Oct 5, 2008, 4:37:22 PM (16 years ago)


1 edited


  • client_files/Generate/compile/QuestDescription_1.lua

    r12 r22  
    2 ["hey, mate! do a favor for a young man who's been fighting more than his fair share of mindless zombies and spiders? i got this here letter that needs to go to brill... to an innkeeper named renee something-or-other. don't really matter none what her last name is. anyway, it's a nice cozy little place full of victims of the plague trying to make their way in the world. and it be a great spot for you to rest too if the need arises. you should check it out... you do and i'll pay you well."]="Hej, kamaráde! Udìlej laskavost pro mladého mu¾e, který bojoval s dost velkým mno¾stvím pøí¹er typu \"mindless zombies\" a pavoukù?\r\n\r\nDostal jsem tenhle dopis, ze mam jít do Brillu... k hostinskému (innkeeper) jménem Renee nebo tak nìjak. To ale není zále¾itost pro mne.\r\n\r\nKa¾dopádnì je to útulné místo plné obìtí trápení, kteøí zkou¹í najít svou cestu ¾ivotem. A je to místo klidu, pokud takové místo bude¹ potøebovat. Bì¾ se tam podívat... udìlá¹ to a pak ti dobøe zaplatím.",
    3 ["upon further searching the area, you find webbed footprints leading east along the shore of stone cairn lake. in the distance to the east, you can just barely see a murloc village. perhaps rolf's fate ended there..."]="V dal¹í oblasti, kterou prozkoumá¹ najde¹ mnoho pavuèinových stop podél bøehù jezera Stone Cairn. Pokud se porozhlédne¹ více na východ mù¾e¹ vidìt vesnici Murlokù.\r\n\r\nMo¾ná TAM najde¹ konec Rolfova putování....",
    4 ["oh, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". . .the flowers are blooming in hillsbrad and the air is so fresh and brisk. i can't help but to wallow in the misery of it all. i look out my grimy window and long for the day when our new plague brings this world the death it deserves. as much as i would love to sit and brood all day, my duty to the dark lady calls. help me, would you? my research leads me to believe i can make the most splendid death-brew with the blood of a mountain lion. bring some to me and we'll have a little fun."]="Oh, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". . .kvìtiny kvetou v Hillsbradu a vzduch je èistý a sve¾í. Nemù¾u si pomoc, ne¾ si jen libovat v mizérii toho v¹eho. Hledím ze svého ¹pinavého okna a tou¾ím po dni, kdy ná¹ Nový Mor pøinese do tohoto svìta smrt, kterou zaslou¾í.\r\n\r\nJak rad bych sedel cely den a dumal si, ale povinnost k Temné Paní volá. Pomù¾e¹ mi? Moje výzkumy mì vedou k pøesvìdèení, ¾e bych mohl vyrobit nesmrtelnìj¹í elixír z krve Horského lva. Pøines mi nìjakou a pak si u¾ijeme trochu zábavy. ",
    5 ["ah, nothing like the smell of fresh blood in the foothills! now we'll mix in a touch of this and a little of that and let the real fun begin! what i have created with this blood, i like to call an elixir of pain. if my calculations are correct this concoction could be the start of something very beautiful for lady sylvanas. but what we need is a test. take this elixir out to the northern farm in hillsbrad fields to the southwest. let's see how farmer ray's little dog stanley likes this \"treat.\""]="Ah, nic není takové jako vùnì èerstvé krve v podhùøí!\r\n\r\nTed namícháme trochu tohoto a ¹petku tamtoho a nech» zaène poøádná sranda! To co jsem vytvoøil z této krve, rád bych to nazval Elixírem Bolesti. Jestli jsou mé výpoèty správné, pak tohle odstartuje nìco velmi hezkého pro paní Sylvanu. Ale nejprve potøebujeme test.\r\n\r\nVem tenhle elixír na severní farmu v Hillsbad Fields na jiho-západì. Schválnì jak ten malý pes farmáøe Raye, Stanley, bude mít rad tohle \"poho¹tìní.\" ",
    6 ["i am the new magistrate of southshore, recently assigned after the assassination of the previous magistrate. the assassins were never found, but through our investigations we're almost certain they were hired by the syndicate - a group of thieves led by villainous nobles of the now fallen kingdom of alterac. the syndicate has a camp north of the horde-occupied tarren mill, and our last clues led to that camp. slay the syndicate members you find there."]="Jsem nový správce Southshore, nedávno zvolen po zavra¾dìní pøede¹lého správce. Aèkoliv vrahové nebyli nikdy dopadeni, na¹e vy¹etøovaní ukazují, ze byli urèitì najmutí Syndicate - skupinou zlodìjù vedenou bídnými ¹lechtici z nyní ji¾ padlého království Alterac.\r\n\r\nSyndicate mají tábor na severu od Hordou okupovaného Tarren Mill, a na¹e poslední vy¹etøování nás zavedla k tomu táboru. Zabij èleny Syndicate které tam najde¹. ",
    7 ["it is clear that perenolde must be killed, his foulness removed from the world. his manor lies a ways to the north of here, on the shores of lordamere lake. do your duty, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", then retrieve the pendant that the warchief desires, and return here."]="Je jasné, ¾e Perenolde musí být zabit, jeho zka¾enost vymazaná ze svìta. Jeho vila le¾í daleko na severu odtud, na pobøe¾í jezera Lordamere. Konej svou povinnost, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", pak získej pøívì¹ek, který chce Warchief a vra» se sem.",
    8 ["the humans of hillsbrad have been putting up unexpected resistance. the problem appears to be that the townsfolk are being armed by the local blacksmith. we need to shut down all supply lines. your mission will be to execute blacksmith verringtan. slay his apprentices as well. while there, bring back a shipment of iron from their stockpile. the supplies will come in handy when we are done with the conquering of hillsbrad and begin razing southshore."]="Lidé Hillsbradu se postavili na neoèekávaný odpor. Problémem je, ¾e lidé z mìsta jsou vyzbrojováni místním kováøem. Musíme zastavit v¹echny zásobovací stezky.\r\n\r\nTvou misí bude popravit Blacksmithe Verringtana. Spolu s ním zabij i jeho uènì. Kdy¾ u¾ tam bude¹, pøines zpìt zásoby ¾eleza z jejich skladi¹tì. Zásoby se budou hodit, kdy¾ dokonèíme kolonizaci Hillsbradu a zaèneme vypalovat Southshore.",
    9 ["well. judging from captain vimes's report. you've been a huge help to his investigation. and for that i thank you. i can put my mind more at ease knowing that the matter is in such capable hands. if you would. i would request that you return to captain vimes and help him in getting to the bottom of this mystery."]="Dobrá, soude z Kapitánovy zprávy, bude¹ muset velmi pomoct k tomuto vy¹etøování a proto ti dìkuji.\r\n\r\n Mù¾e¹ si klást na mysl lehková¾nou spornou vìc takovou pomocnou ruku. Pokud mù¾e¹, podej ¾ádost a vrat ji kapitánovi Vimesovi a pomoz mu donést záhadnou fla¹ku.",
    10 ["choose your deputies wisely, mortal. each time you return with your task complete, a new deputy you will be allowed to choose. with that said, i require more of the carapace fragments. waste no time!"]="Vyber si zástupce dobøe smrtelníku. Poka¾dé se vracej se splnìným úkolem a bude¹ mít mo¾nost si vybrat.\r\n\r\n Potøebuji kousíèek krunýøe. Neztrácej èas!",
    11 ["throm'ka, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."! your arrival at grom'gol is timely, indeed. as commander of the warchief's base camp here in the jungle i am bound by honor to ensure the safety of all members of the horde. our mission to provide a safe chain of supply to stonard is being hampered by some of the local inhabitants. i am putting you in charge of thinning out the raptor population outside of grom'gol. once you have made significant progress, report back to me for reassignment."]="Throm\'ka, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."!\r\n\r\nDo Grom\'golu jsi dorazil opravdu na èas. Jako velitel táboru Warchief tady v d¾ungli jsem zavázán cti, abych zajistil bezpeèí èlenu hordy. Na¹í misi k poskytnuti bezpeèného øetìzce zásobování Stonardovi pøeká¾ejí nìkteøí místní obyvatelé.\r\n\r\nStavím tì do velení mise pro ztenèení populace raptorù okolo Grom\'golu. Jakmile udìlá¹ dostateèný pokrok, pøijï zpìt a podej mi zprávu. ",
    12 ["a doom, there is. a doom on my chief's youngest son, yenniku. as is a custom with our people, he was given to the gurubashi trolls of zul'gurub, but after my tribe, the darkspear tribe, left with the orc thrall, poor yenniku was lost to us. i was sent from distant orgrimmar, back to stranglethorn, to search for my chief's son. and i believe the bloodscalp tribe has him. if you would help me, then hunt the bloodscalps. you may find them to the north. gather their tusks and return to me."]="Pøi¹la k nám zkáza. Zkáza, která postihla náèelníkova nejmlad¹ího syna, Yenniku. Jak je u nás zvykem, byl dán do výchovy Gurubashskym trollum Zul\'Gurubu, ale poté, co mùj kmen,  kmen Darkspearsky, odcestoval spolu s orkem Thrallem, ubohý Yenniku se nám ztratil. Byla jsem poslána z dalekého Ogrimmaru zpìt do Stranglethornu, abych hledala syna mého náèelníka.\r\n\r\nA vìøím ¾e, ho dr¾í Bloodscalpsky kmen.\r\n\r\nMohl bys mi pomoci a lovit Bloodscalpske? Mù¾e¹ je najít na severu. Posbírej jejich ¹pièáky a vra» se ke mì. ",
    13 ["what? what?! you want money? i don't owe you any money. letter? what letter? oh, you wanna fight then? all right, mate... let's do this! owe you any money..."]="Co¾e?\r\n\r\nCo¾e?!\r\n\r\nTak ty chce¹ peníze? Tobì já ¾ádné peníze nedlu¾ím..\r\n\r\nDopis? Jaký dopis? Tak¾e ty chce¹ bojovat? Dobøe kamaráde... pojïme do toho! Dlu¾it ti peníze...",
    14 ["the note reads, in fairly good handwriting: to any that can aid me- please, my need for help is dire. a great skymane holds me captive on an island in the south seas. the stars at night are foreign to me and obscured by the jungle trees, but on the clearest days i see wild shore to the northwest, and what seem to be large sailing ships to the southwest. i beg of you, my would-be savior, please help me."]="Ve vzkazu se pí¹e, docela slu¹ným rukopisem:\r\n\r\nPro kohokoli, kdo mi mù¾e pomoci-\r\n\r\nProsím, zoufale potøebuji pomoc. Velký Skymane mì dr¾í jako zajatce na ostrove v South Seas ( ji¾ních moøích ).\r\n\r\nHvìzdy na noèní obloze jsou mi neznámé a zakryté stromy d¾ungle, ale v nejjasnìj¹ích dnech vidím Wild Shore na severozápadì, a nìco, co vypadá jako velké plující lodì na jihozápadì.\r\n\r\nProsím tì, mùj pøípadný zachránce, prosím, zachraò mì. ",
    15 ["you sure seem eager to work, matey. not sure why some land-loving "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." is offering help to the blackwater raiders, but i'm not going to turn you away. our ship just docked here in booty bay and word has it that our rivals--those damned, dirty bloodsail buccaneers--have been spotted all over southern stranglethorn. all the boys are too busy hitting the grog and looking for ladies! what i need is a scout. check the cove just north of booty bay along the savage coast and see what you find."]="Urèitì jsi nedoèkavý, abys mohl pracovat, pøíteli. Nejsem si jistý, proè nìjaký zemi-milující "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." nabízí pomoc Blackwaterskym Raiderum, ale nehodlám se od tebe odvrátit. \r\n\r\nNa¹e loï právì zakotvila zde v Booty Bay a proslýchá se ¾e na¹i rivalové - zatraceni, ¹pinaví Bloodsail Buccaneeri - byli spatøeni po celém ji¾ním Stranglethornu.\r\n\r\nV¹ichni chlapci jsou pøíli¹ zaneprázdnìni chlastáním grogu a ohlí¾ením se po dìvèatech! Já potøebuji zvìda.\r\n\r\nZkontroluj zátoku severnì od Booty Bay podél Savage Coast a uvidíme, co zjistí¹. ",
    16 ["i was sent to grom'gol to aid nimboya on his quest, but... i too have reasons for being here. the bloodscalp tribe is enemy to our tribe. collecting trophies of our enemies gives us power over them. you may aid our tribe by hunting our enemies. they dwell to the north. slay bloodscalp trolls and take from them their bloody bone necklaces. collect many, and your reward will be great."]="Byl jsem poslán do Grom\'golu, abych pomohl Nimboye v jejím úkolu, ale... ani já nemam jen jeden dùvod, proè zde jsem.\r\n\r\nBloodscalpsky kmen je na¹emu kmenu nepøítelem. Sbírání trofeji na¹ich nepøátel nám dává nad nimi moc a pøevahu. Mù¾e¹ na¹emu kmenu pomocí lovením na¹ich nepøátel.\r\n\r\nJejich území je na sever. Zabij Bloodscalpske trolly a vezmi od nich jejich krvavé kostìné náhrdelníky. Posbírej jich mnoho a tvá odmìna bude veliká. ",
    17 ["the map shows booty bay with a red \"x\" drawn precisely at the spot at which you are standing. the scribbled text reads: \"you men are to secure a camp at this location and keep quiet. wait for the signal from the southern command post before attacking. if anyone approaches you, kill them.\""]="Mapa ukazuje Booty Bay s èerveným \"X\" peèlivì nakresleném na místì, na kterém právì stojí¹.\r\n\r\nV na¹krábaném textu se pí¹e:\r\n\r\n\"Vy pánové, zabezpeèíte kemp na tomto místì a budete zticha. Èekejte na signál z ji¾ního velitelského stanovi¹tì, pøedtím ne¾ zaènete s útokem. Jestli¾e kohokoli potkáte, zabijte je.\" ",
    18 ["now that you have gathered bloodscalp trophies, i have another task for you. the skullsplitter tribe of trolls live to the southeast, and for years we have warred with them. although the darkspears no longer dwell in stranglethorn, we are bound to our conflict with the skullsplitters. so, hunt them. gather their split bone necklaces and return to me. aid us in our war, and you will earn the friendship of the darkspears."]="Nyní, kdy¾ jsi posbíral v¹echny Bloodscalpske trofeje, mam pro tebe dal¹í úkol. Kmen trollu Skullsplitter ¾ije na jihovýchod a válèíme s nimi ji¾ léta. Pøesto¾e Darkspearsti ji¾ ve Stranglethornu ne¾ijí, jsme stále zavázáni bojovat ve svém konfliktu se Skullspittery.\r\n\r\nTak¾e je zaèni lovit. Posbírej jejich náhrdelníky z prasklých kosti (Split Bone Necklaces) a vrat se ke mì. Pomoz nám v na¹í válce a získá¹ si pøátelství Darkspearu. ",
    19 ["shiver me timbers! so the bloodsail buccaneers are planning some sort of attack on booty bay? why, the nerve of those scoundrels. booty bay will always be run by the blackwater raiders! this is bigger than i thought. report what you have learned to fleet master seahorn at once! the ol' sea dog is around town somewhere...."]="A» mì dá¹! Tak¾e Bloodsailsti Buccanyri plánují nìjaký útok na Booty Bay? Jak se ti darebáci opova¾ují? Booty Bay bude v¾dy provozována Blackwaterskymi Raiders!\r\n\r\nJe to vet¹í, ne¾ jsem se bál pomyslet. Musí¹ okam¾itì øíci Fleet Masteru Seahornovi o tom, co ses se dozvìdìl! Ten starý moøský pes se potuluje tady nìkde po mìstì... ",
    20 ["the venture company has a string of operations through stranglethorn which keeps hard-working goblins, like me, from making honest gold! please, you must help me! the venture company is mining near the crystalvein mine to the north. they can't get into the mine because of all the basilisks, but they're still able to dig up singing crystals from the surrounding hills. take their crystals from them, and show them they don't have the run of the jungle. and... um... bring me those crystals as proof!"]="Venture Company má øetìzec èinnosti po celém Stranglethornu, které dr¾í tì¾ce pracující gobliny, jako jsem já, daleko od poøádného výdìlku! Prosím, musí¹ mi pomoct!\r\n\r\nVenture Company tì¾í poblí¾ Crystalvein Mine na severu. Kvùli v¹em tìm bazili¹kùm se nemohou dostat do dolù, ale poøád jsou schopni tì¾it Singing Crystaly z okolních kopcù.\r\n\r\nVezmi od nich jejich krystaly a uka¾ jim, ¾e z d¾ungle se nedá utéci.\r\n\r\nA... ehm... pøines mi ty krystaly jako dùkaz! ",
    21 ["the water elementals were no doubt summoned by gazban, the goblin wizard rumored to have discovered the stone of the tides. as you may know, the stone of the tides curses its bearer, causing him to fade in and out of existence... perhaps we can find a way to counteract the curse. we can have a mage of dalaran analyze the magical residue of one of the water elemental's bracers. i need you to go back to the island and retrieve a few specimens."]="Vodní elementálové (water elementals) byli bez pochyb povoláni Gazbanem, skøetím kouzelníkem, o kterém koluje ¾e nalezl Stone of the Tides. Jak jistì ví¹, Stone of the Tides prokleje svého nositele, který se vypaøí z existence a opìt se objeví...\r\n\r\nMo¾ná pøijdeme na zpùsob, jak odvrátit prokletí. Mù¾eme získat od mága z Dalaranu analýzu zbytkové magie z náramku vodních elementálu. Potøebuji, aby ses vydal zpìt na ostrov a získal pár kousku. ",
    22 ["from what i've heard, the mages of dalaran are busy with the reconstruction of their destroyed city, i'm sure you can find one of them who will spare some time to look at the bracers. if there's anything i know about mages, they can't resist a magical puzzle. take the bag of water elemental bracers and see if they can shed any light on the stone's curse. look for the archmage ansirem runeweaver in particular. i've dealt with him before, and his knowledge is vast."]="Z toho, co jsem sly¹el, mágové Dalaranu jsou zaneprázdnìni rekonstrukci svého znièeného mìsta, jsem si jist, ¾e nìkoho z nich, který si najde chvíli, aby prozkoumal náramky, tam zajisté najde¹. Jestli¾e o mazích nìco vím, pak je to to, ¾e nedoká¾í odolat magické ¾ádance. \r\n\r\nVezmi pytel s náramky water elementalu a zjisti, jestli nìkterý z nich dokaze objasnit prokleti Stoneu. Obzvlá¹tì se podívej po Archmageovi Ansiermu Runeweaverovi. U¾ jsem s nim mìl nìco spoleèného a jeho vìdomosti jsou neuveøitelné. ",
    23 ["here, take this pouch and give it to sea wolf. and tell him i meant to pay him back! i swear!! i just got a little drunk and lost my way, and...you know how things are. he'll understand - you don't have to get rough!"]="Tady, vezmi tenhle pytlik a dej ho Morskemu Vlkovi ( Sea Wolf). A rekni mu, ze jsem mu chtel zaplati zpet! Prisaham!!\r\n\r\nJen jsem se trochu opil a zapomnel, kam vlastne jdu a... vis jak to chodi. On pochopi, nemusis se hned rozcilovat! ",
    24 ["blast the nerve of firallon! he couldn't sail a skiff through crystal lake let alone lead an entire fleet against us. the bloodsail buccaneers will pay for their carelessness. now that we know their plan of attack, we can counter before they know what hit them. but why send the entire fleet to do the work of one brave adventuring party? "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", take some of your most skilled comrades out to firallon's landing spot and assassinate the bloodsail leadership. their fleet will sink soon after...."]="K èertu s Firallonem! Musel proplavat jeho malou loïkou pøes Crystal Lake, aby nechal kohokoli na nás navést celé loïstvo.\r\n\r\nMístní Bloodsail Buccaneeri zaplatí pro svou lehkomyslnost. Nyní, kdy¾ známe jejich plán na útok, mù¾eme mu zabránit je¹tì pøedtím, ne¾ zjistí, kdo na nì útoèí.\r\n\r\nAle proè poslali celé loïstvo, aby odvedlo práci jedné zku¹ené skupinky dobrodruhù? "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", vezmi pár tvých zku¹ených spoleèníkù na Firralonovo místo k vylodìní a zavra¾di Bloodsailske vùdce. Jejich lodstvo se potopi brzy pote... ",
    25 ["my list is shortening, but there are still people who owe me. next, we have maury \"club foot\" wilkins, jon-jon the crow, and chucky \"ten thumbs.\" these scurvy dogs' debts are months outstanding and i thought they skipped town to avoid paying up! later, i heard they're cursed and bewitched and now wander the jungle ruins. but i don't care what their fate is - i want what's mine! they're at the ruins of aboraz and the ruins of jubuwal, northeast of here. find them, and collect."]="Mùj seznam se krátí, ale stále jsou zde lide, kteøí mi nìco dlu¾í.\r\n\r\nDal¹ího máme Mauryho \"Club Foot\" Wilkinse, Jon-Jon the Crowa a Chucky \"Ten Thumbs.\"\r\n\r\nDluhy tìch podlých psù jsou u¾ mìsíce obrovské a myslím, ¾e se vyhýbají mìstu, aby nemuseli platit! Poslední dobou jsem v¹ak sly¹el, ¾e jsou prokleti a oèarováni a nyní se potuluji po ruinách v d¾ungli. Ale mì nezajímá, jaký je jejich osud - chci jen to, co mi dlu¾í! \r\n\r\nJsou v Ruins of Aboraz a Ruins of Jubuwai, severovýchodnì odsud. Najdi je a pøines mi jejich dluh.",
    26 ["my father sent you? i'd have thought that old codger would have given up on me by now. it wasn't really his fault i ran off, he just shouldn't have expected i'd be willing to live a boring life, reading over musty books and associating with grey-haired, stiff-backed, stuffy mages! if you need my dagger, you'll have to get it back from \"pretty boy\" duncan, one of the bloodsail buccaneers. put something 'tween his shoulders and i'm sure he'll give it up."]="Mùj OTEC tì poslal? Myslela jsem si, ¾e to se mnou mùj starý tatík u¾ vzdal.\r\n\r\nNebyla to vlastnì jeho vina, ¾e jsem utekla, prostì jen nemìl èekat, ¾e budu ¾ít jeho zpùsob nudného ¾ivota pøi ètení starých knih a sdru¾ování se ¹edivými, neústupnými zatuchlými kouzelníky!\r\n\r\nJestli¾e potøebuje¹ mou dýku, bude¹ ji muset získat zpìt od \"Pretty Boy\" Duncana, jednoho z Bloodsail Buccaneeru. Vlo¾ mu nìco mezi jeho ramena a jsem si jista ¾e ti dýku s radosti dá.",
    27 ["crazz speaks highly of your dedication to the blackwater raiders. i am going to trust you with a mission of extreme importance to the fleet. infiltrate the so-called southern command post the bloodsail buccaneers have established on the wild shore. raid the encampment. bring me their charts along with their written orders. we shall see exactly what those scum are up to."]="Crazz rozprávìl o tom, jaký má¹ zájem o Blackwater Raiders. Proto ti svìøuji tuto nároènou misi, u které se urèitì nebude¹ nudit.\r\n\r\nStaèí se dostat do jejich hlavního tabora ji¾nì odtud, nazývaného the Bloodsail Buccaneers, který se nachází ve Wild Shore. Probij se do tábora a pøines mi nazpìt seznamy a jejich written orders. Snad se pozná, co jsou tihle darebáci zaè. ",
    28 ["the singing crystals are unique to stranglethorn, and are very valuable to certain parties. i can move those crystals, but the cursed venture company makes it hard for an honest entrepreneur like myself to gather any! i'd like to hire you. the basilisks in stranglethorn eat the crystal. this gives them their hardened skin, and sometimes decent quality crystal can be harvested from it. you can get it from any basilisk, but the less nasty ones are along the shores south of zul'kunda, to the north."]="Singing Crystals patøí právì Stranglethorn, a navíc jsou velmi vzácné. Mohl bych tyhle krystaly dostat nazpìt sám, ale díky vlivu silného kouzla Venture Company to není mo¾né.\r\n\r\nProto bych si tì rád najmul pro tento úkol.\r\n\r\nBasiliskove v Stranglethornu tyto krystaly snìdly. Díky tomu se stali odolnìj¹ími, mají pevnìj¹í kù¾i. Ne z ka¾dého se ti ale podaøí tento krystal vydobít.\r\n\r\nDoporuèuji ti, aby jsi se vypravil na sever. Podél bøehu ji¾nì od Zul\'Kunda by jsi jich par mohl nalézt. ",
    29 ["the people's militia has but one goal: to defend the lands of westfall and return peace to our surroundings. unfortunately, the price of peace is often blood. one of my scouts has brought word of a band of defias trappers wreaking havoc nearby. i have reports of defias trapper sightings near the jangolode mine to the northwest as well as at the molsen farm and furlbrow's pumpkin farm. if you seek to join our ranks, slay 15 defias trappers and 15 defias smugglers then return to me."]="Vesnická milice má jediný úèel: Bránit území Westfallu a vrátit mír do na¹eho okolí. Bohu¾el, mír je èasto splácen krví. \r\n\r\nJeden z mých ¹pehù ohlásil tlupu zlodìjù, kteøí pùsobí zkázu nedaleko. Byly vidìni v okolí Jangolode Mine na severozápadì, u Molsen Farm a Furlbow\'s Pumpkin farm. Pokud chce¹ vstoupit do na¹ich øad, zabij 15 Defias Trapperù a 15 Defias Smugglerù",
