Changeset 22 for client_files/Generate/compile/QuestProgress_1.lua
- Timestamp:
- Oct 5, 2008, 4:37:22 PM (16 years ago)
- File:
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r12 r22 1 1 CZWOW_QuestProgress_count=1;CZWOW_QuestProgress_1={ 2 ["yes? yes? what is it? for a race of people who don't need to breathe underwater, they certainly do have huge appetites. make yourself at home... make yourself at home. my name's renee if you need anything at all."]="Ano? Ano? Co to je?\r\n\r\nNa rasu lidí kteøí nepotøebují pod vodou dýchat mají rozhodne velkou chu» k jídlu. Chovej se tu jako doma...chovej se tu jako doma. Moje jméno je Renee, pokud bys nìco potøeboval.", 3 ["i remember you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you were going to help me out in concocting my latest elixir. i'll need that blood before i can bring my own special brand of misery to the inhabitants of hillsbrad."]="Pamatuji si tì, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Ty jsi pøi¹el pomoci mì s mícháním mého posledního elixíru. Já potøebuji krev døív ne¾ mù¾u donést svoje speciální pøísady k mizérii obyvatel Hillsbradu.", 4 ["woof?"]="Rrrr?", 5 ["you have slain those syndicate thugs, i trust?"]="Zabil jsi Syndicate zloèince? Já vìøím.", 6 ["were you able to carry out your orders, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."? did you dispose of verringtan and his assistants? and where is that iron shipment?"]="Nedoká¾e¹ splnit rozkaz, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."? Rozdìlil jsi Verringtan a jeho pomocníky? And kde je zásilka ¾eleza?", 7 ["perhaps one day the whole of cenarion hold will be working under your command."]="Mo¾ná, ¾e jednoho dne bude celý Cenario Hold pod tvým velením.", 8 ["king anduin has placed great importance on learning, and thus has provided funds for making copies of various tomes and writings available to the public. it's very simple. you bring me a library scrip, and i can give you a copy of one of the available books."]="Král Anduin dává uèení a vedení velkou dùle¾itost, a tak nám poskytl peníze k vyrábìní kopií rozlièných knih a spisku, které jsou veøejnì dostupné. Je to jednoduché. Pøines mi poukázku do knihovny a já ti dám kopii jakékoliv dostupné knihy. ", 9 [""..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". show me you have made prey of the bloodscalp tribe. show me your trophies."]=""..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Uka¾ mi ¾e má¹ koøist kmene Bloodscalp.\r\n\r\nUka¾ mi trofej.", 10 ["the bloodscalps will one day be crushed by the darkspears! do you have the necklaces of our doomed foe?"]="Bloodscalps jednoho dne budou rozdrceni Darkspearsy! Má¹ ten náramek nepøátel?", 11 ["the skullsplitters will curse the day they brought us to war! is your task complete?"]="Skullsplitteøi budou prokletí den nás pøinesl do války! Jsou to v¹echny tvoje otázky?", 12 ["do you have those crystals?? i need them!! i mean...i need to know the evil venture company is losing ground in stranglethorn. because, you know, we honest folk have to make a living!"]="Má¹ ty krystaly? Já je potøebuju!!\r\n\r\nMyslel jsem... Potøebuji vidtìt to zlo Venture Company utíkat z Stranglethorn. Proto¾e zná¹, my jsme poctivý lidé musí odejít.", 13 ["have you had any luck,"]="Mìl jsi ¹tìstí?", 14 ["if you wouldn't mind, i am rather busy right now."]="Kdy¾ mìl bys myslet, teï jsem zaneprázdnìn.", 15 ["here here, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". did you get shaky's payment?"]="Here here, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Did you get Shaky\'s payment?", 16 ["what's the problem, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? we need to attack before the bloodsail buccaneers do!"]="Jaký je problém, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? Potøebujeme zaútoèit døív ne¾ zaútoèí piráti!", 17 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", did you find those three dogs? did you collect their valuables?"]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", na¹el jsi ty tøi psy? Sehnal jsi mi jejich dluhy?", 18 ["i'd never been beat before, you know, pluto? sure i'd been cut, can't get in a knife fight without that, but he just smacked me on the side of the head, blacked me out. when i came to my blade was gone. as much as my nickname might indicate, i still need a knife to fight, and for me, it has to be that one."]="Nikdy jsem nebyl zbit, vý¹ to, Pluto? Jistì byl seknut, mù¾u získat ten nù¾ bez toho, ale ale on mì bouchnul na tu správnou stranu hlavy. Kdy¾ pøijdu ke svému ostøí znovu zpìt.