Jul 10, 2019, 10:46:20 PM (5 years ago)
  • Added: Hide player options applicatble only for computer player.
  • Modified: Better selection of player and nation colors.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormList.lfm

    r298 r300  
    11object FormList: TFormList
    22  Left = 779
    3   Height = 300
     3  Height = 360
    44  Top = 236
    5   Width = 400
     5  Width = 480
    66  Caption = 'List'
    7   ClientHeight = 300
    8   ClientWidth = 400
    9   DesignTimePPI = 120
     7  ClientHeight = 360
     8  ClientWidth = 480
     9  DesignTimePPI = 144
    1010  OnClose = FormClose
    1111  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1414  object ListView1: TListView
    1515    Left = 0
    16     Height = 268
     16    Height = 322
    1717    Top = 0
    18     Width = 400
     18    Width = 480
    1919    Align = alClient
    2020    Columns = <   
    2121      item
    2222        Caption = 'Name'
    23         Width = 388
     23        Width = 466
    2424      end>
    2525    MultiSelect = True
    3939  object ToolBar1: TToolBar
    4040    Left = 0
    41     Top = 268
    42     Width = 400
     41    Height = 38
     42    Top = 322
     43    Width = 480
    4344    Align = alBottom
    44     Images = Core.ImageListSmall
    4545    ParentFont = False
    4646    TabOrder = 1
    5151    end
    5252    object ToolButton2: TToolButton
    53       Left = 30
     53      Left = 36
    5454      Top = 2
    5555      Action = AModify
    5656    end
    5757    object ToolButton3: TToolButton
    58       Left = 59
     58      Left = 71
    5959      Top = 2
    6060      Action = ARemove
    6161    end
    6262    object ToolButton4: TToolButton
    63       Left = 88
     63      Left = 106
    6464      Top = 2
    6565      Action = AClone
    6767  end
    6868  object ActionList1: TActionList
    69     Images = Core.ImageListSmall
    70     left = 173
    71     top = 136
     69    left = 208
     70    top = 163
    7271    object AAdd: TAction
    7372      Caption = 'Add'
    9796  end
    9897  object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
    99     Images = Core.ImageListSmall
    100     left = 293
    101     top = 133
     98    left = 352
     99    top = 160
    102100    object MenuItem1: TMenuItem
    103101      Action = AAdd
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