Changeset 82 for db/post_read.php

Sep 29, 2007, 8:25:17 PM (17 years ago)

úprava návodu na event na šplhání
A taky bylo zase něco málo vylepšeno a přidáno v prohlížeči databáze

1 edited


  • db/post_read.php

    r78 r82  
    7 if(array_key_exists('quest', $_GET) AND !empty($id) ){
     7if( !empty($q) AND !empty($id) ){
    88  if( !empty($lvl_d) AND !empty($lvl_h) ){ $where = "(`MinLevel`>='$lvl_d' AND `MinLevel`<='$lvl_h') AND "; };
    9   $sql_select = SQLselect_Strankovani("SELECT * FROM quest_template WHERE ( $where`Title` LIKE '%$quest%' )", $limit, 20, "?id=questy&amp;quest=".$quest."&amp;lvl_d=".$lvl_d."&amp;lvl_h=".$lvl_h, $SID);
    10   if( @mysql_num_rows($sql_select[1]) > "0" ) { $i = "0";
     9  $sql_select = SQLselect_Strankovani("SELECT * FROM quest_template WHERE ( $where`Title` LIKE '%$q%' )", $limit, 20, "?id=questy&amp;q=".$q."&amp;lvl_d=".$lvl_d."&amp;lvl_h=".$lvl_h, $SID);
     10  if( @mysql_num_rows($sql_select[1]) > 0 ){ $i = 0;
    1111    $sql_select['result'] .= "<table width=\"100%\" class=\"search_result\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
    1212    $sql_select['result'] .= "<thead><tr><td>Název úkolu</td><td>Min level</td><td>Úkol zadává</td><td>Úkol</td></tr></thead>\n<col width=\"180px\"><col width=\"70px\">";
    14     while( $result = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($sql_select[1]) ){
     14    while( $result = MySQL_Fetch_Array($sql_select[1]) ){
    1515      $sql_select['result'] .= "  <tr valign='top'>";
    1616      $sql_select['result'] .= "<td><a href=\"index.php?quest=".$result['entry']."\">".$result['Title']."</a></td>";
    3535    };
    37   };
     37  }
     38elseif( !empty($quest) AND empty($id) ){
     39  $sql_select['sql'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM quest_template WHERE `entry`='$quest' LIMIT 1;");
     40  if( @mysql_num_rows($sql_select['sql']) > 0 ){ $i = 0;
     41    $result = MySQL_Fetch_Array($sql_select['sql']);
     42    $sql_select['quest'] = $result;
     44    // Zjištění creatur a gameobjectů kde se Quest dá vzít
     45    $startovni_NPC_dotaz_creature = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM creature_template LEFT JOIN creature_questrelation ON = creature_template.entry WHERE =".$sql_select['quest']['entry']." ");
     46      if( @mysql_num_rows($startovni_NPC_dotaz_creature) > 0 ){
     47        while($start_NPC = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($startovni_NPC_dotaz_creature)){
     48        $sql_select['other']['StartNPC'] .= "<a href=\"index.php?creature=".$start_NPC['entry']."\">".$start_NPC['name']."</a><br>\n";
     49        }; };
     50    $startovni_NPC_dotaz_gameobject = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gameobject_template LEFT JOIN gameobject_questrelation ON = gameobject_template.entry WHERE =".$sql_select['quest']['entry']." ");
     51      if( @mysql_num_rows($startovni_NPC_dotaz_gameobject) > 0 ){
     52        while($start_NPC = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($startovni_NPC_dotaz_gameobject)){
     53        $sql_select['other']['StartNPC'] .= "<a href=\"index.php?gameobject=".$start_NPC['entry']."\">".$start_NPC['name']."</a><br>\n";
     54        }; };
     55    if( empty($sql_select['other']['StartNPC']) ){
     56      $sql_select['other']['StartNPC'] = "<b>Úkol není kde začít!<br> Nahlaste to prosím adminovy!</b>"; }
     58    // Zjištění Oblasti
     59    if( AbsCheck($sql_select['quest']['ZoneOrSort']) ){ }
     60    else{  };
     62    // Důležitá věc
     63    $SrcItemId_dotaz = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item_template WHERE entry =".$sql_select['quest']['SrcItemId']." LIMIT 1;");
     64    if( @mysql_num_rows($SrcItemId_dotaz) > 0 ){
     65        $SrcItemId = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($SrcItemId_dotaz);
     66        $sql_select['other']['SrcItemId'] .= "<a href=\"index.php?item=".$SrcItemId['entry']."\">".$SrcItemId['name']."</a><br>\n";
