Changeset 22 for client_files/Generate/compile/NPCText_1.lua
- Timestamp:
- Oct 5, 2008, 4:37:22 PM (16 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r12 r22 1 1 CZWOW_NPCText_count=1;CZWOW_NPCText_1={ 2 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..""]="Zdravím "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."", 3 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..""]="Zdravím "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."", 4 ["you killed ghost howl. you're a stud!"]="Zabil jsi Ghost Howl. Jsi cvok!", 5 ["greetings. i'm a mage trainer, and you're a mage."]="Zdravím. Já jsem uèitel kouzelníkù, a ty jsi kouzelník.", 6 ["greetings. i'm a gnome mage trainer, and you're a mage."]="Zdravím. Já jsem trenér gnomských kouzelníkù, a ty jsi kouzelník.", 7 ["greetings. i'm an undead mage trainer, and you're a mage."]="Zdravím. Jsem nemrtvý trenér kouzelníkù, a ty jsi kouzelník.", 8 ["greetings, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". are you here to learn of the hidden arts?"]="Zdravím, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Jsi tu aby jsi se uèil skryté triky?", 9 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..""]="Zdravím "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."", 10 ["the best defense is a good offense; anyone can tell you that."]="Nejlep¹í obrana je útok; to ti øekne ka¾dý.", 11 ["come in out of the ash and muck. dry yourself a spell."]="Pojï dovnitø, pryè z popelu a ¹píny. Oèisti se kouzlem.", 12 ["please allow me a few seconds of rest."]="Prosím nech mì chvíli o samotì abych si mohl odpoèinout.", 13 ["we protect this airship on its way from orgrimmar to grom'gol base camp in stranglethorn vale."]="My chráníme tuto vzducholoï na cestì z Orgrimmaru do Grom\'gol base táboru v Stranglethorn Vale.", 14 ["don't ask..."]="Neptej se...", 15 ["it never hurts to have a reason to drink!"]="®ádné zranìní není dùvod k pití!", 16 ["what do you want, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."? i'm running late, and my employer doesn't look kindly on tardiness."]="Co chce¹, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."? Bì¾ím pozdì a mùj zamìstnavatel nestrpí nedochvilnost.", 17 ["what's a young "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." like you out visiting an old farmer like me?"]="Co ¾e takový mladý "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).." jako ty nav¹tìvuje starého farmáøe jako jsem já?", 18 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Zdravím "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".", 19 ["greetings, "..strlower(UnitRace("player")).."."]="Zdravím, "..strlower(UnitRace("player"))..".", 20 ["greetings, traveler."]="Buï pozdraven, dobrodruhu.", 21 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Buï pozdraven "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".", 22 ["greetings, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Zdravím, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".", 23 ["welcome to the stormwind guild registry offices. what can i help you with today?"]="Vítejte ve Stormwindském úøadu pro registraci guild. Co mohu pro Vás dnes udìlat?", 24 ["greetings. you seek instruction in the art of war?"]="Zdravím. Ty hledá¹ výuku umìní boje?", 25 ["greetings, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". i am myolor sunderfury, keeper of the great forge."]="Zdravím, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Já jsem Myolor Sunderfury, strá¾ce the Great Forge.", 26 ["which trainer do you seek?"]="Kterého trenéra hledá¹?", 27 ["do you prefer guns or bows?"]="Èemu dáváte pøednost? Støelným zbraním nebo lukùm?", 28 ["what brings you to this part of the world, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Co tì pøivádí do této konèiny svìta, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 29 ["which profession trainer are you looking for?"]="Kterého profesního trenéra hledá¹?", 30 ["which class trainer are you looking for?"]="Kterého \"class\" trenéra hledá¹?", 31 ["i sell only the best gear, tested and true. and the prices are set, so if you want to haggle then go find a goblin."]="Já prodávám pouze nejlep¹í náøadí, testované a pøesné. A ceny jsou stanoveny, tak jestli¾e chce¹ smlouvat tak jdi hledat Goblina.", 32 ["i hope that your interruption is for a good cause, i was in the middle of some important work."]="Doufám, ¾e pro to va¹e vyru¹ení máte dobrý dùvod, jsem uprostøed dùle¾ité práce.", 33 ["go to the great forge at the very center of ironforge. he works there, alongside the other masters of our kind."]