Oct 5, 2008, 4:37:22 PM (16 years ago)


1 edited


  • client_files/Generate/compile/BookPage_1.lua

    r12 r22  
    2 ["hello morgan,business in goldshire is brisk, so brisk that i haven't had time to send you any shipments! i commissioned the person bearing this note to bring you a package of large wax candles (you know, the ones the kobolds like to wear on their heads?). please give this person our thanks, and fair payment."]="Ahoj Morgane,\r\n\r\nObchod v Goldshire je èilý, tak èilý, ¾e jsem nemìl  èas na to poslat vám nìjaké dodávky! \r\n  \r\n\r\nJá povìøená osoba pí¹ící tuto poznámku pro poslání  balíèku s velkými voskovými svíèkami (V¾dy» ví¹, tyto svíèky si Koboldi rádi dávají na jejich hlavy). \r\n\r\nProsím, dejte této osobì na¹e díky, a férovou platbu...",
    3 ["kids: joel and gina. wife:suzannah"]="Dìti: Joel a Gina. Man¾elka:Suzannah",
    4 ["sorry, you weren't a winner this time. please play again."]="Promiò, v tuto chvíli jsi nevyhrál. Prosím hraj znovu.",
    5 ["the meaning of life is... (the rest of this message has been accidentally eaten.)"]="Smysl ¾ivota je... (Zbytek této zprávy byl ne¹»astnou náhodou snìzen.)",
    6 ["this message was brought to you by the ogri'la exploitation committee. made in gadgetzan."]="Tato zpráva ti byla pøinesena Ogri\'lou, Tì¾ebním Komisaøem. Vyrobeno v Gadgetzanu.",
    7 ["find me these items and return to gadgetzan with them all, along with this ledger, and i will reward you."]="Najdi pro mì tyto vìci a vra» se s nimi do Gatgetzanu i s touto knihou, a já tì odmìním.",
    8 ["this anvil is the property of jordan stilwell - please do not use! - jordan "]="Tato kovadlina je majetek Jordana Stilwella - Prosím NEPOU®ÍVAT! - Jordan ",
    9 ["to the honorable headmaster crillian,my former master, i write to you so that you might know what your apprentice has been doing of late. paying heed to your advice, i sought to build my knowledge and wisdom through travel outside the gates of our beloved stormwind. my journeys took me to many places but i have decided to take up residence here in the lovely town of moonbrook. the surrounding fields of westfall are most beautiful as the harvest approaches."]="Ctìnému øediteli Crillianovi,\r\n\r\nMùj bývalý mistøe, pí¹u vám, abych vám dal vìdìt, co nedávno dìlal vá¹ uèeò. Na va¹i radu jsem se sna¾il budovat své znalosti a moudrost cestováním venku za branami na¹eho milovaného Stormwindu. Moje putování mì zavedlo na mnoho míst, ale rozhodl jsem se usadit zde v pøekrásném mìsteèku Moonbrook. Okolní Westfallské lány jsou nejkrásnìj¹í v dobì blí¾ících se ¾ní.",
    10 ["i had promised the expedition that we would spend the next day hunting panthers, as their furs are in high demand throughout azeroth. it only makes sense that such demand should exist with all of the able-bodied hunters, trappers and fur-traders off giving their lives so valiantly in the name of the alliance."]="Slíbil jsem expedici, ¾e pøí¹tí den strávíme lovením panterù, proto¾e jejich kù¾e je hodnì po¾adovaná v celém Azerothu. Dává to smysl, ¾e takové po¾adavky mù¾ou existovat jen s tìmi zdatnými lovci, zálesáky a obchodníky s kù¾emi, kteøí stateènì obìtují svùj ¾ivot ve jménu Aliance.",
    11 ["remember, my brothers, we were once proud craftsmen. we'll perform our current duties with the same precision we used in our past trade. -evc "]="Pamatujte, mí bratøi, kdysi jsme byli hrdí øemeslníci. Vykonáme na¹e povinnosti se stejnou precizností jako kdysi. - EVC",
    12 ["hello william,it's been years since we've spoken, but i trust you and your brother are well, and that your apothecary thrives.i must ask a favor of you, william. in short, my grandson tommy joe has lost his heart to young maybell maclure. and although they adore each other... our families, well our families have been feuding for years."]="Zdravím tì Williame,\r\n\r\n\r\nJe tomu u¾ mnoho let, co jsme spolu naposledy mluvili, ale vìøím, ¾e se tobì i tvému bratru daøí, a ¾e va¹e lékárna vzkvétá.\r\n\r\n\r\nMusím tì poprosit o laskavost, Williame.  Ve zkratce, mùj vnuk Tommy Joe se zamiloval do dívky jménem Maybell Maclure.  A i kdy¾ se oba milují... na¹e rodiny... no, na¹e rodiny spolu bojují léta.\r\n\r\n",
    13 ["dear noble sir,word of your need for a tutor for your children has traveled to me here in goldshire, where i take up temporary residence in the lion's pride inn. due to the unfortunate state of events in the region, i was forced to abandon my post as headmaster of the moonbrook schoolhouse. please accept my application to serve as tutor for your offspring. headmaster crillian of the academy can speak to you of my abilities if necessary."]="Vzne¹ený pane,\r\n\r\nSlova o tom, ¾e potøebujete uèitele pro své dìti do¹li a¾ ke mnì do Goldshiru, kde jsem se doèasnì uchýlil v hospodì Lion\'s Pride.  V souvislosti s ne¹»astným vývojem událostí v této oblasti, jsem byl donucen opustit svoje místo Øeditele ¹koly v Moonbrooku. Prosím, pøijmi mou ¾ádost slou¾it jako uèitel pro tvé potomstvo. Øeditel Crillian z Akademie si s tebou mù¾e pohovoøit o mých schopnostech.",
    14 ["i shall travel to meet you in person when the winter rains subside and the roads are suitable for travel once again.until then,stalvan mistmantle of silverpine"]="Pocestuju, abych te potkal osobnì, a¾ ustoupí zimní de¹tì a cesty budou opìt vhodné k cestování.\r\n\r\nDo té doby,\r\n\r\nStalvan Mistmantle ze Silverpine.",
