properly.\n"
     10776"The plugin allows you archive email and its attachments to the selected\n"
     10777"OpenERP objects. You can select a partner, a task, a project, an analytical\n"
     10778"account, or any other object and attach the selected mail as a .eml file in\n"
     10779"the attachment of a selected record. You can create documents for CRM Lead,\n"
     10780"HR Applicant and Project Issue from selected mails.\n"
     10781"      "
     10782msgstr ""
     10784#. module: base
    684610785#: view:res.lang:0
    684710786msgid "Legends for Date and Time Formats"
    685510794#. module: base
    6856 #: code:addons/base/res/
     10795#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_mail
     10796msgid "Emails Management"
     10797msgstr "Správa pošty"
     10799#. module: base
     10800#: field:ir.actions.server,trigger_name:0
     10801msgid "Trigger Signal"
     10802msgstr "Spouštěč signálu"
     10804#. module: base
     10805#: code:addons/base/res/
    685710806#, python-format
    685810807msgid "Group(s) cannot be deleted, because some user(s) still belong to them: %s !"
    685910808msgstr "Skupiny nemohou být smazány, protože někteří uživatelé k nim stále patří: %s !"
     10810#. module: base
     10811#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_mrp_repair
     10812msgid ""
     10814"The aim is to have a complete module to manage all products repairs. The following topics should be covered by this module:\n"
     10817"    * Add/remove products in the reparation\n"
     10818"    * Impact for stocks\n"
     10819"    * Invoicing (products and/or services)\n"
     10820"    * Warranty concept\n"
     10821"    * Repair quotation report\n"
     10822"    * Notes for the technician and for the final customer\n"
     10823msgstr ""
    686110825#. module: base
    687310837#. module: base
     10838#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_knowledge
     10839msgid ""
     10841"Installer for knowledge-based Hidden.\n"
     10844"Makes the Knowledge Application Configuration available from where you can install\n"
     10845"document and Wiki based Hidden.\n"
     10846"    "
     10847msgstr ""
     10849#. module: base
     10850#: field:res.groups,trans_implied_ids:0
     10851msgid "Transitively inherits"
     10852msgstr "Přechodně dědí"
     10854#. module: base
    687410855#: field:ir.default,ref_table:0
    687510856msgid "Table Ref."
    687610857msgstr "Odkaz tabulky"
     10859#. module: base
     10860#: code:addons/base/ir/
     10861#, python-format
     10862msgid "Mail delivery failed"
     10863msgstr "Doručení pošty selhalo"
    687810865#. module: base
    688410871#: field:ir.default,field_tbl:0
    688510872#: field:ir.filters,model_id:0
    6886 #: field:ir.model,model:0
    688710873#: view:ir.model.access:0
    688810874#: field:ir.model.access,model_id:0
    6890 #:,model:0
    689110876#: view:ir.model.fields:0
    6892 #: view:ir.rule:0
    689310877#: field:ir.rule,model_id:0
    689410878#: selection:ir.translation,type:0
    689510879#: view:ir.ui.view:0
    689610880#: field:ir.ui.view,model:0
    6897 #: view:ir.values:0
    6898 #: field:ir.values,model_id:0
    689910881#: field:multi_company.default,object_id:0
    690010882#: field:res.log,res_model:0
    690610888#. module: base
    6907 #: code:addons/
     10889#: code:addons/
    690810890#, python-format
    690910891msgid ""
    691810900#. module: base
    6919 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_default
    6920 msgid "ir.default"
    6921 msgstr "ir.default"
     10901#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_analytic_plans
     10902msgid "Multiple Analytic Plans"
     10903msgstr "Více analytických plánů"
     10905#. module: base
     10906#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_timesheet
     10907msgid ""
     10909"Synchronization of project task work entries with timesheet entries.\n"
     10912"This module lets you transfer the entries under tasks defined for Project Management to\n"
     10913"the Timesheet line entries for particular date and particular user  with the effect of creating, editing and deleting either ways.\n"
     10915"    "
     10916msgstr ""
    692310918#. module: base
    692810923#. module: base
    6929 #: view:base.update.translations:0
    6930 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_wizard_update_translations
    6931 #:,name:base.menu_wizard_update_translations
    6932 msgid "Synchronize Translations"
    6933 msgstr "Synchronizovat překlady"
    6935 #. module: base
    693710925msgid "Scheduler"
    694010928#. module: base
    6941 #: help:ir.cron,numbercall:0
    6942 msgid ""
    6943 "Number of time the function is called,\n"
    6944 "a negative number indicates no limit"
    6945 msgstr ""
    6946 "Počet kolikrát je volána funkce,\n"
    6947 "záporné číslo vyjadřuje bez limitu"
    6949 #. module: base
    6950 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     10929#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_tools
     10930msgid "Base Tools"
     10931msgstr "Základní nástroje"
     10933#. module: base
     10935msgid ""
     10936"You can state here the usual format to use for the addresses belonging to this country.\n"
     10938"You can use the python-style string patern with all the field of the address (for example, use '%(street)s' to display the field 'street') plus\n"
     10939"            \n"
     10940"%(state_name)s: the name of the state\n"
     10941"            \n"
     10942"%(state_code)s: the code of the state\n"
     10943"            \n"
     10944"%(country_name)s: the name of the country\n"
     10945"            \n"
     10946"%(country_code)s: the code of the country"
     10947msgstr ""
     10949#. module: base
     10950#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_pad
     10951msgid ""
     10953"Adds enhanced support for (Ether)Pad attachments in the web client.\n"
     10956"Lets the company customize which Pad installation should be used to link to new pads\n"
     10957"(by default,\n"
     10958"    "
     10959msgstr ""
     10961#. module: base
     10962#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_uk
     10963msgid "UK - Accounting"
     10964msgstr "UK - Účetnictví"
     10966#. module: base
     10967#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_scrum
     10968msgid ""
     10970"This module implements all concepts defined by the scrum project management methodology for IT companies.\n"
     10973"    * Project with sprints, product owner, scrum master\n"
     10974"    * Sprints with reviews, daily meetings, feedbacks\n"
     10975"    * Product backlog\n"
     10976"    * Sprint backlog\n"
     10978"It adds some concepts to the project management module:\n"
     10979"    * Mid-term, long-term road-map\n"
     10980"    * Customers/functional requests VS technical ones\n"
     10982"It also creates a new reporting:\n"
     10983"    * Burn-down chart\n"
     10985"The scrum projects and tasks inherit from the real projects and\n"
     10986"tasks, so you can continue working on normal tasks that will also\n"
     10987"include tasks from scrum projects.\n"
     10989"More information on the methodology:\n"
     10990"    *\n"
     10991"    "
     10992msgstr ""
     10994#. module: base
     10995#: code:addons/base/ir/
    695110996#, python-format
    695210997msgid "Changing the type of a column is not yet supported. Please drop it and create it again!"
    696011005#. module: base
    6961 #: code:addons/base/res/
     11006#: code:addons/base/res/
    696211007#, python-format
    696311008msgid "Warning !"
     11024#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_system
    697911025msgid "Configuration"
    698011026msgstr "Nastavení"
    698211028#. module: base
    6983 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_publisher_warranty_contract_wizard
    6984 msgid "publisher_warranty.contract.wizard"
    6985 msgstr "publisher_warranty.contract.wizard"
     11029#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_in
     11030msgid "India - Accounting"
     11031msgstr "Indie - Účetnictví"
    698711033#. module: base
    699711043#. module: base
    6998 #: help:res.partner,website:0
    6999 msgid "Website of Partner"
    7000 msgstr "Stránky partnera"
     11044#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_gt
     11045msgid "Guatemala - Accounting"
     11046msgstr "Guatemala - Účetnictví"
     11048#. module: base
     11049#: help:ir.cron,args:0
     11050msgid "Arguments to be passed to the method, e.g. (uid,)."
     11051msgstr "Parametry, které budou předány metodě. např. (uid,)."
    700211053#. module: base
    700311054#: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_5
    700411055msgid "Gold Partner"
    7005 msgstr "Zlatý partner"
     11056msgstr "Zlatý společník"
    700711058#. module: base
    701011061#: view:res.partner.address:0
    7011 #:,partner_id:0
    701211062#: field:res.partner.event,partner_id:0
    701311063#: selection:res.partner.title,domain:0
    701511065msgid "Partner"
    7016 msgstr "Partner"
     11066msgstr "Společník"
     11068#. module: base
     11069#: field:ir.model.fields,complete_name:0
     11071msgid "Complete Name"
     11072msgstr "Celé jméno"
    701811074#. module: base
    703911095#. module: base
    704011096#: field:ir.actions.todo,state:0
    7041 #: view:ir.module.module:0
    704211097#: field:ir.module.module,state:0
    704311098#: field:ir.module.module.dependency,state:0
    704411099#: field:publisher_warranty.contract,state:0
    7045 #:,state:0
    7047 #:,state_id:0
    704811101#: view:res.request:0
    704911102#: field:res.request,state:0
    705111104#: field:workflow.workitem,state:0
    705211105msgid "State"
    7053 msgstr "Stát"
     11106msgstr "Stav"
     11108#. module: base
     11109#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_evaluation
     11110msgid ""
     11112"Ability to create employees evaluation.\n"
     11115"An evaluation can be created by employee for subordinates,\n"
     11116"juniors as well as his manager.The evaluation is done under a plan\n"
     11117"in which various surveys can be created and it can be defined which\n"
     11118"level of employee hierarchy fills what and final review and evaluation\n"
     11119"is done by the manager.Every evaluation filled by the employees can be viewed\n"
     11120"in the form of pdf file. Implements a dashboard for My Current Evaluations\n"
     11121"         "
     11122msgstr ""
    705511124#. module: base
    708611155#. module: base
    7087 #:,
    7088 msgid "Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)"
    7089 msgstr "Kyrgyzská republika (Kyrgyzstán)"
     11156#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
     11157msgid "Sinhalese / සිංහල"
     11158msgstr "Sinhalština / සිංහල"
    709111160#. module: base
    710611175#. module: base
    7107 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     11176#: code:addons/base/ir/
    710811177#, python-format
    710911178msgid "Invalid search criterions"
    711011179msgstr "Neplatné podmínky hledání"
     11181#. module: base
     11182#: view:ir.mail_server:0
     11183msgid "Connection Information"
     11184msgstr "Informace spojení"
    711211186#. module: base
    713211206#. module: base
     11208msgid "External Key/Identifier that can be used for data integration with third-party systems"
     11209msgstr ""
     11211#. module: base
     11212#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_mrp_operations
     11213msgid ""
     11215"This module adds state, date_start,date_stop in production order operation lines (in the \"Work Centers\" tab).\n"
     11218"State: draft, confirm, done, cancel\n"
     11219"When finishing/confirming,cancelling production orders set all state lines to the according state\n"
     11221"Create menus:\n"
     11222"    Manufacturing > Manufacturing > Work Orders\n"
     11224"Which is a view on \"Work Centers\" lines in production order.\n"
     11226"Add buttons in the form view of production order under workcenter tab:\n"
     11227"    * start (set state to confirm), set date_start\n"
     11228"    * done (set state to done), set date_stop\n"
     11229"    * set to draft (set state to draft)\n"
     11230"    * cancel set state to cancel\n"
     11232"When the production order becomes \"ready to produce\", operations must\n"
     11233"become 'confirmed'. When the production order is done, all operations\n"
     11234"must become done.\n"
     11236"The field delay is the delay(stop date - start date).\n"
     11237"So that we can compare the theoretic delay and real delay.\n"
     11239"    "
     11240msgstr ""
     11242#. module: base
     11243#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_auction
     11244msgid ""
     11246"This module manages the records of artists, auction articles, buyers and sellers.\n"
     11249"It completely manages an auction such as managing bids,\n"
     11250"keeping track of the sold articles along with the paid\n"
     11251"and unpaid objects including delivery of the articles.\n"
     11253"The dashboard for auction includes:\n"
     11254"    * Latest Objects (list)\n"
     11255"    * Latest Deposits (list)\n"
     11256"    * Objects Statistics (list)\n"
     11257"    * Total Adjudications (graph)\n"
     11258"    * Min/Adj/Max (graph)\n"
     11259"    * Objects By Day (graph)\n"
     11260"    "
     11261msgstr ""
     11263#. module: base
     11264#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_crypt
     11265msgid ""
     11267"Replaces cleartext passwords in the database with a secure hash\n"
     11269"For your existing user base, the removal of the cleartext\n"
     11270"passwords occurs immediately when you instal base_crypt.\n"
     11272"All passwords will be replaced by a secure, salted, cryptographic\n"
     11273"hash, preventing anyone from reading the original password in\n"
     11274"the database.\n"
     11276"After installing this module it won't be possible to recover a\n"
     11277"forgotten password for your users, the only solution is for an\n"
     11278"admin to set a new password.\n"
     11280"Security Warning\n"
     11282"Installing this module does not mean you can ignore other security measures,\n"
     11283"as the password is still transmitted unencrypted on the network, unless you\n"
     11284"are using a secure protocol such as XML-RPCS or HTTPS.\n"
     11285"It also does not protect the rest of the content of the database, which may\n"
     11286"contain critical data. Appropriate security measures need to be implemented\n"
     11287"by the system administrator in all areas, such as: protection of database\n"
     11288"backups, system files, remote shell access, physical server access, etc.\n"
     11290"Interation with LDAP authentication\n"
     11292"This module is currently not compatible with the ``user_ldap`` module and\n"
     11293"will disable LDAP authentication completely if installed at the same time.\n"
     11295"                    "
     11296msgstr ""
     11298#. module: base
    713311299#: field:ir.actions.act_window,view_id:0
    713411300msgid "View Ref."
    713711303#. module: base
     11304#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_sales_management
     11305msgid "Helps you handle your quotations, sale orders and invoicing."
     11306msgstr "Pomáhá vám spravovat vaše cenové nabídky, prodejní příkazy a fakturaci."