="Jdi do Great Forge ve støedu Ironforge. On pracuje tam,vedle dal¹ích mistrù na¹eho oboru.", 34 ["welcome to my forge, blacksmith. let me share with you a little secret. no one, no one in the world can you trust. not men, not women, not beasts ... this you can trust, steel."]="Vítejte v mé kovárnì, kováøi. Nechte mì øíct Vám malé tajemství. Nikomu, nikomu na svìtì nevìø. Ne mu¾ùm,ne ¾enám,ne bestiím...jen tomu vìøte,Oceli.", 35 ["the humans claimed much of the dustwallow marsh for themselves, but the stonemaul clan, with our help, has been able to push them back."]="Lidé získali velkou èást Dustwallow Marsh pro sebe, ale Stonemaul klan, s na¹í pomocí, by byl schopný, je vytlaèit.", 36 ["the machine comes alive at your touch."]="Stroj pøichází k ¾ivotu po Va¹em doteku.", 37 ["travel to orgrimmar, to the valley of honor. there she lives with her husband and two daughters. all of them are smiths of great skill, but the spirits tell me that she will best guide your learning."]="Jeï do Orgrimmaru, Valley of Honor. Tam hospodaøí se svými dvìma dcerami. V¹ichni jsou kováøi s ohromnými schopnostmi, duchové mi øíkají, ¾e ona bude nejlépe provázet va¹e uèení.", 38 ["as the wind on the plains, you are always welcome here."]="Tak jako vítr na pláních, jsi i ty v¾dy vítán.", 39 ["we are the only supplier of healthy flowers in all of stormwind. we provide beautiful blooms for any occasion."]="Jsme jediní dodavatelé léèivých kvìtin v celém Stormwindu. Nabízíme krásné kvìtiny pro ka¾dou pøíle¾itost.", 40 ["good steel "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". grab a hammer and come over here, let me show you the secret to forging a legendary weapon."]="Dobrá ocel "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Uchop kladivo a pojï sem, nechejte mì ukázat ti tajemství kování legendární zbranì.", 41 ["welcome to blue moon odds and ends, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". if you have any questions, please let me know."]="Vítejte v Blue Moon Odds and Ends, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Jestli máte jakékoliv otázky, prosím, dejte mi vìdìt.", 42 ["hello, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". welcome to thelsamar, and while you're here don't forget to visit our local brewery!"]="Ahoj, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Vítejte v Thelsamaru, a nezapomeòte nav¹tívit ná¹ místní pivovar!", 43 ["welcome to my inn, weary traveler. what can i do for you?"]="Vítej v mém hostinci,unavený cestovateli. Co pro tebe mù¾u udìlat?", 44 ["can't help you. you know more about potions than i do. besides, i have pots to watch. talk to yelmak over there. he knows a lot about potions."]="Nepomù¾u ti. Ví¹ toho o lektvarech víc ne¾ já. Kromì toho, musím hlídat lektvary. Promluv si támhle s Yelmakem. On toho ví hodnì o lektvarech.", 45 ["wildhammer dwarves might have fast steeds, but can those aerie peak gryphons stand the heat of the great forge? i think not!"]="Trpaslíci z Wildhammeru mo¾ná mají rychlé konì,ale mù¾ou gryfoni z Aerie Peaku vydr¾et ¾ár Velké Kovárny?Myslím, ¾e ne!", 46 ["welcome to the races! enjoy your stay, and don't bet all you money in one place!"]="Vítejte na závodech!U¾ijte si to, ale nevsaïte v¹echny své peníze naráz.", 47 ["yes, i have seen the shaman you seek. last i saw her, she was to the west of here. she hides in the hills above the razormane tribe. if you're clever, you'll be able to find a path to her hut in the hillls. it is not too far north of here. that path should allow you to find her without fighting through the quilboar."]="Ano, vidìl jsem ¹amana kterého hledá¹. Naposledy kdy¾ jsem ho vidìl byl západnì odsud. Schovává se v kopcích nad Razormane tribem. Pokud jsi schopný, najde¹ cestu k jeho chatì v kopcích.Je to kousek severnì odsud.Touto cestou mù¾e¹ projít bez boje s ostnatými divoèáky.", 48 ["want to be a smith? want to forge blades to gut your foe? hammers to crush his skull? aye i can help, and gladly too if there is blood to be shed from it."]="Chcete být kováøem?Chcete aby kováøské ostøí kuchalo va¹e nepøátele? Aby kladiva rozdrtily jeho lebku? Mù¾u ti pomoct, a taky rád pomù¾u pokud se prolije¹ nepøátelskou krev.", 49 ["move along, citizen. there is nothing to see here."]="Jdi dál, obèane. Není tu nic k vidìní.", 50 ["greetings, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". i pity your kind, for the secrets of true magic are beyond you..."]="Vítejte, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Je mi líto tvého rodu, pro záhady pravé magie kde jsou za tebou.", 51 ["lots to do, lots to do! the union's given us deadlines and they're not the sort you want to miss!"]