Oct 5, 2008, 4:37:22 PM (16 years ago)


1 edited


  • client_files/Generate/compile/QuestReward_1.lua

    r12 r22  
    2 ["oh? a letter? wonderful news! i've been waiting on word from my dear old mother in deathknell. such a saint, she is. i wonder how she's holding up. what? too cheery? not buying it, are you? well, get lost then... it's really no business who the letter's from anyway. go on! get lost! come back when you've got some coin to spend... loafer. next thing you know, you'll be coming back to rest after a long days adventure or some stupid thing like that."]="Oh? Dopis? Skvìlá novina! Dlouho jsem èekal na zprávu od mé milované staré matky z Deathknell. Takova svìtice. Zajímalo by mì jak se má.\r\n\r\nCo? Nekoupí¹ to?\r\n\r\nDobrá ztra» se...Není to tvá starost od koho ten dopis je. Bì¾! Ztra» se!\r\n\r\nVra» se a¾ bude¹ mít nìjaké peníze na útratu...lenochu.\r\n\r\nJe mi jasne , ze zanedlouho pøíde¹ z dlouhé cesty nebo nìjake takové pitomosti.",
    3 ["you find around the neck of the corpse a metal medallion inscribed with the words \"footman rolf hartford.\""]="Okolo krku mrtvoly mù¾e¹ najít ¾elezný medailon s vypsanými slovy \"Slou¾ící Rolf Hartford\"",
    4 ["superb collecting, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Nádherná sbírka, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    5 ["you pour some of the elixir into your hand and hold it before stanley's mouth."]="Nasip tro¹ku elixíru do ruky a dr¾ jej pøed Stanleyrovími ústy.",
    6 ["thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". although they may still be lurking about, we hope that some of the thieves and footpads you slew were responsible for the last magistrate's death. but even if they weren't, the syndicate is a taint on this land and a stain on the human race. their deaths are welcome to southshore."]="Dìkuji ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Aèkoliv se poøád uèí být skrytí, doufáme ¾e nìjací z tìch zlodìjù a labkù jsi zabil dùle¾itá je poslední magistraterova smrt. Ale kdy¾ nebyli, Syndicate jsou zka¾ení na této zemi a kazí povìst lidské rase.\r\n\r\nJejich smrt je pøinosem pro Southshore.",
    7 ["no, no please don't hurt me! i never meant your people any harm, he's had me against my will! please... spare me!"]="NE, ne prosím neubli¾uj mi! Nikdy jsem neublí¾il tvým lidem, mìl mì proti mojí vùli! Prosím... u¹etøi mì!",
    8 ["mission accomplished, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". and carried out quite skillfully, i might add."]="Mise hotova, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". A uskuteènìná docela obratnì, mohl jsem pøidat.",
    9 ["well done, hero. you will now be granted the ability to deputize another agent of nozdormu."]="Výbornì hrdino. Nyní má¹ udìlenou schopnost zastupovat ostatní agenty z Nozdormu.",
    10 ["your duty was performed with honor, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."."]="Tvoje povinnost byla vykonána se ctí, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..".",
    11 ["do any of these titles interest you, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Zajímají tì nìkteré knihy, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?",
    12 ["these are good tusks, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you prove that you have the strength to hunt the bloodscalps. and that is good, because you are not done hunting them."]="To jsou dobré kly, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Prokázal jsi ¾e má¹ sílu lovit Bloodscalps.\r\n\r\nA to je skvìlé, proto¾e jsi neskonèil s jejich lovem.",
    13 ["incredible! what skill! thought you'd be easy prey, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". got me good, you did. here's the coin i promised... not as much as i said it'd be, but that's on a count o' me lying to ya in the first place."]="Neuvìøitelné! Jaká schopnost!\r\n\r\nMyslel jsem ¾e bude¹ lehká koøist, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Mùj bo¾e, ty jsi to zvládl.\r\n\r\nTady jsou mince co jsem slíbil... né tolik co jsem slíbil, ale lhaní je moje.",
    14 ["have you come to free me?"]="Pøi¹el jsi mì zachránit?",
    15 ["inside the skiff, you discover a map with some hastily written text on it along with some coins."]="Uvnitø èlunu najde¹ mapu kde je spì¹nì napsaný text s trochou mincí. ",
    16 ["ah, very good. i will boil these, and leech them, and the spirits of their owners will weaken as i render their necklaces to paste! here, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". this will repay my debt to you."]="JO, velmi dobøe. Budu vaøit tyto a vysávat tyto a duchové vlastníkù oslabí jejich tìla!\r\n\r\nTady, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Toto  zaplatí mùj dluh vùèi tobì.",
    17 ["sure, i remember you, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". back from scouting i see...."]="Urèitì, pamatuji si tì, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Vrátil jsi se z hlídky vidím..",
    18 ["your strength is great to have gained these necklaces, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". the skullsplitters fall to you like young saplings stomped to earth by a basilisk! your deeds are a boon to us."]="Tvoje síla je velká na získání náhrdelníkù, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Skullsplitteøi se nikdy nepokloní Basili¹kám!\r\n\r\nTvoje èiny jsou výhodné pro nás.",
    19 ["bloodsail buccaneers attacking booty bay? they might as well throw themselves off the overlook cliffs. nonetheless, by bringing me this information you have done my fleet of swashbucklers a great service. the blackwater raiders thank you."]="Piráti Bloodsail útoèí na Booty Bay? Myslí si o sobì hodnì. Nicménì, pøiná¹í¹ mi informace, dìkuji ti. Prokázal jsi mi dobré slu¾by. oo ti vejtahové. Blackwater Raiders ti dìkují.",
    20 ["great! wonderful! i can get a bundle for these!! that venture company sure picked the wrong jungle to mine in, didn't they? we'd all be in better shape if they moved out of here. thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you've done a good deed this day."]="Skvìlé! Výborné! Umím získat svazet!!\r\n\r\n Venture Company jistì sbírají ve ¹patné d¾ungli, ¾e? Jsme v¹ichni lep¹í kdy¾ oni jdou pryè.\r\n\r\nDìkuju ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Udìlal jsi dobrý skutek dnes.",
    21 ["hm, i haven't the eye to examine these bracers to see if any of them will be of any use, but i'm sure at least one of them will be able to help. take them to dalaran and have a mage look at them. after all, i can't very well leave booty bay just to chat with those tiresome old mages. not that i'm worried anyone would try to elbow their way into being the new baron. no one crosses revilgaz and lives to tell of it."]="Hm, Nemám to oko na zkoumání toho lektvaru vidí¹ nìjaké, které by se dalo pou¾ít, ale jsem si jist nejménì jedno mù¾e pomoci. Vezmi je do Dalaranu a» se na nì podívá mág.\r\n\r\nNakonec já nemù¾u opustit Booty Bay jenom pro pokecání s nìjakýma starýma mágama\r\n\r\nJsem plný obav ¾e kdokoliv zkusí strkat nos do mých vìcí. ®ádné zdr¾ování Revilgaz èeká...",
    22 ["the stone of the tides? most interesting. it might surprise you to know that i wrote a tome - several years ago - pertaining to the legends of the gurubashi empire. i do know quite a bit about the stone. at least one of these bracers appears to have some magical residue i can analyze. let's see what i can see..."]="Kámen of the Tides? Hodnì zajímavé. Jsem pøekvapený ¾e ví¹ o nìm, psal jsem tlustou kní¾ku o nìm po nìkolik let - nále¾í legendì o øí¹i Gurubashi. Vím docela trochu o tom kameni.\r\n\r\nV Posledním z nich zùstal  zbytek magické síly mù¾u ho analyzovat.\r\n\r\nPodívejme se co mù¾u vidìt...",
    23 ["heh heh, well done! and when you showed shaky those giblets, how hard did he shake? hah! he's so easy to read, when i play cards with him i can't help but win! thanks for your help, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". now it's your turn to get paid..."]="Heh heh, well done! And when you showed Shaky those giblets, how hard did he shake?\r\n\r\nHah! He\'s so easy to read, when I play cards with him I can\'t help but win!\r\n\r\nThanks for your help, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Now it\'s your turn to get paid...",
    24 ["ah, what a great day for the blackwater raiders! three cheers to you, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!"]="Jé, jaký krásný den pro Blackwater Raiders! Tøikrát na tvoje zdraví, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!",
    25 ["great! i can get a good price for these, especially for what's inside maury's foot! thanks much, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! i hope those three learned their lesson: don't bet something you can't afford to lose. and maybe it's too late for them, but...they should be careful of who they gamble with."]="Výbornì! Mù¾u získat dobrou cenu za to, obzvlá¹tì za Mauryho jídlo! Dìkuji ti moc, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!\r\n\r\nVìøím ¾e ti tøi se nìco nauèili, nevsázej se kdy¾ mù¾e¹ prohrát.\r\n\r\nA mo¾ná je pro nì pøíli¹ pozdì, ale... mìli být opatrnìj¹í pøi hazardu.",
    26 ["you beat duncan? i guess you aren't as wet behind the ears as you looked at first glance. i suppose that also means i shouldn't challenge you to a fight any time soon!"]="Ty zbil Duncana? Hádám ¾e tì zahlédl první.\r\n\r\nPøedpokládala jsem to pøesto nemyslela jsem ¾e tì vyzve na souboj tak brzo!",
    27 ["perfect, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". now that we know their plan, it's just a matter of time. and to think the fools have dropped anchor just off the cape...."]="Perfektnì, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Nyní víme jejich plány, zále¾í na èase.\r\n\r\nA ti hlupáci si myslí ¾e zakotvili ani¾ by jsme o nich vìdìli...",
    28 ["aha! these will do nicely, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". yes, quite nicely! here is your cut, and...it was a pleasure doing business with you."]="Aha! Tyhle jsou pìkné, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Ano, docela pìnkné!\r\n\r\n Tady je tvùj podíl, a...Spolupráce s tebou bylo pro mì potì¹ením.",
    29 ["well done, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". my scout witnessed your valiant acts. you are proving yourself quite well so far."]="Výteènì, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Mí ¹pehové mi øekli o tvých chrabrých èinech. Zatím se prokazuje¹ dobøe.",
    30 ["you found it! oh happy day, this is! thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". getting back my chest cools some of the fire in me. but my revenge isn't complete..."]="Na¹el jsi ji! Ach ¹»astný den, je! Dìkuji ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Získání zpìt mé truhly mì spalovalo zevnitø.\r\n\r\nAle moje pomsta je dokonèená...",
    31 ["interesting. some time ago, i seem to remember reading a book once that suggested... ah, of course, a troll legend it was. if what krazek reports is true, perhaps i will soon be able to add the stone of the tides to my collection of ancient artifacts and relics."]="Zajímavé. Pøed nìjakým èasem, mám zdání ¾e jsem èetl knihu o nìèem podobném...\r\n\r\nOh, na cestì, trolí legenda to byla. Kdy¾ Krazekova zpráva je pravdivá, tak mo¾ná budu brzo moct pøidat kámen Tides do mojí sbírky artefaktù a relikvií.",
    32 ["well done, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". 10 stalks of akiris reed wasn't too much a challenge after all, huh? no offense to the naga, but hey, everybody's gotta make a living."]="Velmi dobøe, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". 10 kouskù akiris øas není to tak moc vy¾aduji v¹echny, huh? Není to poctivé k nagze, ale hej, ka¾dý musí vydìlávat na ¾ivobytí.",
    33 ["i see you've been busy! you have our thanks, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Vidím, ¾e jsi byl velice zatí¾ený touto práci! Má¹ na¹e velké díky!",
    34 ["with this holy spring water the ceremonial choker is ready for enchantment. wear this with pride, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", in the name of the warchief and in defense of the mighty horde."]="S tímto ,,Holy Spring Water\" ceremoniálním ¹átkem na krku, jsi pøipraven na ceremoniál. Nos toto s pýchou, ve jménu vrchního velitele a v obran? mocné hordy.",