    15 ["a note is attached to the crate. it reads:\"verner - sorry to hear redridge is having such trouble. here are the shoes you need. please pay me 100 silver at your earliest convenience.\"\"or if you like, you can pay me in underbelly scales from black dragon whelps (i hear dragon whelps are common in the redridge mountains). because we're friends... 4 scales will be enough. thanks --argus\""]="Ke krabici je pøilo¾en lístek. Stojí na nìm:\r\n\r\n\"Vernere - je mi líto, ¾e má Redridge takové problémy. Tady jsou ty boty co jsi chtìl. Prosím zapla» mi 100 støíbra pøi nejbli¾¹í pøíle¾itosti.\"\r\n\r\n\"Anebo jestli chce¹, mù¾e¹ mi zaplatit bøi¹ními ¹upinami mláïat èerných drakù(Sly¹el jsem, ¾e draèí mláïata jsou v Redridgských horách bì¾ná). Proto¾e jsme pøátelé... 4 ¹upiny budou staèit. Díky --Argus\"",
    16 ["my lord,war is upon us. doom harkens from our doorstep.as magistrate of the township of lakeshire it is my duty to report the recent military activity that has taken place in his majesty's easternmost colony.contained within these pages you will find an account of the state of lakeshire, nestled within the redridge mountains."]="Mùj pane,\r\n\r\nblí¾í se válka. Zhouba je na prahu na¹ich domù.\r\n\r\nJako starosta okresu Lakeshire mám povinnost nahlásit nedávnou vojenskou aktivitu, která se udála v nejvýchodnìj¹í osadì Jeho Velièenstva.\r\n\r\nV obsahu tìchto stran naleznete zprávu o stavu Lakeshiru, umístìném v Redridgských horách.",
    17 ["for the first time in nearly three thousand years, the disparate nations of arathor were once again united under a common banner. appointed as supreme commander of the alliance forces, lord lothar prepared his armies for the coming of the horde. "]="Poprvé za témìø tisíc let byly rozdìlené národy Arathoru opìt spojeny pod spoleènou vlajku. Lord Lothar, novì jmenovaný Nejvy¹¹í velitel, pøipravil svá vojska na pøíchod Hordy.",
    18 ["morgan ladimore was a great and noble knight who fought in defense of the innocent, the poor, and the afflicted. for many years, he worked diligently throughout the outlying areas of azeroth, bringing relief to the suffering and swift justice to evildoers.he was married to a young girl named lys in the summer of his eighteenth year. they were much in love with each other and would eventually produce three children, a son and two daughters.morgan was thirty-two when war broke out in"]="Morgan Ladimore byl velký a u¹lechtilý rytíø, který bojoval za obranu nevinných, chudích, a posti¾ených. Na mnoho let, pracoval pilnì skrz odlehlé oblasti Azerothu, pøiná¹ení úlevy k utrpení a pohotovou spravedlnost ke zloèincùm. \r\n\r\nByl oddaný s mladou dívkou jmenovala se Lys v létì jeho osmnáctích narozenin. Oni se hodnì milovaly navzájem a  nakonec mìly tøi dìti, syna a dvì dcery. \r\n\r\nMorganovy  bylo dvaatøicet kdy¾ válka propukla v ",
    19 ["your honor--i regret to inform you that the night watch is unable to leave its post in darkshire at this time. perhaps you were unaware that stormwind no longer provides military support in this region. the night watch has been formed and trained entirely by the people of the forest in order to defend darkshire in stormwind's absence. without the watch, the town would fall. i wish you luck with your plight.--lord ello ebonlocke"]="va¹e výsosti--\r\n\r\n\r\ns lítostí vám musím oznámit, ¾e Noèní Hlídka nyní nemù¾e opustit její stanovi¹tì. nejspí¹ netu¹íte, ¾e Stormwind u¾ tomuto regionu dále neposkytuje armádní výpomoc.  Noèní hlídka byla vytvoøena a trénována výhradnì lidmi z lesa v zámìru bránit Darkshire, kdy¾ u¾ dále nemù¾e Stormwind. Bez noèní hlídky by mìsto mohlo padnout. Pøeji vám hodnì stìstí s touto nepøíjemnou situací.\r\n\r\n\r\n--Lord Ello Ebonlocke\r\n\r\n",
    20 ["the letters on this note seem to flicker and dance across its surface. it is impossible to glean meaning from them..."]="Písmena na této poznámce vypadají, jako kdyby se tøepotala a tancovala na jejím povrchu. Je nemo¾né zjistit jejich význam...",
    21 ["ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo"]="OoOoOoO OOoOOoo OOOoOoo OOoOooO OOoOOoO OOooooO Oooooo OooOOOO OOoOOOo OOoOOoo OOoOooO OOoOOOo OOooOoO Oooooo OooOOOo OOooooO OOOoooo OOooooO Oooooo OoOoOOo OOooooO OOoOOoo OOoOOoo OOooOoO OOOOooO Oooooo OooOoOO OOoOOOo OOoOooO OOooOOO OOoOooo OOOoOoo OOOooOO Oooooo OOoOOOO OOooOOo Oooooo OooooOO OOoOooo OOooooO OOoOOOO OOOooOO",
    22 ["this armor marker is good for one piece of leather or cloth armor, redeemable at the timberlain household within the eastvale logging camp. "]="Tato obrnìná znaèka je dobrá pro jeden kus ko¾eného nebo látkového brnìní,slosovatelná v Timberlainské domácnosti s Eastvale Logging kempu. ",
    23 ["greetings ello ebonlocke, mayor of darkshire. i'm afraid i have news for your town. grave news.you see, i am a creator. i fooled the bearer of this note into aiding me in my latest, most dire creation - a fiend of flesh and bone and twisted metal! as you read this, it's likely outside my humble dwelling, gnashing its teeth and waiting for my word to go forth and slaughter.but you'll know soon enough.-the embalmer"]="Zdravím Ello Ebonlocku, Starosto Darkshiru.  Bojím se, ¾e mám pro va¹e mìsto novinky.  Záva¾né novinky.\r\n\r\nVidíte, jsem stvoøitel.  Oklamal jsem nositele tohoto dopisu, aby mi pomohl s mým posledním, nejstra¹livìj¹ím výtvorem - démonem z masa, kostí a zohýbaného kovu!  Pìhem ètení této zprávy je pøed mým skromným pøíbytkem, skøípe zuby a èeká na mùj rozkaz, aby vykroèil v pøed a vra¾dil.\r\n\r\nAle u¾ brzy uvidíte.\r\n\r\n-The Embalmer",
