Aug 11, 2019, 4:53:05 PM (5 years ago)
  • Fixed: First game system was rewritten by game system stored in game file.
  • Modified: Each TGame instance has own TGameSystem instance and different game systems are assigned.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormMain.lfm

    r295 r304  
    11object FormMain: TFormMain
    22  Left = 826
    3   Height = 621
     3  Height = 745
    44  Top = 419
    5   Width = 775
     5  Width = 930
    66  Caption = 'xTactics'
    7   ClientHeight = 596
    8   ClientWidth = 775
    9   DesignTimePPI = 120
     7  ClientHeight = 711
     8  ClientWidth = 930
     9  DesignTimePPI = 144
    1010  Menu = MainMenu1
    1111  OnActivate = FormActivate
    1515  OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp
    1616  OnShow = FormShow
    17   LCLVersion = ''
     17  LCLVersion = ''
    1818  WindowState = wsMaximized
    1919  object ToolBar1: TToolBar
    2020    Left = 0
    21     Height = 33
     21    Height = 40
    2222    Top = 0
    23     Width = 775
    24     ButtonHeight = 27
    25     ButtonWidth = 27
     23    Width = 930
     24    ButtonHeight = 32
     25    ButtonWidth = 32
    2626    Images = Core.ImageListSmall
    2727    ParentFont = False
    3636    end
    3737    object ToolButton3: TToolButton
    38       Left = 28
     38      Left = 33
    3939      Top = 2
    4040      Action = Core.AGameEnd
    4141    end
    4242    object ToolButton4: TToolButton
    43       Left = 55
     43      Left = 65
    4444      Top = 2
    4545      Action = Core.AGameRestart
    4646    end
    4747    object ToolButton5: TToolButton
    48       Left = 144
     48      Left = 173
    4949      Top = 2
    5050      Action = Core.ASettings
    5151    end
    5252    object ToolButton9: TToolButton
    53       Left = 140
    54       Height = 27
     53      Left = 167
     54      Height = 32
    5555      Top = 2
    5656      Style = tbsDivider
    5757    end
    5858    object ToolButton11: TToolButton
    59       Left = 86
     59      Left = 103
    6060      Top = 2
    6161      Action = Core.AGameLoad
    6262    end
    6363    object ToolButton12: TToolButton
    64       Left = 113
     64      Left = 135
    6565      Top = 2
    6666      Action = Core.AGameSave
    6767    end
    6868    object ToolButton13: TToolButton
    69       Left = 171
     69      Left = 205
    7070      Top = 2
    7171      Action = Core.AExit
    7272    end
    7373    object ToolButton2: TToolButton
    74       Left = 82
    75       Height = 27
     74      Left = 97
     75      Height = 32
    7676      Top = 2
    7777      Style = tbsDivider
    8080  object PanelMain: TPanel
    8181    Left = 0
    82     Height = 563
    83     Top = 33
    84     Width = 775
     82    Height = 671
     83    Top = 40
     84    Width = 930
    8585    Align = alClient
    8686    BevelOuter = bvNone
    9090  object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
    9191    Images = Core.ImageListSmall
    92     left = 187
    93     top = 40
     92    left = 224
     93    top = 48
    9494    object MenuItem1: TMenuItem
    9595      Caption = 'Game'
    210210    Interval = 20
    211211    OnTimer = Timer1Timer
    212     left = 107
    213     top = 219
     212    left = 128
     213    top = 263
    214214  end
    215215  object ActionList1: TActionList
    216216    Images = Core.ImageListSmall
    217     left = 233
    218     top = 127
     217    left = 280
     218    top = 152
    219219    object AToolBarBigIcons: TAction
    220220      Caption = 'Toolbar big icons'
    239239  end
    240240  object PopupMenuToolbar: TPopupMenu
    241     left = 377
    242     top = 82
     241    left = 452
     242    top = 98
    243243    object MenuItem18: TMenuItem
    244244      Action = AToolBarBigIcons
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