    35 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". sergeant yohwa trusted your abilities, and i trust her. the defeat you brought to kurzen's forces is almost too much to hope for. i had feared we rebels were alone, and alone we could never stand up against the colonel's brilliance. perhaps hope of our survival yet remains."]="Ser¾ant Yohwa zná dùvìrnì va¹e schopnosti, a já v nì veøím. Porá¾kou jste, jsi myslím, pøinesli Kurzenovým silám tì¾ké ztráty. Já se obával, aby jsme proti nim nebyli sami a sami by jsme se nikdy nemohli postavit proti plukovníkovým schopnostem. Na¹e nadìje na pøe¾ití ov¹em zùstává. ",
    36 ["these skins should do. their quality isn't too important, given that they'll make up the inside layer of the boots, but it's still important that they're comfortable. if they're a bit too rigid, i'll use some tiger blood to soften it up. tricks o' the trade, you know?"]="Tyto kù¾e by mohly být pravé. Jejich kvalita není pøíli¹ dùle¾itá, jestli¾e ony vytvoøí uvnitø vrstvy bod, ale je¹tì dùle¾itìj¹í je, aby byl bod v poøádku. Oni jsou tro¹ku pøíli¹ pøisní, ale já pou¾iju nìjakou tygøí krev, abych to spravil. Triky z obchodu, ví¹?!",
    37 ["ah, very good! here is your pay. and here is a little something extra... for your discretion."]="Oh, velmi dobøe! Tady jsou tvé peníze.\r\n\r\nA tady je nìco malého extra... pro diskrétnost. ",
    38 ["it's fixed! this is great, now i can get dinner started! thanks so much, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i hope you were okay in booty bay. that place can get pretty rough, and... i heard rumors that the goblins will sometimes drag drunk sailors to their slave boats and take them to who-knows-where... to do who-knows-what..."]="Je to zpraveno! Je to skvìlé, nyní mù¾u zaèít dìlat veèeøi! Dìkuji ti nastokrát, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".\r\n\r\nVìøím ¾e byli ok v Booty Bay. To místo doká¾e umí být pìknì tvrdé, a ... sly¹el jsem povìsti o tom ¾e goblini nìkdy jsou slu¹nì opití námoøníci vedou své lodì o kdoví-kam... do kvoví-kam..",
    39 ["the soggy parchment contains the next clue...."]="Vlhký pergamen obsahuje následující vodítko...",
    40 ["you find a musty scroll."]="Na¹el jsi zatuchlý svitek.",
    41 ["i don't like hearing of all these kobolds in our mine. no good can come of this. here, take this as payment, and when you're ready, speak to me again. i would like you to go back to the mines one more time..."]="Ja nerad sly¹ím o kobolodech v na¹em dole, nemù¾e to pøinést nic dobrého, vezmìte si toto jako odmìnu a pøijïte a¾ budete znovu pøipraveni, chtìl bych aby jste se vrátili zpìt do dolu je¹tì jednou...",
    42 ["mau'ari can derive da juju for "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."... use da cache of mau'ari to cast dis upon yourself or your allies."]="Dones 3 Ice Thistle E`kos k Doctor Mau\'ari.",
    43 ["well done "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", you've proven your worth once again! the caps will be an interesting study, yon verily! and now, as promised, enjoy a taste of one of my more potent restorative brews from my personal stock... if you are a skilled alchemist, then perhaps we might have some additional business to conduct. regardless, i thank you for your assistance!"]="Výbornì "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", zase ses ukázal být velmi u¾iteèný! Tyto èepièky budou velmi zajímavým studiem, vpravdì ano!\r\n\r\nA teï, jak jsem slíbil, u¾ij si chuti jednoho z nejsilnìj¹ích posilujících nápojù z mých osobních zásob...\r\n\r\nJestli jsi zku¹ený alchymista, pak bychom se mo¾ná mohli domluvit na dodateèných zále¾itostech. Ale prozatím, dìkuji ti za tvoji pomoc!",
    44 ["tharil'zun was a vicious, crafty orc. well done - i'm sure he didn't go down easy. here is your reward, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Tharil\'zun byl zuøivý, záludný ork. Velmi dobøe - jsem si jistý, ¾e se nevzdal lehko. Tady je tvoje odmìna, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    45 ["back with some bandanas, i see. the stormwind army appreciates your help."]="Vrátil jsi se s nìjakýma ¹átky jak vidím. Stormwindska Armáda ti dìkuje za tvou pomoc.",
    46 ["once again, you have earned my respect, and the gratitude of the stormwind army. there may yet be kobolds in the mine, but i will marshal others against them. we have further tasks for you."]="Je¹tì jednou, sis udìlal u mì respekt a vdìènost Stormwindské armády. Mo¾ná jsou stále v dolech, ale budeme na nì znova útoèit. Máme pro tebe dal¹í úkol.",
    47 ["that makes for a lot fewer orcs to worry about, thanks."]="Je zas o nìco ménì orku, o které si musíme dìlat starosti, díky.",
    48 ["these are just perfect, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! thank you so much. farmer saldean and i are going to feast tonight. and here is a little something for you, for the hard work. you didn't think i was going to let a "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." like you go hungry, did you?"]="Jsou proste perfektní, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! Velice ti dìkuji. Farmar Saldean a já budeme mít dnes v noci výteènou hostinu. A tady je tro¹ka pro tebe, za tvou tvrdou práci. Nemù¾u tì pøece nechat o hladu.",
    49 ["ah, the paw of ursangous! your skill is impressive, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."; he is credited with numerous kills. the crescent on his paw is no doubt a sign that he was trained by the night elves that skulk about ashenvale. ursangous is... was one of the mightiest bears you'd find in these parts. to have bested such a creature is a testament to your will and resolve. your ancestors would be proud!"]="Ah, ursangousova pracka! Tvoje dovednosti jsou pùsobivé, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."\' ale pozor, u¾ má na svém kontì nìkolik mrtvých. Pùlmìsíc na jeho pracce je bezpochyby znamení ¾e byl trénován noèními elfy poblí¾ Ashenvale. Ursangous je... byl jeden z nejmocnìj¹ích medvìdù které by si mohl najít poblí¾. Nalezení zvíøete je dùkaz o tvém rozhodnutí.\r\n\r\nTvùj pøedek by byl hrdý!",
    50 ["salutations, young "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."; the time has come for you to know our aquatic form. it is one that lets you move freely and indefinitely through water. you will find this aspect a useful tool and a blessing... but it is one that must be earned before it is mastered. you will face two trials to overcome. the first will test your ability to work in water under pressure. the second will test your resolve to understand the aspects of the form itself. stand ready, as the time of testing is now upon us."]="Zdravím, mladý druide\' nastal èas aby jsi se seznámil s na¹í aquatic formou. Umo¾ní ti volný a lehký pohyb ve vodì. Tato schopnost ti brzy pøijde velmi u¾iteèná...ale døíve, ne¾ ji zaène¹ vyu¾ívat, musí¹ si ji zaslou¾it.\r\n\r\nMusí¹ pøekonat 2 zkou¹ky. První otestuje tvou schopnost pracovat ve vodì pod tlakem. Druha otestuje tvou schopnost porozumìt aspektùm formy samotné.\r\n\r\nPøiprav se, nebo» èas zkou¹ky pøichází.",
    51 ["you've been busy! i can't wait to cook up that wolf meat"]="Tak jsi to udìlal! U¾ se nemohu doèkat a¾ tohle maso uvaøím!",
    52 ["the "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." of narache thank you for these provisions, kowanchee. with your skill in the ways of the hunt you will surely be revered in thunder bluff someday."]=""..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." z Narache jsou ti vdecni za tve zasoby, Kowanchee. S tvymi schopnostmi v lovu budes jiste veleben i v Thunder Bluffu.",
    53 ["this is quite alarming indeed! but with this information we can call on our brethren from bloodhoof village to help thwart the attack. you have saved the lives of many tauren, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="To je docela znepokujujici! Ale s touto informaci muzeme vyzvat nase bratry z Bloodhoofske vesnice, aby nam prisli na pomoc odvratit ten utok. Tim by sme usetrili zivoty mnoha tauru, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    54 ["here is the antidote, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". take it to rhinag as soon as you can, and be cautious."]="Here is the antidote, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Take it to Rhinag as soon as you can, and be cautious.",
    55 ["very good. you must have really stirred up those centaur -- our guards spotted activity down near the stagnant oasis, which was probably you. you should be proud of your deed, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". there is much bravery in you."]="Very good. You must have really stirred up those centaur -- our guards spotted activity down near the Stagnant Oasis, which was probably you.\r\n\r\nYou should be proud of your deed, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". There is much bravery in you.",
    56 ["i commend you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". these centaur are undisciplined and cannot focus their rage as the orcs can, but they are fierce nonetheless. in defeating them, your valor is proven."]="I commend you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". These centaur are undisciplined and cannot focus their rage as the orcs can, but they are fierce nonetheless. In defeating them, your valor is proven.",
    57 ["ah, the spores from the barrens that helbrim was gathering. he garnered your aid in delivering them? good. and the emulsion is still potent, so you must have wasted no time in the delivery. well done, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."."]="Ah, the spores from the Barrens that Helbrim was gathering. He garnered your aid in delivering them? Good.\r\n\r\nAnd the emulsion is still potent, so you must have wasted no time in the delivery. Well done, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..".",
    58 ["it is good to see that more of our "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." allies have come to assist us from as far away as thunder bluff. again, i welcome you."]="It is good to see that more of our "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." allies have come to assist us from as far away as Thunder Bluff. Again, I welcome you.",
    59 ["nicely done. i'm sure you've struck fear into the surviving centaurs, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". if they have sense, they'll now calm themselves and stop their advances. but i don't think they will, and that is unfortunate. unfortunate...for them."]="Nicely done. I\'m sure you\'ve struck fear into the surviving centaurs, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". If they have sense, they\'ll now calm themselves and stop their advances.\r\n\r\nBut I don\'t think they will, and that is unfortunate.\r\n\r\nUnfortunate...for them.",
    60 ["at last, the power is mine again! mine i say!"]="At last, the power is mine again! Mine I say!",
    61 ["yep, this looks like the right key. let me just make sure i know how to work this thing... hmm... rotation control... this regulates speed and stability... fine arm movement control. just look at this! i can't believe the venture company could design something this much better than ours. i've got to get this back to ratchet!"]="Yep, this looks like the right key. Let me just make sure I know how to work this thing...\r\n\r\nHmm... rotation control... This regulates speed and stability... fine arm movement control. Just look at this! I can\'t believe the Venture Company could design something this much better than ours. I\'ve got to get this back to Ratchet!",
    62 ["ah, a "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". very good. we will need your skills to deal with these plunderers!"]="Ah, a "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Velmi dobre. My potrebujeme tvoje skusenosti na boj s lupeznikmi.",