     11308#. module: base
     11309#: field:res.groups,implied_ids:0
     11310msgid "Inherits"
     11311msgstr "Dědí"
     11313#. module: base
    713811314#: selection:ir.translation,type:0
    713911315msgid "Selection"
    714211318#. module: base
    7143 #:,rml_header1:0
    7144 msgid "Report Header"
    7145 msgstr "Záhlaví výpisu"
     11319#: field:ir.module.module,icon:0
     11320msgid "Icon URL"
     11321msgstr "Ikona URL"
    714711323#. module: base
    714911325#: field:ir.actions.act_window_close,type:0
    715011326#: field:ir.actions.actions,type:0
     11327#: field:ir.actions.client,type:0
    715211329#: view:ir.actions.server:0
    716011337#. module: base
    7161 #: code:addons/base/module/
    7162 #, python-format
    7163 msgid ""
    7164 "You try to install module '%s' that depends on module '%s'.\n"
    7165 "But the latter module is not available in your system."
    7166 msgstr ""
    7167 "Můžete zkusit instalovat modul '%s', který závisí na modulu '%s'.\n"
    7168 "Ale zmíněný modul není ve vašem systému dostupný."
     11339msgid "Vietnam"
     11340msgstr "Vietnam"
     11342#. module: base
     11343#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_syscohada
     11344msgid ""
     11345"This module implements the accounting chart for OHADA area.\n"
     11346"    It allows any company or association to manage its financial accounting.\n"
     11347"    Countries that use OHADA are the following:\n"
     11348"    Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo,\n"
     11349"    Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea Bissau,\n"
     11350"    Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Niger, Replica of Democratic Congo, Senegal, Chad, Togo.\n"
     11351"    "
     11352msgstr ""
    717011354#. module: base
    718211366#. module: base
    7183 #: view:ir.module.module:0
     11367#: view:ir.actions.todo:0
     11368#: field:ir.actions.todo,category_id:0
    718411369#: field:ir.module.module,category_id:0
    718511370msgid "Category"
    720611391#. module: base
     11392#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_module_doc_rst
     11393msgid "Generate Docs of Modules"
     11394msgstr "Generovat dokumentaci modulů"
     11396#. module: base
     11398msgid ""
     11399"Our records indicate that the following payments are still due. If the amount\n"
     11400"has already been paid, please disregard this notice. However, if you have any\n"
     11401"queries regarding your account, please contact us.\n"
     11402"Thank you in advance.\n"
     11403msgstr ""
     11405#. module: base
     11406#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_users_ldap
     11407msgid "Authentication via LDAP"
     11408msgstr "Ověření přes LDAP"
     11410#. module: base
    720711411#: view:workflow.activity:0
    720811412msgid "Conditions"
    721211416#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_partner_other_form
    721311417msgid "Other Partners"
    7214 msgstr "Jiní partneři"
     11418msgstr "Jiní společníci"
    721611420#. module: base
    722311427#. module: base
     11428#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_client
     11430msgid "ir.actions.client"
     11431msgstr "ir.actions.client"
     11433#. module: base
     11434#: help:ir.values,value:0
     11435msgid "Default value (pickled) or reference to an action"
     11436msgstr ""
     11438#. module: base
    722411439#: sql_constraint:res.groups:0
    722511440msgid "The name of the group must be unique !"
    722811443#. module: base
     11444#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_report_designer
     11445msgid ""
     11447"This module is used along with OpenERP OpenOffice Plugin.\n"
     11450"This module adds wizards to Import/Export .sxw report that\n"
     11451"you can modify in OpenOffice. Once you have modified it you can\n"
     11452"upload the report using the same wizard.\n"
     11453msgstr ""
     11455#. module: base
    722911456#: view:ir.sequence:0
    723011457msgid "Hour 00->12: %(h12)s"
    724811475#. module: base
    7249 #:,code:0
    7250 msgid "Country Code"
    7251 msgstr "Kód země"
     11476#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_calendar
     11477msgid ""
     11479"This is a full-featured calendar system.\n"
     11482"It supports:\n"
     11483"    - Calendar of events\n"
     11484"    - Alerts (create requests)\n"
     11485"    - Recurring events\n"
     11486"    - Invitations to people\n"
     11488"If you need to manage your meetings, you should install the CRM module.\n"
     11489"    "
     11490msgstr ""
     11492#. module: base
     11493#: view:ir.rule:0
     11494msgid "Rule definition (domain filter)"
     11495msgstr ""
    725311497#. module: base
    725811502#. module: base
    7259 #: code:addons/
     11503#: code:addons/
    726011504#, python-format
    726111505msgid "Unknown attribute %s in %s "
    7262 msgstr "Neznámá vlastnost %s v %s"
     11506msgstr "Neznámá vlastnost %s v %s "
    726411508#. module: base
    726911513#. module: base
    7270 #: code:addons/
     11514#: code:addons/
    727111515#, python-format
    727211516msgid "undefined get method !"
    728011524#. module: base
    7281 #: help:res.config.users,new_password:0
    7282 #: help:res.users,new_password:0
    7283 msgid "Only specify a value if you want to change the user password. This user will have to logout and login again!"
    7284 msgstr "Zadejte pouze hodnotu pokud chcete změnit uživatelské heslo. Tento uživatel bude opět odhlášen a přihlášen!"
    7286 #. module: base
    728711525#: model:res.partner.title,name:base.res_partner_title_madam
    728811526msgid "Madam"
    7289 msgstr "Dáma"
     11527msgstr "Paní"
    729111529#. module: base
    729611534#. module: base
    7297 #:,name:base.dashboard
     11535#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_board
    729811537msgid "Dashboards"
    729911538msgstr "Nástěnky"
     11540#. module: base
     11541#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_procurement
     11542msgid "Procurements"
     11543msgstr "Zásobování"
     11545#. module: base
     11546#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_hr_payroll_account
     11547msgid "Payroll Accounting"
     11548msgstr "Mzdové účetnictví"
    730111550#. module: base
    730611555#. module: base
    7307 #: field:res.config.users,new_password:0
    7308 #: field:res.users,new_password:0
    7309 msgid "Change password"
    7310 msgstr "Změnit heslo"
     11556#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_sale_order_dates
     11557msgid "Dates on Sales Order"
     11558msgstr "Datum na prodejní objednávce"
     11560#. module: base
     11561#: view:ir.attachment:0
     11562msgid "Creation Month"
     11563msgstr "Měsíc vytvoření"
    731211565#. module: base
    731411567msgid "Netherlands"
    7315 msgstr "Nizozemí"
     11568msgstr "Nizozemsko"
     11570#. module: base
     11571#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_edi
     11572msgid ""
     11574"Provides a common EDI platform that other Applications can use\n"
     11577"OpenERP specifies a generic EDI format for exchanging business\n"
     11578"documents between different systems, and provides generic\n"
     11579"mechanisms to import and export them.\n"
     11581"More details about OpenERP's EDI format may be found in the\n"
     11582"technical OpenERP documentation at\n"
     11583"    "
     11584msgstr ""
    731711586#. module: base
    732211591#. module: base
    7323 #:
    7324 msgid "Your Logo - Use a size of about 450x150 pixels."
    7325 msgstr "Vaše logo - Použijte velikost okolo 450x150 bodů."
     11592#: help:ir.values,model:0
     11593msgid "Model to which this entry applies"
     11594msgstr "Model, pro který je záznam platný"
     11596#. module: base
     11598msgid "Address Format"
     11599msgstr "Formát adresy"
    732711601#. module: base
    733211606#. module: base
     11607#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_no_one
     11608msgid "Technical Features"
     11609msgstr "Technické rysy"
     11611#. module: base
    733311612#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    733411613msgid "Occitan (FR, post 1500) / Occitan"
    733711616#. module: base
    7338 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.open_module_tree
    7339 msgid "You can install new modules in order to activate new features, menu, reports or data in your OpenERP instance. To install some modules, click on the button \"Schedule for Installation\" from the form view, then click on \"Apply Scheduled Upgrades\" to migrate your system."
    7340 msgstr "Můžete instalovat nové moduly k aktivování nových funkcí, nabídek, výkazů nebo dat ve vaší insanci OpenERP. K instalování nějakých modulů klikněte na tlačítko \"Naplánovat k instalaci\" z formuláře pohledu. Pak klikněte na \"Použít pro plánované povýšení\" k převedení vašeho systému."
    7342 #. module: base
    7343 #:,name:base.menu_emails
    7344 #:,name:base.menu_mail_gateway
    7345 msgid "Emails"
    7346 msgstr "Emaily"
     11617#: code:addons/base/ir/
     11618#, python-format
     11619msgid ""
     11620"Here is what we got instead:\n"
     11621" %s"
     11622msgstr ""
     11623"Zde je to, co mám místo toho:\n"
     11624" %s"
     11626#. module: base
     11627#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_model_data
     11630msgid "External Identifiers"
     11631msgstr "Vnější identifikátory"
     11633#. module: base
     11634#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_sale_salesman
     11635msgid "User - Own Leads Only"
     11636msgstr ""
    734811638#. module: base
    736511655#. module: base
    7366 #:,
    7367 msgid "Japan"
    7368 msgstr "Japonsko"
     11656#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.act_ir_actions_todo_form
     11657msgid "The configuration wizards are used to help you configure a new instance of OpenERP. They are launched during the installation of new modules, but you can choose to restart some wizards manually from this menu."
     11658msgstr "Potvrzovací průvodce je použit, aby vám pomohl nastavit novou instanci OpenERP. Je spuštěn během instalace nových modulů, ale nemůžet zvolit ručně z této nabídky restart některých průvodců."
     11660#. module: base
     11662msgid "Portrait"
     11663msgstr "Na výšku"
    737011665#. module: base
    737211667msgid "Number of Calls"
    737311668msgstr "Počet volání"
     11670#. module: base
     11671#: code:addons/base/res/
     11672#, python-format
     11673msgid "BANK"
     11674msgstr "BANKA"
    737511676#. module: base
    739111692#. module: base
    7392 #:,
    7393 msgid "Greece"
    7394 msgstr "Řecko"
     11693#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_tr
     11694msgid ""
     11696"Türkiye için Tek düzen hesap planı şablonu OpenERP Modülü.\n"
     11699"Bu modül kurulduktan sonra, Muhasebe yapılandırma sihirbazı çalışır\n"
     11700"    * Sihirbaz sizden hesap planı şablonu, planın kurulacağı şirket,banka hesap bilgileriniz,ilgili para birimi gibi bilgiler isteyecek.\n"
     11701"    "
     11702msgstr ""
     11704#. module: base
     11705#: view:res.config:0
     11706msgid "Apply"
     11707msgstr "Použít"
    739611709#. module: base
    740611719#. module: base
    7407 #: field:base.language.install,overwrite:0
    7408 msgid "Overwrite Existing Terms"
    7409 msgstr "Přepsat existující výrazy"
    7411 #. module: base
    7412 #: help:ir.actions.server,code:0
    7413 msgid "Python code to be executed"
    7414 msgstr "Kód Pythonu k vykonání"
    7416 #. module: base
    741811721msgid "The code of the country must be unique !"
    742111724#. module: base
    7422 #: selection:ir.module.module.dependency,state:0
    7423 msgid "Uninstallable"
    7424 msgstr "Neodinstalovatelný"
     11725#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_kanban
     11726msgid ""
     11728"        OpenERP Web kanban view.\n"
     11729"        "
     11730msgstr ""
     11732#. module: base
     11734msgid "Time Tracking"
     11735msgstr "Časové sledování"
    742611737#. module: base
    742711738#: view:res.partner.category:0
    742811739msgid "Partner Category"
    7429 msgstr "Kategorie partnerů"
     11740msgstr "Kategorie společníků"
    743111742#. module: base
    743711748#. module: base
     11749#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_warehouse_management
     11750msgid "Helps you manage your inventory and main stock operations: delivery orders, receptions, etc."
     11751msgstr "Pomůže vám spravovat váš inventář a hlavní skladové operace: doručovací příkazy, příjmy, aj."
     11753#. module: base
    743811754#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_base_module_update
    743911755msgid "Update Module"
    744811764#. module: base
     11765#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_users_ldap
     11766msgid ""
     11768"Adds support for authentication by LDAP server.\n"
     11770"This module allows users to login with their LDAP username and\n"
     11771"password, and will automatically create OpenERP users for them\n"
     11772"on the fly.\n"
     11774"**Note**: This module only work on servers who have Python's\n"
     11775"``ldap`` module installed.\n"
     11779"After installing this module, you need to configure the LDAP\n"
     11780"parameters in the Configuration tab of the Company details.\n"
     11781"Different companies may have different LDAP servers, as long\n"
     11782"as they have unique usernames (usernames need to be unique in\n"
     11783"OpenERP, even across multiple companies).\n"
     11785"Anonymous LDAP binding is also supported (for LDAP servers\n"
     11786"that allow it), by simpling keeping the LDAP user and password\n"
     11787"empty in the LDAP configuration. This does **not** allow\n"
     11788"anonymous authentication for users, it is only for the master\n"
     11789"LDAP account that is used to verify if a user exists before\n"
     11790"attempting to authenticate it.\n"
     11792"Securing the connection with STARTTLS is available for LDAP\n"
     11793"servers supporting it, by enabling the TLS option in the LDAP\n"
     11796"For further options configuring the LDAP settings, refer to the\n"
     11797"ldap.conf manpage :manpage:`ldap.conf(5)`.\n"
     11799"Security Considerations\n"
     11801"Users' LDAP passwords are never stored in the OpenERP database,\n"
     11802"the LDAP server is queried whenever a user needs to be\n"
     11803"authenticated. No duplication of the password occurs, and\n"
     11804"passwords are managed in one place only.\n"
     11806"OpenERP does not manage password changes in the LDAP, so\n"
     11807"any change of password should be conducted by other means\n"
     11808"in the LDAP directory directly (for LDAP users).\n"
     11810"It is also possible to have local OpenERP users in the\n"
     11811"database along with LDAP-authenticated users (the Administrator\n"
     11812"account is one obvious example).\n"
     11814"Here is how it works:\n"
     11816"  * The system first attempts to authenticate users against\n"
     11817"    the local OpenERP database ;\n"
     11818"  * if this authentication fails (for example because the\n"
     11819"    user has no local password), the system then attempts\n"
     11820"    to authenticate against LDAP ;\n"
     11822"As LDAP users have blank passwords by default in the local\n"
     11823"OpenERP database (which means no access), the first step\n"
     11824"always fails and the LDAP server is queried to do the\n"
     11827"Enabling STARTTLS ensures that the authentication query to the\n"
     11828"LDAP server is encrypted.\n"
     11830"User Template\n"
     11832"In the LDAP configuration on the Company form, it is possible to\n"
     11833"select a *User Template*. If set, this user will be used as\n"
     11834"template to create the local users whenever someone authenticates\n"
     11835"for the first time via LDAP authentication.\n"
     11836"This allows pre-setting the default groups and menus of the\n"
     11837"first-time users.\n"
     11839"**Warning**: if you set a password for the user template,\n"
     11840"this password will be assigned as local password for each new\n"
     11841"LDAP user, effectively setting a *master password* for these\n"
     11842"users (until manually changed). You usually do not want this.\n"
     11843"One easy way to setup a template user is to login once with\n"
     11844"a valid LDAP user, let OpenERP create a blank local user with the\n"
     11845"same login (and a blank password), then rename this new user\n"
     11846"to a username that does not exist in LDAP, and setup its\n"
     11847"groups the way you want.\n"
     11849"Interaction with base_crypt\n"
     11851"The base_crypt module is not compatible with this module, and\n"
     11852"will disable LDAP authentication if installed at the same time.\n"
     11854"    "
     11855msgstr ""
     11857#. module: base
    744911858#: field:res.request.history,body:0
    745011859msgid "Body"
    745311862#. module: base
    7454 #: view:partner.wizard.spam:0
     11863#: code:addons/base/ir/
     11864#, python-format
     11865msgid "Connection test succeeded!"
