Changeset 82

Sep 29, 2007, 8:25:17 PM (17 years ago)

úprava návodu na event na šplhání
A taky bylo zase něco málo vylepšeno a přidáno v prohlížeči databáze

1 added
1 deleted
10 edited


  • WoW_zdechov.ppr

    r78 r82  
    129129                                db\css\css.php
    130130                                db\css\zakladni_css.css
    131                         -include
     131                        +include
    132132                                db\include\classes.php
    133133                                db\include\crare.php
    147147                                db\include\qspecial.php
    148148                                db\include\qtrskill.php
     149                                db\include\quest.php
    149150                                db\include\questy.php
    150151                                db\include\qzone.php
    155156                                db\include\talents.php
    156157                                db\include\uvod.php
    157                                 db\include\quest.php
    158158                        -js
    159159                                db\js\scripty.js
    165165                                db\komentare\podklad1.png
    166166                                db\komentare\SHOWG.TTF
    167                         ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\SVN\wow_zdechov\db\config.sample.php
     167                        db\config.php
    168168                        db\hlavni.php
    169169                        db\index.php
    681681[Open project files]
    683 1=db\css\zakladni_css.css
    684 2=db\hlavni.php
    685 3=db\obsah.php
    686 4=db\post_read.php
    687 5=db\include\questy.php
    688 6=..\..\..\..\..\..\..\SVN\wow_zdechov\db\config.sample.php
    689690[Selected Project Files]
    691 Selected=db\include\questy.php
    693 TopLine=61
    694 Caret=41,113
    696 TopLine=162
    697 Caret=21,181
    699 TopLine=62
    700 Caret=22,18
    702 TopLine=19
    703 Caret=20,44
    706 Caret=1,6
    707 [db\include\questy.php]
    708 TopLine=1
    709 Caret=71,7
    710 [..\..\..\..\..\..\..\SVN\wow_zdechov\db\config.sample.php]
    711 TopLine=40
    712 Caret=29,7
  • db/css/zakladni_css.css

    r78 r82  
    7 * { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }  
     7* { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }
    99body {
    1616h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6   {
    1717        font-size: 18px;
    18         font-weight: normal;
     18        font-weight: bold;
     19        text-decoration: underline;
    1920  margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;
    2021  padding-left: 30px; }
    191192#right table.search_result td a {
    192193  text-decoration: none; }
     194#right table#quest {
     195  empty-cells: show;
     196  width: 720px;
     197  margin-top: 15px; }
     198#right table#quest thead td {
     199  font-weight: bold;
     200  border-bottom: 2px solid white;
     201  border-right: 1px solid white; }
     202#right table#quest td {
     203  vertical-align: top;
     204  border-bottom: 1px solid white;
     205  border-right: 1px solid white; }
     206#right table#quest table thead td {
     207  padding-top: 20px;
     208  border-right: 0px;
     209  border-bottom: 2px solid white; }
     210#right table#quest table td {
     211  border: 0px; }
     212#right ul#ucast {
     213  display: block;
     214  margin-bottom: 8px;
     215  padding-left: 15px; }
     216#right ul#ucast li {
     217  margin-left: 12px;
     218  list-style-type: square; }
     219#right ul#ucast ul li {
     220  margin-left: 10px;
     221  list-style-type: circle; }
    194223#pata {
  • db/hlavni.php

    r76 r82  
    66  <head>
    7     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $Config['DB_read']['Charset']; ?>">
     7    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    88    <meta name="Description" content="<?php echo $Config['DB_read']['Description']; ?>">
    99    <meta name="robots" content="all, follow">
    2222              <li><a href="./../forum/">Forum</a></li>
    2323              <li><a href="./../registrace/">Registrace</a></li>
     24              <li><a href="./index.php?id=bugreport<?php echo $SID; ?>">Hlášení chyb</a></li>
    2425              <li><a href="./index.php?id=stats<?php echo $SID; ?>">Statistiky</a></li>
    2526              <li><a href="./index.php?id=races<?php echo $SID; ?>">Rasy</a></li>
  • db/include/quest.php

    r76 r82  
    5   <form action=" " method="get" class="search_form">
    6   <input type="hidden" name="id" value="questy" class="hidden">
    7   <table class="search_form" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
    8     <tr><td><label for="quest">Hledat:</label></td><td colspan='3'><input type="text" name="quest" id="quest" value="<?php echo stripslashes($_GET['quest']); ?>"></td></tr>
    9     <tr><td>Level <label for="lvl_d">od:</label></td><td><input type="text" name="lvl_d" id="lvl_d" maxlength="3" style="width: 45px;" value="<?php echo $lvl_d; ?>"></td><td><label for="lvl_h">do:</label></td><td><input type="text" name="lvl_h" id="lvl_h" maxlength="3" style="width: 45px;" value="<?php echo $lvl_h; ?>"></td><td><input type="submit" value="Hledat" name="quest_find"></td></tr>
    10 </table><?php if(!empty($session_id)){ ?><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="<?php echo $session; ?>" class="hidden"><?php }; ?></form>
    11 <?php if(array_key_exists('quest', $_GET)){ ?>
    12   <?php echo $sql_select['result']; ?>
     5<?php if( empty($sql_select['error']) ){ ?>
     6  <table id="quest" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
     7    <tr><td width="30%"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
     8      <tr><td>ID Questu: <?php echo $sql_select['quest']['entry']; ?></td></tr>
     9      <tr><td>Začíná u:</td></tr>
     10      <tr><td style="padding-left:20px;"><?php echo $sql_select['other']['StartNPC']; ?></td></tr>
     11      <tr><td>Oblast:</td></tr>
     12      <tr><td style="padding-left:20px;"><?php echo "???"; ?></td></tr>
     13      <tr><td>Level: <?php echo $sql_select['quest']['QuestLevel']; ?></td></tr>
     14      <tr><td>Počet XP: <?php echo $sql_select['quest']['RewXpOrMoney']; ?></td></tr>
     15<?php if( !empty($sql_select['other']['SrcItemId']) ){ ?>
     16      <tr><td>Důležitá věc:</td></tr>
     17      <tr><td style="padding-left:20px;"><?php echo $sql_select['quest']['SrcItemCount']."x ".$sql_select['other']['SrcItemId']; ?></td></tr>
    1318<?php }; ?>
     20<?php $zobrazit=0; if($zobrazit =1){ //nevyřešeno !!!   ?>
     21<?php if( $sql_select['quest']['PrevQuestId']!=0 OR $sql_select['quest']['NextQuestId']!=0 ){ ?>
     22      <tr><td><b>Návaznost:</b></td></tr>
     23<?php }; if( $sql_select['quest']['PrevQuestId']!=0 ){ ?>
     24      <tr><td style="padding-left:20px;"><?php echo $sql_select['other']['PrevQuestId']; ?></td></tr>
     25<?php }; if( $sql_select['quest']['NextQuestId']!=0 ){ ?>
     26      <tr><td style="padding-left:20px;"><?php echo $sql_select['other']['PrevQuestId']; ?></td></tr>
     27<?php }; ?><?php }; ?>
     29<?php if( !empty($sql_select['other']['ReqItems']) ){ ?>
     30      <tr><td>Věci vyžadované pro splnění:</td></tr>
     31      <tr><td style="padding-left:20px;"><?php echo $sql_select['other']['ReqItems']; ?></td></tr>
     32<?php }; if( !empty($sql_select['other']['ReqSource']) ){ ?>
     33      <tr><td>Unknown:</td></tr>
     34      <tr><td style="padding-left:20px;"><?php echo $sql_select['other']['ReqSource']; ?></td></tr>
     35<?php }; if( !empty($sql_select['other']['ReqCreatureOrGOId']) ){ ?>
     36      <tr><td>Věci vyžadované pro splnění:</td></tr>
     37      <tr><td style="padding-left:20px;"><?php echo $sql_select['other']['ReqCreatureOrGOId']; ?></td></tr>
