Jul 12, 2016, 4:41:03 PM (8 years ago)
  • Added: New import source state called Enabled to allow to select only currently needed imports for importing from all sources.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormImportSource.lfm

    r28 r29  
    11object FormImportSource: TFormImportSource
    22  Left = 506
    3   Height = 422
     3  Height = 282
    44  Top = 363
    5   Width = 599
     5  Width = 507
    66  Caption = 'Import source'
    7   ClientHeight = 422
    8   ClientWidth = 599
     7  ClientHeight = 282
     8  ClientWidth = 507
    99  LCLVersion = ''
    1010  object EditName: TEdit
    1212    Height = 28
    1313    Top = 10
    14     Width = 432
     14    Width = 340
    1515    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    1616    TabOrder = 0
    3636    Height = 28
    3737    Top = 49
    38     Width = 432
     38    Width = 340
    3939    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    4040    TabOrder = 1
    4141  end
    4242  object ButtonOk: TButton
    43     Left = 504
     43    Left = 412
    4444    Height = 25
    45     Top = 384
     45    Top = 244
    4646    Width = 75
    4747    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    5151  end
    5252  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    53     Left = 408
     53    Left = 316
    5454    Height = 25
    55     Top = 384
     55    Top = 244
    5656    Width = 75
    5757    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    7272    Height = 28
    7373    Top = 91
    74     Width = 304
     74    Width = 212
    7575    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    7676    ItemHeight = 20
    7979  end
    8080  object ButtonShowFormat: TButton
    81     Left = 472
     81    Left = 380
    8282    Height = 25
    8383    Top = 91
    8888    TabOrder = 5
    8989  end
     90  object CheckBoxEnabled: TCheckBox
     91    Left = 11
     92    Height = 24
     93    Top = 136
     94    Width = 78
     95    Caption = 'Enabled'
     96    TabOrder = 6
     97  end
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