     11866msgstr "Test spojení uspěl!"
     11868#. module: base
     11869#: view:partner.massmail.wizard:0
    745511870msgid "Send Email"
    745611871msgstr "Poslat e-mail"
    745811873#. module: base
    7459 #: field:res.config.users,menu_id:0
    746011874#: field:res.users,menu_id:0
    746111875msgid "Menu Action"
    747911893#. module: base
    7480 #: field:res.partner,child_ids:0
    7481 #: field:res.request,ref_partner_id:0
    7482 msgid "Partner Ref."
    7483 msgstr "Ref partnera"
     11894#: code:addons/base/ir/
     11895#, python-format
     11896msgid "Please define at least one SMTP server, or provide the SMTP parameters explicitly."
     11897msgstr ""
     11899#. module: base
     11900#: view:ir.attachment:0
     11901msgid "Filter on my documents"
     11902msgstr "Filtr nad mými dokumenty"
     11904#. module: base
     11905#: help:ir.actions.server,code:0
     11906msgid ""
     11907"Python code to be executed if condition is met.\n"
     11908"It is a Python block that can use the same values as for the condition field"
     11909msgstr ""
    748511911#. module: base
    751211938#. module: base
    7513 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_model_data
    7514 msgid ""
    7515 msgstr ""
     11939#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_multi_company
     11940msgid "Multi Companies"
     11941msgstr "Více společností"
    751711943#. module: base
    751911945#: view:ir.rule:0
    752011946#: view:res.groups:0
     11947#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_erp_manager
     11948#: view:res.users:0
    752111949msgid "Access Rights"
    752211950msgstr "Přístupová práva"
    752911957#. module: base
     11958#: model:res.groups,name:base.group_sale_salesman_all_leads
     11959msgid "User - All Leads"
     11960msgstr ""
     11962#. module: base
    753111964msgid "Account Number"
    753411967#. module: base
     11968#: view:ir.rule:0
     11972#. module: base
     11973#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_th
     11974msgid "Thailand - Accounting"
     11975msgstr "Thajsko - Účetnictví"
     11977#. module: base
    753511978#: view:res.lang:0
    753611979msgid "1.  %c              ==> Fri Dec  5 18:25:20 2008"
    754411987#. module: base
     11988#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_mrp_jit
     11989msgid ""
     11991"This module allows Just In Time computation of procurement orders.\n"
     11994"If you install this module, you will not have to run the regular procurement\n"
     11995"scheduler anymore (but you still need to run the minimum order point rule\n"
     11996"scheduler, or for example let it run daily.)\n"
     11997"All procurement orders will be processed immediately, which could in some\n"
     11998"cases entail a small performance impact.\n"
     12000"It may also increase your stock size because products are reserved as soon\n"
     12001"as possible and the scheduler time range is not taken into account anymore.\n"
     12002"In that case, you can not use priorities any more on the different picking.\n"
     12004"    "
     12005msgstr ""
     12007#. module: base
    754612009msgid "Cyprus"
    754912012#. module: base
    7550 #: view:base.module.import:0
    7551 msgid "This wizard helps you add a new language to you OpenERP system. After loading a new language it becomes available as default interface language for users and partners."
    7552 msgstr "Tento průvodce vám pomůže přidat nový jazyk do vašeho systému OpenERP. Po načtení se nový jazyk stane dostupným jako výchozí jazyk rozhraní pro uživatele a partnery."
    7554 #. module: base
    755512013#: field:ir.actions.server,subject:0
    7556 #: field:partner.wizard.spam,subject:0
     12014#: field:partner.massmail.wizard,subject:0
    755712015#: field:res.request,name:0
    755812016msgid "Subject"
    755912017msgstr "Předmět"
     12019#. module: base
     12020#: selection:res.currency,position:0
     12021msgid "Before Amount"
     12022msgstr "Před částkou"
    756112024#. module: base
    757712040#. module: base
    7578 #: view:res.config:0
    7579 #: wizard_button:server.action.create,init,step_1:0
    7580 msgid "Next"
    7581 msgstr "Další"
    7583 #. module: base
    7584 #: help:ir.cron,function:0
    7585 msgid "Name of the method to be called on the object when this scheduler is executed."
    7586 msgstr "Jméno metody, která bude volána nad objektem, když bude spuštěn tento plánovač."
    7588 #. module: base
    7589 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     12042msgid "Set Bank Accounts"
     12043msgstr "Nastavit bankovní účet"
     12045#. module: base
     12046#: field:ir.actions.client,tag:0
     12047msgid "Client action tag"
     12048msgstr "Značka akce klienta"
     12050#. module: base
     12051#: code:addons/base/res/
     12052#, python-format
     12053msgid "You cannot delete the language which is User's Preferred Language !"
     12054msgstr "Nemůžete smazat jazyk, který mají uživatelé jako upřednostňovaný !"
     12056#. module: base
     12057#: field:ir.values,model_id:0
     12058msgid "Model (change only)"
     12059msgstr "Mode (pouze změnit)"
     12061#. module: base
     12062#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_marketing_campaign_crm_demo
     12063msgid ""
     12065"Demo data for the module marketing_campaign.\n"
     12068"Creates demo data like leads, campaigns and segments for the module marketing_campaign.\n"
     12069"    "
     12070msgstr ""
     12072#. module: base
     12073#: selection:ir.actions.act_window.view,view_mode:0
     12074#: selection:ir.ui.view,type:0
     12075msgid "Kanban"
     12076msgstr "Kanban"
     12078#. module: base
     12079#: code:addons/base/ir/
    759012080#, python-format
    759112081msgid "The Selection Options expression is must be in the [('key','Label'), ...] format!"
    759212082msgstr "Výraz výběru voleb musí být ve formátu [('key','Label'], ...]!"
     12084#. module: base
     12085#: view:ir.filters:0
     12086msgid "Current User"
     12087msgstr "Aktuální uživatel"
     12089#. module: base
     12091msgid "Company Registry"
     12092msgstr ""
    759412094#. module: base
    759912099#. module: base
     12100#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_ir_mail_server_list
     12101#: view:ir.mail_server:0
     12103msgid "Outgoing Mail Servers"
     12104msgstr "Servery odchozí pošty"
     12106#. module: base
    760112108msgid "China"
    760412111#. module: base
    7605 #: code:addons/base/res/
    7606 #, python-format
    7607 msgid ""
    7608 "--\n"
    7609 "%(name)s %(email)s\n"
    7610 msgstr ""
    7611 "--\n"
    7612 "%(name)s %(email)s\n"
     12112#: help:ir.actions.server,wkf_model_id:0
     12113msgid "The object that should receive the workflow signal (must have an associated workflow)"
     12114msgstr ""
     12116#. module: base
     12117#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_account_voucher
     12118msgid "Allows you to create your invoices and track the payments. It is an easier version of the accounting module for managers who are not accountants."
     12119msgstr "Umožní vám vytvořit faktury a sledovat platby. Jedná se o jednodušší variantu účetního modulu pro vedoucí, kteří nejsou účetními."
    761412121#. module: base
    761912126#. module: base
    7620 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_workflow
    7621 msgid "workflow"
    7622 msgstr "pracovní postup"
     12127#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_account_voucher
     12128msgid "Invoicing & Payments"
     12129msgstr "Fakturace & platby"
    762412131#. module: base
    763612143msgid "This wizard will detect new terms to translate in the application, so that you can then add translations manually or perform a complete export (as a template for a new language example)."
    763712144msgstr "Tento průvodce zjistí nové termíny k překladu v aplikaci, takže pak budete moci ručně přidávat překlady nebo vykonávat celkové exporty (jako šablonu pro příklad nového jazyka)"
     12146#. module: base
     12147#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_ch
     12148msgid ""
     12150"Swiss localisation :\n"
     12151" - DTA generation for a lot of payment types\n"
     12152" - BVR management (number generation, report, etc..)\n"
     12153" - Import account move from the bank file (like v11 etc..)\n"
     12154" - Simplify the way you handle the bank statement for reconciliation\n"
     12156"You can also add ZIP and bank completion with:\n"
     12157" - l10n_ch_zip\n"
     12158" - l10n_ch_bank\n"
     12159" \n"
     12160" Author: Camptocamp SA\n"
     12161" Donors: Hasa Sàrl, Open Net Sàrl and Prisme Solutions Informatique SA\n"
     12165"Module incluant la localisation Suisse de TinyERP revu et corrigé par Camptocamp. Cette nouvelle version\n"
     12166"comprend la gestion et l'émissionde BVR, le paiement électronique via DTA (pour les banques, le système postal est en développement)\n"
     12167"et l'import du relevé de compte depuis la banque de manière automatisée.\n"
     12168"De plus, nous avons intégré la définition de toutes les banques Suisses(adresse, swift et clearing).\n"
     12170"Par ailleurs, conjointement à ce module, nous proposons la complétion NPA:\n"
     12172"Vous pouvez ajouter la completion des banques et des NPA avec with:\n"
     12173" - l10n_ch_zip\n"
     12174" - l10n_ch_bank\n"
     12175" \n"
     12176" Auteur: Camptocamp SA\n"
     12177" Donateurs: Hasa Sàrl, Open Net Sàrl and Prisme Solutions Informatique SA\n"
     12180"TODO :\n"
     12181"- Implement bvr import partial reconciliation\n"
     12182"- Replace wizard by osv_memory when possible\n"
     12183"- Add mising HELP\n"
     12184"- Finish code comment\n"
     12185"- Improve demo data\n"
     12188msgstr ""
    763912190#. module: base
    767812229#. module: base
    7679 #: field:res.partner.canal,name:0
    7680 msgid "Channel Name"
    7681 msgstr "Název kanálu"
    7683 #. module: base
    768412230#: view:res.lang:0
    768512231msgid "5.  %y, %Y         ==> 08, 2008"
    769312239#. module: base
    7694 #: field:ir.values,res_id:0
    769512240#: field:res.log,res_id:0
    769612241msgid "Object ID"
    770412249#. module: base
    7705 #:,name:base.menu_administration
     12250#: model:ir.actions.todo.category,name:base.category_administration_config
     12251#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_administration
    770612252msgid "Administration"
    770712253msgstr "Správa"
    772512271#. module: base
    7726 #: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    7727 msgid "Slovak / Slovenský jazyk"
    7728 msgstr "Slovenština / Slovenský jazyk"
     12272#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_publisher_warranty_contract_form
     12274msgid "Contracts"
     12275msgstr "Smlouvy"
    773012277#. module: base
    774212289#. module: base
    7743 #: help:res.config.users,login:0
    774412290#: help:res.users,login:0
    774512291msgid "Used to log into the system"
    775312299#. module: base
    7754 #: field:ir.ui.view_sc,res_id:0
    7755 msgid "Resource Ref."
    7756 msgstr "Odkaz zdroje"
     12300#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_module_quality
     12301msgid ""
     12303"The aim of this module is to check the quality of other modules.\n"
     12306"It defines a wizard on the list of modules in OpenERP, which allows you to\n"
     12307"evaluate them on different criteria such as: the respect of OpenERP coding\n"
     12308"standards, the speed efficiency...\n"
     12310"This module also provides generic framework to define your own quality test.\n"
     12311"For further info, coders may take a look into base_module_quality\\README.txt\n"
     12313"WARNING: This module cannot work as a ZIP file, you must unzip it before\n"
     12314"using it, otherwise it may crash.\n"
     12315"    "
     12316msgstr ""
     12318#. module: base
     12320msgid "Bank Name"
     12321msgstr "Jméno banky"
    775812323#. module: base
    776812333#. module: base
     12334#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_association
    777012336msgid "Association"
    777312339#. module: base
    7774 #:,
    7775 msgid "Chile"
    7776 msgstr "Čile"
    7778 #. module: base
    7779 #:,name:base.menu_address_book
    7780 #:,name:base.menu_config_address_book
    7781 #:,name:base.menu_procurement_management_supplier
    7782 msgid "Address Book"
    7783 msgstr "Adresář"
     12340#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_stock_no_autopicking
     12341msgid ""
     12343"This module allows an intermediate picking process to provide raw materials to production orders.\n"
     12346"One example of usage of this module is to manage production made by your\n"
     12347"suppliers (sub-contracting). To achieve this, set the assembled product\n"
     12348"which is sub-contracted to \"No Auto-Picking\" and put the location of the\n"
     12349"supplier in the routing of the assembly operation.\n"
     12350"    "
     12351msgstr ""
     12353#. module: base
     12354#: view:ir.actions.server:0
     12355msgid "Action to Launch"
     12356msgstr "Akce k provedení"
     12358#. module: base
     12359#: help:res.users,context_lang:0
     12360msgid "The default language used in the graphical user interface, when translations are available. To add a new language, you can use the 'Load an Official Translation' wizard available from the 'Administration' menu."
     12361msgstr ""
     12363#. module: base
     12364#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_es
     12365msgid ""
     12367"Spanish Charts of Accounts (PGCE 2008).\n"
     12370"* Defines the following chart of account templates:\n"
     12371"    * Spanish General Chart of Accounts 2008.\n"
     12372"    * Spanish General Chart of Accounts 2008 for small and medium companies.\n"
     12373"* Defines templates for sale and purchase VAT.\n"
     12374"* Defines tax code templates.\n"
     12376"Note: You should install the l10n_ES_account_balance_report module\n"
     12377"for yearly account reporting (balance, profit & losses).\n"
     12378msgstr ""
    778512380#. module: base
    779512390#. module: base
     12391#: code:addons/base/res/
     12392#, python-format
     12393msgid "Phone: "
     12394msgstr "Telefón:"
     12396#. module: base
    779712398msgid "Account No."