    63 ["thanks so much for your help, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you're actually back just in time. i think i've got the perfect plan. explosives. no, that's not the plan, but it's part of the plan. see, i've been using high explosives--don't worry, they're not as dangerous as everyone thinks--to scare the goblins back a bit. i can herd 'em pretty good with a few key detonations along the mountains' edges, but i've been low on supplies now for a few days."]="Dekuji ti moc za tvoji pomoc, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Jsi zpet akorat.\r\n\r\nMyslim si, ze bych mohl mit perfektni plan. Vybusniny. Ne, to neni ten plan, ale jen jeho cast.\r\n\r\nJak vidis pouzivam silne vybusniny, ale neboj se, nejsou tak nebezpecne jak vypadaji, ale dost vydesi gobliny. Dost to s nimi otrese, pokud vybuchnou na na klicovych mistech na upati hor, ale momentalne mam malo zasob po nekolik dni.",
    64 ["ahhh. gaxim sent you, huh? how do i know you're not lying to me?! hmm? hmm?"]="Ahhh. Gaxim te poslal, huh? Jak mam vedet, ze mi nelzes?! Hmm? Hmm?",
    65 ["this'll do nicely. if i didn't know better, stranger, i'd say you knew somethin' about alchemy. good, good... the world's not all about swords and sorcery, you know?"]="Krasne udelano.\r\n\r\nKdybych te znal lepe, cizince, rekl bych, ze i neco vis o alchymii. Dobre, dobre... svet neni jen o mecich a magii, vis?",
    66 ["your task has been done flawlessly, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". ng-5 is the unequivocal component in the recipe to ignite the wagons of dynamite. what? yes, dynamite... wagons of it. it's the perfect distraction, i tell you... just wait and see."]="Splnil jsi svuj ukol bezchybne "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".\r\n\r\nNG-5 je jednoznacne dulezity komponent se silou vagonu dynamitu\r\n\r\nCo? Ano, dynamit?plne vagony. Presne prirovnani, to ti povim?. pockej a divej se.",
    67 ["ah, this is the food ukor brought to the valley of trials. did they not need it? well, i guess they like to starve you heroes in training. builds spirit, they say! thank you for returning the food. i'll stick it back on the shelves... but here, let me offer you some refreshment first! and don't forget to rest here in the inn. you may be a brave "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." ready to take on the world, but if your energy is sapped you won't be doing yourself, or the horde, much good."]="Och, Toto jsou potraviny ,ktere meli byt pro Valley of Trials. Oni to nepotrebuji? Dobre, myslim si ze chteji aby hrdinove hladoveli v treningu. Ja to dam zpet do polic... ale zde, je nejake zbytecne jidlo prosim nechte me abych vas obdaril jidlem nebo pitim!A nezapomenete zde v hostinci muzete kdykoli odpocivat. Musite byt odvazny kdyz na sebe berete cely svet, ale jestli va¹e energie je oslabená nebudete moci ho vzit, nebo horda je lep¹í!",
    68 ["word of your bravery travels fast, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". tales of your victory at tiragarde keep will be heralded in orgrimmar."]="Povìst o tvé stateènosti se roznesla rychle. O tvém vítìzství se povídalo a¾ v Orgrimmaru",
    69 ["you have my tools? well done, lad, well done! i just broke my last fang-ratchet an hour ago and i need one of those to finish repairs on pilot stonegear's siege engine. you did a good thing by lugging those tools here, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". here, take these coins for your help."]="Vy máte mé nástroje? výbornì, mladíku, výbornì! Já jsem  rozbil mùj poslední tesák-západku pøed hodinou a já potøebuji dokonèit opravy na Pilot Stonegear obléhacím stroji. Vy jste pro mne udìlali dobrou vìc tím, ¾e jste se tahal s tìmi nástroji a¾ sem, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".\r\n\r\nTady, vemte si  tyto mince za va¹i pomoc.",
    70 ["when i left the tainted lands of lordaeron i returned to a grim state of affairs here in my homeland. but there is hope for westfall yet. as proven by your valor in battle, it is obvious to me that you serve our cause with honor. it is with great pride that i induct thee into the people's militia. may the light shine upon you."]="Kdy¾ jsem opustil naka¾ené zemì Lordaeronu, vrátil jsem se do ponurých zále¾itostí mého domova zde. Ale je stále nadìje pro Westfall. Prokázal jsi svoji hodnotu v bitvì, je pro mne tudí¾ zøejmé, ¾e slou¾í¹ na¹í vìci se ctí. A s velkou hrdosti tì zasvìcuji do Domobrany. Nech» záøe Svìtla svítí nad tebou.",
    71 ["well done, citizen. those kobolds are thieves and cowards, but in large numbers they pose a threat to us. and the humans of stormwind do not need another threat. for defeating them, you have my gratitude."]="Skvìlá práce mì¹»ane. Ti koboldi jsou zlodìji a zbabìlci, ale ve velkém poètu pro nás znamenají nebezpeèí. A lidé ze Stormwindu nepotøebují dal¹í hrozbu.\r\n\r\nZa jejich zlikvidovani má¹ mùj vdìk.",
    72 ["hah - you caught him! you've done elwynn a great service, and earned a nice bounty!"]="Hah - dostal jsi ho! Udìlal jsi pro Elwynnský les velkou slu¾bu a získává¹ odmìnu!",
    73 ["you need some crab cakes, do you? well i might be able to cook some up for you..."]="Potøebuje¹ nìjaké Crab Cakes? Mo¾ná bych ti mohl nìjaké ukuchtit...",
    74 ["thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". we will use these sooner than you might think."]="Dìkuji ti,"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Pou¾ijeme to døív ne¾ si myslí¹.",
    75 ["you did it! you defeated cyclonian and gained the whirlwind heart!"]="Ty jsi to zvládnul! Porazil jsi Cycloniana a získal jsi jeho srdce!",
    76 ["yech! what is that thing? and why would you bring it... bloody--! is it? well, light burn me, is that the head of that bloody ogre? this certainly is a catch then! here, your reward and the thanks of myself and the people of thelsamar."]="Fuuuj! Co je to za vìc? A proè jsi to pøinesl...\r\n\r\nBloody--! Je to? Dobøe, Svìtlo osvit mì, je to hlava toho bloody ogre? Tohle je zajisté úlovek! Tady, tvá odmìna a dík ode mì a lidu z Thelsamar.",
    77 ["both strength and cunning were needed to find and defeat frostmaw, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you have both. your path has taken you to the valleys of thousand needles and to the high mountains of alterac. it will one day lead you through all the earthmother's lands, for such is the way of the "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."."]="Oboje, síla a ¹ikovnost byly potøeba k nalezení a zabití Frostmawa,"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".Ty má¹ oboje.\r\n\r\nTvá cesta tì zavedla do údolí Thousand Needles a do vysokých hor v Alterac. Jednoho dne projde¹ pøes v¹echny kraje matky Zemì,pro takový je cesta "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..".",
    78 ["the key is rusted but it fits the lock neatly."]="Klíè je rezavý, ale bude se hodit.",
    79 ["you grab one of the candles and place it in your pack."]="Shrábni si jednu ze svíèek a dej si ji do batohu.",
    80 ["was your crossing difficult, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? you have come a long way to speak with me. but fear not, i know why gakin has sent you, and he was wise to, for i can help you in your search."]="Byla tvoje cesta tì¾ká, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? ©el si dlouhou cestu, aby sis se mnou promluvil. Ale nemìl si strach, já vím proè tì Gakin poslal, a byl moudrý, kdy¾ øekl, ¾e ti mù¾u pomoct v tvém úsilí.",
    81 ["thank you for helping mor grayhoof, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". another spirit rests in peace, and we now have the reassembled amulet! but we still have the hardest test ahead of us. in order for the brazier to be attuned to calling forth lord valthalak, there are a few more items that need to be gathered and brought back to me here."]="Dìkuji to za pomoc Mor Grayhoof, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Dal¹í duch odpoèívá v míru, a nyní máme ten amulet. Ale poøád máme pro klempíøe test.\r\n\r\nV objednávce pro klempíøe byl naladìný volání Lord Valthalaka, tady je trochu víc polo¾ek co musí být shromá¾dìny a pøineseny zpìt ke mì.",
    82 ["fizzle sent you? well that changes things! of course i'll help you. fizzle and his brother are two of the few people who don't want me dead! so fizzle wants to make pistons, eh? pistons strong enough to take whatever stresses he has planned, and if i know fizzle, then this new car of his is a volcano on wheels!"]="Fizzle tì poslal ? Fííha,mno to mìní spousu vìcí! Pochopitelnì ¾e ti pomù¾u. Fizzle a jeho bratr jsou jedni z mála lidi,kteøí si nepøejí moji smrt!Tak¾e Fizzle potøebuje písty jo ? Jak znám Fizzla,bude potøebovat sakra dobrý písty,proto¾e ty jeho auta jsou vulkány na koleèkách!",
    83 ["most excellent. i will prepare these at once."]="Nejznamenitìj¹í. Já budu pøipravovat tyto najednou. ",
    84 ["with the death of athrikus, i hope that the demonic forces in this area will be driven back. i have no doubt that they will regroup and return, but then we shall be even more prepared to meet their threat."]="Kdy¾ je Athrikus mrtev,tak doufám ¾e démoni v tomto místì budou hnáni zpìt.oni se rozhodnì pøeskupí a vrátí se,ale my pak budeme více pøipraveni setkat se s jejich hrozbou.",
    85 ["you've seen pamela? she's alive? she's dead? no! oh, pamela! why does your spirit still suffer in this world. why are you perished, while fortune keeps me alive? in an instant i would switch places with you and wander dead darrowshire, a ghost and alone! ah, but this news cannot change fate. thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". now my duty, my duty to revenge, burns hot as ever."]="Ty jsi vidìl Pamelu? Je na¾ivu?\r\n\r\nJe mrtvá? Ne! Oh, Pamelo! Proè tvùj duch stále bloudi v tomto svìte? Proè jsi zahynula kdy¾ já ¾iju jen díky ¹tìstí? Okam¾itì bych si to s tebou vymìnil a bloudil bych sám a osamìlý!\r\n\r\nAh, ale tyto novinky nemù¾ou zmìnit osud. Dìkuji "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Teï má povinnost, má povinnost na odplatu hoøí víc ne¾ jindy.",
    86 ["oh yes. parts for kravel. i'm glad you're here. these things have been sitting out here for days, and i was afraid they'd rust!"]="O, ano. Souèástky pro Kravlera. Jsem rad ze jsi tady. Ty vìci tady le¾í mnoho dnù, a já jsem se bál ¾e zreziví!",
    87 ["great, you got them! now we need to get them to the gnomes. but first... let's take out one small item..."]="Výbornì, ty je má¹! Teï potøebujeme dát je gnomum. Ale první...\r\n\r\nNech mì vzít si jeden malý pøedmìt...",
    88 ["most excellent, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". your skill in the art of combat is undeniable."]="Znamenité, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Tvoje umìní v boji je nesporné.",
    89 ["you found us! and not a moment too soon..."]="Na¹el si nás! Na poslední chvíli...",
    90 ["<renferrel takes the hearts> it is troubling to hear our deathstalkers have failed their mission. let us hope that these failures are rare. i'll give you the potion in a moment, but here is its recipe - if those deathstalkers find themselves in need of future aid, then perhaps you can give it yourself."]="<Renferrel berie srdcia>\r\n\r\nJe to zneklidòující pocit, ¾e na¹i stopaøi neuspeli na jejich misi.\r\n\r\nDufám, ¾e tyhle neúspìchy jsou ojedinìlé.\r\n\r\nDám ti tento lektvar zachvilku, ale tady je recept - pokud by se ti stopaøi ocitli v nouzi, potom by si jim mohol poskytnout pomoc i ty sam.",
    91 ["ahh, excellent. it's been a while since i received word from ironforge."]="Ach, výbornì. Byla to celkem dlouhá doba, kdy jsem naposled dostal zprávy z Ironforge.",
    92 ["whoa, look at all that! there's some good stuff in that heap of junk. i'm sure i can pawn it off for a hefty sum. and... is that an ear i see squashed between those two sheets of metal?? ouch! heh, i sure wouldn't want to be that pilot! thanks, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". here's your pay. and here's some advice, free of charge... if you look hard enough, you can always find profit in someone else's tragedy."]="Whoa, no tohle! Mezi tím bordelem jsou i u¾iteèné èásti. Jsem si pøímo jist, ¾e to mohu odkoupit za velkou sumièku.\r\n\r\nA...je to ucho, co vidím mezi tìmi dvìma plechy?? OUCH! Heh, nechtìl bych byt ten pilot!\r\n\r\nDik, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Tady je tvá odmìna. A je¹tì jedna rada, zdarma...\r\n\r\nKdy¾ se na to podívá¹ z jiné stránky, mù¾e¹ mít v¾dy u¾itek z nehody jiných.",
