Changeset 281 for trunk/UMapType.pas

Feb 21, 2019, 10:45:41 PM (6 years ago)
  • Added: New map type hexagonal horizontal.
  • Added: Limit allowed map type according selected game system.
1 edited


  • trunk/UMapType.pas

    r268 r281  
     11  TMapType = (mtNone, mtHexagonVertical, mtSquare, mtTriangle, mtRandom, mtIsometric,
     12    mtHexagonHorizontal);
    1114  TCellsDistance = class
    1215    Cell1: TCell;
    1518  end;
    17   { THexMap }
    19   THexMap = class(TMap)
     20  { THexMapVertical }
     22  THexMapVertical = class(TMap)
    2023  private
    2124    const
    3437  end;
     39  { THexMapHorizontal }
     41  THexMapHorizontal = class(TMap)
     42  private
     43    const
     44      CellMulX = 1.292 * 1.03;
     45      CellMulY = 1.12 * 1.028;
     46    function IsCellsPosNeighbor(CellPos1, CellPos2: TPoint): Boolean;
     47    procedure GetCellPosNeighbors(CellPos: TPoint; Cell: TCell);
     48    function GetHexagonPolygon(Pos: TPoint; Size: TPoint): TPolygon;
     49  protected
     50    procedure SetSize(AValue: TPoint); override;
     51  public
     52    function CalculatePixelRect: TRect; override;
     53    procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: string); override;
     54    procedure SaveToFile(FileName: string); override;
     55    procedure Generate; override;
     56  end;
    3658  { TSquareMap }
    82104  end;
     107  SGridTypeHexagonVertical = 'Hexagonal vertical';
     108  SGridTypeHexagonHorizontal = 'Hexagonal horizontal';
     109  SGridTypeSquare = 'Square';
     110  SGridTypeTriangle = 'Triangural';
     111  SGridTypeRandom = 'Random';
     112  SGridTypeIsometric = 'Isometric';
    87 { TIsometricMap }
    89 function TIsometricMap.GetTilePolygon(Pos: TPoint; Size: TPoint): TPolygon;
    90 begin
    91   SetLength(Result.Points, 4);
    92   Result.Points[0] := TPoint.Create(Pos.X, Trunc(Pos.Y - Size.Y / 3.5));
    93   Result.Points[1] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + Size.X / 2), Pos.Y);
    94   Result.Points[2] := TPoint.Create(Pos.X, Trunc(Pos.Y + Size.Y / 3.5));
    95   Result.Points[3] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X - Size.X / 2), Pos.Y);
    96 end;
    98 procedure TIsometricMap.SetSize(AValue: TPoint);
    99 begin
    100   inherited;
    101   if Cyclic then
    102     FSize := TPoint.Create(FSize.X, FSize.Y + FSize.Y mod 2);
    103 end;
    105 procedure TIsometricMap.Generate;
    106 var
    107   X, Y: Integer;
    108   NewCell: TCell;
    109   PX, PY: Double;
    110   P: TPoint;
    111   Cell: TCell;
    112 begin
    113   Clear;
    115   // Allocate and init new
    116   Cells.Count := Size.Y * Size.X;
    117   for Y := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do
    118   for X := 0 to Size.X - 1 do begin
    119     NewCell := TCell.Create;
    120     NewCell.Map := Self;
    121     PX := X;
    122     PY := Y;
    123     if (Y and 1) = 1 then begin
    124       PX := PX + 0.5;
    125       //Y := Y + 0.5;
    126     end;
    127     NewCell.PosPx := TPoint.Create(Trunc(PX * DefaultCellSize.X / CellMulX),
    128       Trunc(PY * DefaultCellSize.Y / CellMulY));
    129     NewCell.Polygon := GetTilePolygon(NewCell.PosPx, DefaultCellSize);
    130     NewCell.Id := GetNewCellId;
    131     Cells[Y * Size.X + X] := NewCell;
    132   end;
    134   // Generate neightbours
    135   for Y := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do
    136   for X := 0 to Size.X - 1 do
    137   with Cells[Y * Size.X + X] do begin
    138     Cell := Cells[Y * Size.X + X];
    139     if Cyclic then begin
    140       P := TPoint.Create(X + 0 + (Y mod 2), Y + 1);
    141       P := TPoint.Create((P.X + Size.X) mod Size.X, (P.Y + Size.Y) mod Size.Y);
    142       Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
    143       P := TPoint.Create(X - 1 + (Y mod 2), Y + 1);
    144       P := TPoint.Create((P.X + Size.X) mod Size.X, (P.Y + Size.Y) mod Size.Y);
    145       Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
    146       P := TPoint.Create(X + 0 + (Y mod 2), Y - 1);
