Jan 24, 2008, 9:04:39 PM (17 years ago)

Pokyny hlasování, odkaz na verze textů, struktura

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  • quests/structure/quests.sql

    r245 r262  
     2SQLyog Community Edition- MySQL GUI v5.22a
     3Host - 5.0.27-community-log : Database - quests
     5Server version : 5.0.27-community-log
    2 --
    3 -- Struktura tabulky `quests`
    4 --
    5 -- Vytvoøení: Úterý 15. ledna 2008, 17:26
    6 -- Poslední zmìna: Ètvrtek 17. ledna 2008, 22:00
    7 -- Poslední kontrola: Úterý 15. ledna 2008, 17:26
    8 --
    10 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `quests` (
     9/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
     11/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=''*/;
     13USE `quests`;
     18/*Table structure for table `quests` */
     20CREATE TABLE `quests` (
    1121  `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    1222  `entry` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    2131  `ObjectiveText3` text character set latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL,
    2232  `ObjectiveText4` text character set latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs NOT NULL,
    23   `Language` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
     33  `Language` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    2434  `Vote` float NOT NULL default '0',
    2535  `CountVote` int(11) NOT NULL,
    3040  KEY `entry` (`entry`),
    3141  KEY `User` (`User`)
    34 -- --------------------------------------------------------
     44/*Data for the table `quests` */
     46insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1,1,'The \"Chow\" Quest (123)aa','$Tpunk;!  Kill Kobold Vermin, 2 of em. NEW TEST AGAIN','Kill Kobold Vermin, 2 of em.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     47insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2,2,'Sharptalon\'s Claw','The mighty hippogryph Sharptalon has been slain, with the claw of the felled beast serving as a testament to your victory.  Senani Thunderheart at the Splintertree Post will no doubt be interested in seeing this trophy as proof of your deeds.','Bring Sharptalon\'s Claw to Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.','Most impressive, $N... the claw of Sharptalon could not have been easy to get! The Ashenvale Hunt goes well for you!$B$BSharptalon had long terrorized the peons from the lumber camps near its path as they tried to travel here to Splintertree Post. No doubt once the word gets out that it was you who put down the beast, many rousing songs of your bravery will be heard at campfires and lumber mills across Ashenvale!','Yes, mighty $C, I sensed your arrival. I trust you have more news to report to me about your hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     48insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3,5,'Jitters\' Growling Gut','I\'ve been stuck hiding in this ghost town for weeks, and I haven\'t eaten anything but grubs and weeds!  I need some decent food, and I\'m willing to trade well for it.$B$BBring me a feast and I\'ll pay you handsomely.$B$BI heard Chef Grual at the Scarlet Raven Tavern in Darkshire makes very good Dusky Crab Cakes...','Speak with Chef Grual.','You need some Crab Cakes, do you? Well I might be able to cook some up for you...','Oh, a shipment from my brother? Splendid! Fortune truly shines on me today!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     49insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4,6,'Bounty on Garrick Padfoot','Garrick Padfoot - a cutthroat who\'s plagued our farmers and merchants for weeks - was seen at a shack near the vineyards, which lies east of the Abbey and across the bridge.  Bring me the villain\'s head, and earn his bounty!$B$BBut be wary, $N.  Garrick has gathered a gang of thugs around him.  He will not be an easy man to reach.','Kill Garrick Padfoot and bring his head to Deputy Willem at Northshire Abbey.','Hah - you caught him! You\'ve done Elwynn a great service, and earned a nice bounty!','Did you find Garrick\'s shack? Are we finally free of that villain?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     50insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5,7,'Kobold Camp Cleanup','Your first task is one of cleansing, $N.  A clan of kobolds have infested the woods to the north.  Go there and fight the kobold vermin you find.  Reduce their numbers so that we may one day drive them from Northshire.','Kill 10 Kobold Vermin, then return to Marshal McBride.','Well done, citizen. Those kobolds are thieves and cowards, but in large numbers they pose a threat to us. And the humans of Stormwind do not need another threat.$B$BFor defeating them, you have my gratitude.','How goes the hunting, $N? Have you found and defeated those vermin?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     51insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6,8,'A Rogue\'s Deal','Hey, mate! Do a favor for a young man who\'s been fighting more than his fair share of mindless zombies and spiders?$B$BI got this here letter that needs to go to Brill... to an innkeeper named Renee something-or-other. Don\'t really matter none what her last name is.$B$BAnyway, it\'s a nice cozy little place full of victims of the plague trying to make their way in the world. And it be a great spot for you to rest too if the need arises. You should check it out... you do and I\'ll pay you well.','Deliver the Nondescript Letter to Innkeeper Renee in Tirisfal Glades.','Oh? A letter? Wonderful news! I\'ve been waiting on word from my dear old mother in Deathknell. Such a saint, she is. I wonder how she\'s holding up.$b$bWhat? Too cheery? Not buying it, are you?$b$bWell, get lost then... it\'s really no business who the letter\'s from anyway. Go on! Get lost!$b$bCome back when you\'ve got some coin to spend... loafer.$b$bNext thing you know, you\'ll be coming back to rest after a long days adventure or some stupid thing like that.','Yes? Yes? What is it?$b$bFor a race of people who don\'t need to breathe underwater, they certainly do have huge appetites. Make yourself at home... make yourself at home. My name\'s Renee if you need anything at all.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     52insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (7,9,'The Killing Fields','Look at what has happened to this place!  These lands were once occupied by good farm folk.  But the damned thieves have driven them all off.  Not me, though!  But it seems some Harvest Watchers have taken over the fields.$b$bIf you\'re up for the work, I\'d like you to go out and kill twenty of them.  Come back when you\'re done for your pay.  If you finish up with the ones in my field, clear them from the neighboring fields as well.','Farmer Saldean wants you to kill 20 Harvest Watchers.','Good work, friend. You have earned your pay well. Who knows, perhaps Westfall will prosper once again.','Ah, I see you\'re back! I hope you\'ve been hard at work clearing those fields of those Harvest Watchers. Have you killed twenty yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     53insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (8,10,'The Scrimshank Redemption','Oh, this is just terrible!  I sent out my top assistant, Junior Surveyor Scrimshank, into the desert southeast of here.  That\'s an area we call the Gaping Chasm.  Well, he\'s gone missing, and his last report had more of those weird bugs where he was.  Could it be that they\'ve infested two major regions of the desert now?$B$BI need you to head into the Gaping Chasm and look for Scrimshank, please!  That... or at least find his surveying equipment.  I fear that may be all that is left of the poor sod.','Discover the fate of Junior Surveyor Scrimshank, and bring either him or his surveying equipment to Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser in Gadgetzan.','He was a good goblin, young Scrimshank.  Let\'s hope that his demise was not in vain by what he was able to record with his surveying equipment.$B$BIt seems as though we have quite the situation on our hands here with these bugs.  They\'re way too cunning for their own good, and the research we\'ve done so far is shaping up to indicate that they might even be under the controlling influence of a third party!  If this is the case, then it bodes ill for not only Gadgetzan, but the whole desert!','Well, what news do you have?  You look like you\'ve been in quite the fight... is Scrimshank alive?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     54insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (9,11,'Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty','Gnolls, brutish creatures with no decent business in these lands, have been seen along the borders of Elwynn Forest.  A large pack of them, many more than we can handle alone, have infested the woods south of the guard tower yonder.  Another group has infested the areas near Stone Cairn Lake to the east.$B$BThe Stormwind Army will commend whomever helps kill them.  Bring me their painted gnoll armbands as proof of your deed.','Bring 8 Painted Gnoll Armbands to Deputy Rainer at the Barracks.','I see you\'ve been busy! You have our thanks, $N.','Hail, $N. Have you been killing Gnolls...?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     55insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (10,12,'The People\'s Militia','The People\'s Militia has but one goal:  To defend the lands of Westfall and return peace to our surroundings.  Unfortunately, the price of peace is often blood. $b$bOne of my scouts has brought word of a band of Defias Trappers wreaking havoc nearby.  I have reports of Defias Trapper sightings near the Jangolode Mine to the Northwest as well as at the Molsen Farm and Furlbrow\'s Pumpkin Farm. If you seek to join our ranks, slay 15 Defias Trappers and 15 Defias Smugglers then return to me.','Gryan Stoutmantle wants you to kill 15 Defias Trappers and 15 Defias Smugglers then return to him on Sentinel Hill.','Well done, $N. My scout witnessed your valiant acts. You are proving yourself quite well so far.','Perhaps I did not make myself clear, pledge. In order to prove your worth as a servant to The People\'s Militia and to the Light you need to slay 15 Defias Trappers and 15 Defias Smugglers then return to me when the deed is done.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     56insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (11,13,'The People\'s Militia','A band of vicious Defias Pillagers has been seen plundering the Gold Coast Quarry, Moonbrook and the Alexston Farmstead.  The People\'s Militia will not stand for such behavior.  Dispatch immediately, $n, and make the Light\'s presence known in Westfall.$b$bThe Gold Coast Quarry is near the shore, to the West of the tower.  As the next step of your training, I want you to kill 15 of those foul Defias Pillagers and 15 Defias Looters.','Gryan Stoutmantle wants you to kill 15 Defias Pillagers and 15 Defias Looters and return to him on Sentinel Hill.','Your worth to The People\'s Militia has been validated by your brave acts thus far.','We have not time to talk, $N. The Defias Pillagers are denying the people of Westfall the peace and prosperity they deserve. Make sure at least 15 Defias Pillagers and 15 Defias Looters have been killed. That will send a clear message that corruption is not welcome here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     57insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (12,14,'The People\'s Militia','Some Defias have eluded us.  My most trusted scout reports that these Defias have been looting and pillaging the countryside, all the way into Southern Westfall.  We believe they are hiding out in the Dagger Hills, plotting their next move.   Slay the wretches in the name of The People\'s Militia.','Gryan Stoutmantle wants you to kill 15 Defias Highwaymen, 5 Defias Pathstalkers and 5 Defias Knuckledusters then return to him on Sentinel Hill.','When I left the tainted lands of Lordaeron I returned to a grim state of affairs here in my homeland. But there is hope for Westfall yet. As proven by your valor in battle, it is obvious to me that you serve our cause with honor. It is with great pride that I induct thee into The People\'s Militia. May the Light shine upon you.','$N, now is no time for idle chatter. If you still wish to prove yourself to The People\'s Militia you need to slay the Defias I notified you about earlier. Return to me when you have completed your duty.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     58insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (13,15,'Investigate Echo Ridge','$N, my scouts tell me that the kobold infestation is larger than we had thought.  A group of kobold workers has camped near the Echo Ridge Mine to the north.$B$BGo to the mine and remove them.  We know there are at least 10.  Kill them, see if there are more, then report back to me.','Kill 10 Kobold Workers, then report back to Marshal McBride.','I don\'t like hearing of all these kobolds in our mine. No good can come of this. Here, take this as payment, and when you\'re ready, speak to me again. I would like you to go back to the mines one more time...','Have you been to the mines? Are you ready to report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     59insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (14,16,'Give Gerard a Drink','Farming is thirsty work, and I\'m always looking for refreshing spring water.$B$BIf you have any, then I\'m willing to make a trade.','','Thanks, $N! And come back if you want to trade again.','Farming is thirsty work, and I\'m always looking for refreshing spring water.$B$BIf you have any, then I\'m willing to make a trade.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     60insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (15,17,'Uldaman Reagent Run','I\'ve heard about a newly discovered plant called the magenta fungus caps.  They grow in clusters at the Uldaman dig site and can be found in the early tunnels and deep within the less-explored areas.  I want to study their potential use in alchemy, and that\'s where you come in.$B$BFind the magenta cap clusters and bring me a dozen caps.  Be warned, the clusters may spew out poison spores if jostled.$B$BDo this for me, and I\'ll whip up a batch of one of my famous restorative elixirs for you!','Bring 12 Magenta Fungus Caps to Ghak Healtouch in Thelsamar.','Well done $N, you\'ve proven your worth once again! The caps will be an interesting study, yon verily!$B$BAnd now, as promised, enjoy a taste of one of my more potent restorative brews from my personal stock...$B$BIf you are a skilled alchemist, then perhaps we might have some additional business to conduct. Regardless, I thank you for your assistance!','Have you obtained the magenta fungus caps I need for my alchemical work? No caps - no reward!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     61insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (16,18,'Brotherhood of Thieves','Recently, a new group of thieves has been hanging around Northshire.  They call themselves the Defias Brotherhood, and have been seen across the river to the east.$B$BI don\'t know what they\'re up to, but I\'m sure it\'s not good!  Bring me the bandanas they wear, and I\'ll reward you with a weapon.','Bring 12 Red Burlap Bandanas to Deputy Willem outside the Northshire Abbey.','Back with some bandanas, I see. The Stormwind Army appreciates your help.','Have you gathered those bandanas for me yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     62insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (17,19,'Tharil\'zun','Blackrock Outrunners and Renegades are running ambushes between here and Stonewatch Keep.  The leader of the Outrunners is an orc named Tharil\'zun--we want this orc.  Bring me the head of Tharil\'zun!','Bring Tharil\'zun\'s Head to Marshal Marris in Redridge.','Tharil\'zun was a vicious, crafty orc. Well done - I\'m sure he didn\'t go down easy. Here is your reward, $N.','Orc pressure from Blackrock is still tense. But have you at least rid us of Tharil\'zun?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     63insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (18,20,'Blackrock Menace','The Blackrock orcs have travelled from the Burning Steppes and claimed Stonewatch Keep to the north.  From there they maraud the areas north of Lakeshire and keep its citizens in town, penned like cattle.$B$BHelp rid Lakeshire of this menace.  Kill these Blackrock orcs and bring me ten of their Battleworn Axes as proof.$B$BAnd although Blackrocks threaten us from the north, we\'ve received reports of more in the southeastern pocket of Redridge.  If you find any there, then they too should be hunted.','Bring 10 Battleworn Axes to Marshal Marris in Lakeshire.','That makes for a lot fewer orcs to worry about, thanks.','Have you been slaying orcs, $N? If so, then show me...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     64insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (19,21,'Skirmish at Echo Ridge','Your previous investigations are proof that the Echo Ridge Mine needs purging.  Return to the mine and help clear it of kobolds.$B$BWaste no time, $N.  The longer the kobolds are left unmolested in the mine, the deeper a foothold they gain in Northshire.','Kill 12 Kobold Laborers, then return to Marshal McBride at Northshire Abbey.','Once again, you have earned my respect, and the gratitude of the Stormwind Army. There may yet be kobolds in the mine, but I will marshal others against them. We have further tasks for you.','I know it\'s bloody work, $N, but it\'s vital to the safety of Northshire. Are you ready to report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     65insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (20,22,'Goretusk Liver Pie','The onions are peeled.  The garlic is minced.  The rosemary is crushed.  The crust has been baked.  The dill weed is chopped.  The gravy is simmering.  Now all I need for my famous meat pie are 8 Goretusk Livers!','Salma Saldean needs 8 Goretusk livers to make a Goretusk Liver Pie.','These are just perfect, $N! Thank you so much. Farmer Saldean and I are going to feast tonight. And here is a little something for you, for the hard work. You didn\'t think I was going to let a $C like you go hungry, did you?','All I need for my famous meat pie are 8 Goretusk Livers!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     66insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (21,23,'Ursangous\'s Paw','The paw of the mighty bear Ursangous is your trophy for this part of the Ashenvale Hunt.  On the paw is a small quarter-crescent emblem; the significance of the emblem remains a mystery.$B$BThe paw should be brought to Senani Thunderheart in Splintertree Post to prove that you have bested the mighty creature and completed this portion of the hunt.','Bring Ursangous\'s Paw to Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.','Ah, the paw of Ursangous! Your skill is impressive, $C; he is credited with numerous kills. The crescent on his paw is no doubt a sign that he was trained by the night elves that skulk about Ashenvale. Ursangous is... was one of the mightiest bears you\'d find in these parts. To have bested such a creature is a testament to your will and resolve.$b$bYour ancestors would be proud!','Ah - $N - I was just thinking about you! How goes your hunting?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     67insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (22,24,'Shadumbra\'s Head','The once swift Shadumbra now lies still as you claim victory over it.  The head of the slain nightsaber is a fitting trophy for this fight of the Ashenvale Hunt.  Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post will want to see such a trophy to award you credit for this part of the Ashenvale Hunt.','Bring Shadumbra\'s Head to Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.','A victory for $N in the Ashenvale Hunt! Well done - the head of Shadumbra is a fitting trophy to claim for such an impressive fight, no doubt.$b$bShadumbra\'s savagery was well known throughout the post here. Any trip to the west, especially on foot trying to get out to the Zoram Strand, was wrought with danger because of this tiger. Thanks to you, this danger has abated.','Greetings once again, $N! Have you come to show me proof of your hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     68insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (23,25,'Stonetalon Standstill','If you want to be useful, then why don\'t you do something about the situation near Talondeep Path?$B$BThe transports between Ashenvale and Stonetalon are at a standstill because of the lake coming alive and attacking anything that gets close... which means anyone on the path.  What\'d be even more useful than just putting the hammer down on the water elementals there is someone scouting the gazebo on Mystral Lake - the one that has a solid view of the Alliance outpost there.$B$BYou up for being useful?','Dispatch 12 Befouled Water Elementals at Mystral Lake, due east of the Talondeep Path and southwest of Splintertree Post.$B$BScout the gazebo on Mystral Lake that overlooks the nearby Alliance outpost.$B$BReturn to Mastok Wrilehiss at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.','Yeah, I heard that someone tore up the lake out there like a dust devil through the Barrens. From the sound of it too, we might be able to set up a possible observation area out there to keep an eye on our Alliance friends. Well, that is if we can keep it on the down low...$B$BLooks like you ended up being quite useful after all; the transports between here and Stonetalon should have an easier time of it. Take this - you\'ve earned it.','You back already? What\'s the situation out there - all cleared up now, thanks to you?','Scout the gazebo on Mystral Lake that overlooks the nearby Alliance outpost.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     69insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (24,26,'A Lesson to Learn','$N, I have been following your progress with much delight.  You are most assuredly developing yourself into a valued protector of nature.$B$BThe time has come for you to learn more about one of the various animal aspects that Cenarius has blessed us with the ability to change into - one that affords you command and mastery of the water.  For this, you must travel to the village of Nighthaven in Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze of the Cenarion Circle there.  He will guide you further.','Speak with Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.','Salutations, young $C; the time has come for you to know our aquatic form. It is one that lets you move freely and indefinitely through water. You will find this aspect a useful tool and a blessing... but it is one that must be earned before it is mastered.$B$BYou will face two trials to overcome. The first will test your ability to work in water under pressure. The second will test your resolve to understand the aspects of the form itself.$B$BStand ready, as the time of testing is now upon us.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     70insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (25,27,'A Lesson to Learn','$N, I have been following your progress with much delight.  You are most assuredly developing yourself into a valued protector of nature.$B$BThe time has come for you to learn more about one of the various animal aspects that Cenarius has blessed us with the ability to change into - one that affords you command and mastery of the water.  For this, you must travel to the village of Nighthaven in Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze of the Cenarion Circle there.  He will guide you further.','Speak with Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.','Salutations, young $C; the time has come for you to know our aquatic form. It is one that lets you move freely and indefinitely through water. You will find this aspect a useful tool and a blessing... but it is one that must be earned before it is mastered.$B$BYou will face two trials to overcome. The first will test your ability to work in water under pressure. The second will test your resolve to understand the aspects of the form itself.$B$BStand ready, as the time of testing is now upon us.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     71insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (26,28,'Trial of the Lake','For your first trial, search the depths of Lake Elune\'ara to locate a Shrine Bauble.  It decays rapidly, so proceed with it to the Shrine of Remulos post haste.  Use the bauble at the shrine, and then speak with Tajarri there; she is one of Moonglade\'s most trusted wardens.$B$BYou only have a set amount of time to complete the task, and you may be competing against other druids searching for baubles themselves.  Mental and physical dexterity will be critical to your success.$B$BGood luck, $N.','Find a Shrine Bauble in Lake Elune\'ara, and take it to the Shrine of Remulos in northwestern Moonglade.  Once there, use the Shrine Bauble.$B$BYou must speak with Tajarri at the shrine afterwards in order to complete the trial.','Well now. it looks like yet another druid has successfully completed the Trial of the Lake! Well done. my young friend - well done.$B$BAs I\'ve said. my name is Tajarri. It is my duty and my privilege to serve as a warden for Moonglade. and specifically this shrine. Keeper Remulos guides the Cenarion Circle in preservation of nature and balance. and his shrine serves as a lasting tribute to such. By using the bauble here. it serves as a nod to the importance of this place within the Circle.','','','Complete the Trial of the Lake','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     72insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (27,29,'Trial of the Lake','For your first trial, search the depths of Lake Elune\'ara to locate a Shrine Bauble.  It decays rapidly, so proceed with it to the Shrine of Remulos post haste.  Use the bauble at the shrine, and then speak with Tajarri there; she is one of Moonglade\'s most trusted wardens.$B$BYou only have a set amount of time to complete the task, and you may be competing against other druids searching for baubles themselves.  Mental and physical dexterity will be critical to your success.$B$BGood luck, $N.','Find a Shrine Bauble in Lake Elune\'ara, and take it to the Shrine of Remulos in northwestern Moonglade.  Once there, use the Shrine Bauble.$B$BYou must speak with Tajarri at the shrine afterwards in order to complete the trial.','Well now. it looks like yet another druid has successfully completed the Trial of the Lake! Well done. my young friend - well done.$B$BAs I\'ve said, my name is Tajarri. It is my duty and my privilege to serve as a warden for Moonglade, and specifically this shrine. Keeper Remulos guides the Cenarion Circle in preservation of nature and balance, and his shrine serves as a lasting tribute to such. By using the bauble here, it serves as a nod to the importance of this place within the Circle.','','','Complete the Trial of the Lake','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     73insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (28,30,'Trial of the Sea Lion','For the second trial, you\'ll need the two halves that make the Pendant of the Sea Lion.  One half draws power from the agility of the sea lion aspect, gliding through water; the other draws power from the incredible endurance of the sea lion aspect.  Druids draw on both these traits equally to embody the aspect of their aquatic form.$B$BSpeak with the locals of Moonglade to learn where the parts may lie, and bring both here to join them together.  Once formed, take the pendant to Dendrite Starblaze.','Find the Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility and the Half Pendant of Aquatic Endurance.  Speak with the residents of Moonglade to learn clues as to where these items may be located.$B$BForm the Pendant of the Sea Lion from the two pendant halves.  You need to be in proximity of the Shrine of Remulos to do this.$B$BBring the joined pendant to Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.','You\'ve completed the Trial of the Sea Lion, $N - congratulations.$B$BEach task in acquiring the pendant shows that both agility and endurance are necessary to act in harmony with what you desire to do underwater. Neither can exist without the other, and both cannot be done without you willingness to embrace the aspect of the sea lion.$B$BRemember these lessons well, and count on them once you have gained your aquatic form.','Have you formed your pendant for me to inspect, $N? If you need help in locating the parts, try asking the local populace for information. Not only will you find what you seek, but it will give you a reason to explore this wondrous and sacred glade.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     74insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (29,31,'Aquatic Form','You have completed the necessary lessons all young druids are taught before they can adopt an aquatic aspect.  Go now back to your trainer, Turak Runetotem, in Thunder Bluff.  Show him your pendant and prove to him you are ready to learn what he has to teach you.  He will complete your training, allowing you to become one with the water.$B$BGoodbye, young druid.  We shall speak again.','Return to Thunder Bluff and show Turak Runetotem the Pendant of the Sea Lion.','Very impressive, $N. Your ancestors would be pleased with your progress! You\'re ready to learn your aquatic form, and it is my pleasure to teach it to you.$B$BAlso, in recognition of your achievement during the two trials, I give you this item. I hope you\'ll find it to be a welcome addition to your gear as a protector of nature and a keeper of the balance.','Your return to Thunder Bluff is not without heralding, though I will need proof of your lessons learned in Moonglade before I will teach you your aquatic form.$B$BDo you have the Pendant of the Sea Lion?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     75insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (30,32,'Rise of the Silithid','Here\'s your report.  I urge you to take it to someone who might have working knowledge in this kind of thing.$B$BI know this troll scholar named Zilzibin Drumlore.  He\'s spent a lot of time studying life forms that are unique to the ecology of Azeroth; he\'s a historian to boot!  If you want someone to help figure out what exactly this threat is and how to stop it, give this report to him.  We\'re going to need all the help we can get.$B$BZil lives in a house on the second tier of the Drag in Orgrimmar.','Take the report to Zilzibin Drumlore in Orgrimmar.','This report... I\'ve dealt with these beasts before. Fizzledowser was wise to send this. and you, to me.$b$bThese creatures will consume the Tanaris desert rapidly; they are nothing short of one of the greatest menaces we all will ever face. Familiarize yourself with this name, $N: silithid. The insects mentioned here are the silithid, and they are the tools of one of the greatest threats that both the Horde and Alliance face.$b$bIf only we were smart enough to see that before.','I\'m sorry. I don\'t know you... but from the look of things you have at least heard something of me. Now, what can I help you with? Do you have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     76insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (31,33,'Wolves Across the Border','I hate those nasty timber wolves!  But I sure like eating wolf steaks...  Bring me tough wolf meat and I will exchange it for something you\'ll find useful.$B$BTough wolf meat is gathered from hunting the timber wolves and young wolves wandering the Northshire countryside.','Bring 8 pieces of Tough Wolf Meat to Eagan Peltskinner outside Northshire Abbey.','You\'ve been busy! I can\'t wait to cook up that wolf meat','Hey $N. I\'m getting hungry...did you get that tough wolf meat?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     77insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (32,34,'An Unwelcome Guest','Once again my garden was trampled and pillaged.  And I know the brute who is doing it.  It\'s that forsaken boar, the one Marshal Marris has taken to calling Bellygrub.$b$bI won\'t be able to re-plant the daffodils until next season now.  Ruined!  All ruined by that one menacing boar.  Put an end to that pest!  Show me his tusk and I\'d be happy to reward you.  He seems to spend his time foraging in the field southwest of Lakeshire but occasionally he roams over here and into my garden.','Martie Jainrose of Lakeshire wants you to kill Bellygrub.  Bring her his tusk as proof.','Finally the menace is laid to rest! Thank you, $N, you have done me a great service. The garden shall be in full bloom this season!','Is Bellygrub still at it or were you able to rid Lakeshire of the pest once and for all?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     78insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (33,35,'Further Concerns','If you are concerned that the rumors of murlocs are true, then do this -- travel to the eastern Elwynn bridge and speak with Guard Thomas.  He has been stationed at the bridge for the past week and will know the state of the area.$B$BBring me his report.','Marshal Dughan wants you to speak with Guard Thomas.','Yes, murlocs have settled in and around the streams of eastern Elwynn. We don\'t know why they are here, but they are aggressive and at least semi-intelligent.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     79insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (34,36,'Westfall Stew','I never thought the day would come when I\'d leave the farm.  But the fields are overrun with thieves and it\'s far too dangerous for us here now.  As soon as Farmer Furlbrow gets the wagon fixed, we\'ll be on our way.  $b $bMaybe you could do me a favor?  Let me scribble down my recipe for Westfall stew.  Please take it to Salma Saldean over on the farm yonder.  The Saldean\'s farm is just beyond the fork in the road.','Verna Furlbrow wants you to deliver her recipe for Westfall Stew to Salma Saldean.','That Verna was always such a sweet lass. We\'ll miss her here in Westfall but between you and me, she\'s a city girl at heart and Stormwind will suit her just fine. But enough gossip! Now we can make Westfall Stew!','I\'m going to miss that Verna Furlbrow so much. I don\'t suppose you happened to see her on your way here?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     80insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (35,37,'Find the Lost Guards','A few days ago we sent two Guards, Rolf and Malakai, to investigate along the river, and they have not yet returned.  To complete my report, I must know what happened to those men.$B$BTravel north along the river and find the guards... or their remains.','Guard Thomas wants you to travel north up the river and search for the two lost guards, Rolf and Malakai.','Although much has been stripped from the corpse, strewn nearby is a medallion with the words: \"Footman Malakai Stone\" etched upon it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     81insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (36,38,'Westfall Stew','Help me make some Westfall Stew!  Come back with the following ingredients: $b $b 3 Stringy Vulture Meat $b 3 Goretusk Snouts $b 3 Murloc Eyes $b 3 Okra','Salma Saldean wants 3 Stringy Vulture Meat, 3 Goretusk Snouts, 3 Murloc Eyes, 3 Okra.','That Okra will thicken up this broth nicely! Now we just add the Stringy Vulture Meat, a few Murloc Eyes and those delicious Goretusk Snouts. And we\'re done! For all your help, $N, I want you to take today\'s first batch of Westfall Stew!','Come back with the following ingredients: $b $b 3 Stringy Vulture Meat $b 3 Goretusk Snouts $b 3 Murloc Eyes $b 3 Okra','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     82insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (37,39,'Deliver Thomas\' Report','Tell Marshal Dughan of Malakai and Rolf\'s deaths, and report to him that the Murlocs in eastern Elwynn cannot be contained by our current troop presence.$B$BI know we don\'t have many troops to spare, but hopefully Dughan can find someone.','Report to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.','Hmm, this news is troubling. Already our defenses are stretched thin, and losing Rolf and Malakai to those murlocs put us in an even worse position.$B$BIf things don\'t improve, there will be fighting in Goldshire by the week\'s end!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     83insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (38,40,'A Fishy Peril','$N, there\'s a new threat in Elwynn Forest!  Murlocs are swimming up the streams of eastern Elwynn, scaring away fish and attacking gentle folk!$B$BI warned Marshal Dughan, but he\'s more worried about the gnolls and the bandits.  He\'s not convinced that the murlocs are a danger.$B$BPlease, $N, speak to Dughan and persuade him to send more troops to the east!','Remy \"Two Times\" wants you to speak with Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.','Yes, I spoke with Remy. I respect him as a merchant, though all reports of Murlocs to the east have been sketchy at best.$B$BYour concerns are noted, but unless I receive a military report of a murloc threat, we can\'t afford to send more troops east.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     84insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (39,45,'Discover Rolf\'s Fate','Upon further searching the area, you find webbed footprints leading east along the shore of Stone Cairn Lake.  In the distance to the east, you can just barely see a Murloc village.$B$BPerhaps Rolf\'s fate ended there...','Search the murloc village for Rolf, or signs of his death.','You find around the neck of the corpse a metal medallion inscribed with the words \"Footman Rolf Hartford.\"','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     85insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (40,46,'Bounty on Murlocs','The Stormwind Army has placed a bounty on murloc lurkers and foragers in Elwynn.  Slaughter them and bring me their torn murloc fins, and the Stormwind Army will reward you well.$B$BThe murlocs have built a village at Stone Cairn Lake north of here, and another to the south where the stream forks.','Bring 8 Torn Murloc Fins to Guard Thomas at the east Elwynn bridge.','You have the fins? Great! Marshal Dughan is anxious about the Murloc situation in eastern Elwynn, and I\'d like to tell him that it\'s becoming under control.$b$bYour actions have helped realize that.','How goes the hunting, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     86insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (41,47,'Gold Dust Exchange','The Kobolds in these parts sometimes carry Gold Dust on them.  I could really use the stuff - bring me a load of it and I\'ll give you the best price in town...best price in town!$B$BYou can find kobolds in the Fargodeep Mine to the south, and around the Jasperlode Mine to the northeast.','Bring 10 Gold Dust to Remy \"Two Times\" in Goldshire.  Gold Dust is gathered from Kobolds in Elwynn Forest.','Thanks for the dust, $N. Here\'s your cash, and...here is a token from associates of mine. You might find it useful...useful.','Psst! You have that Gold Dust for me...for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     87insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (42,48,'Sweet Amber','In the land to the south where vines twist and creep$bLies a hidden well where the water runs deep$bPure as the Light\'s sacred Daughter$bBring to me now some Holy Spring Water.','Bring Holy Spring Water to Grimbooze Thunderbrew.','Hiccup! Ho Ho!','Hiccup! Ho ho! You want an encore?$B$BIn the land to the south where vines twist and creep$BLies a hidden well where the water runs deep$BPure as the Light\'s sacred Daughter$BBring to me now some Holy Spring Water.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     88insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (43,49,'Sweet Amber','Amber is the hue of my life\'s longest love$bLike the last embers of dusk in the sky above$bRetrieve for me so that my love shall be born$bOne sack of each: barley, rye and corn.','Grimbooze Thunderbrew wants a Sack of Barley, a Sack of Rye and a Sack of Corn.','Hiccup! Ho ho!','Encore? Well, sure!$B$BAmber is the hue of my life\'s longest love$BLike the last embers of dusk in the sky above$BRetrieve for me so that my love shall be born$BOne sack of each: barley, rye and corn.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     89insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (44,50,'Sweet Amber','I\'ll mix and mix till we have a mash$bFor this will be our own private stash$bA still must be fashioned of metal strong$bBring me some Truesilver so I can finish this song.','Grimbooze Thunderbrew wants Truesilver.','Hiccup! Ho ho!','An encore for you? Well sure friend!$B$BI\'ll mix and mix till we have a mash$BFor this will be our own private stash$BA still must be fashioned of metal strong$BBring me some Truesilver so I can finish this song.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     90insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (45,51,'Sweet Amber','Not yet filtered but freshly distilled$bLike unseeded land waiting there tilled.$bNext I will fashion our pile of charcoal$bDeliver a sycamore branch, that is your next goal.','Bring a Sycamore Branch to Grimbooze Thunderbrew.','Hiccup! Ho ho!','An encore? Why for you, anything!$B$BNot yet filtered but freshly distilled$BLike unseeded land waiting there tilled.$BNext I will fashion our pile of charcoal$BDeliver a sycamore branch, that is your next goal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     91insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (46,52,'Protect the Frontier','Hail, $N.  Wild animals are growing more and more aggressive the farther we get from Goldshire, and the Eastvale Logging Camp suffers nearly constant attacks from wolves and bears!$B$BWe could use your help out here.','Kill 8 Prowlers and 5 Young Forest Bears, and then return to Guard Thomas at the east Elwynn bridge.','Thanks a lot for the help, $N. Something in the forest must be making these animals so bold.$B$BWhatever it is, I hope it stays there.','Have you killed those wolves and bears?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     92insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (47,53,'Sweet Amber','Mellifluous liquid clear as a baby\'s tears$bTurns a lovely deep amber over the years$bBut before we proceed to get lit to the hilt$bA barrel of charred oak must be built.','Bring Grimbooze Thunderbrew a bundle of Charred Oak.','Aged in the barrel, filtered through coal$BIt passes your lips and right through your soul.$BSo lets us drink now, a toast to you$BAnd me while we\'re at it, Grimbooze Thunderbrew!','Sure, I\'ll sing it again for you, friend!$B$BMellifluous liquid clear as a baby\'s tears$BTurns a lovely deep amber over the years$BBut before we proceed to get lit to the hilt$BA barrel of charred oak must be built.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     93insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (48,54,'Report to Goldshire','$N, you are a $c with proven interest in the security of Northshire.  You are now tasked with the protection of the surrounding Elwynn Forest.$B$BIf you accept this duty, then I have prepared papers that must be delivered to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.  Goldshire lies along the southern road, past the border gates.','Take Marshal McBride\'s Documents to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.','Well, it says here that you\'ve been awarded Acting Deputy Status with the Stormwind Marshals. Congratulations.$b$bAnd good luck - keeping Elwynn safe is no picnic... what with most the army busy doing who knows what for who knows which noble!$b$bIt\'s hard to keep track of politics in these dark days...','You have word from McBride? Northshire is a garden compared to Elwynn Forest, but I wonder what Marshal McBride has to report.$b$bHere, let me have his papers...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     94insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (49,55,'Morbent Fel','Morbent Fel hides in his lair, the house perched atop the hill to the east overlooking the Raven Hill cemetery.  His time in this land is drawing to an end...$B$BUse Morbent\'s Bane against him.  It will render his protective magics powerless.$B$BSlay him.  Slay him, and save us from his wickedness.  Be the instrument of my revenge, and a hero of Duskwood!','Use Morbent\'s Bane on Morbent Fel, kill Morbent Fel, then return Morbent\'s Bane to Sven at his camp.','Morbent Fel has been defeated. The dark riders are still at large, but a small piece of that which I had hoped beyond hope has come to pass.$b$bYou have done the impossible, and your deeds will forever live in the legends of Duskwood.$b$bGo, $N. And perhaps, one day, fate may bring you back to me...','Is Morbent Fel defeated?!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     95insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (50,56,'The Night Watch','As Commander of The Night Watch it is my sworn duty to protect the citizens of Darkshire.  Stormwind has retracted their commissioned guards from their posts here, leaving us to our own devices.$b$bIf you feel worthy of the task, we need your help! Assist The Night Watch by venturing forth into Tranquil Gardens, just south of Darkshire, and slaying 8 Skeletal Warriors and 6 Skeletal Mages.  The undead threat must be thwarted!','Commander Althea Ebonlocke of Darkshire wants you to kill 8 Skeletal Warriors and 6 Skeletal Mages.','Splendid, $N. For your service to the people of Darkshire you shall be rewarded.','Have you killed those warriors and mages?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     96insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (51,57,'The Night Watch','$N, I\'m getting reports of an undead infestation in the forest!  If you\'re up to the job, journey to the Raven Hill graveyard and slay 15 of those vile Skeletal Fiends and 15 Skeletal Horrors.  There are also reports of skeletons just south of Darkshire, in and around Tranquil Gardens Cemetery.  The undead must be driven from Duskwood!','Commander Althea Ebonlocke of Darkshire wants you to kill 15 Skeletal Fiends and 15 Skeletal Horrors.','The people of Darkshire thank you, $N. You have proven yourself to be a great ally of The Night Watch.','Return to me once you have killed 15 Skeletal Fiends and 15 Skeletal Horrors, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     97insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (52,58,'The Night Watch','The situation in Raven Hill is still grim.  The safety of Darkshire is in your hands, $N.  I don\'t have enough Watchers to keep the town safe.  We need you to dispatch for Raven Hill yet again and rid the eastern mausoleum of 20 Plague Spreaders!','Commander Althea Ebonlocke of Darkshire wants you to kill 20 Plague Spreaders in the eastern Raven Hill mausoleum.','On behalf of the people of Darkshire and as the Leader of the Night Watch, I thank you, $N, for your bravery and dedication. May the Light shine upon your ways.','I need your assistance, $N. Travel to the cemetery to the northwest and rid the eastern mausoleum of 20 Plague Spreaders.$B$BReturn to me when your task is complete.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     98insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (53,59,'Cloth and Leather Armor','For your shrewdness and valor, I have a marker here that is good for one piece of armor.  I want you to take it to Sara Timberlain at the Eastvale Logging Camp.  Give her the marker, and she will fashion the armor for you.  And after you receive it, $N, use it in the defense of Elwynn.$B$BThe Eastvale Logging Camp is beyond Guard Thomas\' post to the east.','Give Sara Timberlain the Stormwind Armor Marker.','Ah, thank you for the marker. Please feel free to pick your choice of armor.$b$bLuck to you, brave $C. And may this armor serve you well.','I have been commissioned by the Stormwind Army to supply their people with cloth and leather armor.$b$bIf you have a marker for me, then I\'d be happy to make you something.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     99insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (54,60,'Kobold Candles','Hello, $ggood sir:my lady;!  Do you have a moment?$B$BMy brother and I run an apothecary in Stormwind, and I\'m here to gather large candles for their wax.  Can you help me?$B$BYou can get large candles from kobolds, and I hear rumors that kobolds are infesting the Elwynn mines ... the Fargodeep mine to the south and Jasperlode Mine to the east.  I suggest looking for candles in one of those places.','Bring 8 Large Candles to William Pestle in Goldshire.','You were busy hunting kobolds, were you? Thanks for the candles, $N, and here\'s your reward...','Did you gather those candles yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     100insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (55,61,'Shipment to Stormwind','My brother Morgan is waiting in Stormwind for my shipment of candles.  I don\'t have enough time to make the trip myself, but if you\'d like to take him the shipment, he\'ll pay you well.$B$BI\'ve packed up the candles, and you can find Morgan in our shop, Pestle\'s Apothecary, in the Stormwind Trade District.','Bring William\'s Shipment to Morgan Pestle in the Stormwind Trade District.','Here is your payment ... and while you\'re here, take a look around! I\'m sure we have a potion or other trinket you\'d find useful.','Oh, a shipment from my brother? Splendid! Fortune truly shines on me today!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     101insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (56,62,'The Fargodeep Mine','The mine in Northshire isn\'t the only one with problems!  I have reports that the Fargodeep Mine in Elwynn has also become a haven for Kobolds.$B$BExplore the mine and confirm these reports, then return to me.  The mine is almost due south of Goldshire, between the Stonefield and Maclure homesteads.','Explore the Fargodeep Mine, then return to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.','This is bad news. What\'s next, dragons?!? We\'ll have to increase our patrols near that mine. Thanks for your efforts, $N. And hold a moment... I might have another task for you.','What do you have to report, $N? Have you been to the Fargodeep Mine?','Scout through the Fargodeep Mine','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     102insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (57,63,'Call of Water','Along the coast of Silverpine, west of the Sepulcher, you will find a shrine that has become tainted by the plague. The spirits there no longer speak to our people and it will be up to you to defeat the manifestation and cleanse the pool.$B$BTake the elemental\'s bracers, along with the remaining drops of Brine\'s potion, and place them on the brazier. The ritual should be enough to summon a pure spirit for you to communicate with.$B$BBring me proof the task is done, and I will reward you with your totem.','Defeat the Corrupt Manifestation of Water and place the Corrupted Manifestation\'s Bracers along with the Remaining Drops of Purest Water on the Brazier of Everfount in Silverpine Forest.','You place the bracers atop the brazier and then pour the remaining drops of Brine\'s potion into the flame. The drops crackle as they hit the flame and you begin to incant the simple words Islen taught you....','The brazier still reflects the ambient light from the are, and the flame shifts slightly as you move closer.$B$BThe corruption along the hills seems to have kept its distance, and besides the missing components, the brazier looks prepared for the ritual to summon a cleansed manifestation of water.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     103insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (58,64,'The Forgotten Heirloom','It was horrible!  Verna woke me when she heard a ruckus in the fields.  The fields were full of hooligans.  We left in a rush and I forgot to pack my pocket watch.  Verna\'s pa gave me that watch on our wedding day and I feel just sick knowing those thieves have it.  I left the pocket watch in the wardrobe at the farmhouse.  Look for the field of pumpkins to the West -- you can\'t miss it.  If you bring it back to me, I\'d sure be grateful!','Farmer Furlbrow wants you to retrieve his pocket watch from the wardrobe in his farmhouse at the pumpkin farm to the West.','My watch! Thank you so much, kind sir! $b$bWe are but poor farmers and we have lost our land but please accept this reward as a token of our appreciation.','Don\'t suppose you were able to get my watch?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     104insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (59,65,'The Defias Brotherhood','The band of wretches responsible for driving the good people of Westfall from the land call themselves The Defias Brotherhood.  I need you to infiltrate this clan of thugs.  We need to know who heads up the cartel and where they are hiding out.  In Lakeshire, in the inn, there is a rogue by the name of Wiley who owes me a favor.$b$bTravel to Lakeshire in the Redridge Mountains, east of Elwynn, and find out what you can.','Gryan Stoutmantle wants you to talk to Wiley in Lakeshire.','So, Stoutmantle sent you? Well, I owe him.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     105insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (60,66,'The Legend of Stalvan','Last night a horrible disturbance rippled through my veins.  I sensed that my granddaughter, Alyssa, was in great danger.  I consulted the cards and Death stared up at me from the table.$b$bAfter taking a long journey through a dark trance I was able to uncover a clue to this terrifying mystery.  A name came to me, the name of Stalvan.$b$bSeek out the Clerk in the Town Hall and see if you can find out more about this character.  I fear for us all.','Seek out the Clerk Daltry in the Darkshire Town Hall.','Ah so Madame Eva sent you....','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     106insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (61,67,'The Legend of Stalvan','Stalvan, eh?  Let me check the town registry.$b$bStalvan. . .Stalvan. . .let\'s see.  Ah, here we go!  I have a record of a Mr. Stalvan Mistmantle.  The last recorded address is the Moonbrook Schoolhouse.  My, talk about outdated!$b$bDo me a favor will you, friend?  If you happen to go out to Moonbrook, let me know if you get any update on this fellow.  I like to keep the records clean.','Travel to the Moonbrook Schoolhouse and bring back any updated information about Stalvan to Clerk Daltry.','The old footlocker creaks open. . . .','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     107insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (62,68,'The Legend of Stalvan','You find a Dusty Unsent Letter in the old footlocker.','Take the Dusty Unsent Letter to Clerk Daltry.','Interesting. So the chap did spend some time in Moonbrook after all. It is rather odd the letter never got delivered. Nonetheless, I shall update the registry.','Ah, I remember you. You\'re the one who was asking about that Stalvan fellow. Did you ever find what you were looking for?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     108insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (63,69,'The Legend of Stalvan','Oh my!  Must have missed this the first time.  In the registry, right beneath the first address for Stalvan there\'s another one listed, only partially scratched out.  Looks like he was headed to The Lion\'s Pride Inn over in Goldshire.  Might want to check there, $N.','Go to The Lion\'s Pride Inn to see if anyone there has heard of the name Stalvan.','Stalvan? Sure sounds familiar.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     109insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (64,70,'The Legend of Stalvan','The name Stalvan rings a bell.  I remember now.$b$bMany years back, on a stormy night, a messenger came in, seeking refuge for the night.  Near the stroke of midnight, the man ran down the stairs screaming, his face pale with fear.  Still wearing his bedclothes, he disappeared into the downpour.$b$bIn his haste he forgot his letters in the chest upstairs.  He never returned for them. One remains from that Stalvan fellow, intended for the Canal District in Stormwind.  Help yourself to it.','Retrieve Stalvan\'s Undelivered Letter from the chest and deliver it to the Canal District in Stormwind.','You\'ve got some nerve bringing this here.','What have ya got there? Let me take a look at that. . .','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     110insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (65,71,'Report to Thomas','Now that you have both medallions, deliver them to Guard Thomas at the bridge so that he might know the fate of his murdered guards.','Deliver Rolf and Malakai\'s Medallions to Guard Thomas at the eastern Elwynn bridge.','You have confirmed my fears, $N. The murlocs are a threat we cannot ignore.','Hello, $N. Have you discovered the fates of Rolf and Malakai?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     111insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (66,72,'The Legend of Stalvan','My father was the caretaker of the estate long before I was.  He had to mop the blood up after the massacre.  But that\'s neither here nor there.$b$bThe last funds of the Flintridge trust have dried up.  Now the last of the family possessions are headed for auction.  Blame the tax vultures.  I guess if you\'re really itching to learn more you\'re free to look through this junk.  Who knows what you might find.','Search through the packed up possessions for a clue.','You slowly slide the lid of the crate off. . . .','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     112insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (67,74,'The Legend of Stalvan','Inside the crate you find various objects: musty heirlooms, a family portrait, a few hunting trophies and some old books.  Near the bottom, underneath a ceramic vase, you uncover A Torn Journal Page.','The Torn Journal page you discovered provides your next clue.','I can barely make out those letters. But that writing style reminds me of something I once saw before my vision became so poor.','What have you got there? I cannot see. My eyesight is very bad. Put it in my hands.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     113insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (68,75,'The Legend of Stalvan','There was a bundle of parchments in the chest upstairs when I moved into this place.  I looked at them once when I first arrived but I gave up once the fog hazed over my peepers. $b$bDo an old, nearly-blind man a favor and check the chest upstairs for anything that might help you in your quest to discover more about this Stalvan character.  I\'m pretty sure there\'s a faded journal page that might be of interest to you.  Bring it to me and I\'ll help in anyway I can.','Marshal Haggard wants you to check the chest upstairs for the Faded Journal Page.','You found it!','Did you find that page I mentioned, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     114insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (69,76,'The Jasperlode Mine','Thanks to you we know the Fargodeep Mine is infested with kobolds.  Now we need a scout to investigate the more distant Jasperlode Mine.$B$BExplore Jasperlode and confirm any kobold presence.  To reach the mine, travel east along the road until you reach the Tower of Azora.  From the tower, head north and you\'ll find the mine in the foothills.','Explore the Jasperlode Mine, then report back to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.','Kobolds at the Jasperlode Mine, you say? Curses! The situation is worsening by the minute!$B$BThank you for the report, $N. But I wish that the news you brought was good news.','Hail, $N. What do you have to report? Have you scouted the Jasperlode Mine?','Scout through the Jasperlode Mine','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     115insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (70,77,'A Sticky Situation','I possess original packaging materials for the ripple Dran Droffers seeks.  I will assist you in packaging the ripple for Malton\'s abrasive father... for a fee of two additional bottles of said ripple.  They are located in crates found in the abandoned Horde base near Skulk Rock.$B$BIt will be an arduous task, to wit; foul slimes and oozes will be found sticking to the ruins; rumor has it they are led by some sort of master ooze.  Regardless, procure the ripple and return to me here for packaging.','Recover 10 bottles of Hinterlands Honey Ripple from the crates located around the abandoned Horde base in Skulk Rock.','Finely executed, $N. I am glad you had enough foresight not to bruise the delicacy of the ripple. There is nothing worse than the bouquet of ripple that has been jostled about needlessly.$b$bIt will take a moment for the magic to be wrought over this precious cargo. Actually, no magic is involved; I merely have some empty packaging for Hinterlands Honey Ripple. Our chicanery shall turn these bottles into an alcoholic treasure of the ages.$b$bOnward - for great booze!','I trust that your arrival here at our camp is to deliver the bottles of ripple that are integral to the task at hand, yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     116insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (71,78,'The Legend of Stalvan','I know of someone who might be able to assist you.  Back when I was leading the Stormwind Guard, we used to get drinks at the Scarlet Raven Tavern in Darkshire.  The Innkeeper there, Smitts, was quite an expert on the local lore.  Show him this page and see what he has to say about it.','Take the Faded Journal Page to Tavernkeep Smitts.','By the Light! You bet I recognize that handwriting.','Marshal Haggard sent you? Why didn\'t you say so?$B$BAh, good ol\' Haggard. Poor chap is going to be completely blind before long. Anyway, let me see what you\'ve got there.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     117insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (72,79,'The Legend of Stalvan','I followed the legend of that Stalvan character for years.  When those visiting nobles were slaughtered a few years back I went with Haggard to investigate.  I found these muddy pages but we were never able to link the handwriting to that crazy man in the woods.  Your trail of evidence proves his guilt.  Take this to Commander Ebonlocke immediately and fill her in on what you\'ve discovered!','Take the muddy page to Commander Ebonlocke.','My, you have proved yourself to be quite a detective, $C.','This better be good, $C. Let me see what you have and tell me your tale. But by the Light, be quick about it. Darkshire\'s defense is my number one priority. I have not the time to squander on dead-end leads.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     118insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (73,80,'The Legend of Stalvan','I have had my eye on that creep, Stalvan, for quite sometime.  But if this page was written by the same hand it proves his guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt.$b$bIn all his days keeping the Town Registry, Clerk Daltry has become an expert at identifying handwriting.  Show him this page and see if the writing matches that of the registry signature.','Show Clerk Daltry the Bloodstained Journal Page.','Why yes! The writing on this page does in fact match that of the registry signatures.','Back again, $N? What do you have this time?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     119insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (74,81,'Ripple Delivery','I have taken the extra step of securing not only Dran\'s packaged ripple in the barrel, but also the extra bottles of ripple he is purloining.  While I may not hold Dran very highly, there is nothing worse than jostled ripple.  You\'re welcome.$B$BNow, deliver yon barrel to Dran Droffers in his salvage emporium in Orgrimmar.  Pray tell, please extend my warmest greetings to Malton; let him know that should he ever thirst for fine drink and finer drinking companions, we would be honored with his visit.','Deliver the barrel to Dran Droffers in Orgrimmar.','Well, let\'s see what\'s in this barrel!$b$bYes, yes, it looks as though it is all here. Here\'s your fee for the package, good job on that. I stand to make five times that fee when I sell it to the tavern! Har har!$b$bThese extra bottles of Hinterlands Honey Ripple are going to be set for a special occasion. I think I\'ll drink some with champagne. I\'ll call it... champipple.','If you\'re not here to buy anything, and you\'re not here to deliver anything, then you\'re wasting my time! You better have that ripple!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     120insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (75,82,'Noxious Lair Investigation','All right now, these reports about the bugs... what we know is that they are draining the water pools that used to be where the Noxious Lair is. What we DON\'T know is, well, everything else.$B$BLet\'s figure out who our enemy is first! I want you to head into the Noxious Lair and get some parts off of those critters. Get five from the Centipaar there and bring them to Alchemist Pestlezugg for him to dink with. With him on the case, we\'ll figure out what they are!','Bring five Centipaar insect parts from the Noxious Lair to Alchemist Pestlezugg in Gadgetzan.','Good work - I\'ll start my analysis on these now! I can tell you right from the start though... these are nothing like any insect form I have ever seen. It\'s almost as if these bugs are being controlled by an outside force or something.$b$bYou need to go talk to Fizzledowser right away; apparently there is an emergency that he needs your help with on the double! I\'m not sure, but I think it involves more of the bugs in the Tanaris desert!','You\'re Junior Surveyor $N, yes? Quickly now, there is a dire situation at hand! Do you have the insect parts that Fizzledowser said you would?!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     121insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (76,83,'Red Linen Goods','The Defias gang in Northshire wears burlap masks, but the Defias in Elwynn wear linen which I can use to make fine linen goods.$B$BBring me red linen bandanas and I\'ll use them to fashion something for you.$B$BDefias gang members have camps pocketed throughout Elwynn.','Bring 6 Red Linen Bandanas to Sara Timberlain at the Eastvale Logging Camp.','Ah, these are nice bandanas, if a little rough...$b$bHere you are!','I\'m running low on linen, $N. Do you have any for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     122insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (77,84,'Back to Billy','Here you go.  And when you give this pie to that Billy, you tell him I hope he chokes on it!','Bring the Pork Belly Pie to Billy Maclure at the Maclure Vineyards.','Mm, yum! This pie is the best!$b$bI think my memory is coming back to me...','Ugh... I\'m starving! Do you have that pie for me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     123insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (78,85,'Lost Necklace','I lost my necklace, and think that guttersnipe Billy Maclure took it!  He\'s usually scuttling like a rat around the Maclure vineyards east of here. $B$BGet my necklace back for me, and you\'ll warm an old widow\'s heart.','Speak with Billy Maclure.','You lost a what? Well I didn\'t take no necklace, because I ain\'t no thief!$b$bI might know who did but...<grin>...I\'m too hungry to remember.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     124insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (79,86,'Pie for Billy','Maybe if I got a pie, I could tell you who has that necklace.  And you know, I think that old Bernice lady at that other farm makes great Pork Belly Pies... $B$BMaybe if you gave her some chunks of boar meat from the boars that hang around our farms, and told her what it was for, she\'d bake up a pie for you.','Bring 4 Chunks of Boar Meat to Auntie Bernice Stonefield at the Stonefield\'s Farm.','Though this wild boar meat is tough, simmer it enough and it sure does make for some tasty pie!','I don\'t think it\'s right feeding the boy who stole my necklace in the first place, but if that\'s what it takes to get back what\'s mine, then so be it!$b$bDo you have that boar meat?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     125insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (80,87,'Goldtooth','I was playing near the Fargodeep Mine, and I think I dropped, er...I mean I saw, the old lady\'s necklace.  Don\'t ask me how it got there...it wasn\'t me!$B$BWell anyway, I saw this big, gold-toothed kobold pick up the necklace and run into the mine.  Go find that kobold and you\'ll find the necklace, I swear!','Bring Bernice\'s Necklace to \"Auntie\" Bernice Stonefield at the Stonefield Farm.','Oh, you found it! Thank you, thank you dear!$B$BHere, take this. It was my husband\'s and he always said it was lucky. If only he didn\'t forget it on his last campaign! *sniff*','Hello, $N. Have you found my necklace?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     126insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (81,88,'Princess Must Die!','The Brackwells have a prize-winning pig, Princess.  The sow is HUGE, and she got that way from sneaking over here and eating my veggies!$B$BSo before she comes to our fields...Princess must die!  Bring me her collar as proof of the deed and I\'ll give you something for your time!$B$BPrincess is usually over at the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch, to the east and beyond the Maclure farm.  Get her before she gets hungry and comes back here!','Kill Princess, grab her collar, then bring it back to Ma Stonefield at the Stonefield Farm.','Thank goodness! That pig was getting so big she\'d have eaten our whole crop! Thank you, $N.$b$bNow, do either of these suit you?','Did you see her yet? Did you get her?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     127insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (82,89,'The Everstill Bridge','During the last orc invasion we were forced to smelt our iron down to make bullets, swords and armor.  We sent word to Stormwind for a new shipment of materials but a band of Redridge gnolls hijacked the caravan and ran off into the hills behind Lakeshire.$b$bNow we\'re coming up short on supplies to get this bridge rebuilt.  If you can bring me 5 iron pikes and 5 iron rivets, $N, I\'ll make sure you\'re rewarded. $b$bNow let\'s get to work!','Bring 5 Iron Pikes and 5 Iron Rivets to Foreman Oslow in Lakeshire.','Great work, $N. These supplies will help the bridge effort immensely. We\'ll get this beauty shored up in no time.','This bridge isn\'t going to build itself! Now where are those iron pikes and iron rivets?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     128insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (83,90,'Seasoned Wolf Kabobs','Seasoned Wolf Kabobs are a house favorite!  Sure, I can make you some.  But first I\'ll need the supplies.  Bring me 10 Lean Wolf Flanks as well as some Stormwind Seasoning Herbs.  There are so many wolves here in the forest, I am sure finding the Flanks will be no problem.  For the herbs, seek out Felicia Gump in her canal district flower shop in Stormwind.','Gather 10 Lean Wolf Flanks and Stormwind Seasoning Herbs and return to Chef Grual in Darkshire.','Very nice work, $N! Enjoy the delicacy known as Seasoned Wolf Kabob!','Were you able to find 10 Lean Wolf Flanks yet? How about the herbs from Felicia in Stormwind?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     129insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (84,91,'Solomon\'s Law','An enemy of Stormwind has taken up residence in the eastern foothills of Redridge. This wicked villain uses the Arcane to spread terror and misery upon our town and our people. Under the name, Morganth, he conducts his evil business.$b$bMorganth now controls the Shadowhide Gnoll Clan to perform his biddings. As stated by the Law of Lakeshire, aiding a criminal of the Kingdom is punishable by death.$b$bThese vile gnolls must be killed!$b$bTurn in 10 Shadowhide Pendants to me, and you shall be rewarded.','Bring 10 Shadowhide Pendants to Bailiff Conacher in the Lakeshire Town Hall.','The Court of Lakeshire recognizes your commitment to justice, $N. By enforcing the laws of the Kingdom you have helped uphold the justice of the land.','Turn in 10 Shadowhide Pendants to me, and you shall be rewarded.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     130insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (85,92,'Redridge Goulash','Nothing would please me more than to make you some Redridge Goulash. But there\'s a slight problem. During the recent orc uprising I fed the entire brigade of Stormwind troops. My cupboard is now bare. But if you can provide me with the ingredients, I\'d be happy to oblige.$b$bJust bring me five pieces of Tough Condor Meat, five Great Goretusk Snouts and five helpings of Crisp Spider Meat.','Chef Breanna of Lakeshire wants five pieces of Tough Condor Meat, five Great Goretusk Snouts and five helpings of Crisp Spider Meat.','Well done, $N. Such fine specimens too! And here is your delicious delicacy known as Redridge Goulash!','I still need five pieces of Tough Condor Meat, five Great Goretusk Snouts and five helpings of Crisp Spider Meat.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     131insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (86,93,'Dusky Crab Cakes','I\'ll let you in on a little secret - Dusky \"Crab\" Cakes are really made from spider legs!  I know it\'s a bit disgusting, but the cakes have a nice, tangy flavor and make great snacks!  Bring me Gooey Spider Legs and I\'ll whip you up a few of them.$B$BI hear Venom Web Spiders are a good source - they nest to the north, between the foothills and the river. ','Gather 6 Gooey Spider Legs and bring them to Chef Grual in Darkshire.','Ah yes, a nice clutch of legs you have there! Let me just get these seasoned with my secret spices (no looking!) and get them to skittering on a skillet for a while...$B$BAnd, although Dusky Crab Cakes are my specialty and I won\'t give out the recipe, here\'s the recipe for a dish that\'s almost as good.','Hail, $N. Did you get those Gooey Spider Legs yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     132insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (87,94,'A Watchful Eye','My rival, Morganth, is a vicious mage of great power who lives in the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge.  I have developed a means of spying on him, the Eye of Azora, and can now view him from afar.$B$BBut to study his thoughts ... I require further aid.$B$BIf you are willing, then take my Glyph of Azora to the Tower of Ilgalar.  Place it upon the Lion Statue near the Tower.$B$BWhen this is done, the power of Azora will grant visions of Morganth\'s future plans.','Take the Glyph of Azora to the Lion Statue near the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge.','You place the Glyph of Azora on the stone. It adheres itself... and you hear from it Theocritus\' disembodied voice:$B$BYou have my gratitude, young $N. You may now speak with me through this Glyph, and I might have future tasks for you... after I have probed the thoughts of my rival.','This Lion Statue has sat here for decades, and keeps a lonely watch over the infamous Tower of Ilgalar.$B$BThere is a depression at the base of the statue, where a gem or glyph might be set...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     133insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (88,95,'Sven\'s Revenge','I used to work one of the farms to the southeast...until Dark Riders from Deadwind Pass descended upon my farm and slaughtered my family when I was away!$B$BWhen I returned I saw a shadowy figure skulking near my barn, burying something.  He fled before I could catch him, and I couldn\'t linger for I was hot on the heels of the Dark Riders.  So I never discovered what was hidden.$B$BIf you can find what that shadowy figure buried, I would be grateful.  The hiding spot is behind the old stump near my barn.','Go to Sven\'s Farm and find what was buried behind the old stump.','A mound of dirt is here, hastily piled up as if someone had need of hiding something...without much time to do it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     134insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (89,96,'Call of Water','Take shard. Take shard and give life.$B$BGive life and understand. Understand water is life... corruption stops life.$B$BYou protect and give life with water\'s power.','Bring the Shard of Water to Islen Waterseer in the Barrens.','This is the proof I asked for. You\'ve done well, $N.$B$BI am pleased to be the first to congratulate you and give you this... your water totem.$B$BUse it well, and good luck.$B$BYour next test will not be for some time, so learn your lessons well. Pure water will not only give life back to those who are injured, but can have many other effects. I suggest you seek out a shaman trainer when you have the time. They might have other spells for you to learn.','You\'ve returned. Splendid!$B$BHow went your journey to Silverpine? Did it take you long?$B$BIt is hard for me to tell if you were successful there because so much of the land has become corrupt. Its stench overwhelms any good that you might have done. But small successes are sometimes as important as large ones. Purifying the water there was instrumental for you, and for all shamans.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     135insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (90,97,'The Legend of Stalvan','Let Commander Ebonlocke know immediately that the handwriting matched, $N!  Her suspicions were correct!','Report the news to Commander Ebonlocke.','I knew it! Fine work, $N.','Yes, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     136insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (91,98,'The Legend of Stalvan','Stalvan Mistmantle led a life of depravity.  Innocent victims died by his hand.  Undoubtedly he is guilty of countless crimes.  Now the lunatic threatens Darkshire.  The Light only knows what sordid acts he is plotting.  Travel to his cottage just north of town, $C, and execute Stalvan, once and for all.$b$bWhen the deed is done, travel to Madame Eva\'s and show her his family ring.  After all, it was her premonition that led to this gruesome discovery.  But Darkshire is safer because of her.','Kill Stalvan Mistmantle and show Madame Eva his family ring.','I know, $N: Stalvan is dead. I sensed a wave of hope ripple through the tainted forest. Once and for all, Duskwood is free from his blood thirst. My joy is hampered by thoughts of those who fell prey to the horrible beast. Nonetheless, you are a brave and cunning rogue.','Yes, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     137insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (92,99,'Arugal\'s Folly','As my understanding of Arugal\'s magic grows so does my disdain for the hapless fool.  I am close to completing my research on his so called remedy.$b$bMy knowledge will be complete when I learn what enchantment is causing the strange behavior going on in Pyrewood Village.  By day, the peasants appear to be Human.  But when the sun goes down the townsfolk turn into Moonrage Worgen.$b$bI need to draw energy from the enchanted shackles Arugal cast on them.  Bring to me six enchanted Pyrewood Shackles, $N.','Bring 6 Pyrewood Shackles to Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher.','Your persistence is commendable. With the knowledge you helped me gather, Arugal will fall and his reckless magic shall be undone. Cheers to you, $N.','Have you secured the Pyrewood Shackles yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     138insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (93,100,'Call of Water','Light explodes as you finish the incantation. The sounds of the water drops hitting the flame have died down and your senses are overcome as the corrupt spirits around you are destroyed.','Speak to the Minor Manifestation of Water in Silverpine Forest.','Thanks to you. Thanks to the shamans.$B$BCorruption ebbs but life continues to wane. Up to shamans to protect life.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     139insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (94,101,'The Totem of Infliction','As the mystical taint creeps through the forest, the need for self-protection is undeniable, $N.  The winds whisper to me and they speak of a great danger which waits patiently for you in the near future.$b$bIf you wish to protect yourself, noble $c, bring to me 10 ghoul fangs, 10 skeleton fingers and 5 vials of spider venom.  For you I shall enchant a Totem of Infliction which will harm those who attempt violent acts against you.','Bring 10 Ghoul Fangs, 10 Skeleton Fingers and 5 Vials of Spider Venom to Madame Eva in Darkshire.','Very wise of you, $N. This Totem of Infliction will help to protect you against the evil which lurks throughout Azeroth and beyond. When you feel threatened, hold this totem and take comfort in its magical aura. Be brave, fair $C. You will need all the courage you can muster for I see much bloodshed in your future.','Bring to me 10 ghoul fangs, 10 skeleton fingers and 5 vials of spider venom. For you I shall enchant a Totem of Infliction which will harm those who attempt violent acts against you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     140insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (95,102,'Patrolling Westfall','Stormwind has abandoned us.  A foul wind of depravity rustles through the plains of Westfall.  This was my homeland and I will not turn my back on the citizens who choose to remain here.  We, the former farmers, shall make our stand.$b$bYour task, should you choose to accept, is to patrol the grasslands of Westfall.  Track down and slay the vile Gnolls that seem to be working in conjunction with the Deadmines thieves. Bring me eight Gnoll Paws and I will reward your bravery.','Bring 8 Gnoll Paws to Captain Danuvin on Sentinel Hill.','Well done, $N. With valiant adventurers such as yourself fighting alongside The People\'s Militia, Westfall just might return to the prosperous breadbasket it once was. Please accept this in recognition of your tireless efforts.','Have you collected 8 paws from those treacherous Gnolls yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     141insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (96,103,'Keeper of the Flame','The night the Lighthouse Keeper\'s family died was horrible.  I watched, helpless, as Old Murk-Eye led the attack.  But what\'s done is done and now my concern is for the lives of the sailors on The Great Sea whose ships come close to the perilous rocks of the coastline.  With no one to keep watch on the flame the responsibility has fallen upon me.$b$bHelp me keep the torch lit by bringing me 5 flasks of oil from the Harvest Monsters.','Bring 5 Flasks of Oil to Captain Grayson at the Westfall Lighthouse.','Praise you, brave $C. The rocks of the Westfall Coast shall be lit thanks to your hard work. Many lives will be spared so long as the torch is kept lit.$B$BI died needlessly on this very shore. My afterlife plight is to see that no others follow my destiny.','The flame will not burn for long without oil, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     142insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (97,104,'The Coastal Menace','When my life was ended upon the rocks, I had no clue what the afterlife held for me.  The Lighthouse was black that night because Old Murk-Eye had scared the keeper\'s family off.  They returned and re-lit the flame but Old Murk-Eye coerced the weaker minded murlocs to raid the Lighthouse with him once again.  The second time the family was not so lucky and before my eyes they perished helplessly.$b$bSlay Old Murk-Eye if you see him along the shore and bring me one of his scales and I shall reward you.','Bring a scale of Old Murk-Eye to Captain Grayson at the Westfall Lighthouse.','So the foul heathen, Murk-Eye is dead. Well done, $N. By your hands one life was laid to rest but perhaps many more were saved. The Great Sea, wrought with danger as it is, shall be a wee bit safer this night thanks to your heroics.','Have you laid waste to the menace known as Old Murk-Eye yet? He has been spotted roaming the coastline of Westfall.$B$BReturn to me when the foul beast is dead.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     143insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (98,105,'Alas, Andorhal','Alas, the time to attack Andorhal and drive out the lich that controls it is upon us!$B$BInside the ruins of the city is where the lich - Araj the Summoner - holds dominion.  He is guarded by numerous Scourge surrounding the remains of city\'s center, and his personal retinue of guardians attached to him directly is formidable.  You will need numerous allies to even stand a chance of facing him successfully.$B$BDestroy Araj, $N, and bring me a shard from his phylactery as proof!','Bring Araj\'s Phylactery Shard to High Executor Derrington at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','You\'ve done it! Araj... the lich is finally defeated!$B$BYou\'ve done a tremendous service to the Horde on this day, $N. Your bravery and perseverance are a testament to what it means to be a true hero. Please - accept this as a token for all to see and know that you have delivered the Horde a victory for the ages!','Your task has been given to you, $N. Do you have a shard from the lich\'s phylactery as proof of the task being accomplished?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     144insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (99,106,'Young Lovers','Oh, I\'m cursed!  My heart belongs to Tommy Joe Stonefield, but our families are bitter enemies.  So I can\'t see him, even though my eyes ache to gaze upon that handsome face!$B$BPlease, take this letter and give it to Tommy Joe.  He\'s usually at the river to the west of the Stonefield Farm, which is due west of here.','Give Maybell\'s Love Letter to Tommy Joe Stonefield.','Ah! I can\'t stand us being apart. I have to see her!!','You have what?? Maybell is the light of my dull life. Hurry, let me see her letter!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     145insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (100,107,'Note to William','I bet William Pestle has a potion to unite our two young lovers!$B$BHere, take this note to William.  He\'s staying at the Lion\'s Pride Inn in Goldshire.','Take Gramma Stonefield\'s Note to William Pestle.','My heart goes out to those two poor souls, Maybell and Tommy Joe. I remember being young and in love, once.$b$bThere must be something I can do to help them! Let me think...','You have a note from \"Gramma\" Stonefield, eh? I haven\'t seen Mildred in years! I wonder what she has to say...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     146insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (101,109,'Report to Gryan Stoutmantle','Looks to me you\'ve seen quite a bit of combat in your time, $c.  If you haven\'t already, you should report to Gryan Stoutmantle.  He heads up the People\'s Militia, aimed at protecting the farmlands of Westfall.  I bet he could use your help.  You can usually find him in the stone tower on Sentinel Hill, just off the road in the middle of Westfall.','Talk to Gryan Stoutmantle.  He usually can be found in the stone tower on Sentinel Hill, just off the road, in the middle of Westfall.','Ah, so my friend sent you here? How kind. $B$BWell the Stormwind Monarchy has abandoned our cause. Now it is up to the People\'s Militia to keep the land free from corruption. If our cause interests you, I can put your combat skills to use in the name of freedom.','An... Any luck??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     147insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (102,110,'Insect Part Analysis','I\'m going to spend some time taking a look at Scrimshank\'s surveying gear... as well as putting his personal effects in order.  I get the sneaking feeling behind my ears that this isn\'t the last loss we\'ll be facing against these bugs.$B$BI\'d like for you to check in with Alchemist Pestlezugg to see if he has had a chance to process the insect parts we sent him.  If they\'re ready, bring them to me.','Check in Gadgetzan for Alchemist Pestlezugg and his analysis of the insect parts.','Yes, I have the results right here.  They are... unsettling, to say the least$B$BOur initial suspicion that the bugs are being controlled by an outside force, we believe, is correct.  If this is the case, then we are dealing with not only a very powerful unknown force, but also a malignant one.  These bugs have been changed to be pure ravagers.  I\'ve never seen anything quite like it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     148insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (103,111,'Speak with Gramma','Please, $N, talk with my Gramma.  If anyone can find a way to bring me together with Maybell, she can.$B$BShe\'s inside our house east of here.','Speak with Gramma Stonefield.','While our families are feuding, Tommy Joe and Maybell don\'t have much of a future, but... maybe we can get them together for just a little while.$B$BHm, what can we do...','I can\'t wait to hear how my friends react!$B$BThey\'ll never expect it','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     149insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (104,112,'Collecting Kelp','I can make an invisibility liquor for Maybell, so she can slip away from the Maclure Vineyards and go to Tommy Joe.  But to make the Liquor, I need some crystal kelp.$B$BAlthough the kelp usually grows in the ocean... sometimes murlocs collect it.  See if the murlocs near Crystal Lake have any.  Crystal Lake is just east of Goldshire.','Bring 4 Crystal Kelp Fronds to William Pestle in Goldshire.','You got them. Good show! Now, just one moment while I concoct the potion...','Do you have that crystal kelp? I\'m sure Maybell is anxious to see her beau...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     150insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (105,113,'Insect Part Analysis','Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser needs to see this report immediately.  Actually... everyone who can read needs to see this report.  We are facing a grave and serious threat to not only Tanaris and Gadgetzan, but if left unchecked, the entirety of southern Kalimdor.  Heck, even quite possible the whole of Azeroth; this thing has given no indication it will subside.$B$BHave Fizzledowser make a duplicate of the report for you to distribute freely to your allegiance. Everyone must know about this threat!','Deliver the report to Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser in Gadgetzan.  Be sure he gives you a copy of the report, as Alchemist Pestlezugg has requested.','Thank you for delivering the report, Junior Surveyor $n; here is your pay for your diligent service to the Gadgetzan Water Company.$B$BWhile I am usually not thrilled about handing out our valuable information carte blanche to those who would otherwise pay good coin for it, I\'ve known Pestlezugg for a number of years now.  If he recommends letting everyone know about it, then so be it.  Give me a moment and I\'ll make you a copy.','Well Junior Surveyor $n, has ol\' Pestlezugg got that report ready yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     151insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (106,114,'The Escape','Take this invisibility liquor to young Maybell.  It should last long enough for her to visit Tommy Joe.','Take the Invisibility Liquor to Maybell Maclure.','Oh...my! I feel guilty deceiving my family, but my feelings for Tommy Joe are too strong to ignore.$b$bThank you, $N. I\'ll drink this liquor as soon as I have the chance and sneak away to my love.$b$bAnd for you... please take this.','Did you deliver my letter to Tommy Joe? What did he say??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     152insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (107,115,'Shadow Magic','The Blackrock orcs enlisted shadowcasters to aid their attacks in Redridge, and they have brought with them devices of dark power--midnight orbs.  These orbs have struck telling blows against Redridge\'s defenders, and it\'s imperative we remove the demon-tainted items from the conflict.$B$BFind and deliver to me midnight orbs from slain Blackrock shadowcasters.  I will then have them disposed of, for this world would be a better place without them!','Bring 3 Midnight Orbs to Marshal Marris in Lakeshire.','Thank you, $N. I\'ll send these to be destroyed immediately.','How goes your conflict with the shadowcasters? Did you find the midnight orbs?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     153insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (108,116,'Dry Times','I find myself in quite a pinch here, $N.  The bottles are close to running dry.  The latest booze shipment is long overdue.  The orc invasion has been hell.$b$bPerhaps you can go to work for me?$b$bI need you to pick up a keg of Thunderbrew Lager from Grimbooze Thunderbrew in the Westfall hills, a cask of Merlot from Stormwind, a bottle of Moonshine from Darkshire and a skin of Sweet Rum from Goldshire.  Bring those back to me and I will see to it you are rewarded.','Barkeep Daniels of Lakeshire needs a keg of Thunderbrew Lager, a cask of Merlot, a bottle of Moonshine and a skin of Sweet Rum.','A job well done, $N! I know well the roads you had to journey to procure this fine array of liquor. But my patrons will be happy once again! $b$bMy wife is quite a seamstress. Please accept this cloak she made in return for your services.','I need you to pick up a keg of Thunderbrew Lager from Grimbooze Thunderbrew in the Westfall hills, a cask of Merlot from Stormwind, a bottle of Moonshine from Darkshire and a skin of Sweet Rum from Goldshire. Bring those back to me and I will see to it you are rewarded.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     154insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (109,117,'Thunderbrew Lager','Hurry, my friend, move with haste $bIn order for our rich lager to taste $bMore like beer and less like stew, $bHops are needed to make the brew.','Bring Grimbooze Thunderbrew 5 hops to complete his special brew.','Hops and Barley, yeast and malt $bThe taste-buds feel a virtual assault, $bNo need to plead, no need to beg $bFor Thunderbrew Lager comes in a keg!','Hurry, my friend, move with haste $bIn order for our rich lager to taste $bMore like beer and less like stew, $bHops are needed to make the brew.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     155insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (110,118,'The Price of Shoes','I\'ve been using so much iron keeping the Stormwind Guards outfitted, I don\'t have enough to supply the stable\'s horses with shoes!$B$BTake this note to Blacksmith Argus in Goldshire.  It explains to him my problem and requests a shipment of horseshoes.','Take Verner\'s Note to Smith Argus in Goldshire.','Heh, so old Verner needs some shoes, does he!?!','What\'s that? Verner sent you, you say? Well give me his note. And SPEAK UP!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     156insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (111,119,'Return to Verner','Ok, I\'ll give him his 50 horseshoes...$B$BHere they are, all boxed up and ready to go!  Tell Verner it was a pleasure doing business, and be sure he reads the note attached to this crate!','Return to Verner Osgood in Redridge.  Give him the Crate of Horseshoes.','Thank you, this really helps me out.$b$bBut what\'s this? Argus sent a note with the crate...What?? Argus wants me to PAY him? Bah!$b$bWell, $N, thank you for your help.','Great, you\'re back! Did you get the shoes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     157insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (112,120,'Messenger to Stormwind','These are trying times, $c.  The township is under constant siege.  Without reinforcements, we will certainly face defeat.  The message I now entrust to you is of utmost importance.  Get this report to General Marcus Jonathan of Stormwind immediately.  Once your delivery is made, return to me at once with any news, be it good or bad. $b$bNow make haste!','Magistrate Solomon has given you a report which must be delivered to General Marcus Jonathan in Stormwind.  The judge wants you to return to him as soon as the delivery has been made.','At ease, $C.$b$bMagistrate Solomon is a noble leader. His words carry great weight with me. I shall seek the counsel of the King and make the situation clear to him. Assure the good judge that he has the Stormwind Army\'s support. Reinforcements will be sent as soon as word is given from His Majesty.','What have you there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     158insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (113,121,'Messenger to Stormwind','While I wait for a response from the King I want you to carry this letter to Magistrate Solomon. $b$bDismissed, $c!','Take General Marcus Jonathan\'s letter of response to Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire.','Thank you for your time, $C. For your service to Lakeshire and Stormwind I reward you with these coins.$b$bNow if you\'ll excuse me, I find this correspondence somewhat of a mystery. Something is amiss in our Kingdom. I fear this is the beginning of conflict, not the end.','Did the General send news? Are reinforcements on the way?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     159insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (114,122,'Underbelly Scales','I need some underbelly scales from black dragon whelps to pay for the shoes Argus sent me from Goldshire.  If you can get 6 of them for me, then I can pay Argus with some... and have enough left to fashion something for you.$B$BBlack dragon whelps are often flying around south of Lakeshire, but they like to wander.  You might have to just keep an eye out and hunt them when you see them.','Gather 6 Underbelly Whelp Scales from Black Dragon Whelps, and bring them to Verner Osgood in Redridge.','Thanks! These will get me out of debt to Argus...','I know that greedy Argus will send someone to collect his scales if I don\'t give them to him soon. Have you found those scales yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     160insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (115,123,'The Collector','This note is a schedule with a list of days and times when a person -- described only as \"The Collector\" -- will receive a shipment of gold from the mines in Elwynn Forest.$B$BFrom the schedule, it looks as if the Collector resides near the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch in eastern Elwynn.$B$BThis sounds important.  You should report it to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.','Go to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire and give him The Collector\'s Schedule.','Hm... I have heard of this \"Collector\" but I don\'t know whom he\'s working for. Thank you for the schedule. It will help us solve this mystery.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     161insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (116,124,'A Baying of Gnolls','As if the attacking orcs weren\'t enough!  Now I have gnoll brutes and mystics prowling along the ridge north of my stable, taking my horses when they stray...$B$BIf you can get rid of those gnolls, my horses and I would be very grateful.','Kill 10 Redridge Brutes and 8 Redridge Mystics, then return to Verner Osgood.','Thank you for all your help, $N.','Yes? Is there something I can do for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     162insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (117,125,'The Lost Tools','I could really use a hand here, $N.  With the town under siege, it\'s been hard to get supplies.  My tools were being delivered from Goldshire by wagon but the bridge was blown out.  We put the tools in a boat but the orcs hit it with a catapult.  Just my luck, my toolbox sank right to the bottom of the lake.$b$bRetrieve my toolbox, $N, and I\'ll make it worth your while.','Foreman Oslow of Lakeshire wants you to retrieve his toolbox from the bottom of Lake Everstill.','Excellent recovery, $N! I never thought I\'d see these tools again.','Were you able to find my tools?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     163insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (118,126,'Howling in the Hills','$N, the gnolls are still out there.  I can hear their baying as they hunt in the hills above Lakeshire.  And one cry is louder than the rest - Yowler,  their leader.$B$BKill Yowler and send his pack scattering!  Bring me his paw as proof.$B$BAnd be careful, this gnoll is their leader for a reason.  He is no Mongrel...','Bring Yowler\'s Paw to Verner Osgood in Lakeshire.','Again, thank you for your help. The Stormwind army is so busy dealing with the orcs, they don\'t have the troops to protect Redridge from local threats like the gnolls.','Yowler is a dangerous creature, $N. If you\'re not ready for him, I understand.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     164insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (119,127,'Selling Fish','Lake Everstill is famous for its spotted sunfish.  There\'s always demand for them...and I\'m running low!$B$BBring me a batch of 10 and I\'ll barter well for them.  If you can\'t fish yourself, then...maybe you can get them off the murlocs!','Bring 10 Spotted Sunfish to Dockmaster Baren in Lakeshire.','Pleasure doin\' business with you, matey!','You have some sunfish for me, eh?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     165insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (120,128,'Blackrock Bounty','The Blackrock Clan must be destroyed. The Enemy has invaded our lands. These mountains fall under the sovereign right of the King of Stormwind. Our sources tell us that the leaders of each unit within the Clan are known as Champions. You\'ll find them in their encampment to the north, just west of the road to the Burning Steppes.$b$bMagistrate Solomon wants these foul brutes dead. Slay 15 Blackrock Champions and return to me.','Kill 15 Blackrock Champions and Guard Howe in Lakeshire will reward you.','I see you have fought valiantly against the Blackrock Clan, $C. Your service to our township is great indeed.','Return once you have slain 15 Blackrock Champions.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     166insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (121,129,'A Free Lunch','Can you do me a favor?  I\'ve prepared a lunch for Guard Parker, but he\'s out on patrol...he\'s a big, strong Stormwind guard who can defend himself, but it\'s much too dangerous out there for a townsperson like me.$B$BSo if you deliver his lunch for me, then come back here and I\'ll give you a free lunch!  Parker patrols the stretch of road leading to Duskwood.','Bring Parker\'s lunch to Guard Parker.  He patrols the road leading to Darkshire.','Thanks, I could really use the meal. Guarding Lakeshire from the orcs and gnolls is tough work!','Darcy sent me a lunch, did she? Such a kind heart she has. Well...let\'s have it!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     167insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (122,130,'Visit the Herbalist','Before you go back to Darcy, can you bring her some flowers for me?  You can get them at the herbalist shop back in Lakeshire, at the west end of town.$B$BBut when you get the flowers...don\'t tell the herbalist, Martie, whom they\'re from, or whom they\'re for...','Speak with the Redridge Herbalist, Martie Jainrose.','You need a bouquet of flowers? You haven\'t been in town very long...have you already found for yourself a sweetheart here?$B$BI know I shouldn\'t pry, but it\'s nice to see that love is in the air... especially in dangerous times like these.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     168insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (123,131,'Delivering Daffodils','Here is your bouquet.  I chose Daffodils for you.  They\'re my favorite!','Give Darcy the Daffodil Bouquet.','Oh, those are lovely! I can\'t wait to put them in some water!$b$bBut...these are Martie\'s favorite flowers. Parker didn\'t have you go to that jealous vixen for this bouquet, did he? You didn\'t tell her who they were for, did you? If you did, then it wouldn\'t surprise me if she poisoned them.$b$bOh, but it\'s not your fault. Thank you, and here\'s your meal.','Hello again, $N. Did Parker like the lunch I sent him?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     169insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (124,132,'The Defias Brotherhood','What I am about to tell you could cost me my life.  The Defias gang is up to something big.  Last I heard they were working in conjunction with various gnolls, kobolds and even goblins.$b$bTake this note to Stoutmantle.  It explains as much as I know on the subject.','Take Wiley\'s Note to Gryan Stoutmantle in Westfall.','Bah! I should have let that scoundrel rot when I had the chance. But this information is crucial. Good work.','Good to see you back, $N. What did Wiley have to say for himself?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     170insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (125,133,'Ghoulish Effigy','I live so far from the protection of town, it\'s a wonder the ghouls and the walking dead haven\'t eaten me!  In fact, just yesterday a pack of Bone Chewers was pounding on the walls of my house!$B$BI want to make an effigy - a kind of \"scarecrow\" for Ghouls.  To do that I need some Ghoul Ribs.  You can get them from Flesh Eaters, Bone Chewers, Brain Eaters, Rotted Ones and Plague Spreaders.$B$BGet the ribs for me, and I will repay you with some coin.','Gather 7 Ghoul Ribs and bring them to Abercrombie at his shack.','Ah, thanks. These will do just the trick!','I think I hear a pack of Ghouls scurrying around the back of the house - I better put that effigy up quick! Did you get those Ghoul Ribs for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     171insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (126,134,'Ogre Thieves','A few weeks ago I was picking herbs far from my house, and a band of ogres attacked me!  I ran, and I was forced to leave behind a crate of precious tools and herbs.$B$BAfter they chased me off, the ogres swaggered back to the ogre mound in southern Duskwood.  I\'m sure my crate is somewhere near the mound.$B$BPlease, $N, retrieve this crate for me for I miss it sorely.','Return Abercrombie\'s Crate to Abercrombie.','Thank the Nec-...well, thank YOU, $N! You have more than earned your reward.$B$BAha! Happy! Happy nights ahead!!','Do you have my crate? If so, then please...give it to me quickly!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     172insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (127,135,'The Defias Brotherhood','I wonder what Wiley meant when he mentioned the Stonemasons.  Perhaps that was a slip of tongue.  Could the Defias gang be related to the Stonemasons?  Only one man would know for sure:  Mathias Shaw, head of SI:7. Show him Wiley\'s Note and see if he has anything to add to this growing mystery. If you have trouble finding Shaw, check the Barracks in Old Town.','Take Wiley\'s Note to Mathias Shaw in Stormwind.','This matter might be more complex than Stoutmantle realizes.','What business do you have with me? I am a very busy man. . .','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     173insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (128,136,'Captain Sander\'s Hidden Treasure','If ye be readin\' this, it means that Ol\' Captain Sanders is in a watery grave.  So my treasure is yours now, ye jest need to follow the clues. $b$bFirst ye need to find me footlocker.  It\'s probably half-buried in sand by now, along the Western Coast of Westfall near the shipwreck.  There be lots of shipwrecks but only one rusty anchor on the coast.  Find that anchor and you\'ll find me locker!  Look in there for the next clue.','Find Captain Sanders\' footlocker and search it for the next clue.','The footlocker slowly creaks open. Sand and water seem to be its only contents. But wait! A small crab scurries out with a clue to the treasure in his claws!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     174insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (129,138,'Captain Sander\'s Hidden Treasure','The clue to the treasure reads: Good work, matey!  Now ye need to head due east.  East up the bluffs, east to the road.  Look for the ol\' chimney ruins near the side of the road.  There you\'ll find an old barrel with your next clue.','Find the old barrel near the ruined chimney and search it for your next clue.','Good work, treasure hunter!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     175insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (130,139,'Captain Sander\'s Hidden Treasure','Searching through the barrel you discover another piece of parchment.  This one reads:  Now from this here barrel, face ye North.  Straight as the crow flies, keep ye walkin\' till you see the empty jug next to the lone windmill on the sea bluffs.  If ye poke around that jug, ye just might find what you\'re lookin\' for.','Search the empty jug next to the windmill for the next clue.','You\'re on your way to the jackpot, treasure seeker!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     176insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (131,140,'Captain Sander\'s Hidden Treasure','Sure enough, deep within the Old Jug there is another clue to Sander\'s treasure.  The ink has run in some places and the paper smells like whiskey but you can make out some of the text:  Now that ye found me ol\' whiskey jug, you\'re almost to the treasure!  Just face West from the bottle and walk down to the shore.  Once ye get to the water, keep going!  Swim straight west till you find the island with me treasure chest!','Locate Captain Sanders\' chest and open it for your reward.','The hinges on the old chest are rusty but they still work. You force the chest open and take the booty.$B$BCongratulations!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     177insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (132,141,'The Defias Brotherhood','The Stonemasons\' Guild was run by a man named Edwin VanCleef.  VanCleef was responsible for rebuilding Stormwind after the orcs razed it in the First War.  Apparently, VanCleef and his men were unhappy with their treatment by the King after the reconstruction was complete.  That just might explain a thing or two.$b$bI have written a more detailed account for your Master in Westfall.  Take this to him at once!','Take Shaw\'s report to Gryan Stoutmantle in Westfall.','Edwin VanCleef. . .I know the name well. To think that a man so industrious and talented could turn into such a scoundrel unnerves me. I\'ll need further proof before I believe this.','Did Master Shaw shed any light on things?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     178insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (133,142,'The Defias Brotherhood','We need to discover the location of the Defias hideout.  $N, my scout reports that a Defias Messenger has been seen on the roads between Moonbrook, the Gold Coast Quarry and the Jangolode Mine.  I want you to capture him.  If he resists, kill him and bring me whatever he is carrying.','Track down the Defias Messenger in Westfall and bring his message to Stoutmantle.','This is indeed firm proof that VanCleef is in charge. Now all we need to know is where the Defias gang is hiding out.$b$bWe\'ve had a stroke of luck while you were gone. We captured a thief trying to steal Saldean\'s wagon. He has promised to lead us to the hideout in exchange for his life. I want you to defend the traitor so he can reveal the hideout. Return to me once you have uncovered the location.','$N, were you able to gather any information? Did you locate the messenger?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     179insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (134,143,'Messenger to Westfall','Something odd is afoot with the Stormwind Army.  They should have been here in force by now.  Time is a luxury we don\'t have, however.  I will not stand by and watch the people of Lakeshire give their lives without trying to enlist more help.  I\'ve heard word of a people\'s militia forming in Westfall.$b$bTake this plea to their leader, Gryan Stoutmantle.  Perhaps Stoutmantle\'s men can lend some support here until the King sends reserves.','Magistrate Solomon wants you to take his written plea to Gryan Stoutmantle in Westfall.','Good Messenger, you have served your master well.','Hail, $C. What business do you have with The People\'s Militia?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     180insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (135,144,'Messenger to Westfall','Magistrate Solomon\'s note pains me to read.  But it is obvious he knows not the war which is waged in Westfall or else he would know better than to expect aid from the Militia.  If Stormwind had not deserted us as well, we would not have the need for the Militia.$b$bTake this response to your master in Redridge, $c.  And let him know that my heart is heavy with the loss of good men.','Return to Magistrate Solomon with Gryan Stoutmantle\'s response.','I do say, this is not good at all. I did not realize that Stoutmantle\'s situation was not unlike ours here in Lakeshire. What action is so important that it calls the Stormwind Army away from its people? Bah, I should not ponder aloud.$b$bHere, messenger. Accept these coins in exchange for your service to the Township. I might call upon you again.','Shall we expect the People\'s Militia soon? Does Lord Stoutmantle\'s news bode well?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     181insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (136,145,'Messenger to Darkshire','I require your assistance once again.  I have written to Lord Ebonlocke, requesting that he sends his trained guards, the Night Watch, to help with Lakeshire\'s defense.  It is imperative this message makes it to him swiftly.  You must exercise extreme caution.  Ebonlocke is the mayor of Darkshire, in the heart of Duskwood.  Do not stray from the roads.','Magistrate Solomon wants you to take a letter to Lord Ebonlocke in Darkshire.','Thank you for making the long journey here. This is indeed important information.','You appear to have traveled from afar, $C. What business do you have here in Darkshire?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     182insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (137,146,'Messenger to Darkshire','If I did not know Magistrate Solomon personally, I would say the man has gone mad.  Send the Night Watch to Lakeshire because Stormwind refuses aid?  The Night Watch was formed because Stormwind left us when this foul magic seeped into the land.  If I sent my Night Watch, this town would be overrun by evil before the guards even reached the forest\'s edge.$b$bTake this letter of response to your Master in Lakeshire.','Return to Magistrate Solomon with Lord Ebonlocke\'s letter of response.','By the Light! The Stormwind Army retreated from Westfall. And the Guard no longer protects Darkshire? There is some treachery abound. How could this be so? $b$bOh I forgot to reward your service, $C. Here are some coins. Now excuse me. Something is amiss in Stormwind and I must get to the bottom of it.','Ah, good to see you back, messenger. Shall I inform the Marshal that the Night Watch is on its way from Darkshire?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     183insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (138,147,'Manhunt','If the \"Collector\" is taking gold from our mines then he\'s stealing from the kingdom!  Bring the Collector to justice, and bring me the ring mentioned in the pickup schedule you gave me.  It may tell us whom the Collector is working for...$B$BThat Pickup Schedule says the Collector is hiding out at the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch.  You should search for him there.','Find and kill \"the Collector\"  then return to Marshal Dughan with The Collector\'s Ring.','You found him? Well done, $N. He won\'t be \"collecting\" from the Elwynn Mines again!$B$BAnd this ring you found is interesting... it\'s a membership ring for the old Stonemason\'s Guild in Stormwind. Why would a lowly thief have an artisan guild ring, and why are the Defias Thieves collecting money from our mines?$B$BDifficult questions. I hope one day we\'ll have answers.','Did you find the Collector? Did you discover whom he\'s working for?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     184insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (139,148,'Supplies from Darkshire','Oh, what is a poor old man to do?  I need some supplies from Darkshire, but the village is so far away and I am so old and feeble...I would never make the trip.$B$BCan you go to Darkshire and bring me back some Ghost Hair Thread?  You can get it from Madame Eva at her home on the Darkshire square.','Speak with Madame Eva.','Ah, Ghost Hair Thread is what you need, is it? I\'m afraid I have none in stock, but I can make some for you...if you can supply the ghost hair.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     185insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (140,149,'Ghost Hair Thread','There is a poor, sad spirit, Blind Mary, who haunts an old farm house in the hills south of Darkshire.$B$BHere, take this Spectral Comb and ask Blind Mary to comb her hair.  Then bring back the comb and I will glean from it the Ghost Hair I\'ll need for the thread.$B$BAnd take care, for dark things now lurk near that house...','Bring the Spectral Comb to Blind Mary.','What is this? A comb? It\'s lovely! And it glides through my hair as if it weren\'t the stiff, stringy horror that it is.$B$BOh, if only I had a mirror...','Oh please, don\'t look at me! I tore out these eyes with my own hands, but I can still feel your gaze!$B$BI\'m hideous! Hideous! Please, look away!!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     186insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (141,150,'Murloc Poachers','Murlocs are becoming a problem.  Larger groups of the fishmen are dropping anchor along the shores of Lake Everstill and fishing up a storm!  We need them gone before they eat all the fish in the lake!$B$BHunt murlocs!  Bring me eight of their fins and I might have something for you...','Bring 8 Murloc Fins to Dockmaster Baren in Lakeshire.','Well done, Albert. I hope you didn\'t have too much trouble with those murlocs.$b$bIt\'s strange seeing them so far from the sea. I wonder if they\'re here because they\'re running from something...','Do you have those fins? Hurry, we need those murlocs driven from the lake!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     187insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (142,151,'Poor Old Blanchy','Poor Old Blanchy!  Such a tired beast after all the work we put her through. I fed her before we left the farm, but we weren\'t expecting the wagon to break on us. If you could bring her a few handfuls of oats from the fields, I\'d be grateful.$B$BI bet you could find some around all of the farms in Westfall, if you can steer clear of those horrific machines that have taken over. There are several farms southwest of here.','Verna Furlbrow in Westfall wants you to bring her 8 Handfuls of Oats.','Thank you so much, $N! Poor Old Blanchy will be so happy!','Old Blanchy is on her last leg. Did you happen to find any oats for her?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     188insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (143,152,'The Coast Isn\'t Clear','You probably noticed all of the shipwrecks along the coast.  The Great Sea is treacherous indeed.  The coast of Westfall needs to be kept clear, so that if sailors find their way to our beaches, they are safe.  The Murlocs are trouble though.$b$bKill 7 Tidehunters, 7 Warriors, 7 Oracles and 7 Coastrunners and I will see to it that you are rewarded.','Kill 7 Tidehunters, 7 Warriors, 7 Oracles and 7 Coastrunners and return to Captain Grayson at the Westfall Lighthouse.','Well done, $N. You have quite a knack for combat. Thanks to you the Coast of Westfall is a safer place.','Kill 7 Tidehunters, 7 Warriors, 7 Oracles and 7 Coastrunners and I will see to it that you are rewarded.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     189insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (144,153,'Red Leather Bandanas','The Defias Front is constantly shifting.  I\'ve been following their movements for quite some time now.  On a side note, I\'ve ascertained that many members of the gang can be tracked by the Red Leather Bandanas they wear.$b$bBring me 15 of these Bandanas and I\'ll see to it you are rewarded.','Bring 15 Red Leather Bandanas to Scout Galiaan at Sentinel Hill.','Nice work, $R. Please accept one of these items as payment for all your hard work.','Bring me 15 red leather bandanas and I\'ll pay you well.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     190insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (145,154,'Return the Comb','NO!!!!!$B$BTake it, take this comb away from me!$B$BI\'m a monster, and no one will ever think me lovely again!','Return the Ghost Hair Comb to Madame Eva in Darkshire.','I can make a spool of Ghost Hair Thread with this, and have a few strands to spare. Here are some coins for those extra strands.','I sense that you have seen Blind Mary. You have my Comb...?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     191insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (146,155,'The Defias Brotherhood','So Stoutmantle sends a scrawny $r like you to protect me?  Guess you\'ll have to do.  Better bring some friends too. $b$bYou know the deal, right?  You watch my back and I\'ll take you to the Defias hideout.  But you better be close by my side.  The Defias gang wants my head now.  If they see me with you, they\'ll try to kill me.$b$bLet me know when you and any friends you can round up are ready to go.','Escort the Defias Traitor to the secret hideout of the Defias Brotherhood.  Once the Defias Traitor shows you where VanCleef and his men are hiding out, return to Gryan Stoutmantle with the information.','Most excellent, $N! VanCleef is as good as ours now that we know where he is hiding.','What business do you have with me? I am a very busy man...','Escort The Defias Traitor to discover where VanCleef is hiding','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     192insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (147,156,'Gather Rot Blossoms','If you bring me some rot blossoms then I can brew you up a batch of zombie juice.$B$BRot blossoms grow in strange places.  In particular, I hear you can find them inside the skulls of Skeletal Horrors and Skeletal Fiends... not that I\'ve gotten close enough to look!$B$BThe Raven Hill Cemetery is lousy with those skeletons.  You may as well get rid of them while you\'re looking for rot blossoms.  The town of Darkshire would be grateful.','Gather 8 Rot Blossoms and bring them to Tavernkeep Smitts in Darkshire.','Good, you got the rot blossoms. And I\'ll tell Althea Ebonlocke of the Night Watch that you were killing skeletons.$B$BKeeping the people of Darkshire safe is a grim burden for the Night Watch, and news that others are helping stem the tide of fiends in Duskwood is welcome news indeed.','Hi, $N. You have that rot blossoms for me yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     193insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (148,157,'Deliver the Thread','Here is your thread, $N.  It has a thousand uses, from binding evil spirits to sewing life into inanimate objects.','Bring the Ghost Hair Thread to Abercrombie, in his shack north of the Raven Hill Cemetery.','Delightful! This will do splendidly...$b$bHere, good $N, take this as payment for your honorable deed.','I need to string the Ghost Hair Thread along my door and my windows to keep out unwanted spirits. Did you get it for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     194insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (149,158,'Zombie Juice','I need a bottle of a certain liquor - Zombie Juice.  Tavernkeep Smitts at the Scarlet Raven Tavern in Darkshire should have some.$B$BAnd please hurry, $N.  These nights get cold, and I need that drink to put fire in my veins again!','Speak with Tavernkeep Smitts.','You need some Zombie Juice, do you? Hmm...that\'s some strong stuff - I don\'t usually get requests for it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     195insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (150,159,'Juice Delivery','Here\'s your Zombie Juice...$B$B...and be careful with this stuff.  It\'s strong enough to raise the dead!','Bring the Zombie Juice to Abercrombie at his shack.','A thousand thanks, $N. You warm an old man\'s heart with your foolish-...I mean...with your kindness!$b$bHere you are, friend. Take this as a token of my gratitude.','I need that Zombie Juice to keep me warm on these cold, dark nights. Did you get it for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     196insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (151,160,'Note to the Mayor','Take this note to Ello Ebonlocke, the Mayor of Darkshire.$B$BHe and I are old friends...and when he reads it and discovers what you did for me...I\'m sure he\'ll be just as happy as I am!  Hahahaha!','Bring Abercrombie\'s Letter to Ello Ebonlocke, Mayor of Darkshire.','<Ello looks at the letter...>$B$BWhat language is this? It looks ancient...I can\'t read it.','Abercrombie...? I don\'t know a person of that name. You say you have a letter for me from this Abercrombie fellow?$B$BWell let\'s have it then...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     197insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (152,161,'A Dark Threat Looms','If my suspicions are correct, this is some type of explosive powder.  This must be analyzed by an explosives expert so we know just what we\'re dealing with here.  Ashlan Stonesmirk was assigned to the regiment guarding Dun Modr and the Thandol Span.  I need you to make a grave and perilous journey, $N.$b$bTravel through the Algaz Gate, follow the road through the Wetlands and seek out Stonesmirk in Dun Modr.  Heed my advice: stick to the roads and stop for nothing!','Chief Engineer Hinderweir wants you to take the strange smelling powder to Ashlan Stonesmirk, the explosives expert in Dun Modr.','Ah, well Ol\' Hinderweir is wise to be worried.','You say somethin\', sonny? Can\'t hear a bloody thing besides the ringin\' in me ears. Say, what\'s that you got there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     198insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (153,162,'Rise of the Silithid','I urge you to take this report to someone who has working knowledge in this kind of thing.$B$BI know this night elf scholar named Gracina Spiritmight.  She\'s spent a lot of time studying life forms that are unique to the ecology of Azeroth; she\'s a historian to boot!  If you want someone to help figure out what exactly this threat is, and more importantly how to stop it, give her the report.  We\'ll need the help.$B$BLast I heard, she was residing in the Temple of the Moon, located in Darnassus.','Take the Insect Analysis Report to Gracina Spiritmight in Darnassus.','This report... we night elves know of the terror mentioned here.  Fizzledowser was wise to send this, and you, to me.$B$BThese creatures will consume the Tanaris desert rapidly; they are nothing short of one of the greatest menaces we all will ever face.  Familiarize yourself with this name, $n: silithid.  The insects mentioned here are the silithid, and they are the tools of one of the greatest threats that both the Horde and Alliance face.$B$BIf only we were smart enough to see that before.','Peace and tranquility be upon you, stranger.  Why have you sought me out this day?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     199insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (154,163,'Raven Hill','Something\'s amiss at Raven Hill, $n. Calor swears that someone--or something--is haunting the buildings there. Two nights running he\'s noticed the shadows moving, and the third before that he says he saw light in one of the windows.$b$bIf, as you say, you care about the safety of Duskwood, find out what monster haunts in Raven Hill.','Find out what is haunting Raven Hill.','No! Please don\'t kill me! It\'s just me... Jitters!! They\'re everywhere... I can\'t escape them! Monsters in Raven Hill? N-n-n-o... couldn\'t be. Only harmless Jitters.','Ah, $N! Back so soon? No doubt you\'ve been at the hunt again? Don\'t worry if you\'ve had some setbacks, in the long run it will make you better!$B$B...You couldn\'t get much worse, anyway...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     200insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (155,164,'Deliveries to Sven','Do you know Sven? Now, there is a man who does the work of the Light! He and his followers keep a camp at the northwestern edge of Duskwood.$b$bUnfortunately, because they are so few, they cannot even spare a man to fetch supplies from town. Will you deliver these supplies to him?','Deliver the supplies to Sven.','These supplies will be most useful. The aid of the Carevin family is always appreciated. Here is a little something for your trouble.','You look a sturdy type, $C. Have you come to join our fight?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     201insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (156,165,'The Hermit','There was an old man who used to come into town to buy supplies rather frequently, but I haven\'t seen him for quite some time now. He lives out in a shack overlooking Raven Hill cemetery, if I remember correctly. Perhaps you should go see if something is amiss.','Check on the old man in the shack near Raven Hill cemetery.','Hehe, oh yes... of course, the Carevins.$B$BNo, nothing\'s wrong but it is hard for me to go into town now. The roads are dangerous and I\'m not getting any younger. Maybe you can do an old man some favors?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     202insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (157,166,'The Defias Brotherhood','There is but one task left for you to complete.  Edwin VanCleef must be assassinated.  While it saddens me to condemn any man to a death sentence, it is for the greater good of the people of Westfall that VanCleef is laid to rest once and for all.  Bring me the villain\'s head once the deed is done.','Kill Edwin VanCleef and bring his head to Gryan Stoutmantle.','$N, your bravery is remarkable. The People\'s Militia thanks you for your service to the people of Westfall. With VanCleef dead, this marks the beginning of the end for the Defias Brotherhood. Hopefully some day soon peace will once again grace the plains of this fair land.$B$BI salute you, $gLord:Lady;!','How goes the hunt for Edwin VanCleef?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     203insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (158,167,'Oh Brother. . .','We were deep in a vast mine in Westfall, hidden beneath a barn in Moonbrook. No clue where these stinkin\' thieving types came from. Anyway, the mine tunnel collapsed on us. I got out but the others... well... the others haven\'t been heard from.$b$bYou look like you might have better luck in there. If you could look for my brother, I\'d be thankful.  He always carried his Explorers\' League Badge. If you can\'t find him, that badge would at least give me some peace of mind.','Bring Foreman Thistlenettle\'s Explorers\' League Badge to Wilder Thistlenettle in Stormwind.','My suspicions were correct. My poor brother.... Well, thank you for bringing some conclusion to this mystery, even if the conclusion was grim.','Did you find any sign of my brother? Is there any hope after all this time?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     204insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (159,168,'Collecting Memories','Many of my friends perished that horrible day when the mine tunnel caved in.  If your adventures happen to bring you into that wing of the mine in Moonbrook, please keep an eye out for any sign which might identify them.  If you come across any of their Miners\' Union Cards, bring them back to me and I\'ll make sure their families get some resolution from this horrible accident.','Retrieve 4 Miners\' Union Cards and return them to Wilder Thistlenettle in Stormwind.','Thank you for collecting these, $N. Your efforts will help bring peace to the dead in the wake of this tragedy. I will see to it that the families are notified.','Were you able to retrieve any of my old co-worker\'s Miners\' Union Cards?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     205insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (160,169,'Wanted: Gath\'Ilzogg','Wanted! Gath\'Ilzogg, Leader of the Blackrock attacks on Stonewatch Keep and raids against the township of Lakeshire. $b$bGath\'Ilzogg is extremely dangerous.  He is reportedly holed up in the recently conquered keep plotting the Blackrock clan\'s further crimes against humanity.  The orc infestation must be quelled at all costs.  A gracious reward will be given to whatever brave soul can deliver the head of Gath\'Ilzogg to Magistrate Solomon.','Kill Gath\'Ilzogg and bring his head to Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire for the reward.','Fantastic work, $N! Gath\'Ilzogg led those brutes into battle, killing many innocent humans. Vindication is ours. This is the first step in reclaiming the keep for the kingdom of Stormwind!','What do you have there, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     206insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (161,170,'A New Threat','I hope you\'re here to lend us a hand, $c. After the last trogg attack, we could use all the help we can get.$b$bI hear the buggers have been popping up all across the lands, and it seems Coldridge Valley is no exception. They\'ve been spotted all over the hills to the southeast and near the frozen lake.$b$bAnd that\'s not all, just a few nights ago, they attacked and overran our camp to the west! $b$bWe\'re a bit shorthanded here, $g lad : lass;, and we need strong arms to help drive the troggs back.','Balir Frosthammer wants you to kill 6 Rockjaw Troggs and 6 Burly Rockjaw Troggs.','If the problems we\'ve had here are indicative of what is happening elsewhere in our lands, by Magni\'s beard, we have some troubles ahead of us! I can only hope that the king and Senate are taking steps to deal with the threat the troggs pose.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     207insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (162,171,'A Warden of the Alliance','You have been so very kind to me, $N.  I never dreamed that I\'d have so much fun during Children\'s Week.  Thank you.  I don\'t wanna be sad about what\'s happened to me and all - my folks always told me to rise above anything bad that happens.  You know, when I grow up I wanna be a hero... just like you.$B$BI\'m sad to say this, but it\'s time for me to go home.  Let\'s go back and I\'ll tell the matron what an awesome person you are!','Return your ward to the Stormwind orphanage by handing in the Human Orphan Whistle to Orphan Matron Nightingale in the Cathedral District.','May the heavens bless you, $N. You\'ve done more for Randis than most would ever think of doing for him. Thank you - you\'re a shining star in the skies of the Alliance.$b$bPlease - if you can spare the time, come back and visit us. I know that Randis would like that, as would I.','It is a pleasure to see you again, $N. Have you attended to the duties you\'ve volunteered for during Children\'s Week?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     208insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (163,172,'Children\'s Week','You\'re willing to help us here at the orphanage?  Bless you, friend; your aid during Children\'s Week will be invaluable.$B$BTake this whistle.  You will only be able to use it for a short amount of time - typically not longer than Children\'s Week itself.  When you use it, you will be able to talk with the child you\'ve agreed to look after.  Using it again will dismiss the child.$B$BBy all means $N - use the whistle and meet your ward!  I\'m sure the child will be most eager to meet you.','Use the Orcish Orphan Whistle to talk with the child you will be looking after during Children\'s Week.','Zug zug! My name is Grunth, and I guess you\'re looking after me? You\'re an adventurer, like my mom and dad were. My matron says that they died with honor in battle. I\'m happy to meet you.$B$BI hope we\'ll do plenty of things together. I have some things I\'d like to do, and the matron says you\'ll be like a big brother to me during this week. I\'d like that a whole bunch.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     209insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (164,173,'Worgen in the Woods','Darkness seems drawn inexorably to Duskwood. Master Carevin\'s quest is the expulsion of evil and heresy. Through our efforts are the people of Darkshire kept safe.$b$bYou believe yourself worthy to join us?$b$bI once thought as you. Disillusioned by the complacency of the Watch, I joined Master Carevin. If you wish to prove yourself, it will not be through words.$b$bTest your skills against the Nightbane Shadow Weaver worgen in Brightwood Grove--bright, hah!--and the Rotting Orchard.','Kill 6 Nightbane Shadow Weaver worgen for Calor in Darkshire.','Impressive, $N. It would seem that you are capable enough to handle yourself. Perhaps a more suitable challenge could be found for one of your abilities.$b$bIt is curious though... The worgen seemed to just appear out of thin air. But then, with all the other strange creatures that have moved across our borders, I suppose it\'s only one of many concerns.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     210insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (165,174,'Look To The Stars','My Gnomish friend, Cog, has promised to help me build a device which will let me peer towards the stars.  A truth exists, beyond magic, that can explain the strange transformation in the forest.$b$bBring to me a bronze tube made by a skilled engineer.  That is the first step, according to Cog\'s blueprint.','Viktori Prism\'Antras of Darkshire wants you to bring him a bronze tube.','This is perfect, $N. The first step is complete!','Have you found a skilled engineer to create a bronze tube yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     211insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (166,175,'Look To The Stars','According to Cog\'s blueprint, what I need now is a way to reflect light.  I remember a woman by the name of Mary who became well known around these parts for always carrying a looking glass.  Perhaps you can track Mary down and see if she might lend us a reflective surface for this project?  I believe she once resided in southern Duskwood. . .','Locate Mary and persuade her to give up a reflective surface for Viktori\'s project.','Why yes, I used to own a looking glass.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     212insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (167,176,'Wanted:  \"Hogger\"','Wanted: Hogger$B$BA huge gnoll, Hogger, is prowling the woods in southwestern Elwynn.  He has overpowered all attempts at his capture.$B$BThe Stormwind Army has placed a generous bounty on the Gnoll.  To earn the reward, bounty hunters should bring proof of Hogger\'s demise to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.','Slay the gnoll Hogger and bring his Huge Gnoll Claw to Marshal Dughan.','Hah! Well done! I was starting to think no one would take down that monster!$B$BHere you are, $N. And thanks - that Gnoll was giving me a headache the size of Blackrock Spire!','Yes, Hogger has been a real pain for me and my men. You have something to report about the beast?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     213insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (168,177,'Look To The Stars','The looking glass was one of my finest treasures until. . .the incident.  After that happened, I discarded it behind the barn.  There was an Insane Ghoul who used to roam back there.  Perhaps he picked it up.  Rumor has it the devilish beast resides in the Tranquil Gardens Cemetery.','Retrieve Blind Mary\'s Looking Glass from the Insane Ghoul and give it to Viktori in Darkshire.','Most superb! This will work perfectly. Many thanks!','I showed Cog the beginnings of our star-viewing machine. He was impressed. Did you happen to find a reflective device?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     214insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (169,178,'Theocritus\' Retrieval','<You hear a disembodied voice...>$B$BDo not be alarmed.  I am Theocritus, High Mage of Tower Azora in Elwynn Forest.  The pendant you are holding is a method of communication between the Shadowhide Gnolls and their master, Morganth.$B$BThrough months of research, I believe I too can communicate through these pendants.  If you can hear this message, then my spell was a success.$B$BBring me this pendant and I will reward you for the service.','Bring the Faded Shadowhide Pendant to Theocritus the Mage.','You have my gratitude, $N. I sent that message to the Shadowhide Pendants weeks ago and had believed it a failure. But it seems the spell did reach at least some pendants, after a significant delay.$B$BIn time I hope to learn how to send an attack through the pendants, to immobilize any Shadowhide Gnolls who wear them.$B$BBut before that is possible, I\'m afraid that much more research is required.','I spoke to you through a pendant, you say? Hmm...give it to me, so that I might study it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     215insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (170,179,'Dwarven Outfitters','What do we have here? You look as though you might need something to keep your hands warm, hm?$b$bI\'ll tell you what would help: a pair of nice, warm gloves. And, being the kind soul that I am, I\'d be more than happy to provide you with a suitable pair. I\'ve one condition, however.$b$bI need you to go get me some wolf meat. Nice arrangement, hm? You bring me some wolf meat, and I\'ll make sure you don\'t lose any digits to frostbite. Well, what do you say?','Sten Stoutarm would like 8 pieces of Tough Wolf Meat.','Ah! Wonderful. The wolf meat should do nicely. Oh, don\'t worry, $N, I wouldn\'t forget my part of the bargain. Here, one of these should fit you.','Wolves giving you a bit of trouble? You\'d do well to avoid the fangs and claws and other sharp bits, yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     216insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (171,180,'Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore','Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore$b$bKnown leader of the Shadowhide Gnoll Clan, working under the enemy of the Township and Kingdom, Morganth.  By mandate of Magistrate Solomon, this vile betrayer of Stormwind is wanted dead.  Show his paw to the Magistrate as proof of his death.','Kill Lieutenant Fangore and return to Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire with his paw.','So the evil Lieutenant Fangore is dead? Good riddance to that foul creature. You are very brave, $C. The Township of Lakeshire thanks you for your aid.','What news do you bring before the Court?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     217insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (172,181,'Look To The Stars','Now there is just one more item needed to complete this device.  Cog\'s blueprint calls for a lens of some sort.  The only lens I know of that would be large enough will be very difficult to acquire.$b$bThere is an ogre by the name of Zzarc\'Vul who resides in the mound in southern Duskwood.  If you can, bring to me his monocle and I will use that as our lens!','Locate Zzarc\'Vul in the southern ogre mound in Duskwood and return his monocle to Viktori in Darkshire.','At last! The stargazing device is complete! Thank you, $N. Now I can continue my research. . .','Were you able to convince Zzarc\'Vul to lend us his monocle for our experiment?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     218insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (173,182,'The Troll Cave','My brother Senir and I were sent to different parts of Dun Morogh to investigate the threat posed by the trolls. The Senate has its hands full with the troggs, so they\'ve no need for further annoyances.$b$bFrom what I\'ve seen, the trolls aren\'t well situated here in Coldridge Valley--mostly the southern cave. I\'d say that the army will not be necessary. A few strong arms should be more than enough.$b$bPerhaps you\'d like to assist in this endeavor? I have the authority to offer compensation for your help.','Grelin Whitebeard would like you to kill 14 Frostmane Troll Whelps.','Argh! Those Light-blasted trolls!$b<He takes a few breaths and seems to settle down... a bit.>$bA group of them came in the night and stole my journal! I knew better than to trust that good-for-nothing appr...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     219insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (174,183,'The Boar Hunter','Nothing like a day of boar hunting, eh?$b$bThough, here in Coldridge Valley, there are so many boars it almost takes the fun out of it. No need to get them charging. They\'re all angry and ready without any help. In fact, recently, there\'ve been so many boars in the area, it\'s become dangerous for me to do my daily hunting.$b$bLong story short, if you could help me kill some of the boars, I would appreciate it.','Talin Keeneye would like you to kill 12 Small Crag Boars.','Excellent! I can go back to my... leisurely... hunting now. Thank you, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     220insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (175,184,'Furlbrow\'s Deed','This is the deed to an expanse of farmlands within Westfall.  It is signed by a Theodore Furlbrow and cosigned by his wife, Verna.  And on the back of the deed are hastily scrawled words:$B$B\"We leaned on Furlbrow and got his deed.  Thought it might be handy if you wanted to forge one of these for your own place.$B$BThe Furlbrows won\'t give us trouble.  Last I saw them they were on their way out of Westfall, stuck with a broken wagon.\"$B$BYou think the Furlbrows might want their deed back...','Bring Furlbrow\'s Deed to Farmer Furlbrow.','Loads of thanks, $N! As I was saying, these parts aren\'t fit for honest folk anymore, but if things get better, then this deed will let us reclaim our land.$b$bI don\'t have much to offer you, but here -- take this.','You have the deed to my farm?? That\'s good news! Some ruffians stole it days ago... I thought it was gone for good!$b$bPlease, let me have it. We\'re on our way out of Westfall and ain\'t coming back any time soon, but if we do then we\'ll need those papers...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     221insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (176,185,'Tiger Mastery','When I was but a young girl, my father trained me in the art of tiger hunting.$b$bYou\'ll find the young felines much easier to track and slay.  For this reason, we\'ll start you out easy.  One can often find young tigers near the expedition camp.$b$bTest your tracking skills and see if you can hunt some of the beasts down.','Ajeck Rouack of Nesingwary\'s Expedition wants you to kill 10 Young Stranglethorn Tigers.','Nicely done, $n.  You are ready to move on.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     222insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (177,186,'Tiger Mastery','You are learning, $c.  Let us test your skills with the mature cats now. Kill 10 Stranglethorn Tigers this time out.','Ajeck Rouack of Nesingwary\'s Expedition wants you to kill 10 Stranglethorn Tigers.','I am impressed, $c.  You are progressing quite well.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     223insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (178,187,'Tiger Mastery','Now I\'m going to up the stakes on you and truly test your skill.  Prove to me you can kill 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers.  If you can do that, you will be ready for your final challenge before I declare you a master tiger hunter in Master Nesingwary\'s presence.$b$bElder Stranglethorn Tigers are not only the most difficult to find, they are also the fiercest to defeat.','Ajeck Rouack of Nesingwary\'s Expedition wants you to kill 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers.','Most impressive.  I believe you are almost ready.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     224insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (179,188,'Tiger Mastery','Here is the final challenge that I will put forth.  We\'ve been tracking an elusive tiger for weeks.  We call the beast Sin\'Dall.  See if you can do what no $r has done before: hunt down and kill Sin\'Dall.  Bring me her paw as proof of your accomplishment.$b$bTracking her down will be no easy task.','Ajeck Rouack of Nesingwary\'s Expedition wants you to kill Sin\'Dall and return with her paw.','Most impressive, I do say!  You are a true Master Tiger Hunter, $N!','How goes the hunt for Sin\'Dall?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     225insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (180,189,'Bloodscalp Ears','Damn trolls! They\'ve been killing off our agents in the jungle! I\'ve already lost a good number of my best guards to skirmishes with them. The costs are piling up! How will I explain this to Baron Revilgaz?$b$bDecisive action... Think, Kebok... you weren\'t assigned to the post you have today for sitting around... I\'ve got it! You... $n, is it? You\'ll help me, won\'t you? There\'s money to be had!$b$bHere\'s the deal... you bring me the ears of fifteen Bloodscalp Trolls, and I\'ll compensate you well.','Acquire 15 Bloodscalp Ears and return them to Kebok in Booty Bay.','Oh excellent, excellent. That\'ll help a little, for the present...$b$b<He trails off, grumbling about profit margins and costs...>$b$bWhat? You\'re still here? Reward? Oh, right... of course, here, take this... it should be more than enough.','You\'ve had success I hope? All over the place, those trolls. Filthy devils.$b$bOh yes, that reminds me! Be sure to tell your friends, yes? We could use much assistance!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     226insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (181,190,'Panther Mastery','If you want to be a part of the hunt with this crack group under Hemet Jr.\'s leadership, you\'re going to need to prove yourself an able panther hunter.  We\'ll start you out easy -- don\'t you worry.  Let\'s see you kill 10 young panthers to start.$b$bTracking them down is only half the challenge...','Sir S. J. Erlgadin of Nesingwary\'s Expedition wants you to kill 10 Young Panthers.','Off to a good start, $N!','Bhag\'thera can prove to be an elusive beast. How fairs the hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     227insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (182,191,'Panther Mastery','Now you\'re ready to turn it up a notch.  If you want to prove yourself worthy of socializing with the likes of these big game hunters, you\'ll need to prove that you can kill 10 panthers.$b$bThose big boys are tougher.  They\'re not as easy as the young ones you were killing earlier.','Sir S. J. Erlgadin of Nesingwary\'s Expedition wants you to kill 10 Panthers.','Perfectly executed, $N!','Bhag\'thera can prove to be an elusive beast. How fairs the hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     228insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (183,192,'Panther Mastery','Now the hard part.  A true panther hunter can show skill by dropping Shadowmaw Panthers, the deadliest in Stranglethorn.  Prove to us that you can slay 10 of these beasts.$b$bIf you think they are hard to track, wait until you attempt to slay one....','Sir S. J. Erlgadin of Nesingwary\'s Expedition wants you to kill 10 Shadowmaw Panthers.','Off to a good start, $N!','Bhag\'thera can prove to be an elusive beast. How fairs the hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     229insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (184,193,'Panther Mastery','You\'ve almost proven yourself to be a master hunter of panthers.  A panther by the name of Bhag\'thera has been prowling the jungle.  So far he\'s eluded our party.  See if you can use your skills to kill the great Bhag\'thera.$b$bBring me the Fang of Bhag\'thera and you\'ll have earned my respect!','Sir S. J. Erlgadin of Nesingwary\'s Expedition wants you to bring him the Fang of Bhag\'thera.','Off to a good start, $N!','Bhag\'thera can prove to be an elusive beast. How fairs the hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     230insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (185,194,'Raptor Mastery','So you think your hunting skills are in tip-top shape?  I can put them to the test in a jiffy.  Head out into that jungle and kill 10 Stranglethorn Raptors.  We\'ll see just how much of a big game hunter you are.$b$bAnd no, I won\'t tell you where you can find them!  Locating the beasts is half the challenge.','Hemet Nesingwary Jr. wants you to kill 10 Stranglethorn Raptors.','Nicely done, old chap!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     231insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (186,195,'Raptor Mastery','Now let\'s step up the challenge and see if you\'re up to it.  Venture into the jungle and bag yourself 10 of those bloody Lashtail Raptors.  Let\'s see what you\'ve got!','Hemet Nesingwary Jr. wants you to kill 10 Lashtail Raptors.','Now that\'s how you get a trophy or two over the ol\' hearth!  Nice killing, $N!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     232insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (187,196,'Raptor Mastery','Let\'s see how you handle this next challenge.  There is a cagey breed of raptor out there.  We call them Jungle Stalkers.  They are far more difficult to track down and kill than the other breeds you\'ve been trying your luck at.  Kill 10 Jungle Stalkers and I\'ll tip you off to the best hunting yet.','Hemet Nesingwary Jr. wants you to kill 10 Jungle Stalkers.','Ho ho!! We have ourselves a true raptor slayer! Nicely done, old chap!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     233insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (188,197,'Raptor Mastery','Because you proved yourself to be such a go-getter in the jungle, let me tell you about a ferocious raptor that even I have failed to kill.  Ajeck here calls this wily raptor Tethis.$b$bIf you want to prove yourself a true master, kill Tethis and bring me his talon.  It would be a feat that no other big game hunter has accomplished.','Hemet Nesingwary Jr. wants you to kill Tethis, an elusive, dangerous raptor in Stranglethorn.','Master $N, the raptor slayer!$b$bHas a nice ring to it, eh?','How goes the hunt for Tethis? Tracked her all the way back to camp, did you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     234insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (189,198,'Supplies to Private Thorsen','Hmm. Yes, I do have something you could do, actually. Lieutenant Doren and his followers up in the north need their regular supplies from us.$b$bThey haven\'t been delivered, and with the trolls attacking, I\'ll need someone to do it. Doren\'s camp lies northwest of the road at the entrance to Stranglethorn from Duskwood. Give the supplies to Private Thorsen, if he\'s not in the camp, then he\'ll be patrolling south of it. He\'ll take care of them.$b$bMind you, if you fail, you\'ll owe me restitution.','Deliver the Miscellaneous Goblin Supplies to Private Thorsen.','These land mines will help us defend ourselves from that animal Kurzen and his men. Thank you for bringing them. If you need further work, I can probably find something for you to do. And you won\'t have to deal with those goblins, hm?','Yes? What do you want? Oh, supplies from the goblins. Strange seeing a $R delivering them, usually they send their own. No matter... you didn\'t touch them did you? Good good... we wouldn\'t want anything to happen to our mines, oh no.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     235insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (190,199,'A Dark Threat Looms','You take a sample of the strange smelling powder.','Return to Chief Engineer Hinderweir and show him the clue that you discovered.','This is an alarming discovery, to say the least!','Did you happen to discover any clues, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     236insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (191,200,'Bookie Herod','If Kurzen knows Thorsen\'s secret, then we have a spy in our midst.  We must determine how the secret was leaked!$B$BThorsen\'s contact within Kurzen\'s camp was Bookie Herod.  Herod is Kurzen\'s logistics officer and knows everything about the running of Kurzen\'s Compound.  If you can get Herod\'s notes or records, maybe we can find out how Thorsen was discovered.$B$BWhen we were still with Kurzen, Bookie\'s office was on the top floor of the camp\'s only two-story house.  His records are probably still there.','Find Bookie Herod\'s Records.','These are Bookie Herod\'s notes and records.$b$bAmong them are: a list of supplies within the camp, material requests from Colonel Kurzen, and various letters and correspondences.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     237insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (192,201,'Investigate the Camp','I\'ve gotten reports of a group of hunters that have set up camp upriver of the Venture Company mining camp on Lake Nazferiti.  Now, normally I wouldn\'t care, but improbably, I heard that Hemet Nesingwary Jr. was one of the hunters there.  He\'s certainly well-connected, if you catch my meaning, and you never can be too safe.$b$bWhy don\'t you go check out the camp, $n, see what they\'re about?','Find the hunters\' camp and report its location to Krazek in Booty Bay.','Hmmm, so my information was correct, as usual. Interesting. Well, I don\'t suppose they pose any sort of threat of interference with our operation, but perhaps they have a need for some of our excellent manufactured products. Hmmm...','Well? Did you have any luck in locating the camp?','Locate the hunters\' camp','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     238insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (193,202,'Colonel Kurzen','You have proven yourself time and again, and your resourcefulness seems to rival even that of Kurzen himself.  You may be the salvation of our band of rebels...if you can pit yourself against Kurzen and prevail!$B$BHe commands his men from deep within the Stockpile.  You must enter that cave, brave through his defenders, and face Kurzen and his leaders.$B$BFarewell, $N.  My hope, and the fate of my men, go with you.','Kill 6 Kurzen Elite, 4 Kurzen Subchiefs, and bring Kurzen\'s Head to Lieutenant Doren at the Rebel Camp.','I dared not believe the reports, but you bring us proof that... Kurzen and his leaders are defeated. You have saved us!$B$BThese jungles are filled with menaces of all types, but none had the cruel intellect of Kurzen. We may all breathe easier now that he is gone.','Dare I hope that Kurzen and his defenders are dead, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     239insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (194,203,'The Second Rebellion','We\'re fighting a losing battle with Colonel Kurzen.  Not only is he a brilliant tactician, he outnumbers us at least 10 to 1!  To survive, we need to use his own, covert tactics against him.$B$BEnter his camp to the east and kill his men.  Lots of them.  And get out before reinforcements can close on you.','Kill 15 Kurzen Jungle Fighters.$B$BReturn to Sergeant Yohwa at the Rebel Camp.','Well done. The loss of those Jungle Fighters will relieve some of the pressure on our camp.$b$bBut now that you\'ve had a taste of the forces we\'re up against, do you still want to throw your lot in with us??','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     240insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (195,204,'Bad Medicine','To have a chance against Kurzen, we need his healing support neutralized.  He has gathered a large number of Medicine Men who heal his forces with Jungle Remedies and poison our fighters with Venom Fern Extracts.$B$BWe need those remedies and extracts for our own.  Search the Kurzen Compound - his Medicine Men and Jungle fighers will have the remedies, and the extracts are probably stowed in some of the camp\'s supply boxes.','Bring 7 Jungle Remedies and 1 Venom Fern Extract to Sergeant Yohwa at the Rebel Camp.','Well done, $N. These remedies will keep more of us alive and in fighting shape. And the extracts will help us create our own remedies.','I\'m waiting on those remedies and that extract, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     241insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (196,205,'Troll Witchery','While I study those legends you acquired, gather for me implements of evil troll magic.  Enter the territory of the Skullsplitter trolls, a second tribe to the distant south, and acquire Skullsplitter Fetishes from their Witchdoctors and Mystics.','Bring 4 Skullsplitter Fetishes to Brother Nimetz at the Rebel Camp.','Thank you.  I will study these fetishes and see if they hold the secret of Kurzen\'s fall into evil.','Do you have those fetishes, Pluto? They might hold the secret to Kurzen\'s degradation...I must k','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     242insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (197,206,'Mai\'Zoth','Kurzen may be dead, but...that which drove him to evil still lives!  Through my studies I have discovered this: An Ogre Mage - Mai\'Zoth - dwells in an Ogre Mound within the eastern mountains of Stranglethorn.  He is rumored to employ mind-controlling magic, and I am positive that he corrupted Kurzen.$B$BIf Mai\'Zoth is allowed to live, then his evil may influence others, and may even cause another Kurzen to surface.$B$BKill him, and bring me his Mind\'s Eye, the artifact he uses to corrupt others.','Bring the Mind\'s Eye to Brother Nimetz at the Rebel Camp.','Aha! You\'ve done it! You are a great force for good, $N, and may your strength never fade!$B$BI will study this Mind\'s Eye and determine if it may be used for good. If not... then it must be destroyed.','I give you my blessing. Mai\'Zoth\'s strength is matched only by his evil.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     243insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (198,207,'Kurzen\'s Mystery','Colonel Kurzen was once a great, noble man - I must find what caused his fall into depravity!  He may be under the sway of troll magic.  To confirm this, I must study some of their legends.$B$BThere are 4 tablets hidden within the troll ruins of Stranglethorn.  I must see what is written on these tablets!  Transcribe their markings and bring the transcriptions back to me.$B$BThe first tablet is in the Bal\'lal Ruins, the second is in the Vile Reef, and the third and fourth are in the Ruins of Zul\'Kunda.','Find the 4 tablets and bring their legends back to Brother Nimetz.','Thank you, $N. I will study these legends to see if there is some link between the trolls and the evil that has possessed Colonel Kurzen.','$N! Do you have the troll legends? I must know their secrets!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     244insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (199,208,'Big Game Hunter','$N, you are a hunter worthy of our company.  From the battlefields of Lordaeron to the deepest jungle, I have rarely witnessed such prowess with weaponry as you have demonstrated.$b$bYou have killed the ferocious Sin\'Dall, the elusive Bag\'thera and the treacherous Tethis.  But the true prize is the head of King Bangalash.  That white tiger is the reason I am here.  I\'ve had my sights on him for quite some time now.  Kill King Bangalash and your hunting prowess is proven to be second to none.','Hemet Nesingwary Jr. wants you to bring him the head of King Bangalash, the great white tiger.','Bloody well done! Right-o! Congratulations, $N, for succeeding where others have failed.$B$BI am honored to count you as a comrade of our great hunting party here. No one will ever doubt your expertise in hunting and tracking!$B$BCheers to you, I say! Cheers!','I see you\'re back, old bloke. King Bangalash has caused me to come crawling back to camp many times. Hang in there.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     245insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (200,209,'Skullsplitter Tusks','It\'s expensive and hard to kill enough tigers to support the export of tiger fangs to the islands in the South Seas. Luckily, we\'ve developed a technique that allows us to take mundane horn-like objects and turn them into undetectable forgeries.$b$bThe closest match we\'ve found, amazingly, are the tusks of the Skullsplitter trolls.$b$bHey, before you say anything, what the buyer doesn\'t know doesn\'t hurt them, am I right? Bring me a large number of them so we can get to work on the monthly shipment!','Acquire 18 Skullsplitter Tusks and return them to Kebok.','Ah, good work, good work! Ugh, though you could have done a better job cleaning off the-- Well, no matter, no matter! My thanks to you, $N, our operation will no doubt see increased output and productivity thanks to your help! Good good, now, onto other matters...','Tough buggers, aren\'t they? Well, have you had any luck? Sorry to seem impatient, but this has been a huge thorn in my side! Well?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     246insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (201,210,'Krazek\'s Cookery','I do most of the cooking at the camp.  And it used to be a lot of work, until I bought a mechanical cooking pot from a goblin merchant in Booty Bay.  The pot is a wonder!  It saved me countless hours...until it broke!$B$BCan you take the pot back to the goblin for me so he can fix it?  His name is Krazek.','Bring Krazek\'s Crock Pot to Krazek the goblin.','Oh I see, it\'s a Krazek\'s Crock Pot! An ingenious piece of work, but it can break a spring or throw a gear now and then. Let me see what\'s wrong with this one...$b$bAha! Its steam charger is rusted out, it has a cracked knuckle-gasket and its fobulator is missing teeth. I\'m surprised the pot could even boil a turnip in this state!$b$bCan I fix it? Of course I can fix it!$b$bBut there\'s a price. Oh yes, there is always a price...','Hello! You brought me something?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     247insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (202,211,'Alas, Andorhal','Alas, the time to attack Andorhal and drive out the lich that controls it is upon us!$B$BInside the ruins of the city is where the lich - Araj the Summoner - holds dominion.  He is guarded by numerous Scourge surrounding the remains of city\'s center, and his personal retinue of guardians attached to him directly is formidable.  You will need numerous allies to even stand a chance of facing him successfully.$B$BDestroy Araj, $N, and bring me a shard from his phylactery as proof!','Bring Araj\'s Phylactery Shard to Commander Ashlam Valorfist at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','You\'ve done it! Araj... the lich is finally defeated!$B$BYou\'ve done a tremendous service to the Alliance on this day, $N. Your bravery and perseverance are a testament to what it means to be a true hero. Please - accept this as a token for all to see and know that you have delivered the Alliance a victory for the ages!','Your task has been given to you, $N. Do you have a shard from the lich\'s phylactery as proof of the task being accomplished?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     248insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (203,212,'A Meal Served Cold','One of my most famous dishes is Chilled Basilisk in Lime Vinaigrette.  But the problem is... the meat is impossible to keep fresh, and I must serve the dish tonight for a noble\'s birthday!$B$BSo if you can bring me a Chilled Basilisk Haunch from a freshly-killed Cold Eye Basilisk, quickly, then I will owe you a king\'s feast!$B$BCold Eye Basilisks are known to roam along the beach dunes of northwestern Stranglethorn, so you have much traveling to do.  And be swift!','Kill a Cold Eye Basilisk, get a Chilled Basilisk Haunch, and return it to Angus Stern in the Blue Recluse.$B$B<You must not release your spirit to succeed in this quest.>','Ah, this will do nicely! Many, many thanks!$b$bNow if you\'ll excuse me, I must get the haunch chopped, marinated and garnished for the banquet.','$N! Do you have that haunch? I must begin preparing it soon, or the banquet will be ruined!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     249insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (204,213,'Hostile Takeover','He\'s done it this time! Bad enough that Gelriz\'s muscling out the moguls who were appointed by the trade princes, now he tries to cut in on the most notorious pirate!$b$bRevilgaz won\'t have it, and he\'s told me to take care of the problem in my own way.$b$bMy way? Theft. The Venture Co. geologists near Lake Nazferiti are deeply interested in those strange blue crystals they have been finding in the mines. Bring me samples of the stone from their geologists, I don\'t care what you have to do to get them.','Retrieve 8 Tumbled Crystals and return them to Kebok in Booty Bay.','Fascinating. That the crystals have been tumbled using this process can only indicate that they are planning to use them as some sort of fuel or other catalyst. I don\'t know much more than that. Samples will have to be dispatched to Head Chemist Gigglefont.','I need those stones, $N. By whatever means necessary! Just do it, don\'t give me the details!$b$bIt\'s about results, $N, nothing more, nothing less.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     250insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (205,214,'Red Silk Bandanas','It\'s no secret that the trademark of the Defias Gang is their Red Bandanas.  But we\'ve learned that the material from which these bandanas are made signifies the member\'s rank.$b$bThat being said, I want you to eliminate as many high ranking Defias members as you can.  The highest ranking members will undoubtedly be found in VanCleef\'s secret hideout.  When you\'re done bring me 10 Red Silk Bandanas as proof of their deaths and I will reward you.  Good luck, $N.','Scout Riell at the Sentinel Hill Tower wants you to bring her 10 Red Silk Bandanas.','Well done, $N! On behalf of The People\'s Militia I salute you for your efforts. Soon we will return this land to the people with help from brave souls like you.','Have you been reclaiming our land from the Defias gang? If so show me 10 Red Silk Bandanas as proof.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     251insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (206,215,'Jungle Secrets','Thank you for saving me, $N.  I know how this looks, but...allow me to explain.$B$BI was charged by Lieutenant Doren to re-enlist with Kurzen\'s men, so that I might spy on them and bring sorely needed intelligence to the rebels.  You saw here what I had thought would be my chance to infiltrate Kurzen\'s Compound.  I was wrong, and again, thanks for saving me.$B$BThis was a top secret mission, so you must tell no one.  But if you speak with Doren he will explain.','Speak with Lieutenant Doren at the Rebel Camp.','Yes, what Thorsen told you is true. You must be discrete with this. At one time, we rebels were fiercely loyal to Colonel Kurzen. But such was Kurzen\'s corruption, our passion twisted into rage.  If it was made known that Private Thorsen has had recent dealings with Kurzen\'s men, then one night he would find himself with a slit throat.$b$bTo my knowledge, only Sergeant Yohwa, Thorsen and I were privy to Thorsen\'s mission. But there must be another. A traitor.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     252insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (207,216,'Between a Rock and a Thistlefur','The Thistlefur furbolgs are threatening our expansion!  Thistlefur Village to our east blocks the way between us here and the Splintertree Post.  It\'s a path that would circumvent the village of Astranaar; without it, we give the Alliance an extra expansion path.$B$B$N, we must not allow... an expansion path gap!$B$BProceed to Thistlefur Village and thin out the furbolgs.  You will be given compensation for this task, but more importantly you will be doing your duty for the Horde!','Take down 8 Thistlefur Avengers and 8 Thistlefur Shaman; most are located east of Zoram Strand in Thistlefur Village.  Once completed, return to Karang Amakkar at Zoram\'gar Outpost, Ashenvale.','Well done $C, well done! I will continue to send forces to thin out the furbolg, but I can at least count on a different path that will be free of Alliance entanglements. The Horde conquest of Ashenvale is now in full swing!$b$bYou\'ve earned your pay this day, hero. I salute you!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     253insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (208,217,'In Defense of the King\'s Lands','$N, our scouts have identified the leader of this recent Trogg incursion.  It appears that these beasts in Loch Modan are following the lead of a chieftain named Grawmug.  Grawmug is heavily guarded, however.  Two of his most elite guards, Gnasher and Brawler, never leave his side.$b$bIf you feel yourself worthy, $N, I want you to lead the assassination mission on Grawmug and his two thugs.  With the Trogg leadership dead, we just might stand a chance at pushing these beasts back into the ground.','Kill the Trogg leader, Grawmug, and his two guards, Gnasher and Brawler then report back to Captain Rugelfuss in the southern guard tower.','Most excellent, $N! You have brought hope to Loch Modan. With Grawmug dead, we stand a better chance of seeing the Troggs eliminated from the land.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     254insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (209,218,'The Stolen Journal','My journal! They took it away to the cave. The one that had it... It was a big brute with some odd markings on his skin and face. I didn\'t get a much better look than that.$b$bYou\'ve had some luck with the trolls, maybe you could go get it back for me?','Grelin Whitebeard wants you to kill Grik\'nir the Cold, and retrieve his journal.','Wonderful, $N! Many thanks for retrieving my notebook. Well, it would seem that the troll situation here in Coldridge Valley is under control and not much cause for worry.$b$bAfter I put the finishing touches on my report, I\'ll need someone to courier it to my brother Senir.','$N! Any luck?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     255insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (210,219,'Missing In Action','At last, friends of the Alliance!$b$bHelp... please... $b$bThe last thing I remember these foul Orcs overpowered our regiment.  Most the men were killed. I took a strong blow to the head and everything went black. Now I am held captive in this cave.  Help me, I am hurt badly.$b$bI\'ll need help getting back to town... please... you\'re my last hope...','Protect Corporal Keeshan on the journey back to Redridge.','You have served the Kingdom well, $C. Thank you for assisting Corporal Keeshan with his escape from those dreaded Blackrock Orcs. You shall be rewarded for your brave acts this day.','','Escort Corporal Keeshan back to Redridge','Escort Corporal Keeshan back to Redridge','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     256insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (211,220,'Call of Water','Islen will have one more task for you before rewarding you with your next totem. The vial of water I\'ve given you is necessary for whatever that task is.$B$BGo now and find her. We shall meet again some day.','Bring the Vial of Purest Water to Islen Waterseer in the Barrens.','Ah, a vial of water created and blessed by Brine, and gathered by you, no less.$B$BThe liquid in this vial will be key in creating a sapta for you, but also used in one other task.$B$BThe sapta I create for you should be used to see the water spirits at the shrine in Silverpine Forest, south of the Undercity. The remaining drops, well, the remaining drops I will tell you about if you feel you are ready.$B$BAre you prepared for one more journey, $N?','Hello again, $N. You\'re looking well.$B$BWhat brings you back to me so soon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     257insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (212,221,'Worgen in the Woods','You might have noticed some larger worgen wandering around with the Shadow Weavers in the woods? From what we can tell, these Dark Runners make up the bulk of the worgen numbers.$b$bOn my rangings, I\'ve also noticed that they have overrun the Rotting Orchard southwest of town. These worgen are a bit tougher than the last you faced.$b$bBe on your guard.','Kill 12 Nightbane Dark Runner worgen for Calor in Darkshire.','You performed well against the Dark Runners, $N. But it seems as though their numbers are inexhaustible. Every time we make progress, more spring up to refill their ranks.$b$bWhat is the evil power that draws them here? Why have they come to disturb our unhappy realm...$b$bI will put my faith in Master Carevin. No doubt he will get to the bottom of the problem.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     258insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (213,222,'Worgen in the Woods','Your previous accomplishments have convinced me that you are ready to take on the toughest worgen infesting the woods.$b$bOf the worgen that have made their new home here, the Vile Fangs and the Tainted Ones have proven the most dangerous. They\'ve settled down near some of the caves and in the mine to the south.$b$bFrom far away you can even see the light from their bonfires...','Kill 8 Nightbane Vile Fang and 8 Nightbane Tainted One worgen for Calor in Darkshire.','$N, to be honest with you, I did not believe that you would get this far, but you are clearly a $C to be reckoned with. In fact, if you wish to formally join Master Carevin\'s struggle, I will gladly write for you a letter of recommendation.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     259insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (214,223,'Worgen in the Woods','Here you go, $n. Bring this message to Master Carevin.$b$b<He quickly removes a piece of faded parchment and offers it to you.>$b$bA few more like you, and we will outnumber the Night Watch! Perhaps then we could complete the work that we few carry on today.','Bring Calor\'s note to Jonathan Carevin.','Excuse me for my cold reception, $N, but as I\'m sure you can tell, I am an extremely busy man. I see that you have impressed Calor--and I assure you, that is no small feat--and that he has given his recommendation.$b$bThere are unsavory types afoot, $N, and we can use the help of all who have proven themselves. We battle against demons, the undead, and those who would provide them aid. Be vigilant, be wary, and trust none who would not give aid to our cause.$b$bGlory under the Light.','Yes, what is it? Make it quick, I\'ve pressing matters to attend to.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     260insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (215,224,'In Defense of the King\'s Lands','We need to protect the Loch, $N!  With so many of the King\'s soldiers fighting valiantly on remote battlefields, we\'ve become overwhelmed on the home front.  Troggs are tunneling up from every crevice!  The Trogg infestation poses the largest threat to Ironforge.  These disgusting mutants must be destroyed.$b$bWe need you, brave adventurer, to venture forth and lay waste to the Trogg threat.  Slay 10 Stonesplinter Troggs and 10 Stonesplinter Scouts and report back.','Mountaineer Cobbleflint of the southern guard tower wants you to kill 10 Stonesplinter Troggs and 10 Stonesplinter Scouts.','Well done, $N! You demonstrated uncanny courage on the battlefield. Our war against the Troggs will be won with efforts such as yours. You have served King Magni well.$b$bIf you fancy yourself well-suited for this kind of adventuring, I suggest you speak with Mountaineer Gravelgaw. The Captain has him assigned to a rough patrol that I am sure he can use some help with. Check with Gravelgaw just inside the tower.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     261insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (216,225,'The Weathered Grave','The weathered grave marker reads simply:$b$bMORGAN LADIMORE$b$b<Upon further examination, you notice that dirt over the grave has been recently disturbed, and that a good amount of the dirt seems to have been displaced...>','Speak with Sirra Von\'Indi in Darkshire.','Morgan Ladimore?$b$bAhh, yes, of course. His was a long and sorrowful tale. I knew him, well, before he left for the war, but that was the last time I saw him. A noble and good man, he was, but he suffered a bad end.$b$bHere, I should have something here that can tell the tale better than my own recollections...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     262insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (217,226,'Wolves at Our Heels','Sven and I have dangerous days ahead of us, what with the Necromancer to the east and all.  And out here alone as we are, we have to hunt for our own food.  It seems every time I\'m heading back to camp with some meat on me, starving or rabid dire wolves come out of the forest wanting a bite.  It goes without saying, living out here is dangerous work!$B$BBut if you can rid us of some of those wolves, we\'d have an easier time of it.  They mostly prowl north and east of here, near the river.','Kill 12 Starving Dire Wolves and 8 Rabid Dire Wolves, then return to Lars at Sven\'s Camp on the western border of Duskwood.','Oh good. You thinned out that pack quite a bit, and without those wolves nipping out our heels, we can bind our minds to dealing with Morbent Fel.$B$BHere, take some of these Flash Bundles. They make them in town, and a lot have been donated to Sven to help with his cause.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     263insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (218,227,'Morgan Ladimore','<He searches through the shelves and comes up with a leatherbound book.>$b$bIf you would like to know more, you might ask Althea, she\'s been the one to handle the... trouble... with him of late.','Speak with Commander Althea Ebonlocke in Darkshire.','Morgan Ladimore? Never heard of...$b$bOh, you mean Mor\'Ladim! I guess you haven\'t heard the story?$b$bWell, I\'ll give you the short version. A wandering undead calling itself Mor\'Ladim has been wandering Duskwood. From what we\'ve gathered, it appears to be the undead body of Morgan Ladimore, of whom you apparently know. He\'s been causing us all sorts of problems, attacking Watchmen on patrol and killing people.$b$b<She sizes you up.>$b$bYou seem to be capable enough, maybe you could lay him to rest.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     264insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (219,228,'Mor\'Ladim','From what my scouts tell me, Mor\'Ladim wanders throughout Duskwood, following a strange and meandering path through the cemetery. We buried him out past the house on the hill, you know where that is?$b$bThere isn\'t anything I can do to help you, but I wish you good luck.','Kill Mor\'Ladim, then return his skull to Commander Althea Ebonlocke in Darkshire.','You killed him? That\'s no small accomplishment, $N! On behalf of the people of Darkshire and the Night Watch, I thank you.$B$BAh... there is one small matter, however...','I don\'t blame you if you\'re having trouble with him, $N. Some of our strongest Watchers have been lost to Mor\'Ladim.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     265insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (220,229,'The Daughter Who Lived','I should have told you this earlier...$b$bHow do I put this...$b$bMorgan may have believed that his family was all dead, but, in fact, his daughter Sarah Ladimore is now a Watcher. She\'s always been troubled by the... circumstances... surrounding her father\'s death. Perhaps you could go to bring the news to her.','Speak with Watcher Sarah Ladimore in Darkshire.','Yes? My father...$B$B<Her eyes become downcast.>$B$BI wish... there was something I could have done for him... If only I had talked to him before he...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     266insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (221,230,'Sven\'s Camp','Digging through the mound, you find a small, dirt-stained book.$B$BThe book has no title, but...it has information Sven would like to know.','Bring the Book from Sven\'s Farm to Sven.','<Sven reads the book\'s pages, then slams it shut.>$B$BThat shadowy figure I saw was a witness to my family\'s death! There are questions I\'d like to ask that man...if only I knew who he was!','You found what?? Please, let me see it...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     267insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (222,231,'A Daughter\'s Love','Here, take this and lay it on his grave. Maybe... somehow, he\'ll know that I\'m okay, and that none of us hold him responsible for what happened.$b$b<There are tears in her eyes now, as she slides a ring from her right hand, and presses it into your hands.>$b$bAnd... thank you, $n.','Take Sarah Ladimore\'s ring to Morgan Ladimore\'s grave.','<A ghostly voice sounds on the wind...>$B$BThis is...? Sarah? Could it be she\'s still alive? The weight is removed from my shoulders...$B$B$N. Take my sword, Archeus. As my soul is put to rest, I have no more need for it. It was forged to do good, and though I have proved myself unworthy to hold it, perhaps you will carry on the Light through it.$B$BLys, my love...','Leave me be...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     268insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (223,232,'Errand for Apothecary Zinge','The Royal Apothecary Society needs your assistance.  Listen closely, and both of us may profit from my plan.$B$BApothecary Keever in the next room may be... touched... but his research does potentially bear fruit if it were pursued by a clever researcher.  Fortunately, I am such a researcher.  I want you to take this purchase order to Alessandro Luca, the proprietor of Blue Moon Odds and Ends; he\'ll give you a testing kit.  When you have it, bring it back to me and I\'ll outline your task in detail.','Take the purchase order to Alessandro Luca in the Undercity.','Ah, Zinge needs a kit, does she? It saddens me that Zinge does not choose to grace myself with her sweet presence.$b$bVery well, let me procure a kit for you.','Yes, and what may I assist you with? Are you here on business for the Royal Apothecary Society, or have you arrived here merely to brighten my day?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     269insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (224,233,'Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery','Hm, I don\'t suppose you\'d be willing to do a favor for me, $g lad : lass;? A stack of letters came through the pass today, but I don\'t have the time to send them along.$b$bThey\'re all addressed to Talin Keeneye. You can find him to the west down the road. He\'s set up camp next to the frozen lake.$b$bWhat do you say?','Deliver the stack of letters to Talin Keeneye.','Thank you, I\'ve been waiting for these letters for quite some time...$b$bUnfortunately, these letters aren\'t all for me. This one is addressed to Grelin Whitebeard. He\'s not too far away if you\'d like to deliver it to him.','Yes? Do you have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     270insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (225,234,'Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery','If I remember correctly, Grelin\'s camp is down the road to the southeast. No doubt he\'ll be eager to get his mail.','Deliver the letter to Grelin Whitebeard.','Ahh, excellent. It\'s been a while since I received word from Ironforge.','Is there something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     271insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (226,235,'The Ashenvale Hunt','Attention, young adventurers!  The wilds of Ashenvale await you!$B$BThe Horde has established a strong presence in the lands north of the Barrens.  Our two outposts - Splintertree Post and the Zoram Strand Outpost - strive to bring glory to the Horde!  Those who would prove themselves should seek out guidance there.  Of note: Senani Thunderheart in Splintertree Post, directly north of the Barrens, seeks adventurers willing to take part in a great hunt of Ashenvale!','Speak with Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.','Welcome to the new frontier, $N. Ashenvale is a land of opportunity, one where a young $C like yourself is able to find boundless chances to prove their mettle. Look around the outpost here, and be sure to travel out to the Zoram Strand, as the Horde has another outpost there as well.$B$BYour presence here tells me that you\'ve come to learn more about the hunt. Listen close, and I will gladly share with you what you need to know.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     272insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (227,237,'In Defense of the King\'s Lands','Mountaineer Cobbleflint had nothing but good things to say about you, $r.  For that reason I am going to entrust upon you a mission of utmost importance.  We need to keep pressure on the invading Trogg forces until our Dwarven brethren return from the Alliance front.$b$bSet forth into the southern hills and kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumpers and 10 Stonesplinter Seers.  Your attacks will buy us some time.  Report back when your mission is complete.','Mountaineer Gravelgaw in the southern guard tower wants you to kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumpers and 10 Stonesplinter Seers and report back to him.','You accomplished your mission well, $R. The King himself would be proud.$B$BThe reinforcements promised to us never showed, however. Apparently the Alliance front is a sea of crimson from the blood of our fallen brethren. The news of the losses leaves a bitter taste in one\'s mouth. But we must not let their deaths go for naught. We must rally in these grim times and bring glory back to the Alliance.$B$BSpeak with Mountaineer Wallbang for reassignment. You\'re needed now more than ever.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     273insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (228,238,'Errand for Apothecary Zinge','The kit is ready, $n.  No doubt that Apothecary Zinge will want this as soon as possible.  Take it to her without delay, and let her know that I will add the cost of the kit to the Society\'s tab.  Also, please extend to her my warmest salutations.$B$BWell, don\'t just stand there.  Such is the life of a simple courier, yes?','Bring the Field Sampling Kit to Apothecary Zinge in the Undercity.','Good - it pleases me to be working with someone who takes pride in not wasting my time.$b$bAfter I make some adjustments to this kit, you\'ll be ready to head out into the field. You\'ll be using it to collect some vital data to the task at hand.$b$bIt will take just a moment for me to finish the modifications. While you are waiting, you should probably start thinking about what you\'d like to bring to the desert with you.$b$bYes, I said the desert.','Yes, I think Luca is as disturbing as you do. It matters not - hand me the field sampling kit. I will need to make some adjustments to it in order to survey for the proper base materials.$b$bYou have the kit, don\'t you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     274insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (229,239,'Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!','The Garrison on our western border sends word of increasing gnoll and thief activity.  They\'re requesting we send more Stormwind soldiers... but we just don\'t have any to spare!$B$BIf you can help, we could use it.  Go and speak with Deputy Rainer at the Westbrook Garrison and see what he needs done.$B$BThe Garrison is down the road to the west.  After you cross the bridge over the small brook it will be to the right.','Go to the Westbrook Garrison and speak with Deputy Rainer.','Marshall Dughan sent you, eh? Well you\'re not from the army, but if Dughan sent you then that\'s good enough for me!$b$bOur situation is, to say the least, a stressed one. I hope you can give us a hand.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     275insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (230,240,'Return to Jitters','And here we are - \"Crab\" Cakes ala Grual!','Return to Jitters with the Dusky Crab Cakes.','Aha! Thank you, $N. Those really hit the spot!$B$BAnd here, please let me pay you for these!','$N, you\'re here! Do you have my food?!?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     276insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (231,243,'Into the Field','You will be headed to the Tanaris desert, testing the tissue consistency of the basilisks, scorpids, and hyena native there.  Obtain tissue samples and use them with the testing kit in tow; expect a chunk of the samples to fail.  I need eight acceptable samples of each creature type.$B$BIn addition, the goblins of Gadgetzan have a power source that must be used with this kind of modified kit.  Speak to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle and acquire one for the kit.$B$BReturn to me only when you are successful.','Speak to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan about getting a power source for the testing kit.','Ah, our model 4711-FTZ power sources! We normally use them to power the water wells, but THANKS TO THE VILE NOMADS, we have an over abundance of power sources right now.$b$bSure, I can get you a power source for whatever nefarious science experiment you think you\'re trying to hide from me. It ain\'t gonna be free though, $R. Nothing\'s free in Gadgetzan.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     277insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (232,244,'Encroaching Gnolls','Hail, $c.  I am charged to patrol this stretch of road.  Although the road is safe for now, I\'ve seen gnoll encampments to the north and east of here.$B$BLakeshire must know of the gathering gnoll force!  Report to Deputy Feldon in Lakeshire and tell him of the gnolls.  Do this, and I\'m sure Feldon will offer you a scout\'s wage.$B$BFeldon\'s usually inspecting the area south of the bridge to Lakeshire.','Report to Deputy Feldon.','There are Redridge gnolls that close to Elwynn?? They may be poised to advance into our homeland. Soon the people of Lakeshire may not be the only humans under siege!$b$bHere is your pay, though you bring us dire news. And it comes at a bad time, for we are ill equipped to deal with it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     278insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (233,245,'Eight-Legged Menaces','Hail, $c. Perhaps you\'ve seen those spiders that have taken over the western border? The eight-legged menaces are too much for us to handle, and the Commander hasn\'t enough manpower to spare so far from Darkshire.$b$bI hate to ask this of you, but you seem like you might be able to handle them. I can\'t promise you anything of great value, but I can reward you if you can help root out the filthy bugs.$b$bOh, and a word of advice, you\'ll want to avoid their venom if you can.','Kill 15 Pygmy Venom Web Spiders, and then report back to Watcher Dodds in Duskwood.','Ah! You\'re back. And not too much worse for wear, it\'d seem. Of course, $N, the Night Watch is grateful for your work, and I did promise you a reward, so here.','You\'d best be careful when dealing with the spiders, I\'ve lost a few of my men to them, and trust me, it isn\'t a pleasant sight to see a man hanging upside down in their webs after the venom has started to soften them up.$B$BI wouldn\'t want to see one of the bugs having you for lunch.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     279insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (234,246,'Assessing the Threat','We don\'t have men to spare, but something must be done about those gnolls you reported to me.$B$BScout southern Redridge for gnolls.  Harry them, kill those you can and report back to me with a count of their numbers and an assessment of the threat they present.  You may find those gnolls camped all along the southern road of Redridge.$B$BDo this for the Stormwind Army, $N, and you will be rewarded.','Kill 10 Redridge Mongrels and 6 Redridge Poachers, then report back to Deputy Feldon in Lakeshire.','<Deputy Feldon listens to your report...>$b$bThere\'s a sizable force of gnolls encamped there, and from what you tell me they are tough ones. It must not have been easy for you to gather this intelligence.$b$bHere you are, $N. We are grateful for your aid.$b$bAnd if you haven\'t already done so, speak with Marshal Marris and Magistrate Solomon within Lakeshire. Our situation grows ever more desperate - those two will have need of you I\'m sure.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     280insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (235,247,'The Hunt Completed','Ursangous$B$BThe bear wanders a path close to where the Talondeep Path lies, due west of Mystral Lake and the Alliance outpost of Silverwind Refuge. While he is the easiest of the three creatures you will face on the Ashenvale Hunt, he should not be trifled with. His presence is a constant threat to travellers who sojourn between Ashenvale and Stonetalon Mountains.$B$BShadumbra$B$BThis nightsaber is rumoured to be docile in the presence of night elves and their allies, which makes her an even more worthy opponent. Shadumbras\' hunting path takes her from the Raynewood Retreat to our west, ultimately to lands due west of there. Her fur is the color of pitch, and her speed is not to be underestimated.$B$BSharptalon$B$BThe mightiest of all the creatures that make up the Ashenvale Hunt, Sharptalon is let to wander freely by the self-proclaimed guardians of this land, the night elves. Sharptalon patrols for prey to the south of here, taking delight in rendering the unsuspecting and unaware traveller limb from limb. To bring down such a beast would be the mightiest of hauls. I wish you luck in the hunt for this creature.','Bring one Ursangous\'s Paw, one Shadumbra\'s Head and one Sharptalon\'s Claw to Senani Thunderheart in Splintertree Post.','$N, you have slain all three beasts that comprise the Ashenvale Hunt. You have brought me adequate proof of their demise; there is no question of your strength and tenacity. The blood of a hunter streaks through your veins, and you should be commended!$B$BPlease, accept this bauble as a sign of congratulations on your mighty deeds done in Ashenvale for the Horde today. May your ancestors watch over you!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     281insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (236,248,'Looking Further','I have been watching the Tower of Ilgalar, and can detect that Morganth is in conflict with the Orcs in Stonewatch Keep.  I do not know the reason behind their contention, but you may aid me in unraveling this mystery.$B$BTake another Glyph of Azora, then go to the top of the intact watch tower beside Stonewatch Keep.$B$BFind a suitable object on which to place the Glyph.  A chest or a jar -- some place where the glyph will not be noticed -- will suit my purpose.','Climb the intact watch tower beside Stonewatch Keep.$B$BFind a suitable container to place the Glyph of Azora.','It is a suitable vessel for the Glyph of Azora, allowing Theocritus to delve into the minds within Stonewatch Keep.','This jar once held a foul-smelling liquor, but now lies empty and forgotten on a pair of barrels.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     282insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (237,249,'Morganth','After much observation, I have discovered Morganth\'s plans.$B$BHe searches for the Scythe of Elune...and he may have found it!  If he has, then the Redridge Mountains, and the kingdom of Stormwind, will soon feel his dark might.$B$BI am not prepared to pit myself against Morganth, but I fear he must be dealt with now.  So you must enter the Tower of Ilgalar and face Morganth.$B$BDefeat him, and bring me his Pendant of Shadow.  Do this, and the kingdom will owe you much.','Defeat Morganth.$B$BBring his Pendant of Shadow to Theocritus at the Tower of Azora in Elwynn Forest.','You have done well, $N. In defeating the warlock Morganth, Stormwind is saved from a grave peril.$B$BI offer you this reward most humbly. And I would bid you peace, if these were peaceful times.$B$BBut instead, I will bid you luck with your trials, and victory in the conflicts ahead.','Hurry, $N, before my fears of Morganth spreading his power are made real!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     283insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (238,250,'A Dark Threat Looms','Thank the stars someone is concerned about the well-being of the Dam.  First the destruction of the Thandol Span and then the pillaging of Dun Modr!  I have no doubt that the Dam will be the target of the next Dark Iron threat.  Most of the security detail here was reassigned to the Alliance Front, including my top inspector.$b$bThat\'s why I need you, $N.  I spotted some Dark Iron Sappers milling about the eastern ramp of the Dam.   Investigate the area and bring back a clue.','Investigate the area near the eastern ramp of the Dam and bring Chief Engineer Hinderweir a clue that might reveal what the Dark Iron Dwarves are up to.','The suspicious looking barrel contains a strange smelling powder.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     284insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (239,251,'Translate Abercrombie\'s Note','Take the note you gave me to Sirra Von\'Indi.  He\'s very learned in languages and ancient arts - if anyone here can translate this message, it\'s he.','Bring the Letter to Ello to Sirra Von\'Indi.','<Sirra begins translating the note...>','A note from Abercrombie the hermit, eh? I don\'t know him, though if he lives out at the graveyard then I do know his brains have rotted out!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     285insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (240,252,'Translation to Ello','Oh my!  If what is written on this note is true, then Abercrombie\'s done something...unspeakable.$B$BYou better bring the translated note back to Ello.$B$BAnd do so quickly, for I fear a doom already lumbers toward our town...','Bring the Translated Letter to Lord Ello Ebonlocke','<Ello reads the letter...and his face goes white. He then looks at you...>$b$bAlthough the aid you gave Abercrombie may have been motivated from kindness, your actions have doomed our town.$b$b<Ello becomes lost in his thoughts...>','Ah, is the note translated? Please, let me see it...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     286insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (241,253,'Bride of the Embalmer','The Embalmer is a name told in one of our children\'s stories.  He was a kindly alchemist, driven mad by the death of his wife, Eliza.  To restore her, he used dark magic to place his own heart within the bosom of his dead spouse.$B$BThis revived Eliza...but it cursed her with a hunger for human flesh, forcing the Embalmer to keep her buried.$B$BHis heart is his power.  Find his wife\'s grave, retrieve his heart, and bring it to me while it still beats.  Do this and his power will be broken.','Find Eliza\'s grave.  Retrieve the Embalmer\'s Heart from her, then return to Ello Ebonlocke.','You\'ve done it! The magic within his heart will be proof against the Embalmer\'s evil, and a powerful aegis over the town of Darkshire.$B$BYou have done a great thing for our people, $N. Your name will remain in our annals forever.','Have you yet found Eliza\'s grave? Do you have the Embalmer\'s heart?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     287insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (242,254,'Digging Through the Dirt','','','You dig through the semi-loose dirt over the grave...and find the remains of a coffin.$B$BWithin the coffin you can feel the vibrating scrapes of clawed fingers and the gnashing of rotted teeth...$B$BWill you open the coffin and retrieve the Embalmer\'s heart?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     288insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (243,255,'Mercenaries','Two months just to hear from Ironforge that we\'ll be spared a handful of soldiers for our own defense, and another two months until they arrive! Bad enough that our town goes unprotected, but the excavation and the dam--the dam!--are open to attacks as well.$b$bI\'ve no choice then, it seems. I\'ll need hired arms.$b$bHow about you? You seem a likely sort, $c. A group of ogres has set up camp on the northeast of the lake. Perhaps you will be the one to remove the threat to our town?','Magistrate Bluntnose of Thelsamar has hired you to kill 4 Mo\'grosh Ogres, 4 Mo\'grosh Brutes and 4 Mo\'grosh Enforcers.','Ah, this is excellent news! Your efforts are greatly appreciated by myself and the people of Thelsamar. Better yet, if we can solve the ogre problem, we\'ll be able to shift our focus to those Light-burning troggs.','Have you had any luck?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     289insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (244,256,'WANTED: Chok\'sul','By order of the Magistrate of Thelsamar:$b$bChok\'sul, the ogre presumed to be the leader and coordinator of attacks against the town of Thelsamar, Stonewrought Dam, and the excavation site, is wanted dead through any means necessary.$b$bMonetary compensation will be provided when proof is brought to the Magistrate of Chok\'sul\'s death.$b$bChok\'sul was last seen at the ogre encampment in the northeastern part of Loch Modan.','Kill Chok\'sul and bring his head to Magistrate Bluntnose of Thelsamar.','Yech! What is that thing? And why would you bring it...$b$bBloody--! Is it? Well, Light burn me, is that the head of that bloody ogre? This certainly is a catch then! Here, your reward and the thanks of myself and the people of Thelsamar.','Yes? Is there something I can do for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     290insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (245,257,'A Hunter\'s Boast','Think you can match wits with Daryl the Bold, huh? I should think not! Of course, you\'re more than welcome to try. Here\'s a challenge that should prove to be above your abilities, so don\'t feel too bad if you can\'t face up to it.$b$bA flock of buzzards has nested here in Loch Modan. Why don\'t you try to take down some of the beasts? Tell you what, if you meet my challenge in fifteen minutes, I\'ll give you my bow or gun.$b$b<He looks you over dismissively.>$b$bIt seems you haven\'t much to lose, anyways.','Kill 6 Mountain Buzzards and return to Daryl the Youngling in the Farstrider Lodge within 15 minutes.','What? Success?$B$BTake it from me, $Nama, you don\'t let it get to your head. I mean, any unshaven boy with a bow could have killed such... small specimens. And I hope you don\'t enjoy killing the buzzards so much, yes? We wouldn\'t want them to become extinct.$B$BWell, err... Never let it be said that Daryl the Bold would not hold to his word.','No luck? Don\'t feel too bad, $N...$B$BNot everyone can be me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     291insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (246,258,'A Hunter\'s Challenge','$nath, is it? I can tell you\'re bursting with pride over completing the first test, hm? As I told you before, it\'s no large feat.$b$bYou should try your hand at boar hunting. Trust me, this is no Coldridge Valley boar hunt, so you\'d best have a care with them. I\'ll give you just twelve minutes this time.$b$bDon\'t feel bad if you fail. I\'d give you the shirt off my back if you succeeded!$b$bHave I ever related to you the story of how I received my famous scar? No? It was two years ago...','Kill 5 Elder Mountain Boars and return to Daryl the Youngling in the Farstrider Lodge within 12 minutes.','You seem a bit worse for wear. No doubt the boars gave you some trouble, hm? No worries, I will be discreet about your struggle, I can imagine how hard it must be for you without the accusations of wagging tongues.$B$BOh! You managed to kill the boars? I... well, that is... that is to say, I\'m not surprised! Any child could have--bet?$B$BWhat bet?','It\'s only natural to feel sorry for yourself when shown up by someone so new to this world. You shouldn\'t feel bad, $N.$B$BHm? Did I get your name wrong?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     292insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (247,261,'Down the Scarlet Path','I will be frank.  We are at war with the Scourge.  It is an evil that corrupts our people and infects our land.  It must be stopped before it overwhelms us and drags our world into shadow.  We of the Scarlet Crusade have sworn to fight the Scourge with body and soul.$B$BIf you are with us, then gather your courage and prove your allegiance--destroy the undead ravagers of Desolace, in the Valley of Bones to the south.$B$BDo this, and the Crusade will embrace you.','Destroy 30 Undead Ravagers, then return to Brother Anton at Nijel\'s Point.','You have proven your resolve, and the Scarlet Crusade commends you.$B$BIf you do not shy from righteous slaughter, then perhaps your path lies with us...','The Scourge grows in power with the passing of each day. If you truly wish to halt its advances, then show me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     293insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (248,262,'The Shadowy Figure','I must know who was that skulker in the shadows I saw the night my family was killed!$B$BPlease, $N, you have shown your resourcefulness.  Please find that shadowy figure.  I must learn what secrets he holds!$B$BI do not have clues that you do not already know, but here - take the book you found at my farm.  Perhaps some of the townsfolk can link this book with its owner.','Take the book you found at Sven\'s farm and show it to townsfolk in Darkshire.','Hmm... Someone handled this book recently, someone who is driven by revenge. But the impressions left on it, at least the impressions from the original owner, are faint.$b$bI can tell, however, that the original owner of this book is not a native of Darkshire.','If you have something that belongs to the shadowy figure for whom you seek, then let me see it. I may be able to divine something of its owner.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     294insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (249,263,'In Defense of the King\'s Lands','The Mountaineers tell me you are quite brave and capable, $N.  We need a $r like you around here.  The Trogg problem isn\'t getting any better.  The reserves have been called to the front and we\'re all alone out here.  But now that we have a seasoned $c here, let\'s see what you can do.$b$bGo out and kill 10 Stonesplinter Shaman and 10 Stonesplinter Bonesnappers.  Let\'s see if you live up to your reputation, Trogg-Slayer.','Mountaineer Wallbang in the southern guard tower wants you to kill 10 Stonesplinter Shaman and 10 Stonesplinter Bonesnappers.','I knew the second I laid eyes on you, $N, that you would make Ironforge proud. You have served King Magni well. Now that you\'ve proven yourself to be such a loyal aid to the Kingdom, perhaps you should talk with the Captain to see if he\'ll entrust you with a higher detail.$B$BI salute you, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     295insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (250,264,'Until Death Do Us Part','Filthy scum! Leaves me for his damn crusade. Because \"the Light is the most important thing we have against the threats the undead pose.\"$B$BWell, what about his children?! What about ME?! Night after night I sat patiently waiting for him... always second to his blasted duty!$B$BWell, witness what \"justice\" brings you, $N! He\'s dead and I\'m bearing the very thing he was trying to stop!$B$BTake this piece of junk and put it on his tomb at the Sepulcher. I want nothing to do with it anymore... or him!','Place Clarice\'s Pendant on Yuriv\'s Tomb in Silverpine.','You place the worthless pendant on the grave, and the gemstone within the setting seems to dull noticeably.$b$bAs you stand to leave, you look down at the pendant; it lies lifelessly over the hands of the relief sculpted into the top of the coffin. Your thoughts are interrupted by a stiff, cool breeze passing over the Sepulcher. For a moment everything around you is silent.','The stone is cold to the touch, but has obviously been abused. Trash litters the area; nicks and gashes decorate the relief atop the coffin; and the foliage around the grave has started to grow over the site.$b$bNo one cares for whoever is buried here, especially not any victims of the plague.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     296insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (251,265,'The Shadowy Search Continues','Here is your book back, $N, and I bid you fortune with your search.  If you ask others in town, perhaps they can offer you more clues.$B$BAnd here is one more for you - although the author of this book is a stranger to Darkshire, the book itself was purchased here.','See if other townsfolk have clues about the shadowy figure.','Ah, yes. I sold this book a month ago to a shady person. He didn\'t tell me his name, but he was a nervous, jittery chap, always looking over his shoulder.$B$BI hope that helps you...','Sometimes I\'ll sell blank books to scholars and mages, or to anyone who wants to keep a journal.$B$BI remember well everyone to whom I sold a book within the last few months...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     297insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (252,266,'Inquire at the Inn','Here is your book, and good luck with your inquiries.$B$BYou might want to expand your search to the inn.  If the person whom you seek spent time in town, then chances are someone saw him there.','Search the inn for clues about the shadowy figure.','Oh yeah, I remember this book. Its owner rented a room for a few days, and spent his nights at the bar, writing.$B$BHe left town in a hurry, muttering about being hunted by...something. Last I saw him he was heading west out of town, looking for a new spot to hide.$B$BThe first place he\'d find to the west is Raven Hill...','The Scarlet Raven doesn\'t see the business it used to, but we still do get travelers passing through.$B$BIf you can describe the person you\'re looking for, maybe I\'ll remember him.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     298insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (253,267,'The Trogg Threat','$C, you may or may not be aware of the Trogg threat looming over Dwarven lands.  With the Ironforge Reserve called up to the Alliance Front, we are left with a fraction of the defense forces needed to keep these lands safe.  My regiment is assigned to watch over the Gate here and we cannot leave our post for fear of invasion.$b$bBut we need some pressure put on those damned Troggs lurking in the hills.  If you\'re up to the task, wage an assault on the Troggs.  Bring me back 8 Trogg Stone Teeth as proof.','Bring 8 Trogg Stone Teeth to Captain Rugelfuss in the southern guard tower.','I am quite impressed, $N. You have done the Dwarven race a great favor by defending our lands. King Magni Bronzebeard himself would be proud!','Do you have 8 Trogg Stone Teeth to show me? If not, there is still work to be done, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     299insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (254,268,'Return to Sven','The book you found was only half finished.  I had to leave it at Sven\'s farm when I fled there...$B$BHere.  Take my completed journal to Sven.  It describes more fully what happened at his farm.$B$BAlthough this journal has been my only company these past weeks, if giving it up keeps me from having to face Sven and his wrath, then I do it willingly!','Return to Sven with Jitters\' completed journal.','This journal explains much to me, and sets me on the path against the dark riders! I have seen these riders in Duskwood, and have seen them speak with the wizard Morbent Fel, at the Forlorn Rowe.','Did you find who the Shadowy Figure was?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     300insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (255,269,'Seeking Wisdom','Go to the city of Stormwind and speak with Bishop Farthing in the Cathedral of Light.  Give him Jitters\' journal and tell him you mean to face Morbent Fel.$B$BAlthough Stormwind has forsaken Darkshire, Farthing is a kind soul and very wise.  He may help you on your quest to save us.$B$BYour mission is perilous, but hurry, $N.  With each passing hour, the shadows of Duskwood grow ever darker.','Give Jitters\' Completed Journal to Bishop Farthing in Stormwind.','<After reading the journal and hearing your intent...>$B$BAn evil taint has gained a foothold within the already beleaguered Duskwood. I thank the Light we have a hero such as you to face it.$B$BBut you must first prepare yourself for the coming trial...for the Necromancer Morbent Fel is immensely powerful, and has cast dark enchantments about himself to protect him from physical assaults. If you are to defeat him, you will need a weapon that is proof against these protections.','Rest, $gbrother:sister;. I can tell you have traveled far, and you bear a heavy burden. Can you tell me what casts that dark shadow over you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     301insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (256,270,'The Doomed Fleet','Years ago, the Third Fleet of Kul\'Tiras sunk along the coasts of The Wetlands, an expanse of marsh north of the Dwarven kingdom of Ironforge.  Aboard one ship was a load of Lightforge Iron.$B$BThis metal is precious to us, for items crafted from it strike with holy truth.  If you are to face Morbent Fel, then you will need such a weapon.$B$BGo to Menethil Harbor and speak with my dwarven colleague Glorin Steelbrow.  If that lost metal can be found, he\'ll know where to look.','Go to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands, and speak with Glorin Steelbrow.','Lightforge Iron is a precious metal, but it sounds like your quest is a dire one. You\'ve come a long way, Brother. With luck, you might just find what you seek!$b$bAnd if you do get the iron, I know who can fashion it into a weapon against this Necromancer you speak of in Duskwood.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     302insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (257,271,'Vyrin\'s Revenge','I don\'t suppose you\'d be interested in a little payback for His Boldness? Daryl does have some skill, it pains me to say.$b$bA year ago, a large bear had been the target of the Farstrider Lodge, but none of the hunters had any luck with him. So, Daryl thought he\'d try his hand against him. All he had to show for his effort was that ugly scar over his eye.$b$bKill the bear, and I\'m sure even Daryl would be speechless for once.$b$bThe bear, Ol\' Sooty, can be found around his lair in the hills over Thelsamar.','Kill Ol\' Sooty then show your handiwork to Daryl the Youngling at the Farstrider Lodge.','Er... what\'s this? A bear\'s head, by the looks at it.$B$B<He runs a finger along his scar unconsciously.>$B$BWell, that\'s quite an interesting kill you have yourself there. Couldn\'t be that bear from back then...$B$B<He trails off then starts to visibly shake.>$B$BOh, take that away take it away! Get that grisly thing out of here!','Ah, $N! Back so soon? No doubt you\'ve been at the hunt again? Don\'t worry if you\'ve had some setbacks, in the long run it will make you better!$B$B... You couldn\'t get much worse, anyway...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     303insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (258,272,'Trial of the Sea Lion','For the second trial, you\'ll need the two halves that make the Pendant of the Sea Lion.  One half draws power from the agility of the sea lion aspect, gliding through water; the other draws power from the incredible endurance of the sea lion aspect.  Druids draw on both these traits equally to embody the aspect of their aquatic form.$B$BSpeak with the locals of Moonglade to learn where the parts may lie, and bring both here to join them together.  Once formed, take the pendant to Dendrite Starblaze.','Find the Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility and the Half Pendant of Aquatic Endurance.  Speak with the residents of Moonglade to learn clues as to where these items may be located.$B$BForm the Pendant of the Sea Lion from the two pendant halves.  You need to be in proximity of the Shrine of Remulos to do this.$B$BBring the joined pendant to Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.','You\'ve completed the Trial of the Sea Lion, $N - congratulations.$B$BEach task in acquiring the pendant shows that both agility and endurance are necessary to act in harmony with what you desire to do underwater. Neither can exist without the other, and both cannot be done without you willingness to embrace the aspect of the sea lion.$B$BRemember these lessons well, and count on them once you have gained your aquatic form.','Have you formed your pendant for me to inspect, $N? If you need help in locating the parts, try asking the local populace for information. Not only will you find what you seek, but it will give you a reason to explore this wondrous and sacred glade.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     304insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (259,273,'Resupplying the Excavation','It\'s not too late though, you\'re welcome to go look for Huldar. He can\'t have made it very far, strong as they are, Miran and Saean can only move so fast laden down with those barrels.$b$bThey\'re taking the normal route to the site, leaving south out of town and following the curve of the Loch.$b$bShouldn\'t have a problem finding them unless they\'ve already gotten there.','Speak with Huldar.','Hmph, it\'ll take more than a Dark Iron ambush to stop the deliveries!$b$bBut Saean... I would never have suspected him to be one of their sympathizers. We\'ve been working with him for almost a year now... maybe I missed the signs.$b$bWell, I\'ll consider that later.','','Find Huldar, Miran, and Saean','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     305insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (260,274,'A Dark Threat Looms','This ain\'t no ordinary blast powder.  Look at the tiny silver crystals.  And the distinct smell!  Why it\'s clear as daylight that this is Seaforium Powder.  Seaforium is harmless enough.  But once it\'s wet it could blow Ironforge out of the mountain.$b$bThe chemical reaction can be defused by mixing four components:  lurker venom, crushed Mo\'Grosh crystal, a crocolisk tear and this disarming colloid.  Now tell Hinderweir before it\'s too late!','Ashlan Stonesmirk wants you to return to Chief Engineer Hinderweir and inform him of the new discovery.','A disarming colloid? For Seaforium? Oh heavens!','What is that you bring from Ashlan?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     306insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (261,275,'Blisters on The Land','I do not know why, but a festering grows within the Wetlands.  Fen Creepers have risen.  They are diseased, fevered blisters on the land, and for the fever to break they must be dispatched and allowed to settle back into the marshes.$B$BThe Fen Creepers shamble amidst the waterways of the Wetlands.','Kill 8 Fen Creepers, then return to Rethiel the Greenwarden in the Wetlands.','This land is soothed by your efforts, and for this I will grant you a boon.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     307insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (262,276,'Tramping Paws','The Mosshide Gnolls have lived in the Wetlands peacefully for many years, but now grow in numbers.  Their feet stamp flat the fen\'s bushes and flowers, and their foul axes cut too much wood to fuel their fires.$B$BThey are no longer in balance with the land.  For the Wetlands to survive, the Gnolls must be reduced.$B$BKill 15 Mosshide Gnolls and 10 Mosshide Mongrels.  Hunt them to the south, near the Dwarven gate of Algaz.  After you do this, return to me.','Kill 15 Mosshide Gnolls and 10 Mosshide Mongrels, then return to Rethiel the Greenwarden in the Wetlands.','By reducing the Gnolls\' number, you have tended to the health of the Wetlands. Although my faith in your people has been taxed in the past, $R, it may yet be restored.','Your task is still at hand, young $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     308insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (263,277,'Fire Taboo','The Mosshides are cutting the trees of the Wetlands, using the trees\' flesh to warm themselves with fire.  I will suffer this pain no longer!$B$BRid the Mosshides of their crude flints, the tools they use to make fire.  The flints are borne by all Mosshides except the smaller Mosshide gnolls and Mosshide mongrels.','Bring Rethiel the Greenwarden 9 Crude Flints.','... thank you. I will smash these flints and cast them into the sea, so that they may never again be used to burn living wood.','Do you have the Gnolls\' tools for fire?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     309insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (264,278,'A Dark Threat Looms','Begin collecting the disarming materials immediately, $N.  Lurker Venom can be found on the indigenous spiders in Loch Modan.  Crocolisk tears are found here in the Loch as well.  But a Mo\'Grosh crystal will be very difficult to procure.  The ogres to the northeast mine them but the crystals are a very rare commodity.$b$bWe need to be prepared to defuse a Dark Iron attack!  Return to me once you\'ve collected the needed items and I will prepare the mixture.','Chief Engineer Hinderweir wants you to gather Lurker Venom, a Mo\'grosh Crystal, and a Crocolisk Tear.','Just in time, $N!','Do you have the needed items? Time is of the essence!!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     310insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (265,279,'Claws from the Deep','Murlocs are crawling out from the deep waters and building their villages on the coastline.  They are harassing our fishers and merchants and must be stopped.$B$BOne of these murlocs, Gobbler, skulks with other bluegill murlocs and harries merchants along the road, always then retreating to the safety of the nearby murloc hovels.  Our merchants are in jeopardy, and we will pay to secure them.$B$BGobbler prowls the river inlet north of here.  Find him, slay his kin, and bring me his head.','Kill 12 Bluegill Murlocs.$B$BSlay Gobbler and take his head.$B$BBring Gobbler\'s Head to Karl Boran in Menethil Harbor.','Ah, well done $N.$b$bAccept this as payment for fulfillment of your contract with the Merchant Marines.','Our merchants will not be safe until we are rid of Gobbler and those Murlocs.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     311insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (266,280,'A Dark Threat Looms','Earlier today I spotted some Dark Iron Insurgents swimming toward the Dam with a large keg.  No Mountaineers were on hand to stop them!  I\'m afraid they\'ve planted the Seaforium at the base of the Dam and it could blow at any minute!  Let me combine all these ingredients into the Disarming Mixture.  There we go.$b$bNow I need you to take this mixture and stir it into the keg before it\'s too late!  Hurry!','Chief Engineer Hinderweir wants you to swim down to the base of the dam, locate the powder keg and stir in the Disarming Mixture to prevent an explosion.','The keg fizzles slightly as the Disarming Mixture settles in.','The top of the keg slowly twists off.','The keg fizzles slightly as the Disarming Mixture settles in.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     312insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (267,281,'Reclaiming Goods','Not long ago a merchant vessel, the Blind Princess, was raided by Murlocs.  Although the ship escaped intact, much of its cargo was dragged overboard by the creatures, including a very valuable statuette of Terenas Menethil.  We want that statuette recovered.$B$BSearch the coastal Murloc hovels for crates, barrels and other evidence of lost cargo.  Find the Menethil Statuette and return it to me.','Search the crates and barrels at the coastal Murloc camps.','This crate is covered with clawed scratches, and the marks of water damage. Prying it open reveals soggy and rotted straw, as if something of value was stored in the crate. You search through the straw...$B$B...and find a an armload of red-colored bottles.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     313insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (268,282,'Senir\'s Observations','I was planning on sending my apprentice to my brother Senir with my report, but I would feel much better were it placed in more... reliable hands. That is, of course, if you wouldn\'t mind?$b$bHmm... you\'ll have to take the tunnel to get to Kharanos.$b$bSpeak with Mountaineer Thalos before going through the tunnel. It\'s completely infested with troggs now.$b$bFollow the road back to Anvilmar, then keep heading east to the tunnel, Thalos is stationed nearby.','Speak with Mountaineer Thalos.','Hm, well, if Whitebeard is sending you to Dun Morogh on important business, I can\'t very well stop you, can I?$b$bAt least let me provide you with some advice and directions.','Hail! Have a care, $N, the tunnel to Dun Morogh is infested with troggs and is not safe for travel.$b$bIf you haven\'t any pressing business in Dun Morogh, I\'ll have to ask you to remain in Anvilmar until the tunnel is safer.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     314insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (269,283,'A Dark Threat Looms','The keg fizzles slightly.','The Disarming Mixture seemed to take effect.  Return to Chief Engineer Hinderweir to report the good news.','Thank you so much, $N!! You have saved the Stonewrought Dam! Without your help, the Dark Iron terrorists would have surely seen to this mighty landmark\'s demise. You have made the Kingdom and the Alliance proud, brave $C.$b$bThe Dam is once again safe. . . for the time being at least. . . .','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     315insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (270,284,'The Search Continues','You thoroughly search this cluster of Murloc hovels, and find no trace of the Menethil Statuette.$B$BPerhaps one of the two nearby hovels to the north and northeast will have more clues.','Search for the Menethil Statuette.','This barrel is largely untouched. Prying it open...$B$B...you are assaulted by the pungent odor of cheese. It\'s a little wet, but still tasty!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     316insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (271,285,'Search More Hovels','This grouping of Murloc hovels, after a thorough inspection, reveals nothing.$B$B...but you\'re certain that the next clue you find will be fruitful.$B$BOne of the hovels to the north must have the Menethil Statuette!','Continue searching the Murloc hovels for the Menethil Statuette.','This barrel is halfway buried amidst the mud and grass ...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     317insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (272,286,'Return the Statuette','After pulling the barrel free from the muck and opening it, a silvery figurine is found packed in fine straw.  It depicts a young, long-haired Paladin with hammer upraised.$B$BThis must be the Menethil Statuette!  You must now return it to Karl Boran in Menethil Harbor.','Bring Karl Boran the Menethil Statuette.','The captain of the Blind Princess will be relieved to hear this precious cargo has been recovered. You have well earned this payment for services rendered.$B$BIt is good to see dependable folk like you, especially in trying times such as these.','Do you have the statuette?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     318insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (273,287,'Frostmane Hold','I\'m behind on my report, and could use your help, $n. I just managed to find where the trolls are holed up, but I saw so many trolls, I was afraid to go in.$b$bHere\'s what I need... Go down to the cave, poke around inside, kill a few of the trolls, then come back here.$b$bTake the road north out of Kharanos, when you get to the bridge, follow the frozen river west until you reach Iceflow Lake. You\'ll find Brewnall Village on the west bank. The Hold is southwest of the village.','Explore Frostmane Hold, and kill 5 Frostmane Headhunters for Senir Whitebeard in Kharanos.','Ah, $N! I didn\'t think you\'d have much trouble finding the place, my directions are excellent, you know...$b$bLet me just finish up my report then.$b$b<He brings out some paper and scribbles on it momentarily.>$b$bThere! Well, haha, now this certainly is funny... I don\'t suppose, $N, that you would mind doing one last favor for me?','You can\'t find it? My directions were very clear! We don\'t have much time, you\'ve got to hurry! Don\'t come back until you\'ve found the cave.','Fully explore Frostmane Hold','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     319insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (274,288,'The Third Fleet','I was once First Mate on the Wave Mistress, ship-of-the-line in the Kul Tiras Third Fleet.  The Doomed Fleet.  Doomed, for on its last voyage the fleet was attacked  by Red Dragons.  Dragons controlled by Orcs!$B$BWe didn\'t stand a chance against that dragonfire...and our fleet was burned and sunk off this here coast.  I\'m the sole survivor of those poor vessels...$B$B...Oh, my head hammers and pounds!  I\'ll need a fresh drink if I\'m to get a handle on this hangover and continue my tale.','Buy First Mate Fitzsimmons a Flagon of Mead.','Ah! That hits the spot, and loosens the tongue. Thanks, mate!','Oh, I\'m so very thirsty! Won\'t you buy a drink for this poor, pathetic fool?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     320insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (275,289,'The Cursed Crew','<Bolstered, Fitzsimmons continues his tale...>$B$BI am the sole survivor of the ill-fated Third Fleet of Kul Tiras, wrecked off the coast to the north.  But although I\'m the only member of the fleet still breathing, I\'m not the only one still walking about!  For on one of our ships was hidden a great, and terrible treasure, and the eerie power of it keeps the souls of my brothers trapped within the ships\' rotting hulls.$B$BBut if you can free some of my brothers, then perhaps you can break their curse.','Kill 13 Cursed Sailors, 5 Cursed Marines and First Mate Snellig.  Bring Snellig\'s Snuffbox to First Mate Fitzsimmons in Menethil Harbor.','My thanks to you, $N. And the gratitude of my cursed brethren goes to you as well.','In my dreams, I can sometimes hear the doomed moans of my brethren! Please, good sir, free them from the bonds and quiet their cries.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     321insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (276,290,'Lifting the Curse','To break the curse and free all of my brethren, the...thing...stowed on my ship must be retrieved and cleansed!  I don\'t know what it was, but I do know that it was stored securely in the ship\'s strongbox, which Captain Halyndor lorded over.$B$BMy old captain is still in my dreams.  I know he walks my doomed ship, the Intrepid.  Get the key from him, and use it to open the Intrepid\'s strongbox.$B$BThen, after you have the cursed thing, bring it to the priest Glorin Steelbrow in town.','Get the Intrepid Strongbox Key from Captain Halyndor.$B$BUse the key to open the Intrepid\'s Locked Strongbox.','The key is rusted but it fits the lock neatly.','This chest is securely locked.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     322insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (277,291,'The Reports','Excellent! Take my report to Senator Barin Redstone. He\'s a sour type, so don\'t let his less-than-sunny disposition get to you. He\'s in Ironforge, in the chamber where King Magni holds court.$b$bDon\'t know the way to Ironforge? Take the road out of Kharanos north, cross the bridge, then follow the road east--there are large banners flanking the road--up the mountainside.$b$bBy the way, if you might avoid mentioning how you assisted me? Can\'t let them think I\'m not working hard out here, you know?','Deliver Senir\'s report to Senator Barin Redstone in Ironforge.','<He quickly peruses the report.>$b$bAuthority of the KING!? Has Magni taken complete leave of his senses! And that damnable Whitebeard... Taken matters into his own hands, has he? The Senate will not be pleased to hear about this, not one bit.$b$bWhat, are you still here? Go, before I call the guards!','Hmm... it would seem that my guards are becoming less discriminatory with petitioners. Well, what do you want? Make it quick.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     323insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (278,292,'The Eye of Paleth','Opening the chest reveals a blackened orb, pulsing with an eerie light.  It is the treasure of which Fitzsimmons spoke: a Cursed Eye of Paleth.$B$BTake the Cursed Eye of Paleth to the dwarven priest Glorin Steelbrow, in Menethil Harbor.  Ask him how to remove the Eye\'s curse.','Bring the Cursed Eye of Paleth to Glorin Steelbrow.','An Eye of Paleth? Amazing! Hmm... there\'s something wrong with this one. You found it on one of those shipwrecks? Well that explains it! But... I didn\'t know they had such an Eye on the Third Fleet...$B$BIt\'s no wonder Fitzsimmons was so spooked. A Cursed Eye of Paleth is no cause for mirth.','That drunk Fitzsimmons sent you to me? Well, you can tell him I don\'t have any extra ale. He\'s going to have to panhandle someone else!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     324insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (279,293,'Cleansing the Eye','I can\'t lift the curse from the Eye of Paleth.  The Eyes were crafted by Human Priests, so you\'ll have to go to Stormwind to find someone who can help you.  Speak with Archbishop Benedictus.  He is head of the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind.  He can help.$B$BI hope, for your sake.','Bring Archbishop Benedictus the Cursed Eye of Paleth.  Benedictus is in the Cathedral of Light, in the city of Stormwind.','An Eye of Paleth. But this one has seen much sorrow...it must have been witness to a terrible, terrible tragedy.$b$bLet me cleanse it, for the Eyes were created to shine bright, and their powers can be quite dangerous if tainted like this one.','What is that orb you have? It looks...soiled.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     325insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (280,294,'Ormer\'s Revenge','The situation is severe, that much is for sure.  When we uncovered these bones it attracted the Raptors.  These filthy beasts killed my brethren and trapped me, Merrin and the poor Prospector up here.$b$bHelp clear the Wetlands of these Raptors, $N.  Mottled Raptors and Mottled Screechers are just West of the bluff there.  Kill 10 of each, if you can.$b$bThat will be a good start to the vengeance I have planned for them.','Ormer Ironbraid at the Whelgar Excavation Site wants you to kill 10 Mottled Screechers and 10 Mottled Raptors.','Killing is a dirty business, but you did your job well, $N. If I weren\'t obligated to stay with the Prospector and Merrin, I\'d be down there shedding blood right along side you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     326insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (281,295,'Ormer\'s Revenge','Now it\'s time to really make those dreaded Raptors regret their blood-thirst.  Just down below there are scores of Mottled Scytheclaws and Mottled Razormaws.  Make those rotten creatures pay by slaying 10 of each!','Ormer Ironbraid wants you to kill 10 Mottled Scytheclaw raptors and 10 Mottled Razormaw raptors then return to him at the Whelgar Excavation Site.','You did a bang-up job of clearing out those Raptors, $N!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     327insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (282,296,'Ormer\'s Revenge','While you were down there I happened to notice that one of those beasts stood out from the rest.  He was bigger and more menacing.  I bet he\'s the one who led the others here to cause the disruption to the dig site.$b$bI ask of you now one final task, $N.  See to it that Sarltooth is brought to justice.  And considering the gravity of his crimes, justice in this case means death!  Bring me one of his talons as proof of his death.','Ormer Ironbraid at the Whelgar Excavation Site wants you to kill Sarltooth and return to him with one of his talons once the task is fulfilled.','Thank you, $N. Your efforts here will not be forgotten. Many innocent Dwarves died at this site, simply doing their jobs. The vengeance you delivered to those evil creatures should make them think twice before attacking King Magni\'s subjects ever again.','Is Sarltooth dead? Have you redeemed the memory of the fallen?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     328insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (283,297,'Gathering Idols','Recently, just before the Troggs surfaced within the site, we had uncovered a large number of strange, carved idols.  But we didn\'t have the chance to study them, for soon after their discovery the Troggs chased us away from the ruins!  And those idols have a strange effect on the Troggs.  It makes them go berserk!$B$BBring me 8 idols - I want to study them, and I want them out of Trogg hands!  You can find the idols on the Troggs infesting the site.','Bring Magmar Fellhew 8 Carved Stone Idols.','You got them! Nicely done, $N!$B$BAnd you don\'t look too worse for wear, even with those berserk Troggs about. I\'m going to keep my eye on you...you show some promise.','Do you have those Idols? We must study them and report our findings to Ironforge!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     329insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (284,298,'Excavation Progress Report','I need a progress report sent to Thelsamar - a progress report, and a restatement of my request for more blastpowder!  Here\'s the report.  Take it to Jern Hornhelm.  He\'s our local contact in Thelsamar.$B$BIt\'s not a difficult task, but it must be done.','Bring Ironband\'s Progress Report to Jern Hornhelm in Thelsamar.','Bah! Ironband\'s having trouble with the Troggs. I wonder if he wants that blastpowder to aid his digging, or to aid his efforts against the Trogg beasts...$b$bWell, either way it\'s powder well spent!$b$bBut what\'s strange is, I sent him plenty of blastpowder weeks ago. I wonder where it went...','Oh, a progress report from the site? Very good!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     330insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (285,299,'Uncovering the Past','Just before the invasion I uncovered a large tablet called the Goaz Stone.  The translated text breaks off in 4 places.  The text speaks of a \"divine plan\" and a \"doomed prophecy.\"$b$bI fear we are running out of time.  I am too old to go down and brave those beasts.  But you are strong.$b$bScour the excavation site and uncover the 4 missing tablet fragments: Ados, Modr, Golm and Neru.  Search for them in ancient artifacts or where the soil is loose.  Bring them to me so I can begin unlocking the mystery!','Prospector Whelgar wants you to scour the excavation site in search of the 4 missing tablet fragments: Ados, Modr, Golm and Neru.','Ah the Goaz Stone is complete! Fine work, $N. Fine work indeed. Now I can continue with the delicate translation of this Titan script. I can make out new words already! Hmm. . .it says here, \"Old Gods. . .Chained Beneath the Land.\" This is the beginning of something epic.','Have you uncovered the four fragments yet, $N?  Ados, Modr, Golm and Neru...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     331insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (286,301,'Report to Ironforge','We\'ll need approval to get Ironband more blastpowder. You\'ll have to take his report to the Explorers\' League headquarters in Ironforge.$B$BHere\'s the report. Give it to Prospector Stormpike, and don\'t forget to duck after you deliver it. Stormpike is hotheaded, and he won\'t be happy to hear of Ironband\'s slow progress at the site.$B$BYou\'ll find Stormpike in the Assembly of Explorers.','Take Ironband\'s Progress Report to Prospector Stormpike.','Curse that Ironband! I sent him a load of blastpowder weeks ago, but he\'s made no mention of it in this report.$b$bSo...where did the blastpowder go?!?','We Stormpikes don\'t like being bothered with trivial matters, $C. I hope you brought news worthy of my valuable attention.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     332insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (287,302,'Powder to Ironband','If Ironband still needs blastpowder, then by Magni he\'ll have it!  I sent the approval on ahead with a messenger to Jern Hornhelm in Thelsamar.  He\'ll prepare the powder and other supplies to take to Ironband.$B$BAnd one more thing: I want you to personally see that the shipment of powder reaches its destination.  The last one didn\'t, so keep your mind sharp and your eyes open.','Speak with Jern Hornhelm in Thelsamar.','What? Stormpike wants you to personally see the shipment to Ironband?$b$bI... suppose that\'s fine, the only problem is, I\'ve already sent Huldar with the porters, Miran and Saean. You just missed them, they left just a short while ago.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     333insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (288,303,'The Dark Iron War','War rages both home and abroad.  While mighty Dwarven soldiers give their lives in far off territories in the name of the Alliance, our own lands fall prey to the evil deeds of the Dark Iron Dwarves.  They laid waste to the Thandol Span.  Dun Modr fell soon after.$b$bWe need you to gather force and push the front back.  If you can kill 15 Dark Iron Dwarves, 5 Tunnelers, 5 Saboteurs and 5 Demolitionists, the reserve might arrive in time to finish the drive.$b$bNow make haste!','Motley Garmason at Dun Modr wants you to kill 10 Dark Iron Dwarves,  5 Dark Iron Tunnelers, 5 Dark Iron Saboteurs and 5 Dark Iron Demolitionists.','You upheld your orders well, $C. You have proven yourself to be a valiant soldier and loyal servant to King Magni and for that I salute you! With the pressure you applied to the Dark Iron encampment, we now stand a chance of driving them off our lands for good. . .if only the damned reserve would show. . . .','Roggo has been unable to contact the reserve forces. We need offensive pressure on that Dark Iron encampment, $c. Now get back out there and serve your duty to King Magni!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     334insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (289,304,'A Grim Task','Many of my soldiers died in the battle of Dun Modr. My own brother perished when the West Bridge over the Thandol Span was destroyed.  Aye, the Dark Iron dwarves are a devilish breed.  From what Roggo was able to gather, the leader of the thugs in the Wetlands is a warlock named Balgaras the Foul. He is quite a coward, sending his soldiers to do his bidding but hides in his camp on Direforge Hill, to the southeast.$b$bIf you can find the spineless scum, slay him and bring me his ear. I will reward you, $c.','Kill Balgaras the Foul and bring his ear to Longbraid the Grim outside of Dun Modr.','Balgaras the Foul is finally dead. While his death will not bring back the many innocent dwarves who died needlessly by his hand, it will help to restore peace of mind to those who survived. With Balgaras dead, the remaining Dark Iron scum should be easy enough to manage. Now, we must wipe them out before a new leader is sent to these parts.$B$BYou have done well, $C.','Were you able to locate Balgaras the Foul yet, $C? He has been evading us for quite some time.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     335insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (290,305,'In Search of The Excavation Team','Oh my, you must be the scout Longbraid said he would send!  You cannot imagine how worried I have been.$b$bMy wife, Merrin, has been sending me letters each week for the past month.  She is part of the Whelgar Excavation team.  But it has been nearly two weeks since her last correspondence.  Surely something is wrong!$b$bLongbraid said that he would send a scout to check up on things if we did not hear from the team soon.  I assume that scout is you, $N.  Find Merrin at the excavation site to the east!','Tarrel Rockweaver wants you to travel to the Excavation Site and contact Merrin Rockweaver.','Oh, thank the heavens you are here!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     336insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (291,306,'In Search of The Excavation Team','It was horrible!  We were uncovering some rare artifacts and we began to discover these large bones.$b$bBefore we knew what was happening, these Mottled Raptors overwhelmed the dig site.  Many lives were lost.$b$bOrmer here -- so brave -- saved the Prospector and me.  He defended us as we ran for shelter.  Now we are trapped.  And our hard work lies in ruin.$b$bHere, take this note back to my sweet Tarrel.  It will explain the situation to him.','Return to Tarrel Rockweaver with Merrin\'s note.','Such horrible news! At least 3 of them survived. But when will the killing end? I long for the day when King Magni\'s subjects can live without fear.','Were you able to find Merrin? Did she send word?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     337insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (292,307,'Filthy Paws','The Silver Stream Mine to the east ran dry long ago.  It was converted by the Miners\' League into a storage depot, but now Kobolds have moved in, putting their filthy paws on good, Dwarven tools!$B$BWe\'ll root out those vermin soon enough, but the League wants someone to get their gear out of the mine before we warriors tromp in there and break things.  It\'ll be a tough delve - you might want cohorts at your side.$B$BThe gear is stored in Miners\' League Crates throughout the mine.  Good luck.','Go to the Silver Stream Mine and collect 4 loads of Miners\' Gear.$B$BReturn to Mountaineer Stormpike.','Did you see a lot of Kobolds in there? I can\'t wait for the order to clear them out of the mine. The thought of their grimy hands clawing around our mine makes my stomach rumble!','Do you have that Miners\' Gear, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     338insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (293,308,'Distracting Jarven','Hmph!  There  is all this booze down here, but I have strict orders not to touch it.  If only I could get a taste of some of our Thunder Ale...that would sharpen my wits, no lying!','','For me? You\'re a true hero, $N!','Hmph! There is all this booze down here. but I have strict orders not to touch it. If only I could get a taste of some of our Thunder Ale...that would sharpen my wits, no lying!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     339insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (294,309,'Protecting the Shipment','Ready to go, $n?$b$bFirst, we need to get this powder to Ironband. It\'ll be a lot for me to carry, and these parts can get dangerous -- and who knows what else the Dark Irons might have in store for me.$b$bI\'ll feel a lot better with you coming along.','Ensure Miran and the shipment arrive at the excavation site, then inform Prospector Ironband.','Oh, thank the Light the powder is here. But it is troubling news that you bring as well. To think that the Dark Irons have sympathizers able to procure this sort of material for their dastardly plans.$b$bThat\'s a matter for someone else to consider, some other time. I must put this powder to good use.','','Escort Miran to the excavation site','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     340insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (295,310,'Bitter Rivals','I have to admit, those Thunderbrews make some good drinks.  But they need to learn that theirs isn\'t the only decent brew!  Maybe you can help me teach them that lesson...$B$BHere, take this barrel of Barleybrew Scalder.  Sneak into the basement of the Thunderbrew Distillery in Kharanos and switch it with one of their barrels of Thunder Ale.  Then we\'ll see how their patrons like my brew over theirs!$B$BAnd if the barrels are guarded, then you might have to distract the guard ...','In the basement of the Thunderbrew Distillery in Kharanos, replace a barrel of Thunder Ale with a Barrel of Barleybrew Scalder.','You quickly place Marleth\'s barrel of Barleybrew Scalder among the Thunderbrew barrels.','The date on this barrel shows that it\'ll soon be tapped.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     341insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (296,311,'Return to Marleth','Having inserted a barrel of Marleth\'s Scalder in the Kharanos Distillery\'s cellar, you grab a barrel of Thunder Ale as proof of the deed...','Bring the barrel of Thunder Ale to Marleth Barleybrew at the Brewnall Village.','Not bad, $N! Did you have a hard time getting past their guard?$b$bNo matter - many thanks, and if you\'re ever in need of stout with a kick, don\'t forget the Barleybrews!','Did you make the switch?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     342insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (297,312,'Tundra MacGrann\'s Stolen Stash','I had a month\'s worth of dried meats salted and locked away for the cold season.  Kept it locked so the bears wouldn\'t get it!  But while I was off hunting deer, that beast, Old Icebeard, made off with the meat locker.  He won\'t be able to smash through that Thorium though.  But I\'ll starve if I can\'t get my meats back.$b$bYou seem a bit more stealthy than me.  Perhaps you can retrieve my stash?  I\'ll never make it in and out of that cave fast enough with this bum leg of mine.','Retrieve Tundra MacGrann\'s dried meats from the stolen meat locker in Old Icebeard\'s cave.','What a kind soul you are, $N! Thanks to your bravery I won\'t find myself starving when the cold season flurries blow in.','Were you able to get into my meat locker, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     343insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (298,313,'The Grizzled Den','Driving a Siege Engine isn\'t for everyone.  It takes an iron grip and nerves of steel...lucky I have both!  How about you?  How\'s your mettle?  Want to prove it to me?$B$BWell...I\'m looking to make my engine, Trollplow, a little more cozy.  How about you get me a heap of Wendigo Manes from the Grizzled Den, west of Kharanos.  Those manes would make a great rug for Trollplow\'s inside deck!','Gather 8 Wendigo Manes and bring them to Pilot Stonegear.','Ah yes, these manes will work great! You show a lot of grit, $C - I wager we\'ll see great things from you.','Hey, $N. Been to the Grizzled Den yet? Those Wendigos can be fierce.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     344insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (299,314,'Protecting the Herd','We heard the cries in the middle of the night.  Then this morning, sure enough, the herd was missing two rams.  That dastardly beast known as Vagash has been preying on our livelihood.  With most of King Magni\'s army off in distant lands fighting with the Alliance, there is no one to keep Vagash at bay.$b$bPerhaps you are brave enough to seek out the beast and slay him.  Bring me one of his fangs and I will reward you.  Vagash lurks just above the ranch here, but be warned, he is deadly.','Rudra Amberstill wants you to slay Vagash and bring his fang to her at the Ram ranch.','Very well done! Veron will be so happy when he hears the good news. To kill Vagash is no easy task. I imagine one day you\'ll be fighting alongside King Magni\'s men on the Alliance Front.','Vagash still terrorizes the herd! Please help us by killing the wretched beast.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     345insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (300,315,'The Perfect Stout','I\'m on a quest, a quest to make the perfect stout.  I know I can do it -- brewing\'s in my blood.  I just need to find the right recipe...$B$BThe Frostmane trolls grow a plant, shimmerweed, high up in the hills to the east.  They use it in their strange, tribal rituals.  We dwarves haven\'t found much use for it, but it has a unique taste...and I want to experiment with it in my brews!$B$BGet me some shimmerweed from Frostmane seers, or swipe it from the trolls\' shimmerweed baskets.','Bring 6 Shimmerweeds to Rejold Barleybrew in the Brewnall Village.','Great! I can\'t wait to use these in some of my recipes. There\'s one in particular I think it\'ll work great in...','Do you have that Shimmerweed? I almost have a batch of stout ready to brew, and I want to try throwing the weed in with this mixture.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     346insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (301,317,'Stocking Jetsteam','I\'m preparing to start a mission for the Siege Brigade.  It\'s a long one, and I need to stock Jetsteam with a month\'s worth of supplies.  So while Steelgrill is working on my tank, can you do some hunting for me?$B$BI\'ll need some fur for bedding, and boar meat for food.  You can get meat from boars and fur from the bears... you can find them both in the snow fields south of the Grizzled Den.','Gather 4 Chunks of Boar Meat and 2 Thick Bear Furs, and deliver them to Pilot Bellowfiz at Steelgrill\'s Depot.','By Magni\'s beard, you sure did a lot of hunting!! Thank you, $N.','Preparations are going well. How goes your hunting?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     347insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (302,318,'Evershine','Rejold Barleybrew experiments with his brews.  Some of them taste good, some bad, and some...well, some will lay all but the stoutest dwarf flat.$B$BHe lives at Brewnall Village, west of Kharanos, and one of his drinks, Evershine, is what I want.  It\'ll help keep me warm while I\'m on the cold road.$B$BAnd...the blessed stuff burns so hot I can throw it in Jetsteam\'s furnace for a burst of power!  That little tactic has gotten me out of more than one tight spot.','Get a cask of Evershine from Rejold Barleybrew in Brewnall Village.','Bellowfiz needs some of my Evershine? Hm...all right.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     348insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (303,319,'A Favor for Evershine','I have a cask of Evershine handy, but...can you do me a favor?  Brewnall village could use a hand against the wild animals that wander the nearby snows.  Sometimes they wander close.$B$BWe\'re not afraid of these bears and cats and boars - no self respecting dwarf would be - but if you can take care of those animals for us, then we\'d have more time for our crafting and brewing.','Kill 6 Ice Claw Bears, 8 Elder Crag Boars, and 8 Snow Leopards, and then return to Rejold Barleybrew in Brewnall Village.','Thank you, $N. It\'ll be nice to work our crafts without hearing so many growls and snorts outside the village.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     349insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (304,320,'Return to Bellowfiz','Here\'s your cask of Evershine, $N.  And again, thank you for the hunting earlier.','Give the cask of Evershine to Pilot Bellowfiz at Steelgrill\'s Depot.','Yes, this will do just fine. I think I\'ll open a bottle right now and have a taste...','Did you get that Evershine?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     350insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (305,321,'Lightforge Iron','The shipwrecks off the shore here are the doomed Third Fleet of Kul\'Tiras, burned and sunk by Red Dragons during the last Great War.$B$BThe Fleet hailed from Lordaeron, but one ship, an Elvish Destroyer: Flying Osprey, was with it.  It was shipping a load of Lightforge Iron and joined the Third Fleet for protection.  Ironic that it sunk to the same dragons...$B$BEnough history.  The Flying Osprey is wrecked to the south of Menethil Harbor.  If you find the Lightforge Iron there, bring it to me.','Search the wreckage of The Flying Osprey in the Wetlands.','This chest is waterlogged, and its siding broken. Many claw marks mar both the inside and outside of the chest...as if Murlocs have searched through it and stolen its treasure.$b$bBut tucked deep within the chest is a single Lightforge Ingot. Unfortunately, many more will be needed if enough metal to fashion a weapon is to be gained.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     351insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (306,322,'Blessed Arm','There is a dwarven weaponsmith in the Dwarven District of Stormwind who can craft with lightforge iron.  His name is Grimand Elmore.$B$BI\'ve packed the iron you found into a crate.  Take it to Grimand and tell him your tale.  I\'m sure he\'ll oblige someone on a quest such as yours, and craft for you a weapon - a weapon to give even Morbent Fel worry!','Take the Crate of Lightforge Ingots to Grimand Elmore in Stormwind.','That is quite a tale you have. And lightforge iron! Not for years have I worked with such a metal. It will be an honor to craft with it again. And you must return to me later with the story of your battle against the Necromancer.$b$bBut we get ahead of ourselves. First, your weapon against Morbent Fel...','How might I ply my craft for you, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     352insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (307,323,'Proving Your Worth','Morbent Fel is a necromancer, and an ally to the dark riders.  I would pit you against the power of Morbent Fel, but I will not send you against that vile fiend without first knowing your strength.$B$BYou have already proven your bravery to me, but if you truly wish to face the necromancer, then you must now prove your skill against his minions.','Kill 15 Skeletal Raiders, 3 Skeletal Healers and 3 Skeletal Warders, and then return to Sven.','Your skill in combat, $N, can not be doubted. Your resolve may yet see us through to the end of Morbent Fel!','Battle hard, $Nn. And do not despair, for despair is evil\'s greatest weapon.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     353insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (308,324,'The Lost Ingots','Having grabbed the single lightforge ingot from the waterlogged chest, it is clear that murlocs have stolen the rest.  Hunt the murloc raiders near the Flying Osprey wreckage for the lost lightforge iron.','Gather 5 Lightforge Ingots, then return to Glorin Steelbrow in the Wetlands.','Ah, you found them! Now let\'s get this lightforge iron hammered into something useful, eh?','Did you find the lightforge iron you need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     354insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (309,325,'Armed and Ready','Here is the weapon against the fiend of which you spoke.  You\'re all ready, $N.  Best of luck to you, and I look forward to your tale of glory!','Bring Morbent\'s Bane to Sven in Duskwood.','Ah, this will be proof against the fiend Morbent Fel! Well done!$b$bYou are ready. Morbent Fel will fall.','Hello, $N. You haven\'t been gone that long, but I see a fire in your eyes I did not see before.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     355insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (310,328,'The Hidden Key','Although no mention of Private Thorsen is found in these records, hidden within the binding of one of Herod\'s ledger books is a small, brass key.$B$BAnd after further study of his notes, a few references to a \"secure strongbox\" are contained among various papers.  The box is somewhere within the Stockpile - the cavern complex at the back of Kurzen\'s Compound.$B$BIf this secure strongbox is found, and the small brass key can open it, then perhaps the mystery behind Thorsen\'s detection will be revealed.','Use the Small Brass Key to open Bookie Herod\'s Strongbox.','Opening the strongbox, it\'s clear that this is where Herod keeps his more valuable coins and items.','The strongbox is bound in bronze, very sturdy, and very heavy.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     356insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (311,329,'The Spy Revealed!','Among the valuables of the strongbox is a muddy, scribbled note.  Although barely legible, it looks to be an itinerary for Private Thorsen.  It details his patrol routes, who he speaks with and how he spends his time with the rebels.  It\'s signed with only one letter: -M.$B$BBut whoever wrote this note must have stayed very close to Thorsen.  Whoever wrote this note is the traitor within the rebel camp.','Take the Muddy Note to Lieutenant Doren at the Rebel Camp.','Thank you, $N. This note is the clue we need to root out the traitor!','Did you discover who knew Thorsen\'s secret? Is there a traitor among us?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     357insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (312,330,'Patrol Schedules','The note you gave me is signed with an \"-M\"...I don\'t know what that could mean.$B$BBut...the note also says this person shared patrol routes with Thorsen last week.  So whoever shared patrol with Thorsen last week must be the traitor!$B$BGo to Corporal Sethman.  He handles the patrol schedules and can tell you who was with Thorsen.','Speak with Corporal Sethman.','Oh, yes I can check that for you. Let\'s see...last week it was...$B$B...why, it was Private Merle scheduled with Thorsen. They had the same patrol times all of last week.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     358insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (313,331,'Report to Doren','Did Lieutenant Doren want you to report back to him with that patrol information?','Speak with Lieutenant Doren.','It pains me to find out it was Merle who betrayed us. He has always been a brave soldier, and I had thought his heart was true. But it is a great relief to have found him out - with a spy like him among us...we would not last long against Colonel Kurzen.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     359insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (314,332,'Wine Shop Advert','If you talk to anyone about wine, then you know we Gallinas sell the best wine in Stormwind.  And we\'re not far, still in the Trade District along the city\'s lovely canals.$B$BHere, take this pamphlet.  Bring it to my sister Suzetta at our shop for a complimentary bottle of our famous pinot noir.  You won\'t regret it!','Go to the Gallina Winery, and bring Suzetta Gallina the Wine Ticket for a free bottle of wine.','Ah, so you\'ve seen Renato? Well here you are, sir. A bottle of our special pinot noir. You\'ll not find its equal in all of Azeroth!','Greetings and welcome, $N. Have you yet tried one of our fine wines?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     360insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (315,333,'Harlan Needs a Resupply','We\'ve been doing a lot of business lately.  It seems like everyone is buying armor and sturdy clothes.  Almost like they expect a cold, harsh season ahead...$B$BBut those are future worries.  My worry today is that I\'m running out of knitted clothing to sell.  I need another load from our supplier.$B$BIf you can take this request to Rema Schneider at the Canal Tailor and Fit Shop, I\'d be most grateful.','Go to the Canal Tailor Shop and bring Rema Schneider the Cloth Request from Harlan Bagley.','It says here that Harlan\'s business is booming. That\'s good news, but I wonder why people have need of all that armor. I\'ve heard nothing of open war... is there something the nobles aren\'t telling us?$B$BWell, thank you for bringing the request. Here\'s your payment, and I\'ll see to it that Harlan gets his supplies.','You bring word from Mr. Bagley?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     361insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (316,334,'Package for Thurman','My son Thurman is an apprentice at the Larson Clothiers, in the Mage\'s Quarter.  He was in a hurry today and forgot his shears and needles.  I know a great $C like you must have important tasks at hand, but without his tools Thurman can\'t do his apprentice work!$B$BPlease, $N.  Can you take my son\'s sewing kit to him?  Larson Clothiers is one of two clothing shops in the Mage\'s Quarter - it\'s the one deeper in, near the Mage\'s Tower.','Go to the Larson Clothiers in the Stormwind Mage Quarter, and give Thurman Schneider his Sewing Kit.','Oh, blast! I thought forgetting my kit would free me from work. Now I guess I\'ll have to help the Larsons with their sewing...$B$BOh, well. Fun will come later I guess.','Are you here to buy clothes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     362insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (317,335,'A Noble Brew','Lord Wishock is causing quite a stir amongst the House of Nobles.  He was made aware of our little \"establishment\" down here and is lobbying for a full investigation.  I have a plan to keep Wishock \"preoccupied,\" but I\'ll need your help. $b$bThere is a flower growing in the Garden of Stalvan on the outskirts of Darkshire.  This small white flower is known as the Tear of Tilloa.  I will also need a Musquash Root, found only at the very base of the falls far beneath the Stonewrought Dam in the Wetlands.','Zardeth the Black Claw wants you to bring him a Tear of Tilloa from Darkshire and a Musquash Root from the Wetlands.','Most excellent! These are fine samples indeed!','Wishock will soon garner enough support to cause us much grief. Were you able to obtain the Tear of Tilloa or Musquash Root yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     363insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (318,336,'A Noble Brew','Lord Wishock, like all men, has his weaknesses.  His happens to be a fondness for liquor.  The hypocrisy is astounding.  The trite fool spends his days trying to shut down our little \"tavern\" while his nights are spent upstairs, running up a bill he never pays.  Well, let\'s see how Wishock likes this special brew I have prepared for him:  Black Claw stout.  It\'s got quite a kick, $n.$b$bTake it to him and see how he likes it.  Most likely the old fool is milling about the Hall of Petitioners.','Take the Black Claw Stout to Lord Wishock in the Hall of Petitioners.','Ah, thank you for bringing me this fine looking stout, servant. Here\'s a copper for you. Now, out of sight with you and let me enjoy my drink!','Can you not see that I am busy? My words must be heard! I am very important to the future of this Kingdom!$B$BOh... what have you there? Why it looks like a refreshing drink...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     364insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (319,337,'An Old History Book','Although the cover of this book is marred by scratches and caked with mud, the words \"The History of Stormwind\" can still be read along its spine.  Upon opening the book, the seal of the Stormwind Library is clearly stamped on the book\'s first page.$B$BIt looks like someone checked out this book, and never returned it...','Return the book: The History of Stormwind, to the Stormwind Library.','Oh my! This book hasn\'t rested on these shelves since before the rebuilding of Stormwind, years ago. It will have to be restored of course, it\'s in bad shape, but I would be honored to place it within our rare books collection.$B$BThank you, $N. Please accept this as payment for returning the book!','Ooh! What\'s that old book you have there? Can I see it??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     365insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (320,338,'The Green Hills of Stranglethorn','Master Nesingwary will be so upset if he finds out!$b$bHe trusted me to proofread the manuscript of his novel, The Green Hills of Stranglethorn.  Everything was going well, but a large gust of wind blew through the camp and scattered the pages everywhere!$b$bI was able to gather most of the pages but many are still strewn about the jungle.  Collect the pages to complete each of the four chapters.$b$bI will help you organize them.  Return the chapters to me once you have all four.','Collect the missing pages from The Green Hills of Stranglethorn manuscript.  Once all four chapters are complete, return them to Barnil.','You\'ve certainly saved me a heap of trouble, $N! I can\'t thank you enough. It shouldn\'t be long now until we see Master Nesingwary\'s book in libraries throughout the world!','Have you assembled the chapters yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     366insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (321,339,'Chapter I','Chapter I was quite riveting!  Master Nesingwary sets the backdrop for the story and makes mention of his hunting companions, including me! $b$bBut that\'s besides the point.  Let me see which pages are still missing.  It seems pages 1, 4, 6 and 8 are still out there somewhere in the jungle!','Bring pages 1, 4, 6, and 8 of Nesingwary\'s The Green Hills of Stranglethorn to Barnil Stonepot in order to complete Chapter I.','At last! Chapter I is complete!','I don\'t suppose you were able to track down pages 1, 4, 6 and 8? Those four are all we need to piece Chapter I back together.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     367insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (322,340,'Chapter II','Chapter II was chock full of exciting tales of panther and tiger hunting.  I could just kick myself for letting the pages blow away! $b$b It seems I was able to recover all of the pages with the exception of pages 10, 11, 14, and 16.','Bring pages 10, 11, 14 and 16 of Nesingwary\'s The Green Hills of Stranglethorn to Barnil Stonepot in order to complete Chapter II.','Chapter II is finally complete! Well done!','We still need pages 10, 11, 14 and 16 to complete Chapter II, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     368insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (323,341,'Chapter III','Chapter III was my favorite.  It tells of Sir Erlgadin and Lady Rouack\'s first kill with a dwarven rifle.  And the end of Chapter III, why, such a cliffhanger!  $b$bLooks to me as though we still need pages 18, 20, 21 and 24 to finish the chapter.  Those pages are out there somewhere. . .','Bring pages 18, 20, 21and 24 of Nesingwary\'s The Green Hills of Stranglethorn to Barnil Stonepot in order to complete Chapter III.','Phew! Good work, $N. Chapter III is now back together in one piece!','Any luck with pages 18, 20, 21 or 24? Those are the only ones we need to piece together Chapter III.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     369insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (324,342,'Chapter IV','Ah Chapter IV; the big finale!  And what an ending it was! $b$bWe are only missing three pages for this chapter.  We need pages 25, 26 and 27 to put Chapter IV back together.','Bring pages 25, 26, and 27 of Nesingwary\'s The Green Hills of Stranglethorn to Barnil Stonepot in order to complete Chapter IV.','Superb! We now have Chapter IV ready to go!','We just need three pages to finish off Chapter IV, $N. Do you have pages 25, 26 or 27 yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     370insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (325,343,'Speaking of Fortitude','I\'m giving a speech on the Fortitude of the Spirit, and I\'d like to recite passages from a particular book on metallurgy - \"The Stresses of Iron.\"  A copy of this book should be in the Royal Library, within Stormwind Keep.  Can you retrieve it for me?  If so, then may the blessings of the Light be with you!$B$BThe Royal Library is very large, but the head librarian, Milton Sheaf, knows each shelf like it was his own son.  Speak to him, he\'ll retrieve the book for you.','Go to the Royal Library in Stormwind Keep and speak with Milton Sheaf.  He can find for you the book on metallurgy that Brother Kristoff needs for his speech.','Metallurgy? Ah yes, we have many books on the subject, and are happy to aid Brother Kristoff with his speech! Now...which particular book was it the good brother needed?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     371insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (326,344,'Brother Paxton','The Stresses of Iron?  Yes, I know the book.  Quite a good one, written by the Dwarven miner Margulf Blaggon a few decades ago.  He spent most his time deep in the mountains of Khaz Modan, digging ore.  Smart fellow!$B$BBut where was I?  Oh yes, the Stresses of Iron!  I\'m afraid the book was moved to the Northshire Abbey.  The caretaker of the Abbey\'s library, Brother Paxton, wanted to make a copy of the book for his own shelves.$B$BBut that was months ago.  I wonder why it\'s taking him so long...','Speak with Brother Paxton in the Northshire Abbey.','Mr. Sheaf is wondering where his book is? Well this is a tad embarrassing. I have the book, but I\'m still making my copy and I\'m not quite ready to give the original up!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     372insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (327,345,'Ink Supplies','I\'ve been meaning to finish my copy of The Stresses of Iron, but...$B$BWell you see, I make my own ink for books I copy.  It\'s my own recipe; it doesn\'t run or smear, and it dries very quickly  Unfortunately, it dries too quickly!  My last batch dried up before I could finish the copying job, and I haven\'t had the chance to make more ink!$B$BTo make more I need Rethban Iron Ore from the Redridge Mountains.  Foreman Oslow in Lakeshire is my usual supplier.','Speak with Foreman Oslow in Lakeshire and ask him for Rethban Iron Ore.','You need what?? Maybe you haven\'t noticed, but we\'re busy fortifying Lakeshire\'s defenses and repairing damage from recent orc attacks. If you need Rethban Iron Ore, you\'ll have to get it yourself!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     373insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (328,346,'Return to Kristoff','Now that I\'ve finished copying the book, here\'s the original Stresses of Iron.  Thank you for your patience, and if you see Milton please tell him I\'m sorry for the long delay.','Return to Brother Kristoff in the Cathedral Square.  Give him the book The Stresses of Iron.','That\'s the one! Thank you, Isamant. May the Light shine brightly upon both your body and spirit!','Were you able to find the book?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     374insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (329,347,'Rethban Ore','Rethban Ore is named after the man who first found it, Bart Rethban.  When smelted it\'s not as strong as iron, but its ore has a dark, flat color that some scribes use in their dyes.  It can be found in the Rethban Caverns, north of here.$B$BWe usually have some in stock, but we\'re too busy preparing for Orc attacks to gather any.  And besides...Redridge Gnolls are now living in the Rethban Caverns and their Drudgers are gathering the ore themselves.$B$BSo if you need some, you\'ll have to get it yourself.','Gather 5 loads of Rethban Ore and bring it to Brother Paxton in the Northshire Library.','Oh, splendid! I can use this ore to make my dye, and then can finish copying The Stresses of Iron.$B$BThank you, $N!','Do you have the Rethban Ore?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     375insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (330,348,'Stranglethorn Fever','Sick...so...very s-s-sick....$b$b...have contracted Stranglethorn Fever...deadly v-v-virus...$b$b...only cure...is...is...to eat the heart of M-m-m-m-mokk the Savage...elusive white beast...$b$b...Witch doctor Unbagwa...only one who can s-s-summon....$b$b...seek Unbagwa in hidden cave on southern cape...$b$b...hurry...dying...dying....','Seek out Witch Doctor Unbagwa and have him summon Mokk the Savage.  Bring the Heart of Mokk to Fin Fizracket.','...feel strength returning....$B$BWhere might be? Booty Bay? Oh my! I had the strangest dream...$B$B...the weakness has not completely left me....','....mother?$B$B...so cold...$B$B...heading into the Twisting Nether...h-h-h-hold me mother....','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     376insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (331,349,'Stranglethorn Fever','temp text 02 - description','temp text 02 - log','Missing text','Witch Doctor Unbagwa know what Mokk the Savage like. Yes, yes!$B$BMe speak with spirits and make he come, I do.$B$BBut other Gorilla-beast like spirit talkin\' too. You protect Witch Doctor Unbagwa and I make he come to you.$B$BWitch Doctor Unbagwa want something first. You bring 10 Gorilla Fangs and me start spirit talking!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     377insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (332,350,'Look to an Old Friend','That Marzon would be contacting a member of the Defias and have ties to Lescovar...$B$BHaving killed VanCleef and Thredd, it would be hard to see Lescovar brought to proper justice, as your evidence is nothing without their testimonies. That is not even considering the fact that Lescovar is a noble and well connected. It effectively makes him above the law.$B$BYou\'ll need other help. I loathe to do so, but there is someone I know that will aid us. You\'ll find Trias in the Trade District of the city.','Speak to Elling Trias in Stormwind.','You\'re kidding? Shaw wants my help again? Of all the nerve...$b$bThe Defias Brotherhood, you say? Well, you\'re certainly the bearer of wonderful news, aren\'t you? Next you\'re going to tell me that Deathwing is still alive and attacking the city.$b$bAll right, tell me everything from the beginning. And don\'t leave out something you think might not be important. I need to know it all.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     378insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (333,351,'Find OOX-17/TN!','You have uncovered some sort of strange, egg-shaped device made from metal.  Fiddling with one of its knobs springs the egg to life, as it opens up into some sort of gnomish robotic contraption!  A voice from inside the robotic egg crackles to life.$B$B\"The name\'s Oglethorpe, and my homing robot has gone missing!  I will reward you for its recovery!  Please take this beacon to the robot.  Excellent, I now have computed the coordinates for you!  It crashed near the Gaping Chasm in Tanaris!\"','Bring the distress beacon to Oglethorpe\'s homing robot.','You place the egg... distress beacon... inside the chicken... homing robot.$b$bHums and whirs are heard from inside the robot as it struggles to stand up. After the robot comes to life, Oglethorpe\'s voice is heard once more, but now from inside the robot:$b$b\"OOX-17/TN is working at least, but it needs major repairs! It is much too heavy for you to carry it... but I think I have an idea. Are you up for watching over it some more?\"','You appear to have uncovered the wreckage of... a robotic chicken? The voice from within the egg crackles to life again:$b$b\"Yes, excellent work! This is indeed my homing robot, though my sensors indicate that it needs a jump start before it can fly back to Booty Bay for repairs. Go ahead and place the beacon inside the rover. The beacon will take care of the rest!\"','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     379insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (334,353,'Stormpike\'s Delivery','The Stormpikes are a respected dwarven clan, and are well known for their fine and discerning tastes.  So it\'s no wonder that Gringer Stormpike, a Mountaineer of Ironforge, commissioned me to craft him a weapon.$B$BThe weapon is finished, but... Mountaineer Stormpike is far away, in distant Loch Modan.  If you plan on traveling to the north, can you deliver this package to him?$B$BMy last message from Mountaineer Stormpike said he\'s stationed at the northern guard tower in Loch Modan.','Deliver the Package for Stormpike to Mountaineer Stormpike in Loch Modan.','Aha! So Grimand finally finished my axe! I can\'t wait to try it against some troggs and kobolds!$b$bMany thanks, $N. It was a long distance to travel for this delivery.  Here are some coins for your efforts.','You come all the way from Stormwind? I hear it\'s getting dicey down there in the human lands, with brigands and orcs running about. A perfect place for a $C to prove his worth!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     380insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (335,354,'Deaths in the Family','The Agamand family was the most prosperous family in Tirisfal Glades.  I used to work their mills...before the Plague.$B$BWhen the Scourge first came, the Agamands fortified their home and convinced those in their employ to remain and help them defend.  We were fools, but at least we were loyal fools.$B$BThe Agamands, in their pride, doomed us to undeath.  And now they are minions of the Scourge!$B$BServe the Forsaken by defeating the Agamands who fell to the Plague.  Serve me by bringing me their remains.','Bring Gregor\'s Remains, Nissa\'s Remains and Thurman\'s Remains to Coleman Farthing in Brill.','Revenge has a sweet taste, don\'t you think? When you destroyed the Agamands, did you catch any hint of free will within them? I hope so. I hope they knew fear before they were smashed into oblivion.$b$bIt is a foolish hope, I know. But it is a hope I foster nonetheless.','Do you have the remains of the Agamands? Are those cursed beasts finally destroyed?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     381insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (336,355,'Speak with Sevren','You have given me the remains of the Agamands, and satisfied my desire for revenge.  But the Agamand Mills hold a threat to all the Forsaken, not just to me.$B$BI have spoken to Magistrate Sevren of your exploits against the Agamands, and he wishes to speak with you.','Speak with Magistrate Sevren in Brill.','Coleman speaks well of you, $N, telling of your successful forays into the Agamand Mills.$b$bThe Forsaken have need of your talents once again...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     382insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (337,356,'Rear Guard Patrol','The defenders on The Bulwark protecting Tirisfal from the Plaguelands are on constant alert.  But sometimes Scourge will slip past them.$B$BOur success at the Bulwark depends on a one-front battle - we cannot allow an attack from the rear, nor can we allow our defenders\' supply line to be cut.$B$BAssist the Bulwark.  Patrol east and slay any Scourge you find.  Spend particular effort at the Balnir Farmstead to the east.  It has become a haven for interloping Scourge.','Kill 8 Bleeding Horrors and 8 Wandering Spirits, then report back to Linnea at her camp.','Very good. Your efforts do much to keep the Scourge at bay. A commendation will be sent to my superior, Executor Zygand.','Do you have a report of your patrol?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     383insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (338,357,'The Lich\'s Identity','There is a lich who dwells on the island in Brightwater Lake to the north.  Although he is a free-willed Forsaken, he believes all other Undead are Scourge slaves and has his minions attack anyone who approaches him.$B$BBut because he is Forsaken, the Queen will want him.  And if he is skilled in Necromancy, then his knowledge would be...quite useful to us.$B$BTo discover his identity and his talents, I must see his spellbook.  Steal into his camp and acquire it, then return to me.','Bring the Lich\'s Spellbook to Bethor Iceshard in the Undercity.','Very good, $N. I will study this book and determine the identity of that lich. You have served your Queen well.$b$b<Bethor opens the book and stares intently at its glowing pages...>$b$bAstonishing! The book you retrieved belongs to no one other than Gunther Arcanus!$b$bGunther was a skilled Necromancer in life; he and I were friends and comrades-in-arms, before the Plague. And judging from his book he has grown even more powerful in death.$b$bHis skills would be a great boon to us.','$N, have you acquired the book?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     384insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (339,358,'Graverobbers','The Mass Graves, southwest of Garren\'s Haunt to the north, were made to accommodate the...impressive...number of deaths Tirisfal suffered when the Plague first came.  $B$BThe bodies in these graves have so far been spared an undeath, but the Scourge now send Rot Hide Gnolls to gather the corpses and use them to bolster their armies.  This cannot be allowed!$B$BYour task is twofold: slay the Rot Hides at the Mass Grave and Garren\'s Haunt, and gather from them the Embalming Ichor that gives them life.','Kill Rot Hide Graverobbers and Rot Hide Mongrels.  $B$BBring 8 Embalming Ichors to Magistrate Sevren in Brill.','Expertly done, $N. The Scourge are mistaken if they think they can use those corpses against us, and the fluid you gathered from the Rot Hide slaves will be studied by our Apothecaries. It may have secrets we can use against them.$b$bAs I said, well done. But our struggle continues, and the conflict will surely offer you more chances to prove your worth to the Forsaken.','Is your task complete? Have you destroyed those dog-things and drained them of their ichor?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     385insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (340,359,'Forsaken Duties','I need a fresh report from our Deathguard waystation to the east.$B$BI must know if more Scourge forces have slipped past The Bulwark and into Tirisfal.  Our vigilance on the border to the Plaguelands must be maintained - we can\'t let the Scourge get a stronger foothold here!$B$BTravel south along the road, then east at the fork to the waystation.  Speak with Deathguard Linnea.  She has the information I need.','Speak with Deathguard Linnea.','Magistrate Sevren wants a report? Very well: the defenders at The Bulwark are holding the majority of the Scourge at bay, but some do slip through on occasion.$b$bWe have seen sporadic Scourge activity east of this station, with a concentration around the Balnir Farmstead.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     386insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (341,360,'Return to the Magistrate','Now return to Magistrate Sevren with the information I gave you.  He\'ll want it as soon as possible, so be swift.$B$BAnd if you see any Scourge on your way back, take them down - we can\'t let them wander our lands unchallenged.','Return to Magistrate Sevren in Brill.','It is troubling to hear of the Scourge slipping past the Bulwark. The Lich King and his minions are ceaseless in their assaults.$b$bBut we will not give in. He will not take us again!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     387insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (342,361,'A Letter Undelivered','This is a letter written by Thurman, the eldest son of Gregor Agamand.  It is addressed to an Yvette Farthing, though it does not appear to have reached her...','Find Yvette Farthing, and deliver to her the letter from Thurman Agamand.','Oh...my poor Thurman! I begged him to leave Agamand Mills with me and my father, but his family loyalty was too strong! And I knew it! I just knew it that Brand meant him harm!! Oh, curse this Plague, and the Scourge!$B$B<Yvette\'s face then smoothes and grows cold.>$B$BBut regrets are for the weak. As a Forsaken, I have new goals and love is not one of them. I would thank you for delivering this letter, for I had wondered what happened to my past love.$B$BBut that life is over. Forever.','Yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     388insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (343,362,'The Haunted Mills','Devlin Agamand was the younger of two sons in the Agamand family, and in life the two could not be more different.  Thurman was tall and gentle while his younger brother was weak and sharp tongued.$B$BWhen Agamand Mills fell to the Plague, I was not surprised to hear that Devlin was quick to succumb.  His mad chattering can still be heard near the road leading to the Agamand Mills.$B$BI\'m collecting the remains of the Agamands, and I want poor Devlin.  Find him, destroy him, and bring me his bones.','Slay Devlin Agamand, and bring Devlin\'s Remains to Coleman Farthing in Brill.','Thank you. Devlin\'s bones will rest nicely on my mantle.$b$bIf my cold heart can find warmth, it is in knowing that the Agamands are destroyed. They failed me and my family when the Plague came - now I swear I will smash their remains under my heel!','Did you find Devlin?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     389insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (344,363,'Rude Awakening','About time you woke up. We were ready to toss you into the fire with the others, but it looks like you made it.$b$bI am Mordo, the caretaker of the crypt of Deathknell. And you are the Lich King\'s slave no more.$b$bSpeak with Shadow Priest Sarvis in the chapel at the base of the hill, he will tell you more of what you must know.','Speak with Shadow Priest Sarvis.','Another of the walking dead, hm? Must have been quite a shock, waking up in the crypt with only the cold and Mordo to greet you...$b$bI see the confusion on your face. Let me try to explain our... situation... to you.$b$bWe have been freed from the control of the Lich King by our new leader, Lady Sylvanas. The Dark Lady guides us in our war against the hated Scourge and the holdouts of humanity who dog our every step.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     390insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (345,364,'The Mindless Ones','We Forsaken are at war with the Lich King\'s army of the Scourge: necromantically raised armies of the undead, foul beasts of the north, and tormented spectres.$b$bThe northern part of the village has become overrun with the Mindless Ones, and they must be destroyed. Destroy them, show them no mercy, our former brothers and sisters as they might be. The Fallen are nothing but The Lich King\'s slaves.','Shadow Priest Sarvis wants you to kill 8 Mindless Zombies and 8 Wretched Zombies.','It is unfortunate that the Scourge cannot be brought into the fold, their large numbers would be useful in the battles ahead.$b$bBut they will not join us, so we have no choice but to destroy them.','You will not go far in this new life if you are unable to kill even the weakest of zombies, $N. Do not return until you have success to report.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     391insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (346,365,'Fields of Grief','What have we here?  You look like a fledgling $c.  If you hope to prove yourself to The Dark Lady, you need to learn the ways of The Forsaken.$b$bTo the west you\'ll find a farm.  Humans infest the land like mold on a rotting corpse.  And worse yet, the Scarlet Crusade patrols nearby from their tower.  Teach those scum a lesson and steal 10 of their precious pumpkins.$b$bOnce you have 10, take them to Apothecary Johaan in Brill.','Steal 10 pumpkins from the farm to the west, just north of Deathknell and take them to Apothecary Johaan in Brill.','You have performed your bidding well, young $C. You are proving yourself to be quite an asset to The Dark Lady\'s army.','Deathguard Simmer sent word that you were going to provide me with some much needed reagents. Were you able to gather 10 pumpkins yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     392insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (347,366,'Return the Book','Long ago Gunther and I, along with the now Scourge Necromancer Thule Ravenclaw, were friends and students within the Kirin Tor - a society of mages in Dalaran.$B$BGunther and I both fell to the Plague, but I thought he either remained dead, or was raised into the ranks of the Lich King.  It is good to know he is free.$B$BWe must have him.  I have placed a spell on his book that, when he sees it, will show him that I too am free of the Lich King.  After knowing this, it is my hope that he will join us.','Return Gunther\'s Spellbook to him, on the island of Gunther\'s Retreat.','My book?!? So you were the thief who stole it!$b$bBut...what is this new enchantment upon it...Bethor? He is in Lordaeron?$b$bIf he still exists, then perhaps he too escaped from the Lich King\'s grasp...','Your masters are fools to send you here, for I will never again be a Scourge slave!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     393insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (348,367,'A New Plague','Lady Sylvanas has called upon the Royal Apothecary Society. The Dark Lady believes our knowledge coupled with the newfound magic will provide the key to Arthas\'s demise.  She has challenged us to concoct a new plague, a plague deadlier than any ailment on Azeroth. This new disease will bring Arthas\'s Scourge Army to ruin.$b$bMy studies show that the blood of beasts might prove to be the key. Bring to me 5 vials of darkhound blood so I can test my theory. ','Apothecary Johaan in the town of Brill wants you to collect 5 Vials of Darkhound Blood.','You have done well, $N and I thank you for your efforts.','Have you collected 5 vials of darkhound blood yet, $N? Time is fleeting!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     394insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (349,368,'A New Plague','While you were collecting samples for me, my experiments led me to realize that more reagents will be required for this new disease to spread properly. Poisoning some hapless victim is child\'s play. Plaguing an entire world proves to be a bit more complicated.$b$bI will need 5 Vile Fin Scales from Murlocs in the vicinity.  You will find the creatures along the coast to the north or to the west.','Apothecary Johaan of the town of Brill needs 5 Vile Fin Scales from Murlocs in Tirisfal Glades.','The scales are perfect, $N. Exactly what I needed for this concoction.','$N, were you able to obtain 5 Vile Fin Scales from the Murlocs?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     395insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (350,369,'A New Plague','While you were out gathering, I uncovered some old text in one of my tomes that indicates that an ancient plague wiped out thousands of innocent victims.  Later it was discovered that the deadly agent in the plague was preserved through the venom of Night Web Spiders.$b$bBring me some venom from a Vicious Night Web Spider to complete this experiment.  I want to see if the contagious element from the venom will work with my new concoction.  Rumor has it the spiders can be found in Eastern Tirisfal Glades.','Apothecary Johaan in the town of Brill wants you to bring him 4 samples of venom from a Vicious Night Web Spider.','Ah, this venom will do perfectly, $N. Everything else has been added to my concoction and boiled down. Finally, I am ready to try this new deadly agent!','Do you have some venom from a Vicious Night Web Spider yet, $N? It\'s the final component I need in order to test my experiment.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     396insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (351,370,'At War With The Scarlet Crusade','The strategic documents from Executor Arren contain all the details we need to wipe the human infestation from the lands.  According to the information, The Scarlet Crusade has assigned Captain Perrine and a brigade to the ruined tower southwest of Brill.$b$bKill Perrine along with 3 Zealots and 3 Missionaries and report back to me.','Executor Zygand in Brill wants you to kill Captain Perrine, 3 Scarlet Zealots and 3 Scarlet Missionaries.','Captain Perrine\'s death will undoubtedly please The Dark Lady. You have performed your duty well, $C.','Young $C, you shouldn\'t be wasting your time here in Brill when your people need you fighting for their cause. Now, take up arms and travel to the southwest, to the ruined tower, and slay Captain Perrine along with 3 Scarlet Zealots and 3 Scarlet Missionaries. We shall herd the Scarlet Crusade like cattle to their demise.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     397insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (352,371,'At War With The Scarlet Crusade','We are still at war and the Scarlet Crusade grows in strength.  The report Executor Arren sent me indicates Scarlet Crusaders have been raiding from the ruined tower in southeastern Tirisfal near the Balnir Farmstead under the command of Captain Vachon.$b$bKill Vachon along with 5 Scarlet Friars. It should prove to be a devastating blow to the Crusade!','Executor Zygand in Brill has commissioned you to slay Captain Vachon and 5 Scarlet Friars.','Captain Vachon\'s death will slow down the Scarlet Crusade\'s advancement in Tirisfal quite a bit. But other threats loom.','I see you have returned but your task is not complete. Perhaps you are at ease with the mere humans interfering with The Dark Lady\'s plan? Or perhaps you can heed the call of duty and slay Captain Vachon and his band of Scarlet Friars!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     398insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (353,372,'At War With The Scarlet Crusade','Scarlet Crusaders have been raiding from the ruined tower in northern Tirisfal, past Faol\'s Rest.  According to the information we have, a ruthless commander named Captain Melrache is in charge of this evil crew.$b$bI am entrusting you now with a special and dangerous mission.  Slay Melrache and his two bodyguards, in the name of The Dark Lady.','Executor Zygand in the town of Brill wants you to assassinate Captain Melrache and his two bodyguards.','You have done extremely well, $C. With ruthless fighters like you conquering in the name of The Forsaken our race is one step closer to defeating Arthas once and for all. I have a good feeling about you, comrade.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     399insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (354,373,'The Unsent Letter','Searching Edwin VanCleef\'s person, you discover, among other things, an unsent letter. It is addressed to Baros Alexston, the City Architect of Stormwind, City Hall, Cathedral Square.$B$BIt appears to be recently written and sealed.','Deliver the Letter to the City Architect to Baros Alexston in Stormwind.','Edwin VanCleef, you say? I would as much expect a letter from my dead grandmother... So you\'ve killed him then? Pardon me in saying, but I\'m somewhat surprised. He was a peerless fighter in his younger years. Let\'s see what he finds the need to write to me about after so many years.$b$b<Baros peruses the letter.>$b$bEdwin... I see the years haven\'t changed you a bit, an idealist as ever, and a romantic. He doesn\'t care who he hurts, $N. Revenge has consumed him. But then, I\'m not sure I can blame him.','Yes? Is there something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     400insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (355,374,'Proof of Demise','Executor Zygand tells me you\'ve been out killing Scarlet Crusaders. Tirisfal Glades is crawling with them.$b$bVarimathras, lieutenant to The Dark Lady, is seeing to it personally that the scum of Azeroth, the Human race, gets wiped into oblivion. Here in Tirisfal Glades we face a particularly annoying breed of humans: The Scarlet Crusade.$b$bVenture forth and wage an offensive on the Scarlet Crusade, $c. Bring me back 10 Scarlet Insignia Rings as proof of your loyalty to Varimathras and The Dark Lady.','Bring 10 Scarlet Insignia Rings to Deathguard Burgess in Brill.','Varimathras would be proud. You serve your leaders well, $C.','Have you collected 10 Scarlet Insignia Rings yet, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     401insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (356,375,'The Chill of Death','It\'s so cold, now.  The Plague of Undeath crawls through my veins like an icy serpent.  The Mindless State will be upon me soon.  But no doomed destiny will prevent me from serving our Dark Lady.  When the call arose I sewed body bags for the fallen soldiers of Sylvanas\'s mighty army.$b$bNow my hands shake from the chill.  If you would bring me five Duskbat Pelts and some Coarse Thread I could sew myself a blanket.  Help me, $N, so that I can continue to serve the cause.','Bring five Duskbat Pelts and some Coarse Thread to Gretchen Dedmar in Brill.','I appreciate your efforts, $N. May Slyvanas recognize your bravery one day. . . .','Do you have five Duskbat Pelts and some Coarse Thread yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     402insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (357,376,'The Damned','My duties include tending to our wounded warriors, tailoring armor and clothes, and assisting Shadow Priest Sarvis with whatever else he might need.$b$bFrom the look of it, you\'ll be enlisted in his service also... hunting the Mindless Ones, if I know his mind. Well, if you\'d like to stay in one piece--and I\'ve no doubt you do--perhaps I can help. I\'m running out of paws and wings, and if you bring me some, I\'ll find some armor for you. You\'ll find a good number of wolves and bats to the south.','Novice Elreth requires 6 Scavenger Paws and 6 Duskbat Wings.','Thank you, $N. This armor should help you out.$b$bHopefully, it should do you more good than the last one to wear it...','Do try your best to keep yourself unharmed until I get you some armor.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     403insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (358,377,'Crime and Punishment','As if the neglect for the residents of Duskwood was not bad enough, now the House of Nobles spits in the eye of the Darkshire Council with their decision to imprison Dextren Ward in Stormwind rather than behead the villain as per Lord Ebonlocke\'s sentence.$b$bWard was caught selling bodies from the cemetery to Morbent Fel, a crime punishable by death.  Yet Stormwind claims Ward as their prisoner.$b$bAssassinate Ward in The Stormwind Stockade - bring me his hand - and I shall reward you.','Councilman Millstipe of Darkshire wants you to bring him the hand of Dextren Ward.','So Dextren Ward finally paid for his crimes against humanity? Good riddance to the scum I say. And cheers to you, my friend! Not only have you given the families of the dead the peace of mind they deserve, you sent a poignant message to those corrupt bureaucrats in the House of Nobles. Stormwind must rise to the needs of the people of Duskwood or we will break free from their tyranny.','So long as a molester of the dead like Dextren Ward is permitted to live, justice stands betrayed. Return to me once Lord Ebonlocke\'s sentence of death is carried out on that defiler, Ward. We shall give the families of the dead the closure they deserve and better yet, we will send a clear message to the House of Nobles in Stormwind.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     404insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (359,378,'The Fury Runs Deep','You have proven your loyalty to King Magni, $c.  And your hatred for the Dark Iron scum is as great as my own.$b$bThere is a task I wish to complete myself but I am bound by honor to stay with Longbraid.  But Roggo has gathered intelligence that proves Kam Deepfury was a conspirator in the attack on the Thandol Span.  It was by Deepfury\'s planning that Longbraid lost his kin.$b$bDeepfury is being held for political reasons in the Stormwind Stockade.  I want him dead, $N.  For Longbraid!  Bring me his head!','Motley Garmason wants Kam Deepfury\'s head brought to him at Dun Modr.','So Kam Deepfury finally got to feel what it is like to be on the receiving end of Death? Good. Serves the cowardly Dark Iron scum right. You have done well, $C. The victims of the Thandol Span attack were but mere victims in a world torn with war and unrest. Their families will have the peace of knowing Deepfury got the punishment he deserved. Longbraid\'s brother\'s death has been avenged.','I won\'t let foolish Human bureaucracy interfere with Dwarven matters, $N. Kam Deepfury is a proven conspirator in the Thandol Span attack. King Magni\'s good people lost their lives because of Deepfury\'s deceit. The Humans might be content to let Deepfury rot in The Stockade but I will not sleep soundly at night until Deepfury is slain.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     405insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (360,379,'Slake That Thirst','You want a power source.  I can help you with that.  Know what I want?  I want something to drink!  Bring me five Wastewander Water Pouches, and I\'ll give you the 4711-FTZ.$B$BNow... guess where you can find Wastewander Water Pouches!  Why don\'t you walk up to one of the Wastewander nomads to the east of here and ask them for one.  Let me know how that works out for you.','Bring 5 Wastewander Water Pouches to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan.','Excellent, the power source is yours. Now, it isn\'t completely designed for use in a science kit like that, so you\'ll only have a limited amount of time before all the data you collect will go kablooey!$B$BWhen you collect everything you need for whatever it is you are doing, bring it to me and I\'ll shut it down properly. You\'ll have at most two hours to get what you need to get done, done.$B$BIf you don\'t get it done in time, I can always sell you another power source to try again. You heard me - sell!','Well, did the nomads \'volunteer\' up those water pouches for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     406insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (361,380,'Night Web\'s Hollow','One of our greatest struggles is obtaining the natural resources we need to survive. Gold was scarce even in the height of the Alliance\'s power.$b$bThere is a gold mine to the northwest that has been overrun with spiders. We need gold from the mine, but we can\'t very well get it while the spiders are crawling around in there. I\'ve not much manpower to commit to the task, so we\'ll just have to do it little by little.$B$BGet up there and see what you can do for us, $n.','Executor Arren wants you to kill 10 Young Night Web Spiders and 8 Night Web Spiders.','Hmm, well, it\'s a start. It\'ll take a few weeks or months to fully clean out the infestation. After that, we\'ll have to get down there with some torches to burn away the webbing.$b$bYou\'ve done your duty well, $N, I\'m sure I can find something else for you to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     407insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (362,381,'The Scarlet Crusade','You\'ll be happy to know we appear to be making progress in the mine, thanks in no small part to your efforts.  We can now turn our eyes to other concerns.$b$bMy scouts have reported that a detachment of the Scarlet Crusade is setting up a camp southeast of here. The Scarlet Crusade is a despicable organization that hunts us, and they will not rest until every undead--Lich King\'s Scourge or no--is destroyed. We must strike first!$b$bBe careful, their unholy zeal makes them dangerous adversaries.','Bring Executor Arren 12 Scarlet Armbands from Scarlet Converts and Scarlet Initiates.','If only they listened to reason, eh, $N? Perhaps we could sit them down for reasonable discourse... ha!$b$bLight-blinded fools.','Those fools... They happily send themselves to their own graves.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     408insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (363,382,'The Red Messenger','Reports from my superiors in Brill indicate that an agent of the Scarlet Crusade was dispatched from the Scarlet Monastery and sent here to Deathknell. According to the reports, the messenger possesses important information on his person. I do not have further details, but whatever it is, we must have it!$b$bYou\'re the most qualified person I have to send, $n. Find that messenger and bring me whatever information you can find.','Kill Meven Korgal, the messenger, at the Crusader camp, then return any information you find to Executor Arren.','Hmm... Let\'s see what you\'ve got...$b$b<He begins to rifle through the documents you recovered.>$b$bSome news of their exploits against us... Worthless. Scouting reports... New orders, \"Continue to build up a camp near the ruined city...\" Nothing we didn\'t know already... Ah, what\'s this? A map of the dispositions of some of their field commanders and agents! We can use this.','How goes your mission, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     409insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (364,383,'Vital Intelligence','These will need to be taken to my superior, Executor Zygand, in Brill. With this information, we\'ll be able to deal a decisive blow to the Scarlet Crusade. Your services have been useful here in Deathknell, but I need someone to deliver this to Zygand, and I believe he\'ll be able to find you more appropriate work.$b$bTake the road north out of Deathknell. Soon after entering Tirisfal proper, you\'ll hit a crossroads. Take the eastern fork, and keep going east. You\'ll pass Cold Hearth Manor along the way.','Deliver the Scarlet Crusade Documents to Executor Zygand in Brill.','Yes, this is very good. You\'ve done well in obtaining this information, $N. Hmm... names of the officers in the Tirisfal Glades...$b$bImagine the blow we could deal to the morale of those bloody zealots if we were to kill their leaders in one swift strike.','Yes, what do you want?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     410insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (365,384,'Beer Basted Boar Ribs','Nothing my tavern patrons enjoy more than some Beer Basted Boar Ribs!  Only problem is, the local trapper who used to bring me supplies enlisted in the King\'s Army to help with the war on the Alliance front. $b$bMaybe you can help me out?  If you bring me six crag boar ribs and a Rhapsody Malt from the tavern here, I\'ll give you the family recipe for my famous Beer Basted Boar Ribs, not to mention a free sample!  The secret\'s in the Malt!','Ragnar Thunderbrew in Kharanos wants 6 Crag Boar Ribs and a mug of Rhapsody Malt.','The Malt is brewed, the Boars are dead and before all is done and anything said wWe will have to fight for first dibs on these savory Beer Basted Boar Ribs!','I\'m going to need six crag boar ribs and a mug of Rhapsody Malt, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     411insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (366,385,'Crocolisk Hunting','Many a hunter is attracted to Loch Modan to hunt our famous crocs. There are always merchants who seek out crocolisk skins for clothing items or armor, and there are also some who enjoy the taste of their meat.$b$bWe do some trade in this, but not a huge amount, as the crocolisks are ferocious and have entrenched themselves on the islands in the Loch. But don\'t let me dissuade you, it\'s quite an experience, wrestling with the jaws of the beasts.$b$bWhy, this one time...','Get 5 pieces of Crocolisk Meat and 6 Crocolisk Skins for Marek Ironheart at the Farstrider Lodge.','Well now, these are excellent specimens you collected, $N. Good money for high quality materials, that\'s for sure.','Did I tell you about the time I almost lost my hand to one of the crocs? Nasty bugger it was, teeth like knives. But I was lucky... Jammed the brute\'s jaw shut with my knife. Still have the knife around here somewhere...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     412insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (367,386,'What Comes Around...','Targorr the Dread served under Gath\'Ilzogg as supreme Executioner.  His methods were ruthless, even by filthy orc standards.  Men who fought bravely to defend the Kingdom were tortured on his whim.  Now he is being held in the Stormwind Stockade, sentenced to die.  Yet something is amiss.  One of the bureaucratic nobles put a hold on his execution.  I am sure foul play is in the works.$b$bPut an end to Targorr the Dread, $N.  Travel to The Stockade and behead him before trickery is upon us.','Bring the head of Targorr the Dread to Guard Berton in Lakeshire.','Targorr the Dread has finally met his fate. I for one am glad to hear the beast now knows what it is like to be on the receiving end of Death\'s ruthless grip. You have done well, $N. Sometimes the truest justice can only be found outside the courtroom and beyond the clouded vision of politics.','Have you been to Stormwind yet, to The Stockade? I fear whatever trickery that has kept Targorr the Dread alive for this long will eventually bring about his freedom. He was sentenced to die, $N, not act as some political pawn on a noble\'s whim.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     413insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (368,387,'Quell The Uprising','The uprising must be quelled!  I need your assistance.  If word gets out that the prison is overrun I will lose my job!  This is a case of foul play if I\'ve ever seen one.  But what\'s important now is forcing these prisoners into submission for the safety of Stormwind.$b$bThe punishment for insurgency is death.  Kill some of these deviants!  That ought to get things under control.','Warden Thelwater of Stormwind wants you to kill 10 Defias Prisoners, 8 Defias Convicts, and 8 Defias Insurgents in The Stockade.','Your efforts in The Stockade were valiant, $N. It\'s obvious this problem is bigger than the both of us. But you have performed well and for that I am thankful.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     414insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (369,388,'The Color of Blood','Bitterness flows through my veins like a cold river.  My grandson, Mac, was such a good boy.  A mere 14 years old.  When the army was sent off to the front, Mac took up arms to defend the city.  He was a guard in The Stockade, where the Defias gang is locked up.  Mac reprimanded some of the prisoners for tearing their wool blankets to make scarves, a symbol of their gang.  For that Mac was stabbed in the back.$b$bI want revenge.  Bring me 10 of their precious Wool Bandanas.  They are the color of blood.','Nikova Raskol of Stormwind wants you to collect 10 Red Wool Bandanas.','So these bandanas -- filthy tokens of corruption -- are what my $N had to die for? Such a waste. Such a tragic sacrifice. $b$bBut alas, I cannot return to the past. Just know, $N, that you have brought my family justice through your deeds.','I see you are back, $C. Have you collected 10 Red Wool Bandanas from those Defias Scum in The Stockade yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     415insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (370,389,'Bazil Thredd','VanCleef and I were members of the Stonemasons Guild. Our main project was to rebuild Stormwind after the War.$B$BWhen we had finished our duties, we were cheated. The nobles refused to pay us for our work. Some of the more senior of the Stonemasons were offered governmental jobs, but VanCleef refused it out of loyalty to all the Stonemasons. He led a riot and left the city, swearing revenge.$b$bHis lieutenant, Bazil Thredd, might know more about VanCleef\'s plans. He\'s being held prisoner in the Stockade.','Speak with Warden Thelwater in the Stockade.','What in the Light do you want? Can\'t you see we have a crisis here?$b$bBazil Thredd?! Why would you want to speak with that bastard? How am I supposed to know you\'re not one of his cronies, come down to help with his bloody riot? If all the blasted cells weren\'t open, I might throw you in one for a while!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     416insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (371,391,'The Stockade Riots','Let\'s get one thing straight, $N: I don\'t trust you. But, with the situation as it is, you probably won\'t make a difference.$B$BSo here\'s how it\'s going to be: go down there and have your talk with Thredd. If you\'re really on our side, then kill him and bring me his head when the job\'s done. And if it turns out you\'re on his side, and don\'t come out... when we find you, you\'ll die along with the rest of the maggots.','Kill Bazil Thredd and bring his head back to Warden Thelwater at the Stockade.','Without Thredd to lead them, hopefully the riots will be more controllable. We shall see.$b$bI must say, after a half hour, I hardly expected you to come out, but it seems I misjudged you.$b$bI\'d guess, then, that you didn\'t get much useful information out of him? But I know a thing or two that might be of interest to you about Thredd\'s activities.','Either you bring me Thredd\'s head, or I\'ll take yours, understand, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     417insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (372,392,'The Curious Visitor','During the first years of Thredd\'s imprisonment, he never had any visitors. I figured that he was no longer of use to the Brotherhood, so they abandoned him.$B$BAnyway, a few months ago, that all changed; he started to get regular visits... once, maybe twice a week. It was a strange man--the quiet type. I had my suspicions, but all his papers checked out.$B$BHis documents claimed his name was Maelik; here\'s his description. I don\'t think he\'ll be coming to visit Thredd anymore.','Bring the Sealed Description of Thredd\'s Visitor to Baros Alexston in Stormwind.','Hmm. Maelik? No, the name doesn\'t sound familiar and neither does this description. But it could be anybody! A former Stonemason, one of the Defias Brotherhood... Though if he is as well connected as Thelwater suggests, perhaps someone else might recognize him. Let me think.','Yes, $N? What have you found?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     418insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (373,393,'Shadow of the Past','I really haven\'t a clue, $N. There is someone else who might be able to help you, and it so happens that he owes me a favor for--well, let\'s not get into that. Master Mathias Shaw of SI:7 can be found in the barracks in Old Town. Shaw has his thumb on most of the shady, or underhanded dealings of the city.$B$BIf anyone knows, it\'d be him.','Bring the Sealed Description of Thredd\'s Visitor to Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind.','What? What\'s this? Yes, I think I do know who this man is, but his name is not Maelik. Assassins wear many names and many masks, discarding them as they lose their usefulness. Another alias known to be used by this man is Marzon; though even that is surely not his true name.$b$bRegardless, he is an assassin and I know a good deal about him.$b$bMarzon is currently under the employ of Lord Gregor Lescovar, a lord of shady reputation, even given the corruption of the nobility of Stormwind.','Greetings. Of what service can I be to you, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     419insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (374,394,'The Head of the Beast','Find Shaw in Old Town. Let him know that the Lescovar threat has been dealt with and about your involvement in the Lord\'s plots against the city. I\'m sure he\'ll be proud to have another hero among Stormwind\'s citizens.$B$BHe\'ll more than likely send you off to meet with the Prince or some other noble. Don\'t let it get to your head, $N. The nobles can think they rule the city all they want, but some things remain out of their hands.','Speak to Mathias Shaw in Stormwind.','He is dead, then? Your justice was swift, $N. I pray to the Light that I never become your quarry!$b$b<He laughs and claps you on the shoulder.>$b$bI mean no criticism, $N. How could I, being the master of all assassins? But in truth, you have done the people of Stormwind a great service, and for that, I thank you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     420insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (375,395,'Brotherhood\'s End','Ah, I almost forgot. Alexston came while you were away, he wished to speak with you. No doubt he wishes to report the goings-on of the Defias Brotherhood to the nobles.$B$BA bit of advice, $N: if anyone should ask, I would provide all details but that it was your hand that slew Lescovar. Trust me. I am... acquainted... with the ways of such things.$B$BAnd as far as Trias goes, well, speak to no one of him... ever... if you can help it.','Speak with Baros Alexston in Stormwind.','It\'s good to see you, $N. I have heard that Lord Gregor Lescovar was found dead not long ago.$b$bIt would seem that you were successful in your mission. You have my gratitude that you have saved me, and many others, from VanCleef\'s revenge.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     421insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (376,396,'An Audience with the King','I have prepared a report for the King. I believe you should be the one to deliver it to him, along with an account of your findings. Do not worry, there is no doubt that he will commend you for doing your duty to the people of Stormwind.$B$BYour audience is scheduled soon, so you\'d best hurry, it\'s a bit of a ways to Stormwind Keep.','Deliver Baros Alexston\'s report on the Defias Brotherhood to King Varian Wrynn in Stormwind Keep.','You are to be commended for the service you have done for Stormwind, $N. If VanCleef had been successful in his machinations, he would no doubt have done considerable harm to the kingdom - something we must obviously avoid.$B$BTake this, $C, as a token of the King\'s appreciation. I am only sorry he cannot present it to you himself, but he is away on a diplomatic mission and shall not return for some time.','$N, yes? I was informed by Baros Alexston that you would be coming. I must say, I am most interested in what you have to say.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     422insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (377,397,'You Have Served Us Well','I hear Lord Wishock enjoyed his beverage.  $b$bYou have served us well, $N.  The Warlocks of Stormwind will be able to practice our ways without disturbance, thanks to you.  For your efforts, I have prepared a special gift for you.  Speak with my servant, Zggi, and claim your reward.','Speak with Zggi, the servant of Zardeth the Blackclaw, to claim your reward.','Master says give gift to $N. Zggi wants to keep nice gift but Zggi knows better than to betray Master.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     423insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (378,398,'Wanted: Maggot Eye','Wanted: Maggot Eye!$b$bA foul beast, even by Gnoll standards, Maggot Eye has been sentenced to death for his crimes against The Forsaken.  This despicable villain has been stealing corpses for use by the Lich King\'s army.  Maggot Eye was last seen pillaging the lands near Garren\'s Haunt to the north of Brill.$b$bThe town of Brill hereby offers a reward to the capable soul who can carry out the execution.  Show Executor Zygand the villain\'s paw once the deed is done.$b$bMercy is for the weak.','Kill Maggot Eye and return to Executor Zygand in Brill with his paw for a reward.','Maggot Eye\'s dastardly acts have finally been avenged. Maybe your acts of valor will send a clear message to those who wish to bring harm to our people. On behalf of the town of Brill I thank you, $N.','Yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     424insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (379,399,'Humble Beginnings','It seems an eternity since I was a boy working the farm in Westfall. They say you can never go back, and it\'s true. Doubly true in my case, my family\'s home has been burned down and taken over by thieves.$b$bI have spoken with my father about the fate of some of my possessions, including my first compass. He was unable to save them. However, he also says that they should be hidden away on the farm.$b$bYou\'ll find the Alexston Farmstead west of Sentinel Hill. Perhaps you could go and retrieve it for me?','Go to Baros Alexston\'s house in Westfall and search for his compass, then return it to him in Cathedral Square of Stormwind.','Oh, thank you, $N! It\'s of no practical use to me, but the sentimental value... Needless to say, thank you for bringing this to me... at some cost to your own well-being, not to mention the time it took to go all the way down to Westfall. You have my gratitude, and have this as a token of my thanks.','$N! Did you have any luck?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     425insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (380,400,'Tools for Steelgrill','Beldin Steelgrill owns the local mechanic shop, and he\'s the best siege engine tech there is!  But he\'s not forgiving to his tools.  I swear he almost breaks more arclight spanners than we can supply him with!$B$BWe just filled his last order for tools.  If you deliver it to him I\'m sure he\'ll make it worth the effort.$B$BHis shop, Steelgrill\'s Depot, is just northeast of Kharanos.  And it\'s a local haunt for veteran siege engine pilots, so keep your ears open for opportunities while you\'re there.','Deliver Steelgrill\'s Tools to Beldin Steelgrill.','You have my tools? Well done, lad, well done! I just broke my last fang-ratchet an hour ago and I need one of those to finish repairs on Pilot Stonegear\'s siege engine. You did a good thing by lugging those tools here, $N.$b$bHere, take these coins for your help.','Hm?  You look a little young to be a siege engine pilot.  But no matter...do you need something fixed?$B$BWell take a number and get comfortable.  I\'m working on a couple engines right now and won\'t have time for another job for at least a few days.$B$BOr, were you here for something else...?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     426insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (381,401,'Wait for Sirra to Finish','I\'m almost finished translating that note.  If you come back in a few moments I should be done.','Wait a moment, then speak with Sirra Von\'Indi again.','There we are.  It\'s translated...$B$B<The air grows heavy, as if a thick, black curtain is drawn over the land...>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     427insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (382,402,'BETA Sirra is Busy','I\'m sorry, but with the town in the state it\'s in I\'m afraid have other duties to attend to.  Perhaps later, if we survive, I can finish this translation.','Check back with Sirra later to see if he\'s still busy.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     428insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (383,403,'Guarded Thunderbrew Barrel','','','This barrel of ale is guarded by Jarven Thunderbrew.  As long as he\'s in the basement, no barrels may be disturbed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     429insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (384,404,'A Putrid Task','Scourge have trickled into Tirisfal Glades and have infested the area west of Brill, near the old bridge.$B$BGo there and beat back the rotting dead and ravaged corpses you find.  Scatter their bones and bring back their putrid claws, and the Deathguards will reward you.','Bring 7 Putrid Claws to Deathguard Dillinger in Brill.','Well done. I regret not being there to see you smash those undead into rotting pulp!','Have you completed the task with which I have charged you? Do you have those Putrid Claws?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     430insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (385,405,'The Prodigal Lich','Bethor Iceshard, a high-ranking and powerful mage in the Undercity to the south, commands me to send him an agent with proven worth against the Scourge.  You, $N, will be that agent.$B$BPresent these orders to Bethor.  He will then instruct you on your mission.  I don\'t know its details, but it deals with recruiting a wayward Lich.  And it will be dangerous.$B$BSo ready yourself, $C.  You must not fail.$B$BYou may find Bethor in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity.','Present Sevren\'s Orders to Bethor Iceshard in the Undercity.','Ah, you are the agent sent by Magistrate Sevren. Then yes, your business with me is crucial.$b$bI trust Sevren has mustered someone suitable for my task...but we shall see.','Greetings. Either you do not know who I am, or your business with me is urgent.$b$bBecause if neither of these were true, then you would not be foolish enough to disturb me...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     431insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (386,407,'Fields of Grief','Harmless pumpkins, right?  Or so it would seem.  If we are to defeat Arthas\'s advances from the North and the Human infestation from the South we need to start realizing the full potential of our gift of undeath.$b$bWith a little ingenuity a simple pumpkin becomes an agent for our Dark Lady.  This pumpkin, laced with my latest formula, will prove to be quite a treat.$b$bYet another Scarlet Zealot has been captured and is being kept in the cellar of the Gallow\'s End Tavern.  Take this pumpkin to the fool.','Take the Laced Pumpkin to the Captured Scarlet Zealot who is being held in the cellar of the Gallow\'s End Tavern.','By the Light! Finally some food! Sweet, sweet pumpkin. . . .','Stay away foul and unholy creature! May the Light protect me! The Scarlet Crusade shall rid Azeroth of your. . .$b$b. . .oh wait. Is that food for me? I am so hungry. . .','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     432insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (387,408,'The Family Crypt','The Agamand Mills area has become a foothold for the Scourge.  Their strongest point is the Agamand Family Crypt where their local military leader, a skeleton named Captain Dargol, has headquartered.  With Necromancy he has raised the ancestors of the Agamands and plans to use them against us.$B$BThis cannot pass, and you must stop it.  Travel to the Agamand Family Crypt and defeat the raised Agamand ancestors.$B$BAnd, bring me the skull of Captain Dargol.','Kill 8 Wailing Ancestors and 8 Rotting Ancestors.$B$BKill Captain Dargol, and bring his skull to Magistrate Sevren in Brill.','Your actions struck a telling blow against the Scourge. And your victory will not go unnoticed - not by the Forsaken, nor by our enemies.$b$bContinue the struggle as we all do, $N, and one day we will drive the Lich King himself from Azeroth!','Time is not a luxury we have, $N. With each passing hour, the Scourge\'s hold on Tirisfal Glades grows more firm.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     433insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (388,409,'Proving Allegiance','You say you are not bound by the will of the Lich King, and the enchantment Bethor placed upon my book corroborates this.  But before I believe you I must have proof that you are enemy to the Scourge.$B$BThere is an old, bloody altar just off the southern coast of this island.  it is used by a powerful Scourge agent, Lillith Nefara.$B$BTake a Candle of Beckoning from this crate here.  Light it on the altar and Lillith will awake.  Destroy Lillith, and I will believe you are the Lich King\'s foe.','Obtain a Candle of Beckoning.$B$BSummon Lillith Nefara and kill her.$B$BReturn to Gunther on his island.','You have defeated Lillith Nefara, proving you are an enemy of the Scourge. Incredible.$b$bI had believed I was the only Undead with free will, but you have shown me there are others who have broken the Lich King\'s domination.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     434insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (389,410,'The Dormant Shade','','','You place the Candle of Beckoning upon the table and light it...','This is an old, beaten, bloody table.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     435insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (390,411,'The Prodigal Lich Returns','Take this Nether Gem to my old comrade Bethor.  It will let us communicate ... and I have much to tell him.','Bring the Nether Gem to Bethor Iceshard in the Undercity.','You convinced him to join us! You have done a great deed for the Forsaken, $N. The Dark Lady will be informed.','Have you returned Gunther\'s book? Has he responded?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     436insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (391,412,'Operation Recombobulation','Upon further analysis of the Gnomeregan situation, it would appear as though we not only failed to eradicate the troggs but we also happened to turn most of the gnomish race into horrific, mindless, evil-doing leper gnomes.$b$bOzzie and I plan to reverse the horrible leper effect with our latest invention: The Recombobulator.  The machine is almost complete but we are in dire need of some Restabilization Cogs and Gyromechanic Gears.  Retrieve some from the leper gnomes out front of Gnomeregan for us.','Bring Razzle Sprysprocket in Kharanos 8 Restabilization Cogs and 8 Gyromechanic Gears.','These Gyromechanic Gears and Restabilization Cogs are in perfect accordance with Ozzie\'s schematics for the Recombobulation Device. Once I add some hyrdolubricant to the inner combustion pistons, adjust the crank-o-ratchet and increase of the viscosity of the electrogum gel, the gnomish race will be as good as new.','The Recombobulator will be up and running as soon as we have sufficient Restabilization Cogs and Gyromechanic Gears.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     437insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (392,413,'Shimmer Stout','I\'d like my brother Wellart to try my new Shimmer Stout.  He\'s a Mountaineer stationed in the southern guard tower, one of two towers on the border to Loch Modan.$B$BHe may not be a brewer like the rest of us Barleybrews, but he loves his drinks and I know he\'ll like this one.$B$BCan you bring him this Barrel of Shimmer Stout for me?','Take the Barrel of Shimmer Stout to Mountaineer Barleybrew.','<Mountaineer Barleybrew tastes the Shimmer Stout...>$b$bOh. Whoa! This stuff really puts a shine in your eyes. I feel like I can see in the dark!','Hello, $C! And what business takes you all the way out here?$b$bSomething exciting, I hope. I haven\'t been in a good fight in days, and this barrel of ale is almost dry...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     438insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (393,414,'Stout to Kadrell','I\'ve been drinking more of that Shimmer Stout my brother made - it\'s great stuff!  I want a fellow Mountaineer to try it.  His name\'s Kadrell, and he\'s usually patrolling the road through Thelsamar in Loch Modan.$B$BTo get to Thelsamar, go southeast through the tunnel, then turn northeast when the path forks into a road.  Follow that road straight into Thelsamar.$B$BGive Mountaineer Kadrell this cask of Shimmer Stout and see what he thinks!','Take the Cask of Shimmer Stout to Mountaineer Kadrell.','Now, let me have a taste...$b$bMagni\'s Beard! This stuff gets your head turning! And it lightens the limbs, too.$b$bI feel like I can fly!','Greetings, $C, and welcome to Thelsamar!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     439insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (394,415,'Rejold\'s New Brew','Rejold Barleybrew at Brewnall Village has been asking for you.$B$BHe wants to talk to you about a new drink he\'s been brewing...said something about you helping him with it.  You might want to head back to Brewnall Village and see what he has to say.$B$BThere could be some free booze in it for you...','Speak with Rejold Barleybrew.','$N! You know that Shimmerweed you brought me? Well I used it in a few recipes I\'ve been working on, and one of them turned out great!$b$bHere, try it out and tell me what you think...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     440insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (395,416,'Rat Catching','We have a real infestation problem to the west.  Tunnel rat kobolds have moved into the foothills, setting up dens and fouling our land with their filth!$B$BWe want them eliminated.  Hunt them, bring me their ears and earn their bounty.$B$BYou can find tunnel rat kobolds and their dens west of Thelsamar, littered along the mountainside.','Bring 12 Tunnel Rat Ears to Mountaineer Kadrell in Thelsamar.','Ugh! When I asked for those ears I didn\'t realize they\'d smell so bad!$b$bHere\'s your reward, $N. Well done.','Hail, $N. How goes the rat catching?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     441insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (396,417,'A Pilot\'s Revenge','Hildelve wrote in his journal that he was attacked by Mangeclaw, a \"huge Ice Claw Bear.\"  He drove off the beast, but not before it mauled him savagely.$B$BJudging from the state of Hildelve\'s body, Mangeclaw must have later returned and killed him.$B$BHowever, Hildelve wrote in his journal his one, final wish:$B$BRevenge against Mangeclaw.','Kill Mangeclaw.$B$BBring his Mangy Claw and Hildelve\'s Journal to Pilot Hammerfoot.','This is grim news, for Hildelve was a good friend. And I wish I could have been there with you when you found the beast, Mangeclaw!$b$bThank you, $N. Your deed will be remembered by the pilots of the Ironforge Siege Brigade.','Hello, $N. Do you have word of my friend Hildelve?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     442insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (397,418,'Thelsamar Blood Sausages','There\'s never a shortage of empty bellies here in Thelsamar, kids running in and out, workers from the excavation coming in after  a hard day\'s work. We\'re famous for our blood sausages, I don\'t suppose you\'ve ever tried them?$b$bNo? Well, around here you\'ve got to work for your meals, and don\'t think just because you\'re a fancy $c, you\'ll be any exception.$b$bI\'ll need bear meat, boar intestines for the casings, and spider ichor for spice. You get me some of those, and leave the cooking to Vidra!','Bring 3 pieces of Bear Meat, 3 Boar Intestines, and 3 Spider Ichor to Vidra Hearthstove in Thelsamar.','Trust me, it seems a lot harder than it looks, but...$b$bOh, I\'ve never known someone to take much interest in the making of sausages, but I\'ll give you the recipe just in case. Here you go, mind you eat them fresh!','I\'m all ready to start cooking, do you have the ingredients for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     443insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (398,419,'The Lost Pilot','My friend and fellow Siege Engine pilot, Mori Hildelve, is lost in the hills.  We were looking for a rare ore that\'s needed for a high-grade blastpowder, and during our search he drove his engine up a steep hill and busted it!$B$BStill convinced that ore was in these mountains, Hildelve charged me to guard our engines while he continued on foot, searching.$B$BIt\'s been days, and I\'ve heard some beastly growls in the hills at night.  Mori\'s tough as nails, but I\'m worried.$B$BPlease, $N.  Find him.','Find Pilot Hildelve.','Here is the corpse of a dwarf -- mauled, frozen, and picked clean by mountain scavengers. Clutched in its hand is a book containing the roughly scribbled notes of Mori Hildelve. And around its frame, still in superior condition, is a Brigadier\'s Vest.$b$bThis grisly scene must have been where the Siege Engine pilot met his end.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     444insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (399,420,'Senir\'s Observations','The troggs in the tunnel are extremely hostile, and haven\'t shown any hesitation in attacking travelers through the tunnel. You seem tough enough, though, so you should probably be safe.$b$bDirections? If you\'re going to speak with Senir, you\'ll find him in Kharanos.$b$bMake your way through the tunnel, and after you come out on the other side, just keep following the road, it\'ll run right into Kharanos.','Deliver Grelin\'s report to Senir Whitebeard in Kharanos.','What\'s this? Ah, my brother\'s report. Hmm...$b$bI told him to be sparing with the use of the King\'s name, but he didn\'t listen. No harm, I suppose, though it\'s sure to ruffle some feathers in the Senate. Not that those weren\'t some feathers that needed ruffling! Hah!$b$bNonetheless, I guess that means that I should send my report on to Ironforge as well, but I must admit I\'m a bit behind. Bloody cold.$b$bI should have some work for you later, if you\'re interested.','How are you? Like to share a drink with me, perhaps? Not much else to do in the cold.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     445insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (400,421,'Prove Your Worth','Lady Sylvanas has charged Varimathras with the conquering of the human and dwarven lands to the south.$b$bBut that fool, Arugal -- charlatan of Dalaran and now cursed beast of Shadowfang Keep -- let his reckless magic wreak havoc with the strategic stronghold of Silverpine Forest.$b$bI need someone skilled in the ways of combat to help clean up Arugal\'s mess.  Prove yourself to me by killing 5 Moonrage Whitescalps.  The wretched beasts can often be found just off the road, down the hill below.','Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher wants you to kill 5 Moonrage Whitescalps.','You have served me well, $C. It is obvious to me that you will be a worthy aide to me as I prepare to rid Silverpine Forest of Arugal\'s curse.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     446insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (401,422,'Arugal\'s Folly','How Arugal gained acceptance within the Kirin Tor is beyond me.  His spell-casting knowledge seemed as transparent as a blown glass bauble.$b$bWhat\'s important now is learning exactly what magic Arugal used so that I can turn it against him and secure Silverpine Forest for the Dark Lady.$b$bArugal first stayed at the wheat farm just north of the bridge.  One of the Deathstalkers reported seeing some spellbooks but could not secure them.  Retrieve for me the spell labeled Remedy of Arugal from those books.','Retrieve the Remedy of Arugal for Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher.','This is precisely the spell I was in search of, $C. If your dedication to The Dark Lady\'s cause remains infallible you will find you have quite a future amongst The Forsaken.','Before I know what we are dealing with here, $C, I need to study the spell known as Remedy of Arugal. Bring it to me now or I shall be forced to find myself a worthy servant.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     447insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (402,423,'Arugal\'s Folly','After examining Arugal\'s work my worst suspicions were confirmed.  The old hack was not qualified to clean chamber pots in Dalaran let alone represent the Kirin Tor in its most dire hour.  Fools!$b$bArugal used enchanted items to reinforce his weak magic.  I need to examine these items first hand.  Travel forth and slay Moonrage Gluttons and Moonrage Darksouls until you have collected enough of their enchanted shackles for my research.  The foul creatures have been seen to the north and east.','Bring 6 Glutton Shackles and 3 Darksoul Shackles to Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher.','I hope I can acquire enough energy from such a limited sample. Perhaps I should have had you get more shackles.$b$bNonetheless, you showed great skill in collecting these, $C.','I will need 6 Glutton Shackles and 3 Darksoul Shackles before I can assess the situation and devise a final solution for Arugal. Now heed your bidding and slay Moonrage Gluttons and Moonrage Darksouls until you have what I need.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     448insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (403,424,'Arugal\'s Folly','It will indeed take me longer than I had thought to uncover the dark secrets behind the enchantments Arugal was using.$b$bBut in the meantime I need you to take care of a slight problem our Darkstalkers have discovered.  It seems that Arugal let his magic spread to the Deep Elem Mine in the hills to the southeast.$b$bThe mine would prove to be quite a resource for Varimathras\'s advance.$b$bI want you to behead the tainted foreman of the mine, Grimson the Pale.  With his death, the mine shall be ours.','Kill Grimson the Pale and bring his head to Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher.','Most excellent. The mine will provide superb resources for our forces as we spread throughout Silverpine and into Azeroth.','Has Grimson the Pale been slain? Varimathras will not be pleased if we ignore his bidding.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     449insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (404,425,'Ivar the Foul','My brother Quinn and I were tasked to recon Silverpine Forest and report to High Executor Hadrec.  But we didn\'t get far -- when moving through this farm we were attacked by the ghoul Ivar the Foul.$B$BWe escaped from Ivar, but he seriously mauled Quinn.  He\'s healing from the potion you gave him, but Ivar may return before Quinn recovers.$B$BKill Ivar so Quinn will have time to heal.  Ivar is usually in the barn yonder, waiting for my guard to drop.','Kill Ivar the Foul, and bring Ivar\'s Head to Rane Yorick at the Ivar Patch.','Ah, thank you. You have my gratitude, $N.$b$bAnd I will include you in the report I make to my superiors.','Have you killed Ivar the Foul? If you won\'t do it for me and my brother, then do it for the Forsaken.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     450insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (405,426,'The Mills Overrun','The Scourge are trying to form a base at the Agamand Mills.  If they do, then they can stage further attacks within Tirisfal.$B$BThe orders have been given.  The Scourge in the Mills must be destroyed.$B$BGo to the Mills.  Collect Notched Ribs from Rattlecage and Cracked Skull Soldiers, and Blackened Skulls from Darkeye Bonecasters.$B$BTo get to the Mills, follow the road west.  After crossing the bridge, take the next fork north then keep going north.  When you see windmills, the battle will begin.','Gather 5 Notched Ribs and 3 Blackened Skulls, then return to Deathguard Dillinger in Brill.','Your efforts in the war are felt among us, $N. I will not thank you for doing what is necessary, but the Deathguards of Tirisfal will remember your name.','Our battles with the Scourge wage on, $N. Do your part and throw those cursed, mindless undead back into the Plaguelands!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     451insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (406,427,'At War With The Scarlet Crusade','The documents Executor Arren provided are just the break we needed in our battle with the wretched Scarlet Crusade.  We now know their exact locations throughout Tirisfal Glades.$b$bBut the Deathguard has larger concerns.  The Lich King\'s army grows in number each night.  We need someone with \"initiative\" like yourself to drive the Scarlet Crusade to the grave.$b$bProve to me you are capable of serving The Dark Lady by travelling west to the tower past the Solliden Farmstead and slay 10 Scarlet Warriors.','Executor Zygand of Brill wants you to kill 10 Scarlet Warriors.','Most excellent, $C. Your skill in the art of combat is undeniable.','If you wish to prove your worth to The Dark Lady, slay 10 Scarlet Warriors, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     452insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (407,428,'Lost Deathstalkers','A couple weeks ago two of our Deathstalkers, Rane and Quinn Yorick, were sent on a reconnaissance mission through northern Silverpine.  We have not heard from them.$B$BThey may have become victim to the Scourge, though if that is true then I want it confirmed.  Find these Deathstalkers.$B$BTheir first objective was to scout the farms in northern Silverpine.  You should begin your search there.','Find the Deathstalkers Quinn and Rane Yorick.','You found us! And not a moment too soon...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     453insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (408,429,'Wild Hearts','My brother Quinn was badly hurt by the ghoul, Ivar the Foul, and I don\'t know if he will heal properly without magical aid.  Although I am not an apothecary, I do know that our apothecaries can make healing potions from the discolored hearts of worgs.$B$BGather such hearts and take them to Apothecary Renferrel at the Sepulcher to the south.  Then return here with the potion.$B$BYou can find plenty of worgs between here and Malden\'s Orchard to the east.','Gather 6 discolored worg hearts and bring them to Apothecary Renferrel at the Sepulcher.','<Renferrel takes the hearts>$b$bIt is troubling to hear our Deathstalkers have failed their mission.$b$bLet us hope that these failures are rare.$b$bI\'ll give you the potion in a moment, but here is its recipe - if those Deathstalkers find themselves in need of future aid, then perhaps you can give it yourself.','My time is short, $C, for the Dark Lady has charged me with a grave task.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     454insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (409,430,'Return to Quinn','Here is the potion to aid in Quinn Yorick\'s recovery.$B$BNow if you will excuse me, I have very important work to continue...','Bring Quinn\'s potion to Quinn Yorick at the Ivar Patch, north of the Sepulcher.','<Quinn takes the potion and drinks it>$b$bYes, I can feel it working. I will soon be able to travel.$b$bYou have done me a great favor, $N.','My sister told me you were here to aid us. Is that true?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     455insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (410,431,'Candles of Beckoning','','','You grab one of the candles and place it in your pack.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     456insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (411,432,'Those Blasted Troggs!','Those Light-blasted troggs, turning my work site into a wreck! Look at that, there goes another barrel of powder!$b$bOhhh, I wish I could go down there and wring every one of their scrawny little necks! I want to kill them all!$b$bThis can\'t be good for my health, all this stress and anger... What have they left me with? Nothing!$b$bI\'d kill them myself, but my aim\'s no good anymore! You go into the quarry and kill some of the filthy buggers! I\'ll pay you! Just hurt them, kill them!','Kill 6 Rockjaw Skullthumpers for Foreman Stonebrow at the Gol\'Bolar quarry.','Well, that makes me feel a little better...$b$bBut I won\'t be happy until they\'re all dead! All of them!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     457insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (412,433,'The Public Servant','As a member of the Senate and the Explorers\' League, I\'ve taken it upon myself to take care of this part of the trogg infestation that has gripped our lands.$b$bThey\'ve certainly made a mess of Gol\'Bolar quarry, and for no reason. As we dug deep into the earth, they poured out, destroying our equipment and driving the miners out. There\'s not much for us to do but to exterminate the lot of them, rebuild, then get back to work.$b$bIf you help me with the troggs, I\'ll gladly recompense you for your time.','Kill 10 Rockjaw Bonesnappers for Senator Mehr Stonehallow at the Gol\'Bolar quarry.','It is a start. Hopefully we can take advantage of it, and move some Mountaineers in to secure the area. Then we can begin to restore our infrastructure and get the miners back to work.$b$bThank you for your assistance, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     458insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (413,434,'The Attack!','After I put on Spybot\'s disguise, he\'ll head in to talk to Lescovar. The guards should let him pass no problem.$B$BWhile you were getting materials for me, I took care of informing Marzon that it was time for him and Lescovar to meet again. I even dropped some false information.$B$BLescovar will dismiss his guards and wait for Marzon out here in the garden. After you catch wind of talk about the Defias, make your move. You need to kill them both before the guards return! When you\'re done, speak to Trias.','Remain in the garden until Lord Gregor Lescovar and Marzon the Silent Blade have had their conversation. Afterwards, kill them both before returning to Elling Trias in Stormwind.','So it is done? Good. Thank you greatly for your discretion, $N. You\'ve proven worthy on more than one count. I\'ll be sure to keep my eyes on you and your progress within the Alliance.$B$BBe sure to keep your nose clean.','','Overhear Lescovar and Marzon\'s Conversation','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     459insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (414,435,'Escorting Erland','The wolves outside won\'t leave, and they eye me evilly every time I step foot out that door.  They must be incredibly hungry to think I\'m worth eating.$B$BI have to report to my teammate, the Deathstalker Rane Yorick.  And to get to Rane, I\'ll need help against those wolves.$B$BPlease escort me!  And there are a lot of wolves out there, so we\'ll have a better chance if you have friends who can help...','Escort Erland through the wolves, to Rane Yorick.','Thank you for the aid, $N. I had feared Erland was overcome by the dangers of Silverpine. With your help, I see that he has not.','','Erland must reach Rane Yorick','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     460insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (415,436,'Ironband\'s Excavation','Prospector Ironband is heading an excavation of ancient ruins east of the lake.  His progress has been slow lately, especially considering all the supplies we\'ve sent him.$B$BIronband\'s a stout, honest dwarf who values results, which has me worried that forces are at work against him.$B$BGo to Ironband\'s Excavation and speak with Magmar Fellhew.  He manages the details of the site and will know why there\'s a slowdown.$B$BTo get to the excavation site, go around the southern tip of the lake, then head east.','Speak with Explorer Fellhew.','Jern wants to know what the slowdown is, eh?$b$bIronband is putting together his latest progress report with details, but I can tell you this:$b$bIt\'s the Troggs!!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     461insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (416,437,'The Dead Fields','Our initial scouting reports of Silverpine show the rot hides have a base at an old farm to the north, the Dead Fields.  We have sent small assaults against them, but each time they are reinforced by the banshee Nightlash, who uses her magic to rout our forces.$B$BWe want Nightlash destroyed.$B$BGo to the Dead Fields and assault the rot hides.  If you don\'t see Nightlash then kill the rot hides until she appears, then defeat her.$B$BHer essence will turn to dust.  Bring me that dust as proof.','Kill rot hide gnolls at the Dead Fields.$B$BWhen Nightlash appears, kill her.$B$BBring the Essence of Nightlash to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.','I heard of your successful raid against the rot hides, $N, and this essence is proof of Nightlash\'s death.$b$bThe Scourge have lost ground this day. Your value to the Forsaken grows.','Have you defeated Nightlash, $N? Our success against the rot hides depends on her destruction!','Enter the Dead Fields','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     462insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (417,438,'The Decrepit Ferry','$N, we\'ve discovered a new hive for the Scourge: the Decrepit Ferry.  The ferry lies east of the Sepulcher, and is heavily patrolled by rot hides and other undead.$B$BThere must be a reason for the Scourge\'s occupation of the area.  Go to the Decrepit Ferry and find out why the Scourge are there.','Go to the Decrepit Ferry.$B$BSearch for the reason the Scourge are there.','Heaped within this boat is a pile of wrapped corpses. And looking east across Lordamere Lake, an opposing dock on Fenris Isle can be seen.$B$BThe fate of the corpses must lie on Fenris Isle.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     463insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (418,439,'Rot Hide Clues','Among the corpses a hand protrudes, unwrapped.  It is the hand of a woman, pockmarked from the plague but relatively fresh.  $B$BOn the hand is a ring.  Removing the ring and inspecting it reveals an engraving:$B$B\"For Deliah\"','Bring Deliah\'s Ring to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.','You say that this ring was worn by a woman, recently killed?$B$BThe only nearby source of such a body would be the mass graves in Tirisfal. The Rot Hide Gnolls must be taking those corpses to Fenris Isle!','$N. You return, so I assume your investigations bore fruit?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     464insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (419,440,'The Engraved Ring','If you want to find the husband or beloved who gave Deliah her ring... then speak with Magistrate Sevren in Brill.  He should have records of recent deaths and, with luck, can discover who Deliah is.$B$BBut I wouldn\'t hope.  Whoever gave her the ring is probably dead.  Or if he\'s undead he probably no longer cares about Deliah.','Bring Deliah\'s Ring to Magistrate Sevren in Brill.','A Deliah did live in Brill not long ago. She was buried in the mass grave but if what you say is true, then the Rot Hide Gnolls must have stolen her body and taken it to Silverpine.$b$bThe Rot Hides, like all the Scourge, must be destroyed. I trust you are taking steps to make that happen.','Hello, $N. What brings you back to Brill?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     465insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (420,441,'Raleigh and the Undercity','Deliah had a husband, Raleigh, who now dwells in the Undercity.  If the Deliah who lived in Brill is the one who owned this ring, then Raleigh will know.$B$BRaleigh is in the Trade Quarter of the Undercity.','Bring Deliah\'s Ring to Raleigh.','Yes, this ring was my wife\'s. Her fate was the fate of all who fail to endure these harsh times. I feel nothing for her death, nor for the story you tell of her body\'s abduction.$b$bSuch feelings have long since grown cold within me. But desire does still burn in my dead heart, $N.$b$bDesire for revenge.','Do I know you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     466insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (421,442,'Assault on Fenris Isle','Now is the time to assault the Scourge\'s place of strength in Silverpine: Fenris Isle.$B$BYou must again go to the Isle and destroy Thule Ravenclaw.  I want his head!$B$BThis mission is as dangerous as it is vital, $N.  You must not fail.','Bring Thule\'s Head to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.','The death of Thule Ravenclaw was no small event, $N. Renferrel tells me that the energies released when you destroyed Thule were felt even as far as the Sepulcher.$b$bYour actions ring through the ranks of the Forsaken. Your value to us grows.','The Scourge cannot be allowed to remain in Silverpine, $N. Come back to me when you have proof of Thule\'s death.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     467insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (422,443,'Rot Hide Ichor','Before we launch an assault on Fenris Isle, we must determine who is behind the rot hide gnolls.  Our apothecaries believe their origin lies within the strange fluid that flows through their bodies.$B$BGo to Fenris Isle, east of the Decrepit Ferry, and collect rot hide ichor from the gnolls you find there.  Bring it to Apothecary Renferrel, stationed outside the Sepulcher.','Bring 8 bottles of rot hide ichor to Apothecary Renferrel at the Sepulcher.','Very good. This ichor will help us understand the nature of the rot hides, and may show us their weakness...$b$b...if they have one.','Do you have the rot hide ichor, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     468insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (423,444,'Rot Hide Origins','I have reduced the ichor you brought me and separated it into its base components.  My findings are not conclusive, but I have determined that warlock and necromantic magics were used in the ichor\'s creation.$B$BWhile I continue to study the ichor, I want you to take a sample to Bethor Iceshard in the Undercity.  Bethor is not an apothecary, but his knowledge of magic may help to unravel the mystery of the rot hides.$B$BGo.  You will find Bethor in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity.','Bring the Sample Ichor to Bethor Iceshard in the Undercity.','This substance is laced with powerful spells, some of which I have not seen for a long, long time...$b$bOne moment -- I must invoke a spell of divination...','My studies require great concentration. So I hope your visit is not a frivolous one.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     469insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (424,445,'Delivery to Silverpine Forest','Time is a luxury that is not afforded to those of us under the employ of Lady Sylvanas.  Surely you know this by now.$b$bAs a member of the Royal Apothecary Society it is my duty to share my knowledge with my colleagues so that our collective efforts might one day provide The Dark Lady with the New Plague she so badly desires.$b$bTake these findings to Apothecary Renferrel who is stationed at The Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest.  Follow the roads to the south from Brill.  From the Undercity go southwest.','Take Apothecary Johaan\'s findings to Apothecary Renferrel in Silverpine Forest.','Ah, how good of Apothecary Johaan to send his research. With so many new developments here in Silverpine, I nearly forgot about the findings coming out of Lordaeron and Tirisfal Glades. Which reminds me, I need to get those samples off to the Necropolis soon.$b$bBut you must excuse my rambling. Extend your stay in Silverpine, $N. We could use an able bodied $C like you around here.','What business do you have with me, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     470insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (425,446,'Thule Ravenclaw','This Ichor was crafted by an old colleague of mine: Thule Ravenclaw.  He was a young, promising mage before the great war, but when the Lich King rose to power, he betrayed his brethren and allied with the Scourge.$B$BI did not realize he still lives, nor that he leads the Rot Hides in their forays against us!$B$BI know many of his spells, and can help concoct a potion to counter them.  Take this scroll back to Apothecary Renferrel.  It has the incantations needed for the potion.','Bring Bethor\'s Scroll to Apothecary Renferrel at the Silverpine Sepulcher.','This scroll is laced with powerful magic. I\'ve never used such forces in a potion ... it will be a powerful mixture, and should serve you well should you attack Thule in his stronghold on Fenris Isle.','Greetings, $N. What did Bethor have to say?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     471insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (426,447,'A Recipe For Death','Arthas\'s numbers are overwhelming. But with a New Plague we could eradicate both the Scourge Army and the Human infestation once and for all.$b$bMy studies have proven that spider blood combined with a toxin derived from a grizzled bear heart results in a deadly elixir. Collect samples from the spiders in the Skittering Dark to the northwest and from the bears wandering throughout Silverpine Forest. Deliver the reagents to Master Apothecary Faranell of the Royal Apothecary Society in the Undercity.','Collect 6 Grizzled Bear Hearts and 6 samples of Skittering Blood and deliver them to Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity.','How good of Apothecary Renferrel to send you to me, $N. These samples will indeed prove useful to the cause. I will begin studying their toxic and contaminable properties at once.','Hail, $C. What business do you have with the Royal Apothecary Society?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     472insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (427,448,'Report to Hadrec','Before you launch an assault on Fenris Isle, report to High Executor Hadrec.  He may have additional information or equipment you\'ll need.','Report to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.','If what Bethor says is true then Thule Ravenclaw is a force that must be dealt with, and dealt with soon.$b$bTo aid in this task, you may take something from our arsenal here...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     473insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (428,449,'The Deathstalkers\' Report','Although Quinn\'s wounds are mending, I want to get our report to High Executor Hadrec as quickly as possible.  It has information that is vital to the Forsaken\'s occupation of Silverpine.','Bring the Deathstalker Report to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.','I hadn\'t accounted for the level of Scourge presence we\'ve seen in Silverpine Forest, nor for the troubles our Deathstalkers have had in their scouting efforts.$b$bYour aid to our Deathstalkers was invaluable, $N. And you will be commended.','Did you discover the fate of the Deathstalkers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     474insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (429,450,'A Recipe For Death','You can be of further service to the Royal Apothecary Society, $N.$b$bWhen Arugal cast his wretched magic on the forest, he cursed one of our most promising members, Apothecary Berard.  Now a mindless servant of Arugal, Berard is useless to us.  But his findings might prove to be of worth.  He was studying an ancient plague that killed off all the aquatic life in Lake Lordamere ages ago.$b$bRetrieve Berard\'s Journal from his study in the Pyrewood Village Inn and take it to Apothecary Renferrel.','Retrieve Apothecary Berard\'s journal from Pyrewood Village and take it to Apothecary Renferrel at the Sepulcher.','Apothecary Berard\'s journal! Why you are quite brave, $N. Now let\'s see what Berard was up to before he went mad. . .','I see you are back, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     475insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (430,451,'A Recipe For Death','According to Berard\'s Journal the moss from Lake Skulkers and Creepers might prove useful for our quest to brew a new plague.  Those beasts dwell on the islands in Lake Lordamere to the east.$b$bHe also mentions a very rare Hardened Tumor that he discovered on a Vile Fin murloc.  Apparently the tumor is so rare Berard was only able to obtain one.$b$bCollect samples of the moss as well as the rare hardened tumor and take them to Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity.','Bring 6 samples of Lake Creeper Moss, 6 samples of Lake Skulker Moss and a Hardened Tumor to Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity.','Such a blow to the Royal Apothecary Society to lose Berard. But through your hard work and Apothecary Renferrel\'s diligent research Berard\'s studies will still be useful to The Dark Lady\'s plight.$b$bWe are on the cusp of something great here, $N. If you were not so skilled in the ways of combat I would try to recruit you for membership in the Society.','What brings you back to the Undercity, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     476insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (431,452,'Pyrewood Ambush','You got here just in the nick of time, $N!$b$bThe Pyrewood Council will be returning any moment.  Arugal has other matters to tend to in the keep.  He uses the Council as mere puppets to keep the mindless minions of Pyrewood under his control.  But I believe that without the guidance of the Pyrewood Council, the sons of Arugal will turn against their master.$b$bI cannot handle them all by myself.  I need you to help me.  Together we can lay waste to the Council for Lady Sylvanas.','Help Deathstalker Faerleia kill the Pyrewood Council.','You fought like a true disciple of the Dark Lady, $N. With the council dead, perhaps we can gain control of this town once and for all and drive Arugal from Shadowfang Keep. I salute you!','','Aid Faerleia in killing the Pyrewood Council','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     477insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (432,453,'Finding the Shadowy Figure','Good luck, $N.  I hope you find the chap, and I hope you find him alive.$B$BIf he\'s left the safety of Darkshire then he could be prey to the beasts of the wilds.','Find the Shadowy Figure.  Your clues:$B$BHe is not native to Darkshire.$B$BHe is a nervous, jittery person.$B$BHe left Darkshire and headed west.','<Jitters sighs...>$B$BYes, I\'m the author of that book. You finally found me, eh?$B$BWell if you read that journal...then you only know the half of it!','Who are you?? Leave me be!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     478insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (433,454,'After the Ambush','We\'d been hauling the barrels of powder back and forth in trips before this... business. Now we have to split up the work, Miran\'s taking the barrels and I\'m watching over the other ones.$b$bI don\'t feel safe letting Miran haul the rest of the shipment by himself. When he\'s ready to go, maybe you could escort him on his next trip?','Speak with Miran.','Hello, $C.$b$bYou\'ll be escorting me to the excavation site? That\'s good to hear... After Saean and his cronies, who knows what else the Dark Irons might have up their sleeves?$b$bAnyways, let me just make some final checks. Talk to me again when you\'re ready to go.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     479insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (434,455,'The Algaz Gauntlet','Orcs of the Dragonmaw clan have a haven in the Wetlands.  And now they have expanded into Dun Algaz!  We can\'t let them keep their foothold here or Loch Modan will be cut off from Menethil Harbor, our port and stronghold in the Wetlands.$B$BBreak through Dun Algaz to the Wetlands beyond, and kill some orcs for good measure!  Report to Valstag Ironjaw in Menethil Harbor.$B$BMenethil is through Dun Algaz, then north along the road, then west at the fork.$B$BWe\'re counting on you, $N.  Do not fail.','Traverse Dun Algaz.$B$BKill 8 Dragonmaw Scouts and 6 Dragonmaw Grunts.$B$BReport to Valstag Ironjaw in Menethil Harbor.','Your report is full of bad news!$b$bI see the Dragonmaws are making a strong move into Algaz. Normally the Dragonmaws just hide up in the hills. What made them surge into Algaz is still a mystery...$b$bThank you, $N. And we\'ll probably want your help dealing with these orcs.','','Traverse Dun Algaz','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     480insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (435,456,'The Balance of Nature','Greetings, $N.  I am Conservator Ilthalaine.  My purpose in Shadowglen is to ensure that the balance of nature is maintained.$b$bThe spring rains were particularly heavy this year, causing some of the forest\'s beasts to flourish while others suffered.$b$bUnfortunately, the nightsaber and thistle boar populations grew too large.  Shadowglen can only produce so much food for the beasts.  Journey forth, young $c, and thin the boar and saber populations so that nature\'s harmony will be preserved.','Kill 7 Young Nightsabers and 4 Young Thistle Boars and return to Conservator Ilthalaine.','You performed your duties well, $N.','There is still work to be done, $N. Return to me once you have thinned the nightsaber and thistle boar populations.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     481insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (436,457,'The Balance of Nature','Thinning the younger population of creatures here in Shadowglen was a good start, $N, but there is still work to be done.$b$bThe resources of the forest will be depleted too quickly if the problem is not addressed.  Killing nature\'s beasts is a necessary evil for the good of all who share the land.  Venture into the forest and slay mangy nightsabers and thistle boars in the name of balance.','Conservator Ilthalaine needs you to kill 7 Mangy Nightsabers and 7 Thistle Boars.','You have proven your dedication to nature well, $N. A young $C like yourself has a promising future.','Your task is not yet complete, $N. Return to me once 7 mangy nightsabers and 7 thistle boars have been killed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     482insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (437,458,'The Woodland Protector','Thank goodness you are here, $c. Strange news has traveled to me through the whisperings of the forest spirits.$b$bThe mysterious woodland protector, Tarindrella, has returned to Shadowglen. The dryad\'s presence has not been felt in the forests of Kalimdor in years. Something is surely amiss if she has journeyed back to this land.$b$bSeek out Tarindrella and see what business she tends to in our grove. One of the Sentinels reported seeing her to the southwest of Aldrassil.','Seek out the dryad known as Tarindrella.','I see you found me, young $R. Melithar is a wise $C to have sent you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     483insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (438,459,'The Woodland Protector','Something evil is brewing in the forests of Teldrassil.  Look long the hills to where the peaceful furbolgs used to dwell.  They have deserted their homes and are amassing under the name of the Gnarlpine tribe.$b$bOnly the corruption of wicked Fel Moss could cause such a transformation.  The grells and grellkin have infested the area and are threatening the residents of Shadowglen.  $b$bEngage these grells and grellkin, $N, and see if they are indeed caught under the enchantment of the wicked Fel Moss.','Collect 8 Fel Moss and bring them to Tarindrella.','Your service to the creatures of Shadowglen is worthy of reward, $N.$b$bYou confirmed my fears, however. If the grells have become tainted by the Fel Moss, one can only imagine what has become of the Gnarlpine tribe of furbolgs who once lived here.$b$bShould you find yourself in Dolanaar, able $C, seek out the knowledgeable $C, Athridas Bearmantle. He shares our concern for the well being of the forest.','Satisfy my suspicions, $N. Bring to me 8 Fel Moss.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     484insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (439,460,'Resting in Pieces','You don\'t look like a rot hide.  Good.  I had lost hope...$B$BMy name is Alaric, and I was once Thule\'s head servant and bodyguard.  He used his magic to \"protect\" me from the Plague of Undeath, but instead his spell gave me an unlife from which I cannot escape.  And after creating the cursed rot hide gnolls, Thule beheaded me... and gave my head to the gnolls as a plaything!$B$BPlease, take me to my body.  I believe the gnolls buried it here in Fenris Keep, near the stable, in an unmarked grave.','Bring Alaric\'s Head to his grave.','Thank you, $N. I had feared the Gnolls destroyed my body. It is good to know they did not.','This grave was hastily dug.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     485insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (440,461,'The Hidden Niche','I know of a hidden niche within the keep that holds an item dear to Thule, and his old colleagues.  It also holds something you might find useful.  Take me there!$B$BThe alcove is in the southwestern tower of the keep, behind a dusty shelf.$B$BTake my body, but leave my boots.  They never fit me anyway...','Take Alaric to the hidden alcove.','There we are, it\'s open. Leave me here. I spent the best days of my life in this keep, and the thought of resting within its walls gives me comfort.$b$bBe sure to close the alcove tight - I don\'t want those Rot Hides to find me.$b$bOh, and take this. You\'ve earned it.','This is the spot! Bring me closer...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     486insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (441,463,'The Greenwarden','You\'ve heard of the Greenwarden?  You\'re not looking for him, are you?  Well I say you\'re crazy if you are, but who am I to keep a fool from $ghis:her; death?$B$BIf you are seeking that beast, then I hear he is in the marsh, east of the road where it forks to Dun Modr.  He\'s lurking there among the crocs...and worse!$B$BAnd leave your money here.  You won\'t need it where you\'re going...and you don\'t want to chip ol\' Greenie\'s tooth on your gold when he bites you in half, do you?','Find the Greenwarden.','The roots and ferns speak well of you, small one. Although I have many names, I answer to only a few. But you may call me Rethiel.$B$BAnd you must harken...for these lands weep from festered wounds, and I would charge you to heal them.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     487insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (442,464,'War Banners','The Dragonmaw orc clan was all but destroyed by the end of the Second War, after they lost control of their red dragon pets.  The dragons were not very happy with their old masters, and fiercely hunted the Dragonmaws.  What few remained fled from Grim Batol and into the Mountains east of Whelgar\'s Excavation.$B$BNow they\'ve gained strength, and have an encampment northeast of Menethil.$B$BWe want you to attack that encampment.  Gather and bring me their war banners as proof.','Bring 8 Dragonmaw War Banners to Captain Stoutfist.','Well fought, $N. The Dragonmaws are not the same threat they were when they had dragons, but they\'re still fierce opponents.$b$bThe Dragonmaws are led by Nek\'rosh, son of Nekros, who was the former head of the Dragonmaws years ago. Nekros used powerful magic to tame the Red Dragons, but when that magic failed him...the dragons were not happy.$b$bNekros was killed, and his son has vowed revenge against the dragons who slew his father.','Have you attacked the Dragonmaw encampment?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     488insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (443,465,'Nek\'rosh\'s Gambit','While you were fighting the Dragonmaws, we discovered more of their plans.$B$BNek\'rosh has built catapults and aims to lay siege to Menethil!  And with the fighting in Dun Algaz, we\'re effectively blocked from reinforcements!$B$BYou need to take out those catapults.  They\'re in the Dragonmaw encampment.$B$BHere, take this tinder.  Fight your way to the catapults and light them with the tinder.$B$BAnd after you\'ve done that, find and kill Nek\'rosh.  We need to cut this Dragonmaw beast down...at its neck.','Destroy the Dragonmaw catapults.','You place some of the tinder on the catapult then strike a spark onto it.$B$BFlame erupts and quickly spreads!','The first catapult is before you. Will you set it aflame?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     489insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (444,466,'Search for Incendicite','I heard that a rare ore, incendicite, was found in the Wetlands, in a cave northwest of Algaz Gate.  Incendicite is volatile stuff and hard to use without blowing yourself up, but I\'m sure if it\'s smelted the right way it could make cannon shells that pack a mighty punch!$B$BGet me incendicite ore and I\'ll find someone brave enough to experiment with it.$B$BOh, and to extract that ore from a vein you\'ll need skill in mining.  If you don\'t have it, then ... bring a friend who does to that cave!','Bring 6 loads of Incendicite Ore to Pilot Stonegear in Dun Morogh.','You got the ore! Well done, $N! I\'ll get someone to work with this right away. Let\'s hope he doesn\'t blow himself up!','Where is that ore, $N?!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     490insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (445,467,'Stonegear\'s Search','Pilot Stonegear loves his siege engine, as every pilot should!  And he\'s always eager to find new ways to improve his tank\'s firepower!$B$BHe heard rumors of a rare ore and is looking for someone to hunt it down for him.  If your boots are starting to itch, then find Stonegear at Steelgrill\'s Depot in Dun Morogh and see what he wants.','Speak with Pilot Stonegear.','Hello $N. You\'re here about the task I have, eh? It\'s good to see a young $R like yourself whose blood burns at the prospect of adventure!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     491insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (446,468,'Report to Mountaineer Rockgar','Mountaineer Rockgar is looking for volunteers for a mission through Dun Algaz and into the Wetlands.  $B$BIf you want to get your boots wet in that soggy county to the north, then speak with Rockgar at Dun Algaz.  Dun Algaz is north up the road, beyond the guard tower.','Speak with Mountaineer Rockgar.','Hello, $C! You\'re here for the scouting mission, are you? Very good!$b$bI hope your gear is in good condition, because this \"scouting\" mission has changed into something more messy...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     492insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (447,469,'Daily Delivery','Greetings, traveler!$b$bDon\'t suppose you might be heading in the direction of Menethil, would you? If you\'re not, I\'d suggest you stop there, it\'s a good place to purchase goods and even have a pint and relax.$b$bNow, if it just so happens that you\'re heading in that direction, I don\'t suppose you\'d mind taking this bundle of crocolisk skins to James Halloran, the tanner?$b$bI\'d do it myself, but my wife\'s been in quite a mood lately, and I\'d like to put off facing her as long as possible.','Deliver the Bundle of Crocolisk Skins to James Halloran, the tanner, in Menethil Harbor.','Hmm, this is from Einar, right? Hasn\'t delivered his skins to me in person for almost a week now. No doubt it\'s some differences with the wife!$b$bMaybe I\'ll have my wife go speak with Sida sometime...','Hello there, $C. Could I interest you in a pair of boots? Perhaps some newly cured skins?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     493insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (448,470,'Digging Through the Ooze','On my weekly visit to Ironbeard\'s Tomb I was attacked by dreadful, dripping oozes! Naturally, I panicked.$b$bI threw my bag at one, but it didn\'t do anything! The ooze just sucked it right up... Luckily, it did give me enough time to get away.$b$bThe bad news is that I really need to get the contents of my bag!$b$bI don\'t know which ooze I threw my bag at; they all looked the same! Ironbeard\'s Tomb is northeast of here, near Dun Modr. Thank you so much!','One of the oozes at Ironbeard\'s Tomb has Sida\'s bag, retrieve it and bring it back to her in Menethil Harbor.','Oh, thank you, $N! I was afraid that it was lost for good!$B$B<She quickly empties the contents of the ooze-covered bag onto the ground, before scooping them up.>$B$BHm, I don\'t have much use for this anymore, but wash it off and I\'m sure you could make use of it.','Did you find my bag?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     494insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (449,471,'Apprentice\'s Duties','I sent my apprentice out into the marshes to skin some of our famous giant Wetlands crocolisks. When he didn\'t return, I went out to look for him... Let\'s just say it wasn\'t a pretty sight.$b$bMidwife says he might pull through, but in the meantime I still need my skins!$b$b...If you\'d like to kill a few more of the brutes, I wouldn\'t be opposed, after what they did. You\'ll find the crocs north up the coast, beyond the murloc hovels.','Collect 6 Giant Crocolisk Skins and bring them to James Halloran in Menethil Harbor.','Hmm... Don\'t suppose you\'d be interested in becoming my apprentice, would you?$b$bHah! No, I\'m just kidding. You\'re much too old, for one thing. Besides - from the looks of you, it would seem that you have other ambitions in life. Nonetheless, these are some fine skins you\'ve procured, and I\'ll be able to put them to good use.','My apprentice is like a son to me. It\'s going to be hard for him to live his life with only one leg.$b$bAh, $N, how goes it? Do you have my skins?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     495insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (450,472,'Fall of Dun Modr','Dun Modr has fallen to the Dark Iron Dwarves!$b$bMy wounds are grave, $c.  Most of the regiment was killed!  The Dark Iron thugs attacked us before we could regroup from the Thandol Span ambush.$b$bOur leader, Longbraid, sounded the retreat horn.  As we left the town I was hit by a stray axe in the back.  All went black.$b$bI awoke here in Menethil but I fear for my fellow soldiers.  Hope still burns within me.  Perhaps Longbraid is still alive!  See if you can find him near Dun Modr, $r!','Search for Longbraid near the town of Dun Modr.','What brave $C sends word from Menethil? Ah $N, they call you.$b$bYou bring hope to a hopeless situation. \'Tis good news indeed that young Harlo survived. While fleeing he received a grievous wound. We had but little time to send him on his way on the back of the only surviving steed with the regiment.$b$bBut now we face a perilous situation. Dun Modr has fallen and we are but a shadow of the great regiment we once were.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     496insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (451,473,'Report to Captain Stoutfist','$N.  The Dragonmaw orc clan is showing its strength in more than just Algaz.  Captain Stoutfist has asked to speak with those willing to offer aid against these orcs.  He is inside the keep, in the war room.','Speak with Captain Stoutfist.','$N. Valstag briefed me on your past success with the Dragonmaw Orcs at Dun Algaz. You\'re a $R of worth.$b$bAnd I have a task for you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     497insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (452,474,'Defeat Nek\'rosh','Now that the catapults have been burned, find and kill Chieftain Nek\'rosh.','Kill Chieftain Nek\'rosh$B$BBring Nek\'rosh\'s Head to Captain Stoutfist.','Stoutly done, $N. You have dealt a telling blow to the Dragonmaw orc clan. They may never recover. And the destruction of those catapults has made Menethil Harbor safe.$B$BYou are a $R of merit, and the kingdom of Ironforge rewards those who serve it well.','Have you killed Nek\'rosh?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     498insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (453,475,'A Troubling Breeze','A troubling breeze blows through the forest.$b$bGaerolas Talvethren serves as Great Warden to the hibernating Druids of the Talon in the Ban\'ethil Barrow Den.  His duty as the chosen protector of the Sleeping is to ensure their safety so that their pact with Ysera remains fulfilled.$b$bBut word from Gaerolas is now delayed and I grow nervous.  Travel east to Starbreeze Village and bring back a report from Gaerolas so that I can put my worries to rest, knowing my dreaming brethren slumber safely.','Seek out Gaerolas Talvethren in Starbreeze Village.\r\n','Thank the forest spirits you are here! I knew Athridas would sense trouble and send help.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     499insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (454,476,'Gnarlpine Corruption','The Gnarlpine tribe has been corrupted!$b$bThe once peaceful furbolgs have turned against the protectors of the forest.  They ambushed me as I left for the Ban\'ethil Barrow Den and proceeded to pillage Starbreeze Village.  Ursal the Mauler, their chieftain, is using the evil powers of the Fel Moss to drive them mad.$b$bI am too wounded to return to Athridas to bring him this grave news.  The task is left to you, young $c.  We can only hope that the deranged Gnarlpines have not made it to Ban\'ethil yet!','Return to Athridas Bearmantle in Dolanaar.','By the stars! This is quite disturbing indeed!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     500insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (455,477,'Border Crossings','As you may know, the town of Ambermill remains a source of human opposition, mainly through the support they receive from the wizards of Dalaran.$b$bI don\'t know what their plan is, but for them to show interest in a backwater village like Ambermill indicates that it must have some greater importance.$b$bThey\'ve been shipping crates by the wagon from Hillsbrad. Many of those supplies end up at a small camp north of Pyrewood Village. Retrieve the contents of a crate and return them to me.','Retrieve the contents of one of the Dalaran wizards\' crates. You will find Pyrewood Village to the south.','<Prying open the lid of the crate, you find an assortment of carefully-packed objects. On the top of the crate lies a bundle of maps, yellowing with age, that appear to depict Silverpine Forest and other parts of western Lordaeron.$b$bUnderneath the maps is a mysterious-looking magical pendant.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     501insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (456,478,'Maps and Runes','<You quickly remove the pendant from the crate and replace the lid.>','Bring the strange pendant to Shadow Priest Allister at the Sepulcher.','Maps and this... pendant, hm? Interesting.$b$bIt is obvious that the Dalaran wizards are interested in Ambermill for some purpose, but still, their aim is hidden to me.$b$bPerhaps Dalar will know something of their use.','Have you learned anything useful, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     502insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (457,479,'Ambermill Investigations','Dalar is attempting to locate the source of the wizards\' spellcasting. For now, we\'ll have to slow their progress in any way we can...$b$bThe conjurers, mages and protectors are no doubt carrying the pendants. Remove and retrieve them.$b$bTake the main road south and the eastern fork into Ambermill.','Obtain 8 Dalaran Pendants for Shadow Priest Allister at the Sepulcher.','Dalar has found that the weaving is quite far along, despite the setback.$b$bA wizard of great power is guiding the magic energy. He must be stopped quickly.','We must hurry, their plans must not come to fruition, or we may lose our hold on Silverpine Forest.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     503insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (458,480,'The Weaver','An archmage of great power is overseeing the reactivation of the ley energy node. With the progress they have made, our only hope of stopping them is by killing him. It will be difficult, he is no doubt protected by many other mages and warders.$b$bYou must go, and you must dispatch him quickly. When he is dead, retrieve his staff for me. Go now.','Kill the Dalaran archmage, then retrieve his staff for Shadow Priest Allister at the Sepulcher.','The magic of the wizards dissipates, and the ley energies fade into dormancy. Your efforts have been fruitful, $N, and we have dealt a major blow to our enemies, and to the overbearing wizards of Dalaran.$b$bWe must be vigilant, however, knowing that source of energy lies so close at hand... Plans must be made for the future.','Quickly, time runs short, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     504insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (459,481,'Dalar\'s Analysis','Take the pendant to Dalar Dawnweaver, perhaps he can shed some light on the wizards\' plans.','Take the rune-inscribed pendant to Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher.','Interesting, more machinations of the Kirin Tor, it would seem. This is a powerful artifact. It was used frequently by powerful wizards of the Kirin Tor to channel magical energies.$b$bThat they are delivering so many to Ambermill indicates that they must be undergoing a project of some magnitude.$b$bI will see if I can pierce their shields and ascertain their intent.','Yes, $C? What is it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     505insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (460,482,'Dalaran\'s Intentions','Of course! How could I have forgotten?$b$bAmbermill was one of the sites earmarked by the Kirin Tor, noted because it houses a dormant ley energy node. The wizards must be planning to reactivate the node and use its energies for some greater purpose.$b$bWe cannot allow this to happen...$b$bIt will take a great amount of power to activate the area\'s ley energies, we can stall them by taking the pendants away from the wizards.$b$bRelay this information to Allister, he will decide a course of action.','Speak with Shadow Priest Allister at the Sepulcher.','Ill news you bring, $N. If Dalar is correct--and I\'ve no reason to believe he isn\'t--we must move quickly.$b$bI must confer with him on our plan of attack. But in the meanwhile we will have to delay their progress.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     506insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (461,483,'The Relics of Wakening','Gnarlpine invaders were seen ravaging the Ban\'ethil Barrow Den to the west.$b$bThe slumbering druids will be trapped in the Emerald Dream for eternity, unaware of their fate, unless we help. The delicate hibernation ritual cannot be broken without the Relics of Wakening.$b$bJourney to the Den and retrieve the Raven Claw Talisman, Black Feather Quill, Sapphire of Sky, and Rune of Nesting. The druids store them in sacred chests.  Return them to me and I will prepare the awakening ritual.','Retrieve the Relics of Wakening and bring them to Athridas Bearmantle in Dolanaar.','You have succeeded, young $C! Well done. And just in time I might add.','$N, the kidnapped Druids of the Talon will be forever trapped in the Emerald Dream if we cannot retrieve the Relics of Wakening from the Ban\'ethil Barrow Den to the west.$b$bFor every minute we delay their fate comes one step closer to eternal doom.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     507insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (462,484,'Young Crocolisk Skins','I\'m James Halloran, the tanner. My cured crocolisk skins are sought after all over, shipments leaving by boat to ports around the world.$b$bMet Einar? He\'s one of the hunters that brings crocolisk skins in for me.$b$bI\'m a bit short on the softer skins that come off crocolisk young.$b$bBeing that I\'m running low, I\'ll pay you top coin for a stack of the skins. You can find the young crocs in the marshes right outside of town.','Obtain 4 Young Crocolisk Skins for James Halloran in Menethil Harbor.','Nice work you\'ve done here, $N. The quality of these skins is superb. I\'ll have to get them into the curing process as soon as possible. Oh, but before I get to that, there\'s some other work I need done that I think you might be able to take care of.','$N, right? Do you have my skins?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     508insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (463,485,'Find OOX-09/HL!','You have uncovered some sort of strange, egg-shaped device made from metal.  Fiddling with one of its knobs springs the egg to life, as it opens up into some sort of gnomish robotic contraption!  A voice from inside the robotic egg crackles to life.$B$B\"My name\'s Oglethorpe Obnoticus, and my homing robot has crashed!  I will reward you for its recovery; please take this beacon to the robot!\"$B$B\"I now have computed the coordinates of the robot for you; it crashed at the head of the river near Skulk Rock!\"','Take the distress beacon to Oglethorpe\'s homing robot at the head of the river in the Hinterlands, near Skulk Rock.','You place the egg... distress beacon... inside the chicken... homing robot.$b$bHums and whirs are heard from inside the robot as it struggles to stand up. After the robot comes to life, Oglethorpe\'s voice is heard once more, but now from inside the robot:$b$b\"OOX-09/HL is working at least, but it needs major repairs! It is much too heavy for you to carry it... but I think I have an idea. Are you up for watching over it some more?\"','You appear to have uncovered the wreckage of... a robotic chicken? The voice from within the egg crackles to life again:$b$b\"Yes, excellent work! This is indeed my homing robot, though my sensors indicate that it needs a jump start before it can fly back to Booty Bay for repairs. Go ahead and place the beacon inside the rover - the beacon will take care of the rest!\"','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     509insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (464,486,'Ursal the Mauler','Now the time has come to save the Druids of the Talon. If we fail now, $N, they will be forever lost in sleep.$b$bI shall prepare the Relics of Wakening and perform the ritual. For my work to take effect, the cursed beast responsible for this horrible situation must be slain.  Only then will the ritual be complete.$b$bIt was Ursal the Mauler who meddled with our brethren\'s calling and it is Ursal the Mauler who must now pay so they can be freed.  Travel to Gnarlpine Hold in the southwest and slay him.','Kill Ursal the Mauler and return to Athridas Bearmantle in Dolanaar.','$N you have proven yourself a most worthy and able $C. A night elf who follows the path of honor as sure as you do is certain to find great glory in this world.$b$bMay the forest spirits protect you wherever your travels may take you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     510insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (465,487,'The Road to Darnassus','The road to Darnassus must be kept safe.  Travelers heading from Dolanaar to Darnassus have been reporting ruthless attacks by corrupted furbolgs from the Gnarlpine tribe.$b$bImportant news and commerce travels to and from Darnassus by way of this road daily.  We cannot afford to have a rogue band of heathens terrorizing people.$b$bTake up arms in the name of the sacred forest, $c.  Their den lies somewhere below this vantage point.  Slay 6 of these Gnarlpine ambushers and report back to me.','Slay 6 Gnarlpine Ambushers and return to Sentinel Amara Nightwalker outside of Dolanaar.','You have served the good people of Dolanaar and Darnassus well, brave $C. As a member of the Sentinel force of Teldrassil I salute your efforts.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     511insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (466,488,'Zenn\'s Bidding','Eager for work, I see.  Lucky for you a day never goes by that I don\'t wish I had a fledgling $c to perform my bidding.$b$bYou see, $N, I can make you very happy and provide you with things you never dreamed of having.  But in order for that to happen you must bring me certain items.$b$bMy business in the forest often requires certain. . .reagents.  Fetch for me 3 Nightsaber Fangs, 3 Strigid Owl Feathers and 3 swatches of Webwood Spider Silk.$b$bLet\'s keep this our little secret, $r.','Bring Zenn Foulhoof outside of Dolanaar 3 Nightsaber Fangs, 3 Strigid Owl Feathers and 3 swatches of Webwood Spider Silk.','Ha ha! Well, done indeed.$b$bWho would have ever guessed that I, Zenn Foulhoof, would have a $R to do my bidding? Certainly not me! But so it goes... this beloved world of ours is full of surprises.$b$bThree cheers for the naive and gullible!','Have you been a busy little bee, $N? I\'ve been waiting for you to bring me what I need.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     512insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (467,489,'Seek Redemption!','The Council of the Forest has news that you aided Zenn Foulhoof. The satyr is an enemy of the forest. As a $r, you should know better than to defile the forest by killing Nature\'s creatures.$b$bYou must redeem yourself in the eyes of the Council if you wish to remain a friend of Teldrassil.$b$bTeach Foulhoof a lesson and you shall be redeemed. Fel Cones are corrupted seeds that fall from the trees. They billow with green smoke.$b$bGive some to Foulhoof. He\'ll think you have brought him a harmless snack.','Collect 3 Fel Cones and give them to Zenn Foulhoof outside of Dolanaar.','Ah, what a sweet $R! I knew you would come in handy!','What do you have for me, $N? A lovely snack I presume?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     513insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (468,491,'Wand to Bethor','Thule once told me that, long ago, he and two colleagues created a magic wand, woven together from the apprentice wands each mage possessed.  This wand was a symbol of their friendship, and although Thule came to despise it he could not part with it, nor could he let the others have it.  So he stole the wand, and hid it in Fenris Keep.$B$BHere.  Take the wand to Bethor Iceshard, one of Thule\'s friends from years past.  I\'m sure he will want it.','Take the Woven Wand to Bethor Iceshard in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity.','...what is this? Thule had our Woven Wand? I thought it was lost when our friendship sundered and he sided with the Lich King!$b$bHe must not have invoked its power, for if he had I would have sensed it. And it is good that he did not use it...$b$bThis is a marvelous find. You have my gratitude, $N, and will be rewarded.','$N. Have you defeated Thule Ravenclaw?