Changeset 206 for trunk/UCore.lfm

May 21, 2018, 2:50:02 PM (6 years ago)
  • Added: New window to list all available actions with their keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed: Keyboard shortcuts didn't worked for FormClient docked into FormMain.
  • Fixed: Signal a turn start to first player if a game is loaded from a file.
1 edited


  • trunk/UCore.lfm

    r203 r206  
    33  OnDestroy = DataModuleDestroy
    44  OldCreateOrder = False
    5   Height = 811
    6   HorizontalOffset = 330
    7   VerticalOffset = 228
    8   Width = 1258
    9   PPI = 144
    10   object ActionList1: TActionList
     5  Height = 676
     6  HorizontalOffset = 275
     7  VerticalOffset = 190
     8  Width = 1048
     9  PPI = 120
     10  object ActionListMain: TActionList
    1111    Images = ImageListSmall
    12     left = 137
    13     top = 60
     12    left = 114
     13    top = 50
    1414    object AExit: TAction
    1515      Caption = 'Exit'
    9595      OnExecute = AGameSaveExecute
    9696    end
     97    object AShowKeyShortcuts: TAction
     98      Caption = 'Key shortcuts'
     99      OnExecute = AShowKeyShortcutsExecute
     100    end
    97101  end
    98102  object ImageListSmall: TImageList
    99     left = 786
    100     top = 420
     103    left = 655
     104    top = 350
    101105    Bitmap = {
    102106      4C690C00000010000000100000000000000000000000E3AA4BD6E5B35EFFE3B1
    490494    POFilesFolder = 'Languages'
    491495    OnTranslate = CoolTranslator1Translate
    492     left = 137
    493     top = 436
     496    left = 114
     497    top = 363
    494498  end
    495499  object ImageListLarge: TImageList
    496500    Height = 32
    497501    Width = 32
    498     left = 786
    499     top = 286
     502    left = 655
     503    top = 238
    500504    Bitmap = {
    501505      4C690C0000002000000020000000000000000000000000000000E2AA4B36E2A9
    20422046    RootName = 'CONFIG'
    20432047    ReadOnly = False
    2044     left = 137
    2045     top = 556
     2048    left = 114
     2049    top = 463
    20462050  end
    20472051  object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
    20482052    DefaultExt = '.xtmap'
    2049     left = 1126
    2050     top = 292
     2053    left = 938
     2054    top = 243
    20512055  end
    20522056  object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog
    20532057    DefaultExt = '.xtmap'
    2054     left = 1126
    2055     top = 166
     2058    left = 938
     2059    top = 138
    20562060  end
    20572061  object ApplicationInfo: TApplicationInfo
    20702074    RegistryRoot = rrKeyCurrentUser
    20712075    License = 'CC0'
    2072     left = 137
    2073     top = 180
     2076    left = 114
     2077    top = 150
    20742078  end
    20752079  object PersistentForm: TPersistentForm
    20762080    MinVisiblePart = 50
    20772081    EntireVisible = False
    2078     left = 780
    2079     top = 600
     2082    left = 650
     2083    top = 500
    20802084  end
    20812085  object ScaleDPI1: TScaleDPI
    20822086    AutoDetect = False
    2083     left = 136
    2084     top = 676
     2087    left = 113
     2088    top = 563
    20852089  end
    20862090  object LastOpenedList1: TLastOpenedList
    20872091    MaxCount = 10
    20882092    OnChange = LastOpenedList1Change
    2089     left = 137
    2090     top = 300
     2093    left = 114
     2094    top = 250
    20912095  end
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