    780012401#. module: base
    7801 #: code:addons/base/res/
     12402#: code:addons/base/res/
    780212403#, python-format
    780312404msgid "Base Language 'en_US' can not be deleted !"
    781612417#. module: base
     12418#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_purchase_analytic_plans
     12419msgid ""
     12421"The base module to manage analytic distribution and purchase orders.\n"
     12424"Allows the user to maintain several analysis plans. These let you split\n"
     12425"a line on a supplier purchase order into several accounts and analytic plans.\n"
     12426"    "
     12427msgstr ""
     12429#. module: base
     12431msgid "Tax ID"
     12432msgstr "ID daně"
     12434#. module: base
    781712435#: field:ir.model.fields,field_description:0
    781812436msgid "Field Label"
    782112439#. module: base
     12441msgid "The path to the main report file (depending on Report Type) or NULL if the content is in another data field"
     12442msgstr "Cesta k hlavnímu souboru výkazu (závisí na typu výkazu) nebo NULL, pokud obsah je jiné datové pole"
     12444#. module: base
    782312446msgid "Djibouti"
    7824 msgstr "Djibouti"
     12447msgstr "Džibutsko"
    782612449#. module: base
    783612459#. module: base
    7837 #: code:addons/
     12460#: code:addons/
    783812461#, python-format
    783912462msgid "Operation prohibited by access rules, or performed on an already deleted document (Operation: %s, Document type: %s)."
    784712470#. module: base
    7848 #:,res_id:0
    784912471#: field:ir.translation,res_id:0
    785012472#: field:workflow.instance,res_id:0
    787112493#. module: base
     12494#: code:addons/base/res/
     12495#: code:addons/base/res/
    787212496#: selection:res.partner.address,type:0
     12497#: view:res.users:0
     12498#, python-format
    787312499msgid "Other"
    787412500msgstr "Jiné"
    788312509msgid "Turkish / Türkçe"
    788412510msgstr "Turečtina / Türkçe"
     12512#. module: base
     12513#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_long_term
     12514msgid ""
     12516"Long Term Project management module that tracks planning, scheduling, resources allocation.\n"
     12521"    * Manage Big project.\n"
     12522"    * Define various Phases of Project.\n"
     12523"    * Compute Phase Scheduling: Compute start date and end date of the phases which are in draft,open and pending state of the project given.\n"
     12524"      If no project given then all the draft,open and pending state phases will be taken.\n"
     12525"    * Compute Task Scheduling: This works same as the scheduler button on project.phase. It takes the project as argument and computes all the open,draft and pending tasks.\n"
     12526"    * Schedule Tasks: All the tasks which are in draft,pending and open state are scheduled with taking the phase's start date\n"
     12527"    "
     12528msgstr ""
    788612530#. module: base
    789412538#. module: base
     12539#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_product
     12540msgid "Products & Pricelists"
     12541msgstr "Výrobky & Ceníky"
     12543#. module: base
    789512544#: field:ir.actions.act_window,auto_refresh:0
    789612545msgid "Auto-Refresh"
    789912548#. module: base
    7900 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     12549#: code:addons/base/ir/
    790112550#, python-format
    790212551msgid "The osv_memory field can only be compared with = and != operator."
    791012559#. module: base
     12560#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_es
     12561msgid "Spanish - Accounting (PGCE 2008)"
     12562msgstr "Španělsko - Účetnictví (PGCE 2008)"
     12564#. module: base
     12565#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_stock_no_autopicking
     12566msgid "Picking Before Manufacturing"
     12567msgstr ""
     12569#. module: base
     12571msgid "Wallis and Futuna Islands"
     12572msgstr "Ostrovy Wallis a Futuna"
     12574#. module: base
    791112575#: help:multi_company.default,name:0
    791212576msgid "Name it to easily find a record"
    791312577msgstr "Pojmenujte to pro snadnější nalzení záznamu"
     12579#. module: base
     12581msgid "Greece"
     12582msgstr "Řecko"
     12584#. module: base
     12585#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_calendar
     12586msgid "web calendar"
     12587msgstr "webový kalendář"
     12589#. module: base
     12591msgid "External Identifier"
     12592msgstr "Vnější identifikátor"
    791512594#. module: base
    792612605#. module: base
    7927 #:,name:base.menu_event_association
     12606#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_event
    792912608msgid "Events Organisation"
    794112620#. module: base
    7942 #: selection:res.request,priority:0
    7943 msgid "High"
    7944 msgstr "Vysoká"
     12621#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_delivery
     12622msgid "Delivery Costs"
     12623msgstr "Ceny dodání"
     12625#. module: base
     12626#: code:addons/base/ir/
     12627#, python-format
     12628msgid "This cron task is currently being executed and may not be modified, please try again in a few minutes"
     12629msgstr ""
     12631#. module: base
     12632#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_product_expiry
     12633msgid ""
     12635"Track different dates on products and production lots.\n"
     12638"Following dates can be tracked:\n"
     12639"    - end of life\n"
     12640"    - best before date\n"
     12641"    - removal date\n"
     12642"    - alert date\n"
     12644"Used, for example, in food industries."
     12645msgstr ""
    794612647#. module: base
    795112652#. module: base
    7952 #:,
    7953 msgid "Croatia"
    7954 msgstr "Chorvatsko"
    7956 #. module: base
    7957 #:,bic:0
     12653#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_nl
     12654msgid "Netherlands - Accounting"
     12655msgstr "Nizozemí - Účetnictví"
     12657#. module: base
    795812660msgid "Bank Identifier Code"
    795912661msgstr "Identifikační kód banky"
    796612668#. module: base
    7967 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    7968 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    7969 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    7970 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    7971 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    7972 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    7973 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    7974 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     12669#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_process
     12670msgid ""
     12672"        OpenERP Web process view.\n"
     12673"        "
     12674msgstr ""
     12676#. module: base
     12677#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_account_chart
     12678msgid ""
     12680"Remove minimal account chart.\n"
     12683"Deactivates minimal chart of accounts.\n"
     12684msgstr ""
     12686#. module: base
     12687#: code:addons/base/ir/
     12688#: code:addons/base/ir/
     12689#: code:addons/base/ir/
     12690#: code:addons/base/ir/
     12691#: code:addons/base/ir/
    797512692#: code:addons/base/ir/
    7976 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    7977 #: code:addons/base/ir/
    7978 #: code:addons/base/module/
    7979 #: code:addons/base/module/
    7980 #: code:addons/base/module/
    7981 #: code:addons/base/module/
    7982 #: code:addons/base/module/
    7983 #: code:addons/base/module/
    7984 #: code:addons/base/module/
    7985 #: code:addons/base/module/
    7986 #: code:addons/base/module/
     12693#: code:addons/base/ir/
     12694#: code:addons/base/ir/
     12695#: code:addons/base/ir/
     12696#: code:addons/base/ir/
     12697#: code:addons/base/module/
     12698#: code:addons/base/module/
     12699#: code:addons/base/module/
     12700#: code:addons/base/module/
     12701#: code:addons/base/module/
     12702#: code:addons/base/module/
     12703#: code:addons/base/module/
     12704#: code:addons/base/module/
     12705#: code:addons/base/module/
     12706#: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
    798712707#: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
    7988 #: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
    7989 #: code:addons/base/res/
    7990 #: code:addons/base/res/
    7991 #: code:addons/base/res/
    7992 #: code:addons/
    7993 #: code:addons/
     12708#: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
     12709#: code:addons/base/res/
     12710#: code:addons/base/res/
     12711#: code:addons/base/res/
     12712#: code:addons/
     12713#: code:addons/
     12714#: code:addons/
    799412715#, python-format
    799512716msgid "Error"
    799812719#. module: base
    7999 #:,
    8000 msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
    8001 msgstr "Saint Pierre a Miquelon"
    8003 #. module: base
    8004 #:,header:0
    8005 msgid "Add or not the coporate RML header"
    8006 msgstr "Přidat nebo nepřidat RML hlavičku společnosti"
     12720#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_base_crypt
     12721msgid "DB Password Encryption"
     12722msgstr "Šifrování hesla databáze"
    800812724#. module: base
    801312729#. module: base
     12730#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_check_writing
     12731msgid "Check writing"
     12732msgstr ""
     12734#. module: base
     12735#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_sale_layout
     12736msgid ""
     12738"This module provides features to improve the layout of the Sales Order.\n"
     12741"It gives you the possibility to\n"
     12742"    * order all the lines of a sales order\n"
     12743"    * add titles, comment lines, sub total lines\n"
     12744"    * draw horizontal lines and put page breaks\n"
     12746"    "
     12747msgstr ""
     12749#. module: base
    801412750#: view:base.module.update:0
     12751#: view:base.module.upgrade:0
    801512752#: view:base.update.translations:0
    801612753msgid "Update"
    802412761#. module: base
     12763msgid "Address Information"
     12764msgstr "Informace adresy"
     12766#. module: base
    802612768msgid "Tanzania"
    804412786#. module: base
     12787#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web_livechat
     12788msgid "Live Chat Support"
     12789msgstr "Živá textová podpora "
     12791#. module: base
    804512792#: view:ir.actions.server:0
    804612793msgid "Other Actions Configuration"
    804912796#. module: base
     12797#: selection:ir.module.module.dependency,state:0
     12798msgid "Uninstallable"
     12799msgstr "Neodinstalovatelný"
     12801#. module: base
     12802#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_dashboard
     12803msgid ""
     12805"        OpenERP Web dashboard view.\n"
     12806"        "
     12807msgstr ""
     12809#. module: base
     12810#: view:res.partner:0
     12811msgid "Supplier Partners"
     12812msgstr ""
     12814#. module: base
    805012815#: view:res.config.installer:0
    805112816msgid "Install Modules"
    805412819#. module: base
    8055 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.res_partner_canal-act
    8056 #: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_partner_canal
    8057 #:,name:base.menu_res_partner_canal-act
    8058 #: view:res.partner.canal:0
    8059 msgid "Channels"
    8060 msgstr "Kanály"
    8062 #. module: base
    806312820#: view:ir.ui.view:0
    806412821msgid "Extra Info"
    806712824#. module: base
    8068 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.act_values_form_action
    8069 #:,name:base.menu_values_form_action
    8070 msgid "Client Events"
    8071 msgstr "Události klienta"
    8073 #. module: base
    8074 #: view:ir.module.module:0
    8075 msgid "Schedule for Installation"
    8076 msgstr "Naplánovat k instalaci"
     12825#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_be_hr_payroll
     12826msgid ""
     12828"Belgian Payroll Rules\n"
     12831"    * Employee Details\n"
     12832"    * Employee Contracts\n"
     12833"    * Passport based Contract\n"
     12834"    * Allowances / Deductions\n"
     12835"    * Allow to configure Basic / Grows / Net Salary\n"
     12836"    * Employee Payslip\n"
     12837"    * Monthly Payroll Register\n"
     12838"    * Integrated with Holiday Management\n"
     12839"    * Salary Maj, ONSS, Withholding Tax, Child Allowance, ...\n"
     12840"    "
     12841msgstr ""
    807812843#. module: base
    808312848#. module: base
    8084 #: sql_constraint:res.config.users:0
     12849#: view:res.partner:0
     12850msgid "Customer Partners"
     12851msgstr "Partneři zákazníka"
     12853#. module: base
    808512854#: sql_constraint:res.users:0
    808612855msgid "You can not have two users with the same login !"
    808912858#. module: base
     12859#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_request_history
     12860msgid "res.request.history"
     12861msgstr "res.request.history"
     12863#. module: base
    809012864#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_multi_company_default
    809112865msgid "Default multi company"
    809912873#. module: base
    8100 #: field:res.config.users,menu_tips:0
     12874#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_process
     12875msgid ""
     12877"This module shows the basic processes involved in the selected modules and in the sequence they occur.\n"
     12880"Note: This applies to the modules containing modulename_process_xml\n"
     12881"e.g product/process/product_process_xml\n"
     12883"    "
     12884msgstr ""
     12886#. module: base
    810112887#: field:res.users,menu_tips:0
    810212888msgid "Menu Tips"
    811112897#: help:res.partner.address,partner_id:0
    811212898msgid "Keep empty for a private address, not related to partner."
    8113 msgstr "Ponechejte prázdné pro soukromou adresu nesouvisející s partnerem."
     12899msgstr "Ponechejte prázdné pro soukromou adresu nesouvisející se společníkem."
    811512901#. module: base
    812512911#. module: base
     12912#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_crm
     12913msgid "CRM"
     12914msgstr "CRM"
     12916#. module: base
    812612917#: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
    812712918#, python-format
    814112932#. module: base
    8142 #: field:base.language.install,state:0
    8143 #: field:base.module.import,state:0
    8144 #: field:base.module.update,state:0
    8145 msgid "state"
    8146 msgstr "stav"
     12933#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_followup
     12934msgid "Followup Management"
     12935msgstr ""
     12937#. module: base
     12938#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_fr
     12939msgid ""
     12941"This is the module to manage the accounting chart for France in OpenERP.\n"
     12944"Credits: Sistheo Zeekom CrysaLEAD\n"
     12945msgstr ""
    814812947#. module: base
    815312952#. module: base
     12953#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
     12954msgid "Greek / Ελληνικά"
     12955msgstr "Řečtina / Ελληνικά"
     12957#. module: base
    815512959msgid "Dominican Republic"
    816312967#. module: base
    8164 #: code:addons/
     12968#: code:addons/
    816512969#, python-format
    816612970msgid ""
    817312977#. module: base
     12978#: selection:ir.mail_server,smtp_encryption:0
     12979msgid "TLS (STARTTLS)"
     12980msgstr "TLS (STARTTLS)"
     12982#. module: base
     12983#: help:ir.actions.act_window,usage:0
     12984msgid "Used to filter menu and home actions from the user form."
     12985msgstr ""
     12987#. module: base
    817512989msgid "Saudi Arabia"
    8176 msgstr "Saudská Arábie"
     12990msgstr "Saúdská Arábie"
     12992#. module: base
     12994msgid "Appears by default on the top right corner of your printed documents."