    24 ["this is a deed to an expanse of land within the region of westfall. it entitles the persons below with ownership rights of the designated area, as well as all items produced and any structures built within its borders.the document is signed by:  theodore furlbrow  verna furlbrow"]="Toto je doklad o rozloze pozemku ve Westfallu. Dává osobám ní¾e vlastnické právo k urèenému pozemku stejnì tak jako ke v¹em vyprodukovaným surovinám a ka¾dé budovì uvnitø pozemku. \r\n\r\nListina je podepsaná jmény:\r\n\r\n    Theodore Furlbrow\r\n    Verna Furlbrow",
    25 ["warning: the giblet was not safe for human consumption."]="Varování: Drùbky nejsou bezpeèné pro lidskou spotøebu.",
    26 ["hi felnok! my studies in the burning steppes are proceeding splendidly. and i owe "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." a lot for all \"..gsub(gsub(UnitSex(\"player\"), \"^2\", \"his\"), \"^3\", \"her\")..\" help! here's what i need to continue: a steelcoil bumber-bitzel a 17-guage ice-spanner 12 pounds of duck feathers a jar of that glue you make thanks a lot felnok, and when we see each other again remind me not to put coal in your boots! -tinkee "]="Ahoj Felnoku! Moje studie v Burning Steppes postupují skvìle.  A já dlu¾ím "..strlower(UnitName("player")).." hodnì za gjeho:její; pomoc!  Tady je to co potøebuji pro pokraèování: Ocelocívkový bumber-bitzel, A 17-guage ice-spanner, 12 liber kachního peøí a sklenici toho lepidla, co jsi vyrobil. Díky moc Felnoku, a a¾ se pøí¹tì uvidíme pøipomeò mi abych nedával uhlí do tvých bot!- Tinkee",
    27 ["within just a few days of my visit i found myself tutoring the local children from the nearby farmlands. the lessons went so well that the town mayor commissioned me to run a school and construction has begun on a brand new schoolhouse! from silverpine to stormwind and now moonbrook -- who would have guessed i would see so much of azeroth!warm regards,stalvan mistmantle"]="U¾ v prvních dnech mé náv¹tìvy jsem zaèal uèit dìti z okolních farem. Vyuèování ¹lo tak dobøe, ¾e starosta mìsta mì opvìøil rozbìhnutím vzdìlávání a zaèala stavba zbrusu nové ¹koly! Z Silverspinu do Stormwindu a nyní Moonbrook -- Kdo by tu¹il ¾e toho uvidím z Azerothu tolik!\r\n\r\nS vøelým pozdravem,\r\n\r\nStalvan Mistmantle",
    28 ["find me these items and return to gadgetzan with them all, along with this ledger, and i will reward you. "]="Najdi mi tyto pøedmìty a vra» je do Gadgetzanu i s tìmi ostatními, a já tì odmìním.",
    29 ["[the words below were quickly scrawled on the back of the deed]we leaned on furlbrow and got his deed. thought it might be handy if you wanted to forge one of these for your own place. the furlbrows won't give us trouble. last i saw them they were on their way out of westfall, stuck with a broken wagon."]="[slova ní¾e jsou rychle naèmáraná na zadní stranì skutku]\r\n\r\nOpírali jsme se o Furlbrow a dostal jeho skutek. My¹lenka, kterou to by mohlo být ¹ikovné jestli chcete tvoøit jedna z tìchto pro va¹e vlastní místo. Furlbrows nedá nám problém. Naposled vidìl já jsem oni byli na jejich cestì do Westfall , pøilepený na rozbitý nákladní vùz..",
    30 ["artorius the doombringer: artorius brings corruption and doom to all that he touches in winterspring. find him, kill him."]="Artorius Doombringer \"Zkázono¹\" :\r\n\r\n Artorius pøivedl korupci a zkázu v¹ude kam vstoupil ve Winterspringu. Najdi ho, zbíj ho.",
    31 ["upon hearing the magocrats' news of demonic activity in dalaran, the elves quickly dispatched their mightiest wizards to the human lands. the elven wizards studied the energy currents in dalaran and made detailed reports of all demonic activity that they beheld. they concluded that although there were only a few demons loose in the world, the legion itself would remain a dire threat so long as humans continued to wield the forces of magic. "]="Na sly¹ení v Magocrats\' zpráva o démoní aktivitì v Dalaranu, skøítci rychle poslali jejich nejmocnìj¹ího èarodìje do lidské zemì. Skøítci èarodìj studoval smìr energii  v Dalaranu a vyrobil podrobnou  zprávu o ve¹keré démoní èinnosti kterou spatøil. Napsal ¾e tøeba¾e tam bylo pouze pár démonù ztracených v svìtì. Legie by  zùstala hroznou hrozbu jen pokud budou lidé stále ovládat vojska z magie. ",
    32 ["wisdom comes in many shapes, but always flows from the crystals."]="Moudrost pøichází v mnoha smìrech, ale v¾dycky pramení èistá.",
    33 ["when all else fails, it's time to bail."]="Kdy¾ v¹echno ostatní sel¾e, je èas uniknout.",