     67        };
     69      $sql_select['quest']['PrevQuestId'];
     70      $sql_select['quest']['NextQuestId'];
     72      $sql_select['other']['ReqItems']; // ReqItemId1-4.ReqItemCount1-4
     74      $sql_select['other']['ReqSource']; // ??
     75/*        ReqSourceId1-4
     76      These fields are used in core quest-drop logic. They allow players to get quest drops which are not quest delivery items (ReqItem stand for this), but needed to create quest delivery by player or needed to cast ReqSpellCasts. ReqSourceId1 is the item_template id of a source item for creation of ReqItemX or casting of ReqSpellCastX. X is the value of ReqSourceRef1. Only items which have a quest drop chance (having QuestChance > 0 in *_loot_template) should be used as sources here.
     77      The same for ReqSourceId2-4
     78      You may define 1, 2, 3 or even all 4 sources for the same ReqItem/ReqSpellCast or use 4 sources for 4 ReqItems/ReqSpellCasts.
     79          ReqSourceCount1-4
     80      Amount of ReqSourceId items the player may gather per unfinished ReqItemId or ReqSpellCast.
     81      So ReqSourceId1 items will drop up to a total amount of (ReqItemCount(ReqSourceRef1) - already owned ReqItemId(ReqSourceRef1)) * ReqSourceCount1. Same for ReqSpellCast objectives.
     82          ReqSourceRef1-4
     83      Should be 0 or 1..4. See ReqSourceId description. */
     85      $sql_select['other']['ReqCreatureOrGOId']; // need to kill/cast
     86/*    Value > 0: 1.-4. required creature_template ID the player needs to kill/cast on in order to complete the quest.
     87      Value < 0: 1.-4. required gameobject_template ID the player needs to cast on in order to complete the quest.
     88      If ReqSpellCastN > 0 then at ReqCreatureOrGOIdN must be casted spell ReqSpellCastN, if ReqSpellCastN = 0 then it must be killed. */
     90      $sql_select['other']['ReqSpellCast'];
     91/*    Spell ID of Spell that needs to be cast in order to fulfill a quest objective.
     92      If ReqSpellCastN > 0 then at ReqCreatureOrGOIdN must be casted spell ReqSpellCastN, if ReqSpellCastN = 0 then it must be killed. */
     94      $sql_select['other']['ReqSpellCast'];
     95/*    Spell ID of Spell that needs to be cast in order to fulfill a quest objective.
     96      If ReqSpellCastN > 0 then at ReqCreatureOrGOIdN must be casted spell ReqSpellCastN, if ReqSpellCastN = 0 then it must be killed. */
     98      $sql_select['other']['RewChoiceItemId']; // !!! RewChoiceItemCount
     99/*    Id of the 1.-6. Item available for reward choice.  */
     101      $sql_select['other']['RewItemId']; // !!! RewItemCount
     102/*    1.-4. item Id given for reward (no choice).   */
     105    } else{ $sql_select['error'] = "<p>Quest nebyl nalezen.</p>"; };
     107  }
     108elseif( !empty($creature) AND empty($id) ){
     109  $sql_select['sql'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM creature_template WHERE `entry`='$creature' LIMIT 1;");
     110  if( @mysql_num_rows($sql_select['sql']) > 0 ){ $i = 0;
     111    $result = MySQL_Fetch_Array($sql_select['sql']);
     112    $sql_select['creature'] = $result;
     114    $questy_dotaz_creature = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `creature_questrelation` LEFT JOIN `quest_template` ON `creature_questrelation`.`quest` = `quest_template`.`entry` WHERE (`creature_questrelation`.`id` =".$sql_select['creature']['entry']." AND `quest_template`.`PrevQuestId`=0 ) ");
     115      if( @mysql_num_rows($questy_dotaz_creature) > 0 ){
     116        while($quest_NPC = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($questy_dotaz_creature)){
     117          $sql_select['other']['creature_quests'] .= "<a href=\"index.php?quest=".$quest_NPC['entry']."\">".$quest_NPC['Title']."</a><br>\n";
     118        }; };
     120    } else{ $sql_select['error'] = "<p>Creep nebyl nalezen.</p>"; };
     122  };
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