\r\n\r\nTak moc je moje jméno pøízrakem, stejnì potøebuji nù¾ k boji a pro mì, to byl ten pravý,", 19 ["ahoy, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". what word do you bring of the bloodsail encampment to the south?"]="Ahoy, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Kde kotví piráti?", 20 ["do you have those shards yet? i'll give you a decent cut from the profits!"]="U¾ jsi získal ty støepy? Dám ti slu¹ný podíl ze zisku!", 21 ["perhaps i did not make myself clear, pledge. in order to prove your worth as a servant to the people's militia and to the light you need to slay 15 defias trappers and 15 defias smugglers then return to me when the deed is done."]="Mo¾ná jsem to neøekl jasnì, ale pokud chce¹ vstoupit do Vesnické milice musí¹ zabít 15 Defias Trapperù a 15 Defias Smugglerù a ohlásit mi to zde, a¾ bude¹ hotov.", 22 ["ahoy, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! did you find gorlash? that chest was my favorite, and it has a hidden compartment that held my greatest treasures!"]="Ahoj, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! Na¹el jsi Gorlasha? Ta truhla byla má oblíbená a schovával jsem v ní své nejvìt¹í bohatství! ", 23 ["if ya got no business with me, then move along, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Kdy¾ nechce¹ obchodovat, tak bì¾ dál, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".", 24 ["hail, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". have you been killing gnolls...?"]="Krupobití, byl jsi zabit Gnolly...?", 25 ["i am almost ready to complete the enchantment. have you performed my bidding?"]="Já jsme pøipravený dokonèit kouzlo. Provedli jste to co jsem po vás ¾ádal?", 26 ["sergeant yohwa tells me you are skilled and brave, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". do you have something to rep"]="Ser¾ant Yohwa mì øíkal, ¾e jsi zku¹ený a odvá¾ný. Má¹ v sobì nìco z republikána.", 27 ["my equipment is all ready to go, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", i just need those skins. we don't want to keep riddlevox waiting, that's for sure. it's not a good idea for anyone to keep the chief inventor of the tinkers' union unsatisfied."]="Moje vybavení je pøipravené. Èekám u¾ jen na ty kù¾e. Já nechci Riddlevoxe nechat pøíli¹ èekat. Není dobrý nápad nechat nìkoho z unie dráteníkù èekat, to chápe¹ ne?", 28 ["do you have the samples of zanzil's mixture??"]="Má¹ vzorky Zanzilovy smìsy?", 29 ["hello, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". did you make it to booty bay? did the goblin krazek fix my pot??"]="Ahoj, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Udìlal jsi to v Booty bay? Opravil goblin Krazek mùj krec?", 30 ["have you been to the mines? are you ready to report?"]="Byl jdi v dolech ? Jsi pøipravený podat zprávu?", 31 ["in winterspring, you will fight great creatures called da ice thistle yeti. these beasts move slowly, but dey are able to evade many blows from da protection their thick fur provides dem. if you wish ta gain da ability to dodge attacks, bring me da e'ko you find from dem. rememba, you must have the cache of mau'ari in your inventory if you want ta hunt for e'ko."]="V Winterspring, bude¹ bojovat s ohromnými tvory zvanými ice thistle yeti. Tyto bestie se pohybují pomalu, ale jsou výmeèní ve své ochranì. Kdy¾ si pøeje¹ získat schopnost vyhýbání se útokùm, dones mi E\'ko od nich. B\r\nPamatuj si, musí¹ mít v inventáøi Cache of Mau\'ari, kdy¾ bude¹ chtít lovit pro E\'ko.", 32 ["have you obtained the magenta fungus caps i need for my alchemical work? no caps - no reward!"]="Má¹ u¾ ty purpurové houbové èepièky, které potøebuji pro svoji práci? ®ádné èepièky - ¾ádná odmìna!", 33 ["orc pressure from blackrock is still tense. but have you at least rid us of tharil'zun?"]="Orkský nátlak z Blackrocku je stále napnuty. Ale tys nás zbavil aspoò toho Tharil\'zuna?", 34 ["have you gathered those bandanas for me yet?"]="Ji¾ jsi pro mì nasbíral ty ¹átky?", 35 ["i know it's bloody work, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", but it's vital to the safety of northshire. are you ready to report?"]="Vím ¾e je to krvavá práce, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", ale pøispìje to bezpeènosti v Northshire. A¾ bude¹ hotov, tak se vra».", 36 ["have you been slaying orcs, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? if so, then show me..."]