Jul 19, 2024, 10:57:37 AM (2 months ago)
  • Modified: Updated french translation.
1 edited


  • trunk/Languages/lclstrconsts.pot

    r98 r150  
    208208msgstr ""
     210#: lclstrconsts.rsdatetoolarge
     211#, object-pascal-format
     212msgid "Date cannot be past %s"
     213msgstr ""
     215#: lclstrconsts.rsdatetoosmall
     216#, object-pascal-format
     217msgid "Date cannot be before %s"
     218msgstr ""
    210220#: lclstrconsts.rsdefaultcolorcaption
    211221msgid "Default"
    235245#: lclstrconsts.rsdocopy
     246msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsdocopy"
    236247msgid "Copy"
    237248msgstr ""
    239250#: lclstrconsts.rsdopaste
     251msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsdopaste"
    240252msgid "Paste"
    241253msgstr ""
    247259#: lclstrconsts.rseditrecordhint
     260msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rseditrecordhint"
    248261msgid "Edit"
    249262msgstr ""
    391404#: lclstrconsts.rsgdkoptiondebug
    392 msgid "--gdk-debug flags     Turn on specific GDK trace/debug messages."
     405msgid "Turn on specific GDK trace/debug messages."
    393406msgstr ""
    395408#: lclstrconsts.rsgdkoptionnodebug
    396 msgid "--gdk-no-debug flags  Turn off specific GDK trace/debug messages."
     409msgid "Turn off specific GDK trace/debug messages."
    397410msgstr ""
    403416#: lclstrconsts.rsgoptionfatalwarnings
    404 msgid "--g-fatal-warnings    Warnings and errors generated by Gtk+/GDK will halt the application."
     417msgid "Warnings and errors generated by Gtk+/GDK will halt the application."
    405418msgstr ""
    459472#: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionclass
    460 msgid "--class classname     Following Xt conventions, the class of a program is the program name with the initial character capitalized. For example, the classname for gimp is \"Gimp\". If --class is specified, the class of the program will be set to \"classname\"."
     473msgid "Following Xt conventions, the class of a program is the program name with the initial character capitalized. For example, the classname for gimp is \"Gimp\". If --class is specified, the class of the program will be set to \"classname\"."
    461474msgstr ""
    463476#: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptiondebug
    464 msgid "--gtk-debug flags     Turn on specific Gtk+ trace/debug messages."
     477msgid "Turn on specific Gtk+ trace/debug messages."
    465478msgstr ""
    467480#: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptiondisplay
    468 msgid "--display h:s:d       Connect to the specified X server, where \"h\" is the hostname, \"s\" is the server number (usually 0), and \"d\" is the display number (typically omitted). If --display is not specified, the DISPLAY environment variable is used."
     481msgid "Connect to the specified X server, where \"h\" is the hostname, \"s\" is the server number (usually 0), and \"d\" is the display number (typically omitted). If --display is not specified, the DISPLAY environment variable is used."
    469482msgstr ""
    471484#: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionmodule
    472 msgid "--gtk-module module   Load the specified module at startup."
     485msgid "Load the specified module at startup."
    473486msgstr ""
    475488#: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionname
    476 msgid "--name programe       Set program name to \"progname\". If not specified, program name will be set to ParamStrUTF8(0)."
     489msgid "Set program name to \"progname\". If not specified, program name will be set to ParamStrUTF8(0)."
    477490msgstr ""
    479492#: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionnodebug
    480 msgid "--gtk-no-debug flags  Turn off specific Gtk+ trace/debug messages."
     493msgid "Turn off specific Gtk+ trace/debug messages."
    481494msgstr ""
    483496#: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionnotransient
    484 msgid "--lcl-no-transient    Do not set transient order for modal forms"
     497msgid "Do not set transient order for modal forms."
    485498msgstr ""
    487500#: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionnoxshm
    488 msgid "--no-xshm             Disable use of the X Shared Memory Extension."
     501msgid "Disable use of the X Shared Memory Extension."
    489502msgstr ""
    491504#: lclstrconsts.rsgtkoptionsync
    492 msgid "--sync                Call XSynchronize (display, True) after the Xserver connection has been established. This makes debugging X protocol errors easier, because X request buffering will be disabled and X errors will be received immediately after the protocol request that generated the error has been processed by the X server."
     505msgid "Call XSynchronize (display, True) after the Xserver connection has been established. This makes debugging X protocol errors easier, because X request buffering will be disabled and X errors will be received immediately after the protocol request that generated the error has been processed by the X server."