    147       P := TPoint.Create((P.X + Size.X) mod Size.X, (P.Y + Size.Y) mod Size.Y);
    148       Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
    149       P := TPoint.Create(X - 1 + (Y mod 2), Y - 1);
    150       P := TPoint.Create((P.X + Size.X) mod Size.X, (P.Y + Size.Y) mod Size.Y);
    151       Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
    152     end else begin
    153       P := TPoint.Create(X + 0 + (Y mod 2), Y + 1);
    154       if IsValidIndex(P) then Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
    155       P := TPoint.Create(X - 1 + (Y mod 2), Y + 1);
    156       if IsValidIndex(P) then Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
    157       P := TPoint.Create(X + 0 + (Y mod 2), Y - 1);
    158       if IsValidIndex(P) then Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
    159       P := TPoint.Create(X - 1 + (Y mod 2), Y - 1);
    160       if IsValidIndex(P) then Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
    161     end;
    162   end;
    164   FPixelRect := CalculatePixelRect;
    165 end;
    167 function TIsometricMap.CalculatePixelRect: TRect;
    168 begin
    169   Result := inherited CalculatePixelRect;
    170   Result.P2 := Result.P2 - TPoint.Create(
    171     Trunc(0.5 * DefaultCellSize.X / CellMulX),
    172     Trunc(DefaultCellSize.Y / CellMulY)
    173   );
    174 end;
    176 { THexMap }
    178 function THexMap.GetHexagonPolygon(Pos: TPoint; Size: TPoint): TPolygon;
    179 var
    180   Shift: TPointF;
    181   Angle: Double;
    182 begin
    183   Angle := 30 / 180 * Pi;
    184   Shift := TPointF.Create(0.5, 0.5) * TPointF.Create(Cos(Angle), Sin(Angle));
    185   SetLength(Result.Points, 6);
    186   Result.Points[0] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + 0 * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y - 0.5 * Size.Y));
    187   Result.Points[1] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y - Shift.Y * Size.Y));
    188   Result.Points[2] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + Shift.Y * Size.Y));
    189   Result.Points[3] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + 0 * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + 0.5 * Size.Y));
    190   Result.Points[4] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X - Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + Shift.Y * Size.Y));
    191   Result.Points[5] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X - Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y - Shift.Y * Size.Y));
    192 end;
    194 procedure THexMap.SetSize(AValue: TPoint);
    195 begin
    196   inherited;
    197   if Cyclic then
    198     FSize := TPoint.Create(FSize.X, FSize.Y + FSize.Y mod 2);
    199 end;
    201 function THexMap.CalculatePixelRect: TRect;
    202 var
    203   Shift: TPointF;
    204   Angle: Double;
    205 begin
    206   Result := inherited CalculatePixelRect;
    207   Angle := 30 / 180 * Pi;
    208   Shift := TPointF.Create(0.5, 0.5) * TPointF.Create(Cos(Angle), Sin(Angle));
    209   Result.P2 := Result.P2 - TPoint.Create(
    210     Trunc(0.5 * DefaultCellSize.X / CellMulX),
    211     Trunc(1.35 * Shift.Y * DefaultCellSize.Y / CellMulY)
    212   );
    213 end;
    215 function THexMap.IsCellsPosNeighbor(CellPos1, CellPos2: TPoint): Boolean;
     117{ THexMapHorizontal }
     119function THexMapHorizontal.IsCellsPosNeighbor(CellPos1, CellPos2: TPoint
     120  ): Boolean;
    217122  DX: Integer;
    235 procedure THexMap.LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
    236 var
    237   Doc: TXMLDocument;
    238 begin
    239   try
    240     ReadXMLFile(Doc, FileName);
    241     if Doc.DocumentElement.TagName <> 'Map' then
    242       raise Exception.Create('Invalid map format');
    243   finally
    244     Doc.Free;
    245   end;
    246   inherited LoadFromFile(FileName);
    247 end;
    249 procedure THexMap.SaveToFile(FileName: string);
    250 var
    251   Doc: TXMLDocument;
    252   RootNode: TDOMNode;
    253 begin
    254   try
    255     Doc := TXMLDocument.Create;