="Byl jsi zabíjet orky, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? Jestli ano, uka¾ mi vis co...", 37 ["all i need for my famous meat pie are 8 goretusk livers!"]="Potøebuji 8 jater z goretusku, jinak nemù¾u dokonèit svoji peèeni.", 38 ["ah - "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." - i was just thinking about you! how goes your hunting?"]="Ah - "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." - Zrovna jsem si na tebe vzpomìl! Jak jde lov?", 39 ["hey "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i'm getting hungry...did you get that tough wolf meat?"]="Hey "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Zaèínám bejt hladový...u¾ má¹ ty tough wolf meat?", 40 ["if you can provide pelts for the tribe i will pass word along to my father, chief hawkwind, of your generous deeds."]="Pokud muzes obstarat kozesiny pro nas kmen, zarucim se u meho otce, Chief Hawkwind, za tve velke ciny.", 41 ["you have a look of concern about you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". what news do you bring?"]="Copak mas na srci, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Jake zpravy mi prinasis?", 42 ["remember, no matter what creature you hunt, you would do well to study it and understand its behavior. that knowledge could save your life."]="Remember, no matter what creature you hunt, you would do well to study it and understand its behavior. That knowledge could save your life.", 43 ["did you find verog, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Did you find Verog, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 44 ["is hezrul defeated, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Is Hezrul defeated, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 45 ["you have something from apothecary helbrim?"]="You have something from Apothecary Helbrim?", 46 ["how goes your hunting, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="How goes your hunting, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 47 ["where is the tear of the moons? i need it now! need i say!"]="Where is the Tear of the Moons? I need it now! Need I say!", 48 ["quick, we need to get out of here before someone gets suspicious!"]="Quick, we need to get out of here before someone gets suspicious!", 49 ["i can't make any nitromirglyceronium if i don't have the potions... they're vital to its creation."]="Ja nemuzu vyrobit Nitromirglyceronium pokud nebudu mit lektvary... ty jsou zakladem vyroby.", 50 ["ah, goodie goodie, you're back."]="Ah, dobre bodre modre dobre, jsi zpet.", 51 ["welcome to razor hill!"]="Vitejte v Razor Hill!", 52 ["hm? you look a little young to be a siege engine pilot. but no you need something fixed? well take a number and get comfortable. i'm working on a couple engines right now and won't have time for another job for at least a few days. or, were you here for something else...?"]="Hm.. Vy vypadáte jako mladý být pilot obléhacího stroje. Ale bez ohledu na to... vy potøebujete být na nìco fixovaný? \r\n\r\nVýbornì odeètìte èíslo a budu klidný. Já pracuji na motoru, spravím ho nyní a nebudu mít èas pro dal¹í práci na hodnì dní.\r\n\r\nNebo, jste tu byli pro nìco jiného...?", 53 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", now is no time for idle chatter. if you still wish to prove yourself to the people's militia you need to slay the defias i notified you about earlier. return to me when you have completed your duty."]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", není èas na poklidný rozhovor. Jestli si stále pøeje¹ prokázat svoji u¾iteènost Domobranì, musí¹ zabít Defiasy, o kterých jsem ti ji¾ øekl døíve. Vra» se ke mì, kdy¾ dokonèí¹ svoji povinnost.", 54 ["how goes the hunting, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? have you found and defeated those vermin?"]="Jak jde lov, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? U¾ jsi na¹el a porazil ty koboldy?", 55 ["did you find garrick's shack? are we finally free of that villain?"]="Na¹el jsi Garricovu boudu? Máme koneènì pokoj od toho zloducha?", 56 ["oh, a shipment from my brother? splendid! fortune truly shines on me today!"]="Oh, dodávka od mého bratra? Jupí, dnes mám opravdu ¹tìstí!", 57 ["the wings are quite delicate, but can be inlaid as a decorative element in many of our designs."]="Køídla jsou docela dobrá, ale mù¾ou být vykládána a pou¾ita jako ozdobný prvek v mnoha na¹ich vzhledech.", 58 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", i must have the whirlwind heart!"]