    93 ["well done, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! you demonstrated uncanny courage on the battlefield. our war against the troggs will be won with efforts such as yours. you have served king magni well. if you fancy yourself well-suited for this kind of adventuring, i suggest you speak with mountaineer gravelgaw. the captain has him assigned to a rough patrol that i am sure he can use some help with. check with gravelgaw just inside the tower."]="Skvìle, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! Ukázal jsi zlovìstnou kurá¾ na boji¹ti. Na¹e válka proti Troggsum bude vyhrána s úsilím jakým je to tvoje. Dobøe si slou¾il králi Magni.\r\n\r\nJestli má¹ zalíbení v dobrodru¾ství tohoto druhu, doporuèuji promluvit si s Mountaineer Gravelgaw. The Captain ho pøidìlil k tvrdé hlídce kde jsem si jist ze se mu hodí tvá pomoc a podpora. Promluv s Gravelgaw uvnitø vì¾e.",
    94 ["morgan ladimore? ahh, yes, of course. his was a long and sorrowful tale. i knew him, well, before he left for the war, but that was the last time i saw him. a noble and good man, he was, but he suffered a bad end. here, i should have something here that can tell the tale better than my own recollections..."]="Morgan Ladimore?\r\n\r\nAhh, ano, samozøejmì. Jeho dlouhý a zarmoucený pøíbìh. Já jsem ho znal velmi dobøe pøed tím, ne¾ ode¹el do války. To bylo naposled, co jsem ho vidìl.  Vzne¹ený a laskavý mu¾ to byl, ale skonèil ¹patnì. Mù¾u vám øíct pøíbìh, který je lep¹í ne¾ mé vlastní vzpomínky.",
    95 ["oh good. you thinned out that pack quite a bit, and without those wolves nipping out our heels, we can bind our minds to dealing with morbent fel. here, take some of these flash bundles. they make them in town, and a lot have been donated to sven to help with his cause."]="Oh good. You thinned out that pack quite a bit, and without those wolves nipping out our heels, we can bind our minds to dealing with Morbent Fel.\r\n\r\nHere, take some of these Flash Bundles. They make them in town, and a lot have been donated to Sven to help with his cause.",
    96 ["from your description of the beast, i believe you must be speaking of sarkoth! it is no wonder that hana'zua was overtaken by it. aid will be dispatched to him immediately, trouble yourself no more with hana'zua's plight. however, i must say, i am most impressed to hear that you brought sarkoth to death. it is a feat to be proud of, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". and that you would fight for a stranger's honor, while other tasks occupied your time, your own honor is heightened."]="Podle tvého popisu té bestie nejspí¹ mluví¹ o Sarkothovi! Není divu, ¾e to Hana\'zuu tak vystra¹ilo. Okam¾itì mu po¹leme pomoc, ty u¾ se o to nestarej.\r\n\r\nJsem ale velmi nad¹ený, kdy¾ vím, ¾e jsi Sarkotha zabil. To není nic jednoduchého, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". A to ¾e bojuje¹ za èest cizince, i kdy¾ má¹ spoustu svých vlastních problémù z tebe dìlá je¹tì úctyhodnìj¹ího jedince.",
    97 ["try and stay as quiet as possible, traveler. orcs don't take too well to being spied on, and there is more to this farm than meets the eye."]="Zkus zùstal tak tich jak je mo¾né, dobrodruhu.\r\n\r\nOrkové nejsou tak dobøí v hledání, a je tu víc farem ne¾ mù¾eme prohlédnout.",
    98 ["good. i can hear the loud magram bellies grumble from their village, far away! i will give this meat to the gelkis. and we will fight for many days without rest. what you did is good for the gelkis, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Dobøe. Sly¹ím jak jim kruèí v bøi¹e z jejich vzdálené vesnice!\r\n\r\nDá¹ tohle maso Gelkisum. A my budeme bojovat hodnì dní bez pøestávky.\r\n\r\nCO si udìlal pro klan Gelkis je ¹lechetné, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    99 ["i know, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..": stalvan is dead. i sensed a wave of hope ripple through the tainted forest. once and for all, duskwood is free from his blood thirst. my joy is hampered by thoughts of those who fell prey to the horrible beast. nonetheless, you are a brave and cunning rogue."]="Já vím, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..": Stalvan je mrtev. Cítím vlnu nadìje pro tento naka¾ený les. Jednou prov¾dy, Duskwood je volny a jeho ¾ilami proudi krev. Moje radost se misi s my¹lenkami. Poøád musím myslet na ty, kteøí se stali objeti té hrozne bestie. Nicménì jsi odvá¾ný a prohnaný tulák.",
    100 ["most impressive, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."... the claw of sharptalon could not have been easy to get! the ashenvale hunt goes well for you! sharptalon had long terrorized the peons from the lumber camps near its path as they tried to travel here to splintertree post. no doubt once the word gets out that it was you who put down the beast, many rousing songs of your bravery will be heard at campfires and lumber mills across ashenvale!"]="Dobrá práce, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."... paøát Sharptalona bylo urèitì velmi slo¾ité získat! Ashenvaleský lov ti jde velmi dobøe!\r\n\r\n Sharptalon dlouho terorizoval peony z døevorubeckých táborù v okolí cesty, kdy¾ se pokou¹eli dostat sem do Splintertree Post. Urèitì se jednou dostane ven, ¾e jsi to byl ty kdo tu bestii zabil. O tvých skutcích a odvaze se bude dlouho zpívat v Ashenvaleských písních.",
    101 ["you're here to help with my delivery? very good!"]="Jsi zde, abys mi pomohl s doná¹kou? Velmi dobøe!",
    102 ["great, you got them! now i just need to ground them down and mix them with some wine, and..."]="Skvìlé, sehnal jsi je!! Teï je jenom rozdrtím a smíchám s trochou vína a pak ....",
    103 ["you please me, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". the eggs and the tool. well done. and for your reward..."]="Á , výbornì "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." ! Nese¹ vejce a nástroj. Tady je tvoje odmìna..",
    104 ["ah, very good. i will have this egg and the venom transported to darnassus, then return there when my studies are done here. i expect to find out a great deal from these specimens, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you have been a great help to me."]="Á velice dobøe nyní pøevezu vejce a jed do Darnassus. Je èas návratu kdy¾ sem svoji práci zde ukonèil. Velice ti dìkuji za pomoc , "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    105 ["you got the eyes! you got the eyes! tasty, tasty spider eyes! some eyes... when you stare at them they stare back. eat those last. they keep you company... out in the swamp. hello, little spider eyes. hello! you taste like chicken. gooey, salty chicken! mmmh."]="Ty je nese¹! Ty my nese¹ ty oèi! Lahodné, chu»òouèké pavouèí oèka!\r\n\r\nNìkteré oèi... kdy¾ se na nì podívá¹ oni zírají zpátky na tebe. Ty sním naposledy. Budou mi dìlat spoleènost... tady v ba¾inách.\r\n\r\nAhoj, malé pavouèí oèko. Ahoj! \r\nChutná¹ jako kuøe. Lepkavé,solené kuøe!\r\n\r\nMmmh.",
    106 ["thank you for all your help, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Dìkuju za v¹echnu tvoji pomoc, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    107 ["yes, i spoke with remy. i respect him as a merchant, though all reports of murlocs to the east have been sketchy at best. your concerns are noted, but unless i receive a military report of a murloc threat, we can't afford to send more troops east."]="Ano, mluvil jsem s Remym. Respektuji ho jako obchodníka, ale v¹echny zprávy o Murlocích na východì jsou bezvýznamné.\r\n\r\nTvé obavy chápu, ale pokud nedostanu vojenské hlá¹ení o hrozbì Murlokù, nemù¾eme si dovolit poslat víc jednotek na východ.",
    108 ["chest opens to reveal rackmore's treasure!"]="Otevøi ji a odkrýj tajemstvi  Rackmoreova pokladu!",
    109 ["a student of daryn lightwind? nice to meet you, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Ty jsi student Daryn Lightwind? Tì¹í mì, ¾e tì poznávam, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    110 ["hmm... <jorgen looks up at you through squinted eyes.> all right. i'll help ya, but not because i want to, but because i'm obligated. and let's get one thing straight: you're knowin' far more than you should to begin with. let's keep this our little secret, and don't go blabbin' at any taverns about anything you find out. understand?"]="Hmm... <Jorgen se na tebe podíval pøimhouøenýma oèima.>\r\n\r\nTak dobrá. Pomo¾u ti, ale ne proto, ¾e chci, ale proto, ¾e musím.\r\n\r\nØeknu ti nìco na rovinu: Ví¹ víc, ne¾ bys mìl. Pokus se to dr¾et v tajnosti, a nerozklepat to nìkde v hospodì. Rozumí¹?",
    111 ["at ease, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". i see you have returned from battle. my sources tell me you performed well on the hillsbrad front."]="V klidu, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Vidìl jsem vrátil jsi se z bitvy. Moje zdroje mi øekly ¾e jsi vykonal dobøe na èele Hillsbrad.",
    112 ["<orokk pants.> it has been a very long time since orokk has done the omosh dance of joy. learn now, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!"]="<Orokk kalhoty.>\r\n\r\nJe to dlouho co Orokk tancoval Omoshùv tanec ¹tìstí. Nauè se ho nyní, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!",
    113 ["here are the wands i made. take your pick!"]="Tady má¹ vytvoøila jsem tu hùlu.",
    114 ["ah so madame eva sent you...."]="Ah tak¾e Madam Eva tì posílá....",
    115 ["rest and relaxation for the tired and cold -- that's our motto! please, take a seat by the fire and rest your weary bones. would you like to try a sampling of some of our fine food and drink?"]="Odpoèinek a relaxace pro unavené a prochlazené, to je na¹e moto...Prosím, posaïte se u ohnì prohøejte si va¹e unavené kosti.\r\n\r\nNedal byste si nìco z na¹eho dobrého jídla a pití ? \r\n",
    116 ["\"bacaw!!!\" the chicken starts to gobble up the feed you put down. after a moment, the chicken looks around, startled. it uncomfortably shuffles back and forth. is this chicken pregnant? you think you better check underneath it."]="\"BACAW!!!\"\r\n\r\nKuøe zaène hltat zrní, které jsi polo¾il.\r\n\r\nPo chvilce, se kuøe rozhlédne kolem, pøekvapené. Nepohodlnì se ¹oupne sem a tam. Je toto kuøe pøejedené? Myslí¹ si, ¾e lep¹í kontrola bude ze spoda...",
    117 ["ah, a note from quartermaster lewis? i'm not surprised he needs more gear. sentinel hill is far away, in a land stormwind has all but forgotten. well thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". here's some money to cover your travel costs."]="Och, poznámka od proviantmistra Lewise? To mì nepøekvapuje on potøebuje vìt¹í výbavu. Sentinel Hill je daleko, v zemi Stormwind je zapomenutý.\r\n\r\nVelice dìkuji, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Tady jsou nìjaké peníze které pokryjí va¹e cestovní výdaje.    ",
    118 ["ah, yes. these are good specimens. potent. i am forsaken, and we honor our contracts. here is your reward, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Och, ano. Toto jsou dobré vzorky. Silné.\r\n\r\nI Ctím na¹i dohodu. Zde je va¹e odmìna, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."",
    119 ["these stones are infused with magical energy, but purposefully flawed. they are very unstable and once removed from the table they will consume themselves quickly."]="Tyto kameny jsou naplnìny magickou energií, ale zámìrnì zka¾enou. Jsou velice nestabilní a po sebrání jednoho ze stolu se ostatní rychle znièí.",
    120 ["oh thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! you saved my harvest! and i hope you showed a few of those defias that they can't cause trouble around here. we might be short on guards these days, but we're lucky to have heroes like you to protect us!"]="Ó! dìkuji vám, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! Vy jste zachránil mou sklizeò! A doufám, ¾e jste ukázal nìkolika Defiasùm, ¾e nemù¾ou dìlat problémy v okolí.\r\n\r\nMo¾ná jsme v tìchto dnech krátcí na strá¾e, ale jsme ¹»astní, ¾e máme hrdiny jako jsi ty k na¹í ochranì",