     12995msgstr ""
     12997#. module: base
     12998#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_fetchmail_crm_claim
     12999msgid "eMail Gateway for CRM Claim"
     13000msgstr ""
    817813002#. module: base
    818313007#. module: base
     13008#: field:ir.actions.server,trigger_obj_id:0
    818413009#: field:ir.model.fields,relation_field:0
    818513010msgid "Relation Field"
    819313018#. module: base
    8194 #: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
     13019#: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
    819513020#, python-format
    819613021msgid "System Configuration done"
    819713022msgstr "Nastavení systému provedeno"
     13024#. module: base
     13025#: view:ir.actions.server:0
     13026msgid "Create / Write / Copy"
     13027msgstr "Vytvořit / Zapsat / Kopírovat"
    819913029#. module: base
    821513045#. module: base
     13046#: view:base.language.export:0
     13047msgid "Export Translations"
     13048msgstr "Exportovat překlady"
     13050#. module: base
    821713052msgid "XML path"
    822013055#. module: base
    8221 #: selection:ir.actions.todo,restart:0
    8222 msgid "On Skip"
    8223 msgstr "Při přeskočení"
     13056#: help:ir.sequence,implementation:0
     13057msgid "Two sequence object implementations are offered: Standard and 'No gap'. The later is slower than the former but forbids any gap in the sequence (while they are possible in the former)."
     13058msgstr ""
    822513060#. module: base
    823513070#. module: base
    8236 #: help:ir.values,key2:0
    8237 msgid "The kind of action or button in the client side that will trigger the action."
    8238 msgstr "Typ akce nebo tlačítka na straně klienta, která vyvolá akci."
    8240 #. module: base
    8241 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     13071#: selection:res.request,priority:0
     13072msgid "Low"
     13073msgstr "Nízká"
     13075#. module: base
     13076#: code:addons/base/ir/
    824213077#, python-format
    824313078msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
    824413079msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní nabídku."
    8246 #. module: base
    8247 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_publisher_warranty_contract_add_wizard
    8248 #:,name:base.menu_publisher_warranty_contract_add
    8249 #: view:publisher_warranty.contract.wizard:0
    8250 msgid "Register a Contract"
    8251 msgstr "Registrovat smlouvu"
    825313081#. module: base
    825813086#. module: base
    8259 #: code:addons/base/publisher_warranty/
    8260 #, python-format
    8261 msgid "Please check your publisher warranty contract name and validity."
    8262 msgstr "Prosíme zkontrolujte jména platnost vaší smlouvy o zárukách vydavatele."
     13087#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_auth_openid
     13088msgid "Allow users to login through OpenID."
     13089msgstr ""
     13091#. module: base
     13092#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_payment
     13093msgid "Suppliers Payment Management"
     13094msgstr "Správa placení dodavatelů"
    826413096#. module: base
    826613098msgid "El Salvador"
    8267 msgstr "El Salvador"
     13099msgstr "Salvador"
    826913101#. module: base
    827113104#: field:res.partner,phone:0
    827213105#: field:res.partner.address,phone:0
    827613109#. module: base
    8277 #: field:ir.cron,active:0
    8278 #: field:ir.sequence,active:0
    8279 #:,active:0
    8280 #: field:res.config.users,active:0
    8281 #: field:res.currency,active:0
    8282 #: field:res.lang,active:0
    8283 #: field:res.partner,active:0
    8284 #: field:res.partner.address,active:0
    8285 #: field:res.partner.canal,active:0
    8286 #: field:res.partner.category,active:0
    8287 #: field:res.request,active:0
    8288 #: field:res.users,active:0
    8289 #: view:workflow.instance:0
    8290 #: view:workflow.workitem:0
    8291 msgid "Active"
    8292 msgstr "Aktivní"
     13110#: field:res.groups,menu_access:0
     13111msgid "Access Menu"
     13112msgstr "Přístup k nabídce"
    829413114#. module: base
    829613116msgid "Thailand"
    829713117msgstr "Thajsko"
     13119#. module: base
     13120#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_report_creator
     13121msgid ""
     13123"This module allows you to create any statistic report on several objects.\n"
     13126"It's an SQL query builder and browser\n"
     13127"for end-users.\n"
     13129"After installing the module, it adds a menu to define a custom report in\n"
     13130"the Administration / Customization / Reporting menu.\n"
     13131msgstr ""
     13133#. module: base
     13134#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_report_designer
     13135msgid "Report Designer"
     13136msgstr "Návrhář výkazů"
     13138#. module: base
     13142msgid "Address Book"
     13143msgstr "Adresář"
     13145#. module: base
     13146#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_ma
     13147msgid ""
     13149"This is the base module to manage the accounting chart for Maroc.\n"
     13152"Ce  Module charge le modèle du plan de comptes standard Marocain et permet de générer les états comptables aux normes marocaines (Bilan, CPC (comptes de produits et charges), balance générale à 6 colonnes, Grand livre cumulatif...). L'intégration comptable a été validé avec l'aide du Cabinet d'expertise comptable Seddik au cours du troisième trimestre 2010"
     13153msgstr ""
     13155#. module: base
     13156#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_calendar
     13157msgid ""
     13159"        OpenERP Web calendar view.\n"
     13160"        "
     13161msgstr ""
    829913163#. module: base
    832013184#. module: base
     13185#: help:ir.values,res_id:0
     13186msgid "Database identifier of the record to which this applies. 0 = for all records"
     13187msgstr ""
     13189#. module: base
    832113190#: field:ir.model.fields,relation:0
    832213191msgid "Object Relation"
    832313192msgstr "Vztah objektu"
     13194#. module: base
     13195#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_account_voucher
     13196msgid "eInvoicing & Payments"
     13197msgstr ""
    832513199#. module: base
    836213236#. module: base
     13237#: field:workflow,osv:0
     13238#: field:workflow.instance,res_type:0
     13239msgid "Resource Object"
     13240msgstr "Objekt zdroje"
     13242#. module: base
     13243#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_crm_helpdesk
     13244msgid "Helpdesk"
     13245msgstr ""
     13247#. module: base
    836313248#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base.grant_menu_access
    836413249msgid "Manage and customize the items available and displayed in your OpenERP system menu. You can delete an item by clicking on the box at the beginning of each line and then delete it through the button that appeared. Items can be assigned to specific groups in order to make them accessible to some users within the system."
    837213257#. module: base
     13258#: view:ir.rule:0
     13259msgid "Detailed algorithm:"
     13260msgstr "Podrobný algoritmus:"
     13262#. module: base
    837313263#: field:ir.actions.act_window,usage:0
    837413264#: field:ir.actions.act_window_close,usage:0
    837513265#: field:ir.actions.actions,usage:0
     13266#: field:ir.actions.client,usage:0
    837713268#: field:ir.actions.server,usage:0
    838713278#. module: base
     13279#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_profile_tools
     13280msgid "Miscellaneous Tools"
     13281msgstr "Různé nástroje"
     13283#. module: base
     13284#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_tools
     13285msgid "Lets you install various interesting but non-essential tools like Survey, Lunch and Ideas box."
     13286msgstr "Umožní vám instalovat různé zajímavé, ale ne nutně potřebné nástroje jako Průzkumy, Obědy a Krabice nápadů."
     13288#. module: base
    838813289#: selection:ir.module.module,state:0
    838913290msgid "Not Installable"
    839213293#. module: base
     13294#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_product
     13295msgid ""
     13297"This is the base module for managing products and pricelists in OpenERP.\n"
     13300"Products support variants, different pricing methods, suppliers\n"
     13301"information, make to stock/order, different unit of measures,\n"
     13302"packaging and properties.\n"
     13304"Pricelists support:\n"
     13305"    * Multiple-level of discount (by product, category, quantities)\n"
     13306"    * Compute price based on different criteria:\n"
     13307"        * Other pricelist,\n"
     13308"        * Cost price,\n"
     13309"        * List price,\n"
     13310"        * Supplier price, ...\n"
     13312"Pricelists preferences by product and/or partners.\n"
     13314"Print product labels with barcode.\n"
     13315"    "
     13316msgstr ""
     13318#. module: base
    839313319#: report:ir.module.reference.graph:0
    839413320msgid "View :"
    840213328#. module: base
    8403 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     13329#: code:addons/base/ir/
    840413330#, python-format
    840513331msgid "You cannot remove the field '%s' !"
    840813334#. module: base
    8409 #: field:ir.exports,resource:0
    8410 #:
    8411 #:,res_id:0
    8412 msgid "Resource"
    8413 msgstr "Zdroj"
     13335#: view:res.users:0
     13336msgid "Allowed Companies"
     13337msgstr "Povolené společnosti"
     13339#. module: base
     13340#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_de
     13341msgid "Deutschland - Accounting"
     13342msgstr "Německo - Účetnictví"
     13344#. module: base
     13345#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_auction
     13346msgid "Auction Houses"
     13347msgstr "Aukční domy"
    841513349#. module: base
    842013354#. module: base
     13355#: view:base.module.upgrade:0
     13357msgid "Apply Scheduled Upgrades"
     13358msgstr "Použít plánované povýšení"
     13360#. module: base
     13361#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_sale_journal
     13362msgid "Invoicing Journals"
     13363msgstr "Fakturační deníky"
     13365#. module: base
    842113366#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    842213367msgid "Persian / فارس"
    844113386#. module: base
    8442 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     13387#: code:addons/base/ir/
    844313388#, python-format
    844413389msgid "You can not delete this document (%s) ! Be sure your user belongs to one of these groups: %s."
    844513390msgstr "Nemůžete smazat tento dokument (%s) ! Ujistěte se, že váš uživatel patří do jedné z těchto skupin: %s."
     13392#. module: base
     13393#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_livechat
     13394msgid ""
     13396"Enable live chat support for those who have a maintenance contract.\n"
     13399"Add \"Support\" button in header from where you can access OpenERP Support.\n"
     13400"    "
     13401msgstr ""
    844713403#. module: base
    844913405msgid "base.module.configuration"
    845013406msgstr "base.module.configuration"
     13408#. module: base
     13409#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web
     13410msgid ""
     13412"        OpenERP Web core module.\n"
     13413"        This module provides the core of the OpenERP web client.\n"
     13414"        "
     13415msgstr ""
     13417#. module: base
     13419msgid "The name of the country must be unique !"
     13420msgstr "Jméno země musí být jedinečné !"
    845213422#. module: base
    847913449#. module: base
     13450#: code:addons/base/module/wizard/
     13451#, python-format
     13452msgid "File is not a zip file!"
     13453msgstr "Soubor není zip soubor!"
     13455#. module: base
    848113457msgid "Argentina"
    848413460#. module: base
    8485 #: field:res.groups,name:0
     13461#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_project_issue
     13462msgid ""
     13464"This module provides Issues/Bugs Management in Project.\n"
     13467"OpenERP allows you to manage the issues you might face in a project\n"
     13468"like bugs in a system, client complaints or material breakdowns. A\n"
     13469"list view allows the manager to quickly check the issues, assign them\n"
     13470"and decide on their status as they evolve.\n"
     13471"    "
     13472msgstr ""
     13474#. module: base
     13475#: field:res.groups,full_name:0
    848613476msgid "Group Name"
    848713477msgstr "Jméno skupiny"
    849413484#. module: base
    8495 #: model:res.partner.category,name:base.res_partner_category_12
    8496 msgid "Segmentation"
    8497 msgstr "Členění"
     13485#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_web
     13486msgid "web"
     13487msgstr "web"
     13489#. module: base
     13492#: field:res.partner.address,fax:0
     13493msgid "Fax"
     13494msgstr "Fax"
     13496#. module: base
     13497#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_l10n_nl
     13498msgid ""
     13500"This is the module to manage the accounting chart for Netherlands in OpenERP.\n"
     13503"Read changelog in file for version information.\n"
     13504"Dit is een basismodule om een uitgebreid grootboek- en BTW schema voor Nederlandse bedrijven te installeren in OpenERP versie 5.\n"
     13506"De BTW rekeningen zijn waar nodig gekoppeld om de juiste rapportage te genereren, denk b.v. aan intracommunautaire verwervingen\n"
     13507"waarbij u 19% BTW moet opvoeren, maar tegelijkertijd ook 19% als voorheffing weer mag aftrekken.\n"
     13509"Na installatie van deze module word de configuratie wizard voor \"Accounting\" aangeroepen.\n"
     13510"    * U krijgt een lijst met grootboektemplates aangeboden waarin zich ook het Nederlandse grootboekschema bevind.\n"
     13512"    * Als de configuratie wizard start, wordt u gevraagd om de naam van uw bedrijf in te voeren, welke grootboekschema te installeren, uit hoeveel cijfers een grootboekrekening mag bestaan, het rekeningnummer van uw bank en de currency om Journalen te creeren.\n"
     13514"Let op!! -> De template van het Nederlandse rekeningschema is opgebouwd uit 4 cijfers. Dit is het minimale aantal welk u moet invullen, u mag het aantal verhogen. De extra cijfers worden dan achter het rekeningnummer aangevult met \"nullen\"\n"
     13516"    * Dit is dezelfe configuratie wizard welke aangeroepen kan worden via Financial Management/Configuration/Financial Accounting/Financial Accounts/Generate Chart of Accounts from a Chart Template.\n"
     13518"    "
     13519msgstr ""
     13521#. module: base
     13522#: view:res.partner.address:0
     13523msgid "Search Contact"
     13524msgstr "Hledat kontakt"
    849913526#. module: base
    850513532#: field:ir.values,company_id:0
    8507 #: field:res.config.users,company_id:0
    850813534#: field:res.currency,company_id:0
    850913535#: field:res.partner,company_id:0
    851013536#: field:res.partner.address,company_id:0
    851113538#: view:res.users:0
    851213539#: field:res.users,company_id:0
    851613543#. module: base
    8517 #: view:res.users:0
    8518 msgid "Email & Signature"
    8519 msgstr "Email & podpis"
     13544#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_report_designer
     13545msgid "Advanced Reporting"
     13546msgstr "Pokročilé vykazování"
     13548#. module: base
     13549#: selection:ir.actions.act_window,target:0
     13550#: selection:ir.actions.url,target:0
     13551msgid "New Window"
     13552msgstr "Nové okno"
     13554#. module: base
     13555#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_model_data
     13556msgid ""
     13557msgstr ""
    852113559#. module: base
    853613574#. module: base
     13575#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_fr
     13576msgid "France - Accounting"
     13577msgstr "Francie - Účetnictví"
     13579#. module: base
    853713580#: view:ir.actions.todo:0
    853813581msgid "Launch"
    854113584#. module: base
     13585#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_caldav
     13586msgid "Share Calendar using CalDAV"
     13587msgstr "Sdílený kalendář použitím CalDAV"
     13589#. module: base
    854213590#: field:ir.actions.act_window,limit:0
    854313591msgid "Limit"
    854613594#. module: base
    8547 #: help:ir.actions.server,wkf_model_id:0
    8548 msgid "Workflow to be executed on this model."