    256     RootNode := Doc.CreateElement('Map');
    257     Doc.Appendchild(RootNode);
    258     WriteXMLFile(Doc, FileName);
    259   finally
    260     Doc.Free;
    261   end;
    262   inherited SaveToFile(FileName);
    263 end;
    265 procedure THexMap.GetCellPosNeighbors(CellPos: TPoint; Cell: TCell);
     140procedure THexMapHorizontal.GetCellPosNeighbors(CellPos: TPoint; Cell: TCell);
    267142  X, Y: Integer;
    287 procedure THexMap.Generate;
     162function THexMapHorizontal.GetHexagonPolygon(Pos: TPoint; Size: TPoint
     163  ): TPolygon;
     165  Shift: TPointF;
     166  Angle: Double;
     168  Angle := 60 / 180 * Pi;
     169  Shift := TPointF.Create(0.5, 0.5) * TPointF.Create(Cos(Angle), Sin(Angle));
     170  SetLength(Result.Points, 6);
     171  Result.Points[0] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y - Shift.Y * Size.Y));
     172  Result.Points[1] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + 0.5 * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + 0 * Size.Y));
     173  Result.Points[2] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + Shift.Y * Size.Y));
     174  Result.Points[3] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X - Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + Shift.Y * Size.Y));
     175  Result.Points[4] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X - 0.5 * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + 0 * Size.Y));
     176  Result.Points[5] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X - Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y - Shift.Y * Size.Y));
     179procedure THexMapHorizontal.SetSize(AValue: TPoint);
     181  inherited;
     182  if Cyclic then
     183    FSize := TPoint.Create(FSize.X, FSize.Y + FSize.Y mod 2);
     186function THexMapHorizontal.CalculatePixelRect: TRect;
     188  Shift: TPointF;
     189  Angle: Double;
     191  Result := inherited CalculatePixelRect;
     192  Angle := 60 / 180 * Pi;
     193  Shift := TPointF.Create(0.5, 0.5) * TPointF.Create(Cos(Angle), Sin(Angle));
     194  Result.P2 := Result.P2 - TPoint.Create(
     195    Trunc(1.35 * Shift.X * DefaultCellSize.X / CellMulX),
     196    Trunc(0.5 * DefaultCellSize.Y / CellMulY)
     197  );
     200procedure THexMapHorizontal.LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
     202  Doc: TXMLDocument;
     204  try
     205    ReadXMLFile(Doc, FileName);
     206    if Doc.DocumentElement.TagName <> 'Map' then
     207      raise Exception.Create('Invalid map format');
     208  finally
     209    Doc.Free;
     210  end;
     211  inherited LoadFromFile(FileName);
     214procedure THexMapHorizontal.SaveToFile(FileName: string);
     216  Doc: TXMLDocument;
     217  RootNode: TDOMNode;
     219  try
     220    Doc := TXMLDocument.Create;
     221    RootNode := Doc.CreateElement('Map');
     222    Doc.Appendchild(RootNode);
     223    WriteXMLFile(Doc, FileName);
     224  finally
     225    Doc.Free;
     226  end;
     227  inherited SaveToFile(FileName);
     230procedure THexMapHorizontal.Generate;
    289232  X, Y: Integer;
    290233  NewCell: TCell;
    291234  PX, PY: Double;
     236  Clear;
     238  // Allocate and init new
     239  Cells.Count := Size.Y * Size.X;
     240  for Y := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do
     241  for X := 0 to Size.X - 1 do begin
     242    NewCell := TCell.Create;
     243    NewCell.Map := Self;
     244    PX := X;
     245    PY := Y;
     246    if (X and 1) = 1 then begin
     247      PY := PY + 0.5;
     248    end;
     249    NewCell.PosPx := TPoint.Create(Trunc(PX * DefaultCellSize.X / CellMulX),
     250      Trunc(PY * DefaultCellSize.Y / CellMulY));
     251    NewCell.Polygon := GetHexagonPolygon(NewCell.PosPx, DefaultCellSize);
     252    NewCell.Id := GetNewCellId;
     253    Cells[Y * Size.X + X] := NewCell;
     254  end;
     256  // Generate neightbours
     257  for Y := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do
     258  for X := 0 to Size.X - 1 do
     259  with Cells[Y * Size.X + X] do begin