    121 ["your worth to the people's militia has been validated by your brave acts thus far."]="Tvoje hodnota pro Domobranu byla potvrzena tvými stateènými èiny.",
    122 ["aha! so the raptors did hide the silver at their lair. it's hard to believe these beasts would have the desire for silver. perhaps the stories of their intelligence are not as far from the mark as i thought! thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". take this as a reward for your service to us, and know that the guards of the crossroads owe their next month's pay to you."]="Aha! Tak¾e raptoøi ukryli støíbro ve svém doupìti.Je tì¾ké uvìøit, ¾e tyhle potvory tou¾í po støíbru.Mo¾ná, ¾e príbìhy o jejich inteligenci nejsou tak daleko od pravdy, jak jsem si myslel!\r\n\r\nDìkuji ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".Vezmi si tohle jako odmìnu za slu¾by pro nás, a vìz, ¾e strá¾ci Crossroads ti dlu¾í svùj ¾old.",
    123 ["jolly nice to make your acquaintance, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". haven't seen a "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." around these parts for some time. i situated myself with this expedition for one purpose: to hunt a great and elusive beast. seeing that you're a hero of sorts i am willing to let you take part in the hunt, but you must first prove yourself. i shall teach the ways of raptor killing to you. ajeck will train you with tiger hunting. and sir erlgadin is a master of panther tracking. prove your skill and i'll let you in on the big hunt."]="Je skvìlé tì poznat, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".  "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." se v techto konèinách ukazujejen zøídka.  b\r\nJá sam jsem na thle expedici z jediného dùvodu: Abych ulovyl ty nejvìt¹í a nejnepolapitelnìj¹í zvíøata. Vypadá to, ¾e jsi hrdina kterého byhc mohl vzít na èast svého lovu ale nejprve tì musíme pøezkou¹et.\r\n\r\nNauèím tì jak zabit raptora. Ajeck tì zasvìtí do lovu tygrù. A Sir Erlgadin je mistr ve stopování panterù.\r\n\r\nProvìøíme tve dovednosti a pak se bude¹ moci vydat na nìjvìt¹í lov svého ¾ivota.",
    124 ["wonderful! we thank you for your generous donation, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!"]="Paráda! Dìkujeme za tvuj ¹tìdrý pøíspìvek, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!",
    125 ["you have to get this note to stormwind? that's not a problem, you can take one of my gryphons!"]="Potøebuje¹ dopravit tenhle vzkaz do Stormwindu? ®ádný problém mù¾e¹ si vzít jednoho z mích gryphonù!",
    126 ["a report from an orc spy! how did you find this? no matter -- let's see what it says..."]="Zpráva od orkského ¹pióna! Jak jsi to na¹el ? ..To není podstatné  -- podívejme se co obsahuje ...",
    127 ["another one of kaltunk's recruits, hm? a sorry state of affairs we find ourselves in if this is the best the horde can produce. no matter. by the time we think you're ready to leave the valley, you'll be a proud "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." of the horde."]="Dal¹í z Kaltunkových rekrutù, hm?\r\n\r\nNacházíme se ve zlých èasech jestli je tohle to nejlep¹í co je Horda schopna nabídnout. Nevadí. A¾ rozhodneme ¾e jsi pøipraven opustit Údolí zkou¹ek, bude¹ hrdým "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." Hordy.",
    128 ["for your toubles you may choose your reward."]="Niní si mù¾e¹ zvolit odmìnu.",
    129 ["good. good. maybe they'll think twice before slacking next time! thanks for the help!"]="Dobøe, dobøe. Mo¾ná si pøístì dvakrát rozmyslí jestli pùjdou pøi práci spát! Dìkuju ti za pomoc!",
    130 ["wonderful! we thank you for your generous donation, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!"]="Bájeèné! Dìkujeme Vám za vá¹ velkorysý dar, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!",
    131 ["wonderful! we thank you for your generous donation, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!"]="Bájeèné! Dìkujeme Vám za vá¹ velkorysý dar, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!",
    132 ["thank you for finding my necklace mister "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."... you are very kind! my kitty thanks you too - isn't that right effsee?"]="Dìkuji,¾e jste ho na¹el, Pane "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."... jste velmi hodný! Moje ko»átko vám dìkuje také - ¾e je to tak Effsee?",
    133 ["splendid - these will do nicely. i've been doing quite a bit of thinking on the current malaise sunstrider isle suffers under. one possible course of action i had pondered was to collect these arcane slivers from the beasts on the isle. in doing so, they could be experimented on; this would provide a potential source of culpability. anyway, i will tend to the research. allow me to place this incantation on you. i believe you'll make good use of it!"]="Ú¾asné, tyhle budou fungovat výbornì. Hodnì jsem pøemý¹lel o tom pocitu zneklidnìní, kterým trpí ná¹ ostrov. jedna mo¾ná cesta nad kterou jem pøemý¹lel bylo shromá¾dit tyto tajemnné zbytky ze zvíøat na ostrovì. Bìhem toho mohou být vyzkou¹eny; to by poskytnout potenciální zdroj viny. \r\n\r\nNo, budu se teï dále vìnovat výzkumu. Nech mì seslat na tebe zaøíkadlo, vìøím ¾e ti bude kuprospìchu!",
    134 ["a crate for westfall, eh? have you been to westall before? if so, then it's no problem, my friend. i have plenty of gryphons trained to fly that route!"]="Zásilka pro Westfall, hm? Byl jsi nìkdy ve Westfallu? Pokud ano, ¾ádný problém. Mám mnoho gryfonù kteøí tam znají cestu!",
    135 ["thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i will inspect these heads to ensure poor yenniku was spared the headhunter's axe."]="Dìkuji ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Prohlédnu ty hlavy abych se ujistil ¾e Yenniku byl u¹etøen sekyr lovcu lebek.",
    136 ["yes. these will serve me well. when my spirit is freed, i will enter the nether with three fine servants! you are a credit to your "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." clan, and you have appeased me."]="Ano, tyto mi poslou¾í dobøe. A¾ bude mùj duch osvobozen, vstoupím do Nicoty se tøemi dobrými sluhy!\r\n\r\nJsi pøínosem pro tvùj klan, a dopøál jsi mi uklidnìní.",
    137 ["you place the heads of gan'zulah and nezzliok within the cauldron..."]="Dal jsi hlavy Gan\'zulaha a Nezzlioka do kotle...",
    138 ["if you must take these hides to thunder bluff, then you are speaking to the right orc!"]="Pokud má¹ dostat tyto kù¾e do Thunder Bluffu, tak to mluví¹ s tím správným orkem!",
    139 ["excellent - the more water pouches we are able to reclaim, the further away from disaster we'll all be! keep 'em coming, and i will be sure to reward you for every five water pouches you bring me."]="Výbornì - èím více vakù budeme schopni získat, tím je katastrofa vzdálenìj¹í! Pokraèuj v dodávání vakù a já tì odmìním za ka¾dách 5 které mi pøinese¹.",
    140 ["oh you're a darling, even if it did take you longer than i am accustomed to. this shipment should make me quite a bit of money once i've cleaned and personalized these hats. and seeing as i'm always willing to reward work that's well done, here's a little something for you. i suggest that you spend some of it on a bath sweetie."]="Ooo, jsi zlatíèko, i kdy¾ ti to trvalo trochu déle ne¾ jsem poèítala. Tato zásilka mi vydìlá celkem balík a¾ je vyèistím a upravím. A abys vìdìl ¾e chci v¾dy odmìnit dobøe odvedenou práci, tady je nìco málo pro tebe. Navrhuji abys èást utratil za koupel drahou¹ku.",
    141 ["wonderful! we thank you for your generous donation, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!"]="Ú¾asné! Dìkujeme ti za tvùj ¹tìdrý dar, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!",
    142 ["oh, wonderful! give it here -- let me drink it!"]="Ooo, výbornì! Dej ji sem, vypiju ji!",
    143 ["ah yes, the delivery of herbs from shadowglen. it is a shame porthannius could not bring it himself, for we have much to discuss, he and i. but i am glad to get the herbs nonetheless, and i am glad you came. while you are here, please, rest yourself. heroes must keep their strength and spirits high, and must find rest and solace whenever they may. for to neglect one's peace of body and mind is a sure path to failure. so... rest."]="Ach ano, ta zásilka bylin ze Stinné Rokle. To je teda hamba ¾e ji orthannius nepøinesl sám, máme spolu hodne co probírat, on a já. Ale jsem rád ¾e mám ty byliny a taky ¾e jsi pøi¹el.\r\n\r\nZatím si tady odpoèiò, hrdinové se musí udr¾ovat v kondici tìla i fucha, a musí hledat odpoèinek i útìchu kdykoliv mohou. proto¾e zanedbávat tìlo a ducha, to je jistá cesta k neúspìchu.\r\n\r\nTak¾e... odpoèiò si.",
    144 ["thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". when i return to darnassus i will compare the venom within these sacs with the venom of other spiders. it is my belief that it will have properties linked to the recent growth of our new world tree."]="Dìkuji ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". A¾ se vrátím do Darnassu, tak porovnám jed z tìchto mìchýøù s jedem ostatních pavoukù. Vìøím, ¾e bude mít vlastnosti propojené s nedavným ruùstem na¹eho nového stromu svìta.",
    145 ["a small enough crate. yes, i should be able to find room for this aboard the ship. it sails with the next tide, i trust this is soon enough? excellent. let me just enter it into my ledger. all taken care of! good day to you, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."."]="Jen malá krabice.Jo, mìl bych být schopný najít pro ni místo na palubì lodi.Odepluje s pøí¹tím pøílivem,to by mìlo staèit, ne?Výbornì.Jen mì nech vejít na loï. \r\n\r\n O v¹echno je postaráno! Pøeju hezký den,"..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..".",
    146 ["you want me to help you with your study of transmutations? very well, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". let's see what we can do."]="Ty chce¹ pomoci s tvími studyji  of transmutace? Velmi dobøe, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Pojïme se podívat co s tím mù¾eme udìlat.",
    147 ["let's see here... oh my! milly's grapes have been saved! when she told me that brigands overran her vineyards i nearly despaired, but my faith in the light did not waver! and through your bravery, we now have grapes for more wine! may the light bless you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", and keep you safe!"]="Podívej...\r\n\r\nOh! Millyino víno bylo zachránìno! Kdy¾ mi øekla o tìch banditech na jejích vinicích, byl jsem skoro zoufalý,ale má víra ve svìtlo nepohasla!\r\n\r\nDíky tvému hrdinství máme nyní více hroznù na víno! A» ti svìtlo ¾ehná ,"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..",a ochraòuje tì!",
    148 ["ah, i see you've been busy, lurking in the grasses and hunting prowlers. do you think, then, it is time to face a champion among them?"]="Á, vidím, ¾e sis dal zále¾et. Èíhání v trávì a lovení Prowlerù ti jde. Co myslí¹? Je èas postavit se tomu nejlep¹ímu z nich?",
    149 ["oh, so takrin sent you? he's an excellent scout, i'm not sure what i'd do without him. i'll sign your recruitment letter, but what we really need is someone at the crossroads."]="Hm, tak¾e Tì poslal Takrin? Je to bezvadný zvìd, nevím co bych bez nìj dìlal.\r\n\r\nPodepí¹u Ti tvùj náborový dopis, ale co bychom skuteènì potøebovali, je nìkdo v Crossroads.",
    150 ["oh, wonderful! those are fine cuts! these are from zargh, are they? that orc sure knows his way into a lady's heart... oh, i can't wait to cook it. but not too much! meat is best served rare, don't you think?"]="Á super ! Nese¹ mi prima maso ! To je od Zargh ? Ten starý Ork ví jak potì¹it srdce dámy...\r\n\r\n Ach , u¾ se nemohu doèkat a¾ ho uvaøím. Ale nesmím moc ! Maso je nejlep¹í kdy¾ se servíruje po malých kouscích. Nemyslí¹ ?",