    30 ["i used to sail a ship from here all the way to ratchet, in kalimdor. i was a successful captain with a sterling reputation. until... those cursed sea giants ruined me! they smashed my ship, killed my crew, and set me on a lifeboat to booty bay. and one of the giants, gorlash, stole my captain's chest. he said he wanted it for a snuffbox. the nerve! i hear gorlash wanders the coast east of here. find him and get back my chest! do that, and you'll have earned a captain's gratitude."]="Nìkolikráte jsem plul po moøi do Ratchetu, v Kalimdoru. Byl jsem vcelku dobøe hodnocený kapitán.\r\n\r\nDokud...\r\n\r\nNe¾ mì prokletí moø¹tí obøi neznièili! Potopili mou loï, posádku rozsápali a poslali mne záchranou lodí do Booty Bay. Jeden z nich, Gorlash, ukradl drze mou Captai\'s Chest. Povídal, ¾e si z ni udìlá tabatìrku. Ta drzost, omg!\r\n\r\nDle toho, co se mi doneslo, se Gorlash nachází na pobøe¾í východnì odtud. Najdi ho, ztrestej ho a pøines mi mou truhlu nazpìt! Kdy¾ se ti to povede, kapitánská pochvala tì nemine. ",
    31 ["baron revilgaz has had me keep an ear out for rumors of the strange and out-of-place in booty bay and stranglethorn. i don't usually put much stock in ghost stories, but i heard some sailors in the tavern talking about a haunted island off the coast. water elementals and a raving goblin ghost, they say. if you're going to go talk to revilgaz, could you relay that story to him?"]="Baron Revilgaz mì nutíval, abych poslouchal bláboly o nìjakých tajemnostech o místech v Booty Bay a Stranglethorn. Moc na tyhle duchaøské historky nedám, ale nedávno jsem zaslechl, jak se námoøníci v hospodì baví o tom, co v¹e se dìje na i mimo pobøe¾í tohoto ostrova. Vodní elementálové a ¹ílení duchové Goblinù, o tom se bavili.\r\n\r\nPokud se tedy vypraví¹ za Revilgaz, mù¾e¹ mu prosím tuhle historku pøedat? ",
    32 ["you looking fer work, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? i might have some if you're up for a little challenge. i got a friend named groy who makes a killing selling what the naga call akiris reed: it's some kind of valuable ocean reed. not too sure what it's for, but he pays well for bundles of the stuff. ya bring me ten stalks of the stuff, and we'll have business to do. the naga were last seen along the beach to the north of here."]="Stále hledá¹ nìjakou práci, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? Nìco bych tu pro tebe mìl, pokud má¹ dostatek odvahy.\r\n\r\nMìl jsem pøítele jménem \"Groy\", který vyrábìl velmi dobøe prodejný rákos, kterému Naga øíkala akiris reed: Je to nìjaky druh moøského rákosu. Nechápu, proè tak dùle¾itý a drahý, ale platil za to opravdu slu¹nou sumièku.\r\n\r\nPøines mi 10 tìchto Akiris Reed a nebude¹ toho litovat, odmìna bude nemalá. Naga byla naposledy spatøena nìkde na pobøe¾í severnì odtud. ",
    33 ["gnolls, brutish creatures with no decent business in these lands, have been seen along the borders of elwynn forest. a large pack of them, many more than we can handle alone, have infested the woods south of the guard tower yonder. another group has infested the areas near stone cairn lake to the east. the stormwind army will commend whomever helps kill them. bring me their painted gnoll armbands as proof of your deed."]="Gnollové, zvíøecí kreatury, se slu¹n? rozjetým obchodnictvím v tìchto konèinách, byli spat?eni podél hranic Elwynn Forestu.A velké balííky od nich zamo?ili lesy na jih od strá¾ní vì¾e. Dal¹í skupina zamoøila oblast blízko kamenného mohylového jezera na východì. Stormwindská armáda bude ráda za kohokoliv, kdo jim je pomù¾e zabít.Pøines mi jejich malované Gnollí pásky z rukávu jako dùkaz tvého skutku.",
    34 ["there is but one final reagent needed to complete the enchantment. in the south, towards the western coast, high above the bluffs, lies a holy spring. this spring is the subject of great conflict amongst religious and mystical scholars. every race in azeroth claims that the spring waters were made divine for their people. my final request of you: bring to me holy spring water. be warned. an expedition of naga explorers have advanced upon the spring. they will need to be dealt with as well."]="Tam je jedna dùle¾itá ingredience, která je dùle¾itá k dokonèení kouzla. Na jih, smìrem k západnímu pobøe¾í le¾í ,,Holy Spring\". Tento ,,Holy Spring\" je pøedmìtem velkého konfliktu mezi nábo¾enskými a mystickými uèenci. Ka¾dý závod v Azerothu tvrdí, ¾e pramenité vody byli udìlány bohy pro jejich lidi. Finální úkol pro tebe: pøines pro mì svatou pramenitou vodu. Buïte opatrní. Expedice Naga prùzkumníci chtìjí také vodu. Oni si také budou chtít odvést vodu sebou.",
    35 ["now that many of his regular troops are reduced, you must face his highly trained forces. when they're not in the wilderness slaughtering our rebel soldiers, they are found deep in the back of the kurzen compound, in a cave they call the stockpile. i know many of kurzen's troops personally, and i know they are skilled, loyal, and cruel. this is no easy task i set before you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". after you defeat them, report to lieutenant doren, my commanding officer. he will want your report firsthand."]="Nyní je mnoho jeho regulérních vojenských jednotek redukovaných, musíte èelit jeho dobøe vycvièeným silám. Kdy¾ nebloudí krajem, a nezabíjejí na¹e rebelské vojáky, jsou zalezení vzadu v Kurzen Compound, v jeskyních oni skrývají zásobu. Já znám mnoho Kurzenových vojenských jednotek osobnì, a já vím, ¾e oni jsou zku¹ení, loajílní a krutí. Toto není ¾ádný snadný úkol, uvidíme jak si povedete. A¾ je porazíte, tak se ohla¹te u nadporuèíka Dorena, mého velicího dùstojníka. On bude èekat na va¹i zprávu.",
    36 ["\"the finest leathercrafter of the south seas and the worlds old and new.\" that's what they call me. me! drizzlik! the finest lea... ahem. well. my leather goods are known far and wide as the most exquisite, a connoisseur's choice! i've just received an order from director riddlevox of the tinkers' union for a dozen of his favorite excelsior-line boots. our best sellers, actually. to start on the basic shape, i'll need crocolisk skins from the crocs along the river in northern stranglethorn."]="Nejlep¹í ko¾e¹níci ji¾ních moøí, starých a nových svìtù. Tak mi øíkají. Mì! Drizzlik! Nejlep¹í palouk...Hmm dobøe. Moje ko¾ená zbo¾í jsou známá ¹iroko daleko, navíc jsou nádherná. A je to znalcova volba. Právì jsem dostal objednávku od Riddlevoxe, vedoucího drátenické unie pro tucet jeho oblíbených Excelsior-line bot. Ná¹ úkol ve skuteènosti. Abych mohl za¾ít pracovat, budu potøebovat krokodýlí kù¾e z krokodýla podél øeky v severním Stranglethornu.",
    37 ["zanzil the outcast dwells with his followers in the jubuwal and aboraz ruins, northeast of booty bay. he is exiled from his tribe. why? well... zanzil has methods of bending the minds of others, and his leaders fear him. he uses a mixture of jungle plants on his followers to suppress their will and strengthen their bodies. his mixture would be worth much to those who wish to control others. bring me samples of his mixture, and i will find a use for them."]="Zanzil the Outcast spolu se svými posluhovaèi pøebývá v Jubuwai a v Aboraz Ruins, severovýchodnì od Booty Bay. Byl vyhnán svým vlastním kmenem. Proè? Dobrá, povím ti to...\r\n\r\nZanzil u¾íval podivnou metodu na ovládání mysli, proto se ho jeho vùdce bál. U¾íval nìjakou kombinaci rostlinek z d¾ungle na svých poddaných aby potlaèil jejich mysl a zvý¹il jejich silu.\r\n\r\nTenhle lektvar je u¾iteèný pro ty, co chtìjí ovládat nìèí mysl.\r\n\r\nPøines mi par Zanzilvy smìsy a já se pokusím zjistit jejich vyu¾ití. ",
    38 ["while you were gone i fixed the pot you brought me. i even added an extra steam whistle, and look! there's a new chopper at the bottom that'll cut through leg bones! yes yes, krazek's crock pot is a 100% cook pleaser! i'm sure its owner will be satisfied."]="Kdy¾ jsi byl pryè, podaøilo se mi upravit ten hrnec, co jsi mi pøinesl. Pøidal jsem pouze extra pí¹»alku, a podívej! Tak a tady ho máme, super extra papiòák, pøi pohledu na nìj se ka¾dému podlomí kolena!\r\n\r\nAno ano, Krazek\'s Crock Pot je 100% po¾itek z vaøení! Vìøím tomu, ¾e jeho majitel z nìj bude úplnì oèarován a paf. ",
    39 ["there is an ornate, well-traveled bridge east of deadwind and south of redridge underneath there waits something for you some call it a hint, others a clue there it will lie for endless tomorrows biding its time in the swamp of sorrows"]="Byl nebyl jeden pøekrásný most\r\nNa východ od Deadwind a na jih od Redridge\r\nNìco pro tebe tam èeká\r\nNìkdo tomu øíká rada, nìkdo klíè.\r\nJe to tam po celá staletí\r\nÈekající vìènost ve Swamp of Sorrows",
    40 ["a far off land in kalimdor awaits where peril has dashed hopes and fates east of barrens the weather is harsh gloom and danger pock dustwallow marsh but there lies a clue for those up to the test waiting to be found in a cave in the southwest"]="V daleké zemi Kalimdor èeka\r\nKde strach pøekryl nadìji a osud\r\nNa východ od Barrens kde poèasí je drsné\r\nKde temno a nebezpeèí pohlcuje Dustwallow Marsh\r\nA právì zde nalézá se klíè pro ty, co podstoupí tento test\r\nÈeká na svého nálezce v jeskyni na jihozápadì.",
    41 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", my scouts tell me that the kobold infestation is larger than we had thought. a group of kobold workers has camped near the echo ridge mine to the north. go to the mine and remove them. we know there are at least 10. kill them, see if there are more, then report back to me."]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", mí zvìdové mi øekli, ¾e koboltí zamoøení je vìt¹í ne¾ mi doká¾eme zvládnout. skupina kobolodù táboøí blízko Echo Rodge Mine na severu.\r\n\r\nJdi do dolu a odstraò je. Víme ¾e jich je tam alespoò 10, zabij je a podej mi zprávu jestli jich je tam víc.",
    42 ["i've heard about a newly discovered plant called the magenta fungus caps. they grow in clusters, deep in the uldaman dig site; they may be elsewhere, but for now that's the only place i know they're at. i want to study their potential use in alchemy, and that's where you come in. find the magenta cap clusters and bring me a dozen caps. be warned, the clusters may spew out poison spores if jostled. do this for me, and i'll whip up a batch of one of my famous restorative elixirs for you!"]="Sly¹el jsem o novì objevených rostlinách, které se nazývají purpurové houbové èepièky. Rostou v chomáècích, hluboko v Uldamanskem archeologickém nalezi¹ti, mohou být kdekoli, ale je to jediné místo, kde vím ¾e urèitì jsou. Chci studovat jejich mo¾né alchymistické vyu¾ití a to je proè potøebuji tebe.\r\n\r\n Najdi chomáèky purpurových houbièek a pøines mi tucet èepièek, pozor, mohou vypou¹tìt jedovaté výpary, jestli je zmáèkne¹.\r\n\r\n Udìlej to pro mì a já ti obratem vyrobím dávku jednoho z mých posilnujících elixírù!",
    43 ["blackrock outrunners and renegades are running ambushes between here and stonewatch keep. the leader of the outrunners is an orc named tharil'zun--we want this orc. bring me the head of tharil'zun!"]="Blackrock Outrunneri a Renegadi poøádají pøepadovky mezi tímhle místem a Stonewatch Keep. Vùdce Outrunneru je ork, zvaný Tharil\'zun--my chceme toho orka.  Pøines mi hlavu Tharil\'zuna!",
    44 ["recently, a new group of thieves has been hanging around northshire. they call themselves the defias brotherhood, and have been seen across the river to the east. i don't know what they're up to, but i'm sure it's not good! bring me the bandanas they wear, and i'll reward you with a weapon."]="Poslednì, nová skupina zlodìjù se vyskytuje kolem Northshire.  Nazývají se Defias Brotherhood a videli jsme je za øekou na východ.\r\n\r\nNevim co tam dìlají, ale jsem si jist ze nic dobrého!  Pøines mi jejich ¹átky a já tì odmìním se zbraní.",
    45 ["your previous investigations are proof that the echo ridge mine needs purging. return to the mine and help clear it of kobolds. waste no time, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". the longer the kobolds are left unmolested in the mine, the deeper a foothold they gain in northshire."]="Tvoje pøedchozí vy¹etøování dokázalo ¾e doly v Echo Ridge potøebují èístku. Vra» se do dolù a pomoz je vyèistit od koboldù. \r\n\r\nNeztrácej ¾ádný èas, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".  Dlouho zùstali koboldi v dolech neru¹ení, a¾ získali hlub¹í oporu v Northshire.",
    46 ["the blackrock orcs have travelled from the burning steppes and claimed stonewatch keep to the north. from there they maraud the areas north of lakeshire and keep its citizens in town, penned like cattle. help rid lakeshire of this menace. kill these blackrock orcs and bring me ten of their battleworn axes as proof. and although blackrocks threaten us from the north, we've received reports of more in the southeastern pocket of redridge. if you find any there, then they too should be hunted."]="Blackrock¹tí orkové pøicestovali z Burning Steppes a zabrali Stonewatch Keep na severu. Odtud pusto¹í oblasti severnì od Lakeshire a udr¾ují obyvatele ve mìstì, který slou¾í jako hrad.\r\n\r\nPomoz Lakeshire zbavit se teto hrozby.  Zabij tyhle orky a pøines mi jejich váleèné Sekyry jako dùkaz.\r\n\r\nA aèkoli nás orkové ohro¾ují ze severu, byli také spatøeni v jihovýchodní èásti Redridge. Jestli tam nìjaký najde¹, tak by ses jich mìl zbavit té¾.",
    47 ["the onions are peeled. the garlic is minced. the rosemary is crushed. the crust has been baked. the dill weed is chopped. the gravy is simmering. now all i need for my famous meat pie are 8 goretusk livers!"]="Cibule jsou nakrájené. Èesnek nadrèený. Kùrka je ji¾ køupavá. Omáèka je skoro hotová. Teï je èas pøidat dùle¾itou souèást peèenì, játra. Mam jich ale málo, pøines mi prosím 8 jater z goretuska. Poté bude moje výteèná peèenì hotová.",
    48 ["the paw of the mighty bear ursangous is your trophy for this part of the ashenvale hunt. on the paw is a small quarter-crescent emblem; the significance of the emblem remains a mystery. the paw should be brought to senani thunderheart in splintertree post to prove that you have bested the mighty creature and completed this portion of the hunt."]="Pracka medvìda Ursangouse je pro Ashenvale obrovská trofej. Na pracce je malý symbol, který ukazuje na urèitou záhadu.\r\n\r\nPracka by mìla být pøinesena Senani Thunderheart v Splintertree Post jako dùkaz ¾e si na¹el kouzelnou bytost dokonèil si lov.",
    49 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", i have been following your progress with much delight. you are most assuredly developing yourself into a valued protector of nature. the time has come for you to learn more about one of the various animal aspects that cenarius has blessed us with the ability to change into-one that affords you command and mastery of the water. for this, you must travel to the village of nighthaven in moonglade and speak with dendrite starblaze of the cenarion circle there. he will guide you further."]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..",Sledoval jsem tvoje pokroky s velkým potì¹ením. Vypracovává¹ se ve vá¾eného ochránce pøírody. \r\n\r\nPøi¹el èas, aby ses nauèil více o jednom z mnoha rùzných zvíøecích forem, do kterých nám Cenarius dal schopnost se promìnit - ta která vy¾aduje ovládat vodní ¾ivel. Proto musí¹ cestovat do vesnice Nighthaven v Moonglade a promluvit s Dendrite Starblaze z Cenarijskeho kruhu. Øekne ti jak dál.",
    50 ["i hate those nasty timber wolves! but i sure like eating wolf steaks... bring me tough wolf meat and i will exchange it for something you'll find useful. tough wolf meat is gathered from hunting the timber wolves and young wolves wandering the northshire countryside."]="Nesná¹ím tyhle nechutné timber wolves!  Ale velmi rad jím vlèí steaky...  Pøines mi tough wolf meat a na výmìnu ti dám nìco u¾iteèné.\r\n\r\nTough wolf meat dostane¹ z ulovených Starých nebo mladých vlkù, kterých mù¾e¹ vyhledat v Northshirske pøírodì.",
    51 ["a tauren skilled in the ways of the hunt knows that his prey is not for mere trophy. the beasts of the plains provide us with a means of survival. you will make quite an impression on the elders if you can bring back some highly valued mountain cougar pelts. you can find the beasts lurking in the hills to the south. our children need clothing and our tents need mending."]="Medzi Tauronske skilli patri aj lov a ako spravit z koristi trofej. Zver na planiach maju prostriedky ako prezit. Dost zaposobis na starsich ak doneses par highly valued Mountain Cougar Pelts. mozes to najst na zveri schovavajucej sa v horach na juhu.\r\n\r\n Nase deti potrebuju oblecenie a nase stany potrebuju opravu.",
    52 ["after carefully evaluating the map, you realize that what you discovered are the plans made by the bristleback warchief for an extended siege on camp narache. surely chief hawkwind could use this information!"]="Po peclivem vyhodnoceni, je potreba uvedomit si, ze jste povereni ziskat plany Briestleback warchiefu, kteri se planuji rozsirene oblehani taboru Narache.\r\n\r\nnacelni Hawkwind tento plan urcite vyuzije.",
    53 ["venomtails are some of the deadliest scorpids in durotar. it was unwise for rhinag to hunt them without having some of the antidote with him, but right now, chastising is the last thing he needs. bring me a few venomtail poison sacs from any of the venomtails near the entrance of orgrimmar and i'll make an antidote for him. make haste, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". one of our own needs your help."]="Venomtailove jsou nekteri na seznamu ohrozenych skorpionu v Durotaru. Bylo by nemoudre pro Rhinaga lovit je bez par protijedu, ale prave ted, karat ho je posledni vec, kterou on potrebuje.\r\n\r\nPrines mi par jejich jedovych vaku z jakehokoli venomtaila pobliz vstupu do Orgrimmaru a ja ti udelam pro neho nejaky ten protijed.\r\n\r\nSpechej, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Jeden z nas potrebuje tvou pomoc.",
    54 ["the centaur verog the dervish wanders the barrens, and will be difficult to find. but he is based at the centaur command tent at the stagnant oasis to the southeast. it may be possible to draw him to you. travel to the stagnant oasis to the southeast and attack centaur near the command tent. it will be dangerous, but if you can kill enough centaur then they should raise an alarm. and verog will come. bring me his head and i will place it with barak kodobane's."]="Kentaur Verog the Dervish putuje pres Barrens a bude zajiste velmi tezke ho najit. Ale ma zakladnu ve velitelskem stanu v Stagnant Oasis na jihovychode a to je tva sance! \r\n  \r\n Jdi do Stagnant Oasis na jihovychode a zautoc na kentaury pobliz velitelskeho stanu. Bude to obtizne, ale kdyz zabijes dost kentauru, vyvolaji poplach a je temer jiste, ze Verog prijde. \r\n  \r\n Prines mi jeho hlavu a ja ji dam vedle te Baraka Kodobaneho",
    55 ["hezrul bloodmark is the leader of the kolkar centaurs in the barrens. he is fierce, brutal and cunning. defeating him would disrupt and fracture the kolkars, greatly reducing their threat to us. so kill him. as with barak and verog, bring me hezrul's head. he leads his people from the lushwater oasis, to the south."]="Hezrul Bloodmark je kentaursky vudce klanu Kolkar v Barrens. Je kruty, brutalni a mazany, a jeho smrt prinese klanu Kolkar takovou ranu, ze to znacne zmensi nebezpeci ktere pro nas tento klan  znamena. \r\n  \r\n Zabij ho! Stejne jako u Baraka a Veroga mi prines jeho hlavu. \r\n  \r\n Vime, ze vede  sve kentaury od Lushwater Oasis na jih.",
    56 ["i have rendered the spores you gave me into an emulsion. i must now send it to my associate, apothecary zamah. if you were to carry this to her, she can offer you something from our stores of alchemical goods. she is in the pools of vision, a cave beneath the shamans of thunder bluff. the path to this cave is well hidden, but you may find it on the spirit rise bluff. do hurry. this emulsion will maintain its potency for only a short time, and must be resealed and processed before then."]="Mam rendered the spores co jsi mi dal do emulze. Ted to musim poslat me kolegyni, jejiz jmeno je Apothecary Zamah. Kdyz ji to prineses, nejspise ti da nejake vecicky z naseho skladu  alchymistyckeho zbozi. \r\n  \r\n Je v Pools of Vision, jeskyni pod shamany v Thunder Bluff. Cesta do teto jeskyne je dobre schovana, ale muzes ji najit  na Spirit Rise bluff \r\n  \r\n Pospichej! Tato emulze muze udrzet svoji moc jen po maly cas a musi byt znovu uzavrena a zpracovana, nez bude na nic.",
    57 ["i have foreseen your arrival, young "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". though perhaps you are not so young anymore. i think that it is time for you to move deeper into this land. i can sense that you are destined for great things. it is the crossroads that you must seek out, for our lives with the orcs have become intertwined and they need assistance. continue down this road towards the east and follow it north to the crossroads. find thork within its walls, he has the earthmother's blessing."]="Predvidal jsem tvuj prichod mlady "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". I kdyz... mozna jiz nejsi tak mlady. \r\n  \r\n  Myslim si, ze ted je ten pravy cas aby jsi prozkoumal tuto zemy hloubeji nez kdy driv. Vidim, ze jsi predurcen pro velke veci. \r\n  \r\n Je to Crossroads co musis objevit pro nase zivoty protoze jsme spojenci s orky. Oni potrebuji pomoc a tak pokracuj dolu po tehle ceste na vychod a nasleduj ji na sever do Crossroads. Najdi Thorka uvnitr jejich zdi. Ma na sobe Earthmother\'s blessing.",
    58 ["the kolkar are a threat to the horde's claims in the barrens; we must reduce the numbers of their troops. and so, i have a bounty task for you. while in kolkar territories, slay their warriors and collect centaur bracers. return when you have a heap of bracers and the horde will reward you well."]="Klan Kolkar je nebezpeci pro pozadacky Hordy v Barrens\' musime zmensit zastupy jeho stoupencu. A tak mam pro tebe loveckou zakazku. \r\n  \r\n Kdyz budes na uzemi Kolkaru, znic jejich valecniky a jako dukaz si z kazdeho vem centaur bracer. Vrat se az jich budes mit peknou hromadu a Horda ti zaplati velmi stedre.",
    59 ["the power was mine! in my very hands! and i want it back! back i say! those dirty excavators uncovered it... so beautiful it was. deemed the tear of the moons, it was the first great discovery we made at bael modan. it should have been mine! mine i say! general twinbraid grew jealous of the power it gave me. he locked it away in the keep. called it cursed, he did! the fool! others wanted it and they had to be stopped! that bastard twinbraid drove me off. now i want it back. back i say!"]="Ta sila byla ma! V mych dokonalych rukach! A ja ji chci zpet! Slysis?! ZPET!  \r\n  \r\n Ty spinavy bagry to nasli... a bylo to tak krasny.  Blby Tear of the Moons. Byl prvni  skvely objev co jsme udelaly v Bael Modan. \r\n  \r\n Musi to byt moje! MOJE rikam! \r\n  \r\n General Twinbraid mi zavidel moc kterou  jsem pomoci toho ziskal. Zamkl to daleko ode me, ve vezi. Nazval to prokletym, to udelal! blazen! \r\n  \r\n Ostatni to chtej, ale to se nesmi stat. Museji byt zastaveni! Ten bastard Twinbraid me stve. \r\n  \r\n  Chci to zpet! Zpet rikam!",
    60 ["i don't suppose sputtervalve sent you? i'm in a bind here. i hopped in without realizing that i need a key to unlock the shredder's movement column. one of the other shredder operators asked me if everything was okay, and i panicked! instead of telling him that i was missing my key, i told him there was some sort of mechanical problem. we need to get out of here on the double! go up to the control room at the top of the derrick, the supervisor should have a key for this shredder. help me out here!"]="Predpokladam, ze te neposlal Sputtervalve? Jsem tu spoutan. Skocil jsem dovnitr a neuvedomil si, ze potrebuji klic k odemceni pohybu drticky. Jeden z dalsich operatoru drticek se zme zeptal zda je vsechno v pohode a ja zpanikaril! Misto toho, abych mu rekl, ze mi chybi klic, rekl jsem mu, ze je tu jen mensi mechanicka zavada. \r\n  \r\n Potrebujeme se dostat ven dvakrat tak rychle! Jdi nahoru do kontrolni mistnosti na vrcholu jerabu. Kontrolor by mel mit klic od tehle drticky.  \r\n  \r\n Pomoz mi od tud!",