    34 ["do not stand at my grave and weep, i am not there, i do not sleep.i am in a thousand winds that blow, across northrend's bright and shining snow.i am the gentle showers of rain, on westfall's fields of golden grain.i am in the morning hush, of stranglethorn's jungle, green and lush.i am in the drums loud and grand, the thunderous hooves across nagrand.i am the stars warmly gleaming, over darnassus softly dreaming.i am in the birds that sing, i am in each lovely thing.do not stand at my grave and cry, i am not there. i do not die."]=" Nestùjte nad mým hrobem a neplaète, já tam nejsem ,já nespím.\r\n Já jsem v thousand winds tam vaji, napøíè Northrend\'s svìtlý a lesklý sníh.\r\n Já jsem ten urozený de¹», na Westfall\'s polích pozlacené obilí.\r\n Já jsem zrána ticho, ve  Stranglethorn\'s d¾ungli, zeleò a chtíè.\r\n Já jsem v bubnech hlasitým a impozantním, burácivým kopytem napøíè Nagrandem.\r\n Já jsem hvìzdy vroucí svit, nad Darnasem lehké snìní.\r\n Já jsem v ptácích jejich zpìv, Já jsem v ka¾dé rozko¹né vìci.\r\n Nestùjte nad mým hrobem a neplaète, já tam nejsem . \r\n já nezemøu.",
    35 ["i have sent you a force of considerable size, elder, but you must take care in your activities. your first priority will be to halt the advance of the alliance curs into our lands. some of the more adventurous humans have already started the construction of a large building on the border with the barrens.see to it that they know their kind are not welcome beyond the borders of their wretched theramore. lastly, a word of caution to you, elder: do not make your plans known to the ogres of brackenwall. those brutes are incapable of even the slightest hint of discretion.- agashem"]="Poslal sem ti sílu znaèného rozmeru, star¹í, ale musí¹ dávat pozor na své èinnosti.  Va¹í hlavní prioritou bude zastavit  pokroky aliance zaklít na¹i zem. Nìkteøí z odvá¾ných lidí ji¾ zaèali stavìt rozsáhlou budovu na hranici Barrens.\r\n\r\nPostarej se aby vìdìli ¾e jejich rod není vítan za hranice jejich ubohého Theramoru.  Na závìr, poznámka obezøetnosti pro vás, Star¹í: neøíkejte o svých plánech orkùm z Brackenwall. Ta zvíøata jsou neschopná dokonce podceòují radu z úsudku.\r\n\r\n- Agashem",
    36 ["by moon and fire, by flesh and bone, scribed in blood, carved in stone. leave this place or meet your doom death stands guard over the emperor's tomb. "]="U mìsíce a ohnì, U masa a kosti, vyryt v krvi, vytesán v kameni. Odejdi odsud nebo se setká¹ se zkázou smrt má hlídku nad vládcovým náhrobkem. ",
    37 ["someday be reunited with his wife and children.morgan would eventually return to his homeland, but find it nothing like how he remembered it. the once verdant forest was corrupted and teemed with the undead and other dark forces. destroyed houses and farms could be found everywhere, and the cemetary near raven's hill now dominated much of the area. a shocked and bewildered morgan eventually made his way to his home, only to find it in ruins. not knowing what had befallen his homeland, he"]="Jednou se opìt schledá s jeho ¾enou a dìtmi.\r\n\r\nMorgan se vrátil do své vlasti, ale nena¹el tu nic tak jak si pamatoval. Zelený les je zka¾ený a hem¾í se nemrtvými a temnou armádou. Znièené domy a farmy v¹ude kolem, a høbitov blízko Havraního kopce teï dominuje velké oblasti. ©okovaný a rozpaèitý Morgan koneènì najde cestu k svému domovu, jen ho najde v rujnách. Nepochopil co se stalo s jeho vlastí.",
    38 ["seek a higher path in life. that way, you can avoid low-lifes."]="Vyhledávejte nejvy¾¹í cestu v ¾ivotì. Tímto zpùsobem, se mù¾ete vyhnout nízkému-¾ivotu.",
    39 ["you will make an enemy today, and promptly kill it."]="Dnes se setkáte s nepøítelem, a hbitì ho zabijete.",
    40 ["let sleeping gronn lie."]="Dovolte spícímu gronovi lhát",
    41 ["you have been chosen by the great metal hand in the sky! now get to work."]="Byl jste vybrán velkou kovovou rukou na obloze! Teï zpátky do práce.",
    42 ["drunkenness is next to godliness."]="Opilost je takøka zbo¾nost.",
    43 ["you are special, no matter what your friends, relatives, associates, random strangers, or your conscience may tell you."]="Jste zvlástní, nezále¾í kdo jsou vasi pøátelé, pøíbuzní, partneøi, náhodní cizinci, nebo va¹e svìdomí mo¾ná øekne vy.",
    44 ["your inclination for dancing brings a smile to everyone's face."]="Va¹e záliba pro tanec pøinese úsmìv do ka¾dé tváøe.",
    45 ["lucky numbers: 13 9 17 4 n"]="¹tastná èísla: 13 9 17 4 n",
    46 ["you will meet someone special tomorrow, so remember: you draw more friends with kindness than clubbing them to death."]="Zítra se seká¹ s nìkým zvlá¹tním, tak¾e si pamatuj: poznáte více pøátel laskavostí, ne¾-li uklábosením k smrti.",
    47 ["two heads are better than one! then you'll always have a friend."]="Dvì hlavy jsou lep¹í ne¾ jedena! Tak¾e mìj poka¾dé nejakého pøítele.",
    48 ["you need not fear with a head full of beer!"]="Nemusíte mít strach s hlavou plnou piva!",
    49 ["put up your sword, your maul, and your lance. the crystals have told us to give peace a chance."]="Zvedni svùj meè, svou palici, a své kopí. Krystál nám øekl dejte míru ¹anci.",
    50 ["don't despair. your special ogre is out there somewhere."]="Nezoufej. Tvùj zvlá¹tní ork je tam nìkde venku .",
    51 ["in the name of our great master... for the glory of illidan!mor'ghor,i send this wretch to you now as a servant of illidan. while he has no future as a death knight, you may find that he has skills suitable to your liking. beat him into submission. shape him into a warrior of the illidari.and should he fail... should he show weakness... discard him. to the pits!lord teron gorefiend"]="Ve jménu na¹eho velikého mistra... Pro slávu Illidana!\r\n\r\nMor\'ghor,\r\n\r\nPo¹lu tohoto ubo¾áka, vám jako slu¾ebníka Illidana. Zatímco on nemá ¾ádnou budoucnost jako rytíø smrti, zjistíte ¾e má zku¹enosti vhodné va¹emu vkusu. Pøepracujte ho do pokory. Pøetvoøte ho na váleèníka Illidari.\r\n\r\nA pokud sel¾e... pokud ukázì slabou stránku... vhodte ho.do ¹achet!\r\n\r\nLord Teron Gorefiend",
