Mar 18, 2014, 12:16:04 AM (11 years ago)
  • Added: Min and Max buttons on unit move form for easy usual actions.
  • Added: Win objective can be selected on New game form.
  • Added: Max number of netureal starting units per cell cen be adjusted.
  • Added: Unit count is shown in move arrows.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormNew.lfm

    r41 r42  
    11object FormNew: TFormNew
    22  Left = 706
    3   Height = 505
     3  Height = 614
    44  Top = 455
    55  Width = 716
    66  Caption = 'New game'
    7   ClientHeight = 505
     7  ClientHeight = 614
    88  ClientWidth = 716
    99  OnCreate = FormCreate
    9797  object Panel2: TPanel
    9898    Left = 0
    99     Height = 330
     99    Height = 439
    100100    Top = 175
    101101    Width = 716
    102102    Align = alClient
    103103    BevelOuter = bvNone
    104     ClientHeight = 330
     104    ClientHeight = 439
    105105    ClientWidth = 716
    106106    TabOrder = 2
    108108      Left = 624
    109109      Height = 25
    110       Top = 283
     110      Top = 392
    111111      Width = 75
    112112      Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    118118      Left = 535
    119119      Height = 25
    120       Top = 283
     120      Top = 392
    121121      Width = 75
    122122      Anchors = [akBottom]
    286286    object ComboBoxGridType: TComboBox
    287287      Left = 312
    288       Height = 34
     288      Height = 30
    289289      Top = 201
    290290      Width = 208
    305305      ParentColor = False
    306306    end
     307    object Label6: TLabel
     308      Left = 8
     309      Height = 22
     310      Top = 313
     311      Width = 114
     312      Caption = 'Win objective:'
     313      ParentColor = False
     314    end
     315    object ComboBoxWinObjective: TComboBox
     316      Left = 160
     317      Height = 30
     318      Top = 305
     319      Width = 208
     320      ItemHeight = 0
     321      Items.Strings = (
     322        'Defeat all oponents'
     323        'Defeat all oponents cities'
     324        'Capture position'
     325        'Stay alive for number of turns'
     326      )
     327      Style = csDropDownList
     328      TabOrder = 13
     329    end
     330    object Label7: TLabel
     331      Left = 8
     332      Height = 22
     333      Top = 348
     334      Width = 211
     335      Caption = 'Max random neutral units:'
     336      ParentColor = False
     337    end
     338    object SpinEditNeutralUnits: TSpinEdit
     339      Left = 272
     340      Height = 32
     341      Top = 343
     342      Width = 98
     343      MaxValue = 99
     344      OnChange = SpinEditMapSizeYChange
     345      TabOrder = 14
     346      Value = 12
     347    end
    307348  end
    308349  object ActionList1: TActionList
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