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     514insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (469,492,'A New Plague','According to the Deathguard, another one of those foolish Dwarven Mountaineers has just been captured.  The Deathguard likes to use the cellar of the Gallows End Tavern as a holding cell until prisoners can be \"properly\" dealt with.$b$bWhy don\'t you go see how the Captured Mountaineer enjoys this special drink I made for him?  It contains a subtle hint of what The Dark Lady has planned for the rest of Azeroth.','Bring Johaan\'s Special Drink to the Captured Mountaineer.','Ah, a drink at last. I\'m sure it\'s no Rhapsody Malt but I\'ll take anything to whet the old whistle at this point.','Why if I had my trusted rifle you\'d be as good as dead, $C. Just wait until the Steam Tank Brigade arrives to rescue me!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     515insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (470,493,'Journey to Hillsbrad Foothills','The Royal Apothecary Society is under extreme pressure from the Dark Lady to develop a New Plague.  We are working diligently and have made much progress.  It is our belief that the success will be achieved much faster if we share information amongst the Society.$b$bFor that reason I want you to deliver my latest findings to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill, a small town nestled in the Hillsbrad Foothills.  The journey will be a long one.$b$bHead south and stick to the roads.  Follow the signs closely!','Deliver Apothecary Renferrel\'s findings to Apothecary Lydon in the town of Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills.','Ah, most excellent. Apothecary Renferrel has my utmost respect. I am anxious to study his work.','You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     516insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (471,494,'Time To Strike','Be silent and pay attention, $c.$b$bI was sent to this position in order to survey the town of Hillsbrad.  My mission is one of reconnaissance.  It is imperative that you send word to High Executor Darthalia in Tarren Mill at once.  Let her know that I, Deathstalker Lesh, send the following message:$b$b\"The raven\'s cry from the west doth beckon.\"$b$bFollow the road to the east and pay close attention to the signs.  Now, hurry!  Off you go to Tarren Mill, and with urgency I might add!','Travel to Tarren Mill to deliver Deathstalker Lesh\'s message to High Executor Darthalia.','The raven\'s cry from the west doth beckon?$b$bSuperb news! Hillsbrad is ripe for attack. We can carry out our plan of destruction now. Varimathras will be pleased.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     517insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (472,495,'The Crown of Will','Mug\'Thol and his ogre warband was sent to Alterac to retrieve the Crown of Will for Lady Sylvanas. Unfortunately, instead of returning it, the idiot decided to try it on... I suppose ogres can\'t resist anything bright and shiny.$b$bHis bumbling actions have become something of a problem, however. The Crown of Will enabled him to resist the possession placed upon him to serve Lady Sylvanas.$b$bThe Dark Lady wants an example made, travel to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad and report to Melisara, my lieutenant.','Report to Melisara at Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills.','You were sent by Shalindra? Very well then, you\'ll find I don\'t waste much time with idle chatter.$B$BMug\'Thol is an irritant, and we will deal with him quickly, thoroughly, and without incident.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     518insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (473,496,'Elixir of Suffering','Ah, another wretched day in Tarren Mill.  All of this clean air puts me in such a foul mood, $N.$b$bThe sooner we can plague the humans here, the better.  I\'ve been conducting intense studies on possible killing agents to use in my concoctions but I haven\'t the time to collect them all.$b$bIf you want to make yourself of use, procure the following items for me:  10 Gray Bear Tongues and the very rare and hard to find, Creeper Ichor.  You\'ll find both bears and creepers just outside of Tarren Mill.','Apothecary Lydon of Tarren Mill wants 10 Gray Bear Tongues and some Creeper Ichor.','These specimens are perfect. Well, $N, you have managed to bring me the slightest hint of joy on yet another miserable day. Your efforts are appreciated.','I see you are back. I hope you were able to gather the agents I need. Another deathless day will put me in such a gloomy mood.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     519insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (474,498,'The Rescue','Me and some other warriors were sent by the Warchief to retrieve an object from Durnholde and to investigate this so-called Syndicate.$b$bWe went to Durnholde to take a look around, but we were taken by surprise by a large number of the humans. We fought bravely, but their sheer numbers were enough to defeat us. They took a few of us captive, but I was able to escape.$b$bDurnholde is just southeast of here, across the river. Drull and Tog\'thar are being held there, you must go and rescue them.','Krusk in Tarren Mill needs you to free Drull and Tog\'thar from Durnholde Keep.','So the humans thought to turn our warriors into slaves, did they? We\'ll show them!$b$bIt would seem that they have taken Gol\'dir, our leader, to another location. We must find him and rescue him. But we currently have no clue where he is...$b$bWhen we have a lead, I will be sure to tell you, $N.','You must make haste, $C. I shudder to think what the humans might be doing to Drull and Tog\'thar.','','Rescue Drull','Rescue Tog\'thar','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     520insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (475,499,'Elixir of Suffering','It will take but a moment for me to mix these components into what I have deemed an Elixir of Suffering.$b$bThere we go!  Ah, nothing brightens a gloomy day in these miserable foothills like bringing a little suffering into the world.$b$bLet us see if our little potion has achieved its desired effect.$b$bGive my assistant Umpi a taste of what the Dark Lady has planned for both humans and Scourge alike.','Give Umpi the Elixir of Suffering.','Croak!','Ribbit!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     521insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (476,500,'Crushridge Bounty','Crushridge ogres have dug an ogre mound up in the Alterac Mountains near the ruined city of Alterac.  And my scouts tell me they\'ve taken over those ruins as well.$B$BWe can\'t let them get cozy up there; if they think they\'re safe where they are, then their next step will be to move down into the foothills, which will put them right at our front door!$B$BGo north to the Alterac Mountains and hunt ogres.  Bring me the Dirty Knucklebones they carry and you will earn a nice bounty.','Gather 9 Dirty Knucklebones from Crushridge ogres in the Alterac Mountains.  Bring them to Marshal Redpath in Southshore.','Very good, $N You must have hacked through a whole mess of ogres to get all these knucklebones.$B$BThat should keep them out of our hair. At least, for a while.','$N, are you still hunting ogres? Do you have the knucklebones I had you gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     522insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (477,501,'Elixir of Pain','Oh, $N. . .the flowers are blooming in Hillsbrad and the air is so fresh and brisk.  I can\'t help but to wallow in the misery of it all.  I look out my grimy window and long for the day when our New Plague brings this world the death it deserves.$b$bAs much as I would love to sit and brood all day, my duty to the Dark Lady calls.  Help me, would you?  My research leads me to believe I can make the most splendid death-brew with the blood of a Mountain Lion.  Bring some to me and we\'ll have a little fun.','Bring 10 vials of Mountain Lion Blood to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.','Superb collecting, $N.','I remember you, $N. You were going to help me out in concocting my latest elixir. I\'ll need that blood before I can bring my own special brand of misery to the inhabitants of Hillsbrad.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     523insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (478,502,'Elixir of Pain','Ah, nothing like the smell of fresh blood in the foothills!$b$bNow we\'ll mix in a touch of this and a little of that and let the real fun begin!  What I have created with this blood, I like to call an Elixir of Pain.  If my calculations are correct this concoction could be the start of something very beautiful for Lady Sylvanas.  But what we need is a test.$b$bTake this elixir out to the northern farm in Hillsbrad Fields to the southwest.  Let\'s see how Farmer Ray\'s little dog Stanley likes this \"treat.\"','Feed the Elixir of Pain to Stanley.','You pour some of the elixir into your hand and hold it before Stanley\'s mouth.','Woof?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     524insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (479,503,'Gol\'dir','From what I can tell of the documents you procured, Gol\'dir is being held in a large Syndicate base to the north, most likely in the Alterac Mountains. He has been held captive far too long and must be freed.','Free Gol\'dir then return to Krusk in Tarren Mill.','Thank you, $N. I led the expedition from Durotar under the Warchief\'s orders, but as you can see, our plans went somewhat awry. They have held me captive here in this town, forcing me to work, hauling burdens, digging...$b$bWhat I have suffered is unimportant, however. There is important information you must deliver to whomever is leading our group now.','Give me the key, $C, I will undo the lock myself.','Find where Gol\'dir is being held','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     525insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (480,504,'Crushridge Warmongers','Now that you\'ve had a taste of the Crushridge ogres, I want you to really bloody their noses...$B$BGo into the Ruins of Alterac and seek out the Crushridge Warmongers.  I want you to cut down a good number of them - that\'s the only way those brutes will learn to keep their distance from Alliance territory.','Slay 10 Crushridge Warmongers, then return to Marshal Redpath in Southshore.','Very good. Here is your reward.$B$BAnd when you were hunting those Warmongers, how did Alterac city look? It\'s in bad shape I would guess. Ogres are not known for their cleanliness.$B$BThankfully, your efforts will help keep them away from Southshore.','You have more Warmongers to slay, $N. You should be up on the mountains on your task, not down here with your weapon stowed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     526insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (481,505,'Syndicate Assassins','I am the new magistrate of Southshore, recently assigned after the assassination of the previous magistrate.  The assassins were never found, but through our investigations we\'re almost certain they were hired by the Syndicate - a group of thieves led by villainous nobles of the now fallen kingdom of Alterac.$B$BThe Syndicate has a camps in Sofera\'s Naze and Corahn\'s Dagger, north and west of the Horde-occupied Tarren Mill.  Slay the Syndicate members you find in these camps.','Kill 12 Syndicate Footpads and 8 Syndicate Thieves, then return to Magistrate Henry Maleb in Southshore.','Thank you, $N. Although they may still be lurking about, we hope that some of the thieves and footpads you slew were responsible for the last magistrate\'s death. But even if they weren\'t, the Syndicate is a taint on this land and a stain on the human race.$B$BTheir deaths are welcome to Southshore.','You have slain those Syndicate thugs, I trust?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     527insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (482,506,'Blackmoore\'s Legacy','A day or two ago, I was visited by the leader of this Syndicate. His name was Aliden Perenolde, and styled himself lord of this land. He confided in me his plans to take the orcs that stood against him as slaves, just as his father and his mentor, the despised Blackmoore, had planned.$b$bMore important was that he brought his mistress, a wisp of a girl named Elysa. Around her neck was the pendant the Warchief desires.$b$bNow go, I will make my own way, after I have settled my business here.','Return the information gathered by Gol\'dir to Krusk in Tarren Mill.','The nerve of those overbearing humans! We\'ll show them that the orcs shall never submit to their will!$b$bThis will now be our mission, in addition to recovering the trinket the Warchief desires. It would seem that by accomplishing one, we will also accomplish the other.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     528insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (483,507,'Lord Aliden Perenolde','It is clear that Perenolde must be killed, his foulness removed from the world. His manor lies a ways to the north of here, on the shores of Lordamere Lake. Do your duty, $n, then retrieve the pendant that the Warchief desires, and return here.','Kill Lord Aliden Perenolde and ask his mistress, Elysa, about Taretha\'s pendant.','No, no please don\'t hurt me! I never meant your people any harm, he\'s had me against my will! Please... spare me!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     529insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (484,508,'Taretha\'s Gift','The pendant? Of course you can have it... Take it! I want no memory of him... just please, please leave in peace...','Return Taretha\'s pendant to Krusk in Tarren Mill.','It is strange that the Warchief would expend so much over such a small thing. I do not claim to understand him, but I will follow him, whatever his commands. You did well, $N, no doubt the Warchief will be glad to hear of your success.','You\'ve returned, $N. Success to report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     530insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (485,509,'Elixir of Agony','Another day, another elixir to be made. If it were up to me, I\'d just let the pathetic humans and Scourge fight it out.  They seem bent on killing each other as is.$b$bAlas, our Dark Lady wants to help speed up the process a tad so why not pass these morbid days by spreading a little death and disease across the land?$b$bHere\'s the plan, $N: you go out to Nethander Stead, south of Tarren Mill and east of the river and Southshore. Collect for me 6 Mudsnout Blossoms from the field for my next elixir.','Bring 6 Mudsnout Blossoms to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.','Ah, the horrible reek of Mudsnout Blossoms. At least those filthy Gnolls are good for something.','Any luck at Nethander Stead?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     531insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (486,510,'Foreboding Plans','Among these documents is a list of requested supplies.  These include mundane items (food, weapons, clothing) as well as more exotic gear (masks, oil, poison).$B$BBut what is most notable is the urgency of the request - these supplies were needed soon in order to undertake what is described in the document as an \"important mission against Southshore.\"','Bring the Foreboding Plans to Magistrate Maleb in Southshore.','<Maleb reads the documents.>$B$BThese are very troubling, $N. From the information in these documents, and from the Syndicate\'s actions in the past, we must assume that band of cutthroats has waged war on Southshore.','$N, you look anxious. Is there something you wish to tell me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     532insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (487,511,'Encrypted Letter','One of the letters on this table is encrypted and inscrutable.','Bring the Encrypted Letter to Loremaster Dibbs in Southshore.','What is this? Hold a moment... let me take a closer look.$B$B...$B$BHm, I have never before seen this form of encryption, but I must admit that my knowledge in that area is by no means complete.','Yes, $N? Do you have some business with me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     533insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (488,512,'Noble Deaths','I fear the leadership behind the Syndicate is bent on Southshore\'s ruin.  We must strike hard at these leaders before their plans are realized.$B$BEnter the ruins of Strahnbrad, in the Alterac Mountains to the north.  We think the Syndicate is using the area as a headquarters.$B$BWe know this gang of cutthroats is run by former Alterac nobles.  They may be hiding as normal Syndicate agents, but you\'ll know you\'ve killed a noble by the signet ring he wears.$B$BBring me those signet rings.','Bring 7 Alterac Signet Rings to Magistrate Maleb in Southshore.','Stripping the Syndicate of its nobility will remove its ability to act decisively, and reduce it to nothing more than a gang of thugs.$B$BYou serve your Alliance well, $N.','Have you been hunting the Syndicate? Do you have those rings?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     534insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (489,513,'Elixir of Agony','Just when I thought another day was going to pass devoid of any joy, you brought me those marvelous Mudsnout Blossoms.$b$bFirst I will mix them down into a fine composite.  We\'ll then need Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity to apply his colloid of decay to it and then we\'ll be ready for some good fun indeed!$b$bHere, take this Mudsnout Composite and run it off to Master Faranell at once, $N.','Take the Mudsnout Composite to Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity.','Apothecary Lydon sent you? Ah, why didn\'t you say so!$b$bDespite his gloomy disposition, Apothecary Lydon is one of our most dedicated and skilled members.$b$bThe good chap sends Mudsnout Composite! I know what our friend in Hillsbrad is up to now. And I like the way he thinks. The Dark Lady would be most impressed with the progress he is making toward the new plague.','Can you not see I am busy, $C? The Dark Lady insists on a new plague before the Scourge advance from Northrend overwhelms us. And with the human threat pressing from the south, time becomes my most precious commodity. This better be important!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     535insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (490,514,'Letter to Stormpike','I have a colleague in Ironforge who may be able to help decrypt this letter.  Go to the Library in the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge and speak with Prospector Stormpike.  Tell him I sent you and show him the letter.  If there\'s anyone north of Blackrock Spire who can read this, it is he.','Take the Cleverly Encrypted Letter to Prospector Stormpike in Ironforge.','Ah, encryption! A specialty of mine. Let me see here...','Dibbs from Southshore sent you, did he? How is the old bookworm doing?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     536insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (491,515,'Elixir of Agony','A mudsnout composite?  Absolutely brilliant!  Why didn\'t I think of that?$b$bLet me contribute my colloid of decay to this devilish brew.$b$bIn order to activate the contaminating agents in this mudsnout mixture, Lydon is going to need a strong troll\'s blood potion, as well as some daggerspine scales and torn fin eyes from the southern coast of Hillsbrad.  He\'ll know what to do once you\'ve gathered him all the reagents.  And my, how anxious I am to hear how his experiment goes!','Bring the Mudsnout Mixture, a Strong Troll\'s Blood Potion, 5 Daggerspine Scales and 5 Torn Fin Eyes to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.','The excitement of this experiment has me feeling giddy! You have been such a great help, $N. Together we will spread death and disease to this land!','So glad to see you back, $N. I was growing so terribly bored here. Not a single entertaining thing to do besides poison and disease Umpi and reanimate her. . .over and over and over again.$b$bHow went the trip to the Undercity? Were you fortunate enough to slaughter any humans along the way?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     537insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (492,516,'Beren\'s Peril','I have received reports that a group of undead are holing up to prepare for an attack against us. Armed with this information, we can turn the tables and attack them first, nipping their little plan in the bud.$b$bUnfortunately, my information is spotty, at best. They are reported to be hiding in a location known as Beren\'s Peril. The exact location is unknown, but it appears to be a cave in the hills, near a pocket of Dalaran wizards.$b$bI trust your resourcefulness. Find them, and put them down.','Locate Beren\'s Peril, then kill 6 Ravenclaw Drudgers and 6 Ravenclaw Guardians, then return to Shadow Priest Allister at the Sepulcher.','If our scouts and agents continue to procure valuable information such as this, we shall have the Lich King\'s Scourge removed from our lands in no time.','Have you located their base yet, $N? Time is of the essence!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     538insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (493,517,'Elixir of Agony','This new elixir is finally ready to be tested.  But why let a perfectly good, highly contagious plague go to waste on a mere frog or dog?  Let\'s have us some true fun in the name of Lady Sylvanas.$b$bHead down to Dun Garok.  You know the barracks where those filthy little dwarves skitter about.  Steal me a keg of their Shindigger Stout.  Once I have that keg, you and I will have quite the party, $N.','Bring a keg of Shindigger Stout to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.','Finally! Now we are ready for action!','Sometimes I get so bored out here in Tarren Mill I like to open up the formaldehyde jar and let the lovely aroma waft through the air. Makes Umpi a little nervous though.$b$bSo were you able to get a keg from the Dwarves? I swear if I have to stare at this deadly elixir without using on it someone for another day I am going to scream.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     539insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (494,518,'The Crown of Will','Mug\'Thol and his Crushridge ogres have overrun the ruins of Alterac. It will be hard to inflict any serious punishment upon him without thinning out the ogres\' numbers.$b$bAfter softening them up, we\'ll proceed.$b$bUnderstood? Good. Now go.','Kill 10 Crushridge Maulers for Melisara in Tarren Mill.','The snow blooms red with the blood of the ogres, but we cannot cease our efforts until the spirit and numbers of the Crushridge have been crushed and ground into the dirt and snow.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     540insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (495,519,'The Crown of Will','Targ, Muckrake, and Glommus are Mug\'Thol\'s lieutenants. They are loyal to him, though who can say what drives an ogre to loyalty.$b$bBring me their heads, $n, and then all that will remain is to remove Mug\'Thol\'s head, crown and all.','Kill Targ, Muckrake, and Glommus and bring their heads to Melisara in Tarren Mill.','...and I thought ogres smelled foul enough to begin with.$b$bWhen you bring me Mug\'Thol\'s head, I will have the four of them mounted on pikes above Alterac. A fitting monument to those who go against the Dark Lady\'s wishes.','I want their heads, $N, not excuses.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     541insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (496,520,'The Crown of Will','With Mug\'Thol\'s lieutenants dead, all that remains is to kill Mug\'Thol and retrieve the Crown of Will. I have no doubt he\'ll be reluctant to part with it. Most likely expecting you, too, given the... departure... of his fellows.$b$bFind Mug\'Thol, and deliver his head and the Crown to me. The Crushridge resistance will be at an end.','Kill Mug\'Thol, and return his head with the Crown of Will to Melisara in Tarren Mill.','You have done your duty well, $N. Mug\'Thol\'s head shall adorn the highest peak of the ruins of Alterac, and the Deathguard will sweep the remnants of the Crushridge into the ground.','Three heads I have, a fourth I need. It will be Mug\'Thol\'s, or it will be yours, $N. That I promise.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     542insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (497,521,'The Crown of Will','All that remains is to deliver the Crown of Will to Sharlindra in the Undercity. She will see that it is delivered to Lady Sylvanas. I would warn you against thinking to use it for your own purposes, $n, Mug\'Thol\'s fate should be illustration enough.','Deliver the Crown of Will to Sharlindra in the Undercity.','So this is the relic the ogre used to duck the will of the Dark Lady...$b$bStrange that something so simple could wield so great a power. And to fall into as clumsy hands as those. Well done, $N, I will deliver the crown to Lady Sylvanas, and see that she hears of your accomplishment.','Yes? Do you have something to report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     543insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (498,522,'Assassin\'s Contract','This is a contract for the assassination of Magistrate Henry Maleb.  It was sealed and stamped in red wax, using a distinctive signet ring.','Bring the Assassin\'s Contract to Magistrate Maleb in Southshore.','<Maleb inspects the contract.>$B$BThat explains the latest attack on Southshore. The Syndicate must be after me, just as they were the last magistrate!','You look out of breath! Do you have something to report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     544insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (499,523,'Baron\'s Demise','The contract you recovered was signed by Baron Vardus, a noble of the former kingdom of Alterac, and one known for a cold heart and brutal practices.  I\'m not surprised someone like the Baron was behind this.$B$BFind this man.  Find him, and bring him to justice.  He must be among the Syndicate haunts - perhaps at the ruins of Strahnbrad, or perhaps within the valley north of them.','Bring the Head of Baron Vardus to Magistrate Maleb in Southshore.','Thank you, $N. My head rests a little easier, knowing that villain lost his.','Baron Vardus cannot think Southshore will allow him to send his thugs against us with impunity. I want his head!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     545insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (500,524,'Elixir of Agony','Next door the Deathguards are holding a few captured farmers hostage.  High Executor Darthalia suspected one of the military strategists from Stormwind to be hiding out amongst them.  Apparently the military chap was found dead in the Plaguelands last night.  Darthalia, always looking out for me, decided the prisoners would be left to my disposal.$b$bI think it\'s time we threw those farmers a party.  Sounds like a grand ol\' time!$b$bPlace this tainted keg on the rug in their room.  Plagued brew for all!','Place the Tainted Keg on the rug for the captured farmers.','You rest the tainted deg on the dusty rug.','A musty smell emanates from the rug.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     546insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (501,525,'Further Mysteries','I decrypted the letter, but I don\'t know what to make of it.  You found this among thieves in the Alterac foothills?  Very strange...$B$BYou should take this to the magistrate of Southshore.  Although this letter is cryptic, his is the closest town to Alterac; if a threat is brewing, then he should know.','Bring the Decrypted Letter to Magistrate Maleb in Southshore.','<Maleb reads the letter.>$B$BThis is translated from a letter you found in a Syndicate encampment? This was not written by a thief, or even a noble of Alterac.$B$BIt appears The Syndicate has ties to another power, and I shudder to think what that might be.','$N. Have you been traveling through the foothills and mountains again? What news do you bring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     547insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (502,526,'Lightforge Ingots','You might have found one lightforge ingot in that chest, but that\'s not enough to craft anything decent!$B$BYou should go back there and look for more.  Maybe the murlocs around that wrecked ship have lightforge ingots on them.','Gather 5 lightforge ingots, then return to Glorin Steelbrow in the Wetlands.','Ah, you found them! Now let\'s get this lightforge iron hammered into something useful, eh?','Did you find the lightforge iron you need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     548insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (503,527,'Battle of Hillsbrad','Stand at attention while addressing me, $c.$b$bI am under direct command of Varimathras.  We are to quell the human infestation until our apothecaries can develop the new plague.$b$bOur information leads us to believe that the town of Hillsbrad is vulnerable to attack.  Your first assignment is aimed at disrupting their food supply and infrastructure.$b$bTravel west.  Raid the northernmost farms of Hillsbrad Fields.  Make sure that the landowners, Farmer Ray and Farmer Getz, are executed as well.','Kill 6 Hillsbrad Farmhands, 6 Hillsbrad Farmers, Farmer Ray and Farmer Getz and report back to Darthalia in Tarren Mill.','At ease, $C. I see you have returned from battle. My sources tell me you performed well on the Hillsbrad front.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     549insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (504,528,'Battle of Hillsbrad','Word of the attack on the northern farms has the townsfolk panicked.  Most excellent.$b$bOur Deathstalkers report peasants fleeing to the fields in southern Hillsbrad.  The fools think they can hide in the orchards and escape their doom.$b$bProve them wrong, $N.  Return to Hillsbrad Fields and seek out the cowering peasants.  Lay waste to them in the name of our Dark Lady.$b$bDismissed!','Kill 15 Hillsbrad Peasants and report back to Darthalia in Tarren Mill.','The grip of death is tightening around the town of Hillsbrad. The battle goes well.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     550insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (505,529,'Battle of Hillsbrad','The humans of Hillsbrad have been putting up unexpected resistance.  The problem appears to be that the townsfolk are being armed by the local blacksmith.  We need to shut down all supply lines.$b$bYour mission will be to execute Blacksmith Verringtan.  Slay his apprentices as well.  While there, bring back a shipment of iron from their stockpile.  The supplies will come in handy when we are done with the conquering of Hillsbrad and begin razing Southshore.','Kill Blacksmith Verringtan and 4 Hillsbrad Apprentice Blacksmiths.$b$bRetrieve a shipment of iron and report back to Darthalia in Tarren Mill.','Mission accomplished, $C. And carried out quite skillfully, I might add.','Were you able to carry out your orders, $C? Did you dispose of Verringtan and his assistants? And where is that iron shipment?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     551insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (506,530,'A Husband\'s Revenge','Valdred, once my good friend, was my wife\'s murderer.  Although I am incapable of grieving, I do yearn for revenge.  If you kill Valdred and bring me his cursed hands, then I will reward you.$B$BI last heard he was at the Greymane Wall in southern Silverpine, trying to flee into the kingdom of Gilneas.','Kill Valdred Moray.$B$BBring his hands to Raleigh Andrean in the Undercity.','Ah, good. These hands killed my wife, Deliah. Revenge for her murder was my only care, and you were the instrument of that revenge.$b$bHere, take the ring you returned earlier. Deliah has been dead to me for so long, her ring is a bauble I no longer care to keep. Instead, I will keep these hands as a remembrance of my friend\'s betrayal.','Do you have those hands, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     552insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (507,531,'Vyrin\'s Revenge','Light! Don\'t bring things like that into the Lodge... it\'s unsanitary, unspeakable, un... un... unsanitary!$b$bJust get it out of here, will you? No one wants to see your bloody little trophy, really!','Bring Ol\' Sooty\'s head to Vyrin Swiftwind at the Farstrider Lodge.','Thanks for helping me out with my little plan, $N. I\'ve been itching for months to get back at that snooty, stuck-up boy, and I\'d say we did a pretty good job! Here, have this, you\'ve earned it.','Great job, $N! We really showed him! Here, give me the head and I\'ll take care of it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     553insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (508,532,'Battle of Hillsbrad','The town of Hillsbrad is in disarray and we believe it will soon fall.  We must, however, persist in our ruthlessness until the human scum are wiped from the foothills for eternity.$b$bDespite their overwhelming losses, the humans rally around their leadership and keep fighting.  We must eliminate their leader, Magistrate Burnside, as well as the town council.  Destroy their revered political document as well, the Hillsbrad Proclamation.  And while you\'re at it, steal the town registry.','Kill Magistrate Burnside and 4 Hillsbrad Councilmen.  Destroy the Hillsbrad Proclamation.  Steal the Hillsbrad Town Registry.  Report back to Darthalia in Tarren Mill afterwards.','News of your glories in Hillsbrad traveled fast. You have done well, $C.','What news have you?','','','','Hillsbrad Proclamation destroyed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     554insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (509,533,'Infiltration','At last we begin to hear word and rumor, find evidence of Gol\'dir\'s whereabouts. The humans have been moving him around, but we are narrowing down our search and focusing on the large Syndicate camp just north of here.$b$bGo there, $n, and bring back whatever information you can get your hands on.','Retrieve information about Gol\'dir\'s whereabouts for Krusk in Tarren Mill.','Finally, we know where Gol\'dir is being held. The camp in question is not too far from here, and hopefully they will not be as well prepared as they were when they captured us the first time.','Have you found anything? I fear Gol\'dir\'s prospects grow worse by the day...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     555insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (510,535,'Valik','Urrgh... Injured and dying and confronted with the enemy.$b$bNo doubt you\'ll kill me anyway, but if you bring me some Southshore stout--your kind does drink, don\'t they?--I\'ll tell you what you want to know.','Bring a mug of Southshore Stout to Valik in the Syndicate camp.','Given my impending death, I think I can safely say that this is the sweetest tasting thing ever... Here, take this, won\'t do me any good when I\'m dead.$B$BWell, get on with it!','Did you bring me something to drink or did you just come back to finish the job?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     556insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (511,536,'Down the Coast','Transferred from the Stormwind city guard to Southshore, a town that should be abandoned by the looks of it... Smell of the harbor day and night.$b$bNot to mention ol\' Redpath... Wants me to take care of the murlocs. Ha! $b$bI can barely rouse myself to go out to some of the pockets of the overgrown fish down the Western Strand. If you would go in my place and take care of them, I\'d appreciate it.','Kill 10 Torn Fin Tidehunters and 10 Torn Fin Oracles for Lieutenant Farren Orinelle in Southshore.','I hope this will be enough to convince Redpath that I\'ve--ha!--been carrying out his orders and ridding Southshore of the terrible and horrible menace of the dreaded murlocs! For there could be no greater evil than the ravages of overgrown fish!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     557insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (512,537,'Dark Council','The letter you brought me was written by a being who calls himself Nagaz, a member of the Argus Wake.  I don\'t know what this Argus Wake is, but if they\'re in alliance with the Syndicate then they must be a threat.$B$BI want you to find Nagaz and the Argus Shadow Mages mentioned in that letter.  I want you to find them, and kill them.$B$BSearch in the Uplands, where the Syndicate is strongest.  It is north of Strahnbrad.$B$BWith luck, you\'ll find these envoys of the Argus Wake there.','Kill 4 Argus Shadow Mages.$B$BBring the Head of Nagaz to Magistrate Maleb in Southshore.','Well done, $N. The Argus Wake does not sound like a group we want running the Syndicate.$B$BAnd although you may have destroyed their leader here, Nagaz was merely the servant of another. The Argus Wake might run deep through the continent of Azeroth.$B$BOr even the world.','Did you find the envoys of The Argus Wake?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     558insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (513,538,'Southshore','$N.  If you don\'t mind a long journey then I have a task for you, to again help Stormwind fill its library.$B$BThe old kingdom of Alterac fell after the great war, and it had a large collection of books.  It\'s a tragedy that the city is ruined, but even more tragic is all of their knowledge lost!  We must recover what we can.$B$BSouthshore is the closest town to the Ruins of Alterac.  Go there and speak with Loremaster Dibbs.  He can direct you to the ruins, and to what books may be found there.','Speak with Loremaster Dibbs in Southshore.','Ah yes, I remember Milton. A bookworm, no doubt. Bless him.$B$BAnd he\'s right. The Ruins of Alterac still hold stores of knowledge in danger of being lost!$B$BOgres now dwell in Alterac, and they don\'t care much for higher learning.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     559insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (514,539,'Battle of Hillsbrad','The Hillsbrad Town Registry indicates that the Azureload Mine is under Alliance control.  Furthermore, the mine is a prime source of iron ore for the Alliance armories.$b$bEven though we\'ve struck a decisive blow to the town of Hillsbrad, the Alliance still supports and protects the Azureload Mine fervently.$b$bThe mine lies due south of Hillsbrad.  Go there and slay the foreman, a human by the name of Bonds.  Kill his miners as well.  That should send a clear message to the Alliance.','Kill Foreman Bonds and 10 Hillsbrad Miners and report back to Darthalia in Tarren Mill.','The Dark Lady will be pleased when she learns that she has a new mine from which she can arm her soldiers.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     560insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (515,540,'Preserving Knowledge','Those beastly ogres now reside within Alterac\'s ruins, and I shudder to think what they\'re doing with the precious books still there.  You must recover what you can!$B$BEnter the Ruins of Alterac and search for tomes looted by the ogres.  Get whatever you can find and bring them to me, but also seek out one book in particular: The Arm of Gri\'lek.  It contains ancient troll lore that I must learn, and the Ruins of Alterac was the last known location of an intact copy of this book.','Bring 5 Recovered Tomes and the Worn Leather Book containing The Arm of Gri\'lek to Loremaster Dibbs in Southshore.','Oh, you got them! Splendid! I must begin studying the Arm of Gri\'lek immediately!','I wish I could search the ruins too, but I fear these bones wouldn\'t hold me during my climb up the mountains. However, how does your hunt for knowledge progress, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     561insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (516,541,'Battle of Hillsbrad','Dwarves aiding the humans?  Damn those filthy little beasts.$b$bWe shall test the strength of the so-called Alliance.  We\'ll see how anxious those little ankle-bashers are to help the humans once they feel our wrath.  We know exactly where their stronghold is in this territory.$b$bThey have established a barracks in southeastern Hillsbrad along Thoradin\'s Wall called Dun Garok.  The final mission of this battle is to lay siege on Dun Garok, $c.  Captain Ironhill, their leader, must die.','Travel to Dun Garok and kill 8 Mountaineers, 4 Riflemen, 2 Priests and Captain Ironhill and report back to Darthalia in Tarren Mill.','Your actions on the battlefield are worthy of the highest praise.','Dun Garok proves to be too much of an obstacle for you, $C? And here I thought you had established yourself valiantly in Hillsbrad.$B$BIf you\'re not up to handle the mission assigned to you, I will find another who can produce better results. As for you, well, I am sure the Dark Lady could always use more grave diggers back in Tirisfal Glades.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     562insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (517,542,'Return to Milton','I need to spend some time studying the Arm of Gri\'lek book you brought me, though I\'m sure Milton is eager to get the other recovered books into Stormwind\'s collection.$B$BHere are the books you gathered from the Ruins of Alterac, packed and catalogued.  Take them back to Milton Sheaf in Stormwind and I\'m sure he\'ll be grateful.','Bring the Tomes of Alterac to Milton Sheaf in Stormwind.','My oh my! Look at these! I can\'t believe they survived the ruination of Alterac. And all those ogres too!$B$BThank you, $N. Thank you so much! You have helped preserve human knowledge, and you add to the grandeur of the Royal Library of Stormwind.','$N, you\'ve returned! How did your foray into Alterac go? Did you bring anything back with you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     563insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (518,543,'The Perenolde Tiara','The Perenolde Tiara is an old heirloom of the Perenolde \"nobles\" - the ruling family of Alterac before that kingdom fell to ruin.  It is said to have been crafted by master jewelers in Ironforge, and fitted with the finest of emeralds.$B$BWhen Alterac was destroyed the Tiara was lost, but there are rumors that an Ogre Mage, Grel\'borg the Miser, found the tiara and now wanders the Ruins of Alterac searching for more treasures.$B$BWe would have you acquire the tiara for us.','Bring the Perenolde Tiara to Remington Ridgewell in Stormwind.','Ah, this is splendid. This will have to be cleaned of course, but you really outdid yourself, Pluto. I will have someone prepare the tiara and place it within our collection posthaste.$b$bAs I\'m sure you will agree, our gratitude is as grand as our collection.','Salutations, Pluto. Do try to avoid stepping on my pant cuffs. This outfit is newly tailored.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     564insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (519,544,'Prison Break In','I came to Tarren Mill to research, but now must resolve a crisis.  You see, four Forsaken fled the Undercity a few months ago.  They turned their backs on their brethren, but what\'s worse...they stole from the Dark Lady.$B$BThese thieves broke into a secure vault and stole four artifacts, items our apothecaries required in certain studies.  Sylvanas would have these artifacts returned.$B$BThe thieves fled the Undercity to Dalaran, and those wizards quarantined them in the Lordamere Internment Camp.','Find the traitors and recover their artifacts, then return to Magus Voidglare in Tarren Mill.','You have done a great service for the Forsaken, $N. These artifacts have been sorely missed.$b$bAnd it is good to hear that Kegan and the other betrayers have found justice.','Did you find the thieves? And more importantly, did you find what they stole?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     565insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (520,545,'Dalaran Patrols','The wizards of Dalaran constructed a vast, magical dome around the heart of their city.  Some believe it was for protection from the violence of these times, while others say they merely wanted solitude, to study and plot.$B$BI don\'t care what the reason was.  I do care that the ruined outskirts of their city, outside the dome, may hide valuable magical treasures.$B$BBut the area is patrolled by the wizards and their elemental slaves.$B$BSo hunt them, and return when their numbers are sufficiently reduced.','Kill 6 Dalaran Summoners and 12 Elemental Slaves, then return to Magus Voidglare in Tarren Mill.','Very good. Those ruins should now be safe enough to search, if one is careful.$B$BThank you, $N.','Have you yet thinned the Dalaran patrols around their ruins?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     566insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (521,546,'Souvenirs of Death','I hear you were enlisted by Darthalia to wage war on the humans of Hillsbrad.  So jealous I am. . .$b$bWhile you\'re off having all the fun -- slaying humans, pillaging the town, terrorizing innocent people -- I am stuck standing guard here in Tarren Mill.$b$bPerhaps you\'ll take pity on an old Deathguard like myself?  You see I am collecting human skulls.  And you will be fighting humans for quite some time.  Over the course of your long battle, bring me 30 skulls and I will make it worth your while.','Deathguard Samsa of Tarren Mill wants 30 Hillsbrad Human Skulls.','Precious skulls! So beautiful! I owe you as promised, $N!','So the lucky $N returns? How many humans have you slaughtered today? Hundreds I do hope!$b$bHave you any skulls for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     567insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (522,547,'Humbert\'s Sword','High Executor Darthalia sent me to keep watch of Dun Garok from a distance.  I had set up camp just out of sight.  But when morning came and I had to boil water, I left to gather firewood.$b$bWhen I returned to camp, I discovered my gear was missing.$b$bApparently some dwarven scouts from Dun Garok had passed by and made off with it.  I need my sword!  If you can get it back for me I would be so grateful.  So many dwarves there...it will be quite difficult to find the dirty little thief who stole it.','Retrieve Deathguard Humbert\'s sword from Dun Garok and return it to him in Tarren Mill.','You found it!$b$bAh, I feel so complete with my precious sword back in my hand. Many thanks to you!','Were you able to retrieve my sword, $N? High Executor Darthalia will hang me from the rafters if she discovers my folly.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     568insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (523,549,'WANTED: Syndicate Personnel','By the authority of Lady Sylvanas, all members of the organization known as the Syndicate are wanted dead. Those brought into custody or taken prisoner will be summarily executed. They are currently known to be amassing in the ruins of Durnholde Keep, to the southeast of Tarren Mill.$b$bA handsome reward is offered to all who bring proof of their deeds to High Executor Darthalia.','Kill 10 Syndicate Rogues and 10 Syndicate Watchmen. Return to High Executor Darthalia in Tarren Mill for your reward.','Excellent, $C. At this rate, the Syndicate pest will be rid from the land in no time.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     569insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (524,550,'Battle of Hillsbrad','Because you fought with such valor and perseverance in the Battle of Hillsbrad, I have written this commendation, extolling your heroics in combat for the high command to recognize.$b$bTake this sealed commendation to Varimathras in the Undercity.  Go with pride, $c.','Take Darthalia\'s Sealed Commendation to Varimathras in the Undercity.','So you are the infamous $C who struck such a decisive blow against the Alliance forces in the Hillsbrad Foothills? Word of your glorious exploits traveled quickly to the Undercity.$b$bYou have quite a future in the Dark Lady\'s ranks if you continue to show such leadership and expertise in battle.$b$bWhile our primary threat is the Lich King\'s Scourge army descending from the north, the human \"problem\" continues to impede our battle plans. You, however, have shown that the humans can and will fall.','What brings a $C all the way to the Undercity from the battlefield?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     570insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (525,551,'The Ensorcelled Parchment','This parchment is enchanted with a spell, rendering it indecipherable.  But one word at the top of the paper can be read:$B$B$B      Nagaz$B$B','Take the Ensorcelled Parchment to Loremaster Dibbs in Southshore.','More encrypted notes?$B$BI wish I had the talents to decrypt all the strange bits of writing that trickle down from Alterac. But I\'m afraid I lack the knowledge.','Oh. You have something you\'d like me to look at? Some scrap of lore gathered from up in the mountains, I hope...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     571insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (526,552,'Helcular\'s Revenge','Master Helcular was almost complete with his transformation into a Lich when a human lynch mob discovered his ritual lair in the hills and brutally killed him.  To make matters worse they buried his corpse in the Southshore cemetery.$b$bSuch disregard for the great wizard is unacceptable.  As his apprentice I shall see to it that the rains of vengeance fall upon the town of Southshore.$b$bWe will need Helcular\'s Rod first.  Yeti overtook his ritual lair.  Undoubtedly one of the beasts has it.','Retrieve Helcular\'s Rod from the Yeti and bring it back to Novice Thaivand in Tarren Mill.','You found it! Most excellent, $N!','Have you recovered Helcular\'s Rod yet? There are so many Yeti in this region, it will be very difficult to locate. But we must have it in order to proceed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     572insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (527,553,'Helcular\'s Revenge','Here, take the Rod of Helcular. You will need it.$b$bHelcular fashioned 3 ceremonial pyres as part of his most powerful spell.  The Flame of Azel and the Flame of Veraz lie within the Foothill Caverns. The Flame of Uzel lies in a cave above the caverns, further north in the mountains.$b$bThe Rod of Helcular must be charged from each of the three flames. Once the ritual is complete, drive the rod into Helcular\'s grave in Southshore, the heavily guarded human town to the south.  Vengeance shall be ours!','Charge the Rod of Helcular with the powers of the Flame of Azel, Flame of Veraz and the Flame of Uzel.$b$bDrive the charged rod into Helcular\'s grave in Southshore.','A great rumbling emanates from the ground.','Helcular\'s grave teems with a mystical energy.','','Flame of Azel charged','Flame of Veraz charged','Flame of Uzel charged','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     573insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (528,554,'Stormpike\'s Deciphering','Prospector Stormpike is a master of decryption and deciphering.  If you take the parchment you found to him, then with luck he can make sense of it.  Stormpike is currently studying in the Prospector headquarters in Ironforge.$B$BAnd when you see him tell him you spoke with me - I\'ve been sending him quite a lot of business lately.','Take the Ensorcelled Parchment to Prospector Stormpike in Ironforge.','A wise decision. I don\'t believe there is a scholar other than myself with the skills to translate this scroll. And if its contents prove interesting, fear not. I will send for you.','More interruptions?$B$BAh, this parchment is covered with a very intricate, finely woven spell. I can untangle it, of course, but it\'s going to take time. And time is very valuable to me...$B$BPerhaps I will just purchase it from you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     574insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (529,555,'Soothing Turtle Bisque','If there\'s one thing you\'ll learn about Southshore it\'s that we have some of the best cuisine north of Stormwind!$b$bTake my secret recipe for Turtle Bisque, for example. I\'ve known folks to travel from as far as Darkshire just to enjoy a bowl.  Speaking of which, I haven\'t been able to make any lately.  I used to head up past Dalaran to Lake Lordamere myself to hunt Snapjaws but it\'s just too dangerous now. If you bring me some Turtle Meat from the Snapjaws up north and Soothing Spices, I\'ll whip some up!','Bring 10 pieces of Turtle Meat and some Soothing Spices to Chef Jessen in Southshore.','Everyone will be so pleased: Chef Jessen\'s Soothing Turtle Bisque is served once again!','Any luck finding the ingredients? I\'ll tell you, this territory isn\'t the peaceful place it once was. Ah, if only this unrest never occurred...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     575insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (530,556,'Stone Tokens','A notable talent of the wizards of Dalaran is their familiarity with elementals: powerful creatures from other dimensions.  The wizards use magical tokens as a means to control these elementals.  Magus Voidglare would like some of these tokens to study.$B$BEnter the territories of the Dalaran wizards, west of Hillsbrad, and gather the tokens.$B$BYou might find the tokens on any citizen of Dalaran, but I suggest hunting at the internment camp.  It\'s safer than Dalaran itself.','Bring 10 Worn Stone Tokens to Keeper Bel\'varil in Tarren Mill.','These will do nicely. Although it looks like their magic is faded, it would be best if the Magus\' initial experiments were on inert specimens such as these.$b$bThank you, $N.','Do you have the Worn Stone Tokens, $N? The Magus is eager to unlock their secrets.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     576insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (531,557,'Bracers of Binding','The Magus will be busy studying those stone tokens you gathered, but I know he\'ll eventually want examples of their counterpart: bracers of binding.  These are set around the wrists of actual elementals, and bind them into the mage\'s service.$B$BHunt elementals in the ruins of Dalaran and gather their Bracers of Earth Binding, and the Magus will be pleased.','Bring 4 Bracers of Earth Binding to Keeper Bel\'varil in Tarren Mill.','You found them. I trust the elementals from which you removed these bracers were amenable?$b$bHm...death has not only stopped my heart, but robbed me of my comedic timing, it seems.$b$bWell thank you, $N. You serve the Magus, and hence the Dark Lady, well.','Hello, $N. Elementals are tough quarry, but I know you\'re up to the task. Do you have those bracers of binding?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     577insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (532,558,'Jaina\'s Autograph','They say that Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore is one of the greatest heroes the Alliance has ever had.  When I grow up, I wanna be a hero of the Alliance too!$B$BDo you know Jaina, $N?  Could you do me a favor, please?  Could you get her autograph for me?  I dunno how to ask her, and she\'d probably be too busy for someone like me... but you!  You\'re an adventurer just like she is!  I bet she\'d give you her autograph easy!$B$BPlease?','Travel to Theramore to see about getting Lady Jaina Proudmoore\'s autograph for your ward.','WOW! You got Lady Jaina\'s autograph for me! Thank you very much! And wow... she wrote a personal message on here - to me! I knew she\'d be totally cool, and maybe someday I\'ll thank her myself... when I become a hero of the Alliance!$B$BYou\'re the best, $N. Thank you for being so nice to me.','Someday, I wanna be a hero just like Jaina... well, a boy hero that is.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     578insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (533,559,'Farren\'s Proof','Would you believe it, $n? Redpath wasn\'t satisfied with all the murlocs we killed--oh now, don\'t be modest, you had some hand in it. Now he wants me to bring proof of the dead, hacking off cold, slimy murloc heads to submit for his approval.','Collect 10 Murloc Heads from the murlocs on the Western Strand for Lieutenant Farren Orinelle in Southshore.','Oh for the Love of the Light... they\'re dripping on the ground.$b$bCan\'t stand touching those things, myself. Fish are all well and good, but when they grow legs and start walking around... Haven\'t eaten a fish in weeks, let me tell you, and in Southshore, that means you aren\'t eating much.','Did you get those heads for me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     579insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (534,560,'Farren\'s Proof','You know, $n, I\'d really rather not take these heads... Since you\'ve already got a handle on them, would you mind delivering them to Redpath for me?','Deliver the sack of murloc heads to Marshall Redpath in Southshore.','Farren\'s errand boy, are you?$b$bIf you assisted Farren in procuring these heads, then thank you. Southshore needs hard workers and effort to maintain its protection.','Greetings, citizen. Have you come to lend your arm to upholding the safety of Southshore?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     580insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (535,561,'Farren\'s Proof','Please inform Lieutenant Orinelle that I would like him to refocus his efforts on the naga infesting the Eastern Strand. When he has results, tell him to report to me in person.','Speak with Lieutenant Farren Orinelle in Southshore.','The naga, eh? Redpath must have just received the same information as me... Ha! He\'ll not receive a promotion from my toil. Let me explain.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     581insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (536,562,'Stormwind Ho!','My former mentor in the Stormwind city guard sent a message to me that Alliance High Command is becoming concerned with the threat posed by the naga. From what he\'s heard, there\'s good chances for promotion--or at least reassignment--for anyone who proves valuable in this regard.$b$bThere\'s just one small problem... I can\'t handle the naga, $n. Oh sure, I could break up a drunken barroom brawl, or haul off a belligerent beggar, but the naga are too much for me. You\'ve got to help me, $n!','Kill 10 Daggerspine Shorehunters and 10 Daggerspine Sirens for Lieutenant Farren Orinelle in Southshore.','With the naga put down in Southshore, I\'ll be a shoe-in to be reassigned. I\'ll get to see Stormwind again... get away from this Light-forsaken port.','I\'ve a letter ready to go to Major Samuelson in Stormwind. All I need are the results.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     582insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (537,563,'Reassignment','It shouldn\'t be a problem getting my report seen. The new captain of the guard, Major Samuelson, was my mentor while I was stationed in Stormwind. It should give him more than enough excuse to have me transferred back to the city. I\'ll need you to carry my report to him, though... wouldn\'t want ol\' Redpath to catch on.','Deliver Farren\'s report to Major Samuelson in Stormwind Keep.','What\'s this? Ah... so my attentive pupil has applied himself to the problem of the naga in Southshore. Thank you for bringing this to me, I will certainly take it into account when I review personnel assignments in the next month.','Greetings, citizen. May the Stormwind city guard be of assistance?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     583insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (538,564,'Costly Menace','Ain\'t nothin\' that irks me more than losin\' these here beautiful horses.  And believe me, we\'ve lost quite a few between them pesky undead creeps, the dang Syndicate gang and all the other good-for-nothin\' scoundrels pokin\' about these parts.$b$bBut I swear on my ol\' grand-daddy\'s grave there ain\'t no bigger menace to our horses here than them Mountain Lions up in Alterac.  Always comin\' down from the hills and makin\' my life difficult!$b$bYou fancy yourself a hero?  Go and do somethin\' about it then!','Darren Malvew of Southshore wants you to kill 8 Mountain Lions and 10 Hulking Mountain Lions.','Ain\'t that great news! Should-a gone and found me a regular ol\' war hero from day one to take care of them beasts. You\'d-a made your pappy proud, $N.','Mountain Lions killin\' off our horses left and right and here you are wantin\' to jibber-jabber about the weather and what not.$B$BOught to go and find myself a real hero. More killin\' and less talkin\'.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     584insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (539,565,'Bartolo\'s Yeti Fur Cloak','I, the great Bartolo, shall make for you the world famous, Alliance renowned, Yeti Fur Cloak!$b$bTravel the planet and find yourself a better cloak, I dare you.  Oh wait, what is that, little $r?  \"Bartolo, there is no finer cloak!\"  Yes, yes!  That, I have heard before.$b$bBartolo requires a Bolt of Wool, a Hillman\'s Cloak made by a skilled leatherworker, Fine Thread and Yeti Fur, of course!  Bring to me these items and you shall be a happy customer!','Bring Bartolo Ginsetti of Southshore a Bolt of Wool, a Hillman\'s Cloak, Fine Thread and 10 clumps of Yeti Fur.','Now it is time for the great Bartolo to work his magic! I require no wizard\'s staff, no $C\'s rod. For I, the great Bartolo, work magic with a mere needle and thread!','So you have returned to the great Bartolo. Perhaps you have finished gathering the materials needed for your Yeti Fur Cloak? Or maybe you just enjoy basking in the greatness of me, Bartolo!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     585insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (540,566,'WANTED: Baron Vardus','By order of High Executor Darthalia, the human known as Baron Vardus is wanted for crimes against the Forsaken. Vardus is known to be a high-ranking member of the organization known as the Syndicate.$b$bHe was last spotted in the Uplands in the Alterac Mountains, north of Tarren Mill.$b$bHe is wanted dead. Bring evidence of his demise to High Executor Darthalia to claim the reward.','Kill Baron Vardus and deliver his head to High Executor Darthalia in Tarren Mill.','Productive work you do, $N. With Baron Vardus dead, the number of Syndicate leaders grows smaller. Their resistance and irritation will be short-lived.','Ah, $N. Perhaps you\'ve come to collect the bounty on the head of Baron Vardus?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     586insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (541,567,'Dangerous!','Dangerous!$b$bThe following humans of Hillsbrad have been deemed dangerous and are marked for bounty by High Executor Darthalia:$b$bClerk Horrace Whitesteed.  Wanted for the murder of Deathguard Toma.$b$bCitizen Wilkes.  Wanted for the murder of Apothecary Eli.$b$bMiner Hackett.  Wanted for the murder of Deathstalker Fry.$b$bFarmer Kalaba.  Wanted for the ambush of supplies from the Undercity.$b$bAll of these enemies are hiding and will be hard to find.  A reward will be granted upon notice of their death.','High Executor Darthalia of Tarren Mill is offering a bounty on Clerk Horrace Whitesteed, Citizen Wilkes, Miner Hackett and Farmer Kalaba.','You are quite the bounty, $C. Well done.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     587insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (542,568,'The Defense of Grom\'gol','Throm\'ka, $c!$b$bYour arrival at Grom\'gol is timely, indeed.  As commander of the Warchief\'s base camp here in the jungle I am bound by honor to ensure the safety of all members of the Horde.  Our mission to provide a safe chain of supply to Stonard is being hampered by some of the local inhabitants.$b$bI am putting you in charge of thinning out the raptor population outside of Grom\'gol.  Once you have made significant progress, report back to me for reassignment.','Commander Aggro\'gosh of the Grom\'gol base camp wants you to kill 15 Lashtail Raptors.','Your duty was performed with honor, $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     588insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (543,569,'The Defense of Grom\'gol','When we first arrived in this jungle we did not intend to wage war on the local tribes.  Our mission to supply Stonard is of the highest priority.  But complications have arisen.  A local band of ogres has occupied the Mizjah Ruins to the southeast of Grom\'gol.  Despite warnings, they continue to ambush our supply caravans.$b$bI am putting you in charge of dealing with these uncooperative ogres.$b$bTravel to the ruins and attempt to drive them from the area.  At the very least it will send a firm message.','Commander Aggro\'gosh of the Grom\'gol base camp wants you to kill 10 Ogre Brutes and 5 Ogre Witch Doctors.','Well done. You have served the Warchief with honor.','Have you made any progress with the ogres of the Mizjah Ruins yet, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     589insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (544,570,'Mok\'thardin\'s Enchantment','The power of the jungle\'s magic must be realized and then harnessed by the Horde.  My rituals have proven successful so far.  I can cast very powerful enchantments.  For you, brave $c, I shall make a special item indeed.$b$bBring to me some Shadowmaw Panther claws along with a Tigress fang.  Not just any fang will do.  It must be in pristine condition.$b$bThe beasts lurk throughout the jungle but you will find some close by, just across the river from Mizjah Ruins to the southeast.','Far Seer Mok\'thardin at the Grom\'gol base camp wants 8 Shadowmaw Claws and a Pristine Tigress Fang.','Your knowledge of the jungle is strong, $N. These specimens will be perfect. I will thank the spirits for sacrificing such fine beasts for the cause of the Horde.','What news do you bring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     590insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (545,571,'Mok\'thardin\'s Enchantment','What I need from you now will be very difficult to obtain.$b$bTo hold all these feathers, claws and the pristine fang in place I require a magical tether.  Only an aged gorilla sinew will work.$b$bYou will only be able to find one on an Elder Mistvale Gorilla.  They are known to forage to the east of Booty Bay.$b$bThe sinew must be perfect.  It might take quite a few kills for you to find exactly what I need but it will be well worth the hunt.','Bring an Aged Gorilla Sinew to Far Seer Mok\'thardin in Grom\'gol.','A most ideal sinew, $N. Your efforts will pay off soon.','Has fortune been on your side, $N? Were you able to obtain an aged gorilla sinew?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     591insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (546,572,'Mok\'thardin\'s Enchantment','The items you gathered from the feline beasts of the Vale are only the first requirement for a powerful enchanted item.  These jungle trinkets combined with my shamanistic ritual will provide you with a very useful tool in assisting the Horde and the Warchief.$b$bBut now you must gather for me some Jungle Stalker Feathers.  The feathers are traditionally worn by the beasts on their armbands.  You will find a tribe of the raptors directly south of Grom\'gol, not far from the great arena.','Bring 10 Jungle Stalker Feathers to Far Seer Mok\'thardin at the Grom\'gol base camp.','Most excellent. I will prepare these at once.','Did your gathering efforts prove fruitful?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     592insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (547,573,'Mok\'thardin\'s Enchantment','There is but one final reagent needed to complete the enchantment.$b$bIn the south, towards the western coast, high above the bluffs, lies a Holy Spring.  This spring is the subject of great conflict amongst religious and mystical scholars.  Every race in Azeroth claims that the spring waters were made divine for their people.$b$bMy final request of you: bring to me Holy Spring Water.  Be warned.  An expedition of naga explorers have advanced upon the spring.  They will need to be dealt with as well.','Far Seer Mok\'thardin of Grom\'gol needs Holy Spring Water.  He also wants you to kill 10 Naga Explorers.','With this Holy Spring Water the ceremonial choker is ready for enchantment.$B$BWear this with pride, $N, in the name of the Warchief and in defense of the mighty Horde.','I am almost ready to complete the enchantment. Have you performed my bidding?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     593insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (548,574,'Special Forces','Now that many of his regular troops are reduced, you must face his highly trained forces.  When they\'re not in the wilderness slaughtering our rebel soldiers, they are found deep in the back of the Kurzen Compound, in a cave they call the Stockpile.$B$BI know many of Kurzen\'s troops personally, and I know they are skilled, loyal, and cruel.  This is no easy task I set before you, $N.$B$BAfter you defeat them, report to Lieutenant Doren, my commanding officer.  He will want your report firsthand.','Kill 10 Kurzen Commandoes and 6 Kurzen Headshrinkers.$B$BReport to Lieutenant Doren at the Rebel Camp.','$N. Sergeant Yohwa trusted your abilities, and I trust her. The defeat you brought to Kurzen\'s forces is almost too much to hope for. I had feared we rebels were alone, and alone we could never stand up against the Colonel\'s brilliance.$b$bPerhaps hope of our survival yet remains.','Sergeant Yohwa tells me you are skilled and brave, $C. Do you have something to rep','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     594insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (549,575,'Supply and Demand','\"The finest leathercrafter of the South Seas and the worlds old and new.\" That\'s what they call me. Me! Drizzlik! The finest lea... Ahem. Well.$b$bMy leather goods are known far and wide as the most exquisite, a connoisseur\'s choice!$b$bI\'ve just received an order from Director Riddlevox of the Tinkers\' Union for a dozen of his favorite Excelsior-line boots. Our best sellers, actually.$b$bTo start on the basic shape, I\'ll need crocolisk skins from the crocs along the river in northern Stranglethorn.','Bring 2 Large River Crocolisk Skins to Drizzlik in Booty Bay.','These skins should do. Their quality isn\'t too important, given that they\'ll make up the inside layer of the boots, but it\'s still important that they\'re comfortable.$b$bIf they\'re a bit too rigid, I\'ll use some tiger blood to soften it up. Tricks o\' the trade, you know?','My equipment is all ready to go, $N, I just need those skins. We don\'t want to keep Riddlevox waiting, that\'s for sure.$b$bIt\'s not a good idea for anyone to keep the chief inventor of the Tinkers\' Union unsatisfied.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     595insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (550,576,'Keep An Eye Out','Avast!  Who goes there?$b$bArgh, I am but useless without me special enchanted eye.  Bad enough to have lost me eyes in battle in the first place!  But by some stroke o\' luck we docked in Menethil and a traveling wizard enchanted a special glass eye that let me see again.$b$bLast night I ended up gettin\' jumped by some Bloodsail Buccaneers on me way out.  Took me eye, they did!  Seems those blokes have found their way to Booty Bay.$b$bHelp an old sea dog out by gettin\' me eye back?','Dizzy One-Eye in Booty Bay wants you to retrieve his eye from the Bloodsail Buccaneers.','Shiver me timbers and timber me shivers! Ye found me beautiful eye! Let\'s see if she still fits.$b$bShavas ho! Blimey, I can see!!','Ahoy, me bucko! Might not be able to see but I can smell ye from halfway across port.$b$bCould really use me eye back. Captain\'s going to keelhaul me when he finds out me peeper is in the hands of them dirty Bloodsail Buccaneers.$b$bWhat good is a lookout who can\'t see? The crow\'s nest used to be me home...without me deadlights I\'d be lucky to scrub the bilge.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     596insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (551,577,'Some Assembly Required','Well, I\'ve got the basic shape of the boots worked out, and they\'re coming along fine, but the skins you brought aren\'t going to be quite enough for the inner layers.$b$b\"What are we going to do, Drizzlik?\" No doubt the question on your lips, and well, isn\'t it lucky you\'re talking to Drizzlik, because he\'s going to tell you what we\'re going to do!$b$bThe inner layers will never really be seen, so we\'ll just get some of the thicker, cheaper skins from the crocs around Lake Nazferiti to fill the boots out.','Bring 5 Snapjaw Crocolisks Skins to Drizzlik in Booty Bay.','My boots... they\'re like sausages, $N. Look great, taste great. I tell you they\'re filled with nothing but the finest ingredients and meats, and you eat it, and you love it.$b$bIt\'s safer--and more enjoyable--if you just trust me, and don\'t ask too carefully what\'s really inside.','Drizzlik\'s Excelsior leather boots, finest workmanship, one-hundred percent high quality saltwater crocilisk skin boots. None finer!$b$bCan\'t beat a glowing description like that, can you?$b$bExcept, maybe, if you have those skins for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     597insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (552,578,'The Stone of the Tides','If there is indeed a goblin mage and water elementals haunting the island, it could mean the Stone of the Tides can be mine!$b$bI want you to locate this haunted island... find out what\'s going on. Oh, and if you perhaps want to find out more about the Stone of the Tides, take this scrip to the Stormwind Library, they should be able to find you a copy of the book I first came across the legend in.$b$bCould it be that Gazban actually discovered the Stone...?','Find the haunted island for Baron Revilgaz in Booty Bay.','So the stories were true! Incredible!$B$BHowever, we will need to figure out a way to defeat the curse of the Stone of the Tides, if we are to retrieve it. The curse is magical business, we\'ll need one of those wizards to help us out.','The trolls truly possessed some amazing magical objects, $N. And now, perhaps, I have the opportunity to add one to my extensive collection. Did you have any luck finding the source of the rumor?','Locate the haunted island','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     598insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (553,579,'Stormwind Library','','','Do any of these titles interest you, $N?','King Anduin has placed great importance on learning, and thus has provided funds for making copies of various tomes and writings available to the public. It\'s very simple. You bring me a library scrip, and I can give you a copy of one of the available books.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     599insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (554,580,'Whiskey Slim\'s Lost Grog','We was splicin\' the mainbrace somethin\' fierce off of the Overlook Cliffs, ol\' Hinterlands just in the distance.  Thought the seas was goin\' to swallow us whole.$b$bOl\' Slim knows all about liquid courage!  Cap\'n had a crate of Pupellyverbos Port we commandeered from a privateer en route to Stormwind.$b$bSo when that storm off of Hinterlands hit, I busted into the grog.  Big wave hit and tossed them bottles overboard.  Cap\'n is goin\' to give me a taste o\' the cat if ye don\'t help me get \'em back though!','Whiskey Slim in Booty Bay wants you to bring him the bottles of Pupellyverbos Port he lost.','Shiver me timbers! Ye found the Cap\'n\'s grog!$b$bI owe ye big time, friend.$b$bSeems like a storm is a brewin\' outside. Maybe I\'ll just keep warm with one o\' these here bottles while we wait for it to pass....','Sink me! I\'m almost outta booze here! Cap\'n is goin\' to weigh anchor and Ol\' Slim will be caught dry as the Tanaris Desert. And once he discovers his port is missing. . . blimey!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     600insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (555,581,'Hunt for Yenniku','A doom, there is.  A doom on my chief\'s youngest son, Yenniku.  As is a custom with our people, he was given to the Gurubashi Trolls of Zul\'Gurub, but after my tribe, the Darkspear tribe, left with the orc Thrall, poor Yenniku was lost to us.  I was sent from distant Orgrimmar, back to Stranglethorn, to search for my chief\'s son.$B$BAnd I believe the Bloodscalp tribe has him.$B$BIf you would help me, then hunt the Bloodscalps.  You may find them to the north.  Gather their tusks and return to me.','Bring 9 Bloodscalp Tusks to Nimboya at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.','These are good tusks, $N. You prove that you have the strength to hunt the Bloodscalps.$b$bAnd that is good, because you are not done hunting them.','$C. Show me you have made prey of the Bloodscalp tribe.$b$bShow me your trophies.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     601insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (556,582,'Headhunting','We must find if Yenniku is dead.$B$BSlay the Bloodscalp Headhunters and take from them their Shrunken Heads.  You must gather many, many heads, and I will inspect them to make sure Yenniku\'s head is not among them.$B$BAnd if Yenniku was killed by the Bloodscalps, then may a 600-year curse fall on the spirit of their chief, Gan\'zulah!$B$BGo, $N.  You may find many Headhunters at the ruins of Zuuldaia and Zul\'Kunda, along the coast to the north.','Bring 20 Shrunken Heads to Nimboya at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.','Thank you, $N. I will inspect these heads to ensure poor Yenniku was spared the headhunter\'s axe.','$N. I fear for our chief\'s son. Do you have the shrunken heads so I may inspect them?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     602insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (557,583,'Welcome to the Jungle','Welcome to Stranglethorn!$b$bPerhaps you\'re not aware of this, but that dwarf over there is the son of the one and only Hemet Nesingwary, renowned war hero of the Alliance and master big game hunter.  Like his father, he\'s not one for welcoming strangers into his camp, but you look like you\'ve seen quite a bit of action in your day, $c.$b$bGo and speak with him.  He\'s a chip off the old block, so perhaps he can give you some hunting pointers.','Speak with Hemet Nesingwary Jr.','Jolly nice to make your acquaintance, $N. Haven\'t seen a $C around these parts for some time.$b$bI situated myself with this expedition for one purpose: to hunt a great and elusive beast. Seeing that you\'re a hero of sorts I am willing to let you take part in the hunt, but you must first prove yourself.$b$bI shall teach the ways of raptor killing to you. Ajeck will train you with tiger hunting. And Sir Erlgadin is a master of panther tracking.$b$bProve your skill and I\'ll let you in on the big hunt.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     603insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (558,584,'Bloodscalp Clan Heads','Yenniku was not among the heads, and I thank the Great Serpent for it.  But we are no closer to finding him.$B$BWe must know the truth, and I fear that only the Bloodscalp chief and his witchdoctor know it.  They are the enemies of the Darkspear tribe and will not speak freely, so we must force the truth from their dead lips!$B$BBring me the heads of Gan\'zulah and Nezzliok the Dire and place them within this cauldron.$B$BThey are deep within Zul\'Kunda.  Bring their heads...we will then make them talk.','Bring Gan\'zulah\'s Head and Nezzliok\'s Head to the bubbling cauldron at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.','You place the heads of Gan\'zulah and Nezzliok within the cauldron...','The greenish broth within the cauldron bubbles.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     604insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (559,585,'Speaking with Nezzliok','<The head of Nezzliok speaks.>$B$BIt is true.  I know where the child of the Darkspears was taken.  You have bested me and bound my spirit, but I will say nothing without appeasement!$B$BThe Bloodscalps war with the Skullsplitters.  To gain my favor, steal from the Skullsplitters 3 of their trophy skulls and place them here with us, so that my spirit will have slaves in the Nether.  One skull must be from their trophy pile in Balia\'mah, another from Ziata\'jai, and the last from Zul\'Mamwe.','Bring a Balia\'mah Trophy, a Ziata\'jai Trophy and a Zul\'Mamwe Trophy to the Bubbling Cauldron at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.','Yes. These will serve me well. When my spirit is freed, I will enter the Nether with three fine servants!$b$bYou are a credit to your $R clan, and you have appeased me.','I await the skulls...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     605insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (560,586,'Speaking with Gan\'zulah','<The head of Gan\'zulah speaks.>$B$BCurse you!  And curse your ancestors!!$B$BOnly blood and revenge can cool my rage, so if that is your wish, then... do this:$B$BThrow yourself into the heart of the Skullsplitters to the east.  Slay the fiercest among them, and if you survive...then break yourself against their chief, Ana\'thek the Cruel.  Hah!  Bring me his shattered armor if you can!$B$BMay he tear off your limbs and leave you to rot and be eaten by carrion.','Kill 8 Skullsplitter Hunters, 6 Skullsplitter Headhunters, and 4 Skullsplitter Berserkers.$B$BBring the Broken Armor of Ana\'thek to the Bubbling Cauldron at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.','I do not want to believe it, but I cannot deny what you have done. And my rage eases, now that Ana\'thek is defeated. $b$bYour might will drive you to great deeds, $N. But one day...I will see you in the Nether and we will again match strength.$b$bI will be waiting.','Although my own flesh boils off my skull, I can still smell your fear.$b$bHah! You will never complete my task...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     606insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (561,587,'Up to Snuff','Ah, the sea life.  I ain\'t gonna say it\'s the good life, but it\'s my life.$b$bWhen I get into port I like to find me a good bottle of grog and some high quality snuff.  Nasty habits but what\'s a pirate without his vices, right?$b$bSo you can imagine how heartbroken I was to find out the herbalist here in town has gone and sold out of the stuff.  Says his shipment got hijacked by those damned Bloodsail Raiders.$b$bI bet a fearless $c like you could convince \'em to share the goods, eh?','Deeg in Booty Bay wants you to bring him 15 shares of Snuff.','Good show, $N! And just before I need to ship out too! Can\'t thank you enough, old friend.','Any luck finding the goods, matey?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     607insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (562,588,'The Fate of Yenniku','<Nezzliok speaks.>$B$BYou have appeased myself and my chief, so I will tell you that which you seek to discover...$B$BYoung Yenniku is lost to his clan.$B$BHe was taken by the witchdoctor Zanzil the Outcast.  Now Zanzil controls him, body and soul, and only the most potent magic could set him free.$B$BA magic that you do not have, $c.$B$BPerhaps your Darkspear allies can offer a hope of Yenniku\'s salvation.  But that, I doubt.','Speak with Kin\'weelay.','Zanzil the Outcast??$b$bIf Yenniku is held by that troll, a vile and powerful witchdoctor, then I fear that only a faint hope remains. Faint. And tiny as the smallest insect.$b$bBut still, it is hope.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     608insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (563,589,'The Singing Crystals','Legends tell of a jewel, hidden deep in the heart of Stranglethorn.  We call it the Mind\'s Eye, and it has great powers.  If you gain this Eye then, perhaps, we can use it to bring lost Yenniku back from the darkness.$B$BI will consult with the spirits of the jungle to find the Mind\'s Eye.  While I do this, you enter the Crystalvein Mine, southeast of here, and gather Pulsing Blue Shards from Ironjaw Basilisks.  The shards are rare, but we will need their magic to bend the Mind\'s Eye to our will.','Bring 3 Pulsing Blue Shards to Kin\'weelay at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.','You have done well, $N. These shards are well formed. Already I hear them sing to me.$b$bAnd while you were gone, I spoke with the spirits of the jungle. I know where the Mind\'s Eye rests...$b$b...And who guards it.','Do you have the shards, $N? They are needed for my final ritual, after we have the Mind\'s Eye.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     609insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (564,590,'A Rogue\'s Deal','What?$B$BWhat?!$B$BYou want money? I don\'t owe you any money.$B$BLetter? What letter? Oh, you wanna fight then? All right, mate... let\'s do this! Owe you any money...','Defeat Calvin Montague in Deathknell.','Incredible! What skill!$b$bThought you\'d be easy prey, $N. Got me good, you did.$b$bHere\'s the coin I promised... not as much as I said it\'d be, but that\'s on a count o\' me lying to ya in the first place.','','Defeat Calvin Montague','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     610insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (565,591,'The Mind\'s Eye','The Mind\'s Eye is held by an ogre mage, east of here and deep within the Mosh\'Ogg ogre mound.  His name is Mai\'Zoth.  I know him from when the Darkspears dwelt in Stranglethorn - he is vicious, and his magic is strong.$B$BAnd if he has the Mind\'s Eye, then his magic will be stronger still.$B$BYou must face Mai\'Zoth and wrest from him the Mind\'s Eye.  It is a perilous task, but it is the only hope we have of saving Yenniku.','Bring the Mind\'s Eye to Kin\'weelay at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.','You retrieved the eye! Your might is the stuff of legends, $N!$b$bAnd in getting the Eye, you must have defeated Mai\'Zoth and sent him to the Nether. That is why the spirits would not mention him before.$b$bIt is good that he is gone from the world of flesh and bone, but now that he is in the realm of spirits...I fear he will begin a new reign.$b$bBut that is a worry for another time. Now, I must perform a ritual to bend the Mind\'s Eye to our needs...','Greetings, $N. The spirits sing praise of your bravery, yet they tell me no tales of your quest against Mai\'Zoth.$b$bDo you have the Eye?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     611insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (566,592,'Saving Yenniku','I have reshaped the Mind\'s Eye into a Soul Gem.  Its purpose is twofold: you must use it to stun Yenniku, and once stunned place it upon his head to entrap his soul.$B$BThen, bring the gem to Nimboya.$B$BYenniku dwells with Zanzil the Outcast, at the Ruins of Aboraz, along the Crystal Shore on the distant Cape of Stranglethorn.','Bring the Filled Soul Gem to Nimboya.','You\'ve done it! You freed Yenniku from the will of Zanzil, and completed the mission I had thought was so desperate.$b$bOur tribe will remember your name in songs, $N, and we will etch your tale in stone so that it will live forever.','$N. Kin\'weelay told me you set out to capture Yenniku.$b$bIs it true? Do you have him?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     612insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (567,593,'Filling the Soul Gem','Yenniku stands stunned before you, his mind in another place...','','You place the Soul Gem upon his forehead. He shudders as his soul is sucked in, leaving his body, a mindless husk, behind.','Yenniku stands stunned before you, his mind in another place...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     613insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (568,594,'Message in a Bottle','The note reads, in fairly good handwriting:$B$BTo any that can aid me-$B$BPlease, my need for help is dire. A great Skymane holds me captive on an island in the South Seas.$B$BThe stars at night are foreign to me and obscured by the jungle trees, but on the clearest days I see Wild Shore to the northwest, and what seem to be large sailing ships to the southwest.$B$BI beg of you, my would-be savior, please help me.','Find the author of the message in a bottle.','Have you come to free me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     614insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (569,595,'The Bloodsail Buccaneers','You sure seem eager to work, matey.  Not sure why some land-loving $r $c is offering help to the Blackwater Raiders, but I\'m not going to turn you away.$b$bOur ship just docked here in Booty Bay and word has it that our rivals--those damned, dirty Bloodsail Buccaneers--have been spotted all over southern Stranglethorn.$b$bAll the boys are too busy hitting the grog and looking for ladies!  What I need is a scout.$b$bCheck the cove just north of Booty Bay along the Savage Coast and see what you find.','First Mate Crazz wants you to check the cove north of Booty Bay.','Inside the skiff, you discover a map with some hastily written text on it along with some coins.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     615insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (570,596,'Bloody Bone Necklaces','I was sent to Grom\'gol  to aid Nimboya on his quest, but... I too have reasons for being here.$B$BThe Bloodscalp tribe is enemy to our tribe.  Collecting trophies of our enemies gives us power over them.  You may aid our tribe by hunting our enemies.$B$BThey dwell to the north.  Slay Bloodscalp trolls and take from them their bloody bone necklaces.  Collect many, and your reward will be great.','Bring 25 Bloody Bone Necklaces to Kin\'weelay at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.','Ah, very good. I will boil these, and leech them, and the spirits of their owners will weaken as I render their necklaces to paste!$b$bHere, $N. This will repay my debt to you.','The Bloodscalps will one day be crushed by the Darkspears! Do you have the necklaces of our doomed foe?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     616insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (571,597,'The Bloodsail Buccaneers','The map shows Booty Bay with a red \"X\" drawn precisely at the spot at which you are standing.$b$bThe scribbled text reads:$b$b\"You men are to secure a camp at this location and keep quiet.  Wait for the signal from the southern command post before attacking.  If anyone approaches you, kill them.\"','Report your findings to First Mate Crazz in Booty Bay.','Sure, I remember you, $C. Back from scouting I see....','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     617insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (572,598,'Split Bone Necklace','Now that you have gathered Bloodscalp trophies, I have another task for you.  The Skullsplitter tribe of trolls live to the southeast, and for years we have warred with them.  Although the Darkspears no longer dwell in Stranglethorn, we are bound to our conflict with the Skullsplitters.$B$BSo, hunt them.  Gather their Split Bone Necklaces and return to me.  Aid us in our war, and you will earn the friendship of the Darkspears.','Bring 25 Split Bone Necklaces to Kin\'weelay at the Grom\'gol Base camp.','Your strength is great to have gained these necklaces, $N. The Skullsplitters fall to you like young saplings stomped to earth by a Basilisk!$b$bYour deeds are a boon to us.','The Skullsplitters will curse the day they brought us to war! Is your task complete?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     618insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (573,599,'The Bloodsail Buccaneers','Shiver me timbers!  So the Bloodsail Buccaneers are planning some sort of attack on Booty Bay?  Why, the nerve of those scoundrels.  Booty Bay will always be run by the Blackwater Raiders!$b$bThis is bigger than I thought.  Report what you have learned to Fleet Master Seahorn at once!  The ol\' sea dog is around town somewhere....','Report the planned Bloodsail attack to Fleet Master Seahorn.','Bloodsail Buccaneers attacking Booty Bay? They might as well throw themselves off the Overlook Cliffs. Nonetheless, by bringing me this information you have done my fleet of swashbucklers a great service. The Blackwater Raiders thank you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     619insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (574,600,'Venture Company Mining','The Venture Company has a string of operations through Stranglethorn which keeps hard-working goblins, like me, from making honest gold!  Please, you must help me!$B$BThe Venture Company is mining near the Crystalvein Mine to the north.  They can\'t get into the mine because of all the basilisks, but they\'re still able to dig up Singing Crystals from the surrounding hills.$B$BTake their crystals from them, and show them they don\'t have the run of the jungle.$B$BAnd... um... bring me those crystals as proof!','Bring 10 Singing Blue Crystals to Crank Fizzlebub in Booty Bay.','Great! Wonderful! I can get a bundle for these!!$b$bThat Venture Company sure picked the wrong jungle to mine in, didn\'t they? We\'d all be in better shape if they moved out of here.$b$bThank you, $N. You\'ve done a good deed this day.','Do you have those crystals?? I need them!!$b$bI mean...I need to know the evil Venture Company is losing ground in Stranglethorn. Because, you know, we honest folk have to make a living!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     620insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (575,601,'Water Elementals','The water elementals were no doubt summoned by Gazban, the goblin wizard rumored to have discovered the Stone of the Tides. As you may know, the Stone of the Tides curses its bearer, causing him to fade in and out of existence...$b$bPerhaps we can find a way to counteract the curse. We can have a mage of Dalaran analyze the magical residue of one of the water elemental\'s bracers. I need you to go back to the island and retrieve a few specimens.','Acquire 6 Water Elemental Bracers for Baron Revilgaz in Booty Bay.','Hm, I haven\'t the eye to examine these bracers to see if any of them will be of any use, but I\'m sure at least one of them will be able to help. Take them to Dalaran and have a mage look at them.$B$BAfter all, I can\'t very well leave Booty Bay just to chat with those tiresome old mages.$B$BNot that I\'m worried anyone would try to elbow their way into being the new baron. No one crosses Revilgaz and lives to tell of it.','Have you had any luck,','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     621insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (576,602,'Magical Analysis','From what I\'ve heard, the mages of Dalaran are busy with the reconstruction of their destroyed city, I\'m sure you can find one of them who will spare some time to look at the bracers. If there\'s anything I know about mages, they can\'t resist a magical puzzle.$b$bTake the bag of water elemental bracers and see if they can shed any light on the Stone\'s curse.  Look for the Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver in particular.  I\'ve dealt with him before, and his knowledge is vast.','Bring the water elemental bracers to Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver in Dalaran.','The Stone of the Tides? Most interesting. It might surprise you to know that I wrote a tome - several years ago - pertaining to the legends of the Gurubashi Empire. I do know quite a bit about the Stone.$B$BAt least one of these bracers appears to have some magical residue I can analyze.$B$BLet\'s see what I can see...','If you wouldn\'t mind, I am rather busy right now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     622insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (577,603,'Ansirem\'s Key','The mage that is in possession of the Stone is amplifying its power through some focal point... an altar of some sort. You should be able to disrupt it by overpowering it.$b$bAs it happens, I know just the thing: an ancient dagger, another troll relic. There\'s just one... little problem.$b$bYou see, I found the dagger while researching in Stranglethorn, but I gave it to my willful daughter, Catelyn, who ran off to Booty Bay to become a pirate.','Talk to Catelyn in Booty Bay.','My dagger? What are you, some sort of comedian?$B$BWhat? Do you just want me to repeat the story of how I\'ve gone from the best knife fighter in Booty Bay to the laughing stock of piratedom!$B$BI lost a knife fight to one of the Bloodsail Buccaneers--bunch of right bastards they are!--and he took my blade as spoils.$B$BIt\'s not as though I can get by as a knife fighter with insults and a sharp tongue alone...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     623insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (578,604,'The Bloodsail Buccaneers','Crazz speaks highly of your dedication to the Blackwater Raiders.  I am going to trust you with a mission of extreme importance to the fleet.$b$bInfiltrate the so-called southern command post the Bloodsail Buccaneers have established on the Wild Shore.  Raid the encampment.  Bring me their charts along with their written orders.  We shall see exactly what those scum are up to.','Fleet Master Seahorn in Booty Bay wants you to kill 10 Bloodsail Swashbucklers and bring back the Bloodsail Charts and the Bloodsail Orders.','Perfect, $N. Now that we know their plan, it\'s just a matter of time.$B$BAnd to think the fools have dropped anchor just off the cape....','Ahoy, $N. What word do you bring of the Bloodsail encampment to the south?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     624insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (579,605,'Singing Blue Shards','The Singing Crystals are unique to Stranglethorn, and are very valuable to certain parties.  I can move those crystals, but the cursed Venture Company makes it hard for an honest entrepreneur like myself to gather any!$B$BI\'d like to hire you.$B$BThe basilisks in Stranglethorn eat the crystal.  This gives them their hardened skin, and sometimes decent quality crystal can be harvested from it.$B$BYou can get it from any basilisk, but the less nasty ones are along the shores south of Zul\'Kunda, to the north.','Bring 10 Singing Crystal Shards to Crank Fizzlebub.','Aha!  These will do nicely, $N.  Yes, quite nicely!$B$BHere is your cut, and...it was a pleasure doing business with you.','Do you have those shards yet?  I\'ll give you a decent cut from the profits!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     625insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (580,606,'Scaring Shaky','If there\'s one thing I can\'t stand, it\'s people who don\'t pay their gambling debts!  And there are a lot of people who owe me. Think you can help me collect?$B$BFirst, there\'s \"Shaky\" Phillipe down by the docks.  He owes me plenty after last week\'s game and I want my due!  But to get it, we\'ll have to scare him.$B$BGo out of town and hunt Elder Mistvale Gorillas.  Find a nice selection of giblets, then take them to Shaky.  Don\'t let on that they\'re from an animal; let him think the worst.','Bring 5 Mistvale Giblets to \"Shaky\" Phillipe in Booty Bay.','Ack! Where\'d you get these? No, don\'t tell me. I don\'t want to know!$b$bWho sent you? Sea Wolf?','Hey! I don\'t like the look you\'re giving me, mister.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     626insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (581,607,'Return to MacKinley','Here, take this pouch and give it to Sea Wolf.  And tell him I meant to pay him back!  I swear!!$B$BI just got a little drunk and lost my way, and...you know how things are.  He\'ll understand - you don\'t have to get rough!','Bring Shaky\'s Payment to \"Sea Wolf\" MacKinley.','Heh heh, well done! And when you showed Shaky those giblets, how hard did he shake?$b$bHah! He\'s so easy to read, when I play cards with him I can\'t help but win!$b$bThanks for your help, $N. Now it\'s your turn to get paid...','Here here, $N. Did you get Shaky\'s payment?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     627insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (582,608,'The Bloodsail Buccaneers','Blast the nerve of Firallon!  He couldn\'t sail a skiff through Crystal Lake let alone lead an entire fleet against us.$b$bThe Bloodsail Buccaneers will pay for their carelessness.  Now that we know their plan of attack, we can counter before they know what hit them.$b$bBut why send the entire fleet to do the work of one brave adventuring party?  $n, take some of your most skilled comrades out to Firallon\'s landing spot and assassinate the Bloodsail leadership.  Their fleet will sink soon after....','Fleet-Master Seahorn in Booty Bay wants you to kill Captain Stillwater, Captain Keelhaul and Fleet Master Firallon.','Ah, what a great day for the Blackwater Raiders! Three cheers to you, $N!','What\'s the problem, $N? We need to attack before the Bloodsail Buccaneers do!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     628insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (583,609,'Voodoo Dues','My list is shortening, but there are still people who owe me.$B$BNext, we have Maury \"Club Foot\" Wilkins, Jon-Jon the Crow, and Chucky \"Ten Thumbs.\"$B$BThese scurvy dogs\' debts are months outstanding and I thought they skipped town to avoid paying up!  Later, I heard they\'re cursed and bewitched and now wander the jungle ruins.  But I don\'t care what their fate is - I want what\'s mine!$B$BThey\'re at the Ruins of Aboraz and the Ruins of Jubuwal, northeast of here.  Find them, and collect.','Bring Maury\'s Clubbed Foot, Jon-Jon\'s Golden Spyglass, and Chucky\'s Huge Ring to \"Sea Wolf\" MacKinley in Booty Bay.','Great! I can get a good price for these, especially for what\'s inside Maury\'s foot! Thanks much, $N!$b$bI hope those three learned their lesson: don\'t bet something you can\'t afford to lose.$b$bAnd maybe it\'s too late for them, but...they should be careful of who they gamble with.','$N, did you find those three dogs? Did you collect their valuables?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     629insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (584,610,'\"Pretty Boy\" Duncan','My FATHER sent you? I\'d have thought that old codger would have given up on me by now.$b$bIt wasn\'t really his fault I ran off, he just shouldn\'t have expected I\'d be willing to live a boring life, reading over musty books and associating with grey-haired, stiff-backed, stuffy mages!$b$bIf you need my dagger, you\'ll have to get it back from \"Pretty Boy\" Duncan, one of the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Put something \'tween his shoulders and I\'m sure he\'ll give it up.','Get Catelyn\'s dagger from \"Pretty Boy\" Duncan.','You beat Duncan? I guess you aren\'t as wet behind the ears as you looked at first glance.$b$bI suppose that also means I shouldn\'t challenge you to a fight any time soon!','I\'d never been beat before, you know, Pluto? Sure I\'d been cut, can\'t get in a knife fight without that, but he just smacked me on the side of the head, blacked me out. When I came to my blade was gone.$b$bAs much as my nickname might indicate, I still need a knife to fight, and for me, it has to be that one.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     630insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (585,611,'The Curse of the Tides','So you\'re looking for an altar of some sort? Well, I\'m no expert on troll ruins like my father, but I have heard about a sunken troll city out near that island you\'re looking for. Maybe you should try there.$b$bYou got my knife back for me, so I guess you can borrow it... but I want it back when you\'re done!','Destroy the Altar of the Tides with Catelyn\'s Blade, kill Gazban and bring the Stone of the Tides and Catelyn\'s Blade back to Baron Revilgaz.','Amazing! The Stone of Tides! It shall have a place of prominence in my collection of ancient troll artifacts. Did you see how it almost seems as though a tide is trapped within its surface? Magnificent!','Have you retrieved the Stone of the Tides for me, $N? I\'ve already cleared out a space and purchased a fine stand for it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     631insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (586,613,'Cracking Maury\'s Foot','Curses!  That swab Maury put a lock on his foot, and I can\'t open it!  His loot\'s inside the foot, and that\'s what he owes me!$B$BWe need to find the key to open the lock.  Maury was known to gamble with the Mosh\'Ogg ogres, at their mound to the northeast.  And he told me, when he was still alive, that the last time he went to the mound he was chased off after winning too much.  Maybe the Ogres there have his key.$B$BBut if they do, you might have to kill a load of them to find the right one...','Bring Maury\'s Key to \"Sea Wolf\" Mackinley in Booty Bay.','You found it! Thanks a million, $N. You\'ve been a big help to me!$b$bHere you go - you earned this!','Ahoy, $N! Have you yet found Maury\'s Key?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     632insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (587,614,'The Captain\'s Chest','I used to sail a ship from here all the way to Ratchet, in Kalimdor.  I was a successful captain with a sterling reputation.$B$BUntil...$B$BThose cursed sea giants ruined me!  They smashed my ship, killed my crew, and set me on a lifeboat to Booty Bay.  And one of the giants, Gorlash, stole my Captain\'s Chest.  He said he wanted it for a snuffbox.  The nerve!$B$BI hear Gorlash wanders the coast east of here.  Find him and get back my chest!  Do that, and you\'ll have earned a captain\'s gratitude.','Bring Smotts\' Chest to Hecklebury Smotts in Booty Bay.','You found it! Oh happy day, this is! Thank you, $N. Getting back my chest cools some of the fire in me.$b$bBut my revenge isn\'t complete...','Ahoy, $N! Did you find Gorlash? That chest was my favorite, and it has a hidden compartment that held my greatest treasures!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     633insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (588,615,'The Captain\'s Cutlass','After I lost my first ship to those giants, I bought another.  Named Smotts\' Revenge, I filled it with supplies and crew, and set out to find the villains.  I found them, but...they beat me.  They smashed Smotts\' Revenge, killed my second crew and set me on another lifeboat.$B$BThis time another of the giants, Negolash, stole my cutlass.$B$BFace Negolash and bring me my cutlass!$B$BSpeak with Sprogger.  He was my cook on the Smotts\' Revenge, and survived the last attack.  He can help you find the giant.','Speak with Sprogger.','Hello hello, $N. Captain told me you\'re going after Negolash, eh?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     634insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (589,616,'The Haunted Isle','Baron Revilgaz has had me keep an ear out for rumors of the strange and out-of-place in Booty Bay and Stranglethorn. I don\'t usually put much stock in ghost stories, but I heard some sailors in the tavern talking about a haunted island off the coast. Water elementals and a raving goblin ghost, they say.$b$bIf you\'re going to go talk to Revilgaz, could you relay that story to him?','Speak with Baron Revilgaz in Booty Bay.','Interesting. Some time ago, I seem to remember reading a book once that suggested...$b$bAh, of course, a troll legend it was. If what Krazek reports is true, perhaps I will soon be able to add the Stone of the Tides to my collection of ancient artifacts and relics.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     635insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (590,617,'Akiris by the Bundle','You looking fer work, $N? I might have some if you\'re up for a little challenge.$B$BI got a friend named Groy who makes a killing selling what the naga call akiris reed: it\'s some kind of valuable ocean reed. Not too sure what it\'s for, but he pays well for bundles of the stuff.$B$BYa bring me ten stalks of the stuff, and we\'ll have business to do. The naga were last seen along the beach to the north of here.','Bring 10 Bundles of Akiris Reed to Privateer Bloads in Booty Bay.','Well done, $N. 10 stalks of akiris reed wasn\'t too much a challenge after all, huh? No offense to the naga, but hey, everybody\'s gotta make a living.','If ya got no business with me, then move along, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     636insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (591,618,'Facing Negolash','Negolash is a hungry giant.$B$BWhen the giants destroyed our ship, Negolash went straight for my kitchen.  He wasn\'t hungry for crew like the other giants.  Negolash wanted wine...and my Barbecued Buzzard Wings.  They\'re my specialty, and I had to go all the way to the Badlands for the recipe!$B$BIf you want to lure the giant, then get some wine and a heap of buzzard wings.  Put them in our old lifeboat, southeast of here along the coast.  When Negolash smells all that food, he\'ll come for sure!','Bring 10 Barbecued Buzzard Wings and 5 bottles of Junglevine Wine to Captain Smotts\' Lifeboat.$B$BKill Negolash, and bring Smotts\' Cutlass to Captain Smotts in Stranglethorn.','You got my cutlass from Negolash! I can\'t believe my fortune, $N! Meeting you has turned my luck to the better, make no mistake there!$B$BThank you! And if I ever get a new ship and you\'re looking to sail the seas, you would be my honored guest.','Did you get my cutlass, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     637insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (592,619,'Enticing Negolash','','','You pile food and drink upon the raft...','This is an abandoned lifeboat.  Printed along its side in scratched, faded paint are the words:$B$B\"Smotts\' Revenge\"','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     638insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (593,620,'UNUSED The Monogrammed Sash','This fine sash has the letters HS embroidered along its hem.$B$BYou recovered my sash? Then...you must have killed Mok\'rash the sea giant! Hooray!','Return the Monogrammed Sash to its owner.','Hello. Do you have business with me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     639insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (594,621,'Zanzil\'s Secret','Zanzil the Outcast dwells with his followers in the Jubuwal and Aboraz Ruins, northeast of Booty Bay.  He is exiled from his tribe.  Why? Well...$B$BZanzil has methods of bending the minds of others, and his leaders fear him.  He uses a mixture of jungle plants on his followers to suppress their will and strengthen their bodies.$B$BHis mixture would be worth much to those who wish to control others.$B$BBring me samples of his mixture, and I will find a use for them.','Bring 12 samples of Zanzil\'s Mixture to Crank Fizzlebub in Booty Bay.','Ah, very good! Here is your pay.$B$BAnd here is a little something extra... for your discretion.','Do you have the samples of Zanzil\'s Mixture??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     640insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (595,622,'Return to Corporal Kaleb','While you were gone I fixed the pot you brought me.  I even added an extra steam whistle, and look!  There\'s a new chopper at the bottom that\'ll cut through leg bones!$B$BYes yes, Krazek\'s Crock Pot is a 100% cook pleaser!  I\'m sure its owner will be satisfied.','Bring Krazek\'s Fixed Pot to Corporal Kaleb at the Rebel Camp.','It\'s fixed! This is great, now I can get dinner started! Thanks so much, $N.$B$BI hope you were okay in Booty Bay. That place can get pretty rough, and... I heard rumors that the goblins will sometimes drag drunk sailors to their slave boats and take them to who-knows-where... to do who-knows-what...','Hello, $N. Did you make it to Booty Bay? Did the goblin Krazek fix my pot??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     641insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (596,623,'Akiris by the Bundle','$N, since I have you here, I got a message from Groy while you were gone. He mentioned bein\' satisfied with the last shipment that arrived and has a client that wants some more of the stuff right away.$B$BI won\'t be headin\' to Theramore for a week, but if you\'re willin\' to make the journey, there\'s no reason you can\'t take the stuff for me.$B$BFeeling adventurous? You do know where Dustwallow Marsh is, doncha? I\'d be careful though, Theramore can be dangerous if you\'re the wrong kind of crowd.','Bring a Bundle of Akiris Reeds to Privateer Groy in Theramore.','What?! I got a lot better things to do then talk to the likes of you, $C. Make it worth my while or get outta my face.$B$BHuh? Bloads sent ya, huh? Well, whaddaya got for me?$B$B<Privateer Groy looks over the bundle carefully.>$B$BNot bad, not bad at all. Another bundle will make my client quite happy.$B$BI suppose yer next question\'s gonna be about money, huh, $C? Of course it is!$B$BHere, take this coin and some advice: get off my docks.','Yeah?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     642insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (597,624,'Cortello\'s Riddle','There is an ornate, well-traveled bridge$bEast of Deadwind and south of Redridge$bUnderneath there waits something for you$bSome call it a hint, others a clue$bThere it will lie for endless tomorrows$bBiding its time in the Swamp of Sorrows','Solve the riddle!','The soggy parchment contains the next clue....','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     643insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (598,625,'Cortello\'s Riddle','A far off land in Kalimdor awaits$bWhere peril has dashed hopes and fates$bEast of Barrens the weather is harsh$bGloom and danger pock Dustwallow Marsh$bBut there lies a clue for those up to the test$bWaiting to be found in a cave in the southwest','Solve the riddle!','You find a musty scroll.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     644insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (599,626,'Cortello\'s Riddle','To Lordaeron! The great land of turmoil$bWhere brave soldiers with death do toil$bFind your way through the great unrest$bThere you will find the end to this quest$bAlong the coast of the Hinterlands, at the base of the great falls$bUnderneath the water there does your treasure call!','Solve the riddle!','You open the chest to discover....','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     645insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (600,627,'Favor for Krazek','There is a mountain cave in Drywhisker Gorge, far to the north in the Arathi Highlands.  In that cave is rare ore: bloodstone.  The bloodstone in this cave is not of the highest grade, but even low-quality bloodstone is valuable... to those with the knowledge to use it.$B$BI would like some.$B$BI will fix your crock pot, but while I work on it... bring me samples of bloodstone.  Bring me enough, and I\'ll even give you a bonus.$B$BOh, and if you don\'t have the skill to mine it... find someone who does!','Bring 4 loads of Lesser Bloodstone Ore to Krazek in Booty Bay.','Ah, splendid! That was a big favor you did for me.$B$BHere is your payment...','Hello, $N. Did you have luck getting the bloodstone?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     646insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (601,628,'Excelsior','With the inside finished, all that\'s left is to add the outer layer. For this, I use only the best elder croc skins. They are more durable and a better canvas--if you will--for adding the designs and accents that make Drizzlik\'s Excelsior line.$b$bIt\'s hard to find that perfect skin though, the only one that fits my plan is the skin of an elder saltwater crocolisk. The elders only come out to defend the other saltwater crocs, so you might need to kill a few to draw one out.','Bring an Elder Crocolisk Skin to Drizzlik in Booty Bay.','Great! Thanks to your help I\'ll have this order filled and sent off to Director Riddlevox on the next boat to Undermine. Ahead of schedule, even!$b$bFor all your hard work, here, I made some extras, so take a pair. It\'s on Drizzlik.$b$bAnd remember, there\'s no boot so fine as one of Drizzlik\'s Excelsior line!','I read somewhere that the saltwater crocilisks are slowly dying out... bad news for my business, isn\'t it?$b$bAnyways, I hope you have that elder saltwater crocolisk skin for me!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     647insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (602,629,'The Vile Reef','Long ago, a great shudder of the earth sunk an old troll city beneath the waters of the Savage Coast to the northwest.  We call that place the Vile Reef, for murlocs now reside in the ruins of the city, attacking any who draw close.$B$BThere is an old tablet among those ruins that tells the ancient tale of Gri\'lek, a hero of troll legends.  The tale is sacred to the Darkspear tribe, and although the tablet is too large to move, I want a shard of it to enshrine in our new home in Orgrimmar.','Bring a Tablet Shard to Kin\'weelay at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.','This is good. When I return to Orgrimmar I will place this shard in a sacred place. It will remind us of the might and honor of Gri\'lek.$b$bThank you, $N. Your deeds mark a growing friendship with the Darkspear tribe.','I await the Tablet Shard, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     648insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (603,630,'Message in a Bottle','$N, I put my faith in you and anyone you can muster to help free me. The great Skymane King Mukla is my captor. He commands the beasts of this island, and they keep me here against my will with the aid of this chain. If you can slay him and find the key to this shackle, I shall be indebted to you greatly.$B$BI often hear him to the southeast side of the island, but please be careful: he is not to be trifled with.','Slay King Mukla and return to Princess Poobah with the Key to free her.','$N, you have saved me from a great dishonor. If it was within my power, I would offer you a place among my tribe. But for now, all I can only offer you is this token for the courage and nobility you have shown.','I thank my ancestors someone has come to aid me. Do you have the key that will free me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     649insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (604,631,'The Thandol Span','A tremendous explosion roared through the hills.  \'Twas horrible, I tell you!$b$bGood soldiers died defending the Thandol Span.  Longbraid says we\'ll take revenge on the Dark Irons before all is said and done.$b$bWe\'re in a world of hurt though and I don\'t see any reinforcements in sight.  Longbraid sent Ol\' Rustlocke to scout the eastern bridge to see if we could secure it.$b$bThat was days ago.  We haven\'t the manpower to search for him with Dun Modr under siege.$b$bPerhaps you can find him...','Rhag Garmason wants you to locate Ol\' Rustlocke.','You search the tiny, dwarven corpse. Engraved into the helmet you can clearly read: Ebenezer Rustlocke.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     650insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (605,632,'The Thandol Span','It seems as though poor Ol\' Rustlocke ran into a Dark Iron ambush.  You notice a parchment next to his clenched fist.$b$bReport the grim news to Rhag Garmason and show him what you found.','Report back to Rhag Garmason and show him the parchment you found on Rustlocke\'s corpse.','Oh my, the news is grave....','Any sign of Ol\' Rustlocke, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     651insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (606,633,'The Thandol Span','Heavens no!  Poor Rustlocke.  \'Tis quite a tragedy indeed.$b$bWe must not let his death pass in vain.  This parchment you discovered indicates that Kam Deepfury, the mastermind behind the original attack, arranged for a cache of explosives to be stashed just across the Thandol Span, in Arathi Highlands.$b$bIf those explosives make it to the bridge, our major supply line to the north will be severed!  The cache must be destroyed, $n!  Return to me when your mission is complete.$b$bYou\'re our only hope.','Destroy the cache of explosives.','The remaining bridge is saved! You have done a great service to King Magni and the people of Khaz Modan.$B$BNow if we can only hold out long enough for reinforcements to show...','','','Cache of Explosives Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     652insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (607,634,'Plea To The Alliance','I ask of you one more small favor, $c.  We await the reserves of Ironforge.  However, Roggo has knowledge of an Alliance camp to the north in Arathi Highlands at Refuge Pointe.$b$bTravel there and seek out Captain Nials.  Ask the good Captain if the Alliance can spare some soldiers to help us reclaim Dun Modr and the Thandol Span.','Seek out Captain Nials at Refuge Pointe.','My condolences go out to Longbraid and his brave soldiers. The news of the Thandol Span tragedy and the fall of Dun Modr hangs heavy in my heart.$b$bBut Stromgarde has fallen! Hence our presence here at Refuge Pointe. We are faced with retaking our own great city.$b$bHonor and duty require that we do not leave the Highlands until Stromgarde raises the mighty banner of the King once again. I will send word to Longbraid that he is on his own...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     653insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (608,635,'Crystal in the Mountains','This shard pulses as you hold it...$B$BYou feel a sense of pleading coming from the shard, as if someone is trying to communicate, someone who desperately needs your help.$B$BA vision appears in your mind - of the northern mountains of Arathi, and of a brilliant crystal jutting from the earth there.$B$BYou feel drawn to that place.','Find the crystal from your vision.','This crystal pulses, as if a living force is trapped within it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     654insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (609,636,'Legends of the Earth <NYI>','This book tells the tale of an elemental princess, Myzrael, and of her imprisonment deep underneath the Arathi Highlands.$B$BIt also tells of a secret outcropping of crystals in the highlands.  These crystals, the Shards of Myzrael, are a window to the princess\' prison.$B$BIf a brave soul found the Shards of Myzrael, the perhaps $ghe:she; could speak with her...','Find the Shards of Myzrael.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     655insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (610,637,'Sully Balloo\'s Letter','The waterlogged and war-torn envelope dissolves in your hands, leaving you with a few pages of a letter in your grasp, written with painstaking care.$b$bThe letter is addressed to a Mrs. Sara Balloo of Ironforge and begins, \"My dear Sara....\"','Deliver Sully Balloo\'s Letter to Sara Balloo.','You say you saw my Sully pinned beneath the icy waters? Say it isn\'t so!$B$BLet me read what he wrote....','You look as though you have traveled a great distance and seen much turmoil in your time, $C. These times we live in are trying on the soul. What news do you bring to me now?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     656insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (611,638,'Trollbane','With Thoras Trollbane dead and Stromgarde in ruins, Vol\'jin has instructed that we make every effort to spirit the legendary sword Trol\'kalar from the humans\' hands, so that we might use it in our coming battles against the trolls of Zul\'Gurub.$b$bZengu, one of our seasoned hunters, was dispatched to Hammerfall in northeastern Arathi Highlands to oversee its procurement.','Travel to Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands and speak with Zengu.','How you doing, $C? The task set before us by Vol\'jin will be a difficult one, and any assistance you might provide will be appreciated and necessary.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     657insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (612,639,'Sigil of Strom','In ancient times, trolls fought against the Arathorian Empire and our most capable adversary, Lord Ignaeus of Strom, named Trollbane. He rode into battle wielding Trol\'kalar--troll slayer, in their ancient tongue.$b$bBut now the sons of Trollbane are weakened, their stronghold brought to ruin.$b$bThe sword is protected by several sigils that were divided among the survivors of Stromgarde, and we must retrieve them.$b$bThe first was taken by the Syndicate, one of their men in Stromgarde should have it.','Get the Sigil of Strom for Zengu in Hammerfall.','Excellent, mon. That\'s a good start to collecting the sigils we\'ll need to remove Trol\'kalar from Trollbane\'s tomb.','Have you located the first sigil yet? It is most likely carried on the person of one of the Syndicate agents in Stromgarde.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     658insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (613,640,'The Broken Sigil','Thoras Trollbane\'s tomb is protected by three sigils--the first of which you retrieved from the Syndicate. The other two will be harder to get, as they\'re held by the firmly entrenched Stromgarde militia.$b$bThe sigil of Thoradin was divided into eleven pieces by Thoras\' son, Galen, and dispersed among the Stromgarde defenders. Retrieve the pieces and bring them to Tor\'gan, the troll shaman, he will be able to bind them into the complete sigil.','Retrieve the 5 Sigil Fragments from the defenders in Stromgarde, and bring them to Tor\'gan in Hammerfall.','Ah, you need me to reconstruct this sigil? It shouldn\'t be too difficult... all the pieces seem to be here and the magical structure will be easy to reform.$b$bYou might want to close your eyes.','Throm\'ka, $C. Zengu informed me that you required my assistance?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     659insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (614,641,'Sigil of Thoradin','The reconstruction worked flawlessly. The sigil can now be used to unlock the seal on Trollbane\'s tomb. Return it to Zengu, no doubt he has additional tasks for you to complete.','Bring the restored Sigil of Thoradin to Zengu in Hammerfall.','We\'re halfway to being able to remove Trol\'kalar from Trollbane\'s tomb. We are not exactly sure where the third sigil is, as its holders seem to move around Arathi quite a bit, but I have faith that you\'ll be able to find it.','$N! Do you have the second sigil?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     660insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (615,642,'The Princess Trapped','My name is Myzrael.  I am a princess of the earth, and my captors, the giants, have trapped me deep beneath the Arathi Highlands.  These crystal shards are the only way I can speak with the surface world.$B$BPlease help me.  Allies of the giants, the Drywhisker Kobolds, have a shard like this one in their Drywhisker Gorge, to the east.  To power the cluster, you must gather Motes of Myzrael from the kobolds and apply them to it.$B$BI beg you, $N, aid me!','Gather 12 Motes of Myzrael, then bring them to the Iridescent Shards in Drywhisker Gorge.','Ah! You activated these shards. Already I feel more myself!$b$bBut alas, I am still far from free...','This cluster of shards looks much like the Shards of Myzrael. But the same feeling of security does not pulse through them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     661insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (616,643,'Sigil of Arathor','Though they can barely be said to control Stromgarde, let alone the whole of Arathi Highlands, the human prince trots the remnants of his cavalry over the countryside. I can\'t understand why he does it, but who understands the way the humans think, hm?$b$bWhatever his reasoning, more importantly, he has given one of the sigils to Lieutenant Valorcall, their cavalry leader. Locate him and bring his sigil back to me.','Retrieve the Sigil of Arathor and return it to Zengu in Hammerfall.','Losing their cavalry leader will prove a large blow to the Stromgarde defenders. Better yet, it means that we are only one sigil from being able to have Trol\'kalar for ourselves.','Valorcall will not be easy to track down, $N. Mounted on horseback, he can cover ground quickly. Nonetheless, we must have his sigil.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     662insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (617,644,'Sigil of Trollbane','The final of the sigils needed to unlock the tomb of Thoras Trollbane is held by his son personally. He resides deep within Stromgarde, in a chapel in the militia-held districts. Prince Galen is well protected and no slouch of a warrior himself, so this task could prove most difficult.','Kill Prince Galen Trollbane and bring the Sigil of Trollbane to Zengu in Hammerfall.','Quite a day this is, $C. The blood of Trollbane will no longer haunt my people, and the sigils needed to take Trol\'kalar are in our possession. Soon, very soon, we will strike against the hated trolls of Zul\'Gurub.','You\'ve returned, $N. Is the line of Ignaeus Trollbane broken?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     663insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (618,645,'Trol\'kalar','What\'s this? With the four sigils brought together, they have formed together to create one sigil. There can be no doubt that this will be able to break the wardings placed upon Trollbane\'s tomb.$b$bTrollbane\'s remains are entombed in the Sanctum behind the chapel in Stromgarde. Retrieve Trol\'kalar.','Retrieve Trol\'kalar from Trollbane\'s tomb in Stromgarde.','Matching the lines on the face of Trollbane\'s tomb with the glowing lines of the Sigil of Ignaeus, a flash of light consumes the Sigil, and the legendary sword Trol\'kalar is released from the stone hands\' grip.','Etchings in the stone upon the face of the tomb of Trollbane match the glowing lines of the Sigil of Ignaeus...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     664insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (619,646,'Trol\'kalar','The light slowly fades, the sword Trol\'kalar, held within a stone sheath has been released.','Deliver Trol\'kalar to Zengu in Hammerfall.','For generations, the forces of Strom and Arathor ravaged the trolls. Now their greatest weapon is in our hands. Our inching progress in the steamy forests of Zul\'Gurub will be no more.$b$bYour assistance has been great, $N, and the Darkspear trolls are indebted to you.$b$bI will be sure that the sword is delivered to Nimboya at Grom\'gol.','$N! Have you taken the sword?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     665insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (620,647,'MacKreel\'s Moonshine','Had quite a bit of the ol\' Moonshine last night!  Longbraid would have my head if he knew that I passed out during my watch.$b$bThe noggin hurts something fierce.  Felt as though a whole brigade of siege engines passed overhead, all that rumbling.$b$bOh my, look at the time! I promised Brewmeister Bilger in Southshore that I\'d repay my debt to him by sending some Moonshine.$b$bBut there are just 15 minutes left before I\'m overdue!  Take him this batch, would you please?  And hurry!','Take MacKreel\'s Moonshine to Brewmeister Bilger in Southshore.','Ah, nothing like Foggy MacKreel\'s Moonshine to warm you up on a brisk day! And here I was thinking the little bugger was going to be overdue on his bills again. Thank you, friend! Many thanks indeed!','What\'s the good word, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     666insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (621,648,'Rescue OOX-17/TN!','The gnome\'s voice crackles once again from the robot:$B$B\"I need to move OOX-17/TN to an open, safe place so it can begin a lengthy take-off procedure.  It has built-in cloaking, but I need time on my end to make it operational again.  I need you to escort the robot from its current location to, let\'s say, Steamwheedle Port!  That should be a perfect place, and long enough, to get things on line!\"$B$B\"Escort it safely to the port, and then come talk to me in Booty Bay!  Oglethorpe Obnoticus - out!\"','Escort OOX-17/TN to Steamwheedle Port, then report to Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay.','Oh, YOU\'RE the great savior of OOX-17/TN! I cannot even begin to express my thanks for your assistance! My homing robot series needs more developing, but your recovery has saved me countless hours of rebuilding time, as well as many gold pieces in rebinding costs!$b$bPlease, take your choice of any of these items I have. Hopefully, you will make good use of one of them. Thank you again for your generous assistance, my robots and I are in your debt!','','Escort OOX-17/TN to Steamwheedle Port','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     667insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (622,649,'Ripple Recovery','I\'ve got some salvage work for you, and if you\'re an aficionado of fine ripple like I am, then you\'ll love this task.  Ripple!$B$BIt\'s a drink, you dummy.$B$BAn abandoned Horde outpost has a stash of Hinterlands Honey Ripple from when they were in business.  You can\'t get fine ripple like that anymore!  One of Malton\'s dummy associates knows the shot, so you\'ll go out there and bring me a case of packaged ripple, and two for my own collection!  Talk to Malton, he\'ll fill you in on the details.','Talk to Malton Droffers in Orgrimmar.','Oh yeah, about the ripple dad wants! He wants to sell the ripple to a tavern here in Orgrimmar, but we\'ll get more money if it is in its original packaging. I know someone who can do that, and he\'s in the Hinterlands where the ripple is. But he\'s, um, a high elf.$b$bWell, he\'s a good high elf, as he\'s not a part of the Alliance. Well, he\'s not so much a good high elf as he is a drunken high elf. He loves, and I mean LOVES the hooch.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     668insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (623,650,'Ripple Recovery','The elf you will need to talk to is Gilveradin Sunchaser.  He can name any wine, vintage and all, just by smell alone!  He can package up the ripple we need, so you\'ll need to talk with him.  We need six bottles for packaging, two for dad, and how ever many he\'ll want... and believe me, he\'ll want some.  When you\'ve packaged the ripple and got dad\'s two bottles, come back here!$B$BGilveradin\'s camp is near some high elf lodge in the Hinterlands, and those high elves are not good.  Trust me.','Talk to Gilveradin Sunchaser; his camp is located in the Hinterlands.','Ah, so you know Malton? He is an old drinking companion of mine. You see, I have found something that transcends the boundaries of artificial treaties and alliances - alcohol. Were we all to slake our thirsts on its blissful qualities, we all would be in a much better place spiritually.$b$bAlas, something tells me that your visit here is not to learn of alcohol\'s redeeming values, now is it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     669insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (624,651,'Stones of Binding','Four Stones of Binding are scattered throughout Arathi.  These stones keep me pinned beneath the earth.$B$BTo unlock them you must unlock the strongest: the Stone of Inner Binding.  And to do that, you must gather keys from the other three.$B$BThese stones are watched by guardians, but if you are clever, or lucky, you may find ways to banish them.','Gather the Burning Key, the Cresting Key and the Thundering Key from the Stone of West Binding, the Stone of East Binding and the Stone of Outer Binding.$B$BBring them to the Stone of Inner Binding.','<Myzrael speaks through the stone.>$b$bYou have done it! You opened the Stones of Binding! I can feel the shackles about me loosen, and freedom draws ever closer.$b$bYou are a noble $C, $N. My rescuer!','This is the Stone of Inner Binding. It is the strongest of the binding stones and must be unlocked for the others to open.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     670insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (625,652,'Breaking the Keystone','Opening the Stones of Binding loosened much of my confinement, but a lock still holds me chained.  It is the Keystone you see among this circle of stones.  And the key is held by one of my captors, the stone watcher Fozruk.$B$BYou must obtain that key, which the stone watchers call the Rod of Order, from Fozruk and use it to open the Keystone.$B$B$N, you have done so much to aid me.  Just a little more...and my gratitude will shake the very foundations of the earth!','Find and kill Fozruk.  Bring the Rod of Order to the Keystone in the Arathi Highlands.','You place the rod in the keystone. And a shudder is felt beneath you...','The Keystone is charged with tremendous geomantic energy.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     671insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (626,653,'Myzrael\'s Allies','<Myzrael speaks.>$B$BFree!  I AM FREE!  I am free to gather strength, hidden from my captors.  For if they faced me now they would surely overpower and again imprison me.$B$BBut in time I will confront the giants, and they will regret their wardship of me!$B$BYou are a noble ally, $N.  I will need your help again in time.  When I am ready, I will need you to summon me to the surface.$B$BSpeak with Gerrig Bonegrip.  He is in Ironforge, in a shop of the Forlorn Cavern.  He knows how I can be summoned.','Speak with Gerrig Bonegrip in the Forlorn Cavern of Ironforge.','The Lady told me of your coming, $C. You are welcome in my abode for you, like I, serve a higher cause.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     672insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (627,654,'Tanaris Field Sampling','Activating the power source makes the field testing kit start to glow and vibrate.  It would seem to be working as planned.$B$BAccording to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle, you now have two hours to collect the data you need in the Tanaris desert.  If you do not collect it within two hours, all the data will be lost and you will need to buy another power source from him.$B$BReturn to him when you have completed the task.','Acquire acceptable samples for 8 basilisks, 8 hyenas, and 8 scorpions.  Bring the testing kit back to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan before the power source runs out.','All right then, it will take me just a second to remove the power source. After that, you can do with it whatever you like now without having to worry about losing the data inside.','Well, did you get everything you needed? If you didn\'t and the power runs out, everything inside will be ruined and you\'ll have to start over.$B$BHey, don\'t look to me for sympathy; I\'m all about the Gadgetzan Water Company making a profit, and if that means selling you power sources until we can afford to import water in from the icy springs of Dun Morogh, so be it!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     673insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (628,655,'Hammerfall','It is still clear to me, like yesterday... So many years without hope, with wood and steel to bind me to this terrible place. Then finally, finally! There was the Warchief. Doomhammer in his midnight plate, his warhammer held high.$b$bIt was... too terrible... That the blow of a coward would strike down our greatest hero. From behind he charged on his horse, and then his lance ran him through... I fell to my knees. What hope was there? What hope is there...','Speak with Tor\'gan in Hammerfall.','Ah, Gor\'mul you speak of. Yes, from what he says, it seems he has never recovered from the death of Doomhammer.$B$BGor\'mul was a captive here when Thrall and Orgrim fought to free the camp, but as the earth shook and our brethren escaped, he was left behind. He wandered alone and lost for years without direction or hope, until we returned to establish ourselves here in Hammerfall.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     674insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (629,656,'Summoning the Princess','You must defeat Myzrael before she grows in strength.  If you do not, then once she has gathered enough power she will challenge her captors!  There are some who think they can control her, but if she can be controlled then why did the giants chain her in the first place??$B$BCrazy logic, eh?$B$BTo defeat her, summon her at the Shards of Myzrael where you first spoke with her.  Defeat her and gather her Eldritch Shackles, then bind them to the Shards of Myzrael.$B$BDo that, and she will again be trapped.','Go to the Shards of Myzrael, summon her and defeat her.$B$BGather her Eldritch Shackles and bind them to the Shards of Myzrael.','As the eldritch shackles are placed around the Shards, an unhuman wail is heard from far below. The scream is followed by a roar.$b$bThe Shards of Myzrael no longer invoke feelings of warmth and security as they once did. Now they pulse with an open menace... as if the thing beneath them holds ill will toward the surface.','The Shards of Myzrael are now strangely quiet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     675insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (630,657,'Hints of a New Plague?','<Quae begins to go through the folder.>$B$BThis IS interesting. Seems Apothecary Jorell has been working on some deadly experiments here at Go\'Shek. Not sure what that has to do with Hillsbrad, but Phin wouldn\'t like it if we let it continue.$B$BWe had a run-in with some orcs while you were gone, and I\'m not in good enough shape to help Kinelory. If you\'re up for it, she\'s going to need some protection when she goes down to the farm to steal whatever research Jorell still hasn\'t sent to Tarren Mill.','Speak to Kinelory.','If it brings Phin peace, I\'ll destroy every single one of the Forsaken personally. He\'s done so much for us since the plague. We never thought we\'d find friends or family again.$B$BWhen you\'re prepared, come let me know. We\'ll get started right away.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     676insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (631,658,'Hints of a New Plague?','So, Phin sent you to check on us? Not surprised--he worries too much.$B$BWe\'ve been watching the farm for days, and Kin claims she saw a courier come out of that small house to the south not long ago.$B$BShe talks a lot, but I can always trust her senses when we\'re in dangerous areas.$B$BYou wouldn\'t happen to be a skilled tracker, would you? We think the courier might be carrying notes to Tarren Mill. If we could get our hands on those documents, it might shed some light on what\'s happening in Hillsbrad.','Find the Forsaken Courier and bring back her Sealed Folder to Quae near the Go\'Shek Farm.','Excellent!$B$BLet\'s see what this is about...','We appreciate your help in looking for that courier, $N.$B$BWhile you were gone, Kin saw an apothecary come out of that same house to the south of here. I\'m confident that they\'re up to no good--I just need proof of it before we go off and do something rash.$B$BHave you had any luck yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     677insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (632,659,'Hints of a New Plague?','Hail, and well met, $N. I lead a group of adventurers investigating odd happenings in this area.$B$BMy cousin in Hillsbrad recently put down his dog Stanley because the animal mystically grew to an immense size and savagely attacked anyone who came near him.$B$BI believe the undead are involved, and we\'re looking for signs to prove as much.$B$BTwo of my companions, Quae and Kinelory, headed to the Go\'Shek Farm in the Arathi Highlands, and haven\'t checked in for days. Find them for me? I grow concerned.','Find Quae and Kinelory near the Go\'Shek Farm in the Arathi Highlands.','Try and stay as quiet as possible, traveler.$B$BOrcs don\'t take too well to being spied on, and there is more to this farm than meets the eye.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     678insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (633,660,'Hints of a New Plague?','All right, $N. I\'m ready if you are.$B$BShall we?','Protect Kinelory until she returns to Quae.','You\'ve done a great service for us, $N. Thank you.$B$BI hope Kin wasn\'t too much of a handful down there. She\'s very friendly, but can be just as deadly when you\'re her enemy.','','Protect Kinelory','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     679insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (634,661,'Hints of a New Plague?','I\'ve seen Kinelory look way worse after a night in the tavern than she does now. You obviously did a good job protecting her.$B$BThese items she brought back from the farm should at least let Phin get an idea of what\'s going on out here in Arathi. Just to make sure there\'s no retaliation after your attack, we\'re going to stay here for a bit longer. Would you be willing to head back to Southshore and talk to Phin?','Find Phin Odelic in Southshore.','So, the two troublemakers are all right after all? Haha, I\'m glad to hear it. I thank you for bringing me news of their whereabouts and status--it pleases me greatly that they are still alive; the two of them are irreplaceable as friends and traveling companions.$B$BBut... it\'s more important I thank you properly for your help. Here. Take this along with my group\'s thanks.$B$BWith any luck, we\'ll figure out what the Forsaken are up to, and put an end to it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     680insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (635,662,'Deep Sea Salvage','O\'Breen led the ships into the cove.  We were certain this is where the treasure could be found.  The Harbinger docked safely but as the Maiden\'s Folly and Spirit of Silverpine approached the tides began to lower.  Strangest thing I\'ve ever seen!$b$bThose two ships ran aground into something... some sort of temple in the reef.  They sank so quickly, was quite a tragedy.$b$bWe need to retrieve their Logs as well as their Charts before we leave.  We can\'t leave that information behind for prying eyes!','First Mate Nilzlix wants you to retrieve the Charts and Logs from the Maiden\'s Folly and the Spirit of Silverpine.','Knowing this information is secure will bring some ease to the command in Booty Bay. Well done, $N.','How goes the search and recovery mission, $N? We really need to get those Logs and Charts back from the Maiden\'s Folly and Spirit of Silverpine.$B$BIf the information from those sources were to fall into enemy hands, Fleet Master Seahorn would force us down the plank.$B$BThat is if we ever get out of this mess...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     681insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (636,663,'Land Ho!','Lolo sees a tiny $r! Always on the lookout, Lolo is!$b$bWelcome to Faldir\'s Cove.  Captain O\'Breen said we\'d only be here for a few hours.  Just long enough to gather the treasure and get back to Booty Bay.$b$bBut Lolo thinks we\'re going to be here a lot longer than that.  We lost the other two ships from our formation.  Poor Spirit of Silverpine and Maiden\'s Folly.  On the bottom of the sea they rest now!$b$bLolo suggests you talk to Captain O\'Breen if you plan on sticking around here.','Talk to Captain O\'Breen in Faldir\'s Cove.','Ahoy, matey.$b$b\'Twas a horrible mess. Seahorn will have my ship if he finds out what went down.$b$bOne of the Professor\'s contraptions indicated the lost treasure was near this cove. I brought the Harbinger in to dock and signaled for the Spirit of Silverpine and Maiden\'s Folly to follow suit.$b$bThen the sea rumbled. The tides lowered and the two ships crashed into the reef.$b$bIt\'s not just a reef. Something\'s down there....$b$bHelp my crew out and you\'ll be rewarded handsomely.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     682insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (637,664,'Drowned Sorrows','Argh, \'tis a horrible life. I should be in a watery grave right now, not sittin\' here by the fire, breathin\' fresh air.$b$bThe crew tried so hard to save my beautiful Maiden\'s Folly. Bless the boys, bless their hearts.$b$bO\'Breen made it to shore safely but we weren\'t so lucky. The seas just sank on us, I swear.$b$bOne second we\'re afloat and the next water is rushin\' in. And those beasts! Killed all the survivors. Horrible naga scum. I went black and ended up here, saved.$b$bI want those beasts dead.','Captain Steelgut in Faldir\'s Cove wants you to kill 10 Daggerspine Raiders and 3 Daggerspine Sorceresses.','Nice work out there, $N.$b$bThose scum deserved what they got. While nothin\' will ever bring me ship or me crew back, the death of those naga gives me some solace.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     683insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (638,665,'Sunken Treasure','Now that we are full-fledged Blackwater Raiders it is our job to help Mr. O\'Breen locate the lost elven treasure.$b$bIt is next to impossible to find the gems in the dark sea without aid. The doctor has constructed some goggles that will help. He needs the goggles charged with the energy derived from the enchanted stone in the cave just up the hill.$b$bBut the cave is cursed! When we get close, we get ambushed. Defend me and I can harness the energy from the stone into the goggles.','Escort Professor Phizzlethorpe to the cave and back.','The goggles work perfectly now! Well done, $N.','','Defend Professor Phizzlethorpe','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     684insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (639,666,'Sunken Treasure','The treasure has been on the sea floor so long that the gems have calcified into thick stone. But the power harnessed in these goggles will allow you to locate them easily.$b$bA little gnomish ingenuity goes a long way!$b$bSo borrow the Goggles of Gem Hunting, $n, and see if you can collect some of the lost treasure for Captain O\'Breen.$b$bI\'d swim down there myself but...um...well, I have important scientific business to tend to up on the safe, dry land....er, yeah.','Doctor Draxlegauge in Faldir\'s Cove wants you to collect 10 Elven Gems and return the Goggles of Gem Hunting once you are done.','Most superb, $N! The Captain will be very pleased! And just wait until word gets back to Fleetmaster Seahorn!','How did the goggles work? Did everything function properly? Adjustments can be made if necessary.$b$bOh, and I\'ll need those goggles back when you\'re done. I am sure Captain O\'Breen will have many uses for them later on.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     685insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (640,667,'Death From Below','This is bad. It seems the Daggerspines are amassing for an attack.$b$bNaga are known for their ruthlessness in battle. They will keep attacking until I am dead.$b$bI don\'t value my own life above that of my crew members, but you must help to defend me. The crew will not be able to make it back to Booty Bay without my knowledge of the seas.$b$bThe naga will be coming from the sea. I need you to remain up here with me to fend off the attack. Man the cannon and drive them back.$b$bAre you ready, $n?','Protect Shakes O\'Breen during the attack.','We survived the attack!$b$bWe could not have done it without you, $N.$b$bWe\'ll be heading out as soon as the tide rises. If you weren\'t such a promising hero I\'d offer you a place on my crew. But I can tell you have bigger fish to fry.$b$bEven if you are a puny troll....','','Defend Shakes O\'Breen','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     686insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (641,668,'Sunken Treasure','Let\'s not leave Captain O\'Breen waiting. He\'ll want to see these gems first hand. After all, that\'s why we\'re here!$b$bAnd after a few weeks of consorting with these pirates, the professor and I have realized the last thing that\'s good for our health is to be caught hanging on to their treasure.$b$bHere, $n, take these to O\'Breen.','Take the Elven Gems to Captain O\'Breen.','So the little gnomes proved their worth after all? I knew we kept those ankle biters around for a reason!','Ahoy, $C. What brings you to the bridge?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     687insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (642,669,'Sunken Treasure','Fleet Master Seahorn will want to hear about our find at once.$b$bBut as you can see, we\'re not in much of a position to get out of here. Not only is the tide too low, but those damned creatures we disrupted are keeping a close eye on our movements.$b$bYou can be of great service to the Blackwater Raiders if you can get word to Fleet Master Seahorn in Booty Bay that we discovered the treasure and are working on extracting more.  Take him this sample as proof.','Take the Sample Elven Gem to Fleet Master Seahorn in Booty Bay.','Ah, leave it to good old Shakes O\'Breen! I knew that he was the right Captain for the mission!','What brings you to Booty Bay, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     688insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (643,670,'Sunken Treasure','Say, $n, you seem to be an adventurous type. My fleet is stuck in Booty Bay until we can restock.$b$bThere are some heavy things brewing here and abroad and I need to get some top secret correspondence to Shakes O\'Breen who is tied up off the Arathi coast.$b$bCan I trust you to deliver this message safely and in confidence?','Deliver Seahorn\'s Letter to Shakes O\'Breen in Arathi Highlands.','Thank you for making such a long and perilous journey. You have the gratitude of the Blackwater Raiders.','So was Seahorn impressed? I bet you his smile reached from Booty Bay to Ratchet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     689insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (644,671,'Foul Magics','I have felt a strangeness in the air... a feeling that simmers in my blood. I had my suspicions. I set off to find the source of my unease and discovered to the west, at Northfold Manor, the residual traces of demonic summoning. As I got close, my blood began to boil and the rage within me grew.$b$bOn the ground I spied an amulet of bloodstone, used to assist in demonic summoning. The one I found was depleted, however. I\'ll need another to examine, but I dare not return to the manor. Can you bring me some?','Get 10 Bloodstone Amulets for Tor\'gan in Hammerfall.','It will take some time for me to ascertain the true intentions of the Syndicate, but their obvious association with dark, demonic magic troubles me. I will tell you when I know more.','Once-cursed blood still runs through my veins, $N. If someone... something is summoning demons, it must be stopped.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     690insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (645,672,'Raising Spirits','We tried to settle him in, cheer him up, telling him stories of our mighty city at Orgrimmar in Kalimdor, but nothing would move him.$b$bTales of our young Warchief, Thrall, who bears the armor and hammer of Orgrim... but, perhaps... Perhaps! A demonstration of our newly found shamanistic magic would give him new hope. It is worth a try!$b$bA small object we could make for him, yes... Bring me some raptor eyes, and I will see what I can do.','Acquire 10 Highland Raptor Eyes from Highland Striders and Highland Thrashers for Tor\'gan in Hammerfall.','Excellent. The spirits of the raptors that gave these eyes will lend strength to the bearer of this amulet.','I will create an amulet that will give Gor\'mul some of the strength of the raptors. Perhaps that will awaken some flame within him...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     691insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (646,673,'Foul Magics','There is no doubt in my mind that a powerful warlock resides within the walls of Stromgarde. From time to time, using an arcane magical relic, this warlock has summoned forth terrible demons in large numbers. We must remove the source of his energy.$b$bFind the warlock and kill him. Bring me whatever magical object you find on his person, and I will take steps to destroy it and see that its power is not used to taint this land any longer.','Retrieve Marez Cowl\'s Bloodstone Orb and bring it to Tor\'gan in Hammerfall.','My restless nights will turn to peaceful slumber when I have destroyed this orb. Thank you, $N. It is a chilling reminder of the terrible power the demons held over the orcs before Hellscream released us from their curse.','The burning in my blood... it grows by the day. The $C must be stopped.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     692insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (647,674,'Raising Spirits','Here, take this amulet to Gor\'mul, and see if the raptors\' strength can awaken the flame of the warrior that once burned through his veins.','Give the Raptor Talon Amulet to Gor\'mul.','What is this? Polished bone. What use have I for polished bone? Will a trinket restore the Horde to its glory?','What hope is there when the hand of a coward can slay the mightiest of the mightiest? What hope, I ask you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     693insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (648,675,'Raising Spirits','<Gor\'mul tosses the amulet into the ground.>$b$bTor\'gan sent you, didn\'t he? Pah! Why he feels some mercy towards me I would not understand. Mercy was denied me when I was not allowed to die with my Warchief in battle. A cruel blow fate has dealt me...','Speak with Tor\'gan.','It did not work, I see. Nonetheless, I feel that showing him the power of the shamans will eventually return Gor\'mul to his once proud self. The amulet\'s power was not great enough to show him our newfound power.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     694insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (649,676,'The Hammer May Fall','Weaklings... all of them. You, $c, what are you looking at? Think you\'re something special, huh? Why not prove it?$B$BThe Hammerfall outpost in Arathi\'s under attack. Unless we send them help soon, their demise is imminent.$B$BBut before you go rushing off, you may want to test your skills first. Northeast of Stromgarde in Arathi is an ogre mound inhabited by the Boulderfist tribe. When you can handle the ogres and enforcers there, then report to Drum Fel in Hammerfall.','Kill 8 Boulderfist Ogres and 10 Boulderfist Enforcers, then find Drum Fel in the Hammerfall outpost in Arathi Highlands.','So, you think you\'re strong enough to help Hammerfall? So be it.$b$bTallow either sent you to that ogre mound in the hopes that you would kill yourself or he thinks you\'re strong enough to aid us. Either way, you\'re here now and I am in need of more soldiers in our fight against the constant attacks.$b$bIf you plan on staying in Hammerfall then get some rest, and come speak to me again when you\'re ready. There\'s no shortage of fighting to be had.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     695insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (650,677,'Call to Arms','The Witherbark trolls and Boulderfist ogres of Arathi are working together to rid us from this land, but we shall not meet our fates at their, or anyone else\'s, hand. We will slay them and show them that we, too, have a home here. $B$BThe trolls turned their backs to us; the ogres would use us for food and bedding if we allowed them to--these things shall not be.$B$BWe start our attack on the Witherbark trolls to the south of here. Slay them in droves, and only return when their camps run thick with blood.','Slay 10 Witherbark Axe Throwers, 10 Headhunters and 8 Witch Doctors, and return to Drum Fel in the Hammerfall outpost.','The signs of war are upon your garments, and sweat drips from your brow. Good, very good indeed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     696insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (651,678,'Call to Arms','Your strength is evident, $N. Now to see how you fare against a real enemy.$B$BThe Boulderfists have a lair to the southwest of here towards the dwarven bridge, and, if I\'m not mistaken, the maulers and magi there shall present to you a greater challenge--they have done so to us thus far.$B$BSlay as many as you can and come to me in body when you are successful, or come to me in spirit when you fail. I shall give praise to your tenacity in battle either way.','Kill 10 Boulderfist Brutes and 4 Boulderfist Magi, and return to Drum Fel in the Hammerfall outpost.','You are as strong as a kodo, and your lust for battle does your people proud.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     697insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (652,679,'Call to Arms','The head of the beast is ready to be taken off... with great force, $N. You have shown every sign that you are able to help us with this final mighty blow. The leaders of these attacks have made their lair within the ruins of Stromgarde, a glaring symbol of human frailty.$B$BFind and slay those Boulderfist lords and their lackey shaman who would try and drive us from these lands.','Kill 7 Boulderfist Shaman and 3 Boulderfist Lords and return to Drum Fel in the Hammerfall outpost.','You do your people proud, $N. The threat has been greatly lessened, and I am sure we will begin to thrive here in the Highlands.','I see your courage finally wanes. It seems my instincts were correct about you: your strength is nothing compared to your bravado.$b$bReturn to me when the beast\'s head has been severed, or return never again.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     698insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (653,680,'The Real Threat','You serve my husband well, $c, but he does not know why Hammerfall is under attack.$B$BOr\'Kalar, Mug\'thol\'s pawn in Stromgarde, has an intense hatred for my husband, and wishes nothing more than my husband\'s death for defeating him years ago.$B$BMy auguries tell me that Or\'Kalar has laid a trap for my husband, so I have hidden signs of the ogre\'s presence from him.$B$BMy husband will rush off foolishly if he learns of the ogre\'s whereabouts and I would ask for your help in slaying the creature.','Slay Or\'Kalar and bring his Head to Korin Fel in the Hammerfall outpost.','You have done me a great service, $N. Know that my husband\'s life and the safety of Hammerfall has been protected for another day because of your deeds. Please take this as a reward for your courage.','Near the Tower of Arathor--that is where you will find Or\'Kalar. His death will stop the attacks on Hammerfall and protect my husband\'s life.$B$BI see in your eyes that you think me weak--even dishonorable--for my silence. Some day you will learn what it is to love as I do. Perhaps then you will understand a different kind of strength and honor.$B$BIn the meantime, do as I ask, and slay Or\'Kalar.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     699insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (654,681,'Northfold Manor','We are fighting a war for Stromgarde, and we are losing.  The ogres, the Syndicate and we have divided our once great city, and each faction battles the other into a bloody stalemate.$B$BBut our forces dwindle while our enemy grows.$B$BWe need help from the town of Southshore, but supplies are difficult to receive while the Syndicate holds territory between us.$B$BGo to the Syndicate base in Northfold Manor and slay them.  Then, perhaps, pressure on our supply trains will lessen and more will get through.','Kill 10 Syndicate Highwaymen and 6 Syndicate Mercenaries.$B$BReturn to Captain Nials at Refuge Pointe.','Very good, $N. With the deaths of those Syndicate members we should have an easier time receiving supplies from Southshore.$b$bPerhaps our cause yet has hope.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     700insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (655,682,'Stromgarde Badges','The Syndicate in Stromgarde do battle with our contingent of militia there. In order to urge the rabble to fight our more disciplined troops, the Syndicate leaders have placed a bounty on our soldiers, awarding gold for each Stromgarde Badge gathered off killed militiamen.$B$BWe want those badges retrieved - we cannot allow the cutthroats to take trophies from our brave fallen!$B$BEnter the Syndicate-controlled area of Stromgarde and hunt them for our badges.','Bring Stromgarde Badges to Captain Nials at Refuge Pointe.','Thank you, $N. We will inform the families of these fallen soldiers that they were killed in battle.$b$bIt will be grim news to bear, but it is better than the uncertainty of a missing loved one.','Have you retrieved any Stromgarde Badges, $N? The Syndicate must learn they cannot profit from our dead.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     701insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (656,683,'Sara Balloo\'s Plea','$n, I have but a small request to ask of you.$b$bTake this note I have prepared to our great monarch of Ironforge, King Magni Bronzebeard. \'Tis a small task to ask of one such as yourself, someone who has shown great valor to the cause of the Alliance thus far.$b$bFor me to go before the King in my grief-ridden state would not serve the purpose of my cause.  Surely you understand.','Take Sara Balloo\'s note to King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge.','It will take but a moment for me to peruse this letter...','So you are $N the $C? News of your contributions to the Alliance has traveled quite far, you know?$B$BOn what business do you come before me today?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     702insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (657,684,'Wanted!  Marez Cowl','A bounty has been placed on the head of Marez Cowl, a high-level advisor and operative of the Syndicate.  She was last seen within the Syndicate controlled territory of Stromgarde.$B$BBounty may be collected from Captain Nials.$B$BBe warned: Marez is a skilled and cunning Warlock, known for her trafficking with demons.  Extreme caution is advised when hunting her.','Bring Marez\'s head to Captain Nials at Refuge Pointe.','You took down Marez Cowl? Well done, $N. Well done indeed!$b$bMarez menaced our Stromgarde defenders, and it is rumored she was an emissary between the Syndicate and some other, darker power. We are glad to see she\'ll longer ply her powers against us.','Greetings, $C. You have a report to make?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     703insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (658,685,'Wanted!  Otto and Falconcrest','The Stromgarde Militia has placed bounties on the heads of Lord Falconcrest, and his bodyguard Otto.  Falconcrest heads the Syndicate\'s efforts in the Arathi Highlands, and his death would cause a major disruption in those efforts.$B$BHis bodyguard Otto, although not a strategic target, is a fierce opponent and has killed dozens of our defenders.$B$BTheir bounties may be collected from Captain Nials.','Bring Otto\'s Head and Falconcrest\'s Head to Captain Nials at Refuge Pointe.','Falconcrest and Otto? Wonderful!$b$bHere is your reward, $N. I am happy to pay it.','Hello. Do you have a report to submit?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     704insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (659,686,'A King\'s Tribute','I do not expect good dwarves like Mrs. Balloo to understand why the travesties of war must be endured for the greater good of our people. The loss of her husband, and the loss of every dwarf that fights in the name of the Alliance, weighs heavy on my soul.$b$bWhile I cannot bring her husband back from the Twisting Nether, I can pay tribute to him.$b$bI am going to commission a memorial to Sully Balloo to be built by Grand Mason Marblesten.$b$bSend word to him now, $c. You shall be custodian of my bidding.','King Magni Bronzebeard wants you to speak with Grand Mason Marblesten.','So King Magni Bronzebeard himself sent ye?$B$BMy, my! This must be important!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     705insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (660,687,'Theldurin the Lost','Theldurin the Lost was once a member of our order, the Twilight\'s Hammer.  But he lost his mind and scorned our teachings.  And before he fled from us, he stole the scroll of Myzrael!  We could not catch him, but rumors say he hides in the Badlands, gibbering and mad.$B$BTo bring the Lady back to us, you must find the scroll.  And to do that, you must find Theldurin.','Find Theldurin the Lost.','Hello. Hello, hello hello hello hello HELLO!$B$BI\'m sorry - wait, no I\'m not! Don\'t be rude!$B$BOh no...that was crazy talk.$B$BBut...sometimes being crazy is my only solace.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     706insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (661,688,'Myzrael\'s Allies','<Myzrael speaks.>$B$BFree!  I AM FREE!  I am free to gather strength, hidden from my captors.  For if they faced me now they would surely overpower and again imprison me.$B$BBut in time I will confront the giants, and they will regret their wardship of me!$B$BYou are a noble ally, $N.  I will need your help again in time.  When I am ready, I will need you to summon me to the surface$B$BSpeak with Zaruk in Hammerfall.  He knows how I can be summoned.','Speak with Zaruk in Hammerfall.','Welcome, $C. The Lady has informed me of your coming, and if we are to bring her back to the surface then we have much to discuss...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     707insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (662,689,'A King\'s Tribute','So our good King would like a memorial built in honor of a soldier named Sully Balloo?  And you say the poor chap died during the Thandol Span tragedy?$b$bBah, will there ever be peace on Azeroth?$b$bNonetheless, any commission from the King is of utmost importance. To build a truly epic and lasting piece I want to work with one of the finest stones available. Travel to Darrow Hill in Hillsbrad and gather for me some Alterac Granite.','Grand Mason Marblesten of Ironforge wants 5 pieces of Alterac Granite.','Perfect! Better than I could have imagined!$B$BAnd I have quite an imagination you know...','$N, $N, $N! Tell me you have enough Alterac Granite for me to begin my masterpiece in honor of Sully Balloo.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     708insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (663,690,'Malin\'s Request','Greetings, $N. You have the look of an adventurer about you, and I have a task that needs some tending to.$B$BArchmage Trelane, my original master, fled Stromgarde in the Arathi Highlands not too long ago, and he\'s asked me to help him in recovering some of the items he left behind.$B$BThe city fell under siege, and he attempted to defend the Tower of Arathor, but to no avail. I have agents in the Highlands already, but they\'ve requested I send more aid. Are you interested?','Find Skuerto at Refuge Pointe in the Arathi Highlands.','So, Malin sent ye? I don\'t care if Muradin rose up from the dead and whisked ye here on a dragon. I\'m busy! Talk to Kryten if you need somethin\'.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     709insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (664,691,'Worth Its Weight in Gold','Archmage Malin sent Skuerto and I here to collect reagents for him. I was at a loss as to how I was going to collect the items, but now that you\'re here, I think my problem\'s solved.$B$BI need the following: Witherbark tusks, Witherbark medicine pouches and a shadow hunter knife.$B$BCould you find those for me? The Witherbark live to the southeast of Arathi.','Find 10 Witherbark Tusks, 4 Witherbark Medicine Pouches and a Shadow Hunter Knife for Apprentice Kryten at Refuge Pointe.','Incredible! I can see why Malin asked you to come join us - very well done indeed!$B$BAt this rate, Skuerto and I will be headed back to Stormwind in no time at all.$B$BI believe my dwarven companion is back from scouting Boulderfist Hall; go speak to him when you\'re ready.$B$BIt looked as though he might have had a bit of a scuffle with the ogres. Don\'t mention that to him, though; he\'s very sensitive about criticisms to his skills at scouting.','Have you had any luck so far, $N?$B$B<Kryten makes some notes in his journal as he reads.>$B$BIf my research is correct, the tusks should come from any Witherbark troll. The medicine pouches come from the Witherbark witch doctors, and the strongest of the Witherbark shadow hunters should carry the special knife given to them after they\'ve completed their rites of passage. There\'s no way to tell which shadow hunters will have the knife until you do battle.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     710insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (665,692,'The Lost Fragments','The Scroll of Myzrael...the Scroll of Myzrael?!  You don\'t want that!  Its magic can pull Myzrael to the surface world and if you do that, we are in trouble!$B$BOr...maybe it\'s too late.  Maybe she already is free.  Maybe she\'s just gathering strength before unleashing herself upon us.  If so, then you\'ll NEED the scroll!$B$B...too bad it\'s destroyed.  Enraged elementals stole it and tore it up and now fight over the fragments.$B$BBut if you can gather those fragments, maybe we can fix it...','Bring the Torn Scroll Fragment, the Crumpled Scroll Fragment and the Singed Scroll Fragment to Theldurin the Lost.','Ah, you found them! Good work, $N! These might be the only chance we have against the evil of Myzrael!$b$bJust let me find my scrap-ratchet and see if I can re-attach these fragments...','Did you find those fragments?!?! You\'ll need the Scroll of Myzrael if you want to trap her again, before it\'s too late!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     711insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (666,693,'Wand over Fist','Hey, $N. Sorry to be so short with ye earlier... and no, that ain\'t a pun.$B$BI figured out where Trelane\'s first item ended up: Kor\'gresh has it in Boulderfist Hall. An\' by the way he was throwing down blasts of ice at his kin to keep them in line, he must be close to figurin\' out how to use all of its powers.$B$BBoulderfist Hall\'s south of here an\' then east of Thandol Span. Find the ogre an\' get back that wand.$B$BWhile you\'re gone, I\'ll figure out what we\'re gonna do about Stromgarde.','Find Trelane\'s Wand of Invocation and return it to Skuerto at Refuge Pointe.','Brilliant, $N. One item down an\' three more to go, based on my list. The other three items are all in Stromgarde.$B$BTake a rest an\' get your strength back--the next phase of my plan\'ll require a little more time an\' effort. Come back to me after you\'ve gotten a warm meal an\' some rest.','Our goal is the wand, $N. Focus on that for now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     712insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (667,694,'Trelane\'s Defenses','All rested?$B$BHere\'s our next step: there\'re ogres all around the Tower of Arathor in Stromgarde. We\'re gonna need to activate the tower\'s defenses if you\'re gonna stand a chance against \'em an\' still make it to the items alive. To do that, we\'re gonna need some gems the Boulderfist shaman have taken a liking to. They took \'em from the tower, but they\'re not gonna stay in their possession for long.$B$BGet one of them gems an\' bring \'em to Kryten--he knows the spell to enchant \'em so they\'ll work as a key.','Find an Azure Agate and bring it to Apprentice Kryten at Refuge Pointe.','You amaze me, Pluto. Well done again.$b$bGive me a moment to cast the proper spell to enchant the gem, an\' you\'ll be ready.','Pluto, hello again. Have you found an azure agate yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     713insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (668,695,'An Apprentice\'s Enchantment','Here you are, $N. The gem only needs to be pressed against one of the pedestals near the base of the tower to activate its defenses. Use it when you\'re ready to enter the tower and find Trelane\'s remaining items. $B$BGood luck to you. I\'ll be awaiting your return here at the camp. Oh, and speak to Skuerto before you leave. He\'ll give you the rest of the details you\'ll need.','Speak to Skuerto.','Good, good.$b$bIf there are no other delays, how about we get started?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     714insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (669,696,'Attack on the Tower','Here\'s what your lookin\' for: Trelane\'s phylactery, Trelane\'s orb, an\' Trelane\'s ember agate.$B$BAll three should be in chests within the tower an\' you shouldn\'t have a problem opening the chests on your own; you just have to be careful of the ogres.$B$BThe tower\'s defenses won\'t take care of \'em on their own; you\'ll need to have your weapons at the ready. Those ogres find out you\'re there and stealing from \'em, an\' they\'ll be sure to put the hurt on you.$B$BBe careful, an\' good luck.','Find Trelane\'s Phylactery, Trelane\'s Orb, and Trelane\'s Ember Agate, and return them to Skuerto at Refuge Pointe.','Malin couldn\'t\'ve asked a worthier person to come here an\' aid us, Pluto. You\'ve done a grand job!$b$bHe\'ll be pleased to see what an overwhelming success our mission\'s been.','You do this, an\' I\'m sure Malin\'ll be more than pleased with you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     715insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (670,697,'Malin\'s Request','Take this letter back to Stormwind and let Malin know that Kryten an\' I\'ll be home soon. He\'ll reward you well for helping us here, $N, of that I\'ve no doubt.$B$BTravel safely.','Take the Sealed Letter to Archmage Malin in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.','<Archmage Malin opens the letter, and his eyes grow wide.>$b$bBy the Light, you\'ve done it. How wonderful. Trelane will be so pleased. I\'m sure Kryten and Skuerto are just as excited as I am to have them on their way back to Stormwind.$b$bThank you, Pluto. Please, take this to help you in your journeys.','Yes? You look vaguely familiar. I do apologize, but have we met? I get so busy I lose track.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     716insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (671,698,'Lack of Surplus','I\'m working on getting some supplies together for our outpost near the beach to the east--Tok\'kar does what he can, but between shifts of guard duty and cooking for his soldiers there\'s not much time left in the day.$B$BThey do enjoy cooking up some sawtooth meat when they can, but I haven\'t had time to get them another shipment. Would you mind helping them out?$B$BThe young sawtooths aren\'t as tasty as the older ones, so stay clear of those; give them a year or two to get to full size.','Bring 8 Unprepared Sawtooth Flanks to Tok\'Kar in Swamp of Sorrows.','Ah! Wonderful. Fresh meat for the fire tonight. Thank you, $N.$b$bYou\'ve helped make the coming nights more tolerable. The fire burns bright, and our stomachs will be full.$b$bIts a pleasant surprise to have you bring us a shipment; Dar\'s not the most attractive orc anyone\'s laid eyes upon, but at least his attitude reeks far less than his smell.','Lok\'tar, $C. Traveling through the swamps isn\'t a risk taken lightly. You\'re brave to test your mettle here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     717insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (672,699,'Lack of Surplus','With the threat of murlocs along the coast, we\'re stationed out here to protect--or warn if the force is too large--of any coming threats to Stonard. It doesn\'t give us much time for relaxation, and we could use some more help if you\'re able.$B$BThe sawtooth snappers\' claws make for fine weapons when properly prepared. Bring me some of their claws and I\'ll see you\'re rewarded with one of our weapons in thanks for the fresh meat and the good company.','Bring 6 Sawtooth Snapper Claws to Tok\'Kar in the Swamp of Sorrows.','Glad to see you\'re alive and well, $N.$b$bThese claws should make do nicely. The more weapons we have at the ready for attacks against us, the better off we\'ll be.$b$bI\'ll get started on your weapon as soon as possible. It will only take a short time. I\'ve become quite adept and quick at their production.','Good mead, a warm fire, an army of orcs and an arsenal of weapons... that\'s all we really need out here along the coast. I don\'t regret my position out here safeguarding Stonard, but it would be nice if we could one day get a burrow, or at least a tower.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     718insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (673,700,'A King\'s Tribute','Ah, such fine stone comes from Lordaeron.  Such a shame the land is in such shambles.$b$bBut the Memorial came out quite well! I should think the King will be most pleased with it.$b$bNow if you will, please send word to His Majesty that the Memorial is complete as requested. ','Report to King Magni Bronzebeard.','The granite seems but a small token compared to a great dwarf\'s life. But no dwarf shall last on this planet for eternity.$B$BLet us just hope that the memorial stands as a reminder to those who will trod the great Azeroth of the future. Lest we not forget it is for them that brave soldiers such as Sully Balloo so valiantly gave their lives.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     719insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (674,701,'Guile of the Raptor','With some additional objects, I will be able to create an item that will imbue Gor\'mul with the guile of the raptor! With the power of the raptor flowing through him, Gor\'mul will know our new power and rediscover the warrior that lies dormant!$b$bI will require raptor hearts to fashion the item and spell.','Acquire 12 Raptor Hearts from Highland Fleshstalkers for Tor\'gan.','Yes, these will work perfectly. I will transfer their power and the spirit of the raptors into this orb. This orb will imbue Gor\'mul with the fiery strength and intelligence of the raptor.','My preparations are made, all I require are the raptor hearts.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     720insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (675,702,'Guile of the Raptor','Take this orb and use its energy to give Gor\'mul the essence of the raptor. Surely this will invigorate his spirit and give him new purpose in life. With him returned to normal, we can explain to him the current state of the Horde, and we will have a great warrior\'s assistance in our unceasing battles.','Give Tor\'gan\'s Orb to Gor\'mul.','At least it is something interesting you bring to me this time. A strange power it emits...','Returned again have you? Indeed there is nothing more I could wish for now than more of Tor\'gan\'s pity.$B$BWhat have you for me this time? Perhaps a piece of brightly colored string? Or a length of rope to end this misery of mine...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     721insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (676,703,'Barbecued Buzzard Wings','Oh yes, my barbecued buzzard wings are a favorite!  The sauce is rich and the meat is tangy.  And the smell will bring the hungry running from miles away!$B$BI have everything I need to cook up a batch.  Everything...except the buzzard wings!$B$BIf you want some then get me the buzzard wings.  Bring me enough, and I might even share the recipe with you!','Bring 4 Buzzard Wings to Rigglefuzz.','Ah, I\'ll get started on those wings right away. I can almost taste them already!$b$bAnd here\'s the recipe in case you want to make them yourself!','Hello, $N. Did you bring me my wings?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     722insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (677,704,'Agmond\'s Fate','The last report I received from Agmond is troubling, more so now that he\'s dead!  He mentioned that his diggers uncovered \"ancient urns\" at the dig site outside Uldaman.  I fear that the urns he found at that site incited the troggs, just as did the idols I found here.$B$BI need you to get those urns for our studies.  Go to the Uldaman site, gather the urns, then return to me.','Bring 4 Carved Stone Urns to Prospector Ironband in Loch Modan.','Well done! With luck and diligence, we will find whatever link exists between the troggs and these ancient artifacts.$B$BYou have done a great deed for the Prospectors, $N. Your efforts will not be forgotten. And neither will Agmond.','Did you find those urns, $N? We must find the link between them and the troggs!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     723insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (678,705,'Pearl Diving','The Badlands is a harsh place, filled with vicious predators and bold scavengers.  Scary, especially for a short little goblin.  To survive, I have to be tricky!$B$BI know the recipe for flash bombs.  I use those to scare away wildlife.  But I\'m running low on one of the ingredients: crushed blue pearl powder.  Get me some and I\'ll make it worth your efforts.$B$BHeh, and I hope you have good boots on.  The Blue Pearls I need are found from clams at the Vile Reef.$B$BYep, the Vile Reef in Stranglethorn!','Bring 9 Blue Pearls to Rigglefuzz in the Badlands.','These will work great! I just need to smash them into powder...then mix them with a little of this and a little of that.$b$bWatch out, scavengers! Prepare to be flashed!','Did you get my pearls?  I\'m almost out of flash bombs!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     724insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (679,706,'Fiery Blaze Enchantments','As an apprentice to Feranor Steeltoe, I learned his special technique for imbuing weapons with fiery enchantments. Last I heard of him, he was working at a smithy with a hunting party up in Lordaeron.$b$bI can\'t tell you too many of the details about the process, but I can tell you it requires blood from a rare, still-beating black drake whelp\'s heart. I don\'t have much to do waiting for word from Ironforge. If you bring me a heart from the whelps in Lethlor Ravine, I\'ll show you my skill!','Acquire a Black Drake\'s Heart for Sigrun Ironhew.','Ah yes, this will do excellently. This will enable your weapons to strike with searing heat!','How goes the hunt, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     725insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (680,707,'Ironband Wants You!','$N.  I received reports from Prospector Ironband at his excavation site in Loch Modan--he needs some legwork done concerning another of our excavations.$B$BI don\'t have more details than that, but if you want to stretch your legs then go speak with Ironband.','Speak with Prospector Ironband at Ironband\'s Excavation Site in Loch Modan.','So Stormpike sent you, did he? Good.$B$BI have a big task for you...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     726insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (681,708,'OLD The Black Box','The surface of this metallic black box is heavily pitted, as if it had been immersed in acid - it must have been sitting in the giant condor\'s stomach for a long time.$B$BTurning the box over, a symbol is found stamped on its bottom.  Below the symbol are the words:$B$B\"Engine #19 - Ironforge Siege Brigade\"','Take the Corroded Black Box to the Hall of Arms in Ironforge.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     727insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (682,709,'Solution to Doom','Oh my!  Oh my!  There is a doom approaching.  Mark me!  A doom!$B$BNo, I cannot speak of it...cannot utter their names or they may hear me!  But if we learn, yes, if we learn more of them...then maybe we can learn how to foil them!$B$BMaybe.$B$BGo into Uldaman.  No!  I said it!  You must find...find the tablet of...Ryun\'eh.  Yes, find it!  And don\'t make me speak that name again!$B$BIt is deep in that place, in an ancient chest.  That\'s where it hides...in a chest crafted before the works of any dwarf.','Bring the Tablet of Ryun\'eh to Theldurin the Lost.','Oh, fortune is with us! Thank you! We may yet be saved!','Did you find the tablet? It must hold secrets! Secrets to save us!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     728insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (683,710,'Study of the Elements: Rock','Here in the Badlands I\'ve stopped to work on my latest project: my shackles of elemental binding.$B$BWhen complete, they will allow mages to summon even more powerful elementals for use in even greater capacities. To start things off, I need small stone shards to test some of my newest offensive spells along with a few gizmos I\'ve pieced together.$B$BThe shards are easily collected from the lesser rock elementals to the west of here. Could you bring me some?','Find 10 Small Stone Shards and bring them to Lotwil Veriatus in the Badlands.','These shall do nicely, $N. Thank you. Hmm, a bit more sand than I\'d anticipated. Have to adjust the coefficient of friction. No, wait; it should still be negligible with the frost oil.$B$B<Mumbling to himself, Lotwil puts one fist into the palm of his other hand and stares at them as if fascinated.>','This area\'s perfect for-- Could you hold these in place for a moment? Yes, just like that, along the vector normal. Now, what was I... Right. Perfect for testing my latest project. The raw materials, the open space... what more could an intelligent and enlightened practitioner of the arts ask for?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     729insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (684,711,'Study of the Elements: Rock','$N, you\'ve already proven more able than all my apprentices combined.$B$BThe next parts I need require a little more strength. Large stone slabs can be found on rock elementals if you\'re careful enough. Their bodies are stronger and larger, and therefore more prone to having pieces large enough for my tests. You can find them further west of here or southeast along the mountains\' edges.$B$BTake your time; I\'ll need a while to test these smaller pieces you brought me.','Bring 3 Large Stone Slabs to Lotwil Veriatus in the Badlands.','$N, simply amazing! I would have thought it\'d take half a dozen tauren to bring all these to me.','I\'m most pleased, $N. My spells affected the smaller pieces just as I predicted. If this experiment is as successful as I foresee, then the elementals I\'ll be able to control will put anything summoned prior to this to shame.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     730insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (685,712,'Study of the Elements: Rock','$N, there\'s one more part I need from the elementals here in the Badlands: the bracers of rock binding from the greater rock elementals. By my calculations, those bracers should be enough to gauge the strength of my own shackles.$B$BMy attempts at scrying the greater rock elementals showed a group of them southwest of here, near some ogres if I recall.$B$BBring me 5 of their bracers just so I have extras. Servo\'s notorious for misplacing my reagents and research.','Bring 5 Bracers of Rock Binding to Lotwil Veriatus in the Badlands.','$N, have you ever considered becoming a research assistant? No? I\'m not sure what I\'ll do without your abilities here. Intelligence, curiosity, and strength--all combined into one package.','The stone slabs you found were ideal, $N. Lucien will be taking the extra ones back to Kharanos when we\'re done here. After all, they could prove useful again.$B$BFor instance, they\'d be a nice basis for a handy little shelter once I start looking into a multidisciplinary approach to high-yield explosives...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     731insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (686,713,'Coolant Heads Prevail','Let me tell you something about Frost Oil: nothing can keep an engine or gears from overheating quite like it.$B$BIts cooling properties are extraordinary, and its longevity as a lubricant without equal. That\'s not all: it also aids in retaining enchantments on magical items.$B$BI need a vial of it to increase the magical capacity of my shackles and make them powerful enough to stop our summoned friend from killing us all.$B$BBro\'kin, a goblin friend of mine, can teach you to make it. He\'s in Alterac.','Find Frost Oil and bring it to Lotwil Veriatus in Badlands.','Stupendous! This should be the perfect coolant for my new bracers. If the enchantments don\'t last a century, then I\'ll give all my belongings to Servo.$B$BAll the mages of the Assembly will be in such awe after I finish this, $N. You just wait and see.','Have you found the oil I need? It would be so helpful if you were able to find some.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     732insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (687,714,'Gyro... What?','$N, you\'ve done your job well beyond all standards.$B$B<Lotwil\'s obviously distracted by his work.>$B$BIf we ever meet in Kharanos, feel free to come apply for work.$B$BWhoops! Quick, grab the... yes, that. Thanks.$B$BNow I just need one more thing. It\'s a small part, but rather crucial, I\'m afraid: a gyrochronatom.$B$BIf you could just go grab one and bring it to me, I should be ready to complete this.','Bring a Gyrochronatom to Lotwil Veriatus in the Badlands.','HA!$b$b<Lotwil grabs the gyrochronatom from you.>$b$bPerfect... just about done. No, really. I AM almost done now. This project is my top priority... at the moment. Let me pop this into place, and you can see for yourself what you\'ve helped me create. It\'ll just take me a few more minutes... maybe... possibly longer. Well, maybe a lot longer. We\'ll see...','Yes, yes, yes. Just a moment.$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     733insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (688,715,'Liquid Stone','I\'m thinking those items you acquired for Lotwil are going to be the least of our worries, $N. On the other hand, you\'ve proven more than adept at the sciences Lotwil holds sacred, so how about helping me out?$B$BI need an invisibility potion and a healing potion; both might come in handy real soon if he pulls this off.$B$BIn return, I\'ll give you this recipe for a potion I\'ve been developing while learning from Lotwil. It\'s based on some of the research he\'s been doing here in the Badlands.','Bring a Healing Potion and a Lesser Invisibility Potion to Lucien Tosselwrench in the Badlands.','YES!$b$bI mean, thank you, $N. These will be helpful while traveling through the Badlands.','He\'s getting closer to finishing. How are things going on your end?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     734insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (689,716,'Stone Is Better than Cloth','I know how cheap Lotwil can be, $N, so let me make you something for all your troubles. Maybe it\'ll even help protect you from the coming atrocity that is Lotwil\'s newest invention.$B$BI\'ve been working with all the extra stones you collected for him, and I can make some nice bracers that you might want to use. They\'re enchanted, of course.$B$BI\'ll just need patterned bronze bracers crafted by a blacksmith so I can complete the bracers I\'m making for you.','Bring some Patterned Bronze Bracers to Lucien Tosselwrench in the Badlands.','Here you go, $N. Try these on.','I wouldn\'t wait too long to get that bracer, Orthanc.$b$bWho knows what\'s going to happen next?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     735insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (690,717,'Tremors of the Earth','It has become obvious that we cannot ensure that Blacklash and Hematus will remain imprisoned in Lethlor. That black dragons have taken up residence there, and that the ogres managed to steal the Sign indicates that more drastic measures will have to be taken.$b$bThe drakes\' prison is maintained by three runestones that may only be retrieved using the Sign of the Earth. Those runestones can then be used to break the seal which imprisons them.$b$b$n... assure that their dreams are eternal.','Use the Sign of the Earth to activate the Pillars of Amethyst, Opal, and Diamond and obtain the Runestones.$b$bPlace the runestones in the Seal of the Earth to free Blacklash and Hematus.$b$bSlay them and return Blacklash\'s Bindings, the Chains of Hematus, and the Sign of the Earth to Garek.','No longer will the Kirin Tor need to worry over the prisoners of Lethlor. I will return to report success to my master. Krasus will no doubt be pleased.','Strong magics and powers held the drakes\' prison for so long, but we cannot allow any possibility that Blacklash and Hematus may be released.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     736insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (691,718,'Mirages','In our hurry to leave the Uldaman excavation site, we were forced to abandon many wagons and crates of supplies along the way. The local ogres from Camp Kosh have been on our abandoned equipment like vultures on a rotting corpse. Don\'t smell much better, either. Than the corpses, I mean.$b$bAnyways, they took the cart that was carrying all our weapons and such... so--well, this is a bit embarrassing--we haven\'t been able to get any food.$b$bWe\'re in a bit of a pickle here, suppose you could help us out?','Retrieve the Supply Crate for Sigrun Ironhew.','Thanks so much, $N. While you were gone, I... er... swallowed a mouthful of sand. It...$B$BWell, enough of that, we\'ll go out and get some food tonight. Eat like kings!','The desert\'s a bad place to be hungry, my friend, let me tell you that.$B$BHey... what\'s that over there...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     737insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (692,719,'A Dwarf and His Tools','Hey, $N. Be careful \'round here. There be Dark Iron dwarves all around--looked like the Shadowforge clan.$B$BThey just attacked the excavation site I was workin\' at--killed nearly everyone there, including my boss Hammertoe. I barely escaped with me life.$B$BThe site\'s just to the north of here, and I\'m tryin\' to plan a way to get some of our supplies back, especially me lucky pick.$B$BThink you\'d be up to helpin\' me out some? One of those damned Dark Iron must have my pick! Could be anyone of them.','Find Ryedol\'s Lucky Pick and return it to Prospector Ryedol south of Hammertoe\'s Dig Site.','Ye\'re me savior, $C. I\'m glad someone could teach those Shadowforge a lesson or two. Thanks for yer help.','Not sure what the Shadowforge were lookin\' for, but they definitely had a purpose.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     738insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (693,720,'A Sign of Hope','<There is text roughly scribbled in chalk on the map.>$B$B\"Ryedol, $BThey\'re taking me to Uldaman. Send help.$B-Hammertoe\"','Find Prospector Ryedol and let him know Hammertoe Grez is alive.','Hammertoe\'s alive?! This is amazin\', $N!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     739insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (694,721,'A Sign of Hope','$N, can ye find him? Can you find Hammertoe in Uldaman?$B$BIf those dirty Shadowforge are holdin\' him hostage to figure out what he knows about the titan excavations, then all of Ironforge could be in huge trouble.$B$BFor a long time now those Dark Irons have been lookin\' for magics to make more powerful golems. Hammertoe was doin\' the same, of course, but only to stop them.$B$BThey\'re probably keepin\' him alive until they learn what he knows.Ye\'ve got to hurry if you\'re gonna save him!','Find Hammertoe Grez in Uldaman.','Yes? Ah\'m sorry... <cough> Feel so weak. Can ye come closer, $C?$B$BRyedol sent ye? Muradin be praised, that boy\'s not as slow in the head as I once thought. <cough>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     740insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (695,722,'Amulet of Secrets','Ye\'re brave... <cough>... to come into Uldaman fer me, $c.$B$BIf ye\'re really here to help... ol\' Hammertoe, then... <cough>... you\'ll need to find... me amulet.$B$BDeepshadow\'s got it... Magregan Deepshadow. He\'s \'round here... in the ruins fer sure. That amulet\'ll lead \'em... <cough>...  right to the scrolls if he ain\'t stopped. It\'s up to you, $N. Please... get that amulet.$B$BThe scrolls will surely help the Dark Irons create even more powerful golems. I just know it. I can feel it in me bones.','Find Hammertoe\'s Amulet and return it to him in Uldaman.','Ha! <cough cough>$B$BAh knew you\'d find me amulet, $N.$B$B<weeze> Well done indeed, $N. <cough>','The Shadowforge clan... is dangerous. Be careful. You must find the amulet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     741insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (696,723,'Prospect of Faith','<Hammertoe holds his wounds and takes a moment to regain his composure before speaking again.>$B$BFind Ryedol, $N. Bring \'im me amulet. <cough cough> He\'ll... <cough> figure out what to do. He knows I was seeking the origins of our people, and he... <cough>... knows it was also my mission to stop the Shadowforge clan. They must not be allowed to find the scrolls... <cough>','Take Hammertoe\'s Amulet to Prospector Ryedol in the Badlands.','Hammertoe\'s amulet? I think my spirits were higher when I thought he was dead. Knowin\' fer sure only makes the pain worse. This amulet was his life\'s work. I can\'t let his death be in vain.','I\'d say it was a bad day, but this is the Badlands: every day\'s a bad day.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     742insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (697,724,'Prospect of Faith','Okay, okay... who would know what to do?$B$BHistorian Karnik! That\'s it!$B$BHe\'s in Ironforge. He\'ll be able to help. He and Hammertoe were workin\' together to find the lost artifacts in Uldaman.$B$BGuess the Shadowforge found out the two of them knew more than they were lettin\' on.$B$BTell Karnik what\'s happened to Hammertoe and give him the amulet--he\'ll tell you what needs to be done next.','Take Hammertoe\'s Amulet to Historian Karnik in Ironforge.','Oh! Well, this is a different matter entirely. You probably don\'t realize the gravity of this matter yet, do you?$B$BI care deeply about Hammertoe\'s demise, but if he sent you here with his amulet, then he understood what\'s at stake.$B$BWe will have to take time to mourn his death later.$B$BLet me show you one of the reasons this amulet is so valuable.','Ah, yes. Another traveler seeking something from the dwarves.$B$BMa\'am, I\'m truly sorry, but I\'ve no time to answer meaningless questions right now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     743insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (698,725,'Passing Word of a Threat','$N, run and find Advisor Belgrum as quickly as you can. Tell him what you\'ve witnessed and ask him how he wants us to proceed. This note will explain more to him.$B$BIn the meantime, I will take the time to speak to Hammertoe\'s spirit. Maybe he knows something that will help us put a stop to those Shadowforge cretins\' activities in the Badlands. We can only pray.','Find Advisor Belgrum and give him his note.','Ah, word from Historian Karnik. Excellent.$B$BI always have time for his business.$B$B<Advisor Belgrum opens the note and begins to read.>','Hmm? Yes, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     744insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (699,726,'Passing Word of a Threat','<Advisor Belgrum reaches the end of the note, and his eyes widen for a moment.>$B$BOch, these are evil tidings.$B$B$N, please return to Historian Karnik and tell him on the king\'s authority to act on this information swiftly and decisively. He must halt the Shadowforge\'s activities in the Badlands.','Speak to Historian Karnik.','You\'re treating this matter with an urgency I\'d expect from the king himself, $N.$B$BAll right, then. I know what\'ll bring the Shadowforge down.$B$BTheir presence in Uldaman can be slowed if we strike them at their base of operations: Angor Fortress.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     745insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (700,727,'To Ironforge for Yagyin\'s Digest','The Tablet tells much.  But not enough!  Not nearly enough!$B$BThere is a book, a digest that Yagyin wrote in ages past.  The ... people I fled ... they keep this book in many places.  And their most learned study it.  It holds vast knowledge.  Knowledge to protect us!$B$BGo to Gerrig Bonegrip.  He is in a shop in Ironforge, in the Forlorn Cavern.  Show him this sigil and he\'ll think you one of them.  Ask him for Yagyin\'s Digest ... and bring it to me!','Give the Sigil of the Hammer to Gerrig Bonegrip in the Forlorn Cavern of Ironforge.','Oh. Greetings, brother.$B$BAnd praise to the dwellers beneath.','Hello. Welcome to my shop, but watch what you touch.$B$BKnowledge can be deadly.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     746insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (701,728,'To the Undercity for Yagyin\'s Digest','The tablet tells much.  But not enough!  Not nearly enough!$B$BThere is a book, a digest that Yagyin wrote in ages past.  The... people I fled from... they keep this book in many places.  And their most learned study it.  It holds vast knowledge.  Knowledge to protect us!$B$BGo to Keeper Bel\'dugur in the Undercity of Lordaeron.  Show him this sigil and he\'ll think you one of them.  Ask him for Yagin\'s Digest...and bring it to me!','Bring the Sigil of the Hammer to Keeper Bel\'dugur in the Undercity.','Be discrete with your signs, $C. There are those who do not believe the righteousness of our pledge.$B$BAnd there are those who would see us fail if they knew of us.$B$BWe must always be careful. And watchful. And patient.','Ah, we have an eager $C, I see. Are you here to learn from my collection? Good!$B$BBut be warned: just as knowledge gives power to the strong...it will drive the weak mad.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     747insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (702,729,'The Absent Minded Prospector','What an honor it was when Master Greywhisker assigned me to work under the guidance of the great Prospector Remtravel. At the academy in Ironforge everyone knew of Remtravel\'s great discoveries.$b$bBut the prospector is rather... um... oblivious ...to his surroundings.$b$bWe had uncovered evidence of a great society. Horrible golems sprang forth from the ground and overran the site. Remtravel never seemed to notice. I ran back to Auberdine for help.$b$bPlease travel south and see if the prospector is okay!','Travel south and check on Prospector Remtravel.','Hollee. is that you? I need some help chiseling this stone. Hand me my stone brush, I think I see something.$b$bHey, you\'re not Hollee! Don\'t suppose you\'ve seen my stone brush?$b$bNever mind that now! I promised the League I\'d send the mysterious fossil I found. Where did Hollee go?$b$bSo much work to be done! Now where is that mysterious fossil... and my brush... and Hollee...$b$bAnd who are you... \'tis no matter, so long as you\'re here to help.$b$bLet me know when you\'re ready to start looking.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     748insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (703,730,'Trouble In Darkshore?','How nice it is to see a $c interested in the great archeological wonders of our world.$b$bOftentimes our work is dismissed as mere hobby by our friends in the Alliance. But what many fail to realize is that recent discoveries in Khaz Modan have proven that a great and powerful force threatens all of Azeroth, from Lordaeron to Kalimdor.$b$bI am most worried about my crew that I sent to Darkshore. They haven\'t sent word in weeks.$b$bTravel to Auberdine and look for a clue as to their whereabouts.','Travel to Auberdine and look for signs of the dwarven excavation team.','I\'m so glad Chief Archeologist Greywhisker sent for us.... ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     749insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (704,731,'The Absent Minded Prospector','So then, Hollee... oh that\'s right, you are not Hollee. Where\'s Hollee?$b$bBah, that\'s beside the point. We must find that stone brush... I mean the mysterious fossil! We must find that fossil. The Explorers\' League in Darnassus will want some indication as to what I\'ve been doing.$b$bLet me know when you are ready and we will hunt down that brush.... I mean fossil! We shall find something in writing to satisfy the League.$b$bSo are you ready yet?','Protect Prospector Remtravel as he searches for the mysterious fossil, then return to Archaeologist Hollee in Auberdine.','Thank the stars Prospector Remtravel is safe! I told you he was absent minded. I can\'t believe he insisted on staying there with all of those horrible creatures lurking about.','','Escort Prospector Remtravel','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     750insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (705,732,'Tremors of the Earth','I heard from Sigrun that you have been a great help to him. Perhaps I might enlist your help. I was sent here by my master, Krasus of the Kirin Tor, to put an end to the trouble brewing in Lethlor Ravine.$b$bI cannot divulge the exact nature of my assignment here or the tasks that I must undertake, but be assured it is of vital importance.$b$bA band of wandering ogres, sometimes seen near Camp Boff, stole an object called the Sign of the Earth; I must have it. Bring it to me, and I will tell you more.','Retrieve the Sign of the Earth for Garek.','Good tidings you bring bearing the Sign, $N. The Sign of the Earth was created by the Dark Iron dwarves of Angor Fortress to bind two of Deathwing\'s ruthless lieutenants, the twins Blacklash and Hematus.','The nomadic band of ogres travels between their camps across the Badlands; heat rising from the dry earth and the swirling winds will make it difficult to track their progress. I have heard that sometimes they travel through Camp Boff. If you are lost, you might try your search there.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     751insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (706,733,'Scrounging','It\'s going to be tough going here if I can\'t manage to scrounge up some materials to construct some defenses and other necessities. I\'ve noticed that the ogres in the area seem to be well equipped with scrap metal. Maybe the stories of siege engines in the Badlands weren\'t so far off after all...$b$bAnyways, the Prospector\'s been getting worried about the state of our little camp, so I\'d like to get working soon if I can.$b$bThe main ogre camp is at Dustbelch Grotto, a good trek to the west of here.','Get 7 pieces of Scrap Metal for Sigrun.','It\'s a start, $N, and it\'ll have to do until we hear word from Ironforge or the Explorers\' League.$B$BNow, if only I could find some salt somewhere for my quenching barrel...','Well, I\'ve made do with what I could, but... it\'s not much. Have you found any more supplies?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     752insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (707,734,'This Is Going to Be Hard','Wonderful, wonderful.$B$B<Lotwil looks up at you for a moment before going back to his shackles.>$B$BGo speak to Lucien, $N. I need a cog #5. Bring it to me, will you?','Speak to Lucien Tosselwrench in the Badlands.','Cog #5, huh? Yeah, this isn\'t going to be good.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     753insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (708,735,'The Star, the Hand and the Heart','Yagyin\'s Digest, eh?  Are you starting a new chapter of us, somewhere?  Never mind, it is not my place to ask.$B$BI will help you, for I have an extra copy.  We must aid each other, yes?  That is how we flourish.$B$BI require three items of power.  Bring them to me and I will give you the digest.$B$BI will not speak their names.  Ears may be on us.  But here, I will write them down.','Return the items on the Bonegrip\'s Note to Gerrig Bonegrip in Ironforge.','You are resourceful, $C. If it truly is your charge to begin a new chapter of our order, then I believe you will run it well.','Do you have the relics for which I asked?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     754insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (709,736,'The Star, the Hand and the Heart','You need Yagyin\'s Digest?  Your plan, then, is to gather another flock?  Of course it is...and of course I will help you, $gbrother:sister;.$B$BBut you must help me too.$B$BI require three items of power.  Bring me these and the digest will be yours.$B$BI cannot utter the names of these items, but I will write them down.$B$BGet me the items on this list.  If you can do that, then you are truly worthy of opening your own chapter of our order.','Bring the items on Bel\'dugur\'s Note to Keeper Bel\'dugur in the Undercity.','I am impressed! You possess great skill, or great fortune, to have gained these relics. Either way, you are an asset to us.','How goes your mission, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     755insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (710,737,'Forbidden Knowledge','I have the digest for you, $N.  I need not tell you to take great care with it.  And to keep it far from unfriendly hands.  $B$BThis book holds many truths...$B$B...And the truth can burn.','Bring Yagyin\'s Digest to Theldurin.','You got it! Oh, hope glimmers!$B$BYour efforts may yet save us, $N. A monument they should make of you! A shrine they should build! May your name be praised until your grandchildren have grandchildren!$B$BUnless...THEY are freed and rise to the surface.  If that happens then you can forget about children.$B$BIf THEY are freed, then we\'re all worm food.','Ho! You were gone a long time. Did you get the digest?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     756insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (711,738,'Find Agmond','Prospector Agmond was in charge of our excavation sites in the Badlands, to the southwest.  I say \"was\" because...well, I haven\'t heard from him in weeks.  I need you to find Agmond so I can get his report.$B$BLast I heard Agmond was at the southernmost dig site in the Badlands--a tiny operation past the Angor Fortress.  I\'d start your search for him there.','Find Agmond.','This skeleton must be the unfortunate remains of Agmond. His body is broken and battered, and his bones picked clean.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     757insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (712,739,'Murdaloc','Agmond\'s tracks lead from the west.  It is easy to tell from the bloody smears across rock and sand that the dwarf crawled some distance.$B$BAnd here he died.$B$BUpon close inspection, the word \"Murdaloc\" is roughly scrawled in a patch of Badlands sandstone.$B$BScrawled next to Agmond\'s dead hand.','Slay Agmond\'s killer, Murdaloc.$B$BSlay 12 Stonevault Bonesnappers.$B$BReport to Prospector Ironband in Loch Modan.','This is sobering news, $N. But Agmond had a strong arm and a fierce hammer-swing, and his skull was as thick as they come! Although he was killed by those cursed troggs I\'m sure he took a lot of them down with him.','Do you have news of Agmond\'s fate? Did you find him?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     758insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (713,741,'The Absent Minded Prospector','So the prospector wants to send the mysterious fossil to the Explorers\' League in Darnassus? I don\'t feel right leaving Darkshore without him.$b$bHere, $n, deliver the mysterious fossil to Chief Archaeologist Greywhisker in Darnassus.','Take the mysterious fossil to Chief Archaeologist Greywhisker in Darnassus.','Oh my! Leave it to Prospector Remtravel to discover such a find!','What can I do for you, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     759insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (714,742,'The Ashenvale Hunt','Attention, young adventurers!  The wilds of Ashenvale await you!$B$BThe Horde has established a strong presence in the lands north of the Barrens.  Our two outposts - Splintertree Post and the Zoram Strand Outpost - strive to bring glory to the Horde!  Those who would prove themselves should seek out guidance there.  Of note: Senani Thunderheart in Splintertree Post, directly north of the Barrens, seeks adventurers willing to take part in a great hunt of Ashenvale!','Speak with Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.','Welcome to the new frontier, $N. Ashenvale is a land of opportunity, one where a young $C like yourself is able to find boundless chances to prove their mettle. Look around the outpost here, and be sure to travel out to the Zoram Strand, as the Horde has another outpost there as well.$B$BYour presence here tells me that you\'ve come to learn more about the hunt. Listen close, and I will gladly share with you what you need to know.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     760insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (715,743,'Dangers of the Windfury','Thank you for taking the time to speak to me, $N. I am Ruul, warrior and teacher.$B$BYou have obviously reached an age when you must prepare for your trials if you are to adventure much further out of Mulgore.$B$BIf you wish a test of your strength, start by seeking out the Windfury harpies to the southeast. They nestle along the mountain\'s edges away from the road.$B$BThey are one of our natural enemies here in Mulgore and will be a good gauge of your skill.','Bring 8 Windfury Talons to Ruul Eagletalon in Bloodhoof Village.','You have done well, Kowanchee. You seem well prepared to travel onward. Let the wind always be at your back.','The Windfuries are deadly foes. Their strength in battle is only rivaled by their desire for fresh meat.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     761insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (716,744,'Preparation for Ceremony','$N, my brother soon stands before Chief Bloodhoof, and it is my honor to make his headdress for him.$B$BI want to ask a favor of you while I finish tanning these leather straps. There is not time for me to find enough feathers, and I was wondering, would you gather more for me?$B$BYou can find feathers of the correct size from the harpies residing far to the north and northwest of Thunder Bluff. I need only 6 azure and 6 bronze feathers to complete the design.','Collect 6 Azure Feathers and 6 Bronze Feathers, and bring them to Eyahn Eagletalon in Thunder Bluff.','Thank you for your help, $N.$b$bMy part in my brother\'s ceremony is almost complete. Giving him his headdress and witnessing the ceremony are all my duty requires of me.','This headdress will certainly be a wonderful gift for my brother.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     762insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (717,745,'Sharing the Land','$N, there are many conflicts that wound this land. It is my hope that you will not bear witness to as many of them as I have. Yet there is one that I would ask you to seek out. It will give you some sense of how terrible, if left unchecked, even a small threat can be to the land.$B$BPalemane gnolls have settled to the south of Bloodhoof and in a cave to the west. They disrespect our attempts to communicate with them, and they slay the wildlife of Mulgore unbridled.$B$BWords are no longer the answer.','Kill 10 Palemane Tanners, 8 Palemane Skinners, and 5 Palemane Poachers, then return to Baine Bloodhoof in Bloodhoof Village.','Kowanchee, it is good you\'ve taken my task seriously. Respect of the land and its creatures is important. Death and life are a circle... a necessity. One cannot exist without the other. Take time to ponder this and do well to never forget it.','If the Palemanes had respected the land and its inhabitants more, this conflict would have never occurred.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     763insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (718,746,'Dwarven Digging','There are dwarves preparing a dig site to the northwest.  They think secrets lie in the earth, and that is true, but hollowing and defiling the land is no way to earn its teachings.$B$BCollect the dwarven tools of digging, smash them, and return to me with the dwarves\' broken tools.$B$BYou can smash the tools at a forge.  You will find one in Thunder Bluff, but any forge -- even a forge at the dwarven camp -- will suffice.','Collect 5 Prospector\'s Picks.$B$BAt a forge, smash the Prospector\'s Picks to create Broken Tools.$B$BBring 5 Broken Tools to Baine Bloodhoof in Bloodhoof Village.','Thank you, $N. This will calm the beasts of Mulgore. And, spirits willing, it will teach the dwarves that hollowing the land is not the path to knowledge.','Hello, $N. Do you have the Broken Tools? The dwarves\' digging will enrage the kodos of Mulgore. This defilement must be stopped!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     764insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (719,747,'The Hunt Begins','You have a promising air about you, and will prove yourself to the tribe. Perhaps someday soon you will be welcomed into the great city of Thunder Bluff. But before that can happen you must prove yourself to my father, Chief Hawkwind.$b$bUp here on Red Cloud Mesa we pride ourselves on keen hunting skills. Tauren hunt out of necessity and for sport. Our supply of meats has run low and we require feathers for clothing. Hunt the nearby plainstriders and prove yourself by resupplying the village.','Grull Hawkwind in Camp Narache wants you to bring him 7 Plainstrider Feathers and 7 pieces of Plainstrider Meat.','The $R of Narache thank you, Kowanchee. You show much promise.','Providing meat and feathers for the tribe is the first step in proving yourself as a $C before the Chief.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     765insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (720,748,'Poison Water','Goblins and their servants have tainted our sacred water wells!  We cannot allow this.$B$BTo cleanse each well, I must create a cleansing totem, then you must bring the totem to the well and perform a cleansing ritual.$B$BFirst we will create a cleansing totem for the Winterhoof Water Well.  To do this, the land must offer its aid. Hunt prairie wolves for their paws and adult plainstriders for their talons.  They are to the southwest.$B$BReturn to me with the paws and talons, $N.','Bring 6 Prairie Wolf Paws and 4 Plainstrider Talons to Mull Thunderhorn in Bloodhoof.','You have done well, Kowanchee. I will take these and bind their power into a totem of cleansing.','Do you have the paws and talons, Kowanchee?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     766insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (721,749,'The Ravaged Caravan','A few days ago, we found a Venture Co. caravan traveling under guard on the northern shore of Stonebull Lake. We\'d lost two of our number in an earlier battle, so we were quick to attack and lay waste to the caravan.$b$bWe left their supply crates, thinking that our torches would destroy anything of value, but given that Venture Co. salvagers have been spotted near the burned wagons, maybe we were wrong.$b$bPerhaps you could go to the caravan and examine the contents of the crates.','Morin Cloudstalker wants you to examine the contents of a supply crate at the Ravaged Caravan.','All sides of the crate are stamped with the sign of the Venture Co. Mining Division. Notes printed carefully on the side of the carton indicate that the contents are due for processing at one of their central plants.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     767insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (722,750,'The Hunt Continues','A tauren skilled in the ways of the hunt knows that his prey is not for mere trophy. The beasts of the plains provide us with a means of survival. You will make quite an impression on the elders if you can bring back some highly valued Mountain Cougar Pelts. You can find the beasts lurking in the hills to the south.$b$bOur children need clothing and our tents need mending.','Grull Hawkwind in Camp Narache wants you to bring him 10 Mountain Cougar Pelts.','The $R of Narache thank you for these provisions, Kowanchee. With your skill in the ways of the hunt you will surely be revered in Thunder Bluff someday.','If you can provide pelts for the tribe I will pass word along to my father, Chief Hawkwind, of your generous deeds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     768insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (723,751,'The Ravaged Caravan','Prying open the lid reveals a tightly packed assortment of ore and minerals, more evidence of the Venture Co.\'s mining operation in Mulgore. On the top of the ore and minerals you remove a tightly bound sheaf of papers.$b$bUp in the foothills to the east, you can barely hear the sounds of work, and see smoke rising from a large fire.','Return the Venture Co. Documents to Morin Cloudstalker near Bloodhoof Village.','It does indeed appear that the Venture Co. is attempting to rob us of our natural resources. It is good to know this for true, and now it seems, we must do something about it.','Hail, Kowanchee. Have you learned anything new about the Venture Co.\'s plans and operations in our homeland?$b$bIf they plan to exploit our lands as they have others, the Outrunners will be quick to put an end to it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     769insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (724,752,'A Humble Task','All members of the tribe share in the harmony of life. We live together and work together.$b$bOur commitment to one another carries with it a high degree of responsibility. I ask of you now a humble task.$b$bMy mother set out this morning to fetch water from the well to the southeast of Narache. It has been quite some time now. Perhaps you could check on her for me while I attend to tribal matters here?','Chief Hawkwind wants you to search for his mother near the water well to the southeast of Camp Narache.','You traveled all this way just to help an old woman? My my, aren\'t you a keeper?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     770insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (725,753,'A Humble Task','I have traveled many paths through life and these old legs lack the vigor they once had. I can still perform my duties to the tribe. Sometimes it just takes an old woman a little longer to do the task.$b$bBut you look like an eager $c. Let\'s put some of that youthful vitality to the test. Take a water pitcher from the well and bring it to my son, the Chief, in Camp Narache.$b$bRemember that even the most humble task can gain the recognition of elders.','Take a Water Pitcher from the water well.$b$bReturn the pitcher to Chief Hawkwind in Camp Narache which is northwest from the water well.','You carried this pitcher back at the Greatmother\'s bidding, I see.$b$bYour willingness to help others and provide for the tauren of Camp Narache leads me to believe you would make the tribe proud in Thunder Bluff someday.','You look as though you have returned from the plains. Do you have any word from Greatmother Hawkwind?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     771insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (726,754,'Winterhoof Cleansing','I have crafted the totem to cleanse the Winterhoof Water Well.  Now, you must take it to the well and perform a cleansing ritual.  You will find it to the southeast, guarded by foul goblins!$B$BThis will not be an easy task, but you must do it if we are ever to use its waters again.$B$BFortune to you, $N.','Use the Winterhoof Cleansing Totem at the Winterhoof Water Well, then return to Mull Thunderhorn.','News of your deed reached me moments ago -- already the beasts near the well drink from it eagerly.$b$bYou have done a great thing for the land, Kowanchee. And you have done a great thing for the Tauren people.','','Cleanse the Winterhoof Water Well','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     772insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (727,755,'Rites of the Earthmother','Your willingness to perform a humble task for the tauren of Narache and your eagerness to learn are noble traits, $n. I believe one day you will be heralded in Thunder Bluff as a $c of greatness.$b$bBefore that you must embark on the Rites of the Earthmother, of which there are three.$b$bThe first test is the Rite of Strength. Travel to Seer Graytongue and tell him Chief Hawkwind has sent you.$b$bYou will find the seer\'s abode directly to the south of Camp Narache, tucked away in the hills.','Travel to Seer Graytongue who lives in the hills directly south of Camp Narache.','Chief Hawkwind sent you? Embarking on the Rites of the Earthmother is no small task...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     773insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (728,756,'Thunderhorn Totem','To create the Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem, you must gather the claws of the predators of the Mulgore plains.  Hunt prairie stalkers for their stalker claws and flatland cougars for their cougar claws, then return to me.$B$BYou will find the prairie stalkers and flatland cougars to the east and west.','Bring 6 Stalker Claws and 6 Cougar Claws to Mull Thunderhorn.','Thank you, Kowanchee. The purity with which these beasts hunt is vital in the creation of the next cleansing totem.$b$bThe goblins will never learn the difference between contending with the land, and living in harmony with it.','Kowanchee, do you have the claws I sent you to gather? The Thunderhorn Water Well grows more tainted with each passing hour!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     774insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (729,757,'Rite of Strength','The Rites of the Earthmother are the steps a young tauren needs to take to gain respect in Thunder Bluff.$b$bFirst you must pass the Rite of Strength. In this test you must prove your bravery by slaying enemies of the tribe.$b$bBristlebacks of Brambleblade Ravine to the east are encroaching on our tribal lands. They ambush our hunting parties and steal from the village by dark.$b$bShow your valor by slaying these villains and return to the Chief in Camp Narache with their belts as proof of your deeds.','Kill Bristlebacks in Brambleblade Ravine and bring 12 Bristleback Belts to Chief Hawkwind in Camp Narache.','You have passed the first test of the Rites of the Earthmother. The tribe will be proud.','Have you completed the Rite of Strength, Kowanchee? I require proof of your valor against the enemy of our tribe, the Bristlebacks.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     775insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (730,758,'Thunderhorn Cleansing','The totem is ready, $N.  And again, it is your task to perform the ritual of cleansing.$B$BGo to the Thunderhorn Water Well, north of the village, and use the Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem in your ritual.  After you do this, return to me.$B$BMay the spirits guide you.','Use the Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem at the Thunderhorn Water Well, then return to Mull.','Ancestors of the Thunderhorn clan spoke to me in a dream, praising you for your actions near their well.$b$bFor their gratitude, they wish to give you this...','','Cleanse the Thunderhorn Water Well','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     776insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (731,759,'Wildmane Totem','There is but one water well left to cleanse, named after the Wildmane clan.  For this well to be pure, the land must offer the teeth of a fierce predator, the prairie wolf alpha.  Find the alphas to the north, then return to me when your hunt is finished.$B$BAlphas often wander around the base of our mighty city, Thunder Bluff.','Bring 8 Prairie Alpha Teeth to Mull Thunderhorn in Bloodhoof Village.','Very good, Kowanchee. I can feel the sacrifice of the land in this offering, and my spirit swells with sadness, and pride.','Kowanchee. Do you have the teeth I asked for?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     777insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (732,760,'Wildmane Cleansing','Your cleansing of the Winterhoof and Thunderhorn wells is spoken among the spirits, young $N.  The Wildmane Totem is made, and your last task lies ahead.$B$BThe Wildmane Water Well lies north of Thunder Bluff.  Perform the ritual!  Heal the land of the goblins\' poisons!  Let clean water flow once again!','Use the Wildmane Cleansing Totem at the Wildmane Water Well, then return to Mull Thunderhorn.','You\'ve done it. You have cleaned the wells, and healed our land. Bloodhoof village is grateful, Kowanchee.$b$bMay the wind whisper your deeds for a hundred seasons, and may the waters of Mulgore remain clean forever.','','Cleanse the Wildmane Well','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     778insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (733,761,'Swoop Hunting','The swoop is a cunning bird, and difficult to find and hunt.  A collection of Swoop Quills is a badge of cleverness and determination for a hunter.$B$BIf you are willing to take up this task, then enter the plains and hunt the swoop.$B$BBring me their quills, and bring honor to your clan.$B$BThe swoops may be found anywhere in Mulgore, but your eyes must be sharp to spot them, and your hooves must be quick to catch them.','Bring 8 Trophy Swoop Quills to Harken Windtotem in Bloodhoof Village.','I know that gathering these quills was not an easy task, Kowanchee. In doing this, you prove that you are a $C of merit. It is good to have you at Bloodhoof Village.','Have you found the swoops, Kowanchee. Do you have their quills?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     779insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (734,762,'An Ambassador of Evil','Ambassador Infernus was sent to Angor Fortress by Ragnaros himself to mind the Shadowforge seeking lost artifacts in Uldaman.$B$BIt has already meant tremendous casualties for our people, but it has obviously grown worse. I hesitate to guess how many artifacts they would be able to find and use against Ironforge.$B$BOur goal is simple, $c. Return to the Badlands and destroy Ambassador Infernus. Once the threat is eliminated, return to Advisor Belgrum with proof of your victory.$B$BIt is in your hands now.','Kill Ambassador Infernus in Angor Fortress and bring proof of his death to Advisor Belgrum in Ironforge.','$N, your dedication to Ironforge and to the dwarven people cannot be refuted. I thank you for your help in this matter.$B$BI shall send word to Historian Karnik informing him that you have succeeded, and I shall also have aid sent to the Badlands as soon as possible to help recover the excavation site. Thank you again.$B$BBefore you go, there is one more thing I would ask of you in the name of King Bronzebeard.','Time is of the essence, $N. Ragnaros will not wait for us to prepare.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     780insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (735,763,'Rites of the Earthmother','For you to continue with the Rites of the Earthmother you must pass two more tests. It is time for you to broaden your experience, $n.$b$bTravel to Bloodhoof Village and seek out the Chief, Baine Bloodhoof, son of Cairne. There you may continue your journey and earn the acceptance of the elders of Thunder Bluff.$b$bTake this totem to Baine. He will recognize my carvings and help you on your path.$b$bFollow the road out of Camp Narache and travel with haste. Do not stray or you will lose your way.','Take the Totem of Hawkwind to Baine Bloodhoof in Bloodhoof Village. Follow the road out of Camp Narache.','Word from my good friend, Chief Hawkwind! Ah, I can see by his carvings you are of a special breed.','What brings you to my village, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     781insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (736,764,'The Venture Co.','This explains the buildup of Venture Co. employees and equipment we\'ve seen in Mulgore. Those goblins... their company is expanding too quickly for their own good. It\'s how they say, show a goblin something, and you can hear the scales in the background.$b$bGreedy little things, they are. Unfortunately for their business enterprise, we tauren cannot allow them to conduct their operations in our lands. Go to their mine northeast of the ravaged caravan and send them a message.','Kill 14 Venture Co. Workers and 6 Venture Co. Supervisors for Morin Cloudstalker at Bloodhoof Village.','I don\'t think there could be too much misinterpreting or ignoring of that signal, hm? The Venture Co. will know not to take the tauren lightly, or to be so arrogant as to believe we would allow them to steal the natural resources around us without protest.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     782insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (737,765,'Supervisor Fizsprocket','According to the documents you salvaged from the caravan, the Venture Co. created many plans to attempt to drive us from our lands here, so that they could have free reign to plunder our lands.$b$bThe depths that they would sink to accomplish their goals disgusts and appalls me. I want the mastermind behind their plans killed. His name is Supervisor Fizsprocket, you will find him at the Venture Co. mine east of the ravaged caravan. Bring me his clipboard, we shall see if we find out anything useful.','Kill Supervisor Fizsprocket and return his clipboard to Morin Cloudstalker at Bloodhoof Village.','My anger is somewhat lessened at the news that the villain Fizsprocket is dead. I will go through his personal effects and see if there is any additional information about what the Venture Co. has planned for the future. Thank you for your efforts, $N.','I seethe with anger at the thought of the atrocities the Venture Co. is willing to perpetrate against us in the name of profit.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     783insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (738,766,'Mazzranache','My grandfather told me stories about his battles with a strider named Mazzranache. He told me of its demonic red eyes, razor-sharp talons and venomous bite.$b$bAs fortune would have it, while traveling across the plains, I encountered it, and it took a nasty bite from my shoulder. He was as terrible as my grandfather described. I will need some hard-to-find animal parts to clean the infection from his bite: a wolf heart, cougar femur, plainstrider scale and swoop gizzard.$b$bHurry, time is of the essence.','Bring a Prairie Wolf Heart, Flatland Cougar Femur, Plainstrider Scale and Swoop Gizzard to Maur Raincaller at Bloodhoof Village.','Ah, thank you, Kowanchee. Using the items you brought me, I will be able to create the remedy I need to stop the spread of the infection and, eventually, cure it completely. I owe you my life in thanks.$b$bBut I\'ll never forget that screeching call when Mazzranache came upon me, the blaze of color as its beak descended...$b$bBe wary on your travels.','My fever grows worse and I find my mind drifting into delirious nightmares... I should have known that I wouldn\'t be able to handle a beast my grandfather was unable to defeat...$b$bDo you have the ingredients for the remedy? I fear if I do not clean the infection soon, it will be the death of me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     784insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (739,767,'Rite of Vision','The Rite of Vision, one of the Rites of the Earthmother, will help guide you toward earning the respect of the elders of Thunder Bluff.$b$bOur people have learned that the land is our most holy provider. In order to take part in the ritualistic vision, you must speak with the spiritual leader of the village, Zarlman Two-Moons.','Speak with Zarlman Two-Moons in Bloodhoof Village.','I sensed you would be coming to me, $C. I can always recognize one who is trying to pass the Rites of the Earthmother.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     785insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (740,768,'Gathering Leather','Greetings, young one.  You have a gleam in your eye; I can tell you are eager to venture back to the plains for the hunt.  May you bring honor to your clan!$B$BI work with the skins of beasts, fashioning them into clothes and armor for the people of Thunder Bluff.$B$BIf you hunt beasts and bring me their skins, then I will fashion something for you.','Bring 12 pieces of Light Leather to Veren Tallstrider in Thunder Bluff.','Ah, these are very nice pieces. They\'ll make fine leather goods.$B$BHere, $N. Take this in trade...','Hello again. Have you been hunting? Do you have skins for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     786insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (741,769,'Kodo Hide Bag','The kodo beasts of Mulgore are strong and sturdy -- traits much respected among us.  If you are skilled in leatherworking and wish the knowledge to make a Kodo Hide Bag, then bring me supplies for my trade.$B$BDo this, and I will share my knowledge with you.','Bring 4 Light Leather and 4 Coarse Thread to Veren Tallstrider in Thunder Bluff.','Ah, good. Thank you, $N. My heart swells with pride to see youths interested in the craft of leatherworking.','Do you have my supplies, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     787insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (742,770,'The Demon Scarred Cloak','The ragged hide of Ghost Howl still bears a terrible wound, gained from the wolf\'s battles against the Burning Legion.$B$BPerhaps someone in Bloodhoof Village should know of Ghost Howl\'s demise....','Find someone who knows of Ghost Howl.','I can barely believe my old eyes! You defeated the great wolf Ghost Howl? I look upon you with new respect, young $C. You are a $C of extreme skills!$b$bLet me offer you something. My days of hunting are over, but I would be honored if you used one of my weapons in your hunts.$b$bMay it strike true, and bring you renown.$b$bAnd let us hope that Ghost Howl\'s spirit has finally found peace.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     788insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (743,771,'Rite of Vision','In order to pass through the Rite of Vision, you must gather the reagents needed to make the Water of the Seers.$b$bI will need well stones, which can be found around the water wells in Mulgore. With those I will combine Ambercorn, which fall beneath the mighty trees in our land.$b$bThese reagents contain magical elements, and when brewed and consumed before the tribal fire, will cause you to encounter a vision. Follow it, and it will lead you to the next step of this holy quest.','Collect 2 Well Stones and 2 Ambercorn and bring them back to Zarlman Two-Moons in Bloodhoof Village.','I see you have learned to gather from our sacred land, Kowanchee. It will take but a moment for me to brew the Water of the Seers.','Once you have gathered enough well stones from around the water wells and Ambercorn from beneath the trees, I will prepare the Water of the Seers for you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     789insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (744,772,'Rite of Vision','I now present you with the Water of the Seers.$b$bWhen you are ready, consume the waters near the tribal fire. Once you have ingested the holy waters, it will take a few moments before the vision materializes before the fire.$b$bAt that point, it is up to you to follow it to your destiny....','Consume the Water of the Seers in front of the tribal fire in Bloodhoof Village and follow the vision once it appears.','Be not afraid, Kowanchee. You have successfully passed the Rite of Vision.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     790insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (745,773,'Rite of Wisdom','To gain acceptance amongst the elders of Thunder Bluff you must next complete the Rite of Wisdom.$b$bNow that you have passed the Rite of Vision, the ancestral spirits of Red Rocks will give you the blessing of our ancestors. Only those who have drunk from the Water of Seers can gain the blessing.$b$bTravel east of Thunder Bluff, to Red Rocks and seek out the Ancestral Spirit, $n.','Travel to Red Rocks east of Thunder Bluff and speak with the Ancestral Spirit.','You have shown great diligence in your yearning to pass the Rites of the Earthmother, Kowanchee.$b$bWe, the Ancestral Spirits, represent the mighty tauren who gave their lives bravely to found and protect our great city of Thunder Bluff. I hereby pass the duty of that protection over to you.$b$bYou have passed the Rite of Wisdom, young $C. Enter Thunder Bluff with pride.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     791insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (746,775,'Journey into Thunder Bluff','You will now be revered within our great city. Any $r worthy of completing the Rites of the Earthmother earns that honor.$b$bFor your final quest, seek out our noble leader, Cairne Bloodhoof, who dwells atop the highest mesa in Thunder Bluff.','Speak with Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff.','Hail, young $C. I see you found your way to my doorstep.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     792insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (747,776,'Rites of the Earthmother','You have passed the Rites of the Earthmother and earned your place in Thunder Bluff.$b$bBut in order to maintain the spot that you strived so hard to achieve, you must continue to prove your worth to your people.$b$bWe are hunters, $n. Down below in Mulgore there is a mighty kodo named Arra\'chea. Show me your skills in the ways of tracking and hunting by bringing me the Horn of Arra\'chea.','Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff wants you to bring him the Horn of Arra\'chea.','Well done! A fine kill that was.$b$bI will send a gathering party to collect the carcass so we can retrieve the hide and meat.$b$bYou have done a great deed for your people, $N.','Have you tracked down Arra\'chea yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     793insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (748,777,'This Is Going to Be Hard','Okay, here you go.$B$BI\'m going to be over here... behind cover.$B$BFeel free to join me.','Bring Cog #5 to Lotwil Veriatus.','Ah, perfect. Stand back while I prepare to make more history!$b$b<Lotwil continues to work feverishly.>','$b$bThe cog, $N, the cog!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     794insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (749,778,'This Is Going to Be Hard','Haha! Done! The shackles are done!$B$BIt\'s time, Lucien. It\'s time, Servo!$B$BAre you ready to bear witness to the perfect blend of alchemy, engineering, and the arcane, $N?$B$BI shall summon forth a powerful elemental now. This is a groundbreaking day for all of us.','Defeat the Fam\'retor Guardian and bring Lotwil\'s Shackles of Elemental Binding back to Lotwil Veriatus.','Thank you, $N. That was quite an ordeal, wasn\'t it?$b$bI\'m not sure what could have gone wrong. It was a good thing my magics were here to help send the creature back to its home plane.$b$bPerhaps a little token of appreciation for all your hard work...','Not quite the outcome I was expecting. Could you get my shackles back?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     795insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (750,779,'Seal of the Earth','','','As you place the Runestones into the matching recesses, a violent rumbling shakes the earth as the Seal is broken.','The Seal of the Earth lies here, with three recessed alcoves for the Amethyst Runestone, the Opal Runestone, and the Diamond Runestone.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     796insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (751,780,'The Battleboars','The Battleboars of Brambleblade Ravine to the east are encroaching on our tribal hunting grounds. They are trained to be malicious by the Bristleback Quilboars with whom we are at war.$b$bGo and slay the vile creatures and bring back some snouts and flanks so that we can make stew for our young.','Grull Hawkwind in Camp Narache wants you to kill Battleboars and bring back 8 Battleboar Snouts and 8 Battleboar Flanks.','Most excellent. These ingredients will make a fine stew and the loss of those boars should be a fair lesson to those vile Bristlebacks.','The aggression of the Battleboars is increasing. Have you sent them a clear message and brought back some snouts and flanks yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     797insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (752,781,'Attack on Camp Narache','After carefully evaluating the map, you realize that what you discovered are the plans made by the Bristleback warchief for an extended siege on Camp Narache.$b$bSurely Chief Hawkwind could use this information!','Bring the Bristleback Attack Plans to Chief Hawkwind in Camp Narache.','This is quite alarming indeed! But with this information we can call on our brethren from Bloodhoof Village to help thwart the attack. You have saved the lives of many tauren, $N.','You have a look of concern about you, $N. What news do you bring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     798insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (753,782,'Broken Alliances','From the Horde\'s alliance with the dragon Deathwing during the Second War, we know that two of his lieutenants, Blacklash and Hematus, were imprisoned within Lethlor Ravine far to the east. We must silence our depraved allies of old to restore honor to the Horde!$B$BWe hired Tho\'grun and his band of ogre mercenaries to help us obtain the Sign of the Earth, a key needed to unlock the drakes\' prison. Tho\'grun betrayed us though, overwhelming us and taking it for himself. Go to Camp Boff and take it back!','Kill Boss Tho\'grun and bring the Sign of the Earth to Gorn in Kargath.','With Tho\'grun dead, his corpse picked clean by the desert winds and scavenging buzzards, the ogres will be put into disarray. Though a small victory, this will lead to a much larger one$B$BThe Sign of the Earth is now in our possession, and we can open the black drakes\' prison in Lethlor.  We shall free them from endless imprisonment, albeit to their doom!','Tho\'grun\'s betrayal... is there any wonder why the ogres are part of the Horde no longer? I will be glad to see him dead, and the Sign of the Earth returned.$B$BIf you\'ve not dispatched him yet, then waste no time going to Camp Boff.  It is to the southeast of Kargath.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     799insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (754,783,'A Threat Within','I hope you strapped your belt on tight, young $c, because there is work to do here in Northshire.$B$BAnd I don\'t mean farming.$B$BThe Stormwind guards are hard pressed to keep the peace here, with so many of us in distant lands and so many threats pressing close.  And so we\'re enlisting the aid of anyone willing to defend their home.  And their alliance.$B$BIf you\'re here to answer the call, then speak with my superior, Marshal McBride.  He\'s inside the abbey behind me.','Speak with Marshal McBride.','Ah, good.  Another volunteer.  We\'re getting a lot of you these days.$B$BI hope it\'s enough.$B$BThe human lands are threatened from without, and so many of our forces have been marshaled abroad.  This, in turn, leaves room for corrupt and lawless groups to thrive within our borders.$B$BIt is a many-fronted battle we wage, $N.  Gird yourself for a long campaign.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     800insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (755,784,'Vanquish the Betrayers','Led by Admiral Proudmoore, the humans of Kul Tiras encroached on Durotar, violating the Warchief\'s pact made with Jaina Proudmoore in order to defeat Archimonde years ago.$b$bThe human aggression was repelled and Tiragarde Keep fell. But recently, the Admiral\'s reserves, led by Lieutenant Benedict, have retaken the keep and once again pose a threat to our homeland. These humans show no respect for diplomacy.$b$bProve your honor and travel south to Tiragarde Keep to eliminate the human invaders.','Kill 10 Kul Tiras Sailors, 8 Kul Tiras Marines and Lieutenant Benedict and return to Gar\'Thok in Razor Hill.','Word of your bravery travels fast, $C. Tales of your victory at Tiragarde Keep will be heralded in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     801insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (756,785,'BETA A Strategic Alliance','Thrall is a most wise and noble leader. His tenacity on the battlefield is matched only by his diplomatic tact.$b$bThe Darkspear Trolls have proven to be invaluable allies to orckind. Out of loyalty and honor we have sworn a pact of protection with them.$b$bThe Warchief has sent orders to make sure our Darkspear friends in Sen\'jin Village are not under any direct threat. One of their most trusted scouts, Lar Prowltusk is keeping a close watch on their western flank.$b$bSeek out Lar and assist as needed.','Seek out Lar Prowltusk on the western flank of Sen\'jin Village.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     802insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (757,786,'Thwarting Kolkar Aggression','Lower your voice, $c. The Kolkar centaurs lie just over the ridge to the west in Kolkar Crag.$b$bLast night while they were raiding, I snuck into their village and discovered that the dirty beasts have a three-tiered attack planned on the trolls and orcs of Durotar.$b$bWe mustn\'t let their invasion come to fruition. Perhaps you can muster the might needed to infiltrate Kolkar Crag and destroy their attack plans.$b$bLast I saw, they had divided them up amongst three of their leaders.','Lar Prowltusk outside of Sen\'jin Village wants you to destroy the 3 sets of Attack Plans held within Kolkar Crag.','The Horde would surely prevail if the Kolkar centaurs were to attack. But by preventing such an attack. we have spared our mighty warriors unnecessary bloodshed.$B$BAnd as sure as there is sand in the Tanaris desert. we know that there will be blood spilled before these trying times are through.$B$BYou have served your people well. $C.','The centaurs have proven to be a consistent nuisance to the Horde. Their intentions to lay siege to our homeland cannot be tolerated.','','Attack Plan: Valley of Trials destroyed','Attack Plan: Sen\'jin Village destroyed','Attack Plan: Orgrimmar destroyed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     803insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (758,787,'The New Horde','Throm\'ka, $c. I am Eitrigg, charged by Thrall to oversee the training of recruits.$b$bThe Horde has changed from what it once was. There was a time where I left the Horde, disillusioned by the growing influence of the power-hungry pawns of the Burning Legion. During my exile, I was taken prisoner by a group of humans, but was rescued by the Warchief. Hearing his vision of the Horde free of demonic influence, guided by the shamans, I returned.$b$bGornek will have further instructions for you.','Report to Gornek in the Den.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     804insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (759,788,'Cutting Teeth','The first order of business will be to put a little strength in your backbone. I could send you out to the Barrens to hunt kodo, but well, in all honesty, you\'re more useful to us alive than dead.$b$bI believe you would find a good match with the mottled boars you\'ll find to the north of here.','Kill 10 Mottled Boars then return to Gornek at the Den.','Hmmm, not bad, $N. But don\'t let it get to your head...you\'ll fight tougher than boars in your career.$b$bNonetheless, you\'ve proven yourself well, and your next trial will be against a considerably more dangerous opponent, so you\'ll need some extra protection.','I hope you haven\'t returned to try and convince me that you have completed your task, $N? No, of course not. I would think better of you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     805insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (760,789,'Sting of the Scorpid','Powerful warrior and awkward novice alike have fallen to the venomous sting of the scorpid. You will find large numbers of scorpids northwest of here. Bring me ten of their tails as proof of your prowess in battle.$b$bThe antidote for their sting is actually made from venom extracted from their stingers. We keep large quantities of antidote for scorpid venom on hand to heal young bloods just like you...$b$bBut I\'m sure you won\'t be needing any of that, will you?','Get 10 Scorpid Worker Tails for Gornek in the Den.','There is an important lesson that you must take away from fighting scorpids. The smallest or largest of opponents can still send you to your doom. In fierce combat, any number of things can prove your downfall.$b$bI have no more to teach you, $N. You have done well, and I will watch your progress with interest.','The carapace of a scorpid isn\'t so thick that the strength of a determined $C will be deterred. Strike strongly and without doubt, and the scorpids should prove easy prey.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     806insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (761,790,'Sarkoth','$C! I thought I would die out here with none to know of it. While I was hunting the scorpids of the Valley, I came across a particularly vicious-looking one. Hurling myself at it, I managed to inflict a massive blow to its claw before it closed around my leg.$b$bI wasn\'t ready for its stinger though, and it sliced down and into my chest, cutting into my flesh and letting my blood. Please, you must kill the scorpid for me! My honor must be upheld! I fought it up on the plateau to the south.','Kill Sarkoth and bring his claw back to Hana\'zua.','My blow was not enough to kill him, but looking at the damage I inflicted gives me some small measure of pride. That small measure will be all I have to sustain myself if I die, and in that light, the short list of my life\'s accomplishments fills me with anger.','Ahhh... my father always said I would never amount to much, and here, lying beneath a tree as life seeps away, I\'m afraid it looks like he was right.$b$bAt least I wish to die knowing that my last enemy in life lays dead.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     807insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (762,791,'Carry Your Weight','Age has rendered me useless in battle. Now I make myself useful in other ways.$b$bFrom this vantage point I watch for invaders. As our strength here grows, I find myself blowing the signal horn less and less.$b$bTo pass the time I fashion goods to help younger, more able warriors defend our homeland.$b$bFor you, I can fashion you a bag for your belongings. If such an item would be of use to you, bring me some canvas, a material common to the humans and centaurs.','Furl Scornbrow in the Razor Hill watchtower wants 8 Canvas Scraps.','Most excellent, $N. Any good $C will surely find a use for this bag on the battlefield.$b$bI salute your vigor and willingness to die in the name of the Horde!','I fought proudly alongside the Warchief when these lands were pioneered. The scars of battle mark my skin.$b$bThe honor of the Horde has been upheld with the help of my axe and battlecry during the defeat of Archimonde, when the unholy alliance was made with the humans and elves, wrought from necessity.$b$bBut my position as watchman and provider has given me a new sense of worth.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     808insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (763,792,'Vile Familiars','I trust the Valley of Trials will teach you much, young $c.$B$BI was sent to the Valley to guide you, but I have discovered a growing taint here...$B$BA group that calls itself the Burning Blade has a coven here in the Valley of Trials.  They are skulking in a cave to the northeast, and their Vile Familiars have spilled from its mouth to cause havoc.$B$BAs your first task against the Burning Blade, I bid you, defeat these familiars. Slay many and, if you survive, return to me.','Kill 12 Vile Familiars.$B$BReturn to Zureetha Fargaze outside the Den.','You have done well, $N.$b$bAlthough the Vile Familiars were merely pets of the darker powers within the Burning Blade, your success against them foretells greater deeds ahead.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     809insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (764,793,'Broken Alliances','The Seal of the Earth is held by three runestones, held in the Pillars of Diamond, Opal, and Amethyst in Lethlor Ravine. Using the Sign of the Earth, you will be able to remove the runestones and unlock the Seal of the Earth.$b$bBe wary though, $n, the black drakes Blacklash and Hematus are not to be trifled with. See them dead and return their bindings to me.$B$BTo reach the ravine, travel to the far eastern part of the Badlands.  Be careful though, for the ravine is home to countless drakes.','Use the Sign of the Earth to activate the Pillars of Diamond, Opal, and Amethyst and obtain the Runestones.$b$bPlace the runestones in the Seal of the Earth to free Blacklash and Hematus.$b$bSlay them and return Blacklash\'s Bindings, the Chains of Hematus, and the Sign of the Earth to Gorn.','The black dragonflight continues to ally with the renegade Blackrock orcs, and both must be brought into line, or removed. With Blacklash and Hematus dead, we can turn our attentions westwards, towards Blackrock Spire.','There are few enemies more deadly than dragonkind, and there were few dragons that fought as ferociously as Blacklash and Hematus.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     810insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (765,794,'Burning Blade Medallion','Through my divinations, I see that an item of power hides deep within the Burning Blade Coven, guarded by beasts and black magic.$B$BIt is called the Burning Blade Medallion, and your next task is to find it and remove it from the coven.$B$BBut be wary, for the medallion may be possessed by an agent of the Burning Blade, and if so then the agent\'s power would be greater than the familiars you have already encountered.$B$BGo, $N.  You will find the coven in a cave, to the north and west.','Bring the Burning Blade Medallion to Zureetha Fargaze, outside The Den.','You retrieved it! Well done!$b$bYour efforts within the Burning Blade Coven are key in rooting out this cult in the Valley of Trials. But I fear they have further aims in our land.$b$bWe have not seen the end of them.','Is your task complete, $N? Do you have the Burning Blade Medallion?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     811insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (766,795,'Seal of the Earth','','','As you place the Runestones into the matching recesses, a violent rumbling shakes the earth as the Seal is broken.','The Seal of the Earth lies here, with three recessed alcoves for the Amethyst Runestone, the Opal Runestone, and the Diamond Runestone.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     812insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (767,804,'Sarkoth','Seeing the deed you have done for me steels my heart. I cannot fall so easily! I must endure!$b$bBut it remains that I cannot make the trek back to the Den unassisted. Please, $n, return to the Den and tell Gornek of my situation. Perhaps he can help me.','Bring the news of Hana\'zua\'s plight to Gornek at the Den.','From your description of the beast, I believe you must be speaking of Sarkoth! It is no wonder that Hana\'zua was overtaken by it. Aid will be dispatched to him immediately, trouble yourself no more with Hana\'zua\'s plight.$b$bHowever, I must say, I am most impressed to hear that you brought Sarkoth to death. It is a feat to be proud of, $N. And that you would fight for a stranger\'s honor, while other tasks occupied your time, your own honor is heightened.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     813insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (768,805,'Report to Sen\'jin Village','Your trials against the Burning Blade are finished... here in the Valley.  But I want you to report your findings.$B$BGo to the troll village of Sen\'jin and seek out Master Gadrin.  Sen\'jin Village is east out of the valley, then right at the fork.$B$BTell Gadrin of the Burning Blade, and that they have reached the Valley of Trials.  Discover from him if they have yet reached Sen\'jin.$B$BGo, $N, and be swift.  I fear the evil found in the Burning Blade Coven is but the herald of a larger threat...','Speak with Master Gadrin in Sen\'jin Village.','Hm... your report comes at a bad time. The Burning Blade is not seen here in Sen\'jin, but their evil has taken seed off the coast, on the Echo Isles.$b$bThe orcs are friends of the Darkspear Trolls. Honorable friends. We want to help the orcs, but... we need help too.$b','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     814insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (769,806,'Dark Storms','We cannot allow the Burning Blade a foothold in Durotar!  We must destroy them before their evil festers!$B$BI have undergone my own investigations and found that a Burning Blade warlock, the goblin Fizzle Darkstorm, has camped within Thunder Ridge to the northwest.  There he and his cultist minions spread chaos.$B$BFind and defeat Fizzle, and bring me his dead claw!','Bring Fizzle\'s Claw to Orgnil Soulscar in Razor Hill.','Aha! You got him!$b$bYou do your clan proud, Mujoboa. And because of you, Durotar is free of one more agent of evil.','Did you find Fizzle, Mujoboa? He, and and rest of the Burning Blade, must be scoured from our lands!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     815insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (770,808,'Minshina\'s Skull','I hear the voice of my brother, Minshina, calling to me in my dreams.$B$BHe was taken by Zalazane, the warlock on the Echo Isles to the east. And he is dead.$B$BBut death is not freedom for my brother. Minshina\'s spirit was trapped within his own skull by Zalazane\'s magics. In my dreams I see it with other skulls, in a circle of power on the largest Echo Isle. As long as it remains there my brother\'s soul is doomed.$B$BPlease, $N. Find the circle and retrieve Minshina\'s skull. Bring it to me.$B$BFree him!','Retrieve Minshina\'s skull from the circle of power on the Echo Isles.$B$BBring it to Master Gadrin in Sen\'jin Village.','Thank you, $N. You have saved Minshina. You have saved my brother\'s spirit from slavery!','Do you have my brother\'s skull, $N? Is he finally free?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     816insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (771,809,'Ak\'Zeloth','Since the last great war when the Burning Legion was defeated, I have searched for sources of demonic corruption in orc society.  The collar you brought me confirms my fears.$B$BIt belongs to the Burning Blade, a cult that rallies around an item of demonic power.  It is called the Demon Seed, and it resides in the Barrens atop Dreadmist Peak.  It must be destroyed!$B$BGo to Far Watch Post, on the border of the Barrens to the west, and speak with my assistant, Ak\'Zeloth.  He will direct you further.','Speak with Ak\'Zeloth in the Barrens.','Neeru wants the Demon Seed destroyed, does he? Strange...$b$bVery well. If he wishes the seed gone, then I will tell you how to remove it.','','Destroy the Demon Seed','Destroy the Demon Seed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     817insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (772,812,'Need for a Cure','$N... your timing is perfect. I just hope I can compliment your haste as well.$B$BI was careless while fighting a few of the venomtails nearby, and one of them stung me deeply. I can feel its poison weakening me even as we speak. At this rate, I got maybe an hour left to live. But I\'ll need your help if I\'m to do so...$B$BKor\'ghan in Orgrimmar knows how to make the antidote. Find him... and hurry, $N. I won\'t be able to last much longer. He should be in the Cleft of Shadow.','Find Kor\'ghan in Orgrimmar and get the Venomtail Antidote. Then bring the antidote to Rhinag near the northwestern border of Durotar.','$N, you\'ve saved my life. Thank you.$B$BPlease take this; I hope it can at least help you in your travels, if not bring you some coin. From what you say, I won\'t be usin\' it anytime soon. Kor\'ghan is gonna march me through more of his rituals until I prove myself. More killin\' boars, more gatherin\' scorpid tails... <sigh>','I\'m almost glad I can\'t return to Sen\'jin as I am now. My weakness and stupidity would surely be mocked.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     818insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (773,813,'Finding the Antidote','Venomtails are some of the deadliest scorpids in Durotar. It was unwise for Rhinag to hunt them without having some of the antidote with him, but right now, chastising is the last thing he needs.$B$BBring me a few venomtail poison sacs from any of the venomtails near the entrance of Orgrimmar and I\'ll make an antidote for him.$B$BMake haste, $N. One of our own needs your help.','Bring 4 Venomtail Poison Sacs to Kor\'ghan in Orgrimmar.','Here is the antidote, $N. Take it to Rhinag as soon as you can, and be cautious.','Remember, no matter what creature you hunt, you would do well to study it and understand its behavior. That knowledge could save your life.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     819insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (774,815,'Break a Few Eggs','Bah! I almost forgot I need to get breakfast ready.$B$B$N, get yourself movin\' and get me some taillasher eggs. I\'ll need at least three of them if I\'m going to have enough for tomorrow\'s meal.$B$BThe Bloodtalon taillashers can be fierce, and protect their eggs to the death more often than not. They sometimes bury their eggs too deep in the earth to uncover safely, but if you head to the Echo Isles to the southeast of Sen\'jin Village, you can usually find them all over those islands.','Bring 3 Taillasher Eggs to Cook Torka in Razor Hill.','You might be weak, but at least you\'re not clumsy, $N.$b$bHere, take this and get outta my way. I\'ve got cooking to do.','Breakfast, lunch, dinner! Who cares which meal it is? It still has to be cooked by someone--namely me!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     820insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (775,816,'Lost But Not Forgotten','$N, please, can you help me? My son Kron went hunting days ago, and he still hasn\'t returned. He went west towards the Barrens to hunt crocolisks along Southfury River. I fear the worst.$B$BAs strong as he was, his stubborn pride has always drawn him into trouble. I warned him that the crocolisks were powerful and vicious. He grew angry and stormed off.$B$BIf you can\'t find him, at least bring me a sign of his fate... even if you have to open up the stomach of every crocolisk along the Southfury\'s banks.','Bring a sign of Kron\'s fate to Misha Tor\'kren at the farmstead northwest of Razor Hill.','Oh, my son... my beautiful son.$b$bUncertain of my son\'s fate, I have tormented myself since he left. Now that I know what\'s happened, perhaps I can finally begin to mourn.$b$bThank you, Weir. Please take this. I was going to give it to Kron as a gift when he returned successful. Now that I know he is dead, I cannot bear to look at it.','I pray that Kron will return to me, but I\'m almost certain I know his fate already.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     821insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (776,817,'Practical Prey','Many of the hides we use come from Durotar tigers, $N. Blankets, armor, tents: there are a great many reasons we hunt the beasts, and many reasons we let them thrive at the same time.$B$BThe time has come for us to cull the flock, so to speak. Our numbers grow, and our needs are beginning to overwhelm our stocks. I need more hides if I\'m to prepare suitable goods for our people.$B$BBring me 4 Durotar tiger furs, and I shall reward you. You can find them on the islands south of here.','Bring 4 Durotar Tiger Furs to Vel\'rin Fang in Sen\'jin Village.','I am pleased, $N. Because of your help, our people will be protected, and not go cold as the seasons change.$b$bThank you.','I remember my first tiger hunt, $N. I chose to hunt on the largest of the Echo Isles, and I sat perfectly still in the shadows of its foliage for almost a full day... watching... waiting.$b$bMy muscles were taut, and I was ready to strike. It was one of my greatest victories when that tiger finally took the bait.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     822insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (777,818,'A Solvent Spirit','Although my eyes fail me, I still can see clearly enough. More often I must rely on my alchemical skills to aid me in magics that once came easily. But I refuse to take on an apprentice--no troll or orc worthy enough has ever come forward.$B$BAre you worthy? Yes, of course you are... of course you think you are.$B$BI need a few things. Will you get them for me?$B$BI need intact makrura eyes, and vials of crawler mucus. You can find them on any makrura or crawler in Durotar. We shall speak again soon.','Bring 4 Intact Makrura Eyes and 8 vials of Crawler Mucus to Master Vornal in Sen\'jin Village.','Well done, young one... well done indeed.','Time is the true test of your strength and will. Lose patience or give in to weakness, and your true self will be shown.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     823insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (778,819,'Chen\'s Empty Keg','A small placard on one of the ends of the keg says,$B$B\"Chen Stormstout-$B$BMay your spirit be raised and always raise your spirits.\"','Find someone who knows about Chen\'s Empty Keg.','Well, I\'ll be...$B$BThis was one of Chen Stormstout\'s kegs. He traveled with Rexxar a long time ago. I haven\'t seen or heard about him in a kodo\'s age. I appreciate you bringing this to me, $N.','Yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     824insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (779,821,'Chen\'s Empty Keg','Would you like a taste of Chen\'s namesake? Ahh, the stormstout is a mighty brew. Chen taught the recipe to my mentor, and my mentor passed it on to me. I\'ll need you to get me a few things, but I can tell you this: the kick is worth it.$B$BBring me 5 savannah lion tusks from any savannah lion, 5 plainstrider kidneys from any plainstrider, and 1 thunder lizard horn from any species of thunder lizard. That should do the trick nicely.$B$BYou can find these ingredients throughout the Barrens.','Bring 5 Savannah Lion Tusks, 5 Plainstrider Kidneys, and 1 Thunder Lizard Horn to Brewmaster Drohn in Ratchet.','Haha... I never thought I\'d make more of this stuff ever again.$B$BYou\'ve stirred in me a great sense of nostalgia, $N. Kind of reminds me of the last time I blacked out from too much trogg ale. Thank you. The memories warm my stomach.','How\'s the search going?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     825insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (780,822,'Chen\'s Empty Keg','Good stuff, that stormstout, huh?$B$BI have another recipe that I learned from Chen. Would you be interested? It won\'t take long to make, and it might be useful if you plan on adventuring some more.$B$BBring me 5 lightning glands from any stormhide, 1 thunderhawk saliva gland from greater thunderhawks, and a kodo liver from any of the Barrens\' kodos.$B$BLike I said, this stuff has kick; it\'s the trogg ale that I mentioned to you before.','Bring 5 Lightning Glands, 1 Thunderhawk Saliva Gland and 1 Kodo Liver to Brewmaster Drohn in Ratchet.','Haha! I knew you couldn\'t resist some of this brew. Come back again anytime you want some more, $N. Just bring me more of the ingredients I had you collect.','You working hard at finding those ingredients, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     826insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (781,823,'Report to Orgnil','We at Sen\'jin Village are not without our own troubles, and we thank you for your aid.  But the news you bring regarding the Burning Blade could be trouble for everyone.$B$BThere is an orc stationed at Razor Hill, Orgnil Soulscar, who polices Durotar from evils such as the Burning Blade!  Go to Orgnil and tell him of our plight, as well as your news from the Valley of Trials.  He will want to know these things.$B$BRazor Hill lies to the north.','Speak with Orgnil Soulscar in Razor Hill.','Yes? You have something to report? Well then, let\'s have it!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     827insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (782,824,'Je\'neu of the Earthen Ring','The Earthen Ring is a shamanistic group dedicated to studying and preserving the elements.  They have forgotten more about crazy old gods, ancient legends and lore than most scholars will ever know.$B$BLucky for you, I know someone in the Earthen Ring here in Ashenvale.  Head over to Zoram\'gar Outpost on the coast of the Zoram Strand; show Je\'neu Sancrea what you found.  If anyone can figure out that globe\'s significance, it\'d be him.','Bring the Befouled Water Globe to Je\'neu Sancrea at Zoram\'gar Outpost, Ashenvale.','This globe... it is most disturbing. Many of the more powerful elementals receive their power and energy through such devices. To find one like this nearly intact is one thing - to find it so tainted is another.$b$bI will see that this globe is studied properly by the Earthen Ring. Perhaps we can bring an end to this corruption of the elements. Please - accept this as a fair exchange for bringing this globe to the attention of the Earthen Ring.','Ah, hello there. I spend a great deal of time studying the water - all the elements really - so much so that sometimes I don\'t even notice people around me.$b$bIs there something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     828insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (783,825,'From The Wreckage....','One of my most observant scouts brings back word that the wreckage of Proudmoore\'s fleet still remains off the coast of Durotar, just east of Tiragarde Keep.$b$bIt is no secret that the humans, in alliance with those foul little creatures known as gnomes, have an advanced knowledge of mechanics. We must have a complete understanding of all our potential enemies. And our people will benefit from this new knowledge as well.$b$bSwim through the wreckage, $n, and retrieve for me the tools of the Alliance.','Gar\'Thok of Razor Hill wants you to retrieve 3 Gnomish Tools from the wreckage off the coast.','Your recovery mission was a success, $C. I will see to it that these tools get to Orgrimmar with the next caravan.$b$bNicely done.','Once we learn how the humans operate their strange machinery, we will stand a greater chance of defeating them in future battles.$b$bWith our new gained knowledge, the Horde only stands to grow in strength.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     829insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (784,826,'Zalazane','The witchdoctor Zalazane dwells on the Echo Isles to the east.  They are the isles we once called home.$B$BFrom there he sends his trolls to the mainland, to hex our people and drag more of them under his sway.$B$BHe must be stopped.$B$BDefeat Zalazane and his minions -- former Darkspear trolls, now lost to us.  Bring me his head and I will know his reign of evil is over.','Defeat Zalazane.$B$BKill 8 Voodoo Trolls and 8 Hexed Trolls.$B$BBring Zalazane\'s Head to Gadrin.','With Zalazane gone, our tribe can again sleep in peace.$b$bThank you, $N. The Darkspear tribe owes you much. If you suffer from an ailment, visit my assistant Bom\'bay, behind me. His voodoo is strong...','Is Zalazane defeated, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     830insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (785,827,'Skull Rock','$N.  The Burning Blade has infested the cave east of Orgrimmar known as Skull Rock.  Inside that cave they perform vile rituals, and burn their own flesh with Searing Collars.$B$BBy wearing these collars, I believe the cultists attune themselves to demonic power.  But to confirm this, I must have a collection of the collars to study.$B$BGo to Skull Rock and gather Searing Collars from the cultists you find there.  Bring them to me, and I will uncover their secrets.','Gather Searing Collars from the cultists in Skull Rock.$B$BBring them to Margoz at his camp.','Good. Hiding within these collars is the secret behind the Burning Blade. And I will uncover that secret...','Have you yet entered Skull Rock, $N? Do you have the Searing Collars?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     831insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (786,828,'Margoz','One of our Shamans, Margoz, knows more of the Burning Blade\'s corruption.  He speaks of a cave called Skull Rock in the mountains - just outside Orgrimmar! - that shelters a large band of Burning Blade cultists.$B$BBefore you go to Skull Rock speak with Margoz.  He is wise and his council is valued.$B$BHe is camped to the northeast, between the coast and Drygulch Ravine.$B$BFollow his advice, but whatever Margoz says, $N, I still want you to crush those cultists!','Speak with Margoz.','Welcome, $N. Word reached me of your coming, and of your exploits in Durotar.$b$bYou are a $C of growing skill and renown.$b$bStay on the pure path, and your future will be great indeed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     832insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (787,829,'Neeru Fireblade','The Searing Collars you brought me are powerful, demonic implements.  Divining their origin is, I\'m afraid, beyond my skills as a shaman.  We will need a warlock to study them.$B$BTake a searing collar to Neeru Fireblade.  Although he is a skilled warlock, he professes to use his powers to thwart demons, and claims his research in the occult is benign.  Be that true or false, we may need his aid against the demonic cult in Durotar.$B$BYou may find Neeru in Orgrimmar in the Cleft of Shadow.','Bring an Example Collar to Neeru Fireblade in Orgrimmar.','Ah, and where did you get this? Good Margoz in Razor Hill sent you to me, did he?$b$bWell, let me take a closer look...','My most humble greetings, $C. How might I help my $R brother today?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     833insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (788,830,'The Admiral\'s Orders','You open the aged and weathered envelope and discover an official looking document. You recognize the seal of Admiral Proudmoore.$b$bThis looks important. Perhaps Gar\'Thok, the commander of Razor Hill, would be interested in having this information.','Take Admiral Proudmoore\'s Orders to Gar\'Thok in Razor Hill.','This does not bode well at all. You were wise to bring this information to my attention.','There is a look of concern on your face, $C. What have you there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     834insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (789,831,'The Admiral\'s Orders','Humans cannot be trusted. We fought alongside them with a weary heart, knowing they would betray us one day.$b$bAdmiral Proudmoore\'s death was not enough to stop his legacy of deceit. The human scum had his plans well laid out before he ever met his demise.$b$bHis reign won\'t even die with Benedict it seems. Who knows how long it will be before the next waves of Proudmoore\'s men land upon our shores.$b$bWe need to get these orders to Vol\'jin in Orgrimmar immediately! He can be found in Thrall\'s chamber.','Deliver Admiral Proudmoore\'s Orders to Vol\'jin in Thrall\'s chamber in Orgrimmar.','Countless times I urged the Warchief not to trust the humans, but personal pride is not what is at stake here.$b$bYou have served the Horde honorably, young $C.$b$bNow excuse me, I must counsel Thrall on these matters at once....','Can you not see that I am busy? This had better be pressing....','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     835insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (790,832,'Burning Shadows','<Words emanate from the pendant and into your mind.>$B$BGazz\'uz?$B$BGazz\'uz...report!$B$BThere is word of your discovery in Skull Rock.  You must prepare for an attack!$B$BGazz\'uz, I order you to speak!  Speak or I will make sure Neeru Fireblade knows of your presence, and he will descend on you with swift brutality.$B$BDo not test your skills against Neeru...$B$B...Gazz\'uz, are you there...?','Take this eye to Neeru Fireblade.','<Examines the Eye of Burning Shadow>$b$bIntriguing. The voice you heard mentioned my name? I am known for hunting down enemies of our Warchief, but...it is strange that I was singled out. Stranger still that the Burning Blade cultists from whom you recovered this pendant have a name so close to my own.$b$bI must study this pendant. I must study and, and must ponder the meaning of its message.$b$bThank you for bringing this to my attention, $N. You have done your people a great service.','You have something vital to report. I can sense it behind your eyes.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     836insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (791,833,'A Sacred Burial','Only the most valiant tauren are laid to rest at Red Rocks, our sacred burial ground. It is an honor bestowed upon the great warriors who helped found and defend Thunder Bluff and those who have given their lives for the greater good of their tribes and chieftains.$b$bBut it appears a foul menace has made its way onto our holy land. A band of Bristleback Interlopers is ravaging the grave site and I am too old and past my prime to drive them away.$b$bThey must be driven off with force, $n.','Lorekeeper Raintotem wants you to kill 8 Bristleback Interlopers at Red Rocks.','Well done. You have sent those foul Bristlebacks a clear message. They will think twice before attempting to meddle in this holy spot again.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     837insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (792,834,'Winds in the Desert','I\'m Rezlak, one of Gazlowe\'s boys. Boss sent me to help the orcs here in Durotar. Things\'d been going good except for the caravans. Can\'t manage to keep them safe! Makes my job a little harder, you know?$b$bThe last shipment--they promised it\'d get through!--was snatched by the Dustwind harpies of...where was it...Razorwind Canyon?$b$bI gotta have those supplies or I\'ll never get anything done! Follow the big canyon to the south, you\'ll find the ravine cut right into the west and east sides of the walls.','Retrieve 5 Sacks of Supplies and return them to Rezlak near Orgrimmar.','Hey, now isn\'t that just the thing! You\'ve got our supplies back for us. That\'s great. I\'ll be able to get back to work just as soon as I can find someone to haul these sacks for me.','I\'m great at what I do, don\'t get me wrong, but this is ridiculous! What am I supposed to do, build sand castles?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     838insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (793,835,'Securing the Lines','Gazlowe told me once, \"Rezlak. There\'s one thing you need to know in life, and that\'s if you want something done well, do it yourself.\"$b$bI can\'t deal with losing all our caravans, so I\'m just going to take matters into my own hands. Drygulch Ravine lies through the eastern part of Razorwind Canyon. If we kill all the harpies there, the routes will be safe.$b$bOf course, there was one other thing that Gazlowe taught me, and that\'s \"You can get anything done for a price.\" So, going to help me out, $n?','Kill 12 Dustwind Savages and 8 Dustwind Storm Witches for Rezlak near Drygulch Ravine.','I think I can breathe easy now, knowing that the harpies won\'t be bothering our supply caravans anymore. And not one moment too soon, either. I hear I\'m being sent some fun little toys with the next shipment!$b$bYou\'re pretty good at what you do, Mujoboa, you ought to track down my boss in Ratchet. I\'ll bet he could find some work for you.$b$bOh, and don\'t worry, I wouldn\'t forget to pay you for the service you provided me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     839insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (794,836,'Rescue OOX-09/HL!','The gnome\'s voice crackles once again from the robot:$B$B\"I need to move OOX-09/HL to an open, safe place so it can begin a lengthy take-off procedure.  It has built-in cloaking, but I need time on my end to make it operational again.  Escort the robot from its current location to, let\'s say, the shoreline beyond Overlook Cliff!  That should be a perfect place, and long enough, to get things online!\"$B$B\"Escort it safely to the shore, and then come talk to me in Booty Bay!  Oglethorpe Obnoticus - out!\"','Escort OOX-09/HL to the shoreline beyond Overlook Cliff, then report to Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay.','Oh, YOU\'RE the great savior of OOX-09/HL! I cannot even begin to express my thanks for your assistance! My homing robot series needs more development, but your recovery has saved me countless hours of extra rebuilding time, as well as many gold pieces in manufacture costs!$b$bPlease, take your choice of any of these items I have. Thank you again for your generous assistance $N, my robots and I are in your debt!','','Escort OOX-09/HL to the shoreline beyond Overlook Cliff','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     840insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (795,837,'Encroachment','When we arrived, the Razormane quilboars possessed much of the land, and proved a thorn in our sides. Through our efforts we have driven out the largest part of their numbers, but still they remain well-fortified in some areas.$b$bIt has gone on long enough, however. For our own protection, we cannot allow the Razormane any hold in our lands. Their camps can be found to the west of here. Look for the brambles and you will find them. Today we drive them from Durotar, tomorrow, perhaps from all of Kalimdor.','Kill 4 Razormane Quilboars, 4 Razormane Scouts, 4 Razormane Dustrunners and 4 Razormane Battleguards for Gar\'Thok at Razor Hill.','I will pass along word that the quilboars have been removed from their lairs, and that their structures may be set to fire. The removal of the Razormane from Durotar brings us closer to fully securing the borders of our new homeland.','Though they do possess some intelligence and some organization, I find it constantly amazing that the quilboars were able to capture and hold so much territory in Kalimdor. Perhaps they are more crafty an enemy than I give them credit for...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     841insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (796,838,'Scholomance','On the island of Caer Darrow lies Scholomance - a school that serves as a stronghold for the Scourge.  Our enemy dwells within, safely allowed to pursue research that strengthens their power.  A door bars the way, and try as we might no entry is to be had without a proper key.$B$BApothecary Dithers is well versed on Scholomance, and has an idea how to obtain a key.  You have proved your value to me as someone who can get things done; I now entrust this task to you.  Speak with him on this matter.','Speak with Apothecary Dithers at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Yes, $C, the High Executor mentioned you might be the one to trust in the matter of they key. I\'ve dedicated a fair portion of my recent studies to the Scholomance, and I believe I know a means by which you can acquire one that will let you past the front door at will.$b$bThis task will not be easy, but such tasks seldom are. You most assuredly look like the type to know this as fact.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     842insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (797,840,'Conscript of the Horde','Hmm, you look pretty strong.$B$BListen, my good friend Kargal needs some new recruits for Barrens duty. I know you want to do what\'s right for the Horde. Well, this is your chance.$B$BTake this recruitment letter to Kargal and see if he\'ll sign it.','Follow the western road from Razor Hill to the Barrens over a bridge.$B$BStop at the orc outpost across the bridge.$B$BGive Kargal Battlescar at the Barrens outpost your recruitment letter.','Oh, so Takrin sent you? He\'s an excellent scout, I\'m not sure what I\'d do without him.$b$bI\'ll sign your recruitment letter, but what we really need is someone at the Crossroads.','What do you want, pup? If you\'re not here for recruitment, I don\'t have time for you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     843insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (798,841,'Another Power Source?','Let me guess - you didn\'t get whatever world-ending, nefarious deed you were doing done in time.  No wait, better still... you dropped it in the sand!  Well, whatever the reason, I do have additional power sources I will sell to you.  This time, however, it will cost you ten, YES TEN Wastewander Water Pouches!$B$BTimes are tough all around, $n, and power sources don\'t grow on trees!  Hrm, but what if they did.  Maybe we could MAKE a power source tree...','Bring 10 Wastewander Water Pouches to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan in exchange for another power source.','Very well, here is another power source. I highly recommend you using it properly this time, unless you are eager to spend ten more water pouches for another water source.','Well, have you got the ten water pouches?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     844insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (799,842,'Crossroads Conscription','Take this signed recruitment letter to the Crossroads.$B$BSergra Darkthorn, curse her hide, is in charge there. She\'s a nasty shaman who will talk your head in circles before she lets you do anything useful. Thrall is convinced she\'s something special, but I\'m not so sure.$B$BYou\'ll just have to decide for yourself, pup...','Follow the western road from Kargal\'s Far Watch Outpost.$B$BAt the T intersection, turn left and follow the road south. $B$BFind Sergra Darkthorn at the crossing of roads within the Crossroads.','Alright, $N. You want to earn your keep with the Horde? Well there\'s plenty to do here, so listen close and do what you\'re told.$b$b I see that look in your eyes, do not think I will tolerate any insolence. Thrall himself has declared the Hordes females to be on equal footing with you men. Disrespect me in the slightest, and you will know true pain.','Well well well, what do we have here? Has Kargal deemed me worthy of another recruit?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     845insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (800,843,'Gann\'s Reclamation','In solitude I wander these roads.$b$bThe dwarves of Bael Modan show no respect for my land. Horrendous blasts drive holes deep into the ground as noisy machines rip apart the hills. Lands which once served as home and provider to my tribe are now riddled with destructive dwarves.$b$bAttempts at reaching a diplomatic resolution have failed. Now is the time for decisive action.$b$bDrive the dwarves from the Bael Modan excavation by force and bring to me the journal of their leader, Prospector Khazgorm.','Gann Stonespire wants you to kill 15 Bael\'dun Excavators and 5 Bael\'dun Foremen.$b$bBring Khazgorm\'s Journal to Gann Stonespire.','Khazgorm met the fate he earned. I feel no remorse for the fool. He was an infidel on these lands.$B$BMay his death serve as a warning to all those who threaten to disrupt our way of life.$B$BNow let me take a moment to study the dwarf\'s journal....','Many innocent tauren lost their lives or were forced off their ancestral birthplace when the dwarves of Bael Modan arrived. My land must be reclaimed!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     846insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (801,844,'Plainstrider Menace','Your first prey will be easy.$B$BThe plainstriders to the east have been harassing our food supplies and have become a nuisance.$B$BPut down the plainstriders and return to me with their beaks.','Collect 7 Plainstrider Beaks and return them to Sergra Darkthorn in the Crossroads.','Very good, $N. With the plainstriders gone we\'ll have an easier time keeping our supply chains intact. And I hope you learned a few tricks out there in the Barrens, for your next prey has a little more fire in its blood than the plainstriders...','Have you collected the plainstrider beaks?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     847insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (802,845,'The Zhevra','The zhevra, although not the fiercest beast in the Barrens, are a shade tougher than the plainstriders.  Don\'t worry -- we\'ll send you against bigger prey in good time, but for now your teeth could use a little more cutting.$B$BHunt the zhevra to the north and south, and collect their hooves.  Bring them to me and perhaps we\'ll next send you against something tougher.','Slay Zhevra Runners to collect 4 Zhevra Hooves for Sergra Darkthorn in the Crossroads.','Not bad, $N. Those zhevra hold a lot of strength in their legs. A sharp kick from them can knock even a tauren on its haunches!$B$BIt looks like you have some strength in you too. Are you ready for a real challenge?','How many zhevra have you slain?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     848insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (803,846,'Revenge of Gann','It is clear the prospector depended on explosives and those noisy vehicles to rip the ground apart. We can expect a new foreman to take over soon.$b$bI want to give the dwarves a taste of their own medicine. According to these plans if we combine nitroglycerin with wood pulp and sodium nitrate we can create an explosive charge. The rifleman, soldiers and officers in the Keep are known to have the supplies.$b$bCollect these items and bring them to me. I will fashion a charge that the dwarves won\'t forget!','Gann Stonespire wants you to bring him 6 vials of Nitroglycerin, 6 bundles of Wood Pulp, and 6 samples of Sodium Nitrate.','I see you are quite industrious, $C.$B$BNo doubt we shall soon have a fitting surprise for those dwarves.','I see you are back, $N.$B$BWhile Khazgorm\'s death might delay the digging in my ancestral lands some, it will by no means bring a total end to the destruction.$B$BThe Keep at Bael Modan is an increasing military threat. Built to defend the dig site, it is now poised for offensive force as well.$B$BIf you have the ingredients I requested, I can fashion a charge that will make the hasty dwarves reconsider their actions here in the Barrens.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     849insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (804,847,'Guile of the Raptor','This... this power.... Is this the power of the shamans that Tor\'gan tried to show me? I must say, it is interesting. Tell Tor\'gan that he has convinced me... for the time being. I will listen to what he has to say.','Speak with Tor\'gan.','When the enchantment wears off, I will speak with Gor\'mul. My thanks to you for your help in returning Gor\'mul to the land of the living. I have no doubt he thanks you greatly as well.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     850insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (805,848,'Fungal Spores','The oases of the Barrens hide a mystery.  Life energy flows from their waters, invigorating the plants and beasts that drink it.$B$BInvigorating, and altering.$B$BThere is a mushroom that grows near these oases.  Its spores hold properties that we, the apothecaries of Lordaeron, find useful.$B$BBring me these spores and you will earn our gratitude.','Bring 4 Fungal Spores to Apothecary Helbrim at the Crossroads.','Ah, yes. These are good specimens. Potent.$B$BI am Forsaken, and we honor our contracts. Here is your reward, $N.','Do you have the spores, $N? There is a concoction I must send to my associate in Thunder Bluff, which requires the spores...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     851insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (806,849,'Revenge of Gann','Following Khazgorm\'s plans it should be no problem to fashion an explosive charge$b$bAh, there we go.$b$bNow, $n, I am going to entrust you with a special task. Take this explosive stick and use it to blow up the flying machine at Bael Modan.$b$bNot only is the flying machine a key part of the site\'s infrastructure it also serves as a weapon of war. More importantly it is an icon of power and an insult to the memory of my tribe.$b$bMake me proud by completing this heroic task and you shall be rewarded.','Destroy the flying machine at Bael Modan and return to Gann Stonespire.','You have done well, $N! May you be revered in Thunder Bluff as a defender of sacred tauren lands and a champion of the lost tribe.','','','Bael Modan Flying Machine destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     852insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (807,850,'Kolkar Leaders','The centaurs have plagued the Tauren for years.  And recently, the Kolkar centaurs of the Barrens have grown into a real threat.  Normally they were disorganized in these lands, but new leaders have risen among them.  Rallying them.$B$BTo preserve our holdings here, these centaur leaders must be destroyed.$B$BBring me the head of Barak Kodobane.  He camps near the Forgotten Pools to the north.$B$BDefeat him, then return to me.','Bring Barak\'s Head to Regthar Deathgate, west of the Crossroads.','Well done, $N. The centaur are low, brutish creatures, but a few have the wit and vision to lead. And those are the most dangerous.$B$BBarak was such a centaur. It is good that he is dead.','Hello, $N. Do you have Barak\'s Head for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     853insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (808,851,'Verog the Dervish','The centaur Verog the Dervish wanders the Barrens, and will be difficult to find.  But he is based at the centaur command tent at the Stagnant Oasis to the southeast.  It may be possible to draw him to you.$B$BTravel to the Stagnant Oasis to the southeast and attack centaur near the command tent.  It will be dangerous, but if you can kill enough centaur then they should raise an alarm.  And Verog will come.$B$BBring me his head and I will place it with Barak Kodobane\'s.','Bring Verog\'s Head to Regthar Deathgate, west of the Crossroads.','Very good. You must have really stirred up those centaur -- our guards spotted activity down near the Stagnant Oasis, which was probably you.$B$BYou should be proud of your deed, $N. There is much bravery in you.','Did you find Verog, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     854insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (809,852,'Hezrul Bloodmark','Hezrul Bloodmark is the leader of the Kolkar centaurs in the Barrens.  He is fierce, brutal and cunning.  Defeating him would disrupt and fracture the Kolkars, greatly reducing their threat to us.$B$BSo kill him.  As with Barak and Verog, bring me Hezrul\'s Head.$B$BHe leads his people from the Lushwater Oasis, to the south.','Bring Hezrul\'s Head to Regthar Deathgate, west of the Crossroads.','I commend you, $N. These centaur are undisciplined and cannot focus their rage as the orcs can, but they are fierce nonetheless. In defeating them, your valor is proven.','Is Hezrul defeated, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     855insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (810,853,'Apothecary Zamah','I have rendered the spores you gave me into an emulsion.  I must now send it to my associate, Apothecary Zamah.  If you were to carry this to her, she can offer you something from our stores of alchemical goods.$B$BShe is in the Pools of Vision, a cave beneath the shamans of Thunder Bluff.  The path to this cave is well hidden, but you may find it on the Spirit Rise bluff.$B$BDo hurry.  This emulsion will maintain its potency for only a short time, and must be resealed and processed before then.','Bring the Rendered Spores to Apothecary Zamah in Thunder Bluff, before the time limit is up.','Ah, the spores from the Barrens that Helbrim was gathering. He garnered your aid in delivering them? Good.$B$BAnd the emulsion is still potent, so you must have wasted no time in the delivery. Well done, $C.','You have something from Apothecary Helbrim?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     856insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (811,854,'Journey to the Crossroads','I have foreseen your arrival, young $c. Though perhaps you are not so young anymore.$B$BI think that it is time for you to move deeper into this land. I can sense that you are destined for great things.$B$BIt is the Crossroads that you must seek out, for our lives with the orcs have become intertwined and they need assistance. Continue down this road towards the east and follow it north to the Crossroads. Find Thork within its walls, he has the Earthmother\'s blessing.','Speak with Thork at the Crossroads in the Barrens.','It is good to see that more of our $R allies have come to assist us from as far away as Thunder Bluff. Again, I welcome you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     857insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (812,855,'Centaur Bracers','The Kolkar are a threat to the Horde\'s claims in the Barrens; we must reduce the numbers of their troops.  And so, I have a bounty task for you.$B$BWhile in Kolkar territories, slay their warriors and collect centaur bracers.  Return when you have a heap of bracers and the Horde will reward you well.','Bring 15 Centaur Bracers to Regthar Deathgate, west of the Crossroads.','Nicely done. I\'m sure you\'ve struck fear into the surviving centaurs, $N. If they have sense, they\'ll now calm themselves and stop their advances.$B$BBut I don\'t think they will, and that is unfortunate.$B$BUnfortunate...for them.','How goes your hunting, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     858insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (813,857,'The Tear of the Moons','The power was mine! In my very hands! And I want it back! Back I say!$b$bThose dirty excavators uncovered it... so beautiful it was. Deemed the Tear of the Moons, it was the first great discovery we made at Bael Modan.$b$bIt should have been mine! Mine I say!$b$bGeneral Twinbraid grew jealous of the power it gave me. He locked it away in the Keep. Called it cursed, he did! The fool!$b$bOthers wanted it and they had to be stopped! That bastard Twinbraid drove me off.$b$bNow I want it back. Back I say!','Feegly the Exiled wants you to retrieve for him the Tear of the Moons.','At last, the power is mine again! Mine I say!','Where is the Tear of the Moons? I need it now! Need I say!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     859insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (814,858,'Ignition','I don\'t suppose Sputtervalve sent you? I\'m in a bind here. I hopped in without realizing that I need a key to unlock the shredder\'s movement column. One of the other shredder operators asked me if everything was okay, and I panicked! Instead of telling him that I was missing my key, I told him there was some sort of mechanical problem.$b$bWe need to get out of here on the double! Go up to the control room at the top of the derrick, the supervisor should have a key for this shredder.$b$bHelp me out here!','Get the Ignition Key and bring it to Wizzlecrank.','Yep, this looks like the right key. Let me just make sure I know how to work this thing...$B$BHmm... rotation control... This regulates speed and stability... fine arm movement control. Just look at this! I can\'t believe the Venture Company could design something this much better than ours. I\'ve got to get this back to Ratchet!','Quick, we need to get out of here before someone gets suspicious!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     860insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (815,860,'Sergra Darkthorn','If you wish to walk the hunter\'s path, then your journey leads to the Barrens.  Its beasts are strong-willed and fierce.  You will learn much by hunting there, and your spirit will grow.$B$BSpeak with Sergra Darkthorn.  She will be your first guide in the Barrens.$B$BSergra is at the Crossroads.  To reach her, travel east from Bloodhoof Village into the Barrens, then north as the road forks.  And have care as you travel--the Barrens holds great danger for the unprepared and unwary.','Speak with Sergra Darkthorn at the Crossroads.','You want to hunt in the Barrens?$b$bYour eyes are eager, and young. They\'re not yet squinted from tracking your prey across this land\'s dry plains.$b$bBut worry not. We\'ll toughen your body and your mind. And we\'ll teach you that there is more to hunting than finding and killing your quarry.$b$bPrepare yourself. Your journey begins. Now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     861insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (816,861,'The Hunter\'s Way','You are eager to explore, I can tell.  I too had the lust to wander, once...$B$BWander, and hunt.  For hunting is a Tauren\'s greatest honor.$B$BIf you truly wish to follow the ways of the hunter, then Melor Stonehoof can show you the path.  He is in Thunder Bluff, on the Hunter\'s Rise.$B$BAnd to show him your skill and resolve, bring him the claws of the flatland prowlers of Mulgore.  They are tough and cunning -- fitting prey for a young $c on the hunter\'s path.','Bring 4 Flatland Prowler Claws to Melor Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.','Skorn Whitecloud is a wise tauren. He has hunted for years and years, and although his body is old, his spirit burns fiercely. We are honored to have him with us.$b$bIf Skorn sent you to me, then you too must have the $C\'s spirit. And to have gathered these claws shows your burgeoning skills.$b$bPerhaps you are ready to walk the path.','Greetings. There is an air about you that tells me much. Do we have business, you and I?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     862insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (817,862,'Dig Rat Stew','A $c like you must get pretty hungry out here in The Barrens. Me, I\'m starving all day long.$b$bTell you what, I\'ll fix you up a nice stew. Just need a few dig rats.$b$bSeems those filthy dwarves at Bael Modan are overrun with everyone\'s favorite feast. Now head on down south to Bael Modan and bring me back some dig rats.$b$bYou can\'t call yourself a seasoned adventurer until you\'ve spent some time killing rats! Haw!','Bring 8 Dig Rats to Grub east of the Crossroads.','Normally I don\'t like to eat these rodents when they\'re so.... so... ripe. Like to let them rot for a few weeks to really bring out the flavor. But you look so hungry.$B$BLet me fix you some Dig Rat Stew. Ah, there we go.$B$BHere you go!','Whack enough dig rats yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     863insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (818,863,'The Escape','I suppose I\'ll learn as we go... Couldn\'t be too hard. Just some buttons here, and a lever or two... Well, are you ready to go?','Protect Wizzlecrank and the stolen goblin shredder on the way to Sputtervalve in Ratchet.','Hopefully we\'ll be able to get something of value from the wrecked shredder prototype... my time\'s running out! I\'ll dispatch a salvage team to Wizzlecrank\'s location on the double.$B$BOh, let me give you something for your trouble, too.','Can I help you?','Escort Wizzlecrank out of the Venture Co. drill site','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     864insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (819,864,'Return to Apothecary Zinge','\"Here you go, the power source is safely removed and the data is preserved.  Well, safe journeys and all that.  Hope the nefarious science experiment worked out for you and all.\"$B$BThe goblin turns away from you to attend to the demands of the Gadgetzan Water Company.  You secure the sealed testing kit for the journey back to the Undercity.  Apothecary Zinge waits for you and the sealed field testing kit there.','Bring the Sealed Field Testing Kit to Apothecary Zinge in the Undercity.','I will analyze this data immediately. Perhaps Keever\'s insanity will prove to be my genius after all.$B$BAs for you... you are useful to me, and I reward quite well those who remain useful. Take this item, this coin, and most importantly my thanks along with them.$B$BCheck back with me from time to time - I wager that our working together on this project is not at an end.','Welcome back. At least, welcome back if you have returned with a sealed testing kit. Otherwise, I will pretend not to notice your utter incompetence and spare my wrath from you until you do as you have been tasked and accomplish my task.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     865insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (820,865,'Raptor Horns','The raptors of the Barrens are smarter than raptors in other lands.  And I think all that smarts is hiding in their horns!  If so, then I could grind their horns into powder and use it to make \"smart drinks.\"  I could sell them for a fortune!!!$B$BAnd you can help me.  Find me intact raptor horns from sunscale scytheclaws.  They roam in the southern Barrens, and in the northern Barrens near the border of Ashenvale Forest.','Gather 5 Intact Raptor Horns from Sunscale Scytheclaws, and bring them to Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet.','Great, you got them! Now I just need to ground them down and mix them with some wine, and...','Did you get the horns, $N? Those things are going to make me a fortune!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     866insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (821,866,'Root Samples','The herbs of the Barrens are not quite like herbs in other lands.  Their properties are mostly the same, but the oasis water here alters the plants; they are just slightly different.$B$BI want to study those differences... to see if they\'re exploitable!$B$BIf you are skilled in herbalism, then gather root samples off the herbs you find in the Barrens.  Bring back these samples so that I may compare them with herbs from other regions.','Bring 8 Root Samples to Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet.','Yes yes, these are very nice! I will grow specimens from these roots and study them. I hope to find new properties from them. Hidden, valuable properties...!$B$BAnd don\'t worry -- if I do then you\'ll be the first to know. Because I\'ll need someone to gather more!','Hello, $N. Did you get those root samples?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     867insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (822,867,'Harpy Raiders','The blasted harpies have been ravaging our caravan supplies for too long. It\'s time we slit a few of their throats and diminished their numbers.$B$BI\'ve been snooping around their nests and figured out who leads who. The most devastating attack will destroy a good section of their lower chain of command and then we can work our way to the top.$B$BI\'ll start you off slow, take out Witchwing Harpies and Witchwing Roguefeathers in the Northwest and bring me 8 Witchwing talons. That should be a good start...','Collect 8 Witchwing talons.$B$BReturn them to Darsok Swiftdagger at the Crossroads.','Oh, these are nice. Real nice... Good job, $N. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.','Cut up enough of them yet? Keep slicing and taking trophies. I want 8 Witchwing talons.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     868insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (823,868,'Egg Hunt','Hey, $N. I been sent to the Crossroads to watch over the land and take note of its happenings for my masters in Orgrimmar.$B$BOne object of my studies are the insect-like creatures found to the south in the Field of Giants. We know little of the creatures, so I be makin\' it a point to discover more. They seem to have intelligence to them, more so than any normal animal.$B$BTake this digging claw and collect some of the creatures\' eggs from their mounds, but be careful: if alerted, they will attack you.','Bring 12 Silithid Eggs and the Digging Claw to Korran at the Crossroads.','You please me, $N. The eggs and the tool. Well done.$B$BAnd for your reward...','Be careful with the eggs you find, $N. If they break, they be no good to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     869insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (824,869,'Raptor Thieves','Not long ago, a shipment of silver was stolen from our guard tower.  It was meant as payroll to the Crossroads\' guards, and we want that silver back.$B$BThe strange thing is... we caught one of the thieves on the night of the theft.  And... it was a raptor!  Unbelievable!$B$BI don\'t know what raptors would want with silver.  But I don\'t care -- I want the raptors dead so they won\'t steal from us again!$B$BHunt raptors in the Barrens.  Collect for me their heads!','Bring 12 Raptor Heads to Gazrog at the Crossroads.','You got rid of the raptors!$B$BThank you, $N. You are a $C of worth.','Do you have those heads, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     870insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (825,870,'The Forgotten Pools','Long ago, the Barrens was a lush place, teeming with life.  But war and cataclysm raged across the land, scorching it and leaving a dry husk.  Such is the way of things, and it saddens my heart.$B$BBut within the past few years, new oases have formed in the Barrens, and life stirs.  And deep down, we druids sense a power leaking its way to the surface.$B$BWe must find its source.  Travel to the Forgotten Pools, northwest of the Crossroads.  Search its waters for a source of power, then return here.','Report back to Tonga Runetotem with your findings.','You found a fissure in the earth, with gases bubbling from it? Strange. This may be an answer to our questions, but we cannot yet be sure.$B$BBut it is a clue. And I am grateful that you found it.','','Explore the waters of the Forgotten Pools','Explore the waters of the Forgotten Pools','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     871insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (826,871,'Disrupt the Attacks','All the quilboars are our enemies, $N. Some just prove to be more of a nuisance than others.$B$BThe Razormane tribe has been attacking our supply lines from Durotar, causing us no end of annoyance. I have scouts seeking the leader of these raids, but until then, any losses you can inflict on the filthy pig men would aid us.$B$BStart in the northeast towards Durotar. You can always tell their dens from the huge thorny vines that come up from the earth. Seek them out, and slay them.','Of the Razormane tribe, kill 8 Water Seekers, 8 Thornweavers and 3 Hunters, and then return to Thork in the Crossroads.','You have done well, $N. Those insolent quilboars will finally learn that the might of the Horde is not to be ignored.','The longer it takes to stop these attacks, the harder it will be to provide supplies for the people of the Crossroads.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     872insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (827,872,'The Disruption Ends','One of my scouts witnessed an attack on a caravan from Durotar, $N. The culprits are indeed the Razormane tribe of quilboars. One of the quilboars in particular is leading the raids: Kreenig Snarlsnout. He was seen northeast of here, just south of the road from Durotar. If the threat is to be ended, then Kreenig must die.$B$BTo be sure the attacks cease, though, I say we add insult to their injury. Kill Kreenig along with more of their tribe, and return to me when you have his tusk.','Kill 8 Razormane Geomancers, 8 Razormane Defenders, and Kreenig Snarlsnout.$B$BThen bring Kreenig Snarlsnout\'s Tusk to Thork at the Crossroads.','Well done, $N. With Kreenig\'s death, there will be a definite decline in the attacks on our caravans.$B$BYour people should be proud to count you among them.','Cut off the head of their leader, and chaos ensues, $N. Learn this lesson well. It will aid you in the future.$B$BThe boars will flounder without direction, and we will be able to take back the Barrens.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     873insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (828,873,'Isha Awak','The grand Isha Awak is lord of these waters.  Great is his strength, and solemn his pride.  The humans on the coast fear him, for he has consumed many of their number.$B$BBut I do not fear him.  I am grateful he is here.  He is a worthy challenge, and honorable prey.$B$BIf you are ready, then swim out and search for Isha Awak, the Deep Doom.$B$BHis spirit dwells in his heart, and to hear its beat is to know your fate.','Bring the Heart of Isha Awak to Mahren Skyseer.','You now are one with Isha Awak, $N. His spirit is with you. He lurks in your eyes...$B$BEyes that, one day, will learn to see.','Fear not the waters, $R.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     874insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (829,874,'Mahren Skyseer','You have hunted the beasts of the Barrens.  Your spirit is strong.  But a hunter must always be prepared.  A true hunter can stalk prey down any path.  Mountains and swamps will not sway $ghim:her;.$B$BNot even the sea.$B$BFind my sister, Mahren.  She hunts the great water beasts along the coast.  She will be your teacher in their ways.$B$BBut be wary in your search for her, for the Barrens\' coast is held by humans.','Speak with Mahren Skyseer.','My brother sent you, did he? Then you must have proven yourself to him. If you have earned the respect of Jorn, then you have my respect as well.$B$BAre you ready to tread farther down the hunter\'s path?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     875insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (830,875,'Harpy Lieutenants','Hahaha, $n. Back for more? Good, I like to hear that.$B$BThis time I want you to assassinate some of the harpy lieutenants in the Dry Hills. Only Witchwing Slayers can be lieutenants, and you can tell them apart by the rings they carry. They are a nasty bunch, but they lead some of the underlings in that area. Taking out 6 of them will be a decisive strike against their matriarchy.$B$BMake sure they die painfully, $n. We want those harpy wenches to know the idiocy of picking fights with the Horde.','Collect 6 Harpy Lieutenant Rings from Witchwing Slayers and return them to Darsok Swiftdagger at the Crossroads.','Excellent work my friend. I think you\'ll go far within the Horde.','Do you have 6 Harpy Lieutenant Rings yet? Justice must be dealt to them for their vicious attacks on the Horde.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     876insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (831,876,'Serena Bloodfeather','You did so well with the lieutenants and underlings that I\'d like you to do one last thing for me.$B$BSerena Bloodfeather is the sister of a harpy named Bloodfeather who was slain by Rexxar quite a while ago. Apparently, these attacks on the Horde caravans are revenge for her sister\'s death.$B$BI need you to slit her throat and bring me back her head. I want to place it on the next caravan we send out... Give those harpies something to think about.','Slay Serena Bloodfeather and return her head to Darsok Swiftdagger at the Crossroads.','HA! Well done, $N! Very well done... I wasn\'t sure you were up to the task, but you\'ve proved yourself quite the cut-throat. Thank you again for helping us suppress the Harpy epidemic. Here is your reward, use it well.','You\'re not getting anything until I see Serena\'s head.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     877insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (832,877,'The Stagnant Oasis','Like the one you found at the Forgotten Pools, there may be fissures at the other oases in the Barrens.  If so, then perhaps the fissures are the oases\' source of life.$B$BWe must test this.$B$BHere, take these seeds.  They are dead and infertile, but take them to the Stagnant Oasis to the southeast.  If there is a fissure there, then place the seeds within it...and observe.','Return to Tonga at The Crossroads, after investigating the Stagnant Oasis.','Your findings are amazing! The seeds I gave you were dried, and dead. Whatever rests under these oases can create life from nothing!$B$BWe must study this more...','','','Test the Dried Seeds','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     878insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (833,878,'Tribes at War','You must strike my enemies. <snort> You must help Mangletooth and the Razormane by weakening the Bristlebacks. Both tribes are very spiritual--tied to the earth and its power. <snort> It gives us strength in all things... especially war.$B$BIf you want to find out who really causes Thork <snort> and the Horde such anguish, then help Mangletooth! You attack the spiritual leaders of the Bristlebacks to the north; weaken them so the Razormanes can defeat them and rule the Barrens.','Kill 6 Bristleback Water Seekers, 12 Bristleback Thornweavers and 12 Bristleback Geomancers and return to Mangletooth at Camp Taurajo in the Barrens.','Yes, yes... filled with joy because finally <snort> the Bristleback know my tribe\'s pain, $R. That is how I should feel, but that <snort> is not the case.$B$BYou aid your people and they honor you. Mangletooth aids his people, and what do they do? They turn their backs on him. They forget him and leave him to rot in cage!$B$BI aid them even from locked behind bars and they send no one to save me!','More information <snort> for the Horde when you\'ve killed the Bristleback\'s wise ones, undead. <snort> Not a moment earlier! Mangletooth is no fool.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     879insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (834,879,'Betrayal from Within','Three of my tribe came out of the Kraul to lead the raids against the Horde, $r. <snort> They are ruthless and cunning, and if you defeat them, then your Crossroads and even most of the Barrens will learn peace... <snort> at least from the Razormane tribe. <snort>$B$BNak, Kuz, and Lok Orcbane are the ones you seek. They are far to the south  of the Barrens. One is a spell caster, another a tracker, and their leader, the one called Orcbane, <snort> a warrior. Kill them, $r, like they have killed me.','Kill Nak, Kuz, and Lok Orcbane and bring their skulls to Mangletooth at Camp Taurajo in the Barrens.','It is done then. Better it ends this way, says Mangletooth. <snort> They should have <snort> made sure I was dead when they turned their backs on me instead of leaving <snort> me here in this forsaken cage.$B$BThere is but one task left for you to finish, $R.','How goes your hunt, $R? <snort>$B$BThork thinks he knows the truth about who leads the raids against his people, <snort> but he shall learn how wrong he is if you are successful.$B$BMy death is inescapable, but you have caused great pain to my enemies, so Mangletooth regrets nothing. <snort>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     880insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (835,880,'Altered Beings','Your findings are incredible, $N.  These oases hold properties that must come from an outside source.  Or perhaps an inside one.$B$BI want to know how these fissures are affecting the beasts who drink from the oases\' water.$B$BHunt oasis snapjaws at the Lushwater and Stagnant Oases.  Bring me their shells so I may examine them.','Bring 8 Altered Snapjaw Shells to Tonga Runetotem at the Crossroads.','Thank you, $N. Studying the beasts of an area can tell much about the area itself. We shall see what tale these shells tell.$B$BPlease accept my gratitude for your aid ... and perhaps you can use these coins. I find that I do not need them.','How goes your collection? Did you get the shells?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     881insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (836,881,'Echeyakee','Whitemist, Echeyakee in the Tauren tongue, is the king of the savannah cats.  He hunts with such stealth, they say he\'s like a thin, white mist on the earth.  And he kills so fast his prey have no time for fear, or pain.$B$BThe Tauren say he is both mercy and death.$B$BYou will learn if that\'s true, for I now set you on the path to hunt Echeyakee.  His lair is northeast of the Crossroads, among the bones of giant Kodo$B$BGo.  Blow this horn when you reach his lair.  Blow the horn, and he will come.','Bring Echeyakee\'s Hide to Sergra Darkthorn at the Crossroads.','You\'ve beaten Echeyakee, and though his days of hunting are over... his spirit is with you. He will show you the strength found in subtlety, and the honor in mercy.$B$BYour path is still long, $C. Let\'s hope you stride it well.','The great cat calls to you, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     882insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (837,882,'Ishamuhale','Ishamuhale, Speartooth, is the fiercest sunscale raptor of the Barrens.  He does not hunt for sport, nor for food.  He hunts because hunting is his passion.  He kills because it is his nature to kill.$B$BAnd you will learn of his nature, $N, for your path now follows the taloned tracks of Ishamuhale.$B$BBegin the hunt.  Slay his favorite prey, a zhevra, then bring its carcass to the dead tree northwest of Ratchet.  Ishamuhale will smell the carcass and be drawn to it.$B$BBe ready when he comes.','Bring Ishamuhale\'s Fang to Jorn at Camp Taurajo.','This fang is merely a token, but what it represents is profound.$B$BIshamuhale\'s strength is in you, $N. May you use it with temperance. That is your burden.$B$BThat is your honor.','$N, have you bested Ishamuhale?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     883insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (838,883,'Lakota\'mani','The Hoof of Lakota\'mani is a symbol of the strength of the great kodo.','Bring the Hoof of Lakota\'mani to Jorn at Camp Taurajo.','Lakota\'mani is called Earthshaker in our language, and his steps are like gathered thunder. He is with you now, and his courage mingles with yours. Together there is no conflict you cannot face.$B$BWalk tall, $N. Walk tall, Earthshaker.','$N, when you approached I saw a new power in your stride. Tell me -- has your spirit met with the great Lakota\'mani?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     884insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (839,884,'Owatanka','When touched, sparks fly from the tailspike of Owatanka.','Bring Owatanka\'s Tailspike to Jorn at Camp Taurajo.','The thunder lizard Owatanka is called Bluebolt by the tauren, for within him resides a speed that belies his size. It is said that lightning struck Bluebolt long ago and, fed from the sky\'s rage, the great beast\'s energy is without limit.$B$BMay his energy flow through you, $N. For you now keep pace with Owatanka.','$N, there is a new power behind your eyes! You have met with the mighty Owatanka, have you not?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     885insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (840,885,'Washte Pawne','The feather of Washte Pawne is painful to the touch.','Bring Washte Pawne\'s Feather to Jorn Skyseer at Camp Taurajo.','The thunderhawk is a rare beast of the Barrens, and its death can portend great fortune, or great doom.$B$BBut Washte Pawne, called Spirit Biter in Taurahe, can bring neither... or both.$B$BThe pain you felt from hunting Spirit Biter is the pang all feel who make great gains at great costs. The sting you felt is the pain of regret.$B$BBut I can see you have conquered this. You have learned that regret turns to wisdom, and that through pain one gains strength.$B$BYou have learned much, $N.','There is new resolve within you, $N. A resolve born from pain...$B$BAre you burdened with the death of Washte Pawne?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     886insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (841,886,'The Barrens Oases','The druids of Thunder Bluff sense a strange power leaking into the Barrens, east of Mulgore.$B$BTonga Runetotem was sent to discover the source of this power, but we fear he will need aid.$B$BTravel to the Barrens and speak with Tonga.  He will be at the Crossroads.  To reach there, take the road east out of Bloodhoof village.  Enter the Barrens, then turn north when the road forks.  Continue north and  you will find the Crossroads.$B$BAnd do not leave the road, $N, for the Barrens is a harsh land.','Speak with Tonga Runetotem at the Crossroads.','My brethren in Thunder Bluff were wise to send you, young $C. For the mystery of the Barrens is one that I alone cannot unravel.$B$BWith your aid, let us hope we can find answers to our questions.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     887insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (842,887,'Southsea Freebooters','I sure wish Vice Admiral Grezzlik did a better job of keeping the seas safe for our trading vessels. With all the gold the trade princes have poured into the Trade Fleets, it ticks me off to see so many pirates running willy-nilly, raiding my ships and stealing my goods!$b$bI heard that the Southsea Freebooters have set up a camp just south of here. They\'ve been a real thorn in my side and if Grezzlik won\'t take care of them, well, maybe you can help me get rid of them.','Kill 12 Southsea Brigands and 6 Southsea Cannoneers for Gazlowe in Ratchet.','You did good, kid. A little more work like that, and it\'ll be one less thing I\'ll have to worry about. Hopefully they\'ll be convinced that they should relocate their operation elsewhere.$B$BIn the meantime, there is the small matter of getting back the goods they stole from me!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     888insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (843,888,'Stolen Booty','While I\'d like to recover all my goods, I\'m sure that\'s not possible. Still, there\'s a few things that I absolutely must have!$b$bAs you see, my observatory is ready to go, but it needs the smaller of the two lenses. The first arrived by caravan from Durotar, but the second was bound by ship, and never arrived. Also, I never got my boot shipment from Drizzlik in Booty Bay!$b$bHead down to the pirate camp and see if you can find them.','Retrieve the Shipment of Boots and Telescopic Lens for Gazlowe in Ratchet.','It\'s a relief to get all this stuff back, so thanks for your help, $N. You know, I could use a $R like you to help out with my operation here. If you\'re ever looking for work, don\'t forget about how well Gazlowe pays for service!','Did you find my things, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     889insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (844,889,'Spirit of the Wind','','','Good. Go with Agamaggan\'s spirit as your guide, $R. Return to me if you desire more of Agamaggan\'s magics.','Bring Mangletooth 10 blood shards and I will bless you with great speed. You will run with zhevra and the wind will be jealous of you.$B$BIt will not last long, but it should be enough to help you travel throughout the Barrens.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     890insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (845,890,'The Missing Shipment','I\'ve been waiting forever for my last shipment of goods from Booty Bay! I\'m pretty sure that it must have been stolen by the Freebooters, but just to make sure, will you go down to the dockside and ask Dizzywig if my goods were already put into my warehouse without my knowledge?$b$bHere, take my ledger down to Dizzywig and have him double check my inventory records against his logs.','Bring Gazlowe\'s Ledger to Wharfmaster Dizzywig.','Ah, Gazlowe sent you, did he? Just a moment, let me take a look here and check my own logs and make sure I didn\'t have Gazlowe\'s shipment sent to the wrong place.$B$BBet he\'s waiting for those boots from Drizzlek...','Wares to send on the next ship, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     891insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (846,891,'The Guns of Northwatch','Yet another ship from my fleet has been lost to those overzealous humans at Northwatch Hold!$b$bThose bastards must be dealt with. Their paranoia has them in a state of frenzy. Trigger happy, reckless louts are shooting at anything in their sights.$b$bTravel south along the Merchant Coast to the Hold and lay siege to their forces. Bring me the medals of their soldiers as proof. And for the love of my fleet, slay Captain Fairmount and her overzealous cannoneers!','Captain Thalo\'thas Brightsun of Ratchet wants you to collect 10 Theramore Medals and slay Captain Fairmount, Cannoneer Whessan and Cannoneer Smythe.','Alas, the righteous Alliance guns have been silenced. You shall be rewarded for your aid, $N.$B$BNow to tend to the grim task of recovering the bodies of the dead....','My fleet is in peril with Captain Fairmount and her damned cannoneers blasting away from Northwatch Hold. I want her soldiers to pay as well. Fill my hand with medals from their dead and I will know that vengeance has been given to my fallen privateers.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     892insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (847,892,'The Missing Shipment','Everything looks square from my records, $n. Go on back and tell Gazlowe he\'s out of luck. I wouldn\'t be surprised if it was the pirates that nabbed his goodies.$b$bNothing else I can do for him. Oh... though you could tell him that I\'ve got some things from Undermine for him, when he has the time to come pick them up.','Return Gazlowe\'s Ledger to Gazlowe in Ratchet.','No dice, eh? I guess it must have been the Freebooters then... Dizzywig\'s on the level, I\'m sure he wouldn\'t cheat me like that. After all, he is on the payroll.$B$BLooks like I\'ve got some goods to get back, $N. What do you say?','So, what did Dizzywig have to say?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     893insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (848,893,'Weapons of Choice','The Razormane quilboars to the south, beyond the Field of Giants, have no skilled blacksmiths from what I am told, but they\'ve apparently started to develop sturdier weapons. I\'d like to get my hands on a few different types to learn their techniques if possible.$B$BIf you wish to help bring honor to the Horde, then bring me examples of their weapons. Find me a dagger from their stalkers, a wand from their seers, and a shield from their warfrenzy. That should do nicely!','Bring a Razormane Backstabber, a Charred Razormane Wand and a Razormane War Shield to Tatternack Steelforge at Camp Taurajo in the Barrens.','Excellent, excellent specimens indeed.$B$BThe quilboar are further along than I had expected.$B$BHere, $C, take this and get out of my way. I\'d better take a closer look at these weapons. We may have underestimated our enemy, and that\'s the kind of mistake we can\'t afford to make.','I, too, have doubts that the pathetic quilboars could attain any level of skill in the area of smithing, but I do as the Warchief commands, and I shall learn what I can about the Razormane tribe.$B$BI have had more menial tasks, and I do so willingly if it aids the orc people.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     894insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (849,894,'Samophlange','The Venture Company set up a small research facility far to the north of here, southwest of the Sludge Fen. I don\'t know very much about what they\'re doing, but did manage to discover that they\'re experimenting with something called a \"samophlange\".$b$bNow what the heck is a samophlange? Well, whatever it is, I want to examine it, so I need someone to go get it.$b$bI obtained a copy of their control system operating manual, you should be able to figure out how to disengage the samophlange from it.','Access the control console at the Venture Company research site.','A variety of buttons, levers and blinking lights are somewhat erratically arrayed on the face of the control console. A small gauge indicates that the apparatus is currently operating within optimal levels, and indicates that control valves one through three are currently open. There is a small keyhole set into the lower right side of the control panel.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     895insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (850,895,'WANTED: Baron Longshore','WANTED!$b$bBaron Longshore, Captain of the Heedless$b$bCaptain Longshore of Gilneas leads vessels of the Southsea Freebooters, and is wanted on charges of piracy. Remains must be in identifiable condition!$b$b-- Gazlowe','Bring the head of Baron Longshore to Gazlowe in Ratchet.','Ahhhh! That sort of business. You know, I saw the Heedless once on the open seas. Fearsome ship, or was that boat... those sailors are so particular!$B$BAnyways, watching her glide across the water was quite a sight to see. I\'m glad her infamous captain will trouble my ships no longer.','What\'s happening? Something I can help you with? Goods to ship, perhaps an engineering job?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     896insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (851,896,'Miner\'s Fortune','Being Wharfmaster of a busy port like Ratchet, I keep my finger on the pulse of information. I know all about the exchange of goods and money between here and Booty Bay.$b$bThe latest bit of news I\'ve heard is about the Venture Company\'s Boulder Lode mine northeast of the Sludge Fen. One of the miners discovered an emerald the size of your fist. I know a few buyers who\'d be interested in getting their hands on something like that, and I\'d be willing to go half and half on its sale.','Retrieve the Cats Eye Emerald from one of the Venture Co. Overseers or Enforcers for Wharfmaster Dizzywig at Ratchet.','Look at the size of that thing, $N! We\'re going to be rich! Let\'s see, according to the rates I\'ve seen on gems going into Undermine, I should be able to figure out your cut--fifty percent, don\'t worry!$B$BNow let\'s see... I think this should do about right. Pleasure doing business with you, $N.','If only we knew which one of the miners had found the emerald, it\'d be a walk in the park...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     897insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (852,897,'The Harvester','This strange, insect-like creature looks outside of the natural order, as though it does not belong in the Barrens.','Bring the Harvester\'s Head to Jorn Skyseer.','I can tell nothing of the nature of this beast, for its spirit has fled. But as you guessed, it does not belong in the Barrens. I fear it may herald a grim future for our people...$B$BBut for now, prepare yourself, and let us hope that time unravels the mystery of this creature.','You seemed troubled, $N. How go your lessons in the Barrens? Did you find something that disturbs you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     898insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (853,898,'Free From the Hold','Finally! Someone to rescue me!$b$bI can\'t believe you got past the guards. These zealots from Theramore are out of their minds. They sank our ship and imprisoned me, the only survivor. I was called an enemy and threat to the Alliance.$b$bMe! A threat to their great sham of an Alliance? I was a deckhand on a moonshine transport between Ratchet and Booty Bay.$b$bEnough talk. Help me get back to Ratchet will you? Let me know when you\'re ready and we\'ll make our break.','Safely escort Gilthares Firebough back to Captain Brightsun in Ratchet.','And to think, we thought Firebough was long dead!$B$BYour heroics have earned you a place of honor with the Thalo\'dan Privateers, $N.','Yes?','Escort Gilthares Firebough back to Ratchet','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     899insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (854,899,'Consumed by Hatred','Perhaps you know the pain of uncertainty, perhaps not, $c. But know this: I stand here every day, from the sun\'s rising till its decline, scouring the horizon for more of those monsters. I\'ve killed every pig man I\'ve come across since, but my thirst for their blood is far from quenched. Perhaps instead of heading north to the Crossroads I should have headed to Taurajo.$B$BYou, $c--you  could help me.$B$BKill them. Kill as many as you can. Bring me their tusks, and we will celebrate their deaths together.','Bring 60 Bristleback Quilboar Tusks to Mankrik at the Crossroads.','$C, you take my task seriously, and for that I thank you.$B$BAlthough my desire for revenge remains, I can at least smile seeing that the quilboars have felt pain themselves.','The quilboar will pay for this, $N. I swear it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     900insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (855,900,'Samophlange','The three control valves are currently opened. The various readings on the control panel lead you to presume that they must be shut off before the apparatus can be shut off.','Close off the Fuel Control Valve, the Regulator Valve and the Main Control Valve then use the control console again.','The lights indicating the three control valves dim as they are shut off. Green lights slowly fade into yellow, and the switch controlling the apparatus is now moveable, with the valves closed, it can be turned off.','','','Shut off Main Control Valve','Shut off Fuel Control Valve','Shut off Regulator Valve','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     901insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (856,901,'Samophlange','With the apparatus deactivated, the control panel can be opened up and the samophlange removed from the console. With everything else in place, all that is left is to acquire the key to unlock the console.','Get the Console Key from Tinkerer Sniggles to use on the control console.','Turning the key in the lock, the control console unlocks. A red light at the top of the console turns off and all power drains from the terminal.','The console lights are dimmed and the gauges and dials all read at their zero positions, everything idling.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     902insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (857,902,'Samophlange','Pulling open the face of the control console reveals a dense jumble of wires, tubing and other strange mechanical objects--most of which seem to serve no practical purpose. Pushing them aside and digging deeper into the console, you find the samophlange. A tug removes it from its housing.','Return the Samophlange to Sputtervalve in Ratchet.','This is... er... interesting... yes. I\'ll have it sent along to the Tinkers\' Union headquarters in Undermine. I\'m sure after some careful dissection and research, they\'ll be able to make some sense of it.$B$BBut, perhaps I\'ll have a little look myself first...','Oh, you\'re back, $N! Do you have the samophlange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     903insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (858,903,'Prowlers of the Barrens','Now it\'s time to go after something that really bites.  The prowlers of the Barrens are a tough breed.  Tough, resourceful, sly... and deadly.  You\'ll find them among the tall grasses.  You\'ll find many to the southwest of the Crossroads.$B$BBe wary as you hunt them, $n, or you may find yourself no longer the predator, but instead the prey.','Collect 7 Prowler Claws from Savannah Prowlers for Sergra Darkthorn in the Crossroads.','Ah, I see you\'ve been busy, lurking in the grasses and hunting prowlers. Do you think, then, it is time to face a champion among them?','How goes your hunt, $N? Have you found the prowlers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     904insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (859,905,'The Angry Scytheclaws','Now, $N, the hunt deepens.  Now you must defeat your prey, and then find your way to its lair.$B$BHunt the sunscale raptors to the south.  Slay them and remove the feathers they wear.  Place the feathers on the scytheclaw nests southwest of the Stagnant Oasis. Show their brethren you do not fear them!','Kill Sunscale raptors and collect their feathers. Use the feathers on the 3 Scytheclaw nests. Return to Sergra Darkthorn in the Crossroads.','Is your task finished? Ponder the life of the Scytheclaw as you do it. There are important lessons within every creature\'s lifespawn. $B$BSome of the others believe I have been too heavy handed in my lesson. I know that you are simply following my orders, but I want you to consider the life of the creatures you are slaughtering. $B$BThough they are at times a nuisance, they only become threatening when we seek their slaughter. This days defilement will cause us more trouble than it will solve problems...','','','Visit Blue Raptor Nest','Visit Yellow Raptor Nest','Visit Red Raptor Nest','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     905insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (860,906,'Betrayal from Within','Take Lok\'s head to Thork in the Crossroads, $r. <snort> He should know what has happened to my tribe without any words--ha, not that he would believe Mangletooth helped in <snort> such things. But I am sure he\'ll reward you for carrying out such a great deed. <snort>$B$BI will continue to bless you with Agamaggan\'s power for as long as I remain in this cage, $r. Until then, farewell.','Bring Lok\'s Skull to Thork at the Crossroads in the Barrens.','You found the Razormane leader and killed him yourself, $N? Amazing.$B$BI am without words, but that does not mean I am without thanks. The people of the Crossroads would do well to respect your strength.$B$BI must admit, I thought the leader of these raids on our supply lines was another quilboar. Thank you again, $N.','Yes, what is it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     906insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (861,907,'Enraged Thunder Lizards','Now, $N, you must face the great thunder lizards.  So large are the beasts, the ground rumbles as they stomp across the plains.  Take care as you fight them, for one false step and you may find yourself beneath their feet.$B$BYou will find the thunder lizards in the southern Barrens.  They are known as Stormsnouts, Stormhides and Thunderheads.  Return to me after you have bested them.','Bring 3 Thunder Lizard Blood to Jorn Skyseer at Camp Taurajo.','It is good to see you return with proof of victory. And it is good to know you have done so with your bones unbroken.','Are the thunder lizards defeated, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     907insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (862,908,'Amongst the Ruins','The Twilight\'s Hammer has moved into the Moonshrine Ruins of Blackfathom Deeps.  Their presence can only serve to coerce the elements into working against us.  If left unchecked, this region will be theirs for good.$B$B$N, go into Blackfathom and find the ruin\'s fathom stone; it should be somewhere close in the water.  In it is a fathom core - a device that when properly read it will relate a history of all elemental activity.  If I have it, I and the Earthen Ring can maybe do something to stop them!','Bring the Fathom Core to Je\'neu Sancrea at Zoram\'gar Outpost, Ashenvale.','This is exactly what I need! A fathom core is an incredible well of information that we will be able to draw much good from. Whatever the Twilight\'s Hammer is up to in there - and believe me when I say it is no good - my comrades and I will now uncover.$b$bYou\'ve done well here today; the Earthen Ring looks upon you warmly for assisting us. You\'ve also helped the Horde as a whole, and for that you should be proud.','Have you been successful in locating the fathom core? Without it we\'ll have no idea what the Twilight\'s Hammer is exactly up to down there.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     908insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (863,909,'OLD Baron Aquanis','The defeated water elemental has left behind a strange water globe.  You surmise that the object somehow fed the beast energy.  Inside the globe, a putrid-looking form of water sloshes about.  The globe itself seems impervious to any sort of physical force.$B$BIf anyone can make any sense of this item, it would be Je\'neu Sancrea of the Earthen Ring.  He is located at the Horde\'s Zoram\'gar Outpost in Ashenvale.','Bring the Strange Water Globe to Je\'neu Sancrea at Zoram\'gar Outpost, Ashenvale.','This... this is quite the find, $N.$b$bYou acquired this from Baron Aquanis in Blackfathom, you say? Baron Aquanis has long been thought of as a corrupted elemental power; this globe will prove what exactly had corrupted him. While it would be no surprise if it turned out to be the Twilight\'s Hammer, our studies will also show how they did it as well.$b$bYou did well in bringing this to me. Please - take this, along with the Earthen Ring\'s warmest regards.','Ah, hello again $N. I was just reading the waves the sea, much like I always do. What brings you to the outpost?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     909insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (864,910,'Down at the Docks','I have heard tales of the mighty ships that sail between Ratchet and Booty Bay!  That would be so cool to sail on the ocean and fight in many great sea battles.  Maybe I will be a mighty Horde sailor when I grow up!  Yeah!$B$BWould you take me to see the Ratchet docks, please?  I promise I won\'t get into the water or cause any trouble - I just want to see the big boats and smell the salty sea water!  Yeah!','Take your ward to the docks of Ratchet in the Barrens.','Wow, the ocean is HUGE! There were a lot of sea gulls and stuff too - It\'s just as noisy and as bustling as I thought it would be. There are pirates near by too - so cool!$B$BThank you for taking me to Ratchet, $N. That was so awesome!','Are we there yet?','Go to the docks of Ratchet in the Barrens.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     910insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (865,911,'Gateway to the Frontier','They say that Ashenvale is the new frontier, and that the Mor\'shan Rampart in the Barrens is the gateway to it.  That would be so cool to be a pioneer, carving everything you need out of the untamed wilds!  They say that this is where the Horde and Alliance will clash the most in the future, and I want to be there $N!$B$BWould you take me to the Mor\'shan Rampart so I can see what the frontier looks like, please?  I wanna see where the Horde is driving out those smelly night elves!','Take your ward to the Mor\'shan Rampart in the northern part of the Barrens, just before entering Ashenvale.','Wow, Ashenvale is where real adventure happens! Have you ever fought in Ashenvale, Yohaan? When I become a hero when I grow up, I wanna come to Ashenvale and fight for the glory Horde!$B$BThank you for taking me to the frontier, $N. You\'re the best!','','Go to the Mor\'shan Rampart in the Barrens.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     911insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (866,913,'Cry of the Thunderhawk','The thunderhawk, $N, is a fierce beast.  It is time for you to face them.  You must find where it roams, and bring me its wings as proof of your successful hunt.$B$BDo this, and your time with me will near its end.','Find and slay a Thunderhawk, return its wings to Jorn Skyseer at Camp Taurajo.','You, like the thunderhawk, should be proud. You have bested every foe we set you before, and have done so with strength, courage and honor.$B$BBut your path, $N, continues. In fact, you will find that true hunters forever strive, forever walk their path with the same pride you have shown me.$B$BNow, it is time to move on.','Is it done? Have you slain the thunderhawk?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     912insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (867,914,'Leaders of the Fang','The druids in the Wailing Caverns, the Druids of the Fang, are an aberration.  They were part of an order of noble druids whose plan was to heal the Barrens, but now seek to remake that land to match their own, twisted dreams.$B$BThe Druids of the Fang have four leaders, and each possesses a dream gem.  Even now their faces haunt me!  Defeat the leaders and bring me their gems, and the Barrens may again know peace.$B$BGo, $N.  You will find them lurking deep within the Wailing Caverns.','Bring the Gems of Cobrahn, Anacondra, Pythas and Serpentis to Nara Wildmane in Thunder Bluff.','You have done it, $N. You killed the leaders of the Druids of the Fang. My dreams are now free of their wicked faces, and you have helped save the Barrens from a cursed future.$b$bI thank you, $N. I thank you for myself, for the druids of Thunder Bluff, and for the land.','Memories of my nightmares haunt me, $N. Have you defeated the leaders of the fang and acquired their gems?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     913insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (868,915,'You Scream, I Scream...','ICE CREAM!  Oh please please please could you get me some ice cream?!  Strawberry is my favorite flavor, and there\'s no better strawberry ice cream in the world than Tigule and Foror\'s Strawberry Ice Cream!  It\'s my favorite ice cream in the whole wide world!$B$BI had it once a long time ago when I was at the Shimmering Flats race track, but I heard that they might be selling them in town now!  Please?  Pretty please?  With Tigule and Foror\'s Strawberry Ice Cream on top??!?!','Get some Strawberry Ice Cream for your ward.  The lad seems to prefer Tigule and Foror\'s brand ice cream.','Mmmmmmmmm! I love their strawberry ice cream! If there\'s one thing Tigule and Foror know to do, it\'s make ice cream!$B$BThank you very much $N - this is the best treat ever!','I wish they\'d make more flavors of ice cream other than strawberry, but I guess I\'m lucky that strawberry is my favorite!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     914insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (869,916,'Webwood Venom','I came to Shadowglen to observe the webwood spiders that dwell in the Shadowthread Cave.  They are cousin to a much smaller variety of spider; I believe the world tree has had a profound effect on them, and I would like specimens to study to confirm this.$B$BFirst, I would like some of their venom.  Gather Webwood venom sacs from the spiders in and around the Shadowthread Cave, to the north.  I can then examine them for similarities with their smaller cousin\'s venom.','Bring 10 Webwood Venom Sacs to Gilshalan Windwalker at Aldrassil.','Thank you, $N. When I return to Darnassus I will compare the venom within these sacs with the venom of other spiders. It is my belief that it will have properties linked to the recent growth of our new world tree.','Did you gather the venom sacs, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     915insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (870,917,'Webwood Egg','Now that I have the spiders\' venom, I\'d like some live specimens to study.  Unfortunately, capturing a living, giant spider is more than I can ask of you, young $c.  And a giant spider is more than I could handle myself!$B$BBut if you can find an unhatched egg, then delivering specimens will be much easier, and I can then arrange for the unhatched spiders to be contained.$B$BThere must be a nest deep in the Shadowthread Cave.  Please, search for an egg in the nest and return it to me.','Bring a Webwood Egg to Gilshalan in Aldrassil.','Ah, very good. I will have this egg and the venom transported to Darnassus, then return there when my studies are done here. I expect to find out a great deal from these specimens, $N. You have been a great help to me.','Have you been inside the Shadowthread Cave, $N? Did you find a spider egg?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     916insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (871,918,'Timberling Seeds','The timberlings of Teldrassil are elementals of nature.  In some ways they reflect the natural order of plants and animals on our great tree.$B$BSo it is disturbing to see how angry the timberlings have become.$B$BI believe it has something to do with the soil.  I have been working on different methods of nurturing plants and would like to try them on timberling seeds.  Please, can you gather seeds from timberlings around Lake Al\'Ameth and bring them to me?','Bring 8 Timberling Seeds to Denelan at Lake Al\'Ameth.','You got them. This is good!$b$bI will plant these seeds in special soil I have prepared. I believe the seeds will sprout into timberlings who are much more docile. Perhaps later you can see the results!','Do you have the seeds? I am eager to plant them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     917insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (872,919,'Timberling Sprouts','Small timberlings are sprouting around the waters of Lake Al\'Ameth.  I\'m afraid these sprouts are beyond help -- we should try to clear them from the land before they grow large enough to cause trouble.$B$BWhen you\'re wandering the lake, if you see any timberling sprouts please take them.  Help keep our land clean!','Bring 12 Timberling Sprouts to Denalan at Lake Al\'Ameth.','That\'s a lot! I\'m afraid they\'re spreading at a dangerous rate. I hope I can solve the riddle of what is tainting them.$b$bThank you for your help, $N. The land is a cleaner place from your efforts.','Hello, $N. Have you found any sprouts near the waters?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     918insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (873,920,'Tenaron\'s Summons','$n, is it? I heard that Tenaron has been asking for you. You\'ll find him in the highest room atop Aldrassil.$b$bWe may live long lives, but it\'s best you not keep him waiting too long.','Speak with Tenaron Stormgrip atop Aldrassil in Shadowglen.','Ah, $N. I was hoping you\'d be prompt in answering my summons. I have an important task that I would like you to perform.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     919insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (874,921,'Crown of the Earth','It is time for you to set out to seek your destiny, $n. But before you are ready to set out into the world beyond our enchanted forests, there is much you must learn about our recent history.$b$bMuch has changed with our people since the Battle of Mount Hyjal. Nordrassil lies a pale shadow of what it once was, its power used to defeat Archimonde and drive back the Burning Legion...$b$bThere is a task you must perform. Go to the moonwell north of Aldrassil and return me a phial of its water.','Fill the Crystal Phial and bring it back to Tenaron Stormgrip atop Aldrassil.','So you have heard the first part of the aftermath of the Battle of Mount Hyjal. There is much more to be told and the task you have begun here will continue through the rest of your journey through Teldrassil and into Darnassus.','The moonwells hold the waters of the Well of Eternity, the ancient source of magic that has wrought so many horrors upon our world.$B$BThe druids take advantage of its properties, and the Sentinels revere the wells as shrines to Elune, but sorcery is forbidden to all.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     920insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (875,922,'Rellian Greenspyre','$N, can you take one of the seeds you brought me to my friend, Rellian Greenspyre?  He is a druid in Darnassus, and when last we spoke he revealed his interest in my work with the Timberlings.  He had some ideas himself, and he will appreciate a specimen seed to work with.$B$BThank you, $N.  You have been a great help to me.  I hope that, some day, you will see the fruit of my labors.$B$BYou will usually find Rellian walking the pathways of the Cenarian Enclave in Darnassus.','Bring a Timberling Seed to Rellian Greenspyre in Darnassus.','Ah, a timberling seed? I wanted to try growing one of these to help Denalan with his studies.$b$bBut I\'m afraid I\'ve discovered that a corruption has grown in many of the timberlings, and seeds from such creatures carry their parent\'s taint. They are beyond my talents to repair.$b$bDenalan is very skilled with things that grow. He may find a cure for future timberlings. He may be their only hope.','Hello...$b$bAnd how may I help you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     921insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (876,923,'Tumors','There is a malevolence growing in the timberlings.  We are trying to find the source, but until we do...in order to keep Teldrassil safe we must cut down the timberlings who are beyond help.  Those that wander Wellspring Lake in northern Teldrassil are the most tainted.  They must be removed!$B$BDestroy the Timberlings you find there, and gather the mossy tumors growing upon them.  Bring the tumors to me so that they may be burned.','Bring 5 Mossy Tumors to Rellian Greenspyre in Darnassus.','Well done! These tumors are the symptom of the timberling\'s disease. They are filled with a poison that we must cleanse from our new land.$b$bI will dispose of these tumors. Thank you, $N.','Have you been to Wellspring Lake, $N? Have you been hunting the timberlings there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     922insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (877,924,'The Demon Seed','The Demon Seed is a powerful tool for the Burning Legion. It rests in a cave on Dreadmist Peak, above a demonic altar of fire.$B$BI have prepared power stones that when placed near the Seed will disrupt its connection to the Legion.$B$BTake a stone from the table and bring it to the altar of fire atop Dreadmist Peak. Travel west, then north when the road forks. The Peak will be to your left. The safest climb to the top is on its northern face.$B$BAnd hurry--the stone\'s power will consume itself in time.','Grab a Flawed Power Stone.  Bring it to the Altar of Fire before the stone expires, then return to Ak\'Zeloth.','Your task is complete. You have destroyed the Demon Seed as Neeru bid. But this is not the end...$b$bThe destruction of the Demon Seed sent waves of power through the ether, waves of staggering force. I felt them, and I am sure other beings did as well. Others who will wonder why their toy was broken...$b$bBut regardless of future troubles, I have something for you. Neeru sent it as payment. And he bid me thank you.$b$bSo, thank you.','The Demon Seed still exists. I can sense its power...','','Destroy the Demon Seed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     923insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (878,925,'Cairne\'s Hoofprint','They say that Cairne Bloodhoof is one of the greatest heroes the Horde has ever seen.  When I grow up, I wanna be a hero of the Horde too!$B$BDo you know Cairne, $N?  Could you do me a favor, please?  Could you get his hoofprint for me?  I dunno how to ask him, and he\'d probably be too busy for someone like me... but you!  You\'re an adventurer just like he is!  I bet he\'d give you his hoofprint easy!$B$BPlease?','Travel to Thunder Bluff to see about getting Cairne Bloodhoof\'s hoofprint for your ward.','WOW! You got Cairne\'s hoofprint for me! Thank you very much! And wow... he wrote a personal message on here - to me! I knew he\'d be totally cool, I just did! Maybe someday I\'ll thank him myself... when I become a hero of the Horde!$B$BYou\'re the best, $N. Thank you for being so nice to me.','When the orcs were alone and without friends, the tauren welcomed them to a strange land and shared with them without asking anything in return. That\'s honor, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     924insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (879,926,'Flawed Power Stone','','','These stones are infused with magical energy, but purposefully flawed. They are very unstable and once removed from the table they will consume themselves quickly.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     925insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (880,927,'The Moss-twined Heart','The heart of Blackmoss the Fetid is covered with a dark, oily moss.  In fact, the only way to tell this is a heart is from its slow, rhythmic beat... A beat that continues even now.$B$BPerhaps Denalan will want to see this heart.','Bring the Moss-twined Heart to Denalan at Lake Al\'Ameth.','...What is this? A timberling heart?? It\'s covered with a foul moss!$b$bThank you for bringing this to me, $N. I will examine the heart and, if fortune shines, determine the nature of the moss about it.','$N! You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     926insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (881,928,'Crown of the Earth','While there is more I could speak to you of the moonwells and of Teldrassil, I must send you along. Corithras Moonrage will be expecting you. I have poured the phial of water you brought to me into this vessel to bring to him.$b$bSeek out Corithras. You will find him at the moonwell in Dolanaar. Follow the road south from Aldrassil out of Shadowglen, and continue to follow the cobblestones as the road turns west.$b$bMind you stay on the road though, $n. There are dangerous beasts in the forests of late.','Bring the Partially Filled Vessel to Corithras Moonrage in Dolanaar.','Ah, I see. You were sent by Tenaron. Well then, it would seem we have much to talk about, much to do, and little time to do it in.$B$BI think we\'d best get started.','Greetings, $C. For what purpose do I owe the pleasure of our meeting?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     927insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (882,929,'Crown of the Earth','First, let me tell you more of the task you must complete. The druids in Darnassus use the water of the moonwells of Teldrassil, and their moonwell must be replenished from time to time. Using these specially crafted phials, you can collect the water of the moonwells.$b$bTake this vessel to the moonwell outside of Starbreeze Village to the east, and fill it with some of its waters, then return to me. When you have completed your task, I shall continue the story where Tenaron left off...','Fill the Jade Phial and bring it back to Corithras Moonrage in Dolanaar.','After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, we were without direction. Nordrassil smoked from the fire it unleashed, and our immortality--the very essence of our beings!--was lost.$B$BIt was in this trying time that the Betrayer was freed from his prison, and Shan\'do Stormrage disappeared. A dark time for all.','Hello again, $N. Have you completed your task?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     928insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (883,930,'The Glowing Fruit','Hanging from beneath its fronds of this glowing plant is a large, round fruit.$B$BDenalan would want to study this fruit, you are certain.','Bring the glowing fruit to Denalan at Lake Al\'Ameth.','You found this on Teldrassil? Intriguing... this fruit is exotic. Perhaps its seeds were brought here from far off. Perhaps even as far as Azeroth! And there\'s something about this fruit... it seems to have reacted very strangely with the soil of Teldrassil.$b$bThank you, $N. Now if you\'ll excuse me, I must study this further...','$N, you look like you have something to tell me. Do you have news concerning the timberlings?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     929insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (884,931,'The Shimmering Frond','The fronds on this plant shimmer in the forest light, giving it a twisting, pulsing aura.$B$BYou believe that Denalan would want a specimen of this.','Bring a Shimmering Frond to Denalan at Lake Al\'Ameth','Where did you get this? I haven\'t seen a plant like this since a sojourn I made to the Swamp of Sorrows... decades ago! It\'s amazing that a specimen made its way to Teldrassil. And it\'s grown to such a size!$b$bThank you, $N. Forgive my shortness of words, but there is a test I would like to perform on this frond...','You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     930insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (885,932,'Twisted Hatred','I must warn you, $n, this matter must stay between us. The satyr are enough of an embarrassment to us already, and this one is much too close to home.$B$BHe is called Lord Melenas. He resides in the nearby cave of Fel Rock where he has gathered a large group of grell warriors. His heart is black as night, and he plots something most foul.$B$BYou must find him within his nearby cave just to the north of here, and bring me his head.','Kill Lord Melenas and bring his head to Tallonkai Swiftroot in Dolanaar.','With Lord Melenas laid to rest I can finally move on to other matters. Thank you, $N.','Did you kill Lord Melenas yet? It is vital that he be taken care of quickly and quietly, $N. His continued existence is an embarrassment to us all.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     931insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (886,933,'Crown of the Earth','There is another moonwell southeast of the entrance to Darnassus, on the shores of the Pools of Arlithrien. The Sentinels are having problems patrolling the area because of attacks and the growing ill-temperedness of the Gnarlpine furbolgs.$b$bBe wary as you seek out the well, and keep your weapons close at hand.','Fill the Tourmaline Phial and bring it back to Corithras Moonrage in Dolanaar.','Shan\'do Stormrage never returned, and the druids were in disarray, and to this day we still do not know what became of him. With Malfurion missing, Arch $C Fandral Staghelm took over the leadership of the druids, convincing the Circle of Ancients in Darkshore that it was time for our people to rebuild, and that it was time for our people to regain their immortality.$B$BWith the approval of the Circle, Staghelm and the most powerful druids grew Teldrassil, the new World Tree.','At first the reports of crazed furbolg attacks were dismissed. Who could have thought that the peace-loving bear-men would turn to mindless rage? Yet another of the problems that plagues us here in our new home.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     932insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (887,934,'[OLD]Crown Of The Earth','All was not well with Teldrassil, however. Staghelm\'s carefully made plans for the new World Tree had borne out as he had hoped, but there was one small problem, a problem to which many of the troubles on Teldrassil may be attributed.$b$bHowever, I will not get into that yet. You must visit the last moonwell, to the northwest in the Oracle Glade. Under the boughs of the Oracle Tree lies the first and most powerful of our wells. Retrieve a phial of its water and return to me.','Fill the Amethyst Phial and bring it back to Corithras Moonrage in Dolanaar.','To be in the presence of the Oracle Tree... it is almost to feel wisdom take form. Let me continue the telling...$B$BWith Teldrassil grown, the Arch $C approached the dragons for their blessings, as the dragons had placed upon Nordrassil in ancient times. But Nozdormu, Lord of Time, refused to give his blessing, chiding the $C for his arrogance. In agreement with Nozdormu, Alexstrasza also refused Staghelm, and without her blessing, Teldrassil\'s growth has been flawed and unpredictable...','Along with the druids, the Oracle Tree and the Arch $C have been carefully monitoring the growth of Teldrassil. But though we have a new home, our immortal lives have not been restored.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     933insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (888,935,'Crown of the Earth','Without the blessings of Alexstrasza the Life-Binder and Nozdormu the Timeless, Teldrassil\'s growth has not been without flaw. Strange beasts have been reported arising from the very ground of the tree, and crazed furbolgs attack passing travelers.$b$bI can only hope that the solution the Arch Druid is looking for will be found quickly. I will pour all the phials you brought into this vessel, for you to deliver to Darnassus.$b$bBring it to Fandral Staghelm, you will find him in the druid grove.','Bring the Filled Vessel to Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.','Ah yes, the water I had requested. Tenaron and Corithras certainly took their time in having it delivered... perhaps not choosing the most reliable of messengers... hmm.$B$BNonetheless, I can finally get back to my work then. The weight of Teldrassil\'s problems fall upon my shoulders. A yoke I would wish to soon be rid of.$B$BTake this, you may find some use for it.','I know that I did not summon you, so I cannot help but wonder why it is you have come to speak with me.$B$BWhatever it is, please make it quick.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     934insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (889,936,'Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem','Excuse me $c, but I\'d like just a moment of your time if possible.$B$BThe Cenarion Circle in Thunder Bluff is most interested in seasoned adventurers such as yourself to lend them aid in a vital research project.  While I do not know the specifics, I can inform you that none other than Hamuul Runetotem is spearheading this research.$B$BPlease - if you are interested, speak with him directly on the Elder Rise within Thunder Bluff proper.','Speak with Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem in Thunder Bluff.','Greetings, $C; I am glad you are interested in assisting our research. There is much to do, and I would be doing you a disservice if I informed you that the work this entails is not dangerous. Hopefully this will not scare you off... but from the looks of you, I take it that danger is something that you have dealt with before.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     935insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (890,937,'The Enchanted Glade','I was dispatched with a small group of Sentinels here to protect the Oracle Tree from the harpies that have made nests all around the glade. Little by little we are trying to push them back.$b$bWhen the Oracle Tree attempted to send a runner to Darnassus with a report, the messenger was attacked and killed by a group of the harpies.$b$bIf you feel up to the task, go to their nests, slay them, and return their belts to me as proof of your deeds.','Acquire 6 Bloodfeather Belts and bring them to Sentinel Arynia Cloudsbreak in the Oracle Glade.','I am impressed by what you have accomplished here in so short a time, $N. Would that I could ask you to remain here to assist me with my duties... but I know in my heart that greater tasks lie ahead for you.$b$bI have noticed the Oracle Tree has just shed a piece of its bark. No doubt it has a task that it wishes completed. You should speak with it.','Their slashing talons and piercing beaks may prove a difficult match for your own abilities, $N, but I have faith that you will not fail in this task.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     936insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (891,938,'Mist','The sabercat\'s fur is a distinctive gray color, blending into the surrounding forest. As she lays there, you observe that she is badly wounded, with deep lacerations across her back and stomach.$b$bShe raises her head and gazes at you, bright intelligence shining in blue eyes. She seems to wish to follow you.','Escort Mist to Sentinel Arynia Cloudsbreak at the moon well near the Oracle Tree.','Oh, thank you, $n! I feared I would never see Mist again, knowing only her death in my heart, never to be united with my faithful companion. I owe you more than you can know, and you have my eternal gratitude.','Mist... It was my fault! The witches caught me off guard... I should not have let them take you...','Lead Mist safely to Sentinel Arynia Cloudsbreak','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     937insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (892,939,'Flute of Xavaric','You study the simple wooden flute you picked up after defeating Xavaric.$B$BThe knotted wood feels solid, but it seems as if the spirals and patterns in the surface begin to spin and move as you turn it over in your hands. Suddenly, you feel a sense of dread...$B$BYou shake your head, sure that your mind is playing tricks on you.$B$BIt\'s possible that other satyrs carry clues as to what you have found. Bring your findings to the druid, Eridan Bluewind, that lives in southern Felwood.','Bring the Flute of Xavaric and 5 Jadefire Felbind samples to Eridan Bluewind in southern Felwood.','I sense the suffering of ancient ones, $N...$B$BHolding these items is almost unbearable...','What is it, $C? You look concerned.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     938insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (893,940,'Teldrassil','The forest whispers of your feats of valor, $n. As I felt the harpies forced from their nests, a greater calm spread across the forest, its creatures once again feeling safe. I have feared sending another messenger to the Arch Druid, but I know that you will see my message safely to him.$b$bDeliver this to him and know that the forest will see you safely along its paths to the forest of stone.','Deliver the Oracle Tree\'s report to Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.','I wondered why the Oracle Tree had not communicated with me for so long... It seems that some problems are lessened while others grow to greater concerns.$b$bI fear my work on Teldrassil shall never be completed, and our immortality never restored.$b$bNonetheless, you have done the Oracle Tree\'s task well, and should be rewarded for your diligence.','Hmm... You come with the spirit of the forest strongly within you, $C. What business do you have with the Arch $C of the Kaldorei?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     939insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (894,941,'Planting the Heart','I have removed that foul moss from the heart, but it remains tainted...$B$BTry placing the heart in my planter.  It is filled with a nutritive soil that may cleanse and heal the heart.','Plant the Tainted Heart in Denalan\'s Planter.','You place the heart within the planter, and it quickly digs itself in!$b$bA few seconds later it wriggles back out, cleansed. It pulses slightly... beckoning for you to take it.','This planter is filled with soil, specially prepared by Denalan.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     940insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (895,942,'The Absent Minded Prospector','This fossil bears a striking resemblance to one I once saw in Ironforge. An archaeologist by the name of Flagongut brought it to our annual Explorers\' League conference. He believed the fossil had a power which could be unlocked somehow.$b$bLast I heard Flagongut had holed up in the Deepwater Tavern in Menethil Harbor, awaiting escort to the Whelgar Excavation Site. Seek him out and show him Remtravel\'s fossil. Perhaps he can reveal the secrets of the past.$b$bThe ship to Menethil departs from Auberdine.','Take the mysterious fossil to Archaeologist Flagongut in Menethil Harbor.','Oh my! You say this came from the distant lands of Kalimdor?$B$BAmazing! Simply amazing!','What ya got there, friend?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     941insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (896,943,'The Absent Minded Prospector','Prospector Whelgar now holds the original fossil at his site in the Wetlands. When I discovered the Stone of Relu, I believed it to be the key to unlocking the mystery of the fossil.$b$bWhile I traveled on the road to meet Whelgar, I was attacked by raptors and the relic was lost. I don\'t know which one of the mottled beasts swallowed the relic but if you can retrieve it, I can unleash the power of these artifacts.$B$BBring me both the Stone of Relu, and the original fossil he holds.','Archaeologist Flagongut in Menethil Harbor wants you to bring him the Stone of Relu and Flagongut\'s Fossil.','Most excellent, $N!$B$BNow to see if I can use the stone to decipher the powers of the fossils.','With the Stone of Relu I will be able to release the hidden secrets of my fossil as well as Remtravel\'s fossil from Darkshore, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     942insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (897,944,'The Master\'s Glaive','It is strange that the naga are here, in Darkshore.  But stranger still...are the Twilight\'s Hammer.  That cult worships the old, old lords of the earth.  Lords defeated long ago.$B$BThe Master\'s Glaive, to the south, is a place where such an old lord fell.$B$BGo there and look for more Twilight\'s Hammer cultists.$B$BTake this phial of scrying.  Use it to create a scrying bowl after searching the Master\'s Glaive.  Then speak to me through the bowl.','Gather information, then use the Phial of Scrying to create a Scrying Bowl.  Use the bowl to speak with Onu.','The Twilight\'s Hammer is at the Master\'s Glaive?$b$bUnfortunate.$b$bThe old lord impaled by the glaive is long dead, but that does not mean slivers of his power do not still remain.$b$bThe Twilight\'s Hammer must be seeking this power.','','Enter the Master\'s Glaive','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     943insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (898,945,'Therylune\'s Escape','Help!$B$BI was wandering around the Master\'s Glaive, and these dirty cultists surrounded me.  Lucky I\'m good at hiding!!$B$BCan you help me out of here?  And I need to send word to my sister Therysil that I\'m all right.  She\'s in Ashenvale to the south, at the Shrine of Aessina.','Help Therylune escape, then tell Therysil at the Shrine of Aessina that her sister is safe.','My sister was where?? Therylune doesn\'t mind getting herself dirty, but still! That\'s a long way to wander, and the Master\'s Glaive is an unwholesome place...$B$BWell thank you, $N. It was very nice of you to let me know she\'s all right.','','Escort Therylune away from the Master\'s Glaive','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     944insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (899,947,'Cave Mushrooms','I am devising a potion that requires rare mushrooms, mushrooms that grow only in a certain cave.  The cave lies behind Cliffspring Falls, to the east and slightly north along the mountains.$B$BI would go there myself, but I was advised by the Grove of the Ancients to stay away from that place.  Our venerable allies sense that the cave is the hiding place for a new evil in Darkshore.$B$BPlease, $N, gather the mushrooms for me.  And while doing so, scout the cave to confirm the Ancients\' fears.','Bring 5 Scaber Stalks and 1 Death Cap to Barithras Moonshade in Auberdine.','Many thanks, $N. These mushrooms are fine specimens!$b$bAnd when you were at Cliffspring Falls, did you find anything to confirm the warnings of the Ancients?$b$bThe Ancients are wise, but I had hoped that, this time, they were wrong.','Do you have my mushrooms, $N? Have you been to the cave?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     945insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (900,948,'Onu','Onu, an Ancient of Lore at the Grove of the Ancients, knows of your journey to Cliffwater Falls and wishes to speak with you.  The grove lies to the south, nestled near the mountains.$B$BThe Ancients are patient and wise, $N.  But if Onu seeks your counsel concerning what you saw in the falls, then I fear it is urgent.','Speak with Onu at the Grove of the Ancients.','$N. You are here.$b$bGood.$b$bWe have matters...to discuss. You and I.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     946insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (901,949,'The Twilight Camp','The Twilight\'s Hammer\'s purpose at the Master\'s Glaive is not known.  But it must be dark.$B$BSearch through their camp at the Glaive... Search for some thing that may teach us their intentions.$B$BFor we must learn their intentions before a plan is made.','Find a clue in the Twilight\'s Hammer camp at the Master\'s Glaive.','This book is hand printed in an ancient language, and illustrated by a master artist.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     947insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (902,950,'Return to Onu','Peering into the Twilight Tome is maddening.  Text begins to swim and dance after only a moment\'s glance, and once beautiful scrollwork twists into grotesque shapes.$B$BTearing away one page of insane scribbles is all that is possible before a swoon overtakes you.','Bring Onu the recovered Insane Scribbles.','A chaotic, primal magic surrounds this parchment of scribbles. I sense the work of the old ones in it.$b$bLet us hope it reveals the purpose of the Twilight\'s Hammer in Darkshore...','$N. You return.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     948insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (903,951,'Mathystra Relics','The parchment you found at the Master\'s Glaive is a page from an ancient text...written by elves!  It is heavily cursed and tainted by the corruption of the Twilight\'s Hammer, but it seems the cult is using ancient elven magic to bring their old masters back to our world.$B$BTravel to the ruins of Mathystra to the northeast, and search for ancient relics among the grass and broken stones.  Through their study, we may divine how the Twilight\'s Hammer intends to exploit the magic of the elves.','Bring 6 Mathystra Relics to Onu at the Grove of the Ancients.','Thank you. These relics are from a time when Mathystra shone. That once great bastion of the elves has faded, but shards of its magic remain. Let us hope we can unlock the secrets of that place before our enemies...$b$bBe vigilant, $N.','$N. Has your rooting through the Ruins of Mathystra been fruitful?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     949insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (904,952,'Grove of the Ancients','If you had enough time to run messages for the Oracle Tree, then I\'m sure that I can press you into service to deliver a message to the Grove of the Ancients in Darkshore, due south of Auberdine.$b$bYou will most likely have to secure transport on a hippogryph, but I have faith enough in you that you can manage that. Take this to Onu, the Ancient of Lore. He has been awaiting word from me, even as I waited for news from the Oracle Glade.','Deliver Fandral\'s message to Onu in the Grove of the Ancients in Darkshore, south of Auberdine.','Ah. Thank you, $N. It is strange, though. The Arch $C always seems in such a hurry. The forest knows that all shall come to pass in the appointed time. Shan\'do Stormrage understood that.','Ah. $C. How may Onu assist you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     950insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (905,953,'The Fall of Ameth\'Aran','To the east you will find the ruins of Ameth\'Aran. It is now inhabited by the restless spirits of the Highborne that once dwelt within its walls, but once it was a place where the servants of Azshara freely practiced their powerful magics.$b$bI was sent to explore the ruins and came across two large tablets, scrawled with the stories of Ameth\'Aran and its fall. While I read the runes, I was accosted by the spirits, and fled.$b$bPlease, if you can, venture to the ruins and decipher the tablets in my place.','Study the tablets which tell of Ameth\'Aran and of its fall, then return to Sentinel Tysha Moonblade in Darkshore.','We have few records from the time around the War of the Ancients, especially near the destruction of the Well of Eternity. Given the upheaval and cataclysmic events that were taking place, it is no big surprise.$B$BThank you, $N. With your help, my work here is finished, and I will be able to deliver a full report to the Circle.','','','Read the Lay of Ameth\'Aran','Read the Fall of Ameth\'Aran','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     951insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (906,954,'Bashal\'Aran','The ruins of Bashal\'Aran to the east are overrun with demonic minions. The sprites and satyrs that have taken up residence in the area feed upon the magical energies of the area, their powers growing from continued exposure.$b$bEven with that, I have noticed that there is one shrine they will not approach. On the western side of the ruins, atop a small bluff, a strange blue aura permeates... There must be an explanation to the demons\' reluctance.$b$bI would like you to investigate it.','Find the source of the strange blue aura in the ruins of Bashal\'Aran.','Ahh... To what could I possibly owe the exceedingly special honor of a $r such as yourself as company. Truly it says much of my current companions--with no offense to my hosts, the noble grells and satyrs--that your presence could be considered an improvement.$b$bBut please, do not let my uncivil tongue drive you from the place. It has indeed been many years, decades even, since I had civil accompaniment.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     952insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (907,955,'Bashal\'Aran','If I were to relate the story of my life, I have no doubt it would surpass the limits of your patience. Let us say that mine has been a long and painful life, and this spectral form is perhaps the worst torment of all.$b$bI am held here by the means of magic. Though my words may seem disingenuous, I assure you I would be grateful beyond words if you would help me find the means of my imprisonment. A seal binds me, and by examining the earpieces of the sprites and grells, I may find a trace of it.','Acquire 8 Grell Earrings for Asterion in Bashal\'Aran.','Indeed... The grells of Bashal\'Aran do not possess that which I am searching... however they have come into contact with it recently. Recently... I would reckon that by your time, not mine. Recent for me stretches into the veil of the past, almost another Age...','Once I have the earrings, I will cast the spell to search for the whereabouts of the seal that binds me. For centuries I have thought on the freedom destroying the seal would bring to me... Perhaps those centuries have taken a toll upon my mind that I might never recover...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     953insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (908,956,'Bashal\'Aran','If the grells have come into close contact with the seal that binds my eternal prison, I suspect I know the cause. No doubt the seal has come into the possession of the satyr that lead them.$b$bI feel strongly that this must be true, $n. One of the satyr must surely possess it. If you can obtain it, you would bring me so close to passing the bars of my prison that tears would come to my eyes.','Obtain the Ancient Moonstone Seal and bring it to Asterion in Bashal\'Aran.','It... it is hard for me to even believe that what I hold now is that which has held me for so long. Let us waste no time, $N. When the seal is destroyed, I might walk the forests of the earth freely again.','The pillars of this shrine are as the bars of a prison to me, $N. No strength I still possess might break them, and no magic I wield might destroy them...$B$BFor a thousand years and more I have stared at them, wondering if at long last I outlived even the stone, would I be free? Or would it be invisible bars that held me then...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     954insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (909,957,'Bashal\'Aran','It was the craft of one of the most powerful of the Highborne that created the seal that formed my prison. In Ameth\'Aran, the ruins to the south that are twin to these, persists even today an ancient flame, blue in color. In this flame this seal could be destroyed.$b$bBe wary in the ruins, $n...','Destroy the Ancient Moonstone Seal at the ancient flame in Ameth\'Aran, then return to Asterion in Bashal\'Aran.','I am freed, $N! I can now see with my own eyes the changes that have come to our world... Only bits and pieces have I known. To think that when I last walked freely, the Well still stood and the Highborne held court with Azshara, our beloved queen.$B$BI sense that my jailor, my former master, Athrikus, still lives... Already my feelings of hopelessness will give way into thoughts of vengeance.','In truth, $N, I am afraid... Afraid that your coming--all of this--is merely a figment of a deranged mind. Can you know the torture that this is? I... Please, you must go quickly.','','Destroy the seal at the ancient flame','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     955insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (910,958,'Tools of the Highborne','$C. A task I would ask of you.$b$bHave you seen the ruins of Ameth\'Aran? If not, you will find them on the eastern side of the main road, some ways to the south. Once they were the home of many powerful Highborne, now they are a testament to the destruction their dabblings produced.$b$bI have been told by the Sentinels that the spirits of the Highborne persist, and that they wield their ancient magical implements. Those relics must be appropriated, so that we might destroy them.','Retrieve 7 Highborne Relics for Thundris Windweaver in Auberdine.','Though it is surely a figment of my imagination, I feel as though I can almost feel the taint of foul Highborne magic upon them. I will have these destroyed, so that their long dormant evil might never be released again.','If only the tools of their undoing could have been destroyed in the cataclysm that destroyed our world... Nonetheless, we must do what we can to ensure that the horrors of our past are not repeated in the future.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     956insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (911,959,'Trouble at the Docks','Oops!$b$bHad a little mishap, as you can see! The morning cargo shipment from Booty Bay was huge. Huge I say! Never seen so many crates. Well, I was trying to expedite things so I started unloading a bit more than I could handle. That\'s when everything came tumbling down.$b$bBefore I knew what was going on, I saw that menace, Mad Magglish, go running off with a bottle of 99-year-old port. Chased him all the way to Wailing Caverns. No way I was going in there.$b$bMaybe you\'re brave enough to find him?','Crane Operator Bigglefuzz in Ratchet wants you to retrieve the bottle of 99-Year-Old Port from Mad Magglish who is hiding in the Wailing Caverns.','Superb! And just as I was about to lose my job too! I will see to it that Gazlowe gets this gift immediately.$B$BThank you, $N. Nicely done, I say!','The dockmaster has been on my case ever since Mad Magglish made off with that 99-year-old port. I guess that bottle was intended as a gift for Gazlowe from none other than Baron Revilgaz himself.$B$BIf you\'re brave enough and patient enough to seek out Mad Magglish and get that port back, I\'ll see to it you get a nice reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     957insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (912,960,'Onu is meditating','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     958insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (913,961,'Onu is meditating','','','The finding of Twilight\'s Hammer cultists is troubling.  I must meditate on their intentions...$B$BWhen you have more information, speak to me through a scrying bowl.  If you require a phial of scrying in order to create a bowl, then...here is another.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     959insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (914,962,'Serpentbloom','The Royal Apothecary Society, based in the great Undercity of Lordaeron, has sent me here for a very specific service, $n. Perhaps you wish to aid me, and in turn The Dark Lady in our efforts to advance the Forsaken.$b$bRecently I studied a rare specimen of flora named Serpentbloom. I believe in greater quantities this herb has great potential.$b$bUnfortunately Serpentbloom can only be found in the darkest recesses of the Wailing Caverns, a dangerous cave system located in the Barrens.','Apothecary Zamah in Thunder Bluff wants you to collect 10 Serpentbloom.','Ah, splendid specimens. You have done well, $N.','I am eager to see if you can gather enough Serpentbloom from the Wailing Caverns. I\'ve sent many to do my bidding but none have returned.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     960insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (915,963,'For Love Eternal','In the aftermath of the battles at the Well of Eternity, I heard that Ameth\'Aran had been destroyed, its people dead, including my love, Anaya.$b$bI would never have thought, thousands of years later, that memories of Anaya would still haunt my dreams. Wandering the woods of Darkshore in a stupor, I found myself in the ruins of Ameth\'Aran... where I saw the haunted spirit of my beloved.$b$bShe must be freed, but I lack the heart to do it. Her spirit must be destroyed.','Free the spirit of Anaya Dawnrunner and bring her pendant back to Cerellean Whiteclaw in Auberdine.','Thank you, $n. Perhaps it would have been better... if I had done it myself. But even after these thousands of years, I could not bear to raise my hand against my beloved.$b$bPlease, I would be alone with my grief...','With a great sorrow in my heart, I followed the Shan\'do Stormrage into hibernation, and took my sorrow to my dreams, sleeping for the passing of thousands of years.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     961insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (916,964,'Skeletal Fragments','The key to Scholomance is called a Skeleton Key.  It must be forged from the remains of a skeleton - several actually - and hardened by only the strongest of metals within a suitable mold.  A signet of power from a being who naturally can open the portal to Scholomance will make the key ultimately function.$B$BFirst thing\'s first though, $N.  We\'ll need skeletal fragments for the key\'s forging.  Skeletons inside Andorhal should yield what we need, but the ones outside the walls might work too.','Bring 15 Skeletal Fragments to Apothecary Dithers at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','This\'ll work, $N! My turn now - I will imbue these with a suitable temper that will allow them to survive the intense forging process they will eventually go through.$b$bThe next step will be to get an appropriate mold for the key. I know a goblin blacksmith in Tanaris that has in the past made molds for similarly macabre items. He works for whom goblins usually work for - the highest bidder.','Kill many and kill often, $C - we\'ll need a decent supply of suitable skeletal fragments to make up the outer layer of the key. They don\'t call it a Skeleton Key for nothing, you know.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     962insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (917,965,'The Tower of Althalaxx','Hail, young $r. I am Elissa Starbreeze, and it is my charge to protect Auberdine from harm.$b$bTo this end, I sent Balthule Shadowstrike to observe the strange happenings around the Tower of Althalaxx to the northeast.$b$bIt is past time that he should have returned. I worry that he has encountered some unforeseen danger in the forest. I would be most appreciative if you would find him and see that he is doing well.','Find Balthule Shadowstrike near the Tower of Althalaxx in Darkshore.','Elissa sent you? Then it is good tidings you bring. I have troubling news to report to her, and had no means with which to deliver it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     963insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (918,966,'The Tower of Althalaxx','A group of warlocks has taken up residence around and inside the tower. I would have returned to Auberdine to report to Elissa earlier, but I was afraid that I might miss something while I was away.$b$bDelgren suspected such a company might be gathering at the tower, but did not know why.$b$bA few scraps of parchment that the warlocks carry have found their way to my hands, but I need more to complete the puzzle. I warn you not to venture into the tower, however, the warlocks there are much more powerful!','Collect 4 Worn Parchments for Balthule Shadowstrike near the Tower of Althalaxx.','Many thanks, $n. This should shed some light on this warlocks\' gathering...$b$bHmm... the Cult of the Dark Strand... I have never heard of this group before. Having no knowledge of their history, it is all but impossible to say what their plans must be.$b$bThere is no more time to delay. Warning must be delivered to Delgren immediately.','Have you found any more of their scrolls? I should be able to piece together a larger picture of the cult if you can find them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     964insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (919,967,'The Tower of Althalaxx','My master, Delgren the Purifier, is a paladin who has graciously offered his assistance in defending our forests from the forces of the demons and undead. He has taught me much about the Holy Light and the art of battle.$b$bDelgren must know of the cult\'s operations immediately.$b$bYou will find him far south of here at Maestra\'s Post in Ashenvale Forest. Be swift, I fear the Dark Strand\'s threat grows with each passing hour.','Deliver Balthule\'s letter to Delgren the Purifier in Ashenvale Forest.','If you don\'t mind my saying, you seem a bit well-equipped for a messenger, hm? I suppose Balthule wanted to be certain that his letter reached my hands. Let\'s see what he has to say...