Mar 10, 2019, 4:48:41 PM (6 years ago)
  • Modified: Allow to set nation in player settings.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormPlayer.lfm

    r279 r282  
    11object FormPlayer: TFormPlayer
    22  Left = 470
    3   Height = 344
    4   Top = 219
    5   Width = 522
     3  Height = 406
     4  Top = 157
     5  Width = 652
    66  Caption = 'Player'
    7   ClientHeight = 344
    8   ClientWidth = 522
     7  ClientHeight = 406
     8  ClientWidth = 652
    99  Constraints.MinHeight = 344
    1010  Constraints.MinWidth = 522
    2727    Height = 43
    2828    Top = 27
    29     Width = 339
     29    Width = 469
    3030    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    3131    TabOrder = 0
    3232  end
    3333  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    34     Left = 278
     34    Left = 274
    3535    Height = 25
    36     Top = 307
     36    Top = 366
    3737    Width = 75
    3838    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    4242  end
    4343  object ButtonOk: TButton
    44     Left = 403
     44    Left = 394
    4545    Height = 25
    46     Top = 307
     46    Top = 369
    4747    Width = 75
    4848    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    5555    Left = 168
    5656    Height = 38
    57     Top = 72
    58     Width = 339
     57    Top = 124
     58    Width = 469
    5959    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    6060    ItemHeight = 0
    7272    Left = 24
    7373    Height = 26
    74     Top = 72
     74    Top = 128
    7575    Width = 53
    7676    Caption = 'Mode:'
    8080    Left = 24
    8181    Height = 26
    82     Top = 128
     82    Top = 176
    8383    Width = 50
    8484    Caption = 'Color:'
    8888    Left = 168
    8989    Height = 42
    90     Top = 120
    91     Width = 339
     90    Top = 168
     91    Width = 469
    9292    Style = [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbCustomColor, cbPrettyNames]
    9393    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    9898    Left = 24
    9999    Height = 26
    100     Top = 168
     100    Top = 216
    101101    Width = 98
    102102    Caption = 'Agressivity:'
    105105  object ComboBoxAgressivity: TComboBox
    106106    Left = 168
    107     Height = 42
    108     Top = 168
    109     Width = 339
     107    Height = 38
     108    Top = 216
     109    Width = 469
    110110    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    111111    ItemHeight = 0
    122122    Left = 24
    123123    Height = 30
    124     Top = 208
     124    Top = 256
    125125    Width = 109
    126126    Caption = 'Defensive'
    130130    Left = 24
    131131    Height = 26
    132     Top = 248
     132    Top = 296
    133133    Width = 94
    134134    Caption = 'Start units:'
    138138    Left = 224
    139139    Height = 43
    140     Top = 240
     140    Top = 288
    141141    Width = 112
    142142    MaxValue = 99
    143143    TabOrder = 7
    144144  end
     145  object ComboBoxNation: TComboBox
     146    Left = 168
     147    Height = 42
     148    Top = 76
     149    Width = 469
     150    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
     151    ItemHeight = 0
     152    OnChange = ComboBoxModeChange
     153    Style = csDropDownList
     154    TabOrder = 8
     155  end
     156  object Label6: TLabel
     157    Left = 24
     158    Height = 26
     159    Top = 80
     160    Width = 63
     161    Caption = 'Nation:'
     162    ParentColor = False
     163  end
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