    493506msgstr ""
    595608msgstr ""
     610#: lclstrconsts.rshidedetails
     611msgid "Hide details"
     612msgstr ""
    597614#: lclstrconsts.rshighlightcolorcaption
    598615msgid "Highlight"
    658675msgstr ""
     677#: lclstrconsts.rsindexoutofboundsminusone
     678#, object-pascal-format
     679msgid "%s Index %d out of bounds -1 .. %d"
     680msgstr ""
    660682#: lclstrconsts.rsindexoutofrange
    661683#, object-pascal-format
    720742msgstr ""
     744#: lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenu
     745msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenu"
     746msgid "Edit"
     747msgstr ""
     749#: lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenucopy
     750msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenucopy"
     751msgid "Copy"
     752msgstr ""
     754#: lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenucut
     755msgid "Cut"
     756msgstr ""
     758#: lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenupaste
     759msgctxt "lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenupaste"
     760msgid "Paste"
     761msgstr ""
     763#: lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenuredo
     764msgid "Redo"
     765msgstr ""
     767#: lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenuselectall
     768msgid "Select All"
     769msgstr ""
     771#: lclstrconsts.rsmacoseditmenuundo
     772msgid "Undo"
     773msgstr ""
    722775#: lclstrconsts.rsmacosfileformat
    723776msgid "File Format:"
    724777msgstr ""
     779#: lclstrconsts.rsmacosmenuabout
     780#, object-pascal-format
     781msgid "About %s"
     782msgstr ""
    726784#: lclstrconsts.rsmacosmenuhide
    727785#, object-pascal-format
    731789#: lclstrconsts.rsmacosmenuhideothers
    732790msgid "Hide Others"
     791msgstr ""
     793#: lclstrconsts.rsmacosmenupreferences
     794msgid "Preferences..."
    733795msgstr ""
    935997#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptiondisableaccurateframe
    936 msgid "-disableaccurateframe, disables fully accurate window frame under X11. This feature is implemented for Qt, Qt5 and Gtk2 interfaces and used mostly by GetWindowRect()."
     998msgid "Disables fully accurate window frame under X11. This feature is implemented for Qt, Qt5 and Gtk2 interfaces and used mostly by GetWindowRect()."
    937999msgstr ""
    9391001#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptiondograb
    940 msgid "-dograb (only under X11), running under a debugger can cause an implicit -nograb, use -dograb to override. Need QT_DEBUG."
     1002msgid "Running under a debugger can cause an implicit -nograb, use -dograb to override. Works only under X11, needs QT_DEBUG."
    9411003msgstr ""
    9431005#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptiongraphicsstyle
    944 msgid "-graphicssystem param, sets the backend to be used for on-screen widgets and QPixmaps. Available options are native, raster and opengl. OpenGL is still unstable."
     1006msgid "Sets the backend to be used for on-screen widgets and QPixmaps. Available options are native, raster and opengl. OpenGL is still unstable."
    9451007msgstr ""
    9471009#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionnograb
    948 msgid "-nograb, tells Qt that it must never grab the mouse or the keyboard. Need QT_DEBUG."
     1010msgid "Tells Qt that it must never grab the mouse or the keyboard. Needs QT_DEBUG."
    9491011msgstr ""
    9511013#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionreverse
    952 msgid "-reverse, sets the application's layout direction to Qt::RightToLeft."
     1014msgid "Sets the application's layout direction to Qt::RightToLeft."
    9531015msgstr ""
    9551017#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionsession
    956 msgid "-session session, restores the application from an earlier session."
     1018msgid "Restores the application from an earlier session."
    9571019msgstr ""
    9591021#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionstyle
    960 msgid "-style style or -style=style, sets the application GUI style. Possible values are motif, windows, and platinum. If you compiled Qt with additional styles or have additional styles as plugins these will be available to the -style command line option. NOTE: Not all styles are available on all platforms. If style param does not exist Qt will start an application with default common style (windows)."
     1022msgid "Sets the application GUI style. Possible values are motif, windows, and platinum. If you compiled Qt with additional styles or have additional styles as plugins these will be available to the -style command line option. NOTE: Not all styles are available on all platforms. If style param does not exist Qt will start an application with default common style (windows)."
    9611023msgstr ""
    9631025#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionstylesheet
    964 msgid "-stylesheet stylesheet or -stylesheet=stylesheet, sets the application Style Sheet. The value must be a path to a file that contains the Style Sheet. Note: Relative URLs in the Style Sheet file are relative to the Style Sheet file's path."