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", Musím dostat jeho srdce", 59 ["yes? is there something i can do for you?"]="Ano? je tady nìco co pro tebe mohu udìlat?", 60 ["have you been to the alterac mountains, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? did you face the elusive frostmaw?"]="Byl jsi v Alterac Mountains, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?\r\nStál jsi tváøí v tvá? nepolapitelnému Frostmawovi?", 61 ["this chest is securely locked."]="Tento truhla je zamèená", 62 ["then it is done? you have retrieved the right piece of lord valthalak's amulet, recombined the amulet into one whole, and finally put to rest the spirit of my old companion, mor grayhoof?"]="Je to hotovo? Získal jsi správný kousek z Lordova Valthalakova amuletu, spojil jsi amulety do jednoho celku, a nakonec dal jsi duchovi mého starého spoleèníka Mor Grayhoof odpoèinek?", 63 ["well, you found me. good for you. are you here about that axe i made for gath'ilzogg? or are you here to reclaim duchess pamay's honor? actually, i don't care which it is. if you're here to fight, then let's get it over with..."]="Well, you found me. Good for you.\r\n\r\nAre you here about that axe I made for Gath\'Ilzogg? Or are you here to reclaim Duchess Pamay\'s honor?\r\n\r\nActually, I don\'t care which it is. If you\'re here to fight, then let\'s get it over with...", 64 ["did your gathering efforts prove fruitful?"]="Vydaøilo se tvé úsilí?", 65 ["athrikus narassin is an ancient and powerful warlock. perhaps we should wait for delgren's assistance, but he obviously had much faith in you to send you alone."]="Athrikus Narasin je prastarý a silný warlock.Mo¾ná mù¾eme poèkat na Delgrenovu pomoct,ale on mìl zøejmì moc dùvìry v tebe aby tì poslal samotného.", 66 ["speak up! tell me, are you dropping off or picking up?"]="Mluv! Povìz mi, odkládá¹ nebo nabírá¹?", 67 ["did you make it to ratchet and get those parts?"]="Do¹el jsi do Ratchetu a dostal jsi ty souèástky?", 68 ["if you wish to prove your worth to the dark lady, slay 10 scarlet warriors, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."."]=" \r\n Jestli si pøeje¹ dokázat svoji oddanost Temné paní, zabij 10 Scarlet Warriors, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". ", 69 ["my time is short, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", for the dark lady has charged me with a grave task."]="Mùj èas se krátí, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", proto¾e temná paní mì povìøila dùle¾itým posláním.\r\n ", 70 ["is there something i can help you with?"]="Mù¾u ti s nìèím pomoct?", 71 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", have you been out into the flats? did you bring back that load of parts i wanted?"]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", u¾ si byl ve Flats? Donesl si mi zpìt tu zásilku èástí, které sem chtìl?", 72 ["return after you further prove your worth to the gelkis!"]="Vra» se a¾ více proká¾e¹ svou cenu klanu Gelkis!", 73 ["yes, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Ano, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 74 ["yes, mighty "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", i sensed your arrival. i trust you have more news to report to me about your hunt?"]="Ano, mocný "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", Oèekával jsem tvùj pøíchod. Vìøím ¾e má¹ víc novinek o tvém lovu?", 75 ["did you get the horns, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? those things are going to make me a fortune!"]="Má¹ ty rohy, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? Tohle to mi mù¾e zajistit bohatství!", 76 ["be careful with the eggs you find, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". if they break, they be no good to me."]="Buï opatrný pøi sbìru vajec , kdy¾ je rozbije¹ budou pro mì nepou¾itelné.", 77 ["have you been inside the shadowthread cave, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? did you find a spider egg?"]="Byl jsi v Shadowthread Cave, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? \r\nNa¹el jsi pavouèí vejce ?", 78 ["where are those eyes?"]="Kde má¹ ty oèka??", 79 ["yes? is there something i can do for you?"]="Ano? Je nìco co mù¾u pro tebe udìlat?", 80 ["this chest is securely locked."]="Tato truhlice je bezpeènì zavøena.", 81 ["hmph, you better have good reason to interrupt a man and his fishin'. i don't take kindly to peddlers, let alone beggars."]