     38<?php }; ?>
     39    </table></td><td width="70%" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
     40      <thead><tr><td style="padding-top:0px;">Detaily: </td></tr></thead>
     41      <tr><td><?php echo nl2br($sql_select['quest']['Details']); ?></td></tr>
     42      <thead><tr><td>Úkol ve zkratce: </td></tr></thead>
     43      <tr><td><?php echo nl2br($sql_select['quest']['Objectives']); ?></td></tr>
     44      <thead><tr><td>Při dokončení: </td></tr></thead>
     45      <tr><td><?php echo nl2br($sql_select['quest']['OfferRewardText']); ?></td></tr>
     46      <thead><tr><td>Při pokusu odevzdat nedokončený úkol: </td></tr></thead>
     47      <tr><td><?php echo nl2br($sql_select['quest']['RequestItemsText']); ?></td></tr>
     48    </table></td></tr>
     49  </table>
     50<?php } elseif( !empty($sql_select['error']) ){ ?>
     51  <?php echo $sql_select['error']; ?>
     52<?php }; ?>
     53<?php //<textarea style="width:100%;height:250px;">< ?php print_r($sql_select); ? ></textarea> ?>
     56/*  <table class="wiki">
     57<tr><td> <strong>Field</strong>        </td><td> <strong>Type</strong> </td><td><strong>Attributes</strong></td><td><strong>Null</strong></td><td><strong>Key Name/Type</strong></td><td><strong>Default</strong></td><td><strong>Extra</strong>
     59</td></tr><tr><td> <span class="underline">entry</span>          </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td> PRIMARY/PRIMARY   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     60</td></tr><tr><td> <a class="missing wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/ZoneOrSort" rel="nofollow">ZoneOrSort?</a>         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     62</td></tr><tr><td> MinLevel          </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     63</td></tr><tr><td> QuestLevel        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     65</td></tr><tr><td> Type               </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     66</td></tr><tr><td> RequiredRaces     </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     68</td></tr><tr><td> RequiredSkillValue</td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 1           </td><td>           
     69</td></tr><tr><td> RequiredRepFaction</td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     71</td></tr><tr><td> RequiredRepValue  </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     72</td></tr><tr><td> SuggestedPlayers  </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     74</td></tr><tr><td> LimitTime         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     75</td></tr><tr><td> SpecialFlags      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     77</td></tr><tr><td> PrevQuestId       </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     78</td></tr><tr><td> NextQuestId       </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     80</td></tr><tr><td> ExclusiveGroup    </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     81</td></tr><tr><td> NextQuestInChain  </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     83</td></tr><tr><td> srcItem            </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     84</td></tr><tr><td> SrcItemCount      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     86</td></tr><tr><td> SrcSpell          </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     87</td></tr><tr><td> Title             </td><td>varchar(50) </td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     89</td></tr><tr><td> Details           </td><td>varchar(250)</td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     90</td></tr><tr><td> Objectives        </td><td>varchar(150)</td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     92</td></tr><tr><td> OfferRewardText    </td><td>varchar(250)</td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     93</td></tr><tr><td> RequestItemsText    </td><td>varchar(200)</td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     95</td></tr><tr><td> EndText           </td><td>varchar(200)</td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     96</td></tr><tr><td> ObjectiveText1    </td><td>varchar(250)</td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     98</td></tr><tr><td> ObjectiveText2    </td><td>varchar(250)</td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     99</td></tr><tr><td> ObjectiveText3    </td><td>varchar(250)</td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     101</td></tr><tr><td> ObjectiveText4    </td><td>varchar(250)</td><td>                </td><td> Yes      </td><td>                   </td><td> NULL        </td><td>           
     102</td></tr><tr><td> ReqItemId1        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     104</td></tr><tr><td> ReqItemId2        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     105</td></tr><tr><td> ReqItemId3        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     107</td></tr><tr><td> ReqItemId4           </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     108</td></tr><tr><td> ReqItemCount1        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     110</td></tr><tr><td> ReqItemCount2        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     111</td></tr><tr><td> ReqItemCount3        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     113</td></tr><tr><td> ReqItemCount4        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     114</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceId1         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     116</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceId2         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     117</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceId3         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     119</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceId4         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     120</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceCount1      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     122</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceCount2      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     123</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceCount3      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     125</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceCount4      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     126</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceRef1        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     128</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceRef2        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     129</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceRef3        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     131</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSourceRef4        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     132</td></tr><tr><td> ReqCreatureOrGOId1    </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     134</td></tr><tr><td> ReqCreatureOrGOId2    </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     135</td></tr><tr><td> ReqCreatureOrGOId3    </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     137</td></tr><tr><td> ReqCreatureOrGOId4    </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     138</td></tr><tr><td> ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     140</td></tr><tr><td> ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     141</td></tr><tr><td> ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     143</td></tr><tr><td> ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     144</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSpellCast1      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     