$B$BThis is disturbing news. When undead or demonic forces are found, I help the Sentinels destroy them.$B$BAt first I was unaccustomed to the manners of the night elves, but I have grown to respect them greatly as allies.','You have some business with me, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     965insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (920,968,'The Powers Below','Although terribly worn and scratched, the title of this book can still be read upon its cover:$B$BThe Powers Below$B$BInside the book is a listing of unpronounceable names with foreboding titles, methods of worship, and preferred sacrifices...many of which include living, humanoid creatures.$B$BOn the inside cover of the book are the words: \"Bonegrip\'s Runes and Dooms, The Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge.  Proprietor: Gerrig Bonegrip.\"$B$BIf Bonegrip sells books like this, perhaps he\'ll buy this one back.','Bring the Book: The Powers Below to Gerrig Bonegrip in the Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge.','Ah, a copy of The Powers Below. An interesting text, this is. And some might find it useful...$B$BBut this one\'s in sad shape. And look here! There are notes in the margin of almost every page!$B$BHm...I know this copy. I sold it to Bolgar last year. Are you...a friend of his? Yes, I thought you were. You have that same fire behind your eyes!$B$BWell, by definition, a friend of Bolgar\'s is a friend of mine. And we take care of our own, yes?','Hello, $Gsir:madam;.$B$BMay I interest you in one of my tomes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     966insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (921,969,'Luck Be With You','Ah, I can tell just by lookin\' at ya -- you be wantin\' to make a lucky charm. Mau\'ari always knows!$B$BTo da south. you\'ll find a canyon, an\' giants made a\' solid ice. The giants sometimes be carryin\' dem, but ya can always gather da shards yerself from da canyon. These shards have a powerful reflective quality.$B$BBring back 10 frostmaul shards, and my lucky charm will be yours.','Collect 4 Frostmaul Shards for Witch Doctor Mau\'ari in Everlook.','Ahh, yes... I will make da charm for ya now. Just you wait!','Bring back da shards, and I be tellin\' you more!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     967insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (922,970,'The Tower of Althalaxx','Balthule\'s letter is dire. This Cult of the Dark Strand is a thorn in my side that must be removed. I have been dealing with some of the Dark Strand scum northeast of here at Ordil\'Aran. One of their number possesses a soul gem that I believe holds the secret to the cult\'s power.$b$bBring it to me, and I will be able to decipher the secrets held within.','Collect a Glowing Soul Gem and return it to Delgren the Purifier at Maestra\'s Post.','Hmm, some dark magic enchants this soulstone. Let\'s see what\'s trapped inside, shall we?','Have you acquired that soul gem?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     968insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (923,971,'Knowledge in the Deeps','As you might know, I collect lore.  Old lore.  Powerful lore.  Lore that opens doorways, and lore that can awaken Those Who Sleep.$B$BThere are rumors of an old piece of lore, the Lorgalis Manuscript, at the bottom of Blackfathom Deeps in Ashenvale.  That place is the old dwelling of long-dead elves.  Elves who held great knowledge before their city fell to ruin.$B$BSearch Blackfathom Deeps for the manuscript.  Do this, and I will not forget it.  Not even after ... the end days.','Bring the Lorgalis Manuscript to Gerrig Bonegrip in the Forlorn Cavern in Ironforge.','You found the manuscript! What a joyous day this is! Copies will be made and distributed, and the ancient knowledge of Lorgalis will finally be known to my brothers and sisters!$B$BYour service to us is more than you know, $N. But I hope that this gift shows you the gratitude we extend to our allies.','The journey to Ashenvale is long, and your task is not easy. But if you get me the manuscript, $N...then your reward will be great.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     969insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (924,972,'Water Sapta','','','Take the water sapta and find the corrupted pool of water in Silverpine, $N. I have great faith in your abilities.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     970insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (925,973,'The Tower of Althalaxx','Ilkrud Magthrull. Yes, I have knowledge of him. He is a powerful orc warlock that makes his residence at the Fire Scar Shrine,  a place of great evil in southwestern Ashenvale.$b$bHe had been little more than an annoyance until now, and I had not dealt with him, but it seems that his time has come.','Bring Ilkrud Magthrull\'s Tome to Delgren the Purifier at Maestra\'s Post.','It was a grand thing you did today, $n. You should be quite proud of yourself for having faced down a warlock of such power.$b$bNow, let\'s see what we can learn from Ilkrud\'s writings.','You look a bit shaken up, $n. Are you well?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     971insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (926,974,'Finding the Source','The hot springs here are a source of mystery to me. Where does the heat come from?$B$BLooking at how close the pools are to Fire Plume Ridge, I really wonder if the volcano might have something to do with it. I created a thermometer to take readings of the temperatures at the volcano, and I\'d like to find the hottest part. It gives the measurements in degrees Kraklenheit!$B$BHere, take it, and take readings of the temperatures at the ridge whenever you see a hot spot!','Krakle in Un\'Goro Crater wants you to find the hottest area of Fire Plume Ridge.$B$BWhenever you find a hot spot, right click the thermometer to check the temperature. Keep looking until you find the hottest one.','Yes, I definitely see the correlation here between the temperature of the volcano and the hot springs. I\'ll have to double-check my equations for accuracy, but it seems like the distance and the rate that the heat is transferred... Hmm...','I\'d go there myself, but... I\'m a little scared of the fire elementals there!','','Find the hottest area of Fire Plume Ridge','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     972insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (927,975,'Cache of Mau\'ari','Now, before I give ya dis charm, I better explain how ta use it.$B$BIf you carry da charm with ya, you\'ll find dat certain items will drop from creatures ya fight. If you don\'t have da charm with you, you won\'t find them. Understand?$B$BYou\'ll know these special items by the name -- they be called E\'ko. If you find any of these items, just bring dem to ol\' Mau\'ari, and she help ya out.$B$BWait here while I fix your charm.','Speak to Witch Doctor Mau\'ari again in a moment to receive the lucky charm.','Here it is, $N. Remember, ya have ta carry it with you. Why don\'t ya head back to Winterspring, an\' see what ya be findin\' there?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     973insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (928,976,'Supplies to Auberdine','Delgren has asked me to deliver messages and supplies to Sentinel Starbreeze in Auberdine, but I am loathe to leave on my own. Dangerous foes operate in the forest, and I do not wish to risk letting these supplies and information fall into the wrong hands.$b$bIf you and others could act as my guards, I could leave now. With your protection, I have no doubt that we can see these goods safely to Auberdine.','Speak with Delgren the Purifier at Maestra\'s Post after seeing Feero safely through Ashenvale Forest.','You have done well today, $C. The items we sent to aid Auberdine will be of immediate use in dealing with the dark threats that infest the forest.$B$BTake these with my heartfelt thanks.','The Sentinels have a great need for supplies to reinforce themselves in Darkshore.','Protect Feero Ironhand','Protect Feero Ironhand','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     974insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (929,977,'Are We There, Yeti?','Now that I have what I need to cover the mechanical moving parts, I only need one other thing. Well, actually two. Two horns!$B$BThe ice thistle patriarchs and matriarchs have the largest horns, so of course, those are the ones I want. That type of yeti inhabits a cave to the southeast. There are plenty of them there; you shouldn\'t have any problem finding them.$B$BRemember, I only want the best looking ones -- no beat up or broken horns, please!','Collect 2 Pristine Yeti Horns for Umi Rumplesnicker in Everlook.','I can\'t wait to show my friends! Now, just wait a moment while I attach these...$b$bPerfect!','I\'ve just about finished attaching the fur, $N. Please, hurry back with those horns!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     975insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (930,978,'Moontouched Wildkin','Wildkin feathers from the Hinterlands appear to contain traces of magical qualities. These powers... they don\'t seem to be wielded by the creatures, it\'s more like they are simply inherent to the species -- part of their very essence.$B$BDuring my studies, I heard that a large population of wildkin inhabit the snowy lands of Winterspring. Could these creatures have the same powers? Please help me find an answer, $N. Go to Winterspring and gather feathers that have dropped to the ground, then return to me.','Collect 10 Moontouched Feathers from Winterspring, then return to Erelas Ambersky in Rut\'theran Village.','Now I can compare the feathers... Let\'s see...','Where could these powers have originated from? I think we are on the right track to find the answer, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     976insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (931,979,'Find Ranshalla','Yes, yes, these feathers seem to hold the same magical enchantment that I noticed previously... While I am not certain what we might find, I urge you to continue searching for answers, $N.$B$BA colleague of mine recently traveled into Winterspring to observe the wildkin there, in their own habitat. Why don\'t you catch up with her and see what she has found?','Find Ranshalla in eastern Winterspring.','Hi! Erelas sent you? Great, I was just preparing to travel up to the caves now, and I wouldn\'t mind company.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     977insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (932,980,'The New Springs','Now, I\'ve heard about other hot springs in a place called Winterspring, far to the north of here. The strange thing is, there are no volcanoes anywhere near them. Interesting, I know.$B$BWell, if you want to find out more, you should head to Winterspring and speak to a friend of mine. Her name is Donova Snowden, and she is currently staying by the hot springs there.$B$BThanks again for helping me with my thermometer! See you later!','Travel to Winterspring and speak with Donova Snowden.','Hi there, $N. Yes, what Krakle told you is true...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     978insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (933,981,'The Tower of Althalaxx','For all the work that you have done, you deserve to be well rewarded. Return to Delgren and tell him that Athrikus Narassin lies stilled by your hand, and the Cult of the Dark Strand is beaten and scattered.','Talk to Delgren the Purifier at Maestra\'s Post.','I knew you would be up to the task, $N.$B$BI sense great deeds before you, and that you will right many of the wrongs that plague our lands. Bear my blessings, $N, as well as this gift.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     979insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (934,982,'Deep Ocean, Vast Sea','Off the coast of Darkshore to our north are two wrecked ships - the Silver Dawning and the Mist Veil.  Some time ago, both ships ran afoul of the blasted murlocs as they sailed across the vast sea into Auberdine.  They now lie at the bottom of the ocean as trophies for those fiends.$B$BBoth captains didn\'t make it out that night, and their logs and other effects are still below in lockboxes.  I\'d like for you to recover them for us; it would mean a lot to the crew members still around these parts.','Recover the Silver Dawning\'s Lockbox and the Mist Veil\'s Lockbox for Gorbold Steelhand in Auberdine.  Both items should be found aboard the wreckage of the ships to the north of the village.','You\'ve done us here in Auberdine a great service, lad. We\'ll make sure that their effects are properly taken care of.$b$bAs for you, please have this. It is the least I can do for someone with the bravery to set things right.','The captains of those ships were good night elves, and they deserve a better fate than they were given. Perhaps tending to their personal effects will be the best way to put their spirits to rest.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     980insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (935,983,'Buzzbox 827','Hey! Help me with my latest invention, the buzzbox. You can talk to people far away!$B$BMaybe you\'ve already seen them, they\'re boxes with levers on them. The only problem is they need constant maintenance.$B$BEach one suffers from a different problem, but I made a really smart decision. I placed each one near creatures that have the proper parts to fix that particular machine. Right now Buzzbox 827 is on the fritz. It\'s just south of Auberdine, real close. It takes 6 Crawler Legs to fix it. I\'ll pay ya...','Collect 6 Crawler Legs and place them in Buzzbox 827.','As you place the Crawler Legs inside the machine, you hear gears begin to grind. Judging from the banging sounds coming from the Buzzbox, you believe the Crawler Legs are being put in their proper place. Soon the machine begins to hum, and you hear a tiny voice calling out from within.$b$b\"Hello? Uhh... Hello! You fixed it! This is Wizbang by the way! Thanks a lot... Hey, you wouldn\'t want to fix another one, would ya?\"','Buzzbox 827 sits with an eerie silence. A single flashing light indicates that it needs 6 Crawler Legs to be placed in its holding box.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     981insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (936,984,'How Big a Threat?','Some of my brethren were rescued from a corrupt furbolg in Teldrassil, and I\'ve vowed to stop any more atrocities before more of our kind are injured... or worse.$B$BI have seen a couple hints of corruption in Darkshore already, but I have yet to find any widespread signs. I think it would be logical if the investigation continued with the furbolgs. Would you find one of their camps, and return to me if you see any signs of corruption?','Find a corrupt furbolg camp in Darkshore and return to Terenthis in Auberdine.','This is terrible news indeed, $N.$B$BWith the furbolgs this close to Auberdine, we will have to prepare ourselves for the inevitable.$B$BThank you, $N.','How goes your search, $N?','Find a corrupt furbolg camp','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     982insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (937,985,'How Big a Threat?','You\'ve already proven adept at scouting our enemy, $N. Do you have what it takes to fight them as well?$B$BNot all adventurers prefer straightforward combat to the art of stealth and evasion.$B$BIf you think you\'re up for the task, then the furbolg camp south of Auberdine is currently the biggest threat to our people. You\'ll find some of the Blackwood tribe there. Kill 8 pathfinders and 5 windtalkers, and return to me here.','Kill 8 Blackwood Pathfinders and 5 Windtalkers and return to Terenthis in Auberdine.','Wash the blood from your garments, $N, and do not mourn what you had to do. Instead, give thanks. You have lessened the threat to our people here in Auberdine, even if Darkshore is still in jeopardy from the effects of fel moss.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     983insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (938,986,'A Lost Master','$N, your skills have already helped me in my endeavor. Could I impose on you again to help Grimclaw and his master Volcor? In addition, I can craft you a magical cloak that will allow you to walk unhindered by Darkshore\'s creatures while you look for him.$B$BTo create the cloak, I\'ll need five fine moonstalker pelts from a moonstalker sire or matriarch to have enough material. The cats can be found near Wildbend River to the south, or even farther south near Ashenvale.','Find 5 Fine Moonstalker Pelts and return them to Terenthis in Auberdine.','These will do nicely. $N. I shall set to work on the cloak immediately.$B$BGive me a few moments, then return to me.$B$BOh, one more thing: after you\'ve used the enchantment on the cloak you\'ll be limited in your interactions with others. If you can help it, do no more than speak to others. Much more than that could dispel the illusion.','I can\'t in good conscience permit you to seek Volcor until I\'ve crafted that cloak for you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     984insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (939,990,'Trek to Ashenvale','$N, my mistress, Raene Wolfrunner, awaits you in the city of Astranaar within Ashenvale. With your help, perhaps we can at least ease some of the corruption that\'s taken hold there.$B$BHead south from here and stay close to the road--you\'ll find your way there without issue if you follow those directions.','Find Raene Wolfrunner in Ashenvale.','Ah, a $C from Darkshore. Selarin has done well to send you here so quickly, $N. I wish your trip here wasn\'t under such dire stress. Perhaps with your help we can improve matters.$B$BI would start my visit by speaking to the other citizens of Astranaar. Some could surely use your aid.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     985insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (940,991,'Raene\'s Cleansing','$N, a longtime friend of mine is also aiding the Sentinels here in Ashenvale, but he has yet to return.$B$BHe had leads on finding an item that he thought could slow the furbolg attacks on our people--a rod created by a now-dead, evil wizard.$B$BBefore he left here, he mentioned seeking out a gem for the rod.$B$BHe mentioned the gem possibly being hidden at the shrine in Lake Falathim at the base of the mountain to the west. The gem was being held there before it was overrun.$B$BFind my friend, $N, please.','Find Teronis in Ashenvale.','Teronis\' body lies broken atop the island. For some unknown reason, the murlocs have left it alone.$B$BThe deep slashes across his corpse obviously came from the weapons and claws of the murlocs.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     986insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (941,992,'Gadgetzan Water Survey','We\'ve got a position open for a temporary junior-grade surveyor in the Gadgetzan Water Company, if you\'re interested!$B$BWith the nomads seizing all our wells, we need to exploit more free sources of water!  There is water to be had in the desert, but only to those smart enough to survey them first.$B$BTake this dowsing widget and tap a sample of the water by the pool near Sandsorrow Watch.  It\'s right in sight of the trolls around there.  Bring the tapped widget back to me when you\'re done!','Use the untapped dowsing widget near the pool of water by Sandsorrow Watch.  Once you have collected the sample, return the tapped dowsing widget to Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser in Gadgetzan.','What\'s this?  You were ambushed by some sort of bad mojo creepy-crawly?  Oh, this does not bode well for the Gadgetzan Water Company, no indeed...$B$BI guess I should have told you about the reports coming in on some crazy bug-creatures that appear to be sucking up all the water in the desert.  At first, I thought it was just a crock.  We have enough trouble with the nomads as is; I thought it was just more of their shenanigans.  Well, now we know at least!','Welcome back, Junior Surveyor $n!  Have you completed your assignment yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     987insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (942,993,'A Lost Master','The cloak is complete, $N. The time has come to find Volcor. I can only hope we are in time.$B$BThe cloak\'s magic, once invoked, will not last long; perhaps five minutes. It will be up to you to know when to use it: I would suggest waiting until you find Grimclaw.$B$BIf what he has told me is true, you will find his master in a cave south of here. Grimclaw will be alongside the road waiting for you. Signal to him by waving when you see him, and he\'ll point the way towards his master.','Find Volcor in Darkshore and give him the Enchanted Moonstalker Cloak.','Wonderful! Terenthis found someone to help me.$b$bAnd look. a moonstalker cloak...<cough> Oh... that hurts. Thank you, $N.$b$bThe furbolgs wounded me before I managed to evade them. Give me a moment, and I should be fine to talk some more.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     988insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (943,994,'Escape Through Force','All right, $N, force it is. Let\'s get out of here as soon as you\'re ready. We\'ll fight our way down to the road--Grimclaw should still be there. Once there, we can part ways.$B$BTerenthis will want to hear your version of the story immediately, so head to Auberdine after we make it out of here.','Protect Volcor until you reach the road, then speak to Terenthis in Auberdine.','$N! I\'m pleased to see you\'ve returned successfully. Your assistance to Volcor has given me faith that we can overcome the challenges facing us here in Darkshore and beyond.','','Help Volcor to the road','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     989insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (944,995,'Escape Through Stealth','All right then... if you\'re sure, we\'ll sneak out of here. Let us leave when you\'re ready.$B$BRemember, after you\'ve escaped, meet Terenthis back in Auberdine. I\'ll head there on my own since I\'ll probably be moving faster than you.','Escape the Furbolg cave and meet Terenthis in Auberdine.','$N! I\'m pleased to see you\'ve returned successfully. Your assistance to Volcor has given me faith that we can overcome the challenges facing us here in Darkshore and beyond.','','Help Volcor escape the cave','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     990insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (945,996,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     991insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (946,997,'Denalan\'s Earth','Are you heading to the south?  To Lake Al\'Ameth?  If so, then I have a task I might ask of you...$B$BMy colleague Denalan has a camp along the eastern end of the lake, where he is studying and experimenting on the plant life of Teldrassil.  He requested a package of rare earths from Darnassus and it was late, only recently arriving here in Dolanaar.$B$BCan you take the package to him?','Bring the package of Rare Earth to Denalan at Lake Al\'Ameth.','Ah, it\'s here! I have waited for this rare earth for quite some time. I hope it\'s still fresh...$b$bThank you for bringing it to me, $N. You are a $R who is generous with his time.','You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     992insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (947,998,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     993insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (948,999,'BETA When Dreams Turn to Nightmares','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     994insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (949,1000,'The New Frontier','Attention, heroes!$B$BThe Cenarion Circle seeks able bodied individuals to assist them in exploring the vast new frontiers of Kalimdor!  A forbidden wasteland of unimaginable dangers lies far to the west of Tanaris and Gadgetzan, and the Circle needs willing and honorable proxies to act in their stead.$B$BAll interested individuals should seek audience with the Cenarion Circle.  Speak with the Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem on the Elder\'s Rise of Thunder Bluff for more information!','Speak with Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem on the Elder Rise of Thunder Bluff about the Cenarion Circle\'s call to explore the frontiers of Kalimdor.','Greetings, $C.$b$bI am pleased to see the likes of you taking an interest in the well being of nature; tales of your mighty deeds precede you, and you are welcomed here. Seeing you before me instills the feeling of confidence that the Cenarion Circle will get the proper aid it needs.$b$bOur connection with the Cenarion Circle in Moonglade transcends racial and political divides. Remember this as you work on behalf of the Circle, and you will do well.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     995insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (950,1001,'Buzzbox 411','A tiny voice crackles from deep within the machine.$B$B\"Wizbang here! The next Buzzbox is north of Auberdine, on the beach$B$BSo, that Buzzbox is number 411 and it needs 3 Thresher Eyes for its repairs. They\'re just off the coast! The darkshore threshers... *Hic*... Sorry about that...$B$BJust like last time, when you give the Buzzbox the goods, it\'ll spit out your reward. *Hic*... What? No, I\'m fine!\"','Collect 3 Thresher Eyes from Darkshore Threshers in the deep sea near Buzzbox 411.','The Buzzbox hums to life soon after you place the Thresher Eyes inside. There is a moment of static before you hear a familiar tiny voice call out.$B$B\"Crawler wine is the best...\" *hic*$B$B\"What? Oh, you fixed it already? Wow, you\'re a fasht one. Sho, would ya like to fix another?\"$B$BYou believe you hear a liquid being poured into a cup, followed by loud gulping sounds.','The machine\'s hatch is open and it seems to wait expectantly for 3 Thresher Eyes to be placed inside.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     996insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (951,1002,'Buzzbox 323','The Buzzbox gives a burst of static as you hear Wizbang begin to speak.$B$B\"The next Buzzbox is number 323. Ish north of Auberdine but... where\'s the ale? Wha? Oh, ish on the road sho ya shouldn\'t have trouble finding it near the bridge.\"$B$BWizbang mumbles something incoherent before you hear a loud gulping sound.$B$B\"Thish one needs Moonstalker Fangs... 6 of \'em.\"','Collect 6 Moonstalker Fangs and place them in Buzzbox 323.','The Buzzbox suddenly leaps into action, and you can hear the distinct sounds of teeth being ground to dust coming from within.$b$b\"Sho, ya made it! Thatsh exshellent newsh... Sho... Why doncha move along? Oh! Unless you want another job!\"','Though you have yet to place the 6 Moonstalker Fangs inside, you believe you hear the sounds of static and incoherent gnome ramblings coming from within. Could someone else have fixed the machine already?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     997insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (952,1003,'Buzzbox 525','Over the boiling noises and dripping sounds coming from the machine, you hear Wizbang\'s wavering voice call out.$B$B\"Nexsht onesh far south down the road. Shouldn\'t be hard to find... jusht off to the shide... near a fensh. I think I hid it in shum bushesh... Bushessh. Hehehe... Yesh, Buzzbox 525 takes grizzled scalps from thoshe grizzled thistle bears. Boy thash a mouthful. Grizzshled... Hehehe...\"$B$BYou hear more gulping sounds as the machine cuts out. Then, suddenly, it bursts back to life.$B$B\"4!\"','Collect 4 Grizzled Scalps from Grizzled Thistle Bears to the south of Auberdine and place them in Buzzbox 525.','\"Sho yash gotsh the scalps in? That\'sh sho great... Wha? Well, yesh I shuppose ya have realized that I can speaksh to ya without the materials in the machine. But I was telling the truth when I shaid they were broken!$b$bSee, in addition to being communimacation toolsh, the Buzzboxes also brew and distill fine liquor. Shorry for any deceptshion, but the nightelves do not apprecimerate my liquor trade in their townsh. I put shomething special in thish box to show my gratitude for yer effortsh. Enjoy!\"','You hear singing coming from Buzzbox 525.$b$b\"Though crawler wine\'s shweet, and thresher ale fine, and moonstalker moonshine ish grand. There\'s nothing sho dear, as a thistle bear beer, and shoon I shall have shome on hand!\"$b$bThe hatch is open and awaits the 4 grizzled scalps as you hear the song repeated over and over.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     998insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (953,1004,'The New Frontier','Attention, heroes!$B$BThe Cenarion Circle seeks able bodied individuals to assist them in exploring the vast new frontiers of Kalimdor!  A forbidden wasteland of unimaginable dangers lies far to the west of Tanaris and Gadgetzan, and the Circle needs willing and honorable proxies to act in their stead.$B$BAll interested individuals should seek audience with the Cenarion Circle.  Speak with the Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem on the Elder\'s Rise of Thunder Bluff for more information!','Speak with Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem on the Elder Rise of Thunder Bluff about the Cenarion Circle\'s call to explore the frontiers of Kalimdor.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     999insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (954,1005,'BETA What Lurks Beyond','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1000insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (955,1006,'BETA What Lies Beyond','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1001insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (956,1007,'The Ancient Statuette','I would charge you with a task, $N.$B$BI was on my small vessel, skimming over the submerged ruins of Zoram, when naga attacked me, surging from the water and tearing at me with their claws!  I fled, carrying what supplies I could to make this meager camp.$B$BBut when I reached the shore and ran... my prized possession was lost.$B$BPlease, $N, find the site of my ambush, along the coast to the north, and search for an ancient statuette.  It is the reason I have braved the dangers of the Zoram Strand.','Bring the Ancient Statuette to Talen, in his camp near the Zoram Strand.','You found it! Thank you, $N!$B$BThe old city of Zoram holds many secrets, and this statuette may be the key to many of them.','Have you found the statuette, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1002insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (957,1008,'The Zoram Strand','There is evil lurking on our northwestern coast, known as the Zoram Strand.$B$BIt is the resting place of the doomed city of Zoram, destroyed during the Sundering and submerged beneath the seas.  It has been lost to the night elves for ages.  Lost, and nearly forgotten.$B$BNow, the naga have returned, and for what reason we do not know.  But reason matters little; we must slay these fiends and throw them back to the depths!$B$BReturn to me when your mission is complete.','Bring 20 Wrathtail Heads to Shindrell Swiftfire in Astranaar.','Very well done, $N.  Your actions in the Zoram Strand against the naga are commendable.$B$BI know your feat was not easily accomplished, for the strength and guile of the naga is well known to the night elves.  We know this, for we share a history with them.$B$BIt is a history I care not to repeat.','We cannot allow the naga to invade our coasts, $N.  It is vital that you go to the Zoram Strand and complete your mission.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1003insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (958,1009,'Ruuzel','I fear the ancient statuette\'s secrets will remain forever hidden unless you find the key to its ancient lock.$B$BThat key is a ring, the Ring of Zoram.  It belonged to the rulers of this city before the waves of the Sundering drowned it.$B$BFor years the ring was lost, but the naga have recently found it.$B$BTheir leader, Ruuzel, dwells on an isle on the northern edge of Zoram.  Please, $N, retrieve the ring for me!','Bring the Ring of Zoram to Talen near the Zoram Strand.','You found the ring! Thank you, $N. Please take this as payment, and know that your deeds today will remain forever in my memory.','It is said that the Ring of Zoram is the key to any lock within the city. Do you have it, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1004insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (959,1010,'Bathran\'s Hair','There is a plant that once grew in the old ruins of Bathran\'s Haunt to the north.  The plant was called Bathran\'s Hair and was known to cure ailments of the spirit.$B$BThere is a sick child in the village, and I believe it is more than just a physical illness.  Will you go to Bathran\'s Haunt and search it for Bathran\'s Hair?  I may need it to properly treat the child.$B$BBathran\'s Haunt lies north of Maestra\'s Post and just south of the border to Darkshore.','Bring 5 Bathran\'s Hair to Orendil Broadleaf in Ashenvale.','Ah, you have the hair!  Now I will mix a cure for the child, and pray my concoction works.$B$BAnd... Forsaken are at Bathran\'s Haunt?  Very troubling to hear, that is.  Very troubling indeed...','Have you gathered the Bathran\'s Hair, $N?  The child\'s health grows weaker by the hour...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1005insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (960,1011,'Forsaken Diseases','The Forsaken, the undead arm of the Horde, have crept into Ashenvale, lurking at our ruins and our barrows.  We believe their goal is to spread disease amongst the lands of the night elves.  We must confirm this!$B$BThe Forsaken have a camp south of here, near the Dor\'Danil Barrow Den, where they create poisons and diseases and place them in bottles.  Fight your way into that camp and steal a bottle of disease.  Return with such a bottle.  I will test it and find its purpose.','Bring a Bottle of Disease to Kayneth Stillwind in Forest Song.','Very good, $N. Now... by testing the contents of this bottle, the goals of the Forsaken will be revealed!','Did you find the camp, $N? Do you have a bottle of disease?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1006insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (961,1012,'Insane Druids','When I struggled with the Forsaken\'s poisons, I had a vision.  I had a vision of the druids in the Dor\'danil Barrow Den, poisoned... murdered by the undead!  They are now errant ghosts, severed from their bodies and driven mad.$B$BSo that the druids\' spirits might some day find peace, you must enter the Dor\'danil Barrow Den and destroy its once great leaders: Taneel Darkwood, Uthil Mooncall and Mavoris Cloudsbreak.$B$BDo this, then return to me.','Kill the druids: Taneel Darkwood, Uthil Mooncall, Mavoris Cloudsbreak; then return to Kayneth Stillwind in Forest Song.','I felt the anguish of the Dor\'danil Barrows lessen, and knew you had completed your task.$B$BIt was grim work you did, $N, for the spirits you destroyed were merely victims of the Forsaken\'s evil. But with their destruction, let us hope the other maddened spirits find peace.','The anguish of the Dor\'danil druids still haunt my dreams, $N. You must destroy their leaders!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1007insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (962,1013,'The Book of Ur','$N, Shadowfang Keep holds a book, the Book of Ur, which would be much prized in my collection.  Ur was a great mage of Dalaran before the coming of the Scourge, his studies in other worlds are of much value to ... certain parties among the Forsaken.$B$BEnter Shadowfang Keep and find the book.  Bring it to me, and I will report your service to our Dark Lady...','Bring the Book of Ur to Keeper Bel\'dugur at the Apothecarium in the Undercity.','Very good. This book will add nicely to my collections of the workings of Ur. His knowledge was great, but his conscience held him from true power. And so when the Scourge came and his strength was tested, it failed.$B$BWe of the Forsaken cannot afford such weakness, if we are to survive...','Did you find the book, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1008insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (963,1014,'Arugal Must Die','Arugal still resides in Shadowfang Keep. We cannot claim Silverpine as a strategic stronghold for the Dark Lady until Arugal is slain.$b$bI shall see to it that his magic is eradicated, $n. But I leave it in your hands to see that Arugal meets the death he so deserves.$b$bTravel to Shadowfang Keep and put an end to Arugal\'s foul spells once and for all. Bring to me the vile wizard\'s head!','Kill Arugal and bring his head to Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher.','Silverpine Forest is finally free from the vice of that wretch Arugal. You have done the Dark Lady a great service, $N. Your tenacity shall be rewarded.','With Arugal\'s death we stand to increase the Dark Lady\'s stronghold on Lordaeron.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1009insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (964,1015,'The New Frontier','Attention, heroes!$B$BThe Cenarion Circle seeks able bodied individuals to assist them in exploring the vast new frontiers of Kalimdor!  A forbidden wasteland of unimaginable dangers lies far to the west of Tanaris and Gadgetzan, and the Circle needs willing and honorable proxies to act in their stead.$B$BAll interested individuals should seek audience with the Cenarion Circle.  Speak with the Arch Druid in Darnassus, Fandral Staghelm, for more information!','Speak with Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm at the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus about the Cenarion Circle\'s call to explore the frontiers of Kalimdor.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1010insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (965,1016,'Elemental Bracers','Take this divining scroll--it can determine the creator of these elementals. But you will need something from them to use as a reagent to focus scroll\'s magic--their bracers should do nicely.$B$BA few intact bracers from the creatures should be enough. The other bracers will be useless for our purposes, but they may be worth something to a merchant if you wish to sell them. Once you have the intact bracers attempt to use the scroll. Return to me with the results and we shall proceed from there.','Collect 5 Intact Elemental Bracers and use the Divining Scroll on them. Afterwards, bring the Divined Scroll to Sentinel Velene Starstrike at the Silverwind Refuge.','Well done, $N, this should give us the information we need to have the culprit discovered. How would you feel about taking out the mage who fills our pools with corrupt elementals? The corruption of Ashenvale and beyond makes my stomach turn on its own--to have a wizard actively attempting to destroy it further sickens me to no end. We shall make him pay.','Since you must destroy the bracers to kill the elementals, it will probably be difficult to find the specific ones that contain the information the divining scroll needs. You can trade bracers with others in order to obtain the ones you need, or perhaps you have the divined paper already?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1011insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (966,1017,'Mage Summoner','There\'s only one undead mage in the Barrens capable of defiling this many water elementals. He\'s also the only one foolish enough to try. Sarilus Foulborne is probably sitting at the top of Dreadmist Peak, laughing at me.$B$B$n, you must go into enemy territory and destroy this miscreant. I have had enough of his idiocy and we must show him what happens to those who annoy the Sentinels.$B$BDestroy him and bring me his head. Be wary though, the Horde may be watching for you.','Slay Sarilus Foulborne and bring his head to Sentinel Velene Starstrike in Silverwind Refuge.','Now I can see that repugnant smile wiped from his face forever. You have done very well, $N. Take this, the Light of Elune, drink of it when all seems lost and death is near. It may save you, Goddess willing.','Is it done? Is Sarilus Foulborne dead?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1012insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (967,1018,'The New Frontier','Attention, heroes!$B$BThe Cenarion Circle seeks able bodied individuals to assist them in exploring the vast new frontiers of Kalimdor!  A forbidden wasteland of unimaginable dangers lies far to the west of Tanaris and Gadgetzan, and the Circle needs willing and honorable proxies to act in their stead.$B$BAll interested individuals should seek audience with the Cenarion Circle.  Speak with the Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem on the Elder\'s Rise of Thunder Bluff for more information!','Speak with Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem on the Elder Rise of Thunder Bluff about the Cenarion Circle\'s call to explore the frontiers of Kalimdor.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1013insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (968,1019,'The New Frontier','Attention, heroes!$B$BThe Cenarion Circle seeks able bodied individuals to assist them in exploring the vast new frontiers of Kalimdor!  A forbidden wasteland of unimaginable dangers lies far to the west of Tanaris and Gadgetzan, and the Circle needs willing and honorable proxies to act in their stead.$B$BAll interested individuals should seek audience with the Cenarion Circle.  Speak with the Arch Druid in Darnassus, Fandral Staghelm, for more information!','Speak with Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm at the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus about the Cenarion Circle\'s call to explore the frontiers of Kalimdor.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1014insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (969,1020,'Orendil\'s Cure','$N, I have created a cure that I believe will help the afflicted child.  Take it to Astranaar and give it to the child\'s parent, Pelturas Whitemoon.$B$BTo reach Astranaar, follow the road south, then east.','Bring Orendil\'s Cure to Pelturas Whitemoon in Astranaar.','This is from Orendil?$B$BHis skill with herbs and healing is great.  This cure gives me hope, when before I had little...','I must apologize, for I have no time to speak.  My child, Relara, is deathly ill!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1015insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (970,1021,'Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger!','Listen, I don\'t know who you are, but I need your help. My sisters went to take back the Branch of Cenarius from the satyr. They said they\'d be back soon, but it\'s been two whole days!$B$B$n, you have to find them! They were looking for the ruins of a night elf temple in Xavian to the northwest. I don\'t know what to think. Look for Anilia, she was leading them on the search.','Find Anilia in Xavian.','Judging by the gaping wound in her side, Anilia is on the verge of death.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1016insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (971,1022,'The Howling Vale','Though we have put many resources and much effort into driving the remaining demons from the Felwood to the north, our successes have been few. We have been able to keep much of the demonic presence from Ashenvale.$b$bTo the north, near the Felwood border, the ruined shrine of Mel\'Thandris has been overtaken by mysterious wolf-men. Their chilling calls have led the area to be known as the Howling Vale. The Tome of Mel\'Thandris kept at the shrine may shed some light on why these wolf-men have come.','Go to the Howling Vale and study the Tome of Mel\'Thandris, then return to Sentinel Melyria Frostshadow at Forest Song.','The Tome of Mel\'Thandris works in strange ways. The events it records, the events it shows... No one truly understands why it does what it does.$B$BNonetheless, it is clear that what Priestess Starsong received--this Scythe of Elune--bears further investigation.','The tome of the shrine is a mysterious object. It is not a book in the traditional sense. The leaves of the tome were blessed by Mel\'Thandris herself, and records events of import in its pages.$B$BIt is hard for me to explain. If you go to the shrine, you will understand.','','View the Tome of Mel\'Thandris','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1017insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (972,1023,'Raene\'s Cleansing','As you rummage through Teronis\' belongings, you find a journal that is still in good condition.$B$BYou take the journal and leave Teronis\' corpse as is.$B$BThe only thing left to do is find the gem Teronis was seeking. Raene mentioned it being in the area. Perhaps the murlocs have it...','Find the Glowing Gem and return to Raene Wolfrunner in Astranaar with Teronis\' Journal.','This is terrible, $N. Teronis is dead?!$B$BThe time for mourning will come, but for now we must focus our efforts. I shall send some of the Sentinels to recover Teronis\' body as soon as possible.$B$BYou have Teronis\' journal and the gem he was seeking. Do you think you\'re capable of completing his task? I would rest much better knowing his death was not in vain.','Ah, welcome back, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1018insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (973,1024,'Raene\'s Cleansing','You\'ll have to do the research yourself, but from what notes Teronis has made, it sounds like your next course of action is to find the other pieces of the rod Dartol created. I would start by heading to the moonwell east of Iris Lake. When you\'re ready, follow the road and turn north when you reach a small sitting area on your left.$B$BA dryad there named Shael\'dryn is better suited to guide you. Seek her out.$B$BKeep the gem with you--Shael\'dryn will need it if she\'s to help you recreate the rod.','Find Shael\'dryn at the moonwell to the northeast.','Oh, Raene sent you? It must be serious indeed. What can I help you with?','Hello. How are you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1019insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (974,1025,'An Aggressive Defense','Before you travel to the moonwell I have another task that will aid the people of Ashenvale if you would like to test your skills.$B$BAlong the road heading east before the Falfarren River, furbolgs have been attacking travelers. Their tortured minds feeding upon fear, and their appetites satiated by the blood of innocents.$B$BAid the Sentinels in protecting the lands by showing those monsters the same mercy they have shown our kind.$B$BI believe their camps are south of the road... be careful.','Kill 1 Den Watcher, 2 Ursas, 10 Totemics, and 12 Warriors of the Foulweald tribe, and then return to Raene Wolfrunner in Astranaar.','You have done well, $N. Thank you.','The furbolg were not always our enemy, $N. But times change, and it is no longer a time of peace here in these dark woods.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1020insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (975,1026,'Raene\'s Cleansing','I wish your tidings were better.$B$BRaene is correct, I know about Dartol\'s creation and the treants in the area--at least I did once. They\'ve become corrupted now, their nature twisted.$B$BIf your goal is to find the next piece of the rod, then you\'ll have to find the key to open the chest it\'s in.$B$BThe wooden key is on one of the treants northeast of here, near Felwood. Once you have it, look for a small glade west of the road near the Felwood border... the chest should be hidden around there.','Find the Wooden Key and a piece of Dartol\'s Rod before returning to Shael\'dryn at the moonwell.','I\'m pleased to see you\'re back, $N.','It upsets me so that the treants have become corrupt. I wish I could do more to help them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1021insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (976,1027,'Raene\'s Cleansing','The final piece of the rod was given to the druids of Dor\'danil for safekeeping. I have no idea where they hid it. I\'m sorry I can\'t help you more than that.$B$BAll I can tell you is to follow the road that leads towards the Barrens. The druids took shelter to the east of that road, but they won\'t be of much help to you: they were killed recently... it\'s something I don\'t like to think about much.$B$BWhen you find the final piece, bring it to me and I will help you reconstruct the rod.','Find the final piece of Dartol\'s Rod and return to Shael\'dryn at the moonwell.','You found the final piece? Wonderful for you... and for Raene.$B$BI guess we\'ll have to see about repairing it, won\'t we?','Did you find the final piece of the rod, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1022insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (977,1028,'Raene\'s Cleansing','Here is the completed rod, $N. Reconstructing it was simple... it\'s finding the shrine that has the power to recharge it that will be the hard part.$B$BWith some focus and effort it shouldn\'t be too hard for someone like you, who\'s already accomplished so much.$B$BHead southeast of here--there are very few paths, so be careful--and keep your eyes to the north. The shrine is hidden within the mountains that surround this glade.$B$BOnce there, place the rod within the shrine... the rest is magic. Hehe.','Find the hidden shrine and re-enchant Dartol\'s Rod.','After the glow dies, you can see the re-enchanted rod within the shrine\'s basin.','You can sense a subtle yet powerful force within the shrine and surrounding trees.$B$BYou begin placing the rod within the shrine and a soft thrumming noise emits from around you as the shrine begins to glow...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1023insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (978,1029,'Raene\'s Cleansing','I suggest you find Raene and let her know the rod is finished. I\'m sure she\'ll know what your next course should be.$B$BGood luck, $N.','Return to Raene Wolfrunner in Astranaar.','You\'ve recreated the rod Teronis had set out to find? That\'s wonderful to hear.$B$BTeronis would be proud to see his quest is continuing even after his tragic passing.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1024insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (979,1030,'Raene\'s Cleansing','Alas, I\'m not completely certain what he had in mind next.$B$BIf what he said was true about the rod\'s power, then it will allow you to take on another form altogether. Which form, I do not know.$B$BPerhaps he meant to use its powers to get closer to the tainted furbolgs, but even the uncorrupted creatures would slaughter him were he not careful. Transformed by the rod, Dartol would have to speak to a furbolg who was safe from the effects of Fel Moss.$B$BI would start your search southeast of Mystral Lake.','Find an uncorrupted furbolg, and using the power of Dartol\'s Rod of Transformation, speak to him.','Yes, yes... you are one of my kind, but still whole. Still clean.$B$BI am unsure how you have escaped the atrocities the night elves have visited upon our people, but I am glad to know that I am no longer alone.$B$BCorruption now runs through the veins of our kin, young one, corruption brought down upon us by the prideful night elves. They are the ones who did this to our people... They are the ones I blame for being cast out of my tribe.$B$BAt night I can still see the campfires burning in the darkness.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1025insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (980,1031,'The Branch of Cenarius','Anilia puts her hands on your shoulders and draws you close. Gasping, she points towards the arch to the north, before her eyes close and her last wheezing breath leaves her body. \"He has taken it... Geltharis...\" You know in your heart that Anilia\'s dying wish is to see the Branch of Cenarius back in dryad hands.','Kill Geltharis and return the Branch of Cenarius to Illiyana at Forest Song.','Anilia died? No... that can\'t be! It was just yesterday that we were running and playing together in the woods.$B$BI guess those days are over...','Have you found them? What did Anilia say? Where is she?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1026insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (981,1032,'Satyr Slaying!','I can\'t believe that Anilia is gone... We used to play together in the forests all the time. I almost feel... sad.$B$BI know something that might make me feel better. Please, slay the satyrs that took Anilia from me! Bring me their horns as proof of your actions and you will forever have my gratitude.\r\n\r\n','Bring 16 Satyr Horns to Illiyana in Forest Song.','Thank you, kind $R. My sister\'s spirit is gladdened by your efforts.','Please, help me avenge Anilia\'s death.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1027insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (982,1033,'Elune\'s Tear','I had hoped Orendil\'s cure would save Relara, but I fear it only slowed the disease running through my child.  We must find more powerful medicine!  Thankfully, Orendil spoke to me of further remedies to try should his first one fail.$B$BElune\'s Tear is a type of stone that rests in only one place: the isle on Iris Lake, east of Astranaar.  Orendil said the stone will wash away corruption... please, $N, bring me Elune\'s Tear and pray it will end my child\'s sickness!','Bring Elune\'s Tear to Pelturas in Astranaar.','Oh, you found it! I will place the tear in a stew, and pray that it will cure her.$B$BThank you! Thank you, $N!','$N, did you find Iris Lake? Do you have the Tear?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1028insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (983,1034,'The Ruins of Stardust','Elune\'s Tear washed clear some of my daughter\'s sickness.  Her nightmares are lessened and I thank the goddess for her blessing.  But ... fever still rages within her.$B$BOrendil told me of a frosted dust found among the Ruins of Stardust.  Perhaps it will abate Relara\'s fever.  Gather some of the dust, then please return to me.$B$BThe Ruins of Stardust lie to the south, $N.  May Elune speed your journey.','Bring 5 Handfuls of Stardust to Pelturas in Astranaar.','You gathered the dust! I will create a poultice from these -- it should bring down Relara\'s fever.$B$BThank you again, $N. Without your help, my child would surely perish.','Do you yet have the Stardust, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1029insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (984,1035,'Fallen Sky Lake','Relara\'s fever has passed, but she is still very weak.  I do not believe time alone will give her back the strength she has lost.  I believe it will take the power of a moonstone.$B$BWe used to gather moonstones at Fallen Sky Lake to the southeast... until the Shadethickets came.$B$BTheir leader, a Shadethicket Oracle, gathered up all the fallen moonstones and hoards them.  Now, you must retrieve a moonstone from the Oracle.$B$BAnd to do that, I fear that you must slay him.','Retrieve a Fallen Moonstone from the Shadethicket Oracle, then bring it to Pelturas in Astranaar.','Oh, $N, you have saved my daughter! I know the power of the moonstone will give back my daughter her strength!$B$BI can never repay you fully for the aid you have given me, but... please, take this. Other than Relara, it is my most dear possession.','Did you face the Shadethicket Oracle, $N? If so, then please hand me the fallen moonstone. Relara has strength left for only a few more breaths!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1030insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (985,1036,'Avast Ye, Scallywag','$N... yeah, I\'ve heard of you.  I\'ve heard that you\'re no friend of Booty Bay - just like us Bloodsail Buccaneers.  Fleet Master Firallon is looking for hale and hearty $g men : women; just like you for a special mission.$B$BIf you\'re interested, head on out to the Crimson Veil and speak with him below decks.  She\'s anchored off the Wild Coast east of here, next to the Riptide and the Damsel\'s Luck.','Speak with Fleet Master Firallon aboard the Crimson Vale off the coast of Stranglethorn Vale.','Avast ye, scallywag. I hears that ye be the type for a bit o\' the skullduggery. Well, if yer no friend of Booty Bay, then ye might have a special place with the Bloodsail Buccaneers.$B$BArrrrr...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1031insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (986,1037,'Velinde Starsong','Velinde Starsong was my predecessor here in Ashenvale Forest. At first it seemed she had the situation in Felwood under control, but little by little her efforts faltered. One day, she simply disappeared.$b$bI was sent here to continue her work. I\'m afraid I know nothing of the priestess, however. Perhaps Thyn\'tel Bladeweaver, one of the commanders of the Sentinels, knows further details of her disappearance that I was not a party to.$b$bSurely she will understand the import of such information.','Speak with Thyn\'tel Bladeweaver at the Warrior\'s Terrace in Darnassus.','Velinde Starsong? That the priestess disappeared some time ago is almost certainly common knowledge. As to further details about the events that surrounded her departure... it would take good reason for me to divulge such information.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1032insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (987,1038,'Velinde\'s Effects','The Tome of Mel\'Thandris showed you this? I suppose there would be little harm in allowing you to examine her belongings. This key will allow you to open the chest where we stored her things in the Sentinels\' bunkhouse. She kept a journal of her duties, if there is anything to be learned, it will be from that.$b$bI should tell you, the Sentinels believe that she had her own reasons for leaving, and expect that she could return at any time. The priestess has done much in the past to earn our trust.','Search through Velinde\'s chest for her journal, then return it along with the key to Thyn\'tel Bladeweaver in Darnassus.','It seems that Velinde\'s disappearance is more troubling than it originally appeared. Even still, I cannot believe that she has come to a bad end. Perhaps it would be beneficial for us to make contact with her.$B$B$N, since you have shown a vested interest in this matter, I would like to enlist your aid.','What\'d you find out?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1033insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (988,1039,'The Barrens Port','Ratchet is the only port in the Barrens. Most likely Velinde found a trading vessel in Ratchet to take her to Blackwater Cove in Azeroth. We\'ve had limited dealings with the goblins that run the port, but the master of the dock should have information about the comings and goings of ship passengers.$b$bFollow the road southeast through Ashenvale and you will find yourself in the Barrens. Watch your step, $n, warriors of the Horde patrol the land. You will be safe at the port, though.','Speak with Wharfmaster Dizzywig in Ratchet.','$R, eh? Must admit, we don\'t get much of your type out here. Looking for someone, eh? Just give me a moment, I\'m sure I have it written in one of my ledgers.$B$BLot of people travel through here, though, so just give me a moment.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1034insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (989,1040,'Passage to Booty Bay','Ah yes, finally found it. Should have told me she passed through here that long ago. Let\'s see.$b$bVelinde. Booked passage to Booty Bay on the Black Osprey. I don\'t have anything here saying otherwise, so I\'d assume it arrived in port safely.$b$bNot much more help I can be to you, but she asked about overland travel over on that side of the world, and I mentioned Ruzzgot, a caravan driver based out of Booty Bay. Might be that this Velinde traveled with him.$b$bMove along, now. I haven\'t all day for you.','Take a boat to Booty Bay and speak with Caravaneer Ruzzgot.','Yes? Now, it doesn\'t look to me like you\'re the sort with goods that need shipping, so either you\'re looking for a job with my caravan--and there\'s no jobs to be had now--or you\'re probably talking to the wrong goblin.$B$BSo which one is it?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1035insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (990,1041,'The Caravan Road','Turns out I was wrong about you, and that isn\'t something that happens everyday.$b$bIt just so happens that I remember this Velinde you\'re looking for. Isn\'t every day that a night elf priestess that wants to travel with a dirty old--but great for your shipping needs!--caravan like my own.$b$bWe split up on the way north, she was headed for Darkshire. The clerk there keeps all sorts of records. Might know something useful.$b$bBe careful in the jungle, it is a deadly place even at the best of times.','Speak with Clerk Daltry in Darkshire.','With all the strange happenings of the last few years, I keep as good records of strangers as I can. Never know when it might come in handy... though it\'s usually not pleasant business when it does. Not to suggest anything about this Velinde you\'re looking for.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1036insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (991,1042,'The Carevin Family','No, I don\'t have any records of a Velinde Starsong staying in Darkshire... though, if you don\'t mind me saying, I can hardly imagine a night elf priestess taking a room in the inn, if you get my meaning?$b$bThese wolf-men you mentioned though, that\'s something I\'ve heard about. Just the other day, Calor came into town with a string of their heads. He works with the Carevin family. Hunters of demons, undead, and other monstrosities. Speak with Jonathan, he\'s the head of the household.','Speak with Jonathan Carevin in Darkshire.','Dark times these are. Ill news is whispered from every swaying branch, and evil can be found under every rock.$B$BAnd in such times an unknown stranger enters my home and asks of worgen... I\'ll ask no forgiveness for my suspicions, only answers.$B$BAnd answers, I will have.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1037insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (992,1043,'The Scythe of Elune','Your story rings true... I do not entirely understand your motives, but if your business here in Duskwood involves ridding the forest of worgen in any number, then I can forgo understanding for results.$b$bThere is a mine to the south that has been overrun with worgen... They appeared out of nowhere, but from what we know, that is where they first were found.$b$bGo about your business, but I would ask that if you find anything of import, you share it with me. We will accept any aid in our war against evil.','Look for signs of the Scythe of Elune then return to Jonathan Carevin in Darkshire.','It is an interesting story you tell, $N. Though the Carevin family\'s influence is not large enough that we might find the root of these troubles and finish them once and for all, we will do what we can to contain the worgens\' numbers in Duskwood.$B$BAlready I have instructed Calor to make this his first priority.','The woods are perilous for the unprepared. Keep your weapons close at hand and your wits even closer, or your next journey into the haunted forest may be your last.','','Find evidence of the Scythe of Elune','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1038insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (993,1044,'Answered Questions','We shall rein in the worgen problem, have no worry of that. This evil that your friend introduced to our woods will be contained, and I bear her no ill will for her actions. Strange events are afoot in these times, $n, and the darkness knows no respite.$b$bI will keep you no longer. I suspect that there are others that should hear of what you have found in the mines of Duskwood.','Return to Thyn\'tel Bladeweaver in Darnassus.','So this is the fate of Velinde, is it? The high priestess will be disappointed to hear of this, they were good friends before her disappearance. Still, the Scythe of Elune was surely granted to her as a boon by our goddess, and it is unsettling to me that it has fallen out of her servants\' hands.$B$BAnother matter for another time, however. I owe you my thanks in no small amount for what you have accomplished.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1039insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (994,1045,'Raene\'s Cleansing','The night elves are as old as time, but their arrogance destroys their very world. And now it destroys our lives too. But that can no longer be controlled...$B$BI blame the elves for much, but we are still responsible for our actions. Even beyond the corruption, we are capable of great evil.$B$BRan Bloodtooth is one such evil. Power hungry, lusting... the corruption has only made him stronger. My hatred for the elves burns, but I do not wish ill upon their children, so we must police our own.','Kill Ran Bloodtooth and 4 Bloodtooth Guards and return to Krolg near Lake Mystral.','You have done well, my friend.$B$BThe forest is still tainted, but at least we know we have done a small part to return it to its former glory. If you wish to return to me again, I would enjoy the company of my own kind.$B$BBe well. Perhaps our tribes will meet again under less violent times.','Have you slain Ran yet, my friend?$B$BEven the Night elves do not truly deserve his wrath. His hatred burns even brighter than my own, but his mind is no longer his own. He is a threat to all the natural creatures of this forest.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1040insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (995,1046,'Raene\'s Cleansing','Return to your own tribe and let them know of your victory here.$B$BShow them your trophy, and bask in the glory...','Bring Ran Bloodtooth\'s Skull and Dartol\'s Rod of Transformation to Raene Wolfrunner in Astranaar.','So, this is the skull of the fiercest furbolg threat in Ashenvale?$B$BI am more than pleased with your abilities, $N. The Sentinels cannot thank you enough. I hope we can rely on you again in the future to help our people.$B$BI shall put this skull and Dartol\'s Rod in a place of reverence for others to see.$B$BTeronis would be proud. Thank you again.','The Sentinels do what they can here in Ashenvale, but it\'s thanks to gnomes like you that we have gained the ground we have.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1041insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (996,1047,'The New Frontier','Attention, heroes!$B$BThe Cenarion Circle seeks able bodied individuals to assist them in exploring the vast new frontiers of Kalimdor!  A forbidden wasteland of unimaginable dangers lies far to the west of Tanaris and Gadgetzan, and the Circle needs willing and honorable proxies to act in their stead.$B$BAll interested individuals should seek audience with the Cenarion Circle.  Speak with the Arch Druid in Darnassus, Fandral Staghelm, for more information!','Speak with Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm at the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus about the Cenarion Circle\'s call to explore the frontiers of Kalimdor.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1042insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (997,1048,'Into The Scarlet Monastery','Whilst the Dark Lady tends to the pressing issue of the Lich King\'s advance to the north, I am seeing to it that matters closer to home are being taken care of accordingly.$b$bNo doubt, the human pests who call themselves the Scarlet Crusade are proving to be the sharpest thorn in our side domestically. Tirisfal Glades is literally crawling with the little red ants.$b$bTravel to the Monastery, $c, and lay waste to High Inquisitor Whitemane and her top lieutenants.','Kill High Inquisitor Whitemane, Scarlet Commander Mograine, Herod, the Scarlet Champion and Houndmaster Loksey and then report back to Varimathras in the Undercity.','You have served the Dark Lady well, $c. \'Twas no small task I asked of you.$b$bYour loyalty to the Forsaken has been noted. And your tenacity in combat will be remembered.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1043insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (998,1049,'Compendium of the Fallen','The Earthen Ring had pure intentions towards our plagued brethren. But who is to know the motivations of those whispering in the ears of the Elder Council?$b$bThe Forsaken whom we have allied with have a history wrought with deceit. Too hasty was our pact. Perhaps Cairne would have been wise to heed the warnings from Orgrimmar.$b$bDeep within the Scarlet Monastery lies the Compendium of the Fallen, guarded by crazed human zealots. Their method is forged from insanity but their research might prove useful.','Retrieve the Compendium of the Fallen from the Monastery in Tirisfal Glades and return to Sage Truthseeker in Thunder Bluff.','The Compendium of the Fallen! I was beginning to wonder if the very book existed!$b$bYou have served the Tauren of Thunder Bluff well, $N. Your dedication shall not be forgotten.','Cairne is a brave and noble leader and I would trust him with my own life. But it is others that I do not trust in this political climate.$b$bOnce I have a chance to gather all the knowledge available I can provide sound council to the Chieftain.$b$bHave you had a chance to travel to Tirisfal Glades? To the Scarlet Monastery? The Compendium of the Fallen is just one piece in this complicated puzzle...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1044insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (999,1050,'Mythology of the Titans','The future is inevitable! We hurl ourselves towards it like falling raindrops to the Great Sea.$b$bBut perhaps, by studying the past, we can know what to expect and be better prepared for the unknown.$b$bBefore dire troubles fell upon Lordaeron, there was a bastion of knowledge tucked away in the Tirisfal Glades. It is rumored that a book called Mythology of the Titans was housed in the library of the old Monastery.$b$bBring it to me and perhaps together we can unlock the secrets of the past!','Retrieve Mythology of the Titans from the Monastery and bring it to Librarian Mae Paledust in Ironforge.','You have rescued the sacred text!$B$BYour journey was long and acquiring the book was undoubtedly no easy task. But the dwarves of Ironforge stand to benefit from your success.$B$BThank you, $N, on behalf of the Explorers\' League.','The Monastery was a seminary for Paladins-in-training. Once a stronghold of the Light, it fell into the hands of the crazed zealots of the Scarlet Crusade.$B$BThe Crusade believed their goal a noble one: to purify the land of the undead plague. But insanity tainted their plight and now they stand enemies to all.$B$BBring Mythology of the Titans to me so I can study it and house it here in Ironforge.$B$BThe corrupt halls of the Monastery are no place for such a historical treasure.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1045insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1000,1051,'Vorrel\'s Revenge','Even though my will is free, I can serve the Dark Lady no more. I feel my time on Azeroth has come to an end. My life force is shattered.$b$bInterrogator Vishas did this to me! Tortured me for weeks! Took my wedding ring and gave it to his wife. The bastard!$b$bRevenge... I want revenge!$b$bThe pompous fool bragged about his precious wife, Nancy, who lived along Lake Lordamere. Track the wench down, slay her and return my wedding ring to my wife, Monika in Tarren Mill.$b$bHeed my last wishes....','Return Vorrel Sengutz\'s wedding ring to Monika Sengutz in Tarren Mill.','Vorrel led such a troubled existence. And what a good mate he was...$b$bDamn those filthy humans!$b$bVorrel is gone, never to enjoy undeath again. At least I can take solace in the revenge you took in his name. For that I thank you.$b$bNow let me be to mourn....','What do you want, stranger?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1046insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1001,1052,'Down the Scarlet Path','We of the Scarlet Crusade lay claim to strongholds from Hearthglen to Tirisfal Glades. We are quite proud of our bastions of cleansing throughout Lordaeron.$b$bYou have proven yourself against the undead in Desolace. But the true threat of the plague lies in Lordaeron.$b$bTravel to the town of Southshore, in the Eastern Kingdoms. Seek out a crusader named Raleigh the Devout. Give him this letter of commendation bearing my seal and he will escort you to a place of honor in our Scarlet Monastery.','Take Brother Anton\'s Letter of Commendation to Raleigh the Devout in Southshore.','Brother Anton still spreads the word of the Scarlet Crusade? Oh my....','Who goes there? What do you want from me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1047insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1002,1053,'In the Name of the Light','I once served the Scarlet Crusade with honor, loyalty and pride. I believed their cause to be a noble one: to rid Azeroth of the undead.$b$bBut as I spent time at the Monastery in Tirisfal Glades I realized that their grasp on reality was slipping. They now think everyone is plagued who doesn\'t wear the tabard of the Crusade. Innocent men and women were tortured because they were supposedly plagued. $b$bThe Scarlet Crusade must be crushed in the name of the Light. You, $n, must destroy the deranged regime.','Kill High Inquisitor Whitemane, Scarlet Commander Mograine,  Herod, the Scarlet Champion and Houndmaster Loksey and then report back to Raleigh the Devout in Southshore.','While disciples of the Light never revel in the loss of life, we must accept that on occasion, such sacrifices must happen for the greater good of the Kingdom and the planet.$B$BThrough your deeds in the Monastery you have spared many innocent lives, $N. I salute your tenacity.','The corruption in the Monastery will not end until the highest ranking officials have been removed.$b$bIn the name of the Light, slay High Inquisitor Whitemane, Scarlet Commander Mograine,  Herod, the Scarlet Champion and Houndmaster Loksey. Once they have fallen, perhaps the true cause can be rekindled. Until then, anyone who crosses the path of the Crusade lies in peril.$b$bVenture forth from Southshore and make it so!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1048insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1003,1054,'Culling the Threat','Directly to the north of Astranaar are the Thistlefur furbolg. My scouts report that their numbers have grown greatly over the past few months. If they grow too great, they may find the courage to attack Astranaar directly.$B$BKill as many of their kind as you can, but bring me their chieftain\'s skull as proof that their efforts have been stifled... for now.$B$BI shall remain here in Astranaar and await word from you. Elune be with you.','Bring Dal Bloodclaw\'s Skull to Raene Wolfrunner in Astranaar.','Well done, $N.$B$BWe are under constant threat from the furbolg. Hopefully this will keep them at bay for a bit longer.','The furbolgs\' corruption has caused Ashenvale to become a fraction of its former glory.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1049insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1004,1055,'Raene\'s Cleansing','The rod, now complete, lies in your hands. Shael\'dryn will want to hear of your success.','Return to Shael\'dryn at the moonwell.','You\'ve done it, $N! Well done!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1050insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1005,1056,'Journey to Stonetalon Peak','The forest spirits tell me you are brave and willing to travel.$b$bTo the south, not far from Mystral Lake, there lies a tunnel named The Talondeep Path. Through this tunnel you will come to an area known as Windshear Crag in the Stonetalon Mountains. Once there, journey to the southwest past Cragpool Lake and then north, up the steep slope until you reach Stonetalon Peak.$b$bThere awaits Keeper Albagorm. Heed his bidding, $r.$b$bThe journey will be perilous.','Travel to Keeper Albagorm on Stonetalon Peak.','Alas, you arrive. I see Faldreas has listened to the forest spirits...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1051insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1006,1057,'Reclaiming the Charred Vale','As a protector of the forest spirits you can undoubtedly guess why I am alarmed.$b$bYou have traveled through these mountains to reach this peak. Surely you have seen the travesty which has befallen the land. Greed has led to the destruction of these sacred hills.$b$bThe Charred Vale to the south was set afire by the greedy mechanized army of industrialists. Worse yet, the Bloodfuries that have encroached on the land refuse us passage in to begin regrowth.$b$bDrive the wretched harpies out, $n!','Keeper Albagorm on Stonetalon Peak wants you to slay 7 Bloodfury Harpies, 7 Bloodfury Ambushers, 7 Bloodfury Slayers and 7 Bloodfury Roguefeathers.','Now that the Bloodfuries have suffered such a great loss, perhaps the true work of restoring the land can begin....','There is much work to be done before the Charred Vale can be restored to the lush forest it once was.$B$BClear the area of those foul menaces, $N! Only then can we begin to reclaim what belongs to nature.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1052insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1007,1058,'Jin\'Zil\'s Forest Magic','So excited I am!$b$bThree little cages for three little elves! But what shall we do with our lovely tree-hugging friends? Why, let\'s give them a taste of... what do they call it... forest magic!$b$bI\'ll need a good mess of Stonetalon sap. From those horrid felines, bring me some twilight whiskers. This calls for plenty of courser eyes, of course -- can never have enough eyes. Oh, and lest we forget, a precious scale from a fey dragon.$b$bHurry to Stonetalon Peak, $n, so I can brew some forest magic!','Witch Doctor Jin\'Zil at Malaka\'jin wants 5 portions of Stonetalon Sap, 5 Twilight Whiskers, 30 Courser Eyes and a Fey Dragon Scale.','Oh how happy these little woodland nymphs shall be! We\'ll make them feel right at home with this special concoction!','Look at our poor little elf friends. All caged up with no forest to frolic in!$b$bNow were you able to find me some sap? How about the whiskers from the twilight runners? Don\'t suppose you have that fey dragon scale on you?$b$bAnd eyes! I\'ll need so many eyes! You just can\'t mix up a fierce forest magic brew without a good helping of eyes!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1053insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1008,1059,'Reclaiming the Charred Vale','The Bloodfuries have been subdued. But they will regroup soon enough if action is not taken.$b$bFar south of the Barrens lies a land known as Thousand Needles. If you travel west in Thousand Needles until you reach the lush forest\'s edge of Feralas, you will find a druid named Falfindel Waywarder.$b$bThis great and wise druid is capable of calling forth great forest spirits which can aid in the reclamation of the Charred Vale.$b$bSend word of our need! Seek him out at once!','Travel to Falfindel Waywarder on the border of Thousand Needles and Feralas.','Keeper Albagorm was wise to send you with such urgency.$B$BLet us see if we cannot call forth aid from the great forest to travel to the Charred Vale before it is too late.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1054insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1009,1060,'Letter to Jin\'Zil','You\'ve done so well for me, $n. You\'re a regular lucky rabbit\'s foot and there\'s something I want you to see.$B$BThe harpies are not from around the Barrens. They come from a place called Stonetalon, far to the northwest of here. Though it is probably a dangerous place for you, I need this letter delivered to an old friend of mine who lives there, a witch doctor by the name of Jin\'Zil.$B$BHe\'ll be happy to know that Serena Bloodfeather is dead, and I think you\'ll find Stonetalon an interesting place.','Deliver Darsok\'s letter to Jin\'Zil within his cave in Malaka\'Jin, in Stonetalon.','Ahh, a letter from Darsok. I have not heard from him in many years.$b$bSo the last of the Bloodfeathers are dead, eh? That is good news, I can remember when my friend Rokhan went with that crazy mok\'nathal to kill her older sister. Ah, to be young again, like you.','You seem a shady character. You have something for me to see?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1055insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1010,1061,'The Spirits of Stonetalon','The spirits of the Stonetalon Mountains are angered, for goblins and their servants are plundering and burning the land.  So the land has cried out, and those who listen for such things... have heard.$B$BSeereth Stonebreak, a promising shaman of the Horde, was sent to Stonetalon.  She reports massive deforestation at the hands of the goblins, and requests aid.$B$BMeet Seereth in Stonetalon.  To reach her, follow the road west of the Barrens\' Crossroads.  She is camped near the Greatwood Vale.','Speak with Seereth Stonebreak in the Stonetalon Mountains.','Ah, a $C. Very good. We will need your skills to deal with these plunderers!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1056insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1011,1062,'Goblin Invaders','The goblin-run Venture Company moved into the Stonetalon Mountains, chopping down trees and burning huge stretches of forest.  The spirits of this place are nearly blind with pain and rage.  We must stop the Venture Company!$B$BHead northwest, beyond the Greatwood Vale and into the Windshear Crag.  You will find the goblins and their servants at work--show them the Horde will not allow the exploitation of Stonetalon.  Show them in the language they best understand...$B$BViolence.','Kill 15 Venture Co. Loggers, then return to Seereth Stonebreak on the border of Stonetalon and the Barrens.','Bravely done, $N.$b$bWe may ultimately need the wisdom of tauren elders to calm the spirits of Stonetalon, but...$b$bRidding the Venture Company of its personnel is a good first move against them.','The Greatwood Vale lies to the northwest, $N. Go. Strike fear into those who would pillage this land!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1057insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1012,1063,'The Elder Crone','To truly tend the spirits of Stonetalon we must consult the tauren elders.$B$BI do not know many of their leaders\' names, but I do know of one: Magatha.  I have heard that she is very old, and she knows much.  If anyone can marshal spiritual aid from the tauren, it is she.$B$BMagatha resides in the tauren capital of Thunder Bluff, on Elder Rise -- the city\'s northeastern bluff.  Speak with Magatha, and tell her of the peril of Stonetalon Mountains.','Speak with Magatha in Thunder Bluff.','I bid you greetings. You are here seeking council?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1058insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1013,1064,'Forsaken Aid','The tauren have a bond with the land, and it pains me to hear of Stonetalon\'s plight.  But I fear that to heal the land, we must first remove the disease upon it.$B$BIs it not fortunate, then, that the Forsaken are allied with us?  They know much of disease.  I believe they can aid us, and by doing so they will strengthen the trust between our people.$B$BSpeak with Apothecary Zamah.  She is a scholar and an emissary of the Forsaken.  You will find her in the Pools of Vision below the Spirit Rise.','Speak with Apothecary Zamah in the Pools of Vision in Thunder Bluff.','Magatha sent word of your coming, $N. Although my heart beats no longer, I still feel sorrow for the spirits of Stonetalon.$b$bThe Forsaken are eager to offer what help we can.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1059insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1014,1065,'Journey to Tarren Mill','To rid Stonetalon of the Venture Company, we must take extreme measures.  Extreme, but without bloodshed.$B$BA colleague of mine may have just the tool we need.  His name is Lydon; he dwells in the town of Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills, in the distant land of Lordaeron.$B$BTo reach Hillsbrad, travel by zeppelin to our capital, the Undercity.  Then go north to Tirisfal Glades, southwest to Silverpine, and south to Hillsbrad.$B$BSeek Lydon and bring him this note.  It details our needs to him.','Bring Zamah\'s Note to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.','A note from Zamah? Her needs must be great to send word from so far. Let us see what she says...$b$bAh, splendid! I know exactly what to do!','Ah, are you here with my new test subjects?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1060insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1015,1066,'Blood of Innocents','I will create a toxin to bleed the violence from the Venture Company, rendering them weak and docile.  That should fix the Horde\'s problem in Stonetalon, yes?$B$BBut to create the toxin, I will need the blood of innocents, a difficult ingredient to obtain.$B$BFortunately the Syndicate, a group of human brigands in this area, employ shadow mages... and those mages collect innocent blood for their own, unsavory purposes.$B$BYou can find the Syndicate shadow mages in Durnholde Keep to the southeast.','Bring 5 Vials of Innocent Blood to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.','Very good!  I trust the Syndicate gave you little trouble?$B$BAs I mentioned, the blood of innocents is not an easy thing to obtain.  We are lucky the Syndicate shadow mages did the difficult work for us.$B$BNow hold a moment while I create my concoction...','Did you find the Syndicate Shadow Mages, and collect from them the bl','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1061insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1016,1067,'Return to Thunder Bluff','Here is the toxin.  If you use it against the Venture Company it should produce favorable, perhaps even contagious, results.  I must say, it is quite exciting to see my work applied in the field!$B$BBut before using it, take it to Apothecary Zamah.  She must create a delivery method for the toxin to maximize its effect.','Bring Lydon\'s Toxin to Apothecary Zamah in Thunder Bluff.','A toxin from Apothecary Lydon? Very good. If I know Lydon, then this toxin will be quite effective against the Venture Company...','You have returned, $N. Do you bring aid from Apothecary Lydon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1062insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1017,1068,'Shredding Machines','There is a relation to the spiritual magic of shaman and the natural magic of druids.  This is why we shaman can hear the plea of the spirits of Stonetalon.  Many of their whisperings are lost to me, but one message, one vision, is clear...$B$BI saw a vision of two man-shaped machines in Windshear Crag, northwest of Greatwood Vale, felling trees with impossible speed.  These metal beasts must be stopped!$B$BIn my vision, the machines were marked with strange symbols:$B$BXT:4 and XT:9.','Kill the shredders XT:4 and XT:9, then return to Seereth Stonebreak at the border of the Stonetalon Mountains and the Barrens.','The destruction of the machines XT:4 and XT:9 have soothed many of the spirits of Stonetalon, $N. With their loss, let us hope the Venture Company will remove itself from these mountains.$b$bFor if they do not, then I fear the atrocities this place has suffered will pale to what lies ahead.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1063insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1018,1069,'Deepmoss Spider Eggs','Spider egg omelettes are a new fad in Booty Bay!  The problem is... Booty Bay\'s got no eggs.$B$BI smell an opportunity!$B$BIn Windshear Crag and Sishir Canyon, in the Stonetalon Mountains to the northwest, lives the deepmoss spider.  Bring me its eggs and I\'ll pay a bundle!$B$BIn Windshear Crag, the eggs will be clustered under what trees remain.$B$BIn Sishir Canyon... well, if you have a weak stomach then maybe you should just collect the eggs at Windshear Crag...','Bring 15 Deepmoss Eggs to Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet.','You got them! Thank you!$B$BI\'ll have these sent to Dizzywig and get them shipped to Booty Bay. I can already taste the profits!$B$BHere is your cut, $N. I couldn\'t have made this deal without you.','Did you get the eggs, $N? I already made a shipping deal with Wharfmaster Dizzywig!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1064insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1019,1070,'On Guard in Stonetalon','Hello, $N.$B$BYou seem to be full of wanderlust by the looks of you. Have you been to the Stonetalon Mountains? It is a land plagued by the Venture Co. and other enemies of the night elves.$B$BRecently, Sentinel Wolfrunner sent my friend Kaela Shadowspear there to investigate what\'s happening to the land, but I have yet to hear word back from her. I\'m even more concerned because the Alliance sent a gnome mage along with her... a sign of trouble for sure.$B$BWould you find her and report back to me?','Find Kaela Shadowspear overlooking the valley entering Windshear Crag in the Stonetalon Mountains.','Ah, you\'ve come from Ashenvale at the behest of Thenysil -- how I miss her, my homeland and friends. She must be doing well with the Sentinels to be sequestering adventurers for other tasks. I\'m proud of her.$B$BIt is a pleasure to meet you, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1065insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1020,1071,'A Gnome\'s Respite','You see, $N, I\'m a member of the Enlightened Assembly of Arcanology, Alchemy and Engineering Sciences, and it\'s my goal... nay, my DUTY! to show the night elves that a blend of magic, mixtures, and mechanisms can help save their forests.$B$BBut it\'s a hard fought war, and the goblins reproduce like rabbits it seems. I haven\'t even had time to build my newest inventions!$B$BI need some time to plan and organize. But to do that, I need your help keeping the goblins at bay in Windshear Crag to the east...','Kill 10 Venture Co. Loggers, and 10 Venture Co. Deforesters and return to Gaxim Rustfizzle in Stonetalon.','Thanks so much for your help, $N. You\'re actually back just in time.$B$BI think I\'ve got the perfect plan. Explosives. No, that\'s not the plan, but it\'s part of the plan.$B$BSee, I\'ve been using high explosives--don\'t worry, they\'re not as dangerous as everyone thinks--to scare the goblins back a bit. I can herd \'em pretty good with a few key detonations along the mountains\' edges, but I\'ve been low on supplies now for a few days.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1066insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1021,1072,'An Old Colleague','The device I\'m thinking about is my most advanced version to date. But we\'ll need a special potion if it\'s to work. I\'m thinking we might as well get the good stuff since this mission could be your last.$B$BAnd for that, we\'re going to need some potent explosives: Nitromirglyceronium.$B$BThe only person who can make NG-5 is an old friend of mine: Lomac Gearstrip. Look for him in Tinker Town.$B$BYou talk him into making us some NG-5, I\'ll get to work on placement for my devices.','Speak to Lomac Gearstrip in Ironforge.','Ahhh. Gaxim sent you, huh? How do I know you\'re not lying to me?! Hmm? Hmm?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1067insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1022,1073,'Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun','Hahaha... you need Nitromirglyceronium to stop goblins from destroying a forest?!$B$BI don\'t care if you know Gaxim or not... I\'ll give you the stuff just to see you or them explode into itty bitty pieces.$B$BThere\'s a problem though: I\'m all out.$B$BBut I\'ll tell you what, you bring me the correct potions, and I\'ll make some up for you right away.$B$BThe least you can do is prove you\'ve got some skill as an alchemist before I just give you a sample of my greatest creation.','Bring 4 Minor Mana Potions and 2 Elixirs of Fortitude to Lomac Gearstrip in Ironforge.','This\'ll do nicely.$B$BIf I didn\'t know better, stranger, I\'d say you knew somethin\' about alchemy. Good, good... the world\'s not all about swords and sorcery, you know?','I can\'t make any Nitromirglyceronium if I don\'t have the potions... they\'re vital to its creation.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1068insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1023,1074,'Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun','Here you go, stranger. Take heed with it though... it\'s volatile stuff.$B$BIf you\'re really a friend of Gaxim\'s, then tell him I say hello. If you\'re not, then have fun blowin\' yerself up.','Bring the Nitromirglyceronium back to Gaxim Rustfizzle in Stonetalon.','Your task has been done flawlessly, $N.$B$BNG-5 is the unequivocal component in the recipe to ignite the wagons of dynamite.$B$BWhat? Yes, dynamite... wagons of it. It\'s the perfect distraction, I tell you... just wait and see.','Ah, goodie goodie, you\'re back.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1069insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1024,1075,'A Scroll from Mauren','Okay, now for the remote detonation part of my plan... oh, I haven\'t explained that yet, have I?$B$BOkay, so the short of it is this: with a little magic, I can make it so the explosives go off while you\'re not around. I\'m putting together a device that\'ll allow you to push just one button and have the NG-5 explode when you\'re ready.$B$BBut I need a spell from a friend in Stormwind--Collin Mauren is his name. You can find him in the mage quarter there. He\'s human, so he shouldn\'t be hard to miss.','Find Collin Mauren in Stormwind.','Now, this spell you need; one that will allow you detonate explosives from a distance... hmmm.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1070insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1025,1076,'Devils in Westfall','Ah, I think I have it. A messaging spell... I believe that\'s the effect he\'s looking for.$B$BI\'ll have to create a scroll with the spell impressed upon it. To do that I\'ll need debris from a dust devil.$B$BWhile I gather the rest of the components, why don\'t you head to Westfall and find one of the foul creatures? They are dangerous, but I\'m sure it\'s nothing you can\'t handle if you\'re willing to subject yourself to one of Gaxim\'s experiments.$B$BI\'ll be here when you return.','Bring Dust Devil Debris to Collin Mauren in Stormwind.','Allow me just a few moments and I shall have your scroll ready for you.','Hello, $N. Have you found the component I need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1071insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1026,1077,'Special Delivery for Gaxim','Here you are, $N. This should do nicely.$B$BPlease give my regards to Gaxim when next you see him. I look forward to hearing about this adventure when it sees its completion.$B$BFare well.','Bring the Scroll of Messaging to Gaxim Rustfizzle in Stonetalon.','This is perfect, $N! Well done.$B$BThis spell, mixed with the NG-5, shall make the perfect remote explosive.$B$BWe\'ll be able to create the perfect distraction for you so you can sneak in and steal the Venture Co.\'s letters and engineering plans.$B$BThat will surely slow down their deforestation acts.','Haha! you\'re back! Do you have it? Do you have the spell?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1072insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1027,1078,'Retrieval for Mauren','Travelers keep asking me about the Stonetalon Mountains. It seems to be a popular place for adventure--it doesn\'t matter if you\'re seeking wyvern, elementals, or you have business with the Venture Co.$B$BWithin the Charred Vale, deep in Stonetalon, there used to be a species of basilisks whose scales, when ground to dust, made a wonderful reagent for some spells I\'ve created.$B$BIf those basilisks still live, I would love to have a few of their scales.$B$BTake your time, it is no rush, but I can pay well.','Bring 8 Crystalized Scales to Collin Mauren in Stormwind.','This is perfect, $N. Thank you greatly.$B$BPerhaps one day in the future I\'ll be able to help you as you have helped me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1073insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1028,1079,'Covert Ops - Alpha','This is it, $N. Pay close attention. The devices are done, and ready to be used.$B$BTake these pages--they\'ll explain more about the detonators and explosives, and where you should place them.$B$BRemember, the success of your mission doesn\'t depend on how much destruction you cause. Plan Alpha\'s success depends on you bringing back the Venture Co.\'s engineering plans from inside the lumber mill south of Cragpool Lake.','Retrieve the Venture Co.\'s Engineering Plans from the lumber mill in Windshear Crag.','Truly amazing! This is a huge blow to the Venture Co.$B$BWe\'ll be able to find weaknesses in their machines and also incorporate their designs into our own creations. This is a wonderful day,','Did you get the plans, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1074insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1029,1080,'Covert Ops - Beta','Plan Beta\'s just like Plan Alpha, $N.$B$BWe cause a distraction and then steal their precious letters.$B$BThe key is to get their letters... remember that.$B$BThe pages I gave you already will tell you where to plant the explosives. Just get back here alive and with those letters....','Retrieve the Venture Co. Letters from Windshear Mine at the east end of Windshear Crag.','Incredible, $N! Kaela and the Sentinels will be so happy. With your skill and my creations, we\'re unstoppable.','How\'d it go, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1075insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1030,1081,'Reception from Tyrande','$N, I am sure Tyrande Whisperwind herself would like to thank you for taking part in this mission.$B$BIt may not appear so on the surface, but what you\'ve helped start could very well strengthen our foothold in the Stonetalon Mountains.$B$BIf you consider yourself our ally against these atrocities, go see Tyrande in the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus.','Find Tyrande Whisperwind in Darnassus.','Hello, $N. I have indeed heard your name before, and although you are still full of youth, I am pleased to see the path you have set for yourself.$B$BYou would do me a great honor if you would accept this as a gift of appreciation.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1076insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1031,1082,'Update for Sentinel Thenysil','$N, you have done a great deed by lending a hand here.$B$BThe Sentinels of Ashenvale will reward you well if you informed them that Gaxim and I are alive. Tell them we are well on our way to stopping the Venture Co. and healing the lands.$B$BFind Tara Thenysil in Astranaar; she will be pleased to see you\'ve returned with good news.','Return to Sentinel Thenysil in Ashenvale.','Thank you, $N. You have done a service to the Sentinels.$B$BI\'m glad to see Kaela... and even Gaxim, are doing well.$B$BYou\'ve earned our appreciation.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1077insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1032,1083,'Enraged Spirits','I\'m unsure what the Venture Co. did to the Vale, but it\'s obvious they were overpowered by the creatures there.$B$BThey set the forest aflame, and used their inventions of destruction to decimate as much of the Vale as possible.$B$BBut in their ignorance they also released something else: burning spirits, elementals of flame, stone and rage.$B$BThe land has no chance to see Elune\'s smile while these creatures roam free.$B$BBring me their smoldering embers to show you\'ve reduced their numbers.','Bring 8 Smoldering Embers from any of the fire elementals in the Charred Vale to Kaela Shadowspear in Stonetalon.','The remains of our enemy... your strength serves us well, $N. Thank you.','The first time I saw the Charred Vale I almost wept, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1078insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1033,1084,'Wounded Ancients','It seems obvious to me that the protectors of the Vale--the treants--had something to do with the Venture Co. being driven back. Unfortunately, even those once great guardians have now become corrupt.$B$BGaxim thinks their corruption is somehow linked to the weapons the goblins used during their retreat.$B$BI told him I\'d collect a sample from a wounded treant and allow him to study it in order to figure out if that\'s true.$B$BBring me some of the shrapnel so the gnome can tell me more...','Bring a piece of Corroded Shrapnel to Kaela Shadowspear in Stonetalon.','Thank you, $N.$B$BThis should be more than sufficient for Gaxim to figure out how the treants were corrupted. I shall give this to him right away.','I have a feeling Gaxim will find a use for the shrapnel regardless of how the Venture Co. has used it in the past.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1079insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1034,1085,'On Guard in Stonetalon','The situation here in Stonetalon is obviously grave for a night elf and gnome to be working together.$B$BThe Venture Co. has devastated these lands and I\'ve spent most of my time putting an end to the destruction.$B$BDo not judge Gaxim prematurely; he understands the need for us to work together.$B$BIf you wish to aid us, then start by speaking to Gaxim.$B$BI\'m sorry I cannot send you back to Tara with good news yet. Perhaps soon.','Speak to Gaxim.','Treacherous...treacherous and dangerous, that\'s what this land is.$B$BBut I\'m here to show the night elves that it\'s a little safer with the help of good ole engineering and a dash of magic.$B$BSee, swearing off magic completely won\'t help the night elves -- they need it. The world needs it. And iwth engineering and alchemy to boot, you can\'t go wrong. The possibilities are endless.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1080insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1035,1086,'The Flying Machine Airport','The toxin is ready.  All that remains is its delivery.  You, $N, must make that delivery.$B$BThe Venture Company must have a means of sending messages and light cargo between its headquarters and its operations in Stonetalon.  It is likely a small sky port -- not big enough for a zeppelin, but perhaps for a flying machine.  You must search the areas in Stonetalon under control of the Venture Company and find this sky port, if it exists.  If you find it, then place the toxin there.$B$BPlace it, and run.','Bring the Toxic Fogger to the Venture Co. sky port, then return to Apothecary Zamah.','You found the port? Well done, $N! I am sure the goblins were quite surprised from your delivery! Let us hope that toxin finds its way to their headquarters.$B$BYou have served your people well, and I advise you to ignore any guilt you might harbor for poisoning the Venture Company. They are deserving of far worse.$B$BAnd if there is one mote of wisdom the Forsaken might teach its allies, it is this:$B$BDo not shy from dark paths... if those paths lead to victory.','You must find the Venture Company airport if it exists, $N.','Place the Toxic Fogger','Place the Toxic Fogger','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1081insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1036,1087,'Cenarius\' Legacy','You cannot imagine the hatred I possess for this wretched land. The ilk of Cenarius and the kaldorei druids at the peak employ their pathetic powers to stifle the flow of magic, even so far south of their pathetic holdings... their beloved forests.$b$bWould that I could return to Jaedenar and exult in the flow of magic, but my master will not allow me to return until my work is done.$b$bI have no doubt you love the night elves and their allies as little as I. Aid me, and both our ends might be satisfied.','Kill 4 Sons of Cenarius, 4 Daughters of Cenarius and 4 Cenarion Botanists for Braelyn Firehand near Sun Rock Retreat.','Already I can feel it... yes... power so sweet... the rushing flood. The kaldorei are foolish to spurn the gifts of this world, to reject the coursing of magic as it flows singing through your veins.$b$bWhat a pale mockery life is without its burning embrace!','Here, channeling magic is like drawing water from a well with a bucket full of holes.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1082insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1037,1088,'Ordanus','They thought that they could halt the flow of magic. They were mistaken. They thought that they could hide Ordanus, but I will have his head!$b$bMagic grants me true sight. Yes... there he is. A crossroads... At the top of a great tree in Ashenvale Forest. A name... Raynewood. One of the eldest sons of the forest god. They spirited him away from the peak before I could find him, but his time runs short.$b$bBring it to me and I will share with you a mighty gift.','Bring Ordanus\' head to Braelyn Firehand near Sun Rock Retreat.','I knew Ordanus once, long ago. He had the arrogance of his kind, holding himself above even the Highborne.$b$bHis head does not rise so high now, does it, $N?$b$bI promised you a reward, and you shall have it. Attend to me.','When my master bade me to the peak of Stonetalon, I expected that all I would need was to lay waste to the night elves that crawled the sacred ruins of our ancient temple of Azshara, their touch despoiling its sanctity... but Ordanus had slipped my grasp.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1083insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1038,1089,'The Den','The druids built the Talon Den on Stonetalon Peak, where they keep many powerful items.$b$bThey devised a complex scheme to keep them from falling into the wrong hands.$b$bLuckily, I managed to... extract some details from one of them.$b$bHidden in a small lantern at the entrance of the Den, you will find the Gatekeeper\'s Key--with it you will be able to open caches around the Den. The items from these caches will allow you to open their hoard, located in one of the central areas.','Travel to the Den on Stonetalon Peak. Using the Gatekeeper\'s Key, obtain the druids\' hidden items. Use these items to open the Talon Den Hoard. ','As the three keys are slid into their matching openings, in the middle of the glowing light a number of items appear.','Three keyholes are carved into the stone.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1084insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1039,1090,'Gerenzo\'s Orders','You know, I was once the second most important person here at this site. That all changed when Gerenzo took over. Fired my boss, Ziz Fizziks, and sent me down to work in the mines. Ziz told me to stay here and gather information, though. His new boss will pay us well if we can find out what Gerenzo\'s plans are.$b$bAnyways, what I do know is that Gerenzo has ordered large amounts of this gold-green ore to be mined. I can get you a sample to bring to Ziz, but you\'ll have to watch for patrols while I get it.','Get the mysterious ore from Piznik after he finishes mining it.','Thanks, $N. It was looking a little dicey there for a second and we\'ve probably drawn far too much attention to ourselves.$b$bThe important part is that we have the ore sample, though, and we should get it to Ziz as soon as possible.','','Keep Piznik safe while he mines the mysterious ore','Keep Piznik safe while he mines the mysterious ore','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1085insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1040,1091,'Kaela\'s Update','$N, take these letters to Kaela. I\'m sure she\'ll want to know about this. Or at least the Sentinels will.$B$BMake sure you tell her how successful we were and how we couldn\'t have done it without a little bit of magic.','Bring the Venture Co. Letters to Kaela Shadowspear.','This is interesting indeed.$B$BYou and Gaxim have done very well, $N. Thank you.','Yes, $N? What can I do for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1086insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1041,1092,'Gerenzo\'s Orders','I guess I\'d better think about getting out of here, also. It won\'t take long for word of what happened here to spread to the higher ups, and I\'m sure they wouldn\'t take too kindly to meeting me again.$b$bI\'ll sneak out and meet with Ziz. Hopefully, he\'ll be able to find me a new job!$b$bI\'ll try and clean up this mess a little, but you should take the ore sample to Ziz right away. He told me that he\'d set up camp somewhere on the western side of Windshear Crag. Good luck.','Deliver the Unidentified Ore to Ziz Fizziks in the Stonetalon Mountains.','Ahhh, I knew that I did the right thing by telling Piznik to stay behind. I\'m sure the engineers in Undermine will be most interested to look at this...$b$bOf course I\'ll want to keep a little piece for myself, but what they don\'t know won\'t hurt them, yes?','Something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1087insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1042,1093,'Super Reaper 6000','Terrible what the Venture Company has done here, eh? What were they thinking? Goblin company hiring a gnome!$b$bLucky for me, Sputtervalve knows a genius when he sees one. Hired me just after I\'d been kicked out!$b$bTells me they built some enormous woodcutting machine, and Sput\' wants me to steal the plans for him. Unfortunately, Gerenzo--bloody gnome--wants me dead on sight... maybe you could steal the plans for me? You should be able to find them on one of their operators.','Get the Super Reaper 6000 Blueprints for Ziz Fizziks in the Stonetalon Mountains.','Hey, is that what I think it is? Great!$b$bNow, let\'s see. Ugh... how am I supposed to understand this stuff... can\'t figure out the way gnomes think. Lemme tell you, I\'m surprised they could build the wheel, let alone those flying machines they like so much.','Did you find those plans? I\'m eager to impress the new boss. Hopefully, once he\'s convinced of my loyalty--well, as much as he can be convinced... goblin\'s honor, you know?--he\'ll feel comfortable making use of my rather impressive genius.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1088insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1043,1094,'Further Instructions','This envelope has all the information I was able to snatch as they booted me out the door... Venture Company internal documents, some manuals, technical things... Oh, and of course the Super Reaper 6000 blueprints.$b$bSputtervalve has taken up residence at Ratchet in the Barrens. Shouldn\'t have much trouble finding him, he\'s a little green fellow.','Deliver the Sealed Envelope to Sputtervalve in the Barrens.','Fizziks, eh? Can\'t say I trust him, but this information seems good enough. What I wouldn\'t give to have the Venture Company out of my hair.$b$bThey do come up with some good machines though... I can\'t deny that we\'ve benefited from using some of the improvements they\'ve devised.','Hello there! How can I help you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1089insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1044,1095,'Further Instructions','The matter of this gnome that has been hired by the Venture Company has caused a bit of a stir in Undermine. The trade princes do not approve of Razdunk\'s consorting with this Gerenzo.$b$bRiddlevox has asked me to take care of the problem, and I\'m sure he was instructed to do so by one or more of the trade princes. Of course, the Director didn\'t tell me that. Let\'s just say I have a hunch.$b$bWhatever the case, Gerenzo must be removed, and it would be a fitting test to have Fizziks take care of him.','Bring the new orders to Ziz Fizziks in the Stonetalon Mountains.','Eliminate Gerenzo? Now there is a prospect that I have no objections to.$b$bGnomes are bad enough as it is, but what I learned about Gerenzo only makes it worse. Apparently, he was one of the head engineers in Gnomeregan, where he was working on their secret project--we could never infiltrate Dun Morogh well enough to find out specific details. It was a failure. Our reports say that whatever it was literally exploded in their faces.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1090insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1045,1096,'Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle','I met Gerenzo once, but let me tell you, he\'s not easy on the eyes. His flesh looks like it\'s rotting away, and he\'s grafted metal and gears onto his body, replaced some of his limbs with mechanical ones.$b$bNortheast of here, far above Cragpool Lake, up near the water wheel is where Gerenzo watches over the entire site. There\'s no way I could fight my way up there, not to mention take on Gerenzo... But you look like you might be able to make it.$b$bIf you kill him for me, I\'ll make it worth your while!','Bring Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle\'s Mechanical Arm to Ziz Fizziks in the Stonetalon Mountains.','Look at that thing... it\'d take a gnome to come up with something like that. I can\'t understand why you\'d cut off an arm, and replace it with that, when you could just keep both arms and add a third!$b$bGnomes, I tell you...$b$bAt least Gerenzo\'s out of commission. Hopefully that\'ll be enough proof, and Sputtervalve will assign me to one of the Tinkers\' Union workshops in Gadgetzan or maybe even Undermine.','Sputtervalve will want some sort of proof that Gerenzo\'s dead. I think his mechanical arm will probably do.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1091insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1046,1097,'Elmore\'s Task','There\'s a dwarven weaponsmith in Stormwind, Grimand Elmore, who sent word that he needs help with a delivery.  I believe he wants a package sent to his homeland in the north.$B$BYou have a sturdy pair on you!  So if you\'re interested in some legwork then speak with Grimand.  We could use you down here, but we must also keep our ties strong with the dwarves.$B$BYou can find Grimand Elmore at the weapon shop in the Dwarven District of Stormwind, in the northeast section of town.','Speak with Grimand Elmore.','You\'re here to help with my delivery? Very good!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1092insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1047,1098,'Deathstalkers in Shadowfang','In preparation for an assault on Shadowfang, two deathstalkers were sent to the keep to gather intelligence.  It has been many days and they have not returned, but we must receive their report if we\'re to have any hope of a successful attack!$B$BSo here is your task, $N.  Go to Shadowfang Keep to the south and find the Deathstalkers Adamant and Vincent.  Find them, and if they require aid then give it.$B$BThis mission is as dangerous as is it critical, $N.  Do not fail.','Find the Deathstalker Adamant and Deathstalker Vincent.','Vincent\'s body lies broken, and still.$b$bAlthough Deathstalker Adamant will send his report to Hadrec... whatever additional details Vincent gained must remain with him.$b$bBut clutched in his hand is a small trinket...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1093insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1048,1099,'BETA Goblins Win!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1094insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1049,1100,'Lonebrow\'s Journal','You slowly open the weathered journal of Henrig Lonebrow....','Read Henrig Lonebrow\'s Journal.','You say you found this journal on a deceased dwarf? Give me but a moment to peruse the pages...','From your look of concern, I can tell that something is amiss....','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1095insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1050,1101,'The Crone of the Kraul','Poor Heralath! And this dwarf... Lonebrow. What a brave soul he was.$b$bWe must not let their valiance go for naught. This crone... Charlga Razorflank ... must be stopped.$b$bSurely, infiltrating the Kraul will be perilous. There isn\'t time to send word to Darnassus. $n, assemble a party to slay the crone.$b$bBring me Razorflank\'s Medallion as proof of demise.','Bring Razorflank\'s Medallion to Falfindel Waywarder in Thalanaar.','The crone has been laid to rest. This is fantastic news, $N.$B$BIn these times of peril, it is refreshing to see one as brave as yourself.$B$BWith Razorflank\'s minions taken care of, our studies in the area can continue. Perhaps now we can gain further knowledge of exactly what happened to corrupt the resting place of Agamaggan.$B$BHowever, I fear the answer to that question lies in treachery as well...','So long as Charlga Razorflank is mustering a force in Razorfen Kraul, these lands are in great danger.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1096insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1051,1102,'A Vengeful Fate','Cairne is a noble leader for uniting our people here on Thunder Bluff.$b$bBut I cannot forgive those who drove us from our ancestral lands as easily as some. My people inhabited the southern Barrens for decades. The land was holy to us. But we were driven off by numerous foes.$b$bA vengeful fate awaits the crone, Charlga Razorflank, who musters a foul army from within Razorfen Kraul.$b$bBring me Razorflank\'s heart and I can die in peace, $n.','Bring Razorflank\'s Heart to Auld Stonespire in Thunder Bluff.','I see the nasty tribe of Razorfen Kraul now knows the pain of my people. Serves the foul beasts right.$b$bTo drive one from a holy land is a sin worthy of the most severe revenge.$b$bThank you, $N, for aiding me in my plight.','Once I know the foul beasts of Razorfen Kraul have been driven from their foul lair, I will be able to rest in peace, knowing that revenge has been served.$b$bHave you the driven the quilboar from the Kraul? Do you bring to me good news in the form of Razorflank\'s heart?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1097insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1052,1103,'Call of Water','Greetin\'s, $g brotha:sista;! Have you too come to purify the waters here and prove your understandin\' to Islen?$B$BI\'ve just defeated the corrupt water spirit meself, and I\'m just \'bout to put da bracers and remaining drops o\' water on the brazier.$B$BWhat\'s dat? Ahhh. Tiev understan\' all too well when somethin\' goes wrong. Well, Tiev can help you plenty if you be needin\' to see the pure water spirit again.$B$BBring me a water sapta from Islen as proof that you be ready, an\' I\'ll wait to turn in me parts.','Bring a Water Sapta to Tiev Mordune in Silverpine Forest if you failed to speak to the Minor Manifestation of Water.','Ahhh, den yur ready...$B$BI\'ll put me items in the brazier den, and you c\'n talk wit\' da spirit too.$B$BAn\' dontchu worry none \'bout seein\' into da spirit world wit\' da sapta... ol\' Tiev know a trick or two \'bout how da sapta magic works.$B$BCome now, head down wit\' me to the shrine and let\'s speak to da spirits together, brotha.','Ya have the sapta, brotha?$B$BI know another that had trouble after defeating da corrupt water spirit--seems he waited too long and he came out of the spirit world too quick fer his taste. Hate to see dat happen to another, so I\'ll just wait here fer a bit to make sure no one else be needin\' me help.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1098insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1053,1104,'Salt Flat Venom','I have so many designs for our rocket car!  So many!  And I must try them all!!$B$BI\'m working on a new type of fuel.  One that burns really really really hot!!  I haven\'t gotten the mixture perfect, but I think I know what I need...$B$BThe scorpids who wander the Shimmering Flats have a venom with lots and lots of salt in it.  It\'s very unique!  And it\'s just what I need!$B$BBring me venom and trust me -- our car will fly!!','Bring 6 Salty Scorpid Venoms to Fizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.','All right! This venom is going to work great! Thanks, $N!$b$bNow I just need to boil it down, apply skipper-otomer, add a nega-catalyst, and... Drat! Where are my notes!?','Hi hi hi! Did you get that venom??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1099insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1054,1105,'Hardened Shells','My brother is working on a new fuel for his rocket car.  He\'s brilliant, he really is.  So brilliant that... I think that new fuel he\'s designing is strong enough to eat right through the car\'s chassis!$B$BI want to reinforce its fuel tanks before that happens.$B$BThe tortoises out on the flats have very hard shells.  I want to use them to create new tanks for our rocket car.  Tanks that can hold my brother\'s new fuel.$B$BYou look responsible enough.  Will you get me those shells?','Bring 9 Hardened Tortoise Shells to Wizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.','You got them! Thanks, $N!','My brother is making progress with his new fuel design, and that has me worried. I need to start work on a tortoise shell fuel tank as soon as possible!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1100insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1055,1106,'Martek the Exiled','I\'m developing a new engine that\'ll make the car go so fast!  Fast enough to fly, I know it!  I just need to make pistons that can handle very very heavy stress.  All my trials have failed because I can\'t make pistons hard enough!$B$BBut there is someone who might know how.$B$BHis name is Martek the Exiled.  He is a great smith and knows more about metal than anyone.  Take him this letter, I know he can help!$B$BBut he\'s far far away -- in Azeroth, in the Badlands, in a camp, with a goblin!$B$BFind him!','Bring Fizzle\'s Letter to Martek the Exiled in the Badlands.','Fizzle sent you? Well that changes things! Of course I\'ll help you. Fizzle and his brother are two of the few people who don\'t want me dead!$b$bSo Fizzle wants to make pistons, eh? Pistons strong enough to take whatever stresses he has planned, and if I know Fizzle, then this new car of his is a volcano on wheels!','Well, you found me. Good for you.$b$bAre you here about that axe I made for Gath\'Ilzogg? Or are you here to reclaim Duchess Pamay\'s honor?$b$bActually, I don\'t care which it is. If you\'re here to fight, then let\'s get it over with...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1101insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1056,1107,'Encrusted Tail Fins','Our rocket car is the fastest thing on the flats!  So fast that ... I\'m afraid friction is going to tear it apart!$B$BTo prevent that I need to create a composite to coat the car\'s moving parts.  It must be hard but not brittle, and must be resistant to salt corrosion, or time spent on the Shimmering Flats will eat it away.$B$BHave you heard of the Vile Reef, $N?  It\'s off the coast of Stranglethorn Vale.  Saltscale murlocs live there, and their tail fins are a crucial ingredient of my composite.','Bring 10 Encrusted Tail Fins to Wizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.','Thank you, $N! After I grind these down and fuse them with a few other ingredients, the composite will be ready. And after that, the car will be safe from its own speed.$b$bSafe, as long as it doesn\'t hit anything...','Do you have the tail fins?  If I can\'t protect our car from its own speed, then it won\'t last long in these races.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1102insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1057,1108,'Indurium','I\'m not out here just to stay away from people.  There is a wealth of metal in the Badlands, $N, if you have the guts to get it.$B$BThe metal\'s called indurium and as luck would have it, it is rumored to possess high resistance to heat and stress.  It might work for Fizzle\'s car.$B$BBut let\'s make sure.  Get me samples of indurium and I\'ll test its properties.$B$BTrue indurium ore lies deep in Uldaman, but the Stonevault troggs of the Badlands sometimes have flakes of it on them.  Bring me those flakes.','Bring 10 Indurium Flakes to Martek the Exiled in the Badlands.','Ah yes, these will do fine. Now let\'s put them in some heat and see how they fare...','Did you find any indurium flakes, $N. I have my forge heated up and ready to test them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1103insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1058,1109,'Going, Going, Guano!','As you can see, $n, we\'re up to some very.... interesting experiments at the Royal Apothecary Society.$b$bAs the Master here, it is my job to oversee the most ambitious of our alchemical attempts. So much work and so little time!$b$bYou look well traveled for a $c. Perhaps you can aid me.$b$bI\'m in need of a rare substance. It\'s foul material; it comes from a rare species of bats only found in the muck-hole known as Razorfen Kraul. Bring to me the guano from the Kraul Bats so we can begin our work...','Bring 1 pile of Kraul Guano to Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity.','Splendid! This is just the start we needed, $N.','Ah, I see you have returned. Were you able to procure any Kraul Guano?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1104insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1059,1110,'Rocket Car Parts','Heh heh, with all the races they\'re running here, it\'s no surprise that a few mishaps happen along the way.  If you look around the Shimmering Flats then you\'ll see evidence of past crashes -- scraps of rocket car parts are littered everywhere!$B$BAnd those parts are worth money to the gnomes and goblins.  They\'re always looking for more contraptions to slap onto their cars.$B$BSo go out and get me parts.  Bring me a heap and I\'ll pay you well.','Bring 30 Rocket Car Parts to Kravel Koalbeard in the Shimmering Flats.','Whoa, look at all that! There\'s some good stuff in that heap of junk. I\'m sure I can pawn it off for a hefty sum.$b$bAnd... is that an ear I see squashed between those two sheets of metal?? Ouch! Heh, I sure wouldn\'t want to be that pilot!$b$bThanks, $N. Here\'s your pay. And here\'s some advice, free of charge...$b$bIf you look hard enough, you can always find profit in someone else\'s tragedy.','$N, have you been out into the Flats? Did you bring back that load of parts I wanted?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1105insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1060,1111,'Wharfmaster Dizzywig','I make it my job to get people what they need, and the gnomes over there need a parts order filled.  Their parts were shipped to Ratchet a week ago, but I haven\'t been able to make the trip.$B$BSo, are you ready for some legwork?  Go to Ratchet and give this parts order to Wharfmaster Dizzywig -- he\'ll probably be at the docks.$B$BDo this for me, and I\'ll have more jobs for you.$B$BJobs, my friend, with serious profit potential...','Bring Kravel\'s Parts Order to Wharfmaster Dizzywig in Ratchet.','Oh yes. Parts for Kravel. I\'m glad you\'re here. These things have been sitting out here for days, and I was afraid they\'d rust!','Speak up! Tell me, are you dropping off or picking up?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1106insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1061,1112,'Parts for Kravel','Here\'s Kravel\'s package, $N.  And when you deliver it, tell him... if he wants more special orders, then he\'ll have to pay his tab!','Bring Kravel\'s Parts to Kravel Koalbeard in the Shimmering Flats.','Great, you got them! Now we need to get them to the gnomes. But first...$b$bLet\'s take out one small item...','Did you make it to Ratchet and get those parts?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1107insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1062,1113,'Hearts of Zeal','Why do I need a rare type of guano, you might ask. Well, for this experiment I want to see what effect two diametrically opposed chemical substances can have on each other, especially when both are combined with an ever-toxic agent to ensure the most... ghastly results.$b$bIn the northeastern peaks of Tirisfal Glades lies the Scarlet Monastery. There the crazed disciples of the Scarlet Crusade congregate, both inside and outside the halls. Which you slay matters not, any of them may have the heart I need.','Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity wants 20 Hearts of Zeal.','My what an abundance of gore you have brought me, $N! Your efforts have been most excellent!','Have you returned from the Scarlet Monastery? I\'ll need many hearts for this delightful experiment!$b$bNo doubt, Varimathras and the Dark Lady will be pleased to be rid of the Scarlet Scum as well...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1108insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1063,1114,'Delivery to the Gnomes','Now that I have what I need, give these parts to Fizzle Brassbolts.  He\'s been waiting a long time for them -- I\'m sure he won\'t miss the little piece I removed from his order...$B$BAnd I wouldn\'t bother mentioning it to him.  It was small and worthless.$B$BTrust me.','Bring the Delicate Car Parts to Fizzle Brassbolts in Shimmering Flats.','There they are! My hydro ratchets and repeater bolts! These will do just fine. Thank you!','You have something for me? That\'s great! let\'s see it!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1109insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1064,1115,'The Rumormonger','Now that we\'ve done a service for the gnomes, it\'s time to do the goblins a favor!  $B$BI hear that the goblin racer pilot, Nazz Steamboil, didn\'t always use that name.  I wonder why he changed it.  I wonder if it\'s a secret, and... I wonder if he values that secret.$B$BIf anyone knows the truth, then it\'s Krazek of Booty Bay, on the southern tip of Stranglethorn.  Speak with Krazek and ask him about our goblin pilot.$B$BIf you can get useful information from him, then we might just turn a profit from it.','Talk to Krazek in Booty Bay.','You want to know about Nazz Steamboil? He\'s a racer pilot out in the Shimmering Flats, isn\'t he?$b$bYeah, I might be able to find something out about him... but it won\'t be easy. Or fast.$b$bOr cheap.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1110insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1065,1116,'Dream Dust in the Swamp','Getting the information on Nazz is quite a favor, $N.  Yes, quite a favor.  But you\'ve come all the way from the Shimmering Flats to get it... are you willing to travel some more?$B$BWhile I contact my sources, why don\'t you gather something for me, eh?$B$BHm... what will it be?  How about dream dust, from the dragon whelps of the Swamp of Sorrows.  Yes, I\'d love some dream dust for my snuff pouch!$B$BGet it for me, $N, and I\'ll give you the information you seek.','Bring 10 Specks of Dream Dust to Krazek in Booty Bay.  Dream Dust is gathered from the dragon whelps of the Swamp of Sorrows.','Well, look at that. You found the dream dust!$b$bAnd how did you like the swamp, $N? It\'s not easy to get a hot meal there, is it?','Back so soon? Do you have my dream dust?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1111insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1066,1117,'Rumors for Kravel','I had to use some of my favors, and gave away a rare bottle of elven wine, and did some heavy deducing myself!  But I found the information you seek.$B$BHere, I wrote a letter with some very interesting bits on our friend, Nazz Steamboil.  Do with it what you will -- it\'s too dangerous for me to use.$B$BJust don\'t tell anyone where you got it!','Bring the Goblin Rumors to Kravel Koalbeard in the Shimmering Flats.','Well well! This is interesting... very interesting. Heh, perhaps I should bow to the goblin pilot the next time I see him.$b$bThis is worth plenty, $N. I\'m sure Nazz will pay a small fortune to keep his secret... a secret.','Did you get anything on Nazz Steamboil? Anything he might want to keep a secret??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1112insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1067,1118,'Back to Booty Bay','$N, you\'re a $c I can trust, both to get the job done and to keep your mouth shut while doing it.$B$BI\'ve been brewing up a new scheme.  It\'s risky, but if it works then we could both make a bundle!  And I think you\'re just the person to see it through.$B$BTo start, you must go back to Booty Bay.  I apologize, good $N.  I know my last task took you there.  But this time, speak with Crank Fizzlebub.$B$BGive him this letter.  And if he requires aid, do your best to help him.  It will be worth the effort.','Bring Kravel\'s Scheme to Crank Fizzlebub in Booty Bay.','I see. Kravel has a big scheme planned. He has a sinister mind -- I like that about him.$b$bSo you\'ll need something to addle wits, eh? Something powerful...$b$bI wonder if the mixture Zanzil feeds his zombies could be used...','Hello hello. And what brings a noble $R such as you down to Booty Bay?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1113insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1068,1119,'Zanzil\'s Mixture and a Fool\'s Stout','I figured out how to use Zanzil\'s mixture with stout to make a powerful libation.  A Fool\'s Stout.  I think it\'ll be just what Kravel needs, but try it out and let me know how it works.$B$BAnd $N, don\'t keep this stuff too long without using it.  Zanzil\'s mixture has a weird effect on the stout\'s yeast, kicking it into high gear.  So it won\'t stay fresh forever.','Bring the Fool\'s Stout back to Kravel in the Shimmering Flats.','Wonderful! Fizzlebub came through! I\'ll remember that next time I see him.$b$bAnd thank you, $N. You\'re doing a great job, and we both stand to make a lot of money from this...','Hello, $N. Was Fizzlebub able to help us?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1114insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1069,1120,'Get the Gnomes Drunk','We need to try the Fool\'s Stout on one of the pit crews.  If you want to try it on the gnomes, then here -- take the stout and give it to the gnome pit boss.$B$BAnd don\'t wait too long.  This stout will go bad eventually.','Bring the Fool\'s Stout to the Gnome Pit Boss.','Stout? How considerate! Thank you!$b$bWe shouldn\'t be drinking with the race coming up, but... maybe my boys could do with just a little. Besides, it can\'t be that strong, can it?','Hi! You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1115insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1070,1121,'Get the Goblins Drunk','We need to try the Fool\'s Stout on one of the pit crews.  If you want to try it on the goblins, then here -- take the stout and give it to the goblin pit boss.$B$BAnd don\'t wait too long.  This stout will go bad eventually.','Bring the Fool\'s Stout to the Goblin Pit Boss.','What do we have here? Booze, eh?$B$BWell, I don\'t mind if we have just a little...','What are you looking at?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1116insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1071,1122,'Report Back to Fizzlebub','That Fool\'s Stout worked great!  I placed a bet on the next race, and... let\'s hope the crew you got drunk did a number on their car!$B$BThere\'s only one more task for you -- take this note back to Crank Fizzlebub in Booty Bay.  He\'ll want to know of the successful test.$B$BAnd hopefully we can get more of that Fool\'s Stout for future races!','Bring the Fool\'s Stout report to Crank Fizzlebub in Booty Bay.','It says here that the fool\'s stout was a success. That\'s good news!$b$bIf you ever want more of the stuff, then let me know and I\'ll have you gather more of Zanzil\'s Mixture.','Hello $N. How\'d that stout work out? It\'s strong stuff, isn\'t it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1117insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1072,1123,'Rabine Saturna','For this task, Keeper Remulos\' majordomo in Moonglade - Rabine Saturna - seeks aid in exploring the vast wastelands far to the west of Tanaris and Un\'Goro.  He is located in Nighthaven, the main village of Moonglade.$B$BI want to impart on you the importance of your presence.  There are growing tensions between the night elves of Darnassus and the Cenarion Circle in Moonglade.  Look beyond racial boundaries and tap into the wisdom of your ancestors in dealings with the Circle there, $N.  Good luck.','Speak with Rabine Saturna in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.  Moonglade lies between Felwood and Winterspring, accessible through a path out of Timbermaw Hold.','I am Rabine Saturna, and on behalf of Keeper Remulos and all of the denizens of this sacred glade I bid you welcome.$B$BI appreciate your interest and eagerness to assist the Cenarion Circle. The tauren have shown an incredible propensity to the tenets of Cenarius, and by their proxy the Horde is welcomed within the safety of this glade. The preservation of Azeroth is a common goal we both share.$B$BYou are among friends here, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1118insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1073,1124,'Wasteland','West of Un\'Goro Crater, via the northwestern ridge, is a harsh wasteland - Silithus.  Few know that an ancient war was waged there between the night elves and a malign, alien power.  The evil was sealed, but now we suspect that forces work to stir this... unspeakable horror.$B$BSeek out Layo Starstrike, one of our agents in Silithus; look for him at Valor\'s Rest, the final resting spot for the fallen of the wastes.  Give him this letter, and he will give you his trust accordingly.','Speak with Layo Starstrike near the Valor\'s Rest graveyard of Silithus, showing him Rabine\'s Letter.','Rabine sent you, did he? Well, consider yourself welcomed here... as much as this desolate and forsaken land can welcome someone.$b$bI wasn\'t alive during the time of the great tribulations that took place here, but there are parts of this desert that might as well be eerie pictures of that forgotten past. With your help, the Cenarion Circle might be able to bring finality to a threat that was supposed to have died generations ago.','This is a dangerous land to be so casual, $C. What brings you to the wastes of Silithus?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1119insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1074,1125,'The Spirits of Southwind','To our southwest lies a tragic site - the ruins of Southwind Village.  This is where our work should begin, $N.$B$BFrom what we\'ve learned, this village was once a night elf base of operations for Silithus.  It\'s long since overrun by the silithid hives that infest the wastes.  I can only imagine the horror of the village\'s initial sundering...$B$BThe tortured spirits of fallen druids and sentinels wander the ruins aimlessly.  Explore this locale, freeing the souls of these wretched beings as needed.','Free the spirits of 8 Tortured Druids and 8 Tortured Sentinels in Southwind Village, and then return to Layo Starstrike at the Valor\'s Rest graveyard of Silithus.','I had thought that maybe the huge swirling hive near the ruins of the village had played a part in its demise. It would seem that your work has proven this to be correct; the proximity of the hive poses a threat to any future work we may do here.$b$bI thank you for your benevolence in freeing the souls of the fallen; such work is never easy, I know. When you\'re ready, however, I\'d like to ask for your assistance once more...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1120insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1075,1126,'Hive in the Tower','The hive needs to be addressed in Southwind Village, and I think I know a way to get at them.  It\'s been my experience that the silithid hives are very sensitive to their environment; this explains their attacks when hearing the death wails of the spirits.$B$BThe silithid are strongest in the tower - the one with the mass of wasps circling it.  Scale the tower and jostle the hive into activity.  Report back what you learn, but be careful!  If you uncover anything that might help, bring it to me.','Scale the tower of Southwind Village and locate a means to stir the silithid hive into activity.  Bring back anything unusual you may uncover when doing so to Layo Starstrike at the Valor\'s Rest graveyard of Silithus.','What the... what is it?$b$bIt has the shape of a... box, maybe? It\'s encrusted over something fierce. Wait, there a portion here that\'s exposed... is that a book underneath all this gunk?$b$bI think you\'ve stumbled across quite the find here, $N... well, at least I hope it is. Perhaps it is a journal or a log from ancient times, preserved in this shell.$b$bI think I know a way to find out what this is.','Well, did it work? You\'re still in one piece, which is good news. Did you find anything?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1121insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1076,1127,'Fool\'s Stout','So you want some Fool\'s Stout, eh?  Thinking of heading back to the races...?$B$BAll right, bring me more of Zanzil\'s mixture and I\'ll make some more stout for you.','Bring 12 of Zanzil\'s Mixture to Crank Fizzlebub in Booty Bay.','Ah, very good! Here is your pay.$B$BAnd here is a little something extra... for your discretion.','Do you have those Zanzil mixtures yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1122insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1077,1130,'Melor Sends Word','$N, Melor Stonehoof has heard of your deeds, and has set a path before you.$B$BIf you wish to take it, then go to Thunder Bluff and speak with Melor.  You will find him on Hunter\'s Rise.','Speak with Melor Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.','So, $N, you have come. Now, are you prepared to journey through distant lands?$B$BIf so, young $C, then listen on...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1123insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1078,1131,'Steelsnap','At times we hunt for food.  At times we hunt for honor.  And at times we hunt to earn the Earthmother\'s teachings.$B$BBut the hunt I now set upon you is none of these things.  It is to slay a creature outside the Earthmother\'s blessing.$B$BThe hyena Steelsnap roams the Thousand Needles, south of the Barrens.  He is a tyrant, attracting other hyenas to him and spreading fear and bloodshed among more peaceful beasts.$B$BFind Steelsnap, $N.  Find him, and defeat him.','Bring Steelsnap\'s Rib to Melor Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.','In defeating the creature Steelsnap, you have cleansed the Thousand Needles of a horrible taint.$b$bAnd that, $N, is your lesson this day.','Have you defeated the foul Steelsnap, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1124insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1079,1132,'Fiora Longears','Oh, to be at sea once again!  To feel the kiss of the wind, and to have the waves rock me like my blessed mother, long ago!$B$BOh, I wish I had your fortune, good $c, for I see the sea in your future!$B$BIt\'s my job to tell eager souls of the land of Kalimdor, the land of opportunity!  If you\'re willing to try your luck across the sea, then take a ship from here to the lovely port of Theramore.  Speak there with my partner, the elf, Fiora Longears.$B$BShe\'ll start you on your Kalimdor adventure!','Speak with Fiora Longears in Theramore.','Good day to you! You were sent by Mr. Flint in Menethil Harbor? Well Mr. Flint is a strong judge of character. If he sent you, then there\'s no doubt you belong here in Kalimdor!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1125insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1080,1133,'Journey to Astranaar','If you\'re fresh off the boat from Menethil, then the first thing you should do is... go to Astranaar.  I\'m sure an eager member of the Alliance such as you can do some real good there.  Speak with Shindrell Swiftfire and offer your services.$B$BBut don\'t bother mentioning who sent you.  Shindrell does not know me...','Speak with Shindrell Swiftfire in Astranaar.','You are here to offer your services to the Alliance, $N? We welcome the aid, for although its beauty remains... Ashenvale Forest is not the peaceful place it once was.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1126insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1081,1134,'Pridewings of Stonetalon','We are not in open war with the Horde, but our peace is fragile.  We often find their agents moving against us, but they do so covertly.$B$BOne such advance was revealed to us from hidden sources in Theramore, claiming that the orcs collect venom from the pridewings near Mirkfallon Lake, in the Stonetalon Mountains to the south.  Orc assassins then use the venom on their secret death raids against the Alliance!$B$BIf this is true, then we must stop them, $N.  We must deny them their source of venom.','Bring 12 Pridewing Venom Sacs to Shindrell Swiftfire in Astranaar.','Thank you, $N. It saddens me to order the slaughter of creatures who may not willingly aid our enemies, yet it is my duty to do so.$B$BYour heart might weep for the pridewings you slew, my friend, but may your heart then swell in knowing that your allies are safe from the pridewings\' venom.','Do you have the pridewing venom sacs, $N? We cannot allow the orcs to use the beasts\' poisons against us!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1127insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1082,1135,'Highperch Venom','As you may know, wyverns are often tamed by orcs for use as mounts.  But what is less known is that the venom of a wyvern, in some circles, is more valuable than the beast itself.  So if you\'re not afraid to do a little wyvern hunting, then... I have a job for you.$B$BThere is a place called Highperch in the land of a Thousand Needles, west of here.  The Highperch wyverns have a potent venom.  Potent, and valuable.','Bring 10 Highperch Venom Sacs to Fiora Longears in Theramore.','Ah, most of these are nearly bursting with venom, $N. Such are normally only gathered from young wyverns, or fertile females. It must have been quite a slaughter up there in Highperch!','Did you find Highperch, $N? Any luck with the wyverns there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1128insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1083,1136,'Frostmaw','$N, it is now time for you to travel to far-off lands.  You are ready.$B$BYou now hunt Frostmaw, a yeti in the Alterac Mountains.  He is elusive, his white coat blending into the snows of his mountain home.  He rarely shows himself.$B$BBut I will show you how to entice a creature such as he.  Here, take this scroll.  On it I have written how Frostmaw may be lured.$B$BNow go, $N.  Your journey is long and many challenges lay waiting.  When you return with Frostmaw\'s mane, only then is your task complete.','Bring Frostmaw\'s Mane to Melor Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.','Both strength and cunning were needed to find and defeat Frostmaw, $N. You have both.$b$bYour path has taken you to the valleys of Thousand Needles and to the high mountains of Alterac. It will one day lead you through all the Earthmother\'s lands, for such is the way of the $C.','Have you been to the Alterac Mountains, $N? Did you face the elusive Frostmaw?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1129insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1084,1137,'News for Fizzle','Indurium has an amazing resistance to heat!  I\'m sure it will work for Fizzle\'s pistons.  But he\'ll need true indurium ore, not just the flakes.$B$BTo get the ore, it must be mined from deep within Uldaman, on the northern borders of the Badlands.  That is the true source of indurium.$B$BSend Fizzle Brassbolts my regards, and tell him what I told you.$B$BSafe travels, $N.  And it won\'t surprise me if we meet again -- once Fizzle learns of indurium he\'ll probably send you to Uldaman to acquire it!','Speak with Fizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.','$N, you\'re back! You found Martek? You spoke with him? What did he say? Can he help??$b$bTell me, tell me, tell me!!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1130insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1085,1138,'Fruit of the Sea','I love crab.  Crabs are the fruit of the sea!  You can bake it, barbecue it, boil it, and broil it.  They\'re pan fried, deep fried, and stir fried.  There\'s crab salad, crab soup, crab stew, pepper crab, lemon crab, whipper root crab, and Ironforge surprise crab.  That\'s... that\'s about it.$B$BI\'m here fishing right now, so I can\'t get any fine crab chunks.  You can pick them out of reef crawlers and encrusted tide crawlers.  You can make a lot with it.  You can bake it, barbecue it, boil it...','Collect 6 Fine Crab Chunks for Gubber Blump in Auberdine.','Wow, these fine crab chunks are what I need.  Thanks $N!  I found this while I was fishing a while ago, and I have no use for it.  Maybe you can do something with it.  It sure don\'t make any good crab dishes.$B$BI told you all about crabs, right?','...lemon crab, whipper root crab, and Ironforge surprise crab.  That\'s about it.$B$BOh, hello there $N.  Do you have them fine crab chunks I was telling you about?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1131insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1086,1139,'The Lost Tablets of Will','We\'ve slowed the Shadowforge clan by cutting them off from Blackrock Spire, but Hammertoe\'s quest is still unfulfilled. His death must not be in vain. He dreamt of finding the Tablet of Will: a stone shard inscribed with magic by the titans themselves to help imbue their creations with life--making them have a will of their own, or so the legends say.$B$BWe must still recover the Tablet before the Shadowforge clan finds it.$B$BReturn to Uldaman, find the tablet, and return here immediately.','Find the Tablet of Will, and return them to Advisor Belgrum in Ironforge.','<Advisor Belgrum shakes his head in disbelief as you hand him the stone shard.>$B$B$N, this is amazing. I shall have this brought to the king\'s mages as soon as possible. They will want to study it to find out if the legends are true. But that is a discussion for another time: you have aided our people more than I would have ever expected--thank you.','Hammertoe\'s quest must be actualized, $N. I owe him that much.$B$BYour return to Uldaman is imperative not only to that goal, but also to the safety of all dwarven kind. With the tablet in the hands of the Dark Irons who knows how powerful their army of golems would become.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1132insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1087,1140,'The Tower of Althalaxx','The writing of the orcs is little better than the scribblings of a child. Many of my order scoffed when I chose to learn their tongue, but I have found it beneficial to gain further understanding of my enemies.$b$bFrom Ilkrud\'s scribblings, it appears that Athrikus still possesses two soulgems, and they are being held in Night Run and Satyrnaar, satyr-held areas in northeast Ashenvale.$b$bBe careful out there, $n, the satyrs\' blood-soaked temples can be unsettling even for a seasoned $c such as yourself.','Free the trapped Highborne souls in Night Run and Satyrnaar, then return to Delgren the Purifier at Maestra\'s Post.','Perhaps the satyrs have been allowed to persist in the forest for too long. I will speak with Elissa about it when next I travel to Auberdine.$B$BNonetheless, with the soulgems destroyed, Athrikus\' power will be greatly diminished. We must seize on this opportunity to eliminate him and his cult.','I heard whisper once that the satyrs\' history is somehow related to that of the night elves, but I have found my esteemed hosts reticent to speak of the matter.','','Free the Highborne soul in Night Run','Free the Highborne soul in Satyrnaar','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1133insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1088,1141,'The Family and the Fishing Pole','I love fishing.  The Blump family is known for fishing.  My name is Gubber Blump; I fish.$B$BThere\'s a kind of fish I like to catch around these parts called Darkshore grouper.  I used to go out on a boat to fish for grouper, but no boats have been going out since them mean ol\' murlocs moved in.  I bet they been eating up all the grouper too.$B$BSay, you wanna help me catch Darkshore grouper?  I\'d give you a bona fide Blump Family Fishing Pole if you did!  It\'s a real good pole to catch fish with.','Catch 6 Darkshore Grouper for Gubber Blump in Auberdine.','Them\'s some real nice groupers, $N!  Thanks for helping me out!$B$BYou\'re at least as good of a fisherman as my cousin, Graun Blump.  She also has a beard and she smells kinda funny, but that don\'t do nothing to stop her fishing.  I reckon you have what it takes to use a Blump Family Fishing Pole.','There\'s plenty of good dishes you use Darkshore groupers for.  They\'re good to eat, but I think it\'s more fun catching them.$B$BYou caught any Darkshore groupers yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1134insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1089,1142,'Mortality Wanes','I have not long to live... so... so... weak.$b$b...the b-b-brave dwarf, Lonebrow, has been sent to w-w-warn Falfindel...$b$bBut before I... d-d-die...$b$b...my wife, Treshala... her pendant of bonding to me... stolen... by one of the f-f-foul aggressors...$b$bFind it p-p-please... and return it to Treshala in Darnassus...$b$b...along with w-w-word of my lonely... death.','Find and return Treshala\'s Pendant to Treshala Fallowbrook in Darnassus.','No!$B$B\'Tis not fair. Oh, cruel and intolerable world!$B$BI must now carry this burden of grief and not let Heralath\'s work die with him.$B$BYou were brave to journey from such a dangerous place, $N. But please leave me now.$B$BIn solitude I shall mourn.','What brings you to my home, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1135insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1090,1143,'The Tower of Althalaxx','I see. Well, if what you say is true, then now is the time to strike. I believe Athrikus resides at the top of the tower. Be careful though, he is surrounded by many powerful warlocks, much more deadly than the ones you faced before.','Kill Athrikus Narassin and bring his head to Balthule Shadowstrike near the Tower of Althalaxx.','With the death of Athrikus, I hope that the demonic forces in this area will be driven back. I have no doubt that they will regroup and return, but then we shall be even more prepared to meet their threat.','Athrikus Narassin is an ancient and powerful warlock. Perhaps we should wait for Delgren\'s assistance, but he obviously had much faith in you to send you alone.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1136insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1091,1144,'Willix the Importer','At last, help has arrived!$b$bYou have no clue how long I\'ve been held prisoner here. I can\'t remember the last time I saw the outside of this place.$b$bYou see, I am an entrepreneur. Always out for a copper, as they say. I caught wind that Mebok Mizzyrix was paying well for Redleaf Tuber from this here pig pen. I figured it would be an easy in, easy out kind of affair. As you can see, I was a bit wrong!$b$bAnyway, if you\'d be so kind as to help me get out of here, I\'ll make it worth your while.','Escort Willix the Importer out of Razorfen Kraul.','Thanks again, friend! I told you I\'d make it worth your while.','','Help Willix the Importer escape from Razorfen Kraul','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1137insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1092,1145,'The Swarm Grows','Many travelers who\'ve come through the Crossroads helped me gather eggs from the Field of Giants, and many of them have tales of how deadly the creatures are. I\'ve heard enough to consider them insects a much larger threat than my masters first thought.$B$BI need a courier to travel to Orgrimmar to meet Belgrom Rockmaul. It be no simple matter, and someone who would take the task seriously should go.$B$BBelgrom usually be found outside the warriors\' guild house.','Deliver Korran\'s Sealed Note to Belgrom Rockmaul in Orgrimmar.','Ah, a note from Korran. He has been a loyal servant for some time now. I was wondering how his duties were going in the Crossroads.','I envy you, $C. You have the look of someone who\'s been outside the walls of Orgrimmar for a while.$B$BI myself would travel in the name of the Warchief if Thrall didn\'t have need of my skills here in the city. But he leads us well, and I trust his judgement - I remain here for as long as he needs me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1138insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1093,1146,'The Swarm Grows','So, Korran has come to a similar conclusion about these insects--they seem to be a larger threat than we assumed.$B$BA few days ago a hunter returned to me from Thousand Needles nearly dead. He was with a raiding party sent to drive a dwarven excavation team out of the Shimmering Flats. During the attack, more of these insects erupted from a cave in the dig site and nearly killed the party.$B$BThey were led by Moktar Krin, and they\'ve taken refuge on the border of the Shimmering Flats. Bring him this note.','Deliver Belgrom\'s Sealed Note to Moktar Krin in Thousand Needles.','Don\'t mind the thundering echoes off the mountains\' walls. The goblins and gnomes are out among the Flats racing one another in atrocities created by what they call science. There are bigger threats here in Thousand Needles, one of which killed more than half my war party.$B$BBut we remain here until we hear word from Belgrom in Orgrimmar. Until then, we hold our position here, and stay vigilant.','War brings my group and I to the Shimmering Flats, $C. What brings you here?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1139insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1094,1147,'The Swarm Grows','Hmm. Seems Belgrom thinks those monsters are a threat. He wants them pushed back into whatever depths they crawled up out of.$B$BI guess killing the dwarves sent by the Explorers\' League wasn\'t enough--now I have to send a half-dead war party into another battle. We won\'t be able to do it ourselves; not while we\'re in this condition. The dig site\'s to the south of here. There shouldn\'t be anymore dwarves to deal with. Feel up to wielding a blade or staff and doing your part to aid us?','Kill 5 Silithid Searchers, 5 Silithid Hive Drones, and 5 Silithid Invaders and return to Moktar Krin in Thousand Needles.','Ha! That ichor you\'re covered in actually makes you prettier, $N! It certainly does make you reek at the same time though. Don\'t stand too close to the kodo; you\'ll either start a stampede or cause them to go into heat.$B$BI think my companions would agree that your smell alone is proof you\'ve done your part to help us against those insect creatures. Thank you, $N.','With the amount of travelers heading out to the Flats for those races, I\'m sure we can convince enough adventure seekers to help push back those insects. My party and I won\'t be able to leave until we do.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1140insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1095,1148,'Parts of the Swarm','You inspect the carapace carefully. As you turn it over in your hands you realize that the chitinous plating is interlaced in such a way that makes it incredibly strong. It\'s unlike anything you\'ve ever seen. You inspect the rest of the corpse further and realize that these creatures are very powerful and highly evolved.$B$BLooking down at the carapace again, you think that Korran would enjoy studying more of these creatures. It could help him figure out what these creatures are, and where they come from.','Bring 1 Silithid Heart, 5 Silithid Talons, and 3 Intact Silithid Carapaces, to Korran at the Crossroads.','Ahh, you\'ve seen Moktar recently? He always be lookin\' out for me. I\'m sorry to hear he spends his time watching over his little war band instead of seeing battle, but I\'m sure he be takin\' great joy in killing members of the Explorers\' League.$B$BYou be smart to bring me these specimens, $N. Along with the eggs we be findin\' in the Field of Giants, these should give me a good start in figuring out what these insects are, and what they be wantin\'.','Ah, it been a long time since you\'ve come to see me, $N. What can I do for you today? You be looking like you\'ve seen the face of battle recently. Good... good for the Horde and good for you. The more battle you\'ve seen, the more helpful you\'ll be; stronger, too.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1141insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1096,1149,'Test of Faith','So, you have sought me out, or perhaps destiny brings you to me? No matter. You are here now, and so your journey will begin anew.$B$BMany facets make up a being: the spirit, the body, the mind. Some of these can be measured by a culture\'s traditions. Others we can only hope exist within ourselves. If you agree, I shall test some of the facets within you.$B$BIf you pass, then you shall become stronger. If you fail, then you will realize the vastness of the Nether.$B$BThe first is a Test of Faith.','If you have faith, leap from the planks overlooking Thousand Needles.','It is not until faced with unforeseen adversity that we begin to see how strong our spirits are. You took the leap of faith even though you had no guarantees that you would survive. Your mind is open, and your spirit is prepared for what is to come.$b$bIf you are willing, then the next of your tests is ready.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1142insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1097,1150,'Test of Endurance','I\'m pleased to see your courage remains steadfast in light of what you\'ve already done. Since your faith is intact, the time has come to test your body.$B$BFirst is a test of endurance. Go to the Roguefeather Den west of Freewind Post. Make your way to the depths of their lair and destroy their foodstuffs. By then you should have provoked their fury, and if you are able to survive long enough, Grenka Bloodscreech herself will come for you--kill her and bring me her claw to complete your test.','Bring Grenka\'s Claw to Dorn Plainstalker in Thousand Needles.','Grenka was powerful, even by troll standards. You should be proud of your accomplishment this day.$b$bDuring your test of faith you displayed strength of spirit, and now you have shown endurance in battle by taking on the Roguefeather harpies, but the time has come for a new test.','You must be prepared spiritually, physically and mentally for the challenges that lie ahead of you.$b$bToo often do we rush forward before we are ready. I consider it my duty to the youth, no matter which tribe they belong to, to prepare them for the dangers they may face after they leave the sanctity of their home.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1143insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1098,1151,'Test of Strength','During the time of the Old Gods, elementals inhabited much of this world. They worshipped the Old Gods, and the Gods, through their power, kept the elementals bound to this world. When the Old Gods were banished, the elementals faded from our world and now only return at the bidding of powerful mages.$B$BThere are exceptions though. Some elementals were powerful enough to remain here on their own. One such elemental is Rok\'Alim.$B$BTo test your strength, find Rok\'Alim in Thousand Needles and slay him.','Bring Fragments of Rok\'Alim to Dorn Plainstalker in Thousand Needles.','The Test of Strength is done. You have shown strength and bravery, and you are now prepared for the final test before these rites are completed.','Rok\'Alim is also called the Pounder by the centaur tribes in Thousand Needles because of the thundering his fists make as he pummels the creatures brave, or stupid, enough to stand in his path.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1144insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1099,1152,'Test of Lore','Your time with me is just about finished. I am knowledgeable, but the Test of Lore is not mine to give. There are lessons to be learned and places to visit that others claim domain over.$B$BIf you are prepared, then seek out Braug Dimspirit--he is a shaman of great wisdom. He will test you further, so heed his words, $N.$B$BWhen you are ready, find the tunnel that connects the Stonetalon Mountains with Ashenvale: Braug dwells near there. And be careful, $N, the night elves may wish to impede your test.','Find Braug Dimspirit near the entrance to Talondeep Path in Stonetalon Mountains.','The days and nights grow colder throughout the world as goblins rape the land, and the night elves point fingers at the younger races. The Forsaken and orcs are not the only ones to blame for the hardships found throughout Kalimdor and Lordaeron. Many of the intelligent races have contributed to the world\'s pain. Dorn knows this, and he has sent you to me because you have shown the attributes necessary to realize it also.$b$bNow you stand before Braug.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1145insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1100,1153,'A New Ore Sample','$C, you have done well in helping me in the past. The warchief is pleased thus far with what I\'ve accomplished, and asks me to continue with renewed determination. My honor dictates that I give you proper recognition to the warchief for all you have done, but first I would ask you for your help again.$B$BTravelers recently came from the south from a place called Thousand Needles. There they killed a kobold who had an unusual ore sample, but they would not sell it. I want a sample of that ore to examine.','Find an Unrefined Ore Sample on a Gravelsnout Digger or Surveyor and bring it to Tatternack Steelforge at Camp Taurajo in the Barrens.','A good sample, $N. A good sample indeed.$B$BThose travelers can no longer lord over me the ore they found, now that you have been successful.$B$BI shall get to work on it immediately. If it proves strong enough, I will send a weapon crafted from the material back to the warchief to show him our success.$B$BI shall not forget your help, $C.','I saw the travelers again - the ones that would not sell me a sample of the ore. I spit at them for not helping the warchief.$B$BMay they die in battle like cowards and not like warriors as should be the right of all people who ally themselves with the Horde.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1146insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1101,1154,'Test of Lore','You have passed Dorn\'s tests, and now you seek to pass your next trial. Very good. But up until now, your challenges have been childish. It is easy to test your body--your mind is another matter completely.$B$BI shall explain it simply: find the book I name, study it, and answer my question about its contents.$B$BWhat book, you must be asking? The Legacy of the Aspects. It can be found at the bottom of Dor\'danil in southern Ashenvale, protected by the dead druids and their slayers.','Find the Legacy of the Aspects and return it to Braug Dimspirit near the entrance to Talondeep Path in Stonetalon Mountains.','This is the book I named. There is hope you will answer my question correctly then... unless you\'ve forgotten to study its contents.$b$bWhen you are prepared, speak to me again and I shall ask a question of you.','Bring me the book after you\'ve studied it. I will not ask you your question until after you have given me the book.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1147insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1102,1159,'Test of Lore','Well done, $N. You have passed the first portion of the Test of Lore, but there is still another question to be answered. But that question is not mine to ask.$B$BSeek out Parqual Fintallas in Lordaeron City. He was a great historian for the humans before the Plague overtook him. Now he continues to seek enlightenment, but of a different nature.$B$BHe will have another requirement of you before he asks you anything, but you have done masterfully thus far--I\'m sure you will overcome his obstacle.','Find Parqual Fintallas in Undercity.','Braug sent you? Impossible.$b$b<Parqual looks you up and down.>$b$bBraved Dor\'Danil, took a leap of faith, fought and overpowered a powerful elemental? Bah! You\'re probably a farce; some adventurer that overheard talk in a tavern. And now you think you have what it takes to pass my test. So be it... $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1148insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1103,1160,'Test of Lore','I will tell you what you must seek, and I will even ask you my question, but not because you wish to prove yourself. Knowledge is far more important than strength. Even as others seem to pass you by in ability, your knowledge of the world will be more valuable.$B$BGo to the Monastery in the north of Tirisfal Glades. In the library there, a book called Beginnings of the Undead Threat resides. It was used by the now-corrupt paladins there to train them to fight my kind.$B$BBring it to me.','Find The Beginnings of the Undead Threat, and return it to Parqual Fintallas in Undercity.','This is the book I sent you to search for.$b$b<Parqual slowly caresses his hand over the top of the book as he stares down at it.>$b$bSo now you wish a question to prove your mind is as powerful as your body and spirit. If you have studied the book long enough, then I shall ask you your question and you can be done with these tests!','I hope you made the Scarlet Crusade suffer some before stealing the book from them.$b$bMy views of their kind are not unwarranted. The Crusade may have been followers of the Light at one time, but now, they seek to destroy any creatures that have not sided with their religion. They believe all undead, Forsaken or otherwise, must be cleansed, and those traveling in their lands must either be insane, or subject to the undead\'s powerful magics. Idiots. Idiots and fools; all of them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1149insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1104,1164,'To Steal From Thieves','The harlot! The swine! Kenata still lives; her family healthy and prospering while I suffer. Forsaken indeed!$B$BMy family is gone, taken by the plague. Our estate also forfeit; looted and burned during the war. And after all that, her and her lousy children had the audacity to steal the only precious belongings I had left.$B$BI don\'t care about the things they stole any more. What I want now are their heads!$B$BKill them for me! Go to the Dabyrie Farmstead in Arathi, northeast of Refuge Point.','Bring Kenata, Fardel, and Marcel Dabyrie\'s Heads to Genavie Callow in Undercity.','You stand before me as a figure of vengeance, and I bow down before you in thanks.$B$BWith that cow\'s death, and knowing that their seed will no longer spread over the face of Azeroth, I can put my energy into something more lucrative. I hope you looted their farmstead after you finished them off.','Kill them all and bring me their heads!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1150insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1105,1166,'Overlord Mok\'Morokk\'s Concern','Bow before Overlord Mok\'Morokk!$b$bRexxar make me mighty leader of Stonemaul Clan!$b$bMe good leader. Me keep clan safe.$b$bBig dragons come and make fire at old home. Me smart ogre. Find new home for clan here.$b$bLeave old home so fast, me forget stuff. Tiny $r, go get my things. Go south and find my yummy grog, my snuff and my strongbox. Me like you after you do that. You look in Den of Flame and Stonemaul Ruins... they be there, me sure!','Overlord Mok\'Morokk in Brackenwall Village wants you to retrieve his grog, snuff and strongbox in Dustwallow Swamp.','You good $r. Me miss things very much. Me like you now.','Me thirsty for grog. Me miss snuff too. Where is strongbox? You go get for Overlord Mok\'Morokk.$b$bGo find south in old home. Me too busy leading ogres to get.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1151insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1106,1167,'The Tower of Althalaxx','Before confronting Athrikus, it would probably be wise for you to consult with Balthule. I have no doubt he has been vigilant in his watch of the Tower, and he may have information about recent developments.','Speak with Balthule Shadowstrike near the Tower of Althalaxx.','Ah, it\'s good to see you again, $N! The strangest things have been happening around here, I\'m glad you showed up!$B$BIt was very strange, $N. Everything seemed normal--well, as normal as things get around here--and then suddenly there was a blinding flash of light from the upper room of the tower. Then came the screams. The cries split the air, and lightning struck the ground from time to time. What\'s going on?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1152insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1107,1168,'Army of the Black Dragon','Mok\'Morokk was made Overlord by Rexxar. He care more for power than he care for ogres.$b$bBlack dragons kill many ogre. Kill Tharg\'s wife. Mok\'Morokk tell us to run. Make us come here.$b$bOgre should fight. Ogres not good at running. Mok\'Morokk care only about Mok\'Morokk.$b$bMe call Stonemaul Ruins home. Me like it in the south. This place not home.$b$bHelp ogres fight army of the black dragon. Me want revenge. Me want to go home.','Tharg in Brackenwall Village wants you to kill 10 Firemane Scouts, 10 Firemane Ash Tails, and 5 Firemane Scalebanes.','You kill many of the black dragon army. You brave $r.$b$bMake Tharg happy.','Mok\'Morokk tell all ogres to stay and keep this place safe. Me think ogres need to kill black dragon army and get old home back.$b$bYou help ogres get home back. Help ogres get revenge.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1153insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1108,1169,'Identifying the Brood','Whilst that craven fool, Mok\'Morokk, wallows in power and Tharg wrestles the demons of sorrow and vengeance and vies for leadership of the clan, I seem to be the only one concerned with identifying the source of aggression on our old home.$b$bWhy the puzzled stare, $n? Expecting me to speak like an uncouth ruffian merely because I am an ogre?$b$bNow back to business, bring to me the hearts and tongues from the whelps and hatchlings. I shall trace the root of this evil...','Draz\'Zilb in Brackenwall Village would like you to bring him 7 Searing Tongues and 7 Searing Hearts.','\'Twas a perilous affair, no doubt, collecting all of these hearts and tongues. I shall delve into the depths of the arcane to trace the origin of the black menace which has descended upon our former home.','With the hearts and tongues of scorched offspring of the black dragon army, I can decipher what wretched beast introduced her spawn into our home. Perhaps with a greater knowledge of our aggressors, we can seek to destroy them once and for all and reclaim Stonemaul Village from ruin.$b$bOf course, convincing Mok\'Morokk to move his lethargic, fat mass out of this muck hole is going to be an epic quest in and of itself...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1154insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1109,1170,'The Brood of Onyxia','Stonemaul Village was invaded by the brood of Onyxia. But why would the daughter of the black dragonlord, Deathwing, descend upon our lands?$b$bThis is most troubling. Surely, Onyxia was driven here for a purpose beyond laying siege to a small band of ogres.$b$bNotify Mok\'Morokk at once! Action must be taken.','Speak with Overlord Mok\'Morokk in Brackenwall Village.','Why you tell me \'bout dragons? Me no like dragons. Me like it here. No dragons here.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1155insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1110,1171,'The Brood of Onyxia','You leave me alone now. Go tell Draz\'Zilb we stay here. No black dragon here.','Speak with Draz\'Zilb in Brackenwall Village.','That lazy coward!$b$bMok\'Morokk displayed strength when Rexxar was our leader. But soon after Rexxar\'s departure Mok\'Morokk fell prey to temptations of power. Rather than lead, he demanded. He does not serve his people but rather expects us to serve him.$b$bSomething must be done.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1156insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1111,1172,'The Brood of Onyxia','Onyxia\'s brood has been scattered across the Dragonmurk. It is imperative that no more whelps be permitted to hatch.$b$bMake haste to Wyrmbog in the south of Dustwallow Marsh. Surely, she has made her lair there. Track down the evil dragon\'s eggs and destroy them.$b$bWe will never reclaim Stonemaul Village if the surrounding area remains a breeding ground.$b$bAs for Mok\'Morokk... I have other plans for the sod.','Draz\'Zilb in Brackenwall Village wants you to destroy 5 Eggs of Onyxia.','Splendid! It will be sometime before Onyxia can produce more eggs.$b$bOn behalf of my people, I thank you, $n.$b$bI have asked much of you so far. Perhaps you can do the Stonemaul Clan one last service.$b$bMok\'Morokk is not fit to lead us. Tharg would make an excellent leader but is hindered by his injuries and age. Drive Mok\'Morokk from this place by force. Only then can we appoint a new leader to return us to our proper home in the south.','You must hurry to the Dragonmurk, $n. With Onyxia\'s eggs riddled around the Wyrmbog, we face overwhelming numbers unless something is done quickly.$b$bDestroy her eggs! Don\'t let the black dragon plague spread across our homeland!','','Egg of Onyxia destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1157insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1112,1173,'Challenge Overlord Mok\'Morokk','You dare challenge Overlord Mok\'Morokk?$b$bHaw!$b$bMe crush tiny $r!$b$bYou tell me when ready for good beating.','Defeat Mok\'Morokk and report the news to Draz\'Zilb in Brackenwall Village.','That cowardly fat mass Mok\'Morokk fled like a scared child. You have done a great service, $N.$B$BNow my people can appoint a new leader, one who will help us reclaim our old home once and for all.','I thought you were going to attempt to drive Mok\'Morokk out of the village. Instead you have come to me to chat?','Drive Overlord Mok\'Morokk from Brackenwall Village','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1158insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1113,1175,'A Bump in the Road','After the big crash with the goblins\' Red Thunder racer and a basilisk, Kronkrider hired me on to take care of the track. I don\'t know what all the animals out on the flats are feeding on to grow so big, but we have to be careful to thin them out so they won\'t wander onto the track when a race is going on.$b$bTell you what. If you want to go out and make a little profit, go out and remove the basilisks from the area.','Kill 10 Saltstone Basilisks, 10 Saltstone Crystalhides and 6 Saltstone Gazers for Trackmaster Zherin on the Shimmering Flats.','I hope you didn\'t kill any of the basilisks on the tracks themselves! It takes a long time for the carcasses to decay in the sun, and I\'d rather not have to take a shovel out to clean up.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1159insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1114,1176,'Load Lightening','When it comes to racing, every bit counts! Whether it\'s a minor tweaking on the power output, a slight slackening on the tension coils, or lightening the weight of the frame, you have to take everything into account.$b$bWe use vulture bones for a lot of the minor structural tweaks we make to our racers, which offer the perfect balance of strength and weight. Even better, it\'s easy for us to get more, as the salt flats are littered with vultures.$b$bBring me some and I\'ll give you a good price on them.','Get 10 Hollow Vulture Bones for Pozzik in the Shimmering Flats.','Great! I can get the crew working on this right away. Thanks, $n!','Do you have those bones for me? I was just about to start working on lightening the steering rig, but I don\'t want to open her up without all the parts I need.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1160insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1115,1177,'Hungry!','Mud big ogre.$b$bMe hungry.$b$bGo bash fishy. Bring Mud food.$b$bYou feed Mud or Mud eat you.','Mudcrush Durtfeet in northern Dustwallow wants 8 Mirefin Heads.','Me like fishy head!$B$BMe no eat you now.','Gimme food or me eat you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1161insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1116,1178,'Goblin Sponsorship','Our racing team is the pride of goblins everywhere. You\'d be surprised at some of the people who contribute in one way or another to our team.$b$bYou know Gazlowe? He tracks down parts from around the world for us. He even came down to work on one of our rigs once!$b$bA few weeks ago, he said he\'d send us a new prototype fuel regulator but it hasn\'t come yet. He\'s usually very prompt... Maybe you wouldn\'t mind going to Ratchet to ask him about it? I wouldn\'t be so pushy, but the gnomes are gaining on us!','Speak to Gazlowe in Ratchet.','Pozzik sent you, huh? You know, Pozzik was one of the most respected tinkerers in Undermine before he retired to start working on the racers.$b$bThe first thing he did when he joined the team was develop the two engine model racers. Could be that the businesses will suffer without him working with the Tinkers\' Union, but who cares, right? There\'s nothing like the races!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1162insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1117,1179,'The Brassbolts Brothers','You ever heard of the Shimmering Flats?  It\'s a stretch of salt flats way over in Kalimdor, just south of the Thousand Needles canyon.  It\'s a great place for racing because, well, it\'s so flat!$B$BA couple of gnome brothers are out there, friends of mine, trying out their new rocket car, and from what I hear it\'s fast!  Heh, so fast that their pilots keep crashing.  Giving themselves concussions.$B$BSo they asked me for some Siege Engine helmets, but I have duties here.  I can\'t make the trip!$B$BCan you?','Bring the crate of crash helmets to Wizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.','Ah! Longbeard sent you with a load of helmets! Hooray!$B$BNow maybe we can talk a pilot into driving our car...','Watch where you\'re stepping! Watch watch watch!! This is delicate stuff you see here, and if we\'re to win then it must all work perfectly!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1163insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1118,1180,'Goblin Sponsorship','Back to what you came here about. I know I promised Pozzik that I\'d deliver a new fuel regulator for him, but I still haven\'t received it yet. Revilgaz over in Booty Bay said he\'d have it shipped over, but it might be it slipped through the cracks somehow.$b$bIf that\'s true, there\'s not much we can do about it. We can at least find out if it was dispatched from Booty Bay.$b$bCheck in with Wharfmaster Lozgil over there, he should be able to check the cargo records.','Speak with Wharfmaster Lozgil in Booty Bay.','Shipments to Ratchet? Let me just check the logbooks...$b$bNo, the most recent shipment I have on record of going out to Ratchet were boots from Drizzlik. Hasn\'t been much else, other than building supplies and tools. Definitely no race parts.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1164insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1119,1181,'Goblin Sponsorship','I\'m afraid I can\'t be of much more help to you, $n. If you\'d like to follow up on it more, I\'d suggest you go hit up the Baron himself. If there\'s anyone who knows Revilgaz\'s business, it\'s Revilgaz.$b$bYou\'ll find him at the tavern across the harbor, top floor.','Speak with Baron Revilgaz in Booty Bay.','Oh, sure of course I know what you\'re talking about. Nope, can\'t help you though. Some of my men were supposed to go track down the blueprints for the fuel regulator, but they came back empty-handed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1165insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1120,1182,'Goblin Sponsorship','See, the Venture Company shredders out in Lake Nazferiti (in northern Stranglethorn) have been equipped with a new model fuel regulator. I was thinking that Pozzik would be able to take advantage of it, if he could get some details. Unfortunately, Cozzle, the foreman out there, appears to be a little more clever than I gave him credit for.$b$bYou seem like you might have more luck finding the blueprints though. I know he keeps them in his house, but they\'re almost certainly under lock and key.','Bring the Fuel Regulator Blueprints to Baron Revilgaz in Booty Bay.','Now, let me just get a copy of these blueprints for my own notes and you can bring these straight to Pozzik. Wouldn\'t want him to think that one of his sponsors was abandoning him.','Much as I hate to admit it, that gnome team they have out there is pretty good. Our boys need every edge they can get.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1166insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1121,1183,'Goblin Sponsorship','You should be all set to go. Give Pozzik my regards and tell him that if he ever needs anything, not to hesitate to ask. I\'ll be waiting for the news that he breaks the track record soon!','Deliver the Fuel Regulator Blueprints to Pozzik on the Shimmering Flats.','I was hoping that it would be already assembled, but this does present the unique opportunity to improve on the design from the ground up. Thanks, $N. I\'ll be able to sketch up some improved schematics, build the thing, and have it installed real soon.','$N! Did you manage to track down the fuel regulator?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1167insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1122,1184,'Parts of the Swarm','Head back to Belgrom in Orgrimmar and tell him Moktar be doing his bidding well out in the Thousand Needles. Tell him also, that me studies progress, and I hope to be havin\' learned more soon. That should please him greatly.','Return to Belgrom Rockmaul in Orgrimmar.','I\'m appreciative of your efforts, $C. The warchief will enjoy hearing how tenacious you have been in your duties.$B$BOh, of course I will mention your name to him. He speaks to me often and values my opinions greatly.$B$BGo now, I have much to do. And if you speak to Korran soon, and he has news of these creatures, then return to me--I would think they are a threat that must be taken seriously.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1168insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1123,1185,'Under the Chitin Was...','','','Hey, it\'s you again! Well, I mean you - as in the you that is $N! Yes - that you!$B$BHey, let me start over!$B$BThat object you found in Silithus - it was in fact a book. It was a journal written in a very ancient dialect of what we now call the Darnassian tongue. It\'ll take a while, but I\'m going to go over it very thoroughly. I thought you should know that what you found was extremely valuable for the Circle.$B$BThe den mother\'s all excited and everything!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1169insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1124,1186,'The Eighteenth Pilot','I\'m going to be busy with working on integrating this new fuel regulator to our racer designs, but if you\'d like to help out the team some more, talk to Razzeric. He\'s our pilot--well, our eighteenth pilot, to be exact--and he likes to add his own little modifications to the racers.$b$bHe\'s a little off his rocker, though, so try not to act too surprised.','Speak with Razzeric on the Shimmering Flats.','You\'re the $R that\'s been helping Pozzik out, right? I was like you once, running around the pit area, helping with whatever work the mechanics would let me do.$b$bNow look at me! The goblin racing team\'s pilot extraordinaire!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1170insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1125,1187,'Razzeric\'s Tweaking','Pozzik\'s a great mechanic, I know that, but he\'s afraid to just load on the firepower and grab on for the ride. Not me, though.$b$bAfter Pozzik finishes with a racer, I take a little time to put my own modifications on--you know, loosening up the controls, removing parts of the frame, and adding more juice!$b$bI ordered a seaforium booster from Shreev at the Gizmorium in Gadgetzan, but apparently the zeppelin it was being sent on crashed in Dustwallow Marsh! I gotta have it, $n!','Retrieve the Seaforium Booster for Razzeric in the Shimmering Flats.','Just take a look at this beauty! Fifteen pounds of solid seaforium power! Once I get this strapped on to the side of my racer, I\'ll be around the track so fast I\'ll beat the gnomes twice!','How\'m I supposed to show my face around the track without a little extra kick to get me going? It\'s a travesty, I tell you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1171insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1126,1188,'Safety First','But wait, what\'s this? Shreev left the safety on. That will limit the amount of power I can draw from the booster at any time. I told him I wanted it off! This is no good.$b$bYou have to take this to the Gadgetzan Gizmorium in the Tanaris Desert and have Shreev remove this.','Bring the Seaforium Booster to Shreev in Gadgetzan.','Only Razzeric would take a look at this and say that I\'d somehow put some sort of safety lock on it. This booster is almost completely seaforium explosives. I already modified it so that more of its payload would be delivered upon use, but Razzeric is never content unless he goes to eleven!','As I\'m sure you know, the Gizmorium can service all of your tinkering needs! How can I help you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1172insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1127,1189,'Safety First','There, I did what Razzeric wanted. Just tell him to be careful when he sets this off. If he makes the slightest mistake, he won\'t be moving forward, he\'ll just be a burnt spot on the track.$b$bWould be a shame, too, if that happened. Who knows if our nineteenth driver would be any good?','Return the Modified Seaforium Booster to Razzeric on the Shimmering Flats.','Now that\'s more like it! I wish I could see the look on the gnomes\' eyes when they see me set this baby off.$b$bToo bad I\'ll be too busy pulling off a new course record!','Can you believe Pozzik put a bucket of sand on the racer? How am I supposed to hit my maximum speed with a bucket of sand under the seat?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1173insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1128,1190,'Keeping Pace','The Brassbolts brothers have discovered a new building material, that\'s the only explanation that makes sense. Their cars have been operating faster than before, but their designs, and all the other data we\'ve gathered from their runs is identical.$b$bWhat we do know, is that Rizzle Brassbolts has been focused on the plans for this new discovery almost constantly.$b$bZamek can create a diversion for you, so that you can steal those plans from them.','Have Zamek create a diversion, then steal Rizzle\'s plans for Pozzik on the Shimmering Flats.','Scribbled in a hasty, hurried hand, a scroll of notes and designs for the refinement of some raw material.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1174insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1129,1191,'Zamek\'s Distraction','','','Let\'s go!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1175insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1130,1192,'Indurium Ore','','','Excellent! I\'ll get the crew to work right away on the parts we\'ll need for the next race.','I\'d like to integrate indurium into different parts of our racers, but I need large amounts of raw indurium to create these parts.$B$BYou can find indurium ore in the Uldaman excavation in the Badlands, across the sea in Khaz Modan.$B$BThe gnomes are getting their own supply of it, so it\'s important we get our own to keep pace with them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1176insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1131,1193,'A Broken Trap','A large, broken trap lies before you. From the looks of it, the ogres have tried to repair the trap but to no avail. A hastily written note lies next to the trap, and strangely enough it details exactly what is needed to repair it: a thorium widget and some frost oil. Were the trap repaired, an ogre passing near it might get trapped, and could be avoided.$B$BClearly, it would seem fortuitous that very few ogres know how to read.$B$BClearly.','A hastily written note lies next to the trap, and strangely enough it details exactly what is needed to repair it: a thorium widget and some frost oil. Were the trap repaired, an ogre passing near it might get trapped, and could be avoided.','The thorium widget slides effortlessly into place, creating a conduit to pour the frost oil down. Once the last drops of oil have been emptied into it, the trap snaps into position.$B$BWoe be to any unwary ogre that should just so happen to wander by!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1177insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1132,1194,'Rizzle\'s Schematics','Rizzle\'s schematics describe the process of the refinement of indurium ore. From his scrawls, it is apparent that indurium ore is being obtained from the dwarven excavation site of Uldaman in the Badlands.$b$bMuch of the other notes relate to the heat resistant properties.$b$bUsed as a paperweight for the plans is a hunk of what appears to be unrefined indurium ore.','Bring the Sample of Indurium Ore to Pozzik on the Shimmering Flats.','Indurium? Interesting... If it is capable of resisting heat to the degree that you say, it would explain the performance increase the gnomes have displayed of late.$B$BThis sample you\'ve brought to me will be invaluable, also. I will be able to perform some tests on this, but I\'ll need more for this to actually be of any use to us.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1178insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1133,1195,'The Sacred Flame','The Galak centaur in the Thousand Needles are protecting an artifact from the time of the centaurs\' creation.$b$bWe would like to retrieve it, but we require a phial of water from one of the night elves\' moonwells.$b$bTo collect the water, you will first need to obtain one of the phials carried by the dryads near the Raynewood Retreat in the heart of Ashenvale Forest. There is a moonwell near the western bank of the Falfarren River, south of the main road, where you can fill the phial.','Return a Filled Etched Phial to Zangen Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.','Very good. This should fill Rau\'s request just fine. Could you deliver this to him? You might enjoy spending some time out in the Needles.','Once we have the filled phial, we can send it along to my associate, Rau, in the Thousand Needles. He was the one who requested the phial of water, so he\'ll better know how we can make use of it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1179insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1134,1196,'The Sacred Flame','Bring the filled phial to Rau Cliffrunner at the Freewind Post in southeastern Thousand Needles. You can get to the Thousand Needles by taking the Great Lift at the southern edge of the Barrens.$b$bI wouldn\'t be surprised if you can help us out further.','Deliver the Filled Etched Phial to Rau Cliffrunner at the Freewind Post.','Hm, yes, this phial of water will serve our purposes perfectly. Because of the shared ancestry of the dryads and the centaurs, the water of the moonwells will enable us to breach the protection of the eternal flame surrounding the centaur relic.','I don\'t suppose you\'ve been sent by Zangen, hm?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1180insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1135,1197,'The Sacred Flame','Using the water you brought, you will be able to temporarily douse the flame that holds the centaur relic. It will not work permanently, however, so you will have to be quick about it.$b$bYou will find Splithoof Crag, the centaurs\' stronghold, to the north of here. The flame is kept in Splithoof Hold, a heavily guarded part of the crag.$b$bBe careful, though, the Galak centaur have great numbers here, and will be rather reluctant to surrender something so dear to them.','Retrieve the Cloven Hoof for Rau Cliffrunner at the Freewind Post.','I sense a strange energy emanating from the Hoof... I have no doubt that we will discover surprising new information about the centaur from its study.$B$BMy thanks, $N. Now I must begin to decipher the mysteries you have brought to me.','I am eager to put my hands upon the Cloven Hoof. Have you taken it yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1181insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1136,1198,'In Search of Thaelrid','Many rumors circulate these days about the union of the Twilight\'s Hammer and the naga in Blackfathom Deeps on the coasts of Ashenvale.$b$bMy role here with the Argent Dawn is to collect as much information as I can, so we know when and where help is needed.$b$bIt has been weeks now since I sent a scout to check on the activity at Blackfathom Deeps. Argent Guard Thaelrid has not yet reported back.$b$bMy other scouts are preoccupied with pressing matters.$b$bSeek out and aid Thaelrid for me, $n.','Seek out Argent Guard Thaelrid in Blackfathom Deeps.','Dawnwatcher Shaedlass was good to send you. There is indeed a wicked plot underway in this corrupted place.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1182insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1137,1199,'Twilight Falls','Empowered by the ancient rites of the chaotic Old Gods the members of the Twilight\'s Hammer strive to bring about the return of their dark patrons and spread death and terror across the world.$b$bWe believe that the Twilight\'s Hammer has allied with the naga and are amassing in Blackfathom Deeps on the coast of Ashenvale.$b$bWhatever evil plan brews in the depths of the old temple must be thwarted.$b$bWage war on the Hammer and bring back proof of your deeds. Your efforts will be rewarded handsomely.','Bring 10 Twilight Pendants to Argent Guard Manados in Darnassus.','You are no doubt of brave and noble blood, $N. The Argent Dawn commends you for your efforts against evil.','Blackfathom Deeps was once an ancient night elf temple. It once housed a most powerful moonwell. Who knows what evil brews there now at the hands of the Twilight\'s Hammer.$B$BHave you made any progress in ridding their presence?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1183insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1138,1200,'Blackfathom Villainy','Strength has left me. Your help is needed!$b$bLong ago this site was a great temple of Elune. But misfortune led to ruin when the corruption of an Old God seeped up from beneath the earth and tainted the sacred Moon Well.$b$bAku\'Mai, servant of the Old God, rose from the waters.$b$bThe Twilight\'s Hammer cultists have allied with the naga to occupy these grounds. The cultists, led by Kelris, sacrifice innocents to Aku\'Mai for power.$b$bSlay Kelris and bring his head to Selgorm in Darnassus, $N, please.','Bring the head of Twilight Lord Kelris to Dawnwatcher Selgorm in Darnassus.','Kelris has eluded us for quite some time.$B$BIt seems as though whenever evil made its presence known in these parts, Kelris had played a role. For some time we considered him dead or missing.$B$BBut this makes perfect sense. By ending his reign you have spared the lives of many innocent people.$B$BBy the light! To sacrifice someone to a servant of an Old God for one\'s personal gain is beyond reproachful!$B$BYou have done a great deed, $N. I salute you on behalf of the Argent Dawn.','Time is a precious commodity, $C.$B$BMy role here in Darnassus is to ensure that the Argent Dawn thrives and that the evil forces encroaching upon Kalimdor are thwarted.$B$BState your business quickly or be on your way.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1184insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1139,1201,'Theramore Spies','The Horde and Alliance hold an uneasy truce.  Outlying skirmishes and covert actions are taken by one side against the other, and it is our duty to ensure the Horde is on top!$B$BNow is the chance to do just that.$B$BAlliance infiltrators have taken positions east of Brackenwall Village.  They spy on the village and report our movements to Theramore, which we cannot allow.$B$BHunt down the infiltrators and slay them.  Send a clear message to their superiors that we will not tolerate their spies\' presence!','Kill 9 Theramore Infiltrators, then return to Nazeer Bloodpike in Brackenwall Village.','Good work.  Their infiltrators are skilled, but they\'re not good enough to escape the watchful eye of the Horde!','Did you find the infiltrators, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1185insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1140,1202,'The Theramore Docks','$N, two of our spies were sent to steal documents from a ship at the Theramore docks.  They gained the papers but were discovered, and were forced to throw the documents into the sea.$B$BOne spy later escaped, but was unable to recover the prize.  He reported his failure to me, and I now charge the task to you.$B$BThe documents are in a footlocker, in the waters somewhere beneath the Theramore docks.  Find those documents, $N, and bring them to me.','Bring the Captain\'s Documents to Nazeer Bloodpike in Brackenwall Village.','I commend you, $N. This was not an easy mission. But the documents you gained are valued greatly by our superiors.','Did you find the documents, $N?  They hold information vital to the stability of the Alliance and, hence, vital to the security of the Horde.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1186insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1141,1203,'Jarl Needs a Blade','I have cutting to do.  I can\'t tell you what I\'m going to cut, but... I need myself a blade.  A certain blade...$B$BSome people call it a sword.  I call it a swing blade.$B$BYou help me?  Those fish-men, you know, murlocs or whatever they\'re called.... There\'s one they call Razorspine, carries a big sword, lives north of here near the beach. That\'s the sword I need!$B$BBut don\'t sleep on this.  What I\'m cutting won\'t keep forever...','Bring Razorspine\'s Sword to \"Swamp Eye\" Jarl at Swamplight Manor.','That\'s a good blade. It has a good swing. It\'s a good swing blade. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Now I want to try it....$B$BLater. I\'ll try it later. But like I was saying... thanks.','You have my blade??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1187insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1142,1204,'Mudrock Soup and Bugs','I\'m working on a dish I call \"Mudrock Soup and Bugs.\"  I still need the major ingredients, and... well, I don\'t think I\'d last long trudging through Dustwallow Marsh!$B$BSo, $N, can you do some hunting for me?  First, I need the tongues of Mudrock turtles.  You can find Mudrocks along the coast, mostly around the bay.$B$BBut I don\'t want just any tongues!  I hear that the tongues of some Mudrocks are forked...$B$BThey say the forked tongues have a distinct flavor, and I want that flavor in my dish...','Bring 8 Forked Mudrock Tongues to Morgan Stern in Theramore.','These will do fine! Thank you, $N!$B$BNow I\'ll try different cooking techniques on these tongues to find the best way to bring out their flavor.$B$BEventually I\'ll have a dish worthy of serving at the Blue Recluse in Stormwind!','Did you get the forked tongues?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1188insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1143,1205,'Deadmire','Deadmire is an ancient crocolisk in Dustwallow marsh.  And it is his time to die.$B$BOld bones grind as he pulls his huge body through the swamp, and although he still moves with the strength and speed of youth, his aging body tortures the great spirit within it, a spirit whose flame will not waver.$B$BYet now he lives in constant, maddening pain.  You must end the life of this noble creature, $N.  You must lead Deadmire to peace.','Bring Deadmire\'s Tooth to Melor in Thunder Bluff.','Very good, $N.$b$bI am sure the hunt was not easy, but it is good to know the beast\'s pain has finally ended.','Do you have the tooth of Deadmire, $N? Have you ended the creature\'s suffering?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1189insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1144,1206,'Jarl Needs Eyes','Eye juice is good juice for drinking.  Too bad most critters only have two eyes.$B$BBut spiders have lots of eyes.  Lots and lots.  And Darkmist eye juice is tasty.  Smooth and salty!  Unpopped spider eyes... I taste them already.$B$BDarkmist spiders are west of here, in the Darkmist Cavern.  You figure the spiders are named after the cave... or is it the other way around?','Bring 20 Unpopped Darkmist Eyes to \"Swamp Eye\" Jarl at the Swamplight Manor.','You got the eyes! You got the eyes! Tasty, tasty spider eyes!$B$BSome eyes... when you stare at them they stare back. Eat those last. They keep you company... out in the swamp.$B$BHello, little spider eyes. Hello! You taste like chicken. Gooey, salty chicken!$B$BMmmh.','Where are those eyes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1190insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1145,1218,'Marsh Frog Legs','I like cooking.  Good swamp cooking.  Fried green frog legs and the like.$B$BAnd I\'m all out of legs. The manor is overrun with frogs, though. Giant marsh frogs. Think you could bring me some of those legs? Nothin\' to it, really. Just bop \'em on the head and bring me the legs.$B$BThen I\'ll make a stew and stew it up and suck it down and give you some too.$B$BDo you like stew?','Bring 10 Marsh Frog Legs to \"Swamp Eye\" Jarl in Dustwallow Marsh.','Ah, that\'s the spice! Now here\'s some swampy good stew.','Spice.  We could all use some spice in our life.  You agree?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1191insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1146,1219,'The Orc Report','Sifting through the loose dirt, the severed hand of an orc is found.  And clutched in the hand is a bone-carved tube.  And in the tube is a dirt-stained parchment.$B$BThe parchment is written in orcish... and it looks important.','Bring the Spy\'s Report to Lieutenant Aden in Theramore.','Hm... I can\'t read orcish very well, but this looks like a report... written by an orc spy!','Do you have a report to make?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1192insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1147,1220,'Captain Vimes','Captain Vimes should see the orc report you found, $N.  He knows the orcish language better than most.  And he should know that there are Horde spies near Theramore!$B$BThe captain is in the barracks, on the northeastern side of Theramore Isle.','Bring the Spy\'s Report to Captain Garran Vimes.','A report from an orc spy! How did you find this? No matter -- let\'s see what it says...','You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1193insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1148,1221,'Blueleaf Tubers','Blueleaf tubers are a delicacy around the world!  But they\'re rare, very rare.  The only place to find them is here in the Barrens, deep in the earth, in Razorfen Kraul.$B$BAnd even then, they\'re impossible to find unless you know just where to look!  That\'s why I\'ve trained these snufflenose gophers to find them for me.  They have great noses and can smell a tuber from fifty paces away.$B$BIt won\'t be easy, but if you get me some tubers I\'ll pay you handsomely.','Grab a Crate with Holes.$BGrab a Snufflenose Command Stick.$BGrab and read the Snufflenose Owner\'s Manual.$B$BIn Razorfen Kraul, use the Crate with Holes to summon a Snufflenose Gopher, and use the Command Stick on the gopher to make it search for Tubers.$B$BBring 6 Blueleaf Tubers, the Snufflenose Command Stick and the Crate with Holes to Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet.','Great, you got them! I can sell these to my contacts for a bundle!$B$BThanks for the delivery, $N! You are a great partner.','Do you have the tubers, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1194insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1149,1222,'Stinky\'s Escape','Great, finally something that doesn\'t want to eat me!$B$BI need help handling the critters around here, and you fit the mold, $gbuddy:lady;.$B$BThe cook Morgan Stern is researching a new recipe, and he sent me out here to gather bogbean leaves.  I guess he thinks they\'re tasty.$B$BAnyway, while looking for a bogbean plant... I got myself surrounded!  Can you help me out of here, and watch my back as I look for the bogbean?','Escort \"Stinky\" Ignatz, then speak with Morgan Stern in Theramore.','Mr. Ignatz was just here with the bogbean leaves, and he told me you helped him out of some real trouble.$B$BThank you, $N. I will ask my uncle to treat you to a feast the next time you visit the Blue Recluse in Stormwind.','Have you seen Mr. Ignatz? I sent him into the swamp some time ago and he hasn\'t returned!','Help Stinky find Bogbean Leaves','Help Stinky find Bogbean Leaves','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1195insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1150,1238,'The Lost Report','Sifting through the loose dirt, the severed hand of an orc is found.  And clutched in the hand is a bone-carved tube.  And in the tube is a dirt-stained parchment.$B$BThe parchment is a report made by an orc who spent weeks spying on the city of Theramore.$B$BAfter scanning the parchment, it is clear that it must be brought to the orc spymaster in Brackenwall Village.','Bring the Spy\'s Report to Nazeer Bloodpike in Brackenwall Village.','Good work, $N. Our agent, Marg Nighteye, was stationed outside Theramore. He was charged to spy on the city. $b$bThis is his latest report, and it may be his last -- from your testimony, I fear that Marg met his end in the swamp...','You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1196insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1151,1239,'The Severed Head','Vigorous digging reveals the head of a male orc, raggedly severed at the neck.  His lips are frozen in a snarl, and its dark eyes stare defiantly.','Bring the Defiant Orc Head to Nazeer Bloodpike in Brackenwall Village.','This is the head of Marg Nighteye! As I feared, he is dead.$b$bLook at the wound on his neck! Could a weapon have made that ragged cut, or did some beast slay our agent?$b$bThis is a mystery we must solve, $N. We must discover if Marg\'s death was at the hands of the Alliance!','You have another matter to report, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1197insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1152,1240,'The Troll Witchdoctor','We must know the events surrounding Marg\'s death!  And the only way to do that, $N, is through the witch-magic of trolls.$B$BBring Marg\'s head to Kin\'weelay in Stranglethorn Vale, at the Grom\'gol Base Camp.$B$BKin\'weelay is the most powerful witchdoctor of the Darkspear trolls.  If anyone can speak to Marg Nighteye\'s spirit, it is he.','Take the Defiant Orc Head to Kin\'weelay in the Grom\'gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale.','Ah, I now see. The spirit of this orc is bound in our world, boiling with rage from a task yet undone.$b$bWell, let us have words with this angry orc...','There is an angry spirit about you, brother. What brings you to Kin\'weelay?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1198insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1153,1241,'The Missing Diplomat','Recently a diplomat was sent to Theramore to meet with Jaina Proudmoore. That diplomat never arrived.$B$BI believe the Defias are involved in this plot, but I\'m not sure how. The diplomat\'s disappearance still eludes public attention, but it can\'t remain that way for long.$B$BAgents of the king are already scouring the city for clues, but I have my own contacts I would like involved.$B$BIn the Valley of Heroes is an old friend of mine named Jorgen. Find him, give him this note, and follow his instructions.','Find Jorgen in Stormwind City.','Hmm... <Jorgen looks up at you through squinted eyes.>$b$bAll right. I\'ll help ya, but not because I want to, but because I\'m obligated.$b$bAnd let\'s get one thing straight: you\'re knowin\' far more than you should to begin with. Let\'s keep this our little secret, and don\'t go blabbin\' at any taverns about anything you find out. Understand?','Hmph, you better have good reason to interrupt a man and his fishin\'. I don\'t take kindly to peddlers, let alone beggars.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1199insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1154,1242,'The Missing Diplomat','Take this here note to Elling Trias. Don\'t say nothin\' else to him. Just be polite and wait for him to respond. And don\'t worry, he will.$B$BI\'m gonna only impress this on ya once more, $N: treat this matter seriously, and keep your yapper shut.$B$BYa can find Trias at his cheese shop, Trias\' Cheese, in the Trade District. Good luck.','Delivery Jorgen\'s Sealed Note to Elling Trias in Stormwind City.','I\'m sorry, a letter for me? Well, I\'ll be... not often you get a delivery that\'s not a crate or barrel when all you do is work. Let\'s see what this is about.$B$B<Elling looks up at you while he opens the letter.>$B$BYou look a little tense, you okay, $N?','Hello, $N. Is there something I can do for you? Perhaps you\'d like to try some of our special Trias cheddar? Or a block of Darnassian bleu?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1200insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1155,1243,'The Missing Diplomat','Jorgen, you ol\' sonuva.... So, that\'s how it\'s going to be, huh?$B$BAll right, I can deal with that. I hope he finds the Twisting Nether that much sooner!$B$BHere\'s what\'s gonna happen, $N. I\'ll start using my contacts here, but you\'re doing most of the footwork so I save some coin.$B$BHead to Darkshire in Duskwood and find Watcher Backus--he usually patrols the north road right outside of town. Just tell him you\'re looking into any Defias activity for me and he\'ll help you out with any information he can.','Give the Sealed Note to Watcher Backus in Duskwood.','Oh, Trias sent you, huh? That\'s a little different.$B$BFeel free to fight whatever monstrosities come at you from the darkness. I\'m sure you\'ll be able to handle it pretty easily if you\'re the type to be hanging around with the likes of him.$B$BSo, what does my friend need of me on such a gloomy day as this?','Not too safe to be traveling about in the woods, $N. Be careful, and if you see anything suspicious or dangerous, contact the Watchers immediately. Don\'t try and take anything on yourself. We\'re not responsible for anything terrible that might happen to you.$B$BBut we both know you\'re gonna ignore me and fight whatever comes out of the darkness anyway, don\'t we? Haha, yeah, you adventurer types... all the same.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1201insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1156,1244,'The Missing Diplomat','Defias activity? Well, there\'s always some activity; even if they keep to themselves we consider them a threat.$B$BBut now that I think about it, there was a recent sighting that seemed odd. It must have been a couple weeks ago, but some of their agents had gathered around Addle\'s Stead. From the report, I\'d guessed something big went down.$B$BWhy don\'t you check there first and bring me back anything you find?$B$BThe farmstead is south of the road from Westfall just as you enter Duskwood.','Find the Defias Docket and return it to Watcher Backus in Duskwood.','You\'re back safe and sound. Couldn\'t ask for much more than that, could you?$B$BNow, let\'s see what we have here. This looks pretty official as far as any Defias documents I\'ve seen. But it could be a dupe just to throw you off track of whatever it is you\'re looking for.','Be careful out there, $N. I know Trias was the one to send you here, but that doesn\'t mean there isn\'t anything lurking out in the woods that couldn\'t cause you some trouble... especially with you investigating the Defias.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1202insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1157,1245,'The Missing Diplomat','Whoa, this looks way too complex to be something to just lead you astray. I shouldn\'t even be looking at this stuff. Take it to Trias--he\'ll be able to make sense of it. And DON\'T let anyone get in your way. This is bigger than me. It might even be bigger than him, but we\'ll see.$B$BAnd do me a favor, $N, don\'t tell anyone I helped you. If my superiors found out I knew about any of this and didn\'t share it with them they\'d probably hang me.','Bring the Defias Docket to Elling Trias in Stormwind.','Yeah... this is an interesting read. Jorgen and DeLavey were smart to bring me in on this.$B$BSeems the Defias have been trying pretty hard to complete this plan of theirs. Hmm... what\'s this? Fist? That\'s a familiar name.','I see you\'re back, and in one piece. We both know you\'re not here for cheese, so let\'s cut out the pleasantries. Was Backus any help, or have you even left for Duskwood yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1203insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1158,1246,'The Missing Diplomat','Yeah, now that I think about it... Dashel... Dashel something... What was his name? FIST! Dashel Stonefist. They call him Fist in some circles--probably on account that he likes to get in brawls.$B$BYou can find him in Old Town usually--right smack dab in the center of it. Go talk to him. If you have to, use a sword or something heavy and blunt to persuade him to open up some. And don\'t hesitate. If he\'s in this as deep as these papers suggest, then he\'s not going to give you any information willingly.','Speak to Dashel Stonefist in Stormwind.','What?!$B$BYou come into me alley and ask questions about me personal business? Business which you obviously have nothing to do with.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1204insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1159,1247,'The Missing Diplomat','So yeah... um... I might know something \'bout that meeting at Addle\'s Stead. Happened a few weeks back I think. I really didn\'t have any part in it. Me part was done when plan A failed... damn adventurers.$B$BThe guy we got on the inside for plan B came out of Menethil; guy called Slim. That\'s all I know regarding their backup plan.','Speak to Elling Trias in Stormwind.','Good to see you\'re still alive, $N. So, it went well with Dashel then, huh?$B$BI\'ve been reading up more on this plan of theirs, and although it doesn\'t state the name of the diplomat they were after, it does talk about this plan B they enacted after failing on their first attempt to capture him.$B$BThis Slim that Dashel mentioned doesn\'t have any other name written here, but if you say he\'s in Menethil, then that\'s a start.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1205insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1160,1248,'The Missing Diplomat','A contact of mine retired in the Wetlands at the harbor city of Menethil. He should be willing to help on your word alone if you tell him you\'re working for me. His name is Mikhail. He mentioned becoming a bartender before leaving Stormwind a few years ago.$B$BSpeak to him, find this Slim, and find out if there\'s anything else to know about this kidnapped diplomat. We need to find out where they\'ve taken him, or at least who he is. The docket doesn\'t mention anything about their plans after he\'s captured.','Speak to Mikhail in the Wetlands.','Welcome, welcome, welcome, $N. Good of you to join us. Perhaps an ale today? Or some mutton?$B$BName your pleasure and I\'ll see to it that you\'re taken care of. My name is Mikhail, and I look forward to serving you.$B$BHmm? What\'s that? Trias? Keep your voice down, my friend. This isn\'t something for the whole tavern to hear about.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1206insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1161,1249,'The Missing Diplomat','You say Elling sent you here? Well then, the hospitality I expressed is now tenfold. Anything you need, just ask. I will do my best to aid you.$B$BHmm, Slim, you say? Not sure the name sounds familiar, but I\'ll keep my eyes out for him.$B$BDon\'t look now, $N, but the gentleman over by the exit is looking over here. He\'s listening to our conversation a little too intently if you catch my meaning? If I were you, I\'d do what you can to subdue him before he makes a break for the door.','Subdue Tapoke Jahn before he escapes, and then return to Mikhail in Menethil.','Caught him, huh? Good for you. I\'m surprised that was Slim.$B$BI\'ll be honest, I never thought I\'d miss the excitement of some of the more devious underground activities. I guess old habits die hard. Don\'t mention that to Elling--he\'d probably try and get me to come back to Stormwind if he heard I missed the action.$B$BI\'m glad I could at least be of a little service to you while you were in Menethil. If you need anything else, just ask.','Did he slip away? He looked a little shady the way he was watching us.','Defeat Tapoke Jahn','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1207insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1162,1250,'The Missing Diplomat','The Defias didn\'t pay me well enough to die for their cause. They took the king. Yeah, the king of Stormwind, not some lowly diplomat. He was on his way to Theramore to meet with Jaina Proudmore--it was a big deal apparently, and a big secret. But it\'s not just the Defias that are involved. They\'re working with someone. I think they knew this was bigger than them.$B$BMy part was just to get their man on board the king\'s ship while it was in the harbor. The guy\'s name was Hendel. That\'s all I know. I swear!','Speak to Mikhail in the Wetlands.','THE KING?! I mean... the king? The real king? Are you joking? You didn\'t mention you were looking for the king\'s kidnappers. I didn\'t even hear he was missing--that would explain his son being crowned some.$B$BI\'ll send word to Elling right away. He\'ll want to know you\'re on the trail.$B$BI would never have guessed Jahn would sell out Stormwind for some lousy coin. Even a rogue\'s got to have honor when it comes to some things.$B$BThe key now is to find this Hendel. And I think I can help with that.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1208insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1163,1251,'The Black Shield','An iron shield, blackened by the fire that raged through the inn, is affixed to the crumbling chimney, one of the few remaining parts of the structure that once made up the Shady Rest Inn.$b$bThe shield can be removed from the brick of the chimney.','Bring the Blackened Iron Shield to Krog in Brackenwall Village.','I grant that humans have strange decorating tastes, but would they use a plain iron shield to adorn their fireplace? Perhaps this shield was placed there by the ones who burned the inn.$b$bA warning? A threat?','What\'s that you have there, $n? Evidence from the remains of the Shady Rest Inn?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1209insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1164,1252,'Lieutenant Paval Reethe','A glint of light on the ground catches your eye from underneath the rubble. Brushing away debris and ash caked onto the object reveals the insignia of a gold anchor on white enameled on the surface: the sign of Theramore.$b$bUnderneath the anchor is embossed the name \"Lieutenant Paval Reethe\".','Bring Reethe\'s Badge to Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore.','It\'s never good news when a guard\'s badge is brought to me.$B$BSometimes it\'s a man or woman who\'s fallen in battle, and I\'m left to bring the news to the grieving family. Other times we never find out what happened to them. And other times it\'s even worse than that.','Have you found anything of interest at the Shady Rest Inn?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1210insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1165,1253,'The Black Shield','An iron shield, blackened by the fire that raged through the inn, is affixed to the crumbling chimney, one of the few remaining parts of the structure that once made up the Shady Rest Inn.$b$bThe shield can be removed from the brick of the chimney.','Bring the Blackened Iron Shield to Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore.','Hm, I\'m no expert with the construction of arms and armor. Their use, yes, but not their making.$B$BThis shield seems as ordinary as any, excepting the damage from the fire that engulfed the inn.','Have you found evidence from the site of the Shady Rest Inn?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1211insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1166,1258,'... and Bugs','Another component of my new recipe is the shelled leg of a giant crab.  And the crabs they have in Dustwallow -- Muckshells they call them -- just won\'t do!  I\'m afraid the only suitable crabs live far away, in the Swamp of Sorrows.$B$BThe shell of the crab leg is a key element of the dish\'s presentation so I need pristine, unscarred legs.  An adult crab might only have one or two such legs, and I need a lot in order to research my dish.$B$BSo, $N... are you willing to travel?','Bring 12 Pristine Crawler Legs to Morgan Stern in Theramore.','These are wonderful specimens, $N! The shells are in perfect condition, and the meat is pink and tender. The blood of a chef is in your veins, I\'m sure of it!','My research with the Mudrock tongues is progressing nicely. I trust your crab hunt goes well?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1212insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1167,1259,'Lieutenant Paval Reethe','I don\'t recognize the name of Lieutenant Paval Reethe. Your best bet would be to check with Adjutant Tesoran. He keeps track of all the records for the Theramore guard, from personnel to their equipment.$b$bHe should be able to tell you who this Reethe is with a quick check of his books.','Find out more about Reethe from Adjutant Tesoran in Theramore.','Hello, $N. You\'d like information about a specific member of the Theramore guard? Reethe, was it?$B$BJust give me a moment to find the right book.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1213insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1168,1260,'Morgan Stern','I\'m developing a new menu for the restaurant.  It will be filled with rural dishes with a \"bayou\" theme.  I think my clientele at the Blue Recluse will love them!$B$BI sent my nephew Morgan to Theramore, a city on the edge of the Dustwallow Marsh.  He\'s there gathering recipes from the locals, and I must know what he found so far.$B$BThe trip to Theramore is long.  Too long for me.  But I bet a young $c like yourself would jump at the chance to travel, yes?','Speak with Morgan Stern in Theramore.','Oh, my uncle sent you, did he?$b$bWell I\'ve been researching recipes and I have some leads, but I need help.$b$bHelp from someone willing to get his feet wet.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1214insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1169,1261,'Marg Speaks','Cursed muckshell!  You can\'t kill Marg!  Ah, but I am dead.  So it must have slain me...$B$BBut my mission!  My mission!  You, $N, must complete it.$B$BWhile near Theramore, I spied a group of Alliance soldiers camped on the beach.  And one soldier wore a pendant... a pendant laden with more gems than any soldier could afford!$B$BThat night I snuck into their camp and stole the pendant, but on my return to base a muckshell crab-man killed me!$B$B$N, you must find that muckshell and recover the pendant!','Bring the Jeweled Pendant to Nazeer in Brackenwall Village.','This pendant was worn by a soldier of Stormwind??$B$BThank you, $N. You have revealed the secret of Marg\'s death. But this pendant is a new mystery to solve, one that may have dire effects on the Alliance, and the Horde.','$N, did you discover Marg\'s fate?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1215insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1170,1262,'Report to Zor','It is strange that the pendant Marg stole was in the hands of common soldiers.  Perhaps its owner was in disguise, or perhaps the soldiers themselves stole it!$B$BRegardless of which is true, this is a noble\'s pendant and we must discover its true owner if we are to unravel its mystery.$B$BTake the pendant to Zor Lonetree in Orgrimmar.  He is well schooled in Alliance politics, and will know if this pendant has a history among the nobles of Stormwind.','Bring the Jeweled Pendant to Zor Lonetree in Orgrimmar.','This pendant was crafted with great skill and precision, $N. No orc would covet such a jewel...$B$BBut many humans would.$B$BI will have this pendant studied. In time let us hope that its mysteries will be revealed to us.','You traveled from Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow? How fares Nazeer, and how fare his efforts in the marsh?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1216insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1171,1263,'BETA The Burning Inn <CHANGE TO GOSSIP>','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1217insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1172,1264,'The Missing Diplomat','The beginning of every month the Kul Tiras Marines all get paid and usually leave Theramore for somewhere else. A lot of them come here to womanize, carouse, and just have a good time. One of those groups I\'d consider regulars here at the tavern, and I believe this Hendel is among them.$B$BCommander Samaul in Theramore would be able to help you find him if Hendel\'s still stationed there. He\'s completely loyal to Proudmoore, but if you drop Elling\'s name, he should help you out... discreetly.','Find Commander Samaul in Dustwallow Marsh.','A pleasure to meet you, $N. I am Commander Samaul. I\'m in charge of Miss Proudmoore\'s forces here in Theramore.$B$BAlthough I\'m quite busy, if you have any questions, please feel free to speak up. I might have to keep it short, but there\'s no reason for me to be rude if you need my help.$B$BIf you plan on traveling out of the city, I\'d suggest you be careful. Besides ogres, orcs and murlocs, the southern part of the swamp is filled with black dragons.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1218insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1173,1265,'The Missing Diplomat','Hendel? Yes, I know the man. But why would you need one of my soldiers?$B$BElling sent you to find him? Hmm, I don\'t like the sound of that. Elling wouldn\'t have you come to me first if your business wasn\'t troubling. I understand if you can\'t tell me what this is about, but know this: I have a duty to protect these lands. If you\'re going to cause a disturbance, then I suggest you inform me of whatever you can.$B$BI believe Hendel was stationed at the first tower outside of Theramore. Be cautious.','Search Sentry Point for any sign of Private Hendel.','The man you seek, the one known as Hendel, is not here. Other sources have brought to the Lady Proudmoore information I believe you already know. She has asked me to find you, and give you aid in your venture. If you would allow it, I will tell you where to find Private Hendel so we can bring him to justice.','Yes, $N?','Sentry Point explored','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1219insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1174,1266,'The Missing Diplomat','Private Hendel is to the west of here. He\'s currently on guard duty protecting some of Theramore\'s infiltrators while they rest. They\'ve been keeping tabs on the Horde base, Brackenwall, and looking for anything else that might threaten our borders.$B$BYou should have no problem finding him; just look for the tents along the road.$B$BI have another matter to attend to, but I shall catch up to you soon enough. You can always find me in the Lady Proudmoore\'s tower if you have any problems.','Find Private Hendel in Dustwallow Marsh.','Hello, citizen. This is a dangerous place to be wandering about. I wouldn\'t hang around too long if you value your life.$B$BIf you keep your questions short, I\'ll see if I can help you. Just keep your eyes open for any of those filthy ogres. Rumor has it there\'s a Horde base somewhere in the swamps. The infiltrators are doing what they can to find it, but the process has been slow going and we\'ve had little progress.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1220insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1175,1267,'The Missing Diplomat','Speak to Jaina Proudmore in Dustwallow Swamp.','Speak to Jaina Proudmore in Dustwallow Swamp.','Thank you for your help $N. Please accept this token of my appriciation for your efforts.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1221insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1176,1268,'Suspicious Hoofprints','Rows of hoofprints lead away from the still-smoking skeleton of the Shady Rest Inn. There are at least a few visible impressions, with more rows of prints almost imperceptible in the soft mud of the marsh.','Report about the suspicious prints at the Shady Rest Inn to Krog in Brackenwall Village.','Hoofprints... It could have been the quilboar, I suppose. Or maybe even the centaur. Their presence in the Barrens is not insignificant, and I would not think it a stretch to commit such an act.$b$bDid I tell you? It wasn\'t just that the inn was burned down... The owner\'s woman and pup were killed. Bad business, that.$b$bNonetheless, I will send Kagoro to find where the tracks lead.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1222insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1177,1269,'Lieutenant Paval Reethe','A glint of light on the ground catches your eye from underneath the rubble. Brushing debris and ash caked onto the object reveals the insignia of a gold anchor on white, enameled on the surface: the sign of Theramore.$b$bUnderneath the anchor is embossed the name \"Lieutenant Paval Reethe\".','Bring Reethe\'s Badge to Krog in Brackenwall Village.','I know this human, Paval Reethe. Pathetic, even for his kind. He deserted his fellow soldiers and is now hiding out in the woods.$b$bI sent Ogron out to track him down. Some of the others suspect he\'s been stealing from our supplies. I think I saw Ogron heading off to the southeast.','Have you found any leads on what happened at the Shady Rest Inn?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1223insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1178,1270,'Stinky\'s Escape','Great, finally something that doesn\'t want to eat me!!$B$BI need help handling the critters around here, and you fit the mold, $gbuddy:lady;.$B$BA goblin from Ratchet named Mebok Mizzyrix needs some bogbean leaves for a potion, or something... I honestly don\'t care why -- his money was good and I know this swamp, so here I am.$B$BToo bad I got myself surrounded before I found the bogbean!  Can you help me out of here, and watch my back as I look for Mebok\'s plant?','Escort \"Stinky\" Ignatz, then speak with Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet.','Stinky was here with the herbs I ask of him, and he told me you helped him out of a bind. Good work! A friend of Stinky\'s is a friend of mine!$B$BHe asked me to give you this if I ever saw you, right before he walked back south toward the marsh.','','Help Stinky find Bogbean Leaves','Help Stinky find Bogbean Leaves','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1224insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1179,1271,'Feast at the Blue Recluse','','','My nephew said you aided him with his research in Dustwallow, and that you helped his associate out of a tight spot. Well, we Sterns stick together and we don\'t ignore our friends!$B$BSo wash your hands, $N, because we\'re about to throw a party in your honor!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1225insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1180,1272,'BETA Finding Reethe <CHANGE INTO GOSSIP>','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1226insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1181,1273,'Questioning Reethe','It took a long time, but I found Reethe. He hide good for a human.$b$bOgron worried that he might be crazy after so much time in swamp. You come with me for we go get answers from him.','Go with Ogron to speak with Reethe, then return to Krog in Brackenwall Village.','Hmph. It is good that Reethe will no longer be lurking around the swamp, but it is a shame that humans are built so frail that he could not recover from a little arrow wound.$b$bIt seems that this thread of the mystery has led nowhere, and we must look elsewhere.','Did you find Reethe?','Question Reethe with Ogron','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1227insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1182,1274,'The Missing Diplomat','Excuse me, $g sir : madam;. Bishop DeLavey asked me to approach adventurers that might be able to help him with a delicate matter.$B$BIf you could quietly head to Stormwind Keep and speak to him at your earliest convenience, I\'m sure he would appreciate your help. Again, please be discreet. It is a matter of some importance.','Find Bishop DeLavey in Stormwind Keep.','Hello, $N. I am Bishop DeLavey.$B$BNo doubt if you\'re asking me about my business here in the keep then young Thomas has succeeded in requisitioning you to help our kingdom. He has always been adept at following my requests.$B$BI\'m afraid I don\'t have time to elaborate much, so allow me to be blunt... and please, try to keep this from becoming common knowledge.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1228insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1183,1275,'Researching the Corruption','Foolish blood elves toil with demonic magic. Have they not witnessed what happened with the naga and with the satyrs of Kalimdor?$b$bI fear that the blood elves will meet a similar deformation. Azeroth cannot afford to give birth to another vile race of monsters.$b$bI wish to study the brain stems of the satyr and naga so that I might deduce what fate the elves are headed toward. In Blackfathom Deeps, on the coast of Ashenvale, you will find both satyr and naga.$b$b\'Tis a long journey, $n.','Gershala Nightwhisper in Auberdine wants 8 Corrupt Brain stems.','You have traveled far and undoubtedly faced great peril.$B$BYour actions have been selfless. \'Tis for the good of all Azeroth that you help me with my research. I thank you, $N, for all that you have done.$B$BNow if you\'ll excuse me I have much work to do....','Once I have enough samples to study, my true work can begin. With the corrupted brain stems of both the satyr and naga of Blackfathom Deeps I can try to draw a correlation between the mutations.$B$BPerhaps with that gained knowledge we can prevent the blood elves from delving deeper into deformity and evil.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1229insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1184,1276,'The Black Shield','Ah, I remember now! Mosarn is a well-respected blacksmith in Thunder Bluff. I knew I had heard his name somewhere, before.$b$bIn thanks, the Earthen Ring awarded me with a set of armor crafted by Mosarn. Very good work.$b$bPerhaps he can tell you more about the shield he crafted.$b$bIt\'s not much of a lead, but since we didn\'t get anything useful out of Reethe, it\'s all we have.','Show the Blackened Iron Shield to Mosarn in Thunder Bluff.','Yes, you are certainly correct. This is a shield that I made.$b$bI\'m afraid there\'s not much more I can tell you though, $n. I craft so many different shields and sets of armor, I can\'t keep track of them all.','Hello there, $c. Something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1230insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1185,1281,'BETA Jim\'s Song <CHANGE TO GOSSIP>','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1231insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1186,1282,'They Call Him Smiling Jim','I can\'t help it if I feel sorry for ol\' Jim there. He wasn\'t always like that. Ran an inn out in the marsh for a while, wonderful place.$b$bLook, I don\'t really want to talk about it. Bring it up with Captain Vimes if you really have to. He\'s stationed on the top floor of Foothold Citadel, the large barracks to the east of Lady Jaina\'s tower.','Speak with Captain Garran Vimes on the top floor of Foothold Citadel.','James Hyal\'s his real name. He opened an inn at the edge of the Barrens. Wanted to make a nice place for travelers to stop over...$B$BMight be he was thinking too big, but the inn did do well for a while. Then we lost control of the roads in the marsh, and the ogres took over.$B$BJames was too stubborn to give up his dream for safety within our walls, and the Shady Rest Inn was burnt to the ground. We\'re investigating, but haven\'t had much luck. If you want to help out, see what you can find in the rubble.','I can\'t help it if I feel sorry for ol\' Jim there. He wasn\'t always like that. Ran an inn out in the marsh for a while, wonderful place.$B$BLook, I don\'t really want to talk about it. Bring it up with Captain Vimes if you really have to.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1232insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1187,1284,'Suspicious Hoofprints','Rows of hoofprints lead away from the still-smoking skeleton of the Shady Rest Inn. There are at least a few visible impressions, with more rows of prints almost imperceptible in the soft mud of the marsh.','Report about the suspicious prints at the Shady Rest Inn to Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore.','Hoofprints, eh? It is true that there is an extraordinary amount of centaur activity in the lands near the Dustwallow Marsh. In brief excursions into the Barrens, we found their camps and holdings dotting the area.$B$BI\'ll send out Falgran Hastil, one of our trackers, to see if he can find where the tracks lead.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1233insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1188,1285,'Daelin\'s Men','Reddon... Redpath... Ah, here it is! Lieutenant Paval Reethe.$b$bJoined the Theramore guard along with most of the recruits that came across the sea with Lady Proudmoore. Enlisted with the marines of Kul Tiras at the age of sixteen. Distinguished service, promotions...$b$bListed as missing.','Return the information about Reethe to Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore.','Missing? That would be Tesoran\'s kind way of saying traitor.$B$BNo doubt he\'s one of those fools so blindly loyal to Admiral Daelin that he turned traitor. Isn\'t that a delicious irony? The deserters accuse us of betraying the Alliance.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1234insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1189,1286,'The Deserters','It has been a struggle maintaining a presence in the marsh, but through strength of our resolve, we have been able to maintain several defensive watchtowers throughout the area.$b$bThe latest information and scouting reports I have received indicate that a group of deserters has squatted in our abandoned tower at Lost Point, southeast of the inn.$b$bThe local lieutenant seems to be Balos Jacken. See if you can get some information out of him.$b$bBe warned, $n. He may be a tough nut to crack.','Get information about Reethe from Balos Jacken and the deserters in Dustwallow Marsh.','Did Vimes send you? Couldn\'t do his dirty work himself, could he...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1235insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1190,1287,'The Deserters','Reethe? That coward?$b$bWe threw him out of camp because he insisted on raiding the supplies of the ogres up at Brackenwall Village. We\'re not so many in number that we could stand up to those mindless brutes.$b$bHe crossed the line one too many times, so we left him to fend for himself.$b$bNow, I helped you out... So, why don\'t you help us out and forget you bumped into us?','Speak with Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore about Reethe.','I will send Lieutenant Caldwell to deal with the deserters at Lost Point. In addition, I will instruct him to find Reethe. The marsh is not so big and trackless that he should be unable to find him.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1236insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1191,1288,'OLD Vimes\'s Report','You\'ve done some good work, $n, best I\'ve seen from an amateur.$b$bLady Proudmoore asked that I keep her apprised of this delicate situation, and I haven\'t spoken to her for some time now.$b$bI was going to deliver my report to her later, but it seems more fitting that you should be the one to speak with her about it. You can probably answer her questions better than I could.','Bring Vimes\'s Report to Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1237insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1192,1289,'BETA Vimes\'s Report','Well. judging from Captain Vimes\'s report. you\'ve been a huge help to his investigation. and for that I thank you.$B$BI can put my mind more at ease knowing that the matter is in such capable hands. If you would. I would request that you return to Captain Vimes and help him in getting to the bottom of this mystery.','Return to Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1238insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1193,1301,'James Hyal','Before working here at the Blue Recluse, I was trained by one of the best chefs and innkeepers I\'d ever met. His name was James Hyal. Everything I have and everywhere I\'ve gotten in life is thanks to him.$b$bI wonder how he\'s doing. His brother Vincent and he went to work in a tavern in Menethil Harbor, but I haven\'t heard from him recently.$b$bIf you ever happen to be headed in that direction, maybe you could say hello to him for me?','Speak with Vincent Hyal in Menethil Harbor.','James? Oh, he left quite some time ago.$B$BFelt the second wind of patriotism, I suppose. Not hard to see why he would. With all the insanity in Lordaeron, many people joined up with Jaina Proudmoore when she went across the sea.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1239insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1194,1302,'James Hyal','My brother James went with Lady Proudmoore across the sea. Last I heard, the fighting had settled down over there, and James was setting up an inn somewhere on the continent. Wherever he is, I\'m sure he\'s doing good business. Damn fine cook he was.$b$bI haven\'t heard from him for a while now--too busy with his inn, I\'d wager--but the clerk in Theramore could probably point you to him. Look for him on the top floor of that keep near the middle of the city. What\'s it called... Foothold Citadel, that\'s it.','Speak with Clerk Lendry at Foothold Citadel in Theramore.','James Hyal, James Hyal... Why does that name sound so familiar?$B$BOf course! The Shady Rest Inn incident. If you have any information about what happened there, I would urge you to speak with Captain Vimes about it. He\'s handling the investigation.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1240insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1195,1318,'Unfinished Gordok Business','Now you da king, so maybe you get prized Gordok artifact back from creepy elf who calls himself Prince!  Da king before you failed, just like all da other kings since Tortheldrin - da creepy elf - stole it from old timey Gordok king!$B$BArtifact is called da Gauntlet of Gordok Might.  Old timey stories say only da one true king da Gordok can get it back.  Old timey story also say creepy elf is still around here - you find it and it will become mighty gauntlet you wear forever!  Yar, I show you!','Find the Gauntlet of Gordok Might and return it to Captain Kromcrush in Dire Maul.$B$BAccording to Kromcrush, the \"old timey story\" says that Tortheldrin - a \"creepy\" elf who called himself a prince - stole it from one of the Gordok kings.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1241insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1196,1319,'The Black Shield','I\'m sorry I can\'t be of much help, $n, but I can refer you to someone who would be. Caz Twosprocket, one of our best blacksmiths, works the forge at the smithy.$b$bTake the shield to him, and see what he can tell you.','Show the Blackened Iron Shield to Caz Twosprocket in Theramore.','Hm... interesting piece of iron you have here. Definitely not made by any of the blacksmiths I know over on this side of the sea, and it\'s certainly not my work.','Something for me to look at?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1242insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1197,1320,'The Black Shield','Ah, I almost missed this... The leather strap on the back must have burned off, but it seems like it was made to fit a large person. I\'d guess a tauren, actually.$b$bThat\'s about all I can tell you. Tell Captain Vimes I\'m sorry I couldn\'t be of more help.','Speak with Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore.','That\'s not much information to work on, but we\'ll have to keep it in mind. Hopefully some of the other pieces of this mystery will fall into place, and paint a more helpful picture of what happened.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1243insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1198,1321,'The Black Shield','Hmm... I don\'t see anything out of the ordinary with this shield. We should have Do\'gol, the blacksmith, take a look at it, and see if he can tell us more about it, but I wouldn\'t hold out hope...','Show the Blackened Iron Shield to Do\'gol in Brackenwall Village.','This is good shield. Very strong, heavy, good. But Do\'gol don\'t need it. I make shields, not buy them, $n.$b$bYou should know that.','Something for me, $c?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1244insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1199,1322,'The Black Shield','Hmmm, there\'s writing right here on the rim of the shield, but it\'s hard to read from all the burned stuff.$b$bI need acid to make it clear. Venom from the darkmist spiders would do good. The spiders have taken over an old mine, the Darkmist Cavern, northwest of the village. Get me some of their sacs and I can clean this up.','Acquire 5 Acidic Venom Sacs for Do\'gol in Brackenwall Village.','I don\'t like spiders that are so big I can\'t sit on them and squish them.$b$bThanks for getting them, $n. Now I rip them open and pour them onto the shield...','Did you get them sacs from the spiders?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1245insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1200,1323,'The Black Shield','Oh, I think I might have dropped too much acid onto the shield. Let me just rub a little...$b$bHm, kind of hard to read, but it looks like the name Mosarn. Never heard of him. Maybe Krog knows. Krog knows many people.','Talk with Krog in Brackenwall Village.','Mosarn? Sounds familiar... I can\'t put my finger on it. Maybe it\'ll come to me later.$b$bIt probably isn\'t important. A shield can come from anywhere and not mean anything...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1246insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1201,1324,'The Missing Diplomat','What?! You come here accusing me of allying with the Defias, and think I\'ll just stand here while you insult me?! Something tells me you\'ve had this coming for a long time.','Defeat Private Hendel in Dustwallow Marsh.','I assure you, we\'re all quite upset about current events, but allow us to take him back to Theramore for some questioning, and we\'ll see about finding the King.$B$BI\'m sure my lady Proudmore would like to thank you for your help. Speak to her when you have a moment.','Hello again, $N. I hope you don\'t mind the assistance, but we couldn\'t have Hendel escaping, or worse, wind up dead.','Subdue Private Hendel','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1247insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1202,1338,'Stormpike\'s Order','There is a dwarven armorsmith whose work I admire greatly.  His name is Furen Longbeard, and his skill is unmatched.  I need a new shield, and I must have one of his!$B$BThe problem is... Furen is far to the south, in the dwarven district within Stormwind.  In human lands!  I can\'t imagine why he would live there, so far from Ironforge.  The humans must pay him a king\'s ransom to keep him there!$B$BSo, if you want to travel and don\'t mind making some money, then will you send Furen my request for a shield?','Bring Stormpike\'s Request to Furen Longbeard in Stormwind.','Ah, a request from one of the Stormpikes. That\'s a proud clan, full of quality dwarves. Rich ones, too.$B$BThank you, $N. I\'ll get to work on Mountaineer Stormpike\'s shield by the end of the day.','A letter from the dwarven lands? I wonder who would call from so far to the north...$B$BPlease, let me see the order.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1248insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1203,1339,'Mountaineer Stormpike\'s Task','I hear Mountaineer Stormpike is looking for a runner.  Someone to do a little traveling for him.  How about it?  Are you the $r for the job?$B$BIf so, then you\'ll find Stormpike at the top of the northern guard tower.','Speak with Mountaineer Stormpike.','That\'s right. I have a task that I can\'t do while I\'m guarding. In fact, it\'ll take you far from Loch Modan.$b$bYour perfect chance for adventure!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1249insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1204,1358,'Sample for Helbrim','A colleague in Kalimdor, Apothecary Helbrim, is researching the effects of Lordaeron toxins on the beasts of Kalimdor.  He would be very interested in a sample of the wolf hearts Renferrel sent me.$B$BHelbrim is stationed in the Barrens, in a village known as the Crossroads.  To reach him, you must travel via zeppelin to the orc capital of Orgrimmar, then travel south, by foot, to Durotar.  Head west into the Barrens, and you will soon reach the Crossroads.','Bring the Wolf Heart Sample to Apothecary Helbrim in the Barrens.','Ah, very good. If initial reports are true, then the toxicity of these hearts could lead to further advances in our knowledge of poisons.$b$bThis is a welcome delivery, $N. Your reward is well earned.','You have a package for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1250insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1205,1359,'Zinge\'s Delivery','The wolf hearts you acquired possess a quality unseen in similar specimens.  There is a toxicity to them that should be deadly to the very wolves in which the hearts beat!$B$BIt\'s quite incredible, and we must study it further.  I kept a few samples of the hearts acquired.  Take them to my colleague, Apothecary Zinge.  You will find her in our headquarters in the Undercity.','Bring the Wolf Heart Samples to Apothecary Zinge in the Undercity.','Ah yes, the heart samples of which Renferrel spoke. I am eager to experiment with these... it is always of interest to the Royal Apothecary Society when new forms of toxins are discovered.','You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1251insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1206,1360,'Reclaimed Treasures','I had myself a fine job as a digger at the Uldaman excavation site in the Badlands... that is until those blasted troggs showed up.  I escaped with my hide barely intact, and nothing else.  In the chaos, I left my most treasured possession.  It\'s safe from the troggs in my chest, sure, but it\'s right in the thick of \'em.$B$BI\'d be in your debt, both in honor and coin, if you could fetch it for me!  A chest with my name on it is at the end of the North Common Hall.  That\'s the one you need to get in.','Get Krom Stoutarm\'s treasured possession from his chest in the North Common Hall of Uldaman, and bring it to him in Ironforge.','Ah, I feel complete again - thank you kindly.$B$BSome dwarves may treasure the luster of metal, and some may treasure the glint of gems... but a Stoutarm without a treasured stein in hand is hardly a Stoutarm at all!','Well now, we\'re you able to get slap around those troggs long enough to get into my chest and nab my treasure?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1252insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1207,1361,'Regthar Deathgate','A warrior of the Horde, Regthar Deathgate, is recruiting agents for a mission into the land of Desolace.  Speak with him if you wish to volunteer.  He is stationed in the Barrens, in a series of bunkers west of the Crossroads.$B$BAnd sharpen your weapons.  Desolace is a place torn by war.','Speak with Regthar Deathgate.','Yes, I am recruiting. This mission leads into Desolace, against the centaur there. I will be brief so that you may quickly begin.','I note that your task is unfinished, $N. Shall I inform Sharlindra of your ineptitude?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1253insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1208,1362,'The Kolkar of Desolace','The Kolkar centaur live in Desolace, and their forces have spread into the Barrens.  This is a known fact and we have Horde agents dealing with them here.$B$BBut as long as the centaur are strong in Desolace, they will always pose a threat.  It is time we rid ourselves of that threat.$B$BSpeak with Felgur Twocuts at Ghost Walker Post in Desolace.  He was sent to gather intelligence on the centaur.  He will know how to best deal with the Kolkar of Desolace.','Speak with Felgur Twocuts at Ghost Walker Post in Desolace.','You are here on orders from Regthar? Then you are here to deal with the centaur. Good.$B$BI hope you\'re rested. I don\'t know how our campaign against the centaur will end, but I know the struggle will be long.$B$BHave a seat, and listen.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1254insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1209,1363,'Mazen\'s Behest','As caretaker of the works here in the library of the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences, it is my responsibility to ensure all the magical tomes and scrolls are accounted for at all times. Who knows what folly would unfold if some of these enchanted texts were to fall into the wrong hands?$b$bWhich reminds me... my assistant, Dellis, made a horrible mistake last week. He\'s quite able in the library but incompetent when he leaves the gates of Stormwind. Be a hero, and help old Dellis out, would you?','Speak with Acolyte Dellis in Stormwind.','It wasn\'t my fault. Really it wasn\'t.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1255insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1210,1364,'Mazen\'s Behest','Master Mazen\'s directions were quite clear: Deliver a very important essay to Watcher Mahar Ba in Nethergarde Keep.$b$bBut I had never been to the Blasted Lands before! The journey was frightening!$b$bWhen I got to the Swamp of Sorrows, I made a wrong turn and ended up surrounded by horrible plant-like swamp creatures. They lurched as if to attack me so I ran. But in my haste I dropped the essay. One of the beasts took it I am sure.$b$bCould you please try to retrieve it and deliver it to Mahar Ba?','Retrieve Khadgar\'s Essays on Dimensional Convergence and deliver them to Watcher Mahar Ba in Nethergarde Keep.','Ah, most splendid!$B$BFor some time I had feared my request for Khadgar\'s Essays on Dimensional Convergence had been overlooked by Master Mazen of the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences.$B$BHe must be bogged down with requests considering the many strange happenings going on.$B$BNow, if you\'ll excuse me, I need to begin my research at once. To finally glimpse the insight of one as great as Khadgar excites me to no end.','What brings you to Nethergarde Keep, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1256insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1211,1365,'Khan Dez\'hepah','The Kolkar are not the only centaur of Desolace.  Many clans wander these dry plains, fighting and dying against each other.  And it is good that they fight among themselves, for they are strong and brutal.  If the centaur united against us, they would be a fierce foe.$B$BWe must deal with them before they unite.$B$BYour first task is to disrupt the Kolkar clan.  Do this by killing its leader, Khan Dez\'hepah.$B$BThe Kolkar Village is northeast of here.  Go, and may fortune go with you.','Bring Khan Dez\'hepah\'s Head to Felgur Twocuts in Desolace.','Well done. This swift act against the Kolkar is an effective show of strength, and strength is what the centaur understand best.$B$BThe death of the Kolkar leader will not only disrupt that clan, but give pause to the others.','$N, have you defeated Khan Dez\'hepah?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1257insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1212,1366,'Centaur Bounty','Now that you scared the centaur clans, it\'s time to bleed them.  When traveling Desolace, hunt centaur.  I don\'t care which clan you hunt.  Just gather ears.  A hoard of ears.$B$BBy weakening their numbers you will weaken their resolve, and stamp out any thoughts of expansion.$B$BGood hunting, $N.','Bring 15 Centaur Ears to Felgur Twocuts in Desolace.','By now, the centaur must know your name. I\'m sure they know it, and respect it, and fear it. And just as they know you, they know the banner under which you ride.$B$BThe banner of the Horde.','How is your collection of ears, $N? Large?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1258insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1213,1367,'Magram Alliance','To beat the centaur, we must use their hatred against them.  We will ally with one of the clans and through them, we will learn how to defeat all the clans.$B$BIf you choose to ally with the Magram then slay their foes, the Gelkis.  This will earn you respect among the Magram.  When you earn enough, then meet with the Magram spokesman Warug, on the outskirts of the Magram Village, in southeast Desolace.','Gain a Friendly reputation with the Magram, then speak with Warug.','The Gelkis cry when they hear your name, $N. They fear you and they hate you. They hate you like they hate the Magram!$b$bMaybe you are strong like the Magram. We will see...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1259insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1214,1368,'Gelkis Alliance','To beat the centaur, we must use their hatred against them.  We will ally with one of the clans and through them, we will learn how to defeat all the clans.$B$BIf you choose to ally with the Gelkis then slay their most hated rival, the Magram.  After you earn the respect of the Gelkis, meet with the Gelkis shaman Uthek the Wise, on the outskirts of the Gelkis Village, in southwest Desolace.','Gain a Friendly reputation with the Gelkis, then speak with Uthek the Wise.','The earth speaks to me. And it says you have killed many Magram. This is good.$B$BIf you are a friend of the Gelkis, then listen. I have more tasks for you.','Your two feet step on Gelkis earth. You are not welcome here!$B$BProve you seek friendship with the Gelkis. Kill Magram centaur. Return when the ground is wet with Magram blood.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1260insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1215,1369,'Broken Tears','The Gelkis think our centaur mother, Theradras, protects us.  They are stupid.  No one protects the centaur.  The Magram do not need protection!  We are the strongest!$B$BShow the Gelkis they are stupid.  Go to the cave in their village.  They hoard crystals in that cave, the tears of Theradras.  Destroy the tears and bring me the broken pieces!','Maintain your reputation with the Magram, and bring 3 Broken Tears to Warug in the Magram Village.','You got the tears! Now the Gelkis will know that Theradras will not help them. She will not cry when we crush them! The Magram will rule!$B$BYou are smart to help us, $N. We are the strongest.','If you are not our enemy, then you will do what I ask!','','Tears Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1261insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1216,1370,'Stealing Supplies','When we are not at war, we hunt for meat.  Meat gives us strength, and full bellies fight harder than empty ones.$B$BIt is the same with the Magram.  They store extra meat so they may fight longer between hunts.  If you raid their village to the east and take their stores of meat, then their strength will fail.','Bring 6 bags of Crudely Dried Meat to Uthek the Wise in the Gelkis Village.','Good. I can hear the loud Magram bellies grumble from their village, far away!$B$BI will give this meat to the Gelkis. And we will fight for many days without rest.$B$BWhat you did is good for the Gelkis, $N.','Return after you further prove your worth to the Gelkis!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1262insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1217,1371,'Gizmo for Warug','Long ago, a little gnome came to Desolace.  He had horses and a cart, and the cart held strange things.  Funny things.  Things that burned different colors.  Things that moved and weren\'t alive.  I killed the little gnome, but before that... he made me laugh.$B$BI kept my favorite thing from his cart.  It was a human made of wood and it waved at me until I hit it and broke it.$B$BI want a new one.  Get me a new one!','Maintain your reputation with the Magram, and bring an Advanced Target Dummy to Warug in the Magram Village in Desolace.','Yes, this is what I had! I will make it move again. It makes me laugh!','If you are not our enemy, then you will do what I ask!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1263insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1218,1372,'Nothing But The Truth','Our expeditionary force was sent at Varimathras\'s behest to survey lower Azeroth.$b$bWhile out scouting I noticed a human Infiltrator spying on Beggar\'s Haunt. Before I could apprehend him, some of our orcish... brethren... captured him and took him to Stonard, their stronghold in Swamp of Sorrows.$b$bI want to... help... our orcish allies. They did not see our camp here but nonetheless I want to lend a hand.$b$bWork with Faustin here to develop a... truth serum for our friend in Stonard.','Speak with Apothecary Faustin at Beggar\'s Haunt.','Zraedus was just telling me about the nosey little Infiltrator before you arrived.$b$bQuite a problem, indeed. The last thing we need is a busybody sniffing around Beggar\'s Haunt.$b$bI am sure the orcs of Stonard would be quite anxious to hear what our friend has to say. Seeing that they are our allies, ahem, we must help them to get any information they can from the human.$b$bWork with me, $N, and we will deliver a truth serum to Stonard.$b$bFor the Horde!$b$b...did I get that right?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1264insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1219,1373,'Ongeku','You have more to prove, and your next task will take you far, so for now the Gelkis will fight the Magram without you.$B$BThe earth whispers many secrets to those who listen.  One secret I hear is of a red crystal.  It is called draenethyst, and it is new to our earth.  It comes from a place where mountains fly, and where demons rule.$B$BBring me a shard of draenethyst, and it will make my magic strong!  The shard is in a place called the Swamp of Sorrows, held by the lost one Ongeku.','Maintain your reputation with the Gelkis, and bring a Draenethyst Shard to Uthek the Wise in the Gelkis Village in Desolace.','Yes, this is the shard of which the earth whispered. I can feel strong magic in it! I will use this magic against the enemies of the Gelkis.$B$BYou have done one more task for us, $N. Maybe soon, we will call you friend.','Show me you are a friend of the Gelkis, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1265insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1220,1374,'Khan Jehn','The earth speaks to me, and it says that the Magram grow weak.  Now it is time to kill their Khan!$B$BBring me the head of the Magram Khan, Jehn!','Bring the Khan Jehn\'s Head to Uthek the Wise in the Gelkis Village in Desolace.','Khan Jehn was strong, but stupid. He thought his own strength was great. He did not see that earth magic is stronger. The Magram centaur will now fall without their leader, and the Gelkis will one day rule!','Show me you are a friend of the Gelkis, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1266insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1221,1375,'Khan Shaka','You help the Magram, and I like you.  Now, kill the Khan of the Gelkis!  He is Khan Shaka, and I want his head!  I want to stare at his head and laugh at him!','Maintain your reputation with the Magram, and bring the Head of Khan Shaka to Warug in the Magram Village in Desolace.','Khan Shaka is dead!  I will place his head on a pike, and keep it with me so Shaka can see the strength of the Magram!','Do tasks for the Magram, and I will help you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1267insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1222,1380,'Khan Hratha','$N, you helped us against the Magram.  Now, help us beat the Maraudine!  Kill the head of their clan, Khan Hratha!$B$BTo face him, blow the Maraudine War Horn.  It is atop a high bluff in the Valley of Spears.$B$BBut to blow the horn, you must gain a warhorn mouthpiece.  These are rare, carried only by trusted Maraudine centaur.$B$BAfter the horn is blown, centaur will come.  Kill them until Hratha appears.$B$BKhan Hratha holds the piece of... a key.  Bring it to me...','Maintain your reputation with the Gelkis, and bring the Maraudine Key Fragment to Uthek the Wise in the Gelkis Village.','He is dead! Khan Hratha is dead! And now the Maraudine will fall! When the Gelkis rule this land, $N, we will remember you. And the spirits of the earth will sing your name for all time.','Is Khan Hratha dead? Do you have the key fragment?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1268insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1223,1381,'Khan Hratha','The Gelkis Khan is dead, and now the Maraudine will fall!  Kill the Maraudine Khan, Hratha!$B$BTo face him, blow the horn on the high bluff in the Valley of Spears.  But to blow the horn, you need a mouthpiece.  To get a mouthpiece, kill Maraudine centaur.  Keep killing until you find a mouthpiece.  Then blow the horn.$B$BDo this and Maraudine centaur will come to the tower.  Kill them until Khan Hratha appears.  Hratha holds the piece of a key.  Give this piece to me...','Maintain your Magram reputation, and bring the Maraudine Key Fragment to Warug in the Magram Village in Desolace.','Khan Hratha is dead!  Now the Magram are the strongest of the centaur!  We will crush the others, and rule Desolace!$B$BWe will remember, you, $N, and you will be spared our hooves when all others are trampled.','Do what I ask.  Prove to me that you are an ally of the Magram!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1269insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1224,1382,'Strange Alliance','We are fortunate the centaur clans fight among themselves, for if they joined into a single force then they would be unstoppable.  Yes, we are fortunate, and we should press our advantage.$B$BOne of the centaur clans, the Gelkis clan, is in brutal war with the Magram clan.  If we attack the Magram, then perhaps an alliance may be struck with the Gelkis.$B$BSpeak with Uthek the Wise, in the outskirts of the Gelkis camps in southwestern Desolace.  Through her we might strike an alliance with the Gelkis.','Gain a Friendly reputation with the Gelkis, then speak with Uthek the Wise.','Your name is whispered among the Gelkis. You have much Magram blood on your hands. This is good.$B$BMaybe it is also good if we speak. Speak of what you can do for the Gelkis, and what we can do for you.','Be gone! The Gelkis do not want you here. Leave now!!$B$BReturn after killing many Magram, and then I will speak with you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1270insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1225,1383,'Nothing But The Truth','I have just the right serum in mind. It will deal with the truth in precisely the way the truth should be dealt with.$b$bFor this concoction I will need several Shadow Panther hearts from the Swamp. I also require the enchanted fungus off of the Mire Lord who resides there. I am sure one as able as you, $n, can persuade him to part with some.$b$bThe last item I\'ll need for the serum is the blood of a dreaming whelp, like the ones that live outside Itharius\' cave in the swamp.$b$bNow, off you go!','Apothecary Faustin at Beggar\'s Haunt needs 5 Shadow Panther Hearts, Mire Lord Fungus and some Green Whelp Blood.','Splendid, $N! And just in time too. From what Zraedus tells me, the Infiltrator has recovered from his wounds and is ready to be questioned by the orcs.$B$BGive me but a moment to prepare the pois - I mean prepare the truth serum.','That Infiltrator in Stonard will surely.... open up... after he drinks my special serum. Haha!$B$BThe ingredients required are by no means easy to procure. Shadow Panthers are common in the Swamp but collecting enough hearts for our purpose can be daunting. And the Mire Lord can be such a fussy beast.$B$BAs for the Deepstrider tumor, they are terribly difficult to find. But the chemical reaction I can draw from it is second to none.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1271insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1226,1384,'Raid on the Kolkar','The Kolkar centaurs think their magic is strong.  They do not know magic!  They would not know magic if it bit them!$B$BYou will show them their magic is weak.  Go to the Kolkar  to the northeast and kill them.  Take their charms.  Bring me the charms and I will throw them in the fire and laugh!','Maintain your reputation with the Gelkis, and bring 10 Crude Charms to Uthek the Wise in the Gelkis Village in Desolace.','You do a good thing for the Gelkis. The Kolkar are weak and will die. Their magic is pathetic and will not save them. You showed them this, and their fear will make them even more feeble!$B$BAnd in our lands, the feeble soon die.','You have the charms? You showed the Kolkar they are weak?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1272insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1227,1385,'Brutal Politics','Desolace is a land at war.  The centaurs wage war with each other, and we believe the victor among them will spill out and threaten our strongholds.  That, we cannot allow$B$BWe must learn how to beat the centaurs, and to do that... we must ally with one of the clans.  The Magram centaurs war with the Gelkis.  If you fight the Gelkis then the Magram might consider an alliance.$B$BEarn the favor of the Magrams then speak with Warug, in the Magram village in southeastern Desolace.','Gain a Friendly reputation with the Magram, then speak with Warug.','Many Gelkis fall to you. I like that. Maybe you can do more things I like. Maybe you and the Magram can be friends.','You will go now, or the Magram will crush you! To be our friend, you must kill Gelkis.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1273insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1228,1386,'Assault on the Kolkar','The Kolkar think they are strong, but we laugh at them!  We laugh and we kill them!  You kill them too.  Show me you can kill Kolkar like we do. Head north and slay them all!','Maintain your reputation with the Magram. Kill 12 Kolkar Centaurs, 12 Kolkar Scouts and 6 Kolkar Maulers, then return to Warug in the Magram Village in Desolace.','The Kolkar fear you now! I hope you laughed when you killed them. It is better to laugh when you kill, so the enemy can see he is weak.','Are you afraid of the Kolkar? Why do you not kill them? Maybe you forgot how to kill. Hurry and kill Kolkar before they are dead!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1274insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1229,1387,'Centaur Bounty','Many clans make up the centaur race.  Each has its own leader and agenda, but all the clans have one thing in common.  Cruelty.$B$BIf we are to ever find peace, then the centaurs must be removed.  And so I put you on the task to do just that.$B$BWhile wandering Desolace, hunt centaur and take their ears.  Bring me many, many ears.$B$BDo this in service of the Alliance, $N, and we will be one step closer to war\'s end.','Bring 15 Centaur Ears to Corporal Melkins at Nijel\'s Point in Desolace.','Ah, the ears. Well done.$B$BYour service to the Alliance is unquestioned, $N. The blood you spilled in Desolace will, no doubt, save countless lives.','Do you have a report, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1275insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1230,1388,'Nothing But The Truth','Everything is proceeding according to plan, $n. I want you to give this truth serum to Deathstalker Zraedus and he\'ll show you how to administer it.... properly.$b$bHaha!','Give Faustin\'s Truth Serum to Deathstalker Zraedus at Beggar\'s Haunt.','I knew old Faustin would come up with something good! You were a tremendous help, no doubt.$B$BNow let\'s get down to business, shall we?','I hope you have proven yourself of use to our dear friend, Apothecary Faustin.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1276insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1231,1389,'Draenethyst Crystals','The lost ones who live in the Fallow Sanctuary look as we look, but they are monsters... driven mad by the rigors of our journey to Azeroth.  Once our brethren, they now live in the Fallow Sanctuary to the east, catching or killing any who wander near.$B$BAnd they have stolen something sacred to us--draenethyst crystals.$B$BWe lack the force to enter the Fallow Sanctuary and reclaim our stolen draenethyst from among their huts and campfires, but without those crystals... we too may lose our way.','Bring 6 Draenethyst crystals to Magtoor at The Harborage in the Swamp of Sorrows.','Thank you, $N. We, are in your debt.','Do you have the crystals?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1277insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1232,1390,'[Not Used] BETA Oops, We Killed Them Again.','Missing text','Missing text','Thanks for the done work!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1278insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1233,1391,'Nothing But The Truth','We need to operate with a certain amount of discretion. After all, it\'s not like you\'re going to waltz in there and convince the fool to drink Faustin\'s concoction here, right?$b$bBut if there\'s one thing those humans cannot deny it\'s the booze. I\'ll take Faustin\'s serum and mix it into this ale. I guarantee the poor sap will show no reluctance when it comes to chug-a-lugging a brew.$b$bMake haste to Stonard in the Swamp of Sorrows, $n. And keep our little mission nice and quiet...','Take Zraedus\'s Brew to Infiltrator Marksen in Stonard.','A drink for me? How kind. It\'s been days since they\'ve allowed me to drink. Let me drink this down and then I\'ll tell you what I\'ve learned....','Please have mercy on me! I have information that goes beyond alliance boundaries. While I am no sympathizer of the Horde, there is political treachery going on that must be revealed!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1279insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1234,1392,'Noboru the Cudgel','Noboru has plagued the Draenei of the Harborage for months, and his cudgel is a symbol of the brutality they have suffered at the hands of the lost ones.','Bring Noboru\'s Cudgel to the leader of The Harborage in the Swamp of Sorrows.','You have gained the weapon of the dreaded Noboru? Is he then dead?$b$bThis is a joyous day for the Harborage. Noboru and his gang were a terror to us, wandering the swamps and killing any Draenei who crossed his path. He was a direct threat to our survival, and we did not have the strength to face him.$b$bWe are fortunate to have a friend in you, $N.','Greetings. And welcome to the Harborage.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1280insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1235,1393,'Galen\'s Escape','Please help!  These creatures are going to eat me!$B$BHelp me out of here, and I\'ll give you a great treasure!  It\'s in my camp in the swamp north of Stonard, but it\'s locked in a strongbox that can be opened through a trick that only I know.$B$BIf you help me escape, then I\'ll teach it to you.','Escort Galen out of danger, then find his camp in the Swamp of Sorrows and open his strongbox.','The keyhole of this strongbox is filled with black resin. It is impossible to open.$b$bBut Galen told you of a hidden latch on the box\'s bottom... $b$b...After a quick search the latch is found. The latch is flipped, and the strongbox opens...','','Escort Galen out of the Fallow Sanctuary.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1281insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1236,1394,'Final Passage','You have done well, $N. You have passed my test, and the tests before mine. Return to Dorn in Thousand Needles. He will sense the change within you, and see that your mind, body and spirit are strong enough that you should be rewarded for your efforts.$B$BStay true to the balance you\'ve shown throughout these trials, $N. Dorn will test you again in the future if you do.','Speak to Dorn Plainstalker in Thousand Needles.','Ah, $N. It has been a long time since you have last stepped into my home. It seems like many moons have passed since you took your first leap that set you upon your path.$b$bAnd now you return to me stronger than you once were... more enlightened. This pleases me. And you should be justly rewarded for seeing my tests to the end.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1282insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1237,1395,'Supplies for Nethergarde','This crate of powerstones needs to go to Nethergarde Keep, in the Blasted Lands.  They won\'t hold their power for long, so we can\'t ship them with the next caravan.$B$BYou must take them, and you must take them quickly.$B$BBring them to Quartermaster Lungertz in Nethergarde Keep.  To reach the keep, you must travel east through Deadwind Pass, then east through the Swamp of Sorrows, then south through the Blasted Lands.$B$BUse caution, $N.  You will travel through dangerous lands, yet you must not fail.','Bring the Crate of Powerstones to Quartermaster Lungertz, before the powerstones expire.','Ah, the powerstones! The mages will be happy to see these!$B$BMany thanks, $N. I know your trip from Darkshire was not an easy one.','Hello! Don\'t mind all the commotion, it\'s just business as usual at Nethergarde Keep.$B$BYou have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1283insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1238,1396,'Encroaching Wildlife','My caravan was destined for the eastern coast, but we did not reach our goal.  Lost Ones attacked us, killing guards and dashing supplies.$B$BI alone survived their assault.  I have sworn to protect what supplies remain, but wild creatures skulk near.  Please, help me defend my camp from the beasts!','Kill 8 Young Sawtooth Crocolisks, 10 Sorrow Spinners and 10 Swamp Jaguars then return to Watcher Biggs in the Swamp of Sorrows.','The sounds of animals are now faint, more distant. Thank you, $N. Now let\'s hope they don\'t return!','The swamp creatures press close, $N. Please, you must defend the camp!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1284insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1239,1398,'Driftwood','I owe you greatly, $N.  An honorable heart beats within you.  And now I have another task for which I humbly ask your aid.$B$BIf I\'m ever to reach Nethergarde, then I must fix this wagon.  And for that... I will need wood.  Strong, dry wood--not the spongy, tangled wood of the swamp\'s trees.$B$B$N, go east to the coast and search for driftwood that has been dried by the sun.  Bring it to me.','Bring 8 pieces of Sundried Driftwood to Watcher Biggs in the Swamp of Sorrows.','This wood is light, but tough. Thank you, $N. It will work nicely.','Did you find any driftwood, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1285insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1240,1418,'Neeka Bloodscar','The Badlands is harsh and lies close to the Alliance-held land of Loch Modan, so communication between Stonard and the Badlands outpost of Kargath is often cut.$B$BProve yourself, $N.  Travel to the Badlands and speak with Neeka Bloodscar, head scout of the Kargath outpost.  Speak with her, and then send her report back to me.','Speak with Neeka Bloodscar.','Helgrum wants a report, eh? I sent an outrunner to Stonard not three days past. Did he fail his mission? If Stonard does not have my report, then it appears he did fail.$b$bLet\'s hope the next runner I send has more skill, or more luck.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1286insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1241,1419,'Coyote Thieves','Have you spent many days in the Badlands, $c?  Have you felt its heat? Have you faced the beasts that wander its dusty plains?  It\'s time you did.$B$BCrag coyotes are a tough breed.  Tough, and bold enough to creep into Kargath and steal from our food supplies.  Help rid the outpost of these thieves!$B$BHunt crag coyotes, $N.  Hunt them and bring me their jawbones.  Bring me enough, and maybe I\'ll believe it when you say you know the Badlands.','Bring 30 Coyote Jawbones to Neeka Bloodscar in Kargath.','That\'s a nice collection of jawbones, $N. Now those coyotes won\'t be tearing through our supplies for scraps.$B$BWell done. The coyotes of the Badlands aren\'t easy prey. Your deed shows me that you might just survive here.','Do you have the jawbones?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1287insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1242,1420,'Report to Helgrum','I wrote a fresh report for Helgrum in Stonard.  Bring it to him.$B$BAnd if you consider yourself an outrunner, then don\'t lose your way.  Or fall to an enemy.','Bring Neeka\'s Report to Helgrum the Swift in Stonard.','Thank you, $N. From Neeka\'s report, I see the Alliance is not without its own problems. And we may find that some enemies are shared between us.','You returned. You have a report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1288insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1243,1421,'The Lost Caravan','I was stunned during the attack by the Lost Ones, but before my sight went black I spied one of our wagons being dragged to the Fallow Sanctuary, the lost one village to the north.$B$BA caravan chest with valuable reagents was in that wagon, reagents vital to the studies of the wizards of Nethergarde Keep.  Find the chest and get those reagents, $N.  Get them and bring them to me.','Find the Caravan Chest in the Fallow Sanctuary, obtain the Wizards\' Reagents and bring to Watcher Biggs.','Ah, you found them! With these, the wizards in Nethergarde may continue their work. I do not know what it is that they do, but it is linked to the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands, and is vital to the security of the Alliance.','Do you have the wizard\'s reagents, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1289insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1244,1422,'Threat From the Sea','While I begin work on your weapon, why don\'t you talk to Katar? He mentioned needing help with patrols along the beach, and I\'d rather see you keep your wits and weapons prepared instead of getting drunk with some of the other louses I share this camp with.','Speak to Katar in the Swamp of Sorrows.','Be silent a moment, $C. Even over the dull roar of the sea you can still hear those disgusting gurgles from the fish men.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1290insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1245,1423,'The Lost Supplies','This barrel is small yet sturdy.  Its seams are sealed with a yellow, pungent wax.  Stamped on the bottom of the barrel are the words:$B$BQUARTERMASTER LUNGERTZ$B$BNETHERGARDE KEEP','Bring the Lost Supplies to Quartermaster Lungertz.','Ah, thank you $N! So many supplies are lost from Darkshire to here. It\'s good to see that some are recovered.','You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1291insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1246,1424,'Pool of Tears','The Warchief sent us to investigate strange happenings at The Temple of Atal\'Hakkar.$b$bThe Atal\'ai trolls are a tribe of dark casters, known for practicing forbidden magic. You can imagine how astonished we were when we arrived here to discover the temple had been sunk.$b$bThe green dragons now guard the site, claiming to be protectors of Azeroth.$b$bWe need to discover what happened. Explore around the Pool of Tears and gather Atal\'ai artifacts. From those I can begin to piece together this puzzle.','Fel\'zerul in Stonard wants you to gather 10 Atal\'ai Artifacts.','Your diligence in collecting the Atal\'ai artifacts is worthy of praise, $C.','No one knows what dark practices went on inside The Temple of Atal\'Hakkar. But we do know that great and powerful forces of magic were used.$b$bWe must learn as much as we can about such magic. Perhaps the spells of the Atal\'ai will prove of use to the Horde.$b$bOnce you have gathered enough Atal\'ai artifacts from around the Pool of Tears, I can begin to understand what the trolls were hoping to accomplish and what went so horribly wrong.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1292insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1247,1425,'Deliver the Shipment','While I fix this wagon, $N, I have one last task for you.$B$BI have packed the most vital supplies saved from the ogre attacks.  Take them to Nethergarde Keep.  The keep is nestled in the northern hills of the Blasted Lands, keeping watch over the Dark Portal.$B$BTo reach Nethergard, follow the road east.  When it branches head south into the Blasted Lands, then turn left at the next fork.  Follow the road, $N, and be wary.','Bring the Shipment to Nethergarde to Quartermaster Lungertz in Nethergarde Keep.','What? A package from Biggs\' caravan? We thought it, and he, were lost.$B$BThank you, $N. With luck, these supplies will carry the much needed reagent, Azoran Crystals. Our stock is running low...','You have business with me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1293insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1248,1426,'Threat From the Sea','I have no love for the sea, nor any creature I\'ve seen come from its depths. It is a powerful but blind mistress; callous and brutal. It would bring me great pleasure to slay the fish men by the hundreds if it were within my power. But I garner some pleasure from watching their deaths at the hands of any who do the Horde\'s will.$B$BWhich brings us to you, $c. How many can you slay? Would you test yourself against their most powerful kind?','Kill 10 Marsh Murlocs, 10 Marsh Inkspewer, and 10 Marsh Flesheater, then return to Katar in the Swamp of Sorrows.','The sea seems vast and relentless, but you have stained her with the blood of her own spawn. The fish men know pain. Their stupidity will force them to refortify their ranks from the devastation you\'ve caused, and that is good.$B$BLet their gurgling screams overshadow the sea\'s roar long into the night. I shall smile every time I hear one of them silenced.$B$BReturn to me if you wish to slay more of the fish men. I will gladly reward you again.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1294insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1249,1427,'Threat From the Sea','Before you take rest, speak to Tok\'Kar again. While you were gone I believe he finished a few weapons. For your help here, he would offer one of them to you. You would do well to test its strength against the fish men when you are ready... but only to please me further.','Speak with Tok\'Kar in the Swamp of Sorrows.','Ah, $N, you\'ve returned. Good. I\'ve finished crafting more weapons for our fight against the murlocs. For bringing us the fresh sawtooth meat, and for bringing a small smile to Katar\'s face, I offer one of them to you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1295insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1250,1428,'Continued Threat','It pleases me to see your hatred for the fish men grows with mine.$B$BFind more of their kind along the beach, and when you\'ve had your fill of combat, return to me. We shall speak then of a reward for your diligence.','Kill 10 Marsh Inkspewers, 10 Marsh Flesheaters, and 10 Marsh Oracles, then return to Katar in the Swamp of Sorrows.','Well done, $C. I call for more of their blood. Let all the fish men perish.','Not until the sea and all her children are silenced will I be pleased... especially those disgusting fish men.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1296insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1251,1429,'The Atal\'ai Exile','While you were braving the dangers of the Pool of Tears, one of my scouts returned with a scroll written in blood on dried flesh. It seems to be a judicial sentence against a priest of the Atal\'ai tribe.$b$bThis priest was sentenced to a fate worse than death amongst the Atal\'ai.$b$bHe was exiled to live far north in the Hinterlands, with the Witherbark trolls.$b$bI will bundle these artifacts. You are to seek out the exile and discover their true use. Return to me once your journey is complete.','Bring the Bundle of Atal\'ai Artifacts to the Atal\'ai Exile in the Hinterlands.','You bring me the summoning artifacts of the Atail\'ai?$b$bI see Jammal\'an the Prophet is leading the disciples of the Chamber of Blood towards their chosen fate. Has Hakkar returned to the Temple I wonder? Has their fate been met?','You are brave to come here. Brave or foolish...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1297insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1252,1430,'Fresh Meat','There\'s a high demand for the succulent taste of crawler meat among my customers; especially the meat from the monstrous crawlers.$B$BIf you plan on heading to the coast, then I could easily make it worth your while to bring me back some of their legs to have transported back to Orgrimmar.$B$BThe coast is to the east from here, and you should have no problem finding the creatures scurrying along the beaches and under the sea.','Bring 10 Monstrous Crawler Legs to Dar in the Swamp of Sorrows.','Ah, this should be perfect. I can\'t wait to taste these after they are prepared perfectly over an open fire. You should take a sample of it with you on your travels. It truly is delicious.','I have a cask of wine waiting for your success, $N. It\'s only right I taste the goods before I have it shipped back to my customers.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1298insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1253,1431,'Alliance Relations','Be still, $c, and allow me to share with you something important to our people, but far from obvious.$B$BWe are a proud race, and the war with the humans tried even Thrall\'s great patience. You see, our Warchief is wise and prudent, and he continues to put his people first. Ultimately, he is a diplomat, and in his time with the humans he learned much of their ways.$B$BIf the tale I\'ve started piques your interest, then find Keldran near the western exit of the city. His hovel is there.','Speak to Keldran in Orgrimmar.','Putanni, noble $C. I am Keldran, student of magic... and other mystical arts.$b$bThe business Craven sent you here to speak to me about requires a touch more subtlety than you\'ve previously needed, but that does not mean you can not still aid our cause.$b$bPlease, make yourself comfortable, and I shall tell you why the Warchief has need of my aid... and yours.$b$bIt starts with appearances, $N. How the Horde sees itself. How our allies see us. And most importantly, how our enemies see us.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1299insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1254,1432,'Alliance Relations','As the Alliance progresses deeper and deeper into Kalimdor, incorrect conclusions may be drawn about the Horde making pacts with the Burning Legion. The Warchief cannot allow that to happen. And with his blessing, I am taking control of overseeing them removed.$B$BI have agents in the area of Desolace at the Ghost Walker Post north of the great Kodo Graveyard. Head south of the Charred Vale in the Stonetalon Mountains and you shall come across it. When you arrive, seek out Takata Steelblade.','Speak to Takata Steelblade in Desolace.','Greetings, $C. You bring news from Orgrimmar; that is good.$b$bThe demon infestation overwhelms this area even more than the smell of centaur dung. The horse-men claim this land as their own, but clearly there are influences out of their control that will crush them if not kept in check.$b$bIt does not please me that we aid the centaur indirectly, but it is for the good of the Horde, so I do my duty for the Warchief, even if it means helping the warlocks within the Horde.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1300insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1255,1433,'Alliance Relations','The Burning Blade have many agendas, but know that they are evil to their core, their spirits corrupted, and their destruction is the only way to thwart their objectives.$B$BKeldran sent Maurin with me because of his knowledge of the Blade and their warlock ways.$B$BHe has control of our plots against the Blade while I deal with the other demonic threats here in Desolace.$B$BSpeak to him, and he will guide you in his designs.','Speak to Maurin Bonesplitter in Desolace.','Ah, yes. Aid from those loyal to the Warchief is always appreciated.$b$bMy name is Maurin. I am here at the behest of Keldran and the Warchief cub Thrall. It is my desire to aid the youngling leader against the evils that threaten his rule.$b$bCome, come closer, $C. I shall explain to you my plan for removing the festering boil that is the Burning Blade.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1301insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1256,1434,'Befouled by Satyr','A demon infestation does not occur without other influences--something else allows evil to gain a foothold.$B$BIt may start with a weakened spirit, a needless desire for power; perhaps it\'s a thirst for revenge, or the appeal for final justice. When we are beset by pain, evil takes advantage of us--evil such as the satyr.$B$BTies have been made between them and the Burning Blade, and Thrall would have them slain. Seek them out to the northeast of here, and return to me when you\'ve driven them back.','Slay 7 Hatefury Rogues, 7 Hatefury Felsworn, 7 Hatefury Betrayers, and 7 Hatefury Hellcallers, and return to Takata Steelblade in Desolace.','You have done well, $c. You have shown honor and dedication.$B$BWhen our campaign in Desolace is done, the Warchief will know that you aided us in our actions here, and that you helped make his will manifest.$B$BI thank you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1302insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1257,1435,'The Burning of Spirits','Death is most desirable for those despicable creatures that turn their back on their liege for such selfish reasons. But death is not enough when dealing with those that have given themselves over to the darkness.$B$BTake this gem. When one of the Burning Blade\'s near death, activate its magic. The spell shall pull the corrupted spirit out of its victim, leaving an infused gem behind.$B$BBring me these infused gems so I may dispose of them properly.$B$BGo now, and may you elude death.','Return the Burning Gem and 15 Infused Burning Gems to Maurin Bonesplitter in Desolace.','Ah, you\'ve returned successful. That is good. Give me the gems and I shall put them someplace safe....$B$BMy tasks for you are complete, $C. Speak to Takata when you are rested. He may have other tasks for you, or perhaps needs you to return to Orgrimmar to inform Keldran of our progress here in Desolace.','I have tried to make the magics as simple as possible. Drawing the spirit of your victim out of its injured form should be child\'s play. Do not rely on the gem\'s power to slay your foe completely. You must only activate the gem when they are close to death, or it will be useless.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1303insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1258,1436,'Alliance Relations','The fight goes well, $N. Perhaps the Warchief will allow us to return to our homes before the seasons change if we continue to make such great strides in our battle against the demons and their underlings.$B$BReturn to Keldran and let him know what we have done. I am sure he will reward you for your efforts here. His cause is important to him, and he will take pride in knowing that the Warchief respects his concerns.','Speak to Keldran in Orgrimmar.','Putanni, noble $C. I am Keldran, student of magic... and other mystical arts.$b$bThe business Craven sent you here to speak to me about requires a touch more subtlety than you\'ve previously needed, but that does not mean you can not still aid our cause.$b$bPlease, make yourself comfortable, and I shall tell you why the Warchief has need of my aid... and yours.$b$bIt starts with appearances, $N. How the Horde sees itself. How our allies see us. And most importantly, how our enemies see us.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1304insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1259,1437,'Vahlarriel\'s Search','I am Vahlarriel, $N. I\'ve come here to discover the whereabouts of two missing nobles of a Darnassian merchant family--House Malem. The father of the house fears the worst, and I am to do everything I can to find his missing children. I have yet to start my search for Tyranis or Dalinda, but I am hopeful I shall not be here long.$B$BLast word tells of them passing through the Stonetalon Mountains a few weeks ago.$B$BIf you find their wagon, please, come find me immediately.','Find and search Tyranis and Dalinda Malem\'s wagon in Desolace.','As you rummage around the remains of the wagon, it becomes obvious that it was attacked by both spells and weapons. The battle seemed one-sided and quick; there\'s no blood to be found, and no remains of any bodies.$B$BWhoever attacked the wagon was efficient and swift.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1305insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1260,1438,'Vahlarriel\'s Search','Find both Dalinda and Tyranis if you can and come back to me with your findings. Start your search at this fortress. I will contact my superiors in Darnassus immediately and let them know the situation.$B$B$N, there is something else I wish to impress upon you. My superiors have shown some concern over Tyranis\' and his motives for coming here. It is more important to them that Dalinda is found and brought back safely. Tyranis is to be... gauged before he is taken home.','Find Dalinda Malem in Desolace.','Thank Elune someone has finally come to help. Please, $C, I need your help. My brother Tyranis and I were captured and brought here by the Burning Blade. I think they mean to sacrifice me to their demon masters!$B$BI knew coming to Desolace was a mistake, but Tyranis has recently begun craving knowledge of all things arcane--even against the wishes of our people. He decided to make this trek even after hearing tales of this land\'s demon infestation.$B$BI fear the worst for him.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1306insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1261,1439,'Search for Tyranis','We were brought here after the orcs slaughtered all our guards and servants. Oh, the terrible things they did to them! I thought surely they would kill us right there and then, but it became obvious they had other plans.$B$BTyranis attempted to speak to them. I think he wanted to impress them with his knowledge of the arcane... I\'m not sure why.$B$BPlease, I can\'t leave here until I know what\'s happened to my brother. Find him, then come back for me when his fate is known.','Find Tyranis Malem in Desolace.','This is terrible! But I suppose it was necessary. If it wasn\'t by your hand, it would have surely been by that of my people\'s. I suppose I should thank you--please forgive me if it doesn\'t seem sincere. I mean no offense.$B$BWith the knowledge of my brother\'s fate in hand, it seems the time for my escape has come. If you are still willing, I will accept your aid in escaping this horrible place.$B$BWhen you are ready, we can make our way to safety.','I fear Tyranis will attempt to learn the Burning Blade\'s secrets and count himself among their kind if they allow it - he has always adored the power magic brings to those who are seduced by it.$B$BI\'m not sure I could endure returning home to my family with news of Tyranis\' spirit flirting with such dangers. It\'s a terrible enough crime among my kind to pursue such things, but to become that which we attempt to protect ourselves from, well, that\'s apprehensible.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1307insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1262,1440,'Return to Vahlarriel','So, the time is now then? I appreciate your efforts, and if the situation does not lend itself, then allow me to thank you now for everything you\'ve done for me and my family. If you\'re ready, then there is nothing else for me here--we can leave when you feel the time is right.','Escort Dalinda Malem from Thunder Axe Fortress and then return to Vahlarriel Demonslayer in Desolace.','Thank you, $N. Dalinda made it safely back here to Nijel\'s Point, and in much better condition than I could have asked for. The fact that she arrived here under her own power was a good sign. I hope you\'re well?$B$BIt pains me to know that both Tyranis and Dalinda didn\'t return, but the embarrassment of Tyranis\' decisions is hers to endure. It is something she will have to deal with when she returns to Darnassus.','','Rescue Dalinda Malem','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1308insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1263,1442,'Seeking the Kor Gem','Greetings, $N. What can I do for one who follows a holy path?$B$BAh, yes, Stilwell, the blacksmith... from long ago. I remember him well, though, I have not heard his name in some time.$B$BHe never struck me as an impudent man, so I can only assume his desire for a Kor gem is noble.$B$BIf you truly wish for one of the gems, then you must head to the northwest of Ashenvale. You will find Blackfathom Deeps there within some ancient ruins. The naga who still use the gems are down below. Do not go alone, $c.','Bring a Kor Gem to Thundris Windweaver in Darkshore.','This is indeed the gem Stilwell desires, but before I can allow you to bring it to him, it must be purified of corruption--the naga wenches imbue the gems with power, that much is true, but of their own, evil kind.$B$BLet Stilwell know that its power is intact, and it should work well for whatever ritual he wishes it to be part of.$B$BI hope you know what you\'re doing, $C, this is no simple item you possess.','I would be less trustful of one not on a holy path if they came asking about a Kor gem. But I trust your kind more than some of my kin. I do not judge your entire order based on the actions of just one of your fallen kind.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1309insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1264,1444,'Return to Fel\'Zerul','Jammal\'an the Prophet sentenced me to exile from The Temple of Atal\'Hakkar. I once felt the high priest was a worthy leader.$b$bHis unyielding faith in his prophecy will bring about the destruction of the Atal\'ai. If it hasn\'t already.$b$bWhen I expressed my concerns, I was labeled an infidel and ousted from the temple.$b$bThose artifacts you brought to me are harmless. But if Jammal\'an has found the proper fetish enchantment for the summoning ritual, the world lies in great peril....','Return to Fel\'Zerul in Stonard.','It has been quite some time since we spoke, $C. I hope your journey was successful.$b$bWhat knowledge did you gain from the exiled Atal\'ai in the Hinterlands?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1310insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1265,1445,'The Temple of Atal\'Hakkar','So he spoke of Jammal\'an\'s prophecy?$b$bThe Atal\'ai spiritual leader believes once Hakkar returns to Azeroth from the Nether, the god will grant the Atal\'ai tribe immortality.$b$bFoolish trickery to bring about a premature doomsday if you ask me.$b$bBut you say the exile spoke of enchanted fetishes? This concerns me greatly. If these are in fact the key to the Atal\'ai ritual which caused this mess, we must understand their intrinsic powers.$b$bVenture into the Temple, and seize the fetishes!','Collect 20 Fetishes of Hakkar and bring them to Fel\'Zerul in Stonard.','Brave $C, you have proven yourself to be a great champion of the Horde.$b$bNow this collection of fetishes of Hakkar must be dealt with at once!','If the Atal\'ai fetishes hold the power to summon Hakkar and fulfill Jammal\'an\'s prophecy they must be seized. Such powers must be understood by the Horde!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1311insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1266,1446,'Jammal\'an the Prophet','My Witherbark companions don\'t take kindly to strangers around their home.$b$bMe? I don\'t have a home anymore. I was exiled from my people, the great Atal\'ai tribe of the Swamp of Sorrows.$b$bOur spiritual leader, Jammal\'an, had what he called a prophecy. He believes the summoning of the god, Hakkar will bring the Atal\'ai immortality.$b$bBut I urged caution. What if the prophecy was nothing more than manipulation?$b$bI want revenge for my exile. Bring me Jammal\'an\'s head. Maybe then my people will be free.','The Atal\'ai Exile in The Hinterlands wants the Head of Jammal\'an.','Jammal\'an\'s reckless trust of false visions led my people to their eternal doom.$b$bI thank you, $C, for avenging my exile. I mourn for my people. I have no home to return to.','Once Jammal\'an has been removed, I stand a chance of returning to my people.$b$bWith Jammal\'an as their spiritual leader, the Atal\'ai face certain destruction.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1312insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1267,1447,'The Missing Diplomat',' Yeah, you\'re obviously not the smartest $c to come into Stormwind, but you\'re about to be one of the dumbest to never leave.$B$BHave you met me friends?','Defeat Dashel Stonefist in Stormwind.','So, you came to me for a reason. What is it you need?','I didn\'t mean anything by the comment \'bout you being a stupid druid. We\'re friends, right? No hard feelings?','Defeat Dashel Stonefist','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1313insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1268,1448,'In Search of The Temple','There was a time when I was young and full of vigor like you, $c.$b$bBut now I\'m old and unable to explore the world like I once did. Ah, the things I saw!$b$bBut there was one mystery that eluded me. For my final quest, the Explorers\' League sent me in search of The Temple of Atal\'Hakkar. It was rumored to be located in the Swamp of Sorrows.$b$bBecause of my frail state, I traveled the skies by gryphon in search of it but never found it.$b$bHelp an old dwarf out? Perhaps you will have better luck on foot.','Brohann Caskbelly in Stormwind wants you to search for the Temple of Atal\'Hakkar.','The Temple of Atal\'Hakkar has been sunk beneath the Pool of Tears? And surrounded by the green dragonflight?$B$BAn amazing discovery, $C. But obviously something has gone terribly wrong.','I have traveled the world from the jungles of Azeroth to the snowy peaks of Khaz Modan.$B$BNever before have I asked for help in my adventures. But my old bones are tired.$B$BNothing would leave me feeling more satisfied than knowing that I completed my final quest for the Explorers\' League$B$BIf you\'d be so kind as to help me search for the Temple of Atal\'Hakkar, $C, I\'d greatly appreciate it.$B$BScour the Swamp of Sorrows and report back with your findings!','Search for the Temple of Atal\'Hakkar','Search for the Temple of Atal\'Hakkar','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1314insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1269,1449,'To The Hinterlands','As I mentioned earlier, I attempted to scout the temple on my own from the air. Well, I wasn\'t exactly alone.$b$bI traveled to the renowned gryphon aviary at Aerie Peak in The Hinterlands. There I enlisted the aid of one of their finest pilots. The pilot fell off his mount, down into the swamp...$b$bIn my old age the poor fellow\'s name eludes me. The master of the aviary would remember, no doubt.$b$bJourney there and seek out Falstad Wildhammer.$b$bWe need to find out what happened to that pilot.','Speak with High Thane Falstad Wildhammer at Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands.','What do you want, laddy? Can\'t you see I\'ve got problems to take care of here? Who has time to stand around yapping with some $R chatterbox?$B$BThere are trolls coming out of the woodwork! Make it snappy.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1315insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1270,1450,'Gryphon Master Talonaxe','So you\'re a glorified errand $g boy:girl; for some old Explorers\' League geezer, eh?$b$bWell you listen to me, $c. I don\'t know who your old buddy was flying around with down in Azeroth. Do I look like Gryphon Master Talonaxe to you? Do I?$b$bIf you\'re so interested in the flight assignments why don\'t you ask the gryphon master? If I catch you idling around here for much longer, I\'m going to put you to some real work.$b$bNow get a move on.','Speak with Gryphon Master Talonaxe inside the Aerie Peak Aviary.','Ah, yes. Of course I remember sending one of my gryphon riders to lend a hand to Brohann Caskbelly.$B$BAlways had a soft spot in my heart for the Explorers\' League. My father helped with the initial excavation team that discovered Uldaman as a matter of fact.$B$BI sent who I thought was my best gryphon rider at the time with Brohann. He was a chap by the name of Rhapsody Shindigger.$B$BAnd what a gryphon jockey he was! Well until...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1316insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1271,1451,'Rhapsody Shindigger','Rhapsody took quite a liking to the booze. Now don\'t get me wrong -- all of us dwarves up here at the aviary love a good ale when the time is right.$b$bBut ol\' Shindigger took to the liquor like a gryphon takes to the skies. And a damned shame it was, too. No one could fly like Rhapsody.$b$bFirst sign of trouble was when he came stumbling back from that mission with your buddy, Brohann. All went down hill quickly after that. Had to let him go.$b$bLast I heard, he\'s set up a brew camp to the east of here...','Seek out Rhapsody Shindigger in The Hinterlands.','Hiccup!$B$BI\'m a-lookin\' right at you but you keep bobbing up and down. Makin\' me dizzy. Hoho!$B$BHiccup!$B$BWhoa! Did ya feel that? Ground is a-shakin\', my friend. I need a drink.$B$BHiccup!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1317insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1272,1452,'Rhapsody\'s Kalimdor Kocktail','Hiccup!$b$bSo that crazy fool Brohann sent ya? My we had quite an adventure...Hiccup!$b$bIf ya want me to tell ya what happened down in the swamp, I\'m gonna need me something stiff to drink. It wasn\'t a pretty scene, ya see. Hiccup!$b$bTell ya what... bring me what I need to whip up a Kalimdor Kocktail and I\'ll tell ya all about it.$b$bGonna need some Roc gizzards from Tanaris... and let\'s see... some Groddoc and Ironfur livers from Feralas...$b$bA nice stiff Kalimdor Kocktail... that\'ll get me talking!','Rhapsody Shindigger in The Hinterlands wants you to bring him 3 Roc Gizzards, 3 Groddoc Livers and 3 Ironfur Livers.','I see ya had no trouble at all getting me what I need! Musta been quite a stint you had over there in far-off Kalimdor.$B$BIt won\'t take but a moment for me to extract what I need from these gizzards and livers. Hiccup!$B$BThen I can distill me a fierce ol\' drink and finally tell ya what ya wanna know.$B$BHiccup!$B$BGetting shivers just thinking about that ol\' swamp.$B$BHiccup!$B$BLemme whip up a drink real fast.','Ya ever had a Rhapsody Malt? One of my finest brews, if I do say so myself. Hiccup!$B$BBut if I\'m gonna relive the horrors of that fateful flight over... hiccup... the swamp, well I\'m gonna need me something a wee bit stronger. Hiccup!$B$BDon\'t suppose you found me those gizzards and livers I need to add that extra kick to my Kalimdor Kocktail?$B$BHiccup!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1318insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1273,1453,'Reclaimers\' Business in Desolace','There\'s work to be done in Desolace, $N. It\'s an atrocious place, befouled by centaur and other nasties. But if you\'re looking for a good week\'s honest work, then head there, meet with Kreldig Ungor, and tell him I sentcha.$B$BYou can find him holed up at Nijel\'s Point--it\'s a little cozy camp hidden in the mountains of northern Desolace. Just head east if you enter from the Stonetalon Mountains. It\'s easy to miss, so be on the lookout.','Speak to Kreldig Ungor in Desolace.','Glad to see the Reclaimers aren\'t in short supply of work, or adventurers willing to help out.$B$BI\'m Kreldig, $N. You\'ve made a smart move helpin\' out the Reclaimers. Everyone needs something these days: they\'ve lost a family heirloom, a magic item, a loved one. You never can tell. But with the Reclaimers around, there\'s no reason, for the right price, everyone can\'t find what they\'ve lost.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1319insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1274,1454,'The Karnitol Shipwreck','My first order of business is for the mage Karnitol--a noble of some sort in Stormwind. Seems his ship was attacked by sea giants while off the coast in the northwest of Desolace. He and his servants tried to bring one of his more valuable chests ashore, but when the sea giants attacked in droves, he chose to abandon it and teleport himself and his servants to safety.$B$BHe wants us to find the chest and its contents, and return it to him in Stormwind.','Find Karnitol\'s Chest in Desolace.','You notice the chest does not seem to have any water damage.$B$BThe second thing you notice is that the top has been forced open, and whatever magical traps were set to safeguard it have long been triggered--this much is obvious from the burn marks around its edges.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1320insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1275,1455,'The Karnitol Shipwreck','You take a few moments to figure out what pried the chest open, and you notice along the sides and top of the chest, long, deep scratches that reveal that something other than a man or giant took interest in it. The marks don\'t appear as if they were caused by dagger or sword.$B$BAfter going through the chest you find it to be completely empty.$B$BNot having another course of action, you close the chest and prepare to leave. Kreldig will be disappointed.','Return to Kreldig Ungor in Desolace.','Welcome back to Nijel\'s Point, $N. So, tell me what you found.$B$BWhat!? Nothing? An empty chest ain\'t gonna get us paid, I\'m afraid.$B$BTell me more about these marks you saw... these slashes.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1321insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1276,1456,'The Karnitol Shipwreck','Intriguing.$B$BWell, we might not be without hope quite yet.$B$BAlong that same coast, but to the north near Ranazjar Isle, there\'re night elf ruins at the bottom of the ocean. A tribe of naga, the Slitherblade, make that their home. I think that\'d be our best bet.$B$BIf a scouting party went that far south, then they must\'ve been pretty powerful. If you\'re gonna find Karnitol\'s belongings, I\'d start with the more powerful naga: the tidehunters or sea witches.','Find Karnitol\'s Satchel and return it to Kreldig Ungor in Desolace.','This is great, $N! You found Karnitol\'s belongings!$B$BThose blasted naga, always causing trouble. I think I\'d rather spend my life at war with the Horde than have to go against their kind. You\'ve done a great service to the Reclaimers.','No offense to whoever Nijel is, but this camp ain\'t the most comfortable place I\'ve spent a night, if you know what I mean, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1322insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1277,1457,'The Karnitol Shipwreck','Take Karnitol\'s things back to Roetten in Ironforge and he\'ll pay you for a job well done.$B$BHaha, if you\'re not careful, he\'s gonna be so pleased with ya that he\'ll ask you to join us full time.$B$BAgain, great job, $N.$B$BBe careful on your way back, and don\'t take too much time--Karnitol\'s not the most of patient of men, but he\'s very generous nonetheless.','Bring Karnitol\'s Satchel to Roetten Stonehammer in Ironforge.','Ah, the Karnitol business in Desolace. Excellent!$B$BSo, the chest was destroyed, but the items are all here, huh? Well, I\'ll let him be the judge of that. One good part about this business I got going on here is that if they\'re not satisfied, I can tell \'em to shove it! They\'re relyin\' on us to find their stuff... not make sure it\'s all pretty and in good shape when they get it back.$B$BGood work, $N. Let\'s see about gettin\' you paid.','Business is booming, $N, and I don\'t have a lot of time for questions. If you\'ve got business with the Reclaimers, then let\'s hear it. If not, I\'m gonna have to ask you to talk to one of me underlings - they\'re adept enough at taking care of things \'round here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1323insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1278,1458,'Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.','One of my tasks out here involves picking up some reagents for Leftwitch, a gnome mage in Kharanos . Roetten seems to think it\'s easy coin in the bank since we\'re out here already. He doesn\'t really care that we\'re short-handed as is.$B$BThe first few items on his list should be easy enough to get, and it\'d be a good chunk of coin for anyone helping me out.$B$BI need some horns and claws from the Hatefury satyr to the east of here. Bring \'em back to me and we\'ll get started on the rest of the list.','Bring 10 Hatefury Claws, and 10 Hatefury Horns to Kreldig Ungor in Desolace.','Good good, $N. Not sure if these are of any good quality, but if Leftwitch wanted a specific type, he should have specified before sending the Reclaimers out here to begin with.$B$BWhat say you to getting on with the next item on his list?','Despicable creatures, the satyr. Story says they\'re somehow tied to the night elves, but I\'m not so sure I believe it.$B$BI think they get that on account of that one elf that brought them into the war few years back. World\'s never been the same since. Lot more dangerous, and a lot scarier.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1324insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1279,1459,'Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.','Next on Leftwitch\'s list is... let\'s see... hmm. Oh, here it is.$B$BSimple enough, but pretty explicit in his directions. He needs venom from the scorpashi, and hide from some kodo. The fine print says both are from specific creatures: the venom\'s got to come from any of the scorpashi, and the hide\'s got to come from an aged kodo, not the dying or ancient ones.$B$BMages, I tell ya, some of the stuff they want... it\'s just weird.','Bring 7 vials of Scorpashi Venom and 3 Aged Kodo Hides to Kreldig Ungor in Desolace.','Your help here\'s a boon, $N. You\'re cutting my time spent here in Desolace by half at least. I\'ll be back in Ironforge warming my feet in no time with your help.$B$BWhen we get this list taken care of, and I\'m back home, look me up, I\'ll buy you an ale for sure.$B$BBut until then, let\'s get the rest of these reagents gathered.','Sorry I couldn\'t tell you where to find the kodo or the scorpashi. I\'m not terribly familiar with the area, and I haven\'t had time to explore.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1325insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1280,1462,'Earth Sapta','Speak to Seer Ravenfeather for another Earth Sapta.','Speak to Seer Ravenfeather for another Earth Sapta.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1326insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1281,1463,'Earth Sapta','Speak to Canaga Earthcaller for another Earth Sapta.','Speak to Canaga Earthcaller for another Earth Sapta.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1327insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1282,1464,'Fire Sapta','','Speak to Telf Joolam for another Fire Sapta.','May fire burn within your heart, $N.$B$BThe elements await you.','Speak to Telf Joolam for another Fire Sapta.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1328insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1283,1465,'Vahlarriel\'s Search','As you continue your search of the wagon you find not only a pendant, but also footprints leading off towards the south. In the distance you can see smoke rising from a large fort. The smoke is from a kept fire, not the burning of buildings, and your instincts tell you that the Malems, if still alive, were taken that direction.$B$BYou think Vahlarriel at Nijel\'s Point should not only see the pendant you\'ve found, but also know about the signs of life to the south.','Return the Malem Pendant to Vahlarriel Demonslayer in Desolace.','Infuriating! This entire fiasco!$B$BThe two of them were warned about how dangerous coming here would be. Now they\'re both missing... or worse.$B$BYou said you saw tracks heading to a fort nearby? That may be our best bet.$B$BFrom what the locals have said, that fortress is infested with members of the Burning Blade--orcs who have dedicated themselves to demon causes. They may not represent the majority of the Horde\'s beliefs, but they are evil and will slay you on sight if you\'re caught spying.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1329insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1284,1466,'Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.','This is the last of the items, and I won\'t lie, it ain\'t pretty. I\'m also expecting this to take you a little bit longer than the other items.$B$BSo, enough with the warning, let\'s get this started. Leftwitch says he needs: ten brains from either mana eaters, mage hunters, or ley hunters. Ten nether wings from a nether maiden, sister or sorceress. And... ten vials of doomwarder blood from a doomwarder captain, or lord.$B$BSimple enough, huh? Sheesh... if you wanna pass on this one, I\'d understand.','Bring 10 Felhound Brains, 10 Nether Wings, and 10 vials of Doomwarder Blood to Kreldig Ungor in Desolace.','Honestly? I wouldn\'t have thought it. You\'re amazing, $N. Taking on demons for a mage\'s experiments, and coming back in one piece to boot. Great job!$B$BI\'m personally gonna tell Roetten about you when I get back to Ironforge.','I didn\'t even realize these demon things were in Desolace. Last I read, centaur pretty much owned the land after the night elves picked up and left years ago.$B$BI wonder why they took up here, and how.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1330insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1285,1467,'Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.','To get paid, you\'re gonna have to get back to Ironforge and speak to Roetten himself. He\'ll love getting Leftwitch\'s package out of the way anyway. Just give him this and it should be enough to get your booty.$B$BAnd don\'t worry, I\'m still going to put in a good word for you when I get back. I shouldn\'t be in Desolace much longer.','Bring Leftwitch\'s Package back to Roetten Stonehammer in Ironforge.','Ah, the package for Leftwitch from Desolace. Excellent. I \'preciate the work, and your timeliness, $C. Glad to have you aboard for at least this small bit of work.$B$BI got your payment right here. Let it be known that Reclaimers Inc. always pays well for a hard week\'s work.','Well met, $N. Business is booming, the sounds of anvils being struck rings throughout Ironforge, the bellows blow the fires hot, and me wife\'s making me a pie for dessert after tonight\'s dinner. Could life be any grander?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1331insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1286,1468,'Children\'s Week','You\'re willing to help us here at the orphanage?  Bless you, friend; your aid during Children\'s Week will be invaluable.$B$BTake this whistle.  You will only be able to use it for a short amount of time - typically not longer than Children\'s Week itself.  When you use it, you will be able to talk with the child you\'ve agreed to look after.  Using it again will dismiss the child.$B$BBy all means $N - use the whistle and meet your ward!  I\'m sure the child will be most eager to meet you.','Use the Human Orphan Whistle to talk with the child you will be looking after during Children\'s Week.','Um... hi. My name is Randis, and I guess you\'re looking after me? You\'re an adventurer, like my mom and dad were. I\'m happy to meet you.$B$BI hope we\'ll have a lot of fun together. I have some things I\'d like to do, and the matron says you\'ll be like a big brother to me during this week. I\'d like that a whole bunch, yes $gsir:lady;.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1332insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1287,1469,'Rhapsody\'s Tale','Before the flight, I drank me a whole keg of stout. Hiccup!$b$bAnd what a flight it was. Zipping around with Brohann following me. Didn\'t see no temple though. Hiccup!$b$bWell, didn\'t see no temple till I got a little too tipsy and fell off my mount. I plunged right into the water and was sucked down. Found myself surrounded by a bunch of creepy trolls. Sure swam out of there fast! Even made off with this troll souvenir. Here, take it to Brohann and let him know his temple is down there, indeed. Hiccup!','Bring the Atal\'ai Tablet Fragment to Brohann Caskbelly in Stormwind.','Rhapsody Shindigger! That\'s right... how could I forget such a name?$B$BSo he knew about the sinking of the temple all along? Well, that certainly would have saved you some leg work.$B$BBut this Atal\'ai artifact! Why, it\'s quite a find!','At long last you have returned, $N. It has been quite some time since we last spoke. I thought perhaps you had forgotten about my quest.$B$BDid you locate that wily gryphon rider? Did he have anything to report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1333insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1288,1470,'Piercing the Veil','Greetings, child. I can see that you are still young in the ways of the warlock, power still eluding your grasp. I can sense your eagerness to learn.$b$bAnd you will learn.$b$bThere is no strength in ignorance. Knowledge is our greatest power. Through its application, we can control the chaotic magics and beings of the void, bending them to our will.$b$bI will show you how to bind a servant to your will, but first you must bring me three skulls of the rattlecage skeletons near the abandoned smithy.','Bring Venya Marthand 3 Rattlecage Skulls.','Though you are still untested and young in your learning, you have proven that you possess sufficient ability to master the summoning and binding of an imp. Do not be deceived by an imp\'s size. Though it lacks physical strength, it possesses powers and a cleverness that will serve you well.$b$bAttend me carefully, $N, for I will not repeat this lesson, and I will leave its mastery to you.','Your power is little now, though I suspect already you sense the possibilities.$b$bEven the dead might feel alive, with that power coursing through us.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1334insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1289,1471,'The Binding','Surely you have seen the circle of summoning below us? Only there will you be able to draw forth an unbound voidwalker.$B$BUsing these runes, you will be able to draw it forth, and then you must dominate it through strength of arms and magic.$B$BWhen it is subdued, it will be indentured to you. Come to me then, and I will elucidate the spell of summoning, so that it may serve you to whatever end you wish.','Using the Runes of Summoning, summon and subdue a voidwalker, then return the Runes of Summoning to Carendin Halgar in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity.','You have done well, $N. Now, I will impart to you the spell used for summoning the voidwalker.$B$BThe power that it unleashed upon you is now yours to command. Use it wisely.','I expect to hear of your success, $N. Not meeting my expectations will be the least of your worries, however, should you fail.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1335insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1290,1472,'Devourer of Souls','A succubus is a devourer of souls, destroyer of hearts, tempter of men. A creature of profound evil and of singular mind.$b$bIt cannot be brought into our world without a stimulus.$b$bThus we use its own strength against it. With the hearts of good men, pure men, loving men, the succubus will be unable to resist, and will cross into our world. Then you can dominate it, and make it your own.$b$bSpeak with my assistant, Godrick Farsan, within the Temple. He will help you find your bait.','Speak with Godrick Farsan in the Temple of the Damned.','You were sent by Carendin? Sithel, then.$b$bDo not think light of me because my sight is gone. I see things that lie behind now, with clarity I had never known. What I once thought a curse, is now a boon.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1336insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1291,1473,'Creature of the Void','It seems the consensus that you are ready to learn to summon a voidwalker.$b$bA being created of the chaos that lies beyond, if you summon one but cannot control it, you will be torn asunder.$b$bThe first voidwalker was summoned by Egalin, and in his grimoire is the process explained.$b$bUnfortunately, it was stolen from us by an agent of the Scarlet Crusade who has it secreted away in his base at a tower to the west. Bring it to me, and I will impart the knowledge to you.','Recover Egalin\'s Grimoire and bring it to Carendin Halgar in the Temple of the Damned.','Ah, this is excellent. Like as not, Perrine was ignorant to the true power of the musty book he had stolen from us.$B$BIt will not fall out of our hands again. Observe, $N, the structure of the spell, the manner in which your power must be channeled.','Egalin was the teacher that taught me. With hardly a look, he was able to command the voidwalker he had summoned.$B$BWhen it came my turn to try, I was overconfident. Do not trifle with the powers that you wield, $N, they can consume even the vigilant.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1337insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1292,1474,'The Binding','Using these hearts, cast a spell at the summoning circle to open a doorway for the succubus to come through. Your powers are greater now, and you will need all of them to defeat the succubus. $b$bBeware its charms, $n, many a strong mind has been bound to its will. When overcome, the succubus will be returned to the void, and I will teach you the spell to summon it forth at your command.','Using the Pure Hearts, summon and subdue a succubus, then return the Pure Hearts to Carendin Halgar in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity.','Again, you have done well, Sithel. It has been quite some time since I have seen a young $C with as much potential as you. Be assured that I will continue to watch your progress, and prepare and assist you in your future trials.$B$BFor now, let me show you the summoning spell for your newly dominated succubus.','Of the powers from beyond the void, the succubus is one of the most dangerous, as the weak are most easily wrapped around its fingers.$B$BRemember that now and in the future.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1338insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1293,1475,'Into The Temple of Atal\'Hakkar','According to legend, The Temple of Atal\'Hakkar is a holy shrine dedicated to the ancient god, Hakkar the Soulflayer. Maintained by a vicious tribe of trolls named the Atal\'ai, the temple is rumored to be impenetrable.$b$bNow sunk beneath the Pool of Tears, retrieving artifacts from the temple is even more difficult. But that\'s what I need you to do, $n.$b$bAid me by gathering the intact Atal\'ai Tablets. Bring them to me and I will return to the Explorers\' Guild a hero. Together we will share the glory.','Gather 10 Atal\'ai Tablets for Brohann Caskbelly in Stormwind.','The Atal\'ai Tablets! Thank you, $N!$B$BOnce I deliver these to the Explorers\' League our names shall go down in history together. You have helped an old dwarf fulfill his final obligation in life. For that I am eternally grateful.','As dusk slowly descends upon my career I turn to you, $N, to help me in my final quest for the Explorers\' League. If my old bones could muster the strength to brave the Swamp of Sorrows and the sunken temple I would be fighting right alongside you.$B$BPride makes it hard for me to ask for your help in collecting the Atal\'ai Tablets. But old age forces the necessity.$B$BPlease help me, $N. I want to retire from the Explorers\' League having completed their final bidding.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1339insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1294,1476,'Hearts of the Pure','Men of honor and goodness? Does such a man exist?$b$bIt took much research, but through bits of overheard stories, I managed to find two men that should do.$b$bThe first is Dalin Forgewright, who has dedicated himself to the care of the Lordaeron refugees, whom are refused by their kin at the Greymane Wall.$b$bThe other is Comar Villard, a man who remains faithful to his lost love, wandering the Wetlands for a sign of his wife.$b$bDeliver their hearts to Carendin. But first, let me show you your quarry.','Bring the hearts of Dalin Forgewright and Comar Villard to Carendin Halgar in the Temple of the Damned.','The heart of a goodly man seems much the same as any, when you see it like this, don\'t you think?$B$BPerhaps we possess something of a... different... view on the subject. These will do, though. I have no doubt that a succubus would be attracted by their purity.','I have been pleasantly surprised by the speed of your progress so far, Sithel. Bring me the hearts and you will impress me once again.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1340insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1295,1477,'Vital Supplies','Our mages are conducting research at Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands, research vital to our understanding of the Dark Portals. They require nearly constant supplies, but our supply line to Nethergarde is tenuous.$B$BYou must help ensure the supplies make it to Nethergard.  Report to Watchmaster Sorigal in Darkshire, and do as he asks.  This task will take you into hostile lands, $N.  Prepare yourself.','Speak with Watchmaster Sorigal.','Andromath sent you? Very good. I have an important task for you...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1341insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1296,1478,'Halgar\'s Summons','Ah, $n! I just received word from Carendin Halgar that he would like to see you for further training.$b$bYou should be proud of yourself, $n. It\'s not every day that Master Halgar personally sees fit to instruct a young warlock.$b$bYou\'ll be able to find him in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity, near the Temple of the Damned.','Speak with Carendin Halgar in the Undercity.','Good, I see Ageron managed to find you, $N. Let us waste little time with small talk and pleasantries and focus on your training. There is still much you have to learn.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1342insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1297,1479,'The Bough of the Eternals','I\'ve heard stories about how the night elves have their bank in a tree - one that looks like a bear!  That\'s so cool!  Night elves are neat how they like nature and stuff, but bears are just totally awesome!$B$BWould you take me to see the bear-tree in Darnassus, please?  There\'s a boat that will take us close to there, and it shouldn\'t take very long.  Please, please, please!','Take the orphan to the bank of Darnassus.  The bank itself is hollowed out of a tree known as the Bough of the Eternals.','Wow, it was cooler than I even imagined - the Bough of the Eternals! I didn\'t think it\'d be so big, but it was! Did you see the bird on top of it too?! I wonder how they got the branches to look like that!$B$BThanks for taking me to Darnassus, $N. You\'re awesome!','Are we there yet?','Go to the bank in Darnassus, otherwise known as the Bough of the Eternals.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1343insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1298,1480,'The Corrupter','The torn skin smells rotten, and is remarkably pliable for something that appears to be dry and fragile.$B$BAs you unroll it, you can clearly see the red markings of some kind of language on one side. At the bottom of the skin is a very clear symbol that you guess is a signature of some kind.$B$BPerhaps it is something Maurin could tell you more about?','Bring the Flayed Demon Skin to Maurin Bonesplitter in Desolace.','Hmm, these runes are indeed a language, $N, an old language. They seem remotely similar to the Eredun language, but the differences are drastic. If I am not mistaken, this is a contract of some kind.... Here, yes, this symbol is the demon\'s signature: Lord Azrethoc.','The Burning Blade begin to realize how weak they truly are. Their magics are pathetic, their strength feeble.$B$BTheir only power comes from those they serve, and not from any understanding of true power and knowledge.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1344insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1299,1481,'The Corrupter','I believe I can find this demon lord given the proper reagents.$B$BIf he is indeed as powerful as I suspect, I will need items gathered from deadly creatures. But you act in the Warchief\'s name, so I am sure you will accept my task.$B$BFirst, I will have to break any wards he has against scrying. For this, I will need the scalp from a satyr--but not any satyr. The scalp must come from a Hatefury shadowstalker.$B$BSearch for them among the ancient ruins in the northeast of Desolace.','Bring a Shadowstalker Scalp to Maurin Bonesplitter in Desolace.','The shadowstalkers were unable to slay you, $c. Impressive... most impressive.$B$BThis scalp will do nicely for my spell. While you were away, I was able to gather some of the other reagents needed for the spell.$B$BI am almost ready. I only need a focus for the spell--something to project an image of the demon lord and his whereabouts.','Do not bring me an incorrect scalp, $c. Using the incorrect reagents could cause our deaths. The demon lord may have contingency spells on his person to slay those who would scry upon him.$B$BFate has already dealt me enough pain.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1345insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1300,1482,'The Corrupter','An oracle crystal would do nicely. They are crafted by the naga for their oracles to use.$B$BNorthwest of here, along the coast, is a vast coral reef that the naga have taken as their home when this close to the shore. You can find their oracles there. The Slitherblade are deadly and will not react kindly to your intrusions, so be careful and make haste.$B$BWhen you return, we shall see about finding this demon lord Azrethoc.','Bring an Oracle Crystal to Maurin Bonesplitter in Desolace.','A precious oracle crystal... flawless... beautiful. Indeed.$B$BWe shall begin immediately. Finding this demon lord should be our primary concern, and its slaying demands our utmost attention.$B$BTake a step back, $c, and let us see what this demon is, and where he may be found.','I am ready for the oracle crystal, $c. Finding and destroying this Lord Azrethoc would garner a great deal of favor with the Warchief for both of us. We would do well to work together and to do so swiftly so we may further our own ends and curry favor with the Warchief. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1346insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1301,1483,'Ziz Fizziks','The Venture Company stole many of the best goblin minds, but from time to time, we get the opportunity to steal some back.$b$bA while ago, the Venture Company outfit in the Stonetalon Mountains hired Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle--a gnome! Their other engineer, Ziz Fizziks, was so taken aback by this, he pleaded with me to find him new employment with the Tinkers\' Union. I set him on a few tasks, but he might need help.$b$bMaybe you could look in on him for me? He\'s stationed at the western edge of Windshear Crag.','Speak with Ziz Fizziks in Windshear Crag.','I thought those Venture Company higher-ups were slave drivers, but then I met Sputtervalve, the cruelest of them all!$b$bHa! Though it\'s better than being out of a job, I suppose... Or worse, working with that Gerenzo. If you\'re here to help, I\'ve got something for you to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1347insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1302,1484,'The Corrupter','This creature is far more dangerous than I had anticipated.  No doubt Takata questions my abilities to take on such a creature, and it would insult his honor if he were not informed about what just happened.$B$BSpeak to the swordsman, tell him you are willing to slay the demon if he would allow it, but do not press too hard. It is better if he thinks it his own idea.','Speak to Takata Steelblade in Desolace.','I witnessed what just occurred with Maurin and the demon lord. That creature, even as an apparition, seems to have more power than my warlock companion. I wonder if he\'s up to the task of defeating the monster? It would serve the Warchief better if I go myself, but with my responsibilities here, I would disgrace my clan if I turned my back on my duties here to battle this evil for my own honor.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1348insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1303,1485,'Vile Familiars','Those warlocks who came before us have earned the distrust of the Horde, and while we are tolerated, we are not loved.$b$bThis has not brought the warlocks closer together, however, as many choose to live reclusively, dabbling in their magics alone. I will not seek to lead you down one path or the other, but only help you in your maturation.$b$bBefore I teach you the art of summoning, bring me six heads of the vile familiars from the cave to the northeast.','Bring 6 Vile Familiar Heads to Ruzan.','Throughout your training as a $C, you will learn to call forth beings of many sorts. Some may not seem it, but all are useful tools.$B$BDo not be fooled by the imp\'s small size. As you no doubt noticed, it is still a formidable adversary.','It is important that you can control the beings that you summon through your magic. There are few enough interested in learning the ways of the $C that I would risk throwing your life away by teaching you something before you are ready.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1349insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1304,1486,'Deviate Hides','As Naralex descended deeper into his nightmare, a strange breed of beasts arose from beneath the Barrens into the Wailing Caverns.$b$bThese deviate creatures have strange, otherworldly properties. While evil in nature, it is my opinion that some good can come from their existence here in Kalimdor. I believe their hides will be of particular use in the ways of leatherworking.$b$bIf you feel up to the task, venture into the caves below and retrieve some deviate hides.','Nalpak in the Wailing Caverns wants 20 Deviate Hides.','Your efforts shall not go unnoticed in gathering these hides, $N.$b$bThank you for your dedication.','I am very interested in examining the hides from the deviate creatures who have infested these caves. Have you had any luck in collecting some, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1350insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1305,1487,'Deviate Eradication','Naralex had a noble goal.$b$bOur great leader aspired to enter the Emerald Dream and help regrow these harsh lands back into the lush forest it once was. But something went terribly wrong.$b$bNaralex\'s dream turned into a nightmare and corrupt creatures began to inhabit the caverns.$b$bWhile some Disciples of Naralex seek to awake our master, my concern is with ridding these caves of the evil beasts.$b$bBrave the caverns, $n, and eradicate the deviate spawn.','Ebru in the Wailing Caverns wants you to kill 7 Deviate Ravagers, 7 Deviate Vipers, 7 Deviate Shamblers and 7 Deviate Dreadfangs.','As a Disciple of Naralex, I commend your bravery, $N.$b$bYour aid in ridding the caverns is the first step in our long plight to see the Barrens restored.$b$bThank you and may you prosper.','$N, we, the Disciples of Naralex, need your help. Our numbers are dwindling with our master trapped in his twisted nightmare. We have not the forces necessary to deal with the corrupt creatures which now haunt these caverns.$b$bI beg of you, enter the caves and wage war on the deviate creatures!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1351insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1306,1488,'The Corrupter','Although I have no knowledge of this Lord Azrethoc, I agree with Maurin, he must be stopped; especially if he is attempting to gain influence over the Burning Blade to further his goals.$B$BYou have already shown you wish to aid the Warchief, and I would trust you to gather a party to slay the demon lord and his warlock servant.$B$BWhen you are ready, head directly south,  and return to me when the threat has been ended.','Slay Lord Azrethoc and Jugkar Grim\'rod and return to Takata Steelblade in Desolace.','A mighty victory for us all, $N. Let us rejoice in your success. I trust now that our future here is not as bleak as I once thought.$B$BThe demons will be slain, the Burning Blade will fail in their efforts, and we may one day have a place we can safely call home again.','Glory to the Horde, and death to our enemies, $N!$B$BThe demons in Desolace pose a greater threat than ever before. My hope of returning to the Warchief dwindles as more and more of the foul creatures seem to appear.$B$BI sometimes wish it was only the centaur we had to deal with.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1352insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1307,1489,'Hamuul Runetotem','The shells you brought me have a taint, one I have never before seen.  I am certain the water of the Oases is the cause, and I can sense the confusion they cause this land.  It is as if the land dreams and cannot awake.$B$BThe Wailing Caverns must be the source of the taint.  But before you go there, speak with Hamuul Runetotem, the elder druid.  I sent word to him of the happenings in the Barrens.  He is wise, and can offer you counsel.$B$BYou will find him in Thunder Bluff, on the Elder Rise.','Speak with Hamuul Runetotem.','I bid you greetings, $N. You are welcome here, and I suggest you gather all your strength. For the task we now set before you ... is a dire one.','Your masters are fools to send you here, for I will never again be a Scourge slave!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1353insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1308,1490,'Nara Wildmane','I entered the land of dreams, and dreamed of a cult of druids who dwell in the Wailing Caverns.  I saw that their goals were once noble, but they have lost their way.  They are now servants of the taint seeping through the Barrens.$B$BI am old and my strength fails.  I could not long dwell in that dreaming place and know little more of the tainted druids.  But Nara is young and her spirit is fierce.  She remained in the dreaming when I fled.$B$BSpeak with Nara.  She is in the tent, over yonder.','Speak with Nara Wildmane.','Yes, it is true. I know of the druids in the Wailing Caverns. I have seen their twisted, scaled faces. I know their crimes, and I know their plans.$b$bYou must stop them, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1354insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1309,1491,'Smart Drinks','Ok, so the raptor horns didn\'t work so well.  But that\'s all right -- no one got rich on their first try!  And besides, I think I found something that\'ll work even better in my smart drinks!$B$BThere is a substance called Wailing Essence, and I think it is the cause of the strange plants and animals in the Barrens.  Get me some and I\'ll try it in my drink!$B$BI heard the essence gathers in ectoplasmic creatures in the Wailing Caverns to the west.  Hunt those creatures and gather the essence.','Bring 6 portions of Wailing Essence to Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet.','Great, you got it! I can\'t wait to try it out. This is going to make me a fortune, I just know it!$B$BThank you, $N. Take this, and after I\'m rich I\'ll send you more, I promise!','Where is my wailing essence?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1355insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1310,1492,'Wharfmaster Dizzywig','I have need to send a crate of potions, reagents and other items to my associates in the Old World. Little time I have to actually see them to the dock at Ratchet, and the last caravan has already left.$b$bIf you could, please take this to Wharfmaster Dizzywig. He will ensure that it is placed on the next boat to Blackwater Cove.','Bring the Secure Crate to Wharfmaster Dizzywig in Ratchet.','A small enough crate. Yes, I should be able to find room for this aboard the ship. It sails with the next tide, I trust this is soon enough? Excellent. Let me just enter it into my ledger.$B$BAll taken care of! Good day to you, $C.','You seek passage on the next ship, or have some item you wish to send aboard it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1356insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1311,1498,'Path of Defense','As a warrior, one of our most crucial tasks is... protection.  We are the shield of the Horde, and we keep our weaker brethren safe.  If you are to join in our ranks, then you must prove your mettle to me.$B$BGo to Thunder Ridge in Durotar, where live the lightning hides and thunder lizards.  Hunt the beasts!  Show me you are tougher than they!  Brave their assaults and bring me a stack of their singed scales as proof.$B$BDo this, and then I will teach you.','Bring 5 Singed Scales to Uzzek at Far Watch Post in the Barrens.','Ah. I see you have defeated the thunder lizards, which proves you are tough. Now I will show you how tough skin and shrewd movements can combine to form an impenetrable wall of defense.$b$bLearn your lesson well, $N. And be ready for future instruction.','Do you have the scales, $N? Unless you can withstand the attacks of the thunder lizards, you will not benefit from my instruction.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1357insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1312,1499,'Vile Familiars','Zureetha has been sending novices like yourself to help cull the numbers of the creatures in the cave near where you fought the vile familiars.$b$bI think it would be good for you to gain experience by assisting her. Be sure to tell her that you assisted with the imp problem, she\'ll probably have a reward for you.','Speak with Zureetha Fargaze.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1358insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1313,1500,'BETA Waking Naralex','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1359insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1314,1501,'Creature of the Void','So few warlocks remain... We risk much, but the risks are warranted. You must quickly reach maturity in your ability if you are to be of use to the Horde and to the Warchief.$b$bIt is time that you learned a new summoning spell.$b$bFirst, you must recover the Tablet of Verga, which was stolen by warlocks of the Burning Blade and is now kept at their lair in Skull Rock to the east of the city. With the tablet, I will show you the runes necessary to summoning a voidwalker.','Retrieve the Tablet of Verga for Gan\'rul Bloodeye in Orgrimmar.','Good. I hope you inflicted some other losses on the Burning Blade when you went to retrieve this.$B$BThey have been a source of great annoyance for the Warchief, and a great blight upon warlocks as a whole.','Do you have the Tablet of Verga, $N? If not, I do not wish to speak with you until you do.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1360insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1315,1502,'Thun\'grim Firegaze','It is vital that a warrior\'s weapon is one of quality.  And if there is an orc who can craft quality weapons, then that orc is Thun\'grim Firegaze.  He is a hermit who dwells atop the hills east of the Crossroads.$B$BIf you seek a weapon, warrior, then you should seek Thun\'grim.  To find him, first travel to the Crossroads to the west, then strike east into the hills.  His camp is high on a hilltop.','Speak with Thun\'grim Firegaze in the Barrens.','My eyes have long dried out from staring into the forge\'s flame, but some things I can still see. I can see you want something.$b$bAnd if you found your way here, then I can guess what you desire.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1361insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1316,1503,'Forged Steel','I will give you a weapon, $N, but first you must aid me.  The Razormanes to the northwest came into my camp a few nights past.  They would not meet me in combat, but they know my eyes are bad--a few distracted me with snorts while others stole from me!  The cowards!$B$BThey took an iron chest, and within it were some forged steel bars.  If you can recover them then I will give you the weapon you seek.$B$BSearch for the iron box within the quilboar camps, and return with the forged steel bars.','Bring the Forged Steel Bars to Thun\'grim Firegaze in the Barrens.','You found them! And all the bars are here, which doesn\'t surprise me. I didn\'t think the Razormanes would know what to do with fine steel like this.$b$bThank you, $N. Here is your reward. May it serve you well.','Do you have my steel bars?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1362insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1317,1504,'The Binding','Now, observe the Tablet of Verga, for it contains the glyphs you will need for the summoning. Take them to the circle in Neeru Fireblade\'s tent on the other side of the cavern. There you will be able to call for the voidwalker.$b$bYou must defeat it using whatever physical and magical means you have at your disposal. When this is completed, return to me with the glyphs of summoning and I will demonstrate how you may bind the creature to your will.','Using the Glyphs of Summoning, summon and subdue a voidwalker, then return the Glyphs of Summoning to Gan\'rul Bloodeye in Orgrimmar.','You have done well, $N. I will show you how to summon the voidwalker similar to the one you just defeated.$B$BYou should know that we have high expectations for you, and you have, so far, matched them.$B$BDo not let it go to your head, however, as the tasks that still lie before you will make this seem as simple as waking in the morning.','The voidwalker is a powerful creature. I remember when it was I that was in your shoes, $N. Over the years, my own voidwalker has grown to fight me less, though I suspect that is only because it hopes I will let my guard down.$B$BRemember that, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1363insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1318,1505,'Veteran Uzzek','The Horde honors its warriors because their strength is unquestioned.  But the truly great warriors are great students as well.$B$BSeek out Uzzek.  He is a veteran of many battles and now instructs young warriors in the ways of combat.  You will find him south of Far Watch Post, the orc garrison on the border of the Barrens and Durotar.','Speak with Uzzek at Far Watch Post.','Hello, young one. Here for some instruction, are you?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1364insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1319,1506,'Gan\'rul\'s Summons','You there. $n, right?$b$bI hope your schedule isn\'t busy, because Gan\'rul wants to see you right away. You\'ll find him with the senior warlocks in the Cleft of Shadow.$b$bBased on my past dealings with Gan\'rul, your summons is either a very good thing or a very bad thing.','Speak with Gan\'rul Bloodeye in Orgrimmar.','Good. I was afraid Ophek wouldn\'t reach you.$B$BIt is time that I further your warlock training. Any business you have currently will have to wait.$B$BI trust there will not be a problem with this?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1365insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1320,1507,'Devourer of Souls','The time has come for you to learn more of the summoning magics. You will learn to summon a succubus, a creature of incredible mental powers. It can lull those of weak minds into its servitude--but have no fear! I feel certain that you will be equal to the challenge.$b$bA succubus can only be summoned when baited with an item that represents great devotion and love. I leave it to you to find such an object.$b$bA suggestion? Speak with Cazul... There seems to be little the ancient warlock does not know.','Speak with Cazul in the Cleft of Shadow.','Hm... Zarm. You are still new to your path, but I sense the possibility for greatness in you.$B$BYou were born with gifts, $N. See that they do not go to waste.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1366insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1321,1508,'Blind Cazul','Hmm... But, of course, that is not why you have come to speak with me.$b$bIf Gan\'rul has sent you to me, it must be that you are to summon a succubus, and need an object to use for enticement.$b$bHmm... If you trust a blind man to lead you, $n, then listen. In the bluffs of Orgrimmar, west of the wind rider tower, lives Zankaja. She waits for the return of her mate.$b$bGo to her.','Speak with Zankaja in Orgrimmar.','Have you come with news of Dogran? He was to have returned days ago, and I have heard nothing...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1367insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1322,1509,'News of Dogran','My mate, Dogran, was recently sent to the Crossroads for duty. It was a promotion, and he was very proud.$b$bI was sad, of course, but I didn\'t let him know that. And worried, too. The Barrens is a more dangerous place than Orgrimmar, and I feared the worst.$b$bNow it\'s been a week after he should have returned, and I have received no word from him...$b$bPerhaps you could go to the Crossroads and see if they have any news? He worked with Gazrog, who should still be stationed there.','Speak with Gazrog at the Crossroads.','Zankaja? That\'s Dogran\'s mate, right?$B$BYeah, I\'ve heard from him, but it\'s not the sort of news we should let get back to her...$B$BNo, he\'s not dead. But he is injured and a prisoner of the quilboar.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1368insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1323,1510,'News of Dogran','He was stationed at Camp Taurajo, where we\'ve been trying to weed out the quilboar. He led a few grunts to one of their camps, where he was hurt bad. The others made it back and tried to rescue him. He was in bad shape, his wounds festered, so they were afraid to move him without patching him up first.$b$bThey sent a message here, requesting a healing draught from the trolls at the Malaka\'jin at the base of the Stonetalon Mountains. We sent someone to get it, but they haven\'t returned yet.','Speak with Ken\'zigla at the Malaka\'jin.','Another $R, eh? I hope you haven\'t come for the other. He didn\'t make it. Those goblins did him in good.$B$BHe said he needed a healing draught, but not much else.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1369insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1324,1511,'Ken\'zigla\'s Draught','I figured there might be another coming to get the draught, so I prepared it anyways.$b$bHere you go, $n. Mind you, you should only give half of it to him! That will give him enough strength to move without bleeding himself dry. Wait a night, then give him the other half.$b$bAnyways, you\'ll want to bring this to Logmar at Camp Taurajo. From what the first one told me, he should have an idea where this Dogran is.','Bring Ken\'zigla\'s Draught to Grunt Logmar at Camp Taurajo.','Well, it\'s about time! Dogran has been dying out there, waiting for this.$B$BWe need to get this out to him right away, but most of the grunts stationed here are out on a foraging mission.','Yes, what is it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1370insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1325,1512,'Love\'s Gift','Zankaja is young and beautiful. To be chained to an invalid... I will not allow her to suffer that injustice.$b$bLeave me, $n. And thank you. I may end my life in glorious battle, instead of a lifeless husk.$b$bAnd please, I would ask you not to tell my mate of this... I do not want guilt on her conscience.','Bring the Dirt-caked Pendant to Gan\'rul Bloodeye in Orgrimmar.','If you tell me that this will suffice, then I trust you, $N. Allow me to clean it though... Pristine and shining, it may be even more enticing to a succubus.','You have returned. Are you ready to battle a succubus?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1371insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1326,1513,'The Binding','Take this to the summoning circle in Neeru\'s tent, $n. Summon forth a foul succubus, then show it your mastery. I believe in the strength of your magic. As always, though, be wary, for pride and overconfidence has overcome many a promising warlock.$b$bWhen you have defeated it, return the pendant to me so that I might deliver the news to Zankaja.','Using Dogran\'s Pendant, summon and subdue a succubus, then return Dogran\'s Pendant to Gan\'rul Bloodeye in Orgrimmar.','Success! Be sure I expected nothing less from my star pupil.$B$BYou have proven your worth, and gladly will I show you the method of summoning your subdued succubus. Go now, you have much to learn, and when next I see you, I will expect you to have found true mastery over your succubus.$B$BLeave the sorrow of Dogran and Zankaja to those of us who are longer in years, but remember it, and hold it as protection against the wiles of the dark power you have learned to summon today.','When I look upon a succubus, my heart begins to soar... But at the same time, I can almost sense my soul\'s ebb, drifting away like the tides.$B$BBe wary, my friend.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1372insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1327,1514,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1373insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1328,1515,'Dogran\'s Captivity','You\'ve made it this far, so if you want to see this through to the end, I won\'t stop you. I can\'t spare you any additional manpower though, you\'ll be on your own.$b$bDogran is being held in a quilboar camp to the north of here. Look for a group of two huts. He\'ll be heavily guarded--that is, if they haven\'t killed him yet, or he hasn\'t succumbed to his wounds.$b$bGood luck.','Bring Ken\'zigla\'s Draught to Dogran in the Barrens.','Foul tasting brew...$B$BI can feel the strength in me now, enough to hobble away... But my leg, I will have lost it for the rest of my life. My arm, too.','Urrrghhhh...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1374insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1329,1516,'Call of Earth','The time is now, young $c. You\'ve grown strong and your spirit endures like the earth. Following the shaman\'s path shows you have wisdom before even proving yourself.$B$BThe element of earth will guide your destiny, becoming part of you if you are ready. But you must stand before the earth itself. If you are ready, then you will see things only shaman know of.$B$BSeek out the Felstalkers to the north, and take from them two of their hooves. Return to me then, and we shall speak more of your future.\r\n','Bring 2 Felstalker Hooves to Canaga Earthcaller in the Valley of Trials.','Excellent. Your success shows that you are prepared.$B$BOf all the elements, earth represents the foundation of all things. It is your strength, your stamina, and your patience. Earth will protect you, but only if shown the proper respect. Like the other elements, even earth can be fickle. Earth is the basis for life, and by observing its laws, you will gain greater wisdom. Never forget the secrets earth shares with you.$B$BI shall make a sapta for you now, and by accepting it, you will realize your path.','Patience is earth\'s greatest virtue. The earth witnesses the cycle of all things: the mountains becoming deserts; rivers becoming canyons. The earth is the most stubborn and wise of all the elements and it does not tolerate impatience.$B$BThe earth beckons you now because a time of conflict draws near. When you return to me successful, then you shall be that much closer to being made whole.$B$BOthers will be envious of your wisdom and hate you for their ignorance.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1375insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1330,1517,'Call of Earth','A sapta is a drink created to bind our spirits to the elements. Fused with magic, the potion will allow the strong willed to see the elements as no one else can. Your spirit will be connected to the element the sapta was created for, and only a select few shaman know the recipe.$B$BThe sapta is always drunk in a holy place, and never anywhere else--remember that.$B$BSeek out Spirit Rock southwest of here--it is found at the end of the Hidden Path. Drink your sapta there, and... well, you shall see.','Find Spirit Rock and drink the Earth Sapta.','Ah... Unjai... pleased is the earth to have you here.$B$BBound together in body and spirit, you will go forward knowing that the mountains are your strength; the plains, your patience; and the world itself your essence.$B$BStanding before the earth humbly is all that is required of you for you to pass this rite. But the others are not as passive. They may be chaotic and often violent, but such is the nature of the elements. Dual natures opposing one another, you must come to learn these things intricately.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1376insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1331,1518,'Call of Earth','Take this rough quartz from me and bring it to Canaga Earthcaller as proof of our meeting. He will craft a totem for you, and this pebble will be the heart of it. As small as it may seem, you will come to find that size does not matter, and that even the smallest of things can outlast many others.$B$BBe patient, $N. Remain strong. And seek wisdom. This is what earth asks of you. In the end, you shall become one with the earth--respect it as it shall respect you.','Bring the Rough Quartz to Canaga Earthcaller in the Valley of Trials.','Excellent!$B$BThe totem I will craft for you is more than a symbol of your status among $C--it has abilities beyond that. One use of the totem is as a focus for spells. Those spells are tied to the earth, and as you earn greater and greater wisdom, more of the earth\'s abilities will be made accessible to you.$B$BThe trainers will know when you are ready for greater knowledge.$B$BBut for now, take this earth totem, and a scroll to teach you your first ability.','I wish to be the first to welcome you fully to the first of four paths that will forever lead you in your destiny.$B$BIf you have the stone the earth gave to you, I will give you the totem it promised.$B$BIf not, then be gone with you until you have found your way.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1377insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1332,1519,'Call of Earth','The time has come, young $c. Your body ages and grows strong, and your spirit endures like the earth. I see it within you-you have wisdom already.$B$BThe earth guides our people, and it speaks to us, as it will to you in time. But you must be tested. If you are ready, then you shall see things only our kind know of.$B$BSeek out the Bristleback shamans in their ravine to the east, and take from them a salve they use in their rituals. Return to me only when you have enough for your own potion.','Bring 2 applications of Ritual Salve to Seer Ravenfeather in Camp Narache.','Good, $N. Your return here signifies that you are indeed prepared for the next step.$B$BOf all the elements, earth represents the foundation of all things. It is your strength, your stamina, and your patience. The Earth Mother will protect you, but only if you show her proper respect. She is the basis for life, and by observing her laws, you will gain a greater wisdom. Never forget the secrets she shares with you.$B$BI shall make your sapta for you now, and by accepting it, a new path will open before you.','The earth is patient, and will wait for you until you are ready because she knows in time all things erode and are reborn. It is the cycle of things. Mountains become deserts. Rivers become canyons. The earth is the most stubborn and wise of all the elements.$B$BYou must learn patience and stamina above all things. The earth calls for you now because she feels you are ready. Consider this your rebirth if you succeed. You will never be able to go back to ignorance afterwards.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1378insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1333,1520,'Call of Earth','A sapta is a drink created to bind our spirits to the elements. Fused with magic, the potion will allow the open minded to see the elements as no one has seen them before. Your spirit will forever be tied to the element the sapta was created for, and only a select few of our kind know the secrets of its creation.$B$BThe sapta is always imbibed in a holy place, and never anywhere else.$B$BSeek out the shaman shrine to the east of here and drink of the sapta.','Find Kodo Rock and drink the Earth Sapta.','Ah... $N... pleased is the earth to have you here.$B$BBound together in body and spirit, you will go forward knowing that the mountains are your strength; the plains, your patience; and the world itself your essence.$B$BStanding before the earth humbly is all that is required of you for you to pass this rite. But the others are not as passive. They may be chaotic and often violent, but such is the nature of the elements. Dual natures opposing one another, you must come to learn these things intricately.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1379insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1334,1521,'Call of Earth','Take this rough quartz from me and bring it to Seer Ravenfeather as proof of our meeting. She will craft a totem for you, and this pebble will be the heart of it. As small as it may seem, you will come to find that size does not matter, and that even the smallest of things can outlast mountains.$B$BBe patient, $N. Remain strong. And seek wisdom. This is what earth asks of you. In the end, you shall become one with the earth--respect it as it shall respect you.','Bring the Rough Quartz to Seer Ravenfeather in Camp Narache.','Splendid.$B$BThe totem I will craft for you is more than a symbol--it has abilities beyond that. One use of the totem is a focus for spells. Those spells are tied to the earth, and as you earn greater and greater wisdom, more of the earth\'s abilities will be made accessible to you. Trainers found throughout Kalimdor will know when you are ready for greater knowledge and will let you know as much when you visit them.$B$BBut for now, take this earth totem, and a scroll to teach you your first ability.','Greetings, $N. You would not return to me if you had not accomplished your task. May I be the first to welcome you fully to the first path of four that will forever rule your travels.$B$BIf you have the stone the earth gave to you, I will give you the totem it promised. If not, then I pity you. There is much pride to be had when you\'ve fully dedicated yourself to the elements.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1380insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1335,1522,'Call of Fire','Fire be witcha, mon. I see you be strong in da ways of earth already, an\' me tinkin\' you be ready to talk to Kranal.$B$BKranal live north of da Crossroads in da Barrens. He be strong in da ways of da elements and can teach ya da ways of fire... if you tink you be ready.$B$BHe be easy ta find, just don\' go too far--ya go too far an\' ya find yerself in da elves\' lands.','Find Kranal Fiss in the Barrens.','Hmmm, Searn sent you to me, did he?$B$BWell then, Searn could always be trusted, so that must mean you\'re ready to take part of the next sapta--the sapta of fire.$B$BI see it in your eyes already, the burning, the desire. You\'ve tasted power, and now you\'re ready for more of it. Patience, $N. Remember what earth taught you. Power and destruction will come easily, but you must still know when to stay your hand.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1381insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1336,1523,'Call of Fire','Long has it been since you were last tested, $N. You have shown patience thus far in your studies, but the time has come for you to learn more. The time has come for you to learn about destruction... and chaos. The element of fire is yours for the understanding, if you\'re prepared to pay for it.$B$BSeek out Kranal Fiss in the Barrens. He lives in a small dwelling north of the Crossroads, but be mindful, if you\'ve reached the night elf lands, you\'ve gone too far.','Find Kranal Fiss in the Barrens.','Hmmm, Narm sent you to me, did he?$B$BWell then, Narm could always be trusted, so that must mean you\'re ready to take part of the next sapta--the sapta of fire.$B$BI see it in your eyes already, the burning, the desire. You\'ve tasted power, and now you\'re ready for more of it. Patience, $N. Remember what earth taught you. Power and destruction will come easily, but you must still know when to stay your hand.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1382insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1337,1524,'Call of Fire','You are powerful enough to wield the totem of fire, but that does not mean you are ready.$B$BAlong the Southfury River in Durotar, before the Great Sea, lies a hidden trail to one of the highest peaks in the land. Find your way to the top and you shall find one of our holy shrines watched over by Telf Joolam--the Shrine of the Dormant Flame.$B$BTake this torch to him--it marks that you attempt to tame fire. Return it to me aflame by the brazier at the shrine and I will see you are given the totem of fire.','Bring the Torch of the Dormant Flame to Telf Joolam in Durotar.','Ah, my mistake, $N. I apologize. I did not realize you possessed the Torch. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.$B$BMany adventurers find their way here while looking for lost treasure or the promise of mystical creatures to slay, only to be turned away from a seemingly empty shrine. But we know the truth, do we not, $N?$B$BThis shrine holds a greater secret from the mundane members of the Horde. To us, it is sacred.','Greetin\'s, $N. You\'ve found yerself at the Shrine of the Dormant Flame. Only those knowledgeable enough in the shamanistic arts will ever learn the secrets of this place and the power it holds. I\'m sorry you made the trip all this way, only to be turned back now--the journey up here is far from safe after all--but I am the keeper of the shrine, and I cannot allow just anyone to wander around here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1383insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1338,1525,'Call of Fire','But you did not come here for a history lesson, did you? You came for the Eternal Flame and fire totem.$B$BThe first step is to create a sapta and bind you to the flame.$B$BI can create the fire sapta for you if you bring me two items. The first is fire tar, a simple item usually carried by Razormane spellcasters in eastern Barrens.$B$BThe second item will be more dangerous: a reagent pouch from one of the cultists of the Burning Blade. You can find them in a cave above the ravines northeast of Razor Hill.','Bring 1 Fire Tar and 1 Reagent Pouch to Telf Joolam in Durotar.','These will do nicely, $N.$B$BFire is more than chaos and destruction--do well to remember that. It is also about life, and creation. All things are tied together in such a way. Forces oppose one another, but at the same time, one cannot exist without the other. Both extinguish one another, but also give one another meaning. Always remember this.$B$BUsing different types of magic in conjunction with one another will show not only true skill, but great wisdom.','I have enough ingredients for a sapta of fire if you can find the reagent pouch and some fire tar. The Burning Blade fanatics carry the proper components for most of their spells in those pouches, and usually have enough of the items I need that we will not have to search much farther for anything else.$B$BThe saptas are always made from ingredients that are closely tied to their respective elements. It makes our work easier because of the warlocks\' ties to fire.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1384insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1339,1526,'Call of Fire','The fire sapta is finished. The time has come for you to face the flame. Use the sapta at the shrine and head to the top of the mountain to face the manifestation there. He will not attack until you are ready, but he will realize you are able to see him.$B$BStrike him down swiftly, $N, for he shall only grow in power the longer you take to slay him. Once he is defeated, place his glowing embers within the brazier and light the torch.','Defeat the Minor Manifestation of Fire, and place the Glowing Ember in the brazier atop the Shrine of Eternal Flame.','A white hot flame ignites within the bowl as you place the ember within. You can feel the magical effects of the sapta coursing through your body and the fire dances rhythmically before you.$B$BYou place the top of the torch within the basin, and it immediately catches on fire.','The brazier stands about a third your height, and looks normal, save for the inscriptions along its smooth metal rails. The metal shows no signs of wear from the weather, and the bowl seated at the top of it feels cool to the touch.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1385insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1340,1527,'Call of Fire','Torch firmly in hand, you turn away from the brazier and look out over Durotar. You feel an excitement tugging at your spirit as the wind picks up and forces the flame to dance violently.$B$BYou start off down the path back to the Barrens in search of Kranal Fiss.','Bring the Torch of Eternal Flame to Kranal Fiss in the Barrens.','Your spirit burns brighter than any torch I\'ve ever seen, $N, and for that, you should be proud.$B$BIf you continue down this path, the elements will be yours to command, and our brethren will look to you for guidance and wisdom. Let me be the first to congratulate you and present to you your newest totem.','Yes, $N? What do you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1386insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1341,1528,'Call of Water','Water be in ya future, mon. I see you be strong in da ways of fire already, an\' me tinkin\' you be ready to talk to Islen.$B$BIslen live along the coast of da Barrens. If ya head south along the Southfury River, ya canna miss her--look fer da big shark! She be strong in da ways of da elements and can teach ya da ways of water... if you tink you be ready.$B$BShe be easy ta find, just don\' go too far south--she be jus\' beyond Ratchet.','Find Islen Waterseer in the Barrens.','The wind approaches you quickly from the horizon; the earth is steady beneath your feet; and your spirit is already warmed by fire--I would say it is time for you to learn about the purity of water.%B%BYour path has led you this far, and your spirit will give you the strength to carry on even further. But the first step is yours to take.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1387insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1342,1529,'Call of Water','Long has it been since you were last tested, $N. You have shown patience thus far in your studies, but the time has come for you to learn more. The time has come for you to learn about the purity of water.$B$BSeek out Islen Waterseer in the Barrens. She is along the eastern coast, south of the Southfury River and Ratchet. You will find her there at her fishing hut. Good luck to you, $N.','Find Islen Waterseer in the Barrens.','The wind approaches you quickly from the horizon; the earth is steady beneath your feet; and your spirit is already warmed by fire--I would say it is time for you to learn about the purity of water.$B$BYour path has led you this far, and your spirit will give you the strength to carry on even further. But the first step is yours to take.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1388insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1343,1530,'Call of Water','If there is one lesson you must learn of water, it is this: water means rebirth.$B$BIts power flows, erodes, and makes clean all manner of things. You will find its ability to heal and replenish incomparable, but only when it is pure.$B$BWhen you understand that water, when polluted, can devastate all that it touches, you will appreciate how vital a resource it is.$B$BIf you wish the water sapta, find Brine deep in Southern Barrens. Her home is continually molested by the quilboar there.','Find Brine in Southern Barrens.','Yes?%B%BMmm, I have a feeling I know what you\'re going to ask me: what would possess someone to live out here in the deepest part of the Barrens, the threat of quilboar all around, and no protection? Well, we all have our reasons to justify why we act the way we do. The real question is, what brings a lowly <race> to the deepest reaches of the Barrens to speak to a woman who obviously has no concern for her own well-being?%B%BI\'m willing to bet we both know the answer to that.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1389insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1344,1531,'Call of Air','You be makin\' headway now, mon. Your be ready to prove yerself worthy of the air totem, but first, ya must fin\' Prate Cloudseer in Thousand Needles. She be willin\' ta tell ya how to get yer air totem if ya treat her wit enough respect.$B$BHead south through the Barrens, and after ya reach Thousand Needles, head east. You\'ll find her hiddin\' in a hole wit\' her boyfriend--haha, don\' tell her I be dissin\' her none--she not take it too kindly.','Find Prate Cloudseer in Thousand Needles.','For the time being. I shall give you what you need to focus your spells and to call upon the spirits of air. Take this totem, and when you are ready, train with me some more.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1390insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1345,1532,'Call of Air','The winds of Kalimdor rush to meet you and you shall be counted among some of our most powerful $g brothers:sisters;. I am proud to see you have come this far and have such a promising future.$B$BThe element of air is a difficult one to control, but I have faith that your skills will overcome any obstacles that are placed in front of you.$B$BHead to the very south of the Barrens, and enter Thousand Needles. It is there, far to the east, that you will find Prate Cloudseer. She will teach you more.','Find Prate Cloudseer in Thousand Needles.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1391insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1346,1534,'Call of Water','Take this waterskin and head deep into the lush forest the night elves call Ashenvale. It is to the far north of the Barrens.$B$BOnce you\'ve entered the forest, travel west. Along the mountains that separate Stonetalon and Ashenvale, and beyond Lake Mystral, you will find a holy place: the Ruins of Stardust. At the center of the lake you will find a small fountain.$B$BBring me a sample of the fountain\'s water. It will be the final component you\'ll need before I send you back to Islen.','Fill the Empty Blue Waterskin at the Ruins of Stardust in Ashenvale and return to Brine in the Barrens.','Wonderful, $N. With all three samples gathered, I can create for you a vial of the purest water any living creature will find. It will be used in the next steps of your rite of passage.$B$BI am pleased to count you among our kind, $N. You do all $C proud, and I look forward to hearing about your exploits in the future.','Do you have the water yet, $N? Tales say the ruins were protected by large creatures of nature that do not care for visitors, but those could be myths to scare off the enemies of the night elves.$B$BRegardless, be careful.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1392insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1347,1535,'Call of Water','To find understanding and gain the sapta from me, you must seek out only the purest forms of water. As you fetch the samples for me, take note of your surroundings. Be aware of the creatures that rely on the water, that protect it. See how it affects forests and deserts. Witness how the very substance that sustains life will force creatures to take lives.$B$BWe shall start with a simple task: down below my hut there is a pond of the precious liquid. Fill this skin with it and return to me.','Fill the Empty Brown Waterskin at the watering hole below Brine\'s hut and return it to her in the Barrens.','I thought some bloodshed might ensue if you tried to take water from the pool. It is a pity the quilboar do not realize that all living things are tied together; that their greed only perpetuates the pain and suffering of their people. How much could they accomplish if they were to put their differences aside and their clans came together.$B$BAgain, a pity, but more than likely a boon for the other races of the Barrens.','I am just about prepared to send you on your other tasks. Have you filled the skin yet?$B$BI know how protective the quilboar can be. Even such a small water source is a vast hoard of wealth to them. They have great feasts when even the slightest rain comes to the Barrens. Water is sacred to their kind because it is so scarce. Do you understand?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1393insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1348,1536,'Call of Water','Long ago I followed some companions into the Hillsbrad Foothills. We defended ourselves from some tenacious humans who make their home there and we found ourselves in a small town the Forsaken had taken over: Tarren Mill.$B$BIt was there I found a most peculiar thing: in the center of town was a small well of fresh spring water. I\'m not sure the plagued citizens of the town even realize its value--it\'s a small holy vestige in an unhallowed sea.$B$BBring me a sample of that water in this waterskin.','Fill the Empty Red Waterskin at the well in Tarren Mill and return to Brine in the Barrens.','This is good, $N. You\'re dedicated to the task at hand and have the ability to seek out that which is needed.$B$BOne more sample is all I need to create the reagent needed for your sapta. Islen will be pleased as well.','The well remaining pure within the town reminds me of stories told to me when I was younger, $N. Even in times of great pain and sorrow one can find a sliver of hope, a small symbol to rally around. The orc people see Thrall this way. He survived against great odds and rose up to lead our people through his strength and example.$B$BI\'m not sure any orc has suffered as much as he has, but at the same time, I\'m not sure any orc is as strong as he is either.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1394insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1349,1558,'The Stonewrought Dam','Ironforge is where all the dwarves and gnomes live.  Near there is a place called Loch Modan, and the dwarves built a HUGE dam there.  They say it\'s one of the biggest things anyone\'s ever made.  Wow!$B$BCould you take me to Loch Modan and see the dam there, please?  I think it is the Stone... um... Stonewrench Dam?  Stonewrought?  It\'s big - that\'s for sure.  I\'d like to look out over the big waterfall.  I promise I won\'t lean over too far!','Take the orphan to the Stonewrought Dam in Loch Modan.  You should take him to the middle of the dam so he can see out over the giant waterfall.','WOW - the dam was WAY bigger than I thought! I could barely hear myself talk from the sound of all the rushing water! Hey, do you think it would ever run out of water? Man, what would happen if that damn ever broke! WOW, that would be scary!$B$BThanks for taking me to see the dam. That was very kind of you. I told you I wouldn\'t lean over too far!','','Go to the top of the Stonewrought Dam in Loch Modan.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1395insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1350,1559,'Flash Bomb Recipe','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1396insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1351,1560,'Tooga\'s Quest','I am so lost!$b$bMy wife, Torta, sent me out to fetch dinner and I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.$b$bWould you be so kind as to lead me back to Torta? She\'s waiting for me just south of Steamwheedle Port.','Show Tooga the way back to his wife, Torta.','So he couldn\'t find his way back on his own? Figures.$B$BWell, I guess you deserve something for your troubles....','','Lead Tooga to Torta','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1397insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1352,1578,'Supplying the Front','The mountaineers of Loch Modan are fighting troggs, and having a busy time of it!  They need constant supplies of new armor and weapons if we\'re ever to get a handle on those troggs.$B$BThat\'s why my colleague Thorvald is there, trying to keep the mountaineers in good gear.  So if you were to make some copper axes and copper chain belts and bring them to Thorvald, he would be obliged.  He might even share his knowledge with you.$B$BThorvald is in Loch Modan\'s southern guard tower.','Bring 6 Copper Axes and 6 Copper Chain Belts to Thorvald in the southern guard tower of Loch Modan.','Ah, apologies! I didn\'t realize you were here to help resupply our troops. The stuff you made will be a big help!$B$BHere are plans for some armor. I hope you find them useful.','I have no time to chat. Do you have business with me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1398insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1353,1579,'Gaffer Jacks','I came to Auberdine because of the quiet.  I want to invent my inventions where it\'s quiet, because after a night of drinking I don\'t like all the noise of Ironforge!$B$BSo I took a ship to Auberdine and had a little too much to drink on the way.  I dropped my box of gaffer jacks overboard!  I need my gaffer jacks!$B$BI don\'t know exactly where I dropped them, but if you fish for them in the ocean you might get lucky...','Bring 8 Gaffer Jacks to Wizbang Cranktoggle in Auberdine.','I can\'t believe you found them! You must be the luckiest $R in Kalimdor!','Did you find my gaffer jacks, $N? Without my gaffer jacks I can\'t tune my stintle pegs!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1399insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1354,1580,'Electropellers','We know you\'re lucky, but... just how lucky are you, $N?$B$BOne night I was wandering the roads of Darkshore.  I was looking for a good river or lake to try my new self-propelled, exploding duck decoy and I think I was a little tipsy... because I passed out and awoke hours later in Auberdine.  My hair was singed and my bag of electropellers was gone!  I must have dropped them in the water!$B$BI need those electropellers!  Maybe you can fish them out of some lake or stream in Darkshore...','Bring 12 Electropellers to Wizbang Cranktoggle in Auberdine.','I can\'t believe it! You found them! You are the best fisherman I\'ve ever seen!$b$bThank you, $N. And here, take these. Although you\'re so good and you probably don\'t need them, they will help you with your fishing.','Did you find any electropellers? I\'ll need them if I\'m to continue my research on duck decoys...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1400insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1355,1581,'Elixirs for the Bladeleafs','Our herb and alchemy shop is booming, but my husband spends so much time mixing potions that we never have time for each other.$B$BCan you help us?$B$BIf you can bring me a supply of pre-made elixirs, then I would be happy to trade with you.  I have some rare herbs that you might find useful.','Bring 6 Elixirs of Lion\'s Strength and 2 Elixirs of Minor Defense to Syral Bladeleaf in Dolanaar.','These are nicely mixed. You take great care in your trade, $N, and that is important for an alchemist.$b$bHere are your herbs, freshly gathered. May you use them well.','Hello, $N. Do you have the elixirs to trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1401insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1356,1582,'Moonglow Vest','We in Darnassus, especially we craftsman, are quite busy.  Young adventurers are eager to test themselves in the wilderness, and are in constant need of supplies.$B$BIf you can help me fill my orders of leather goods, then perhaps I can teach you an advanced leatherworking technique.','Bring 1 Embossed Leather Gloves, 5 Embossed Leather Boots and 5 Embossed Leather Cloaks to Lotherias in Darnassus.','Yes, these are good pieces. You have a skilled hand and an eye for detail. Your future as a leatherworker is promising.$B$BHere, $N. Let me show you the pattern to make the Moonglow Vest.','Greetings, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1402insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1357,1598,'The Stolen Tome','You there! $n, right?$b$bI hope you\'re sure about becoming a warlock, because if you can\'t hold your own, you\'re likely to get pulled under.$b$bI\'m to teach you, but I need to make sure you\'re strong enough first.$b$bThere was a novice studying at the Abbey who ran off to join the Defias Brotherhood. Why do I care? Well, he stole some important books.$b$bOne of those happens to be a book I\'ve wanted for myself, the Powers of the Void. Steal it for me, they have it hidden at their tent in the Vineyards.','Retrieve the Powers of the Void for Drusilla La Salle.','Excellent... I was never able to gain access to this text, it was held in a protected wing of the library that would have looked suspicious for me to be loitering around.$B$BWell, you did a good job in getting this, and I\'m convinced that you can probably handle your own imp, so there\'s no reason for me not to show you how to summon one.','It was too conspicuous for me to steal the book myself. What luck one of their own patsies did the dirty work for me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1403insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1358,1599,'Beginnings','You must be the new warlock everyone\'s been whispering about. Must be someone\'s taken a liking to you if they\'ve asked me to take time away from my research to start your training.$b$bDon\'t worry, I won\'t hold it against you.$b$bThe simplest of the summoning spells you will learn is that of the imp. Before I impart this to you, however, you must prove that you have the necessary magical and physical ability.$b$bBring me three feather charms from the frostmane novices from the cave to the southwest.','Bring 3 Feather Charms to Alamar Grimm in Anvilmar.','Very good, very good! You\'ve done well, Anengineer. Perhaps the interest that is being shown in you is deserved, after all.$b$bThat\'ll be for the others to decide--assuming your imp doesn\'t overpower you and nip your career in the bud. For now, I\'m satisfied that you\'ll probably survive your first few months as a $C.$b$bA word about the imp, Anengineer. As a $R knows, don\'t let its size fool you, its magic can be very dangerous.','Those feather charms the novices carry have some sort of magical power to them. It will be interesting to research them. I wouldn\'t have expected it from the trolls.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1404insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1359,1618,'Gearing Redridge','We dwarves aren\'t the only ones fighting.  Our human allies have their hands full too!$B$BRedridge is under periodic attack from blackrock orcs, and their supply of equipment is always low.  If you were to help them out, I\'m sure their resident blacksmith, Verner Osgood, would teach you a trick or two.','Tormus Deepforge  wants you to bring 4 Runed Copper Belts and 4 Heavy Copper Mauls to Verner Osgood in Redridge.','Thank you, $N. This will help me out tremendously. With the Blackrock orcs attacking from Stonewatch Keep and the Redridge gnolls lurking in the foothills to the north, I\'m always fixing armor and making new weapons for our troops.$B$BThe supplies you brought will give me a moment\'s peace. I will have enough time to teach you something...','I hope you\'re here with good news from Ironforge. Because I\'m at my wit\'s end!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1405insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1360,1638,'A Warrior\'s Training','You\'ve shown yourself to be a competent warrior, $N.  But you\'re still young and have a lot to learn.$B$BSpeak with Harry Burlguard--he\'s usually in the Pig and Whistle tavern, in the Old Town of Stormwind.  Harry is an old veteran and a good teacher.  He can show you a few moves that\'ll keep you breathing longer.','Speak with Harry Burlguard.','Oh ho! Have a drink with me, $N. You look tough on the outside, but let\'s see if your gut can handle a few mugs of the Pig and Whistle\'s strongest!!$B$BOr... were you here for a lesson?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1406insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1361,1639,'Bartleby the Drunk','Yeah, I can teach you.  But first I wanna see what moves you have already.$B$BSee that drunk over there at the end of the bar?  Bartleby?  I want you to get his mug.$B$BHah, and if you know Bartleby then you know he won\'t just give it to you.','Speak with Bartleby.','Hello, fancy $gboy:girl;! What\'s a prissy thing like you doing in the Pig and Whistle? Be careful, or you might break a nail...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1407insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1362,1640,'Beat Bartleby','You want what??  You\'re crazy!$B$BThe only way you\'ll get this mug is if you pry it from my cold, dead fingers...','Beat Bartleby, then talk to him.','You\'re a lot tougher than you look!','','Beat Bartleby','Beat Bartleby','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1408insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1363,1641,'The Tome of Divinity','','','Here in Stormwind, I am responsible for putting paladins on the path to greater virtue as they devote themselves to the Light and defend Azeroth from the Scourge and other threats.$B$BThe time has come for you to take your first step towards being truly virtuous. If you accept it, I will give you a Book of Divinity. In studying it, you shall learn some about the Light, and what is expected of you. If you understand it, and are capable, then you will succeed in attaining greater abilities.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1409insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1364,1642,'The Tome of Divinity','In all things, a paladin must reflect the Light which supplements our strength. To strive to be divine for one of our kind does not mean we strive for godhood--we strive to be good in all actions.$B$BAlthough called upon to smite evil in these harsh times, you must always remember that it\'s aiding others that will truly set you apart from the citizens of Azeroth. Compassion, patience, bravery--these things mean as much to a paladin as strength in battle.$B$BKnow this well, and never forget it.','Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','Hello again, $N. How goes your studies of the Tome of Divinity?$B$BThen you should be prepared to have yourself tested. There are always tasks to be done throughout the city and our lands; acts of compassion and understanding; people who need help; creatures to slay.