Feb 4, 2009, 9:51:34 PM (16 years ago)
  • Přidáno: Export překladů do českého WoW Addonu.
  • Upraveno: Export souborů se nyní ukládá samostatně do složek dle jmen uživatelů.
  • Přidáno: Zobrazování chyb dle konfigurace.
1 edited


  • trunk/client_files/Generate/define.php

    r40 r61  
    6161     "Footer" => "};if not ".$wow."WOW_BookPage then ".$wow."WOW_BookPage=0; end; ".$wow."WOW_BookPage=".$wow."WOW_BookPage",
    6262     "sql" => "SELECT DISTINCT entry, (
    63  SELECT Text FROM page_text as text_cz WHERE text_cz.entry = page_text_distric.entry AND Language = 2 AND complete = 1
    64  ORDER BY vote DESC LIMIT 1
    65 ) as cz, (
    66  SELECT Text FROM page_text as text_en WHERE text_en.entry = page_text_distric.entry AND Language = 0 LIMIT 1
    67 ) as en FROM page_text as page_text_distric
     63 SELECT Text FROM page as text_cz WHERE text_cz.entry = page_text_distric.entry AND Language = 2 AND complete = 1
     64 ORDER BY vote DESC LIMIT 1
     65) as cz, (
     66 SELECT Text FROM page as text_en WHERE text_en.entry = page_text_distric.entry AND Language = 0 LIMIT 1
     67) as en FROM page as page_text_distric
    6868WHERE $where_sk $limit",
    6969   );
    7373     for ($j=0;$j<2 ;++$j ) {
    7474            $sql = $sql."SELECT DISTINCT entry, (
    75  SELECT text".$i."_$j FROM npc_text as text_cz WHERE text_cz.entry = npc_text_distric.entry AND Language = 2 AND complete = 1
    76  ORDER BY vote DESC LIMIT 1
    77 ) as cz, (
    78  SELECT text".$i."_$j FROM npc_text as text_en WHERE text_en.entry = npc_text_distric.entry AND Language = 0 LIMIT 1
    79 ) as en FROM npc_text as npc_text_distric
     75 SELECT text".$i."_$j FROM npc as text_cz WHERE text_cz.entry = npc_text_distric.entry AND Language = 2 AND complete = 1
     76 ORDER BY vote DESC LIMIT 1
     77) as cz, (
     78 SELECT text".$i."_$j FROM npc as text_en WHERE text_en.entry = npc_text_distric.entry AND Language = 0 LIMIT 1
     79) as en FROM npc as npc_text_distric
    8080WHERE $where $limit   UNION ";
    8181     }
    145145     "Footer" => "};if not ".$wow."WOW_BookPage then ".$wow."WOW_BookPage=0; end; ".$wow."WOW_BookPage=".$wow."WOW_BookPage",
    146146     "sql" => "SELECT DISTINCT entry, (
    147  SELECT Text FROM page_text as text_cz WHERE text_cz.entry = page_text_distric.entry AND Language = 1 AND complete = 1
    148  ORDER BY vote DESC LIMIT 1
    149 ) as cz, (
    150  SELECT Text FROM page_text as text_en WHERE text_en.entry = page_text_distric.entry AND Language = 0 LIMIT 1
    151 ) as en FROM page_text as page_text_distric
     147 SELECT Text FROM page as text_cz WHERE text_cz.entry = page_text_distric.entry AND Language = 1 AND complete = 1
     148 ORDER BY vote DESC LIMIT 1
     149) as cz, (
     150 SELECT Text FROM page as text_en WHERE text_en.entry = page_text_distric.entry AND Language = 0 LIMIT 1
     151) as en FROM page as page_text_distric
    152152WHERE $where $limit",
    153153   );
    158158     for ($j=0;$j<2 ;++$j ) {
    159159            $sql = $sql."SELECT DISTINCT entry, (
    160  SELECT text".$i."_$j FROM npc_text as text_cz WHERE text_cz.entry = npc_text_distric.entry AND Language = 1 AND complete = 1
    161  ORDER BY vote DESC LIMIT 1
    162 ) as cz, (
    163  SELECT text".$i."_$j FROM npc_text as text_en WHERE text_en.entry = npc_text_distric.entry AND Language = 0 LIMIT 1
    164 ) as en FROM npc_text as npc_text_distric
     160 SELECT text".$i."_$j FROM npc as text_cz WHERE text_cz.entry = npc_text_distric.entry AND Language = 1 AND complete = 1
     161 ORDER BY vote DESC LIMIT 1
     162) as cz, (
     163 SELECT text".$i."_$j FROM npc as text_en WHERE text_en.entry = npc_text_distric.entry AND Language = 0 LIMIT 1
     164) as en FROM npc as npc_text_distric
    165165WHERE $where $limit   UNION ";
    166166     }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.