="Je potøeba hodnì zvládnout, hodnì udìlat! Unionáøi nám dali termíny a ty nepatøí k tìm, které bys chtìl zme¹kat!", 52 ["zando'zan of the shattered hand. how can zando'zan help you? he can't! he won't! "]="Zando\'zan od Znièené Ruky. Jak ti mù¾e Zando\'zan pomoci? Nemù¾e! Nechce!\r\n", 53 ["greetings mage. shall i provide you with further insight into the world of magic?"]="Buï pozdraven èarodìji. Mám ti poskytnout dal¹í porozumnìní svìtu magie?", 54 ["rest your weary bones for a spell."]="Nech odpoèinout své unavené kosti na kouzlo.", 55 ["director riddlevox put me in charge of the union's shredder development program. few months on the job and i'm already in hot water! i could use your help, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!"]="Øeditel Riddlevox mi dal velení nad vývojem Unijního trhaèe. ïelám na tom pár mìsícù a u¾ mi hoøí za patami, hodila by se mi tvoje pomoc"..strlower(UnitName("player")).."!", 56 ["see, the venture company's new shredder is better than my latest, from the interchangeable hands to the control grips! my boss has given me a pretty strict deadline, but my boys and i couldn't come up with anything. nothing was working, so we decided to borrow one of their prototypes. i sent wizzlecrank to the sludge fen to steal one, but he hasn't gotten back yet!"]="Podívej, nový trhaè spoleènosti Venture je lep¹í ne¾ mùj poslední model, od vymìnitelných rukou po ovládání. Mùj ¹éf mi dal docela ¹ibénièní termín, ale zatím jsem já ani mí ho¹i nic nedokázali.\r\n\r\nNic nám nefungovalo a tak jsme se rozhodli vypùjèit si jeden jejich prototyp. Poslal jsem Wizzlecranka do Sludge Fenu jednoho ukrást, ale je¹tì se nevrátil!", 57 ["come closer, young one. in my time i could hear the flutter of a prey's beating heart, but now you must speak up if you want your words heard."]="Pojï blí¾e, mladíèe. Døíve jsem sly¹el dokonce i tøepot tlukoucího srdce koøisti, ale nyní musí¹ mluvit nahlas, pokud chce¹ abych tvá slova sly¹el.", 58 ["i hope yer ready to work."]="Doufám, ¾e jsi pøipraven na práci!", 59 ["i have run through these plains for many, many seasons. and i have hunted great beasts. and i had never been bested... until i faced ghost howl. long ago, the massive wolf was an ally to the tauren and fought bravely against the burning legion. but he was wounded savagely by a demon, and the tear in his flesh never healed. eventually... it drove ghost howl mad. now he roams the plains in agony, seeking an end to his pain. to my shame, when we fought i lacked the strength to slay him..."]="Behal jsem temito planemi mnoho, mnoho sezon. A lovil jsem mocne selmy. A nikdy jsem nebyl premozen...nez jsem celil Dusimu Vyti.\r\n\r\nDavno predtim byl ten pozoruhodny vlk spojencem tauru a statecne bojoval proti Plamenne Legii. Ale byl krute zranen demonem a trhlina v jeho mase se nikdy neuzdravila. zblaznil a stalo se z nej Dusi Vyti.\r\n\r\nNyni se v mukach potuluje po techto planich, hledajic konec jeho bolesti. K me hanbe jsem nemel dostatek sily ho zabit, kdyz jsme bojovali.", 60 ["well met, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". my advice to you is this: as you travel the world, be wary of magic for it will burn the untrained."]="Vítej, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..". Moje rada pro tebe je taková: kdy¾ cestuje¹ po svìtì, dávej si pozor na magii, netrénovaného mù¾e popálit.", 61 ["the bank of stormwind is located in the trade district just northwest of the city gates. here, let me show you on your map."]="Banka Stormwindu le¾í v obchodní ètvrti (Trade District) severozápadnì od bran mìsta. Tady, uká¾u ti to na mapì.", 62 ["marlgen... one of the jailors. he has the key to my bonds."]="Marlgen... Jeden ze ¾aláøníku. On má klíèe od mích pout.", 63 ["what is it? can't you see i'm busy?"]="Co je? Nevidí¹, ¾e jsem zaneprázdnìn?", 64 ["which trainer do you seek?"]="Kterého trenéra hledá¹?", 65 ["tirth's not himself these days, and neither is his assistant."]="Tirth není poslední dobou sám sebou... a jeho asistent taky ne.", 66 ["it takes a bit of practice to be this close to the silithid and go unnoticed. i don't recommend trying it if you can avoid it."]="Být takhle blízko k silithidùm bez toho, ani¾ by si nás v¹imli vy¾aduje hodnì tréninku. Nedoporuèuji ti to zkou¹et, pokud se tomu bude¹ moci vyhnout.", 67 ["i suppose you are here to be trained in the use of a new weapon? make it fast, i'm very busy!"]