$B$BBy proving you have the patience to help others, especially those who are less fortunate, you prove that you are a servant of the Light and of sound mind.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1410insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1365,1643,'The Tome of Divinity','Your task then, $N, is to find someone here in Stormwind that is in need of aid. Someone who is pure of heart and motive. Perhaps someone helping others. Perhaps someone in need of a guide. Regardless, the person must have noble intent and be relying on your kindness.$B$BDo this, and return to me when you are finished. Then, we shall discuss more of your path and what it means to be a paladin of the Light.','Search the Trade District of Stormwind for Stephanie Turner.','Oh, hello, luv. How go your adventures? Oh, I\'m so glad to hear you\'re doing well.$B$BOh, me? Thank you for asking--I\'m doing well, all things considered.$B$BThe increase in tradesmen has kind of put a damper on the amount of leather and cloth people are willing to part with these days, so it\'s been tougher to make clothing for the children at the orphanage, but we\'ll manage. By \"we\" I mean my husband and I. He\'s up in Ironforge trying to seek help from the citizens there.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1411insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1366,1644,'The Tome of Divinity','Bless their hearts, most of them have no families because of the Scourge attacks in the last decade.$B$BMy husband John collects the materials for me to make the shirts and pants for the children, but I haven\'t even had time to do that. I\'ve been too focused on keeping food on their plates, and a roof over their heads.$B$BWhat\'s that? You\'d be willing to help? Oh, thank the Light, and thank you, $N.$B$BIf you could bring me some linen cloth so I can sew clothes for the kids, that would help me out so much.','Bring 10 Linen Cloth to Stephanie Turner in Stormwind.','Thank you, $N, thank you so much!$B$BThe children will be so pleased, and you\'ve saved me so much time. I\'ll now be able to focus on the children\'s other needs, and hopefully my John will be able to return home sooner than we thought.$B$BThank you again, $N. I knew I could rely on the charity of others. The Light be with you.','I hope my John is having better luck in Ironforge. He so dislikes his trips there because it leaves the kids and me alone, but he knows it must be done. He\'s so kind-hearted.$B$BSome years have been easier than others, but this one\'s been rougher by far. It\'s almost as though something in the air is signaling a huge change. Who knows though?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1412insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1367,1645,'The Tome of Divinity','','','Here in Ironforge, I am responsible for putting paladins on the path to greater virtue as they devote themselves to the Light and defend Azeroth from the Scourge and other threats.$B$BThe time has come for you to take your first step towards being truly virtuous. If you accept it, I will give you a Book of Divinity. In studying it, you shall learn some about the Light, and what is expected of you. If you understand it, and are capable, then you will succeed in attaining greater abilities.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1413insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1368,1646,'The Tome of Divinity','In all things, a paladin must reflect the Light which supplements our strength. To strive to be divine for one of our kind does not mean we strive for godhood--we strive to be good in all actions.$B$BAlthough called upon to smite evil in these harsh times, you must always remember that it\'s aiding others that will truly set you apart from the citizens of Azeroth. Compassion, patience, bravery--these things mean as much to a paladin as strength in battle.$B$BKnow this well, and never forget it.','Speak to Tiza Battleforge in Ironforge.','Welcome back, $N. You\'ve spent time reading the book, I hope?$B$BThen you should be prepared to have yourself tested. There are always tasks to be done throughout the city and our lands; acts of compassion and understanding; people who need help; creatures to slay.$B$BBy proving you have the patience to help others, especially those who are less fortunate, you prove that you are a servant of the Light and of sound mind.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1414insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1369,1647,'The Tome of Divinity','Your task then, $N, is to find someone here in Ironforge that is in need of aid. Someone who is pure of heart and motive. Perhaps someone helping others. Perhaps someone in need of a guide. Regardless, the person must have noble intent and be relying on your kindness.$B$BDo this, and return to me when you are finished. Then, we shall discuss more of your path and what it means to be a paladin of the Light. I will remain here in the temple for your return. Other paladins will need my guidance also.','Search the outer ring of Ironforge for John Turner.','THE ORPHANAGE OF STOR... oh, sorry, didn\'t mean to shout at you, sir.$B$BMy name is John Turner. How are you?$B$BGood, good, glad to hear things go well for you. I\'ve had a long day of work already, and I miss my wife terribly, but that\'s the price you have to pay when there are mouths to feed and backs to clothe.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1415insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1370,1648,'The Tome of Divinity','My wife and I run an orphanage in Stormwind, mostly for children who have lost parents due to the attacks by the Scourge in the last decade. I come to Ironforge every month or so to see about collecting more supplies from the citizens here, and talk to the various groups to see if they can do anything to help.$B$BThis trip\'s been agonizingly slow, and not very productive.$B$BIf I could just get some more linen for my wife to make some clothes, I could finally send a shipment home.','Bring 10 Linen Cloth to John Turner in Ironforge.','This is so wonderful of you, $N. Thank you again.$B$BYou\'re a noble man for doing this for me. It\'s no wonder you\'ve chosen to follow the Light. I wish there was some way I could repay you for all you\'ve done... what\'s that? It\'s the least you could do? See? That\'s what I\'m talking about, $N, noble to the end.$B$BBe safe, and may the Light protect you in your travels.','What with the influx of tradesmen here and throughout Azeroth, there\'s a smaller supply of items we use to make clothes for the children of our orphanage. Helping me collect linen so my wife can make new clothes for them is very noble of you, $N. Thank you.$B$BHopefully, I\'ll be able to return home to my wife soon.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1416insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1371,1649,'The Tome of Valor','Valor, and all the virtues that go along with it, are like rare minerals: you must cherish them when you find them because of their value, but you must also take time to harvest them... refine them. When mixed together properly, a strong alloy is formed, sometimes unbreakable by even the most powerful blows.$B$BThis strength, your faith, your bravery, must be tested. You must learn to never lose faith and realize that with the power of the Light, you can overcome things that most others cannot.','Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','Ah, you wish to petition me for a test of valor. Splendid.$B$BThere are many tasks throughout the city and surrounding lands that hold much challenge, and they could use a man with your skills.$B$BThis test should not be taken lightly, $N. This, like many things along our path, could take our lives. The Church always wishes to bolster its ranks, but it understands the sacrifices needed to ensure the paladins serving it are worthy.$B$BAre you prepared?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1417insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1372,1650,'The Tome of Valor','Good! Your lack of hesitation is a sure sign that you are prepared and eager to test yourself. So be it.$B$BAt the very ends of Westfall\'s Longshore, a small house overlooks the ocean. There, a couple lives, the Stilwells. Jordan is an incredible smith, and he\'s gone to Ironforge to meet with the dwarves for a while. But this has left Daphne, his wife, alone and unprotected.$B$BReports suggest that the Defias have all but taken over the area, Daphne may need some protection from the villains. Go there.','Find Daphne Stilwell in Westfall.','Hello, $N. I\'m assuming by all that armor and weapon of yours, you\'re either here to try and take my land, or the Church finally sent someone to help protect me while my Jordan\'s gone.$B$B Well, let me introduce myself: I\'m Daphne Stilwell. It\'s a pleasure.$B$BNow, you\'re not too late... I\'ve only killed a half dozen of the scum since last sun up. They\'ve been a little slow getting \'round the bend up there, but they probably saw you coming, which means they\'ll probably be here any minute.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1418insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1373,1651,'The Tome of Valor','Now, they\'ll be coming again soon, I\'d wager, so get yourself ready.$B$BI\'ve got myself a gun in the house. I\'ll grab it and be ready to help you out, but for the most part, you\'re on your own.$B$BI\'ve no idea how many they\'ll send, but I\'m sure it\'ll be more than the few they sent earlier.$B$BAsk the Light for whatever blessings you can because... did you hear that? I think they\'re coming.$B$BWe make our stand near the house!','Defend Daphne Stilwell from the Defias attack.$B$BNeither of your spirits must be released from their mortal coils if you wish to succeed.$B$BAfter you are successful, speak to Daphne Stilwell again.','We\'ve done it, $N! Thank you for your help. You were truly amazing out there. I never thought a $C could handle so many enemies at once.$B$BYou\'ve truly shown bravery in the face of overwhelming odds.','','','Protect Daphne Stilwell','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1419insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1374,1652,'The Tome of Valor','Please, return to Duthorian and let him know that I\'m safe for now. I have you and the Church to thank for that.$B$BHe\'ll send word to Ironforge to let my Jordan know that he has nothing to fear.$B$BOh, how I miss my husband. I can\'t wait till he returns.','Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','So, we meet again, $N, and you are in high spirits, I see.$B$BThe Stilwell home will be safe for another day, and from your story I see that there was no shortage of danger to be found. Well done.$B$BDaphne and Jordan have helped the Church greatly, and having you protect their property--and their very lives--was the least we could do for them.$B$BFor your valor, you will be rewarded.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1420insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1375,1653,'The Test of Righteousness','Actually, I have no doubt that Jordan himself would like to thank you, and seeing as I need a messenger to send word that his wife is safe, I think you\'d be a perfect choice.$B$BJordan was to be a paladin of the Light before his dedication to his father\'s craft took him on another path--he\'s intimately familiar with our way of life and is considered among our most faithful.$B$BHe should still be in Ironforge--he likes to work outside the gates during the day, something about the cool mountain air.','Speak to Jordan Stilwell in Ironforge','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1421insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1376,1654,'The Test of Righteousness','I\'d like to reward you if you\'d be willing to accept such a thing? Don\'t misunderstand me, my generosity is dependent on how much help you can be, but I see us both benefiting greatly from such an alliance.$B$BI will craft for you a weapon worthy of what you\'ve accomplished, a symbol of paladinhood and the Light, but you must gather the items I need to craft it. I\'ve already started taking notes on the items, it just requires someone brave and skilled enough to recover them. What do you say, $c?','Using Jordan\'s Weapon Notes, find some Whitestone Oak Lumber, Bailor\'s Refined Ore Shipment, Jordan\'s Smithing Hammer, and a Kor Gem, and return them to Jordan Stilwell in Ironforge.','This is wonderful! You\'ve gotten all the items.$B$BI should have no problem forging you a grand weapon with these. I\'ve actually had the plans for doing this for some time. I just never had the opportunity to gather the goods. Thank you, $N.$B$BIt feels good to have my father\'s hammer again...and a Kor gem. I never thought I\'d see one of these myself.','The items you\'re seeking will be difficult to acquire, but I can assure you, the weapon I will craft for you will be worth the effort.$B$BIt will be my finest work to date, and only a small payment for the service you\'ve done me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1422insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1377,1655,'Bailor\'s Ore Shipment','Ach, ya startled me, $G man:woman;! Can\'t ya see I was lost in thought?$B$BWhat\'s that? Jordan\'s shipment... fer Ironforge. Ahhh, yeah, I know whatcha speak of. Mo\'grosh ogres... dat\'s who took me ol\' friend\'s ore shipment. Caravan was headin\' here from the Wetlands and was ambushed. The guard who survived their attack just passed away a few days ago--healer couldn\'t get to \'em fast enough.$B$BIf you want the shipment, you\'ll have to head northeast across the Loch. It\'s got to be there somewhere.','Bring Jordan\'s Ore Shipment to Bailor Stonehand in Loch Modan.','Yup yup, this is it. Ha! If I\'d known you were really gonna head out there and fight some o\' them ogres, I woulda given you a list of things to get instead of just this one thing. But, you\'re not here doin\' business for me, are ya?.$B$BA deal\'s a deal; Jordan wanted a shipment of me alloy, that\'s what he\'s gonna get.$B$BTell \'em hello fer me, and be safe, $C.','So, any luck yet? Haha, those ogres didn\'t get the best of ya yet, did they?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1423insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1378,1656,'A Task Unfinished','$N, please, I beg of you, can you help me? I have not finished my tasks here on the Mesa--I\'m in the middle of my Rite of Strength--and my father asked me to deliver these furs to the inn in Bloodhoof.$B$BI\'m far from rested enough to complete both my rite and this task for my father. Would you mind going on for me?$B$BThe inn is pleasant and a perfect place to rest during your long travels. I\'m sure you\'ll agree once you see it.','Bring the Bundle of Furs to Innkeeper Kauth in Bloodhoof Village.','Ah, the furs I was expecting. Thank you.$b$bThese came faster than I had expected. They will make good blankets for anyone who wishes to stay here.$b$bPlease feel free to stay as long as you like. My inn is always open and all of our people are welcome here. And don\'t underestimate a good night\'s rest, it can make a great difference while you\'re out traveling.','Yes, young one? What can Kauth do for you?$b$bThe journey here from the Mesa can be a tremendous burden for some, but a welcome sight for others. Which is it for you, I wonder?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1424insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1379,1657,'Stinking Up Southshore','Celebrate Hallow\'s End in style... by bringing grief to our enemies in Southshore!$B$BTake one of these specially crafted stink bombs.  It is filled with an odiferous funk that no human - or any weak-willed beast for that matter - can stand to smell.  You\'ll need to throw it right in the heart of Southshore for it to do its job, so be prepared for a fight against the Alliance!$B$BWhen you\'ve completed this task... this tribute to our liberation, return to me!','Toss three Forsaken Stink Bombs into the heart of Southshore in Hillsbrad, and return to Darkcaller Yanka at the Wickerman Festival in Tirisfal Glade.','Ah, well done! I hope the Alliance chokes on the foul gift we\'ve given them, much like we were forced to choke on the yoke of enslavement to the Scourge!$B$BYou\'ve kept the ideas of Hallow\'s End true, $N, and for that I salute you. As an extra bonus, let me share some of these Hallow\'s End treats I have with you. I think you might find them to be quite the enjoyable diversion!','','','Toss Stink Bomb into Southshore','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1425insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1380,1658,'Crashing the Wickerman Festival','I need brave individuals to head up to Tirisfal Glade and check out the Wickerman Festival.  I\'m not going to lie - heading up there will be dangerous.  The guards at the festival will be exceptionally vicious.  Still, we need to know how big the festival is this year, and how much trouble the Forsaken are going to cause us during Hallow\'s End.$B$BIf you\'re up for it, head to Tirisfal and scout out the festival.  Return to me with the information, and I\'ll make sure you\'re well compensated.','Locate the Forsaken\'s Wickerman Festival in Tirisfal Glade.  Return to Sergeant Hartman in Southshore once you\'ve done so.','Well done, $N. The Wickerman Festival will continue to be trouble so long as the abominable Forsaken are allowed to haunt the remnants of Lordaeron. It is NOT a fitting tribute to that once proud kingdom, let me tell you...$B$BHere\'s some coin for any repairs you might need, and in the spirit of the season I\'ve also included some treats you might like. Happy Hallow\'s End - let\'s keep it as safe as possible here in Southshore.','','Scout out the Forsaken\'s Wickerman Festival.','Scout out the Forsaken\'s Wickerman Festival.','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1426insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1381,1661,'OLD The Tome of Nobility','I greet you once again, $N. I am more proud to call you $g brother:sister; than ever before--your dedication is a tribute to us all.$B$BThe time has come for me to bestow a great gift upon you. But know this, for now I give you this freely, but later, when time permits, this will be a much greater challenge to all paladins who choose to undertake my quest.$B$BSpeak to me again and I shall grant you a great boon.','Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1427insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1382,1665,'Bartleby\'s Mug','Ok, here\'s my mug.  Wait!  Let me finish what\'s in it first... there we go.','Bring Bartleby\'s Mug to Burlguard','There it is! He sure didn\'t want to part with it, but you were persuasive. Well done.$B$BNow for your lesson...','I saw your fight with Bartleby. Nicely done! Did you get his mug?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1428insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1383,1666,'Marshal Haggard','You\'ve learned a few moves, but you could still use a decent weapon.  I bet if you spoke with Marshal Haggard he could help you.$B$BMarshal Haggard lives in a manor in Elwynn Forest, at the Eastvale Lumber Camp.  He\'s retired now but he collected a lot of gear during his career.$B$BLet him know I sent you, and with luck he\'ll have a spare weapon to offer.','Speak with Marshal Haggard.','Who\'s that?$B$BBurlguard, is that you?$B$BYou\'ll have to step a little closer. My eyes aren\'t what they used to be.$B$BWalking up like that, I thought you were a gnoll!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1429insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1384,1667,'Dead-tooth Jack','Burlguard sent you, did he?  Yes, I have spare weapons around here, but first I have a task for you...$B$BA while ago a Defias villain Dead-tooth Jack tricked me.  It was dark and he was wearing a Stormwind tabard and I thought he was Marshal Dughan.  He said he needed my old Stormwind Marshal\'s badge and I gave it to him... and then he laughed and ran off before I could catch him!$B$BGet back my badge!  Dead-tooth Jack probably has it stowed in his camp to the south.','Retrieve Haggard\'s Badge from Dead-tooth Jack\'s camp, and return to Marshal Haggard.','Great, you found it! I feared it was gone forever, used by the Defias to impersonate a Stormwind official. Well that won\'t happen now, thanks to you.$B$BHere are some weapons I used when I was a Marshal. I kept them in great shape--take your pick!','Do you have my badge? I don\'t want to think of the mischief Dead-tooth Jack could cause with it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1430insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1385,1678,'Vejrek','If you want to rise in the ranks of the warriors, then you better be tough.  I can teach you new moves but before that, prove to me you can handle yourself against real foes.$B$BVejrek is the toughest troll you\'ll find in these parts, and he\'s who you have to beat.  He has a hut in the foothills just south of Frostmane Hold$B$BBring me Vejrek\'s head and I\'ll know you have mettle.','Bring Vejrek\'s Head to Muren Stormpike in Ironforge.','Vejrek sure was an ugly one, eh? Nicely done, $N! You have what it takes, now let\'s start your lesson...$b$bYou may not know it, but a strong defense is very important to a $C. It keeps him standing against foes that\'d fell others, and that\'s what your allies need.','Have you been to Vejrek\'s hut, $N? Is that $R stink I smell on you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1431insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1386,1679,'Muren Stormpike','Hello, warrior!  You show a lot of promise, but you still need to learn some tricks and Muren Stormpike is just the dwarf to teach you.$B$BYou can find Muren at the Hall of Arms in the Military Ward of Ironforge.  Talk to him when you\'re ready to learn what it is to be a warrior.','Speak with Muren Stormpike.','Ah, $N. I heard the warriors of Dun Morogh bouncing your name around. I hope you haven\'t spent all your time in the breweries!','Did you make the switch?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1432insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1387,1680,'Tormus Deepforge','Now that you\'ve learned some moves, it\'s time to get you a decent weapon.  Speak with Tormus Deepforge.  He can make you a weapon I\'m sure you\'ll like.$B$BYou\'ll find Tormus here in Ironforge, at the Great Forge.','Speak with Tormus Deepforge.','Muren sent you, did he? Yes, I can make you a nice weapon... but before I do that, I have a favor to ask of you.$b$bDon\'t worry. It\'s plenty dangerous and could mean your death; it\'s exactly the sort of job a $C wants.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1433insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1388,1681,'Ironband\'s Compound','My mentor, Sturgy Ironband, had a compound south of Helm\'s Bed Lake in eastern Dun Morogh.  There he taught blacksmithing and he was the best.$B$BBut one day, one of his students brought him a load of strange ore.  Master Ironband called it umbral ore and was eager to work with it, but soon after it arrived... a band of Dark Iron dwarves attacked his compound.  They killed everyone!$B$BEnter Ironband\'s compound, $N, and avenge my master\'s death.  And bring me the load of umbral ore that caused it.','Bring a load of Umbral Ore to Tormus Deepforge in Ironforge.','You found it! Well done!$b$bI hope you killed a host of Dark Iron dwarves while searching. I fear that Ironband\'s compound won\'t be the last place we see them.$b$bBut thank you for the ore, $N. I\'m eager to work it and find its properties.','Have you entered Ironband\'s Compound? Did you find the umbral ore?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1434insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1389,1682,'Grey Iron Weapons','','','Here are some weapons, hot off the anvil and made with the new umbral ore you brought me!$B$BPlease, $N, take your pick!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1435insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1390,1683,'Vorlus Vilehoof','Before I can teach you, you must show me your resolve.$B$BThe satyr Vorlus Vilehoof has found one of our remote moonwells, southeast of the Ban\'ethil Barrow Den.  He now splashes within it, defiling its pure waters with his filth.$B$BFind Vorlus at the moonwell and destroy him.  Bring me his horn as proof and I will begin your advanced training as a warrior.$B$BThe path to the moonwell is hidden well, $N, but stay focused and alert and you will find it.','Bring the Horn of Vorlus to Elanaria in Darnassus.','Well done, $N. It is good to know Vorlus is defeated and our moonwell cleansed, and it is good to see young warriors eager to keep our beloved Teldrassil free of corruption.$B$BNow let us begin your training...','Do you have the horn, $N? Is our moonwell free of the fiend Vorlus?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1436insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1391,1684,'Elanaria','Greetings, warrior.  Your skill grows, but there is more to your profession than you may believe.  To further progress, you must soon find a teacher.$B$BThe warrior Elanaria dwells in Darnassus, at the Warrior\'s Terrace.  She can instruct you.','Speak with Elanaria.','I bid you greetings, Flashlight. Your name rings loudly in Darnassus, for you show promise. But we shall soon see if you possess the strength of will to follow the path of the $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1437insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1392,1685,'Gakin\'s Summons','Isn\'t that how it always works? Was looking for you all day and couldn\'t find you, now when I\'m not expecting it, you come and walk right up to me.$b$bI\'ve wasted enough time trying to find you, so I won\'t delay you any longer. Master Gakin\'s summoned you for additional training. Seems to me you should seek him out as soon as possible.$b$bYou\'ll find him in the basement of the Slaughtered Lamb tavern. By the way, you might want to keep that particular location quiet. Don\'t want word spreading about it.','Report to Gakin the Darkbinder in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.','About time you showed up. Though, perhaps I should have sent someone more capable than Remen to find you.$B$BNo matter.$B$BYou\'ve gone too long without training, and a warlock without training isn\'t like to keep his head on his shoulders for long.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1438insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1393,1686,'The Shade of Elura','You have learned much, $N.  Now we will craft you a weapon.  A warrior\'s weapon.$B$BTo do this, you must travel to Darkshore.$B$BLong ago a ship crashed upon the rocks near the Auberdine lighthouse, scattering many crates of elunite ore along the ocean floor.$B$BFirst, you must defeat the elunite\'s guardian, the Shade of Elura.  Once the ship\'s captain, she cursed herself to roam the deeps and protect her shipment for all time.  Defeat her, gain her medallion, and gather the crates of lost Elunite.','Bring 8 loads of Elunite Ore and the Medallion of Elura to Elanaria in Darnassus.','Bravely done, $N.$B$BYou have given the Shade of Elura much deserved peace, and we will use the gathered elunite to make a fine weapon for you.','Have you defeated the Shade of Elura, $N? And do you have the lost elunite ore?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1439insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1394,1687,'Spooky Lighthouse','Sometimes late at night, our matrons at the orphanage will tell us spooky stories.  Those RULE!  There\'s one about a ghost that haunts a lighthouse in Westfall.  They say he was a pirate captain who had his ship taken from him by other pirates.  Wow!$B$BCould you please take me to the lighthouse in Westfall?  I wanna see if the ghost of that captain is there!  I promise to stay close to you; I won\'t run off or anything!','Take the orphan to see the lighthouse off the coast of Westfall.\r\n','WOW, that was a real life ghost! That was so awesome - I can\'t wait to tell everyone back at the orphanage. Captain Grayson... he even looked like a pirate! When I grow up I wanna be a ghost pirate too!$B$BThanks for taking me to Westfall, Trukaos. I know there are scary things out there in the wilds of Westfall, and I hope I wasn\'t too much of a pain. You\'re awesome!','','Go to the Westfall Lighthouse.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1440insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1395,1688,'Surena Caledon','I had a student named Surena Caledon. She stood where you stand now, eager to learn of warlock magic, and possessing no small bit of talent. More than that she was young and pleasing to the eye. Had I seen it then, the traitorous trollop!$b$bThe thieving wench ran off with one of the Defias, Erlan Drudgemoor. While her loss is of little importance, I gifted her a bloodstone choker that I must have.$b$bHer life means nothing to me now. You will find her at the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch. Retrieve what is mine.','Retrieve Surena\'s Choker for Gakin the Darkbinder in Stormwind.','Surena was talented, but not enough so to gain mastery of $C magic on her own. It\'s a shame to see talent wasted, but sometimes it is necessary.$B$BI hope my investment in you will bear different results.','Even the older and wiser can be unmanned by the wiles of youth and beauty, $N. A piece of advice you would do well to remember throughout your life.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1441insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1396,1689,'The Binding','By retrieving my choker and besting Surena, you\'ve proven that you\'re at least as capable as she was.$b$bWith that said, I can tell you\'re direly in need of training. You can manage the flows of magic, yes, but being a warlock is much more than that.$b$bI will show you how to command a voidwalker, but before I can, you must call one forth at a summoning circle and subdue it using whatever weapons--physical and magical--you have at your disposal. Use the magic of this choker at the summoning circle below.','Using the Bloodstone Choker, summon and subdue a voidwalker, then return the Bloodstone Choker to Gakin the Darkbinder in Stormwind.','You did better than I expected, $N, but as well as I\'d hoped. Now, you can learn to command your subjugated voidwalker, an ally you will find valuable in the trials that are sure to stand before you.$B$BI have nothing more to teach you at the present, but I am far from done with you, $N.','I cannot show you how to control a voidwalker until you have overtaken one.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1442insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1397,1690,'Wastewander Justice','You there!  It\'s time for you to be a big helper to the Gadgetzan Water Company.$B$BThe Wastewander nomads out in the Tanaris desert have seized almost all the water wells!  Without access to them, our water supply will dry up in no time.  If you want to get in our good graces, then you\'ll help us bring justice to those nomads!$B$BHead east of here and bring down ten Wastewander Bandits and Thieves, then report back to me on the double.  Justice waits for no man... goblin... bah, just get on it!','Take down 10 Wastewander Bandits and Thieves east of Gadgetzan, then report back to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle.','Now that\'s what I call efficiency! You\'ve helped thin out the nomad\'s numbers enough now that we can start to think about how we can win back those water wells.$B$BThe Gadgetzan Water Company thanks you for your help, but we\'re far from done in dealing with those foul nomads. Listen close - here\'s what we need next...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1443insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1398,1691,'More Wastewander Justice','We need you to take on the stronger ranks of the Wastewander nomads now.  You\'ve done a good job thus far, but if we are to take back those water wells, then it only makes sense to do it against as few nomads as possible!$B$BThis time around we need you to take down their rogues, assassins, and shadow mages.  You\'ll find them east and southeast of here.$B$BI\'m not going to lie to you - they\'re a nasty lot.  Do this for us though, and we\'ll be on our way to taking back what is rightfully ours!','Take down 10 Wastewander Shadow Mages, 8 Wastewander Rogues, and 6 Wastewander Assassins for Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan.\r\n','Top notch work, $N... top notch! You\'ve thinned down the nomad population to a point where we can actually take the fight to them!$b$bIf you haven\'t already, talk to Spigot Operator Luglunket here; he gives a bounty on any of the Wastewander water pouches you may have run across while bringing those nomads to justice!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1444insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1399,1692,'Smith Mathiel','I have placed the elunite you gathered into a case.  Take it to the blacksmith Mathiel, and he will craft for you an elunite weapon.$B$BMathiel is to the south, on the other side of this building.','Bring the Case of Elunite to Smith Mathiel. ','Ah, elunite ore. This is a fine metal to work with, for it is blessed by the goddess Elune herself. It would be an honor to craft weapons with it.$B$BPlease wait while I work...','Greetings, young $C. How might my skills serve you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1445insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1400,1693,'Weapons of Elunite','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1446insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1401,1698,'Yorus Barleybrew','Yorus Barleybrew has issued a challenge to all able warriors of the Alliance.  He waits at the Lakeshire Inn, in Redridge, and pledges a grand reward to anyone able to pass his trial.','Speak with Yorus Barleybrew.','Hah! So you heard of my challenge, did you?$B$BWell sit down and listen. Have a drink, and savor it... because it might be your last.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1447insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1402,1699,'The Rethban Gauntlet','I call my challenge the Rethban Gauntlet.  To pass the trial, all you must do is enter the Rethban Caverns, to the first fork, then return here.  Easy!  Except there are a few wrinkles...$B$BYou have to return within an hour.$B$BThere are whole heaps of Redridge Gnolls in the way.$B$BBefore you start, you have to take a swig of my family\'s signature drink: Barleybrew Scalder!$B$BSo what do you say?  The Rethban Caverns are in the foothills north of Lakeshire.  Are you ready to run the Rethban Gauntlet?','Enter the Rethban Caverns, reach the first fork, and return to Yorus Barleybrew within the time allowed.$B$BYou must not die and release your spirit.','You made it! Well done! Three cheers for $N!','','Enter the Rethban Caverns','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1448insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1403,1700,'Grimand Elmore','I made a copy of my notes on the techniques I learned while making your armor, and I need them sent to Grimand Elmore.  He\'s here in the Dwarven District, in the weapon shop.$B$BAnd duck when you give these to him.  He\'s fiercely proud of his skills, and won\'t like the idea of learning something from me...','Bring Furen\'s Notes to Grimand Elmore.','Furen wrote this? How dare he! Why, I taught him everything he knows! To think he could teach me something is outrageous! Outrageous!$B$BHm... but there is something in his notes that I\'d like to try...','Hello, and well met. How might I be of service to you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1449insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1404,1701,'Fire Hardened Mail','So I gave you a nice shield, but we don\'t have to stop there.  I know the secrets to make extremely hard mail armor.  It\'s not easy and it takes very rare materials, but if you\'re willing to do the legwork then I\'ll make a piece for you.$B$BWhat do you say, $N?  If you\'re up for the challenge, then I\'ll give you a list of what to get and where to get them.','Gather the materials Furen Longbeard requires, and bring them to him in Stormwind.','You got it all? Amazing! I was afraid those chimaeras would eat you up for sure!$B$BWell let\'s get started on that armor...','How goes the scavenger hunt, $N? Do you have the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1450insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1405,1702,'The Shieldsmith','You really showed what you were made of when you ran the Rethban Gauntlet, $N.  And I\'m true to my word.  I\'ll get you the reward I promised...$B$BExcept it\'s in Stormwind.$B$BTalk to my friend, Furen Longbeard, in the Dwarven District of Stormwind.  He\'s the best shieldsmith you\'ll ever meet, and he owes me a big favor.$B$BHere, take Furen this cask of Barleybrew Scalder and ask him for a shield.  He\'ll give you a nice one.','Bring the Cask of Scalder to Furen Longbeard.','Ah, Barleybrew Scalder. Great stuff! So you\'ve been to see Yorus, eh?$B$BI can get you a shield, yes sir! You won\'t find a better one, and that\'s no lying!','Hello! Dry times, don\'t you think?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1451insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1406,1703,'Mathiel','I made a copy of my notes on the techniques I learned while making your armor, and need them sent to the blacksmith Mathiel.  He lives in Darnassus which is quite a long way off, but I\'m sure he\'ll be very grateful to learn what I\'ve learned.','Bring Furen\'s Notes to Mathiel.','These are interesting, very interesting indeed. My dwarven colleague Furen has made quite a grand discovery!$B$BThank you, $N. It will be an honor to apply his new techniques to my own craftings.','I bid you greetings, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1452insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1407,1704,'Klockmort Spannerspan','I made a copy of my notes on the techniques I learned while making your armor, and need someone to take them to Klockmort Spannerspan.  He\'s a gnomish blacksmith in Ironforge and when he learns what I\'ve learned... I bet he\'ll pull off his own beard in excitement.','Bring Furen\'s Notes to Klockmort Spannerspan.','Oh my! These notes are amazing! And what\'s more... they\'re incredible and they\'re stupendous and they make my knees go all a-wobbly!$B$BFuren had a breakthrough! A real breakthrough! I can\'t wait to try out his new technique!','Good day, or morning or evening. I can\'t tell from way down here. So do you have business for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1453insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1408,1705,'Burning Blood','I hate to admit that Furen might have really found something.  But to be sure I\'ll need to try his techniques on a new piece of armor.  If you help me with the materials, $N, then you can have the armor.$B$BTo make this armor, I need samples of burning blood and a burning rock.$B$BThe only place I know to get them is Duskwood.  The Nightbane worgen based in the Roland\'s Doom mine have burning blood, and their leader Gutspill will have the rock.$B$BMay fortune grant you speed, $N.','Bring 20 vials of Burning Blood and 1 Burning Rock to Grimand Elmore in Stormwind.','Nice work! Now if you\'ll excuse me, I have some work to do myself...','$N, do you have the burning blood and rock? I\'ll need them to complete the armor.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1454insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1409,1706,'Grimand\'s Armor','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1455insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1410,1707,'Water Pouch Bounty','Greetings $n - the name\'s Luglunket, and we\'ve got an important job for you if you\'re up for it!  Huzzah!$B$BNothing would please me more as a seasoned spigot operator to take any Wastewander water pouches you might find out in the desert.  That\'s our water anyway - the nomads have just stolen it is all!  The Gadgetzan Water Company will offer you an official care package for every five you turn in.  Most importantly though, you\'re helping Gadgetzan help itself!','Bring 5 Wastewander Water Pouches to Spigot Operator Luglunket in Gadgetzan.','Excellent - the more water pouches we are able to reclaim, the further away from disaster we\'ll all be! Keep \'em coming, and I will be sure to reward you for every five water pouches you bring me.','Got the five Wastewander Water Pouches we need? If you do, then the Gadgetzan Water Company Care Package, Model 103-XB, will be yours!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1456insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1411,1708,'Iron Coral','I want to try Furen Longbeard\'s new techniques on my own piece of armor.  And because you helped Furen and he helped me, you\'re welcome to the armor after I make it!$B$BTo finish the piece, I need a special coral, searing coral.  It grows in only one place--along the coast south of Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands.$B$BBring me enough searing coral and I\'ll get right to work on the armor.  And hurry, $N.  I\'m so eager to get started it\'s making my toes twist!','Bring 20 loads of Searing Coral to Klockmort Spannerspan in Ironforge.','That\'s the stuff! Well done! Now let me get this smelted and hammered so I can apply Furen\'s technique with my own and then we can see what happens!$B$BOh my, oh my! I just know the armor will be very very very tough!','Hello hello, $N! Do you have the searing coral? I can\'t wait to get to work!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1457insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1412,1709,'Klockmort\'s Creation','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1458insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1413,1710,'Sunscorched Shells','My colleague, Furen Longbeard, made a discovery which I am eager to test.  I wish to try it on a new armor that I am researching, for I believe Furen\'s techniques will produce superior results.$B$BWill you help me?  If you gather what I need to make the armor, then I will make an extra piece for you.$B$BI need the sunscorched egg shells of the Highperch Wyverns who dwell at Highperch, in Thousand Needles.  Search for the shells below their nests, and return to me when you have a sufficient amount.','Bring 20 Sunscorched Shells to Mathiel in Darnassus.','Ah, thank you. These will work splendidly!$B$BI will begin fashioning the armor immediately...','Do you have the shells, $N? They are quite strong, and can be rendered into a lacquer I will use to coat the links of my new mail armor.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1459insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1414,1711,'Mathiel\'s Armor','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1460insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1415,1712,'Cyclonian','I have spent ages watching this site.  I watch, so that one day I might see the great Cyclonian fall.  But I have not yet found a champion to defeat the wind lord.$B$BPerhaps you are that champion.$B$BProve it to me.  Gather the items I need to summon Cyclonian, and I will know you are a great warrior.  Perhaps then you can defeat him and gain his whirlwind heart.$B$BIf so, then I will infuse the heart\'s power in a weapon, and I will give that weapon to you.$B$BHere is a parchment with the items I need.','Bring the items on Bath\'rah\'s Parchment to Bath\'rah the Windwatcher in Alterac.','You have gathered the items for my spell, and have shown me your strength and cunning. But the next stage of our quest is even more perilous.$b$bLet us hope your strength does not falter.','Do you have the items, $N? Gathering them is the proof I need that you have the strength to face Cyclonian.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1461insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1416,1713,'The Summoning','I am ready to perform the ritual to summon Cyclonian.  When he is summoned, you must defeat him and take his whirlwind heart.  This I will use to instill a weapon with Cyclonian\'s power.$B$B$N, are you ready to face the wind lord?','Bring the Whirlwind Heart to Bath\'rah Windwatcher.','You did it! You defeated Cyclonian and gained the Whirlwind Heart!','$N, I must have the whirlwind heart!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1462insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1417,1714,'Essence of the Exile','','','The charms sink slowly into the cauldron\'s depths...$B$BA large bubble rises to the surface of the liquid and breaks...$B$B...And a churning lump of molten rock is revealed.','The cauldron bubbles. Its vapors beckon...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1463insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1418,1715,'The Slaughtered Lamb','Hmph. Times past, all warlocks in Khaz Modan were trained under the auspices of the masters of Gnomeregan, but now that we\'ve all been forced to relocate into this rat\'s hole in Ironforge, and Magni\'s decided to keep a careful watch on us, we\'re forced to send our novices to Stormwind for training.$b$bLuckily, Gakin\'s no slouch, so you\'ll still learn what you need to know, but it burns my blood!$b$bAnyways, you\'ll find Gakin in the basement of the Slaughtered Lamb in Stormwind.','Report to Gakin the Darkbinder in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.','Sent by Blackwrench, were you? Damn warlocks in Ironforge need to get things sorted out. There\'s only so much room and so many teachers in Stormwind. With all the increased traffic, we\'re sure to attract attention sooner or later.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1464insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1419,1716,'Devourer of Souls','A succubus is a devourer of souls, destroyer of hearts, and dominator of minds. It knows nothing but evil.$b$bThis will be the creature you will learn to summon and control, but it cannot be brought into our world without a stimulus.$b$bWith a symbol of love as bait, it will surely answer your call. Then you can defeat it, and make it your tool.$b$bIt will be hard to find something of this nature, though. You should speak with Takar the Seer. You will find him in the Barrens of Kalimdor near Camp Taurajo.','Speak with Takar the Seer in the Barrens.','Was your crossing difficult, $N? You have come a long way to speak with me. But fear not, I know why Gakin has sent you, and he was wise to, for I can help you in your search.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1465insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1420,1717,'Gakin\'s Summons','$n! Didn\'t expect to see you around these parts, but I was instructed to keep an eye out for you.$b$bIt\'s past time you got some more training, so you should stop in to see Gakin the next time you\'re in Stormwind. He\'ll be waiting for you.','Report to Gakin the Darkbinder in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.','About time you showed up. Though, perhaps I should have sent someone more capable than Remen to find you.$B$BNo matter.$B$BYou\'ve gone too long without training, and a warlock without training isn\'t like to keep his head on his shoulders for long.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1466insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1421,1718,'The Islander','Your renown as a warrior grows, $N.  Now it is time to pit yourself against your peers and see where you stand.$B$BThere is an island off the coast of the Barrens, south of Ratchet.  It is called Fray Island and it is a place where warriors meet.$B$BMeet, and fight.$B$BSpeak with the chief warrior of Fray Island, Klannoc Macleod.  If he finds you worthy, then Klannoc will lead you further down the warrior\'s path.$B$BTo reach Fray Island, search for the sand bar shallows along the Merchant Coast.','Speak with Klannoc Macleod.','Hello, $N. It\'s good to see you made it to Fray Island. I hope you find it to your liking...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1467insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1422,1719,'The Affray','If you want to learn from me, then you must first pass The Affray.  It is a challenge we on Fray Island like to offer rising warriors who think they\'re tough, and if you can pass this test then I\'ll know you are.$B$BTo begin, walk into the middle of that crowd yonder and step on the grate.  That\'ll tell Twiggy Flathead you\'re ready, and he\'ll send challengers against you.$B$BBeat all the challengers and he\'ll call out Big Will.  Kill Big Will, and return to me in the time we allow.','Kill Big Will, then speak to Klannoc Macleod on Fray Island.','Well done, 4n. You have passed The Affray!$B$BYou are a worthy $N, and I am honored to teach you...','','Step on the grate to begin the Affray','Step on the grate to begin the Affray','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1468insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1423,1738,'Heartswood','In preparation for your coming, I used my sight to look over the world and through the mists of time. I have found what it is you seek.$b$bIn the War of the Ancients, two lovers fell together in battle. Where they took their last breaths, a tree known as the heartswood grew, a symbol of their undying love.$b$bThat should be enough to tempt a succubus. You will find it in the ruins of Ordil\'Aran in the northwestern part of the forest of Ashenvale.','Retrieve the Heartswood from Ashenvale and bring it to Gakin the Darkbinder in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.','Yes, I can tell this will do nicely, let me just work with it for a moment...$B$BTakar is a resourceful fellow to have around, isn\'t he? If only I could persuade him to move back to civilization.','Was your search a success, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1469insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1424,1739,'The Binding','Using the heartswood core, you will be able to cast a spell at the summoning circle in the crypt below to open a portal for the succubus to pass through.$b$bBe careful, $n, succubi have overrun even the strongest of minds.$b$bOnce you have bested and returned it to the void, return to me and I will show you how to call and control it.','Using the Heartswood Core, summon and subdue a succubus, then return the Heartswood Core to Gakin the Darkbinder in the Slaughtered Lamb.','Well done, well done, $N. I see we\'ve done right in deciding to train you. Your performance certainly does not disappoint.$B$BI\'ve no qualms in showing you the way to control your newly bound succubus. Observe carefully.','Sometimes I wonder if Surena was not a succubus in disguise, sent to warp and twist my mind... Ha! I give her too much credit, I think.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1470insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1425,1740,'The Orb of Soran\'ruk','When demons of the Legion fall out of favor, their spirits are imprisoned within orbs and distributed to their mages and warlocks.$b$bMany were carried by their servants in Azeroth. Even fragmented, they still possess the powers of the demons trapped inside.$b$bThe orb of Soran\'ruk was broken into two pieces, one was further broken to be used by the acolytes of the Twilight\'s Hammer in Blackfathom Deeps. The other, larger piece, was possessed by a wizard in Shadowfang Keep. Find them and I can reform it.','Find 3 Soran\'ruk Fragments and 1 Large Soran\'ruk Fragment and return them to Doan Karhan in the Barrens.','Yes... The orb was not greatly fragmented, and almost all of the pieces are here. It is a simple thing to recreate them, to make Soran\'ruk whole again.$B$BI have dedicated my life to the study of the Burning Legion\'s orbs and their recreation. You have done me a favor collecting these pieces to study, and I will give you them back - fully reconstructed - in a form of your choosing.','It took me many years to collect the pieces of the orb of Zargain, but it has served me well, as I am sure the orb of Soran\'ruk will serve you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1471insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1426,1758,'Tome of the Cabal','It will take more than a simple summoning circle to bring forth a felhunter for you to challenge.$b$bMy three acolytes and I will assist in creating the magic circles. You require a copy of the Tome of the Cabal, which has been lost to us for some time. It was written by the first group of warlocks to summon a felhunter unaided.$b$bPerhaps Krom Stoutarm can help you with this. An itinerant warlock these days, he spends his days hoarding ancient texts and skulking about the library in Ironforge.','Speak with Krom Stoutarm in Ironforge.','Tome of Cabal? Hmm...sounds familiar. I have never seen it here before, though--and believe me, I remember every book I read. $B$BHmm... Ah, yes!$B$BI have seen reference to it in library cataloging books.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1472insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1427,1778,'The Tome of Divinity','I\'m going to see about making plans to return home soon. Hopefully, Stephanie is doing well back in Stormwind. I can\'t wait to see her again. Till next we meet, $c.','Speak to Tiza Battleforge in Ironforge.','So, you\'ve returned so quickly, huh? And what pray tell have you accomplished in your time away from here?$B$BWere you able to help a noble cause? Perhaps you\'ve learned the value of charity or some more about your obligations to the citizens of Azeroth. Tell me, who have you helped and how.... Impressive, $N, those are surely the actions of one who follows the Light.$B$BSuch sacrifice will always be rewarded in time.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1473insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1428,1779,'The Tome of Divinity','I want you to take this, $N. It is called the Symbol of Life.$B$BYou\'ve proven charitable and patient, and now I want you to prove just how adept you\'ve become in both combat, and power.$B$BMy husband Muiredon returned recently from an encounter with some Dark Iron dwarves, and he barely escaped with his life--he\'s over there having his wounds healed by one of our priests.$B$BTake the Symbol and speak to him. If you can help him, then we will speak again soon. May the Light shine upon you.','Take the Symbol of Life and speak to Muiredon Battleforge in Ironforge.','*cough*$B$BGood day to ya, $C. Don\'t mind me wounds, the good priest \'ere\'ll take care of ol\' Muiredon in time. Not needin\' the power of that Symbol of Life ya got there quite yet.$B$BSo, me wife sent ya o\'er to speak to me, huh? Fair \'nough. I\'ll take the time to talk to ya-I\'ll tell ya exactly wut happened to Muiredon and his best friend Narm, a $C jus\' like yerself.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1474insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1429,1780,'The Tome of Divinity','I\'ll take these to the children this very day. Please be safe, good $c. It is not often $G men:women; of your character show their faces in the city, but you\'ve proven that the paladins here in Stormwind shall never turn their backs on those in need.$B$BFarewell.','Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','You\'ve returned so quickly, $N. And what have you accomplished in your time away from the Cathedral?$B$BHave you helped a noble cause? Perhaps you\'ve learned the value of charity or some more about your obligations to the citizens of Azeroth. Tell me, who have you helped and how... Well, I\'m impressed, $N, those are surely the actions of one who follows the Light and values others above oneself.$B$BSuch sacrifice will always be rewarded in time.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1475insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1430,1781,'The Tome of Divinity','Take this, $N. It is called the Symbol of Life.$B$BYou\'ve proven charitable and patient, and now the time has come to see if you\'re powerful enough to focus one of the Light\'s greatest gifts.$B$BMy friend Gazin returned recently from an encounter with some Defias in Elwynn near Heroes\' Vigil--he barely escaped with his life. He\'s near the altar having his wounds healed by our priests.$B$BTake the Symbol and speak to him. If you can help him, then we will speak again soon. May you bask in the Light\'s glory.','Take the Symbol of Life to Gazin Tenorm in Stormwind.','*cough*$B$BPleasure to meet you, $R. Don\'t mind my wounds, the good priest here can take care of ol\' Gazin this time. I won\'t be needing the power of that Symbol of Life you\'ve got there... not yet anyway.$B$BSo, Duthorian sent you to speak to me, huh? Fair enough. I\'ll tell you exactly what befell me and my friend Henze. And with any luck, and some skill on your part, perhaps you can still help us all.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1476insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1431,1782,'Furen\'s Armor','','','Here\'s your armor, $N. This will stand up to the strongest assaults or my name isn\'t Furen Longbeard!$B$BAnd I have to thank you. I learned a lot while working with the materials$Byou brought me. I think I\'ll have another breakthrough one day!$B$BI\'m going to send what I learned to other$Bblacksmiths of the Alliance.$B$BI\'ll tell them you were a big help, and maybe they\'ll want to return the favor.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1477insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1432,1783,'The Tome of Divinity','We was spyin\' on some of the Dark Iron dwarves that\'ve bunkered down south of Helm\'s Bed Lake. We knew they was up to no good, so Narm an\' me thought we\'d take a closer look--got ta see their leader given orders to some o\' his men.$B$BNarm an\' me took the chance to kill a few of \'em, but they proved tougher than we thought, an\' more of \'em got the jump on us. Narm tol\' me to run an\' get support, so \'ere I am.$B$BNarm needs help, an\' I\'ll not rest till he gets it.$B$BC\'n ya help, $N?','Take the Symbol of Life and resurrect Narm Faulk in Dun Morogh.','I can\'t thank you enough, brother.$B$BI can only assume that Tiza and Muiredon sent you here to aid me if you carry the Symbol of Life.$B$BIt\'s true, I fell to the Dark Iron while trying to attain one of the scripts: I was able to hold on long enough to allow Muiredon to escape, but the Light had almost embraced me fully when you came along. The fact that you were powerful enough to use the Symbol means great things for you, but there\'s time to speak of that later.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1478insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1433,1784,'The Tome of Divinity','Before I fell in battle, Muiredon and I had almost defeated one of the Dark Iron spies near that small house. We witnessed their captain passing orders to them, and sought to kill him and take the orders.$B$BSome of the council in Ironforge do not yet believe the presence of Dark Iron dwarves exists in Dun Morogh. By attaining one of those scripts, we\'ll not only have proof of their movements, but possibly an idea of what they\'re planning.$B$BGet one of those scripts and take it back to Muiredon, $N.','Retrieve a Dark Iron Script from the Dark Iron dwarves near Helm\'s Bed, and return to Muiredon Battleforge in Ironforge.','Haha! You\'ve done it! Ya saved Narm, and ya found the proof me wife needs to take to the council. Yer a blessin\' o\' the Light if I ever saw one... not includin\' me wife o\' course.$B$BThank ya again, $N.','Yer back! I\'m glad to see it, $N. My wounds are healed and I\'m about ready to return to Helm\'s Bed lake as soon as I c\'n convince me wife that I\'ll be fine.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1479insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1434,1785,'The Tome of Divinity','I c\'n see me wife\'s o\'er there beamin\' wit pride already. Ya better get yer tuchus o\'er there pronto. I be thinkin\' she\'d have some words wit ya.$B$BLight be witcha, mighty $c. I\'ll be lookin\' fer ya on the battlefield against the Scourge and dem Dark Irons when the time comes.','Speak to Tiza Battleforge in Ironforge.','You\'ve done all of Ironforge a great favor today, $N. I\'m proud to count you among us, and if you feel you\'re ready, I would like to bless you with this scroll. The Symbol of Life would only have worked when used by a <class> who was ready for one of the Light\'s greatest blessings-the power to restore the dead back to life.$B$BI will teach you the ability to resurrect your companions. Use it wisely, $N, and thank you, on behalf of myself, my husband, and Ironforge.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1480insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1435,1786,'The Tome of Divinity','Henze and I had made it to Heroes\' Vigil, an island in the middle of Stone Cairn Lake in northeastern Elwynn. We\'d heard the Defias had infiltrated our borders and we wanted proof to take to the king\'s advisors.$B$BWe caught sight of a couple of the scum going over some documents, and we attacked. Unfortunately, we were quickly overwhelmed by more of the mages.$B$BHenze held them off for me while I escaped... the daft fool, going and being brave.$B$BHe\'s out there now, Henze is. Can you help us, $N?','Take the Symbol of Life and resurrect Henze Faulk in Elwynn.','Thank you, brother.$B$BSeeing you wield the Symbol of Life, may I assume Duthorian or Gazin sent you?$B$BI fell to the Defias spell casters while Gazin and I tried to get their plans from them: I was able to hold on long enough to allow Gazin to escape, but in the end, their magics overwhelmed me.$B$BBut you were able to bring me back: the ability to use the Symbol doesn\'t come to just anyone, $N. It bodes well for you that you were able to empower it with your own faith.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1481insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1436,1787,'The Tome of Divinity','We\'ll have time to talk more about the Symbol at a later time. What\'s important now is to get those papers we saw the Defias going over. If we can get our hands on them, we\'ll be able to prove the Defias have infiltrated Elwynn and hopefully gain some insight into what their plans are.$B$BI\'m in no shape for battle as of now, $N. Do you think you\'re strong enough to get those papers from the Defias here on the island?$B$BIf you\'re able to get them, bring them back to Gazin and let him know I\'m all right.','Retrieve a Defias Script from the Defias Rogue Wizards in Elwynn, and return to Gazin Tenorm in Stormwind.','Wonderful! You made it, and saved Henze. The Light is with you for sure, $N!','Is Henze safe, $N? Were you successful?$B$BBetween your skill with a weapon, and the power of the Light, I\'d imagine Heroes\' Vigil is safe from any Defias threat, but that\'s for the King and his advisors to say.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1482insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1437,1788,'The Tome of Divinity','I\'ll take the script to the King\'s advisors after Duthorian\'s taken a look at them, but in the meantime, you should go speak to Duthorian now. He\'ll be wanting to pat you on the back for sure!$B$BThank you again, $N. I hope we meet again. You\'re surely an ally I\'m proud to call friend.','Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','You\'ve done well this day, $N. You should take some pride in what you\'ve accomplished.$B$BEven more so, you should be proud of your abilities. Not everyone can use the power of the Symbol of Life. Calling upon the Light to bring back the dead means you\'re prepared for one of the $C\'s greatest honors: the power of resurrection.$B$BYou shall have the power to bring back fallen companions much like you did for Henze.$B$BBe well, $N. The Light shines upon you and you should welcome it wholly.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1483insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1438,1789,'The Symbol of Life','','','Make haste, $N, more than one life hangs in the balance if you fail.$B$BIf for some reason you fail to help Muiredon and Narm, then return to me and I will give you another Symbol of Life for your travels.$B$BDon\'t mistake my aid as simple charity, you must prove yourself worthy like any other $C and continual failure may reflect upon you later.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1484insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1439,1790,'The Symbol of Life','','','Make haste, $N, more than one life hangs in the balance if you fail.$B$BIf for some reason you fail to help Gazin and Henze, then return to me and I will give you another Symbol of Life for your travels.$B$BDon\'t mistake my aid as simple charity, you must prove yourself worthy like any other $C and continual failure may reflect upon you later.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1485insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1440,1791,'The Windwatcher','Now that you\'ve learned your berserker\'s stance, you\'ll want a nice weapon to use it with.$B$BTalk to Bath\'rah the Windwatcher, a troll hermit who lives between the Alterac Mountains and the Western Plaguelands.  He is a skilled weapon maker and a powerful shaman.$B$BTo find Bath\'rah, go to the river that flows along Tarren Mill\'s eastern flank.  Follow it north--Bath\'rah is camped near ruins that rest along the river\'s eastern bank.','Speak with Bath\'rah the Windwatcher.','You have traveled far, young $C. I see fire in your eyes. You seek a weapon of great power, yes?$B$BI can help you with your quest. And you can help me with mine.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1486insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1441,1792,'Whirlwind Weapon','','','I have the whirlwind heart, and am ready to place it within your vessel of choice.$B$BChoose your weapon, $N, and know that its power is the power of Cyclonian.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1487insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1442,1793,'The Tome of Valor','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1488insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1443,1794,'The Tome of Valor','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1489insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1444,1795,'The Binding','If you are sufficiently prepared, then we should begin. Let me explain the process to you.$b$bI will begin by creating the basic summoning circle. When that is finished, my acolytes will use the rods of channeling to create the greater circle.$b$bOnce that is done, read the incantation from the Tome of the Cabal, and the felhunter will be pulled forth. Be careful, $n. A felhunter is a powerful foe, and I\'d like to see you keep your head on your shoulders.','Using the Tome of the Cabal, summon and subdue a felhunter, then return the Tome of the Cabal to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.','I must say I\'m impressed, $N. When I faced down my felhunter, I barely escaped with my life. I sense that you have the potential to become one of the most powerful warlocks of this era.','Every $C should have a felhunter at his command. Though it be difficult to tame, the powers it brings to its master far outweigh the cost.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1490insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1445,1796,'Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe','The first item I will aid you in creating is a robe. You will gather the items for me, and we will put them together. Afterwards, assuming you succeed, you will have the first of many items that will make you more powerful and aid you in your struggles.$B$BTo start, you must have crafted Robes of Arcana. A tailor can make this for you, or perhaps you can purchase one from someone else--I\'d be most impressed if you could make it yourself--but regardless, bring me the robes, and we shall go from there.','Bring Robes of the Arcana to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','This will do nicely, $N.$B$BAll magical items must begin with an item of high quality. The more effort and skill put into an item, the greater the magics it can hold. Rare and more expensive components hold the magic better. You will not regret having the robes fashioned into the ones we will make for you later on.','How goes your search for the robes, $N? Have you created them yourself? Such personal touches I find make the imbuing of magic that much sweeter. It gives you a greater sense of accomplishment. But I understand if you choose the quicker path and have it made for you - there\'s something to be said for such... ambition.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1491insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1446,1798,'Seeking Strahad','It is time you learned the felhunter summoning, $n. I do not have the reagents and items necessary to teach you here, so you will have to seek out another, Strahad Farsan, another of our inner circle.$b$bHe makes his residence in the goblin port of Ratchet. I will send word ahead of you to inform him of your coming.','Speak with Strahad Farsan in the Barrens.','$N? Ah, of course. Our latest prodigy. The real thing can not live up to the legend, I am afraid. $B$BNo matter, you have come here to learn, not to hear me make jokes to myself.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1492insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1447,1799,'Fragments of the Orb of Orahil','Good, then we shall begin.$B$BThe first thing you must do is speak to my acolytes inside. Choose one of their paths to follow--they will explain more.$B$BSecond, you must travel to Desolace and find an Infernal Orb from one of the warlocks of Mannoroc Coven. It is that orb that you will cleanse with the help of a mage named Tabetha deep in southern Dustwallow Marsh. She will aid you because of our history together.$B$BAgain, do not come back until you have done both things I\'ve asked.','Speak to Menara\'s acolytes inside the tower above Ratchet and choose one of their paths to follow.$B$BAfterwards, bring an Infernal Orb to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.','Oh, so Menara sent you. Fair enough... I suppose you may stay as my guest for the time being. But you must be on some pressing business - perhaps you\'re here seeking lost power? Maybe I\'m mistaken. Maybe corruption isn\'t too far away from you after all.','And obviously not being a mage, I wonder if I can trust you at all. I can smell the power of the arcane on you, but you seem to have eluded the stank of corruption that comes so willingly with your kind.$B$BYes, a $C... a $C has come to ask for my help.$B$BWell, what is it I can do for you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1493insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1448,1800,'Lordaeron Throne Room','The orphan matrons at my home tell mighty stories of battle and lore at night if we are good and do our chores.  One story was about how Lordaeron fell, and about how the evil Arthas took his own father\'s life to become ruler.$B$BHe had no honor, $N!  When I grow up and become a mighty Horde warrior, my blade will be guided by honor - never evil!$B$BWould you take me to see the throne room, please?  It is just before where you would go down into the Undercity.','Take your ward to the old Lordaeron Throne Room that lies just before descending into the Undercity.\r\n','That throne room was scary, Yohaan! Even though it was empty, it felt like a great evil had happened there. I felt mad... but I also felt sad too. I understand why the matrons tell us such stories; I will never betray my people like that!$B$BThank you for taking me to the throne room, $N. I learned a lot.','Are we there yet?','Go to the old Lordaeron Throne Room that lies just before descending into the Undercity.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1494insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1449,1801,'Tome of the Cabal','It will take more than a simple summoning circle to bring forth a felhunter for you to challenge.$b$bMy three acolytes and I will assist in creating the magic circles. You require a copy of the Tome of the Cabal, which has been lost to us for some time. It was written by the first group of warlocks to summon a felhunter unaided.$b$bPerhaps Jorah Annison can help you with this. He\'s employed as a cartographer in the Undercity these days, but still knows more of ancient texts than any I know.','Speak with Jorah Annison in the Undercity.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1495insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1450,1802,'Tome of the Cabal','It was lost, but there\'s some idea as to where it might be found.$b$bThere was only one copy ever made and it was vandalized at some point, a large portion of it ripped from the binding. Rumor has it that it somehow passed into the hands of the centaur of Thousand Needles.$b$bThe rest was lost off the coast west of Southshore, where it was to be transported to Menethil Harbor by boat. It never arrived.$b$bIn exchange for this knowledge, all I ask is that if you find it, bring it to me to see.','Retrieve the Moldy Tome and Tattered Manuscript for Krom Stoutarm in Ironforge.','Fantastic! Now I may join the ranks of the few that have spied its contents.$B$BI can\'t wait to further peruse this text. This is a great day, $N! If you will just allow me to glance at it before you leave. I\'m sure that Strahad will be willing to send me a copy.','Did the rumors prove true, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1496insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1451,1803,'Tome of the Cabal','Ah! I see that you are a warlock of similar tastes to mine. Indeed, acquiring the Tome of the Cabal is a worthy aspiration. Did you know that it was once held within the walls of Lordaeron? It was vandalized though, almost half its pages removed. Who would commit such a heinous act?$b$bThat half is lost, though rumor says that it fell into the hands of the centaur of the Thousand Needles.$b$bThe rest of the text was to be transferred to Ironforge, but was lost in transit on the coast west of Southshore.','Retrieve the Moldy Tome and Tattered Manuscript for Jorah Annison in the Undercity.','Well well well! What do we have here?$B$BThis is impressive, $N. I wouldn\'t have thought it possible, but here it is in my very hands, the complete Tome of the Cabal.$B$BAllow me to leaf through its pages for just a moment before you are off again.','It may be that you are chasing after fairy tales, $N, but truth can be found at the center of even the wildest rumors.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1497insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1452,1804,'Tome of the Cabal','Well, ah, it\'s hard to let it go. But you found it, and you have more important things to do with it, of course. Just, please, be sure to mention to Strahad that I wanted a copy.$b$bWhile you were out, he sent a message for you. He wanted me to tell you that for his acolytes to assist with the summoning, you\'ll have to acquire three rods of channeling.$b$bHe might not know where to find them, but I do! They were last used by the orcs of the Dragonmaw clan in the Wetlands. I\'d check their spellcasters!','Bring the Reconstructed Tome and 3 Rods of Channeling to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.','Well done! The Tome of the Cabal and three pristine--slightly scratched, I suppose--rods of channeling.$B$BThis will be interesting. It\'s been some time since a young $C took on a felhunter to make his own.','Haven\'t seen you around these parts for a while. Have you found the tome and the rods?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1498insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1453,1805,'Tome of the Cabal','This is one of the most interesting texts I have perused in the last few years. The selection here is sparse--mostly books on geography--and I have already read them all. I should hope that Strahad would send me a copy of this tome when he has the chance.$b$bSpeaking of him, he sent word to me while you were away. For your task, you must obtain three rods of channeling.$b$bFor allowing me to look at this text, I will share a secret: You can find the rods on orcs of the Dragonmaw Clan in the Wetlands.','Bring the Reconstructed Tome and 3 Rods of Channeling to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1499insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1454,1806,'The Test of Righteousness','Why don\'t we go over to the forge and get started on this? I\'ve been preparing for your arrival for some time, so it shouldn\'t take long at all.$B$BWhen we\'re done, you\'ll be far more prepared to defend the Light than you have been, this much I swear.$B$BI\'ll be somewhat honest, $N, seeing the results of your exploits makes me somewhat envious. But knowing that I can contribute to your adventures in my own significant way does bring me some joy.','Wait for Jordan Stilwell to finish forging a weapon for you.','Here it is, $N. A weapon worthy of a champion of the Light such as yourself. I\'ve named it after a great dwarven paladin who was a friend of mine. His name was Verigan... Bosch Verigan.$B$BPlease take it on behalf of myself and my wife. We owe you a great debt, and the world will be a safer place wiht one of your skill traveling the land.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1500insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1455,1818,'Speak with Dillinger','I was told Deathguard Dillinger has a job for someone like you.  If you\'re willing to show your value to the Dark Lady\'s forces, then report to Dillinger immediately.$B$BDeathguard Dillinger\'s post is on the west end of Brill, near the graveyard.','Speak with Deathguard Dillinger in Brill.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1501insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1456,1819,'Ulag the Cleaver','When the Scourge swept through Tirisfal Glades, we captured one to study.  He had a free mind, and called himself Ulag the Cleaver.  But, although his will was free, he was still enthralled by the Lich King.$B$BWe hoped to find a way to break the king\'s control over Ulag, but we failed.  Now, finally, it is time to free him.  $B$BFree him, and kill him.$B$BActivate the skull stone trigger near the mausoleum to the north.  This will lift the magical seal that binds him.$B$BThen... be ready, $N.','Kill Ulag the Cleaver, then speak with Deathguard Dillinger.','Well done, Sictor. Ulag was no minor agent of the Scourge. You have shown the Deathguards, and hence the Dark Lady, that you are a $C of skill and resolve, and are worthy of further instruction.','Your task is yet undone, Sictor. It is not wise for a $C to show fear...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1502insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1457,1820,'Speak with Coleman','You have proven your value to the Dark Lady, now perhaps you can prove yourself to one of her subjects.$B$BColeman Farthing awaits a warrior who is willing to be his instrument of revenge against the Forsaken\'s enemies.$B$BYou will find him in the Gallow\'s End Tavern in eastern Brill.','Speak with Coleman Farthing.','Yes, it is true. I have need for your skills in combat. My means are small, but my task aids both me and the Forsaken\'s cause. Do it, and your reward will be twofold.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1503insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1458,1821,'Agamand Heirlooms','The Agamand family were my employers in life, and they were the cause of my death!  It is fitting that the Agamands are now mindless minions of the Lich King.$B$BNow I would have their last vestiges of honor.  Go into their family crypt and rob them of their family heirlooms: a sword, an axe, a dagger and a mace.  Bring them to me!$B$BThe Agamand family crypt is at the north end of the Agamand mills, protected by lurking scourge and dead Agamands.','Bring Coleman Farthing the Agamand Family Axe, the Agamand Family Sword, the Agamand Family Mace and the Agamand Family dagger.','Ah! You retrieved them! Now the last semblance of honor and memory is stripped from the cursed Agamand lands. The family truly is no more!','Do you have the heirlooms, Sictor?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1504insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1459,1822,'Heirloom Weapon','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1505insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1460,1823,'Speak with Ruga','You are a warrior of skill and growing renown.  Perhaps you are ready for Ruga Ragetotem\'s trial?  If so, then find Ruga in Camp Taurajo in the Barrens.$B$BHe awaits those warriors who answer his call.','Speak with Ruga Ragetotem.','You are here for my trial, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1506insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1461,1824,'Trial at the Field of Giants','To pass this trial, you must travel south to the Field of Giants.  There you will find a host of crawling, insect creatures.  They are new to the Barrens and I do not like what they herald.$B$BBring me their still-twitching antennae, and waste no time, $N, for harvested antennae will not twitch for long.  Bring me the antennae in the time allowed, and you will pass the trial.','Bring 5 twitching antennae to Ruga Ragetotem at Camp Taurajo','Nicely done, $N! In passing the trial at the Field of Giants, you take one more step down the $C\'s path.','Do you have the antennae? If so then give them to me quickly, for twitching antennae do not twitch forever...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1507insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1462,1825,'Speak with Thun\'grim','Thun\'grim Firegaze, an orc blacksmith of renown, has heard of your continued deeds of valor in service of the Horde.  He would like to fashion for you a suit of armor, and bids you speak with him immediately.$B$BThun\'grim is camped east of the Crossroads in the Barrens.','Speak with Thun\'grim Firegaze in the Barrens.','Yes, you have come. This is good, for we have much to discuss, you and I.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1508insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1463,1838,'Brutal Armor','I have heard tales of your strength and valor, and wish to make for you a suit of armor, a companion to aid you as tales of your great deeds grow.$B$BBut the fashioning of this armor will be a quest unto itself, $N.  I will need your help, and the help of other smiths of the Horde.$B$BHere, take this scroll.  I spent many nights, struggling with near-blind eyes, writing that which I need for the armor.  Bring me the items on this scroll and I will create for you the first piece of the suit.','Bring to Thun\'grim Firegaze 15 Smoky Iron Ingots, 10 Powdered Azurite, 10 Iron Bars and a Vial of Phlogiston.','You brought all that I asked. Now, I will do my part...','Do you have the items on my scroll, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1509insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1464,1839,'Ula\'elek and the Brutal Gauntlets','The troll smith Ula\'elek will craft for you the brutal gauntlets.  He dwells in Durotar, in Sen\'jin Village with his Darkspear brethren, and he awaits your coming.','Speak with Ula\'elek in Durotar.','Greetings, $N. Old Thun\'grim sent word to me of your coming, but had he kept silent your presence here would not have surprised me.$B$BThe spirits follow your progress, young $C, and they tell me that many foes have fallen before you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1510insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1465,1840,'Orm Stonehoof and the Brutal Helm','Orm Stonehoof is respected greatly for his skill.  He will make for you the brutal helm.$B$BSeek him out in Thunder Bluff, near the pool by the city\'s great, central totem.','Speak with Orm Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.','Greetings, $C. I am Orm, and Thun\'grim tells me you wish a helm made?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1511insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1466,1841,'Velora Nitely and the Brutal Legguards','It is said that, before her death, Velora Nitely was one of the finest armorsmiths in Lordaeron.  Death, it seems, has not decreased her talents.  Speak with Velora--she will make your brutal legguards.$B$BVelora plies her trade in the Undercity of Lordaeron, in the trade quarter.','Speak with Velora Nitely in the Undercity.','You are here for leg armor? Great!$b$bUm... am I making the armor for you, or are you making it for me?$b$bThat was joke. Was it funny? I can\'t tell... I lost my sense of humor the same time I lost my sense of smell. Which was about the same time I stopped breathing.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1512insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1467,1842,'Satyr Hooves','I can make you a pair of brutal gauntlets, and great magic will they hold.  But first, you must collect this magic and bring it to me.$B$BThe satyrs dwell in northeastern Ashenvale because of the forest\'s power.  They feed off its purity, leeching and corrupting.  You can tell which satyrs have drawn the most of Ashenvale\'s magic by their swollen, uncloven hooves.$B$BThese hooves hold great power.  I will need them for your gauntlets\' crafting.','Bring 7 Uncloven Satyr Hooves to Ula\'elek at Sen\'jin Village in Durotar.','Ah, you have them! Now, just as the Satyrs leeched the strength of Ashenvale, I will leech the power held within these hooves and harness it into my crafting...','Do you have the hooves, $N? The magic within them is strong.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1513insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1468,1843,'Brutal Gauntlets','','','Thank you, $N. These gauntlets are my best work. Take them. In wearing them, you bring honor to me and my ancestors.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1514insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1469,1844,'Chimaeric Horn','I will make you the helm, but you must show me you are worthy of it.$B$BNestled in the northwestern reaches of the Stonetalon Mountains there lies the Charred Vale.  It was once a verdant place, but is now defiled and ashen, and what creatures remain there are mad with pain and despair.$B$BThat place is where I send you, $N.$B$BYou must go to the Charred Vale and find a chimaera matriarch.  Slay her, free her of her misery.  Bring me her galvanized horn as proof, and I shall make for you the helm. ','Bring a Galvanized Horn to Orm Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.','You have completed your task, $N, and shown me your worth and resolve. The helm will be yours...','Do you have the horn? Is the matriarch free of pain?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1515insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1470,1845,'Brutal Helm','','','I give this helm to you.$B$BGreat deeds brought you to me, $N, and Earthmother willing... even greater deeds lie before you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1516insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1471,1846,'Dragonmaw Shinbones','To make the brutal leg guards, I need a brace of sturdy shinbones.  The Dragonmaw orcs of the Wetlands have nice, thick shinbones.  I\'ll need theirs.$B$BBut they must be sturdy.  Be sure to test the shinbones as you collect them.  If you can break them with your bare hands, then they won\'t be sturdy enough to work with.','Bring 8 Sturdy Dragonmaw Shinbones to Velora Nitely in the Undercity.','Well done! These all look strong. I think they\'ll do quite nicely. How did those orcs mind you taking their shins, $N? Complain much?$B$BThat was another joke. You\'re not laughing.$B$BI\'m not very funny these days, am I...','I\'m waiting for those shinbones, $N. They\'ll make a nice frame for your leg guards.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1517insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1472,1847,'Brutal Legguards','','','Here are your legguards, $N. Let me know how they fit or if you need any modifications. I aim to please! At least I used to.$B$BThese days I don\'t care much for my craft. But it beats being a mindless minion of the Scourge!$B$BI guess.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1518insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1473,1848,'Brutal Hauberk','','','I am sure you endured much hardship and shed much blood on my task, $N. Here is the product of your toil.$B$BMay you wear it well, and may you one day return here with stories of its service to you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1519insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1474,1858,'The Shattered Hand','I\'ll leave it to you to get Tazan\'s satchel open, and return to me with its contents. The locking mechanism is complex, so it would probably be easiest if you obtained the key.$b$bAs you didn\'t find it on Tazan\'s body, I can only assume that he left the key in the care of another... Ah, yes, that\'s right. He had an assistant named Gamon. A drunkard, you\'ll most likely find him at the tavern. Perhaps you could quietly relieve him of the key.','Steal Tazan\'s key, then use it to open his Satchel and deliver its contents to Therzok in the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar.','Hmmm, now this is interesting. You\'ve more than proved your worth with this, Weir. I am quite impressed. Consider yourself the newest member of the Shattered Hand. And take this, it will be a great help to you in the future, I think.','Is it not vexing to have the subject of your desire within your grasp, but to have no way of getting to it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1520insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1475,1859,'Therzok','Lower your voice, $n. Yeah, I know your name. Was told to keep an eye out for an orc by your description.$b$bFrom what we\'ve heard about you, you can handle yourself in combat, and aren\'t opposed to a little sneakery from time to time.$b$bAm I right?$b$bAnyways, you should go see Therzok in Orgrimmar. He\'s got an offer for you to hear.','Speak with Therzok in the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1521insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1476,1860,'Speak with Jennea','We mages have a task that needs doing.  One that is vital to the safety of Stormwind and Elwynn forest.$B$BJennea Cannon has the details.  She studies in the wizard\'s sanctum, in the mage district of Stormwind.  You should make your way to her with haste.','Speak with Jennea Cannon in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1522insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1477,1861,'Mirror Lake','This world has been victim to massive mystic struggles, which tore magic currents from once stable channels.  We struggle to determine the effects these changes have caused, and some of us fear the worst!$B$BBut I will reveal more of this later.  Right now, we need you to gather information.$B$BHere, take this flask.  Go to the base of the waterfall at Mirror Lake, southwest of the Stormwind gates, and retrieve a sample of the water there.  Return it to me so that I might test it for magical taints.','Bring a Mirror Lake sample to Jennea Cannon in Stormwind.','Thank you, $N. I will test this water for magical properties. Let us hope that it contains none, or we may find that those who drink from Mirror Lake for too long will be adversely affected.$B$BHere, $N. Take this orb or staff as a token of your service. May it serve you well.','Do you have the sample, $N? The flow of magic in Stormwind and Elwynn has been altered, and I must know if it is seeping into the water.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1523insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1478,1878,'Water Pouch Bounty','','','Excellent - the more water pouches we are able to reclaim, the further away from disaster we\'ll all be! Keep \'em coming, and I will be sure to reward you for every five water pouches you bring me.','Back again,$N? If you have five more Wastewander water pouches, then I have a care package with your name on it!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1524insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1479,1879,'Speak with Bink','$N!  Bink, my gnome colleague in Ironforge, sends word.  She has a task that needs doing and won\'t rely on anyone but a mage to do it!  Are you that mage, $N?$B$BIf so, then speak with Bink.  She spends her time in the Hall of Mysteries in the Mystic Ward of Ironforge.','Speak with Bink in Ironforge.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1525insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1480,1880,'Mage-tastic Gizmonitor','We mages do more than just waggle our fingers and make pretty sparks!  We control magic, the base fabric of our world!  And that takes great care, and resolve.  And knowledge... so much knowledge!$B$BOne of my devices, the mage-tastic gizmonitor, collects and stores that knowledge in huge amounts!  But it\'s lost!  When we fled our home of Gnomeregan, I left it in a chest in one of our huts outside the city, and now the place is crawling with leper gnomes!$B$BPlease, $N, retrieve my gizmonitor!','Bring Bink her Mage-tastic Gizmonitor.','Oh, splendid day! When I made the gizmonitor I never realized how dependent on it I would become. Now I can begin my studies anew!$B$BThank you, $N! And here - these were my first tools as a $C. They\'re a little scratched but they\'re well tested. Take your pick - I\'m sure you\'ll find either of them useful.','Did you find the gizmonitor? I must have it before its energy supply runs out!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1526insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1481,1881,'Speak with Anastasia','$N, Anastasia Hartwell has a task for someone of your talents.  Speak with her in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity, and prepare yourself for your first task for the mages of the Forsaken.','Speak with Anastasia Hartwell.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1527insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1482,1882,'The Balnir Farmstead','The Plaguelands to the east are an aberration.  Devised by the Lich King, they spread their magic into the soil, corrupting and killing all that live.  Although there is a certain charm to the destructive forces of the plague, we, the mages of the Forsaken, believe it is unruly and must be curtailed.$B$BBut first, we must measure how far it has spread into Tirisfal.  Go to the Balnir Farmstead in eastern Tirisfal.  In the garden are flowers--snapdragons.  Gather these and return.','Bring Balnir Snapdragons to Anastasia Hartwell in the Mage Quarter of the Undercity.','Ah, a fine specimen this is. I will send it to be studied by our apothecaries to determine the extent of the Plagueland\'s taint.$B$BWell done, $N. For your services, I present to you this choice: an orb or staff. Whichever you choose, you will find it quite useful.','Do you have the snapdragons? That breed of flower is highly receptive to magic energies, and studying the snapdragons so close to the Plaguelands can tell us if the plague has entered Tirisfal Glades.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1528insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1483,1883,'Speak with Un\'thuwa','Un\'thuwa, tribal mage of Sen\'jin Village, detects a disturbance in the magic currents of Durotar and asks for aid.  Speak with Un\'thuwa and do what you can to help him.$B$BDo this, and in time further secrets will be revealed to you.','Speak with Un\'thuwa.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1529insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1484,1884,'Ju-Ju Heaps','The warlock Zalazane of the Echo Isles has disrupted the normal flow of magic in Durotar.  He does this through tainted fetishes, ju-ju heaps, which he has placed among his huts on the main Echo Isle.$B$BThese heaps corrupt our wildlife and give power to the warlocks and infernal creatures that lurk in the land\'s dark corners.$B$BYou must destroy the ju-ju heaps, $N, before the flow of magic is forever altered.','Destroy 4 Ju-Ju Heaps, then return to Un\'thuwa in Sen\'jin Village.','I sense that Zalazane\'s ju-ju heaps were destroyed, and with time, and luck, the flow of magic in Durotar will return to normal.$b$bA great deed you have done for your people, $N. And you have shown your worth to us, the mages of the Horde.','','','Ju-Ju Heaps Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1530insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1485,1885,'Mennet Carkad','$n? Not quite what I was expecting, considering Carkad himself has taken an interest to you. Looks can be deceiving though, right?$b$bEither way, you should go see him as soon as possible. You wouldn\'t want to know what happened to the last few that chose to ignore his summons.','Speak with Mennet Carkad in the Rogues\' Quarter of the Undercity.','Hm. No doubt you made your way here at first mention of my summons, yes? Of course. I would expect no less from a prospective Deathstalker.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1531insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1486,1886,'The Deathstalkers','If you wish to join the Deathstalkers, Lord Varimathras\' elite guard, you will have to prove your worth.$b$bI will not lie to you, $n, this task could mean your death.$b$bI have some things that need attending to. I require the personal effects of Astor Hadren, a messenger who travels between Silverpine and the Undercity. I will leave the method of procurement to your discretion.$b$bIt will be better for you if you know less of the nature of this business. Succeed and I shall tell you more.','Get Astor\'s Letter of Introduction and return it to Mennet Carkad in the Rogues\' Quarter.','Well done, $N. You\'ve passed the first part of this test. Hopefully Andron will not have caught wind of your activities, and we will be able to convince him that you are, in fact, the messenger he is expecting.','Success to report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1532insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1487,1898,'The Deathstalkers','The letter of introduction should be enough to convince Andron that you are the messenger he\'s been waiting for. I\'ve met Andron before, he doesn\'t quite have the mental capacity to be that suspicious.$b$bLord Varimathras suspects that Andron has been providing aid to some other group. He wishes to know what organization this is and requires proof of it.$b$bI want you to speak with Andron, and obtain this information. You\'ll find him at his shop near the Apothecarium.','Speak with Andron Gant in the Undercity.','Ah, yes, I\'ve been expecting you. I have no doubt our mutual acquaintances are pleased with the information that I have provided so far?$B$BI suppose there\'s no point in asking you, I doubt they would burden you with this knowledge. Why place so much trust in the messenger, hm?','Hello. Something I can do for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1533insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1488,1899,'The Deathstalkers','You\'ll find the ledger with the information your employers seek on the bookshelf behind me. Deliver it with my regards, and tell them that I would prefer it if they sent you, if they find enough value that they should wish to continue our arrangement.','Bring Astor\'s Ledger to Mennet Carkad in the Rogues\' Quarter of Undercity.','Well, this is certainly more information than I suspected to get out of Andron. Give me a moment to peruse it, before I set you to your next task.','Success, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1534insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1489,1918,'The Befouled Element','The slain elemental has produced an intensely glowing globe of water.  The contents of the globe are, at best, disgusting.  It would be safe to assume that whatever has befouled the water of Mystral Lake is most likely present in the water of the globe.$B$BIt\'s not exactly common knowledge who might be interested in such a find; perhaps the person who originally sent you out to the lake, Mastok Wrilehiss at Splintertree Post, might have an idea.','Bring the Befouled Water Globe to Mastok Wrilehiss at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.','You find a nasty ball of water and decide to bring it to me? Who am I, the Earthen Ring or something?$b$bActually, that does give me an idea... perhaps you do need the Earthen Ring for this. I mean, if it helps clear up the situation at the lake for good, then I\'m all for it.$b$bYou know who the Earthen Ring are, $N?','Yeah, what do you need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1535insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1490,1919,'Report to Jennea','Your knowledge of the craft grows, young $N.  Are you now ready to begin your true lessons?  Are you ready to take your place in the secret war we wage?$B$BIf so, then speak with Jennea Cannon, in the wizard\'s sanctum in the mage district of Stormwind.  She has a task for you which will open your first window into the invisible world.','Speak with Jennea Cannon in Stormwind.','$N, I have a mission for you, here in the $C district. Listen closely, for there is no time to waste.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1536insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1491,1920,'Investigate the Blue Recluse','A disturbance has been reported at the Blue Recluse tavern in the Mage Quarter.  Strange, invisible creatures now wander the tavern, and I fear a mana rift has formed there.$B$BI want you to investigate the tavern and capture those creatures.  Use the cantation of manifestation in the tavern to make the creatures visible, subdue them then use a containment coffer to capture them.  When you have enough, return to me with your filled coffers, your empty coffers and the cantation.','Obtain a Cantation of Manifestation and a Chest of Containment coffers from behind Jennea Cannon.  Bring 3 Filled Containment Coffers to Jennea at the Wizard\'s Sanctum.','Very well done!  I will study these creatures and, with diligence and luck, determine how they slipped into our world.$B$BYour value to the society of mages grows, $N.','Have you captured the creatures, $N? They must be studied in order to determine the reason behind their arri','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1537insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1492,1921,'Gathering Materials','You have served your fellow mages well, and now it is time to don your wizard\'s robe.  Wynne Larson can make your robe, but you must bring her the needed materials  $B$BThe robe will be made of linen which is easy to find, but you must also gain charged rift gems, and the only known location of the gems is in the Silver Stream Mine of Loch Modan, left in crates by the dwarven miners\' league.$B$BGather the linen and the gems and bring them to Wynne Larson at the Larson Clothiers in the Mage District.','Bring 10 Linen Cloth and the 6 Charged Rift Gems to Wynne Larson in Stormwind.','Yes, these are great pieces of linen.  I can make a fine robe with them.  And after I weave the rift gems into it, we\'ll have a garment fit for a $C!','Hello, $N.  Jennea told me you would come.  Do you have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1538insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1493,1938,'Ur\'s Treatise on Shadow Magic','Long ago, three mages studied in this tower until one fell to the dark arts.  He was urged to turn away from that evil magic, but he could not resist.  And so he was banished.$B$BThe fallen mage\'s new domain is the tower of Ilgalar in Redridge, and he took with him a powerful book--Ur\'s Treatise on Shadow Magic.$B$BWe, the mages of Stormwind, would have that book returned.  Enter the tower of Ilgalar, find the tome in his library, and bring it to me.','Bring Ur\'s Treatise on Shadow Magic to High Sorcerer Andromath in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1539insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1494,1939,'High Sorcerer Andromath','High Sorcerer Andromath wishes to speak with you, $N.  He is at the top of the wizard\'s sanctum, in the mage\'s district of Stormwind.$B$BIt would be wise to speak with him, for Andromath is one of the most powerful mages not locked away in Dalaran.  Council with him is high council indeed.','Speak with High Sorcerer Andromath.','Greetings, $N. I am pleased to see you, and hope you have time to listen to an old man\'s words...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1540insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1495,1940,'Pristine Spider Silk','Your service has been unwavering, $N.  I think, perhaps, it is time you had a finer garment, one more suiting your station as an adept mage.  If you gather the needed materials, then we will arrange the robe made.$B$BYou must enter Duskwood and hunt carrion recluse spiders.  Extract their silk, but only the finest, most pristine silk will do.  When you have enough, take it to Wynne Larson, here in the mage district at the Larson Clothiers.  She will craft your robe.','Bring 8 Pristine Spider Silk to Wynne Larson in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1541insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1496,1941,'Manaweave Robe','\"Wynne Larson can make your robe ?\" that was the words you have heard from Jennea ?$B$B OK! Wait a sec and i will make that robe for you !','Speak with larson for a moment.','Here is your robe.  It\'s one of my best made yet!  Wear it with pride, and when people ask... tell them you got it at the Larson Clothiers!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1542insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1497,1942,'Astral Knot Garment','','','Your garment is ready!  And that silk you gathered was so nice... you don\'t mind if I made it a little short so that I\'d have some silk left over for me, do you?$B$BI\'m only joking.  It\'ll fit you great, and will be perfect for both adventure and formal dining.  Enjoy!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1543insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1498,1943,'Speak with Deino','The troll mage Deino has need of your assistance, $N.  She resides in Orgrimmar, in the Darkbriar Lodge.','Speak with Deino.','Good, you have come.  My task is not an easy one, but vital to the society of mages.  If you aid me, I am sure you will find it worthwhile.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1544insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1499,1944,'Waters of Xavian','The fabled city of Xavian lies nestled deep within eastern Ashenvale, and tales of its ancient knowledge are well known among the learned.  It is said that the waters of Xavian hold vast magical powers.$B$BI would have a sample of those waters, from their source.$B$BTake this flask and go to Xavian.  Gather water from the bottom of its highest waterfall, and return to me.  And use care as you move through that ancient city--satyrs now hold the ruins and do not like mages prying into their affairs.','Bring the Xavian Water Sample to Deino in Orgrimmar.','Ah, very good. I trust the satyrs of Xavian gave you little trouble?$B$BThank you, Mithel. I will study this sample of Xavian water immediately.','I am pleased you have returned with your skin intact, Mithel. Do you have the water sample? I am eager to study its properties.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1545insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1500,1945,'Laughing Sisters','For your services, I have arranged for the creation of your new robes, provided you can gather the needed materials...$B$BFor these robes, you must return to Ashenvale for the locks of hair from laughing sisters--dryads who gather near the Raynewood Retreat.$B$BWhen you have their hair, bring it to Kil\'hala, a troll tailor at the Crossroads in the Barrens.  He will be expecting you, and will fashion your robes.','Bring 12 Laughing Sister\'s Hairs to Kil\'hala at the Crossroads.','Ah, this hair will weave into a fine robe, Mithel. It is a pity the laughing sisters had to die to part with it, though I do doubt they would ever give it willingly.$B$BA pity, but only a small one.','Greetings, Mithel. Deino said you would come, and would bring the laughing sisters\' hair. Do you have it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1546insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1501,1946,'Nether-lace Garment','','','Here is your nether-lace, $N.  It is both comfortable and durable, and holds the magic of the laughing sisters\' hair.$B$BEnjoy, and if you find it amenable, please mention so to Deino.  She is a $C on whose good side I wish to stay...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1547insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1502,1947,'Journey to the Marsh','Now it is time for you to earn your mage\'s wand.  To begin this quest, speak with the human hermit Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.  You will find her shack deep in the marsh, west of Theramore.$B$BSpeak with her, for her knowledge is vast.  You will find Tabetha\'s cottage west of Theramore, and just north of the Stonemaul Ruins.','Speak with Tabetha.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1548insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1503,1948,'Items of Power','The building of a mage\'s wand is not easy.  Rare substances are required, and a vessel must be made that can store great quantities of magical energy.  You must gather these things and bring them to me.$B$BI have written onto this parchment that which you need, and instructions on how to get it.  Bring me exactly what is on this list, and follow my written directions to the letter, for if you do not then when we make your wand things might go... badly.','Bring 1 Jade and the Bolt Charged Bramble to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.','Aha! You got the jade and made the bramble! Well done!$B$BIs that smoke I see rising from your ears? You might have gotten too close when the lightning struck the totem sticks, but don\'t worry. Being hit by lightning is good luck!','Hello, $N. Do you have the items I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1549insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1504,1949,'Hidden Secrets','To make your wand, there are key passages in a certain book that I must read.  The book is called Rituals of Power, written by the Magus Tirth.$B$BI do not have a copy of his book, and none of the world\'s great libraries possess it.  So you must speak with Tirth and gain it from him.$B$BGood luck.  Tirth used to be a great mage and scholar, but now he spends his time at the gnome and goblin races in the Shimmering Flats, drinking and gambling.','Speak with Magus Tirth in the Shimmering Flats.','What?  Speak up!  These old ears aren\'t as sharp as they used to be.$B$BWell, I hope you\'re here with a fresh mug of ale or some hot tips on the next race!  If not, then you best keep walking... because I have a polymorph wand with your name on it!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1550insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1505,1950,'Get the Scoop','I can help you with the book, but first you have to help me!$B$BThe tome you seek is in my magically locked strongbox.  To open it a special phrase must be uttered, and I can\'t remember the phrase!  Normally my assistant helps me remember these things but he\'s nowhere to be found.$B$BIf you want my book, then find my apprentice!  Ask around the race track--if you\'re lucky then someone has seen him.  Either drag him back here, or at least get my magic phrase from him so we can open my box!','Find the phrase to Tirth\'s strongbox, then return to Tirth.','Ah, now I remember...$B$BI had forgotten about that little curse I put on Johnson.  I can\'t remember why I did it but I\'m sure it served him right, the little ingrate!','','Secret phrase found','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1551insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1506,1951,'Rituals of Power','Hm... now that I think about it, I don\'t have my book!  You see, I had some gambling debts and to pay them off I sold the last copy of Rituals of Power to a member of the clergy....$B$BA member of the Scarlet Brotherhood.  He must have taken it to their library in the Scarlet Monastery in Tirisfal Glades!$B$BIf you want that book, then you\'ll have to go to the monastery to find it.  And sorry about all the trouble.  I\'m not myself these days...','Bring the book Rituals of Power to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.','That\'s it!  It\'s just what I need to prepare for the ritual to create your wand!  I hope it wasn\'t too much trouble to find...','Greetings, $N.  Did you find the book, Rituals of Power?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1552insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1507,1952,'Mage\'s Wand','I\'ll go make the wands now.','Speak with Tabetha after her ritual.','Here are the wands I made.  Take your pick!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1553insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1508,1953,'Return to the Marsh','It is time, $N, for you to speak with Tabetha... the hermit of Dustwallow Marsh.  She will instruct you on the creation of a powerful mage\'s implement.$B$BTabetha\'s shack lies deep in Dustwallow Marsh, west of Theramore.','Speak with Tabetha.','Ah, yes.  You are here for an orb or a staff, $N?  Very well.  I will aid you in its construction.$B$BBut be forewarned--the process is a perilous one and could mean your death.$B$BOr my death.  Definitely someone\'s death... $B$BBut let\'s hope it\'s someone else\'s death, eh?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1554insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1509,1954,'The Infernal Orb','The first step is to acquire an orb with power.  The warlocks of the Burning Blade have nice, high quality orbs... it\'s too bad they\'ve bound demons into them!  But we can fix that, yes we can.$B$BGo to Desolace and snatch an infernal orb from a Burning Blade summoner.  You\'ll find summoners at the Mannoroc Coven.$B$BWhen you have the orb, return to me.','Bring an Infernal Orb to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.','Oh, that\'s a nice one!  No, I don\'t mean it\'s \"nice\" like cool juice is nice on a hot day.$B$BIn fact, it\'s very NOT nice now that I think about it.  Not the juice.  The orb!$B$BFocus, $N!  We\'ll need you focused if we\'re ever to finish our task!','Do you have an infernal orb, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1555insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1510,1955,'The Exorcism','Now that we have a summoner\'s orb, we must exorcise the demon within it.  I can do that.  That\'s the easy part.$B$BYou\'re the one who has the hard job.  You\'re the one who has to kill the demon once it\'s out.$B$BAnd you\'ll have to be quick.  If you take too long then he\'ll jump back in the orb and we\'ll have to start over!$B$BSo get yourself ready.  Prepare your strongest spells and keep your potions handy, and go get a friend if you have one.  Because this isn\'t going to be pretty.','Kill the Demon of the Orb, then speak with Tabetha.','Nicely done, $N!  You gave that demon a lesson he won\'t soon forget.$B$BHe\'ll think twice before he sticks his ugly head back in this world, looking for the stupid mortal who beat him.  Probably with friends this time.  Big, scaly friends who\'d want nothing more than to tear you into little <race> pieces.$B$BI didn\'t scare you, did I...$N?','','Kill the Demon of the Orb','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1556insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1511,1956,'Power in Uldaman','Now that the demon has been removed, we must gain a power source.  Unfortunately, the best power sources are usually the oldest and the hardest to get.  It\'s neat how fate likes to take a bite out of you sometimes, isn\'t it?$B$BSo you\'re going to need to go to Uldaman and defeat the obsidian sentinel there.  He\'s big, he\'s tough, and his power source packs a punch!$B$BI wish you the best of luck, $N.  And if you don\'t get lucky then, well... it was nice knowing you.','Retrieve an Obsidian Power Source and bring it to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.','You did it?  Well done!$B$BI was chatting with some of my colleagues and when your name came up they said, \"You know that $N sure works well under stress!\"$B$BBut when I told them I sent you to Uldaman against the obsidian sentinel, they said I was crazy!  They said, \"Tabetha, you\'re crazy!  There\'s no way $N could take on that sentinel!\"$B$BAnd I said, \"We\'ll see,\" and then they said \"Yeah, we\'ll see...\"$B$BWell we sure showed them, didn\'t we!','Have you been to Uldaman, $N?  Did you defeat the obsidian sentinel?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1557insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1512,1957,'Mana Surges','We are almost finished, but this last step is the most perilous, $N.$B$BI have the empty summoner\'s orb and am ready to empower it.  We will do this by harnessing the energy of a mana rift.  I\'ll cast a spell that will temporarily open a rift, from which creatures, mana surges, will pour out.  You must defeat the mana surges and their power will be released, which I will then collect.$B$BKill enough mana surges before the rift closes and I will place all their collected energy in your orb.','Kill 12 Mana Surges in the allowed time limit.','You did it!  I never doubted you for a second!  Ok, maybe for just a second, or two... but basically I didn\'t have much doubt.$B$BHonest.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1558insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1513,1958,'Celestial Power','Have you been to Uldaman, Minimagica?  Did you defeat the obsidian sentinel?','','You should be proud of yourself, $N.  Many mages have fallen to the creatures you faced.$B$BThe Celestial Orb is ready.  Or if you\'d like I can mount it atop a staff.  It\'s up to you.  I\'d prefer the orb, but who am I to judge?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1559insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1514,1959,'Report to Anastasia','The mages of the Undercity have noted a magical disturbance within the city, and have sent word for mages of the Horde to investigate.$B$BAnastasia Hartwell can tell you more.  Speak with her in the Magic Quarter in the Undercity.','Speak with Anastasia Hartwell.','It is true.  A magical disturbance has been detected in our city.  We are not yet sure of its origin, or whether it is malign or benign.  We must first gather more information...$B$BAnd that, $N, brings us to your task.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1560insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1515,1960,'Investigate the Alchemist Shop','Algernon\'s alchemist shop in the Apothecarium is the locus of a strange disturbance.  Invisible creatures, made solely of magic, wander the shop--there must be a reason, and we must find it!$B$BInvestigate the disturbance and capture those creatures.  Take a chest of coffers and a scroll from behind me.  Use the scroll at the shop to make the creatures visible, subdue them with your spells, then throw down a coffer to capture them.  Return with the filled coffers, the empty coffers and the cantation.','Obtain a Cantation of Manifestation and a Chest of Containment Coffers from behind Anastasia Hartwell.  Bring 3 Filled Containment Coffers, the Chest of Containment Coffers and the Cantation of Manifestation to Anastasia in the Undercity.','Very good, $N.  The creatures within these containment coffers will be studied by our finest minds, and the reason behind their presence in the Undercity will be determined.$B$BIf their appearance is caused by a rift in the natural flow of magic, then we must determine if the rift was random.  If it was not random, but instead an attack by some magical force, then we must prepare for future, more serious disturbances.','Have you investigated the disturbance, $N?  Have you captured the creatures?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1561insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1516,1961,'Gathering Materials','It is time for you to don your first mage\'s robes, $N.  They are a sign of your station, and a testament to your worth.$B$BTo gain the robes, you must gather the mana gems from the Dalaran mages of Silverpine.  Their beliefs are similar to ours and so killing them is somewhat distasteful, but if they lack the strength to resist us, then they do not deserve their lives.$B$BBring the gems and a supply of linen to Josef Gregorian at the Magic Quarter\'s tailor shop.','Bring 10 Linen Cloth and 6 Dalaran Mana Gems to Josef Gregorian.','This is very good material, and although I lack the talent to gauge the quality of these mana gems, we\'ll soon know if they possess the power needed to create spellfire robes...','Anastasia said you would come to me, and I am prepared to fashion your robes.  Do you have the gems and the linen?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1562insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1517,1962,'Spellfire Robes','','','Here are your robes, $N.  Wear them well.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1563insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1518,1963,'The Shattered Hand','The Warchief is too subtle in his methods. He is cautious to unleash the might of the Horde. Once we were stronger, mighty conquerors all. That pride we must regain, and the Shattered Hand will do so.$b$bWe build strength from the shadows and strike at the exposed, secretly laying our enemies low. A task you must complete for me, to prove your worth.$b$bThe troll Tazan trades with the pirates near Ratchet. He has information I must have. Kill him and bring me his satchel.','Kill Tazan and bring his Satchel to Therzok in the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar.','Hm, while I am glad to hear that Tazan is no longer with us, a locked satchel does us no good. We need the information kept within.$b$bThis should prove a worthy second challenge for one who wishes to join the Shattered Hand.','It is a fool who believes a charge with axe drawn is more dangerous than a knife in the dark.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1564insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1519,1978,'The Deathstalkers','The Syndicate? I would never have suspected. It seems the lords of Alterac have fallen far in the years since their betrayal.$b$bLord Varimathras will be pleased to learn of this, and as you were so instrumental in this discovery, it would be fitting if you were the one to deliver it to him.$b$bAh, and how could I forget?$b$bWelcome to the Deathstalkers.','Deliver Andron\'s Ledger to Varimathras in the Hall of the Dark Lady in the Undercity.','Hmm, this is interesting. The Deathstalkers have performed their duties admirably in ferreting this out.$B$BFrom what I understand, you also deserve commendation for your performance. I hope that this will become routine for you, $N, my Deathstalkers always have use of a good man.','Yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1565insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1520,1998,'Fenwick Thatros','Lord Varimathras has just sent me a missive about a threat to the Forsaken that must be immediately removed. His name is Fenwick Thatros, one whom Lord Varimathras believes is a leader of the undead that have taken root in Silverpine Forest.$b$bYour name came to mind immediately, $n. I have faith enough in your abilities that you will carry out this mission flawlessly.$b$bThe latest reports from the Deathstalkers in Silverpine indicate that Thatros can be found near the decrepit dock on Lordamere.','Kill Fenwick Thatros and bring his head back to Mennet Carkad in the Rogues\' Quarter of the Undercity.','You\'ve done well, $N. It occurs to me that you have performed many services for the Deathstalkers, proving your worth, and that perhaps it is time that we furthered your training in the shadow arts.','I have placed the utmost faith in you to perform this service for Lord Varimathras.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1566insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1521,1999,'Tools of the Trade','The wizards of the Kirin Tor at Ambermill have stored away important documents pertaining to the current state of Dalaran. This we know from the admissions of one of our prisoners. Lord Varimathras has placed the duty of recovering them in the hands of the Deathstalkers.$b$bThis task falls to you, $n. You will need some equipment, however, and the knowledge of lockpicking. Speak with Estelle Gendry, our outfitter, and ask her for a set of tools before you set out.','Find the Dalaran Status Report and return it to Mennet Carkad in the Rogues\' Quarter of the Undercity.','Very good, $N! You have learned the fine art of lockpicking well, and faster than I could have possibly expected.$B$BI see that I was right to place my trust in you. Believe me, boy, I foresee that you will go far in this line of work.','Have you located the documents, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1567insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1522,2000,'Rokar Bladeshadow','Too much idle time for you, $n. It\'s time that you learned more of our trade. Just last night, five of our number were found dead in one of the cracks in Orgrimmar, with few leads. There are those that oppose us, using our own methods against us.$b$bSo it is I\'ve decided you should learn the art of lockpicking.$b$bUnfortunately, it is a skill that my hands are not well suited to. You should seek out Rokar, who lives in the hills near Durotar. Even in his old age, I suspect he still has the touch for it.','Speak with Rokar Bladeshadow in Durotar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1568insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1523,2018,'Rokar\'s Test','Ah, so now Therzok sends me his budding students, hm? Well, I suppose I can teach you a thing or two. Not that I care much of your business, but I\'d not want it on my conscious that I sent you to your death.$b$bBut you must first prove yourself worthy.$b$bI will tell you, $n. I do not much like this Venture Company. This land reminds me of Draenor, and I do not like the thought of those goblins destroying it. Perhaps if their overseer at the Sludge Fen is killed, their operation will be hamstrung.','Kill Overseer Glibby and return his Whistle to Rokar Bladeshadow in Durotar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1569insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1524,2019,'[Not Used] Tools of the Trade','Here you go, $n. These should serve you well. Crafted by my own hand, I swear you\'ll find none better.$b$bDo not bother to tell me your business, however. I have no interest in Therzok\'s schemes, I wish only to live out my retirement in peace.$b$bIf you should ever need another set of tools, come back to me, and I will furnish you with a new set. But have a care with them!','Return to Therzok in the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1570insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1525,2038,'Bingles\' Missing Supplies','As if crashing into the Loch wasn\'t bad enough, troggs from the nearby island attacked me and stole my tools and special Blastenheimer Blastencapper explosives. With no gyrocopter and no explosives, the movement has no chance!$B$BGet my tools back and find my Blastencapper explosives, $N. For Gnomeregan! ','Find and return Bingles\' supplies:$B$BBingles\' Wrench, Bingles\' Screwdriver, Bingles\' Hammer, and Bingles\' Blastencapper.','You\'ve done the movement a great service, $N. The troggs and leper gnomes infesting Gnomeregan will soon feel the brunt of a gnomish air assault!','$N! Where are my things?!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1571insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1526,2039,'Find Bingles','We\'ve lost contact with Bingles! He was sent on a reconnaissance mission over Gnomeregan and hasn\'t reported back in over a week. I just know he\'s gone and blown himself up.$B$BHe was last seen flying over the Loch. Perhaps you can investigate, $N.','Find Bingles Blastenheimer in Loch Modan.','So Gnoarn doesn\'t trust my reconnaissance abilities? I wonder why...$b$bNevermind that, I need your assistance! Nay! The movement needs your assistance!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1572insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1527,2040,'Underground Assault','Gnomeregan has fallen under the control of those dastardly troggs! The situation is grave but perhaps you can help, $N.$B$BDeep in the Deadmines is a functional goblin shredder. Find that shredder and bring back the intact power supply. With the shredder\'s power supply, we can give our gyrodrillmatic excavationators the power they need to break through the rocky underground borders of Gnomeregan, opening the way for a gnomish assault!','Retrieve the Gnoam Sprecklesprocket from the Deadmines and return it to Shoni the Shilent in Stormwind.','Well done, $N. Thanks to you, Gnomeregan is one step closer to its day of liberation!','Have you found the Gnoam Sprecklesprocket, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1573insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1528,2041,'Speak with Shoni','Perhaps... Perhaps you can help us in the battle for Gnomeregan.$B$BIn Stormwind you will find the commander of our underground assault crew, Shoni the Shilent. Shoni needs assistance with her gyrodrillmatic excavationators.$B$BYou will probably find her amongst the dwarves in Stormwind.$B$BGood luck, $N. ','Speak with Shoni the Shilent in Stormwind.','Do you bring word from central command?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1574insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1529,2078,'Gyromast\'s Revenge','Landlubber, ye needs to find me first mate.$B$BTake this\'n key, puts it in his gulliver an\' bring him back here to serve the Cap\'n.$B$BThem murlocs an\' their chief ain\'t gonna be too happy once me first mate gets a hold of em!','Find Gelkak\'s First Mate, the Threshwackonator 4100, and lead it back to Gelkak.','Yarrr... Ye be provin\' yerself to be more than a yella sea dog, landlubber.$B$BThe Cap\'n may promote ye to poop deck swabby if ye be keepin\' this up...','','','Gelkak\'s First Mate','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1575insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1530,2098,'Gyromast\'s Retrieval','A pirate\'s life ain\'t an easy one, landlubber. It ain\'t all about plunderin\' and booze! Alas, me ship be sunk just off shore thanks to them pesky Threshadons.$B$BWhat I be needin\' is me first mate back in workin\' order!$B$BWhen I washed up\'n shore, the key for me first mate broke on the rocks and was pilfered by the beasties of Darkshore. Out of the corner of me eyes I saw some of them Ragin\' Crawlers, Ferocious Foreststrider, and murloc rummaging through the wreckage....','Find and return the three pieces of Gelkak\'s Key to Gelkak Gyromast.','Avast ye scurvy sea dog! Ye did it! Soon me first mate be back in workin\' order and them beasties won\'t know what hit em!$B$BHrm, have ye seen me first mate?','Have ye found me broke down key, landlubber?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1576insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1531,2118,'Plagued Lands','A sickness spreads across the Darkshore, gripping the minds and bodies of all it touches.$B$BThe Thistle Bears have been hit the hardest by this plague. The once noble beasts are now an instrument of destruction - rabid and frenzied. I may have a cure for this ailment.$B$BTake this trap to the forest and lay it on the ground. Any Rabid Thistle Bear that crosses the light shall become docile for a short time. Once the bear is docile, it shall follow you. Lead it back here, $N.','Capture a living Rabid Thistle Bear and bring it back to Tharnariun.$B$BShould you fail to capture a Rabid Thistle Bear and lose your trap, return to Tharnariun Treetender and request another trap.','Our work has only just begun, $N. Are you prepared for your next task?','','','Rabid Thistle Bear Captured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1577insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1532,2138,'Cleansing of the Infected','As I had feared, the cure does not work.$B$BIt saddens me greatly to order the death of any of nature\'s beasts, but the sick and tainted thistle bears must be put down.$B$BReturn to the forest and destroy 20 rabid thistle bears, $N. It will most certainly not put a stop to the plague but it will slow down the damage the animals are doing to our forest and its inhabitants for a short time.','Cleanse the forest of 20 Rabid Thistle Bears and return to Tharnariun Treetender in Darkshore.','You have done Auberdine a great service, $N, but your task is not yet complete.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1578insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1533,2139,'Tharnariun\'s Hope','The survival of our people and lands comes at unfortunate costs, $N.$B$BYou have spilled the blood of nature\'s servants; many sick animals you have felled. The people of Auberdine are indebted to you, for the forest\'s pain is eased - even if only for a moment.$B$BI have one final task for you, but be warned, you will have to kill again. It is my hope that this will be the last time I call upon you, $N.$B$BIn a cave to the northeast, near Bashal\'Aran, resides the Den Mother. Slay her.','Find and kill the Den Mother.','You have fought for Auberdine with bravery and honor, $N. In our war torn lands, death and despair are common. Many will not rise to meet the challenge of life in our new home, choosing instead to hide in their homes or escape to the more fortified lands of the Alliance.$b$bThank you, $N. Perhaps someday soon we shall fight along side as comrades versus another foe.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1579insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1534,2158,'Rest and Relaxation','Every adventurer should rest when exhaustion sets in - and there is no finer place to get rest and relaxation than at the Lion\'s Pride Inn!$B$BMy best friend, Innkeeper Farley, runs the Lion\'s Pride. If you tell him I sent you, he may give you the special discounted rates on food and drink.$B$BTo find the Lion\'s Pride Inn, travel south along the road from here -- you can\'t miss it!','Speak with Innkeeper Farley at the Lion\'s Pride Inn.','Rest and relaxation for the tired and cold -- that\'s our motto! Please, take a seat by the fire and rest your weary bones.$B$BWould you like to try a sampling of some of our fine food and drink?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1580insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1535,2159,'Dolanaar Delivery','Greetings, young $c.  Can you offer me aid?  I have a package of herbs that I must deliver to the town of Dolanaar.  But I still have business with the druids of Shadowglen and cannot yet leave.$B$BCan you deliver this package for me?  It must be sent to Innkeeper Keldamyr, at the Dolanaar inn.  It lies along the road, to the south.','Bring the Dolanaar Delivery to Innkeeper Keldamyr.','Ah yes, the delivery of herbs from Shadowglen. It is a shame Porthannius could not bring it himself, for we have much to discuss, he and I. But I am glad to get the herbs nonetheless, and I am glad you came.$B$BWhile you are here, please, rest yourself. Heroes must keep their strength and spirits high, and must find rest and solace whenever they may. For to neglect one\'s peace of body and mind is a sure path to failure.$B$BSo... rest.','How might I be of service to you, young one? Are you here to rest in the inn? Do you require a hearthstone?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1581insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1536,2160,'Supplies to Tannok','Hey! You look like a hearty adventurer. If you\'re planning on braving the pass, do you suppose you could bring a package to the inn in Kharanos?$b$bYou were planning on stopping at the inn, right? If you make it through the pass, you\'ll definitely want to take a breather there.$b$bAnyways, bring this to Tannok Frosthammer, the innkeeper\'s assistant. I can\'t get through the pass myself, and it\'ll be days until a Mountaineer escort comes through!','Deliver the Crate of Inn Supplies to Tannok Frosthammer in Kharanos.','Ah, at last, the supplies from Hands! I was beginning to worry, we\'ve had scarce word from Anvilmar ever since the troggs overran the pass.$b$bThanks for bring this to me, $N. And please, make yourself comfortable. You must be tired after your journey.','Hi there! Come in, take a seat by the fire and warm yourself with a flagon of ale.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1582insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1537,2161,'A Peon\'s Burden','Excuse me?  Can you help me?$B$BI have a load of food here.  I walked along the road and braved scorpids and spiders and worse!  I brought the food to the Valley of Trials because I thought they needed it and I like to help out.  But they don\'t need any food!  Now I have to take it back to Razor Hill and I\'m afraid of all the beasts along the way...$B$BCan you take it for me?  I\'m just a peon, but you\'re a hero.  You fear nothing!$B$BTake it to Innkeeper Grosk at the Razor Hill inn.  Thank you!','Bring Ukor\'s Burden to Innkeeper Grosk in Razor Hill.','Ah, this is the food Ukor brought to the Valley of Trials. Did they not need it? Well, I guess they like to starve you heroes in training. Builds spirit, they say!$b$bThank you for returning the food. I\'ll stick it back on the shelves... but here, let me offer you some refreshment first!$b$bAnd don\'t forget to rest here in the inn. You may be a brave $C ready to take on the world, but if your energy is sapped you won\'t be doing yourself, or the Horde, much good.','Welcome to Razor Hill!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1583insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1538,2178,'Easy Strider Living','Do you smell that delicious aroma? It\'s my secret recipe, $N--fresh strider stew. Delicious!$B$BPerhaps you would be interested in learning the recipe?$B$BBefore I teach you the recipe, you will need to prove that you can handle the beasts.$B$BNow, I don\'t expect you to go out and tame one and ride it back to me, but if you can kill a few and bring back some of their succulent meat, I may be persuaded to show you the ways of strider stew.','Bring back 5 Strider Meat to Alanndarian Nightsong in Auberdine.','Fantastic! Try it and tell me what you think, $N!','The pot is empty and I\'m hungry! What\'s taking you so long?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1584insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1539,2198,'The Shattered Necklace','You have found a tarnished necklace, though the tarnish belies intricate and magical craftsmanship.  The necklace has been shattered, as its setting appears to be missing three gems.  On the underside of the necklace is the faint imprint of the city seal for Ironforge.  Below the seal are three tiny, engraved letters: \"TdK\".$B$BIf there is anything to be gleaned from the necklace, you will need to learn about its origins.  Perhaps the seal and the initials are a start...','Search for the original creator of the shattered necklace to learn of its potential value.','Yes... I am the jeweler who made this necklace. I also am not in the business of handing out information as though it were free. Information is never free, friend. If I am going to help you out, you need to help ME out first.','You\'ve got the wrong $R, pal! I was never there! You can\'t prove anything!$B$BWait a second... who are you? What the... where did you find this necklace at?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1585insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1540,2199,'Lore for a Price','I am a jeweler of great renown here in Ironforge!  Well, former renown anyway... I have fallen onto hard times due to the chicanery of a competitor!  A bad reputation in this business spells financial disaster.  As a result, I find myself without a copper to my good-though-currently-sullied name.$B$BI want you to get me five silver bars to finish an order I received - the first in what seems like an eternity.$B$BYou get me those five silver bars, and I\'ll answer your questions on the necklace.','Bring five silver bars to Talvash del Kissel in Ironforge.','You\'re all right in my book; I don\'t care what everyone else has been saying... I kid, I kid!  Seriously, thank you my friend.$B$BNow, the necklace you have is one of my finest creations, but it is missing three gems that help bind magic power to it.  I crafted it for a paladin some time ago.  He was on a self-appointed quest to clear out the \"evil taint\" present at an excavation site in the Badlands called Uldaman.$B$BWell... that paladin died in Uldaman, and that was just the beginning of my woes.','Have you got the five silver bars I asked for?  I will share my sad tale of woe with you concerning the necklace you now possess... but only after I get those bars!  Please, help a gnome out, won\'t ya?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1586insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1541,2200,'Back to Uldaman','A competitor of mine started a rumor that my necklace cursed the paladin.  Needless to say, no one wants to buy cursed items from a jeweler.$B$B$N, I\'ll make you a deal - find the gems and I\'ll reassemble the necklace, so long as you\'ll advertise that I do NOT make cursed items!$B$BTry looking for clues in Uldaman; maybe see if the paladin\'s body is down there, since he\'s the one who we know had it last!  When you find the gems you should use this; it\'ll allow you to contact me here in Ironforge.','Search for clues as to the current disposition of Talvash\'s necklace within Uldaman.  The slain paladin he mentioned was the person who had it last.','Remains of a paladin: Reading the journal reveals that after much effort, the paladin had identified the location of all three missing gems:$b$bThe Shadowforge dwarves hid the ruby in their barricaded area as they battled the Troggs for control of Uldaman.$b$bThe troggs stashed the topaz in an urn located near some unusual inhabitants of Uldaman - Alliance dwarves!$b$bFinally, the trogg elder himself took the sapphire as his own.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1587insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1542,2201,'Find the Gems','The paladin\'s journal has provided perhaps the only clues that Uldaman will yield as to the location of the necklace\'s gems.  If the paladin\'s scribing remains accurate, then the Shadowforge dwarves and the troggs that vie for control of the dig site will need to be dealt with.$B$BArmed with this knowledge, the search for the gems begins in earnest.  When all the gems have been acquired, Talvash in Ironforge should be notified via the Phial of Scrying as per his instructions.','Find the ruby, sapphire, and topaz that are scattered throughout Uldaman.  Once acquired, contact Talvash del Kissel remotely by using the Phial of Scrying he previously gave you.$B$BFrom the journal, you know...$B* The ruby has been stashed in a barricaded Shadowforge area.$B* The topaz has been hidden in an urn in one of the Trogg areas, near some Alliance dwarves.$B$B* The sapphire has been claimed by Grimlok, the trogg leader.','Yep, those indeed are the three gems.  Good job!  Unfortunately, your work isn\'t quite over just yet.$B$BNo, I\'m not trying to pull a fast one here, silly $C.  This is about making magic jewelry - Talvash del Kissel quality-level jewelry!  You need a strong power source to give it some oomph.  Well, that necklace has no more oomph to give.','Talvash\'s image comes into focus from the waters of the scrying bowl.$b$b\"Wow, you\'re still alive! Did you manage to find the gems? Are you truly the savior of my reputation I have hoped for? Please tell me you didn\'t waste a charge on the phial just to chat; those things are NOT cheap, and I\'m already in dire financial strai','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1588insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1543,2202,'Uldaman Reagent Run','I\'ve heard about a newly discovered plant called the magenta fungus caps.  They grow in clusters at the Uldaman dig site and can be found in the early tunnels and deep within the less-explored areas.  I want to study their potential use in alchemy, and that\'s where you come in.$B$BFind the magenta cap clusters and bring me a dozen caps.  Be warned, the clusters may spew out poison spores if jostled.$B$BDo this for me, and I\'ll whip up a batch of one of my famous restorative elixirs for you!','Bring 12 Magenta Fungus Caps to Jarkal Mossmeld in Kargath.','Well done $N, you\'ve proven your worth once again! The caps will be an interesting study, you betcha.$B$BAnd now, as promised, enjoy a taste of one of my more potent restorative brews from my personal stock...$B$BIf you are a skilled alchemist, then perhaps we might have some additional business to conduct. Regardless, I thank you for your assistance!','Have you obtained the magenta fungus caps I need for my alchemical work? No caps - no reward!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1589insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1544,2203,'Badlands Reagent Run II','You have been most helpful to me, $c.  I would reward you with the very recipe for the brew I gave you earlier... but I would ask of you a task that is quite dangerous.  Hear my request.$B$BThis lockbox contains three empty thaumaturgy vessels; they are imbued with an attunement aura that will drain the blood of a scorched guardian dragon.  Using one on the beast will anger it greatly, so be warned.  Once you have all three filled, bring them to me.$B$BDo this, and the recipe will be yours.','Use the empty thaumaturgy vessels on scorched guardian dragons found in the Badlands.  Once you have them filled, bring them to Jarkal Mossmeld in Kargath.','From one alchemist to another, I salute you.  Here, take this recipe and commit it to your knowledge.  May it bring you the success and rewards that it has brought me over the years.','Have you used the vessels to get me the scorched guardian dragon blood I need?  Yes, I know it is a dangerous task... but the recipe for my restorative brew awaits your success.  Risk and reward, my friend... risk and reward...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1590insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1545,2204,'Restoring the Necklace','You are going to need to find some \"oomph\" for the necklace, and Uldaman is probably the best place for it, actually.  I guess there are a lot of constructs running around in there, yeah?  Well, take out the biggest, baddest construct in that place and grab its power source!  I am pretty sure I can fuse that source into the necklace.$B$BWithout that power source, fixing the necklace will be impossible.  Come back to me here to Ironforge when you have it, and we\'ll get it all fixed up for you!','Obtain a power source from the most powerful construct you can find in Uldaman, and deliver it to Talvash del Kissel in Ironforge.','Well I\'ll be - I sure am glad to see you and this power source in one piece.  It will take me a moment to magically fuse the power source with the necklace now that the gems have been reunited with it.  Once it is done, however, the necklace will be yours!$B$BYou\'re excited, aren\'t you?  All tingly with anticipation?  Now where did I put that spell focus at...','You didn\'t even stop to tidy yourself up after leaving Uldaman, did you.  You just came straight here, lingering dungeon odors be damned.  Well, let\'s hope this visit is merely an odiferous one, and not a useless one to boot.$B$BDo you have the power source for the necklace?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1591insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1546,2205,'Seek out SI: 7','The badge? Oh, it\'s nothing, fish - nothing you could handle anyhow. By the looks of you, I\'d say Mathias is likely to mistake you for the cheese delivery $g boy:girl; instead of a proper rogue. Regardless, I\'ve been assigned a job and I\'ve made a promise to deliver on that job.$B$BSpeaking of which, deliver this package to Mathias and he may give you a small task or two.$B$BGet cracking. \r\n','Deliver Keryn Sylvius\'s package to Master Mathias Shaw at the Stormwind Barracks.','You found me - and by looking at you, I\'d say the run and subsequent search may have been a great strain on your system, both mentally and physically.$B$BWould you like Renzik to show you the way to an inn or are you ready for some work?','Can I help you, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1592insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1547,2206,'Snatch and Grab','Our operatives in the field are reporting heavy Defias activity south of Goldshire. The reports indicate that the Defias have taken over Jerod\'s Landing and are now using it as a way to smuggle large quantities of contraband from Redridge to Westfall.$B$BI need you to infiltrate the dock house and get me that shipping schedule, $N. You will probably find it buried deep in the pockets of the Dockmaster.$B$B...and $N, should you be discovered, SI:7 will disavow all knowledge of your existence.','Find the Defias Dockmaster and recover the Shipping Schedule for Master Mathias Shaw.\r\n','I am astonished... Astonished that Keryn finally found a recruit that could possibly have the makings of a proper $C. Take this blade, $N. A day will come when you will be called upon again to serve the SI:7. Hone your skills, keep your eyes open and that blade sharp.$B$BYou won\'t see us coming but you\'ll feel it when we get there...','Your mortality wanes with every moment you waste loitering in the barracks, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1593insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1548,2218,'Road to Salvation','Another lost soul looking for guidance, eh? I suppose you want to find a purpose - your purpose. I\'ve seen it a thousand times, another hero looking for work.$B$BWell, today\'s your lucky day, friend. Hogral\'s got the cure for your ailment.$B$BHere\'s what you do: Take this road here up to Ironforge and make your way to the Forlorn Cavern. Once there, locate the thieves\' guild and speak with Hulfdan Blackbeard. He\'ll put you on the road to salvation.\r\n','Speak with Hulfdan Blackbeard in Ironforge.','So ye think yer a right scoundrel? Destined to be one o\' Blackbeard\'s chosen few - an officer o\' the Hidden Circle?$B$BOnly a good fer nothin\' scallywag would think so highly o\' hisself.$B$BThat\'s exactly what we be lookin\' fer! Welcome aboard, $N!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1594insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1549,2238,'Simple Subterfugin\'','Ye see, the King be strip mining the quarry fer ore and gems. More riches than any one dwarf should see in ten lifetimes.$B$BThe Hidden Circle has values, $N. We value valuables. Can ye understand?$B$BNow we feels the King should be sharing some of that booty, but we don\'t want ol\' \'Stinkbeard\' to know he\'s sharin\' - if ye catch me drift.$B$BWe needs ye to speak with Onin MacHammar over by Gnomeregan and bring back a report. The crafty dwarf has hidden hisself amongst the lepers. Be careful.','Find Onin MacHammar by Gnomeregan.','Shhhh! Keep it down you daft fool. They\'ll hear us. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1595insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1550,2239,'Onin\'s Report','The Quarry? Yap, I see those monstrous armored steam tanks come by this post near every day.$B$BMy contacts to the east tell me that the tank starts off at Ironforge, makes a pickup at the Gol\'Bolar Quarry, stops over at Kharanos to refuel and then for some blasted reason, it takes the long way around past Gnomeregan, before reaching Ironforge to drop off the shipment.$B$BIt\'s all in the report, $r. Take it back to Hulfdan so he can plan the next step.\r\n','Take Onin\'s Report back to Hulfdan in Ironforge.','Long route? In the name o\' me own beard!$B$BYe done good, $N. Take this dagger and be gone with ye. The Circle will call upon ye again when step three be ready to be set into motion.$B$BWhat\'s step three? It comes right after step two - me putting me boot up yer backside.$B$BInterested?','Did ye enjoy the stench of leper gnome? I only ask because ye got a crazy smile on yer face.$B$BWhat news do ye bring from Onin?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1596insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1551,2240,'The Hidden Chamber','Now for the task at hand.$B$BThere is a secret chamber, the Chamber of Khaz\'mul, that must be explored.  The problem is that the chamber\'s behind a huge, locked door!  It\'s a lucky thing I know how to open it.$B$BI\'ve described everything in my journal, here on the table.  My band and I are stuck here for now... so you, $N, must find the chamber of Khaz\'mul for us!$B$BRead my journal, explore the chamber, then report to Prospector Stormpike at the Explorers\' League in Ironforge.','Read Baelog\'s Journal, explore the hidden chamber, then report to Prospector Stormpike.','You have seen the Chamber of Khaz\'mul? Amazing! Baelog was sure it existed, but I must admit that I had my doubts.$b$bThank you, $N. With luck your finding will incite our leaders to renew their efforts to retake Uldaman. And if it is ever again under Ironforge control, then the secrets of the Chamber of Khaz\'mul will be ours!','','Explore the Hidden Chamber','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1597insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1552,2241,'The Apple Falls','They say I\'m \'lovestruck,\' whatever that means.$B$BSure, I spend my every waking moment thinking about Syurna. Sure, my home is full of paintings and drawings of Syurna. Sure, I often go days without eating, sleeping, or drinking, while I lament about the love we could have had. Is that so wrong?$B$BNow she won\'t see me! ME! I\'ve tried sending her messages but she won\'t even talk to another person unless they are a rogue.$B$BCould you deliver this flower to her? Don\'t forget to tell her it\'s from Jannok.','Take Jannok\'s Rose to Syurna in Darnassus.','Had I saved every flower that dolt, Jannok, had sent me, I would have had the means to open a shop. Regardless, it seems as if Jannok\'s latest courier may prove to be useful.Interested in some work, $C?','Oh, isn\'t this wonderful. You\'ve brought flowers for your own funeral.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1598insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1553,2242,'Destiny Calls','We believe there is one being that may be able to help us understand what is happening to the forests of Teldrassil. Unfortunately, getting the creature to cooperate has proven disastrous.$B$BHe hides on a branch at the outskirts of the Oracle Glade. All who have so far approached the satyr, whether through force or diplomacy, have met with doom. Perhaps stealth is the answer, $N.$B$BFind what Sethir the Ancient carries in his packs and report back to me.\r\n','Find Sethir the Ancient and bring back any clues that you may discover to Syurna.\r\n','This is grim news, $N. It would seem that the sickness which has gripped the forests and rivers of Darkshore has begun to taint our home.$B$BYou have served us well, but there is nothing more you can do here. Take this blade as a reward for your service to Teldrassil.','Have you anything to report from Sethir the Ancient, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1599insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1554,2258,'Badlands Reagent Run','$N, I could use your aid if you\'re up for it.  I am an alchemist of some note, and I seek your aid in acquiring some reagents found out in the Badlands.$B$BI need the following items to replenish my stocks: five buzzard gizzards, ten crag coyote fangs, and five rock elemental shards.  Obviously, you can get them off of the beasties themselves; if you\'re not the fighting type, then find friends who are.$B$BAcquire these items for me, you\'ll get some coin out of the deal.  Watcha wanna do?','Bring 5 Buzzard Gizzards, 10 Crag Coyote Fangs, and  5 Rock Elemental Shards to Jarkal Mossmeld in Kargath, Badlands.','Ah, well done! These should last me for a little while, at least. Here is your pay as promised.$B$BIf you\'re interested, I have some more reagents I could use. These, however, are only found in the depths of the Uldaman excavation. They will not be easy to get, but I will make it worth your while if you are interested in helping me again.$B$BPerhaps something more than some shiny coins, yes?','Have you gotten the things I need yet? You won\'t get paid unless you bring me those reagents.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1600insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1555,2259,'Erion Shadewhisper','Do not worry, $N, I am not sending you to see Syurna. Erion requires your presence at the Cenarion Enclave. Make haste!','Contact Erion Shadewhisper in Darnassus.\r\n','It is time to branch out, <race> - the world awaits.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1601insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1556,2260,'Erion\'s Behest','Word of your deeds has spread far and wide, $N. So far, in fact, that Stormwind Intelligence has asked for you by name.$B$BThe journey is taxing and not without peril, but an opportunity to train under SI:7 should not be taken lightly.$B$BA new world awaits you, $N. Make your way to Old Town in Stormwind and speak with Renzik \"The Shiv\" at SI:7 headquarters.\r\n','Travel to Stormwind City and seek council with Renzik \"The Shiv.\"\r\n','You have answered SI:7\'s calling, $N and journeyed from distant shores to join our ranks, however, there is much for you to learn.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1602insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1557,2278,'The Platinum Discs','The centerpieces of this treasure chamber are four huge platinum discs, each adorned with numerous sigils of an unknown origin.  Touching them makes your hand tingle.  Just after touching the discs, the visage of a large stone watcher springs forth.$B$B\"Salutations.  I am a keeper of knowledge.  The Creators\' synthesis of the Earthen has been chronicled and stored here for this world in the Discs of Norgannon.\"$B$BYou have uncovered a wealth of previously undiscovered worldly lore!','Speak with stone watcher and learn what ancient lore it keeps.  Once you have learned what lore it has to offer, activate the Discs of Norgannon.','Following the instructions of the stone watcher, you once again access the Discs of Norgannon now that you have learned about the history of the Earthen, the troggs, and the dwarves. A faint, brief hum is heard from within the discs. The stone watcher then speaks:$b$b\"The discs have now been synthesized. Access the Discs of Norgannon once more to receive your personal copy.\"','The voice of the stone watcher seems to resonate within your very inner being:$b$b\"You must first satisfy the data assimilation prerequisite of Discs of Norgannon; once you fulfill this requirement, you will then be permitted to obtain a portable version of the stored data. Please be sure you have fully explored the information within this repository first.\"','Learn what lore that the stone watcher has to offer','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1603insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1558,2279,'The Platinum Discs','Touching the Discs of Norgannon once again makes your hand tingle.  This time, however, a strange grinding noise is heard from inside the discs.$B$BYour backpack suddenly becomes heavier than it was before.  Inside, you discover a miniature version of the discs!$B$BNo doubt, an item of this sort would be invaluable for someone interested in the ancient history of Azeroth.  The Explorers\' League in Ironforge is such a group, known throughout the Alliance; perhaps they can make good use of it.','Take the miniature version of the Discs of Norgannon to the Explorers\' League in Ironforge.','What do you have there... oh my.  You found this where?$B$BNo, really?$B$BYou spoke to whom about what?$B$BNO, REALLY?!$B$BMy fine $C, you may have just made the archaeological find of the year!  By the Gods who am I kidding, the find of the century!  If these discs are what I think them to be, then this could be the very key we have been looking for!  This may well prove outright once and for all the legitimacy of the Dwarves\' enchanted creation!','Yes, may I help you with something?  I assure you I am a very busy right now.  If it is grave importance to the Explorers\' League, however, then I am all ears!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1604insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1559,2280,'The Platinum Discs','Touching the Discs of Norgannon once again makes your hand tingle.  This time, however, a strange grinding noise is heard from inside the discs.$B$BYour backpack suddenly becomes heavier than it was before.  Inside, you discover a miniature version of the discs!$B$BNo doubt, an item of this sort would be invaluable for someone interested in the ancient history of Azeroth.  The sages of Thunder Bluff are such historians, known throughout the Horde; perhaps they can make good use of it.','Take the miniature version of the Discs of Norgannon to the one of the sages in Thunder Bluff.','What are these here then?$b$bImpressive, young one! These discs, in them I sense secrets that the earth has held on to tightly for many years. You were very wise to bring them here to me.','Yes young one, I see you marching into my tent with intensity in your stride... with determination in your purpose. You seek my counsel is some matter of grave importance to the Horde? Perhaps you wish a mystery of the universe revealed to you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1605insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1560,2281,'Redridge Rendezvous','Sending you out in the field now would be suicide. Renzik doesn\'t need another dead rogue on his hands. Don\'t fret, though, $N - Renzik is going to get you up to speed.$B$BMake your way to the Redridge Mountains and speak with an associate of SI:7 named Lucius. You will find him hanging around the docks of Lakeshire with the other shady good-for-nothings.','Venture forth to Lakeshire in the Redridge Mountains and speak with Lucius.\r\n','Ah, so your fingers are a little fat, eh? Don\'t worry, $N, I\'ve turned more useless thieves than you into accomplished rogues.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1606insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1561,2282,'Alther\'s Mill','We\'ve been training thieves here for years! After all, not every rapscallion is born with the grace and finesse of old Lucius.$B$BUp off the road here you\'ll find Alther\'s Mill. I got a chest up there with something important inside. Go get it for me! Bring back that token and you\'ll receive your Certificate of Thievery!','Open Lucius\'s Lockbox, recover the Token of Thievery and return it to Lucius in Lakeshire.','Cracked it open, did you? Nice work, $N.$B$BIf you die now, we can rest easy knowing it was due to your own stupidity and not inexperience.','Did I forget to mention the orcs?$B$BI hear they have been nosing around up by the mill.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1607insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1562,2283,'Necklace Recovery','We\'ve got work for you, that is if you\'ve got the guts to do it!$B$BDeep in the Badlands is the Uldaman dig site.  We\'ve heard a tale about some idiot paladin who died there recently.  Why we even care is that he had a very valuable necklace on him.  It\'s supposedly got three large gems: a ruby, a sapphire, and a topaz.$B$BThe shot: we want it, and we\'re payin\' TOP SILVER to get it.  It may be damaged, but that\'s neither here nor there; we\'ll fix whatever scratches are on it.','Look for a valuable necklace within the Uldaman dig site and bring it back to Dran Droffers in Orgrimmar.  The necklace may be damaged.','Mmmm salvage!  I can smell the necklace from here.  Now let\'s look at that beauty...$B$BHey, what do you think you\'re trying to do here?  This necklace is missing the gems!  You think we wouldn\'t notice?  Even Malton could see that the gems are gone.$B$BWell, maybe you didn\'t steal them... but this necklace is worthless without those gems!  Your job isn\'t done here yet, not by a long shot!','Well, do you have the necklace?  You won\'t see a copper from us if you don\'t have that necklace!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1608insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1563,2284,'Necklace Recovery, Take 2','As sure as Malton is a dummy, those gems are still in Uldaman somewhere.  You\'re going to have to go back there and look for them.$B$BLike I said before, if the information we have is correct then there\'s a ruby, a sapphire, and a topaz that go with the necklace.  Find them and put them in the necklace.$B$BAs to where the gems are, who knows?  Maybe you\'ll get lucky and find the corpse of the Paladin.  If he\'s not been stripped clean already, then maybe he\'s got them on him still.','Find a clue as to the gems\' whereabouts in the depths of Uldaman.','You seem to have found the remains of the $C that Dran had mentioned from before. Searching the remains uncovers what would appear to be his journal. The book is in poor condition, as dried blood has stained most of the text in the book. What you can read, however, is gibberish; it is written in the native tongue of the humans, to the best of your knowledge.$b$bYou will need the book translated if you are to glean any knowledge from it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1609insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1564,2298,'Kingly Shakedown','So there we were, about to start plottin\' out phase III when a couple o\' Magni\'s blockheads come bargin\' in here talkin\' bout some kind o\' heist and arresting some o\' the Hidden Circle.$B$BWell nobody puts the iron on old Blackbeard! The argumentations got heavy and thick and somehow yer name weres blurted out!$B$BMe advice? Take the first Gryphon out o\' Ironforge and get to Stormwind. Get yerself to Old Town and once there, talk to an old friend o\' mine named Renzik \"The Shiv.\"','Travel to Stormwind and seek out Renzik \"The Shiv.\"','It\'s always good to have one of Hulfdan\'s rogues among our ranks!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1610insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1565,2299,'To Hulfdan!','Where have you been, $N? Hulfdan\'s been looking all over the place for you. We thought the king may have put you in irons.$B$BGet to Ironforge as soon as possible and speak with Hulfdan!','Travel to Ironforge and speak with Hulfdan Blackbeard.','Keep yer voice down, $N, the guards may hear ye.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1611insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1566,2300,'SI:7','Renzik was looking for you, fish.$B$BI wouldn\'t keep Mathias\'s second in command waiting if I were you.\r\n','Travel to Stormwind and seek out Renzik \"The Shiv.\"\r\n','Are you ready to get to work or do you need to take a nap before we get started?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1612insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1567,2318,'Translating the Journal','At an impasse of sorts, you know that you will need the book translated into a language you can understand.  There certainly are a number of people in the world who could do it; the closest location that might have someone who could, however, is the Kargath outpost in the Badlands.  Perhaps that is a good place to start.\r\n','Find someone who can translate the paladin\'s journal.  The closest location that might have someone is Kargath, in the Badlands.','Mighty $C, I know what you are doing out here in the Badlands. I know you seek my gift of tongues. You\'re after the parts to that necklace you found in Uldaman.$b$bSurprised? Don\'t be - it\'s my job to know such things. Instead, let\'s discuss what you\'re going to do for a translated journal. Trust me - I\'m the only one you\'ll find that can translate it.$b$bBetter still, let me make you a better offer than Dran Droffers is, and it\'ll let you still complete your deal with them. Interested now, yes?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1613insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1568,2338,'Translating the Journal','Droffers and Son Salvage aren\'t smart enough to restore the magic in the necklace, but I am.  All I want to do is study the necklace so I can learn to make them myself.  To do that, I will need your necklace.  Let me borrow it, and in exchange for the time I get to study it I will translate the journal for you.  While you are searching for the gems, I should have enough time to learn what I need to.$B$BIt\'s a simple deal, and no one else will be the wiser.  Whatcha wanna do?','Let Jarkal borrow the necklace.  In exchange, he will translate the journal for you.','You know a good deal when you see one - I knew I could count on you.$b$bIt will be just a moment while I cast a spell to quickly translate the human tongue into a form you will understand. I am a troll of my word; ask anyone in the Horde about Jarkal Mossmeld. Now, let\'s get this started...','You\'ve thought about it, yes? You\'re a smart $C if you take this deal - you and I will get what we both want, and Droffers and Son Salvage will think they\'re getting what they want.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1614insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1569,2339,'Find the Gems and Power Source','Here is the journal, translated for you to read on your own.  The crux of it says dwarves hid the ruby, the troggs hid the topaz, and a trogg named Grimlok has the sapphire.$B$BLook - you\'re going to need a power source to make the necklace work again.  Dran Droffers doesn\'t know this.  To find one, here\'s what I\'d do: go as deep as you can in Uldaman and kill whatever construct there is the strongest.  No doubt whatever that is would have it.$B$BWhen you have everything collected, come back here!','Recover all three gems and a power source for the necklace from Uldaman, and then bring them to Jarkal Mossmeld in Kargath.  Jarkal believes a power source might be found on the strongest construct present in Uldaman.$B$BFrom the journal, you know...$B* The ruby has been stashed in a barricaded Shadowforge area.$B* The topaz has been hidden in an urn in one of the Trogg areas, near some Alliance dwarves.$B* The sapphire has been claimed by Grimlok, the trogg leader.','Very well done, $C.  Now the fruits of our redirection will pay themselves out handsomely.  I\'m finished with the necklace itself, and I am confident I can duplicate the construction process consistently.$B$BBut first, I will use a specially prepared incantation to quickly analyze those gems before you take them and the necklace back to Orgrimmar.  This will take just a brief moment to do.','You\'ve got another trip into the depths of Uldaman in store for yourself if you don\'t have the gems and a power source capable of channeling magical power back into the necklace.$B$BYou\'ll be getting the gems back to deliver to the goons in Orgrimmar; I will be keeping the power source, since it will be the thing that will make the necklace work in the first place...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1615insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1570,2340,'Deliver the Gems','Any necklace setting and gem will work, so long as they are the same material.  This power source, however, is what will bring the magic back to the necklace... I hope.$B$BI\'ll gladly supply the gems needed for your version of the necklace, so long as the power source actually works.$B$BHead to Orgrimmar and keep your end of the bargain with Droffers and Son Salvage.  Just keep your mouth shut about our deal, and when you get back I might have a wonderful surprise for you.','Deliver the Necklace and Gem Salvage to Dran Droffers in Orgrimmar.','Yep, it\'s all here. Say, mind if we keep the bag too? No? Thanks, appreciate it! Har!$b$bThis necklace will be our greatest haul yet! Don\'t feel too bad though; I\'m sure the necklace wouldn\'t fit you anyway. Har again!$b$bA deal is a deal, so here\'s your fee for the salvage. Our business is done here for now; check back later to see if we have more work. Until then, beat it!','Well, look who it is! Took your sweet time getting here, I see. Let\'s hope this isn\'t a waste of my time! You\'ll not get paid unless you have everything I asked for. And trust me on this - we\'ll be double and triple checking everything!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1616insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1571,2341,'Necklace Recovery, Take 3','As Dran and Malton Droffers begin to squabble over their new salvage, half of the deal is now complete.  A trip to the Badlands is now in order to finish things up, as Jarkal Mossmeld in Kargath might have a special reward waiting for you there.','Visit Jarkal Mossmeld in Kargath to see if he was successful.','The power source you gave me exceeded every expectation I had for it. I was able to make both you and me a necklace, and I have enough left over to make at least three more. They will fetch quite the fee, with Droffers and Son Salvage none the wiser.$b$bHere you go, my friend. I give you my thanks on a splendid job... and something quite special for your trouble.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1617insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1572,2342,'Reclaimed Treasures','Sweeping the bat pens with this broom is not befitting a Garrett!  I\'ve earned a little coin from this accursed job, and I\'m willing to spend it on you to better my station.$B$BThe Garrett family weapon of choice is locked away in our chest in the South Common Hall of Uldaman from when we Garretts toiled there as diggers.  Without it, I will be stuck here forever - literally - sweeping up after these infernal bats.$B$BReclaim my family\'s treasure and bring it to me!  Help me restore my birthright!','Get Patrick Garrett\'s family treasure from their family chest in the South Common Hall of Uldaman, and bring it to him in the Undercity.','At last - a broom worthy of a Garrett.  You\'re bloody well worth every silver I spent on you, I say!$B$BDo you hear me, foul bats?  I now wield the Garrett family weapon of choice!  Tremble, bats, tremble!!','The sweeping never ends... these bats are prolific in their mockery of me and my broom.  Please tell me you\'ve reclaimed my family\'s treasure!  I\'ve offered you my silver - is that not enough?!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1618insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1573,2358,'BETA Horns of Nez\'ra','Many years ago, the Horns of Nez\'ra were stolen from Ravenholdt manor. Across continents and oceans I have searched, only to discover that these insignificant beasts have had it in their possession all along.$B$BSlay every Blackrock orc you cross until the Horns of Nez\'ra are recovered. Should you recover the horns, find me in Lakeshire.$B$BDo this for me and your name shall be known to Ravenholdt, $N.','Return the Horns of Nez\'ra to Arantir\'s Shadow in Lakeshire.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1619insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1574,2359,'Klaven\'s Tower','I\'ve been staking out this tower for weeks, $N. Recently a major shipment came through from Duskwood, and along with it came those guards.$B$BWhat are they? Your guess is as good as mine. I can tell you one thing - they aren\'t human.$B$BAnyhow, the shipment had a chest - which is what I assume those abominations are guarding. The zombie with the spikes holds a key we\'ll need.$B$BGet that key, get in the tower, and uncover whatever is in that chest. Take your findings back to Mathias.','Steal the Defias Tower Key, break into the Defias Tower and uncover the contents of the Duskwood Chest. Take whatever information you find back to Mathias Shaw in Stormwind. Read Kearnen\'s Journal to gain insight about the tower.\r\n','This would explain the Defias drones you and Kearnen saw outside of the tower, $N. It would also explain the Venture Company\'s involvement with the Defias and the strange shipments out of Duskwood.$B$BAccording to this book, the Zanzil trolls in Stranglethorn have discovered a way to raise the dead through potions... or to be more specific: poison.$B$BYou\'ll be of no use to SI:7 without a firm understanding of poisons, $N -- especially with the recipe to create undeath at our fingertips.','Any news from Agent Kearnen?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1620insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1575,2360,'Mathias and the Defias','Not a moment too soon, $N. SI:7 reconnaissance is reporting unusually heavy Defias activity in Westfall.$B$BIt would seem that the Defias have taken over an abandoned Alliance watch tower southeast of Sentinel Hill and are using it as a base of operations to smuggle in goods from the Redridge supply route.$B$BGet to Westfall and contact Agent Kearnen for your debriefing. You will find her hidden near the tower.$B$B...and $N, should you be discovered, SI:7 will disavow all knowledge of your existence. ','Travel to Westfall and find Agent Kearnen for your debriefing.','Mathias finally sent another agent to back me up, eh? Well I hope he\'s ready to hear some bad news.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1621insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1576,2361,'Restoring the Necklace','You are going to need to find some \"oomph\" for the necklace, and Uldaman is probably the best place for it, actually. I guess there are a lot of constructs running around in there, yeah? Well, take out the biggest, baddest construct in that place and grab its power source! I am pretty sure I can fuse that source into the necklace.$B$BWithout that power source, fixing the necklace will be impossible. Come back to me here to Ironforge when you have it, and we\'ll get it all fixed up for you!','Obtain a power source from the most powerful construct you can find in Uldaman, and deliver it to Talvash del Kissel in Ironforge.','I gladly give you this necklace, mighty $C.  You have done me an invaluable service, and for that I thank you.  Wear it with pride, and make sure you mention loudly and repeatedly who made it for you!$B$BAlso, if you could toss in the fact that it really isn\'t cursed, that would be great.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1622insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1577,2378,'Find the Shattered Hand','You have served the Deathstalkers well, $N, but perhaps it is time for you to venture outward. While you have shown aptitude in the ways of stealth and deception, you still require much training.$B$BThe Deathstalkers have allies within the Shattered Hand. Seek out those that would assist us - find Shenthul in Orgrimmar.\r\n','Journey to Orgrimmar and speak with Shenthul at the Cleft of Shadow.\r\n','So, you are what our mighty allies have sent Shenthul? How uninspiring....','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1623insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1578,2379,'Zando\'zan','Your determination alone is not enough to overcome the obstacles that lay ahead of us.$B$BSpeak with Zando\'zan to begin your training as an operative of the Shattered Hand.$B$BIt is only when you have mastered the practices of stealth and thievery that you may take the next step towards your destiny.\r\n','Speak with Zando\'zan at the Cleft of Shadow.','Perhaps Zando\'zan was wrong. Zando\'zan apologizes.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1624insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1579,2380,'To Orgrimmar!','A master of stealth and deception you are not, however, all of that can and will change. You\'ve obviously impressed those in charge with your meager skills, as the great Shenthul has asked for you by name.$B$BTake the road north of here to Orgrimmar and speak with Shenthul in the Cleft of Shadow.\r\n','Speak with Shenthul at the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar.','It is important that the Shattered Hand remains vigilant in the face of the changes Thrall wishes to bring about to the Horde. Our numbers alone will not be enough to overcome his rule - stealth and deception must be mastered.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1625insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1580,2381,'Plundering the Plunderers','I don\'t mean to scare you, $N, but the last five thieves I sent to steal the southsea treasure came back to me in pieces.$B$BSouth along the coast you\'ll find Tide Razor, the southsea freebooter\'s ship. Nestled in the hold is the payoff - the southsea treasure. On the second level of that ship is the pirate\'s den, a place where they train all of their thieves.$B$BBoard that ship, steal the treasure, and bring it back to me. Use the pirate\'s den if you need to practice your thievery, but be careful!\r\n','Bring the Southsea Treasure back to Wrenix the Wretched in Ratchet. Do not forget to get an E.C.A.C. and Thieves\' Tools from Wrenix\'s Gizmotronic Apparatus. You will need both of these items to complete your mission.$B$BShould you be attacked by any unusually hostile parrots, use your E.C.A.C.!\r\n\r\n','Incredible! Improbable! Simply amazing! You\'ve got talent, Weir. Either that or you\'re the luckiest man alive!$b$bHere\'s your cut of the action. I\'m sure you would make better use of this stuff than I could.$b$b','Well, at least you still have all of your body parts. Did you find the treasure?$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1626insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1581,2382,'Wrenix of Ratchet','Zando\'zan has seen it! Yes, the day comes! Thrall\'s death... the dagger in his back, poison seeping through to his every vein... Zando\'zan has said too much.$B$B$N! Zando\'zan has a task for $N! $N must travel to Ratchet, east of the Crossroads, and speak with Wrenix the Wretched. Go!\r\n','Travel to Ratchet and speak with Wrenix the Wretched.','Another one? The last five that crazy troll sent me ended up as shark food. Let\'s hope you fare a little better, eh?$b$b','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1627insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1582,2383,'Simple Parchment','Ah, while you were gone a parchment came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the warrior trainer Frang. He would have words with you when you\'re ready. You\'ll find him outside the Den, taking cover in the shade.','Read the Simple Parchment and speak to Frang in the Valley of Trials.','Ah, that\'s my parchment. I heard you\'d be coming to the Valley, $N. I\'m glad to see you made it--let\'s hope you survive the trials ahead. Like I said, as you gain in power, come to me--I will do what I can to train you in the ways of the $C.$b$bGood luck, $N, and return to me whenever you feel ready.','What\'s that you have there? A parchment? You\'re not a scholar, I hope...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1628insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1583,2398,'The Lost Dwarves','The dig site at Uldaman wasn\'t always overrun.  We Ironforge dwarves used to control the area, but... that was before the troggs came.  They came so fast and in such numbers that not even dwarven might could stop them!$B$BIn fact, their attack was so sudden that I fear some of our people may be trapped behind enemy lines.$B$BMy friend Baelog led a small band of dwarves deep within the site just before the troggs showed up.  If he and his company live, then I want you to find them.','Find Baelog in Uldaman.','It\'s about time you showed up!  I was in danger of losing a bet with Olaf!$B$BHe wagered that his beard would grow to his knees before he saw another living <race>.  Well here you are, and as you can see Olaf\'s beard has a few more inches to go.$B$BThanks, $N.  I\'ll split the winnings with you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1629insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1584,2399,'The Sprouted Fronds','','','The fronds Denalan planted within his garden have sprouted and grown.  They tremble, eager to be picked....','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1630insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1585,2418,'Power Stones','A while ago, I had an incident with the Shadowforge Dwarves.  They brought me to Angor Fortress to study two types of strange stones from Uldaman.  I discovered that the stones were sustained, stable power sources if treated correctly.  It\'s amazing the things one can find in that old dig site!$B$BAnyway, after I told them the secret of the stones they kicked me out of Angor Fortress and began digging for more in Uldaman.$B$BI want those stones for myself!  Bring me both types and I\'ll pay you plenty!','Bring 8 Dentrium Power Stones and 8 An\'Alleum Power Stones to Rigglefuzz in the Badlands.','That\'s great, you found some!  Thanks a lot, $N.  You\'re the most dependable $r I\'ve met!$B$BI can\'t wait to try these on some devices I\'ve been tinkering with.  I bet that, under the right circumstances, devices powered with these stones will keep going, and going, and going...','Do you have the power stones, $N?  I have a robotic rodent that needs a power supply...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1631insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1586,2438,'The Emerald Dreamcatcher','I was once given an emerald dreamcatcher from Gaerolas Talvethen, the warden of the druids in the Ban\'ethil Barrow Den. This powerful amulet is able to siphon energy from the Emerald Dream, bestowing luck upon those who carry it.$B$BSadly, I have not been able to retrieve it from my dresser in Starbreeze Village... Although Starbreeze was once a tranquil place, it has now succumbed to the corruption of the furbolg that reside there.$B$BPerhaps you would be willing to recover my dreamcatcher, $c? ','Bring the Emerald Dreamcatcher to Tallonkai Swiftroot in Dolanaar.','My emerald dreamcatcher is of great importance to me. It is a gift only given to few. Thank you for returning it, $N.','Please move swiftly. I can only hope that my emerald dreamcatcher has been unharmed by the furbolg.$b$bHave you recovered it yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1632insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1587,2439,'The Platinum Discs','This object is an incredible find.  The ancient Titans, or the Creators as these discs refer to them as, are the link to our enchanted creation, if the lore stored in here is correct!  We\'ll need to invest as much research time into this as possible.$B$BAs for you, heroic $c, take this voucher to Dinita Stonemantle at the vault.  It grants you what I think is a fitting for such a tremendous find!$B$BReturn to me directly when you are ready; there is much more to do for the Explorers\' League!','Take your reward voucher to Dinita Stonemantle in the Vault of Ironforge.','As yes, a voucher from the Explorers\' League... and quite the valuable one, might I add.$B$BThe Explorers\' League lends me the authority to offer you a choice in your compensation directly from their vault.  You are to receive this item, and you may choose between five superior healing potions or five greater mana potions as your reward.','Welcome to the Vault of Ironforge, $N.  What may I do for you today?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1633insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1588,2440,'The Platinum Discs','I shall focus my energies on these discs; they will reveal their true workings to me in due time.$B$BAs for you $N, I will now reward you for your diligence in bringing this to my attention.  Take this voucher to Bena Winterhoof, the alchemy trainer for Thunder Bluff.  She will give you a special item I believe you will find appealing, and she will supply you with a choice of potions from my personal stock.$B$BReturn to me soon, as I sense there is much more at hand for us to do regarding this find.','Take the reward voucher to Bena Winterhoof in Thunder Bluff.','Well $N, you must have pleased Sage Truthseeker greatly for him to give you this item. You are also to be granted a gift from his cache of potions; you may choose between 5 superior healing potions or 5 greater mana potions as your reward.','Greetings, $C! Are you here for alchemy training, or perhaps something else?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1634insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1589,2458,'Deep Cover','The Venture Company... Perhaps you have heard of them?$B$BFor one year we have worked on planting an agent deep within their ranks. Through much hard work and careful planning, we succeeded.$B$BRecently we received word that the Venture Co. are planning something on a grand scale. Go north of the Sludge Fen to the Venture Co. tower and contact our undercover agent, Taskmaster Fizzule.$B$BWhen you find the tower, use this flare gun, then approach Fizzule and show him the salute of the Shattered Hand.\r\n','Travel to the Venture Co. Tower, north of the Sludge Fen and contact the Shattered Hand\'s covert operative, Taskmaster Fizzule.$B$BWhen the tower is in sight, use the Flare Gun to signal your arrival to Taskmaster Fizzule. Fire off TWO flares, then approach Taskmaster Fizzule and perform the Shattered /Salute.$B$BThese actions must be performed in the correct order, as Fizzule will attack and terminate any person he does not recognize.','It\'s good to see another agent of the Shattered Hand in these parts, however, the flare may have been a little too much!$B$BNext time you need to speak with me, blow into this whistle twice and I\'ll know you are an ally.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1635insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1590,2459,'Ferocitas the Dream Eater','The emerald... It is missing! My dreamcatcher has been damaged!$B$BThere is a band of Gnarlpine mystics located to the north of Starbreeze. I have heard reports that their leader, Ferocitas the Dream Eater has been wearing a necklace that glows green in the night. Now seeing my dreamcatcher, I am sure that he has stolen my emerald... He would never realize that its power is useless to him.$B$BFind this missing jewel, $N. And, while you\'re there, clear out some of the corrupted mystics as well.','Tallonkai Swiftroot in Dolanaar wants you to kill 7 Gnarlpine Mystics and find the Missing Jewel.','Now I can repair my dreamcatcher. Thank you, $N.','Ferocitas and the Gnarlpine Mystics must return what is mine. Please retrieve the emerald so that I may repair my emerald dreamcatcher.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1636insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1591,2460,'The Shattered Salute','As a rogue of the Shattered Hand, it is imperative that you learn the Shattered Salute. It is the only way to truly identify another member of the Hand.$B$BWatch, learn, repeat.','Perform the Shattered Salute on Shenthul.','Well done, $N. You are now ready to proceed.','','Shattered Salute Performed','Shattered Salute Performed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1637insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1592,2478,'Mission: Possible But Not Probable','You will need to steal the tower key from Foreman Silixiz, $N. Once you\'ve got the key in your possession, hold on to it - I may need it later.$B$BRemember, the poison has weakened everything in this tower. Use your abilities to bring chaos and destruction to its inhabitants. Slay them all -- show no mercy!$B$BOnce everything inside lays in a bloodied heap, pick Gallywix\'s lockbox and steal the cache of Zanzil\'s mixture held inside. Take both the head of Gallywix and the mixture to Shenthul in Orgrimmar.','Steal Silixiz\'s Tower Key from Foreman Silixiz, then kill two Mutated Venture Co. Drones, two Venture Co. Patrollers, and two Venture Co. Lookouts.$B$BAssassinate Grand Foreman Gallywix and take his head, then pick the lock on Gallywix\'s lockbox and steal the Cache of Zanzil\'s Altered Mixture. Take the Cache and Gallywix\'s Head back to Shenthul in Orgrimmar for further instruction.\r\n','Poor Fizzule, he was a good agent -- one of our best. Alas, it is the price we pay, $N. Being a field agent of the Shattered Hand is dangerous work.$B$BYou have performed your duty well, $C. It would be a shame if you did not live to serve us again.','What have you to report, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1638insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1593,2479,'Hinott\'s Assistance','Take a sample of the mixture to Serge Hinott in Tarren Mill.$B$BIf anyone can cure you, it\'s Serge. Live long enough and Serge will show you the ways of poison creation and use.','Travel to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills and deliver the Sample of Zanzil\'s Mixture to Serge Hinott.$B$BTo get to Tarren Mill, take the Zeppelin to the Undercity and follow the road south through Silverpine and towards Hillsbrad. Follow the signs!\r\n\r\n','You look deliciously pale, $C. And what is that foul aroma you are giving off? I must know!','What\'s this???','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1639insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1594,2480,'Hinott\'s Assistance','I have never seen such wondrous results from a poison! Zanzil you say? Never heard of him, however, I must commend him on the creation of this concoction.$B$BSo, I am to cure you of this and then teach you how to make use of the poison?$B$BGive me a few moments to examine the toxin, $N.','Wait for Serge Hinott to complete the cure.','The cure is ready! Drink this anti-toxin and the creeping madness will stop, however, I will not be able to do anything about the smell.','','Cure Completed','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1640insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1595,2498,'Return to Denalan','I have just received word that  Denalan at Lake Al\'Ameth has discovered what may be the cause of the tumors that plague the timberlings. Please speak with him, and tell him I sent you.$B$BMake haste, $N; he needs our help.','Rellian Greenspyre wants you to speak with Denalan at Lake Al\'Ameth.','Ah, so Rellian sent you to aid me. I am glad you arrived here so soon.$b$bI have discovered something quite disturbing!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1641insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1596,2499,'Oakenscowl','In a cave along the southern bank of the lake, a timberling named Oakenscowl is spreading corruption to all the creatures that make Lake Al\'Ameth their home.$B$BI dared not get too close, but even from a distance, it is obvious: Oakenscowl is being poisoned by the largest tumor I have ever seen...  I would call it gargantuan, even.$B$B$N, you have already done much to aid my efforts, but I ask of you one more task. Hunt down Oakenscowl and collect the tumor; remove this source of corruption from my home.','Denalan at Lake Al\'Ameth wants you to collect the Gargantuan Tumor from Oakenscowl.','I knew you were more than capable of ridding the lake of that horrible beast.$B$BIt is a distressing situation; Oakenscowl was once a grand leader amongst his kind... but corruption does not discriminate between the lowly and the noble.$B$BThe size of this tumor is quite disturbing, but I must study it to learn more about the disease that upsets the timberling population.$B$BThank you, $N.','Have you located Oakenscowl yet, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1642insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1597,2500,'Badlands Reagent Run','$C, I would make use of your services.  I am an alchemist of some note, and I seek your aid in acquiring some reagents found out in the Badlands.$B$BI need the following items to replenish my stocks: five buzzard gizzards, ten crag coyote fangs, and five rock elemental shards.  Obviously, you can get them off of the beasties themselves; if you\'re not the fighting type, then find friends who are.$B$BAcquire these items for me, you\'ll get some coin out of the deal.$B$BWell, what say ye?','Acquire the reagents Ghak Healtouch needs from the Badlands, then return to him in Thelsamar.','Ah, well done $N.  These should last me for a little while at least.  Here is your pay, as promised.$B$BIf you\'re interested, I have some more reagents I could use.  These, however, are only found in the depths of the Uldaman excavation.  They will not be easy to get, but I will make it worth your while if you are interested in helping me again.$B$BPerhaps something more than some shiny coins, yes?','Have you gotten the things I need yet?  You won\'t get paid unless you bring me those reagents.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1643insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1598,2501,'Badlands Reagent Run II','You have been most helpful to me, $N.  I would like to reward you with the very recipe for the brew I gave you earlier, but I must ask of you a favor that is quite dangerous.$B$BThis lockbox contains three empty thaumaturgy vessels; they are imbued with an attunement aura that will drain the blood of a scorched guardian dragon.  Using one on the beast will anger it greatly, so be careful.  Once you have all three filled, bring them to me.$B$BDo this, and the recipe will be yours.','Use the empty thaumaturgy vessels on scorched guardian dragons found in the Badlands.  Once you have them filled, bring them to Ghak Healtouch in Thelsamar.','From one alchemist to another, I salute you.  Here, take this recipe and commit it to your knowledge.  May it bring you the success and rewards that it has brought me over the years!','Have you used the vessels to get me the scorched guardian dragon blood I need?  Yes, I know it is a dangerous task... but the recipe for my restorative brew awaits your success.  Risk and reward, my friend... risk and reward...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1644insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1599,2518,'Tears of the Moon','Lady Sathrah was once beloved of Elune. Graceful and pure, the spider spun her silver threads through the moonlight, catching the evening mist. The silvery dew had strong healing powers and was kept here in the temple.$B$BBut of late, Sathrah has descended into madness. Her future generations are now threatened as well.$B$BFind Lady Sathrah, $N, and end her suffering. She dwells along the northern borders of Teldrassil, near Wellspring Lake. Gather her silvery spinnerets and bring them back to me.','Priestess A\'moora in the Temple of the Moon at Darnassus wants you to bring her Lady Sathrah\'s Silvery Spinnerets.','The forest mourns for Lady Sathrah, but it was something that had to be done.$B$BThank you, $N.','I regret the task that I have asked you to carry out; but Lady Sathrah is beyond hope.$B$BIt is our hope to offer the sacrifice of the spinnerets to Elune. With this sacrifice, Elune will bless Sathrah so that she might be reborn, and at peace.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1645insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1600,2519,'The Temple of the Moon','A once great creature of the forest is in need of help, $r.$B$BThere is a difficult task that must be done.$B$BPlease seek out Priestess A\'moora; she will explain things to you. Find her to the southeast of here, inside the Temple of the Moon.','Sister Aquinne wants you to speak with Priestess A\'moora in the Temple of the Moon.','So, Sister Aquinne sent you?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1646insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1601,2520,'Sathrah\'s Sacrifice','Now you must finish the task to which you have been appointed. Take the spinnerets and offer Lady Sathrah\'s sacrifice to Elune; lay the great spider to rest.$B$BInside this temple, find the central fountain. There is where you may leave the sacrifice.  The holy waters will purify and cleanse the corruption that drove Sathrah mad.$B$BWhen you have completed this, return to me.','Priestess A\'moora wants you to place Lady Sathrah\'s silvery spinnerets at the fountain inside the temple, and then return to her.','The loss of Lady Sathrah is distressing, but in this way only may she be reborn with a renewed spirit.$b$bMay Elune willingly accept the sacrifice that you have offered her.','','Offer the sacrifice at the fountain','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1647insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1602,2521,'To Serve Kum\'isha','$R, can your miniscule brain comprehend the rarity of a flawless sphere of draenethyst? Draenei have spent lifetimes in search of just one of these crystals, only to meet horrible fates, their purpose unfulfilled.$B$BSo you stand before Kum\'isha, knowing what Kum\'isha has requested and still wish to assist? Very well, $r... At any time during your travels across these lands, should you find a flawless sphere of draenethyst, return it to me and I shall reward you with riches beyond your wildest dreams.  ','In your journeys throughout the Blasted Lands, should you ever come across a Flawless Draenethyst Sphere, take the item back to Kum\'isha the Collector.$B$BBe warned, this gem is one of the most rare crystals in all of Azeroth. Any creature in these lands could be holding a Flawless Draenethyst Sphere.$B$BYou will be rewarded for each Flawless Draenethyst Sphere you have collected.','Do my eyes deceive me? Impossible! Where did you... How...$B$BPerhaps now a rift can be opened, returning us to our homeland.','I have dedicated my life to the search of flawless draenethyst spheres. A lifetime, tau','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1648insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1603,2522,'Kum\'isha\'s Endeavors','Even though the portal conjuration was a failure, I remain hopeful that my next attempt will be successful.$B$BThe hope of the Draenei is as fervent as your greed for trinkets, $r. Go back out into these cursed lands and recover another flawless draenethyst sphere.$B$BOf course, the choice to take on this task is completely left to you *grin*.','Find and return a Flawless Draenethyst Sphere to Kum\'isha the Collector.','Simply amazing. I had doubted that you could find another sphere, yet here it is, pulsating in my hands.$B$BWell done, $N!$B$BShould you find anymore--and I believe this to be an impossibility--return them to me and I shall reward you again.','Have you found another flawless draenethyst sphere?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1649insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1604,2523,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1650insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1605,2541,'The Sleeping Druid','The Gnarlpine shaman that inhabit this place have discovered a way of separating a sleeping druid\'s spirit from the physical body. The furbolg have animated my physical form and are using it to attack anyone that attempts to explore the Ban\'ethil Barrow Den. I am now trapped in the Emerald Dream, powerless to stop this.$B$BYou must help me. The Gnarlpine shaman carry a strange charm which is used to perform this ritual, and I\'d like to examine it. Please, $N, bring one to me.','Bring a Shaman Voodoo Charm to Oben Rageclaw in the Ban\'ethil Barrow Den.','Thank you, $N.$b$bWhat an odd trinket this is... I can sense the vile aura emanating from it; this is a very powerful enchantment.','If I can examine the charm, I may be able to figure out how to break the enchantment. Have you found one?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1651insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1606,2561,'Druid of the Claw','After examining this charm, $N, I see now what must be done. Please take it, and do as I ask.$B$BYou are to explore the deepest areas of the Ban\'ethil Barrow Den. There, you will find my soulless body... Although I regret what I am about to tell you, I see no other way to free myself from the control of the Gnarlpine.$B$BIn order for me to escape them, you must kill my physical form.  Once that is done, use the voodoo charm on my fallen body. After you have completed this task, please return to me.','Oben Rageclaw wants you to kill his soulless body, and then use the Voodoo Charm.','I am finally free of the control of the Gnarlpine. Thank you, $N.$b$bMy spirit may now rest peacefully forever in the Emerald Dream.$b$bPerhaps one day we may meet again, young $C. But, for now, please accept this reward as a symbol of my gratitude.','','Release Oben Rageclaw\'s spirit','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1652insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1607,2581,'Snickerfang Jowls','It is a well known fact that hyenas possess tremendous strength in their jowls, but the strength to snap through three inches of thorium steel? Impossible, improbable, and yet I have seen this demonstrated with my own eyes.$B$BVenture forth, into the Blasted Lands, and bring me three snickerfang jowls. As you search for the snickerfang, be on the lookout for boars and scorpoks: The initial assay also requires two blasted boar lungs and one scorpok pincer to complete.','Bring three Snickerfang Jowls, two Blasted Boar Lungs, and one Scorpok Pincer to Bloodmage Drazial.','How do you feel, $N? You radiate with the aura of the snickerfang--your strength, unmatched by mortals!$b$bUnfortunately, with the components you brought to me, I could only make enough of the assay for one tablet. I will require more components, should you require another tablet.','You smell foul, $N. Have you been traipsing in sulfur fields? And where are my components?!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1653insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1608,2582,'Rage of Ages','Ah, $N, welcome back. It seems you enjoyed the effect of the robust, operational imbue, derived from snickerfang. Be warned, while the immediate effect is a titanic burst of strength, the long term effects on your spirit and intelligence could be hazardous.$B$BWith that said, do you require more? If so, bring me another three snickerfang jowls, two blasted boar lungs, and one scorpok pincer.','Bring three Snickerfang Jowls, two Blasted Boar Lungs, and one Scorpok Pincer to Bloodmage Drazial.','There you go! Remember, use it sparingly. If you require another, come see me after you finish the one you currently have in your possession.','Do you have the beast organs?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1654insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1609,2583,'A Boar\'s Vitality','Within these blasted lands exists two species of boar: the ash-mane boar and the helboar.$B$BIt would appear that the stamina of these beasts renders them nearly immune to harm, as the other animals find them too difficult to kill and consequently, not worth the effort.$B$BWe need to perform further analysis, $N. Should you bring me three blasted boar lungs, two scorpok pincers, and one basilisk brain, I shall create a divine elixir from the residue of the assay. You will be my first test subject!','Bring three Blasted Boar Lungs, two Scorpok Pincers, and one Basilisk Brain to Bloodmage Drazial.\r\n','The spirit of the boar illuminates your being, $N! I wonder, do you believe yourself to be as invulnerable as these beasts?','Where are the organs, $N!?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1655insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1610,2584,'Spirit of the Boar','When I first administered the elixir, $N, I could tell that one or two applications would not satiate your appetite. Even now, I can see the hunger in your eyes. The concoction has addictive properties of which, seemingly, the most strong of will cannot resist.$B$BSo be it! Should you require more of the lung juice cocktail, venture back into the wasteland and find for me three blasted boar lungs, two scorpok pincers, and one basilisk brain.','Bring three Blasted Boar Lungs, two Scorpok Pincers, and one Basilisk Brain to Bloodmage Drazial.\r\n','I must warn you, $N, do not attempt to mix the formulas I have created. The chemical properties of the formula you most recently ingested will always take precedence over former enchantments; thus, rendering the other formulation .','Where are the organs, $N!?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1656insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1611,2585,'The Decisive Striker','Have you ever watched them in battle, $N? The scorpoks, I mean. Have you ever seen the grace and agility with which they move? The decisiveness of their strikes?$B$BIf only we could somehow isolate that agility and encapsulate it, we would be wealthy beyond our... I mean... it would be a boon for the scientific community.$B$BAssist me, $N, and I shall allow you a sampling of the assay.$B$BIn order to create a stable sample, I will need three scorpok pincers, two vulture gizzards, and one blasted boar lung.','Bring three Scorpok Pincers, two Vulture Gizzards, and one Blasted Boar Lung to Bloodmage Drazial.\r\n','Fascinating. This has been the most difficult of all assays to analyze.$b$bTake a pinch of this residual salt and place it under your tongue. You should experience a slight feeling of euphoria followed by a state of unprecedented agility and quickness.','Where are the organs, $N!?$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1657insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1612,2586,'Salt of the Scorpok','You live! This is good news, indeed. I assume you are back for more of the scorpok assay?$B$BVery well, $N, back to the wasteland with you and do not return until you have collected three scorpok pincers, two vulture gizzards, and one blasted boar lung.','Bring three Scorpok Pincers, two Vulture Gizzards, and one Blasted Boar Lung to Bloodmage Drazial.','Fine work, $N. Here is one sample of the assay for you and the remaining nine will be used in my research.$b$bAnytime you require more of the ground scorpok assay, return to me and we shall work out a deal.','Where are the organs, $N!?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1658insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1613,2601,'The Basilisk\'s Bite','These wastelands are riddled with redstone basilisk, $N. These basilisk have adapted and flourished, more so than any of the other wildlife within the region.$B$BI have watched from afar as they hunt and go about their daily activities - the beasts exhibit a thought process more complex than even some humanoids.$B$BI must study their brains!$B$BRetrieve ten of their brains for me, $N. The compound cannot be complete, however, without two vulture gizzards to form the base of the solution.','Bring ten Basilisk Brains and two Vulture Gizzards to Bloodmage Lynnore.\r\n','This is wondrous, $N! My offering to you is a taste of the inner workings of the redstone basilisk.$B$BShould the compound be to your liking, more can always be made... for a price.','Have you returned with the requested organs?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1659insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1614,2602,'Infallible Mind','Your focused concentration has dwindled so soon? More research must be done!$B$BOh yes, the price remains the same, $N. Venture forth into the blasted lands and return to me with ten brains from the redstone and two vulture gizzards.\r\n','Bring ten Basilisk Brains and two Vulture Gizzards to Bloodmage Lynnore.','Yes, yes, give me a moment and more of the compound will be ready for your consumption, $N.$B$BTake it... and $N, do not attempt to consume these experimental concoctions in rapid succession. The results could be disastrous.','Have you returned with the requested organs?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1660insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1615,2603,'Vulture\'s Vigor','Death does indeed have wings in these blasted lands, $r. I have witnessed the black slayers and bonepickers feasting upon the corpse of many a fallen explorer - sometimes feeding upon the most vile and disease ridden of carcasses. It is a wonder, then, how their internal systems overcome the pestilence that claims these lands.$B$BAssist me in my studies, $N! Gizzards I need! Two snickerfang jowls will also be required for the base of the concoction.$B$BYou shall be rewarded two-fold for your efforts.','Bring ten Vulture Gizzards and two Snickerfang Jowls to Bloodmage Lynnore.\r\n','Most excellent! I shall get to work immediately. Perhaps a cure for many of the ailments of the world is to be found!$B$BAh yes, your reward - of course, should you require more of the gum, return to me and another task you shall be given.','Do not waste my time, $N. We have nothing to discuss, unless you have recovered the items I have requested.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1661insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1616,2604,'Spiritual Domination','I see that the inner fire has dwindled. Would you say the spiritual euphoria lasted an hour?$B$BIf it\'s more of the gizzard gum you desire, then more of the gizzards I require. Back to the wastelands, $N. Do not return until you have recovered ten gizzards and two jowls.','Bring ten Vulture Gizzards and two Snickerfang Jowls to Bloodmage Lynnore.\r\n','Perhaps one day I shall be able to isolate the active enzymes of this assay and produce a much more efficient resultant. Unfortunately, you will have to settle for what I am currently able to produce. Return to me should you require more gizzard gum.','Do not waste my time, $N. We have nothing to discuss, unless you have recovered the items I have requested.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1662insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1617,2605,'The Thirsty Goblin','I\'ve got an idea, see. I\'ve heard of some strange creatures called dew collectors that live to the southwest... and that they are able to store water in special glands.$B$BI think that if I could get one of these glands, I could create a drink that would quench my terrible thirst! Do you think you could help me, $N?$B$BLook for the cactus garden, $N; that\'s where you\'ll find the dew collectors.','Collect a Laden Dew Gland and bring it to Marin Noggenfogger in Gadgetzan.','Oh, wonderful! Give it here -- let me drink it!','Please, tell me you found the dew collectors?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1663insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1618,2606,'In Good Taste','Blech! This stuff tastes terrible! So much for that idea...$B$BWait, what\'s that? Oh, I know, I know, you think I shouldn\'t give up on this stuff. Well, okay then.$B$BUhhhh, I have an idea! Brilliant! Take this dew to my friend Sprinkle -- she\'s an excellent chef. Tell her what we\'re up to here and that we want to make it go down a little easier.$B$BI mean, if it\'s going to taste that bad, it at least should have some kick to it... And I\'m just not feeling it... ','Marin Noggenfogger wants you to speak with Sprinkle in Gadgetzan.','Marin\'s a good guy, don\'t get me wrong -- just a little... eccentric, I\'d say.$B$BAnd of course he needs my help, yet again.','So old Marin\'s up to it again, eh? What\'s this concoction made from?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1664insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1619,2607,'The Touch of Zanzil','It appears as if you\'ve brought back more information than even I expected. This certainly is a strange turn of events, $N.$B$BA cure? Hrm... Go down to the cellar and speak with Doc Mixilpixil - he may be able to help.','Speak with Doc Mixilpixil in the cellar of the Barracks.','It\'s about time! Just put the cheese on the table and skedaddle. Osborne will pay you on the way out.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1665insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1620,2608,'The Touch of Zanzil','Oh my, you look like death. Correction - I\'ve seen death, you look worse than death. You, $g sir:miss;, would be what death coughed up at his last physical.$B$BHah! You hear that Noarm? Write that one down!$B$B*Cough* Hrm yes, in order for me to help you, I\'ll need to draw some blood. Don\'t worry, it only hurts the first few... fifty times or so... /lay down when you\'re ready for the treatment, $N.','/Lay down to be examined by Doc Mixilpixil. How can he find the cure if he can\'t find the cause?\r\n','Give me a moment to confer with my colleagues, $N. Dr. Montgomery, Mr. Noarm, let us conference!','','Diagnosis Complete','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1666insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1621,2609,'The Touch of Zanzil','It\'s unanimous, $N. You\'ve got the \'itis.\'$B$BLuckily, I have a cure for the \'itis.\'$B$BHere\'s what I need: One bundle of simple wildflowers, one leaded vial, one bronze tube, and last but certainly not least, one spool of light chartreuse silk thread. Ol\' Emma left a spool of it for me at \'The Finest Thread.\' You can find the shop along the canals.$B$BHurry along now, $N, and try not to touch anyone until you\'re cured. Oh, and Dr. Montgomery says you need a shower -- his words, not mine.','Bring Doc Mixilpixil one bundle of Simple Wildflowers, one Leaded Vial, one Bronze Tube, and one Spool of Light Chartreuse Silk Thread. The \'itis\' doesn\'t cure itself, young $g fella:lady;. ','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1667insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1622,2621,'The Disgraced One','Regret. It is all I have now. One bad decision resulting in several horrible outcomes. If only I had waited for those orders. Maybe they would have detailed the horrors that awaited us in those cursed lands! Maybe they were to redirect us to another detail? Ultimately, it was my fault. All of it was my fault.$B$BSo here I stand, awaiting orders. I must know. I must have those orders.$B$BDispatch Commander Ruag resides in Stonard. Find him and find out what became of the orders.\r\n','Speak to Dispatch Commander Ruag in Stonard.','Thrall\'s Grasp... The story is still fresh in my mind.$b$b<Commander Ruag shakes his head>$b$bTerrible thing that happened to that regiment. The horde lost some of its best soldiers when that battalion was destroyed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1668insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1623,2622,'The Missing Orders','The orders? What could you possibly want with the orders?$B$BWhat are you implying, $N? Of course I relayed those orders! The soldiers I sent the orders with were ambushed and brutally beaten by murlocs. Only one survived, if you can call that surviving. He can hardly speak, cannot walk, and must be fed through a tube. If you want to know what happened to those orders, speak with Bengor. I\'m sure he is around here somewhere... and, $N, be mindful of what you stick your nose into - it may get bitten off.','Speak to Bengor.','Swamp tal... talk.. talker...$b$b','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1669insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1624,2623,'The Swamp Talker','Orders were given by the dispatch commander. We took... took orders. On way to Blasted Lands, ambushed.$B$BMurlocs... Many murlocs... One named Swamp Talker. Took orders from my hands as spear thrust into my skull. East... cave....$B$B<Bengor passes out.>\r\n','Retrieve the Warchief\'s Orders and return them to the Fallen Hero of the Horde.','It is worse than I imagined. Nineteen of my men could have been spared from the agony which they faced. If only I had not acted so irrationally.$b$bYou must help them, $N! I am powerless to act.','Awaiting orders.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1670insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1625,2641,'Sprinkle\'s Secret Ingredient','When I was a kid, my sister used to do all the cooking. It was horrible! I could barely stomach some of her concoctions -- until I found what I like to call my \"secret\" ingredient! Add it to anything, and... WOW! It tastes great!$B$BWhat is it, you ask? It\'s a mushroom called the Violet Tragan. If you want me to help you turn this horrid-tasting brew into something edible, head to the Hinterlands, and look for a small lake there.$B$BOh, and remember, the Violet Tragan can only be found underwater.','Sprinkle in Gadgetzan wants you to collect a Violet Tragan and return it to her.','That\'s the stuff, $N!$B$BIt looks so good, I might just...  Haha, gotcha!','Under the waters of that lake -- it\'s the only place where the Violet Tragan can be found.  Hope you\'re good at holding your breath!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1671insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1626,2661,'Delivery for Marin','Here\'s the Violet Powder, $N. Take it to Marin and tell him he owes me a favor!','Sprinkle wants to you take the Violet Powder to Marin Noggenfogger in Gadgetzan.','Violet Powder, eh? Let\'s give it a try -- it sure couldn\'t make it any worse, that\'s for sure!','Oh, $N, you\'re finally back.  What have you brought?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1672insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1627,2662,'Noggenfogger Elixir','Now, to mix this powder in with the dew.$B$BCome back and talk to me in a minute... after I have perfected the fabulous Noggenfogger Elixir!','Marin Noggenfogger wants you to speak to him again after he creates his elixir.','Drink this! It\'s absolutely wonderful!!!$B$BI knew I had it in me... Oh thanks again, $N for your help, but please, stand a little to the side, will you? You\'re blocking my business! I\'m going to make millions on the fabulous Noggenfogger Elixir, millions!$B$BWhat\'s that? Sprinkle says I owe her a favor? Oh, that Sprinkle, such a kidder!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1673insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1628,2681,'The Stones That Bind Us','It will take more than you alone to overcome the forces of Razelikh and his subordinates.$B$BGather a suitable group of adventurers and free my men of their eternal torture! Eighteen stones you must shatter.$B$BFight hard and die with honor, $N.','Free nine Servants of Razelikh, three Servants of Sevine, three Servants of Allistarj, and three Servants of Grol. Return to the Fallen Hero when your task is complete. You must remain within close proximity of the stones or the process will fail.','You have done it, $N! The poor, tortured souls can finally rest.$b$bOur work is not yet over, $N. We have much to discuss and much more to accomplish.','It is no easy task, $N. Do not give up!','','Servants of Razelikh Freed','Servants of Grol Freed','Servants of Allistarj Freed','Servants of Sevine Freed',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1674insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1629,2701,'Heroes of Old','Please, take from this a relic of old. We no longer have a use for the item.$B$BMay it serve you well in your fight against the legion.\r\n','Open the chest and claim your reward.','You are temporarily blinded by the sparkle and gleam.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1675insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1630,2702,'Heroes of Old','You have honored me with your nobility and heroism, $N.$B$BYou have also honored them...','Speak to Corporal Thund Splithoof.','Indeed, you have honored us all. Our thanks alone are not sufficient.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1676insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1631,2721,'Kirith','As one chapter of your adventure closes, another one begins, $N.$B$BOne of my men is still unaccounted for, lost somewhere in the Blasted Lands. I am talking about Lieutenant Kirith, of course.$B$BAs I had mentioned earlier, we were both imprisoned and tortured by Allistarj, but poor Kirith, his strength of will faltered. I could hear the experiments from my cage; the tortured screams rang through the halls of the cave. That was the last I saw or heard of Kirith.','Find out what became of Lieutenant Kirith.','Trebor? Trebor sent you?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1677insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1632,2741,'The Super Egg-O-Matic','','','You place the hippogryph egg into the machine. A series of beeps follows along with some strange mechanical sounds.$B$BIt appears that the Eggometer has weighed, measured, and packaged your egg. Now that\'s speedy service!','The Super Egg-O-Matic is the latest of Curgle Cranklehop\'s inventions. It is quite an impressive piece of machinery.$B$BThe Super Egg-O-Matic sputters wildly as you approach the control panel.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1678insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1633,2742,'Rin\'ji is Trapped!','Hey $r!$B$BRin\'ji lost axe and was captured! Please, help Rin\'ji escape. Me know that $r like you don\'t like Rin\'ji\'s kind, but Rin\'ji begs! Must get out of here!$B$BGot something for nice $r if $Ghe helps Rin\'ji out of here:she helps Rin\'ji out of here;...$B$BRin\'ji is hiding something secret at the Overlook Cliffs.','Escort Rin\'ji out of the Quel\'Danil Lodge, then find his hidden secret at the Overlook Cliffs to the east.','This troll tablet must be the \"secret\" that Rin\'ji was talking about.$b$bCovered with strange markings, you can not decipher what the tablet says.$b$bOran Snakewrithe sent you to this area in the first place... Perhaps he might be able to tell you more about it.','','Escort Rin\'ji to safety','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1679insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1634,2743,'The Cover of Darkness','Let us not mince words, $r; my time here is limited.$B$BYou must destroy the triad of power which protects the demon lord, Razelikh. Doing so will not be as simple a task as freeing a damned soul.$B$B<Kirith grins.>$B$BYou see, each of Razelikh\'s underlings wears a third of an amulet of Razelikh\'s creation around their neck. The very same amulet you will need in order to summon the arch demon.$B$BReturn to Trebor and tell him what is required to summon Razelikh. He will be able to instruct you further.','Return to the Fallen Hero of the Horde with your findings.','The demon lord displays a cunning almost as calculated as his brutality, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1680insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1635,2744,'The Demon Hunter','The triad is protected by Razelikh.$B$BIn exchange for their servitude, Razelikh granted each of them nearly unlimited power within the Blasted Lands. The amulet pieces are each attuned to the lifeforce of their owner, granting them immortality. As long as they remain within the Blasted Lands, they cannot be slain, their life spans extended until the end of days.$B$BThere is one who may be able to assist you further, $N. Travel to Azshara and find the demon hunter, Loramus Thalipedes. Search the islands.','Speak with Loramus Thalipedes in Azshara.','I will help you. Although, I do not think you fully understand what you are up against.','','Conversation with Loramus','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1681insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1636,2745,'Infiltrating the Castle','Hmm, an interesting tale, and not one to be taken lightly. Yeah, I can help you, but what you need to do is divvy out a form of justice that\'s not... legal, if you\'re to see this through to the end.$B$BLescovar and Marzon need to be dealt with, and swiftly. Do you think you\'re capable of such a thing?$B$BYou decide. If so, then make haste to the castle and find an old friend of mine, a gnome named Tyrion. He\'s been watching Lescovar now for a couple weeks. He should be able to help you end this.','Speak to Tyrion in Stormwind Castle.','What the...?! Don\'t sneak up on me like that! And keep your voice down! What in the name of the Shadow are doing sneakin\' up on me for? Can\'t you see I\'m busy, you daft fool?$b$bWhat do you mean, what am I doing? I\'m waiting for the next Dark Portal to open, what the heck do you think I\'m doing? Speak your peace and be off with you... \'fore the guards notice the two of us hiding in the bushes together. I have a reputation to maintain.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1682insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1637,2746,'Items of Some Consequence','Trias wants the timetable pushed up some, huh? Okay, we can do that, but I\'m not ready. And know this, I\'m doing the hard part, but you\'re the one that\'s going to get $g his:her; hands dirty, understand? Good.$B$BOkay, I\'ll need you to get me a few things before I can put my plan into effect. I got the perfect disguise that\'ll get Spybot past those guards.$B$BBring me some silk and a couple apples. The silk\'s up to you, but Clara\'s little farm right outside the city has the perfect sized apples.','Bring 3 Silk Cloth and 2 of Clara\'s Fresh Apples to Tyrion in Stormwind.','These will do nicely, $N. Great job.$b$bI have the rest of the gear I\'ll need in my pack... thank the Light I just got a tailor friend of mine to make me a silk bag. I was running out of room carrying all my gear around.$b$bBefore Spybot heads in, let\'s get the details set so you know what you have to do.','I\'ve been watching Lescovar for a couple weeks now. Trias has never trusted him, but we didn\'t suspect he was involved in anything to do with the Defias Brotherhood. We were following leads that tied him to the Twilight\'s Hammer. Either way, he\'s become more dangerous than this city can deal with, and that\'s where we come in.$b$bGet me those items and we can put my plan into effect.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1683insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1638,2747,'An Extraordinary Egg','','','Well now, you have one--amazing!$B$BI hope you always remember the good you have done today.','I have seen very few eggs retrieved from Feralas in extraordinary condition. These are eggs of the rarest sort...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1684insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1639,2748,'A Fine Egg','','','Very good, $N. I will be sending this egg to Darnassus where I hope it will soon hatch!$B$BPlease accept this as a symbol of my gratitude.','A fine egg is one that will, in ideal conditions, hatch free of the evil effects of the Gordunni ogres\' incantations.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1685insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1640,2749,'An Ordinary Egg','','','So, you have found an ordinary egg, $N? Please give it to me... And we can only hope for the best.$B$BI don\'t have much, but please accept this reward. If you ever find yourself in Feralas again, know that I am always here to take the eggs you find there.','Ordinary hippogryph eggs hatch about half the time. We do our best to nurture them and with a little luck, they will hatch.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1686insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1641,2750,'A Bad Egg','$N, they are pretty much in the hills... They are called the Hipporyph eggs and those are the ones to collect, however you can only hold one at a time. $N take them back to the egg lady in Tanaris, and put it in the egg-o-matic. That will give you 1/4 of the eggs. Hand them in.','Get these eggs in Feralas, south of the Ruins of Isildien.','I am afraid I have bad news for you, $N. This egg is too far gone. I can take it from you so that it may be disposed of properly.$B$BPlease don\'t be discouraged; we cannot save them all. If you find yourself in Feralas again, please try again. Bring another egg for the Super Egg-O-Matic!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1687insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1642,2751,'Barbaric Battlements','Twenty generations of Omosh have held this hammer, $N. A hundred thousand tons of metal we have molded. Tragically, it all ends at Orokk, failure of the Omosh: Without kin and incapable of producing offspring.$B$BI cannot let the secret recipes of Omosh die with me! Someone must continue the legacy, Omosh or not!$B$BProve to Orokk you are capable, $N. Bring for Orokk the following: Two patterned bronze bracers, two bronze greatswords, and two sharp claws. Bring them for Orokk and we shall continue.','Bring two Patterned Bronze Bracers, two Bronze Greatswords, and two Sharp Claws to Orokk Omosh in Orgrimmar.\r\n','The bloodline will fade but perhaps the legend of Omosh will continue!$B$BYou have proven that you are a blacksmith, $N. For the blacksmith the reward is the satisfaction of seeing their weapons and armors coated in the blood of their enemies!$B$BMay the breastplates you create for the generations ahead be drenched in the blood of your enemies!','Bronze, $N! More bronze!!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1688insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1643,2752,'On Iron Pauldrons','Orokk sees the eagerness in your eyes, $N. Like a sponge you soak in the wisdom of the Omosh.$B$BThree lessons I shall teach!$B$BReturn to the anvil, soak in the heat of the forge, create for Orokk four bronze battleaxes and four bronze warhammers. Only then will you learn of the iron pauldron.','Bring four Bronze Battleaxes and four Bronze Warhammers to Orokk Omosh in Orgrimmar.','You do Orokk proud, $N. Read, learn of iron shoulders!','Show me your dedication, $R.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1689insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1644,2753,'Trampled Under Foot','Only two more lessons Orokk will teach, $N. Your muscles ache, I know, but continue on for the Omosh!$B$BBring to Orokk four green iron helms, four green iron bracers, and two green iron leggings - for this you learn and your enemies suffer!','Bring four Green Iron Helms, four Green Iron Bracers, and two Green Iron Leggings to Orokk Omosh in Orgrimmar.','You remind Orokk of his grandfather, Chief Gorokk of Omosh! Read, learn of the iron boot.','Their skulls will crack under the pressure of your boots!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1690insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1645,2754,'Horns of Frenzy','The final lesson Orokk teaches you, $N. To the sacred anvil and forge you return! Bring for Orokk two solid iron mauls, two silvered bronze boots, and two silvered bronze gauntlets.$B$BSee the fear in their eyes as you approach!\r\n','Bring two Solid Iron Mauls, two Silvered Bronze Boots, and two Silvered Bronze Gauntlets to Orokk Omosh in Orgrimmar.','Astounding! You have learned the way of the Omosh, $N!','Show the iron who is in charge, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1691insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1646,2755,'Joys of Omosh','Orokk is not crying, $N. Soot is in eye.$B$B<Orokk wipes a tear away.>$B$BThere is one last Omosh family secret Orokk will teach you. Orokk will die happy, thanks to $N.$B$BLearn Omosh dance of joy and then you learn fist of iron!\r\n','Watch and learn the Omosh Dance of Joy.','<Orokk pants.>$B$BIt has been a very long time since Orokk has done the Omosh dance of joy. Learn now, $N!','','Omosh Dance of Joy Learned','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1692insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1647,2756,'The Old Ways','In the time of legends, Aturk would crush the skulls of his enemies and grind the bone into a fine powder for use in filament. Long gone are those days, $r. The Warchief calls for peace among the clans. Old enemies are now only watched with weary eyes!$B$BUnbelievable, I know, but such is the will of Thrall.$B$BEnough lamenting! You are here to learn, and learn you will! Bring me four steel breastplates and four steel helms and you will gain a taste of war!','Bring four Steel Breastplates and four Steel Plate Helms to Aturk the Anvil in Orgrimmar.\r\n','It seems you are but another complacent lemming of the Warchief, $N. How disappointing.$b$bHow I long for a glorious death upon the battlefield. Instead, I am stuck here, by order of Thrall, to teach infants how to craft! Watch and learn, child!','Aturk, like time, waits for no one! Hurry up fool!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1693insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1648,2757,'Booty Bay or Bust!','Listen, kid, you\'re not gonna learn anything hanging around here.$B$BI know a guy who knows a guy. He hangs around the smithy in Booty Bay. If you show him this insignia, he\'ll tell you all about mithril.$B$BSo whadd\'ya say? Leave this kid stuff to the babies in diapers, $N -- it\'s time to move on.$B$BIf you\'re interested, his name\'s McGavan. Show him this trinket and he\'ll recognize your commitment.','Speak with McGavan in Booty Bay.','By Blackhoof\'s back hair -- finally, one worthy of the Mithril Order!$b$b','A rare breed your kind be, matey. Let me see that insignia.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1694insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1649,2758,'The Origins of Smithing','When I was about your age, a dwarf by the name of Galvan took me under his wing and trained me in the ways of the armorsmith. Before he left for Booty Bay, he made me promise to train all those with the desire and determination to advance in the craft of blacksmithing -- so here I am -- all these years later.$B$BSo, now it\'s time for you to learn a little something. Make me six golden scale bracers and you will learn where smithing comes from, $N.','Bring six Golden Scale Bracers to Hank the Hammer in Stormwind.','Very good, $N! Listen and learn.$B$BBlacksmithing never comes from here! <Hank points to his hammer.>$B$BBlacksmithing never comes from here! <Hank points to the anvil.>$B$BBlacksmithing only comes from here! <Hank points to his heart.>$B$BAnd now you know the origin of blacksmithing.','Could you be the next Galvan protege?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1695insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1650,2759,'In Search of Galvan','Although Galvan left Booty Bay many years ago, members of the order still remain in town, hoping to one day find another worthy of Galvan\'s tutelage.$B$BTake this insignia and present it to McGavan in Booty Bay.$B$BIf you actually make it that far, he\'ll know that you are worthy. I have faith, $N!','Speak with McGavan in Booty Bay.','By Blackhoof\'s back hair -- finally, one worthy of the Mithril Order!','A rare breed your kind be, matey. Let me see that insignia.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1696insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1651,2760,'The Mithril Order','Most of our recruits never make it to Booty Bay, $N. The shine of the insignia is enough to trigger the loot lust in even the staunchest of blacksmiths. Fools they be, as the insignia is a drop in the bucket compared to the wealth of items you\'ll see!$B$BFind Galvan the Ancient and show him this pin. His residence is far to the north, between Zul Gurub and the Mosh\'Ogg ogre mound.\r\n','Speak with Galvan the Ancient in Stranglethorn Vale.\r\n','Ah, many years it has been since one has been worthy of the mithril order\'s initiation. We will start now!','Hail! Come closer; show Galvan what you have.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1697insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1652,2761,'Smelt On, Smelt Off','Many blacksmiths believe that mining and smithing are separate, independent jobs; but can there be blacksmithing without mining? Ah ha -- it is an impossibility! The accomplished blacksmith must also be an accomplished miner.$B$BShow Galvan that you are capable, $N. Bring me forty bars of iron and forty bars of mithril. For this, Galvan will teach you the ways of the ornate mithril pants!','Bring forty Mithril Bars and forty Iron Bars to Galvan the Ancient in Stranglethorn.','Your work ethic is impeccable, $N! You are starting to understand the ways of Galvan mineralogy! Take this and learn from it all that you can.','After such mining, your muscles bulge and your body aches!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1698insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1653,2762,'The Great Silver Deceiver','It is said that truesilver is stronger and more durable than mithril. Galvan does not disagree with this assessment of the minerals, but contrary to its name, truesilver is not true! Mithril is a far nobler mineral! HAH! Regardless, for this lesson you will need to find the great silver deceiver, $N.$B$BBring me forty bars of mithril and five bars of truesilver. In exchange, you will be taught the secret of ornate mithril gloves and more importantly, learn that truesilver is a liar!','Bring forty Mithril Bars and five Truesilver Bars to Galvan the Ancient in Stranglethorn.','She\'s a cruel mistress, is she not, $N? I\'m speaking of truesilver, naturally. Aye, Galvan spent over a decade in the mountains of Alterac learning this lesson. Take this and learn from it all that you can!','After such mining, your muscles bulge and your body aches!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1699insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1654,2763,'The Art of the Imbue','The harvesting of precious gems is of utmost importance to our craft, $N. Few gems are more precious than the citrine. The magical properties we imbue into our goods are amplified greatly by the presence of citrine.$B$BFor this lesson, we will fortify forty bars of mithril with four citrines. The result will be a better understanding of magical gemology and the knowledge to create ornate mithril shoulders.','Bring forty Mithril Bars and four Citrines to Galvan the Ancient in Stranglethorn.','One can barely keep their eyes from leaving its splendor, $N. Aye, citrine is a glorious gem.$B$BPay attention and learn what such a discovery may teach us!','After such mining, your muscles bulge and your body aches!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1700insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1655,2764,'Galvan\'s Finest Pupil','If you are ready to conclude your training with Galvan, you should journey to Gadgetzan.$B$BThere, you will find my finest pupil: Trenton Lighthammer. He has much to teach you in the ways of ornate mithril. Otherwise, remain here and learn!$B$BOh, Gadgetzan is in Tanaris, of course!','Speak with Trenton Lighthammer in Gadgetzan.','Galvan the Ancient sent you??$B$B<Trenton bows.>$B$BIt is a great honor to meet another of the master\'s pupils!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1701insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1656,2765,'Expert Blacksmith!','When you first came to me, I knew that you would turn out to be one of my finest pupils! It was without hesitancy that you gave up a trinket of some power to McGavan. You did this only so that you could meet me. Such blind faith and devotion to the craft should be rewarded.$B$BYou have attained expertise over blacksmithing, $N. Reap the rewards!','Claim your reward from Galvan the Ancient!','It is only fitting that you receive a trinket of far greater power than the one you sacrificed to get here. Use it in good health, $N.','','You Are The Big Winner','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1702insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1657,2766,'Find OOX-22/FE!','You have uncovered some sort of strange, egg-shaped device made from metal.  Fiddling with one of its knobs springs the egg to life, as it opens up into some sort of gnomish robotic contraption!  A voice from inside the robotic egg crackles to life.$B$B\"My name\'s Oglethorpe Obnoticus, and my homing robot has crashed!  I will reward you for its recovery; please take this beacon to the robot!\"$B$B\"I now have computed the coordinates of the robot for you; it is in a cave near Feral Scar Vale!\"','Take the distress beacon to Oglethorpe\'s homing robot in a cave near Feral Scar Vale.','You place the egg... distress beacon... inside the chicken... homing robot.$b$bHums and whirs are heard from inside the robot as it struggles to stand up. After the robot comes to life, Oglethorpe\'s voice is heard once more, but now from inside the robot:$b$b\"OOX-22/FE is working at least, but it needs major repairs! It is much too heavy for you to carry it... but I think I have an idea. Are you up for watching over it some more?\"','You appear to have uncovered the wreckage of... a robotic chicken? The voice from within the egg crackles to life again:$b$b\"Yes, excellent work! This is indeed my homing robot, though my sensors indicate that it needs a jump start before it can fly back to Booty Bay for repairs. Go ahead and place the beacon inside the rover - the beacon will take care of the rest!\"','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1703insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1658,2767,'Rescue OOX-22/FE!','The gnome\'s voice crackles once again from the robot:$B$B\"I need to move OOX-22/FE to an open, safe place so it can begin a lengthy take-off procedure.  It has built-in cloaking, but I need time on my end to make it operational again.  Escort the robot from its current location to, let\'s say, the dock along the Forgotten Coast!  That should be a perfect place, and long enough, to get things online!\"$B$B\"Escort it safely to the dock, and then come talk to me in Booty Bay!  Oglethorpe Obnoticus - out!\"','Escort OOX-22/FE to the dock along the Forgotten Coast, then report to Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay.','Oh, YOU\'RE the great savior of OOX-22/FE! I cannot even begin to express my thanks for your assistance! My homing robot series needs more development, but your recovery has saved me countless hours of extra rebuilding time, as well as many gold pieces in manufacture costs!$b$bPlease, take your choice of any of these items I have. Thank you again for your generous assistance $N, my robots and I are in your debt!','Yes, I\'m Oglethorpe Obnoticus, master inventor at your service! Now, is there something I could assist you with?','Escort OOX-22/FE to the dock along the Forgotten Coast','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1704insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1659,2768,'Divino-matic Rod','Sergeant Bly stole from me!  He said he\'d only borrow it, but he stole my cherished divino-matic rod!!  Without that rod how will I know where to dig new water holes??$B$BFind Bly and bring me my rod!  I heard he led his band of ill-reputed adventurers to go treasure hunting in Zul\'Farrak to the west.  I bet you\'ll find him there.$B$BLet\'s hope the trolls took care of him, because if you have to fight him for the rod then you\'re in for a serious fight.','Bring the Divino-matic Rod to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan.','You found it! Well done, $N! Did you have to fight Bly for it? I hope you knocked him and his band down good and hard!','Did you find Sergeant Bly?  Did you get my divino-matic rod?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1705insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1660,2769,'The Brassbolts Brothers','Have you met the Brassbolts brothers?  They\'re over in the Shimmering Flats, in Kalimdor, racing their rocket car against the goblins.  They usually win which is no surprise--the goblin car blows up so much it barely ever crosses the finish line!$B$BBut even then, the Brassbolts brothers are always looking for new ways to make their car go faster, and Wizzle told me he needs a very rare component for his next experiment.$B$BHe probably needs help getting that part.  Speak to him and find out.','Speak with Wizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.','Ah, you want to help me?  Great!$B$BThere\'s a part I want for an experiment I\'m working on, and I need a brave $C like you to help me get it!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1706insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1661,2770,'Gahz\'rilla','Deep in Zul\'Farrak, the sand troll city in Tanaris, there is a sacred pool.  From that pool the trolls summon a huge beast!  Gahz\'rilla!  He\'s so fierce that even his scales crackle with energy.  It\'s that energy I want to harness for my car!$B$BBring me the electrified scale of Gahz\'rilla!$B$BBut the summoning of Gahz\'rilla is a well-kept secret of the trolls.  To face him, you must first wrest the secret from them.','Bring Gahz\'rilla\'s Electrified Scale to Wizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.','Wow, you got the scale!  Thanks, $N.  I can\'t wait to get to work on this thing!$B$BSo you saw Gahz\'rilla?  Was he as big as they say??','Do you have the scale?  I can\'t wait to try different ways to harness its energy!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1707insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1662,2771,'A Good Head On Your Shoulders','It seems as if master had this planned from the start. I was not taught to create the items which you learned to create and you were not taught the items which I learned to create.$B$BThe master is wise, $N. We shall teach each other!$B$BShow me how to make a mithril coif and ornate mithril shoulders and I shall show you how to create an ornate mithril helm.','Bring two Mithril Coifs and one Ornate Mithril Shoulder to Trenton Lighthammer.','Excellent! A fair tradeoff, if I do say so myself. Watch and learn, $N!','Have you completed the crafting of the items, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1708insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1663,2772,'The World At Your Feet','At last year\'s All-Valley Blacksmithing Championship, all those who watched saw my leg get swept from under me by a cowardly dog from the Venture Co. Foundry. What they didn\'t know, however, was the reason I was able to continue and ultimately win the tournament: That\'s right, ornate mithril boots!$B$BI will need to learn how to craft ornate mithril pants for this year\'s tournament, however, as a Venture Co. shredder is an entrant! Teach me the way of the pants and learn the way of the boot!','Bring two Heavy Mithril Boots and one Ornate Mithril Pants to Trenton Lighthammer.\r\n','The world will be at your feet, $N! Let them all come at your legs, for you are now unsweepable!','Have you completed the crafting of the items,','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1709insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1664,2773,'The Mithril Kid','Around these parts I am known as the Mithril Kid. I supply ornate mithril to adventurers from around the world.$B$B<Trenton whispers.>$B$BLittle do they know that I do not know the technique to fashion ornate mithril gloves. Shhhh! This will be our little secret.$B$BTeach me the technique to create ornate mithril gloves, $N, and in exchange, I will show you the resultant of the culmination of my training under Galvan: the ornate mithril breastplate.','Bring two Heavy Mithril Breastplates and one Ornate Mithril Gloves to Trenton Lighthammer.','Thank you for all that you have taught me, $N. The master and commander of the ornate mithril set will soon be in your possession.$B$BBehold!','Have you completed the crafting of the items, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1710insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1665,2781,'WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting','WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting!$B$BThe Gadgetzan Water Company of Gadgetzan, Tanaris will pay a high bounty for the head of Caliph Scorpidsting, leader of the Wastewander outlaws.  His crimes include:$B$B1.  Murdering Gadgetzan Water Co. employees!$B2.Stealing Gadgetzan Water Co. resources!$B3.Seizing Gadgetzan Water Co. property!$B$BBring proof of Caliph Scorpidsting\'s demise to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle for an immediate reward!','Bring the head of Caliph Scorpidsting to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan.','Finally - justice is served! You have struck a mighty blow against those vile nomads! With Scorpidsting\'s demise, this might be just the thing to finally push those squatters off of Gadgetzan\'s water wells!$b$bBy the authority of the Gadgetzan Water Company, I gladly award you with this bounty. You\'ve done a great service for us all.','Yes $C, I am an official of the Gadgetzan Water Company. What can I assist you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1711insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1666,2782,'Rin\'ji\'s Secret','The tablet is covered with Witherbark troll markings. Rin\'ji\'s secret truly is a mystery... $B$BIt\'s possible that you might have something quite valuable on your hands here. On the other hand, quite the opposite is also possible. A Witherbark troll in distress would probably do anything to find his way out of trouble...','Oran Snakewrithe, a well known scholar on matters concerning the Witherbark trolls, may be able to decipher the tablet. She is known to reside within the Magic Quarter of the Undercity.','This tablet... Quite unusual... Where did you find this, $N?','Well, now, what is this?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1712insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1667,2783,'Petty Squabbles','We fight the wrong enemy, $N.$B$BThe true power in these lands continues to grow in strength and number while we squabble over scorched earth with orcs.$B$BDo we continue to fight a war in these lands against the Horde, only to be routed one day by the armies of the Burning Legion? It is futile.$B$BPut your differences aside, $N, speak with the fallen hero of the Horde. He knows the truth behind the Blasted Lands.','Speak with the Fallen Hero of the Horde at the border of the Blasted Lands and the swamp.','The Alliance wishes to assist?$B$BI thought to never see this day again. A day in which the Alliance fights side by side with the Horde against a common enemy.$B$BIt shall be... we will unite.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1713insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1668,2784,'Fall From Grace','Hear my story, $r.','Listen to the Fallen Hero of the Horde tell his story.','As a spirit, I am powerless, $N. Assist me. Allow me to regain my honor.','Listen to what I have to say.','The Tale of Sorrow','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1714insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1669,2801,'A Tale of Sorrow','Before we may continue, you must hear my story.','Listen to the Fallen Hero of the Horde tell his story.','The time to act is now, $N.','Listen to what I have to say, $N.','A Tale of Sorrow','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1715insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1670,2821,'The Mark of Quality','My philosophy on leatherworking is that the work must be the best quality possible - no compromises.  Anyone who says that quality doesn\'t matter is trying to sell you ocean-front property in Dun Morogh!$B$BIn my latest pursuit of high-quality materials, I have run across thick yeti hides.  The Yeti are native to Feralas, with many found in Feral Scar Vale.  I want some, and I\'ll give you a choice of one of my leather goods for a stack of ten.  If that sounds fair to you, then we\'re in business.','Bring 10 Thick Yeti Hides to Pratt McGrubben in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Did you stop and examine the texture of these hides?  Properly treated, these hides could very well be stronger than iron.  Not many people know about these hides, and that in combination with the vast treating solutions I know will allow me to potentially make items with a true mark of quality... thanks to you, of course!$B$BAnd now, please choose from what I am able to offer you for your service!','A stack of ten thick yeti hides will net you a choice of one of my crafted items.  Because I care about quality, I am able to ensure you\'ll get a good item!$B$BIf you can\'t seem to find yetis, I know where some might be.  Try looking just inland of the Forgotten Coast, around Feral Scar Vale.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1716insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1671,2822,'The Mark of Quality','I take pride in my leather work, and I feel it shows; quality should never be compromised.  Anyone who says that quality doesn\'t matter would also have you believe that the earth does not keep secrets!$B$BIn my latest pursuit of high-quality materials, I have discovered thick yeti hides.  Yetis are native to Feralas, often found west of here in Feral Scar Vale.  I\'ll give you a choice of one of my leather goods for a stack of ten.  If that is agreeable to you, then we are set!','Bring 10 Thick Yeti Hides to Jangdor Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.','Ah, excellent! These hides, when given a special treatment, are as resilient as iron I tell you! It will take many tries in order to get the right mix down for the tanning, but I am confident they will bring my mark of quality to the next level.$b$bAs for you, $N... your assistance has proven invaluable to me. Please take your choice from these items I have crafted.','Were you able to get a stack of ten thick yeti hides? My leather goods are second to none, and I\'ll share a sampling with you should you have the hides.$b$bIf you can\'t seem to find yetis, I know where some might be. Try looking west of here, just inland of the Forgotten Coast around the Feral Scar Vale.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1717insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1672,2841,'Rig Wars','Gnome technology - two years ago its most common use was as a punch line. Times certainly have changed. Now they\'ve got a new rig built that\'s better than all our shredder models combined. I need the blueprints, $N!$B$BUnfortunately, the plans are locked away in a safe near Mekgineer Thermaplugg. To make matters worse, the combination to the safe is only known by Mekgineer Thermaplugg.$B$BDo whatever you have to do to get that combination, $N. Then crack open that safe and bring back those blueprints!\r\n','Retrieve the Rig Blueprints and Thermaplugg\'s Safe Combination from Gnomeregan and bring them to Nogg in Orgrimmar.\r\n','I knew you could do it, $N! Sovik on the other hand, he had his doubts.$B$B<Nogg clears his throat.>$B$BNow that we have the blueprints in our possession, it is only a matter of time before we figure out all of the gnomish innovations that went into the creation of the rig and make them goblin innovations for our new shredder models.','I don\'t see any blueprints. Did you hide them somewhere on your body or are you just standing around here to irritate me?$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1718insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1673,2842,'Chief Engineer Scooty','As soon as we got word from Kernobee about the new gnomish rig, Scooty and I began work on the Transpolyporter 6000: The fastest and most reliable way to Gnomeregan.$B$BIt\'s finally ready for passengers to board, $N. If you want to give it a try, go to Booty Bay and talk with Scooty at the wind rider roost. To get to Booty Bay, take the boat from Ratchet.$B$BOf course, you could always try and make the run to Gnomeregan through the dwarf infested mountains of Dun Morogh!','Speak with Scooty in Booty Bay.','She\'s a beauty, isn\'t she? Pinnacle of goblin transport technology -- only exploded a dozen or so times.$b$bDon\'t worry, $N, I\'ve got her all fixed up. She won\'t blow up on you - and if she does, it\'ll be quick and painless.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1719insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1674,2843,'Gnomer-gooooone!','As long as you have the transponder in your possession, all you need to do is step on the pad and you\'ll be teleported to Gnomeregan.$B$BYou may experience some unusual side effects, but none of those should be permanent... anymore.$B$BI almost forgot the most important part - getting back. When you\'re ready to come back, just step on the transpolyporter pad in Gnomeregan!$B$BNow to calibrate the transponder to your size and weight.\r\n','Wait for Scooty to calibrate the Goblin Transponder.','All done! When you\'re ready, just step on the pad.','','Goblin Transponder','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1720insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1675,2844,'The Giant Guardian','I am no good, $N. I was \'spose to be watchin\' over my little friend, Shay, and somehow, she got away from me. I\'m not all that sure what happened, really, but last time I saw her, we was walkin\' through the ruins just north of here.$B$BEverythin\' was goin\' fine, but then I turned around, and... she was gone.$B$BNow I jus can\'t quite figure out what I should do here. Got any ideas, $N? I\'m awful worried.$B$BHey, how \'bout you go look fer Shay? Yer legs can travel much faster \'n mine.','Locate the lost night elf girl.','Oh, I am so glad you found me! I must admit, I am a bit lost... But isn\'t this a beautiful place?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1721insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1676,2845,'Wandering Shay','Do you think you could help me find my way back to my friend, Rockbiter? He was supposed to be watching me... But I do have a tendency to wander off now and then. There are just so many things to see, and I get so distracted.$B$BThere is one thing that will always work to get my attention, though.$B$BInside this chest, you\'ll find a bell that is very precious to me. I just love the sound of it. You have my word, if I wander off, all you have to do is ring it and I\'ll come running back.','Pick up Shay\'s Bell from the chest.$B$BEscort Shay Leafrunner to Rockbiter\'s camp.','What? You say dis bell will work when Shay runs off? Well, how \'bout that!$B$BSince you did so much fer me, here ya go, $N. ','I was gettin\' worried \'bout ya! Thank you so much for bringin\' Shay home, $N.','Take Shay Leafrunner to Rockbiter\'s camp','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1722insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1677,2846,'Tiara of the Deep','Long ago I possessed a beautiful piece of jewelry, the Tiara of the Deep.  And not only was it pretty--it held great power for those with the knowledge to use it.$B$BSo when word of the tiara reached the Hydromancer Velratha, she had to have it.  She sent agents to my home and they stole it while I was away.  The thieves!$B$BI want my tiara back!  Go to Zul\'Farrak, the troll city in Tanaris, find Velratha and wrench the tiara from her.  Return it to me and you\'ll earn my favor.','Bring the Tiara of the Deep to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.','Wonderful! You found it! And what\'s just as important--Velratha no longer has it! Thank you, $N. I am forever in your debt!$b$bAnd if I sounded a little... mean before, pay it no mind. You\'ll find me a much nicer person to those who haven\'t stolen from me.','Do you have the tiara, $N?  Has Velratha learned the price of crossing me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1723insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1678,2847,'Wild Leather Armor','$n, you\'re becoming quite skilled as a leatherworker!  I know some patterns you might be interested in... Wild Leather armor!  Wild Leather taps into the potent and chaotic properties of wildvines, found in areas of lush vegetation and on some of the creatures there.  The armor made using it is second to none for people of your skill, guaranteed.$B$BI\'ll teach this to you, but you\'ll be working for me for a while.  The first cost is simply ten pieces of thick leather.  After this, we\'ll talk specifics.','Bring 10 Thick Leather to Pratt McGrubben in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Well $N, I\'m glad to have you on board. You\'ve made a smart decision as a leatherworker; those who wear leather armor will be clamoring to you once you learn how to make any of the Wild Leather armor pieces.$B$BLet\'s get to work - where do you want to start?','Like I said, you\'ll be working for me while you learn about Wild Leather armor. Because wildvines are both potent and chaotic, it yields a random but strong benefit to the already strong armor you will be making. This knowledge, however, was not easy for me to come by.$B$BThe initial cost to begin this process is ten pieces of thick leather.$B$BOnce that is done, we\'ll get to the work you need to do in order to obtain the patterns.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1724insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1679,2848,'Wild Leather Shoulders','Wild Leather shoulders support the wearer\'s frame extremely well, offering top notch protection of the upper arms and the shoulders themselves.  As with all Wild Leather armor, a potent but random benefit is applied to the item as the wildvine is stitched in.$B$BFor this pattern, I will require six thick armor kits and a wildvine.  That shouldn\'t be too tall of an order for you to fill.','Bring 6 Thick Armor Kits and a Wildvine to Pratt McGrubben in Feathermoon Stronghold.','These armor kits are of solid quality, $N. If there is one thing I demand in not only my work, but the work of those in my employ, it is quality.$B$BYou\'ve done well to earn this pattern; I hope it brings you the rewards it has brought me. $B$BGains','Do you have the six thick armor kits and the wildvine I require?$B$BDon\'t think of making armor kits as monotonous work; the steady fashioning method you develop as you ply your trade on these kits helps develop your skills for the intricate work needed to make Wild Leather armor.$B$BSee - there\'s a real reason behind what you\'re making for me...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1725insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1680,2849,'Wild Leather Vest','Wild Leather vests are the staple of any Wild Leather armor set.  The frame of the vest blends with the wildvine to produce a product that offers maximum protection of the torso while allowing for the potent magic to work its way through the garment.$B$BFor this pattern, I will require two Turtle Scale breastplates, two sets of Turtle Scale gloves, and a wildvine.  It\'s a tall order, but one you should have little difficulty in filling for me.','Bring 2 Turtle Scale Breastplates, 2 Turtle Scale Gloves, and a Wildvine to Pratt McGrubben in Feathermoon Stronghold.','These are some very nice pieces here, $N. The craftsmanship and care put in to making these alone would fetch several silver more than the average piece made.$B$BYou\'ve filled my order, and with that comes your reward. The knowledge of making Wild Leather vests is now yours!','Do you have the two Turtle Scale breastplates and gloves I ordered? Also, don\'t forget the wildvine!$B$BEven with the earliest patterns, we learn that the fundamentals of shape translate well into more difficult garments. Though different items, the shape of the Turtle Scale breastplates prepares you for the detailing needed to make a Wild Leather vest.$B$BAnd the gloves... well, they\'re just for my own benefit. Remember, you\'re working for me!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1726insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1681,2850,'Wild Leather Helmet','A Wild Leather helmet offers the wearer superior protection to the vital areas of the head without a sacrifice in comfort.  As with all Wild Leather armor, the integrated wildvine yields a powerful but random enhancement to the frame of the helm.  Leather wearers will definitely want this piece!$B$BFor this pattern, I will need two Nightscape tunics, two Nightscape headbands, and a wildvine.  Complete this order and the pattern will be yours!','Bring 2 Nightscape Tunics, 2 Nightscape Headbands, and a Wildvine to Pratt McGrubben in Feathermoon Stronghold.','This Nightscape equipment you have supplied fills the order perfectly, $N. I expect no less from a leatherworker of your caliber.$B$BYou have definitely earned this pattern. I give it to you freely, and hope you will profit from it accordingly.','I need those tunics and headbands made, and I also need that piece of wildvine before I will share with you the knowledge of Wild Leather helmets.$B$BHead gear is highly coveted amongst adventurers, whether it be a disarmingly simple headband or a full-covering helmet. The fundamentals of creating valued head gear remain constant, no matter what the cosmetic appearance of the gear is.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1727insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1682,2851,'Wild Leather Boots','You\'ve learned quite a bit now, $n; still, there is more for you to learn.  Next are Wild Leather boots, the cornerstone of any set.$B$BThese boots are crafted to cradle the foot in comfort while bracing it against the hazards of adventuring.  The soft soles are a blessing to those seeking quiet movement in footwear.$B$BFor this pattern, I need an order of two Nightscape pants and two Nightscape boots filled.  I also will require two wildvines... not just one.  When you have all this, let me know.','Bring 2 Nightscape Pants, 2 Nightscape Boots, and 2 Wildvines to Pratt McGrubben in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Once again, you\'ve filled a complex order with the skill of a seasoned professional. You have earned this pattern, as well as my thanks.','The order on the pants, boots, and wildvines needs to be filled before you get the pattern, $N. Are you finished?$B$BFrom the earliest pair of boots we learn how to make, we start to understand that a quality boot needs to ride a razor\'s edge between comfort and function. With both, we are able to create items that allow the wearer to ignore fatigue that would cripple those wearing lower quality goods.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1728insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1683,2852,'Wild Leather Leggings','With the basics down, you are ready to master more complex fare, $n.  Wild Leather leggings are some of the sturdiest and powerful leather gear around.  The waist, thighs, calves, and the vitals - all are given tremendous protection.  Coupled with the enhancement that the wildvine provides, adventurers who own it will thank you each time they see you.$B$BFor this pattern, I need an order of two Turtle Scale helms, two Turtle Scale bracers, and two wildvines filled.','Bring 2 Turtle Scale Helms, 2 Turtle Scale Bracers, and 2 Wildvines to Pratt McGrubben in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Again, you\'ve filled an order without flaw. Perhaps some day I will come to YOU seeking knowledge, eh $N?$B$BHere is the pattern for the leggings, along with my thanks. Commit this lore to your knowledge, and let your finished products tap into your impressive skills!','Do you have the Turtle Scale bracers and helms ready? Don\'t forget the two wildvines I need!$B$BBy now, you\'re starting to realize the potential power that lies in Wild Leather armor. An armor that has no boundaries in application is nearly invaluable to a leatherworker. The limits are only in the quantities of resources to make the items - not the quality of the finished products!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1729insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1684,2853,'Master of the Wild Leather','Well $n, you are the definition of diligence.  There is one pattern left for Wild Leather armor; you\'ve mastered the others.  I won\'t require you to toil needlessly for the pattern.  You\'ve earned it outright, and then some... but I cannot give it to you myself.  My teacher, the one who brought me into the craft, is the one who must reward you.$B$BTake this letter to Telonis; he teaches leatherworking in Darnassus.  Show him the letter, and let him acknowledge you as an equal, as I do.','Give Pratt\'s Letter to Telonis, the master leatherworker of Darnassus.','Ah yes, Pratt sent you. Though he is a human, he reminds me of us night elves sometimes. His dedication and his talents with leather are impressive. For him to compliment you so in this letter, it is a sign of respect I acknowledge.$B$BI am aware that he has taught you the art of Wild Leather. Allow me to finish your training with this pattern. Make good use of it; few in the world know the secrets of Wild Leather cloaks.','Greetings, $R... from your countenance I can tell you are a leatherworker as am I. Have you come to draw from my skills, or perhaps you have other business with me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1730insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1685,2854,'Wild Leather Armor','$n, your skill as a leatherworker precedes you.  I possess leatherworking lore you would be wise to acquire... Wild Leather armor!  Wild Leather taps into the potent and chaotic properties of wildvines, found in areas of lush vegetation and on some of the creatures there.  Armor made using it is second to none for a crafter of your skill, guaranteed.$B$BI\'ll teach you, but you\'ll be working for me for a while.  The first cost is simply ten pieces of thick leather.  After this, we\'ll talk specifics.','Bring 10 Thick Leather to Jangdor Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.','Well $N, I\'m glad to have you on board as my apprentice. You\'ve made a wise decision as a leatherworker; those who make use of leather armor will be clamoring to you once you learn how to master the art of Wild Leather.$b$bLet\'s get to work - where do you want to start?','We must be clear; you shall be apprenticed to me while you learn the art of Wild Leather armor. Because wildvines are both potent and chaotic, it yields a random but strong benefit to the already strong armor you will be making. This knowledge, however, was not easy for me to acquire.$b$bThe initial cost to begin this process is ten pieces of thick leather.$b$bOnce that is done, we\'ll get to the work you need to do in order to obtain the patterns.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1731insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1686,2855,'Wild Leather Shoulders','Wild Leather shoulders support a wearer\'s frame extremely well, offering superior protection of the upper arms as well as the shoulders.  As with all Wild Leather armor, a random yet very potent enhancement is imbued within the item as the wildvine is stitched in.$B$BFor this pattern, I will require six thick armor kits and a wildvine.  That shouldn\'t be too tall of an order for you to fill.','Bring 6 Thick Armor Kits and a Wildvine to Jangdor Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.','These armor kits are of solid quality, $N. If there is one thing I demand in not only my work, but in the work of those I give tutelage to, it is quality.$b$bYou\'ve done well to earn this pattern; I hope it brings you the rewards it has brought me.','Do you have the six thick armor kits and the wildvine I require?$b$bThink of making armor kits as a lesson in steady and reliable crafting; the consistent fashioning method you develop as you ply your trade on these kits helps develop your skills for the intricate work needed to make Wild Leather armors.$b$bEvery lesson has a purpose, $N. It is important to embrace each one accordingly.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1732insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1687,2856,'Wild Leather Vest','Wild Leather vests are the staple of any Wild Leather armor set.  The frame of the vest and the wildvine weave within it produces a product that offers maximum protection of the torso while allowing for potent magic to work its way through the garment.$B$BFor this pattern, I will require two Turtle Scale breastplates, two sets of Turtle Scale gloves, and a wildvine.  This is not an easy lesson, but it is one you certainly have the skill to complete.','Bring 2 Turtle Scale Breastplates, 2 Turtle Scale Gloves, and a Wildvine to Jangdor Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.','These are some very nice pieces here, $N. The craftsmanship and care put in to making these show you have chosen to dedicate yourself fully to these tasks.$b$bYou\'ve met my requests, and with that comes your reward. The knowledge of making Wild Leather vests is now yours!','Do you have the two Turtle Scale breastplates and gloves? Also, don\'t forget the wildvine!$b$bEven with the earliest patterns, we learn that the fundamentals of shape translate well into more difficult garments. Though different items, the shape of the Turtle Scale breastplates prepares you for the detailing needed to make a Wild Leather vest.$b$bAs you progress through your lessons, the skills I teach will become as art.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1733insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1688,2857,'Wild Leather Helmet','A Wild Leather helmet offers the wearer superior protection to the vital areas of the head without a sacrifice in comfort.  As with all Wild Leather armor, the integrated wildvine yields a powerful but random magic imbuement to the helm\'s frame.  Leather wearers will definitely want this piece!$B$BFor this pattern, I will need two Nightscape tunics, 2 Nightscape headbands, and a wildvine.  Complete this lesson and the pattern will be yours!','Bring 2 Nightscape Tunics, 2 Nightscape Headbands, and a Wildvine to Jangdor Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.','This Nightscape equipment you have supplied perfectly meets the requirements I have given to you, $N. I expect no less from a leatherworker of your caliber.$b$bYou have earned the honor of crafting Wild Leather helmets. I give this pattern to you freely, and hope you will profit from it accordingly.','I need those tunics and headbands made, and I also need that piece of wildvine before I will share with you the knowledge of Wild Leather helmets.$b$bHead gear is highly coveted amongst adventurers, whether it be a disarmingly simple headband or a full-covering helmet. The fundamentals of creating valued head gear remain constant, no matter what the cosmetic appearance of the gear is.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1734insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1689,2858,'Wild Leather Boots','Your knowledge of Wild Leather armor grows, $n; still, there is more for you to learn.$B$BWild Leather boots are the cornerstone of any set.  Such boots are crafted to cradle the foot in comfort while bracing it against the hazards of adventuring.  The soft soles are a blessing to those seeking quiet movement in footwear.$B$BFor this pattern, I need two Nightscape pants and two Nightscape boots crafted.  I also will require two wildvines... not just one.  When you have these items, we will proceed.','Bring 2 Nightscape Pants, 2 Nightscape Boots, and 2 Wildvines to Jangdor Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.','Once again, you have produced items with the skill of a seasoned professional. You have earned this pattern, as well as my congratulations.','The pants, boots, and wildvines need to be delivered to me before you learn the pattern, $N. Have you done as I asked?$b$bFrom the earliest pair of boots we learn how to make, we start to understand that a quality boot needs to ride a razor\'s edge between comfort and function. With both, we are able to create items that allow the wearer to ignore fatigue that would cripple those wearing lower quality goods.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1735insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1690,2859,'Wild Leather Leggings','You are ready to master more complex lessons, $n.  Wild Leather leggings are some of the sturdiest and powerful leather gear around.  The waist, thighs, calves, and the vitals - all are given tremendous protection.  Coupled with the enhancement that the wildvine provides, adventurers who own it will thank you each time they see you.$B$BFor you to gain this pattern, I need two Turtle Scale helms, two Turtle Scale bracers, and two wildvines.','Bring 2 Turtle Scale Helms, 2 Turtle Scale Bracers, and 2 Wildvines to Jangdor Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.','Again, you\'ve completed my task without flaw. Perhaps some day I will come to YOU seeking knowledge, eh $N?$b$bHere is the pattern for the leggings, along with my thanks. Commit this lore to your knowledge, and let your finished products tap into your impressive skills!','Do you have the Turtle Scale bracers and helms ready? Don\'t forget the two wildvines I require.$b$bBy now, you\'re starting to realize the potential power that lies in Wild Leather armor. An armor that has no boundaries in application is nearly invaluable to a leatherworker. The limits are only in the quantities of resources to make the items - not the quality of the finished products!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1736insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1691,2860,'Master of the Wild Leather','$n, you have learned all I am able to teach you.  There is, however, one remaining pattern for Wild Leather armor.  I will not require you to toil needlessly for this; you\'ve earned it outright, and then some.  This pattern, however, is one that I cannot freely share with you.$B$BMy teacher, the one who brought me into the craft, is the one who must reward you.  Take this note to Una; she teaches leatherworking in Thunder Bluff.  Show her the letter, and let her acknowledge you as an equal, as I do.','Give Jangdor\'s Letter to Una, the master leatherworker of Thunder Bluff.','Ah yes, Jangdor sent you. I am pleased to see that one of my finest students now has a student of his own.$b$bHis dedication and his talents with leather are impressive. For him to compliment you so in this letter, it is a sign of respect I acknowledge.$b$bI am aware that he has taught you the art of Wild Leather. Allow me to finish your training with this pattern. Make good use of it; few in the world know the secrets of Wild Leather cloaks.','Greetings, troll... from your countenance I can tell you are a leatherworker as am I. Have you come to draw from my skills, or perhaps you have other business with me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1737insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1692,2861,'Tabetha\'s Task','Rumor is that Tabetha, a mage colleague who lives deep in Dustwallow Marsh, has a bone to pick with a certain sand troll in Zul\'Farrak.  If you speak with Tabetha she can tell you more.$B$BAnd bring some friends with you, $N.  If Tabetha has you go to Zul\'Farrak then you\'re not going to want to go alone.$B$BYou will find Tabetha\'s cottage west of Theramore, and just north of the Stonemaul Ruin.','Speak with Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.','That\'s right. I do have a bone to pick with a troll. A few bones. All her bones!$b$bWant to help me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1738insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1693,2862,'War on the Woodpaw','The gnolls... they are more than a nuisance.  They are a constant threat to the existence of this very camp!  It is irrelevant whether they are indigenous to Feralas or not; if we do not strengthen our resolve against them, we will find ourselves driven out of the entire region.$B$BThe gnoll attacks against the camp have become more fevered as of late.  We need your aid in thinning their numbers; bring to me ten of their manes, and I will reward you handsomely for your effort.$B$BGo!','Bring 10 Woodpaw Gnoll Manes to Hadoken Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.','This is proof of a good start, $N. Your skills as a soldier are to be commended.$B$BYou are not the only one I ask that task of. Many before you have fought them, and in times past our efforts have kept them at bay. Recently though, their attempts to push northward into our area of influence have increased dramatically. Their attacks have also become more savage... almost as if they were desperate.$B$BI have a plan though, $N, that might settle things once and for all against them...','We drive them back, and yet they still attack! Someone or something must be driving them into a frenzy... oh, you have returned, eh $N? Do you have the manes I require for the bounty to be met?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1739insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1694,2863,'Alpha Strike','The plan is for various leaders of the gnolls - Alphas as they call themselves - to be taken down within rapid succession.  If we\'re able to execute this sort of swift and precise devastation against them, it would cause chaos in their ranks.  Perhaps it would also drive a message through their thick flea-bitten heads that we can and will destroy them!$B$BI want you to be the messenger of my will; eliminate five of their Alphas within one hour for this to work $N, or we\'ll remain at this impasse!','Kill 5 Woodpaw Alphas and return to Hadoken Swiftstrider within one hour.','You\'ve done as I have asked, and for that I salute you. Take this small reward as compensation for your efforts, $N.$B$BWith their numbers thinned and their leaders slain, the gnolls will think twice about storming the camp. This doesn\'t conclude the issue at hand, however...$B$BThere must be some reason why the gnolls have been whipped into such a frenzied state. Before they have a chance to regroup though, I want to find out what is causing it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1740insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1695,2864,'Tran\'rek','My cousin Tran\'rek is in a tight spot.  He promised me a load of scarab shells weeks ago and he hasn\'t delivered.  He\'s my cousin, so I\'d hate to have to send someone to Gadgetzan to break something on him.$B$BCan you speak to Tran\'rek for me?  Let him know he needs to get that delivery together before I do something rash?$B$BGadgetzan is in northern Tanaris, in Kalimdor.','Speak with Tran\'rek in Gadgetzan.','Hello!$B$BOh, you spoke to my cousin Krazek?  How is he?  I hope Booty Bay is treating him well...$B$BScarab shells, you say?  Well... let me tell you a story...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1741insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1696,2865,'Scarab Shells','The scarabs of Tanaris have very hard shells!  Hard enough to use as a building material for lots of things.  So many things!$B$BIn fact, those shells are so useful... the scarabs were hunted all to near extinction!$B$BI know where there are more scarabs, and if you promise to bring me their shells then I\'ll tell you where they are.  Promise?$B$BOk, the scarabs have a colony in Zul\'Farrak.  I guess the trolls don\'t hunt them for their shells.$B$BBut you can!  Go to Zul\'Farrak and get me uncracked shells!','Bring 5 Uncracked Scarab Shells to Tran\'rek in Gadgetzan.','Oh, great!  You got them!$B$BThanks, $N.  You\'re a real lifesaver!','Do you have the shells?  My cousin in Booty Bay is waiting for a load of them, and he\'s getting impatient!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1742insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1697,2866,'The Ruins of Solarsal ','To our south are the Ruins of Solarsal; this is an area that far pre-dates modern times.  We explored the ruins initially and found nothing of note; as such, we left it in peace.$B$BVery recently, the Hatecrest naga have occupied these ruins in alarming numbers.  At first, we considered it as the precursor for an attack.  Though that threat is still possible, we believe there might be something else going on.$B$BGo there, explore the ruins, and look for anything that stands out to you. Good luck, $n.','Explore the Ruins of Solarsal and investigate the presence of the naga there.','Examining the gazebo reveals some interesting and unusual things in contrast to the surrounding ruins.$B$BFirst, the gazebo is clearly a more recent construction than the other objects in the ruins.  Second, the gazebo has a small series of glyphs engraved into the sides of it; the glyphs repeat in their pattern, but it otherwise is unknown in origin and meaning.  Third, the stone of the gazebo itself is warm to the touch.$B$BThis certainly quantifies as \"standing out\" in the search of the ruins!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1743insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1698,2867,'Return to Feathermoon Stronghold','With the discovery of the strange gazebo in the heart of the Ruins of Solarsal, the time has come to return to Feathermoon Stronghold and report to General Shandris Feathermoon what has been discovered here.','Return to Shandris Feathermoon in the Feathermoon Stronghold and report your findings.','Welcome back, $N.  Your report on this gazebo is most... disturbing.  It would seem that even if the naga there were not planning on an attack, their continued presence bodes ill for our push into Feralas.  At any rate, here is compensation for your investigation.$B$BIt would seem that Feathermoon Stronghold is in dire need of additional assistance concerning the Hatecrest naga.  I\'d like to offer you the task, if you are so inclined.  There is much to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1744insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1699,2869,'Against the Hatecrest','The best course of action at this point is to assume that, regardless of what the naga are up to, they will eventually move to secure the island for their own.  We need to take aggressive steps to counter that threat before it is too late.$B$BBring me ten Hatecrest Scales that are in good condition; it should be obvious to you how to acquire them.  You\'ll cut your teeth on the naga for the first time, and we\'ll have a weakened naga presence on Sardor Isle - both are prospects that play to our advantage.','Bring 10 Hatecrest Naga Scales to Latronicus Moonspear in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Yes, yes, these scales are more than satisfactory.  Actually, I think I will send these down to Pratt for him to take a look at.  Maybe he can craft something useful out of them.$B$BAs for you, I have another mission I want to send you on.  But first, here is your bounty for the scales.  Your continued service to the General and Feathermoon Stronghold at large is a blessing in the face of adversity.','$N, if you\'re here to verify the task given to you, then excellent - it is ten Hatecrest scales I seek.  If you are here for chit-chat, then I am currently unavailable for such trivialities.$B$BKnow this - we night elves are not warmongers.  Our race is dedicated to the preservation of peace and harmony.  This does not mean, however, that we will not proactively protect our own interests.  This is my duty to General Feathermoon, and to the stronghold.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1745insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1700,2870,'Against Lord Shalzaru','$n, new scouting reports have given us a good idea on the naga chain of command.  Royalty is present amongst their rank and file, and they\'re the ones calling all the shots.$B$BSpecifically, we\'ve identified one of the crueler royals as Lord Shalzaru.  Scouts report that he himself has uncovered an odd relic during a recent naga excavation in a cave south of the main ruins, across the water on the Isle of Dread.$B$BPut a stop to it by putting a stop to him, and bring me his relic so we can study it.','Eliminate Lord Shalzaru, and then bring the Mysterious Relic he uncovered to Latronicus Moonspear in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Well played, $N! Lord Shalzaru\'s demise will throw the naga into disarray for some time, if not permanently.  The threat they pose is now under more of our control than it has ever been, and we have you to thank for it.$B$BHere is more bounty money from the stronghold treasury - you\'ve earned every copper.  You and yours are welcome in Feathermoon Stronghold anytime, my friend.$B$BOne more thing before you depart, $N... if you could...','Bringing down Lord Shalzaru would certainly set their plans back weeks, if not months.  On top of that, the relic he uncovered is of definite interest to us.$B$BHave you performed the mission given to you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1746insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1701,2871,'Delivering the Relic','If you would be so kind as to deliver the relic to my wife Vestia, I would appreciate it.  She\'s not only a fine priestess for our community, but she is one of the most well-versed scholars you\'ll find anywhere.  I couldn\'t make heads or tails of this device even if there was a wager involved.  My wife though, if anyone can figure out what this thing is, she could... and we need to know!$B$BShe\'s just around the bend, no doubt studying.  Thanks, $n.','Deliver the Mysterious Relic to Vestia Moonspear in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Interesting... this came from the Ruins of Solarsal, you say?  Well, Latro\'s right that I need to look at this.  At first glance, it seems non-indigenous to the ruins.  Then again, this isn\'t of naga design... not something as alien as this.$B$BIt is going to take some time to research this item.  Once my research on it is done, maybe I will make use of your talents, should you be around.$B$BHere, take one of these extra items we have; I hope you\'ll find some use for it!','Yes, may I assist you?$B$BHold on, you\'re the $C that has been helping General Feathermoon and Latro out with the naga threat, yes?  I\'m Vestia, Latro\'s - erm, rather, Latronicus\' wife.  It is a pleasure to meet you!$B$BI\'m sorry, you\'re here on business, of course.  Do you have something for me - from him, perchance?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1747insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1702,2872,'Stoley\'s Debt','My old buddy Stoley owes me a very special bottle of rum.  He tends the bar at Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris, Kalimdor,  and he promised me that the rum there is stronger than anything we can find in Booty Bay.  He\'s so confident that he says if I try that rum and don\'t agree with him, then he\'ll double the money he owes me!$B$BWell, I think he\'s not as confident as he was when last we spoke, and now he\'s afraid to give me that rum.  But I don\'t back down from wagers, so why don\'t you talk to him for me...','Speak with Stoley in Steamwheedle Port.','Ah, so you\'ve been speaking with MacKinley, have you?$b$bIt\'s not what he thinks! I\'m not afraid to give him some Steamwheedle Bilge Rum...$b$bI just don\'t have any rum to give him!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1748insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1703,2873,'Stoley\'s Shipment','I owe \"Sea Wolf\" MacKinley in Booty Bay some rum, to settle a bet, but I\'m all out of rum!  Captain Cuergo stole my last shipment, and he has it stowed in that walled pirate town to the south.$B$BIf you can find my shipment of rum and return it to me, then I can prove to MacKinley that Kalimdor\'s booze beats the dirt out of Booty Bay!','Bring Stoley\'s Shipment to Stoley in Steamwheedle Port.','Great, thanks for the shipment! Now MacKinley and I can finally settle our wager.','Did you find my shipment of rum, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1749insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1704,2874,'Deliver to MacKinley','Thanks again for your help, $N.  Here\'s a bottle of Steamwheedle bilge rum.  Take it to MacKinley and he can finally put to rest his crazy beliefs about Booty Bay booze.','Bring Stoley\'s Bottle to \"Sea Wolf\" MacKinley in Booty Bay.','Hm, let\'s try this...$b$bI can\'t believe it! This stuff is... terrible! That\'s great!$b$bWell I guess Stoley can keep the money he owes me. He\'s true to his word about Steamwheedle bilge rum. That stuff is as thick as gravel and burns like lava!','Did Stoley cough up my booze?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1750insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1705,2875,'WANTED: Andre Firebeard','The vile pirate Andre Firebeard is wanted for crimes against Steamwheedle and Gadgetzan.$B$BBy decree of governing counsel, any who read this are hereby authorized to use lethal force during the apprehension of Andre and his abettors.$B$BBy further decree, should Andre be deceased, or otherwise indisposed, during the time of his hearing, his head may act as proxy, and deliverance of such head to Security Chief Bilgewhizzle constitutes a binding, and tenderable, contract.','Bring Andre\'s Head to Security Chief Bilgewhizzle in Steamwheedle Port.','Ah, Andre\'s head. So I guess he\'ll make his trial after all!$b$bMuch appreciated, $N. Now if you\'ll just sign here, I can issue you payment for services rendered.$b$bDon\'t worry about the small print. It\'s harmless, and... I don\'t think there\'s a magnifying glass small enough to read it anyway.','You look a little dazed. Have you been reading our legal documents?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1751insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1706,2876,'Ship Schedules','This scroll contains the schedules of shipments between Steamwheedle Port and Booty Bay. Both past and future shipments are included, along with ship names, with large \'X\'s next to some ships\' journeys, and annotations like \"GREAT LOOT\" and \"HARD FIGHT\" next to others.$B$BSomeone at Steamwheedle Port would want to see this document.','Report the Ship Schedules to an authority in Steamwheedle Port.','Oh my, this looks to be a list of ship departures and arrivals, with accurate dates and times and everything!  If the captain of a pirate ship got his hands on this, he could have himself a field day!$B$BYou say you got this from a pirate?  Well that\'s disturbing news...$B$BThank you, $N.  I\'m glad you took it from him, and I\'m glad that pirate\'s eating dirt right now!','You look out of breath.  You have something to tell me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1752insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1707,2877,'Skulk Rock Clean-up','We Wildhammers remember the past, more than our brothers in Ironforge.  If you want to make friends here, then you get your hands dirty for us!$B$BThe Horde abandoned their positions in the Hinterlands around Skulk Rock; it\'s now overrun with nasty sludges and oozes.  We\'ve got plans on that area, but first we need a clean-up crew to make a hole for us.$B$BThat\'s where you come in, Sunshine!  Head down there and take out ten green sludges and ten jade oozes, then report back to me here.  Move out!','Kill 10 Green Sludges and 10 Jade Oozes, and then report back to Fraggar Thundermantle in Aerie Peak.','Well look at you, helping out the Wildhammers!  You\'re a $c of action, and action is what we respect around here.$B$BYour little clean-up mission is a lot more important than you might think it is.  With folks thinning out the oozes and sludges, we\'ll be able to extend our sphere of influence in no time. Here - have a little something in addition to just making new friends here in Aerie Peak!','Make no effort to negotiate the mission at hand, $r!  If the gods had wanted those oozes killed, they would have miracled it done by now, wouldn\'t they?!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1753insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1708,2878,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1754insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1709,2879,'The Stave of Equinex','This stave might be the Stave of Equinex! The Stave of Equinex is actually a key, used to unlock the Equinex Monolith in the Ruins of Ravenwind, on the mainland west of the Dream Bough.$B$BFind the four flames that still burn in those ruins: Samha, Imbel, Byltan, and Lahassa. Retrieve their essence and then while standing by the Equinex Monolith, use the essences to energize the stave. If this is truly is the Stave of Equinex, you will be able to unlock the Monolith and gather a sacred artifact from it.','Energize Troyas\' Stave and find the Equinex Monolith.','Holding the energized stave is almost impossible. Its power rumbles through your body.$B$BYou reach out to the cold surface of the Equinex Monolith...$B$BA small door opens, allowing you to reach in and take the artifact inside.$B$BBeams of light fill the area around the Equinex Monolith.','The Equinex Monolith stands silently among the ruins. What could it be holding?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1755insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1710,2880,'Troll Necklace Bounty','Get this straight, $r - we are NOT part of the Alliance!  The Wildhammers are independent, relying on deeds and actions to prove one\'s worth, rather than the blather of those who use jibber-jabber to bolster their do-nothing attitudes!$B$BIf you\'re looking for friends here, then prove your worth to us first!  The foul trolls that choke the hillsides of the Hinterlands sometimes carry tribal necklaces.  Bring five of them to me, and we\'ll mark it down as a step in the right direction for you.','Bring 5 Troll Tribal Necklaces to Fraggar Thundermantle in Aerie Peak.','Now that\'s what I am talking about!  See - these necklaces prove that you\'re willing to get your hands dirty.  We Wildhammers value that in those we associate with.$B$BYou keep this up, and you\'ll be in our good graces yet.','I want five of those tribal necklaces the trolls carry on them.  If you need it spelled out further, then killing one of them stands you a good chance of getting one!$B$BProve your worth to the Wildhammers!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1756insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1711,2881,'Troll Necklace Bounty','Get this straight, $R - we are NOT part of the Alliance! The Wildhammers are independent, relying on deeds and actions to prove one\'s worth, rather than the blather of those who use jibber-jabber to bolster their do-nothing attitudes!$B$BIf you\'re looking for friends here, then prove your worth to us first! The foul trolls that choke the hillsides of the Hinterlands sometimes carry tribal necklaces. Bring five of them to me, and we\'ll mark it down as a step in the right direction for you.','Bring 5 Troll Tribal Necklaces to Fraggar Thundermantle in Aerie Peak.','Now that\'s what I am talking about! See - these necklaces prove that you\'re willing to get your hands dirty. We Wildhammers value that in those we associate with.$B$BYou keep this up, and you\'ll be in our good graces yet.','I want five of those tribal necklaces the trolls carry on them. If you need it spelled out further, then killing one of them stands you a good chance of getting one!$B$BProve your worth to the Wildhammers!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1757insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1712,2882,'Cuergo\'s Gold','This map shows a stretch of beach with a southern face.  Below the map are words, elegantly written...$B$B$BSouth of Wheedle$BSouth of home$BFind a mast and flag and bones$BDig you there, if you be bold$BDig and claim Cuergo\'s gold!$BA key you\'ll need and a key you\'ll see$BThe men you face take blood as fee.','Find Cuergo\'s gold!','Captain Cuergo\'s hidden treasure awaits!','This chest is locked!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1758insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1713,2902,'Woodpaw Investigation','Gnolls aren\'t the sharpest tools in the shed, but they will no doubt have some sort of documented strategy on their recent activity.  If we were to find those plans, then we\'d have a clearer idea of what is making them so worked up.$B$BI want you to head back to the Woodpaw and find anything that might resemble their battle plans.  They have to have something; their attacks have been too coordinated to be done without them.  Find them, and return to me when you have them.','Find the gnoll battle plans somewhere in the gnoll camps to the south of Camp Mojache.','Examining the map reveals it to be the battle plans that Hadoken Swiftstrider wants. Numerous arrows that perhaps represent troop movements are drawn on the map, though most seem to be headed toward the south rather than to the north where Camp Mojache lies.$B$BAnother section of the map has a picture of what you think is a large insect of some kind, with various tick marks under it. From the looks of the gnolls, it perhaps represents their losses against the unknown bugs...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1759insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1714,2903,'The Battle Plans','With the battle plans of the gnolls discovered, all that now remains is to bring the plans back to Hadoken Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.  Perhaps he or someone there can make further sense of what the gnolls are up to.','Bring the Woodpaw Battle Plans to Hadoken Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.','Ah, this is exactly what we needed. While I am not so skilled at ciphering what most of the scrawling on this map is, I\'ve seen enough battle plans in my day to understand what is happening with the gnolls. It looks like they are currently fighting a two front war. One is with us... but it seems that their main energy has been against a foe to their south.$B$BThere\'s more at hand here than meets the eye. Perhaps it is time to figure out who this other foe they face really is.','Welcome back $N - were you able to find some tangible evidence as to the plans of the gnolls?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1760insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1715,2904,'A Fine Mess','<Kernobee groans.> Wha.. What happened?$B$BThe last thing I remember is being captured by a group of dark iron dwarves, beaten to within an inch of my life and then thrown in here with these filthy troggs.$B$BGet me out of here, $N!$B$BHere\'s the plan: Lead me to the exit; if we make it out alive, you go to Booty Bay and let Scooty know that I went to Ratchet to warn Tinkerwiz of the dark iron\'s involvement in the making of that super rig.$B$BLet\'s get going!','Escort Kernobee to the Clockwerk Run exit and then report to Scooty in Booty Bay.','I suppose you should be rewarded for bringing Kernobee back to us in one piece, $N. If you go back to Gnomeregan, these might give you the edge you\'ll need in defeating that good-for-nothing backstabber, Mekgineer Thermaplugg.','','Kernobee Rescue','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1761insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1716,2922,'Save Techbot\'s Brain!','When our beloved city Gnomeregan fell, a rogue spark must have jolted my poor creation, Techbot.  It once aided me and my associates with its countless gizmos and limitless store of information, but its positronic brain has polarized.  Now it\'s negatronic... and Techbot\'s behaviors are reversed.  It roams Gnomeregan in a frenzy!$B$BBut perhaps it can be salvaged.  Perhaps, if you can retrieve Techbot\'s memory core and bring it to me, I can discover the cause of the polarization and fix my poor Techbot.$B$B','Bring Techbot\'s Memory Core to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.','Oh, this is wonderful!  Thank you, $N!  I\'ll get to work immediately!!$B$BPoor, poor Techbot... Don\'t feel bad.  We\'ll get you fixed.$B$BNow, where did I put that plug for my hydro-jack swivel spanner...','Did you find Techbot?  Did you retrieve its memory core??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1762insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1717,2923,'Tinkmaster Overspark','Tinkmaster Overspark is very upset with the fate of his mechanical creation, Techbot.  I remember Techbot as a kind and helpful tool for the gnomes, but Overspark tells me it\'s malfunctioned.$B$BVery sad.  But with luck perhaps he can be fixed!$B$BSpeak with Tinkmaster Overspark, in Tinker Town in Ironforge.  He would welcome your help.','Speak with Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.','Yes it\'s true. Techbot has gone $C! Please, can you help me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1763insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1718,2924,'Essential Artificials','A nigh-universal mechanical component--the essential artificial--was of great use to the tinkers and smiths of Gnomeregan.  But during the frantic exodus from our city, no one remembered to take any of these devices with them!  And I need a large supply of them for work I will soon undertake.$B$BPlease, go into Gnomeregan and get me some essential artificials.  You\'ll find them in the deeper areas of our city, held in containers called artificial extrapolators.$B$BThank you, $N, and please hurry!','Bring 12 Essential Artificials to Klockmort Spannerspan in Ironforge.','You got them!  Now I can begin my new experiments!$B$BI can\'t thank you enough, $N!  Your bravery has advanced gnomish research by a leap and a bound!','Do you have the essential artificials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1764insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1719,2925,'Klockmort\'s Essentials','A gnome friend, Klockmort Spannerspan, sent word to me from Ironforge.  He tells me he needs help on a dangerous, but essential, mission into Gnomeregan, the once great gnome city now contaminated and filled with mad gnomes and their devices.$B$BI must stay here, but my heart aches to help my friend.  If you can go in my stead, then I would be much indebted to you.$B$BYou may find Klockmort in Tinkertown, in Ironforge.','Speak with Klockmort Spannerspan in Ironforge.','I do!  I do need help with a mission into Gnomeregan.  And you\'re just the $C to do it!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1765insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1720,2926,'Gnogaine','Since the accident, all Gnoarn thinks about or talks about is cleansing Gnomeregan of the trogg infestation and finding a cure for the sickness that plagues it, $N.$B$BLuckily, Razzle and I are close to some kind of cure - either that or the recipe for a really powerful rum. We won\'t know until we test! Naturally, in order to test our theory, we\'re going to need a few things; namely, fallout from the irradiated troggs in Gnomeregan. Fill up this phial with the green glow and bring it back!','Use the Empty Leaden Collection Phial on Irradiated Invaders or Irradiated Pillagers to collect radioactive fallout. Once it is full, take it back to Ozzie Togglevolt in Kharanos.','Excellent work! The time has come to test the new formula. If this works, not only should that captured leper gnome be cured, but I should have a full head of hair! Stand back!','Can\'t you see we\'re trying to cure an entire species of gnomes here??! We need more of the green glow!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1766insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1721,2927,'The Day After','You don\'t think I was always bald, do you? No $g sir:ma\'am;! It was the radiation leak in Gnomeregan that caused this tragic hair loss. Before that day, I had the only gnomefro in all of Azeroth.$B$B<Gnoarn shakes his fist in the air.>$B$BDamn those damned dirty troggs - damn them all!!$B$BPerhaps it\'s not too late, $N. We may still be able to save it - the city I mean! Speak to Ozzie Togglevolt in Kharanos. He and his partner Razzle are working on a solution.','Speak with Ozzie Togglevolt in Kharanos.','I thought the loss of that outstanding head of hair would have been the end of him for sure, but he survived!$B$BI was standing right next to him when he was hit by the radiation bolt. Those delightful brown locks of hair hit the floor in clumps! Clusters! The horror of it all was only compounded when Gnoarn completely freaked out! Oh yes, freaked out I say! Gnoarn touched his bald head in disbelief, the look in his eyes screamed revenge, $N! Then he turned his anger towards the troggs!$B$B<Ozzie cringes.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1767insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1722,2928,'Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators','It\'s terrible, $N. We are not going to have enough parts to get our fleet of gyrodrillmatic excavationators to Dun Morogh.$B$BWhat we need are spare parts, $N. What better place to get the spare parts for our vehicles than Gnomeregan? I hear that bots and mechs roam around that place like cattle on an open range.$B$BWhat I need you to do is go to Gnomeregan and tear apart those robots. Bring me back their robot guts. Two dozen should be sufficient.\r\n','Bring twenty-four Robo-mechanical Guts to Shoni in Stormwind.','This will do nicely, $N. One gyrodrillmatic excavationator fixed; 398 left to go.','If this were a race, you would have lost by now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1768insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1723,2929,'The Grand Betrayal','I trusted Thermaplugg, $r. Never did I expect that he would betray me and the entire gnomish people. And for what? Power? Wealth? All things that he would have had in time. Now we have been displaced from our home and that madman is in charge. The king of nothing....$B$BWe will retake Gnomeregan, $N. We will not stop until the city is back in our control. If you wish to join in our fight, a simple task I ask of you: Kill the betrayer. Destroy Mekgineer Thermaplugg.','Venture to Gnomeregan and kill Mekgineer Thermaplugg. Return to High Tinker Mekkatorque when the task is complete.','I like to think that the last thing that went through his head as he collapsed to the ground was your foot, <race>. With Thermaplugg dead, our plans to retake Gnomeregan are one step closer to becoming a reality.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1769insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1724,2930,'Data Rescue','When we fled Gnomeregan, we left so much data behind!  Vitally important data!$B$BI need the data on a prismatic punch card, from a Matrix Punchograph 3005-D high security terminal, deep in Gnomeregan.  You must access the terminal, but to do that you first need clearance... and to get that you must access lower security terminals-- models -A, -B and -C.  And to do THAT you need security punch cards, starting with white... and we left all the punch cards in the city.$B$BIt\'s a catastrophe!  Can you help?','Bring a Prismatic Punch Card to Master Mechanic Castpipe in Ironforge.','You did it!  You found the prismatic punch card and recovered the lost data!  Vitally, critically, immeasurably important data that we could not live another moment without!$B$BYour service to the gnomes will be long remembered, $N.','Do you have the prismatic punch card??','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1770insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1725,2931,'Castpipe\'s Task','Master Mechanic Castpipe in Ironforge has need of adventurers!  He\'s organizing bands to reenter Gnomeregan on a data retrieval mission of top security and importance.$B$BCastpipe might not be a member of the Enlightened Assembly of Arcanology, Alchemy and Engineering Sciences like I am, but he\'s still a smart gnome so if he thinks it\'s important, then by my calculations there\'s an eighty-four percent probability that it really is important!$B$BThose are good odds!','Speak with Master Mechanic Castpipe in Ironforge.','I\'m organizing data extraction missions into Gnomeregan.  If you\'re here for that, then listen up!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1771insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1726,2932,'Grim Message','The Witherbark trolls were once allies to the Horde, but they betrayed Thrall... and that must be punished!$B$BHere, take my pike and go to the Hinterlands, far to the north.  You will find it northeast of Tarren Mill, a village held by our allies, the Forsaken.$B$BWhen you enter the Hinterlands, hunt Witherbark trolls.  Gather their skulls and drive my pike into the ground at one of their smaller villages, Hiri\'watha or Zun\'watha.$B$BShow them their vile actions are of consequence!','Gather Witherbark Skulls and place on Nimboya\'s Pike.  Place Nimboya\'s Laden Pike at one of the Witherbark Villages in the Hinterlands, then return to Nimboya in Stranglethorn.','Word reached me of your deed. A grim deed, but one of honor. Let us hope the Witherbarks heed your message.','You have not completed my task, $N.','Place the grim message.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1772insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1727,2933,'Venom Bottles','These bottles hold a vile, green venom.$B$BConsidering the number of bottles in this village, the Witherbarks must deem it very important.  Perhaps an apothecary in nearby Tarren Mill would like a sample.','Bring a Venom Bottle to an apothecary in Tarren Mill.','Ah, and what is this? It appears to be venom... from some arachnoid creature I deem. And where did you get it?','Hello, gentle $C. The day has been long and not a single experiment successful...I hope you bring good news to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1773insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1728,2934,'Undamaged Venom Sac','I must have a fresh sample of the venom you brought me.  The spiders from which it was gathered must dwell in the Hinterlands -- hunt them until you find an undamaged venom sac and bring it to me.  You will find many spiders near the troll city of Shadra\'Alor.$B$BDo not tarry, $N, for the venom sac must be fresh when you deliver it.','Bring an Undamaged Venom Sac to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.','Oh, splendid! The venom is quite fresh and I\'m sure very deadly. Thank you!','Do you have the undamaged venom sac, $N? I yearn to run experiments with its fresh venom, and have ordered a collection of small, terribly cute animals on which to test it!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1774insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1729,2935,'Consult Master Gadrin','The venom from the broodguards wasn\'t as potent as the venom you brought originally.  It must have come from a different spider.$B$BI want a fresh sample of that venom.  To find out where it came from, you must consult with a troll who knows the Witherbark well--Master Gadrin in Sen\'jin Village.  Travel to Durotar and speak with Gadrin.  With luck, he\'ll know where the Witherbarks get their venom.','Speak with Master Gadrin in Sen\'jin Village.','Ah, so you want fresh venom from the spider of the witherbarks, yes? Well, sit down... you\'re not going to like what I have to tell you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1775insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1730,2936,'The Spider God','The Witherbarks worship a spider god, and from her they collect their most potent venom.  So if you want the venom, then you must summon their god!$B$BTo do that, you must know her true name, and that name is on a tablet buried in Tanaris, in the troll city of Zul\'Farrak, in a tomb guarded by Theka the Martyr.$B$BDefeat Theka and find and read his tablet to discover the spider god\'s name.  When you know it, return to me.','Read from the Tablet of Theka to learn the name of the Witherbark spider god, then return to Master Gadrin.','Ah, Elortha no Shadra... speak this name only in whispers, for its utterance carries much weight in the realms of the spirit.$b$bI will put it to parchment and create for you a spell of summoning...','','Find the Spider God\'s Name','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1776insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1731,2937,'Summoning Shadra','Take his parchment, and read it at the altar of Shadra\'Alor, deep within the witherbark realm in the Hinterlands.  This will summon Shadra the spider god.','Defeat Shadra at the altar of Shadra\'Alor, then bring her venom to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.','Sweet, you got it!','Did you get the venom?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1777insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1732,2938,'Venom to the Undercity','The venom you gathered from the Witherbark\'s spider god is quite a find!  I\'ve been able to kill nearly two dozen rabbits with just a drop of the stuff.  Granted, some of those rabbits were very young and small enough to fit in the palm of one\'s hand so I\'m certain their resistance to toxins was low, but it can\'t be denied that this poison is powerful!$B$BI\'d like a sample sent to my superior, Apothecary Faranell in the Apothecarium of the Undercity.  I am positive he would want to test this himself.','Bring Faranell\'s Parcel to Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity.','Ah, very good. Lydon mentioned the poison in this parcel is the most potent he has come in contact with, and is busy working on new applications with it.$b$bWith luck, we will find many.$b$bThank you, $N. Your service to the Royal Apothecary Society is undeniable.','Word was sent of your coming, $N. You have a parcel for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1778insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1733,2939,'In Search of Knowledge','While the ruins of Feralas can be quite dangerous, they have much to tell of what has happened here.$B$BSearching through the rubble to the south a few days ago, I discovered what appears to be a normal stave. However, I just can\'t shake the feeling that there is something more to it. Angelas and I have been poring over our books here, but we can\'t find a thing about it.$B$BI have a colleague in Darnassus that may be able to tell us what this is, $N. Why don\'t you go talk to her and see if she can help us?','Talk to Daryn Lightwind in Rut\'theran Village.','Oh, so Troyas Moonbreeze sent you?$b$b<mutters>...always bothering me with his wild notions that he found something important...$b$bLook, $N, I\'ll be blunt. Troyas always thinks he has found something important in those ruins. The truth is, anything that was truly valuable was probably hoarded away long ago by the ogres or the harpies that now reside there.$b$bYou\'re welcome to take a look around, but I don\'t know if you\'ll find any books here that will help you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1779insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1734,2940,'Feralas: A History','This book looks as if no one has opened it for quite a long time. Its covers are quite worn, and its pages yellowed, but after examining it, you notice that it might be just what Troyas is looking for.$B$BYou pick it up, but realize you should probably ask before borrowing it.','Ask Daryn Lightwind if you may borrow her book.','So, you\'d like to borrow Feralas: A History?$b$bLet me think...$b$bI will allow you to borrow this book, $N, but only if you do something for me first.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1780insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1735,2941,'The Borrower','I have studied many subjects in my time, and my latest fascination is with the snapjaw that occupy the beach in the Hinterlands. There\'s one in particular I\'d like to see, a giant snapjaw named Gammerita. I\'d like to go myself, but my research keeps me here. I think a picture of her would be the next best thing.$B$BTake this letter to Curgle Cranklehop in Tanaris. She has created an invention for me that can capture a picture. She called it a \"snapshot,\" I think...','Take the letter to Curgle Cranklehop in Tanaris.','Are you another one of Daryn\'s interns? She\'s quite a knowledgeable historian, $N. You should be grateful to be studying under her leadership.$b$bNow, let me get the Super Snapper FX. You\'re gonna love it!','A letter -- for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1781insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1736,2942,'The Morrow Stone','The moment the artifact is removed from the Monolith, you feel the energy in the Stave of Equinex begin to fade.','Return the Sparkling Stone and the Stave of Equinex to Troyas Moonbreeze in Feathermoon Stronghold. ','I have been reading since you left, $N. This stone you have found is called the Morrow Stone. While I am not entirely sure what its purpose is yet, you can be sure that it is something of great significance to be hidden away inside the Equinex Monolith the way it was.$B$BI will continue my studies, and I hope I will be able to count on you in the future, $N. Thank you for all your help.','I am glad you have returned, $N. I am eager to hear of your findings.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1782insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1737,2943,'Return to Troyas','Here it is, $N. Please, take care of my book.$B$BNow, hurry along. I\'m sure Troyas is eager for your return.','Deliver the book to Troyas Moonbreeze in Feathermoon Stronghold.','You have brought a book along. Excellent!','Hello, $N. Have you been to Darnassus?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1783insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1738,2944,'The Super Snapper FX','Have the first look at my new invention, $N. All you need to do is target whatever it is you\'d like to take a picture of, and push the button.$B$BWhat was that creature from the Hinterlands that you mentioned? Gammerita? Well, good luck finding her. I\'m sure Daryn will be quite pleased with the snapshot you return to her.$B$BIn any case, here\'s the Super Snapper. Have fun!','Use the Super Snapper FX to take a snapshot of Gammerita, then return to Daryn Lightwind in Rut\'theran Village.','Well! Curgle\'s invention lived up to its expectations.$B$BDon\'t get too excited, but do know that I am pleased with your work, $N.$B$BNow, where did I leave that book...','So, you have finally returned, $N. And you\'ve brought the contraption that Curgle built for me -- perfect.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1784insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1739,2945,'Grime-Encrusted Ring','You have uncovered what appears to be a ring from the corpse of one of the Dark Iron dwarves.  It is difficult to tell what kind of ring it is, however; dirt and hardened residue cake the item completely, making wearing it impossible.  You think you can make out the slight luster of precious metal and maybe even the glint of a gem under the residue.$B$BIf you are going to make use of this ring, you are going to need to find something to get the hardened residue off of it.','Figure out a way to remove the grime from the Grime-Encrusted Ring.','You place the ring inside the Sparklematic 5200 and deposit a silver coin into the slot.$B$BPainful grinding noises emanate from the machine as it begins to jerk around violently.  One can only guess what is happening with the ring inside the machine...$B$BThe machine suddenly stops, trumpeting its cessation with a simple \"Ding!\"  The item receptacle opens up to reveal a small box that is neatly wrapped with a red bow.  It would appear that the Sparklematic 5200 also gift wraps!','The gnomish contraption before you bears a plaque calling it \"The Sparklematic 5200\".  The gist of the machine, from reading the instructions below the plaque, is to scrub away dirt that an item might have.  The machine has a coin slot, accepting three silver coins to start the process once the item is placed inside it.$B$BIt would seem as though the grime-encrusted ring you found earlier is just the thing to try in this machine!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1785insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1740,2946,'Seeing What Happens','We want you to take the miniature discs you found to the sealed gates of Uldum.  We... we aren\'t sure what will happen when you do this.$B$BThis sounds risky, sure, we acknowledge that.  It might, however, do nothing.  You might need to use the discs on something.  Perhaps the doors unlock when you have the discs in your possession.  Be open to try anything, and be ready for anything to happen.$B$BWhen you\'ve found out what happens, return to Ironforge.  We\'ll have a lot to analyze when you\'re done!','Bring the miniature platinum discs to the gates of Uldum in Tanaris and look for clues as to the connection between the two.','As you touch the pedestal, the miniature discs from Uldaman hum and glow in your backpack. A familiar feeling tingle washes over your hands, as the image of another Stone Watcher springs to life in front of the gates of Uldum.$b$b\"Salutations. I am a guardian of entry. The discs that have been used for access are missing the correct entry discs, the Plates of Uldum. Please incorporate these plates with the disc structure and repeat your access sequencing. Thank you.\"','This familiar looking pedestal sticks out of the hot sand. Perhaps there is something to its presence here...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1786insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1741,2947,'Return of the Ring','Opening the box produced by the Sparklematic 5200 reveals what you had suspected - a shiny ring!  Wearing the ring, you feel magic power surge through you body.$B$BInside the band is a small but nonetheless discernable imprint of the seal of Ironforge.  Next to that, three small initials are engraved: \"TdK\".  This may signify either the initials of the previous owner, or perhaps the initials of the ring\'s crafter.  Keep the ring... or return it to this person.  Decisions, decisions...','You may either keep the ring, or you may find the person responsible for the imprint and engravings on the inside of the band.','A ring, you say?  Let\'s see... yep, I made that ring by golly.$B$BBefore Gnomeregan went up, I had a small shop there.  Perhaps it\'s one I left behind when I ran for the hills; it\'s a simple design, and I made several like it.  Maybe it\'s from someone who didn\'t make it out.$B$BDark Iron dwarves had this?  Well, that puts a new layer of conspiracy on the nine different layers already floating about.  Maybe the authorities would like to know; it\'s wasted on the likes of me.$B$BNow, back to the ring...','Hey, easy there partner - I\'m a very important businessman!  I am sure that the courier is just simply late with the delivery of the rent... wait... you\'re not my landlord.$B$BWell, of course you aren\'t - silly me!  You\'ve come to me seeking the finest jeweler in all of Ironforge, one who does NOT make CURSED items!  Yes!$B$BUm... what do you need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1787insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1742,2948,'Gnome Improvement','Listen $n, that ring is yours, sure... but I can make you a better one!  That design, like I said, is really simple.  I am a lot more skilled now, and for the mere fee of thirty silver coins I\'ll spruce it up for you!  Well, a little more than thirty, actually...$B$BI\'m in a tight spot right now; all my material stock is all dried up.  If you bring me a bar of silver and a moss agate, I\'ll add a silver and agate lattice to the ring that will give it a little more pizzazz!$B$BTrust me!','Bring the Brilliant Gold Ring, a Silver Bar, a Moss Agate, and 30 silver coins to Talvash del Kissel in Ironforge.','Ah, exactly what I needed!  Someday, when I find myself out of this hole that I am unjustly in, I will make for you, for EVERYONE the finest trinkets in all of Azeroth!  Until then, thanks for being a sport about the reagents.  I\'d normally charge ten times what I have charged you for a ring of this quality...$B$BSpeaking of rings, here\'s your new one!','Do you have the materials I need?  I wouldn\'t ask you for them if I wasn\'t down on my luck...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1788insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1743,2949,'Return of the Ring','Opening the box produced by the Sparklematic 5200 reveals a shiny ring!  Donning the ring, you feel magic power surge through your body.$B$BInside the band is a small but nonetheless discernable imprint of the seal of Orgrimmar.  Engraved letters are next to it, but only the first three stand out even after cleaning: \"NOG...\"$B$BThis may signify either the initials of the previous owner, or perhaps the initials of the ring\'s crafter.  Keep the ring... or find \"NOG\" - decisions, decisions...','You may either keep the ring, or you may find the person responsible for the imprint and engravings on the inside of the band.','A ring from Gnomeregan?  Let\'s see... not mine, but interesting.$B$BThe Gnomeregan thing - couldn\'t have happened to a nicer bunch of numbskulls.  For years they\'re a joke, and now almost overnight they\'re making better rigs than us?$B$BDark Iron dwarves had the ring?  That\'s even more interesting!  You know, maybe the gnomes stole their crazy golem plans and modified them.  Those Dark Irons, they\'d definitely want some major payback.  It\'s certainly worth investigating.$B$BYou know, about that ring...','You\'d think that we would find a way on our own to outdo those filthy little gnomes.  I would even wager that they stole that rig from us to begin with!  Bah, those greasy, grimy... erm, yes?  You need something?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1789insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1744,2950,'Nogg\'s Ring Redo','No, no, no - I\'m not all of the sudden saying that the ring is mine.  I normally don\'t do this, but your information about the Dark Irons was very useful.  I\'ll improve your ring for you, better than whomever made this simple little thing could have ever done.  Probably some gnome...$B$BIf you bring me a bar of silver, a moss agate, and thirty silver coins for my trouble, I\'ll add a silver and agate lattice to the ring that will strengthen the magic inside of it.  Interested?','Bring the Brilliant Gold Ring, a Silver Bar, a Moss Agate, and 30 silver coins to Nogg in Orgrimmar.','Here\'s your ring, better than before.  Thanks again for the information about those Dark Iron dwarves.  This seems like a reasonable lead as to how those gnomes suddenly were struck with goblin-like inspiration.','Do you have the materials I need?  I can\'t improve on this design without everything I asked for.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1790insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1745,2951,'The Sparklematic 5200!','This contraption stands out amongst the gnomes holding out against the madness outside the room.  A small plaque on the device reads \"The Sparklematic 5200\", followed by some text:$B$B\"Grime and residue ruining your sparklies?  The Sparklematic 5200 puts the shine back in shine-tastic!  Insert the item you wish to clean and deposit three silver coins in the coin slot.  Give the Sparklematic 5200 a moment for operation, and voila!  Your valuables will emerge clean and shiny!\"','Insert a Grime-Encrusted Item into the Sparklematic 5200, and be sure to have three silver coins to start the machine.','You insert the grime-encrusted item and three silver coins into the Sparklematic 5200. The machine surges to life in a frenzied attempt to purge the grime from the unknown item. Loud, violent churning sounds beat from the heart of the machine. The metal frame of the beast creaks and groans as it lurches from side to side...','It would seem that the device needs some sort of grime-encrusted object to clean and three silver coins to get the contraption working. So long as both are present, the Sparklematic 5200 should work...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1791insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1746,2952,'The Sparklematic 5200!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1792insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1747,2953,'More Sparklematic Action','The Sparklematic 5200 comes to life, lurching to and fro. Inside, the helpless grime that has encrusted the object placed within it is being pulverized by the machine\'s gnomish cleaning agent. $B$BThe Sparklematic 5200 comes to a halt, heralded by a familiar \"ding!\" The item receptacle of the machine spirals open, revealing a neatly wrapped box.','The Sparklematic 5200 is empty, awaiting a grime-encrusted object to clean and three silver coins to start!','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1793insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1748,2954,'The Stone Watcher','\"Salutations - I am a guardian of entry.  Unless you have the Plates of Uldum already integrated with your disc set, I will not allow for entry into the Uldum compound.\"$B$BThe appearance of the Stone Watcher of Norgannon must be the reaction that was hoped for in sending you out to the Tanaris desert with the platinum discs.  As instructed, you will need to find out what the story behind the Stone Watcher is before continuing on.','Learn the purpose of the Stone Watcher of Norgannon, and then interact with the Uldum Pedestal in the Tanaris desert.','The stone watcher\'s voice resonates with power and authority:$b$b\"Your discs will be returned to you once you access the pedestal. When you have obtained the Plates of Uldum and incorporated them into your existing disc set, you may then enter the complex.\"','','Learn the purpose of the Stone Watcher of Norgannon','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1794insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1749,2962,'The Only Cure is More Green Glow','Not only was your sample insufficient in quantity, it was also impure.$B$BWhat we require is more green glow. The troggs are obviously not irradiated sufficiently to fulfill our needs. You will have to go into Gnomeregan and bring back some radioactive fallout, straight from the tap. I am speaking of the irradiated slimes, lurkers and horrors. Be warned, the containment of this type of fallout is difficult. You may need to make several attempts with the phial until a suitable sampling is recovered.','Travel to Gnomeregan and bring back High Potency Radioactive Fallout. Be warned, the fallout is unstable and will collapse rather quickly.$B$BOzzie will also require your Heavy Leaden Collection Phial when the task is complete.\r\n','<Ozzie examines you.> Impressive, you still have all of your limbs. Now it\'s time to see what this stuff can do!','Hrm, you\'re not glowing. That\'s a good sign.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1795insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1750,2963,'Portents of Uldum','Greetings once again, $n!  Your discovery inside Uldaman has set the Explorers\' League abuzz with excitement.  The League has been working to unlock the secrets of the miniature platinum discs you found.  Your fortuitous arrival here in the Hall allows me to share with you that we are quite possibly on to something!$B$BHistorian Karnik has uncovered some important clues as to the true origins of the Valley of the Watchers in the Tanaris desert.  He would like to speak with you as soon as possible!','Speak with Historian Karnik in the Hall of Explorers within Ironforge.','I am glad you\'re maintaining your interest in exploration, $N!  With your natural talent and moxie, we could crack open secrets that we never thought were possible!$B$BThe Discs of Norgannon in Uldaman were a repository of vast information; you were only permitted to access the top layers, as it were, of the information stored there.  The Creators were rumored to have more repositories located throughout Azeroth.  This now brings us to Uldum...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1796insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1751,2964,'A Future Task','Well $n... we seem to be at a temporary dead end here.  We know what we need - the Plates of Uldum - but we have no idea where they might be.  We\'ll need to do quite a bit of research on this to come up with a solid plan of attack.  I have a couple ideas where to start looking; I have high hopes that soon, we\'ll be asking you to head out and recover them.$B$BThe High Explorer needs to be informed on this, $n; no doubt, he also wants to thank you personally for once again aiding the League.','Speak with High Explorer Magellas in Ironforge.','We\'re all in agreement then - the best plan of attack is putting this on hold until we can narrow down the areas where these plates might lie hidden.  You\'ve brought us this far $N, and I hope you will be the one to head back in to the field to unlock Uldum for us all!$B$BAllow me to give you this honorarium in the meantime; this should cover any expenses you\'ve encountered in assisting us, and a little something extra.  Be sure to check back with us soon... Uldum beckons!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1797insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1752,2965,'Portents of Uldum','Ah, $n, it is fortuitous that you have come to me again.  Your revelations at the Uldaman dig site have certainly given us sages much discuss.  I was doing just that with one of the druids, Nara Wildmane, when it dawned on me that her past adventuring experiences may have some great importance as to the next step we need to take.$B$BI would like for you to speak with her concerning her travels to the Valley of the Watchers in the Tanaris desert.  She waits for you on the Elder Rise.','Speak with Nara Wildmane on the Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff.','There is a place deep in the Tanaris desert called the Valley of the Watchers.  The discs that you recovered... their translated glyphs make mention of a place called Uldum.  Most think this place to be a myth.$B$BI know this to be false; Uldum exists.  I\'ve been there.  Well... outside, at any rate.$B$BThe crux is this, $N: we think there is a connection between the discs and Uldum, and we want you to go there.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1798insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1753,2966,'Seeing What Happens','Sage Truthseeker and I would like you to take the miniature discs you found to the sealed gates of Uldum.  We... we aren\'t sure what will happen when you do this.$B$BThis sounds risky, sure, we acknowledge that.  It might, however, do nothing.  You might need to use the discs on something.  Perhaps the doors unlock when you have the discs in your possession.  Be open to try anything, and be ready for anything to happen.$B$BLearn what you can, then return to me. We will have much to discuss.','Bring the miniature platinum discs to the gates of Uldum in Tanaris and look for clues as to the connection between the two.','As you touch the pedestal, the miniature discs from Uldaman hum and glow in your backpack.  A familiar feeling tingle washes over your hands, as the image of another Stone Watcher springs to life in front of the gates of Uldum.$B$B\"Salutations.  I am a guardian of entry.  The discs that have been used for access are missing the correct entry discs, the Plates of Uldum.  Please incorporate these plates with the disc structure and repeat your access sequencing.  Thank you.\"','This familiar looking pedestal sticks out of the hot sand.  Perhaps there is something to its presence here...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1799insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1754,2967,'Return to Thunder Bluff','You access the pedestal again; the platinum discs suddenly appear once more in your backpack.$B$BWith the knowledge of the stone watcher learned and the discs returned to your possession, the time has come to return to Thunder Bluff and inform the Nara Wildmane of your discovery.','Speak with Nara Wildmane in Thunder Bluff.','You were missing some discs?  Interestingly enough, it seems that the discs of Norgannon are only parts of the complete set - like keys on a key ring, if you will.$B$BIf we can find the Plates of Uldum, then we could actually access the Uldum complex itself.  I don\'t know whether to be excited by that prospect, or be terrified.$B$BWe may need to risk everything to ensure that those secrets the earth keeps which would destroy us all remain just that - secrets.','Welcome back $N.  Were you able to use the discs to your advantage, or was it for naught?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1800insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1755,2968,'A Future Task','Well $n... we seem to be at an unfortunate impasse.  We know what we need - the Plates of Uldum - but we have no idea where they might be.  We will research this, and then devise a solid plan of attack.  I have a couple ideas where to start looking; I have high hopes that soon, we\'ll be asking you to rejoin our efforts to discover the truth.$B$BSage Truthseeker needs to be informed on this, $n; no doubt, he also wants to thank you personally for once again heeding the call.','Speak with Sage Truthseeker in Thunder Bluff.','We\'re all in agreement then - the best course of action is to wait until we can narrow down the areas where these plates might lie hidden. You\'ve brought us this far $N, and I hope you will be the one to head back in to the field to confront the secrets of Uldum.$B$BAllow me to give you this honorarium in the meantime; this should cover any expenses you\'ve encountered in assisting us, and a little something extra. Be sure to check back with us soon... Uldum beckons us all, young one.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1801insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1756,2969,'Freedom for All Creatures','The filthy Grimtotem clan are capturing faerie dragons, $N. Jer\'kai and I have no idea what they plan on doing with them, but they\'re obviously up to no good.$B$BWe\'re not powerful enough to fight our way into the camp and free the captured dragons, but perhaps with your help...$B$BIf you\'re willing, and you have some strong friends, release the creatures from their cage with this key and make sure they escape with their lives. I\'ll be by your side the entire time. Jer\'kai will remain here.','Using the Bamboo Cage Key, free the Sprite Darters from the pen in the Grimtotem camp. At least 6 Sprite Darters and Kindal Moonweaver must survive.$B$BYou have 6 minutes before Kindal decides it is time to retreat and you fail the quest.','Thank Elune, $N! You are a great blessing to us and to the darters you saved. Jer\'kai and I would never have been able to help the dragons ourselves--your intervention in the Grimtotem\'s affairs will be remembered.$B$BSpeak to Jer\'kai now... I have to prepare for our retribution. Just because the faerie dragons are free, it doesn\'t mean they will remain so. Jer\'kai and I will now go on the offensive.','','Save at least 6 Sprite Darters from capture','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1802insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1757,2970,'Doling Justice','As she\'s already told you, Kindal and I will now take the fight to the Grimtotem. Together, we should still be able to pick off some of the tauren without much threat to ourselves, but we\'d love some help if you\'re willing and able.$B$BYou\'ve seen the camp below us, but there are more to the east. Using your own tactics, deal as much damage to the tauren as you can. We can all meet back here after they\'ve felt the sting of Kindal\'s arrows and your own weapons.','Kill 12 Grimtotem Naturalists, 10 Grimtotem Raiders, and 6 Grimtotem Shamans before returning to Jer\'kai Moonweaver in Feralas.','Kindal was right about you, $N--you do have a knack for this. You are a more seasoned adventurer than the both of us, and for that we thank you.$B$BThe Grimtotem clan is much more hostile than most tauren... I wonder if their own kind frowns upon their actions. I wouldn\'t be surprised. As you are probably aware, many races on Azeroth have ties to less kindly counterparts.$B$BBut that is a discussion for another day.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1803insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1758,2972,'Doling Justice','Out here in the wilderness, Kindal and I have meager means to reward your help, but we don\'t want you to feel unappreciated. Take my signet ring. If you ever find yourself in the boughs of Teldrassil, go to the Temple of the Moon in the heart of Darnassus. There you will find my High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind. The ring will let her know that we are well and give credit to your story.$B$BWe both thank you, $N.','Take Jer\'kai\'s Signet Ring to High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind in Darnassus.','That\'s an amazing story, $N. It pleases us that you\'ve not only helped dragonkind, but also one of our own priestess. Jer\'kai was right to send you to me. I will make sure she has her ring returned to her--I have scouts heading the direction of Feralas soon. This will be one more thing for them to investigate while on their mission.$B$BThank you again, and please, make yourself at home while you\'re here.','Hello, child. It pleases us to have more powerful adventurers here in the temple. If you have the time, will you share a tale or two with the younger adventurers? I know many of them would benefit from your wisdom.$B$BI\'m sorry, look how rude of me. You\'ve come to the Temple seeking our aid, and I impose on you. Please, forgive me. Tell me what the servants of the Light can do for you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1804insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1759,2973,'A New Cloak\'s Sheen','Well met, $c. I\'ve traveled with my companions down to the Feralas on a mission for our Orgrimmar masters.$B$BMy life-mate Korrin finds great pleasure in new clothing, so I aim to make her a new cloak adorned with the gossamer wings of faerie dragons. Would you be able to help me? Sprite darters with gorgeous wings I want are west of Camp Mojache.','Bring 10 Iridescent Sprite Darter Wings to Krueg Skullsplitter in Camp Mojache.','Wonderful, $C! These will do nicely. There are enough here to make a cloak for Korrin, and possibly even more! Thank you.$b$bI hope the trip wasn\'t too dangerous? The area of Feralas is not known for being forgiving, but you\'ve obviously done well enough.$b$bThank you again, $C.','The sprite darters can be dangerous critters when provoked. Be careful when dealing with them, $C. And be even more careful of any night elves in the area. The pestering fools tend to hold up in the forests also.$b$bWhen you\'ve gotten enough of the wings, let me know, I\'ll be sure to reward you well!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1805insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1760,2974,'A Grim Discovery','What!? You came across tauren in the area? You\'re joking! What did they look like!?$B$BThe Grimtotem clan! You found some of them? Belgrom, one of our masters, has an interest in their kind... he\'s even put a bounty on them.$B$BYou have to go back, $c. Go back and bring me their horns... piles of them if you can. The Grimtotem are not to be trifled with or underestimated. Go back and slay them; let the rivers in Feralas run red with their dark blood.','Bring 20 Grimtotem Horns to Krueg Skullsplitter in Camp Mojache.','These are good horns, $C. Well done. I\'ll take these from you and be sure to tell Belgrom as soon as we return to Orgrimmar. You\'ve helped me twice now, and for that, you have my mark. Perhaps in the future I can help you! Good luck to you.','Take my words seriously, $C, the Grimtotem clan is evil. If you\'ve found their whereabouts, then it\'s up to you to return and strike the first blow against their clan... before they can come into our own lands and raze our own villages, or pilfer our lands.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1806insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1761,2975,'The Ogres of Feralas','The effects of the Gordunni Ogre tribe can hardly go unnoticed in this area. Look around, $N; their very presence scars this land. We must push them back before they expand even further into Feralas.$B$BFollow the river north, and you will find their outpost. Decrease their numbers, $N. We must show them that their kind is not wanted here.','Rok Orhan in Camp Mojache wants you to kill 10 Gordunni Ogres, 10 Gordunni Ogre-Magi, and 5 Gordunni Brutes.','Excellent, $N. In time, the land will heal. We must not give up.','Move swiftly, $N. Or is the task I requested too difficult?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1807insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1762,2976,'A Grim Discovery','What?!$B$BAh, so I did mention a bounty, didn\'t I? Well, that\'ll teach me to open my mouth, won\'t it?$B$BYou did the work, so I suppose it is only right you reap the greatest reward from it. Take the horns, I\'ll have them put in a crate for you. Find Belgrom Rockmaul in the Valley of Honor, he\'ll want to know what you saw and he\'ll reward you for your hard work.$B$BBe well, $c, and thank you again for everything you\'ve done.','Bring the Crate of Grimtotem Horns to Belgrom Rockmaul in Orgrimmar.','The Grimtotem!? This is interesting. You say you came across them while hunting in Feralas? Truly?$b$bMy peers will want to hear your news, $C. Tell me more and I\'ll count out your coin while you do so.$b$bAnd before you go, know that I give you thanks for the information you\'ve passed on to me this day.','Be quick, $C, I have much to complete today.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1808insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1763,2977,'Return to Ironforge','You access the pedestal again; the platinum discs suddenly appear once more in your backpack.$B$BWith the knowledge of the stone watcher learned and the discs returned to your possession, the time has come to return to Ironforge and inform the Explorers\' League of your discovery.','Speak with Historian Karnik in Ironforge.','You were missing some discs?  Interestingly enough, it seems that the discs of Norgannon are only parts of the complete set - like keys on a key ring, if you will.$B$BIf we can find the Plates of Uldum, then we could actually access the Uldum complex itself!  Imagine actually exploring the place where the Creators worked without having to bring a huge shovel!$B$BNot that there\'s anything wrong with shovels... or digging...','Welcome back $N.  Were you able to use the discs to your advantage, or did it end up being a wild goose chase?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1809insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1764,2978,'The Gordunni Scroll','Picking up the soiled scroll, you notice that it seems to be depicting some sort of meeting or ceremony. Rok Orhan would be interested in this scroll, and what it might mean to the Gordunni.','Bring the Gordunni Scroll to Rok Orhan in Camp Mojache.','This scroll... You found this in the Gordunni Outpost?','What is this?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1810insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1765,2979,'Dark Ceremony','These seem to be plans for some sort of dark ceremony, $N. From what I can make out, this ritual is conducted by the Gordunni mage-lords.$B$BFind one of these mage-lords, and from him, gather an orb.$B$BThe orb of a mage contains great power, and will help us discover more about this ceremony and the magic that the Gordunni wield.','Rok Orhan in Camp Mojache wants you to find a Gordunni Orb.','This orb will provide us with more information about the Gordunni... which we will then use in planning their downfall, $N.','We must discover more about why the Gordunni are here, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1811insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1766,2980,'The Ogres of Feralas','Now that you have proven that you are a true fighter, I trust that you possess the courage to continue with the task at hand.$B$BTravel to the High Wilderness, southwest of here. There lie some abandoned and destroyed structures, on land that once belonged to the night elves. Look for these ruins, and when you see the withered trees and desecrated terrain, you will find the Gordunni. Push them back.$B$BThese ogres are much stronger than the ones you faced previously, $N. Be aware.','Rok Orhan in Camp Mojache wants you to kill 10 Gordunni Shaman, 10 Gordunni Warlocks, and 5 Gordunni Maulers.','You have proven yourself to be a trustworthy and dependable ally, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1812insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1767,2981,'A Threat in Feralas','Feralas is an ideal location for an accomplished $c to prove $Ghimself:herself;. A tribe of ogres called the Gordunni are the dominant military force there, and their numbers are growing. They must be stopped before they threaten our presence in Feralas.$B$BA warrior I know of named Rok Orhan resides at Camp Mojache in Feralas; go to her. She will tell you more of the situation when you arrive.','Belgrom Rockmaul wants you to speak with Rok Orhan in Camp Mojache.','So, Belgrom sent you. You are just in time, <race>.$B$BLet me explain the situation, and then you can decide if you are up to the challenge... But if Belgrom sent you, I am sure your courage is unquestionable.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1813insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1768,2982,'The High Wilderness','Although it is dangerous, Troyas and I have been investigating the ruins that cover the forests of Feralas.$B$BLately, though, Troyas has been going on his own to the High Wilderness, and I really worry about him. The Gordunni Ogres have taken over that area, and they don\'t take kindly to anyone that enters their territory.$B$BI was hoping you might be willing to travel to the ruins to the southeast and clear out some of the ogres. Make it a little safer for my Troyas, and I will be extremely grateful.','Angelas Moonbreeze wants you to kill 8 Gordunni Warlocks, 8 Gordunni Shaman, and 8 Gordunni Brutes.','I am very grateful you were able to do this for me.$B$BNow, please, don\'t mention a word to Troyas about this...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1814insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1769,2983,'Call of Fire','It\'s been some time since you were tested last, $N. You\'ve been patient thus far in your studies, but it\'s time for you to learn about greater powers... it\'s time you learn real power. The element of fire is yours if you\'re prepared to pay for it.$B$BSeek out Kranal Fiss in the Barrens. He lives in a small dwelling north of the Crossroads, but be mindful, if you\'ve reached the blasted night elf lands, you\'ve gone way too far.','Find Kranal Fiss in the Barrens.','Hmmm, Swart sent you to me, did he?$B$BWell then, Swart could always be trusted, so that must mean you\'re ready to take part of the next sapta--the sapta of fire.$B$BI see it in your eyes already, the burning, the desire. You\'ve tasted power, and now you\'re ready for more of it. Patience, $N. Remember what earth taught you. Power and destruction will come easily, but you must still know when to stay your hand.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1815insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1770,2984,'Call of Fire','Long has it been since you were last tested, $N. You have shown patience thus far in your studies, but the time has come for you to learn more. The time has come for you to learn about destruction... and chaos. The element of fire is yours for the understanding, if you\'re prepared to pay for it.$B$BSeek out Kranal Fiss in the Barrens. He lives in a small dwelling north of the Crossroads, but be mindful, if you\'ve reached the night elf lands, you\'ve gone too far.','Find Kranal Fiss in the Barrens.','Hmmm, Swart sent you to me, did he?$B$BWell then, swart could always be trusted, so that must mean you\'re ready to take part of the next sapta--the sapta of fire.$B$BI see it in your eyes already, the burning, the desire. You\'ve tasted power, and now you\'re ready for more of it. Patience, $N. Remember what earth taught you. Power and destruction will come easily, but you must still know when to stay your hand.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1816insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1771,2985,'Call of Water','You look ready for your next test, $N. You\'ve been patient in your studies, but the time has come for you to learn more. The time has come for you to learn about the purity of water.$B$BSeek out Islen Waterseer in the Barrens. She is along the eastern coast, south of the Southfury River and Ratchet. You will find her there at her fishing hut. Good luck to you, $N.','Find Islen Waterseer in the Barrens.','The wind approaches you quickly from the horizon; the earth is steady beneath your feet; and your spirit is already warmed by fire--I would say it is time for you to learn about the purity of water.$B$BYour path has led you this far, and your spirit will give you the strength to carry on even further. But the first step is yours to take.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1817insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1772,2986,'Call of Water','Long has it been since you were last tested, $N. You have shown patience thus far in your studies, but the time has come for you to learn more. The time has come for you to learn about the purity of water.$B$BSeek out Islen Waterseer in the Barrens. She is along the eastern coast, south of the Southfury River and Ratchet. You will find her there at her fishing hut. Good luck to you, $N.','Find Islen Waterseer in the Barrens.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1818insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1773,2987,'Gordunni Cobalt','I just arrived here in Feralas, and I\'ve heard that the Gordunni Ogres that inhabit the wilds here have some interesting minerals. Who knows what they are up to, but they sure are protective of that stuff! They don\'t leave it just lying around; no, they bury it to protect folks like me from getting their hands on it.$B$BIf you\'d be willing, I\'ll give you my shovel. Go to the Gordunni Outpost north of here and dig me up some Gordunni cobalt. Look for the blue glow, then start digging!','Orwin Gizzmick in Camp Mojache wants 12 samples of Gordunni Cobalt.','Perfect! I will take these along as I continue my travels, $N. I\'m sure I can find someone that will pay a pretty penny for this cobalt.$b$bHere, take this for your trouble.','Get on up there and start digging!$b$bI\'ve got places to go and people to see -- time is money!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1819insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1774,2988,'Witherbark Cages','The son of our mightiest gryphon is gone! Swiftwing\'s heir, Sharpbeak, was lost while hunting with his parents a few days ago, and we believe it was the trolls who took him.$B$BYou must aid us!  Search the cages in the two Witherbark troll villages to see if Sharpbeak is there.','Check the cages at the two Witherbark villages, then return to Gryphon  Master Talonaxe.','Sharpbeak wasn\'t at the villages?  Hm... this is grim news.  That gryphon is destined to lead the next generation of gryphons.  If he is lost then the strength and spirit of our fleet will suffer immensely.','','','Check First Cage','Check Second Cage','Check Third Cage','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1820insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1775,2989,'The Altar of Zul','Sharpbeak was not with the Witherbark trolls.  Perhaps the Vilebranch trolls took him.  Go to the Altar of Zul on the western edge of Vilebranch territory and search for the gryphon child. ','Check the top of the Altar of Zul, then return to Gryphon Master Talonaxe.','Sharpbeak wasn\'t there?  That is bad news, but it is good news too...$B$BIt is good that he was not at the Altar of Zul for the Vilebranch trolls are known for performing sacrifices.$B$BI thank you for all of your aid, but I\'m afraid I have an even greater task ahead.','Hurry, $N!  If the Vilebranch trolls have Sharpbeak, then who knows what they might be doing with him!','Search the Altar of Zul','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1821insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1776,2990,'Thadius Grimshade','Take this feather to Thadius Grimshade, the diviner.  He left Aerie Peak years ago to pursue darker knowledge, but in his heart he is still a Wildhammer!$B$BAnd perhaps his talents can help us find Sharpbeak.$B$BThis feather was taken from the nest where the gryphon child sleeps.  If you give it to Thadius then, with luck, he can use his divining magics to find Sharpbeak.$B$BGood luck, $N.  You will find Thadius in the Blasted Lands, in the mage tower of Nethergarde Keep.','Bring Sharpbeak\'s Feather to Thadius Grimshade in the Blasted Lands.','Ah, yes.  This feather belongs to a fine gryphon.  One destined for great things... if he can survive into adulthood undamaged.$B$BYou wish to find him?  Then listen close, brave $C...','$N, you come bearing a gift?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1822insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1777,2991,'Nekrum\'s Medallion','I\'ll find out where your gryphon is, but first you have to do something for me.  There\'s a troll in Zul\'Farrak, Nekrum Gutchewer, who possesses a medallion I would very much like to study.  Bring me that Medallion and I\'ll use my powers to find Sharpbeak.$B$BZul\'Farrak is across the ocean to the west, in the desert of Tanaris.','Bring Nekrum\'s Medallion to Thadius Grimshade in the Blasted Lands.','Ah, the medallion of Nekrum.  It is rumored to have given the troll an unnatural long life, but at a cost.  I hope to discover a way to reap the medallion\'s power while avoiding its... unpleasant side effects.$B$BYou have done me a service, $N.  I shall now uphold my end of our bargain.','Do you have Nekrum\'s Medallion, $N?  There are powers hidden within it that I am eager to discover.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1823insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1778,2992,'The Divination','Give me room while I perform a ritual of divination.  I will find the connection between the feather you brought me and its owner, and follow that connection to Sharpbeak himself.$B$BThat is... I will if all goes according to plan.  If it does not, then... you better close your eyes.','Wait until Grimshade performs the ritual of divination.','The ritual was a success.  I have seen Sharpbeak and can tell you how to find him.','','Wait for Grimshade to finish','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1824insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1779,2993,'Return to the Hinterlands','Sharpbeak is held in a cage, high on a cliff at the top of Jintha\'Alor in the Hinterlands.  The key to this cage is possessed by the high priestess of the Vilebranch trolls, Vile Priestess Hexx.$B$BThere.  I have done my part.  I bid you fortune on your quest, $N.','Speak with Gryphon Master Talonaxe.','You\'ve spoken with Grimshade?  What did he say?$B$B...What?  The Vilebranch trolls have Sharpbeak?  That\'s unbearable!  We must organize a force to get him back!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1825insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1780,2994,'Saving Sharpbeak','We must save Sharpbeak!$B$BFight your way to the top of Jintha\'Alor in the heart of Vilebranch territory, gain the key to Sharpbeak\'s cage from the vile Priestess Hexx, and then find and save Sharpbeak!','Fight to the top of Jintha\'Alor, kill Vile Priestess Hexx for the key to Sharpbeak\'s cage, and save Sharpbeak.','Swiftwind and Keenclaw returned with their child moments ago, and are fussing over him like new parents.  Seeing them together again is enough to give even this old dwarf mist in the eyes...$B$BWe cannot repay you enough for what you have done, $N.  The gryphons of Aerie peak, and their riders, will sing your name for a long, long time.','Save Sharpbeak!','','','Open Sharpbeak\'s Cage','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1826insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1781,2995,'Lines of Communication','The Quel\'Danil Lodge is a center of communication for the high elves of the Hinterlands. Their ambassadors are working to establish relationships with other races, with whom they share their knowledge of the Witherbark trolls that inhabit the area in the southern Hinterlands. All of the documents regarding the communications are kept at the lodge.$B$BWe don\'t need the Highvale building alliances with others, $N.$B$BDestroy the Highvale documents.  We need to burn their lines of communication... literally.','Oran Snakewrithe in Undercity wants you to travel to the Hinterlands and burn the Highvale Records, Highvale Report, and Highvale Notes.','Perfect, $N. While the Highvale work to recover their lost information, we will be able to seal off the lines even further...','Keeping the Highvale elves isolated is the key. Have you found the lodge?','','Burn the Highvale Records','Burn the Highvale Notes','Burn the Highvale Report','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1827insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1782,2996,'Seeking Strahad','I have taught you skills in the past, but the time has come for another to teach you. He is in Ratchet, and his name is Strahad. He is human, but do not let that fool you into thinking he is weak. He is powerful even though he may be small. He can teach you about more powerful summonings--I feel you are ready. Go to him now. He is in Ratchet... above the port town next to his tower.','Speak to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.','A busy day in Ratchet, isn\'t it? How I enjoy watching the toil of a port city. So much mystery, so much adventure... so much ignorance.$B$BIs that hatred I see in your eyes, $N? Good, we will put that to good use.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1828insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1783,2997,'Tome of Divinity','Hello, $N. I know you\'re busy helping out the people of Dun Morogh, but when you have the time, you should make your way up to Ironforge to speak to one of our most respected ilk: Tiza Battleforge. She\'s the one the younger paladins go to when it\'s time they learn more about the Light and what\'s expected of ya.$B$BYou can find her upstairs in the Hall of Mysteries. If you\'ve never been there, it\'s in the Mystic Ward. Good luck to ya, $N.','Speak to Tiza Battleforge in Ironforge.','Well met, $N. I hope the Light shows you the true path and keeps you safe from evil.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1829insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1784,2998,'Tome of Divinity','Greetings, $Gbrother:sister;. Duthorian Rall, one of our most influential paladins, was speaking about you recently. I overheard him talking about how it was time you be put to the test some... along with some very complimentary things about how well you\'ve performed thus far.$B$BIf I were you, I\'d head to Stormwind and speak to him when you have time. I\'m sure he\'s in the Cathedral of Light--that\'s where he spends most of his time.','Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','It is beautiful here in Stormwind, is it not?$B$BYour timing actually couldn\'t have been better, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1830insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1785,2999,'Tome of Divinity','Hello, $N. I know you\'re busy helping out the people of Dun Morogh, but when you have the time, you should go upstairs and speak to one of our most respected ilk: Tiza Battleforge. She\'s the one the younger paladins go to when it\'s time they learn more about the Light and what\'s expected of ya.','Speak to Tiza Battleforge in Ironforge','Well met, $N. I hope the Light shows you the true path and keeps you safe from evil.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1831insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1786,3000,'Tome of Divinity','Hello, $N. I know you\'re busy helping out the people of Azeroth, but when you have the time, you should return to Ironforge and speak to one of the most respected paladins of your home: Tiza Battleforge. She\'s the one the younger dwarven paladins go to when it is time they learn more about the Light and what\'s expected of all of us.$B$BYou can find her upstairs in the Hall of Mysteries which is located in the Mystic Ward.','Speak to Tiza Battleforge in Ironforge.','I greet you, and bid you welcome, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1832insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1787,3001,'Seeking Strahad','I have taught you skills in the past, but the time has come for another to teach you. He is in Ratchet, and his name is Strahad. He is human, but do not let that fool you into thinking he is weak, nor is he your enemy... at least for now. He is powerful and should be respected. He can teach you about greater summonings, summonings I feel you are prepared for. Go to him now.$B$BYou can find him in Ratchet... above the port town next to the tower there.','Find Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.','A busy day in Ratchet, isn\'t it? How I enjoy watching the toil of a port city. So much mystery, so much adventure... so much ignorance.$B$BIs that hatred I see in your eyes, $N? Good, we will put that to good use.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1833insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1788,3002,'The Gordunni Orb','Although I know my enemy well, I am a warrior, $N. I cannot begin to tell you what this orb is capable of.$B$BI know of a mage in Orgrimmar that will be able to tell us more about the orb. Take it to him. ','Bring the Gordunni Orb to Uthel\'nay in the Darkbriar Lodge in Orgrimmar.','Fascinating, $N...$b$bThis orb is very powerful, but also very dangerous.','What have you brought me, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1834insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1789,3022,'Handle With Care','$N, I can see you yearn to be dedicated to my worthwhile cause. Yes, of course, you can do something for me!$B$BTake this crate of eggs to Erelas Ambersky. He is a druid that cares for these eggs, helping them to hatch and then training the young hippogryphs. You will find him in Teldrassil, in a small village to the south called Rut\'theran.','Bring the Carefully-packed Crate to Erelas Ambersky in Rut\'theran Village.','Thank you for your help, $N. The hippogryph population simply wouldn\'t flourish if it weren\'t for us. Ah, but I am sure you understand all too well, having traveled to Feralas yourself, and seen the devastation of the Gordunni there.$B$BWell, as you can see, I am hard at work here, so you\'d best be on your way.$B$BThanks again, $N.','Another shipment from Curgle, I assume?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1835insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1790,3042,'Troll Temper','The Sandfury trolls of Zul\'Farrak make a tempering agent from sandstones, and I can use that to temper the goods I craft, yes I can!  It is highly prized by connoisseurs, so if you bring me a good supply of the temper, then I\'ll reward you well.$B$BZul\'Farrak is northwest of Gadgetzan.  Good luck.','Bring 20 Vials of Troll Temper to Trenton Lighthammer in Gadgetzan.','Ah, this is very nice temper indeed! And so much of it! I\'ll be at work for days before I use it all!$b$bThank you, $N. Please, take this as payment.','Did you bring me the temper, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1836insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1791,3062,'Dark Heart','Edana Hatetalon is the queen of the Northspring harpies that reside in the ruins to the west. She is pure evil; I have heard that her heart is one of crystal. She is void of any emotion aside from the hate she feels towards all others. You must face Edana and bring me back her dark heart.$B$BI have heard of a horn that harpies carry -- blowing it by the Hatetalon stones, in the northern part of the ruins, will summon the queen.$B$BImagine her surprise when it is not her kin calling her, but her death.','Talo Thornhoof in Camp Mojache wants Edana Hatetalon\'s Dark Heart.','Now I know that Edana is truly dead. This heart; I will keep it in memory of what did here for me, $N. Thank you.','The hate that Edana spreads across the land must be stopped.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1837insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1792,3063,'Vengeance on the Northspring','In my day, I was a seasoned hunter. There wasn\'t any creature around that I feared. Until...$B$BI was out in the forest, sharpening my blade after a tough battle, when I was ambushed. Harpies surrounded me, and I barely managed to drag myself to safety.$B$BEven now, I can still hear their cries echoing...$B$BI was never the same after that. But the hate boils inside of me -- I must get even, after all these years.$B$BThe Northspring harpies can be found to the west of here. $N, get my revenge. ','Talo Thornhoof wants you to kill 4 Northspring Harpies, 4 Northspring Roguefeathers, 4 Northspring Windcallers, and 4 Northspring Slayers.','Thank you, $N. You have put an old tauren\'s mind at peace.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1838insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1793,3065,'Simple Tablet','Ah, while you were gone a parchment came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the warrior trainer Frang. He would have words with you when you\'re ready. You\'ll find him outside the Den, taking cover in the shade.','Read the Simple Tablet and speak to Frang in the Valley of Trials.','You\'ll find this place fitting as you continue to train in the $C ways. If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone around, and when you feel you\'re ready, come back to me for training. I\'ve mastered as much as any $C here in the Valley and can pass that knowledge on to you... for a price.','Another $R to bolster the ranks. Good enough for me.$b$bYou\'ll probably have a hard time hefting a good weapon like an axe, but a spear\'s just as good as anything else.$b$bWelcome to the Valley of Trials.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1839insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1794,3082,'Etched Tablet','Ah, while you were gone a tablet came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the hunter trainer Jen\'shan. She would have words with you when you\'re ready.','Speak to Jen\'shan in the Valley of Trials.','Now we teach them those things, and they teach us others. We become one race... almost. We be allies for long time now. So you remember to help them. And Jen\'shan remember to help you.$b$bJen\'shan teach you da ways of the $C--teach you good. You never forget, $C\'s be respected greatly by da tribe. You be havin\' a large role to play in da future... you never forget that.$b$bWhen you feel da need, come to Jen\'shan. She teach you as much as she can when she feel you ready.','Jen\'shan see a mighty $C before her and da spirits approve.$b$bDa path of da $C is one of our oldest walks of life. Da Horde turned to us when they be just strugglin\' to survive on Azeroth, and they ask us to teach them, to show them the secrets of many tings. They were strong already: strong in $C ways; strong in $C ways. But the $C path not be their path... then.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1840insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1795,3083,'Encrypted Tablet','Ah, while you were gone a tablet came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the rogue trainer Rwag. He would have words with you when you\'re ready.','Read the Encrypted Tablet and speak to Rwag in the Valley of Trials.','Until such time comes, you\'ll be under my tutelage. I will show you the ropes as some folks say. Whenever you feel prepared, come to me and I will see about training you further. Until then, practice your skills and keep them honed to a razor\'s edge. You\'ll never know when you\'ll need even the most insignificant ability.','Welcome to the Valley of Trials, Rangrang. You wouldn\'t be here if you hadn\'t gotten my tablet, so I will get to the point.$B$BI am Rwag and I am responsible for training the rogues, thieves, and cutpurses here in the Valley. I\'m the one the Hand will turn to if you\'re not ready for what\'s to come. But don\'t worry, the Hand won\'t be controlling everything you do, but it would be wise to work with them if they have need of your talents.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1841insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1796,3084,'Rune-Inscribed Tablet','Ah, while you were gone a tablet came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the shaman trainer Shikrik. She would have words with you when you\'re ready.','Speak to Shikrik in the Valley of Trials.','As you probably know, the elements give us our power. Fire, earth, water and air--these are our tools.$b$bOur strength comes from the spirits of our ancestors. We are the leaders of our people. Like Thrall is to the Horde, so shall we be to the villages and towns we visit. They will look to us for wisdom and protection. To be better prepared, you must train often. When you feel you\'ve gained more power, come to me and I shall teach you what I can.','Ah, welcome, $N. I\'m pleased you have arrived. My days have become long and even busy what with so many students to teach, but the coming of one of your ilk brings me a great sense of accomplishment--I remember the days when I was taught by one of your shamans.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1842insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1797,3085,'Hallowed Tablet','Ah, while you were gone a tablet came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the priest trainer Ken\'jai. He would have words with you when you\'re ready.','Read the Hallowed Tablet and speak to Ken\'jai outside the Den in the Valley of Trials.','As ya test yeself, ya\'ll find ya have better an\' better control o\'er da spirits--ya\'ll be callin\' on dem fer greata an\' greata tings... dat\'s where ol\' Ken\'jai come in. You come talk to ole Ken\'jai when ya feel yer ready. If da spirits agree, den we see \'bout teachin\' ya more powerful abilities... but only if da spirits agree.$B$BGo now, talk to da rest of da Valley\'s people. Speak to me again later.','So ya made it... good good! Da spirits tol\' me you be comin\' to see Ken\'jai soon enough. Let me be one o\' da first to welcome ya to da Valley of Trials. Dis place not be your home fer long, but while it is, why dontcha make da best o\' it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1843insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1798,3086,'Glyphic Tablet','Ah, while you were gone a tablet came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the mage trainer Mai\'ah. She would have words with you when you\'re ready.','Read the Glyphic Tablet and speak with Mai\'ah near the entrance to the Den in the Valley of Trials.','You be among da most powerful beings on da planet, $N... there no arguin\' dat. And everyone know it... know it good, too!$B$BBut ya must be weary! \'cause it not orc, or elf, or dwarf dat you should be scared of... it be da tings you can\'na see. Magic be powerful. Make you do tings you may not want to do. Make ya tink you more powerful then you really be. Be patient. Be smart.$B$BWhen ya tink you be ready for trainin\', come back to Mai\'ah. She teach you what you ready to learn, no problem.','Ya look to please Mai\'ah already, $N. Dat be good. You give Mai\'ah respect, and Mai\'ah maybe give you respect back. But enough o\' dat, you be here to learn \'bout magic, not hear Mai\'ah talk.$B$BThere be only one ting Mai\'ah can no teach you \'bout magic, $N, and dat\'s how to stop da corruptin\'.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1844insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1799,3087,'Etched Parchment','Ah, while you were gone a parchment came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the hunter trainer Jen\'shan. She would have words with you when you\'re ready.','Read the Etched Parchment and speak to Jen\'shan in the Valley of Trials.','When we finish speakin\', you should talk to da rest of da citizens in da Valley. They ask you to do tings for them... tings that will test your skill and teach you some of da dangers of this land.$B$BAs you grow in experience and wisdom, you be needin\' Jen\'shan to show you better techniques and skills. Come back to Jen\'shan often. I will let you know what I can teach you.','Ah, so you come at last. Good. Jen\'shan be waitin\' for you.$B$BMany tink it be an easy path, but Jen\'shan tell you dat not true. Mastering da beasts of Durotar and beyond take as much skill as masterin\' the arcane arts or speakin\' to our ancestors.$B$BFirin\' a bow or rifle may not be as dangerous to you as castin\' a spell, but it sure be as dangerous to your enemy.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1845insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1800,3088,'Encrypted Parchment','Ah, while you were gone a parchment came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the rogue trainer Rwag. He would have words with you when you\'re ready.','Read the Encrypted Parchment and speak to Rwag in the Valley of Trials.','Now that you know where I\'m holding up, I should let you know: the Shattered Hand\'s asked me to look out for you. They want me to train you and keep you informed of anything they might need. Even if you\'re not interested in helping them yet--which you\'d be a fool not to be--I\'ll do what I can to train you... for a small fee. Come back to me anytime you think you\'re ready, and we\'ll see what you\'re ready to learn.','Shhh, not so loud. I don\'t trust Nartok over there. Anyone that has to hide deeper in a cave than I do shouldn\'t be trifled with.$b$bI trust you had no problem finding your way around?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1846insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1801,3089,'Rune-Inscribed Parchment','Ah, while you were gone a parchment came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from the shaman trainer Shikrik. She would have words with you when you\'re ready.','Read the Rune-Inscribed Parchment and speak to Shikrik in the Valley of Trials.','You will be the conduit in which our ancestors communicate. You will have the power of the elements at your beck and call. Sundering your enemies will be child\'s play; healing your allies as easy as breathing. Keep these things in mind as you face new challenges, and come back to me as often as you\'d like. I will remain here to teach you new spells and set you on the correct path when you are ready.','So, you\'ve arrived. I was beginning to wonder when you would show yourself. I sent the parchment some time ago--I wasn\'t sure if it had arrived.$B$BBut enough chatter... you\'re here because you have been chosen, chosen to lead the spiritual lives of our people.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1847insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1802,3090,'Tainted Parchment','Ah, while you were gone a parchment came for you, $N.$B$BI usually avoid dealing with warlocks if I can help it, but I think you should read it when you have time. If I\'m not mistaken, it came from your newly-appointed trainer Nartok. He would have words with you when you\'re ready.','Read the Tainted Parchment and speak to Nartok inside the Den in the Valley of Trials.','And now you\'ve joined our ranks also. Don\'t misunderstand, Asatokta. Just because you have access to power that many will be jealous of, it does not mean you will be accepted easily. Thrall allows our kind into Orgrimmar because we are still his fellow kin--he cannot turn his back on us, or we would become as pathetic as the humans who enslaved him. My point is: be careful. You can be powerful, but if you are foolish, then you are as good dead.$b$bIf you need training in spells then return to me.','Finally, you\'ve arrived... and discretely also. Good.$b$bOur world is full of fools, Asatokta. Even the mighty Thrall has greater flaws than most can see. He turns his back on the power needed to make this land ours completely! We\'re not the same people who were manipulated and used by creatures from the Nether. We are our own people. We are proud... and we are strong.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1848insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1803,3091,'Simple Note','Just a moment ago a messenger was looking for you, $N. I believe she was sent by the warrior trainer Harutt. If this note is from Harutt, I wouldn\'t take long in reading it\'s contents.\r\n','Read the Simple Note and speak to Harutt Thunderhorn in Camp Narache.','Each of us plays a role in our tribe. Each of us must also go through all the same rites. Do not ever let your pride tell you otherwise.$b$bI remain here to train new warriors that seek the glory of battle and who follow the ways of our oldest ancestors. When you feel ready, come back to me and I will do what I can to train you further. Go with the tribe\'s blessing, $N.','Ah, at last, you\'ve arrived, $C. I did not lie in my note, $N. We are a special breed also, not unlike the druids or shamans of our tribe. You are just as important. We are the ones called upon to defend our borders, to hunt the centaur, and to go to war.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1849insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1804,3092,'Etched Note','Just a moment ago a messenger was looking for you, $N. I believe she was sent by the hunter trainer Lanka. If this note is from Lanka, I wouldn\'t take long in reading it\'s contents.\r\n','Read the Etched Note and speak to Lanka Farshot in Red Cloud Mesa.','And it is my job to make sure you are prepared by teaching you the basics of our profession--how to tame your pet, how to fire your rifle, and many other skills that will become necessary.$b$bHunters are a strong part of our tradition and history, Clisha. You would do well to remember how important you are to the tribe. You will be respected and revered if you serve our people well.','Welcome to Camp Narache, Clisha. I hear good things about you. Your bloodline is strong, and many of the elders consider you skilled already. But that we will test.$b$bThe plains of Mulgore will be your home for sometime--you should do your best to learn it very well. One day you will travel to unfamilar lands to master greater skills. You must be ready.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1850insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1805,3093,'Rune-Inscribed Note','Just a moment ago a messenger was looking for you, $N. I believe she was sent by the shaman trainer Meela. If this note is from Meela, I wouldn\'t take long in reading it\'s contents.\r\n','Read the Rune-Inscribed Note and speak to Meela Dawnstrider in Camp Narache.','We will meet many times in the days to come. Each time you will hopefully leave my company a little more powerful... a little more prepared. Like the Eternal Flame, your spirit will burn bright and hot.$b$bGo now, $N. Go and test yourself. I will be here for you when you need.','As quickly as water falls from the sky, here you are before me. I am pleased by your haste. It means you realize both the importance of our meeting and you being here. I am no leader, but I do understand the elements, and I can speak to the spirits of our people. I will teach you to do the same.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1851insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1806,3094,'Verdant Note','Just a moment ago a messenger was looking for you, $N. I believe she was sent by the druid trainer Gart. If this note is from Gart, I wouldn\'t take long in reading its contents.\r\n','Read the Verdant Note and speak to Gart Mistrunner in Camp Narache.','Though we share a common bond, do not expect much welcome from the night elves. Their pride still limits their sight, but that is none of our concern. The teachings of the Earthmother are all you must concern yourself with, and I will teach you what I know as you grow in wisdom.$b$bReturn to me often, $N. You will find that the Earthmother grants incredible abilities to those who are most dedicated.','You have arrived. This is good. Our ancestors\' spirits have become restless throughout Mulgore and beyond, but I cannot tell why. It will forever be your duty to learn to listen to nature\'s spirits, and act as their avatar. Be mindful of that.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1852insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1807,3095,'Simple Scroll','Ah, while you were off dealing with the mindless Scourge, this scroll arrived for you. I would think it\'s some matter of importance as it seems it bears the seal of the warrior trainer Dannal. I would take some time to read it before heading out again.','Read the Simple Scroll and speak to Dannal Stern in Deathknell.','I will be here to train you as you grow in experience... find me as often as you like. I charge a minimal fee, but you\'ll find everything I can teach you to be worthwhile.$B$BGo now and test your skill. Many more things will become known to you as you gain experience, some of which I am unable to discuss with you here. Just know that Sylvanas will need warriors with your type of strength in the future. You will be the backbone of our salvation. Do not forget it.','Ah, so you\'ve arrived. Good. I overheard that a few others were able to escape \"death\" and were heading into town. Perhaps that resilence will pay off in the future also.$B$BYou may thank Sylvanas for your freedom... freedom of mind and body. Though you still remain tortured by the plague and its effects, you are now free to come and go as you see fit.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1853insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1808,3096,'Encrypted Scroll','Ah, while you were off dealing with the mindless Scourge, this scroll arrived for you. I would think it\'s some matter of importance as it seems it bears the seal of the rogue trainer David Trias. I would take some time to read it before heading out again.','Read the Encrypted Scroll and speak to David Trias in Deathknell.','I spend most of my time here in the inn keeping an eye out for new faces and just keeping tabs on up-and-coming prospects. Keep your nose clean and I\'ll do what I can to teach you a few things. Just come back to me whenever you want, and we\'ll see if you\'re ready for a new skill or two.','So you\'ve made it? Good, we\'ll have need of more rogues as time goes on. The Shadowstalkers will probably wind up finding you when they think the time\'s right, so don\'t go and slip up or do anything you might regret. They need talented agents... not pickpockets and fools.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1854insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1809,3097,'Hallowed Scroll','Ah, while you were off dealing with the mindless Scourge, this scroll arrived for you. I would think it\'s some matter of importance as it seems it bears the seal of the priest trainer Duesten. I would take some time to read it before heading out again.','Read the Hallowed Scroll and speak to Dark Cleric Duesten in the church in Deathknell.','There is only one thing you must know: we have survived through will alone. It is faith in ourselves that separates us from others, and with our powers, we will cause great change in all of Azeroth. The weak will come to lean on you. The lepers will call you Lord. And the ignorant will look to you for guidance. It is my duty to make sure you have the necessary tools so when the time comes, you are prepared. As you grow in experience, seek me out. I will teach you greater powers if you are ready.','Ah, so between fire, plague, rioting, and much worse, one more of the \"faithful\" comes to my door. Well, let me bid you welcome, $C. And allow me a moment to explain a thing or two before you decide it\'s time for you to seek whatever drives you forward: the Holy Light no longer concerns you, the spirits of your forefathers are fairy tales, and creatures from the Nether don\'t want you.$b$bDo you understand me so far?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1855insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1810,3098,'Glyphic Scroll','Ah, while you were off dealing with the mindless Scourge, this scroll arrived for you. I would think it\'s some matter of importance as it seems it bears the seal of the mage trainer Isabella. I would take some time to read it before heading out again.','Read the Glyphic Scroll and speak to Isabella in the church in Deathknell.','You must return to me often if you are to become powerful enough to destroy those who would oppose us. The rules of magic still apply to you, $N. You will still find corruption follows you like hungry wolves in the night. You will find its caress is not unlike an addiction, an old lover still wanting to be by your side. But these things can be staved off. These things will only control you if you allow them to.$b$bGo now, return to me when you\'ve grown more powerful.','I knew you would come to me, $N. Not because you do not have the will to follow your own path, but because we are kindred spirits. We both have felt pain. We have both suffered. And now we want the power to take back what we know is ours: this land, our lives, our destinies. But there is much for you to learn still.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1856insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1811,3099,'Tainted Scroll','Ah, while you were off dealing with the mindless Scourge, this scroll arrived for you. I would think it\'s some matter of importance as it seems it bears the seal of the warlock trainer Maximillion. I would take some time to read it before heading out again.','Read the Tainted Scroll and speak to Maximillion in Deathknell.','I mentioned a slave still being a slave, no matter the master. Do you remember? We both know that it is that type of control--that type of power--that now drives us. We seek to have creatures serve us. We know we are more powerful and deserve more respect than others give us ... and so now we look to take it.$b$bI will be your ally in this struggle--the struggle for our own freedom. Freedom to seek our own allegiances. When you feel ready, return to me and I will teach you all I know.','I bid you welcome, sister. I knew you would come. It was only a matter of time.$b$bWhat I said interested you, didn\'t it? I hit a chord... something inside you knew what I claimed was truth. Good.$b$bKnow this though: I am no traitor to Sylvanas. If anything, she would appreciate my claims considering it was her own beliefs that has put the Forsaken in the position it is now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1857insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1812,3100,'Simple Letter','I was asked to bring this to your attention as soon as you returned from the kobold camps, $N. It appears to be a letter sealed with the insignia of Llane, our local warrior trainer. I wouldn\'t hesitate to read it before you go about any other business here in the Abbey.','Read the Simple Letter and speak to Llane Beshere in Northshire Abbey.','Get yourself squared away, learn the layout of the land, and come back to me whenever you need training. I\'ll be here night or day.$B$BThe Knights of the Silver Hand have done well in making this place fairly safe, but as you meet the other citizens, I think you\'ll find they all have problems they could use some help with - help a $C can give them. Good luck.','Ah, you got my letter, $N... good.$B$BThere\'s been an influx of warriors in Elwynn recently - which is good for Stormwind, but bad for the kobolds and Defias in the area.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1858insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1813,3101,'Consecrated Letter','I was asked to bring this to your attention as soon as you returned from the kobold camps, $N. It appears to be a letter sealed with the insignia of Brother Sammuel, our local paladin trainer. I wouldn\'t hesitate to read it before you go about any other business here in the Abbey.','Read the Consecrated Letter and speak to Brother Sammuel in Northshire Abbey.','In the meantime, you should know one or two other things. You are a symbol to many here in this land--act accordingly. The Holy Light shines within you, and it will be obvious to both your allies and your enemies.$B$BAlso, as you gain in wisdom and power, you will need to train to learn new abilities. That\'s where I come in. When you feel you\'ve gained some experience here in Northshire, come back to me and I will teach you what I feel you are ready to learn. Good luck... $C!','Finally! We meet face to face, brother to brother. I welcome you to Northshire. This will be your home for a short time while you learn the ins and outs of how things are done, but know that Stormwind is not far off, and sooner or later, your path will take you there. But until then, be patient... Knight of the Silver Hand.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1859insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1814,3102,'Encrypted Letter','I was asked to bring this to your attention as soon as you returned from the kobold camps, $N. It appears to be a letter sealed with the insignia of Jorik, one of our local trainers. I wouldn\'t hesitate to read it before you go about any other business here in the Abbey.','Read the Encrypted Letter and speak to Jorik Kerridan in the stable behind Northshire Abbey.','You\'re gonna find that there a number of outfits that\'ll covet our skills, Cailel. Adventurers, SI:7... heck, even the Defias Brotherhood wouldn\'t mind a spy or two inside Stormwind. But you remember this, you\'re your own man. Don\'t let nobody bully you into doing something you don\'t wanna do! Besides, we hold all the cards... at least, we do before the game\'s done. Know what I mean?$b$bAnyway, just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I\'m here if you need any training. Come by anytime.','You made it here in one piece, and it doesn\'t look like too many people saw you. Good enough for me. I don\'t like to have much attention drawn to me back here... nice and quiet. I\'m sure you can understand.$b$bHave any trouble yet? I\'m glad to hear not. That\'ll change soon enough.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1860insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1815,3103,'Hallowed Letter','I was asked to bring this to your attention as soon as you returned from the kobold camps, $N. It appears to be a letter sealed with the insignia of Priestess Anetta, our local priest trainer. I wouldn\'t hesitate to read it before you go about any other business here in the Abbey.','Read the Hallowed Letter and speak to Priestess Anetta in Northshire Abbey.','As you grow in experience, return to me and I will do what I can to impart my knowledge upon you. Until then, go with compassion in your heart, and let wisdom be your guide. Remember, the world only becomes a better place if you make it so.','Ah, at last you\'ve come. I knew you would find your way to me. The Holy Light shines upon you, and the path you\'ve chosen. These times are harsh--the Burning Legion still has a presence upon Azeroth, the entirety of Kalimdor seeks new ways to defend itself from its own tribulations, and it is up to you to aid as many as you can.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1861insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1816,3104,'Glyphic Letter','I was asked to bring this to your attention as soon as you returned from the kobold camps, $N. It appears to be a letter sealed with the insignia of Khelden, our local mage trainer. I wouldn\'t hesitate to read it before you go about any other business here in the Abbey.','Read the Glyphic Letter and speak to Khelden Bremen inside Northshire Abbey.','Haha, I knew my note would not dissuade you from your path. So, you\'re prepared then, are you? Prepared to accept your fate? Prepared to challenge the gods and any other forces that stand before you in the pursuit of knowledge and power?$B$BI will not lie, $N, you will be feared as much as respected. But also know this, I will be here for you when you need training. Simply seek me out as you grow more powerful.','Hello, $N. I am Khelden. Is there something I can do for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1862insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1817,3105,'Tainted Letter','I was asked to bring this to your attention as soon as you returned from the kobold camps, $N. It appears to be a letter sealed with the insignia of Drusilla, one of our local trainers. I wouldn\'t hesitate to read it before you go about any other business here in the Abbey.','Read the Tainted Letter and speak to Drusilla La Salle next to Northshire Abbey.','As you grow in power, you will be tempted--you must always remember to control yourself. I will not lie--corruption can come to any practitioner of the arcane; especially one who deals with creatures from the Twisting Nether. Be patient, and be prudent... but do not let that repress your ambition.$B$BAs you grow more powerful, return to me and I will teach you more about our ways.','Ah, so you\'ve arrived, and not a moment too soon, $N. Some of the guards were over here a moment ago and were giving me curious looks... pathetic mundanes.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1863insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1818,3106,'Simple Rune','While you were helping me out, this rune was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I\'m thinkin\' it came from the warrior trainer Thran. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you\'ve a chance.','Read the Simple Rune and speak to Thran Khorman in Coldridge Valley.','Other things you\'ll probably see too, just so yer in the know: dwarves usin\' magic in a fight \'stead of a rifle. Some of us takin\' to worshippin\' the Holy Light like some of the humans, and, last but not least, troggs. You\'ll learn more \'bout them later, but What you need to know now is that I\'m here to help ya.$b$bI be here to teach ya how to be a real $C. Anytime ya think ya need more trainin\', come back to me and I\'ll see what I can do.','Blast it\'s cold today, aint it? It\'s like the snow never goes away, $N.$b$bYou\'ve probably noticed already, but there are gnomes now living in our city. That\'s because they went and got themselves blown out of their own home. Don\'t go spreadin\' this \'round, but I can hardly blame them--I think I woulda resorted to explosives too if Ironforge were infested with Dark Irons or the like.