     1026msgid "Sets the application Style Sheet. The value must be a path to a file that contains the Style Sheet. Note: Relative URLs in the Style Sheet file are relative to the Style Sheet file's path."
    9651027msgstr ""
    9671029#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionsync
    968 msgid "-sync (only under X11), switches to synchronous mode for debugging."
     1030msgid "Switches to synchronous mode for debugging. Works only under X11."
    9691031msgstr ""
    9711033#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionwidgetcount
    972 msgid "-widgetcount, prints debug message at the end about number of widgets left undestroyed and maximum number of widgets existed at the same time."
     1034msgid "Prints debug message at the end about number of widgets left undestroyed and maximum number of widgets existed at the same time."
    9731035msgstr ""
    9751037#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11bgcolor
    976 msgid "-bg or -background color, sets the default background color and an application palette (light and dark shades are calculated)."
     1038msgid "Sets the default background color and an application palette (light and dark shades are calculated)."
    9771039msgstr ""
    9791041#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11btncolor
    980 msgid "-btn or -button color, sets the default button color."
     1042msgid "Sets the default button color."
    9811043msgstr ""
    9831045#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11cmap
    984 msgid "-cmap, causes the application to install a private color map on an 8-bit display."
     1046msgid "Causes the application to install a private color map on an 8-bit display."
    9851047msgstr ""
    9871049#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11display
    988 msgid "-display display, sets the X display (default is $DISPLAY)."
     1050msgid "Sets the X display. Default is $DISPLAY."
    9891051msgstr ""
    9911053#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11fgcolor
    992 msgid "-fg or -foreground color, sets the default foreground color."
     1054msgid "Sets the default foreground color."
    9931055msgstr ""
    9951057#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11font
    996 msgid "-fn or -font font, defines the application font. The font should be specified using an X logical font description."
     1058msgid "Defines the application font. The font should be specified using an X logical font description."
    9971059msgstr ""
    9991061#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11geometry
    1000 msgid "-geometry geometry, sets the client geometry of the first window that is shown."
     1062msgid "Sets the client geometry of the first window that is shown."
    10011063msgstr ""
    10031065#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11im
    1004 msgid "-im, sets the input method server (equivalent to setting the XMODIFIERS environment variable)."
     1066msgid "Sets the input method server (equivalent to setting the XMODIFIERS environment variable)."
    10051067msgstr ""
    10071069#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11inputstyle
    1008 msgid "-inputstyle, defines how the input is inserted into the given widget, e.g. onTheSpot makes the input appear directly in the widget, while overTheSpot makes the input appear in a box floating over the widget and is not inserted until the editing is done."
     1070msgid "Defines how the input is inserted into the given widget, e.g. onTheSpot makes the input appear directly in the widget, while overTheSpot makes the input appear in a box floating over the widget and is not inserted until the editing is done."
    10091071msgstr ""
    10111073#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11name
    1012 msgid "-name name, sets the application name."
     1074msgid "Sets the application name."
    10131075msgstr ""
    10151077#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11ncols
    1016 msgid "-ncols count, limits the number of colors allocated in the color cube on an 8-bit display, if the application is using the QApplication::ManyColor color specification. If count is 216 then a 6x6x6 color cube is used (i.e. 6 levels of red, 6 of green, and 6 of blue); for other values, a cube approximately proportional to a 2x3x1 cube is used."
     1078msgid "Limits the number of colors allocated in the color cube on an 8-bit display, if the application is using the QApplication::ManyColor color specification. If count is 216 then a 6x6x6 color cube is used (i.e. 6 levels of red, 6 of green, and 6 of blue); for other values, a cube approximately proportional to a 2x3x1 cube is used."
    10171079msgstr ""
    10191081#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11title
    1020 msgid "-title title, sets the application title."
     1082msgid "Sets the application title."
    10211083msgstr ""
    10231085#: lclstrconsts.rsqtoptionx11visual
    1024 msgid "-visual TrueColor, forces the application to use a TrueColor visual on an 8-bit display."
     1086msgid "Forces the application to use a TrueColor visual on an 8-bit display."
    10251087msgstr ""
    10731135#: lclstrconsts.rsselectfonttitle
    10741136msgid "Select a font"
     1137msgstr ""
     1139#: lclstrconsts.rsshowdetails
     1140msgid "Show details"
    10751141msgstr ""
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