146</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSpellCast2      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     147</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSpellCast3      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     149</td></tr><tr><td> ReqSpellCast4      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     150</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemId1   </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     152</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemId2   </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     153</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemId3   </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     155</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemId4   </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     156</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemId5   </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     158</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemId6   </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     159</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemCount1</td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     161</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemCount2</td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     162</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemCount3</td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     164</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemCount4</td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     165</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemCount5</td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     167</td></tr><tr><td> RewChoiceItemCount6</td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     168</td></tr><tr><td> RewItemId1         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     170</td></tr><tr><td> RewItemId2         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     171</td></tr><tr><td> RewItemId3         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     173</td></tr><tr><td> RewItemId4         </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     174</td></tr><tr><td> RewItemCount1      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     176</td></tr><tr><td> RewItemCount2      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     177</td></tr><tr><td> RewItemCount3      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     179</td></tr><tr><td> RewItemCount4      </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     180</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepFaction1     </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     182</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepFaction2     </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     183</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepFaction3     </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     185</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepFaction4     </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     186</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepFaction5     </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     188</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepValue1       </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     189</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepValue2       </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     191</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepValue3       </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     192</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepValue4       </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     194</td></tr><tr><td> RewRepValue5       </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     195</td></tr><tr><td> RewOrReqMoney     </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     197</td></tr><tr><td> RewXpOrMoney       </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     198</td></tr><tr><td> RewSpell          </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     200</td></tr><tr><td> PointMapId        </td><td> int(11)    </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     201</td></tr><tr><td> PointX             </td><td> float      </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     203</td></tr><tr><td> PointY             </td><td> float      </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     204</td></tr><tr><td> PointOpt          </td><td> int(2)     </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     206</td></tr><tr><td> OfferRewardEmote   </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     207</td></tr><tr><td> RequestItemsEmote  </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 1           </td><td>           
     209</td></tr><tr><td> CompleteScript     </td><td> int(11)    </td><td>                </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     210</td></tr><tr><td> Repeatable         </td><td> tinyint(1)  </td><td> UNSIGNED       </td><td> No       </td><td>                   </td><td> 0           </td><td>           
     213<h2 id="entry">entry</h2>
     215Quest Id. <br />
     216Quest ID is the Primary Key for the Table. Each Quest ID must be unique! <br />
     218<h2 id="ZoneOrSort"><a class="missing wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/ZoneOrSort" rel="nofollow">ZoneOrSort?</a></h2>
     220If value &gt; 0 then value is Zone IDs taken from <a class="wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/DBFilesClient/AreaTable">AreaTable.dbc</a>. See <a class="wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/ZoneId">ZoneId</a><br />
     224if value &lt; 0 then (-value) is quest sort id:
     226<table class="wiki">
     227<tr><td> <strong>ID</strong> </td><td> <strong>Name</strong> </td><td> <strong>ID</strong> </td><td> <strong>Name</strong>
     229</td></tr><tr><td> 1  </td><td> Epic </td><td> 182 </td><td> Leatherworking
     230</td></tr><tr><td> 21 </td><td> REUSE - old wailing caverns </td><td> 201 </td><td> Engineering
     231</td></tr><tr><td> 22 </td><td> Seasonal </td><td> 221 </td><td> Treasure Map
     233</td></tr><tr><td> 23 </td><td> REUSE - old undercity one </td><td> 241 </td><td> REUSE - old sunken temple
     234</td></tr><tr><td> 24 </td><td> Herbalism </td><td> 261 </td><td> Hunter
     235</td></tr><tr><td> 25 </td><td> REUSE - old scarlet monastery </td><td> 262 </td><td> Priest
     237</td></tr><tr><td> 41 </td><td> REUSE - old uldaman </td><td> 263 </td><td> Druid
     238</td></tr><tr><td> 61 </td><td> Warlock </td><td> 264 </td><td> Tailoring
     239</td></tr><tr><td> 81 </td><td> Warrior </td><td> 284 </td><td> Special
     241</td></tr><tr><td> 82 </td><td> Shaman </td><td> 304 </td><td> Cooking
     242</td></tr><tr><td> 101 </td><td> Fishing </td><td> 324 </td><td> First Aid
     243</td></tr><tr><td> 121 </td><td> Blacksmithing </td><td> 344 </td><td> Legendary
     245</td></tr><tr><td> 141 </td><td> Paladin </td><td> 364 </td><td> Darkmoon Faire
     246</td></tr><tr><td> 161 </td><td> Mage </td><td> 365 </td><td> Ahn'Qiraj War
     247</td></tr><tr><td> 162 </td><td> Rogue </td><td> 366 </td><td> Lunar Festival
     249</td></tr><tr><td> 181 </td><td> Alchemy </td><td> 367 </td><td> Reputation
     252IDs for <a class="missing wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/DBFilesClient/QuestSort" rel="nofollow">QuestSort.dbc?</a> which contains information about quest sorting <br />
     254<h2 id="MinLevel">MinLevel</h2>
     257Minimum level required to get the quest. <br />
     259<h2 id="QuestLevel">QuestLevel</h2>