="Hmph, musí¹ mít dùle¾itý problém, kdy¾ ru¹í¹ mu¾e pøi rybaøení. Nemám rád rozna¹eèe a taky nesná¹ím ¾ebráky.", 82 ["the chicken stares at you with dark, cold eyes. it waits for you hungrily. \"bacaaaw! cluck...cluck...cluck.\""]="Kuøe na tebe zírá tmavýma, chladnýma oèima. Hladovì na tebe èeká.\r\n\r\n\"BACAAAW!\r\n\r\nKvok...kvok...kvok.\" ", 83 ["you've been traveling, eh? have you been anywhere interesting?"]="Cestoval jste, ¾e ?? Máte nìco zajímavého?", 84 ["do you have the spores, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? there is a concoction i must send to my associate in thunder bluff, which requires the spores..."]="Má¹ výtrusy, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? Na odvar, který musím poslat mému spolupracovníkovi v Thunder Bluff, potøebuji výtrusy...", 85 ["do you have my harvest, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Ty má¹ mou sklizeò, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? ", 86 ["we have not time to talk, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". the defias pillagers are denying the people of westfall the peace and prosperity they deserve. make sure at least 15 defias pillagers and 15 defias looters have been killed. that will send a clear message that corruption is not welcome here."]="Nemáme èas na mluvení, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Defias Pillagerové berou lidem z Westfallu mír a blahobyt, který si zaslou¾í. Buï si jistý, ¾e aspoò 15 Defias Pillagerù a 15 Defias Looterù bylo zabito.To je upozorní na to, ¾e jejich nièení zde není vítáno.", 87 ["do you have the silver?"]="Má¹ to støíbro?", 88 ["if you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, i'm able to take them from you now."]="Jestli má¹ ¹edesát kusù vlny s sebou a jsi pøipraven nám je vìnovat, mohu si je od tebe vzit rovnou.", 89 ["you look like you're in a hurry. well, then you came to the right place!"]="Vypadá¹ ¾e má¹ naspìch. No, to si na správném místì!", 90 ["you have something for me?"]="Má¹ nìco pro mì ?", 91 ["the carapace of a scorpid isn't so thick that the strength of a determined warrior will be deterred. strike strongly and without doubt, and the scorpids should prove easy prey."]="Krunýø ¹korpiona není tak silný aby se ho skuteèný váleèník mìl obávat. Útoè silnì a s jistou rukou, a ¹korpioni budou snadnou koøistí.", 92 ["have finished your task "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." ?"]="Dokonèil si svùj úkol "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." ?", 93 ["no good lazy... eh? do you have my blackjack? did you catch any peons sleeping on the job?!"]="®ádní spící peóni...\r\n\r\n Eh? DPou¾il jsi moji palici? Chytil jsi nìjaké peóny pøi spaní?!", 94 ["if you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, i'm able to take them from you now."]="Jestli¾e máte ¹edesát kusù látky vlny mù¾ete mi ji dát prosím, mohu ji pøijmout od Vás právì teï. ", 95 ["if you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, i'm able to take them from you now."]="Jestli¾e máte ¹edesát kusù látky vlny mù¾ete mi ji dát prosím, mohu ji pøijmout od Vás právì teï.", 96 ["hi. i miss my necklace. my daddy got it for me. daddy says that there are monsters in the lake. did you beat up any monsters?"]="Ahoj.Ztratila jsem svùj náhrdelník. Byl od mého táty. Táta øíka, ¾e v jezeru jsou MONSTRA!Porazí¹ je?", 97 ["many of the creatures here on the isle were at one point bound into non-aggression and complacency by our magical skills. when the scourge destroyed the sunwell, our hold over these creatures shattered. arcane slivers are the remnants of the control we once had, and as such might be usable in fashioning a new device to aid us in regaining their control. better still, perhaps the slivers could be used to see what malaise the isle truly suffers under..."]="Mnoho zvíøat na ostrovì bylo na¹imi magickými silami usmìrnìno k lhostajnosti a neagresivitì. Kdy¾ Pohroma znièila Sluneèní Studnu, na¹e kontrola nad tìmito zvíøaty se roztøístila. Tajemné Zbytky jsou pozùstatky moci kterou jsme kdysi mìli a jako takové by mohly být pou¾ity pro výrobu nového zaøízení, které nám pomù¾e znovu získat kontrolu.\r\n\r\n Je¹tì lépe, mo¾ná by mohly být pou¾ity ke zji¹tìní, co vlastnì tento ostrov tak su¾uje...", 98 ["is that sweat on your brow, lad? you've been running too much. next time, take a gryphon!"]="Je to pot na tvém èele? Moc bìhá¹, pøí¹tì si vezmi rad¹i gryfona!", 99 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i fear for our chief's son. do you have the shrunken heads so i may inspect them?"]