Mar 18, 2014, 12:16:04 AM (11 years ago)
  • Added: Min and Max buttons on unit move form for easy usual actions.
  • Added: Win objective can be selected on New game form.
  • Added: Max number of netureal starting units per cell cen be adjusted.
  • Added: Unit count is shown in move arrows.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormMove.lfm

    r40 r42  
    11object FormMove: TFormMove
    22  Left = 770
    3   Height = 240
     3  Height = 257
    44  Top = 484
    55  Width = 320
    66  ActiveControl = ButtonOk
    77  Caption = 'Move'
    8   ClientHeight = 240
     8  ClientHeight = 257
    99  ClientWidth = 320
    1010  OnShow = FormShow
    2727  end
    2828  object ButtonOk: TButton
    29     Left = 192
     29    Left = 184
    3030    Height = 25
    31     Top = 200
     31    Top = 208
    3232    Width = 75
    3333    Caption = 'Ok'
    3939    Left = 72
    4040    Height = 25
    41     Top = 200
     41    Top = 208
    4242    Width = 75
    4343    Caption = 'Cancel'
    6262  end
    6363  object TrackBarOnce: TTrackBar
    64     Left = 8
     64    Left = 56
    6565    Height = 43
    6666    Top = 55
    67     Width = 296
     67    Width = 208
    6868    OnChange = TrackBarOnceChange
    6969    PageSize = 1
    7474  end
    7575  object TrackBarRepeat: TTrackBar
    76     Left = 8
     76    Left = 56
    7777    Height = 43
    7878    Top = 152
    79     Width = 304
     79    Width = 208
    8080    OnChange = TrackBarRepeatChange
    8181    PageSize = 1
    8585    TabOrder = 5
    8686  end
     87  object ButtonOnceMin: TButton
     88    Left = 8
     89    Height = 25
     90    Top = 64
     91    Width = 48
     92    Caption = 'Min'
     93    OnClick = uttonOnceMinClick
     94    TabOrder = 6
     95  end
     96  object ButtonOnceMax: TButton
     97    Left = 264
     98    Height = 25
     99    Top = 64
     100    Width = 48
     101    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
     102    Caption = 'Max'
     103    OnClick = ButtonOnceMaxClick
     104    TabOrder = 7
     105  end
     106  object ButtonRepeatMin: TButton
     107    Left = 8
     108    Height = 25
     109    Top = 160
     110    Width = 48
     111    Caption = 'Min'
     112    OnClick = ButtonRepeatMinClick
     113    TabOrder = 8
     114  end
     115  object ButtonRepeatMax: TButton
     116    Left = 264
     117    Height = 25
     118    Top = 160
     119    Width = 48
     120    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
     121    Caption = 'Max'
     122    OnClick = ButtonRepeatMaxClick
     123    TabOrder = 9
     124  end
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.