Jul 10, 2019, 11:35:10 PM (5 years ago)
  • Fixed: Corrected dimensions in About dialog.
  • Removed: Old Player and Players forms replaced by general item list.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormAbout.lfm

    r295 r301  
    11object FormAbout: TFormAbout
    2   Left = 1014
    3   Height = 448
    4   Top = 442
    5   Width = 705
     2  Left = 868
     3  Height = 402
     4  Top = 565
     5  Width = 720
    66  Caption = 'About'
    7   ClientHeight = 448
    8   ClientWidth = 705
    9   DesignTimePPI = 120
     7  ClientHeight = 402
     8  ClientWidth = 720
     9  DesignTimePPI = 144
    1010  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1111  OnShow = FormShow
    1212  Position = poScreenCenter
    13   LCLVersion = ''
     13  LCLVersion = ''
    1414  object LabelDescription: TLabel
    15     Left = 25
    16     Height = 40
    17     Top = 137
    18     Width = 655
     15    Left = 30
     16    Height = 24
     17    Top = 134
     18    Width = 660
    1919    Align = alTop
    20     BorderSpacing.Around = 25
    21     Caption = 'Turn-based strategy game inspired by classic Risk board game. The game is highly configurable to allow to adjust battle field and game rules.'
     20    BorderSpacing.Left = 30
     21    BorderSpacing.Right = 30
     22    BorderSpacing.Bottom = 30
     23    Constraints.MinHeight = 24
    2224    ParentColor = False
    2325    ParentFont = False
    2527  end
    2628  object ButtonClose: TButton
    27     Left = 564
    28     Height = 31
    29     Top = 398
    30     Width = 116
     29    Left = 551
     30    Height = 37
     31    Top = 342
     32    Width = 139
    3133    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    3234    Caption = 'Close'
    3638  end
    3739  object LabelContent: TLabel
    38     Left = 25
    39     Height = 20
    40     Top = 202
    41     Width = 655
     40    Left = 30
     41    Height = 26
     42    Top = 188
     43    Width = 660
    4244    Align = alTop
    43     BorderSpacing.Around = 25
     45    BorderSpacing.Around = 30
    4446    Caption = '   '
    4547    ParentColor = False
    4749  end
    4850  object ButtonHomePage: TButton
    49     Left = 20
    50     Height = 31
    51     Top = 398
    52     Width = 220
     51    Left = 24
     52    Height = 37
     53    Top = 342
     54    Width = 264
    5355    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
    5456    Caption = 'Home page'
    5961  object Panel1: TPanel
    6062    Left = 0
    61     Height = 112
     63    Height = 134
    6264    Top = 0
    63     Width = 705
     65    Width = 720
    6466    Align = alTop
    6567    BevelOuter = bvNone
    66     ClientHeight = 112
    67     ClientWidth = 705
     68    ClientHeight = 134
     69    ClientWidth = 720
    6870    FullRepaint = False
    6971    ParentFont = False
    7072    TabOrder = 2
    7173    object LabelAppName: TLabel
    72       Left = 96
    73       Height = 67
    74       Top = 20
    75       Width = 170
    76       Align = alCustom
    77       BorderSpacing.Around = 25
    78       Caption = 'xTactics'
    79       Font.Height = -50
     74      Left = 130
     75      Height = 100
     76      Top = 30
     77      Width = 560
     78      Align = alTop
     79      BorderSpacing.Left = 100
     80      BorderSpacing.Around = 30
     81      Constraints.MinHeight = 100
     82      Font.Height = -60
    8083      ParentColor = False
    8184      ParentFont = False
    8386    end
    8487    object Image1: TImage
    85       Left = 20
    86       Height = 82
    87       Top = 25
    88       Width = 82
     88      Left = 24
     89      Height = 98
     90      Top = 30
     91      Width = 98
    8992      Picture.Data = {
    9093        1754506F727461626C654E6574776F726B47726170686963CF01000089504E47
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