    61 ["the spirits of the stonetalon mountains are angered, for goblins and their servants are plundering and burning the land. so the land has cried out, and those who listen for such things... have heard. seereth stonebreak, a promising shaman of the horde, was sent to stonetalon. she reports massive deforestation at the hands of the goblins, and requests aid. meet seereth in stonetalon. to reach her, follow the road west of the barrens' crossroads. she is camped near the greatwood vale."]="Bytosti v Stonetalon Mountains su nahnevane, z goblinov a ich pomocnikov  ktory plienia a vypaluju krajinu.Tak krajina vola, a ta ktora pocuva pre take veci ... .\r\n\r\nSeereth Stonebreak, nadejny shaman Hordy, bol poslany do Stonetalon.Ona podava masivne deforestation at the hands of the goblins, a potrebuje pomoc.\r\n\r\nStretni sa s Seereth v Stonetalon.  Aby si ju nasiel,chod po ceste na zapad Barrens. Nachadza sa pri Greatwood Vale.",
    62 ["you see, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", i'm a member of the enlightened assembly of arcanology, alchemy and engineering sciences, and it's my goal... nay, my duty! to show the night elves that a blend of magic, mixtures, and mechanisms can help save their forests. but it's a hard fought war, and the goblins reproduce like rabbits it seems. i haven't even had time to build my newest inventions! i need some time to plan and organize. but to do that, i need your help keeping the goblins at bay in windshear crag to the east..."]="Jak muzes videt, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", Ja jsem clenem Osviceneho shromazdeni archeologickych, alchymystickych a inzenyrskych ved a muj cil.... ale ma POVINOST je ukazat nocnim elfum, ze kombinaci magie a mechanismu muzou zachranit svuj les.\r\n\r\nAle je to tezky boj a jak to tak vypada, goblini se mnozi jako kralici. Ani jsem nemel cas postavit me nejnovejsi vynalezy!\r\n\r\nPotrebuju nejaky cas na planovani a organizaci, ale k tomu potrebuju, abys udrzel ode me gobliny v Windshear Crag na vychode...",
    63 ["the device i'm thinking about is my most advanced version to date. but we'll need a special potion if it's to work. i'm thinking we might as well get the good stuff since this mission could be your last. and for that, we're going to need some potent explosives: nitromirglyceronium. the only person who can make ng-5 is an old friend of mine: lomac gearstrip. look for him in tinker town. you talk him into making us some ng-5, i'll get to work on placement for my devices."]="Zarizeni, o kterem premyslim, bude moje nejpokrocilejsi verze? ale potrebuji specialni lektvar, aby to pracovalo. Myslim, ze pokud nam to pujde tak dob?e jako doposud, tak tento úkol bude tvuj posledni.\r\n\r\nAproto budeme potrebat spousty silnych vybusnin jmenem: Nitromirglyceronium.\r\n\r\nJedina osoba, která muze vytvorit  NG-5 je muj stary pritel Lomac Gearstrip. Podivej se po nem v Tinker Town.\r\n\r\n Premluv ho, at nam vytvori n?co NG-5, ja se pustim do prace na zarizeni.",
    64 ["hahaha... you need nitromirglyceronium to stop goblins from destroying a forest?! i don't care if you know gaxim or not... i'll give you the stuff just to see you or them explode into itty bitty pieces. there's a problem though: i'm all out. but i'll tell you what, you bring me the correct potions, and i'll make some up for you right away. the least you can do is prove you've got some skill as an alchemist before i just give you a sample of my greatest creation."]="Hahaha... ty potrebujes Nitromirglyceronium, aby jsi zastavil gobliny od zniceni lesa?!\r\n\r\nMe nezajima, jestli znas Gaxima nebo ne... Ja bych ti je dal jenom proto, abych tebe nebo je videl bouchnout na male malinkate kousicky.\r\n\r\nJe tu ovsem problem? Nic nemam.\r\n\r\nKdyz mi vsak prineses ty spravne lektvary, tak ti budu schopen vytvorit co potrebujes takrka ihned.\r\n\r\nMuzes se prokazat jako slusny alchymista nebo obchodnik, nez ti dam do rukou jeden z mych nejlepsich vytvoru.",
    65 ["here you go, stranger. take heed with it though... it's volatile stuff. if you're really a friend of gaxim's, then tell him i say hello. if you're not, then have fun blowin' yerself up."]="Tady to je cizince. Bud na to velmi opatrny... je to hodne tekave zbozi.\r\n\r\nPokud si vazne Gaximuv pritel, pak mu rekni, ze ho pozdravuju. Pokud ne, tak si uzij zabavu pri vyhozeni sama sebe do vzduchu.",
    66 ["okay, now for the remote detonation part of my plan... oh, i haven't explained that yet, have i? okay, so the short of it is this: with a little magic, i can make it so the explosives go off while you're not around. i'm putting together a device that'll allow you to push just one button and have the ng-5 explode when you're ready. but i need a spell from a friend in stormwind--collin mauren is his name. you can find him in the mage quarter there. he's human, so he shouldn't be hard to miss."]="Dobre, nyni dalsi casti meho planu dalkoveho odpaleni... oh, to jsem ti jeste nevysvetlil, co?\r\n\r\n Jasne zkratim to: s trochou magie, to muzu nechat vybuchnout, az nebudes nikde v okoli. Davam dohromady zarizeni, ktere ti umozni zmacknou jenom jedno tlacitko a vsechna nastrazena NG-5 vybuchne terve az budes pripraven.\r\n\r\n Ale k tomu potrebuju zvlastni kouzlo od meho pritele v Stormwindu. Jmenuje se Collin Mauren. Muzes ho tam najit ve ctvrti magu(mage quarter). je to clovek, takze by nemelo byt jednoduche ho minout.",
    67 ["excuse me? can you help me? i have a load of food here. i walked along the road and braved scorpids and spiders and worse! i brought the food to the valley of trials because i thought they needed it and i like to help out. but they don't need any food! now i have to take it back to razor hill and i'm afraid of all the beasts along the way... can you take it for me? i'm just a peon, but you're a hero. you fear nothing! take it to innkeeper grosk at the razor hill inn. thank you!"]="Promin? Muzes mi pomoci?\n Ja tady mam mnoho jidla. Ja jsem sel po ceste a jsem celil skorpionum a pavoukum a horsim priseram! Ja jsem prinesl jidlo do Valley of Trials protoze jsem si myslel , ze potrebovali  a ja jim chtel pomoct. Ale oni nepotrebovali jidlo! Ted ja musim to jidlo vratit zpet do Razor Hill ale obavam se vsech bestii po ceste...\n Mu¾e¹ vzit to pro me? Ja jsem jen sluha, krome tebe nejsem hrdina. Vy se nebojite niceho!\n Vezmete to jidlo do hostince v Razor Hill hostinskemu Grosk. Dekuji vam!",
    68 ["led by admiral proudmoore, the humans of kul tiras encroached on durotar, violating the warchief's pact made with jaina proudmoore in order to defeat archimonde years ago. the human aggression was repelled and tiragarde keep fell. but recently, the admiral's reserves, led by lieutenant benedict, have retaken the keep and once again pose a threat to our homeland. these humans show no respect for diplomacy. prove your honor and travel south to tiragarde keep to eliminate the human invaders."]="Pod vedením Admirála Proudmoore, zasahovali lidé z Kul Tiras v Durotaru, poru¹ujíc pakt, který byl vytvoøen s Jainou Proudmoore, aby byl pora¾en Archimonde, ale to u¾ je mnoho let nazpìt.\r\n\r\nLidská agrese byla potlaèena a Tiragarde Keep padl. Ale nedávno, Admirálovy pluky, pod vedením Lieutenanta Benedicta, pøevzali tvrz a zase hrozí v na¹em okolí. Tito lidé nemají chu» vyjednávat.\r\n\r\nUka¾ jim ná¹ zpùsob vyjednávání, jdi na jih do Tiragarde Keep, a povra¾di ty lidské nájezdníky.",
    69 ["beldin steelgrill owns the local mechanic shop, and he's the best siege engine tech there is! but he's not forgiving to his tools. i swear he almost breaks more arclight spanners than we can supply him with! we just filled his last order for tools. if you deliver it to him i'm sure he'll make it worth the effort. his shop, steelgrill's depot, is just northeast of kharanos. and it's a local haunt for veteran siege engine pilots, so keep your ears open for opportunities while you're there."]="Beldin Steelgrill vlastní místní mechanický obchod a má tam nejlep¹í obléhací stroj! Ale on není shovívavý k jeho nástrojùm. Pøísahám, ¾e on rozbije více francouzských klíèù ne¾ my mù¾eme dodávat! \r\n\r\nVyplnili jsem jeho poslední dodávku nástrojù. Jestli¾e vy mu ji doruèíte,jsem si jistý, ¾e on dá tomuto úsilí hodnotu. \r\n\r\nJeho obchod, Steelgrill\'s Depot, je na severovýchod od Kharanos. A to je oblíbené místo pro veterány a piloty obléhacích strojù, ale i  tak pro ¾ivobytí, jestli¾e se Va¹e u¹i doslechnou o pøíle¾itosti, zatímco tam jste.",
    70 ["some defias have eluded us. my most trusted scout reports that these defias have been looting and pillaging the countryside, all the way into southern westfall. we believe they are hiding out in the dagger hills, plotting their next move.  slay the wretches in the name of the people's militia."]="Nìkteøí Defiasové se nám vyhnuli. Moji nejdùvìryhodnìj¹í prùzkumníci hlásí, ¾e tito Defiasové rabují a drancují venkov po cestì do ji¾ního Westfallu. Vìøíme, ¾e se skrývají v Dagger Hills a plánují svoje dal¹í akce. Zabij ne¹»astníky ve jménu Domobrany.",
    71 ["your first task is one of cleansing, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". a clan of kobolds have infested the woods to the north. go there and fight the kobold vermin you find. reduce their numbers so that we may one day drive them from northshire."]="Tvùj první úkol se týká likvidování koboldù, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Klan koboldù se usídlil v lesích na severu.Bì¾ tam a bojuj s nimi. Tím sní¾í¹ jejich poèet v lesích, tak¾e je jednou budeme moct z Northshire vyhnat.",
    72 ["garrick padfoot - a cutthroat who's plagued our farmers and merchants for weeks - was seen at a shack near the vineyards, which lies east of the abbey and across the bridge. bring me the villain's head, and earn his bounty! but be wary, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". garrick has gathered a gang of thugs around him. he will not be an easy man to reach."]="Garrick Padfoot - hrdloøez ohro¾oval farmáøe a obchodníky po celé týdny. Byl vidìn v boudì nedaleko vinic, která le¾í na východ od Opatství pøes most. Pøines mi hlavu toho zloducha a získá¹ odmìnu!\r\n\r\nAle dej si pozor, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Garrick okolo sebe shromá¾dil gang banditu. Nebude jednoduché se k nìmu dostat.",
    73 ["i've been stuck hiding in this ghost town for weeks, and i haven't eaten anything but grubs and weeds! i need some decent food, and i'm willing to trade well for it. bring me a feast and i'll pay you handsomely. i heard chef grual at the scarlet raven tavern in darkshire makes very good dusky crab cakes..."]="Po celé týdny jsem se schovával  ve mìstì duchù a nejedl jsem nic jiného ne¾ hlínu a koøeny. Chci poøádné jídlo! A rád ti za nìj dobøe zaplatím\r\n\r\nPoøádnì mì pohosti a øádnì se ti odmìním.\r\n\r\nSly¹el jsem, ¾e kuchaø Grual v hospodì Scarlet Raven v Darkshire dìlá velmi dobré Dusky Crab Cakes...",
    74 ["hunting silkwing larva is a difficult challenge for our young warriors, but luckily, even if they fail to harvest the cocoon from the larva, we can still use the wings of hatched silkwings. in fact, we use the wings for much more than the cocoons, and we can never have too many. if you'll be out there, it would be a great help if you could bring me some."]="Lovení køídlohedvábné larvy je pro mladé váleèníky tì¾ko zvládnutelná výzva, ale na¹tìstí, dokonce i kdy¾ oni poleví ve sklízení kokonu z larev, mù¾eme je¹tì pou¾ít køídla ze sádek  silkwings. Ve skuteènosti mù¾eme pou¾ít køídla pro mnoho a nemáme jich pøíli¹ mnoho. Pokud tu nebude¹, Pomù¾e¹ nám hodnì tím mi nìjaké pøinese¹.",
    75 ["i am ready to perform the ritual to summon cyclonian. when he is summoned, you must defeat him and take his whirlwind heart. this i will use to instill a weapon with cyclonian's power. "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", are you ready to face the wind lord?"]="Jsem pøipraven provést rituál na vyvolání Cycloniana. Kdy¾ bude vyvolán musí¹ ho porazit a vzít jeho srdce, co vypadá jako vír. Tím vlo¾ím do zbranì sílu jakou má Cyclonian. \r\n\r\n"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", jsi pøipravený se postavit pánovi vìtru?",
    76 ["by order of the magistrate of thelsamar: chok'sul, the ogre presumed to be the leader and coordinator of attacks against the town of thelsamar, stonewrought dam, and the excavation site, is wanted dead through any means necessary. monetary compensation will be provided when proof is brought to the magistrate of chok'sul's death. chok'sul was last seen at the ogre encampment in the northeastern part of loch modan."]="Z rozkazu Magistrate z Thelsamar:\r\n\r\n Chok\'sul, ogr, který vede a organizuje útoky na Thelsamar, Stonewrought Dam a výkopové oblasti, po¾adován mrtvy jakýmikoliv prostøedky.\r\n\r\n Peníze budou vydány tomu kdo pøinese dùkaz o jeho smrti  Magistrateovi.\r\n\r\n Chok\'sul byl naposledy vidìn v ogrim taboristi v severovychodni casti Loch Modanu.",
    77 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", it is now time for you to travel to far-off lands. you are ready. you now hunt frostmaw, a yeti in the alterac mountains. he is elusive, his white coat blending into the snows of his mountain home. he rarely shows himself. but i will show you how to entice a creature such as he. here, take this scroll. on it i have written how frostmaw may be lured. now go, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". your journey is long and many challenges lay waiting. when you return with frostmaw's mane, only then is your task complete."]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..",nyní je èas odcestovat do dalekých zemí. Jsi pøipraven.\r\n\r\nNyní ulov Frostmaw, Yetiho v Alterac Mountains. On je nepolapitelný , jeho bíly ko¾ich se pøekrývá se snìhem v jeho horském doupìti. Málokdy se ukazuje samotný.\r\n\r\nAle já ti poradím jak vylákat stvùru podobnou jako on. Tady si vem tenhle svitek. Frostmaw musí být vylákán.\r\n\r\nNyní bì¾,"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Tvá cesta je dlouhá a mnoho nastra¾ených výzev èeká. A¾ se vrátí¹ s Frostmawovou høívou, jen tehdy je tvùj úkol splnìn.",
    78 ["to break the curse and free all of my brethren, the...thing...stowed on my ship must be retrieved and cleansed! i don't know what it was, but i do know that it was stored securely in the ship's strongbox, which captain halyndor lorded over. my old captain is still in my dreams. i know he walks my doomed ship, the intrepid. get the key from him, and use it to open the intrepid's strongbox. then, after you have the cursed thing, bring it to the priest glorin steelbrow in town."]="K zru¹ení proklínání a uvolnìní v¹ech mých bratr?,... ta vìc... musí být nalo¾ená na mou  lo¾ a musí být získána a oèi¹tìná! Já nevím co to bylo, ale vím, ¾e to bylo ulo¾eno bezpeènì v ship\'s strongbox, kterou  Captain Halyndor lorded pøes. \r\n\r\nMy starý kapitán je je¹tì v mých snech. Já vím, ¾e projde mou odsouzenou lo¾í. Musíte od nìj získat klíè a otevøít Intrepid strongbox. \r\n\r\n/Pokud máte prokletou vìc, pøineste to knìzi Glorin Steelbrow ve mìstì.",
    79 ["a succubus is a devourer of souls, destroyer of hearts, and dominator of minds. it knows nothing but evil. this will be the creature you will learn to summon and control, but it cannot be brought into our world without a stimulus. with a symbol of love as bait, it will surely answer your call. then you can defeat it, and make it your tool. it will be hard to find something of this nature, though. you should speak with takar the seer. you will find him in the barrens of kalimdor near camp taurajo."]="Succubus je hltaè du¹í, nièitel srdcí a vládce my¹lenek. Nezná nic kromì zla.\r\n\r\nJe to pøí¹era, kterou se bude¹ moci nauèit vyèarovat a kontrolovat, ale nemù¾e být vnesen do na¹eho svìta jen tak.\r\n\r\nSe symbolem lásky jako návnadou jistì odpoví na tvé volání. Pak ho mù¾e¹ porazit a pøidat si ho do své výbavy kouzel.\r\n\r\nBude tì¾ké najít nìco tak pøírodního, aèkoli zkus si promluvit s Takar the Seer. Najde¹ ho v Barrens u kempu Taurajo.",
    80 ["my friend, mor grayhoof, was the first to fall victim to possession of a piece of lord valthalak's amulet, and the corrupting spirit fragment that it contains. after stealing valthalak's spellbook and amulet, we fled for our lives from the upper portion of blackrock spire. along the way, mor fell into the lower portion of the spire. later, we discovered that he survived the fall, only to be captured and tortured by war master voone. a few spectral assassins snuck in and slew him right in front of voone."]="Mùj pøítel Mor Grayhood byl první který propadl vlastnictví èásti amuletu lorda Valthalaka a ten kousek obsahuje jeho zka¾enou du¹i.Po ukradení Valathakovy kouzelné knihy a jeho amuletu, uprchli jsme aby jsme si zachránili ¾ivoty z horní èásti Blackrock Spire. Po cestì, Mor fell dovnitø dolní èásti vì¾e.\r\n\r\nPozdìji, jsme zjistili ¾e pøe¾il pád, jenom proto je uvìznìný a muèený od Bojového mistra Voone. Trochu pøeludný vrah zabil ho pøímo pøed Voonem.",
    81 ["time's come for you to head to stormwind, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". high priestess laurena in the cathedral of light wants to speak to you. gotta be somethin' really good or really bad for the high priestess to want you there personally, but i'm guessin' you've only done well for yourself and it's a good thing that she wants to speak to ya. but don't waste too much time 'round here. i'd head there as soon as you can."]="Nastal èas zamíøit do Stormwindu,"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". High Priestess Laurena v Cathedral of Light s tebou chce mluvit. Musí to být nìco velmi dobrého nebo ¹patného jestli-¾e tì chce vidìt osobnì, ale hádám ¾e je pro tebe dobøe ¾e chce mluvit s tebou.\r\n\r\nAle neztrácej zde èas. Zamiø tam jak nejdøíve bude¹ moct.",
    82 ["i'm developing a new engine that'll make the car go so fast! fast enough to fly, i know it! i just need to make pistons that can handle very very heavy stress. all my trials have failed because i can't make pistons hard enough! but there is someone who might know how. his name is martek the exiled. he is a great smith and knows more about metal than anyone. take him this letter, i know he can help! but he's far far away -- in azeroth, in the badlands, in a camp, with a goblin! find him!"]="Pracuji na motoru,který z auta vy¾díme maximum ! Auto bude dostr rychlé na to,aby létalo,vím to!\r\nJen potøebuji aby písty vydr¾ely opravdu velkou zátì¾. V¹echny mé pokusy zklamaly,proto¾e nemám dost tvrdý materiál!\r\n\r\n Ale je tu nìkdo,kdo by mohl tu¹it,jak to udìlat.\r\n\r\nJeho jméno je Martek the Exiled. Je to skvelý kováø a ví o ¾elezu víc ne¾ kdokoli jiný. Dones mu tento dopis,vím,¾e mi bude umìt pomoct.\r\n\r\nAle je daleko,moc daleko - v Azerothu, v Badnadls, v malém kempu s goblinem !\r\n\r\nNajdi ho!",
    83 ["the items you gathered from the feline beasts of the vale are only the first requirement for a powerful enchanted item. these jungle trinkets combined with my shamanistic ritual will provide you with a very useful tool in assisting the horde and the warchief. but now you must gather for me some jungle stalker feathers. the feathers are traditionally worn by the beasts on their armbands. you will find a tribe of the raptors directly south of grom'gol, not far from the great arena."]="Shroma¾ïujte polo¾ky z koèkovitých bestií z údolí. Jsou je po¾adavek pro silou kouzelnou vìc. Tyto d¾ungle s mým shamanistickým obøadem vám zajistí velkou reputaci s hordou a váleènými generály. \r\n\r\nAle nyní musíte pro mì získat chmýøí. Chmýøí je tradiènì neseno bestiemi na jejich náramcích. Vy najdete atribe of the raptors ji¾ne od Grom\\\'gol, nedaleko od greatarena.",
    84 ["i see. well, if what you say is true, then now is the time to strike. i believe athrikus resides at the top of the tower. be careful though, he is surrounded by many powerful warlocks, much more deadly than the ones you faced before."]="Aha.Dobrá,jestli¾e to co øíká¹ je pravda,tak teï je èas udeøit.Já Vìøím  ¾e Athrikus pobývá na vrcholu vì¾e.Nicménì Buï opatrný,on je obklopen mnoha silnýmy warlocky,mnohem více nebezpeènìj¹í ne¾ ti,proti kterým jsi stál pøedtím.",
    85 ["sometimes, when it's nighttime, i can hear my uncle carlin crying. it sounds like he's far away, to the east. i hope he's not crying for me! "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", will you find my uncle and tell him i'm alright? if you find him say i'm waiting for him, and i want to hear the story he used to tell... the one about the rabbits and the berry jam! that story's so funny!"]="Nìkdy, kdy¾ je noc, sly¹ím mého strýce Carlina breèet. Je to, jako by byl daleko na východì. \r\n\r\nDoufám, ¾e nebreèí kvùli mì!"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", Najde¹ mého strýce a øekne¹ mu ¾e jsem v poøádku?\r\n\r\nJestli ho najde¹, øekni ¾e èekám na nìj a chci sly¹et pøíbìh který mi èasto vyprávìl... ten o králících a bobulové marmeládì! Ten pøíbìh je stra¹nì zábavný!",
    86 ["i make it my job to get people what they need, and the gnomes over there need a parts order filled. their parts were shipped to ratchet a week ago, but i haven't been able to make the trip. so, are you ready for some legwork? go to ratchet and give this parts order to wharfmaster dizzywig -- he'll probably be at the docks. do this for me, and i'll have more jobs for you. jobs, my friend, with serious profit potential..."]="Je moje práce dát lidem co potøebují, a objednávka tìch gnomu tam se u¾ naplnila. Jejich souèástky pøipluly do Ratchetu u¾ pøed týdnem, ale je¹tì jsem nebyl schopný tam dojít. \r\n\r\nTak, jsi pøipraven na trochu cvièení pro tvé nohy? Jdi do Ratchetu a dej tuhle objednávku panu Wharfmaster Dizzywig -- mìl by být v pøístavu. \r\n\r\nUdìlej to pro mì a budu mít pro tebe dal¹í práci.\r\n\r\nPráci se skuteèným výdìlkem...",
    87 ["here's kravel's package, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". and when you deliver it, tell him... if he wants more special orders, then he'll have to pay his tab!"]="Tady je Kravelùv balík, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". A kdy¾ to doruèí¹, øekni mu... jestli chce víc speciálních objednávek, pak musí zaplatit jeho dluh!",
    88 ["the documents executor arren provided are just the break we needed in our battle with the wretched scarlet crusade. we now know their exact locations throughout tirisfal glades. but the deathguard has larger concerns. the lich king's army grows in number each night. we need someone with \"initiative\" like yourself to drive the scarlet crusade to the grave. prove to me you are capable of serving the dark lady by travelling west to the tower past the solliden farmstead and slay 10 scarlet warriors."]="Dokumenty Executora Arrena nám poskytnuly jen zlomek toho co potøebujeme v na¹em boji s tìmi ubo¾áky -©arlatovými køi¾áky. Ted známe jejich pøesnou lokaci v  Tirisfal Glades.\r\n\r\nAle Strá¾e smrti mají jiný zájem. Armáda krále Lichù sílí ka¾dou nocí.  Potøebujeme nìkoho s \"zápalem\" jako jsi ty, aby poslal ©arlatové køi¾áky do hrobu.\r\n\r\nDoka¾ mi ¾e jdi schopný slou¾it Temné paní tím, ¾e se vydá¹ na západ ke vì¾i za Sollidenovou Farmou a zabije¹ 10 ©arlatových váleèníkù.   ",
    89 ["a couple weeks ago two of our deathstalkers, rane and quinn yorick, were sent on a reconnaissance mission through northern silverpine. we have not heard from them. they may have become victim to the scourge, though if that is true then i want it confirmed. find these deathstalkers. their first objective was to scout the farms in northern silverpine. you should begin your search there."]="Pøed pár týdny, dva z na¹ich Stopaøù, Rane a Quinn Yorrickovy, byli vysláni na prùzkum po severním Silverpine. U¾ jsme o nich nesly¹eli.\r\n\r\nMozná sa stali obìtí Pohromy, tak¾e pokud je to pravda, chceme to mít oìøené. Najdi tyto stopaøe .\r\n\r\nJejich  prvním úkolem bylo prozkoumat farmy v severním Silverpine. Mìl by jsi zaèít pátrat tam.",
