Changeset 11
- Timestamp:
- Jan 20, 2009, 3:30:37 PM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified trunk/ideintf/languages/ ¶
r10 r11 1289 1289 #: objinspstrconsts.srvk_pause 1290 1290 msgid "Pause key" 1291 msgstr " "1291 msgstr "Klávesa pauzy" 1292 1292 1293 1293 #: objinspstrconsts.srvk_print … … 1305 1305 #: objinspstrconsts.srvk_return 1306 1306 msgid "Return" 1307 msgstr " "1307 msgstr "Návrat" 1308 1308 1309 1309 #: objinspstrconsts.srvk_right … … 1321 1321 #: objinspstrconsts.srvk_shift 1322 1322 msgid "Shift" 1323 msgstr " "1323 msgstr "Posun" 1324 1324 1325 1325 #: objinspstrconsts.srvk_snapshot -
TabularUnified trunk/languages/ ¶
r10 r11 689 689 #: lazarusidestrconsts.dlgeofocusmessagesaftercompilation 690 690 msgid "Focus messages after compilation" 691 msgstr " "691 msgstr "Po překladu zaměřit okno zpráv" 692 692 693 693 #: lazarusidestrconsts.dlgextracharspacing … … 981 981 #: lazarusidestrconsts.dlglinklibraries 982 982 msgid "Link Style:" 983 msgstr " "983 msgstr "Styl spoje:" 984 984 985 985 #: lazarusidestrconsts.dlglinksmart … … 1717 1717 #: lazarusidestrconsts.fdinvalidmultiselectiontext 1718 1718 msgid "Multiselected components must be of a single form." 1719 msgstr " "1719 msgstr "Hromadně výbrané komponenty musí být z jednoho formuláře." 1720 1720 1721 1721 #: lazarusidestrconsts.fdmalignword … … 1957 1957 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisa2ptheancestortypehasthesamenameastheunit 1958 1958 msgid "The ancestor type %s%s%s has the same name as%sthe unit %s%s%s." 1959 msgstr " "1959 msgstr "Typ předka %s%s%S má stejné jméno jako %sjednotka %s%s%s." 1960 1960 1961 1961 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisa2ptheancestortypeisnotavalidpascalidentifier … … 2029 2029 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisa2ptheunitnamedoesnotcorrespondtothefilename 2030 2030 msgid "The unit name %s%s%s does not correspond to the filename." 2031 msgstr " "2031 msgstr "Jméno jednotky %s%s%s nesouhlasí s názvem souboru." 2032 2032 2033 2033 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisa2ptheunitnameisthesameasanregisteredcomponent … … 2669 2669 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisceomode 2670 2670 msgid "Preferred Exhibition Mode" 2671 msgstr " "2671 msgstr "Uprřednostněný prezentační režim" 2672 2672 2673 2673 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisceomodecategory … … 2793 2793 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lischoosefpcsourcedir 2794 2794 msgid "Choose FPC source directory" 2795 msgstr " "2795 msgstr "Vyberte zdrojový adresář FPC" 2796 2796 2797 2797 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lischooselazarussourcedirectory 2798 2798 msgid "Choose Lazarus Directory" 2799 msgstr " "2799 msgstr "Vyberte adresář Lazarusu" 2800 2800 2801 2801 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lischoosemakepath 2802 2802 msgid "Choose make path" 2803 msgstr " "2803 msgstr "Vyberte cestu k make" 2804 2804 2805 2805 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lischooseoneoftheseitemstocreateanewfile … … 2829 2829 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lischoosetestbuilddir 2830 2830 msgid "Choose the directory for tests" 2831 msgstr " "2831 msgstr "Vyberte adresář na zkoušky" 2832 2832 2833 2833 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisclassconflictswithlfmfiletheunitusestheunitwhic … … 7501 7501 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisnonodeselected 7502 7502 msgid "no node selected" 7503 msgstr " "7503 msgstr "žádný uzel nevybrán" 7504 7504 7505 7505 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisnoprogramfilesfound 7506 7506 msgid "No program file %s%s%s found." 