    52 ["stupid,find food. blue taste good. lantresor say it ok. bring food back to lump. lump eat first then stupid eat. ok? go fast or lump eat you.-lump"]="Hlupáku,\r\n\r\nLantresor øíká, ¾e je v¹e v poøádku. Pøines jídlo zpìt Lumpovi. Lump jí první pak jedí hlupáci. Jasné? Jdi rychle, nebo Lump sní tebe.\r\n\r\n-Lump",
    53 ["isalien, continued... unfortunately, as she and her companion hippogryph, empyrean, were entering the city, they were assailed by alzzin the wildshaper and his minions. there she fell, never to rise again. perhaps it is for the best that isalien never unlocked any further secrets from the evil magic that lord valthalak put into containing a portion of his essence in the amulet. the open-aired chamber where alzzin resides is one of these haunted loci."]="ISALIEN, pokraèuje... \r\n\r\n Nane¹tìstí, jak ona tak její spoleèník hipogryf, Empyrean,vstoupili do mìsta, Chtejí zaùtoèit na Alzina z Wildshaperu a jeho oblíbence. Je tvrdo¹ijná, nikdy nevstane z mrtvých. Mo¾ná je dobøe ¾e Isalien nikdy neuvolnil ¾ádné dal¹í tajemství temné magie kterou Lord Valthalak vlo¾il do samotné podstaty amuletu. \r\n\r\n Pod vìtrem o¹lehanou komnatou, kde Alzzin bydlel je jeden z tìchto zakletých amuletù.",
    54 ["mor grayhoof tauren druid and first to fall mor grayhoof was ever a stalwart and trusted companion within the veiled blade. it is unfortunate that he was the first to fall to lord valthalak's evil minions. as we fled from valthalak, we were being pursued by a veritable army of his spectral assassins and stalkers. the flight from blackrock spire was chaotic, to say the least. unfortunately along the way, mor somehow lost his footing, though i suspect that he was pushed. in any case, he fell down in to the recesses of the lower portion of the spire."]="Mor GRAYHOOF \r\n\r\n Tauren Druid a první kdo neuspìl \r\n\r\n MOR Grayhoof byl v¾dy odvá¾ný a dùvìrný spoleèník se svou zastøenou èepelí. Je politování hodné, ¾e byl první kdo se dal do boje s Lordem Valthalakem zlím sluhou. \r\n\r\n Kdy¾ jsme utíkali od Valthala, byli jsme stíháni skuteènou armádou jeho stra¹idelných vrahù a stopaøù. Boj o Blackrock Spire byl zmatený, a to pøi nejmen¹ím. Bohu¾el po cestì, Mor nìjak stratil své pevné postavení, aè tu¹ím ¾e byl strèen. V ka¾dém pøípadì, spadl z výkleneku dolní èásti Spire.",
    55 ["mor grayhoof, continued... later, we discovered that mor had actually survived the fall. but there was to be no happy ending for my good friend; he was taken prisoner by the trolls of tazz'alaor. not long after, as he was being tortured by war master voone, a group of valthalak's assassins jumped in and finished the job. should you seek to raise the echo of mor grayhoof's spirit, war master voone's chamber is a haunted location."]="MOR GRAYHOOF, pokraèoval...\r\n\r\n pozdìji, jsme odhalili ¾e Mor vlastnì pøeèkal porá¾ku. Ale nebyl to ¾ádný ¹tastný konec pro mého dobrého pøítele; byl uvìznìn troly z Tazz\'Alaoru. Nedlouho poté, co byl muèen váleèným mistrem Voonem, vbìhla skupina Valthalakovích vrahù dovnitø a ukonèili svou práci. \r\n\r\n Mohl by si najít v ozvìnì Mor Grayhoorova ducha. Komora váleèníka Voona je stra¹idelné místo.",
    56 ["hello william, it's been years since we've spoken, but i trust you and your brother are well, and that your apothecary thrives. i must ask a favor of you, william. in short, my grandson tommy joe has lost his heart to young maybell maclure. and although they adore each other... our families, well our families have been feuding for years. "]="Zdravím tì Williame, Je tomu u¾ mnoho let, co jsme spolu naposledy mluvili, ale vìøím, ¾e se tobì i tvému bratru daøí, a ¾e va¹e lékárna vzkvétá. Musím tì poprosit o laskavost, Williame.  Ve zkratce, mùj vnuk Tommy Joe se zamiloval do dívky jménem Maybell Maclure.  A i kdy¾ se oba milují... na¹e rodiny... no, na¹e rodiny spolu bojují léta.\r\n\r\n",
    57 ["mill. "]="drtit. ",
    58 ["survey the extent of the islands and report back. remember, do not get caught! do not fail me, candress! s."]="Podívej se na ostrovy a podej mi zprávu.\r\n\r\nNezapomeò nenech se chytit!\r\n\r\nNezklam mnì Candressi!\r\n\r\nS.",
    59 };if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+57;
     2["a moon over the vale shinescasting its glow upon the junglewhere proud warriors heed the callto defend our nation and sacred grounds. a moon over the vale shinesfar above the cries of battlewhere blood is spilledof foe and comrade alike."]="Mesiac nad Údolím žiari,\r\nPonad džungľu svoju žiaru kúzli,\r\nKde hrdí Bojovníci na volanie sú pripravení\r\nA obranu nášho Domova a Svätej zeme zrodení.\r\n\r\nMesiac nad Údolím žiari,\r\nVysoko nad plačom bitky,\r\nKde zemou krv steká\r\nZ nepriateľa, a ako i nášho druha.",
     3["and when our brethren passinto realms beyond the knownthe soul-spirit hardensdeep beneath the vale.and when our brethren passinto the mountain's templewe shall protect their eternal spiritencased within the holy blue crystal.and when our brethren passa moon over the vale shines."]="Keď naši bratia odídu,\r\nDo ríše nepoznaného,\r\nPrízrak duše silnie,\r\nV Údolí hlboko temným.\r\n\r\nKeď naši bratia odídu,\r\nDo Chrámu Hory,\r\nBrániť budeme ich prízraky,\r\nV žiari svätého kryštálu.\r\n\r\nKeď naši bratia odídu,\r\nMesiac nad Údolím žiari.",