="Pøedpokládám, ¾e jsi tu, aby ses nauèil pou¾ívat nové zbranì? Udìláme to rychle, jsem velmi zaneprázdnìn!", 68 ["of course there's no danger in everything catching flames and exploding like a huge helium bomb. this baby will get you to undercity faster and safer than any boat, and the view is truly breathtaking. speaking of breath, smoking is not allowed while on board the zeppelin, and fire spells are banned from being cast during the trip."]="Cau kámo . A» ¾ije horda ! Chce¹ svést do UC (Under City) ? \r\nOf course there\'s no danger in everything catching flames and exploding like a huge helium bomb. This baby will get you to Undercity faster and safer than any boat, and the view is truly breathtaking. Speaking of breath, smoking is not allowed while on board the zeppelin, and fire spells are banned from being cast during the trip.", 69 ["yep, you looking for christopher drakul in trade quarter. he on eastern platform."]="Ano, hledá¹ Christopher Drakul v obchodní ètvrt.On je na východní plo¹inì.", 70 ["get away from here, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", or they'll put you in chains as well."]="Jdi odtud pryè, "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", nebo ti nasadí pouta !", 71 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitRace("player"))..", i am tharnariun treetender."]="Zdravím "..strlower(UnitRace("player"))..", jsem Tharnariun Treetender.", 72 ["what are you looking for?"]="Copak hledá¹?", 73 ["what are you looking for?"]="Co hledá¹?", 74 ["what are you looking for?"]="Co hledá¹?", 75 ["what are you looking for?"]="Co hledá¹?", 76 ["what are you looking for?"]="Co hledá¹?", 77 ["what are you looking for?"]="Co hledá¹?", 78 ["what are you lookin' at?"]="Co hledá¹?", 79 ["the machine adjusts to face you. on the back of the machine is an empty, oddly misshapen slot with an engraving that reads: propirtee o' cap'n gelkak gyromast"]="Stroj se srovnal, aby ses na nìj mohl podívat.\r\n\r\nVzadu je stroj prádzný, obsahující jen o¹klivou rytinu, na které stojí: Todle patøí Kapitánovi Gelrakovi Gyromastovi \r\nKapi\'ana Gelkaka Gyromasta", 80 ["what are ye daft? that's not a weapon, that's a dinner knife. i don't train amateurs."]="To se¹ úplnì pitomej? Tohle není zbraò, to je nù¾ na veèeøi. S amatéry se nezahazuji.", 81 ["if you are looking to become a mighty paladin, there is no better teacher then lord grayson shadowbreaker. he can be found in the cathedral of light in cathedral square."]="Pokud se chce¹ stát mocným paladinem, není lep¹í uèitel ne¾ Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker. Mù¾es ho najít v katedrále svìtla na námìstí katedrály.", 82 ["help! my band and i have been captured by trolls, and they're going to sacrifice us! get us out of here and i'll give you anything you want."]="Pomoc! Moje skupina a já jsme byli zajati trolly, kteøí se nás chystají obìtovat!\r\n\r\nDostaò nás odsud a já ti dám cokoliv bude¹ chtít.", 83 ["you've been summoned by lago blackwrench, warlock master of ironforge. you'd do yourself well to report to him immediately. you'll find him in the forlorn cavern district of the city."]="Byl jsi povolán Lago Blackwrenchem, mistrem warlockem mìsta Ironforge. Nejlépe bys udìlal, kdyby ses k nìmu okam¾itì dostavil. Najde¹ ho v mìstské ètvrti Jeskynì Forlorn.", 84 ["you are well on your way, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". but you still have much to learn. the southern barrens may be where your next lesson is found."]="Jsi na dobré cestì, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Ale má¹ se stále co uèit. Ji¾ní Barrens by mohl být místem tvé dal¹í lekce.", 85 ["your body looks worn and your spirit weary. rest yourself beneath our roof and allow elune to guide your dreams."]="Tvé tìlo vypadá opotøebovanì a tvoje du¹e unavena. Odpoèiò si pod na¹í støechou a nech se od Elune provázet svými sny.", 86 ["come in, come in. just don't sit too close to the stove. it hasn't exploded yet today, but just to be safe i think you should sit elsewhere."]="Pojï dál, pojï dál. Jen si nesedej blízko kamen. Dnes je¹tì nevybuchly, ale jistota je jistota ,rad¹i si sedni nìkam jinam.", 87 ["you can find aldwin laughlin at the stormwind vistor's center in the trade district."]="Aldwina Laughlina mù¾e¹ najít ve Stormwindském Náv¹tìvním Centru v Obchodní Ètvrti.", 88 ["warriors can usually be found either at the pig and whistle tavern or the barracks in old town. tell ya though, the tavern is probably a better place look."]="Váleèníky obvykle najde¹ buï v Hostinci u Prasete a Pí¹»aly nebo v Kasárnách ve Starém Mìstì. Nicménì ti povím, ¾e hostinec stojí za podívání.", 89 ["well, you can find theridan or maldryn by the moonwell in the park. just head to the western area of stormwind, north of the mage district, but west of the cathedral square."]