    151 ["<a ghostly voice sounds on the wind...> this is...? sarah? could it be she's still alive? the weight is removed from my shoulders... "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". take my sword, archeus. as my soul is put to rest, i have no more need for it. it was forged to do good, and though i have proved myself unworthy to hold it, perhaps you will carry on the light through it. lys, my love..."]="<Ve vzduchu zní hlas ducha...>\r\n\r\nTo je...? Sarah? Je mo¾né aby stále ¾ila? Ta tíha byla odstranìna z mých beder...\r\n\r\n"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Vezmi si mùj meè, Archeus. Vzhledem k tomu, ¾e má du¹e u¾ mù¾e odpoèívat, více u¾ jej nepotøebuji. Byl ukován, aby konal dobro, a aè se ukázalo, ¾e nejsem hoden ho nosit, tøeba Ty jím bude¹ ¹íøit Svìtlo.\r\n\r\nLys, má lásko...",
    152 ["regrettable that those creatures had to die so that we might live - indiscriminate killing is not the "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." way. however, the blood you gathered will replenish our healing crystals, so their deaths will not be in vain."]="Politováníhodné, ¾e tyto zvíøata musí umírat abychom my mohli ¾ít - nevybíravé zabíjení není "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." cesta.  Nicménì, krev kterou donese¹ doplní na¹e ozdravující krystaly, tak¾e jejich smrt není zbyteèná.",
    153 ["a variety of buttons, levers and blinking lights are somewhat erratically arrayed on the face of the control console. a small gauge indicates that the apparatus is currently operating within optimal levels, and indicates that control valves one through three are currently open. there is a small keyhole set into the lower right side of the control panel."]="V¹emo¾né tlaèítka, páky a blikající svìtla jsou ponìkud neuspoøádanì rozmístìny na ovládacím panelu. Malá mìrka ukazuje, ¾e pøístroj aktuálnì operuje s optimálními hodnotami a ukazuje, ¾e ovládací ventily èíslo 1 a¾ 3 jsou stále otevøeny. Je zde také sada malých klíèových dírek na pravé spodní stranì ovládacího panelu.",
    154 ["ahanu sent me finished products? very good. there are many hunters and adventurers in the crossroads now and business is lively. i am sure i'll sell these goods very soon. thank you for all your efforts, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i am in your debt."]="Ahanu mi posílá hotové zbo¾í? Výbornì! V Crossroads je teï mnoho lovcù a dobrodruhù a obchod je ¾ivìj¹í. Jsem si jistý, ¾e se toto zbo¾í prodá velmi brzy. \r\n\r\nDìkuji za tvé úsilí, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Jsem ti zavázán.",
    155 ["you have done a good deed today, ganis. although our struggle against the scourge continues, let us hope that marla and samuel will find peace together in their final resting place."]="Dnes jsi udìlal dobrý skutek.  Pøesto ná¹ boj proti Scourge pokraèuje, tak doufejme ¾e Marla a Samuel spolu najdou klid na místì jejich posledního odpoèinku.",
    156 ["that's a lot! i'm afraid they're spreading at a dangerous rate. i hope i can solve the riddle of what is tainting them. thank you for your help, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". the land is a cleaner place from your efforts."]="To je dost! Bojím se, ¾e se roz¹iøují nebezpeènou rychlostí. Doufám, ¾e doká¾u rozlo¹tit tu záhadu, co je nakazilo.\r\n\r\nDíky za pomoc, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". TPùda je teï èist¹í díky tvé snaze.",
    157 ["khazgorm met the fate he earned. i feel no remorse for the fool. he was an infidel on these lands. may his death serve as a warning to all those who threaten to disrupt our way of life. now let me take a moment to study the dwarf's journal...."]="Khazgorma potkal osud, který si zaslou¾il.Necítím k tomu po¹etilci ¾ádný soucit.Byl bezvìrcem na tìchto zemích.\r\n\r\nNech» jeho smrt slou¾í jako výstraha pro ty, kdo by chtìli naru¹it ná¹ zpùsob ¾ivota.\r\n\r\nA teï mi dej chvilku na to, abych prozkoumal trpaslíkùv deník...",
    158 ["and to think, we thought firebough was long dead! your heroics have earned you a place of honor with the thalo'dan privateers, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Mysleli jsme si u¾ tak dlouho, ¾e Firebough je mrtev!\r\n\r\nTvé hrdinství si zaslou¾í tì dostat na místo cti s Thalo\'dan Privateers, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    159 ["i am absolutely terrified of the pterrordax here! thank you for decreasing their numbers, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". now i might feel safe enough to venture out of marshal's refuge."]="Jsem stra¹livì vydì¹en z pterrordaxù!Dìkuji ¾e si sní¾il jejich poèet. Nyní se cítím mocnìj¹í pøi riskování v Marshal\'s Refuge.",
    160 ["you got them. this is good! i will plant these seeds in special soil i have prepared. i believe the seeds will sprout into timberlings who are much more docile. perhaps later you can see the results!"]="Má¹ je. To je dobøe!\r\n\r\nBudu pìstovat tyto semínka na speciální zeminì, kterou jsem si pøipravil. Vìøím, ¾e semínka vyrostou ve vøesové rostlinky, které jsou velice poddajné. Mo¾ná pozdìji uvidí¹ výsledek!",
    161 ["look at the size of that thing, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! we're going to be rich! let's see, according to the rates i've seen on gems going into undermine, i should be able to figure out your cut--fifty percent, don't worry! now let's see... i think this should do about right. pleasure doing business with you, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Podívej se! ten rozmìr té vìci, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! budem bohatý! podivejme se, shodné pomìry jsem vidìl na drahokamech cestou do Undermine, Mìl bych být schopen vypoèítat tvou odmìnu-- padesát procent neboj,!\r\n\r\n táák se podívejme... Myslím, ¾e tenhle je ten pravý. Jedna radost uzavírat obchody s tebou, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    162 ["while our families are feuding, tommy joe and maybell don't have much of a future, but... maybe we can get them together for just a little while. hm, what can we do..."]="Zatimco se nase rodiny hadaju, Tommy Joe a Maybell nemaju hodne domoznosti byt spolu, ale...mozna jejich vime dat dohromady.\r\n\r\nHm, co by jsme mohli udelat...",
    163 ["mmmmmmmmm! i love their strawberry ice cream! if there's one thing tigule and foror know to do, it's make ice cream! thank you very much "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." - this is the best treat ever!"]="Hmmmmmmm! Miluji jejich jahodovou zmrzlinu! Jestli je neco co Tigule a Foror vìdí, tak to jak udìlat zmrzlinu! \r\n\r\n Mnohokrát vám dìkuji "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." - tohle je ten nejlep¹í po¾itek!",
    164 ["well, hi there! so meggi told you of the trouble i have found here?"]="Nu¾e, ahoj! Tak¾e ti Meggi øekl o potí¾ích které jsem zde na¹la?",
    165 ["oh, these are nice. real nice... good job, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i look forward to seeing more of your work in the future."]="Oh, these are nice. Real nice... Good job, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.",
    166 ["well done, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". we are almost ready."]="Výbornì u¾ jsme skoro hotovi.\r\n",
    167 ["zraedus was just telling me about the nosey little infiltrator before you arrived. quite a problem, indeed. the last thing we need is a busybody sniffing around beggar's haunt. i am sure the orcs of stonard would be quite anxious to hear what our friend has to say. seeing that they are our allies, ahem, we must help them to get any information they can from the human. work with me, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", and we will deliver a truth serum to stonard. for the horde! ...did i get that right?"]="Zradeus mi právì øekl o vlezlém infiltrátorovi ne¾ si pøi¹el.Je to vskutku problém.Poslední vìc kterou potøebujeme je èmuchal v okolí begarrs hauntu.Sem si jistý ¾e orkové ve stonardu budou znepokojení kdy¾ usly¹í to co nám ná¹ pøítel øekne.Jsou to na¹í spojenci tak¾e jim musíme pomoct dostat z toho èlovìka v¹echny informace které má.\r\nPracuj pro mnì a já dopravím sérum pravdy do Stonardu. Za hordu!\r\nPochopil jsem to správnì?",
    168 ["excellent! let's perform the trade then. it's hard to part with this excellent armor, but i'm afraid i won't be needing it any time soon. if you're interested in performing more work for me, i might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces."]="Výbornì tak pojïtedy obchodovat.Je tì¾ké se s tím brnìním rozlouèit alemyslím ¾e ho u¾ nebudu potøebovat.Jestli chce¹ pro mnì dále pracovat mù¾u ti dát více dílù.",
    169 ["so, you have proven strong, strong enough to best the great apes of un'goro--that is good. the challenge was small compared to lar'korwi, but i will not take such a great victory away from you. these pelts will make wonderful clothing for my tribe. you have helped me and proven worthy. before you set off on another task, let us give praise to the earth mother and thank the spirits of those apes you killed--they must know their deaths will not be wasted."]="Tak¾e si dokázal ¾e jsi silný, dost silný na to abys zabil opice z un\'gora.. to je dobré.Tato výzva byla malá ve srovnání s tou Lar\'korwovou ale já tvoje velké vítezství nenechám jen tak.Tyhle kù¾e zajistí mému kmeni skvìlé obleèení.Pomohl si mi a já tì za to odmìním.Ne¾ pøíjme¹ dal¹í úkol pomodli se k Earth Mother a dìkuj duchùm ¾e jsi zabil tyto opice oni vìdí ¾e jejich smrt neby bezùèelná.",
    170 ["you have done well, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". these shards are well formed. already i hear them sing to me. and while you were gone, i spoke with the spirits of the jungle. i know where the mind's eye rests... ...and who guards it."]="Udìlal jsi to dobøe.Tyhle krystaly jsou dobré.Sly¹el jsem jak zpívají.Kdy¾ jsi byl pryè mluvil jsem z duchy d¾ungle.Vím kde je mind\'s eye.A kdo ho hlídá...",
    171 ["yes, i do believe you are ready..."]="Ano vìøím ¾e jsi pøipraven...",
    172 ["you are indeed a special hero, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". we welcome you to the world of azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!"]="Ty jsi vskutku speciální hrdina.Vítám tì ve svìtì Azerothu a nabízím ti jeden z tìchto unikátních dárkù.",
    173 };if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+171;
     2["tharil'zun was a vicious, crafty orc. well done - i'm sure he didn't go down easy. here is your reward, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Tharil\'zun bol zlomyseľný, prešibaný ork. Výborne. Som si istý, že ho nebolo ľahké poraziť. Tu je tvoja odmena, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
     3["yeah, i heard that someone tore up the lake out there like a dust devil through the barrens. from the sound of it too, we might be able to set up a possible observation area out there to keep an eye on our alliance friends. well, that is if we can keep it on the down low... looks like you ended up being quite useful after all; the transports between here and stonetalon should have an easier time of it. take this - you've earned it."]="Ano, pocul som ze sa nieco objavilo v okoli jazera pri hraniciach s Barrens. Zo zvukov ktore odtial pocut, by sme mali zalozi pozorovatelnu aby sme mali pod dohladom nasich Alliancnych priatelov. Dobre, teraz to mozeme udrzat...\r\n\r\nUkazuje sa ze si pre nas nakoniec uzitocny\' transport medzi Stonetalon a tymto miestom bude lahsi. Zober toto - zasluzil si si to.",
     4["very impressive, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". your ancestors would be pleased with your progress! you're ready to learn your aquatic form, and it is my pleasure to teach it to you. also, in recognition of your achievement during the two trials, i give you this item. i hope you'll find it to be a welcome addition to your gear as a protector of nature and a keeper of the balance."]="Velmi zaujimave, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Tvoji patroi budu ocareny tvojim postupom! Si pripraveny naucit sa aquatic formu, a je mi potesenim naucit ta ju.\r\n\r\nTiez, jako uznanie toho co si dosiahol v tych dvoch skuskach ti dam toto. Dufam ze ti pomoze jako ochrancovi rovnovahy v prirode.",
     5["well done. i regret not being there to see you smash those undead into rotting pulp!"]="Vyborne. Lutujem, ze som tam nebol aby som ta videl drvit tych nemrtvych na hnijucu kasu!",