7507 msgstr " "7507 msgstr "Nenalezen žádný programový soubor %s%s%s." 7508 7508 7509 7509 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisnoresourcestringsectionfound … … 7557 7557 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisnpcreateanewproject 7558 7558 msgid "Create a new project" 7559 msgstr " "7559 msgstr "Vytvořit nový projekt" 7560 7560 7561 7561 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisnpselectaprojecttype 7562 7562 msgid "Select a project type" 7563 msgstr " "7563 msgstr "Vyberte typ projektu" 7564 7564 7565 7565 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisnumberoffilestoconvert 7566 7566 msgid "Number of files to convert: %s" 7567 msgstr " "7567 msgstr "Počet souborů k převodu: %s" 7568 7568 7569 7569 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisobjectpascaldefault … … 7589 7589 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoifclassnotfound 7590 7590 msgid "Class %s%s%s not found." 7591 msgstr " "7591 msgstr "Třída %s%s%s nenalezena," 7592 7592 7593 7593 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoifremovefromfavouriteproperties 7594 7594 msgid "Remove from favourite properties" 7595 msgstr " "7595 msgstr "Odebrat z oblíbených vlastností" 7596 7596 7597 7597 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoipautoinstalldynamic … … 7617 7617 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoipinstalleddynamic 7618 7618 msgid "installed dynamic" 7619 msgstr " "7619 msgstr "instalováno dynamicky" 7620 7620 7621 7621 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoipinstalledstatic 7622 7622 msgid "installed static" 7623 msgstr " "7623 msgstr "instalováno staticky" 7624 7624 7625 7625 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoipmissing … … 7633 7633 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoipnopackageselected 7634 7634 msgid "No package selected" 7635 msgstr " "7635 msgstr "Nevybrán žádný balíček" 7636 7636 7637 7637 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoipopenloadedpackage 7638 7638 msgid "Open loaded package" 7639 msgstr " "7639 msgstr "Otevřít načtený balíček" 7640 7640 7641 7641 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoippackagename … … 7645 7645 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoippleaseselectapackage 7646 7646 msgid "Please select a package" 7647 msgstr " "7647 msgstr "Prosím vyberte balíček" 7648 7648 7649 7649 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoippleaseselectapackagetoopen 7650 7650 msgid "Please select a package to open" 7651 msgstr " "7651 msgstr "Prosím vyberte balíček k otevření" 7652 7652 7653 7653 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoipreadonly 7654 7654 msgid "readonly" 7655 msgstr " "7655 msgstr "pouze pro čtení" 7656 7656 7657 7657 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoipstate … … 7681 7681 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoldancestors 7682 7682 msgid "Old Ancestors" 7683 msgstr " "7683 msgstr "Starý předek" 7684 7684 7685 7685 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoldclass 7686 7686 msgid "Old Class" 7687 msgstr " "7687 msgstr "Stará třída" 7688 7688 7689 7689 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lison … … 7693 7693 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisonlysearchforwholewords 7694 7694 msgid "Only search for whole words" 7695 msgstr " "7695 msgstr "Hledat pouze celá slova" 7696 7696 7697 7697 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisopenasxmlfile … … 7721 7721 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisopenpackage2 7722 7722 msgid "Open package %s" 7723 msgstr " "7723 msgstr "Otevřít balíček %s" 7724 7724 7725 7725 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisopenpackagefile … … 7769 7769 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoriginalfilename 7770 7770 msgid "Original File Name:" 7771 msgstr " "7771 msgstr "Původní jméno souboru:" 7772 7772 7773 7773 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisoverridelanguage … … 7817 7817 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispackageneedsinstallation 7818 7818 msgid "Package needs installation" 7819 msgstr " "7819 msgstr "Balíček vyžaduje instalaci" 7820 7820 7821 7821 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispackagestoinstallintheide 7822 7822 msgid "Packages to install in the IDE" 7823 msgstr " "7823 msgstr "Balíčky k insalování do IDE" 7824 7824 7825 7825 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispascalsourcefile … … 7837 7837 