     4["and when our brethren pass into realms beyond the known the soul-spirit hardens deep beneath the vale. and when our brethren pass into the mountain's temple we shall protect their eternal spirit encased within the holy blue crystal. and when our brethren pass a moon over the vale shines. "]="Keď naši bratia odídu, do ríše nepoznaného, prízrak duše silnie v Údolí hlboko temným. A keď naši bratia odídu, do Chrámu Hory, brániť budeme ich prízraky v žiari svätého kryštálu. A keď naši bratia odídu,\r\nMesiac nad Údolím žiari.",
     5["[the words below were quickly scrawled on the back of the deed] we leaned on furlbrow and got his deed. thought it might be handy if you wanted to forge one of these for your own place. the furlbrows won't give us trouble. last i saw them they were on their way out of westfall, stuck with a broken wagon. "]="[Slová ďalej boli rýchlo naškrtané na chrbát listiny]Opierame sa o Furlbrowa a mame jeho list. Myslím že by sa ti to zíšlo ak by si chcel ukovať niečo z toho pre svoje postavenie. Furlbrow nás nechce dostať do problému. Naposledy som ich videl ako ide po ceste z Westfallu, uviazli so svojim rozbitým vagónom.",
     6["master carevin, the bearer of this note has shown g himself : herself; to be upstanding in the light, capable of battling the undead and demons that plague the borders of duskwood, and willing to join the carevin family in their cause of light. i would thereby suggest that you give this warrior of the light further duties--perhaps to investigate some of the townsfolk that are under suspicion of succor to the enemies of the light. yours faithfully, calor "]="Majster Carevin, g držiteľ : držiteľka; tohoto zvitku g sam sebe : sama sebe; g dokázal : dokázala; bezúhonnosť  voči Svetlu, g schopný : schopná; boja proti nemrtvým a démonom, ktorí sužovali hranice Duskwoodu, a ochotu pripojiť sa ku Carevinovej rodine v ich veci Svetla. Týmto som usúdil, že by si dal g tomuto : tejto; g bojovníkovy : bojovníčke; Svetla ďalšie úlohy--napríklad prezkúmať niektorých obyvateľov mesta, ktori su pod podozrením z napomáhania nepriateľom Svetla. S úctou váš, Calor",
     7["lordaeron. morgan was called to the side of the legendary paladin uther the lightbringer to fight against the orcs and the undead. leaving his wife and children in the safety of his home, morgan left for war.the years passed and the war dragged on, and morgan would witness many horrific events, including the disbanding of the paladins of the silver hand, the death of uther and the spread of the plague. the only thing that kept him from the brink of madness was the knowledge that he would"]="Lordaeron. Morgan bol povolaný na stranu Uthera Lightbringera do boja proti orkom a nemrtvým. Opúštajuc svoju ženu, deti a bezpečie domova, odchádza Morgan do vojny.\r\n\r\nRoky uplynuli vojna sa vliekla, Morgan bol svedkom mnohých strašných udalostí, ako napríklad rozchod Paladinov Striebornej Ruky, smrť Uthera alebo rozšírenie nákazy. Jediná vec, ktorá ho držala späť od šialenstva, bolo vedomie, že",
     8["headed towards the village to find answers, and, he hoped, his wife and children.morgan inquired about his family, but could not find any answers. a priest in darkshire, as it was now called, said that he might search the cemetary at raven hill for a gravestone. morgan refused to believe that his family was dead, and continued to search every farm and house in duskwood, but to no avail.morgan rode from darkshire to nearby lakeshire, thinking that perhaps his family had fled. on his way"]="vydal sa na cestu priamo do osady nájsť odpovede, a nádejou, že aj svoju ženu a deti.\r\n\r\nMorgan bádal po svojej rodine, ale nemohol nájšť žiadne odpovede. Kňaž v Darkshire, ako bol teraz nazývaný, povedal, že by mal hľadať nájsť cintorín v Raven Hill, a tam pomník. Morgan odmietal uveriť tomu, že jeho rodina je mŕtva, a pokračoval v prehľadávani každej farmy a domu v Duskwoode, ale márne.\r\n\r\nMorgan odišiel z Darkshire to blízkeho mesta Lakeshire, v domnení, že možno jeho rodina utiekla. Na jeho ceste ",
     9["there, he decided, against his better judgement, to stop by the raven hill cemetary. morgan spent hours walking amongst the gravestones. he recognized many names of people that he knew and became more and more distraught. then he saw them: a small, untended plot amongst the many with three small gravestones. a feeling of dread washed over him as he approached. morgan brushed off the dust of the most prominent gravestone to reveal the name on it. simply carved upon the grave, letters spelled out"]="tam, sa rozhodol, napriek svojmu pevnému rozhodnutiu, zastaviť v Raven Hillskom cintoríne. Morgan strávil hodiny prechádzaním sa medzi nahrobnými kameňmi. Našiel mnoho mien ludí, ktorých poznal a bol stále viac a viac rozrušený. Potom ich uvidel, malý, neobývaný pozemok medzi mnohými dalšími s tromi malými náhrobkami. Pocit strachu a hrôzi sa nad ním vznášal ako sa približoval. Morgan očistil od prachu najväčší z náhrbkov aby odhalil meno, ktoré na ňom je.  Jednoducho vyryté písmená na hrobe, potvrdili",