     6["when the enchantment wears off, i will speak with gor'mul. my thanks to you for your help in returning gor'mul to the land of the living. i have no doubt he thanks you greatly as well."]="When the enchantment wears off, I will speak with Gor\'mul. My thanks to you for your help in returning Gor\'mul to the land of the living. I have no doubt he thanks you greatly as well.",
     7["thank the forest spirits you are here! i knew athridas would sense trouble and send help."]="Dakujem lesnim duchom ze si tu! Vedel som ze Athridas zaciti problem a posle pomoc.",
     8["by the stars! this is quite disturbing indeed!"]="Pri hviezdach! To je vazne strasne!",
     9["<prying open the lid of the crate, you find an assortment of carefully-packed objects. on the top of the crate lies a bundle of maps, yellowing with age, that appear to depict silverpine forest and other parts of western lordaeron. underneath the maps is a mysterious-looking magical pendant.>"]="<Opatrne otvaras veko krabice, a nachadzas balik starostlivo zabalenych veci.Na vrchu krabice lezi balik map, zozltnutich vekom, ktore zobrazuju Silverpine Forest a ine casti zapadneho Lordaeronu.\r\n\r\nPod mapami je zahadne vyzerajuci, magicky amulet.>",
     10["aged in the barrel, filtered through coal it passes your lips and right through your soul. so lets us drink now, a toast to you and me while we're at it, grimbooze thunderbrew!"]="Ulozeny v sude, prefiltrovany cez uhlie\r\nPotesi ducha a chuti aj zmyslom.\r\nTak si teda dajme, pripitok na teba\r\nA na mna ked uz sme pri tom, Grimbooze Thunderbrew!",
     11["here are the wands i made. take your pick!"]="Tady máš urobila jsem tu hůlu.",
     12["yes, i spoke with remy. i respect him as a merchant, though all reports of murlocs to the east have been sketchy at best. your concerns are noted, but unless i receive a military report of a murloc threat, we can't afford to send more troops east."]="Ano, mluvil jsem s Remym. Respektuji ho jako obchodnika, ale vechny hlasine o Murlocich na vychode jsou bezvyznamne.\r\n\r\nTve obavy chapu, ale pokud nedostanu vojenske hlaseni o hrozbe Murloku, nemuzeme si dovolit poslat vic jednotek na vychod.",
     13["so, stoutmantle sent you? well, i owe him."]="Takze, Stoutmantle ta poslal? Dobre, som mu to dlzny.",
     14["thank you so much, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! poor old blanchy will be so happy!"]="Dakujem ti velmi pekne, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! Poor Old Blanchy bude stastna!",
     15["salutations, young "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."; the time has come for you to know our aquatic form. it is one that lets you move freely and indefinitely through water. you will find this aspect a useful tool and a blessing... but it is one that must be earned before it is mastered. you will face two trials to overcome. the first will test your ability to work in water under pressure. the second will test your resolve to understand the aspects of the form itself. stand ready, as the time of testing is now upon us."]=" Bud pozdraveny mlady "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."\' nastal cas aby si sa dozvedel o aquatickej forme. Je to forma ktora nam umozni slobodne sa pohybovat vo vode. Zide sa ti aj jako pomoc aj jako pozehnanie... ale najprv si ju musis ziskat az potom prisvojit.\r\n\r\nMas p?ed tebou dve skusky. Prva vyskusa tvoju schopnost pracovat pod vodou pod tlakom. Druha vyskusa jako pochopis samotnu formu.\r\n\r\nPriprav sa, cas skusky nastal.",
     16["well now. it looks like yet another druid has successfully completed the trial of the lake! well done. my young friend - well done. as i've said, my name is tajarri. it is my duty and my privilege to serve as a warden for moonglade, and specifically this shrine. keeper remulos guides the cenarion circle in preservation of nature and balance, and his shrine serves as a lasting tribute to such. by using the bauble here, it serves as a nod to the importance of this place within the circle."]=" Dobre teraz, to vyzera tak ze dalsi druid uspesne dokoncil Trial of the Lake! Dobra praca, moj mlady priatel- dobra praca.\r\n\r\nAko som uz povedala, moje meno je Tajarri. Je mojou povinnostou a vysadou sluzit  Moonglade, a hlavne tejto svetini. Keeper Remulos vedie Cenarion Circle v duchu prirodnej rovnovahy, a jeho svetina je toho prikladom.",
     17["welcome to the new frontier, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". ashenvale is a land of opportunity, one where a young "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." like yourself is able to find boundless chances to prove their mettle. look around the outpost here, and be sure to travel out to the zoram strand, as the horde has another outpost there as well. your presence here tells me that you've come to learn more about the hunt. listen close, and i will gladly share with you what you need to know."]="Welcome to the new frontier, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Ashenvale is a land of opportunity, one where a young "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." like yourself is able to find boundless chances to prove their mettle. Look around the outpost here, and be sure to travel out to the Zoram Strand, as the Horde has another outpost there as well.\r\n\r\nYour presence here tells me that you\'ve come to learn more about the hunt. Listen close, and I will gladly share with you what you need to know.",
     18["ah so madame eva sent you...."]="Ah takze Madam Eva te posila....",
     19["ah, my mistake, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i apologize. i did not realize you possessed the torch. i am pleased to make your acquaintance. many adventurers find their way here while looking for lost treasure or the promise of mystical creatures to slay, only to be turned away from a seemingly empty shrine. but we know the truth, do we not, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? this shrine holds a greater secret from the mundane members of the horde. to us, it is sacred."]="Ah, moja chyba, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Ospravedlnujem sa. Neuvedomil som si, ze mas faklu. Som rad, ze som ta spoznal.\r\n\r\nVela dobrodruhov sem najde cestu pri hladani strateneho pokladu alebo k slubu zabit mysticke zviera, iba odidu prec, zo zdanlivo prazdnej svatine. Ale mi pozname pravdu, mi nie, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?\r\n\r\nTato svatina ukryva obrovske tajomstvo z cias svatskych clenov Hordy. Pre nas je to posvatne.",
     20["ah yes, these manes will work great! you show a lot of grit, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." - i wager we'll see great things from you."]="Ó ano, manesové budou pracovat skěle! A ty jsi ukázal hodně statečnosti, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." - vsadím se že ještě uvidíme velké skutky vykonané tebou.",
     21["that's true. i'm looking for someone to hunt me some wolves! are you that person?"]="to je pravda. Hledám někoho, kdo by pro mě ulovil pár vlků! Jsi ty ta osoba?",
     22["you got rid of the raptors! thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you are a "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." of worth."]="Ty si sa zbavil raptorov!\r\n\r\nVďaka ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." si tvoje činy cení.",
     23["here you go, here you go! a prize fit for a gking:queen;! congratulations to you, my friend! if you have more tickets you'd like to turn in, then please let me know! for as long as the darkmoon faire is here, i'll redeem your tickets."]="Tu máš, tu máš! Cena hodná  gkráľa:kráľovnej;! Gratulujem ti, môj priateľ!\r\n\r\nAk máš viac lístkov, ktoré chceš vymeniť, tak mi potom daj vedieť! Po tak dlho ako tu bude Darkmoonsky Karneval , tak ti vymením tvoje lístky.",
     24["here you go, here you go! a prize fit for a gking:queen;! congratulations to you, my friend! if you have more tickets you'd like to turn in, then please let me know! for as long as the darkmoon faire is here, i'll redeem your tickets."]="Tu máš, tu máš! Cena hodná  gkráľa:kráľovnej;! Gratulujem ti, môj priateľ!\r\n\r\nAk máš viac lístkov, ktoré chceš vymeniť, tak mi potom daj vedieť! Po tak dlho ako tu bude Darkmoonsky Karneval , tak ti vymením tvoje lístky.",
     25["here you go, here you go! a prize fit for a gking:queen;! congratulations to you, my friend! if you have more tickets you'd like to turn in, then please let me know! for as long as the darkmoon faire is here, i'll redeem your tickets."]="Tu máš, tu máš! Cena hodná  gkráľa:kráľovnej;! Gratulujem ti, môj priateľ!\r\n\r\nAk máš viac lístkov, ktoré chceš vymeniť, tak mi potom daj vedieť! Po tak dlho ako tu bude Darkmoonsky Karneval , tak ti vymením tvoje lístky.",
     26["here you go, here you go! a prize fit for a gking:queen;! congratulations to you, my friend! if you have more tickets you'd like to turn in, then please let me know! for as long as the darkmoon faire is here, i'll redeem your tickets."]="Tu máš, tu máš! Cena hodná  gkráľa:kráľovnej;! Gratulujem ti, môj priateľ!\r\n\r\nAk máš viac lístkov, ktoré chceš vymeniť, tak mi potom daj vedieť! Po tak dlho ako tu bude Darkmoonsky Karneval , tak ti vymením tvoje lístky.",
     27["here you go, here you go! a prize fit for a gking:queen;! congratulations to you, my friend! if you have more tickets you'd like to turn in, then please let me know! for as long as the darkmoon faire is here, i'll redeem your tickets."]="Tu máš, tu máš! Cena hodná  gkráľa:kráľovnej;! Gratulujem ti, môj priateľ!\r\n\r\nAk máš viac lístkov, ktoré chceš vymeniť, tak mi potom daj vedieť! Po tak dlho ako tu bude Darkmoonsky Karneval , tak ti vymením tvoje lístky.",
     28["here you go, here you go! a prize fit for a gking:queen;! congratulations to you, my friend! if you have more tickets you'd like to turn in, then please let me know! for as long as the darkmoon faire is here, i'll redeem your tickets."]="Tu máš, tu máš! Cena hodná  gkráľa:kráľovnej;! Gratulujem ti, môj priateľ!\r\n\r\nAk máš viac lístkov, ktoré chceš vymeniť, tak mi potom daj vedieť! Po tak dlho ako tu bude Darkmoonsky Karneval , tak ti vymením tvoje lístky.",
     29["here you go, here you go! a prize fit for a gking:queen;! congratulations to you, my friend! if you have more tickets you'd like to turn in, then please let me know! for as long as the darkmoon faire is here, i'll redeem your tickets."]="Tu máš, tu máš! Cena hodná  gkráľa:kráľovnej;! Gratulujem ti, môj priateľ!\r\n\r\nAk máš viac lístkov, ktoré chceš vymeniť, tak mi potom daj vedieť! Po tak dlho ako tu bude Darkmoonsky Karneval , tak ti vymením tvoje lístky.",
     30["here you go, here you go! a prize fit for a gking:queen;! congratulations to you, my friend! if you have more tickets you'd like to turn in, then please let me know! for as long as the darkmoon faire is here, i'll redeem your tickets."]="Tu máš, tu máš! Cena hodná  gkráľa:kráľovnej;! Gratulujem ti, môj priateľ!\r\n\r\nAk máš viac lístkov, ktoré chceš vymeniť, tak mi potom daj vedieť! Po tak dlho ako tu bude Darkmoonsky Karneval , tak ti vymením tvoje lístky.",
     31["here you go, here you go! a prize fit for a gking:queen;! congratulations to you, my friend! if you have more tickets you'd like to turn in, then please let me know! for as long as the darkmoon faire is here, i'll redeem your tickets."]="Tu máš, tu máš! Cena hodná  gkráľa:kráľovnej;! Gratulujem ti, môj priateľ!\r\n\r\nAk máš viac lístkov, ktoré chceš vymeniť, tak mi potom daj vedieť! Po tak dlho ako tu bude Darkmoonsky Karneval , tak ti vymením tvoje lístky.",
     32["great, you brought the armor! we'll get this divvied to those who need it immediately. thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". your efforts have been a great help to us. and now that you're no stranger to gryphons, i hope you'll come and lend your aid to sentinel hill often!"]="Skvelé, priniesol si brnenie! Rozdelíme to hneď medzi tých ktorí to potrebujú.\r\n\r\nĎakujem ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Tvoja snaha nám veľmi pomohla. A teraz keď nie si cudzí ku gryfonom, dúfam, že často prídeš a ponúkneš svoju pomoc Sentinel Hillu!",