    90 ["my brother quinn was badly hurt by the ghoul, ivar the foul, and i don't know if he will heal properly without magical aid. although i am not an apothecary, i do know that our apothecaries can make healing potions from the discolored hearts of worgs. gather such hearts and take them to apothecary renferrel at the sepulcher to the south. then return here with the potion. you can find plenty of worgs between here and malden's orchard to the east."]="Mùj bratr Quinn byl tì¾ce ranìn ghùlem, Ivarem Odporným, a nevím, jestli se uzdraví bez pomoci magie. I kdy¾ nejsem lékaø , vím, ¾e na¹i doktoøi umí vyrobit uzdravující lektvar z Odbarvených vlkodlaèích srdcí.\r\n\r\nNazbírej tyhle srdce a vem je lékárníkovy Renferrelovi v Sepulcheru na jihu odtud. Potom sa vrat sem s lektvarem.\r\n\r\nVlkodlaky najde¹  mezi tímto mìstem a Malden´s  Orchard na východ odtud.",
    91 ["if i remember correctly, grelin's camp is down the road to the southeast. no doubt he'll be eager to get his mail."]="Jestli si dobøe vzpomínám, Grelinuv tábor je dole po cestì na jihovýchod. Je bezpochyby nedoèkavý, a¾ dostane tenhle dopis.",
    92 ["heh heh, with all the races they're running here, it's no surprise that a few mishaps happen along the way. if you look around the shimmering flats then you'll see evidence of past crashes -- scraps of rocket car parts are littered everywhere! and those parts are worth money to the gnomes and goblins. they're always looking for more contraptions to slap onto their cars. so go out and get me parts. bring me a heap and i'll pay you well."]="Heh heh, se v¹emi rasami co tu bìhají, nemù¾e¹ se divit, kdy¾ se nìco pokazí. Kdy¾ se podívá¹ po Shimmering Flats, tak najde¹ dùkazy pøedchozích havárií -- èásti raketových aut jsou rozesety v¹ude!\r\n\r\nA tyto èásti sou velmi ¾ádané gnomi a gobliny. V¾dycky se dívají na mo¾nost pøibýt si to ke svojí káøe.\r\n\r\nTak bì¾ a pøines mi ty èásti. Jestli mi pøinese¹ kupu, tak ti velmi dobøe zaplatím. ",
    93 ["we need to protect the loch, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! with so many of the king's soldiers fighting valiantly on remote battlefields, we've become overwhelmed on the home front. troggs are tunneling up from every crevice! the trogg infestation poses the largest threat to ironforge. these disgusting mutants must be destroyed. we need you, brave adventurer, to venture forth and lay waste to the trogg threat. slay 10 stonesplinter troggs and 10 stonesplinter scouts and report back."]="Musíme ubránit Loch Modan, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." ! S tolika Královskými vojáky, kteøí chrabøe bojují na vzdálených frontách nás lehce napadli a skoro pøemohli u vlastních domu! Z ka¾dé ¹kvíry se na nás valí Troggové. Tato Troggova hrozba pøedstavuje momentálnì nejvìt¹í hrozbu Ironforge. Tito odporní mutanti musí být vyhlazeni! \r\n\r\nMy tì potøebujeme stateèný dobrodruhu, odvá¾nì jdi proti nim a zniè Troggskou hrozbu. Zabij 10 Stonesplinter Troggu a 10 Stonesplinter Scoutu a vra» se a¾ uspìje¹.",
    94 ["the weathered grave marker reads simply: morgan ladimore <upon further examination, you notice that dirt over the grave has been recently disturbed, and that a good amount of the dirt seems to have been displaced...>"]="Ten starý hrob má jednoduchý nápis:\r\n\r\nMORGAN LADIMORE\r\n\r\n<Pøi bli¾¹ím prohlí¾ení si v¹imne¹ ¾e prach na povrchu hrobu byl nedávno poru¹en...>",
    95 ["sven and i have dangerous days ahead of us, what with the necromancer to the east and all. and out here alone as we are, we have to hunt for our own food. it seems every time i'm heading back to camp with some meat on me, starving or rabid dire wolves come out of the forest wanting a bite. it goes without saying, living out here is dangerous work! but if you can rid us of some of those wolves, we'd have an easier time of it. they mostly prowl north and east of here, near the river."]="Sven a já jsme zjistili jak nebezpeèné jsou tu teï èasy, s tím nekromantem na jihu a tìm okolo. Vzhledem k tomu, ¾e jsme tu sami musíme si taky sami obstarávat, teï jídlo lovem. Vypadá to, ¾e poka¾dé, kdy¾ se vracím s kouskem masa, hladovy nebo poøádnì na¹tvaný vlk si ze mì chce v¾dy kousek ukousnout. Co si budeme povídat, ¾ivot zde je zatracenì nároèná práce!\r\n\r\nAle pokud by jsi dokázal zlikvidovat nìkolik tìch vlkù, ¾ivot by tu byl hned o trochu jednodu¹¹í. Obvykle se toulají na severu, jihu a kolem øeky.",
    96 ["seeing the deed you have done for me steels my heart. i cannot fall so easily! i must endure! but it remains that i cannot make the trek back to the den unassisted. please, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", return to the den and tell gornek of my situation. perhaps he can help me."]="Jsem velmi rád, kdy¾ vidím, co jsi pro mì udìlal. Nepadnu jen tak! Musím odolat!\r\n\r\nStále ale nemohu cestu zpìt do Brlohu podniknout sám. Prosím, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", vra» se do Brlohu a øekni Gornekovi o mé situaci. Mo¾ná mi pomù¾e.",
    97 ["hail, and well met, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i lead a group of adventurers investigating odd happenings in this area. my cousin in hillsbrad recently put down his dog stanley because the animal mystically grew to an immense size and savagely attacked anyone who came near him. i believe the undead are involved, and we're looking for signs to prove as much. two of my companions, quae and kinelory, headed to the go'shek farm in the arathi highlands, and haven't checked in for days. find them for me? i grow concerned."]="Buï pozdraven, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Vedu skupinu dobrodruhù, která vy¹etøuje zvlá¹tní okolnosti v tomto území.\r\n\r\nMùj bratranec v Hillsbrad okam¾itì utratil svého psa Stenlyho, proto¾e to zvíøe prapodivnì rostlo do nesmírné vý¹ky a  divoce útoèili na kohokoliv kdo se k nìmu pøiblí¾il.\r\n\r\nVìøím, ¾e nemrtví jsou v tom zapojení a my hledáme znamení to prokázat.\r\n\r\nDva z mých spoleèníkù Quae a Kinelory, ¹li do Go\'Shek farmy v Arathi Highlands, a nepodali zprávu u¾ nìkolik dnù. Najdi je pro mì? Bojím se o nì èím dál tím víc.",
    98 ["when we are not at war, we hunt for meat. meat gives us strength, and full bellies fight harder than empty ones. it is the same with the magram. they store extra meat so they may fight longer between hunts. if you raid their village to the east and take their stores of meat, then their strength will fail."]="Kdy¾ zrovna neválèíme, lovíme zvíøata. Maso nám dává sílu, a s plnými ¾aludky se bojuje lépe ne¾ s prázdnými.\r\n\r\nTo je to to samé jak s Magram. Skladovali hodnì masa, a tak mohli bojovat déle. Kdy¾ napadne¹ jejich vesnici na východì a vybere¹ jim jejich zásoby, tak jejich síla opadne.",
    99 ["stalvan mistmantle led a life of depravity. innocent victims died by his hand. undoubtedly he is guilty of countless crimes. now the lunatic threatens darkshire. the light only knows what sordid acts he is plotting. travel to his cottage just north of town, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", and execute stalvan, once and for all. when the deed is done, travel to madame eva's and show her his family ring. after all, it was her premonition that led to this gruesome discovery. but darkshire is safer because of her."]="Stalvan Mistmantle vedl ¾ivot mravní zkázy. Nevine obìti zemøeli jeho rukou. Nepochybnì je vinen z nespoèetných zloèinù. Teï ten ¹ílenec hrozí Darkshire. Nikdo neví jaké spiknutí plánuje. Bì¾ do jeho chaty, která je na sever od mìsta, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." a vyøiï Salvana jednou pro v¾dy.\r\n\r\nA¾ bude¹ hotov bez k Madame Eve a uka¾ jeho rodinný prsten. Po tom v¹em to byla výstraha, která ji vedla k tomuto pøí¹ernému objevu. Ale Darkshire je díky tomu bezpeènìj¹í.",
    100 ["the mighty hippogryph sharptalon has been slain, with the claw of the felled beast serving as a testament to your victory. senani thunderheart at the splintertree post will no doubt be interested in seeing this trophy as proof of your deeds."]="Mocný hipogryf Sharptalon byl zabit a paøát této odporné bestie slou¾í jako dùkaz tvého vítìzství. Senani Thunderheart ve Splintertree Post bude také bez pochyby nad¹en, kdy¾ uvidí tuto trofej jako dùkaz tvých èinù.",
    101 ["there's a dwarven weaponsmith in stormwind, grimand elmore, who sent word that he needs help with a delivery. i believe he wants a package sent to his homeland in the north. you have a sturdy pair on you! so if you're interested in some legwork then speak with grimand. we could use you down here, but we must also keep our ties strong with the dwarves. you can find grimand elmore at the weapon shop in the dwarven district of stormwind, in the northeast section of town."]="Je zde urèitý trpaslièí zbraòmistr ve Stormwindu, Grimand Elmore, který vzkázal, ¾e potøebuje pomoci s doná¹kou. Vìøím, ¾e chce poslat balíèek do jeho rodného kraje na severu.\r\n\r\nTy má¹ dobré podrá¾ky! Tak¾e jestli se chce¹ projít, tak si promluv s Grimand.  Máme zde pro tebe vyu¾ití, ale také potøebujeme upevnit vztahy s trpaslíky.\r\n\r\nMù¾e¹ najít Grimanda Elmore v obchodì se zbranìmi v Trpaslièím kantonu ve Stormwindu, v severo-východní èásti mìsta.",
    102 ["the raptors of the barrens are smarter than raptors in other lands. and i think all that smarts is hiding in their horns! if so, then i could grind their horns into powder and use it to make \"smart drinks.\" i could sell them for a fortune!!! and you can help me. find me intact raptor horns from sunscale scytheclaws. they roam in the southern barrens, and in the northern barrens near the border of ashenvale forest."]="Raptoøi v Barrens jsou mnohem chytøej¹í ne¾ raptoøi v jiných oblastech. A ja se domnívám, ¾e jejích moudrost je ukryta v jejich  rozích! Tak¾e bych je mohl rozemlít na prá¹ek a poté pou¾ít na výrobu \"smart drinks.\"  A pak se ze mì stane boháè!!!\r\n\r\nA ty mi v tom mù¾e¹ pomoci. Najdi pro mì intact raptors horns z sunscale scytheclaws.  Potulují se v ji¾ním Barrens, a take na severu Barrens poblí¾ hranice s Ashenvale Forest.",
    103 ["hey, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i been sent to the crossroads to watch over the land and take note of its happenings for my masters in orgrimmar. one object of my studies are the insect-like creatures found to the south in the field of giants. we know little of the creatures, so i be makin' it a point to discover more. they seem to have intelligence to them, more so than any normal animal. take this digging claw and collect some of the creatures' eggs from their mounds, but be careful: if alerted, they will attack you."]="Buï pozdraven, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Byl jsem poslán do Crossroads, abych prostudoval co se zde dìje.\r\n\r\n Jeden z pøedmìtù mého zkoumání jsou nákazomilná zvíøata nalezená ji¾nì od Field of Giants. Myslím , ¾e ti drobeèkové by nám mohli hodnì povìdìt. Vykazují vìt¹í inteligenci ne¾ normální zvíøata.\r\n\r\n Vem si tento digging claw a nasbírej nìjaká jejich vejce z jejich hnízd , ale buï opatrný. Kdy¾ je vyru¹í¹ zaútoèí na tebe.",
    104 ["now that i have the spiders' venom, i'd like some live specimens to study. unfortunately, capturing a living, giant spider is more than i can ask of you, young "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". and a giant spider is more than i could handle myself! but if you can find an unhatched egg, then delivering specimens will be much easier, and i can then arrange for the unhatched spiders to be contained. there must be a nest deep in the shadowthread cave. please, search for an egg in the nest and return it to me."]="Nyní mám pavouèí jed. Rád bych nìco ¾ivìj¹ího na pozorování. Bohu¾el chycení ¾ivého pavouka je nìco oè tì ¾ádat nemohu.\r\n\r\nAle kdy¾ mi najde¹ jejich vejce bude to o hodnì jednodu¹¹í. Musejí být nekdì hluboko v Shadowthread Cave. Prosím najdi mi to vejce a dones mi ho.",
    105 ["eye juice is good juice for drinking. too bad most critters only have two eyes. but spiders have lots of eyes. lots and lots. and darkmist eye juice is tasty. smooth and salty! unpopped spider eyes... i taste them already. darkmist spiders are west of here, in the darkmist cavern. you figure the spiders are named after the cave... or is it the other way around?"]="Bulví juiceje skvìlý napoj.  Bohu¾el vet¹ina tvorù ma jen dvì oèi.\r\n\r\nAle pavouci jich mají víc.  Hromady a hromady.  A juice z Darkmist eye je opravdu chutný.  Jemný a trochu slaný!  Nepopulární pavouèí oèka... ty já si dám s chu»í v¾dy.\r\n\r\nDarkmist spiders jsou na západ od meho domu, v Darkmist Cavern.  Urèitì jsi si v¹imnul, ¾e tihle pavouci jsou pojmenování podle té jeskynì... nebo je to naopak?",
    106 ["as if the attacking orcs weren't enough! now i have gnoll brutes and mystics prowling along the ridge north of my stable, taking my horses when they stray... if you can get rid of those gnolls, my horses and i would be very grateful."]="Jakoby nebo útoèení orkù dost! Teï mám gnoll brutes a mystics se pohybují okolo severního høebene mojí stáje, berou mi moje konì kdy¾ se zatoulají ...\r\n\r\nKdy¾ mì zbavíte tìchto gnollù, moje konì a já vám budu velmi vïeèný.",
    107 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", there's a new threat in elwynn forest! murlocs are swimming up the streams of eastern elwynn, scaring away fish and attacking gentle folk! i warned marshal dughan, but he's more worried about the gnolls and the bandits. he's not convinced that the murlocs are a danger. please, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", speak to dughan and persuade him to send more troops to the east!"]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", máme novou hrozbu v na¹ích Elwynnských lesích. Murloci plavají nahoru proudem východního Elwynnu. Ryby pøed nima utíkají pryè a útoèí na lidi.\r\n\r\nMusím upozornit Marshala Dughana, ale on se víc zajímá o gnollských banditù. Nemysli si, ze Murloci znamenají nìjaké nebezpeèí.\r\n\r\nProsím, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", musí¹ jít za Dughanem a pøesvìdèit ho, aby poslal víc jednotek na východ!!",
    108 ["rackmore's log tells of how his ship was sailing for feathermoon stronghold when it was attacked by seafaring creatures. to prevent his treasure from falling into enemy hands, he hid his chest on ranazjar isle. to open the chest requires two keys, a silver and a gold. these keys were lost, but if the keys and the chest are found, a treasure awaits!"]="Rackmore ve svém deníku zapsal pøíhodu jen¾ se mu udála, kdy¾ se plavil z Feathermoonské pevnosti. Na jeho loï zaútoèila moøská pøí¹era. Aby ochránil svùj poklad pøed rukama nenechavcù , uschoval svou truhlici na Ranazjar Isle.\r\n\r\nAby jsi ji otevøel potøebuje¹ dva klíèe, støibrný a zlatý.  Ty se bohu¾el ztratili,ale kdyby jsi je nalezl, mohl by jsi ji otevøít. A poklad stále èeka!!",
    109 ["in winterspring, to the north of felwood, there are many ancient elven ruins. it's a harsh land, but it holds many secrets and places to explore. my studies here keep me so busy that i have not had the opportunity to travel to winterspring for some time. but there's no reason why you shouldn't travel there and study the ruins. while you're there, look for wynd nightchaser. he spends most of his time in starfall and he knows a lot about the area. tell him that you are a student of mine..."]="Ve Winterspring, na sever od Felwoodu, je mnoho prastyrých elfských ruin. Je to nevlídná zemì , ale najde¹ tam mnohá místa a  tajemství, která èekají na svého objevitele.\r\n\r\nMusím se tu zdr¾et kvùli svým studiím a tak nemám mo¾nost se do Winterspring podívat. Ale nic nebráni tomu aby jsi se tam nevydal ty a neprozkoumal ty tajemné ruiny.\r\n\r\nA¾ tam dorazí vyhledej Wynda Nightchaser. \r\nStrávil ve Starfall mnoho èasu a dobøe tam zná ka¾dou stezku. \r\n\r\nØekni mu, ¾e jsi mùj student...",
    110 ["the troll smith ula'elek will craft for you the brutal gauntlets. he dwells in durotar, in sen'jin village with his darkspear brethren, and he awaits your coming."]="Trolský kováø Ula\'elek pro tebe udìlá Brutální Rukavice.  Nachází se v Durotaru, v Sen\'jin Village s jeho Darkspearskýmy krajany, a èeká a¾ za ním pøíjde¹.",
    111 ["recently a diplomat was sent to theramore to meet with jaina proudmoore. that diplomat never arrived. i believe the defias are involved in this plot, but i'm not sure how. the diplomat's disappearance still eludes public attention, but it can't remain that way for long. agents of the king are already scouring the city for clues, but i have my own contacts i would like involved. in the valley of heroes is an old friend of mine named jorgen. find him, give him this note, and follow his instructions."]="Nedávno byl vyslaný diplomat, aby promluvil s Jainou Proudmore v Theramoru. Tento diplomat nikdy nedorazil.\r\n\r\nJá si myslím, ¾e v tom mají prsty Defiasové, ale nevím jak. Diplomatovo zmizení se stále dr¾í mimo veøejnost, ale nebude to tak nav¾dy.\r\n\r\nAgenti krále ji¾ prohledávají mìsto a hledají dùkazy, ale já mám své vlastní kontakty, které bych rád zapojil.\r\n\r\nV Údolí hrdinùt je mùj starý známý Jorgen. Najdi ho a dej mu tenhle dopis, a následuj jeho instrukce.",
    112 ["stand at attention while addressing me, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". i am under direct command of varimathras. we are to quell the human infestation until our apothecaries can develop the new plague. our information leads us to believe that the town of hillsbrad is vulnerable to attack. your first assignment is aimed at disrupting their food supply and infrastructure. travel west. raid the northernmost farms of hillsbrad fields. make sure that the landowners, farmer ray and farmer getz, are executed as well."]="Dávej si pozor, kdy¾ mì oslovuje¹, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..".\r\n\r\nJsem pod pøímým velením Varimathras. Musíme zamezit lidskému zamoøení, dokud na¹i lékárníci nevyvinou novy mor.\r\n\r\nNa¹e informace nás nutí vìøit ¾e mìsto Hillsbrad je zranitelné. Tvùj první úkol bude zamíøeny na pøeru¹eni jejich zdrojù jídla a infrastruktury.\r\n\r\nTvá cesta vede na západ. Pøepadni nejsevernìj¹í farmy Hillsbrad Fields. Ujisti se ¾e landowneri, Farmer Ray a Farmer Getz, budou popraveni.",
    113 ["orokk is not crying, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". soot is in eye. <orokk wipes a tear away.> there is one last omosh family secret orokk will teach you. orokk will die happy, thanks to "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". learn omosh dance of joy and then you learn fist of iron!"]="Orokk nepláèe."..strlower(UnitName("player")).." Má jenom saze v oèích\r\n\r\n<Orokk otírající si zadní èás>\r\n\r\n Je tady jedno tajemství Omoshové rodiny, které tì Omosh nauèí. Orokk zemøel strastný, díky tobì "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".\r\n\r\nNauè Omoshe tancovat z radosti a pak ho nauè plést ¾eleza!",
    114 ["i'll go make the wands now."]="Jdu teï vyrobit tu kouzelnou hùlku.",
    115 ["last night a horrible disturbance rippled through my veins. i sensed that my granddaughter, alyssa, was in great danger. i consulted the cards and death stared up at me from the table. after taking a long journey through a dark trance i was able to uncover a clue to this terrifying mystery. a name came to me, the name of stalvan. seek out the clerk in the town hall and see if you can find out more about this character. i fear for us all."]="Vèera veèer mi stra¹né rozru¹ení zaèalo trhat ¾íly. Cítil jsem, ¾e má vnuèka je ve velkém nebezpeèí. Konzultoval sem to s mými kartami nahoøe na stole a ukázala se mi hvìzda smrti...\r\n\r\n Vtrhlo mì to do sna a pøes temné vytr¾ení sem byl schopny odkrýt stopu k tomuhle stra¹nému tajemství. Pøi¹lo ke mì jedno jméno...to jméno bylo....Stalvan.\r\n\r\n Vypátrej Clerka v mìstské hale a podívej se jestli mù¾e¹ najít víc o tomhle èlovìku. Bojím se o nás...",
    116 ["every adventurer should rest when exhaustion sets in - and there is no finer place to get rest and relaxation than at the lion's pride inn! my best friend, innkeeper farley, runs the lion's pride. if you tell him i sent you, he may give you the special discounted rates on food and drink. to find the lion's pride inn, travel south along the road from here -- you can't miss it!"]="Ka¾dý dobrodruh by mìl odpoèívat kdy¾ je vyèerpán a v hostinci je hezèí místo na odpoèinek !\r\n\r\nMùj nejlep¹í pøítel, Hostinský Farley, provozuje hostinec. Kdy¾ mu øekne¹, ¾e tì posílám,mo¾ná dostane¹ odmìnu v podobì jídla nebo pití...\r\n\r\nK nalezení hostince musí¹ jít na jih po ceste odsud, nemù¾e¹ to minout !",
    117 ["\"cluck... cluck... cluck... bacaw! cluck... cluck... cluck.\" the chicken looks up at you and then starts to scratch its claws into the ground. you think it is spelling out a word, but you are not sure what it is. could it be... s-a-l-d-e-a-n? before you can ask, the chicken turns away and goes about its business."]="\"kvok... kvok... kvok... BACAW!\r\n\r\nKvok... kvok... kvok.\"\r\n\r\n Kuøe se na tebe podívá a zaène drápkama ¹krábat do zemì. Ty si  myslí¹, ¾e to je vyhláskované  slovo, ale nejse¹ si jistý co to je. Mohlo by to být...S-A-L-D-E-A-N? Døív ne¾ se mù¾ete zeptat se kuøe vzdálí a chystá se jeho obchod... ",
    118 ["for a small fee, you can take a gryphon to stormwind, so you can deliver lewis' note to osric. you won't get there faster any other way. if that sounds acceptable, then just speak to me again when you're ready for the ride. i'll charge you a little, but trust me; it'll be worth it!"]="Za malý poplatek, si mù¾ete vzít gryfona do Stormwindu, a tak mù¾ete doruèit Lewisovu poznámku k Osricovi. Nedostanete se tam rychleji nijak jinak.\r\n\r\nJestli ti to zní pøijatelnì, pak jen promluv se mnou znovu, a¾ budete pøipraven na jízdu. Já Vám úètuji málo, a vìøte mi; bude to stát za to!",
    119 ["the oases of the barrens hide a mystery. life energy flows from their waters, invigorating the plants and beasts that drink it. invigorating, and altering. there is a mushroom that grows near these oases. its spores hold properties that we, the apothecaries of lordaeron, find useful. bring me these spores and you will earn our gratitude."]="Oázy Barrens skrývají záhady. ®ivá energetie tokù a vod, povzbuzující rostliny a bestie které ji pijí.Osvì¾ující a obnovující. Tam je houba která roste blízko tìchto oáz. Její výtrusy mají léèebnou vlastnost a nám, v Lordaeronu, je velmi u¾iteèná. Pøines mi tyto výtrusy a získáte tak na¹i vdìènost.",
    120 ["a gang of brigands, the defias, moved into the northshire vineyards while i was harvesting! i reported it to the northshire guards and they assured me they'd take care of things, but... i'm afraid for my crop of grapes! if the defias don't steal them then i fear our guards will trample them when they chase away the thugs. please, you must help me! i gathered most of my grapes into buckets, but i left them in the vineyards to the southeast. bring me those crates! save my harvest!"]="Gang lupièù, Defias, se pøesunul do Northshire Vineyards zatímco  jsem sklízela! Ohlásila jsem to Northshireským strá¾ím a oni mì ujistili, ¾e se o to postarají, ale... Mám strach o mojí úrodu vína!  Jestli Defiasi nekradou jim pak se bojím na¹ich strá¾í budou dupat dokud nezapla¹í zloèince.\r\n\r\nProsím, musíte mi pomoct!  Shromá¾dil jsem vìt¹inu vína do vìder, Ale ode¹la jsem na jihovýchodní vinici.\r\n\r\nPøines mi ty kýble!  Zachraò mojí sklizeò! ",
    121 ["a band of vicious defias pillagers has been seen plundering the gold coast quarry, moonbrook and the alexston farmstead. the people's militia will not stand for such behavior. dispatch immediately, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", and make the light's presence known in westfall. the gold coast quarry is near the shore, to the west of the tower. as the next step of your training, i want you to kill 15 of those foul defias pillagers and 15 defias looters."]="Skupina zka¾ených Defias Pillagerù byla vidìna rabující Gold Coast Quarry,Moonbrook  a Alexstonovu farmu. Domobrana nebude trpìt takové chování. Rychle se vyprav,"..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", a uvìdom Westfall o existenci Svìtla. \r\n\r\nGold Coast Quarry je blízko pobøe¾í, na západ od Vì¾e. Jako dal¹í èást tvého tréninku po tobì chci, abys zabil tìch 15 odporných Defias Pillagerù a 15 Defias Looterù.",