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1864insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1819,3107,'Consecrated Rune','While you were helping me out, this rune was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I\'m thinkin\' it came from the paladin trainer Bromos. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you\'ve a chance.','Read the Consecrated Rune and speak to Bromos Grummner in Coldridge Valley.','The humans have taught us a great deal about the Holy Light and how important their order is to them... and to protecting all of Azeroth. We have a great respect for how stepped in tradition it is, and how just one figure, one sacrifice, can make the difference between pain and salvation.$B$BThe two of us are gonna be working together for a bit. Any time you think you\'re ready, come back to me and we\'ll see about getting you some training. Can\'t have you go out into the world unprepared, now, can we?','So, you\'ve made it! And not a second too soon. There\'s much to be done in Coldridge Valley and beyond. I\'m gonna need your help as much as you\'re gonna need mine!$B$BYou\'re a Knight of the Silver Hand now, be ready to play the part.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1865insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1820,3108,'Etched Rune','While you were helping me out, this rune was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I\'m thinkin\' it came from the hunter trainer Thorgas. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you\'ve a chance.','Read the Etched Rune and speak to Thorgas Grimson in Coldridge Valley.','One thing you should always remember is that you gotta respect the world you\'re livin\' in. The beasts that choose to fight along side you; the shine of your weapon; the weight of your ammo; the bite of a bitter wind; all these things you need to know intimately.$B$BI\'ll do what I can to help you, but most of the work\'s up to you. Anytime you think you\'re ready, come back and talk to me. I\'ll train you when I can.','Ya made it! Good to hear! Betcha didn\'t have to track me to find the place either. Haha!$B$BOur profession is pretty steeped in tradition, $N. Learning the ways of the land. Learning to track a bear through the mountains. Even just surviving on wits alone takes a great deal of courage and cunning. Think you\'re capable?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1866insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1821,3109,'Encrypted Rune','While you were helping me out, this rune was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I\'m thinkin\' it came from the rogue trainer Solm. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you\'ve a chance.','Read the Encrypted Rune and speak to Solm Hargrin in Coldridge Valley.','Anyway, as you start peekin\' around Coldridge you\'ll probably have need of training at some point. You just come back to me whenever you feel you need it and I\'ll teach you what I know--a trick here, a maneuver there. You know, the stuff that keeps you alive and makin\' a little extra coin.$B$BKeep an eye out on our gnomish friends too... they kinda got the short end of the stick what with Gnomeregan being... destroyed. They\'ll need our help to feel welcome.','You made it! Great!$B$BWe\'ve got an influx of activity lately, so I\'m glad to count another of the Ironforge clan among our numbers. Too many of us are lookin\' to the arcane, and divine for my own tastes. Nothin\' against them and their beliefs, but there\'s nothing like a cold blade in your hand and a shadow to keep you from the light, know what I mean?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1867insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1822,3110,'Hallowed Rune','While you were helping me out, this rune was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I\'m thinkin\' it came from the priest trainer Branstock. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you\'ve a chance.','Read the Hallowed Rune and speak to Branstock Khalder in Anvilmar.','I\'m the one who can train ya as you start to find your way around Coldridge Valley. When ya feel yer ready, come back to me and we\'ll see about maybe teaching you a new spell or two to fend off the valley from them blasted troggs.$B$BYa got the Light on yer side, along with all of Ironforge, $N... no pressure on ya to become somethin\' special.','Ach! Ya made it, $N! Wonderful!$B$BI was gonna say, I was about to lose faith that ye\'d arrive at all... get it, lose faith? It\'s a joke, lass... aww, nevermind. Ya didn\'t come here for me bad jokes anyway.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1868insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1823,3112,'Simple Memorandum','While you were helping me out, this memorandum was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I\'m thinkin\' it came from the warrior trainer Thran. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you\'ve a chance.','Read the Simple Memorandum and speak to Thran Khorman in Coldridge Valley.','Well, seein\' how this is your prime directive, or whatever yer callin\' it these days, I gave my word I\'d do whatever I can to make sure you and yours were ready to take back your home... and that\'s just what I\'m gonna do.$B$BAny time you feel yer ready, come back to good ol\' Thran and I\'ll be happy to share my knowledge wit ya. There\'s some cost to me trainin\' ya, but it won\'t be too expensive. Good luck.','Ah, well, another memorandum from a $R on a mission... isn\'t this quaint.$B$BNo, no, I ain\'t teasin\' ya, little one. Gotta respect your tenacity, that much is fer sure. I\'d be just as peeved if Ironforge was taken by Dark Iron dwarves, so don\'t be thinkin\' I don\'t feel for your plight...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1869insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1824,3113,'Encrypted Memorandum','While you were helping me out, this memorandum was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I\'m thinkin\' it came from the rogue trainer Solm. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you\'ve a chance.','Read the Encrypted Memorandum and speak to Solm Hargrin in Coldridge Valley.','I pretty much keep to myself around here so we don\'t get a bad wrap for things gone missing, but if you need anything, some training or somethin\', just come back anytime.$B$BYou and me got an understandin\'. We know when it comes down to it you can only trust family... and that\'s just what we got going on here, isn\'t it? Regardless of Gnomeregan being... overrun, and whatever else is thrown our way, we got one another to back each other up. Right?','Glad to see you got my note and came over. Sorry about pretendin\' it was a memorandum from your higher-ups... no offense intended. I just knew the two of us, along with others of our kind, gotta stick together.$B$BNot many think it\'s the best thing in the world to have your kind and my kind holed up in the same city, but I think we can work things out just fine. What do you think?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1870insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1825,3114,'Glyphic Memorandum','While you were helping me out, this memorandum was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I\'m thinkin\' it came from the mage trainer Marryk. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you\'ve a chance.','Read the Glyphic Memorandum and speak to Marryk Nurribit inside Anvilmar above Coldridge Valley.','Oh, yeah! Arcane Arts... of course.$b$bHere\'s what you need to know, $N: Don\'t get into too much trouble. Save some coin to buy me an ale... or any spells ya might want. And stay the heck away from Gnomeregan. Other than that, have a good day! I\'ll be here if you need me or want to train... or whatever.','Yeah, what\'s that, $R? Speak up, if you don\'t mind. I don\'t hear so good after a few ales.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1871insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1826,3115,'Tainted Memorandum','While you were helping me out, this memorandum was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I\'m thinkin\' it came from the warlock trainer Alamar. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you\'ve a chance.$B$BAnd watch yerself, $N, your kind ain\'t too trusted \'round these parts.','Read the Tainted Memorandum and speak to Alamar Grimm inside Anvilmar above Coldridge Valley.','But none of that matters. What matters is that you\'ve seen your own Holy Light! You know where power truly comes from. You realize that having our own allies is much more... prudent. Special allies. Allies that, no matter the task, will obey till their last breath.$b$bAnd that\'s where I come in, Anengineer. I can train you in the beginnings of those special powers. Seek me out often and I will do what I can to teach you more spells.','Wonderful! You got my memorandum obviously.$b$bIgnore the fools around you, Anengineer. The Holy Light?! The sword and shield?! These aren\'t paths for ones as open minded as us. Look at what \"normal\" magic did to our home. Coupled with those damned tinkerers, our race almost became extinct. And now we have to rely on the dwarves-- they\'d rather spend time allying with humans than help us rebuild our own home. We\'re like second-class citizens. Have you seen the way they look at us?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1872insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1827,3116,'Simple Sigil','This sigil was given to me by a messenger from our warrior trainer, Alyissia. It seems Alyissia would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to her afterwards.','Read the Simple Sigil and speak to Alyissia in Shadowglen.','Soon you will see others from different races in the boughs of our home--do not let it cause any prejudice within you. They are welcome. They will aid us when they can. Not all of them will be altruistic, but they should be granted some amount of trust.$b$bBut none of this matters now. Now we must focus on you, and how you can aid our people. I am here for that very purpose. I will train you in the ways of a $C as you become stronger. Return to me whenever you wish and I will do what I can to aid you.','You made it. I\'m so glad.$b$bMuch has happened over the last few years, Saric: the creation of Teldrassil, the corruption of many of the forest creatures here and abroad, discovery of lands we thought lost to us like Feralas... so much, in so little time. But those are just some of the reasons we are here, the most important being to protect our kind from further evil.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1873insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1828,3117,'Etched Sigil','This sigil was given to me by a messenger from our hunter trainer, Ayanna. It seems Ayanna would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to her afterwards.','Read the Etched Sigil and speak to Ayanna Everstride at the top of Aldrassil in Shadowglen.','As you experience what Shadowglen has to teach you, come see me--I will be able to help you understand more about your role as a $C and what you are capable of.$B$BThese are dangerous times, $N, do not take for granted the skill of your pets--there are things in this world more dangerous than you can imagine. Go with Elune and return to me again.','You\'ve arrived, and none too soon, $N. Welcome to Shadowglen.$B$BI trust my sigil found you in good spirits and health?$B$BAs I said previously, I am here to train you as a $C; to tame beasts to aid you in battle; to use a bow with unerring accuracy; to respect the lands which we call home and also the lands beyond.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1874insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1829,3118,'Encrypted Sigil','This sigil was given to me by a messenger from our rogue trainer, Frahun. It seems Frahun would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to him afterwards.','Read the Encrypted Sigil and speak to Frahun Shadewhisper in Shadowglen.','Until then, know that our kind are needed more than ever in this tenuous time. Peace with the other races can fail at any moment, and there is much talk about members of the Horde looking to sow even greater seeds of distrust. Remember that.$b$bAs you gain in power and feel more prepared, come back to me here and I will see about getting you some training. It\'s important that you know how to handle your weapon of choice, among other things.','Hello, Ferlis. I\'m glad you found me. I was thinking that perhaps you got lost on the way here.$b$bNothing really new has happened in Shadowglen since I sent you my sigil, but I\'ll leave all the information gathering to you. Speak to the rest of the people around Aldrassil if you\'d like.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1875insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1830,3119,'Hallowed Sigil','This sigil was given to me by a messenger from our priest trainer, Shanda. It seems Shanda would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to her afterwards.','Read the Hallowed Sigil and speak to Shanda in Aldrassil.','Do not concern yourself with the world below Teldrassil for now. There will be time for that later. Go now and speak to the others in Shadowglen--they can tell you more about what events have transpired. Help them in any way you can, and anytime you feel you need more training, come back to me and I will teach you what I can.','It pleases me to see you\'ve arrived so quickly, $N. Welcome.$b$bAs you\'ve probably heard, all of Teldrassil is stirring with the comings and goings of travelers. Even members of the Alliance have even been allowed access onto Teldrassil\'s boughs in order to meet with other Kaldorei who prepare for the adventures ahead.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1876insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1831,3120,'Verdant Sigil','This sigil was given to me by a messenger from our druid trainer, Mardant. It seems Mardant would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to him afterwards.','Read the Verdant Sigil and speak to Mardant Strongoak, in the tree Aldrassil in Shadowglen.','I will be your mentor and guide for now. It is my duty to teach you how to interpret not only what the spirits communicate to us, but also the complexities and secrets of the Emerald Dream.$b$bAs you learn and grow in power, you will learn more of our sleeping trance. But until then, return to me as often as you like and I will teach you what I can in the ways of our kind.','Ah, young $C. I see you\'re eager to continue your studies. Good.$b$bI wonder, have you spent much time in the Emerald Dream already? Perhaps you\'re not prepared for that yet... In time, I\'m sure.$b$bBut until then, we should discuss other matters.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1877insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1832,3121,'A Strange Request','Neeru Fireblade in Orgrimmar has what I need to get started here! He has mixed up a concoction that I need for my... well, you\'ll see.$B$BOff with you now -- to Orgrimmar. Here, take this with you. It\'s a shrunken head that I promised Neeru in exchange for the herbs. It\'s the head of some poor dwarf I ventured across in the forest. I\'m sure Neeru will be pleased.$B$BYou\'ll find Neeru in the Cleft of Shadow.','Take the Shrunken Head to Neeru Fireblade in Orgrimmar.','I have been waiting for Uzer\'i to deliver this...$b$bLet me give you the herb mixture I prepared for his... well, experiments...','Yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1878insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1833,3122,'Return to Witch Doctor Uzer\'i','Here are the herbs, $N. Take them to Witch Doctor Uzer\'i.$B$BPlease let him know that I am satisfied with the shrunken head.','Deliver Neeru\'s Herb Pouch to Witch Doctor Uzer\'i in Feralas.','This is just what I need to prepare the muisek vessel, $N. Soon we will see if my latest incantations prove to be as powerful as I had hoped.$b$bPlease, a moment. I must perform the ritual and apply the herbs.','Have you spoken to Neeru?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1879insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1834,3123,'Testing the Vessel','This will be a test; both of the ritual I performed, and of your abilities. Take this vessel, $N. With it, you will have the power to shrink and capture a creature inside of it.$B$BTravel to the Hinterlands and look for creatures known as Wildkin that were once pets of the night elf goddess Elune. The vicious, primitive, or savage owlbeasts are your targets, $N. Kill 10, and use the muisek vessel to shrink and capture them before their spirits can escape.','Travel to the Hinterlands, and locate the Wildkin. Kill 10, and use the Muisek Vessel to shrink and capture the fallen Wildkin.$B$BBring 10 Wildkin Muiseks and the Muisek Vessel to Witch Doctor Uzer\'i in Feralas.','Upon a violent death, the muisek of a creature may escape and seek revenge. Shrinking the creatures, as you did, $N, prevents the muisek from escaping. Now we may use it as we please!','Were you able to capture the wildkin?$b$bIf you succeed, we will be ready to shrink and capture the muisek of creatures of Feralas.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1880insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1835,3124,'Hippogryph Muisek','Since you have proven that you are both trustworthy and gifted with the ability to use the muisek vessel, I now wish you to capture another creature.$B$BHippogryphs have been loyal companions to the night elves for many years; their spirits are loyal and steadfast.$B$BYour task is to kill 10 frayfeather hippogryphs, and quickly, shrink and capture them with the vessel, so that their muisek may be preserved. You will find the hippogryphs in the High Wilderness, to the south of here. ','Kill 10 Frayfeather Hippogryphs of any type, then use the Muisek Vessel to shrink and capture them.','After killing an animal, if we allowed the muisek to escape, it may take the form of an even greater creature. We would never be safe from its vengeance.$b$bThis is a dangerous job I have given you, $N. Again, you have completed it well.','Were you able to capture the hippogryphs?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1881insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1836,3125,'Faerie Dragon Muisek','$N, next I must have you capture a creature that in appearance, may look quite fragile, yet its powerful spirit is what we are truly after. The faerie dragons that I speak of have served the night elves as their allies. We must capture one so that the horde may benefit from this strength of spirit as well.$B$BHere is the muisek, $N. Kill 8 sprite darters or sprite dragons, and capture their muisek. They may be found to the west of here.','Kill 8 Sprite Darters or Sprite Dragons. Use the Muisek Vessel to shrink and capture the fallen Faerie Dragons.','Thank you, $N. Now the spiritual powers of the faerie dragon will be available to us.$b$bI hope you willing to perform another task for me.','Were you able to capture the muisek of the faerie dragons?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1882insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1837,3126,'Treant Muisek','The wandering forest walkers that can be found meandering through the forest are our next target, $N. Night elves have enlisted treants as allies to fight against the horde. Their movement may be slow, but their role as protectors is undeniable.$B$BSoon we will be able to use this power for our own benefit.$B$BFind 3 wandering forest walkers; kill them, and use the muisek vessel to shrink and capture them.','Kill 3 Wandering Forest Walkers. Use the Muisek Vessel to shrink and capture the fallen Treants.','Thank you, $N. Our muisek collection is almost complete.','Were you able to capture the wandering forest walkers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1883insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1838,3127,'Mountain Giant Muisek','The last task I will require of you is to travel to the northwest and find the final enemy.$B$BThe mountain giants left the mountains to aid the night elves when the burning legion appeared in the world. You will know them by their massive size and the way the ground begins to shake as you travel along their rocky terrain.$B$BI am eager to harness power of that size. Kill 7 mountain giants, then use the muisek vessel to capture their powerful muisek.','Kill 7 Land Walkers or Cliff Giants. Use the Muisek Vessel to shrink and capture the fallen Mountain Giants.','Just imagine the possibilities of what we now possess, $N. Along with the materials that you have collected, I will be able to forever trap the muisek of these creatures into whatever I wish.','Were you able to capture the mountain giants?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1884insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1839,3128,'Natural Materials','I will need certain materials to complete my endeavor... You may do this alongside the other tasks I will give you.$B$BI\'ll need a splintered log from a treant of Feralas. Encrusted minerals, these can be found on the mountain giants and faerie dragons to the west. Also, find me some resilient sinew from the owlbeasts of the Hinterlands or hippogryphs of Feralas. Finally, I\'ll need a large amount of metallic fragments from any of these creatures I mentioned.','Bring 2 Splintered Logs, 6 Encrusted Minerals, 20 pieces of Resilient Sinew, and 40 Metallic Fragments to Witch Doctor Uzer\'i in Camp Mojache.','Excellent! These materials, combined with the muisek, should yield just the results we\'ve been wanting.','Were you able to collect the materials I need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1885insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1840,3129,'Weapons of Spirit','Imbuing the muisek into the weapons is a difficult process. Now that I have all of the required materials and the muisek of the creatures that you captured, I may begin. Please wait; I will return in a moment.','Witch Doctor Uzer\'i wants you to wait for a moment while he prepares the weapons.','As promised, you have your choice, $N. The muisek of the creatures has been forever sealed into the power of these weapons.$b$bYou may now wield their energy as your own. Use it well.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1886insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1841,3130,'Against the Hatecrest','At this point, I am going to direct you to my second, Latronicus.  He\'s been keeping a close eye on the naga forces to date.  I\'ll assess the general situation here in regards to the naga; as much as I want to commit a full force to move against them, leaving the stronghold open to direct attack from the Horde - or worse - seems less than optimal.$B$BAnyway, Latronicus awaits.  Good work thus far, $n.  Keep it up.$B$BYou\'re dismissed.','Report to Latronicus Moonspear in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Excellent, $N - I value a \"can do\" attitude in those who I work with.$B$BI\'ve been tasked by General Feathermoon to address the naga in a direct manner.  My plans are two fold: one, we will weaken their forces both in number and in command, and two, we will uncover what they are up to in the ruins.  With your help, we\'ll counter the naga presence without sacrificing the general security of the stronghold.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1887insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1842,3141,'Loramus','So you wish to battle demons? You would do well to listen to my tale. ','Listen to Loramus Thalipedes tell his story.','So be it...','','Loramus\' Story','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1888insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1843,3161,'Gahz\'ridian','$N, I\'m a scientist, but also a treasure hunter at heart!$B$BLong ago, when trolls used to occupy this land, they created large amounts of ornaments modeled after Gahz\'rilla, a hydra they worshipped as a deity. These ornaments are carved out of an element that I call \"Gahz\'ridian,\" after the hydra god.$B$BI did find some myself, but I\'d like to have some more to study -- maybe you can find some?$B$BI even invented a detector that makes finding the Gahz\'ridian a snap! Just put it on, and the search begins! ','Marvon Rivetseeker in Tanaris wants you to collect 30 Gahz\'ridian Ornaments.','Perfect; these ornaments are perfect for my studies. Thanks so much for the help, $N.$B$BOh, can I get my helmet back?','Are you having any trouble?$B$BYou can find Gahz\'ridian just about anywhere in Tanaris, $N, so keep looking!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1889insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1844,3181,'The Horn of the Beast','The gigantic horn has numerous scratches and cracks. An unusual metal object is lodged into the rough surface.$B$BUpon further examination, you notice that the metal is actually a broken axe head. On the metal, the following words are etched:$B$BProperty of Mountaineer Pebblebitty.$B$BWhen you try and dislodge the broken axe head, it shatters into a million pieces.$B$BWoops!','Take Margol\'s Gigantic Horn to Mountaineer Pebblebitty.\r\n','What have you got there? A fake obviously!$B$BI\'ve been face to face with Margol and I know for a fact that her horn is at least eight times larger than the one you\'ve got in your hands, $N. You probably got that off of a stormsnout in the Barrens. No ma\'am, you can\'t fool Pebblebitty!','No, I will not open the gate.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1890insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1845,3182,'Proof of Deed','You expect me to believe a story like that? The real horn would have had my broken axe head still lodged into its surface.$B$BListen, take that obvious fake to Curator Thorius in Ironforge. If he can validate your claim, you will receive a proof of deed. Bring that proof back to me and I\'ll give you the key to the Searing Gorge.$B$BGet going! ','Take Margol\'s Gigantic Horn to Curator Thorius in Ironforge.','What\'s this?$B$BOh my, I don\'t believe it! Do you realize what you\'ve got here, $R? This is the horn of Margol the Rager! Margol, the bane of every archaeologist that ever set foot in the Searing Gorge.$B$BMay I keep it?','Why hello there young lady. Would you like a tour of the museum?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1891insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1846,3201,'At Last!','I can\'t believe Pebblebitty doubted the authenticity of the horn. Between you and me, I think she\'s just jealous. I know she really wanted to kill that beast herself, what with the \'incident\' and all.$B$BSo you need a proof of deed? After the contribution you just made to the museum, it won\'t be a problem.$B$B<Curator Thorius begins to fill out a large document.>$B$BThere we go! You can take that back to Pebblebitty.','Take the Proof of Deed back to Mountaineer Pebblebitty.','I don\'t know how someone as weak as you overcame Margol, but a deal is a deal. Here is the key.$B$BIf anything happens to you after this, it will be your own fault.','I don\'t believe it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1892insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1847,3221,'Speak with Renferrel','While you were out helping our deathstalkers, Apothecary Renferrel sent you a summons.  He did not give me details, but he wanted to speak with you about the wolf hearts you had given him.','Speak with Apothecary Renferrel at the Sepulcher.','Ah, very good. There is a matter regarding the wolf hearts you brought to me earlier that demands our attention.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1893insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1848,3261,'Jorn Skyseer','Your time with me is over, $N.  To learn more, you must go to Camp Taurajo to the south and speak with Jorn Skyseer.  He will continue your guidance.','Speak with Jorn Skyseer at Camp Taurajo.','Greetings, young one.  You are here to walk the hunter\'s path?$B$BVery good.  Let us begin.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1894insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1849,3281,'Stolen Silver','You may have killed the raptors, but the silver they stole must be recovered!  I have reports that the raptors have a large grouping of nests south of Ratchet, known as the Raptor Grounds.  It is likely that they brought our stolen silver there.$B$BGo to this raptor haven and search for the stolen silver.  When you find it, return it to me.','Bring the Stolen Silver to Gazrog in the Crossroads.','Aha! So the raptors did hide the silver at their lair. It\'s hard to believe these beasts would have the desire for silver. Perhaps the stories of their intelligence are not as far from the mark as I thought!$B$BThank you, $N. Take this as a reward for your service to us, and know that the guards of the crossroads owe their next month\'s pay to you.','Do you have the silver?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1895insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1850,3301,'Mura Runetotem','My clanmate, Mura Runetotem, traveled to Silverpine so that she might aid our undead allies.  Silverpine is an ailing forest, a dying forest, and it was Mura\'s hope to bring it new life.  Perhaps the strange life found here in the Barrens can help her work in Silverpine.$B$BTake a sample of the shells you gathered, and bring it to Mura in Silverpine.  She is staying at the Sepulcher.  With luck, studying the shell will give her the insight she needs to heal that dying place.','Speak with Mura Runetotem in the Sepulcher.','Ah, what is this? This shell has an inner glow, as if it still pulses with life. Amazing! I must study it further.$B$BThank you, $N. With luck, this shell will hold a secret I can use to aid the poor land of Silverpine.','I can smell the dust of the Barrens on you, $C. You have traveled far.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1896insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1851,3321,'Did You Lose This?','You have done much for the Order, $N. The sheer dedication it takes to get this far would have turned away any ordinary person. There is no doubt in my mind, or in the mind of Galvan, that you are one of us.$B$BWhich is why I think you deserve a little reward. It is nothing really, just a trinket. You may be familiar with its properties, as I do believe it is what brought you to us in the first place.','Wait for Trenton to finish his work.','Rise and be recognized, $N, blacksmith of the Mithril Order.','','Watch Trenton Work','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1897insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1852,3341,'Bring the End','In the Barrens lies a horrid mess of tangled vines called Razorfen Downs. While our first observations of this place revealed little threat, our recent findings are much more serious...$B$BThe quilboar of Razorfen Downs have aligned themselves with the Scourge. A Lich named Amnennar the Coldbringer rules them now, using the power of his massive consciousness to control their every move.$B$BAmnennar has a direct telepathic link to Ner\'zhul; we must sever this bond, $N. An end must come to the Coldbringer.','Andrew Brownell wants you to kill Amnennar the Coldbringer and return his skull.','The loyalty of a Lich is unswerving, $N. Let them know that such loyalty will only bring them destruction.','This matter is of utmost importance, $N. We must stop any attempt by the Scourge to bolster their ranks.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1898insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1853,3361,'A Refugee\'s Quandary','We drove the troggs out of Gnomeregan, but then it all went so horribly wrong!  Now our home is completely irradiated, and we gnomes have been scattered all over Dun Morogh.$B$BIn my haste to get away from the radiation, I lost all my personal belongings and tools.  It was the trolls that got them.  They stole my chest, my box, and my bucket of bolts!  They took them back to their camps southwest of Anvilmar.$B$BI\'m no adventurer - could you find my things and bring them here to me, please?','Bring Felix\'s Box, Felix\'s Chest and Felix\'s Bucket of Bolts to Felix Whindlebolt in Anvilmar.','Huzzah, you\'ve found them! You\'re an absolute savior, my friend. Here, it\'s not much, but it\'s something for the trouble I\'ve put you through! Thank you!','Oh goodness $N, this town is not well suited for the likes of me. There are as many nasty creatures here as there were in Gnomeregan before the accident!$b$bDo you have my belongings? If you don\'t, then who knows what the trolls have done with them now...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1899insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1854,3362,'Thistleshrub Valley','Have you ever seen Thistleshrub Valley? It\'s a mighty dangerous place, $N.$B$BThose strange beasts there, I don\'t trust them for a minute! Gnarled thistleshrubs and thistleshrub rootshapers, that\'s what I think they were called...$B$BAnyhow, I want to get into the valley, but with so many of those thistleshrubs around, there\'s no way I\'m going back there. But here\'s where you come in -- if you clear some of them out, I just might think about going back. What do you think, $N? Help me out?','Tran\'rek in Gadgetzan wants you to kill 8 Gnarled Thistleshrubs and 8 Thistleshrub Rootshapers.','They\'re that big? I might have to rethink my plan...$b$bBut you did hold up your end of the bargain, so here\'s what I promised.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1900insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1855,3363,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1901insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1856,3364,'Scalding Mornbrew Delivery','Gah!  I was supposed to get this delicious scalding mornbrew to Durnan Furcutter inside Anvilmar a while ago now, but I had to deliver one to Grelin here first.  I\'ll never make it to Anvilmar before the brew runs cold!$B$BYou look fast.  Maybe you can make it.  This cup will only stay hot for five more minutes, and Durnan didn\'t order \"chilly\" mornbrew, so get going.  Anvilmar is to the northeast, a settlement dug into the mountain.$B$BThanks, $N, and don\'t forget to bring me back my mug!','Take a Scalding Mornbrew to Durnan Furcutter inside Anvilmar before it gets cold in five minutes!','Ah good, now this will hit the spot. Allow me to take a small break while I enjoy this scalding mornbrew!','Aye, I\'m Durnan Furcutter. You have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1902insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1857,3365,'Bring Back the Mug','Now that hit the spot!  Nothing like a piping hot - nay, SCALDING mornbrew on a cold winter\'s day to warm your cackles of yer soul.$B$BHere ya go $N - be a pal and take this empty mug back to Nori for me, would ya now.','Return Nori\'s Mug to Nori Pridedrift.','Excellent, $N! You\'d be surprised how many couriers I meet who forget to do something as simple as bring back the mug. Mugs don\'t grow on trees, or so they tell me!$b$bHere\'s a little something for the effort. Thanks again for your help.','I trust the scalding mornbrew got to Durnan on time! Did you remember to bring me back my mug?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1903insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1858,3366,'OLD The Glowing Shard','The shard is a brilliant green, and although solid, what looks like smoke swirls just below the surface. You can\'t help staring into the depths of the crystal; at the same time, you know there is something very disturbing about it.$B$BMaybe you should see if anyone in Ratchet can tell you more about this strange shard.','Travel to Ratchet to find the meaning behind the Nightmare Shard.','','','Speak with someone about the Nightmare Shard','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1904insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1859,3367,'Suntara Stones','<Dorius groans.>$B$BI\'m badly injured, $r. Feel... light headed... World spinning... Bleeding... internally.$B$BI must get back to Ironforge. Help me, $N.\r\n','Help Dorius get back to Ironforge.\r\n','This letter was dropped by Dorius when he was shot.','','Dorius Escort','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1905insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1860,3368,'Suntara Stones','Brother,$B$BIf you are reading this letter, I am no more. How it got to you, I do not know, but thank and reward the ones responsible.$B$BAbout the stones: They exist and the Dark Irons have them in their possession. Their leader, Lathoric the Black, is using the power of the stones to enslave my excavation team. They were taken to the cauldron. Their minds are twisted, working night and day to complete something called Obsidion.$B$BHelp them, brother. It is the final wish of a dead man.$B$B-Dorius\r\n','Take the Singed Letter to Thorius in Ironforge. He is in the Hall of Explorers.','<Thorius wipes his face dry.>$B$BIn the name of the Light, he will have his wish. This I vow.','<Thorius sobs.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1906insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1861,3369,'In Nightmares','This shard holds great secrets; it is the pure essence of the Emerald Dream. However, what I see in this shard is not a dream; one would call this sort of a vision a nightmare.$B$BI do not wish to alarm you, $N, but I think it is best if you deliver this shard into the hands of a wise druid as soon as you can.$B$BHamuul Runetotem on Elder Rise is who you need to find. Head to Thunder Bluff. I cannot say more. ','Bring the Nightmare Shard to Hamuul Runetotem on Elder Rise.','Falla sent you to me? Well now, let\'s see that shard that you say she was so hesitant to talk about...$B$B<Hamuul peers into the shard>$B$BOh... I didn\'t... Well.$B$BCob, thank you for delivering this to me. It isn\'t wise to speak of things such as this, though, I advise you. These are matters that you should not concern yourself with.$B$BLet\'s just say that things in the Emerald Dream are not as we thought...$B$BPerhaps in the future, our paths may cross again.$B$B','May I help you with something?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1907insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1862,3370,'In Nightmares','This shard holds great secrets; it is the pure essence of the Emerald Dream. However, what I see in this shard is not a dream; one would call this sort of a vision a nightmare.$B$BI do not wish to alarm you, $N, but I think it is best if you deliver this shard into the hands of a wise druid as soon as you can... $B$BMathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Circle is who you need to find. Head to Darnassus. I cannot say more.','Bring the Nightmare Shard to Mathrengyl Bearwalker in Darnassus.','Falla sent you to me? Well now, let\'s see that shard that you say she was so hesitant to talk about...$B$B<Mathrengyl peers into the shard>$B$BOh... I didn\'t... Well.$B$B$N, thank you for delivering this to me. It isn\'t wise to speak of things such as this, though, I advise you. These are matters that the Cenarion druids alone must attend to.$B$BLet\'s just say that things in the Emerald Dream are not as we thought...$B$BPerhaps in the future, our paths may cross again.','May I help you with something?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1908insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1863,3371,'Dwarven Justice','There is an empty, vacuous hole, where my heart used to be, $N. The loss of Dorius is not one that I will soon recover from. I must see his final wish through - the perpetrators of this cold blooded murder must be brought to justice.$B$BReturn to the Searing Gorge and fulfill his last request: Free his men. The Dark Iron dwarves force their slaves to work in a sweltering mine called the Slag Pits. Search there for Dorius\' men.','Return to the Searing Gorge and find Dorius\'s archaeology unit. ','Forget about me, help the others.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1909insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1864,3372,'Release Them','Release them, $r. Even after their bodies give out, the power of the Suntara forces them to complete their tasks.$B$BThe altar of Suntara is the key. Go northwest; in the hills above the cave... Twilight\'s Hammer guard a relic. Retrieve it and place it on the altar of Suntara.$B$B<The dying archaeologist collapses.>','Find the Mysterious Artifact being guarded by the Twilight\'s Hammer Idolaters in the northwest quadrant of the Searing Gorge and bring it to the Altar of Suntara in the Slag Pit.\r\n','You place the mysterious artifact on the altar of Suntara.','The altar is empty.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1910insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1865,3373,'The Essence of Eranikus','As you touch the gem, a deep voice resonates in your mind.$B$B\"Mortal, heed this plea.  I am Eranikus of the Green Dragonflight, keeper of this accursed temple.  My charge to ensure that the trolls never again bring forth their abomination of a god has for now ended in failure.  As I imbue this gem with part of my essence, I sense my grip on the Dream twisting into chaos.  Please - place this gem into the essence font in my lair, and let our magic there purge the taint from my psyche so that I may rest.\"','Place the Essence of Eranikus in the Essence Font located in this lair in the Sunken Temple.','You place the gem inside the essence font.$B$B\"Thank you mortal, you have - no... this, this cannot be! No! The corruption of this accursed god even taints the sanctity of a Green Dragonflight essence font! No please, I feel my essence ripping from me! THE PAIN! I feel the grip of an eternal nightmare taking hold on me...\"$B$B\"Mortal, I implore you! Find one of the Green Dragonflight to stop this... help me... I am chained in darkness... forever in agony... please do not torture...\"','As you near the essence font that Eranikus told you of, his voice once again touches your mind.$B$B\"Yes mortal, this essence font will redeem what untainted element of my psyche remains imbued in this gem. Place the gem inside the font, and let the magic of the Green Dragonflight cleanse the corruption and taint from my being. Only then will I find true release, and only then will the Dragonflight be able to reassert their stewardship over the Atal\'ai.\"','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1911insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1866,3374,'The Essence of Eranikus','You engage the Oathstone, and Itharius speaks directly to your mind through the stone.$B$B\"By accepting the charge placed in this Oathstone, you agree to aid my cause and the cause of Ysera\'s Dragonflight in redeeming the corrupted soul of Eranikus.  The first sacrifice, one of many you and I will no doubt make, will be to relinquish the gem to me that has chained what free-willed part of Eranikus\' psyche remains.\"$B$B\"Do this $N, and we will work together to redeem a soul worthy of redemption.\"','Bring the Oathstone of Ysera\'s Dragonflight and the Chained Essence of Eranikus to Itharius in the Swamp of Sorrows.  It is there that you will make your choice to aid Ysera\'s Dragonflight or not.','You have made your choice, and so it begins. Your choices have been, to date, what I would consider to be the correct ones; your actions and deeds henceforth will determine whether this is to continue.','Here we are $N, at yet another crossroads. The time has come to make another choice. What choice do you make, mortal?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1912insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1867,3375,'Replacement Phial','Um... you need another phial of scrying?  You\'re kidding, right?  What did you do with the first one?!  We have a lot of work ahead of us here, $r.  Those phials don\'t grow on trees!  Actually, I wish they did, because I\'d go there and pick one off since I don\'t have another one!!$B$Bin order to make you one, I need the following: a mana potion, a piece of coal, and some sweet nectar.  Don\'t ask why, just bring me what I ask and I\'ll make you a new one.','Bring a Mana Potion, Coal, and Sweet Nectar to Talvash del Kissel in Ironforge to get a replacement for Talvash\'s Phial of Scrying.','The mighty adventurer delivers. Hooray for me. By the way, I lied - I had another phial. Ungh, take it.$B$BWell, what did you expect?! \"Oh, here, have another one! I\'m just some goofball who has nothing better to do than hand out magical communication devices to adventurers!\" Rest assured though, what you have given to me will be enough make you another phial when you lose that too.$B$BPlease prove me wrong and don\'t lose the new one, okay?','To make another phial I need a mana potion, a piece of coal, and some sweet nectar.$B$BThat, and a whole lotta patience apparently.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1913insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1868,3376,'Break Sharptusk!','$N - I have heard of you, newcomer.  Perhaps it is you that will help us, where others have failed.$B$BWe tauren have carved a home out of this land, but not without a cost.  The Bristleback quilboars of Brambleblade Ravine, led by Chief Sharptusk Thornmantle, have made our lives difficult with their continued war against us.  I charge you to bring me the chief\'s head!$B$BHe will be found in the ravine to the east in their makeshift village.','Bring the head of Chief Sharptusk Thornmantle to Brave Windfeather in Red Cloud Mesa.','Justice has been served on this day by your swift actions, $N. Let this deed serve as a warning to all who would threaten our home.$b$bYou have earned this reward to help you on your sojourn, young $C.','Sharptusk will trouble us no more once you have brought me proof of his death. It is his head that I seek, $N.$b$bWe tauren live for the hunt, and there is no greater hunt than against one that is cunning enough to perhaps hunt us back. If you are successful in this task, young one, you will start to learn what I mean.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1914insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1869,3377,'Prayer to Elune','Will you assist me, mortal? Hear my tale.','Hear Zamael tell his tale.','I have accepted my fate here in this cage, but the prayer must be found.','','Zamael Story','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1915insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1870,3378,'Prayer to Elune','Will you assist me, mortal? Will you find the prayer to Elune?$B$BAs I stated, the prayer was etched onto a golden tablet. One of these idol worshipping scoundrels must have it on their person.$B$BIf you do recover my prayer, take it to Astarii Starseeker in Darnassus. It matters little that my faith has been rekindled after the countless malevolent actions that I have taken against this world and its inhabitants, but my prayer must be heard. Absolution is the last thing I expect.','Find the Prayer to Elune and take it to Astarii Starseeker in Darnassus.\r\n','Elune smiles upon you this eve, $N. You have returned a lost soul to her. Please accept this as a token of our gratitude.','What brings you to the Temple of the Moon, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1916insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1871,3379,'Shadoweaver','The spiders of the Searing Gorge are an invaluable source of shadow silk. As you know, shadow silk is highly sought after by the artisans of our trade.$B$BRecently, a group of poachers has encroached upon these lands, carelessly slaying spiders en masse without so much as a thought as to the long term effect of their actions. The first task I ask of you, then, is a simple one: Find them... and end them.$B$BBegin your search to the north.$B$BIf you require assistance, speak with Raze.','Kill the group of Shadow Silk Poachers that wander the Searing Gorge. Nilith has reason to believe that there are five of them that need to be exterminated. Return to Nilith in the Searing Gorge when this task is complete.\r\n','Excellent work, $N.$B$BI am sure that this is a piece of shadoweave that you have not yet seen.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1917insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1872,3380,'The Sunken Temple','There are restless spirits in this world, $N. There are spirits that have been tainted by their isolation, bound to an ancient evil...$B$BI have heard of a place that lies deep below the surface of the earth -- banished there by powers greater than I have ever seen.$B$BIf you wish to learn more of this place; the Sunken Temple, seek out a goblin named Marvon Rivetseeker. He has studied many ancient areas of the world, and was last known to have left his home in Ratchet to study the troll ruins in Tanaris.','Find Marvon Rivetseeker in Tanaris.','Yes, the Sunken Temple, I can say that I have seen it with my own eyes. Perhaps you\'d like to hear more about it?$b$bYou look like the adventurous type -- I know things that may intrigue you...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1918insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1873,3381,'OLD A Meeting with the Master','Ah, a young $r come to speak to Sanath. What a wonderful day! I am so honored to have you grace me with your presence. Thank you!$B$BPlease... do not be so arrogant to assume my sarcasm was a compliment. Let us get one thing straight: I don\'t like you. But this little conversation doesn\'t have anything to do with us--it has to do with my master.$B$BBring me a couple hippogryph feathers for my arrows and I\'ll give you leave to see him. He\'s asked that I send adventurers to him if they proved worthy enough.','Bring 2 Undamaged Hippogryph Feathers to Sanath Lim-yo in Azshara if you wish to speak to his master.','Two feathers, just as I asked. And not bad ones at all.$b$bReady then? Just say the word and you\'re on your way.$b$bOh, and once again, mind yourself... my master doesn\'t take kindly to imbeciles, but he is very generous to those that please him.','I remain here at my master\'s bidding. I\'ve been given leave to ask any price I wish for transportation up to his tower. For now, I ask for only the two feathers from each traveler so I can continue to make my signature arrows.$b$bIf you\'re not careful, I\'ll up the price. How does half a dozen gold sound?$b$bYeah, I thought as much. Just mind yourself and I\'ll keep the price where it is.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1919insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1874,3382,'A Crew Under Fire','We were just off the coast looking for a safe haven to make anchor. The sun hadn\'t been down for more than an hour when they attacked... those damned naga!$B$BI\'m not sure what they were looking for, but it\'s clear they didn\'t find it--they\'ve already come back once. A couple of my scouts are on watch at the entrance of the valley to give us fair warning when the next attack comes.$B$BI\'m sorry you\'ve come along now, $N, but it\'s out of my hands.$B$BAre you ready for the fight of your life?','Defend Captain Vanessa Beltis, her crew and the Horizon Scout\'s passengers against the naga attack. Captain Vanessa Beltis must survive.','You\'ve done it! Thank you! Surely this was one of the most brutal battles I\'ve ever taken part in. I can\'t thank you enough.$B$BI only wish more of my crew could have lived through this trial.$B$BI would ask you to speak to any surviving passengers from the Horizon Scout. Some of them had business in the area, and may have a request or two of you if you\'re willing. Again, thank you for all your help.','Have you met with Andron yet? He rarely leaves Undercity, so I don\'t think it\'d be too hard to find him.','Protect Captain Vanessa Beltis from the naga attack','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1920insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1875,3385,'The Undermarket','They call themselves the Undermarket: Cutthroat traders that will sell, move, trade and do just about anything for the right price.$B$BIt gets worse, $N. They have set up a base of operations here in the Searing Gorge. Trade Master Kovic is heading up the operation and has close ties with the Dark Iron dwarves of the region.$B$BWe must strike hard and send a message to their leadership. Slay Trade Master Kovic and his minion Clunk. Bring back his trader\'s satchel when the job is done.$B$BTo the Cauldron!','Slay Trade Master Kovic and his minion Clunk. Retrieve the Trader\'s Satchel from his corpse and return it to Nilith.\r\n','You have struck a decisive blow against the Undermarket. Their leaders will think twice before sending more cronies into the gorge.$b$bOh, and I also found nothing of use in the trader\'s satchel. You may keep whatever you find inside.','The Trade Master still lives?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1921insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1876,3402,'The Undermarket','I want you to personally deliver the news of Kovic\'s defeat to Vizzklick in Gadgetzan. He will be so happy to hear that Kovic is dead that I\'m certain he\'ll give you some grand reward.','Speak with Vizzklick in Gadgetzan.\r\n','Kovic slain??! This is a glorious day, $N! For years that scoundrel has been running shady undermarket trades, undercutting honest, hard working traders all over the world.$b$bYou deserve a fine reward for this accomplishment! And a fine reward you shall have!$b$b','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1922insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1877,3421,'Return Trip','','','I will return you to Sanath\'s camp now.$B$BDo not mind his bad manners- -he is rude to everyone save for the master. Perhaps he shall learn his lesson one day.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1923insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1878,3441,'Divine Retribution','Hear my tale, adventurer.','Listen as Kalaran Windblade tells his story.','Have you heard enough? Are you prepared to act?$b$b','','Kalaran Story','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1924insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1879,3442,'The Flawless Flame','You have made the right decision, $N.$B$BWe must strike where we will do the most damage: the four sentry towers.$B$BWith the four towers in flames, we can initiate an offensive before they have time to react.$B$BYou will need the proper tool to set the towers ablaze. To make the tool requires some materials.$B$BBring me four hearts of flame and four golem oil and I shall craft the torch of flawless flame.$B$BThe golems and elementals in these lands should be your first target.','Collect 4 Hearts of Flame and 4 globes of Golem Oil and return the items to Kalaran Windblade.','Well done, $N. We are almost ready.','Have you collected the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1925insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1880,3443,'Forging the Shaft','To hold the flawless flame, we will need a shaft and a casing. You must first find a suitable shaft.$B$BThe Dark Iron taskmasters and slavers of the cauldron use weapons of enchanted thorium, an extremely sturdy alloy. If you bring me eight thorium plated daggers, I can break the alloy down and reforge a shaft.\r\n','Bring 8 Thorium Plated Daggers to Kalaran Windblade.','You\'re an exceptional laborer, $N. Have you ever considered a change of vocation? Perhaps a detective? Junk collector? Oh, I know, one of those silly gnomes that crawl across the beaches of Azeroth with their metal detecting contraptions, looking for lost treasure. Yes, that would be an ideal position for you.','Eight, $N. I need eight!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1926insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1881,3444,'The Stone Circle','I once entered the foreboding chambers of the Sunken Temple. The evil in that place penetrates all that enter; I barely managed to find my way out, wading through the ooze that now covers the floors. All I can remember is stumbling through a large circular room, filled with serpent statues...$B$BRecently, I discovered a round stone that appeared to have the same serpent symbol imprinted on it. I had it packed up and shipped to my workshop in Ratchet. Retrieve it, and I might be able to tell you more.','Retrieve the Stone Circle from Marvon Rivetseeker\'s workshop in Ratchet.','Yes... This is the stone.$b$bIt\'s all coming back to me now, $N...','Ratchet is not far from here, $N. The journey shouldn\'t take long.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1927insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1882,3445,'The Sunken Temple','I have heard of a place that lies deep below the surface of the earth -- banished there by powers greater than I have ever seen.$B$BIf you wish to learn more of this place; the Sunken Temple, seek out a goblin named Marvon Rivetseeker. Much like Troyas and I, he has studied many ancient areas of the world. He was last known to have left his home in Ratchet to study the troll ruins in Tanaris.$B$BGood luck finding him; he hasn\'t been heard from in some time.','Find Marvon Rivetseeker in Tanaris.','Yes, the Sunken Temple, I can say that I have seen it with my own eyes. Perhaps you\'d like to hear more about it?$b$bYou look like the adventurous type -- I know things that may intrigue you...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1928insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1883,3446,'Into the Depths','Inside the temple, I found a circular room with six balconies, each one with a serpent statue on the edge. Curious, I pushed one of them to see what would happen, and it was a trap! I nearly fell to my death from the explosion. Laying there on the ledge, I looked down and noticed that there was another statue at the base of the room; an altar of sorts... Hakkar, I think it was called.$B$BI think that this altar is the secret -- you must bring this token to the altar in the Sunken Temple.','Find the Altar of Hakkar in the Sunken Temple in Swamp of Sorrows.','You push the stone circle into the opening, and you hear it lock into place.$b$bNow that the stone is in place, you may continue... but what should you do next?$b$bPerhaps you should examine this altar further...$b$b','Upon examining the statue, you notice a depression in its side, just the size of the token that Marvon gave you...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1929insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1884,3447,'Secret of the Circle','My memories are cloudy, but I will tell you what I can. The circle of statues in the Sunken Temple, while dangerous, I believe that they hold the secret to unlock an even greater treasure.$B$BFrom the main altar, I was able to activate a series of lights. I think that if you can uncover what these lights mean, you might be able to unlock whatever secrets are hiding in this room.$B$BI warn you though, $N. Great evil lies in the temple. It\'s likely that anything valuable will be fervently guarded...','Travel into the Sunken Temple and discover the secret hidden in the circle of statues.','The eye of the idol glitters brightly even in the half-darkness of the temple. Its transparency reveals something shiny behind it. Sliding it to the side, you reach in and grasp what lies inside the statue.$B$BThe Atal\'ai treasure is now yours.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1930insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1885,3448,'Passing the Burden','I\'ve recently been handed the responsibility of investigating Azshara--a once beautiful area the elves called home. This would be back when they practiced magic. It\'s now a more dangerous place than it is beautiful, but that doesn\'t stop us from turning over every stone for answers to our past.$B$BA companion of mine named Tymor offered to help me investigate the area since he takes a particular interest in such things.$B$BHe owns a small place to the right of the Hall of Mysteries here in the city.','Speak to Tymor in Ironforge.','Ah, Karnik sent you, did he? I expected to hear from him soon. I\'ve discovered such wonderful things about Azshara.. I know night elves have incredible life spans, but everyone forgets some of the more... unfortunate events in their lives sometimes. That\'s not meant as a criticism, just an observation.$B$BLong ago, there were cities created by the elves filled with knowledge about magic and other lost arts. Being a student of such things, I started my investigation. What I found was quite thrilling.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1931insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1886,3449,'Arcane Runes','Magic was once as revered as Elune herself to some elves. Some of their most powerful mages created runes and tablets citing rules of the arcane and insights into their findings. They would leave these for all to ponder in public places.$B$BI would very much like rubbings of these runes from the Ruins of Eldarath. I have a kit for you to make the rubbings with, but it will be up to you to find them. Be careful though, the Explorer\'s League isn\'t the only one interested in Eldarath.','Using the Drawing Kit, make rubbings of the Rune of Beth\'Amara, the Rune of Jin\'yael, the Rune of Markri, and the Rune of Sael\'hai before heading to the small island off of the southern peninsula of Azshara and signaling Pilot Xiggs Fuselighter to pick them up.','Good to see you safe and sound, $N. I hope things weren\'t too tough for you.$B$BI\'ll get these to Tymor right away. He\'ll be thrilled to take a look at these things.$B$BGo ahead and toss the flare gun... probably won\'t be any good to you anymore anyway, and I already got a new one.','Well, well, well, glad to see you made it out here, $N. Did you get the rubbings for Tymor?$B$BAs dangerous as this place is, there hasn\'t been too much action along the coast. That might be on account of the naga swimming underwater, but that\'s not my problem... I patrol the skies.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1932insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1887,3450,'An Easy Pickup','I want the rubbings delivered to my tower, but there\'s no need to have you go all the way there. I\'ll just have them air-lifted out of Azshara.$B$BXiggs Fuselighter owes me a favor or two and will be in the area soon--he\'s signed on to patrol the coast. Speak to him before you leave. He can give you a flare gun to signal him with. When you have the rubbings, just head to wherever he tells you and then give them to him so he can get them to my tower safely. He should be in the hangar in the Military Ward.','Speak to Xiggs Fuselighter in Ironforge.','What can I do for you, $N? Kinda busy at the moment preparing my ship for a long trip. I just came over to see some of the tank pilots--I need some wendigo manes to line my cockpit and they usually have extra.$B$BI can give you a minute if you\'re brief... one of the boys just took off to Steelgrill\'s Depot to see if the pilots down there have extra manes for me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1933insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1888,3451,'Signal for Pickup','Ah, so Tymor sent you, huh? Yeah, I owe him a favor or two. What\'s that? Why, that little devil. Yeah, I can help him out with that. So you\'ll need a flare gun and a location... easy enough.$B$BThere\'s a small island off the southern peninsula of Azshara that we\'ve made a landing pad on. You take this flare gun, and use it there. I\'ll see your signal and come by to pick up this... whatever it is he wants.','Speak to Xiggs Fuselighter and get a Standard Issue Flare Gun from him in Ironforge.','Here\'s my standard issue flare gun, and be patient after you fire off the gun--there are only a couple charges in one of these, and it might take me a minute to get to you depending on how far out to sea I am. Just look out to sea after you fire off the flare.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1934insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1889,3452,'The Flame\'s Casing','We need one final piece to form the torch.$B$BIn the mountains to the northwest you will find a large encampment of Twilight\'s Hammer. It is rumored that they carry symbols and idols that pay homage to their god. These symbols and idols could carry sufficient enchantment to form a magical casing. Bring me a single symbol of Ragnaros and I will try to extract the magic from the item to create the casing.','Find and return a Symbol of Ragnaros to Kalaran Windblade.','The symbol radiates foul magic; perfectly suited for our task.','Without a suitable source of arcane energy, the torch of retribution cannot be completed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1935insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1890,3453,'The Torch of Retribution','Give me a moment to combine the pieces and apply the necessary enchantments.\r\n','Wait for Kalaran Windblade to complete the Torch of Retribution.\r\n','There is one final task that you must complete.$b$b','','Torch Creation','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1936insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1891,3454,'The Torch of Retribution','The torch must now be bound to its owner. Pick up the torch, $N. ','Take the Torch of Retribution.','You grab the torch with both hands; waves of hatred and anger pulse through your being.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1937insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1892,3461,'Return to Tymor','Tymor didn\'t give me anything to pay you with, so I suggest you take it up with him when you get back to Ironforge. I\'m sure he\'ll still be in his place in the Mystic Ward. Just go knockin\' and make sure he pays you good. This place ain\'t no picnic... that\'s for sure.$B$BThanks again for helping him out though, and good luck.$B$BOh, and I don\'t need the drawing kit. Why don\'t you just bring it back to Tymor when you go to see him?','Return Tymor\'s Drawing Kit to him in Ironforge.','Wonderful! I\'m so glad to hear it.$B$BI\'m really excited to get to my tower and go over those rubbings. I\'m so envious of you... going to a place like Azshara. That\'s any student of the arcane\'s dream, I would guess.$B$BWell, we never spoke about any kind of reward since you were just working for the Explorer\'s League, but you deserve something.','You\'re back! Excellent. Do you have my drawing kit also?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1938insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1893,3462,'Squire Maltrake','Speak with my envoy, Squire Maltrake. He will further instruct you as to the use of the Torch of Retribution.','Speak with Squire Maltrake.','Are you prepared to make your strike?$b$b','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1939insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1894,3463,'Set Them Ablaze!','Listen well, $N. While the four towers can never be destroyed, you can use the torch of retribution to set them ablaze for a very long period of time: A fire that no element or force can subdue.$B$BWhile they are ablaze, no guard or sentry unit can inhabit the watch posts and thus, their first line of defense is ified.$B$BYou must enter each tower and use the Torch of Retribution within their fortifications. Beware the lookouts posted by the Dark Irons, $N.','Set the North, South, East, and West Sentry Towers on fire by using the Torch of Retribution inside each of the buildings. \r\n','It is glorious! Is it not glorious master?','','','Western Tower Ablaze','Southern Tower Ablaze','Eastern Tower Ablaze','Northern Tower Ablaze',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1940insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1895,3481,'Trinkets...','The chest appears locked.','Open the chest.','The chest opens at your touch. How much cheese could possibly be in here? There is only one way to find out.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1941insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1896,3482,'<NYI> <TXT> The Pocked Black Box','This is the horde version of the black box quest.','Take this box to Kravel.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1942insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1897,3483,'Signal for Pickup','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1943insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1898,3501,'Everything Counts In Large Amounts','Although you may never find a flawless sphere of draenethyst, you will undoubtedly uncover various imperfect fragments of the draenethyst in your exploration of these lands.$B$BWhile it is doubtful that Kum\'isha will be able to use the flawed fragments to return home, the pieces may serve other, useful purposes for the draenei.$B$BReturn any piece of flawed draenethyst fragments that you may find and I shall reward you.','Bring Kum\'isha Imperfect Draenethyst Fragments and be rewarded for each one you turn in.\r\n','You truly disgust me, troll. A grown man drooling over a pile of junk? Pitiful! Take your reward and get out of my sight.','Have you had any luck in your exploration?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1944insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1899,3502,'One Draenei\'s Junk...','Well, after that display of voracious greed, I feel nauseous.$B$BRegardless, I shall not dwell too long on your material addiction.$B$BFor each imperfect draenethyst fragment you turn in, I shall reward you with more junk. My junk heap gets smaller while your junk heap gets larger. On Draenor we call this a \'win-win\' situation.\r\n','Bring Kum\'isha Imperfect Draenethyst Fragments. Any form of monster in the Blasted Lands could be carrying a fragment.\r\n','You truly disgust me, $R. A grown woman drooling over a pile of junk? Pitiful! Take your reward and get out of my sight.$B$BSounds familiar? It should, because I say it a thousand times per day.$B$BOh how I loathe this world.','Well? Draenethyst? Remember?$B$B<Kum\'isha clenches his fist and knocks on your head.>$B$BIs anybody home?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1945insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1900,3503,'Meeting with the Master','','','There was a time when I could ask whatever I wished from those who sought out my master. But now, you need only ask and I will send you to him.$B$BIt is upsetting to me, but I do not question his orders. I can only take enjoyment in making fun of the ridiculous clothes you wear or the pathetic look on your face. Even that bores me...$B$BEven this rambling bores me! Do you wish to see my master or not?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1946insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1901,3504,'Betrayed','Betraying, thieving woman! That\'s what I call her--that\'s all she\'ll ever be!$B$BI may have made a grave mistake, $N. I trusted a blood elf. What\'s worse, I trusted a woman!$B$BShe claimed Azshara would hold great riches... powerful items. I simply send some warriors with her to protect her and I would be rewarded. Well, look who\'s the fool--she\'s killed them all.$B$BI want vengeance, $N, but I can\'t afford to send anyone else. Find Ag\'tor at Valormok, north of the Haldarr Encampment. He\'ll tell you more.','Deliver the Sealed Letter to Ag\'tor to Ag\'tor Bloodfist in Azshara.','We\'ve sent everything we had at her and her workers, but they are strong in battle. None have bothered to return. I\'m assuming some have died, but I\'m sure others simply ran... cowards.$b$bBut now that reinforcements have arrived, perhaps there\'s still something we can do. Perhaps we can still punish her for lying and betraying Belgrom.$b$bWhat do you say, are you in?','Ah, Belgrom wizened up and finally sent someone not in his ranks to aid us, did he?$b$bThis camp used to be a dozen warriors strong, $N, but now they\'re all dead. That $C, Rimtori, has slain them all. She played Belgrom like a lute... seduced him even. It\'s none of my business, but between you and I, she is quite the temptress. That\'s probably why I\'m still out here helping Belgrom--I probably would have done the same thing.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1947insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1902,3505,'Betrayed','I thought as much.$B$BWe start our crusade against her workers along the southern bluffs on the northern peninsula of Azshara. Kill them with bloody rage--let them know they\'ve betrayed the wrong allies.$B$BDo not concern yourself with her yet--she spends most of her time with her bodyguards searching Azshara. It would be prudent after you\'ve slain her workers to find her personal camp. Scouting out where we can attack her would be wise. Perhaps there is something there we can use to provoke her.','Kill 10 Blood Elf Reclaimers, and 10 Blood Elf Surveyors before seeking out Magus Rimtori\'s camp. Once you\'ve found it, look for something that might be important to her that can be used to draw her into a fight.','You begin to skim some of the pages until you come to a page that\'s marked by a thin, black strip of silk cloth.$b$bAs you try to decipher the script, you see a diagram on the bottom of one of the pages. A quick look around at the scene before you and you realize that the crystals, the circle, and even some of the other components on the ground are set up in a similar pattern as the diagram.','The title of the book is emblazoned on the black leather cover in gold leaf--Kaldorei Tome of Summoning. As you open the pages you can see that the book is very old but in superb condition.$b$bYou assume the text is of some ancient language... perhaps Kaldorei?$b$bYour instincts tell you that you should return here once you\'ve finished doling out retribution on the blood elves for their betrayal.','Find Magus Rimtori\'s camp','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1948insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1903,3506,'Betrayed','A few more moments of thought brings a few ideas to mind, one of which brings a smile to your face: perhaps destroying the crystals would upset the blood elf responsible for the slaughter of so many orcs and the betrayal of Belgrom?$B$BYou continue to decipher more of the script and pictures and realize that one of the crystals is tied to the creator of the circle--the others are tied to something far more sinister.$B$BYou close the book and begin to decide which crystal to destroy. ','Destroy the arcane focusing crystal tied to Magus Rimtori and then slay her. Afterwards, take the Head of Magus Rimtori to Ag\'tor Bloodfist in Azshara.','RAR!! Incredible!$b$bYou\'ve done it! Belgrom will be pleased! Finally the spirits of dozens of our warriors can be at peace. Thank you, $N.','How goes your slaughter of the blood elf traitors, $N? Have you made any progress?$b$bI hope you are the one strong enough to bring that dog to her knees! She deserves nothing but a painful death for all that she has done!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1949insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1904,3507,'Betrayed','Return to Belgrom in Orgrimmar. He will want to see her head for himself! We\'ll return there shortly.$B$BAh, this is indeed a good day. Thank you for your help, $N.','Speak to Belgrom Rockmaul in Orgrimmar.','HAHA! Look at you now, pathetic woman! I spit on your remains!$b$bThank you, $N. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! This is indeed a great day!$b$bI would give you a kingdom if it were in my power! But perhaps you will settle for this.$b$b<Belgrom looks down at the head of the $C who had betrayed him.>$b$bHaha! Stupid blood elf, look at you now... in a burlap sack and missing your body! You should never have betrayed Belgrom!','I remember you, $C. I asked you to go to Azshara to destroy that wench that betrayed me! That seems like many moons ago. Don\'t tell me that Ag\'tor and the others are dead also!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1950insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1905,3508,'Breaking the Ward','You are foolhardy, $N. It is an admirable quality of your kind - to blindly enter battle when you have little to no chance of success. I will assist you, if only to see just one of Razelikh\'s minions fall.$B$BTo break the ward placed over Razelikh\'s subordinates will take time and require the acquisition of rare artifacts.$B$BBe still, I must first perform the enlightenment ritual. The information I gather will assist me in forging weapons of great power.','Wait for Loramus to complete the enlightenment spell.','The name of the beast must be found.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1951insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1906,3509,'The Name of the Beast','There is only one way to harm the demon lord and his minions. A weapon of power must be forged bearing his true name.$B$BWhen such a weapon is forged, the demon and all under his command are vulnerable.$B$BA lesser deity resides in Azshara: Lord Arkkoroc. You must seek him out but be warned, his minions will stop at nothing to destroy you if you are discovered.$B$BUndoubtedly, you will have to pay a price for such information. ','Speak with Lord Arkkoroc in Azshara. Begin your search at the waters edge to find the Temple of Arkkoran.','A demon lord?$b$b<Lord Arkkoroc laughs.>$b$bPerhaps the one can assist you with this information; but first, you must assist the one.$b$b','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1952insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1907,3510,'The Name of the Beast','She kills my children, mortal. She that calls herself the ruler of these oceans. A false god, nothing more. Crush her and bring back all of her heads.$B$BFor that, you will be given the name that you seek and something else of equal importance.$B$BShe roams the clutch... Hetaera she is called.$B$B<Lord Arkkoroc points to the southwest.>$B$BGo!\r\n','Slay Hetaera and bring back Hetaera\'s Bloodied Head, Hetaera\'s Beaten Head, and Hetaera\'s Bruised Head to Lord Arkkoroc.','Finally, one worthy of the wisdom of Arkkoroc!$b$b','<Lord Arkkoroc bends down to inspect you.>$b$bWhere are they?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1953insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1908,3511,'The Name of the Beast','As promised, I will reveal the name of the demon lord, Razelikh the Defiler. First, however, I must prepare something of utmost importance for your journey.$B$BThe weapon you seek to create requires a temper. Give me a moment to drain the blood from these heads.$B$B<Lord Arkkoroc squeezes the heads in between his gigantic fists, draining them of their blood.>$B$BTake the temper back to Loramus along with the name of the beast: Rakh\'likh.','Take the temper back to Loramus Thalipedes.\r\n','The temper will add the necessary vitriol we require for the forging of the weapons. There is but one more step in their creation.$b$b','You return! Astounding, $R. Did you discover the true name?$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1954insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1909,3512,'In Eranikus\' Own Words','$N, our first step will be to devise a method to speak with Eranikus through the gem.  He lies in a precarious state between sleep and death now, twisted within a weave of nightmares.  Though the essence you have given me is badly tainted, there is a chance we can reach him.$B$BTravel far to the icy lands of eastern Winterspring and seek one of our mortal allies, Umbranse the Spiritspeaker.  He is a human medium who speaks for the dead.  Though Eranikus is not truly dead, he may be of aid to us still.','Travel to the eastern part of Winterspring and speak with Umbranse the Spiritspeaker.','Itharius was wise to send you to me. While he is not dead as you understand death, Eranikus will soon give us advice in his own words. For now though, I cannot directly help you... at least not yet.$b$bI will lend my skill at death-speaking to you, but first I need the help of one who - unlike me - is not limited by the frailties of old age. My most potent augury device has been taken from me against my will, and unless I have it back we will be at a loss to help Eranikus.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1955insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1910,3513,'The Runed Scroll','The official-looking scroll is wrapped tightly with a silvery ribbon. You\'re sure someone would be interested in seeing this, but who?$B$BThere is an outpost close to the Ashenvale border to the north, and if the information on this scroll involves the night elves, this would be the place to take it.','Take the Runed Scroll to the northern guard tower in the Barrens.','Well now... Where did you find this?','Whaddya got?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1956insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1911,3514,'Horde Presence','This scroll is from that scheming dryad Rynthariel, Keymaster of the Talon Den on Stonetalon Peak.$B$BShe\'ll not be making any more contact with the messenger you looted this from, heh, but we must stand our ground here. The Horde will not tolerate her outrunners here.$B$B$N, travel to the Talon Den. Kill Rynthariel, and then put up a symbol for all to see. Take this Horde flag, $N. Put it up in the Talon Den so that they will not be so rash as to send another messenger through our territory again.','Kill the leader of the Talon Den, Rynthariel the Keymaster.','You\'re a tough one! Ridding the Den of Rynthariel is a major step, $N. They will be slow to regroup, and so we can count on less Alliance runners in the Barrens. They will think again before sending another this way.$B$BThank you.','We cannot allow the Alliance on our land, $N. Make this known.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1957insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1912,3517,'Stealing Knowledge','I admit, $N, I\'ve made the most of my situation in Azshara. Belgrom\'s punishment has had its share of benefits.$B$BBefore I left, I did some research and you would be surprised how many valuable items are lying around.$B$BI\'ll tell you more about my deals, and even give you a cut of the profits, if you help me gather some of them.$B$BThere are tablets throughout the Ruins of Eldarath to the east that I need. All four are named after Highborne wizards. Get them for me and we\'ll talk some more.','Find the Tablet of Beth\'Amara, the Tablet of Jin\'yael, the Tablet of Markri, and the Tablet of Sael\'hai before returning to Jediga in Azshara.','Perfect, $N, and in good condition also. These should get us a good price from all the parties concerned.$b$bLet\'s not dawdle around here any longer than we have to. We have some money to make.','The tablets I\'m having you gather should bring in a pretty copper or two to the right parties. I\'ll tell you who we need to deliver them to after you\'ve found them. But I\'m no fool... you\'ll get your share after I have proof that they\'ve been delivered.$b$bSo get to it--we don\'t have all day. I might have to find someone else to help me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1958insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1913,3518,'Delivery to Magatha','The first tablet goes to a tauren female... one called Magatha. She is among the elders in Thunder Bluff, and is one of the proponents of the alliance between the tauren and the Forsaken. She, more than anyone among the elders, feels the tauren and their ways can help the Forsaken find a path back to being human.$B$BBring her the Tablet of Beth\'Amara. The tablet may be the link she needs in finding a way to help the Forsaken... or so she claims.','Bring the Tablet of Beth\'Amara to Magatha in Thunder Bluff.','Ah, at long last, the Tablet of Beth\'Amara. I was wondering if my partnership with Jediga had failed or if the poor orc had found her death in Azshara. I am glad she was successful.$b$bBeth\'Amara was one of the Highborne\'s most influential alchemists. The wizard alone was said to have mastered transmuting metals among other things.','Yes, $N. What can I do for you? I have many matters I must attend to, so please, be quick.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1959insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1914,3519,'A Friend in Need','Ughhh... I was bitten very badly by a spider named Githyiss the Vile while exploring the spider cave very close to here. I am sure I have been seriously poisoned; you must help me.$B$BPlease tell Dirania Silvershine. She will be able to help me.$B$BHurry... I\'m so dizzy...','Speak to Dirania Silvershine in Shadowglen.','Oh dear; I was wondering why I hadn\'t seen Iverron yet today. And I\'ve always warned him about those spiders...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1960insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1915,3520,'Screecher Spirits','I seek the spirits of the vale screechers of Feralas.  They are the cousins of an old, old god, and their spirits are linked to him.$B$BTake this bramble wand and go to Feralas.  Find and defeat vale screechers in southern and central Feralas, then wave my bramble over their fallen bodies.  This will coax their spirit to reveal itself.  Touch the spirit and collect its essence.$B$BReturn to me with my bramble and with the collected essence, and I will tell you more of the old god of which I spoke.','Capture the spirits of 3 screechers in Feralas, then return to Yeh\'kinya in Steamwheedle Port.','You have done well, $N.  Perhaps now it is time to reveal more...$B$BThere is an ancient prophecy among the trolls, where the dead god Hakkar, the Soulflayer, will one day return to this earth.  Some say the coming of Hakkar will bring joy and glory to trollkind, while others believe his resurrection marks the end of all things.$B$BI do not believe this myth, but I do know the essence of Hakkar holds great power, and this power should be kept from those who would abuse it...','Have you collected the essence of the screecher spirits, $N?','','Screecher Spirits Collected','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1961insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1916,3521,'Iverron\'s Antidote','We may be able to help Iverron, as I know of an antidote that should help with the poison. It requires some ingredients, though, before I can make it.$B$BI\'ll need Hyacinth mushrooms. You can find these growing under trees, or you may collect them from the grell south of here; they seem to have taken a liking to them. I\'ll also need Moonpetal lilies, which only grow around watery pools.$B$BThe last ingredient may prove the most difficult. From the very spiders that poisoned Iverron, collect Webwood ichor.','Collect 7 Hyacinth Mushrooms, 4 Moonpetal Lilies, and 1 Webwood Ichor for Dirania Silveshine in Shadowglen.','Thank Elune that you have gathered these ingredients so quickly!$b$bIn just a moment, I will have the antidote prepared.','Please, collect the ingredients, $N. Iverron needs our help.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1962insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1917,3522,'Iverron\'s Antidote','The antidote is ready, $N. Please see that Iverron drinks it.$B$BThere is something that you should know -- the antidote -- it will only remain viable for 5 minutes. You must get it to him in time.$B$BSpeed be with you, $N.','Bring Iverron\'s Antidote to Iverron before the time limit is up. Iverron can be found by the cave to the north.','What is this, $N?$b$bOh, I knew Dirania would be able to help me!$b$b<Iverron drinks the antidote>$b$bI\'m always getting into trouble and Dirania, well, she always manages to help me out of it.$b$bI am feeling much better, but I think I will sit here for a while longer, until I feel completely better. Well, that, and I was hoping you\'d clear a path for me through those vicious Webwood spiders...','Oh... $N, I\'m so glad you have returned.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1963insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1918,3523,'Scourge of the Downs','Outstanding!  My name is Belnistrasz, and I thank you for rescuing me.  I had given myself up for dead... or worse, as a meal for these Scourge-infested vermin.  Yes - I said Scourge all right; they\'ve brokered some sort of deal with the Quilboar here, and this nightmare is a result.$B$BListen... rather than just flee, I want to make a difference for all of our sakes.  Would you be up to helping me out to that end?  It\'s probably dangerous, but you seem to be the type not to worry about that too much.','If you agree to aid Belnistrasz, speak with him again and hand the Oathstone he gave you back to him.','Fantastic, I thought you looked to be the heroic type! We\'ve got our work cut out for us $N, I\'m not going to lie to you. If we stay focused on the task at hand, we should be able to come out on top.$b$bNow, let me bring you up to speed on what\'s been going on...','I\'m not one for politics; I care not if your affiliations are for either Horde or Alliance. I am more interested in squelching direct and dire threats to all the races... and we have quite a large one in here.$b$bIf you\'re willing to be a true hero for all people, then hand me the oathstone I have given you as a sign of commitment. I\'m... not from around these parts; an oathstone is important to people of my kind as a bond of agreement.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1964insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1919,3524,'Washed Ashore','Majestic sea creatures are known to launch themselves at the Darkshore coastline, beached there until they die. Lately, these beasts have been washing ashore in ever-increasing numbers.  I\'ve been sent here by the Temple of the Moon to investigate, but the presence of murlocs along the water has made my research difficult.$B$BThere is a giant creature washed ashore just south of Auberdine that is ringed by the foul Greymist murlocs.  Could you go there and retrieve bones from the creature for our study?','Recover Sea Creature Bones from the beached sea creature just south of Auberdine, and then return with it to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','I hope the murloc did not give you much trouble in collecting this for us! I will be sure to get this on the next hippogryph to Darnassus. The Temple of the Moon has given me some funds to hand out for assistance; please have some with our thanks.$B$BYour success here emboldens me to offer you a chance to aid the Temple of the Moon further, if you are interested...','It is only recently that these creatures started landing on the coast of Darkshore in such alarming numbers. I can\'t help but think that this is an ill omen of some sort. Recovering a sample of that creature\'s bones to the south would help us in Darnassus assess this situation!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1965insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1920,3525,'Extinguishing the Idol','Near the entrance is an idol that functions as a macabre oven for the Quilboar; the beasts... they literally consume their abductees from the Barrens.  I can shut down the idol and bind them from using it again, but I need your aid in doing so.  My plan: escort me to the idol.  Once we arrive, I\'ll commence the ritual.  I\'ll barely be able to communicate with you, let alone defend myself.  Protect me while I shut down the idol.  If they take me down, then it\'s all over for us.$B$BAre you with me?!','Escort Belnistrasz to the Quilboar\'s idol in Razorfen Downs.$B$BProtect Belnistrasz while he performs the ritual to shut down the idol.','Belnistrasz\'s sudden departure has left behind a burning brazier.  As you stare in to the flame, the image of a great-winged red dragon fills your mind.  A more graveled version of Belnistrasz\'s voice speaks directly to you.$B$B\"Indeed mortals, you are the heroes I had hoped you would be.  Thanks to you the butchery these beasts were perpetrating is a thing of the past.  My faith in mortals such as yourself has been once more renewed.  Take this as a reward befitting of a hero.\"','','Protect Belnistrasz while he performs the ritual to shut down the idol','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1966insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1921,3526,'Goblin Engineering','Expert engineering yields two distinct disciplines: gnome and goblin.  Clearly, goblin engineering is the choice of all brilliant engineers.  Learn to master the world through the judicious use of high explosives and fantastic gear!$B$B$N, read this manual.  If you want to learn about goblin engineering, then take it to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.   Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure this is what you want before finishing his task.','If you wish to learn more about Goblin Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.','Well $N, you were wise to seek my tutelage! Any schlep can become an expert at the basics of engineering - the gnomes and their irradiated home of Gnomeregan are proof of that. It takes a strong mind and a steady hand (emphasis on STEADY) though to master the discipline of Goblin Engineering.$B$BKeep your ears perked $N, and you might learn something.','I can smell fresh recruits much like I can an excellent blasting powder - from a mile away. Have you come seeking to learn about the mastery of the explosion?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1967insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1922,3527,'The Prophecy of Mosh\'aru','The ancient prophecy of Mosh\'aru speaks of a way to contain the god Hakkar\'s essence.  It was written on two tablets and taken to the troll city of Zul\'Farrak, west of Gadgetzan.$B$BBring me the Mosh\'aru tablets!$B$BThe first tablet is held by the long-dead troll Theka the Martyr.  It is said his persecutors were cursed into scarabs and now scuttle about his shrine.$B$BThe second tablet is held by the hydromancer Velratha, near the sacred pool of Gahz\'rilla.$B$BWhen you have the tablets, bring them to me.','Bring the First and Second Mosh\'aru Tablets to Yeh\'kinya in Tanaris.','Ah, this is good. I can fuse these ancient tablets together, and then study their hidden secrets.$b$bMy debt to you grows, $N. And it will grow further still.','Do you have the tablets of the Prophecy of Mosh\'aru, $N?$b$bWhen I gain the tablets, I will study them, and learn how to contain the essence of Hakkar!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1968insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1923,3528,'The God Hakkar','Now it is time to capture the essence of the avatar of Hakkar.$B$BTake the Egg of Hakkar to the Sanctum of the Fallen God in the Sunken Temple in Azeroth.  Invoke the egg\'s power to stir the dead god.$B$BHe will send his minions against you.  Defeat his bloodrinkers and take their Hakkari blood, then use the blood to dowse the eternal flames that hold Hakkar\'s spirit.  When all the flames go out, the avatar of Hakkar will enter our world.$B$BDefeat him, and place his essence within the egg of Hakkar.','Bring the Filled Egg of Hakkar to Yeh\'kinya in Tanaris.','The essence of Hakkar has been collected! Even now the Egg stirs with life! Could the myths of Hakkar be true?$b$bThat must not be true, for it is then I fear what Hakkar may do if birthed again. I will keep this egg safe and be sure it does not fall into evil hands.$b$bYour labors with me are finished, $N. You have touched a legend, and your actions may one day change the face of our world.','Have you defeated the avatar of Hakkar, $N? Has his essence yet empowered the egg I gave you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1969insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1924,3541,'Delivery to Jes\'rimon','I have a fence in Orgrimmar. He resides in The Drag. He\'s difficult to nail down if you don\'t know where to look, but if you go looking in one of the highest buildings there you should have no problem finding him.$B$BDo me a favor though, don\'t go shouting to all of Kalimdor that he\'s there and what his business is--it\'d be bad for both of us.$B$BHe\'ll give us more than a fair price for the Tablet of Jin\'yael. I\'m not sure why, but you should have seen how excited he was to hear about its whereabouts.','Bring the Tablet of Jin\'yael to Jes\'rimon in Orgrimmar.','Ahhh, Jediga be sendin\' her package all the way from Azshara. Good. I be waitin\' on this.$B$BJediga, now that be a fine woman... deadly too. What could be better?$B$BLook at this... the tablet be in perfect condition. You make a good messenger, $N.','Yes, what you be needin\', $gdad:mon? I got many tings to be takin\' care of today, and you not be on me agenda as one of them. Pester me, and I make sure that changes.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1970insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1925,3542,'Delivery to Andron Gant','Andron Gant is my next contact. He usually holds himself up in the Undercity... right near the Apothecarium.$B$BHe was a little more loose-lipped when it came to speaking about what he wanted the Tablet for. Apparently some of the mages of Undercity are looking to study some of the arcane spells the highborne used. They think this tablet will help them. Markri was adept at summoning creatures; especially elementals.$B$BTake the Tablet of Markri and return to me for your part of the reward.','Bring the Tablet of Markri to Andron Gant in Undercity.','Here, take some coin... get yerself... <hic>... some new armor or something....$b$bThis\'ll bring a shiny gold or two to the right... <hic> people.','Well... ... isn\'t this a surprise? An adventurererere... !$b$bWhat c\'n I do for you... ?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1971insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1926,3561,'Delivery to Archmage Xylem','This final tablet goes to someone very dangerous, $N. Heed me when I tell you that I trust this person far less than anyone else I\'ve asked you to meet with.$B$BArchmage Xylem has a tower up in the hills overlooking Azshara. He\'s human, but he acts like no human I\'ve met... or killed. He exudes power, and I dare not ask him what he plans on doing with the tablet.$B$BHe came to me, but told me that his bodyguard Sanath would help me get to the tower when I was ready to meet him. Look north for Sanath.','Bring the Tablet of Sael\'hai to Archmage Xylem in Azshara.','Ah, the Tablet of Sael\'hai... how long I\'ve longed to study it.$b$bThank you, $N. You may tell Jediga that she has done well. This will definitely be worth the payment she asked for.','What can help you with, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1972insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1927,3562,'Magatha\'s Payment to Jediga','Take this note to Jediga. Tell her the payment will be here for her when she returns. And tell her I am pleased with her work.$B$BGo swiftly, $N. Tell your master I will be awaiting her here.','Deliver Magatha\'s Note to Jediga in Azshara.','Ah, good. She was much more reasonable than I expected... at least towards you. I half expected her to have you punished for my insolence in sending someone in my place. She must really want that tablet. Interesting.$b$bSomething to ponder another time.','Well, what did Magatha say? The old crone... I bet she was less than polite.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1973insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1928,3563,'Jes\'rimon\'s Payment to Jediga','Take this letter to Jediga. Let her know that our deal has been beneficial and I be pleased with her work.$B$BYou tell her she come back to Orgrimmar fast and Jes\'rimon make sure he take good care of her.$B$BTell her that, and maybe in the future I have need of your services again, $N.','Deliver Jes\'rimon\'s Note to Jediga in Azshara.','I can see he was more than pleased by the looks of his note.... a little too pleased.$B$BPerhaps some day I\'ll take time to make sure he knows how much I appreciate his advances also. Well, at least there\'s one reason to look forward to spending more time in Azshara.$B$BHere\'s your share of our payment.','Have you spoken to Jes\'rimon yet?$B$BHe\'s a boar among trolls, but his information is usually accurate and his jobs well paying.$B$BIf you can stand his attitude then you stand to make some good coin from his business endeavors.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1974insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1929,3564,'Andron\'s Payment to Jediga','Here... take... <hic> this to Jediga. Good luck to ya!','Deliver Andron\'s Note to Jediga in Azshara.','Perfect... wait a minute.$b$bHaha! What\'d you tell him when you delivered the tablet, $N? He overpaid us way too much! Not that I\'m complaining. Did you tell him the deal changed? Or was he drunk again?$b$bDoesn\'t matter... here, take an extra share also.','Have you met with Andron yet? He rarely leaves Undercity, so I don\'t think it\'d be too hard to find him.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1975insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1930,3565,'Xylem\'s Payment to Jediga','What is it? Oh yes, your payment. Of course.$B$BTake this and be off with you. I\'m sure Jediga is awaiting oh so patiently for your return.','Deliver Xylem\'s Note to Jediga in Azshara.','No problems? None at all? Well, that\'s something to be said... I expected him to show some sort of reluctance or to at least betray our deal. Hmm, maybe he can be trusted after all.$b$bWell, no need to dwell on it that much. Here\'s your share. Thank you for your help.','Well, what did Xylem have to say? He didn\'t do anything to you, did he? Cast a spell on you? Con you into doing work for him?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1976insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1931,3566,'Rise, Obsidion!','It... It... It was all a trap.$B$BForgive... me.$B$BKill the bastard... Kill him for us... for Thorius.','Slay Lathoric the Black and Obsidion, and return to Thorius in Ironforge with the Head of Lathoric the Black and the Heart of Obsidion. ','<Thorius\' face turns white.>$B$BThis... this cannot be. My own brother? He set this all up?$B$B<Thorius\' face contorts in anger.>$B$BHe betrayed me, he betrayed Ironforge! It seems as if the influence of the Old Gods is still strong in these lands. I fear that if my brother - a once noble and honorable man - was so easily turned to the will of Ragnaros, no one is safe.','I don\'t believe you! Show me proof!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1977insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1932,3567,'To the Top','','','Would you like to see the view atop one of the twin colossals? I can send you there, $R.$B$BDo consider how you will get down, though. This is a one way trip only.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1978insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1933,3568,'Seeping Corruption','See that tauren behind me--the one who looks like she\'s going to be ill at any moment? She was in Azshara recently. She claims she was wounded by some naga while making her way through the Ruins of Eldarath.$B$BAfter fighting off a few of them, she took a break on the beach and drank from one of the tide pools. Now she\'s feeling nauseous... among other things.$B$BI\'d like to find out what she drank. Take this box, in it are some empty vials I labeled. Fill each at different pools and come back.','Fill all 4 Empty Vials at the tide pools along the coast of the Ruins of Eldarath in Azshara before returning to Chemist Cuely.','Wonderful. You\'re back before she died. Good, good.$B$BLet\'s get started on this then, shall we?$B$BI\'ve been studying her symptoms for some time now, and it\'s quite ugly. I\'m surprised she\'s still standing. She\'s vomited three or four times all over the place... quite a pleasant odor.$B$BGive me just a moment to put something together to test on our... friend.','You know where this is leading, don\'t you, $N? There\'s no way she can survive... look at her. The best thing for her now is to aid us in finding a cure for the plague. This water she drank might have a clue that helps us figure out how. She\'s going to die anyway--she might as well die doing something noble for our people before she does. Don\'t you agree?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1979insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1934,3569,'Seeping Corruption','Give this to Thersa. Perhaps it will cure her... perhaps not. We really won\'t know until after she drinks it.','Give Cuely\'s Elixir to Thersa Windsong in Undercity.','Chemist Cuely has been very accommodating... disturbingly so. But if he says this will help me, then I have no other choice. I don\'t have time to find any other solution. I\'ve already spoken to priests and shamans, none of which could help me.$B$BLet us hope that the Earthmother watches over my spirit.','I\'ve come to Undercity because I heard their alchemists have been studying long and hard on how to find a cure for their own illness. It was suggested that perhaps they could help me too.$B$BAlthough this place makes me feel far from welcome, I had no choice--the sickness that found me is tearing me up inside and I needed their help immediately.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1980insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1935,3570,'Seeping Corruption','','','Wonderful. You\'re back before she died. Good, good.$B$BLet\'s get started on this then, shall we?$B$BI\'ve been studying her symptoms for some time now, and it\'s quite ugly. I\'m surprised she\'s still standing. She\'s vomited three or four times all over the place... quite a pleasant odor.$B$BGive me just a moment to put something together to test on our... friend.','You know where this is leading, don\'t you, $N? There\'s no way she can survive... look at her. The best thing for her now is to aid us in finding a cure for the plague. This water she drank might have a clue that helps us figure out how. She\'s going to die anyway--she might as well die doing something noble for our people before she does. Don\'t you agree?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1981insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1936,3601,'Kim\'jael Indeed!','Kim\'jael indeed!! Do you know what Kim\'jael means to the Blood elves, $N? Little rat... or something like that. The big bullies!$B$BThey hired me to help them scout the area looking for some sort of lost treasures. Of course I jumped aboard the moment they said \"treasure\" and the amount they were willing to pay, but of course, they turned on me and tried to kill me... ME!$B$BGoes to show you, you can\'t trust a Blood elf.$B$BThe problem is, they still have my equipment and I can\'t get it back. Help me out?','Search the Thalassian Base Camp for Kim\'jael\'s Compass, Scope, Stuffed Chicken and Wizzlegoober, then return them to him in Azshara.','Haha! You got them good, didn\'t you?!$b$bThis is great! That\'ll teach those Blood elves to betray their partners... especially someone as loyal as a goblin merchant! Bah, Blood elves...!$b$bWell, the least I can do for you is pay you for your time... just like I said I would.$b$bHere you go... those should be useful.','Those stinkin\' Blood elves. I tell ya, if I was as strong as you are, I\'d go down there and teach them a thing or two myself! But I\'ll have to settle with payin\' you to take care of \'em for me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1982insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1937,3602,'Azsharite','The ancient cliff giants of the southern region of Azshara consume the rock and buildings of the land for sustenance. The excrement from their consumption is a highly malleable and extremely strong crystal known as Azsharite.$B$BThe formations litter the southern arc, but few are ever recovered due to the extremely violent nature of the giants.$B$BYou are to venture south and recover enough of the Azsharite for the creation of the weapon\'s body. My felhounds will aid in the recovery of the crystal.','Recover twenty Crystallized Azsharite from southern Azshara. You may use the Felhound to assist you in \'sniffing\' out the location of cleverly hidden deposits.$B$BReturn to Loramus when the task is complete.\r\n','Your tasks in Azshara are complete, mortal. I must now forge the necessary components for the next step in your adventure.','Evil does not sleep, fool. You will have time for rest when you are finally dead. Now, bring me those crystals.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1983insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1938,3621,'The Formation of Felbane','The weapons are ready to be forged. You must take the tempered azsharite to one with the ability to harness fel energy.$B$BIn Stranglethorn Vale such a blacksmith exists. Galvan the Ancient, leader of the Mithril Order, will craft the weapons to your specifications. You will find his encampment between Zul\'Gurub and the Mosh\'Ogg ogre mound.$B$BMay your determination and faith carry you through this ordeal. Should you fail, know that your God smiles down upon you, mortal.','Take the Shipment to Galvan the Ancient in Stranglethorn Vale.','My goodness, I can only imagine what you went through to get these materials. Few venture into Azshara and return alive, let alone those that face demi-gods and giants!$b$b','Loramus, eh? It has been many years since I have heard that name.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1984insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1939,3625,'Enchanted Azsharite Fel Weaponry','$N, the creation of each weapon will take some time.$B$BAdditionally, you may only use the power of the Felcurse once per three minutes. Its weakening properties against Razelikh the Defiler and his minions may be variable in duration. This is why you must release the Felcurse only when the moment is right!$B$BNow give me a moment to craft your weapon, $N.\r\n','Wait for Galvan to finish forging the weaponry.','<Galvan wipes the sweat from his brow.>$b$bA finer demon slayer has never existed, $N.','','Weaponry Creation','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1985insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1940,3626,'Return to the Blasted Lands','The hour of redemption is near, $N. You must return to the Blasted Lands with your new-found weaponry and speak with the Fallen Hero of the Horde to receive your final objective.\r\n','Return to the Fallen Hero of the Horde.','You look battle hardened, $N. Are you prepared to face Razelikh and his minions?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1986insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1941,3627,'Uniting the Shattered Amulet','To reach the Defiler, you must first destroy the triad of power and recover the amulet pieces. When you recover all three pieces, return to me and I shall give you further instruction.$B$BGo $N! To the Blasted Lands! Sevine, Allistarj, and Grol must fall!\r\n','Slay Grol the Destroyer, Lady Sevine, and Archmage Allistarj. From their corpses take the Amulet of Grol, the Amulet of Sevine, and the Amulet of Allistarj.$B$BRemember to USE your Enchanted Azsharite Fel Weaponry to weaken the triad. They cannot be killed otherwise - but use them wisely...\r\n','The amulet of Razelikh the Defiler is once again complete but he senses the disruption in his chain of command. He knows you come for him...','The three shall form the one, the one shall light the way.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1987insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1942,3628,'You Are Rakh\'likh, Demon','Razelikh\'s lair is atop the highest mountain in the Blasted Lands. The only way to the lair is through the use of the teleport runes near the mountain. As long as you hold the amulet, you can freely transport up to the lair. Once you reach the lair, you must conjure the beast. The amulet is your key, $N. Use it on the Altar of the Defiler.$B$BShould you defeat the Defiler, bring back his horn. It will become a symbol of hope for all that view it - proof that heroes do exist in this war torn world.\r\n','Destroy Razelikh the Defiler and return the Severed Horn of the Defiler to the Fallen Hero of the Horde. You will also need to return the Ward of the Defiler so that the Fallen Hero can destroy it, preventing it from ever falling into the wrong hands.\r\n','Today is a day that will be remembered for all eternity. The demonic overlord of the Blasted Lands has finally fallen!$b$b','There is nothing left to fear.$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1988insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1943,3629,'Goblin Engineering','Expert engineering yields two distinct disciplines: gnome and goblin.  I only bother to mention goblin engineering because I\'m a fair trainer.  They like to make things that blow up, and they rarely care what is in the way - even themselves.$B$B$N, read this manual.  If you want to learn how to blow yourself up, then take it to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.   Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure this is what you want before finishing his task.','If you wish to learn more about Goblin Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.','Well $N, you were wise to seek my tutelage! Any schlep can become an expert at the basics of engineering - the gnomes and their irradiated home of Gnomeregan are proof of that. It takes a strong mind and a steady hand (emphasis on STEADY) though to master the discipline of Goblin Engineering.$B$BKeep your ears perked $N, and you might learn something.','I can smell fresh recruits much like I can an excellent blasting powder - from a mile away. Have you come seeking to learn about the mastery of the explosion?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1989insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1944,3630,'Gnome Engineering','Engineering at the expert level breaks into two disciplines: gnome and goblin.  Gnome engineering represents by far the superior of the two!  It\'s about the construction of wonderful gadgets and devices that make life better!$B$B$N, read this manual.  If you want to learn more on gnome engineering, then take that manual to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.   Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure you are sure before finishing his task!','If you wish to learn more about Gnome Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.','You\'ve done your part, $N. The Alliance cannot let the Horde\'s uncivilized acts to go unchallenged!','What news do you bring, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1990insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1945,3631,'Summon Felsteed','Hmph. I say you\'re not prepared, but that is not my decision. Strahad feels otherwise, and it is his decision to make... this time.$B$BHe wishes to speak to you, and quickly. You\'ll find him still above Ratchet in the Barrens, at his little tower there with his acolytes.$B$BDo not dawdle long.','Speak to Strahad Farsan in the Barrens.','Good luck, $N. I look forward to seeing you in the future.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1991insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1946,3632,'Gnome Engineering','Engineering at the expert level breaks into two disciplines: gnome and goblin.  Gnome engineering represents by far the superior of the two!  It\'s about the construction of wonderful gadgets and devices that make life better!$B$B$N, read this manual.  If you want to learn more on gnome engineering, then take that manual to Tinkmaster Overspark here in Ironforge.   Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure you are sure before finishing his task!','If you wish to learn more about Gnome Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.','Ah, a young engineer interested in pursuing the one, true discipline of engineering! Well forgive my melodrama, friend. While our situation remains dire, it still is always a good day to see another engineer respond to the clarion call of true engineering!','Yes, yes, what needs of yours might I address today? Clearly, I have the time to do such since all I do is stand here while our beloved city lies in a cloud of irradiated death.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1992insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1947,3633,'Goblin Engineering','Expert engineering yields two distinct disciplines: gnome and goblin.  Clearly, goblin engineering is the choice of all brilliant engineers.  Learn to master the world through the judicious use of high explosives and fantastic gear!$B$B$N, read this manual.  If you want to learn about goblin engineering, then take it to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.   Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure this is what you want before finishing his task.','If you wish to learn more about Goblin Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1993insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1948,3634,'Gnome Engineering','Engineering at the expert level breaks into two disciplines: gnome and goblin.  While I think it is a waste, you should be aware of gnome specialization.  They make items and gadgets that claim to change the world, but rarely often work.$B$B$N, read this manual.  If you wish to learn how to make metal paper weights, then take that manual to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.   Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure you are sure before finishing his task!','If you wish to learn more about Gnome Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.','Ah, a young engineer interested in pursuing the one, true discipline of engineering!  Well forgive my melodrama, friend.  While our situation remains dire, it still is always a good day to see another engineer respond to the clarion call of true engineering!','Yes, yes, what needs of yours might I address today?  Clearly, I have the time to do such since all I do is stand here while our beloved city lies in a cloud of irradiated death.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1994insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1949,3635,'Gnome Engineering','Engineering at the expert level breaks into two disciplines: gnome and goblin.  While I think it is a waste, you should be aware of gnome specialization.  They make items and gadgets that claim to change the world, but rarely work.$B$B$N, read this manual.  If you wish to learn how to make metal paper weights, then take the manual to Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay.   Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure you are sure before finishing his task.','If you wish to learn more about Gnome Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1995insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1950,3636,'Bring the Light','The Scourge is a persistent threat to the Alliance, a fact I am sure you know quite well. Recently, we have come across some very peculiar findings, $N.$B$BIn the Barrens lies a horrid tangle of briars called Razorfen Downs. While once it was the home of simple quilboar, now it has become apparent that a pact was made with the Scourge, creating creatures far worse... They are now ruled by the lich, Amnennar the Coldbringer.$B$BAlign yourself with the Light, $N; put an end to this evil union.','Archbishop Bendictus wants you to slay Amnennar the Coldbringer in Razorfen Downs.','Thank you , $N. The Scourge will now think twice before attempting to bolster its ranks again.$B$BMay you be blessed by the Light.','Amnennar must be eradicated. Go, swiftly.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1996insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1951,3637,'Gnome Engineering','Engineering at the expert level breaks into two disciplines: gnome and goblin.  While I think it is a waste, you should be aware of gnome specialization.  They make items and gadgets that claim to change the world, but rarely work.$B$B$N, read this manual.  If you wish to learn how to make metal paper weights, then take the manual to Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay.   Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure you are sure before finishing his task.','If you wish to learn more about Gnome Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1997insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1952,3638,'The Pledge of Secrecy','Goblin engineering is about practical uses for high profit and higher explosive power!  Our schemata allow us to make powerful bombs and mighty weaponry; the manual you read covered this.$B$BThe manual also covered our ages old oath of secrecy on our schemata.  Once you become a goblin engineer, that\'s that.  There is no access to gnome engineering at all.$B$BIf you still want to become a goblin engineer, sign this document pledging life-long secrecy and speak with me again.  Think about it carefully, $N.','If you agree to become a Goblin Engineer, then right-click on the Pledge of Secrecy and speak once more with Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.','Welcome aboard, Goblin Engineer $N! You soon will have access to the most powerful engineering schemata anywhere on Azeroth.$b$bNow that you have committed yourself to the pursuit of this knowledge, it is time to examine your goblin-oriented engineering work. From there, we\'ll help you build a plan to maximize your goblin engineering talents!','If you\'ve signed the document and are ready to hand it to me, then that is that. You\'ve been told that this is a one way trip. If you\'re ready, then hop on board!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1998insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1953,3639,'Show Your Work','As your mentor, I want samples of your work.  You\'re a skilled engineer; there is no question of this, $N.  What I hope to do though is analyze them for ways to emphasize goblin-oriented techniques in your future efforts.  I need the following: twenty big iron bombs, twenty sticks of solid dynamite, and five explosive sheep - and keep the safeties armed!$B$BSubmit these items to me and I will issue you your own Goblin Engineer Membership Card; it is required for access to all goblin engineering trainers!','Bring 20 Big Iron Bombs, 20 Solid Dynamite, and 5 Explosive Sheep to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.','Here is your first Goblin Engineer Membership Card!$b$bThis card has its dues paid for in advance for fourteen days; all cards expire after two weeks of activity. When it does, pay your next set of dues to any goblin engineer trainer in order to get another card; without the card, your membership will temporarily lapse and you cannot access new schemata.$b$bThis never affects what you already know; once a goblin engineer, always a goblin engineer.','Once I receive your crafted engineering items for my review, I will hand you a genuine Goblin Engineer Membership Card! So long as the card is valid, you will have unlimited access to any goblin engineer trainer anywhere in the world.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     1999insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1954,3640,'The Pledge of Secrecy','Gnome engineering is about engineering theory shaped to serve our needs!  Our schemata allow us to make devices that control the world around us; the manual you read covered this.$B$BThe manual also covered our ages old oath of secrecy on our schemata.  Once you become a gnome engineer, that\'s that.  There is no access to goblin engineering at all.$B$BIf you still want to become a gnome engineer, sign this document pledging life-long secrecy and speak with me again.  Think about it carefully, $N.','If you agree to become a Gnome Engineer, then right-click on the Pledge of Secrecy and speak once more with Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.','Welcome aboard, $N! You soon will have access to the most advanced engineering schemata anywhere on Azeroth.$B$BNow that you have committed yourself to the pursuit of this knowledge, it is time to examine your gnome-oriented engineering work. From there, we\'ll help you build a plan to maximize your gnome engineering talents!','If you\'ve signed the document and are ready to hand it to me, then that is that.$B$BThe secrets I will share with you are of such a magnitude that the signing of the Pledge of Secrecy is absolutely critical. I signed one, as did my brother and sister gnome engineers. You will be joining quite the auspicious fold, Engineer $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2000insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1955,3641,'Show Your Work','As your mentor, I want some samples of your work.  You\'re a skilled engineer; there is no question of this, $N.  What I hope to do though is to analyze your work for ways to emphasize gnome-oriented techniques in your future efforts.  I need the following samples: six mithril tubes, an accurate scope, and two advanced target dummies.$B$BSubmit these items to me and I will issue you your own Gnome Engineer Membership Card; it is required for access to all gnome engineering trainers!','Bring 6 Mithril Tubes, an Accurate Scope, and 2 Advanced Target Dummies to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.','Here is your first Gnome Engineer Membership Card!$B$BThis card has its dues paid for in advance for fourteen days; all cards expire after two weeks of activity. When it does, pay your next set of dues to any gnome engineer trainer in order to get another card; without the card, your membership will temporarily lapse and you cannot access new schemata.$B$BThis never affects what you already know; once a gnome engineer, always a gnome engineer.','Once I receive your crafted engineering items for my review, I will hand you a genuine Gnome Engineer Membership Card! So long as the card is valid, you will have unlimited access to any gnome engineer trainer anywhere in the world.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2001insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1956,3642,'The Pledge of Secrecy','Gnome engineering is about engineering theory shaped to serve our needs!  Our schemata allow us to make devices that control the world around us; the manual you read covered this.$B$BThe manual also covered our ages old oath of secrecy on our schemata.  Once you become a gnome engineer, that\'s that.  There is no access to goblin engineering at all.$B$BIf you still want to become a gnome engineer, sign this document pledging life-long secrecy and speak with me again.  Think about it carefully, $N.','If you agree to become a Gnome Engineer, then right-click on the Pledge of Secrecy and speak once more with Oglethrope Obnoticus in Booty bay.','Welcome aboard, $N! You soon will have access to the most advanced engineering schemata anywhere on Azeroth.$B$BNow that you have committed yourself to the pursuit of this knowledge, it is time to examine your gnome-oriented engineering work. From there, we\'ll help you build a plan to maximize your gnome engineering talents!','If you\'ve signed the document and are ready to hand it to me, then that is that.$B$BWhile I may vehemently disagree with Gnomeregan - especially that fool Tinkmaster Overspark - politically, the Pledge of Secrecy transcends everything else! You must agree to commit a single path and stay true to that path throughout your life.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2002insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1957,3643,'Show Your Work','As your mentor, I want some samples of your work.  You\'re a skilled engineer; there is no question of this, $N.  What I hope to do though is to analyze your work for ways to emphasize gnome-oriented techniques in your future efforts.  I need the following samples: six mithril tubes, an accurate scope, and two advanced target dummies.$B$BSubmit these items to me and I will issue you your own Gnome Engineer Membership Card; it is required for access to all gnome engineering trainers!','Bring 6 Mithril Tubes, an Accurate Scope, and a 2 Advanced Target Dummies to Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay.','Here is your first Gnome Engineer Membership Card!$B$BThis card has its dues paid for in advance for fourteen days; all cards expire after two weeks of activity. When it does, pay your next set of dues to any gnome engineer trainer in order to get another card; without the card, your membership will temporarily lapse and you cannot access new schemata.$B$BThis never affects what you already know; once a gnome engineer, always a gnome engineer.','Once I receive your crafted engineering items for my review, I will hand you a genuine Gnome Engineer Membership Card! So long as the card is valid, you will have unlimited access to any gnome engineer trainer anywhere in the world.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2003insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1958,3644,'Membership Card Renewal','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2004insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1959,3645,'Membership Card Renewal','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2005insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1960,3646,'Membership Card Renewal','\r\n','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2006insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1961,3647,'Membership Card Renewal','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2007insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1962,3661,'Favored of Elune?','Wildkin are quite unpredictable creatures, $N. Capable of incredible gentleness, these creatures will show extreme ferocity if something they deem important is threatened.$B$BThese beasts are rumored to have been created by Elune, and I am interested in finding if this is really the truth.$B$BRecently, I heard about a population of wildkin living in the Hinterlands -- Vicious, Primitive, and Savage Owlbeasts. They can be found amongst the wildlife there. Will you gather some wildkin feathers for me?','Collect 15 Wildkin Feathers from the Hinterlands for Erelas Ambersky in Rut\'theran Village.','Thank you for bringing these to me, $N.$B$BWhat did you learn of the Wildkin?$B$BPerhaps these feathers will tell us more. Ferocious monsters, or simply misguided pets? One day I\'d like to know the truth...$B$BI am going to continue my research -- please come back and talk to me again after some time has passed.','Try to avoid them if you can, $N. The Wildkin may misread your interest as an intent to do them harm...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2008insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1963,3681,'Tome of Divinity','Sorry to interrupt your travels, $r, but I thought you should know that word was sent from Stormwind recently asking that paladins report there for training.$B$BIf I didn\'t know any better, I\'d say your close to reaching a special time and it\'s time you started studying the Tomes.$B$BLook for Duthorian Rall in Stormwind. He usually trains paladins in the Cathedral of Light.','Speak with Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','Welcome to the Cathedral of Light, $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2009insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1964,3701,'The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan','Venture to the smoldering ruins of Thaurissan in the Burning Steppes and gather as much information as possible.$B$BIt is said that mysterious relics litter the ruins. Perhaps you should start your search there, $N. Beware the Thaurissan guardians: Assassins that guard the ruins, keeping whatever secrets may still be buried there protected.','Venture to the Ruins of Thaurissan in the Burning Steppes and recover information from the Thaurissan Relics. Return to Royal Historian Archesonus when you have recovered the information.','Oh my! This information explains quite a lot about Thaurissan.$B$BThere is much more to learn!','Do you bring new information?','','Information Recovered','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2010insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1965,3702,'The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan','Would you like to hear a brief history of the Dark Iron dwarves?','Listen to Royal Historian Archesonus recant the history of Thaurissan.','Shall we proceed?','','Story of Thaurissan','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2011insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1966,3721,'An OOX of Your Own','','','You\'ve recovered three of my OOX homing robots!  You\'ve gone above and beyond what you needed to, so I will give you something special for all your help.  It is a miniature version of the very same robot that you have come to know and love, the OOX!$B$BI normally wouldn\'t let anyone have such a potentially lethal device, but you\'ve been a real help.  Besides - the combat mechanisms and the homing logic on this one have been disabled.$B$BOther than that, it\'s an OOX by golly!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2012insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1967,3741,'Hilary\'s Necklace','My friend Hilary lost her necklace, and we can\'t find it.  We\'ve been fishing all day right here, and we looked around here already.  The only thing I can think of is that it fell into the lake.  Our parents don\'t want us to swim in the lake... my mom says there\'s some mean things underwater, but you look like you aren\'t scared of mean things.$B$BCould you find it for her, please?','Find Hilary\'s Necklace, and return it to Hilary in Lakeshire.','Thank you for finding my necklace mister $C... you are very kind! My kitty thanks you too - isn\'t that right Effsee?','Hi. I miss my necklace. My daddy got it for me. Daddy says that there are monsters in the lake. Did you beat up any monsters?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2013insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1968,3761,'Un\'Goro Soil','The soil of Un\'Goro Crater is reportedly enriched with potent magical qualities.  The Cenarion Circle wants to study this soil in large quantities; go into the wilds of Un\'Goro and acquire enough of it for our continued research.$B$BThe rich soil will stick out in piles from time to time, and some of the beasts might have usable samples on their being.  Take them all outside to Ghede; just look for the piles of dirt and the tauren barking orders.  He means well, just don\'t get him riled up though!','Bring 20 Un\'Goro Soil samples to Ghede on the Elder Rise of Thunder Bluff.','Oh that\'s right Private $N, don\'t make any effort to help me unload this soil up on to the piles! If the Great Spirits had wanted it done they would have miracled it up there, now wouldn\'t they?!$B$BArch Druid Runetotem wants to speak with you again, but for his next task you find that a journeyman\'s understanding of Herbalism would be helpful. If you don\'t know it though, he\'ll still find a use for you.','At ease, Private. If you\'re here to unload soil from Un\'Goro - outstanding then! Otherwise, disappear.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2014insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1969,3762,'Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem','Excuse me $c, but I\'d like just a moment of your time if possible.$B$BThe Cenarion Circle in Thunder Bluff is most interested in seasoned adventurers such as yourself to lend them aid in a vital research project.  While I do not know the specifics, I can inform you that none other than Hamuul Runetotem is spearheading this research.$B$BPlease - if you are interested, speak with him directly on the Elder Rise within Thunder Bluff proper.','Speak with Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem in Thunder Bluff.','Greetings, $C; I am glad you are interested in assisting our research. There is much to do, and I would be doing you a disservice if I informed you that the work this entails is not dangerous. Hopefully this will not scare you off... but from the looks of you, I take it that danger is something that you have dealt with before.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2015insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1970,3763,'Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm','Excuse me $c, but I\'d like just a moment of your time if possible.$B$BThe Cenarion Circle in Darnassus is looking for seasoned adventurers such as yourself to lend them aid in a vital research project.  While I do not know the specifics, I can inform you that none other than Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm is spearheading this research.$B$BPlease - if you are interested, speak with him directly in the Cenarion Enclave within Darnassus proper.','Speak with Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.','Well now, $c... since you were informed that I was leading this research myself, you obviously came as quickly as you could.$B$BNow that you are here, be sure to pay attention the first time I tell you the details; I have no desire to repeat myself.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2016insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1971,3764,'Un\'Goro Soil','The soil of Un\'Goro Crater is reportedly enriched with potent magical qualities.  I want to know facts from falsehoods; go into the wilds of Un\'Goro and acquire enough quality samples of soil for our continued study.$B$BYou may think that collection tasks are beneath you; that sort of attitude does not endear yourself to me or the Cenarion Circle.  Bring the samples to Jenal, who is no doubt wasting time outside behind this tree; just look for the piles of dirt.  He will handle the logistics - not I.','Bring 20 Un\'Goro Soil samples to Jenal at the Cenarion Enclave in Darnassus.','Unload your precious cargo here, noble $C. It must have been quite the burden... not unlike the burden I carry being a visionary. Here is an honorarium for your work, as dictated by the Arch Druid himself.$B$BArch Druid Staghelm wants to speak with you again $N, but for his next task you will be aided if you have a journeyman\'s understanding of Herbalism. If you don\'t know it though, you will still be able to aid the Circle!','Ah yes, the dirt. The Arch Druid wants twenty loads per adventurer, and twenty loads he shall get. Let those who conspire against us fall to the wayside!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2017insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1972,3765,'The Corruption Abroad','Stormwind -- such a bustling hub of activity.$b$bI have traveled from afar to seek help. Often it is heard that brave adventurers roam these city streets.$b$bMy brother, Gershala, requires assistance in Darkshore. He resides in the seaside town of Auberdine.$b$bThe journey is a long and epic one. It is for this reason that I ask the help of a seasoned $c such as yourself.','Travel to Gershala Nightwhisper in Auberdine.','Ah, so my brother, Argos, sent you? I realize you must be weary from your travels. But we have much to talk about.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2018insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1973,3781,'Morrowgrain Research','With what we call an Evergreen Pouch, we have cultivated Tharlendris seeds in the soil from Un\'Goro Crater.  These seeds blossom into an array of random, potent herbs.  One result is morrowgrain, a mysterious herb we know little about; I intend to unravel this mystery.$B$BTake this to Mathrengyl downstairs, and he will give you some seeds so you can get started.  If you run out, you will need to purchase more from him.','Take the Arch Druid\'s Seed Voucher to Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus.','Yes, this voucher is good for twenty packets of seeds. If you run out, we have more that can be provided. Unfortunately though, Tharlendris seeds are quite costly to produce in significant numbers. This is why the Cenarion Circle asks that those who are assisting us help out by offsetting some of the cost.$B$BThose who return with morrowgrain find that the reward the Arch Druid offers far makes up for the cost.','Peace and serenity be yours, friend. You are here on business from the Arch Druid himself, yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2019insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1974,3782,'Morrowgrain Research','With what we call an Evergreen Pouch, we have cultivated Tharlendris seeds in the soil from Un\'Goro Crater.  These seeds have blossomed into an array of random, potent herbs.  One result is morrowgrain, a mysterious herb we know little about; I very much hope to unravel this mystery for the Circle.$B$BTake this voucher over to my daughter Bashana, and she will give you some seeds so you may assist us.  If you run out, you will need to purchase more from her.','Take the Seed Voucher to Bashana Runetotem in Thunder Bluff.','Yes, this voucher is good for twenty packets of seeds. If you run out, we have more that can be provided. Unfortunately though, Tharlendris seeds are quite costly to produce in significant numbers. This is why the Cenarion Circle asks that those who are assisting us help out by offsetting some of the cost.$B$BThose who return with morrowgrain find that the reward the Arch Druid offers far makes up for the cost.','Peace and serenity be yours, friend. You are here on business from the Arch Druid himself, yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2020insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1975,3783,'Are We There, Yeti?','My friends are always coming up with great ideas. I\'ve never felt like I could match them... until today! I just drew up the plans for something great! If you promise not to tell, I\'ll let you in on the secret... $B$BI\'m going to make a mechanical yeti! Not only are my friends sure to be freaked out when they see it, but when they get over that, I know they\'ll be impressed!$B$BI need thick yeti fur from the ice thistle yeti to start with. Will you help? You\'ll find them to the southeast.','Collect 10 Thick Yeti Furs for Umi Rumplesnicker in Everlook.','These furs are perfect, $N. We\'re off to a great start here!','I\'ve got lots to get started on here. Please get me those furs as soon as you can!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2021insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1976,3784,'Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem','Excuse me $c, but I\'d like just a moment of your time if possible.$B$BThe Cenarion Circle in Thunder Bluff is most interested in seasoned adventurers such as yourself to lend them aid in a vital research project.  While I do not know the specifics, I can inform you that none other than Hamuul Runetotem is spearheading this research.$B$BPlease - if you are interested, speak with him directly on the Elder Rise within Thunder Bluff proper.','Speak with Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem in Thunder Bluff.','Greetings, $C; I am glad you are interested in assisting our research. There is much to do, and I would be doing you a disservice if I informed you that the work this entails is not dangerous. Hopefully this will not scare you off... but from the looks of you, I take it that danger is something that you have dealt with before.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2022insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1977,3785,'Morrowgrain Research','Here\'s your Evergreen Pouch that you\'ll need to use the Tharlendis seeds with.  You also need to have Un\'Goro soil samples on hand to use as fertilizer for the seeds.  Just use the pouch when you have everything; the pouch will take care of the rest.$B$BWhen you have enough morrowgrain, bring them here to me in the enclave.  Please don\'t bother the Arch Druid; he\'s a very busy man, and he doesn\'t need to be disturbed every time someone returns with another batch of morrowgrain!','Use an Evergreen Pouch with a Packet of Tharlendis Seeds and two Un\'Goro Soil samples to try and cultivate samples of Morrowgrain.$B$BBring 10 Morrowgrain to Mathrengyl Bearwalker in Darnassus.','Well done $N, I will be sure to give these to the Arch $C himself when he has need of them. Meanwhile, please accept this as a token of the Cenarion Circle\'s appreciation.$b$bOur need for morrowgrain, for now, is constant; if you wish to continue aiding us, then please return when you have cultivated more of it.','Yes $N, have you grown some morrowgrain for the Arch $C\'s important research? The mysterious properties of Un\'Goro Crater become clearer with each passing day, thanks to the help you are giving us.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2023insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1978,3786,'Morrowgrain Research','Here\'s your Evergreen Pouch that you\'ll need to use the Tharlendis seeds with.  You also need to have Un\'Goro soil samples on hand to use as fertilizer for the seeds.  Just use the pouch when you have everything; the pouch will take care of the rest.$B$BWhen you have enough morrowgrain, bring them to me here on Elder Rise.  Please don\'t bother the Arch Druid; he\'ll be very busy with the research, as well as the multitude of concerns he has!','Use an Evergreen Pouch with a Packet of Tharlendis Seeds and two Un\'Goro Soil samples to try and cultivate samples of Morrowgrain.$B$BBring 10 Morrowgrain to Bashana Runetotem in Thunder Bluff.','Well done $N, I will be sure to give these to the Arch Druid himself when he has need of them. Meanwhile, please accept this as a token of the Cenarion Circle\'s appreciation.$B$BOur need for morrowgrain, for now, is constant; if you wish to continue aiding us, then please return when you have cultivated more of it.','Yes $N, have you grown some morrowgrain for the Arch Druid\'s important research? The mysterious properties of Un\'Goro Crater become clearer with each passing day, thanks to the help you are giving us.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2024insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1979,3787,'Jonespyre\'s Request','Excuse me, friend...$B$BA colleague of mine would like to speak with you about the research you are doing in conjunction with the Cenarion Circle.  He is a druid by the name of Quintis Jonespyre, and he resides in Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas.  He would like to confer with you about morrowgrain... and he very much would like for you to keep our discussion from the ears of the Arch Druid.$B$BIf you\'re interested, speak with him; no doubt, all will be revealed once you do.','Speak with Quintis Jonespyre in Feathermoon Stronghold.','I thank you for coming, weary traveler!  Allow me to introduce myself - I am Quintis Jonespyre, druid and humble servant of Malfurion and the Cenarion Circle.  My colleagues (General Shandris Feathermoon and the Protectorate - mayhap you\'ve heard of us) and I wanted to talk with you about the work you are doing for Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.$B$BBefore we get much further, I\'d like to ask that our discussion stay between just us.  If you have no problem with this, then we may proceed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2025insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1980,3788,'Jonespyre\'s Request','Excuse me, friend...$B$BA colleague of mine would like to speak with you about the research you are doing in conjunction with the Cenarion Circle.  He is a druid by the name of Quintis Jonespyre, and he resides here in Feathermoon Stronghold.  He would like to confer with you about morrowgrain... and he very much would like for you to keep our discussion from the ears of the Arch Druid.$B$BIf you\'re interested, speak with him; no doubt, all will be revealed once you do.','Speak with Quintis Jonespyre in Feathermoon Stronghold.','I thank you for coming, weary traveler!  Allow me to introduce myself - I am Quintis Jonespyre, druid and humble servant of Malfurion and the Cenarion Circle.  My colleagues (General Shandris Feathermoon and the Protectorate - mayhap you\'ve heard of us) and I wanted to talk with you about the work you are doing for Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.$B$BBefore we get much further, I\'d like to ask that our discussion stay between just us.  If you have no problem with this, then we may proceed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2026insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1981,3789,'Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm','Excuse me $c, but I\'d like just a moment of your time if possible.$B$BThe Cenarion Circle in Darnassus is looking for seasoned adventurers such as yourself to lend them aid in a vital research project.  While I do not know the specifics, I can inform you that none other than Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm is spearheading this research.$B$BPlease - if you are interested, speak with him directly in the Cenarion Enclave within Darnassus proper.','Speak with Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.','Well now, $C... since you were informed that I was leading this research myself, you obviously came as quickly as you could.$B$BNow that you are here, be sure to pay attention the first time I tell you the details; I have no desire to repeat myself.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2027insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1982,3790,'Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm','Excuse me $c, but I\'d like just a moment of your time if possible.$B$BThe Cenarion Circle in Darnassus is looking for seasoned adventurers such as yourself to lend them aid in a vital research project.  While I do not know the specifics, I can inform you that none other than Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm is spearheading this research.$B$BPlease - if you are interested, speak with him directly in the Cenarion Enclave within Darnassus proper.','Speak with Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.','Well now, $C... since you were informed that I was leading this research myself, you obviously came as quickly as you could.$B$BNow that you are here, be sure to pay attention the first time I tell you the details; I have no desire to repeat myself.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2028insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1983,3791,'The Mystery of Morrowgrain','Let me to be frank with you, $N.  I\'m interested - nay, concerned with why the Arch Druid in Darnassus is using the name of the Cenarion Circle as well as the Circle\'s resources to procure vast amounts of morrowgrain.  I\'m a researcher - curses are my specialty.  I\'ve heard that morrowgrain, under the right conditions, exude qualities like other herbs used in primitive curses.$B$BI want to know more, and I ask for your help.  Bring me ten morrowgrain, and I will be sure to take care of you.','Bring 10 Morrowgrain to Quintis Jonespyre in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Gah, these morrowgrain make me feel... weird.  What in the name of Elune is Staghelm up to with these things?$B$BAnyway, thank you again for your help.  Here\'s a little something... you know, for the effort.  My research on morrowgrain is going to take a while, and I no doubt am going to need more.  While I\'m at it, I suppose I could take the time to see if morrowgrain have some pertinent alchemical uses.  Still, I feel uncomfortable even being around them.','I\'m looking for ten morrowgrain - that should be enough to at least get my research started.  I\'ll no doubt burn through a lot of those going down wrong paths, but such is the nature of research.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2029insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1984,3792,'Morrowgrain to Feathermoon Stronghold','','','Thanks $N; I\'ll just store these out of the way for the time being.  While I don\'t command the resources that Staghelm does, I am able to give you a little something for your trouble.  Anyway, who knows what will happen if Staghelm keeps getting Morrowgrain after Morrowgrain.  There\'s something fishy going on, mark my words.$B$BRemember that I\'m always looking for more Morrowgrain.  I\'ll take them in quantities of five at a time.','Hello again, $N. My research is progressing fairly well, but if you have five more Morrowgrain I\'d be happy to take them off your hands. Well... happy is a figurative term in this case; the more I am around them, the more uncomfortable I feel. Still, my research demands I buckle down and get through this.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2030insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1985,3801,'Dark Iron Legacy','Greetings, $N. I am Franclorn Forgewright. Yes, the Franclorn Forgewright responsible for the stonewrought method of architecture. You have undoubtedly passed through or stood upon one of my creations in your adventures across our war torn world.$B$BYou are probably wondering why I am here and what it is that I want from you - both valid questions.$B$BI need your assistance, of course. In exchange for your assistance, I shall grant you the key to the depths of my accursed city.','Speak with Franclorn Forgewright if you are interested in obtaining a key to the city major.','Whether it is greed which brought you here or an act of selfless devotion, what you are about to undertake is for the good of us all.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2031insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1986,3802,'Dark Iron Legacy','You will find Fineous Darkvire beyond the Ring of Law, in the Hall of Crafting. Kill the miserable cur and recover Ironfel.$B$BTake Ironfel to the Shrine of Thaurissan and place the hammer in its rightful place: In the hands of the statue erected in my honor.$B$BWhen this is done, the compartment in which I stored the master key will open. More importantly, Ironfel will remain forever in my grasp. Should they make an attempt to remove the hammer; both the statue and hammer will shatter, lost forever.','Slay Fineous Darkvire and recover the great hammer, Ironfel. Take Ironfel to the Shrine of Thaurissan and place it on the statue of Franclorn Forgewright.\r\n','The hammer slides firmly into place, within the grasp of the massive Dark Iron monument. A tiny compartment opens at the base of the statue. Inside you find...','The statue looms ominously above you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2032insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1987,3803,'Morrowgrain to Darnassus','','','Excellent - this morrowgrain will no doubt please the Arch Druid.  I must admit though... just being near them makes me feel a little uncomfortable.  I can only imagine how difficult it is for the Arch Druid to tolerate them in such large numbers!$B$BThis is for you, $N.  The Cenarion Circle thanks you for your continued support.','The Arch Druid is always looking for additional morrowgrain for the Cenarion Circle\'s continued research. We take them in increments of ten, and award you with a cache of goods you should find useful. When you have ten, let me know and I will reward you accordingly.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2033insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1988,3804,'Morrowgrain to Thunder Bluff','','','Excellent - this morrowgrain will no doubt help when the time comes.  We know that the night elves are conducting similar research into these herbs, though it isn\'t clear to what end they will use them for if they discover anything.  The Arch Druid thinks that the need for morrowgrain will remain until we\'ve figured out the mysteries behind this herb.$B$BThis is for you, $N.  The Cenarion Circle thanks you for your continued support.','The Arch Druid is always looking for more morrowgrain for the Cenarion Circle\'s research project on Un\'Goro Crater. We take them in increments of ten, and award you with a cache of goods you should find useful. When you have ten, let me know and I will award you accordingly.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2034insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1989,3821,'Dreadmaul Rock','Sha\'ni was sent to investigate reports of strange ritualistic activity coming from the Firegut ogres of the Burning Steppes over three weeks ago.$B$BGoretooth tells me that he hasn\'t heard from anyone in that platoon and that it\'s best that I move on and focus on the task at hand. Can you believe it? That\'s my wife!$B$BI can\'t leave my post, $N, but I must know what became of Sha\'ni. Travel to the Burning Steppes and search for her.','Venture forth to the Burning Steppes and find out what became of Sha\'ni Proudtusk.','My poor Thal\'trak.$B$BWe were planning on moving in with my mother and father in the Hinterlands after our tours were over. Now those plans are ruined!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2035insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1990,3822,'Krom\'Grul','My whole platoon was captured, $N. All were slain - except me.$B$BTheir leader, Krom\'Grul, wanted to save me for some sort of ritual.$B$BI was chained to this altar and brutalized by the beast. My physical being ceased functioning after an hour of this torture. The beast then ripped my wedding nose-ring off of my face and stuck it on his finger. I had never seen such savagery!$B$BFind Krom\'Grul and kill him! Take my ring back to Thal\'trak.$B$BAnd $N, tell him that we will meet again... in another life. ','Recover Sha\'ni\'s Nose-Ring from Krom\'Grul and return it to Thal\'trak in Kargath. Search the various caves and mines in Dreadmaul Rock.\r\n','<Thal\'trak collapses.>$B$BWe were going to move to the Hinterlands. Did she tell you? This was going to be her last mission.$B$B<Thal\'trak sobs.>$B$BI don\'t want it, $N. Keep it, throw it away, I don\'t care! The ring means nothing to me now. Not without her...','Did you find Sha\'ni? Is she ok?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2036insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1991,3823,'Extinguish the Firegut','We must strike at our enemies before they strike at us!$B$BI\'ll make this brief, soldier.$B$BThe Firegut ogres of the Burning Steppes are allies of the Blackrock orcs. They work closely with those vile orcs, keeping the mineral rich Dreadmaul Rock guarded and the supply lines open at all times.$B$BLeave your mark, $N. Cripple their forces and return to me when the job is done.$B$B<Oralius grabs at the air and makes a choking motion.>$B$BI WILL KILL YOU, WINKY!','Slay 15 Firegut Ogre-Mages, 7 Firegut Ogres, and 7 Firegut Ogre Brutes, and return to Oralius when you are finished.','Outstanding, soldier! The orcs and ogres will be reeling from this blow for minutes, maybe even hours!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2037insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1992,3824,'Gor\'tesh the Brute Lord','They\'re reeling I tell you! Our next strike must be decisive.$B$BThe brute lord, Gor\'tesh, must be slain. More importantly, his head must be returned to me so that I may prepare the third phase of our attack on the Firegut ogres.$B$BBe warned, soldier, Gor\'tesh rules not from Dreadmaul Rock but from a Blackrock orc structure to the west of Dreadmaul Rock.$B$BYour orders, then, are simple. Find Gor\'tesh and chop off his fat head. Return to me when the job is done.$B$BSHUT UP, WINKY!','Find Gor\'tesh, somewhere to the west of Dreadmaul Rock. Kill Gor\'tesh and then take Gor\'tesh\'s Lopped Off Head back to Oralius in Burning Steppes.\r\n','Just look at it, soldier. Disgusting! When the remaining Firegut ogres see this fat mug stuck on a pike sitting at the top of their mountain, mass hysteria will ensue!$B$B<Oralius cackles wildly.>','Oh glorious day! Have you returned with the head?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2038insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1993,3825,'Ogre Head On A Stick = Party','Just one last thing you must do, soldier.$B$BI\'ve taken the liberty of putting Gor\'tesh\'s head on a pike. Now all you have to do is take this head to the top of Dreadmaul Rock and stick it into the ground. Once you do that, watch as those cowardly ogres run for their lives! After you\'ve had your fun, come back to me and I\'ll reward you for all of your hard work.$B$B<Oralius seems to be losing touch with reality.>','Take Gor\'tesh\'s Lopped Off Head and place it at the top of Dreadmaul Rock. Look for a soft dirt mound to plant the pike.','Outstanding work, soldier! Simply amazing! Oh I\'ll get the medal of bravery for this, er, I mean you\'ll be rewarded handsomely for this!','','','Gor\'tesh Head Planted','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2039insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1994,3841,'An Orphan Looking For a Home','Oh, hello, $N. I\'m so glad to see you again. How was your trip to Darnassus?$B$BWell, you\'ll be happy to know that we\'ve made quite a bit of progress while you\'ve been gone. We even saved a nest full of eggs. Unfortunately, the mother died before we got to her.$B$BSay, would you want one for a pet? They look to hatch soon, so they\'ll need a good $Gfather:mother;. What do you say?$B$BIf you\'re really interested, take one of the eggs to Quentin at the race tracks in Shimmering Flats. He\'ll tell you more.','Speak to Quentin in Thousand Needles.','Ah, a sprite darter egg, and one near maturation, if I\'m not mistaken. Remarkable you\'ve found one, let alone in this good a condition. They\'re rarely seen in Feralas these days. I understand there were various poachers in the area trying to capture and kill them for many reasons. Too bad really... such beautiful creatures when they reach adulthood.$B$BHow did you come across such a find?','Why hello, $C.$B$BDon\'t let my location fool you, I\'m really not here for the races... as entertaining as they may be.$B$BI\'m actually here in Thousand Needles investigating all I can to find out how salvageable the land is. It has become my crusade of sorts to revitalize and replenish the area with new, fertile soil. Perhaps I\'ll find there\'s a water source nearby.$B$BTell me you haven\'t noticed how odd the transition between Feralas and Thousand Needles is. Strange magic was afoot when that happened.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2040insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1995,3842,'A Short Incubation','The Moonweavers, huh? Most intriguing. I wish the sprite darters could truly appreciate what it means to have those two look after them. They are both quite capable.$B$BSo, they gave you the egg as a gift. Well, then you should be responsible for it for as long as you desire. It appears it\'s almost ready to hatch, but we should ensure it\'s healthy and no damage has been done to it.$B$BI only need two elixirs of fortitude for a small spell to protect the egg. I have the rest of the components here with me.','Bring 2 Elixir of Fortitudes to Quentin in Thousand Needles.','Wonderful. These will do nicely. Give me a moment to mix together my components and we shall see how well this egg is going to do.','The longer I stay here, the more tempted I am to partake in these races, $N. Truly boggling...$B$BHave you found the elixirs yet? Once I can tell if the egg is going to be healthy or not, I\'ll return it to you to hold onto until it\'s prepared to hatch.$B$BLet me know.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2041insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1996,3843,'The Newest Member of the Family','A magnificent specimen, $N. If this creature survives gestation, then it\'ll be a healthy pet indeed!$B$BThere is one last thing I would suggest doing if you plan on following through with this--head to Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands. Speak to a dwarf there named Agnar Beastamer, he\'s a master animal handler and should be able to guide you in the final steps of incubation.$B$BBut hurry, $N, this egg is fragile and will not last long without proper care.','Take your Fragile Sprite Darter Egg to the Hinterlands and speak to Agnar Beastamer, but hurry, you only have 1 hour to find him before the hatchling within the egg dies.','Well, well, well... I haven\'t seen one of these in a dragon\'s age. Faerie dragon, if I\'m not mistaken... looks to be of the sprite darter variety. Excellent, excellent indeed.$B$BWell, if this little fella\'s gonna hatch and live to be strong and healthy, then we should get some food for it. Good ya got it to me in time.','Greetin\'s, $N. How can I be of service to ya?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2042insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1997,3844,'It\'s a Secret to Everybody','A destroyed raft rests along the shoreline. Considering this is only a small pond, it is not clear as to how it ended up here, although looking at the trees tells you that the water level may not be constant.$B$BPerhaps a little exploration in the area might uncover more clues...','Look around in the pond for a clue about who this wrecked raft may belong to.','A water-logged pack rests at the bottom of the pond.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2043insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1998,3845,'It\'s a Secret to Everybody',' Grabbing onto it, you pull the pack back to the shore. Perhaps if you examine the items inside the pack, you might find out more about who it belongs to.$B$BThere are a few stray travelers at Marshal\'s Refuge. Perhaps you might find out more there.','Examine the items inside the pack and bring them to their owner.','Oh... Yes, these things do look familiar... well, kind of...','Hi there. I\'ve seen you before... Haven\'t I?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2044insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (1999,3861,'CLUCK!','\"Cluck... cluck... cluck... BACAW!$B$BCluck... cluck... cluck.\"$B$BThe chicken looks up at you and then starts to scratch its claws into the ground. You think it is spelling out a word, but you are not sure what it is. Could it be... S-A-L-D-E-A-N? Before you can ask, the chicken turns away and goes about its business.','Find some Special Chicken Feed and return to your befriended chicken. When you find it, /cheer at it before trying to give it the Special Chicken Feed.','\"BACAW!!!\"$B$BThe chicken starts to gobble up the feed you put down.$B$BAfter a moment, the chicken looks around, startled. It uncomfortably shuffles back and forth. Is this chicken pregnant? You think you better check underneath it.','The chicken stares at you with dark, cold eyes. It waits for you hungrily.$B$B\"BACAAAW!$B$BCluck...cluck...cluck.\"','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2045insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2000,3881,'Expedition Salvation','I don\'t know how you made it here, but you\'re a sight for sore eyes!  I\'m Williden Marshal, and I lead a non-aligned expedition troupe.  Our latest and greatest endeavor has met with what seems like countless disasters, the most serious of which being that we underestimated the savagery of Un\'Goro Crater!$B$BAs we fled our base camps in the southwestern and northeastern parts of the crater, we left behind vital supplies.  You look like you\'re capable enough - can you help us by getting them back?','Bring a Crate of Foodstuffs and Research Equipment to Williden Marshal in Un\'Goro Crater.','You got both our foodstuff AND our research equipment back! You\'ve not only saved the expedition, you\'ve also saved our lives. I and the rest of my team can\'t thank you enough; we just might make it here for a while now thanks to you.$b$bWhile we don\'t have much, I\'m certainly not going to leave you high and dry for the invaluable help you\'ve given us. Thank you, $N - you\'ve got a friend in Marshal Expeditions!$b$b','If we\'re going to have any chance of getting out of here alive, we\'ll need our big crate of foodstuffs. Also, getting at least some of our research equipment back would be a blessing in a sea of misery.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2046insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2001,3882,'Roll the Bones','You\'d think that being chief digger for Marshal Expeditions means I like digging.  There might be worse things to do in this world... but none really leap to mind.$B$BWe were supposed to be digging in Terror Run - FANTASTIC name by the way - for dead stegodons and diemetradons.  Well, there are plenty of live ones there too!  Wil and Hol are still all about studying this death trap, so we need those dinosaur bones.  Between you and me though, bringing some from live ones will work out just as well.','Bring 8 Dinosaur Bones to Spark Nilminer in Un\'Goro Crater.','Excellent, these should do the trick.  And now, if you\'ll permit me...$B$BTHANKS FOR DIGGING ALL OF THESE BONES OUT OF THE GROUND FOR US AND NOT HURTING THE NATIVE BEASTS IN ANY WAY.$B$BWhether you really did or didn\'t, I don\'t want to know.  Let\'s keep it that way, shall we?  Here - maybe this will keep your lips shut on the whole thing.  Anything to get out of here alive, I say!','Think whatever you want of me, but they\'re not going to care if the bones they get to research are from ones from ancient stegodons and diemetradons or the ones that almost devoured us wholesale when we were trying to set up our camps.  I\'ll just be happy if we get out of here alive...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2047insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2002,3883,'Alien Ecology','Just because we\'ve suffered a setback doesn\'t mean that research must stop!  We were investigating the Gorishi insects in the southern part of the crater before winding up here.  Their presence is alien to the ecology of Un\'Goro, and we want to find out why.$B$BIn their hive network must be larval hatcheries.  You can identify these places by their hanging larval spawns.  Use this vial to take a sample of the hive wall near any of the hatcheries.  Bring it back to me for study, but be careful!','Use the Scraping Vial to collect a Hive Wall Sample from one of the Gorishi hive hatcheries in Un\'Goro Crater.  Look for the chambers with the hanging larval spawns.$B$BBring the Hive Wall Sample to Hol\'anyee Marshal in Un\'Goro Crater.','Yes, this will do nicely. You\'ve been a great help... I wish I could give you more than this, but being virtually stranded in the middle of a savage land does limit what I can and cannot give. Rest assured though - the research done here would not have been possible without your assistance!','Do you have the sample of the Gorishi hive for me to study, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2048insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2003,3884,'Williden\'s Journal','You have uncovered a mangled journal.  Parts of it remain legible, with a Williden Marshal claiming ownership over the contents therein.  If the journal is accurate, then Williden may be found somewhere in the northern part of the Crater; according to the journal, he and his companions sought higher ground from the savage beasts of the Crater once their base camps were overrun.','Return the journal to Williden Marshal somewhere in Un\'Goro Crater.','Well look at this - my journal!  I thought it was lost, much like almost everything else we brought into Un\'Goro.  I thank you kindly for returning this to me!','Hello there!  I and my companions are happy to see some living beings here other than overgrown savage beasts!  What brings you into the Un\'Goro Crater?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2049insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2004,3901,'Rattling the Rattlecages','You\'ve shown your potential to the Forsaken under normal circumstances $N - now let\'s see you under pressure.$B$BThe Rattlecage skeletons, more mindless minions of the Lich King, are a tougher foe than the zombies you have faced thus far.  Again, thin their numbers and prove yourself to the Forsaken.  Do not tarry - when you are done, speak to me again.','Kill 12 Rattlecage Skeletons, and then return to Shadow Priest Sarvis in Deathknell when you are done.','I am finished with you, $N - you have shown yourself to be worthy of the freedom that you have been given. Many will stand against you for what you have become, but know that no matter what they may try to do against us, we are free and will not be shackled again.$b$bTake these and be on your way. You have much to accomplish, $C.','Those who dally in this task might as well end up wandering about aimlessly like our fallen brothers and sisters in the village. Let\'s hope you will fare better than them, yes? $b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2050insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2005,3902,'Scavenging Deathknell','You there!  If you\'re looking for something to make yourself useful, then listen up!$B$BWe need fresh out-of-the-ground recruits to head into Deathknell and search for any sort of useful equipment.  Most likely, they\'ll be in stacks of boxes.  We expect more recruits to be rising soon, and unless we want them to stumble about naked we had better get to scavenging!$B$BWell get to work, you miserable bag of bones!  I\'m not going to reward those without some hustle.','Search Deathknell and the vicinity for 6 pieces of Scavenged Goods, and return them to Deathguard Saltain.','Great work $N, I knew you weren\'t useless. Here - have one of the better items I\'ve found out of the lots that have been collected so far.','Have you managed to scavenge up some useful items for us? There is no shame in reusing that which has been tossed aside. No one is going to give us any handouts - we Forsaken will fend for ourselves!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2051insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2006,3903,'Milly Osworth','You\'ve shown yourself a dependable $c, $N.  Dependable, and not afraid to get your hands dirty, eh?$B$BI have a friend, Milly Osworth, who\'s in some trouble.  She\'s over with her wagon on the other side of the abbey, near the stable.  I\'m sure she could use a pair of hands like yours.','Speak with Milly Osworth.','Oh, Deputy Willem told you to speak with me? He\'s a brave man and always willing to help, but his duties keep him stuck at Northshire Abbey and I\'m afraid the problem I have today is beyond him.$b$bPerhaps you can help me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2052insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2007,3904,'Milly\'s Harvest','A gang of brigands, the Defias, moved into the Northshire Vineyards while I was harvesting!  I reported it to the Northshire guards and they assured me they\'d take care of things, but... I\'m afraid for my crop of grapes!  If the Defias don\'t steal them then I fear our guards will trample them when they chase away the thugs.$B$BPlease, you must help me!  I gathered most of my grapes into buckets, but I left them in the vineyards to the southeast.$B$BBring me those crates!  Save my harvest!','Bring 8 crates of Milly\'s Harvest to Milly Osworth at Northshire Abbey.','Oh thank you, $N! You saved my harvest! And I hope you showed a few of those Defias that they can\'t cause trouble around here.$b$bWe might be short on guards these days, but we\'re lucky to have heroes like you to protect us!','Do you have my harvest, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2053insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2008,3905,'Grape Manifest','Now that my crop is saved, take this Grape Manifest to Brother Neals.  He manages the store of food and drink in Northshire, and I\'m sure he\'ll be delighted to hear that he has fresh grapes.$B$BYou\'ll find Brother Neals in the abbey, in the bell tower... where he likes to taste his wine.','Bring the Grape Manifest to Brother Neals in Northshire Abbey.','Let\'s see here...$b$bOh my! Milly\'s grapes have been saved! When she told me that brigands overran her vineyards I nearly despaired, but my faith in the Light did not waver!$b$bAnd through your bravery, we now have grapes for more wine! May the Light bless you, $N, and keep you safe!','You look to be in fine spirits! Come! Have a seat, and have a drink!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2054insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2009,3906,'Disharmony of Flame','The elders have felt a disturbance amongst the elements. The Dark Iron dwarves have summoned a foul spirit into our world that threatens to plague our lands with an eternal draught. This disharmony of flame must be investigated.$B$BTravel to Blackrock Mountain, through the Chasm of Flame, into the quarry. It is there that you shall find this lord of fire: Overmaster Pyron.$B$BEnd the disruption and return to me.','Travel to the quarry in Blackrock Mountain and slay Overmaster Pyron. Return to Thunderheart when you have completed this assignment.\r\n','This cannot be... it must not be. The destruction of Pyron has merely lifted a veil. Within the depths of Blackrock is a much more insidious source of corruption.$b$b','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2055insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2010,3907,'Disharmony of Fire','I can taste the foulness in the air that surrounds you, $N. There is another, hidden in the depths of Blackrock, who does control this foulness.$B$BThe wind and earth cry his name: Lord Incendius... but someone... something... commands this being. He is merely an emissary.$B$BFind him and discover where his master hides. Return to me when you have collected this information.\r\n','Enter Blackrock Depths and track down Lord Incendius. Slay him and return any source of information you may find to Thunderheart.\r\n','<Thunderheart clutches the Tablet of Kurniya.>$b$bRagnaros... here...$b$bThe elders were right to fear the corruption emanating from Blackrock Mountain. A general of the Old Gods! IN OUR WORLD! We must reassess our position here in Kargath. We must decide on whether we stay and fight or run for fear of a new sundering.$b$bBe weary of any further exploration in Blackrock Mountain, $N. A far greater evil than anything that exists in this world resides in those fiery depths.$b$b','The flames will soon overtake these lands. Make haste, $N!$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2056insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2011,3908,'It\'s a Secret to Everybody','You see, I have no idea how I ended up here. No one really knows -- it\'s a secret to everybody! I just can\'t seem to remember anything...$B$BThese items you brought to me, though... I am remembering something.$B$BMy sword. I am supposed to strengthen it somehow, but I\'m really not sure why. Sorry I can\'t tell you more, but I just don\'t remember!$B$BAnyhoo, I do know where you can take it -- Donova Snowden in Winterspring. You\'ll find her by the hot springs. She can temper the sword by the pools there.','Take Linken\'s Sword to Donova Snowden in Winterspring.','Well, of course I can temper this sword. While I\'m working, you can explain what took Linken so long to get this to me. He\'s not usually one to forget things...','My, my... So Linken did finally get around to sending me his sword.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2057insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2012,3909,'The Videre Elixir','Now, what\'s this? Linken... FORGOT?$B$BOh, I see... Lost his memory...$B$BWell, here is his sword. It\'s not complete, though. I know of the one that can finish it, but... speaking with him may prove difficult.$B$BListen, I know of someone that will be able to help you. It\'s too much to explain right now, but you must somehow acquire a Videre Elixir. The only one I know that can help you with that is Gregan Brewspewer. He\'s hard to track down, but last I knew he was camping in the wilds of Feralas.','Seek out Gregan Brewspewer in northern Feralas. From him, learn how you may acquire the Videre Elixir, then return to Donova Snowden in Winterspring.','I\'ll need one vial to make sure that this is truly the elixir... Yes... This is the stuff.','Back already?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2058insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2013,3911,'The Last Element','There is work to be had for those venturing into the depths, $N.$B$BThe Dark Irons have mastered creation of extremely powerful golems.$B$BInitial reports from our spies indicate that the dwarves use a unique power source to give their creations incomparable killing power.$B$BJust imagine what we could do with our abominations if we could get our hands on this essence of the elements! Turn that city upside down if you must, but do not return until you have found the essence! Payment will be worth the risk.','Travel to Blackrock Depths and recover 10 Essence of the Elements. Your first inclination is to search the golems and golem makers. You remember Vivian Lagrave also muttering something about elementals.\r\n','Wonderful! I will have these sent by courier to the Undercity at once!$B$BAs for you - here is payment, as promised. Keep the change, you filthy beast!','Show them to me!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2059insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2014,3912,'Meet at the Grave','This elixir will allow you to speak with one that you would not normally even see...$B$BTake the Videre elixir, along with Linken\'s sword, to the graveyard just outside Gadgetzan in Tanaris. Once there, drink the potion. You may be quite surprised at the results, but do not be alarmed.$B$BIn your \"other\" form, head due north until you reach the mountains. You\'ll find the one you need to speak with in one of the rocky crevices. His name is Gaeriyan.$B$BRemember, he will only speak to you in that form...','Go to the graveyard outside Gadgetzan, and use the Videre Elixir. Follow the rest of Donova\'s instructions to find Gaeriyan.','It has been long since any have come to talk with me...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2060insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2015,3913,'A Grave Situation','If you return to the graveyard, $N, you will find a gravestone there... Not just any gravestone; this one will stand out from the others. Secrets lie within it.$B$BPush on the stone, and you will learn of these secrets...','Resurrect, then look for the gravestone that Gaeriyan told you to find.','You push on the stone firmly, and it slides away, revealing a small depression underneath it.$B$BPlacing Linken\'s Sword into the depression, you realize that it fits perfectly...','This must be the gravestone that Gaeriyan mentioned...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2061insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2016,3914,'Linken\'s Sword','After a strong flash of light, you are able to pick up the sword again. It has been transformed!','Deliver Linken\'s Superior Sword to Linken in Un\'Goro Crater.','My sword... It\'s finished!$b$bNow, if only I could remember why I needed this...$b$bHere, let me at least pay you for your work.','Oh! I remember you! You are... No, don\'t tell me!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2062insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2017,3921,'Wenikee Boltbucket','I think I might have broken that Samophlange.  That\'s not good, because I already told some colleagues in Undermine about it and they were very intrigued.  We must find a way to fix it!$B$BTake the broken samophlange to Wenikee Boltbucket, just south of Mor\'shan Rampart, the horde outpost between the Barrens and Ashenvale.  She is very clever and inquisitive.  If you show her the samophlange I bet she\'d jump at the chance to fix it.','Bring the Broken Samophlange to Wenikee Boltbucket.','Oh, what\'s this? A samophlange, you say? What\'s a samophlange??$B$BAh... but look at the way it moves when you handle it. And there\'s the sound of intricate gears inside. Oh my! I want to fix it and see what it does, don\'t you??','I\'m very busy with my work, $C. Unless you have something for me, it\'d be best if you moved along...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2063insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2018,3922,'Nugget Slugs','I want to fix this samophlange, but to do that I\'m going to need some supplies.  I ran out of seventeen-point-five gauge nugget slugs and I\'m going to need a bunch of those for the work ahead.$B$BThe closest place to get them is the Sludge Fen to the east.  The Venture Company usually keeps them in their tool buckets.  Go to the Sludge Fen and look in the tool buckets you find there, then return to me when you\'ve gathered enough nugget slugs.','Bring 15 Nugget Slugs to Wenikee Boltbucket in the Barrens.','Great, you got them! Now I can get to work...','Do you have the nugget slugs, $N? I\'ve been eyeing this Samophlange and I can\'t wait to tinker with it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2064insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2019,3923,'Rilli Greasygob','Well, that didn\'t work.  I put some extra gauges on the samophlange to measure its structural integrity, and they read the integrity at an all-time low.  I could add some more dials and maybe a lever or two to try and fix it, but... I think that might make things even worse.$B$BYou should take the samophlange to Rilli Greasygob.  He used to work for the Venture Company -- if anyone knows how to fix it, it\'s Rilli.$B$BYou can find him at Nogg\'s Machine Shop in Orgrimmar, in the Valley of Honor.','Bring the Broken and Battered Samophlange to Rilli Greasygob in Orgrimmar.','What\'s this? Why, it\'s a samophlange! Where did you get this thing? Have you been poking around the Venture Company holdings in the Barrens?$B$BYou must be very brave, or very stupid.','Mind your head! I don\'t want it to get in the way of my work!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2065insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2020,3924,'Samophlange Manual','I think I can fix the samophlange, but I\'m going to need the user\'s manual first.  When I was in the Venture Company I had a rival, Boss Copperplug, who hoarded the secrets of the samophlange, giving out small bits of knowledge on the device to those he trusted.  I wasn\'t one of the trusted few...$B$BBoss Copperplug used to stay at the Boulder Lode Mine in northeastern Barrens.  Get the manual from him, and if he\'s given pages from it to anyone, you\'ll have to collect them too.','Bring the Samophlange Manual to Rilli Greasygob in Orgrimmar.','You got the manual! I can\'t wait to read it and find out how to fix the Samophlange! I spoke with Sputtervalve in Ratchet--he wanted to thank you for your help, and wanted to reward your efforts.$B$BI want to thank you too, and if I ever get this thing fixed I\'ll let you know...','Do you have the manual?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2066insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2021,3941,'A Gnome\'s Assistance','Thinking... Thinking... I know I came here for something important...$B$BI have an idea, $N. In the cave over there is a gnome named J.D. that was very kind to me when I first arrived here. Perhaps in my disoriented state, I might have mentioned something to her.$B$BWhy don\'t you go ask her if she knows anything? Oh, but be careful -- she\'s always messing with those crazy glowing crystals I\'ve seen in the crater. I\'m not quite sure what she\'s up to in there!','Find J.D. Collie in the cave at Marshal\'s Refuge.','Stay where you are for just a moment... I am testing out a new combination of crystals...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2067insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2022,3942,'Linken\'s Memory','Oh... Linken? Yeah, he\'s a funny one. When he first got here, he was mumbling about all kinds of strange things. Probably got bumped on the head pretty hard, I imagine.$B$BSomething he said kinda stuck with me though -- that he was making some sort of totem; said he had to talk to someone named Eridan Bluewind... in a place called Felwood, I think?$B$BI doubt he could tell you much now, though. If you want to know more, maybe you should look for Eridan yourself?','Find Eridan Bluewind in southern Felwood.','Hello, $C. Is there something I can help you with?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2068insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2023,3961,'Linken\'s Adventure','To think all this time that the reason Linken came here was to rid us of Blazerunner... He seems like such an ordinary guy, but I did notice that he\'s not at all interested in any of my experiments or gadgets like most gnomes would be. He must be a true warrior at heart.$B$BBring the totem to him. See if that helps him remember why he came here.','Take the Silver Totem of Aquementas to Linken in Marshal\'s Refuge.','Did J.D. help you at all?','Hi, again, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2069insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2024,3962,'It\'s Dangerous to Go Alone','$N, I finally remember now... I did come here to fight Blazerunner. I was on a journey, and this was to be the last step.$B$BBut I am no longer the hero... You are. All that you have done -- you must finish this now, not me.$B$BBlazerunner guards an artifact called the Golden Flame. It provides power more vast than anything else I have ever known, and it is dangerous in the hands of one with an evil heart.$B$BYou will want to bring others with you -- it\'s dangerous to go alone. Take this as my advice.','Travel to Fire Plume Ridge, south of Marshal\'s Refuge.$B$BFind Blazerunner and use the totem to remove his protective aura. Once he has been defeated, acquire the Golden Flame from the cave.','Thank you, $N.$B$BThe Golden Flame will now be returned back to my homeland, where it may be protected, never again to be used for evil.$B$BSince you did so much for me, I\'d like you to have this. Without you, I\'d still have no idea who I am!','Blazerunner is almost invincible behind the aura he has created by using the Golden Flame. Only you have the power to remove it with the Silver Totem of Aquementas.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2070insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2025,3981,'Commander Gor\'shak','Poor Gargal... didn\'t even see it coming. WHAM! The arrow landed dead center on the top of his head. He was no genius before but now...$B$B<Galamav grimaces.>$B$BWhen we dislodged the arrow, we noticed a rolled up note attached to the shaft. On the note was a crudely drawn picture of an orc behind bars with the signature of Commander Gor\'shak attached.$B$BIf he\'s still alive in the Depths, you\'ll have to find him.$B$BA trap you say? Well no kidding, numb hooves! That\'s why you\'re going!\r\n','Find Commander Gor\'shak in Blackrock Depths.$B$BYou recall that the crudely drawn picture of the orc included bars drawn over the portrait. Perhaps you should search for a prison of some sort.','We haven\'t got much time. Listen carefully, <race>. What I have to tell you is classified and for your ears only.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2071insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2026,3982,'What Is Going On?','I was sent here under the auspices of Thrall. Do you actually think these buffoons could capture me? I allowed myself to be captured so that I could gather intelligence.$B$B<Gor\'shak whispers.>$B$BThe Princess of Ironforge has been kidnapped by Emperor Thaurissan. Princess Bronzebeard is in this very city! I bet old Magni\'s heart almost stopped when he heard that news.$B$B<Gor\'shak laughs.>$B$BShhh! Do you hear that? Guards coming! DEFEND YOURSELF!','Defend Gor\'shak.','That was a close call. They have been alerted to your presence... more will surely come.','','Survive the Onslaught','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2072insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2027,4001,'What Is Going On?','So far, my communication with the dwarf, Kharan, in the cell across the hall, has been limited. I have, however, managed to convince him that I, rather -we- mean him no harm.$B$BGo speak with him and gather as much information about the Princess and her captors as possible. Take that information back to the Warchief.$B$BThrall does not want the Princess harmed, but instead, has some grand plan laid out, which includes her being safely returned to Ironforge. Kharan already knows all of this... Go!\r\n','Speak with Kharan Mighthammer and gather information about Princess Moira Bronzebeard\'s kidnapping. Take that information to Thrall in Orgrimmar.$B$BYou recall Gor\'shak mentioning that Kharan is being held in a cell nearby.\r\n','This is a chance for the Horde to change the political climate of our war torn world forever. Listen carefully, $N.$B$BFailure of this mission is not an option.','','Information Gathered from Kharan','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2073insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2028,4002,'The Eastern Kingdoms','You bring excellent information, $N.$B$BAs Warchief, it is my duty to do what is best for the Horde. To ensure that the generations that come after us are not forced into a hopeless existence.$B$BThe opportunity to shape our future alliances has fallen into our collective laps. A move to help the dwarves could greatly strengthen our relationships in the Eastern Kingdoms. This, then, is why you must not fail!$B$BAre you prepared?','Speak with Thrall if you are prepared to take on the mission he has planned.','There is no going back beyond this point, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2074insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2029,4003,'The Royal Rescue','This strike against the Dark Iron dwarves, if successful, will send a shockwave throughout their entire kingdom.$B$BPrincess Bronzebeard is under the control of Emperor Thaurissan. To free her, you must kill the Emperor. Be warned, your task is doubly dangerous, as Bronzebeard will attack you without question while under the control of the Emperor.$B$BDO NOT HARM HER!','Slay Emperor Dagran Thaurissan and free Princess Moira Bronzebeard from his evil spell. \r\n','What have you done!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2075insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2030,4004,'The Princess Saved?','You have slain my husband, $r! My child will be born into this world without a father.$B$B<Princess Moira points directly at you.>$B$BI assure you, this child will be the next ruler of the kingdom of Ironforge. You and your kind shall be hunted down until the end of days for this wrongful act.$B$B<You think that Princess Moira may be suffering from the residual effect of Thaurissan\'s spell.>$B$BLeave me be, $r. I am certain your warchief will be eager to hear the results of his meddling.\r\n','Return to Thrall!\r\n','<Thrall is taken aback by the information you have presented to him.>$B$BA new threat now looms on the horizon. As Magni\'s years dwindle down, the way shall be opened for this unborn Dark Iron to become ruler of Ironforge.$B$BYou have accomplished what I asked of you and for that, you shall be rewarded.$B$BNow leave me, $N! I must confer with Sylvanas and Cairne.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2076insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2031,4005,'Aquementas','Take this bag of supplies with you to Tanaris. Travel to Lost Rigger Cove, and look for a circle of stones.$B$BThe eastmost peninsula is the secret...$B$BFrom this circle only, read from the book of Aquor; summon the only creature that can transform the items you collected into a totem to fight Blazerunner.$B$BAquementas will not be pleased to be awakened, but remember, you must remain in the circle for him to transform the items.','Take the Book of Aquor, the Silvery Claws, and the Irontree Heart to Tanaris.$B$BUse the Book of Aquor to summon Aquementas.$B$BAfter you have the completed totem, take it to J.D. Collie in Marshal\'s Refuge.','Blazerunner, you say...$b$bYes, I am aware that a strong elemental resides in the charred center of the crater. We all just keep our distance; none have been able to penetrate the powerful aura that surrounds him. Many have been pushed from the rocky paths onto the ground below when trying to face him.','So you\'re back, eh? Hmm... Let me take a look at that, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2077insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2032,4021,'Counterattack!','The Horde commends your successes against the Kolkar, but the Kolkar themselves are maddened.  I have reports that a contingent of Kolkar has traveled to the Barrens from their home in Desolace, to seek vengeance.  My latest report was that, even now, they move against these bunkers, from the west!$B$BFace the Kolkar invaders, and end their threat in the Barrens.  Kill them until their leader, Warlord Krom\'zar, appears.  Defeat him and bring me a piece of his banner as proof.$B$BWe\'re counting on you, $N.','Bring a Piece of Krom\'zar\'s Banner to Regthar Deathgate, west of the Crossroads.','You have done it! You have defeated the Kolkar!$B$BI will be sure Thrall receives word of your actions here, $N.$B$BStand tall. You do yourself, and the Horde, proud.','Do you have the banner?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2078insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2033,4022,'A Taste of Flame','The flight is aware of your work in the Searing Gorge.$B$BShow it to me, $r. The molt, imbecile.','Show Cyrus Therepentous the Black Dragonflight Molt you received from Kalaran Windblade.\r\n','<Cyrus examines the molt.>$B$BYou have proven that you are not entirely useless, mortal.','<Cyrus\'s eyes form two blazing spheres.>','Proof Presented','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2079insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2034,4023,'A Taste of Flame','You seek out the Flight? Present to me proof of your worth, mortal.','Show Cyrus Therepentous proof of your worth.$B$BYou have a feeling that Cyrus already knows that you are unworthy.','<Cyrus examines the molt.>$B$BYou have proven that you are not entirely useless, mortal.','<Cyrus\'s eyes form two blazing spheres.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2080insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2035,4024,'A Taste of Flame','I wish to taste the searing flames of the mountain of fire. To let the molten fires of Blackrock cascade across my being. That essence, that searing heat, it is what I crave.$B$BBael\'Gar resides in the Depths of Blackrock: A being of pure flame, born of the fires of Ragnaros. Slay Bael\'Gar and from his smoldering remains bring for me a piece of his inner fire.$B$BUse the molt on his remains to safely extract the inner flame.$B$BSucceed and be rewarded.','Travel to Blackrock Depths and slay Bael\'Gar.$B$BYou only know that the giant resides inside Blackrock Depths. Remember to use the Altered Black Dragonflight Molt on Bael\'Gar\'s remains to capture the Fiery Essence.$B$BReturn the Encased Fiery Essence to Cyrus Therepentous.\r\n','<Cyrus snatches the fiery essence from your hands.>$B$BYES!$B$BTake your prize and be gone. Leave my sight at once!','Has the giant been felled?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2081insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2036,4041,'The Videre Elixir','','','So, you pulled a fast one on ol\' Miblon, eh?','Bring me an Evoroot, and sure, I can make ya that Videre Elixir.$B$BI know all kinds of things about herbs and alchemy... Why, let me tell you the story about the time I transmuted gold from the cheese I was going to eat for lunch... hey... Where are you going?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2082insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2037,4061,'The Rise of the Machines','The machines made themselves known to us during our initial forays into the Searing Gorge. Upon further investigation we discovered that they were being imported from Burning Steppes, possibly Blackrock Depths. That is what we need you for, $N.$B$BYour first task is to venture to the Burning Steppes and recover elemental shards from the rock automatons and lesser rock creations of the region. Once you have collected a sufficient amount, return to me and I shall determine their source of origin.\r\n','Venture to the Burning Steppes and recover 10 Fractured Elemental Shards for Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania.$B$BYou recall Theodora mentioning the golems and elementals of that region as being a source for these shards.','<Theodora lays the fragments out before her.>$b$b<Theodora carefully examines the fragments with an enormous monocle.>$b$bInteresting. Etched into the structural foundation of each of these fragments are... initials.$b$b','Do not take this task lightly, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2083insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2038,4062,'The Rise of the Machines','G.L.A.$B$BThose are the \'initials\' imprinted on the elemental shards. Below the initials are a rank marking of some sort. The machinations you destroyed in the Burning Steppes were of \'Rank IV.\' I assume that this is a lowly rank.$B$BTake this shard sample to Lotwil Veriatus in the camp to the east. He is a scholar of some renown in the field of elemental sciences. He may be able to assist us in our search.','Take the Elemental Shard Sample to Lotwil Veriatus.$B$BYou recall Theodora saying that Lotwil was stationed in a camp to the east.\r\n','<Lotwil\'s face turns white.>$b$bI... I know these markings.','What have you got there, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2084insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2039,4063,'The Rise of the Machines','This can\'t be Argelmach! Argelmach was killed ten years ago. How can I be sure? I was the one who killed him.$B$BHe was a despicable dwarf, hell-bent on twisting my life\'s work to meet his diabolical needs. It seems that the wicked always find a way to escape justice.$B$BIf this is Argelmach\'s handiwork then he must be destroyed. I will need samplings of his latest creations. With the proper samples, I may be able to stop this uprising. The creations guard Argelmach in Blackrock Depths.','Find and slay Golem Lord Argelmach. Return his head to Lotwil. You will also need to collect 10 Intact Elemental Cores from the Ragereaver Golems and Warbringer Constructs protecting Argelmach. You know this because you are psychic. ','What is this?!? This head is not flesh. This is some sort of dark iron creation: A shadow of Argelmach - ANOTHER machine! I suspect that your destruction of Argelmach will be short lived as another shall rise to take \'its\' place soon.','Was it him? Was he really alive?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2085insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2040,4081,'KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves','By order of Warlord Goretooth, commander of the Kargath Expeditionary Force:$B$BAny and all of General Angerforge\'s forces within Blackrock Depths must be annihilated.$B$BAngerforge\'s men are ruthless killers, responsible for the mass murder of the 109th division of the Kargath Expeditionary Force. Heroes are warned to exercise extreme caution when confronting these brutes.$B$BAny person who destroys the first line of General Angerforge\'s forces in Blackrock Depths shall receive a tribute.','Venture to Blackrock Depths and destroy the vile aggressors!$B$BWarlord Goretooth wants you to kill 15 Anvilrage Guardsmen, 10 Anvilrage Wardens and 5 Anvilrage Footmen. Return to him once your task is complete.\r\n','This first strike should put a crease in Angerforge\'s pants. Now, move along soldier. I have work to complete, battles to plan, enemies to crush!$B$BCheck the wanted signs for more work.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2086insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2041,4082,'KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials','By order of Warlord Goretooth, commander of the Kargath Expeditionary Force:$B$BHead of the K.E.F. reconnaissance division, Grandmaster Lexlort, has returned with news of the whereabouts of high ranking Dark Iron officials. Through locked gate, near the heart of the city, they train their forces to snuff out our men. Travel to Blackrock Depths and destroy them!$B$BCompletion of this mission will result in a tribute.\r\n','Venture to Blackrock Depths and destroy the vile aggressors!$B$BWarlord Goretooth wants you to kill 10 Anvilrage Medics, 10 Anvilrage Soldiers and 10 Anvilrage Officers. Return to him once your task is complete.','Angerforge is undoubtedly... angry. Return to me when you receive a third tribute and we shall proceed with Operation: Death to Angerforge. I cannot go into any detail of what this entails, but rest assured, it involves somebody dying.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2087insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2042,4083,'The Spectral Chalice','The spectral chalice floats in the air, slowing rising and falling... as if to the beat of a dying heart.','','The spectral chalice floats in the air, slowing rising and falling... as if to the beat of a dying heart.','The gems make no sound as they fall into depths of the chalice... ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2088insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2043,4084,'Silver Heart','I do not know the one you speak of, $N.$B$BBut worry not; if your friend was on a journey to find me, I do know what it was he desired.$B$BIn the heart of Un\'Goro Crater dwells evil of the purest form. This evil takes the shape of an elemental called Blazerunner... protected by an aura that none can dispel...$B$BNone... except those with enough power to do so. I can teach you of this power, $N.$B$BFirst, do as I ask. Collect 11 Silvery Claws and 1 Irontree Heart from the creatures in Felwood, then return.','Collect 11 Silvery Claws and 1 Irontree Heart for Eridan Bluewind in Felwood.','Very well, $N. I can see you are serious about helping your friend.','I can tell you more of the power of which you required to defeat Blazerunner, but first, you need to gather the things I require.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2089insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2044,4101,'Cleansing Felwood','Plants give life to Felwood, yet even they suffer the taint of corruption.  I know ways to cleanse them, but I cannot give out such knowledge to those I don\'t know or trust.  Prove to me that you will truly aid the cause of the Cenarion Circle!$B$BTo the north lie the Irontree Caverns.  The Warpwood elementals present there are now beyond hope of cleansing.  I ask you to bring me their sap - blood amber it is called - so I may study it in the hopes of saving other forms of life here.','Bring 15 Blood Amber to Arathandris Silversky in Felwood.','This blood amber will be used to find a means of defeating the corruption present in Felwood. You\'ve proven to me that you\'re willing to do whatever it takes for the Cenarion Circle. I trust you now, friend.$B$BIt might seem odd that killing the elementals proved yourself to me, but the end of saving countless sentient beings must justify the means we take. You and I can now focus on the preservation of life through the salves I can make.$B$B$N, the time has come to cleanse Felwood.','I know Felwood suffers, $N - I suffer along with it!  I must remain steadfast in my conviction; were the knowledge I possess to fall into the wrong hands, it would spell disaster for all of Felwood.$B$BBring to me the blood amber drawn from the slain Warpwood elementals, and I will trust you enough to help me enact a means to fight the corruption.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2090insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2045,4102,'Cleansing Felwood','Plants give life to Felwood, yet even they suffer the taint of corruption.  I know ways to cleanse them, but I cannot give out such knowledge to those I don\'t know or trust.  Prove to me that you will truly aid the cause of the Cenarion Circle!$B$BTo the north lie the Irontree Caverns.  The Warpwood elementals present there are now beyond hope of cleansing.  I ask you to bring me their sap - blood amber it is called - so I may study it in the hopes of saving other forms of life here.','Bring 15 Blood Amber to Maybess Riverbreeze in Felwood.','This blood amber will be used to find a means of defeating the corruption present in Felwood.  You\'ve proven to me that you\'re willing to do whatever it takes for the Cenarion Circle.  I trust you now, friend.$B$BIt might seem odd that killing the elementals proved yourself to me, but the end of saving countless sentient beings must justify the means we take.  You and I can now focus on the preservation of life through the salves I can make.$B$B$N, the time has come to cleanse Felwood.','I know Felwood suffers, $N - I suffer along with it!  I must remain steadfast in my conviction; were the knowledge I possess to fall into the wrong hands, it would spell disaster for all of Felwood.$B$BBring to me the blood amber drawn from the slain Warpwood elementals, and I will trust you enough to help me enact a means to fight the corruption.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2091insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2046,4103,'Salve via Hunting','Possessing a Cenarion beacon allows one to see a corrupted soul shard on those tainted beasts that are put down for the greater good. I grind shards into a usable reagent that goes into making Cenarion plant salve. We will use that salve to turn corrupted plants into healthy ones again.$B$BIn exchange for these shards, I will give you some Cenarion plant salves I have already prepared.','Bring 6 Corrupted Soul Shard to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2092insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2047,4104,'Salve via Mining','If you possess a Cenarion beacon while mining in Felwood, you will be able to see tainted vitriol that corrupts a vein of raw metal. I know how to purify that vitriol and turn it into a reagent that goes into making Cenarion plant salve. You will then use that salve on plants you find in the wild that need saving.$B$BIf you have collected any tainted vitriol, I\'ll give you some Cenarion plant salve I have already prepared.','Bring 4 Tainted Vitriol to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2093insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2048,4105,'Salve via Gathering','A Cenarion beacon allows a seasoned herbalist to spot insidious fel creep - a malfeasant product of Felwood\'s corruption. My work here has taught me the knowledge of purifying fel creep into a cleansing reagent... used in what we now refer to as Cenarion plant salve.$B$BWhen you gather herbs in Felwood, you should encounter the fel creep so long as you have the beacon. In exchange for what you bring to me, I will give you pre-made Cenarion plant salve.','Bring 4 Fel Creep to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2094insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2049,4106,'Salve via Skinning','A Cenarion beacon will allow a well-trained skinner to spot patches of tainted skin from bounty gathered in Felwood. I convert these seemingly useless patches into a thick paste that serves as a quickening agent for Cenarion plant salve. When you skin your kills here in Felwood, be sure to have a beacon on you!$B$BWhen you collect tainted patches, bring them to me and I will give you some Cenarion plant salves that I have already made.','Bring 5 Patch of Tainted Skin to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2095insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2050,4107,'Salve via Disenchanting','The power of a disenchanted magical item is felt by the essence it creates. I\'ve devised a way to turn raw essence used by enchanters into a suitable reagent for creating Cenarion plant salve. You don\'t need a Cenarion beacon for this; any suitably disenchanted item that yields lesser nether essences will work.$B$BI just need a single lesser nether essence; in exchange, I will give you Cenarion plant salves. The essence is extremely potent - a little definitely goes a long way!','Bring 1 Lesser Nether Essence to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2096insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2051,4108,'Salve via Hunting','','','Bring 6 Corrupted Soul Shard to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2097insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2052,4109,'Salve via Mining','','','Bring 4 Tainted Vitriol to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2098insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2053,4110,'Salve via Gathering','','','Bring 4 Fel Creep to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2099insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2054,4111,'Salve via Skinning','','','Bring 5 Patch of Tainted Skin to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2100insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2055,4112,'Salve via Disenchanting','','','Bring 1 Lesser Nether Essence to Maybess Riverbreeze.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2101insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2056,4113,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2102insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2057,4114,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2103insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2058,4115,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2104insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2059,4116,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2105insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2060,4117,'Corrupted Whipper Root','','','You apply 3 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Whipper Root. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a whipper root plant. The visible roots of the plant appear tough and leathery, and a slimy film hangs from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2106insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2061,4118,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2107insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2062,4119,'Corrupted Night Dragon','','','You apply 4 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Night Dragon. It immediately begins to shed it\'s corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a Night Dragon plant. The fruits that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2108insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2063,4120,'The Strength of Corruption','Being a hunter, I strive to emulate the strengths I see in my opponents. It is possible to turn the battle in your favor by simply knowing your enemy well, $N.$B$BIn a place called Felwood, north of Ashenvale, the creatures have been tainted by a substance called fel. The bears and wolves have been driven mad by it, but I believe that they have also grown even stronger as well.$B$BGo, $N. Travel to Felwood and face these beasts. Learn for yourself if they are truly as strong as I believe.','Talo Thornhoof at Camp Mojache in Feralas wants you to kill 12 Angerclaw Grizzlies and 12 Felpaw Ravagers in Felwood.','It sounds from your descriptions as if the creatures show a mindless ferocity...$b$bStay alert, $N. It would be in your best interest to learn more of the corruption. Always know your enemy.','Everything touched by the fel emanates a strange green glow... I sense it is evil, but at the same time, very powerful.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2109insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2064,4121,'Precarious Predicament','Do you truly believe that you will make it to your rendezvous point with me in custody? You actually expected to break into a heavily fortified Blackrock fortress to capture a prized asset of theirs without alerting anyone or anything to your presence?$B$BYou will be destroyed!\r\n','Escort your prisoner, Grark Lorkrub, through Burning Steppes and through Blackrock Mountain to the Searing Gorge.$B$BYou recall Lexlort mentioning that he would have his men waiting on the other side to take Grark into custody.$B$BYou will also be required to hand over your Thorium Shackles to Lexlort.','Your heroics will not go unrecognized, $N. You have earned this tribute. The Warlord will speak with you now in regards to the final mission.','I will take this traitorous filth, $N.','Prisoner Transport','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2110insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2065,4122,'Grark Lorkrub','I tracked him across the Searing Gorge, through the mountain, and into the Burning Steppes. That traitor was caught red-handed giving the Blackrock orcs vital information about our day to day operations. I\'m speaking of Grark Lorkrub.$B$BHe now sits in the Burning Steppes, safely under their protection - or so he thinks.$B$BTake these shackles, $N. Find Grark, place the shackles on him and lead him through Blackrock Mountain. Do this and a tribute is yours.\r\n','Travel to the Burning Steppes and find Grark Lorkrub. You recall Lexlort mentioning that he was last seen in a massive Blackrock fortress.$B$BWhen you find Grark Lorkrub, use the Thorium Shackles to bind him and then lead him back through Blackrock Mountain to the Searing Gorge. Lexlort will have his men waiting on the other side to take Grark into custody.\r\n','Can you not see the power we gain by joining the legion of Blackrock? ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2111insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2066,4123,'The Heart of the Mountain','For years I have sought a certain gem.  It is called the Heart of the Mountain and it\'s the size of your fist!  The Dark Iron dwarves have it locked in their vault and, try as I may, they won\'t let me purchase it.$B$BSo I must resort to force.$B$BFight your way to the Lower Vault of Blackrock Depths, breach its secret safe and gain the Heart.  To do that, you must defeat Watchman Doomgrip, and he won\'t appear until you\'ve opened every relic coffer in the vault!$B$BGood luck.','Bring the Heart of the Mountain to Maxwort Uberglint in the Burning Steppes.','You have the heart! Amazing! It is even more beautiful than I imagined!$b$bPlease, $N, take this as payment!','Do you have the Heart of the Mountain? To me, its value is without limit.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2112insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2067,4124,'The Missing Courier','An associate of mine, Ginro Hearthkindle, is looking for assistance concerning the location of a courier and the parcels he was carrying.  It has been a week or so since the courier went missing; our own searches have proved fruitless, and we\'re at an impasse.  Unfortunately, I have had to declare the courier as missing in action.$B$BIf you have the time and resources to spare, please speak with Ginro.  He should be here in the Stronghold - perhaps in his quarters.','Speak with Ginro Hearthkindle in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Latro sent you to me, I presume.  While I think it is a lost cause at this point, I\'ll take whatever assistance you can offer.  I must admit... I\'ll be glad once I can put my mind to rest on this matter.  Every day I set out into the wilds of Feralas looking for signs of Raschal, and every night I have come back with nothing to show for my work save gnoll teeth and disappointment.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2113insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2068,4125,'The Missing Courier','It\'s been about a week since Raschal, the courier, set out for Thalanaar.  He knows Feralas well; he\'s been with us since General Feathermoon led the expeditionary forces here.  I know his plan was to take a row boat down the coast and try and traverse across southern Feralas to avoid the Horde camp.$B$BI couldn\'t find his boat, but maybe you can.  Maybe it is hidden, or maybe it was sunk.  Regardless, it might hold a clue as to where he is.  If you uncover something, please let me know.','Locate the courier\'s boat somewhere along the coast of Feralas.','You have found what appears to be a wrecked row boat.  Through the slightly muddy water you see gaping holes riddling the port side; the boat is nearly shredded down to its simple wooden frame.  Whatever broke this boat most likely tried to snap it in two.  A small crest of the Feathermoon Stronghold is painted on the starboard side.$B$BIn the mud at the base of the boat, a glint of something metallic catches your eye...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2114insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2069,4126,'Hurley Blackbreath','The Dark Iron dwarves, led by the villain Hurley Blackbreath, stole one of the Thunderbrew\'s best recipes, Thunderbrew Lager.  The villains!  They don\'t deserve such a fine brew!$B$B$N, I have a tough task for you.  Go to the Blackrock Depths in the Burning Steppes, destroy any kegs of Thunderbrew Lager you find, and bring back our recipe for Thunderbrew Lager!$B$BPlease, get that recipe back, even if you have to turn Blackrock Depths upside down to do it!','Bring the Lost Thunderbrew Recipe to Ragnar Thunderbrew in Kharanos.','You found it! Well done! And I hope you gave those Dark Irons, and Hurley Blackbreath, a good thumping!$b$bThe Thunderbrews are at your service, $N. You are a hero of heroes!','Do you have the recipe, $N? I can\'t stand the idea of those Dark Iron dwarves drinking my family\'s drink!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2115insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2070,4127,'Boat Wreckage','Running your hand along the mud, your fingers graze the handle of a knife.  It looks well cared for, and it might be safe to assume that whoever was on the boat might have lost it.  Perhaps the large chunk of the missing boat might have something to do with the loss.$B$BYou grab the knife, remembering that Ginro Hearthkindle in the Feathermoon Stronghold instructed you to return to him with any found clues.  You get the feeling, however, that you are not quite alone in the water...','Return to Feathermoon Stronghold and show Ginro Hearthkindle the Discarded Knife you have found.','Interesting... I believe that this is Raschal\'s knife.  You say you found it at the bottom of the water, along with his boat?  Well, just the knife\'s discovery might not be enough to connect this to Raschal\'s disappearance; we do, however, have an unconventional option available to us to try and learn more.$B$BHave you ever heard of psychometry?','Ah, welcome back $N.  I hope that you were able to uncover some clue as to Raschal\'s ultimate fate, as tragic as that may be.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2116insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2071,4128,'Ragnar Thunderbrew','Ho, $n.  I heard that Ragnar Thunderbrew is steaming mad about someone stealing his ale.  He\'s looking for stalwart adventurers, and willing to pay plenty.$B$BTalk to Ragnar if you\'re interested.  He\'s at the Thunderbrew Distillery in Kharanos, in Dun Morogh.','Speak with Ragnar Thunderbrew.','You\'re right I\'m mad!  I\'ve been robbed!  Robbed of one of our family recipes!  How dare they!  As if I didn\'t have enough cause to hate the Dark Iron dwarves!  Now, oh... now they\'re in for it!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2117insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2072,4129,'The Knife Revealed','The Stronghold\'s resident druid, Quintis Jonespyre, has some... unusual skills.  One of them involves psychometry - the ability to reveal an item\'s history by touch.  Don\'t ask me how he does it; I chalk it up to magic I do not and choose not to understand.  I do know, however, two things: one, I\'ve seen it work and two, the bum owes me.$B$BTake the knife up to Quint in his little tree-house here, and tell him for me that his Kalimdor Hold \'Em debt will be paid if he works his mojo on that knife.','Take the Discarded Knife to Quintis Jonespyre in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Thank you, $N.$B$BWhile psychometry isn\'t an exact art by any stretch of the imagination, I\'ve used it in times past to give insight into situations that others have chalked up to lost causes.  I think using it on the knife you\'ve uncovered will give us a glimpse into what happened to Raschal.$B$BIt will only take a moment to do, but it isn\'t what I\'d call a caster-friendly task.  Bear with me on this.','Ginro sent you, eh?$B$BMy psychometric readings are fairly draining on the psyche... but so are my losses at Kalimdor Hold \'Em.  They call me \"King of the Bad Beats\" here in the Stronghold.  Unlucky at cards... lucky at mastering the secrets of nature, I guess.$B$BAnyway, of course I\'ll do it.  This may be just the breakthrough we need to uncover Raschal\'s fate.  If you would hand me the knife, we can get started.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2118insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2073,4130,'Psychometric Reading','I\'m a little wobbly still, sorry.  Anyway, I received some useful visions.$B$BRaschal takes two large leather backpacks from his boat and goes inland; he returns to the boat, however.  I see gnoll scalps... he ran into some gnolls - Woodpaw I think they\'re called.  He\'s very worried - almost terrified - about something.  So much so, that he is not paying attention to water elementals forming behind him.  The images... stop there.$B$BI need to rest, sorry $N.  Tell Gin what I\'ve seen.  He needs to know.','Speak with Ginro Hearthkindle in Feathermoon Stronghold.','Thanks for passing along Quint\'s visions to me, $N.  I\'ll try to remember to be a little easier on him the next time we play cards.$B$BRaschal can hold his own in a fight, and gnolls aren\'t anything that would get him worried - nay, terrified.  Still, maybe you and yours can act on this new information and make the breakthrough we desperately need.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2119insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2074,4131,'The Woodpaw Gnolls','Our \"friends\" the Woodpaw might have gotten Raschal in the end, but something tells me that\'s not what occurred.  Still, they\'re the best place to start looking.$B$BI wish I had clearer insight as to what to do, but all I have right now is \'Search the Woodpaw camps - go.\'  I do know that gnolls will keep items they scavenge and fight over them; maybe they ran across the backpacks Quint mentioned.  I hadn\'t risked a head-on fight in past searches, but with Quint\'s vision on this I say rip into them.','Search the Woodpaw Gnoll camps of southern Feralas for evidence of the courier\'s belongings or the courier himself.','Tacked up on a nearby tree are two large leather backpacks.  Each bears a small insignia of the Feathermoon Stronghold on the front of the pack...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2120insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2075,4132,'Operation: Death to Angerforge','You have done an exemplary job, $N. It is now time to send you on your last mission.$B$BGeneral Angerforge, the Dark Iron responsible for coordinating the attacks on the 109th division of the K.E.F. and the mass slaughter of our forces must be brought to justice.$B$BThis will undoubtedly be your most grueling mission, but should you succeed, you will be richly rewarded.\r\n','Travel to Blackrock Depths and slay General Angerforge! Return to Warlord Goretooth when the task is complete.','Finally! The villain been brought to justice! You are a remarkable individual, $N. Wear this medallion as a symbol of your stalwart dedication to the Horde and the K.E.F.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2121insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2076,4133,'Vivian Lagrave','Shadowmaster Vivian Lagrave is in need of your services.  She is in the Badlands, in the orcish outpost of Kargath, pursuing rumors of a certain brew made by the Dark Iron dwarves of Blackrock Depths.$B$BSpeak with Vivian.  She awaits you.','Speak with Shadowmaster Vivian Lagrave in Kargath.','Thank you for coming, $N. This place is not without a stark charm, but is lacks the amenities of the Apothecarium.$b$bEnough with the pleasantries. To business, yes?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2122insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2077,4134,'Lost Thunderbrew Recipe','It is rumored that the Dark Iron Hurley Blackbreath has stolen a recipe for ale.  This ale, Thunderbrew Lager, is said to infuse its imbiber with great strength and courage.  We wish to study the drink.  Perhaps, we will find other applications for its virtues... applications more in line with Forsaken objectives.$B$BDelve into Blackrock Depths, find Hurley, take from him the recipe for Thunderbrew lager and bring it to me.$B$BAnd to find him, you may have to entice him by threatening his precious ale.','Bring the Lost Thunderbrew Recipe to Vivian Lagrave in Kargath.','Very good. I will send this recipe to the Apothecarium to be studied, and in time we will unlock its secrets. One day, the dwarves of the Alliance may find the virtues of this drink used against them!$b$bI find that terribly amusing. Perhaps death has an affect on one\'s sense of humor... do you think?','Do you have the recipe for the Thunderbrew Lager, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2123insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2078,4135,'The Writhing Deep','Inside the backpacks are two items: the first is a parcel of goods that was bound for Thalanaar, and the second is a note hastily penned to an unknown reader.$B$BThe note tells of discovering insidious bug-like creatures south of the gnoll camps in a place called the Writhing Deep.  The author felt the need to investigate it personally, as though it was a serious threat to all of Feralas.  The note is signed, \"Raschal of Feathermoon\".$B$BIt would seem that you have located where Raschal ultimately went.','Now that Raschal\'s last known whereabouts have been discovered, continue your search for him or his remains in the Writhing Deep.  According to the note, it is located to the south of the Woodpaw gnoll camps.','You have discovered a large pod of an alien nature.  The texture of the pod appears mucous, though hardened protrusions stick out from random parts of it.  The pod itself has the height and width to easily encompass a humanoid inside of it... and from the faint humanoid shape visible through the skin of the pod, you surmise that this is what it indeed encapsulates.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2124insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2079,4136,'Ribbly Screwspigot','My brother Ribbly has always been a drain to his family, taking our money and wasting it on one scheme after another.$B$BWell, his last scheme must have been his worst, because Baron Revilgaz of Booty Bay just put a price on poor Ribbly\'s head.  I can\'t tell you how happy this makes the Screwspigots!  Our little Ribbly\'s finally worth something!$B$BBut now he\'s hiding out, deep in Blackrock Depths.  Please, find him and bring him to me!$B$BOr, if he won\'t come, then that\'s ok... just bring me his head.','Bring Ribbly\'s Head to Yuka Screwspigot in the Burning Steppes.','Aha! You found him! And... it appears that my little brother didn\'t want to come quiety. It\'s a pity. I would have liked to see the look on his face when I told him our plans to turn him in to Revilgaz.$b$bThank you, $N. You\'ve made my family very happy. And Ribbly\'s never looked as peaceful as he does now.','Do you have Ribbly? Or, at least a part of him?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2125insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2080,4141,'Muigin and Larion','See Larion over there? It\'s HIS fault we\'re here!$B$BI told him we were going the wrong way, but would he listen? And would you believe that he\'s the one that won\'t speak to me? Well, until he changes his mind, let\'s have a bit of fun with him.$B$BHave you noticed the strange plant-like creatures around here? They\'re nothing but trouble, really, but I think if trained properly, I could get them to obey commands.$B$BFirst thing though, I\'ll need some samples to study. Do you think you could collect some?','Collect 15 Bloodpetals and return to Muigin.','I hope they didn\'t give you too much trouble, $N. I try to steer clear of them -- they\'re wild!$B$BI tried jumping over one... I was attacked! Plants just shouldn\'t be acting that way!','Larion\'s got something coming, that\'s for sure!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2126insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2081,4142,'A Visit to Gregan','I\'m not quite sure what to make of this, $N. The plants... they seem to have some minimal intelligence.$B$BI\'m no expert, though. But, I do know someone that is!$B$BHead to northern Feralas, and look for a buddy of mine named Gregan Brewspewer. He\'s an expert on this sort of thing.$B$BI\'m sure Gregan can help us out here. You\'ll find him out in the wilderness; he\'s not the type to live in a big city.','Take a Bloodpetal to Gregan Brewspewer in Feralas.','Bloodpetal, eh? Hmmm... Well, you better explain the plan, and then I\'ll tell you whether or not I can help you.','I live out here in the forest... Peaceful.$B$BWell, at least I thought it would be. I get more visitors out here than I ever did when I lived in Ironforge!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2127insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2082,4143,'Haze of Evil','To tell you the truth, $N, I\'ve never seen any plants like this in my travels. Perhaps I should take a trip to this crater...$B$BAt any rate, I think I know just the thing Muigin\'s looking for -- Atal\'ai haze. It\'s horrid stuff, hard to collect, but it\'s just what he needs to control the little monsters.$B$BYou\'ll need to visit the temple of Atal\'Hakkar in the Swamp of Sorrows. The Atal\'ai Haze can be collected from the deep lurkers, murk worms, or oozes found there. Good luck, $N!','Collect 5 samples of Atal\'ai Haze, then return to Muigin in Un\'Goro Crater.','I admit, I\'m a bit hesitant to touch that stuff, $N! But if Gregan says it\'ll work, then I\'m willing to give it a try!','Larion\'s still not speaking to me! He sure knows how to hold a grudge.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2128insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2083,4144,'Bloodpetal Sprouts','Here\'s the plan, $N: Go out and collect some bloodpetal sprouts -- you know, the plants that haven\'t fully sprouted yet, and bring them here. Then I\'ll see what the Atal\'ai haze can do.$B$BYou may think I\'m vengeful... Actually, you\'d be right about that! $B$BTruth is, I know the way out of here, but until Larion will admit that I\'m right, I\'m staying right here!$B$BSo off with you, find those bloodpetal sprouts and let\'s have some fun!','','Here goes nothing, $N! This will get Larion\'s attention!','Here\'s the plan, $N: Go out and collect some bloodpetal sprouts -- you know, the plants that haven\'t fully sprouted yet, and bring them here. Then I\'ll see what the Atal\'ai haze can do.$B$BYou may think I\'m vengeful... Actually, you\'d be right about that!$B$BTruth is, I know the way out of here, but until Larion will admit that I\'m right, I\'m staying right here!$B$BSo off with you, find those bloodpetal sprouts and let\'s have some fun!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2129insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2084,4145,'Larion and Muigin','See Muigin over there? It\'s HIS fault we\'re lost!$B$BI\'m the one that knew the way, but he insisted he knew a shortcut, and we ended up here!$B$BTo make matters worse, now he keeps sending his crazy plant pests to annoy me. I\'m so angry that I\'m not planning on talking to him any time soon, but these pests are too much to handle.$B$BWhy don\'t we try to limit his supply, first thing. Go out and hunt some Bloodpetals, then return to me.','Hunt 5 Bloodpetal Lashers, 5 Bloodpetal Threshers, 5 Bloodpetal Flayers and 5 Bloodpetal Trappers for Larion at Marshal\'s Refuge.','Thanks for your help, $N, but I\'m afraid I have some bad news...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2130insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2085,4146,'Zapper Fuel','You\'re in luck, $n! I\'ve been working on some of my own experiments while Marvon\'s been gone, and one of them is a short range bug zapper. With just a few adjustments, it should be great for ridding yourself of those Bloodpetal pests.$B$BI can let you have one of my zapper prototypes, but you\'ll still need to collect the fuel. You can get the necessary Atal\'ai haze that the zapper needs in the temple of Atal\'Hakkar. The deep lurkers, murk worms, or oozes are the ones you\'ll need to get it from.','Deliver the Unloaded Zapper and 5 samples of Atal\'ai Haze to Larion in Marshal\'s Refuge.','So, Marvon wasn\'t around? Well, show me what you got, anyway.','This is exhausting, $N. Those things just won\'t leave me alone!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2131insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2086,4147,'Marvon\'s Workshop','I managed to spy on what Muigin was doing, and he\'s actually growing the darn things over there!$B$BI think the only solution here is to... no, not go talk to him... What are you thinking? The solution is to fight back!$B$BWe\'ll need the help of my friend, Marvon, who has a workshop in Ratchet.  I\'m sure he\'ll be able to create some sort of gadget that will help us.','Travel to Marvon Rivetseeker\'s workshop in Ratchet.','Marvon\'s been gone quite a long time now, $N. He went off to Tanaris to study some of the ancient troll ruins.$b$bNow, what was it that you said you needed?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2132insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2087,4148,'Bloodpetal Zapper','For the zapper to work, it needs a sample of the target creature. Head out into the crater and collect a Bloodpetal sprout. Then I can calibrate it to work on Muigin\'s little friends...$B$BIf he weren\'t so stubborn, we could be on our way home, already... But until then, I\'ll just have to show him that his little prank doesn\'t bother me at all!','For the zapper to work, it needs a sample of the target creature. Head out into the crater and collect a Bloodpetal sprout. Then I can calibrate it to work on Muigin\'s little friends...','Looks like this is going to work perfectly, $N. Now remember, if you see any of those pests around, don\'t hesitate to use that zapper!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2133insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2088,4161,'Recipe of the Kaldorei','Long ago, the night elves were called the kaldorei, a name that means \"children of the stars.\" Learning of the past is an important step in your path as a $c, $N, so listen well to what I have to tell you.$B$BThe kaldorei have always taken much pride in their harmonious relationship with nature. This means that we only take from nature what is necessary, and that we return in kind. This balance has afforded us much, $N.$B$BGo out and collect seven small spider legs -- no more than that, and return to me.','Collect 7 Small Spider Legs for Zarrin in Dolanaar.','Always remember what I have shown you today, $N. You are part of the balance that the night elves strive to keep intact, even during troublesome times.','Remember the balance, $N. I wish you to develop an understanding and a strong empathy for the living forests.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2134insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2089,4181,'Goblin Engineering','Expert engineering yields two distinct disciplines: gnome and goblin.  I only bother to mention goblin engineering because I\'m a fair trainer.  They like to make things that blow up, and they rarely care what is in the way - even themselves.$B$B$N, read this manual.  If you want to learn how to blow yourself up, then take it to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.   Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure this is what you want before finishing his task.','If you wish to learn more about Goblin Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2135insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2090,4182,'Dragonkin Menace','Life in the Burning Steppes is rife with conflict.$B$BJust look at this place! We know very little of what happened to these buildings, but we do know that at one time, before the great explosion, this was all part of the Redridge mountain range.$B$BEnough lamenting! We have a problem, $N. You may have noticed the dragonkin below this ridge. We need assistance in pushing them back. Kill as many as you can and return to me. Succeed and perhaps we can talk of other things.\r\n','Slay 15 Black Broodlings, 10 Black Dragonspawn, 4 Black Wyrmkin and 1 Black Drake. Return to Helendis Riverhorn when the task is complete.','Superb slaying, $N. Now that we know you can handle yourself around dragonkin, we can talk of more pressing matters.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2136insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2091,4183,'The True Masters','We had always assumed that the Blackrock orcs were a product of their savage upbringing. What we have found here, in their homeland, tells us another story.$B$BIndeed, it is bloodlust and thirst for conflict that empowers them, but the black dragonflight are the beings whom control the orcs of Blackrock. We suspect that it is the black dragonflight that fuels them with rage and hostility.$B$BTake this letter to Magistrate Solomon. He will know what must be done.$B$B<Helendis hands you a sealed letter.>','Travel to Lakeshire and deliver Helendis Riverhorn\'s Letter to Magistrate Solomon. ','<Magistrate Solomon opens the sealed letter from Helendis and begins reading.>','Greetings, $N. Have we met before? You look vaguely familiar.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2137insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2092,4184,'The True Masters','This is grim news, $N. To discover that our mortal enemies are merely pawns of a much greater threat is disheartening. There is no possible way that Lakeshire could survive an attack from both the Blackrock orcs and the black dragonflight. Should Lakeshire fall to this menace, Darkshire would fall next, and then what? Goldshire? Stormwind itself?$B$BYou must take this information to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind at once! If this does not merit the aid of Stormwind, nothing will and all is lost.\r\n','Travel to Stormwind and deliver Solomon\'s Plea to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon.$B$BBolvar resides in Stormwind Keep. ','Dragons? Impossible!','What brings you to Stormwind Keep?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2138insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2093,4185,'The True Masters','Solomon paints a dreary picture. Still, we cannot afford to send our thinly spread troops to the aid of Lakeshire on speculation. I will need proof of these claims before I can act.$B$BSpeak with Lady Prestor, $N. She is a learned woman and knows much of dragons and dragonkin. She may be able to shed some light on this situation.\r\n','Speak with Highlord Bolvar Fordragon after speaking with Lady Katrana Prestor.','<Bolvar cups his chin as if in deep thought.>$B$BWhile I respect Lady Prestor\'s stance, I believe that there is a solution to this dilemma that may put all of our concerns to rest. ','','Advice from Lady Prestor','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2139insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2094,4186,'The True Masters','I am going to empower you as an acting deputy of Stormwind, $N.$B$BReturn to Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire and deliver this decree.','Take Bolvar\'s Decree to Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire.\r\n','It could have been worse, I suppose...$B$B<Magistrate Solomon looks you over.>$B$BIt appears as if the fate of Lakeshire rests squarely on your shoulders.$B$B<You notice Magistrate Solomon blinking rapidly. He appears to be crying.>','Any news from Bolvar?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2140insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2095,4201,'The Love Potion','Oh, the pains of love!  My dear Private Rocknot is immune to my charms.  I am spurned!  It\'s maddening!$B$BYou must help me!  We succubi know much of love, and I can make a potion to beat down the iron walls around Rocknot\'s heart.  To make it, I need these items: the herb gromsblood, giant silver veins from the cliff giants of Azshara, and water from the Golakka Springs Crater in Un\'Goro.  You can place the water in this vial.$B$BPlease, $N, help a poor soul in her quest for happiness!','Bring 4 Gromsblood, 10 Giant Silver Veins and Nagmara\'s Filled Vial to Mistress Nagmara in Blackrock Depths.','Oh, you\'ve done it!  I can now make my potion and use it on Rocknot.  Finally, he will fall victim to my charms!$B$BThank you, $N.  You are a champion of love!','Do you have the ingredients?  The hole in my heart threatens to consume me!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2141insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2096,4221,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2142insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2097,4222,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2143insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2098,4223,'The True Masters','<Magistrate Solomon sighs.>$B$BYou must return to the Burning Steppes, $N. As a deputy of Stormwind, you will be required to report to Marshal Maxwell. Good luck.','Speak with Marshal Maxwell in the Burning Steppes.','<Marshal Maxwell laughs.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2144insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2099,4224,'The True Masters','What? You thought you were the first? How many soldiers must we lose before Stormwind acts?$B$BWe had accumulated enormous amounts of intelligence pertaining to the Blackrock menace before we lost our commanding officer, Marshal Windsor. With Marshal Windsor went all of our precious information.$B$BWhat we need is that documentation. Speak with Ragged John, $N. He was with Windsor when they were attacked by a Blackrock raiding party.  He was last seen in a cave to the north.','Speak with Ragged John to learn of Marshal Windsor\'s fate and return to Marshal Maxwell when you have completed this task.$B$BYou recall Marshal Maxwell telling you to search for him in a cave to the north.','I could have warned you, but what fun is that?','','Ragged John\'s Story','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2145insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2100,4241,'Marshal Windsor','So that good for nothing coward says that Windsor is alive, eh?$B$BSuit up, deputy, you are going in to find him. If Windsor is alive, you are to bring him back. If he\'s dead, I want proof.$B$B<Maxwell laughs.>$B$BI bet you are getting tired of hearing that, aren\'t you?','Travel to Blackrock Mountain in the northwest and enter Blackrock Depths. Find out what became of Marshal Windsor.$B$BYou recall Ragged John talking about Windsor being dragged off to a prison.','Where is he! I\'ll murder him!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2146insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2101,4242,'Abandoned Hope','Bolvar is a fool. I was gathering his precious \'proof\' so that I could shove it down his throat.$B$BHe is a blind buffoon. Proof stands two feet away from him and he does not see.$B$BAs for my data, it\'s lost. Gone. Unrecoverable.$B$BShould I ever find Ironfoe and make it out of this labyrinth, my first stop will be Stormwind, to place my hammer in between that reptile\'s eyes.$B$BLeave me, $N.','Give Marshal Maxwell the bad news.','He\'s gone mad, apparently.$B$B<Maxwell lowers his head in mourning.>$B$BIt is unfortunate that a once proud and noble warrior would be turned into a blithering head case. I GUESS we\'ve reached a dead end...$B$BI must reward you for your efforts thus far, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2147insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2102,4243,'Chasing A-Me 01','Unfortunately, something\'s happened to one of my greatest inventions. You\'ve seen mechanical squirrels, yes? Well, to get closer to the apes of Un\'Goro Crater, I created a mechanical ape to blend in with their kind--I call her A-Me 01.$B$BShe has scrying gems for eyes so I could see everything she saw. She made it to Fungal Rock--the apes\' lair--just east of here, and that\'s when I lost contact. The last thing I saw was one of their alpha males rushing up to say hello to her!$B$BCan you help me find her?','Find A-Me 01 in Un\'Goro Crater.','As you look A-Me 01 over, you see two huge dents tarnishing what Karna obviously feels is a well-crafted piece of engineering. One dent decorates A-Me 01\'s shoulder, the other is on her head.$B$BNo power seems to be running through her components as you investigate further.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2148insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2103,4244,'Chasing A-Me 01','A little further investigation shows a panel that slides open. Clearly written above some wiring is the statement, \"Replace Mithril Casing And Turn Power Off Then On.\"$B$BTaking a moment to replace the panel, you wonder if it\'ll be that simple to fix A-Me 01 and get her back to Karna Remtravel near Marshall\'s Refuge.$B$BOnly trying it will tell.','Find a Mithril Casing and return to A-Me 01 in Un\'Goro Crater.','You remove the panel from A-Me 01\'s back yet again and carefully remove the old mithril casing that seems to have burnt out. The new one slides into place easily. The only thing left to do, assuming the mithril casing was the problem, is to flip the switch to the \"Off\" position, and then back to the \"On\" position.','The panel in which the mithril casing goes is still closed shut. The rest of A-Me 01 remains inert.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2149insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2104,4245,'Chasing A-Me 01','Checking to see if you\'re prepared to lead A-Me 01 back to Karna Remtravel, you flip the switch to the \"Off\" position. Glancing around once again to make sure none of the gorillas are coming, you prepare to see what happens when you flip the switch back to the \"On\" position.$B$BThis is your last chance... are you sure this is what you want to do?','Escort A-Me 01 back to Karna Remtravel in Un\'Goro Crater.','Oh, you\'ve done it! Wonderful! Thank you, $N.$b$bOh, my poor, A-Me. Look at all those dents. We\'ll get her up and running perfectly with just a little work.$b$bThank you again, $N. I really appreciate it.','','Protect A-Me 01 until you reach Karna Remtravel','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2150insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2105,4261,'Ancient Spirit','Felwood was once a peaceful and serene land... Until the legion took hold. The infernals, destruction, chaos...$B$BThe skull of Gul\'dan ensured that none were spared here. All fell to the corruption.$B$BEven now, as a spirit, I still find myself trapped, bearing the suffering of this land. Help me find my way home. Please, $N, tell me you will lead an ancient spirit away from here, where I may finally rest.$B$BOnce I am free, seek out Kayneth Stillwind, a druid that resides in Forest Song, to the east.','Escort Arei to safety, then speak with Kayneth Stillwind in Forest Song, in eastern Ashenvale.','Yes, s, $N. Felwood has been through much hardship. Thank you for what you have done.$B$BOne day, we may be able to reclaim Felwood from the corruption; every kind deed helps.','','Help Arei get to Safety','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2151insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2106,4262,'Overmaster Pyron','The last five of my mages that went snooping around in Blackrock Mountain came back extra crispy with a permanent orange gnomefro - or worse.$B$B<Jalinda picks up some ashes from the ground and releases them into the air.>$B$BOne nasty bugger in particular, Overmaster Pyron, seems to be causing quite a bit of trouble. We need that elemental terminated so that our expedition crew can make its way into Blackrock Depths!$B$BHe guards the entrance at the Blackrock Quarry.','Slay Overmaster Pyron and return to Jalinda Sprig.$B$BYou recall Jalinda talking about Pyron guarding the quarry. Perhaps you should search there?','Incendius? Oh dear...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2152insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2107,4263,'Incendius!','Are you sure Pyron said \'Incendius\' when he died?$B$B<Jalinda swallows hard.>$B$BLord Incendius is purported to be a minion of Ragnaros! Oh dear, oh dear... whatever will we do?$B$BDo you think you can handle another mission? I don\'t have anybody else to send, $N!$B$BWe will never get a team in if Incendius continues to raise Pyron from the ashes.$B$BYou\'ll have to find and destroy Lord Incendius!\r\n','Find Lord Incendius in Blackrock Depths and destroy him!','Oh dear! Are you sure Incendius said \'Ragnaros?\'$b$b<Jalinda hands you something and pats you on the wrist as she fades deep into thought.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2153insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2108,4264,'A Crumpled Up Note','The note has stains covering its surface. The text is barely legible, but you make out the following:$B$B...sweet irony...$B$B...the fall of the broken Alliance...$B$B...if it were not for General Angerforge\'s diligence, we may have never discovered the pattern to the encryption...$B$B...Argelmach is almost done with the decryption of Windsor\'s notes.$B$BOur lord will rise from the depths and crush any that remain...$B$B-Emperor Dagran Thaurissan.\r\n','You may have just stumbled on to something that Marshal Windsor would be interested in seeing. There may be hope, after all.','<Marshal Windsor takes the note and begins reading.>','<Marshal Windsor eyes the note in your hand.>$B$BWhat do you have there, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2154insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2109,4265,'Freed from the Hive','The pod splits opens some when you touch it, revealing a night elven male who is surprisingly still alive.  He seems to be in good health, though deeply stunned.  As you help him down from the pod, he stirs to life.$B$B\"Thank Elune - you\'ve saved me, friend!  I... I\'m Raschal, and I awoke paralyzed inside this pod after these bugs overwhelmed me.  Were you sent by the Stronghold?\"$B$BIt would seem that you\'ve found the missing courier!','Free Raschal from the Zukk\'ash hive.$B$BReturn to Ginro Hearthkindle in Feathermoon Stronghold and let him know that Raschal is alive and well.','Welcome home, $N.  Raschal checked in just a little while ago and told me what happened.$B$BI... no, the entire Stronghold can\'t even begin to thank you for your great deed; Raschal would have been dead without your timely aid, and your assistance came to us without even so much as the whisper of a mercenary\'s fee.  You bear the mark of a true hero.  Know that you will always have a friend in Ginro Hearthkindle.','','Free Raschal.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2155insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2110,4266,'A Hero\'s Welcome','$N, General Shandris Feathermoon would like to speak with you personally.  No doubt she wants to thank you for your service to the Stronghold, but I do know that she also wants to talk to you about the insect creatures that you and Raschal faced in southern Feralas.  The reports of those Zukk\'ash insects are... frightening, to say the least.$B$BGeneral Feathermoon is waiting for you in the main compound.','Speak with Shandris Feathermoon in Feathermoon Stronghold.','$N, I give you my warmest thanks for the aid you\'ve given us.  Your bravery in the face of overwhelming odds has warranted a reward worth a thousand times greater.  Nevertheless, I hope you accept this on behalf of the entire Stronghold.$B$BNow, if I may... I\'d like to ask for your aid one more time.  In light of the discovery of the Zukk\'ash hive here in Feralas, I think you\'re the best choice for this mission.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2156insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2111,4267,'Rise of the Silithid','I am entrusting you with a copy of the report Raschal made on the infestation of southeastern Feralas.  While the main report is being filed in Darnassus, I want you to give this copy to an associate of the Protectorate.  Her name is Gracina Spiritmight; she is a priestess who dwells in the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus.  She has broad knowledge on these kinds of creatures, and her receiving this report would benefit us all.$B$BYou\'re dismissed - good luck, $N; may Elune watch over us all.','Bring Raschal\'s Report to Gracina Spiritmight in Darnassus.','We night elves know of the terror outlined in this report.  Shandris was wise to send this, and you, to me.$B$BThese creatures will consume Feralas rapidly; they are nothing short of one of the greatest menaces we all will ever face.  The insects you and the courier encountered are known as the silithid.  They are mere tools of one of the greatest threats that both the Horde and Alliance will ever face.$B$BI pray we will have the resolve to defeat them before they destroy us.','Welcome to this blessed temple, friend.  Your arrival here from Feathermoon Stronghold has been foretold to me.  Do you have the report Shandris Feathermoon asked you to bring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2157insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2112,4281,'Thalanaar Delivery','This parcel of goods you found in the Woodpaw gnoll camps was supposed to be delivered to the small way-station of Thalanaar in southeastern Feralas.  Regardless of the missing courier\'s fate, the task of delivering the parcel remains unfinished.$B$BExamining the parcel in detail reveals a hand written name of \"Falfindel Waywarder\" on the outside of the packaging.  Perhaps this is the parcel\'s ultimate recipient.','Bring the Undelivered Parcel to Falfindel Waywarder in Thalanaar.','Elune be praised, the delivery from Feathermoon Stronghold has finally arrived!$b$bYour presence here indicates to me that perhaps some ill fate may have befallen Raschal, our usual courier. I hope that everything works out. I know that recently, the Woodpaw have become highly agitated from some source to their south. Maybe he fell to the wilds there; I would be careful, friend.$b$bRegardless, thank you again. Here is payment for this parcel\'s delivery.','Welcome to Thalanaar, $C. Do you need assistance of some sort?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2158insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2113,4282,'A Shred of Hope','<Marshal Windsor shakes the note excitedly.>$B$BDo you realize what this means, $N?$B$BPerhaps all is not lost! From what I can ascertain, the information is being held by two Dark Iron dwarves: General Angerforge and the golem lord, Argelmach. I have a feeling that they won\'t just hand over the information if we ask nicely.$B$BI hope you are ready to battle.$B$BVenture forth and find these two villains! Destroy them and return my lost information.','Return Marshal Windsor\'s Lost Information.$B$BMarshal Windsor believes that the information is being held by Golem Lord Argelmach and General Angerforge.','<Marshal Windsor snatches the two tablets from your hands.>$B$BWe need to get out of here!','Soon this grand subterfuge will be over.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2159insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2114,4283,'FIFTY! YEP!','I\'m going to let you in on a little secret, soldier. Come a little closer.$B$BI\'M THE ONLY SANE ONE HERE!$B$BLook at these people! Would you believe that they\'re all insane!? Well they are! NUTS! CRAZY!$B$B<Oralius lowers his voice.>$B$BLet\'s just keep that between me, you, and my pal Captain Winky.$B$B<Oralius grabs at the air and squeezes.>$B$BAnyhooooo... I\'m collecting badges to go along with my ogre ear collection. Orc is the flavor of the day. Fifty. GO!$B$B<Oralius blows into a horn.>$B$BSHIP IT!','Oralius wants 50 Blackrock Medallions. Chances are high that these medallions can be found on the orcs in the Burning Steppes.','You\'ve done it! Your reward is: RUB MY BELLY! GO ON! RUB IT!','<Oralius is talking into a rather large, severed ogre ear.>$B$BBurning Steppes to control, come in control.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2160insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2115,4284,'Crystals of Power','I\'m sure you\'ve noticed \'em, $N. They\'re everywhere!$B$BWhat am I talking about? Why, the crystals, of course!$B$BThe crystals... They\'re all over the crater. Most people ignore them, but I have a strange feeling that they hold power within them. I\'ve been doing experiments here with them for a while, but I can\'t seem to find anything. Well, I haven\'t yet, anyway.$B$BSay, I\'m running a little low on the crystals I have here -- think you might be able to collect some more for me?','Collect 7 Power Crystals of each color: red, blue, yellow, and green. Bring them to J.D. Collie at Marshal\'s Refuge.','Now I will continue my experiments! Thank you, $N.','I just know I\'m onto something here, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2161insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2116,4285,'The Northern Pylon','What could they be for? I can\'t get the thought out of my head!$B$BIt\'s driving me crazy --  that the rumors I have heard about the crystal pylons are all true. Call me gullible, but I\'ll usually believe anything people tell me.$B$BAnyway, I have heard that there is one of the crystal pylons fairly close. Somewhere in the north... Please locate it, $N. I just know they exist.','Discover the location of the Northern Crystal Pylon in Un\'Goro Crater.','I know the stories are true, $N.','Have you visited the pylon, $N?','Discover and examine the Northern Crystal Pylon','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2162insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2117,4286,'The Good Stuff','Captain Winky tells me that the Dark Irons in the Depths got all the good stuff. Ain\'t that right, Winky?$B$B<Oralius does his best impersonation of a pirate.>$B$BARRR MATEY! IT BE RIGHT!$B$BSee what I\'m saying? You need to get in there and bring me back some samples of the good stuff.$B$BGet in there and shake your moneymaker!\r\n','Travel to Blackrock Depths and recover 20 Dark Iron Fanny Packs. Return to Oralius when you have completed this task. You assume that the Dark Iron dwarves inside Blackrock Depths carry these \'fanny pack\' contraptions.\r\n','<Oralius starts rummaging through the mountainous pile of fanny packs.>$B$BOH WONDERFUL!$B$B<Oralius sticks his large nose into the pile and takes a whiff.>$B$BDELICIOUS! Look at all these goodies!$B$BTake one for yourself, $N. There\'s plenty to go around.','I can\'t be bothered right now, $N. Me and Winky got a meeting to attend.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2163insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2118,4287,'The Eastern Pylon','During my stay here, I have heard strange rumors about mysterious pylons existing out in the wilderness of the crater, $N. I guess that they are quite large, with crystals lining their interiors.$B$BAlthough I\'ve never seen one, I can\'t help but think that the rumors are true -- and that the pylons have something to do with all the crystals we found$B$BSo why don\'t you help me put my curiosity to rest? Supposedly, there is one in the eastern area of the crater. Do you think you can find it?','Discover the location of the Eastern Crystal Pylon in Un\'Goro Crater.','Un\'Goro is such a strange place, $N. When you enter the crater, it\'s as if you are in a completely different world...','Have you visited the pylon, $N?','Discover and examine the Eastern Crystal Pylon','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2164insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2119,4288,'The Western Pylon','My experiments so far have not yielded any positive results, $N. I can\'t help but hope that you can find a solution by searching for one of the pylons that I have heard exist.$B$BPerhaps if we combine certain colors at them... but I get ahead of myself. Let\'s find them first!$B$B$N, search the western area of the crater; a pylon is said to be somewhere in that area.','Discover the location of the Western Crystal Pylon.','There are many hidden areas of the crater along the sides. Try exploring the winding paths if you can\'t think of anywhere else to look, $N.','Have you visited the pylon, $N?','Discover and examine the Western Crystal Pylon','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2165insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2120,4289,'The Apes of Un\'Goro','This crater has many strange creatures--they seem to be nobler versions of the creatures found throughout my homeland and beyond. I cannot explain it, but this place cries of the Earth Mother. I pay homage to her every time I track one of her beautiful creatures across its basin.$B$BIf you too wish to feel the enlightenment that accompanies such a great feat, then head to the north. There you\'ll find great apes who are a test for any mortal\'s strength. Bring me their pelts... prove your strength.','Bring 2 Un\'Goro Gorilla Pelts, 2 Un\'Goro Stomper Pelts, and 2 Un\'Goro Thunderer Pelts to Torwa Pathfinder at the entrance of Un\'Goro Crater.','So, you have proven strong, strong enough to best the great apes of Un\'Goro--that is good. The challenge was small compared to Lar\'korwi, but I will not take such a great victory away from you.$B$BThese pelts will make wonderful clothing for my tribe. You have helped me and proven worthy.$B$BBefore you set off on another task, let us give praise to the Earth Mother and thank the spirits of those apes you killed--they must know their deaths will not be wasted.','Have the creatures here bested you already, $N?$B$BDo not be dissuaded so easily. Tracking and defeating the apes of Un\'Goro is no simple task, even for a great hunter.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2166insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2121,4290,'The Fare of Lar\'korwi','Once, a long time ago, a brother of mine took some meat from one of Lar\'korwi\'s kills. He didn\'t know it at the time, but Lar\'korwi saw him from the forest. Lar\'korwi followed my brother for days, destroying everything he touched. My brother, scared, finally decided to run from the Crater and leave Lar\'korwi behind.$B$BLar\'korwi killed him not far from this spot.$B$BIf you want to provoke Lar\'korwi, find a fresh kill of his and take some of the meat from it.$B$BReturn to me afterwards.','Find the carcass of Lar\'korwi\'s freshest kill and steal a Piece of Threshadon Carcass before returning to Torwa Pathfinder in Un\'Goro Crater.','This will do nicely, $N. It seems Lar\'korwi eats well these days. Although, I wonder where he found a threshadon in this area. Odd.$b$bRegardless, I will hold onto this until you are ready for your confrontation with the beast. Do not worry for my safety--I am sure you\'ve angered Lar\'korwi enough that he will not kill me until after he\'s tasted your flesh.','Do not take my words lightly, $N. If you truly wish to face this creature, then you must be careful... and smart. It will take a great deal of strength and insight to draw out Lar\'korwi and defeat him.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2167insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2122,4291,'The Scent of Lar\'korwi','I\'m actually surprised he has not come for you yet, $N. But all is well, for I have a final plan that will bring the monster to us.$B$BBeing the dominant male gives Lar\'korwi rights to breed with any female he chooses--and he chooses many of them. You\'ll find many ravasaur eggs to the west of here. Get close to them and you should provoke an attack by his mates. The females produce an awful smell from a gland in their heads that allow males to know they are ready to breed. Bring me two of those glands.','Bring 2 Ravasaur Pheromone Glands to Torwa Pathfinder near the entrance to Un\'Goro Crater.','Ah, fine specimens, $N. The two pieces you\'ve found should be perfect for baiting Lar\'korwi into the open. I cannot wait to see the outcome of your fight with the monster. He is a massive thing with claws as sharp as the finest blades. You will look into his eyes and you will know death.','Be careful, $N. Getting close to any of nest of eggs surely will provoke the mothers... even if you\'ve already secured a gland from one. The mothers can be just as deadly as Lar\'korwi himself when they fight to protect their young. But, if you are successful, then we shall have a definitive way of bringing Lar\'korwi out from hiding.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2168insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2123,4292,'The Bait for Lar\'korwi','This will be the most difficult part because there is some complexity to the plan. To the north of here, you will find a small trail into the mountains. It was here I saw Lar\'korwi last. You will know you are in the right area because of all the bones from massive creatures that once wandered nearby. Take the meat you recovered and place it there. Then, rub this mixture I created on the meat. If both lures mingled together do not bring Lar\'korwi to you, then I know nothing else that will.','Using the contents of Torwa\'s Pouch, summon Lar\'korwi and defeat him. Then bring Lar\'korwi\'s Head to Torwa Pathfinder near the entrance to Un\'Goro Crater.','The Earth Mother be praised! You\'ve done it! Fair play to you, $N. You have proven to be a great $C in your own right. Your spirit is strong. Your bravery unmatched. And your strength has been fortified. I bow down to your skills.$b$bOnly the greatest of my ancestors could have accomplished something so incredible. Congratulations.','Do not let fear overpower you, $N. Fear is the great betrayer... you must remain strong!$b$bTake the meat, place it in the small valley, and then use the gland on it. Only then will death come for you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2169insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2124,4293,'A Sample of Slime...','Felwood is a forest far north of the Barrens, even farther than Ashenvale. There, slimes are found all around pools of water blessed by the touch of Fel. The Scourge decimated the area with attacks of Infernals and other demonic magics--the slimes supposedly crept up through the earth during these attacks.$B$BGather samples of Felwood slimes and we will use the testing equipment next to me to create a control group for our tests against other samples you gather.','Gather Felwood Slime Samples from any of the slimes in Felwood. Then, using the Testing Equipment next to Chemist Fuely in Undercity, see which of your samples are the most corrupt. Bring 5 of the Corrupted Felwood Samples you find to Chemist Fuely.','Ah, excellent. These samples will do nicely. I thank you for your help.$B$BOnce we\'ve gathered all the samples of slimes, we\'ll be able to determine more. I am beginning to suspect that Lady Sylvanas\' hunch was not only correct, but more insightful than even she could have predicted. These samples are very interesting. Just seeing how they\'ve reacted with my compounds... hmm, yes, we\'ll definitely need to investigate further.','I will need at least five corrupted samples for our control group, $N. Continue to gather Felwood slime samples until you\'re able to give me that which we\'ll need. The Lady Sylvanas decrees it...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2170insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2125,4294,'... and a Batch of Ooze','Have you heard of the Un\'Goro Crater, $N? It is near the Tanaris desert, and it is a magnificent place: lush, vibrant, full of creatures and plant life.$B$BIt is there you must go. Word has reached me that the place seems completely untainted by outside hands. Explorers are just now discovering its secrets.$B$BI would like to test the slimes or oozes there. If it is true--that they are uncorrupt--then I would like to see how such creatures have evolved.','Gather Un\'Goro Slime Samples from any of the slimes in Un\'Goro Crater. Then, using the Testing Equipment next to Chemist Fuely in Undercity, see which of your samples are the most pure. Bring 5 of the Pure Un\'Goro Samples you find to Chemist Fuely.','Truly amazing, $N. This Un\'Goro Crater is holding many more secrets than I expected. I wonder what else we will discover as we test further.$B$BSimply amazing... look at the purity of these samples. Hmm, I wonder what it could mean. They seem to be elemental in nature, but... something more. They remind me of... of the Old Gods. We\'ve found traces of them throughout Azeroth, and now I wonder if these creatures aren\'t related to them somehow.$B$BWe shall have to test further.','Yes, $N? How goes your search?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2171insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2126,4295,'Rocknot\'s Ale','','','What\'s this?  Ah!  It smells like Dark Iron Ale!  Drink has blurred my sight, but I can tell that you, sir, are a real friend!','Oh, ale! I would kill for some Dark Iron ale!! Quick, I\'m getting sober! I know this because sobriety blurs my vision... and it\'s making you look like the $R I slew last week!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2172insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2127,4296,'Tablet of the Seven','I came to the Burning Steppes, following the legends of the Seven.  They were dwarves of great knowledge and power, and if you have knowledge and power, then wealth is sure to follow.$B$BThat\'s what I want.  Wealth!$B$BIf we can learn more of the Seven, then maybe we can get rich together.  The ruins of Thaurissan is rumored to keep the Tablet of the Seven, which holds knowledge of the ancient dwarves.  Find this tablet, copy its text and bring it to me.  Let\'s discover its secrets together!','Bring the Tablet Transcript to Maxwort Uberglint in the Burning Steppes.','Ah, you found the tablet! And your transcription is superb! Are you sure you\'re a $C and not a scribe?$b$bHere you are, $N. Here is the payment I promised.','Do you have the writings of the Seven, $N? Have you learned the secrets from their tablet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2173insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2128,4297,'Food for Baby','Sprite darters are omnivores--that means they eat both meat and vegetation. If your egg here\'s gonna hatch, we best be prepared. Some good eats for these little guys are flanks of meat, raw and juicy, believe it or not. I was never able to find out why, but it has somethin\' to do with Elune\'s plan for the elves... maybe they were to be protectors or somethin\', I don\'t know.$B$BI\'ll take care of the egg for now, why don\'t you get me some good Silvermane stalker flanks for \'em to eat when he\'s hatched.','Bring 5 Silvermane Stalker Flanks to Agnar Beastamer in Hinterlands.','These\'ll do nicely, and if I\'m not mistaken, your little egg\'s just about ready to hatch. How does it feel? You know, you about to be a father? Haha, didn\'t think ya\'d have to deal with such responsibility, now did ya?','Find that meat yet, $N? Your little egg here\'s just about ready to hatch. If he don\'t have a good enough first meal, then he might not make it past his first week, and I\'d hate for that to happen.$B$BCan\'t much lie to ya, $N. I\'m jealous of you gettin\' this egg to begin with. Don\'t make me regret helpin\' ya out like this.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2174insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2129,4298,'Becoming a Parent','Whoa, it was a lot more ready than I thought...','Speak to Agnar Beastamer in the Hinterlands.','Here, take the egg... better you have it so it bonds to you and looks to you to be its dadda.$B$BCongrats, $N. You\'re a parent... kinda.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2175insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2130,4300,'Bone-Bladed Weapons','Hmm, maybe there be somethin\' you can do for the Hand now that me think \'bout it. Yes, Jes\'rimon could use your help for sure.$B$BIn Un\'Goro Crater there be raptors with deadly claws. Some of those raptors sometimes have white claws instead of ones black like death. The Hand have... clients... that like weapons crafted from these claws. Bring me many of those white claws, and me pay you good coin. Do it fast enough, and maybe me help you in other ways.','Bring 8 White Ravasaur Claws to Jes\'rimon in Orgrimmar.','Ah, these do nicely. Thank you, $N. An\' you be here long before they needed... that be good.$b$bMaybe we have a weapon fashioned for you from the claws. What do you say?','Me clients are not so patient, $N. Have you gotten any of the claws yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2176insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2131,4301,'The Mighty U\'cha','While you have been exploring Un\'Goro, I have seen other things that a mighty hunter such as yourself would relish in. One such sight was a huge ape among the other gorillas to the north. You have been to that cave before, but this time, I wonder if you\'ll survive the encounter if you accept my task.$B$BI call him U\'cha, and he is one of the Earth Mother\'s greatest sons, of that you can be sure. Defeat U\'cha and bring me his pelt. Do this, and I will defend your right to call yourself a great hunter.','Bring U\'cha\'s Pelt to Torwa Pathfinder at the entrance of Un\'Goro Crater.','Well done, $N. I am pleased. You have done a great thing here today.$b$bU\'cha was one of the greatest apes I had ever seen. The fact that you have bested his strength speaks well of your own strength... and courage.$b$bIt is only fitting that I give you this as a sign of respect. You have earned it.','U\'cha... the beast was magnificent. Huge and red, with teeth the size of daggers. His arms as thick as tree trunks, and as fast as any mountain lion I have ever laid eyes upon. You should consider yourself lucky to find such a test of bravery--my people would go generations without seeing such a creature.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2177insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2132,4321,'Making Sense of It','The information you have given me about the pylons is very interesting...$B$BGive me a moment to do some calculations, $N. Speak to me again in a moment and I should be able to give you the answer we have been looking for.','Speak with J.D. Collie in a moment.','Alright, $N. This is fascinating... I can only hope that my diagrams are correct! I compiled everything into this manual, which you can have.$B$BI believe I can answer any questions you have about the crystals now, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2178insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2133,4322,'Jail Break!','We need to get out of here, $N. Help me get my gear back from the supply area and free my friends. If we make it out of here, you are to proceed to Morgan\'s Vigil and speak with Marshal Maxwell. He will give you further instruction.','Help Marshal Windsor get his gear back and free his friends. Return to Marshal Maxwell if you succeed.','Amazing, $N. Simply amazing. Windsor stormed through here not five minutes ago. He makes some grand claims but purports that they are supported by his evidence. He is on his way to Stormwind now to confront Bolvar and ... Lady Prestor.','','Jail Break!','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2179insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2134,4324,'Yuka Screwspigot','Although my little brother Ribbly has been worthless his whole life, I think, finally, he has some value!  But... we might need your help to capitalize on Ribbly\'s newfound worth.$B$BMy sister Yuka has been looking for him for weeks, and tracked him to the Burning Steppes.  She sent word to me, asking for some hired hands.$B$BSo, what do you say?  Want to help?  If so, then speak with my sister.  You\'ll find her holed up in Flame Crest, a cave northwest of Dreadmaul Rock.','Speak with Yuka Screwspigot in the Burning Steppes.','Yes, I\'m looking for my brother.  We must find him and retrieve him, bless his heart.$B$BBut if we can\'t bring all of him... then his head will suffice.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2180insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2135,4341,'Kharan Mighthammer','You have been to the smoldering ruins of Thaurissan? Did you happen to run into a pitiful lout named Kharan Mighthammer? The dwarf that was supposedly watching over my baby girl!$B$B<The King sobs.>$B$BAnd now she\'s gone, $N!$B$BI have had my men turn the Steppes upside down. The only clue they have as to the whereabouts of my daughter is that she may be inside the Depths. For all I know, she could be dead!$B$BKharan is supposedly being held prisoner there... find him! I want answers!','Travel to Blackrock Depths and find Kharan Mighthammer.$B$BThe King mentioned that Kharan was being held prisoner there - perhaps you should try looking for a prison.','Please, let me explain.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2181insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2136,4342,'Kharan\'s Tale','Please, hear me out before passing judgement!\r\n','Listen as Kharan Mighthammer tells his story.','As you can see, there was nothing I could have done.','','Kharan\'s Tale','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2182insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2137,4343,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2183insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2138,4361,'The Bearer of Bad News','You must take this information back to King Magni, $N. He will know what to do!\r\n','Return to Ironforge and deliver the bad news to King Magni Bronzebeard.','<King Magni slams his fist down in anger.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2184insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2139,4362,'The Fate of the Kingdom','It would seem as if my old adversary, Dagran Thaurissan, has me and the kingdom of Ironforge at his mercy.$B$BYou may be my last hope, $N. You must rescue my dear daughter, Moira!$B$BThere is only one way to make sure that the spell Thaurissan has cast on Moira is broken: Kill him.$B$BAnd $N, do not harm her! Remember, she is being controlled by Thaurissan! The things she may do or say are a result of Thaurissan\'s evil spell!','Return to Blackrock Depths and rescue Princess Moira Bronzebeard from the evil clutches of Emperor Dagran Thaurissan.\r\n','<Princess Bronzebeard weeps over the loss of Emperor Dagran Thaurissan.>$B$BWhy???','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2185insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2140,4363,'The Princess\'s Surprise','Thaurissan was a great and honorable dwarf. You ruined my life and the life of my unborn child!$B$B<You think that Princess Bronzebeard may still be suffering from the residual effect of the Emperor\'s spell.>$B$BReturn to Ironforge and tell my father that the heir to the Kingdom of Ironforge will be a Dark Iron dwarf.$B$BWhether he approves or not, it shall be.','Return to Ironforge and speak with King Magni Bronzebeard.','<King Magni Bronzebeard is visibly upset.>$B$BIt seems that even in death, Thaurissan has won.$B$BYou are dismissed, $N. Before you leave, you may choose your reward from the royal vault.$B$B<King Bronzebeard slumps into his throne to mull over this bizarre change of events.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2186insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2141,4381,'Crystal Restore','','','Arranging the crystals on the table, you carefully align the colors. As you push the last one into place, a burst of light fuses the crystals together.$B$BThe resulting combination is now yours.','The Pylon table allows you to combine green power crystals with yellow power crystals.$B$BAccording to J.D.\'s manual, this combination can be used to heal yourself or your allies.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2187insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2142,4382,'Crystal Force','','','Arranging the crystals on the table, you carefully align the colors. As you push the last one into place, a burst of light fuses the crystals together.$B$BThe resulting combination is now yours.','The Pylon table allows you to combine green power crystals with blue power crystals.$B$BAccording to J.D.\'s manual, this combination can be used to increase your spirit.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2188insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2143,4383,'Crystal Ward','','','Arranging the crystals on the table, you carefully align the colors. As you push the last one into place, a burst of light fuses the crystals together.$B$BThe resulting combination is now yours.','The Pylon table allows you to combine green power crystals with red power crystals.$B$BAccording to J.D.\'s manual, this combination can be used to strengthen the protection you have against physical damage.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2189insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2144,4384,'Crystal Yield','','','Arranging the crystals on the table, you carefully align the colors. As you push the last one into place, a burst of light fuses the crystals together.$B$BThe resulting combination is now yours.','The Pylon table allows you to combine red power crystals with blue power crystals.$B$BAccording to J.D.\'s manual, this combination can be used to weaken an enemy\'s defenses.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2190insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2145,4385,'Crystal Charge','','','Arranging the crystals on the table, you carefully align the colors. As you push the last one into place, a burst of light fuses the crystals together.$B$BThe resulting combination is now yours.','The Pylon table allows you to combine red power crystals with yellow power crystals.$B$BAccording to J.D.\'s manual, this combination can be used to create a large explosion that can inflict damage on your enemies.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2191insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2146,4386,'Crystal Spire','','','Arranging the crystals on the table, you carefully align the colors. As you push the last one into place, a burst of light fuses the crystals together.$B$BThe resulting combination is now yours.','The Pylon table allows you to combine blue power crystals with yellow power crystals.$B$BAccording to J.D.\'s manual, this combination can be used to create a shield that does damage to enemies.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2192insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2147,4401,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2193insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2148,4402,'Galgar\'s Cactus Apple Surprise','It sure gets hot out here in the Valley of Trials.$B$B<Galgar wipes his brow.>$B$BIf only I had some cactus apples, I could make my famous cactus apple surprise! Nothing cools you off faster than a piece of that delicious treat.$B$BI\'ll tell you what, $N. If you bring me 10 cactus apples, I\'ll make you a few portions of cactus apple surprise to take with you on your adventures. If you\'re interested, you can find cactus apples growing near the cactus plants around here.','Bring Galgar 10 Cactus Apples. You remember him saying that they could be found near cactuses.','Wonderful, $N! As promised, here is your cactus apple surprise plus a little something extra.','Have you finished collecting cactus apples?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2194insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2149,4403,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2195insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2150,4421,'The Corruption of the Jadefire','Not many seek adventure here... Felwood\'s corruption is widespread and indiscriminate.$B$BAs part of the Emerald Circle, I seek to heal this land, but there are some that wish it to fester.$B$BThe ones I speak of are the Jadefire satyrs that dwell to the northwest of here, at the Ruins of Constellas. Led by a particularly cruel satyr named Xavathras, they continue to spread the disease to any creatures they encounter.$B$BWe must defend this land that was once ours. Defeat Xavathras and destroy his minions.','Kill 11 Jadefire Felsworns, 9 Jadefire Shadowstalkers, 9 Jadefire Rogues, and Xavathras. Return to Eridan Bluewind in Felwood when the task has been completed.','Ridding Felwood of Xavathras is only the first step in a long process. It will take much work to repair the damage that has been done here.$B$BI sense that there is something much larger than just the satyrs at work here, but we will only know the truth with time...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2196insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2151,4441,'Felbound Ancients','The flute you found was carved from an ancient protector, the treant allies that have faithfully protected the night elves.$B$BThe satyrs have been able to corrupt anything they come in contact with, which includes the ancients that made Felwood their home. By the use of the fel, the spirit of the ancient has been bound and tortured, never completely released. The felbind you found is no doubt related.$B$BWe must try to purify the flute, $N. Bring me blessed water from the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus.','Travel to Darnassus and use Eridan\'s Vial to collect a Vial of Blessed Water from the Temple of the Moon. Return to Eridan with the filled vial.','Thank you, $N. Now, we must pray that we can undo the damage that has been done...','The water will hopefully release the spirit of the ancient, and allow it to be at peace.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2197insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2152,4442,'Purified!','Using the water of Elune, I will attempt to purify the flute. We must end this suffering...$B$BMay Elune guide my hands and heart.$B$BSpeak with me again in a moment.','Speak to Eridan again in a moment.','With the blessed water, I was able to break the link between the flute and the ancient spirit. I do believe though, that if you were to use this flute in a sacred spot, you may be able to summon the ancient spirits.$B$BPerhaps you might try the ruins in the southern part of Irontree Woods. Many corrupted treants inhabited this area at one time, and it is possible that they may still reside there, even in spirit form.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2198insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2153,4443,'Corrupted Whipper Root','','','You apply 3 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Whipper Root. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a whipper root plant. The visible roots of the plant appear tough and leathery, and a slimy film hangs from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2199insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2154,4444,'Corrupted Whipper Root','','','You apply 3 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Whipper Root. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a whipper root plant. The visible roots of the plant appear tough and leathery, and a slimy film hangs from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2200insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2155,4445,'Corrupted Whipper Root','','','You apply 3 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Whipper Root. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a whipper root plant. The visible roots of the plant appear tough and leathery, and a slimy film hangs from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2201insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2156,4446,'Corrupted Whipper Root','','','You apply 3 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Whipper Root. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a whipper root plant. The visible roots of the plant appear tough and leathery, and a slimy film hangs from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2202insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2157,4447,'Corrupted Night Dragon','','','You apply 4 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Night Dragon. It immediately begins to shed it\'s corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a Night Dragon plant. The fruits that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2203insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2158,4448,'Corrupted Night Dragon','','','You apply 4 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Night Dragon. It immediately begins to shed it\'s corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a Night Dragon plant. The fruits that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2204insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2159,4449,'Caught!','Hey! Hey, you! Get over here!$B$BYa gotta help me out. I was runnin\' from them Dark Iron dwarves, and I hid in here to get out of sight. Damn bastard geologists and their magic ways! They musta seen me hide, cause next thing I knew, they locked the door and stuck me in here.$B$BTeach them geologists a lesson! Oh... an\' can ya get me some pieces of silk cloth for... for... nothin\'.','Kill 8 Dark Iron Geologists and bring 15 pieces of Silk Cloth to the person locked in the outhouse in Searing Gorge.','Oh, this is great! Nice feel to it too!$b$bWhat? Oh, yeah... geologists. Got \'em good, did ya? I can\'t thank ya enough, $N. That\'ll give me some time to finish up in here... I mean, it\'ll let me not have to worry about them comin\' back for me anytime soon. Thanks again.','I ain\'t got all day! Get me those pieces of silk cloth! I mean geologists. Get those geologists! They deserve to feel my, well... your wrath.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2205insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2160,4450,'Ledger from Tanaris','Oh, you know what? That reminds me.$B$BYou wanna finish up a little job I took up while I was in Tanaris? It\'s easy...$B$BKrinkle Goodsteel in Gadgetzan was lookin\' for some stuff found here in Searing Gorge and a few other places. Maybe you could take a look at the list and then bring it all to him?$B$BI\'ll just slide his ledger under the door if you\'re interested. Take that, and the stuff he wants back to him after ya collected it all.','Take the copy of Goodsteel\'s Ledger and then find the items listed in it before seeking Krinkle Goodsteel in Tanaris.','Oh, you\'ve seen fit to do some of the work I requested. Excellent. And here I thought you were going to ask me to craft you something.$B$BThese are all perfect... and everything\'s here. Thank you, $C.$B$BMaybe it wouldn\'t hurt to reward you some... hmm, what would you find useful.','Yes, yes? What can I do for you, $R? I\'m awfully busy and have many patrons requesting my services. Perhaps you can speed things up. I don\'t mean to be rude, but I just don\'t have the time if I\'m to catch up on all my work.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2206insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2161,4451,'The Key to Freedom','The small brass key looks simple enough.. The only thing that seems to make it stand out are some words scratched into the head of it:$B$B\"Dark Iron Outhouse - Do Not Duplicate.\"$B$BYou have no idea what it means or what it will lead to.','Search Searing Gorge and find a use for the Grimesilt Outhouse Key you have found.','Well, I\'ll be! How in tarnation!? You found the key! I knew them blasted Dark Irons were hiding it after they locked me in here! Thank ya so much, $N. You\'re the greatest! Now, just turn the key and let ol\' Locheed outta here!','*cough*$b$bWho is it? Can\'t ya see I\'m busy?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2207insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2162,4461,'Corrupted Whipper Root','','','You apply 3 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Whipper Root. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a whipper root plant. The visible roots of the plant appear tough and leathery, and a slimy film hangs from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2208insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2163,4462,'Corrupted Night Dragon','','','You apply 4 Cenarion Plant Salves to the Night Dragon. It immediately begins to shed it\'s corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a Night Dragon plant. The fruits that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2209insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2164,4463,'Libram of Rumination','Present the components, mortal.$B$BI will also require payment in the form of thirty gold pieces for this creation.','','Take your trinket, fool. Leave me to my studies!','Present the components, mortal.$B$BI will also require payment in the form of thirty gold pieces for this creation.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2210insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2165,4464,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2211insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2166,4465,'Corrupted Songflower','','','You apply some Cenarion plant salve to the songflower. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a songflower plant. A pungent, unhealthy odor emanates from the plant. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2212insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2167,4466,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2213insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2168,4467,'Corrupted Windblossom','','','You apply two Cenarion plant salves to the windblossom. It immediately begins to shed its corrupted form, blossoming into a vibrant and healthy plant.','You have found a sickly, corrupted version of what appears to be a windblossom plant. The berries that hang from the plant appear rotten and poisonous. It desperately needs some sort of attention if it is to be turned back to normal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2214insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2169,4481,'Libram of Constitution','There is a price to pay for all things in this world. The price for the specific item that you seek is thirty gold pieces.$B$BNaturally, I shall retain the majority of the components which you collected. But worry not, you shall have your trinket.','','It is disgrace to his memory... a mortal, such as yourself, finishing his life\'s work.$B$BTake your amalgamation and be gone!','There is a price to pay for all things in this world. The price for the specific item that you seek is thirty gold pieces.$B$BNaturally, I shall retain the majority of the components which you collected. But worry not, you shall have your trinket.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2215insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2170,4482,'Libram of Tenacity','Thirty gold, $R. Thirty gold and the required components.','','It took Kariel what would amount to several of your lifetimes to complete the libram that you now hold, $R. All for what? So that his disciple could stand in the Burning Steppes and bastardize his research in order to satiate a never ending arcane craving... Curse this foul addiction.$B$BI am disgusted with your lack of compassion and insatiable greed. Be gone!','Thirty gold, $R. Thirty gold and the required components.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2216insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2171,4483,'Libram of Resilience','If it is resilience you desire, thirty gold I require.','','Other librams are lost in this world. Lost in places you would not dare enter. Places you would pray did not exist.$B$BI will drink in the energies of these components. You shall be given the residual waste...','If it is resilience you desire, thirty gold I require.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2217insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2172,4484,'Libram of Voracity','Do not waste my time, $R. Give me what I require. Thirty gold and the components.','','My head throbs... The energies of the vast expanses that makes up our universe... ARGGH!$B$BTake what you desire and leave!','Do not waste my time, $R. Give me what I require. Thirty gold and the components.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2218insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2173,4485,'The Tome of Nobility','Hello, $N. I see your dedication remains strong, as does your faith.$B$BI think it is time you spoke with Duthorian Rall in Stormwind. There are some more lessons for you to learn, and I feel you are prepared.$B$BSeek him out in the Cathedral of Light, and $N, take these lessons seriously. You\'ve attained your status through humility and hard work, do not disappoint us by becoming arrogant.$B$BBe well.','Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2219insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2174,4486,'The Tome of Nobility','Well, well, well, look at the mighty paladin in all $ghis:her; regality.$B$BSorry, $N, I meant no offense... I just get a little jealous sometimes when I see some of the feats you\'ve accomplished. Tiza tells me it\'s my weakness, and I swore to her I\'d work on it. It\'s just hard sometimes, you know?$B$BBut the reason I wanted to talk to you was because Duthorian Rall in Stormwind sent word for you to meet him in the Cathedral of Light when you\'re ready. Sounded important. Sounded like something\'s going on.','Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2220insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2175,4487,'Summon Felsteed','Ah, good, you\'re here. I sent a $g succubus:infernal; after you to get your attention, but it seems you were able to get here before it found you. No matter.$B$BThere has been some talk lately of your growing power--that is good for you, possibly bad for others. But those are irrelevant points. The point is, I feel you\'ve proven yourself and therefore are deserving of... hehe... a blessing of sorts.$B$BAbove Ratchet in the Barrens you\'ll find a man named Strahad. I believe you\'ve crossed paths before.','Speak to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2221insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2176,4488,'Summon Felsteed','Ah, $N, you\'ve seen fit to grace us with your presence. How wonderful!$B$BI hope you do not expect us to wait on you hand and foot also. You may be growing quickly in power, but you still are a pup when it comes to true knowledge and understanding. If you\'re not careful, corruption will overwhelm you and your weak will.$B$BBut I should get to the point: Strahad wishes to speak to you. He is still residing in his tower overlooking Ratchet in the Barrens. I suggest not taking too long.','Speak to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2222insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2177,4489,'Summon Felsteed','You, $r! Come here!$B$BYou\'re the one they call $N, yes?$B$BI thought as much. I will keep this short: you\'re growing in power, and it has been acknowledged. And now, the time has come that you are rewarded for your efforts.$B$BGo to the Barrens. There, above Ratchet, you\'ll find Strahad Farsan--perhaps you remember him? He would have words with you. I wouldn\'t take long.','Speak to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.','So, you\'ve decided to grace my presence again. How kind of you.$B$BMy acolytes wondered if you\'d ever show up. I told them there was no doubt. When power is concerned, you are drawn in like a moth to the flame.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2223insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2178,4490,'Summon Felsteed','I would give you a reward for your patience and hard work. But know this, the ability to summon a Felsteed will be much more difficult in the future. You will have to earn it... and it will not be easy.$B$BFor now, go with the power to summon such a creature and use it as you see fit.','Speak to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet to learn the ability to summon a Felsteed.','Good luck, $N. I look forward to seeing you in the future.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2224insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2179,4491,'A Little Help From My Friends','Ugh... It\'s so hot...$B$BI was exploring this area, when all of a sudden, the heat just became unbearable. I must be suffering from heat exhaustion.$B$BPlease, help me get back to my friend Spraggle at Marshal\'s Refuge. I think I\'m well enough to follow you there.$B$BI am feeling a little out of it, so if I do happen to faint again, just splash some water on me from Spraggle\'s canteen. That should work, I hope...','Lead Ringo to Spraggle Frock at Marshal\'s Refuge.$B$BIf Ringo faints, use Spraggle\'s Canteen to revive him.','Ringo\'s not in the best shape, $N, but I am glad to have him back in one piece!$b$bThank you for finding him.','','Escort Ringo to Spraggle Frock at Marshal\'s Refuge','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2225insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2180,4492,'Lost!','You\'ve got to help me, $N! My friend, Ringo left earlier to explore the volcano to the south of here, and he has been gone way too long. I am really worried about him.$B$BDo you think you could find him? Why don\'t you take my canteen with you -- if you do find Ringo, I\'m sure he\'ll need it!','Find Ringo at Fire Plume Ridge.','Oh... I\'m so glad someone found me...','Wha... What?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2226insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2181,4493,'March of the Silithid','It would seem that the silithid\'s intent, nay - reason for being, is to devour everything in their path that is not of their ecology.  Their focus is singular, and it is for this reason they are a grave threat to all life on Azeroth.$B$BWhat we\'ve seen to date is but the first stages.  I suspect that their strength comes from deeper in Kalimdor: Un\'Goro Crater.  Go to Gadgetzan in the Tanaris desert and speak to Alchemist Pestlezugg.  Tell him of my theory; he will surely aid us in fighting the silithid.','Speak to Alchemist Pestlezugg in Gadgetzan.','Yes, I gathered that Gracina sent you to me. Your experience in fighting these beasties is priceless; no one to my knowledge has ever dealt with their kind before. As for Gracina\'s idea that Un\'Goro Crater is their heart... perhaps it is. Un\'Goro is a mysterious and dangerous jungle to the west of here. Perhaps it is also one step closer to figuring out what the silithid are all about.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2227insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2182,4494,'March of the Silithid','It would seem that the silithid\'s intent, nay - reason for being, is to devour everything in their path that is not of their ecology.  Their focus is singular, and it is for this reason they are a grave threat to all life on Azeroth.$B$BWhat we\'ve seen to date is but the first stages.  I suspect that their strength comes from deeper in Kalimdor: Un\'Goro Crater.  Go to Gadgetzan in the Tanaris desert and speak to Alchemist Pestlezugg.  Tell him of my theory; he will surely aid us in fighting the silithid.','Speak to Alchemist Pestlezugg in Gadgetzan.','Yes, I gathered that Zilzibin sent you to me. Your experience in fighting these beasties is priceless; no one to my knowledge has ever dealt with their kind before. As for Zil\'s idea that Un\'Goro Crater is their heart... perhaps it is. Un\'Goro is a mysterious and dangerous jungle to the west of here. Perhaps it is also one step closer to figuring out what the silithid are all about.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2228insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2183,4495,'A Good Friend','A friend of mine named Iverron usually visits me at the same time every day. The strange thing is that he hasn\'t been by today at all -- he\'s several hours late, in fact.$B$BI admit, I am a little worried, $N. Iverron spends a lot of time over by the cave to the north, and I\'m sure you know how dangerous it is there -- spiders, everywhere!$B$BIf you happen to be going that way, though, will you keep an eye out for him?','Find Iverron by the cave to the north.','I\'m so glad you found me, Ve. How did you know I was here?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2229insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2184,4496,'Bungle in the Jungle','My research revealed to me that the silithid are like bees; destroy the queen of the hive, and the rest of should be thrown into disarray.  I\'ll brew a lure that we\'ll use to bring out the queen; once summoned, you\'ll take her down.$B$BFirst though, we need some reagents; we don\'t want you bungling into the jungle unprepared.  Go west to find the silithid hive in Un\'Goro Crater and obtain a scent gland from one of the bugs.  I\'ll also need some samples of the native Un\'Goro soil.','Bring a Gorishi Scent Gland and 5 Un\'Goro Soil samples to Alchemist Pestlezugg in Gadgetzan.','The scent gland, ah yes. The membrane appears intact - excellent. The soil, yes, this should work out perfectly. With my special additions, I should be able to grind all this up into the perfect lure.$b$bGive me a moment to make the lure, $N. Once it\'s ready, we\'ll be able to enact the next step that may hopefully stop the silithid before they overrun Gadgetzan... and the rest of Kalimdor.','Finding a suitable scent gland might take a bit - the gland can\'t be damaged, but the process of getting one certainly doesn\'t lend itself to it. As for the soil, I\'d assume it should be easy enough to find.$b$bAnyway, do you have the items I need to make the lure?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2230insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2185,4501,'Beware of Pterrordax','Wanted: A skilled fighter to deal with the threat of the Pterrordax that inhabit the Un\'Goro Crater. Their numbers are growing, and they are becoming a menace to travelers in the area.$B$BDecrease the population by slaying 10 pterrordax and 15 frenzied pterrordax.$B$BSpeak with Spraggle Frock after completing the task for a reward.','Kill 10 Pterrordax and 15 Frenzied Pterrordax, then speak to Spraggle Frock at Marshal\'s Refuge.','I am absolutely terrified of the pterrordax here! Thank you for decreasing their numbers, $N. Now I might feel safe enough to venture out of Marshal\'s Refuge.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2231insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2186,4502,'Volcanic Activity','Being an apprentice to Marvon Rivetseeker, I\'ve learned so much. But he\'s been gone for such a long time now, so I think I\'m going to work on some experiments of my own.$B$BI\'ve been reading about Un\'Goro Crater most recently, and about the strange volcanic activity going on in the middle of the crater. I think a lot could be learned if I could just get some of the ash from the elementals there.$B$BDo you think you\'d mind collecting some for me, if you are going that way?','Collect 9 samples of Un\'Goro Ash from the fire elementals around the volcano in Un\'Goro Crater, and return them to Liv Rizzlefix in Ratchet.','These samples will be perfect for my studies! Thank you, $N! I promise, you\'ll be the first one I will tell about my findings.','Is it true that the volcano in Un\'Goro is active? I\'m sure I could learn a lot with some ash from the volcano, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2232insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2187,4503,'Shizzle\'s Flyer','I\'m making a flying machine!$B$BI got stranded here, and I\'m absolutely horrible at finding my way around. I\'d take a gryphon or wind rider back to Gadgetzan, but those beasts just scare me to death.$B$BSo, will you help me? All I have left to build is the wings, and I was thinking that the webby scales from the pterrordax and diemetradon would be perfect. There\'s no way I\'m going to go up against one of those, but you look pretty tough. Why don\'t you give it a try?','Collect 8 Webbed Diemetradon Scales and 8 Webbed Pterrordax Scales for Shizzle in Marshal\'s Refuge.','Yes, these scales are perfect. I should be able to get this flyer off the ground with these scales for sure!$B$BThanks!','Every great vehicle needs a name... I was thinking I\'d call it... Pwned!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2233insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2188,4504,'Super Sticky','I\'m always looking for a quick way to earn a gold, $N. If you help me with my newest idea, I\'ll let you in on a little of the profit. How does that sound to you?$B$BI thought so!$B$BHead to the tar pits in northern Un\'Goro Crater, and collect me some tar. Not just any tar, now, you\'ll need to get it from the beasts that live around the tar pits. Regular tar just simply isn\'t sticky enough.$B$BThe plant-like creatures contain chlorophyll in their skin, and mixed with the tar, it\'s super sticky!','Collect 12 samples of Super Sticky Tar for Tran\'rek in Gadgetzan.','Yes, this tar is just the stuff...$B$BHey, wait a minute, my hands... I can\'t seem to get them apart...$B$BMaybe this wasn\'t such a good idea. Oh, but wait! Super sticky tar remover! That\'s where the real money is!','Tran\'rek\'s done it again -- this super sticky glue will be all the rage!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2234insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2189,4505,'Well of Corruption','Some may say that I am exceptionally cruel... But truly, it is only a strong desire to see the Horde gain an advantage against the Alliance, in any way possible.$B$BMy newest interest is a moonwell at the Ruins of Constellas, south of here, tended by the Jadefire satyrs. The moonwell, once a symbol of renewal for the insufferable night elves, is now corrupted, and used to bring forth more satyrs.$B$BI have an idea, $N, and I\'d like a sample of the water... for my little feline friend here.','Collect a sample of corrupted water from the Jadefire Satyrs\' moonwell and bring it to Winna Hazzard at Bloodvenom Post.','Very well. We must find a way to use this corruption against our enemies...','This is of utmost importance. Be on your way, now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2235insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2190,4506,'Corrupted Sabers','This corrupted water can be used to our advantage, $N. With just a small amount of the water, my kitten doubled in size, and seems to be stronger... somehow. These cats may prove useful...$B$BHere, $N. Take this cat carrier, and release the kitten inside next to the moonwell in the Ruins of Constellas. Heh, heh... I\'m sure you\'ll be pleased with the results!$B$BReturn the cat to me, and I\'m sure I can make it worth your time.','Take Winna\'s kitten to the corrupted moonwell, release it, then bring it back to Winna.$B$BOnce you have returned to Winna, click on the cat to release it to Winna.','Excellent!$b$bThe forsaken will resort to any means necessary to crush the alliance! The use of the corrupted water will surely prove useful in our future efforts...','Don\'t tell me that you can\'t go back there! Get going!','Return the corrupted cat to Winna Hazzard','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2236insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2191,4507,'Pawn Captures Queen','Here\'s the lure.  Inside the hive network should be a crystal of some sort.  We think the silithid use the crystal as some sort of hive-wide attunement device.  As for where this crystal might be, I\'d say try the hatcheries inside the hive.$B$BUsing the lure on the crystal should roust out the queen, but be warned - she will probably be protected by several guards.  Take out the queen and remove her brain.  As icky as that sounds, we desperately need to study it.  Good luck, $N!','Defeat the Gorishi Hive Queen once she is summoned.$B$BBring the Gorishi Queen\'s Brain to Alchemist Pestlezugg in Gadgetzan.','Fantastic, $N!  We\'ve won quite the victory here today.  It will take some time for us to fully understand what we have here; we\'ll put it to good use though, don\'t you worry about that.$B$BAs for the silithid, I genuinely doubt that this was the full extent of their presence.  This is much too clean of a resolution, I\'m sorry to say.','Acquiring the queen\'s brain for our research is absolutely imperative.  From what we have learned, we believe that these silithid are quite possibly being controlled by a malign intelligence.  I shudder to think what could control something as insidious as the silithid, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2237insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2192,4508,'Calm Before the Storm','My recent findings and the knowledge we have gained here today needs to reach hands that can quite possibly do something with it.  As resourceful as we are here in Gadgetzan, we can\'t do this alone.$B$BTake my latest report back to Gracina Spiritmight in Darnassus; she\'s still at the Temple of the Moon, is she not?  She\'s got friends who are Alliance bigwigs; if we can get them involved in this $N, then we just might make it out of this alive.','Bring Pestlezugg\'s Un\'Goro Report to Gracina Spiritmight in Darnassus.','While I genuinely appreciate this, I am not sure what good it will do us.  The Alliance ignores threats from any source other than the Horde, and even our own leaders here in Darnassus cannot agree on what exactly this threat is.  Fools like Fandral Staghelm theorize that the silithid are nothing like the threat from the ancient past I claim them to be.  His ignorance is only surpassed by his arrogance.$B$BYou have seen the threat yourself, $N.  We must remain committed to defeating the silithid!','They are fools, $N!  They cannot even think to look around them for a greater threat; their irrational hatred of the Horde will be the end of us all.  I do not know how much more proof I can give them of the silithid threat short of dropping them in one of the hives so they can see for themselves!$B$BI\'m sorry, you bring news for my attention?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2238insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2193,4509,'Calm Before the Storm','My recent findings and the knowledge we have gained here today needs to reach hands that can quite possibly do something with it.  As resourceful as we are here in Gadgetzan, we can\'t do this alone.$B$BTake my latest report back to Zilzibin Drumlore in Orgrimmar; he\'s still in his place on the upper part of the Drag, is he not?  He\'s got friends who are high within the Horde; if we can get them involved in this $N, then we just might make it out of this alive.','Bring Pestlezugg\'s Un\'Goro Report to Zilzibin Drumlore in Orgrimmar.','While I genuinely appreciate this, I am not sure what good it will do us.  The Horde ignores threats from any source other than the Alliance.  While Thrall himself might take action were the facts presented to him, he is beset on all sides by conflicting advice.  These fools would have us chase our own imaginary tails were they to think it might catch the Alliance unawares!$B$BYou have seen the threat yourself, $N.  We must remain committed to defeating the silithid!','They are fools, $N!  They cannot even think to look around them for a greater threat; their irrational hatred of the Alliance will be our undoing.  I do not know how much more proof I can give them of the silithid threat short of dropping them in one of the hives so they can see for themselves!$B$BI\'m sorry, you bring news for my attention?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2239insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2194,4510,'Calm Before the Storm','$N, your help has been immeasurable.  The time will come, no doubt, when I\'ll ask for your assistance against the silithid once more.  We must absorb what we have learned in Un\'Goro; I fear that my assumptions that the silithid originated from Un\'Goro are now wrong... that indeed there is a far stronger presence somewhere.$B$BTake this note to Idriana at the bank.  She\'ll give you something from my vault that should be viewed as a token of my gratitude.  Thank you for your assistance, brave $c.','Bring the Bank Voucher to Idriana in the bank of Darnassus.','This bank voucher authorizes me to withdraw an item from Gracina Spiritmight\'s account with us and present it to you.  Congratulations would seem to be in order!','Elune\'adore, $C.  What may I do for you today?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2240insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2195,4511,'Calm Before the Storm','$N, we could not have gotten this far without you.  The time will come soon, no doubt, when I\'ll ask for your help against the silithid once more.  We must absorb what we have learned in Un\'Goro; I fear that my assumptions that the silithid originated from Un\'Goro are now wrong... that indeed there is a far stronger presence somewhere.$B$BTake this note to Karus at the bank.  He\'ll give you something from my vault that should be viewed as a token of my gratitude.  Thank you for your assistance, mighty $c.','Bring the Bank Voucher to Karus in the bank of Orgrimmar.','This bank voucher authorizes me to withdraw an item from Zilzibin Drumlore\'s account with us and present it to you.  Congratulations would seem to be in order!','Zug zug!  What may I help you with today, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2241insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2196,4512,'A Little Slime Goes a Long Way','But the thing I\'ve studied most is ooze. I know it sounds odd, but they\'re all over!$B$BI helped a lady in Menethil find her bag not too long ago--it was eaten by oozes. I\'ve seen members of the Royal Apothecary Society from Undercity collecting samples of the stuff. I want to know why! Where does it come from?$B$BI\'ve heard of more in Felwood. What I need are samples of the oozes there so I can further my research. I\'ll give you containers, you use them to collect a sample from the deceased creatures.','Bring 6 Filled Cursed Ooze Jars and 6 Filled Tainted Ooze Jars to Laris Geardawdle in Ironforge.','Amazing results, $N! You got close enough to take a sample of the corrupted things, and managed to look no worse for wear! Thank you. Oh, these samples will be perfect. I can\'t wait to start testing on them.$B$BIf I\'m right, I could be one of the Explorers\' Leagues greatest scientists!$B$BThat\'ll prove to all the dwarves that it wasn\'t a mistake to allow us gnomes into Ironforge  after the Gnomeregan incident.','Some of the experiments I\'ve done are fascinating. I think with a little more work, I\'ll be able to figure out the nature of these creatures and how they play into how life developed on Azeroth... if they even have anything to do with it to begin with.$B$BOne of my biggest theories that isn\'t well liked is the idea that oozes and slimes are tied to the creation of this planet... almost like they\'re a secretion of it.$B$BBut I can\'t prove or disprove it until I get more samples.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2242insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2197,4513,'A Little Slime Goes a Long Way','I\'m going to need more samples, $N. But--and I don\'t know how to put this--they have to be pure samples. I know, I know. \"What does \'pure\' mean, Laris?\" I\'m not sure. I do know that these are corrupt... just like Felwood. Which is what makes my realization so important. The oozes seem to adapt... to take on the aspects of the area they\'re in. I\'ll need to find samples that haven\'t been polluted. But where? Where?!$B$BBah! $N, take these containers just in case you find any on your own.','Bring 10 Filled Pure Sample Jars to Laris Geardawdle in Ironforge.$B$BIf you have trouble finding them, perhaps try to get more clues from Laris.','You\'ve found it? $N, you are a treasure unto yourself. Your dedication and aid has been magnificent and I could not possibly thank you enough.$B$BPlease, take this for your troubles. I have some work to do, but I\'m sure, if you come back at a later time, I\'ll have need of your services again.$B$BThank you. Thank you so much.','So many things to consider. But what does it mean? And how does it affect the lives of the people of Azeroth?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2243insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2198,4521,'Wild Guardians','Winterspring lies just beyond Timbermaw, northeast of Felwood. Have you been there?$B$BI have heard that the area is laden with creatures called wildkin. These beasts have been known to guard secrets; secrets of the Night elves.$B$BWe must figure out what may be hidden in Winterspring.$B$BI have heard the ragged owlbeasts can be found just south of the road, and that there are others called raging owlbeasts that may be found in the center of Winterspring. Clear them out, and gain access to the land.','Trull Failbane in Felwood wants you to kill 15 Raging Owlbeasts and 15 Ragged Owlbeasts.','This is excellent news, $N. With these beasts out of the way, we can begin to adventure further into Winterspring. Are you ready for more?','Report back to me after you have completed the task I gave you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2244insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2199,4542,'Message to Freewind Post','Brave traveler, the centaurs have increased their attacks in this area. Freewind Post must know about this renewed harassment immediately! Seek Cliffwatcher Longhorn at Freewind Post to the southeast and give him this urgent message.$b$bBe warned, avoid the Grimtotem Clan nearby... they have been acting strange toward us lately.\r\n\r\r\n','Bring the Urgent Message to Cliffwatcher Longhorn at Freewind Post.','More bad news! These centaurs have gone too far! They raided one of my supply caravans and slaughtered the whole party. This is an outrage, and it will not go unpunished!$b','What do you want, $C? An urgent message - for me?$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2245insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2200,4561,'Testing for Impurities - Un\'Goro Crater','You pick up the petri dish with the slime sample in it. The only way to discern if the samples is pure enough is to open it and examine the contents yourself. Ideally you\'ll find a sample that fits Chemist Fuely\'s criteria.','You take a sample of slime from Un\'Goro Crater and place some of it into the various tubes and beakers on the table. As things begin to boil and spurt, the slime changes colors. When the process slows down and the liquids calm, you see a small petri dish with your purified Un\'Goro slime samples in it along with some other remnants.','You pick up the petri dish with the slime sample in it. The only way to discern if the samples is pure enough is to open it and examine the contents yourself. Ideally you\'ll find a sample that fits Chemist Fuely\'s criteria.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2246insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2201,4581,'Kayneth Stillwind','The druid Kayneth Stillwind sent word to me.  He would like a report of the happenings along our coast and in the forests surrounding Astranaar.  He fears there is a corruption moving through Ashenvale... and he may be right.$B$BHere, take my report to him.  You will find him in the shrine of Forest Song, in the Nightsong Woods to the east.','Take Shindrell\'s Note to Kayneth Stillwind in Forest Song.','Ah, Shindrell\'s report!  Many thanks, $N.  Shindrell is a fine sentinel, brave and keen.  I must read this for clues of a wickedness I fear is moving through Ashenvale.','Do you have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2247insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2202,4601,'The Sparklematic 5200!','This contraption stands out amongst the gnomes holding out against the madness outside the room.  A small plaque on the device reads \"The Sparklematic 5200\", followed by some text:$B$B\"Grime and residue ruining your sparklies?  The Sparklematic 5200 puts the shine back in shine-tastic!  Insert the item you wish to clean and deposit three silver coins in the coin slot.  Give the Sparklematic 5200 a moment for operation, and voila!  Your valuables will emerge clean and shiny!\"','Insert a Grime-Encrusted Item into the Sparklematic 5200, and be sure to have three silver coins to start the machine.','You insert the grime-encrusted item and three silver coins into the Sparklematic 5200. The machine surges to live in an almost frenzied attempt to purge the grime from the unknown item. Loud, violent churning sounds beat from the heart of the machine. The metal frame of the beast creaks and groans as it lurches from side to side...','It would seem that the device needs some sort of grime-encrusted object to clean and three silver coins to get the contraption working. So long as both are present, the Sparklematic 5200 should work...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2248insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2203,4602,'The Sparklematic 5200!','This contraption stands out amongst the gnomes holding out against the madness outside the room.  A small plaque on the device reads \"The Sparklematic 5200\", followed by some text:$B$B\"Grime and residue ruining your sparklies?  The Sparklematic 5200 puts the shine back in shine-tastic!  Insert the item you wish to clean and deposit three silver coins in the coin slot.  Give the Sparklematic 5200 a moment for operation, and voila!  Your valuables will emerge clean and shiny!\"','Insert a Grime-Encrusted Item into the Sparklematic 5200, and be sure to have three silver coins to start the machine.','This contraption stands out amongst the gnomes holding out against the madness outside the room. A small plaque on the device reads \"The Sparklematic 5200\", followed by some text:$B$B\"Grime and residue ruining your sparklies? The Sparklematic 5200 puts the shine back in shine-tastic! Insert the item you wish to clean and deposit three silver coins in the coin slot. Give the Sparklematic 5200 a moment for operation, and voila! Your valuables will emerge clean and shiny!\"','Insert a Grime-Encrusted Item into the Sparklematic 5200, and be sure to have three silver coins to start the machine.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2249insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2204,4603,'More Sparklematic Action','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2250insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2205,4604,'More Sparklematic Action','The Sparklematic 5200 comes to life, lurching to and fro. Inside, the helpless grime that has encrusted the object placed within it is being pulverized by the machine\'s gnomish cleaning agent.$B$BThe Sparklematic 5200 comes to a halt, heralded by a familiar \"ding!\" The item receptacle of the machine spirals open, revealing a neatly wrapped box.','The Sparklematic 5200 is empty, awaiting a grime-encrusted object to clean and three silver coins to start!','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2251insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2206,4605,'The Sparklematic 5200!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2252insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2207,4606,'The Sparklematic 5200!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2253insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2208,4621,'Avast Ye, Admiral!','Listen close, sea dawg... the powers of Booty Bay is what keeps us Bloodsail from sailing wheres we like and taking whats we want as rights o\' plunder.  Were ye to put a knife to Fleet Master Seahorn, we\'d ne\'er run afoul of a Booty Bay\'s vessel.  Were ye to put a knife to Baron Revilgaz, we\'d ne\'er face the law on their terms.$B$BIf ye are to be an honorary admiral amongst us - yes, ADMIRAL, you\'ll puts a knife to both of \'em as I\'ve says.  Go now $g lad : lass;, and return to me once ye does the deeds.','Slay Fleet Master Seahorn and Baron Revilgaz of Booty Bay, and then return to Fleet Master Firallon aboard the Crimson Veil off the coast of Stranglethorn Vale.','Avast ye... Admiral $N!  Yer a pirate of pirates, lass!$B$BIt warms the cackles of me heart to give ye this hat.  Ye will ne\'er find one like it anywheres, and all that gazes upon ye will see that yer an Admiral of the Bloodsail Navy!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2254insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2209,4641,'Your Place In The World','Finally, you are of age, $N... of age to battle in the name of the Horde. To conquer for the glory of the Warchief.$B$BYes...$B$B<Kaltunk looks you over.>$B$BYou will do nicely.$B$BNo doubt you wish to find a great dragon or demon and strangle it with your bare hands, but perhaps it would be wise to start on something less... dangerous.$B$B<Kaltunk laughs.>$B$BReport to Gornek, he should be able to assign a task better suited to a young $c. You will find Gornek in the Den, to the west.\r\n','Speak with Gornek. You recall Kaltunk marking your map with his location and mentioning that Gornek resided in the Den, a building to the west. \r\n\r\n','Another one of Kaltunk\'s recruits, hm?$B$BA sorry state of affairs we find ourselves in if this is the best the Horde can produce. No matter. By the time we think you\'re ready to leave the Valley, you\'ll be a proud $C of the Horde.','The carapace of a scorpid isn\'t so thick that the strength of a determined warrior will be deterred. Strike strongly and without doubt, and the scorpids should prove easy prey.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2255insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2210,4642,'Melding of Influences','Here is some encased ooze created from the Felwood samples you recovered. Take the case to Un\'Goro Crater and find a pure ooze... the primal variety will do nicely. When you get close enough, release the ooze in the case, and let us see what the two think of one another.$B$BAfter the experiment concludes, bring me a sample of whatever is left over. I will await you here in the Apothecarium.','Bring a Merged Ooze Sample to Chemist Fuely in Undercity.','Oh, most excellent, $N. This is most excellent.$B$BSuch a tale. Who would have thought the two would interact with one another in such a way... I will have to spend more time looking at the environmental issues that cause changes in these creatures.$B$BI will continue my research for now. Perhaps we will speak again soon. Until then, I wish you well.','How goes the experiment, $N? I will continue to study the samples you\'ve recovered for me--I am starting to see why Lady Sylvanas is so interested in these creatures. If they are truly part of the Old Gods, then who knows how it can be used to our benefit.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2256insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2211,4661,'Testing for Corruption - Felwood','You pick up the petri dish with the slime sample in it. The only way to discern if the samples is pure enough is to open it and examine the contents yourself. Ideally you\'ll find a sample that fits Chemist Fuely\'s criteria.','You take a sample of slime from Felwood and place some of it into the various tubes and beakers on the table. As things begin to boil and spurt, the slime changes colors. When the process slows down and the liquids calm, you see a small petri dish with your altered Felwood slime samples in it along with some other remnants.','You pick up the petri dish with the slime sample in it. The only way to discern if the samples is pure enough is to open it and examine the contents yourself. Ideally you\'ll find a sample that fits Chemist Fuely\'s criteria.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2257insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2212,4681,'Washed Ashore','That beached creature is not an isolated incident here in Darkshore.  There are more along the coastline and even in the water.  I would like for you to investigate another one that we know of; this one was reported to be in the water due west of Auberdine, close to a sunken vessel.  Return to me with anything that you may recover that would aid our research.$B$BAlso, in your travels you may find other creatures.  By all means, if you should discover anything then please bring it to our attention!','Recover the Sea Turtle Remains from the Skeletal Sea Turtle in the waters west of Auberdine, and then speak with Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde back in Auberdine.','You\'ve been a tremendous help here today; we now have a solid chance at unlocking the mystery of why these creatures choose to beach themselves on the cost of Darkshore. The idea that they might be fleeing the area around Teldrassil is disturbing. Should you come across others in your travels, please let me know. Our research here is but in its infancy.$B$BOn behalf of the Temple of the Moon, please accept this as thanks for the effort you have given. Thank you, $N!','Once you have investigated the creature\'s remains in the water to the west of here, I should be able to file a proper report with the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus. Perhaps then we will be closer to discovering the reason why these unfortunate creatures choose to end their lives beached on the coast of Darkshore.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2258insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2213,4701,'Put Her Down','You have no doubt seen the worgs which the Blackrock orcs command.$B$BIt is curious - no matter how many we destroy, their numbers never dwindle. My scouts have reported that the worgs are bred, trained, and ultimately exported from Blackrock Spire: capital city of the Blackrock orcs. You must travel to Blackrock Spire and discover the source of this menace. Discover... and destroy.$B$BGood luck, $N. May Cenarius protect you...\r\n','Travel to Blackrock Spire and destroy the source of the worg menace. As you left Helendis, he shouted a name: Halycon. It is what the orcs refer to in regards to the worg.','Do not dwell upon her suffering, $N. The beast was corrupt - a product of dark magic. You have done the Alliance a great service and you shall be rewarded.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2259insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2214,4721,'Wild Guardians','Runners have returned from Winterspring with reports that there is a series of small caves in the southern area of Winterspring. It seems that there are wildkin situated in the area around these caves. If there is something valuable that they are guarding, I believe that this is the place we will find it.$B$BYou will find these to be more of a challenge than the previous types, $N. The creatures seem to have gone mad from exposure to the very thing that they strive to protect. ','Trull Failbane in Felwood wants you to hunt 10 Berserk Owlbeasts in Winterspring.','Hard work is something I have great respect for, $N. Now we can move forward with our plans for Winterspring.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2260insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2215,4722,'Beached Sea Turtle','You find a corpse of a sea turtle that had beached itself on the coast of Darkshore some time ago.  It has been scavenged by the murlocs who have encamped themselves around the creature\'s remains.  Still, there appear to be some suitable samples left on the creature\'s remains that Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine might be able to make use of.','Take the Sea Turtle Remains to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','Another discovery for us to research - well done $N!  These remains will be properly studied once they get to Darnassus.  Please accept this small honorarium in exchange for the remains you have provided for our study.','Hello $N - do you have any discoveries of creatures that have washed ashore to report on?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2261insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2216,4723,'Beached Sea Creature','The remains of a giant thresher - much larger than one you\'d expect to find in Darkshore - lie beached on the coast of the Mist\'s Edge.  How this creature came to be here is unknown; the group of murlocs that now feast off the carcass of it seem to be much too weak, even in large numbers, to have brought down the beast. $B$BWhile some of it has been picked clean, enough of it remains to take a sample for Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine to study.','Take the Sea Creature Bones to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','The bones you have are from gentle sea mammals that are known to inhabit the waters surrounding the base of Teldrassil. They had never been known to violently beach themselves like the threshers had been known to. Why would these creatures do this, I wonder? Well, perhaps the study of their remains will bear the fruits of knowledge that we seek.$b$bAgain, thank you for your aid. Please accept this honorarium from the Temple of the Moon.','Hello again, $N! Are you here to report on another discovery?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2262insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2217,4724,'The Pack Mistress','Some say the worg controlled by the Blackrock orcs are the creation of a supernatural force. Others say they are not true worg but instead a breed of demon dog, granted to the orcs by a fallen pit lord.$B$BThe truth is far less contrived but every bit as frightening. The worg of Blackrock come from Halycon and her mate. Halycon is the gigantic den mother of the worg. Her mate? Nobody has ever lived to tell the tale of that one.$B$BStrike at the heart of the worg. Destroy Halycon... and $N, watch your back.','Slay Halycon, pack mistress of the Bloodaxe worg.','Rabid pups? Gizrul the Slavener? And you live to tell the tale?! Incredible! A tribute well earned!','With the pack mistress slain, we can begin to thin out the worg sentries of the Spire and eventually make some headway into the city.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2263insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2218,4725,'Beached Sea Turtle','More sea turtle remains lie beached along the coastline.  This particular set has an abandoned carriage attached to the turtle\'s shell.  Perhaps this creature was driven to the shoreline by unknown beings rather than beaching itself as some of the other remains suggested.  Greymist murlocs now make the remains of this creature their home, feasting off the carrion.$B$BIn the carriage, you find a box with strange markings on it; perhaps Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine can make sense of it.','Take the Strangely Marked Box to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','I have heard of the kinds of carriages found on the back of the turtle you found. Those I do believe are naga carriages, used both in battle and in transportation of their supplies on to land. The markings on the box you found are of the naga; this would explain their invasive presence in far-northern Darkshore.$b$bI will send this box to Darnassus along with the rest of your discoveries. This is for you - thank you again for your assistance.','It is a pleasure to see you again, $N. We are making great strives in uncovering the mystery of why majestic sea creatures beach themselves on the Darkshore coastline, but with every question answered, two more are raised it seems.$b$bAre you here to offer us more aid in our research?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2264insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2219,4726,'Broodling Essence','I have been studying the dragonkin of the Burning Steppes for weeks, and I think I\'ve finally had a breakthrough!  I created a device--I call it the Draco Incarcinatrix 900.  It can capture the essence of dragon whelp broodlings!$B$BOr, at least I think it can.$B$BHere, take the device and zap a broodling in the Burning Steppes with it.  While it\'s under the device\'s effects, defeat the broodling and its essence should be released.$B$BIf it is, then splendid!  Bring me back samples so I can study them!','Bring 8 Broodling Essence and the Draco-Incarcinatrix 900 to Tinkee Steamboil at the Flame Crest in the Burning Steppes.','It worked! You got the essence! Well done, $N! Well done!$b$bThis essence will be invaluable in my research. I hope to one day learn how to capture living dragons whelps, or perhaps capture their eggs. If I could find a way to do that, then I would be the envy of dragon scholars around the world!$b$bMy employer would also be happy, and as I said before, he\'s someone you want to keep happy...','Do you have the broodling essence, $N? I can\'t wait to study it.$b$bAnd besides that... my patron is not the type of person you want to disappoint.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2265insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2220,4727,'Beached Sea Turtle','The skeletal remains of a sea turtle lie in the sand of the northern Darkshore beaches.  The Greymist murlocs have either not found this carcass, or perhaps they have and are shying away from it for some unknown reason.  Regardless, there is enough of the turtle left to take a sample back to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine for the Temple of the Moon to study.','Take the Sea Turtle Remains to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','The bones you have are from gentle sea mammals that are known to inhabit the waters surrounding the base of Teldrassil. They had never been known to violently beach themselves like the threshers had been known to. Why would these creatures do this, I wonder? Well, perhaps the study of their remains will bear the fruits of knowledge that we seek.$B$BAgain, thank you for your aid. Please accept this honorarium from the Temple of the Moon.','Hello again, $N! Are you here to report on another discovery?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2266insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2221,4728,'Beached Sea Creature','The corpse of what appears to be some sort of giant sea mammal lies partially gutted on the beach.  A wheelbarrow and various tools lie abandoned by this enormous beached sea creature, as though an attempt to study it had been made previously.  Though murlocs have scavenged this beast, enough of it remains to gather a suitable sample for Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','Take the Sea Creature Bones to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','Ah, I believe you discovered one that was originally being examined by the Explorer\'s League.  They have a presence here in Darkshore, and they had mentioned that they were studying one of the beached creatures until they were chased out by the murlocs.  You appear to have succeeded where we both have not.  Please - accept this honorarium on behalf of the Temple of the Moon.','Greetings once again, $N!  What brings you back to Auberdine?  Are you here to report on another discovery, perhaps?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2267insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2222,4729,'Kibler\'s Exotic Pets','You\'re probably wondering what I\'m doing out here. Look at the cages! Ain\'t it obvious?$B$BI\'m an animal lover, first and foremost, but a salesman by trade. I track down exotic animals for the rich and famous and domesticate the beasts so they behave as proper pets.$B$BNow you\'re probably wondering, \"What can I do for you, Kibler.\" The answer is simple: Take this here beast cage and find me some worg pups. For that, I\'ll domesticate a worg for you!\r\n','Travel to Blackrock Spire and find Bloodaxe Worg Pups. Use the cage to carry the ferocious little beasts. Bring back a Caged Worg Pup to Kibler.','You got \'em at the perfect time, $N. Any later and they\'d be untrainable! Gimmie a minute and I\'ll have the little fella ready for you to take home.','<Kibler is busy arguing with Toucan Stan.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2268insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2223,4730,'Beached Sea Creature','The half-devoured corpse of what might have been a giant sea mammal lies on the beach.  A band of murlocs, stronger than those found closer to Auberdine, have taken up residence around the fallen creature.  Enough of the creature remains that a suitable sample of its bones could be delivered to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','Take the Sea Creature Bones to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','The bones you have are from gentle sea mammals that are known to inhabit the waters surrounding the base of Teldrassil.  They had never been known to violently beach themselves like the threshers had been known to.  Why would these creatures do this, I wonder?  Well, perhaps the study of their remains will bear the fruits of knowledge that we seek.$B$BAgain, thank you for your aid.  Please accept this honorarium from the Temple of the Moon.','Hello again, $N!  Are you here to report on another discovery?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2269insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2224,4731,'Beached Sea Turtle','Another set of sea turtle remains lie beached on the coastline.  This set of remains has an abandoned carriage half buckled to the turtle\'s shell.  Perhaps this creature was driven to the shoreline by unknown beings rather than beaching itself as some of the other remains suggested.  Powerful Greymist murlocs have made the carcass of this creature their current home.$B$BIn the carriage, you find a box with strange markings on it; perhaps Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine can make sense of it.','Take the Strangely Marked Box to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','I have heard of the kinds of carriages found on the back of that turtle.  Those I do believe are naga carriages, used both in battle and in transportation of their supplies on to land.  The markings on the box you found are of the naga; perhaps the creature you discovered was killed as it was heading further south... to Ashenvale maybe?$B$BI will be sure to send this box to Darnassus with the rest of your discoveries.  This is for you - thank you again for your assistance.','Hello again, $N.  The work you have done on behalf of the Temple of the Moon has been outstanding.  Are we to be blessed with more of your effort on our behalf?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2270insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2225,4732,'Beached Sea Turtle','You find a corpse of a sea turtle that had beached itself on the coast of Darkshore some time ago.  It has been picked nearly clean by Greymist murlocs, the very ones who now have encamped themselves around the creature\'s remains.  Still, there appear to be some suitable samples left on the creature\'s remains that Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine might be able to make use of.','Take the Sea Turtle Remains to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','You\'ve found even more beached creatures, $N?  Sea turtles were commonly found frolicking along the base of Nordrassil before it was destroyed.  With the birth of Teldrassil, however, these creatures have been seen in ever decreasing numbers.  Some, as we have discovered, end their lives here for some unknown reason.$B$BYour aid will perhaps unlock the mystery before us.  Please accept this in exchange for the remains you have provided for our study.','Greetings once again $N - do you have any more discoveries to report to the Temple of the Moon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2271insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2226,4733,'Beached Sea Creature','The remains of what appear to be a giant thresher have washed ashore on the rocky inlet of the Twilight Shore.  The thresher is several times larger than any of the other threshers spotted in these parts.  Wherever it came from, this creature would not seem to have been native to Darkshore.$B$BThough the creature has been picked apart in places, enough of it remains to gather a suitable sample for Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','Take the Sea Creature Bones to Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde in Auberdine.','The dimensions of the thresher you mention are mind-boggling.  Even the eldest of the threshers in this region grow to only a fraction of that size.  While some larger ones were known to be close to Teldrassil, their numbers have declined steadily.  I cannot help but wonder if these creatures beaching themselves here are somehow related to this.$B$BWhile we analyze the bones you have brought us, please accept this on behalf of the Temple of the Moon.  Thank you, $N.','Thanks be to Elune - I am glad to see you again, dear $N.  The Temple of the Moon\'s work on the strange beaching phenomena continues here in Darkshore.  Might you have anything additional to offer us?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2272insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2227,4734,'Egg Freezing','$N, I\'ve been working hard on a new device, the eggscilloscope!  It\'s designed to project a burst of cold energy at the egg of a black dragon... and freeze it solid!  Can you test it for me?$B$BI heard that high up in Blackrock Spire, the dragons have a rookery where they hatch their eggs.  That\'s where you\'ll have to go to test the eggscilloscope, and then let me know how it worked!$B$BAnd don\'t worry.  Frozen dragon eggs should be harmless.  It\'s the unfrozen ones you have to worry about!','Use the Eggscilloscope Prototype on an egg in the Rookery.','It worked? Splendid! I knew it would!$b$bWhile you were gone I was working on a new version of the eggscilloscope. This one has a much longer range.$b$bHere, you can have one in case you go back to Blackrock Spire.','$N, did you test the eggscilloscope?','Test the Eggscilliscope Prototype','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2273insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2228,4735,'Egg Collection','$N, I\'m finally ready for real samples of dragon eggs!  Here, take this collectronic module.  It\'s designed to extract a dragon egg and prepare it for transport.  Go back to the Rookery and use the module to collect eggs.$B$BAnd don\'t forget to freeze them first, or they might hatch before you can collect them!$B$BWhen you have enough eggs, bring them to me! ','Bring 8 Collected Dragon Eggs and the Collectronic Module to Tinkee Steamboil at Flame Crest in the Burning Steppes.','Wow, you got them! The collectronic module worked! I\'m a genius!$B$BThank you, $N. My patron will be very pleased to get these eggs...','Do you have the eggs, $N? My patron heard you were collecting them for me, and is very eager to get his hands on them!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2274insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2229,4736,'In Search of Menara Voidrender','Ah, hello, $N. You\'re progressing well in your training. So well in fact that I think you should be rewarded for your hard work--and for not becoming corrupted by the arcane yet.$B$BIf you\'re interested, seek out Menara Voidrender in Ratchet. She is currently staying at Strahad Farsan\'s tower overlooking the town.$B$BShe\'s not very friendly, $N, so don\'t expect any praise. But if you work hard, she\'ll make sure you\'re taken care of.','Speak to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, Briarthorn sent you. Good. Then word does reach far enough to find future students. This pleases me.$B$BIt is typical of our kind, $N, to band together, regardless of race. It is especially important since those we deal with most do not discriminate in their malice if we fail to appease them or control them properly.$B$BI feel you\'ve learned a great many things, and if you are willing, I would help you create tools to compliment your skills.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2275insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2230,4737,'In Search of Menara Voidrender','Hmph, still you strive to become more powerful. I say it\'s only time before the corruption and addiction takes hold of you and you become a slave to that which you seek to gain power over.$B$BPfah! A fool you are! Time will prove me right--nothing else... just time.$B$BBut it seems that not all agree with Zevrost. It seems Menara would create tools for you to become more powerful and to harness your strength. If you\'re interested, then go to Ratchet in the Barrens. She is there overlooking the town.','Speak to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, Zevrost sent you. Good. Then word does reach far enough to find future students. This pleases me.$B$BIt is typical of our kind, $N, to band together, regardless of race. It is especially important since those we deal with most do not discriminate in their malice if we fail to appease them or control them properly.$B$BI feel you\'ve learned a great many things, and if you are willing, I would help you create tools to compliment your skills.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2276insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2231,4738,'In Search of Menara Voidrender','Let us be clear about one thing, $N: I don\'t feel you are ready for such responsibilities. I don\'t think aiding in the creation of any item of power is something a novice should ever be involved in; especially one so untested.$B$BBut that\'s not my decision. The powers that be, or at least the ones that do wish to impart such gifts upon you get to decide that.$B$BIf you\'re interested in learning more, I suggest you seek out Menara Voidrender in Ratchet. She usually resides in the tower above the port town.','Speak with Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, Demisette sent you. Good. Then word does reach far enough to find future students. This pleases me.$B$BIt is typical of our kind, $N, to band together, regardless of race. It is especially important since those we deal with most do not discriminate in their malice if we fail to appease them or control them properly.$B$BI feel you\'ve learned a great many things, and if you are willing, I would help you create tools to compliment your skills.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2277insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2232,4739,'In Search of Menara Voidrender','$C! Yes, you!$B$BYou don\'t have all the accoutrements, but it\'s plain to see you\'re ready--the air around you exudes greater confidence. Yes, I see it now.$B$BMenara Voidrender would teach you a few things if you feel you\'re ready. She spends her time tutoring younger students in the arcane. She even gives gifts to those who pass her tests.$B$BGo to Ratchet in the Barrens if you\'re interested. She\'s above the city in Strahad\'s tower.','Speak to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, Kaal sent you. Good. Then word does reach far enough to find future students. This pleases me.$B$BIt is typical of our kind, $N, to band together, regardless of race. It is especially important since those we deal with most do not discriminate in their malice if we fail to appease them or control them properly.$B$BI feel you\'ve learned a great many things, and if you are willing, I would help you create tools to compliment your skills.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2278insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2233,4740,'WANTED: Murkdeep!','Attention!$B$BA reward is being offered for the death of the murloc \"Murkdeep\".  This foul beast is known to be responsible for the death of at least one Sentinel, and is suspected of causing the sinking of at least two cargo vessels in the waters off Darkshore!$B$BMurkdeep was last spotted at a hutted murloc camp south of Auberdine, and is thought to be protecting the huts there.  Reward claims for this bounty should be claimed with Sentinel Glynda Nal\'Shea in Auberdine.$B$BThe Auberdine Village Council','Find and slay the murloc known as Murkdeep.  The creature is thought to be defending the murloc huts south of Auberdine along the water.$B$BReport the death of Murkdeep to Sentinel Glynda Nal\'Shea in Auberdine.','Well, looks like you\'re here to more than just inquire! The citizens will be delighted to know that tonight they will sleep a little bit more soundly and safer.$b$bYou\'ve acted as the executioner of justice for the people of Auberdine today, $N. For that, I would like to offer you this as a suitable reward... for a true hero of the Auberdine people.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2279insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2234,4741,'Wild Guardians','In the northern areas of Winterspring, the Wildkin grow even more ferocious. We must continue our measures there.$B$BHunt the moontouched owlbeasts in Winterspring, and explore the area they inhabit.$B$BThis is dangerous ground, but I know that you will be able to handle the challenge. Return to me after you have slain 13 of the wildkin.','Trull Failbane in Felwood wants you to hunt 13 Moontouched Owlbeasts.','I sense that you are enjoying your work. And I believe that we are onto something here.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2280insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2235,4742,'Seal of Ascension','As you can see, the unadorned seal has three empty sockets. Each of those sockets must be filled with a gemstone representing the leadership\'s command. Finally, Overlord Wyrmthalak, master of the lower citadel, must forge the seal in the flames of the Black Dragonflight.$B$BUnderstand this, mortal: the chance that one of the three generals of the lower citadel would carry a gemstone at any given time is rare. You must be vigilant in your quest. Remain determined!','Find the three gemstones of command: The Gemstone of Smolderthorn, Gemstone of Spirestone, and Gemstone of Bloodaxe. Return them, along with the Unadorned Seal of Ascension, to Vaelan.$B$BThe Generals, as told to you by Vaelan, are: War Master Voone of the Smolderthorn; Highlord Omokk of the Spirestone; and Overlord Wyrmthalak  of the Bloodaxe.','<Vaelan\'s image blurs for a moment.>$B$B<The pieces that you had collected have disappeared.>$B$BThe Unforged Seal of Ascension is now ready. It is time for the final step.','Courage and patience above all else, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2281insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2236,4743,'Seal of Ascension','Few of the black dragonkin, outside of those in the upper citadel, have the ability to forge the seal with their own flaming breath. Wyrmthalak is one such dragonkin, but his will is unbreakable.$B$BYou must travel to the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh. It is there that you will find an ancient drake known as Emberstrife. You must break his will, $N. Break it and use this orb on his weakened form. You will have scant seconds to control his mind and fan the flames that will forge the seal.','Travel to the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh. Find the ancient drake, Emberstrife and beat him without mercy until his will is broken.$B$BIt is at that moment which you must place the Unforged Seal of Ascension before the great beast. You must then be quick to use the Orb of Draconic Energy on his weakened form and claim dominion over his mental faculties. Control the beast and force the Flames of the Black Dragonflight upon the Unforged Seal of Ascension!','Stand steady while I cast the final invocation of protection.$B$B<Vaelan\'s eyes turn to twin orbs of flame.>$B$BThe Seal of Ascension is complete...$B$BKnow this, I have imbued the artifact with some powerful protective wards. In your darkest hour, when all appears to be lost, the might of the red flight will be at your disposal.','Waste no time, $N. Nefarian works feverishly to unleash his evil upon our world.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2282insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2237,4761,'Thundris Windweaver','Your scouting of the furbolg camp is information that Thundris Windweaver should be made aware of.  He graciously serves as the elder of Auberdine, offering sage and just stewardship of the day to day affairs of the village.  Please - share with him your findings to date on the furbolg situation.$B$BI believe he has some ideas of his own on the reasons behind their corruption.  Perhaps you can work with him to enact a plan to restore the balance of nature here!','Speak with Thundris Windweaver in Auberdine.','Well met, $c.  Your scouting of the furbolg situation comes at a fortuitous time for us in Auberdine.  For some time we have dealt with not only forest dwellers who are now openly hostile to our presence, but also the outright corruption of the forest itself.  Hopefully you might be able to lend Auberdine aid during these troubling times.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2283insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2238,4762,'The Cliffspring River','The Cliffspring River has begun turning foul and corrupted.  It empties into the Mist\'s Edge, and I fear the wash will affect Auberdine soon.  I suspect the Blackwood furbolgs up-river are the cause of the taint, but I also suspect that they aren\'t the true root of it.$B$BTake this sampling tube and go to the mouth of the river to our north.  Proceed inland to the first waterfall and draw a sample from the pool there.  You\'ll see a bridge overhead.  Once you have a sample, return to me in Auberdine.','Travel north of Auberdine to the first waterfall along the Cliffspring River and draw a sample from the pool there.$B$BReturn to Thundris Windweaver in Auberdine with the Cliffspring River Sample.','It\'s no surprise how tainted this water is, but just look at how putrid it is becoming! It would seem that action is needed sooner than later, eh $N?$b$bTo our east is Felwood; it is the real source of this corruption, one that I have seen in times past. I predict this sample will confirm this. We might be able to enact a cure for it here, but in order to even try we will need assistance. When that time comes $N, I hope you will be able to give the aid we need.','The pollution of the Cliffspring River is but the start of an alarming trend here in Darkshore.  The sample you provide will help us formalize a plan... a plan of attack, I am starting to suspect.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2284insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2239,4763,'The Blackwood Corrupted','We\'ve learned that a source of furbolg corruption is from the satyr.  They hold sway via talismans that they channel magic through.  If the furbolg have a chance at salvation, we must lure out the satyr corruptor and take that talisman!$B$BFill this bowl at our moonwell and take samples of the furbolgs\' food from their northern camp.  Mix them and place it near the bonfire by the river; any furbolgs who eat will be cleansed just long enough to lure out the satyr corruptor... who then you must slay!','Fill the Empty Cleansing Bowl at the Auberdine Moonwell.$B$BGather a sample of fruit, nut, and grain from the northern Blackwood furbolg camps.$B$BMix the bowl and place it near the bonfire closest to the Cliffspring River at the northern camp, thus summoning the satyr corruptor.$B$BTake the Talisman of Corruption and bring it to Thundris Windweaver in Auberdine.','We have just begun this war to reclaim our forest from the forces of corruption, but a battle this day has been won! $N, the people of Auberdine owe you a debt of gratitude that will never be easily repaid. Please accept this along with our thanks. What we have learned here today may one day free our furbolg friends from the shackles of torment permanently.','The Talisman of Corruption is a sinister device that only serves to pervert the balance of nature. When you obtain this item from whatever satyr is tormenting the furbolgs and bring it to me for disposal, we will have won a great victory this day!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2285insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2240,4764,'Doomrigger\'s Clasp','There is a chamber, high in Blackrock Spire, that was once called the Hall of Fortune.  It was where the Dark Iron dwarves kept their relics, trophies and objects of art.$B$BThat was long ago.  It is said the hall has collapsed and is now used for... less savory tasks.  But I believe some old dwarven relics may still be found there.$B$BOne such relic is Doomrigger\'s clasp, with a surface so encrusted with rare gems that it was said to make weep any dwarf who gazes upon it.$B$BThat clasp, $N, is your goal.','Bring Doomrigger\'s Clasp to Mayara Brightwing in the Burning Steppes.','You found it! So the rumors were true!$B$BThank you, $N. My patron, Count Remington Ridgewell, will be quite pleased to see this addition to this collection.','Do you have the clasp, $N? My patron will pay very handsomely for it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2286insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2241,4765,'Delivery to Ridgewell','I have packaged Doomriggers Clasp into a crate, suitable for shipment to Stormwind.  $N, you have been extremely helpful -- can I ask you for one last favor?$B$BDeliver the crate to Count Remington Ridgewell.  You will find him in the Keep of Stormwind.  I am sure he\'ll be very pleased to see what you have for him.','Bring Ridgewell\'s Crate to Remington Ridgewell in Stormwind.','Ah, so you are he! You have my thanks, $N. And... if you didn\'t already know... the gratitude of a noble in the house of Ridgewell is nigh worth a king\'s ransom.','I was told a messenger would come. One with a gift from Blackrock Spire.$B$BAre you he?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2287insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2242,4766,'Mayara Brightwing','An agent of mine, Mayara Brightwing, was sent to the Burning Steppes to scout the ruined city of Thaurissan.  That destroyed city of the Dark Iron dwarves may hide objects of great value... objects that would fit nicely into our family museum.$B$BMayara says she found something and will need aid in retrieving it, but it is not in Thaurissan.  Instead, a foray into Blackrock Spire will be required.$B$BI do not know the details, but if interested then speak with Mayara in the Burning Steppes.','Speak with Mayara Brightwing in the Burning Steppes.','You came from Stormwind? Wonderful -- I know of an object of art that Remington would kill to have in his museum, but extracting it won\'t be easy.$B$BThat\'s where you come in.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2288insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2243,4767,'Wind Rider','I\'ve been tasked to recruit more wyverns for the master wind riders. Their numbers are growing and I myself hope to become a wind rider one day. However, we cannot train enough wyverns to keep up with the demand. Perhaps you can help me, $N.$B$BI need you to travel to Highperch to gather some wyvern eggs. From here, head northwest along the canyon walls to a ramp that will lead you into Highperch. Be careful, wyverns are very protective over their eggs and they will not be kind to intruders.','Bring 10 Highperch Wyvern Eggs to Elu in Freewind Post.','Perfect! With these eggs I hope to take the next step to become a wind rider. Here is a token of my appreciation; may good hunting always shine upon you, $C.','$N, have you retrieved the wyvern eggs that I seek? I\'m really anxious to start my wind rider training!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2289insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2244,4768,'The Darkstone Tablet','The Darkstone Tablet holds the writings of the long-dead dwarf Urheld Darkstone.  An alchemist of great skill, he was thought insane by his contemporaries and, hence, did not share his research.$B$BBut he did etch it onto tablets, and I believe one such tablet lies in Blackrock Spire, in a chamber once named the Hall of Fortune.  I know not what it is now called, for few enter Blackrock and return.$B$BBut if you are willing to brave its dangers and return to me with the tablet, your reward will be great.','Bring the Darkstone Tablet to Shadow Mage Vivian Lagrave in Kargath.','Excellent. The formulae etched into this tablet will consume days of research, but I am confident such research will bear sweet fruit.$b$bThank you, $N. You have been invaluable to us.','Have you found the Tablet, Morior? I yearn to delve into its secrets.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2290insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2245,4769,'Vivian Lagrave and the Darkstone Tablet','Vivian Lagrave sent me word from Kargath, in the Badlands.  Through her studies, she believes there is an ancient text within Blackrock Spire that would benefit our research.  To confirm this, she will need someone to extract the text from the spire.  No easy task.$B$BIf interested, then speak with Vivian in Kargath.','Speak with Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave.','It is true. I believe there is a tablet held within Blackrock Spire, a tablet that contains old alchemical recipes. I am glad you are here, for I need help in retrieving the tablet.$B$BMake yourself comfortable, and I will explain further.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2291insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2246,4770,'Homeward Bound','Please help me, $c! I\'ve been hiding here in Highperch for some time now and it\'s been days since I\'ve seen a friendly face. I came here to study the wyvern and I think I got a little too close. After being chased away from one of the nests I got lost.$B$BI need to get back to Whitereach Post! Motega does not know that I am missing and will be furious to know that I ventured into Highperch by myself.$B$BWhitereach Post is just east of here... please take me there!','Escort Pao\'ka Swiftmountain from Highperch, and then talk to Motega Firemane in Whitereach Post.','Whats! If I knew that Pao\'ka Swiftmountain was going to snoop around Highperch, I would have chained him to a totem! His father was reluctant allowing him to come with me to Thousand Needles. We came here to study the different creatures that inhabit these beautiful lands.$b$bI appreciate the help you have shown Pao\'ka. I hope this covers any misfortunes this deed has cost you.','','Escort Pao\'ka from Highperch','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2292insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2247,4771,'Dawn\'s Gambit','I\'ve placed Dawn\'s Gambit in the container you brought to us, the one that held the dragon eggs.  Your job is to bring it deep within the Scholomance.$B$BThe undead mage Vectus leads a team of scourge scholars... place Dawn\'s Gambit in their chamber, called the \"viewing room.\"  It will then react with the undead found there and, with a little luck, destroy them!$B$BAfter that, defeating Vectus shouldn\'t be a problem.  Right?','Place Dawn\'s Gambit in the Viewing Room of the Scholomance.  Defeat Vectus, then return to Betina Bigglezink.','Outstanding, $N! Years of intelligence, lost! The Scarlet Crusade will surely feel this blow in the coming weeks.','Remember, $N - we must be tolerant yet rigid in our beliefs!','Place Dawn\'s Gambit','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2293insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2248,4781,'Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe','Your next task is as simple as your first, but will require you to seek out aid.$B$BI require gold thread for the embroidery of the cloak, but gold thread is not easy to come by, and very few know how to make it. Fortunately, one who is loyal to our cause knows its secrets and is willing to help those rising in our ranks.$B$BBring a gold bar to Xizk Goodstitch in Booty Bay. He is a master tailor and will be happy to spin the thread for you. Gold bars are smelted by skilled miners. Ask a miner for help.','Bring a Gold Bar to Xizk Goodstitch in Stranglethorn Vale.','Perfect, $N. I\'m glad you could find a miner to help you out so quickly. Or did you do this work yourself? Either way, you\'ve done well. This will be perfect for the thread.$B$BIt will take some time to create the stuff, so you\'ll have to come back--I actually send it off to some princess who we have locked in a tower who\'s only job is to spin gold thread... no, seriously. I mean it... okay, not really.','Gold bars, yes... yes. Bring me one and we\'ll see what we can do about spinning some thread for you. Until then, I would suggest you focus your efforts on becoming more powerful. Your toughest trials are still ahead. And trust me... you\'ll wish you were more prepared, regardless of how powerful you think you might be.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2294insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2249,4782,'Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe','Return to Menara, tell her it\'ll take some time, but I\'ll make sure to come through for her... and you. Tell her to have you finish gathering the rest of your components--I should have the thread done by then. You can return and pick it up then.$B$BGood luck, $N. Oh, and say hello to Strahad for me while you\'re there. That old coot... putting a tower right there next to Ratchet... crazy.','Return to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Good, you\'ve returned, $N. And where is the thread?$B$BAh, I understand. That is acceptable. The goblin and his brother have not failed us yet--I suppose it is understandable that he did not have it prepared right then. So be it... we have other things we can attend to in the meantime.$B$BAre you prepared for the next step?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2295insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2250,4783,'Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe','The next components are found in Desolace, far to the west of the Barrens and even the Stonetalon Mountains.$B$BThere, chaos still reigns after the Sundering. Both your strength and cunning will be tested there--you will face creatures of hatred and also of the Burning Legion.$B$BFrom the Hatefury satyr in the northeast, bring me their blood. From the lesser infernals in Mannoroc Coven, bring me a lesser infernal stone.$B$BWe will use both in the construction of your robe.','Bring 10 Vials of Hatefury Blood and 1 Lesser Infernal Stone to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Excellent, $N. These will do nicely. I will prepare them now while you move on to your last two components. Are you ready?','Desolace is not a kind area: naga, giants, satyr, the Burning Legion... all of those and warring centaur clans all make the land dangerous if you\'re not careful.$B$BLike I said before, it will not only test your strength and cunning, but also your patience. Be wary in those lands, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2296insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2251,4784,'Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe','I need only three things now, $N, then we can finish your robe.$B$BFirst, the fine gold thread Xizk is making for you. Return to him in Booty Bay and get it.$B$BSecond, bring me two smoldering coals from the fire elementals in the Arathi Highlands. If I recall correctly, they are to the west, near Thoradin\'s Wall.$B$BFinally, a soul shard created by you.$B$BAfter you have all the components, return here to the tower and I will complete the robe for you.','Bring some Fine Gold Thread, 2 Smoldering Coals, and a Soul Shard to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Excellent, $N! The components are gathered and we are ready.$B$BI trust you will be pleased.','Soon, $N. I promise you. The robe will be more than adequate for your needs and certainly give you an edge over your opponents.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2297insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2252,4785,'Fine Gold Thread','','','Here you go, $N. And please tell Menara we say hello.$B$BWe expect great things of you. Perhaps when the Legion falls to its knees, your name will be spoken aloud and in praise of your power. I can\'t wait!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2298insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2253,4786,'The Completed Robe','I will put the robe together for you now. It will take but a few moments. Do not go far.','Wait for Menara Voidrender to complete your robe and then speak to her again.','It is done, $N. Here you are. Wear it with pride.$B$BYou\'ve worked hard and I see great things in your future. Remember, to defy the corruption that comes with our path takes great will and fortitude. As long as your will is your own, then you shall have great success.','','Wait for Menara Voidrender to complete your item','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2299insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2254,4787,'The Ancient Egg','The Prophecy of Mosh\'aru speaks of an ancient egg.  It is a relic of a time when trolls ruled vast empires, and it has the power to hold the essence of Hakkar.  It may be the only way to keep our world safe from his evil.$B$BBring me the ancient egg, $N.  It is said to lay hidden deep within Jintha\'Alor in the Hinterlands, in a cave behind the amphitheater at the top of the city.','Bring the Ancient Egg to Yeh\'kinya in Tanaris.','Ah, you have the egg! I bow to you, $N. Your strength and bravery will be long remembered.','Do you have the ancient egg? I sense great forces stirring, and I fear that time grows short.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2300insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2255,4788,'The Final Tablets','While I look over the third and fourth tablets of Mosh\'aru, you must find the fifth and sixth!  It will not be easy, for they are held by the Smolderthorn trolls within Blackrock Spire.  The spire is a dark mountain of fire between the Burning Steppes and the Searing Gorge.$B$BGood luck, $N.  Blackrock Spire is no place for decent folk...','Bring the Fifth and Sixth Mosh\'aru Tablets to Prospector Ironboot in Tanaris.','Unbelievable!  You found them!  You truly are a hero, $N!$B$BThat\'s a good thing, because I\'ve been reading the tablets you brought me before, and from what I gathered... we\'re going to need a hero to stop what\'s coming...','Have you been to the spire, $N? Do you have the fifth and sixth tables?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2301insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2256,4801,'Frostsaber E\'ko','','','Mau\'ari can derive da juju for $N... Use da Cache of Mau\'ari to cast dis upon yourself or your allies.','In Winterspring, you will fight great cats called frostsabers. These beasts possess incredible speed an\' cunning. If you wish ta gain the speed a\' da frostsaber, bring me da E\'ko you find from dem.$B$BRememba, you must have the Cache of Mau\'ari in your inventory if you want ta hunt for E\'ko.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2302insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2257,4802,'Winterfall E\'ko','','','Mau\'ari can derive da juju for $N... Use da Cache of Mau\'ari to cast dis upon yourself or your allies.','In Winterspring, you will fight misguided creatures known as da Winterfall furbolg. Through the wishes of their leader, dey have gained incredible strength. If you wish ta gain the power a\' da Winterfall, bring me da E\'ko you find from dem.$B$BRememba, you must have the Cache of Mau\'ari in your inventory if you want ta hunt for E\'ko.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2303insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2258,4803,'Shardtooth E\'ko','','','Mau\'ari can derive da juju for $N... Use da Cache of Mau\'ari to cast dis upon yourself or your allies.','In Winterspring, you will find large bears wit extremely thick hides. These Shardtooth bears gain much protection from what dey can withstand. If you wish ta gain the resistance against fire, bring me da E\'ko you find from da Shardtooth.$B$BRememba, you must have the Cache of Mau\'ari in your inventory if you want ta hunt for E\'ko.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2304insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2259,4804,'Chillwind E\'ko','','','Mau\'ari can derive da juju for $N... Use da Cache of Mau\'ari to cast dis upon yourself or your allies.','In Winterspring, you will fight great flying creatures called da Chillwind. These beasts possess da power ta wield frost magics. If you wish ta gain resistance ta frost, bring me da E\'ko you find from da Chillwind.$B$BRememba, you must have the Cache of Mau\'ari in your inventory if you want ta hunt for E\'ko.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2305insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2260,4805,'Ice Thistle E\'ko','','','Mau\'ari can derive da juju for $N... Use da Cache of Mau\'ari to cast dis upon yourself or your allies.','In Winterspring, you will fight great creatures called da ice thistle yeti. These beasts move slowly, but dey are able to evade many blows from da protection their thick fur provides dem. If you wish ta gain da ability to dodge attacks, bring me da E\'ko you find from dem.$B$BRememba, you must have the Cache of Mau\'ari in your inventory if you want ta hunt for E\'ko.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2306insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2261,4806,'Frostmaul E\'ko','','','Mau\'ari can derive da juju for $N... Use da Cache of Mau\'ari to cast dis upon yourself or your allies.','In Winterspring, you have fought da large ice giants called frostmaul. Sheer power and force is at their disposal. If you wish ta gain da force of da frostmaul, bring me da E\'ko you find from dem.$B$BRememba, you must have the Cache of Mau\'ari in your inventory if you want ta hunt for E\'ko.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2307insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2262,4807,'Wildkin E\'ko','','','Mau\'ari can derive da juju for $N... Use da Cache of Mau\'ari to cast dis upon yourself or your allies.','In Winterspring, you will fight creatures of might dat seem to possess an innate magic ability. These wildkin can use strong magics. If you wish ta gain an increase in your intellect bring me da E\'ko you find from any a\' da owlbeasts you find der.$B$BRememba, you must have the Cache of Mau\'ari in your inventory if you want ta hunt for E\'ko.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2308insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2263,4808,'Felnok Steelspring','I have another favor to ask of you.$B$BMy initial study of the essence you collected shows that it might be possible to freeze dragon whelp eggs and preserve them!  I want to test this theory, but first I need specially made engineering components.  My colleague, Felnok Steelspring, can make them.$B$BHere, take this letter to Felnok.  It tells him what I need.  You\'ll find Felnok in Winterspring, in the town of Everlook.','Give Tinkee\'s Letter to Felnok Steelspring.','That\'s no blanket! But what have we here? I letter from Tinkee? I wonder what she has to say...$b$bAh, she\'s studying in the Burning Steppes. That makes sense--that\'s a good source for dragonkin. Oh, but look! It says here that she needs some parts for a device she wants to build. I guess that\'s where I come in, eh?','It\'s cold up here! I hope you brought me a blanket!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2309insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2264,4809,'Chillwind Horns','I have most of what Tinkee needs, but I\'m missing one important component, and that\'s chillwind horns.  The horns of the chillwind chimaera in Winterspring are a concentrated source of cold, but only pristine, uncracked horns will do!  I\'ll need a supply of those to complete Tinkee\'s order.$B$BBring me the uncracked chillwind horns, and I\'ll prepare a package for Tinkee.','Bring 8 Uncracked Chillwind Horns to Felnok Steelspring.','These are good specimens. They\'re packed with cold! Let me get some gloves on, then pack them along with the other things Tinkee needs...','Do you have the chillwind horns, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2310insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2265,4810,'Return to Tinkee','Ok, everything is prepared and packed and ready for transport!  Good luck in your journey, and make sure you tell Tinkee that she owes me!','Bring Felnok\'s Package to Tinkee Steamboil in the Burning Steppes.','You brought them! Great! I\'ll get to work right away! Thanks a ton, $N!$b$bYou\'ve been so helpful to me, I might need you for even more important tasks later...','$N! Did you talk to Felnok? Did you bring the components I need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2311insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2266,4811,'The Red Crystal','Hostile moonkin roam in ever increasing numbers to our east.  They once were thought to be gentle, almost mystical creatures.  While some continue to hold reverence for them, the safety of Auberdine forces me to keep a more realistic view.$B$BI\'ve received reports that moonkin are being drawn to a large red crystal along Darkshore\'s eastern mountain range.  No one has any idea what that crystal is, or even if it really exists.  I want you to locate it over there and report back to me what you find.','Travel east of Auberdine and look for a large, red crystal along Darkshore\'s eastern mountain range.  Report back what you find to Sentinel Glynda Nal\'Shea in Auberdine.','So the crystal exists, $N? Fascinating... anyway, your task has been well executed; good work!$B$BWhat exactly is this crystal? This is but a single question in a sea of questions. Another question that comes to mind is why the moonkin would be drawn to this object? Is the crystal benign in nature, or does it hold a more sinister purpose?$B$BI have many more questions, but we\'re going to need to examine that crystal closely to get some answers.','','Locate the large, red crystal on Darkshore\'s eastern mountain range','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2312insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2267,4812,'As Water Cascades','Use this empty vial and fill up on some moonwell water here in Auberdine.  Such potent magic should provide a clue as to the composition of the crystal.  To do that, you\'ll pour the liquid over the crystal; it should take care of the rest.$B$BWhile I don\'t anticipate anything bad happening to you, I still want you to be careful.  Above us to the east is Felwood; if that crystal is tied to that place as I suspect it is, then it could prove to be very dangerous.','Fill the Empty Water Tube at the Auberdine moonwell, and then investigate the red crystal along Darkshore\'s eastern mountain wall.','You have made it once more to the mysterious crystal. Removing the stopper on the tube of moonwell water, you gingerly pour the contents out over the top of the crystal. As the water cascades down its lattices, you see the opaque surface turn transparent...','The crystal looks very alien against the wooded scenery of Darkshore. You think you hear a very slight humming coming from deep within it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2313insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2268,4813,'The Fragments Within','The moonwell water has revealed that embedded inside the crystal are a few small fragments of bone, as well as half of a jawbone.  The jawbone appears to be from a humanoid, but it is unclear without breaking open the crystal - a feat that even the strongest of magic would find near impossible.$B$BWith the task at hand complete, all that remains is to report back to Sentinel Glynda Nal\'Shea in Auberdine.','Report back what you have found to Sentinel Glynda Nal\'Shea in Auberdine.','Well, it would seem that even though we know more about this crystal, more unanswered questions are the result!$B$BI\'ll take the information you\'ve uncovered to the council here in Auberdine. Perhaps they\'ll know a course of action to follow on this crystal. Well, that is if there is one to be taken; for now, the threat remains far enough to our east to be out of harm\'s way.$B$BAs for you, please have this. Consider it a reward for a job well done, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2314insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2269,4821,'Alien Egg','A rumor has surfaced about an alien egg here in Thousand Needles. Those that report seeing this egg have failed to even get close enough to examine it in detail. Serpents guard the egg as if it\'s one of their own.$B$BI want you to seek out this alien egg and bring it to me so that I may examine it. Reports say the egg is located within a serpent den, but there are several serpent dens along the base of the cliff walls south and northeast of Freewind Post.','Return the Alien Egg to Hagar Lightninghoof in Freewind Post.','Yes, finally... the mysterious egg has finally been delivered to me. Now, let me take a closer look at this... What..! What is this..?$b','I must know more about this mysterious egg, who knows what will hatch from it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2315insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2270,4822,'You Scream, I Scream...','ICE CREAM!  Oh please please please could you get me some ice cream?!  Strawberry is my favorite flavor, and there\'s no better strawberry ice cream in the world than Tigule and Foror\'s Strawberry Ice Cream!  It\'s my favorite ice cream in the whole wide world!$B$BI had it once a long time ago when I was at the Shimmering Flats race track, but I heard that they might be selling them in town now!  Please?  Pretty please?  With Tigule and Foror\'s Strawberry Ice Cream on top??!?!','Get some Strawberry Ice Cream for your ward.  The lad seems to prefer Tigule and Foror\'s brand ice cream.','Mmmmmmmmm! I love their strawberry ice cream! If there\'s one thing Tigule and Foror know to do, it\'s make ice cream!$B$BThank you very much $N - this is the best treat ever!','I wish they\'d make more flavors of ice cream other than strawberry, but I guess I\'m lucky that strawberry is my favorite!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2316insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2271,4841,'Pacify the Centaur','$N, I entreat you to hunt these centaur down. They shall feel the wrath of our revenge. Attack the centaur camp to the north of Freewind Post!  Let wrath guide your hand!\r\n','Kill 12 Galak Scouts, 10 Galak Wranglers, and 6 Galak Windchasers, and then return to Cliffwatcher Longhorn in Freewind Post.','For my gratitude, this is for you, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2317insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2272,4842,'Strange Sources','To tell you the truth, although there are no volcanoes here in Winterspring, I believe that there are far more threatening reasons for these hot springs...$B$BWell, I think you\'ll want to see it for yourself. You\'ll need to travel the length of Winterspring, and head to the very south. When the air becomes thick and muggy, and the sky turns dark, you\'ll have found what I believe to be the source of the hot springs.$B$BHave a look. I\'m sure you\'ll have many questions when you return.','Follow Donova Snowden\'s instructions, then report back.','Yes, the demons there in Darkwhisper Gorge; I believe it is their presence that is affecting the land in this way. I am going to continue observing the hot springs here and see if I learn anything more.$b$bI\'d wait until you are a bit stronger if you have plans of heading farther into Darkwhisper Gorge.','','Discover Darkwhisper Gorge','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2318insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2273,4861,'Enraged Wildkin','Hey there, $Glad:lass;! I was chased from my camp in southern Winterspring by some bloodthirsty wildkin! Well, I suppose I got too close to something the wildkin were guarding.$B$BI barely managed to get away safely; I fear a buddy of mine wasn\'t as lucky. Would you mind braving the wildkin and heading to the camp? I really need my supplies, and I\'d also like to get back the amulet I unearthed yesterday at the dig site.','Locate Jaron Stoneshaper\'s wrecked camp and supplies in southern Winterspring.','A severely damaged crate stands out among the rest of the destroyed belongings at the camp...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2319insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2274,4862,'En-Ay-Es-Tee-Why','Believe it or not, there are people out there willing to pay for the most vile of domesticated beast!$B$BI\'d sent Bijou into the Spire to try and collect some of those spire spider eggs but I haven\'t heard from her in weeks. Maybe you can help me out?$B$BI\'ll tell you what, $N. Go to Blackrock Spire and collect some spire spider eggs for me. Bring them back here and not only will I give you a little cash, but I\'ll even domesticate one for you!','Travel to Blackrock Spire and collect 15 Spire Spider Eggs for Kibler.$B$BBy the sound of it, these eggs could be found near spiders.\r\n','What a load! I mean, look at all those eggs! These should bring in a right few gold.$B$BAs promised, here\'s your own little critter. Don\'t get bitten!','Are those spider eggs in your pack or are you just happy to see me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2320insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2275,4863,'Enraged Wildkin','Looking around, you don\'t see much that Jaron could want here. However, you do notice that the crate you found has been smashed open, almost as if this was what the wildkin were after...$B$BLooking to the east, you can barely make out an abandoned wagon. Perhaps you might find Jaron\'s things there. It\'s worth a look.','Find Jaron Stoneshaper\'s wrecked wagon.','Approaching the wagon, it doesn\'t appear that there is much more here for Jaron. But, looking on the ground, you notice some crates that look undamaged, despite being half-buried in the snow.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2321insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2276,4864,'Enraged Wildkin','After inspecting the contents of the box, you decide that Jaron could make use of the tools and other items inside. However, there is no sign of the amulet.$B$BIt appears that the wildkin inhabit the lands to the north and east of here, so you decide that the next step is to face the creatures and reclaim the amulet from them.','Pick up Jaron\'s Supplies from the snow, then find the wildkin that stole the amulet Jaron spoke of.$B$BBring Jaron\'s Supplies and the Blue-feathered Amulet to Jaron Stoneshaper at the lodge in Winterspring.','Well, I expected to hear as much, lad. I figured that the crazed beasts destroyed all of my belongings...$B$BBut you did find my tools, and most importantly, the amulet! I wonder why the wildkin so fiercely defended this item... In any case, I\'ll think twice before heading their way again!','Aye... Tell me the news.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2322insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2277,4865,'Serpent Wild','If I did not see that with my own eyes I would never have believed it to be true. Vengeance has come to Thousand Needles!$B$B<Hagar wipes his brow.>$B$B$N, you must act quickly! Go now and seek out Motega Firemane; he is located at Whitereach Post just northwest of Freewind Post along the road. He will know what to do!','Report your findings to Motega Firemane.','Vengeance! So, the legend of Arikara is true. Indeed, this is a problem that must be resolved immediately.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2323insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2278,4866,'Mother\'s Milk','It\'s probably one of the most potent poisons in the world, $r!$B$BI\'ve overheard the Blackrock speaking about its lethality in my jaunts into the Spire. They call it \'Mother\'s Milk\', named after Mother Smolderweb, the big nasty spider in the Skitterweb cave.$B$BNow here\'s what I need from you: A live sample of the Milk, flowing through YOUR veins. Just bringing me the gland won\'t be enough! Get her to poison you and come back to me!$B$BThen... I get to milk ya!$B$B<Rubs his hands together in anticipation.>','In the heart of Blackrock Spire you will find Mother Smolderweb. Engage her and get her to poison you. Chances are good that you will have to kill her as well. Return to Ragged John when you are poisoned so that he can \'milk\' you.','This is gonna make the best ale yet!$B$BEh, what did you think I was gonna use this for? Poison or something??$B$BCrazy kids...','','Milked','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2324insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2279,4867,'Urok Doomhowl','Argh!  So hard to speak!$B$BTake this note!  Get me my mojo!','Read Warosh\'s Scroll.  Bring Warosh\'s Mojo to Warosh.','Aha! I can already feel my powers returning to me. And my mind is no longer wracked by Urok\'s curse.$b$bThank you, $N! Humility is below me, but I must acknowledge your aid.$b$bAnd I bid you fortune in your journeys through Blackrock Spire. You are a fool to think you could make your way to the top, but your bravery is without question.','Ah! Do you have my mojo?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2325insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2280,4881,'Assassination Plot','The Tauren, Kanati Greycloud is bold to set up a hunting camp in Thousand Needles. We must kill him to rid this hunting camp and all who may follow him. We will converge at the small post Southwest of the Great Lift.\r\n','Warn Kanati Greycloud at Whitereach Post of the plot to kill him.','They come to kill me? I will show them how a Tauren fights!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2326insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2281,4882,'Guarding Secrets','You are unsure of the significance of the necklace that fell from the neck of the recently-slain wildkin. It glows brightly, slowly fading in and out.$B$BTrull Failbane might be able to tell you more, since his knowledge of the wildkin seems extensive. Perhaps you should ask him about it.','Take the Blue-feathered Necklace to Trull Failbane at Bloodvenom Post.','An important discovery?','Reporting for another assignment?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2327insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2282,4883,'Guarding Secrets','While I do possess much knowledge about the owlbeasts you defeated in Winterspring, I am not very learned on the subject of the magics they wield. But I do believe I know of one that would be able to examine the necklace and most likely tell you what it is.$B$BNara Wildmane in Thunder Bluff is an expert in this field; see her. Good luck, $N.','Take the Blue-feathered Necklace to Nara Wildmane.','The energy of this necklace, $N. I believe that it has only one source.$b$b<Nara closes her eyes and is quiet for a moment.>$b$bThe wildkin, now misguided and confused, were once not so. They once had a purpose, and were guided to serve. The night elf goddess Elune created these creatures to guard her most sacred areas.$b$bWhile this fact may seem like it holds little value; I urge you to look deeper.$b$bYou will learn, in time. Thank you for bringing this to me, $N.','How may I help you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2328insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2283,4901,'Guardians of the Altar','At the very top of the ridge lies what I believe to be an altar of the goddess Elune. From what I can tell, we need to light the five torches in each cave, and then we will be able to access the altar directly.$B$BI transcribed some incantations carved into the stone in the ancient ruins of Kel\'Theril, which I believe are the secret to unlocking the altar. I\'ll need your help to light each torch, while I recite the spell.$B$BIf we are successful, you\'ll be able to report our findings to Erelas!','Protect Ranshalla while she attempts to reactivate the Altar of Elune. Report your findings to Erelas Ambersky in Rut\'theran Village.','Did you meet up with Ranshalla?','','Discover the secret of the Altar of Elune','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2329insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2284,4902,'Wildkin of Elune','That\'s fascinating!$B$BI have always wondered about the truth... Well, you must share this knowledge, definitely! Go to Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm right away -- you\'ll find him in Darnassus, in the Cenarion Circle. Explain to him what happened, just the same as you told me. I\'m sure he will be just as interested!$B$BThis is important information, $N!','Speak with Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.','Do not hesitate; tell me why you have come.$B$BOh, yes? Hmm. Well.$B$BThank you for bringing this straight to me; it is always best to go right to the top... But... Yes. The druids of the Cenarion Circle have known of the Wildkin for some time. That they are pets of Elune, and were chosen to guard the most sacred of places.$B$BSo while this isn\'t news, I definitely compliment you on your effort. Here, take this -- it is something that seems suitable for such a deed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2330insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2285,4903,'Warlord\'s Command','By order of Warlord Goretooth, the following inhabitants of Blackrock Spire must be destroyed:$B$BThe rotund menace, Highlord Omokk.$B$BThe cruel and ruthless troll, War Master Voone.$B$BOverlord Wyrmthalak, taskmaster of the lesser city.$B$BYou will also be required to return any important documents that you may find.$B$BSucceed and be honored.$B$BFail and be forgotten.','Slay Highlord Omokk, War Master Voone, and Overlord Wyrmthalak. Recover Important Blackrock Documents. Return to Warlord Goretooth in Kargath when the mission has been accomplished.','<Warlord Goretooth\'s dull green skin turns a pasty white for a brief moment.>','<Warlord Goretooth salutes.