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Bojíl se o syna na¹eho velitele. Má¹ ty hlavy abych je mohl prohlédnout?", 100 ["i await the skulls..."]="Oèekávám ty lebky...", 101 ["the greenish broth within the cauldron bubbles."]="V kotli bublá zelený vývar.", 102 ["are you here for a wind rider? you have something to transport?"]="Jsi tu pro letce? Má¹ nìco k pøepravì?", 103 ["got the five wastewander water pouches we need? if you do, then the gadgetzan water company care package, model 103-xb, will be yours!"]="Má¹ 5 Wastewanderských vodních vakù které potøebujeme? Pokud ano, speciální balíèek Gadgetzanské vodovodní spoleènosti, model 103-XB je tvùj!", 104 ["do you have all 20 hats? i don't believe you, let me see them. they better be in pristine condition!"]="Má¹ v¹ech 20 kloboukù? Nevìøím ti, uka¾ mi je. A a» jsou rad¹i jako nové!", 105 ["a benevolent gift such as silk, might i add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! if you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, i'm able to take them from you now."]="Laskavý dar, jako tøeba hedvábí, mohu li øíci, by urèitì zvý¹il va¹e postavení ve spoleènosti! Pokud má¹ 60 kusù hedvábné tkaniny s sebou a jsi pøipraven doruèit je, jsem schopen vzít si je od tebe.", 106 ["please, tell me you found the dew collectors?"]="Prosím, øekni mi ¾e jsi na¹el ty sbìraèe rosy..", 107 ["how might i be of service to you, young one? are you here to rest in the inn? do you require a hearthstone?"]="Èím ti mohu poslou¾it? Chce¹ si tu v hospodì odpoèinout, nebo potøebuje¹ Kámen Srdce?", 108 ["did you gather the venom sacs, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Získal jsi ty jedové mìchýøe, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 109 ["you seek passage on the next ship, or have some item you wish to send aboard it?"]="Bude¹ chtít pøevoz pøí¹tí lodí, nebo chce¹ poslat nìjaké vìci na její palubu?", 110 ["you look to be in fine spirits! come! have a seat, and have a drink!"]="Vypadá¹ sympaticky,pojï,sedni si a napij se!", 111 ["how goes your hunt, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? have you found the prowlers?"]="Tak jak jde lov, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? Na¹el jsi prowlery?", 112 ["what do you want, pup? if you're not here for recruitment, i don't have time for you."]="Co chce¹, ¹tìnì? Jestli tu nejsi kvùli naverbování, pak na Tebe nemám èas!", 113 ["something smells good! you don't have raw meat on you, do you?"]="Nìco tu voní!", 114 ["leave me be..."]="Nech mì být...", 115 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", have you harvested the necessary moth blood for the healing crystals yet? with survivors scattered all over the vale, time is of the essence!"]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", u¾ jsi nasbíral nezbytnou krev do na¹ich krystalù? S pøe¾iv¹ími rozptýlenými v¹ude po údolí je èas klíèový!", 116 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", you are back from thunder bluff? did you deliver the hides to ahanu?"]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", jsi zpátky z Thunder Bluffu? Doruèil jsi kù¾e Ahanuovi?", 117 ["we must respect our dead, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". it is one of the ways in which we differ from the scourge..."]="Musíme respektovat na¹i smrt, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Je to jedna z cest,ve kterých se li¹íme od Scourge...", 118 ["hello, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". have you found any sprouts near the waters?"]="Ahoj, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Na¹el jsi nìjaké výhonky okolo tìch vod?", 119 ["many innocent tauren lost their lives or were forced off their ancestral birthplace when the dwarves of bael modan arrived. my land must be reclaimed!"]="Mnoho nevinných taurenù ztratilo své ¾ivoty nebo bylo vytlaèeno z kolébky svých pøedkù, kdy¾ se objevili trpaslíci z Bael Modan.Moje ¾emì musí být získána zpìt!", 120 ["yes?"]="Ano?", 121 ["do you have the seeds? i am eager to plant them."]="Má¹ ty semínka? Nemohu se doèkat a¾ je vypìstuji.", 122 ["if only we knew which one of the miners had found the emerald, it'd be a walk in the park..."]="Ké¾ by jsme vìdìli, který z horníkù na¹el smaragd, bylo by to jako chùze v parku...", 123 ["i can't wait to hear how my friends react! they'll never expect it"]="Nemohu se dockat jako budu reagovat moji kamarati!