    122 ["you may have killed the raptors, but the silver they stole must be recovered! i have reports that the raptors have a large grouping of nests south of ratchet, known as the raptor grounds. it is likely that they brought our stolen silver there. go to this raptor haven and search for the stolen silver. when you find it, return it to me."]="Sice u¾ jsi zabil raptory, ale støíbro, které ukradli musí být vráceno! Mám zprávy,¾e raptoøi mají skupinu hnízd na místì ji¾nì od Ratchetu zvaném Raptor Grounds.Je pravdìpodobné, ¾e tam donesli ukradené støíbro.\r\n\r\nJdi do sídla raptorù a hledej na¹e støíbro.Kdy¾ ho najde¹, dones mi ho.",
    123 ["welcome to stranglethorn! perhaps you're not aware of this, but that dwarf over there is the son of the one and only hemet nesingwary, renowned war hero of the alliance and master big game hunter. like his father, he's not one for welcoming strangers into his camp, but you look like you've seen quite a bit of action in your day, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". go and speak with him. he's a chip off the old block, so perhaps he can give you some hunting pointers."]="Vítej ve Stranglethornu!\r\n\r\nMo¾ná to neví¹, ale tento trpaslík je syn jedineèného Hemeta Nesingwary, slavného váleèného hrdiny a pøeborníka v lovu. Stejnì jako jeho otec, je v tomto táboøe jako doma A ty vypadá¹, jako by jsi hledal povyra¾ení na dne¹ní den, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..".\r\n\r\nBì¾ a promluv si s ním.  Urèitì ti poradí kam se vydat.",
    124 ["we are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. a donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by stormwind city for your generous actions. our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive."]="V souèasné dobì pøijímáme vlnu. Odevzdání ¹edesáti kusù vlny ti zaruèí uznání mìsta Stormwindu za tvou stìdrost. Nepotøebujeme od tebe více ne¾ ¹edesát kusù; mìli by jsme být schopni obstarat dostatek vlny od ostatních lidí pro uspokojení na¹ích potøeb.",
    125 ["although we don't get much aid from stormwind directly, i do have a contact in the city who helps supply us with armor. his name is osric strang. his shop, limited immunity, is in the old town of stormwind. our supply of armor dwindles, and i must contact osric for more. can you take him this note? the fastest way to stormwind is through thor, our gryphon master. he's just down the hill; bring him my note, and then take a gryphon to stormwind."]="Pøesto ¾e nedostáváme moc pomoci pøímo od Stormwindu mam kontakt ve mìstì který nás zásobuje brnìním.  Jmenuje se Osric Strang.  Jeho krámek, Limited Immunity, je na Starém mìstì ve Stormwindu.\r\n\r\nNa¹e zasoba brnìní se ztenèuje, a je nutne po¾ádat Osric o dal¹í.  Mù¾es mu pøedat tento vzkaz?\r\n\r\nNejrychlej¹í cesta do Stormwindu je pøes Thora, naseho gryphon mastera.  Je pøímo tady pod kopcem; dones mu mùj vzkaz, a pak let na gryphonovi do Stormwindu.",
    126 ["captain vimes should see the orc report you found, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". he knows the orcish language better than most. and he should know that there are horde spies near theramore! the captain is in the barracks, on the northeastern side of theramore isle."]="Kapitán Vimes by mìl vidìt orkskou zprávu co jsi na¹el, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".  On zná orkský jazyk lépe ne¾ ostatní.  A on by mìl vìdìt co Horda vyzvídá  blízko Theramoru!\r\n\r\n Kapitán je v kasárnách, na severovýchodní stranì Theramorského Ostrovu.",
    127 ["finally, you are of age, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."... of age to battle in the name of the horde. to conquer for the glory of the warchief. yes... <kaltunk looks you over.> you will do nicely. no doubt you wish to find a great dragon or demon and strangle it with your bare hands, but perhaps it would be wise to start on something less... dangerous. <kaltunk laughs.> report to gornek, he should be able to assign a task better suited to a young "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". you will find gornek in the den, to the west."]="Koneènì, jsi ve vìku, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."... ve veku kdy ml¾e¹ záèít bojovat ve jménu Hordy. Dobývat pro slávu Vojevùdce.\r\n\r\nAno...\r\n\r\n<Kaltunk si tì prohlí¾í.>\r\n\r\nPovede¹ si dobøe.\r\n\r\nBezpochyb by jsi si rád na¹el nìjakého draka nebo démona a skolil ho vlastníma rukama, ale mo¾ná by bylo moudøej¹í zaèít na neèem ménì... nebezpeèném.\r\n\r\n<Kaltunk se zasmeje.>\r\n\r\nNahla¹ se u Gorneka, ten ti pøidìlí úkol hodný mladého "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Najdes ho v Doupìti, kousek na západ.\r\n",
    128 ["the sooner you begin your education, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", the better for us all. there is little room for error, so listen closely. the burning crystals - the green floating objects to the west of the sunspire here - have long been used to power the isle's experimentations. the mana wyrms were their guardians, but the scourge invasion of quel'thalas has driven them errant from our lack of magical control over them. there is little choice but to thin their numbers for reclamation. do this, then return to me."]="Èím døíve zaène¹ svùj výcvik, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", tím lépe pro nás v¹echny.  Nemù¾eme si dovolit chyby, tak¾e poslouchej dobøe.\r\n\r\nPlanoucí krystaly - zelené poletující pøedmìty na východ od Sunspire - byli dlouho pou¾ívány pro napájení experimentù na ostrovì .  The mana wyrms byli jejich strá¾ci, ale Quel\'Thalasova invaze je díky na¹í slabé kontrole po¹tvala proti nám.\r\n\r\nJediná mo¾nost jak je znovu získat je sní¾it jejich pocet.  Provìï, a vra» se ke mnì.",
    129 ["cursed peons! they work hard gathering lumber from the trees of the valley. but they're always taking naps! i need someone to help keep the peons in line. you look like the right "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).." for my task. here, you take this blackjack and use it on any lazy peons you find sleeping on the job. a good smack will get them right back to work! return the blackjack when you're done. lousy slacking peons..."]="Prokletí peóni! Mají tì¾it døevo ze stromù v údolí a oni spí! Potøebuju nìkoho ,kdo je pøinutí pracovat.\r\n\r\nTy bude¹ ten pravý pro mùj úkol. Tady, vezmi si tuto palici a pou¾íj ji na ka¾dého spícího péona kterého uvidí¹. Pìkný výprask je pøivede zpìt pracovat! Vra» mi palici a¾ úkol dokonèí¹..\r\n\r\nOhavní líní peóni...",
    130 ["we are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. a donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by ironforge for your generous actions. our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive."]="Právì pøijímáme dotace látek z vlny. Dodáním 60 kusù vlny získáte veliké uznání Ironforge pro va¹e velkorysé akce. Na¹e obchody potøebují vlnu, tak¾e my bychom jen od vás potøebovali ¹edesát kusù celkem; mìl by jste být schopen získat z va¹í oblasti dost, aby jste podpoøil na¹e úsilí.",
    131 ["we are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. a donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by gnomeregan for your generous actions. our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive."]="Právì pøijímáme dotace látek z vlny. Dodáním 60 kusù vlny získáte veliké uznání Ironforge pro va¹e velkorysé akce. Na¹e obchody potøebují vlnu, tak¾e my bychom jen od vás potøebovali ¹edesát kusù celkem; mìl by jste být schopen získat z va¹í oblasti dost, aby jste podpoøil na¹e úsilí.",
    132 ["my friend hilary lost her necklace, and we can't find it. we've been fishing all day right here, and we looked around here already. the only thing i can think of is that it fell into the lake. our parents don't want us to swim in the lake... my mom says there's some mean things underwater, but you look like you aren't scared of mean things. could you find it for her, please?"]="Moje kamarádka Hilary ztratila svùj nahrdelník a nemù¾eme ho najít.  Celý den jsme tu rybaøili ale v¹ude jsme to tu prohledali. Jedinì, ¾e by spadl do jezera. Ale nasi rodièe nechtìjí abychom tu plavali..moje máma øíka, ¾e pod hladinou jsou zlé vìci.Ty se jich ale neboji¹, ¾e ne?\r\n\r\nNajde¹ ho, prosím?",
    133 ["it's a shame that we've lost control of many of the creatures here on the island. this was once a tranquil place of study and research. now it's all we can do to keep from being attacked by our own creations! i'm going to offer you a chance to receive a magical boon in exchange for some collecting work on your part. bring me a stack of arcane slivers that are found on the mana-using creatures of sunstrider isle, and i will cast a spell on you that should aid your adventures on the isle."]="Je hamba, ¾e jsme ztratili kontrolu nad spoustou stvoøení na ostrovì. Kdysi tu bylo poklidné místo pro studium a výzkum. nyní se mù¾eme pouze bránit pøed útoky na¹ich vlastních výtvorù!\r\n"..strlower(UnitName("player")).."abízím ti mo¾nost dostat kouzelnou laskavost výmìnou za nìjakou sbìraèskou práci ze tvé strany. Pøines mi pár tajemných zbytkù, které se dají získaz ze zvíøat s manou zde na ostrovì a já na tebe se¹lu kouzlo které ti pomù¾e ve tvých dobrodru¾stvích.",
    134 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", i gathered into this crate everything lewis asked for. can you take it to him? if you've already spoken to thor in westfall, then you can take a gryphon back to him. dungar longdrink is our gryphon master, over in the trade district. speak with dungar, then get this crate to lewis as fast as you can. we don't want our fighting men and women in westfall to go without fresh equipment!"]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", Dal jsem do této krabice v¹echno o co Lewis ¾ádal. Mù¾e¹ mu to doruèit?\r\nPokud jsi ji¾ mluvil s Thorem ve Westfallu, mù¾e¹ zpátky letìt na gryfonovi.  Dungar Longdrink je ná¹ velitel gryfonù, v obchodní ètvrti.\r\n\r\nPromluv si s Dungarem a pak vezmi tuto krabici k Lewisovi jak nejrychleji bude¹ moct. Nechceme aby na¹i bojovníci a bojovnice ve Westfallu byli bez nového vybavení!",
    135 ["we must find if yenniku is dead. slay the bloodscalp headhunters and take from them their shrunken heads. you must gather many, many heads, and i will inspect them to make sure yenniku's head is not among them. and if yenniku was killed by the bloodscalps, then may a 600-year curse fall on the spirit of their chief, gan'zulah! go, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you may find many headhunters at the ruins of zuuldaia and zul'kunda, along the coast to the north."]="Musíme zjistit jestli je Yenniku mrtev.\r\n\r\nPozabíjej lovce lebek Krvavého Skalpu a vem si jejich zakrnìlé hlavy. Musí¹ shromá¾dit mnoho, mnoho hlav a já je prohlédnu jestli mezi nimi není ta Yennikova. A pokud byl Yennik opravdu zabit Lovci lebek, potom bude 600 lùet kletba su¾ovat ducha jejich náèelníka, Gan\'zulaha!\r\n\r\nJdi, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".\r\nMnoho lovcù lebek najde¹ v ruinách Zuuldaii a Zul\'kundy, podél pobøe¾í na severu.",
    136 ["<the head of nezzliok speaks.> it is true. i know where the child of the darkspears was taken. you have bested me and bound my spirit, but i will say nothing without appeasement! the bloodscalps war with the skullsplitters. to gain my favor, steal from the skullsplitters 3 of their trophy skulls and place them here with us, so that my spirit will have slaves in the nether. one skull must be from their trophy pile in balia'mah, another from ziata'jai, and the last from zul'mamwe."]="<Mluví Nezzliokova hlava.>\r\n\r\nJe to pravda, vím kam unesli dítì Darkspearù. Pøemohl jsi mì a spoutal mého ducha, ale já nic neprozradím dokud nedojdu uklidnìní!\r\n\r\nKrvaví Skalpové válèí s Drtièi Lebek. Aby sis získal mou náklonnost, ukradni Drtièùm Lebek 3 jejich trofejní lebky a pøines je sem, aby mìl mùj duch v Nicotì otroky. Jedna lebka musí být z jejich trofejní zásoby v Balia\'mahu, dal¹í ze Ziata\'jaii a poslední ze Zul\'Mamwe.",
    137 ["yenniku was not among the heads, and i thank the great serpent for it. but we are no closer to finding him. we must know the truth, and i fear that only the bloodscalp chief and his witchdoctor know it. they are the enemies of the darkspear tribe and will not speak freely, so we must force the truth from their dead lips! bring me the heads of gan'zulah and nezzliok the dire and place them within this cauldron. they are deep within zul'kunda. bring their heads...we will then make them talk."]="Yenniku nebyl mezi tìmi hlavami a já za to dìkuji Velkému Hadu. Ale nejsme o nic blí¾e k jeho nalezení.\r\n\r\nMusíme znát Pravdu a bojím se ¾e tu zná jen vùdce klanu Krvavého Skalpu a jeho vrchní zaøíkávaè. Jsou to nepøátelé klanu Temného Kopí a nebudou mluvit dobrovolnì. Musíme si pravdu vynutit z jejich mrtvých rtù! \r\n\r\nPøines mi hlavu Gan\'Zulaha a Nezzlioka Stra¹livého a dej je do tohoto kotle.\r\n\r\nJsou hluboko v Zul\'kundì. Pøines jejich hlavy... a pak je pøinutíme mluvit..",
    138 ["i'm sorry, but with the town in the state it's in i'm afraid have other duties to attend to. perhaps later, if we survive, i can finish this translation."]="Je mi líto, ale bojím se ¾e mám pøednìj¹í povinnosti kdy¾ je mìsto v takovémhle stavu. Mo¾ná pozdìji, pokud pøe¾ijeme, budu moci tento pøeklad dokonèit.",
    139 ["i have a bundle of hides from the animals of the barrens, and must get them to thunder bluff. a colleague there, ahanu, will use the hides to create leather goods. will you take the hides to him for me? the quickest way to thunder bluff is on the back of a wind rider. bring the bundle of hides to devrak, our wind rider master in the crossroads, and speak to him about transport to thunder bluff."]="Mám balík ko¾i¹in ze zvíøat v Barrens a musím je dostat do Thunder Bluffu. Mùj kolega Ahanu je tam pou¾ije pro výrobu ko¾eného zbo¾í.\r\n\r\nVezme¹ k nìmu ty kù¾e?\r\n\r\nNejrychlej¹í cesta je vzduchem. Pøines balík kù¾í Devrakovi, veliteli na¹ich letcù v Crossroads a promluv si s ním o pøepravì do Thunder Bluffu.",
    140 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." - the name's luglunket, and we've got an important job for you if you're up for it! huzzah! nothing would please me more as a seasoned spigot operator to take any wastewander water pouches you might find out in the desert. that's our water anyway - the nomads have just stolen it is all! the gadgetzan water company will offer you an official care package for every five you turn in. most importantly though, you're helping gadgetzan help itself!"]="Zdravím! Jsem Luglunket a mám pro tebe dùle¾itou prácièku, jsetli jsi na ni pøipraven! Hehe!\r\n\r\nNic nepotì¹í ostøíleného vodovodaøe více ne¾ vzít jakékoliv vodní na které v pou¹ti narazí¹. Stejnì je to na¹e voda, koèovníci ji prachsprostì ukradli, to je v¹echno! Gadgetzanská vodárenská spoleènost ti dá speciální balíèek za ka¾dých 5 vakù které od nomádù pøinese¹. A co je nejdùle¾itìj¹í, pomù¾e¹ Gadgetzanu si pomoci!",
    141 ["you're the help the cartel sent? i suppose you'll do. listen carefully "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". as you know, i am a procurer of fashionable apparel for the elite of azerothian society. kings and queens, warchiefs and, well whatever the horde calls their queens, all wear what i choose is in style. and they pay through the nose for it, which is the best part. so here's what's going to happen. you head down to lost rigger cove and acquire a lot of pirate hats by whatever means. do you think you can handle that?"]="Jsi pomoc kterou poslal Kartel? Pøedpokládám ¾e ano, tak¾e pozornì poslouchej."..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". jak ví¹, jsem dodavatelka médního obleèení pro elitu Azerothské spoleènosti. králové a královny, vojevùdci a i ti kterým horda øíká velièenstvo, v¹ichni nosí to o èem já rozhodnu ¾e je stylové. A pekelnì za to platí, co¾ je nejlep¹í.\r\n\r\nTak¾e, tady je co má¹ udìlat. Zamíøí¹ dolù k Zátoce Ztraceného Dìlníka a ukoøistí¹ hodnì pirátských kloboukù za jakoukoli cenu. Myslí¹ ¾e to zvládne¹?",
    142 ["we are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. a donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by stormwind city for your generous actions. as with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. our stores are such that we'd only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others."]="Momentálnì pøíjmáme dary v podobì hedvábné tkaniny. Darováním 60ti kusù hedvábí vám zajistí velké uznání mìsta Stormwind pro va¹e velkomyslné akce. Jako u ostatních fabrik, na¹e zásoby jsou dlouhodobì malé. Co od Vás potøebujeme je celkovì ¹edesát kusù hedvábí; Mìli bychom být schopni dosáhnout na¹eho cíle a zásobovat ostatní.",
    143 ["i've got an idea, see. i've heard of some strange creatures called dew collectors that live to the southwest... and that they are able to store water in special glands. i think that if i could get one of these glands, i could create a drink that would quench my terrible thirst! do you think you could help me, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."? look for the cactus garden, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."; that's where you'll find the dew collectors."]="Mám nápad. Podívej, sly¹el jsem o nìjakých podivných tvorech kterým se øíká Sbìraèi Rosy. ®ijí na jihozápad odtud a sbírají vodu do speciálních ¾láz.\r\n\r\nMyslím ¾e z té ¾lázy bych mohl udìlat nápoj který by uti¹il moji stra¹nou ¾ízeò! Myslí¾ ¾e bys mi mohl pomoct, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?\r\n\r\nHledej kaktusovou zahradu, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."; tam najde¹ i sbìraèe rosy.",
    144 ["greetings, young "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". can you offer me aid? i have a package of herbs that i must deliver to the town of dolanaar. but i still have business with the druids of shadowglen and cannot yet leave. can you deliver this package for me? it must be sent to innkeeper keldamyr, at the dolanaar inn. it lies along the road, to the south."]="Zdravím, mladý "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Mohl bys mi pomoct? Mám tu bedýnku bylin které musím doruèit do Dolanaaru. Ale je¹tì se musím vìnovat druidùm ze Stinné Rokle a nemohu zatím odejít. \r\n\r\nMohl bys tuhle zásilku doruèit? Je pro hostinského Keldamyra, v Dolanaarské hospodì. Je u cesty smìrem na jih.",
    145 ["i came to shadowglen to observe the webwood spiders that dwell in the shadowthread cave. they are cousin to a much smaller variety of spider; i believe the world tree has had a profound effect on them, and i would like specimens to study to confirm this. first, i would like some of their venom. gather webwood venom sacs from the spiders in and around the shadowthread cave, to the north. i can then examine them for similarities with their smaller cousin's venom."]="Pøi¹el jsem do Shadowglenu, abych pozoroval webwoodské pavouky kteøí obývají Jeskyni Shadowthread. Jsou to bratranci mnohem men¹ího druhu pavoukù; vìøím, ¾e strom svìta na nì mìl silný efekt a chtìl bych vzorky na studování, abych to mohl potvrdit.\r\n\r\nNejdøív bych chtìl nìjaký jejich jed. Získej Webwoodské jedové mìchýøe pavoukù v a okolo Jeskynì Shadowthread na severu. Poté je budu moct zkoumat v jejich podobnostech s jedem jejich mlad¹ích bratrancù.",
    146 ["i don't know what to make of all of this, but i do know how we can find more clues. empoor is a broken merchant that traffics in all sorts of goods and information. if you were to persuade him to talk, i'm sure he might have something interesting to say. he travels the road here between tuurem and shattrath. watch out, though -- he travels with a bodyguard."]="Nevím co si mám o tom v¹em myslet, ale vím jak mù¾eme najít více stop.\r\n\r\nEmpoor je jenom obchodníkem v¹eho druhu s informací. Kdyby jsi ho pøimìl mluvit, jsem si jistý, ze by mìl nìco zajímavého k sdìlení.\r\n\r\nCestuje cestou mezi Tuurem a Shattrathem. Ale dávej si pozor - cestuje s ochrankou.",
    147 ["i have need to send a crate of potions, reagents and other items to my associates in the old world. little time i have to actually see them to the dock at ratchet, and the last caravan has already left. if you could, please take this to wharfmaster dizzywig. he will ensure that it is placed on the next boat to blackwater cove."]="Potøebuji poslat krabici s lektvary a s dal¹ími vìci mým kamarádùm v Old Worldu. Na krátkou chvíli jsem je vidìl v Ratchet, a poslední karavan u¾ odjel. \r\n\r\n Jestli mù¾e¹, prosím vezmi to Wharfmasterovi Dizzywigovi. Zabezpeèí, ¾e to bude ulo¾eno na pøí¹tí lodi do Blackwater Cove.",
    148 ["my knowledge of alchemy is vast. it is, however, general in nature. if you wish to specialize, you will have to find others who have narrower fields of study. if you wish to specialize in transmutation, i would recommend that you seek the help of the ethereal known as zarevhi. he resides in the stormspire in netherstorm. his mastery of transmutation is... well, outlandish! see what you can learn from him, but beware - ethereals drive a hard bargain."]="Mé znalosti alchemie jsou obrovské.  To je, nicménì, v¹eobecnì v pøírodì. Jestli si pøeje¹ specializovat , mìl by jsi najít  ostatní kdo má u¾¹í specializaci v uèení.\r\n\r\nPokud by jsis pøál specializovat se v transmutaci, Já bych tì doporuèil to by ti mìlo pomoci z  éterickou vìdou jako Zarevhi.  On pøebývá v Stromspire v Netherstormu.\r\n\r\nJeho mistrovství transmutace je... no, neohrabaná!  Uvidíme kolik se toho nauèí¹ od nìj, ale dej si pozor - éteriètí se øídí  tì¾ko smlouvou.",
    149 ["the test was a resounding success! we can certainly use this device to start repairing the domes. carry word of the test results to the stormspire and let ghabar know that i've also found a pattern in the damage to the shield generators. key pieces of generator units have gone missing from a number of sites. this is no accident, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", no technological failure. we're being stolen from. "]="Test byl senzaènì úspì¹ný! Niní my mù¾eme zajisté pou¾ít toto zaøízení zaèít opravovat bánì.\r\n\r\nDr¾et slovo testových výsledkù do  Stormspire a  jít k Ghabar vìdìt to Já také na¹el  a vzor v po¹kození ¹títových generátorù. Kousky klíèù generátoru ,jednotky chybí od èísel sítí. To není nehoda, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", ¾ádná technologická chyba. Byli jsme okradeni. ",
    150 ["now that my crop is saved, take this grape manifest to brother neals. he manages the store of food and drink in northshire, and i'm sure he'll be delighted to hear that he has fresh grapes. you'll find brother neals in the abbey, in the bell tower... where he likes to taste his wine."]="Teï kdy¾ je má úroda zachránìna, Vezmi tento seznam vín  Bratru  Nealsovi.  On øídí zásoby  jídla a pití v Nortshiru a jsem si jistá, ¾e bude  potì¹ený, kdy¾ zjistí, ¾e má èerstvé víno .\r\n\r\n Bratra Nealse mù¾e¹ najít v opatství ve  zvonici, kde rád testuje své víno. ",
    151 ["now it's time to go after something that really bites. the prowlers of the barrens are a tough breed. tough, resourceful, sly... and deadly. you'll find them among the tall grasses. you'll find many to the southwest of the crossroads. be wary as you hunt them, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", or you may find yourself no longer the predator, but instead the prey."]="Nyní je èas jít po nìèem, co skuteènì kou¹e. Prowleøi v Barrens jsou tvrdý oøí¹ek. Hou¾evnatí, ¹ikovní, lstiví... a smrtící. Najde¹ je ve vysoké trávì. Dost jich najde¹ jihozápadnì od Crossroads.\r\n\r\nA dávej si pozor, a¾ je bude¹ lovit, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", jinak by se ti mohlo stát, ¾e pøestane¹ být dravcem a místo toho bude¹ ty sám koøistí.",