     261Level of quest. Player recieves full experience amount only if their level is less than or equal to <a class="missing wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/QuestLevel" rel="nofollow">QuestLevel?</a>+5<br />
     263<h2 id="Type">Type</h2>
     265Quest type is taken from <a class="wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/DBFilesClient/QuestInfo">QuestInfo.dbc</a><br />
     268<table class="wiki">
     269<tr><td> <strong>Value</strong> </td><td> <strong>Type</strong> 
     270</td></tr><tr><td> 1           </td><td> Elite       
     271</td></tr><tr><td> 21          </td><td> Life       
     272</td></tr><tr><td> 41          </td><td> PvP         
     274</td></tr><tr><td> 62          </td><td> Raid       
     275</td></tr><tr><td> 81          </td><td> Dungeon     
     276</td></tr><tr><td> 82          </td><td> World Event
     278<h2 id="RequiredRaces">RequiredRaces</h2>
     280Races required to get the quest. 0 means available for all races.<br />
     282Field's value is a decimal value that must be transform to a 8 bits binary in order to be understandable.<br />
     283In binary form, each different bit represent a different race. They're assigned as follow :<br />
     285<table class="wiki">
     286<tr><td> 128   </td><td>  64   </td><td> 32     </td><td> 16    </td><td> 8        </td><td> 4     </td><td> 2   </td><td> 1     
     288</td></tr><tr><td> Troll </td><td> Gnome </td><td> Tauren </td><td>Undead </td><td> NightElf </td><td> Dwarf </td><td> Orc </td><td> Human
     292Example : <br />
     293Int field value : 77 <br />
     294Assigning bits from the left to the right :<br />
     296<table class="wiki">
     297<tr><td> 128   </td><td>  64   </td><td> 32     </td><td> 16    </td><td> 8        </td><td> 4     </td><td> 2   </td><td> 1     
     299</td></tr><tr><td> Troll </td><td> Gnome </td><td> Tauren </td><td>Undead </td><td> NightElf </td><td> Dwarf </td><td> Orc </td><td> Human
     300</td></tr><tr><td> 0     </td><td>  1    </td><td> 0      </td><td> 0     </td><td> 1        </td><td> 1     </td><td> 0   </td><td> 1     
     304Then, quest is for races : Human, Dwarf, NightElf, Gnome.  In other words, add the values in the above table together for the classes you want.  Another example: To make a quest for Humans and Dwarves, add 1 and 4 together to get 5.<br />
     306<h2 id="RequiredSkillValue">RequiredSkillValue</h2>
     308Player skill value requirement for skill if in <a class="missing wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/ZoneOrSort" rel="nofollow">ZoneOrSort?</a> field &lt; 0 and have some from skill related values.
     310<h2 id="RequiredRepFaction">RequiredRepFaction</h2>
     313FactionTemplate ID for reputation requirement. See <a class="wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/Database/Faction">Faction</a> <br />
     315<h2 id="RequiredRepValue">RequiredRepValue</h2>
     317Players must have this reputation or higher in order to receive the quest <br />
     319<h2 id="LimitTime">LimitTime</h2>
     321If quest is time limited, field contains the limit, in seconds. <br />
     324<h2 id="SpecialFlags">SpecialFlags</h2>
     325<ul><li>QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAGS_NONE          = 0
     326</li><li>QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAGS_DELIVER       = 1
     328</li><li>QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAGS_SPEAKTO       = 4
     329</li><li>QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAGS_KILL_OR_CAST  = 8
     330</li><li>QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAGS_TIMED         = 16
     331</li><li>Flag 32 unknown
     332</li><li>QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAGS_REPUTATION    = 64 <br />
     333</li></ul><h2 id="PrevQuestId">PrevQuestId</h2>
     335If value &gt; 0: Contains the previous quest id, that must be completed before this quest can be started. <br />
     337If value &lt; 0: Contains the parent quest id, that must be active before this quest can be started. <br />
     338If quest have many alternative previous quests (race specific quests lead to single not race specific quest)
     339field NextQuestId in previous quests can used for setting this dependence. <br />
     340Mangos check completing of PrevQuestId for this quest and completing of all quests that have NextQuestId == this quest id, one completion is enough to allow starting this quest.
     342<h2 id="NextQuestId">NextQuestId</h2>
     344If value &gt; 0: Contains the next quest id, if PrevQuestId of that quest is not sufficient. <br />
     345If value &lt; 0: Contains the sub quest id, if PrevQuestId of that quest is not sufficient. <br />
     347If quest have many alternative next quests (class specific quests lead from single not class specific quest)
     348field PrevQuestId in next quests can used for setting this dependence. <br />
     350<h2 id="ExclusiveGroup">ExclusiveGroup</h2>
     352if <a class="missing wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/ExclusiveGroup" rel="nofollow">ExclusiveGroup?</a> &gt; 0
     355Allows to define a group of quests of which only one may be chosen and completed. <br />
     356E.g. if from quests 1200, 1201 and 1202 only one should be allowed to be chosen, insert 1200 into ExclusiveGroup of all 3 quests. <br />
     360if <a class="missing wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/ExclusiveGroup" rel="nofollow">ExclusiveGroup?</a> &lt; 0
     363Allows to define a group of quests of which all must be completed and rewarded to start next quest. <br />
     364E.g. if quest 1000 dependent from onw of quests 1200, 1201 and 1202 and all this quests have same negative exclusive group
     365then all this quest mustbe completed and rewareded before quest 1000 can be started. <br />
     367<h2 id="NextQuestInChain">NextQuestInChain</h2>
     370Defines quest chains, the details of the entered quest will be automatically opened when this quest is completed. <br />
     371Only works when the quest rewarder of this quest is the quest giver of the entered quest. <br />
     373<h2 id="srcItem">srcItem</h2>
     375Item's ID given by the quest giver at beginning of the quest. <br />
     376Items will be deleted when quest is abandoned. <br />
     378<h2 id="srcItemCount">srcItemCount</h2>
     380Number of Item given at quest start. <br />
     383<h2 id="SrcSpell">SrcSpell</h2>
     385Spell casted on player when quest is started. Can be a buff or a learning spell. <br />
     387<h2 id="Title">Title</h2>
     389Title of the quest. <br />
     391<h2 id="Details">Details</h2>
     393Long quest's description. <br />
     396<h2 id="Objectives">Objectives</h2>
     398Objectives of the quest. <br />
     399If empty, quest is an auto-complete quest that can be immediately finished without accepting it first. <br />
     401<h2 id="OfferRewardText">OfferRewardText</h2>
     403First text send to the player by the NPC when completing the quest. <br />
     405<h2 id="RequestItemsText">RequestItemsText</h2>
     408This text ist send to player, yet did not terminate the Quest and speak with NPC again! <br />
     410<h2 id="EndText">EndText</h2>
     412This text is indicated to the player, if you open your Questlog and wars send to player ingame. No Change this! <br />
     414<h2 id="ObjectiveText1-4">ObjectiveText1-4</h2>
     416Used to define non-standard objective texts. <br />
     418<h2 id="ReqItemId1-4">ReqItemId1-4</h2>
     421Item_template Id of the 1.-4. required item to complete the quest. (if any) <br />
     423<h2 id="ReqItemCount1-4">ReqItemCount1-4</h2>
     425Amount of 1.-4. required items. <br />
     427<h2 id="ReqSourceId1-4">ReqSourceId1-4</h2>
     429These fields are used in core quest-drop logic. They allow players to get quest drops which are not quest delivery items
     430(ReqItem stand for this), but needed to create quest delivery by player or needed to cast ReqSpellCasts.
