Changeset 8 for trunk/UCore.pas

Mar 16, 2011, 10:47:36 PM (14 years ago)
  • Modified: Speed up drawing of screen image and map overview using TBitmap.RawImage.
1 edited


  • trunk/UCore.pas

    r7 r8  
    88  Dialogs, Classes, SysUtils, Contnrs, Graphics, SpecializedMatrix, SpecializedList,
    9   IntfGraphics, FPImage, LCLType, SpecializedBitmap;
     9  IntfGraphics, FPImage, LCLType, SpecializedBitmap, GraphType;
    9696    FRedrawPending: Boolean;
    9797    FBitmapLower: TBitmapTColor;
     98    IntfImage: TLazIntfImage;
    9899    function GetPlayerCount: Integer;
    99100    procedure SetBitmap(const AValue: TBitmap);
    230231  X, Y: Integer;
     232  PixelPtr: PInteger;
     233  PixelRowPtr: PInteger;
     234  RawImage: TRawImage;
     235  BytePerPixel: Integer;
     236  P: Integer;
    232238  try
    233     Bitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
    234   for Y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do
    235     for X := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do
    236       Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] := SurfaceMatterColors[TSurfaceMatter(
    237         Surface.ItemsXY[Trunc(X / Bitmap.Width * Surface.Count.X),
    238           Trunc(Y / Bitmap.Height * Surface.Count.Y)])];
     239    Bitmap.BeginUpdate;
     240    RawImage := Bitmap.RawImage;
     241    PixelRowPtr := PInteger(RawImage.Data);
     242    BytePerPixel := RawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel div 8;
     243    for Y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do begin
     244      PixelPtr := PixelRowPtr;
     245      for X := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do begin
     246        P := SurfaceMatterColors[TSurfaceMatter(
     247          Surface.ItemsXY[Trunc(X / Bitmap.Width * Surface.Count.X),
     248            Trunc(Y / Bitmap.Height * Surface.Count.Y)])];
     249        PixelPtr^ := ((P and $ff) shl 16) or (P and $00ff00) or ((P shr 16) and $ff);
     250        Inc(PByte(PixelPtr), BytePerPixel);
     251      end;
     252      Inc(PByte(PixelRowPtr), RawImage.Description.BytesPerLine);
     253    end;
    239254  finally
    240255    Bitmap.EndUpdate;
    592607  FBitmapLower := TBitmapTColor.Create;
     608  IntfImage := TLazIntfImage.Create(1, 1);
    593609  Players := TObjectList.Create;
    594610  World := TWorld.Create;
    601617  FBitmapLower.Free;
     618  IntfImage.Free;
    602619  Players.Free;
    603620  World.Free;
    616633procedure TEngine.Draw;
    618   IntfImage: TLazIntfImage;
    619635  I: Integer;
    620636  X, Y: Integer;
    621637  H, W: Integer;
    622638  Ratio: Single;
     639  PixelPtr: PInteger;
     640  PixelRowPtr: PInteger;
     641  RawImage: TRawImage;
     642  BytePerPixel: Integer;
     643  P: Integer;
    624645  if FRedrawPending then begin
    627648      TPlayer(Players[I]).Paint;
    628649    end;
    629     if Assigned(FBitmap) then begin
    630       //FBitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0, 0, FBitmap.Width, FBitmap.Height), FBitmapLower);
    631       try
    632         IntfImage := FBitmap.CreateIntfImage;
    633         if (FBitmap.Width / FBitmapLower.Width) < (FBitmap.Height / FBitmapLower.Height) then
    634           Ratio := FBitmap.Width / FBitmapLower.Width
    635           else Ratio := FBitmap.Height / FBitmapLower.Height;
    636         for Y := 0 to Trunc(FBitmapLower.Height * Ratio) - 1 do
    637           for X := 0 to Trunc(FBitmapLower.Width * Ratio) - 1 do
    638             IntfImage.Colors[X, Y] := TColorToFPColor(FBitmapLower.Pixels[Trunc(X / Ratio), Trunc(Y / Ratio)]);
    639         FBitmap.LoadFromIntfImage(IntfImage);
    640       finally
    641         IntfImage.Free;
     650    if Assigned(FBitmap) then try
     651      Bitmap.BeginUpdate(False);
     652      RawImage := Bitmap.RawImage;
     653      PixelRowPtr := PInteger(RawImage.Data);
     654      BytePerPixel := RawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel div 8;
     655      if (IntfImage.Width <> FBitmap.Width) or (IntfImage.Height <> FBitmap.Height) then
     656        IntfImage.SetSize(FBitmap.Width, FBitmap.Height);
     657      if (FBitmap.Width / FBitmapLower.Width) < (FBitmap.Height / FBitmapLower.Height) then
     658        Ratio := FBitmap.Width / FBitmapLower.Width
     659        else Ratio := FBitmap.Height / FBitmapLower.Height;
     660      for Y := 0 to Trunc(FBitmapLower.Height * Ratio) - 1 do begin
     661        PixelPtr := PixelRowPtr;
     662        for X := 0 to Trunc(FBitmapLower.Width * Ratio) - 1 do begin
     663          P := FBitmapLower.Pixels[Trunc(X / Ratio), Trunc(Y / Ratio)];
     664          PixelPtr^ := ((P and $ff) shl 16) or (P and $00ff00) or ((P shr 16) and $ff);
     665          Inc(PByte(PixelPtr), BytePerPixel);
     666        end;
     667        Inc(PByte(PixelRowPtr), RawImage.Description.BytesPerLine);
    642668      end;
     669    finally
     670      FBitmap.EndUpdate(False);
    643671    end;
    644672    FRedrawPending := False;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.