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2331insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2286,4904,'Free at Last','Arnak thinks we\'re going to be married... but after I declined his offer he came back that night and kidnapped me. My brother tried to stop him, but Arnak was too strong. He... he slew my brother and then brought me here.  My poor brother...$B$B$N, could you escort me out of the Darkcloud Pinnacle?  Please... I need to get back to Thalia! She must be worried sick about me.','Escort Lakota Windsong from the Darkcloud Pinnacle, and then talk to Thalia Amberhide at Freewind Post.','Thank you, $N. Deep in my bones I knew that she would find her way back to me. She told me of your bravery and how you helped her escape. These items belonged to her brother. I know she would want you to have them.','Thalia Amberhide:','Escort Lakota Windsong from the Darkcloud Pinnacle.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2332insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2287,4906,'Further Corruption','A second encampment of satyrs threatens the land of Felwood towards the north, led by the cruel Xavaric. The vile betrayers and tricksters feed upon the corruption of the native creatures of Felwood.$B$BXavathras and his minions were only part of a larger plan -- to cultivate a corrupted moonwell, and then provide the spoils to Xavaric.$B$BNow that Xavathras is out of the way, finish this task, $N. Head to the north and defeat Xavaric.','Eridan Bluewind in Felwood wants you to kill 8 Jadefire Hellcallers, 8 Jadefire Betrayers, 8 Jadefire Tricksters, and Xavaric. Return to Eridan when the task is completed.','Thank you for all you have done, $N. May Elune protect you and guide you on the path ahead.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2333insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2288,4907,'Tinkee Steamboil','Hi, $N.  Remember Tinkee Steamboil?  Well, she remembers you!  She sent me a message to keep an eye out for you, because... she needs your help again.  I think it has something to do with her studies on dragons.$B$BYou should speak to her in the Burning Steppes, at the Flame Crest.','Speak with Tinkee Steamboil.','Felnok was right! I do need your help again, and this time... it\'s going to be really dangerous.$b$bAre you ready??','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2334insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2289,4921,'Lost in Battle','We battled in a small tauren camp when we were separated--she held three of the Bristlebacks off by herself. But the odds began to overwhelm us. I led some away only to see her overwhelmed by newcomers. In my rage, I turned to face my enemies, but they brought me down easily with their vast numbers.$B$BI awoke to a tauren druid tending my wounds--he had come across me on the Gold Road as I fell.$B$BPlease, $c, find some sign of my wife.','Find Mankrik\'s wife and then return to him in the Crossroads.','I understand. Thank you, $C.','','','Find Mankrik\'s Wife','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2335insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2290,4941,'Eitrigg\'s Wisdom','Rend lives?$B$BImpossible!$B$BIt had been thought that Rend  was slain decades ago.$B$BSeek out the wisdom of Eitrigg, $N. None know the workings of the Blackrock better than he and if what is written here bares truth, Eitrigg should be informed. No person should be denied the right of vengeance.$B$BYou will find him in Orgrimmar.$B$BOnce you have spoken with Eitrigg, confer with the Warchief to find out what he wishes to do about this problem.','Speak with Eitrigg in Orgrimmar. When you have discussed matters with Eitrigg, seek council from Thrall.$B$BYou recall having seen Eitrigg in Thrall\'s chamber.','<Thrall appears dismayed by the news you bring.>','','Council with Eitrigg.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2336insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2291,4961,'Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil','Ah, a summoner\'s orb--this is where the taint must be coming from. We must exorcise the demon within it if you\'re to use it. That I can do easily.$B$BYou\'re the one who has the hard job.  You must kill the demon once I release it.$B$BAnd you\'ll have to be quick.  If you take too long then he\'ll return to the orb and we\'ll have to start over!$B$BSo get yourself ready, $N.  Prepare your strongest spells and keep your potions handy, and go get a friend if you have one.  Because this isn\'t going to be pretty.','Kill the Demon of the Orb, then speak with Tabetha.','Nicely done, $N!  You gave that demon a lesson he won\'t soon forget. You\'ve shown great power and skill. Now I suppose it\'s time you return to Menara with your cleansed orb so you can put it to good use.$B$BGood luck, $C. Perhaps our paths will cross again.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2337insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2292,4962,'Shard of a Felhound','So, you have chosen to capture the soul of a felhound, good.$B$BTake this ruby--with it, you will be able to capture the creature\'s soul. It works very similar to spells you already know: when the creature is close to dying, use the gem and it should do the rest of the work for you.$B$BI would suggest going to Desolace and trying your hand at any of the felhounds there. Those should do nicely.$B$BAfter you\'re successful, take both the captured spirit and your ruby to Menara.','Take the Felhas Ruby and use it on one of the Felhounds found in Desolace. After successful, bring the Felhas Ruby and the Imprisoned Felhound Spirit back to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, the spirit of a felhound. Well done, $N.$B$BWhen I have both the spirit and the cleansed orb, I will merge the two for you, but not until then.','Yes, $N? Have you chosen? Infernal or felhound?$B$BEach choice is personal and should reflect your strengths and weaknesses. It is not unheard of for a $C to enhance themselves further instead of making up in areas they lack. Sometimes overpowering an enemy is just as strong a tactic than becoming a more balanced spell caster.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2338insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2293,4963,'Shard of an Infernal','So, you have chosen to capture the soul of an infernal, good.$B$BTake this emerald--with it, you will be able to capture the creature\'s soul. It works very similar to spells you already know: when the creature is close to dying, use the gem and it should do the rest of the work for you.$B$BI would suggest going to Desolace and trying your hand at any of the infernals there. Those should do nicely.$B$BAfter you\'re successful, take both the captured spirit and your emerald to Menara.','Take the Infus Emerald and use it on one of the Infernals found in Desolace. After successful, bring the Infus Emerald and the Imprisoned Infernal Spirit back to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, the spirit of an infernal. Well done, $N.$B$BWhen I have both the spirit and the cleansed orb, I will merge the two for you, but not until then.','Yes, $N? Have you chosen? Infernal or felhound?$B$BEach choice is personal and should reflect your strengths and weaknesses. It is not unheard of for a $C to enhance themselves further instead of making up in areas they lack. Sometimes overpowering an enemy is just as strong a tactic than becoming a more balanced spell caster.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2339insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2294,4964,'The Completed Orb of Dar\'Orahil','I will get started immediately on crafting your orb and infusing your new demon into it. When done, you will have the choice of having it in the form of a staff or orb. I always felt it was important to cater to a warlock\'s chosen weapon... I see no reason not to continue that practice.','Wait for Menara Voidrender to complete the Orb of Dar\'Orahil and then speak to her again.','It is done, $N. Simply tell me which you\'d prefer: a staff that would require you to use both hands, or an orb so you may use a dagger or sword as your weapon.$B$BTackling a felhound was a great feat on your part. I am sure your item will serve you well in the future. Continue to work hard in the arts, $N. I will be awaiting details of your exploits.','','Wait for Menara Voidrender to complete your item','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2340insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2295,4965,'Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil','Well, well, well... a pleasure to see you\'re growing in power, $N. I\'d wager you\'d be about ready to speak to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens. If you haven\'t spoken to her before, then let me tell you, I don\'t think I\'ve ever met another expert in the creation of items--orbs specifically--that can inprison even a demon to serve our will so easily.$B$BIf you\'re interested, she\'s in Strahad\'s tower above Ratchet in the Barrens.','Speak to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, you do seek something more... substantial. That I can help you if you truly are prepared.$B$BIt\'s a welcome change to see one of our kind seeking more power in forms other than just knowledge.$B$BSo, do you feel you\'re ready, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2341insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2296,4966,'Protect Kanati Greycloud','But, there may be more centaur than I thought, I ask you, $n, to fight with me against these vile assassins.','Protect Kanati Greycloud from the centaur attack.','Thank you for your help, $N. I couldn\'t have held them off without you.','','Protect Kanati Greycloud','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2342insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2297,4967,'Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil','Still a fool, and still seeking the trappings of mortals. Yes, I speak to you with arrogance. I see you before me and I laugh. You\'re pathetic!$B$BBut it matters not what I think. It only matters what those willing to deal with you thinks!  And in this case, against my better judgment, those with some portion of power feel you deserve more.$B$BIf this is something you strive for then you should speak with Menara Voidrender in the tower above Ratchet. I believe you have met her before some time ago.','Speak to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, you do seek something more... substantial. That I can help you if you truly are prepared.$B$BIt\'s a welcome change to see one of our kind seeking more power in forms other than just knowledge.$B$BSo, do you feel you\'re ready, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2343insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2298,4968,'Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil','Hmm, you\'ve made it this far... truly astonishing. I would have thought the corruption of channeling the arcane would have seeped into your very soul and driven you mad by now. How about we try and push you further then?$B$BIf you want to test your skill, seek out Menara Voidrender above Ratchet in Strahad\'s tower. She will guide you.','Speak to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, you do seek something more... substantial. That I can help you if you truly are prepared.$B$BIt\'s a welcome change to see one of our kind seeking more power in forms other than just knowledge.$B$BSo, do you feel you\'re ready, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2344insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2299,4969,'Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil','Haha! You\'re doing very well for yourself, young $c.$B$BGiven time, infernals and dreadlords will bow before you!$B$BBut until that time comes, you must still rely on weapons forged by the hands of the mortal races.$B$BYou seem prepared for another such creation, and if you are willing, Menara Voidrender would speak with you! She is near Strahad\'s tower overlooking the port town of Ratchet. Go there when you are ready.','Speak to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Ah, you do seek something more... substantial. I can help you if you truly are prepared.$B$BIt\'s a welcome change to see one of our kind seeking more power in forms other than just knowledge.$B$BSo, do you feel you\'re ready, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2345insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2300,4970,'Frostsaber Provisions','If you wish to prove yourself, you may begin by doing a very simple, but very important task.$B$BGather meat from the chimaera and from the shardtooth bears in the area. Bring it to me so that I may use it to feed the frostsabers that are being trained.','Collect 5 Shardtooth Meats and 5 Chillwind Meats for Rivern Frostwind in Winterspring.','Thank you for assisting me, Ama. My opinion of you grows as time passes.','Discipline and determination are your goals. I may ask you to do a simple task many times; you must perform to the best of your ability each time.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2346insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2301,4971,'A Matter of Time','Tampering of the timeline by a sinister force - most likely the Scourge - has occurred in Andorhal!  I can try to keep the passage of time here intact and mend what has been damaged, but I\'ll need your help to do so uninterrupted.$B$BTemporal parasites - carrion that feed on the strands of time\'s altered flow - now infest the silos of Andorhal.  A blue pulse of distortion is their only visual marker.  They slow my auguries; please $N, help me by using this temporal displacer to root out these parasites.','Use the Temporal Displacer near one of Andorhal\'s silos and uncover Temporal Parasites.$B$BSlay 10 Temporal Parasites, and then return the Temporal Displacer to Chromie in the Andorhal Inn, Western Plaguelands.','Time feels easier to mend now, thank you $N. While you might not understand fully the consequences of a fractured timeline, I appreciate that you understand the urgency of countering what I suspect more and more to be a Scourge-driven malfeasance.$b$bI see no harm in rewarding you for your assistance, mortal. Your greatest feats are to come, and the awarding of a bauble will certainly not alter your future destiny. Your continued aid, however, is something that I and the dragonflight could use...','Temporal parasites are a common malady present wherever the flow of time has been tampered with. I sense that many are present, and this is disturbing.$b$bRooting out whatever ones you can find will help me be able to take a better hold on the deteriorating temporal situation here. I will be able to sense when this has been achieved.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2347insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2302,4972,'Counting Out Time','I need you to reach into the world beyond this room, $N.  Allow me to explain.$B$BYou see the difference in this room compared to the rest of Andorhal.  My dragonflight works in many different ways and in many different timelines.  To mend Andorhal\'s damage, I now act from a different timeline as not to overly contaminate it.  To continue this though I need time trinkets, ones trapped from when the plague hit.  Find them in lockboxes found in the ruined buildings that make up this once proud city.','Locate 5 Andorhal Watches, found in lockboxes amongst the rubble of the city.  Return with them to Chromie in the Andorhal Inn, Western Plaguelands.','These are exactly what I need, $N. Thank you.$b$bAllow me to suitably reward you with this. You may not understand what you would need with such a device. You might not even know quite what it really is. Alas, I cannot tell you when you will find it most useful; just know that at some point in the future, you may find this item to have extreme utility and function when consumed. Whether or not you choose to hold on to it until then... this, my friend, is up to you.','The time trinkets I seek are simple devices. They are watches mainly, and their hands are trapped forever when the plague first ravaged Andorhal.$b$bTime is never ending, and the watches you bring to me will invariably find themselves counted out back to their homes... that is, so long as the disturbances continue here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2348insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2303,4973,'Counting Out Time','If you are willing to help once more, I can certainly use your assistance.  I\'ll gladly take more watches you might uncover from the ruins of Andorhal.  They certainly help me in maintaining a balance against whatever malign force is meddling with the timeline here.$B$BIn exchange for those watches, I\'ll give you another item that, in the future, I suspect you\'ll find quite the use for.','Locate 5 Andorhal Watches amongst the rubble of the city, and return with them to Chromie in the Andorhal Inn, Western Plaguelands.','Again, I think you for your assistance.  Please accept this gift.  While you still may not know when to use such an item, perhaps in the future the path of time will reveal its true intentions to you.  You could say that I\'ve seen as such happening to you, $N.','The watches of Andorhal, much like the large clock on the ruins of the town hall, all are frozen in time at three o\'clock.  This was when the full effects of the plague first spread out over the city, choking the life out of it.$B$BAs much as we all may regret what happened that day, it has shaped the flow of time as you mortals perceive it.  The bronze dragonflight must persevere in protecting the timeline!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2349insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2304,4974,'For The Horde!','Rend dares make such grand claims because of the protection he is afforded by the black flight.$B$BYou, $N, will find a way to pass through the Halls of Ascension. You will then find \'Warchief\' Rend Blackhand and you will destroy him - FOR THE HORDE!$B$B<Thrall slams a fist down upon his throne.>$B$BThe next time you return to my chambers, you will hold his head high in triumph and then you shall present it to your Warchief. Do this and be honored as a hero of the Horde.','Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay Warchief Rend Blackhand. Take his head and return to Orgrimmar.','You have dealt a crippling blow to the forces of Blackrock, $N. With their Warchief slain, the Blackrock legion is once again thrown into the maw of chaos.$B$BIn honor of your heroics, the people of Kalimdor shall be rewarded!','<Thrall grunts.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2350insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2305,4975,'The Completed Orb of Noh\'Orahil','I will get started immediately on crafting your orb and infusing your new demon into it. When done, you will have the choice of having it in the form of a staff or orb. I always felt it was important to cater to a warlock\'s chosen weapon... I see no reason not to continue that practice.','Wait for Menara Voidrender to complete the Orb of Noh\'Orahil and then speak to her again.','It is done, $N. Simply tell me which you\'d prefer: a staff that would require you to use both hands, or an orb so you may use a dagger or sword as your weapon.$B$BTackling the infernal was a great feat on your part and this reward will fit you nicely. I wish you further success in the arts, $N.','','Wait for Menara Voidrender to complete your item','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2351insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2306,4976,'Returning the Cleansed Orb','Take the cleansed orb back to Menara in Ratchet, $N. Give her my regards and be safe. I truly hope you are able to withstand the temptation and corruption that is sure to come as you follow your path.$B$BGood luck.','Return the Cleansed Infernal Orb to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.','Well done, $N. This will do nicely.$B$BThe only thing left for you to do is to decide on which demon you want me to imprison within the cleansed orb. Do that, and you will have a magnificent new item to wield.','How goes your search for Tabetha and the orb, $N?$B$BTabetha has been more than useful when it comes to matters of the arcane. I\'m sure she would have no problem aiding you if you\'re able to find her.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2352insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2307,4981,'Operative Bijou','Never trust a goblin. That\'s what it comes down to, $N.$B$BBijou is her name - one of our slipperiest operatives. I found out she was working for some shady exotic pet dealer out of the Burning Steppes named Kibler, in essence, two timing us. Worse yet, she was using Horde funds to finance her operations.$B$BI want her brought back here alive.$B$BShe was last seen entering Blackrock Spire. Find her and bring her back.$B$BAnd $N, do not let her sweet talk you.','Travel to Blackrock Spire and find out what happened to Bijou.','I won\'t lie to you, $R. I needed the money! Kibler pays very, very well - much better than the K.E.F. ever could.$b$bBut don\'t doubt my loyalties! Why do you think I\'m down here? To get that crazy goblin some exotic animal eggs or something equally inane? No, only someone truly daft would come to Blackrock Spire to collect pets. Yep, I don\'t reckon too many people like that exist in this world.$b$b<Bijou laughs.>$b$bThe last thing we need are those kinds of people breeding.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2353insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2308,4982,'Bijou\'s Belongings','At night when this place is lightly guarded, I sneak around the city, taking notes and writing down anything I see that could be of some strategic value to the K.E.F.$B$BLast night, however, things went dreadfully wrong. I stumbled across a tripwire and set off an alarm. I stashed my recon gear and ran for cover! Unfortunately, I can\'t get back to that gear. They\'ve doubled and tripled up the patrols! All that information is lost.$B$BGet my belongings back and I\'ll return to the K.E.F. peacefully.','Find Bijou\'s Belongings and return them to her. You recall her mentioning that she stashed them on the bottom floor of the city.\r\n','You\'ve done it! Once Lexlort has these plans, he\'ll forget all about the nasty things he wanted to do to me.$B$B$N, you\'re my hero!','Any luck?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2354insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2309,4983,'Bijou\'s Reconnaissance Report','Take this report back to Lexlort. It will redeem my good name and will surely give the K.E.F. a strategic advantage in dealing with these orcs.$B$BCome with you? I\'ve got way too much work to do. Get going, they need these reports as soon as possible!\r\n','Take Bijou\'s Reconnaissance Report back to Grandmaster Lexlort in Kargath.\r\n','I\'ve got to hand it to her; she\'s managed to weasel her way out of another sticky situation! These reports will prove to be invaluable in our dealings with the Blackrock orcs.$b$bOf course, you will be rewarded for your hard work.','Where\'s the goblin???','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2355insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2310,4984,'The Wildlife Suffers Too','While there was little I could do alone to thwart the Scourge, I nevertheless came to these lands to try and heal the damage done to nature.  Animals suffer from the plague that continues to choke these lands, unable to find mercy and peace.  I ask for you to continue what I could not finish here.$B$BThere is no salvation for the suffering animals but a sweet and merciful release.  Seek out diseased wolves nearby and put them down.  Please $N, end their misery - doing so will surely soothe mine.','Destroy 8 Diseased Wolves, and then return to Mulgris Deepriver at the Writhing Haunt, Western Plaguelands.\r\n\r\n','I... I sense that the souls of those wolves you have put down now have rest. They - and I - thank you for a merciful release.$b$bThe wolves are not alone in their suffering within this damnable place, $N. Please, I have need of you once more.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2356insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2311,4985,'The Wildlife Suffers Too','To the east of where we are, near where the Eastern Plaguelands begin, once proud and majestic grizzlies roamed the countryside.  The plague released by the Scourge has sundered these beasts too.  They wander the countryside, agonized by the stiffening of their muscles and the rotting of their fur and flesh.$B$BI ask of you to end their misery as well.  The only cure for their suffering is a swift death, one that must be ministered by your hand.  ','Destroy 8 Diseased Grizzlies, and then return to Mulgris Deepriver at the Writhing Haunt, Western Plaguelands.','\"I know that the grizzles have been put down, their torment at an end. I... I have one more thing for you. I wrote it down on... on this branch, sensing that my time in this realm had come to an end.$b$bIndeed... I am at that end. Thank you again friend... the creatures of this accursed land may rest... and now shall I.\"$b$bWith that, a heavy sigh is uttered by the $C, followed by what sounds like a death rattle. His body lies motionless on the cottage floor.','I hear your footsteps, $N. My vision has faded from me, but I still am able to sense things around me. Have you ended the misery of the disease-ridden grizzlies?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2357insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2312,4986,'Glyphed Oaken Branch','The lifeless hand of the tauren druid clutches a surprisingly healthy looking oaken branch.  Examining the branch reveals glyphs of a druidic nature carved into the bark.$B$BAs you grasp the branch, you notice it is warm to the touch, more than it should be.  The image of the Teldrassil tree enters your mind - Darnassus specifically - and the words \"Cenarion Circle\" are on the tip of your tongue.  It would appear that the suggestion of where to take the branch has been placed within it.','Based on the magic enchanted within the Glyphed Oaken Branch, its delivery to the Cenarion Circle in Darnassus is the next step the tauren druid sought.  Seek one of the druids there for assistance.','This... this is quite strange.  This druid - this tauren druid no less - entrusted you with a great deal of valuable information on the extent of the Scourge\'s plague.  I am surprised a tauren would give a <race> such information, and freely at that if what you say is true.  We will make good use of this, I promise you.  Perhaps the tauren have not fallen as far from Cenarius as Fandral would believe...$B$BErm, anyway, please - accept this as a token of thanks from the Cenarion Circle.','On behalf of the Cenarion Circle, I bid you welcome to this enclave, $C.  What business do you have with us?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2358insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2313,4987,'Glyphed Oaken Branch','The lifeless hand of the tauren druid clutches a surprisingly healthy looking oaken branch.  Examining the branch reveals glyphs of a druidic nature carved into the bark.$B$BAs you grasp the branch, you notice it is warm to the touch, more than it should be.  The image of Thunder Bluff in Mulgore enters your mind - Elder Rise specifically - and the words \"Cenarion Circle\" are on the tip of your tongue.  It would appear that the suggestion of where to take the branch has been placed within it.','Based on the magic enchanted within the Glyphed Oaken Branch, its delivery to the Cenarion Circle in Thunder Bluff is the next step the tauren druid sought.  Seek one of the druids there for assistance.','This is from Mulgris, you say? We had heard he sought to minister to the creatures suffering in the Plaguelands, but this is most unexpected... and most saddening. Mulgris is... was a good friend. I will mourn his passing deeply.$B$BHis efforts have not gone in vain, thanks to your diligence. In this branch, much lore is stored about the plague the Scourge propagates upon the land. We will study it diligently. As for you, please accept this. It is the least we can do for your noble efforts.','On behalf of the Cenarion Circle, I bid you welcome to this enclave, $C. What business do you have with us?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2359insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2314,5001,'Bijou\'s Belongings','Ordinarily I don\'t deal with $rs but it seems that I\'m stuck between a troll and a hard place. You see, my mission here is one of utmost importance to the Horde. The information I\'ve discovered, however, applies to the well being of the Alliance as well. Now believe me, I\'m no Alliance sympathizer, but the Blackrock threat is bigger than just a bunch of orcs.$B$BYou help me out by finding my belongings and I\'ll help you out with some information that could prove useful to your kind.$B$BDeal?','Find Bijou\'s Belongings and return them to her. Good luck!\r\n','Well I\'ll be! Where were they??','Any luck?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2360insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2315,5002,'Message to Maxwell','I\'m a goblin of my word, $r. Now listen closely:$B$BThese orcs are used primarily as beasts of burden and cannon fodder for the black dragonflight!$B$BTheir true leader is none other than Nefarian, brood of Deathwing. I\'ve also discovered the location of Nefarian\'s subordinates in this part of the citadel.$B$BTake this map to Marshal Maxwell in the Burning Steppes. It has the location of these fiends marked for easy identification.','Travel to the Burning Steppes and give Bijou\'s Information to Marshal Maxwell.','This coincides with much of what we already knew. Regardless, it is interesting and rather unfortunate information.$B$BThe markings on this map will prove valuable in thinning the Blackrock menace.','Ah, $N. It has been a long time.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2361insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2316,5021,'Better Late Than Never','\"The package must be delivered... delivered before I\'m trapped here!\"$B$BThe cries of a panicked woman feel almost like a whisper floating through the house.  Cowered in the upstairs corner is the apparition of a woman.  She does not seem to be fully cognizant of her surroundings, and she is only vaguely aware of you.$B$B\"Are you here to deliver my package?  Please, before it gets much worse!  I was going to ride out of here.  It should still be by my horse... or am I too late?\"','The ramblings of the ghostly woman indicated that she needed a package delivered.  She claimed that it was where her horse was.  As to where the horse is or where the package was to be delivered - the ghost remains incomprehensible.','A package in the barn that you might have otherwise overlooked now stands out amongst the decay and ruin. Perhaps this is the one that the ghost of Janice Felstone was clamoring about...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2362insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2317,5022,'Better Late Than Never','You pick up the package, wiping off a small layer of dust and grime that had settled on it.  It is addressed in a hurried hand to an Emma Felstone of Stormwind; the delivery of the package is dated for well over four years ago.$B$BThough it is unclear if Emma Felstone is even alive, it is widely known that the Stormwind City Hall keep records on the populace of the city.  This is handled through the Royal Factors of the Stormwind Census.','Check with the Royal Factors of Stormwind to learn the whereabouts of an Emma Felstone.  There is usually a census officer located in City Hall.','A package for an Emma Felstone, you say? Last known address was Stormwind, four years ago? Well let me see here...$B$BAccording to what we know, there was an Emma Felstone in the city about four years ago. Well, I should say possibly - this census I refer to is from five years ago, and I don\'t have a report of her vacating the city. This doesn\'t mean that she is still here though.$B$BWait a second... this package couldn\'t be for Ol\' Emma, could it?','Welcome to the office of the Stormwind census. If you are in need of information on our populace, then I can assist you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2363insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2318,5023,'Better Late Than Never','You pick up the package, wiping off a small layer of dust and grime that had settled on it.  It is addressed in a hurried hand to a Jeremiah Felstone of Lordaeron; the delivery of the package is dated for well over four years ago.$B$BThough it is unclear if Jeremiah Felstone is even alive, it is widely known that the Undercity, formerly known as Lordaeron, keeps records on the populace of the city.  This is handled through the Royal Overseers of the Undercity Census.','Check with the Royal Overseers of the Undercity to learn the whereabouts of a Jeremiah Felstone.  There is usually a census officer located near guild and tabard registration.','A package for a Jeremiah Felstone, with his last known address as Lordaeron... I should be able to assist you.$b$bJeremiah Felstone was in the city before the plague. Well, I should say the former Jeremiah Felstone - some of the Forsaken have changed their last names to rid themselves of their former countenance. This case is no exception; the former Jeremiah Felstone is now known as Jeremiah Payson.$b$bWait a minute... isn\'t he the cockroach vendor?','Are you here to seek the assistance of the Undercity census, or just to ask me if someone you knew is dead? I get asked that a lot.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2364insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2319,5041,'Supplies for the Crossroads','That attack on the caravan contained supplies we desperately needed.$B$BYou\'ve been brave enough to take on the Razormane tribe so far, and I will ask you to do so again, but this time, I wonder if I could ask you to keep your eyes open for some of our lost supplies. You can probably find them throughout their camps, the quilboar getting fat off their dishonorable acts.$B$BThe people of the Crossroads would be in your debt.','Find and return Crossroads\' Supply Crates to Thork in the Barrens.','Haha! Thank you, $N! This will help us greatly. You\'re a boon to the Crossroads and to the Horde. If there is anything I can do for you, please, let me know.','How goes your search for the supplies, $N? I trust the quilboar fall under your strength easily.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2365insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2320,5042,'Agamaggan\'s Strength','','','If only Mangletooth were free to see you decimate those who betrayed him! <snort>$B$BI thank you for destroying more of the Bristleback by gathering these shards. Please, continue to do so, and I will continue to aid you. <snort>','I will need 4 blood shards if you wish Agamaggan\'s strength, $R.$B$BYour foes will cower before your strength were you to be given this blessing. <snort>$B$BThe Razormane\'s greatest warriors are infused with such power!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2366insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2321,5043,'Agamaggan\'s Agility','','','May your aim be unerring, and the mark of your weapon be true, $R.$B$BAgamaggan\'s spirit is with you. Return <snort> to me if you wish. Mangletooth will bless you again if the great boar god deems me worthy. <snort>','My tribes greatest scouts are said to be unrivaled in their accuracy, and no rogue <snort> could measure up to their quickness in battle.$B$BBring me 4 blood shards and I will make you even more agile than any quilboar born.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2367insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2322,5044,'Wisdom of Agamaggan','','','Your enemies should fear you even more, $R. <snort>$B$BTell Mangletooth tales of your cunning in battle when next we meet--be it in this life, or the next. <snort>','The shaman and geomancers of the quilboar tribes <snort> call upon the strength of Agamaggan to help them in battle and in their rituals, $R.$B$BIf you too wish the added power of Agamaggan\'s blessing with your spells, then bring me 4 blood shards and Mangletooth will aid you. <snort>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2368insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2323,5045,'Rising Spirit','','','Our greatest warriors, and our greatest <snort> shamans would envy your will, $R.$B$BDefeat more of the Bristlebacks knowing that they cannot stop you! <snort>','Warriors of all types <snort> have need of a strong spirit. It drives you to greater feats when all hope has been lost. This is not unknown to the <snort> Razormane. We are a spiritual tribe--we are more proud of our connection to Agamaggan than our prowess <snort> in battle.$B$BBring me 4 blood shards and I will bless your spirit for battle. <snort>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2369insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2324,5046,'Razorhide','','','Go to war, $R.','All those who <snort> enter battle have need of protection. Their bones must be strong. Their skin tough. <snort> My tribe knows this as well, and to add to the natural protection our quills and hide give us, <snort> we often call upon Agamaggan to protect us from harm before we go to war.$B$BBring me 4 blood shards <snort> and I will grant you the same protection.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2370insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2325,5047,'Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!','You\'ll find Malyfous Darkhammer in Everlook, $c. Tell him that \'Finkle is A-OK\' and that the suit works perfectly.$B$BThen hand him this:$B$B<Finkle hands you a glowing piece of flesh.>$B$BI snatched it from the beast\'s innards during my \'vacation.\'$B$BI bet Malyfous could give you a fairly accurate assessment of what he can do with parts from a monster like this!$B$BOh, I suppose you don\'t know where Everlook is, do you? To Winterspring, $g fella:lady;!','Talk to Malyfous Darkhammer in Everlook.','Alive? Suit worked? And what do we have here?','Yea?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2371insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2326,5048,'Good Natured Emma','She\'s a tad ornery, and quite possibly out of her gourd... but the records indicate that Ol\' Emma does fit the framework of who Emma Felstone might be.$B$BPerhaps you\'ve seen Ol\' Emma wander the city - she talks to herself, most often in nonsensical jibber-jabber.  Still, she doesn\'t hurt anything or anyone, so folks pretty much leave her be.$B$BAll things considered, I would say that Ol\' Emma is in fact Emma Felstone.  You might try asking if her last name is indeed Felstone.','Find Ol\' Emma in Stormwind and see if she is in fact Emma Felstone.  If she is, then perhaps she\'d like the package Janice Felstone made for her.','My name is indeed Emma Felstone - you\'re the first person in years to call me that. Who... who are you?$b$bYou say you knew... my sister?! Is she still alive? Who am I kidding, of course she isn\'t. When the plague broke out in Lordaeron, I had come to expect the worst. So many of my family died... or worse. Here I am now, crazy Ol\' Emma, all alone. What are you, a grave-robber or something? Looking for your next target?$b$bWhat... you have a package for me from my sister?','I would tell you to get off my lawn, but as you can see I don\'t have one.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2372insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2327,5049,'The Jeremiah Blues','From the evidence I am able to muster, the person you seek - and the intended recipient of the parcel - is Jeremiah Payson, the Undercity cockroach vendor.$B$BI\'ve always been of the opinion that it takes a special gift to sell... cockroaches.  No doubt you are on quite the epic sojourn now, mighty $c.  I will leave you to your world-shaping endeavors.  Allow me, however, to be a part of your magnum opus and reveal that he is located near the bank, suitably groveling under one of the walkways.','Find Jeremiah Payson in the Undercity and see if he is in fact Jeremiah Felstone.  If he is, then perhaps he\'d like the package Janice Felstone made for him.','I haven\'t used that name in years... but yes, at one point in my life - before this glorious unlife - that was my last name.$b$bYou claim to have known my sister... or rather, have recently spoken to my sister.$b$bWho\'s been dead.$b$bFor four years.$b$bYou know, if my bones weren\'t already brittle enough, I\'d be tempted to break my foot off on your posterior. You\'re quite the vulture, aren\'t you?$b$b What... you have a package for me from my sister?','Every time someone steps on a cockroach, I cry. Please don\'t make me cry.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2373insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2328,5050,'Good Luck Charm','It would seem that I was wrong about you $N, and for that I owe you an apology.  My sister sent me a number of personal effects, including humorously enough the deed to the Felstone farm.  I think I\'ll pass on reclaiming it right now.$B$BIf my sister\'s spirit remains tethered to the farm and cannot rest, please... could you return this to her?  It is half of a good luck charm she had, with her husband having the other half.$B$BMaybe her knowing I have these things will now put her soul to rest.','Return to Janice Felstone in Western Plaguelands her Good Luck Half-Charm.','You give the half-charm back to the apparition. She looks at it, then at you expectantly.$b$b\"Honey, where did you put your half of the charm? We can\'t be together unless we have both halves. Honey... can you see me?\"','John, sweetheart... is that you? I\'m so cold all the sudden...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2374insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2329,5051,'Two Halves Become One','The ramblings of the poor ghost continue:$B$B\"I\'m so cold, John.  Bring me your charm, and we\'ll be together!  Quickly John, before the plague comes to change us into hideous beasts!  I can\'t see you John... but I know you\'re near.  I feel you near me.\"$B$BPerhaps if the second half of the charm was found and reassembled, this would constitute what the spirit of Janice Felstone is seeking.','Locate the other half of the Good Luck Charm somewhere on the Felstone Farm in Western Plaguelands and reassemble it.$B$BGive the Good Luck Charm to Janice Felstone on the Felstone Farm, Western Plaguelands.','You hand the reassembled good luck charm to Janice Felstone\'s ghost. As soon as she grasps it, you observe an almost immediate change in her. Her ethereal form shimmers, and she looks upon you with clear yet sad eyes.$b$b\"You\'ve freed me... I no longer will need this charm. Please, take it and perhaps it will give you the solace it has given me.\"','John, don\'t let the ghouls get you... don\'t let the ghouls get me... nasty ghouls... our charm will keep us safe.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2375insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2330,5052,'Blood Shards of Agamaggan','Along with the thorns, the blood affected <snort> other aspects of the earth: blood red stones mixed in with other minerals. The Bristleback dig up these shards and carry them as totems <snort> for strength in battle and as totems for their magics. <snort>$B$BI know the secrets of that magic.$B$BBring Mangletooth one of these blood shards to show you understand. Bring Mangletooth many of the shards, and he will bless you with quilboar magic--the magic of Agamaggan! <snort>','Bring a Blood Shard to Mangletooth in Camp Taurajo in the Barrens.$B$BCollect more Blood Shards if you want him to bless you with Agamaggan\'s power.','Ah, you do understand. <snort> My words were not lost on your ears, $R. Mangletooth may be caged, but no cage can stop Agamaggan\'s power! <snort>$B$BThe touch of the shard, the feel of it... it has been a long time, $R.$B$BDo you know what it is like? To have your power severed from you?$B$BBut, that is a tale for another time. I promised you information. I promised you Agamaggan\'s power. My people turned their backs on Mangletooth. Now, I lose you upon them. <snort>','Our tribes flock to the thorny areas throughout the Barrens <snort> because they are holy places, but none as holy as Razorfen. Agamaggan\'s body makes up the entirety of the Razorfen, <snort> but the Downs are especially protected because the entrance is made from his great maw! <snort> It will swallow whole those not loyal to him, and spit out their bodies after he\'s chewed them up! <snort>$B$BAgamaggan has left his body behind to protect us, and he gives of his spirit so we may protect him. <snort>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2376insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2331,5054,'Ursius of the Shardtooth','In the snowy mountains of Winterspring, to the northwest, a skilled hunter stalks his prey... I speak of Ursius of the shardtooth bears, an agile and clever beast.$B$BI send you now against him. He roams the sloping hills to the northwest of Everlook. Find and hunt him, before he discovers your intent.$B$BAll that have gone up against Ursius have quickly found themselves to be the prey, and he, the hunter. Stay on your guard.','Storm Shadowhoof at Everlook in Winterspring wants you to kill Ursius.','This was no easy task, yet you have excelled. But do not be too quick to think you have impressed me, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2377insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2332,5055,'Brumeran of the Chillwind','Swift, and clever, Brumeran glides silently across the snowy landscape of southern Winterspring. But do not let her graceful appearance convince you that she is harmless. All that cross her pay considerably, and often with their own lives.$B$BSeek out Brumeran of the chillwind among the chimera. Defeat her, then return again to me.','Storm Shadowhoof at Everlook in Winterspring wants you to kill Brumeran.','Yes. You have returned. I believe now that you are a true $C by nature. You have faced the most ferocious of creatures and have returned, surpassing my expectations.$b$bYou are now ready for my final request.','Brumeran calls out to you, Postal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2378insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2333,5056,'Shy-Rotam','In northern Winterspring, great cats assemble around a large landmark called Frostsaber Rock. The leader of these cats is known by the name Shy-Rotam. Defeating the matriarch of the frostsabers would grant you much respect in the eyes of your fellow $r.$B$BGo again to the harsh wilds, and once there, gather sacred meat from the frostsabers. Find the stone of Shy-Rotam, and place it there. Placing the meat of her kin before her will summon Shy-Rotam, in anger.$B$BBe ready for her fury, and defeat her.','Storm Shadowhoof at Everlook in Winterspring wants you to defeat Shy-Rotam.','You have proven both your strength and your determination. Many more challenges await you, but I have already shown you as much as I am able.$b$bGood luck, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2379insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2334,5057,'Past Endeavors','Before you spoke to me, $N, I had heard of your endeavors... that you had an unyielding desire to prove yourself, that you had an exceptional ability as a $c, and I now know these things to be the truth.$B$BThose that excel as you do are worthy of recognition. Take this marker to a friend of mine in Thunder Bluff named Melor Stonehoof. I\'m sure he will remember you, and what you accomplished so long ago. Speak to him of you recent victories, and do not ever forget what you have accomplished today.','Bring Storm Shadowhoof\'s Marker to Melor Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.','We learn from our life experiences, $N. From what this marker says, I am sure that you have only become stronger and wiser as a result of yours. You have grown much since we last spoke.$b$bTake this in remembrance of the difficult tasks you have accomplished as a $R $C, and know that you will always have my respect and admiration.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2380insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2335,5058,'Mrs. Dalson\'s Diary','','','A diary with yellowing pages lies open to the last entry:$B$B\"I don\'t know what\'s going to happen now that Harold\'s turned.  It took everything out of me to drag him into the only place I could find that\'d lock him up tight and hold him.  I hid the key on me, and I pray it works...$B$BI hope I can get out of here, but I need money to do that.  Our stuff\'s all in the cabinet I think... and now that I think about it, doesn\'t Harold keep the key on him?$B$BI\'ll rest on it, I\'m dead tired now.\"','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2381insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2336,5059,'Locked Away','','','Using the key found on the skeleton of the former Mrs. Dalson, you unlock the door to the outhouse. A bloodthirsty ghoul leaps from the outhouse, having been trapped inside for who knows how long.$B$BIt is clear by the bloodcurdling scream of the ghoul at your presence that the former Farmer Dalson is now beyond saving.','The door to the outhouse has begun to splinter at the edges of the frame as though it has been repeatedly and incessantly tried to be forced open. It is currently locked up tight from the outside of the outhouse.$B$BAs you rattle the door, you hear a guttural moaning come from inside! Whatever is inside there, it certainly does not sound friendly.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2382insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2337,5060,'Locked Away','','','The key taken from Farmer Dalson\'s ghoulish remains fits the lock perfectly. The doors of the cabinet swing open, revealing several items that remain intact and appear quite valuable.','An extremely sturdy cabinet stands before you, securely fastened shut by a built-in lock. The front of the cabinet is deeply scratched and marked. This could be surmised as being from numerous and violent failed attempts to reveal whatever secrets the cabinet currently obfuscates from view.$B$BIf you are going to open this cabinet, you will need to find the key.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2383insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2338,5061,'Aquatic Form','You have completed the necessary lessons all young druids are taught before they can adopt an aquatic aspect.  Go now back to your trainer, Mathrengyl Bearwalker, in Darnassus.  Show him your pendant and prove to him you are ready to learn what he has to teach you.  He will complete your training, allowing you to become one with the water.$B$BGoodbye, young druid.  We shall speak again.','Return to Darnassus and show Mathrengyl Bearwalker the Pendant of the Sea Lion.','Very impressive, $N. You are ready to learn your aquatic form, and it is my pleasure to teach it to you.$B$BAlso, in recognition of your achievement during the two trials, I give you this item. I hope you\'ll find it to be a welcome addition to your gear as a protector of nature and a keeper of the balance.','Your return to Darnassus is not without heralding, though I will need proof of your lessons learned in Moonglade before I will teach you your aquatic form.$B$BDo you have the Pendant of the Sea Lion?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2384insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2339,5062,'Sacred Fire','Arikara is a deadly creature that must be dealt with swiftly. In order to hunt her down you will need to light the sacred fire of life - this will summon Arikara.$B$BGo now and harvest the rare Incendia agave plant. Once you have harvested enough agave, seek council with Magatha Grimtotem on Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff. She is a powerful shaman that can enchant the agave plant to create a powder that will light the fire.$B$BTravel northeast to the Boiling Pool and gather Incendia Agave.','Gather 10 bushels of Incendia Agave, and then consult Magatha Grimtotem on Elder Rise in Thunderbluff.','Good, you have gathered the essential amount of Incendia agave. This rare herb found only in Thousand Needles will help light the dormant sacred fire of life.$b$b<Magatha begins to enchant the Incendia agave.>','So, Motega Firemain sends word of Arikara...well now that is grave news.$b$b$b$bArikara is a deadly creature born only to seek vengeance against those who have committed heinous acts.$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2385insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2340,5063,'Cap of the Scarlet Savant','A finer cap you may never see. From the pristine hide of the beast, our expert crafters will create the most phenomenal hat a prestidigitator could ever hope to don!$B$BFifty gold pieces along with the listed items and your head shall be graced with the Cap of the Scarlet Savant:$B$B*The pristine hide of the Beast.$B$B*Frayed abomination stitchings.$B$B*Arcane crystals.$B$B*Enchanted scarlet thread.$B$BBEHOLD!','In order to create the Cap of the Scarlet Savant, you will be required to bring the following items back to Malyfous Darkhammer: 1 Pristine Hide of the Beast; 5 Frayed Abomination Stitchings; 8 Arcane Crystals; 5 Enchanted Scarlet Thread. $B$BYou will also be required to pay 50 gold pieces for the crafting of the item.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2386insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2341,5064,'Grimtotem Spying','$N, you have served us well in the past, so I now entrust to you an important mission. The Grimtotem Clan is up to something secretive. Three agents of unknown origin were seen visiting the Grimtotem over the recent weeks. We discovered that separate chests in Darkcloud Pinnacle hold these guarded messages.$b$b$N, if you succeed in this dangerous mission, I will reward you in kind.\r\n','Locate and retrieve the three Secret Notes in Darkcloud Pinnacle.','Great Spirit Totem! This is dire news indeed. I must begin to plan for whatever may come.$b$bMac, as promised, here is your reward for your brave service.$b$b','Have you discovered what the Grimtotem are up to?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2387insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2342,5065,'The Lost Tablets of Mosh\'aru','The troll with whom you spoke did not tell the truth.  The two tablets you gained for him spoke of containing the essence of Hakkar, but there is more to that legend.  I have studied long, and found that there are six Tablets of Mosh\'aru, not two!  Six!$B$BAnd I fear that we will not like what secrets the others hold..$B$BFind the third and fourth tablets of Mosh\'aru.  They\'re in the Eastern Plaguelands, held by the mossflayer trolls. Find them, and bring them to me.','Bring the Third and Fourth Mosh\'aru Tablets to Prospector Ironboot in Tanaris.','You found them!  Great!$B$BThank you, $N.  I will pour over these texts and decipher their meaning.$B$BYou, however, have another task...','Do you have the tablets?  I fear their texts will reveal a great threat to our world.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2388insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2343,5066,'A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!','Hear ye, hear ye!  All heroes are called upon to heed these words!$B$BA call to arms has been issued by the Kingdom of Stormwind!  All able bodied individuals are entreated to take up arms against the dark threat of the Scourge in the northern lands of the Eastern Kingdoms!  Rumors fly of new threats rising from the ruins of the Plaguelands!$B$BHeroes of the realm - seek out Commander Ashlam Valorfist who has set up his base camp in Chillwind Camp, north of the Alterac Mountains!','Seek out Commander Ashlam Valorfist.  His base camp is located at Chillwind Camp, north of the Alterac Mountains.','Welcome to the Plaguelands, hero. This is one of most dangerous frontiers in Azeroth, especially with the looming threat of the Scourge to our north and northeast. I am glad to hear that the clarion call of duty and service to the greater good did not fall on deaf ears with you!$b$bIf you are ready to get your hands dirty, then there is plenty for willing and able heroes to do here on the edge of the Plaguelands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2389insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2344,5067,'Leggings of Arcana','While the crafting of such an item has never successfully been accomplished, it is thought to be possible - under the right circumstance.$B$BShould the seeker of arcanum desire to imbue leggings with immense power, the following they must find:$B$B* The pristine hide of the Beast.$B$B* Frayed abomination stitchings.$B$B*Arcanite Bars.$B$B*Frostwhisper\'s embalming fluid.$B$BBEHOLD!','In order to create the Leggings of Arcana, you will be required to bring the following items back to Malyfous Darkhammer: 1 Pristine Hide of the Beast; 5 Frayed Abomination Stitchings; 5 Arcanite Bars; 5 Frostwhisper\'s Embalming Fluid.$B$BYou will also be required to pay 50 gold pieces for the crafting of the item.','Few more improbable tasks I have seen completed by mortals. Bask in the glory of my handiwork! Reap its rewards!','Unless you\'ve got everything I need, you\'re wasting my time.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2390insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2345,5068,'Breastplate of Bloodthirst','It is said that only one Breastplate of Bloodthirst has ever been created and that it was made for the legendary assassin, Garona. Whether this world will ever see another is doubtful.$B$BRegardless! Our master crafters can reproduce the item given the necessary components:$B$B*The pristine hide of the Beast.$B$B*Frayed abomination stitchings.$B$B*Arcanite bars.$B$B*The skin of shadow.$B$BBEHOLD!','In order to create the Breastplate of Bloodthirst, you will be required to bring the following items back to Malyfous Darkhammer: 1 Pristine Hide of the Beast; 10 Frayed Abomination Stitchings; 5 Arcanite Bars; 5 Skin of Shadow.$B$BYou will also be required to pay 50 gold pieces for the crafting of the item.','I thought I would be dead and buried before I ever saw this day.$B$BAn accomplishment of this magnitude can only be overshadowed by the reward.','Unless you\'ve got everything I need, you\'re wasting my time.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2391insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2346,5081,'Maxwell\'s Mission','This information fills in the gaps to our otherwise impeccable intelligence of Blackrock Spire.$B$BThe attack must be decisive, $N.$B$BFirst their war master, the troll Voone, must be destroyed. Without his battle plans, the Blackrock orcs will be thrown into chaos.$B$BYou must then take out the ogre Highlord, Omokk. The cowardly ogres of Blackrock are powerless without his leadership.$B$BLastly, the overlord of the citadel: Wyrmthalak. With Wyrmthalak dead, their central command unit is without a conduit.','Travel to Blackrock Spire and destroy War Master Voone, Highlord Omokk, and Overlord Wyrmthalak. Return to Marshal Maxwell when the job is done.','Excellent work, $N. At the very least, you have bought us more time - precious, precious time.','Status?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2392insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2347,5082,'Threat of the Winterfall','I came to Winterspring to investigate the Frostfire Hot Springs. I\'ve noticed that the water seems to have ...strange qualities. I haven\'t yet been able to discover the source, and to tell you the truth, I\'ve had some difficulty lately, due to the Winterfall furbolg.$B$BThey seem to be drawn to the springs, just as I am. They have become extremely protective of the water, and won\'t let me come near the two larger springs to the north of here.$B$BI\'d like to continue my studies, so won\'t you help me?','Donova Snowden in Winterspring wants you to kill 8 Winterfall Pathfinders, 8 Winterfall Den Watchers, and 8 Winterfall Totemics.','Thanks so much, $N! Now I can get back to work here.$b$bDid you find anything of interest at the Winterfall camp?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2393insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2348,5083,'Winterfall Firewater','This vial that you picked up from the Winterfall furbolg is empty, but you can detect a few drops of a strange green liquid inside; it almost glows.$B$BIs it something important?$B$BDonova Snowden would probably be able to tell you more, since she has been camped by the hot springs in Winterspring for some time now.','Bring the Empty Firewater Flask to Donova Snowden in Winterspring.','You got this from the Winterfall?','What is that you have found?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2394insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2349,5084,'Falling to Corruption','This greenish liquid... it reminds me a bit of the sludge I saw when traveling through Felwood. And I have seen some Winterfall Runners passing into Timbermaw... Perhaps these things have something to do with the flask you found, $N.$B$BThere is a large group of furbolg just past Timbermaw Hold, in Felwood. Called the Deadwood tribe, they have been corrupted and driven mad by the fel. Why don\'t you look around there and see if you can find any evidence of dealings between the Winterfall and the Deadwood?','Search the Deadwood furbolg camp in northern Felwood for a clue.','Inside the cauldron bubbles a rotting, repulsive-smelling substance...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2395insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2350,5085,'Mystery Goo','The greenish substance inside the cauldron appears to be similar to what you found in the flask. This strange gooey stuff could be as corrupted as the furbolg that created it...$B$BIf the Winterfall furbolg are using it, does this mean that they will soon be as corrupted as the Deadwood tribe?$B$BIt would be best to report back to Donova with your findings, along with a sample of the liquid in the cauldron.','Report back to Donova Snowden with your findings.','You are very resourceful, $N. Do you think that the Winterfall furbolgs have been to the Deadwood camp?','I hope you found something, $N. The Winterfall are becoming increasingly aggressive!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2396insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2351,5086,'Toxic Horrors','I\'ve studied the sample you returned with, and while I can\'t say for sure, I believe it contains traces of toxic elements. However, the only way to know for sure is to gather some as a comparison.$B$BI believe that the Deadwood furbolg may be gathering these elements from other corrupted creatures in Felwood; in particular, the elementals living in the Irontree Woods, called toxic horrors.$B$BCollect a few samples for me to compare, but be careful -- it\'s very dangerous there!','Collect 3 Toxic Horror Droplets for Donova Snowden in Winterspring.','I have to compare this to the substance you found in the cauldron, and then I\'m sure we\'ll know more.','I think we are beginning to uncover what is happening here, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2397insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2352,5087,'Winterfall Runners','Very interesting, $N...$B$BWhen this toxic substance is mixed with the water from the hot springs, it loses its toxicity, only retaining the ability to temporarily affect those that ingest it. This must be why the Winterfall protect the hot springs so fervently -- they need them to purify their firewater.$B$BWe need to stop this -- cut off contact between the Winterfall and the Deadwood. A group of runners walks the distance between their village and Felwood. Find and defeat them, and steal their shipment.','Find the Winterfall Runners and stop them from delivering their shipment to Winterfall Village.','<Donova examines the contents of the crate>$b$bI wonder if consuming this substance makes the furbolg more aggressive. They do seem much larger...','We\'ll see what happens when the Winterfall don\'t get their firewater!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2398insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2353,5088,'Arikara','Take this refined and purified Incendia powder to Thousand Needles and toss it on the sacred fire of life. It is located in the Darkcloud Pinnacle on an isolated needle where they bury their dead.$B$BThe enchantment that I have weaved into the Incendia powder will summon Arikara to you, $N.$B$BI fear she may be stalking Cairne Bloodhoof; too much Tauren lore has changed, and I fear this has angered Arikara. Move quickly before all is lost, $c!','Slay Arikara. Bring her remains and the Incendia powder to Motega Firemane in Whitereach Post as proof of your deed.','This does not make sense. Why would Arikara be after Cairne Bloodhoof? Magatha could not be wrong, she is our most powerful $C.$B$B<Motega shakes his head.>$B$BRegardless, your great deed to the Horde shall not go unnoticed - please, choose one of these as a reward for your aid.','Have you slain the vicious serpent Arikara, $N?','Light the Sacred Fire of Life','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2399insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2354,5089,'General Drakkisath\'s Command','From the corpse of the defeated serpent you uncover what appears to be a note of some importance: A letter from his superior, General Drakkisath, concerning protocol.$B$BYour instinct tells you that you should take it to Marshal Maxwell.','Take General Drakkisath\'s Command to Marshal Maxwell in Burning Steppes.','The plot thickens...','What have you got there, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2400insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2355,5090,'A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!','Hear ye, hear ye!  All heroes are called upon to heed these words!$B$BA call to arms has been issued by the Kingdom of Stormwind!  All able bodied individuals are entreated to take up arms against the dark threat of the Scourge in the northern lands of the Eastern Kingdoms!  Rumors fly of new threats rising from the ruins of the Plaguelands!$B$BHeroes of the realm - seek out Commander Ashlam Valorfist who has set up his base camp in Chillwind Camp, north of the Alterac Mountains!','Seek out Commander Ashlam Valorfist.  His base camp is located at Chillwind Camp, north of the Alterac Mountains.','Welcome to the Plaguelands, hero. This is one of most dangerous frontiers in Azeroth, especially with the looming threat of the Scourge to our north and northeast. I am glad to hear that the clarion call of duty and service to the greater good did not fall on deaf ears with you!$b$bIf you are ready to get your hands dirty, then there is plenty for willing and able heroes to do here on the edge of the Plaguelands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2401insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2356,5091,'A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!','Hear ye, hear ye!  All heroes are called upon to heed these words!$B$BA call to arms has been issued by the Kingdom of Stormwind!  All able bodied individuals are entreated to take up arms against the dark threat of the Scourge in the northern lands of the Eastern Kingdoms!  Rumors fly of new threats rising from the ruins of the Plaguelands!$B$BHeroes of the realm - seek out Commander Ashlam Valorfist who has set up his base camp in Chillwind Camp, north of the Alterac Mountains!','Seek out Commander Ashlam Valorfist.  His base camp is located at Chillwind Camp, north of the Alterac Mountains.','Welcome to the Plaguelands, hero.  This is one of the most dangerous frontiers in Azeroth, especially with the looming threat of the Scourge to our north and northeast.  I am glad to hear that the clarion call of duty and service to the greater good did not fall on deaf ears with you!$B$BIf you are ready to get your hands dirty, then there is plenty for willing and able heroes to do here on the edge of the Plaguelands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2402insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2357,5092,'Clear the Way','With Andorhal\'s western and northern roads into the city well fortified, I\'m looking to strike at it from the less defended eastern road.  The Scourge relies on the buffer of undead that infests Sorrow Hill as a first line of defense.  If we are to advance on Andorhal, we will need to do it through Sorrow Hill.$B$BYour first assignment will be to clear the way through Sorrow Hill.  Thin out the skeletons and ghouls that haunt the area; report back to me when this is done!','Kill 10 Skeletal Flayers and 10 Slavering Ghouls in Sorrow Hill.$B$BReturn to Commander Ashlam Valorfist at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','Mission accomplished, $N!  Well played, well played.$B$BAllow me to reward your work thus far with some coin from the Stormwind coffers.  I\'d recommend spending it on materiel that will aid you in your next mission... one that will take you into the ruins of Andorhal itself.$B$BBe ready!  Be vigilant!','I want you to prepare for the worst, $N - dig deep.  The task in front of us will not be easy.  As we rally our forces here to eventually strike out against the Scourge, you will be part of our advance effort that takes the fight to them!  Your assigned mission in Sorrow Hill will begin our path to victory!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2403insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2358,5093,'A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!','Heroes of the realm, hear me - the Horde calls upon you for swift action!$B$BA call to arms has been issued for all able bodied individuals to take up arms against the Scourge!  Rumors fly of new threats rising from the ruins of the Eastern Kingdoms.  They loom to the east of the Undercity, in the northern reaches of the lands now known as the Plaguelands!$B$BHeroes of the realm - seek out High Executor Derrington, who has set up his base camp at the Bulwark, east of Tirisfal Glade!','Seek out High Executor Derrington.  His base camp is located at the Bulwark, east of Tirisfal Glade and the Undercity.','Welcome to the Plaguelands, hero. This is one of the most dangerous frontiers in Azeroth, with the looming threat of the Scourge to our east, and then even further still eastward from there. I am glad to hear that the call of duty and service to the Horde did not fall on deaf ears with you!$B$BIf you are ready to get your hands dirty, then there is plenty for willing and able heroes to do here on the edge of the Plaguelands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2404insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2359,5094,'A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!','Heroes of the realm, hear me - the Horde calls upon you for swift action!$B$BA call to arms has been issued for all able bodied individuals to take up arms against the Scourge!  Rumors fly of new threats rising from the ruins of the Eastern Kingdoms.  They loom to the east of the Undercity, in the northern reaches of the lands now known as the Plaguelands!$B$BHeroes of the realm - seek out High Executor Derrington, who has set up his base camp at the Bulwark, east of Tirisfal Glade!','Seek out High Executor Derrington.  His base camp is located at the Bulwark, east of Tirisfal Glade and the Undercity.','Welcome to the Plaguelands, hero. This is one of most dangerous frontiers in Azeroth, with the looming threat of the Scourge to our east, and then even further still eastward from there. I am glad to hear that the call of duty and service to the Horde did not fall on deaf ears with you!$b$bIf you are ready to get your hands dirty, then there is plenty for willing and able heroes to do here on the edge of the Plaguelands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2405insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2360,5095,'A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!','Heroes of the realm, hear me - the Horde calls upon you for swift action!$B$BA call to arms has been issued for all able bodied individuals to take up arms against the Scourge!  Rumors fly of new threats rising from the ruins of the Eastern Kingdoms.  They loom to the east of the Undercity, in the northern reaches of the lands now known as the Plaguelands!$B$BHeroes of the realm - seek out High Executor Derrington, who has set up his base camp at the Bulwark, east of Tirisfal Glades!','Seek out High Executor Derrington.  His base camp is located at the Bulwark, east of Tirisfal Glades and the Undercity.','Welcome to the Plaguelands, hero. This is one of the most dangerous frontiers in Azeroth, with the looming threat of the Scourge to our east, and then even further still eastward from there. I am glad to hear that the call of duty and service to the Horde did not fall on deaf ears with you!$B$BIf you are ready to get your hands dirty, then there is plenty for willing and able heroes to do here on the edge of the Plaguelands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2406insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2361,5096,'Scarlet Diversions','Before Andorhal, we must tackle the advancing Scarlet Crusade menace from Hearthglen.  They\'ve made camp between Felstone Field and Dalson\'s Tears, making us risk conflict against both the Scourge and the Crusade at once.$B$BMy plan is to play them off of each other by sending you to destroy the command tent they\'ve set up; use some Flame in a Bottle from this box of incendiaries.  Once razed, plant this Scourge banner by the tent.  With some luck, they\'ll ignore us and focus on the Scourge for vengeance.','Proceed to the Scarlet Crusade\'s base camp between Felstone Field and Dalson\'s Tears and destroy their command tent.$B$BPlace the Scourge banner at the camp, and then return to High Executor Derrington at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Finely executed, $N. Your attack on the Scarlet Crusade will buy us time. I have sent one of my best scouts out to watch over the camp and make sure that the Crusade forces that come to reinforce the position will take the bait.$B$BWith the pressure on us lessened, we should now finally be able to risk a mission into Andorhal itself, and an important one at that. I\'d very much like it if you\'d perform this one as well, based on your success to date.','','Destroy the command tent and plant the Scourge banner in the camp','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2407insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2362,5097,'All Along the Watchtowers','Through the use of a magical device known as a beacon torch, we can mark targets of our choosing for future actions by our troops.  To that end, we think the Scourge are using Andorhal\'s watchtowers as a means to control their troop movements.$B$BYour mission: breach Andorhal\'s defenses to plant beacons at all four watchtowers.  You\'ll need to be in the doorway of each tower to plant the beacon; it will then proceed to mark the tower.  There are only five charges on the beacon torch, so use them wisely!','Using the Beacon Torch, mark each tower in Andorhal; you will need to stand in the doorway of the tower to successfully mark it.$B$BOnce all four towers are marked, return the Beacon Torch to Commander Ashlam Valorfist in Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','My priests are reporting that our beacon trackers are picking up extremely strong signals on all four towers! Dare I say it, but I believe you\'ve executed another mission with complete and total success! Well played once again, $N!$B$BWith the towers marked, our preparations for the attack are now in place. The time has come to take the fight to the Scourge!','Once the towers are marked, they\'ll become top priority targets for our attack on Andorhal. I suspect that once we neutralize the towers, the main threat of Andorhal will emerge. From that point on, we\'ll have a straight-up fight for control of the city!$B$Byou\'re back to report success, yes? Don\'t forget the beacon torch as well; we must maintain control of our materiel.','','Tower One marked','Tower Two marked','Tower Three marked','Tower Four marked',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2408insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2363,5098,'All Along the Watchtowers','Through the use of a magical device known as a beacon torch, we can mark targets of our choosing for future actions by our troops.  To that end, we think the Scourge are using Andorhal\'s watchtowers as a means to control their troop movements.$B$BYour mission: breach Andorhal\'s defenses to plant beacons at all four watchtowers.  You\'ll need to be in the doorway of each tower to plant the beacon; it will then proceed to mark the tower.  There are only five charges on the beacon torch, so use them wisely!','Using the Beacon Torch, mark each tower in Andorhal; you will need to stand in the doorway of the tower to successfully mark it.$B$BOnce all four towers are marked, return the Beacon Torch to High Executor Derrington at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','My priests are reporting that our beacon trackers are picking up extremely strong signals on all four towers! Dare I say it, but I believe you\'ve executed another mission with complete and total success! Well played once again, $N!$b$bWith the towers marked, our preparations for the attack are now in place. The time has come to take the fight to the Scourge!','Once the towers are marked, they\'ll become top priority targets for our attack on Andorhal. I suspect that once we neutralize the towers, the main threat of Andorhal will emerge. From that point on, we\'ll have a straight-up fight for control of the city!$b$bYou\'re back to report success, yes? Don\'t forget the beacon torch as well; we must maintain control of our materiel.','','Tower One marked','Tower Two marked','Tower Three marked','Tower Four marked',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2409insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2364,5101,'Lee\'s Ultimate Test Quest... of Doom!','Bah! What do think this is, some kind of Test Quest? I be there even be typos in it!$B$BIf ya be thinkin\' my quest is goin\' ta be easy, then ya got another thing coming!$B$BKill me ten sheep (1933) and don\'t come back until you do!','Kill 6 sheep for Benny and then run like hell!$B$B$B$B$BJust kidding... about the running part.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2410insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2365,5102,'General Drakkisath\'s Demise','We battle against these beasts on two fronts: From our capital of Stormwind we fight them from the inside out and here, in the Burning Steppes, we take the battle to their doorstep. We must be vigilant, $N. None should be spared our wrath as none of our own were spared when they struck at our homes and families.$B$BFind this General Drakkisath and destroy him!$B$BThe task certainly will not be a simple one, but the rewards shall be extravagant.','Travel to Blackrock Spire and destroy General Drakkisath. Return to Marshal Maxwell when the job is done.\r\n','Surely, we will strike against their dragon lords next. Well done, brave soldier of the Alliance! Well done, indeed.','Is it done?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2411insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2366,5103,'Hot Fiery Death','The only thing that remains of this human are some charred bones. He seems to have died within arms reach of what he was after - unfired plate gauntlets.$B$BPerhaps you should grab the gauntlets and get out of the fire?','Someone in this world must know what to do with these gauntlets. Good luck!','What the...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2412insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2367,5121,'High Chief Winterfall','While we still know very little about why the furbolg have been ingesting this strange substance, I do think it\'s best that we put a stop to it before it gets out of hand.$B$BThe Winterfall furbolg are not a normally aggressive tribe, and this change in their behavior leads me to think that they must be under orders from their chief. We most likely can\'t undo the damage that has already been done, but I think that if their leader is slain, they will not get any worse.$B$BHead east to Winterfall Village.','Donova Snowden in Winterspring wants you to defeat High Chief Winterfall.','Thank you so much, $N. I hope to get back to my studies without worry that I will be ambushed. Please accept this as a reward.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2413insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2368,5122,'The Medallion of Faith','The power of this chapel gives me the strength to resist the corruption in my heart. If I leave it, I will become a death knight. But there is a medallion, the medallion of faith, that will give me the strength I need to leave.$B$B Please, $N, retrieve the medallion. It is guarded by Malor the Zealous, a crazed member of the Scarlet Brotherhood who resides deep in the Scarlet Bastion in western Stratholme.','Retrieve the Medallion of Faith.','You retrieved the medallion! Now I will be able to leave the chapel and perform my duty.$B$BThat duty is to kill the beast who helped corrupt me and so many of my brothers and sisters, Baron Rivendare!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2414insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2369,5123,'The Final Piece','The log you found on the high chief looks extensive, but after looking through a couple of the pages, you find that you cannot read the text. The markings are so crude and poorly-formed that you are not sure if anyone would be able to read them.$B$BBut perhaps Donova will be able to tell you what it says... ','Bring the Crudely-written Log to Donova Snowden in Winterspring.','I wonder what all of this means... I can\'t make anything out...','Now, what\'s this, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2415insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2370,5124,'Fiery Plate Gauntlets','By Thaurissan\'s beard!$B$BWhere did you find them?$B$BMore importantly, are you willing to part with them? Naturally, I would pay you for such a noble gesture.$B$BI\'ll tell you what, $N. If you give me those unfired gauntlets, I will teach you how to make a set all your own. All you need to do is collect the parts for me so that I may narrow down the exact recipe.$B$BDo we have a deal??$B$BHere\'s the list of what I need, I\'ll front the non-enchanted thorium myself since you\'re supplying the gauntlets.\r\n','Bring Malyfous Darkhammer 6 Enchanted Thorium Bars, 2 Essence of Fire, and 4 Star Rubies. You will also need to turn in your Unfired Plate Gauntlets.','As promised, $N, here\'s your recipe! I\'m also going to throw in a little something extra for all of your hard work and dedication. What am I going to do with these anyway???','Time is money, $N and I don\'t have much of either.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2416insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2371,5125,'Aurius\' Reckoning','','','$N, I am dying... but my soul is saved.  For that, I owe you more than words can say.  Please, take this... and fight on, brave $C!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2417insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2372,5126,'Lorax\'s Tale','The Satyr paces about and talks to himself. Do you wish to question him?','Speak with Lorax. Listen to what he has to say.\r\n','','','Listen to Lorax\'s Tale','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2418insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2373,5127,'The Demon Forge','Lorax makes deals, he does not accept them from insignificant mortals.$B$BA deal I shall make with you, however... take this pike, it is imbued with powerful Fel energies. When you find Goraluk Anvilcrack, slay him and drive this pike through his dying heart. His soul he bartered, his soul I shall have. Return the pike and return the breastplate that the thief stole and I shall teach you what it is that he was to learn.','Travel to Blackrock Spire and find Goraluk Anvilcrack. Slay him and then use the Blood Stained Pike upon his corpse. After his soul has been siphoned, the pike will be Soul Stained.$B$BYou must also find the Unforged Rune Covered Breastplate.$B$BReturn both the Soul Stained Pike and the Unforged Rune Covered Breastplate to Lorax in Winterspring.','Our pact you did not break. The soul I did take. The reward I shall make.','Tempt not...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2419insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2374,5128,'Words of the High Chief','The Winterfall are no longer a threat to me, but if you still want to find out what was driving the furbolg to create and consume this strange firewater, I think you should seek out Kelek Skykeeper.$B$BHe is part of a group known as the Emerald Circle, druids that are committed to their work in Felwood, healing the land from the corruption.$B$BKelek has much experience with the furbolgs in Felwood, and may be able to tell you more about the log.$B$BThank you, again, $N.','Take the Crudely-written Log to Kelek Skykeeper in southern Felwood.','Yes, if you let me examine this for a while, I might be able to translate it for you.$b$b<Kelek flips through the pages.>$b$bWhen I am able to look over this fully, I will send word to you.$b$bThank you for sharing this with me, $N. Very little is known about the Winterfall furbolg.','The Emerald Circle is friendly to all, $R. What can I do for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2420insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2375,5141,'Dragonscale Leatherworking','Dragonscale leatherworking isn\'t easy, but it\'s extremely rewarding.  I\'ll teach you how to make this fine mail armor, but only if you agree to certain conditions.$B$BBy choosing this path, you agree never to learn elemental or tribal leatherworking; there is only room for one of the three at the apex of the craft.  Furthermore, I\'ll need some samples of your best work involving scorpid armor.  Finally, I\'ll need proof of your ability to acquire the staple of the trade: scales of the dragonkin.','Bring 2 Tough Scorpid Breastplates, 2 Tough Scorpid Gloves, and 10 Worn Dragonscales to Peter Galen in Azshara.$B$BCompleting this quest will give you access to the Dragonscale Leatherworking arts.$B$BThe completion of this quest will prevent you from learning Elemental Leatherworking and Tribal Leatherworking; be sure this is the path you wish to follow before doing so.','I\'ll hand it to you - it takes a strong will to make a permanent decision like you\'ve just done. I assure you, dragonscale leatherworking will prove to be a profitable and rewarding path for you to follow.$B$BTo train in the art for the future, simply speak to me and I will make available any knowledge that you have yet to commit as yours.','If you\'re ready to commit to a permanent decision by becoming a dragonscale leatherworker, then I\'m ready to take you on as a student. Just bring to me the things I asked for, and we\'ll begin your education.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2421insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2376,5142,'Little Pamela','So many of us died at the battle of Darrowshire.  So many died... and worse.$B$BWhen the battle began I hid my niece Pamela, and I do not know what happened to her.  I am but a wandering spirit, but my heart still longs to know Pamela\'s fate.$B$BPlease, good $c.  Will you go to Darrowshire and search for her?  It is to the east, beyond Gahrron\'s Withering.','Find Pamela Redpath.','Hello.  I\'m Pamela, what\'s your name?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2422insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2377,5143,'Tribal Leatherworking','To learn tribal leatherworking demands an understanding of how primal nature truly is; I know that you have already mastered the art of making wild leather armor, and I am willing to complete your training.$B$BKnow this, $c: by choosing this path you agree never to learn dragonscale or elemental leatherworking; there is only room for practice of one of the three arts.  Furthermore, bring to me the finest samples of your wild leather armor.  From there, we will begin your mastery.','Bring a Wild Leather Vest and a Wild Leather Helmet to Caryssia Moonhunter in Feralas.$B$BCompleting this quest will give you access to the Tribal Leatherworking arts.$B$BThe completion of this quest will prevent you from learning Dragonscale Leatherworking and Elemental Leatherworking; be sure this is the path you wish to follow before doing so.','You\'ve given your finest offerings, and nature will soon permit you to bend her to your will. Once I have finished my tutelage, your work will be a force of nature unto itself.$B$BTo train in the art for the future, simply speak to me and I will make available any knowledge that you have yet to commit as yours.','Nature is a force that must be appeased before you hope to learn how to bend its will into your leather garments. Bring me your offering to this force, and I will make sure you are heard.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2423insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2378,5144,'Elemental Leatherworking','Elemental leatherworking is what I know, and if you\'re willing to open your mind to the greater powers of substance, I will share with you all there is to learn.$B$BKnow this, $c: by choosing this path you agree never to learn dragonscale or tribal leatherworking; there is only room for practice of one of the three arts.  Furthermore, I\'ll need adequate proof that you are in tune with the elements of nature; to that end, bring me the purest essences of fire, water, earth, and wind.','Bring 2 Heart of Fire, 2 Globe of Water, 2 Core of Earth, and 2 Breath of Wind to Sarah Tanner in Searing Gorge.$B$BCompleting this quest will give you access to the Elemental Leatherworking arts.$B$BThe completion of this quest will prevent you from learning Dragonscale Leatherworking and Tribal Leatherworking; be sure this is the path you wish to follow before doing so.','You\'ve cast your lot, and the elements accept you. Once I have finished my tutelage, you shall command the will to craft the finest of leather garbs.$B$BTo train in the art for the future, simply speak to me and I will make available any knowledge that you have yet to commit as yours.','Making this kind of leather-based armor requires patience and dedication. Once you have cast your lot with the elements, there is no turning your back on them. Bring me proof of your worthiness, and we\'ll get started.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2424insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2379,5145,'Dragonscale Leatherworking','Dragonscale leatherworking isn\'t easy, but it\'s extremely rewarding.  I\'ll teach you how to make this fine mail armor, but only if you agree to certain conditions.$B$BBy choosing this path, you agree never to learn elemental or tribal leatherworking; there is only room for one of the three at the apex of the craft.  Furthermore, I\'ll need some samples of your best work involving scorpid armor.  Finally, I\'ll need proof of your ability to acquire the staple of the trade: scales of the dragonkin.','Bring 2 Tough Scorpid Breastplates, 2 Tough Scorpid Gloves, and 10 Worn Dragonscales to Thorkaf Dragoneye in the Badlands.$B$BCompleting this quest will give you access to the Dragonscale Leatherworking arts.$B$BThe completion of this quest will prevent you from learning Elemental Leatherworking and Tribal Leatherworking; be sure this is the path you wish to follow before doing so.','I\'ll hand it to you - it takes a strong will to make a permanent decision like you\'ve just done. I assure you, dragonscale leatherworking will prove to be a profitable and rewarding path for you to follow.$b$bTo train in the art for the future, simply speak to me and I will make available any knowledge that you have yet to commit as yours.','If you\'re ready to commit to a permanent decision by becoming a dragonscale leatherworker, then I\'m ready to take you on as a student. Just bring to me the things I asked for, and we\'ll begin your education.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2425insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2380,5146,'Elemental Leatherworking','Elemental leatherworking is what I know, and if you\'re willing to open your mind to the greater powers of substance, I will share with you all there is to learn.$B$BKnow this, $c: by choosing this path you agree never to learn dragonscale or tribal leatherworking; there is only room for practice of one of the three arts.  Furthermore, I\'ll need adequate proof that you are in tune with the elements of nature; to that end, bring me the purest essences of fire, water, earth, and wind.','Bring 2 Heart of Fire, 2 Globe of Water, 2 Core of Earth, and 2 Breath of Wind to Brumn Winterhoof in the Arathi Mountains.$B$BCompleting this quest will give you access to the Elemental Leatherworking arts.$B$BThe completion of this quest will prevent you from learning Dragonscale Leatherworking and Tribal Leatherworking; be sure this is the path you wish to follow before doing so.','You\'ve cast your lot, and the elements accept you. Once I have finished my tutelage, you shall command the will to craft the finest of leather garbs.$B$BTo train in the art for the future, simply speak to me and I will make available any knowledge that you have yet to commit as yours.','Making this kind of leather-based armor requires patience and dedication. Once you have cast your lot with the elements, there is no turning your back on them. Bring me proof of your worthiness, and we\'ll get started.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2426insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2381,5147,'Wanted - Arnak Grimtotem','Wanted: Arnak Grimtotem$B$BArnak the outcast is wanted for the heinous crimes of murder and kidnapping. Handsome rewards will be given to those brave enough to bring this criminal to justice.$B$BArnak was last seen on the cliffs near the Darkcloud Pinnacle. Show the proof of your deed to Cliffwatcher Longhorn in Freewind Post in order to claim the reward.','Slay Arnak Grimtotem and bring proof of your deed to Cliffwatcher Longhorn in Freewind Post.','Hah! Well, this is excellent news! I was starting to think that he would never be brought to justice!$b$bHere you are, $N... and thanks. News of Anrak\'s foul deeds boiled my blood!','Have you any news of that murderous Arnak Grimtotem?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2427insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2382,5148,'Tribal Leatherworking','To learn tribal leatherworking demands an understanding of how primal nature truly is; I know that you have already mastered the art of making wild leather armor, and I am willing to complete your training.$B$BKnow this, $c: by choosing this path you agree never to learn dragonscale or elemental leatherworking; there is only room for practice of one of the three arts.  Furthermore, bring to me the finest samples of your wild leather armor.  From there, we will begin your mastery.','Bring a Wild Leather Vest and a Wild Leather Helmet to Se\'Jib in Stranglethorn Vale.$B$BCompleting this quest will give you access to the Tribal Leatherworking arts.$B$BThe completion of this quest will prevent you from learning Dragonscale Leatherworking and Elemental Leatherworking; be sure this is the path you wish to follow before doing so.','You\'ve given your finest offerings, and nature will soon permit you to bend her to your will. Once I have finished my tutelage, your work will be a force of nature unto itself.$B$BTo train in the art for the future, simply speak to me and I will make available any knowledge that you have yet to commit as yours.','Nature is a force that must be appeased before you hope to learn how to bend its will into your leather garments. Bring me your offering to this force, and I will make sure you are heard.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2428insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2383,5149,'Pamela\'s Doll','My auntie Marlene told me to stay here in our house because my father had to go and fight.  My father\'s the bravest man in the whole world!$B$BBut I\'ve been here for a long time, and he hasn\'t come for me.  Sometimes bad people come and whisper to me and I want my dad to make them go away, but he\'s not here!$B$BAnd sometimes when it gets dark I want to play with my doll but I can\'t because I left it in town.$B$BWill you find my doll for me?','Find Pamela\'s doll.','You found it! You found my doll! Oh, thank you!','Did you find my doll?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2429insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2384,5150,'Dadanga is Hungry!','Dadanga looks up at you as you approach her. She seems to be hoping for something...$B$BShe\'s probably hungry!$B$BThere\'s got to be something growing in the crater that would be just the perfect snack for a large herbivore. Dadanga\'s a big girl; whatever you bring her, there would need to be a lot of it!','','Placing the sprouts in front of her, Dadanga seems pleased.$B$BShe nudges a small brown-wrapped package towards you, in exchange for the treat!','Dadanga looks up at you as you approach her. She seems to be hoping for something...$B$BShe\'s probably hungry!$B$BThere\'s got to be something growing in the crater that would be just the perfect snack for a large herbivore. Dadanga\'s a big girl; whatever you bring her, there would need to be a lot of it!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2430insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2385,5151,'Hypercapacitor Gizmo','I am the only survivor from our caravan attack by the centaur! A rare yet mighty panther is guarding my best gizmo, which is around his neck. Hah! Even the centaur tremble in the presence of this ferocious beast!$B$BHere is the key to the cage. They took everything there, but left him alone. Slay this beast and bring back my hypercapacitor, and I shall reward you.$b$bThe wrecked caravan is just north of here.\r\n','Slay the beast and bring back the Hypercapacitor Gizmo and Panther Cage Key to Wizlo Bearingshiner.','Do you have my Hypercapacitor?','My Hypercapacitor! This will keep me busy for a while until I can figure out what it does...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2431insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2386,5152,'Auntie Marlene','Oh, I\'m so lonely!  Where is my family?  Auntie Marlene told me to stay here, but then she left and never came back!  And my dad... have you seen him?$B$BMaybe Auntie Marlene knows where he is.  She lives near Andorhal, in a house to the south.  I think it was on a hill... she said it was on a hill.$B$BPlease, $N.  You\'re my new friend!  Will you talk to my Auntie for me?','Speak with Marlene, south of the Ruins of Andorhal.','You saw Pamela? How is she? Is she alive?? Oh, no! Poor Pamela! She was so young, and such a happy child...$b$bShe doesn\'t know what happened to her father, does she? My brother, Joseph?$b$bNo... she couldn\'t understand what happened to Joseph. And even if she could, I don\'t have the heart to tell her...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2432insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2387,5153,'A Strange Historian','I wish Joseph could again be with his daughter, but it cannot be so.  His soul was twisted by the Scourge, and he became a monster.  Oh, he is doomed!$B$BBut perhaps we can change his fate.$B$BSearch the graves outside for Joseph\'s monument.  His body\'s not there, for it was trampled and destroyed years ago, but under the monument is his wedding ring.  Take that ring to Chromie... a strange gnome with very strange powers.$B$BChromie is staying in the ruined inn at the northwest corner of Andorhal.','Bring Joseph\'s Wedding Ring to Chromie.','What is this? A wedding ring? Let me see...$b$bAh! This ring was once on the hand of a great man, but there is much tragedy in that man\'s past.$b$bAre you here to help him? It\'s far too late for him now... but perhaps we can help him in the past!','There is something timely about your visit. You\'re not from the future, are you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2433insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2388,5154,'The Annals of Darrowshire','To save Joseph Redpath, we must first discover his past.  We can learn this in the Annals of Darrowshire, a book held in the city hall of Andorhal.$B$BBring me that book.  We can then learn Joseph\'s fate, and with luck... change it!','Bring the Annals of Darrowshire to Chromie in Andorhal.','Well done, you found it!$b$bDid you read it? Is Joseph Redpath mentioned? If he is, then perhaps we can save him!$b$bAh. The Annals of Darrowshire tell a very unsettling tale. It says that during the battle, Joseph Redpath was corrupted and joined the ranks of the Scourge! He then betrayed the defenders of Darrowshire.$b$bThat is an ill fate. If we can, we should try to change that fate, don\'t you think?','Did you find the book, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2434insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2389,5155,'Forces of Jaedenar','If I am to trust you in this matter, you will first have to prove yourself.$B$BI must know that you are an enemy of the Shadow Council--the ones responsible for many evils here and abroad.$B$BTravel deeper into Felwood. To the west you will see a path leading to Jaedenar. It is there that the Council plots with the Burning Legion.$B$BEnter the depths of one of the corrupted Barrow Dens they inhabit and slay their kind. Return to me after you\'ve done this. Then I will know you truly seek to help us.','Enter Jaedenar and slay 4 Jaedenar Hounds, 4 Jaedenar Guardsmen, 6 Jaedenar Adepts, and 6 Jaedenar Cultists before returning to Greta Mosshoof in Felwood.','Good, $N! With their numbers weakening, we can further press them.$b$bHow was your first taste of their power? Were they as strong as you thought they would be? Stronger? Or perhaps they were no challenge for you at all. Wouldn\'t that be something?$b$bWe can discuss the details of your exploits later. There are other things we must focus on now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2435insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2390,5156,'Verifying the Corruption','To the north, along the east of the road in what\'s called Shatter Scar Vale, is an area where infernals were called down during the last great war--the craters still scar the land, as do the infernals themselves.$B$BI am curious about two things. First, are there still entropic elementals roaming the area? And second, are the craters still filled with the corrupt, fetid water that gathered there years ago? Will you help me and check, $N? Be careful though, the infernals destroy anything in their path.','Seek out and destroy 2 Entropic Beasts and 2 Entropic Horrors while exploring Shatter Scar Vale. After checking to see if the craters there are still filled with corrupt fel water, return to Taronn Redfeather in Felwood.','Good that you\'re alive, $N. Bad that the water still exists. I was hoping to find at least one pure source of water here in Felwood. It looks like my search has failed. The process of healing the land could have been made much easier with its existence.$b$bI will have to concern myself with saving what forest creatures I can while destroying those that have become so corrupt that they endanger themselves as much as travelers through this once-mighty forest.','I hope your search goes well, $N. I haven\'t started heading that far north, but I will admit, the thought of crossing the path of an infernal at any point scares me just a little. The creatures are brainless, but still quite intimidating.','Explore the craters in Shatter Scar Vale','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2436insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2391,5157,'Collection of the Corrupt Water','Deep within Jaedenar lies Shadow Hold--the main fortress of their corruption and evil.$B$BThe Shadow Council has protective spells surrounding their lair in the form of braziers. If I am to find out any more information about our enemy through scrying, then those braziers must be extinguished. By doing so, I should be able to spy on the Council and find out who leads them.$B$BIf you can, take this canteen and fill it at the Moon Well in the center of Jaedenar. Return to me afterwards.','Take the Empty Canteen to the Moon Well in the center of Jaedenar and fill it before returning to Greta Mosshoof in Felwood.','This will do nicely, $N.$b$bNow all we have to do besides apply the waters to the braziers is to have it purified. That should not be difficult--it should only require a little travel.$b$bHopefully we can do this quickly.','Once we have the waters from the Moon Well, we will purify it and use it to extinguish the braziers of protection within Shadow Hold. That should allow me ample time to see into the chambers even deeper and discern who actually leads this... cult.$b$bI pray the Earthmother is with us.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2437insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2392,5158,'Seeking Spiritual Aid','Take the corrupt water to the Barrens, $N. South of Ratchet, hidden along the shore, is an old friend of mine, a shaman named Islen Waterseer. She is a powerful shaman who will help us. Her relationship with the spirits of water has always been strong. Our task being a noble one should be enough to persuade her and the spirits of water to aid us in this task.$B$BYou should find her at a small camp right along the water\'s edge. And, $N, ignore the pirates... they are but a nuisance and no threat to you.','Take the Corrupt Moon Well Water to Islen Waterseer in the Barrens.','Ah, you need the water from this Moon Well cleansed. Stopping this force of malice in Felwood seems noble enough, but it is not for me to decide if the water will be purified. I will ask the spirits of water--it will be up to them to decide if the cause is just.$b$bGive me a moment and I will tell them of your plea. I hope they are as sympathetic as I am to your cause.','I sense you are not just a simple traveler looking for the path to Ratchet. Come, sit and rest at our camp. Speak to me when you\'re ready.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2438insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2393,5159,'Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood','Thank the spirits, $N. They are the ones that have come to your aid, not me.$B$BI give this purified water to you now. Please give my regards to Greta and my best wishes. She is tackling something greater than many of us... as I\'m sure she will soon find out.$B$BThe Shadow Council is not a force to be trifled with, $N. Remember that.$B$BGo now. Take the water and return to Greta.','Take the Purified Moon Well Water to Greta Mosshoof in Felwood.','This should be more than enough water for our purposes.$b$bI\'m glad to hear that Islen was able to help us. Her strength with the water spirits has always been a strong one. She is also wise, and rare is it that the spirits do not agree with her purpose. The fact that both of them have blessed our task gives me hope that we are on the right path.','Ah, I see you\'ve returned, $N. Good. Did you find Islen in the Barrens? Or do we have to find another way to accomplish our goals?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2439insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2394,5160,'The Matron Protectorate','Travel to Kalimdor, $r. Our flight makes its home in the frigid landscape of Winterspring. Once you reach Winterspring, find the caves of Mazthoril.$B$BUpon the icy floors of Mazthoril you will find cobalt runes. Hold one of my scales and stand upon a rune and you shall be transported to Haleh, our matron protectorate.$B$BGive her the scale so that she may scry what it is I have seen and felt, here in this doomed place.','Travel to Winterspring and find Haleh. Give her Awbee\'s scale.','The Aspects insist that we stay out of the affairs of mortals. In this world, however, such a thing is not always possible - especially when one of our own contemptuously disregards such edicts.','It is good to see you, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2440insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2395,5161,'Wrath of the Blue Flight','We understand what the cursed brood of Deathwing attempts to do and we know that it cannot be allowed.$B$BBecause of the protection Blackrock mountain affords Nefarian, it has become increasingly difficult for us to intercede.$B$BWe can, however, empower you, mortal - should you so choose.$B$BThe path before you is one full of peril. You must decide whether to accept our help. Ponder this and speak with me again when a decision has been made.','Speak with Haleh if you wish to continue.','So it shall be...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2441insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2396,5162,'Wrath of the Blue Flight','It is the arcane that I control and the arcane which will send you to your next destination.$B$BWhen you are ready, the journey will begin. To the Plaguelands you will go and to Jeziba you will speak.$B$BHe is a mortal as wise as the ancients and as patient as the immovable earth. Find him in Andorhal.\r\n','Speak with Jeziba in the Plaguelands. He resides in Andorhal.','I am Jeziba, known to many as the Sculptor. What I sculpt, however, are not statues, but heroes.$b$b','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2442insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2397,5163,'Are We There, Yeti?','It\'s all ready, $N!$B$BNow, I sent some mail to my friends already, telling them that I have a surprise for them. This is where you come in!$B$BI\'m going to give you my mechanical yeti, and you need to surprise them by paying each of my friends a visit, turning the yeti on and sending it towards them.$B$B Once you have shown Legacki in Everlook, Sprinkle in Gadgetzan, and Quixxil in Marshal\'s Refuge, come back and tell me what happened!$B$BPlease bring my yeti back to me then, too.','Take Umi\'s Mechanical Yeti and scare her friends with it:$B$BLegacki in Everlook (Winterspring)$BSprinkle in Gadgetzan (Tanaris)$BQuixxil in Marshal\'s Refuge (Un\'Goro Crater)$B$BWhen you are done, bring the Mechanical Yeti back to Umi.','Hah! They\'ll think twice before making fun of my ideas again!$B$BThanks for your help, $N. I couldn\'t have had so much fun without you!','I can\'t wait to hear how my friends react!$B$BThey\'ll never expect it!','','Scare Legacki','Scare Sprinkle','Scare Quixxil','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2443insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2398,5164,'Catalogue of the Wayward','A finer instrument of justice, Haleh could not have chosen. Read from the catalogue of the wayward and be enlightened.$B$BShould you persist... should you do what is asked of you... should you survive... a hero you will make.','Read from the Catalogue of the Wayward.\r\n','Hundreds upon hundreds of pages filled with garbled text and symbols make up the brunt of this book.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2444insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2399,5165,'Dousing the Flames of Protection','Now, you must return to Jaedenar. The braziers are more than likely spread throughout Shadow Hold. Douse each of their flames and the protections the Council has set up will fall for at least a short period of time. I will be waiting for that to happen. When it does, I will look deep within the Hold and try to find out who the head of this beast is. Then, and only then, will we see about attacking them directly.','Using the Purified Moon Well Water, douse the flames of the four braziers of protection within Shadow Hold in Felwood, then return to Greta Mosshoof in the Emerald Sanctuary.','I was able to see you with my spells as soon as the last brazier\'s flames died. Well done, $N.$b$bI learned a few things before the Shadow Council\'s warlocks were able to recast their spells. Hopefully it will be enough.$b$bFor now, rest. I will tell you what I\'ve learned in a moment.','','','Extinguish the Brazier of Pain','Extinguish the Brazier of Malice','Extinguish the Brazier of Suffering','Extinguish the Brazier of Hatred',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2445insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2400,5166,'Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight','The forging of a powerful breastplate to protect against the unrelenting attacks of the chromatic flight is one built upon irony.$B$BThe scales of the very beasts we battle must be sewn to the pristine carapace of an elder chromatic drake or dragon. None are known to exist at this time and we should hope that none will ever exist.$B$BLastly, perhaps the most difficult of all components: the blood of heroes.$B$BThe Sculptor must ultimately forge this creation.','To forge the Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight, you will be required to bring the following items to Jeziba the \'Sculptor\':$B$B1 Chromatic Carapace.$B$B10 Brilliant Chromatic Scales.$B$B10 Blood of Heroes.$B$B10 Frayed Abomination Stitchings.','Do you not yet understand? The journey was the destination. Can you not feel the battle scars? The pain you underwent?$B$BHaving survived the ordeal, you are a more powerful being. Much more powerful. This breastplate is merely a reflection of your own innate abilities.','You have chosen wisely, $R.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2446insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2401,5167,'Legplates of the Chromatic Defier','The carapace of a mature chromatic drake is needed to form the foundation of the leggings. Brilliant chromatic scales are then layered upon the wire frame and enchanted in the blood of heroes. Finally, the supple skin of shadow must be applied to the inner greaves.','To forge the Legplates of the Chromatic Defier, you will be required to bring the following items to Jeziba the \'Sculptor\':$B$B1 Chromatic Carapace.$B$B10 Brilliant Chromatic Scales.$B$B10 Blood of Heroes.$B$B5 Skin of Shadow.','They will smell their kin as you enter their halls, $N. Crush them with their own fear!','Such an item has never been crafted!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2447insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2402,5168,'Heroes of Darrowshire','The heroes of Darrowshire hold a place in my heart, and the book you brought me, the Annals of Darrowshire, tells their tales.$B$BIt tells of the paladin Davil Lightfire and how the Crusade took his libram to the town hall of Hearthglen.$B$BIts passages also speak of my brother, Captain Redpath.  After his betrayal, his shield was cracked and discarded and now lies in the most unlikely of places -- near the barn of Gahrron\'s Withering.$B$BGather these relics, $N.  For fate and tragedy surrounds them.','Bring Davil\'s Libram and Redpath\'s Shield to Carlin Redpath.','You have the libram and the shield!$b$bTheir history is entwined with the history of Darrowshire, and somehow, I know that fate will bring them together again.','Do you have the relics, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2448insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2403,5181,'Villains of Darrowshire','The Annals of Darrowshire tells of the villains of that battle.  It tells how the ghoul lord Horgus the Ravager was destroyed by Alliance forces during the battle.  His body was cast into a lake, northwest of Corin\'s Crossing, and his skull remains there.$B$BMarduk the Black was never defeated, but his fabled sword was shattered and lost.  It lies at the bottom of the gorge west of Corin\'s Crossing.$B$BRetrieve these items, $N.  I know not why, but I am certain their fate lies with you.','Bring the Skull of Horgus and the Shattered Sword of Marduk to Carlin Redpath at Light\'s Hope Chapel.','You found them! Well done, $N! These relics hold a power I do not fully understand, a power you will one day harness.$b$bThey also bring dark memories to my mind, memories death and treachery, and of the last night of Darrowshire...','Did you find the skull and the sword, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2449insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2404,5201,'Winterfall Intrusion','My presence goes unnoticed by most, $N. However, there is an annoyance that seems firmly rooted here in Winterspring: the Winterfall furbolg.$B$BAlthough I have never directly attacked the furbolg, they seem crazed, fearful of anything in their path. I have watched them slay countless creatures that had the misfortune to simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time.$B$BI am weary of their meddling -- please, help me by fighting back. Slay the furbolg and keep them away from Frostsaber Rock.','Rivern Frostwind wants you to slay 5 Winterfall Shaman and 5 Winterfall Ursa.','I am relieved to hear that for a short moment, we will not have to worry about the Winterfall intrusion.$B$BYou are beginning to show your perseverance, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2450insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2405,5202,'A Strange Red Key','The small red key seems to be made of some kind of bone material. It is heavy in your hand, but appears very fragile. Why would a member of the Shadow Council have such a thing? Perhaps there is something within Jaedenar that this strange key unlocks.','Search through Jaedenar to discover what the Blood Red Key is used for.','The key, you\'ve found it! Please, give it to me and I can finally escape!','I begin to wonder if I\'ll ever escape this cage.$b$bIt\'s only a matter of time before they sacrifice me to whatever demons they worship. The monsters!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2451insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2406,5203,'Rescue From Jaedenar','But, as much as it pains me, there is one thing that must be done first: I have to find Trey\'s sword Lightforge and escape Shadow Hold to tell my superiors what\'s happening here. Can you help me, $N?$B$BOur equipment isn\'t far from here, and you\'ve already proven you can survive the path to the top.$B$BAfter we escape, I\'ll head to Darnassus if you can find my friend Jessir near the Ashenvale border. She was to meet us at the Emerald Circle\'s camp near there.$B$BWhat do you say, $N? Can you help me again?','Escort Arko\'narin to where Lightforge and her equipment are being held, and then protect her as you escape Shadow Hold. Afterwards, seek out Jessir Moonbow in Felwood to let her know what\'s happened to her friends.','You were the one who helped Arko escape? I\'m so glad you found me. She passed by here not too long ago on her way to Darnassus. She had Lightforge in tow and wouldn\'t even take time to speak to the druids to be healed. She said it was far too urgent.$b$bBut she did tell me about your encounter with Trey\'s spirit. What a terrible fate for a Knight of the Silver Hand. She didn\'t show it, but I know it\'s tearing her up inside, the thought of losing one of her closest friends.','','Protect Arko\'narin out of Shadow Hold','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2452insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2407,5204,'Retribution of the Light','She would like to pretend that she\'s fine. She\'d love for me to think that she\'s strong enough to deal with all of this on her own, but I know better than that. Trey\'s death and hearing the torture he was put through is going to haunt her for a long time, and there\'s nothing we can do to stop that. But we can give her some peace!$B$B$N, return to Shadow Hold, kill Trey\'s torturer and find his remains. There is no reason we can\'t tie off all these loose ends while Arko\'narin mourns in her own private way.','Return to Jaedenar and kill the succubus Rakaiah before finding the Remains of Trey Lightforge.','You gather the $C\'s remains as carefully as you can, recalling that at least his spirit has been released from any pain or suffering that might have been forced upon him.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2453insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2408,5206,'Marauders of Darrowshire','Chromie said the relics you gathered are reagents to a powerful spell, and one more is required: skulls from the scourge who took part in the battle of Darrowshire.$B$BTake this crystal and hunt scourge champions for their skulls.  The crystal is enchanted; if a champion took part in the battle, then when you pass the crystal over its skull it will resonate.  Bring me those resonating skulls.$B$BGo, $N.  You\'ll find scourge champions in the Noxious Glade to the north and the Fungal Vale to the west.','Bring 5 Resonating Skulls and the Mystic Crystal to Carlin Redpath in Eastern Plaguelands.','You found them! Wonderful!$b$bAlthough I don\'t fully understand how they can help us, I feel their power and I know in my bones that they are linked to my home village of Darrowshire.','Do you have the skulls? Chromie said they will be critical for her spell, and that spell will give us the chance to save Darrowshire.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2454insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2409,5210,'Brother Carlin','The Annals of Darrowshire, through my magic, has gained pages at its end, and now it extends its history beyond the battle.  One of the extra passages tells of another Redpath, Carlin, who survived Joseph\'s betrayal.  Carlin\'s now in the Plaguelands to the east, at the Light\'s Hope Chapel.$B$BTake the book and speak with him.','Bring the Extended Annals of Darrowshire to Carlin Redpath in Eastern Plaguelands.','What is this book? The Annals of Darrowshire? That was my home before the war... my home before the battle that destroyed it! Why did you bring me this book?$b$bBut look here! At the end there are pages that tell tales of the days beyond the battle! Here is a passage about me! And one about my brother Joseph! Is this book true?$b$bWe must discover the truth!','You\'ve come from the west? How fare the rest of Lordaeron? I know that Anderhol is lost, but has the Scourge yet reached fair Tirisfal?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2455insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2410,5211,'Defenders of Darrowshire','Many of the defenders fell at the battle of Darrowshire.  And many roam again as the ghastly servants of the Scourge!  Find these poor souls and end their misery!$B$BHunt cannibal ghouls, gibbering ghouls and diseased flayers.  Many of these fiends were once the good folk of Darrowshire and destroying their forms now will set their souls free.$B$BYou will find them in Plaguewood and Corin\'s Crossing, and in other Scourge strongholds of Eastern Plaguelands.','Free 15 Darrowshire Spirits and return to Carlin Redpath.','It is good to hear you found the tortured souls of my brethren and freed them. My heart will weep less, knowing at least some of the defenders of Darrowshire no longer wallow in the vile subservience of the Scourge.','The poor defenders of Darrowshire cry out to me in my dreams, $N. You must free them!','','Darrowshire Spirits Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2456insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2411,5212,'The Flesh Does Not Lie','The Forsaken apothecaries are not the only beings in this world schooled in the sciences.$B$BI have been studying the plague for years, $r. We had previously thought that the potency of the plague was dwindling, but what I have discovered here in the Plaguelands is startling. The plague seems to be growing in strength!$B$BI need to run more tests! The most potent source of the plague is from the tainted flesh of the most recently infected. Travel to Stratholme and bring me samples, $N.\r\n','Recover 10 Plagued Flesh Samples from Stratholme and return them to Betina Bigglezink. You suspect that any creature in Stratholme would have said flesh sample.','There is something that has changed in the chemical structure of the plague\'s active agents. More data is required.','Some say I worry too much - to them I say, \'You don\'t worry enough!\'','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2457insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2412,5213,'The Active Agent','You will have to delve deeper into Stratholme, $N.$B$BBeyond the first gates you will find the ziggurats. We know that the Scourge draws great power from these structures. Search the Ziggurats and return with any information that you may discover.\r\n','Travel to Stratholme and search the ziggurats. Find and return new Scourge Data to Betina Bigglezink.\r\n','Astonishing! This will take months to dissect and analyze. The Argent Dawn thanks you for your efforts, $N.$B$BWith our blessing, take your pick between either this Seal of the Dawn or this Rune of the Dawn. You can use either of them instead of a standard Argent Dawn Commission to collect scourgestones on our behalf. Should you lose yours, speak with me and I\'ll get you a replacement.','We are on the verge of discovering what this new active plague agent may be!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2458insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2413,5214,'The Great Fras Siabi','Terrible thing... what happened to Fras. You see, the town was sacked and Fras didn\'t want to leave his precious goods behind. The last thing I remember him saying was, \'I\'ll burn every last leaf before they get their damned, dirty hands on them!\'$B$BI may love a good stogie but I\'m no fool. I left Fras and his delightful store that day. I assume he went down in flames but if there\'s a chance that even one box of his famous tobacco is still intact...$B$BWhat do you say, $N? Find a box for ol\' Smokey?','Find Fras Siabi\'s smoke shop in Stratholme and recover a box of Siabi\'s Premium Tobacco. Return to Smokey LaRue when the job is done.\r\n','Oh sweet, sweet stogie, how I have missed you...','I can\'t take it, $N! You gotta help me! I\'m dying!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2459insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2414,5215,'The Scourge Cauldrons','Within the lands of former Lordaeron are eight cauldrons - four here in the west, and four more ensconced in the east.  These cauldrons spew poisons into the air, propagating the plague throughout the land for the Scourge.$B$BThe necromantic might of Kel\'Thuzad is too strong to outright shut down these cauldrons, but we think we might have a way to subvert them to our advantage.  My second, High Priestess MacDonnell, will be your point on this assignment; she\'ll continue the briefing from here.','Speak with High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands.','May the power of the Light shine upon you in these dark times, $c.  I am pleased to serve as your coordinator for our plan to sabotage the Scourge\'s cauldrons.$B$BOur goal will be to change the composition of the plague that the cauldrons create into something that negatively affects the Scourge.  In order to affect this change, you will need to secure access to each of the four cauldrons present in the Western Plaguelands.$B$BStand ready hero, for a glorious battle against the vile Scourge awaits you!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2460insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2415,5216,'Target: Felstone Field','Of the four cauldrons here in the west, the one located at Felstone Field may be the easiest one in obtaining access to.  The Scourge have greener troops positioned here, though they should not be underestimated.$B$BGo to Felstone Field, northwest of Andorhal, and engage the cauldron lord there.  We think it has a key that will unlock access to the cauldron.  When unlocked, use this bottle to obtain a sample of the poisons inside the cauldron; we\'ll need it for study in developing a counter agent.','Go to Felstone Field in Western Plaguelands to locate and defeat the Cauldron Lord present there.  It may have a key that will allow access to the cauldron.  You must have the Empty Felstone Field Bottle with you to secure a sample of the poisons used inside the cauldron.','The key taken from Cauldron Lord Bilemaw is a perfect fit in unlocking the access panel.  A foul stench emanates from the opened panel as an unknown mix of concentrated substances swirl inside the cauldron.$B$BThere is a small spigot that the bottle fits well enough under, allowing you to draw a sample for High Priestess MacDonnell back at Chillwind Point.','An access panel to the cauldron remains securely fastened.  In order to open it, you will need to find the key.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2461insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2416,5217,'Return to Chillwind Camp','You fill the bottle with enough of the cauldron\'s poisonous concoction for a suitable sample to be studied.$B$BWith the poison in hand, it is time to return to High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Camp to complete the mission.','Bring the Filled Felstone Field Bottle to High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','Well done $N - it should take Alchemist Arbington no time at all to analyze this and devise a counter agent to introduce into the cauldron.  If we are able to pump out enough of it into the air, we might be able to weaken all the Scourge present here.$B$BThis will no doubt be an ongoing ordeal; we will need to continually hit these cauldrons and introduce our reagents into their mix.  Still, if we can keep it up, we will have a huge advantage over Scourge when the time comes for battle!','Welcome back to the relative safety of Chillwind Camp, $N.  What progress on the cauldrons do you have to report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2462insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2417,5218,'Felstone Field Cauldron','The Scourge\'s plague cauldron stands before you, spewing vast amounts of toxins into the air.  A small, non-descript access panel lies in the base of the cauldron\'s vast platform.$B$BHaving already defeated the cauldron lord and acquired its key, you are free to add the appropriate reagents to the cauldron to make a counter agent to the plague.','','Adding the reagents to the cauldron\'s mix begins to change the color and texture of the cloud it spews forth.  Scourge that are even remotely near the cauldron appear to recoil at the introduction of the new components into the environment.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2463insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2418,5219,'Target: Dalson\'s Tears','One of the plague cauldrons is located in the field of a former farmhouse now referred to as Dalson\'s Tears.  Well, we shall shed no tears this day as we thwart the Scourge and have them choke on their own fumes!$B$BGo to Dalson\'s Tears, almost due north of Andorhal, and eliminate the cauldron lord there.  It should have a key like the last one did, allowing you into the cauldron.  Use this bottle to obtain a sample from inside the cauldron; each cauldron has its own distinct brew of toxins it uses.','Go to Dalson\'s Tears in Western Plaguelands to locate and defeat the Cauldron Lord present there, and use its key to gain access to the cauldron.  You must have the Empty Dalson\'s Tears Bottle with you to secure a sample of the poisons used inside the cauldron.','The skeletal key found on the cauldron lord easily slides into a keyhole and then disappears, allowing you permanent access to it. Crude, viscous ichors pulsate through twisted tubes within the cauldrons underpinnings.$b$bThere is a small spigot that the bottle fits well enough under, allowing you to draw a sample for Shadow Priestess Vandis back at the Bulwark.','An access panel to the cauldron remains securely fastened. In order to open it, you will need to find the key.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2464insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2419,5220,'Return to Chillwind Camp','You carefully fill the bottle with enough of the cauldron\'s ichors for what you consider to be suitably sized sample.$B$BWith the poison in hand, it is time to return to High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Camp to complete the mission.','Bring the Filled Dalson\'s Tears Bottle to High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','Ah, there is plenty in here for study. Well done, $N!$B$BFor now, the next step is in our hands. We\'ll need to produce a list of reagents that, when combined with what is already in the cauldron, will act as its counter.$B$BThe only way we will be able to introduce this is by placing the reagents into the cauldron directly. Alchemist Arbington will have more information on that, so be sure to speak with him at your earliest convenience.','We know that each cauldron employs a different mix of reagents to generate its plague-inducing toxin; likewise, we know that we will need to develop a counter agent that is unique for each cauldron. Your sample from Dalson\'s Tears will be the key to figure out that cauldron\'s distinct reagent requirement.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2465insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2420,5221,'Dalson\'s Tears Cauldron','','','Adding the reagents to the cauldron\'s mix begins to change the color and texture of the cloud it spews forth. Scourge that are even remotely near the cauldron appear to recoil at the introduction of the new components into the environment.','The Scourge\'s plague cauldron stands before you, spewing vast amounts of toxins into the air. A small, non-descript access panel lies in the base of the cauldron\'s vast platform.$B$BHaving already defeated the cauldron lord and acquired its key, you are free to add the appropriate reagents to the cauldron to make a counter agent to the plague.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2466insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2421,5222,'Target: Writhing Haunt','Two cauldrons have been successfully opened; while you will be able to access them indefinitely, we still want to open up the other two that remain.  This will provide all of us with more options to introduce the counter agent!$B$BThis time, you\'ll be hitting the Writhing Haunt\'s cauldron.  It is almost due east of Andorhal, relatively close to the ruined city walls; again, eliminate the cauldron lord present there for its key.  Use this bottle to obtain the sample from the cauldron.$B$BGood hunting, $N!','Go to the Writhing Haunt in Western Plaguelands to locate and defeat the Cauldron Lord present there, and use its key to gain access to the cauldron.  You must have the Empty Writhing Haunt Bottle with you to secure a sample of the poisons used inside the cauldron.','The cauldron lord\'s key unlocks the access panel to this cauldron and then disappears, much like the other keys have for the previous ones you\'ve dealt of. A putrid smelling substance churns violently beneath the platform of the cauldron.$b$bThere is a small spigot that the bottle fits well enough under, allowing you to draw a sample for Shadow Priestess Vandis back at the Bulwark.','An access panel to the cauldron remains securely fastened. In order to open it, you will need to find the key.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2467insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2422,5223,'Return to Chillwind Camp','You delicately top off the empty bottle; a sample of the foul substance that churns under the platform of the cauldron now oozes back and forth inside the fragile glass container.$B$BWith the poison in hand, it is time to return to High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Camp to complete the mission.','Bring the Filled Writhing Haunt Bottle to High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','Another finely executed mission, $N! This makes three cauldrons available to us to turn against the Scourge. If Kel\'Thuzad\'s necromantic dominance over these lands wasn\'t as strong as it currently is, I\'d dare say you\'d shut them down completely!$B$BAlchemist Arbington will have a report on what this cauldron - as well as the other cauldrons subverted - will require to deliver our counter agent to the plague. With that, the time has come to bring the last cauldron of the west under our influence!','Once we successfully analyze the sample drawn from the Writhing Haunt\'s cauldron, it will provide us with a third avenue to deliver a devastating counter agent onto the Scourge!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2468insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2423,5224,'Writhing Haunt Cauldron','','','Adding the reagents to the cauldron\'s mix begins to change the color and texture of the cloud it spews forth. Scourge that are even remotely near the cauldron appear to recoil at the introduction of the new components into the environment.','The Scourge\'s plague cauldron stands before you, spewing vast amounts of toxins into the air. A small, non-descript access panel lies in the base of the cauldron\'s vast platform.$B$BHaving already defeated the cauldron lord and acquired its key, you are free to add the appropriate reagents to the cauldron to make a counter agent to the plague.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2469insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2424,5225,'Target: Gahrron\'s Withering','The last cauldron that remains is located on a farm now called Gahrron\'s Withering.  It is guarded by some of the Scourge\'s tougher minions - specifically, wraiths and ghosts.  They are not to be trifled with, $N.$B$BGahrron\'s Withering is due northeast of our position here, close to where the Eastern Plaguelands begin; again, eliminate the cauldron lord present there for its key.  Here is your empty sample bottle; bring it to me filled.  May the Light protect you in this dangerous mission, $c.','Go to Gahrron\'s Withering in Western Plaguelands to locate and defeat the Cauldron Lord present there, and use its key to gain access to the cauldron.  You must have the Empty Gahrron\'s Withering Bottle with you to secure a sample of the poisons used inside the cauldron.','Cauldron Lord Soulwrath\'s key disintegrates as it touches the lock on the access panel at the base of the cauldron\'s platform.  A slight clanking noise is heard within, and the access panel swings open to reveal more viscous toxins within the cauldron\'s framework.$B$BThere is a small spigot that the bottle fits well enough under, allowing you to draw a sample for High Priestess MacDonnell back at Chillwind Point.','An access panel to the cauldron remains securely fastened.  In order to open it, you will need to find the key.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2470insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2425,5226,'Return to Chillwind Camp','You carefully close the spigot in the control panel, watching the cauldron\'s putrid ichors drip into the empty bottle.$B$BWith the poison in hand, it is time to return to High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Camp to complete the mission.','Bring the Filled Gahrron\'s Withering Bottle to High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','Congratulations $N, you\'ve unlocked the last cauldron for us! Alchemist Arbington will soon know what this cauldron requires as far as reagents needed for the mix.$B$BAs for you, I am sure that Commander Valorfist will want to thank you personally for the assistance you\'ve given us. Without you, our struggle against the Scourge would have been nearly insurmountable. Thank you, hero!','Gahrron\'s Withering houses the last cauldron here in the west that we need access to. Once we have a sample of the plague it spews forth, we will be able to introduce our reagents into the environment through four separate vessels! The Scourge will be hard pressed to keep us out of all four, even with the power of Kel\'Thuzad behind them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2471insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2426,5227,'Gahrron\'s Withering Cauldron','The Scourge\'s plague cauldron stands before you, spewing vast amounts of toxins into the air. A small, non-descript access panel lies in the base of the cauldron\'s vast platform.$B$BHaving already defeated the cauldron lord and acquired its key, you are free to add the appropriate reagents to the cauldron to make a counter agent to the plague.','Add the appropriate reagents to the cauldron to make a counter agent to the plague.','Adding the reagents to the cauldron\'s mix begins to change the color and texture of the cloud it spews forth. Scourge that are even remotely near the cauldron appear to recoil at the introduction of the new components into the environment.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2472insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2427,5228,'The Scourge Cauldrons','Within the lands of former Lordaeron are eight cauldrons - four in the west, and four more entrenched in the east.  These cauldrons spew poisons into the air, propagating the plague throughout the land for the Scourge.$B$BThe necromantic might of Kel\'Thuzad is too strong to outright shut down these cauldrons, but we think we might have a way to subvert them to our advantage.  My second, Shadow Priestess Vandis, will be your point on this assignment; she\'ll continue the briefing from here.','Speak with Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','From the shadows, brother <race>, I bid you greetings.  I am to serve as your coordinator for our plan to sabotage the Scourge\'s cauldrons.$B$BOur goal will be to change the composition of the plague that the cauldrons create into something that negatively affects the Scourge.  In order to affect this change, you will need to secure access to each of the four cauldrons here in the Western Plaguelands.$B$BThe time has come for you to lead the charge against the Scourge, hero.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2473insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2428,5229,'Target: Felstone Field','Of the four cauldrons in the Western Plaguelands, the one at Felstone Field may be the easiest one to gain access to.  The Scourge have greener troops positioned here, though they should not be underestimated.$B$BGo to Felstone Field, due east of here and northwest of Andorhal, and engage the cauldron lord there.  On it is a key that will unlock access to the cauldron.  When unlocked, use this bottle to get a sample of the cauldron\'s toxins; we\'ll need it for study in developing a counter agent.','Go to Felstone Field in Western Plaguelands to locate and defeat the Cauldron Lord present there.  It may have a key that will allow access to the cauldron.  You must have the Empty Felstone Field Bottle with you to secure a sample of the poisons used inside the cauldron.','The key taken from Cauldron Lord Bilemaw is a perfect fit in unlocking the access panel, though it disappears after you use it.  Still, you think you can open the panel now without a key.  A foul stench emanates from the opened panel as an unknown mix of concentrated substances swirl inside the cauldron.\r\n\r\nThere is a small spigot that the bottle fits well enough under, allowing you to draw a sample for Shadow Priestess Vandis back at the Bulwark. ','An access panel to the cauldron remains securely fastened.  In order to open it, you will need to find the key. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2474insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2429,5230,'Return to the Bulwark','You fill the bottle with enough of the cauldron\'s poisonous concoction for a suitable sample to be studied.$B$BWith the poison in hand, it is time to return to Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark to complete the mission.','Bring the Filled Felstone Field Bottle to Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Well done $N - it should take Apothecary Dithers no time at all to analyze this and devise a counter agent to introduce into the cauldron. If we are able to pump out enough of it into the air, we might be able to weaken all the Scourge present here.$b$bThis will no doubt be an ongoing ordeal; we will need to continually hit these cauldrons and introduce our reagents into their mix. Still, if we can keep it up, we will have a huge advantage over Scourge when the time comes for battle!','Welcome back to the relative safety of the Bulwark, $N. What progress on the cauldrons do you have to report?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2475insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2430,5231,'Target: Dalson\'s Tears','One of the plague cauldrons is located in the field of a former farmhouse now referred to as Dalson\'s Tears.  No tears will be shed this day, $c; we must strike at this cauldron and gain access to it!$B$BGo to Dalson\'s Tears, almost due north of Andorhal, and eliminate the cauldron lord there.  It should have a key like the last one did, allowing you inside the cauldron\'s innards.  Use this bottle to obtain a sample from inside the cauldron; each cauldron has its own distinct brew of toxins it uses.','Go to Dalson\'s Tears in Western Plaguelands to locate and defeat the Cauldron Lord present there, and use its key to gain access to the cauldron.  You must have the Empty Dalson\'s Tears Bottle with you to secure a sample of the poisons used inside the cauldron.','The skeletal key found on the cauldron lord easily slides into a keyhole and then disappears, allowing you permanent access to it. Crude, viscous ichors pulsate through twisted tubes within the cauldrons underpinnings.$b$bThere is a small spigot that the bottle fits well enough under, allowing you to draw a sample for Shadow Priestess Vandis back at the Bulwark.','An access panel to the cauldron remains securely fastened. In order to open it, you will need to find the key.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2476insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2431,5232,'Return to the Bulwark','You carefully fill the bottle with enough of the cauldron\'s ichors for what you consider to be suitably sized sample.$B$BWith the poison in hand, it is time to return to Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark to complete the mission.','Bring the Filled Dalson\'s Tears Bottle to Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Ah, there is plenty in here for study. Well done, $N!$b$bFor now, the next step is in our hands. We\'ll need to produce a list of reagents that, when combined with what is already in the cauldron, will act as its counter.$b$bThe only way we will be able to introduce this is by placing the reagents into the cauldron directly. Apothecary Dithers will have more information on that, so be sure to speak with him as soon as possible.','We know that each cauldron employs a different mix of reagents to generate its plague-inducing toxin; likewise, we know that we will need to develop a counter agent that is unique for each cauldron. Your sample from Dalson\'s Tears will be the key to figure out that cauldron\'s distinct reagent requirement.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2477insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2432,5233,'Target: Writhing Haunt','Two cauldrons have been successfully opened; while you\'ll be able to access them indefinitely, we still want to open up the other two that remain.  This will provide all of us with more options to introduce the counter agent!$B$BThis time, you\'ll be hitting the Writhing Haunt\'s cauldron.  It is almost due east of Andorhal, relatively close to the ruined city walls; again, eliminate the cauldron lord present there for its key.  Use this bottle to obtain the sample from the cauldron.$B$BGood hunting, $N!','Go to the Writhing Haunt in Western Plaguelands to locate and defeat the Cauldron Lord present there, and use its key to gain access to the cauldron.  You must have the Empty Writhing Haunt Bottle with you to secure a sample of the poisons used inside the cauldron.','The cauldron lord\'s key unlocks the access panel to this cauldron and then disappears, much like the other keys have for the previous ones you\'ve dealt of.  A putrid smelling substance churns violently beneath the platform of the cauldron.\r\n\r\nThere is a small spigot that the bottle fits well enough under, allowing you to draw a sample for Shadow Priestess Vandis back at the Bulwark. ','An access panel to the cauldron remains securely fastened.  In order to open it, you will need to find the key. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2478insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2433,5234,'Return to the Bulwark','You delicately top off the empty bottle; a sample of the foul substance that churns under the platform of the cauldron now oozes back and forth inside the fragile glass container.$B$BWith the poison in hand, it is time to return to Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark to complete the mission.','Bring the Filled Writhing Haunt Bottle to Shadow Priestess Vandis at The Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Another finely executed mission, $N! This makes three cauldrons available to us to turn against the Scourge. If Kel\'Thuzad\'s necromantic dominance over these lands wasn\'t as strong as it currently is, I\'d dare say you\'d shut them down completely!$b$bApothecary Dithers will have a report on what this cauldron - as well as the other cauldrons subverted - will require to deliver our counter agent to the plague. With that, the time has come to bring the last cauldron of the west under our influence!','Once we successfully analysis the sample drawn from the Writhing Haunt\'s cauldron, it will provide us with a third avenue to deliver a devastating counter agent against the Scourge!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2479insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2434,5235,'Target: Gahrron\'s Withering','The last cauldron that remains is located on a farm now called Gahrron\'s Withering.  It is guarded by some of the Scourge\'s tougher minions - specifically, wraiths and ghosts.  They are not to be trifled with, $N.$B$BGahrron\'s Withering is far to the east of the Bulwark, close to where the Eastern Plaguelands begin; again, eliminate the cauldron lord present there for its key.  Here is your empty sample bottle; bring it to me filled.  May the shadows cloak you in safety for this dangerous mission, $c.','Go to Gahrron\'s Withering in Western Plaguelands to locate and defeat the Cauldron Lord present there, and use its key to gain access to the cauldron.  You must have the Empty Gahrron\'s Withering Bottle with you to secure a sample of the poisons used inside the cauldron.','Cauldron Lord Soulwrath\'s key disintegrates as it touches the lock on the access panel at the base of the cauldron\'s platform. A slight clanking noise is heard within, and the access panel swings open to reveal more viscous toxins within the cauldron\'s framework.$b$bThere is a small spigot that the bottle fits well enough under, allowing you to draw a sample for Shadow Priestess Vandis back at the Bulwark.','An access panel to the cauldron remains securely fastened. In order to open it, you will need to find the key.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2480insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2435,5236,'Return to the Bulwark','You carefully close the spigot in the control panel, watching the cauldron\'s putrid ichors drip into the empty bottle.$B$BWith the poison in hand, it is time to return to Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark to complete the mission.','Bring the Filled Gahrron\'s Withering Bottle to Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Congratulations $N, you\'ve unlocked the last cauldron for us! Apothecary Dithers will soon know what this cauldron requires as far as reagents needed for the mix.$b$bAs for you, I am sure that High Executor Derrington will want to thank you personally for the assistance you\'ve given us. Without you, our struggle against the Scourge would have been nearly insurmountable. I thank you, mighty $C.','Gahrron\'s Withering houses the last cauldron that we need to acquire access to here in the west. Once we have a sample of the plague from that cauldron, we will be able to introduce our reagents into the environment through four separate vessels! The Scourge will be hard pressed to keep us out of all four, even with the power of Kel\'Thuzad behind them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2481insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2436,5237,'Mission Accomplished!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2482insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2437,5238,'Mission Accomplished!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2483insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2438,5241,'Uncle Carlin','Sometimes, when it\'s nighttime, I can hear my Uncle Carlin crying.  It sounds like he\'s far away, to the east.$B$BI hope he\'s not crying for me!  $N, will you find my uncle and tell him I\'m alright?$B$BIf you find him say I\'m waiting for him, and I want to hear the story he used to tell... the one about the rabbits and the berry jam!  That story\'s so funny!','Find Carlin Redpath.','You\'ve seen Pamela? She\'s alive?$b$bShe\'s dead? No! Oh, Pamela! Why does your spirit still suffer in this world. Why are you perished, while fortune keeps me alive? In an instant I would switch places with you and wander dead Darrowshire, a ghost and alone!$b$bAh, but this news cannot change fate. Thank you, $N. Now my duty, my duty to revenge, burns hot as ever.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2484insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2439,5242,'A Final Blow','Unfortunately, I see the only way to stop this threat to Felwood is a frontal attack. There are no other ways into Shadow Hold, and I have no means to teleport you inside. The straight path down to the bottom is the only way... and I also know who you should seek out. His name is Fel\'dan... Shadow Lord Fel\'dan. He is the mortal in power down below... he is the head of the serpent. Kill him and his two succubus servants and return to me. Fel\'dan is the one making pacts with the Legion. He must be stopped.','Kill Moora and Salia, and bring Shadow Lord Fel\'dan\'s Head to Greta Mosshoof in Felwood.','Earthmother be praised, $N! Thank you! This is a great day, indeed!$b$bThe Shadow Council will be hard pressed to scale to the same levels of power they once held with this blow to their hierarchy. You have done a great thing this day!','Without Fel\'dan, the Shadow Council will hopefully lose focus and start infighting. They will struggle with one another for control and hoard assets for future plans. That will be an opportune time to devastate them and their demon slaves.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2485insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2440,5243,'Houses of the Holy','I look at my undeath as a malady, $r. An illness that merely requires treatment; however, it is also a great blessing for the Argent Dawn. What better vessel to smite the heathens of the Scourge than through the undead?$B$BI am revered by my colleagues because of the sacrifices I have made, but the accolades mean nothing to me.$B$BIf you are interested in assisting the Argent Dawn, then a job I can offer.$B$BVenture to Stratholme and recover our surplus of holy water. Search the supply crates.\r\n','Travel to Stratholme, in the north. Search the supply crates that litter the city and recover 5 Stratholme Holy Water. Return to Leonid Barthalomew the Revered when you have collected enough of the blessed fluid.','Well done, $R. You have proven that while you are tolerant of others, you will stop at nothing to destroy the minions of Kel\'Thuzad.$b$b','Be wary, not all supply crates will have survived the destruction of the city. The Scourge dare not touch the water but surely the holy water will not prevent vermin infestations.$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2486insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2441,5244,'The Ruins of Kel\'Theril','The story behind Kel\'Theril is one of a cursed race, bound to the place where they attempted an unfortunate ritual...$B$BThe highborne that you will find there once stole a sacred artifact, believing that they could siphon its power for themselves, becoming even more powerful. In their efforts, the relic shattered in a huge explosion, driving the pieces below the ice of the lake...$B$BSpeak with Jaron Stoneshaper if you\'d like to learn more; he has recently visited the area and can tell you more.','Speak with Jaron Stoneshaper in Starfall Village.','Well, sure, I can tell you more about Kel\'Theril. Mind you now, I\'m no historian, but I can tell ya about what I saw there...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2487insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2442,5245,'Troubled Spirits of Kel\'Theril','The highborne spirits are miserable creatures, that\'s for sure. They are still searching for pieces of the very thing that has cursed them to Kel\'Theril forever -- the stolen relic.$B$BIf you are that interested, take my pick and go south to the lake, see if you can gather the pieces of it from within the ice.$B$BNow, I can\'t tell you a thing about what you find, but I do know of someone who might... Aurora Skycaller; she dwells near the Northpass Tower in the northern part of Eastern Plaguelands.','Use Jaron\'s Pick to find the four Highborne Relic Fragments. Bring them to Aurora Skycaller in Eastern Plaguelands.','The past of the high elves is something that I do not wish to discuss, $N. Please, it pains me to think of all that has happened... And that there is no way to make things right.','Why have you come here?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2488insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2443,5246,'Fragments of the Past','I did not realize... Forgive my callous words, $c.$B$BThe mistakes of my ancestors are not what I wish to dwell on, but if your request is truly genuine, then I will help you.$B$B<Aurora examines the fragments.>$B$BI believe this is the Crystal of Zin-Malor, an artifact that can contain and control strong arcane forces. It could have been used for good, but the evil intentions of those that stole it caused it to shatter.$B$BGo to the Temple of Zin-Malor in Azshara - I can only hope the book is still there.','Find the Sacred Highborne Writings in the Temple of Zin-Malor in Azshara, and bring them to Aurora Skycaller near the Northpass Tower in Eastern Plaguelands.','The pages have gone untouched for many many years...','It is only in the pages of the sacred writings that I will be able to discern whether or not I can help you...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2489insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2444,5247,'Fragments of the Past','I will be able to help you, if recreating the artifact is truly what you wish to do.$B$BTo seal the pieces back together, I will need items with strong magical qualities. An enchanted thorium bar and five crystal restore... You\'ll also need to collect some water from what might seem an unlikely place... Find the dire pool along Eldreth Row at Dire Maul in Feralas, and fill this vial.$B$BWhile you are gone, I will attempt to glean from these pages the knowledge I need to repair the damage done to the relic.','Bring an Enchanted Thorium Bar, 5 Crystal Restore, and a Vial of Dire Water to Aurora Skycaller near the Northpass Tower in Eastern Plaguelands.','Using these elements, I can fuse the fragments together... to hopefully what they once were.','The relic must be placed in the hands of only the most trustworthy. It can not be stolen again...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2490insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2445,5248,'Tormented By the Past','$N, I weep for what has happened in the past. Like this crystal, the elves, as a race, have been shattered. I do not know if the pieces will ever again be reunited into one, but my sorrow has been eased by being able to help you with this one small task. $B$BWe must not forget the past, $N...$B$BPlease take the Crystal of Zin-Malor back to Lake Kel\'Theril. You must find a highborne spirit that realizes the error of what was done so long ago. Show the spirit that we have made things right again.','Take the Crystal of Zin-Malor to Lake Kel\'Theril in Winterspring and find a highborne spirit that will speak to you.','Pleeease, leeeave meeeeee...','Currrrrsed... Forevvvverrrr...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2491insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2446,5249,'To Winterspring!','In Winterspring, to the north of here, there are many ancient elven ruins. It\'s a harsh land, but it holds many secrets and places to explore.$B$BWith all my work to do here in Felwood, I have not had the opportunity to travel to Winterspring. But there\'s no reason why you shouldn\'t!$B$BWhile you\'re there, look for Wynd Nightchaser. He spends most of his time in Starfall Village and he knows a lot about the area.','Find Starfall Village in Winterspring and speak with Wynd Nightchaser.','A friend of Ivy Leafrunner? Nice to meet you, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2492insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2447,5250,'Starfall','In Winterspring, to the north of Felwood, there are many ancient elven ruins. It\'s a harsh land, but it holds many secrets and places to explore.$B$BMy studies here keep me so busy that I have not had the opportunity to travel to Winterspring for some time. But there\'s no reason why you shouldn\'t travel there and study the ruins.$B$BWhile you\'re there, look for Wynd Nightchaser. He spends most of his time in Starfall and he knows a lot about the area.$B$BTell him that you are a student of mine...','Find Starfall in Winterspring and speak with Wynd Nightchaser.','A student of Daryn Lightwind? Nice to meet you, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2493insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2448,5251,'The Archivist','Anything taken to an extreme is hazardous to our world, $N. Take for example, the Scarlet Crusade. Do you believe that their blind zealotry serves a greater good? How many innocents have they destroyed in the name of the Light?$B$BBlasphemers, one and all!$B$BOne in particular interests me, though; the Archivist Galford of Stratholme: A man that watches over the Crusade\'s most valued documents. Destroy him and burn down his archives! Should you succeed, return to me and be rewarded.','Travel to Stratholme and find Archivist Galford of the Scarlet Crusade. Destroy him and burn down the Scarlet Archive.','Outstanding, $N! Years of intelligence, lost! The Scarlet Crusade will surely feel this blow in the coming weeks.','','','','Archive Burned','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2494insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2449,5252,'Remorseful Highborne','The... the crystal...$B$BThe highborne here are clouded by their own misssery...$B$BI am sorrrrrowful, but I realize the errorrrr of what happened so long ago. Even though there is no waaaay to change the past, I am now at peacccce knowing that you have recovered the crystal of Zin-Malor...$B$BYouuu must return it...$B$BIt muuuussst be returrrned.','Speak with Wynd Nightchaser in Starfall Village, and ask about the proper place for the Crystal of Zin-Malor.','Is that... what I think it is?','It has been some time since you left, $N. How have you fared?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2495insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2450,5253,'The Crystal of Zin-Malor','Quite impressive, $N.$B$BThe crystal of Zin-Malor can never be returned to the temple which, as you know, lies in ruin. But I believe that your effort to undo the evil of the past should not go unrewarded.$B$BSeek out Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus, and bring the crystal to him, $N. It should be in the hands of those that will not abuse its power. From the looks of it, only a handful of the strongest magic users would be able to control such a power. ','Deliver the Crystal of Zin-Malor to Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.','I have heard of the Crystal of Zin-Malor; the user of the crystal becomes capable of incredible arcane power, but only if truly worthy. I am impressed that you not only recovered the crystal, but you also realize your own limits, and did not attempt to use the crystal yourself.$B$BThank you for bringing it to me, $N. We will keep it safe, and may the cursed sprits that once guarded the shattered crystal finally be at peace.','Yes, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2496insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2451,5261,'Eagan Peltskinner','Eagan Peltskinner is looking for someone to hunt wolves for him.  That\'s good news, because we\'re seeing a lot more wolves in Northshire Valley lately.$B$BIf you\'re interested then speak with Eagan.  He\'s around the side of the abbey, to the left.','Speak with Eagan Peltskinner.','That\'s true.  I\'m looking for someone to hunt me some wolves!  Are you that person?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2497insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2452,5262,'The Truth Comes Crashing Down','You try and gather your thoughts as the dust settles across the chamber. You go over the events that just transpired and still cannot comprehend the gravity of the situation.$B$BThe Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade a demon? And not just any demon but brother to Varimathras, arch lord of the Undercity?$B$BYou carefully stow the severed head of the dreadlord into your pack. Surely, none would believe the tale you would tell without proof.$B$BDuke Nicholas Zverenhoff must be told at once!','Take the Head of Balnazzar to Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff in the Eastern Plaguelands.','What will this mean to the Crusade? Could it be possible that they have been under the control of this demon? Unwittingly serving as the pawns to a greater evil?','What have you got there, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2498insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2453,5263,'Above and Beyond','You display a natural aptitude for destruction and you follow orders. It is rare to see the two coexist. I am beginning to think that you may make an excellent vehicle of divine justice.$B$B<Zverenhoff clasps his hands together in front of his face.>$B$BKel\'Thuzad\'s errand boy rules over Stratholme. Prove to me that you are a champion - my champion. Destroy Baron Rivendare and return to me with his head. \r\n','Venture to Stratholme and destroy Baron Rivendare. Take his head and return to Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff.\r\n','It has been many years since I have ushered a champion into our ranks. You are the first to be granted audience with Lord Maxwell in years.','The Baron has slain more people than you have most likely seen in your lifetime.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2499insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2454,5264,'Lord Maxwell Tyrosus','I am about to bestow a great honor upon you, $N.$B$BLord Maxwell wishes to reward you for your service to the Argent Dawn!$B$BIt has been years since Maxwell has granted audience to outsiders.\r\n','Speak with Lord Maxwell Tyrosus. He is inside the church.','You are a worthy ally, $N. You shall reap the rewards of your stalwart dedication.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2500insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2455,5265,'The Argent Hold','Through the years the Argent Hold has remained locked. None have been worthy to reach inside and take from it the power of the Argent Dawn - until today.$B$BThe Argent Hold is now open to you, $N.','Open the Argent Hold and claim your reward.','Whoa...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2501insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2456,5281,'The Restless Souls','There are those that died tragically in the fall of Stratholme. Many took their own lives, opting to hurl themselves into the myriad flames of the smoldering city rather than become one of the Scourge.$B$BThey now walk the streets of Stratholme as restless spirits.$B$BWe must aid them, $N!$B$BI have an associate named Egan who has been doing miraculous work with ghosts and souls. Seek him out. He walks the eastern Plaguelands, near Stratholme, testing his innovations.','Find Egan. You only know that he was last seen around Stratholme.','Alen has finally found someone brave enough, eh?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2502insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2457,5282,'The Restless Souls','I draw my power - my will to continue living and breathing - from the unmitigated hatred I have for the Scourge and all that they have done. I am, however, no zealot. There are those, like the Scarlet Crusade, who would sooner destroy the innocent undead than lend them even an ounce of compassion.$B$BWhich brings me to this: My blaster. It will unchain the tortured souls from Stratholme.$B$BUse it on the ghosts that haunt the ransacked streets. Free their souls.','Use Egan\'s Blaster on the ghostly and spectral citizens of Stratholme. When the restless souls break free from their ghostly shells, use the blaster again - freedom will be theirs!$B$BFree 15 Restless Souls and return to Egan.','<Egan wipes a tear from his eye.>$B$BDid you see my mother, $N? Did you free her?$B$BYou are a shining example of decency. For your troubles...','','','Souls Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2503insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2458,5283,'The Art of the Armorsmith','So ye made the smart decision.$B$BThere ain\'t no love lost betwixt me an old Ironus here. That good for nothing toy maker knows who the true craftsmen round here be.$B$BThe truly great wars are won with a good defense. When it be go time, no offense is gonna be helping ye out.$B$BRight, so let\'s get to work. All ye need to do is show me that ye\'ve got some raw talent. After that, I\'ll yank whatever impurities be left in ye and mold ye into an armorsmith. Ye do know how to make ornate mithril, don\'t ye?','To become an Armorsmith, you must make the following items and return them to Grumnus: 4 Ornate Mithril Helms, 2 Ornate Mithril Boots, 1 Ornate Mithril Breastplate.','This be it, $N. After this, there ain\'t no way to turn back. It\'s not too late to become a toy maker, er, weaponsmith.$B$BI trust ye\'ll make the right decision.','Ah, ain\'t nothing like a good forge tan. Ye can tell who\'s got the really good tans by their apron lines.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2504insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2459,5284,'The Way of the Weaponsmith','As a weaponsmith you\'ll find that more often than not, heroes and adventurers will be coming to you for gear. While the workload can be unbearable at times, the riches more than make up for the back strain and ash lung.$B$BOh yes, $N, weaponsmiths are the ones with all the gold!$B$BIf you wish to join our ranks, you\'ll need to show me that you can make me a silver or two - I mean, show me that you\'ve got what it takes to be the go to $g guy:girl; when people need superior quality weapons. Get to work!','To become a Weaponsmith, you must make the following items and return them to Ironus: 4 Moonsteel Broadswords, 4 Massive Iron Axes, 2 Heavy Mithril Axes, and 2 Big Black Maces.\r\n','About time! I\'ve got customers waiting.$B$BGive those here and pay attention. You\'re going to take the first step in your career as a weaponsmith.','<Ironus is busy stacking gold coins into neat little piles.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2505insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2460,5301,'The Art of the Armorsmith','Satisfaction. It is what I draw from the hammer and the anvil. To see a proud Horde warrior protected under my steel reminds me of what it is to be alive. It is an addiction that I dare never give up, $N.$B$BI can not grant you this satisfaction, merely set you upon the path. As with all of life\'s endeavors, the path of the armorsmith is a journey.$B$BIf you wish to be one of the select few, you need only to ask and I shall train, but, a task you must first complete.','To become an armorsmith, you must make the following items and return them to Okothos: 4 Ornate Mithril Helms, 2 Ornate Mithril Boots, 1 Ornate Mithril Breastplate.','This is the final step before you begin your new career as an armorsmith, $N. Should you choose to back out, now would be your last chance. Otherwise, prepare yourself for a lifetime of glory.','I will pound the steel until the breath itself has been taken from me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2506insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2461,5302,'The Way of the Weaponsmith','One day, I will create a legendary hammer. A hammer fit for a Warchief!$B$BIt is my life\'s work, $N. My passion. I recognize that you have the potential to be among us, one of us - a weaponsmith. I am the one that can help you harness that potential.$B$BA simple task is all that you must complete. Simple for one of your exceptional skill. ','To become a Weaponsmith, you must make the following items and return them to Borgosh: 4 Moonsteel Broadswords, 4 Massive Iron Axes, 2 Heavy Mithril Axes, and 2 Big Black Maces.\r\n','This is the final step before you begin your new career as a weaponsmith, $N. Should you choose to back out, now would be your last chance. Otherwise, prepare to be consumed by knowledge!','For the glory of the Horde!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2507insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2462,5305,'Sweet Serenity','Within the confines of the Scarlet Bastion lies sweet Serenity. The Crimson Hammersmith guards the recipe with his life. Defeat him and bring me his apron. For that, I shall reward you with the knowledge required to create an enchanted battlehammer!','Travel to Stratholme and kill the Crimson Hammersmith. Recover the Crimson Hammersmith\'s Apron and return to Lilith.\r\n','May you bash in many a brain, $N!','His apron! Where is it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2508insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2463,5306,'Snakestone of the Shadow Huntress','Don\'t let her beauty fool you, $c. The shadow huntress, Vosh\'gajin is deadly and deranged.$B$B<Kilram points to the scar on his face.>$B$BAye, she gave me that - a love tap, she called it.$B$BThe time for vengeance has finally come.$B$BYou can find Vosh\'gajin in Blackrock Spire. Slay her and return to me with her snakestone. Do this and I will teach you the secret to crafting Dawn\'s Edge!','Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay Shadow Hunter Vosh\'gajin. Recover Vosh\'gajin\'s Snakestone and return to Kilram.','Knowledge is power!','Legend states that one use of Vosh\'gajin\'s snakestone will keep an axe razor sharp for a 1000 years!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2509insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2464,5307,'Corruption','If I am short with you, it is for a reason. The plans for the creation of the great blade, Corruption, have been stolen by the Black Guard: Elite skeletal units of Baron Rivendare.$B$BYes, Baron Rivendare of Stratholme.$B$BThe Black Guard swordsmith now guards those plans with his... undeath.$B$BSlay him and return proof of this deed and I shall grant you the knowledge required to create a blazing rapier!','Find the Black Guard Swordsmith in Stratholme and destroy him. Recover the Insignia of the Black Guard and return to Seril Scourgebane.','It should be obvious that a sword is always the best choice.','Have you forgotten what it is that you were tasked with, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2510insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2465,5321,'The Sleeper Has Awakened','I was on my way to Maestra\'s Post to meet Liladris Moonriver, but I decided to stop here and take a short nap. Ever since I awoke from the emerald dream, I have been so sleepy...$B$B<yawn>$B$BWould you mind showing me the way? I understand that Maestra\'s Post is south of here, along the road in Ashenvale. It can be dangerous, so I hope you have some friends that will join us.$B$BLastly, I may fall asleep so if you ever need to wake me, please use my horn. You\'ll find it in the chest here.','Escort Kerlonian Evershade to Liladris Moonriver at Maestra\'s Post in Ashenvale.','Oh, I am so happy Kerlonian made it! And I\'m sure I\'ll find him sleeping somewhere around here, won\'t I?$b$bThank you for showing him the way, $N.','Has Kerlonian arrived?','Escort Kerlonian Evershade to Maestra\'s Post','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2511insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2466,5341,'Barov Family Fortune','Within the Scholomance lays the Barov family fortune. I, Alexi Barov, am one of the last two remaining heirs of the house Barov. My brother, Weldon, is the other.$B$BWeldon, the miserable coward, fled during the war and thus retained his worthless existence as a human.$B$BHe now searches for the deeds so that he may claim the fortune for his own. Recover the deeds before my brother does and I shall make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams!','Venture to the Scholomance and recover the Barov family fortune. Four deeds make up this fortune: The Deed to Caer Darrow; The Deed to Brill; The Deed to Tarren Mill; and The Deed to Southshore. Return to Alexi Barov when you have completed this task.','Excellent work, $R. Now to secure my inheritance...','Bow your head in my presence, $R. I am a noble, after all, and you are a copperless peasant.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2512insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2467,5342,'The Last Barov','Naturally, with my brother still alive, there may be some contention as to the primary beneficiary of the family\'s fortune. This cannot be.$B$BA low down guttersnipe like you isn\'t above a little cold-blooded murder, I hope.$B$BIt\'s a simple task and one that I expect you will complete; that is, if you wish to claim your reward.$B$BWeldon sits under Alliance protection at Chillwind Camp, to the east. Slay him, return his head.$B$B<Alexi yawns.>$B$BHurry along now.','Travel to Chillwind Camp - Alliance territory - and assassinate Weldon Barov. Take his head and return to Alexi Barov.$B$BBe warned, Weldon will probably be well protected by Alliance scum.','Wonderful! Now only I hold the power and fortune of house Barov!$B$B<Alexi throws a large bag at you.>$B$BAnd keep the change, you filthy animal.','Secure my fortune and share in the spoils.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2513insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2468,5343,'Barov Family Fortune','My dear brother Alexi. What a fool I was to spare his life. I looked into the face of the enemy, one of the undead, and let him live.$B$B<Weldon spits.>$B$BHe now searches for MY inheritance. This simply cannot happen.$B$BFind my family\'s deeds before that vile retch gets his boney hands upon them and I shall reward you with vast riches. They lay in the ruins of the Scholomance. Make haste!','Venture to the Scholomance and recover the Barov family fortune. Four deeds make up this fortune: The Deed to Caer Darrow; The Deed to Brill; The Deed to Tarren Mill; and The Deed to Southshore. Return to Weldon Barov when you have completed this task.','Excellent work, $R. Now to secure my inheritance...','Bow your head in my presence, $R. I am a noble, after all, and you are a copperless peasant.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2514insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2469,5344,'The Last Barov','With the deeds recovered, there is but one thing left to do. Alexi must be killed. With him dead, I need not ever worry about an unscrupulous gang of mercenaries seeking my head.$B$BIt\'s a simple task. Alexi hides under the protection of the Horde - at the Bulwark.$B$BNo, I do not expect you to just walk up and kill him, I want his head! How you get it... well, that part is up to you. That type of behavior is below one of my noble upbringing.','Travel to the Bulwark - Horde territory - and assassinate Alexi Barov. Take his head and return to Weldon Barov.$B$BBe warned, Alexi will probably be well protected by Horde filth.','A glorious day it is! Finally, the pockmark of house Barov eliminated and my fortune secure!$B$BTake this and leave my sight, peasant.','You do want payment, do you not?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2515insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2470,5361,'Family Tree','My brother Nataka is stationed at Ghost Walker Post over in Desolace. I\'d like to ask you... could you give this report to him for me? A year has passed since the last time I wrote, there has been unusual centaur activity since then and he should be informed.$B$BJourney to Stonetalon Mountain north of the Crossroads, and then head west into Charred Vale. From there, head south into Desolace; there you will find a road going south to Ghost Walker Post.','Deliver Cliffwatcher Longhorn Report to Nataka Longhorn at Ghost Walker Post in Desolace.','I know not what connection you have with my brother but it would seem he has trust with you, $C.$b$bI am Nataka Longhorn and would like to welcome you to Ghost Walker Post, we have many needs of a $C! Talk with others, perhaps there is need of you here.','What news have you, $C! Ah - a message from my brother you say? Well then, hand over the report!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2516insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2471,5381,'Hand of Iruxos','The Burning Blade possesses the Demon Box. Within it lies the powerful Hand of Iruxos. The Burning Blade uses it to open demonic portals at Mannoroc Coven. We must stop the tide of demons entering our world, $n!$B$BUse this demon pick on the red crystal in Thunder Axe Fortress to gain access to the Demon Box.\r\n','Retrieve the Demon Box from Thunder Axe Fortress, and return it, along with the Demon Pick to Taiga Wisemane in Shadowprey Village.\r\n','Ah, the Demon Box. Give it to me, $C, and I shall open... and thus reveal to you the Hand of Iruxos.$b$b','$n, do you have the Demon Box?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2517insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2472,5382,'Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher','Krastinov is responsible for the deaths of thousands. He must be punished, justice must be meted out.$B$BFind him and exact upon him the agony he has inflicted upon countless innocents. Once he is destroyed, burn our remains. Turn them to ashes, $N.','Find Doctor Theolen Krastinov inside the Scholomance. Destroy him, then burn the Remains of Eva Sarkhoff and the Remains of Lucien Sarkhoff. Return to Eva Sarkhoff when the task is complete.\r\n','I can feel my spirit healing, $N. You have done my husband and I a great service, but I am certain there is more to be done.','','','','Remains of Eva Sarkhoff Burned','Remains of Lucien Sarkhoff Burned','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2518insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2473,5383,'[Not Used] Krastinov\'s Bag of Horrors','You open the bag to discover various instruments of torture. Amidst the paraphernalia, an odd object catches your eye: A vial of blood - still warm to the touch.$B$BYou think that the Sarkhoff\'s might be interested in your discovery.','Take the Bag of Horrors to Eva Sarkhoff on Caer Darrow.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2519insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2474,5384,'Kirtonos the Herald','This is it, $N.$B$B<Eva points to the vial inside the bag.>$B$BThe blood of innocents. The purest blood, used to appease Krastinov\'s master.$B$BIt is with this blood that Kirtonos may be summoned. It is with this blood, then, that Kirtonos must be destroyed.$B$BTake the blood to the porch. Place it upon the brazier. Kirtonos will come - he cannot resist. When he appears, unleash the fury and wrath of a thousand innocent deaths upon him.$B$BShould you succeed, you will earn more than just our gratitude.','Return to the Scholomance with the Blood of Innocents. Find the porch and place the Blood of Innocents in the brazier. Kirtonos will come to feast upon your soul.$B$BFight valiantly, do not give an inch! Destroy Kirtonos and return to Eva Sarkhoff.\r\n','With the death of Kirtonos, a chapter in the horrible tale of Scholomance comes to a close. There is, however, more to be done. Others here are now aware of your brave acts. Take this, $N. It is a piece of our own essence. It will allow you to communicate with the other lost souls of Caer Darrow.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2520insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2475,5385,'The Remains of Trey Lightforge','You pick up the sack carefully and prepare to make your way back to Jessir Moonbow on the border of Felwood and Ashenvale. Hopefully the paladin will be given the proper respects once you\'ve passed his remains on to his friends.','Return the Remains of Trey Lightforge to Jessir Moonbow in Felwood.','You\'ve done it! Praise be to Elune and whichever powers you worshihp, $N. You have done an honorable and noble thing this day. I am certain Arko\'narin will be pleased that you not only took the time to save her, but to also slay the creature who tortured one of her best friends.$b$bI wish I could do more for you, but please, take this.','How did things go in Jaedenar, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2521insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2476,5386,'Catch of the Day','The smell of cooked fish has long been missing here at Ghost Walker Post. The trolls at Shadowprey Village are the best at catching fish... but alas, with all the centaur activities I have little time to make a journey to the trolls. Hrm...$B$BDo me a favor and journey to Shadowprey Village. Talk to the local fisherman Jinar\'Zillen and bring me back my favorite, Bloodbelly fish. The road south of here will take you west to the troll village.','Talk to Jinar\'Zillen at Shadowprey Village, and then bring Nataka Longhorn 2 Bloodbelly fish.','You are a savior, $N! These Bloodbelly fish look almost good enough to eat raw.$B$B<Nataka starts salivating.>$B$BHere you go - choose one of these items as a payment for these fish.','My hoof tingles and my mouth starts to water when I think of fried Bloodbelly fish... You have any on you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2522insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2477,5401,'Argent Dawn Commission','','','All who fight evil on behalf of the Argent Dawn must don our commission.  Wearing such will earn your right to claim rewards our quartermasters have to offer.$B$BWhile under commission, you\'ll be able to acquire Scourgestones from slain Scourge; these are marks of insignia that they sometimes possess.  Procure these insignia and bring them to me.  For each set you turn in, you will receive our marker of heroism - the Argent Dawn Valor Token.$B$BAchieve your destiny, $c - join the fight today!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2523insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2478,5402,'Minion\'s Scourgestones','','','Congratulations, $N - I am pleased to award you with an Argent Dawn valor token!\r\n\r\nThe tokens serve two purposes. One - they can be used to further your standing within the Argent Dawn; to do so may avail you options and rewards that are reserved for our honored and revered allies. Two - they can be given to our quartermasters, along with coin, as payment for some of the Dawn\'s more prized items.\r\n\r\nWhatever you decide, know that you are earning your commission. Well done!','A Minion\'s Scourgestone is the insignia of the Scourge rank and file.  These are sometimes found on the weaker of their troops positioned in the Plaguelands, though the term \"weaker\" is certainly to be considered in context.  The Scourge, no matter where they are, should never be underestimated.$B$BThe Argent Dawn currently offers a valor token in exchange for twenty of these insignia - an exchange I\'m happy to do, provided you have earned enough scourgestones!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2524insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2479,5403,'Invader\'s Scourgestones','','','Congratulations, $N - I am pleased to award you with an Argent Dawn valor token!$B$BEach valor token handed out to worthy recipients is a sign of the tide turning against the Scourge. With more and more heroes fighting the Scourge in their own lands, the Argent Dawn will assuredly be at the forefront when the time comes to wage war on the ultimate evil of the Scourge. I hope that the valor you\'ve shown what it took to acquiring your token will carry the day then as well!','An Invader\'s Scourgestone is the insignia of the Scourge\'s elite troops.  These are sometimes found on the stronger of the troops positioned in the Plaguelands.  Slaying such a creature is indeed a challenge, but one that should be relished with a commission to vanquish evil.$B$BThe Argent Dawn currently offers a valor token in exchange for ten of these insignia.  Bring them to me here, and I will make sure you receive your just reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2525insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2480,5404,'Corruptor\'s Scourgestones','','','Congratulations, $N - I am pleased to award you with an Argent Dawn valor token!\r\n\r\nTo acquire a valor token in such a manner indicates that you are a true hero in the cause of good. We value all effort brought to bear against the Scourge, but to take down one of their leaders is to truly deliver onto them a crushing defeat!\r\n\r\nFor the Dawn, my g$sister:brother;!','A Corruptor\'s Scourgestone is the insignia of the Scourge\'s overlords.  A powerful being that holds a position of authority over the Scourge will always possess one.  To slay such a malevolent creature would surely advance the cause of the Argent Dawn, and all good causes!$B$BOn behalf of the Argent Dawn, I will give you a valor token in exchange for just a single one these insignia.  Use caution in acquiring one, $N - such powerful beings are not to be trifled with.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2526insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2481,5405,'Argent Dawn Commission','','','All who fight evil on behalf of the Argent Dawn must don our commission. Wearing such will earn your right to claim rewards our quartermasters have to offer.$B$BWhile under commission, you\'ll be able to acquire Scourgestones from slain Scourge; these are marks of insignia that they sometimes possess. Procure these insignia and bring them to me. For each set you turn in, you will receive our marker of heroism - the Argent Dawn Valor Token.$B$BAchieve your destiny, $C join the fight today!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2527insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2482,5406,'Corruptor\'s Scourgestones','','','Congratulations, $N - I am pleased to award you with an Argent Dawn valor token!\r\n\r\nTo acquire a valor token in such a manner indicates that you are a true hero in the cause of good. We value all effort brought to bear against the Scourge, but to take down one of their leaders is to truly deliver onto them a crushing defeat!\r\n\r\nFor the Dawn, my g$sister:brother;!','A Corruptor\'s Scourgestone is the insignia of the Scourge\'s overlords. A powerful being that holds a position of authority over the Scourge will always possess one. To slay such a malevolent creature would surely advance the cause of the Argent Dawn, and all good causes!$B$BOn behalf of the Argent Dawn, I will give you a valor token in exchange for just a single one these insignia. Use caution in acquiring one, $N - such powerful beings are not to be trifled with.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2528insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2483,5407,'Invader\'s Scourgestones','','','Congratulations, $N - I am pleased to award you with an Argent Dawn valor token!$B$BEach valor token handed out to worthy recipients is a sign of the tide turning against the Scourge. With more and more heroes fighting the Scourge in their own lands, the Argent Dawn will assuredly be at the forefront when the time comes to wage war on the ultimate evil of the Scourge. I hope that the valor you\'ve shown what it took to acquiring your token will carry the day then as well!','An Invader\'s Scourgestone is the insignia of the Scourge\'s elite troops. These are sometimes found on the stronger of the troops positioned in the Plaguelands. Slaying such a creature is indeed a challenge, but one that should be relished with a commission to vanquish evil.$B$BThe Argent Dawn currently offers a valor token in exchange for ten of these insignia. Bring them to me here, and I will make sure you receive your just reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2529insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2484,5408,'Minion\'s Scourgestones','','','Congratulations, $N - I am pleased to award you with an Argent Dawn valor token!\r\n\r\nThe tokens serve two purposes. One - they can be used to further your standing within the Argent Dawn; to do so may avail you options and rewards that are reserved for our honored and revered allies. Two - they can be given to our quartermasters, along with coin, as payment for some of the Dawn\'s more prized items.\r\n\r\nWhatever you decide, know that you are earning your commission. Well done!','A Minion\'s Scourgestone is the insignia of the Scourge rank and file. These are sometimes found on the weaker of their troops positioned in the Plaguelands, though the term \"weaker\" is certainly to be considered in context. The Scourge, no matter where they are, should never be underestimated.$B$BThe Argent Dawn currently offers a valor token in exchange for twenty of these insignia - an exchange I\'m happy to do, provided you have earned enough scourgestones!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2530insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2485,5421,'Fish in a Bucket','','','Sweet mon, nothing beats work being done, especially if it\'s someone else doing the work... eh?','I\'ll reward anyone who makes my life a bit easier... I enjoy doing as little as possible, mon!$B$BBelow the docks here in Shadowprey Village, I\'ve many shellfish traps.  If you\'re kind enough to do my work and collect me my shellfish, then I\'ll reward you with something you want... get my drift mon?  For every five shellfish you bring me I will give you a fine Bloodbelly fish!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2531insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2486,5441,'Lazy Peons','Cursed peons!  They work hard gathering lumber from the trees of the valley, but they\'re always taking naps!  I need someone to help keep the peons in line.$B$BYou look like the right $r for my task.  Here, you take this blackjack and use it on any lazy peons you find sleeping on the job.  A good smack will get them right back to work!  Return the blackjack when you\'re done.$B$BLousy slacking peons...','Use the Foreman\'s Blackjack on Lazy Peons when they\'re sleeping.  Wake up 5 peons, then return the Foreman\'s Blackjack to Foreman Thazz\'ril in the Valley of Trials.','Good. good. Maybe they\'ll think twice before slacking next time! Thanks for the help!','No good lazy...$b$b Eh? Do you have my blackjack? Did you catch any peons sleeping on the job?!','','Peons Awoken','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2532insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2487,5461,'The Human, Ras Frostwhisper','The undead fear life just as the living fear death. It is not unusual for a sentient undead being to completely destroy all remnants of his or her previous life after having turned.$B$BUnfortunately, in order to create an artifact capable of reverting Ras Frostwhisper to a mortal, we must have a keepsake from his years among the living.$B$BYou must venture to the ruined city of Stromgarde, Frostwhisper\'s home, and search for such an item. May luck be with you, $N.','Travel to the Arathi Highlands, to the ruins of Stromgarde. Search Stromgarde for a Keepsake of Remembrance. If you find such an item, return with it to Magistrate Marduke.','I had doubted the possibility of such an item existing. This certainly opens up an incredible opportunity - one we must not squander.$B$BPrepare yourself, $N, for what I am about to ask of you will take you into the depths of hell.','A keepsake of remembrance is a rare find, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2533insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2488,5462,'The Dying, Ras Frostwhisper','Upon tainted soil, the keepsake must be attuned.$B$BIt is rumored that Stratholme is where Frostwhisper succumbed to the Lich King. Upon those bloodied grounds he gave his life - freely and with motive - to become one of the undying.$B$BIt is those grounds that must be found.$B$BThere is one, an undead dissenter of the Scourge, freed by the Banshee Queen but loyal to the cause of the Argent Dawn. Find him: Leonid Barthalomew the Revered. He may know more. Seek out Light\'s Hope, $N. ','Travel to Light\'s Hope in Eastern Plaguelands and seek out Leonid Barthalomew the Revered. Show him the Keepsake of Remembrance and tell him all that you have discovered.','<Leonid looks over the keepsake.>$B$BYour quandary stirs up memories that I had hoped would never resurface.','Do not ask questions of which you do not want answers.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2534insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2489,5463,'Menethil\'s Gift','I watched as the human, Ras Frostwhisper, pledged his undying soul to the Lich King. He drew the dagger to his own throat and with a smile, cut from ear to ear. His body collapsed inside the borders of the pentagram. The Lich King stood over the fallen mage and with a single motion, Ras Frostwhisper the lich, was born.$B$B<Leonid gazes at the ground and then looks up at you.>$B$BYes, $r, I remember. What you seek has a name - Menethil\'s Gift: The ground blessed by the Lich King - holy ground to Scourge.\r\n','Travel to Stratholme and find Menethil\'s Gift. Place the Keepsake of Remembrance upon the unholy ground. ','You place the keepsake on the tainted soil.','The area around Menethil\'s Gift is exceptionally cold.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2535insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2490,5464,'Menethil\'s Gift','The soul of the fallen clings to that which represents its former life and transforms the item into a soulbound keepsake. You pick the item up and place it in your pack.','Take the Soulbound Keepsake to Leonid Barthalomew in Eastern Plaguelands.','As the soul clung to the keepsake, so shall it cling to the physical form of Ras Frostwhisper.','<Leonid shudders.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2536insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2491,5465,'Soulbound Keepsake','Return to Marduke with the keepsake, $N. He will instruct you in its use.','Return to Magistrate Marduke in Caer Darrow. Show him the Soulbound Keepsake.','I was certain that you would be joining me as another hapless spirit.','Have you done the impossible?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2537insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2492,5466,'The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper','There is but one task remaining, $N. Confront the lich, Ras Frostwhisper, in his lair.$B$BUse the power of the keepsake against the beast -  be unrelenting in your actions!  Weather the blows that the flailing beast will surely bring down upon you. Do not give in to the pain!$B$BWhen the ritual is complete, Ras will be mortal once more. It is at that point that he must be slain. Strike him down and take his human head.','Find Ras Frostwhisper in the Scholomance. When you have found him, use the Soulbound Keepsake on his undead visage. Should you succeed in reverting him to a mortal, strike him down and recover the Human Head of Ras Frostwhisper. Take the head back to Magistrate Marduke.','Ten thousand souls cry out in unison, $N! You have struck a mortal blow to the Scourge and their masters.','You carry the burden of ten thousand restless souls, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2538insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2493,5481,'Gordo\'s Task','Master want weeds. Us gots big hands and not good at picking. You help us and we not hurt you. Us need gloom weed. Many weeds around here and near road.$b$bWhen you have gloom weed you take to Master Holland in Brill graveyard.\r\n','Collect 3 Gloom Weed and deliver them to Junior Apothecary Holland in the Brill graveyard.','What\'s this? Gloom weed?! I\'ve no need for gloom weed! That mindless mass of flesh is out there picking daisies and convincing the Lady knows how many dupes like you into doing the same. No offense.$b$bVery well, you\'re here now and that\'s all that matters. Since I\'m not going to bother to try to explain things to that abomination how about you collect what I really need... doom weed!','Where\'s that useless abomination? Either you have what I need or you\'d best get out there and find it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2539insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2494,5482,'Doom Weed','So you can see the predicament that I\'m in, $N. That thing is out there collecting the wrong weeds! I\'ll make it worth your while to gather what I need. Bring back to me enough doom weed and I\'ll give you a suitable reward.$B$BIt is my understanding that they like to plague the flora near the mass gravesite, to the north of the Brill graveyard. Hurry and be mindful of the gnolls in the area.','Collect 10 Doom Weed and deliver them back to Junior Apothecary Holland.\r\n','Ah, my doom weed. Excellent!$b$b<Junior Apothecary Holland rubs his hands together greedily>$b$bThese will come in quite handy. You\'ve done me, uh, the Lady, a fine service today $N. As promised here is the reward that you deserve.','This had better be good. I trust you have all of the doom weed that I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2540insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2495,5501,'Bone Collector','We\'re sitting on a goldmine here, I tell you - a goldmine!  Kodo bones will change the world forever... I have customers making furniture, music instruments, and even blasting powder out of them.$B$BThere\'s a caravan that comes by and picks up my kodo bones and then sells them at Shadowprey Village.  If you can travel to the kodo graveyard south of here and bring me ten kodo bones, I\'ll give you something in return.  Is it a deal?','Bring 10 Kodo Bones from the Kodo Graveyard to Bibbly F\'utzbuckle at Kormek\'s Hut.','Ah, goodie!  My bones!$B$BI can\'t wait till the chaps at home see my face on the front cover of Goblin\'preneur.  I\'ll be the richest goblin in the world... and my physical education teacher said I would never amount to anything.','Do you have the bones?  The caravan will be here any moment.  I need just ten more kodo bones to reach a career high.  A career high, I tell you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2541insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2496,5502,'A Warden of the Horde','You have been so very kind to me, $N.  I never dreamed that I\'d have so much fun during Children\'s Week.  Thank you.  I won\'t be sad about what\'s happened to me - my parents always told me to rise above anything bad that happens.  I\'ll be a hero... just like you.$B$BI\'m sad to say this, but it\'s time for me to go home.  Let\'s go back and I\'ll tell the matron what an awesome person you are!','Return your ward to the Orgrimmar orphanage by handing in the Orcish Orphan Whistle to Orphan Matron Battlewail in the Valley of Honor.','May the spirits bless you, $N. You\'ve done more for Grunth than most would ever think of doing for him. Thank you - you\'re the epitome of what it means to be a hero of the Horde.$B$BPlease - if you can spare the time, come back and visit us. I know that Grunth would like that, as would I.','It is a pleasure to see you again, $N. Have you attended to the duties you\'ve volunteered for during Children\'s Week?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2542insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2497,5503,'Argent Dawn Commission','','','All who fight evil on behalf of the Argent Dawn must don our commission. Wearing such will earn your right to claim rewards our quartermasters have to offer.$B$BWhile under commission, you\'ll be able to acquire Scourgestones from slain Scourge; these are marks of insignia that they sometimes possess. Procure these insignia and bring them to me. For each set you turn in, you will receive our marker of heroism - the Argent Dawn Valor Token.$B$BAchieve your destiny, $C join the fight today!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2543insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2498,5504,'Mantles of the Dawn','Your service to the Argent Dawn is to be commended, $N.  You are truly revered amongst us.  I have been authorized to make available for you to purchase one of the Dawn\'s most valued items - our magic resistance mantles.$B$BApplication of a mantle to your existing shoulder piece will enhance your resistance to the powers of magic in one of five potential ways.  As a sign of continued dedication to our cause, I ask for no less than ten of our valor tokens in exchange for access to these mantles.','Bring 10 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens to Quartermaster Hasana at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Outstanding - your tribute to the Dawn is duly noted, $N. With this accomplished, I am delighted to make our mantles available to you for purchase. So long as you maintain your current status with us, these mantles will be purchasable from any authorized quartermaster of the Argent Dawn.$B$BFor the Dawn, my brother!','Ah, noble $C! Have you brought the valor tokens requested of you? Once you hand them to me, I will make our various mantles available to you for purchase.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2544insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2499,5505,'The Key to Scholomance','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2545insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2500,5507,'Mantles of the Dawn','Your service to the Argent Dawn is to be commended, $N.  You are truly revered amongst us.  I have been authorized to make available for you to purchase one of the Dawn\'s most valued items - our magic resistance mantles.$B$BApplication of a mantle to your existing shoulder piece will enhance your resistance to the powers of magic in one of five potential ways.  As a sign of continued dedication to our cause, I ask for no less than ten of our valor tokens in exchange for access to these mantles.','Bring 10 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens to Quartermaster Lightspark at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','Outstanding - your tribute to the Dawn is duly noted, $N. With this accomplished, I am delighted to make our mantles available to you for purchase. So long as you maintain your current status with us, these mantles will be purchasable from any authorized quartermaster of the Argent Dawn.$B$BFor the Dawn, my brother!','Ah, noble $C! Have you brought the valor tokens requested of you? Once you hand them to me, I will make our various mantles available to you for purchase.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2546insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2501,5508,'Corruptor\'s Scourgestones','','','Congratulations, $N - I am pleased to award you with an Argent Dawn valor token!\r\n\r\nTo acquire a valor token in such a manner indicates that you are a true hero in the cause of good. We value all effort brought to bear against the Scourge, but to take down one of their leaders is to truly deliver onto them a crushing defeat!\r\n\r\nFor the Dawn, my g$sister:brother;!','A Corruptor\'s Scourgestone is the insignia of the Scourge\'s overlords. A powerful being that holds a position of authority over the Scourge will always possess one. To slay such a malevolent creature would surely advance the cause of the Argent Dawn, and all good causes!$B$BOn behalf of the Argent Dawn, I will give you a valor token in exchange for just a single one of these insignia. Use caution in acquiring one, $N - such powerful beings are not to be trifled with.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2547insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2502,5509,'Invader\'s Scourgestones','','','Congratulations, $N - I am pleased to award you with an Argent Dawn valor token!$B$BEach valor token handed out to worthy recipients is a sign of the tide turning against the Scourge. With more and more heroes fighting the Scourge in their own lands, the Argent Dawn will assuredly be at the forefront when the time comes to wage war on the ultimate evil of the Scourge. I hope that the valor you\'ve shown what it took to acquiring your token will carry the day then as well!','An Invader\'s Scourgestone is the insignia of the Scourge\'s elite troops. These are sometimes found on the stronger of the troops positioned in the Plaguelands. Slaying such a creature is indeed a challenge, but one that should be relished with a commission to vanquish evil.$B$BThe Argent Dawn currently offers a valor token in exchange for ten of these insignia. Bring them to me here, and I will make sure you receive your just reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2548insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2503,5510,'Minion\'s Scourgestones','','','Congratulations, $N - I am pleased to award you with an Argent Dawn valor token!\r\n\r\nThe tokens serve two purposes. One - they can be used to further your standing within the Argent Dawn; to do so may avail you options and rewards that are reserved for our honored and revered allies. Two - they can be given to our quartermasters, along with coin, as payment for some of the Dawn\'s more prized items.\r\n\r\nWhatever you decide, know that you are earning your commission. Well done!','A Minion\'s Scourgestone is the insignia of the Scourge rank and file. These are sometimes found on the weaker of their troops positioned in the Plaguelands, though the term \"weaker\" is certainly to be considered in context. The Scourge, no matter where they are, should never be underestimated.$B$BThe Argent Dawn currently offers a valor token in exchange for twenty of these insignia - an exchange I\'m happy to do, provided you have earned enough scourgestones!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2549insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2504,5511,'The Key to Scholomance','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2550insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2505,5513,'Mantles of the Dawn','Your service to the Argent Dawn is to be commended, $N.  You are truly revered amongst us.  I have been authorized to make available for you to purchase one of the Dawn\'s most valued items - our magic resistance mantles.$B$BApplication of a mantle to your existing shoulder piece will enhance your resistance to the powers of magic in one of five potential ways.  As a sign of continued dedication to our cause, I ask for no less than ten of our valor tokens in exchange for access to these mantles.','Bring 10 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens to Quartermaster Breechlock at Light\'s Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.','Outstanding - your tribute to the Dawn is duly noted, $N. With this accomplished, I am delighted to make our mantles available to you for purchase. So long as you maintain your current status with us, these mantles will be purchasable from any authorized quartermaster of the Argent Dawn.$B$BFor the Dawn, my brother!','Ah, noble $C! Have you brought the valor tokens requested of you? Once you hand them to me, I will make our various mantles available to you for purchase.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2551insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2506,5514,'Mold Rhymes With...','The goblin you will need to speak with is Krinkle Goodsteel.  He peddles his skills to the highest bidder in Gadgetzan, within the Tanaris desert.  He\'ll likely be the only one who can produce the mold we need, and his services won\'t come cheap.  We now ask for you to dig deep by footing whatever fee he will charge.$B$BI\'m an apothecary, not a banker.  If I had gold lying around, I certainly wouldn\'t be here.$B$BI guess I said the quiet part out loud again.  Oops.$B$BGadgetzan awaits you!  Good luck!','Bring the Imbued Skeletal Fragments and 15 gold coins to Krinkle Goodsteel in Gadgetzan.','Dithers said you\'d deliver the goods, and deliver you have! A deal is a deal; let me pack the fragments into the mold for you.$b$bDid Dithers imbue them already? Excellent... otherwise, it would have been a long trip back to the Bulwark for you.','Yeah, I know who you are, and I know why you\'re here. Dithers sent word to me before you arrived. Let\'s cut to deal at hand, now shall we?$b$bI\'ve got a mold you can use for the skeleton key, but it will cost you - fifteen gold, up front, no negotiation. I\'ll pack the skeletal fragments into the mold for you, and I\'ll also teach you on how to forge the stem of the key without any knowledge of blacksmithing... all free of charge no less.$b$bWho says mercenaries don\'t offer competitive deals!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2552insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2507,5515,'Krastinov\'s Bag of Horrors','A great weight has been lifted from our hearts, $N, but your task is not yet complete. Krastinov\'s master, Kirtonos, still lives.$B$BBefore you may face Kirtonos, however, you must first secure a method in which to summon him.$B$BIt is said that Jandice Barov stewards the blood of innocents from Krastinov to Kirtonos.$B$BFind her in the sunken catacombs of Scholomance and strike her down. Bring back any clues that you may find.','Locate Jandice Barov in the Scholomance and destroy her. From her corpse recover Krastinov\'s Bag of Horrors. Return the bag to Eva Sarkhoff.','The bag of horrors!','<Eva fades in and out of focus.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2553insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2508,5517,'Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn','$G Brother : Sister; $N - your deeds on behalf of the Argent Dawn are far too numerous to be recounted easily.  As a fitting tribute, I\'ll part with one of our special Chromatic Mantles of the Dawn - a version that protects the wearer from all forms of resistible magic simultaneously.  Chromatic Mantles of the Dawn are reserved for only the mightiest of the Dawn\'s heroes!$B$BBring to me twenty-five valor tokens as a sign of tribute, and I\'ll give you the finest of all our mantles.','Bring 25 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens to Quartermaster Breechlock at Light\'s Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.','Most impressive, $N - the Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn is now yours!$B$BAs long as you maintain Exalted status with the Argent Dawn, you will be able to purchase additional Chromatic Mantles. They will be made available to you immediately from any of the Dawn\'s quartermasters.','Salutations, mighty priest! Have you brought the valor tokens I asked of you? Once you hand them to me, I will issue you your own Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2554insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2509,5518,'The Gordok Ogre Suit','If you\'re going to fight the king of this dump - and I think that\'s what you\'re bound to do - then you\'re going to need to get by Captain Kromcrush.  Now, you can get by him by killing him, sure.  You might actually want to leave him alive.$B$BHow, you ask?  Since I\'ve been here, I think I know how to make an ogre suit that will last just long enough to fool these bozos.  The only problem is stability - ten minutes tops.  Bring me what I need, and I\'ll make you one.  I\'m not going anywhere...','Bring 4 Bolts of Runecloth, 8 Rugged Leather, 2 Rune Threads, and Ogre Tannin to Knot Thimblejack.  He is currently chained inside the Gordok wing of Dire Maul.','Yeah, this will do the trick.  Just a slip here, and tuck here... heh - this is going to work out just fine!  <A broad smile beams from the chained goblin\'s face.>$B$BHere you go, you\'re all set.  Remember- this isn\'t the most securely fashioned item in the world.  You\'ll have ten minutes of use before it falls apart, and then you\'re not going to fool anybody!  Try using it just before you approach him, and remember... it only will make him think that YOU are an ally - not your group mates!','The Ogre Tannin is probably the toughest thing to find for what I need to make the suit - I think they have some upstairs?  It\'s hard to tell, since this ball and chain doesn\'t make movement that easy to do...$B$BAnyway, bring me the things I need, and I\'ll whip you up an ogre suit that will fool Captain Kromcrush into thinking you\'re one of his men.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2555insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2510,5519,'The Gordok Ogre Suit','','','Here ya go $N - put this thing on, and you\'ll have ten minutes to do whatever.  Good luck!$B$BOh, and if you happen to find a key to get me out of here, BY ALL MEANS LET ME KNOW!!!','Need another suit, do ya? Well, I\'m not going anywhere soon it seems - bring me the same things I asked for from before, and I\'ll make you another ogre suit.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2556insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2511,5521,'Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn','$G Brother : Sister; $N - your deeds on behalf of the Argent Dawn are far too numerous to be recounted easily.  As a fitting tribute, I\'ll part with one of our special Chromatic Mantles of the Dawn - a version that protects the wearer from all forms of resistible magic simultaneously.  Chromatic Mantles of the Dawn are reserved for only the mightiest of the Dawn\'s heroes!$B$BBring to me twenty-five valor tokens as a sign of tribute, and I\'ll give you the finest of all our mantles.','Bring 25 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens to Quartermaster Lightspark at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','Most impressive, $N - the Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn is now yours!$B$BAs long as you maintain Exalted status with the Argent Dawn, you will be able to purchase additional Chromatic Mantles. They will be made available to you immediately from any of the Dawn\'s quartermasters.','Salutations, mighty $C! Have you brought the valor tokens I asked of you? Once you hand them to me, I will issue you your own Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2557insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2512,5522,'Leonid Barthalomew','I received a message from my master, Vectus.  Well, the message wasn\'t really from Vectus...it was from someone named Leonid Barthalomew.  I don\'t know Leonid, but he knew my master, and no one knows my master unless he allows it.$B$BLeonid says Vectus wants the dragon eggs.  He wants you to deliver them to him at the Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BThat hurts!  Why you?  Doesn\'t Vectus trust me?  Oh, never mind... just take the eggs and tell Leonid that I did what our master commanded.','Bring the Frozen Eggs to Leonid Barthalomew in the Eastern Plaguelands.','Ah, very good. You do not know the evil power for whom you have labored, but now you will know the truth. And fear not--I am no servant of that master. I am Leonid Barthalomew, known as \"the Revered\" to my brethren in the Argent Dawn.$b$bI tricked Tinkee into sending you and the dragon eggs to me. And it is good that my trick was successful, for had these eggs reached their intended destination, a great power would have fallen into the hands of the enemy.','You are the one up to mischief in Blackrock Spire, yes? Do you have what I asked for?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2558insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2513,5524,'Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn','$G Brother : Sister; $N - your deeds on behalf of the Argent Dawn are far too numerous to be recounted easily.  As a fitting tribute, I\'ll part with one of our special Chromatic Mantles of the Dawn - a version that protects the wearer from all forms of resistible magic simultaneously.  Chromatic Mantles of the Dawn are reserved for only the mightiest of the Dawn\'s heroes!$B$BBring to me twenty-five valor tokens as a sign of tribute, and I\'ll give you the finest of all our mantles.','Bring 25 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens to Quartermaster Hasana at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Most impressive, $N - the Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn is now yours!$B$BAs long as you maintain Exalted status with the Argent Dawn, you will be able to purchase additional Chromatic Mantles. They will be made available to you immediately from any of the Dawn\'s quartermasters.','Salutations, mighty $C! Have you brought the valor tokens I asked of you? Once you hand them to me, I will issue you your own Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2559insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2514,5525,'Free Knot!','','','You - ranked number one. Everyone else - ranked number two or lower. Oh, thank you for freeing me!$B$BI knew my life was destined for more than just being an appetizer to some ogre!','It\'s called the Gordok Shackle Key - well, that\'s what these \"tons o\' fun\" keep calling it. I think any of the ogres might have it, but I\'m not sure if any specific ones do. Maybe the guards have a better chance of having one...$B$BWhat am I talking about - you have it already, don\'t you?! Is that it there??!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2560insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2515,5526,'Shards of the Felvine','Your knowledge of Eldre\'Thalas - Dire Maul - in Feralas will now come into play, $N.  In the eastern part of the ruined city is where Alzzin the Wildshaper has exerted his corrupt dominion.  Go there with all due haste and brave whatever challenges await you.$B$BThe Fruit of Fertility, now corrupted as the Felvine, should be close to Alzzin.  When he falls, capture whatever essence of the Felvine you can.  Seal it in the Reliquary, and bring it to me.$B$BGood luck, and Cenarion\'s speed.','Find the Felvine in Dire Maul and acquire a shard from it.  Chances are you\'ll only be able to procure one with the demise of Alzzin the Wildshaper.  Use the Reliquary of Purity to securely seal the shard inside, and return it to Rabine Saturna in Nighthaven, Moonglade.','It is done, brave $C, and with that the Cenarion Circle is in your debt. Though the war is far from over, a great battle has been won against those who would bring about our doom.$b$bPlease - accept this as a token of our enduring gratitude. Know that you are welcomed here as a hero of the Cenarion Circle for your great deed, $N. Thank you.','With the Sealed Reliquary of Purity in our possession, it will be possible not only to remove a corrupting threat from the world but also to study it under our judicious watch. Perhaps we can even devise new means to combat the taint of corruption that ever threatens Azeroth.$b$bI know Milli would have had it no other way...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2561insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2516,5527,'A Reliquary of Purity','The first step is to find a container capable of holding an extremely corruptible substance without the handler suffering ill effects.  There is only one sort device I am aware of that could possibly contain something as vile as the Felvine: a Reliquary of Purity.$B$BDeep in the wasteland of Silithus is the remnants of the night elf village known as Southwind.  I know one was there many, many years ago.  If we are to succeed, I need you to scour those ruins in the hopes of reclaiming it.','Travel to Silithus and search for a Reliquary of Purity within the ruins of Southwind Village.  If you are able to find it, return with it to Rabine Saturna in Nighthaven, Moonglade.','Indeed, you are as resourceful as many claim. The Cenarion Circle is blessed to have you working in our stead.$b$bWith the Reliquary once more in our hands, my mind is at ease. I feel more comfortable asking you to not only face down a malfeasant demon, but also to bring back a dangerous item in the process...','A Reliquary of Purity is an artifact unto itself. Few were ever made, and almost all of them were thought to have been lost over time.$b$bI admit I have known about the one in Southwind for a little while now. Honestly, with the rising turmoil in Silithus, I thought to keep our secrets just that - a secret. To poke and prod would only cause suspicions of our enemies to rise.$b$bAlas, the time for complacency is at an end, especially with the situation in Eldre\'Thalas.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2562insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2517,5528,'The Gordok Taste Test','','','You da big boss now, so you get free sample of my better brews!  These drinks boost you up AND give you good buzz!  These are da good ones, chief... you try and tell Kreeg yourself!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2563insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2518,5529,'Plagued Hatchlings','The Argent Dawn recently learned that the Scourge are creating their own plagued dragonflight!  We must stop them -- if the Scourge gain a force of dragons they\'ll sweep across Azeroth unchecked!$B$BTheir necromancers are breeding plagued dragons at the Scholomance, in the middle of Darrowmere Lake.$B$BGo to the Scholomance and kill as many hatchlings as you can... before they get any bigger!','Kill 20 Plagued Hatchlings, then return to Betina Bigglezink at the Light\'s Hope Chapel.','Well done, $N!  It\'ll be a long time before they can grow another clutch of dragons.$B$B...At least, I hope it will!','Get to the Scholomance, $N. Take out those plagued hatchlings before they g','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2564insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2519,5531,'Betina Bigglezink','The eggs you brought were to be used in Scourge experiments to create a plagued dragonflight.  These frozen black dragon eggs would have been invaluable in their studies, and would have assuredly quickened their timetable.$B$BNow, it is time we ended their research.$B$BTake the frozen eggs to Betina Bigglezink outside.  She is well-learned in science and alchemy, and has produced a weapon we can use against the Scourge.  With your help, we will deal them a heavy blow.','Bring the Frozen Eggs to Betina Bigglezink.','There they are! And in such a nice container. The perfect size!$b$bWe\'ll keep these eggs in a safe place so we can study them later, but right now we need that thing you brought them in.$b$bI have created a device with a very specific use: to destroy the undead scholars of the Scholomance. They are studying dragons in their efforts to create a plagued dragonflight, and we must halt their progress.$b$bI call the device Dawn\'s Gambit, because... I\'m not sure if it works!$b$bWill you find out for us?','Hello, $N! I heard you were here with some dragon eggs? Well, let\'s see them!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2565insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2520,5533,'Scholomance','On the island of Caer Darrow lies Scholomance - a wretched center of Scourge necromancy and evil.  Our enemy dwells within, conducting unspeakable acts of depravity on unwitting victims... at least, we surmise as much.  A door bars the way, and try as we might no entry is to be had without a proper key.$B$BAlchemist Arbington is well versed on Scholomance, and has an idea how to obtain a key.  You have proved your worth to me, and now I entrust this task to you.  Speak with him on this matter.','Speak with Alchemist Arbington at Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands.','Well met, $C.  I\'ve dedicated a fair portion of my recent studies to the Scholomance, and I believe I know a means by which you can acquire a key... one that will let you past the front door.$B$BI can only imagine what horrid sights are to be seen inside, $N.  I don\'t know how you heroic types do it sometimes...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2566insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2521,5534,'Kim\'jael\'s \"Missing\" Equipment','What?! What?!$B$BThat wasn\'t good enough for you? You know how expensive those explosives are? They sell for... oh, nevermind. Fine, you want to make some real money? Cause that\'s how business is done: you prove you\'re a valuable employee and then you\'re rewarded adequately after you stick it out some.$B$BIf you\'re a \"valuable\" employee, then hit the Ruins of Eldarath and find me some rune that them Blood elves were lookin\' for. The naga apparently have it in their possession.','Find Some Rune that the naga have in their possession in the Ruins of Eldarath and return it to Kim\'jael in Azshara.','Haha! Wonderful!$b$bI\'ll be sure to find out what this is for and why Magus Rimtori--she\'s the cow that hired me--wanted it. Hah! I got you now, stinkin\' Blood elves! Kim\'jael! Ha! I\'ll teach them who the rats are!$b$bYa did good, $N. Thanks a bundle. Here, take this coin and be off with ya--I\'ve got some things to figure out.','Well, $N? Where is the rune? You are a good employee, right? You\'re here to help?$b$bDon\'t make me think twice about paying you what we agreed upon. What? Oh, we didn\'t agree on anything? Oh, great... then take your time--just know that it\'ll be a lot less if you take a long time.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2567insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2522,5535,'Spiritual Unrest','Long ago, the Highborne were some of the most powerful students of the arcane the night elves ever produced. The corruption that comes along with such studies caused much harm to night elf society and greatly affected all of Azeroth... as I\'m sure you well know.$B$BI promised the Sentinels that I would release the spirits from their mortal bonds as I find them. If you would do the same, then I am sure I can reward you some.$B$BThe spirits haunt the Shadowsong Shrine to the northeast of here.','Destroy 6 Highborne Apparitions and 6 Highborne Lichlings before returning to Loh\'atu in Azshara.','Well done, $C. Thank you for your help. The spirits are at peace, and the threats that their desire for the arcane draw have been lessened.$b$bI am sure that both sides of the conflict that ravishes Azeroth will see you are above such things.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2568insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2523,5536,'A Land Filled with Hatred','The satyr, a disfigured, evil aspect of the night elves, now infect the sacred lands once traveled by Cenarius. I cannot speak for the night elves when it comes to all the atrocities those demonic creatures have committed, but I have sworn an oath to the Earthmother to aid the elves in ridding the land of such a nuisance.$B$BI am sure you would prove yourself if you aided me in purging them.$B$BNortheast of here, you can find the Haldarr clan. Return to me after you\'ve tested yourself against their power.','Kill 6 Haldarr Satyr, 2 Haldarr Tricksters, 2 Haldarr Felsworn and then return to Loh\'atu on the border of Ashenvale.','Well done, $C. I see you\'re not only skilled but cunning. To defeat such creatures is a testament to your loyalty to the tenants of the Earthmother, even if you do not recognize her as your own deity. She is in all things on this planet and beyond. Her eyes, one dark and one light, travel across the skies always gazing down upon us.$b$bPlease, take this small amount of coin in appreciation for what you have done.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2569insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2524,5537,'Skeletal Fragments','The key to Scholomance is called a Skeleton Key.  It must be forged from the remains of a skeleton - several actually - and hardened by only the strongest of metals within a suitable mold.  A signet of power from a being who naturally can open the portal to Scholomance will make the key ultimately function.$B$BFirst thing\'s first though, $N.  We\'ll need skeletal fragments for the key\'s forging.  Skeletons inside Andorhal should yield what we need, but the ones outside the walls might work too.','Bring 15 Skeletal Fragments to Alchemist Arbington at Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands.','This\'ll work, $N!  My turn now - I will imbue these with a suitable temper that will allow them to survive the intense forging process they will eventually go through.$B$BThe next step will be to get an appropriate mold for the key.  I know a goblin blacksmith in Tanaris that has in the past made molds for similarly macabre items.  He works for whom goblins usually work for - the highest bidder.','As morbid as it sounds, we\'ll need a decent supply of suitable skeletal fragments to make up the outer layer of the key.  They don\'t call it a Skeleton Key for nothing, you know.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2570insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2525,5538,'Mold Rhymes With...','The goblin you will need to speak with is Krinkle Goodsteel.  He peddles his skills to the highest bidder in Gadgetzan, within the Tanaris desert.  He\'ll likely be the only one who can produce the mold we need, and his services won\'t come cheap.  We now ask for you to dig deep by footing whatever fee he will charge.$B$BI\'m an alchemist, not a banker.  If I had gold lying around, I certainly wouldn\'t be here.$B$BI guess I said the quiet part out loud again.  Oops.$B$BGadgetzan awaits you!  Good luck!','Bring the Imbued Skeletal Fragments and 15 gold coins to Krinkle Goodsteel in Gadgetzan.','Dithers said you\'d deliver the goods, and deliver you have! A deal is a deal; let me pack the fragments into the mold for you.$b$bDid Dithers imbue them already? Excellent... otherwise, it would have been a long trip back to the Bulwark for you.','Yeah, I know who you are, and I know why you\'re here. Dithers sent word to me before you arrived. Let\'s cut to deal at hand, now shall we?$b$bI\'ve got a mold you can use for the skeleton key, but it will cost you - fifteen gold, up front, no negotiation. I\'ll pack the skeletal fragments into the mold for you, and I\'ll also teach you on how to forge the stem of the key without any knowledge of blacksmithing... all free of charge no less.$b$bWho says mercenaries don\'t offer competitive deals!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2571insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2526,5541,'Ammo for Rumbleshot','Hegnar Rumbleshot sells guns off the road to Anvilmar.  Riflemen and mortar teams spend a lot of time practicing out near his shop, and he\'s always needing fresh ammunition.$B$BBut... the last crate of ammo I sent him got lost along the way.  My courier said he was camped near the Grizzled Den when wendigo chased him away... and the fool left Rumbleshot\'s ammo behind!$B$B$N, can you get that ammo and take it to Rumbleshot?  He\'s been waiting on it and I\'m sure he\'s running low.','Bring Rumbleshot\'s Ammo to Hegnar Rumbleshot in Dun Morogh.','Great, more ammo! Old Loslor\'s shipment finally came through! The ammo might be late, but just like my grand daddy used to tell me: late\'s better than never!$b$bThank you much, $N. I already have buyers eager for this stuff!','I hope you\'re not here for ammo, because I\'m almost out!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2572insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2527,5542,'Demon Dogs','If you are going to remain here, I ask only that you earn your keep. We have many nuisances that could use some \'discipline.\'$B$BYou can start with the Plaguehounds and their runts.$B$BI cannot offer much in return, but you are guaranteed a warm meal and some conversation should you succeed.','Slay 20 Plaguehound Runts, 5 Plaguehounds and 5 Frenzied Plaguehounds. Return to Tirion Fordring when the task is complete.','Well done, $N. Come. Rest. Let us eat and talk of days long past!','Do not pity the demon dogs, troll. They are abominations!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2573insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2528,5543,'Blood Tinged Skies','Woe to those that foolishly wander into the Plaguelands. All manner of foulness inhabit these woods - from the fanatical Scarlet Crusade, who will kill any that do not bear the mark of the Crusade, to the murderous Scourge, who only look to bolster their numbers by adding more undead to their ranks.$B$BEven the wildlife have been transformed into rapacious, man eating beasts. I ask that you destroy those that would strike from the skies: The Plaguebats.','Slay 30 Plaguebats and return to Tirion Fordring.','You are a shining example of decency, troll! It has been long since I have felt the blood of heroes pump through my veins. Your acts of bravery are uplifting!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2574insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2529,5544,'Carrion Grubbage','My food supplies are running low, $r. I am ashamed to admit that I might not have enough food to share with you.$B$BCould you assist an old man with a simple task? Around here, the only manner of beast unaffected by the ravages of the Plague are the Carrion worms. While rather bland in taste, the meat of the worms can easily be preserved to last for months. I will need several hundred pounds to restock for the coming winter!','Seek out the Carrion Grubs and Devourers of the region. Slay them and harvest their meat. Return to Tirion Fordring when you have gathered 15 Slabs of Carrion Worm Meat.\r\n','May the Light watch over you! Bless you, young one.','You will grow to tolerate the taste, troll.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2575insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2530,5545,'A Bundle of Trouble','I\'ve got a real problem on my hands. I have a deadline looming for an order of lumber, and I\'m running out of time. The wolves and bears north of here have chased my workers away from the bundles of wood that they\'ve already chopped.$B$BI\'ve already talked to Deputy Rainer about clearing the animals, but I need someone to go collect the wood for me. If you could collect eight bundles of wood for me I might just make my deadline.','Bring 8 Bundles of Wood to Raelen at the Eastvale Logging Camp.','Excellent! Thanks to you, I should be able to complete the order in time. To show my gratitude, I would like to offer some coin as compensation for your troubles.$b$bThank you and farewell.','That deadline isn\'t getting any further away, $C. Please hurry and collect those bundles of wood.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2576insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2531,5561,'Kodo Roundup','Bibbly thinks he is the only goblin in Desolace who knows how to make money.  Well, the only caravan brave enough to travel these parts relies on me.  Ever since I learned how to rejuvenate and control aged and dying kodos with my kodo kombobulator, the caravan owner Cork, Rigger, and I entered a partnership.$B$BTake the kombobulator and use it on any ancient, aged, or dying kodos; it will jolt the beast into a tamed kodo and force it to follow you.  Once you have a kodo tamed, bring it back to me.','Bring five Tamed Kodos and the Kodo Kombobulator back to Smeed Scrabblescrew at Scrabblescrew\'s Camp.','<Smeed Scrabblescrew begins counting.>$b$bThree, four, and five... excellent, I ask for five tamed kodos and I get five tamed kodos... I am going to be rich... yes, very rich! I hope to see the look on Bibbly\'s green face when he hears about my success!','The caravan will be here shortly; do you have the five new tamed kodos I was asking for?','','Kodos Tamed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2577insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2532,5581,'Portals of the Legion','Behold - the Hand of Iruxos. A gruesome sight indeed.$B$BYou must possess it if the demon portals at Mannoroc Coven are to be banished... which is what I now ask you to do. The Demon threat is increasing and we must close these portals to stem the tide of demons to this world. Good luck, $N... and be wary of the portal guardians.\r\n','Banish 6 Portals at Mannoroc Coven and return to Taiga Wisemane at Shadowprey Village.\r\n','You are to be commended, $N. Your effort has helped greatly in fighting the demon threat, and all of Azeroth is safer because of it.$b$b','Have you banished the demon portals at Mannoroc Coven?$b$b','','Portals Banished','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2578insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2533,5582,'Healthy Dragon Scale','This is a scale shed from a plagued dragon hatchling.  But unlike the other pocked, oozing scales on the infant beast, this rare scale is healthy and unmarred.$B$BBetina Bigglezink will want a sample of this to study.','Bring the Healthy Dragon Scale to Betina Bigglezink at the Light\'s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands.','Excellent! This will be invaluable in my continued studies of the machinations of the Scourge. Thank you, $N, and if you find more of these scales please bring them to me!','$N, do you have something to show me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2579insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2534,5601,'Sister Pamela','I fled Lordaeron during the great war, and was lucky to escape before the Scourge swept through my homeland and turned it into a plagued nightmare!  I was lucky, but my family was not.  I fear they were all killed during the battle of Darrowshire.$B$BDarrowshire is a village in the Eastern Kingdoms, nestled in the southern hills of what is now the Eastern Plaguelands.  Will you go there and search for my family?  I miss them so much, especially my little sister Pamela.$B$BPlease, find her for me!','Find Pamela Redpath in Darrowshire.','Where is my sister Jessica? She left so long ago, when I was just a little girl. She cried so much when she went away. I don\'t know why she cried! Maybe she fell and hit her toe.$b$bWhen Jessica was here we used to play games and dance and pick pretty flowers around the house. And sometimes we\'d hide when we saw daddy coming home, then jump out and surprise him!$b$bCome back, Jessica! If you come back then maybe daddy will too and we can all play together again...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2580insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2535,5621,'Garments of the Moon','I need your help, $N. I am needed here to train the other students, but you, you can help one of our injured Sentinels just south of Dolanaar. She was hurt patrolling the town and could use our aid. Her name is Shaya.$B$BWhen you find her, heal her wounds, and then fortify her body with your spells. This will at least protect her from harm longer if she finds trouble. Return to me here after you\'ve done your duty to Elune.','Find Sentinel Shaya and heal her wounds using Lesser Heal (Rank 2). Afterwards, grant her Power Word: Fortitude and then return to Laurna Morninglight in Dolanaar.','You have done well and you have served Elune. For that, I thank you.$B$BPlease, take this robe as a token of my thanks. It signifies you have earned your place among our order. If you wish, wear it with pride, but either way, we will always recognize you as one of our own.$B$BGo with Elune, $N, and thank you.','Our spells of Fortify are very powerful, Delor. They allow our companions to take further injury from all types of attacks and survive in situations where they would normally fall. But this is nothing when compared to our abilities to heal. There are no greater healers than a priest--do well to remember that. Your power alone can turn the tides of battle easily.','','Heal and fortify Sentinel Shaya','Sentinel Shaya Fortified','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2581insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2536,5622,'In Favor of Elune','$N, you must travel to Dolanaar when your business here in Shadowglen is done. There, you will find Laurna Morninglight. She will instruct you further in the ways of Elune, and it is with her that you will earn your first garments denoting your station as a $gpriest:priestess; of Elune.$B$BTake care, and may you be protected in your journeys.','Speak to Laurna Morninglight in Teldrassil.','I\'m happy to see Shanda has sent you to find me, $N. Teaching young priests the ways of Elune gives me great satisfaction.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2582insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2537,5623,'In Favor of the Light','Hello again, young $gpriest:priestess;. The time has come for you to learn more about our religion. After you\'ve completed whatever tasks you have here in Northshire, please seek out Priestess Josetta in Goldshire. She has more to teach you and has heard that you are growing strong in the ways of the Light. She looks forward to tutoring you more.','Speak to Priestess Josetta in Elwynn Forest.','I\'m glad you\'ve arrived, $N. We have much to discuss about your future and your path within the Light.','Hello, $R. What can I do for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2583insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2538,5624,'Garments of the Light','Normally I put forth a small challenge to followers of the Light to test their skill. I want to see if they are worthy of wearing their first robes--a sign that the church outwardly approves of the $gpriest:priestess; and supports $ghim:her;.$B$BBut this situation is a bit different. One of Goldshire\'s citizens saw an injured guard near the lake to the east of here. His name is Roberts. Find him, heal him, fortify his body and return here. If you can do that for me, then I will consider your test complete.','Find Guard Roberts and heal his wounds using Lesser Heal (Rank 2). Afterwards, grant him Power Word: Fortitude and then return to Priestess Josetta in Goldshire.','Excellent, $N With one more healthy guard out there to help the town, we\'ll be that much safer. I\'m glad to see you\'re already learning to use your abilities wisely. If you feel you are ready for more training at any time, please come back to me. But for now, take this robe. It will let others know that you are one of our order. If you don\'t want to wear it, that\'s fine. Later there will be more tests and this robe isn\'t necessary for those.','','','Heal and fortify Guard Roberts','Fortify Guard Roberts','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2584insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2539,5625,'Garments of the Light','It\'s usually about this time that one of your power is tested to see if they\'re worthy of wearing robes denoting their place in the church. But to be honest, I got more pressing matters to look into. Citizen of Kharanos\' just came in here and told me \'bout a hurt mountaineer just outside town to the south--name\'s Dolf.$B$BYou heal Dolf and give him Fortitude, and I\'ll consider you done with proving yourself. How\'s that sound?','Find Mountaineer Dolf and heal his wounds using Lesser Heal (Rank 2). Afterwards, grant him Power Word: Fortitude and then return to Maxan Anvol in Kharanos.','Excellent, $N With one more healthy guard out there to help the town, we\'ll be that much safer. I\'m glad to see you\'re already learning to use your abilities wisely. If you feel you are ready for more training at any time, please come back to me. But for now, take this robe. It will let others know that you are one of our order. If you don\'t want to wear it, that\'s fine. Later there will be more tests and this robe isn\'t necessary for those.','Have you found Dolf yet, $N?$B$BYou\'ve probably already learned this, but our ability to heal is very useful. Not only are we able to take care of the wounded, but we\'re vital to the survival of all those would-be heroes out there trying to make a name for themselves. With Fortitude to increase the amount of blows we can take, and our healing magic to keep them alive, there\'s nothing we can\'t overcome!','','Heal and fortify Mountaineer Dolf','Fortify Mountaineer Dolf','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2585insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2540,5626,'In Favor of the Light','Hey! $N! Got a minute?!$B$BYa been following the Light now for long enough that you find your way to Maxan Anvol in Kharanos. He\'ll teach ya more about the path yer following, and if you prove worthy, give ya yer first set of robes to denote your station as a $gpriest:priestess;.$B$BNow get goin\'! As soon as yer done here, head through the tunnel--he\'ll be waitin\' for ya.','Speak to Maxan Anvol in Dun Morogh.','Oh, so Branstock sent ya, did he? Good, good! He\'s right, it is \'bout time you started taking a much larger step into the Light. It\'ll build character and make ya stronger... an\' that\'s what you\'ll need more than anything: strength of body... strength of will.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2586insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2541,5627,'Stars of Elune','You\'ve proven yourself worthy of Elune\'s attention, $N. If you feel you\'re ready, I would very much like to teach you one of her spells unique to our people.','Speak to me again in result of learning a spell!','You\'ve proven yourself worthy of Elune\'s attention, $N. If you feel you\'re ready, I would very much like to teach you one of her spells unique to our people.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2587insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2542,5628,'Returning Home','Ah, yes, hello, $N? I\'m glad you stopped to talk for a moment. You are a far way from home at such a young age--I admire such ambition. I wish when I was younger I could have mustered the courage to travel the world.$B$BThere was a priestess of your order here looking for you not too long ago. She said it was very urgent you returned to the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus and speak to Priestess Alathea--it had something to do with your training. I wouldn\'t dally too long if you can help it.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','Wonderful, you\'ve returned home, $N. It always pleases Tyrande and myself when those we\'ve trained go out into the world and return to us safely. How have things been with you? Does Elune still bless your travels? Perhaps after we speak more about the business at hand, you could tell me more of your travels.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2588insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2543,5629,'Returning Home','Hello again, $N. I know you\'ve been busy aiding our people, but you must take some time for yourself also. Priestess Alathea sent someone here looking for you. It seems that you\'ve caught the attention of our elders and they feel you are prepared for greater things. Head to the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus and look for Alathea there. She will be waiting. Good luck, and may Elune be with you.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','Wonderful, you\'ve returned, $N. It always pleases Tyrande and myself when those we\'ve trained go out into the world and return to us safely. How have things been with you? Does Elune still bless your travels? Perhaps after we speak more about the business at hand, you could tell me more of your travels.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2589insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2544,5630,'Returning Home','Hello there, $gladdy:lassy;. Good to see you travelin\' far and wide to distant lands. No offense meant, but a lot o\' your kind don\'t take well to these cold climates usually. Glad to see you\'re made of tougher stuff.$B$BNot too long ago one of your priestesses was in here lookin\' for you--said somethin\' about you finding a Priestess Alathea in the Temple of the Moon back in Darnassus. Said it was important and you should head back there soon.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2590insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2545,5631,'Returning Home','A priestess recently visited our halls seeking you out, young $r. She said that she was on a mission to find you and that you should return to the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus as soon as possible. When you arrive, seek out a Priestess Alathea--she will tell you more.$B$BThe Light be with you, $N.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','Wonderful, you\'ve returned home, $N. It always pleases Tyrande and myself when those we\'ve trained go out into the world and return to us safely. How have things been with you? Does Elune still bless your travels? Perhaps after we speak more about the business at hand, you could tell me more of your travels.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2591insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2546,5632,'Returning Home','Oh, yes, of course. Hello, $N. A messenger from our order was here not too long ago looking for you. She mentioned something important happening back in Darnassus and that you should return to the Temple of the Moon as soon as you can. When you arrive, speak to Priestess Alathea. I believe it has something to do with your progressing so well in our ways.$B$BAgain, return to Darnassus when you can.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2592insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2547,5633,'Returning Home','Greetings, $gladdy:lass;. Good to see you here in our great halls. A blessing be on you and your kind.$B$BWhile you were traveling through our lands, a priestess of your temple came here seeking you. She said that you were to return to the Temple of the Moon as soon as possible. I\'m sorry I can\'t tell you more, but it did sound important. When you get to the temple, speak to a Priestess Alathea.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2593insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2548,5634,'Desperate Prayer','','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2594insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2549,5635,'Desperate Prayer','You\'ve caught the attention of our superiors, $N. They\'ve asked you travel to the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind as soon as possible. Apparently they feel you\'ve proven yourself already and are prepared to further your training. When you get there, find High Priestess Laurena. She will be able to guide you further. Good luck, and may the Light be with you.','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2595insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2550,5636,'Desperate Prayer','Elune bless you, good $r. I hope your Light finds you and protects you well this day.$B$BOne of your priests was here not long ago looking for you. He mentioned you returning to the Cathedral of Light as soon as possible to speak with High Priestess Laurena. It seems you\'ve done well to garner such attention. I wouldn\'t spend too much time here--your people have need of you.','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2596insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2551,5637,'Desperate Prayer','Time\'s come for you to head to Stormwind, $N. High Priestess Laurena in the Cathedral of Light wants to speak to you. Gotta be somethin\' really good or really bad for the High Priestess to want you there personally, but I\'m guessin\' you\'ve only done well for yourself and it\'s a good thing that she wants to speak to ya.$B$BBut don\'t waste too much time \'round here. I\'d head there as soon as you can.','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2597insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2552,5638,'Desperate Prayer','Just a short time ago, one of your priests was here looking for you, $r. He said that if I were to see you, I should direct you towards the Cathedral of Light. He said it was very important, but I would not be overly concerned if I were you. His demeanor seemed positive... as though it were good news. I wouldn\'t take too long in making my way there if I were you.$B$BElune be with you, good $r.','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2598insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2553,5639,'Desperate Prayer','You\'re needed in Stormwind, $N. The High Priestess there, Laurena, says it\'s time for you to prove you\'re worthy of the next level of your training. Don\'t waste too much time finding your way there. You can find her in the Cathedral of Light in the center of the city. Give her my regards, and prove how worthy you are of such a calling. The Light be with you, $N.','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2599insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2554,5640,'Desperate Prayer','Praise be to Elune, and to your Light, $N.$B$BAbout this time, many of our order learn abilities reflecting their faith in Elune. If knowledge serves me, I believe the same holds true for your order also.$B$BWhen your business in Darnassus is complete, I would seek out one of your High Priestesses for further training.','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2600insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2555,5641,'A Lack of Fear','$N, your High Priest Rohan would have an audience with you in Ironforge. Make haste, my strong friend, your next test quickly approaches. Although I wish I could bear witness to your race\'s own special rites, my place is here. But may the Light go with you in your travels. Rohan should still be in the Mystic Ward once you reach the city. He will be waiting.','Speak to High Priest Rohan in Ironforge.','You\'ve got the makings of a great $C, $N. Keep up the good work!$B$BYou\'ve already shown you\'re ready for battle. Perhaps it\'s time we taught ya a little somethin\' more.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2601insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2556,5642,'Shadowguard','Something important is up in Orgrimmar, $N.$B$BThe normal messengers that come through here looking for troll priests usually are very casual. This time, they seemed to be in much more a hurry. Don\'t dally too long in Thunder Bluff. I\'d return to the Valley of Spirits as soon as possible.','Speak to Ur\'kyo in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2602insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2557,5643,'Shadowguard','Like many of our own priests, your own tribe puts you through rites of passage. These rites often teach priests special abilities that are vital to their survival. I sense that time is upon you even as we speak. You must return to the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar and speak to Ur\'kyo. What he teaches you might be very important for the future.','Speak to Ur\'kyo in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2603insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2558,5644,'Devouring Plague','Ah, a wonderful day for you, $N. I can see by the lessons you\'ve learned that the time has come to send you back to Aelthalyste. There are things only she can teach you, and even then, only if you prove worthy.$B$BI will not spoil the surprise for you, but I remember when I was a young priest learning about true power... divine power. Yes, those were the days.$B$BGo back to Aelthalyste in the Undercity, $N. She will be awaiting you in the War Quarter.','Speak to Aelthalyste in the Undercity.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2604insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2559,5645,'A Lack of Fear','$N, your High Priest Rohan would have an audience with you in Ironforge. Make haste, my strong friend, your next test quickly approaches. Although I wish I could bear witness to your race\'s own special rites, my place is here. But may the Light go with you in your travels. Rohan should still be in the Mystic Ward once you reach the city. He will be waiting.','Speak to High Priest Rohan in Ironforge.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2605insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2560,5646,'Devouring Plague','Aelthalyste show our people great respect by sending them back to me for more training, and now I do the same for her tribe.$B$BYou return to the Undercity, $N. There, in the War Quarter, she be ready to teach you more \'bout your people and their ways. Go there, and do not wait long.','Speak to Aelthalyste in the Undercity.','Good, you\'ve returned, and not a moment too late. We have great things to discuss, $N. Your abilities are growing stronger, and we must make sure you are ready.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2606insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2561,5647,'A Lack of Fear','Your race is so very strong, $N. We are proud to call you allies. And as each day\'s sun sets, you and your kin grow closer to not only finding your true origins, but find great confidence that you are on the right path in so many things. That feeling must make you feel so triumphant.$B$BWord came from Ironforge just recently. It asked that you return there and speak to High Priest Rohan in the Mystic Ward. I would not keep him waiting. May Elune guide your travels.','Speak to High Priest Rohan in Ironforge.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2607insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2562,5648,'Garments of Spirituality','You be ready for your first test, $N. South of Razor Hill, just outta town, one of our grunts be hurt fightin\' off some o\' Proudmoore\'s old troops. She not doin\' too well, an\' she benefit much if one of our kind could help her. Find her--her name be Kor\'ja--heal her wounds, an\' give her the blessin\' of our ancestors.$B$BYou do this, an\' me thinks that be sufficient proof that you ready to move on in our ways.','Find Grunt Kor\'ja and heal her wounds using Lesser Heal (Rank 2). Afterwards, grant her Power Word: Fortitude and then return to Tai\'jin at Razor Hill.','Good, then Kor\'ja lives and goes off to defend our town from those malicious humans. I often wish to remember days of battle; where power was shown in combat and it was the wise who often destroyed those who relied on just their strength.$B$BYou done good by me, $N. You take this robe now. Maybe it help, maybe you not care, but you earned it and I\'m proud to call you brother.','','','Heal and fortify Grunt Kor\'ja','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2608insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2563,5649,'In Favor of Spirituality','Aye, mon. Our kind have joined the Horde because they be good for us. They loyal, and they teach us much \'bout tings like honor. But our old ways die hard. The orcs may not approve of all our traditions, but that not mean we can\'t continue to practice some them in secret.$B$BYou know this, an\' that\'s why I send you to Tai\'jin in Razor Hill. She teach you more \'bout our history. She teach you the ways of our tribe. Go to her when you be ready.','Speak to Tai\'jin in Durotar.','Ahh... so you finally come to Tai\'jin. This be good.$B$BYou already know that we are not da same tribe that once joined with the Horde. We be much stronger now. We stronger \'cause we adapt--the Horde teach us that much. We no longer defeat our enemies and gain strength from them; now we gain strength, and then defeat our enemies.$B$BThe difference be subtle, but you will learn. You will see. The tribe count on you to learn such things.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2609insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2564,5650,'Garments of Darkness','Our power comes from darkness and shadow, $N, but that is not your only role. You have acknowledged that there is merit in knowing the healing arts. This is wise. But before you can know the dark, you must also know the light. And for this, I have a test for you.$B$BNorth of the cemetery is a wounded Deathguard--Deathguard Kel. He has protected us from gnolls for some time, and needs healing. But, you must also fortify his body before he can return to duty. Do both with your spells, and then return to me.','Find Deathguard Kel and heal his wounds using Lesser Heal (Rank 2). Afterwards, grant him Power Word: Fortitude and then return to Dark Cleric Beryl in Brill.','You have passed my test with ease. Good.$B$BSoon, you will be ready to take on more responsibility and that road will lead to darker powers--powers that no $C of another race has.$B$BTake this robe as a symbol of your station. You have earned it. If you do not wish to wear it, then so be it, you may do with it as you will. I and others like us will always acknowledge you for what you\'ve achieved in our ranks.','Our powers make us ideal for so many situations, $N. You\'ll find that no matter what though, our ability to mend wounds and increase the amount of damage our companions can take will always be the most desired talents we have access to. Do not let that dissuade you from pursuing other paths as a $C--you can be effective in many ways. But... if you truly wish to destroy your enemies with magical energy, perhaps the arcane is more to your liking.','','Heal and fortify Deathguard Kel','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2610insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2565,5651,'In Favor of Darkness','There are many lessons that the Forsaken have learned through experience--things that some races can only begin to fathom. And although our path lies in darkness, you will find that a great many things rely on both the light and the dark. Your lessons shall teach you to use both... and with discretion. But heed my words: never forget we were forged in corruption and left to rot like so much carrion. The Darkness is our home.$B$BSeek out Dark Cleric Beryl in Brill when you\'re ready to learn more.','Speak to Dark Cleric Beryl in Tirisfal Glades.','Finally, you\'ve arrived. Your faith alone will not allow you to pass the trials before you, young one. A sense of urgency and some ambition will help too.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2611insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2566,5652,'Hex of Weakness','I sent here to make sure that you not wander too far from home, $N. They send me to make sure you return home because Ur\'kyo, greatest of our priests, wish to speak to you. You go there. You got to the Valley of Spirits in the orc city and you speak to Ur\'kyo. He wait for you now.','Speak to Ur\'kyo in Orgrimmar.','You would do well to pay heed to this lesson, young one. The Hex of Weakness will be a great boon to you in battle. Later I will have tests for you to further yourself and prove your worth to the tribe.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2612insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2567,5654,'Hex of Weakness','It be time for you to meet with Ur\'kyo, $N. He be in the Valley of Spirits in the orc city. Go there and speak to him. It is time you learn more of the old ways of our kind. It time you be brought into the circle and made a true priest of our tribe.','Speak to Ur\'kyo in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2613insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2568,5655,'Hex of Weakness','I sent here to make sure that you not wander too far from home, $N. They send me to make sure you return home because Ur\'kyo, greatest of our priests, wish to speak to you. You go there. You go to the Valley of Spirits in the orc city and you speak to Ur\'kyo. He wait for you now.','Speak to Ur\'kyo in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2614insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2569,5656,'Hex of Weakness','It always warms my undying heart to see priests from all cultures wander the world. To know that power exists that is not arcane and well within our grasp. That\'s why it is my honor to direct you home, $N.$B$BUr\'kyo, your great priest in Orgrimmar, has asked for your presence. You can find him in the Valley of Spirits.','Speak to Ur\'kyo in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2615insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2570,5657,'Hex of Weakness','Home. Return home, young $r.$B$BYour spiritual leader Ur\'kyo begs you to return to him and speak about the path you travel.$B$BGo to the Valley of Spirits in the great Horde city of Orgrimmar. You will find him there.','Speak to Ur\'kyo in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2616insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2571,5658,'Touch of Weakness','You be far from home, $C. You be needed there, back in your city under the ground. Your mistress, the one you be callin\' Aelthalyste be needin\' you back there. Like my tribe, there things you must learn only from her. Don\'t be stayin\' here too long. You should be headin\' to the War Quarter as fast as a zeppelin can carry you.','Speak to Aelthalyste in the Undercity.','Ah, good, another has arrived. Time may not matter to me, but to you it is of the essence. There is much for you to learn and there is much I wish to teach you. You simply must prove your worth. Do that, and you shall be greatly rewarded.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2617insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2572,5659,'<NYI> Touch of Weakness','This isn\'t the place for you, $N. You should head to the War Quarter in Undercity as soon as possible. Aelthalyste has called all her priests and priestesses there as soon as they are ready. It\'s time they learn more about their power and how to harness it.$B$BShe will not tolerate tardiness or excuses, so you\'d best be on your way.','Speak to Aelthalyste in the Undercity.','Ah, good, another has arrived. Time may not matter to me, but to you it is of the essence. There is much for you to learn and there is much I wish to teach you. You simply must prove your worth. Do that, and you shall be greatly rewarded.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2618insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2573,5660,'Touch of Weakness','You be far from home, $c. You be needed there, back in your city under the ground. Your mistress, the one you be callin\' Aelthalyste be needin\' you back there. Like my tribe, there things you must learn only from her. Don\'t be stayin\' here too long. You should be headin\' to the War Quarter as fast as a zeppelin can carry you.','Speak to Aelthalyste in the Undercity.','Ah, good, another has arrived. Time may not matter to me, but to you it is of the essence. There is much for you to learn and there is much I wish to teach you. You simply must prove your worth. Do that, and you shall be greatly rewarded.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2619insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2574,5661,'Touch of Weakness','You be far from home out here in the Bloodhoof Village, $N. I be sent here to find priests of my own tribe to send back to speak to our leaders, but that not mean I cannot help you too.$B$BI hear word that your head priestess spirit want all Forsaken to come to her--there are things you must learn.$B$BGo to meet Aelthalyste in the War Quarter in that city of yours.','Speak to Aelthalyste in the Undercity.','Ah, good, another has arrived. Time may not matter to me, but to you it is of the essence. There is much for you to learn and there is much I wish to teach you. You simply must prove your worth. Do that, and you shall be greatly rewarded.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2620insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2575,5662,'Touch of Weakness','My respect to you and your kind, $N. I normally teach only those of my own tribe. Your lessons come from Aelthalyste in the city once called Lordaeron.$B$BYou should return to her if you\'re to learn those abilities that set you apart from other faiths.$B$BGo to the War Quarter in the Undercity and find your mistress there.','Speak to Aelthalyste in the Undercity.','Ah, good, another has arrived. Time may not matter to me, but to you it is of the essence. There is much for you to learn and there is much I wish to teach you. You simply must prove your worth. Do that, and you shall be greatly rewarded.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2621insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2576,5663,'Touch of Weakness','Aelthalyste sent word out to all her priests. We\'re to direct the younger of our order to the Undercity for more training. If you truly count yourself among our faithful, then you should return there also.$B$BYou can find Aelthalyste in the War Quarter deep in the Undercity.','Speak to Aelthalyste in the Undercity.','Ah, good, another has arrived. Time may not matter to me, but to you it is of the essence. There is much for you to learn and there is much I wish to teach you. You simply must prove your worth. Do that, and you shall be greatly rewarded.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2622insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2577,5672,'Elune\'s Grace','A wonderful day has come, $N. You\'ve reached the age in which our <priests or priestesses> are trained in abilities only Night elves know. But it is not for me to train you. You must return to the Temple of the Moon and speak to Priestess Alathea as soon as your business here is concluded. She will test you to ensure you\'re prepared, and only then will she teach you Elune\'s Grace.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','By devoting yourself to Elune and our people, you have attained a state that not all of us can achieve. It is tradition that you then be taught even greater abilities for your devotion. Do you accept?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2623insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2578,5673,'Elune\'s Grace','You know you have access to any of our trainers at any time, $N, but there are some things that we cannot pass on to you. One of those things are the teachings of your goddess Elune. She gives special abilities to her faithful, and if I\'m not mistaken, it is time for you to return home to your Temple of the Moon to be tested.$B$BReturn there when you can and speak to Priestess Alathea.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','Elune bless you for returning so quickly to us. This is an important time in your training, and a time that all of our order take very seriously. When you\'ve rested from your journey here, please, let me know. We can then discuss the continuation of your training and where your path will lead you next.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2624insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2579,5674,'Elune\'s Grace','A wonderful day has come, $N. You\'ve reached the age in which our $gpriests:priestesses; are trained in abilities only Night elves know. But it is not for me to train you. You must return to the Temple of the Moon and speak to Priestess Alathea as soon as your business here is concluded. She will test you to ensure you\'re prepared, and only then will she teach you Elune\'s Grace.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2625insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2580,5675,'Elune\'s Grace','Time\'s a wastin\', $glad:lass;. It\'s time for you to return home to Darnassus. Priestess Alathea\'s sent word here that you\'re to return there for training. Seems they feel you\'re ready to be tested much like those who serve the Light. You should head out whenever you can. Alathea\'s message said that she\'d be waitin\' for you in the Temple of the Moon. Good luck.','Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2626insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2581,5676,'Arcane Feedback','It is time for you to return to Stormwind, young one. Your superiors there have called you back for more training. And although it disturbs me some, your race and mine are allies and I would not betray that.$B$B I do not mean to be so coy with you--my distrust of arcane magics, be they divine inspired or not, is still strong within me.$B$B You will know of what I speak after you return to your Cathedral of Light. Speak to High Priestess Laurena when you arrive.','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','We were forced to learn some magics to protect us from what is commonly called our greatest enemy: the arcane.$B$BI would teach you a spell to help you defend yourself and your companions from those who would wield such power.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2627insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2582,5677,'Arcane Feedback','As much as I\'d like to show you our own special teachings of the Light, it is not our place. Your place is back in Stormwind with your own kind, $N... for now. Believe me, I mean no offense. When you return to High Priestess Laurena in the Cathedral of Light you\'ll understand what I\'m talking about--the time has come for your race to prepare you for the future; to separate yourself from others that follow a similar path.','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2628insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2583,5678,'Arcane Feedback','It is time for you to return to Stormwind, young one. Your superiors there have called you back for more training. And although it disturbs me some, your race and mine are allies and I would not betray that.$B$BI do not mean to be so coy with you--my distrust of arcane magics, be they divine inspired or not, is still strong within me.$B$BYou will know of what I speak after you return to your Cathedral of Light. Speak to High Priestess Laurena when you arrive.','Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2629insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2584,5679,'Devouring Plague','Aelthalyste show our people great respect by sending them back to me for more training, and now I do the same for her tribe.$B$BYou return to the Undercity, $N. There, in the War Quarter, she be ready to teach you more \'bout your people and their ways. Go there, and do not wait long.','Speak to Aelthalyste in the Undercity.','I would teach you Devouring Plague if you feel you are prepared, $N. A spell of no small power, it will aid you in your coming battles. Practice with it--there will be tests later.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2630insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2585,5680,'Shadowguard','','','Your rites will come soon enough. For now, I teach you a spell that will be of great use to you when you do battle with your enemies.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2631insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2586,5713,'One Shot.  One Kill.','I was traveling to Auberdine with an important message when I was attacked by the furbolg Marosh and his trackers. During the attack I was poisoned, leaving me barely able to stand. I can make an antidote, but it will take time before it is ready.$B$BI would ask that you defend me until I can apply the antidote. I will aid you with my bow as best I can.$B$BShould we survive, I will be able deliver my message to Auberdine, while you speak with Onaeya at Maestra\'s Post to inform her of this incident.','Protect Sentinel Aynasha, then speak with Onaeya at Maestra\'s Post in Ashenvale.','You bring most welcome news $C. It is good to hear that Aynasha is alive and well thanks to you. I would hope that you might accept a reward for your valor. May Elune watch over you and light your path.','','Protect Aynasha','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2632insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2587,5721,'The Battle of Darrowshire','Now, $N, you will take part in battle of Darrowshire, and you will save Joseph Redpath.$B$BPlace this relic bundle in the Darrowshire town square, and the spirits of Darrowshire will rise.  Join their battle and assure that these two things come to pass: Davil must survive beyond the death of Horgus, and Redpath must survive to be corrupted, then defeated.$B$BAfter defeating the corrupted Redpath, his spirit will be saved.  Speak with him, then return to his daughter Pamela.','Place the Relic Bundle at the Darrowshire town square.$B$BPrevent Davil Lightfire\'s death until the death of Horgus.$B$BPrevent Captain Redpath\'s death until Redpath the Corrupted appears.$B$BDefeat Redpath the Corrupted.$B$BSpeak with the spirit of Joseph Redpath when he appears at the town square, then speak with Pamela at her home.','The fighting is over!  I heard my daddy whisper to me.  He scared away all the ghosts and he says he\'s coming home!  I\'m so happy!$B$BHe also said I should welcome you if came to our house, so I made some tea!$B$BI hope you like lots of sugar!','','','Accept Redpath\'s Forgiveness','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2633insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2588,5722,'Searching for the Lost Satchel','The troggs are not the only thing that interested Magatha in Ragefire Chasm. She has heard word that one of her servants, a Maur Grimtotem, found something peculiar while in the Chasm, but he never made it out to show her what. She\'d like Maur\'s body found--if it still exists--and any signs of what he found while attempting to speak to the troggs.$B$BReturn to Magatha any items of interest, and I\'m sure she would be very generous in her reward.$B$BAgain, seek the Chasm in the darkest areas of Orgrimmar.','Search Ragefire Chasm for Maur Grimtotem\'s corpse and search it for any items of interest.','The body looks seriously beaten by clubs or fists, but most of the corpse\'s clothing and equipment still looks present. It seems the troggs do not overly care much for material wealth.$B$BYou begin to search the body for anything of interest that might help Magatha.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2634insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2589,5723,'Testing an Enemy\'s Strength','Beneath the city of Orgrimmar, stout creatures known as troggs started coming to the surface from deep below the lava filled tunnels. In her ever-benevolence, Magatha sought to make peace with the creatures, but they turned on her diplomats, killing them. She will not allow such treatment of the tauren people and now consider the creatures a threat to all of the Horde.$B$BShe asks that you put an end to this trogg threat before it overwhelms the Horde from below. Find Ragefire Chasm and destroy them all.','Search Orgrimmar for Ragefire Chasm, then kill 8 Ragefire Troggs and 8 Ragefire Shaman before returning to Rahauro in Thunder Bluff.','I am glad to see you took Magatha\'s task seriously. Thank you, $N. I\'m sure the troggs will have a harder time coming to the surface with their numbers so greatly reduced.$B$BPerhaps in the future we can take time to figure out where such creatures came from, and what they really want.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2635insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2590,5724,'Returning the Lost Satchel','You find a satchel under the body of the tauren. It is still gripped tightly in his arms as though he was trying to protect it while being attacked by the troggs.$B$BRemoving the satchel from his vice-like grip, you stow it with your own equipment and prepare to make your way out of the tunnels and back to Rahauro in Thunder Bluff.','Take the Grimtotem Satchel to Rahauro in Thunder Bluff.','Excellent, $N. Thank you.$b$bMagatha told me that if you were successful in finding her clansman that you be given this. Please, take it in thanks.','Were you able to find anything, $N? Any clues as to why one of her clansman had to die needlessly would be helpful.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2636insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2591,5725,'The Power to Destroy...','Many denizens of the Legion bestow gifts on their followers as you may well know. Some of these gifts the Dark Lady feels would be better off in her hands than in the hands of those with... lesser vision.$B$BA sect of the Shadow Council hidden in caverns below Orgrimmar known as the Searing Blade are a prime example. The Lady tells me that members of the Searing Blade have come into the possession of two powerful spell books--she would like to \"borrow\" these books from them. You will get them for her.','Bring the books Spells of Shadow and Incantations from the Nether to Varimathras in Undercity.','Good, $C. You have done well in serving the Dark Lady. Your continued perseverance and ambition will be of great use to the Lady\'s subjects. Return to me again in the future. Perhaps I will have other tasks for you that will aid the Dark Lady in her attempts at overtaking the Lich King and completely freeing the Scourge.','There are a hundred other tasks awaiting my attention, $C. Do you have the books?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2637insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2592,5726,'Hidden Enemies','One thing I will not tolerate are traitors in our midst, $N. But I would be a fool to play my hand so early--it would not sufficiently cut the corruption out of our lands and only cause the infection to grow worse.$B$BBut you, a young adventurer, could go places my agents could not... could learn the truth... could find the true head of the beast.$B$BIf you are brave enough, then enter Skull Rock to the east of Orgrimmar, find a lieutenant\'s insignia off one of the Burning Blade there, and return to me.','Bring a Lieutenant\'s Insignia to Thrall in Orgrimmar.','Good, $N! The spirits be praised, perhaps you are the one who will finally put my greatest fears to rest! Who would suspect someone so young and so brave would rise up and champion our cause? You remind me of myself when I was younger. I will ensure that you are justly rewarded for your efforts if we both survive the coming storm.$b$bBut there is time for more praise later. You\'ve not accomplished anything in comparison to what you will face... but this is a good start.','Do you have the insignia yet, $N?$b$bIt will be a vital tool in you infiltrating what I believe is the greatest threat to the Horde and us finally finding peace in our new home.$b$bYou will learn how intricate a web men and orcs alike can weave when they are motivated by greed and power. The hidden agendas, the corruption, all of it will become clear. You will find yourself in the midst of a war you never knew existed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2638insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2593,5727,'Hidden Enemies','Now let us see if this insignia you found is worth the effort.$B$BThere is a warlock within the city who believes he has my trust. He does not know that I realize where his true loyalties lie. He is in fact the leader of the Burning Blade. But do not rush off to do battle with him; he has a purpose, and we shall use him against our enemies.$B$BTake this insignia to him in the Cleft of Shadow here in Orgrimmar, speak to him and see if he believes you are one of his own, then return to me here.','Take the Lieutenant\'s Insignia to Neeru Fireblade and speak to him. Gauge if he believes you are a member of the Burning Blade and then return to Thrall in Orgrimmar.','Excellent! Most excellent, $C!$b$bWhat you have done this day is only the first step in a much broader foundation--a foundation that we will build the destruction of the Shadow Council on, once and for all.$b$bTell me all he said... and leave not one word out--it may be more important than you realize.','','Gauge Neeru Fireblade\'s reaction to you being a member of the Burning Blade','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2639insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2594,5728,'Hidden Enemies','Hmm, leaders of the Searing Blade... this concerns me most. If they are the ones of value to Neeru, then those are who we must target first. This satyr... Bazzalan, and the other Neeru mentioned--what was he, a warlock?--must be slain.$B$BReturn to the Cleft of Shadow and enter Ragefire Chasm, $N. Find these two leaders of the Searing Blade, and kill them. But be careful not to let Neeru know it was you who did this. You must retain your identity as one of his $gbrothers:sisters; in arms.','Kill Bazzalan and Jergosh the Invoker before returning to Thrall in Orgrimmar.','I am glad you\'ve returned, $N. Some of those loyal to me brought word immediately that the caverns below Orgrimmar were in disarray now that their leaders have been slain. I even heard reports that Neeru was more than agitated. It seems we\'ve put a dent in his armor. I can\'t say I\'m displeased... even with such a minor victory.','Have you found them yet, $N? The leaders of the Searing Blade.$b$bI knew the Shadow Council sought to take Orgrimmar and all of the Horde from me, but I hadn\'t realized how quickly they were able to infiltrate the city. So many arms this beast has... we can cut them off until exhaustion sets in, but we will be no further than when we started. I will have to have my spies double their efforts.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2640insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2595,5729,'Hidden Enemies','I think our next step should be to have you placed close to Neeru. If he is as agitated as reports suggest, then we may accomplish two things. One, you may be able to gain some greater knowledge about the Council or at least the Burning Blade, and two, he may just begin to trust you enough that he asks you to start to aid him. He may very well look at you as someone who can fill the void now that some of the leadership is in turmoil.$B$BReturn to the Cleft and speak to him again, but do not be too overt.','Speak to Neeru Fireblade in Orgrimmar.','What is it?! Oh, you, $C... my apologies. My anger rivals that of a rabid kodo bull... but perhaps it is my own fault. In sending travelers into Ragefire Chasm, I should have seen the possibility that some harm would come from it. It seems both Bazzalan and Jergosh were taken unaware and slain by some of Thrall\'s do-gooders. A most inopportune time, but there is nothing that can be done about it now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2641insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2596,5730,'Hidden Enemies','You are one of my lieutenants! Prepare yourself, $c. I will call upon you soon.$B$BMy time spent on the Searing Blade may be all but wasted now, but that does not mean that the Shadow Council\'s schemes elsewhere must suffer. I will do what I can to minimize the damage here in Ragefire Chasm. In the meantime, I will have my agents in the Barrens and Ashenvale begin work on our newest agenda. Return to me soon.','Speak to Thrall in Orgrimmar and tell him what you\'ve learned.','Ashenvale? Hmm, I had not heard of any presence of the Council or the Burning Blade in Ashenvale. My spies will investigate, $N. You have done well.$b$bFor now, rest, and keep yourself occupied with other tasks. I will call upon you again soon.$b$bLok-Tar Ogar!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2642insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2597,5741,'Sceptre of Light','The Burning Blade in Thunder Axe Fortress to the east is rumored to have acquired the Sceptre of Light from the Naga. Legend tells that the sceptre is able to sink entire cities under the great seas. The Burning Blade must not be allowed to possess such power.$B$BTo that end, you must retrieve the sceptre yourself!  It is held by a Burning Blade seer, who studies the sceptre from atop one of the Thunder Axe watchtowers.\r\n','Get the Sceptre of Light and then return it to Azore Aldamort at the tower in Ethel Rethor.\r\n','The elusive Sceptre of Light! Your acquisition of it has removed a grave threat to the world. Well done, $C, well done.$b$b','Do you have the Sceptre of Light?$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2643insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2598,5742,'Redemption','You have worked hard, friend. Rest your weary bones and allow me to properly introduce myself.\r\n','Listen to what Tirion Fordring has to say.','The Fordring redemption will be a difficult task. Are you prepared?','Please, friend; sit and hear my tale.','Tirion\'s Tale','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2644insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2599,5761,'Slaying the Beast','The primary task set upon me by our great Warchief is to root out the creatures responsible for infesting our lord\'s great city with demonic influence. The Burning Blade is one threat, but there are others; the Searing Blade for instance, who make their home in Ragefire Chasm, secretly attempting to subvert innocent members of the Horde.$B$BIf they are to be stopped, then their leader must be slain--a Felguard named Taragaman the Hungerer.$B$BKill him, and his heart will appease Thrall, of this I\'m sure.','Enter Ragefire Chasm and slay Taragaman the Hungerer, then bring his heart back to Neeru Fireblade in Orgrimmar.','Ha! You\'ve done it! Thrall will be so pleased.$b$bI will ensure this heart is taken care of properly.$b$bFor now though, you must celebrate your victory. I will inform Thrall of your success.$b$bThank you for your aid, $C.','Have you killed the beast? He surely must be the leader of the Searing Blade in Ragefire Chasm.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2645insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2600,5762,'Hemet Nesingwary Jr.','I have a package for a new customer of mine, a dwarf named Hemet Nesingwary Jr..  The package took weeks to arrive, and Hemet\'s long gone by now.  He said he was going to Stranglethorn to take his father\'s place and hunt the beasts there, but he left me some money to send his delivery when I could.  $B$BJunior\'s a rich dwarf and it\'s a good idea to keep up relations with the rich ones, yeah?  So... you want to deliver the package for me?$B$BI heard he has a camp in Stranglethorn, north of Grom\'gol.','Take Kravel\'s Crate to Hemet Nesingwary Jr. in Stranglethorn.','Great, my package from Koalbeard! Thank you $N. This crate holds special-gauge ammunition, and it\'ll serve us well out in the jungle!$b$bHere\'s your pay, and tell me, how is crusty old Kravel these days? Still up to no good I\'d wager...','Is that desert dust on your collar?$b$bHm... if my nose tells true, I\'d say it\'s not desert dust, it\'s desert salt!  Been to the Shimmering Flats, have you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2646insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2601,5763,'Hunting in Stranglethorn','Long ago, a dwarf came to this land.  His name was Hemet and he wished to hunt great beasts.  His skills with the rifle were uncanny, and we spent many days hunting together.  Even the enmity between our peoples was forgotten.$B$BWhen he left for Stranglethorn, I vowed to one day welcome him back.  Now he has gone on to hunt in lands unknown, but his son has taken his place.$B$BTake this kodo horn as a gift to Hemet Jr..  You will find him in Stranglethorn, north of the Grom\'gol Base camp.','Bring Roon\'s Kodo Horn to Hemet Nesingwary Jr. in Stranglethorn.','Ah, this horn belongs to a Tauren, Roon Wildmane. He and I had a good time hunting the beasts of Desolace. So Roon is inviting me back, is he?$b$bWe\'re neck deep in the jungle right now, but thank you, $N. Perhaps my next expedition will take me back to Desolace, the land of the centaurs.','Sit, $C. Soon enough you\'ll strike back into the jungle.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2647insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2602,5781,'Of Forgotten Memories','To help Taelan regain what he has lost, you must gather items from his past.$B$BThe first such item is a toy that I gave to him on his 7th birthday. It was his most cherished possession: A miniature war hammer; an exact replica of my very own.$B$BAfter I was banished for treason, his mother told him that I had died. He was taken to my false grave at the Undercroft, where he buried the hammer along with my memory - forever.$B$BYou must venture to the Undercroft and recover Taelan\'s hammer.','Travel to the Undercroft - at the southernmost section of the Eastern Plaguelands - and recover Taelan\'s Hammer. Return to Tirion Fordring upon completion of your objective.','<Tirion blinks to hold back tears.>$B$BIt was destiny that we meet, $N. You have blessed me with your kindness.','He must be redeemed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2648insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2603,5801,'Fire Plume Forged','You need two bars of thorium and a powerfully hot heat source to forge the key stem.  You\'re on your own for the thorium, but I can help with the heat.$B$BTo our west in Un\'Goro Crater is Fire Plume Ridge - a simmering volcano.  The lava lake up top is hot enough to fuse thorium and bone together.  Your gold has bought you a mold that simply requires you to dip it in the lake up top; the lava will take care of the rest.$B$BThat\'s it on my end.  To finish your key, you\'ll need to talk to Arbington again.','Take the Skeleton Key Mold and 2 Thorium Bars to the top of Fire Plume Ridge in Un\'Goro Crater.  Use the Skeleton Key Mold by the lava lake to forge the Unfinished Skeleton Key.$B$BBring the Unfinished Skeleton Key to Alchemist Arbington at Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands.','We\'ve got quite the costly skeleton key there, don\'t we $N? Still, it remains unfinished; the time has now come to put some focus behind our creation. To that end, you\'re going to have to face the ultimate foe we\'ve been working towards facing in Andorhal... the being that runs the show within the ruined city walls.$b$bI\'m speaking of Araj the Summoner - a lich, and one of the most powerful beings the Scourge calls as its own.','Do you have the stem of the skeletal key finished? I\'m truly sorry you had to bear the brunt of the fee to purchase the mold, but we must all do our part to counter the Scourge. Once you hand me the unfinished key, you\'ll be ready for the final item needed to complete its construction.$b$bIt won\'t be easy at all, but the work you\'ve done to date in preparing for an assault on Andorhal will now start to pay for itself. You\'ll see.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2649insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2604,5802,'Fire Plume Forged','You need two bars of thorium and a powerfully hot heat source to forge the key stem.  You\'re on your own for the thorium, but I can help with the heat.$B$BTo our west in Un\'Goro Crater is Fire Plume Ridge - a simmering volcano.  The lava lake up top is hot enough to fuse thorium and bone together.  Your gold has bought you a mold that simply requires you to dip it in the lake up top; the lava will take care of the rest.$B$BThat\'s it on my end.  To finish your key, you\'ll need to talk to Dithers again.','Take the Skeleton Key Mold and 2 Thorium Bars to the top of Fire Plume Ridge in Un\'Goro Crater.  Use the Skeleton Key Mold by the lava lake to forge the Unfinished Skeleton Key.$B$BBring the Unfinished Skeleton Key to Apothecary Dithers at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','We\'ve got quite the costly skeleton key there, don\'t we $N? Still, it remains unfinished; the time has now come to put some focus behind our creation. To that end, you\'re going to have to face the ultimate foe we\'ve been working towards facing in Andorhal... the being that runs the show within the ruined city walls.$b$bI\'m speaking of Araj the Summoner - a lich, and one of the most powerful beings the Scourge calls as its own.','Do you have the stem of the skeletal key finished? I\'m truly sorry you had to bear the brunt of the fee to purchase the mold, but we must all do our part to counter the Scourge. Once you hand me the unfinished key, you\'ll be ready for the final item needed to complete its construction.$b$bIt won\'t be easy at all, but the work you\'ve done to date in preparing for an assault on Andorhal will now start to pay for itself. You\'ll see.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2650insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2605,5803,'Araj\'s Scarab','Araj the Summoner lords over Andorhal from the ruined city\'s heart.  We know that he was the former leader of Scholomance before claiming the city as his own.  To finish the key, we will need his signet - called a scarab - mounted as the head of the key.$B$BMake your way into the heart of Andorhal, and break his hold on the city now that he is drawn into the open.  Once destroyed, seize his scarab from his fallen phylactery!$B$BThe Key to Scholomance awaits, $N!','Destroy Araj the Summoner and bring Araj\'s Scarab to Alchemist Arbington at Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands.','Yes, this is it! I... again, I\'m absolutely amazed at the depths of your cunning and bravery. It simply boggles the mind the lengths you are willing to go in order achieve victory.$b$bAllow me now to play my small part in this. I\'ve prepared a special solvent that should allow me to secure the scarab on as the head of the key, infusing it with the power to breech the locked door of Scholomance.$b$bThis should take just a moment...','You\'ve come this far $N - only the destruction of the physical form of Araj the Summoner will provide us with the means to finish the key. Get Araj\'s scarab, by hook or by crook, and bring it to me - I will fuse it on as the head of the key.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2651insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2606,5804,'Araj\'s Scarab','Araj the Summoner lords over Andorhal from the ruined city\'s heart.  We know that he was the former leader of Scholomance before claiming the city as his own.  To finish the key, we will need his signet - called a scarab - mounted as the head of the key.$B$BMake your way into the heart of Andorhal, and break his hold on the city now that he is drawn into the open.  Once destroyed, seize his scarab from his fallen phylactery!$B$BThe Key to Scholomance awaits, $N!','Destroy Araj the Summoner and bring Araj\'s Scarab to Apothecary Dithers at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Yes, this is it! I... again, I\'m absolutely amazed at the depths of your cunning and bravery. It simply boggles the mind the lengths you are willing to go in order achieve victory.$b$bAllow me now to play my small part in this. I\'ve prepared a special solvent that should allow me to secure the scarab on as the head of the key, infusing it with the power to breech the locked door of Scholomance.$b$bThis should take just a moment...','You\'ve come this far $N - only the destruction of the physical form of Araj the Summoner will provide us with the means to finish the key. Get Araj\'s scarab, by hook or by crook, and bring it to me - I will fuse it on as the head of the key.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2652insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2607,5805,'Welcome!','Welcome to the World of Warcraft!$B$BAs special thanks for purchasing the World of Warcraft Collector\'s Edition, turn in this gift voucher to Merissa Stilwell in Northshire Valley.  You\'ll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory.$B$BThanks again, and enjoy your stay in the World of Warcraft!\r\n','Bring the Northshire Gift Voucher to Merissa Stilwell.','You are indeed a special hero, $N. We welcome you to the world of Azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!','Greetings! It is a pleasure to meet you!$B$BI see you have a special voucher. Give it to me and I will offer you something in exchange.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2653insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2608,5821,'Bodyguard for Hire ','Under normal circumstances, Rigger and I would lead our kodo past the Kolkar Centaur. Every now and then we hear the Centaur war drums, and when we hear those we stop. It\'s not good for business to be dead!$B$BI\'ll tell you what $c, if you protect us past the Kolkar village we\'ll make it worth your while.$B$BIt\'s just a short distance, all you need to do is keep the caravan intact and you can pick up your reward from Smeed Scrabblescrew - he is down the road a bit. We do a little business together.','Escort the Gizelton Caravan past the Kolkar Centaur village. Talk with Smeed at Scrabblescrew\'s Camp for your reward.','You know, it doesn\'t seem prosperous to be paying the likes of you to guard Gizelton Caravan. $C, if I were a bit taller I could take on a second job and sit kodo-side-saddle with the biggest gun my hands could carry... and I\'d show them blasted centaur who\'s their papa.','','Escort Gizelton Caravan past Kolkar Centaur Village','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2654insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2609,5841,'Welcome!','Welcome to the World of Warcraft!$B$BAs special thanks for purchasing the World of Warcraft Collector\'s Edition, turn in this gift voucher to Yori Crackhelm in Coldridge Valley.  You\'ll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory.$B$BThanks again, and enjoy your stay in the World of Warcraft!','Bring the Coldridge Valley Gift Voucher to Yori Crackhelm.','You are indeed a special hero, $N. We welcome you to the world of Azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!','Hello! It is a pleasure to meet you!$B$BI see you have a special voucher. Give it to me and I will offer you something in exchange.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2655insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2610,5842,'Welcome!','Welcome to the World of Warcraft!$B$BAs special thanks for purchasing the World of Warcraft Collector\'s Edition, turn in this gift voucher to Orenthil Whisperwind in Shadowglen.  You\'ll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory.$B$BThanks again, and enjoy your stay in the World of Warcraft!','Bring the Shadowglen Gift Voucher to Orenthil Whisperwind.','You are indeed a special hero, $N. We welcome you to the world of Azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!','Greetings! It is a pleasure to meet you!$B$BI see you have a special voucher. Give it to me and I will offer you something in exchange.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2656insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2611,5843,'Welcome!','Welcome to the World of Warcraft!$B$BAs special thanks for purchasing the World of Warcraft Collector\'s Edition, turn in this gift voucher to Magga in the Valley of Trials.  You\'ll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory.$B$BThanks again, and enjoy your stay in the World of Warcraft!','Bring the Valley of Trials Gift Voucher to Magga.','You are indeed a special hero, $N. We welcome you to the world of Azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!','Hello! It is a pleasure to meet you!$B$BI see you have a special voucher. Give it to me and I will offer you something in exchange.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2657insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2612,5844,'Welcome!','Welcome to the World of Warcraft!$B$BAs special thanks for purchasing the World of Warcraft Collector\'s Edition, turn in this gift voucher to Vorn Skyseer in Camp Narache.  You\'ll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory.$B$BThanks again, and enjoy your stay in the World of Warcraft!','Bring the Camp Narache Gift Voucher to Vorn Skyseer.','You are indeed a special hero, $N. We welcome you to the world of Azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!','Greetings! It is a pleasure to meet you!$B$BI see you have a special voucher. Give it to me and I will offer you something in exchange.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2658insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2613,5845,'Of Lost Honor','The Order of the Silver Hand was utterly decimated when Uther was slain.$B$BThe boy held out for as long as he could. Pushed to the war torn hamlet of Northdale, he made his final stand.$B$BWere any of the Order left alive, he thought - and did it matter?$B$BIt was with that thought that Taelan threw down the standard of the Order and renounced all that he had known. His honor left upon the blood soaked ground of Northdale.$B$BYou must travel to Northdale and recover that symbol of lost honor.','Travel to Northdale, in the northeastern region of the Eastern Plaguelands, and recover the Symbol of Lost Honor. Return to Tirion Fordring upon completion of your objective.','It is as glorious now - even in its tattered state - as the day I looked upon it and took my oath of allegiance.$b$bHis redemption comes and perhaps mine with it...','My faith will guide you, $N. The Light knows no bounds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2659insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2614,5846,'Of Love and Family','When Taelan was a child, we would oft visit Caer Darrow on family excursions. On our last visit, an artist by the name of Renfray painted a portrait of us poised along the beachside. It is my fondest memory of both Taelan and Karandra. For it was at that moment, with my wife and son in my arms, that I felt a bond of love and family that I would never know again.$B$BIf this painting still exists, you must find it.$B$BTravel to the ruined island of Caer Darrow and see if the painting or the artist remain.','Travel to island of Caer Darrow, in the south-central region of the Plaguelands, and look for any clues as to the whereabouts of the painting.','How could I forget? Many of the spirits on this island are cursed to relive their last happy memory before they met their tragic end.$b$bI too am cursed, but not as they - I am one of the few that remembers all...$b$bPerhaps this thing that you ask me is why I haunt these ruins. Perhaps this thing I tell you shall set me free.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2660insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2615,5847,'Welcome!','Welcome to the World of Warcraft!$B$BAs special thanks for purchasing the World of Warcraft Collector\'s Edition, turn in this gift voucher to Claire Willower in Deathknell.  You\'ll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory.$B$BThanks again, and enjoy your stay in the World of Warcraft!','Bring the Deathknell Gift Voucher to Claire Willower in Deathknell.','You are indeed a special hero, $N. We welcome you to the world of Azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!','Greetings! It is a pleasure to meet you!$B$BI see you have a special voucher. Give it to me and I will offer you something in exchange.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2661insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2616,5848,'Of Love and Family','The painting... It hung on the wall of my workshop - inside the Order\'s barracks - for years.$B$BAfter Tirion\'s trial was over, I knew that I could no longer keep the painting visible. I hid it in a place that they would never think to look.$B$BTravel to Stratholme and make your way deep inside what is now the Scarlet Bastion, search for a painting of our twin moons. Chip away at the paint until you uncover my master work, \'Of Love and Family.\'$B$BMay the Light guide your actions.','Travel to Stratholme, in the northern part of the Plaguelands. It is in the Scarlet Bastion that you will find the painting \'Of Love and Family,\' hidden behind another painting depicting the twin moons of our world.$B$BReturn the painting to Tirion Fordring.','<Tirion nearly collapses when he sees the painting.>$b$b<He begins to sob in an almost frenetic manner.>','The painting, $N. Do you have the painting?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2662insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2617,5861,'Find Myranda','$N, you have done all that I have asked thus far. Only one step remains in your quest of redemption.$B$BYou must deliver the items you have collected to Taelan. Unfortunately, Taelan and his Scarlet Crusaders will attack you on sight.$B$BThere is only one way in which to deliver my message and that is through a guise of deception.$B$BTo the south you will find Uther\'s tomb. An old and trusted confidant of mine, Myranda, now resides there - seek her out. Show her the items and she will assist you.','Travel to Uther\'s Tomb, located in the southern Plaguelands. Show Myranda the Hag Tirion\'s Gift.','I was Tirion\'s most trusted advisor when he held rank as Lord of Mardenholde. I openly dissented the verdict passed by the Order of the Silver Hand and was banished for my insolence.$b$bHe has been through much heart ache and disappointment in his life, $R. Are you prepared to right the wrongs set upon the Fordrings?','I knew this day would come.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2663insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2618,5862,'Scarlet Subterfuge','I am what you would call, an illusionist. Though I may be able to create an illusion to allow you entry into Hearthglen, be warned; my powers have their limitations.$B$BShould you travel too far from these lands, the effects of the illusion will cease. The spell itself takes a great amount of concentration and power from me, and thus, I can only sustain the effect for a short time.$B$BSpeak to me again when you are ready.','Speak to Myranda to gain the Scarlet Illusion. Travel to Hearthglen while under the Scarlet Illusion and deliver Tirion\'s Gift to Highlord Taelan Fordring.$B$BHearthglen is to the north, Taelan should be inside of Mardenholde Keep.','What is this, soldier?$b$b<Taelan opens the box and begins to examine its contents.>$b$bThis... this cannot be true. But all that you have shown me...$b$b<Taelan falls to one knee, his heartbeat quickens. The fury of ages is about to be loosed upon this town.>','Are you the reinforcements from Tyr\'s Hand?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2664insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2619,5863,'The Dunemaul Compound','Just recently, a large bank of nomadic ogres arrived in Tanaris. South of here, they have taken over a large area of the desert and formed a compound. Several smaller bands are currently wandering the desert, some of which have invaded the old troll ruins.$B$BThe Dunemaul Compound must be destroyed! We cannot allow these ogres to build up a force.$B$BThe leader of this band is named Gor\'marok the Ravager; I believe that putting an end to his leadership will be the beginning of the end for the ogres.','Andi Lynn in Gadgetzan wants you to destroy the Dunemaul Compound by killing 10 Dunemaul Brutes, 10 Dunemaul Enforcers, and Gor\'marok the Ravager.','I\'m so glad you were able to do this for me, $N! Thanks for your help!','I\'m so worried! Please be careful!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2665insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2620,5881,'Calling in the Reserves','The Horde does well keeping our troops fresh... since the Great War we have been prosperous here in Kalimdor.$B$BI need you to do me a favor, I have a lad by the name of Grish Longrunner protecting the Great Lift in the southern barrens. Give him this letter; the letter will let him know that I have a reserve warrior coming to relieve him of duty so that he can visit his family. He requested this sometime ago and he would be happy to hear the news.','Maggran wishes you to deliver a letter to Grish Longrunner at the Great Lift in the Barrens.','This is great news; I have been sitting here guarding this hunk of wood for too long. Now I can spend some time with my family... Yippee!','You have news from Maggran Earthbinder?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2666insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2621,5882,'Salve via Hunting','Possessing a Cenarion beacon allows one to see a corrupted soul shard on those tainted beasts that are put down for the greater good. I grind shards into a usable reagent that goes into making Cenarion plant salve. We will use that salve to turn corrupted plants into healthy ones again.$B$BIn exchange for these shards, I will give you some Cenarion plant salves I have already prepared.','Collect 6 Corrupted Soul Shard for Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2667insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2622,5883,'Salve via Mining','If you possess a Cenarion beacon while mining in Felwood, you will be able to see tainted vitriol that corrupts a vein of raw metal. I know how to purify that vitriol and turn it into a reagent that goes into making Cenarion plant salve. You will then use that salve on plants you find in the wild that need saving.$B$BIf you have collected any tainted vitriol, I\'ll give you some Cenarion plant salve I have already prepared.','Collect 4 Tainted Vitriol for Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2668insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2623,5884,'Salve via Gathering','A Cenarion beacon allows a seasoned herbalist to spot insidious fel creep - a malfeasant product of Felwood\'s corruption. My work here has taught me the knowledge of purifying fel creep into a cleansing reagent... used in what we now refer to as Cenarion plant salve.$B$BWhen you gather herbs in Felwood, you should encounter the fel creep so long as you have the beacon. In exchange for what you bring to me, I will give you pre-made Cenarion plant salve.','Collect 4 Fel Creep for Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2669insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2624,5885,'Salve via Skinning','A Cenarion beacon will allow a well-trained skinner to spot patches of tainted skin from bounty gathered in Felwood. I convert these seemingly useless patches into a thick paste that serves as a quickening agent for Cenarion plant salve. When you skin your kills here in Felwood, be sure to have a beacon on you!$B$BWhen you collect tainted patches, bring them to me and I will give you some Cenarion plant salves that I have already made.','Collect 5 Patch of Tainted Skin for Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2670insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2625,5886,'Salve via Disenchanting','The power of a disenchanted magical item is felt by the essence it creates. I\'ve devised a way to turn raw essence used by enchanters into a suitable reagent for creating Cenarion plant salve. You don\'t need a Cenarion beacon for this; any suitably disenchanted item that yields lesser nether essences will work.$B$BI just need a single lesser nether essence; in exchange, I will give you Cenarion plant salves. The essence is extremely potent - a little definitely goes a long way!','Collect a Lesser Nether Essence for Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2671insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2626,5887,'Salve via Hunting','','','Deliver 6 Corrupted Soul Shard to Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2672insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2627,5888,'Salve via Mining','','','Deliver 4 Tainted Vitriol to Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2673insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2628,5889,'Salve via Gathering','','','Deliver 4 Fel Creep to Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2674insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2629,5890,'Salve via Skinning','','','Deliver 5 Patch of Tainted Skin to Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2675insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2630,5891,'Salve via Disenchanting','','','Deliver a Lesser Nether Essence to Arathandris Silversky.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2676insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2631,5892,'Irondeep Supplies','Before the fighting started, we stored supplies for Dun Baldar in the Irondeep mine.  The troggs that surfaced there weren\'t much of a problem when we had spare troops to guard the mine, but now that we\'re fighting with the Horde we can\'t maintain control of Irondeep.$B$BWe need the supplies in Irondeep, $N.  Enter the mine and bring me a load of them.','Bring 10 Irondeep Supplies to the Alliance Quartermaster in Dun Baldar.','Well done! I\'ll put these supplies to good use! Thanks, $N!','Do you have the supplies, $N? We can never have enough!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2677insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2632,5893,'Coldtooth Supplies','The Coldtooth mine to the north was once an ideal place to store extra supplies, but now that the fighting with the Stormpikes grows fierce, we do not always have the spare warriors to station at the mine and protect it.  And so, control of the mine often falls to the Alliance, or to underground denizens...$B$BBut we still need our supplies, $N!  Go to the Coldtooth mine and bring me a load of them.  And be wary of enemies as you go; the tides of battle shift quickly in that place...','Bring 10 Coldtooth Supplies to the Horde Quatermaster in Frostwolf Keep.','Ah, you got them. Good work, $N! These supplies are a little musty from sitting in that dark mine for so long, but we\'ll make use of them nonetheless.$B$BThank you, $N. Your deeds are vital to the maintenance of our fighting forces.','Have you been to the Coldtooth mine, $N? Do you have the supplies I asked for?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2678insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2633,5901,'A Plague Upon Thee','So, to bring pain and strife to the Scarlet Crusade, I want to take their precious lumber mill from them. I\'m sure the loss of such a resource will cause them a great deal of harm in defending and rebuilding the town for their own reasons. Will you help me, $N?$B$BStart by taking this jar to Plaguewood in the Eastern Plaguelands. Fill it with the termites you find in their mounds throughout the woods. Come back when you have enough.','Use the Empty Termite Jar on the Termite Mounds in Eastern Plaguelands. After you\'ve gathered 100 Plagueland Termites, return to Mickey Levine at the Bulwark in Tirisfal Glades.','These will do nicely, $N. Thank you.$B$BIf you\'re ready, we can get on with the next step.','Do you have the termites yet, $N? I am sure it is obvious to a smart $C like yourself.$B$BOnce we have enough of them, we\'ll make sure no one can use the lumber mill ever again!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2679insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2634,5902,'A Plague Upon Thee','Now that we have plenty of termites, take this steel reinforced barrel to the Northridge Lumber Mill south of Hearthglen--you\'ll find it to the west of the road that leads you up to the town.$B$BOnce there, place the barrel in the center of the lumber mill; someplace high, like on a crate or something.$B$BAfter you open it, the rest should take care of itself. Just come back here and I\'ll reward you for helping me.','Find someplace suitable in the center of the Northridge Lumber Mill in Western Plaguelands to place the Barrel of Plagueland Termites.','The termites are obviously getting restless as you place the barrel on top of the crate.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2680insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2635,5903,'A Plague Upon Thee','I\'ve tried many times to rout out the Scarlet Crusade through force alone, but to no avail. So, as an alternative, I\'ve decided to make their lives more difficult.$B$BIf you are willing to help, I want to infest that lumber mill with the most terrible species of termites ever found.$B$BIn Plaguewood, near the once-great Stratholme, there is a breed that survived the plague and the Scourge combined. Find their mounds and fill this jar with them, so we can prepare them to be unleashed on the Crusade.','Use the Empty Termite Jar on the Termite Mounds in Eastern Plaguelands. After you\'ve gathered 100 Plagueland Termites, return to Nathaniel Dumah at Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands.','These will do nicely, $N. Thank you.$b$bIf you\'re ready, we can get on with the next step.','Did you find the termite mounds, $N? I\'ve heard they are all over Plaguewood.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2681insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2636,5904,'A Plague Upon Thee','Now that we have the termites, take this steel reinforced barrel to the Northridge Lumber Mill south of Hearthglen--you\'ll find it to the west of the road that leads you up to the town.$B$BOnce there, place the barrel in the center of the lumber mill; find someplace suitable, like on a crate and then open it. The termites should do their work from there and make the mill useless to the Crusade.','Find someplace suitable in the center of the Northridge Lumber Mill in Western Plaguelands to place the Barrel of Plagueland Termites.','The termites are obviously getting restless as you place the barrel on top of the crate.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2682insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2637,5921,'Moonglade','All druids are welcome in the sacred lands of Moonglade, regardless of the current tensions in the Cenarion Circle between Arch Druid Staghelm and Keeper Remulos - Moonglade\'s guardian.  Now that you\'re learning the ways of the Claw, I\'ll teach you the spell that lets you transport yourself there.  Cast it whenever you seek Moonglade\'s knowledge or solace.$B$BAs for your first lesson, travel to Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze in Nighthaven about the path you\'re now on.  Good luck, young druid.','Use the spell \"Teleport: Moonglade\" to travel to Moonglade.  When you arrive, speak with Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven.','\"And so it begins. Father Cenarius. And so it begins.\"$B$BDendrite makes a quick, invisible gesture in the air above him. A slight aura of power falls over him.$B$B\"The first perspective of nature you must adapt to is that of the bear. I will put you on the path to understanding this aspect of druidic life, but it is you that must embrace it and propagate it - now and forever!\"','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2683insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2638,5922,'Moonglade','All druids are welcomed to the sacred lands of Moonglade, tauren and night elf alike.  Keeper Remulos - Moonglade\'s guardian - keeps watch over all druids who hibernate there.  Now that you\'re learning the ways of the Claw, I\'ll teach you the spell that lets you transport yourself there.  Cast it whenever you seek Moonglade\'s knowledge or solace.$B$BAs for your first lesson, travel to Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze in Nighthaven about the path you\'re now on.  Good luck, young druid.','Use the spell \"Teleport: Moonglade\" to travel to Moonglade.  When you arrive, speak with Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven.','\"And so it begins. Father Cenarius. And so it begins.\"$B$BDendrite makes a quick, invisible gesture in the air above him. A slight aura of power falls over him.$B$B\"The first perspective of nature you must adapt to is that of the bear. I will put you on the path to understanding this aspect of druidic life, but it is you that must embrace it and propagate it - now and forever!\"','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2684insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2639,5923,'Heeding the Call','Excuse me, friend...$B$BIt has come to my attention that Mathrengyl Bearwalker has put out word that he wishes to speak with you.  It seems that your training as a druid is about to take on a new life, and he will be training you personally.  Mathrengyl is the direct assistant to the Arch Druid himself, and is one of the most sage and august druids you\'ll find in Teldrassil.$B$BHe is located in the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus, on the second floor of Fandral Staghelm\'s tree.','Speak with Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus.','I am glad you found your way here today. young $C. The time has come for you to take a large step into a much larger world.$B$BInside each of Cenarius\' children is the call to serve nature. Animals and plants are our friends as well as our charges. We choose to devote our lives as preservers of balance for their sakes as well as our own. Your first step into this world will be to learn of the ways of the bear, and to learn strength of body and heart.$B$BReady yourself!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2685insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2640,5924,'Heeding the Call','Excuse me, friend...$B$BIt has come to my attention that Mathrengyl Bearwalker has put out word that he wishes to speak with you.  It seems that your training as a druid is about to take on a new life, and he will be training you personally.  Mathrengyl is the direct assistant to the Arch Druid himself, and is one of the most sage and august druids you\'ll find in Teldrassil.$B$BHe is located in the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus, on the second floor of Fandral Staghelm\'s tree.','Speak with Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus.','I am glad you found your way here today. young $C. The time has come for you to take a large step into a much larger world.$B$BInside each of Cenarius\' children is the call to serve nature. Animals and plants are our friends as well as our charges. We choose to devote our lives as preservers of balance for their sakes as well as our own. Your first step into this world will be to learn of the ways of the bear, and to learn strength of body and heart.$B$BReady yourself!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2686insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2641,5925,'Heeding the Call','Excuse me, friend...$B$BIt has come to my attention that Mathrengyl Bearwalker has put out word that he wishes to speak with you.  It seems that your training as a druid is about to take on a new life, and he will be training you personally.  Mathrengyl is the direct assistant to the Arch Druid himself, and is one of the most sage and august druids you\'ll find in Teldrassil.$B$BHe is located in the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus, on the second floor of Fandral Staghelm\'s tree.','Speak with Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus.','I am glad you found your way here today. young $C. The time has come for you to take a large step into a much larger world.$B$BInside each of Cenarius\' children is the call to serve nature. Animals and plants are our friends as well as our charges. We choose to devote our lives as preservers of balance for their sakes as well as our own. Your first step into this world will be to learn of the ways of the bear, and to learn strength of body and heart.$B$BReady yourself!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2687insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2642,5926,'Heeding the Call','Excuse me, friend...$B$BIt has come to my attention that Turak Runetotem has put out word that he wishes to speak with you.  It seems that your training as a druid is about to take on a new life, and he will be training you personally.  Turak is one of the Arch Druid\'s assistants; he is known as a wise and patient druid, and he should teach you well.$B$BHe is located in Thunder Bluff, inside the Cenarion Circle\'s main tent on the Elder Rise.','Speak with Turak Runetotem on the Elder Rise of Thunder Bluff.','I am glad you found your way here today. young $C. The time has come for you to take a large step into a much larger world.$B$BInside each of Cenarius\' children is the call to serve nature. Animals and plants are our friends as well as our charges. We choose to devote our lives as preservers of balance for their sakes as well as our own. Your first step into this world will be to learn of the ways of the bear, and to learn strength of body and heart.$B$BReady yourself!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2688insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2643,5927,'Heeding the Call','Excuse me, friend...$B$BIt has come to my attention that Turak Runetotem has put out word that he wishes to speak with you.  It seems that your training as a druid is about to take on a new life, and he will be training you personally.  Turak is one of the Arch Druid\'s assistants; he is known as a wise and patient druid, and he should teach you well.$B$BHe is located in Thunder Bluff, inside the Cenarion Circle\'s main tent on the Elder Rise.','Speak with Turak Runetotem on the Elder Rise of Thunder Bluff.','I am glad you found your way here today. young $C. The time has come for you to take a large step into a much larger world.$B$BInside each of Cenarius\' children is the call to serve nature. Animals and plants are our friends as well as our charges. We choose to devote our lives as preservers of balance for their sakes as well as our own. Your first step into this world will be to learn of the ways of the bear, and to learn strength of body and heart.$B$BReady yourself!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2689insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2644,5928,'Heeding the Call','Excuse me, friend...$B$BIt has come to my attention that Turak Runetotem has put out word that he wishes to speak with you.  It seems that your training as a druid is about to take on a new life, and he will be training you personally.  Turak is one of the Arch Druid\'s assistants; he is known as a wise and patient druid, and he should teach you well.$B$BHe is located in Thunder Bluff, inside the Cenarion Circle\'s main tent on the Elder Rise.','Speak with Turak Runetotem on the Elder Rise of Thunder Bluff.','I am glad you found your way here today. young $C. The time has come for you to take a large step into a much larger world.$B$BInside each of Cenarius\' children is the call to serve nature. Animals and plants are our friends as well as our charges. We choose to devote our lives as preservers of balance for their sakes as well as our own. Your first step into this world will be to learn of the ways of the bear, and to learn strength of body and heart.$B$BReady yourself!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2690insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2645,5929,'Great Bear Spirit','In the northwest part of Moonglade resides the home of a wise and noble being we call the Great Bear Spirit.  For all druids, it has served as a tutor and mentor into the first true natural understanding of the bear.  All druids at one point seek the spirit\'s wisdom, and you shall be no exception.$B$BGo to the Great Bear Spirit now and learn what it will teach.  When it is satisfied with you, return to me here in Nighthaven.  We will then see if you have truly taken account of the lessons it teaches.','Seek out the Great Bear Spirit in northwestern Moonglade and learn what it has to share with you about the nature of the bear.  When finished, return to Dendrite Starblaze in Nighthaven, Moonglade.','Dendrite makes another invisible gesture in the air above him as you approach. Another aura of power comes over him. and he smiles ever so slightly.$B$B\"I sense wisdom in you, young one, that was not present when we first met. You gaze upon me with strength and knowing intent, though this intent is yet not focused. You will now learn to focus your strength and adopt the nature of the bear into your work.\"','','','Seek out the Great Bear Spirit and learn what it has to share with you about the nature of the bear.','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2691insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2646,5930,'Great Bear Spirit','In the northwest part of Moonglade resides the home of a wise and noble being we call the Great Bear Spirit.  For all druids, it has served as a tutor and mentor into the first true natural understanding of the bear.  All druids at one point seek the spirit\'s wisdom, and you shall be no exception.$B$BGo to the Great Bear Spirit now and learn what it will teach.  When it is satisfied with you, return to me here in Nighthaven.  We will then see if you have truly taken account of the lessons it teaches.','Seek out the Great Bear Spirit in northwestern Moonglade and learn what it has to share with you about the nature of the bear.  When finished, return to Dendrite Starblaze in Nighthaven, Moonglade.','Dendrite makes another invisible gesture in the air above him as you approach. Another aura of power comes over him. and he smiles ever so slightly.$B$B\"I sense wisdom in you, young one, that was not present when we first met. You gaze upon me with strength and knowing intent, though this intent is yet not focused. You will now learn to focus your strength and adopt the nature of the bear into your work.\"','','','Seek out the Great Bear Spirit and learn what it has to share with you about the nature of the bear.','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2692insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2647,5931,'Back to Darnassus','The time has come for us to part ways, young one, as the application of your lessons takes you back to whom that sent you to me.  Mathrengyl Bearwalker walks truly in balance with nature, even as he dwells precariously close to where the balance has faltered.  Listen to his instructions, and you will soon complete your first lessons into your role as a protector of balance.$B$BGo now, young one.  We shall meet again.','Return to Darnassus and speak with Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave.','Welcome back. $N. I sense that your first meeting with the Great Bear Spirit is the same as it is with all druids when they first start down the path of the Claw... a little bewildering, but very intense. I know it was that way with me.$B$BThe Great Bear Spirit has been a part of Azeroth as long as Azeroth has existed in the heavens. We have come to rely on its wisdom and its power to fuel our purpose. Now, the time has now come for your first test of this purpose. Listen closely...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2693insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2648,5932,'Back to Thunder Bluff','The time has come for us to part ways, young one, as the application of your lessons takes you back to whom that sent you to me.  Though the tauren are thought to be young in the ways of Cenarius, Turak Runetotem walks with much balance in the presence of nature.  Listen to his instructions, and you will soon complete your first lessons into your role as a protector of balance.$B$BGo now, young one.  We shall meet again.','Return to Thunder Bluff and speak with Turak Runetotem on the Elder Rise.','Welcome back. $N. I sense that your first meeting with the Great Bear Spirit is the same as it is with all druids when they first start down the path of the Claw... a little bewildering, but very intense. I know it was that way with me.$B$BThe Great Bear Spirit has been a part of Azeroth as long as Azeroth has existed in the heavens. We tauren listen closely to such spirits, and we all prosper from its purpose. Now, the time has now come for your first test of this purpose. Listen closely...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2694insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2649,5941,'Return to Chromie','You have gathered many relics of the battle of Darrowshire.  Each time you returned with more, my heart yearned for my village... yearned to protect it from its fate.$B$BI know that cannot be, but Chromie, that strange gnome in Andorhal, tells me it is possible.  She says you can save Darrowshire!$B$BShe asked me to gather together the relics, and to have you bring them to her.  She said that she awaits you in the ruined inn of Andorhal.','Take the Bundle of Relics to Chromie in Andorhal.','Ah yes, there they are. Together they weave a powerful spell, one that will raise the spirits of Darrowshire.$b$bWith that spell, and with a little luck, we can save Joseph Redpath!','I have been in contact with your friend Carlin. He feels great pain for the doom of his village, but he speaks very highly of you and knows that you can set things right.$b$bOh, but I\'m drifting from the subject at hand... $N, do you have the relics I asked for?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2695insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2650,5942,'Hidden Treasures','Daddy told me to give you this key.  He said it opens a chest out back behind the house.$B$BHe also wanted me to thank you.  Did you do a favor for him?  Did you tell him you found my doll?$B$BWell here\'s the key.  And thank you $N.  Thank you!  You\'re a very nice $gman:lady;!','Bring Joseph\'s Key to Joseph\'s Chest.','The key fits the lock, and the chest opens...','This chest is old and covered in grime.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2696insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2651,5943,'Gizelton Caravan','You look like a capable $r. Perhaps you\'re looking to make some money? Cork and I started this caravan to make a bundle of money; little did we know the dangers of turning a buck!$B$BUp ahead is Mannoroc Coven... normally the demons ignore us but something has the kodos spooked this time. I\'ll pay you to protect the caravan past Mannoroc Coven. Once we are safely past you can receive your reward from our business associate Smeed at Scrabblescrew\'s Camp.','Escort the Gizelton Caravan through Mannoroc Coven. Talk with Smeed at Scrabblescrew\'s Camp for your reward.','Not sure it\'s a prosperous proposition to be paying so much money to protect the Gizelton Caravan. Cork and Rigger only make one gold piece a week, but as long as they keep paying for my kodos I can care less how they run their business.','','Escort Gizelton Caravan past Mannoroc Coven','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2697insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2652,5944,'In Dreams','For so long, I have been a puppet of the Grand Crusader. What reason was there to fight against what the Scarlet Crusade had become? It has been decades, yet the memories of my father; those precious memories, they are what have kept me alive.$B$BI have dreams, stranger. In these dreams my father is with me. He stands proudly at my side as I am inducted into the Order. We battle legion of Scourge, side by side. We bring honor to the Alliance, to Lordaeron.$B$BI want not to dream anymore.$B$BTake me to him.','Escort Taelan Fordring out of Hearthglen.','The death of my son at the hands of these monsters will not pass without incident. Take solace in knowing that the Order is reborn.$b$bI now take my place as Highlord of the new Order of the Silver Hand.$b$bThese possessions of my past - they are all that I have to offer for all that you have done. Please, take these as a symbol of my gratitude; all have served me well over the years.$b$bMay we meet again, in better times, and reminisce of days long past... battles hard fought... dreams redeemed.','','Redemption?','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2698insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2653,5961,'The Champion of the Banshee Queen','It pleases me greatly to see the battle hardened join our cause. Our numbers grow in size and strength as each day passes. Perhaps you are prepared to test your mettle, $c?$B$BAmong the first of my champions was Nathanos, now known as the Blightcaller. Few exist with more dedication or vigor amidst our ranks.$B$BSeek him out in the Eastern Plaguelands. He resides at the Marris Stead; occasionally roaming the decimated wastes, slaying all Scourge and Alliance filth that cross his path.','Speak with Nathanos Blightcaller in the Eastern Plaguelands. He is said to have taken up residence at the Marris Stead.\r\n','Surely the Dark Lady does not believe you worthy to meet her champion. You are here to feed my hounds, yes? There could be no other reason for this interruption.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2699insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2654,5981,'Rampaging Giants','Around 4,000 years ago, Tyrande Whisperwind saved the life of the frostsaber queen, at the hands of rampaging giants. Since then, the frostsabers have been allies of the night elves.$B$BThese same giants that once were a danger to the frostsabers, still exist not too far from here. They are called the frostmaul, and they have taken over the large valley to the south.$B$BProve your loyalty to the frostsabers; kill these giants in the name of the frostsaber queen, Shy-Rotam!','Rivern Frostwind wants you to kill 4 Frostmaul Giants and 4 Frostmaul Preservers.','Excellent, $N. Your determination has been duly noted.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2700insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2655,6001,'Body and Heart','Directly east of Auberdine lay many moonkin caves.  The one closest to Auberdine has a Moonkin Stone inside it.  Lunaclaw, the defender of the stone, will face you only when Cenarion Moondust is applied to it.  Lunaclaw possesses within it a strength that you must use as one of the Claw.$B$BYou\'ve earned the right to use this Cenarion Moondust, $N... now show me that you\'ve earned the right to possess the strength of body and the strength of heart needed as a druid!','Use the Cenarion Moondust on the Moonkin Stone of Auberdine to bring forth Lunaclaw.  From there, you must face Lunaclaw and earn the strength of body and heart it possesses.$B$BSpeak with Mathrengyl Bearwalker in Darnassus when you are done.','You have finally taken your large step into a much larger world. $N. I sense the teaching of the Great Bear Spirit within you, and I sense that you have received the strength that Lunaclaw possessed.$B$BThere are no further obstacles in your way... let me now teach you what it means to be a $C of the Claw!','','','Face Lunaclaw and earn the strength of body and heart it possesses.','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2701insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2656,6002,'Body and Heart','On land west of Taurajo in the Barrens - just before it turns into Mulgore - lies a Moonkin Stone.  The moonkin are special beasts, not native to these parts.  Lunaclaw, the stone\'s defender, will face you when Cenarion Lunardust is applied to it.  Lunaclaw possesses within it a strength that you must use as one of the Claw.$B$BYou\'ve earned the right to use this Cenarion Lunardust, $N... now show me that you\'ve earned the right to possess the strength of body and the strength of heart needed as a druid!','Use the Cenarion Lunardust on the Moonkin Stone between Mulgore and the Barrens to bring forth Lunaclaw.  From there, you must face Lunaclaw and earn the strength of body and heart it possesses.$B$BSpeak with Turak Runetotem in Thunder Bluff when you are done.','You have finally taken your large step into a much larger world. $N. I sense the teaching of the Great Bear Spirit within you, and I sense that you have received the strength that Lunaclaw possessed.$B$BThere are no further obstacles in your way... let me now teach you what it means to be a $C of the Claw!','','','Face Lunaclaw and earn the strength of body and heart it possesses.','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2702insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2657,6004,'Unfinished Business','I was sent as a scout to do some damage and gauge the strength of Hearthglen\'s defenses. Some people in the Alliance feel the little town has more than historical importance. It\'s not my job to question what that importance is, but regardless, I\'m in no shape to continue until I rest up.$B$BIf you\'re willing, I\'d pay handsomely for some help. Start south of here at their camp near the small bulwark they\'ve set up. If you prove strong enough, maybe I could get your help with my main goal.','Kill 2 Scarlet Medics, 2 Scarlet Hunters, 2 Scarlet Magi and 2 Scarlet Knights before returning to Kirsta Deepshadow in Western Plaguelands.','Well done, $N. I\'m amazed you dealt with them so quickly. Thank you.$b$bI have yet to meet anyone that approves of the Scarlet Crusade and their methods. I believe in the Light as much as anyone else in Stormwind, but they\'ve demonstrated that they only want to kill anyone not loyal to their movement... even innocents.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2703insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2658,6021,'Zaeldarr the Outcast','Can you believe that, after all the trouble we have in the plaguelands... we have to worry about thieves too?  And not just normal thieves, troll thieves.$B$BAnd not just normal troll thieves.  Dead troll thieves!$B$BThey\'re led by this big, dead troll named Zaeldarr the Outcast, and they come here at night and steal bodies from the pit below, then take them back to their evil, dead troll hideout--the Undercroft to the west.$B$BGo there and take out Zaeldarr, $N.  I\'m sick to death of his mischief!','Bring Zaeldarr\'s Head to Caretaker Alen at Light\'s Hope Chapel.','Great, you got him! And I hope you taught his gang a lesson too!','Did you find the hideout, $N? Did you take care of Zaeldarr?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2704insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2659,6022,'To Kill With Purpose','You kill with purpose while you remain on my stead.$B$BYour first task is to feed my hounds.$B$BTake this mortar and pestle and travel to Corin\'s Crossing. Once there, you will find a robust selection of Scourge to slaughter. From their fresh carcasses I need living rot. Take that living rot and grind it up in the mortar, then let it sit to coagulate. Bring the coagulated rot back here.$B$BAnd imbecile, realize that living rot from the undead doesn\'t remain \'living\' for very long. You must kill quickly!','Travel to Corin\'s Crossing to the east and slaughter the Scourge that inhabit the town. Collect 7 pieces of Living Rot in under 10 minutes. Use the Mortar and Pestle to grind the Living Rot into Coagulated Rot.','Disappointing. I was hoping that I\'d be feeding you to my hounds, instead.$b$b<Nathanos sighs.>$b$bWell, at least you they\'ll have something to eat.','Are you crying? If this is too \'tedious\' for you, \'hero,\' I recommend that you head back to the Dark Lady and inform her of the horrible mistreatment you received at my farmstead.$b$bNow get out of my sight!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2705insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2660,6023,'Unfinished Business','My real mission was to weaken the Scarlet Crusade\'s outlying forces and then infiltrate Hearthglen to gauge their numbers. I\'m still in no shape to do it on my own, so perhaps I could ask you to aid me again, $N? From what information I gathered before being discovered, the Crusade has two important members that are the backbone of their forces outside the town: Huntsman Radley and Cavalier Durgen. Kill them, and we\'re making progress. They should be along Hearthglen Pass outside the town proper.','Kill Huntsman Radley and Cavalier Durgen before returning to Kirsta Deepshadow in Western Plaguelands.','Thank you, $N. You\'ve been more help than I could have hoped for. The air here just seems to suck my will. I feel tired, and I can tell I\'m not getting any better the longer I\'m here.$b$bI\'m not really sure how I\'m going to infiltrate Hearthglen itself and report on how strong the Scarlet Crusade\'s presence is.$b$bBut that\'s another matter, before you leave, here, take this... as payment for your help. Thank you again.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2706insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2661,6024,'Hameya\'s Plea','Kill me.  Before it\'s too late.$B$BI am Hameya.  While traveling to Zul\'Mashar, my brethren and I ate some bad meat... and we changed.  We are infected.$B$BI can feel the lich\'s words now, urging me to reach Zul\'Mashar and infect more of my people.  I cannot resist, and so I wrote this scroll before my will left me.$B$BI buried a chest in dirt next to a wagon behind this crypt, but only my key will open it.  I have the key.  If you want my treasure, then find me.$B$BKill me.  Before it\'s too late.','Kill Infiltrator Hameya.  Use his key on the Mound of Dirt behind the Undercroft.','Hameya\'s chest is opened!!','This chest buried here is securely locked.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2707insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2662,6025,'Unfinished Business','What? Really? You want to know more? But you\'ve already done so much for me, $N. I couldn\'t possibly ask you to enter Hearthglen itself on my behalf.$B$BAre you sure, $N? Hearthglen is much more dangerous than the Pass--I cannot provide you any protection  or even information about what you might face.$B$BWell, if you really are willing to help, then enter the town and find a high place to gain a good view of the town. From there you can gauge their numbers and report them back to me. But be careful....','Enter Hearthglen and find a high vantage point from which you can see the town and gauge the Scarlet Crusade\'s forces, then return to Kirsta Deepshadow in Western Plaguelands.','You\'ve done it, $N! Thank you!$b$bI\'ll return to Elling... I mean Stormwind as soon as I can. Here, take this coin, it\'s the least I can do for you. You\'re a credit to your people, $N. Thank you and good luck.','','Overlook Hearthglen from a high vantage point','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2708insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2663,6026,'That\'s Asking A Lot','These here Argent Dawn people commissioned ol\' Smokey to do a little demolition work for \'em. Smokey\'s mammy ain\'t raised no dummy. When gold coin is slapped on the table, Smokey\'s services are available. That\'s my motto!$B$BNow I\'d be willing to split the commission with you if you\'re willing to do a little legwork. Here\'s the deal: I\'m going to head over to Plaguewood and mark the buildings we need destroyed. You gather the components for the bombs. Meet back here when you\'ve got everything. Deal?','Smokey LaRue wants you to get 2 Thorium Bars, 1 Golden Rod, 8 Hi-Explosive Bombs, and 8 Unstable Triggers.$B$BYou will have to find a blacksmith and an engineer for these items.','I can pay you half up front and half when the job is done. ','Trust ol\' Smokey, $R. The reward will be worth it. These Argent Dawn folk don\'t mess around when it comes to payment.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2709insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2664,6027,'Book of the Ancients','$n, I entrust you with the Gem of the Serpent. Place this gem on the Serpent Statue\'s hand on Ranazjar Isle, a small island northwest of here. Placing it will summon the one who protects the Book of the Ancients. This book contains the secrets of the naga, secrets that have been kept for centuries.  Bring this book to me, and we will learn much about our scaled foes!','Get the Book of the Ancients and return it to Azore Aldamort at the tower in Ethel Rethor.\r\n','The long lost Book of the Ancients! I will ensure this book is passed on to the high council. You\'ve done well today, and for that you are to be thanked... as a hero should be thanked!$b$b','Ah, $N! It\'s good to see you again. Do you have the Book of the Ancients?$b$b','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2710insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2665,6028,'The Everlook Report','I am looking for a responsible individual to aid me in a small but nonetheless important matter.  I\'m here as a representative of the Argent Dawn\'s interests to the local governance of Everlook.  I need to get a progress report to Argent Officer Pureheart at Chillwind Camp; it\'s a ways from here, located along the southern fringe of the Western Plaguelands.$B$BIf I may be so bold - this would be a perfect means to introduce yourself to my superior and perhaps earn some work from her!','Deliver the Everlook Report to Argent Officer Pureheart at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.','Very resourceful, Gregor is. He\'s been dealing with the Steamwheedle Cartel for some time now, and has become an expert on the \"art\" of goblin negotiations. Though it\'s true that the goblins\' primary loyalties lie with those who have the largest coin purses, they also know and respect the value of diplomacy. If anything, it provides them with repeat customers...$B$BAt any rate, the Argent Dawn acknowledges you for your effort. Please have this, with our thanks.','Greetings, $N. On behalf of the Argent Dawn, I offer you safety and shelter while you are here at Chillwind Camp. I might also have some work for you...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2711insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2666,6029,'The Everlook Report','I\'m looking for a responsible individual to aid me in a small but nonetheless important matter.  I\'m here as a representative of the Argent Dawn\'s interests to the local governance of Everlook.  I need to get a progress report to Argent Officer Garush at the Bulwark; it\'s a ways from here, located along the western fringe of the Western Plaguelands, east of Tirisfal Glades.$B$BIf I may be so bold - this would be a perfect means to introduce yourself to my superior and perhaps earn some work from him!','Deliver the Everlook Report to Argent Officer Garush at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.','Resourceful for a human, Gregor is.  He\'s been dealing with the Steamwheedle Cartel for some time now, and has become an expert on the \"art\" of goblin negotiations.  Though it\'s true that the goblins\' primary loyalties lie with those who have the largest coin purses, they also know and respect the value of diplomacy.  If anything, it provides them with repeat customers...$B$BAt any rate, the Argent Dawn acknowledges you for your effort.  Please have this, with our thanks.','Greetings, $C.  On behalf of the Argent Dawn, I offer you safety and shelter while you are here at Bulwark.  I might also offer you the chance to fight for a cause that\'s worth fighting for!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2712insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2667,6030,'Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff','A recluse medium found in these parts by the name of Umbranse has provided the Argent Dawn with quite a literary masterpiece... one that amounts to quite possibly the largest collection of jibber-jabber I\'ve ever seen written.$B$BOne of the Dawn\'s most respected leaders, Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff, is a brilliant linguist.  Could you take this to him for me - for a reward, of course?  Light\'s Hope Chapel - that\'s where he\'s currently at, far in the eastern part of the Eastern Plaguelands.','Deliver the book, \"Studies in Spirit Speaking\", to Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff at Light\'s Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.','This... this is a very special book you have brought me. I\'d like to tell you that \"special\" in this case means \"unique and quite possibly illuminating\", but that remains to be seen.$b$b\"Ooooooo?\" Who in their right mind thinks this up?$b$bWell now, I\'ve heard of this Umbranse that Gregor spoke of, so this isn\'t without merit. I\'ll do my best to decipher it. As for you... please, have this - courtesy of the Argent Dawn. While you are here, perhaps there are some other things you can aid us with.','May the Light guide you in these troubling times, $C. What brings you here to this beacon of hope in the middle of darkness and despair?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2713insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2668,6031,'Runecloth','In Timbermaw, we are content.  We do not like strangers.  This is good for us, but it is bad for trade.$B$BNot long ago, a rare night elf friend came to Timbermaw and she wore a runecloth cloak.  Runecloth is rare among us, but the cloak was so fine my people want me to make more runecloth clothing.$B$BWill you bring me runecloth?  If you bring me enough, then I will give you something in trade.','Bring 30 Runecloth to Meilosh in Timbermaw Hold.','Ah, you brought the cloth.  Such fine material it is!$B$BThank you, $N.  You are a true friend.  Please accept this in exchange.','Do you have the runecloth?  My people are eager for more items of runecloth!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2714insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2669,6032,'Sacred Cloth','Although the people of Timbermaw delight in the feel of runecloth, it is not sacred to us.  But mooncloth is sacred.$B$BBring me a small supply of this holy cloth, and I will teach you a secret fashioning technique. ','Bring 2 Mooncloth to Meilosh in Timbermaw Hold.','Ah, very good. This mooncloth will be used for garments sacred to our people. Thank you, $N. Now I will train you.','Have you brought the mooncloth, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2715insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2670,6041,'When Smokey Sings, I Get Violent','While you were gathering the supplies, I had some of my people handle marking the Scourge buildings we need demolished.$B$BHere\'s the plan: I\'m going to give you ten sticks of my special compound. You\'re going to take them over to Plaguewood and plant them inside the Scourge structures that I\'ve had marked for detonation.$B$B<Smokey snaps his fingers.>$B$BBing! It\'s just that easy.','Travel to Plaguewood, northwest of Light\'s Hope. Destroy 8 Scourge Structures by using Smokey\'s Special Compound at the Mark of Detonation planted inside each building. Smokey has had the Ziggurats and Slaughterhouses marked.$B$BOnce you plant the bomb, leave the building and marvel at your handiwork.$B$BBy the way, Smokey\'s Special Compound is rather... unstable.','You\'re much darker than I remember. You got that look going for you; the look that says, \'I\'ve been charred by a high explosive bomb.\'$B$B<Smokey laughs.>$B$BAnyhow! Here\'s your cut of the loot. I\'ve thrown in a little something extra to help soothe the burns.','','','Scourge Structures Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2716insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2671,6042,'Un-Life\'s Little Annoyances','You cannot take two steps off of this farm without running into one of those obnoxious bats. I want to be able to take the hounds out and slaughter Scourge without being accosted by any damned, dirty bats. Obviously, I have better things to do with my time than mindlessly kill bats day in and day out. You, however, do not.$B$BWhat? Your training? This is your training! Now get out of my sight and don\'t come back until you\'ve killed a fair number of those winged demons. Don\'t disappoint me.','Slay 20 Noxious Plaguebats and 10 Monstrous Plaguebats. Return to Nathanos Blightcaller when you are finished.','It\'s incredible what a little anger and rage can get accomplished.','It could have been worse. I could have had you collecting bat guano.$B$B<Nathanos stares at you in contemplation.>$B$BHrm... Hey! Wait a minute. Where are you going?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2717insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2672,6061,'Taming the Beast','As a tauren, it is important to follow the traditions of our ancestors by fighting mighty creatures. By besting these creatures, we are able to intake their spirits, allowing us to become closer to the Earthmother.$B$BIn the same way, taming a beast to fight alongside us helps us become one with nature around us. Eventually, you will learn to tame a beast of your choosing. But all things take practice, and you have much to learn. Begin by taking this taming rod; you must tame an adult plainstrider.','Use the Taming Rod to tame an Adult Plainstrider. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Yaw Sharpmane in Bloodhoof Village.','Signs have appeared to me from the Earthmother; you have done well.','Practice your skills. $N. Tame the adult plainstrider.','Tame an Adult Plainstrider','Tame an Adult Plainstrider','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2718insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2673,6062,'Taming the Beast','It is an admirable skill to command one\'s authority over nature. As a hunter, you must strive to learn to use the force and power inherent to any creature of your choosing.$B$BGaining control of an animal is not an easy feat; it is a task that you must undertake with much determination.$B$BFor your first assignment, take this taming rod and use it to tame a dire mottled boar. You can find them quite close to Razor Hill. Practice your skills in battle with the boar at your side, then return to me.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Dire Mottled Boar. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Thotar in Razor Hill.','You have done well, $N. I believe you are ready for your next task.','Good luck, young $C.','Tame a Dire Mottled Boar','Tame a Dire Mottled Boar','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2719insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2674,6063,'Taming the Beast','As a hunter, it is important to remember the responsibility you hold in your hands. Nature is not a power that can be bent to obey our desires; it is one that is to be respected and acknowledged as something stronger than your very existence.$B$B$N, you must prove your understanding of this before you will gain the ability to tame an animal to be your companion.$B$BYour first task is to take this taming rod. With it, you will be able to tame a webwood lurker. Tame it, and practice your skills as a hunter.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Webwood Lurker. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Dazalar in Dolanaar.','Excellent. $N! You are quite a fast learner.','You will learn, $N, and one day you will be a great $C.','Tame a Webwood Lurker','Tame a Webwood Lurker','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2720insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2675,6064,'Taming the Beast','Hi there, $Glad:lass;! So, you\'d be wanting to know how you can gain a pet of your own?$B$BWell, let\'s get started. There\'s nothing more important than yer equipment when it comes to hunting, but we can chat about my new Shrapnel Blaster some other time. Fer now, let\'s focus on something I\'m sure you\'re quite interested in: a pet!$B$BThe best way to learn is for you to try out several creatures as companions and see what ya like. So, find a large crag boar, then use the taming rod to tame it.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Large Crag Boar. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Grif Wildheart in Kharanos.','I know, I know; you\'re wondering what\'s next, aren\'t ya?!','Don\'t worry, lass! You\'ll get ta try a few before you\'ll need to decide on just one.','Tame a Large Crag Boar','Tame a Large Crag Boar','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2721insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2676,6065,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Yaw Sharpmane in Bloodhoof Village. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Yaw Sharpmane in Bloodhoof Village.','Yes, I do believe you are ready...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2722insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2677,6066,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Yaw Sharpmane in Bloodhoof Village. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Yaw Sharpmane in Bloodhoof Village.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2723insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2678,6067,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Yaw Sharpmane in Bloodhoof Village. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Yaw Sharpmane in Bloodhoof Village.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2724insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2679,6068,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Thotar at Razor Hill. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Thotar at Razor Hill.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2725insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2680,6069,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Thotar at Razor Hill. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Thotar at Razor Hill.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2726insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2681,6070,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Thotar at Razor Hill. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Thotar at Razor Hill.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2727insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2682,6071,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Dazalar in Dolanaar. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Dazalar in Dolanaar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2728insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2683,6072,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Dazalar in Dolanaar. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Dazalar in Dolanaar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2729insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2684,6073,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Dazalar in Dolanaar. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Dazalar in Dolanaar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2730insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2685,6074,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Grif Wildheart in Kharanos. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Grif Wildheart in Kharanos.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2731insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2686,6075,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Grif Wildheart in Kharanos. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Grif Wildheart in Kharanos.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2732insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2687,6076,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Grif Wildheart in Kharanos. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Grif Wildheart in Kharanos.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2733insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2688,6081,'Training the Beast','You now have the power to tame a pet, but you must also gain the skills to train it.$B$BTravel to Orgrimmar. There you must speak to one of our most revered hunters, Ormak Grimshot. He will give you the ability to train your new pet. You will find him in the Valley of Honor.$B$BGood luck, $N.','Speak with Ormak Grimshot in Orgrimmar.','A young $C, I see. Yes, I will grant you the skills you need to train and guide your pet. Not only will you be able to teach your pet new abilities, you will now be able to feed your pet, as well as revive it, should it fall in battle.$B$BNow, go, $C. We will speak again, at a later date.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2734insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2689,6082,'Taming the Beast','The final creature you need to tame is one you should strive to emulate; the armored scorpid. It strikes quickly and confidently; to control a force such as this is your fate as a hunter.$B$BWhen you return, I will bestow you with the skills you will need to tame an animal of your choosing; this creature will be yours to command. Under your control, your pet will gain experience alongside you. I will also show you how to call it and dismiss it as you wish.\r\n','Use the Taming Rod to tame an Armored Scorpid. Practice your skills, then return to Thotar at Razor Hill.','You have learned all I can teach you, $N. It is time for you to take what you have learned here and choose a pet of your own.$B$BHere you are, $N. I will now give you the power to tame a beast, as well as call it and dismiss it as you see fit. Use your new skills with pride; you have earned them.','Were you able to tame the scorpid?','Tame an Armored Scorpid','Tame an Armored Scorpid','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2735insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2690,6083,'Taming the Beast','The advantage a pet affords you against your rivals is duly noted, $N. When you gain control over another creature, you are adding to your own strength. Your pet must become an extension of yourself.$B$BThe next task requires you to turn from the land; you will find the next creature in the waters off the coast. Across from Sen\'jin Village, near the Echo Isles. look for a spirited crab called the surf crawler. Use the taming rod to tame it, then practice your skills.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Surf Crawler. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Thotar at Razor Hill.','You are a swift learner, $N. You have done well.','You need to practice in order to gain the skills you need to effectively control your pet. Have you tamed a surf crawler?','Tame a Surf Crawler','Tame a Surf Crawler','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2736insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2691,6084,'Taming the Beast','Those crag boars are quite burly; maybe you\'d like something with a little more finesse? Alright then, I\'ve got jus\' the thing. South and east of here, you\'ll find large white cats called snow leopards. Just like an elegantly-carved rifle, behind their beautiful exterior lies a powerful fighter, capable of doing extreme damage. You\'ll find them to be much more agile an\' swift than the boar you tamed.$B$BTake this taming rod and see how you like the snow leopard.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Snow Leopard. Practice your skills, then return to Grif Wildheart in Kharanos.','When I feel you\'ve learned enough, I will grant you the ability to choose any pet of your liking.','What do you think of the snow leopard, $N?','Tame a Snow Leopard','Tame a Snow Leopard','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2737insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2692,6085,'Taming the Beast','Perhaps you\'d like a creature that possesses little more than brute strength. The ice claw bear is an excellent companion for a fledgling hunter like yourself, and can be found east of Kharanos. Here is the taming rod; try this animal as a pet and see if ya like it!$B$BWhen you return, I\'ll give ya the skills you will need to tame an animal of your choosing; this creature will face the challenges you face, and gain experience alongside you. I will also show you how to call it and dismiss it as ya like.\r\n','Use the Taming Rod to tame an Ice Claw Bear. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Grif Wildheart in Kharanos.','Here you are, $N. I will now give ya the power to tame a beast, as well as call it and dismiss it as you please.$B$BFind yerself a good, loyal pet, and enjoy the hunt!','Have you tamed the ice claw bear yet?','Tame an Ice Claw Bear','Tame an Ice Claw Bear','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2738insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2693,6086,'Training the Beast','$N, ya now have the power to tame a pet, but you must also gain the skills ta train it.$B$BTravel to Ironforge and find the Hall of Arms. There you must speak to one of our most revered animal trainers, Belia Thundergranite. She\'ll give ya the power to train your new pet, so get goin\', $Glad:lass;!$B$BBelia is a friendly sort; you should have no problems gaining her approval. Good luck, $N.\r\n','Speak with Belia Thundergranite in Ironforge.','A new recruit, eh? You\'re on your way to becoming a great $C, I see.$B$BYes, I can bestow you with the skills you need to train and guide your pet. Not only will you be able to teach your pet new abilities, you will now be able to feed your pet, as well as revive it, should it fall in battle.$B$BRemember that the key to getting the most from your new pet is to respect it and treat it well. In turn, your pet will be your most loyal friend.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2739insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2694,6087,'Taming the Beast','You have a fiery spirit, hunter, readily awaiting your next challenge.$B$BYour next task is to gain the companionship of a wolf known as the prairie stalker. This creature is swift and fearless; in taking this beast as your pet, you must also take on these qualities.$B$BDuring a battle, you will learn how you and your pet will become a team. In the end you must work as one, muscle to muscle.$B$BHere is the taming rod, $N. Tame a prairie stalker and practice your skills.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Prairie Stalker. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Yaw Sharpmane in Bloodhoof Village.','Yes... The Earthmother believes that you are ready for the next lesson.','Have you found a prairie stalker?','','Tame a Prairie Stalker','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2740insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2695,6088,'Taming the Beast','The final task that I have for you requires that you tame a creature that inhabits the sky. The swoop is a difficult opponent, but as your ally, you will acquire its sharp attacks and threatening presence.$B$BBy the will of the Earthmother, when you return I will bestow you with the skills you will need to tame an animal of your choosing to be your companion; this creature will face the challenges you face, and gain experience alongside you. I will also show you how to call it and dismiss it as you wish.\r\n','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Swoop. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Yaw Sharpmane in Bloodhoof Village.','You have learned all I can teach you. $N. May the blessings of the Earthmother guide you in choosing a pet.$B$BHere you are, $N. I will now give you the power to tame a beast, as well as call it and dismiss it as you see fit. Use your new skills with pride and honor the Earthmother.','You will soon be ready. $N.','','Tame a Swoop','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2741insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2696,6089,'Training the Beast','You now have the power to tame a pet, but you must also gain the skills to train it.$B$BTravel to Thunder Bluff. There you must speak to one of our most revered hunters, Holt Thunderhorn. If he deems you worthy, he will give you the ability to train your new pet.$B$BHolt has bested the most powerful and feared beasts of Azeroth, and commands many strong creatures of his own. His ties to the Earthmother are strong, and you can learn much from him. Good luck, $N.\r\n','Speak with Holt Thunderhorn on Hunter Rise in Thunder Bluff.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2742insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2697,6101,'Taming the Beast','The variance of nature is something that can be relied upon, $N. It is predictable in the way that it never remains the same; it is always changing.$B$BThe tasks I give to you will help you to see and appreciate the vast differences of the creatures you may choose as your companion.$B$BTake this taming rod and use it to tame a nightsaber stalker, found to the south. Practice your skills as a hunter. Then you will begin to understand the similarities and differences of nature.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Nightsaber Stalker. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Dazalar in Dolanaar.','I see your commitment and that you have understood what I have taught you. $N.','Understanding the balance between nature and oneself is a way of life for every $R.','Tame a Nightsaber Stalker','Tame a Nightsaber Stalker','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2743insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2698,6102,'Taming the Beast','You have tamed two creatures that inhabit the land, now you must tame one that soars the skies. Use the taming rod to tame a strigid screecher, found west of here. Practice your skills with this mighty owl at your side.$B$BWhen you return, I will bestow you with the skills you will need to tame an animal of your choosing to be your companion; this creature will face the challenges you face, and gain experience alongside you. I will also show you how to call it and dismiss it as you wish.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Strigid Screecher. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Dazalar in Dolanaar.','You have learned all I can teach you. $N. May I offer you one more piece of advice: use discretion when choosing your first pet. Will you choose a creature of the land. of the water, or of the sky? Whatever it may be, without doubt, your pet will be with you for quite some time.$B$BHere you are, $N. I will now give you the power to tame a beast, as well as call it and dismiss it as you see fit. Use your new skills with pride; you have earned them.','I am proud of your accomplishments, $N. Have you finished the last task I gave you?','Tame a Strigid Screecher','Tame a Strigid Screecher','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2744insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2699,6103,'Training the Beast','You now have the power to tame a pet, but you must also gain the skills to train it.$B$BTravel to Darnassus. There you must speak to one of our most revered hunters, Jocaste. She will give you the ability to train your new pet, so make haste.$B$BWhile Jocaste may seem stern, she is always pleased to see another hunter rising through the ranks. Treat her with respect and she will return in kind. Good luck, $N.','Speak to Jocaste in the Cenarion Enclave, in Darnassus.','A fledgling $C. I see. Yes. I can bestow you with the skills you need to train and guide your pet. Not only will you be able to teach your pet new abilities, you will now be able to feed your pet, as well as revive it, should it fall in battle.$B$BRemember, $N, always respect the balance and live in awe of nature around you. Now, go forth. We shall speak again, at a later date.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2745insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2700,6121,'Lessons Anew','You\'re now ready to learn about poison and the power we as druids have over it, $N.  Cenarius has blessed us with the ability to purge even the most foul of poisons with but a mere incantation.  This gift is not to be taken lightly... and to ensure you learn this lesson, you\'ll work to address the effects of poisonings as a layman would.$B$BTravel to Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze; he awaits your arrival to begin your lesson.','Travel to Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven.','Greetings young $C, I\'m glad to see you ready and eager to learn about the curing of poisons.$B$BWhile most druids in the past were put through pre-planned trials, your work will involve no such thing. There has been a rash of animal poisonings at the Crossroads in the Barrens, and they\'re unable to bring it under control. Someone there has requested Moonglade for aid, so we are sending you there to aid them. This is no exercise - the work you\'ll do is quite real. Bear this in mind.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2746insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2701,6122,'The Principal Source','The Cliffspring Falls in Darkshore serves as the principal source of drinking water for the region, and now I suspect it is the principal source of the poison that is harming the local fauna - deer specifically.  Use this sampler to draw some water from the mouth of the cave; be careful, as dangerous naga now reside in a cave by the falls.$B$BOnce filled, deliver it to Alanndarian Nightsong in Auberdine.  She is the one that requested our aid, and you will work with her to address this malady.','Use the Empty Cliffspring Falls Sampler to draw a sample of water from the mouth of the cave by the falls.$B$BDeliver the Filled Cliffspring Falls Sampler to Alanndarian Nightsong in Auberdine, Darkshore.','By Elune, this water is disgusting! No wonder the deer are sick.$B$BSomething is polluting the water, and in turn corrupting Darkshore\'s entire water table. Sick deer have been seen all over area, and not just by the river. While this water is most likely a primary source of the sickness spreading, there\'s something else at work here.$B$BThis water, believe it or not, will help us formulate a cure. While I research this water, I have need of some items to formulate a cure...','You\'re the one that the Cenarion Circle in Moonglade sent? That\'s wonderful! We\'ve quite the crisis our hands here regarding the poor deer, and we\'re happy for all the help we can get.$B$BDo you have the sample of water that Dendrite Starblaze said you\'d have? He notified me that you\'d draw one so we could work on a cure together...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2747insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2702,6123,'Gathering the Cure','The water will serve as the base of the curative salve I\'ll make for the deer.  For curative properties, I need some earthroot.  Herbalists know how to find it, so if we\'re unlucky and you aren\'t one then you\'ll need to find one to help us out.$B$BFinally for potency, I need some lunar fungus.  Finding lunar fungal blooms is easy enough; they\'re all over the place in caves just to the east of here.  Moonkin reside in the caves and they\'re irritable as of late, so be careful.','Bring 5 Earthroot and 12 Lunar Funguses to Alanndarian Nightsong in Auberdine so she may make a curative salve.','This is good, $N, so much so that it should be enough to make some ample doses of the salve - at least enough to start to make a difference.$B$BMaking a cure for poisons can be quite difficult at times because each one often requires a very specific antidote to counteract it. Imagine being able to cure a poison at will without having to worry about the exact ingredients of what the antidote must be!$B$BNow, let me get to work on this!','Have you got the reagents I need to make the salve? The deer aren\'t getting any better on their own, so we better hurry to help them out!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2748insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2703,6124,'Curing the Sick','The amount of salve made out of the reagents you brought me is good enough for ten doses, $N.  While I work with the village to try and make some more salve, I\'d like for you to help us get a head start.  All around Darkshore are sickly deer; use the salve on them and cure their malaise.$B$BDendrite Starblaze in Moonglade will want to talk to you when you\'re done, I\'m sure.  Please extend Auberdine\'s thanks to the Cenarion Circle there... and let me say thanks to you directly for the help you\'ve given!','Use the Curative Animal Salve on 10 Sickly Deer that are located throughout Darkshore; doing so should cure them.  Sickly Deer have been reported starting south of the Cliffspring River to the north of Auberdine and extending all the way into southern Darkshore where the edge of Ashenvale begins.','You have done well in tending to the sickly deer of Darkshore; they are unwitting victims of a greater taint and corruption that is spreading all throughout the land.  There are those in Darnassus who choose to recognize this threat... and there are those who ignore the growing signs.  I hope you will not be one to put blinders on about what facts stare you in the face, $N.$B$BRegardless, you\'ve proven your worth as a friend of nature and the Circle - take this as a symbol of such.','','','Sickly Deer cured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2749insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2704,6125,'Power over Poison','You\'ve learned what it means to cure poison without the benefit of spiritual aid.  Remember what others must endure in fighting poisonous afflictions as you soon embrace your newfound power over poison.$B$BYou should now return to Mathrengyl Bearwalker in Darnassus, $N.  He, no doubt, has a very important spell to teach you now that the student understands the lesson given unto $g him : her;.$B$BFarewell, young druid.  We shall speak again.','Return to Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus.','Welcome back - I\'ve been following your progress on this lesson since you left, and I must admit I was surprised to learn about the situation in Auberdine.  This does bear some further investigation, as the introduction of such poisons into the environment is most upsetting to the balance.$B$BYou handled yourself with grace under pressure.  For that, I can find no better way to reward you than with permanent power over poison.  Use it well, $N... use it well.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2750insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2705,6126,'Lessons Anew','You\'re now ready to learn about poison and the power we as druids have over it, $N.  Cenarius has blessed us with the ability to purge even the most foul of poisons with but a mere incantation.  This gift is not to be taken lightly... and to ensure you learn this lesson, you\'ll work to address the effects of poisonings as a layman would.$B$BTravel to Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze; he awaits your arrival to begin your lesson.','Travel to Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven.','Greetings young druid, I\'m glad to see you ready and eager to learn about the curing of poisons.$B$BWhile most druids in the past were put through pre-planned trials, your work will involve no such thing. There has been a rash of animal poisonings at the Crossroads in the Barrens, and they\'re unable to bring it under control. Someone there has requested Moonglade for aid, so we are sending you there to aid them. This is no exercise - the work you\'ll do is quite real. Bear this in mind.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2751insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2706,6127,'The Principal Source','Dreadmist Peak to the northwest of the Crossroads is most likely a primary candidate as to the source of the spread of the poison.  Its airy peaks have pools of water that influence the weather patterns.  I suspect the water is now tainted by the demon-worshipping Burning Blade.$B$BUse this sampler to draw water from the pool at the very top of the peak.  Once filled, deliver it to Tonga Runetotem at the Crossroads.  He is the one that requested our aid, and you will work with him to address this malady.','Use the Empty Dreadmist Peak Sampler to draw a sample of water from a pool at the top of the peak.$B$BDeliver the Filled Dreadmist Peak Sampler to Tonga Runetotem at the Crossroads, Barrens.','By my ancestors, this water is disgusting! No wonder the gazelles are sick.$B$BSomething is polluting the water, and in turn beginning to wreck the northern Barrens ecosystem. Sick gazelles have been sighted all north of the east-west road here. While this water is most likely a primary source of the sickness spreading, there\'s something else at work here.$B$BThis water, believe it or not, will help us formulate a cure. While I research this water, I have need of some items to formulate a cure...','You are the one that the Cenarion Circle in Moonglade sent, yes? This is most fortuitous for us! We are stymied in our effort to bring balance to the sickly gazelles that wander the northern Barrens; we\'re happy for all the help we can get.$B$BDo you have the sample of water that Dendrite Starblaze said you\'d have? He notified me that you\'d draw one so we could work on a cure together...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2752insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2707,6128,'Gathering the Cure','The water will serve as the base of the curative salve I shall make for the gazelles.  For curative properties, I need some earthroot.  Herbalists know how to find it, so if you are not familiar with this skill you\'ll need to find one to help us out.$B$BFinally for potency, I need kodo horns - mere chips and fragments will not suffice.  Kodos you can handle wander the northern part of the Barrens; bring some down for the greater good of the balance $N, and fetch the horns for me.','Bring 5 Earthroot and 5 Kodo Horns to Tonga Runetotem at the Crossroads so he may make a curative salve.','This is good, $N, so much so that it should be enough to make some ample doses of the salve - at least enough to start to make a difference.$B$BMaking a cure for poisons can be quite difficult at times because each one often requires a very specific antidote to counteract it. Imagine being able to cure a poison at will without having to worry about the exact ingredients of what the antidote must be!$B$BNow, let me get to work on this!','Have you got the reagents I need to make the salve? The gazelle aren\'t getting any better on their own, so we better not tarry in our effort to save them!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2753insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2708,6129,'Curing the Sick','I was able to make enough salve for ten doses of curing, $N.  While I work with local authorities to try and make some more salve, I\'d like for you to help us get a head start.  All around the northern Barrens are sickly gazelles; use the salve on them and cure their malaise.$B$BDendrite Starblaze in Moonglade will want to talk to you when you\'re done, I\'m sure.  Please extend our thanks to the Cenarion Circle there... and let me say thanks to you directly for the help you\'ve given!','Use the Curative Animal Salve on 10 Sickly Gazelles that are located throughout the northern part of the Barrens; doing so should cure them.  Sickly Gazelles have been reported north of the east-west road that runs through the Crossroads.','You have done well in tending to the sickly gazelles of the Barrens; they are unwitting victims of a greater taint and corruption that is spreading all throughout the land. You $R are most eager to understand the ways of Cenarius; you, like your elders in Thunder Bluff, are proving that the need for balance transcends artificial racial barriers.$B$B$N, you\'ve proven your worth as an friend of nature and the Circle - take this as a symbol of such.','','','Sickly Gazelle cured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2754insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2709,6130,'Power over Poison','You\'ve learned what it means to cure poison without the benefit of spiritual aid.  Remember what others must endure in fighting poisonous afflictions as you soon embrace your newfound power over poison.$B$BYou should now return to Turak Runetotem in Thunder Bluff, $N.  He, no doubt, has a very important spell to teach you now that the student understands the lesson given unto $g him : her;.$B$BFarewell, young druid.  We shall speak again.','Return to Turak Runetotem on the Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff.','Welcome back - I\'ve been following your progress on this lesson since you left, and I must admit I was surprised to learn about the situation at the Crossroads. This does bear some further investigation, as the introduction of such poisons into the environment is most upsetting to the balance.$B$BYou handled yourself with grace under pressure. For that, I can find no better way to reward you with permanent power over poison. Use it well, $N... use it well.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2755insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2710,6131,'OLD Timbermaw Ally','The Timbermaw are the only furbolg tribe to escape the corruption. However, many other races kill furbolg blindly now, without bothering to see if they are friend or foe. For this reason, the Timbermaw furbolg trust very few.$B$BAre you interested in proving yourself? Drive back the corrupted Deadwood tribe of Felwood and we may one day consider you an ally. You\'ll find the first Deadwood tribe - warriors, pathfinders and gardeners - to my west.','Grazle wants you to prove yourself by killing 5 Deadwood Warriors, 5 Deadwood Pathfinders, and 5 Deadwood Gardeners.','We suffer much from the events of the past. Thank you for what you have done to help protect the Timbermaw.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2756insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2711,6132,'Get Me Out of Here!','Get me out of here!$B$BI came up to the Valley of Spears to talk to the Maraudines.  I thought I could do a little business with them... but they don\'t want to talk!  I think they want to eat me!$B$BGet me out of here and my brother Hornizz will pay you big!  He\'s at our camp next to the kodo graveyard, to the east.$B$BLet\'s hurry, $N.  Not two minutes ago I heard some centaurs talking about getting wood for their cookpot... ','Escort Melizza Brimbuzzle, then speak with Hornizz Brimbuzzle at the Kodo Graveyard in Desolace.','My sister Melizza said you\'d be coming.  Thanks a lot for getting her out of the jam she was in; it\'s too bad that she\'s already probably found herself in a new one!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2757insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2712,6133,'The Ranger Lord\'s Behest','The high elves of the Quel\'Lithien lodge possesses something that belongs to me, $c: A document detailing my life as a mortal.$B$BBefore you ask; no, you most certainly are not privy to such information. Just do as I tell you, worm: Recover the registry.$B$BAnd imbecile, be sure to leave as much strife and grief as possible in your wake. Leave them suffering...','Travel to the northern borders of the Eastern Plaguelands and recover the Quel\'Thalas Registry. The item is somewhere in the Quel\'Lithien lodge.$B$BYou must also slay 8 Rangers, 8 Pathstriders, and 8 Woodsmen.','I trust you did not read the registry. Not even you would do something that idiotic...','Do not leave me waiting, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2758insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2713,6134,'Ghost-o-plasm Round Up','There\'s a valley to the southeast, the Valley of Bones, haunted by Magram ghosts.  Sounds scary, doesn\'t it?  Well think how scary it is to the Magram!  If we captured ghost energy from that place, I bet it\'d be worth plenty to those centaurs.$B$BHere, take this crate of ghost magnets.  If you place one between the two big skeletons in the valley, the Dead Goliaths, then ghosts will wander to it.  Distance yourself, take out the ghosts and get their ghost-o-plasm--that\'s what we\'ll sell to the Magram.','Bring 8 Ghost-o-plasms and the Crate of Ghost Magnets to Hornizz Brimbuzzle in Desolace.','There it is!  Looks like you got some of it on you too.  Kinda slimey, eh?$B$BWell, thanks a lot for all the trouble, $N.  This stuff will be worth a fortune... if I can convince the centaurs what it is!','Where\'s my ghost-o-plasm, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2759insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2714,6135,'Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee...','Up until now, you have completed the missions I have assigned; even if not in the most timely manner.$B$BI suppose you think that you are ready for a challenge. Yes... Yes, imbecile, perhaps you are ready for a more involved set of missions.$B$BThe albino demon bat, Duskwing, roams the countryside just north of here. Track him down and destroy him. Return to me with a patch of his white fur and you shall be rewarded.\r\n','Find Duskwing and slay him. From the corpse, recover a Patch of Duskwing\'s Fur and return it to Nathanos Blightcaller.$B$BIt is said that Duskwing roams the countryside to the north of Marris Stead.','Excellent work, imbecile. I shall fashion this fur into something you can use.$b$b','I would not recommend that you take on this challenge alone, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2760insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2715,6136,'The Corpulent One','Past the Argent Dawn encampment of Light\'s Hope and west of Northdale, you will find the corpulent maggot beast, Borelgore.$B$BI\'ve lost entire regiments to that monster. His size knows no bounds! The more he eats the greater his girth becomes...$B$BWhile I would not suffer any emotional harm should the beast devour you, I would prefer that you were the victor. I. Borelgore has been known to devour others who have hunted him.','Find Borelgore in the northern wastes of Eastern Plaguelands and destroy him. Return to Nathanos Blightcaller when the mission is complete.','Keep this up and I may have to promote you from imbecile to mental deficient, first class.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2761insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2716,6141,'Brother Anton','My brother in arms, Brother Anton, heard rumors of an undead infestation in distant Kalimdor, in a land known as Desolace.  Anton immediately booked passage to that place, to seek and destroy the undead menace!$B$BHe is looking for those with the bravery and resolve to aid him.  If your heart is true, then speak with Anton.  He is in Desolace, in the Alliance town of Nijel\'s Point. ','Speak with Brother Anton in Desolace.','I received word of aid arriving from the east.  Are you the source of these rumors?  Have you come here to help the Scarlet Brother in its crusade?$B$BIf so, then listen close...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2762insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2717,6142,'Clam Bait','You have the look of a fisherman, $c! I love to fish - been fishing all my life. The best bait to use is soft-shelled clam meat; the fish just can\'t resist, you know what I mean?$B$BUp north you will find a wrecked ship off the coast. Soft-shelled clams are littered throughout the area. If you bring me back 10 pieces of soft-shelled clam meat, I will give you something in return.','Find 10 pieces of Soft-shelled Clam Meat and bring it back to Mai\'Lahii at Shadowprey Village.','Perfect mon, this is just what the witch doctor told me to do for my headache. He says, \"\"Mai\'Lahii - go fish. It\'ll make you feel better\"\"$B$BWell, I feel better already, thanks mon!','I can\'t wait to go fishing with some fresh soft-shelled clam meat; did you bring me the 10 pieces of it I need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2763insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2718,6143,'Other Fish to Fry ','Maybe you heard or maybe you haven\'t... my crew and I was out fishing near Ranazjar Isle, north of the wrecked ship off the coast up north. We used to fish there all the time; now all I do is think of a way to seek revenge for my fallen comrades.$B$BThe naga attacked us one morning, killing everyone except me.$B$BMe conscience can\'t handle the guilt, $c; I need you to go and fry them naga for me. I\'ll make the effort worth your while; you think you can help me with that?','Slay 7 Slitherblade Myrmidon, 7 Slitherblade Naga, and 5 Slitherblade Sorceresses, and then talk to Drulzegar at Shadowprey in Desolace.','As sweet as it is hearing the news that the naga have been vanquished, my heart still feels empty. For the rest of my life I will be dedicated to having them all killed.$B$BHere mon, your reward as I promised. It\'s small in comparison to the gratification of knowing the naga fried for their hated act upon my crew.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2764insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2719,6144,'The Call to Command','The order has come down, $c. Varimathras himself has requested that I send my most \'capable\' agents back to the Undercity for a highly sensitive tactical operation.$B$BUnfortunately, my most capable agents were killed over three years ago. In their stead I have a collection of brain dead riff-raff.$B$B<Nathanos stares coldly at you.>$B$BTravel to the Undercity at once and report to Varimathras. Do not embarrass me, $c!','Travel to the Undercity and speak with Varimathras.','The Grand Crusader sits safely in the Scarlet Bastion while his forces pour into your lands, desecrate your structures and monuments and murder your people.$B$BThe Dark Lady has commanded that I deal with this insect once and for all. You will become the instrument of the Forsaken\'s reckoning.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2765insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2720,6145,'The Crimson Courier','Just as the body cannot survive without the head, the head cannot survive without the body. The defenses of the Scarlet Crusade\'s command inside Stratholme are almost impenetrable. We must, instead, cut the body out from under the head.$B$BMy Deathstalkers have been collecting data on the activity of the Crusade outside of Stratholme. Each day, a report is sent from their central command to Tyr\'s Hand. This report is the key, $r! Find the Crimson Courier and recover that report. Return it to Nathanos.','Return to Eastern Plaguelands and track down the Crimson Courier. Kill the Courier and recover the Grand Crusader\'s Command.$B$BTake the command to Nathanos Blightcaller for further instruction.','<Nathanos laughs.>$B$BExcellent! Finally! An opportunity to destroy the Scarlet Oracle!','Succeed now and you will have almost earned my respect, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2766insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2721,6146,'Nathanos\' Ruse','I have made some adjustments to this command. Should our little ruse work, they will expose the Scarlet Oracle and we shall strike!$B$BNow pay attention, $c. You are to deliver this command to the Crusader Lord, Valdelmar.