     431ReqSourceId1 is the item_template id of a source item for creation of ReqItemX or casting of ReqSpellCastX. X is the value of ReqSourceRef1.
     432Only items which have a quest drop chance (having QuestChance &gt; 0 in *_loot_template) should be used as sources here.
     436The same for ReqSourceId2-4 <br />
     437You may define 1, 2, 3 or even all 4 sources for the same ReqItem/ReqSpellCast or use 4 sources for 4 ReqItems/ReqSpellCasts.
     439<h2 id="ReqSourceCount1-4">ReqSourceCount1-4</h2>
     441Amount of ReqSourceId items the player may gather per unfinished ReqItemId or ReqSpellCast. <br />
     442So ReqSourceId1 items will drop up to a total amount of (ReqItemCount(ReqSourceRef1) - already owned ReqItemId(ReqSourceRef1)) * ReqSourceCount1. Same for ReqSpellCast objectives. <br />
     444<h2 id="ReqSourceRef1-4">ReqSourceRef1-4</h2>
     446Should be 0 or 1..4. See ReqSourceId description. <br />
     449<h2 id="ReqCreatureOrGOId1-4">ReqCreatureOrGOId1-4</h2>
     451Value &gt; 0: 1.-4. required creature_template ID the player needs to kill/cast on in order to complete the quest.<br />
     452Value &lt; 0: 1.-4. required gameobject_template ID the player needs to cast on in order to complete the quest. <br />
     453If ReqSpellCastN &gt; 0 then at ReqCreatureOrGOIdN must be casted spell ReqSpellCastN, if ReqSpellCastN = 0 then it must be killed.
     455<h2 id="ReqCreatureOrGOCount1-4">ReqCreatureOrGOCount1-4</h2>
     458Number of kills/casts needed on 1.-4. creature or gameobject. <br />
     460<h2 id="ReqSpellCast1-4">ReqSpellCast1-4</h2>
     462Spell ID of Spell that needs to be cast in order to fulfill a quest objective.  <br />
     463If ReqSpellCastN &gt; 0 then at ReqCreatureOrGOIdN must be casted spell ReqSpellCastN, if ReqSpellCastN = 0 then it must be killed.
     465<h2 id="RewChoiceItemId1-6">RewChoiceItemId1-6</h2>
     467Id of the 1.-6. Item available for reward choice. <br />
     470<h2 id="RewChoiceItemCount1">RewChoiceItemCount1</h2>
     472Number of Charges in the 1.-6. rewarded item available. <br />
     474<h2 id="RewItemId1-4">RewItemId1-4</h2>
     4761.-4. item Id given for reward (no choice). <br />
     478<h2 id="RewItemCount1-4">RewItemCount1-4</h2>
     480Number of RewItem1-4. <br />
     483<h2 id="RewRepFaction1-5">RewRepFaction1-5</h2>
     485Faction Id (from Faction.dbc in this case) for which the quest give reputation points. <br />
     487<h2 id="RewRepValue1-5">RewRepValue1-5</h2>
     489Number of gain or lost reputation points for Faction1-5 at quest completion.<br />
     490This is special reputation rewarding. Normal reputation reward to quest rewarding creature faction calculated and added automatically.<br />
     492<h2 id="RewOrReqMoney">RewOrReqMoney</h2>
     495Money earned by completing the quest (if value &gt; 0). Money quest requirement (if value &lt; 0). <br />
     497<h2 id="RewXpOrMoney">RewXpOrMoney</h2>
     499Experience or money (when player's level = maxlevel) given when completing the quest. Only given once for repeatable quests.<br />
     501<h2 id="RewSpell">RewSpell</h2>
     504Spell casted at player when completing the quest.
     505This can be learn spell and player learned some spell in result, or buff spell, for example. <br />
     507<h2 id="PointMapId">PointMapId</h2>
     509MapId of a quest point of interest (POI). <br />
     510POI will be shown on the map when quest is active. <br />
     512<h2 id="PointX">PointX</h2>
     514X coordinate of quest POI. <br />
     517<h2 id="PointY">PointY</h2>
     519Y coordinate of quest POI. <br />
     521<h2 id="PointOpt">PointOpt</h2>
     523!!! Need info here : Feel free to document if you know. !!! <br />
     525<h2 id="OfferRewardEmoteRequestItemsEmote">OfferRewardEmote, RequestItemsEmote</h2>
     527Emote that creature show at request quest details, show incompleted quest and completing quest<br />
     530<h2 id="CompleteScript">CompleteScript</h2>
     532!!! Need info here : Feel free to document if you know. !!! <br />
     534<h2 id="Repeatable">Repeatable</h2>
     536Is quest repeatable? 1 yes 0 no <br />
     538<hr />
     540See also: <a class="wiki" href="/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/Database">Database</a>.