     10["his worst fear:lys ladimorebeloved wife and mothermorgan's apprehension turned to dismay and then to grief, and he fell to his knees weeping. for hours he stared at that one grave, begging the cold stone for forgiveness and sobbing apologies. then, hours later, something in him snapped, and he began to lash out. he brought his sword out of its scabbard and began to rain blows on the gravestones, screaming in rage. blind in his fury, he lashed out and swung wildly, catching the notice"]="jeho najhoršie obavy:\r\n\r\nLys Ladimore\r\nMilovaná Žena a Matka\r\n\r\nMorganova úzkosť sa premenila na zdesenie a postupne na úplnu úzkosť, padol na kolená s plačom. Hodiny klačal pri tomto náhrobku, ospravedlňoval sa a prosil tento chladný kameň s plačom o odpustenie. Potom, až prešli hodiny, niečo sa v ňom zlomilo a on začal zúriť. Vytiahol meč z pošvy a začal rozdavať rany náhrobku spolu so zúrivými výkrikmi. Oslepený jeho zlosťou sa neovládal a začal divoko mávať, upozorňujúc na seba",
     11["of a trio of the cemetary's attendants. as they tried to restrain him, he turned his focus to them, hurling accusations of guilt upon the innocent attendants, then killed them all.later, when the rage had passed, realization crept into morgan's mind, and he saw his bloody sword driven into the chests of one of the attendants. driven to the brink by his emotions, he removed his belt knife and plunged it into his heart.morgan ladimore's body and the three bodies of his victims were found"]="trojicu návštevníkov cintorína. Keď sa ho snažili skrotiť, zameral sa na nich, obviňujúc nevynných návštevníkov z toho čo sa stalo, ich všetkých zabil.\r\n\r\nNeskôr, keď zúrivosť opadla, si Morgan uvedomil čo spravil, a uvidel svoj skrvavený meč zapichnutý v hrudi jedného z trojice hostí. Dohnaný na okraj šialenstva svojími emóciami, vzal nôž a zabodol si ho do srdca.\r\n\r\nMorgan Ladimoreove telo a tri jeho obete boli nájdene ",
     12["the next day. he was quickly buried, without ceremony, in a hastily dug grave on the outskirts of the cemetary. because morgan committed murder against innocents, something that went completely against his beliefs and his nature, and because of the grief that he held in being unable to save his family, morgan could not die a peaceful death, and lived on as one of the restless dead.only days later, his grave was disturbed, and his body could not be found. the being that was morgan now"]="na druhý deň. Bol rýchlo pochovaný, bez ceremónií, narýchlo vykopanom hrobe na okraji cintorína. Pretože sa Morgan dopustil vraždy proti nevynným, niečo, čo bolo proti jeho svedomiu a povahe, a kôli žiaľu z toho, že nedokázal uchrániť svoju rodinu, nemohol Morgan zomrieť pokojnou smrťou, a žil ako jeden z nepokojných bezduchých.\r\n\r\nMálo dni potom, bol jeho hrob narušený a jeho telo sa nedokázalo nájsť. Bytosť, ktorou bol teraz Morgan",
     13["wanders duskwood, consumed by his grief over the loss of his wife and children and his own self-hatred. mor'ladim, as he now calls himself, roams duskwood with mindless vengeance and hatred, and has been known to commit murder indiscriminately."]="blúdila Duskwoodom, zožieraný vlastným žiaľom nad stratou svojej ženy a detí a svojej vlastnej sebanenávisti. Mor\'Ladim, ako nazýval sám seba, sa potuloval Duskwoodom s nezmyselnou túžbou po pomste a nenávisťou, a bol známy ako nemilosrdný vrah.",
     14["the terror of these past few weeks is almost more than i can bear; yet, i feel that by writing down that which i've seen i will somehow be comforted. so i do it, and it is the only comfort i have these bleak days."]="Hrôzu posledných dní som takmer nemohol zniesť; cezto cítim, že zapísaním toho, čo som videl môžem nájsť aspoň aký taký pokoj. Tak som to spravil. A to bolo jedinou útechou, ktorú v týchto pochmúrnych dňoch mám.",
     15["day one the apprentice and i have arrived in coldridge valley today. the trip through the cave was mostly uneventful. we made camp a good distance away from the cave we're told the trolls have gathered in. day two bloody wolf howling almost kept me up all night. i will have new wolfhide clothing in a few days. the lad got tangled up with a trogg today, put up a fight, and "]="DEŇ PRVÝ Spolu s učňom sme dnes dorazili do Coldridge Valley. Cesta skrz jaskyňu bola väčšinou bezproblémová. Založili sme tábor v dostatočnej vzdialenosti od jaskyňe kde sa zhromaždili trolovia. DEŇ DRUHÝ Krvylačný vlk stále zavýja a tak nemôžem spať celú noc. Asi budem mať nové oblečenie z vlčej kože. Mladík sa dnes zaplietol s troggom, začal bitku, a",
     16[". . .most strange and uncontrollable feeling. never have i felt the way i did today. whilst assisting giles with his history lesson, tilloa was outside tending to the flower garden. after a few minutes she came inside and placed a scarlet begonia in my open palm and smiled at me in such a way that my heart felt as though it was trembling within my chest. . . ."]="...veľmi čudný a nekontrolovateľný pocit. Nikdy mám pocitovanou cestu, která ja spravil dnes.   Zatiaľ čo Giles pomáha s jeho lekciami histórie, Tilloa sa vonku starala o kvety.  Po niekoľkých minútach prišla dnu a položila šarlátovu begóniu do mojej otvorenej dlane. Usmievala sa na mňa takým zpôsobom, že moje srdce bilo až sa mi chvela hruď....",