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispath 7838 7838 msgid "Path" 7839 msgstr " "7839 msgstr "Cesta" 7840 7840 7841 7841 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispatheditbrowse … … 7845 7845 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispatheditmovepathdown 7846 7846 msgid "Move path down" 7847 msgstr " "7847 msgstr "Posunout cestu dolů" 7848 7848 7849 7849 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispatheditmovepathup 7850 7850 msgid "Move path up" 7851 msgstr " "7851 msgstr "Posunout cestu nahoru" 7852 7852 7853 7853 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispatheditpathtemplates … … 7857 7857 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispatheditsearchpaths 7858 7858 msgid "Search paths:" 7859 msgstr " "7859 msgstr "Hledat cesty:" 7860 7860 7861 7861 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispatheditselectdirectory 7862 7862 msgid "Select directory" 7863 msgstr " "7863 msgstr "Hledat adresář" 7864 7864 7865 7865 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditaddanitem … … 7905 7905 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditcreatemakefile 7906 7906 msgid "Create Makefile" 7907 msgstr " "7907 msgstr "Vytvořit Makefile" 7908 7908 7909 7909 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditdependencyproperties … … 7941 7941 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditinvalidmaximumversion 7942 7942 msgid "Invalid maximum version" 7943 msgstr " "7943 msgstr "Neplatná maximální verze" 7944 7944 7945 7945 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditinvalidminimumversion 7946 7946 msgid "Invalid minimum version" 7947 msgstr " "7947 msgstr "Neplatná minimální verze" 7948 7948 7949 7949 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditmaximumversion … … 7965 7965 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditmovedependencydown 7966 7966 msgid "Move dependency down" 7967 msgstr " "7967 msgstr "Posunout závislost dolů" 7968 7968 7969 7969 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditmovedependencyup 7970 7970 msgid "Move dependency up" 7971 msgstr " "7971 msgstr "Posunout závislost nahoru" 7972 7972 7973 7973 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditpackage … … 7977 7977 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditpackagehaschangedsavepackage 7978 7978 msgid "Package %s%s%s has changed.%sSave package?" 7979 msgstr " "7979 msgstr "Balíček %s%s%s byl změněn.%sUložit balíček?" 7980 7980 7981 7981 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditpackagenotsaved … … 8001 8001 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditrecompileallrequired 8002 8002 msgid "Recompile all required" 8003 msgstr " "8003 msgstr "Znovupřeložit vše potřebné" 8004 8004 8005 8005 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditrecompileclean 8006 8006 msgid "Recompile clean" 8007 msgstr " "8007 msgstr "Znovupřeložit načisto" 8008 8008 8009 8009 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditrecompilethisandallrequiredpackages … … 8025 8025 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditremovedependency2 8026 8026 msgid "Remove Dependency?" 8027 msgstr " "8027 msgstr "Odstranit závislost?" 8028 8028 8029 8029 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditremovedependencyfrompackage … … 8053 8053 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditremoveselecteditem 8054 8054 msgid "Remove selected item" 8055 msgstr " "8055 msgstr "Odstranit vybrané položky" 8056 8056 8057 8057 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckeditrequiredpackages … … 8101 8101 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckexplisrequiredby 8102 8102 msgid "Selected package is required by:" 8103 msgstr " "8103 msgstr "Vybraný balíček je požadován:" 8104 8104 8105 8105 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckexplloadedpackages 8106 8106 msgid "Loaded Packages:" 8107 msgstr " "8107 msgstr "Načtené balíčky:" 8108 8108 8109 8109 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckexplpackagenotfound … … 8193 8193 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckoptsmanualcompilationneverautomatically 8194 8194 msgid "Manual compilation (never automatically)" 8195 msgstr " "8195 msgstr "Ruční překlad (nikdy automaticky)" 8196 8196 8197 8197 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckoptsminor … … 8205 8205 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckoptspackageoptions 8206 8206 msgid "Package Options" 8207 msgstr " "8207 msgstr "Nastavení balíčku" 8208 8208 8209 8209 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckoptspackagetype 8210 8210 msgid "PackageType" 8211 msgstr " "8211 msgstr "Typ balíčku" 8212 8212 8213 8213 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckoptsprovides … … 8225 8225 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckoptsthepackagehastheautoinstallflagthismeans 8226 8226 msgid "The package %s%s%s has the auto install flag.%sThis means it will be installed in the IDE. Installation packages%smust be designtime Packages." 8227 msgstr " "8227 msgstr "Balíček %s%s% má vlajku autoinstalace.%sTo znamená, že bude instalován do IDE. Instalované balíčky musí" 8228 8228 8229 8229 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispckoptsthispackageprovidesthesameasthefollowingpackages … … 8265 8265 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispefixfilescase 8266 8266 msgid "Fix Files Case" 8267 msgstr " "8267 msgstr "Opravit velikost písmen souborů" 8268 8268 8269 8269 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispeinvalidunitfilename … … 8277 8277 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispemovefiledown 8278 8278 msgid "Move file down" 8279 msgstr " "8279 msgstr "Posunout soubor dolů" 8280 8280 8281 8281 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispemovefileup 8282 8282 msgid "Move file up" 8283 msgstr " "8283 msgstr "Posunout soubor nahoru" 8284 8284 8285 8285 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispesortfiles … … 8289 8289 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispethereisalreadyanunitwiththisnamefile 8290 8290 msgid "There is already an unit with this name.%sFile: %s" 8291 msgstr " "8291 msgstr "Již existuje jednotka s tímto jménem.%sSoubor: %s" 8292 8292 8293 8293 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispetheunitnameisnotavalidpascalidentifier 8294 8294 msgid "The unitname is not a valid pascal identifier." 8295 msgstr " "8295 msgstr "Jméno jednotky není platný pascalovský identifikátor." 8296 8296 8297 8297 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispetheunitnameisusedwhentheideextendsusesclauses 8298 8298 msgid "The unitname is used when the IDE extends uses clauses." 8299 msgstr " "8299 msgstr "Jméno jednotky je použito, když IDE rozšiřuje definici uses." 8300 8300 8301 8301 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispeunitname … … 8321 8321 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgdefssrcdirmark 8322 8322 msgid "Package Source Directory Mark" 8323 msgstr " "8323 msgstr "Značka zdrojového adresáře balíčku" 8324 8324 8325 8325 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgdefsunitpath … … 8373 8373 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgfiletypelfm 8374 8374 msgid "LFM - Lazarus form text" 8375 msgstr " "8375 msgstr "LFM - Text formuláře Lazarusu" 8376 8376 8377 8377 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgfiletypelrs 8378 8378 msgid "LRS - Lazarus resource" 8379 msgstr " "8379 msgstr "LRS - Zdrojový soubor Lazarusu" 8380 8380 8381 8381 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgfiletypetext … … 8489 8489 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgmangignoreandsavepackagenow 8490 8490 msgid "Ignore and save package now" 8491 msgstr " "8491 msgstr "Nyní balíček ignorovat a uložit" 8492 8492 8493 8493 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgmanginstallingthepackagewillautomaticallyinstallthepac … … 8501 8501 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgmanginvalidcompilerfilename 8502 8502 msgid "invalid Compiler filename" 8503 msgstr " "8503 msgstr "Neplatné jméno překladače" 8504 8504 8505 8505 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgmanginvalidfileextension 8506 8506 msgid "Invalid file extension" 8507 msgstr " "8507 msgstr "Neplatná přípona souboru" 8508 8508 8509 8509 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lispkgmanginvalidpackagefileextension … … 9941 9941 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listcompilerinternalerror 9942 9942 msgid "Internal compiler error! (%d)" 9943 msgstr " "9943 msgstr "Vnitřní chyba překladače! (%d)" 9944 9944 9945 9945 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listddinserttodo … … 9953 9953 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listheclassisatcontrolandcannotbepastedontoanoncontro 9954 9954 msgid "The class %s%s%s is a TControl and can not be pasted onto a non control.%sUnable to paste." 9955 msgstr " "9955 msgstr "Třída %s%s%s ke TControl a nemůže být vložena na neovládací prvek.%sNelze vložit." 9956 9956 9957 9957 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhecodetoolsfoundanerror … … 9977 9977 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhecomponenteditorofclassinvokedwithverbhascreated 9978 9978 msgid "The component editor of class %s%s%s%sinvoked with verb #%s %s%s%s%shas created the error:%s%s%s%s" 9979 msgstr " "9979 msgstr "Třida editoru komponent %s%s%s%svyvolaná slovesem #%s %s%s%s%svytvořila chybu:%s%s%s%s" 9980 9980 9981 9981 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhecomponentisinheritedfromtodeleteaninheritedcomp 9982 9982 msgid "The component %s is inherited from %s.%sTo delete an inherited component open the ancestor and delete it there." 9983 msgstr " "9983 msgstr "Komponenta %s je zděděná z %s.%sKe smazání zděděné komponenty otevřete předka a smažte ji tam." 9984 9984 9985 9985 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhecurrentcompilerfilenameisnotavalidexecutablecho 9986 9986 msgid "The current compiler filename %s%s%s%sis not a valid executable.%sChoose Ok to choose the default %s%s%s.%sOtherwise check Environment -> Environment Options -> Files" 9987 msgstr " "9987 msgstr "Aktuální soubor překladače %s%s%s%snení platný spustitelný soubor.%sVyberte Ok k výběru výchozího" 9988 9988 9989 9989 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhecurrentcompilerfilenameisnotavalidexecutableplease … … 10025 10025 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhedirectoryisnolongerneededintheunitpathremoveit 10026 10026 msgid "The directory %s%s%s is no longer needed in the unit path.%sRemove it?" 10027 msgstr " "10027 msgstr "Adresář %s%s%s nadále není potřeba v cestě jednotek.%sOdstranit jej?" 10028 10028 10029 10029 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhedirectoryisnotyetintheunitpathaddit 10030 10030 msgid "The directory %s%s%s is not yet in the unit path.%sAdd it?" 10031 msgstr " "10031 msgstr "Adresář %s%s%s ještě není v cestě jednotek.%sPřidat jej?" 10032 10032 10033 10033 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhedirectorywasnotfound 10034 10034 msgid "The directory %s was not found." 10035 msgstr " "10035 msgstr "Adresář %s nebyl nalezen." 10036 10036 10037 10037 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhefile … … 10053 10053 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhefileseemstobeaprogramclosecurrentproject 10054 10054 msgid "The file %s%s%s%sseems to be a program. Close current project and create a new lazarus project for this program?%s\"No\" will load the file as normal source." 10055 msgstr " "10055 msgstr "Soubor %s%s%s%svypadá jako program. Zavřít aktuální projekt a vytvořit nový projekt lazarusu pro tento" 10056 10056 10057 10057 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listhefileseemstobetheprogramfileofanexistinglazarusp … … 10297 10297 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listodolistgotoline 10298 10298 msgid "Goto selected source line" 10299 msgstr " "10299 msgstr "Přejít na vybraný zdrojový řádek" 10300 10300 10301 10301 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listodolistoptions … … 10309 10309 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listodolistrefresh 10310 10310 msgid "Refresh todo items" 10311 msgstr " "10311 msgstr "Obnovit seznam úkolů" 10312 10312 10313 10313 #: lazarusidestrconsts.listodolline … … 10397 10397 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisuesearchstringnotfound 10398 10398 msgid "Search string '%s' not found!" 