     33["i bid you greetings, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you are welcome here, and i suggest you gather all your strength. for the task we now set before you ... is a dire one."]="Vítam ťa, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Si tu vítaný, a predpokladám, že nazbieraš sily. Na úlohu, ktorú ti predkladáme ... je životne dôležitá.",
     34["wonderful! we thank you for your generous donation, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!"]="Úžasné! Ďakujeme za tvoju štedrú donášku, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!",
     35["i'm so glad you found me, ve. how did you know i was here?"]="Som veľmi šťastný že si ma našiel, Ve. Ako si vedel že budem tu?",
     36["ah, a new bundle of hides. i will get to work on these immediately! thank you, brother. you have done me a great service. here are some coins to pay for your time and travel costs."]="Ach, nové batoh koží. Mal by som na nich začať pracovať ihneď\r\n\r\nĎakujem ti brat môj. Spravil si mi veľkú službu. Tu su niake peniaze za tvoj čas a cenu cesty.",
     37["most impressive, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."... the claw of sharptalon could not have been easy to get! the ashenvale hunt goes well for you! sharptalon had long terrorized the peons from the lumber camps near its path as they tried to travel here to splintertree post. no doubt once the word gets out that it was you who put down the beast, many rousing songs of your bravery will be heard at campfires and lumber mills across ashenvale!"]="Dobrá práca, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."... ostrý nechet Sharptalona bolo určite velmi složité získať! Ashenvaleský lov ti ide veľmi dobre!\r\n\r\n Sharptalon dlho terorizoval peony z drevorubeckých táborov v okolí cesty, keď sa pokúšali dostať sem do Splintertree Post. Určite sa raz dostane von, že si to bol ty kdo to stvorenie zabil. O tvojich skutkoch a odvažnosti sa bude dlho zpievat v Ashenvaleských piesňach.",
     38["i see the pride swelling in your chest. already you fancy yourself one of the blood knights. in time, you will earn your place among us. but first you must learn to harness and master the powers of the light, hone your skills at arms, and prove your worthiness. you must be prepared to endure the derision, fear, and revulsion of those you're sworn to defend. so it is among those who can't comprehend the price of the great power that safeguards them. keep your head high and your blade at the ready, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Vidím hrdosť, ktorá rozpína tvoju hruď. Už v seba veríš, jeden z Krvavých Princov.\r\n\r\nOnedlho získaš svoje miesto medzi nami. Ale najprv sa musíš naučiť využiť a ovládať silu Svetla, získať zručnosť v boji s mečom, a dokázať svoju dôstojnosť.\r\n\r\nMusíš byť g pripravený : pripravená; prekonať výsmech, strach a nechutnosť tých, ktorým si g prisahal : prisahala koniec. A to sú tí, ktorí nemôžu pochopiť cenu obrovskej sily, ktorá ich chráni. Maj čistú myseľ a ostrie pripravené, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
     39["grundig darkcloud is dead! "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", i will always be grateful for what you've done here today."]="Grundig Darkcloud je mŕtvy! "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", budem ti navždy vďačný pre to, čo si dnes vykonal.",
     40["me like fishy head! me no eat you now."]="Ja rád rybiu hlavu!\r\n\r\nZatiaľ ťa ja nejesť.",
     41["ah, a fine specimen this is. i will send it to be studied by our apothecaries to determine the extent of the plagueland's taint. well done, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". for your services, i present to you this choice: an orb or staff. whichever you choose, you will find it quite useful."]="Ah, aká kvalitná vzorka. Dám to študovať našim lekárnikom, aby zistili rozsah zamorenia Plaguelandu.\r\n\r\nDobrá práca, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Za tvoje služby ti ponúkam za odmenu : orb alebo palicu. Čokoľvek si vyberieš, určite sa ti to zíde.",
     42["you pour some of the elixir into your hand and hold it before stanley's mouth."]="Nalievaš si trochu elixíru do svojej ruky a držíš ju pred Stanleyho papuľou.",
     43["this is most excellent news! tell me again how you cast fear into the cold hearts of those vile harpies. the bloodfuries have been dealt a serious blow!"]="To je tá najúžasnejšia novinka! Ešte raz mi povedz ako si nahnal strach do chladných sŕdc tých harpyjí. Rod Bloodfuries utrpel veľkú ranu!",
     44["you've returned. did you receive the ancients' blessings?"]="Vrátil si sa. Získal si požehnania prastarých?",
     45["so you have heard the first part of the aftermath of the battle of mount hyjal. there is much more to be told and the task you have begun here will continue through the rest of your journey through teldrassil and into darnassus."]="Takže si gpočul:počula; prvú časť o následkoch, ktoré  Bitka na Hore Hyjal zanechala. Je toho ešte veľa čo povedať a úloha, ktorú si začal tu bude pokračovať aj naďalej, keď sa vydáš cez Teldrassil až do samotného Darnassusu.",
     46["the naga are behind this! but why? from what you describe, that steam pump must be part of the cause for the water levels dropping in the marsh! no matter - this explains their open hostility towards us. let's not waste any time, i need you to perform another task for us."]="Za tým všetkým sú nagovia! Ale prečo? Z toho čo si povedal, to parné čerpadlo je príčinou poklesu vodnej hladiny v močiare!\r\n\r\nNevadí - to naopak vysvetľuje ich nepriateľstvo voči nám. Nestrácajme čas, budem ťa musieť poveriť ďalšou úlohou.",
     47["hah! i guess she liked it! nothing brings red to a lady's cheeks like a big, juicy steak! thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you've done me a great service. here is some money for your trouble, and don't be surprised if i invite you to my wedding!"]="Ha! Predpokladám, že sa jej to páčilo! Nič nedokáže priniesť úsmev na tvár tej dámy ako veľký čerstvý stejk!\r\n\r\nĎakujem ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Preukázal si mi veľkú službu. Tu máš nejaké tie peniaze za tvoje výdavky a nebuď prekvapený ak ťa aj pozvem na moju svadbu!",
     48["perfect; these ornaments are perfect for my studies. thanks so much for the help, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". oh, can i get my helmet back?"]="Výborne; tieto ornamenty sú perfektné pre môj výskum. Veľmi ti ďakujem za tvoju pomoc, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".\r\n\r\nOh, mohol by som dostať svoju helmu späť?",
     49["with the ravagers cleared, travelers to and from the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh should have an easier time of it. the cenarion expedition is indebted to you."]="Tým, že si to tam vyčistil od ravagerov si mnohým cestovateľom, smerujúcim či už do Cenarion Refuge v Zangarmarshi alebo od neho, odteraz uľahčil cestu.\r\n\r\nCenarion Expedition je ti zaviazaná.",
     50["well done, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". your actions in the field are instrumental in our battle for hellfire peninsula."]="Dobrá práca, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Tvoje skutky v bojovom poli nám pomáhajú v našej bitke o Hellfire Peninsulu.",
     51["wonderful! you're turning into quite the hunter, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". how would you like to look more like me? well here is your chance! while you were out hunting, i fashioned these items out of some buck hides i had laying around. take your pick!"]="Vynikajúco! Stal sa z teba fakt dobrý lovec, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".\r\n\r\nAko by sa ti páčilo vyzerať podobne ako vyzerám ja? No teraz máš na to možnosť! Zatiaľ čo si bol na love, ja som spravil nejaké tie veci z kože jeleňov, čo som mal poruke. Vyber si jednu z nich!",
     52["what's this? gloom weed?! i've no need for gloom weed! that mindless mass of flesh is out there picking daisies and convincing the lady knows how many dupes like you into doing the same. no offense. very well, you're here now and that's all that matters. since i'm not going to bother to try to explain things to that abomination how about you collect what i really need... doom weed!"]="Čo je to? Gloom weed?! My nepotrebujeme gloom weed! Tá hlúpa kopa mäsa tam vonku zbiera len akési margarétky, a potom sa bude Lady chváliť koľko hlupákov  presvedčil, aby robili to isté. Ok, nič sa nestalo.\r\n\r\nVeľmi dobre, že si tu, a to je to načom teraz záleží. Odkedy sa už neobťažujem neustálym vysvetľovaním hnusovi, čo vlastne treba zbierať, tak ty vedz, že potrebujem... doom weed!",
     53["i hope you kicked his teeth in too, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". ragnaros knows, he deserved it. now we can get down to business."]="Dúfam, že si mu tiež natrhol jeho držku, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Ragnaros dobre vie, že si to zaslúžil.\r\n\r\nTeraz sa už môžme pustiť do práce.",
     54["great, thanks for the shipment! now mackinley and i can finally settle our wager."]="Výborne, vďaka za môj náklad rumu! Teraz môžem konečne splatiť dlh MacKinleymu.",
     55["excellent! you've shown your worth by defending our operations in warsong gulch! may word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands."]="Výborne! Ukázal si svoju odvahu pri obraňovaní našich záujmov vo Warsong Gulch! Nech sa tvoja česť rozšíri široko-ďaleko po našej zemi.",
     56["i hope the murlocs didn't cause too much trouble, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i owe you a great debt of gratitude for all that you've done. perhaps i could teach you how to fish? i'll even supply the fishing pole and a bauble."]="Dúfam, že murloci ti nebudú robiť veľké starosti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Za všetko čo urobíš, ťa odmena neminie.\r\n\r\nNapríklad ťa môžem naučiť rybárčiť. Taktiež sa u mňa môžeš neskôr zastaviť, a kúpiť si prút, alebo návnadu.",
     57["i am finally free of the control of the gnarlpine. thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". my spirit may now rest peacefully forever in the emerald dream. perhaps one day we may meet again, young "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". but, for now, please accept this reward as a symbol of my gratitude."]="Som konečne voľný. Už niesom pod kontrolou Gnarlpina. Ďakujem ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".\r\n\r\nMoja duša si teraz možno navždy oddýchne v Emeraldskom sne.\r\n\r\nMožno sa ešte niekedy stretneme, gchlapče:dievča;. Ale pre tento krát, príjmi túto odmenu, ako znamenie mojej vďaky.",
     58["so, sister aquinne sent you?"]="Takže ťa poslala sestra Aquinne?",
     59["ah, a request from one of the stormpikes. that's a proud clan, full of quality dwarves. rich ones, too. thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i'll get to work on mountaineer stormpike's shield by the end of the day."]="Oh, žiadosť od jedného zo Stormpikeov. Sú pyšný rod, plný kvalitných trpaslíkov. Aj bohatých.\r\n\r\nĎakujem ti,"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Pustím sa do práce na Stormpikeovom štíte, na konci dňa.",
     60["well done. from what i've heard, it couldn't have been an easy fight. you've more than earned your reward, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Skvelé. Určite viem, že to nemohol byť ľahký boj. Cením si to omnoho viac, ako ťa teraz odmením, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
     61["so, the deed is done. excellent job. word has been passed to the ranger general and believe me, the dwarves will pay dearly for their treason. you've been of great service to your people today, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Tak, čin je hotový. Výborná práca.\r\n\r\nBolo povedané ranger generálovi a a dúfa, že trpaslíci zaplatia za svoju zradu.\r\n\r\ngUrobil:Urobila; si toho pre svoj ľud dnes už veľa, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
     62};if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+60;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.