    152 ["hmm, you look pretty strong. listen, my good friend kargal needs some new recruits for barrens duty. i know you want to do what's right for the horde. well, this is your chance. take this recruitment letter to kargal and see if he'll sign it."]="Hmm, vypadá¹ docela silnì.\r\n\r\nPoslouchej, mùj dobrý pøítel Kargal potøebuje pár nových rekrutù na práci v Barrens. Vím, ¾e chce¹ pro hordu dìlat jen to nejlep¹í. Tohle je tvá pøíle¾itost.\r\n\r\nVezmi tenhle náborový dopis Kargalovi a uvidíme, jestli ho podepí¹e.",
    153 ["for just a few coins i will have a wind rider bring you to orgrimmar. when you get there, you can take zargh's meats to gryshka. her inn is in the valley of strength, not far from the skytower, where my wind rider will drop you off. speak with me again when you are ready for the journey."]="Za pár mincí tì Wind Master vzduchem pøepaví do Orgrimmar. A¾ tam bude¹ vem Zargh\'s Meats pro Gryshka. Její hospoda je ve Valley of Strength nedaleko ve¾i na které tì vysadí Wind Master.\r\n\r\nPromluv se mnou a¾ bude¹ pøipravený k cestì. ",
    154 ["here, take this and lay it on his grave. maybe... somehow, he'll know that i'm okay, and that none of us hold him responsible for what happened. <there are tears in her eyes now, as she slides a ring from her right hand, and presses it into your hands.> and... thank you, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Tady, vezmi si to a polo¾ to na jeho hrob. Snad... nìjak bude vìdet, ¾e jsem v poøádku a ¾e nikdo z nás ho neviní z toho, co se stalo.<V oèích se jí objevily slzy kdy¾ sòala prsten ze své pravé ruky a vlo¾ila ho do Tvých rukou>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nA... dìkuji Ti, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
    155 [""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", the battle for arathi basin is a battle for resources and territory. key points in the area must be held and operated in order to supply our forces with much needed raw materials and supplies. i charge you to assault the points farthest from our arathi basin base. assault the farm, the mine, the lumber mill and the blacksmith when they are controlled by the enemy. find the enemy's banner and rip it from its flag post! when you have done this to all four points, return to me."]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", bitva o Arathi Basin je bitva o suroviny a území. Klíèová místa na území musí být dr¾eny a ovládána kvùli podpoøe na¹ich jednotek, které  tolik potøebují surový materiál a zásoby. Posílám tì napadnout místa nejvzdálenìj¹í od na¹í základny v Arathi Basin.\r\n\r\nNapadni farmu, dùl, pilu a kovárnu, kdy¾ budou pod kontrolu nepøítele. Najdi nepøítelovu vlajku a strhni ji z jejího sto¾áru!\r\n\r\nA¾ napadne¹ v¹echny tyto území, vra» se za mnou.",
    156 ["our immediate concern is the depleted state of our healing crystals. we must replenish them quickly! unfortunately, the only way to do this at this point is to extract the blood from the local vale moths. their blood will make for a suitable substitute. the moths can be found in many places around the vale, but they are mostly concentrated in the northwest."]="Ná¹ aktuální problém je vyèerpaný stav na¹ich ozdravujících krystalù. Rychle je musíme znovu naplnit!\r\n\r\nBohu¾el, jediná cesta jak to provést, je vyextrahovat krev ze zdej¹ích vale mothù.  Z jejich krve s zhotoví vyhovující náhrada.\r\n\r\nMùry lze najít na mnoha místech tady v údolí, ale nejvíce se vyskytují na severozápadì.",
    157 ["the venture company set up a small research facility far to the north of here, southwest of the sludge fen. i don't know very much about what they're doing, but did manage to discover that they're experimenting with something called a \"samophlange\". now what the heck is a samophlange? well, whatever it is, i want to examine it, so i need someone to go get it. i obtained a copy of their control system operating manual, you should be able to figure out how to disengage the samophlange from it."]="Venture Company postavila malou výzkumnou stanici daleko na sever odsud, jihozápadnì od Sludge Fenu. Nevím moc o tom co dìlají, ale zjistil jsem, ¾e experimentují s nìèím, èemu øíkají \"samophlange\".\r\n\r\nTeï co to sakra je samophlange? No, a» je to cokoli, chci to zkoumat, tak¾e potøebuju nìkoho, kdo to získá.\r\n\r\nZískal jsem kopii jejich manuálu k ovládacímu systému, ty bys mohl figurovat ve vìci, jak z tama dostat samophlange.",
    158 ["in order to fly to a town, you must have already been there and spoken with the wind rider master of that town. you have been to the crossroads and spoken to their wind rider master devrak, so for a small fee you can take a wind rider to him from here. speak with me again when you are ready. once at the crossroads, you can then deliver the leather goods to jahan hawkwing."]="Abys mohl letìt do mìsta, musí¹ nejprve promluvit s tamìj¹ím Velitelem vzdu¹né letky. Ty jsi u¾ byl v Crossroads a mluvil s Velitelem vzdu¹né letky Devrakem, tak¾e za malou cenu si mù¾e¹ vzdu¹nou letku pronajmout a letìt tam odsud. \r\n\r\nPromluv si se mnou a¾ bude¹ pøipraven.  Kdy¾ bude¹ v Crossroads, mù¾e¹ doruèit ko¾ené zbo¾í Jahanovi Hawkwingovi.",
    159 ["my friend marla fipps lived with her husband samuel before the plague, but when the plague came samuel succumbed and joined the scourge's ranks. marla was spared an undeath only to die at the hands of her now mindless husband. so strong was her love, however, that her last dying wish was to be buried with her beloved samuel. samuel fipps roams at a ruined camp along the road northeast of deathknell. defeat him and grant marla's wish: bury him at her grave, in the first row of our graveyard."]="Má pøítelkynì Marla Marla Fipps ¾ila se svým man¾elem pøed tím, ne¾ se rozmohl mor, ale kdy¾ mor pøi¹el, Samuel podlehl a zúèastnil se Scourge\'s ranks.\r\n\r\nMarla byla u¹etøena jen tím ¾e mohla zem¾ít v náruèí svého ma¾ela, který se zbláznil. Tak silná byla její láska, nicménì její poslední pøání pøed smrtí bylo pohøbít ji se svým milovaným man¾elem Samuelem.\r\n\r\nSamuel Fipps se potuluje na znièeném táboøi¹ti podél cesty severovýchodnì od Deathknell. pora¾ ho a splò Marlino poslední pøání: zakop jej vedle ní, v první øadì na¹eho høbitova.",
    160 ["small timberlings are sprouting around the waters of lake al'ameth. i'm afraid these sprouts are beyond help -- we should try to clear them from the land before they grow large enough to cause trouble. when you're wandering the lake, if you see any timberling sprouts please take them. help keep our land clean!"]="Malé stromeèky vøesu vyrùstají okolo vod Lake Al\'Ameth.  Bojím se, ¾e tyto výrustky jsou i pøes pomoc -- mìli bychoum zkou¹et je plenit ne¾ vyrostou ve velké rostliny a zaènou pùsobit potí¾e.\r\n\r\nKdy¾ putuje¹ okolo jezera a uvidí¹ nìjaké keøíèky vøesu, prosím, vytrhni je. Pomoz nám na¹i zem udr¾et èistou!",
    161 ["in solitude i wander these roads. the dwarves of bael modan show no respect for my land. horrendous blasts drive holes deep into the ground as noisy machines rip apart the hills. lands which once served as home and provider to my tribe are now riddled with destructive dwarves. attempts at reaching a diplomatic resolution have failed. now is the time for decisive action. drive the dwarves from the bael modan excavation by force and bring to me the journal of their leader, prospector khazgorm."]="Osamocen putuji tìmito cestami.\r\n\r\nTrpaslíci z Bael Modan nemají ¾ádnou úctu k mé zemi. Stra¹né výbuchy razí díry hluboko do pùdy a hluèné stroje trhají kopce. Zemi, která slou¾ila mému kmenu jako  domov a útoèi¹tì, je rozstøílena tìmito trpaslièími nièiteli.\r\n\r\nPokusy o mírové øe¹ení selhaly. Nastal èas pro rozhodnou akci.\r\n\r\nVy¾eò trpaslíky z výkopu Bael Modan siloua pøines mi deník jejich vùdce,Prospectora Khazgorma.",
    162 ["finally! someone to rescue me! i can't believe you got past the guards. these zealots from theramore are out of their minds. they sank our ship and imprisoned me, the only survivor. i was called an enemy and threat to the alliance. me! a threat to their great sham of an alliance? i was a deckhand on a moonshine transport between ratchet and booty bay. enough talk. help me get back to ratchet will you? let me know when you're ready and we'll make our break."]="Koneènì! Nìkdo mì pøi¹el zachránit!\r\n\r\nNemohu uvìøit, ¾e jsi pøemohl strá¾ce. Tihle zealoti z Theramore jsou úplnì smyslù zbavení. Potopili na¹i loï a mì, jediného kdo se zachránil, zajali. Volal jsem nepøátele a vyhro¾oval Allianci.\r\n\r\nJá! Hrozba pro jejich nejvìt¹í podvod Allianci? Byl sem lodní spojnicí moonshine transport mezi Ratchetem a Booty Bay.\r\n\r\nDost øeèí. POmù¾e¹ mi dostat se zpìt do Ratchetu? Dej mi vìdìt, a¾ bude¹ pøipravený a odjedeme.",
    163 ["wanted: a skilled fighter to deal with the threat of the pterrordax that inhabit the un'goro crater. their numbers are growing, and they are becoming a menace to travelers in the area. decrease the population by slaying 10 pterrordax and 15 frenzied pterrordax. speak with spraggle frock after completing the task for a reward."]="Hledá se:Zku¹ený bojovník který by bojoval s  Pterrordaxi hnízdícími tady v Un\'Goro Crater. Jejich poèet stále roste a oni stále pøicházejí a jsou nebezpeèím pro zdej¹í cestovatelé.Sni¾ jejich poèet o 10 pterrordax a 15 frenzied pterrordax.A¾ bude¹ hotov di si promluvit s Spraggle Frock a¾ dokonèí¹ svùj úkol a bude¹ chtít odmìnu.",
    164 ["the timberlings of teldrassil are elementals of nature. in some ways they reflect the natural order of plants and animals on our great tree. so it is disturbing to see how angry the timberlings have become. i believe it has something to do with the soil. i have been working on different methods of nurturing plants and would like to try them on timberling seeds. please, can you gather seeds from timberlings around lake al'ameth and bring them to me?"]="Vøes z Teldrassil je základ pøírody. V nìkterých pøípadech odrá¾í pøirozené uspoøádání rostlin a zvéøat na na¹em velkém stromì.\r\n\r\nTak¾e to zakrývá to, abychom vidìli, jak hrozivé tyto rostliny jsou.\r\n\r\nVìøím, ¾e to má co doèinìní s pùdou. Pracoval jsem na jiných metodách vy¾ivování rostlin a chtìli bychom to zkusit s vøesovými semínky. Prosím, mohl bys nashromá¾dit semínka okolo jezera Al\'Ameth a pøinést mi je?",
    165 ["being wharfmaster of a busy port like ratchet, i keep my finger on the pulse of information. i know all about the exchange of goods and money between here and booty bay. the latest bit of news i've heard is about the venture company's boulder lode mine northeast of the sludge fen. one of the miners discovered an emerald the size of your fist. i know a few buyers who'd be interested in getting their hands on something like that, and i'd be willing to go half and half on its sale."]="Jako dokmistr èiného pøístavu jako je Ratchet, dr¾ím prst na tepnì informací. Vím v¹echno o výmìnì zbo¾í a penìz mezi námi a Booty Bay.\r\n\r\n Poslednì jsem sly¹el v hazardním podniku Venture Company\'s Boulder Lode mine severovýchodnì od Sludge Fen. ®e jeden z horníkù prý na¹el smaragd velikost va¹í pìsti. Znám pár kupcù, kteøí se zajímají o získání neèeho takoveho, a já bych byl ochotný jít napùl z prodeje.",
    166 ["please, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", talk with my gramma. if anyone can find a way to bring me together with maybell, she can. she's inside our house east of here."]="Prosím, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", promluv si s mou babièkou. Jestli nìkdo mù¾e najit cestu k tomu, aby jsem mohl být s Maybell, tak jen ona.\r\n\r\nNajde¹ ji v na¹em domì na východì.",
    167 ["ice cream! oh please please please could you get me some ice cream?! strawberry is my favorite flavor, and there's no better strawberry ice cream in the world than tigule and foror's strawberry ice cream! it's my favorite ice cream in the whole wide world! i had it once a long time ago when i was at the shimmering flats race track, but i heard that they might be selling them in town now! please? pretty please? with tigule and foror's strawberry ice cream on top??!?!"]="Zmrzlina! Ó Prosím prosím nedal by si mi zmrzlinu?!  Jahodová je má nejoblíbenej¹í, a není lep¹í jahodové zmrzliny na svìtì ne¾ od Tigule a Foror\'s jahodová zmrzlina!  Je to má nejoblíbenej¹í zmrzlina na celém ¹irém svìtì! \r\n\r\n Jednu jsem kdysi dávno mìl bylo to ve Shimmering pou¹ti na závodní dráze, ale sli¹el jsem ¾e jí teï prodávají ve mìstì!  Prosím?  Pìknì prosím? S Tigule a Foror\'s Jahodovou zmrzlinou na vrchu??!?!",
    168 ["there's trouble in winterspring! why, sure, i spend some time out in the wilds and know about these things... i'm always mighty proud to say it. i consider the hours i spend out there in the hills to be golden. help you cultivate quick reflexes, a cool head and a keen eye... it takes judgement, brains and maturity to appreciate the wilderness in the way that i do. now, what was i talking about? ah yes, trouble. see donova snowden at the hot springs and she can tell you more."]="Máme problémy ve Winterspringu! \r\n\r\n Proè, jistì, Já trávím nìjaký èas venku v divoèinì a vím o tìchto vìcech... Jsem v¾dy hrdý ¾e to øíkám. Já pøemý¹lím hodiny tam v kopcích abych byl ¹»astný. Poù¾e vám to ¹lechtit va¹e rychlé reflexy, chladnu hlavu a bystré oèi... \r\n\r\n To zmìní názor, rozum a zralost která ocení divoèinu na cestì kterou konám. \r\n\r\n Teï,  o èem sem mluvil? \r\n\r\n Ach ano, potí¾e. Zajdi za Donova Snowden v Hot springs a snad ti øekne více.",
    169 ["the blasted harpies have been ravaging our caravan supplies for too long. it's time we slit a few of their throats and diminished their numbers. i've been snooping around their nests and figured out who leads who. the most devastating attack will destroy a good section of their lower chain of command and then we can work our way to the top. i'll start you off slow, take out witchwing harpies and witchwing roguefeathers in the northwest and bring me 8 witchwing talons. that should be a good start..."]="The blasted harpies have been ravaging our caravan supplies for too long. It\'s time we slit a few of their throats and diminished their numbers.\r\n\r\nI\'ve been snooping around their nests and figured out who leads who. The most devastating attack will destroy a good section of their lower chain of command and then we can work our way to the top.\r\n\r\nI\'ll start you off slow, take out Witchwing Harpies and Witchwing Roguefeathers in the Northwest and bring me 8 Witchwing talons. That should be a good start...",
    170 ["you have made the right decision, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". we must strike where we will do the most damage: the four sentry towers. with the four towers in flames, we can initiate an offensive before they have time to react. you will need the proper tool to set the towers ablaze. to make the tool requires some materials. bring me four hearts of flame and four golem oil and i shall craft the torch of flawless flame. the golems and elementals in these lands should be your first target."]="Udìlal si správné rozhodnutí.musíme udeøit tam kde udìláme nejvìt¹í ¹kody:4 hlídkové vì¾e.Kdy¾ budou tyto vì¾e hoøet mù¾eme zahájit ofenzívu ne¾ stihnou zareagovat.Bude¹ potøebovat poøádný nástroj abys tyto vì¾e zapálil.Na to potøebuje¹ nìjaký materiál.Pøines mi   \r\n4 plamenné srdce a 4 poháry golemského oleje a já ti mù¾u udìlat louè dokonalého plamene.Golemové a elementálové v téhle zemi by mìli být tvùj první cíl.\r\n",
    171 ["our expeditionary force was sent at varimathras's behest to survey lower azeroth. while out scouting i noticed a human infiltrator spying on beggar's haunt. before i could apprehend him, some of our orcish... brethren... captured him and took him to stonard, their stronghold in swamp of sorrows. i want to... help... our orcish allies. they did not see our camp here but nonetheless i want to lend a hand. work with faustin here to develop a... truth serum for our friend in stonard."]="Na¹e expedièní jednotka byla vyslána  na Varimtharasùv pøíkaz na prùzkum dolního Azerothu.Kdy¾ sem pátral zjistil sem ¾e v Begarrs hauntu je lidská infiltrace.Ale ne¾ sem ho stihl zatknout na¹í ork¹tí.. bratøi .. ho zajali a vzali ho do Stonardu jejich pevnosti ve Smutné ba¾inì.Chci na¹im orkským pøátelùm pomoct.Oni nevidìli ná¹ tábor nicménì potøebuju pomocnou ruku.Pracuj s Faustinem abys vynalezl serum pravdy pro na¹eho pøítele ve stonardu.",
    172 ["well met, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". i've something that might interest you. i have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality. i'd be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor. the blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit winterspring has properties i'm in need of at the moment. bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold. you shall find the effort worth your while."]="Ahoj mám nìco co by tì mohlo zajímat.Mám ve své výbavì brnìní které se nosí pøi tvé profesi ale je daleko kvalitnìj¹í.Vymìním ti ty moje k¹andy za nìjaké bì¾né kdy¾ pro mnì udìlá¹ men¹í slu¾bu.Krev ledních tygrù a mìdvìdù kteøí obývají winter spring má rùzné vlastnosti.Já ji teï potøebuju.Dones mi vzorek s k¹andami a malou sumu zlata.Uvidí¹ ¾e to bude stát za to.",
    173 ["this crater has many strange creatures--they seem to be nobler versions of the creatures found throughout my homeland and beyond. i cannot explain it, but this place cries of the earth mother. i pay homage to her every time i track one of her beautiful creatures across its basin. if you too wish to feel the enlightenment that accompanies such a great feat, then head to the north. there you'll find great apes who are a test for any mortal's strength. bring me their pelts... prove your strength."]="V tomhle kráteru je mnoho divných pøí¹er ony vypadají jako u¹lechtilej¹í verze pøí¹er které mù¾e¹ nalézt v mé domovinì.Nemù¾u to vysvìtlit ale pro tohle místo Earth Mother pláèe.V¾dy jí vzdám hold kdy¾ narazím na nìjakou pøí¹eru v tomto povodí.Jestli chce¹ taky chce¹ cítit osvícení které doprovází tento skvìlý èin pak zahni na sever.Tam najde¹ opice které jsou testem síly ka¾dého smrtelníka.Pøines mi jejich kù¾e.. doka¾ svou sílu.\r\n",
    174 ["legends tell of a jewel, hidden deep in the heart of stranglethorn. we call it the mind's eye, and it has great powers. if you gain this eye then, perhaps, we can use it to bring lost yenniku back from the darkness. i will consult with the spirits of the jungle to find the mind's eye. while i do this, you enter the crystalvein mine, southeast of here, and gather pulsing blue shards from ironjaw basilisks. the shards are rare, but we will need their magic to bend the mind's eye to our will."]="Legendy øíkají o cennosti která je ukryta v srdci stranglethornu.Øíkáme tomu Mind\'s eye má to obrovskou sílu.Kdy¾ získá¹ toto oko pak mo¾ná získáme ztraceného yenikku zpìt z temnoty.Poptám se duchù jungle kde by toto oko mohlo být.Jakmile to udìlám musí¹ jít Crystalvein Mine jihovýchodnì odsud a sbírat Pulsing blue Shards z Ironjaw Basilisks.Tyto krystaly jsou vzácné ale my potøebujeme jejich magii k získání Mind\'s eye.",
    175 ["hello. young hunter. you look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion. you must see yaw sharpmane in bloodhoof village. he can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own."]="Nazdar mladý lovèe.Vypadá¹ zku¹enì na to aby jsi zvládl zvíøe a pak ho trénoval jako tvého spoleèníka.Musí¹ se vydat za Yaw Sharpmane do Bloodhof Village.On tì mù¾e zavést na stezku získání zvíøete.",
    176 ["hello, young hunter. you look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion. you must see yaw sharpmane in bloodhoof village. he can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own."]="Nazdar mladý lovèe.Vypadá¹ zku¹enì na to aby jsi zvládl zvíøe a pak ho trénoval jako tvého spoleèníka.Musí¹ se vydat za Yaw Sharpmane do Bloodhof Village.On tì mù¾e zavést na stezku získání zvíøete.",
    177 ["hello, young hunter. you look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion. you must see yaw sharpmane in bloodhoof village. he can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own."]="Nazdar mladý lovèe.Vypadá¹ zku¹enì na to aby jsi zvládl zvíøe a pak ho trénoval jako tvého spoleèníka.Musí¹ se vydat za Yaw Sharpmane do Bloodhof Village.On tì mù¾e zavést na stezku získání zvíøete.",
    178 ["hello, young hunter. you look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion. you must see thotar at razor hill. he can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own."]="Nazdar mladý lovèe.Vypadá¹ zku¹enì na to aby jsi zvládl zvíøe a pak ho trénoval jako tvého spoleèníka.Musí¹ se vydat za Thottarem do Razor hill .On tì mù¾e zavést na stezku získání zvíøete.",
    179 ["hello, young hunter. you look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion. you must see thotar at razor hill. he can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own."]="Nazdar mladý lovèe.Vypadá¹ zku¹enì na to aby jsi zvládl zvíøe a pak ho trénoval jako tvého spoleèníka.Musí¹ se vydat za Thottarem  do Razor hill.On tì mù¾e zavést na stezku získání zvíøete.",
    180 ["hello, young hunter. you look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion. you must see thotar at razor hill. he can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own."]="Nazdar mladý lovèe.Vypadá¹ zku¹enì na to aby jsi zvládl zvíøe a pak ho trénoval jako tvého spoleèníka.Musí¹ se vydat za Thottarem do razor hill.Ten tì mù¾e zavést na stezku získání zvíøete.",
    181 ["welcome to the world of warcraft! as special thanks for purchasing the world of warcraft collector's edition, turn in this gift voucher to yori crackhelm in coldridge valley. you'll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory. thanks again, and enjoy your stay in the world of warcraft!"]="Vítej ve world of warcraft! jako speciální dík za zakoupení sbìratelské edice world of warcraft zajdi za Yori Crackhelm do Coldridge Valley.Dostane¹ malý dárek: malého spoleèníka pro dobrodru¾ství a slávu.Je¹tì jednou dìkuju a u¾ij si world od  warcraft.",
    182 ["hi, i wrote a poem for my friend caylee. she likes to hang out with the aldor in shattrath city. you know, in outland? could you take my poem to her? my mommy says i'm too young to go to shattrath city!"]="Ahoj, já pí¹u báseò pro mojí pøítelkyni Caylee.  Ona se ráda toulá ve ètvrti Aldor v Shattrath City. Vyzná¹ se v Outland?\r\n\r\nMù¾e¹ jí dát mou báseò ?  Moje máma øíká, ¾e Jsem pøíli¹ mladá na cestu do Shattrath City!",
    183 };if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+181;
     2["blackrock outrunners and renegades are running ambushes between here and stonewatch keep. the leader of the outrunners is an orc named tharil'zun--we want this orc. bring me the head of tharil'zun!"]="Blackrockí Outrunneri a Renegadi robia prepady medzi týmto miestom a Stonewatch Keep. Vodca Outrunnerov je ork menom Tharil\'zun--chceme ho. Prines mi hlavu Tharil\'zuna!",
     3["if you want to be useful, then why don't you do something about the situation near talondeep path? the transports between ashenvale and stonetalon are at a standstill because of the lake coming alive and attacking anything that gets close... which means anyone on the path. what'd be even more useful than just putting the hammer down on the water elementals there is someone scouting the gazebo on mystral lake - the one that has a solid view of the alliance outpost there. you up for being useful?"]="Ak chces v tejto misii uspiet, musis vediet o situacii blizko Talondeepskej ceste viac..\r\n\r\nTransport medzi Ashenvalom a Stonetalom je zastaveny, pretoze jazero sa prebudza a utoci na vsetko co ide okolo...to uzavrelo jedinu cestu do Ashenvalu. Posledna sanca je zatlacit hrubou silou vodnych elementalov spat do jazera, kam patria.\r\n\r\nTy proste musis v tejto misii uspiet...",