     260    GetCellPosNeighbors(TPoint.Create(X, Y), Cells[Y * Size.X + X]);
     261  end;
     263  FPixelRect := CalculatePixelRect;
     266{ TIsometricMap }
     268function TIsometricMap.GetTilePolygon(Pos: TPoint; Size: TPoint): TPolygon;
     270  SetLength(Result.Points, 4);
     271  Result.Points[0] := TPoint.Create(Pos.X, Trunc(Pos.Y - Size.Y / 3.5));
     272  Result.Points[1] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + Size.X / 2), Pos.Y);
     273  Result.Points[2] := TPoint.Create(Pos.X, Trunc(Pos.Y + Size.Y / 3.5));
     274  Result.Points[3] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X - Size.X / 2), Pos.Y);
     277procedure TIsometricMap.SetSize(AValue: TPoint);
     279  inherited;
     280  if Cyclic then
     281    FSize := TPoint.Create(FSize.X, FSize.Y + FSize.Y mod 2);
     284procedure TIsometricMap.Generate;
     286  X, Y: Integer;
     287  NewCell: TCell;
     288  PX, PY: Double;
     289  P: TPoint;
     290  Cell: TCell;
    293292  Clear;
    304303      PX := PX + 0.5;
    305304      //Y := Y + 0.5;
     305    end;
     306    NewCell.PosPx := TPoint.Create(Trunc(PX * DefaultCellSize.X / CellMulX),
     307      Trunc(PY * DefaultCellSize.Y / CellMulY));
     308    NewCell.Polygon := GetTilePolygon(NewCell.PosPx, DefaultCellSize);
     309    NewCell.Id := GetNewCellId;
     310    Cells[Y * Size.X + X] := NewCell;
     311  end;
     313  // Generate neightbours
     314  for Y := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do
     315  for X := 0 to Size.X - 1 do
     316  with Cells[Y * Size.X + X] do begin
     317    Cell := Cells[Y * Size.X + X];
     318    if Cyclic then begin
     319      P := TPoint.Create(X + 0 + (Y mod 2), Y + 1);
     320      P := TPoint.Create((P.X + Size.X) mod Size.X, (P.Y + Size.Y) mod Size.Y);
     321      Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
     322      P := TPoint.Create(X - 1 + (Y mod 2), Y + 1);
     323      P := TPoint.Create((P.X + Size.X) mod Size.X, (P.Y + Size.Y) mod Size.Y);
     324      Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
     325      P := TPoint.Create(X + 0 + (Y mod 2), Y - 1);
     326      P := TPoint.Create((P.X + Size.X) mod Size.X, (P.Y + Size.Y) mod Size.Y);
     327      Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
     328      P := TPoint.Create(X - 1 + (Y mod 2), Y - 1);
     329      P := TPoint.Create((P.X + Size.X) mod Size.X, (P.Y + Size.Y) mod Size.Y);
     330      Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
     331    end else begin
     332      P := TPoint.Create(X + 0 + (Y mod 2), Y + 1);
     333      if IsValidIndex(P) then Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
     334      P := TPoint.Create(X - 1 + (Y mod 2), Y + 1);
     335      if IsValidIndex(P) then Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
     336      P := TPoint.Create(X + 0 + (Y mod 2), Y - 1);
     337      if IsValidIndex(P) then Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
     338      P := TPoint.Create(X - 1 + (Y mod 2), Y - 1);
     339      if IsValidIndex(P) then Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
     340    end;
     341  end;
     343  FPixelRect := CalculatePixelRect;
     346function TIsometricMap.CalculatePixelRect: TRect;
     348  Result := inherited CalculatePixelRect;
     349  Result.P2 := Result.P2 - TPoint.Create(
     350    Trunc(0.5 * DefaultCellSize.X / CellMulX),
     351    Trunc(DefaultCellSize.Y / CellMulY)
     352  );
     355{ THexMapVertical }
     357function THexMapVertical.GetHexagonPolygon(Pos: TPoint; Size: TPoint): TPolygon;
     359  Shift: TPointF;
     360  Angle: Double;
     362  Angle := 30 / 180 * Pi;
     363  Shift := TPointF.Create(0.5, 0.5) * TPointF.Create(Cos(Angle), Sin(Angle));
     364  SetLength(Result.Points, 6);
     365  Result.Points[0] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + 0 * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y - 0.5 * Size.Y));
     366  Result.Points[1] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y - Shift.Y * Size.Y));
     367  Result.Points[2] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + Shift.Y * Size.Y));