\r\n\r\nNikdy by to nepredpokladali", 124 ["i wish they'd make more flavors of ice cream other than strawberry, but i guess i'm lucky that strawberry is my favorite!"]="Pøál bych si, aby mìli jiné pøíchutì zmrzliny ne¾ jahodovou,ale myslím, ¾e mám ¹tìstí, ¾e je jahodová má oblíbená!", 125 ["cut up enough of them yet? keep slicing and taking trophies. i want 8 witchwing talons."]="Cut up enough of them yet? Keep slicing and taking trophies. I want 8 Witchwing talons.", 126 ["have you collected the materials?"]="U¾ jsi ten materiál posbíral?\r\n", 127 ["have you brought me what i requested of you, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Donesls si to oè jsem tì ¾ádala?", 128 ["have the creatures here bested you already, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? do not be dissuaded so easily. tracking and defeating the apes of un'goro is no simple task, even for a great hunter."]="Su¾ují tì ty pøí¹ery tady?Nebuï na¹tvaný.Nalezení a pora¾ení tìchto opic není lehký úkol ani pro skvìlého lovce.", 129 ["do you have the shards, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? they are needed for my final ritual, after we have the mind's eye."]="Má¹ ty krystaly?Potøebuju je pro vykonání posledního rituálu pro mind\'s eye...", 130 ["hello! it is a pleasure to meet you! i see you have a special voucher. give it to me and i will offer you something in exchange."]="Ahoj je to opravdu èest setkat se s tebou.Vidím ¾e má¹ dárek.Dej mi ho a já ti nìco dám na oplátku.", 131 };if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+129; 2 ["orc pressure from blackrock is still tense. but have you at least rid us of tharil'zun?"]="Orkský nátlak z Blackrocku je stále napätý. Ale zbavil si sa už konečne Tharil\'zuna?", 3 ["you back already? what's the situation out there - all cleared up now, thanks to you?"]="Uz si spet? Ake je tam situacia - vsetky vycistene, dakujem?", 4 ["your return to thunder bluff is not without heralding, though i will need proof of your lessons learned in moonglade before i will teach you your aquatic form. do you have the pendant of the sea lion?"]="Mas Pendant of the Sea Lion?", 5 ["have you completed the task with which i have charged you? do you have those putrid claws?"]="Uz si splnil ulohu ktorou som ta poveril? Mas tie Putrid Claws?", 6 ["sure, i'll sing it again for you, friend! mellifluous liquid clear as a baby's tears turns a lovely deep amber over the years but before we proceed to get lit to the hilt a barrel of charred oak must be built."]="Pravdaze zaspievam ti to este raz priatelu!\r\n\r\nZazracna tekutina, cista ko slzy babetka\r\nUdrzi sladky jantar na veky\r\nAle preto musime nieco podniknut\r\nSud z dreva musi byt vyrobeny.", 7 ["old blanchy is on her last leg. did you happen to find any oats for her?"]="Old Blanchy uz taha z posledneho. Uz si nasiel nejake jedlo pre nu?", 8 ["greetin's, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you've found yerself at the shrine of the dormant flame. only those knowledgeable enough in the shamanistic arts will ever learn the secrets of this place and the power it holds. i'm sorry you made the trip all this way, only to be turned back now--the journey up here is far from safe after all--but i am the keeper of the shrine, and i cannot allow just anyone to wander around here."]="Zdravim, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Nasiel si seba v Shrine of the Dormant Flame. Jedine ten, kto je vyuceny v samanskom umeni, sa moze ucit sile a tajomstvam tohto miesta, ktore tu sidlia. Ospravedlnujem sa ti, ze si sem meral taku cestu jedine, co ti zostava je pobrat sa naspet--cesta sem, ma po tom vsetkom daleko od bezpecia--ale ja som strazca svatine, a nemozem dovolit aby sa tu niekto potuloval.", 9 ["hey, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". been to the grizzled den yet? those wendigos can be fierce."]="Hey, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Byl jsi u Grizzled Den už? Wendigos umí být zuřivý.", 10 ["do you have those heads, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Máš tie hlavy, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 11 ["you're back from stormwind? did osric send the armor?"]="Si späť zo Stormwindu? Poslal Osric brnenie?", 12 ["your masters are fools to send you here, for i will never again be a scourge slave!"]="Tvoji páni sú hlupáci, že ťa sem posielajú, keďže už nikdy znova nebudem sluhom Pohrom!", 13 ["if you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, i'm able to take them from you now."]