    8549 msgstr "Pracovní postup, který má být spuštěn pro tento model."
     13595#: help:workflow.transition,group_id:0
     13596msgid "The group that a user must have to be authorized to validate this transition."
     13597msgstr "Skupina, pro kterou musí být uživatel autorizován k ověření této změny."
     13599#. module: base
     13600#: code:addons/
     13601#, python-format
     13602msgid "Serialization field `%s` not found for sparse field `%s`!"
     13603msgstr ""
    855113605#. module: base
    855313607msgid "Jamaica"
    8554 msgstr "Jamaika"
     13608msgstr "Jamajka"
     13610#. module: base
     13611#: field:res.partner,color:0
     13612#: field:res.partner.address,color:0
     13613msgid "Color Index"
     13614msgstr "Index barvy"
    855613616#. module: base
    856613626#. module: base
    8567 #: code:addons/base/res/partner/
     13627#: code:addons/base/ir/
     13628#: code:addons/base/res/
    856813629#, python-format
    856913630msgid "Warning"
    857213633#. module: base
    8573 #: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    8574 msgid "Arabic / الْعَرَبيّة"
    8575 msgstr "Arabština / الْعَرَبيّة"
     13634#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_edi
     13635msgid "Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)"
     13636msgstr "Elektronická výměna dat (EDI)"
     13638#. module: base
     13639#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_tools
     13640msgid "Extra Tools"
     13641msgstr "Další nástroje"
    857713643#. module: base
    858813654#. module: base
     13656msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
     13657msgstr "Svatý Pierre a Miquelon"
     13659#. module: base
     13660#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_email_template
     13661msgid ""
     13663"Email Templating (simplified version of the original Power Email by Openlabs)\n"
     13666"Lets you design complete email templates related to any OpenERP document (Sale\n"
     13667"Orders, Invoices and so on), including sender, recipient, subject, body (HTML and\n"
     13668"Text). You may also automatically attach files to your templates, or print and\n"
     13669"attach a report.\n"
     13671"For advanced use, the templates may include dynamic attributes of the document\n"
     13672"they are related to. For example, you may use the name of a Partner's country\n"
     13673"when writing to them, also providing a safe default in case the attribute is\n"
     13674"not defined. Each template contains a built-in assistant to help with the\n"
     13675"inclusion of these dynamic values.\n"
     13677"If you enable the option, a composition assistant will also appear in the sidebar\n"
     13678"of the OpenERP documents to which the template applies (e.g. Invoices).\n"
     13679"This serves as a quick way to send a new email based on the template, after\n"
     13680"reviewing and adapting the contents, if needed.\n"
     13681"This composition assistant will also turn into a mass mailing system when called\n"
     13682"for multiple documents at once.\n"
     13684"These email templates are also at the heart of the marketing campaign system\n"
     13685"(see the ``marketing_campaign`` application), if you need to automate larger\n"
     13686"campaigns on any OpenERP document.\n"
     13688"Technical note: only the templating system of the original Power Email by\n"
     13689"Openlabs was kept\n"
     13691"    "
     13692msgstr ""
     13694#. module: base
    858913695#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    859013696msgid "Czech / Čeština"
    859313699#. module: base
    8594 #: view:ir.actions.server:0
    8595 msgid "Trigger Configuration"
    8596 msgstr "Nastavení spouštěče"
     13700#: model:ir.module.category,name:base.module_category_generic_modules
     13701msgid "Generic Modules"
     13702msgstr "Obecné moduly"
    859813704#. module: base
    860813714#. module: base
     13715#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_hr_timesheet
     13716msgid ""
     13718"This module implements a timesheet system.\n"
     13721"Each employee can encode and track their time spent on the different projects.\n"
     13722"A project is an analytic account and the time spent on a project generates costs on\n"
     13723"the analytic account.\n"
     13725"Lots of reporting on time and employee tracking are provided.\n"
     13727"It is completely integrated with the cost accounting module. It allows you\n"
     13728"to set up a management by affair.\n"
     13729"    "
     13730msgstr ""
     13732#. module: base
     13733#: help:ir.mail_server,smtp_port:0
     13734msgid "SMTP Port. Usually 465 for SSL, and 25 or 587 for other cases."
     13735msgstr ""
     13737#. module: base
    860913738#: view:ir.sequence:0
    861013739msgid "Day of the week (0:Monday): %(weekday)s"
    863813767#. module: base
    8639 #: view:ir.values:0
    8640 msgid "Action Source"
    8641 msgstr "Zdroj akce"
    8643 #. module: base
    8644 #: view:res.config.view:0
    8645 msgid "If you use OpenERP for the first time we strongly advise you to select the simplified interface, which has less features but is easier. You can always switch later from the user preferences."
    8646 msgstr "Pokud používáte OpenERP poprvé, silně vám doporučujeme vybrat si zjednodušené rozhraní, které má méně funkcí a je snadnější. Vždycky můžete později přepnout z uživatelských předvoleb."
     13768#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_crm
     13769msgid ""
     13771"The generic OpenERP Customer Relationship Management.\n"
     13774"This system enables a group of people to intelligently and efficiently manage\n"
     13775"leads, opportunities, meeting, phonecall etc.\n"
     13776"It manages key tasks such as communication, identification, prioritization,\n"
     13777"assignment, resolution and notification.\n"
     13779"OpenERP ensures that all cases are successfully tracked by users, customers and\n"
     13780"suppliers. It can automatically send reminders, escalate the request, trigger\n"
     13781"specific methods and lots of other actions based on your own enterprise rules.\n"
     13783"The greatest thing about this system is that users don't need to do anything\n"
     13784"special. They can just send email to the request tracker. OpenERP will take\n"
     13785"care of thanking them for their message, automatically routing it to the\n"
     13786"appropriate staff, and make sure all future correspondence gets to the right\n"
     13789"The CRM module has a email gateway for the synchronisation interface\n"
     13790"between mails and OpenERP.\n"
     13792"Creates a dashboard for CRM that includes:\n"
     13793"    * Opportunities by Categories (graph)\n"
     13794"    * Opportunities by Stage (graph)\n"
     13795"    * Planned Revenue by Stage and User (graph)\n"
     13796msgstr ""
     13798#. module: base
     13799#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_accounting_and_finance
     13800msgid "Helps you handle your accounting needs, if you are not an accountant, we suggest you to install only the Invoicing."
     13801msgstr "Pomůže vám zvládnout vaše účetní potřeby. Pokud nejste účetní, doporučujeme vám instalovat pouze Fakturaci."
     13803#. module: base
     13804#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_plugin_thunderbird
     13805msgid "Thunderbird Plug-In"
     13806msgstr "Doplněk Thunderbird"
    864813808#. module: base
    864913809#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_country
    866013821#. module: base
    8661 #: field:ir.model.fields,complete_name:0
    8662 #:,complete_name:0
    8663 msgid "Complete Name"
    8664 msgstr "Celé jméno"
    8666 #. module: base
    8667 #: field:ir.values,object:0
    8668 msgid "Is Object"
    8669 msgstr "Je objekt"
     13822#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_project_messages
     13823msgid "In-Project Messaging System"
     13824msgstr "Systém zpráv v projektech"
     13826#. module: base
     13828msgid "Pitcairn Island"
     13829msgstr "Ostrov Pitcairn"
     13831#. module: base
     13832#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_web_tests
     13833msgid ""
     13835"        OpenERP Web test suite.\n"
     13836"        "
     13837msgstr ""
     13839"        Webová testovací sada OpenERP.\n"
     13840"        "
     13842#. module: base
     13843#: view:ir.values:0
     13844msgid "Action Bindings/Defaults"
     13845msgstr "Poutání akcí/Výchozí"
    867113847#. module: base
    867613852#. module: base
    8677 #: field:res.partner.category,name:0
    8678 msgid "Category Name"
    8679 msgstr "Název kategorie"
     13853#: view:res.partner:0
     13854#: view:res.partner.address:0
     13855msgid "Change Color"
     13856msgstr "Změnit barvu"
    868113858#. module: base
    870613883#. module: base
    8707 #:
    8708 msgid "Portrait"
    8709 msgstr "Na výšku"
    8711 #. module: base
    8712 #: code:addons/base/ir/
     13884#: field:ir.module.module,auto_install:0
     13885msgid "Automatic Installation"
     13886msgstr "Automatická instalace"
     13888#. module: base
     13890msgid "Japan"
     13891msgstr "Japonsko"
     13893#. module: base
     13894#: code:addons/base/ir/
    871313895#, python-format
    871413896msgid "Can only rename one column at a time!"
    872413906msgid "Report/Template"
    872513907msgstr "Výkaz/Šablona"
     13909#. module: base
     13910#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_marketing_campaign
     13911msgid ""
     13913"This module provides leads automation through marketing campaigns (campaigns can in fact be defined on any resource, not just CRM Leads).\n"
     13916"The campaigns are dynamic and multi-channels. The process is as follows:\n"
     13917"    * Design marketing campaigns like workflows, including email templates to send, reports to print and send by email, custom actions, etc.\n"
     13918"    * Define input segments that will select the items that should enter the campaign (e.g leads from certain countries, etc.)\n"
     13919"    * Run you campaign in simulation mode to test it real-time or accelerated, and fine-tune it\n"
     13920"    * You may also start the real campaign in manual mode, where each action requires manual validation\n"
     13921"    * Finally launch your campaign live, and watch the statistics as the campaign does everything fully automatically.\n"
     13923"While the campaign runs you can of course continue to fine-tune the parameters, input segments, workflow, etc.\n"
     13925"Note: If you need demo data, you can install the marketing_campaign_crm_demo module, but this will also install the CRM application as it depends on CRM Leads.\n"
     13926"    "
     13927msgstr ""
    872713929#. module: base
    874013942#. module: base
    8741 #: field:ir.actions.configuration.wizard,progress:0
    8742 #: field:res.config,progress:0
    8743 #: field:res.config.installer,progress:0
    8744 #: field:res.config.users,progress:0
    8745 #: field:res.config.view,progress:0
    8746 msgid "Configuration Progress"
    8747 msgstr "Průběh nastavení"
     13943#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_ca
     13944msgid "Canada - Accounting"
     13945msgstr "Kanada - Účetnictví"
    874913947#. module: base
    875013948#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.act_ir_actions_todo_form
     13949#: field:ir.actions.todo.category,wizards_ids:0
     13950#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_ir_actions_todo
    877613976#. module: base
    8777 #: view:ir.actions.server:0
    8778 msgid "Action to Launch"
    8779 msgstr "Akce k provedení"
     13977#: field:ir.sequence,implementation:0
     13978msgid "Implementation"
     13979msgstr "Realizace"
     13981#. module: base
     13982#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_l10n_ve
     13983msgid "Venezuela - Accounting"
     13984msgstr "Venezuela - Účetnictví"
     13986#. module: base
     13988msgid "Chile"
     13989msgstr "Chile"
    878113991#. module: base
    878613996#. module: base
    878713997#: field:ir.actions.server,condition:0
     13998#: view:ir.values:0
    878813999#: field:workflow.transition,condition:0
    878914000msgid "Condition"
    879214003#. module: base
    8793 #: help:ir.values,model_id:0
    8794 msgid "This field is not used, it only helps you to select a good model."
    8795 msgstr "Toto pole není použito, pomůže vám pouze vybrat dobrý model."
     14004#: help:res.currency,rate:0
     14005msgid "The rate of the currency to the currency of rate 1."
     14006msgstr "Kurz měny ke kurzu měny 1"
    879714008#. module: base
    880214013#. module: base
     14014#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_document_ftp
     14015msgid "Shared Repositories (FTP)"
     14016msgstr "Sdílená úložiště (FTP)"
     14018#. module: base
     14019#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_groups
     14020msgid "Access Groups"
     14021msgstr "Přístupové skupiny"
     14023#. module: base
    880314024#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    880414025msgid "Italian / Italiano"
    881714038#. module: base
    8818 #: view:res.lang:0
    8819 msgid "%j - Day of the year [001,366]."
    8820 msgstr "%j - Den v roce [001,366]."
     14040msgid "Croatia"
     14041msgstr "Chorvatsko"
    882214043#. module: base
    883214053#: view:res.partner.category:0
    883314054msgid "Partner Categories"
    8834 msgstr "Kategorie partnerů"
     14055msgstr "Kategorie společníků"
    883614057#. module: base
    885614077#. module: base
     14078#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_res_partner_bank_account_form
    885714079#: model:ir.model,name:base.model_res_partner_bank
    885914084msgid "Bank Accounts"
    886014085msgstr "Bankovní účty"
     14087#. module: base
     14088#: field:ir.model,modules:0
     14089#: field:ir.model.fields,modules:0
     14090msgid "In modules"
     14091msgstr "V modulech"
    886214093#. module: base
    887814109#. module: base
    8879 #:,owner_name:0
     14110#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_fetchmail_project_issue
     14111msgid "eMail Gateway for Project Issues"
     14112msgstr ""
     14114#. module: base
    888014116msgid "Account Owner"
    888114117msgstr "Vlastník účtu"
    888314119#. module: base
    8884 #: code:addons/base/res/
     14120#: code:addons/base/res/
    888514121#, python-format
    888614122msgid "Company Switch Warning"
    888914125#. module: base
    8890 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_res_widget_wizard
    8891 msgid "Homepage Widgets Management"
    8892 msgstr "Správa pomůcek domovské stránky"
    8894 #. module: base
    8895 #: field:workflow,osv:0
    8896 #: field:workflow.instance,res_type:0
    8897 msgid "Resource Object"
    8898 msgstr "Objekt zdroje"
     14127msgid "Georgia"
     14128msgstr "Gruzie"
     14130#. module: base
     14131#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_manufacturing
     14132msgid "Helps you manage your manufacturing processes and generate reports on those processes."