$B$BHow? You are going to hand it to him, imbecile.$B$BTake the command and this rotten apple to Tyr\'s Hand. When you cross into the city, eat the apple. You will transform into something more... palatable to the humans. Take the command and hand it to the Crusader Lord, Valdelmar.','Travel to Tyr\'s Hand, southeast of the Marris Stead. Once there, take a bite of the Rotten Apple. While under the guise of the Scarlet Crusade, deliver the Grand Crusader\'s Command to Crusader Lord Valdelmar.','Where have you been? We had thought the Scourge had captured you.','This is unacceptable, soldier!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2767insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2722,6147,'Return to Nathanos','The Grand Crusader makes an unusual request. Hrm, regardless... what he asks will be done. Return to the Scarlet Bastion and notify him that the Oracle will be en route shortly.$B$BWe will take every precaution to ensure that she makes it to Stratholme unharmed.','Return to Nathanos Blightcaller with the new information.\r\n','The fools! My deception went unnoticed! Prepare yourself, $C. We must strike with cold cunning!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2768insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2723,6148,'The Scarlet Oracle, Demetria','Demetria is chief advisor to the Grand Crusader. She is called the Oracle due to her \'otherworldly\' senses. She has successfully assisted the Crusade in several of their victories against the Scourge.$B$BWhile this ruse was successful in exposing her, if she truly does possess psychic powers, she will undoubtedly be expecting some sort of trouble. You are going to provide that \'trouble.\'$B$BTrack down the Oracle and terminate her. They should be moving out of Tyr\'s Hand as we speak. Make me proud, worm.\r\n','The Scarlet Crusade is on the move. Somewhere along the road from Tyr\'s Hand to Stratholme you will find the Oracle, Demetria, and her entourage. Hunt her down and slay her. Return to Nathanos Blightcaller should you succeed.','They will be reeling from this blow for years! Well done, $N! You have earned not only my respect but also this reward.','What is your status, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2769insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2724,6161,'Claim Rackmore\'s Treasure!','Rackmore\'s log tells of how his ship was sailing for Feathermoon Stronghold when it was attacked by seafaring creatures.  To prevent his treasure from falling into enemy hands, he hid his chest on Ranazjar Isle.$B$BTo open the chest requires two keys, a silver and a gold.  These keys were lost, but if the keys and the chest are found, a treasure awaits!','Find Rackmore\'s Silver Key.  Find Rackmore\'s Golden Key.  Find and open Rackmore\'s Chest.','Chest opens to reveal Rackmore\'s treasure!','This chest is securely locked.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2770insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2725,6162,'A Husband\'s Last Battle','My husband traveled Felwood for the honor of our clan, doing battle against the Shadow Council and other corrupt atrocities!$B$BAfter he escaped death numerous times, I received a letter from him saying that a druid asked him for help against a great befouled furbolg named Overlord Ror--the two were never heard from again.$B$BI want this Ror\'s clawed hand, $N. I want it to pay for leaving me a widow! I believe the creature is to the south... near the Ashenvale border.','Kill Overlord Ror and return his claw to Dreka\'Sur at Bloodvenom Post in Felwood.','You bring honor to me for following through with your word. My husband died in battle--he would have been proud of that. But I could not rest until I knew that the creature that has forced me to live my life alone paid for what it had done.$b$bThank you again, $N.','Do you have the beasts head yet, $N? It will pay for its crimes. I don\'t care if it\'s corrupt or just angry for living in such a dismal forest. No furbolg will live for long committing such crimes against my family!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2771insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2726,6163,'Ramstein','I was overwhelmed. On this very stead, I stood... held my ground in defense of Lordaeron. The farm and all on it were waylaid by a gigantic wave of Scourge.$B$BThe wretch. The filth. It hovered above me, entrails hanging from its gaping chest cavity.$B$BI woke as Scourge. For so long I was helpless. My mind had coalesced with the Lich King\'s.$B$BShe came for me... somewhere, somehow, I knew she would. Free.$B$BAnd now, I must have my vengeance - my vengeance on that which took from me my life. Destroy it.','Travel to Stratholme and slay Ramstein the Gorger. Take his head as a souvenir for Nathanos.','I wonder... did it beg for mercy? Could it know what mercy is?$B$B<Nathanos spits.>$B$BI will hang this beast\'s head upon my wall.$B$BYou have earned a spot amongst one of my champions, $N.$B$B<Nathanos salutes.>','After Sylvanas freed me, I hunted the beast across these wastes for months. It fled to the safety of Stratholme. The bastard...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2772insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2727,6164,'Augustus\' Receipt Book','I\'m ready for business!  What you do want?$B$BOh wait... I can\'t open up shop without my receipt book.  How am I to keep track of things without my receipt book?$B$BI must have left it in town somewhere.  I had a room in the inn... the book must be there.$B$BBring me my book.  Please, bring it to me!  Bring me my book and you\'ll see!  I\'ll set up shop and you\'ll see that my prices are INSANE!','Bring Augustus\' Receipt Book to Augustus the Touched in Terrordale.','There it is! And oh my! I forgot how full it was!$b$bThis is a glorious day, $N! Stupendous! Insanely good, I say!','Do you have my receipt book? I can\'t wait to get back to business!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2773insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2728,6181,'A Swift Message','Although we don\'t get much aid from Stormwind directly, I do have a contact in the city who helps supply us with armor.  His name is Osric Strang.  His shop, Limited Immunity, is in the Old Town of Stormwind.$B$BOur supply of armor dwindles, and I must contact Osric for more.  Can you take him this note?$B$BThe fastest way to Stormwind is through Thor, our gryphon master.  He\'s just down the hill; bring him my note, and then take a gryphon to Stormwind.','Bring Lewis\' Note to Thor the gryphon master.','You have to get this note to Stormwind? That\'s not a problem, you can take one of my gryphons!','You look like you\'re in a hurry. Well, then you came to the right place!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2774insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2729,6182,'The First and the Last','Nathanos Marris was the first and last of the human ranger lords. A disciple of Sylvanas Windrunner, now the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken.$B$BWe had thought that Nathanos had been killed in action in the defense of Lordaeron five years ago. Although his corpse was never recovered, it was assumed that he did not make it out of the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BMathias Shaw has been investigating the disappearance and may have some new information. Report to him at once. He resides in Old Town, at the Barracks.','Speak with Mathias Shaw in Old Town Stormwind. He resides in the Barracks.','After some reports of unusual Forsaken activity in the Eastern Plaguelands, SI:7 agents were dispatched to investigate. The results of that investigation are unsettling.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2775insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2730,6183,'Honor the Dead','Five of my best field agents were assigned the Marris case. One returned, only to end up dead in his sleep three days later.$B$BWhat little information we did manage to get out of him was incoherent gibberish. We made out two words: \"Nathanos,\" and \"Blightcaller.\"$B$BI do not have the available manpower to continue this investigation and Ravenholdt will not assist us. We must get to the bottom of this; if only to provide closure to the families of the deceased. Will you help?','Speak with Mathias Shaw again if you wish to accept his task.','<Mathias nods.>$B$BI had faith that Bolvar would send me men and women of honor - the most dedicated soldiers of the Alliance.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2776insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2731,6184,'Flint Shadowmore','The only information we have thus far, then, is that Nathanos Marris may have been slain by this Blightcaller. We assume the Blightcaller is the same fiend that disposed of my agents.$B$BFlint Shadowmore, another SI:7 operative, is stationed at the Alliance encampment of Chillwind Point in the Western Plaguelands. Seek him out; he will debrief you on the current situation in the Plagues and give you an assignment.$B$BGood luck, $N.','Travel to Chillwind Camp in the Western Plaguelands and meet up with your contact, Flint Shadowmore.\r\n','The first mission will be straight up, $N. You go in, you come out. Recon...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2777insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2732,6185,'The Eastern Plagues','As I said, your first mission is one of reconnaissance. Nothing fancy, $N. You must travel to the Eastern Plaguelands and look for any clues as to this Blightcaller.$B$BBe on the lookout for information about our missing operatives. We have to assume that they are dead and if they are dead, they must have a corpse... somewhere.$B$B<Flint swallows hard.>$B$BAll SI:7 agents carry this insignia.$B$B<Flint shows you his SI:7 insignia.>$B$BBring any of those that you may find back to me.','Scour the Eastern Plaguelands for clues as to the \"Blightcaller\" and the missing SI:7 agents. If you find any SI:7 Insignias, return them to Flint Shadowmore at Chillwind Camp.','Rutger. Fredo. Turyen. All... dead...$B$B<Flint clutches the insignias tightly.>$B$BWhere were they? Did you discover any more information about this bastard, the Blightcaller?','An... Any luck??','The Blightcaller Uncovered','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2778insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2733,6186,'The Blightcaller Cometh','<The blood appears to have completely drained from Flint\'s face.>$B$BNa... Nathanos did this? Nathanos is the Blightcaller?$B$BWhy? He was... was so noble - a ranger lord respected by all. The only human ever allowed to train under the high elves. Now a ruthless agent of the Forsaken?$B$BI... I am sorry to ask this of you, $N, but Highlord Fordragon must be informed of this turn of events at once. Please, return to Stormwind and deliver the news.','Return to Stormwind and inform Highlord Bolvar Fordragon of the fate of Nathanos Marris.','No. It... NO! How? An agent of the Forsaken? The CHAMPION of the Banshee Queen???$B$B<Highlord Bolvar Fordragon slumps in defeat.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2779insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2734,6187,'Order Must Be Restored','Do you know how many ranger lords exist in this world? How many human ranger lords have ever existed?$B$BNathanos\' accomplishments were unprecedented. He was a tactical genius, responsible for Alliance victories spanning a decade of conflict.$B$BAnd now... the champion of the Forsaken.$B$BNo. This cannot be. Order must be restored.$B$BGather an army, $N. Return to the Plagues with your army and destroy the Blightcaller.$B$BI wish you luck, $N. Truly, you will need it for this battle.','Assemble an army and travel to the Eastern Plaguelands. Launch a full assault on Nathanos Blightcaller and any Horde filth that may attempt to protect him.$B$BKeep your wits about you, $N. The Horde will defend the ranger lord with their very lives.','It is a tragedy. I think... I believe that our kind is cursed, Ama. We are cursed to lose our greatest warriors; our most noble heroes; our most gifted scholars.$B$BWe are indebted to you and I assure you, Ama, wherever Nathanos Marris is now, he smiles down upon you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2780insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2735,6221,'OLD Deadwood of the North','There is a camp of Deadwood furbolgs directly to our southwest.  Corruption permeates the camp, and I wish to put an end to it before they become a problem.$B$BThe Deadwood tribe is evil, but it is the effects of the fel that pollutes their minds.  Their hostility is not truly an innate quality, yet they cannot be helped.  For this reason, I am deeply saddened by having to fight my own brethren.$B$BPlease, $N, do what must be done, and do not mention the details; they upset me far too much.','Nafien would like you to kill 5 Deadwood Den Watchers, 5 Deadwood Avengers, and 5 Deadwood Shamans.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2781insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2736,6241,'OLD Winterfall Activity','The Timbermaw tend to stay to themselves, $N. While we do allow safe passage to those that have proven they can be trusted, we try to avoid other furbolg tribes if at all possible.$B$BLately I have noticed that the Winterfall tribe has become increasingly hostile towards us. They seem to be in a state of rage, completely engulfed by their own fear and hatred of anything they do not understand.$B$BIf you could reduce their numbers this would help us greatly, $N.','Salfa wants you to kill 6 Winterfall Totemics, 6 Winterfall Den Watchers, and 6 Winterfall Pathfinders.','Thank you for what you have done. Please continue to help us, $N. We have very few allies on which to call upon.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2782insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2737,6261,'Dungar Longdrink','$N, I gathered into this crate everything Lewis asked for.  Can you take it to him?$B$BIf you\'ve already spoken to Thor in Westfall, then you can take a gryphon back to him.  Dungar Longdrink is our gryphon master, over in the trade district.$B$BSpeak with Dungar, then get this crate to Lewis as fast as you can.  We don\'t want our fighting men and women in Westfall to go without fresh equipment!','Bring Osric\'s Crate to Dungar Longdrink the gryphon master.','A crate for Westfall, eh? Have you been to Westall before? If so, then it\'s no problem, my friend. I have plenty of gryphons trained to fly that route!','Is that sweat on your brow, lad? You\'ve been running too much. Next time, take a gryphon!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2783insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2738,6281,'Continue to Stormwind','For a small fee, you can take a gryphon to Stormwind, so you can deliver Lewis\' note to Osric.  You won\'t get there faster any other way.$B$BIf that sounds acceptable, then just speak to me again when you\'re ready for the ride.  I\'ll charge you a little, but trust me; it\'ll be worth it!','Buy a gryphon ride from the gryphon master Thor, then bring Lewis\' Note to Osric Strang, in the shop Limited Immunity, in the Old Town of Stormwind.','Ah, a note from Quartermaster Lewis? I\'m not surprised he needs more gear. Sentinel Hill is far away, in a land Stormwind has all but forgotten.$B$BWell thank you, $N. Here\'s some money to cover your travel costs.','You\'ve been traveling, eh? Have you been anywhere interesting?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2784insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2739,6282,'Harpies Threaten','Tauren take pride as the protector of these lands. Undoubtedly you can guess why I am alarmed with the number of harpies that dwell here in Stonetalon.$B$BThe Bloodfuries are the source of the increasing number of harpies in Kalimdor; they encroach upon all likes of life preventing the innocent from leaving their boundaries.$B$BI need you to cull the harpies, $N!','Maggran Earthbinder in Sun Rock Retreat wants you to slay 7 Bloodfury Harpies, 7 Bloodfury Ambushers, 7 Bloodfury Slayers and 7 Bloodfury Roguefeathers.','This is most excellent news! Tell me again how you cast fear into the cold hearts of those vile harpies. The Bloodfuries have been dealt a serious blow!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2785insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2740,6283,'Bloodfury Bloodline','Limiting the number of Bloodfury Harpies will not be enough. The only true cure for their disease would be to slay their leader, Bloodfury Ripper!$B$BShe is all but a queen to those filthy creatures. Slay her and their numbers will surely diminish.$B$BGo back into the Charred Vale and you will find her along the western hills. She will not be easy to vanquish, but the reward will be great.','Maggran at Sun Rock Retreat wishes you to slay Bloodfury Ripper and bring her remains as proof of your deed.','Already I feel the anger leave me. What will I do with my time? Knowing evil moves near my land kept my thoughts moving, though now they are silent. Perhaps this is a good thing... maybe now I can focus on the good, as all Tauren should.$b$bPlease accept this as a reward for your troubles.','Bloodfury Ripper is a nasty creature! You will have success finding her along the western hill line in the Charred Vale.$b$bThe bloodfuries will be helpless with out... surely we can vanquish them forever!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2786insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2741,6284,'Arachnophobia','Warning: Proceed into Sishir Canyon west of here at your own risk.$B$BBesseleth and her eight-legged children of the forest have claimed this canyon as their webbed lair.$B$BMaggran Earthbinder in Sun Rock Retreat has placed a bounty on Besseleth. Slay her and bring proof of your killing to Maggran; there you will receive your reward for disposing this eight-legged menace.','Kill Besseleth and bring Besseleth\'s Fang to Maggran at Sun Rock Retreat.','Good hunting, $N! Besseleth is an old predator in these parts... I will miss her not. Take this reward as a token for being the forest champion.$b$b<Maggran rubs the wound caused by Besseleth.>$b$bPerhaps now many more will travel to Sun Rock Retreat without fearing what lurks in the dark.','Besseleth is a ruthless predator... I fear for those that travel Webwinder Path at night. It\'s then that she and her children prey upon innocent travelers. I myself fell prey to her two-foot fang of death, but luckily I was able to fend her off and get to safety. I would give anything to see that monster destroyed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2787insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2742,6285,'Return to Lewis','The gryphon master in Westfall is Thor.  If you\'ve spoken to him before, then you can take one of my gryphons to him.$B$BThat\'s a good lesson to know: gryphons are always trained to fly to their capital city, but they\'ll only take you to a remote gryphon master after you\'ve already been there.$B$BYou\'ve already been to Thor, so just speak with me again when you\'re ready to take a gryphon to Westfall.  Once there, you can deliver Osric\'s Crate to Quartermaster Lewis.','Buy a gryphon ride to Sentinel Hill from the gryphon master Dungar Longdrink, then take Osric\'s Crate to Lewis at Sentinel Hill.','Great, you brought the armor! We\'ll get this divvied to those who need it immediately.$B$BThank you, $N. Your efforts have been a great help to us. And now that you\'re no stranger to gryphons, I hope you\'ll come and lend your aid to Sentinel Hill often!','You\'re back from Stormwind? Did Osric send the armor?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2788insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2743,6301,'Cycle of Rebirth','Industrial greed and continuous war have wrecked the lands of Stonetalon. Only the blessings of the Earthmother can cure such injury.$B$B$N, I will require you to seek a special seed, the Gaea seed. They are only found here in Stonetalon Mountain, north of Sun Rock Retreat at Mirkfallon Lake, near the water\'s edge.$B$BOnce you bring me the seeds I will imbue them with shamanistic power to speed their growth.','Tammra Windfield at Sun Rock Retreat wants you to gather 10 Gaea Seeds.','Ah? $N, you have the Gaea seeds. Watch and you shall see the power that these seeds will do for the land. Only those pure and true can heal the land?$b$b<Tammra begins to chant.>','The continuous destruction caused by war and those that seek a profit from lumber pains me deeply. The least I can do is perform the cycle of rebirth and sow the Gaea seeds to replenish the lands with a new forest. Do you have the required Gaea seeds, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2789insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2744,6321,'Supplying the Sepulcher','Executor Hadrec asked me to take stock of our equipment at the Sepulcher.  With the Scourge, and worse, lurking in the woods, he doesn\'t want the Deathguards to lack gear they might need.$B$BI found that we are, in general, well stocked, but we do need more weapons to replace those lost in the field.$B$BHere is a requisition order of what is needed, for the weapon dealer Gordon Wendham in the Undercity.  Take the order to our bat master, Karos Razok, and speak with him about transport to the Undercity.','Bring Podrig\'s Order to Karos Razok.','Ah, an order for supplies.  You will want to take this to the Undercity, no doubt.  And quickly, for the Sepulcher must not be left under stocked.','You appear to be on official business...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2790insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2745,6322,'Michael Garrett','I have placed the Sepulcher\'s supplies into this crate.  If you have already visited the Sepulcher and spoken with their bat master, then you may ride a bat back to him.$B$BSpeak with the Undercity\'s bat master, Michael Garrett.  He can provide you with a bat to the Sepulcher.','Bring Gordon\'s Crate to Michael Garrett.','This crate must reach the Sepulcher in Silverpine? That is easily done; our bats fly there daily.','If you must travel a long distance, then a bat is your best option.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2791insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2746,6323,'Ride to the Undercity','One of my bats can take you to the Undercity, for a small fee.  Speak with me again when you are ready so that we may arrange your transport.$B$BYou will find Gordon Wendham in the Trade Quarter of the Undercity.  That is the same quarter where my bat will land.','Buy a bat ride to the Undercity from the bat master Karos Razok, then take Podrig\'s Order to Gordon Wendham in the Undercity.','An order from the Sepulcher? Very well. It is an honor to serve those who serve our Dark Lady.','I keep my weapons in top condition. They are cleaned and ready for use.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2792insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2747,6324,'Return to Podrig','The bat master in the Sepulcher is Karos Razok.  If you have already met him, then I can give you a bat to fly back to him.$B$BOur bats will always fly to the Undercity, but to travel to more remote locales their rider must first visit the area and speak with its bat master.$B$BYou have met Karos in the Sepulcher, so you may now fly bats there.  Speak with me again when you are ready.','Buy a bat ride to the Sepulcher from the bat master Michael Garrett, then bring Gordon\'s Crate to Deathguard Podrig in the Sepulcher.','Good work, $N. These weapons will ensure our Deathguards don\'t get caught unprepared.$B$BYou have done a valuable service for our Dark Lady.','$N, you return. Do you have our supplies from the Undercity?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2793insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2748,6341,'The Bounty of Teldrassil','The fishermen of Rut\'theran village do very well, for the fish here are extremely large and abundant.  I would like to compare the bounty here with that of the mainland.$B$BI have a collection of fish bones and scales that I would like taken to a colleague of mine in Darkshore.  His name is Laird, he is a fish vendor in the village of Auberdine.$B$BBring my collection to our hippogryph master, Vesprystus, and speak to him about traveling to Auberdine.','Bring Nessa\'s Collection to Vesprystus.','Ah, you wish to get this to Auberdine? Very well...','How may I help you? Are you in need of transport?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2794insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2749,6342,'Flight to Auberdine','From Rut\'theran, there are two methods of travel to Auberdine: by ferry and by hippogryph.  Both are quick and reliable, but if you have not yet flown to Auberdine by hippogryph, then I suggest you do.$B$BIt is sound advice to speak with the hippogryph master in every town that has one.  Once you speak to the master, you can then fly there from other towns.$B$BHere is Nessa\'s collection.  Speak with me again when you are ready to fly to Auberdine and deliver Nessa\'s collection to Laird.','Ride a hippogryph to Auberdine from the hippogryph master Vesprystus, then bring Nessa\'s Collection to Laird.','A package from Nessa? Thank you, $N! She told me she would send me samples of the fish caught near Rut\'theran village. She thinks they may be very different from the fish caught here...$b$bMy! This jawbone is nearly twice the size of the same fish found here. And these scales are as big as a closed fist! Amazing!','Have you come from Teldrassil? Tell me, how is the fishing there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2795insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2750,6343,'Return to Nessa','I must send a response to Nessa.  She\'ll be very interested to know how different the fish here are from those along Teldrassil\'s coastline.  We can only guess the cause, but it is my suspicion that the world tree itself is affecting the wildlife around it!$B$BPlease, take this response to Nessa.  If you wish to take a hippogryph back to Rut\'theran then speak with the hippogryph master Caylais Moonfeather.  If you wish to take the ferry, then one regularly departs from the dock to the northwest.','Bring Laird\'s Response to Nessa Shadowsong.','This is very interesting. The fish here are large, but I didn\'t think the difference in bounties between here and the mainland was so great. There must be a reason for this...$B$BWell thank you, $N. I will discuss with the villagers the news you brought. Perhaps, one day, we will find the root of this oddity. But until then, we shall reap its benefits!','$N, you\'re back from Auberdine? Did you speak with Laird?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2796insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2751,6344,'Nessa Shadowsong','A friend of mine, Nessa Shadowsong, is a fishing merchant in Rut\'theran Village.  She needs a parcel taken to Darkshore, and is looking for someone to help her.$B$BIf you\'re interested, then to reach Nessa you must take the portal in Darnassus to Rut\'theran Village.  You will find the portal west of the Temple Gardens.','Speak with Nessa Shadowsong.','Yes, I have need of a courier who will take a package to Darkshore. Will you help me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2797insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2752,6361,'A Bundle of Hides','I have a bundle of hides from the animals of the Barrens, and must get them to Thunder Bluff.  A colleague there, Ahanu, will use the hides to create leather goods.$B$BWill you take the hides to him for me?$B$BThe quickest way to Thunder Bluff is on the back of a wind rider.  Bring the bundle of hides to Devrak, our wind rider master in the Crossroads, and speak to him about transport to Thunder Bluff.','Bring the Bundle of Hides to the wind rider master Devrak in the Crossroads.','If you must take these hides to Thunder Bluff, then you are speaking to the right orc!','Are you here for a wind rider? You have something to transport?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2798insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2753,6362,'Ride to Thunder Bluff','For a small fee, I will give you a wind rider to Thunder Bluff.  There\'s no faster way to the city!$B$BIf that is acceptable, speak to me again when you are ready to go.$B$BIf you\'re taking those hides to Ahanu, then I think he\'s at Hewa\'s Armory, at the base of the wind rider tower in Thunder Bluff.  And that\'s right where you\'ll land!','Buy a wind rider to Thunder Bluff from the wind rider master Devrak, then bring the Bundle of Hides to Ahanu in Thunder Bluff.','Ah, a new bundle of hides. I will get to work on these immediately!$B$BThank you, brother. You have done me a great service. Here are some coins to pay for your time and travel costs.','There is dust on your shoulders that must be from the Barrens. You have spoken with my friend Jahan?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2799insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2754,6363,'Tal the Wind Rider Master','I have prepared leather goods for Jahan to sell at the Crossroads.  Will you bring them to him?$B$BIf you have already been to the Crossroads and spoken to their wind rider master, then you can fly one of our Thunder Bluff wind riders back to him.$B$BTake the leather goods to Tal, our wind rider master in Thunder Bluff, and speak with him to arrange transport to the Crossroads.','Bring Ahanu\'s Leather Goods to Tal in Thunder Bluff.','You need to take this to the Crossroads, eh? That\'s not a problem. If you\'ve already been there and spoken to Devrak, then you can take one of my wind riders back to him.','Greetings, $C. What can I do for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2800insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2755,6364,'Return to Jahan','In order to fly to a town, you must have already been there and spoken with the wind rider master of that town.  You have been to the Crossroads and spoken to their wind rider master Devrak, so for a small fee you can take a wind rider to him from here.$B$BSpeak with me again when you are ready.  Once at the Crossroads, you can then deliver the leather goods to Jahan Hawkwing.','Buy a wind rider to the Crossroads from the wind rider master Tal, then bring Ahanu\'s Leather Goods to Jahan Hawkwing.','Ahanu sent me finished products? Very good. There are many hunters and adventurers in the Crossroads now and business is lively. I am sure I\'ll sell these goods very soon.$B$BThank you for all your efforts, $N. I am in your debt.','$N, you are back from Thunder Bluff? Did you deliver the hides to Ahanu?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2801insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2756,6365,'Meats to Orgrimmar','I have some choice cuts of meat that I want to send to a friend.  Her name is Gryshka, the innkeeper in Orgrimmar.  Will you deliver the meat for me?$B$BThe fastest way to Orgrimmar is on a wind rider.  Take the meats to the Crossroads wind rider master, Devrak, and speak with him about transport to Orgrimmar.','Bring Zargh\'s Meats to Devrak in the Crossroads.','You have to get this meat to Orgrimmar? That is no problem. For a small fee, my wind rider can take you there.','You need to get somewhere fast? Then you\'re talking to the right orc!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2802insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2757,6381,'New Life','As you have seen, $c, though the land is in pain, the cycle of life is a powerful thing. Now we must do our part help it along. You must plant these seeds at the center of the destruction, to the west, in the Charred Vale. Beware, for harpies and angry fire elementals still plague the scarred land.$B$B$N, take these enchanted Gaea seeds and plant them in fertile mounds of soil. The cycle of life must go on!','Plant 10 Gaea Seeds in Gaea Dirt Mounds, and then return the remaining Enchanted Gaea Seeds to Tammra at Sun Rock Retreat.','This is great victory for the land. In time, other things will come to pass: the Venture Co. will pack up their buzz saws and axes, the angry fire spirits will calm, and the harpies will be pushed out by the land.$b$bOnly then $N, will Stonetalon be truly at peace.$b$bYou have done well $C; take one of these items as thanks for the new life you have created here today.','These seeds you plant are strong, resisting corruption, and making a foothold for other life. They will grow and grow, first preventing corruption and healing the scarred land, and then one day, restoring Stonetalon to a lush forest, once again.$b$bHave you planted all of the Gaea seeds?','','Gaea seed planted','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2803insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2758,6382,'The Ashenvale Hunt','Your strength impresses me, $c.  Your willingness to embrace the hunt gives me confidence that you could move on to bigger game... and bigger challenges.$B$BThe forests of Ashenvale represent a vast untamed wild that the Horde seeks to impose its own will upon, both politically and spiritually.  If you seek to prove yourself in an unproven land, seek the guidance of Senani Thunderheart in Splintertree Post.  The outpost is due north of the path leading from the Barrens.','Speak with Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.','Welcome to the new frontier, $N.  Ashenvale is a land of opportunity, one where a young $C like yourself is able to find boundless chances to prove their mettle.  Look around the outpost here, and be sure to travel out to the Zoram Strand, as the Horde has another outpost there as well.$B$BYour presence here tells me that you\'ve come to learn more about the hunt.  Listen close, and I will gladly share with you what you need to know.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2804insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2759,6383,'The Ashenvale Hunt','','','There are three legendary creatures that make up the Ashenvale Hunt; you may seek them and test yourself against their cunning and might.  In the process, you will hopefully learn something about yourself.  The creatures are: the bear Ursangous, the nightsaber cat Shadumbra, and the hippogryph Sharptalon.$B$BThe creatures of the Ashenvale Hunt are powerful, and you may find that you\'ll need aid in bringing them down.  If you should best them, bring me proof of your deed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2805insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2760,6384,'Ride to Orgrimmar','For just a few coins I will have a wind rider bring you to Orgrimmar.  When you get there, you can take Zargh\'s Meats to Gryshka.  Her inn is in the Valley of Strength, not far from the Skytower, where my wind rider will drop you off.$B$BSpeak with me again when you are ready for the journey.','Buy a wind rider to Orgrimmar from the wind rider master Devrak, then bring Zargh\'s Meats to Gryshka in Orgrimmar.','Oh, wonderful! Those are fine cuts! These are from Zargh, are they? That orc sure knows his way into a lady\'s heart...$B$BOh, I can\'t wait to cook it. But not too much! Meat is best served rare, don\'t you think?','Something smells good! You don\'t have raw meat on you, do you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2806insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2761,6385,'Doras the Wind Rider Master','I\'ve written a letter of thanks to Zargh.  Will you deliver it for me?  If you\'ve already been to the Crossroads and spoken with their wind rider master, then you can fly a wind rider back there.$B$BTake my letter to Doras, the wind rider master of Orgrimmar, and speak with him about transport to the Crossroads.','Bring Gryshka\'s Letter to Doras in Orgrimmar.','You have to get this to the Crossroads in the Barrens? Yes, I can get you there...','Do you need one of my wind riders?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2807insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2762,6386,'Return to the Crossroads.','My wind riders are trained to fly to many different places, as long as you have already been to that place and spoken with the wind rider master there.$B$BYou have been to the Crossroads and spoken to their wind rider master Devrak, so now you can fly directly to him from here.  Once you\'re at the Crossroads, you can deliver Gryshka\'s letter to Zargh.$B$BSpeak with me when you are ready to go.','Buy a wind rider to the Crossroads from the wind rider master Doras, then bring Gryshka\'s Letter to Zargh at the Crossroads.','Hah! I guess she liked it! Nothing brings red to a lady\'s cheeks like a big, juicy steak!$B$BThank you, $N. You\'ve done me a great service. Here is some money for your trouble, and don\'t be surprised if I invite you to my wedding!','Have you returned from Orgrimmar? Did Gryshka like the meat I sent her?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2808insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2763,6387,'Honor Students','I see a lot of young dwarves at my door, eager to learn the trade of mining.  And if there\'s one thing a miner needs more than anything, it\'s a pick!$B$BI have a list of mining students who scored high in their lessons and earned an honorary pick.  Take my list to Golnir Bouldertoe in Ironforge.  He\'ll get the picks ready.$B$BThe fastest way to Ironforge is on a gryphon, so bring the list to our gryphon master, Thorgrum Borrelson, and speak with him about transport to Ironforge.','Bring Brock\'s List to Thorgrum Borrelson in Thelsamar.','You have to get this to Ironforge, eh? For a small fee I can put you on the back of one of my gryphons, and it\'ll take you there. How does that sound?','Have you had your fill of Thelsamar so soon? Are you ready to leave for another city?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2809insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2764,6388,'Gryth Thurden','Here are the honorary picks for Brock\'s students.  If you\'ve already been to Thelsamar, then you should fly a gryphon back there!$B$BTake the picks to our gryphon master, Gryth Thurden, and speak with him about a ride back to Thelsamar.','Bring the Honorary Picks to Gryth Thurden in Ironforge.','You have to get these to Thelsamar, eh? That won\'t be a problem. As long as you\'ve already been to Thelsamar and spoken to Thorgrum Borrelson, then you can take one of my gryphons back to him.','You look like you have somewhere to go. Need one of my gryphons?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2810insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2765,6389,'A Plague Upon Thee','You look around the lumber mill for something suitable to open the barrel with. You find a crowbar that looks like it will do the trick.$B$BYou set your feet and pray that you\'ll be able to get out of the mill before the termites get to you.','Release the Plagueland Termites in the Northridge Lumber Mill, then return with the Barrel of Plagueland Termites to Nathaniel Dumah at Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands.','Haha! Thank you, $N! You\'ve done it! My father\'s spirit can now rest and I can live in peace.$B$BThank you again. If there is anything I can do for you, please, just ask.','Have you done it, $N? Have you released the termites? The Light help us if the Scarlet Crusade were able to hold onto both the mill and Hearthglen. They should have neither. They\'re just capitalizing on the victims of the last war and should be put down like rabid animals!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2811insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2766,6390,'A Plague Upon Thee','You look around the lumber mill for something suitable to open the barrel with. You find a crowbar that looks like it will do the trick.$B$BYou set your feet and pray that you\'ll be able to get out of the mill before the termites get to you.','Release the Plagueland Termites in the Northridge Lumber Mill, then return with the Barrel of Plagueland Termites to Mickey Levine at the Bulwark in Tirisfal Glades.','Thank you, $N. Here, take this coin. I\'m sorry it\'s not more, but try to take some joy in helping destroy the Scarlet Crusade\'s efforts!','Have you done it, $N? Have you released the termites in the lumber mill?$B$BIt was bad enough that my family lost their jobs and lives, but then to see the place where my childhood was spent taken over by those disgusting so-called holy men... pfah!!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2812insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2767,6391,'Ride to Ironforge','For just a few coins, one of my gryphons will take you to Ironforge.  From there, deliver Brock\'s list to Golnir Bouldertoe.  You\'ll find him in the Deep Mountain Mining Guild.  That\'s in the Great Forge District of Ironforge, which is right where my gryphon will drop you off!$B$BSpeak to me again when you\'re ready for the journey.','Buy a gryphon to Ironforge from the gryphon master Thorgrum Borrelson, then bring Brock\'s List to Golnir Bouldertoe in Ironforge.','Ah, the lastest list of Brock\'s best pupils. I have a batch of honorary picks ready to go. I just need to chisel in the names of the students...','What can I do for you, sir?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2813insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2768,6392,'Return to Brock','For a small fee you can buy a gryphon ride to Thelsamar... as long as you\'ve already been there.  Gryphons will only fly you to places you\'ve already been, so be sure to speak with every gryphon master you see so you can fly to him later.$B$BYou\'ve already been to Thorgrum, the gryphon master of Thelsamar, so now you can return to him.  And once in Thelsamar, you can deliver the picks to Brock Stoneseeker.$B$BSpeak with me when you\'re ready to go.','Buy a gryphon to Thelsamar from the gryphon master Gryth Thurden, then bring the Honorary Picks to Brock Stoneseeker in Thelsamar.','You brought the picks. Great! I\'ll get these to my mining students. I\'m sure they\'re eager to use them on the ore deposits of Loch Modan.$b$bThank you for your help, $N. I am in your debt, but I hope this money will at least cover your travel costs.','Ah, $N. Have you returned from Ironforge?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2814insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2769,6393,'Elemental War','The Tribunal of the Tides has sent me to wage war on the fire elementals here in Stonetalon Mountain. Neptulon the Tidehunter, Lord of all water elementals, has taken a personal interest in seeing our fiery cousins extinguished.$B$B$N, you can help me gain favor with the Tribunal by destroying the fire elementals in Charred Vale. When destroyed, the fire elementals leave Incendrites. Return these to me and be rewarded.','Bring 10 Incendrites to Tsunaman at Sun Rock Retreat.','The water spirits within me bubble with the excitement. $N, you have given me a glorious victory to report to the Tribunal of the Tides.$b$bFor your efforts, I reward you with a choice of my prized possessions.','The Tribunal of the Tides grows impatient. They seek to end this war that has raged across all dimensions for eons. My brethren are anxious to hear news of the glorious victory over the hated fire elementals. Have you the Incendrites that I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2815insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2770,6394,'Thazz\'ril\'s Pick','$N, you are a dependable $r.  Can I count on you for another task?$B$BSome time ago I was surveying the cave to the north for minerals, and I left my favorite pick behind.  When I later returned to retrieve it I found the cave was filled with vicious beasts!  Will you go into the cave, the Burning Blade Coven, and get my pick?$B$BI left it in a chamber with waterfalls.  My pick has a spell on it so you can see it in the dark, so you won\'t have to worry about finding it... just what\'s guarding it!','Bring Thazz\'ril\'s Pick to Foreman Thazz\'ril.','Great, you got it! Thanks a lot, $N. This is my favorite pick! Now if my peons ever finish chopping down these trees, maybe we can find a nice cave to mine!','Have you entered the Burning Blade Coven, $N? Did you find my pick?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2816insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2771,6395,'Marla\'s Last Wish','My friend Marla Fipps lived with her husband Samuel before the plague, but when the plague came Samuel succumbed and joined the Scourge\'s ranks.$B$BMarla was spared an undeath only to die at the hands of her now mindless husband.  So strong was her love, however, that her last dying wish was to be buried with her beloved Samuel.$B$BSamuel Fipps roams at a ruined camp along the road northeast of Deathknell.  Defeat him and grant Marla\'s wish: bury him at her grave, in the first row of our graveyard.','Bring Samuel Fipps\' Remains to Marla\'s Grave, then return to Novice Elreth.','You have done a good deed today, Ganis. Although our struggle against the Scourge continues, let us hope that Marla and Samuel will find peace together in their final resting place.','We must respect our dead, $N. It is one of the ways in which we differ from the Scourge...','','Samuel\'s Remains Buried','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2817insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2772,6401,'Kaya\'s Alive','Tell Tammra Windfield, Kaya\'s aunt who\'s at Sun Rock Retreat, about the good news! Kaya is alive! We had thought she was lost after the brutal attack on our village. Follow the path to the west to get to Sun Rock Retreat.\r\n\r\n','Tell Tammra Windfield in Sun Rock Retreat the good news.\r\n','My goodness, my niece Kaya is alive! That is good news indeed. Thank you, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2818insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2773,6402,'Stormwind Rendezvous','You are to meet with Windsor at the gates of Stormwind.$B$BWhat Windsor is about to unveil will shake the very foundation of the kingdom!$B$BDo not attempt to venture there alone, $N. You must amass an army! Gather your compatriots. To arms! \r\n\r\n','Travel to Stormwind City and venture to the city gates. Speak with Squire Rowe so that he may let Marshal Windsor know that you have arrived.','Before we begin, I ask that you first gather an army. We face a dragon, after all!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2819insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2774,6403,'The Great Masquerade','It has been quite the adventure, friend. I owe you a great debt of gratitude. Perhaps, when all is said and done...$B$BAs you have no doubt ascertained by now, Lady Prestor is Onyxia: Brood of Deathwing, twin to the tyrant of the Spire, Nefarian.$B$BFor too long she has held our kingdom in her captivating gaze. Even the Highlord is controlled by her trickery - a puppet. It all ends today... The spell will be broken.$B$BWorry not, for together, we shall be victorious!$B$BAre you ready?','Follow Reginald Windsor through Stormwind. Protect him from harm!','<Bolvar holds the shattered medallion.>$B$BThe magic held within must be reignited. The dragon\'s eye must be attuned.$B$BWindsor\'s sacrifice has freed our Kingdom, but the threat of Onyxia and her kin is ever looming.$B$BThis medallion is what held my mind and body captive. It is also what gave me access to Onyxia\'s own mind - to her secrets. Albeit the visions are muddled now, some things I do remember.','','Reginald\'s March','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2820insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2775,6421,'Boulderslide Ravine','Something is amiss here in Stonetalon. Can you feel the tension in the air, $N?$B$BSoutheast of here lies a deep cave in Boulderslide Ravine. The kobolds there are frantically mining a rare crystal called Resonite. I need you to bring back some ore samples so that I can understand what\'s happening in that cave.  I also need you to investigate the depth of that cave.$B$BGo young $c, it\'s imperative I know what evil lurks under these mountains.','Explore deep into the cave at Boulderslide Ravine and bring back 10 Resonite Crystals for Mor\'rogal at Sun Rock Retreat to investigate.','Ah... Yes! That\'s it; the Resonite crystals have a trace of Earthen magic. The Kobolds must have dug deep uncovering an Earthen.$b$bLegend states that the Earthen are creatures created by the Titans. They were used to create the land our feet walk on. This most definitely is a threat that cannot be ignored.$b$b<Mor\'rogal shakes his head.>$b$bPerhaps I can enchant these ore samples to use against this Kobold plot.','What news have you discovered from Boulderslide Ravine? I recall some legend that deals with Resonite... I just cannot place my hoof on it. Perhaps knowing what lies at the bottom of the cave will illuminate their devious intentions.','Investigate Cave in Boulderslide Ravine','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2821insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2776,6441,'Satyr Horns','Heya! I\'ve been traveling through Ashenvale, heading towards Ratchet, and decided to make a stop here at Splintertree. I\'m always looking for an opportunity, and it seems that satyr horns are in high demand in Ratchet these days.$B$BAfter asking around here, it seems that the satyrs in Night Run, Satyrnaar, and Xavian all have the type of horns I am looking for. I\'m no match for those satyrs... but you look like you might be!$B$BTell you what, you collect the horns for me and I\'ll make it worth your time.','Collect 16 Satyr Horns for Pixel in Splintertree Post.','These are perfect, $N! Thanks for helping me out!$b$bOh, and this is for your time...','I hope you can be quick about getting those horns, $N. I\'m heading back to Ratchet soon!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2822insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2777,6442,'Naga at the Zoram Strand','There is evil lurking here along the coast, $r.$B$BIt is the resting place of the doomed city of Zoram, long destroyed and submerged beneath the seas.  Lost, and nearly forgotten.$B$BNow, the naga have returned, and for what reason we do not know.  But reason matters little; we must defend the land we have worked so hard to claim as our own.$B$BReturn to me with 20 of their heads! Throw the naga back to the depths!','Bring 20 Wrathtail Heads to Marukai along the Zoram Strand.','We could use more of your kind around here, $N. Thank you for your help.','The naga increase in numbers, $N. Please complete this task for me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2823insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2778,6461,'Blood Feeders','We Trolls here at Malaka\'Jin have prospered from the land; Stonetalon Mountain offers great hunting for us to live on.$B$BLately, we have attracted the wrong dinner guests... the spiders in these mountains have been raiding our camps at night looking to steal our hunt.$B$BIf you were to help us kill off these ghastly beasts we at Malaka\'Jin would be in your debt. Spiders are everywhere in Stonetalon - just head north from here and you will see what I am talking about.','Xen\'zilla at Malaka\'Jin needs you to kill 10 Deepmoss Creepers and 7 Deepmoss Venomspitters.','Sweet, mon! Good news, perhaps we will have fewer unwanted dinner gusts tonight.$b$bAs I said earlier, we are in your debt... maybe you would care for one of these for your deed?','Hey mon, have you slain the hairy blood feeders? I fear none here in Stonetalon but I don\'t go walking around here at night... if you know what I mean mon!$b$bAs long as I stay off there dinner plate then all is well.$b$bGood luck to you, $C!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2824insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2779,6462,'Troll Charm','My kinfolk were traveling here with many sacred troll charms, but the Thistlefur furbolgs attacked and killed them before they reached Zoram\'gar!  Those vile Furbolgs!$B$BI miss my brothers and sisters who were killed, but we will meet again in the afterlife.  However, their troll charms hold great value in this world.  It is an outrage that the furbolgs have them!$B$B$N, you must retrieve the charms!  They are in chests in Thistlefur Hold, a cave at the end of Thistlefur Village, north of Astranaar.','Bring 8 Troll Charms to Mitsuwa at the Zoram\'gar Outpost.','You found them! Thank you! Thank you, $N! You do not know how great a thing you have done for me.$b$bA troll without his charm is like an orc without his battle scars...$b$bWorthless.','Did you find the charms, $N? Every moment the furbolgs possess those sacred items, my blood boils with rage!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2825insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2780,6481,'Earthen Arise','You have uncovered a dark threat to the land, $c. The Resonite cask you have found in that cave houses a slumbering Earthen by the name of Goggeroc.$B$BI have changed the mixture of the Resonite crystals that you gathered with my shamanistic powers. Take the enchanted Resonite crystal and smash open the Resonite cask, which houses the Earthen.$B$BWhen awakened, Goggeroc will be weakened... Slay him, $N!','Open the Resonite cask with the Enchanted Resonite Crystal, and then slay Goggeroc. Return to Mor\'rogal with the news and Enchanted Resonite Crystal.','You bear good news, $C! I fear the possibilities of what an Earthen would mean to Kalimdor.$b$bSlaying Goggeroc was a task for no one less then a hero. You have done well; all of Stonetalon and Kalimdor are indebted to you, noble $C.$b$bAccept this as your reward most honored one.','I fear if we do not dispose of this threat immediately, all of Stonetalon will be lost. The might of an Earthen can not be matched by any means. When awakened, Goggeroc will be weak from his long slumber, this will be the opportunity that you must take advantage of... go now $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2826insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2781,6482,'Freedom to Ruul','Eh?  Who are you?$B$B$N?  You\'re no furbolg.  They are cursed!  They thought I was a bear and captured me, and now they starve me!  My strength is failing...$B$BHelp me escape, then speak with my sister Yama at the Splintertree Post to the east.$B$B$N! I must escape!','Escort Ruul, then speak with Yama Snowhoof in Splintertree Post.','You found my brother!  He was captured by the Thistlefurs?  That is terrible news to hear, for although many Furbolgs are noble creatures, the Thistlefurs are corrupt.$B$BThank you for rescuing my brother, $N.  I do not want to think of how they treated poor Ruul.  He will likely sleep long after this ordeal...','','Escort Ruul from the Thistlefurs.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2827insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2782,6501,'The Dragon\'s Eye','A fragment of the shattered medallion is all that I can offer.$B$BYou must find another of dragon blood willing to assist you in forging a new key. Once you secure this key, you must travel to the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh. It is there that you will find her lair, $N.$B$BWhere to find other flights willing to help? Sadly, I do not know... They are said to exist. Some may even work and live among us, disguised as one of the humanoid races. I wish you luck.\r\n','You must search the world for a being capable of restoring the power to the Fragment of the Dragon\'s Eye. The only information you possess about such a being is that they exist.','I should have known - a piece of the black dragon brood mother, Onyxia. How revolting...','I sense an aura of evil radiating from you, $R. What could you hold that emits such an aura?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2828insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2783,6502,'Drakefire Amulet','It is a piece of the dragon; a scale - enchanted and transformed. Whole, it could have granted access to the beast\'s lair. Shattered, it is useless.$B$BIt is possible to repair the item, but to do so would require the blood of a black dragon champion. There is one... He is known as General Drakkisath, ruler of the dragonspawn armies of Nefarian. Perhaps you have heard of him?$B$BReturn with his blood, $r, and I shall enchant the fragment into something that will grant you access to Onyxia\'s lair.','You must retrieve the Blood of the Black Dragon Champion from General Drakkisath. Drakkisath can be found in his throne room behind the Halls of Ascension in Blackrock Spire.','This amulet will grant you the access that you seek. The lair of Onyxia can be found in Dustwallow Marsh. As long as you hold the amulet, her wards cannot prevent you from entering.$B$BThe Blue Flight wishes you luck, $N.','The flow of time does not stop or slow, $R. While my life is eternal, yours is not. Waste not the time that you have...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2829insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2784,6503,'Ashenvale Outrunners','We received reports that Ashenvale outrunners left Silverwing Outpost not long ago, and now sneak near our territories in the forest.  We don\'t want them gathering intelligence on our defenses!$B$BSneak through the forests south of our post here and east of the Alliance outpost of Silverwing.  Find and slay the outrunners, then return to me.','Kill 9 Ashenvale Outrunners, then return to Kuray\'bin at Splintertree Outpost.','Very good, $N. Your hunting skills are impressive...$b$bThe loss of those outrunners help blind the Alliance, and when they lack intelligence they are less likely to launch attacks.','I await reports of your outrunner kills, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2830insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2785,6504,'The Lost Pages','I just picked up this shredder from Ratchet and I was on my way back to the Warsong Lumber Camp, where I am supposed to be on duty. I was given a manual on how to operate the shredder, but on the trip back, a huge gust of wind blew it from my hands. The pages went everywhere, and all I was left with was the cover.$B$BThe pages could be just about anywhere by now, I suppose... but I don\'t know how to use the shredder without them! Will you find them for me?','Find the 12 missing pages of the Shredder Operating Manual, and put them together to form Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Return the pages to Gurda Ragescar near Splintertree Post.\r\n','Reading isn\'t my strong point... but now I\'ll be able to get back to work! Thanks, $N!','I hope you find the pages soon, $N! I really need to get back to work!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2831insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2786,6521,'An Unholy Alliance','Malcin claims he is outside Razorfen Downs. This ambassador must be slain--his mission a failure in the eyes of the Lich King.$B$BHis presence there does explain much of what we\'ve discovered about the area--some of the quilboar have grown frightfully powerful while showing signs of the Plague in their own way. Truly that must be a sign of some sort of deal they\'ve struck.$B$BFind Malcin and slay him, $N. Return to me after the deed is done.','Bring Ambassador Malcin\'s Head to Varimathras in the Undercity.','Good. Well done, $C.$B$BNow that Malcin is dead, we can at least know that the Scourges advances will be halted. The Dark Lady thanks you for your efforts and wishes to reward you with a gift.$B$BAlthough we do not know the extent of the Scourges influence within the Downs, I am sure we will discover their plots soon enough.','Have you found the Ambassador, $N? Is he dead?$B$BWe cannot afford to allow the Scourge to take a foothold on Kalimdor. They are enough of a threat to our own borders to have to deal with them on two fronts.$B$BThe only optimistic sign from the events you\'ve told me about is that the crone seemed uncorrupted. She must know deep in her spirit that the Scourge may bring great power, but that the Barrens would not truly be hers if she were to agree to their deal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2832insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2787,6522,'An Unholy Alliance','My Lady,$B$BYou know very well what it is we are offering. The opportunity for you to take the Barrens and the lands beyond is a great one. We simply want your aid in return. By aid we mean nothing more than your giving us the freedom to take action in the area.$B$BPlease, allow us to discuss this further. We have great power and are willing to share with those wise enough to join us. I will remain outside Razorfen Downs for the time being.$B$BBest Regards,$BAmbassador Malcin','Take the Small Scroll to Varimathras in the Undercity.','I recognize the insignia on this scroll, $N. You found this on that crone who reigns over Razorfen Kraul? Interesting.$B$BThe Scourge aren\'t content with one continent it seems. This Ambassador Malcin--the one who wrote the note--is one of the Scourge\'s plagued servants, a human diplomat to the kingdom of Lordaeron before things... changed.$B$BIf the Scourge are trying to gain a foothold in Kalimdor, then it is up to us to act.','What business is it you wish to speak of, $N? You must feel it is important if you continue to pester me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2833insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2788,6523,'Protect Kaya','Thank you for rescuing me! We must leave quickly before they discover that I am free. Please escort me to Camp Aparaje. From there, I know my way.$b$bMy father, Makaba Flathoof, will be desperate to know that I am safe.','Escort Kaya Flathoof to Camp Aparaje, and then return to Makaba Flathoof near the southeastern edge of Stonetalon.\r\n','Kaya is alive! $N, I have you to thank for rescuing her.','','Kaya Escorted to Camp Aparaje','Kaya Escorted to Camp Aparaje','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2834insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2789,6541,'Report to Kadrak','Have you ever been to Ashenvale, to the north? The horde has recently set up an outpost on the Zoram Strand there, and we can always use some new recruits to help defend our new fronts.$B$BIf you think you are up to it, see Kadrak in the northern Barrens, at the watch tower. He is heading up the Ashenvale campaign and can give you further orders.','Report to Kadrak at the watch tower in northern Barrens.','Ashenvale is a divided land, but our most recent efforts have been very successful. We not only have an outpost at the Zoram Strand, but another just north of here called Splintertree.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2835insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2790,6542,'Report to Kadrak','Have you ever been to Ashenvale, to the north? The horde has recently set up an outpost on the Zoram Strand there, and we can always use some new recruits to help defend our new fronts.$B$BIf you think you are up to it, see Kadrak in the northern Barrens, at the watch tower. He is heading up the Ashenvale campaign and can give you further orders.\r\n','Report to Kadrak at the watch tower in northern Barrens.','Ashenvale is a divided land, but our most recent efforts have been very successful. We not only have an outpost at the Zoram Strand, but another just north of here called Splintertree.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2836insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2791,6543,'The Warsong Reports','I recently deployed a few scouts into Ashenvale and I need a runner to take them their orders, and bring me back a report of what they have observed.$B$BYour first stop should be the Zoram\'gar Outpost, along the coast to the west, at the Zoram Strand, to locate the first runner. You also need to stop at Splintertree Post, to the north, and along the road to the east, near Azshara. You will find a scout and an outrider there.$B$BGive them each a report, and from them, get an update on their findings.','Open the Bundle of Reports.  Take the Warsong Reports to the Warsong Scout, Warsong Runner, and Warsong Outrider. Bring back the updates they give you to Kadrak at the northern watch tower in the barrens.','I can see that you are one that can be counted on. These updates are crucial to our plans to further our presence in Ashenvale. We can now plan our next move.','Hurry, $N. They must receive their reports; it is urgent.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2837insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2792,6544,'Torek\'s Assault','Hey!  $C!  Come here!$B$BMy raiders and I are about to attack the Silverwing Outpost to the west.  Our target is its leader, Duriel Moonfire.  Scouts report the outpost is defended heavily with sentinels and warriors.  The battle will be glorious!$B$BDo you want to share in the glory, $N, and aid us?  If so, then when it\'s over you can report our success to my superior, Ertog Ragetusk in Splintertree.$B$BWhat do you say.  Are you with us?','Escort Torek on his attack against Silverwing Outpost and Duriel Moonfire, then report to Ertog Ragetusk at Splintertree Post.','So Torek\'s attack was successful! Well done, $N. Night elves are decent foes. A little skinny, but strong and fierce! I\'m sure the battle was something to see...$b$bAnd I hope you gained a scar or two!','','Take Silverwing Outpost.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2838insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2793,6545,'Warsong Runner Update','So you\'re here with my orders? Always good to see a new recruit with an exuberant nature and a strong will.$B$BYou\'d best learn fast if you expect to keep up here. The threat of the naga grows, $N. I have observed and have taken up defenses against several attacks on this outpost since I arrived here.$B$BBut if you\'d like to pitch in with that effort, speak with one of the others here at the outpost.','','Well, my update will explain all of this to Kadrak. You must return this to him as quickly as possible.','So you\'re here with my orders? Always good to see a new recruit with an exuberant nature and a strong will.$B$BYou\'d best learn fast if you expect to keep up here. The threat of the naga grows, $N. I have observed and have taken up defenses against several attacks on this outpost since I arrived here.$B$BBut if you\'d like to pitch in with that effort, speak with one of the others here at the outpost.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2839insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2794,6546,'Warsong Outrider Update','Much danger lies along this path, $N. You\'d do best to remember this while traveling in these lands. The threat of the alliance is quite near.$B$BWe are faced by enemies on all fronts. The satyr are a formidable and prevalent force in eastern Ashenvale.  I have also discovered that the naga have taken over a large area of the land of Azshara.$B$BIt\'s good to see that we are still bolstering our numbers -- be ready for what lies ahead, $N.','','Take my update to Kadrak. Swiftly, $N.','Much danger lies along this path, $N. You\'d do best to remember this while traveling in these lands. The threat of the alliance is quite near.$B$BWe are faced by enemies on all fronts. The satyr are a formidable and prevalent force in eastern Ashenvale. I have also discovered that the naga have taken over a large area of the land of Azshara.$B$BIt\'s good to see that we are still bolstering our numbers -- be ready for what lies ahead, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2840insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2795,6547,'Warsong Scout Update','Keep an eye out, $R. The elves are often hiding in the shadows...$B$BWe must always be watching. We have worked very hard to claim this land, and the elves are looking for a chance to take it from us.$B$BI assume you have my next orders from Kadrak?','','Let Kadrak know of the success we have had here holding off the night elves. Our plans are going well.','Keep an eye out, $R. The elves are often hiding in the shadows...$B$BWe must always be watching. We have worked very hard to claim this land, and the elves are looking for a chance to take it from us.$B$BI assume you have my next orders from Kadrak?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2841insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2796,6548,'Avenge My Village','The Grimtotem Clan raided my village and killed most everyone. I killed all I could, but barely escaped with my life.$b$b$N, all I wish now is that more of them are dead. You will find them just to the west of here.\r\n\r\n','Kill 8 Grimtotem Ruffians and 6 Grimtotem Mercenaries, and then return to Makaba Flathoof near the southeastern edge of Stonetalon.\r\n','$N, I thank you... but I will never forget what the Grimtotem have done to my village.','Have you killed them yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2842insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2797,6561,'Blackfathom Villainy','Strength has left me. Your help is needed!$b$bLong ago this site was a great temple of Elune. But misfortune led to ruin when the corruption of an Old God seeped up from beneath the earth and tainted the sacred Moon Well.$b$bAku\'Mai, servant of the Old God, rose from the waters.$b$bThe Twilight\'s Hammer cultists have allied with the naga to occupy these grounds. The cultists, led by Kelris, sacrifice innocents to Aku\'Mai for power.$b$bSlay Kelris and bring his head to Bashana in Thunder Bluff, $N, please.','Bring the head of Twilight Lord Kelris to Bashana Runetotem in Thunder Bluff.','Kelris has eluded the Argent Dawn for some time.$B$BFor some time they considered him dead or missing.$B$BBy ending his reign you have spared the lives of many innocent people, $N.$B$BEarthmother be praised! To sacrifice another to a servant of an Old God for personal gain is beyond disgusting!$B$BYou have done a great thing this day. Kelris was a creature of evil and sought to bring the world back to a time of chaos by worshipping such creatures as the Old Gods. Thank you, $N.','May the Earthmother be with you, $N.$B$BPeace between the earth and all her people should be our goal. She has a grand plan for nature, and we all have a role to play in that plan.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2843insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2798,6562,'Trouble in the Deeps','Je\'neu Sancrea is in need of aid. He is at the Zoram\'gar Outpost in Ashenvale. The Night elf forest is to the north of the Stonetalon mountains. You can reach it by traveling through Windshear Crag or by heading north through Barrens. Zoram Strand is far to the west of the forest. Be careful, $N. There are forces there that will not take to your presence kindly.','Speak to Je\'neu Sancrea in Ashenvale.','Tsunaman sent you? Excellent. Then we have matters to discuss.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2844insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2799,6563,'The Essence of Aku\'Mai','Within the beginning tunnels of Blackfathom Deeps, large sapphire clusters can be found along the cave walls. Recently it was noted that the naga were harvesting the crystals. Until it can be discerned why, I sense we should stop the naga from succeeding. The crystals have great elemental power and if used inappropriately, could make for a powerful arcane component.$B$BWill you help me, $N? Blackfathom Deeps can be found along Zoram Strand to the north of our outpost.','Bring 20 Sapphires of Aku\'Mai to Je\'neu Sancrea in Ashenvale.','Well done, $N. These are the crystals I spoke of. Intriguings...$B$BI can feel the power within them. The spirits of water cling to them. Whatever the naga were going to use these for... well, let us be glad they are no longer in their hands.','How goes your search for the crystals, $N? Have you witnessed the naga harvesting them? I pray to my ancestors we find the reason they are collecting such things.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2845insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2800,6564,'Allegiance to the Old Gods','Some poor handwriting is scrawled on the crumpled up note:$B$B\"Yes, tell all the priestesses to bring the crystals to me. The water elemental spirits are strong within them and they will aid our aquamancers greatly in their own summonings.$B$BBy controlling the power within the crystals, we will appease Aku\'Mai. One day we will have enough power to bring Aku\'Mai back to us and the world will return to its greatest era! An era of rule by the Old Gods!\"','Bring the Damp Note to Je\'neu Sancrea in Ashenvale.','This is interesting indeed. I am glad you have brought it to my attention.$b$bNow we have a name for our troubles... Lorgus Jett.','Yes, $N? What is it you need? There is still much I must learn about the crystals the naga are gathering.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2846insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2801,6565,'Allegiance to the Old Gods','This Twilight\'s Hammer follower cannot be allowed to complete his plan. The Twilight\'s Hammer do not understand the spirits of nature. They believe in the Old Gods--creatures of chaos and destruction that were long ago defeated. This Lorgus cannot be allowed to succeed. You must stop him, $N. I cannot do it myself--I am too weak.$B$BGo into Blackfathom Deeps, find him, and kill him. Return to me here at Zoram\'gar when it\'s done.','Kill Lorgus Jett in Blackfathom Deeps and then return to Je\'neu Sancrea in Ashenvale.','Very good!! Thank you, $N. We may not have stopped the Twilight\'s Hammer completely, but at least you have staved off another of their plans to return the Old Gods to power.$b$bWho knows what other plans they have manifesting, but we can rest easy for now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2847insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2802,6566,'What the Wind Carries','It is good to see you again, $N. The wind carries with it news from the Eastern Kingdom.$B$BSit, listen. \r\n','Listen to Thrall.','Are you prepared to take on this task?','Patience, $N. Pay attention!','Thrall\'s Tale','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2848insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2803,6567,'The Champion of the Horde','Rexxar, one of my most loyal champions, has discovered a way into the lair of the dragon. However he has left Azeroth to join our expedition into Outland.$b$bHowever, he left his companion, Rokaro, in Shadowprey Village with this information. You are to seek him out.','Seek out Rokaro at Shadowprey Village in Desolace.','There is but one way into the dragon\'s lair, $R.$B$BYou see, only the strongest of the Black Dragonflight are allowed entry into the lair of the brood mother. Many trials must be passed and the key to enter ceremoniously enchanted by General Drakkisath himself!$B$BSince you are not of black dragonkin, you may have some difficulty in obtaining passage.$B$B<Rexxar grins.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2849insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2804,6568,'Mistress of Deception','Illusion and disguise. That is how you will fool the Black Dragonflight, and gain what you seek.$b$bThough I could teach you something of the skills of deception, you need the help of a master.$b$bI know of one who could do this. In the Western Plaguelands, you will find Myranda the Hag, once a master illusionist of Lordaeron. She has helped us in the past, and if she believes the cause worthy, she may help you.$b$bTake this message to her.','Deliver Rokaro\'s Letter to Myranda the Hag in the Western Plaguelands.','<Myranda holds the note, pauses, then smiles.>$B$BHow is he? Rexxar, I mean. Oh, come now, do not look so confused. The letter was left intentionally blank. It carried with it the intentions and thoughts of its creator. Judging from its contents, it is no wonder Rexxar left it as such. Imagine if you were captured or slain and this information discovered!$B$BOh, nevermind! Myranda will help you, $R. I owe the Warchief a favor or two.$B$B<Myranda smiles.>','It is not often I see one of the Horde in these parts of Lordaeron. What is it that you have for Myranda?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2850insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2805,6569,'Oculus Illusions','So the $r wishes to become one of the Black Flight, eh?$B$BThe creation of the illusion you require is trivial, but the components required for the divination are quite difficult to obtain. The Warchief has entrusted you with this mission, so Myranda must assume you as capable.$B$BTravel to the upper citadel of Blackrock Spire and slay enough of the black dragonspawn to fill up one of your packs with their eyes.$B$BReturn to Myranda when you have gathered enough of the reagent.','Travel to Blackrock Spire and collect 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. Return to Myranda the Hag when the task is complete.','Let Myranda have a look, $R.$B$BOh yes, these will do nicely.$B$BWith these reagents, Myranda will create for you a medallion that will grant an illusion capable of fooling the black dragonflight\'s gatekeeper.','The eyes of that which we wish to mimic are the most important ingredient of any illusion, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2851insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2806,6570,'Emberstrife','I have attuned this medallion with the magic necessary to create and maintain an illusion within the bounds of the den of Emberstrife.$B$BEmberstrife is an ancient drake; an old gatekeeper of Nefarian, burdened with the duty to test those dragonspawn that would ascend to the rank of elite guard to Onyxia.$B$BTravel to the Wyrmbog of Dustwallow Marsh and enter the lair of Emberstrife. Once there, put on the amulet and follow where your destiny may lead!\r\n','Travel to the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh and seek out Emberstrife\'s Den. Once inside, wear the Amulet of Draconic Subversion and speak with Emberstrife.\r\n','Have we run so low on able soldiers that Nefarian is sending me whelps? You will never pass my tests, broodling.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2852insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2807,6571,'Warsong Supplies','We are in short supply of a few items at the Warsong lumber camp!$B$BPixel at Splintertree Post has our shipment of saw blades. It\'ll take a trip to Booty Bay to pick up a crate of axes from Wharfmaster Lozgil.$B$BOur shipment of oil and rope will be more difficult. The rope was pilfered by the Thistlefur and Foulweald furbolgs, and the satyrs intercepted the delivery of the oil and are now using it for detestable rituals in Night Run, Satyrnaar, and Xavian!$B$BCan you help me?','Collect the Warsong Supplies: Warsong Saw Blades, Logging Rope, Warsong Oil, and the Warsong Axe Shipment for Locke Okarr in Splintertree Post.','Excellent, Friar. You\'ve saved me a lot of work!$b$bBut don\'t think that I\'m not grateful!','I hope you can come through with the supplies!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2853insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2808,6581,'Warsong Saw Blades','','','This is perfect -- just the thing! Well, here\'s the shipment.','Direct from Ratchet, the Warsong saw blades! Yep, I have them right here.$B$B..But what sort of payment do you have for me? You can\'t just take them, you know! My time isn\'t cheap!$B$BWhat I really need is a good gun to carry with me on my travels. A girl\'s gotta protect herself, you know? There\'s a gun I really like that I\'m sure an engineer would have no problem making.$B$BSo, if you bring me a deadly blunderbuss, I\'ll give you the saw blade shipment. Do we have a deal?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2854insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2809,6582,'The Test of Skulls, Scryer','We are Deathwing\'s children, whelp. Our dominance over the lesser Aspects must be enforced.$B$BIf you are truly worthy of ascension, the lesser dragonflight will wilt in your presence.$B$BFind their champions and lay waste to them in the name of our Father!$B$BTravel to Winterspring and track down the mighty blue drake, Scryer. Crush him and any of the Blue Flight that stand in your path. Tear out his skull and return it to me.','You must find the blue dragonflight drake champion, Scryer, and slay him. Pry his skull from his corpse and return it to Emberstrife.$B$BYou know that Scryer can be found in Winterspring.','One of ssseveral complete...','<Emberstrife hisses.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2855insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2810,6583,'The Test of Skulls, Somnus','Just as our Father crushes the Aspects themselves, so too must we strive to bring chaos and destruction to their children.$B$BYou must test your battle prowess against the sleepless dreamers: The children of the Green Flight.$B$BTravel to the Swamp of Sorrows and track down Somnus, drake champion of the Green Flight. Let flow your hatred; dominate the insect... Return to me with his skull...','Destroy the drake champion of the Green Flight, Somnus. Take his skull and return it to Emberstrife.','Another complete...','Do not return here until you have bathed in the blood of our enemies and drank in their suffering.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2856insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2811,6584,'The Test of Skulls, Chronalis','The time watchers, children of Nozdormu - Lord of the Centuriesss...$B$BIt is three that guard the Caverns of Time, but only one that holds the interests of the Black Flight: The Time Shifter, Chronalis, favored drakeling of Nozdormu.$B$BSsstrike at this champion, a blow to make even the stoic sands of time weep. Return to me with his skull.','Guarding the Caverns of Time in the Tanaris Desert is Chronalis, child of Nozdormu. Destroy him and return his skull to Emberstrife.','The most hated remainsss...','Ironically, whelp, time is of the essencccce.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2857insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2812,6585,'The Test of Skulls, Axtroz','It was over the mountains of Grim Batol that our Father raged against the combined might of the Aspects. The cowardly act of the betrayer, Alexstrasza, bought the other Aspects enough time to escape from Father\'s wrath.$B$BSssuch a shameful act...$B$BThe Red Flight now guards Grim Batol, their lieutenant, Axtroz, must be destroyed. Return the skull of Axtroz to me. For Father, whelp!','Travel to Grim Batol and track down Axtroz, drake champion of the Red Flight. Destroy him and take his skull. Return the skull to Emberstrife.','I had doubted your dedication, whelp. You persisted, dominating our enemies, bringing honor to our flight.$B$BI must now prepare the skulls for your ascension.','Changesss... I sense them taking place in you, whelp. Pass this test and only ceremony remains.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2858insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2813,6601,'Ascension...','From the skulls of our enemies is shaped a medallion. You know this medallion, yesss? You have no doubt seen it worn by your elders.$B$BTake it, whelp. Return to the Spire and present it to General Drakkisath. The General will place the final enchantment upon the medallion, attuning the trinket to your spirit.$B$BYou will wear the finished medallion as a badge of honor, symbolizing your ascension to one of our most guarded ranks: Guardian to the brood mother.$B$BGo!','It would appear as if the charade is over. You know that the Amulet of Draconic Subversion that Myranda the Hag created for you will not function inside Blackrock Spire. Perhaps you should find Rokaro and explain your predicament. Show him the Dull Drakefire Amulet. Hopefully he will know what to do next.','It is merely dragon-talk, $N - more hot air than actual substantive information. Pompous, aggressive behavior is to be expected from their kind.','Do not panic, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2859insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2814,6602,'Blood of the Black Dragon Champion','How would you feel about paying a visit to the General? No illusions, this time.$b$bCeremony? A pretty word to describe the bloodletting that amuses the Black Dragonflight.$b$bAll this amulet requires is the blood of General Drakkisath. Primitive security. There are other ways to receive the General\'s blood.$b$bGo to Blackrock Spire and kill Drakkisath. Return with his blood and I will activate the key to Onyxia\'s lair.','Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay General Drakkisath. Gather his blood and return it to Rokaro.','A victory that will be remembered for many years, $N. The Drakefire Amulet will open Onyxia\'s lair. Gather your allies and bring victory to the Horde.','I don\'t think I need to tell you that Drakkisath is not to be taken lightly.$B$BI let the thousands dead by his hand do the talking.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2860insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2815,6603,'Trouble in Winterspring!','There\'s trouble in Winterspring!$B$BWhy, sure, I spend some time out in the wilds and know about these things... I\'m always mighty proud to say it. I consider the hours I spend out there in the hills to be golden. Help you cultivate quick reflexes, a cool head and a keen eye...$B$BIt takes judgement, brains and maturity to appreciate the wilderness in the way that I do.$B$BNow, what was I talking about?$B$BAh yes, trouble. See Donova Snowden at the hot springs and she can tell you more.\r\n\r\n','Find Donova Snowden near the hot springs in Winterspring.','Well, hi there! So Meggi told you of the trouble I have found here?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2861insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2816,6604,'Enraged Wildkin','Have you noticed the abandoned camp to the south of here? It looks like the wildkin went crazy and destroyed just about everything they could find!$B$BI heard a rumor that one of the survivors of the attack is resting at Starfall Village, west of here. I\'m sure curious about what happened... aren\'t you?','Speak with Jaron Stoneshaper at Starfall Village.','Aye, what can I do for you?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2862insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2817,6605,'A Strange One','I just got back from Felwood, $N. On my way through, I stopped at Bloodvenom Post and I met a very odd character... She seemed intent on one thing, and I suppose I could tell you what that is, but I think she\'d like to explain it to you herself.$B$BIf you\'re interested, head to Bloodvenom Post in western Felwood and look for Winna Hazzard.$B$BWho knows, she might need your help...','Speak with Winna Hazzard in Felwood.','Ah, $C. I see that there is hope yet. Are you here to assist me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2863insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2818,6606,'A Little Luck','We can always use a little luck, eh? A small advantage is all it takes to turn things in your favor...$B$BI happened to make the acquaintance of a rather eccentric witch doctor some time back. She made me a lucky charm... for a price. Believe me, though, it was well worth it!$B$BMaybe you\'d be interested in one of your own? Find Witch Doctor Mau\'ari in Everlook. I\'m not giving mine up!','Speak with Witch Doctor Mau\'ari in Everlook.','Ah, so Harlo be sendin\' you? Well, den, who might you be? I s\'pose you be wantin\' my help?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2864insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2819,6607,'Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme','Can\'t say I really enjoy fishin\' much. Figure I been at it for a good 20 or 30 years now.$B$BI reckon people are driven to do what they do for different reasons.$B$BNow, I\'m not saying you need to fish for 30 years or catch every fish in the sea to become a master fisherman. I reckon you just need to be determined - determined enough to sit on your duff for hours at a time, doin\' nothin\'.$B$BI\'ll tell you what, catch me a few rare fish and I\'ll teach you a thing or two. Here\'s a list:','Nat Pagle wants you to catch the following fish:$B$BMisty Reed Mahi Mahi from the Misty Reed Strand in the Swamp of Sorrows.$B$BA Sar\'theris Striker from the Sar\'theris Strand in Desolace.$B$BFeralas Ahi from the Verdantis River of Feralas.$B$BSavage Coast Blue Sailfin from the Savage Coast of Stranglethorn Vale.$B$BReturn to Nat Pagle when you have reeled them all in!','Now that\'s a fine catch!$B$BCome over here, lemme show you how to set a few lines.','Anything bitin\' today?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2865insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2820,6608,'You Too Good.','Lumak no can teach $N no more. You too good! Find Lumak friend, Nat Pagle. Is human but no eat! Is Lumak friend! Nat teach you fish gooder.$B$BYou find Nat in Dustwallow Marsh, south of Humie town, Thermorosomethinglikedat. Nat probably fishing. Go now!','You think Lumak is trying to tell you that he can no longer help you improve your fishing skill. You may want to try to find his friend, Nat Pagle, a human fishing off one of the islands south of Theramore (at least that\'s what you think Lumak said).','\'Course, you must be a friend of Lumak\'s.$B$BFishin\'? I can tell you all \'bout fishin\'.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2866insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2821,6609,'I Got Nothin\' Left!','I\'m a dwarf fer cryin\' out loud, $g lad:missy;! I ain\'t been designed to fish! I mean look at me! I\'m practically made outta stone.$B$BI got nothin\' left - ye tapped me out. I\'ve taught ye all I know, flipflop!$B$BDon\'t ye get it? Ah, fine. I got an ol\' friend over on Kalimdor who can help ye out. \'Is name be Nat Pagle, a fine lad. Find him on the islands south o\' Theramore. Git goin\'!','Travel to Kalimdor, to the coastal city of Theramore. From there you must search for an island, south of the main town. Nat Pagle awaits your arrival!','I\'ve always got room on my island for visitors... I reckon...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2867insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2822,6610,'Clamlette Surprise','Ever heard of a clamlette? Of course you haven\'t! It\'s my latest and greatest culinary masterpiece. Oh, $N, just thinking about a clamlette makes my mouth water.$B$BUnfortunately, I\'m all out of supplies to make any! How about I make you a deal? You gather the supplies I need to make a clamlette and I\'ll teach you the finer points of exotic cuisine and I\'ll even throw in a couple of clamlettes to boot! Deal??$B$BHere\'s what I need:','Dirge Quikcleave wants you to get the following items:$B$B12 Giant Eggs. You will find those on the Rocs wandering Tanaris or any other species of large bird.$B$B10 pieces of Zesty Clam Meat. You can find those in clams, naturally!$B$B20 pieces of Alterac Swiss. Get thee to a cheesery!$B$BGather all of the items and return to Dirge.','You are in for a special treat, $N. Watch and learn!$B$B<Dirge begins to prepare clamlette surprise.>','My cravings are going to be the end of me! Hurry, $N - before I dip into my own supply.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2868insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2823,6611,'To Gadgetzan You Go!','How you expect Zamja teach you anything? You got all of Zamja\'s cooking mojo and still you crave more!$B$BZamja can\'t help. Fat $r needs to go to Gadgetzan. You find a little goblin named Dirge there - he help you, fatty.$B$BWhen you become big cook on the block, you come back and teach Zamja, ok? Now go!','Travel to Gadgetzan in the Tanaris desert and speak with Dirge Quikcleave about advancing your cooking career.','<Dirge spits out some leather sandal bits.>$b$bPfftooey...$b$b<Dirge hacks loudly.>$b$bWhat? I\'ll have you know that leather is surprisingly high in protein and low in carbohydrates.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2869insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2824,6612,'I Know A Guy...','I can tell by yer cooking spoon that ye know what yer doin\'. Unfortunately, I can\'t teach ya nothin\'.$B$BLuckily fer ye, I know a guy. He\'s a goblin and probably the best cook on Kalimdor.$B$BAyep, that\'s the bad news, $g lad:missy; - ye got to travel to Kalimdor. Git to Gadgetzan and find Dirge Quikcleave. He\'ll set ya straight.\r\n','Travel to Gadgetzan in the Tanaris desert and speak with Dirge Quikcleave about advancing your cooking career.\r\n','<Dirge spits out leather.>$B$BPfftey...$B$B<Dirge hacks loudly.>$B$BWhat? I\'ll have you know that leather is surprisingly high in protein and low in carbohydrates, <race>. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2870insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2825,6621,'King of the Foulweald','$N, another tribe of Furbolgs,  the Foulweald, live southeast of Astranaar.  They are not as many as the Thistlefur, but their ferocity poses a future threat.  With a show of force, we can remove that threat.$B$BTake this banner, go to the Foulweald village and place it on their totem mound.  They will try to destroy the banner, but hold your ground until their chief, Murgut, appears to save face for the tribe.  Bring me the totem he carries.$B$BGather your allies, $N.  This is no task for a single $c.','Place Karang\'s Banner on the Foulweald Totem Mound.  Do not let the furbolgs destroy the banner.  Defeat Chief Murgut and bring Murgut\'s Totem to Karang Amakkar at Zoram\'gar.','Good work, $N. Issuing that challenge to the Foulwealds and defeating their leader sends them a strong message:$B$BThe Horde is not to be trifled with.$B$BI don\'t believe that tribe will giving us much trouble for a long time.','Did you defeat Chief Murgut, $N? Did you retrieve his Foulweald Totem?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2871insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2826,6622,'Triage','Good day, doctor. You will be tested on your ability to triage patients accordingly this afternoon. Should you pass your examination, you will join the prestigious ranks of Horde Trauma.$B$BNow pay attention! The critically injured must be tended to first. After the criticals come the badly injured. The injured should be tended to last. You must save 15 patients to pass this exam. You will fail should 6 of your patients die in triage.$B$BTriage bandages will be supplied.$B$BGood luck, doctor.\r\n','Save patients by using Triage Bandages to tend to their wounds. You must save 15 patients before 6 of them die from their injuries.$B$BRemember the order of triage! Critically Injured Soldiers die the fastest followed by Badly Injured Soldiers. Injured Soldiers take the longest to die and should be saved AFTER your Critically Injured and Badly Injured Soldiers have been triaged.','Doctor $N, welcome to Horde Trauma.','','15 Patients Saved!','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2872insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2827,6623,'Horde Trauma','Doctor $N, I presume. It is a pleasure to see you again.$B$BI have some wonderful news for you! Doctor Gregory Victor, chief physician of Horde Trauma has made a personal request for you to join him at Hammerfall. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime! I would give anything to be given a chance to study under the great Doctor Gregory Victor! Do not squander this opportunity!','Travel to Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands and speak with Doctor Gregory Victor about joining the ranks of Horde Trauma.\r\n','Wonderful. Put on your scrubs, we are to start at once!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2873insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2828,6624,'Triage','Good day, doctor. You will be tested on your ability to triage patients accordingly this afternoon. Should you pass your examination, you will join the prestigious ranks of Alliance Trauma.$B$BNow pay attention! The critically injured must be tended to first. After the criticals come the badly injured. The injured should be tended to last. You must save 15 patients to pass this exam. You will fail should 6 of your patients die in triage.$B$BGood luck, doctor.\r\n','Save patients by using Triage Bandages to tend to their wounds. You must save 15 patients before 6 of them die from their injuries.$B$BRemember the order of triage! Critically Injured Soldiers die the fastest followed by Badly Injured Soldiers. Injured Soldiers take the longest to die and should be saved AFTER your Critically Injured and Badly Injured Soldiers have been triaged.','Doctor $N, welcome to Alliance Trauma.','','15 Patients Saved!','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2874insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2829,6625,'Alliance Trauma','Doctor $N, I presume. It is a pleasure to see you.$B$BI have some wonderful news for you! Gustaf VanHowzen, chief physician of Alliance Trauma has made a personal request for you to join him at Theramore. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime! I would give anything to be given a chance to study under the great doctor, Gustaf VanHowzen! Do not squander this opportunity, doctor!','Travel to Theramore in the Dustwallow Marsh and speak with Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen about joining the ranks of Alliance Trauma.','Wonderful. Put on your scrubs, we are to start at once!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2875insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2830,6626,'A Host of Evil','The Forsaken do not pass on their... illness... from what I have seen. This diplomat seems to be granting undeath to would-be followers. I am beginning to think he is one of the Scourge.$B$BFor now, my concern is not with him though, it\'s with the growing ranks around him. They creep from the shadows daily, almost begging him for more power.$B$BI\'m not powerful enough to fight them on my own, $N. What do you say? Are you up for some hunting?','Kill 8 Razorfen Battleguard, 8 Razorfen Thornweavers, and 8 Death\'s Head Cultists and return to Myriam Moonsinger near the entrance to Razorfen Downs.','Thank you, $N! The work you\'ve done will be a great help, I\'m sure.$B$BI will continue my study of this diplomat and the rest of the quilboar here. If you seek greater adventure, I\'d find a few friends and head into the cave that looks like a great boar maw just over there. I\'m sure once you\'re inside you\'ll find greater challenges to face.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2876insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2831,6627,'Test of Lore','You have brought me the book, and now it is time for your question. Are you ready?$B$BTime is not an issue, $c, so do not feel pressured. You may take as long as you like to answer.','Answer Braug Dimspirit\'s question successfully and then speak to him again. He will remain in Stonetalon Mountains when you are ready.','Well done, $C. You have studied the text I asked you to, and now you have passed another of our tests.','Life is full of questions, $C. You will never be able to answer all of them, but with some time and study, perhaps you will become a little more knowledgeable.','Answer Braug Dimspirit\'s question correctly','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2877insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2832,6628,'Test of Lore','So the time is once again upon us. As a student of lore, you have shown great tenacity by undertaking my task.$B$BAnd so now I offer you your question. If you are ready, speak to me again, and take all the time you need, $N--there is no pressure to answer quickly.','Answer Parqual Fintallas\' question successfully and then speak to him again. He will remain in the Undercity until you are ready.','Well done, $N. I had my doubts if you studied the text I asked you to get, but you\'ve answered correctly.','','Answer Parqual Fintallas\' question correctly','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2878insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2833,6629,'Kill Grundig Darkcloud','$N, you\'ve done a fine job killing Grimtotem. If you dare, Grundig Darkcloud and his personal band of brutes is by far the worst of the lot. He was the one who led the brutal attack on my village.$b$bYou will find him in Grimtotem Post a bit further up the path to the west. Kill him, and I will be forever grateful.\r\n','Kill Grundig Darkcloud and 6 Grimtotem Brutes, and return to Makaba Flathoof near the southeastern edge of Stonetalon.\r\n','Grundig Darkcloud is dead! $N, I will always be grateful for what you\'ve done here today.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2879insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2834,6641,'Vorsha the Lasher','Vorsha the Lasher... the fiendish hydra that roams the seas...$B$BShe has attacked our outpost, each time unprovoked, laying waste to anything that falls in her path.$B$BBut I am ready, $N. I have prepared to best the hydra and end these attacks on Zoram\'gar.$B$BThe naga honor the wicked nature of this beast with a brazier that remains lit on an island just off the coast. I believe that if we put it out, Vorsha will appear in anger.$B$BWe will need help, so be sure to bring some strong allies.','Keep Muglash safe as he travels to the brazier. Help him by putting the brazier out, then protect him as you fight against the Naga.$B$BIf you are successful, return to the Zoram\'gar Outpost and inform the Warsong Runner of the death of Vorsha the Lasher.','I have witnessed many naga attacks since I arrived here. It puts my mind at ease that Vorsha will no longer roam freely.$B$BWe are in your debt, $N.','','Defeat Vorsha the Lasher','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2880insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2835,6642,'Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Dark Iron Ore','','','Your offering has been accepted. Favor you have gained. Continue and you shall be allowed access to the ancient trades.','Dark Iron, while plentiful in the Depths, is still a valued commodity amongst the Brotherhood. The sacred arms and armaments of Ragnaros favor Dark Iron.$B$BFor every 10 pieces of Dark Iron Ore you offer, favor amongst the Brotherhood you will gain.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2881insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2836,6643,'Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Fiery Core','','','Your offering has been accepted. Favor you have gained. Continue and you shall be allowed access to the ancient trades.','Woe unto those that tempt fate inside the Molten Core. Death comes swiftly - the punishment dealt without mercy.$B$BMany of the Brotherhood have been lost in their search for Fiery Cores.$B$BOffer 1 Fiery Core and you shall be granted favor amongst the Brotherhood.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2882insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2837,6644,'Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Lava Core','','','Your offering has been accepted. Favor you have gained. Continue and you shall be allowed access to the ancient trades.','The Thorium Brotherhood sympathizes with your plight, $R. This is why Lokthos has been empowered to bargain.$B$BOffer 1 Lava Core and you shall be granted favor amongst the Brotherhood.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2883insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2838,6645,'Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Core Leather','','','Your offering has been accepted. Favor you have gained. Continue and you shall be allowed access to the ancient trades.','Many of the sacred recipes require the skin from Ragnaros\' chosen pets.$B$BOffer 2 Core Leather, skinned from the smoldering corpses of the Core Hounds of the Molten Core and you shall be granted favor amongst the Brotherhood.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2884insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2839,6646,'Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Blood of the Mountain','','','Your offering has been accepted. Favor you have gained. Continue and you shall be allowed access to the ancient trades.','The tears of the Fire Lord are a rare find indeed.$B$BOffer 1 Blood of the Mountain and you shall be granted favor amongst the Brotherhood.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2885insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2840,6661,'Deeprun Rat Roundup','Avast ye scallywag. Arrrr... Arrrr ye looking fer work? We gots a serious rat problem down here an\' not enough hands on the poop deck.$B$BWhat do ye say? All ye needs to do is take this here rat catchin\' flute and play the melody around the vermin. They\'ll follow ye to the ends of the world!$B$BJust capture five of the little buggers and bring em back here. We needs em alive.$B$BArrrrr...','Capture 5 Deeprun Rats by using the Rat Catcher\'s Flute. Lead the rats back to Monty. Don\'t forget to turn in the flute when you\'re finished.','These\'ll werk nicely, matey. Me brother needs em still tickin\' and kickin,\' else they go sour... Ye don\'t want to taste no sour rat kabob.','Yarrr... Swabby, what be takin\' ye so long?','','Rats Captured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2886insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2841,6662,'Me Brother, Nipsy','Me brother, Nipsy, runs a rat kabob operation on the other side of Deeprun. Ye needs to take this here crate o\' rats to him before they go bad. Get a move on!$B$BYe have ridden a tram before, aye? It\'s easy. Just step aboard when she arrives and enjoy the ride. An\' keep yer arms and legs inside durin\' the ride, lest ye be peglegged fer life.','Take the Carton of Mystery Meat to Nipsy at the Stormwind Deeprun Tram Depot.','Poor Monty. Ever since the Gnomeregan incident, he hasn\'t been the same. That boy has never seen an ocean in his life, let alone being some kind of pirate.$b$b<Nipsy sighs.>$b$bAt least he keeps the flow of twitching critters coming.','$b$bAlive and kicking... and just in time!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2887insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2842,6681,'The Manor, Ravenholdt','$N,$B$BRavenholdt has taken an interest in you, young thief. We have been watching. Your style is a bit awkward but nothing we couldn\'t fix.$B$BShould you be prepared to embark on a career as a disciple of Master Ravenholdt and member of the Assassin\'s League, you have only to bring the Seal of Ravenholdt (attached to this letter) to Ravenholdt Manor.$B$BYour first task is to find the manor, hidden away in the hills of Hillsbrad and demonstrate your cunning.$B$BRegards,$B$BFahrad','Take the Seal of Ravenholdt to Fahrad at Ravenholdt Manor, hidden away in the hills of Hillsbrad.$B$BYour cunning will be tested along the way. Be prepared.','Most excellent, young thief.$B$BYou look a bit beaten down, but no worse for the wear.$B$BA long journey awaits you - long and rewarding. Are you prepared to finally embrace your destiny among the masters of Ravenholdt?$B$BSpeak with the guards outside. They will get you started.','Did you meet Milton?<Fahrad laughs.>','','','Rite of Cunning','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2888insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2843,6701,'Syndicate Emblems','','','Hey, nice work! Keep this up and the other rogues might stop spitting on you.','We have been entrenched in a battle with the Syndicate for years. What they lack in skill they make up for in numbers. It\'s impossible to kill them off fast enough to have any noticeable impact on their population!$B$BWe\'ve found that the best way to deal with their size is to pilfer their emblems. Once an emblem is stolen the shamed member is \'dealt\' with internally.$B$BPick their pockets clean and turn the emblems in to me or one of the other guards.$B$BStart at Durnholde, south of here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2889insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2844,6721,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Dazalar in Dolanaar. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.\r\n','Speak with Dazalar in Dolanaar.','Yes, it is time, $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2890insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2845,6722,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Dazalar in Dolanaar. He can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Dazalar in Dolanaar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2891insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2846,6741,'More Booty!','','','Thanks again, $N. You do the Horde proud...','I need more armor scraps, $N! Do you have any?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2892insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2847,6761,'The New Frontier','I have relegated my second, Mathrengyl Bearwalker, to deal with Moonglade\'s call for aid.  Speak to him on this matter - NOT me.$B$BLet me give you some... friendly... advice.  It is I who led us out of the darkness - NOT the Cenarion Circle in Moonglade - when all was lost for our race.  Teldrassil gives us all new life!  They would have you believe otherwise, and to believe their propaganda would be a fool\'s task.$B$BI\'ll leave it to you to decide whether or not you\'re a fool.','Speak with Mathrengyl Bearwalker at the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus.','Yes $C, thank you for coming. I apologize about the misunderstanding... the air is thick with mistrust between the Arch Druid here and Keeper Remulos in Moonglade. Each suspect the other of chicanery, and the fact that strange corruptions of Teldrassil continue unabated are still an issue here. It does little to quell mistrust.$B$BRegardless, our duty to the Cenarion Circle remains... even if those who lead it may disagree with one another.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2893insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2848,6762,'Rabine Saturna','For this task, Keeper Remulos\' majordomo in Moonglade - Rabine Saturna - seeks aid in exploring the vast wastelands far to the west of Tanaris... and even further west of Un\'Goro.  You should find him in Nighthaven, the main village of Moonglade.$B$BWhile your work will no doubt be of tremendous benefit to us all, I advise you to tread gingerly.  There are tensions between Darnassus and Moonglade... ones that may grow over the course of time.','Speak with Rabine Saturna in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.  Moonglade lies between Felwood and Winterspring, accessible through a path out of Timbermaw Hold.','I am Rabine Saturna, and on behalf of Keeper Remulos and all of the denizens of this sacred glade I bid you welcome.$B$BI appreciate your interest and eagerness to assist the Cenarion Circle. I also know that Arch Druid of Darnassus expressed his displeasure to you in your lending us aid. Rest assured that it is for the greater good, and that you will be safe from any ill-conceived repercussions you may be the target of.$B$BYou are among friends here, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2894insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2849,6781,'More Armor Scraps','','','These are some good pieces, $N. I can use them to fashion new equipment for our troops.$B$BIf my supply level gets high enough, then maybe our seasoned fighting units will enter the field!','$N, we need more armor scraps to supply our troops!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2895insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2850,6801,'Lokholar the Ice Lord','I come from Thunder Bluff, $R. Cairne himself has seen to it that I assist the Frostwolf Clan in these dire times.$B$BBut let us not waste any more time. You must strike down our enemies and bring to me their blood. Once enough blood has been gathered, the ritual of summoning may begin.$B$BVictory will be assured when the elemental lord is loosed upon the Stormpike army.','You must strike down our enemies and bring to me their blood.','The blood of our enemies has been shed. I shall mix this blood with the rest that has been gathered. Once the offering is complete, the Ice Lord shall show these Stormpike dogs the full wrath of the Frostwolf Clan!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2896insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2851,6804,'Poisoned Water','A force of elemental scouts was sent to the eastern plaguelands of Lordaeron, and the disease of that place twisted and infected them.  The Waterlords cannot allow this affront to our purity!$B$BTake this vial.  In it is a quantity of one aspect of Neptulon.  If used on the plagued elementals it will fight the poison within their bodies and cure them!  But their inner conflict will drive them into a surging madness.$B$BDefeat the discordant surges and bring me their bracers of binding.','Use the Aspect of Neptulon on poisoned elementals of Eastern Plaguelands.  Bring 12 Discordant Bracers and the Aspect of Neptulon to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.','You have done well, $C. The corrupted elementals you cured were an outrage to all bodies of water. Our strength lies in our purity and if we are to win our war with the others, we must remain strong.','Do you have the bracers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2897insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2852,6805,'Stormers and Rumblers','We, the elementals of water, wage war with those beings of the lesser elements.  If you are truly our ally in this conflict, then show me your conviction!$B$BFar to the south, in the desert land of Silithus, the servants of air and earth scurry in a corner of rock named the Crystal Vale.  They protect items of power from smaller beings, mortals, and although I do not know why they do this, I wish to foil their efforts.$B$BGo to the Crystal Vale in Silithus and defeat our enemies, then return to me.','Kill 15 Dust Stormers and 15 Desert Rumblers and then return to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.','Your bravery is proven, as is your worth to us.  Perhaps I may have future tasks for you, tasks more befitting a valued ally of the Waterlords.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2898insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2853,6821,'Eye of the Emberseer','You have shown me that you can defeat our enemies and perform missions to further the cause of the Waterlords.  But until now you have only faced lesser foes... if pitted against a powerful enemy, can you prevail?$B$BThat is your new task.$B$BHigh up in Blackrock Spire the orcs have captured a servant of fire, the Pyroguard Emberseer.  Find his place of imprisonment, slay his captors, and then slay the emberseer.  Bring me his eye and it will show me your worth.','Bring the Eye of the Emberseer to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.','Ah, so you do have the strength.  And you have the cunning as well, for Blackrock Spire is more than a match for brute strength alone.$B$BIndeed $N, you may yet prove a valued ally to us...','Do you have the Eye, $C?  Do you have the strength to enter Blackrock Spire?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2899insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2854,6822,'The Molten Core','$n, perhaps it is time to give you a real test.  Are you ready?$B$BAt the bottom of Blackrock Depths is a passage to the Molten Core.  This is a stronghold of our enemy, held by the most powerful servants of fire on this world.$B$BGo to the Molten Core, $N.  Show me you have the strength and the will to defeat what you find there.$B$BAnd if you have allies among your people, then rally them.  Nothing short of an army can hope to enter the Molten Core and live.','Kill 1 Fire Lord, 1 Molten Giant, 1 Ancient Core Hound and 1 Lava Surger, then return to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.','You have done what most of your kind would think impossible.  You have faced the beings of the Molten Core, and triumphed!$B$BFor so small a creature, you have displayed great resource.$B$BSome day, perhaps we might strike a true allegiance between your kind and the Waterlords.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2900insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2855,6823,'Agent of Hydraxis','If you truly wish an allegiance with us, then I invite you to wage war on our foes, the servants of air and earth and fire.  Each defeat you heap upon them will weaken their foothold here, and further prove your adherence to our cause.$B$BThe campaign will be long, but if you persevere then your glory and honor will be great.','Earn an Honored faction with the Hydraxian Waterlords, then talk to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.','Your exploits against our enemies ring through the chambers of the Waterlords, $N.  It was thought by some that your form is too small and fragile to fight in our war, but you have made great gains.  You have earned respect among us, an unbelievable feat.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2901insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2856,6824,'Hands of the Enemy','$N, your service is of great value to us, so we are reluctant to send you on this last mission for we do not want to lose such a useful agent.$B$BBut its success would further our war efforts tremendously and... it was deemed worth risking you.$B$BWe want these captains in the Molten Core destroyed: Lucifron, Sulfuron, Gehennas and Shazzrah.  Kill them and bring me their hands!$B$BThis task will take every resource you possess, $N, but if can do it then the Firelords will be dealt a terrible blow.','Bring the Hands of Lucifron, Sulfuron, Gehennas and Shazzrah to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.','You have the hands!  You defeated the fire captains!  I would not have thought it possible, had I not known you and what you are capable of.$B$B$N, your exploits are without number, but word of this last feat will send waves among the Waterlords.  Your name may one day be legend to us.$B$BSpeak with me again, $N.  I may have yet another task...','Have you defeated Lucifron and the others, $N?  Do you have the hands of the enemy?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2902insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2857,6825,'Call of Air - Guse\'s Fleet','We must prepare the new fleet of War Riders, $R! My riders are set to make a strike on the central battlefield, but first, I must wet their appetites - preparing them for the assault.$B$BI need enough Stormpike Soldier Flesh to feed a fleet! Hundreds of pounds! Surely you can handle that, yes? Get going!','I need enough Stormpike Soldier Flesh to feed a fleet!','The fleet feeds on their flesh. It consumes the enemy.$B$BFlight is imminent!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2903insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2858,6826,'Call of Air - Jeztor\'s Fleet','You\'ve worked hard, $N, but we have only just begun!$B$BMy War Riders must taste in the flesh of their targets. This will ensure a surgical strike against our enemies!$B$BMy fleet is the second most powerful in our air command. Thusly, they will strike at the more powerful of our adversaries. For this, then, they need the flesh of the Stormpike Lieutenants.$B$BMake haste, soldier!','I need the flesh of the Stormpike Lieutenants.','More! More! Bring more for they are soon to be ready!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2904insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2859,6827,'Call of Air - Mulverick\'s Fleet','I was locked up in a dwarven hellhole for days. You better believe I want revenge!$B$BWe must plan carefully.$B$BFirst, my war riders need targets to gun for - high priority targets. I\'m going to need to feed them the flesh of Stormpike Commanders. Unfortunately, those little buggers are entrenched deep behind enemy lines! You\'ve definitely got your work cut out for you.','I\'m going to need to feed them the flesh of Stormpike Commanders.','Not enough! I would expect this level of work from an initiate, but you, $N? Come on, soldier! HUSTLE! More flesh is needed!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2905insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2860,6843,'Da Foo','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2906insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2861,6844,'Umber, Archivist','There\'s plenty to do here still, but I think taking this back to the Circle for analysis is key.  Trust me - the work will still be here once this is all said and done.  If it\'s a journal inside this sticky chitin, then the Circle would finally have a window into the past!$B$BTake this to the Circle\'s archivist in Nighthaven.  His name is Umber, and the man\'s brilliant.  Touched, sure, but brilliant nonetheless!  Umber\'s salvaged tomes in far worse shape than this.  If it can be saved, he can do it.','Take the Encrusted Silithid Object to Umber - the Cenarion Circle\'s archivist - in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.','Well great monkey toads! What have you got here? It\'s sort of book shaped, I guess... I\'ll try crack this shell on it.$b$bLayo sent you to me from Silithus? I\'ve only heard very hushed rumblings - which I guess aren\'t all that hushed when you think about it - about the horrors that are going on out there. Couple that with my lack of pleasure for anything bug-like, and you\'ve got the recipe for me needing to stay here with the books!','Why, hello there! Hrmm...$b$bLet me be a little honest with you, friend... you smell a bit ripe. Whiffy, one might say. Now I\'m not making a personal assailment of your being. I\'m just saying... in the future, you may want to freshen up a little after coming in from the field. It will make those first impressions a little more positively impressionable!$b$bAnyhoo... what can I do for you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2907insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2862,6845,'Uncovering Past Secrets','Anyway, you should check back with me relatively soon... that is if you want to know what was in here.  As soon as I find out what it is, and if it\'s indeed a book, I\'d be happy to share that information with you.$B$BIn the meantime, I\'d check in with the den mother of this little bear camp, Rabine.  No doubt he\'ll want to know what crazy antics you\'ve been up to.  Never leave the den mother waiting, $N... that is, unless you want to be doused in honey.$B$BIt\'s happened, trust me.','Speak with Rabine Saturna in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.','Ah, $N - I had hoped you would stop by. I am glad to see you well.$b$bI received notice you would be coming in from the field, and I wanted to personally express the Cenarion Circle\'s gratitude for the assistance you\'ve given us thus far. No doubt there are more secrets to uncover from Silithus; your delivery to Umber should prove most interesting once uncovered. Please, accept this as a token of our continued appreciation for your aid.$b$bThank you, generous $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2908insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2863,6846,'Begin the Attack!','My troops are supplied and ready to assault. We just need orders from Noreg Stormpike and I\'ll sent them into the fray!','Get the Stormpike Assault Orders from Corporal Noreg Stormpike and bring it back to Field Marshal Teravaine.','Ah, the orders! They say I\'m to assault at will, and my will says... now!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2909insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2864,6847,'Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye','Your war in the heart of Alterac means nothing to the Syndicate, $c. We will do as we have always done: Wait until a clear victor rises from the ashes and rubble of this madness and then strike.$B$BThat, however, is not why we are here now. The All Seeing Eye has been lost - taken by the Winterax trolls of the region.$B$BRecover the Eye and our services shall be yours - for whatever time remains for your side.$B$BReturn to me once you acquire the eye so that I may examine you.$B$B<Master Ryson grins.>','Recover Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye from the Winterax caves and return it to Master Ryson.$B$BBe warned, it is said that Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye carries with it a terrible curse!','','','Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye Recovered','Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye Recovered','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2910insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2865,6848,'Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye','Your war in the heart of Alterac means nothing to the Syndicate, $c. We will do as we have always done: Wait until a clear victor rises from the ashes and rubble of this madness and then strike.$B$BThat, however, is not why we are here now. The All Seeing Eye has been lost - taken by the Winterax trolls of the region.$B$BRecover the Eye and our services shall be yours - for whatever time remains for your side.$B$BReturn to me once you acquire the eye so that I may examine you.$B$B<Master Ryson grins.>','Recover Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye from the Winterax caves and return it to Master Ryson.$B$BBe warned, it is said that Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye carries with it a terrible curse!','','','Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye Recovered','Master Ryson\'s All Seeing Eye Recovered','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2911insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2866,6861,'Zinfizzlex\'s Portable Shredder Unit','I\'m as anxious as you are to try out my portable shredder unit, $r, but before I can make the kit, I\'m going to need materials - lots of materials!$B$BTo be exact, I\'m going to need a mountain of thorium, mithril, and iron. I will also need one steamsaw per unit. You\'ll have to get those at the lumber mill.$B$BWhen I was nosing around in here (before my capture) I noticed a pile of steamsaws at the Stormpike lumber camp.','Master Engineer Zinfizzlex wants you to bring him the following:$B$B*30 Thorium Bars.$B$B*50 Mithril Bars.$B$B*75 Iron bars.$B$B*1 Steamsaw.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2912insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2867,6862,'Zinfizzlex\'s Portable Shredder Unit','I\'m as anxious as you are to try out my portable shredder unit, $r, but before I can make the kit, I\'m going to need materials - lots of materials!$B$BTo be exact, I\'m going to need a mountain of thorium, mithril, and iron. I will also need one steamsaw per unit. You\'ll have to get those at the lumber mill.$B$BWhen I was nosing around in here (before my capture) I noticed a pile of steamsaws at the Frostwolf lumber camp.','Master Engineer Zinfizzlex wants you to bring him the following:$B$B*30 Thorium Bars.$B$B*50 Mithril Bars.$B$B*75 Iron bars.$B$B*1 Steamsaw.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2913insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2868,6881,'Ivus the Forest Lord','The Frostwolf Clan is protected by a taint of elemental energy. Their shaman meddle in powers that will surely destroy us all if left unchecked.$B$BThe damage has grown too great for the Circle to control! Ivus must be called to our aid.$B$BThe Frostwolf soldiers carry elemental charms called storm crystals. We can use the charms to conjure Ivus. Venture forth and claim the crystals, $N!','The Frostwolf soldiers carry elemental charms called storm crystals. We can use the charms to conjure Ivus. Venture forth and claim the crystals, $N!','Well done, $N. I will use the power of this charm to augment the magic that has already been gathered. When enough power has been amassed, I shall focus the collected energies and call upon the Forest Lord to aid our cause.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2914insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2869,6901,'Launch the Attack!','My warriors are eager to attack! All I need are the assault orders...','Get the Frostwolf Assault Orders from Sergeant Yazra Bloodsnarl and bring it back to Warmaster Garrick.','It\'s about time! Now we can show the Alliance their folly in coming to Alterac Valley!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2915insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2870,6921,'Amongst the Ruins','The Twilight\'s Hammer has moved into the Moonshrine Ruins of Blackfathom Deeps.  Their presence can only serve to coerce the elements into working against us.  If left unchecked, this region will be theirs for good.$B$B$N, go into Blackfathom and find the ruin\'s fathom stone; it should be somewhere close in the water.  In it is a fathom core - a device that when properly read it will relate a history of all elemental activity.  If I have it, I and the Earthen Ring can maybe do something to stop them!','Bring the Fathom Core to Je\'neu Sancrea at Zoram\'gar Outpost, Ashenvale.','This is exactly what I need! A fathom core is an incredible well of information that we will be able to draw much good from. Whatever the Twilight\'s Hammer is up to in there - and believe me when I say it is no good - my comrades and I will now uncover.$b$bYou\'ve done well here today; the Earthen Ring looks upon you warmly for assisting us. You\'ve also helped the Horde as a whole, and for that you should be proud.','Have you been successful in locating the fathom core? Without it we\'ll have no idea what the Twilight\'s Hammer is exactly up to down there.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2916insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2871,6922,'Baron Aquanis','The defeated water elemental has left behind a strange water globe.  You surmise that the object somehow fed the beast energy.  Inside the globe, a putrid-looking form of water sloshes about.  The globe itself seems impervious to any sort of physical force.$B$BIf anyone can make any sense of this item, it would be Je\'neu Sancrea of the Earthen Ring.  He is located at the Horde\'s Zoram\'gar Outpost in Ashenvale.','Bring the Strange Water Globe to Je\'neu Sancrea at Zoram\'gar Outpost, Ashenvale.','This... this is quite the find, $N.$B$BYou acquired this from Baron Aquanis in Blackfathom, you say?  Baron Aquanis has long been thought of as a corrupted elemental power; this globe will prove what exactly had corrupted him.  While it would be no surprise if it turned out to be the Twilight\'s Hammer, our studies will also show how they did it as well.$B$BYou did well in bringing this to me.  Please - take this, along with the Earthen Ring\'s warmest regards.','Ah, hello again $N.  I was just reading the waves the sea, much like I always do.  What brings you to the outpost?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2917insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2872,6941,'Call of Air - Vipore\'s Fleet','The elite Frostwolf units that guard the lines must be dealt with, soldier! I\'m tasking you with thinning out that herd of savages. Return to me with medals from their lieutenants and legionnaires. When I feel that enough of the riff-raff has been dealt with, I\'ll deploy the air strike.','Return to me with medals from their lieutenants and legionnaires.','The flight will be ready soon. Continue your efforts!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2918insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2873,6942,'Call of Air - Slidore\'s Fleet','My gryphons are poised to strike at the front lines but cannot make the attack until the lines are thinned out.$B$BThe Frostwolf warriors charged with holding the front lines wear medals of service proudly upon their chests. Rip those medals off their rotten corpses and bring them back here.$B$BOnce the front line is sufficiently thinned out, I will make the call to air! Death from above!','Rip the Frostwolf Soldier\'s Medals off their rotten corpses and bring them back here.','Keep em coming, soldier! The Aerie gryphons will be ready to strike in no time at all!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2919insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2874,6943,'Call of Air - Ichman\'s Fleet','Their spirits are low, soldier. After our last failed air strike against the Horde, they refuse to fly! It is up to you to bolster their morale.$B$BReturn to the battlefield and strike at the heart of the Frostwolf\'s command. Take down their commanders and guardians. Return to me with as many of their medals as you can stuff in your pack! I promise you, when my gryphons see the bounty and smell the blood of our enemies, they will fly again! Go now!','Take down their commanders or guardians and return to me with their Commander\'s Medals!','Can you see it? Look at them, soldier! They\'re coming around... Soon, Ichman\'s flight will once again strike at the heart of the valley! Stormpike will rule the skies!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2920insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2875,6961,'Great-father Winter is Here!','Have a wondrous Winter Veil, friend!  Be sure to say hello to Greatfather Winter!  If you\'ve been nice this year, you\'ll receive wondrous treats on the day of the Feast of Winter Veil.  Be sure to tell him what you hope to get this year!$B$BAlso, be sure to stock up on treats to give those who\'ve been nice this year.  We have a great selection to choose from.  Fresh from our farm to your plate - it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness!','Speak with Greatfather Winter; he is located near the Smokywood Pastures vendor area in Orgrimmar.','Ho ho hello.  I am Greatfather Winter, and I - courtesy of the fine folks of Smokywood Pastures... \"Fresh from our farm to your plate, it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness\" - would like to wish you a fantastic Feast of Winter Veil.$B$BIf you\'ve been good this year, maybe you will receive treats from Smokywood Pastures as your treat for the Feast of Winter Veil.  Huzzah.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2921insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2876,6962,'Treats for Great-father Winter','Hey, can you do Greatfather Winter a favor, um, little $g boy : girl;?$B$BNot to needlessly talk about myself in the third person, but Greatfather Winter has been at this all day and he could use a treat himself.  Some gingerbread cookies and ice cold milk to wash them down with would really hit the spot.  Think you could be a friend to the Greatfather and fetch some for me?','Bring 5 Gingerbread Cookies and an Ice Cold Milk to Greatfather Winter in Orgrimmar.','You\'re quite the helper to ol\' Greatfather Winter there, $N.  Have a great Feast of Winter Veil.$B$BHere\'s a little something... you know, for the effort.','All this talk of treats has given me a hankering for some myself.  Mmmm... gingerbread cookies and milk...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2922insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2877,6963,'Stolen Winter Veil Treats','Listen... not to shatter the magic of the season here, but Smokywood Pastures could use some assistance - the kind you adventuring types are known to give.$B$BWe\'re missing an important shipment of treats that was restocking us for the season, and now we\'re missing the agent of Smokywood Pastures that we sent out to the field to find it!  Please - the shipment was last reported in the Alterac Mountains, and that\'s where our man went to look for it.$B$BSee if both are out there, safe and sound!','Locate the Smokywood Pastures investigator that has gone missing in the snowy regions of the Alterac Mountains.','Y-y-you can h-h-hear me!  Thank the b-b-bottom line!$B$BI\'m not really a s-s-snowman - my n-n-name is Sacks, and I w-w-work for the Orgrimmar b-b-branch of Smokywood Pastures... I g-g-got sent out here to look for a m-m-missing package, when I was attacked by a c-c-creature I have never seen b-b-before!$B$BSo v-v-very cold...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2923insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2878,6964,'The Reason for the Season','Gifts, treats, presents... bah, I say!$B$BThose goblins pollute the true meaning of this season - the Feast of Winter Veil.  This is a time of renewal; the land slumbers under a blanket of snow brought forth by Greatfather Winter, who is NOT the bumbling fool over there in the red suit!$B$BIf you\'re interested in learning what the Feast is all about for yourself, ask Sagorne Creststrider.  I\'m sure he\'ll be surprised that someone cares about history rather than getting presents.','Speak with Sagorne Creststrider in the Valley of Wisdom of Orgrimmar about the Feast of Winter Veil.','The Feast of Winter Veil, you say?  Alas, in times past it held a more substantial meaning to us tauren.  Nowadays, it seems as though others have turned the legend of this season of renewal into something that helps to sell candies and presents.$B$BIt\'s no surprise that Furmund is bitter about that sort of change.  He and other tauren like him cling to our past like a banner of war.  While I think a little celebration is always good, it is important to remember the origins of the Feast.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2924insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2879,6981,'The Glowing Shard','The shard is a brilliant green, and although solid, what looks like smoke swirls just below the surface. You can\'t help staring into the depths of the crystal; at the same time, you know there is something very disturbing about it.$B$BMaybe you should see if anyone in Ratchet can tell you more about this strange shard.','Travel to Ratchet to find someone that can tell you more about the glowing shard.$B$BThen, deliver the shard as you are directed.','Oh... I have never seen anything like this...','Hello, $R. What can I do for you?','Speak with someone in Ratchet about the Glowing Shard','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2925insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2880,6982,'Coldtooth Supplies','The Coldtooth mine is a storage depot for the Horde.  I can\'t stomach the food they give their troops, and the state of their arms and armor is atrocious!  But... in times like these when supplies are so important, we can use what they have.$B$BEnter the Coldtooth mine and bring me back their supplies.  That will help keep the Alliance in fighting shape, and remove much needed equipment from the Horde\'s warriors.$B$BGood luck, $N.  The mine is to the distant south, deep in Horde territory.','Bring 10 Coldtooth Supplies to the Alliance Quartermaster in Dun Baldar.','Ah, you got them. Good work, $N! These supplies are a little musty from sitting in that dark mine for so long, but we\'ll make use of them nonetheless.$B$BThank you, $N. Your deeds are vital to the maintenance of our fighting forces.','Have you been to the Coldtooth mine, $N? Do you have the supplies I asked for?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2926insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2881,6983,'You\'re a Mean One...','A c-c-creature called \"The Abominable Greench\" is the one w-w-who stole our shipment of t-t-treats, $N.  Be c-c-careful though!  He is t-t-the one who turned me into this s-s-snowy mess!$B$BYou\'re g-g-gonna need some help in f-f-facing him.  I\'ve seen him w-w-wander all around where the y-y-yeti are; he\'s s-s-surely here s-s-somewhere!  F-f-find the treats $N, take them b-b-back to Smokywood Pastures in Orgrimmar, and t-t-tell them I n-n-need to be unfrozen!','Locate and return the Stolen Treats to Kaymard Copperpinch in Orgrimmar.  It was last thought to be in the possession of the Abominable Greench, found somewhere in the snowy regions of the Alterac Mountains.','You found it!  You\'ve saved Smokywood Pasture\'s Feast of Winter Veil!$B$BPoor Sacks... we\'ll be sure to send a team out there and figure out a way to unfreeze him.  Hopefully, he\'ll be back in time for the day of the Feast; he\'ll need to make up missed time working though.  Still, this wouldn\'t even be possible if it weren\'t for you!','$N - our Feast of Winter Veil will be ruined without those treats to restock!  Graccu himself will miss out on sharing his delicious meat pies with all the good boys and girls this season...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2927insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2882,6984,'A Smokywood Pastures\' Thank You!','We at Smokywood Pastures appreciate the recovery of the stolen treats, $N.  For that, we\'d like to offer you a special gift... presented by none other than Great-father Winter himself!$B$BPlease, speak with Great-father Winter, and he will give you your Feast of Winter Veil gift from us here at Smokywood Pastures.  From our farm to your plate, it\'s always Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness... thanks to you, of course!','Speak with Great-father Winter in Orgrimmar.','Ho ho hello, adventurer!$B$BThe goblins told me that you have earned a special gift this holiday season, and I am pleased to give it to you.  Here you go - have a wondrous Feast of Winter Veil this and every season in the future.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2928insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2883,6985,'Irondeep Supplies','The Stormpike dwarves are using the Irondeep mine as a storage depot.  I want you to raid that mine and bring me its supplies.  This will curtail the Stormpikes\' efforts in Alterac Valley, and will provide us with needed equipment!$B$BBe wary, $N.  The Irondeep mine is deep in Alliance territory, and control of the mine is as shifting as the snows of Alterac.','Bring 10 Irondeep Supplies to the Horde Quartermaster in Frostwolf Keep.','You got them! Nicely done, $N! And I hope you saw a few dwarves during your raid, and shed their blood for the Frostwolves!','Did you enter the Irondeep mine, $N? Did you raid its supplies?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2929insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2884,7001,'Empty Stables','The war in the valley has taken its toll on our soldiers. We must revitalize our forces!$B$BIf we can fill up the stables, the Wolf Riders will once more be able to ride out into the field of battle.$B$BTake this muzzle and track down the frostwolves that inhabit the nearby forest. Once you find a wolf, use the muzzle to tame the beast. Bring the tamed beast back to me so that I may place it in the stable.$B$BWhen we have enough wolves stabled, the Wolf Riders will rejoin their patrol on our front lines.','Locate a Frostwolf in Alterac Valley. Use the Frostwolf Muzzle when you are near the Frostwolf to \'tame\' the beast. Once tamed, the Frostwolf will follow you back to the Frostwolf Stable Master. Speak with the Frostwolf Stable Master to earn credit for the capture.','I can only hope that those charged with collecting ram hides are as determined as you, $N.$B$BAt this rate, we will have the stables full in a matter of hours!','Without your help, the Frostwolf Wolf Riders would not have mounts to ride into battle. You do us a great service!','','Frostwolf Muzzled and Returned','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2930insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2885,7002,'Ram Hide Harnesses','While some of our soldiers are busy capturing wolves for the stable master, others must provide for the simple necessities that riding requires. I am speaking of riding harnesses, of course.$B$BYou must strike at the indigenous rams of the region. The very same rams that the Stormpike cavalry uses as mounts!$B$BSlay them and return to me with their hides. Once we have gathered enough hides, we will fashion harnesses for the riders. The Frostwolf Wolf Riders will ride once more!','Slay them and return to me with their hides. The same rams that the Stormpike cavalry uses as mounts!','Well done, soldier. I will notify you when I have stockpiled enough of the hides.$B$BCarry on!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2931insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2886,7003,'Zapped Giants','I\'m going to have to do something about the giants if I stay out here!  They\'re certainly not good for business, now are they?$B$BI\'ve been working on a variant of a gnomish shrinking ray, but I\'m using superior GOBLIN technological advances in its construction!  In an effort to avoid inconveniences for myself such as death, I\'d like for you to try it out on any of the giants in Feralas.  You should find miniaturization residue on them after you shrink them - bring me back some!','Use Zorbin\'s Ultra-Shrinker to zap any kind of giant found in Feralas into a more manageable form.  Bring 15 Miniaturization Residues found on the zapped versions of these giants to Zorbin Fandazzle at the docks of the Forgotten Coast, Feralas.','Splendifimous!  Not only am I glad to see that you\'ve returned with the residue, but also with all your major appendages intact!  That is, well, there was never any danger in using the Ultra-Shrinker, now was there!$B$BI do appreciate your effort on my behalf, $N.  Truly, you are a friend to goblins everywhere.  Accept this as a token of my appreciation!','Miniaturization residue, I assure you, is a valuable commodity when it comes to engineering!  Well, it is valuable in that it helps me make sure the zapper won\'t do something as disappointing as explode on the user.$B$BOh, I mean for the zappers other than the one I gave you.  Absolutely!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2932insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2887,7021,'Great-father Winter is Here!','Have a wondrous Winter Veil, friend!  Be sure to say hello to Greatfather Winter, who\'s currently in Orgrimmar!  If you\'ve been nice this year, you\'ll receive wondrous treats on the day of the Feast of Winter Veil.  Be sure to tell him what you hope to get this year!$B$BAlso, be sure to stock up on treats to give those who\'ve been nice this year.  We have a great selection to choose from.  Fresh from our farm to your plate - it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness!','Speak with Greatfather Winter; he is located near the Smokywood Pastures vendor area in Orgrimmar.','Ho ho hello. I am Greatfather Winter, and I - courtesy of the fine folks of Smokywood Pastures... \"Fresh from our farm to your plate, it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness\" - would like to wish you a fantastic Feast of Winter Veil.$B$BIf you\'ve been good this year, maybe you will receive treats from Smokywood Pastures as your treat for the Feast of Winter Veil. Huzzah.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2933insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2888,7022,'Greatfather Winter is Here!','Have a wondrous Winter Veil, friend!  Be sure to say hello to Greatfather Winter!  If you\'ve been nice this year, you\'ll receive wondrous treats on the day of the Feast of Winter Veil.  Be sure to tell him what you hope to get this year!$B$BAlso, be sure to stock up on treats to give those who\'ve been nice this year.  We have a great selection to choose from.  Fresh from our farm to your plate - it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness!','Speak with Greatfather Winter; he is located near the Smokywood Pastures vendor area in Ironforge.','Ho ho hello. I am Greatfather Winter, and I - courtesy of the fine folks of Smokywood Pastures... \"Fresh from our farm to your plate, it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness\" - would like to wish you a fantastic Feast of Winter Veil.$B$BIf you\'ve been good this year, maybe you will receive treats from Smokywood Pastures as your treat for the Feast of Winter Veil. Huzzah.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2934insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2889,7023,'Greatfather Winter is Here!','Have a wondrous Winter Veil, friend!  Be sure to say hello to Greatfather Winter, who\'s currently in Ironforge!  If you\'ve been nice this year, you\'ll receive wondrous treats on the day of the Feast of Winter Veil.  Be sure to tell him what you hope to get this year!$B$BAlso, be sure to stock up on treats to give those who\'ve been nice this year.  We have a great selection to choose from.  Fresh from our farm to your plate - it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness!','Speak with Greatfather Winter; he is located near the Smokywood Pastures vendor area in Ironforge.','Ho ho hello. I am Greatfather Winter, and I - courtesy of the fine folks of Smokywood Pastures... \"Fresh from our farm to your plate, it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness\" - would like to wish you a fantastic Feast of Winter Veil.$B$BIf you\'ve been good this year, maybe you will receive treats from Smokywood Pastures as your treat for the Feast of Winter Veil. Huzzah.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2935insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2890,7024,'Great-father Winter is Here!','Have a wondrous Winter Veil, friend!  Be sure to say hello to Greatfather Winter, who\'s currently in Orgrimmar!  If you\'ve been nice this year, you\'ll receive wondrous treats on the day of the Feast of Winter Veil.  Be sure to tell him what you hope to get this year!$B$BAlso, be sure to stock up on treats to give those who\'ve been nice this year.  We have a great selection to choose from.  Fresh from our farm to your plate - it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness!','Speak with Greatfather Winter; he is located near the Smokywood Pastures vendor area in Orgrimmar.','Ho ho hello. I am Greatfather Winter, and I - courtesy of the fine folks of Smokywood Pastures... \"Fresh from our farm to your plate, it\'s Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness\" - would like to wish you a fantastic Feast of Winter Veil.$B$BIf you\'ve been good this year, maybe you will receive treats from Smokywood Pastures as your treat for the Feast of Winter Veil. Huzzah.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2936insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2891,7025,'Treats for Greatfather Winter','Hey, can you do Greatfather Winter a favor, um, little $g boy : girl;?$B$BNot to needlessly talk about myself in the third person, but Greatfather Winter has been at this all day and he could use a treat himself.  Some gingerbread cookies and ice cold milk to wash them down with would really hit the spot.  Think you could be a friend to the Greatfather and fetch some for me?','Bring 5 Gingerbread Cookies and an Ice Cold Milk to Greatfather Winter in Ironforge.','You\'re quite the helper to ol\' Greatfather Winter there, $N.  Have a great Feast of Winter Veil.$B$BHere\'s a little something... you know, for the effort.','All this talk of treats has given me a hankering for some myself.  Mmmm... gingerbread cookies and milk...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2937insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2892,7026,'Ram Riding Harnesses','The Stormpike Brigade cannot charge into battle bareback! We require harnesses for our mounts, after all, we are not savages.$B$BWhile we could easily slay the rams that roam near our base for the leather required to fashion a harness, doing so would be idiotic. We need those rams for mounts.$B$BYou must strike at our enemy\'s base, slaying the frostwolves they use as mounts and taking their hides. Return their hides to me so that harnesses may be made for the cavalry. Go!','Slaying the frostwolves they use as mounts and return their hides to me.','Well done, soldier. I will notify you when I have stockpiled enough of the hides.$B$BCarry on!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2938insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2893,7027,'Empty Stables','Just look at the stables, $N! Empty! The Stormpike Brigade has no rams to ride - the cavalry is defunct.$B$BYou must help us, soldier. Take this training collar and enter the wilds of this valley. Locate the Alterac rams that roam throughout the area and use the collar to snare one. When you have captured a ram, return it to me and I shall place it in our stable.$B$BWhen we have enough rams, the ram rider commander will be notifed. With your help, the cavalry will be reborn!','Locate an Alterac Ram in Alterac Valley. Use the Stormpike Training Collar when you are near the Alterac Ram to \'tame\' the beast. Once tamed, the Alterac Ram will follow you back to the Stable Master. Speak with the Stable Master to earn credit for the capture.\r\n','The stables will be full in no time at all. Keep up the good work!','Without your help, the Stormpike Ram Riders would not have mounts to ride into battle. You do us a great service!','','Ram Collared and Returned','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2939insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2894,7028,'Twisted Evils','The crystal caverns of Terramok lie to the west, deep within Maraudon... It is an ancient place with much history. And I am looking to get my hands on some of it, $c. Relics of the old gods lie hidden behind the giant doors.$B$BIf you are willing to brave the twisted evils found in Maraudon, I believe I can make it worth your time. Collect the theradric crystal carvings you find, and return them to me.$B$BOnce I get the carvings, I will be able to... study them. These powers have been too long at rest... ','Collect 15 Theradric Crystal Carvings for Willow in Desolace.','Ha ha ha! I knew you\'d be back.$b$b<Willow mutters>$b$b...So easy to convince.$b$b...Will do anything for the right price. Heh heh heh...','Don\'t ask questions!$b$bYou have my request.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2940insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2895,7029,'Vyletongue Corruption','A satyr known as Vyletongue has corrupted the caverns of Maraudon, stunting the growth of many of the plants inside.$B$BTake this vial, $N. Fill it at the orange crystal pool found inside the caverns; the coating inside the vial will counter the toxins, turning it into a healing agent.$B$BFind the Vylestem vines inside the orange caverns, and use the purified liquid on them. The corruption will be purged from the plant, but do know that Vyletongue will still control it. He may use it against you...','Fill the Coated Cerulean Vial at the orange crystal pool in Maraudon.$B$BUse the Filled Cerulean Vial on the Vylestem Vines to force the corrupted Noxxious Scion to emerge.$B$BHeal 8 plants by killing these Noxxious Scion, then return to Vark Battlescar in Shadowprey Village.','Thank you for returning this, $N. With the remaining liquid you brought me, I can continue my studies.$b$bWhile there is still much to do, you have helped to heal some of the corruption that Vyletongue spread through Maraudon. Please take this with my gratitude.','If you are able to heal the plant, it will again begin to grow. We must do what we can, $N...','','Vylestem Vines healed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2941insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2896,7041,'Vyletongue Corruption','A satyr known as Vyletongue has corrupted the caverns of Maraudon, stunting the growth of many of the plants inside.$B$BTake this vial, $N. Fill it at the corrupted orange pool found inside the caverns; the coating inside the vial will counter the toxins, turning it into a healing agent.$B$BFind the Vylestem vines inside the orange caverns, and use the purified liquid on them. The corruption will be purged from the plant, but do know that Vyletongue will still control it. He may use it against you...','Fill the Coated Cerulean Vial at the orange crystal pool in Maraudon.$B$BUse the Filled Cerulean Vial on the Vylestem Vines to force the corrupted Noxxious Scion to emerge.$B$BHeal 8 plants by killing these Noxxious Scion, then return to Talendria in Nijel\'s Point.','Thank you for returning this, $N. With the remaining liquid you brought me, I can continue my studies.$b$bWhile there is still much to do, you have helped to heal some of the corruption that Vyletongue spread through Maraudon. Please take this with my gratitude.','If you are able to heal the plant, it will again begin to grow. We must do what we can, $N...','','Vylestem Vines healed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2942insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2897,7042,'Stolen Winter Veil Treats','Listen... not to shatter the magic of the season here, but Smokywood Pastures could use some assistance - the kind you adventuring types are known to give.$B$BWe\'re missing an important shipment of treats that was restocking us for the season, and now we\'re missing the agent of Smokywood Pastures that we sent out to the field to find it!  Please - the shipment was last reported in the Alterac Mountains, and that\'s where our man went to look for it.$B$BSee if both are out there, safe and sound!','Locate the Smokywood Pastures investigator that has gone missing in the snowy regions of the Alterac Mountains.','Y-y-you can h-h-hear me! Thank the b-b-bottom line!$b$bI\'m not really a s-s-snowman - my n-n-name is Sacks, and I w-w-work for the Ironforge b-b-branch of Smokywood Pastures... I g-g-got sent out here to look for a m-m-missing package, when I was attacked by a c-c-creature I have never seen b-b-before!$b$bSo v-v-very cold...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2943insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2898,7043,'You\'re a Mean One...','A c-c-creature called \"The Abominable Greench\" is the one w-w-who stole our shipment of t-t-treats, $N.  Be c-c-careful though!  He is t-t-the one who turned me into this s-s-snowy mess!$B$BYou\'re g-g-gonna need some help in f-f-facing him.  I\'ve seen him w-w-wander all around where the y-y-yeti are; he\'s s-s-surely here s-s-somewhere!  F-f-find the treats $N, take them b-b-back to Smokywood Pastures in Ironforge, and t-t-tell them I n-n-need to be unfrozen!','Locate and return the Stolen Treats to Wulmort Jinglepocket in Ironforge.  It was last thought to be in the possession of the Abominable Greench, found somewhere in the snowy regions of the Alterac Mountains.\r\n','You found it!  You\'ve saved Smokywood Pasture\'s Feast of Winter Veil!$B$BPoor Sacks... we\'ll be sure to send a team out there and figure out a way to unfreeze him.  Hopefully, he\'ll be back in time for the day of the Feast; he\'ll need to make up missed time working though.  Still, this wouldn\'t even be possible if it weren\'t for you!','$N - our Feast of Winter Veil will be ruined without those treats to restock!  Graccu himself will miss out on sharing his delicious meat pies with all the good boys and girls this season...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2944insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2899,7044,'Legends of Maraudon','A dark satyr called Lord Vyletongue spread his evil through these twisting caves, poisoning the minds of all inside. He still resides beyond the purple crystals.$B$BVyletongue also created a living symbol of his corruption called Noxxion that dwells beyond the orange crystals. Together, they have stolen the two parts of my brother\'s scepter. Celebras, my brother... he wanders blindly inside, cursed by corruption.$B$BYou must help him! Find the pieces, and speak to my brother... somehow.','Recover the two parts of the Scepter of Celebras: the Celebrian Rod and the Celebrian Diamond.$B$BFind a way to speak with Celebras.','Now that you have recovered the two parts of my scepter, I have hope that Maraudon may one day be rid of the Vyle corruption.','I have awoken from a nightmare that seemed it would never end...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2945insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2900,7045,'A Smokywood Pastures\' Thank You!','We at Smokywood Pastures appreciate the recovery of the stolen treats, $N.  For that, we\'d like to offer you a special gift... presented by none other than Greatfather Winter himself!$B$BPlease, speak with Greatfather Winter, and he will give you your Feast of Winter Veil gift from us here at Smokywood Pastures.  From our farm to your plate, it\'s always Smokywood Pastures wholesome goodness... thanks to you, of course!','Speak with Greatfather Winter in Ironforge.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2946insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2901,7046,'The Scepter of Celebras','My scepter was once a source of hope for me. Its power allowed me the freedom to travel quickly through these caverns. I had hoped to bring peace to the spirit of my uncle... It is a task that I now pass to you.$B$BFor the two parts to once again become one, I will need your assistance in performing the ritual. Please follow me, and listen to my instructions while I channel the energy required to reunite the rod with the diamond.$B$BTogether, we shall create the Scepter of Celebras once again!','Assist Celebras the Redeemed while he creates the Scepter of Celebras.$B$BSpeak with him when the ritual is complete.','Please take this, and know that the power allotted to you now must be used for good. Continue your journey through the caverns, and with hope, you will find the remains of my uncle. Much danger awaits you, $N.$B$BSpeak with me again should the need arise.','If you wish to restart the ritual, please abandon our first attempt and then speak to me again.','','Create the Scepter of Celebras','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2947insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2902,7061,'The Feast of Winter Veil','Here - if you are interested in learning more about the Feast of Winter Veil, read this book.  While I think our recognition of the legend is the appropriate one, I\'m enough of a student of legends to appreciate the collection of all information into a single source.$B$BWhen you\'re done, take the book to Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff.  I know for a fact he\'d be interested in hearing that others have taken an interest in the lore of our people.  ','Feel free to read the book, \"The Feast of Winter Veil\", to learn more about the holiday.  When you are finished with the book, deliver it to Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff.','The legends and lore surrounding the Winter Veil are ones that have faded from the forefront of public though over the years.  Yes, I know that the goblins are helping to revive the season for their own ends, the fact that our people reflect upon it at least in some form does good to keep such lore alive.$B$BYour desire to go beyond the material and learn about our past is an admirable trait, young $c.  I salute your wisdom.','I bid you welcome to Mulgore and our humble community of Thunder Bluff, friend.  I always take an interest in those who choose to take an interest in the kingdom, its people, and its lore.  Is this why you are standing before me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2948insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2903,7062,'The Reason for the Season','Gifts, treats, presents... bah, I say!$B$BThose goblins pollute the true meaning of this season - the Feast of Winter Veil.  This is a time of renewal; the land slumbers under a blanket of snow brought forth by Greatfather Winter, who is NOT the bumbling fool over there in the red suit!$B$BIf you\'re interested in learning what the Feast is all about for yourself, ask Historian Karnik at the Explorer\'s League.  I\'m sure he\'ll be surprised that someone cares about history rather than getting presents.','Speak with Historian Karnik at the Explorer\'s League in Ironforge about the Feast of Winter Veil.','The Feast of Winter Veil, you say? Alas, in times past it held a more substantial meaning to us dwarves. Nowadays, it seems as though others have turned the legend of Greatfather Winter into something that helps to sell candies and presents.$b$bIt\'s no surprise that Goli is bitter about that sort of change. He and other dwarves like him cling to our past like a banner of war. While I think a little celebration is always good, it is important to remember the origins of the Feast.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2949insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2904,7063,'The Feast of Winter Veil','Here - if you are interested in learning more about the Feast of Winter Veil, read this book.  While I think our recognition of the legend is the appropriate one, I\'m enough of a scholar to appreciate the collection of all information into a single source.$B$BWhen you\'re done, take the book to King Magni Bronzebeard.  I know for a fact he\'d be interested in hearing that others have taken an interest in the older legends.  ','Feel free to read the book, \"The Feast of Winter Veil\", to learn more about the holiday.  When you are finished with the book, deliver it to King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge.','The legends and lore surrounding the Winter Veil are ones that have faded from the forefront of public though over the years. While I recognize that the goblins are helping to revive the season for their own ends, the fact that the citizenry thinks about it at least in some form does good to keep such lore alive.$b$bYour desire to go beyond the material and learn about our past is an admirable trait, young $C. I salute your erudite nature.','I bid you welcome to the Kingdom of Ironforge, friend. I always take an interest in those who choose to take an interest in the kingdom, its people, and its lore. Is this why you are standing before me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2950insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2905,7064,'Corruption of Earth and Seed','Deep in Maraudon lives an evil creature of chaos--Princess Theradras is an elemental force of earth related to the Old Gods. Ages ago, she and Zaetar, first son of Cenarius, began a relationship. The offspring of their time together became known to the people of Kalimdor as centaur. Ever-thankful creatures, the centaur killed Zaetar, and now hold Zaetar\'s remains. My quest here is to find those powerful enough to slay Theradras so we may recover Zaetar\'s remains before returning to Stonetalon.','Slay Princess Theradras and return to Selendra near Shadowprey Village in Desolace.','This is most wonderful news, $N! Thank you!$b$bI will speak with Marandis and ask his wisdom on the topic of Zaetar\'s remains, but at least you have overcome the hardest of the tasks.$b$bI was told that if we were successful in our mission, I had permission to reward those who aided us. I was given these items as tokens from our people--you may choose one.','I would prefer to fight this battle on our own, but we are left with no other options--we need those more powerful, and the races of Azeroth have proven without a doubt they can overcome such things when they work together. So it is to you we turn for help.$B$BI only hope it is enough.$B$BZaetar, brother to Remulos, brought many pains to this world, and ultimately it caused his own death. I just hope I have not caused more death by asking you to aid us.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2951insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2906,7065,'Corruption of Earth and Seed','In the depths of Maraudon lives a creature of chaos and evil, $N. Princess Theradras is an elemental force of earth related somehow to the Old Gods. Ages ago, she was sought out by Zaetar, first son of Cenarius. The offspring of their... relationship are the creatures known as centaur. Ever-thankful creatures, the centaur killed Zaetar, and now Theradras keeps his remains. My quest here is to find those powerful enough to slay Theradras so we may recover Zaetar\'s remains before returning to Stonetalon.','Slay Princess Theradras and return to Keeper Marandis at Nijel\'s Point in Desolace.','This is most wonderful news, $N! Thank you!$B$BAlthough it concerns me that you were not able to bring back Zaetar\'s remains, who am I to question the will of Cenarius\' first born. Perhaps now the will of the centaur will break and their thirst for blood will lesson--we can only hope.$B$BIf successful in our mission, I was given these items to reward any who aided us. You may choose one as a token of thanks.','I feel the weight of imposing my plea on the mortal races, but we are left with no other options. The races of Azeroth have proven without a doubt they can overcome such things when they work together, so it is to them I ask for help.$B$BI only hope it is enough.$B$BZaetar, brother to Remulos, brought many pains to this world, and ultimately it caused his own death. There is a lesson there to all of us if we are wise enough to see it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2952insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2907,7066,'Seed of Life','The misbegotten centaur--my sons and daughters--have need of their father.$B$BLook around you--this place rings of hope and all that my father Cenarius preaches. It sprung from me! And I cannot take that away from them... not even for their crimes against me.$B$BBut there is one thing I would ask of you to ease my brother\'s mind. Take this... it is the first seed that fell from the life my remains nourished. Tell him my spirit remains here, and that I live on. I am sure he will understand.','Seek out Remulos in Moonglade and give him the Seed of Life.','So my brother has finally found peace? I am proud to have lived to see this day. In all his arrogance and anger, I truly thought he was lost to us, but this... this symbol of his sacrifice only proves that he is not lost--he has only been reborn. He takes his place in nature as was his duty.$B$BThank you, $N. By bringing this to me, you have secured a small amount of hope that I thought I had once lost. This seed will be important to the people of this war-torn land some day... I can sense it.','You have the scent of corruption on you, $N... much like many adventurers these days. But something about you is different. Is there something you\'ve come to speak to me about? You have an aura about you that seems familiar, but I cannot place it.$B$BPlease, I implore you, tell me why you\'ve sought an audience with me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2953insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2908,7067,'The Pariah\'s Instructions','Though exiled as a heretic, my beliefs still ring true--that alone drives me onward. But for my destiny to be complete, I need the aid of an outsider... one not of any centaur tribe.$B$BThe task requires someone to enter the holy halls of Maraudon--a tomb my people protect, and only the most devout are ever allowed to enter.$B$BIf you agree to aid me, then you need only nod. I will pass you a parchment with my instructions on it. Read it over and consider my words.','Read the Pariah\'s Instructions. Afterwards, obtain the Amulet of Union from Maraudon and return it to the Centaur Pariah in southern Desolace.','This is it, $R! This is it! Now I can begin the great task of uniting the tribes. Thank you.$b$bTake this for your efforts, please. I hope when next we meet, it will be on much different terms.','What did you decide, $N? Can you help me? Will you set foot on holy ground to help me forge one great centaur tribe!?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2954insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2909,7068,'Shadowshard Fragments','Strong magics be found in the centaur holy place... the holy place of Maraudon. The Desolace tribes of centaur protect that place wit\' their lives, but they canna stop us from takin\' what we need.$B$BYou, you head to this Maraudon place and find the rock creatures made of shadowshard. You bring me the purple crystals, and Uthel\'nay make you somethin\' for your time.$B$BThe place be dangerous, so maybe you be bringing some friends.','Collect 10 Shadowshard Fragments from Maraudon and return them to Uthel\'nay in Orgrimmar.','Ah, these be perfect for me magics. Here, you take one of these trinkets and be on your way... me got much studyin\' to do.','You find the crystals yet? Rituals of power, spells of great strength--those shadowshards maybe very helpful in all kind of arcane magics.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2955insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2910,7070,'Shadowshard Fragments','I\'ve recently begun testing various crystals and their arcane properties. Lady Proudmoore has given me leave to ask travelers heading into Desolace to seek out a place called Maraudon. Within the ruined temple are great elementals composed of purplish stones I\'ve named shadowshards.$B$BIf you decide to head that direction and find some of the crystals, I would be very thankful. I could even fashion you a trinket from them if you so desired.','Collect 10 Shadowshard Fragments from Maraudon and return them to Archmage Tervosh in Theramore on the coast of Dustwallow Marsh.','These are perfect, $N. I actually had other adventurers return from there also and from them I was able to fashion these... please, feel free to take one for your hard work. And thank you again for more samples to study.','Have you made the trip yet? I realize it\'d be quite dangerous, but if you were successful, it would very much be worth it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2956insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2911,7081,'Alterac Valley Graveyards','The graveyards in Alterac Valley are prized territories.  Both the Horde and the Alliance fight savagely for these sacred grounds.  Are you, $N, ready to join that fight?$B$BI want you to assault an enemy graveyard.  Find a graveyard with a Horde banner in its midst, and pull it from the ground!  Do that, and your task will be complete....$B$BBut if you can also hold the graveyard for a few minutes, then our troops will soon come to relieve you.','Assault a graveyard, then return to Sergeant Durgen Stormpike in the Alterac Mountains.','Well done! Graveyards are vital to our control of Alterac Valley. When you capture one, you help ensure the Alliance\'s sovereignty here.$B$BGo now, $N. Reenter the battle, and if you see a graveyard under the Horde\'s control... you know what to do!','$N, you have not yet assaulted a graveyard. Return to me when this task is complete!','','Graveyard Assaulted','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2957insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2912,7082,'The Graveyards of Alterac','The battle lines of Alterac Valley are ever shifting.  Territories swing back and forth as we meet our opponents in deadly combat.  And graveyards, $N, are where battles rage most fierce.$B$BI want you to attack an Alliance held graveyard!  Find a graveyard with an Alliance banner in its midst and pull it from the ground.$B$BDo that and your task for me will be complete, but... if you hold the graveyard for a few minutes, then it will be ours and troops will come and relieve you.','Assault a graveyard, then return to Corporal Teeka Bloodsnarl in the Alterac Mountains.','Well done, $N! With each graveyard under our control, the spirits of our enemies will wander more lost and aimless.','Attack a graveyard held by the Alliance!','','Graveyard Assaulted','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2958insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2913,7101,'Towers and Bunkers','Towers and bunkers are important positions, and we must capture and hold them all!  So to that end, I want you to attack a bunker that is controlled by the enemy.$B$BTo do that, enter one with an Alliance banner.  You will see another banner inside.  Pull out that banner, and a white Horde banner will appear in its place.  Well done!$B$BAt that point your task for me will be complete, but if you hold the place long enough, and if the Alliance doesn\'t take it back, then it will be destroyed!','Capture an enemy tower, then return to Corporal Teeka Bloodsnarl in the Alterac Mountains.','I heard of your mission\'s success! That pleases me...$B$BOur troops can now charge forward with impunity, and show the Alliance that Alterac Valley is no place for them!','You haven\'t yet assaulted a bunker, $N! Are you waiting for others to claim your glory?','','Tower Captured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2959insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2914,7102,'Towers and Bunkers','Towers and bunkers are key defensive positions, and so we must hold as many as possible!  I want you to attack a tower or a bunker in Alterac Valley.$B$BTo do that, enter a tower with a Horde banner atop it.  You will see another enemy banner inside.  Pull out that banner, and a white Alliance banner will appear in its place.  Well done!$B$BAt that point your mission for me will be complete, but hold the area long enough, and if the Horde doesn\'t take it back, then it will be destroyed!','Destroy the banner at an enemy tower or bunker, then return to Sergeant Durgen Stormpike in the Alterac Mountains.','I received a field report stating you helped secure an enemy banner. Well done, $N! With their ranged troops out of position we can move the line of battle forward!','You haven\'t yet assaulted a tower, $N! What are you waiting for?','','Banner Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2960insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2915,7121,'The Quartermaster','$N, our quartermaster charged me to direct new recruits to him.  He needs supplies from caches stored in the mines of Alterac, and he\'ll probably send you to get them.$B$BFollow the road.  You\'ll find our quartermaster to the west.','Speak with the Stormpike Quartermaster.','It\'s good to see fresh troops here, $N, but with a little luck you\'ll get into some action and won\'t be fresh for long!$B$BSpeak with me again. I have tasks I must discuss with you....','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2961insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2916,7122,'Capture a Mine','The mines in Alterac Valley hold more than just minerals.  Both the Frostwolf and Stormpike have cached excess supplies in the Irondeep and Coldtooth mines... that\'s not a bad idea, if we could only maintain control of them!$B$BCapture a mine, then return to me.  To capture a mine, enter one that we do not control and kill its leader.  When you do that, the mine will be ours, and we\'ll send troops to protect it!','Capture a mine that the Stormpike does not control, then return to Sergeant Durgen Stormpike in the Alterac Mountains.','You did it! Well done, $N!$B$BWhen we control a mine and have troops stationed there, it\'s much easier to gather minerals and supplies from it.','You haven\'t captured the mine yet, $N!$B$BAfter we control a mine, it will be much easier to gather minerals and supplies from it.','','Mine Captured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2962insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2917,7123,'Speak with our Quartermaster','$N, the Frostwolf Quartermaster is looking for recruits, for tasks that lead into the mines of Alterac Valley.  Speak with him; he will tell you more.$B$BFollow the road west into the bunker, then take the west exit and you\'ll find our quartermaster.','Speak with the Frostwolf Quartermaster.','Hail, $N! It is good to see a $C like yourself, eager to do his part for the Horde. Speak with me again, for I have vital tasks for you...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2963insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2918,7124,'Capture a Mine','As battle rages over the landscape of Alterac Valley, so too does it rage through the Coldtooth and Irondeep mines.  Both are rich sources of minerals and both are used to store supplies; it\'s no wonder they are so highly valued!$B$BHelp our war effort, $N!  Capture one of the mines for the Horde!  To capture a mine, enter one that we do not control and kill its leader.  When that is done, the mine will be ours and we\'ll send troops to protect it!','Capture a mine, then return to Corporal Teeka Bloodsnarl in the Alterac Mountains.','You captured a mine! With our own warriors protecting it, it will be much simpler to extract minerals from its depths, or gather supplies that have been cached there.$B$BWell done, $N>. The deed you have done is a great boon to our battle efforts.','You haven\'t yet captured a mine, $N! Find one that we do not control and defeat it\'s leader! ','','Mine Captured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2964insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2919,7141,'The Battle of Alterac','The Explorers\' League believes there are artifacts in Alterac Valley, but the Frostwolf orcs won\'t let us explore.  We can\'t allow the Horde to stop our scholarly pursuits!  Defeat the Frostwolf general, Drek\'Thar.  With him dead, the orcs will lose their edge.$B$BDrek\'Thar is in Frostwolf Keep, in the south of Alterac Valley.  Vanquish him, and then return to me.','Enter Alterac Valley, defeat the Horde general Drek\'thar, and then return to Prospector Stonehewer in the Alterac Mountains.','Well done, $N!  With the Horde\'s nose bloodied after the death of their general, we\'ll have the breathing room we need to explore!','Go, $N.  Go to Alterac Valley and defeat the orc general!','','Defeat Drek\'thar.','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2965insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2920,7142,'The Battle for Alterac','The Stormpike dwarves and their allies have invaded Alterac Valley, and we must drive them out!  To win the battle for Alterac, we must defeat their general, Vanndar Stormpike!$B$BYou will find Vanndar in Dun Baldar, in the north of Alterac Valley.$B$BDestroy him, $N, and then return to me.','Enter Alterac Valley and defeat the dwarven general, Vanndar Stormpike.  Then, return to Voggah Deathgrip in the Alterac Mountains.','Well done, $N!  Stormpikes have no hope in this foolish invasion.$B$BHah!  So far, all they\'ve done is get their general killed!','','','Defeat Vanndar Stormpike.','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2966insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2921,7161,'Proving Grounds','Hail, $c. It has been a long time since we have had the chance to answer the call of battle. The old feelings are slow to rise but once awakened, the blood does rush. The battle rage returns...$B$BAll newcomers to the Valley must first complete the rite of battle.$B$BDeep within the Wildpaw gnoll cave is a banner of the Frostwolf. Venture forth and recover the banner. Return it to me and I shall grant you the Frostwolf initiate\'s insignia.','Travel to the Wildpaw cavern located southeast of the main base in Alterac Valley and find the Frostwolf Banner. Return the Frostwolf Banner to Warmaster Laggrond. ','That burning sensation you feel is your soul being awakened. Your spirit has accepted the call to arms.$B$BYou are now one of the Frostwolf, $N. Congratulations.$B$BCarry this insignia with you at all times. As you advance among the ranks of Frostwolf, I will replace the insignia with other, more powerful insignias.$B$BPerhaps someday you will be exalted among the Frostwolf Clan. Should that day ever come, you will be granted the Eye of Command.','Wake up! Wake up, $N! This is not a dream. You really are entrenched in the midst of a raging battle!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2967insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2922,7162,'Proving Grounds','You\'ve arrived just in time, $c. These Frostwolf savages just won\'t give up! We must show them the might of the Stormpike. They must bow to our superiority.$B$BBefore you make your way to the field of battle, you will want to join the rank of Stormpike.$B$BSouthwest of Dun Baldar, you will find the Icewing Caverns. Planted deep within the caverns is a Stormpike Banner. Venture forth and recover that banner. Return it to me, and you will have earned a Stormpike initiate\'s insignia.','Travel to the Icewing Caverns located southwest of Dun Baldar in Alterac Valley and recover the Stormpike Banner. Return the Stormpike Banner to Lieutenant Haggerdin in the Alterac Mountains.','Take and wear this insignia with pride, $N. As your rank among the Stormpike grows, so too will the insignia. Return to me as you gain honor with Stormpike, and I shall replace your insignia with other, more powerful insignias.$B$BPerhaps someday you will grow to be a legend on this field of battle. Should that day ever come, you will be granted the Eye of Command.','Beware the harpies of the region, $C. They\'ll not think twice to rip out your throat!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2968insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2923,7163,'Rise and Be Recognized','<Warmaster Laggrond salutes you.>$B$BIt is your time, $N. You have done much for the Frostwolf Clan and in doing so, earned a place as not only a soldier of Frostwolf but also as a friend.$B$BWell done! Present your initiate\'s insignia.$B','','This new insignia reflects your rank amongst the Frostwolf. Keep it on you at all times.$B$BAnd mage... Die with honor!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2969insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2924,7164,'Honored Amongst the Clan','It is good to see you again, $C. I had not expected you to return. Alas, you have proven yourself a brave and honorable soldier of the Frostwolf.$B$BYour time has come again, $N. You have earned a new ranking and as such, a new insignia denoting this rise in stature.$B$BPresent your insignia.','','<Warmaster Laggrond salutes.>$B$BGo, $N! Continue your defense of the Frostwolf. This war must be won! For Drek\'Thar! For the Warchief!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2970insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2925,7165,'Earned Reverence','I must know, $N. When you look directly into the eyes of the enemy, do you see fear? Do they now cower in your presence? They must realize that they are defeated!$B$BYou have earned reverence among the Guard.$B$BPresent your insignia!','','When we first met, I would have never guessed that a hero was in the making. Carry on, soldier!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2971insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2926,7166,'Legendary Heroes','Your radiate command and power, shaman. Exalted in the eyes of Frostwolf - the enemy cowers at the mention of your name.$B$BRise, Hero of Frostwolf. Rise and be honored!$B$BPresent your insignia.','','Soon, all on the field of battle will be under your watchful eye. Command of the Valley and its troops will be yours!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2972insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2927,7167,'The Eye of Command','Drek\'Thar sings your praises. Kalimdor is abuzz with tales of your heroics. The Warchief glows - your stalwart defense of our clan has pleased him greatly.$B$BYou have earned the Eye of Command.$B$BPresent your insignia, Commander $N.$B$B<Warmaster Laggrond salutes>','','Channel the power of the insignia. Let the enemy hear your words. The might of the Horde is unquestionable!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2973insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2928,7168,'Rise and Be Recognized','Most do not live long enough to rise above their own mediocrity. You have proven yourself to be an exemplary soldier, $C. The time has come.$B$BPresent your insignia.','','Let our enemies see that a soldier of rank has struck them down! Fight for the glory of Stormpike!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2974insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2929,7169,'Honored Amongst the Guard','The base buzzes with news of your exploits in the Field of Strife! You have struck mighty blows against our enemy - crushing their morale! For this, you have earned a rank of honor among the Stormpike.$B$BPresent your insignia.','','The king has been made aware of your battlefront heroics, $C. Continue in your stalwart defense of the Stormpike Guard!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2975insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2930,7170,'Earned Reverence','I must know, $N. When you look directly into the eyes of the enemy, do you see fear? Do they now cower in your presence? They must realize that they are defeated!$B$BYou have earned reverence among the Guard.$B$BPresent your insignia!','','When we first met, I would have never guessed that a hero was in the making. Carry on, soldier!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2976insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2931,7171,'Legendary Heroes','Your radiate command and power, shaman. Exalted in the eyes of Frostwolf - the enemy cowers at the mention of your name.$B$BRise, Hero of Frostwolf. Rise and be honored!$B$BPresent your insignia.','','Soon, all on the field of battle will be under your watchful eye. Command of the Valley and its troops will be yours!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2977insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2932,7172,'The Eye of Command','It is good to see you again, $C. I had not expected you to return. Alas, you have proven yourself a brave and honorable soldier of the Frostwolf.$B$BYour time has come again, <Name>. You have earned a new ranking and as such, a new insignia denoting this rise in stature.$B$BPresent your insignia. ','','<Warmaster Laggrond salutes.>$B$BGo, SN! Continue your defense of the Frostwolf. This war must be won! For Drek\'Thar! For the Warchief!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2978insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2933,7181,'The Legend of Korrak','The invading Stormpike are not the only threat in the region, soldier. The war in the Valley is waged on two fronts. The cannibal Winterax trolls also vie for power.$B$BThey are lead by Korrak the Bloodrager - a cruel and cunning beast.$B$BA strike against Korrak could prove to be a crushing blow to the Winterax clan. Slay the beast and be rewarded!','According to legend, the leader of the mighty Winterax trolls appears at will to wreak havoc on the denizens of Alterac Valley.$B$BShould Korrak make himself known, destroy him and return to Warmaster Laggrond.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2979insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2934,7201,'The Last Element','There is work to be had for those venturing into the depths, $N.$B$BThe Dark Irons have mastered creation of extremely powerful golems.$B$BInitial reports from our spies indicate that the dwarves use a unique power source to give their creations incomparable killing power.$B$BJust imagine what we could do with our abominations if we could get our hands on this essence of the elements! Turn that city upside down if you must, but do not return until you have found the essence! Payment will be worth the risk.','Travel to Blackrock Depths and recover 10 Essence of the Elements. Your first inclination is to search the golems and golem makers. You remember Vivian Lagrave also muttering something about elementals.\r\n','Wonderful! I will have these sent by courier to the Undercity at once!$B$BAs for you - here is payment, as promised. Keep the change, you filthy beast!','Show them to me!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2980insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2935,7202,'Korrak the Bloodrager','The indigenous Winterax trolls of the region are ruthless savages that would love nothing more than to have our bones added to their foul stew.$B$BWe must show them our might!$B$BWe have recovered tomes from their caves that detail their leadership hierarchy. The artifacts indicate that their leader, Korrak the Bloodrager, tends to remain hidden until given a reason to make his presence known.$B$BDeath to Korrak would mean death to Winterax Clan! Slay him and return.','According to legend, the leader of the mighty Winterax trolls appears at will to wreak havoc on the denizens of Alterac Valley.$B$BShould Korrak make himself known, destroy him and return to Lieutenant Haggerdin in the Alterac Mountains.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2981insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2936,7221,'Speak with Prospector Stonehewer','Ah, $N, reporting for duty are you?  Great, the Stormpikes can use everyone we can muster!$B$BSpeak with Prospector Stonehewer in Dun Baldar.  She\'s recruiting for a vital mission into enemy territory.  You\'ll find Stonehewer in the bottom of the Dun Baldar garrison.$B$BAnd keep an eye out as you go through Dun Baldar.  There\'s plenty to do for a hardworking $c who\'s not afraid to get $ghis:her; hands dirty.','Speak with Prospector Stonehewer in the Dun Baldar garrison.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2982insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2937,7222,'Speak with Voggah Deathgrip','A $c?  Good!  We are glad to see you in Alterac, $N.  Interloping dwarves and their allies invade our valley, and we welcome all in the Horde to join us in righteous slaughter!$B$BSpeak with Voggah Deathgrip.  He is looking for agents for an important mission into the Alliance\'s stronghold in Alterac Valley!$B$BYou will find Voggah in Frostwolf Keep.','Speak with Voggah in Frostwolf Keep.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2983insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2938,7223,'Armor Scraps','Battles rage constantly in Alterac Valley, and the supplies we get from Ironforge are not enough to outfit our experienced troops.$B$BIf you find armor scraps from the battlefield, aid the war effort and bring those scraps to me!','Bring 20 Armor Scraps to Murgot Deepforge in Dun Baldar.','These are some good pieces, $N. I can use them to fashion new equipment for our troops.$B$BIf my supply level gets high enough, then maybe our seasoned fighting units will enter the field!','Did you bring any armor scraps, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2984insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2939,7224,'Enemy Booty','When you fight the enemy, gather the scraps of their armor and bring them to me.  I\'ll use those scraps to make armor for our own troops!','Bring 20 Armor Scraps to Smith Regzar in Frostwolf Village.','These will do nicely. I\'ll melt them down and patch them up and you\'ll never know they came from those Stormpike cowards!$B$BThanks, $N. And let me polish up that armor of yours...','How goes the hunting, $N. Do you have any armor scraps for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2985insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2940,7241,'In Defense of Frostwolf','The drums of war sound off in a distant land, $c. The favored clan of your Warchief is under attack from the nefarious Stormpike Guard of Ironforge.$B$BBy the looks of you, I can discern that you are indeed battle hardy and prepared to take on the cause of the Frostwolf.$B$BIt is you who must now take the next step in your evolution.$B$BNorth of Tarren Mill, in Alterac,  you will find the entrance to Alterac Valley. It is there that you will find Warmaster Laggrond. Hurry $c, for the battle is upon us!','Venture to Alterac Valley, located in the Alterac Mountains. Find and speak with Warmaster Laggrond - who stands outside the tunnel entrance - to begin your career as a soldier of Frostwolf. You will find Alterac Valley north of Tarren Mill at the base of the Alterac Mountains.','To become a soldier of Frostwolf, one must first be tested...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2986insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2941,7261,'The Sovereign Imperative','We are fighting a brutal battle in the valleys of Alterac. The cannibalistic Winterax trolls attack us from one side and the savage Frostwolf Clan from the other. Both must be exterminated in the name of King Magni Bronzebeard! The taking, culling, and turning of that land is a sovereign and territorial imperative to the kingdom of Ironforge.$B$BAlas, soldiers do not grow on trees! Report to Lieutenant Haggerdin outside Alterac Valley to begin your tour of duty and honor amongst the Stormpike.','Travel to Alterac Valley in the Hillsbrad Foothills. Outside of the entrance tunnel, find and speak with Lieutenant Haggerdin.$B$BFor the glory of Bronzebeard!','Let\'s get to work!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2987insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2942,7281,'Brotherly Love','Tragic... My brother faces me on the field of battle: A commander for the Stormpike.$B$BOf the four Stormpike Commanders, he is undoubtedly the most dangerous. Perhaps if he is slain, the Banshee Queen could turn him as she did me - show him the error of his ways...$B$BDeep within enemy territory you will find my brother. Slay him and return to me. I trust that you are capable of completing this mission, soldier.$B$BAnd soldier, do not go alone.','Travel into Stormpike territory and slay Commander Karl Philips. Return to Commander Louis Philips when the task is complete.\r\n','Your heroics will not go unnoticed, $N.$B$BI must waste no time if he is to be saved. Sylvanas must be contacted!','How it must pain him to remain as one of the living while his beloved brother has ascended to perfection.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2988insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2943,7282,'Brotherly Love','He must be put out of his misery, soldier! He knows not what he does. He has become a mindless servant of the dreaded Banshee Queen.$B$BVenture forth, across the Field of Strife, to the depths of Frostwolf territory. Find my brother and destroy him. His torment must come to an end.','Travel into Frostwolf territory and slay Commander Louis Philips. Return to Commander Karl Philips when the task is complete.\r\n','You did remember to burn the corpse, didn\'t you?','It is with heavy heart that I give such an order, soldier.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2989insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2944,7301,'Fallen Sky Lords','We got them held prisoner, $r. I\'m talking about their Wing Commanders. It was a furious battle in the skies but they finally fell! Unfortunately, our best pilots were shot down in a counterattack against Frostwolf Keep. You gotta find out what happened to them.$B$BSearch Tower Point West and Frostwolf Keep. These were their last known locations. Search these areas thoroughly.','Travel to Frostwolf territory and search for Wing Commander Slidore, Wing Commander Vipore, and Wing Commander Ichman. Return to Commander Duffy should you complete your mission.','Unbelievable! You did free them, right? Right??? Well at the very least we know where they were held.','Anything I would care to hear?','','Ichman\'s Location Discovered','Vipore\'s Location Discovered','Slidore\'s Location Discovered','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2990insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2945,7302,'Fallen Sky Lords','Our air support is in shambles, $N. The Wing Commanders were shot down over enemy territory. You must find out what became of them so that we can attempt a rescue!$B$BGuse was last seen flying over the Icewing Bunker. Jeztor\'s War Rider was spotted near the Stormpike lumber mill. Mulverick... that reckless fool was seen crashing near the Dun\'Baldar North Bunker.$B$BThat\'s all the information I have. Move out! Search through the areas thoroughly.','Find out what became of Wing Commander Guse, Wing Commander Jeztor, and Wing Commander Mulverick. Return to Commander Mulfort should you complete your mission.','Well done! The information you recovered will be invaluable to our cause.','Status of the hunt, soldier?','','Guse\'s Location Discovered','Jeztor\'s Location Discovered','Mulverick\'s Location Discovered','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2991insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2946,7321,'Soothing Turtle Bisque','Who says that the undead don\'t know anything about cooking? Take my secret recipe for Turtle Bisque, for example. I\'ve known folks that would come back from the dead just to enjoy a bowl! Heh, heh...$B$BSpeaking of which, I haven\'t been able to make any lately.  I used to head over to Lake Lordamere myself to hunt snapjaws, the nasty things, but I can\'t pull myself away from my work here.$B$BIf you bring me some Turtle Meat from the snapjaws and soothing spices, I\'ll show you how it\'s done!','Bring 10 pieces of Turtle Meat and some Soothing Spices to Christoph Jeffcoat in Tarren Mill.','My soothing turtle bisque will keep you warm on a cold night... if you care about that kind of thing.','Any luck finding the ingredients?  I\'ll tell you, the alliance maggots are far too numerous in this area now... In my opinion, they have come far too close already...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2992insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2947,7341,'A Fair Trade','Greetings, orc. I am Kolark, Bounty Hunter from Thunderbluff. Much of the world I have traveled and much I have seen.$B$BMy journeys across the South Seas lead to the discovery of these wonderous thorium headed arrows. Alas, I have an endless supply of the arrows but have exhausted my supply of shells. Bah, no self respecting Tauren would ever be caught dead using a flimsy bow. The arrows are useless!$B$BI will offer a trade: An even exchange of thorium shells for my thorium headed arrows. Deal?','Bring me 200 Thorium shells and i give you 200 Thorium headed arrows in exchange.','Excellent! I am a Tauren of my word, <race>. The arrows are yours.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2993insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2948,7342,'Arrows Are For Sissies','Can you believe this rubbish?! The last shipment of ammunition from Kharanos was botched! All we have for ammo now are these flimsy, good for nothing arrows! What in the world am I going to do with 500,000 thorium headed arrows?$B$BI\'ll tell you what, kid. If you can bring me thorium shells, I\'ll trade you thorium headed arrows - straight up! Deal?','Make deal with Sheldonore.','A done deal if I ever saw one! The arrows are yours.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2994insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2949,7361,'Favor Amongst the Darkspear','<Najak snarls.>$B$BBefore the night elves existed there was troll. It was from troll that the night elves came.$B$BTheir mutinous attacks against my people will not be tolerated. Staghelm seeks to wipe us out - to leave no trace of those that bore him and his ilk. It will not happen!$B$BFor every night elf that you slay and decapitate, Najak will grant you favor amongst the Darkspear. Word of your deeds will be spread across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Go now and serve the Darkspear!','You have been tasked with slaying opposing night elf players in Alterac Valley.$B$BKill a night elf and return to Najak Hexxen at Frostwolf Keep with a Severed Night Elf Head.','$N, it is but one of thousands. A job well done nonetheless.','They seek to exterminate us? It is they who shall be exterminated.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2995insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2950,7362,'Ally of the Tauren','The Elder Crone has sent me to this warzone to research the other races. More specifically, I am to collect gnome samples. Magatha is primarily interested in their survivability. Aye, the gnomes - while pitifully weak and miniscule - exude great resilience both in and out of combat.$B$BFortunately for you, I am looking for ruffians to do Magatha\'s bidding. Return to me with tufts of gnome hair and you shall be known to the tauren as an ally.','You have been tasked with slaying opposing gnome players in Alterac Valley.$B$BKill a gnome and return to Ravak Grimtotem at Frostwolf Keep with a Tuft of Gnome Hair.','Aye, this is definitely gnome. Well done, $R, but there is more work to be done.','I don\'t care where the hair comes from, $R.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2996insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2951,7363,'The Human Condition','Humans are so utterly detestable.$B$B<Commander Philips grimaces.>$B$BWhile it is true that I am a soldier of Frostwolf, I remain a servant of Sylvanas.$B$BDuring my tour of duty, I do extra work on the side for the Dark Apothecaries of the Undercity.$B$BI have been tasked with collecting human bone chips that are to be used in curing the human condition.$B$BI am authorized to pass that task on to my subordinates.$B$BFind them. Kill them. Return their bone chips to me.','You have been tasked with slaying opposing human players in Alterac Valley.$B$BKill a human and return to Commander Louis Philips (who wanders between the front lines and Frostwolf keep) with a  Human Bone Chip.$B$BA cure for the human condition is close at hand!','It would be easier if they just accepted their illness and gave in to your healing touch. It would also probably be less fun. Carry on! We\'ll cure them, one way or another.','Yes, it is true. My brother is a human. Shameful... A stain upon my nearly immaculate record.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2997insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2952,7364,'Gnomeregan Bounty','The High Tinkerer himself has sent me to this field of battle to defend my gnomish brothers and sisters. We have received word that the tauren are singling out and slaying gnomes. Worst of all, they are removing tufts of glorious gnome hair from the corpses of the fallen. These atrocities must be stopped. We must reciprocate!$B$BI want them de-hoofed, $c. Bring me their hooves! Show yourself as an ally of the gnomes.','You have been tasked with slaying opposing tauren players in Alterac Valley.$B$BKill a tauren and return to Dirk Swindle at Dun\'Baldar with a  Tauren Hoof.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2998insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2953,7365,'Staghelm\'s Requiem','Staghelm has given the order. All trolls on the field of battle must be exterminated. Their preposterous claims of birthing night elves must be met with force and due prejudice.$B$BSlay them and return to me with their mojo. To reiterate: I want you to steal their mojo.','You have been tasked with slaying opposing troll players in Alterac Valley.$B$BKill a troll and return to Athramanis at Dun\'Baldar with Darkspear Troll Mojo.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     2999insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2954,7366,'The Archbishop\'s Mercy','The Archbishop is as kind as he is wise. For a man to look mercifully on such a wretched lot...$B$B<Commander Philips shakes his head in disbelief.>$B$BToo kind... Just too kind.$B$BThe Archbishop asks that we take pity on the undead and grant them swift and permanent deaths. For this grand display of mercy, we merely require their black, disease ridden hearts.$B$BBring me the hearts of the Forsaken so that they may be ceremoniously incinerated at the Cathedral of Light. Make haste, $N!','You have been tasked with slaying opposing Forsaken players in Alterac Valley.$B$BKill a Forsaken and return to Commander Karl Philips (who wanders between the lumber mill and the mine) with a Forsaken Heart.','Praise be to Benedictus! Another lost soul, soon to be saved by the white hot flames of the Light!$B$BGo ye, oh soldier of Light! More must be saved!','Benedictus! I am but a speck in the shadow of his grandeur. Praise him!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3000insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2955,7367,'Defusing the Threat','The Frostwolf have their front lines and bases booby trapped, $c. You have to watch your step when invading enemy territory.$B$BIf you want to make a solid strike against them, you must destroy their source of anti personnel munitions - I\'m talking about their explosives expert. If you kill him, you are safe to disarm the mines. As long as he is kept down, the mines will also stay down.$B$BYou will probably find him in a tower near the Iceblood Garrison. Good luck!','Find the Frostwolf Explosives Expert and kill him. Return to the Stormpike Explosives Expert when the task is complete.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3001insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2956,7368,'Defusing the Threat','I know all about landmines. I\'m the one that lays all the mines on the front lines here, after all.$B$BIf you want to defuse the Stormpike mine fields, all you have to do is kill their explosives expert. That dwarven coward is no doubt hiding in the first tower on the Field of Strife. Take him out and those landmines won\'t come back after they\'ve been disarmed.$B$BIf you do happen to kill him, come back here and let me know. No good deed should go unrewarded.','Find the Stormpike Explosives Expert and kill him. Return to the Frostwolf Explosives Expert when the task is complete.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3002insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2957,7381,'The Return of Korrak','While it is true that Korrak has been slain, one question remains: Will he remain dead? Trolls are notorious for their other-worldly tribal magics. I would not be surprised if the fallen leader was raised from the dead to once more rule over his clan.$B$BYou know what to do should this ever occur.$B$B<Warmaster Laggrond makes a cutting motion across his neck with his index finger.>$B$BAnd  this time, I want his skull. Just keep your eyes peeled, soldier.$B$BDismissed!','Should Korrak the Bloodrager make a return to the Field of Strife, seek him out and destroy him.$B$BReturn the Skull of Korrak to Warmaster Laggrond in the Hillsbrad Foothills.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3003insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2958,7382,'Korrak the Everliving','There\'s something not quite right about all of this... Did anybody think to burn Korrak\'s corpse? Those trolls will stop at nothing to revive their fallen leader - as blue skinned pagan man-beasts often do.$B$BJust keep your eyes out, $N. Don\'t be alarmed if Korrak makes a surprise appearance; and if he does, I want him executed - his corpse burned to ashes.$B$BFor good measure, lop off his head and bring me his skull before you ignite the lifeless mass.','Should Korrak the Bloodrager make a return to the Field of Strife, seek him out and destroy him.$B$BReturn the Skull of Korrak to Lieutenant Haggerdin in the Hillsbrad Foothills.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3004insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2959,7383,'Crown of the Earth','All was not well with Teldrassil, however. Staghelm\'s carefully made plans for the new World Tree had borne out as he had hoped, but there was one small problem, a problem to which many of the troubles on Teldrassil may be attributed.$b$bHowever, I will not get into that yet. You must visit the last moonwell, to the northwest in the Oracle Glade. Under the boughs of the Oracle Tree lies the first and most powerful of our wells. Retrieve a phial of its water and return to me.','Fill the Amethyst Phial and bring it back to Corithras Moonrage in Dolanaar.','To be in the presence of the Oracle Tree... it is almost to feel wisdom take form. Let me continue the telling...$B$BWith Teldrassil grown, the Arch Druid approached the dragons for their blessings, as the dragons had placed upon Nordrassil in ancient times. But Nozdormu, Lord of Time, refused to give his blessing, chiding the druid for his arrogance. In agreement with Nozdormu, Alexstrasza also refused Staghelm, and without her blessing, Teldrassil\'s growth has been flawed and unpredictable...','Along with the druids, the Oracle Tree and the Arch Druid have been carefully monitoring the growth of Teldrassil. But though we have a new home, our immortal lives have not been restored.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3005insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2960,7385,'A Gallon of Blood','You have the option of offering larger quantities of the blood taken from our enemies. I will be glad to accept gallon sized offerings, $N.','You must strike down our enemies and bring to me their blood.','The blood of our enemies has been shed. I shall mix this blood with the rest that has been gathered. Once the offering is complete, the Ice Lord shall show these Stormpike dogs the full wrath of the Frostwolf Clan!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3006insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2961,7386,'Crystal Cluster','There are times which you may be entrenched in battle for days or weeks on end. During those longer periods of activity you may end up collecting large clusters of the Frostwolf\'s storm crystals.$B$BThe Circle accepts such offerings, $N.','The Frostwolf soldiers carry elemental charms called storm crystals. We can use the charms to conjure Ivus. Venture forth and claim the crystals, $N!','Well done, $N. I will use the power of these charms to augment the magic that has already been gathered. When enough power has been amassed, I shall focus the collected energies and call upon the Forest Lord to aid our cause.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3007insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2962,7401,'Wanted: DWARVES!','By order of Sergeant Yazra Bloodsnarl, all dwarves on the field of battle are to be killed on sight.$B$BShould you slay a dwarf in combat, rip out their spine, leaving a spineless heap of stink and rot to serve as a warning to any and all that dare oppose the might of the Frostwolf.$B$BReturn to Sergeant Yazra Bloodsnarl with proof of your heroics.','You have been tasked with slaying opposing Dwarf players in Alterac Valley.$B$BKill a Dwarf and rip out their spine. Take the Dwarf Spine to Sergeant Yazra Bloodsnarl at Frostwolf Keep.','You now have license to decimate dwarves by the dozen, $C!$B$B<Yazra stares off into the distance for a moment.>$B$BYou never forget your first de-spining...','I deal in wholesale irony, soldier.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3008insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2963,7402,'Wanted: ORCS!','By order of Corporal Noreg Stormpike, all able bodied soldiers of Stormpike are required to slay any opposing orcs that they meet upon the field of battle.$B$BSoldiers are required to remove a tusk or tooth from the maw of the enemy and present said tooth as proof of their accomplishment.$B$BWear protective gloves.','You have been tasked with slaying opposing Orc players in Alterac Valley.$B$BKill an Orc and take their Orc Tooth back to Corporal Noreg Stormpike at Dun Baldar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3009insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2964,7421,'Darkspear Defense','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3010insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2965,7422,'Tuft it Out','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3011insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2966,7423,'I\'ve Got A Fever For More Bone Chips','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3012insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2967,7424,'What the Hoof?','Give \'em a limp, $N. They must learn that the gnomish people won\'t take to being bullied!','','*Dirk throws the hoof in a pile behind him.*','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3013insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2968,7425,'Staghelm\'s Mojo Jamboree','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3014insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2969,7426,'One Man\'s Love','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3015insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2970,7427,'Wanted: MORE DWARVES!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3016insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2971,7428,'Wanted: MORE ORCS!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3017insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2972,7429,'Free Knot!','It\'s called the Gordok Shackle Key - well, that\'s what these \"tons o\' fun\" keep calling it. I think any of the ogres might have it, but I\'m not sure if any specific ones do. Maybe the guards have a better chance of having one...$B$BWhat am I talking about - you have it already, don\'t you?! Is that it there??!','Collect a Gordok Shackle Key for Knot Thimblejack.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3018insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2973,7441,'Pusillin and the Elder Azj\'Tordin','I had let my guard down for only one moment, stranger. In my haste to escape the grip of the fallen Prince, I was robbed. A most foul demon, the imp Pusillin, pilfered my book of incantations and the key to the once great halls of Eldre\'Thalas.$B$BI no longer hold interest in the key, as I have exchanged my immortality for freedom, but I desperately need my book of incantations.$B$BFind the imp, Pusillin, and recover my book.$B$BSearch the Warpwood Quarter of Dire Maul for Pusillin.','Travel to Dire Maul and locate the Imp, Pusillin. Convince Pusillin to give you Azj\'Tordin\'s Book of Incantations through any means necessary.$B$BReturn to Azj\'Tordin at the Lariss Pavilion in Feralas should you recover the Book of Incantations.','You have found it! A curse upon that miserable imp. Alas, my material possessions are meager at best. You may choose from what I have to offer.','I regret nothing, stranger. The Queen has long since passed. The works of the Shen\'Dralar have been marred by the madness of Prince Tortheldrin. I seek only freedom... Escape...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3019insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2974,7461,'The Madness Within','Have you heard enough? Are you a $g man:woman; of action?$B$BThis madness must come to an end. The age of the immortals has long since passed. Destroy the guardians surrounding the pylons to lower the force field. When this is done, destroy Immol\'thar. With the Prince\'s power greatly reduced, attack and end him. Lay the spirits of this city to rest, adventurer.','You must destroy the guardians surrounding the 5 Pylons that power the Prison of Immol\'thar. Once the Pylons have powered down, the force field surrounding Immol\'thar will have dissipated.$B$BEnter the Prison of Immol\'thar and eradicate the foul demon that stands at its heart. Finally, confront Prince Tortheldrin in Athenaeum.$B$BReturn to the Shen\'dralar Ancient in the courtyard should you complete this quest.','We thank you, hero.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3020insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2975,7462,'The Treasure of the Shen\'dralar','In the library, Athenaeum, you will find an ancient chest hidden beneath the stairway. Take from it that which you desire.','Return to the Athenaeum and find the Treasure of the Shen\'dralar. Claim your reward!','You open the chest to find...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3021insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2976,7463,'Arcane Refreshment','A $r mage! How wonderous. I have not seen one of your kind for... oh what is it going on now? 500 years!$B$BI have something that will quench your thirst, but first you must do a task for me.$B$B<Lydros snickers.>$B$BThere is an anomaly in Eldre\'Thalas. A water elemental has taken residence in the east wing. His presence must be catalogued!$B$BVenture to the Warpwood Quarter and extract a portion of the elemental essence of the Hydrospawn. Return it to me and I shall teach you a useful cantrip.','Travel to the Warpwood Quarter of Dire Maul and slay the water elemental, Hydrospawn. Return to Lorekeeper Lydros in the Athenaeum with the Hydrospawn Essence.','Wonderful! Who are you again? Oh it matters not. What was I supposed to give you? Hrm... well you are a $C, perhaps you will find this useful.','Yes? Do I know you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3022insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2977,7481,'Elven Legends','Several years ago, a lone elven master named Kariel Winthalus fled the devastation of his homeland with several ancient elven artifacts in tow.$B$BOur search for this lost master lead us from the ruins of Quel\'Thalas, through the Burning Steppes, across the great expanses of the sea, to Feralas.$B$BWe suspect that the elf sought sanctuary in the halls of Eldre\'Thalas (what is now known as Dire Maul).$B$BYou must find him, adventurer. Whether alive or dead, the knowledge he carried must be recovered!','Search Dire Maul for Kariel Winthalus. Report back to Sage Korolusk at Camp Mojache with whatever information that you may find.','A shame... a tragedy. The items are lost you say? No trace of him, eh?','My associate, the night elf scholar, Runethorn, is recruiting her allies for this task.','Master Kariel Winthalus Found','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3023insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2978,7482,'Elven Legends','Several years ago, a lone elven master named Kariel Winthalus fled the devastation of his homeland with several ancient elven artifacts in tow.$B$BOur search for this lost master lead us from the ruins of Quel\'Thalas, through the Burning Steppes, across the great expanses of the sea, to Feralas.$B$BWe suspect that the elf sought sanctuary in the halls of Eldre\'Thalas (what is now known as Dire Maul).$B$BYou must find him, adventurer. Whether alive or dead, the knowledge he carried must be recovered!','Search Dire Maul for Kariel Winthalus. Report back to Scholar Runethorn at Feathermoon with whatever information that you may find.','A shame... a tragedy. The items are lost you say? No trace of him, eh?','My associate, the night elf scholar, Runethorn, is recruiting her allies for this task.','Master Kariel Winthalus Found','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3024insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2979,7483,'Libram of Rapidity','Master Winthalus lost the Libram of Rapidity in the east wing. The Libram will allow for a minor haste cantrip to be placed upon your equipment. Parlor tricks, really...$B$BRegardless, if you are interested, you will need to present the Libram along with some basic reagents.$B$BHrm... I believe it also requires blood of heroes, a pristine black diamond, and large brilliant shards. I could be wrong!$B$B<Lydros shrugs.>','Bring a Libram of Rapidity, 1 Pristine Black Diamond, 2 Large Brilliant Shards, and 2 Blood of Heroes to Lorekeeper Lydros in Dire Maul to receive an Arcanum of Rapidity.','<Lydros yawns.>$B$BAs promised, the Arcanum of Rapidity. Don\'t spend it all in once place.$B$B<Lydros snickers.>','What is it? I have much cataloguing to do!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3025insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2980,7484,'Libram of Focus','This libram almost aroused interest in one of the younger Lorekeeper\'s familiars. Poor thing, it was only a few weeks old.$B$BThose among you who are more magically inclined might find this item interesting.$B$BThe Libram of Focus was lost in this wing. I can only assume one of the Highborne spirits holds it in their possession.$B$BBring the Libram along with some large brilliant shards, skin of shadow, and a pristine black diamond and I shall conjure the Arcanum.','Bring a Libram of Focus, 1 Pristine Black Diamond, 4 Large Brilliant Shards, and 2 Skin of Shadow to Lorekeeper Lydros in Dire Maul to receive an Arcanum of Focus.','Don\'t hurt yourself when applying the enchantment, <race>.','You again? What could you possibly want now?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3026insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2981,7485,'Libram of Protection','He wept like an infant at the loss of this libram. Mind you, I myself have wept over texts - there is no greater loss than that of knowledge and history - but to cry over this nearly useless jumbling of incantations? Preposterous! It left me to believe that the Prince was doing him a favor in flaying the flesh from his bones.$B$BBring the Libram along with a pristine black diamond, large brilliant shards, and a frayed abomination stitching and I shall recreate the Arcanum.$B$BOh, and check the north wing.','Bring a Libram of Protection, 1 Pristine Black Diamond, 2 Large Brilliant Shards, and 1 Frayed Abomination Stitching to Lorekeeper Lydros in Dire Maul to receive an Arcanum of Protection.','Yes, yes... Calm yourself. As promised, here is your Arcanum.','My patience prevents your suffering.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3027insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2982,7486,'A Hero\'s Reward','$N, your services to the Warlords surpassed all we could expect from the denizens of this world.$B$BWe do not understand your people\'s notions of gratitude, or rewarding good works, but in this case... perhaps a reward is warranted.$B$BUnder the surf at the southern base of this island, you will find a coffer.  In it you will find your... reward.$B$BGo, $N.  Claim your reward.','Claim your reward from Hydraxis\' Coffer.','Hydraxis\' voice descends from the waters\' surface...$B$B\"Choose that which best suits you, $N.  May it protect you against the foes of the Waterlords.\"','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3028insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2983,7487,'Attunement to the Core','Rifts stir, tear, and collapse all around us, $r. Not two paces from where I stand is a tear leading through the depths of Blackrock Mountain, into the maw of the Firelord.$B$BSurprised? Pity... The mortal races cannot comprehend that which they cannot see, touch, or feel.$B$BI assure you, the portal is there and access is possible.$B$BI\'ve piqued your interest? Attunement is simple. Venture into Blackrock Depths and retrieve a core fragment. Return it to me and I shall attune your essence with the portal.','Venture to the Molten Core entry portal in Blackrock Depths and recover a Core Fragment. Return to Lothos Riftwaker in Blackrock Mountain when you have recovered the Core Fragment.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3029insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2984,7488,'Lethtendris\'s Web','The mage Lethtendris, a vicious blood elf whose brutality is matched only by her twisted addiction to magic, has fled into Dire Maul.  She has created a device, a web to ensnare the magical energies of that place and we fear that, if left unchecked, she will cause irreparable damage to our world!$B$BStop her, $N.  Find her and retrieve her web.  She is likely near the satyrs in Warpwood Quarter of Dire Maul.  Bring the web to me so that its power may be released safely back into the wilds...','Bring Lethtendris\' Web to Latronicus Moonspear at the Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas.','You retrieved the web!  Well done, $N!  Lethtendris, like many elves of her ilk, are blind to the dangers the abuse of magic can cause to our world.  They believe they are masters of magic; they do not realize that they are slaves to their own addiction.  Her death saddens me, but it was necessary.$B$BThank you, $N.  I will have the energies within the web released safely over a wide area, and then I\'ll destroy it to prevent future magical exploits.','Do you have the web, $N?  Its concentrated magical energy must be dissipated!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3030insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2985,7489,'Lethtendris\'s Web','The blood elf Lethtendris has overstepped her bounds.  So eager was she to gather magical power that she defied her brethren and created a device of insidious design, a web meant to siphon the tainted magical energies of Dire Maul.  Even now she gathers those energies and plans to release them against her enemies.$B$BLethtendris must be stopped.  Find her within the Warpwood Quarter of Dire Maul, defeat her and bring her web to me so that it might be returned to more clear-headed blood elves for study.','Bring Lethtendris\'s Web to Talo Thornhoof at Camp Mojache in Feralas.','You have done well, $N. This web holds within it vast stores of the magic of Dire Maul, and I fear what damage may be unleashed if those energies were harnessed by one so irresponsible as Lethtendris. I am saddened by her death, but I know that she could never part with her web while alive.$b$bThank you, $N. I will send the web to students of magic more responsible than Lethtendris. They will be the new wardens of its power.','$N, do you have Lethtendris\'s Web?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3031insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2986,7490,'Victory for the Horde','You have accomplished the impossible. The brood mother of the Black Dragonflight lies dead at your feet. Take her head and present it to your Warchief.','Take the Head of Onyxia to Thrall in Orgrimmar.','This is a great victory for the Horde, $N. So many times you have honored your Warchief. It is time for the Warchief to honor you.','<Thrall\'s stoic demeanor changes for a split second when he sees the enormous head of Onyxia. The mighty Doomhammer was nearly unsheathed.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3032insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2987,7491,'For All To See','Overlord Runthak awaits your arrival in the Valley of Strength.$B$B<Thrall salutes you.>$B$BDo not keep your public waiting, hero.','Seek out Overlord Runthak in the Valley of Strength.','Choose your reward and let the celebration of your glorious victory begin.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3033insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2988,7492,'Camp Mojache','Talo Thornhoof, a Tauren elder in Feralas, sends a request for aid.  He offered few details, but he did say that he needs agents for a matter both delicate... and dire.$B$BServe the Horde, $N.  Go to Camp Mojache in Feralas and speak with Talo.','Speak with Talo Thornhoof at Camp Mojache in Feralas.','Ah, it is good to see a $C heed my summons. I have need of your services, $N, and fear they will take you down a dangerous path...$b$bA path into Dire Maul.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3034insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2989,7493,'The Journey Has Just Begun','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3035insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2990,7494,'Feathermoon Stronghold','$N!  Your aid is needed in Feralas!$B$BAn outlaw mage, Lethtendris, has fled to the ancient elven ruins Eldre\'thalas, now called Dire Maul.  It is believed she has an item of dangerous magical energy which must be recovered.$B$BLatronicus Moonspear requests agents to enter Dire Maul and retrieve the item from Lethtendris.$B$BServe the Alliance!  Seek out Latronicus at the Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas.','Speak with Latronicus Moonspear at the Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas.','Hail, $N.  I am pleased to see you, but regret that our meeting is not under more pleasant conditions.$B$BListen close, for I have a vital task for you...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3036insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2991,7495,'Victory for the Alliance','You have accomplished the impossible. The brood mother of the Black Dragonflight lies dead at your feet. Take her head and present it to the Highlord.','Take the Head of Onyxia to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind.','For so many years I was held under her captivating gaze. Finally, to see justice meted and the honor of Stormwind restored! Today, we celebrate this glorious victory!','By Uther\'s beard!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3037insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2992,7496,'Celebrating Good Times','Seek out Major Mattingly in the Valley of Heroes, $N. He will be expecting you...','Seek out Major Mattingly in the Valley of Heroes.','Few are graced with such ceremony, $N. Please, choose your reward so that we may begin the celebration.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3038insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2993,7497,'The Journey Has Just Begun','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3039insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2994,7498,'Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Excellent work, <race>. Should you find any more tomes, do not hesitate to return them to us.$B$BAs time passes, we tend to change around and even add new rewards for the return of missing tomes.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3040insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2995,7499,'Codex of Defense','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Excellent work, <race>. Should you find any more tomes, do not hesitate to return them to us.$B$BAs time passes, we tend to change around and even add new rewards for the return of missing tomes.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3041insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2996,7500,'The Arcanist\'s Cookbook','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Excellent work, <race>. Should you find any more tomes, do not hesitate to return them to us.$B$BAs time passes, we tend to change around and even add new rewards for the return of missing tomes.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3042insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2997,7501,'The Light and How To Swing It','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Excellent work, <race>. Should you find any more tomes, do not hesitate to return them to us.$B$BAs time passes, we tend to change around and even add new rewards for the return of missing tomes.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3043insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2998,7502,'Harnessing Shadows','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Excellent work, <race>. Should you find any more tomes, do not hesitate to return them to us.$B$BAs time passes, we tend to change around and even add new rewards for the return of missing tomes.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3044insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (2999,7503,'The Greatest Race of Hunters','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Excellent work, <race>. Should you find any more tomes, do not hesitate to return them to us.$B$BAs time passes, we tend to change around and even add new rewards for the return of missing tomes.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3045insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3000,7504,'Holy Bologna: What the Light Won\'t Tell You','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Excellent work, <race>. Should you find any more tomes, do not hesitate to return them to us.$B$BAs time passes, we tend to change around and even add new rewards for the return of missing tomes.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3046insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3001,7505,'Frost Shock and You','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Excellent work, <race>. Should you find any more tomes, do not hesitate to return them to us.$B$BAs time passes, we tend to change around and even add new rewards for the return of missing tomes.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3047insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3002,7506,'The Emerald Dream...','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Excellent work, <race>. Should you find any more tomes, do not hesitate to return them to us.$B$BAs time passes, we tend to change around and even add new rewards for the return of missing tomes.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3048insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3003,7507,'Foror\'s Compendium','You have uncovered something of great importance. This book is unlike any that you have seen.$B$BIt would appear as if someone or something has managed to shatter the seal of Athenaeum. The text within is garbled and barely legible.','Return Foror\'s Compendium of Dragon Slaying to the Athenaeum.','You could have gotten quite a lot of gold for this book on the black market, $N. Especially since the protective seal has been broken, leaving the secrets of dragon slaying viewable to any with the requisite intellect to consume the knowledge held within the sacred pages.$B$BPerhaps a grand reward is in order... Well, a reward that will require enormous effort to obtain.$B$B<Lydros grins.>','Ah, one of our greatest compilations. This one has been missing for ages.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3049insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3004,7508,'The Forging of Quel\'Serrar','If you wish to take on this task, present Lydros with the dull blade.','Give the Dull and Flat Elven Blade to Lorekeeper Lydros.','If you manage to enter the lair of the dragon, heat the blade under her fiery breath, and ultimately temper it in her blood, I shall bind the blade for your use.','Excellent, let us begin...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3050insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3005,7509,'The Forging of Quel\'Serrar','Take the unfired ancient blade to the lair of Onyxia and engage her in battle.$B$BSome trickery must be utilized for the heating of the blade. While in combat, she will surely try to incinerate you with her fiery breath. You must plant the unfired ancient blade nearby and hope that the fiery breath heats the blade. If you live beyond this, pick up the now heated ancient blade and finish off the dragon.$B$BPlunge the heated ancient blade into her smoldering corpse to fashion the treated ancient blade.','You must get Onyxia to breathe fire on the Unfired Ancient Blade. Once this is done, pick up the now Heated Ancient Blade. Be warned, a Heated Ancient Blade will not remain heated forever - time is of the essence.$B$BThe last step before returning to me is to slay the beast and drive the Heated Ancient Blade into her corpse.$B$BDo this and Quel\'Serrar will be yours.','<Lydros murmurs something unintelligible.>$B$BAs promised, $C, the blade of Quel\'Serrar.','Perhaps one day, another will wield the prismatic blade.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3051insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3006,7521,'Thunderaan the Windseeker','I have told you all that I know, $N. It is you who must find elementium. It is you who must destroy the Firelord\'s corporeal form.$B$BDo this and gain the blessing of Thunderaan.','To free Thunderaan the Windseeker from his prison, you must present the right and left halves of the Bindings of the Wind Seeker, 10 bars of Elementium, and the Essence of the Firelord to Highlord Demitrian. ','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3052insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3007,7522,'Examine the Vessel','Examine the vessel of his rebirth, mortal. It is from this that the Windseeker shall be reborn!','Examine the Vessel of Rebirth and return it to Highlord Demitrian.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3053insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3008,7541,'Service to the Horde','','','It will take time for our scholars to study the pendant you brought us.  But for your service to the Horde I would like to offer you a small token.$B$BThank you, $N.  Your acts bring honor to you, and to us.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3054insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3009,7562,'Mor\'zul Bloodbringer','$N, your delvings into the dark arts are deep.  Your mastery over otherworldly denizens has grown so strong... perhaps you are ready to bind to you one of the infamous dreadsteeds.$B$BThe ritual to summon the beast from its home requires great power and resources, but if you desire to dominate that epic mount, then speak with Mor\'zul Bloodbringer.  He is camped near the Altar of Storms in the Burning Steppes.$B$BGo, $N.  This quest will be perilous, but a Warlock of your stature does not shy from danger!','Speak with Mor\'zul Bloodbringer in the Burning Steppes.','Greetings, $N, and welcome.  Are you here to study near the Altar of Storms as I am, perhaps to harness its energy for some hidden purpose...$B$BOr... are you here to speak with me?  Yes, I believe you are.$B$BYou want to master a dreadsteed?  Such is no easy task.  It will cost you no small amounts of blood, sweat... and of course gold.  But a dreadsteed of Xoroth is a prize well worth winning so if interested, listen on...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3055insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3010,7563,'Rage of Blood','The dreadsteeds dwell on another world, on the fiery Plains of Xoroth, and to bind one of those famed beasts you must invoke powerful glyphs.  I can scribe the glyphs on a parchment for you, but first I will need a special ink.$B$BIn distant Winterspring there dwells a race of owl beasts.  Once pure creatures, they were turned mad by the demonic emanations of the Darkwhisper Gorge and now roam the snows in a frenzy.$B$BTheir blood is what I need to ink your parchment.  Bring it to me.','Bring 30 bottles of Raging Beast\'s Blood to Mor\'zul Bloodbringer in the Burning Steppes.','Ah, very good. I will have this blood distilled into an ink and use it for the parchment I promised you. And perhaps I will save just a little for myself, as I hear its taste is quite euphoric...','Have you seen the raging owl beasts, $N? The magic of those creatures is strong, and it concentrates in the blood that flows through their torturted forms.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3056insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3011,7564,'Wildeyes','My servant, Gorzeeki, is an alchemist of some skill.  He can prepare the ink I will need for your parchment.  I gathered together the blood you acquired; take it to Gorzeeki so that he can begin his work.','Bring the Case of Blood to Gorzeeki Wildeyes in the Burning Steppes.','Oh, it\'s blood. It must be from master Mor\'zul then. He is so enamored with the stuff, and loves to see it spilled. I, however, prefer it coursing through the veins of a small rodent. It stays warm that way... until you want it.$B$BThis is powerful blood. Mor\'zul must be making another parchment to summon a dreadsteed! How exciting!$B$BIf that\'s true, and you\'re going to perform the ritual, then... you\'re going to need a lot more than blood, my friend.','You have something for me?  It\'s not a big, juicy spider, is it?  Or maybe a roach?  I hope it\'s still alive... I so love chewing on them when they\'re still alive...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3057insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3012,7581,'The Prison\'s Bindings','You must retrieve bindings for the prison of the Doomguard from lesser demons.$B$BThe blood of the Wildspawn satyr that occupy Dire Maul should do nicely. The coagulated blood will bond the Hederine shards and power the crystal prison.','Travel to Dire Maul in Feralas and recover 15 Satyr Blood from the Wildspawn Satyr that inhabit the Warpwood Quarter. Return to Daio in the Tainted Scar when this is done.\r\n','Ah, a most excellent recovery. The blood will suppress the Doomguard\'s magical defenses.','Only the blood of Wildspawn satyr will suffice.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3058insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3013,7582,'The Prison\'s Casing','The Hederine demons that occupy the foothills of Mount Hyjal secrete powerful fel poisons, which if left to mature, harden into a dense anti-magic crystal. These crystals have come to be known as Tears of the Hederine.$B$BNot even the immense power of a Doomguard could break the walls of a prison constructed from this material.$B$BTravel to Darkwhisper Gorge in Winterspring and recover the Tears.','Travel to Darkwhisper Gorge in Winterspring and recover 5 Tears of the Hederine from the Hederine demons that occupy the gorge. Return to Daio in the Tainted Scar when you have completed this task.','I merely need to combine the blood of the Wildspawn with these crystals and the prison shall be ready for use.','The Hederine will not give up their precious gems without a fight, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3059insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3014,7583,'Suppression','The prison is ready. Now for the most difficult portion of this task.$B$BYou must find and capture a Doomguard Commander within the Tainted Scar using this crystal prison.$B$BBe warned! A Doomguard is a cunning and lethal adversary and will seek to destroy you as you begin the ritual of imprisonment. It will flail wildly in its attempts to escape imprisonment.$B$BIt will focus on nothing but you, $N. Because of this, I must recommend that you take companions capable of keeping you alive!','Venture forth into the Tainted Scar and locate a Doomguard Commander.$B$BUse the Glowing Crystal Prison on the Doomguard Commander. Be prepared for a ferocious onslaught of attacks, as the demon attempts to escape capture.$B$BShould you succeed, return the Imprisoned Doomguard to Daio in the Tainted Scar.','You have done as I have asked. You are ready to be given the knowledge to conjure and control the beast.','Hrm? Well?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3060insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3015,7601,'What Niby Commands','If I am to teach you the secrets of summoning an infernal servant, you must destroy Kroshius and bring me the infernal core from his burning remains. This, however, is not as easy as it sounds. Kroshius has all but burned out completely. You must reignite his corpse and raise him from the rubble. To do this, however, you must gather some components from other demonic entities.$B$BMy imp, Impsy, shall set you on your way.','Speak with Impsy in Felwood.','Oh boy, here we go again.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3061insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3016,7602,'Flawless Fel Essence','If you\'re going to reanimate Kroshius, you\'re going to need Fel fire. I can make Fel fire but it\'s going to require some components.$B$BYou need to bring me flawless Fel essences from three distinct regions of the world.$B$BThe Legashi Satyrs of Azshara will have the first essence type; the Jaedenar legionnaires of Jaedenar the second type and the felguard sentries of the Blasted Lands the third.$B$BBring me back one of each essence type and I will create the Fel fire, allowing you to reanimate Kroshius.','Impsy in Felwood has asked that you bring him three Flawless Fel Essences originating from three distinct locations.$B$BThe Legashi Satyrs of Azshara hold the Flawless Fel Essence of their region. The Jaedenar Legionnaires of Jaedenar hold the Flawless Fel Essence of their region. The Felguard Sentries of the Blasted Lands hold the Flawless Fel Essence of their region.$B$BRecover the Flawless Fel Essences and return  to Impsy in Felwood.','Give me a minute and I\'ll combine the essences into Fel fire.','If you\'re going to reanimate Kroshius, you\'re going to need Fel fire. I can make Fel fire but it\'s going to require some components.$B$BYou need to bring me flawless Fel essences from three distinct regions of the world.$B$BThe Legashi Satyrs of Azshara will have the first essence type; the Jaedenar legionnaires of Jaedenar the second type and the felguard sentries of the Blasted Lands the third.$B$BBring me back one of each essence type and I will create the Fel fire, allowing you to reanimate Kroshius.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3062insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3017,7603,'Kroshius\' Infernal Core','Kroshius lays in a heap to the northeast, in the Shatter Scar Vale. Take this Fel fire and use it on his remains. The fire should reanimate the fallen infernal.$B$BAt this point, I fully expect him to kill you and your minion.$B$BIf by some miracle you happen to kill Kroshius, take his infernal core and return it to Niby.','Search Shatter Scar Vale in Felwood for the remains of Kroshius. When you locate the remains, use the Fel Fire near them and await Kroshius\' return. When the infernal has awoken, slay him and take from his corpse Kroshius\' Infernal Core.$B$BReturn Kroshius\' Infernal Core to Niby the Almighty in Felwood.','A deal is a deal! Quickly, take this and write this down. I don\'t have time! My greatest conjuration is upon us!','Did you get lost?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3063insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3018,7604,'A Binding Contract','The undersigned hereby declares that the Sulfuron ingot they are delivering to the Thorium Brotherhood (TB Ltd.) is genuine and not a facsimile thereof. The undersigned also acknowledges that any harm that should come to $g him:her; as a result of attempting to build, forge, find, create, sell, or eat Sulfuras, is not the responsibility or fault of TB Ltd.$B$BBy signing this contract, you are agreeing to all terms listed herein.$B$B_________________$B$BSignature','Turn the Thorium Brotherhood Contract in to Lokhtos Darkbargainer if you would like to receive the plans for Sulfuron.','It has been a pleasure doing business with you, $N!$B$BOn behalf of TB Ltd., I wish you luck in your search for Sulfuras!','Do we have a deal?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3064insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3019,7621,'A Warning','','','$C, you are about to undergo a rigorous series of events which shall test all of your abilities.$B$BI suggest that you listen to the story that I have to tell.$B$BBe warned, you must complete this task alone. It is recommended that your allies remain at a distance. Interference by outside agents will result in a most severe punishment.$B$BDestiny has led you and you alone here. Battle with honor. Harness the Light.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3065insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3020,7622,'The Balance of Light and Shadow','You must do what I could not: Save the peasants that were cut down while fleeing from Stratholme.$B$BThey will walk towards the light, you must ensure their survival. Should too many fall, our cursed existence shall continue - you will have failed.$B$BEvery ability, prayer, and spell that you have learned will be tested. May the Light protect you, $N.','Save 50 Peasants before 15 are slain. Speak with Eris Havenfire should you accomplish this task.$B$BYou may view the Death Post to view how many Peasants have been slain.','Your tenacity and courage are astounding, priestess. You have earned the right to hold the Splinter of Nordrassil. Only one task remains: The Eye of Shadow must be recovered. Scour the world.','','The Balance of Light and Shadow','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3066insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3021,7623,'Lord Banehollow','Mor\'zul says that you want to open a portal to Xoroth.  To do that, you\'ll need Xorothian stardust.  That\'s not easy to find on Azeroth!$B$BThere is one being who might have some: Lord Banehollow in Jaedenar, the seat of the Shadow Council!  Speak with him and he might part with the stardust.$B$BBut if you\'re going to Jaedenar, then you\'ll need to cloak yourself in the Shadow Council\'s own flavor of evil.  That will require some of my shadowy potions, and that will cost you...','Purchase Shadowy Potions from Gorzeeki in the Burning Steppes.$B$BUse the potions to travel through Jaedenar, and speak with Lord Banehollow.','My patience spans the millenia, $C.  But do not think that allows you more than an instant of my time...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3067insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3022,7624,'Ulathek the Traitor','You wish to enter my good graces?  Then kill for me.$B$BMy servant, Ulathek, is pathetic how he grovels before me, all the while plotting with Lord Hel\'nurath on Xoroth.  Hel\'nurath plans to usurp my power here, and Ulathek is his spy...$B$BProve that you serve me and not my rivals.  Confront Ulathek in his quarters, in the Shadow Hold to the west.  Tell him that I know his secret and watch as fear grips him.  Then, bring me the traitor\'s heart!','Confront Ulathek, then bring The Traitor\'s Heart to Lord Banehollow in Jaedenar.','Ah, how splendid! After rotting a week, this heart will prove a succulent treat! Perhaps I will send for Ulathek\'s head and place it before me as I eat...$B$BYou have done me a service, $C, and so my patience for you has grown. Marginally.','I can already taste the heart of Ulathek on my lips. So sweet is the flesh of a traitor...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3068insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3023,7625,'Xorothian Stardust','So you come to me seeking Xorothian stardust?  You wish to open a portal to Xoroth, the domain of Hel\'nurath my rival?  Perhaps you plan to steal from him one of his precious dreadsteeds?$B$BVery well.  My servant Ur\'dan has a supply of Xorothian stardust.  You may obtain it from him... if you can pay the price.','Purchase Xorothian Stardust from Ur\'dan.  Bring it to Gorzeeki Wildeyes in the Burning Steppes.','There it is! I can hardly believe you got it! You must have struck a big deal with that Dreadlord or else paid a large sum, or both!$B$BMor\'zul will have his ink very soon and then he can finally make the glyph parchment, so you can open a portal to Xoroth and pull through it one of the famed dreadsteeds!','Have you been to Jaedenar, $N? Did you get the stardust from Lord Banehollow?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3069insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3024,7626,'Bell of Dethmoora','A Bell of Dethmoora, named after the late warlock Dethmoora Darkeyes, is one of the three tools needed to create a Circle of Greater Summoning.  When properly atuned with the Wheel and the Candle, these items conduct vast stores of arcane power.$B$BMy servant Gorzeeki can construct such a bell, but to do so he will need a large supply of elixirs of shadow power.  Procure the elixirs from an alchemist and bring them to Gorzeeki.','Bring 2 Elixirs of Shadow Power to Gorzeeki Wildeyes in the Burning Steppes.','Very good! I hope these elixirs weren\'t too hard to get. Sometimes alchemists can be so miserly with their creations...$B$BI\'ll make the bell and keep it until you\'re ready for your ritual.','You have those elixirs, $N? Mor\'zul told me you need a Bell of Dethmoora, and making one of those takes a lot of shadow power!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3070insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3025,7627,'Wheel of the Black March','A Wheel of the Black March contains and directs the violent energies required for the Circle of Greater Summoning.  For Gozeeki to construct a wheel, he will need both large brilliant shards from an enchanter, and dark iron ore from a master miner.$B$BAcquire these and bring them to my servant.','Bring 6 Large Brilliant Shards and 25 Dark Iron Ore to Gorzeeki in the Burning Steppes.','There they are! I hear that dark iron ore is only found in the depths of Blackrock, and I\'m sure these shards weren\'t easy to find either. I am often awed at the dedication you warlocks have. If you instead bent all that energy into the art of bug catching, oh... such a feast you would enjoy!$B$BSorry, a small digression. I\'ll create the wheel and keep it for you until you\'re ready for your ritual.','The Wheel of the Black March isn\'t easy to make, and takes a lot of materials. Have you gathered them yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3071insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3026,7628,'Doomsday Candle','A Doomsday Candle stores fire and directs it at those who would disrupt your ritual.  When creating your Circle of Greater Summoning, if your candle is lit then any wayward demons will be burned by its flames!$B$BContaining that fire is not easy, and requires the essence within the scales of a black dragon.  Acquire those scales from a skinner and bring them to Gorzeeki Wildeyes.','Bring 3 Black Dragonscales to Gorzeeki Wildeyes in the Burning Steppes.','Ah, very good. I\'ll need these to contain the fires of the candle. Now that I have the scales, I\'ll make the candle and hold onto it until you\'re ready to begin your ritual for the Circle of Greater Summoning.','Did you bring the dragonscales, $N? I don\'t want to start on the candle until I have them... or I might blow up the whole camp!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3072insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3027,7629,'Imp Delivery','There is one more process required for Mor\'zul\'s parchment; I need paper infused with Xorothian stardust.  And... I\'m afraid I can\'t do that here.  I don\'t have the equipment!$B$BThere is an alchemy lab, however, with everything needed.  It\'s in the Scholomance, on the isle of Caer Darrow in the Plaguelands.$B$BI can\'t make the trip, but here - take this jar.  There\'s an imp inside who is quite clever.  Let him out at the alchemy lab and he\'ll infuse the parchment.','Bring the Imp in a Jar to the alchemy lab in the Scholomance.  After the parchment is created, return the jar to Gorzeeki Wildeyes.','Ah, good. J\'eevee created the parchment. How was the Scholomance? Charming, don\'t you think? And the bugs there... I hear they\'re delicious!$B$BWell done, $N, and thank you for returning my jar. I\'ve had it for a long time... and it\'s not for sale!','Have you been to the Scholomance, $N? Has the imp yet infused the parchment with the stardust?','','Parchment Created','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3073insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3028,7630,'Arcanite','Now that the Bell, Wheel and Candle are made, I should make a black lodestone.  During your ritual, you\'ll need that lodestone to maintain the other ritual objects if they should fail.$B$BTo make the lodestone, I require arcanite.  Do you have any?  If not, then... you\'ll have to get the arcanite from an alchemist.$B$BReturn to me when you have the arcanite, and then I\'ll make the black lodestone.','Bring 1 Arcanite Bar to Gorzeeki in the Burning Steppes.','You got it! Nicely done! Now I can create the lodestone. When you\'re finally ready for your ritual to create the Circle of Greater Summoning, you\'ll want a lodestone to make sure the ritual doesn\'t fizzle out!','Do you have the arcanite, $N? Once I have it I can make you the black lodestone.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3074insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3029,7631,'Dreadsteed of Xoroth','All the preparations are made.  Now, you must perform the ritual to create a Circle of Greater Summoning, then use the parchment infused with Xorothian stardust... to open a portal to Xoroth.$B$BI have written the instructions for the ritual onto a scroll.  Study it closely, for you must perform each step exactly if you wish to succeed.$B$BFortune to you, $N.  And may the souls of your enemies swiftly find their way into your shard pouch.','Read Mor\'zul\'s Instructions.  Summon a Xorothian Dreadsteed, defeat it, then bind its spirit to you.','The Xorothian Dreadsteed\'s spirit is beaten.  Although rage pulses through its ghostly flanks, you know that the beast\'s soul is yours...$B$BIt whispers dark magic into your mind and instills within you the knowledge to summon a dreadsteed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3075insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3030,7632,'The Ancient Leaf','The epidermis of the leaf glows a bright green. The surface is extremely rugose, exposing several veins and wrinkles.$B$BIf you had to take a guess, you would say this leaf came from something ancient and powerful.$B$BMaybe you should find the original owner of this leaf?','Find the owner of the Ancient Petrified Leaf. Good luck, $N; It\'s a big world.','Of course I recognize my own leaves. Look at that! It\'s in perfect condition.$B$BHow good of you to return it, $C.$B$BPerhaps you could be of service to us and we to you.','<Vartrus groans.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3076insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3031,7633,'An Introduction','','','Your diligence and integrity has been noted, $C.$B$BWe are Ancients: Protectors of this once great forest. Our physical forms were destroyed 10,000 years ago when Archimonde and the Burning Legion marched upon Hyjal. Our spirits, however, remain intact.$B$BThere are tasks that we can offer. Tasks that if completed will open up the secrets of the Ancients to you.$B$BKnow this, should you complete these tasks, merely return to this rock and we shall answer the calling.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3077insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3032,7634,'Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina','Greetings, $c. I am Hastat, Ancient of Lore. I hold knowledge lost eons ago.$B$BWith the proper binding, one of my leaves can serve as a quiver the likes of which has not been seen in 10,000 years. A quiver that when accompanied by a bow of Ancients, could grant untold powers.$B$BReturn here with sinew from an adult blue dragon and this quiver shall be yours.','Hastat the Ancient has asked that you bring him a Mature Blue Dragon Sinew. Should you find this sinew, return it to Hastat in Felwood.','May my leaves provide your arrows protection from harm. May your arrows strike true. May the enemies of our world be smitten.','Welcome back, young $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3078insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3033,7635,'A Proper String','Vartrus may offer you the stave to create a bow of Ancients but only I can enchant the string required to complete the bow.$B$BIt is a simple task, puny one. Slay a mature black dragon and remove the sinew from its bones. Return that sinew to me and I shall enchant the material into an almost indestructible bow string.','Stoma the Ancient has asked that you bring him a Mature Black Dragon Sinew. Should you find this sinew, return it to Stoma in Felwood.','A most foul dragon this one was. The sinew reeks of evil.$B$BGive me a moment to cleanse the filth from this flesh and apply the proper enchantments.','I am certain that you will have little difficulty in finding and slaying a black dragon, $N. Do not waste my time with idle chatter.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3079insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3034,7636,'Stave of the Ancients','Agents of the Burning Legion are still active in our world, $c. These agents corrupt all that they touch. Nature wilts and weeps in their presence.$B$BYou must track down these demonic corrupters and destroy them, $N. Be warned, you must engage them by yourself or they will flee. As long as you are alone, they will try and destroy you. You must strike at them, turning their arrogance into misery.$B$BI grant you a piece of my bark, the inscriptions shall lead you to your targets. Retrieve their heads.','You must find and destroy these four demonic corrupters:$B$BSimone the Seductress.$B$BKlinfran the Crazed.$B$BSolenor the Slayer.$B$BArtorius the Doombringer.$B$BDestroy these creatures and return to Vartrus the Ancient in Felwood with their heads.$B$BRefer to the Petrified Bark in your inventory for clues as to their whereabouts.$B$BYou MUST complete this task by yourself.','You have served us well, $N! Take this stave and combine it with the bow string that Stoma is able to create. Together, they form a most formidable weapon.','Do not be fooled by their disguises!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3080insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3035,7637,'Emphasis on Sacrifice','In order to prepare yourself for this task, you must first show due sacrifice and judgment... with an emphasis on sacrifice.$B$BYou must acquire High Priest Rohan\'s exorcism censer for your task.  Even though its use will be for good and just reasons, due compensation must be given for it.$B$BProceed to Ironforge and speak with the High Priest.  By bringing ample coin with you to help offset the loss of his censer, it will show your due sacrifice.$B$BGo now $N, time is of the essence.','Travel to Ironforge and get High Priest Rohan\'s Exorcism Censer.  You will need to make a donation of 150 gold in order to secure it.','Blessings onto you, friend $C! Your donation goes far beyond what was needed. Your sacrifice will not only help us recover what we have lost, but also help us to help those most in need here in Ironforge.$B$BNow, let me make sure I\'ve suitably prepared this censer for your future needs...','Greetings, noble $C! I have prepared my trusted censer with the freshest of incense and blessed it thrice for your use. Your donation will help us in Ironforge not only create a new censer, but also to bolster sagging reserves of food for our needy.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3081insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3036,7638,'Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker','The time has come, $N, for you to learn about what it will take for you to acquire something you have no doubt waited on for some time... your charger.$B$BSpeak with Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker here in Stormwind\'s Cathedral District.  It is he who will guide you not only though the legerdemain of a Paladin\'s most trusted mount, but the tasks before you to acquire one of your own.$B$BI wish you the best in this trial.  For the Light, noble $G brother : sister;!','Speak with Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind\'s Cathedral District.','I am glad to see you $N. I know that you have awaited word as to how to acquire your charger, and now that time has come.$B$BYou will be surely tested in many different ways, but most importantly in your willingness to rise above numerous obstacles thrust before you. These are not done as a learning exercise - your stature is beyond simple educational tests. You must save your future companion from the clutches of the evil you have spent your life fighting.$B$BTake heed, your time has come!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3082insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3037,7639,'To Show Due Judgment','With my blessings, take the censer.  I myself have used it in several exorcisms, and it should serve you well for the arduous tasks that lie ahead.$B$BReturn now to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind, $N.  Your quest continues with him.','Return the Exorcism Censer to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in the Cathedral District of Stormwind.','Yes, this will do. You will be called upon more than once during this process to make acts of sacrifice; I am glad to see that you are willing to do just that. Sacrifice is a key component in what it takes to uphold the duties of being a Paladin... but I don\'t have to lecture you on that.$B$BNow $N, you will need to show due judgment in your actions. To that end, this censer will act as your vessel to dispense such judgment on tortured spirits of lands lost to us.','Welcome back, $N. Have you acquired the exorcism censer?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3083insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3038,7640,'Exorcising Terrordale','I have added a pinch of dirt from the tainted ground of Terrordale in the Eastern Plaguelands to the censer.  You will now use this censer to find areas there that show signs of spiritual turmoil and disturbance.  Look for green auras that permeate the ground as the physical world buckles under the torment of the spirit realm and use the censer to drive out the evil spirits.$B$BWhen you have passed sufficient judgment on the spirits there, you will be ready to proceed.','Use the Exorcism Censer to drive out the spirits that torment Terrordale.  When you have slain 25 Terrordale Spirits, return to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in the Cathedral District of Stormwind.','Well done, $N. To render the judgment of the Light on those that dwell in darkness is a task we must approach with vim and zeal; you have done just that with your sacrifice in Ironforge and your judgments of the spirits in Terrordale.$B$BYour next steps will call on both sacrifice and judgment again as you now strive to reclaim the spirit of a fallen charger who now serves a Death Knight known as Darkreaver.','It is good to see you again $N. Is your work done in Terrordale?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3084insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3039,7641,'The Work of Grimand Elmore','A paladin\'s charger is nothing more than a pack animal without proper barding for it.  The barding used by your charger not only needs to be of the finest materials possible, but because of the circumstances involved it must also be sufficiently attuned to the spirit realm.$B$BFirst things first, $N - let\'s get your barding made.  In Stormwind\'s Dwarven District is one of the finest craftsmen living today, Grimand Elmore.  His work will not be cheap, but his quality is what we seek.  Speak with him.','Speak with Grimand Elmore in Stormwind\'s Dwarven District.','Hello there - Lord Shadowbreaker sent me word ahead of time that you\'d be coming around this way to see me. I\'m willing to make the barding you need, but it won\'t be either cheap or easy; let\'s get that out in the open first and foremost.$B$BI will say this much, and Grayson will back me up when I make this claim... you\'ll not find better barding made anywhere in all of Azeroth than right here.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3085insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3040,7642,'Collection of Goods','You\'ll need four things for the barding - runecloth for the lining, arcanite bars for the plating, Arthas\' Tears for the spiritual attunement, and Stratholme holy water for the spiritual imbuement.  Actually, you need five things... gold for my fee.  That fee includes all labor as well as a handcrafted saddle and stirrups.$B$BOnce you\'ve got all that, I\'ll be able to finish your barding.  Until then, there are some things I can get started on for you while you assemble your collection of goods.','Bring 40 Runecloth, 6 Arcanite Bars, 10 Arthas\' Tears, 5 Stratholme Holy Water vials, and 150 gold to Grimand Elmore in the Dwarven District of Stormwind.','This... well, this is exactly what I needed.  You\'re quite the resourceful $C, aren\'t you?$B$BAll right then, let\'s get this barding finished up for you!','Ah, $C. I won\'t be able to finish your barding without the things I mentioned. Have you gotten everything together?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3086insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3041,7643,'Ancient Equine Spirit','Your barding needs a special form of blessing, one from an appropriate spirit.  In Dire Maul is such a spirit, the Ancient Equine Spirit.  It is currently held by a corrupt treant, Tendris Warpwood.  Pass judgment upon this foul beast, $N.$B$BKnow this - freedom alone is not enough.  You must soothe the spirit before receiving its blessing.  For that, special horse feed is needed.  Travel to Southshore first and speak with Merideth Carlson on this... and prepare for more sacrifice.','Acquire special horse feed used for feeding a spirit horse.  Merideth Carlson in Southshore apparently is the source for such food.$B$BTravel to the Dire Maul dungeon in Feralas and slay Tendris Warpwood.  Doing so will free the Ancient Equine Spirit.  Feed it the special horse feed, thereby soothing the spirit.  Finally, give it the Arcanite Barding so it may bless it.','The Ancient Equine Spirit accepts the offering of the Manna-Enriched Horse Feed, nuzzling the container as it helps itself to the special oats and grains. After it has eaten a little, it looks at the barding you possess and positions itself as though it wants you to place it upon its back...','The Ancient Equine Spirit looks at you expectantly, as though it wants something from you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3087insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3042,7644,'Blessed Arcanite Barding','As the barding rests on the back of the Ancient Equine Spirit, it glows ever so slightly.  The air is thick with power for a brief moment, and then the barding disappears from the back of the horse and is now secure in your backpack.$B$BIt would seem that the barding has been blessed.  As per Lord Shadowbreaker\'s instructions, you should now return with it to him in Stormwind.','Return with the Blessed Arcanite Barding to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in the Cathedral District of Stormwind.','You\'ve come far, my friend. Your barding is now suitably prepared for the last task at hand.$B$BYou will be using this barding to harness your charger once the task of redemption is complete. Before that, however, you will have a monumental struggle to overcome. Your time draws near - huzzah!$B$BThere is one last item that needs to be made before we begin this, $N. Hopefully your resourcefulness has not departed you since you had your barding made...','$N, you\'re back! Were you able to successfully deal with Merideth Carlson and Tendris Warpwood?  Honestly, I\'m not sure which one is a greater threat at times...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3088insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3043,7645,'Manna-Enriched Horse Feed','The Silver Hand thought me MAD when I told them that I could make a special horse feed that could nourish spiritual horses.  EVERYONE thought I was mad!  Well, now it\'s payback time!$B$BI\'ll make what you need, PALADIN... so-called CHAMPION... but it will cost you.  I need special biscuits - Enriched Manna Biscuits sold only by the Argent Dawn - for this blend.  I also demand, yes DEMAND gold as compensation for the misery I have endured!$B$BShow me the sacrifice you tout so much, PALADIN.','Retrieve 20 Enriched Manna Biscuits - the key ingredient in making Manna-Enriched Horse Feed - for Merideth Carlson at Southshore in the Hillsbrad Foothills.  The Argent Dawn is known as the sole purveyor of the biscuits.$B$BYou also need to give her 50 gold to soothe her ruffled sensibilities.','YES, NOW WHO - wait - you\'re giving me the gold too? You weren\'t the one who called me mad (actually they called me a fruitcake nut-job)... still, you\'re willing to show sacrifice even for wrongs you\'ve not committed?$B$BI... I misjudged you, $N.  Should you need more horse feed, come see me. I will give it to you free of charge. Thank you... noble $C.$B$BI am going to keep the money though - I\'m not that much of a nut-job as to give up a fortune.','Yes, I\'ve proved you wrong now, haven\'t I? I\'ve proved them all wrong! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3089insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3044,7646,'The Divination Scryer','We now must assemble a Divination Scryer - this will begin the trial that will allow you to redeem the fallen charger.  Your scryer, actually, is almost done.  The exorcism censer used in Terrordale is the catalyst for it, and I will fashion a suitable housing for the device.$B$BThe last components needed, though, are two diamonds.  They must be as juxtaposed in brilliance as they are in purpose - an Azerothian and a Pristine Black.  These two will be the beacon by which the scryer will pierce the shadows!','Bring an Azerothian Diamond and a Pristine Black Diamond to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in the Cathedral District of Stormwind.','These are fine specimens, $N - the final pieces are now in place. At long last, your time has come!$B$BIn the depths of the Great Ossuary of Scholomance are the skeletal remains of many beings. Amongst them is a once-noble charger. The hollowed soul of this charger now serves as the steed for Death Knight Darkreaver. It is he whom you will face, and it is this steed that you will pass judgment upon. Only you, $N, can redeem its soul and save it from the torment of its servitude.','You have come so very far, $N. Your final act of worldly-item sacrifice will be the genesis for one of your greatest accomplishments. I can feel it in the very fiber of my being!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3090insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3045,7647,'Judgment and Redemption','Take this satchel - in it are the items you will need for your task.$B$BUse the divination scryer in the heart of the Great Ossuary\'s basement to bring forth accursed spirits that must be judged.  Use your judgments wisely during this trial - they will prove more potent than you realize.  After the spirits, the death knight will appear; defeat him and reclaim the lost soul of the charger.  Only then $N, will you be able to redeem it and place your barding upon your new steed!$B$BGood luck!','Use the Divination Scryer in the heart of the Great Ossuary\'s basement in the Scholomance.  Doing so will bring forth the spirits you must judge.  Defeating these spirits will summon forth Death Knight Darkreaver.  Defeat him and reclaim the lost soul of the fallen charger.$B$BGive the Charger\'s Redeemed Soul and the Blessed Enchanted Barding to Darkreaver\'s Fallen Charger.','A glimmer of life - long vacant from the poor beast - shines in its eyes as you hand its judged soul back to it. You feel a holy rush of power surge around you as you place the barding on its back, having judged the charger redeemed. The charger nuzzles your hand as the burdens of the past are lifted from the beast. You now feel as though you could call upon this beast to serve as your steed, should the need arise.$B$BYou have claimed your epic charger, $C! Congratulations!','The spirit of the fallen charger looks upon you with a mournful gaze. Sad, almost hollow eyes look at you as though all hope was lost to it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3091insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3046,7648,'Grimand\'s Finest Work','<Grimand wipes sweat from his brow, beaming with a sense of pride.>$B$BThere you are, my friend.  This is some of my finest work - as good as the barding I personally made for Lord Shadowbreaker when he went for his own charger.  I thank you for your trust in me to provide for you the best.$B$BNo doubt Grayson will want to see the work for himself as well.  Take your barding to him, and give him my thanks for his honorable business.','Take the Arcanite Barding to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind\'s Cathedral District for his inspection.','This is most impressive work. It seems that as Grimand gets older, his craftsmanship continues to improve. That\'s quite the feat when his work was already some of the finest you\'d find anywhere when he made my barding back in the day.$B$BWhile this barding would be a fine addition to any normal steed, we are not dealing with such a mundane beast. You\'ll need this barding blessed by an appropriate source for it to be worthy of resting on a $C\'s charger. I\'ll hold onto it for you until then.','You\'re progressing along nicely, $N. Once you have made your barding, you\'ll be well on your way to the next task.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3092insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3047,7649,'Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume I','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Well done, my boy.$B$B<Lorekeeper Lydros tears out a page from the book.>$B$BI am sure you can make use of this recipe.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3093insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3048,7650,'Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume II','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Well done, my boy.$B$B<Lorekeeper Lydros tears out a page from the book.>$B$BI am sure you can make use of this recipe.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3094insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3049,7651,'Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume III','The tome carries the mark of the Athenaeum.','Return the book to its rightful owners.','Well done, my boy.$B$B<Lorekeeper Lydros tears out a page from the book.>$B$BI am sure you can make use of this recipe.','You have recovered a tome!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3095insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3050,7652,'A Blue Light Bargain','','','Aright, mister, I got a hot deal for ya.$B$BI\'m lookin\' to offload some of these here Imperial plate armor recipes and need someone willing to take on the burden. All I want in exchange is some thorium bars. Sound good?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3096insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3051,7653,'Imperial Plate Belt','','Core bug workaround text$B$BTo be removed when core support feature','A pleasure doin\' business with ya.$B$B$BAnd $N, wipe that look of disgust off yer face.','For the belt plans, I\'ll be needin\' 10 thorium bars.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3097insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3052,7654,'Imperial Plate Boots','','Core bug workaround text$B$BTo be removed when core support feature','A pleasure doin\' business with ya.$B$BAnd $N, wipe that look of disgust off yer face.','For the boot plans, I\'ll be needin\' 20 thorium bars. Yep, 20. Are you gonna cry? Would you like a hanky?$B$B<Derotain laughs.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3098insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3053,7655,'Imperial Plate Bracer','','Core bug workaround text$B$BTo be removed when core support feature','A pleasure doin\' business with ya.$B$BAnd $N, wipe that look of disgust off yer face.','For the bracer plans, I\'ll be needin\' 10 thorium bars.$B$BAre you alright, sonny? Yer getting\' all red.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3099insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3054,7656,'Imperial Plate Chest','','Core bug workaround text$B$BTo be removed when core support feature','A pleasure doin\' business with ya.$B$BAnd $N, wipe that look of disgust off yer face.','For the chest piece plans, I\'ll be needin\' 30 thorium bars.$B$B$BOh boy, there you go again. Are you gonna be runnin\' to yer blue Gods, askin\' why they have forsaken you?!? Toughen up, Nancy! Nobody ever said life\'s fair.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3100insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3055,7657,'Imperial Plate Helm','','Core bug workaround text$B$BTo be removed when core support feature','A pleasure doin\' business with ya.$B$BAnd $N, wipe that look of disgust off yer face.','Just hand over 25 thorium bars and the helm plans are yers.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3101insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3056,7658,'Imperial Plate Leggings','','Core bug workaround text$B$BTo be removed when core support feature','A pleasure doin\' business with ya.$B$BAnd $N, wipe that look of disgust off yer face.','Just hand over 30 thorium bars and the leg plans are yers.$B$BI know, I\'m driving you into bankruptcy! I\'ve heard it all before so you can save your sob story, weakling.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3102insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3057,7659,'Imperial Plate Shoulders','','Core bug workaround text$B$BTo be removed when core support feature','A pleasure doin\' business with ya.$B$BAnd $N, wipe that look of disgust off yer face.','For the shoulder plans, I\'ll be needin\' 10 thorium bars.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3103insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3058,7660,'Wolf Swapping - Arctic Wolf','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3104insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3059,7661,'Wolf Swapping - Red Wolf','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3105insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3060,7662,'New Kodo - Teal','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3106insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3061,7663,'New Kodo - Green','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3107insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3062,7664,'Ivory Raptor Replacement','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3108insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3063,7665,'Red Raptor Replacement','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3109insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3064,7666,'Again Into the Great Ossuary','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3110insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3065,7667,'Material Assistance','$N, there is a pressing matter I hope you can help with... both materially and spiritually.  Allow me to explain.$B$BWithin the depths of the Scholomance in Lordaeron is a chamber called the Great Ossuary.  I need to complete a device that would pierce the shadows of this horrid room.  To finish what I have started, I need two diamonds: an Azerothian and a Pristine Black.  These are not trivial items, I know - I just don\'t have the resources myself.$B$BCould you provide me with one of each?','If you are interested in helping Sagorne Crestrider in Orgrimmar\'s Valley of Wisdom, bring him an Azerothian Diamond and a Pristine Black Diamond.','Your generosity is unrivaled, $N. I thank you for your kindness.$B$BI will be able to finish my divination scryer now, and I should be able to fashion more without further need of diamonds... perhaps you would be interested in helping me in its use? It is for a most important task, I assure you... one that left unchecked could spell unmitigated disaster for the spirit realm!','I feel awkward asking for material assistance, but my divination scryer - the device I hope to finish - requires one of each. If you cannot help me, I\'d certainly understand.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3111insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3066,7668,'The Darkreaver Menace','Death Knight Darkreaver lords over the Great Ossuary in the Scholomance.  He threatens to twist the spirit realm to do his own bidding, and he must be stopped!  This is where the scryer you helped make comes into play.$B$BUse the divination scryer in the heart of the Great Ossuary\'s basement to call forth Darkreaver\'s spirit minions.  Defeat the spirits and the death knight himself will appear.  $N, bring me his head!  Only his demise will reverse the damage dome to the spirit realm!','Use the Divination Scryer in the heart of the Great Ossuary\'s basement in the Scholomance.  Doing so will bring forth spirits you must fight.  Defeating these spirits will summon forth Death Knight Darkreaver; defeat him.$B$BBring Darkreaver\'s Head to Sagorne Creststrider in the Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3112insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3067,7669,'Again Into the Great Ossuary','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3113insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3068,7670,'Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker','The time has come, $N, for you to learn about what it will take for you to acquire something you have no doubt waited on for some time... your charger.$B$BSpeak with Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind\'s Cathedral District.  It is he who will guide you not only though the legerdemain of a Paladin\'s most trusted mount, but the tasks before you to acquire one of your own.$B$BI wish you the best in this trial.  For the Light, noble $G brother : sister;!','Speak with Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind\'s Cathedral District.','I am glad to see you $N.  I know that you have awaited word as to how to acquire your charger, and now that time has come.$B$BYou will be surely tested in many different ways, but most importantly in your willingness to rise above numerous obstacles thrust before you.  These are not done as a learning exercise - your stature is beyond simple educational tests.  You must save your future companion from the clutches of the evil you have spent your life fighting.$B$BTake heed, your time has come!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3114insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3069,7671,'Frostsaber Replacement','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3115insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3070,7672,'Nightsaber Replacement','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3116insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3071,7673,'Frost Ram Exchange','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3117insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3072,7674,'Black Ram Exchange','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3118insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3073,7675,'Icy Blue Mechanostrider Replacement','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3119insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3074,7676,'White Mechanostrider Replacement','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3120insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3075,7677,'White Stallion Exchange','If you bring me your white stallion, I\'ll trade you for one from the new herd. The new horse will be just as fast as your old one, but have a different look to it. You can look at the swift steeds here to see what it will look like.$B$B$BMUST PAY 500 Gold too....','If you bring me your white stallion, I\'ll trade you for one from the new herd. The new horse will be just as fast as your old one, but have a different look to it. You can look at the swift steeds here to see what it will look like.$B$BMUST PAY 500 Gold too....','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3121insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3076,7678,'Palomino Exchange','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3122insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3077,7681,'Hunter test quest','Cast feed pet on your pet.','Feed your pet, then talk to your questgiver.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3123insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3078,7682,'Hunter test quest2','Cast feed pet on your pet.','Feed your pet, then talk to your questgiver.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3124insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3079,7701,'WANTED: Overseer Maltorius','By order o\' \'is eminence, Overseer Oilfist, the rogue Thorium Brotherhood agent an\' newly hired commander o\' the Dark Iron Slag Pit crew o\' the Cauldron, Overseer Maltorius, is to be killed an\' \'is head brung back as proof o\' the deed.$B$BSee Lookout Captan Lolo Longstriker fer the reward on this bounty.','Deep within the Slag Pit of the Cauldron, in the Searing Gorge, you will find the traitorous Dark Iron dwarf named Overseer Maltorius.$B$BSlay Overseer Maltorius and take his head. Return the head to Lookout Captain Lolo Longstriker in the Searing Gorge for your reward.','I never thunk I\'d be lookin\' at thish ugly mug again!$B$BHe acshually looksh better without the resht o\' him attached.$B$BHere\'s yer reward *hic*, <race>.','Can\'t ya shee I\'m bushy? What *hic* ish it ya be wantin? *hic*','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3125insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3080,7703,'Unfinished Gordok Business','Now you da king, so maybe you get prized Gordok artifact back from creepy elf who calls himself Prince!  Da king before you failed, just like all da other kings since Tortheldrin - da creepy elf - stole it from old timey Gordok king!$B$BArtifact is called da Gauntlet of Gordok Might.  Old timey stories say only da one true king da Gordok can get it back.  Old timey story also say creepy elf is still around here - you find it and it will become mighty gauntlet you wear forever!  Yar, I show you!','Find the Gauntlet of Gordok Might and return it to Captain Kromcrush in Dire Maul.$B$BAccording to Kromcrush, the \"old timey story\" says that Tortheldrin - a \"creepy\" elf who called himself a prince - stole it from one of the Gordok kings.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3126insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3081,7721,'Fuel for the Zapping','If I bet against my own better judgment and stay to run an engineering shop along the Forgotten Coast, I will need to deal with these pesky elementals.  Curse the powers of elementalism unchecked, I say!$B$BFortunately for me, and now for you my hopeful agent provocateur, the elementals represent an ideal source of raw power for my Ultra-Shrinker refinement - give them the what-for I say!  When doing this though, be sure to save me the water elemental cores!','Collect 10 Water Elemental Cores from the Sea Elementals and Sea Sprays along the Forgotten Coast of Feralas, and bring them back to Zorbin Fandazzle who is near the dock there.','Scrumdillyriffic!  These cores will keep me working for some time.  Add to that the benefit of there now being fewer elementals along the coast, and I might no longer cry myself to sleep at the prospect of having set up shop in perhaps the worst place imaginable!$B$BThank you, $N, for your efforts on my behalf.  While it certainly straps me financially to do this, allow me to show you some gratitude you may understand and appreciate... loot!','While I could bore you with the technical details of the utility behind elemental cores, I will instead tempt you to completion of this important task by offering valuable coin and prizes for doing so.  Yon verily, are you finished?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3127insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3082,7722,'What the Flux?','When that bastard, Maltorius, left our clan, he left with something more valuable than a pristine arcane crystal: Our recipe for fiery flux! I\'d bet anything that the recipe was part of the deal in his new promotion amongst the Dark Irons.$B$BI want you to get our secret plans back, $N. I\'m sure they\'re somewhere near Maltorius, deep inside the Slag Pit.','Somewhere in the Slag Pit of the Cauldron you will find the Secret Plans: Fiery Flux that Overseer Maltorius stole. Find those plans and return them to Master Smith Burninate in the Searing Gorge.\r\n','I hope you kicked his teeth in too, $N. Ragnaros knows, he deserved it.$B$BNow we can get down to business.','Did you find the plans?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3128insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3083,7723,'Curse These Fat Fingers','Unfortunately, I can\'t dish out the beats like I used to, due to this here fat finger problem. Ye see, the climate out here combined with the lack o\' air pressure makes me fingers expand. They\'re like gigantic Thelsamar Blood Sausages, they are...$B$BYe\'re gonna have to carry out me orders of business and what have ye.$B$BFirst on me agenda: Poundin\' the livin\' daylights out o\' the heavy war golems o\' the Gorge. Get crackin\'.','Hansel Heavyhands wants you to kill 20 Heavy War Golems.$B$BThe Heavy War Golems wander the areas surrounding the Cauldron in the Searing Gorge. When you\'ve killed enough, return to Hansel in Searing Gorge.','Ye\'re a good lad, ye are. I got ye a lil\' present fer yer troubles.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3129insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3084,7724,'Fiery Menace!','Wouldn\'t ye know it, every time ol\' Hansel wants to take a moment to relax and reflect upon his life, the powers that be give him another job.$B$BMe gots to think, come on! Ye know what I be saying? Come. On.$B$BSo, these here greater lava spiders are causin\' a ruckus o\' some sort. Oilfist says they shoot fire out their... erm, yea well, anyway, such things upset the children.$B$BI guess we gots to kill \'em. Rather, ye gots to kill \'em.','Hansel Heavyhands wants you to kill 20 Greater Lava Spiders in the Searing Gorge. You can find Greater Lava Spiders in the plateaus and lava pools of the Searing Gorge.$B$BReturn to Hansel Heavyhands in the Searing Gorge when you have killed enough Greater Lava Spiders.','<Hansel sneezes.>$B$BI think I\'m gettin\' a cold. Damn this frigid climate!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3130insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3085,7725,'Again With the Zapped Giants','I know you\'ve gathered residue for me already... but should you find yourself for want of an encore performance to a fun-time activity, I can always use more residue.$B$BWhile I can\'t offer nearly as much in the way of compensation again, I\'ll be more than happy to spread the good word of your service to all my goblin friends with ears.$B$BBelieve me $g sir : madam; when I say that these goblins have quite large ears.','Use Zorbin\'s Ultra-Shrinker to zap any kind of giant found in Feralas into a more manageable form.  Bring 10 Miniaturization Residues found on the zapped versions of these giants to Zorbin Fandazzle at the docks of the Forgotten Coast, Feralas.','Inconceivably fantastical, $N!  You\'ve come through for me again, and for that I thank you.$B$BThank you!$B$BWhile you may find this coin to be a little less than you\'re accustomed to, rest assured your great deeds on the field of goblindom are echoing through the halls of power in the Steamwheedle Cartel.  Should you need something else to do, then by all means talk to me!','Ah, the fruits of research and utilization in the form of sweet, sweet residue.  Well, that is to say, I don\'t taste it or anything when I study it.$B$BMuch.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3131insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3086,7726,'Refuel for the Zapping','More work, you say?  Did my heroic mission of collecting bits of goo found inside elemental beings not slake your thirst for adventure?  Perhaps more of the same will vainly try to fill the bottomless well of questing you possess...$B$BOK, melodrama aside, I do need more water elemental cores.  I\'m trying desperately to set up shop here, so the rewards won\'t be as great... but I promise you I\'ll tell everyone in earshot how you\'ve helped me.  Trust me on this - I know people in the Cartel!','Collect 6 Water Elemental Cores from the Sea Elementals and Sea Sprays along the Forgotten Coast of Feralas, and bring them back to Zorbin Fandazzle who is near the dock there.','Top notch, $N, top notch!  While the coin I give you might not be the most you\'ll ever receive for such work, rest assured my comrades in the Steamwheedle Cartel will hear about your efforts!$B$BIf you are looking for anything else to do, then let me know.  I can always use more elemental cores and such.','Have you managed to find the elemental cores I need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3132insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3087,7727,'Incendosaurs? Whateverosaur is More Like It','Bunions, $g lad:lass;. Me bunions got bunions. How am I supposed to do any sort of killin\' with me feet in such disarray? That\'s why ye\'re gonna help.$B$BScrange and Burninate tasked me to kill these things so they can send some expeditionary teams down into the Slag Pit lava pools to do some explorin\'. Supposedly some incendosaurs or some such nonsense down there causin\' all kinds o\' problems. Now move along an\' don\'t come back \'til the incendosaur population be extinct.','Hansel Heavyhands wants you to kill 20 Incendosaurs.$B$BYou will find Incendosaurs occupying the lava pools inside the Slag Pit. The Slag Pit can be found in the Cauldron of the Searing Gorge.$B$BReturn to Hansel Heavyhands in the Searing Gorge when you have killed enough Incendosaurs.','Oh me achin\' feets.$B$BI figured since ye didn\'t have a luffa...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3133insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3088,7728,'STOLEN: Smithing Tuyere and Lookout\'s Spyglass','The following items have been stolen:$B$B*One Dark Iron Tuyere.$B$B*One Lookout\'s Spyglass.$B$BA reward is being offered to individuals who find and return these pilfered items.$B$BThe Thorium Brotherhood is certain that these items were stolen by unscrupulous and jealous Dark Iron dwarves that inhabit the Searing Gorge.$B$BThe spyglass in question was an excellent tool for the lookouts and the tuyere was an irreplaceable smithing tool.$B$BShould you find the missing items, return them to Scrange.','Find and return the Smithing Tuyere and Lookout\'s Spyglass to Taskmaster Scrange in the Searing Gorge.$B$BThe only information you have about these items is the following: They were definitely stolen by Dark Iron dwarves. The Smithing Tuyere is a blacksmithing tool used by blacksmiths and the Lookout\'s Spyglass is an invaluable monitoring tool to lookouts. ','Fantastic work! Now for your reward.','If you\'re here for the reward, you\'re gonna have to give me the stolen goods.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3134insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3089,7729,'JOB OPPORTUNITY: Culling the Competition','Taskmaster Scrange is looking for a few good men and women to help \'cull the competition\' in the Searing Gorge.$B$BIf you are interested in this position, venture out into the Searing Gorge and slaughter every Dark Iron Taskmaster and Dark Iron Slaver that you see.$B$BReturn to Taskmaster Scrange when your clothes are bloody enough.$B$BYou\'ll know when they\'re bloody enough so don\'t ask.','Slay 15 Dark Iron Taskmasters and 15 Dark Iron Slavers. Return to Taskmaster Scrange in the Searing Gorge once you have accomplished this task.','15.9 pounds! That may be a new record for blood and gut weight on apparel! Congratulations, $C!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3135insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3090,7730,'Zukk\'ash Infestation','From what scouting we have managed to muster, we believe that the foe south of the gnolls is an insect-like race.  Frankly, it is irrelevant whether or not if they\'re sentient.  If they are driving the gnolls to frenzy against us, then they are as big of a threat - if not more - than the gnolls.$B$BDrive deep into where these Zukk\'ash insects dwell; it is known as the Writhing Deep.  Thin their numbers and report back to me what you find, bringing back their carapaces as evidence of your handiwork.','Bring 20 Zukk\'ash Carapaces to Hadoken Swiftstrider at Camp Mojache, Feralas.','Well done, $C.  Though the extensiveness of the Zukk\'ash presence will not be thwarted with anything less than a full-scale invasion, you have bought us some time so we can devise a proper strategy.$B$BI will be sure to have these carapaces analyzed; we\'ll need to learn everything about them before we deal with what has unfortunately turned into a much larger issue than we had anticipated.','How goes the hunt, $N?  Are you here to report your success?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3136insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3091,7731,'Stinglasher','In surveying the Writhing Deep, one of our scouts reported seeing a giant insect - much larger than the other insects spotted - wandering about the twisted terrain.  Not only is it larger, it also seems to secrete some sort of aura that the other insects don\'t.  We\'ve given it a name - Stinglasher.$B$BThe innards of this beast would be invaluable to study as we figure out the best way to deal with this new threat.  Cut out its secretion glands and bring it back to me immediately!','Defeat Stinglasher in the Writhing Deep, bringing its glands back to Hadoken Swiftstrider at Camp Mojache, Feralas.','Impressive, $C... most impressive!  If Stinglasher is indeed one of their strongest creatures, the study of the beast will prove to be quite valuable in time.  It\'s now my charge to make sure we defend ourselves long enough to take advantage of it.$B$BPlease accept this coin bounty as a token of the entire camp\'s thanks, $N.  Well done.','Have you managed to bring down Stinglasher yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3137insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3092,7732,'Zukk\'ash Report','You\'ve done doubly well in addressing the threat that the Zukk\'ash insects pose to Camp Mojache.  The threat these things pose is far from over, and I\'d like to ask you for one last task on behalf of the Horde.$B$BThis is a document that details all the information we have learned about these Zukk\'ash insects.  I want you to deliver it to Zilzibin Drumlore in the Drag of Orgrimmar.  He\'s an expert on alien creatures like these; I hope he can do something with the lore we\'ve obtained.','Deliver the Camp Mojache Zukk\'ash Report to Zilzibin Drumlore.  He resides in the Drag of Orgrimmar.','Ah, I\'ve been expecting this.  These creatures you faced... they are an ancient threat that the Horde continues to choose to ignore.  Hadoken was wise to bring this - and you - to me.$B$BThe Zukk\'ash are nothing more than creatures called the silithid.  Some would think that they are a mindless nuisance, but let me assure you - they are a far, far worse threat than anything the Alliance could muster.$B$BIf you\'re willing and strong enough, I could use your aid in bringing this threat to light.','Greetings friend... you look as though you are on urgent business.  Is there something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3138insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3093,7733,'Improved Quality','I have a lead on an even BETTER source of hides, if that\'s even possible to believe!  In the northern parts of Feralas - deep within Rage Scar Hold - are another throng of yetis.  They\'re much tougher than the ones you dealt with before, so if you\'re up for a bigger challenge you\'d best be on your toes!$B$BI would reward you handsomely for a stack of ten of their hides; bring them to me here, and we\'ll finish our business.','Bring 10 Rage Scar Yeti Hides to Pratt McGrubben at Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas.','Excellent, excellent!  These are going to work out incredibly well - I can already tell that they\'re going to be much harder when properly cured.$B$BThanks again for your help $N.  Here - please take one of my latest creations.','If these Rage Scar yeti hides are anything like the quality displayed by their Feral Scar counterparts, they could very well be as resilient as thorium!$B$BImagine that!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3139insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3094,7734,'Improved Quality','I have a lead on an even BETTER source of hides, if that\'s even possible to believe!  In the northern parts of Feralas - deep within Rage Scar Hold - are another throng of yetis.  They\'re much tougher than the ones you dealt with before, so if you\'re up for a bigger challenge you\'d best be on your toes!$B$BI would reward you handsomely for a stack of ten of their hides; bring them to me here, and we\'ll finish our business.','Bring 10 Rage Scar Yeti Hides to Jangdor Swiftstrider at Camp Mojache, Feralas.','Excellent, excellent!  These are going to work out incredibly well - I can already tell that they\'re going to be much harder when properly cured.$B$BThanks again for your aid, $N.  Here - please take one of my latest creations.','If these Rage Scar yeti hides are anything like the quality displayed by their Feral Scar counterparts, they could very well be as resilient as thorium!$B$BImagine that!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3140insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3095,7735,'Pristine Yeti Hide','You have found a pristine yeti hide that is exceptionally thick and sturdy - more so than even the ones you\'ve seen from the yeti in Rage Scar.$B$BConsidering that Pratt McGrubben at the Feathermoon Stronghold is in the market for yeti hides, this particular one may be of considerable interest to him.','Bring the Pristine Yeti Hide to Pratt McGrubben at the Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas.','Incredible!  You may have found the granddaddy of all yeti hides with this!$B$BYou better believe I\'ll pay you for it.  I normally don\'t pay that much for a single hide, but I\'m pretty sure I can make something special from it.  Thanks for thinking of me on this, $N!','What\'s this, $N - you\'ve got something special for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3141insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3096,7736,'Restoring Fiery Flux Supplies via Kingsblood','Let\'s not waste more of my precious time with jibber jabber, $N. It\'s time to focus on replenishing our dwindling fiery flux supply.$BWhat I\'m gonna need from you is the following:$B$B*2 Incendosaur scales.$B*4 Kingsblood.$B*1 Coal.$B$BI\'ll take all that you can offer!$BAnd you\'ll do it fast if you wanna get in good with the Brotherhood.','Deliver 2 Incendosaur Scales, 4 Kingsblood and one Coal to Master Smith Burninate.','There\'s always room for more fiery flux, junior. Keep it comin\'... unless I tell you to stop.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3142insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3097,7737,'Gaining Acceptance','You\'ve worked your way up through the Brotherhood\'s corporate hierarchy, $R. We have begun to look favorably upon you. Quite an accomplishment!$B$BIf you\'re interested in more work and earning more respect amongst us, listen up.$B$BWe can refine the fiery flux by adding a simple Dark Iron residue to the mix. The Dark Iron residue can be found in Blackrock Depths.$B$BBring me all the Dark Iron residue you find!','You\'ve worked your way up through the Brotherhood\'s corporate hierarchy, $R. We have begun to look favorably upon you. Quite an accomplishment!$B $BIf you\'re interested in more work and earning more respect amongst us, listen up.$B $BWe can refine the fiery flux by adding a simple Dark Iron residue to the mix. The Dark Iron residue can be found in Blackrock Depths.$B $BBring me all the Dark Iron residue you find!','Keep the residue pouring in!','You\'ve worked your way up through the Brotherhood\'s corporate hierarchy, $R. We have begun to look favorably upon you. Quite an accomplishment! $B $BIf you\'re interested in more work and earning more respect amongst us, listen up.$B $BWe can refine the fiery flux by adding a simple Dark Iron residue to the mix. The Dark Iron residue can be found in Blackrock Depths.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3143insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3098,7738,'Perfect Yeti Hide','You have found what may very well be a perfect yeti hide.  You easily note that it is exceptionally thick and sturdy - more so than even the ones you\'ve seen from the yeti in Rage Scar.$B$BConsidering that Jangdor Swiftstrider at Camp Mojache is in the market for yeti hides, this particular one may be of considerable interest to him.','Bring the Perfect Yeti Hide to Jangdor Swiftstrider at Camp Mojache, Feralas.','This is an incredible find! I believe this is the finest yeti hide specimen I have ever seen!$B$BIndeed, this is certainly worthy of an appropriate bounty. I normally don\'t pay that much for a single hide, but I\'m confident I can make something special from it. Thanks for thinking of me on this, $N!','What\'s this, $N - you\'ve got something special for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3144insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3099,7741,'Praise from the Emerald Circle <NYI> <TXT>','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3145insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3100,7761,'Blackhand\'s Command','Imbecile,$B$BI hold very little faith in your ability to prevent outsiders from accessing the master\'s lair. In the very likely event of your death, this orb has its own failsafe built in to prevent outsiders from teleporting directly into Blackwing.$B$BOnly those with the Mark of Drakkisath branded upon their hand may make use of this orb. Thankfully, Drakkisath is not nearly as incompetent as you, Quartermaster. He guards the brand himself!$B$B-Warchief Rend Blackhand$B$BP.S. Destroy this letter, idiot.','That is one stupid orc. It would appear as if you need to find this brand and gain the Mark of Drakkisath in order to access the Orb of Command.$B$BThe letter indicates that General Drakkisath guards the brand. Perhaps you should investigate.','You don\'t even flinch as the smoldering brand is pressed into your flesh. You are so tough!$B$BYou now hold the Mark of Drakkisath. Have fun storming the castle.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3146insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3101,7781,'The Lord of Blackrock','The old feeling returns. The welcome pangs of victory reverberate throughout your being. Before you lies the monolithic, battle scarred head of Nefarian. Return it to your Highlord, champion.','Return the Head of Nefarian to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind.','You need not be told the meaning of what you have done, $N. This day will be recorded in the annals of history. A victory the likes of which has not been known to the Alliance for years - if ever!','Inconceivable!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3147insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3102,7782,'The Lord of Blackrock','Go to the Valley of Heroes and speak with Field Marshal Afrasiabi.','Venture to the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind City and speak with Field Marshal Afrasiabi.','<Field Marshal Afrasiabi bows.>$B$BChoose your reward, let the celebration begin!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3148insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3103,7783,'The Lord of Blackrock','The old feeling returns. The welcome pangs of victory reverberate throughout your being. Before you lies the monolithic, battle scarred head of Nefarian. Return it to your Warchief, champion.','Return the Head of Nefarian to Thrall in Orgrimmar.','You have honored the Horde once more, $N. The son of Deathwing lays dead. Surely, the evil one stirs.','I wish that I could have been there to see the look on the face of the beast as you struck the killing blow, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3149insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3104,7784,'The Lord of Blackrock','Seek out High Overlord Saurfang in the Valley of Strength.','Speak with High Overlord Saurfang in Orgrimmar. He stands waiting for you in the Valley of Strength.','Choose your reward so that I may mount the head of the beast for all to see.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3150insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3105,7785,'Examine the Vessel','Examine the vessel of his rebirth, mortal. It is from this that the Windseeker shall be reborn!','Examine the Vessel of Rebirth and return it to Highlord Demitrian.','May you be protected in your crusade. May the Master bless your efforts.','Will you release him from his eternal prison?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3151insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3106,7786,'Thunderaan the Windseeker','I have told you all that I know, $N. It is you who must find elementium. It is you who must destroy the Firelord\'s corporeal form.$B$BDo this and gain the blessing of Thunderaan.','To free Thunderaan the Windseeker from his prison, you must present the right and left halves of the Bindings of the Windseeker, 10 bars of Elementium, and the Essence of the Firelord to Highlord Demitrian in Silithus.','Even in dreams I did not dare foresee this day.$B$BBehold, mortal.$B$BBEHOLD HE WHO IS OLDER THAN EXISTENCE!$B$BBEHOLD HE WHO HAS FACED TITAN AND GOD ALIKE!$B$BRISE MY MASTER! BREAK FROM YOUR BONDS!','Bring the world to its knees if you must!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3152insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3107,7787,'Rise, Thunderfury!','You have defeated the Wind Seeker. Take the dormant blade and force the lying wretch, Demitrian, to use the materials you provided for his betrayal to wake Thunderfury.','Present the Dormant Wind Kissed Blade to Highlord Demitrian.','Please do not harm me! Take it! Take the blade! Leave Demitrian to reshape his pathetic life!','<Demitrian cowers in your presence.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3153insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3108,7788,'Vanquish the Invaders!','Beyond this tunnel you will find a field of strife and turmoil, young $c. The Horde continue to decimate our sacred forest, cutting down the evergreen foliage to power their machines of war.$B$BEnter Warsong Gulch and defend Silverwing Hold. Push back the invading Horde forces!$B$BDo this, and earn a talisman of merit.  Bring me such a talisman, $N, and I shall reward you.','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Horde, obtain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and return to Sentinel Farsong at the Silverwing Grove.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3154insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3109,7789,'Quell the Silverwing Usurpers','The wilds of the Ashenvale forest will succumb to the might of the Horde, $r. Nothing the Silverwing say or do can stop our sovereign imperative. Kalimdor belongs to the Horde. How dare they attempt to prevent us from harvesting what is rightfully ours!$B$BLet the pride swell in your chest as you cut down their weak attempts at slowing our progress. Destroy the Silverwing Sentinels, and earn a Warsong mark of honor.  Return to me with such a mark, $N, and you will be rewarded.\r\n','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Alliance, gain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and bring it to Captain Shatterskull at the Mor\'shan Base Camp.','<Captain Shatterskull roars in triumph.>$B$BHow much more can they withstand? How many more Alliance filth must perish at the hands of the Horde for them to retreat? Only time will tell, $R... ','The blood of our enemies is a mark of honor. Do you have such a mark?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3155insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3110,7791,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by Stormwind City for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Clavicus Knavingham.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3156insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3111,7792,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by Darnassus for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Raedon Duskstriker.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3157insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3112,7793,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by Stormwind City for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Clavicus Knavingham.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3158insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3113,7794,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by Stormwind City, I assure you!$B','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Clavicus Knavingham.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3159insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3114,7795,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Clavicus Knavingham.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3160insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3115,7796,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the tribe.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Clavicus Knavingham.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3161insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3116,7797,'Dimensional Ripper - Everlook','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3162insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3117,7798,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by Darnassus for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Raedon Duskstriker.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3163insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3118,7799,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by Darnassus, I assure you!','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Raedon Duskstriker.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3164insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3119,7800,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Raedon Duskstriker.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3165insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3120,7801,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the tribe.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Raedon Duskstriker.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3166insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3121,7802,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by Gnomeregan for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Bubulo Acerbus.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3167insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3122,7803,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by Gnomeregan for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Bubulo Acerbus.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3168insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3123,7804,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by Ironforge, I assure you!','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Mistina Steelshield.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3169insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3124,7805,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Mistina Steelshield.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3170insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3125,7806,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the tribe.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Mistina Steelshield.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3171insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3126,7807,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by Ironforge for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Mistina Steelshield.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3172insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3127,7808,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by Ironforge for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Mistina Steelshield.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3173insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3128,7809,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by Gnomeregan, I assure you!','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Bubulo Acerbus.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3174insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3129,7810,'Arena Master','There must be more to being a master of the arena than this!   Perhaps the Pirate who runs the event at Gurubashi will know!','Speak with Short John Mithril in the Stranglethorn Arena.','Arr Me Hearty! Gaining one Trinket be not enough to make ye master of the Arena! Now tis the time to truly prove your steel.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3175insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3130,7811,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Bubulo Acerbus.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3176insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3131,7812,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the tribe.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Bubulo Acerbus.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3177insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3132,7813,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by the Undercity for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Ralston Farnsley.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3178insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3133,7814,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by the Undercity for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Ralston Farnsley.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3179insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3134,7815,'Snapjaws, Mon!','Don\'t let their big eyes fool you, mon! Those saltwater snapjaws be a menace. I can\'t fish for five minutes without getting a broken line from one of those oversized fish vacuums stealing my bait.$B$BDo me and the people of Revantusk Village a service and kill em, mon.$B$BKill the whole lot of em!','Katoom the Angler at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to kill 15 Saltwater Snapjaw turtles. Return to him when you have completed this task.','Oh, mon! I can\'t thank you enough! Hopefully this here fishing pole will be reward enough for the job.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3180insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3135,7816,'Gammerita, Mon!','Yo! There be a turtle out there not like the others. She be the Gammerita, leader of the saltwater snapjaws - a downright dirty thievin\' reptile.$B$BMon, she stole my best lure. Snapped it right off my line! Since then, the fish just aren\'t biting the same.$B$BFind Gammerita and get my lure out of her stomach.','Katoom the Angler at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to kill Gammerita and retrieve Katoom\'s Best Lure from her corpse.$B$BKatoom mentioned that Gammerita hangs out on the coast with the other turtles.','MON! This is fantastic! With my best lure and the snapjaw population down, the fish will pile up.','Did you get it yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3181insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3136,7817,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by Undercity, I assure you!','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Ralston Farnsley.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3182insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3137,7818,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Ralston Farnsley.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3183insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3138,7819,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the tribe.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Ralston Farnsley.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3184insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3139,7820,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by Thunder Bluff for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Rumstag Proudstrider.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3185insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3140,7821,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by Thunder Bluff for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Rumstag Proudstrider.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3186insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3141,7822,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by Thunder Bluff, I assure you!','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Rumstag Proudstrider.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3187insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3142,7823,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Rumstag Proudstrider.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3188insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3143,7824,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Vehena.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3189insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3144,7825,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the tribe.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Rumstag Proudstrider.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3190insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3145,7826,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by Orgrimmar for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Rashona Straglash.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3191insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3146,7827,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by Orgrimmar for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Rashona Straglash.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3192insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3147,7828,'Stalking the Stalkers','Many brave trolls have been lost to the harsh wilds of the Hinterlands, $r. The Silvermane wolves are one of the biggest threats to our hunters. They lay in wait, hiding amongst the bushes and landscape, then strike out when the opportunity presents itself.$B$BThis type of ferocity will not go unchecked!$B$BYou must think like the Silvermane. Stalk the stalkers! Slay them all!','Huntsman Markhor at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to kill 10 Silvermane Stalkers and 10 Silvermane Howlers. Return to him once the task is complete.$B$BMarkhor mentioned that the wolves hide in the wilds of the Hinterlands.','A job well done, <race>. The Revantusk thank you for your contribution.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3193insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3148,7829,'Hunt the Savages','Among the more ornery of the wildlife of the Hinterlands are the savage owlbeasts. Many a good Revantusk warrior has been lost to the ferocious claws and beak of the beasts.$B$BKill every savage owlbeast you see, $r. Return to me when you can stand no more bloodshed. Your contribution will then be weighed, measured, and judged.','Huntsman Markhor at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to kill 20 Savage Owlbeasts. Return to him once the task is complete.$B$BMarkhor mentioned that the Savage Owlbeasts occupy the wilds of the Hinterlands.','You have proven a worthy ally to the Revantusk, $N. Well done.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3194insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3149,7830,'Avenging the Fallen','The filth that calls itself Wildhammer trains gryphon to slay troll. Horrible, I know, but worry not, justice will soon be meted out.$B$BFor now, I want you to focus on eradicating the elder gryphons of the region. They are known as Skylords.$B$BSlay one and return to me with its plume.','Huntsman Markhor at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to kill a Razorbeak Skylord and retrieve its Skylord Plume. Return to him once the task is complete.$B$BMarkhor mentioned that the Razorbeak Skylord are a rare breed that tend to occupy the wilds of the Hinterlands.','<Markhor examines the plume.>$B$BI wonder how many of our hunters this beast devoured before you brought it to justice.','The Razorbeak Skylord is a much rarer breed of gryphon: One responsible for mating and creating murderous offspring.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3195insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3150,7831,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by Orgrimmar, I assure you!$B','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Rashona Straglash.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3196insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3151,7832,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the tribe.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Vehena.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3197insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3152,7833,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by the Darkspear Trolls for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Vehena.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3198insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3153,7834,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by the Darkspear Trolls for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Vehena.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3199insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3154,7835,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by the Darkspear Trolls, I assure you!','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Vehena.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3200insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3155,7836,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Rashona Straglash.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3201insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3156,7837,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the tribe.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Rashona Straglash.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3202insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3157,7838,'Arena Grandmaster','Avast Lubber!   Bring me 12 trinkets of the Arena Master and then ye shall be a Grandmaster of the Gurubashi Arena!   Arrrr!','','Much blood have you spilt on the Arena floor and I be glad to name you Grandmaster of the Arena!','Avast Lubber! Bring me 12 trinkets of the Arena Master.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3203insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3158,7839,'Vilebranch Hooligans','Vilebranch scum invaded our village and stole my tools! I have backup tools but the set they stole was a gift given to me by a kind hearted gnome that saved my life when I was a young orc.$B$BI want those tools back, $N - they mean the world to me.$B$BMarkhor reported that the tools were spotted near the Agol\'watha and Shaol\'watha temples.$B$BThose temples are in the northeastern region of the Hinterlands.$B$BRecover my tools!','Smith Slagtree at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to find Slagtree\'s Lost Tools. Return to him once this task is complete.$B$BYou recall Smith Slagtree mentioning that the tools might be at one of the Vilebranch temples in the northeastern region of the Hinterlands. You should also check Skulk Rock.','My tools! You found them! Oh glorious day! Thank you, $N.','Watch out for the Vilebranch trolls of the region, $N. They are ruthless, murderous filth.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3204insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3159,7840,'Lard Lost His Lunch','Lard was at secret special spot having picnic when ugly mean Vilebranch hit Lard wit da big stick. Lard run back to Revantusk but forget Lard lunch. Lard hungry. Maybe you go back to secret special spot and get Lard lunch? Lard scared. Go nort! Island der to da nort is da secret special spot.','Lard at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to find Lard\'s Lunch. Return to him when this task is complete.$B$BLard mentioned that he left it on the island to the north. Watch out for Vilebranch trolls.','<Lard takes the huge haunch of meat from you and stuffs it in his face.>$B$BDis hit da spot! Tanks little one.$B$BLard make you special picnic basket for help Lard.','<Lard rubs his enormous belly.>$B$BLard so hungry.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3205insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3160,7841,'Message to the Wildhammer','The Wildhammer be striking up deals with our enemies, forgin\' new alliances. This time, they be workin\' with the high elves, mon.$B$B<Otho spits.>$B$BWe be needin\' to send those Wildhammer dwarves a message - a message in the blood of our enemies. Slaughter every Highvale high elf that you come across, leave their bodies as a warnin\'.$B$BNever mess with trolls!','Otho Moji\'ko at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to slaughter 15 Highvale Outrunners, 15 Highvale Scouts, 15 Highvale Marksman and 15 Highvale Rangers. Return to him when this task is complete.$B$BYou can find the Highvale high elves at the Quel\'Danil Lodge in the northwestern region of the Hinterlands.','It be lookin\' like the Revantusk are forgin\' new alliances as well, mon! You done good.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3206insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3161,7842,'Another Message to the Wildhammer','They say the Wildhammer and gryphon are as close to each other as troll and mate. Disgusting, but we be able to use this to our advantage, mon. We send them another message.$B$BKill all the gryphons you see in the Hinterlands, collect their feathers. From this we make the final message.','Otho Moji\'ko at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to bring him 10 Long Elegant Feathers from the gryphons that inhabit the Hinterlands. Return to him once this task is complete.$B$BGryphons are known to inhabit every region of the Hinterlands.','Oh, mon, this gonna be good. One more step to go and Wildhammer see that they can\'t mess with troll!','The last message gonna scare them off for sure. Either that or make them very, very angry.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3207insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3162,7843,'The Final Message to the Wildhammer','<Otho hands you a long, blood drenched spear, wrapped in several gryphon feathers.>$B$BYou take this, mon. You take this to Aerie Peak, dead center of town by the well. You plant it! Drive it right into the ground! Show those dwarves that troll mean business! Come back when you do this. Hopefully you come back alive.','Otho Moji\'ko at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to travel to Aerie Peak in the western region of the Hinterlands and place the Final Message to the Wildhammer by the well in the center of town. Return to him once this task is complete.$B$BBeware of angry Wildhammer dwarves and unruly members of the Alliance.','I wish I coulda been there to see the look on their faces, mon. Are they packing up their bags? Leavin\' town?$B$BYou done good, $N. Real good. Otho reward you with the big mojo.','','Message to the Wildhammer Delivered','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3208insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3163,7844,'Cannibalistic Cousins','Three different tribes of trolls inhabit the Hinterlands, $N. That is about as far as the similarities between the tribes extends: We are all trolls and we live in the Hinterlands.$B$BThe Vilebranch - aptly named - are a depraved lot; feeding on other trolls and humanoids.$B$BIf Zul\'jin were here, he would have destroyed the whole lot of them with a flick of his wrist - alas, Zul\'jin has not yet returned and we are left to our own devices.$B$BIt is up to you to destroy the filth of the region!','Mystic Yayo\'jin at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to kill 15 Vilebranch Scalpers and 10 Vilebranch Soothsayers. Return to her when this task is complete.$B$BYayo\'jin indicated that these trolls could be found near the Shaol\'watha and Agol\'watha temples in the north by northeastern region of the Hinterlands.','Well done, $C. Zul\'jin himself could not have done a better job!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3209insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3164,7845,'Kidnapped Elder Torntusk!','My mate was taken by Vilebranch savages in a bold midnight raid on our village. Our spies have told me that he is still alive and being held prisoner atop Jintha\'alor. The Vile Priestess Hexx is said to be preparing him for a sacrifice to the faceless blood God, Hakkar.$B$BYou must save him, $N! Our village could not stand a loss this great.','Primal Torntusk at Raventusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to rescue her mate, Elder Torntusk, from Jintha\'alor.$B$BYou have been told that he is being held prisoner atop Jintha\'alor, the Vilebranch capital city located in the southern region of the Hinterlands.','You must act quickly, $N. Surely the guards have been alerted to your presence.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3210insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3165,7846,'Recover the Key!','The key to my bindings is held by Hitah\'ya the Keeper. She is in the nearby cave. Be careful, $c, for she is guarded well.$B$BKill her and bring the key back to loosen my shackles. Only then will I be free to return home.','Elder Torntusk at Jintha\'alor wants you to kill Hitah\'ya the Keeper to get the Shackle Key to his bindings. Return to Elder Torntusk when you have recovered the key.','Freedom at last! Thank you, $N. Revantusk will know your deeds!','You must hurry!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3211insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3166,7847,'Return to Primal Torntusk','Return to my mate, Primal Torntusk at Revantusk Village. Tell her that I am coming home! She is sure to reward you.','Elder Torntusk at Jintha\'alor wants you to return to Primal Torntusk at Revantusk Village with news of his rescue.','You have done the Revantusk a great service, $N! We owe you a great debt of gratitude.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3212insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3167,7848,'Attunement to the Core','Rifts stir, tear, and collapse all around us, $r. Not two paces from where I stand is a tear leading through the depths of Blackrock Mountain, into the maw of the Firelord.$B$BSurprised? Pity... The mortal races cannot comprehend that which they cannot see, touch, or feel.$B$BI assure you, the portal is there and access is possible.$B$BI\'ve piqued your interest? Attunement is simple. Venture into Blackrock Depths and retrieve a core fragment. Return it to me and I shall attune your essence with the portal.','Venture to the Molten Core entry portal in Blackrock Depths and recover a Core Fragment. Return to Lothos Riftwaker in Blackrock Mountain when you have recovered the Core Fragment.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3213insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3168,7849,'Separation Anxiety','Like many in our village, I too have lost a loved one to the wilds. Alas, it was my twin brother Malkhor - taken in the same raid as Torntusk\'s mate by the Vilebranch.$B$BSadly, he was not fated to live and was given a swift, brutal execution; his remains fed to the oozes and wolves of the Vilebranch.$B$BIt is too late to save his life but not too late to save his soul. Recover his remains, $N.','Huntsman Markhor at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to recover his twin brother\'s remains. Find and return Huntsman Malkhor\'s Skull and Huntsman Malkhor\'s Bones to Huntsman Markhor.$B$BMarkhor mentioned that his brother\'s remains were fed to the oozes and wolves of the Vilebranch. He also mentioned that there is a refuse pit filled with oozes in Jintha\'alor as well as a wolf den. Both of these places are near the top of the temple.','My dearest brother, how I will miss you...$B$BThank you for your assistance, $N. You are truly a hero in my eyes.','When I have his remains, I shall take them to Yayo\'jin and have them prepared for a proper burial.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3214insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3169,7850,'Dark Vessels','The Vilebranch fight with supernatural ferocity. This is due to the foul magical weavings of the Vile Priestess Hexx.$B$BThroughout Jintha\'alor you will find dark vessels of tainted blood. The vessels radiate the foul magic of the faceless blood God, empowering the Vilebranch and also driving them to madness.$B$BSteal those vessels and return them to me so that I may remove the taint and ultimately loosen the grip of the blood God.','Primal Torntusk at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to recover 10 Vessels of Tainted Blood from Jintha\'alor. Return to Primal Torntusk when this task is complete.','The dark energy that compels the Vilebranch has been lifted - for now. We must remain ever vigilant in our battle against evil, as even if the Vile Priestess is destroyed, another soon takes her place.','Be cautious in battling the Vilebranch, $N. Their minds are clouded - they fight to the death.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3215insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3170,7861,'Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions','By order of Primal Torntusk, Vile Priestess Hexx and her minions are to be brought to justice!$B$BA grand reward is offered for any that slay the Vile Priestess Hexx and all of her Aman\'zasi elite guard.','You have been ordered to slay Vile Priestess Hexx and 10 Vilebranch Aman\'zasi Guards. See Primal Torntusk at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands once this task is complete.$B$BVile Priestess Hexx and the Aman\'zasi Guards can be found atop Jintha\'alor in the Hinterlands.','A crippling blow to the Vilebranch, indeed. You shall be richly rewarded, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3216insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3171,7862,'Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village','With the loss of Guard Captain Malkhor, the position of Guard Captain of Revantusk is once again open. If you are interested in becoming Captain of the Guard for Revantusk, complete the following tasks and submit your application to Primal Torntusk:$B$BExterminate Vilebranch Berserkers.$B$BExterminate Vilebranch Shadow Hunters.$B$BExterminate Vilebranch Blood Drinkers.$B$BExterminate Vilebranch Soul Eaters.','You have been tasked with the decimation of 10 Vilebranch Berserkers, 5 Vilebranch Shadow Hunters, 5 Vilebranch Blood Drinkers, and 5 Vilebranch Soul Eaters.$B$BShould you complete this task, return to Primal Torntusk at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands.','You are indeed a worthy candidate for the new position, $N. Accept this trinket as a token of our appreciation for your hard work. I will be reviewing all applications next year.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3217insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3172,7863,'Sentinel Basic Care Package','','','You\'ve certainly begun to prove yourself to us, $N. As a reward, please take this care package! Inside it you\'ll find rations and bandages that are usable only inside Warsong Gulch. $B$BAs you continue to prove yourself inside the Gulch, you\'ll find that these items will become available to you for purchase. Rations become available when you are Friendly with us, and bandages when you are Honored.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3218insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3173,7864,'Sentinel Standard Care Package','','','You\'ve certainly begun to prove yourself to us, $N. As a reward, please take this care package! Inside it you\'ll find rations and bandages that are usable only inside Warsong Gulch. $B$BAs you continue to prove yourself inside the Gulch, you\'ll find that these items will become available to you for purchase. Rations become available when you are Friendly with us, and bandages when you are Honored.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3219insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3174,7865,'Sentinel Advanced Care Package','','','You\'ve certainly begun to prove yourself to us, $N. As a reward, please take this care package! Inside it you\'ll find rations and bandages that are usable only inside Warsong Gulch. $B$BAs you continue to prove yourself inside the Gulch, you\'ll find that these items will become available to you for purchase. Rations become available when you are Friendly with us, and bandages when you are Honored.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3220insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3175,7866,'Outrider Basic Care Package','','','You\'ve certainly begun to prove yourself to us, $N. As a reward, please take this care package! Inside it you\'ll find rations and bandages that are usable only inside Warsong Gulch. $B$BAs you continue to prove yourself inside the Gulch, you\'ll find that these items will become available to you for purchase. Rations become available when you are Friendly with us, and bandages when you are Honored.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3221insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3176,7867,'Outrider Standard Care Package','','','You\'ve certainly begun to prove yourself to us, $N. As a reward, please take this care package! Inside it you\'ll find rations and bandages that are usable only inside Warsong Gulch. $B$BAs you continue to prove yourself inside the Gulch, you\'ll find that these items will become available to you for purchase. Rations become available when you are Friendly with us, and bandages when you are Honored.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3222insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3177,7868,'Outrider Advanced Care Package','','','You\'ve certainly begun to prove yourself to us, $N. As a reward, please take this care package! Inside it you\'ll find rations and bandages that are usable only inside Warsong Gulch. $B$BAs you continue to prove yourself inside the Gulch, you\'ll find that these items will become available to you for purchase. Rations become available when you are Friendly with us, and bandages when you are Honored.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3223insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3178,7871,'Vanquish the Invaders!','Beyond this tunnel you will find a field of strife and turmoil, young $c. The Horde continue to decimate our sacred forest, cutting down the evergreen foliage to power their machines of war.$B$BEnter Warsong Gulch and defend Silverwing Hold. Push back the invading Horde forces!$B$BDo this, and earn a talisman of merit.  Bring me such a talisman, $N, and I shall reward you.','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Horde, obtain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and return to Sentinel Farsong at the Silverwing Grove.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3224insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3179,7872,'Vanquish the Invaders!','Beyond this tunnel you will find a field of strife and turmoil, young $c. The Horde continue to decimate our sacred forest, cutting down the evergreen foliage to power their machines of war.$B$BEnter Warsong Gulch and defend Silverwing Hold. Push back the invading Horde forces!$B$BDo this, and earn a talisman of merit.  Bring me such a talisman, $N, and I shall reward you.','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Horde, obtain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and return to Sentinel Farsong at the Silverwing Grove.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3225insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3180,7873,'Vanquish the Invaders!','Beyond this tunnel you will find a field of strife and turmoil, young $c. The Horde continue to decimate our sacred forest, cutting down the evergreen foliage to power their machines of war.$B$BEnter Warsong Gulch and defend Silverwing Hold. Push back the invading Horde forces!$B$BDo this, and earn a talisman of merit.  Bring me such a talisman, $N, and I shall reward you.','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Horde, obtain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and return to Sentinel Farsong at the Silverwing Grove.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3226insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3181,7874,'Quell the Silverwing Usurpers','The wilds of the Ashenvale forest will succumb to the might of the Horde, $r. Nothing the Silverwing say or do can stop our sovereign imperative. Kalimdor belongs to the Horde. How dare they attempt to prevent us from harvesting what is rightfully ours!$B$BLet the pride swell in your chest as you cut down their weak attempts at slowing our progress. Destroy the Silverwing Sentinels, and earn a Warsong mark of honor.  Return to me with such a mark, $N, and you will be rewarded.\r\n','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Alliance, gain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and bring it to Captain Shatterskull at the Mor\'shan Base Camp.','<Captain Shatterskull roars in triumph.>$B$BHow much more can they withstand? How many more Alliance filth must perish at the hands of the Horde for them to retreat? Only time will tell, $R.','The blood of our enemies is a mark of honor. Do you have such a mark?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3227insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3182,7875,'Quell the Silverwing Usurpers','The wilds of the Ashenvale forest will succumb to the might of the Horde, $r. Nothing the Silverwing say or do can stop our sovereign imperative. Kalimdor belongs to the Horde. How dare they attempt to prevent us from harvesting what is rightfully ours!$B$BLet the pride swell in your chest as you cut down their weak attempts at slowing our progress. Destroy the Silverwing Sentinels, and earn a Warsong mark of honor.  Return to me with such a mark, $N, and you will be rewarded.\r\n','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Alliance, gain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and bring it to Captain Shatterskull at the Mor\'shan Base Camp.','<Captain Shatterskull roars in triumph.>$B$BHow much more can they withstand? How many more Alliance filth must perish at the hands of the Horde for them to retreat? Only time will tell, $R.','The blood of our enemies is a mark of honor. Do you have such a mark?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3228insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3183,7876,'Quell the Silverwing Usurpers','The wilds of the Ashenvale forest will succumb to the might of the Horde, $r. Nothing the Silverwing say or do can stop our sovereign imperative. Kalimdor belongs to the Horde. How dare they attempt to prevent us from harvesting what is rightfully ours!$B$BLet the pride swell in your chest as you cut down their weak attempts at slowing our progress. Destroy the Silverwing Sentinels, and earn a Warsong mark of honor.  Return to me with such a mark, $N, and you will be rewarded.\r\n','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Alliance, gain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and bring it to Captain Shatterskull at the Mor\'shan Base Camp.','<Captain Shatterskull roars in triumph.>$B$BHow much more can they withstand? How many more Alliance filth must perish at the hands of the Horde for them to retreat? Only time will tell, $R.','The blood of our enemies is a mark of honor. Do you have such a mark?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3229insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3184,7877,'The Treasure of the Shen\'dralar','In the library, Athenaeum, you will find an ancient chest hidden beneath the stairway. Take from it that which you desire.','Return to the Athenaeum and find the Treasure of the Shen\'dralar. Claim your reward!','You open the chest to find...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3230insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3185,7881,'Carnival Boots','We at the Darkmoon Faire do much walking.  We walk from one faire site to another... in fact, you\'ll never see us sitting down on the job!  So it is no surprise that we wear out quite a lot of boots!  We need boots that are both durable and stylish, and embossed leather boots fit that bill rather well.$B$BYou!  You\'re a leatherworker; make me embossed leather boots and I\'ll give you a Darkmoon Faire ticket for the work.','','Thank you, $N.  These are quite well made.  The craftsmanship is top notch!  Here is a Darkmoon Faire ticket... enjoy, sir.','We at the Darkmoon Faire do much walking.  We walk from one faire site to another... in fact, you\'ll never see us sitting down on the job!  So it is no surprise that we wear out quite a lot of boots!  We need boots that are both durable and stylish, and embossed leather boots fit that bill rather well.$B$BYou!  You\'re a leatherworker; make me embossed leather boots and I\'ll give you a Darkmoon Faire ticket for the work.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3231insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3186,7882,'Carnival Jerkins','Our Faire workers do more than sweep trash and hammer spikes!  They also help guard the carnival as it travels, and to that end they are always needing good sturdy armor jerkins.$B$BIf you make some tough leather armor and bring it to me, then I\'ll make sure it gets to the right people.  I\'ll also get you some Darkmoon Faire tickets as trade. ','','Ah, you brought the jerkins.  Splendid.  What animal\'s skin did you use to make these, may I ask?  The stitch-work is very well done, and the texture of the leather has a rugged style to it.  I can tell you are a craftsman of skill!$B$BThank you, $N, and here are your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3232insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3187,7883,'The World\'s Largest Gnome!','Yebb Nebblegear is looking to add more talent to his show, and he\'s searching far and wide for the world\'s largest gnome. Do you know any gnomes of considerable size?$B$BWell before he finds the gnome, he wants to have its costume ready. I think a barbaric harness would be a good foundation for the costume; can you make some harnesses and bring them to me? Do that, and I\'ll have a stack of Darkmoon Faire tickets for you...','Bring 3 Barbaric Harnesses to Chronos.','Oh dear, these are quite large!! I can\'t imagine finding a gnome that would fit snuggly into them, but not to worry - if the gnome we find is not big enough, I can make adjustments to his costume.$B$BMany thanks, $N. Here are the tickets I promised you. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3233insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3188,7884,'Crocolisk Boy and the Bearded Murloc','Yebb is working on other attractions for his zoo, including wet, swampy abodes for a boy raised by crocolisks, and perhaps for a murloc.  We will need nice, water-tight leggings so we won\'t get waterlogged during prop-ups and tear-downs.  For that job, I think turtlescale leggings will do the trick.$B$B$N, can you make those leggings?  If you do, then a fat stack of Darkmoon Faire tickets will be your reward...','','Great, you made them!  These will do nicely... I just hope I won\'t be the one to clean the crocolisk cage when the time comes.  Those beasts can be rather beastly, don\'t you think?$B$BHere are your tickets, $N.  Enjoy them, and enjoy your stay at the Darkmoon Faire!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3234insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3189,7885,'Armor Kits','You might not realize this, but running a traveling carnival is costly! Everything wears down so fast it\'s a wonder we can turn a profit.$B$BBecause of all those hidden costs, we\'re always looking for ways to maintain our equipment as cheaply as possible. Our tents, for instance, tear regularly but I\'ve found that leather armor kits make great patches. Can you bring me some armor kits? That\'ll save us a bundle on new tents! If you can do that, then I have a fistful of Darkmoon Faire tickets for you...','Bring 8 Rugged Armor Kits to Chronos.','Great! This will work great! I just noticed a rip in a tent over yonder, and one of these armor kits is just what I need to patch it up!$B$BThank you very much, $N. These armor kits will save us a ton in repair costs. Here are your tickets - you deserve them!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3235insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3190,7886,'Talismans of Merit','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to aid the cause and bring me more talismans of merit. Do this, and you will earn even more of our trust.','You obtained a Silverwing Talisman of Merit for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','Thank you, $N. Your exploits in Warsong Gulch ring throughout Ashenvale Forest.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3236insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3191,7887,'Talismans of Merit','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to aid the cause and bring me more talismans of merit. Do this, and you will earn even more of our trust.','You obtained a Silverwing Talisman of Merit for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','Thank you, $N. Your exploits in Warsong Gulch ring throughout Ashenvale Forest.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3237insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3192,7888,'Talismans of Merit','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to aid the cause and bring me more talismans of merit. Do this, and you will earn even more of our trust.','You obtained a Silverwing Talisman of Merit for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','Thank you, $N. Your exploits in Warsong Gulch ring throughout Ashenvale Forest.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3238insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3193,7889,'Coarse Weightstone','It takes a lot of work to be the strongest woman alive! My weight set is getting too light and if I\'m too stay fit then I\'ll need more weights!$B$BDo you think you could bring me to some weight stones? If you do, then I\'ll give you a Darkmoon Faire ticket.','Bring to Kerri Hicks 10 Coarse Weightstone.','Great! These will work great! They\'re not too heavy, but not too light either. They\'re perfect for building muscle mass!$B$BThanks much, $N. Here\'s your Darkmoon Faire ticket!','It takes a lot of work to be the strongest woman alive!  My weight set is getting too light and if I\'m too stay fit then I\'ll need more weights!$B$BDo you think you could bring me some weight stones?  If you do, then I\'ll give you a Darkmoon Faire ticket.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3239insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3194,7890,'Heavy Grinding Stone','To help with my workout, I like to fit a staff between heavy grinding stones, then lift the staff over my head. It isn\'t easy, but being the strongest woman in the world, like I am, can\'t be earned sitting down!','Can you help me? I need more grinding stones - bring me some and I\'ll trade Darkmoon Faire tickets for them.','You brought the stones! And they\'re heavy! I can already feel my muscles getting bigger. Thanks $N!$B$BHere, take these tickets, and be sure not to eat too many sweets while your at the faire. A big strong $C like you needs to keep himself in fighting shape!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3240insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3195,7891,'Green Iron Bracers','I\'m working on a new costume, for when I have my own booth as the strongest woman alive! Right now I\'m looking for some bracers I can wear. They can\'t cover much because people want to see my muscles, but I still want to flash a little color, you know?','Bring 3 Iron Bracers to Kerri.','Thanks much, $N. Here\'s your Darkmoon Faire tickets!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3241insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3196,7892,'Big Black Mace','For my act as the strongest woman alive, I plan to accept items from the audience and smash them with a big, black mace!$B$BCan you make me a big black mace, $N?','Bring to Kerri Hicks a big black mace.','Thanks much, $N. Here\'s your Darkmoon Faire tickets!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3242insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3197,7893,'Rituals of Strength','$N, in my quest to become the strongest woman alive, I have traveled the world and learned muscle building secrets from distant weight masters, strength gurus, and ancient manuals. I now know forbidden exercises that would kill the weak and cripple the uninitiated!$B$BThese feats of strength and conditioning require training with the densest of grinding stones. $N, will you bring me those stones?','Bring 8 Dense Grinding Stones to Kerri Hicks.','Thanks much, $N. Here\'s your Darkmoon Faire tickets!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3243insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3198,7894,'Copper Modulator','Yebb is developing a new attraction for the Zoo Bizarre, one that will drive people crazy with wonder, and delight!  But it will take a lot of work, and a lot of materials...$B$BThat includes copper modulators.  We need lots of modulators for the mechanical parts of the attraction.  Bring me copper modulators and I\'ll trade for them with a Darkmoon Faire ticket.','','Aha! The modulators! Superb!$B$BI can\'t tell you exactly what we\'re building, but these will be invaluable for its construction. I am in your debt, Grimling, but please, take this Darkmoon Faire ticket as a token of my appreciation.','Yebb is developing a new attraction for the Zoo Bizarre, one that will drive people crazy with wonder, and delight!  But it will take a lot of work, and a lot of materials...$B$BThat includes copper modulators.  We need lots of modulators for the mechanical parts of the attraction.  Bring me copper modulators and I\'ll trade for them with a Darkmoon Faire ticket.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3244insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3199,7895,'Whirring Bronze Gizmo','My new booth will be a sight to see, yes sir!  A sight to see, and... for a lucky few, to touch!$B$BI can already hear the whirring bronze gizmos singing their song of mechanical rapture as patrons step to my booth and test their skill!$B$BAh... now I need the gizmos themselves to bring my dream closer to fruition.  Please, $N, bring me whirring bronze gizmos... and Darkmoon Faire tickets will be yours!','','You brought the gizmos! Wonderful! Even now I can hear their buzzing, whirring chorus in my mind! Oh, when this booth is ready it will be the wonder of the world, mark me! $B$BHere are your tickets, $N. And please enjoy your stay at the Faire!','My new booth will be a sight to see, yes sir! A sight to see, and... for a lucky few, to touch!$B$BI can already hear the whirring bronze gizmos singing their song of mechanical rapture as patrons step to my booth and test their skill!$B$BAh... now I need the gizmos themselves to bring my dream closer to fruition. Please, $N, bring me whirring bronze gizmos... and Darkmoon Faire tickets will be yours!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3245insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3200,7896,'Green Fireworks','When I finally get this booth up and running, I\'ll want to advertise!  And what better way is there to advertise then with fireworks?$B$BWell, some might think that the smell of a cauldron, churning with the boiling heads of your foes is better for drawing crowds, but... we\'re in mixed company.  So fireworks it will have to be!$B$BBring me green fireworks, $N, and I have a big fistful of Darkmoon Faire tickets for you.','','You brought the fireworks. Wonderful work, $N! I can\'t wait to light these and tell the world that my booth is ready to go! I must still wait, quite a long time I\'m afraid, but... I\'ll be ready when I\'m ready, yes?$B$BHere are the tickets, $N. Enjoy yourself!','When I finally get this booth up and running, I\'ll want to advertise! And what better way is there to advertise then with fireworks?$B$BWell, some might think that the smell of a cauldron, churning with the boiling heads of your foes is better for drawing crowds, but... we\'re in mixed company. So fireworks it will have to be!$B$BBring me green fireworks, $N, and I have a big fistful of Darkmoon Faire tickets for you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3246insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3201,7897,'Mechanical Repair Kits','The biggest reason I can\'t open up my booth is that... everything\'s broken!  I need mechanical repair kits to fix all this stuff!$B$BCan you bring me those kits, $N?  I\'ll trade you... kits for Darkmoon Faire tickets.  What do you say?','','Thank you! Now I can get to fixing things.$B$BIt\'s going to take a lot of repair kits and a lot of late nights to get everything in working order. Sometimes I think it\'d be better to get back to my roots and restart my career as a headhunter, but... the Faire has been good to me.$B$BTake these tickets, $N, and have fun!','The biggest reason I can\'t open up my booth is that... everything\'s broken! I need mechanical repair kits to fix all this stuff!$B$BCan you bring me those kits, $N? I\'ll trade you... kits for Darkmoon Faire tickets. What do you say?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3247insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3202,7898,'Thorium Widget','Yebb Nebblegear, like me, is working on a future attraction.  So amazing is this attraction, says Nebb, that it will draw folks from across the world... and it will make us all very, very rich!$B$BHe says he needs thorium widgets for its construction, and wants me to collect them for him.  So what do you say, $N?  Do you know where to get Thorium widgets?  If you\'re an engineer, can you make them?  Do you want to trade them for Darkmoon Faire tickets?','','Ah, thank you, $N! Yebb will enjoy these widgets. I don\'t know what he has planned for them, but Yebb\'s a clever little gnome. He\'s clever, and maybe a little devious....$B$BIf only he liked the taste of humanoid flesh... he\'d make a great troll!$B$BHere, $N. A deal\'s a deal, and these tickets are yours.','Yebb Nebblegear, like me, is working on a future attraction. So amazing is this attraction, says Nebb, that it will draw folks from across the world... and it will make us all very, very rich!$B$BHe says he needs thorium widgets for its construction, and wants me to collect them for him. So what do you say, $N? Do you know where to get Thorium widgets? If you\'re an engineer, can you make them? Do you want to trade them for Darkmoon Faire tickets?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3248insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3203,7899,'Small Furry Paws','I need small furry paws to use for prizes. You can find those on the cats of the Barrens or Darkshore....$B$BBring me some paws and I\'ll trade you a Darkmoon Faire ticket for them.','The first lesson in drawing a crowd is: lure them with gadgets and trinkets! Can you help me?','Great, you got them! We can use these to make toys and baubles, and those will attract more people to the Faire!$B$BHere\'s your ticket, $N. You earned it!','The first lesson in drawing a crowd is: lure them with gadgets and trinkets!  Can you help me?$B$BI need small furry paws to use for prizes.  You can find those on the cats of the Barrens or Darkshore....$B$BBring me some paws and I\'ll trade you a Darkmoon Faire ticket for them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3249insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3204,7900,'Torn Bear Pelts','You can get those pelts from the bears of Ashenvale or Hillsbrad. Bring me a heap of them and earn yourself a heap of Darkmoon Faire tickets!','Children love toys! And now matter what race, I\'ve found that all children love furry, plushy toys made from torn bear pelts!','Nice pelts, $N! I\'ll get someone to sew these into a bunch of plush toys. With a little stuffing and some paint, I think they\'ll be the envy of children across Azeroth!$B$BTickets? Ah yes, your payment!$B$BHere they are!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3250insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3205,7901,'Soft Bushy Tails','It\'s amazing what people value! Take, for instance, a wooden stick with a soft bushy tail attached to it. Now, you and I might think something like that isn\'t all that valuable... but if you give that piece of junk a neat name like \"Savage Fuzz Tail\" and put it in a pretty box, then people will think it\'s valuable. Trash becomes treasure!','Get me soft bushy tails from the wolves of Desolace and the Badlands, and I\'ll give you Darkmoon Faire tickets.','Well done, $N! These tails will make great prizes for our visitors, and that means happy visitors... who talk to their friends and bring more visitors!$B$BHere are your tickets! Have a good time at the Darkmoon Faire... and don\'t forget to tell your friends about us!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3251insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3206,7902,'Vibrant Plumes','We at the Darkmoon Faire let our visitor\'s imaginations blossom! But to help stretch their imaginations... sometimes we have to get tricky.$B$BI need vibrant plumes for one of my attractions. You can get them from the birds of the more dangerous areas of Azeroth. Bring me the plums and many tickets will be yours!','A person\'s imagination is an incredible thing. It can make the smallest hill seem like the largest mountain. It can make the most innocuous shadow appear cast by a horrible nightmare!','Ah, the plumes! They are amazing, don\'t you think! It would be easy to spark one\'s imaginations with such beauties!$B$BYou do such charitable work, $N. The smiles on our visitors\' faces when they see the show is a grand payment indeed, but please take these tickets as well.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3252insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3207,7903,'Evil Bat Eyes','Scary thought, don\'t you think? Of course! It\'s no doubt that bat eyes are scary!$B$BWill you bring me some evil bat eyes, Beldin? I want them for... something I\'m designing. Something scary.$B$BYou can get them from the bats of the Eastern Plaguelands.','Do you ever find yourself wandering in a cave, late at night, looking for adventure? You do? Really? Well, then you\'ve seen the creepy eyes of bats staring at you from from high up, waiting for you to let down your guard so they can suck your blood!','Great!  You got the eyes!  I hope hunting those bats was frightening for you, because if it scared a brave $C like yourself, then those eyes will certainly scare our Faire visitors.$B$BTake these tickets, $N, and thank you for your service.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3253insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3208,7905,'The Darkmoon Faire','The Darkmoon Faire is coming!  Be sure to experience all the wonders and excitement of it when it comes to town!$B$BIf you act right now, you can redeem this voucher for free prize tickets!  Just hand your voucher to Gelvas Grimgate located inside the carnival.$B$BRight now, the Faire is outside Goldshire, in the Elwynn Forest.  Don\'t miss out!  Go today!','Deliver the Free Ticket Voucher to Gelvas Grimgate, located inside the Darkmoon Faire carnival.','Welcome to the Darkmoon Faire! This voucher is good for FIVE, yes, FIVE prize tickets!$B$BWhen you accumulate prize tickets, you\'ll want to speak to me about redeeming them for valuable prizes. The more tickets you get, the more prizes you can win. Huzzah!','Yes friend, may I help you? Do you have a voucher that needs redeeming?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3254insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3209,7906,'Darkmoon Cards - Beasts','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3255insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3210,7907,'Darkmoon Beast Deck','Now that you have gathered all of the Beast cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight.   On this card is inscribed, \"Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded.\"   You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.','Return the Beast Deck to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.','Well this explains a lot. If you ever find a way into Ahn\'Qiraj, keep an eye out for ol\' Brann. I\'m afraid that he\'ll be powerless without his monkey.','Oh dear.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3256insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3211,7908,'Arena Master','There must be more to being a master of the arena than this!   Perhaps the Pirate who runs the event at Gurubashi will know!','Speak with Short John Mithril in the Stranglethorn Arena.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3257insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3212,7921,'Talismans of Merit','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to aid the cause and bring me more talismans of merit. Do this, and you will earn even more of our trust.','You obtained a Silverwing Talisman of Merit for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','Thank you, $N. Your exploits in Warsong Gulch ring throughout Ashenvale Forest.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3258insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3213,7922,'Mark of Honor','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to rage against the Silverwing Sentinels! Bring me more marks of honor!','You obtained a Warsong Mark of Honor for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','The night elves and their allies must tremble at even the whisper of your name! For the Horde!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3259insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3214,7923,'Mark of Honor','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to rage against the Silverwing Sentinels! Bring me more marks of honor!','You obtained a Warsong Mark of Honor for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','The night elves and their allies must tremble at even the whisper of your name! For the Horde!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3260insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3215,7924,'Mark of Honor','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to rage against the Silverwing Sentinels! Bring me more marks of honor!','You obtained a Warsong Mark of Honor for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','The night elves and their allies must tremble at even the whisper of your name! For the Horde!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3261insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3216,7925,'Mark of Honor','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to rage against the Silverwing Sentinels! Bring me more marks of honor!','You obtained a Warsong Mark of Honor for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','The night elves and their allies must tremble at even the whisper of your name! For the Horde!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3262insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3217,7926,'The Darkmoon Faire','The Darkmoon Faire is coming!  Be sure to experience all the wonders and excitement of it when it comes to town!$B$BIf you act right now, you can redeem this voucher for free prize tickets!  Just hand your voucher to Gelvas Grimgate located inside the carnival.$B$BRight now, the Faire is just outside Thunder Bluff, in Mulgore.  Don\'t miss out!  Go today!','Deliver the Free Ticket Voucher to Gelvas Grimgate, located inside the Darkmoon Faire carnival.','Welcome to the Darkmoon Faire!  This voucher is good for FIVE, yes, FIVE prize tickets!$B$BWhen you accumulate prize tickets, you\'ll want to speak to me about redeeming them for valuable prizes.  The more tickets you get, the more prizes you can win.  Huzzah!','Yes friend, may I help you?  Do you have a voucher that needs redeeming?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3263insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3218,7927,'Darkmoon Portals Deck','Now that you have gathered all of the Portal cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight.   On this card is inscribed, \"Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded.\"   You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.','Return the Portals Deck to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3264insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3219,7928,'Darkmoon Warlords Deck','Now that you have gathered all of the Warlord cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight.   On this card is inscribed, \"Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded.\"   You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.','Return the Warlords Deck to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.','So you have put together a deck of Warlords.   Your gesture of returning it to us will create a tie between you and the Darkmoon that will not soon be forgotten.   Allow me to present you with one of the greater darkmoon cards as a small token of our appreciation.','I see that you have managed to complete a deck of warlords!   Congratulations!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3265insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3220,7929,'Darkmoon Elementals Deck','Now that you have gathered all of the Elemental cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight.   On this card is inscribed, \"Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded.\"   You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.','Return the Elementals Deck to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3266insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3221,7930,'5 Tickets - Darkmoon Flower','Step right up, step right up! If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so! You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','Redeem 5 Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets for a Darkmoon Flower.','Here you go, here you go! A prize fit for a $gking:queen;! Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know! For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3267insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3222,7931,'5 Tickets - Minor Darkmoon Prize','Step right up, step right up! If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so! You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','Redeem 5 Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets for a Minor Darkmoon Prize.','Here you go, here you go! A prize fit for a $gking:queen;! Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know! For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3268insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3223,7932,'12 Tickets - Lesser Darkmoon Prize','Step right up, step right up! If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so! You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','Redeem 12 Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets for a Lesser Darkmoon Prize.','Here you go, here you go! A prize fit for a $gking:queen;! Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know! For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3269insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3224,7933,'40 Tickets - Greater Darkmoon Prize','Step right up, step right up! If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so! You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','Redeem 40 Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets for a Greater Darkmoon Prize.','Here you go, here you go! A prize fit for a $gking:queen;! Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know! For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3270insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3225,7934,'50 Tickets - Darkmoon Storage Box','Step right up, step right up! If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so! You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','Redeem 50 Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets for a Darkmoon Storage Box.','Here you go, here you go! A prize fit for a $gking:queen;! Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know! For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3271insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3226,7935,'10 Tickets - Last Month\'s Mutton','Step right up, step right up! If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so! You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','Redeem 10 Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets for Last Month\'s Mutton.','Here you go, here you go! A prize fit for a $gking:queen;! Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know! For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3272insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3227,7936,'50 Tickets - Last Year\'s Mutton','Step right up, step right up! If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so! You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','Redeem 50 Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets for Last Year\'s Mutton.','Here you go, here you go! A prize fit for a $gking:queen;! Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know! For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3273insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3228,7937,'Your Fortune Awaits You...','\"Your fortune awaits you in Eastvale.\"$B$BThe fortune Sayge handed you feels slightly warm to the touch.  Grasping it firmly, you see an image of the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest.  Focusing closer in on the image, you see a haystack that sits next to a stable.\r\n','Travel to the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest and seek out your fortune.','A quick search of the haystack reveals a lockbox from within it!  It would seem that you have found your fortune!','This haystack looks like the one from your vision.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3274insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3229,7938,'Your Fortune Awaits You...','\"Your fortune awaits you inside the Deadmines.\"$B$BThe fortune Sayge handed you feels slightly warm to the touch.  Grasping it firmly, you see an image of the Deadmines inside Westfall\'s ruined hamlet of Moonbrook.  Focusing closer in on the image, you wind about twisty passages until you reach a shimmering portal... one that leads into the heart of the mines itself.  Stepping through it, a strange chest appears out from nowhere.','Travel to the Deadmines in Westfall and seek out your fortune.','A quick search of the chest reveals a lockbox from within it!  It would seem that you have found your fortune!','This chest looks like the one from your vision...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3275insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3230,7939,'More Dense Grinding Stones','$N, thank you for all the help you\'ve given me. I really can\'t thank you enough!$B$BAlthough my need is no longer great... if you bring me more dense grinding stones, I still have more Darkmoon Faire tickets for you.','Bring 8 Dense Grinding Stones to Kerri Hicks.','Thanks much, $N. Here\'s your Darkmoon Faire tickets!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3276insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3231,7940,'1200 Tickets - Orb of the Darkmoon','Step right up, step right up! If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so! You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','Redeem 1200 Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets for an Orb of the Darkmoon.','Here you go, here you go! A prize fit for a $gking:queen;! Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know! For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3277insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3232,7941,'More Armor Kits','$N, I must thank you for all your help.  I have plenty of supplies, through no small efforts on your part, but if you wish to bring me more armor kits, then I will gladly trade them for Darkmoon Faire tickets.','','There you are, $N.  A fair trade.  Enjoy.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3278insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3233,7942,'More Thorium Widgets','$N, you have been so good to us, bringing me goods without tiring.  You have my eternal thanks!$B$BAlthough our need for Thorium widgets is not as great as it was, you may still bring them to me and I will gladly trade them for Darkmoon Faire tickets.','','Here you are, $N. Here are Darkmoon Faire tickets for your enjoyment. Do not, as they say, spend them all in one place!','$N, you have been so good to us, bringing me goods without tiring. You have my eternal thanks!$B$BAlthough our need for Thorium widgets is not as great as it was, you may still bring them to me and I will gladly trade them for Darkmoon Faire tickets.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3279insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3234,7943,'More Bat Eyes','I don\'t need much else, but... if you bring me more evil bat eyes from the bats of the Eastern Plaguelands... I might have more Darkmoon Faire tickets for you.','$N, the attraction I\'m designing will be the scariest event since Gnomeragan was overrun! And it\'s largely thanks to you and all the baubles you\'ve brought me. Many, many thanks!','Thanks again, $N.  Here are your tickets!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3280insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3235,7944,'Your Fortune Awaits You...','\"Your fortune awaits you inside Wailing Caverns.\"$B$BThe fortune Sayge handed you feels slightly warm to the touch.  Grasping it firmly, you see an image of a cave to the southwest of the Crossroads in the Barrens.  Focusing closer in on the image, you wind about twisty passages until you reach a shimmering portal... one that leads into the heart of the caverns itself.  Stepping through it, a strange chest appears out from nowhere.\r\n','Travel to the Wailing Caverns in the Barrens and seek out your fortune.','A quick search of the chest reveals a lockbox from within it!  It would seem that you have found your fortune!','This chest looks like the one from your vision...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3281insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3236,7945,'Your Fortune Awaits You...','\"Your fortune awaits you outside Palemane Rock.\"$B$BThe fortune Sayge handed you feels slightly warm to the touch.  Grasping it firmly, you see an image of the Palemane Rock of Mulgore.  Focusing closer in on the image, you see a tree stump that sits close to the cave entrance.\r\n','Travel to Palemane Rock in Mulgore and seek out your fortune.','A quick search of the tree stump reveals a lockbox from within it!  It would seem that you have found your fortune!','This tree stump looks like the one from your vision.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3282insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3237,7946,'Spawn of Jubjub','I\'m so happy Jubjub is no longer lost.  She loves Dark Iron ale so much that when I ran out... she ran away to find more!$B$BNow that Jubjub\'s back, I want as much ale as I can get!  I won\'t want her to run away again!$B$BDo you have any Dark Iron Ale?  If you do, then I\'ll trade you one of Jubjub\'s frog eggs for a mug...','','Thank you, $N.  Here is your egg!  It won\'t be ready to hatch for a little while, but when it does you\'ll have a great pet!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3283insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3238,7961,'Waskily Wabbits!','These rabbits are breeding uncontrollably.  Something must be done!$b$bHelp us $n, you\'re our only hope.','Kill 5 rabbits and return to Jon LeCraft by the forge on Designer Island.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3284insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3239,7981,'1200 Tickets - Amulet of the Darkmoon','Step right up, step right up! If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so! You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes. Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','Redeem 1200 Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets for an Amulet of the Darkmoon.','Here you go, here you go! A prize fit for a $gking:queen;! Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know! For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3285insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3240,8001,'Warsong Outriders <NYI> <TXT>','I am Corpus and you are a wretched speciman, YES! You will do nicely, It has become overcrowded in this town and it is getting harder to find a empty grave. Can you help me get rid of some of the filthy zombies investing my graves, 5 should be enough to guarantee me a resting space.','Kill 5 Wretched Zombies','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3286insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3241,8002,'Silverwing Sentinels <NYI> <TXT>','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3287insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3242,8021,'Redeem iCoke Prize Voucher','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3288insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3243,8023,'Redeem iCoke Prize Voucher','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3289insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3244,8026,'Redeem iCoke Prize Voucher','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3290insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3245,8041,'Strength of Mount Mugamba','','Talk again to Jin\'rokh the Breaker.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3291insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3246,8042,'Strength of Mount Mugamba','It is good to see you in good health, $N. The glorious battles you have undertaken affect all life on this planet. Hakkar must never leave the confines of Zul\'Gurub as the world will surely collapse beneath his immense hunger.$B$BGive me your talisman and I shall amplify its strength. Use the Strength of Mugamba to punish our enemies!','Give the Strength of Mugamba to Jin\'rokh the Breaker.','Our paths will cross again, warrior.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3292insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3247,8043,'Strength of Mount Mugamba','It is good to see you in good health, $N. The glorious battles you have undertaken affect all life on this planet. Hakkar must never leave the confines of Zul\'Gurub as the world will surely collapse beneath his immense hunger.$B$BGive me your talisman and I shall amplify its strength. Use the Strength of Mugamba to punish our enemies!','Give the Strength of Mugamba to Jin\'rokh the Breaker.','Our paths will cross again, warrior.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3293insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3248,8044,'The Rage of Mugamba','King Rastakhan sends his regards, Master $N. Such an honor has never been given to one outside the Zandalar tribe.$B$B<Jin\'rokh bows.>$B$BGive me your talisman so that I may enhance it once more. Know that the Rage of Mugamba is now intrinsically connected to your very soul.','Give the Strength of Mugamba to Jin\'rokh the Breaker.','Zul\'jin would be envious, warrior. Go forth and conquer!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3294insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3249,8045,'The Heathen\'s Brand','','Talk again to Jin\'rokh the Breaker.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3295insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3250,8046,'The Heathen\'s Brand','I may have been too hasty in my judgement, paladin. It seems as if your blind faith in this Light has some value after all.$B$BGive me your brand and I shall amplify its power.','Give The Heathen\'s Brand to Jin\'rokh the Breaker.','Do what you must to defeat our enemies, paladin. Even if it means channeling the Light.$B$B<Jin\'rokh shudders.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3296insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3251,8047,'The Heathen\'s Brand','I may have been too hasty in my judgement, paladin. It seems as if your blind faith in this Light has some value after all.$B$BGive me your brand and I shall amplify its power.','Give The Heathen\'s Brand to Jin\'rokh the Breaker.','Do what you must to defeat our enemies, paladin. Even if it means channeling the Light.$B$B<Jin\'rokh shudders.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3297insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3252,8048,'The Hero\'s Brand','The King has acknowledged your existence, paladin. You are the first of your kind to be accepted by Rastakhan as a true ally of Zandalar.$B$BYou will be rewarded greatly for your efforts. Present your brand and I shall apply the final amplification','Give The Heathen\'s Brand to Jin\'rokh the Breaker.','Vigilance, honor, loyalty, bravery... You embody all of these traits and so shall your brand.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3298insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3253,8049,'The Eye of Zuldazar','','Speak again with Al\'tabim the All-Seeing.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3299insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3254,8050,'The Eye of Zuldazar','Welcome priest. The Eye of Zuldazar pulses with energy. You are ready to take the next step. Hand me the talisman and I shall perform the imbue.','Give the Eye of Zuldazar to Al\'tabim the All-Seeing.','Continue in your battle against the Soulflayer and his minions, $N. He must never be permitted to leave the confines of Zul\'Gurub.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3300insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3255,8051,'The Eye of Zuldazar','Welcome priest. The Eye of Zuldazar pulses with energy. You are ready to take the next step. Hand me the talisman and I shall perform the imbue.','Give the Eye of Zuldazar to Al\'tabim the All-Seeing.','Continue in your battle against the Soulflayer and his minions, $N. He must never be permitted to leave the confines of Zul\'Gurub.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3301insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3256,8052,'The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar','If only we had ten-thousand more like you, $N. The armies of Hakkar would be scattered to the wind in the blink of an eye.$B$B<Al\'tabim sighs.>$B$BAlas, the Eye is ready to realize its full potential. Give it to me.','Give the Eye of Zuldazar to Al\'tabim the All-Seeing.','Smite them all and let Hakkar sort them out...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3302insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3257,8053,'Paragons of Power: The Freethinker\'s Armguards','You are a heathen.  Heathens have a place in the tribe.  Heathens are freethinkers of Zandalar.  Freethinkers do not fear oppression.  Freethinkers die for what they believe in.  We know you would die for what you believe in.  This earns our acknowledgement.  This earns you a chance to prove yourself further.$B$BWe must have the Paragons of Power.  Go to Zul\'Gurub.  Kill the minions of Hakkar.  Return when you have what I seek.  Claim the first battle gear of a Zandalar freethinker.$B$BGo.','Bring Jin\'rokh the Breaker Primal Hakkari Bindings.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BJin\'rokh the Breaker is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','You do much to honor us.  Your hands drip with the blood of Hakkar\'s minions.  You are a friend to the tribe.$B$BWear these bracers.  They are the freethinker\'s armguards.  This is what I mean about real power.','You have returned?  Do you have the Paragons of Power?  Are you wasting my time?$B$BI hope not, heathen.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3303insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3258,8054,'Paragons of Power: The Freethinker\'s Belt','Your beliefs are alien to us, heathen.  Ancient Zandalar were once branded as heretics.  This was when the Gurubashi Empire was strong.  Heathens dared to challenge the priest of Hakkar.  Heathens then were hunted and killed as vermin.  Those heathens never wavered in their fight against the Blood God.  We honor the price they paid.  They are the freethinkers.$B$BDestroy the minions of Hakkar in Zul\'Gurub.  Bring me the Paragons of Power I seek.  Success will be greatly rewarded.$B$BGo.','Bring Jin\'rokh the Breaker a Primal Hakkari Shawl.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Honored with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BJin\'rokh the Breaker is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Your honor is assured in the tribe.  You claim many deaths in Zul\'Gurub.  Enemies fall before your convictions.  Enemies fall before your power.$B$BThis is the freethinker\'s belt.  It is a symbol of honor.  It is powerful mojo.  It is now yours.','Your presence means victory?  Do you have the Paragons?  Are you dripping in the remains of your enemies?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3304insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3259,8055,'Paragons of Power: The Freethinker\'s Breastplate','Battle gear gives you power in the tribe.  The freethinkers are honored in this way.  They are zealots.  They imbue their breastplates with powerful mojo.  If their beliefs falter in the face of the enemy, their breastplate will not.$B$BYou must be revered amongst us to possess such a breastplate.  Go to Zul\'Gurub.  Take the Paragons of Power I need.  Take the Paragons most painfully from the fools inside.  Bring them to me.  Prove your worth as a freethinker once and for all.','Bring Jin\'rokh the Breaker a Primal Hakkari Tabard.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Revered with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BJin\'rokh the Breaker is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','You have done what few ever could.  You have brought the minions of Hakkar to their knees.  You have shown them what a freethinker can do.  You have shown us how a heretic could be revered in the tribe.  You have more than real power.  You ARE real power.$B$BTake the breastplate, freethinker.  Crush those who oppose you.','Do you have the Paragons?  They have mojo inside them.  We must have them.  You will aid us.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3305insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3260,8056,'Paragons of Power: The Augur\'s Bracers','The augurs of our tribe are revered for their gifts of the divine sight, ya mon.  They ain\'t a witch doctor; they spend their time castin\' bones or readin\' the leaves for insight - not hexin\' people.  As a shaman, you already know somethin\' about the power of augury; we Zandalar prize the insight they give to the tribe.$B$BBring me an offerin\' of the Paragons of Power from inside Zul\'Gurub and prove your worth to us.  Do this for us, and I\'ll give ya some bracers that our augurs prize above all others!  ','Bring Maywiki of Zuldazar a Primal Hakkari Armsplint.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BMaywiki of Zuldazar is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','It seems ya got a bit of the Zandalar augur in ya.  We know about the deeds you\'ve been doin\' in Zul\'Gurub on our behalf mon.  These Paragons of Power will go a long way to helpin\' out the Zandalar tribe - a tribe, I might add, ya can call upon as friends.  Take these bracers, $N; ya earned them and then some!','Got the Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub that I need?  These bracers are well worth any effort ya be needin\' to make!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3306insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3261,8057,'Paragons of Power: The Haruspex\'s Bracers','A haruspex is a key member of our tribe; you\'ll be wise to listen to their portents.  By communion with animals and givin\' them up to the spirits when needed, they give us divine guidance.  In times past, the haruspex\'s insight and wisdom gave us an edge in the wars against the splintered tribes of the Gurubashi.$B$BBring me an offerin\' of the Paragons of Power from inside Zul\'Gurub and prove your worth to us.  Do this, and I\'ll give ya bracers that any haruspex of the Zandalar would want.','Bring Maywiki of Zuldazar a Primal Hakkari Stanchion.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BMaywiki of Zuldazar is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Ah, I can sense the power comin\' from these Paragons of Power, $N.  Ya proved to be someone we in the tribe can call \"friend.\"  A deal is a deal, $N... behold the power of the haruspex\'s bracers!','Have ya got the Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub?  These bracers are worth the effort, $N.  Trust me mon!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3307insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3262,8058,'Paragons of Power: The Vindicator\'s Armguards','Vengeance is power.  The Zandalar vindicator is such power.  The tribe has many enemies.  The vindicator exacts retribution on them.  No crime against us is unpunished.  The vindicator delivers this punishment.  Our enemies fear our vengeance.  They should.  They forever will.$B$BBecome one of our vindicators.  Seek the Paragons of Power inside Zul\'Gurub.  Slay the minions of Hakkar and claim vengeance in the tribe\'s name.  You will be rewarded.','Bring Jin\'rokh the Breaker a Primal Hakkari Armsplint.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BJin\'rokh the Breaker is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','You have wrought much vengeance today.  You have taken on the visage of the vindicator.  You have brought the Blood God\'s minions to their knees.$B$BTake this.  It will fuel your vengeance for the future.  You are a friend to the Zandalar now.','Have you brought the Paragons of Power?  Has vengeance been claimed in the name of the Zandalar?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3308insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3263,8059,'Paragons of Power: The Demoniac\'s Wraps','Warlocks tread dangerous ground in dealing with demons, but our demoniacs take this one step further.  Through an ancient and arcane ritual, they allow a demon to enter their being.  Rather than let it possess them though, they enslave the demon from the inside, absorbing the power of the beast for their own command.  It is a feat few are ever able to master.$B$BFor you to learn of the power of the demoniac, I must have Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub.  Go there and retrieve that which we seek.','Bring Al\'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Stanchion.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BAl\'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Well done... no doubt they were made to pay in excruciating ways before they gave up the Paragons of Power.  Take this - the demoniac\'s wraps.  Made from powerful mojo used in summoning the demoniac\'s prey, it is a powerful tool in your acquisition of power.','Have you returned with the Paragons of Power?  By defeating the diabolic minions of the Hakkar, you will not only prove yourself to us, but also your willingness to learn the ways of the demoniac.