     542</p> */
  • db/include/questy.php

    r76 r82  
    66  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="questy" class="hidden">
    77  <table class="search_form" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
    8     <tr><td><label for="quest">Hledat:</label></td><td colspan='3'><input type="text" name="quest" id="quest" value="<?php echo stripslashes($_GET['quest']); ?>"></td></tr>
     8    <tr><td><label for="q">Hledat:</label></td><td colspan='3'><input type="text" name="q" id="q" value="<?php echo $q; ?>"></td></tr>
    99    <tr><td>Level <label for="lvl_d">od:</label></td><td><input type="text" name="lvl_d" id="lvl_d" maxlength="3" style="width: 45px;" value="<?php echo $lvl_d; ?>"></td><td><label for="lvl_h">do:</label></td><td><input type="text" name="lvl_h" id="lvl_h" maxlength="3" style="width: 45px;" value="<?php echo $lvl_h; ?>"></td><td><input type="submit" value="Hledat" name="quest_find"></td></tr>
    1010</table><?php if(!empty($session_id)){ ?><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="<?php echo $session; ?>" class="hidden"><?php }; ?></form>
    11 <?php if(array_key_exists('quest', $_GET)){ ?>
    12   <?php echo $sql_select['result']; ?>
    13 <?php }; ?>
     11  <?php echo $sql_select['result'];  ?>
  • db/include/uvod.php

    r76 r82  
    1515klidně pište na ICQ 327671143 nebo na E-mail: HosipLan<!-- spam ochrana -->&#64;<!-- spam ochrana --></p>
     19<p>HosipLan 19.září.2007<br>
     20Teď nám funguje: <br>
     21-Hledání Questů a nějaké základní údaje o nich.<br>
     22-Návozanost Questu na Creepa a jeho výpis už taky částečně funguje.</p>
     25<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Postupujeme kvůli časové tísni velice pomalinku.<br>
     26Pokud by chctěl někdo nějak přiložit ruku tak to jedině uvítám</p>
     28<h4>Na projektu se podílejí:</h4>
     30<ul id="ucast">
     31<li>HosipLan <ul>
     32      <li>Základní struktura stránky</li>
     33      <li>Základní grafika</li>
     34      <li>Hledání questů</li>
     35      <li>Základní výpis Questů</li>
     36      <li>Základní výpis Creepů</li>
     37    </ul></li>
     38<li>Bbtrash <ul>
     39      <li>Konzultace v nesnázích a psychycká podpora :)</li>
     40      <li>Nějaká ta rada ohledně databáze.</li>
     41    </ul></li>
     42<li>Chronos <ul>
     43      <li>Konzultace v nesnázích a psychycká podpora :)</li>
     44      <li>Nějaká ta rada ohledně databáze.</li>
     45    </ul></li>
     46<li>Perihelion <ul>
     47      <li>Konzultace v nesnázích a psychycká podpora :)</li>
     48      <li>Nějaká ta rada ohledně databáze.</li>
     49    </ul></li>
     50<li>Borci <ul>
     51      <li>Úprava titulního obrázku</li>
     52    </ul></li>
     55<p>Tímto děkuji všem co se jakkoliv zapojili.</p>
    1858  };
  • db/index.php

    r77 r82  
    66/* =========== Config =========== */
     7  if( !file_exists('./config.php') ){ exit; };
    78  require_once './config.php';
    910/* =========== Připojení k Databázi =========== */
    11   @mysql_connect( $Config['Database']['Host'], $Config['Database']['User'], $Config['Database']['Password'] )
     12  @mysql_connect( $Config['DB_read']['Database']['Host'], $Config['DB_read']['Database']['User'], $Config['DB_read']['Database']['Password'] )
    1213    OR DIE("<p>Vyskytla se chyba a nelze se připojit k databázi.<br> Zkuste to později.</p>");
    13   mysql_select_db($Config['DB_read']['Database'])
    14     OR DIE("<p>Nepodařilo se nastavit pracovní databázi ".$Config['DB_read']['Database']."!</p>");
    15   mysql_query("SET NAMES ".$Config['DB_read']['Charset']);
     14  @mysql_select_db($Config['DB_read']['DB_read']['Database'])
     15    OR DIE("<p>Nepodařilo se nastavit pracovní databázi ".$Config['DB_read']['DB_read']['Database']."!</p>");
     16  @mysql_query("SET NAMES ".$Config['DB_read']['DB_read']['Charset']);
    1718/* =========== Speciální FCE =========== */
    2021    $str = @str_replace("\r","",$str);
    2122    return $str;
     23    };
     25  function AbsCheck($int){ return (abs($int)==$int)? true : false; };
     27  function CheckQuestRace(){
    2229    };
    108115    /* =========== GET hodnoty =========== */
    109116    $id = $_GET['id']; // tady získá id z adresy
     117    $q = addslashes($_GET['q']);
    110118    $limit = $_GET['list']; // tady získá list z adresy
    111119      if( is_numeric($limit) == FALSE ){ unset($limit); };
    112120      if( $limit < 1 OR empty($limit) ){ $limit = 1; };
    113121    $quest = addslashes($_GET['quest']);
     122      if( is_numeric($quest) == FALSE ){ unset($quest); };
     123    $creature = addslashes($_GET['creature']);
     124      if( is_numeric($creature) == FALSE ){ unset($creature); };
    114125    $lvl_d = addslashes($_GET['lvl_d']);
    115126      if( is_numeric($lvl_d) == FALSE ){ unset($lvl_d); };
  • db/obsah.php

    r76 r82  
    22if($vlozeni_souboru == "OK"){
     4          if( !empty($id) ){
    45            if( $id == "uvod" ){ $file = "uvod"; $nadpis = "Úvod"; }
    56            elseif( $id == "stats" ){ $file = "stats"; $nadpis = "Statistiky"; }
    2829            else{ $file = "uvod"; $nadpis = "Úvod"; };
    30             if ( File_Exists("./include/".$file.".php") ) {
     31            if( File_Exists("./include/".$file.".php") ){
    3132              $file = "./include/".$file.".php";
    32               } else{ $file = "./include/uvod.php"; };
    34           if( !empty($quest) ){
    35 /*            $novinka_dotaz_nadpis =  @mysql_query("SELECT nadpis FROM novinky WHERE id='".$novinka."' LIMIT 1");
    36             if( mysql_num_rows($novinka_dotaz_nadpis) == "1" ) { $i = "0";
    37               while( $result = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($novinka_dotaz_nadpis) ){
    38                 $nadpis_novinky[$i] = $result["nadpis"];
    39                 };