="Dobøe, Theridana nebo Maldryna mù¾e¹ najít u mìsíèní studny v Parku. Jen zamiø do západní èásti Stormwindu, severnì od Kouzelnícké Ètvrti, ale západnì od Katedrálního Námìstí.", 90 ["the cathedral of light in cathedral square is home to the priests of stormwind. there you will find high priestess laurena."]="V Katedrále Svìtel na Katedrálním Námìstí sídlí knìzové Stormwindu. Tam mù¾e¹ najít Vzne¹enou Knì¾ku Laurenu.", 91 ["the cathedral of light is the center of all the healing practices of stormwind. there you can find shaina fuller to help you learn this craft."]="Katedrála Svìtel je centrem v¹ech léèících praktik Stormwindu. Tam mù¾e¹ najít Shainu Fuller ,která ti pomù¾e nauèit se toto øemeslo.", 92 ["want to learn leatherworking, eh? simon tanner would be able to teach you. he can be found in old town at the protective hide."]="Chce¹ se nauèit pracovat z kù¾í, eh? Simon Tanner tì to mù¾e nauèit. Mù¾e¹ jej najít ve Starém Mìstì v obchodì Protective Hide.", 93 ["plucky doesn't want tirth to know he's still in the shimmering flats, so he turned himself into a chicken! if you find plucky, beckon him to you. maybe he'll come out of hiding."]="Plucky nechce aby Tirth vìdìl ¾e je stále v Shimmering Flats, a proto se promìnil v slepici!\r\n\r\nKdy¾ najde¹ Pluckyho, nalákej ho k sobì. Mo¾ná se pak pøestane schovávat.", 94 ["what do you need directions to?"]="Kam potøebuje¹ nasmìrovat?", 95 ["nothing like spending a day down at crystal lake fishing. arnold leland is the man that taught me. you can usually find him out on the dock in the canal district just fishing the day away. oh, and don't believe any of the stories he tells you about monsters in the canals either."]="Není nic lep¹ího ne¾ strávit celý den rybolovem na Køi¹»álovém Jezeøe. Arnold Leland je mu¾ který mì to nauèil. Obvykle ho mù¾e¹ najít v Kanálové Èásti Mìsta jak loví ryby. \r\n\r\nOh, hlavnì mu nevìø jeho pøíbìhy o kanálových pøí¹erách.", 96 ["lucan cordell has a small shop on the canal by the stockade. i am sure he will be able to teach you the art of enchanting."]="Lucan Cordell má malý obchod na kanálu který vede k Vojenské Vìznici. Vìøím ¾e tì nauèí umìní enchantingu.", 97 ["i walk this road alone, seeking ways to defend my honor and rid this land of our enemies. what can i do for you, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Kráèím touhle cestou osamìlý, hledám cestu jak hájit svou èest a zbavit tuto zemi na¹ich nepøátel.\r\n\r\nCo pro tebe mohu udìlat, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 98 ["are you here for training? or are you just here to waste a warrior's time."]="Jsi tu aby ses vyuèil? Nebo jen okrádá¹ váleèníka o èas.", 99 ["he'll bring you mead he'll bring you beer a grinning face from ear to ear he's served us all from year to year we call him smiling jim."]="Dal ti medovinu\r\nDal ti pivo\r\nUsmìvavá tváø od ucha k uchu\r\nStará se o nás ka¾dým rokem\r\nØíkáme mu Usmìvavý Jim.", 100 ["this is an exotic sample of flora, unseen in other parts of teldrassil."]="Toto je exotický kus vegetace, který se jen tak nevidí jinde na Teldrassilu.", 101 ["this plant stands out among the normal flora of teldrassil, and emits a strange, purplish glow."]="Tato sazenice vyènívá uprostøed obyèejné vegetace Teldrassilu, a vydává neznámou, èervenavou záø.", 102 ["[there is a noticeable pause after you ask this question.] the information you request is not currently available in this repository's data cycling. i sincerely apologize for this omission. please request this information after a data cycling update has been performed on this information repository. you may also request this information from another information repository located on azeroth."]="[Výrazná odmlka po tom ,co jsi øekl otázku.]\r\n\r\nInformace kterou jsi zadal právì není dostupna v datové schránce. Upøímnì se omlouvám za tuto vynechávku.\r\n\r\nProsím zadej tuto informaci po provedení obnovy této datové schránky. Mù¾e¹ také zadat tuto informaci do jakékoli datové schránky na Azerothu.", 103 ["so ye want to be a blacksmith eh? grab an apron and a hammer \"..gsub(gsub(UnitSex(\"lad\"), \"^2\", \"his\"), \"^3\", \"lass\")..\", let's see what ye've got."]="Tak¾e ty chce¹ být kováø eh? Vezmi zástìru a kladivo g mladíku : dìvèe;, podíváme se co v sobì má¹.", 104 ["welcome to the great forge \"..gsub(gsub(UnitSex(\"lad\"), \"^2\", \"his\"), \"^3\", \"lass\")..\". it may be cold outside but we keep it nice and hot down 'ere. grab a hammer, strike that anvil and show me ye've got what it takes to be a blacksmith of the great forge!"]