     14133msgstr "Pomůže vám spravovat vaše výrobní procesy a generovat výkazy nad těmito procesy."
    890014135#. module: base
    890514140#. module: base
    8906 #: field:ir.cron,function:0
     14141#: code:addons/
     14142#, python-format
     14143msgid "Wrong ID for the browse record, got %r, expected an integer."
     14144msgstr "Neplatné ID pro záznam procházení, máme %r, očekáván integer."
     14146#. module: base
    890714147#: field:res.partner.address,function:0
    890814148#: selection:workflow.activity,kind:0
    891714157#. module: base
    8918 #: selection:ir.actions.todo,restart:0
    8919 msgid "Never"
    8920 msgstr "Nikdy"
     14158#: model:ir.module.category,description:base.module_category_customer_relationship_management
     14159msgid "Manage relations with prospects and customers using leads, opportunities, requests or issues."
     14160msgstr ""
    892214162#. module: base
    893314173#. module: base
    8934 #:,
    8935 msgid "Guinea Bissau"
    8936 msgstr "Guinea Bissau"
     14174#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_purchase_requisition
     14175msgid "Purchase Requisitions"
     14176msgstr "Požadavky nákupu"
     14178#. module: base
     14179#: selection:ir.cron,interval_type:0
     14180msgid "Months"
     14181msgstr "Měsíců"
    893814183#. module: base
    894314188#. module: base
    8944 #: code:addons/base/res/partner/
     14189#: code:addons/base/res/
    894514190#, python-format
    894614191msgid "Partners: "
    8947 msgstr "Partneři:"
     14192msgstr "Společníci: "
     14194#. module: base
     14196msgid "Bank Account"
     14197msgstr "Bankovní účet"
    894914199#. module: base
    896514215#. module: base
    8966 #:,bic:0
    8967 msgid "BIC/Swift code"
    8968 msgstr "Kód BIC/Swift"
     14216#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_sale_mrp
     14217msgid "Sales and MRP Management"
     14218msgstr "Správa prodeje a MRP"
     14220#. module: base
     14221#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.action_partner_sms_send
     14222msgid "Send an SMS"
     14223msgstr "Zaslat SMS"
    897014225#. module: base
    897514230#. module: base
     14231#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:base.module_stock_invoice_directly
     14232msgid "Invoice Picking Directly"
     14233msgstr ""
     14235#. module: base
    897614236#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    897714237msgid "Polish / Język polski"
    898014240#. module: base
     14241#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_tools
     14242msgid ""
     14244"Common base for tools modules.\n"
     14247"Creates menu link for Tools from where tools like survey, lunch, idea, etc. are accessible if installed.\n"
     14248"    "
     14249msgstr ""
     14251#. module: base
    898114252#: field:ir.exports,name:0
    898214253msgid "Export Name"
    899014261#. module: base
     14262#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base.res_widget_act_window
     14264msgid "Homepage Widgets"
     14265msgstr "Pomůcky domovské stránky"
     14267#. module: base
     14269msgid "This field is computed automatically based on bank accounts defined, having the display on footer checkbox set."
     14270msgstr ""
     14272#. module: base
     14273#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_mrp_subproduct
     14274msgid ""
     14276"This module allows you to produce several products from one production order.\n"
     14279"You can configure sub-products in the bill of material.\n"
     14281"Without this module:\n"
     14282"    A + B + C -> D\n"
     14284"With this module:\n"
     14285"    A + B + C -> D + E\n"
     14286"    "
     14287msgstr ""
     14289#. module: base
    899214291msgid "Sri Lanka"
    899514294#. module: base
     14295#: model:ir.module.module,description:base.module_base_module_record
     14296msgid ""
     14298"This module allows you to create a new module without any development.\n"
     14301"It records all operations on objects during the recording session and\n"
     14302"produce a .ZIP module. So you can create your own module directly from\n"
     14303"the OpenERP client.\n"
     14305"This version works for creating and updating existing records. It recomputes\n"
     14306"dependencies and links for all types of widgets (many2one, many2many, ...).\n"
     14307"It also support workflows and demo/update data.\n"
     14309"This should help you to easily create reusable and publishable modules\n"
     14310"for custom configurations and demo/testing data.\n"
     14312"How to use it:\n"
     14313"Run Administration/Customization/Module Creation/Export Customizations As a Module wizard.\n"
     14314"Select datetime criteria of recording and objects to be recorded and Record module.\n"
     14315"    "
     14316msgstr ""
     14318"Tento modul vám umožňuje vytvořit nový modul bez jakéhokoliv vývoje.\n"
     14321"Zaznamenává všechny operace nad objekty během relace zaznamenávání a\n"
     14322"vytváří .ZIP modul. Díky tomu můžete vytvořit váš vlastní modul přímo z\n"
     14323"klienta OpenERP.\n"
     14325"Tato verze pracuje pro vytváření a aktualizaci stávajících záznamů. Přepočítává\n"
     14326"závislosti a propojuje všechny datové typy pomůcek (many2one, many2many, ...).\n"
     14327"Podporuje také pracovní toky a demonstrační/aktualziační data.\n"
     14329"Měl by vám pomoci jednoduše vytvářet znovu použitelné a zveřejnitelné moduly\n"
     14330"pro vlastní nastavení a demonstrační/testovací data.\n"
     14332"Jak jej použít:\n"
     14333"Spusťte průvodce Správa/Přizpůsobení/Vytváření modulů/Exportovat vlastní úpravy jako modul.\n"
     14334"Vyberte častoé kritéria pro záznam a objekty, které mají být zaznamenány a modul záznamu.\n"
     14335"    "
     14337#. module: base
    899614338#: selection:base.language.install,lang:0
    899714339msgid "Russian / русский язык"
    899814340msgstr "Ruština / русский язык"
     14342#~ msgid "Report Footer 1"
     14343#~ msgstr "Patička výpisu 1"
     14345#~ msgid "Report Footer 2"
     14346#~ msgstr "Patička výpisu 1"
     14348#~ msgid "res.groups"
     14349#~ msgstr "res.groups"
     14351#~ msgid "Rounding factor"
     14352#~ msgstr "Faktor zaokrouhlení"
     14354#~ msgid "Report Header"
     14355#~ msgstr "Záhlaví výpisu"
     14357#~ msgid "Metadata"
     14358#~ msgstr "Metadata"
     14360#~ msgid ""
     14361#~ "0=Very Urgent\n"
     14362#~ "10=Not urgent"
     14363#~ msgstr ""
     14364#~ "0=Velmi důležité\n"
     14365#~ "10=Méně důležité"
     14367#~ msgid "Skip"
     14368#~ msgstr "Vynechat"
     14370#~ msgid "Workflow On"
     14371#~ msgstr "Aktivovat pracovní postup"
     14373#, python-format
     14374#~ msgid "\"smtp_server\" needs to be set to send mails to users"
     14375#~ msgstr ""
     14376#~ "\"smtp_server\" musí být nastavení, aby bylo možné posílat poštu uživatelům"
     14378#~ msgid "Select Action Type"
     14379#~ msgstr "Vyberte typ akce"
     14381#, python-format
     14382#~ msgid "The read method is not implemented on this object !"
     14383#~ msgstr "U tohoto objektu není vytvořena čtecí metoda."
     14385#~ msgid "Schedule Upgrade"
     14386#~ msgstr "Naplánovat povýšení"
     14388#~ msgid "New User"
     14389#~ msgstr "Nový uživatel"
     14391#~ msgid "Certified"
     14392#~ msgstr "Certifikovaný"
     14394#~ msgid "Event Type"
     14395#~ msgstr "Typ události"
     14397#~ msgid "Partner Form"
     14398#~ msgstr "Formulář společníka"
     14400#~ msgid "res.config.users"
     14401#~ msgstr "res.config.users"
     14403#, python-format
     14404#~ msgid "The unlink method is not implemented on this object !"
     14405#~ msgstr "Metoda unline není pro tento objekt implementována !"
     14407#~ msgid "client_action_multi, client_action_relate"
     14408#~ msgstr "client_action_multi, client_action_relate"
     14410#~ msgid "Human Resources Dashboard"
     14411#~ msgstr "Nástěnka lidských zdrojů"
     14413#~ msgid "Dashboard"
     14414#~ msgstr "Nástěnka"
     14416#~ msgid ""
     14417#~ "Specify the message. You can use the fields from the object. e.g. `Dear [[ "
     14418#~ " ]]`"
     14419#~ msgstr ""
     14420#~ "Zadejte zprávu. Můžete použít pole z objektu. např. `Vážený [[ "
     14421#~ " ]]`"
     14423#~ msgid "Domain Setup"
     14424#~ msgstr "Nastavení domény"
     14426#~ msgid "Trigger Name"
     14427#~ msgstr "Jméno spouštěče"
     14429#~ msgid ""
     14430#~ "Keep empty if you don't want the user to be able to connect on the system."
     14431#~ msgstr ""
     14432#~ "Ponechejte prázdné pokud nechcete, aby se uživatel mohl připojit k systému."
     14434#, python-format
     14435#~ msgid "Not implemented search_memory method !"
     14436#~ msgstr "Nerealizovaná metoda search_memory !"
     14438#, python-format
     14439#~ msgid "Not implemented set_memory method !"
     14440#~ msgstr "Nerealizována metoda set_memory !"
     14442#~ msgid "Action To Launch"
     14443#~ msgstr "Akce k provedení"
     14445#~ msgid "This field is not used, it only helps you to select the right action."
     14446#~ msgstr "Toto pole není použito, pouze vám pomáhá vybrat správnou akci."
     14448#~ msgid "Values"
     14449#~ msgstr "Hodnoty"
     14451#~ msgid ""
     14452#~ "Name of object whose function will be called when this scheduler will run. "
     14453#~ "e.g. 'res.partener'"
     14454#~ msgstr ""
     14455#~ "Jméno objektu jehož funkce bude volána, když bude spuštěn tento plánovač . "
     14456#~ "např. 'res.partner'"
     14458#, python-format
     14459#~ msgid "The perm_read method is not implemented on this object !"
     14460#~ msgstr "Metoda perm_read není pro tento objekt realizována !"
     14462#~ msgid "Messages"
     14463#~ msgstr "Zprávy"
     14465#~ msgid "Select the Signal name that is to be used as the trigger."
     14466#~ msgstr "Vyberte jméno signálu, který bude použit jako spouštěč."
     14468#~ msgid "Start Configuration"
     14469#~ msgstr "Start nastavení"
     14471#~ msgid "Channel"
     14472#~ msgstr "Kanál"
     14474#, python-format
     14475#~ msgid "Please check that all your lines have %d columns."
     14476#~ msgstr "Prosíme zkontrolujte, že všechny vaše řádky mají %d sloupců."
     14478#~ msgid ""
     14479#~ "You cannot have multiple records with the same id for the same module !"
     14480#~ msgstr "Nemůžete mít více záznamů se stejným id ve stejném modulu !"
     14482#~ msgid "Last Connection"
     14483#~ msgstr "Poslední spojení"
     14485#~ msgid "Restart"
     14486#~ msgstr "Restartovat"
     14488#~ msgid ""
     14489#~ "Specify the subject. You can use fields from the object, e.g. `Hello [[ "
     14490#~ " ]]`"
     14491#~ msgstr ""
     14492#~ "Zadejte předmět. Můžete použít pole objektu, např. `Ahoj [[ "
     14493#~ " ]]`"
     14495#~ msgid "XML ID"
     14496#~ msgstr "XML ID"
     14498#~ msgid "Current Activity"
     14499#~ msgstr "Aktuální aktivita"
     14501#~ msgid "Always"
     14502#~ msgstr "Vždy"
     14504#~ msgid "XML Id"
     14505#~ msgstr "XML Id"
     14507#~ msgid "Create Users"
     14508#~ msgstr "Vytvoření uživatelů"
     14510#~ msgid "tree_but_action, client_print_multi"
     14511#~ msgstr "tree_but_action, client_print_multi"
     14513#~ msgid "OpenERP Favorites"
     14514#~ msgstr "OpenERP Oblíbené"
     14516#~ msgid "Translation Terms"
     14517#~ msgstr "Termíny překladu"
     14519#, python-format
     14520#~ msgid "The write method is not implemented on this object !"
     14521#~ msgstr "Metoda write není realizována pro tento objekt !"
     14523#~ msgid "Configure Your Interface"
     14524#~ msgstr "Nastavit vaše rozhraní"
     14526#~ msgid "Meta Datas"
     14527#~ msgstr "Meta informace"
     14529#~ msgid ""
     14530#~ "The user's timezone, used to perform timezone conversions between the server "
     14531#~ "and the client."
     14532#~ msgstr ""
     14533#~ "Uživatelská časová zóna použita pro vykonání převodů mezi časovou zónou "
     14534#~ "serveru a klienta."
     14536#, python-format
     14537#~ msgid "module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)"
     14538#~ msgstr "modul base nelze načíst! (pokyn: zkontrolujte addons-path)"
     14540#, python-format
     14541#~ msgid "The create method is not implemented on this object !"
     14542#~ msgstr "Vytvářecí metoda není realizována pro tento objekt !"
     14544#~ msgid "Combination of rules"
     14545#~ msgstr "Kombinace pravidel"
     14547#~ msgid "Trigger On"
     14548#~ msgstr "Zapnout spouštěč"
     14550#~ msgid "Create Action"
     14551#~ msgstr "Vytvořit akci"
     14553#~ msgid "Objects"
     14554#~ msgstr "Objekty"
     14556#~ msgid "Cancelled"
     14557#~ msgstr "Zrušeno"
     14559#~ msgid "Create User"
     14560#~ msgstr "Vytvořit uživatele"
     14562#, python-format
     14563#~ msgid "Not Implemented"
     14564#~ msgstr "Nerealizováno"
     14566#~ msgid "False means for every user"
     14567#~ msgstr "Nepravda znamená pro všechny uživatele"
     14569#~ msgid "res.config.view"
     14570#~ msgstr "res.config.view"
     14572#~ msgid "acc_number"
     14573#~ msgstr "acc_number"
     14575#~ msgid "XML Identifier"
     14576#~ msgstr "XML identifikátor"
     14578#~ msgid "Skipped"
     14579#~ msgstr "Přeskočeno"
     14581#~ msgid "Has a web component"
     14582#~ msgstr "Má webovou součást"
     14584#~ msgid "Select Report"
     14585#~ msgstr "Vybrat výkaz"
     14587#, python-format
     14588#~ msgid "The exists method is not implemented on this object !"
