Sep 26, 2014, 12:05:30 AM (10 years ago)
  • Added: Move win probability calculation.
  • Fixed: Attack processing to be same as Risk game system.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormMove.lfm

    r42 r59  
    11object FormMove: TFormMove
    2   Left = 770
     2  Left = 435
    33  Height = 257
    4   Top = 484
     4  Top = 165
    55  Width = 320
    66  ActiveControl = ButtonOk
    88  ClientHeight = 257
    99  ClientWidth = 320
     10  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1011  OnShow = FormShow
    11   LCLVersion = '1.3'
     12  LCLVersion = ''
    1213  object SpinEditOnce: TSpinEdit
    1314    Left = 208
    14     Height = 32
    15     Top = 16
     15    Height = 27
     16    Top = 32
    1617    Width = 98
    1718    OnChange = SpinEditOnceChange
    2021  object Label1: TLabel
    2122    Left = 24
    22     Height = 22
    23     Top = 16
    24     Width = 46
     23    Height = 18
     24    Top = 32
     25    Width = 36
    2526    Caption = 'Once:'
    2627    ParentColor = False
    2930    Left = 184
    3031    Height = 25
    31     Top = 208
     32    Top = 224
    3233    Width = 75
    3334    Caption = 'Ok'
    3940    Left = 72
    4041    Height = 25
    41     Top = 208
     42    Top = 224
    4243    Width = 75
    4344    Caption = 'Cancel'
    4748  object Label2: TLabel
    4849    Left = 24
    49     Height = 22
    50     Top = 120
    51     Width = 87
     50    Height = 18
     51    Top = 136
     52    Width = 66
    5253    Caption = 'Every turn:'
    5354    ParentColor = False
    5556  object SpinEditRepeat: TSpinEdit
    5657    Left = 208
    57     Height = 32
    58     Top = 112
     58    Height = 27
     59    Top = 128
    5960    Width = 98
    6061    OnChange = SpinEditRepeatChange
    6465    Left = 56
    6566    Height = 43
    66     Top = 55
     67    Top = 71
    6768    Width = 208
    6869    OnChange = TrackBarOnceChange
    7677    Left = 56
    7778    Height = 43
    78     Top = 152
     79    Top = 168
    7980    Width = 208
    8081    OnChange = TrackBarRepeatChange
    8889    Left = 8
    8990    Height = 25
    90     Top = 64
     91    Top = 80
    9192    Width = 48
    9293    Caption = 'Min'
    93     OnClick = uttonOnceMinClick
     94    OnClick = ButtonOnceMinClick
    9495    TabOrder = 6
    9596  end
    9798    Left = 264
    9899    Height = 25
    99     Top = 64
     100    Top = 80
    100101    Width = 48
    101102    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
    107108    Left = 8
    108109    Height = 25
    109     Top = 160
     110    Top = 176
    110111    Width = 48
    111112    Caption = 'Min'
    116117    Left = 264
    117118    Height = 25
    118     Top = 160
     119    Top = 176
    119120    Width = 48
    120121    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
    123124    TabOrder = 9
    124125  end
     126  object Label3: TLabel
     127    Left = 16
     128    Height = 18
     129    Top = 8
     130    Width = 96
     131    Caption = 'Win probability:'
     132    ParentColor = False
     133  end
     134  object LabelWinProbability: TLabel
     135    Left = 232
     136    Height = 18
     137    Top = 8
     138    Width = 10
     139    Caption = '   '
     140    ParentColor = False
     141  end
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.