10399 msgstr " "10399 msgstr "Hledaný řetězec '%s' nenalezen!" 10400 10400 10401 10401 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisuethecurre 10402 10402 msgid "The current editor font does not support UTF-8, but your system seems to use it.%sThat means non ASCII characters will probably be shown incorrect.%sYou can select another font in the editor options." 10403 msgstr " "10403 msgstr "Aktuální písmo editoru nepodporuje UTF-8, ale váš sytém vypadá, že ho používá.%sTo znamená, že ne-ASCII" 10404 10404 10405 10405 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisuiclearincludedbyreference … … 10417 10417 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisuidincludedby 10418 10418 msgid "Included by:" 10419 msgstr " "10419 msgstr "Zahrnut tímto:" 10420 10420 10421 10421 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisuidinproject … … 10465 10465 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisuishowcodetoolsvalues 10466 10466 msgid "Show CodeTools Values" 10467 msgstr " "10467 msgstr "Ukázat hodnoty CodeTools" 10468 10468 10469 10469 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunableconvertbinarystreamtotext … … 10477 10477 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletoaddresourceheadercommenttoresourcefile 10478 10478 msgid "Unable to add resource header comment to resource file %s%s%s%s.%sProbably a syntax error." 10479 msgstr " "10479 msgstr "Nelze přidat zdrojovou hlavičku do souboru zdrojů %s%s%s%s.%sNejspíše chyba syntaxe." 10480 10480 10481 10481 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletoaddresourcetformdatatoresourcefileprobably … … 10585 10585 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletofindfile 10586 10586 msgid "Unable to find file %s%s%s." 10587 msgstr " "10587 msgstr "Nelze nalézt soubor %s%s%s." 10588 10588 10589 10589 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletofindfilechecksearchpathinprojectcompileroption … … 10641 10641 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletoreadfile2 10642 10642 msgid "Unable to read file %s%s%s!" 10643 msgstr " "10643 msgstr "Nelze přečíst soubor %s%s%s!" 10644 10644 10645 10645 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletoreadfileerror … … 10649 10649 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletoreadfilename 10650 10650 msgid "Unable to read file %s%s%s." 10651 msgstr " "10651 msgstr "Nelze přečíst soubor %s%s%s." 10652 10652 10653 10653 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletoremoveoldbackupfile 10654 10654 msgid "Unable to remove old backup file %s%s%s!" 10655 msgstr " "10655 msgstr "Nelze odstranit starý záložní soubor %s%s%s!" 10656 10656 10657 10657 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletorenameambiguousfileto 10658 10658 msgid "Unable to rename ambiguous file %s%s%s%sto %s%s%s" 10659 msgstr " "10659 msgstr "Nelze přejmenovat nejednoznačný soubor %s%s%s%sna %s%s%s" 10660 10660 10661 10661 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletorenamefile … … 10673 10673 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletorenameforminsource 10674 10674 msgid "Unable to rename form in source." 10675 msgstr " "10675 msgstr "Nelze přejmenovat formulář ve zdrojovém souboru." 10676 10676 10677 10677 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletorenamemethodpleasefixtheerrorshowninthemessag 10678 10678 msgid "Unable to rename method. Please fix the error shown in the message window." 10679 msgstr " "10679 msgstr "Nelze přejmenovat metodu. Prosím vyřešte chybu ukázanou v okně zpráv." 10680 10680 10681 10681 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletorenamevariableinsource 10682 10682 msgid "Unable to rename variable in source." 10683 msgstr " "10683 msgstr "Nelze přejmenovat proměnnou ve zdrojovém souboru." 