    40               } else{ $nadpis_novinky[0] = "Chyba"; };
    41             $file = "novinka"; $nadpis = $nadpis_novinky[0];
    42             if( File_Exists($file.".php") ) {
    43               $file = $file.".php";
    44               }; */
    45             };
     33              };
     34            }
     35          elseif( !empty($quest) ){
     36            $quest_dotaz_nadpis =  mysql_query("SELECT `Title` FROM `quest_template` WHERE `entry`='".$quest."' LIMIT 1");
     37            if( mysql_num_rows($quest_dotaz_nadpis) == "1" ) { $i = "0";
     38              $result = MySQL_Fetch_Array($quest_dotaz_nadpis);
     39              $nadpis_quest = $result["Title"];
     40              } else{ $nadpis_quest = "Chyba !"; };
     41            $file = "./include/quest.php"; $nadpis = "Quest: ".$nadpis_quest;
     42            if( !File_Exists($file) ){ $file = "./include/uvod.php"; };
     43            }
     44          elseif( !empty($creature) ){
     45            $creature_dotaz_nadpis =  mysql_query("SELECT `name`,`subname` FROM `creature_template` WHERE `entry`='".$creature."' LIMIT 1");
     46            if( mysql_num_rows($creature_dotaz_nadpis) == "1" ) { $i = "0";
     47              $result = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($creature_dotaz_nadpis);
     48                $nadpis_creature = $result["name"];
     49                $nadpis_creature .= (!empty($result['subname']))?" &lt;".$result['subname']."&gt;":"";
     50              } else{ $creature_quest = "Chyba !"; };
     51            $file = "./include/creep.php"; $nadpis = "Creep: ".$nadpis_creature;
     52            if( !File_Exists($file) ){ $file = "./include/uvod.php"; };
     53            }
     54          else{ $file = "./include/uvod.php"; };
    4756        <h1><?php echo $nadpis; ?></h1>
  • db/post_read.php

    r78 r82  
    7 if(array_key_exists('quest', $_GET) AND !empty($id) ){
     7if( !empty($q) AND !empty($id) ){
    88  if( !empty($lvl_d) AND !empty($lvl_h) ){ $where = "(`MinLevel`>='$lvl_d' AND `MinLevel`<='$lvl_h') AND "; };
    9   $sql_select = SQLselect_Strankovani("SELECT * FROM quest_template WHERE ( $where`Title` LIKE '%$quest%' )", $limit, 20, "?id=questy&amp;quest=".$quest."&amp;lvl_d=".$lvl_d."&amp;lvl_h=".$lvl_h, $SID);
    10   if( @mysql_num_rows($sql_select[1]) > "0" ) { $i = "0";
     9  $sql_select = SQLselect_Strankovani("SELECT * FROM quest_template WHERE ( $where`Title` LIKE '%$q%' )", $limit, 20, "?id=questy&amp;q=".$q."&amp;lvl_d=".$lvl_d."&amp;lvl_h=".$lvl_h, $SID);
     10  if( @mysql_num_rows($sql_select[1]) > 0 ){ $i = 0;
    1111    $sql_select['result'] .= "<table width=\"100%\" class=\"search_result\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
    1212    $sql_select['result'] .= "<thead><tr><td>Název úkolu</td><td>Min level</td><td>Úkol zadává</td><td>Úkol</td></tr></thead>\n<col width=\"180px\"><col width=\"70px\">";
    14     while( $result = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($sql_select[1]) ){
     14    while( $result = MySQL_Fetch_Array($sql_select[1]) ){
    1515      $sql_select['result'] .= "  <tr valign='top'>";
    1616      $sql_select['result'] .= "<td><a href=\"index.php?quest=".$result['entry']."\">".$result['Title']."</a></td>";
    3535    };
    37   };
     37  }
     38elseif( !empty($quest) AND empty($id) ){
     39  $sql_select['sql'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM quest_template WHERE `entry`='$quest' LIMIT 1;");
     40  if( @mysql_num_rows($sql_select['sql']) > 0 ){ $i = 0;
     41    $result = MySQL_Fetch_Array($sql_select['sql']);
     42    $sql_select['quest'] = $result;
     44    // Zjištění creatur a gameobjectů kde se Quest dá vzít
     45    $startovni_NPC_dotaz_creature = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM creature_template LEFT JOIN creature_questrelation ON = creature_template.entry WHERE =".$sql_select['quest']['entry']." ");
     46      if( @mysql_num_rows($startovni_NPC_dotaz_creature) > 0 ){
     47        while($start_NPC = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($startovni_NPC_dotaz_creature)){
     48        $sql_select['other']['StartNPC'] .= "<a href=\"index.php?creature=".$start_NPC['entry']."\">".$start_NPC['name']."</a><br>\n";
     49        }; };
     50    $startovni_NPC_dotaz_gameobject = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gameobject_template LEFT JOIN gameobject_questrelation ON = gameobject_template.entry WHERE =".$sql_select['quest']['entry']." ");
     51      if( @mysql_num_rows($startovni_NPC_dotaz_gameobject) > 0 ){
     52        while($start_NPC = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($startovni_NPC_dotaz_gameobject)){
     53        $sql_select['other']['StartNPC'] .= "<a href=\"index.php?gameobject=".$start_NPC['entry']."\">".$start_NPC['name']."</a><br>\n";
     54        }; };
     55    if( empty($sql_select['other']['StartNPC']) ){
     56      $sql_select['other']['StartNPC'] = "<b>Úkol není kde začít!<br> Nahlaste to prosím adminovy!</b>"; }
     58    // Zjištění Oblasti
     59    if( AbsCheck($sql_select['quest']['ZoneOrSort']) ){ }
     60    else{  };
     62    // Důležitá věc
     63    $SrcItemId_dotaz = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item_template WHERE entry =".$sql_select['quest']['SrcItemId']." LIMIT 1;");
     64    if( @mysql_num_rows($SrcItemId_dotaz) > 0 ){
     65        $SrcItemId = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($SrcItemId_dotaz);
     66        $sql_select['other']['SrcItemId'] .= "<a href=\"index.php?item=".$SrcItemId['entry']."\">".$SrcItemId['name']."</a><br>\n";
     67        };
     69      $sql_select['quest']['PrevQuestId'];
     70      $sql_select['quest']['NextQuestId'];
     72      $sql_select['other']['ReqItems']; // ReqItemId1-4.ReqItemCount1-4
     74      $sql_select['other']['ReqSource']; // ??
