Apr 22, 2018, 2:10:24 PM (6 years ago)
  • Fixed: Translate during form creation to not affect player mode combobox.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormPlayer.lfm

    r183 r188  
    99  Constraints.MinHeight = 344
    1010  Constraints.MinWidth = 522
    11   DesignTimePPI = 120
    1211  OnClose = FormClose
     12  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1313  OnShow = FormShow
    1414  Position = poMainFormCenter
    15   LCLVersion = ''
     15  LCLVersion = ''
    1616  object Label1: TLabel
    1717    Left = 24
    18     Height = 20
     18    Height = 26
    1919    Top = 27
    20     Width = 43
     20    Width = 56
    2121    Caption = 'Name:'
    2222    ParentColor = False
    2424  object EditName: TEdit
    2525    Left = 168
    26     Height = 28
     26    Height = 36
    2727    Top = 27
    2828    Width = 339
    5353  object ComboBoxMode: TComboBox
    5454    Left = 168
    55     Height = 28
     55    Height = 36
    5656    Top = 72
    5757    Width = 339
    5858    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    59     ItemHeight = 20
     59    ItemHeight = 0
    6060    ItemIndex = 0
    6161    Items.Strings = (
    7070  object Label2: TLabel
    7171    Left = 24
    72     Height = 20
     72    Height = 26
    7373    Top = 72
    74     Width = 42
     74    Width = 53
    7575    Caption = 'Mode:'
    7676    ParentColor = False
    7878  object Label3: TLabel
    7979    Left = 24
    80     Height = 20
     80    Height = 26
    8181    Top = 128
    82     Width = 39
     82    Width = 50
    8383    Caption = 'Color:'
    8484    ParentColor = False
    8686  object ColorBox1: TColorBox
    8787    Left = 168
    88     Height = 26
     88    Height = 40
    8989    Top = 120
    9090    Width = 339
    9696  object Label4: TLabel
    9797    Left = 24
    98     Height = 20
     98    Height = 26
    9999    Top = 168
    100     Width = 74
     100    Width = 98
    101101    Caption = 'Agressivity:'
    102102    ParentColor = False
    104104  object ComboBoxAgressivity: TComboBox
    105105    Left = 168
    106     Height = 28
     106    Height = 40
    107107    Top = 168
    108108    Width = 339
    109109    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    110     ItemHeight = 20
     110    ItemHeight = 0
    111111    Items.Strings = (
    112112      'Low'
    120120  object CheckBoxDefensive: TCheckBox
    121121    Left = 24
    122     Height = 24
     122    Height = 30
    123123    Top = 208
    124     Width = 89
     124    Width = 107
    125125    Caption = 'Defensive'
    126126    TabOrder = 6
    128128  object Label5: TLabel
    129129    Left = 24
    130     Height = 20
     130    Height = 26
    131131    Top = 248
    132     Width = 69
     132    Width = 94
    133133    Caption = 'Start units:'
    134134    ParentColor = False
    136136  object SpinEditStartUnits: TSpinEdit
    137137    Left = 224
    138     Height = 28
     138    Height = 36
    139139    Top = 240
    140140    Width = 112
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