10684 10684 10685 10685 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletorun … … 10717 10717 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletoupdatecreateformstatementinprojectsource 10718 10718 msgid "Unable to update CreateForm statement in project source" 10719 msgstr " "10719 msgstr "Nelze zaktualizovat příkaz CreateForm v zdrojovém souboru projektu" 10720 10720 10721 10721 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletoupdatethebinaryresourcefilefromfilethetext … … 10733 10733 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletowritefile 10734 10734 msgid "Unable to write file" 10735 msgstr " "10735 msgstr "Nelze zapsat soubor" 10736 10736 10737 10737 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletowritefile2 10738 10738 msgid "Unable to write file %s%s%s" 10739 msgstr " "10739 msgstr "Nelze zapsat soubor %s%s%s" 10740 10740 10741 10741 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletowritefileerror … … 10745 10745 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletowritefilename 10746 10746 msgid "Unable to write file %s%s%s." 10747 msgstr " "10747 msgstr "Nelze zapsat soubor %s%s%s." 10748 10748 10749 10749 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletowritetofile 10750 10750 msgid "Unable to write to file %s%s%s!" 10751 msgstr " "10751 msgstr "Nelze zapsat do souboru %s%s%s!" 10752 10752 10753 10753 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletowritetofile2 10754 10754 msgid "Unable to write to file %s%s%s" 10755 msgstr " "10755 msgstr "Nelze zapsat do souboru %s%s%s" 10756 10756 10757 10757 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisunabletowritexmlstreamtoerror … … 10813 10813 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisupdatepreview 10814 10814 msgid "Update preview" 10815 msgstr " "10815 msgstr "Aktualizovat náhled" 10816 10816 10817 10817 #: lazarusidestrconsts.lisusagemessagehoption … … 12227 12227 msgstr "Informace o verzi" 12228 12228 12229 d "Version Info" 12229 #: lazarusidestrconsts.versioninfotitle 12230 msgid "Readonly" 12231 msgstr "Pouze pro čtení" 12232 12233 #: lazarusidestrconsts.versioninfotitle 12234 msgid "Readonly" 12235 msgstr "Pouze pro čtení" 12236 12237 #: lazarusidestrconsts.versioninfotitle 12238 msgid "Version Info" 12230 12239 msgstr "Informace o verzi" 12231 12240 12241 #: lazarusidestrconsts.versioninfotitle 12242 msgid "Version Info" 12243 msgstr "Informace o verzi" 12244 12245 sgstr "Informace o verzi" 12246 -
TabularUnified trunk/lcl/languages/ ¶
r9 r11 709 709 #: lclstrconsts.rsinsertrecordhint 710 710 msgid "Insert" 711 msgstr " "711 msgstr "Vložit" 712 712 713 713 #: lclstrconsts.rsinvaliddate 714 714 msgid "Invalid Date : %s" 715 msgstr " "715 msgstr "Neplatný Datum: %s" 716 716 717 717 #: lclstrconsts.rsinvaliddaterangehint 718 718 msgid "Invalid Date: %s. Must be between %s and %s" 719 msgstr " "719 msgstr "Neplatný datum: %s. Musí být mezi %s a %s" 720 720 721 721 #: lclstrconsts.rsinvalidformobjectstream 722 722 msgid "invalid Form object stream" 723 msgstr " "723 msgstr "neplatný proud objektu formuláře" 724 724 725 725 #: lclstrconsts.rsinvalidpropertyvalue 726 726 msgid "Invalid property value" 727 msgstr " "727 msgstr "Neplatná hodnota vlastnosti" 728 728 729 729 #: lclstrconsts.rsinvalidstreamformat 730 730 msgid "Invalid stream format" 731 msgstr " "731 msgstr "Neplatný formát proudu" 732 732 733 733 #: lclstrconsts.rsisalreadyassociatedwith 734 734 msgid "%s is already associated with %s" 735 msgstr " "735 msgstr "%s již je přidružen k %s" 736 736 737 737 #: lclstrconsts.rsjpeg … … 741 741 #: lclstrconsts.rslastrecordhint 742 742 msgid "Last" 743 msgstr " "743 msgstr "Poslední" 744 744 745 745 #: lclstrconsts.rslistindexexceedsbounds 746 746 msgid "List index exceeds bounds (%d)" 747 msgstr " "747 msgstr "Index seznamu překročil meze (%d)" 748 748 749 749 #: lclstrconsts.rslistmustbeempty 750 750 msgid "List must be empty" 751 msgstr " "751 msgstr "Seznam musí být prázdný" 752 752 753 753 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbabort 754 754 msgid "Abort" 755 msgstr " "755 msgstr "Přerušit" 756 756 757 757 #: lclstrconsts.rsmball 758 758 msgid "&All" 759 msgstr " "759 msgstr "&Všechno" 760 760 761 761 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbcancel 