Jan 29, 2019, 11:05:47 PM (6 years ago)
  • Added: Delete button to unit move dialog.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormMove.lfm

    r243 r272  
    11object FormMove: TFormMove
    22  Left = 435
    3   Height = 257
    4   Top = 165
    5   Width = 367
     3  Height = 278
     4  Top = 153
     5  Width = 421
    66  ActiveControl = ButtonOk
    77  Caption = 'Move'
    8   ClientHeight = 257
    9   ClientWidth = 367
    10   Constraints.MinHeight = 257
    11   Constraints.MinWidth = 367
    12   DesignTimePPI = 120
     8  ClientHeight = 278
     9  ClientWidth = 421
     10  Constraints.MinHeight = 278
     11  Constraints.MinWidth = 421
     12  DesignTimePPI = 144
    1313  OnClose = FormClose
    1414  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1616  OnShow = FormShow
    1717  Position = poMainFormCenter
    18   LCLVersion = ''
     18  LCLVersion = ''
    1919  object SpinEditOnce: TSpinEdit
    2020    Left = 208
    21     Height = 28
     21    Height = 43
    2222    Top = 40
    2323    Width = 98
    2828  object Label1: TLabel
    2929    Left = 16
    30     Height = 20
     30    Height = 26
    3131    Top = 40
    32     Width = 37
     32    Width = 49
    3333    Caption = 'Once:'
    3434    ParentColor = False
    3535  end
    3636  object ButtonOk: TButton
    37     Left = 189
    38     Height = 25
     37    Left = 296
     38    Height = 38
    3939    Top = 224
    40     Width = 75
     40    Width = 100
    4141    Caption = 'Ok'
    4242    Default = True
    4545  end
    4646  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    47     Left = 72
    48     Height = 25
     47    Left = 176
     48    Height = 38
    4949    Top = 224
    50     Width = 75
     50    Width = 100
    5151    Caption = 'Cancel'
    5252    ModalResult = 2
    5555  object Label2: TLabel
    5656    Left = 24
    57     Height = 20
     57    Height = 26
    5858    Top = 136
    59     Width = 68
     59    Width = 91
    6060    Caption = 'Every turn:'
    6161    ParentColor = False
    6363  object SpinEditRepeat: TSpinEdit
    6464    Left = 208
    65     Height = 28
     65    Height = 43
    6666    Top = 128
    6767    Width = 98
    7171  end
    7272  object TrackBarOnce: TTrackBar
    73     Left = 56
    74     Height = 47
     73    Left = 88
     74    Height = 58
    7575    Top = 80
    76     Width = 255
     76    Width = 245
    7777    OnChange = TrackBarOnceChange
    7878    PageSize = 1
    8484  end
    8585  object TrackBarRepeat: TTrackBar
    86     Left = 56
    87     Height = 47
     86    Left = 96
     87    Height = 58
    8888    Top = 168
    89     Width = 255
     89    Width = 231
    9090    OnChange = TrackBarRepeatChange
    9191    PageSize = 1
    9898  object ButtonOnceMin: TButton
    9999    Left = 8
    100     Height = 25
     100    Height = 38
    101101    Top = 88
    102     Width = 48
     102    Width = 80
    103103    Caption = 'Min'
    104104    OnClick = ButtonOnceMinClick
    106106  end
    107107  object ButtonOnceMax: TButton
    108     Left = 311
    109     Height = 25
     108    Left = 333
     109    Height = 38
    110110    Top = 88
    111     Width = 48
     111    Width = 80
    112112    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
    113113    Caption = 'Max'
    117117  object ButtonRepeatMin: TButton
    118118    Left = 8
    119     Height = 25
     119    Height = 38
    120120    Top = 176
    121     Width = 48
     121    Width = 80
    122122    Caption = 'Min'
    123123    OnClick = ButtonRepeatMinClick
    125125  end
    126126  object ButtonRepeatMax: TButton
    127     Left = 311
    128     Height = 25
     127    Left = 333
     128    Height = 38
    129129    Top = 176
    130     Width = 48
     130    Width = 80
    131131    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
    132132    Caption = 'Max'
    136136  object Label3: TLabel
    137137    Left = 16
    138     Height = 20
     138    Height = 26
    139139    Top = 8
    140     Width = 106
     140    Width = 135
    141141    Caption = 'Win probability:'
    142142    ParentColor = False
    144144  object LabelWinProbability: TLabel
    145145    Left = 264
    146     Height = 20
     146    Height = 26
    147147    Top = 8
    148     Width = 12
     148    Width = 15
    149149    Caption = '   '
    150150    ParentColor = False
    151151  end
     152  object ButtonRemove: TButton
     153    Left = 48
     154    Height = 38
     155    Top = 224
     156    Width = 100
     157    Caption = 'Delete'
     158    OnClick = ButtonRemoveClick
     159    TabOrder = 10
     160  end
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.