="Vítej ve Velké Kovárnì g mladíku : dìvèe;. Venku je zima ale my tady dole máme teplo. Popadni kladivo, bouchni do té kovadliny a uka¾ mi co dovede¹ kdy¾ chce¹ být Kováøem Velké Kovárny!", 105 ["course i can show ye where myolor is. right over there near the anvil of the great forge, that's where he does his work. listen to his words well g lad:lass;, myolor is as skilled as they come."]="Jistì ,mù¾u ti ukázat kde Myolor je. Pøesnì támhle vedle té kovadliny Velké Kovárny ,to je místo kde dìlá svou práci. Poslouchej jeho slova dobøe g mladíku:dìvèe;, Myolor je sku¹enìj¹í ne¾ si myslí¹.", 106 ["ye have my approval "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", ye can forge blades better than any i've trained in years. if ye want to make a real weapon though, ye need to talk with myolor sunderfury. that dwarf will set ya on the right path."]="Má¹ mé uznání "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", mù¾e¹ kovat zbranì líp ne¾ kdokoli jiný koho jsem za ty roky uèil. Jestli chce¹ ukovat opravdovou zbraò ,musí¹ si promluvit s Myolorem Sunderfurym. Ten Trpaslík u¾ tì dovede na správnou cestu .", 107 ["so, off to see myolor, eh? he's right o'er there... behind ye! er, maybe in front of ye! near the great anvil!"]="Tak¾e, chce¹ vìdìt kde je Myolor, eh? Je právì tam... za tebou! Er, mo¾ná pøed tebou! Vedle Velké Kovadliny!", 108 ["another herbalist, hmm. i doubt your skill is as great as my own so perhaps i can train you in a few proper techniques."]="Dal¹í Bylinkáø, hmm. Pochybuji ¾e si tak zku¹ený jako já. Vyuèím tì v nìkolika øádných metodách.", 109 ["ah, a fellow fisherman. are you perhaps in need of a little training? maybe i can show you a thing or two?"]="Ah, kolega Rybáø. Potøebuje¹ snad malý výcvik? Mo¾ná ti mù¾u ukázat pár vìcí?", 110 ["welcome to stormwind. took a long time to rebuild her but it was well worth it. so are you visiting, or are you here on business?"]="Vítej ve Stormwindu. Zabralo to hodnì èasu ne¾ jsem ji rekonstruoval ale teï to stojí za to. Tak jsi tu na náv¹tìvì nebo jsi pøi¹el obchodovat?", 111 ["do i look like i have the time or energy to coddle every tourist that wanders through my door? tell me what you need, and make it quick."]="Vypadám snad ,¾e mám èas a energii se rozmazlovat z ka¾dým turistou který putuje mými dveømi? Rychle mi øekni co chce¹.", 112 ["i don't get too many skinners in here looking for training, but i guess i could teach you something if you're ready."]="Nesehnal jsem moc Stahovaèù kù¾í kteøí by chtìli zlep¹it své dovednosti, ale hádám ¾e ty bys chtìl nìco nauèit ,jestli jsi pøipravený.", 113 ["yes my g son : daughter;? what can i assist you with?"]="Ano g mùj synu : má dcero;? S èím ti mohu pomoci?", 114 ["may the light guide your path and aid you in your journeys. if you need any assistance browsing, i will be right over here."]="A» tì svìtlo provází tvou kariérou a pomù¾e ti na tvých cestách. Jestli potøebuje¹ pomoc, budu támhle.", 115 ["may the light guide your path and aid you in your journies. if you need any assistance browsing, i will be right over here."]="A» tì svìtlo provází tvou kariérou a pomù¾e ti na tvých cestách. Jestli potøebuje¹ pomoc, budu támhle.", 116 ["take my advice, don't sit close to the shadows."]="Dej na mé rady, nesedej si blízko stínù.", 117 ["sure, i'll tell you the phrase. as long as i don't have to go anywhere near tirth!"]="Jistì, øeknu ti to rèení. Pokud se nebudu muset pøiblí¾it k Tirth!", 118 ["hey citizen ! i need your help.. ."]="Haló obèane ! Potøebuji tvoji pomoc.. .", 119 ["i'm busy right now."]="Jsem zaneprázdnìn.", 120 ["let me sleep just five more minutes, mon..."]="Nech mì spát jenom o pìt minut déle, mami...", 121 ["not right now, gpal:sugar;... i got things to do. see ya around."]="Zrovna teï, gkamaráde:miláèku;... mám práci, podívej se dokola.", 122 ["sorta busy."]="Sorta zamìstnaný.", 123 ["hey citizen! you look like a stout one. we guards are spread a little thin out here, and i could use you help..."]="Haló obèane! Ty vypadá¹ jako gstatný chlap:silná ¾ena;. My strá¾ci jsme trochu hubení tady venku a já bych mohl vyu¾ít tvojí pomoci...", 124 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Zdravím "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".", 125 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."."]="Zdravím "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..".", 126 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..""]