Changeset 6 for trunk/UFormMain.lfm

Apr 21, 2016, 10:22:08 AM (8 years ago)
  • Added: Acronyms can be loaded from/saved to different files.
  • Added: Application remembers list of last used files.
  • Added: Show question dialog on exit if acronyms were modified.
1 edited


  • trunk/UFormMain.lfm

    r5 r6  
    11object FormMain: TFormMain
    2   Left = 762
     2  Left = 541
    33  Height = 446
    4   Top = 587
     4  Top = 352
    55  Width = 631
    66  Caption = 'Acronym Decoder'
    7   ClientHeight = 446
     7  ClientHeight = 421
    88  ClientWidth = 631
     9  Menu = MainMenu1
    910  OnClose = FormClose
    1011  OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
    1516  object ListViewAcronyms: TListView
    1617    Left = 8
    17     Height = 391
    18     Top = 46
     18    Height = 372
     19    Top = 40
    1920    Width = 613
    2021    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    43924393      OnExecute = AAcronymRemoveAllExecute
    43934394    end
     4395    object AFileOpen: TAction
     4396      Caption = 'Open'
     4397      OnExecute = AFileOpenExecute
     4398    end
     4399    object AFileNew: TAction
     4400      Caption = 'New'
     4401      OnExecute = AFileNewExecute
     4402    end
     4403    object AFileSave: TAction
     4404      Caption = 'Save'
     4405      OnExecute = AFileSaveExecute
     4406    end
     4407    object AFileClose: TAction
     4408      Caption = 'Close'
     4409      OnExecute = AFileCloseExecute
     4410    end
     4411    object AFileSaveAs: TAction
     4412      Caption = 'Save as...'
     4413      OnExecute = AFileSaveAsExecute
     4414    end
    43944415  end
    43954416  object PersistentForm1: TPersistentForm
    43974418    EntireVisible = False
    43984419    left = 304
    4399     top = 128
     4420    top = 112
    44004421  end
    44014422  object PopupMenuAcronym: TPopupMenu
    44154436    end
    44164437  end
     4438  object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
     4439    left = 465
     4440    top = 112
     4441    object MenuItem8: TMenuItem
     4442      Caption = 'File'
     4443      object MenuItem10: TMenuItem
     4444        Action = AFileNew
     4445      end
     4446      object MenuItem11: TMenuItem
     4447        Action = AFileOpen
     4448      end
     4449      object MenuItemOpenRecent: TMenuItem
     4450        Caption = 'Open recent'
     4451      end
     4452      object MenuItem12: TMenuItem
     4453        Action = AFileSave
     4454      end
     4455      object MenuItem13: TMenuItem
     4456        Action = AFileSaveAs
     4457      end
     4458      object MenuItem14: TMenuItem
     4459        Action = AFileClose
     4460      end
     4461      object MenuItem15: TMenuItem
     4462        Caption = '-'
     4463      end
     4464      object MenuItem9: TMenuItem
     4465        Action = AExit
     4466      end
     4467    end
     4468  end
     4469  object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
     4470    left = 151
     4471    top = 85
     4472  end
     4473  object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog
     4474    left = 48
     4475    top = 85
     4476  end
     4477  object LastOpenedList1: TLastOpenedList
     4478    MaxCount = 10
     4479    OnChange = LastOpenedList1Change
     4480    left = 509
     4481    top = 267
     4482  end
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