Changeset 3 for lang/en.php

May 5, 2008, 8:33:15 AM (16 years ago)

Přidáno: Nastavení počtu zobrazených serverů na stránku a počtu nej serverů v konfiguračním souboru.
Opraveno: Pročištění použití stylů a vyřešení překrývání hlavního seznamu s pravým sloupcem u některých prohlížečů. Všechny informace o stylech musí být v souboru CSS a ne v HTML kódu.

1 edited


  • lang/en.php

    r1 r3  
    2 $text = array (
    3 'top_rating' => '<h3>Top rated servers.</h3>',
    4 'top_online' => '<h3Biggest servers.</h3>',
    5 'banned' => 'Your account is banned.',
    6 'wrong_pass' => 'Wrong password or login.',
    7 'loging_ok' => 'Login successful<br />This window will close in few seconds.',
    8 'name' => 'Name',
    9 'pass' => 'Password',
    10 'pass_again' => 'Password again',
    11 'pass_ok' => 'Password is correct.',
    12 'pass_error' => 'Passwords have to MATCH',
    13 'login_ok' => 'This name is correct.',
    14 'login_error' => 'This name is already taken.',
    15 'no_pass' => 'You have to enter passweord.',
    16 'email_ok' => 'Email entered is all right.',
    17 'email_wrong' => 'Email entered is in incorrect form.',
    18 'email_used' => 'Email you entered is already registred.',
    19 'no_login' => 'You have to enter name.',
    20 'subject' => 'Registration on WoW Server Status',
    21 'email_body' => 'Visit this webpage.<br />',
    22 'regiter_success' => 'Check your e-mail for activation code.',
    23 'regist_finishing_error' => 'Account not found!',
    24 'registr_finished' => ' activated <br /> <a href="'.$config['base_url'].'">Continue by loging in.</a>',
    25 'add_server_name_used' => 'Theres already server with that name.',
    26 'add_server_not_accept' => 'You have to agree with rules.',
    27 'add_server_not_name' =>'You have to fill in Server name.',
    28 'add_server_success_msg' => 'Server successfuly added.',
    29 'players' => 'Players',
    30 'info_owner' => 'Owner',
    31 'info_avarage_players' => 'Avearge online players',
    32 'info_place' => 'Location',
    33 'vote_only' => 'Only registred users can vote, and only one time per server.',
    34 'comment_h3' => 'Comments',
    35 'no_comments' => 'There are no comments so far.',
    36 'added_comment' => 'Comment added',
    37 'add_comment'=> 'Add comment',
    38 'deny_adding_comments' => 'Only registred users are able to post comments.',
    39 'add_comment' => 'Add comment',
    40 'server_added_info' => 'Added',
    41 'order_by' => 'Sort by',
    42 'abroad_servers' => 'Foreign servers',
    43 'th_players' => 'Players',
    44 'info_servers' =>'Servers',
    45 'info_num_of_servers' => 'Number of servers',
    46 'info_num_of_comments' => 'Number of comments',
    47 'users' => 'Users',
    48 'only_logged' => 'Only registred users are able to add servers.\nLog-in, please',
    49 'add_server_not_web' => 'You have to fill Server webpages and Registration page in.'
     2$text = array(
     3  'top_rating' => '<h3>Top rated servers.</h3>',
     4  'top_online' => '<h3>Biggest servers.</h3>',
     5  'banned' => 'Your account is banned.',
     6  'wrong_pass' => 'Wrong password or login.',
     7  'loging_ok' => 'Login successful<br />This window will close in few seconds.',
     8  'name' => 'Name',
     9  'pass' => 'Password',
     10  'pass_again' => 'Password again',
     11  'pass_ok' => 'Password is correct.',
     12  'pass_error' => 'Passwords have to MATCH',
     13  'login_ok' => 'This name is correct.',
     14  'login_error' => 'This name is already taken.',
     15  'no_pass' => 'You have to enter passweord.',
     16  'email_ok' => 'Email entered is all right.',
     17  'email_wrong' => 'Email entered is in incorrect form.',
     18  'email_used' => 'Email you entered is already registred.',
     19  'no_login' => 'You have to enter name.',
     20  'subject' => 'Registration on WoW Server Status',
     21  'email_body' => 'Visit this webpage.<br />',
     22  'regiter_success' => 'Check your e-mail for activation code.',
     23  'regist_finishing_error' => 'Account not found!',
     24  'registr_finished' => ' activated <br /> <a href="'.$config['base_url'].'">Continue by loging in.</a>',
     25  'add_server_name_used' => 'Theres already server with that name.',
     26  'add_server_not_accept' => 'You have to agree with rules.',
     27  'add_server_not_name' => 'You have to fill in Server name.',
     28  'add_server_success_msg' => 'Server successfuly added.',
     29  'players' => 'Players',
     30  'info_owner' => 'Owner',
     31  'info_avarage_players' => 'Avearge online players',
     32  'info_place' => 'Location',
     33  'vote_only' => 'Only registred users can vote, and only one time per server.',
     34  'comment_h3' => 'Comments',
     35  'no_comments' => 'There are no comments so far.',
     36  'added_comment' => 'Comment added',
     37  'add_comment'=> 'Add comment',
     38  'deny_adding_comments' => 'Only registred users are able to post comments.',
     39  'add_comment' => 'Add comment',
     40  'server_added_info' => 'Added',
     41  'order_by' => 'Sort by',
     42  'abroad_servers' => 'Foreign servers',
     43  'th_players' => 'Players',
     44  'info_servers' => 'Servers',
     45  'info_num_of_servers' => 'Number of servers',
     46  'info_num_of_comments' => 'Number of comments',
     47  'users' => 'Users',
     48  'only_logged' => 'Only registred users are able to add servers.\nLog-in, please',
     49  'add_server_not_web' => 'You have to fill Server webpages and Registration page in.'
    55 );
    5652$text['add_server_h2'] = 'Add server';
    5753$text['reg_name_server'] = 'Server name';
    6763$text['reg_accept_rules'] = 'I agree with these rules.';
    7065$dny["Mon"] = "Monday";
    71   $dny["Tue"] = "Tuesday";
    72   $dny["Wed"] = "Wednesday";
    73   $dny["Thu"] = "Thursday"; 
    74   $dny["Fri"] = "Friday"; 
    75   $dny["Sat"] = "Saturday";
    76   $dny["Sun"] = "Sunday";
     66$dny["Tue"] = "Tuesday";
     67$dny["Wed"] = "Wednesday";
     68$dny["Thu"] = "Thursday"; 
     69$dny["Fri"] = "Friday"; 
     70$dny["Sat"] = "Saturday";
     71$dny["Sun"] = "Sunday";
    7873  $mesice = array(1=>"January", "February", "March",
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.