="Zdravím "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."", 127 ["relaxation is the key to being an efficient crew. let the crew relax, and they'll perform better."]="Odpoèinek je klíè k vy¹¹í výkonosti posádky. Nech» posádka odpoèívá a bude pracovat lépe.", 128 ["stupid snow... hey, you're, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", aren't you? i've just received a message asking for you."]="Pitomý sníh ... Hej, ty jsi "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", nebo ne? Právì jsem obdr¾el zprávu, která se ptá po tobì.", 129 ["which profession?"]="Které povolání?", 130 ["i wish the snow would just all melt away. it's always getting my robe wet and messing up everything!"]="Chtìl bych aby v¹echen sníh prostì roztál. V¾dycky promoèí mùj háv a v¹echno u¹piní!", 131 ["<grumbles> i guess those mountains came out of nowhere... all five times!"]="<kruci> Tu¹ím ¾e ty hory vylezli odnikud... pìtkrát zasebou!", 132 ["at last! i am finally free from this cell! the kirin tor sent me from dalaran to investigate arugal's progress with the undead here in silverpine forest. little did we know that the wizard had lost his grasp on sanity. i must report this mess at once! but before i leave, allow me to undo the magical lock on the courtyard door. you defeated rethilgore, perhaps you will survive what lies beyond...."]="Koneènì! Koneènì jsem zbavený této cely! \r\n\r\n Kirin Tor mì poslali z Dalaranu vy¹etøit Arugalsovy pokroky s nemrtvými zde v Silverpine lesích. Trochu uèinil, ale víme ¾e èarodìj ztratil svùj a rozum. \r\n\r\n Musím oznámit tento zmatek ihned! Ale pøedtím ne¾ odejdu, dovol mi pou¾ít magický zámek na dvorní bránu. \r\n\r\n ty jsi porazil Rethilgora, snad pøe¾ije¹ co bylo v poutech za....", 133 ["quid pro quo! i'll teach you what i know, but first i want you to perform a small task"]="Protislu¾bou! Tì nauèím co umím, ale nejprve chci abys vykonal malý úkol.", 134 ["you can learn from me in time, but not yet! why don't you start out by talking to sprite jumpsprocket to my right here. you can check in with me after you've gotten your feet wet!"]="Mù¾ete se ode mì uèit èasem, ale nikoli hned! Proè nezaènete venku hovoøením se skøítkem Jumpsprocketem tady vedle. Mù¾ete se mnou cvièit az si trochu zmáèíte nohy!", 135 ["you certainly did not disappoint! now that we've gotten that out of the way, your instruction may begin!"]="Zajisté jsi nezklamal! Ted u¾ to máme zasebou a tvùj tréning mù¾e zaèít!", 136 ["rokkaram, is that you? forgive me for questioning you, my son. my sight isn't what it once was, but the raven has blessed me with a long life. soon it will be time for you to take my place. i have taught you all i know. my only regret is that i didn't prove worthy enough to recover our sacred book of the raven.the true believers have lived in shame since the day our treacherous cousins in skettis stole the book from us, shattered its tablet, and buried the fragments in their wretched city! pray that the raven will choose you to restore it, my son. be faithful and remember always the prophecy, \"from the dreams of his enemies shall the raven spring forth into the world.\""]="Rokkrame , jsi to ty? \r\n\r\n Omluv mou otázku,mùj chlapèe. Mùj zrak u¾ není co býval, ale havran me po¾ehnal dlouhým ¾ivotem. Brzy nastane èas aby si stanul na mém místì. U¾ sem tì nauèil v¹e co umím. \r\n\r\n Mým jediným zklamáním je ¾e jsem nebyl dostateène zku¹ený abych získal zpìt na¹i posvátnou knihu havrana. Skuteèní vìøící ¾ijí v hanbì ode dne kdy na¹i proradní bratranci v Skettisu ukradli na¹í knihu, znièili její pamìtní desku, a pohøbily úlomky v jejich ubohém mìstì! \r\n\r\n Pøál bych si aby si tì havran vybral na její obnovu. mùj chlapèe. Bu» poctivý a pamatuj si proroctví, \"ze snù jeho nepøátel bude havran vyvìrat do svìta.\"", 137 ["what brings you to the cenarion circle, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Co tì pøivádí do the Cenarion Circle, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?", 138 ["the days we've spent here in azshara are not among our best and most glorious, but we are still young and blood still courses through our veins--we shall find victory here. it is only a matter of time."]="Dny strávené tady v Azshaøe nepatøí mezi na¹e nejlep¹í a nejslavnìj¹í, ale my jsme stále mladí a krev stále koluje v na¹ich ¾ilách--my musíme zvýtìzit. To je jediná otázka dne¹ka.", 139 ["vengeance shall be mine."]="Pomsta musí být moje.", 140 ["praise elune! it has been many years since i have had visitors."]="Elune velebí! To bylo pøed mnoha lety co jsem mìl náv¹tìvu.", 141 ["i sell the finest cloth and leather garb this side of the valley!"]