762 762 msgid "Cancel" 763 msgstr " "763 msgstr "Zrušit" 764 764 765 765 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbclose 766 766 msgid "&Close" 767 msgstr " "767 msgstr "&Zavřít" 768 768 769 769 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbhelp 770 770 msgid "&Help" 771 msgstr " "771 msgstr "&Nápověda" 772 772 773 773 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbignore 774 774 msgid "&Ignore" 775 msgstr " "775 msgstr "&Ignorovat" 776 776 777 777 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbno 778 778 msgid "&No" 779 msgstr " "779 msgstr "&Ne" 780 780 781 781 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbnotoall 782 782 msgid "No to all" 783 msgstr " "783 msgstr "Ne všem" 784 784 785 785 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbok 786 786 msgid "&OK" 787 msgstr " "787 msgstr "&OK" 788 788 789 789 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbretry 790 790 msgid "&Retry" 791 msgstr " "791 msgstr "&Znovu" 792 792 793 793 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbyes 794 794 msgid "&Yes" 795 msgstr " "795 msgstr "&Ano" 796 796 797 797 #: lclstrconsts.rsmbyestoall 798 798 msgid "Yes to &All" 799 msgstr " "799 msgstr "Ano všem" 800 800 801 801 #: lclstrconsts.rsmenubarcolorcaption 802 802 msgid "Menu Bar" 803 msgstr " "803 msgstr "Lišta menu" 804 804 805 805 #: lclstrconsts.rsmenucolorcaption 806 806 msgid "Menu" 807 msgstr " "807 msgstr "Menu" 808 808 809 809 #: lclstrconsts.rsmenuhighlightcolorcaption 810 810 msgid "Menu Highlight" 811 msgstr " "811 msgstr "Zvýraznění menu" 812 812 813 813 #: lclstrconsts.rsmenutextcolorcaption 814 814 msgid "Menu Text" 815 msgstr " "815 msgstr "Text menu" 816 816 817 817 #: lclstrconsts.rsmodified 818 818 msgid " modified " 819 msgstr " "819 msgstr " upravený" 820 820 821 821 #: lclstrconsts.rsmtconfirmation 822 822 msgid "Confirmation" 823 msgstr " "823 msgstr "Potvrzení" 824 824 825 825 #: lclstrconsts.rsmtcustom 826 826 msgid "Custom" 827 msgstr " "827 msgstr "Volitelné" 828 828 829 829 #: lclstrconsts.rsmterror 830 830 msgid "Error" 831 msgstr " "831 msgstr "Chyba" 832 832 833 833 #: lclstrconsts.rsmtinformation 834 834 msgid "Information" 835 msgstr " "835 msgstr "Informace" 836 836 837 837 #: lclstrconsts.rsmtwarning 838 838 msgid "Warning" 839 msgstr " "839 msgstr "Varování" 840 840 841 841 #: lclstrconsts.rsnextrecordhint 842 842 msgid "Next" 843 msgstr " "843 msgstr "Další" 844 844 845 845 #: lclstrconsts.rsnotavalidgridfile … … 905 905 #: lclstrconsts.rsrefreshrecordshint 906 906 msgid "Refresh" 907 msgstr " "907 msgstr "Obnovit" 908 908 909 909 #: lclstrconsts.rsreplace 910 910 msgid "Replace" 911 msgstr " "911 msgstr "Nahradit" 912 912 913 913 #: lclstrconsts.rsreplaceall … … 985 985 #: lclstrconsts.rswholewordsonly 986 986 msgid "Whole words only" 987 msgstr " "987 msgstr "Pouze celá slova" 988 988 989 989 #: lclstrconsts.rswin32error 990 990 msgid "Error:" 991 msgstr " "991 msgstr "Chyba:" 992 992 993 993 #: lclstrconsts.rswin32warning 994 994 msgid "Warning:" 995 msgstr " "995 msgstr "Varování:" 996 996 997 997 #: lclstrconsts.rswindowcolorcaption 998 998 msgid "Window" 999 msgstr " "999 msgstr "Okno" 1000 1000 1001 1001 #: lclstrconsts.rswindowframecolorcaption 1002 1002 msgid "Window Frame" 1003 msgstr " "1003 msgstr "Rámeček okna" 1004 1004 1005 1005 #: lclstrconsts.rswindowtextcolorcaption 1006 1006 msgid "Window Text" 1007 msgstr " "1007 msgstr "Text okna" 1008 1008 1009 1009 #: lclstrconsts.scannotfocus 1010 1010 msgid "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" 1011 msgstr " "1011 msgstr "Nelze zaktivnit zakázané nebo neviditelné okno" 1012 1012 1013 1013 #: lclstrconsts.sduplicatemenus … … 1073 1073 #: lclstrconsts.sparinvalidinteger 1074 1074 msgid "Invalid integer number: %s" 1075 msgstr " "1075 msgstr "Neplatné celé číslo: %s" 1076 1076 1077 1077 #: lclstrconsts.sparlocinfo … … 1085 1085 #: lclstrconsts.sparunterminatedstring 1086 1086 msgid "Unterminated string" 1087 msgstr " "1087 msgstr "Neukončený řetězec" 1088 1088 1089 1089 #: lclstrconsts.sparwrongtokensymbol
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.