     4["you have completed the necessary lessons all young druids are taught before they can adopt an aquatic aspect. go now back to your trainer, turak runetotem, in thunder bluff. show him your pendant and prove to him you are ready to learn what he has to teach you. he will complete your training, allowing you to become one with the water. goodbye, young druid. we shall speak again."]="Prave si dokoncil skusku mladeho druida k tomu, aby si mohol zacal pouzivat Aquatic Form. Vrat sa naspatek k trenerovi Turak Runetotemovi v Thunder Bluff. Ukaz mu privesok a dokaz mu, ze si pripraveny naucit sa od neho viac... On dokonci tvoj vycvik a dovoli ti spojit sa s vodou.\r\n\r\nVela stastia, mlady druid. Zas sa niekedy urcite porozpravame.",
     5["scourge have trickled into tirisfal glades and have infested the area west of brill, near the old bridge. go there and beat back the rotting dead and ravaged corpses you find. scatter their bones and bring back their putrid claws, and the deathguards will reward you."]="Pohroma pritiekla do Tirisfal Glades a zamorila oblast na zapad od Brillu, blizko stareho mosta.\r\n\r\nChod tam a bi naspat Rotting Deadov a Ravaged Corpses, ktore najdes. Rozpras ich kosti a prines mi naspat Putrid Claws a Deathguardovia ta odmenia.",
     6["beyond this tunnel you will find a field of strife and turmoil, young "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". the horde continue to decimate our sacred forest, cutting down the evergreen foliage to power their machines of war. enter warsong gulch and defend silverwing hold. push back the invading horde forces! do this, and earn a talisman of merit. bring me such a talisman, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", and i shall reward you."]="Za týmhle tunelem najdeš pásikavé pole a zmätek, mladý "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..".Horda pokračuje v ničení naších posvátných lesú, kácením stále zelených listú ako sílu do jejích vojnových mašín.\r\n\r\n Vstup do Warsong Gulch a obráň Silwering Hold. Zastav invázi horďáckych jednotek!\r\n\r\n Udelej to a vyslúžiš si talisman jako zásluhu za pomoc. Prines mi takový talisman "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." a já te odmením.",
     7["this... this power.... is this the power of the shamans that tor'gan tried to show me? i must say, it is interesting. tell tor'gan that he has convinced me... for the time being. i will listen to what he has to say."]="Toto... Tato sila.... Je to sila shamana Tor\'gan unudeni? Musíš zostat, je to zaujimave. Povedz Tor\'gan že ma presvečil... ale iba zatial. Cem počut co by povedal.",
     8["a troubling breeze blows through the forest. gaerolas talvethren serves as great warden to the hibernating druids of the talon in the ban'ethil barrow den. his duty as the chosen protector of the sleeping is to ensure their safety so that their pact with ysera remains fulfilled. but word from gaerolas is now delayed and i grow nervous. travel east to starbreeze village and bring back a report from gaerolas so that i can put my worries to rest, knowing my dreaming brethren slumber safely."]="Vietor problemov vanie lesom.\r\n\r\nGaerolas Tavethren sluzi ako Velky Strazca hibernujucich Druidov Drapov v Ban\'ethil Barrow Den. Jeho povinnost ako vyvoleneho ochrancu Spiacich je zabezpecit ich bezpecnost teda ich zmluva s Yser ostane naplnena.\r\n\r\nAle Gaerolasove slova su teraz spomalene a mna sa chyta nervozita.Cestuj na vychod od Starbreeze Village a prines spravu od Gaerolasa a ja mozem ulozit moje starosti na odpocinok z vedomim ze Druidi driemaju bezpecne.",
     9["the gnarlpine tribe has been corrupted! the once peaceful furbolgs have turned against the protectors of the forest. they ambushed me as i left for the ban'ethil barrow den and proceeded to pillage starbreeze village. ursal the mauler, their chieftain, is using the evil powers of the fel moss to drive them mad. i am too wounded to return to athridas to bring him this grave news. the task is left to you, young "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". we can only hope that the deranged gnarlpines have not made it to ban'ethil yet!"]="Kmen Gnarlpine bol skazeny!\r\n\r\nMierumilovny furbolgovia sa obratili proti ochrancom lesa.Prepadli ma ked som opustal Ban\'ethil Barrow Den a pristupili k rabovaniu Starbreeze Vilage. Ursal the Mauler, ich vodca, pouziva zle sili Fel Mossu aby ich priviedol do sialenstva.\r\n\r\nSom prilis zraneny na to aby som sa vratil ku Athridasovi a priniesol mu tuto strasnu novinu. Uloha teda ostava na tebe, mlady "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Mozeme len dufat ze Gnarlpini sa este nedostali do Ban\'ethilu!",
     10["as you may know, the town of ambermill remains a source of human opposition, mainly through the support they receive from the wizards of dalaran. i don't know what their plan is, but for them to show interest in a backwater village like ambermill indicates that it must have some greater importance. they've been shipping crates by the wagon from hillsbrad. many of those supplies end up at a small camp north of pyrewood village. retrieve the contents of a crate and return them to me."]="Ako mozes vediet, mesto Ambermill sa stalo zdrojom ludskeho odporu, hlavne pre zasielky ktore dostavaju od magov z Dalaranu.\r\n\r\nNeviem aky je ich plan ale to ze sa im ukazuje zaujimave zabudnute mestecko ako Ambermill ukazuje ze musi mat nejaky velky vyznam.\r\n\r\nPosielaju na vozoch debne z Hillsbradu. Mnoho z tychto zasielok konci v malom kempe severne od Pyrewood Village.Ziskaj obsah jednej krabice a prines mi ho.",
     11["mellifluous liquid clear as a baby's tears turns a lovely deep amber over the years but before we proceed to get lit to the hilt a barrel of charred oak must be built."]="Sladka zivica, cista ako detske slzy,\r\nzmeni sa v jantar jasny, cez dlhe, dlhe roky.\r\nPredtym ako vyrobime rukovat meca z brezy,\r\nCervene drevo treba mat odtial, kde je les hlboky...",
     12["i'll go make the wands now."]="Ja idem teras spravit tu wandu.",
     13[""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", there's a new threat in elwynn forest! murlocs are swimming up the streams of eastern elwynn, scaring away fish and attacking gentle folk! i warned marshal dughan, but he's more worried about the gnolls and the bandits. he's not convinced that the murlocs are a danger. please, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", speak to dughan and persuade him to send more troops to the east!"]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", mame novou hrozbu v nasich Elwynnskych lesich. Murloci plavaju nahoru proudem vychodneho Elwynnu. Ryby pred nima utikaji pric a utocia na lidi.\r\n\r\nMusim upozornit Marshala Dughana, ale on se vic zaujma o gnollskych bantidov. Nemysli si, ze Murloci znamenaju nejake nebezpeci.\r\n\r\nProsim, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", musis jit za Dughanem a presvedcit ho, aby poslal vic jednotek na vychod!!",
     14["the band of wretches responsible for driving the good people of westfall from the land call themselves the defias brotherhood. i need you to infiltrate this clan of thugs. we need to know who heads up the cartel and where they are hiding out. in lakeshire, in the inn, there is a rogue by the name of wiley who owes me a favor. travel to lakeshire in the redridge mountains, east of elwynn, and find out what you can."]="Banda nanichodnikov cestujucich po Westfalle obtazuje dobrych ludi, ta banda si dala nazov Defias Brotherhood. Chcem infiltrovat tento klan bitkarov. Potrebujeme vediet, kto mu veli a kde sa nachadza ich skrysa. V Lakeshireskom hostinci, je jeden lotor (rogue) menom Willey, ktory mi je nieco dlzny. \r\n\r\nChod do Lakeshire v Redridge Mountain, na vychode Elwynn a zisti vsetko co mozes.",
     15["poor old blanchy! such a tired beast after all the work we put her through. i fed her before we left the farm, but we weren't expecting the wagon to break on us. if you could bring her a few handfuls of oats from the fields, i'd be grateful. i bet you could find some around all of the farms in westfall, if you can steer clear of those horrific machines that have taken over. there are several farms southwest of here."]="Poor Old Blanchy! Tak unavene zviera po vsetkej tej robote ktoru musela vykonat. Nakrmil som ju pred tym ako sme opustili farmu, ale netusila som ze sa nam vagon rozpadne. Keby si jej vedel priniest par handfuls of oats z poli, bola by som vdacna. \r\nStavim sa ze nieco najdes v okoli kazdej farmy vo Westfall, ked sa dokazes vysporiadat s tymi strojmi ktore sa tam objavili. Je par fariem na juhozapade.",
     16[""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", i have been following your progress with much delight. you are most assuredly developing yourself into a valued protector of nature. the time has come for you to learn more about one of the various animal aspects that cenarius has blessed us with the ability to change into-one that affords you command and mastery of the water. for this, you must travel to the village of nighthaven in moonglade and speak with dendrite starblaze of the cenarion circle there. he will guide you further."]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", sledujem tvoj pokrok s naramnym potesenim.  Rozvijas sa do cenneho ochrancu prirody.\r\n\r\nPrisiel cas naucit sa viac o zvieracich aspektoch a schopnosti, ktore nam Cenarius pozehnal a ktore nam poskytuju zmenit ich vlastnosti a vladnut aj vode... Koli tomu musis cestovat do dedinky Nighthaven v Moonglade a rozpravat sa s Dendrite Starblaze z Cenarioveho kruhu.",
     17["for your first trial. search the depths of lake elune'ara to locate a shrine bauble. it decays rapidly. so proceed with it to the shrine of remulos post haste. use the bauble at the shrine, and then speak with tajarri there , she is one of moonglade's most trusted wardens. you only have a set amount of time to complete the task, and you may be competing against other druids searching for baubles themselves. mental and physical dexterity will be critical to your success. good luck, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Tvoja prva skuska bude vyhladat hlbku jazera Elune\'ara k najdeni svatej hracky. Rozklada sa rychle, tak sa k svatiyni Remulos ponahlaj. Pouzi hracku na svatynu a potom sa porozpravaj s Tajarri.",
     18["attention, young adventurers! the wilds of ashenvale await you! the horde has established a strong presence in the lands north of the barrens. our two outposts - splintertree post and the zoram strand outpost - strive to bring glory to the horde! those who would prove themselves should seek out guidance there. of note: senani thunderheart in splintertree post, directly north of the barrens, seeks adventurers willing to take part in a great hunt of ashenvale!"]="Davaj si pozhor, mlady dobrodruh!  Divocina Ashenvale ta uz caka!\r\n\r\nHorda ma zastupenu silnu obranu na severe Barrens.  Nase dve Hliadky - Splintertree Post a Zoram Strand sa snazia priniest HORDY! Presne tam ta poslem, aby si nam, ked si uz tu, aspon na nieco bol. (Z poznamok:) Senani Thunderheart v Splintertree Post, na priamom severe Barrens, hladaju dobrodruhov ochotnych zucastnit sa velkeho Ashenvalskeho Lovu.",
     19["last night a horrible disturbance rippled through my veins. i sensed that my granddaughter, alyssa, was in great danger. i consulted the cards and death stared up at me from the table. after taking a long journey through a dark trance i was able to uncover a clue to this terrifying mystery. a name came to me, the name of stalvan. seek out the clerk in the town hall and see if you can find out more about this character. i fear for us all."]="Vcera vecer mi strasne rozruseni zacalo trhat zily. Citil sem, ze ma vnucka je ve velkom nebezpeci. Konzultoval sem to s mojima kartami nahore na stole a ukazala sa mi hvezda smrti...\r\n\r\n Vtrhlo ma to do sna a pres temne vytrzeni sem byl schopny odokryt stopu k tomuhle strasnymu tajemstvi. Prislo ke mne jedno jmeno...to jmeno bylo....Stalvan.\r\n\r\n Vypatrej Clerka v mestskej hale a podivaj se ci muzes najit vic o tomhle cloveku. Bojim se o nas vsech...",
     20["you are powerful enough to wield the totem of fire, but that does not mean you are ready. along the southfury river in durotar, before the great sea, lies a hidden trail to one of the highest peaks in the land. find your way to the top and you shall find one of our holy shrines watched over by telf joolam--the shrine of the dormant flame. take this torch to him--it marks that you attempt to tame fire. return it to me aflame by the brazier at the shrine and i will see you are given the totem of fire."]="Si dostatocne silny aby si ovladal totem ohna, ale to neznamena, ze si pripraveny.\r\n\r\nPozdlz Southfury River v Durotar, predtym, nez Great Sea klame,  je skryta cesta na vrchol jedneho z najvecsich vrcholov v krajine. Najdi si svoju cestu na vrch a pokus sa najst jednu z nasich svatin strazenu  Telf Joolam--Shrine of the Dormant Flame.\r\n\r\nZober mu tuto faklu--bude to znamenat, ze chces zajat ohen. Navrat mi zapalenu faklu svatiny a budem vidiet ci ti dam totem.",
     21["driving a siege engine isn't for everyone. it takes an iron grip and nerves of steel...lucky i have both! how about you? how's your mettle? want to prove it to me? well...i'm looking to make my engine, trollplow, a little more cozy. how about you get me a heap of wendigo manes from the grizzled den, west of kharanos. those manes would make a great rug for trollplow's inside deck!"]="Řízení Riadenie Siege Engine není pro každého.Potřebuješ železný stisk a nervy z ocele...a štěstí mám obojí! A co ty? Co tvoje odvaha? Dokážeš mi to?\r\n\r\nDobře...hledám svůj stroj ,Trollplow, menší jako cozy. Doneseš mi kopu Wendigo Manes z brlochu šedovlasých na východe od Kharnasu? Tito manesové vytvořili skrýš pro Trollplowy uvnitř země!",
     22["eagan peltskinner is looking for someone to hunt wolves for him. that's good news, because we're seeing a lot more wolves in northshire valley lately. if you're interested then speak with eagan. he's around the side of the abbey, to the left."]="Eagan Peltskinner hledá někoho, kdo by pro něj ulovil vlky. To je dobrá zpráva, protože poslední dobou tu vídáme v Nortshireském údolí mnohem více vlků.\r\n\r\nAPokud máš zájem, tak promluv s Eaganem. On je poblíž boku chrámu nalevo.",
     23["not long ago, a shipment of silver was stolen from our guard tower. it was meant as payroll to the crossroads' guards, and we want that silver back. the strange thing is... we caught one of the thieves on the night of the theft. and... it was a raptor! unbelievable! i don't know what raptors would want with silver. but i don't care -- i want the raptors dead so they won't steal from us again! hunt raptors in the barrens. collect for me their heads!"]="Nedávno, lodná zásielka striebra bola ukradnutá z našej strážnej veže.  To bola výplata pre Crossroads\'guards, a my to striebro chceme späť!\r\n\r\nJe to čudná záležitosť ... v noci sme chitili jedného zo zlodejov pri krádeži.  A... je to raptor!  Neuveriteľné!\r\n\r\nJa neviem čo chcú raptori robiť so striebrom.  Ale nezaujíma ma to -- Ja chcem raptorov mŕtvych,tak nám znova nebudú chcieť kradnúť!\r\n\r\nLov raptorov v Barrens.  Pozbieraj pre mňa ich hlavy!",
     24["step right up, step right up! if you have tickets from the darkmoon faire you'd like redeemed, then just say so! you can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. don't be shy, give it a try!"]="Pristúpte bližšie, pristúpte bližšie! Ak máte lístky z Darkmoonskeho Karnevalu, ktoré chcete vymeniť, tak potom povedzte! Môžete vymeniť lístky rôznych hodnôt za podivuhodné a úžasné ceny. Nehanbite sa, vyskúšajte to!",
     25["step right up, step right up! if you have tickets from the darkmoon faire you'd like redeemed, then just say so! you can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. don't be shy, give it a try!"]="Pristúpte bližšie, pristúpte bližšie! Ak máte lístky z Darkmoonskeho Karnevalu, ktoré chcete vymeniť, tak potom povedzte! Môžete vymeniť lístky rôznych hodnôt za podivuhodné a úžasné ceny. Nehanbite sa, vyskúšajte to!",
     26["step right up, step right up! if you have tickets from the darkmoon faire you'd like redeemed, then just say so! you can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. don't be shy, give it a try!"]="Pristúpte bližšie, pristúpte bližšie! Ak máte lístky z Darkmoonskeho Karnevalu, ktoré chcete vymeniť, tak potom povedzte! Môžete vymeniť lístky rôznych hodnôt za podivuhodné a úžasné ceny. Nehanbite sa, vyskúšajte to!",
     27["step right up, step right up! if you have tickets from the darkmoon faire you'd like redeemed, then just say so! you can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. don't be shy, give it a try!"]="Pristúpte bližšie, pristúpte bližšie! Ak máte lístky z Darkmoonskeho Karnevalu, ktoré chcete vymeniť, tak potom povedzte! Môžete vymeniť lístky rôznych hodnôt za podivuhodné a úžasné ceny. Nehanbite sa, vyskúšajte to!",
     28["step right up, step right up! if you have tickets from the darkmoon faire you'd like redeemed, then just say so! you can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. don't be shy, give it a try!"]="Pristúpte bližšie, pristúpte bližšie! Ak máte lístky z Darkmoonskeho Karnevalu, ktoré chcete vymeniť, tak potom povedzte! Môžete vymeniť lístky rôznych hodnôt za podivuhodné a úžasné ceny. Nehanbite sa, vyskúšajte to!",
     29["step right up, step right up! if you have tickets from the darkmoon faire you'd like redeemed, then just say so! you can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. don't be shy, give it a try!"]="Pristúpte bližšie, pristúpte bližšie! Ak máte lístky z Darkmoonskeho Karnevalu, ktoré chcete vymeniť, tak potom povedzte! Môžete vymeniť lístky rôznych hodnôt za podivuhodné a úžasné ceny. Nehanbite sa, vyskúšajte to!",
     30["step right up, step right up! if you have tickets from the darkmoon faire you'd like redeemed, then just say so! you can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. don't be shy, give it a try!"]="Pristúpte bližšie, pristúpte bližšie! Ak máte lístky z Darkmoonskeho Karnevalu, ktoré chcete vymeniť, tak potom povedzte! Môžete vymeniť lístky rôznych hodnôt za podivuhodné a úžasné ceny. Nehanbite sa, vyskúšajte to!",
     31["step right up, step right up! if you have tickets from the darkmoon faire you'd like redeemed, then just say so! you can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. don't be shy, give it a try!"]="Pristúpte bližšie, pristúpte bližšie! Ak máte lístky z Darkmoonskeho Karnevalu, ktoré chcete vymeniť, tak potom povedzte! Môžete vymeniť lístky rôznych hodnôt za podivuhodné a úžasné ceny. Nehanbite sa, vyskúšajte to!",
     32["step right up, step right up! if you have tickets from the darkmoon faire you'd like redeemed, then just say so! you can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. don't be shy, give it a try!"]="Pristúpte bližšie, pristúpte bližšie! Ak máte lístky z Darkmoonskeho Karnevalu, ktoré chcete vymeniť, tak potom povedzte! Môžete vymeniť lístky rôznych hodnôt za podivuhodné a úžasné ceny. Nehanbite sa, vyskúšajte to!",
     33["the gryphon master in westfall is thor. if you've spoken to him before, then you can take one of my gryphons to him. that's a good lesson to know: gryphons are always trained to fly to their capital city, but they'll only take you to a remote gryphon master after you've already been there. you've already been to thor, so just speak with me again when you're ready to take a gryphon to westfall. once there, you can deliver osric's crate to quartermaster lewis."]="Gryfonský Majster vo Westfalle je Thor.  Ak si sa s ním rozprával predtým, tak si môžeš zobrať jedného z mojich gryfonov k nemu.\r\n\r\nJe to dobrá rada ktorú by si si mal zapamätať: gryfoni sú vždy vytrénované aby leteli do svojho hlavného mesta, ale k vzdialenému gryfonskému majstrovi   ťa vezmú len vtedy, keď si tam už bol.\r\n\r\nUž si bol u Thora, takže sa so mnou iba znova porozprávaj, keď budeš pripravený vziať si gryfona do Westfallu.  Keď tam budeš, môžeš doručiť Osricovu krabicu veliteľovi zbrojnice Lewisovi.",
     34["the shells you brought me have a taint, one i have never before seen. i am certain the water of the oases is the cause, and i can sense the confusion they cause this land. it is as if the land dreams and cannot awake. the wailing caverns must be the source of the taint. but before you go there, speak with hamuul runetotem, the elder druid. i sent word to him of the happenings in the barrens. he is wise, and can offer you counsel. you will find him in thunder bluff, on the elder rise."]="Šupina, ktorú si mi priniesol má na sebe nákazu, takú, akú som doteraz nevidel.  Som si istý, že voda z oázy je na príčine, a možem cítiť zmätok ktorý spôsobuje tejto zemi.  Je to ako keby zem snívala a nemohla sa zobudiť.\r\n\r\nPlačúce Jaskyňe musia byť zdrojom tejto nákazy.  Ale skôr než tam pôjdeš, porozprávaj sa s Hamuulom Runetotemom, starším druidom.  Oboznámil som ho s tým čo sa deje v Barrensoch.  Je múdry, a môže ti ponúknuť radu.\r\n\r\nNájdeš ho vo  Thunder Bluffe, na Starešinskej rade.",
     35["we are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. a donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by orgrimmar for your generous actions. our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive."]="Práve sme ochotný prijať donášky wool cloth. Donáška 60 kusov wool cloth by mala naplniť sieť uznania od Orgrimmaru pre tvoje štedré akcie. Naše sklady sú určené pre vlnu takže budeme potrebovať od teba celkom iba 60 kusov; budeme môcť získať dosť od ostatných v kráľovstve na podporenie našej cesty.",
     36["a friend of mine named iverron usually visits me at the same time every day. the strange thing is that he hasn't been by today at all -- he's several hours late, in fact. i admit, i am a little worried, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". iverron spends a lot of time over by the cave to the north, and i'm sure you know how dangerous it is there -- spiders, everywhere! if you happen to be going that way, though, will you keep an eye out for him?"]="Môj priateľ Iverron ma zvyčajne navštevuje každý deň v ten istý čas. Čudná vec je príčinou prečo tu dnes nie je -- niekoľko hodín mešká v skutočnosti \r\n\r\nI uznávam, trochu sa bojím, , "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Iverron strávil veľa času v jaskyni na severe, a som si istý že vieš aké je to tam \r\nnebezpečné -- pavúky, všade!\r\n\r\nIf ak tam máš cestu tak by si ho mohol nájsť?",
     37["for a small fee, i will give you a wind rider to thunder bluff. there's no faster way to the city! if that is acceptable, speak to me again when you are ready to go. if you're taking those hides to ahanu, then i think he's at hewa's armory, at the base of the wind rider tower in thunder bluff. and that's right where you'll land!"]="Za malý poplatok ti dám wind ridera do Thunder Bluff. Nieje rýchlejšia cesta do mesta!\r\n\r\n ak je ti to prijaťeľné, porozprávaj sa so mnou znova keď budeš pripravený ísť. \r\n\r\nIf zober tieto kože pre Ahanu, myslím že je v Hewa´s Armory, v základni wind rider veže v Thunder Bluff. A je to v poriadku keď prídeš!",
     38["tpunk;! kill kobold vermin, 2 of em. new test again"]="Tpunk;!  Zabi Kobolda Vermina, 2 z em. ZAČNI NOVÝ TEST",
     39["the mighty hippogryph sharptalon has been slain, with the claw of the felled beast serving as a testament to your victory. senani thunderheart at the splintertree post will no doubt be interested in seeing this trophy as proof of your deeds."]="Mocný hipogryf Sharptalon bol zabitý a ostré nechty tohto odporneho stvorenia slúži ako dôkaz tvojho víťazstva. Senani Thunderheart v Splintertree Post bude tiež bez pochyb nadšený, keď uvidí tuto vázu ako důkaz tvojich činov.",