     14589#~ msgstr "Metoda exists není realizována pro tento objekt !"
     14591#~ msgid "Connect Events to Actions"
     14592#~ msgstr "Připojit události k akcím"
     14594#~ msgid "SMS Send"
     14595#~ msgstr "Poslat SMS"
     14597#~ msgid "Values for Event Type"
     14598#~ msgstr "Hodnoty pro typ události"
     14600#~ msgid ""
     14601#~ "Your publisher warranty contract is already subscribed in the system !"
     14602#~ msgstr "Vaše smlouva o záruce vydavatele je již podepsána v systému !"
     14604#~ msgid "Next planned execution date for this scheduler"
     14605#~ msgstr "Další plánovaný datum spuštění pro tento plánovač"
     14607#~ msgid "Choose between the simplified interface and the extended one"
     14608#~ msgstr "Vyberte mezi zjednodušeným rozhraním a rozšířenou variantou"
     14610#~ msgid "Arguments to be passed to the method. e.g. (uid,)"
     14611#~ msgstr "Parametry, které budou předány metodě. např. (uid,)"
     14613#~ msgid "Add User"
     14614#~ msgstr "Přidat uživatele"
     14616#, python-format
     14617#~ msgid "Could not load base module"
     14618#~ msgstr "Nelze načíst základní modul"
     14620#, python-format
     14621#~ msgid "The copy method is not implemented on this object !"
     14622#~ msgstr "Kopírovací metoda není u tohoto objektu realizována !"
     14624#~ msgid "Number padding"
     14625#~ msgstr "Zarovnání čísla"
     14627#~ msgid "ir.actions.todo"
     14628#~ msgstr "ir.actions.todo"
     14630#, python-format
     14631#~ msgid "Couldn't find previous ir.actions.todo"
     14632#~ msgstr "Nelze najít předchozí ir.actions.todo"
     14634#, python-format
     14635#~ msgid "Not implemented get_memory method !"
     14636#~ msgstr "Metoda get_memory nerealizována !"
     14638#, python-format
     14639#~ msgid "Please specify server option --email-from !"
     14640#~ msgstr "Prosíme zadejte volbu serveru --email-from !"
     14642#~ msgid "Create"
     14643#~ msgstr "Vytvořit"
     14645#~ msgid "country_id"
     14646#~ msgstr "country_id"
     14648#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"
     14649#~ msgstr "Identifikátory objektu"
     14651#, python-format
     14652#~ msgid "The read_group method is not implemented on this object !"
     14653#~ msgstr "Metoda read_group není pro objekt realizována !"
     14655#~ msgid ""
     14656#~ "Enable this if you want to execute missed occurences as soon as the server "
     14657#~ "restarts."
     14658#~ msgstr ""
     14659#~ "Povolte toto pokud chcete vykona chybějící výskyty jakmile se server "
     14660#~ "vyrestartuje."
     14662#~ msgid "Start update"
     14663#~ msgstr "Odstartovat aktualizaci"
     14665#~ msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive associated members."
     14666#~ msgstr "Chyba ! Nemůžete vytvořit rekurzivní přiřazené členy."
     14668#~ msgid "HR Manager Dashboard"
     14669#~ msgstr "Nástěnka správy HR"
     14671#~ msgid "Open Report"
     14672#~ msgstr "Otevřít výkaz"
     14674#, python-format
     14675#~ msgid "The value \"%s\" for the field \"%s\" is not in the selection"
     14676#~ msgstr "Hodnota \"%s\" pro pole \"%s\" není ve výběru"
     14678#~ msgid "Synchronize Translations"
     14679#~ msgstr "Synchronizovat překlady"
     14681#~ msgid "Website of Partner"
     14682#~ msgstr "Stránky společníka"
     14684#~ msgid ""
     14685#~ "Only specify a value if you want to change the user password. This user will "
     14686#~ "have to logout and login again!"
     14687#~ msgstr ""
     14688#~ "Zadejte pouze hodnotu pokud chcete změnit uživatelské heslo. Tento uživatel "
     14689#~ "bude opět odhlášen a přihlášen!"
     14691#~ msgid "Change password"
     14692#~ msgstr "Změnit heslo"
     14694#~ msgid "Your Logo - Use a size of about 450x150 pixels."
     14695#~ msgstr "Vaše logo - Použijte velikost okolo 450x150 bodů."
     14697#~ msgid ""
     14698#~ "You can install new modules in order to activate new features, menu, reports "
     14699#~ "or data in your OpenERP instance. To install some modules, click on the "
     14700#~ "button \"Schedule for Installation\" from the form view, then click on "
     14701#~ "\"Apply Scheduled Upgrades\" to migrate your system."
     14702#~ msgstr ""
     14703#~ "Můžete instalovat nové moduly k aktivování nových funkcí, nabídek, výkazů "
     14704#~ "nebo dat ve vaší insanci OpenERP. K instalování nějakých modulů klikněte na "
     14705#~ "tlačítko \"Naplánovat k instalaci\" z formuláře pohledu. Pak klikněte na "
     14706#~ "\"Použít pro plánované povýšení\" k převedení vašeho systému."
     14708#~ msgid "Emails"
     14709#~ msgstr "Emaily"
     14711#~ msgid "Python code to be executed"
     14712#~ msgstr "Kód Pythonu k vykonání"
     14714#~ msgid "Next"
     14715#~ msgstr "Další"
     14717#~ msgid ""
     14718#~ "Name of the method to be called on the object when this scheduler is "
     14719#~ "executed."
     14720#~ msgstr ""
     14721#~ "Jméno metody, která bude volána nad objektem, když bude spuštěn tento "
     14722#~ "plánovač."
     14724#, python-format
     14725#~ msgid ""
     14726#~ "--\n"
     14727#~ "%(name)s %(email)s\n"
     14728#~ msgstr ""
     14729#~ "--\n"
     14730#~ "%(name)s %(email)s\n"
     14732#~ msgid "Channel Name"
     14733#~ msgstr "Název kanálu"
     14735#~ msgid "Channels"
     14736#~ msgstr "Kanály"
     14738#~ msgid "Client Events"
     14739#~ msgstr "Události klienta"
     14741#~ msgid "Schedule for Installation"
     14742#~ msgstr "Naplánovat k instalaci"
     14744#~ msgid "On Skip"
     14745#~ msgstr "Při přeskočení"
     14747#~ msgid ""
     14748#~ "The kind of action or button in the client side that will trigger the action."
     14749#~ msgstr "Typ akce nebo tlačítka na straně klienta, která vyvolá akci."
     14751#, python-format
     14752#~ msgid "Please check your publisher warranty contract name and validity."
     14753#~ msgstr ""
     14754#~ "Prosíme zkontrolujte jména platnost vaší smlouvy o zárukách vydavatele."
     14756#~ msgid "Email & Signature"
     14757#~ msgstr "Email & podpis"
     14759#~ msgid "Workflow to be executed on this model."
     14760#~ msgstr "Pracovní postup, který má být spuštěn pro tento model."
     14762#~ msgid "Action Source"
     14763#~ msgstr "Zdroj akce"
     14765#~ msgid "Is Object"
     14766#~ msgstr "Je objekt"
     14768#~ msgid "Configuration Progress"
     14769#~ msgstr "Průběh nastavení"
     14771#~ msgid "This field is not used, it only helps you to select a good model."
     14772#~ msgstr "Toto pole není použito, pomůže vám pouze vybrat dobrý model."
     14774#~ msgid "Never"
     14775#~ msgstr "Nikdy"
     14777#~ msgid "BIC/Swift code"
     14778#~ msgstr "Kód BIC/Swift"
     14780#~ msgid "Keep 0 if the action must appear on all resources."
     14781#~ msgstr "Nechejte 0 pokud se musí akce objevit u všech zdrojů."
     14783#~ msgid "Client Actions Connections"
     14784#~ msgstr "Nastavení akcí klienta"
     14786#~ msgid ""
     14787#~ "Groups are used to define access rights on objects and the visibility of "
     14788#~ "screens and menus"
     14789#~ msgstr ""
     14790#~ "Skupiny jsou použity pro určení přístupových práv nad objekty a viditelnost "
     14791#~ "obrazovek a nabídek"
     14793#~ msgid ""
     14794#~ "Sets the language for the user's user interface, when UI translations are "
     14795#~ "available"
     14796#~ msgstr ""
     14797#~ "Pokud jsou dostupné překlady rozhraní, nastaví jazyk pro uživatelské "
     14798#~ "rozhraní uživatele."
     14800#~ msgid ""
     14801#~ "2. Group-specific rules are combined together with a logical AND operator"
     14802#~ msgstr ""
     14803#~ "2. Pravidla určitá pro skupinu jsou kombinována společně s logickým "
     14804#~ "operátorem AND"
     14806#~ msgid ""
     14807#~ "Provides the fields that will be used to fetch the email address, e.g. when "
     14808#~ "you select the invoice, then `` is the field "
     14809#~ "which gives the correct address"
     14810#~ msgstr ""
     14811#~ "Poskytuje pole, která budou použita pro získání emailové adresy, např. když "
     14812#~ "vyberete fakturu, pak `` je pole, které dává "
     14813#~ "platnou adresu"
     14815#, python-format
     14816#~ msgid "The search method is not implemented on this object !"
     14817#~ msgstr "Metoda hledání není u tohoto objektu realizována !"
     14819#~ msgid ""
     14820#~ "Condition that is to be tested before action is executed, e.g. "
     14821#~ "object.list_price > object.cost_price"
     14822#~ msgstr ""
     14823#~ "Podmínka, která musí být otestována před vykonáním akce, např. "
     14824#~ "object.list_price > object.cost_price"
     14826#~ msgid ""
     14827#~ "Example: GLOBAL_RULE_1 AND GLOBAL_RULE_2 AND ( (GROUP_A_RULE_1 AND "
     14828#~ "GROUP_A_RULE_2) OR (GROUP_B_RULE_1 AND GROUP_B_RULE_2) )"
     14829#~ msgstr ""
     14830#~ "Příklad: GLOBAL_RULE_1 AND GLOBAL_RULE_2 AND ( (GROUP_A_RULE_1 AND "
     14831#~ "GROUP_A_RULE_2) OR (GROUP_B_RULE_1 AND GROUP_B_RULE_2) )"
     14833#~ msgid ""
     14834#~ "Create additional users and assign them groups that will allow them to have "
     14835#~ "access to selected functionalities within the system. Click on 'Done' if you "
     14836#~ "do not wish to add more users at this stage, you can always do this later."
     14837#~ msgstr ""
     14838#~ "Vytvoří dodatečné uživatele a přiřadí je do skupin, které vám umožní, aby "
     14839#~ "měly přístup k vybraným funkcím v systému. Klikněte na 'Dokončeno', pokud "
     14840#~ "již nechcete přidávat v této fázi další uživatele. Toto můžete vždy provést "
     14841#~ "později."
     14843#, python-format
     14844#~ msgid "\"email_from\" needs to be set to send welcome mails to users"
     14845#~ msgstr ""
     14846#~ "\"email_from\" potřebuje být nastaveno pro odeslání uvítacích dopisů "
     14847#~ "uživatelům"
     14849#~ msgid "Select the object from the model on which the workflow will executed."
     14850#~ msgstr "Vyberte objekty z modelu, u kterého bude vykonán pracovní tok."
     14852#~ msgid "Easy to Refer action by name e.g. One Sales Order -> Many Invoices"
     14853#~ msgstr ""
     14854#~ "Jednoduše odkazovaná jméno akce např. Jedena prodejní objednávka -> Mnoho "
     14855#~ "faktur"
     14857#, python-format
     14858#~ msgid ""
     14859#~ "Invalid value for reference field \"%s\" (last part must be a non-zero "
     14860#~ "integer): \"%s\""
     14861#~ msgstr ""
     14862#~ "Neplatná hodnota pole odkazu \"%s\" (poslední část musí být nenulové číslo): "
     14863#~ "\"%s\""
     14865#~ msgid ""
     14866#~ "If an email is provided, the user will be sent a message welcoming him.\n"
     14867#~ "\n"
     14868#~ "Warning: if \"email_from\" and \"smtp_server\" aren't configured, it won't "
     14869#~ "be possible to email new users."
     14870#~ msgstr ""
     14871#~ "Pokud je zadán email, uživateli bude zaslán uvítací email.\n"
     14872#~ "\n"
     14873#~ "Varování: pokud \"email_from\" a \"smtp_server\" nejsou nastaveny, nebude "
     14874#~ "možné odeslat email novým uživatelům."
     14876#~ msgid "Maps to the ir_model_data for which this translation is provided."
     14877#~ msgstr "Mapy k ir_model_data, pro který je poskytnut tento překlad."
     14879#~ msgid ""
     14880#~ "Number of time the function is called,\n"
     14881#~ "a negative number indicates no limit"
     14882#~ msgstr ""
     14883#~ "Počet kolikrát je volána funkce,\n"
     14884#~ "záporné číslo vyjadřuje bez limitu"
     14886#~ msgid ""
     14887#~ "This wizard helps you add a new language to you OpenERP system. After "
     14888#~ "loading a new language it becomes available as default interface language "
     14889#~ "for users and partners."
     14890#~ msgstr ""
     14891#~ "Tento průvodce vám pomůže přidat nový jazyk do vašeho systému OpenERP. Po "
     14892#~ "načtení se nový jazyk stane dostupným jako výchozí jazyk rozhraní pro "
     14893#~ "uživatele a partnery."
     14895#~ msgid "Add or not the coporate RML header"
     14896#~ msgstr "Přidat nebo nepřidat RML hlavičku společnosti"
     14898#~ msgid ""
     14899#~ "If you use OpenERP for the first time we strongly advise you to select the "
     14900#~ "simplified interface, which has less features but is easier. You can always "
     14901#~ "switch later from the user preferences."
     14902#~ msgstr ""
     14903#~ "Pokud používáte OpenERP poprvé, silně vám doporučujeme vybrat si "
     14904#~ "zjednodušené rozhraní, které má méně funkcí a je snadnější. Vždycky můžete "
     14905#~ "později přepnout z uživatelských předvoleb."
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.