     75/*        ReqSourceId1-4
     76      These fields are used in core quest-drop logic. They allow players to get quest drops which are not quest delivery items (ReqItem stand for this), but needed to create quest delivery by player or needed to cast ReqSpellCasts. ReqSourceId1 is the item_template id of a source item for creation of ReqItemX or casting of ReqSpellCastX. X is the value of ReqSourceRef1. Only items which have a quest drop chance (having QuestChance > 0 in *_loot_template) should be used as sources here.
     77      The same for ReqSourceId2-4
     78      You may define 1, 2, 3 or even all 4 sources for the same ReqItem/ReqSpellCast or use 4 sources for 4 ReqItems/ReqSpellCasts.
     79          ReqSourceCount1-4
     80      Amount of ReqSourceId items the player may gather per unfinished ReqItemId or ReqSpellCast.
     81      So ReqSourceId1 items will drop up to a total amount of (ReqItemCount(ReqSourceRef1) - already owned ReqItemId(ReqSourceRef1)) * ReqSourceCount1. Same for ReqSpellCast objectives.
     82          ReqSourceRef1-4
     83      Should be 0 or 1..4. See ReqSourceId description. */
     85      $sql_select['other']['ReqCreatureOrGOId']; // need to kill/cast
     86/*    Value > 0: 1.-4. required creature_template ID the player needs to kill/cast on in order to complete the quest.
     87      Value < 0: 1.-4. required gameobject_template ID the player needs to cast on in order to complete the quest.
     88      If ReqSpellCastN > 0 then at ReqCreatureOrGOIdN must be casted spell ReqSpellCastN, if ReqSpellCastN = 0 then it must be killed. */
     90      $sql_select['other']['ReqSpellCast'];
     91/*    Spell ID of Spell that needs to be cast in order to fulfill a quest objective.
     92      If ReqSpellCastN > 0 then at ReqCreatureOrGOIdN must be casted spell ReqSpellCastN, if ReqSpellCastN = 0 then it must be killed. */
     94      $sql_select['other']['ReqSpellCast'];
     95/*    Spell ID of Spell that needs to be cast in order to fulfill a quest objective.
     96      If ReqSpellCastN > 0 then at ReqCreatureOrGOIdN must be casted spell ReqSpellCastN, if ReqSpellCastN = 0 then it must be killed. */
     98      $sql_select['other']['RewChoiceItemId']; // !!! RewChoiceItemCount
     99/*    Id of the 1.-6. Item available for reward choice.  */
     101      $sql_select['other']['RewItemId']; // !!! RewItemCount
     102/*    1.-4. item Id given for reward (no choice).   */
     105    } else{ $sql_select['error'] = "<p>Quest nebyl nalezen.</p>"; };
     107  }
     108elseif( !empty($creature) AND empty($id) ){
     109  $sql_select['sql'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM creature_template WHERE `entry`='$creature' LIMIT 1;");
     110  if( @mysql_num_rows($sql_select['sql']) > 0 ){ $i = 0;
     111    $result = MySQL_Fetch_Array($sql_select['sql']);
     112    $sql_select['creature'] = $result;
     114    $questy_dotaz_creature = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `creature_questrelation` LEFT JOIN `quest_template` ON `creature_questrelation`.`quest` = `quest_template`.`entry` WHERE (`creature_questrelation`.`id` =".$sql_select['creature']['entry']." AND `quest_template`.`PrevQuestId`=0 ) ");
     115      if( @mysql_num_rows($questy_dotaz_creature) > 0 ){
     116        while($quest_NPC = @MySQL_Fetch_Array($questy_dotaz_creature)){
     117          $sql_select['other']['creature_quests'] .= "<a href=\"index.php?quest=".$quest_NPC['entry']."\">".$quest_NPC['Title']."</a><br>\n";
     118        }; };
     120    } else{ $sql_select['error'] = "<p>Creep nebyl nalezen.</p>"; };
     122  };
  • navody/Navod_na_soutez_ve_splhani/index.html

    r79 r82  
    147147          V první řade umažu řádky, které začínají <b>DELETE FROM</b><br>
    148148          A pak doplním příkazy, které jsou uvedé výše v návodu.<br>
    149           Vyjde mi z toho asi něco takového: <a href="vzhuru_nahoru/2007-09-23_logSQL.sql" target="_blank">2007-09-23_logSQL.sql</a><br>
     149          Vyjde mi z toho asi něco takového: <b><a href="vzhuru_nahoru/2007-09-23_logSQL.sql" target="_blank">2007-09-23_logSQL.sql</a></b><br>
    150150          Teď stačí použít jen phpMyAdmin nebo jiný nástroj na práci s databází a soubor můžete nahrát na Server.<br>
    151151          Teď už jen varovat hráče před restartem a může se žačít.<br><br>
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