="Já prodávám nejlep¹í látkové a ko¾ené obleèení na téhle stranì údolí!", 142 ["welcome to the stormwind guild registry offices. what can i help you with today?"]="Vítej v Stormwindských Guildovních Registraèních kanceláøích. Jak ti mohu pomoci dnes?", 143 ["data access granted. have a nice day! 01001110 01100001 01110100 01100001 01101100 01101001 01100101 00100000 01010000 01101111 01110010 01110100 01101101 01100001 01101110 00100000 01010010 01101111 01100011 01101011 01110011"]="Vstupní data povolena. Pøeji hezký den!\r\n\r\n01001110 01100001 01110100 01100001 01101100 01101001 01100101 00100000 01010000 01101111 01110010 01110100 01101101 01100001 01101110 00100000 01010010 01101111 01100011 01101011 01110011", 144 ["the fanglords are dead! all hope is not lost! the awakening ritual is quite complex, however. it cannot be done alone. i will handle all of the necessary preparations but i will need you to protect me. the nightmares summoned from naralex's journey through the emerald dream prove to be quite formidable. without your help, this mission is doomed. when you are ready to defend me, say the word, and i shall lead the way to naralex's chamber."]="Fanglordská snìmovna je mrtvá! V¹echna nadìje je stracená! \r\n\r\n Obøad probuzení je dosti slo¾itý, bohu¾el. Proto Nemù¾e být vykonán sám. \r\n\r\n Já zaøídím v¹echny nezbytné pøípravy ale budu potøebovat abys mì chránil. noèní mùry vyvolané z Naralexovi cesty procházející zkrz smaragd snù doká¾ou být dosti hrozivé. Bez va¹í pomoci, je tato mise odsouzena. \r\n\r\n Pokud jsi pøipraven mì bránit, dej povel, a já tì povedu k Naralexovì komnatì.", 145 ["if it weren't for the goblins' inconceivable, dumb luck, they'd crash their car during every race!"]="Jestli¾e to nebylo pro skøety nemyslitelné,hloupé ¹tìstí, oni nehavarovali se svým vozem bìhem ka¾dého závodu!", 146 ["welcome aboard the maiden's fancy. it should be smooth sailing all the way to port."]="Vítejte na palubì Maiden\'s Fancy. mìla by být hladká plavba celou cestu a¾ do pøístavu.", 147 ["i'll tell ya, the only proper way to hunt is when yer good an' hammered!"]="Øíkam ti, jediná správná cesta k lovu je kdy¾ má¾ dobré kladivo!", 148 ["hey hey, don't forget to grab yourself some brewfest souvenirs! we got everything from traditional holiday garb to mini-kegs of tasty brew. just talk to blix fixwidget, but make sure you got plenty of brewfest prize tickets on hand... it's the only way to buy them! you can earn prize tickets by helping out around the brewfest grounds."]="Hej haló, nezapomeòte si vzít nejaké Brewfestové suvenýry! Máme v¹echno od tradièních odìvù pøez malé soudky a¾ k chutným nápojùm.Právì mluvíte s Blix Fixwidgetem, ale pøesvìète se ¾e máte u sebe dostatek Brewfestských odmìnových lístkù je to jediná cesta jak je koupit. Mù¾ete si odmìnové lístky vydelat vypomáháním kolem Brewfest grounds.", 149 ["creation of jewelry and gems is what i live for. can i share my passion with you?"]="Vytváøení klenotù a drahokamù je to proè ¾iji. Mohu se s tebou podìlit o svou vá¹en?", 150 ["teron gorefiend? yes... i know of him."]="Teron Gorefiend? Ano... Já ho znám.", 151 ["all is lost..."]="V¹ichni jsou ztraceni...", 152 ["your talents in cooking are a little too low. maybe with some practice i can teach you what i know."]="Vá¹ talent ve vaøeni(cooking)je pøíli¹ malý.Mo¾ná s nìjakou praxí, kterou vám mù¾u dát, co já vím?", 153 ["go to orgrimmar, you will find her and her brood in the valley of honor."]="Jdi do Orgrimmaru, najde¹ ji a její rod ve Valley Honor.", 154 ["one of the humans has the key to this infernal contraption. eston i think they said his name was."]="Jeden z lidí má klíè do tohoto \"infernal contraption\". Myslím, ¾e øíkali, ¾e jeho jméno je Eston.", 155 };if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+153; 2 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..""]="Zdravím ťa "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."", 3 ["welcome to my inn, weary traveler. what can i do for you?"]="Vítaj v mojom hostinci,unavený cestovatel. čo pre teba môžem urobiť?", 4 ["hey there, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". how can i help you?"]="Hej, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Môžeš mi pomôcť?", 5 ["greetings "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..""]="Zdravím ťa "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."", 6 ["welcome to light's hope chapel, stranger."]="Vítaj v Kapli Nádeje, cuzinec.", 7 };if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+5;
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