="Ak máš 60 kusov wool cloth, a si pripravený odovzdať ich, som ochotná prevzať ich od teba.", 14 ["there is dust on your shoulders that must be from the barrens. you have spoken with my friend jahan?"]="Na tvojich pleciach je prach ktorí musí byť z Barrens. Už si sa rozprával s mojim priaťeľom Jahan?", 15 ["yes, mighty "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", i sensed your arrival. i trust you have more news to report to me about your hunt?"]="Ano, mocný "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", Očakával som tvoj príchod. Verím že máš viac noviniek o tvojom lovu???", 16 ["gimme food or me eat you."]="Daj jedlo, lebo ja zjesť teba.", 17 ["do you have the snapdragons? that breed of flower is highly receptive to magic energies, and studying the snapdragons so close to the plaguelands can tell us if the plague has entered tirisfal glades."]="Máš tie hledíky? Táto odroda kvetov je vysoko citlivá na magické energie, a výskum tohto hledíka, ktorý rastie tak blízko Plaguelands, nám môže povedať či už pohroma vnikla do Tirisfal Glades.", 18 ["woof?"]="Haff?", 19 ["have you spoken to the ancients yet, tokerr?"]="Hovoril si už s prastarými, Tokerr?", 20 ["the moonwells hold the waters of the well of eternity, the ancient source of magic that has wrought so many horrors upon our world. the druids take advantage of its properties, and the sentinels revere the wells as shrines to elune, but sorcery is forbidden to all."]="Mesačné studne sú naplnené vodami Studne Večnosti, prastarého zdroja mágie, ktorý do tohto sveta vniesol toľké hrôzy.\r\n\r\nDruidovia zneužili tento zdroj, a Strážcovia uctievali tieto studne ako svätyne Eluny, ale čarodejníctvo je pre všetkých zakázané.", 21 ["have you returned from orgrimmar? did gryshka like the meat i sent her?"]="Už si sa vrátil z Orgrimmar? Chutilo Gryshke mäso, čo som jej poslal?", 22 ["are you having any trouble? you can find gahz'ridian just about anywhere in tanaris, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", so keep looking!"]="Máš nejaké problémy s hľadaním?\r\n\r\nGahz\'ridianove ornamenty môžeš nájsť skoro všade v Tanarise, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", tak pokračuj v hľadaní!", 23 ["the buck hides are rugged and strong, making for very tough flesh - almost inedible, but we can use them for other purposes."]="Koža jeleňov je pevná a hrubá, to robí ich mäso tvrdým - čiže takmer nepoužiteľným, ale my ich môžme využiť aj na iné účely.", 24 ["where's that useless abomination? either you have what i need or you'd best get out there and find it."]="Kde je ten neužitočný hnus? Buď máš, čo potrebujem alebo keď nie, tak sa vráť naspäť ku nemu.", 25 ["did you find the plans?"]="Našiel si tie plány?", 26 ["did you find my shipment of rum, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Našiel si ten náklad rumu, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 27 ["the battle in warsong gulch against the silverwing sentinels is of great importance. under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn't belong to them, the alliance seeks to deny the horde one of our largest sources for lumber. do not let this happen, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! come back to me with proof of serving the horde in a worthy manner!"]="Bitka vo Warsong Gulch proti Silverwing Sentinelomg je veľmi dôležitá. Pod zámienkou, že ochraňujú les, ktorý im ani nepatrí, sa Aliancia pokúša vyhnať Hordu z nášho najväčšieho zdroja dreva.\r\n\r\nNedopusť, aby sa tak stalo, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! Vráť sa späť ku mne s dôkazom tvojej služby v prospech Hordy práve takýmto spôsobom!", 28 ["watch out for murlocs: strange and extremely annoying little creatures."]="Pozeraj sa po murlokoch: po malých ale bojaschopných stvoreniach.", 29 ["a letter from the dwarven lands? i wonder who would call from so far to the north... please, let me see the order."]="Odkaz z trpaslíčich krajov? Som zvedavý, kto posiela správu z takých ďalekých končín, zo severu...\r\n\r\nProsím, nechaj ma pozrieť si tú správu.", 30 ["how can i help you, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."?"]="Ako ti môžem pomôcť, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."?", 31 ["did you take care of the intruder?"]="gPostaral:Postarala; si sa o votrelca?", 32 };if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+30;
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