     17[". . .most certain that she shares the same feelings for me now. she even placed her hand on mine this morning. when she smiles, her eyes light up like glittering diamonds. unspoken words pass between us. i can feel her in my pounding heart and heated veins."]="...som si istý že cití to iste ku mne. Dokonca dnes ráno položila svoju ruku na tú moju. Keď sa usmiaja, jej oči žiarili ako iskrivé diamanty. Rozprávali sme sa bez slov. Cítim ju vo svojom divoko bijúcom srdci a vriacej krvi, ktorá tečie mojimi žilami.",
     18[". . .anger and fury the likes of which i never knew existed! how dare she. as i was instructing giles in the meaning of numbers, tilloa appears before me with a suitor, holding hands in public nonetheless! what an uncouth young man. rather than introduce me properly, tilloa simply said, ?oh that's just my tutor, uncle stalvan. he's a nice old man.? old! at that word my cheeks flushed with heat. i am but a few years older and yet she betrays. . ."]="...zlosť a nenávisť akú som nikdy nepoznal existovala! Ako sa odvažuje. Keď som učil Gilesa ako pochopiť význam čísel, Tilloa sa objavila predo mnou s nápadníkom, držiac sa za ruky na verejnosti akoby nič! Aký neohrabaný mladík. Radšej akoby ma mala poriadne predstaviť, Tilloa jednoducho povedala, ?Ó toto je iba môj učiteľ, strýko Stalvan. Je to milý starý muž.? Starý! Pri týchto slovách mi vrela krv v žilách. Som len o niekoľko rokov starší a predsa ma zradila...",
     19[". . .most strange and uncontrollable feeling. never have i felt the way i did today. whilst assisting giles with his history lesson, tilloa was outside tending to the flower garden. after a few minutes she came inside and placed a scarlet begonia in my open palm and smiled at me in such a way that my heart felt as though it was trembling within my chest. . . . "]="...veľmi čudný a nekontrolovateľný pocit. Nikdy mám pocitovanou cestu, která ja spravil dnes.   Zatiaľ čo Giles pomáha s jeho lekciami histórie, Tilloa sa vonku starala o kvety.  Po niekoľkých minútach prišla dnu a položila šarlátovu begóniu do mojej otvorenej dlane. Usmievala sa na mňa takým zpôsobom, že moje srdce bilo až sa mi chvela hruď....",
     20["tommy joe - with each passing hour, my heart withers from your absence. oh, if only our folks could see beyond the silly crimes they have done to each other, and know that the only true crime is hate. hate consumes, and i fear in these dimming times that hate will take hold of more than just our families. if they realized this then we could, at long last, be together. it is for that day i hope, and for that day i live. your love, maybell "]="Tommy Joe - každou hodinou bez vás, moje srdce umiera. Ó, kiež by naši príbuzní videli za hlúpe zločiny, ktorých sa dopustili jeden druhému a vedeli, že jediným skutočným zločinom je nenávisť. Nenávisť požiera, a ja mám strach, že v týchto pochmúrnych časoch nenávisť ovplyvní viac ako len našu rodinu. Ak si toto uvedomia, potom budeme môcť, konečne, byť spolu. To je ten deň, v ktorý dúfam, a pre ktorý žijem. Tvoja milovaná, Maybell ",
     21["argus, as you know, i'm up to my neck in repair requests from the army. i can't complain about all the work, but it's depleting my supply of iron.i don't have enough iron for horseshoes. i know you always keep a large stock--i'd like to borrow 50 pairs of shoes until i get my next shipment of iron.you have my gratitude,-verner"]="Argus,\r\n\r\nAko vieš, som pokrk v opravách, ktoré odo mňa požaduje Armáda. Nemôžem sa sťažovať na prácu, ale vyčerpáva to moje zásoby železa.\r\n\r\nNémam už dosť železa ani na ukovanie podkovy pre koňa. Viem, že si vždy držíš veľké zásoby--rád by som si požičial 50 párov topánok, do doby kým nedorazí moja ďalšia zásielka železa.\r\n\r\nMáš moju vďaku,\r\n-Verner",
     22["the loss of stonewatch keep was very grave. in previous reports i detailed for you the alliance between the blackrock clan of orcs and the warlock known as morganth. the blackrock orcs fought with horrific savagery, undoubtedly fueled by the evil magic of morganth. many of his majesty's most valiant soldiers perished trying to defend the keep but ultimately nothing could be done. "]="Strata Stonewatch Keep bola vážna. V predošlích správach som ti podrobne napísal o spojenectve medzi Orkským Klanom Blackrock a Čiernokňažníkom známym ako Morganth. Orkovia z klanu Blackrock bojoval strašne surovo, bezpochyby pod vplyvom temnéj mágie Morgantha. Mnoho udatných vojakov Jeho Veličenstva padlo pri pokusoch ubrániť Stonewatch Keep, vôbec nič nezmohli.",
     23["i stepped slowly forward, gun raised. i had led these brave hunters to their death. i would die defending them. lashtail raptors are particularly fierce, known for their unrelenting blood-thirst. they far outnumbered us. but i would be damned if i let them kill me and my comrades without shedding some of their own blood first. "]="Kráčal som pomaly vpred so zdvihnutou zbraňou.  Viedol som týchto odvážnych lovcov na smrť.  Mal som radšej zomrieť pri ich záchrane.  Lashtail Raptors sú obzvlášť zúriví, sú známi pre ich krutú krvilačnosť.  Bolo ich oveľa viac ako nás.  Ale nedopustil som, aby mňa a mojich parťákov zabili skôr ako by som nevylial ich vlastnú krv. ",
     24};if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+22;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.