Jan 30, 2019, 8:08:44 AM (6 years ago)
  • Added: Show units shape to see in which cell units are placed.
  • Fixed: Do not place units with zero power in zero power cells.
  • Fixed: Better checks of cell power if cell is without unit.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormNew.lfm

    r270 r273  
    2121    Top = 4
    2222    Width = 806
    23     ActivePage = TabSheetMap
     23    ActivePage = TabSheetRules
    2424    Align = alClient
    2525    BorderSpacing.Around = 4
    26     TabIndex = 2
     26    TabIndex = 3
    2727    TabOrder = 0
    2828    OnChange = PageControl1Change
    326326        object ComboBoxGridType: TComboBox
    327327          Left = 146
    328           Height = 38
     328          Height = 42
    329329          Top = 104
    330330          Width = 208
    343343        object ComboBoxMapShape: TComboBox
    344344          Left = 146
    345           Height = 38
     345          Height = 42
    346346          Top = 144
    347347          Width = 208
    546546      object Panel4: TPanel
    547547        Left = 0
    548         Height = 655
     548        Height = 652
    549549        Top = 0
    550         Width = 739
     550        Width = 796
    551551        Align = alClient
    552552        BevelOuter = bvNone
    553         ClientHeight = 655
    554         ClientWidth = 739
     553        ClientHeight = 652
     554        ClientWidth = 796
    555555        TabOrder = 0
    556556        object RadioGroupGrowCells: TRadioGroup
    587587        object ComboBoxWinObjective: TComboBox
    588588          Left = 224
    589           Height = 38
     589          Height = 42
    590590          Top = 244
    591591          Width = 328
    635635          Height = 78
    636636          Top = 290
    637           Width = 716
     637          Width = 773
    638638          ActivePage = TabSheetCaptureEntireMap
    639639          Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    647647          object TabSheetCaptureCells: TTabSheet
    648648            ClientHeight = 74
    649             ClientWidth = 712
     649            ClientWidth = 763
    650650            object Label14: TLabel
    651651              Left = 8
    669669          object TabSheetStayAliveTurns: TTabSheet
    670670            ClientHeight = 74
    671             ClientWidth = 712
     671            ClientWidth = 763
    672672            object Label13: TLabel
    673673              Left = 8
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.