     368  Result.Points[3] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X + 0 * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + 0.5 * Size.Y));
     369  Result.Points[4] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X - Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y + Shift.Y * Size.Y));
     370  Result.Points[5] := TPoint.Create(Trunc(Pos.X - Shift.X * Size.X), Trunc(Pos.Y - Shift.Y * Size.Y));
     373procedure THexMapVertical.SetSize(AValue: TPoint);
     375  inherited;
     376  if Cyclic then
     377    FSize := TPoint.Create(FSize.X, FSize.Y + FSize.Y mod 2);
     380function THexMapVertical.CalculatePixelRect: TRect;
     382  Shift: TPointF;
     383  Angle: Double;
     385  Result := inherited CalculatePixelRect;
     386  Angle := 30 / 180 * Pi;
     387  Shift := TPointF.Create(0.5, 0.5) * TPointF.Create(Cos(Angle), Sin(Angle));
     388  Result.P2 := Result.P2 - TPoint.Create(
     389    Trunc(0.5 * DefaultCellSize.X / CellMulX),
     390    Trunc(1.35 * Shift.Y * DefaultCellSize.Y / CellMulY)
     391  );
     394function THexMapVertical.IsCellsPosNeighbor(CellPos1, CellPos2: TPoint): Boolean;
     396  DX: Integer;
     397  DY: Integer;
     398  MinY: Integer;
     400  if CellPos1.Y < CellPos2.Y then MinY:= CellPos1.Y
     401    else MinY := CellPos2.Y;
     402  DX := CellPos2.X - CellPos1.X;
     403  DY := CellPos2.Y - CellPos1.Y;
     404  Result := (Abs(DX) <= 1) and (Abs(DY) <= 1) and
     405  ((((MinY mod 2) = 1) and
     406    not ((DX = 1) and (DY = -1)) and
     407    not ((DX = -1) and (DY = 1))) or
     408    (((MinY mod 2) = 0) and
     409    not ((DX = -1) and (DY = -1)) and
     410    not ((DX = 1) and (DY = 1))));
     411  Result := Result and not ((CellPos1.X = CellPos2.X) and (CellPos1.Y = CellPos2.Y));
     414procedure THexMapVertical.LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
     416  Doc: TXMLDocument;
     418  try
     419    ReadXMLFile(Doc, FileName);
     420    if Doc.DocumentElement.TagName <> 'Map' then
     421      raise Exception.Create('Invalid map format');
     422  finally
     423    Doc.Free;
     424  end;
     425  inherited LoadFromFile(FileName);
     428procedure THexMapVertical.SaveToFile(FileName: string);
     430  Doc: TXMLDocument;
     431  RootNode: TDOMNode;
     433  try
     434    Doc := TXMLDocument.Create;
     435    RootNode := Doc.CreateElement('Map');
     436    Doc.Appendchild(RootNode);
     437    WriteXMLFile(Doc, FileName);
     438  finally
     439    Doc.Free;
     440  end;
     441  inherited SaveToFile(FileName);
     444procedure THexMapVertical.GetCellPosNeighbors(CellPos: TPoint; Cell: TCell);
     446  X, Y: Integer;
     447  P: TPoint;
     448  PMod: TPoint;
     450  for Y := -1 to 1 do
     451  for X := -1 to 1 do begin
     452    P := TPoint.Create(CellPos.X + X, CellPos.Y + Y);
     453    PMod := TPoint.Create((P.X + Size.X) mod Size.X, (P.Y + Size.Y) mod Size.Y);
     454    if Cyclic then begin
     455      if IsValidIndex(PMod) and IsCellsPosNeighbor(CellPos, P) then begin
     456        Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[PMod.Y * Size.X + PMod.X]);
     457      end;
     458    end else begin
     459      if IsValidIndex(P) and IsCellsPosNeighbor(CellPos, P) then begin
     460        Cell.ConnectTo(Cells[P.Y * Size.X + P.X]);
     461      end;
     462    end;
     463  end;
     466procedure THexMapVertical.Generate;
     468  X, Y: Integer;
     469  NewCell: TCell;
     470  PX, PY: Double;
     472  Clear;
     474  // Allocate and init new
     475  Cells.Count := Size.Y * Size.X;
     476  for Y := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do
     477  for X := 0 to Size.X - 1 do begin
     478    NewCell := TCell.Create;
     479    NewCell.Map := Self;
     480    PX := X;
     481    PY := Y;
     482    if (Y and 1) = 1 then begin
     483      PX := PX + 0.5;
    306484    end;
    307485    NewCell.PosPx := TPoint.Create(Trunc(PX * DefaultCellSize.X / CellMulX),
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.