     40["as you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you. for young paladins here on sunstrider isle, your trainer is jesthenis sunstriker. speak with jesthenis and see what training he has available for you. the things he will teach do have a cost, so bring some coin with you. your trainer - as with all the trainers on sunstrider isle - is inside the sunspire on the lower level."]="Aby si sa zlepšil vo svojej triede, budeš musieť získať výhodu výcviku, ktoré ti bude môcť tvoj tréner poskytnúť. Pre miestnych mladých paladinov na ostrove Sunstrider, je tvojím trénerom Jesthenis Sunstriker. Porozprávaj sa s Jestheniom a zisti aký tréning bude mať pre teba k dispožícii. Jeho učenie má svoju cenu, takže si so sebou vezmi nejaké mince.\r\n\r\nTvoj tréner - ako aj ostatní trenéry na ostrove Sunstrider - je v Sunspire na spodnom poschodí.",
     41[""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", you've done a fine job killing grimtotem. if you dare, grundig darkcloud and his personal band of brutes is by far the worst of the lot. he was the one who led the brutal attack on my village. you will find him in grimtotem post a bit further up the path to the west. kill him, and i will be forever grateful."]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", viedol si si dobre pri zabíjaní členov Grimtotemu. Ak si aj ďalej trúfaš, Grundig Darkcloud a jeho banda surovcov sú zďaleka tí najhorší. On bol jeden z tých, čo viedli útok na moju dedinu.\r\n\r\nNájdeš ho v Grimtotem Post po ceste trochu na západ. Zabi ho a budem tvojím večným dlžníkom.\r\n",
     42["mud big ogre. me hungry. go bash fishy. bring mud food. you feed mud or mud eat you."]="Ja Mud, veľký obor.\r\n\r\nA mať hlad.\r\n\r\nTy ísť robiť rybolov.A Mudovi priniesť jedlo.\r\n\r\nTy nakŕmiť Mud, inak Mud zje teba.",
     43["i get the feeling that all the pieces are here, but i just can't put them together in a way that makes sense. i think our best lead is to attempt to locate this deserter. if he left his comrades at the camp, there's a chance you might be able to persuade him to help us understand what the dark conclave arakkoa are planning. start your search for him along the road in magma fields to the northwest. it seems a likely place for him to take refuge."]="Mám pocit, že ani jeden kúsok nechýba, ale proste ich neviem spojiť dokopy tak, aby to dávalo zmysel.\r\n\r\nMyslím, že najlepšie čo môžeme urobiť je nájsť dezertéra. Pokiaľ ešte pamätá na naše kamarátstvo, v tom prípade je tu istá, že ho presvedčíš, aby nám pomohol porozumieť tajné plány toto temného arakkoa.\r\n\r\nZačni svoje pátranie po ňom pozdĺž cesty v Magma Fields na severozápade. Zdá sa, že práve tam je vhodné miesto na jeho útočisko.",
     44[""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", anastasia hartwell has a task for someone of your talents. speak with her in the magic quarter of the undercity, and prepare yourself for your first task for the mages of the forsaken."]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", Anastasia Hartwell má úlohu pre niekoho tak talentovaného ako si ty.  Porozprávaj sa s ňou v Magic Quarter v Undercity a priprav sa na svoju prvú úlohu pre Forsaken mágov.",
     45["the plaguelands to the east are an aberration. devised by the lich king, they spread their magic into the soil, corrupting and killing all that live. although there is a certain charm to the destructive forces of the plague, we, the mages of the forsaken, believe it is unruly and must be curtailed. but first, we must measure how far it has spread into tirisfal. go to the balnir farmstead in eastern tirisfal. in the garden are flowers--snapdragons. gather these and return."]="Plaguelands na východe sú netypické.  Na príkaz Krála Lichov sa celá zem naplnila mágiou, ktorá ničí a zabíja všetko živé.  Napriek tomu, že to kúzlo je schopné ničiť jednotky slúžiace  pohrome, my, Forsaken mágovia veríme, že sa to vymyká kotrole a musí sa účinok zredukovať.\r\n\r\nNo najskôr musíme zistiť, ako ďaleko sa to rozšírilo v Tirisfale.  Choď na Balnirovu Farmu vo východnom Tirisfale.  V záhrade nájdeš kvety--hledíky.  Nazbieraj ich a vráť sa späť.",
     46["ah, nothing like the smell of fresh blood in the foothills! now we'll mix in a touch of this and a little of that and let the real fun begin! what i have created with this blood, i like to call an elixir of pain. if my calculations are correct this concoction could be the start of something very beautiful for lady sylvanas. but what we need is a test. take this elixir out to the northern farm in hillsbrad fields to the southwest. let's see how farmer ray's little dog stanley likes this \"treat.\""]="Ah, nič sa nevyrovná aróme čerstvej krvi tu v predhorí!\r\n\r\nTeraz zmiešame trochu tohto a štipku tohto, nech sa začne skutočná sranda! To čo som vytvoril z tejto krvi, to by som rád nazval Elixírom Bolesti. Ak sú moje výpočty správne, tak táto zmešanina môže byť naozaj niečím príjemným pre Lady Sylvanas. Ale to čo potrebujeme je test.\r\n\r\nVezmi tento elixír na severnú farmu v Hillsbrad Fields na juhozápade. Uvidíme ako malému psovi farmára Raya, Stanleymu, zachutí táto \"pochúťka\". ",
     47["tauren take pride as the protector of these lands. undoubtedly you can guess why i am alarmed with the number of harpies that dwell here in stonetalon. the bloodfuries are the source of the increasing number of harpies in kalimdor; they encroach upon all likes of life preventing the innocent from leaving their boundaries. i need you to cull the harpies, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!"]="Tauren je príliš pyšný, ako ochranca tejto krajiny. Nepochybne môžeš hádať prečo som znepokojený s počtom harpyjí, ktoré sa usídlili tu v Stonetalone.\r\n\r\n Harpyje z rodu Bloodfuries sú zdrojom zvyšujúceho sa počtu harpyjí v Kalimdore; rozmáhajú sa a dobre si strážia svoje územie.\r\n\r\nPotrebujem aby si zredukoval počet tých harpyjí, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!",
     48["you've earned the trust of the cenarion expedition, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". it is time you spoke to the ancients allied with our cause, ashyen and keleth, and asked for their blessing. carrying the mark of an ancient will fill you with great power. these boons will become more powerful as your renown among us increases. go, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", and ask the ancients for their blessing. "]="Získal si si dôveru tu v Cenarion Expedition, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".  Je čas na to, aby si sa porozprával s prastarými, ktorý sú našimi spojencami, Ashyenom a Kelethom, a opýtal si od nich požehnanie.\r\n\r\nByť požehnaný prastarými ťa naplní veľkou silou.  Tieto prejavy láskavosti budú oveľa väčšie, ak dobrá povesť o tebe bude ešte lepšia.\r\n\r\nTeraz choď, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", a opýtaj si požehnania od prastarých. ",
     49["it is time for you to set out to seek your destiny, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". but before you are ready to set out into the world beyond our enchanted forests, there is much you must learn about our recent history. much has changed with our people since the battle of mount hyjal. nordrassil lies a pale shadow of what it once was, its power used to defeat archimonde and drive back the burning legion... there is a task you must perform. go to the moonwell north of aldrassil and return me a phial of its water."]="Je čas vyraziť v ústrety tvojmu osudu, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Ale ešte predtým, ako sa vydáš do sveta, ktorý sa ukrýva za našimi kúzelnými lesmi, je tu ešte veľa toho, čo by si mal vedieť o našej modernej histórii.\r\n\r\nVeľké zmeny s našim ľudom spravila Bitka na Hore Hyjal. Nordrassil klamal o tom, čo sa naozaj stalo a jeho sila bola použitá na porazenie Archimonda a návrat Burning Legion...\r\n\r\nTu je úloha, ktorý musíš vykonať. Choď k mesačnej studni na severne Aldrassilu a vráť sa s flaštičkou jej vody.",
     50["we came to outland expecting to find small pockets of life. what we discovered in zangarmarsh was a lush environment with a thriving ecosystem. our initial assessment of the area was deceiving, however. the water levels at the lakes and marshes have consistently been going down since we started taking measurements. the impact this could have on the local animal and plant life is disastrous. go to umbrafen lake, southwest of here, and look for clues related to this water depletion."]="Prišli sme do Outlandu očakávajúc, že nájdeme malé prvky života.  To, čo sme v Zangarmarshi objavili bola bujný príroda s prekvitajúcim ekosystémom.\r\n\r\nAle zdanie klame, preto náš počiatočný posudok o tejto oblasti bol negatívny.  Hladina vody v jazerách neprestajne klesala od vtedy, keď sme začali s meraním.\r\n\r\nKatastrofálny účinok to môže mať na tunajšie živočíchy a aj na rastlinstvo.  Choď ku Umbrafen Lake, juhozápadne odtiaľto, a zisti čo stojí za odčerpávaním vody.",
     51["my wind riders are trained to fly to many different places, as long as you have already been to that place and spoken with the wind rider master there. you have been to the crossroads and spoken to their wind rider master devrak, so now you can fly directly to him from here. once you're at the crossroads, you can deliver gryshka's letter to zargh. speak with me when you are ready to go."]="Moji vzdušné letky sú vycvičené tak, aby mohli letieť na rôzne miesta, no len tam, kde si sa porozprával s veliteľom vzdušných letiek.\r\n\r\nBol si v Crossroads a porozprával si sa s ich veliteľom vzdušných letiek Devrakom, čiže odteraz môžeš letieť priamo k nemu.  Keď už budeš v Crossroads, môžeš doručiť aj Gryshkov list ku Zarghovi.\r\n\r\nPovedz mi, ak budeš pripravený vyraziť.",
     52[""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", i'm a scientist, but also a treasure hunter at heart! long ago, when trolls used to occupy this land, they created large amounts of ornaments modeled after gahz'rilla, a hydra they worshipped as a deity. these ornaments are carved out of an element that i call \"gahz'ridian,\" after the hydra god. i did find some myself, but i'd like to have some more to study -- maybe you can find some? i even invented a detector that makes finding the gahz'ridian a snap! just put it on, and the search begins! "]=""..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", som vedec, ale srdcom som aj lovec pokladov!\r\n\r\nPred mnohými rokmi, keď trolovia okupovali túto zem, vytvorili veľké množstvo ornamentov pre Gahz\'rilla hydru, ktorú uctievali ako božstvo. V týchto ornamentoch je vyrytý jeden element, ktorý som nazval \"Gahz\'ridian,\" po tej božskej hydre.\r\n\r\nNejaké z nich som našiel, ale rád by som ich mal viac, aby som ich mohol lepšie preskúmať -- možno by si aj ty mohol nejaké nájsť?\r\n\r\nDokonca som vynašiel aj detektor, ktorý dokáže nájsť kúsky Gahz\'ridianových ornamentov! Proste si ho nasaď na hlavu a pátranie po ornamentoch môže začať! ",
     53["we've been fighting an ongoing battle to keep the pass through thornfang hill to the west clear of ravagers. it would be bad if we were to become completely cut off from the refuge in zangarmarsh. we don't want to displace the creatures, but there seems to be little choice as their attacks on travelers through the area have become more aggressive. clear some of the ravagers out of there if you can."]="Stále bojujeme v pretrvajúcej bitke o udržanie čistého priesmyku na západe cez Thornfang Hill od ravagerov.  Boli by sme na tom fakt zle, keby sme boli úplne odrezaný od útočiska v Zangarmarshi.\r\n\r\nNechceme tie príšery vytlačiť z ich územia, ale zdá sa, že nemáme na výber po tom, čo ich útoky na cestovateľov sa stali agresívnejšie.\r\n\r\nVyčisti to tam od ravagerov, ak to dokážeš.",
     54["the hellfire citadel wages constant battles with our forces. we are holding our own so far, but we can't yet launch a real offensive against them. to do that, we need forward staging areas. our scouts identified three fortifications near hellfire citadel. we want you to help secure these forts. capture each fort, and then report back to me. may fortune shine upon you in the conflicts ahead, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", for you will no doubt clash with horde forces eager to gain these same fortifications."]="Hellfire Citadel vedie neustále bitku proti našim jednotkám.  Zatiaľ sa držíme, ale zatiaľ sa nemôžme proti nim vydať na poriadny útok.  Aby sme to urobili, potrebujeme obsadiť strategické územie.\r\n\r\nNaši skauti objavili tri opevnenia v Hellfire Citadel.  Chceme, aby si pre nás zaistil tieto opevnenia.  Prevezmi kontrolu nad každým opevnením, a potom sa hlás u mňa.\r\n\r\nNech ťa svetlo sprevádza na tvojich cestách, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", aby si nenatrafil na členov Hordy, ktorý sa dychtivo usilujú tiež získať rovnaké opevnenia.",
     55["well done, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! well done! now that you've cut your teeth with the moongraze stag, it's time you graduated to more formidable prey. do not allow the casual disinterest of the moongraze bucks to fool you: when provoked, they are a fearsome foe. you'll find the bucks north of here. good hunting."]="Dobrá práca, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! Výborne!\r\n\r\nTeraz, keď si sa popasoval s jeleňmi rodu moongraz je čas, aby si išiel loviť ťažšiu korisť. Nenechaj sa oklamať nezáujmom moongrazských jeleňov: keď ich vyprovokuješ stanú sa z nich hrôzostrašný nepriatelia.\r\n\r\nNáješ ich na severe odtiaľto. Prajem úspešný lov.",
     56["master want weeds. us gots big hands and not good at picking. you help us and we not hurt you. us need gloom weed. many weeds around here and near road. when you have gloom weed you take to master holland in brill graveyard."]="Majster chcieť trávu. My dostať veľké ruky, a to nebyť dobré pre zbieranie. Ty pomôcť nám a my ti neublížiť. My potrebovať gloom weed. Veľa takých tráv rásť tu a blízko cesta.\r\n\r\nAk ty mať gloom weed ty zaniesť ich ku Master Holland na cintoríne v Brill.\r\n",
     57["when that bastard, maltorius, left our clan, he left with something more valuable than a pristine arcane crystal: our recipe for fiery flux! i'd bet anything that the recipe was part of the deal in his new promotion amongst the dark irons. i want you to get our secret plans back, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i'm sure they're somewhere near maltorius, deep inside the slag pit."]="Keď ten bastard Maltorius opustil náš klan, odišiel aj spolu s niečím vzácnejším ako starý akránový kryštál: s naším receptom na výbušnú zmes! Stavil by som sa o hocičo, že práve kvôli receptu získal v klane Dark Irons také postavenie, aké teraz má.\r\n\r\nChcem, aby si nám vrátil naspäť naše tajné plány, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Som presvedčený, že sú niekde blízko pri Maltoriusovi, hlboko vo vnútri Slag Pit.",
     58["i owe \"sea wolf\" mackinley in booty bay some rum, to settle a bet, but i'm all out of rum! captain cuergo stole my last shipment, and he has it stowed in that walled pirate town to the south. if you can find my shipment of rum and return it to me, then i can prove to mackinley that kalimdor's booze beats the dirt out of booty bay!"]="Dlhujem \"Vodnému vlkovi\" MacKinleymu v Booty Bay nejaký ten rum, aby som urovnal náš spor, ale došiel mi rum!  Môj posledné zásoby rumu mi ukradol Captain Cuergo, a ten ho uložil do ohradeného mesta pirátov na juhu.\r\n\r\nAk dokážeš nájsť môj náklad s rumom a vrátiť mi ho späť, tak potom budem môcť MacKinleymu, že chľast z Kalimdor je oveľa lepší ako to bahno, čo tam pijú v Booty Bay!",
     59["the battle in warsong gulch against the silverwing sentinels is of great importance. under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn't belong to them, the alliance seeks to deny the horde one of our largest sources for lumber. do not let this happen, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! come back to me with proof of serving the horde in a worthy manner!"]="Bitka vo Warsong Gulch proti Silverwing Sentinelomg je veľmi dôležitá.  Pod zámienkou, že ochraňujú les, ktorý im ani nepatrí, sa Aliancia pokúša vyhnať Hordu z nášho najväčšieho zdroja dreva.\r\n\r\nNedopusť, aby sa tak stalo, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!  Vráť sa späť ku mne s dôkazom tvojej služby v prospech Hordy práve takýmto spôsobom!",
     60["a dwarven warrior known as yorus barleybrew has issued a challenge to all skilled alliance warriors. he waits at the lakeshire inn, in a place known as the redridge mountains in the eastern kingdoms. the journey will be long, but it'll be worth it for you to test yourself, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Bojovník z radov trpaslíkov známy pod menom Yorus Barleybrew má za úlohu otestovať bojovníkov Aliancie.\r\n\r\nČaká v Lakeshire Inn, v oblasti Redridge Mountains v Eastern Kingdoms.  Cesta je dlhá, ale stojí to za to sa sám otestovať, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".",
     61["you've proven yourself to our people, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". now is time for you to show us that you're willing to stand by us, even in the face of the strongest enemy. the ogres of outland are "]="Vyznamenal si sa pred našimi ľuďmi, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".  Teraz nadišiel čas, aby si nám dokázal, že si ochotný pri nás stáť aj napriek tomu, že čelíme silnejšiemu nepriateľovi.\r\n\r\nObri v Outlande sú ",
     62["hello. you should find out about those wabbits."]="Ahoj.  Mal by si niečo zistiť o týchto omrvinkách.",
     63["hope you enjoyed your flight, friend. a messenger arrived while you were away - seems nazgrel's got a new use for you. you'd best head back to thrallmar and check in with him. i have a feeling the legion's just getting warmed up. "]="Dúfam, že si si užil let, priateľu. Kým si bol preč, dorazil posol - zdá sa, že Nazgrel má pre teba nejakú užitočnú novinku. Mal by si zamieriť naspäť do Thrallmaru a hlásiť sa u neho. Mám také tušenie, že Légia je práve na vzostupe. \r\n",
     64["ph: go to honor hold."]="PH: Choď do Honor Hold.",
     65["i've found that these waters are bustling with red snapper, a very tasty fish. with a fishing net, i can catch enough to feed dozens of draenei! unfortunately, i was recently attacked by a creature known as a murloc while netting in the river and have suffered some injuries that prevent me from doing my job. i need help! use this fishing net near schools of red snapper, found in the crystalbrook river to the east to catch the fish. what do you say? remember to return the net when you are finished."]="Prišla som na to, že tieto vody sú plné červených piraní, veľmi chutných rýb. S rybárskou sieťou ich môžem chytiť dosť pre všetkých draeneiov! Avšak, bola som napadnutá stvorením, známim pod menom murlok, keď som práve lovila a mám ťažké zranenia, ktoré mi nedovolia tieto ryby naďalej chytať. Potrebujem pomoc!\r\n\r\nPouži túto rybársku sieť blízko kŕdľov červených piraní, ktoré nájdeš na východ, v rieke Crystalbrook.\r\n\r\nČo na to povieš? Nezabudni keď skončíš, dones mi sieť naspäť.",
     66["after examining this charm, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", i see now what must be done. please take it, and do as i ask. you are to explore the deepest areas of the ban'ethil barrow den. there, you will find my soulless body... although i regret what i am about to tell you, i see no other way to free myself from the control of the gnarlpine. in order for me to escape them, you must kill my physical form. once that is done, use the voodoo charm on my fallen body. after you have completed this task, please return to me."]="Po preskúmaní tohto amuletu, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", vidím čo sa musí urobiť. Prosím, vezmi ho a urob čo ti poviem.\r\n\r\nMusíš preskúmať tie najhlbšie miesta Ban\'ethil Barrowskej nory. Tam nájdeš moje bezduché telo... Hoci je mi ľúto čo teraz poviem, nevidím inú možnosť, ako sa dostať spod kontroly Gnarlpina.\r\n\r\nAk ma chceš zachrániť, musíš zabiť moje fyzické telo. Keď s tým budeš ghotový:hotová;, použi tento amulet na moje padnuté telo. Keď to správíš, vráť sa ku mne.",
     67["a once great creature of the forest is in need of help, "..strlower(UnitRace("player"))..". there is a difficult task that must be done. please seek out priestess a'moora; she will explain things to you. find her to the southeast of here, inside the temple of the moon."]="Jedno veľké stvorenie lesa potrebuje pomoc, "..strlower(UnitRace("player"))..".\r\n\r\nDostaneš úlohu, ktorá musí byť splnená.\r\n\r\nProsím, choď za kňažkou A\'moorou. Ona ti povie podrobnosti. Nájdeš ju na juhovýchod odtiaľto, vnútri v mesačnom chráme.",
     68["there is a dwarven armorsmith whose work i admire greatly. his name is furen longbeard, and his skill is unmatched. i need a new shield, and i must have one of his! the problem is... furen is far to the south, in the dwarven district within stormwind. in human lands! i can't imagine why he would live there, so far from ironforge. the humans must pay him a king's ransom to keep him there! so, if you want to travel and don't mind making some money, then will you send furen my request for a shield?"]="Je jeden trpasličí kováč, ktorý robí úžasné brnenia. Jeho meno je Furen Longbeard a jeho zručnosť je neuveriteľná. Potrebujem nový štít a tak musím mať jeden z tých jeho.\r\n\r\nJe tu ale malý problém. Furen je ďaleko na juh, v trpaslíčej štvrti v meste Stormwind. V krajine ľudí. Neviem prečo tam býva, tak ďaleko od mesta Ironforge. Ľudia mu za to musia platiť kráľovské sumy, aby ho tam udržali.\r\n\r\nTak, ak chceš cestovať a zarobiť si, pôjdeš doručiť Furenovi moju žiadosť o nový štít?",
     69["by order of harbinger mikolaas: a bounty of 18 silver to be paid to the brave soul who returns with proof of the marauding bear deathclaw's demise. deathclaw should be considered extremely dangerous and is responsible for the killing of a survey team on the coast to the northwest of blood watch. travelers are advised to avoid the area."]="Podľa rozkazu Harbingera Mikolaasa: Odmena 18 striebornych bude vyplatená tomu,kto príde s dôkazom o smrti vražedneho medveďa Deathclawa.\r\n\r\nDeathclaw zvikne byť považovaný za veľmi nebezpečného a zvykne zabíjať stroskotancov na severovýchodnom pobreží Blood Watch. Cestovatenia sa mu zďaleka vyhýbaju a prechadzaju cez nebezpečnejšie oblasti.",
     70["listen, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". this is a very delicate situation; even though we've identified the spy, we cannot kill him out in the open. we cannot try to capture him either as the risk of him escaping is too great. i want you to go find prospector anvilward at the north sanctum and kill him. do this in a quiet manner, we don't want word to spread that we allowed a spy into our city. bring me his head as proof. ironforge will learn not to meddle with the sin'dorei."]="Počúvaj, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Toto je veľmi ťažká situácia, lebo sme objavili špióna. Nemôžeme ho zabiť na verejnosti. Nemôžme sa ho ani pokúsiť chytiť, lebo by nám hrozilo veľké nebezpečenstvo.\r\n\r\nChcem aby si gnašiel:našla; prospektora Anvilwarda na severnom Sancte a gzabil:zabila; ho. Sprav to na nejakom tichom mieste, nechceme aby niekto vedel, že sme odhalili v našom meste špióna.\r\n\r\nDones mi jeho hlavu ako dôkaz jeho smrti. Ironforge sa naučí nestavať sa do cesty sin\'dorei.",
     71};if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+69;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.