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3309insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3264,8060,'Paragons of Power: The Illusionist\'s Wraps','Mages in our tribe are known as illusionists.  They employ powerful mojo in their incantations, often befuddling and confusing the tribe\'s enemies!$B$B<Al\'tabim laughs wickedly.>$B$BIt is quite the sight to see a powerful illusionist at work, bringing our enemies to their knees from their own madness!$B$BFor you to know the way of our illusionists, go to Zul\'Gurub and bring back to me selected Paragons of Power.  For this, I will give you arm wraps our illusionists use to weave their spells.','Bring Al\'tabim the All-Seeing Primal Hakkari Bindings.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BAl\'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Impressive... could you feel the mojo flowing through them?  The Paragons of Power were used as currency of sorts back when the Gurubashi Empire ruled these lands.  Now we Zandalar will use the latent mojo inside of them to fight the second rise of the Blood God Hakkar!$B$BYou\'ve done well today - consider yourself to have a friend in the Zandalar.  For that, here are the illusionist\'s wraps I promised!','$N - you\'ve returned already?  Were you able to get the Paragons of Power I need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3310insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3265,8061,'Paragons of Power: The Confessor\'s Wraps','We Zandalar invest power in those who speak with the authority of divinity.  Our priests are more than just healers - they are our confessors.  Evil comes both from outside threats - such as Hakkar - and from within the tribe.  Our confessors act as the judges amongst us, preserving us from the same evil that devoured the Gurubashi from inside itself.$B$BGo to Zul\'Gurub and bring back the Paragons of Power from the Gurubashi.  Learn what it means to be the confessor, and preserve us from evil.','Bring Al\'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Stanchion.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BAl\'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Outstanding, $N!  This was no small feat bringing these to me.  No doubt you\'ve acted as our tribe\'s confessor today in preserving ourselves against the threat of Hakkar.  These wraps are befitting a friend of the tribe such as you!','Back from Zul\'Gurub, are you?  Have you succeeded in retrieving the Paragons of Power from the minions of Hakkar?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3311insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3266,8062,'Paragons of Power: The Predator\'s Bracers','In the dark times after the fall of the Gurubashi Empire, Zandalar predators used their prowess to provide sustenance for the tribe.  Hunters claim to be much like our tribe\'s predators - to seek the hunt is to embody the essence of the predator, yes.  Your hunt in Zul\'Gurub, however, will show us how you truly rate amongst our finest predators.$B$BBring to me a sampling of the Paragons of Power from within Zul\'Gurub.  Do so, and you\'ll take first steps in becoming the penultimate predator.','Bring the following Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub to Falthir the Sightless: A Primal Hakkari Bindings.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BFalthir the Sightless is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Yes... I need no vision to sense the presence of the Paragons of Power.  Your success in Zul\'Gurub has impressed many among the tribe.  We not only consider you to be a friend of the Zandalar, but also consider you worthy enough to possess the predator\'s bracers - powerful items, and a symbol of what it means to be a predator.  Well done, $N.','Hunt those in Zul\'Gurub that would possess the Paragons of Power, $N.  They are your prey; they possess that which we both must have.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3312insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3267,8063,'Paragons of Power: The Madcap\'s Bracers','The madcaps of Zandalar are similar to rogues, but above all else they embrace madness... chaos... the unpredictability of existence.  A terror to behold on the battlefield, they sowed the seeds of confusion and mayhem amongst our enemies in the savage times after the tribes splintered.  We would not be here today without them.$B$BBring to me the Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub that I seek, and I will grant you the first of the madcap\'s prized armors.  Embrace the madness!','Bring Falthir the Sightless a Primal Hakkari Armsplint.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BFalthir the Sightless is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Well done, $N... your accomplishments in Zul\'Gurub have earned you the right to call the Zandalar tribe as a friend.  I will see to the disposition of the Paragons; for your effort please accept this reward!','Seek the madness from within Zul\'Gurub and overshadow it with your own, $N!  To do so means success, and success means reward!  Let not the Blood God reign supreme again!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3313insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3268,8064,'Paragons of Power: The Haruspex\'s Belt','We Zandalar know not of druidic ways; nature is to be shaped by our need, not the other way around.  Still, a haruspex is the one of us most in tune with nature, and rightly so.  To give up the ghost of a beastie is to know what it is to be one of them.  That is the real power of nature.$B$BBring me an offerin\' of the Paragons of Power from inside Zul\'Gurub, proving yourself to us.  Do this, and I\'ll give ya a powerful item - a belt used by many of the Zandalar\'s haruspices.$B$BStrong mojo, ya mon!','Bring Maywiki of Zuldazar a Primal Hakkari Sash.  Maywiki of Zuldazar is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. You must also be Honored with Zandalar.','I thank you - the latent power in these items will be treasures unto themselves, you betcha.  Not only have ya done as I\'ve asked of ya, but you\'ve also proven to be honorable to us here in the tribe.  As promised, here is your reward!','Got the Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub I need?  The haruspex\'s belt will be yours if ya have them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3314insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3269,8065,'Paragons of Power: The Haruspex\'s Tunic','The ultimate symbol of a haruspex\'s power is what they wear, $N.  Of these, the tunic symbolizes the connection between themselves and the divine wisdom they seek.  It often weaves parts of the beasties they sacrifice into the tunic; this reminds them of the connection they have to their gifts.$B$BBring me an offerin\' of the Paragons of Power from inside Zul\'Gurub and prove your worth to us.  Do this, and a tunic seeping with the true power of a haruspex is yours.','Bring Maywiki of Zuldazar a Primal Hakkari Tabard.  Maywiki of Zuldazar is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. You must also be Revered with Zandalar.','Impressive... you\'ve successfully collected the required Paragons of Power, $N.  Your accomplishments in Zul\'Gurub for the Zandalar are legendary; hence forth, you\'ll be revered amongst the tribe.  Here is your tunic, mighty $C!','Got the necessary Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub?  The haruspex\'s tunic is well worth any effort ya be needin\' to make.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3315insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3270,8066,'Paragons of Power: The Predator\'s Belt','A predator knows how to stalk their prey, but a successful one knows how to strike at it once they have closed ranks.  You must master both to have any chance of success in Zul\'Gurub... and any chance of being like the Zandalar predators.$B$BBring me choice parts of the Paragons of Power from within Zul\'Gurub.  My reward will be the power that the trinkets yield, while yours will be the Zandalar predator\'s belt - equipment well worth the trade.','Bring the following Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub to Falthir the Sightless: A Primal Hakkari Shawl.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Honored with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BFalthir the Sightless is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','I sensed your arrival moments before, $N, but none too easily.  What revealed yourself to me were the Paragons of Power you brought.  I can feel the power without needing to see the trinkets; their latent mojo - raw magic, if you will - will continue to fuel our efforts of vanquishing the diabolic schemes of the Blood God Hakkar.$B$BYou are to be commended - and rewarded - for your success.  You are honored amongst the tribe, and you are worthy to wear the predator\'s belt.','Strike at the insane minions of Hakkar in Zul\'Gurub - they are the ones that hold the Paragons of Power, $N.  Prove your success to them - and to the tribe - as an aspirant to the predator.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3316insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3271,8067,'Paragons of Power: The Predator\'s Mantle','We Zandalar prize what we wear as a symbol of accomplishment.  You don\'t need to be able to see what one wears to be able to sense what emanates from it - power transcends sight.  The garments of the Zandalar predator are like this, and most cherished by them is the mantle they wear.  It helps to obfuscate them from view... and to make their presence known when they wish it.$B$BThe Paragons of Power await your retrieval in Zul\'Gurub.  Bring me what I seek, and the predator\'s mantle shall be yours.','Bring the following Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub to Falthir the Sightless: A Primal Hakkari Aegis.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Revered with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BFalthir the Sightless is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Success... you are to be revered amongst the tribe, $N.  It was no small feat acquiring the Paragons of Power needed for the mantle, but you handled it in the fashion of the deadliest of our predators.  You\'ve earned your place amongst them, and you\'ve certainly earned the right to wear their mantle.','Have your strikes into Zul\'Gurub yielded success, $N?  Only when you\'ve brought me what I seek - and proven yourself fully to the tribe - will you earn a mantle second to none amongst the Zandalar.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3317insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3272,8068,'Paragons of Power: The Illusionist\'s Mantle','Magic is a raw, primal force to be shaped by those strong enough to do it.  Mojo is our extension of this power; one such potent manipulation of it is in the form of illusion.  How can one truly hope to win against a foe that is not even really there?  We Zandalar know the power of this, and as such illusionists hold a honored place within the tribe.$B$BTake the needed Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub - for this, honor from the tribe and a powerful mantle used by our best illusionists will be yours!','Bring Al\'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Shawl.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Honored with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BAl\'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Success!  You shall be honored in the tribe from here on!  Zul\'Gurub has certainly tasted the might of the Zandalar today, thanks to you $N.$B$BWith the tribe\'s blessing, take the Zandalar illusionist\'s mantle.  May it serve you well.','How was your foray into Zul\'Gurub?  Did you drive your enemies mad through the power of illusion?  Illusion or not, their deaths - and the Paragons of Power taken from them - will help thwart the rise of Hakkar.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3318insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3273,8069,'Paragons of Power: The Illusionist\'s Robes','The tribe acknowledges station and power through what we wear.  Our vestments are made from the finest of materials, and interwoven with the mojo we use to make us powerful.  Illusionists are no exception; their robes are said to embody the essence of illusion in their look.  Legend states that their ancient robes never looked the same twice.$B$BI will give you an illusionist\'s robe, $N... but earn your place of reverence among the tribe first!  Bring me the Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub!','Bring Al\'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Kossack.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Revered with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BAl\'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','At last, someone worthy to wear the illusionist\'s robe!  Your success in Zul\'Gurub has assured your reverences amongst the tribe for ages to come.  Wear it with pride, $N!','Have you returned with the Paragons of Power we need?  I know it will not be easy... but I have long predicted an outsider would come to aid us in our fight against Hakkar.  Let it be you, I say!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3319insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3274,8070,'Paragons of Power: The Confessor\'s Bindings','Shortly after the fall of the Gurubashi, we Zandalar almost succumbed to a final defeat from evil within our own tribe.  It was then that the confessors amongst us arose, preserving the tribe by banishing out those who would destroy their own kind.  They not only keep us in tune with the spirits, but they also preserve the flesh.$B$BGo forth into Zul\'Gurub and witness first hand the depravity of Hakkar and the Gurubashi.  Wrest the Paragons of Power that we seek from them; success will be rewarded!','Bring Al\'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Sash.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Honored with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BAl\'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Success!  These will go a long way to building up our power against the rise of Hakkar.  With your help, we\'ve taken a significant step in ensuring that the Blood God will not destroy us all.$B$BYou\'ve earned honor with the tribe today, $N.  Take this - the confessor\'s bindings - as a symbol of our thanks.','The Paragons of Power... do you have them?  Only when we have them will we be able to make use of the latent power stored inside them.  It will be good to turn the tables on the minions of the Blood God...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3320insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3275,8071,'Paragons of Power: The Confessor\'s Mantle','The confessors of the Zandalar all wear a distinctive mantle, marking them as the preservers of the tribe.  These mantles are woven with powerful mojo that aids them in judging those who would threaten our tribe.  As a priest, you too must spend your time judging those worthy and not; such a mantle would definitely be a blessing to you.$B$BIn exchange for fighting Hakkar\'s minions in Zul\'Gurub and bringing me the Paragons of Power I seek, I will give you a mantle worthy of our finest confessors.','Bring Al\'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Aegis.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Revered with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BAl\'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Well done, $N - the minions of Hakkar have surely felt the retribution of the Zandalar today, thanks to you.  Your actions have given you a permanent place of reverence within the tribe.  With our blessing, please take this confessor\'s mantle as your own!','Do you have the Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3321insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3276,8072,'Paragons of Power: The Madcap\'s Mantle','One of Zandalar\'s legendary madcaps was Khar\'vaxal the Cracked.  Legend states that when facing the enemies of the tribe for the first time, Kar\'xavan used his mantle specifically woven with \"the weave of madness\".  His form was shrouded not only by the mantle, but also with the blinding speed of his twin daggers.  Madcaps today cherish their mantle as a sign of their place in the tribe.$B$BBring to me the Paragons of Power I seek, and such a mantle will be yours to weave madness unto your own enemies.','Bring Falthir the Sightless a Primal Hakkari Girdle.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Honored with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BFalthir the Sightless is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Victory is ours this day, thanks to the madness you have sowed upon our mutual enemies!  You are to be honored amongst the Zandalar, and there is no better way of showing gratitude for your deeds than by offering you the madcap\'s mantle!','You\'ve returned - do you have the Paragons of Power I need?$B$BThe legend of Khar\'vaxal the Cracked serves us today as a reminder that no foe - no matter how great a threat they may be - is impossible to overcome.  Chaos will bring everyone to their knees, that much is certain... and perhaps the most non-chaotic elements of chaos.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3322insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3277,8073,'Paragons of Power: The Madcap\'s Tunic','My eyes failed me long ago, but I do not miss them.  Even in a tribe such as ours - where one\'s vestments convey station and purpose - the most potent of garb exudes power that simple eyes cannot see.  The prized tunic of the Zandalar madcap is no exception, exuding the raw power of chaos and madness that they are able to channel.$B$BThe Paragons of Power I need lie in Zul\'Gurub; bring me what I seek, and I will reward you with your own legendary tunic... one befitting a weaver of madness.','Bring Falthir the Sightless a Primal Hakkari Aegis.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Revered with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BFalthir the Sightless is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Impressive... you have accomplished today what few thought was possible.  Your reverence in the tribe is assured for a lifetime, $N.  You have earned the right to don the madcap\'s tunic - do so with our blessing.','Welcome back to the Isle, $N... have you returned triumphantly with the Paragons of Power in tow?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3323insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3278,8074,'Paragons of Power: The Augur\'s Belt','Augurs know the mojo of the elements, mon.  They use it as a means to guide the tribe to glory.  In the dark days after the Gurubashi Empire ripped itself up, our augurs led us to our safe haven in the South Seas.  They\'ve also led us back here to the Vale, right back to the heart of evil brewin\' in Zul\'Gurub.$B$BBring me an offerin\' of the Paragons of Power from inside Zul\'Gurub and prove your worth to us.  Do it and I\'ll give ya a belt that our augurs use - one with powerful mojo inside it!','Bring Maywiki of Zuldazar a Primal Hakkari Girdle.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Honored with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BMaywiki of Zuldazar is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','I can smell the scent of vanquished evil on ya, $N.  It\'s a sweet smell mon... one I think you know quite well.$B$BI know it\'s no small feat to have brought me the Paragons of Power required for the belt.  Your deeds have not only honored the tribe, but also honored yourself amongst my tribe.  Here ya are - take the augur\'s belt and don it as your own!','The Paragons of Power are what I need mon - we\'ll tap the power right out of them in our fight against the evil from Zul\'Gurub.  Do ya have them for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3324insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3279,8075,'Paragons of Power: The Augur\'s Hauberk','The augurs of the Zandalar all wear a distinctive chest piece called a hauberk.  It\'s fitted with the finest of silks and cloths, interwoven with strong chain.  It\'s a symbol of not only their divinity, but also of their authority, mon.  It\'s never wise to cross one whose life is devoted to speakin\' with the spirits...$B$BBring me an offerin\' of the Paragons of Power from inside Zul\'Gurub and prove your worth to us.  Do it and I\'ll give ya one of the finest hauberks our augurs would ever hope to wear!','Bring Maywiki of Zuldazar a Primal Hakkari Tabard.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Revered with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BMaywiki of Zuldazar is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','I know what ya had to go through to bring me the Paragons of Power, $N.  It wasn\'t easy, mon - defeatin\' the evil that seeps out of Zul\'Gurub like a foul ooze - but now that it is all said and done, I can easily say that you\'ll be revered amongst the Zandalar for ages to come!$B$BHere - take the augur\'s hauberk and wear it with pride!','The Paragons of Power are a key source of magic power - the same kind of power that goes into makin\' the augur\'s hauberk.  Bring me what I need, and I\'ll be able to share the finest of vestments any Zandalar augur would be wantin\' as their own.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3325insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3280,8076,'Paragons of Power: The Demoniac\'s Mantle','The demoniac seeks to embody power outright, not just possess it.  More than one of our demoniacs has lost a fight with a demon; with our enemies threatening us - especially in Zul\'Gurub - the power that a demoniac is able to unleash on our foes is worth the sacrifice.  Our survival depends on crushing those who would destroy us; the fall of the Gurubashi Empire taught us this.$B$BTravel to Zul\'Gurub and gain the Paragons of Power we need.  Do this, and a valuable demoniac item shall be yours.','Bring Al\'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Sash.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Honored with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BAl\'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Well done, $N.  The Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub should act as a reminder of wasted power.  The Gurubashi were strong at their height, but they allowed themselves to be consumed by it.  A demoniac knows that the game they play is much similar, but the power unleashed is often the very thing needed for survival.$B$BUse this mantle as an honored ally of the Zandalar... it will serve you well.','Retrieved the Paragons of Power from Zul\'Gurub?  While we will take the latent power from these items and make them our own, we will give you your own reward of power should you be successful...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3326insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3281,8077,'Paragons of Power: The Demoniac\'s Robes','The ultimate symbol of power amongst the tribe is the garb we wear in battle.  A demoniac\'s robes have fused fine runecloth and devastatingly powerful mojo into a single fabric.  The visage of the robe is said to instill fear into the minds of all who see it... especially the demons that the demoniac will eventually dominate.$B$BFrom Zul\'Gurub, you must bring me a very specific set of the Paragons of Power.  It will be difficult... but your success will assure you of acquiring a robe for yourself.','Bring Al\'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Kossack.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Revered with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BAl\'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','Impressive - your victory in Zul\'Gurub has assured us - nay, the world - that Hakkar will not prevail.  The time may come when you face the Blood God directly... and should this come to pass know that your reverence is assured amongst the Zandalar tribe.$B$BOh, and this simple robe should help out too I think.$B$B<Al\'tabim winks knowingly at you.>','The Paragons of Power... you have returned with them?  Only once we have them will we share the ultimate symbol of demoniac power with you, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3327insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3282,8078,'Paragons of Power: The Vindicator\'s Belt','The ultimate vengeance waits within Zul\'Gurub.  Hakkar must not rise again.  Hakkar destroyed the Gurubashi Empire from within.  No sacrifice was enough.  The trolls are a shadow of former glories.  I know this is because of Hakkar.$B$BBecome the vindicator you were meant to be.  Wreak havoc on the minions of evil.  Zul\'Gurub must taste Zandalar vengeance.  Bring me proof in the Paragons of Power.  You will receive the vindicator\'s belt.  You will receive real power.$B$BGo.','Bring Jin\'rokh the Breaker a Primal Hakkari Girdle.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Honored with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BJin\'rokh the Breaker is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','The way of the vindicator is now known to you.  You have brought honor to the tribe.  You have brought honor to yourself.  You have brought pain to our enemies.$B$BThe vindicator\'s belt is yours.  You are surely becoming one with the way of the vindicator.','Have you brought the Paragons of Power?  Have you struck down the enemies of the tribe?  Hakkar must know the wrath of the vindicator!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3328insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3283,8079,'Paragons of Power: The Vindicator\'s Breastplate','The vindicator\'s symbol of power is the breastplate.  It is forged with powerful mojo.  It is trusted only to those we revere.  It is the Zandalar symbol of vengeance.$B$BTo become a vindicator is to become vengeance.  Take the Paragons of Power we need from Zul\'Gurub.  Bring them to us.  We will take the mojo stolen from us.  We will make the minions of Hakkar pay.  We will reward you with the vindicator\'s breastplate.$B$BGo.  Be our vengeance, $N.','Bring Jin\'rokh the Breaker a Primal Hakkari Kossack.  You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Revered with the Zandalar Tribe.$B$BJin\'rokh the Breaker is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.','You are to be revered for your deeds.  The tribe rewards its heroes.  Zul\'Gurub has tasted Zandalar vengeance like never before.$B$BYour deeds will herald the deeds of others to come.  They will look upon you as a sign of real power.  They will look upon you as vengeance personified!','Your presence means victory?  Do you have the Paragons of Power?  Tell me of the vengeance you have wrought today!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3329insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3284,8080,'Arathi Basin Resources!','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you.  They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important.  There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources.  Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','You got the resources! Great job! I\'ll send the resources to our quartermasters, who can quickly disperse them to our troops.$B$BThank you, $N. Indeed, performing successful missions like the one you achieved are how wars are truly won.','Do you have the resource crate, $N? The League of Arathor can\'t fight a decent battle without them...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3330insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3285,8081,'More Resource Crates','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you. They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important. There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources. Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by footman and field marshal alike.','$N, the League of Arathor has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3331insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3286,8101,'The Pebble of Kajaro','','Speak again with Al\'tabim the All-Seeing.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3332insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3287,8102,'The Pebble of Kajaro','Welcome back, mage. I can see that the pebble has seen much use. Many of our foes have fallen to your otherworldly abilities. Their suffering has been great. It is time that I enhance the power of the pebble. Give it to me.','Give the Pebble of Kajaro to Al\'tabim the All-Seeing.','Be unstoppable, like the molten fronts of Kajaro.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3333insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3288,8103,'The Pebble of Kajaro','Welcome back, mage. I can see that the pebble has seen much use. Many of our foes have fallen to your otherworldly abilities. Their suffering has been great. It is time that I enhance the power of the pebble. Give it to me.','Give the Pebble of Kajaro to Al\'tabim the All-Seeing.','Be unstoppable, like the molten fronts of Kajaro.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3334insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3289,8104,'The Jewel of Kajaro','Give me the talisman, $N. I must show you something.','Give the Pebble of Kajaro to Al\'tabim the All-Seeing.','<Al\'tabim shatters the pebble with a powerful unseen force.>$B$BDo you see? The pebble is what we call a geode. Inside the pebble are powerful crystals that have been soaking in the latent energies from our world. By cutting the pebble in half, I have finally allowed its full potential to be realized. Use it to lay waste to our enemies.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3335insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3290,8105,'The Battle for Arathi Basin!','$N, the battle for Arathi Basin is a battle for resources and territory.  Key points in the area must be held and operated in order to supply our forces with much needed raw materials and supplies.  I charge you to assault the points farthest from our Arathi Basin base.$B$BAssault the farm, the mine, the lumber mill and the blacksmith when they are controlled by the enemy.  Find the enemy\'s banner and rip it from its flag post!$B$BWhen you have done this to all four points, return to me.','Assault the mine, the lumber mill, the blacksmith and the farm, then return to Field Marshal Oslight in Refuge Pointe.','','','','Mine Assaulted','Lumber Mill Assaulted','Blacksmith Assaulted','Farm Assaulted',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3336insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3291,8106,'Kezan\'s Taint','','Speak again with Al\'tabim the All-Seeing.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3337insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3292,8107,'Kezan\'s Taint','Honor is earned amongst the Zandalar trolls, $N. With honor comes reward - friendship, alliance...$B$BHand me the talisman so that I may enhance its power.','Give Kezan\'s Taint to Al\'tabim the All-Seeing','Draw from the darkness, warlock. Embrace the shadows. Let Kezan\'s Taint supplement your dark meddling.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3338insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3293,8108,'Kezan\'s Taint','Honor is earned amongst the Zandalar trolls, $N. With honor comes reward - friendship, alliance...$B$BHand me the talisman so that I may enhance its power.','Give Kezan\'s Taint to Al\'tabim the All-Seeing','Draw from the darkness, warlock. Embrace the shadows. Let Kezan\'s Taint supplement your dark meddling.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3339insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3294,8109,'Kezan\'s Unstoppable Taint','Call forth your demons, warlock. Let them bask in the energy of Kezan\'s Taint. Command them on the field of battle! Decimate the enemy!$B$BYes... The time has come to apply the final enhancement to Kezan\'s Taint. Give me the talisman.','Give Kezan\'s Taint to Al\'tabim the All-Seeing','Flay the flesh from their corpses. Watch as the shadows consume the Hakkari. Draw power from their fear, warlock. Let Kezan\'s Taint augment this power...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3340insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3295,8110,'Enchanted South Seas Kelp','','Talk again to Maywiki of Zuldazar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3341insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3296,8111,'Enchanted South Seas Kelp','Hey mon! It be good to see you again. The tribe be talking about your killin\' of the Hakkari and all that. Molthor gave me the word to be adding more mojo to your talisman. Just give it here and Maywiki make it better.','Give the Enchanted South Seas Kelp to Maywiki of Zuldazar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3342insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3297,8112,'Enchanted South Seas Kelp','Hey mon! It be good to see you again. The tribe be talking about your killin\' of the Hakkari and all that. Molthor gave me the word to be adding more mojo to your talisman. Just give it here and Maywiki make it better.','Give the Enchanted South Seas Kelp to Maywiki of Zuldazar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3343insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3298,8113,'Pristine Enchanted South Seas Kelp','$N! It been a long time since I seen you. Did you know that King Rastakhan himself be givin\' me the order to add the final bit of mojo and magic to your talisman? It be true, mon! I wouldn\'t have believed it had I not seen it with me own eyes. Give it here.','Give the Enchanted South Seas Kelp to Maywiki of Zuldazar.','$N mon, it been a good journey. Keep on with the killing and suppressing of Hakkar and he minions.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3344insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3299,8114,'Control Four Bases','$N, you have taken the battle of Arathi Basin to our enemies and earned great honors in that field of battle.  You have shown us your worth as a $c, and you have shown our enemies that we will not submit to their villainy!$B$BBecause of your proven value to us, I have a difficult task for you.  I want you to take and hold at least four of the bases in Arathi Basin.  If you can do that, then we will not only secure critical resources, we will show the Horde our dominance!$B$BGo, $N, and good fortune. ','Enter Arathi Basin, capture and control four bases at the same time, and then return to Field Marshal Oslight at Refuge Pointe.','','','Control Four Bases.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3345insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3300,8115,'Control Five Bases','$N, battling for the resources of Arathi Basin is a bloody undertaking.  Your services to the League of Arathor are as needed as they are appreciated.$B$BAnd we have one more task for you.$B$BThe League wishes to make one strong push against the Defilers\' occupation of Arathi Basin.  We want them driven out of every strategic point on the battlefield!$B$BIt will not be easy, but if anyone can get it done, it is you.','Control 5 bases in Arathi Basin at the same time, then return to Field Marshal Oslight at Refuge Pointe.','','','Take Five Bases.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3346insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3301,8116,'Vision of Voodress','','Talk again to Maywiki of Zuldazar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3347insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3302,8117,'Vision of Voodress','Sha-mon! Maywiki make a joke!$B$B<Maywiki laughs.>$B$BSo, you been using the spirits and elements against our enemies in Zul\'Gurub, eh? Spirits be praised!$B$BMaywiki gonna brighten your orb. Give it here, Leifs.','Give the Vision of Voodress to Maywiki of Zuldazar.','Take a look at it now, $N. Voodress come in even clearer now, yea? Let the primal power flow through you, mon.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3348insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3303,8118,'Vision of Voodress','Sha-mon! Maywiki make a joke!$B$B<Maywiki laughs.>$B$BSo, you been using the spirits and elements against our enemies in Zul\'Gurub, eh? Spirits be praised!$B$BMaywiki gonna brighten your orb. Give it here, Leifs.','Give the Vision of Voodress to Maywiki of Zuldazar.','Take a look at it now, $N. Voodress come in even clearer now, yea? Let the primal power flow through you, mon.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3349insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3304,8119,'The Unmarred Vision of Voodress','<Maywiki points to your talisman.>$B$BLook at it, $N! It\'s come alive. The spirits dance around the orb.$B$BGive it to Maywiki so she can make one last adjustment.','Give the Vision of Voodress to Maywiki of Zuldazar.','One day, $N, you will be able to use this orb to communicate directly with me. Whenever this battle with Hakkar be over and Maywiki go home. Let us call to the spirits and ask them for that day to come soon.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3350insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3305,8120,'The Battle for Arathi Basin!','As you no doubt have heard, the League of Arathor is sending large numbers of troops into Arathi Basin.  Eager for food and supplies, these Alliance fools are intent to take and control the rich resources there.  We must show them that Arathi will never again be a home for humans!$B$BGo to Arathi Basin and assault the mine, the lumber mill, the blacksmith and the stables.  Pull down the enemies\' banners, declaring those territories for the Horde.$B$BGo, $N.  Report back to me when this task is complete.','Assault the Arathi Basin mine, lumber mill, blacksmith and stable, and then return to Deathmaster Dwire in Hammerfall.','','','','Mine Assaulted','Lumber Mill Assaulted','Blacksmith Assaulted','Stable Assaulted',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3351insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3306,8121,'Take Four Bases','$N, as the battles over Arathi Basin rage, news of your actions have reached many ears.  You are highly regarded among us, which gives me confidence that you will accomplish the mission I now have for you.$B$BIt is time to send a message to the League of Arathor.  We must show them that their holdings in Arathi Basin are tenuous and quickly lost.  We will show them this by holding, all at once, four strategic points in Arathi Basin.$B$BSucceed in this, $N, and earn great respect among the Defilers.','Hold four bases at the same time in Arathi Basin, and then return to Deathmaster Dwire in Hammerfall.','','','Hold Four Bases.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3352insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3307,8122,'Take Five Bases','It is difficult to see, so deep we are in the conflict, but our spies report a weakening in the League of Arathor\'s resolve.  We must use this window and strike a brutal blow against them!  Return to Arathi Basin and throw yourself against our foes.  Curse them and kill them and control all five strategic bases!  Send their soldiers screaming and bleeding from the front lines, with stories of your cruelty on their mewling lips.$B$BDo this, and score a great victory for the Defilers.','Hold five bases in Arathi Basin at the same time, then return to Deathmaster Dwire in Hammerfall.','','','Hold Five Bases.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3353insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3308,8123,'Cut Arathor Supply Lines','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi.  They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe.  We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman.  Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3354insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3309,8124,'More Resource Crates','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi. They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe. We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman. Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by grunt and high warlord alike.','$N, the Defilers has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3355insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3310,8141,'Zandalarian Shadow Talisman','','Talk again to Falthir the Sightless.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3356insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3311,8142,'Zandalarian Shadow Talisman','I sense that you have dealt countless fatalities to the Hakkari, $N. You carry the stink of their mojo.$B$BI assume the Shadow talisman has assisted in the culling? Give it to me and allow me to enhance its power.','Give the Zandalarian Shadow Talisman to Falthir the Sightless.','An assassin of your caliber should be given a wide berth. Your foes must learn respect! You will get just that when the enemy sees the glint of Death\'s Hand - all too late...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3357insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3312,8143,'Zandalarian Shadow Talisman','I sense that you have dealt countless fatalities to the Hakkari, $N. You carry the stink of their mojo.$B$BI assume the Shadow talisman has assisted in the culling? Give it to me and allow me to enhance its power.','Give the Zandalarian Shadow Talisman to Falthir the Sightless.','An assassin of your caliber should be given a wide berth. Your foes must learn respect! You will get just that when the enemy sees the glint of Death\'s Hand - all too late...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3358insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3313,8144,'Zandalarian Shadow Mastery Talisman','It yearns to grow, $N. The talisman has soaked in all that you have done. The thousands of troll corpses littering Zul\'Gurub have fueled its power. Hand it to me and I shall make the final enhancement.','Give the Zandalarian Shadow Talisman to Falthir the Sightless.','This is the last time we will speak under the auspices of Shera Ali\'kh. You know all that you must. Take the talisman and continue in your slaying. Hakkar must never be allowed to leave Zul\'Gurub.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3359insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3314,8145,'The Maelstrom\'s Tendril','','Talk again to Falthir the Sightless.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3360insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3315,8146,'The Maelstrom\'s Tendril','Ah, $N, it is good to smell you again.$B$B<Falthir grins.>$B$BYou\'ll have to excuse my sense of humor. It can be most foul at times.$B$BI sense that you have caused great anguish to our enemies. The forces of Hakkar cry out your name in anger. This is most excellent.$B$BYou have earned another weave on your talisman. Hand it to me.','Give The Maelstrom\'s Tendril to Falthir the Sightless.','Let them seek atonement at the end of your munitions.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3361insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3316,8147,'The Maelstrom\'s Tendril','Ah, $N, it is good to smell you again.$B$B<Falthir grins.>$B$BYou\'ll have to excuse my sense of humor. It can be most foul at times.$B$BI sense that you have caused great anguish to our enemies. The forces of Hakkar cry out your name in anger. This is most excellent.$B$BYou have earned another weave on your talisman. Hand it to me.','Give The Maelstrom\'s Tendril to Falthir the Sightless.','Let them seek atonement at the end of your munitions.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3362insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3317,8148,'Maelstrom\'s Wrath','Molthor delivers word from King Rastakhan, $N. The royal court is most impressed with your decimation of the Hakkari forces. I am to award you with the final weave in your talisman. Hand it to me.','Give The Maelstrom\'s Tendril to Falthir the Sightless.','Your journey has only just begun, young hunter. Perhaps one day you will visit the Maelstrom and glance into the heart of the world.$B$BI wish you power and fortitude!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3363insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3318,8149,'Honoring a Hero','During the Harvest Festival of Azeroth, we give thanks to heroes for the sacrifices - in some cases ultimate sacrifices - they have given on our behalf.  The Alliance acknowledges many heroes, but none weave a more tragic tale than that of Uther Lightbringer.$B$BHelp us honor Uther by taking this offering to his tomb in the Western Plaguelands.  Place it at his statue, and then return to me.  I\'ll only be here through the end of the festival, so waste no time in giving Uther his tribute.','Travel to Uther\'s Tomb in Western Plaguelands and use Uther\'s Tribute at his statue, and then return to Wagner Hammerstrike outside Ironforge before the Harvest Festival is over.','He was a hero among heroes, Uther was.  I can\'t even begin to imagine the anguish of what he felt when Arthas - his greatest student and someone whom Uther loved like his own son - betrayed all of humanity.  Still, he rose to try and stop Arthas, and for that he will be forever remembered as a true paladin.  His fight was to the end, thinking only of those he might save.$B$BThank you, $N.  You\'ve paid tribute to a great hero today, honoring his spirit and the spirit of the Harvest Festival.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3364insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3319,8150,'Honoring a Hero','During the Harvest Festival of Azeroth, we give thanks to heroes for the sacrifices - in some cases ultimate sacrifices - they have given on our behalf.  The Horde acknowledges many heroes, but none exemplify strength and sacrifice more than Grom Hellscream.$B$BHelp us honor Grom by taking this offering to his monument in the Demon Fall Canyon of Ashenvale.  Place it at the base, and then return to me.  I\'ll only be here through the end of the festival, so waste no time in giving Grom his tribute.','Travel to Grom\'s Monument in the Demon Fall Canyon of Ashenvale and use Grom\'s Tribute at the base of the monument.  Return to Javnir Nashak outside Orgrimmar before the Harvest Festival is over.','Grom\'s full name - Grommash - means \"The Giant\'s Heart\"; it took that and more to stand alone against Mannoroth.  I think the Warchief said it best when the curse of the orcs began and ended with Grom.  Fitting that Grom\'s sacrifice - and perhaps redemption - would be the wellspring from which the Horde flows today.$B$BThank you, $N.  You\'ve paid tribute to a great hero today, honoring his spirit and the spirit of the Harvest Festival.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3365insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3320,8151,'The Hunter\'s Charm','Ogtinc of Azshara has sent out a call for seasoned hunters such as yourself.  He is a furbolg hunter who has left his tribe to aid the Cenarion Circle.  His teachings are meant to enrich the wisdom of others who share his craft, and guide them toward maintaining a balance.  You would do well to speak with him.$b$bOgtinc resides atop the cliffs of Azshara, northeast from the Ruins of Eldarath.','Speak to Ogtinc in Azshara.','It is no longer my purpose to hunt, but to teach the $C.  That is what fate has handed to me.$B$BCraft with me a $C\'s charm -- a collection of trophies from fallen prey that will remind you of your past trials and triumphs.  In the end I will keep the charm, but reward you with something else.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3366insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3321,8153,'Courser Antlers','The courser wears the mightiest antlers in the known lands.  Such antlers are used to defend the courser, goring an attacker and often damaging the points.  Perfect, natural antlers are the sign of an animal spirit with supreme confidence.$b$bTo hold such antlers will bestow the same confidence in you.$b$bHunt the mosshoof courser, find the perfect antlers and bring them to me.','Bring a pair of Perfect Courser Antlers to Ogtinc in Azshara.  Ogtinc resides atop the cliffs northeast of the Ruins of Eldarath.','You must possess keen sight and great patience to have obtained these. Well done.','Have you found the antlers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3367insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3322,8154,'Arathi Basin Resources!','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you.  They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important.  There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources.  Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','You got the resources! Great job! I\'ll send the resources to our quartermasters, who can quickly disperse them to our troops.$B$BThank you, $N. Indeed, performing successful missions like the one you achieved are how wars are truly won.','Do you have the resource crate, $N? The League of Arathor can\'t fight a decent battle without them...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3368insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3323,8155,'Arathi Basin Resources!','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you.  They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important.  There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources.  Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','You got the resources! Great job! I\'ll send the resources to our quartermasters, who can quickly disperse them to our troops.$B$BThank you, $N. Indeed, performing successful missions like the one you achieved are how wars are truly won.','Do you have the resource crate, $N? The League of Arathor can\'t fight a decent battle without them...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3369insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3324,8156,'Arathi Basin Resources!','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you.  They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important.  There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources.  Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','You got the resources! Great job! I\'ll send the resources to our quartermasters, who can quickly disperse them to our troops.$B$BThank you, $N. Indeed, performing successful missions like the one you achieved are how wars are truly won.','Do you have the resource crate, $N? The League of Arathor can\'t fight a decent battle without them...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3370insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3325,8157,'More Resource Crates','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you. They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important. There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources. Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by footman and field marshal alike.','$N, the League of Arathor has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3371insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3326,8158,'More Resource Crates','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you. They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important. There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources. Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by footman and field marshal alike.','$N, the League of Arathor has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3372insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3327,8159,'More Resource Crates','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you. They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important. There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources. Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by footman and field marshal alike.','$N, the League of Arathor has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3373insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3328,8160,'Cut Arathor Supply Lines','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi.  They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe.  We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman.  Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3374insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3329,8161,'Cut Arathor Supply Lines','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi.  They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe.  We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman.  Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3375insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3330,8162,'Cut Arathor Supply Lines','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi.  They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe.  We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman.  Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3376insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3331,8163,'More Resource Crates','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi. They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe. We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman. Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by grunt and high warlord alike.','$N, the Defilers has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3377insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3332,8164,'More Resource Crates','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi. They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe. We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman. Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by grunt and high warlord alike.','$N, the Defilers has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3378insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3333,8165,'More Resource Crates','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi. They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe. We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman. Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by grunt and high warlord alike.','$N, the Defilers has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3379insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3334,8166,'The Battle for Arathi Basin!','$N, the battle for Arathi Basin is a battle for resources and territory.  Key points in the area must be held and operated in order to supply our forces with much needed raw materials and supplies.  I charge you to assault the points farthest from our Arathi Basin base.$B$BAssault the farm, the mine, the lumber mill and the blacksmith when they are controlled by the enemy.  Find the enemy\'s banner and rip it from its flag post!$B$BWhen you have done this to all four points, return to me.','Assault the mine, the lumber mill, the blacksmith and the farm, then return to Field Marshal Oslight in Refuge Pointe.','','','','Mine Assaulted','Lumber Mill Assaulted','Blacksmith Assaulted','Farm Assaulted',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3380insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3335,8167,'The Battle for Arathi Basin!','$N, the battle for Arathi Basin is a battle for resources and territory.  Key points in the area must be held and operated in order to supply our forces with much needed raw materials and supplies.  I charge you to assault the points farthest from our Arathi Basin base.$B$BAssault the farm, the mine, the lumber mill and the blacksmith when they are controlled by the enemy.  Find the enemy\'s banner and rip it from its flag post!$B$BWhen you have done this to all four points, return to me.','Assault the mine, the lumber mill, the blacksmith and the farm, then return to Field Marshal Oslight in Refuge Pointe.','','','','Mine Assaulted','Lumber Mill Assaulted','Blacksmith Assaulted','Farm Assaulted',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3381insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3336,8168,'The Battle for Arathi Basin!','$N, the battle for Arathi Basin is a battle for resources and territory.  Key points in the area must be held and operated in order to supply our forces with much needed raw materials and supplies.  I charge you to assault the points farthest from our Arathi Basin base.$B$BAssault the farm, the mine, the lumber mill and the blacksmith when they are controlled by the enemy.  Find the enemy\'s banner and rip it from its flag post!$B$BWhen you have done this to all four points, return to me.','Assault the mine, the lumber mill, the blacksmith and the farm, then return to Field Marshal Oslight in Refuge Pointe.','','','','Mine Assaulted','Lumber Mill Assaulted','Blacksmith Assaulted','Farm Assaulted',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3382insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3337,8169,'The Battle for Arathi Basin!','As you no doubt have heard, the League of Arathor is sending large numbers of troops into Arathi Basin.  Eager for food and supplies, these Alliance fools are intent to take and control the rich resources there.  We must show them that Arathi will never again be a home for humans!$B$BGo to Arathi Basin and assault the mine, the lumber mill, the blacksmith and the stables.  Pull down the enemies\' banners, declaring those territories for the Horde.$B$BGo, $N.  Report back to me when this task is complete.','Assault the Arathi Basin mine, lumber mill, blacksmith and stable, and then return to Deathmaster Dwire in Hammerfall.','','','','Mine Assaulted','Lumber Mill Assaulted','Blacksmith Assaulted','Stable Assaulted',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3383insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3338,8170,'The Battle for Arathi Basin!','As you no doubt have heard, the League of Arathor is sending large numbers of troops into Arathi Basin.  Eager for food and supplies, these Alliance fools are intent to take and control the rich resources there.  We must show them that Arathi will never again be a home for humans!$B$BGo to Arathi Basin and assault the mine, the lumber mill, the blacksmith and the stables.  Pull down the enemies\' banners, declaring those territories for the Horde.$B$BGo, $N.  Report back to me when this task is complete.','Assault the Arathi Basin mine, lumber mill, blacksmith and stable, and then return to Deathmaster Dwire in Hammerfall.','','','','Mine Assaulted','Lumber Mill Assaulted','Blacksmith Assaulted','Stable Assaulted',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3384insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3339,8171,'The Battle for Arathi Basin!','As you no doubt have heard, the League of Arathor is sending large numbers of troops into Arathi Basin.  Eager for food and supplies, these Alliance fools are intent to take and control the rich resources there.  We must show them that Arathi will never again be a home for humans!$B$BGo to Arathi Basin and assault the mine, the lumber mill, the blacksmith and the stables.  Pull down the enemies\' banners, declaring those territories for the Horde.$B$BGo, $N.  Report back to me when this task is complete.','Assault the Arathi Basin mine, lumber mill, blacksmith and stable, and then return to Deathmaster Dwire in Hammerfall.','','','','Mine Assaulted','Lumber Mill Assaulted','Blacksmith Assaulted','Stable Assaulted',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3385insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3340,8181,'Confront Yeh\'kinya','My delvings into the Mosh\'aru Tablets bear grim news, $N.  Hakkar\'s true form, the god himself, can be born again through the very egg into which you captured him.  Yeh\'kinya told you it was to contain his evil, but it is to recreate it!  The troll has led you astray!$B$BGo to Yeh\'kinya and demand the egg from him.  Pray that it is not too late to stop Hakkar\'s return!','Speak with Yeh\'kinya.','So, you have been speaking with that old dwarf Ironboot and uncovered the lost Mosh\'aru Tablets, have you?  That meddling prospector...$B$BNo matter.  It is too late to save this world.  Hakkar has been reborn, and even now grows in power... deep in the ancient troll kingdom of Zul\'Gurub!  He has come!  And he will rule in blood and terror!$B$BThank you, $N.  Your help has sped the return of the Soulflayer!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3386insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3341,8182,'The Hand of Rastakhan','$N, our worst fears have come.  Legend speaks of the Soulflayer ruling the ancient troll world through evil and terror, and his power was absolute.  If he cannot be stopped now, then his new reign may spread across all of Azeroth!$B$BThere is a contingent of Zandalarian trolls who may help us stem this tide of darkness.  They have camped on Yojamba Isle, off the coast of Stranglethorn, west of the ruins of Zul\'Kunda.  Speak with their leader, Molthor, and pray he knows how to defeat Hakkar.','Speak with Molthor in Stranglethorn.','You were sent by the prospector, Ironboot?  His kind are wise, and wiser still to bring you to me, for I and the Zandalarian trolls may know a way to defeat the Soulflayer.$B$BSpeak with the trolls of this isle, heed their words, and prepare yourself, $N, for the task before you is soaked in blood.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3387insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3342,8183,'The Heart of Hakkar','The Heart of Hakkar burns from within.  Although the Soulflayer is defeated, the kernel of his power yet remains in this cursed organ.','Bring the Heart of Hakkar to Molthor on Yojamba Isle.','Ah, the Heart of Hakkar.  So the Soulflayer has been slain!  Our world is saved!$B$B$N, your service to us cannot be overstated.  You truly are a hero of this realm!','$N, the reek of an evil soul surrounds you.  Have you been cursed by the Soulflayer?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3388insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3343,8184,'Presence of Might','Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components. $BThe first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin\'do and the Bloodlord.$BThe second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter $B$Bthis foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo. Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','Bring me thise things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you! $BPrimal Hakkari Idol$BPunctured Voodoo Doll','Use it well, $C. Show the Hakkari no mercy!','Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3389insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3344,8185,'Syncretist\'s Sigil','Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components. The first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin\'do and the Bloodlord.$B$BThe second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter this foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo.$B$BBring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','Bring me thise things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you! $BPrimal Hakkari Idol$BPunctured Voodoo Doll','Use it well, $C. Show the Hakkari no mercy!','Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3390insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3345,8186,'Death\'s Embrace','Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components. The first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin\'do and the Bloodlord.$B$BThe second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter this foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo.$B$BBring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','Bring me thise things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you! $BPrimal Hakkari Idol$BPunctured Voodoo Doll','Use it well, $C. Show the Hakkari no mercy!','Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3391insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3346,8187,'Falcon\'s Call','Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components. The first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin\'do and the Bloodlord.$B$BThe second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter this foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo.$B$BBring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','Bring me thise things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you! $BPrimal Hakkari Idol$BPunctured Voodoo Doll','Use it well, $C. Show the Hakkari no mercy!','Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3392insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3347,8188,'Vodouisant\'s Vigilant Embrace','Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components. The first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin\'do and the Bloodlord.$B$BThe second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter this foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo.$B$BBring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','Bring me thise things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you! $BPrimal Hakkari Idol$BPunctured Voodoo Doll','Use it well, $C. Show the Hakkari no mercy!','Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3393insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3348,8189,'Presence of Sight','Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components. The first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin\'do and the Bloodlord.$B$BThe second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter this foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo.$B$BBring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','Bring me thise things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you! $BPrimal Hakkari Idol$BPunctured Voodoo Doll','Use it well, $C. Show the Hakkari no mercy!','Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3394insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3349,8190,'Hoodoo Hex','Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components. The first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin\'do and the Bloodlord.$B$BThe second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter this foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo.$B$BBring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','Bring me thise things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you! $BPrimal Hakkari Idol$BPunctured Voodoo Doll','Use it well, $C. Show the Hakkari no mercy!','Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3395insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3350,8191,'Prophetic Aura','Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components. The first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin\'do and the Bloodlord.$B$BThe second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter this foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo.$B$BBring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','Bring me thise things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you! $BPrimal Hakkari Idol$BPunctured Voodoo Doll','Use it well, $C. Show the Hakkari no mercy! ','Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3396insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3351,8192,'Animist\'s Caress','Zanza can create the ancient troll enchantments with the right components. The first is a primal Hakkari idol that must be taken from the most powerful of the Hakkari lieutenants: Jin\'do and the Bloodlord.$B$BThe second is a punctured voodoo doll. These can be found in the piles of refuse that litter this foul place. Look inside the jinxed hoodoo.$B$BBring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','Bring me thise things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you! $BPrimal Hakkari Idol$BPunctured Voodoo Doll','Use it well $C. Show the Hakkari no mercy!','Bring me these things and I will create a powerful enchantment for you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3397insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3352,8193,'Master Angler','Today  we have a contest to determine who the greatest angler of them all is!   Just be the  PERSON to bring me 40 Tastyfish fished from the Tastyfish schools found along the coast of Stranglethorn before anyone else does and you will be declared the Master Angler! $B$BOh, and don\'t delay, Tastyfish go bad quickly!','Catch 40 Speckled Tastyfish and bring it to Riggle Bassbait in Booty Bay','Hurry up and turn those in if you want to be declared the Master Angler!  I have been standing around here for HOURS with nothing to eat!   Hand those suckers over!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3398insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3353,8194,'Apprentice Angler','Even though we already have a contest winner, I will still buy your Tastyfish from you at a reasonable price. Whadda ya say! ','','This deal works for me if it works for you!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3399insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3354,8195,'Zulian, Razzashi, and Hakkari Coins','I seek the Paragons of Power known as the Coins of the Tribes.  They are the currency used by the various denizens of Zul\'Gurub, and each is imbued with subtle but powerful mojo.$B$BThere are nine distinct kinds to be found.  Some are sought after by my compatriots for various armors they offer Zandalar heroes.  Should you have any extra, I will trade you one of our Honor Tokens for a set of three.  You may use the Tokens with Rin\'wosho the Trader; he offers our heroes special items for them.','','Excellent - this set of coins will make a fine addition to our growing collection... one that we will use in the tribe\'s defense against the rise of the Blood God. You\'ve earned this Honor Token, $N, as well as the thanks of the tribe!','I seek the Paragons of Power known as the Coins of the Tribes. They are the currency used by the various denizens of Zul\'Gurub, and each is imbued with subtle but powerful mojo.$B$BThere are nine distinct kinds to be found. Some are sought after by my compatriots for various armors they offer Zandalar heroes. Should you have any extra, I will trade you one of our Honor Tokens for a set of three. You may use the Tokens with Rin\'wosho the Trader; he offers our heroes special items for them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3400insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3355,8196,'Essence Mangoes','The extremely potent essence mango grows across many of the islands in the South Seas. A single mango will refresh those who eat it, both physically and mentally. If you\'ve never had one, you do yourself a disservice!','We have enough of a supply here on the isle to offer you a handful in exchange for a Zandalar Honor Token. Speak with Vinchaxa if you need to learn how to get tokens; otherwise, let\'s get to the business at hand!','A fair trade, my friend - please enjoy the luscious fruits of the South Seas, with the tribe\'s blessing.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3401insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3356,8201,'A Collection of Heads','It is true.  Hakkar now dwells in Zul\'Gurub, bathing in the power of our gods.  Enthralled high priests now channel the energies of our most sacred divinities into the Soulflayer, who will soon have a strength beyond any being of Azeroth.  He must be stopped!$B$BTake this sacred cord, and string through it the heads of the high priests responsible for channeling our gods\' energy.$B$BWhen you have done this, return to me.','String 5 Channeler\'s Heads, then return the Collection of Troll Heads to Exzhal on Yojamba Isle.','You gained the heads!  You have halted the plundering of our gods\' power, and weakened Hakkar!$B$BYour actions are truly heroic, $N.  May the heads of these troll thralls plead to you for mercy long after their blood chills.','Do you have the collection of heads, $N?  We must stop Hakkar from gaining more power!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3402insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3357,8221,'Rare Fish - Keefer\'s Angelfish','*Whir* *Click*$B$B I seek rare fish for Fishmaster Bluegill to catalogue.   If you bring me a Keefer\'s Angelfish, I will provide you with this fine reward. $B$B*Zzzap* *Whir*','Cath Keefe\'s Angelfish and deliver this to Fishbot-5000 in Booty Bay','*Whir* $B$B Identification of Keefer\'s Angelfish complete. $B$B Your Reward is now available. $B$B *click-click* *Bzzzz*','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3403insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3358,8222,'Glowing Scorpid Blood','In all my time working the Faire, I\'ve learned a lot of things about customers.  Here\'s one of those nuggets of wisdom: customers love stuff that glows!  It doesn\'t matter what it is - you could take a broken chair leg and make it glow, and every child will come from miles around to get one!$B$BSo, $N, I need glowing scorpid blood.  You can find it from the scorpids of Sillithus, or the Blasted Lands, or the Burning Steppes.','','Great job, $N!  Thanks a lot!  I\'m going to make paint from this blood and turn all kinds of cheap junk into glowing treasure!$B$BHere are your tickets, and thanks again!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3404insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3359,8223,'More Glowing Scorpid Blood','That scorpid blood is working out great, $N!  It\'s amazing how a little sparkle and shine can create a prized bauble out of an otherwise piece of junk.  The patrons love the stuff, and love is what it\'s all about, don\'t you think...$B$BYou\'ve been a big help to me, $N, and although I don\'t have a great need for more glowing scorpid blood, if you bring me more then I\'ll still trade you some tickets.','','Thanks again, $N.  Here are your tickets!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3405insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3360,8224,'Rare Fish - Dezian Queenfish','*Whir* *Click*$B$B I seek rare fish for Fishmaster Bluegill to catalogue.   If you bring me a Dezian Queenfish, I will provide you with this fine reward. $B$B*Zzzap* *Whir*','Catch Dezian Queenfish and deliver it to Fishbot.5000 in Booty Bay','*Whir* $B$B Identification of Dezian Queenfish complete. $B$B Your Reward is now available. $B$B *click-click* *Bzzzz*','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3406insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3361,8225,'Rare Fish - Brownell\'s Blue Striped Racer','*Whir* *Click*  I seek rare fish for Fishmaster Bluegill to catalogue.   If you bring me a Brownell\'s Blue Striped Racer, I will provide you with this fine reward. *Zzzap* *Whir*','catch Brownell\'s Blue Striped Racer and deliver this tj Fishbot.5000 in Booty bay','*Whir* Identification of Brownell\'s Racer complete. Your Reward is now available. *click* *click* *Bzzzz*','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3407insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3362,8227,'Nat\'s Measuring Tape','Amongst the shattered fishing lures and tackle is a rolled, silken measuring tape.  Attached to the tape is a label that reads:$B$B\"Nat Pagle, Dustwallow Marsh.\"','Return Nat\'s Measuring Tape to Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh.','Why, you found my favorite measuring tape! I love this tape! I measured some of the biggest fish I ever caught with it...$B$BBut, I lost this tape in Zul\'Gurub... you\'ve been to Zul\'Gurub? Did you see the fabled Gahz\'ranka?$B$BWell... do you want to catch him?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3408insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3363,8228,'Could I get a Fishing Flier?','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3409insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3364,8229,'Could I get a Fishing Flier?','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3410insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3365,8230,'Collin\'s Test Quest','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3411insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3366,8231,'Wavethrashing','The wavethrasher is an amphibious beast living only here in Azshara.  They are powerful and resilient.$b$bThe tough, reflective scales from a wavethrasher mirror the strength of the hunter.$b$bTrack and hunt wavethrashers along the coast of Azshara, and bring me their scales.','Bring 6 Wavethrasher Scales to Ogtinc in Azshara.  Ogtinc resides atop the cliffs northeast the Ruins of Eldarath.','The wavethrashers are not easily defeated, even more so in their watery environment.$B$BYou have proven yourself ready to hunt even deadlier prey.','Have you met with success?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3412insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3367,8232,'The Green Drake','Now I set you on a dangerous hunt to slay the green drake, Morphaz, and bring his tooth to me.  Morphaz dwells deep in Temple of Atal\'Hakkar, the entrance to which lies in Swamp of Sorrows.$b$bIf you wish to defeat him, you must not go alone.  This drake is an enemy of many -- seek others who wish to destroy him.$b$bThe drake\'s tooth represents the power a hunter will find in the company of others.  Bring it to me and you will have learned much.','Bring the Tooth of Morphaz to Ogtinc in Azshara.  Ogtinc resides atop the cliffs northeast the Ruins of Eldarath.','You have learned the old ways, $N, and for that I offer you a gift from my days as a $C.','I see wisdom in your eyes, $N. Has your hunt ended?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3413insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3368,8233,'A Simple Request','Lord Jorach Ravenholdt has requested your presence.  The matter is secret, and I cannot say any more.$b$bRavenholdt Manor is located in the Hillsbrad Foothills -- look for a path in the mountains northwest of Durnhold Keep.','Speak with Lord Jorach Ravenholdt in Ravenholdt Manor.','Welcome, welcome, welcome!  Please, $N, have a seat and discuss a simple matter with me.$B$BYou see, $N, I\'ve recently lost something dear to me, and to put it bluntly, I want it back at all costs.  There\'s something in it for you, don\'t worry about that!  Oh yes, something very nice.$B$BNow, what say you $N... are you up for some adventure?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3414insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3369,8234,'Sealed Azure Bag','First things first.  What I\'ve lost is a small blue bag, the contents of which are a private matter.$b$bDon\'t bother going after the thieves, because they are already dead.  What we do know is the fools couldn\'t get the bag open. so they sold it to some timbermaw shaman in Azshara as a holy relic.  Clever.$b$bI need you to travel to Azshara and retrieve it from the shaman through subtlety... or force.  Better luck with the first method, I\'d wager.  Once acquired, take it to Archmage Xylem.','Retrieve the Sealed Azure Bag from the Timbermaw Shaman in Azshara.  Then take the bag to Archmage Xylem, also found in Azshara.','I see you have Lord Ravenholdt\'s bag. Why didn\'t you say so, boy?','Do I know you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3415insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3370,8235,'Encoded Fragments','Lord Ravenholdt has asked a favor of us both.  He wishes to remove the enchantment from this bag.$b$bUnfortunately, some of my books on the subject of dispelling were taken recently, only to be destroyed by savages.  The remains of my books are still valuable to me.$b$bIf you can bring me enough of the encoded fragments, I can piece them back together.  Your best chance is to kill the beasts of Azshara, since they have a tendency to pick up just about anything.','Bring 10 Encoded Fragments to Archmage Xylem in Azshara.','It looks like you picked up some of the better fragments. Perhaps you aren\'t worthless after all.','Have you found enough fragments to continue my work?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3416insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3371,8236,'The Azure Key','It will take some time to decipher the fragments and remove the enchantment.  When I am complete, I\'ll deliver the bag to Lord Ravenholdt personally.$b$bThere is still the matter of the key, said to be held by a green drake known as Morphaz.  The drake has made its home deep in the Temple of Atal\'Hakkar, the entrance to which lies in the Swamp of Sorrows.$b$bGather your friends and venture to his lair.  Lord Ravenholdt will await your return with the key.','Return the Azure Key to Lord Jorach Ravenholdt.','The key! I thought it lost forever. Please, take an enchanted garment from my stores -- they are reserved for rogues of exceptional skill and loyalty. It should be known that $N is not to be trifled with!$B$B<Jorach opens the bag and is bathed by a golden glow from within. His eyes widen and he stares...>','The bag has already arrived from Archmage Xylem, have you found the key?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3417insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3372,8238,'Gurubashi, Vilebranch, and Witherbark Coins','I seek the Paragons of Power known as the Coins of the Tribes.  They are the currency used by the various denizens of Zul\'Gurub, and each is imbued with subtle but powerful mojo.$B$BThere are nine distinct kinds to be found.  Some are sought after by my compatriots for various armors they offer Zandalar heroes.  Should you have any extra, I will trade you one of our Honor Tokens for a set of three.  You may use the Tokens with Rin\'wosho the Trader; he offers our heroes special items for them.','','Excellent - this set of coins will make a fine addition to our growing collection... one that we will use in the tribe\'s defense against the rise of the Blood God. You\'ve earned this Honor Token, $N, as well as the thanks of the tribe!','I seek the Paragons of Power known as the Coins of the Tribes. They are the currency used by the various denizens of Zul\'Gurub, and each is imbued with subtle but powerful mojo.$B$BThere are nine distinct kinds to be found. Some are sought after by my compatriots for various armors they offer Zandalar heroes. Should you have any extra, I will trade you one of our Honor Tokens for a set of three. You may use the Tokens with Rin\'wosho the Trader; he offers our heroes special items for them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3418insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3373,8239,'Sandfury, Skullsplitter, and Bloodscalp Coins','I seek the Paragons of Power known as the Coins of the Tribes.  They are the currency used by the various denizens of Zul\'Gurub, and each is imbued with subtle but powerful mojo.$B$BThere are nine distinct kinds to be found.  Some are sought after by my compatriots for various armors they offer Zandalar heroes.  Should you have any extra, I will trade you one of our Honor Tokens for a set of three.  You may use the Tokens with Rin\'wosho the Trader; he offers our heroes special items for them.','','Excellent - this set of coins will make a fine addition to our growing collection... one that we will use in the tribe\'s defense against the rise of the Blood God. You\'ve earned this Honor Token, $N, as well as the thanks of the tribe!','I seek the Paragons of Power known as the Coins of the Tribes. They are the currency used by the various denizens of Zul\'Gurub, and each is imbued with subtle but powerful mojo.$B$BThere are nine distinct kinds to be found. Some are sought after by my compatriots for various armors they offer Zandalar heroes. Should you have any extra, I will trade you one of our Honor Tokens for a set of three. You may use the Tokens with Rin\'wosho the Trader; he offers our heroes special items for them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3419insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3374,8240,'A Bijou for Zanza','The destruction of the various Hakkari Bijous is of grave importance to us, so much so that we welcome outsiders of the tribe to do so for themselves!$B$BTake any one of the bijous that you find in Zul\'Gurub to the Altar of Zanza and destroy it.  For this one time alone, I will give you an additional Honor Token from our tribe; this is above and beyond what you would normally receive.$B$BWitness for yourself the blessings of Zanza!','Destroy any one of the Hakkari Bijous found in Zul\'Gurub at the Altar of Zanza on Yojamba Isle.  When done, speak with Vinchaxa nearby.','Excellent... each bijou we wrest away from the Blood God\'s minions is one step closer we all are to finally defeating them once and for all.  You bring honor to the Zandalar - and yourself - through your noble actions.$B$BRemember $N, you may always destroy the bijous you find in Zul\'Gurub at the altar.  For each one, you will gain recognition and an Honor Token!  Just remember to have an open space in your inventory if you don\'t have one of the tokens already.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3420insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3375,8241,'Restoring Fiery Flux Supplies via Iron','Let\'s not waste more of my precious time with jibber jabber, $R. It\'s time to focus on replenishing our dwindling fiery flux supply.$B$BWhat I\'m gonna need from you is the following:$B$B*Incendosaur scales.$B$B*Iron bars.$B$B*Coal.$B$BI\'ll take all that you can offer!$B$BAnd you\'ll do it fast if you wanna get in good with the Brotherhood.','','There\'s always room for more fiery flux, junior. Keep it comin\'... unless I tell you to stop.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3421insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3376,8242,'Restoring Fiery Flux Supplies via Heavy Leather','Let\'s not waste more of my precious time with jibber jabber, $R. It\'s time to focus on replenishing our dwindling fiery flux supply.$B$BWhat I\'m gonna need from you is the following:$B$B*Incendosaur scales.$B$B*Heavy Leather.$B$B*Coal.$B$BI\'ll take all that you can offer!$B$BAnd you\'ll do it fast if you wanna get in good with the Brotherhood.','','There\'s always room for more fiery flux, junior. Keep it comin\'... unless I tell you to stop.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3422insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3377,8243,'Zanza\'s Potent Potables','With your increased status amongst the tribe comes access to some of our more potent potables. Behold... these brews are strong in the mojo - blessed by Zanza and fit for adventurers from all walks of life!','I will allow you to choose one from the three I offer; in exchange, I require three Zandalar Honor Tokens. Note that only the effects of a single one may course through your spirit at any given time.','Let me know when you\'re ready to barter!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3423insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3378,8246,'Signets of the Zandalar','May - for someone as exalted among the Zandalar as you are, I have something very special for you. Direct from our home in the South Seas... the Signets of the Zandalar! These signets are used to enhance any shoulder item you may possess. Should you seek might, mojo, or serenity - I have what you need!','I ask for fifteen Zandalar Honor Tokens in exchange for your choice of one signet. If you have the tokens ready, then I\'m ready to make a deal!','A fair trade, my friend - please accept your signet with the blessing of the tribe!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3424insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3379,8249,'Junkboxes Needed','My rogues need to hone their lockpicking skills, and I need locks of adequate difficulty -- the stuff Zan makes us is unfit for all but the lowliest neophytes.','Tell ya what, if you bring me 5 Heavy Junkboxes, I\'ll provide you with some of the finest throwing knives known to roguekind.$B$BYou can unlock the boxes and rifle through them, but you\'ll have to leave at least a few coins in them... even a rogue in training needs motivation.','May these knives find a place in someone\'s heart.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3425insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3380,8250,'Magecraft','Archmage Xylem has been asking around lately... for someone of your experience.$b$bIf you wish to seek him out, you can find him in Azshara.  His tower is built high atop the cliffs, and the only way up is a teleport spell invoked by his arrogant servant, Sanath Lim-yo.$b$bSanath makes camp below his master\'s tower.  To find him, travel to where Azshara\'s main road forks at the entrance to the Ruins of Eldarath.  From that spot, head directly north until you reach the cliffs.','Seek out Sanath Lim-yo and gain passage to see Archmage Xylem.','<Sanath sneers at you.>$B$BArch$C Xylem awaits your arrival.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3426insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3381,8251,'Magic Dust','The blood elves in Azshara have developed a method for pulverizing the magical items they acquire.  This glittering dust they produce differs from the components normally acquired by a disenchantment spell.$b$bWhen I sent my apprentice to trade for the dust, he was killed without hesitation.  For that, they must pay.$b$bThe time for talk is over, $N.  Find the blood elves along the cliffs of Azshara and use more \"persuasive\" methods to acquire their glittering dust.','Bring 10 Glittering Dust to Archmage Xylem.','Well done, $N!  It never ceases to amaze me how persuasive a volley of arcane missiles can be.','Have you the dust?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3427insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3382,8252,'The Siren\'s Coral','Take a look around you.  The ruins and beaches are overrun with spitelash.  Recently, the wretched creatures have learned to recognize the rare components indigenous to Azshara.$b$bSpecifically, I speak of enchanted coral -- they are drawn to it by reasons unknown to me.  Now there is little coral left in the bay, and it is vital to my research.  I need you to separate some enchanted coral from the spitelash sirens and bring it to me.','Collect 6 Enchanted Coral and return them to Archmage Xylem.','This is a superb specimen of coral, $N.  Your skills are unquestionably precise and deadly.$B$BDo not think your efforts have gone unnoticed.  Perhaps you are worthy of a true test of your skill...','The spitelash sirens are surprisingly adept mages.  Not as adept as you, I hope?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3428insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3383,8253,'Destroy Morphaz','There is a green drake deep in the sunken temple of Atal\'Hakkar by the name of Morphaz.$b$bYears ago, he overwhelmed me in a bold ambush and consumed my apprentice whole.  While the loss of an apprentice is not unknown to me, this particular one carried an arcane shard of unsurpassed size and quality.$b$bYou must gather powerful allies and delve into the temple.  Destroy Morphaz and recover the arcane shard from his ageless stomach.','Retrieve the Arcane Shard from Morphaz and return to Archmage Xylem.','Incredible.  The shard has grown as it absorbed the drake\'s energy over the long years.$B$BThere is no more I can ask of you now.  My full ability to forge the arcane has returned with this shard.  My first creation is yours, $N, and you have but to choose...','Have you slain my old nemesis?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3429insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3384,8254,'Cenarion Aid','It is the way of the divine to help those in need.  The how is insignificant -- only the why matters.$b$bThe Cenarion Circle has such a need.  Speak with Ogtinc to lend aid to their plight.  He resides atop the cliffs to the northeast of the Ruins of Eldarath in Azshara.','Seek out Ogtinc in Azshara.','Your arrival has lifted a weight from my shoulders.  We have much to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3430insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3385,8255,'Of Coursers We Know','The mosshoof coursers of Azshara are magnificent animals who once lived in Felwood.  They naturally resist disease and poison, and were unaffected by the corruption there.  In their ancestral wisdom, they simply chose to leave that sickened place.$b$bIt saddens my heart, but I must ask you to hunt these mighty beasts for me.  Gather four courser glands as the first ingredient for a restorative salve -- a salve we will use to heal Felwood.','Acquire 4 Healthy Courser Glands and bring them to Ogtinc in Azshara.  Ogtinc resides atop the cliffs northeast the Ruins of Eldarath.','It is good the divine path has led you to us, $N. Your beliefs do not interfere with the tasks involved in creating this salve.$B$BYou see, the courser is sacred to the Cenarion Circle, and killing them for any reason, no matter how necessary, weakens their spirit.','You have returned. Were you successful?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3431insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3386,8256,'The Ichor of Undeath','For this restorative salve, you must use a simple formula: one part poison, two parts cure.  You have acquired one cure, now you must gather the poison.$b$bPowerful undead, such as the lingering highborne who wander the Ruins of Eldarath, are sometimes so infused with evil that it coalesces into a sickly greenish goo.  To the living, this substance is known as ichor of undeath.$b$bDue to the potency of this vile element, I require only a single ichor.','Acquire an Ichor of Undeath for Ogtinc in Azshara.  Ogtinc resides atop the cliffs northeast the Ruins of Eldarath.','I cannot say I\'m pleased to receive such a wretched substance, but it is a necessary evil. Thank you, $N.','We must obtain the ichor quickly. Have you found it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3432insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3387,8257,'Blood of Morphaz','Now the last part, the second cure.$b$bThe green drake Morphaz is known to be immune to all forms of poison and disease -- many druids died to bring us this information.  There is no doubt his blood is potent for our needs.$b$bA courier from the Cenarion Circle will take the parts you have already collected while you gather the last.  Summon your allies and seek out the drake\'s lair in the sunken temple of Atal\'Hakkar.  Bring his blood to Greta Mosshoof in Felwood.','Kill Morphaz in the sunken temple of Atal\'Hakkar, and return his blood to Greta Mosshoof in Felwood.  The entrance to the sunken temple can be found in the Swamp of Sorrows.','You have slain Morphaz and carried his blood to us... I can hardly believe this good news!$B$BWe will combine the ingredients at once and begin healing the trees and creatures of Felwood. It will take a lifetime to undo what has happened here, but you have given us the means to do it.','Do you have the blood of Morphaz?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3433insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3388,8258,'The Darkreaver Menace','Death Knight Darkreaver lords over the Great Ossuary in the Scholomance.  He threatens to twist the spirit realm to do his own bidding, and he must be stopped!  This is where the scryer you helped make comes into play.$B$BUse the divination scryer in the heart of the Great Ossuary\'s basement to call forth Darkreaver\'s spirit minions.  Defeat the spirits and the death knight himself will appear.  $N, bring me his head!  Only his demise will reverse the damage done to the spirit realm!','Use the Divination Scryer in the heart of the Great Ossuary\'s basement in the Scholomance.  Doing so will bring forth spirits you must fight.  Defeating these spirits will summon forth Death Knight Darkreaver; defeat him.$B$BBring Darkreaver\'s Head to Sagorne Creststrider in the Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar.','This is a victory to savor, $N! The demise of Darkreaver should restore the fragile fetters that anchor the spirit realm.$B$BYou have far exceeded what was asked of you, even when you had no notion of reward or compensation. You are truly a $C of worth, my friend.$B$BI know that acting to preserve the spirit realm should be thanks enough, but please - accept this simple gift with my thanks.','Time is critical, $N - have you succeeded in stopping Death Knight Darkreaver\'s threat?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3434insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3389,8259,'A More Fitting Reward','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3435insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3390,8260,'Arathor Basic Care Package','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3436insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3391,8261,'Arathor Standard Care Package','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3437insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3392,8262,'Arathor Advanced Care Package','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3438insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3393,8263,'Defiler\'s Basic Care Package','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3439insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3394,8264,'Defiler\'s Standard Care Package','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3440insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3395,8265,'Defiler\'s Advanced Care Package','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3441insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3396,8266,'Ribbons of Sacrifice','I understand that it can be difficult at times to come out on top in Warsong Gulch. Still, your effort on our behalf - even when victory is not achieved - is important.$B$BShould you complete one of the trials inside Warsong Gulch and not achieve victory, you will still receive a Ribbons of Sacrifice. Bring it to me so that the Outriders may reward you for acting on our behalf... even if you weren\'t able to win this time.','Bring the Ribbons of Sacrifice to Captain Shatterskull so that the Outriders may reward you for acting on our behalf.','Well, you did not flee in the face of defeat. You stood your ground, $N, and when it comes right down to it, that is what makes for a true hero. No doubt you will win next time... but nonetheless we thank you for your effort.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3442insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3397,8267,'Ribbons of Sacrifice','I understand that it can be difficult at times to come out on top in Warsong Gulch. Still, your effort on our behalf - even when victory is not achieved - is important.$B$BShould you complete one of the trials inside Warsong Gulch and not achieve victory, you will still receive a Ribbons of Sacrifice. Bring it to me so that the Outriders may reward you for acting on our behalf... even if you weren\'t able to win this time.','Bring the Ribbons of Sacrifice to Captain Shatterskull so that the Outriders may reward you for acting on our behalf.','Well, you did not flee in the face of defeat. You stood your ground, $N, and when it comes right down to it, that is what makes for a true hero. No doubt you will win next time... but nonetheless we thank you for your effort.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3443insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3398,8268,'Ribbons of Sacrifice','I understand that it can be difficult at times to come out on top in Warsong Gulch. Still, your effort on our behalf - even when victory is not achieved - is important.$B$BShould you complete one of the trials inside Warsong Gulch and not achieve victory, you will still receive a Ribbons of Sacrifice. Bring it to me so that the Sentinels may reward you for acting on our behalf... even if you weren\'t able to win this time.','Bring the Ribbons of Sacrifice to Sentinel Farsong so that the Sentinels may reward you for acting on our behalf.','Well, you did not flee in the face of defeat. You stood your ground, $N, and when it comes right down to it, that is what makes for a true hero. No doubt you will win next time... but nonetheless we thank you for your effort.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3444insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3399,8269,'Ribbons of Sacrifice','I understand that it can be difficult at times to come out on top in Warsong Gulch. Still, your effort on our behalf - even when victory is not achieved - is important.$B$BShould you complete one of the trials inside Warsong Gulch and not achieve victory, you will still receive a Ribbons of Sacrifice. Bring it to me so that the Sentinels may reward you for acting on our behalf... even if you weren\'t able to win this time.','Bring the Ribbons of Sacrifice to Sentinel Farsong so that the Sentinels may reward you for acting on our behalf.','Well, you did not flee in the face of defeat. You stood your ground, $N, and when it comes right down to it, that is what makes for a true hero. No doubt you will win next time... but nonetheless we thank you for your effort.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3445insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3400,8271,'Hero of the Stormpike','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3446insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3401,8272,'Hero of the Frostwolf','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3447insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3402,8273,'Oran\'s Gratitude','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3448insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3403,8275,'Taking Back Silithus','Attention, heroes of the Alliance!  The silithid menace has been left unchecked for too long.  Unfettered by any real opposition, they\'ve been preparing all this time for a large-scale expansion.  $B$BCenarion Circle forces are gathering in Silithus to take the fight to these wretched creatures and all able-bodied adventurers are hereby called to join us!$B$BDon\'t wait until it\'s too late!  Aid us in the defense of Azeroth! Report to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold for specific instructions!','Talk to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.','Excellent, a new recruit answering the call to arms against the silithid. Welcome to Cenarion Hold, $C. I am pleased to see the words of our emissaries are reaching heroes of your caliber. You will find no shortage of opportunities to help us in our efforts here and I expect you\'ll quickly prove to be a valuable ally to our cause.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3449insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3404,8276,'Taking Back Silithus','Attention, champions of the Horde!  There\'s a threat we\'ve left unchallenged for too long.  Tremors in the earth near silithid hives all around Azeroth have alerted us to large movements in their numbers as they prepare for expansion.$B$BCenarion Circle forces are gathering in Silithus to take the fight to the silithid before it\'s too late!  No more shall they defile our lands!$B$BAll able-bodied combatants are to report to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold!  The silithid shall be vanquished!','Talk to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.','Excellent, a new recruit answering the call to arms against the silithid. Welcome to Cenarion Hold, $C. I am pleased to see the words of our emissaries are reaching heroes of your caliber. You will find no shortage of opportunities to help us in our efforts here and I expect you\'ll quickly prove to be a valuable ally to our cause.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3450insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3405,8277,'Deadly Desert Venom','Beetix Ficklespragg at your service!  My cousin Noggle makes a living gathering rare herbs for Cenarion Hold alchemists.  Or used to, anyway.  He came back from his last trip with a strong poison running though his veins.$B$BI\'ve managed to slow down the venom, but to fully neutralize it I need poison samples from whatever stung him.$B$BNoggle arrived from the north, so I\'d bet my shirt stonelash scorpids or sand skitterers did it.  Bring me some stingers and fangs and I\'ll try to make an antidote for him.','Beetix Ficklespragg at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to gather 8 Stonelash Scorpid Stingers and 8 Sand Skitterer Fangs. Return to her when you have completed the task.','Cross your fingers, friend!  Here\'s to hoping we can save Noggle!','Are you done collecting those samples?  We could lose Noggle any minute now!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3451insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3406,8278,'Noggle\'s Last Hope','Blasted!  The antidote didn\'t work.  Noggle must\'ve been stung by one of the stronger creatures in the far south.$B$BI\'m going to need you to go there and get me some more samples, $N.  The good news is that since their poison is stronger I won\'t require as many.  The bad news is that there are more kinds of poisonous creatures crawling around the southern area so you\'ll have to draw from more sources.','Beetix Ficklespragg at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to gather 3 Stonelash Pincer Stingers, 3 Stonelash Flayer Stingers and 3 Rock Stalker Fangs.','Yes!  It seems to be working, Noggle is coming to.  We owe ya big time!','This is our last chance to save Noggle!  Hurry!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3452insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3407,8279,'The Twilight Lexicon','The Twilight\'s Hammer are not kind to those that leave their ranks.  They hunt me to this day like I\'m some sort of beast!  Needless to say, an enemy of theirs is a friend of mine!$B$BTo decipher this Tablet I\'ll need the book used by their scribes to encode secret messages: the Twilight Lexicon.  It\'s such an important tool that they keep its three chapters in different locations!  The officers entrusted with the Lexicon are known as Twilight Keepers, look for them at the Twilight\'s Hammer camps.','Bring the three chapters of the Twilight Lexicon to Hermit Ortell in Silithus.  ','Yes! These are the parts to the book!  Let\'s get started then, $N.$B$BSwap every third word with words from the second chapter... then swap every other word with words from the first chapter...  Wait, did I get that backwards?','Who goes there?  Oh, it\'s you!  Did you find all the Lexicon chapters yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3453insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3408,8280,'Securing the Supply Lines','Cenarion Hold is a location of utmost strategic importance.  I\'m convinced that while we hold it our victory over the silithid is guaranteed.  Provided our influx supplies can be maintained, that is.$B$BDesert worms have proven to be more of a threat to our supply caravans than even the silithid themselves.  Just this morning, a large shipment of morrowgrain was ravaged by a group of dredge strikers.  I need you to thin their numbers to ensure our supplies aren\'t jeopardized.','Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to kill 15 Dredge Strikers.','You have my sincere gratitude.  Your efforts in helping Cenarion Hold have shown true courage.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3454insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3409,8281,'Stepping Up Security','Your performance has been truly exemplary so far, $N.  Our supply lines are not completely safe yet, however.  In the absence of dredge strikers, their larger southern cousins will surely move in to take their place in the north.$B$BYou\'ll have to kill quite a few dredge crushers to keep them at bay, but we cannot leave the safety of our supply lines to chance.  ','Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to slay 20 Dredge Crushers.','Excellent!  You\'ve proven to be a valuable ally in preparing for the war against the silithid.  ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3455insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3410,8282,'Noggle\'s Lost Satchel','Where am I?  Where\'s my bag? *gasp* I must\'ve lost it while fleeing from Deathclasp, the giant scorpid.  In my rush to escape I walked right into a nest of stonelash flayers.$B$BThe satchel I was carrying had all sorts of rare reagents in it.  Without them, me and Beetix won\'t be able to make the potions that Cenarion Hold needs.  I\'m too weak to get up yet, but I can make it worth your while if you bring back my reagents.$B$BI ran into Deathclasp in the southern mountain range, behind Bronzebeard\'s camp.','Retrieve Noggle\'s Satchel from the mountains in the south of Silithus and return it to him at Cenarion Hold.','Yes!  You brought my satchel back.  And my rare reagents are all here!  I\'ll be in your debt for a long time.','Still haven\'t found my bag?  Well I should count my lucky stars, at least the poison\'s been cleansed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3456insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3411,8283,'Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands','The terrible scorpid, Deathclasp, is believed to have retreated to the southern mountain range in the presence of increased silithid activity.  She presents a great threat to patrols and expeditions in the southern regions.  Individuals participating in her destruction will be remunerated handsomely.  Inquire with Captain Vish Kozus, at the top of the Cenarion Hold Watchtower, regarding a reward.','Bring Deathclasp\'s Pincer to Vish Kozus, Captain of the Guard.','Excellent! With Deathclasp gone we\'re free to use the southern mountain range as a strategic path to circumvent the silithid hives. Your work is greatly appreciated.','I\'ll need the creature\'s pincer as proof of the deed. No pincer, no reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3457insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3412,8284,'The Twilight Mystery','A camp of Twilight\'s Hammer cultists once thrived northwest of here.  If you were to venture there now, you\'d find the area swarming with elementals and nothing but scattered pieces of wood and canvas to mark the spot where the camp was.$B$BI\'ve recovered a few fragments of a clay tablet from the site, but I have too few of them to piece together anything useful.  See if you can find the remaining tablet fragments so we can shed some light into the Twilight\'s Hammer presence here in Silithus.','Geologist Larksbane at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to collect 8 Twilight Tablet Fragments.','Just as I suspected.  I can decipher individual words in the tablets but they appear to be devoid of any logic or meaning.  It\'s not unknown for Twilight\'s Hammer sects to use a code to hide the meaning of their texts; we\'ll have to go to someone who knows more about this sort of thing.','The ravaged camp can be found northwest of here.  Come back when you have all the fragments.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3458insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3413,8285,'The Deserter','There are rumors of a Twilight\'s Hammer member called Ortell having deserted his sect.  Word has it he hid in the mountains south of Southwind Village, where he lives as a hermit.  Perhaps you can enlist his help in deciphering the tablet.$B$BTake the restored tablet with you and seek out Ortell.','Take the restored tablet to Hermit Ortell in Silithus.\r\n','I see you\'re familiar with my old organization.  You must be with Cenarion Hold.  $B$BYou seek information to use against them?  Come closer, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.','You!  How did you find me?  Who are you?  You weren\'t followed, were you?  Speak!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3459insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3414,8286,'What Tomorrow Brings','The embrace of death had all but overcome my being when he intervened. He breathed only once upon my maimed body and then waited patiently for the sands of time to cleanse my wounds.$B$B\"Forever you will remain if you must,\" he said, and with those words I was bound as a Watcher.$B$BLook now to the desert. The second war is upon us. You must seek out the resting place of the Bronze. Venture to the Caverns of Time and see if the master has returned. I must be sure before I am able to proceed.','Venture to the Caverns of Time in Tanaris and find Anachronos, Brood of Nozdormu.','It is as it should be - the great one has risen. My watch comes to an end... ','','Discover the Brood of Nozdormu.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3460insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3415,8287,'A Terrible Purpose','Ok, here we are... a pretty valuable chunk of information, I must say!  I\'ve seen the Cenarion Circle forces arrive at Silithus.  They plan to drive the Twilight\'s Hammer out, don\'t they?  This will help.  $B$BTake this parchment to their leader, Commander Mar\'alith.  Soon the Twilight\'s Hammer will be vanquished and I will be outside their grasp for good!','Take the Decoded Tablet Parchment to Commander Mar\'alith.','This is very interesting information indeed, $N.  This sheds some light on the presence of the Twilight\'s Hammer in Silithus and will undoubtedly help us in our struggle against them.  Your efforts will be handsomely rewarded, $C.','What is this you bring to me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3461insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3416,8288,'Only One May Rise','There is no time to waste! A hero must be found! The task I give will require an army to complete but only one may rise from the throng of would be champions to take on the burden and responsibility of an ally of the Brood.$B$BWithin the lair of the Lord of Blackrock is a most cruel beast. The Broodlord Lashlayer guards the Halls of Strife, blocking the way into Nefarian\'s inner sanctum. Slay the foul aberration and return his head to me. Do this and you may begin the next step of your journey.','Return the Head of the Broodlord Lashlayer to Baristolth of the Shifting Sands at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.','Could you be the first to earn favor among the Bronze Flight IN a thousand years?','It is the favor of the Brood of Nozdormu that you must earn.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3462insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3417,8289,'Talismans of Merit','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3463insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3418,8290,'Vanquish the Invaders','Beyond this tunnel you will find a field of strife and turmoil, young $c. The Horde continue to decimate our sacred forest, cutting down the evergreen foliage to power their machines of war.$B$BEnter Warsong Gulch and defend Silverwing Hold. Push back the invading Horde forces!$B$BDo this, and earn a talisman of merit.  Bring me such a talisman, $N, and I shall reward you.','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Horde, obtain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and return to Sentinel Farsong at the Silverwing Grove.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3464insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3419,8291,'Vanquish the Invaders!','Beyond this tunnel you will find a field of strife and turmoil, young $c. The Horde continue to decimate our sacred forest, cutting down the evergreen foliage to power their machines of war.$B$BEnter Warsong Gulch and defend Silverwing Hold. Push back the invading Horde forces!$B$BDo this, and earn a talisman of merit.  Bring me such a talisman, $N, and I shall reward you.','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Horde, obtain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and return to Sentinel Farsong at the Silverwing Grove.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3465insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3420,8292,'Talismans of Merit','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to aid the cause and bring me more talismans of merit. Do this, and you will earn even more of our trust.','You obtained a Silverwing Talisman of Merit for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','Thank you, $N. Your exploits in Warsong Gulch ring throughout Ashenvale Forest.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3466insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3421,8293,'Mark of Honor','You have proven your value to our efforts in Warsong Gulch. Continue to rage against the Silverwing Sentinels! Bring me more marks of honor!','You obtained a Warsong Mark of Honor for your last task, talk to me again, and you gain your reward.','The night elves and their allies must tremble at even the whisper of your name! For the Horde!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3467insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3422,8294,'Quell the Silverwing Usurpers','The wilds of the Ashenvale forest will succumb to the might of the Horde, $r. Nothing the Silverwing say or do can stop our sovereign imperative. Kalimdor belongs to the Horde. How dare they attempt to prevent us from harvesting what is rightfully ours!$B$BLet the pride swell in your chest as you cut down their weak attempts at slowing our progress. Destroy the Silverwing Sentinels, and earn a Warsong mark of honor.  Return to me with such a mark, $N, and you will be rewarded.','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Alliance, gain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and bring it to Captain Shatterskull at the Mor\'shan Base Camp.','<Captain Shatterskull roars in triumph.>$B$BHow much more can they withstand? How many more Alliance filth must perish at the hands of the Horde for them to retreat? Only time will tell, $R.','The blood of our enemies is a mark of honor. Do you have such a mark?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3468insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3423,8295,'Quell the Silverwing Usurpers','The wilds of the Ashenvale forest will succumb to the might of the Horde, $r. Nothing the Silverwing say or do can stop our sovereign imperative. Kalimdor belongs to the Horde. How dare they attempt to prevent us from harvesting what is rightfully ours!$B$BLet the pride swell in your chest as you cut down their weak attempts at slowing our progress. Destroy the Silverwing Sentinels, and earn a Warsong mark of honor.  Return to me with such a mark, $N, and you will be rewarded.','Enter Warsong Gulch and defeat the Alliance, gain a Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, and bring it to Captain Shatterskull at the Mor\'shan Base Camp.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3469insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3424,8296,'Mark of Honor','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3470insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3425,8297,'Arathi Basin Resources!','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you.  They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important.  There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources.  Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','You got the resources! Great job! I\'ll send the resources to our quartermasters, who can quickly disperse them to our troops.$B$BThank you, $N. Indeed, performing successful missions like the one you achieved are how wars are truly won.','Do you have the resource crate, $N? The League of Arathor can\'t fight a decent battle without them...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3471insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3426,8298,'More Resource Crates','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you. They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important. There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources. Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by footman and field marshal alike.','$N, the League of Arathor has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3472insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3427,8299,'Cut Arathor Supply Lines','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi.  They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe.  We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman.  Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3473insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3428,8300,'More Resource Crates','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi. They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe. We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N. Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman. Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','Very good. I will get these to our quartermasters immediately, and a commendation for your actions will be sent to my superiors.$B$BOnce again, thank you $N. Your contributions to our struggles are noticed by grunt and high warlord alike.','$N, the Defilers has a standing mission for you to reenter Arathi Basin, procure more resource crates and bring them to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3474insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3429,8301,'The Path of the Righteous','The Brood of Nozdormu are naturally distrusting of the lesser races. While it is true that you have proven to me that you have the potential makings of a hero, the time has come to prove this to my master.$B$BHive\'Ashi, Hive\'Zora, Hive\'Regal: All swarming with activity and all a threat to our existence. Slay silithid at these hives and take from them a fragment of their carapace. When you can carry no more, return to me and I shall strengthen your resolve.','Collect 200 Silithid Carapace Fragments and return to Baristolth.','You are not alone, hero. I will now grant you the ability to deputize others to help you IN your quest. If you are to be the champion of your people, you will need assistance IN your tasks and duties.','There is much history rooted IN their distrust of the mortal races; but alas, such is a tale better left for the Brood to tell when the time is right.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3475insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3430,8302,'The Hand of the Righteous','Choose your deputies wisely, mortal. Each time you return with your task complete, a new deputy you will be allowed to choose.$B$BWith that said, I require more of the carapace fragments. Waste no time!','Collect 200 Silithid Carapace Fragments and return to Baristolth.','Well done, hero. You will now be granted the ability to deputize another Agent of Nozdormu.','Perhaps one day the whole of Cenarion Hold will be workINg under your command.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3476insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3431,8303,'Anachronos','It is time, $N.$B$BI must apologize for keeping so much in secret. Enemies abound, even under our very noses. Please, read from this tome and learn. Take the knowledge I give to you and seek out our master.','Seek out Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.','You are the hope of Kalimdor, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3477insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3432,8304,'Dearest Natalia','My dear Natalia has gone missing.$B$BTruth be told, she had been acting strangely for weeks leading up to her disappearance. I had caught her talking to herself when no one was around on more than one occasion. She was adamant that everything was ok and that she must be allowed to continue her research.$B$BShe was last seen heading to Bronzebeard\'s camp to the south.$B$BMy soldiers are spread too thin, $N. I need you to go to Bronzebeard\'s camp and question those dwarves. ','Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to question the inhabitants of Bronzebeard\'s Encampment. You will find Bronzebeard\'s Encampment south of Cenarion Hold.$B$BOnce you have gathered the requested information, return to Commander Mar\'alith.','<Commander Mar\'alith lowers his head in contemplation.>$B$BWhether she is alive or dead, I must do what is right. She must be found. Alas, I am bound by duty to this outpost. Will you help me once more, $N?','','','Frankal Questioned','Rutgar Questioned','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3478insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3433,8305,'Long Forgotten Memories','In the southern desert of Silithus, near the sacred barrier, exists a single crystalline tear. This tear serves as a symbol of the great losses beset upon us during the War of the Shifting Sands. Locate this tear and gaze into its depths to gain enlightenment.\r\n','Locate the Crystalline Tear in Silithus and gaze into its depths.','You can feel a great sorrow revolving around this crystal. The force is so powerful that you feel as if you might collapse and die of sadness.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3479insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3434,8306,'Into The Maw of Madness','I need you to venture into Hive\'Regal and find what became of my dearest Natalia, $N. This will be no easy task for you. Before you dive headlong into the maw of madness, make sure that you go back and speak with those dwarves. They might be able to give you some tips on dealing with the silithid that inhabit that hive.$B$BAnd $N, if she truly is as mad as they say... do what you must.$B$B<Commander Mar\'alith turns away from you.>\r\n','Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to find his beloved Natalia. The information that you gathered points to Hive\'Regal in the south as being the area in which you may find Mistress Natalia Mar\'alith.$B$BDo not forget to visit the dwarves at Bronzebeard\'s camp before venturing into the hive. They might have some additional work and advice for you.$B$BAnd $N, remember the Commander\'s words: \"Do what you must...\"','<Commander Mar\'alith clutches at his chest.>$B$BC\'Thun? WHAT is the meaning of all this? What is C\'Thun? How could this fiend have turned my sweet Natalia into the monster that you described?','','','The Fate of Mistress Natalia Mar\'alith','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3480insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3435,8307,'Desert Recipe','Adapting to life in the desert has been difficult to say the least.  Not only do I miss the birds and trees of Auberdine but our food selection is severely limited by this arid environment.  I\'m trying to learn about desert herbs, but there aren\'t many.$B$BI\'ve seen Twilight\'s Hammer groups from the camp west of here hunt sandworms for food.  Sandworm meat is so bitter though, I can\'t imagine how they make it palatable.  Keep your eyes open if you go to their camp and let me know if you learn anything.','Look for information about cooking Sandworm Meat at the Twilight\'s Hammer camp west of Cenarion Hold.','This book contains several common recipes and a few unusual ones. After browsing through it for a few seconds you spot a recipe that involves sandworm meat.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3481insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3436,8308,'Brann Bronzebeard\'s Lost Letter','To Whom It May Concern:$B$BIf you\'re reading this, I\'m either dead or soon to be dead. It\'s hard to say. Most of the crew is dead anyhow.$B$BFound information about a Titan. Great battle between him and an Old God. Yes, a bona fide Old God. Found ancient tunnel leading to Ahn\'Qiraj. Taking it.$B$BTake this letter to my old camp. Make sure my monkey is getting adequate food, water, and hugs.$B$B-Brann Bronzebeard, Explorer Extreme$B$BP.S. Watch out for crazy Old God worshipping night elf.','Take Brann Bronzebeard\'s Letter to Bronzebeard\'s Encampment in southern Silithus.','Well this explains a lot. If you ever find a way into Ahn\'Qiraj, keep an eye out for ol\' Brann. I\'m afraid that he\'ll be powerless without his monkey.','Oh dear.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3482insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3437,8309,'Glyph Chasing','After our initial foray into the hives and Mistress Mar\'alith\'s subsequent madness the three hives have been spewing out bugs! The increased activity might be tied into the glyphs covering those strange crystals.$B$BWe must get a rubbing from crystals in all three hives. If we can get those rubbings, we might be able to make sense of this madness.$B$BTake this transcription set  and hit those hives, $N. Don\'t come back until you\'ve gotten copies from each hive.','Rutgar Glyphshaper at Bronzebeard\'s Encampment in Silithus wants you to venture to Hive\'Ashi, Hive\'Zora, and Hive\'Regal and recover Glyphed Rubbings from the Glyphed Crystals of each hive.$B$BUse the Geologist\'s Transcription Kit to make a reasonable facsimile of the ancient glyphs. Return to Rutgar Glyphshaper when you complete this task.','I can\'t make heads or tails of these glyphs. I\'ve never seen anything like it! I hope Frankal\'s research can shed some light on this mess.','If you find some crazy night elf lass in one of the hives, be sure to give her a kick in the duff for us.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3483insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3438,8310,'Breaking the Code','I think I can formulate an elixir that will allow us to more readily decipher the glyphs and language of the silithid and Qiraji! What do I need? Glad you asked! I need brains! More specifically, a brain from each silithid type that inhabit the hives. Bring me brains and Rutgar\'s work might not be for naught.','Frankal Stonebridge at Bronzebeard\'s Encampment in Silithus wants you to recover a Hive\'Zora Silithid Brain, Hive\'Ashi Silithid Brain, and a Hive\'Regal Silithid Brain. Return to Frankal when you have completed this task.','Outstanding! Don\'t wander off too far, kid. We might need you to take on another task or two.','Go play with the monkey, kid. I don\'t have time for this.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3484insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3439,8311,'Hallow\'s End Treats for Jesper!','I want to go trick-or-treating, but I can\'t because I\'m sick.  If you go for me, I\'d trade you the candy you get for some I already have!  I think you\'d like this candy - it makes you turn into things both funny and scary!$B$BEach of the innkeepers in the big cities have candy they give for Hallow\'s End - talk to them and do the tricks they ask for!  Also, a little gnome named Talvash in Ironforge is handing out candy as well.  When you have all the candy, bring them back to me here!','Speak with the innkeepers of Stormwind, Ironforge, and Darnassus, as well as Talvash del Kissel in Ironforge.  Perform the tricks they ask of you in exchange for the treats they offer.$B$BReturn to Jesper at the Stormwind Orphanage with a Darnassus Marzipan, Gnomeregan Gumdrop, Stormwind Nougat, and Ironforge Mint.','Wow, you got them all!  You\'re awesome!$B$BThank you for trick-or-treating for me.  Here, take these pumpkin treats - I think you\'ll like them a lot!$B$BHappy Hallow\'s End, $N!','Have you finished trick-or-treating yet?  I\'m sad that I can\'t go because I\'m sick, but you helping me out makes me feel a little better...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3485insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3440,8312,'Hallow\'s End Treats for Spoops!','I want to go trick-or-treating, but I can\'t because I\'m sick.  If you go for me, I\'d trade you the candy you get for some I already have!  I think you\'d like this candy - it makes you turn into things both funny and scary!$B$BEach of the innkeepers in the big cities have candy they give for Hallow\'s End - talk to them and do the tricks they ask for!  Also, a troll named Kali Remik in Sen\'jin Village is handing out candy as well.  When you have all the candy, bring them back to me here!','Speak with the innkeepers of Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff, as well as Kali Remik in Sen\'jin Village.  Perform the tricks they ask of you in exchange for the treats they offer.$B$BReturn to Spoops at the Orgrimmar Orphanage with a Thunder Bluff Marzipan, Darkspear Gumdrop, Orgrimmar Nougat, and Undercity Mint.','Wow, you got them all!  You\'re awesome!$B$BThank you for trick-or-treating for me.  Here, take these pumpkin treats - I think you\'ll like them a lot!$B$BHappy Hallow\'s End, $N!','Have you finished trick-or-treating yet?  I\'m sad that I can\'t go because I\'m sick, but you helping me out makes me feel a little better...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3486insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3441,8313,'Sharing the Knowledge','While the recipe for cooking sandworm meat is legible, it contains references to herbs and spices you\'ve never heard of.  Calandrath might have enough knowledge of the plants that grow in the desert to make sense of it.  ','Bring the Torn Recipe Page to Calandrath at the inn in Cenarion Hold.','Let\'s have a look at that...$B$BThis seems simple enough.  They have their own names for some of the herbs, but those are simple enough to figure out.  Here, let me show you!  ','Did you learn the recipe?  You won\'t keep it to yourself, I hope!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3487insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3442,8314,'Unraveling the Mystery','We\'re on the verge of a breakthrough, $N! The rubbings you recovered have allowed us to recreate the glyphs on this crystalline prism. They are apparently a means for the Qiraji and other unknown entities to communicate various messages to the silithid.$B$BUnfortunately, that is all we could get out of the glyphs. We need to find a way to unlock the messages hidden within the crystals.$B$BTake the glyphed crystal prism to Geologist Larksbane at Cenarion Hold.  She might be able to help.','Rutgar Glyphshaper at Bronzebeard\'s Encampment wants you to deliver the Glyphed Crystal Prism to Geologist Larksbane at the Cenarion Hold in Silithus.','The reason the dwarves could not decipher the glyphs is because there is nothing to decipher. The shifting outer layer of the prism must properly align with the inner crystal\'s markings in order for the message to be transmitted. Clever...$B$BWhile we should be able to translate this data, we must first unlock the code. There is only one clue on the surface of the prism - assuming the rubbings were transferred correctly - and it looks grim.','Oh my! What do you have there, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3488insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3443,8315,'The Calling','The glyphs illustrate an emissary of the Qiraji meeting with three silithid at the bones of a large dragon. Above the glyphs is what I can only assume to be a code of some sort. This code might very well be the key to summoning the emissary.$B$BI will create a copy of the glyph code that you must use in the sand at the Bones of Grakkarond. If I am right, the Overlords will come thinking that new data is ready for transmission. Strike them down and confront the emissary. He holds the key to the crystals...','Geologist Larksbane at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to recover the Crystal Unlocking Mechanism from the Qiraji Emissary.$B$BYou have been instructed to take the Glyphs of Calling to the Bones of Grakkarond, south of Cenarion Hold, and draw them in the sand. Should the Qiraji Emissary appear, slay it and recover the Crystal Unlocking Mechanism. Return to Geologist Larksbane if you succeed.$B$BAssemble an army for this task, $N!','I hold 20,000 years of history in my hands, $N!','You must take the opportunity as it presents itself and strike!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3489insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3444,8316,'Armaments of War','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3490insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3445,8317,'Kitchen Assistance','That recipe sure will come in handy.  I\'d better get to work so I can have some smoked desert dumplings ready for today.  I could use a hand in making some, I\'ll make it worth your while.','Calandrath at Cenarion Hold needs a batch of 10 Smoked Desert Dumplings.','Excellent! You\'re a life saver. These dumplings turned out to be quite good. Didn\'t really expect such good taste from the Twilight\'s Hammer.','How are those dumplings coming along? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3491insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3446,8318,'Secret Communication','Some of the Twilight\'s Hammer cultists carry around little papers with gibberish written on them.  I want you to bring me a stack of them, $c.$B$BI can\'t figure out what the gibberish means, but that\'s not the point!  These papers are how their different groups communicate secretly.  The more texts we take out of circulation, the less they can communicate!','Bring 10 Encrypted Twilight Texts to Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.','Excellent!  I\'ll stash these away, maybe they\'ll be useful later.','Did you bring me some texts?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3492insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3447,8319,'Encrypted Twilight Texts','Keep bringing me texts.  We\'ll soon force the Twilight\'s Hammer out of Silithus.','','Excellent work!  I\'ll put a good word in for you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3493insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3448,8320,'Twilight Geolords','The Twilight\'s Hammer, an insane cult bent on destruction, set up camps in Silithus and perform rituals day and night.  We do not yet know their plans, but we do think they are somehow linked to the pulsing red crystals spread across the desert.$B$BAlthough their mystery may one day be solved, we must first deal with their immediate threat.  Go to their camps to the west and seek out Twilight geolords.  They are the heads of these serpents; that is where we must strike!','Kill 10 Twilight Geolords, then return to Huum Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.','That was a task well performed, $N.  Your slaying of the Twilight geolords must have dealt a grievous blow to the cult.  Let us hope their plans are slowed...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3494insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3449,8321,'Vyral the Vile','We have discovered another base of operations for the Twilight\'s Hammer.  It is called Twilight\'s Run; it is a cave tucked in the northeast corner of Silithus.  The local leader of the cult, Vyral the Vile, haunts that cave - it is he who you must next defeat.  When you have done this, bring me his signet ring.$B$BFortune to you, $N.  The horrors of Twilight\'s Run are formidable indeed.','Bring Vyral\'s Signet Ring to Huum Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.','You\'ve done it!  Vyral is killed!  This can only mean doom for the Twilight Hammer\'s operations in Silithus. There may be more of them scurrying about, but the blow you dealt to the cult today is one from which they will not easily recover.','$N, have you yet defeated Vyral the Vile?  Do you have his signet ring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3495insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3450,8322,'Rotten Eggs','The humans of Southshore love their ale, and as such they prize the ale served at the Southshore Inn.  With the chaos of Hallow\'s End now upon them, we can use it to ruin their latest batch of beverages for weeks - if not months to come!$B$BTake these rotten eggs and place them in the main brew keg inside the Southshore Inn.  Your presence alone will cause strife, so be prepared to defend yourself!$B$BOnce you\'ve given Southshore a taste they\'ll not soon forget, return to me here at the festival!','Place the Rotten Eggs in the main brew keg located inside the Southshore Inn.','The keg is filled with ale.$B$BHaving successfully fought your way inside the inn, you now place the eggs inside the keg. You can smell the foul odor permeating the air...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3496insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3451,8323,'True Believers','Now that I have the Twilight Lexicon in my possession, there is a small favor I\'d like to ask of you.$B$BMy former organization has a secret encoded bulletin they circulate on a monthly basis.$B$BIf they make any progress searching for me or if they call off the search, word will be published on the True Believer.$B$BAlthough this information is obviously valuable to me, the publication contains other useful information that I can share.  Bring me any encoded texts you find on Twilight\'s Hammer members.','Hermit Ortell wants you to bring him 10 Encrypted Twilight Texts','Excellent!  I will get to decoding these as soon as possible.  If I find anything of interest I\'ll find some way to get the information to you.','Did you find any encrypted texts?  I\'m quite curious to read this month\'s True Believer.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3497insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3452,8324,'Still Believing','Find any more encrypted texts?  Bring me a good batch of them, this decoding work takes some time.','','Excellent!  I can\'t wait to read these. Please do keep bringing the encrypted texts here if you find them.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3498insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3453,8325,'Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle','The sooner you begin your education, $N, the better for us all.  There is little room for error, so listen closely.$B$BThe Burning Crystals - the green floating objects to the west of the Sunspire here - have long been used to power the isle\'s experimentations.  The mana wyrms were their guardians, but the Scourge invasion of Quel\'Thalas has driven them errant from our lack of magical control over them.$B$BThere is little choice but to thin their numbers for reclamation.  Do this, then return to me.','Kill 8 Mana Wyrms; they are located close to the Burning Crystals that are adjacent to the tower and gazebo.  Return to Magistrix Erona at the tower on Sunstrider Isle when you are done.','For your toubles you may choose your reward.','Have finished your task $C ?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3499insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3454,8326,'Unfortunate Measures','Your effort has made something clear that, honestly, I wish were not true.  The unchecked power of the Burning Crystals has maligned a much larger swath of the isle\'s natural balance than I thought.  We must now take on more unfortunate measures to reclaim control.$B$BThe nearby lynxes have succumbed to the influence of the crystals, and they must be put down.  Bring their collars, $N, as I may yet be able to fashion a magical restraint to turn some back from being uncontrolled.','Collect 8 Lynx Collars from slain Springpaw Lynxes and Springpaw Cubs.  Return to Magistrix Erona on Sunstrider Isle when you are done.','The tower and surrounding areas should now be relatively secure, though only for the time being.  You have done well in providing us with a buffer of security, but we will need to reassert control over the entire isle if we are to survive here in the long run.  This will involve tackling much greater threats than errant mana wyrms and lynxes.$B$BTake this, $N - you will no doubt make good use of it for the tasks to come.','It gives me no pleasure to ask you to destroy these beasts.  While in times past we have lived in relative harmony with woodland creatures, these are different times.  The first order of business for all sin\'dorei is survival; make sure you remember that.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3500insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3455,8327,'Report to Lanthan Perilon','You are to report to my assistant, Lanthan Perilon.  He will instruct you on what needs to be done next.  While we here at the Sunspire will continue to rein in the Burning Crystals, you will be focused on a more pressing matter concerning Falthrien Academy.  Lanthan will explain fully when you speak to him.$B$BSimply walk west of here along the path, and you should see him standing close by.$B$BGood luck, $N - your continued successes shall be rewarded.','Speak with Lanthan Perilon on Sunstrider Isle; he is standing close to the path running west away from the Sunspire.','Magistrix Erona told me you\'d be along quick enough, $N. The Falthrien Academy to our west - the huge floating building with the ornate spires - is in bad shape. You\'re going to be leading the effort to recapture it from one of the Wretched - a $R who has forever succumbed to their basest cravings.$B$BI hope you\'re ready to work. This is not only going to be a lesson about danger, but also of what happens when you forsake the realities of who you are.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3501insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3456,8328,'Mage Training','As you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you.  For young mages here on Sunstrider Isle, your trainer is Julia Sunstriker.  Speak with Julia and see what training she has available for you.  The things she will teach do have a cost, so bring some coin with you.$B$BJulia - as with all the trainers on Sunstrider Isle - is inside the Sunspire on the lower level.','Speak with Julia Sunstriker - the Mage class trainer - inside the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Ah, $N - I believe you\'re one of the new mages here on the isle, yes? Well, you\'ve come to the right place. If arcane mastery is what you seek, then I can provide such knowledge - as long as you have the wherewithal to handle training costs and the capacity to focus on the lessons I\'ll be teaching.$B$BLet\'s get started!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3502insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3457,8329,'Warrior Training','As you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you.  For young warriors here on Sunstrider Isle, your trainer is Jesthenis Sunstriker.  Speak with Jesthenis and see what training he has available for you.  The things he will teach do have a cost, so bring some coin with you.$B$BJesthenis - as with all the trainers on Sunstrider Isle - is inside the Sunspire on the lower level.','Speak with Jesthenis Sunstriker - the warrior class trainer - inside the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3503insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3458,8330,'Solanian\'s Belongings','With all the chaos happening here at the Sunspire, I haven\'t had a chance to collect my belongings I\'ve left outside at various places on the isle.  I must maintain my vigil over the Sunwell here, so I\'ll ask you to collect them in my stead.$B$BI need my scrying orb, my scroll of Scourge magic, and my journal.  Use this satchel for some extra space, as my things are rather bulky.  Return them to me and I\'ll give you a little something - you know, for the effort; you can keep the satchel as well!','Collect Well Watcher Solanian\'s Scrying Orb, his Scroll of Scourge Magic, and his Journal.  They are found on Sunstrider Isle by the pond, the fountain, and one of the Burning Crystals.  Return them to the Well Watcher at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle when you\'ve collected them all.','Well done - I knew you\'d be perfect for the task.  Once it\'s safe to make use of our outdoor facilities on the isle, I\'ll be putting these things to good use.$B$BLike I mentioned, please feel free to keep the satchel.  Also, you may find this piece of armor to be useful.  Consider it ample compensation for a simple task performed dutifully!','Have you had a chance to find my belongings?  Once we reassert our dominance over Sunstrider Isle, I will need them in my work.  For now though, I must maintain my watch over the Sunwell... or what remains of it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3504insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3459,8331,'Aurel Goldleaf','$N, although we had hoped the Twilight\'s Hammer\'s operations in Silithus were slowing... we were, regrettably, mistaken.  Through continued forays against the cult, we have learned that an even darker power, the Abyssal Council, controls the Hammer through the arcane wind stones dotted amongst the cult\'s camps.  Your next action, $N, will be against the Abyssal Council.$B$BSpeak with the craftsman Aurel Goldleaf, in the eastern section of Cenarion Hold.  Her skill will be needed for this next gambit.','Speak with Aurel Goldleaf in Cenarion Hold.','$N, good day. I was told you will pit yourself against the Abyssal Council? If that is so, then listen closely to my next words...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3505insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3460,8332,'Dukes of the Council','We think it is possible to use a wind stone to ambush a duke of the Abyssal Council.  To do this, however, one must commune through the wind stone, and convince the council you are a middle ranked leader of the Twilight\'s Hammer.  $B$BSuch a gambit requires a replica of the cult\'s medallion of station.  I can create the medallion, but I will need a large brilliant shard, and crests worn by the Abyssal Templar.$B$BBring these to me and I will do the rest.','Bring 1 Large Brilliant Shard and 3 Abyssal Crests to Aurel Goldleaf in Cenarion Hold.','Ah, very good. I\'ve been working on the medallion - now with these last ingredients, I\'ll be done in just a few moments...$B$BThere we are. Here is the medallion, $N.$B$BYou\'ll need to wear this when you activate one of the Twilight\'s Hammer\'s wind stones. Put this on, along with the rest of the twilight trappings, and the Abyssal Council will see you as one of their cultist underlings.','Do you have the shard and the crests, Demonhound? I will need them to make the twilight cultist\'s medallion of station.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3506insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3461,8333,'Medallion of Station','If you need another Twilight cultist\'s medallion of station, then I am happy to oblige.  I will, however, need another brilliant shard and some abyssal crests...','','Here you are, $N. One more Twilight medallion of station. Use it well, and I wish you luck against the Abyssal Council!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3507insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3462,8334,'Aggression','Before sending you to the Academy, I want you on another task that needs to be dealt with immediately.  Once used to aid us in the gardening of Sunstrider Isle, the bestial tenders now have grown out of our control.  Clear them out with due haste, but be warned - their lack of control has made them aggressive.  It is such aggression that forces us to put down these once-gentle servants.$B$BIt doesn\'t please me to ask you to do such a task, but survival is survival.  I\'ll mourn later.','Kill 7 Tenders and 7 Feral Tenders, and then return to Lanthan Perilon on Sunstrider Isle.','While the deaths of the tenders give me no joy whatsoever, it does show me that you\'re ready for the most important task you\'ll do here on Sunstrider Isle. Take this and put it to good use; you\'ll need good items and sharp wits for the task ahead. Our reassertion of control over the island depends on it.','It is better you learn about survival - and the costs of survival - now rather than later. Making hard choices is something you\'re going to have to get used to as a blood elf.$B$BNo one was there for us when the Scourge ripped our home in two. It was us and us alone who pulled ourselves up by the bootstraps.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3508insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3463,8335,'Felendren the Banished','A betrayer of our people resides atop Falthrien Academy to the southwest.$B$BFelendren is his name, and he was banished from blood elf lands for failing to heed the warnings of our teachers and elders.  He is the worst of our society, as he lives only to feed his insatiable magical addictions.  He refused to learn control; he is a shell of his former self - one of the Wretched - and he is a threat to the Sunspire.$B$BDestroy him and the wraiths he uses as minions.','Kill 8 Arcane Wraiths and 2 Tainted Arcane Wraiths, as well as Felendren the Banished; they are located in the Falthrien Academy.  Bring Felendren\'s Head to Lanthan Perilon on Sunstrider Isle.','Felendren\'s head... you are to be commended, $N.  You\'ve succeeded where others, like Felendren, have utterly failed.  Perhaps you are truly ready to be a contributing member of $R society.$B$BYour success here means that you are capable of surviving the greater threats that lurk in Eversong... and believe me, there are plenty to face.','Heed well this warning - Felendren the Banished is only a symptom of a much larger problem.  His demise will solve our immediate concerns, but all blood elves share the potential same fate as him if we let our addictions get the best of us.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3509insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3464,8336,'A Fistful of Slivers','It\'s a shame that we\'ve lost control of many of the creatures here on the island.  This was once a tranquil place of study and research.  Now it\'s all we can do to keep from being attacked by our own creations!$B$BI\'m going to offer you a chance to receive a magical boon in exchange for some collecting work on your part.  Bring me a stack of arcane slivers that are found on the mana-using creatures of Sunstrider Isle, and I will cast a spell on you that should aid your adventures on the isle.','Collect 6 Arcane Slivers from any creature on the isle that uses mana, and then return to Arcanist Ithanas on Sunstrider Isle.','Splendid - these will do nicely.  I\'ve been doing quite a bit of thinking on the current malaise Sunstrider Isle suffers under.  One possible course of action I had pondered was to collect these arcane slivers from the beasts on the isle.  In doing so, they could be experimented on; this would provide a potential source of culpability.$B$BAnyway, I will tend to the research.  Allow me to place this incantation on you.  I believe you\'ll make good use of it!','Many of the creatures here on the isle were at one point bound into non-aggression and complacency by our magical skills.  When the Scourge destroyed the Sunwell, our hold over these creatures shattered.  Arcane slivers are the remnants of the control we once had, and as such might be usable in fashioning a new device to aid us in regaining their control.$B$BBetter still, perhaps the slivers could be used to see what malaise the isle truly suffers under...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3510insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3465,8338,'Tainted Arcane Sliver','You\'ve found an odd sliver of crystallized mana on the corpse of the tainted arcane wraith.  The sliver is different than others you may have seen in that it is as dark and sinister-looking as the wraith you looted it from.  Just holding it gives you a sense of unnatural foreboding.$B$BArcanist Helion at the gazebo of the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle just might be someone who would have a use for the sliver.','Bring the Tainted Arcane Sliver to Arcanist Helion at the gazebo of the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','This is... most interesting.  And when I say interesting, I mean more disturbing than anything else.$B$BOur efforts to reassert control over the isle in the time following the destruction of the Sunwell have been a challenge.  I suspect that whatever foul source is corrupting the isle is at the heart of it all; this sliver may be of some aid in uncovering what\'s really going on.$B$BYou were wise to bring this to me, $N. Take this as compensation for your diligence.  Thank you.','From your demeanor, you seem to be on a matter of some urgency.  Is there something specific I can assist you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3511insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3466,8339,'Royalty of the Council <NYI> <TXT> UNUSED','To make a Twilight Cultist Signet Ring, I need a bunch of items','Bring the items to Aurel Goldleaf in Cenarion Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3512insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3467,8340,'Twilight Signet Ring <NYI> <TXT>','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3513insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3468,8341,'Lords of the Council','Lords of the Abyssal Council can only be summoned through the greater wind stones, and only the top ranking members of the Twilight\'s Council may speak to them.  But... I have found a way to upgrade your disguise and fool the Abyssal Lords!$B$BThe disguise calls for a ring of lordship, worn only by the highest members of the cult.  I will craft one for you if you can bring me large brilliant shards and abyssal signets.','Bring 5 Large Brilliant Shards and 3 Abyssal Signets to Aurel Goldleaf in Cenarion Hold.','Thanks. Just one moment and I\'ll have that ring ready for you...$B$BThere it is. Now you\'re ready.$B$BBe sure to wear this ring, along with a medallion of station and the rest of the twilight trappings, when you activate a greater wind stone. Do that, and the Abyssal Council will think you one of their servants. Then, perhaps you can lure one into an ambush! ','Do you have the shards and the signets, $N? I will need them to create the ring of lordship. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3514insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3469,8342,'Twilight Ring of Lordship','$N, if you plan to go after the Abysall High Council again, then you\'ll need another Twilight ring of lordship.  Bring me more shards and signets and I\'ll make one for you.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3515insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3470,8343,'Goldleaf\'s Discovery','$N, Aurel Goldleaf thinks she\'s found a way to summon and defeat a ruling member of the Abyssal Council!  Such a task will be dangerous, but you have earned great respect amongst the Cenarion Circle.  We know that if anyone can do it, you can.$B$BMay fortune go with you, $N.  Speak with Aurel when you are ready.','Speak with Aurel Goldleaf in Cenarion Hold.','What Huum says is true. I believe I know how to summon a lord of the Abyssal Council! Listen on, and I will explain...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3516insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3471,8344,'Windows to the Source','Heed my words, young one - there is a taint about this island, and it is far more potent than the remnants of the Scourge.$B$BI believe there is a true demonic presence on the isle.$B$BWest of here are the spires of Falthrien Academy.  The arcane wraiths that infest it are a window to the source of demonic power.  You are to bring me the essences of tainted and untainted wraiths.$B$BIn exchange for your obedience, I\'ll teach you how to summon an imp companion - your first of many as a warlock.','Bring 4 Wraith Essences and 1 Tainted Wraith Essence to Summoner Teli\'Larien at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Well done!  Yes, this should be enough essence to get started on my research.  I have a strong feeling that this tainted essence will be just the thing... the window, as I mentioned.$B$BFollowing the orders of your masters is highly recommended as a young $C.  As I promised you, here is the reward for obeying instructions and completing them in a competent manner - the knowledge to summon and bind your own imp.$B$BUse it well, $N','The essences of the wraiths will serve me well as sources of experimentation.  Much like your life as a <class>, it is important to learn from what we find in the world... before twisting it to our will.  With demons as the richest source of power, it will be quite the boon if such a taint is truly present on the isle.$B$BWell... a boon for us warlocks, that is.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3517insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3472,8345,'The Shrine of Dath\'Remar','Day after day I stand here, watching, waiting.  I\'ve been accused of dwelling too much on our past, while my eyes look to the horizon.  But it is my firm belief that each visitor to this island should honor those who have sacrificed all so that they may continue to do so.$B$BDath\'Remar Sunstrider was our first king.  He led us here from Kalimdor through the Maelstrom.$B$BSeek out his shrine to the west and do not return to me until you have read the plaque upon it in his honor.','Read the plaque on the Shrine of Dath\'Remar and then return to Well Watcher Solanian at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Ah. $N - thank you for sharing your experience at the Shrine of Dath\'Remar. First off, you should be commended for your sense of duty and respect - it will serve you well not only here, but in all of Azeroth as well.$B$BAs for the odd sensation, it is no doubt a contributing part of the taint that has befallen Sunstrider Isle. We shall keep an eye on it; thank you for alerting us to it!','','','Shrine of Dath\'Remar Read','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3518insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3473,8346,'Thirst Unending','If there is only one lesson you deign to remember from your time on Sunstrider Isle, let it be this - control your thirst for magic.  It is a thirst unending, $N - you must absorb energy to survive via Mana Tap, and you must control how you release it via Arcane Torrent.  Failure is to become one of the Wretched... hopelessly addicted and insane.$B$BSeek out creatures on the isle that have mana and Mana Tap them.  Learn to master your cravings of power.  When you have sufficiently fed, return to me.','Use your Mana Tap racial ability on creatures with mana six times, then return to Arcanist Helion.','You\'ve done well today, $N. Your willingness to learn shows that you may very well rise above the unyielding cravings you must endure as a $R.$B$BRest not on your laurels, young one, but instead seek to master what you have learned. Only through diligence will we as a race survive.$B$BTake this ','Ah $N. Have you completed your task?','','Mana Tap creature','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3519insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3474,8347,'Aiding the Outrunners','Magistrix Erona wanted you to head over to Silvermoon City in order to aid our reclamation efforts there... that is, once you had successfully addressed the situation at Falthrien Academy.  You did not disappoint us, $N.$B$BOn your way to Falconwing Square, south of here, you should speak with Outrunner Alarion.  She\'s not far from the bridge.$B$BThe Outrunners take care of shuttling goods between here and the mainland, and since you\'ve proven to be so resourceful, they could use your assistance.','Speak with Outrunner Alarion near the bridge leading south of Sunstrider Isle.','Well hello there, $C! I heard that a resourceful young $R formerly in the service of Magistrix Erona might be making their way down here to help us Outrunners out. We certainly welcome the help, especially from someone who\'s proven to be so competent.$B$BI hope you\'re interested in running an errand or two for us.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3520insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3475,8348,'Signet of the Dukes','Huum tells me you\'ve figured out how to summon the Abyssal Dukes!  That\'s quite an accomplishment.$B$BYou know what else would be quite the accomplishment?  Smashing up one of those things really good.  That\'ll cause an impression on their underlings, if you know what I mean.  Bring back its signet as proof of the deed.','Bring the Abyssal Signet to Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.','I knew you were a tough $C the minute I saw you walk into Cenarion Hold. Keep it up!','How did it go with the Abyssal Duke? Did it hit hard?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3521insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3476,8349,'Bor Wildmane','Now that you have a medallion and can summon an Abyssal Duke, speak with Bor Wildmane.  He will set you on a task against the Abyssal Council.$B$BGood luck, $N.  And if you ever need more medallions, return to me.','Speak with Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.','Good to see you again, $C! So you had a medallion made? Good -- you\'ll need that for your next quest...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3522insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3477,8350,'Completing the Delivery','The death of another outrunner is a true tragedy, but it\'s a risk we all accept when we take the job.  Magistrix Erona at the Sunspire needs to get this package to the inn at Falconwing Square, and she needs it there as soon as possible.$B$BWe\'re short handed and I don\'t have anyone else available that can cover for us.$B$BI\'m not going to lie to you; the path to Falconwing Square can be extremely dangerous if you leave the safety of Dawning Lane.  Do you feel up to the task, $N?','Deliver Erona\'s Package to Innkeeper Delaniel inside the inn at Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods.','Thank you, I do appreciate the prompt delivery.$B$BWhile you\'re here, please make yourself comfortable.  If you haven\'t done so already, feel free to get a hearthstone and bind yourself here.  Using a hearthstone will allow you to recall to an inn once every hour.  If you ever lose your hearthstone, simply return to any inn - an innkeeper will gladly get you a new one.','Welcome to my inn, $C.  Am I to understand that you have something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3523insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3478,8351,'Bor Wishes to Speak','Now that you can disguise yourself as a ruling member of the Twilight Council, I am certain Bor Wildmane will want to speak with you.  Go see him, and prepare yourself for a very difficult mission...','Speak with Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.','Yes, that\'s right, $N. I have a very tough task ahead...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3524insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3479,8352,'Scepter of the Council','Huum and I were just talking about you.  He tells me you\'re just about ready to try your hand at fighting an Abyssal Lord!$B$BI must tell you this is a very dangerous endeavor.  You\'d better bring backup.  And I don\'t mean one or two of your friends, I\'m talking about a top-notch, battle-ready fighting force.  If your friends are as good as you, you might even defeat it!$B$BIf you do - and I\'ll want evidence, as always - I\'ll give you a truly great reward.','Bring an Abyssal Scepter to Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.','You... you did it! You did it, $N! Here! Take this. It\'s the biggest chest we had lying around and I filled it with some of the best stuff we found.','Well, how did it go? I\'d do anything to leave my post and wrestle one of those things myself!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3525insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3480,8353,'Chicken Clucking for a Mint','Ah, trick-or-treating for a sick child, are we?  I was going to say, you\'re a little old to be rummaging about for candies...$B$BWell, for my treat - an Ironforge Mint - you will need to... cluck like a chicken!  Yes, chickens love mints... well OK, maybe they don\'t LOVE them... but I won\'t give you a mint unless you chicken cluck for me!$B$BWell $c, are you up to the challenge or not?!  Time to earn your treat!','Do a chicken emote at Innkeeper Firebrew, and in exchange you\'ll receive an Ironforge Mint!','Too funny!  Well done, $N! Here\'s your treat.$B$BHappy Hallow\'s End!','','','Cluck like a chicken for Innkeeper Firebrew','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3526insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3481,8354,'Chicken Clucking for a Mint','Ah, trick-or-treating for a sick child, are we?  I was going to say, you\'re a little old to be rummaging about for candies...$B$BWell, for my treat - an Undercity Mint - you will need to... cluck like a chicken!  Yes, chickens love mints... well OK, maybe they don\'t LOVE them... but I won\'t give you a mint unless you chicken cluck for me!$B$BWell $c, are you up to the challenge or not?!  Time to earn your treat!\r\n','Do a chicken emote at Innkeeper Norman, and in exchange you\'ll receive an Undercity Mint!','Too funny!  Well done, $N! Here\'s your treat.$B$BHappy Hallow\'s End!','','','Cluck like a chicken for Innkeeper Norman','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3527insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3482,8355,'Incoming Gumdrop','A trick-or-treater!  Huzzah!$B$BWell now, even though you\'re doing something noble and collecting candies for a sick child, I can\'t let you off the hook that easily.  I have a yummy Gnomeregan Gumdrop to give to the sick child... if you make a train noise for me!  Haha, yes, that\'ll be the trick!  The price of this gumdrop is one train noise!$B$BChugga-chugga, $c!','Do a train emote at Talvash del Kissel, and in exchange you\'ll receive a Gnomeregan Gumdrop!','Too funny!  Well done, $N! Here\'s your treat.$B$BHappy Hallow\'s End!','','','Do the \"train\" for Talvash','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3528insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3483,8356,'Flexing for Nougat','That\'s an... interesting costume you have on.  Even though you\'re being nice and helping a sick child trick-or-treat this year, I\'m afraid I\'m going to have to ask you perform a trick for me!$B$BLet\'s see... you look so strong and buff in that... costume... let\'s see you flex!  Yes, go on now and flex for me, strong $g man : woman;!$B$BWhen and only when you flex, I\'ll give you some tasty Stormwind Nougat.  It\'s a great Hallow\'s End treat.','Do a flex emote at Innkeeper Allison, and in exchange you\'ll receive Stormwind Nougat!\r\n','You are truly mighty, haha! Well done, and thanks for being such a good sport. Here\'s your candy.$B$BHappy Hallow\'s End, $N!','','','Flex for Innkeeper Allison','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3529insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3484,8357,'Dancing for Marzipan','Even though you\'re trick-or-treating for a sick child, you still need to perform a trick for the treat!  We can\'t very well change the tradition, now can we...$B$BI believe the cost of a piece of marzipan nowadays is to bust out and DANCE!  That\'s right, let me see your moves!  Dance for me, and I\'ll give you some tasty marzipan!','Do a dance emote at Innkeeper Saelienne, and in exchange you\'ll receive Darnassus Marzipan!','You\'re quite the dancing machine, $N!$B$BHere\'s your treat for being such a good sport. Happy Hallow\'s End, and give my best to your sick little friend! I hope they get better soon.','','','Dance for Innkeeper Saelienne','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3530insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3485,8358,'Incoming Gumdrop','A trick-or-treater!  Yeah mon!$B$BWell now, even though you\'re doing something noble and collecting candies for a sick child, I can\'t let you off the hook that easily.  I have a yummy Darkspear Gumdrop to give to the sick child... if you make a train noise for me!  Haha, yes, that\'ll be the trick!  The price of this gumdrop is one train noise!$B$BChugga-chugga, $c!\r\n','Do a train emote at Kali Remik, and in exchange you\'ll receive a Darkspear Gumdrop!\r\n','Woo-woo! Well done, $N! Here\'s your treat.$B$BHappy Hallow\'s End!','','','Do the \"train\" for Kali Remik','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3531insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3486,8359,'Flexing for Nougat','That\'s an... interesting costume you have on.  Even though you\'re being nice and helping a sick child trick-or-treat this year, I\'m afraid I\'m going to have to ask you perform a trick for me!$B$BLet\'s see... you look so strong and buff in that... costume... let\'s see you flex!  Yes, go on now and flex for me, strong $g man : woman;!$B$BWhen and only when you flex, I\'ll give you some tasty Orgrimmar Nougat.  It\'s a great Hallow\'s End treat.\r\n','Do a flex emote at Innkeeper Gryshka, and in exchange you\'ll receive Orgrimmar Nougat!','You are truly mighty, haha! Well done, and thanks for being such a good sport. Here\'s your candy.$B$BHappy Hallow\'s End, $N!','','','Flex for Innkeeper Gryshka','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3532insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3487,8360,'Dancing for Marzipan','Even though you\'re trick-or-treating for a sick child, you still need to perform a trick for the treat!  We can\'t very well change the tradition, now can we...$B$BI believe the cost of a piece of marzipan nowadays is to bust out and DANCE!  That\'s right, let me see your moves!  Dance for me, and I\'ll give you some tasty marzipan!','Do a dance emote at Innkeeper Pala, and in exchange you\'ll receive Thunder Bluff Marzipan!','You\'re quite the dancing machine, $N!$B$BHere\'s your treat for being such a good sport. Happy Hallow\'s End, and give my best to your sick little friend! I hope they get better soon.','','','Dance for Innkeeper Pala','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3533insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3488,8361,'Abyssal Contacts','We\'ve seen the Twilight\'s Hammer cultists performing rituals to summon powerful elemental nobles.  We don\'t know if these are the beings the cultists worship or if they act as intermediaries to even more powerful forces.  One thing is for sure: they are receiving orders from these elementals.$B$BI want you to find a way to contact an Abyssal Templar and give it a proper beating!  Nothing throws the troops in disarray like taking out the chain of command.  Bring back proof while you\'re at it.','Bor Wildmane at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to destroy an Abyssal Templar and bring him an Abyssal Crest as proof of the deed.','Hah! You did it, $N! The Twilight\'s Hammer will soon be crushed!','Did you finish the job?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3534insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3489,8362,'Abyssal Crests','You\'ve proved you can handle yourself in a fight, $N. Let\'s keep the pressure up on the Twilight\'s Hammer. Go fight some more Abyssal Templars, I\'ll reward you with some of the stuff Huum and I have found in battle.','Bring 3 Abyssal Crests to Bor Wildmane.','You\'ve done well! That\'s less Templars for me to worry about.$B$BHere you go, $N. Hope there\'s something useful in there for you.','Hey $N. Did you make any progress?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3535insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3490,8363,'Abyssal Signets','You\'ve shown you\'re more than capable of taking on an Abyssal Duke, $N.  I\'m always one to promote good habits.  Bring me more signets and I\'ll give you a reward.','','Excellent, $N!  Defeating those Dukes will leave the Twilight\'s Hammer reeling for a while. As promised, here\'s your reward. It\'s some of the better stuff Huum and I have found.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3536insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3491,8364,'OLD Abyssal Scepters','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3537insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3492,8365,'Pirate Hats Ahoy!','You\'re the help the Cartel sent? I suppose you\'ll do. Listen carefully $c. As you know, I am a procurer of fashionable apparel for the elite of Azerothian society.  Kings and Queens, Warchiefs and, well whatever the Horde calls their queens, all wear what I choose is in style.  And they pay through the nose for it, which is the best part.$B$BSo here\'s what\'s going to happen. You head down to Lost Rigger Cove and acquire a lot of pirate hats by whatever means. Do you think you can handle that?','Haughty Modiste wants you to collect 20 Southsea Pirate Hats and return them to her at Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris.','Oh you\'re a darling, even if it did take you longer than I am accustomed to. This shipment should make me quite a bit of money once I\'ve cleaned and personalized these hats. And seeing as I\'m always willing to reward work that\'s well done, here\'s a little something for you. I suggest that you spend some of it on a bath sweetie.','Do you have all 20 hats? I don\'t believe you, let me see them. They better be in pristine condition!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3538insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3493,8366,'Southsea Shakedown','Argh! They want the impossible from me!$B$BThe Steamwheedle Cartel wants me to teach the Southsea pirates a lesson.  The problem is that I can\'t be in two places at once; I need to stay here to keep the peace.$B$BOf late, the pirates have been disregarding the protection money that the cartel regularly forks over. So I\'d like to temporarily deputize you to go down there and show them what for.$B$BYou\'ll find them at Lost Rigger Cove, which is not too far to the south.  Thanks $N, I\'ll owe you one!','Security Chief Bilgewhizzle of Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris wants you to kill 10 Southsea Pirates, 10 Southsea Freebooters, 10 Southsea Dock Workers and 10 Southsea Swashbucklers.','$N! You are the man!!!$B$BI\'m sure that the Cartel will ease up on me now that you\'ve dealt with those Southsea scum. Let\'s see, what can I give you as a reward? How about a little coin and you choose from one of these for your trouble?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3539insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3494,8367,'For Great Honor','Serving the Horde in one of the great battles against the Alliance is a source of great honor!  The few however, that have served the Horde in ALL of our active battlefronts are our truly great fighters.  We shall vanquish our opponents, not by fighting isolated skirmishes, but by waging a well-coordinated war.$B$BGo forth and crush the Alliance in Arathi Basin, Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch!  For Honor!  For the Horde!','Bring 3 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor, 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor and 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Your trials have not been easy, but your courage did not escape you and your strength did not fail. Part with past tokens of victory, $C. None shall need them as a reminder of your worth. Stand up straight, $N. Today you will walk with great pride for you are a hero!','Arathi is still wet with the blood of great warriors and the clash of steel still rings throughout Alterac. Do not waste my time unless you bring news from the front!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3540insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3495,8368,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance.  Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N!  Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3541insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3496,8369,'Invaders of Alterac Valley','Listen up, $N.  No matter what you might have heard about the battle raging in Alterac Valley, one thing remains true: the Stormpike Expedition invaded Frostwolf Territory.  The day we allow the Alliance to invade Horde lands without a forceful response is the day I hang up my axe and live the rest of my life in shame.  Go forth and expel the invaders!','Bring 3 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','You\'ve shown great bravery in protecting our lands in Alterac Valley! I will tell my superiors of your deeds.','What news do you bring from the lands of the Frostwolves? How does the battle for Alterac Valley fare?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3542insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3497,8370,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war.  No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple.  Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going.  Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3543insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3498,8371,'Concerted Efforts','We\'re not fighting isolated battles against the Horde anymore, $g lad:lass;.$B$BVictory in one front means denying the Horde resources they\'d use against us in a different battle.  By the same token, losing any given battle could give the advantage to our opponent somewhere else around the world.$B$BThe Alliance is in need of more combatants with this sort of worldly understanding... truly seasoned veterans!  $N, come back to me after you\'ve served against the Horde at all of our active battlegrounds.','Bring 3 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor, 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor and 3 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','You\'re not one to disappoint, $N! What you\'ve learned goes beyond petty medals and commendations. What you\'ve learned is what can only come with experience and the hardening of one\'s temper in the field of battle.$B$BYou\'ve done well, $C. You\'re a true hero of the Alliance!','How are yer travels faring laddie?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3544insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3499,8372,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest.  There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack.  Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N!  For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3545insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3500,8373,'The Power of Pine','The thing I hate the most about Hallow\'s End are the stink bombs the Forsaken use on Southshore.  Who knew that celebrating liberation would have to involve such a smelly mess?$B$BDuring Hallow\'s End, use this cleaner to remove any nasty stink bombs the Horde may drop here in the village.  It uses the power of pine to fight funky smells.$B$BDo your part to keep Southshore clean, and I\'ll give you some Hallow\'s End treats I\'m sure you\'ll enjoy.  We have a deal?','Use a Stink Bomb Cleaner to remove any Forsaken Stink Bomb that\'s been dropped on Southshore.  Return to Sergeant Hartman in Southshore when you\'re done.','Ah, it almost smells better around here already. Almost.$B$BThanks to you, $N, Southshore just might make it through another Hallow\'s End. Here\'s your treats, with my thanks! If you run out of candy, I think there\'s a gnome named Katrina Shimmerstar in Ironforge who can sell you more; she\'s only around during Hallow\'s End, I believe.','','Clean up a stink bomb that\'s been dropped on Southshore!','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3546insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3501,8374,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent.  Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops.  If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us!  Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3547insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3502,8375,'Remember Alterac Valley!','Make no mistake about it, $N.  The Horde is quite right when they say Alterac Valley is Frostwolf Territory.$B$BYou see, the Stormpike Expedition arrived as peaceful visitors to the area in search of ore and relics.  The Frostwolves reacted with the most brutal and uncivilized act of aggression the Alliance has experienced.$B$BLet us never forget the brave dwarves that perished in that cowardly unannounced attack.  Go now, $c, do your part in the battle for Alterac Valley.  For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','You\'ve shown great bravery in protecting our lands in Alterac Valley! I will tell my superiors of your deeds.','What news do you bring from the lands of the Stormpikes? How does the battle for Alterac Valley fare?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3548insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3503,8376,'Armaments of War','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3549insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3504,8377,'Armaments of War','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3550insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3505,8378,'Armaments of War','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3551insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3506,8379,'Armaments of War','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3552insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3507,8380,'Armaments of War','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3553insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3508,8381,'Armaments of War','Preparing for War. Obtain Coilfang Armaments from naga at Coilfang Reservoir and return them to Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.$B$BThe Cenarion Expedition began as a peaceful venture, yet we now face the prospect of all out war with the naga.','We have many among us are willing to fight but are ill equipped. Bring me the naga\'s own weapons so that we may reforge them into glaives and arrowheads.$B$BOnly the best armaments will have materials useful to us, $N. You will have to seek out the naga of Coilfang Reservoir.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3554insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3509,8382,'Armaments of War','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3555insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3510,8383,'Remember Alterac Valley!','The Battle in Alterac Valley rages on, $N! Have you done your part as of late, $N?','Bring 3 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','You continue to honor the Alliance, $N. The Horde will be crushed before long if we keep our efforts up.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3556insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3511,8384,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent. Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops. If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us! Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3557insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3512,8385,'Concerted Efforts','Ah, $N. I hope you continue to lend your experience to the different battlefronts. A lot of our lads and lasses in the field look up to seasoned veterans like you.','Bring 3 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor, 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor and 3 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','You live up to yer reputation, $N. Without people like you, the Alliance wouldn\'t stand a chance against the savage forces of the Horde.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3558insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3513,8386,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest. There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack. Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N! For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3559insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3514,8387,'Invaders of Alterac Valley','The battle for Alterac rages on! You must return to Alterac Valley and once more drive the invaders out of Frostwolf territory, $N!','Bring 3 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Good work, $N! You should be proud of yourself. The Alliance invaders must be expelled from Alterac!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3560insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3515,8388,'For Great Honor','Many brave fighters look up to you, $N. You continue to be an example for all in the fight against the Alliance. What news do you bring from your journeys?','Bring 3 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor, 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor and 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','You continue to honor the Horde, $N. I\'m glad to see you haven\'t turned soft.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3561insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3516,8389,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3562insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3517,8390,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war. No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple. Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going. Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3563insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3518,8391,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent. Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops. If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us! Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3564insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3519,8392,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent. Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops. If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us! Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3565insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3520,8393,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent.  Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops.  If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us!  Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3566insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3521,8394,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent.  Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops.  If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us!  Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3567insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3522,8395,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent.  Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops.  If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us!  Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3568insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3523,8396,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent.  Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops.  If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us!  Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3569insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3524,8397,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent. Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops. If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us! Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3570insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3525,8398,'Claiming Arathi Basin','Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent. Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.$B$BWhat we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.$B$BIf the Alliance comes out victorious, it\'ll mean more swords and pikes for our troops. If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they\'d just be pointed at us! Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, $N.','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3571insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3526,8399,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest.  There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack.  Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N!  For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3572insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3527,8400,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest.  There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack.  Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N!  For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3573insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3528,8401,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest.  There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than the preservationist philosophy the Silverwings espouse.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack.  Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.  Do your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders!  For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3574insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3529,8402,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest.  There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack.  Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N!  For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3575insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3530,8403,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest.  There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack.  Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N!  For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3576insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3531,8404,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest. There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack. Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N! For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3577insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3532,8405,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest. There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack. Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N! For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3578insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3533,8406,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest. There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack. Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N! For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3579insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3534,8407,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest. There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack. Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N! For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3580insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3535,8408,'Fight for Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels are at war with the Warsong Outriders due to the destruction the Orcs are causing to the forest. There are, however, more reasons to defend this particular forest than plain love for nature.$B$BThe forest forms a strategic barrier that makes Ashenvale defendable against a large-scale attack. Without it, Astranaar would last a day or two before being annexed to the Barrens.$B$BDo your part in fighting the Warsong Outriders, $N! For the Alliance!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3581insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3536,8409,'Ruined Kegs','The rotten eggs have been successfully placed inside the keg.  Future batches of ale from the Southshore Inn are sure to be ruined!$B$BYou should now report back to Darkcaller Yanka at the Wickerman Festival in Tirisfal Glade and report your success.','Return to Darkcaller Yanka at the Wickerman Festival in Tirisfal Glade.','Ah, success! You\'ve shown true Hallow\'s End spirit - FORSAKEN spirit, I should say!$B$B<Darkcaller Yanka laughs and rubs her hands together.>$B$BI revel in the fact that Southshore must now feast on bad ale or go without! As for you, take these treats. I believe you will find good use for them!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3582insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3537,8410,'Elemental Mastery','Bath\'rah the Windwatcher has sent out a summons for a shaman of your wisdom.  He requests you bring a sample of each of the elements to show you are ready.$b$bTo find Bath\'rah, go to the river east of Tarren Mill.  Follow the river north until you come across the ruins where Bath\'rah resides.','Collect a sample of air, fire, earth and water for Bath\'rah the Windwatcher.','Excellent, mon. Now we be talkin\'.','What you got for me, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3583insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3538,8411,'OLD Mastering the Elements','Welcome, $c.  You bring me the elements and then we do the talkin\'.$b$bThe fire, the air, the water, and the earth I be needin\' before I trust ya, mon.  I gots to know you be knowledgeable.','Bring the elements earth, air, fire and water to Bath\'rah the Windwatcher.','These be the elements I need. Now we talk.','Where\'s the elements, mon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3584insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3539,8412,'Spirit Totem','The elemental spirits of this place don\'t be likin\' me any more.$b$bYou know about the totems more than any, and I be needin\' a spirit totem to protect me.  We already got the elements, now we need somethin\' more with more nature.  More primal.$b$bIn the Western Plaguelands you can kill bears for claws and spiders for their eyes.  The carrion birds eat everything, so they might have either one.','Bring the pieces for the spirit totem to Bath\'rah the Windwatcher.','Great, mon! Let\'s try it out...','The spirits know what we\'re up to, and they been tryin\' to kill me! I hope you got the parts.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3585insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3540,8413,'Da Voodoo','The spirit totem just isn\'t enough.  We be needin\' some voodoo magic to make it work jus\' right.$b$bThe trolls in the sunken temple have feathers strong with voodoo magics.  Go there and kill Gasher, Mijan, Zolo, Hukku, Zul\'lor, and Loro.  Then we have magic enough for a real spirit totem.','Bring the voodoo feathers to Bath\'rah the Windwatcher.','It\'s about time this $R got a full night\'s rest! The spirit totem will watch over me.$B$BI been a long time collectin\' things, maybe you want somethin\' for all your trouble?','Where\'s the feathers, mon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3586insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3541,8414,'Dispelling Evil','Greetings, $c.  Crusaders like you are a welcome sight in these desolate reaches.$b$bYour holy strength is needed to help fight the endless undead here.  We need you to collect a large number of scourgestones and bring them to High Priest Thel\'danis.  The high priest can be found guarding Uther\'s Tomb in Sorrow Hill, not far from here.$b$bOnly one with an Argent Dawn Commission can hope to find scourgestones, so speak to Officer Pureheart if you haven\'t already.','Collect 20 Minion\'s Scourgestones and bring them to High Priest Thel\'danis in the Western Plaguelands.','There is risk in dispelling the evil from a scourgestone, for it attracts the attention of undead for countless miles. But you are strong in the Light, $N, and I do not fear for you...','What evil have you brought me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3587insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3542,8415,'Chillwind Camp','Commander Ashlam Valorfist has sent out a call for a paladin of your purity and valor, $n.  You can find him at Chillwind Camp in the southern part of the Western Plaguelands.  Seek him and aid in his cause for the Light!','Speak to Commander Ashlam Valorfist at Chillwind Camp.','Very well, $C! Let\'s see what you\'re made of.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3588insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3543,8416,'Inert Scourgestones','The evil has been purged from the stones, $n.$b$bI am aware of Commander Ashlam\'s plans, and he will require only a single inert stone.  Bring it to him so we may bathe the Scourge in righteous fire.','Bring the Inert Scourgestone to Commander Ashlan Valorfist in Chillwind Point.','You have done as I asked without question, $N.$B$BTrust is achieved, it seems. Perhaps I can reveal our plan in more detail to you now.','Was Thal\'danis able to cleanse the scourgestones?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3589insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3544,8417,'A Troubled Spirit','In the Blasted Lands, there is a troubled spirit who was once a great hero of the horde.  A warrior\'s honor does not die with the body, and it would serve you well to speak with him.','Speak with the Fallen Hero of the Horde at the entrance to the Blasted Lands.','So, you have come to alleviate my pain. I wish you could simply strike me down, but it is not that simple...','Did Stoley cough up my booze?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3590insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3545,8418,'Forging the Mightstone','Now we must combine the inert scourgestones and create a weapon to shatter the ranks of undead.  This is no trivial task, $n.  Only the trolls of the sunken temple carry the kind of rare magic able to turn the evil of something against itself.$b$bIn the temple, the trolls are known as Gasher, Mijan, Zolo, Hukku, Zul\'lor, and Loro.  Do not feel remorse for their corrupt souls... they are not without evil.','Bring the voodoo feathers to Ashlam Valorfist.','This is excellent, $N. I would say I am surprised, but I knew without question that you wouldn\'t let us down.$B$BIt is my honor to bestow one of the Holy Mightstones to you. Use it well.','Have you slain the wretched trolls?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3591insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3546,8419,'An Imp\'s Request','$n, an imp in Felwood by the name of Impsy has requested your presence.  It is somewhat strange, as he has asked that you bring a piece of felcloth as a sign of good faith.  Considering the power you already wield as a warlock, I can only assume you know the satyrs of Felwood carry this felcloth.$b$bYou can find Impsy just north of the Bloodvenom Falls, which I\'ve heard is quite lovely this time of year.','Bring a piece of felcloth to Impsy in Felwood.','What a splendid $C you are!$B$B<Impsy holds the felcloth to his face.>$B$BOh how I love the feel of it, the way it burns your skin and weaves evil thoughts through the mind...','Do you have my felcloth?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3592insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3547,8420,'Hot and Itchy','Maybe this sounds strange coming from an imp, but I\'d like a pet of my own.  I really would.  It\'s just not fair that Niby gets me and I get nothing!$b$bIn fact, it doesn\'t even need to be a living pet.  I\'d need something to start making it with, like some felcloth.  The satyrs here in Felwood sometimes have felcloth, so you\'d just have to kill enough of them until you find some.  That doesn\'t sound so bad, does it?','Bring a piece of felcloth to Impsy in Felwood.','Wow! You are too kind. Especially for a $C!$B$B<Impsy holds the felcloth to his face.>$B$BOh how I love the feel of it, the way it burns your skin and weaves evil thoughts through the mind...','Do you have my felcloth?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3593insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3548,8421,'The Wrong Stuff','Now that I have my felcloth, I can really begin making *my* pet.$b$bIt\'s going to need some eyes though.  Perhaps you could rip some rotting wood from the irontree folk for me, so I can carve out some lovely eyes.  They\'re up north in the Irontree Woods.$b$bI\'ll also need some bloodvenom essence to give it that new demon smell.  The tainted oozes carry the essence, and they hang out right here near Niby and me.','Bring 10 Rotting Wood and 4 Bloodvenom Essence to Impsy in Felwood.','This will work so very well.','Do you have the goods?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3594insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3549,8422,'Trolls of a Feather','My pet is almost done.  Now I just need something to stuff it with.$b$bOnly the voodoo feathers from the trolls in the sunken temple will do.  They go by the names Gasher, Mijan, Zolo, Hukku, Zul\'lor, and Loro.  Kill them.  Kill them all.$b$bThis is no trivial task $n, so I\'ll make it worth your while by giving you something of Niby\'s -- he probably doesn\'t need it anyhow.','Bring a total of 6 Voodoo Feathers from the trolls in sunken temple.','Wonderful, now my pet is complete!$B$B<Impsy quickly stuffs the doll and gives it a demonic hug.>$B$BOh, what an odd side effect these voodoo feathers have...','Did you bring the feathers? This doll needs stuffed!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3595insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3550,8423,'Warrior Kinship','<The Hero looks you over.>$b$bYou are a $c, no doubt.  I would ask an honorable task of you, but I must test your strength.$b$bIt is said that Rexxar would measure the sharpness of his blades by killing a helboar with a single, swift strike.  Now I will measure your strength by killing them.','Kill 7 Helboar in the Blasted Lands and return to the Fallen Hero of the Horde.','I need no proof to know what you have done, $C.  I can see the determination etched in your expression.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3596insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3551,8424,'War on the Shadowsworn','The continued presence of the shadowsworn in the Blasted Lands bring great pain to me.  Their dark rituals and spells cause agony unlike any I felt while alive.$b$bThrough you I can deliver my own message of pain.  Go forth and deliver my wrath.','Slaughter the Shadowsworn in the Blasted Lands and return to the Fallen Hero of the Horde.','Already you have subdued my pain and honored me.  Thank you, $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3597insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3552,8425,'Voodoo Feathers','Your honor has brought some peace to me.  It is only right that I offer you something in return.$b$bMy weapons and armor were splendid in life, and yet they are of no use to me now.  They would be better served in your possession.$b$bTravel to the sunken temple and destroy the troll guardians Gasher, Mijan, Zolo, Hukku, Zul\'lor, and Loro.  They carry magic feathers that can reform my physical body long enough to grant you a reward.','Bring the Voodoo Feathers from the trolls in the Sunken Temple to the Fallen Hero of the Horde.','At last I can feel the cold touch of steel again, even if only for a moment.','Are you back so soon? Time is not the same to me any more, perhaps it has indeed been a long journey for you...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3598insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3553,8426,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance.  Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N!  Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3599insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3554,8427,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance.  Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N!  Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3600insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3555,8428,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance.  Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N!  Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!\r\n','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3601insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3556,8429,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance.  Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N!  Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3602insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3557,8430,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance.  Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N!  Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3603insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3558,8431,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3604insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3559,8432,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3605insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3560,8433,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3606insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3561,8434,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3607insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3562,8435,'Battle of Warsong Gulch','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','Bring 3 Warsong Marks of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','Excellent! You\'ve shown your worth by defending our operations in Warsong Gulch! May word of your honor spread far and wide across our lands.','The battle in Warsong Gulch against the Silverwing Sentinels is of great importance. Under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn\'t belong to them, the Alliance seeks to deny the Horde one of our largest sources for lumber.$B$BDo not let this happen, $N! Come back to me with proof of serving the Horde in a worthy manner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3608insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3563,8436,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war.  No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple.  Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going.  Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3609insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3564,8437,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war.  No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple.  Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going.  Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3610insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3565,8438,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war.  No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple.  Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going.  Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3611insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3566,8439,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war.  No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple.  Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going.  Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3612insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3567,8440,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war. No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple. Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going. Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3613insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3568,8441,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war. No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple. Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going. Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3614insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3569,8442,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war. No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple. Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going. Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3615insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3570,8443,'Conquering Arathi Basin','Our conflict with the Alliance has escalated to a true war. No longer are false pretenses to enter into battle used or expected by either side at this point.$B$BThe battle for the Arathi Basin is one of resources, plain and simple. Either the Alliance gets the resources and uses them against us or we get them and use them to keep our war efforts going. Help the Defilers maintain the flow of resources we need, $N!','Bring 3 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor to a Horde Warbringer outside the battlegrounds.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3616insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3571,8446,'Shrouded in Nightmare','Corruption seeps from this object.$B$BThere may be a link between this object and the dragons coming forth from the Dream. You must find someone that can decipher the meaning of this item. Perhaps the druids of the Moonglade or Cenarion Hold could assist you further.','Find someone capable of deciphering the meaning behind the Nightmare Engulfed Object.$B$BPerhaps a druid of great power could assist you.','I must remove the taint from this object. This may shed some light on my recent failures to delve into the Dream. Give it to me.','Yes, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3617insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3572,8447,'Waking Legends','The waters of Lake Elune\'ara should dissolve the nightmares engulfing this object. Give me a moment to perform the cleansing, $N.','Wait for Keeper Remulos at the Moonglade to cleanse the Nightmare Engulfed Object.','Take his ring, $N. It has served its purpose for Malfurion. It shall now serve a new purpose for you...','','Waking Legends.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3618insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3573,8460,'Timbermaw Ally','The Timbermaw are the only furbolg tribe to escape the corruption. However, many other races kill furbolg blindly now, without bothering to see if they are friend or foe. For this reason, the Timbermaw furbolg trust very few.$B$BAre you interested in proving yourself? Drive back the corrupted Deadwood tribe of Felwood and we may one day consider you an ally. You\'ll find the first Deadwood tribe - warriors, pathfinders and gardeners - to my west.','Grazle wants you to prove yourself by killing 6 Deadwood Warriors, 6 Deadwood Pathfinders, and 6 Deadwood Gardeners.  Return to him in southern Felwood near the Emerald Sanctuary when you are done.','We suffer much from the events of the past.  Thank you for what you have done to help protect the Timbermaw.  As a sign of our growing friendship, please accept this humble offering.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3619insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3574,8461,'Deadwood of the North','There is a camp of Deadwood furbolgs directly to our southwest.  Corruption permeates the camp, and I wish to put an end to it before they become a problem.$B$BThe Deadwood tribe is evil, but it is the effects of the fel that pollutes their minds.  Their hostility is not truly an innate quality, yet they cannot be helped.  It saddens me that we must fight our own brethren.$B$BPlease, $N - I ask you to do what must be done.  Simply spare me the details; such troublesome images upset me far too much.','Nafien would like you to kill 6 Deadwood Den Watchers, 6 Deadwood Avengers, and 6 Deadwood Shamans.  Return to him in northern Felwood near the entrance to Timbermaw Hold.','I sense that you have achieved victory.  Victory... such a hollow word considering what had to be done.  Regardless, you\'ve proven yourself to be worthy of our trust.$B$BIt may take some time before the Timbermaw welcome you without hostility within the Hold.  Still, your perseverance will erode any suspicion my brethren may have about you.  So long as you never betray us and raise weapons against us, we will find common ground.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3620insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3575,8462,'Speak to Nafien','Perhaps you are capable of handling a larger threat that we Timbermaw face.  You certainly have shown yourself capable here...$B$BAnother of my kind stands guard outside the entrance to Timbermaw Hold, along this road far to the north.  His name is Nafien; while he may appear to be a feral and unsavory beast, fear him not.  He only seeks aid against the malign forces that threaten our home.','Travel north along the main road in Felwood and speak with the furbolg named Nafien.  He stands guard outside the entrance to Timbermaw Hold.','Ah... I have heard the word on the wind about those not of our tribe who seek to ally themselves with the Timbermaw furbolgs. I welcome you, but you must be warned that my tribe reacts poorly to strangers.$B$BThese are trying times, and we can only trust those who choose to fight the corruption of the land alongside of us... and have proven themselves to us accordingly.  Those who have not done so will be met with open hostility should they enter the Hold.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3621insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3576,8463,'Unstable Mana Crystals','A group of Wretched recently raided a supply of unstable mana crystals from one of our arcane sanctums.  If not handled properly, the crystals could explode with enough force to blow a hole into the city walls.$B$BNow, $N, I don\'t quite care if they blow themselves up while tapping unstable arcane sources, but the whole incident would make my men look bad.$B$BBring me back any remaining stolen crystals you find; they might still be inside their original crates.','Bring back 6 Unstable Mana Crystals to Aeldon Sunbrand at Falconwing Square.','Excellent work, $N.','Did you retrieve the stolen goods yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3622insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3577,8464,'Winterfall Activity','The Timbermaw tend to stay to themselves, $N.  While we do allow safe passage to those we trust, we try to avoid other furbolg tribes if at all possible.$B$BThe Winterfall tribe as of late has become increasingly hostile towards us.  They seem to be in a state of rage, completely engulfed by their own fear and hatred of anything they do not understand.$B$BI must ask you to thin their numbers as to lessen the threat against us.  Seek them out in Winterfall Village, far to the east of here.','Salfa wants you to kill 8 Winterfall Shaman, 8 Winterfall Den Watchers, and 8 Winterfall Ursa.  Salfa is located just outside the entrance to Timbermaw Hold in Winterspring.\r\n','Thank you for what you have done, as saddening as it is.  Accept this as a token of thanks.$B$BI would ask of you to please continue helping us, $N.  We have very few allies on which to call upon, and without your aid, the threats against my tribe would surely be too much for us to handle alone.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3623insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3578,8465,'Speak to Salfa','The threat of corruption comes not only from the Deadwood furbolgs to the south, but also from the east and the Winterfall furbolgs of Winterspring.  If you wish to further aid us, speak with Salfa on the other side of the Hold, by the Winterspring entrance.  Follow the path to the left to reach it.$B$BBe warned - if my kind inside considers you hostile or hated, they will attack.  Travel as quick as you can, avoiding conflict.  To kill a Timbermaw - even in self defense - will only alienate you further.','Travel through Timbermaw Hold and exit into Winterspring.  Speak with Salfa, who stands guard outside the entrance to Timbermaw Hold.','Greetings, $C - I stand guard here as both a speaker for the Timbermaw here in Winterspring and as a defender of the tribe.$B$BOur Winterfall brethren here in this frigid land have fallen under the same corruptive sway as the furbolg of Felwood. If you\'ve come here offering the Timbermaw furbolgs aid, then we are ready to accept such an offer.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3624insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3579,8466,'Feathers for Grazle','While you have proven yourself to me, you may need to continue to work toward proving yourself to the suspicious brethren of my tribe.  To that end, I may be able to continue assisting you.$B$BSome of the Deadwood furbolgs wear a distinctive headdress that may be used as a means of proof in thinning their numbers.  Bring me a feather from any headdresses you acquire; for every set of five you bring me, you will earn recognition amongst the Timbermaw.','','Well done, $N! I will make sure that your deeds are known amongst my kind.$B$BRemember to bring any of the feathers you find to me. I will continue to accept them as long as necessary.','While you have proven yourself to me, you may need to continue to work toward proving yourself to the suspicious brethren of my tribe. To that end, I may be able to continue assisting you.$B$BSome of the Deadwood furbolgs wear a distinctive headdress that may be used as a means of proof in thinning their numbers. Bring me a feather from any headdresses you acquire; for every set of five you bring me, you will earn recognition amongst the Timbermaw.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3625insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3580,8467,'Feathers for Nafien','While you have proven yourself to me, you may need to continue to work toward proving yourself to the suspicious brethren of my tribe.  To that end, I may be able to continue assisting you.$B$BSome of the Deadwood furbolgs wear a distinctive headdress that may be used as a means of proof in thinning their numbers.  Bring me a feather from any headdresses you acquire; for every set of five you bring me, you will earn recognition amongst the Timbermaw.','Some of the Deadwood furbolgs wear a distinctive headdress that may be used as a means of proof in thinning their numbers. Bring me a feather from any headdresses you acquire; for every set of five you bring me, you will earn recognition amongst the Timbermaw.','Well done, $N!  I will make sure that your deeds are known amongst my kind.$B$BRemember to bring any of the feathers you find to me.  I will continue to accept them as long as necessary.','While you have proven yourself to me, you may need to continue to work toward proving yourself to the suspicious brethren of my tribe. To that end, I may be able to continue assisting you.$B$BSome of the Deadwood furbolgs wear a distinctive headdress that may be used as a means of proof in thinning their numbers. Bring me a feather from any headdresses you acquire; for every set of five you bring me, you will earn recognition amongst the Timbermaw.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3626insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3581,8468,'Wanted: Thaelis the Hungerer','The city of Silvermoon hereby issues a reward for the head of Thaelis the Hungerer, notorious Wretched ringleader.  He is wanted for repeated crimes against the general populace of Silvermoon City, including the murder of two city guards.$B$BReport to Sergeant Kan\'ren to collect the reward.','Bring Thaelis\'s Head to Sergeant Kan\'ren at Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods.','That scoundrel, Thaelis, finally met his fate.  Good job, $N.  Things should be quiet with the Wretched for a while.','You have something to show me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3627insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3582,8469,'Beads for Salfa','You\'ve certainly earned my trust, $N, but you may need to continue to earn the trust of my untrusting tribe.  There is something you can do to earn that trust.$B$BThe Winterfall are known to carry spirit beads to ward against foul spirits.  These beads have clearly failed in their purpose, as the Winterfall themselves are the agents of corruption.  Bring to me these spirit beads from fallen Winterfall furbolgs; for every set of five you bring me, you will earn recognition amongst the Timbermaw.','The Winterfall are known to carry spirit beads to ward against foul spirits. These beads have clearly failed in their purpose, as the Winterfall themselves are the agents of corruption. Bring to me these spirit beads from fallen Winterfall furbolgs; for every set of five you bring me, you will earn recognition amongst the Timbermaw.','Once again, you prove your honor to us! I will make sure that your deeds are known amongst my kind.$B$BRemember to bring any of the Winterfall\'s beads you find to me. For each set you continue to bring to me, I will speak on your behalf to the tribe.','You\'ve certainly earned my trust, $N, but you may need to continue to earn the trust of my untrusting tribe. There is something you can do to earn that trust.$B$BThe Winterfall are known to carry spirit beads to ward against foul spirits. These beads have clearly failed in their purpose, as the Winterfall themselves are the agents of corruption. Bring to me these spirit beads from fallen Winterfall furbolgs; for every set of five you bring me, you will earn recognition amongst the Timbermaw.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3628insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3583,8470,'Deadwood Ritual Totem','You have found one of the Deadwood furbolg\'s ritual totems.  The totem itself is of non-descript construction, but a palpable sense of despair emanates from it.  If there were any object that might best exemplify the corruption that the Deadwood furbolg suffer under, this item would clearly be it.$B$BOne of the furbolgs inside Timbermaw Hold may have a use for such an item... that is, if you\'ve earned their trust enough for them to speak with you.\r\n','Take the Deadwood Ritual Totem inside Timbermaw Hold and see if one of the furbolgs there will find a use for the item.  The Timbermaw will not speak with you unless you are of Neutral reputation or greater with them.','This totem... I recognize it as one of the Deadwood\'s, but it is thick with the stench of decay. Whatever foulness has turned our brethren against us is surely present in this object.$B$BYou were wise to bring this to us, $N. Perhaps through study and ritual, we can uncover what it is that pollutes the minds of our brethren. Thank you, friend please accept these offerings in exchange for your find.','Yes $C, what can I assist you with? You walk among us peacefully, though there is assuredly something amiss. I sense something... something troubling...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3629insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3584,8471,'Winterfall Ritual Totem','You have found one of the Winterfall furbolg\'s ritual totems.  The totem itself is of non-descript construction, but it seems to emanate an almost tangible sense of dread and despair.  If many of the Winterfall furbolgs do indeed carry these, it certainly would go a long way in explaining their current condition.$B$BOne of the furbolgs inside Timbermaw Hold may have a use for such an item... that is, if you\'ve earned their trust enough for them to speak with you.','Take the Winterfall Ritual Totem inside Timbermaw Hold and see if one of the furbolgs there will find a use for the item.  The Timbermaw will not speak with you unless you are of Neutral reputation or greater with them.','This thing... it is in the shape of a Winterfall Ritual Totem, but it has been twisted by forces I cannot begin to comprehend. Whatever taint that has set the Winterfall against us is surely present in this object.$B$BDivine wisdom has brought both this and you to us, $N. We will study this object intently; perhaps one day, the Winterfall will rage against us no longer.$B$BThank you, friend  please accept these offerings in exchange for your benevolence.','$C you approach us in a peaceful manner, but I sense that you are here on matters that are grave and severe... for both furbolg and $R alike. What have you come to tell us?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3630insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3585,8472,'Major Malfunction','The arcane patrollers crafted by our forefathers to protect the city have fallen into a dangerous state of disrepair.  They fail to recognize us as their masters and will attack us on sight!$B$BEven though they were created many years ago, the arcane cores that power them are still quite useful and valuable to us.  I want you to gather these cores and bring them to me so I can put them to good use again.  You will find the patrollers in the ruined section of Silvermoon, to the northwest.','Collect 6 Arcane Cores from the Arcane Patrollers that roam the ruins of Silvermoon City and bring them to Magister Jaronis at Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods.','You\'ve done well, $N.  With our arcane sanctums not operating at full capacity, these power cores will go a long way in supplementing our needs.','Have you succeeded in gathering the arcane cores yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3631insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3586,8473,'A Somber Task','These are difficult times for us, $N.  It was a very hard decision to burn the woods bordering the Ghostlands to prevent the Scourge\'s expansion.$B$BThe treants, who have been our friends for years, are now trying to foster the regrowth of the forest along the Scorched Grove.$B$BThis is a painful thing to ask of you, $c, but we\'ve failed to convince our former allies to cease their endeavors.  I need you to stop them by the only means that remain to us: force.','Slay 10 Withered Green Keepers at the Scorched Grove.  Then report back to Larianna Riverwind inside the tower just to the northwest of the Scorched Grove in Eversong Woods.','So, it is done. Curse these times that have driven us to desperate measures... and curse our enemy, the Scourge!$B$BLearn this, $N. Our lands must be protected, no matter what the cost. We shall prevail!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3632insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3587,8474,'Old Whitebark\'s Pendant','The pendant has the initials L.R. etched on to it.  Perhaps these letters will lead to the pendant\'s maker.','Find the person who might have made Old Whitebark\'s Pendant.  They might provide some insight on the item.','This... this pendant.  I gave it to Old Whitebark after his people helped us rebuild our village.I guess this means he\'s...<clears her throat as she regains her composure.>I appreciate you bringing this to me, $N.  There is something I\'d like to ask of you.','You have something to show me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3633insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3588,8475,'The Dead Scar','The black swath of soil that cuts through Eversong Woods is a permanent reminder of the day Arthas led the Scourge into our beloved city.$B$BThis blemish is more than an eyesore as even today it brings Scourge from the Ghostlands to Silvermoon.$B$BGo, $N, and give my men a hand in killing the mindless undead that walk down the Dead Scar.','Slay 8 Plaguebone Pillagers and report back to Ranger Jaela on the Dead Scar in Eversong Woods.','We don\'t anticipate the Scourge letting up on their attacks any time soon, but we still appreciate any help we get guarding the Scar.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3634insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3589,8476,'Amani Encroachment','Ours are not the vast kingdoms of the humans and orcs.  All we have left of our lands in Azeroth lies mostly before your eyes, $N.$B$BUntil we can reach Outland, we must defend what little land we have at any cost.$B$BOur uncivilized neighbors to the southeast, the Amani trolls, certainly have a different opinion regarding the ownership of these lands.  Their daily raids are something we can\'t tolerate anymore.  Go to their settlements, Zeb\'Watha and Tor\'Watha, and teach them a lesson.','Lieutenant Dawnrunner at the Farstrider Retreat in Eversong Woods wants you to kill 5 Amani Berserkers and 5 Amani Axe Throwers.','Good work, $N. With more people like you we\'ll soon restore our lands to their former glory.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3635insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3590,8477,'The Spearcrafter\'s Hammer','The Amani and the sin\'dorei have a long history of mutual dislike and open hostility.  That doesn\'t prevent me from appreciating a fellow craftsman\'s work, $N.$B$BI\'ve come across pieces of Amani weaponry and I must admit I\'m impressed by the quality of their work.  It is rumored that Spearcrafter Otembe wields a magical hammer that is so light and well-balanced it allows him to work with great dexterity and efficiency.$B$BIf you bring me this tool I\'ll use it to craft you a weapon.','Search Tor\'Watha to the southeast of the Farstrider Retreat for Spearcrafter Otembe and bring Otembe\'s Hammer to Arathel Sunforge at the Farstrider Retreat in Eversong Woods.','There\'s truth to the rumors! This hammer is light and strong at once; I shall manage to complete several of my unfinished projects.  And of course, I\'ll let you have first pick. ','You\'ve brought me Otembe\'s hammer? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3636insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3591,8478,'BETA Choose Your Weapon','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3637insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3592,8479,'Zul\'Marosh','Come closer, mon.  Don\'t be \'fraid, Ven\'jashi not gonna hurt you.$B$BUs Darkspears be mortal enemies of the Amani just like you.  Their boss Zul\'Marosh is evil troll.  He give me the bad poison and leave me in this cage to die.$B$BI not scared of dyin\', mon.  I seen death in the eye an\' I laugh at her.$B$BI cannot die in peace yet, mon.  Not \'til Zul\'Marosh be dead too.  You find him \'cross the lake in Zeb\'Watha.  I hold this poison off \'til you bring me his big ugly head, mon.  Only then I die peacefully.','Ven\'jashi, the troll prisoner at Tor\'Watha, wants you to bring him Chieftain Zul\'Marosh\'s Head.  Chieftain Zul\'Marosh can be found in Zeb\'Watha, across Lake Elrendar.','Ya, $Gdad:mon;.  Zul\'Marosh had this comin\'.  He burn down Ven\'jashi\'s village.  I kill many Amani before they put me in this cage.  I hide something in the sand, my gift for you now.$B$BAh... ah, the poison... it spread now, mon.  Time to rest...','You bring me Zul\'Marosh\'s head?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3638insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3593,8480,'Lost Armaments','The Wretched grow bolder every day, $N.  They\'ve achieved enough coordination to launch an attack on Sunsail Anchorage.$B$BAs if that weren\'t embarrassing enough, most of our weapons were left behind when they attacked.  Bring me back our armaments so that we may show those ruffians who\'s boss.','Bring 8 Sin\'dorei Armaments to Velendris Whitemorn in Eversong Woods.','Great job, $N. Let\'s show the Wretched what we\'re made of!','Did you gather the lost weapons yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3639insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3594,8481,'The Root of All Evil','$N, thanks to you we have devised a way to summon forth the root of all evil for the Winterfall tribe - the corrupting demon that dominates them!$B$BTake this torch to the mouth of High Chief Winterfall\'s personal cave and plant it there.  Doing so will force the demon to reveal itself and investigate.  This is when you and your allies must strike it down!  Only the essence of the fallen demon will begin the lengthy healing process of the Winterfall tribe... and the salvation of Timbermaw Hold.','Plant the Demon Summoning Torch in the mouth of High Chief Winterfall\'s cave in the Winterfall furbolg village.  Defeat the demon and retrieve the Essence of Xandivious for Gorn One Eye in Timbermaw Hold.','You\'ve... you\'ve saved us!  Your defeat of the demon Xandivious has ensured the safety of Timbermaw Hold for years to come.  You are truly a hero amongst our kind.$B$BPlease, accept this with our blessing.  Though the healing process will be slow amongst the furbolgs - and the conflict will still go on - you have given the Winterfall something they never had before this day.$B$BThey have a chance at survival.','You have returned to us, $N... does this mean that the demon has been slain?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3640insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3595,8482,'Incriminating Documents','The documents contain detailed maps of different strategic buildings in Eversong Woods.  A diagram of an arcane sanctum is also sketched in good detail.  There seem to be numerous notes in a language you don\'t recognize.$B$BAs these were carried by a Darnassian spy, it might be a good idea to bring them to the Captain of the Guard - Aeldon Sunbrand.','Bring the Incriminating Documents to Aeldon Sunbrand at Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods.','Are you sure you found these on a night elf? They\'re clearly written in Dwarven...$B$BFrom what I can understand of this letter, whoever wrote this did not cause the malfunction, but rather was sent here as a spy to observe the results of it. They call our endeavors reckless and dangerous... but who?$B$BOf course! That envoy from Ironforge! We were fools to trust anyone belonging to the Alliance!','You\'ve got something for me? Let me take a look.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3641insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3596,8483,'The Dwarven Spy','Listen, $N.  This is a very delicate situation; even though we\'ve identified the spy, we cannot kill him out in the open.  We cannot try to capture him either as the risk of him escaping is too great.$B$BI want you to go find Prospector Anvilward at the North Sanctum and kill him.  Do this in a quiet manner, we don\'t want word to spread that we allowed a spy into our city.$B$BBring me his head as proof.  Ironforge will learn not to meddle with the sin\'dorei.','Bring Prospector Anvilward\'s Head to Aeldon Sunbrand at Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods.','So, the deed is done. Excellent job.$B$BWord has been passed to the ranger general and believe me, the dwarves will pay dearly for their treason.$B$BYou\'ve been of great service to your people today, $N.','Did you take care of the intruder?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3642insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3597,8484,'The Brokering of Peace','Your deeds go beyond the tale of a simple hero, $N.  If you are a representative of your people, then your people are ones we would work to make peace with.$B$BPlease - take this offering to the dwarven king that resides in a mountain of iron; I believe you call this city Ironforge.  In times past, he had tried to make contact with us on behalf of his Alliance.  It is now only fitting to acknowledge you as the key in your Alliance\'s efforts in brokering peace.','Bring the Timbermaw Offering of Peace to King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge.','Indeed, this is a most fortuitous turn of events.  Were a lasting peace to be made with these creatures, this would certainly give us an advantage in the affairs of Kalimdor... one that the Night Elves cannot support on their own.  I will notify the other leaders of the Alliance of this immediately, and further diplomats will be dispatched!$B$BAs for you, $N... you have shown courage in both diplomacy and in action.  I thank you, as does the whole of the Alliance.','$C, you are welcomed in my domain.  Ironforge should always be considered a home to a hero such as yourself.  Now, what business do you have with me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3643insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3598,8485,'The Brokering of Peace','Your deeds go beyond the tale of a simple hero, $N.  If you are a representative of your people, then your people are ones we would work to make peace with.$B$BPlease - take this offering to the orcish warchief that resides in the lands of Durotar; I believe you call this city Orgrimmar.  In times past, he had tried to make contact with us on behalf of his Horde.  It is now only fitting to acknowledge you as the key in your Horde\'s efforts in brokering peace.','Bring the Timbermaw Offering of Peace to Thrall in Orgrimmar.','Indeed, this is a most fortuitous turn of events. Were a lasting peace to be made with these creatures, this would certainly give us an advantage in securing Kalimdor from external threats. I will notify the other leaders of the Horde of this immediately, and further diplomats will be dispatched!$B$BAs for you, $N... you have shown courage in both diplomacy and in action. I thank you, as does the entirety of the Horde.','The warchief\'s greetings are bestowed upon you, $C. Your deeds make the Horde grow stronger in these troubling times.  Now, what business do you have with me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3644insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3599,8486,'Arcane Instability','It\'s about time that dimwit, Caidanis, sent someone this way.$B$BI warned of the dangers of increasing the load on the West Sanctum!  Now one of our energy converters is destroyed and arcane wraiths are pouring out of the sanctum!$B$BI\'m going to need you to take care of these creatures before we send anyone in for repairs.  Make haste!','Ley-Keeper Velania wants you to kill 5 Manawraiths and 5 Mana Stalkers.','Thank you, $N. Now that we have the wraiths under control we can send someone in to assess the damage. Hopefully this wasn\'t anything permanent.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3645insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3600,8487,'Corrupted Soil','This was a fully functional arcane sanctum before Arthas and his army of Scourge decided to plow through it on their way to Silvermoon.$B$BNow it\'s as useful to us as any part of the Dead Scar.  The soil is tainted, undead are drawn to it and the energy in the ley lines is completely disrupted.$B$BWhat I want to know, $N, is whether this taint is reversible or not.  I want you to collect soil samples from this area so I can study them.  Perhaps with time we can set things back to normal.','Apprentice Mirveda at the East Sanctum in Eversong Woods wants you to collect 8 Tainted Soil Samples.','Excellent. I will cast an augmentation enchantment on the samples so I can more clearly analyze the taint on the soil.','Are you done collecting the samples I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3646insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3601,8488,'Unexpected Results','Something\'s wrong, $N.  I sense the presence of Scourge.  Be ready to fight them!','Protect Apprentice Mirveda from the Scourge ambush.','My endeavors are hopeless, $N. The very nature of the soil has been altered... the taint is irreversible. Thank you for your assistance. I\'ll need to ask one last task of you.','','Protect Apprentice Mirveda','Protect Apprentice Mirveda','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3647insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3602,8489,'BETA An Intact Converter','This object appears to be one of the arcane converters Ley-Keeper Velania mentioned.  It hasn\'t been damaged by the fire, perhaps she could find a use for it.','Bring the Intact Arcane Converter to Ley-Keeper Velania.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3648insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3603,8490,'Powering our Defenses','Ancient runestones once powered a protective barrier across the Eversong border.  Many were destroyed during Arthas\' attack; others were stolen.$B$BOf the three that remain, only this one has retained its powers.  The runestone to the east might be salvageable, though.$B$BTake this crystal and instill its energy on the Eastern Runestone.  The process should take but a minute.  Beware though, nearby Scourge will be drawn to it and will seek to destroy it.  Do not let them! ','Place the Infused Crystal at the Eastern Runestone and protect it from the Scourge for 1 minute.  Return the Infused Crystal to Runewarden Deryan in Eversong Woods for a reward.','Excellent.  The defenses should hold off the Scourge a bit longer.  Thank you for lending us a hand, $N.','Have you succeeded in powering the runestone yet, $N?','Runestone Energized','Runestone Energized','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3649insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3604,8491,'Pelt Collection','The springpaw that inhabit this region are known for their high quality pelts.  We\'ve even seen night elf scum travel to these lands just to poach them.$B$BOur skirmishes with the Amani have put a bit of a strain on our supply of gear and our rangers don\'t have much time to hunt for pelts anymore.  If you\'d be willing to lend a hand by collecting springpaw pelts, I\'d be happy to reward you with a hand-crafted piece of armor.  You\'ll find springpaw stalkers all around the woods north of here.','Velan Brightoak at Fairbreeze Village in Eversong Woods wants you to bring him 6 Springpaw Pelts.','These will do perfectly, $N. Take this piece of armor as a reward. I\'ll be able to make more with the pelts you brought me.','You\'re back. Did you bring the pelts?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3650insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3605,8492,'The Alliance Needs Copper Bars!','Hey there, $c, you look fit enough to contribute to the war effort! We need all of the help that we can get here to put together the materiel needed for the Ahn\'Qiraj War and it\'s your lucky day.$B$BI\'m collecting copper bars in stacks of twenty. It\'s for a worthy cause, what do you say? Do you think you could help out the Alliance?','Bring 20 Copper Bars to Sergeant Stonebrow at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','You did it, lad! We\'ll get those copper bars onto the pile and put them to good use making the war materiel right away. It\'s the efforts of people like you that make me proud to serve the Alliance. Good work, soldier!$B$BAnd if you should happen to come across more copper bars, make sure that they find their way to me.','Have you collected those twenty bars of copper yet, trooper?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3651insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3606,8493,'The Alliance Needs More Copper Bars!','Back again $c? Outstanding! We still need more stacks of copper bars if you can procure them for the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort.  Will you help us out?','Bring 20 copper bars to Sergeant Stonebrow at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','Excellent work! Digging around for that copper and smelting it must have been quite an adventure. Unless you bought them at the auction house. Either way, it works for me. You are to be commended for your contribution to the war effort, $C. And please don\'t hesitate to bring me more copper bars if you have them.','Back again, $C? Outstanding! The bars you\'ve provided thus far are really going to help out in making all sorts of things for the war. I know, for example, that the copper is going to be used for parts of the steam tanks that are being built, as well as in a small fleet of gyrocopters that we\'re planning to deploy if time allows.$B$BDon\'t let the stacks here fool you though, we still need more copper bars if you can procure them for the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort.  Will you help us out?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3652insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3607,8494,'The Alliance Needs Iron Bars!','Well hello there, $g Mr. : Ms.; Fancypants, aren\'t you a sight for sore eyes. In case you hadn\'t heard while you were out there \"adventuring\", the Alliance has been gearing up for a war in Ahn\'Qiraj and is in need of iron bars... a whole mess of \'em. Bring them to me in stacks of twenty. We can count on you, right, $c?','Bring 20 Iron Bars to Corporal Carnes at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','Well, well, if it isn\'t $N. And you pulled through. I guess now I\'ll have to keep my eye on you. It hurts me to say this, but thanks for your efforts. The Alliance won\'t forget, and neither will I. Now get out there and bust your hump on whatever else needs collecting.','If you have those twenty bars of iron, I don\'t want to know where you have them hidden!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3653insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3608,8495,'The Alliance Needs More Iron Bars!','Back so soon? Stop making me re-evaluate my low opinion of you $c, you\'re making me feel all gooey inside. So, as you can tell we still don\'t have enough iron bars for all of the weapons, armor, steam tanks and whatnot that need building for the bug hunt. Think you have it in you to bring back another stack of twenty iron bars in between all of those trips to Zul\'Gurub, or wherever it is that you kids hang out these days?','Bring 20 iron bars to Corporal Carnes at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','Must be a cold day in the Burning Steppes. Look here, it\'s $N, and she\'s brought me a gift. Twenty iron bars! Just what I always wanted.$B$BIn all seriousness though, thank you, $N. You\'re a credit to yourself and the Alliance. Now get back out there and bring in more stuff for the war effort!','Back so soon? Stop making me re-evaluate my low opinion of you, $C, you\'re making me feel all gooey inside. So, as you can tell we still don\'t have enough iron bars for all of the weapons, armor, steam tanks and whatnot that need building for the bug hunt. Think you have it in you to bring back another stack of twenty iron bars in between all of those trips to Zul\'Gurub, or wherever it is that you kids hang out these days?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3654insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3609,8496,'Bandages for the Field','Our supply of bandages in the battlefield is running dangerously low after the recent casualties we have incurred.  Obtain a batch of first-aid supplies and deliver them to Windcaller Proudhorn in Cenarion Hold.','Bring 30 Heavy Runecloth Bandages, 30 Heavy Silk Bandages and 30 Heavy Mageweave Bandages to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing X in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3655insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3610,8497,'Desert Survival Kits','With the arrival of fresh recruits to Cenarion Hold comes the problem of keeping them alive in the desert.  Dehydration as well as numerous poisonous creatures present a serious threat to inexperienced volunteers.  Gather the supplies necessary for a desert survival kit and bring them to Calandrath in Cenarion Hold.','Bring 4 Globes of Water, 4 Powerful Anti-Venom and 4 Smoked Desert Dumplings to Calandrath at the inn in Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing I in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3656insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3611,8498,'Twilight Battle Orders','Our scouts have reported new battle orders being issued by the Twilight\'s Hammer leaders.  The orders are being distributed by Twilight Prophets under heavy escort.  Intercept the orders and bring them to Commander Mar\'alith.','Obtain the Twilight Battle Orders and bring them Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing X in order to complete this quest.','Excellent. It\'s important to stay ahead of the enemy\'s next move. This information will allow us to anticipate the Twilight\'s Hammer\'s attacks. ','You\'ve brought something for me? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3657insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3612,8499,'The Alliance Needs Thorium Bars!','It is very kind of you to inquire about the needs that the Alliance has. In addition to all of the other collection efforts underway, we are in need of a great quantity of thorium bars, which is the task that I am in charge of. The thorium will be used in the creation of many different things for the war, foremost of which is the construction of a battalion of steam tanks to be airlifted into Silithus as soon as they are completed. Can you aid us in this endeavor, $c?','Bring 20 Thorium Bars to Dame Twinbraid at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','So Gnoarn doesn\'t trust my reconnaissance abilities? I wonder why...','Oh, a shipment from my brother? Splendid! Fortune truly shines on me today!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3658insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3613,8500,'The Alliance Needs More Thorium Bars!','It is so good to see you again $N. I hope that you\'ve been doing well. It\'s true that we are still in need of thorium bars. If you have them to spare I am collecting them for the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort.','Bring 20 thorium bars to Dame Twinbraid at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','Excellent, $C! A job well done. I\'ll see to it that those bars get onto the pallet and into the hands of the blacksmiths and engineers that are hard at work building up the supplies for our army. Thank you again, and if you come across more thorium bars be sure to drop by.','It is so good to see you again, $N. I hope that you\'ve been doing well. It\'s true that we are still in need of thorium bars. If you have them to spare I am collecting them for the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3659insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3614,8501,'Target: Hive\'Ashi Stingers','As the war effort mounts, the silithid presence in the area presents an ever increasing threat to our operations.  You\'ve been selected to partake on an assault on Hive\'Ashi where your primary target will consist of the airborne Hive\'Ashi stingers.$B$BReport back to Commander Mar\'alith after your task is completed.','Kill 30 Hive\'Ashi Stingers and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing XII in order to complete this quest.\r\n','Excellent work, $N. Your part in the attack on Hive\'Ashi has been noted.','You wish to tell me something, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3660insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3615,8502,'Target: Hive\'Ashi Workers','As the war effort mounts, the silithid presence in the area presents an ever increasing threat to our operations.  You\'ve been selected to partake on an assault on Hive\'Ashi where your primary target will consist of Hive\'Ashi workers.$B$BReport back to Commander Mar\'alith after your task is completed.','Slay 30 Hive\'Ashi Workers and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing III in order to complete this quest.','Excellent work, $N. Without their workers, the silithid will have a hard time repairing any damage inflicted to their hive\'s structure.','You have something to tell me, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3661insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3616,8503,'The Alliance Needs Stranglekelp!','So, $c, did I already tell you about all of the fabulous uses stranglekelp has? I did? Oh well... in any case we need a lot of it, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT! Do you think that you could help us out? I know that it means going without all of those wonderful things that you can make with it, but it\'s for a good cause!','Bring 20 Stranglekelp to Private Draxlegauge at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','Hooray! That\'s another twenty down. You\'re the best. I suppose that I should get these all packed away before they wither. So much stranglekelp, so little time!$B$BThanks again, $C!','It\'s not true! I\'d never skim any stranglekelp off the top of the stacks here. One might be tempted to though considering that it\'s practically a panacea of utilitarian usefulness. *cough* You don\'t happen to have that stranglekelp we discussed earlier?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3662insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3617,8504,'The Alliance Needs More Stranglekelp!','Well hello again there... what was it? Ah yes, $N! Come to see if I still need more stranglekelp have you? Well, it\'s your lucky day, because the answer to that very important question is a very affirmative YES! Think you could gather up twenty more?','Bring 20 stranglekelp to Private Draxlegauge at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3663insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3618,8505,'The Alliance Needs Purple Lotus!','$C, the purple lotus is a flower with a plentitude of uses. I am here at the request of the Alliance as an authority on those applications, to preserve the herbs collected and to ensure that their war effort acquires enough purple lotus to sustain whatever function they plan for it.$B$BI would like for you to travel out into the world and return to me with some of these flowers. Is that something that you can do?','Bring 20 Purple Lotus to Master Nightsong at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','','Do you have the purple lotus herbs that I requested?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3664insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3619,8506,'The Alliance Needs More Purple Lotus!','Welcome back $c. Our collection grows, but even now we have a need for additional purple lotus. If it is still within your power to gather more of the herb, I entreat you to do so and return them to me here.','Bring 20 purple lotus to Master Nightsong at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3665insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3620,8507,'Field Duty','Greetings, $N.  Before I assign you to more involved tasks in the war, you\'ll need to do your share of field duty.  $B$BYou will find Captain Blackanvil\'s Ironforge Brigade outside Hive\'Zora.$B$BReport to him or his lieutenant, Janela Stouthammer and come back to me.  I shall have a more advanced assignment for you ready.$B$BOh and please do us a favor and stay away from the Orgrimmar Legion.  We\'ve been forced to keep the two forces well apart from one another due to mutual animosity.','Report for duty at the Ironforge Brigade post near Hive\'Zora.  Prepare your Unsigned Field Duty Papers and obtain Signed Field Duty Papers from Captain Blackanvil and return to Windcaller Kaldon at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.$B$BNote: Healing or casting beneficial spells on a member of the Ironforge Brigade will flag you for PvP.','Very well, $N  I\'ve prepared a set of tasks that should make optimal use of your skills.$B$BWith the continued efforts of you and people like you, our enemy will soon be vanquished once and for all!$B$BShould you require a new mission briefing, return to Captain Blackanvil.','You\'ll find Captain Blackanvil\'s force stationed outside Hive\'Zora.  Talk to his lieutenant, Janela Stouthammer, if you can\'t find him.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3666insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3621,8508,'Field Duty Papers','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3667insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3622,8509,'The Alliance Needs Arthas\' Tears!','I\'ll keep it simple and to the point, $c. The Alliance needs to collect a large quantity of Arthas\' Tears for the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort. Don\'t ask me what for; I\'m just following orders. But I\'d like you to gather up as many of the herbs as you can and bring them back to me here. Are you willing to do that?','Bring 20 Arthas\' Tears to Sergeant Major Germaine at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','Good work, $C. I must say that I\'m pleasantly surprised. You would not believe the number of people that have come by, offering to help, but never returning. Let me just get those into a crate and tallied with your name on it, and then we can talk again about whether I need anymore of those plants.','What\'s that? Speak up, $C! Have you got that shipment of Arthas\' Tears I asked for?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3668insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3623,8510,'The Alliance Needs More Arthas\' Tears!','Ok, so it looks like I still need more Arthas\' Tears. I would imagine that you will be able to find them in the general location that you gathered them up for me last time. The quicker we get these, the faster we can start up the offensive against the forces at Ahn\'Qiraj.$B$BYou gonna help us out again $c?','Bring 20 arthas\' tears to Sergeant Major Germaine at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3669insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3624,8511,'The Alliance Needs Light Leather!','We Stoneflayers have a long history of being skinners, $c. That\'s why the Alliance has asked my family to help out with the collection of light leather for the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort. I\'m here to see to it that the leather is tanned correctly for whatever they want to put it to use for. But we need your help.$B$BSince I have to be here doing that, I need you to go out and collect the skins, returning them to me here. What do you say, $g lad : lass;, will you give it a go?','Bring 10 Light Leather to Bonnie Stoneflayer at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','I dare say the Alliance is going to be very happy with your skins here, $C. I\'ll make sure that not a one goes to waste. Thank you, and make sure that you check back in with me once I\'ve counted them up to see if we need more.','$C, I do so hope that\'s the light leather you promised.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3670insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3625,8512,'The Alliance Needs More Light Leather!','Good to see you again $N. It does appear that we need more light leather for the creation of the various war materiel. If you could bring me a stack of ten that would be just perfect.','Bring 10 light leather to Bonnie Stoneflayer at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','Thank you for your generous donation, $N. I\'m going to get those onto the pile right now, and in no time I\'m sure that they\'ll get changed into a nice set of armor, some leather patches, or used for something else in our preparations. Seems like we\'re always in need of more light leather. Come back and visit me soon.','Good to see you again, $N. It does appear that we need more light leather for the creation of the various war materiels. If you would bring me a stack of ten, that would be just perfect.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3671insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3626,8513,'The Alliance Needs Medium Leather!','Yes $g sir : ma\'am;, I have been charged with collecting and tracking all of the medium leather gathered for the war effort. If you have the wherewithal to gather medium leather, from whatever source, then please bring them to me here. I sure would appreciate a hand with this if you can spare the time.','Bring 10 Medium Leather to Private Porter at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','Wow! Seems like you were just here volunteering to help. Thank you very much for the donation. I\'ll just get those all packed up and counted. You sure do know how to brighten a fella\'s day.','Yes sir, I remember you. Is that the medium leather you have with you there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3672insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3627,8514,'The Alliance Needs More Medium Leather!','Yes $g sir : ma\'am;, looks like we\'ve collected $2063w pieces of medium leather to date. I know it\'s a lot to ask, but if you\'re still willing, I could use your help in attempting to put a dent in the rest of my quota.','Bring 10 medium leather to Private Porter at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','Golly, that sure is a lot of medium leather that you\'ve brought round, sir! I\'m gonna make sure that all of that gets put to proper use, yes indeed. With your help we\'ll have filled our estimation for medium leather in no time!$B$BThanks, $N!','Yes sir, looks like we\'ve collected many pieces of medium leather, but we need more. I can assure you that it will all be put to good use; not one piece will get wasted. I know it\'s a lot to ask, but if you\'re still willing, I could use your help in attempting to put a dent in the rest of my quota.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3673insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3628,8515,'The Alliance Needs Thick Leather!','Oh boy, this is going to be great! $C, the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort is in full swing, and I\'ve been put in charge of keeping track of all of the thick leather that comes in. We\'ll make tons of things with it, but first we need to get a ton of it. And I mean that literally! That\'s where you come in.$B$BSo, do you think you can go out there and bring me back a nice, fat stack of thick leather? Do yah, do yah?!','Bring 10 Thick Leather to Marta Finespindle at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','Oh, I knew you could do it, $C, I just knew it! I\'ll get these into the right hands as soon as I can. Now, let\'s see here. Hmm, looks like our tally is coming along rather nicely. You should check back with me in just a moment once I\'m done counting to see if we need more.  Cuz if we do, you\'re the one I want out there gathering it up for me!','Is that the thick leather you have there in your pack, $C? Is it? I can\'t wait for you to hand it over! Everyone is going to be so pleased with us don\'t you think?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3674insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3629,8516,'The Alliance Needs More Thick Leather!','Yep, the stack\'s still not high enough. $N, we still haven\'t reached our goal of $2071w thick leather. Just think of all the things that we can make with all of that leather! All kinds of armor and weapons. Stuff for inside the steam tanks and rifle scopes! Engineering goggles, and I bet if it ends up that we collect too much we could give the rest to the Horde for their zeppelins!$B$BYou gonna bring me back some more thick leather?','Bring 10 thick leather to Marta Finespindle at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','You did it again! That is simply amazing how you go out there, collect all of this stuff, and then bring it back here and hand it over. I tell ya, when they find out how much you\'ve been helping out around here you\'re not going to be able to walk down the street without people asking you for your autograph!$B$BThanks again for your very generous donation of thick leather, $N.','Yep, the stack\'s still not high enough. $N, we still haven\'t reached our thick leather goal. Just think of all the things that we can make with all of that leather! All kinds of armor and weapons. Stuff for inside the steam tanks and rifle scopes! And engineering goggles, those are always fun!$B$BYou gonna bring me back some more thick leather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3675insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3630,8517,'The Alliance Needs Linen Bandages!','The war at Ahn\'Qiraj is going to be long and bloody. It is a very wise thing that the Alliance is doing by enlisting the aid of you, and those like you, to build up the materiel necessary before plunging headlong into conflict.$B$BI have been asked to head up the collection of linen bandages for the war, and I am hoping that you are going to assist me in amassing as many as we need. It is no light matter, but at least the linen bandages are the least difficult to create. Are you with us, $c?','Bring 20 Linen Bandages to Sentinel Silversky at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','Many are the soldiers that will benefit from your contribution here today, $C. I shall see to it personally that the Alliance is made aware of your efforts. Allow me a moment to store these bandages properly and update my count, and then you should check back with me to see if I am in need of more.$B$BMay the Light of Elune shine upon you, <race>!','Do you have the twenty linen bandages that I require, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3676insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3631,8518,'The Alliance Needs More Linen Bandages!','Ever am I amazed by the selflessness exhibited when so many would instead turn to selfishness instead. $C, I am still in need of a number of linen bandages before my assignment here is fulfilled. Will you aid me once more in the collection of those bandages?','Bring 20 linen bandages to Sentinel Silversky at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','You are to be commended, $N. While there are those that would take advantage of the economics of our war footing to line their pockets in a fervor of greed, you have proven time and again that your devotion to the Alliance, and indeed to all of Azeroth, comes first.$B$BBlessings of Elune be with you always!','Ever am I amazed by the selflessness exhibited when so many would instead turn to selfishness instead. $C, I am still in need of a number of linen bandages before my assignment here is fulfilled. Will you aid me once more in the collection of those bandages?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3677insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3632,8519,'A Pawn on the Eternal Board','As you regain your composure and focus your gaze, you notice that something stirs within the crystal. Upon closer inspection, you realize that you are looking into the past... a memory... long forgotten.','Learn all that you can of the past, then speak with Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.\r\n','After Staghelm\'s betrayal, I gathered the shattered pieces of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands and returned here. I had every intention of protecting the scepter from those that would seek to use it to cause harm to our world - thus was born the charge of the Dragonflights.$B$BA scepter divided amongst the four mighty Aspects would prove to be nearly impossible to restore for those willfully seeking chaos... or so I thought. What a fool I was. Even now I am hunted by that cursed flight.','','The War of the Shifting Sands','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3678insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3633,8520,'The Alliance Needs Silk Bandages!','With the Ahn\'Qiraj War looming we need to do everything that we can to see to it that our soldiers have everything that they need. We\'re doing just that right here. For my part I\'ve been placed in charge of seeing to it that we collect enough silk bandages.$B$BDo you think you can help me out, $c?','Bring 20 Silk Bandages to Nurse Stonefield at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','This Nightscape equipment you have supplied fills the order perfectly, $N. I expect no less from a leatherworker of your caliber.$B$BYou have definitely earned this pattern. I give it to you freely, and hope you will profit from it accordingly.','I need those tunics and headbands made, and I also need that piece of wildvine before I will share with you the knowledge of Wild Leather helmets.$B$BHead gear is highly coveted amongst adventurers, whether it be a disarmingly simple headband or a full-covering helmet. The fundamentals of creating valued head gear remain constant, no matter what the cosmetic appearance of the gear is.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3679insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3634,8521,'The Alliance Needs More Silk Bandages!','It is very kind of you to offer to help me again $c. It looks like we\'ve collected $2082w silk bandages, so we\'ll need more.','Bring 20 silk bandages to Nurse Stonefield at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','You are such a selfless person. Thank you very much for your contribution to the war effort. It\'s people like you that are going to make the difference between success and failure at Ahn\'Qiraj. I just hope that all of this will be enough.$B$BThanks again, $N.','It is very kind of you to offer to help me again, $C. It looks like we\'ve collected a goodly number of the silk bandages we\'ve been tasked with, but we still need more. $N, is there any way that you could see fit to put together another bundle and return them to me here? The Alliance and I will be most grateful.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3680insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3635,8522,'The Alliance Needs Runecloth Bandages!','Argue the merits of the war if you will, $c, but it has already been set in motion. Look around you at your family and friends, and then ask yourself what it is that you can do to see to it that if they are involved, they will have every advantage to survive the conflagration.$B$BTo that end, I am collecting runecloth bandages here from whatever source. Would you like to make a donation?','Bring 20 Runecloth Bandages to Keeper Moonshade at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','You are to be commended, $C, for your perseverance in this task. I shall put these bandages away, and then I should like to talk to you again about the possibility of your collecting even more runecloth bandages.','The days pass one after the other, and still we go on. $C, have you those runecloth bandages?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3681insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3636,8523,'The Alliance Needs More Runecloth Bandages!','So it is that we come to discuss pressing matters yet again $c. Once more I thank you for your previous efforts; it is not everyone who would give so selflessly. But there is still more work to do.$B$B$N, will you once more collect runecloth bandages and return them to me here?','Bring 20 runecloth bandages to Keeper Moonshade at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','This is a fine road we are traveling together, $N. You make an excellent working companion. Once more do I give thanks to you for your efforts on behalf of the entire Alliance. Come and talk again with me soon.','So it is that we come to discuss pressing matters yet again, $C. Once more I thank you for your previous efforts; it is not everyone who would give so selflessly. But there is still more work to do.$B$B$N, will you once more collect runecloth bandages and return them to me here?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3682insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3637,8524,'The Alliance Needs Rainbow Fin Albacore!','Hey there, friend! If I were to say to you, \'Don\'t you think that soldiers should have food to eat like anyone else?\', you would of course reply, \'yes\'. I agree with you 110%! I\'m glad we\'re in accord. All I need for you to do is to head out there, fish up a whole bunch of raw rainbow fin albacore, and then cook it all up and bring it back to me right here. Mmm, mmm, I can taste it already.','Bring 20 Rainbow Fin Albacore to Slicky Gastronome at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','Two for the Alliance, one for me, two for the Alliance, one for me. Hey there, fishmonger, excellent work. I can see that you\'re going to be a real credit to the club. Looks to me like we probably need more of that albacore though. Why don\'t you head on out and rustle up a mite more. I can hear my stomach rumbling already.','I\'m willing to lay odds that you\'ve returned with all of that rainbow fin albacore we were talking about before, right, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3683insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3638,8525,'The Alliance Needs More Rainbow Fin Albacore!','What! You again? Well I\'ll be a monkey\'s uncle... except that I\'m a gnome. Slicky Gastronome to be precise! So you\'re back to help out again eh? Well, I can\'t say as I blame you. Don\'t you just love the smell of all of that food? <drool>$B$BEnough loitering! Get out there and bring me back more rainbow fin albacore!','Bring 20 rainbow fin albacore to Slicky Gastronome at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','I knew that you had it in you, kid. You\'ve got the look of someone who knows what she likes. Specifically that you like pleasing me and the powers that be. And that you have, I guarantee.$B$BHaha, ok, I\'ll just get these fish properly stashed away, and then you and I can have a little talk concerning you collecting another twenty albacore.','What! You again? Well I\'ll be a monkey\'s uncle... except that I\'m a $R. Slicky Gastronome to be precise! So you\'re back to help out again, eh? Well, I can\'t say as I blame you. Don\'t you just love the smell of all of that food? <drool>$B$BEnough loitering! Get out there and bring me back more rainbow fin albacore!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3684insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3639,8526,'The Alliance Needs Roast Raptor!','Oh, how\'s it going, $c? I see that you\'re interested in maybe gathering up food for the coming war at Ahn\'Qiraj? Somehow my dad thought that it would be a good learning experience for me if I were to volunteer to help out here. Big mistake. I don\'t even like to eat meat.$B$BAnyway, if you feel like it, you could bring me back a lot of roast raptor. Apparently that\'s what all of the soldiers are going to want.','Bring 20 Roast Raptor to Sarah Sadwhistle at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','Gee, that\'s swell. Thanks for bringing me all of this burnt animal flesh, $C. I\'ll just put it onto the pile over there. I\'m sure that someone will take care of it. I suppose if you have some time on your hands that you might want to bring me more?','So do you have all of that roast raptor yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3685insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3640,8527,'The Alliance Needs More Roast Raptor!','Hi again $c. I can tell you\'re very excited about all of this. So I suppose you want to bring me another twenty roast raptor. Great. Well you do that. I guess I\'ll see you when you get back.','Bring 20 roast raptor to Sarah Sadwhistle at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3686insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3641,8528,'The Alliance Needs Spotted Yellowtail!','It may not seem heroic to gather up cooked fish, but do not underestimate the value of preparation, young $c. Soldiers need to eat like anyone else, and we\'re here to do our part to make sure they have what they need once the war in Ahn\'Qiraj commences.$B$BAccordingly, I am stockpiling spotted yellowtail, a versatile source of sustenance that stores well and can be used in many different dishes. It also doesn\'t have the odor of some other saltwater fish. Are you willing to aid me in this endeavor?','Bring 20 Spotted Yellowtail to Huntress Swiftriver at the Military Ward in Ironforge.','Thank you for this gift, $C, and in such a timely manner as well. Our soldiers will surely not lack for something to eat. Just let me get these fish stored away properly and then you and I can discuss a second haul if you\'re willing.','I am confident that you are returning so soon with the spotted yellowtail we discussed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3687insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3642,8529,'The Alliance Needs More Spotted Yellowtail!','If you\'re still willing I\'d like to send you back out to bring in another haul of spotted yellowtail, $N. I\'d imagine with the expertise you gained the first time out that this catch should be much faster and easier. Are you game?','Bring 20 spotted yellowtail to Huntress Swiftriver at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','You are a true member of the Alliance, $N. Your efforts shall not go unnoticed, or unappreciated. And thank you for cooking up the fish as well. I will see to it that they are stored away properly, and then I\'ll need to update my count. Every one brings us that much closer to catching our goal.','If you\'re still willing I\'d like to send you back out to bring in another haul of spotted yellowtail, $N. I\'d imagine with the expertise you gained the first time out that this catch should be much faster and easier. Are you game?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3688insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3643,8530,'[Not Used] The Alliance Needs Singed Corestones!','$C, I need your help. In the Molten Core there are these stones, singed Corestones to be precise, that we need to harvest for the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort. I\'m told that our blacksmiths and engineers can put them to good use, so that\'s where you come in. I need you to go into the Molten Core and gather up as many of these corestones as you can. Of course, you\'ll want to talk thirty-nine of your closest friends along with you.','Bring 50 singed corestones to Commander Stronghammer at the airfield in Dun Morogh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3689insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3644,8532,'The Horde Needs Copper Bars!','So glad that you\'ve decided to help out here. Not everyone would, so I need to make sure you understand what it is that I need. Copper bars, not copper ore. We don\'t have the time or people to do all of the smelting ourselves, so if you would be so kind as to take care of that, your efforts will be duly noted. Is that something that you can handle, $c?','Bring 20 Copper Bars to Miner Cromwell at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','These bars will do, and thanks for not shining them. No sense in making them pretty when they\'re going to be mangled for whatever materiel needs to be built for the war. I\'ll take care of putting them on the stacks, and I\'ll make sure that they are put to proper use. Speak to me again if you\'re interested in bringing in another twenty.','I hope that\'s the twenty copper bars you have there with you, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3690insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3645,8533,'The Horde Needs More Copper Bars!','Back so soon? You\'ll be a real miner in no time $c. So, you already know the drill; I need you to go out, mine up a mess of copper ore, smelt it into bars and bring it back to me here. I know that\'s something you\'re capable of, the question is, are you willing?','Bring 20 copper bars to Miner Cromwell in Durotar.','You\'ve proven yourself to me yet again, $C. I will see to it that this copper is used in due time. For now though, I need to get these copper bars onto the pallet and tallied. If you still feel inclined, I could probably use your help in gathering even more copper bars.','Back so soon? You\'ll be a real miner in no time, $C. So, you already know the drill; I need you to go out, mine up a mess of copper ore, smelt it into bars and bring it back to me here. I know that\'s something you\'re capable of, the question is, are you willing?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3691insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3646,8534,'Hive\'Zora Scout Report','We\'ve sent our best scouts deep into the silithid hives to gather intelligence.  Scout Azenel has been watching the silithid movements at Hive\'Zora for several days now.  Find her and obtain a written report.  We need to be able to act on that information as soon as possible, $N.','Contact Cenarion Scout Azenel inside Hive\'Zora and return the Hive\'Zora Scout Report to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing VI in order to complete this quest.','Your efforts are greatly appreciated, $N. I\'ll read these scouting reports right away, feel free to go over your next assignment.','You\'ll find Scout Azenel inside Hive\'Zora. Hurry, $N! Time is of the essence.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3692insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3647,8535,'Hoary Templar','The Twilight\'s Hammer and the elemental nobles they worship present a formidable threat to our operations in Silithus.  With the new enemies we\'re facing inside Ahn\'Qiraj, we cannot afford to lower our guard to our enemies outside.$B$BFind a way to summon and destroy a Hoary Templar and report to Bor Wildmane.\r\n','Summon and slay a Hoary Templar and report back to Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing IV in order to complete this quest.','Good job, $N. Here\'s your next assignment.','Is your task done yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3693insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3648,8536,'Earthen Templar','The Twilight\'s Hammer and the elemental nobles they worship present a formidable threat to our operations in Silithus.  With the new enemies we\'re facing inside Ahn\'Qiraj, we cannot afford to lower our guard to our enemies outside.$B$BFind a way to summon and destroy an Earthen Templar and report to Bor Wildmane.','Summon and slay an Earthen Templar and report back to Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing III in order to complete this quest.','Good job, $N.  Here\'s your next assignment.','Is your task done yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3694insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3649,8537,'Crimson Templar','The Twilight\'s Hammer and the elemental nobles they worship present a formidable threat to our operations in Silithus.  With the new enemies we\'re facing inside Ahn\'Qiraj, we cannot afford to lower our guard to our enemies outside.$B$BFind a way to summon and destroy a Crimson Templar and report to Bor Wildmane.','Summon and slay a Crimson Templar and report back to Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing II in order to complete this quest.','Good job, $N. Here\'s your next assignment.','Is your task done yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3695insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3650,8538,'The Four Dukes','The links between the Twilight\'s Hammer and the Abyssal Council are proving to be more important than we had expected.$B$BWe believe the elemental nobles known as the Abyssal Dukes are one of the primary force organizing the Twilight\'s Hammer cultists.  Find a way to lure the four Abyssal Dukes into our plane of existence and destroy them!$B$BYour dedication and prowess in past assignments have led us to choose you for this particular assignment.  We are certain you will succeed in this endeavor.','Find a way to summon and slay the Duke of Cynders, the Duke of Fathoms, the Duke of Zephyrs and the Duke of Shards and report back to Commander Mar\'alith in Cenarion Hold.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing V in order to complete this quest.','You have achieved a great accomplishment for our cause today, $N. You\'ve vanquished some of our most powerful enemies. For that I greatly commend you.','Is your task done yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3696insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3651,8539,'Target: Hive\'Zora Hive Sisters','Reinforcements have been called on to join the assault on Hive\'Zora.  You have been selected to target Hive\'Zora hive sisters.  Report back to Commander Mar\'alith after completing your task.','Slay 30 Hive\'Zora Hive Sisters and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing V in order to complete this quest.','Excellent work, $N. You\'re a worthy ally.','You have something to tell me, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3697insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3652,8540,'Boots for the Guard','The mounted division of the Cenarion Hold guard is in short supply of ornate mithril boots.  Procure a batch and deliver them immediately to Captain Vish Kozus in Cenarion Hold.','Bring 3 Ornate Mithril Boots to Vish Kozus, Captain of the Guard at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing II in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3698insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3653,8541,'Grinding Stones for the Guard','The Cenarion Hold guard is in short supply of grinding stones.  Procure a batch and deliver them immediately to Captain Vish Kozus in Cenarion Hold.','Bring 10 Dense Grinding Stones, 10 Solid Grinding Stones and 10 Heavy Grinding Stones to Vish Kozus, Captain of the Guard at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing III in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3699insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3654,8542,'The Horde Needs Tin Bars!','Lok\'tar, $r, I\'m sure you already know that we\'re going to war at Ahn\'Qiraj with the insects. But first the Warchief has decided that we\'re going to do something called \'prepare\'. Though I\'d rather be sharpening weapons and hammering armor into shape, I\'m proud to have been chosen to be in charge of tin bar collection here. But I cannot do that without your help.$B$BSo I need you to go out and make tin bars and bring them back to me here. I think I\'m going to need more than I can count.\r\n','Bring 20 Tin Bars to Grunt Maug at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','You have my sincere gratitude. Your efforts in helping Cenarion Hold have shown true courage.','The dredge strikers are a serious threat and must be dealt with quickly!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3700insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3655,8543,'The Horde Needs More Tin Bars!','Very good, I see that you are serious about the war. I\'m a little edgy waiting for it to start though, which means I\'m going to get angry if you don\'t start bringing in the goods faster. Maybe I can just practice on you instead.$B$BHar! Maybe not, \'cuz then who would bring me back the tin bars?','Bring 20 tin bars to Grunt Maug in Durotar.','Throm\'ka, $N. You honor me and the Horde with your tin bars. I will put them on the stack and then they will come and make things from them. And then when that is all done we will go to war and show the puny Alliance how to fight the bugs.$B$BNow bring me back more tin bars!','Very good, I see that you are serious about the war. I\'m a little edgy waiting for it to start though, as I\'m sure you are as well, $C. It will be glorious when it begins. The Horde running over the sands of the Silithus desert, weapons in hand, charging headlong into the insect masses. Great honor will be had that day by all!$B$BHar! But first we need more tin bars. Funny how such a small thing may make such a huge difference, don\'t you think?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3701insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3656,8544,'Conqueror\'s Spaulders','It is said among us that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate the wings of a dragon.$B$BBring me the bindings worn by the highest Qiraji leaders and I shall shape them into a set of pauldrons more dreadful than even the wings of Nefarian himself!','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal. May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3702insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3657,8545,'The Horde Needs Mithril Bars!','$C, the war it is comin\' and the only thing we can do is prepare for it. That be where you and I can help each other, mon. Ya see, they put me in charge of collectin\' all the mithril bars we be needin\' ta build for all the things we gonna need. An I still be needin\' more!$B$BSo, I be hopin\' that you can get out there an mine us up some mithril, then smelt it into bars. Sound like something you can do for us?','Bring 20 Mithril Bars to Senior Sergeant T\'kelah at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','This be a good start for you an me, $C. That be another twenty mithril bars that I can be puttin\' on the stacks an checkin\' off of the list. It all gonna be put to good use makin\' the war materiel.$B$BBe makin\' sure that you check back in with me \'cuz you know it be lookin\' like we gonna need even more of those mithril bars.','It sure would be nice to be havin\' all of the mithril bars that we be needin\' for the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort. Is that why you be back, mon? You got my bars?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3703insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3658,8546,'The Horde Needs More Mithril Bars!','Yup, I be glad you\'re here, mon. You helped me before, and now I need your help again. We still lookin\' ta bring in more mithril bars for the war effort; gonna build lots of armor and weapons and things to go squish them bugs at Ahn\'Qiraj.$B$BSo if you be a true friend, you bring me back more stacks of mithril bars. I take all you got until we hit our quota. You have some for me now?','Bring 20 Mithril Bars to Senior Sergeant T\'kelah at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','That be good work $N! Another twenty bars get us that much closer to the goal, and get us more war materiel. I see to it they get put away. And if you get another stack of mithril bars mon, you make sure to be bringin\' them here to me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3704insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3659,8547,'Welcome!','Welcome to the World of Warcraft!$B$BAs special thanks for purchasing the World of Warcraft Collector\'s Edition, turn in this gift voucher to Marsilla Dawnstar at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.  You\'ll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory.$B$BThanks again, and enjoy your stay in the World of Warcraft!','Bring the Sunstrider Isle Gift Voucher to Marsilla Dawnstar at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','You are indeed a special hero, $N. We welcome you to the world of Azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!','Greetings!  It is a pleasure to meet you!$B$BI see you have a special voucher.  Give it to me and I will offer you something in exchange.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3705insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3660,8548,'Volunteer\'s Battlegear','The badges you collect from performing combat, logistics and tactical assignments for Cenarion Hold are more than just for show, $N.$B$BYou\'d be wise to hold on to them.  As you prove your loyalty to our organization I can offer you some of the gear we reserve for our closest allies in exchange for those badges.  ','Bring 5 Cenarion Combat Badges, 3 Cenarion Logistics Badges and 7 Cenarion Tactical Badges to Vargus at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with Cenarion Circle to be able to complete this quest.','Great work, $N. Please accept this on behalf of the Cenarion Circle. You\'ve certainly earned it, friend!','It\'s in our best interest to keep our most loyal allies well geared, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3706insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3661,8549,'The Horde Needs Peacebloom!','It is said that every generation must face a defining trial. I fear the Ahn\'Qiraj War will be the crucible in which our mettle is tested. So we prepare, and in so doing find what we are made of.$B$BI have volunteered to help the Horde by gathering as much peacebloom as possible, so that it can be made into potions for the war. I hope that you are here to lend me your aid. If so, then I need you to bring back to me a good quantity of the herb. Will you assist me, $c?','Bring 20 Peacebloom to Herbalist Proudfeather at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','This was no easy task, yet you have excelled. But do not be too quick to think you have impressed me, $N.','Go now, $C. Seek out $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3707insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3662,8550,'The Horde Needs More Peacebloom!','Hello again, Abyssmal. I am glad that you wish to speak to me once more concerning our neverending need for peacebloom. The war effort continues, and with it our production of potions and elixirs to aid in the battles to come. Will you help us again, $C? I am in need of the same amount of peacebloom as before, so if you can gather it up and return it to me here I would be most grateful. Of course, if you already have it on your person, I will be more than happy to accept it from you now','Bring 20 Peacebloom to Herbalist Proudfeather at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Thank you for your continued efforts, $N. You bring great honor to yourself and your ancestors with your selfless giving, and it will be known to all! I will store these herbs away so that they stay fresh until they are needed. Once again you reveal the truest spirit of the Horde, the struggle to overcome and the promise that we can work together to do so.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3708insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3663,8551,'The Captain\'s Chest','I used to sail a ship from here all the way to Ratchet, in Kalimdor.  I was a successful captain with a sterling reputation.$B$BUntil...$B$BThose cursed sea giants ruined me!  They smashed my ship, killed my crew, and set me on a lifeboat to Booty Bay.  And one of the giants, Gorlash, stole my Captain\'s Chest.  He said he wanted it for a snuffbox.  The nerve!$B$BI hear Gorlash wanders the coast east of here.  Find him and get back my chest!  Do that, and you\'ll have earned a captain\'s gratitude.','Bring Smotts\' Chest to Hecklebury Smotts in Booty Bay.','You found it! Oh happy day, this is! Thank you, $N. Getting back my chest cools some of the fire in me.$b$bBut my revenge isn\'t complete...','Ahoy, $N! Did you find Gorlash? That chest was my favorite, and it has a hidden compartment that held my greatest treasures!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3709insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3664,8552,'The Monogrammed Sash','This fine sash has the letters \"HS\" embroidered along its hem.','Return the Monogrammed Sash to its owner.','You recovered my sash? Then... you must have killed Mok\'rash the sea giant! Hooray!$B$BI\'m glad the scurvy villain\'s dead - Mok\'rash was one of three sea giants who smashed my ships and killed my crew.$B$BThree times.$B$BYou are a $C of worth, $N.','Hello. Do you have business with me? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3710insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3665,8553,'The Captain\'s Cutlass','After I lost my first ship to those giants, I bought another.  Named Smotts\' Revenge, I filled it with supplies and crew, and set out to find the villains.  I found them, but...they beat me.  They smashed Smotts\' Revenge, killed my second crew and set me on another lifeboat.$B$BThis time another of the giants, Negolash, stole my cutlass.$B$BFace Negolash and bring me my cutlass!$B$BSpeak with Sprogger.  He was my cook on the Smotts\' Revenge, and survived the last attack.  He can help you find the giant.','Speak with Sprogger.','Hello hello, $N. Captain told me you\'re going after Negolash, eh?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3711insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3666,8554,'Facing Negolash','Negolash is a hungry giant.$B$BWhen the giants destroyed our ship, Negolash went straight for my kitchen.  He wasn\'t hungry for crew like the other giants.  Negolash wanted wine...and my Barbecued Buzzard Wings.  They\'re my specialty, and I had to go all the way to the Badlands for the recipe!$B$BIf you want to lure the giant, then get some wine and a heap of buzzard wings.  Put them in our old lifeboat, southeast of here along the coast.  When Negolash smells all that food, he\'ll come for sure!','Bring 10 Barbecued Buzzard Wings and 5 bottles of Junglevine Wine to Captain Smotts\' Lifeboat.$B$BKill Negolash, and bring Smotts\' Cutlass to Captain Smotts in Stranglethorn.','You got my cutlass from Negolash! I can\'t believe my fortune, $N! Meeting you has turned my luck to the better, make no mistake there!$B$BThank you! And if I ever get a new ship and you\'re looking to sail the seas, you would be my honored guest.','Did you get my cutlass, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3712insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3667,8555,'The Charge of the Dragonflights','','','Eranikus, Vaelastrasz, and Azuregos... No doubt you know of these dragons, mortal. It is no coincidence, then, that they have played such influential roles as watchers of our world.$B$BUnfortunately (and my own naivety is partially to blame) whether by agents of the Old Gods or betrayal by those that would call them friend, each guardian has fallen to tragedy. The extent of which has fueled my own distrust towards your kind.$B$BSeek them out... And $R, prepare yourself for the worst.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3713insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3668,8556,'Signet of Unyielding Strength','The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities.  The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.$B$BThe gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.$B$BBring me the ring and idols and I\'ll create a powerful ring for you, $c.','Bring 1 Qiraji Magisterial Ring, 2 Lambent Idols, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','I will swap the gem on the ring for you. You\'ll find the effect is much more... agreeable.','Did you bring me the ring and materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3714insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3669,8557,'Drape of Unyielding Strength','I\'m glad to hear you\'re aiding us in our attack on Ahn\'Qiraj, $N.  I can make you a protective item that\'ll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, $c.$B$BI shall need a Qiraji drape, which I\'ll resize for you of course.  I\'ll also need idols and scarabs which I\'ll use to create a suitable clasp.$B$BI promise you won\'t be disappointed.','Bring 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 2 Onyx Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus.  You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','Ah yes... this drape is immaculate.$B$BTake this cloak, $N. May it protect you from the foul magic of the Qiraji.','Did you bring the materials for the cloak, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3715insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3670,8558,'Sickle of Unyielding Strength','The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong.$B$BJust the sight of Qiraji artifacts fills me with an urge to practice my craft with their shattered and smelted pieces.  Prove your allegiance to the Circle, $N, and I will make you a powerful weapon from the finest Qiraji materials.','Bring 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2  Alabaster Idols, 5 Crystal Scarabs and 5 Stone Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','You\'ve done well, $C. This is a masterwork hilt... the balance is perfect.$B$BTake your weapon, $N. Wield it with great confidence and vanquish our enemies!','Did you bring me the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3716insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3671,8559,'Conqueror\'s Greaves','Qiraji magic is strong and ancient.  The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they\'d give pause even to a dragon.$B$BBring me the qiraji bindings of command and other minor components by and I\'ll create a set of powerful boots for you.$B$BYou will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of War, 5 Ivory Scarabs and 5 Gold Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn\'Qiraj.  This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.','You\'ve done well, $N. You\'ve proven you\'re no ordinary mortal.$B$BI give you these with the confidence they\'ll aid you in crushing the vile qiraji.','You\'ve acquired the items I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3717insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3672,8560,'Conqueror\'s Legguards','You seek to prove your worth to my kind, mortal?  Very well, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.$B$BThe ancient sandworm, Ouro, is a being of legendary power.  He is rumored to have been created by the Old God himself as a mockery of life.$B$BHis skin is unnatural... thick, nearly impregnable, yet it\'s flexible and allows him to move with the speed and grace of a much smaller creature.$B$BBring me a sample of his skin along with other minor components and I shall craft you leggings of great power.','Bring Ouro\'s Intact Hide, 2 Idols of Death, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Kandrostrasz inside Ahn\'Qiraj. You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','Yes... the worm\'s hide will make for an excellent protective layer. Combined with the strongest parts from the Qiraji we\'ve destroyed on our way here, this should make for a formidable piece of armor. May it aid you in facing the unspeakable horrors that await inside!','Did you bring the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3718insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3673,8561,'Conqueror\'s Crown','The Twin Emperors... their incessant whispers are slowly taking a toll on my sanity.  They mock me, knowing I cannot step further into their domain to save my brother Arygos.$B$BIn my visions I see their monstrous faces adorned by powerful crowns.  But I will have my revenge... I will transmute these symbols of Qiraji power to ones better suited to our needs.$B$BBring me the components I require, $N.  I will give you a headpiece of unmatched power.','Bring Vek\'nilash\'s Circlet, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','You\'ve succeeded! The whispers from the Twin Emperors have ceased.$B$BTake this as a reward. The mere sight of it will strike fear in the hearts of the Qiraji... it shall remind them of their fallen leaders and of the mortal that slew them.','Did you bring me the components I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3719insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3674,8562,'Conqueror\'s Breastplate','The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn\'Qiraj.  The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power.$B$BWhen the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath.  You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end.$B$BDo this and bring me a piece of his husk.  I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!','Bring the the Carapace of the Old God, 2 Idols of War, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','I did not expect you to return from your attempt, $N.$B$BYou\'ve fulfilled a destiny greater than that of most immortal beings.$B$BBy slaying C\'Thun you\'ve not only saved all of Azeroth, you\'ve also tipped the scales of cosmic events beyond your comprehension.$B$BAccept this breastplate as a symbol of the glory and burden that will come as a consequence of your actions.$B$BMay its power aid you in the challenges that await you, god-slayer!','At his dwelling in Ahn\'Qiraj, dread C\'Thun awaits in slumber.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3720insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3675,8563,'Warlock Training','As you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you.  For young warlocks here on Sunstrider Isle, your trainer is Summoner Teli\'Larien.  Speak with Summoner Teli\'Larien and see what training he has available for you.  The things he will teach do have a cost, so bring some coin with you.$B$BYour trainer - as with all the trainers on Sunstrider Isle - is inside the Sunspire on the lower level.','Speak with Summoner Teli\'Larien - the Warlock class trainer - inside the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','$N - your name has passed my ears as one seeking out a master in the ways of the $C.  You look capable enough, but I seek more than just looks from my students.  You must be ready to delve where others fear to look to gain your power.  I will teach you, but I will not tolerate failure.$B$BThere will be monetary costs associated with your training, but you should be more concerned with the cost your mind is willing to make.  If you are ready, we shall begin.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3721insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3676,8564,'Priest Training','As you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you.  For young priests here on Sunstrider Isle, your trainer is Matron Arena.  Speak with the matron and see what training she has available for you.  The things she will teach do have a cost, so bring some coin with you.$B$BMatron Arena - as with all the trainers on Sunstrider Isle - is inside the Sunspire on the lower level.','Speak with Matron Arena - the Priest class trainer - inside the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Welcome, $N - I am Matron Arena. I offer my services to those who seek to learn the ways of the $C. Such a path is often misconstrued as a path of pacifism; for we blood elves, this couldn\'t be further from the truth. While we do mend both bone and spirit, we also act as a fist of vengeance for those who would transgress against us.$B$BI will train you, but all I ask is that you cover any training costs that may come up, and that you learn with an open mind. If you agree to this, we may begin.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3722insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3677,8565,'Past Victories in Arathi','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3723insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3678,8566,'Past Victories in Arathi','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3724insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3679,8567,'Past Victories in Warsong Gulch','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3725insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3680,8568,'Past Victories in Warsong Gulch','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3726insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3681,8569,'Past Efforts in Warsong Gulch','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3727insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3682,8570,'Past Efforts in Warsong Gulch','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3728insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3683,8572,'Veteran\'s Battlegear','The badges you collect from performing combat, logistics and tactical assignments for Cenarion Hold are more than just for show, $N.$B$BYou\'d be wise to hold on to them.  As you prove your loyalty to our organization I can offer you some of the gear we reserve for our closest allies in exchange for those badges.','Bring 7 Cenarion Combat Badges, 4 Cenarion Logistics Badges and 4 Cenarion Tactical Badges to Vargus at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to be able to complete this quest.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3729insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3684,8573,'Champion\'s Battlegear','The badges you collect from performing combat, logistics and tactical assignments for Cenarion Hold are more than just for show, $N.$B$BYou\'d be wise to hold on to them.  As you prove your loyalty to our organization I can offer you some of the gear we reserve for our closest allies in exchange for those badges.','Bring 15 Cenarion Combat Badges, 20 Cenarion Logistics Badges, 20 Cenarion Tactical Badges and 1 Mark of Cenarius to Vargus at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to be able to complete this quest.\r\n','Great work, $N. Please accept this on behalf of the Cenarion Circle. You\'ve certainly earned it, friend! ','It\'s in our best interest to keep our most loyal allies well geared, $N. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3730insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3685,8574,'Stalwart\'s Battlegear','The badges you collect from performing combat, logistics and tactical assignments for Windcaller Proudhorn are more than just for show, $N.$B$BYou\'d be wise to hold on to them.  As you prove your loyalty to our organization I can offer you some of the gear we reserve for our closest allies in exchange for those badges.','Bring 15 Cenarion Combat Badges, 20 Cenarion Logistics Badges, 17 Cenarion Tactical Badges and 1 Mark of Remulos to Vargus at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also attain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to be able to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3731insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3686,8575,'Azuregos\'s Magical Ledger','You cannot understand a single word on this ledger. You don\'t even know what language it is written in!','Deliver Azuregos\'s Magical Ledger to Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.','<Narain eagerly examines the letter.>$B$BOutstanding, <race>! What is it? I can\'t read a lick of Draconic.','Ooooh! Magical pulsing thingy! For me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3732insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3687,8576,'Translating the Ledger','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3733insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3688,8577,'Stewvul, Ex-B.F.F.','If I am to translate anything, I will need my scrying goggles. Unfortunately, those were stolen quite some time ago by my ex-best friend forever, Stewvul. He broke my heart in five places and then left me here to rot.$B$BWith the help of my trusty crystal ball, I\'ve isolated his whereabouts to either the Greymane Wall in Silverpine or what appears to be a portal world in the Outland that is currently being overrun by the Burning Legion. You\'re going to have to track him down and get my goggles back, $N!','Narain Soothfancy wants you to find his ex-best friend forever (BFF), Stewvul, and take back the scrying goggles that Stewvul stole from him.','I can\'t believe he found me. I thought for sure that I\'d lost him when I was in the Outland. I\'m not going back there, <race>! No way, no how! I\'m through being his part time best friend forever and full time slave.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3734insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3689,8578,'Scrying Goggles? No Problem!','<You hear a sigh of relief escape the crate.>$B$BYou just want his scrying goggles? Great! That will be no problem... Just give me a minute to... Hey! Where the... Dagnabbit!$B$BWell, there\'s some bad news and some worse news. The bad news is that I lost the goggles. The worse news is that I lost them when I was nosing around in the Molten Core last month. Yep, the Molten Core... I guess that concludes our business! Bye!','Find Narain\'s Scrying Goggles and return them to Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.','Outstanding! Now where did I put that 500 pound chicken and Volume II of \"Draconic For Dummies???\" Oh, and here\'s a little something for all your hard work!','The Molten Core, eh? I hope my goggles are still in one piece!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3735insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3690,8579,'Mortal Champions','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3736insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3691,8580,'The Horde Needs Firebloom!','Hey, $c. Ya you, mon! There be a whole mess of firebloom the Horde thinkin\' they need for this Ahn\'Qiraj war effort. Maybe they put it in nice things that go boom? Maybe they give it to the Alliance as fuel for their steam tanks? Who knows? Not Pele\'keiki!$B$BPele\'keiki know this though... he know you gonna help him out and bring back lots of the firebloom, right, mon?','Bring 20 Firebloom to Batrider Pele\'keiki at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Cross your fingers, friend! Here\'s to hoping we can save Noggle!','Are you done collecting those samples? We could lose Noggle any minute now!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3737insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3692,8581,'The Horde Needs More Firebloom!','Pele\'keiki know you come to help. Bring many firebloom and make him very happy. Pele\'keiki might make big bombs with firebloom. Drop them on insects from his bat over Ahn\'Qiraj when war come. But Pele\'keiki need more firebloom, $C!$B$BYou gonna bring Pele\'keiki that firebloom, real quick now. Come back with at least as much as last time, and Pele\'keiki be pleased.','Bring 20 Firebloom to Batrider Pele\'keiki at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','This no joke, $C? You bring Pele\'keiki firebloom that fast? Pele\'keiki count them up right now, mon! You makin\' Pele\'keiki so happy, he be tellin\' everyone, $N best firebloom collector ever! Pele\'keiki can\'t wait for war to start. Now we really light up the sky over Silithus, right, bruddah?!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3738insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3693,8582,'The Horde Needs Purple Lotus!','The purple lotus, $c, is a reagent in a great many potions, elixirs and oils, some of which will be of use to us at Ahn\'Qiraj. We\'re going to need to create an immense number of those potions for the war effort. And I\'m going to experiment to find more uses for the lotus as well. But to do all of that I\'m going to need a great quantity of the flower.$B$BThat\'s where you come in. Go out into the field and collect up as many purple lotuses as you can. Is this something that you are willing to do for us?','Bring 20 Purple Lotus to Apothecary Jezel at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Good. Well done, $C.$B$BNow that Malcin is dead, we can at least know that the Scourges advances will be halted. The Dark Lady thanks you for your efforts and wishes to reward you with a gift.$B$BAlthough we do not know the extent of the Scourges influence within the Downs, I am sure we will discover their plots soon enough.','Have you found the Ambassador, $N? Is he dead?$B$BWe cannot afford to allow the Scourge to take a foothold on Kalimdor. They are enough of a threat to our own borders to have to deal with them on two fronts.$B$BThe only optimistic sign from the events you\'ve told me about is that the crone seemed uncorrupted. She must know deep in her spirit that the Scourge may bring great power, but that the Barrens would not truly be hers if she were to agree to their deal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3739insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3694,8583,'The Horde Needs More Purple Lotus!','In fact it does appear that we are in need of even more purple lotus, $C. While my own studies have yet to determine a new useful application for the herb, there are tried and true methodologies yet to be employed.$B$BI need you to once again go out into the field and collect at least twenty purple lotus samples. Return them to me here.','Bring 20 Purple Lotus to Apothecary Jezel at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Excellent and precise work, $N. Your diligence is to be commended, as is your celerity. I will personally see to it that none of these purple lotus go to waste.$B$BThank you again, and should you come by more purple lotus do not hesitate to bring them to me with utmost haste.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3740insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3695,8584,'Never Ask Me About My Business','If there is one thing that you should know about me, it is this: NEVER ask me about my business! I work with things you simply cannot understand. Like for example: Do you know what a psychotronic muzzledorf is? Of course you don\'t! And that\'s why we leave the planning to me and the fetching to you.$B$BAs I said earlier, if this is going to work, we\'re going to need a 500 pound chicken.$B$BHead to Gadgetzan and speak with Dirge Quikcleave - he\'ll get you started on finding a suitable specimen.\r\n','Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris wants you to speak with Dirge Quikcleave in Gadgetzan.','<Dirge scratches his head.>$B$BA 500 pound chicken? There\'s no such thing! Not anymore, at least. I knew of such a chicken... The Black Chicken of Death...$B$B<Dirge\'s voice trails off.>$B$BBut yes, nobody ever saw that chicken and lived to tell the tale. I\'ve got an idea that could benefit the both of us, kid.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3741insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3696,8585,'The Isle of Dread!','Legend has it that the chimaerok of the Isle of Dread in Feralas have the most succulent and tender vittles in existence! Now these chimaerok also have a daddy who, with proper preparation, may or may not look like a 500 pound chicken.$B$BHead to the Isle of Dread and kill Lord Lakmaeran and bring me his fresh carcass. That should satisfy the gnome. To satisfy me, you\'ll need to get your hands on some chimaerok tenderloin.$B$BDo this and you\'ll have your 500 pound chicken and a little something extra.\r\n','Recover Lakmaeran\'s Carcass and 20 Chimaerok Tenderloins for Dirge Quikcleave in Tanaris.','Look at the marbleization on those tenderloins! Fantastic!$B$BNow about that chicken... Hrm, let me see. I\'m going to need a few minutes to devise the recipe.','Mmmmm... Chimaerok...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3742insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3697,8586,'Dirge\'s Kickin\' Chimaerok Chops','My recipe is complete! What I need from you now is some rocket fuel and deeprock salt. I\'ll handle the spices and the meat you brought me will cover the rest.$B$BAfter you bring me what I asked for, the chicken will be ready to take back to Narain.','Dirge Quikcleave in Gadgetzan wants you to bring him 20 Goblin Rocket Fuel and 20 Deeprock Salt.','It\'s ready! I present to you my greatest creation: Dirge\'s Kickin\' Chimaerok Chops! ','Hurry it up, kid. We don\'t want this meat to go bad. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3743insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3698,8587,'Return to Narain','I\'m a goblin of my word, kid. Here\'s your 500 pound chicken.$B$BWhat a gnome wants with a 500 pound chicken, I\'ll never know...$B$B<Dirge grumbles something unintelligible.>$B$BProbably to sleep in it... Dirty gnomes...','Deliver the 500 Pound Chicken to Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.','<Narain mashes two fists into the huge chicken, stuffing his face full of Dirge\'s delicious delicacy.>$B$BMMmmm... This is unbelievable! Best chicken I\'ve ever had! ','What is that scrumptious smell? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3744insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3699,8588,'The Horde Needs Heavy Leather!','Since we\'re preparing for war, it might be best if we get all of the goods we need first, don\'t you think, mon? One of the staples of the war materiel that we\'re producing is heavy leather. We\'ll use it for just about everything, from reinforcement to armor, and good old plain tarps too.$B$BBut first we need to get our hands on more of it. That\'s your job, $c. Sharpen your knife and bring me back a bundle. Then we\'ll talk further.','Bring 10 Heavy Leather to Skinner Jamani at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Simply amazing... look at the purity of these samples. Hmm, I wonder what it could mean. They seem to be elemental in nature, but... something more. They remind me of... of the Old Gods. We\'ve found traces of them throughout Azeroth, and now I wonder if these creatures aren\'t related to them somehow.$B$BWe shall have to test further.','I\'ve got no time for games if you\'re just here to jibber-jabber, $C. There are too many stacks of heavy leather that need curing. Come back when you have at least ten for me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3745insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3700,8589,'The Horde Needs More Heavy Leather!','It\'s true, $C, I still need more heavy leather. The requests from the generals and their quartermasters seem endless. And that\'s nothing compared to what the zeppelin masters are asking for!$B$BI need to get my quota collected on the double. Baekun, bring me more stacks of heavy leather as soon as you can!','Bring 10 Heavy Leather to Skinner Jamani at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','You da mon, mon! Thank you so much for the heavy leather. Every little bit gets us that much closer. I\'ll just get these onto a pile so that the other leatherworkers can get to work on them.$B$BThanks again, $N, and if you come across more stacks of heavy leather, you know where you can find me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3746insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3701,8590,'The Horde Needs Thick Leather!','I\'m glad that you decided to speak to me about this, $c. It looks like the Horde\'s preparations for the upcoming Ahn\'Qiraj War are in full swing. But you and I still need to do our part.$B$BI\'ve been asked to collect a great number of thick leather skins for use in all manner of war materiel, and I need you to help me by going out there and gathering them up. There\'s honor and the gratitude of the Horde in it for you should you decide to help. Will you?','Bring 10 Thick Leather to Sergeant Umala at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Good work, $C. I\'m sure that these thick leather skins will be put to use reinforcing zeppelins and making all manner of armor and weaponry. You have my thanks, and that of the Horde. Come back again if you come across more thick leather in your travels, and luck be with you.','$C, have you returned so soon with the ten thick leather that we discussed?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3747insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3702,8591,'The Horde Needs More Thick Leather!','Druid, as you can see I still need to gather up more thick leather. Once again I ask your help with this task, and promise that if you complete it, you will be recognized for your efforts.$B$BTime is of the essence! Return to me with the thick leather so that we can finish our preparations and go to war, hero!','Bring 10 Thick Leather to Sergeant Umala at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','You did it, $N, I knew that you would! Once again, thank you on behalf of the entire Horde. Your efforts have been noted and are greatly appreciated. And if you find yourself with more thick leather that you\'d like to donate, bring them to me here.$B$BLok\'tar Ogar, $C!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3748insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3703,8592,'Tiara of the Oracle','The Twin Emperors... their incessant whispers are slowly taking a toll on my sanity.  They mock me, knowing I cannot step further into their domain to save my brother Arygos.$B$BIn my visions I see their monstrous faces adorned by powerful crowns.  But I will have my revenge... I will transmute these symbols of Qiraji power to ones better suited to our needs.$B$BBring me the components I require, $N.  I will give you a headpiece of unmatched power.','Bring Vek\'nilash\'s Circlet, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','You\'ve succeeded! The whispers from the Twin Emperors have ceased.$B$BTake this as a reward. The mere sight of it will strike fear in the hearts of the Qiraji... it shall remind them of their fallen leaders and of the mortal that slew them.','Did you bring me the components I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3749insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3704,8593,'Trousers of the Oracle','You seek to prove your worth to my kind, mortal?  Very well, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.$B$BThe ancient sandworm, Ouro, is a being of legendary power.  He is rumored to have been created by the Old God himself as a mockery of life.$B$BHis skin is unnatural... thick, nearly impregnable, yet it\'s flexible and allows him to move with the speed and grace of a much smaller creature.$B$BBring me a sample of his skin along with other minor components and I shall craft you leggings of great power.','Bring Ouro\'s Intact Hide, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Kandrostrasz inside Ahn\'Qiraj. You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','Yes... the worm\'s skin will make for an excellent protective layer.  Combined with the strongest parts from the Qiraji we\'ve destroyed on our way here, this should make for a formidable piece of armor.  May it aid you in facing the unspeakable horrors that await inside!','Did you bring the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3750insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3705,8594,'Mantle of the Oracle','It is said among us that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate the wings of a dragon.$B$BBring me the bindings worn by the highest Qiraji leaders and I shall shape them into a set of pauldrons more dreadful than even the wings of Nefarian himself!','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal. May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3751insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3706,8595,'Mortal Champions','','We sense the presence of our enslaved brethren deeper inside Ahn\'Qiraj; yet not even an army of dragons would be enough to rescue them, $R.$B$BThe same spell that imprisoned them would place us firmly under C\'Thun\'s control should we come any closer to him.$B$BThe Old God has foreseen our arrival. All hope is lost. What difference could a mere mortal like you possibly make?','I see that you\'re no ordinary mortal, $N. Your chances against the Old God, however infinitely small, are greater than ours at this point. After all, while he expects dragons at his doorstep, he is not prepared for someone like you.$B$BJust as Anachronos and Staghelm defeated the Qiraji a thousand years ago through the alliance of mortal and dragon races, we too shall form a pact. Gain the trust of the Bronze Dragonflight and you\'ll gain our trust. Only then we shall make a true champion out of you.','Give me Qiraji Lord\'s Insignia, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3752insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3707,8596,'Footwraps of the Oracle','Qiraji magic is strong and ancient.  The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they\'d give pause even to a dragon.$B$BBring me the qiraji bindings of command and other minor components by and I\'ll create a set of powerful boots for you.$B$BYou will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Death, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Gold Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn\'Qiraj.  This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.','You\'ve done well, $N. You\'ve proven you\'re no ordinary mortal.$B$BI give you these with the confidence they\'ll aid you in crushing the vile qiraji.','You\'ve acquired the items I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3753insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3708,8597,'Draconic for Dummies','I knew that book would come in handy some day! Thankfully, I had the wit and foresight to stow it somewhere safe.$B$BDon\'t worry, it\'s in a place that nobody could ever hope to find it! I needed a gyrocopter just to get there the first time. Unfortunately I crashed it on the beach on my way back. It was through that accident that I gained these super-gnomish psychic powers!$B$BLook for my crashed gyrocopter somewhere on Land\'s End Beach and swim south from there! You\'ll know the spot when you see it!','Find Narain Soothfancy\'s book, buried on an island in the South Seas.','The book is gone! On top of the dirt mound is a note.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3754insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3709,8598,'rAnS0m','<The text on this note is made up of various typefaces glued onto the parchment\'s surface.>$B$BWe\'ve got your precious book, gnome. If you ever want to see it again, you\'ll do exactly as we ask.$B$B<A detailed set of instructions is listed, spanning 3 pages.>$B$BBring the money and come alone!','Return the Ransom Letter to Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.\r\n','<Narain\'s face glows a bright red.>$B$BBooknap my... book, will they!? I\'ll teach them what it means to mess with a psychic gnome!','Say, what\'s the matter?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3755insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3710,8599,'Love Song for Narain','It isn\'t often that I get visitors. As a matter of fact, the last time I had a visitor was when I rescued that dear, sweet gnome from the wreckage of the crashed flying machine.$B$B<Meridith gazes into nothingness, lost in a memory.>$B$BDo you know him? Narain? Narain Soothfancy? Oh it would mean so much to me if somebody would deliver a message to him for me. I must tell him how I feel! I know it\'s love! I just know it!$B$BCould you possibly deliver a message to Narain? I would be forever indebted to you!','Take Meridith\'s Love Letter to Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.','What!?$B$B<Narain starts to fidget.>$B$BWell, um... What do you want me to do??? She\'s a fish! A FISH I tell you! And I\'m a gnome. It could never work out.','You smell like fish!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3756insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3711,8600,'The Horde Needs Rugged Leather!','I find that the fit of the knife in your palm is more important than the edge on it. Even the dullest blade can be made to cut if pressure is being properly applied through it, wouldn\'t you agree, $c? But you and I don\'t have such problems as we maintain the sharpest of edges, yes? $B$BWell, no matter, I have a task for you. In service to the Horde, and to do your part for the Ahn\'Qiraj war effort, I want you to return to me with a number of rugged leather skins. This is something that you will do, no?','Bring 10 Rugged Leather to Doctor Serratus at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Very well, it appears you\'ve done a fairly decent job of it, though some of those skins look a bit ragged about the edges. No matter, the task is completed, and you have earned your reward. Should you come across another stack of rugged leather, be sure to bring them to me posthaste.','It couldn\'t possibly be taking you this long to slice off ten rugged leather for me! Perhaps you should sharpen your skinning knife? Or, perhaps I am mistaken and you have them there in your pack?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3757insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3712,8601,'The Horde Needs More Rugged Leather!','Preparations for the impending war at Ahn\'Qiraj are proceeding, $C. However, to ensure that we do not fall behind, or at least that I am not the one that causes us to fall behind, I want for you to bring back another stack of rugged leather. Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated, $N.','Bring 10 Rugged Leather to Doctor Serratus at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Practice, practice, practice. A well honed knife and the skill to use it will get you far in this world, $N. Looks like the edges on these skins are better than the last. Did you buy a new knife?$B$BIn any case, we thank you for your efforts. Your donation has been noted, and will be put to good use I can assure you. Should you find yourself in the possession of more rugged leather, be sure to come back and speak with me, as I will probably need it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3758insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3713,8602,'Stormcaller\'s Pauldrons','It is said among us that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate the wings of a dragon.$B$BBring me the bindings worn by the highest Qiraji leaders and I shall shape them into a set of pauldrons more dreadful than even the wings of Nefarian himself!','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal. May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3759insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3714,8603,'Vestments of the Oracle','The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn\'Qiraj.  The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power.$B$BWhen the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath.  You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end.$B$BDo this and bring me a piece of his husk.  I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!','Bring the the Husk of the Old God, 2 Idols of Death, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','I did not expect you to return from your attempt, $N.$B$BYou\'ve fulfilled a destiny greater than that of most immortal beings.$B$BBy slaying C\'Thun you\'ve not only saved all of Azeroth, you\'ve also tipped the scales of cosmic events beyond your comprehension.$B$BAccept these vestments as a symbol of the glory and burden that will come as a consequence of your actions.$B$BMay their power aid you in the challenges that await you, god-slayer!','At his dwelling in Ahn\'Qiraj, dread C\'Thun awaits in slumber.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3760insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3715,8604,'The Horde Needs Wool Bandages!','Greetings, $c. In preparation for the war at Ahn\'Qiraj, I am here coordinating the Horde\'s efforts at gathering wool bandages. Unfortunately, out in the field, our soldiers cannot afford to rely upon the presence of a healer to keep them alive. Trust me, I know first hand. Thus, we\'re putting together all of these first aid kits for them.$B$BIf you have the time, I need many wool bandages. Return them to me here and I will see to it that you are properly rewarded.','Bring 20 Wool Bandages to Healer Longrunner at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','You have my sincere gratitude. Your efforts in helping Cenarion Hold have shown true courage.','The dredge strikers are a serious threat and must be dealt with quickly!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3761insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3716,8605,'The Horde Needs More Wool Bandages!','Good to see you again, $C. We are still working on preparations here for the war effort, and I can still use all of the help that you can give in gathering up wool bandaging. Any assistance at all will be greatly appreciated. I only hope that our efforts will be good enough. I\'ve lost too many noble souls on the battlefields of yesterday to not do everything in my power to see to it that doesn\'t happen again.','Bring 20 Wool Bandages to Healer Longrunner at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','You are an honorable $C, $N! I will see to it that these bandages get into the right hands. You have my thanks, and that of the Horde.$B$BGo in peace, and return to me again should you find yourself with excess wool bandaging. We can use all of the help that we can get here.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3762insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3717,8606,'Decoy!','I\'ve got it! Here\'s what we\'re going to do. I\'m going to fill a sack up with rocks and you\'re going to make the drop. I know it said that I should make the delivery and I\'m going to - sort of.$B$B<Narain looks you up and down.>$B$BYes, you will do just fine. Take this turban, robe, and sack of rocks and head to the drop off point in Winterspring.$B$BI\'ve included everything you need in this special kit. When they show up to pick up the goods, snuff them out! That will teach them to mess with Narain!\r\n','Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris wants you to travel to Winterspring and place the Bag of Gold at the drop off point documented by the booknappers.','I think we may have underestimated these booknappers.','','','Who Does Number Two Work For?','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3763insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3718,8607,'The Horde Needs Mageweave Bandages!','I trust that you are speaking to me because you are going to help with the collection I have been entrusted to? Good! By whatever means, and I do mean whatever, I wish for you to gather up a good number of mageweave bandages. Fresh would be nice, but not absolutely necessary. Return them to me here, $c, and I will personally see to it that you are properly rewarded.','Bring 20 Mageweave Bandages to Lady Callow at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Surprising, yet acceptable. Perhaps I underestimated your \'abilities\', $C. Perhaps. You completed a very simple task, and for doing so you are to be rewarded out of proportion. But don\'t let it go to your head. If you really want to prove yourself you should get out there and bring me another bundle of mageweave bandages.','Do not fail and make me look bad, $C! Return here as quickly as possible with the mageweave bandages we discussed.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3764insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3719,8608,'The Horde Needs More Mageweave Bandages!','You returned? Interesting. As you can see I am still collecting for the Ahn\'Qiraj \'war effort\'. Which means that I need you to once again go out and collect a stack of mageweave bandages for me. I look forward to your return, $C.','Bring 20 Mageweave Bandages to Lady Callow at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Astounding, $C, you actually did it again! Well, they do say that I have good taste in those that I choose to place in my service. Very well, your contribution is noted and you will receive the social benefits that your efforts have afforded. I suggest though that you go back out and gather yet another bundle of mageweave bandages if you truly wish to prove your worth.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3765insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3720,8609,'The Horde Needs Runecloth Bandages!','It appears inevitable that the Horde and Alliance are on a collision course for war at Ahn\'Qiraj. Surprisingly, it is not a war with each other, but rather with the silithid, and whatever force controls them. Also surprisingly, both sides are doing their part to gather the resources necessary to wage a successful war.$B$BI am collecting runecloth bandages to distribute to the soldiers, but I won\'t be successful without assistance, hopefully yours. Is this something that you can aid me with, $c?\r\n','Bring 20 Runecloth Bandages to Stoneguard Clayhoof at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Sweet, you got it!','Did you get the venom?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3766insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3721,8610,'The Horde Needs More Runecloth Bandages!','Ever does the time grow nearer when we shall launch ourselves headlong into the conflagration at Ahn\'Qiraj, priest. But first we must gather our strength and prepare so that we can survive the onslaught of the insects and their masters.$B$BIf you are here again, then surely you wish to make another contribution of runecloth bandages to the war effort? Please do so as soon as you can and return to me once more.','Bring 20 Runecloth Bandages to Stoneguard Clayhoof at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','It is a very selfless act of giving that you perform, $N. One that is likely to save the lives of many combatants at Ahn\'Qiraj. Thank you and know that you have the appreciation of the Horde for your donation. Should you create, or come across, more runecloth bandages, please consider bringing them to me here.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3767insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3722,8611,'The Horde Needs Lean Wolf Steaks!','I\'m not standing here just to get a nice tan, $c. There are war preparations to be made. If we\'re going to crush those bugs at Ahn\'Qiraj then we need to be ready, and that includes food too!$B$BThey have me gathering and salting lean wolf steaks here for the upcoming war. But since I need to stay here to take care of all of this, I need you to go out, kill some wolves and then cook up the meat into lean wolf steaks and bring them back to me here. You got all that?','Bring 20 Lean Wolf Steaks to Bloodguard Rawtar at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Wonderful, $C! These will do nicely. There are enough here to make a cloak for Korrin, and possibly even more! Thank you.$B$BI hope the trip wasn\'t too dangerous? The area of Feralas is not known for being forgiving, but you\'ve obviously done well enough.$B$BThank you again, $C.','The sprite darters can be dangerous critters when provoked. Be careful when dealing with them, $C. And be even more careful of any night elves in the area. The pestering fools tend to hold up in the forests also.$B$BWhen you\'ve gotten enough of the wings, let me know, I\'ll be sure to reward you well!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3768insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3723,8612,'The Horde Needs More Lean Wolf Steaks!','As you can see, $C, we still need to pack away more food for the soldiers. I don\'t know if you\'ve ever been in a war before, but once you get past the initial shock of the battlefield, you can get pretty hungry. You did a good job last time, so I expect that you\'ll do as well, if not a little quicker, in getting me another stack of those lean wolf steaks.','Bring 20 Lean Wolf Steaks to Bloodguard Rawtar at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3769insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3724,8613,'The Horde Needs Spotted Yellowtail!','It be a nice day for fishin\', don\'t\'cha think mon? Good thing, cuz I be needin\' a lot of fish it lookin\' like. The Horde, they askin\' me to be in charge of collectin\' a ton of the spotted yellowtail for them. They say they needin\' it for the war they getting\' ready for at Ahn\'Qiraj. I say to them I do the best I can. So I be needin\' to get some help. You gonna be helpin\' me, $c?','Bring 20 Spotted Yellowtail to Fisherman Lin\'do at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Wonderful, $C! These will do nicely. There are enough here to make a cloak for Korrin, and possibly even more! Thank you.$B$BI hope the trip wasn\'t too dangerous? The area of Feralas is not known for being forgiving, but you\'ve obviously done well enough.$B$BThank you again, $C.','The sprite darters can be dangerous critters when provoked. Be careful when dealing with them, $C. And be even more careful of any night elves in the area. The pestering fools tend to hold up in the forests also.$B$BWhen you\'ve gotten enough of the wings, let me know, I\'ll be sure to reward you well!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3770insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3725,8614,'The Horde Needs More Spotted Yellowtail!','So as you can see, we still be needin\' a lot of the fishies. The combatants in the upcomin\' Ahn\'Qiraj War gonna be needin\' a lot to eat, so I needin\' to get all the spotted yellowtail that I can. You catch \'em, cook \'em, and bringin\' \'em back to me here, and I be givin\' you thanks, and the thanks of the Horde.','Bring 20 Spotted Yellowtail to Fisherman Lin\'do at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','That be the best catch yet, $N! Good, honest work right there. And no bones too! Thanks goin\' out to you for this spotted yellowtail here mon. Come back soon if you cookin\' up some more!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3771insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3726,8615,'The Horde Needs Baked Salmon!','The Ahn\'Qiraj war effort is an immense undertaking, $c. All of the materials being gathered here, whether it is metal for weapons, or food to eat, are all as important as the other. For, if you haven\'t eaten in days you will not have the strength to lift your axe when it matters.$B$BThus, we gather what food we can. I am collecting baked salmon, a dish that was chosen both for its sustenance and its ability to keep well. Can you aid me with this task, $c?','Bring 20 Baked Salmon to Chief Sharpclaw at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','Wonderful, $C! These will do nicely. There are enough here to make a cloak for Korrin, and possibly even more! Thank you.$B$BI hope the trip wasn\'t too dangerous? The area of Feralas is not known for being forgiving, but you\'ve obviously done well enough.$B$BThank you again, $C.','The sprite darters can be dangerous critters when provoked. Be careful when dealing with them, $C. And be even more careful of any night elves in the area. The pestering fools tend to hold up in the forests also.$B$BWhen you\'ve gotten enough of the wings, let me know, I\'ll be sure to reward you well!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3772insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3727,8616,'The Horde Needs More Baked Salmon!','The last batch of baked salmon that you donated to the war effort looked very delicious, $C. I must admit that I was tempted to take a few for myself. As you can tell, we have not yet reached our quota here. I am hoping you have returned because you have another stack of baked salmon with you','Bring 20 Baked Salmon to Chief Sharpclaw at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3773insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3728,8618,'[Not Used] The Horde Needs More Singed Corestones!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3774insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3729,8619,'Morndeep the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3775insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3730,8620,'The Only Prescription','I should have known. My arch-enemy, Doctor Weavil, up to his old tricks! And now, thanks to your failure in Winterspring, Doctor Weavil has destroyed my book! How are you going to save the world now, hero?$B$BThe note I received stated that the only known copy of \"Draconic for Dummies: Volume II\" was ripped into 8 parts and scattered to the wind! If you somehow manage to find those missing chapters, use this magical binding to put them back together and return to me.','Recover the 8 lost chapters of Draconic for Dummies and combine them with the Magical Book Binding and return the completed book of Draconic for Dummies: Volume II to Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.','Fantastic! I can\'t believe you went through the hassle! Are you some kind of machine? If it were me, I would have probably just let the world implode.$B$BI tip my turban to you, sir. And no good deed should go unrewarded.','I put my pants on just like you - one leg at a time. Except when my pants are on, I make arcanite buoys. Arcanite buoys, baby!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3776insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3731,8621,'Stormcaller\'s Footguards','Qiraji magic is strong and ancient.  The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they\'d give pause even to a dragon.$B$BBring me the qiraji bindings of dominance and other minor components and I\'ll create a set of powerful boots for you.$B$BYou will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn\'Qiraj.  This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3777insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3732,8622,'Stormcaller\'s Hauberk','The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn\'Qiraj.  The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power.$B$BWhen the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath.  You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end.$B$BDo this and bring me a piece of his husk.  I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!','Bring the Carapace of the Old God, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3778insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3733,8623,'Stormcaller\'s Diadem','The Twin Emperors... their incessant whispers are slowly taking a toll on my sanity.  They mock me, knowing I cannot step further into their domain to save my brother Arygos.$B$BIn my visions I see their monstrous faces adorned by powerful crowns.  But I will have my revenge... I will transmute these symbols of Qiraji power to ones better suited to our needs.$B$BBring me the components I require, $N.  I will give you a headpiece of unmatched power.','Bring Vek\'lor\'s Diadem, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3779insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3734,8624,'Stormcaller\'s Leggings','You seek to prove your worth to my kind, mortal?  Very well, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.$B$BThe ancient sandworm, Ouro, is a being of legendary power.  He is rumored to have been created by the Old God himself as a mockery of life.$B$BHis skin is unnatural... thick, nearly impregnable, yet it\'s flexible and allows him to move with the speed and grace of a much smaller creature.$B$BBring me a sample of his skin along with other minor components and I shall craft you leggings of great power.','Bring the Skin of the Great Sandworm, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Kandrostrasz inside Ahn\'Qiraj. You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3780insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3735,8625,'Enigma Shoulderpads','It is said among us that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate the wings of a dragon.$B$BBring me the bindings worn by the highest Qiraji leaders and I shall shape them into a set of pauldrons more dreadful than even the wings of Nefarian himself!','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Death, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Bronze Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal.  May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.  ','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3781insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3736,8626,'Striker\'s Footguards','Qiraji magic is strong and ancient.  The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they\'d give pause even to a dragon.$B$BBring me the qiraji bindings of command and other minor components by and I\'ll create a set of powerful boots for you.$B$BYou will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn\'Qiraj.  This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.','You\'ve done well, $N. You\'ve proven you\'re no ordinary mortal.$B$BI give you these with the confidence they\'ll aid you in crushing the vile qiraji.','You\'ve acquired the items I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3782insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3737,8627,'Avenger\'s Breastplate','The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn\'Qiraj.  The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power.$B$BWhen the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath.  You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end.$B$BDo this and bring me a piece of his husk.  I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!','Bring the the Carapace of the Old God, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','I did not expect you to return from your attempt, $N.$B$BYou\'ve fulfilled a destiny greater than that of most immortal beings.$B$BBy slaying C\'Thun you\'ve not only saved all of Azeroth, you\'ve also tipped the scales of cosmic events beyond your comprehension.$B$BAccept this breastplate as a symbol of the glory and burden that will come as a consequence of your actions.$B$BMay its power aid you in the challenges that await you, god-slayer!','At his dwelling in Ahn\'Qiraj, dread C\'Thun awaits in slumber.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3783insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3738,8628,'Avenger\'s Crown','The Twin Emperors... their incessant whispers are slowly taking a toll on my sanity.  They mock me, knowing I cannot step further into their domain to save my brother Arygos.$B$BIn my visions I see their monstrous faces adorned by powerful crowns.  But I will have my revenge... I will transmute these symbols of Qiraji power to ones better suited to our needs.$B$BBring me the components I require, $N.  I will give you a headpiece of unmatched power.','Bring Vek\'lor\'s Diadem, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal. May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3784insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3739,8629,'Avenger\'s Legguards','You seek to prove your worth to my kind, mortal?  Very well, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.$B$BThe ancient sandworm, Ouro, is a being of legendary power.  He is rumored to have been created by the Old God himself as a mockery of life.$B$BHis skin is unnatural... thick, nearly impregnable, yet it\'s flexible and allows him to move with the speed and grace of a much smaller creature.$B$BBring me a sample of his skin along with other minor components and I shall craft you leggings of great power.','Bring the Skin of the Great Sandworm, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Kandrostrasz inside Ahn\'Qiraj. You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','Yes... the worm\'s skin will make for an excellent protective layer. Combined with the strongest parts from the Qiraji we\'ve destroyed on our way here, this should make for a formidable piece of armor. May it aid you in facing the unspeakable horrors that await inside!','Did you bring the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3785insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3740,8630,'Avenger\'s Pauldrons','It is said among us that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate the wings of a dragon.$B$BBring me the bindings worn by the highest Qiraji leaders and I shall shape them into a set of pauldrons more dreadful than even the wings of Nefarian himself!','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Crystal Scarabs and 5 Gold Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal. May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3786insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3741,8631,'Enigma Leggings','You seek to prove your worth to my kind, mortal?  Very well, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.$B$BThe ancient sandworm, Ouro, is a being of legendary power.  He is rumored to have been created by the Old God himself as a mockery of life.$B$BHis skin is unnatural... thick, nearly impregnable, yet it\'s flexible and allows him to move with the speed and grace of a much smaller creature.$B$BBring me a sample of his skin along with other minor components and I shall craft you leggings of great power.','Bring Ouro\'s Intact Hide, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Kandrostrasz inside Ahn\'Qiraj. You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3787insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3742,8632,'Enigma Circlet','The Twin Emperors... their incessant whispers are slowly taking a toll on my sanity.  They mock me, knowing I cannot step further into their domain to save my brother Arygos.$B$BIn my visions I see their monstrous faces adorned by powerful crowns.  But I will have my revenge... I will transmute these symbols of Qiraji power to ones better suited to our needs.$B$BBring me the components I require, $N.  I will give you a headpiece of unmatched power.','Bring Vek\'nilash\'s Circlet, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','You\'ve succeeded! The whispers from the Twin Emperors have ceased.$B$BTake this as a reward. The mere sight of it will strike fear in the hearts of the Qiraji... it shall remind them of their fallen leaders and of the mortal that slew them.','Did you bring me the components I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3788insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3743,8633,'Enigma Robes','The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn\'Qiraj.  The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power.$B$BWhen the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath.  You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end.$B$BDo this and bring me a piece of his husk.  I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!','Bring the Husk of the Old God, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','I did not expect you to return from your attempt, $N.$B$BYou\'ve fulfilled a destiny greater than that of most immortal beings.$B$BBy slaying C\'Thun you\'ve not only saved all of Azeroth, you\'ve also tipped the scales of cosmic events beyond your comprehension.$B$BAccept these robes as a symbol of the glory and burden that will come as a consequence of your actions.$B$BMay their power aid you in the challenges that await you, god-slayer!','At his dwelling in Ahn\'Qiraj, dread C\'Thun awaits in slumber.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3789insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3744,8634,'Enigma Boots','Qiraji magic is strong and ancient.  The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they\'d give pause even to a dragon.$B$BBring me the qiraji bindings of dominance and other minor components by and I\'ll create a set of powerful boots for you.$B$BYou will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn\'Qiraj.  This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.','You\'ve done well, $N. You\'ve proven you\'re no ordinary mortal.$B$BI give you these with the confidence they\'ll aid you in crushing the vile qiraji.','You\'ve acquired the items I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3790insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3745,8635,'Splitrock the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3791insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3746,8636,'Rumblerock the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3792insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3747,8637,'Deathdealer\'s Boots','Qiraji magic is strong and ancient.  The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they\'d give pause even to a dragon.$B$BBring me the qiraji bindings of command and other minor components by and I\'ll create a set of powerful boots for you.$B$BYou will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Crystal Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn\'Qiraj.  This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.','You\'ve done well, $N. You\'ve proven you\'re no ordinary mortal.$B$BI give you these with the confidence they\'ll aid you in crushing the vile qiraji.','You\'ve acquired the items I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3793insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3748,8638,'Deathdealer\'s Vest','The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn\'Qiraj.  The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power.$B$BWhen the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath.  You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end.$B$BDo this and bring me a piece of his husk.  I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!','Bring the the Carapace of the Old God, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','I did not expect you to return from your attempt, $N.$B$BYou\'ve fulfilled a destiny greater than that of most immortal beings.$B$BBy slaying C\'Thun you\'ve not only saved all of Azeroth, you\'ve also tipped the scales of cosmic events beyond your comprehension.$B$BAccept this breastplate as a symbol of the glory and burden that will come as a consequence of your actions.$B$BMay its power aid you in the challenges that await you, god-slayer!','At his dwelling in Ahn\'Qiraj, dread C\'Thun awaits in slumber.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3794insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3749,8639,'Deathdealer\'s Helm','The Twin Emperors... their incessant whispers are slowly taking a toll on my sanity.  They mock me, knowing I cannot step further into their domain to save my brother Arygos.$B$BIn my visions I see their monstrous faces adorned by powerful crowns.  But I will have my revenge... I will transmute these symbols of Qiraji power to ones better suited to our needs.$B$BBring me the components I require, $N.  I will give you a headpiece of unmatched power.','Bring Vek\'lor\'s Diadem, 2 Idols of the War, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','You\'ve succeeded! The whispers from the Twin Emperors have ceased.$B$BTake this as a reward. The mere sight of it will strike fear in the hearts of the Qiraji... it shall remind them of their fallen leaders and of the mortal that slew them.','Did you bring me the components I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3795insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3750,8640,'Deathdealer\'s Leggings','You seek to prove your worth to my kind, mortal?  Very well, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.$B$BThe ancient sandworm, Ouro, is a being of legendary power.  He is rumored to have been created by the Old God himself as a mockery of life.$B$BHis skin is unnatural... thick, nearly impregnable, yet it\'s flexible and allows him to move with the speed and grace of a much smaller creature.$B$BBring me a sample of his skin along with other minor components and I shall craft you leggings of great power.','Bring Ouro\'s Intact Hide, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Kandrostrasz inside Ahn\'Qiraj. You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3796insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3751,8641,'Deathdealer\'s Spaulders','It is said among us that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate the wings of a dragon.$B$BBring me the bindings worn by the highest Qiraji leaders and I shall shape them into a set of pauldrons more dreadful than even the wings of Nefarian himself!','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal. May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3797insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3752,8642,'Silvervein the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3798insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3753,8643,'Highpeak the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3799insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3754,8644,'Stonefort the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3800insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3755,8645,'Obsidian the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3801insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3756,8646,'Hammershout the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3802insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3757,8647,'Bellowrage the Elder','','','It is good to know the people of this land still pay homage to the olden races.  I bid you well, $N, and offer you this token...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3803insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3758,8648,'Darkcore the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3804insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3759,8649,'Stormbrow the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3805insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3760,8650,'Snowcrown the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3806insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3761,8651,'Ironband the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3807insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3762,8652,'Graveborn the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3808insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3763,8653,'Goldwell the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3809insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3764,8654,'Primestone the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3810insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3765,8655,'Avenger\'s Greaves','Qiraji magic is strong and ancient.  The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they\'d give pause even to a dragon.$B$BBring me the qiraji bindings of dominance and other minor components and I\'ll create a set of powerful boots for you.$B$BYou will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn\'Qiraj.  This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.','You\'ve done well, $N. You\'ve proven you\'re no ordinary mortal.$B$BI give you these with the confidence they\'ll aid you in crushing the vile qiraji.','You\'ve acquired the items I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3811insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3766,8656,'Striker\'s Hauberk','The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn\'Qiraj.  The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power.$B$BWhen the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath.  You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end.$B$BDo this and bring me a piece of his husk.  I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!','Bring the the Carapace of the Old God, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','I did not expect you to return from your attempt, $N.$B$BYou\'ve fulfilled a destiny greater than that of most immortal beings.$B$BBy slaying C\'Thun you\'ve not only saved all of Azeroth, you\'ve also tipped the scales of cosmic events beyond your comprehension.$B$BAccept this breastplate as a symbol of the glory and burden that will come as a consequence of your actions.$B$BMay its power aid you in the challenges that await you, god-slayer!','At his dwelling in Ahn\'Qiraj, dread C\'Thun awaits in slumber.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3812insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3767,8657,'Striker\'s Diadem','The Twin Emperors... their incessant whispers are slowly taking a toll on my sanity.  They mock me, knowing I cannot step further into their domain to save my brother Arygos.$B$BIn my visions I see their monstrous faces adorned by powerful crowns.  But I will have my revenge... I will transmute these symbols of Qiraji power to ones better suited to our needs.$B$BBring me the components I require, $N.  I will make you a headpiece of unmatched power.','Bring Vek\'lor\'s Diadem, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','You\'ve succeeded! The whispers from the Twin Emperors have ceased.$B$BTake this as a reward. The mere sight of it will strike fear in the hearts of the Qiraji... it shall remind them of their fallen leaders and of the mortal that slew them.','Did you bring me the components I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3813insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3768,8658,'Striker\'s Leggings','You seek to prove your worth to my kind, mortal?  Very well, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.$B$BThe ancient sandworm, Ouro, is a being of legendary power.  He is rumored to have been created by the Old God himself as a mockery of life.$B$BHis skin is unnatural... thick, nearly impregnable, yet it\'s flexible and allows him to move with the speed and grace of a much smaller creature.$B$BBring me a sample of his skin along with other minor components and I shall craft you leggings of great power.','Bring the Skin of the Great Sandworm, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Kandrostrasz inside Ahn\'Qiraj. You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3814insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3769,8659,'Striker\'s Pauldrons','It is said among us that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate the wings of a dragon.$B$BBring me the bindings worn by the highest Qiraji leaders and I shall shape them into a set of pauldrons more dreadful than even the wings of Nefarian himself!','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of War, 5 Crystal Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal. May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3815insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3770,8660,'Doomcaller\'s Footwraps','Qiraji magic is strong and ancient.  The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they\'d give pause even to a dragon.$B$BBring me the qiraji bindings of dominance and other minor components by and I\'ll create a set of powerful boots for you.$B$BYou will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Clay Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn\'Qiraj.  This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.','You\'ve done well, $N. You\'ve proven you\'re no ordinary mortal.$B$BI give you these with the confidence they\'ll aid you in crushing the vile qiraji.','You\'ve acquired the items I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3816insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3771,8661,'Doomcaller\'s Robes','The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn\'Qiraj.  The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power.$B$BWhen the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath.  You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end.$B$BDo this and bring me a piece of his husk.  I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!','Bring the the Husk of the Old God, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3817insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3772,8662,'Doomcaller\'s Circlet','The Twin Emperors... their incessant whispers are slowly taking a toll on my sanity.  They mock me, knowing I cannot step further into their domain to save my brother Arygos.$B$BIn my visions I see their monstrous faces adorned by powerful crowns.  But I will have my revenge... I will transmute these symbols of Qiraji power to ones better suited to our needs.$B$BBring me the components I require, $N.  I will give you a headpiece of unmatched power.','Bring Vek\'nilash\'s Circlet, 2 Idols of Death, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','You\'ve succeeded! The whispers from the Twin Emperors have ceased.$B$BTake this as a reward. The mere sight of it will strike fear in the hearts of the Qiraji... it shall remind them of their fallen leaders and of the mortal that slew them.','Did you bring me the components I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3818insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3773,8663,'Doomcaller\'s Trousers','You seek to prove your worth to my kind, mortal?  Very well, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.$B$BThe ancient sandworm, Ouro, is a being of legendary power.  He is rumored to have been created by the Old God himself as a mockery of life.$B$BHis skin is unnatural... thick, nearly impregnable, yet it\'s flexible and allows him to move with the speed and grace of a much smaller creature.$B$BBring me a sample of his skin along with other minor components and I shall craft you leggings of great power.','Bring the Skin of the Great Sandworm, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Kandrostrasz inside Ahn\'Qiraj. You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','Yes... the worm\'s skin will make for an excellent protective layer. Combined with the strongest parts from the Qiraji we\'ve destroyed on our way here, this should make for a formidable piece of armor. May it aid you in facing the unspeakable horrors that await inside!','Did you bring the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3819insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3774,8664,'Doomcaller\'s Mantle','It is said among us that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate the wings of a dragon.$B$BBring me the bindings worn by the highest Qiraji leaders and I shall shape them into a set of pauldrons more dreadful than even the wings of Nefarian himself!','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal. May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3820insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3775,8665,'Genesis Boots','Qiraji magic is strong and ancient.  The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they\'d give pause even to a dragon.$B$BBring me the qiraji bindings of dominance and other minor components by and I\'ll create a set of powerful boots for you.$B$BYou will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Silver Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn\'Qiraj.  This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.','You\'ve done well, $N. You\'ve proven you\'re no ordinary mortal.$B$BI give you these with the confidence they\'ll aid you in crushing the vile qiraji.','You\'ve acquired the items I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3821insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3776,8666,'Genesis Vest','The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn\'Qiraj.  The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power.$B$BWhen the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath.  You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end.$B$BDo this and bring me a piece of his husk.  I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!','Bring the the Husk of the Old God, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','I did not expect you to return from your attempt, $N.$B$BYou\'ve fulfilled a destiny greater than that of most immortal beings.$B$BBy slaying C\'Thun you\'ve not only saved all of Azeroth, you\'ve also tipped the scales of cosmic events beyond your comprehension.$B$BAccept this breastplate as a symbol of the glory and burden that will come as a consequence of your actions.$B$BMay its power aid you in the challenges that await you, god-slayer!','At his dwelling in Ahn\'Qiraj, dread C\'Thun awaits in slumber.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3822insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3777,8667,'Genesis Helm','The Twin Emperors... their incessant whispers are slowly taking a toll on my sanity.  They mock me, knowing I cannot step further into their domain to save my brother Arygos.$B$BIn my visions I see their monstrous faces adorned by powerful crowns.  But I will have my revenge... I will transmute these symbols of Qiraji power to ones better suited to our needs.$B$BBring me the components I require, $N.  I will give you a headpiece of unmatched power.','Bring Vek\'lor\'s Diadem, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','You\'ve succeeded! The whispers from the Twin Emperors have ceased.$B$BTake this as a reward. The mere sight of it will strike fear in the hearts of the Qiraji... it shall remind them of their fallen leaders and of the mortal that slew them.','Did you bring me the components I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3823insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3778,8668,'Genesis Trousers','You seek to prove your worth to my kind, mortal?  Very well, perhaps we can be of mutual assistance.$B$BThe ancient sandworm, Ouro, is a being of legendary power.  He is rumored to have been created by the Old God himself as a mockery of life.$B$BHis skin is unnatural... thick, nearly impregnable, yet it\'s flexible and allows him to move with the speed and grace of a much smaller creature.$B$BBring me a sample of his skin along with other minor components and I shall craft you leggings of great power.','Bring the Skin of the Great Sandworm, 2 Idols of War, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Kandrostrasz inside Ahn\'Qiraj. You must also attain Friendly reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','Yes... the worm\'s skin will make for an excellent protective layer. Combined with the strongest parts from the Qiraji we\'ve destroyed on our way here, this should make for a formidable piece of armor. May it aid you in facing the unspeakable horrors that await inside!','Did you bring the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3824insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3779,8669,'Genesis Shoulderpads','It is said among us that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate the wings of a dragon.$B$BBring me the bindings worn by the highest Qiraji leaders and I shall shape them into a set of pauldrons more dreadful than even the wings of Nefarian himself!','Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Andorgos in Ahn\'Qiraj.  You must also attain Neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.','From the materials you bring and from the scales of our fallen Qiraji foes I make you these pauldrons, mortal. May they grant you the protection you need and may the sight of them strike fear into our enemies.','Have you collected the components I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3825insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3780,8670,'Runetotem the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3826insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3781,8671,'Ragetotem the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3827insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3782,8672,'Stonespire the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3828insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3783,8673,'Bloodhoof the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3829insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3784,8674,'Winterhoof the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3830insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3785,8675,'Skychaser the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3831insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3786,8676,'Wildmane the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3832insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3787,8677,'Darkhorn the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3833insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3788,8678,'Proudhorn the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3834insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3789,8679,'Grimtotem the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3835insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3790,8680,'Windtotem the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3836insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3791,8681,'Thunderhorn the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3837insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3792,8682,'Skyseer the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3838insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3793,8683,'Dawnstrider the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3839insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3794,8684,'Dreamseer the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3840insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3795,8685,'Mistwalker the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3841insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3796,8686,'High Mountain the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3842insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3797,8687,'Target: Hive\'Zora Tunnelers','Reinforcements have been called on to join the assault on Hive\'Zora.  You have been selected to target Hive\'Zora tunnelers.  Report back to Commander Mar\'alith after completing your task.','Slay 30 Hive\'Zora Tunnelers and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing VII in order to complete this quest.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3843insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3798,8688,'Windrun the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3844insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3799,8689,'Shroud of Infinite Wisdom','I\'m glad to hear you\'re aiding us in our attack on Ahn\'Qiraj, $N.  I can make you a protective item that\'ll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, $c.$B$BI shall need a Qiraji drape, which I\'ll resize for you of course.  I\'ll also need idols and scarabs which I\'ll use to create a suitable clasp.$B$BI promise you won\'t be disappointed.','Bring 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 2 Jasper Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus.  You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','Ah yes... this drape is immaculate.$B$BTake this cloak, $N. May it protect you from the foul magic of the Qiraji.','Did you bring the materials for the cloak, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3845insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3800,8690,'Cloak of the Gathering Storm','I\'m glad to hear you\'re aiding us in our attack on Ahn\'Qiraj, $N.  I can make you a protective item that\'ll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, $c.$B$BI shall need a Qiraji drape, which I\'ll resize for you of course.  I\'ll also need idols and scarabs which I\'ll use to create a suitable clasp.$B$BI promise you won\'t be disappointed.','Bring 1 Qiraji Regal Drape, 2 Obsidian Idols, 5 Clay Scarabs and 5 Gold Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus.  You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','Ah yes... this drape is immaculate.$B$BTake this cloak, $N. May it protect you from the foul magic of the Qiraji.','Did you bring the materials for the cloak, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3846insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3801,8691,'Drape of Vaulted Secrets','I\'m glad to hear you\'re aiding us in our attack on Ahn\'Qiraj, $N.  I can make you a protective item that\'ll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, $c.$B$BI shall need a Qiraji drape, which I\'ll resize for you of course.  I\'ll also need idols and scarabs which I\'ll use to create a suitable clasp.$B$BI promise you won\'t be disappointed.','Bring 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 2 Alabaster Idols, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus.  You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','Ah yes... this drape is immaculate.$B$BTake this cloak, $N. May it protect you from the foul magic of the Qiraji.','Did you bring the materials for the cloak, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3847insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3802,8692,'Cloak of Unending Life','I\'m glad to hear you\'re aiding us in our attack on Ahn\'Qiraj, $N.  I can make you a protective item that\'ll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, $c.$B$BI shall need a Qiraji drape, which I\'ll resize for you of course.  I\'ll also need idols and scarabs which I\'ll use to create a suitable clasp.$B$BI promise you won\'t be disappointed.','Bring 1 Qiraji Regal Drape, 2 Vermillion Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus.  You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','Ah yes... this drape is immaculate.$B$BTake this cloak, $N. May it protect you from the foul magic of the Qiraji.','Did you bring the materials for the cloak, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3848insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3803,8693,'Cloak of Veiled Shadows','I\'m glad to hear you\'re aiding us in our attack on Ahn\'Qiraj, $N.  I can make you a protective item that\'ll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, $c.$B$BI shall need a Qiraji drape, which I\'ll resize for you of course.  I\'ll also need idols and scarabs which I\'ll use to create a suitable clasp.$B$BI promise you won\'t be disappointed.','Bring 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 2 Azure Idols, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus.  You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','Ah yes... this drape is immaculate.$B$BTake this cloak, $N. May it protect you from the foul magic of the Qiraji.','Did you bring the materials for the cloak, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3849insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3804,8694,'Shroud of Unspoken Names','I\'m glad to hear you\'re aiding us in our attack on Ahn\'Qiraj, $N.  I can make you a protective item that\'ll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, $c.$B$BI shall need a Qiraji drape, which I\'ll resize for you of course.  I\'ll also need idols and scarabs which I\'ll use to create a suitable clasp.$B$BI promise you won\'t be disappointed.','Bring 1 Qiraji Regal Drape, 2 Amber Idols, 5 Ivory Scarabs and 5 Bronze Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus.  You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','Ah yes... this drape is immaculate.$B$BTake this cloak, $N. May it protect you from the foul magic of the Qiraji.','Did you bring the materials for the cloak, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3850insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3805,8695,'Cape of Eternal Justice','I\'m glad to hear you\'re aiding us in our attack on Ahn\'Qiraj, $N.  I can make you a protective item that\'ll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, $c.$B$BI shall need a Qiraji drape, which I\'ll resize for you of course.  I\'ll also need idols and scarabs which I\'ll use to create a suitable clasp.$B$BI promise you won\'t be disappointed.','Bring 1 Qiraji Regal Drape, 2 Obsidian Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus.  You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','Ah yes... this drape is immaculate.$B$BTake this cloak, $N. May it protect you from the foul magic of the Qiraji.','Did you bring the materials for the cape, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3851insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3806,8696,'Cloak of the Unseen Path','I\'m glad to hear you\'re aiding us in our attack on Ahn\'Qiraj, $N.  I can make you a protective item that\'ll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, $c.$B$BI shall need a Qiraji drape, which I\'ll resize for you of course.  I\'ll also need idols and scarabs which I\'ll use to create a suitable clasp.$B$BI promise you won\'t be disappointed.','Bring 1 Qiraji Regal Drape, 2 Lambent Idols, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus.  You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','Ah yes... this drape is immaculate.$B$BTake this cloak, $N. May it protect you from the foul magic of the Qiraji.','Did you bring the materials for the cloak, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3852insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3807,8697,'Ring of Infinite Wisdom','The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities.  The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.$B$BThe gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.$B$BBring me the ring and idols and I\'ll create a powerful ring for you, $c.','Bring 1 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring, 2 Obsidian Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','I will swap the gem on the ring for you. You\'ll find the effect is much more... agreeable.','Did you bring me the ring and materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3853insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3808,8698,'Ring of the Gathering Storm','The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities.  The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.$B$BThe gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.$B$BBring me the ring and idols and I\'ll create a powerful ring for you, $c.','Bring 1 Qiraji Magisterial Ring, 2 Vermillion Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','I will swap the gem on the ring for you. You\'ll find the effect is much more... agreeable.','Did you bring me the ring and materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3854insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3809,8699,'Band of Vaulted Secrets','The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities.  The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.$B$BThe gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.$B$BBring me the ring and idols and I\'ll create a powerful ring for you, $c.','Bring 1 Qiraji Magisterial Ring, 2 Azure Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','I will swap the gem on the ring for you. You\'ll find the effect is much more... agreeable.','Did you bring me the ring and materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3855insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3810,8700,'Band of Unending Life','The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities.  The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.$B$BThe gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.$B$BBring me the ring and idols and I\'ll create a powerful ring for you, $g fellow : sister; druid.','Bring 1 Qiraji Magisterial Ring, 2 Alabaster Idols, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','I will swap the gems on the ring for you. You\'ll find the finished piece is much more... agreeable.','Did you bring me the ring and materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3856insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3811,8701,'Band of Veiled Shadows','The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities.  The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.$B$BThe gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.$B$BBring me the ring and idols and I\'ll create a powerful ring for you, $c.','Bring 1 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring, 2 Onyx Idols, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','I will swap the gem on the ring for you. You\'ll find the effect is much more... agreeable.','Did you bring me the ring and materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3857insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3812,8702,'Ring of Unspoken Names','The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities.  The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.$B$BThe gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.$B$BBring me the ring and idols and I\'ll create a powerful ring for you, $c.','Bring 1 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring, 2 Jasper Idols, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra  in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','I will swap the gem on the ring for you. You\'ll find the effect is much more... agreeable.','Did you bring me the ring and materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3858insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3813,8703,'Ring of Eternal Justice','The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities.  The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.$B$BThe gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.$B$BBring me the ring and idols and I\'ll create a powerful ring for you, $c.','Bring 1 Qiraji Magisterial Ring, 2 Vermillion Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra  in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','I will swap the gem on the ring for you. You\'ll find the effect is much more... agreeable.','Did you bring me the ring and materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3859insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3814,8704,'Signet of the Unseen Path','The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities.  The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.$B$BThe gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.$B$BBring me the ring and idols and I\'ll create a powerful ring for you, $c.','Bring 1 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring, 2 Amber Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra in Silithus.  You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','I will swap the gem on the ring for you. You\'ll find the effect is much more... agreeable.','Did you bring me the ring and materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3860insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3815,8705,'Gavel of Infinite Wisdom','The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong.$B$BJust the sight of Qiraji artifacts fills me with an urge to practice my craft with their shattered and smelted pieces.  Prove your allegiance to the Circle, $N, and I will make you a powerful weapon from the finest Qiraji materials.','Bring 1 Qiraji Ornate Hilt, 2  Lambent Idols, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','You\'ve done well, $C. This is a masterwork hilt... the balance is perfect.$B$BTake your weapon, $N. Wield it with great confidence and vanquish our enemies!','Did you bring me the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3861insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3816,8706,'Hammer of the Gathering Storm','The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong.$B$BJust the sight of Qiraji artifacts fills me with an urge to practice my craft with their shattered and smelted pieces.  Prove your allegiance to the Circle, $N, and I will make you a powerful weapon from the finest Qiraji materials.','Bring 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2  Amber Idols, 5 Ivory Scarabs and 5 Bronze Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','You\'ve done well, $C. This is a masterwork hilt... the balance is perfect.$B$BTake your weapon, $N. Wield it with great confidence and vanquish our enemies!','Did you bring me the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3862insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3817,8707,'Blade of Vaulted Secrets','The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong.$B$BJust the sight of Qiraji artifacts fills me with an urge to practice my craft with their shattered and smelted pieces.  Prove your allegiance to the Circle, $N, and I will make you a powerful weapon from the finest Qiraji materials.','Bring 1 Qiraji Ornate Hilt, 2  Obsidian Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','You\'ve done well, $C. This is a masterwork hilt... the balance is perfect.$B$BTake your weapon, $N. Wield it with great confidence and vanquish our enemies!','Did you bring me the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3863insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3818,8708,'Mace of Unending Life','The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong.$B$BJust the sight of Qiraji artifacts fills me with an urge to practice my craft with their shattered and smelted pieces.  Prove your allegiance to the Circle, $N, and I will make you a powerful weapon from the finest Qiraji materials.','Bring 1 Qiraji Ornate Hilt, 2  Jasper Idols, 5 Crystal Scarabs and 5 Stone Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','You\'ve done well, $C. This is a masterwork hilt... the balance is perfect.$B$BTake your weapon, $N. Wield it with great confidence and vanquish our enemies!','Did you bring me the components I require, Bueno?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3864insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3819,8709,'Dagger of Veiled Shadows','The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong.$B$BJust the sight of Qiraji artifacts fills me with an urge to practice my craft with their shattered and smelted pieces.  Prove your allegiance to the Circle, $N, and I will make you a powerful weapon from the finest Qiraji materials.','Bring 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2  Vermillion Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','You\'ve done well, $C. This is a masterwork hilt... the balance is perfect.$B$BTake your weapon, $N. Wield it with great confidence and vanquish our enemies!','Did you bring me the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3865insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3820,8710,'Kris of Unspoken Names','The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong.$B$BJust the sight of Qiraji artifacts fills me with an urge to practice my craft with their shattered and smelted pieces.  Prove your allegiance to the Circle, $N, and I will make you a powerful weapon from the finest Qiraji materials.','Bring 1 Qiraji Ornate Hilt, 2  Onyx Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','You\'ve done well, $C. This is a masterwork hilt... the balance is perfect.$B$BTake your weapon, $N. Wield it with great confidence and vanquish our enemies!','Did you bring me the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3866insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3821,8711,'Blade of Eternal Justice','The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong.$B$BJust the sight of Qiraji artifacts fills me with an urge to practice my craft with their shattered and smelted pieces.  Prove your allegiance to the Circle, $N, and I will make you a powerful weapon from the finest Qiraji materials.','Bring 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2  Amber Idols, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','You\'ve done well, $C. This is a masterwork hilt... the balance is perfect.$B$BTake your weapon, $N. Wield it with great confidence and vanquish our enemies!','Did you bring me the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3867insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3822,8712,'Scythe of the Unseen Path','The Qiraji and their servants wield items made with the rarest and finest materials: bones from gargantuan ancient creatures, gems from the depths of the earth, metals pure and strong.$B$BJust the sight of Qiraji artifacts fills me with an urge to practice my craft with their shattered and smelted pieces.  Prove your allegiance to the Circle, $N, and I will make you a powerful weapon from the finest Qiraji materials.','Bring 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Azure Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus.  You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.','You\'ve done well, $C. This is a masterwork hilt... the balance is perfect.$B$BTake your weapon, $N. Wield it with great confidence and vanquish our enemies!','Did you bring me the components I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3868insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3823,8713,'Starsong the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3869insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3824,8714,'Moonstrike the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3870insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3825,8715,'Bladeleaf the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3871insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3826,8716,'Starglade the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3872insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3827,8717,'Moonwarden the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3873insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3828,8718,'Bladeswift the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3874insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3829,8719,'Bladesing the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3875insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3830,8720,'Skygleam the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3876insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3831,8721,'Starweave the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3877insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3832,8722,'Meadowrun the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3878insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3833,8723,'Nightwind the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3879insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3834,8724,'Morningdew the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3880insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3835,8725,'Riversong the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3881insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3836,8726,'Brightspear the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3882insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3837,8727,'Farwhisper the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3883insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3838,8728,'The Good News and The Bad News','Well that took a little longer than expected. Now let me see what this ledger says.$B$B<Narain silently reads the ledger, periodically mumbling under his breath.>$B$B The good news is that I am 99% certain that I am capable of creating an arcanite buoy that will function to your specifications. This is, of course, wholly dependant on the bad news.$B$BThe bad news is that I\'m going to need a lot of arcanite, elementium ore, and rare gemstones.$B$BBring me what I need and I will craft the buoy.','Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris wants you to bring him 20 Arcanite Bars, 10 Elementium Ore, 10 Azerothian Diamonds, and 10 Blue Sapphires.','A deal is a deal. I sure hope you know what you are getting yourself into, $N. This is an awful lot of trouble to go through to do some fishing.','Arcanite buoys don\'t just make themselves, $N. And NO, you cannot borrow some money.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3884insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3839,8729,'The Wrath of Neptulon','Did I mention the bad news yet? Its name is Maws: 100 feet of death and destruction. I guess I may have forgotten that little tidbit.$B$BAccording to my superior psycho-psionic clairvoyance, you\'ll find that the best spot to cast this buoy is off the coast of Azshara, in the Bay of Storms.$B$BLook for a swirling maelstrom, most likely cluttered with wreckage.$B$BBy the by, I hope you have friends.$B$BNow if you somehow miraculously succeed, take the scepter shard to Anachronos.','Use the Arcanite Buoy at the Swirling Maelstrom at the Bay of Storms in Azshara.','Well done, $N. I will be able to reform the Scepter of the Shifting Sands soon.','Time is running out, champion.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3885insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3840,8730,'Nefarius\'s Corruption','Champion, is it you? A thousand years it has been since I was entrusted the shard and it is at my darkest hour that one should rise to relieve me of it... But what would tragedy be without cruelty?$B$B<Vaelastrasz coughs weakly.>$B$BNe... Nefarius now holds the scepter shard.$B$BTime is of the essence. Nefarius plans to destroy the shard. You must hurry!','Slay Nefarian and recover the Red Scepter Shard. Return the Red Scepter Shard to Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris. You have 5 hours to complete this task.','Vaelastrasz\'s soul is at ease, champion. The Aspects all watch your progress with great interest. Know that you have powerful allies.$B$BI was commanded to grant you something to aid you in this struggle. Use it well...','Another of our heroes lost to the spawn of Deathwing. We will be cursed with this suffering forever...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3886insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3841,8731,'Field Duty','Greetings, $N.  Before I assign you to more involved tasks in the war, you\'ll need to do your share of field duty.  $B$BYou will find Captain Skullsplit\'s Orgrimmar Legion outside Hive\'Regal.$B$BReport to him and come back to me with proof of your field service.  I shall have a more advanced assignment ready for you.$B$BOh, please do your best to stay away from the Ironforge Brigade.  Tensions are high among our Alliance and Horde volunteers.','Report to Krug Skullsplit at the Orgrimmar Legion post in front of Hive\'Regal.  Prepare your Unsigned Field Duty Papers, obtain Signed Field Duty Papers and bring them to Windcaller Kaldon in Cenarion Hold.$B$BNote: Healing or casting beneficial spells on a member of the Orgrimmar Legion will flag you for PvP.','I can tell that Krug has little use for paperwork. He signed this in silithid blood!$B$BVery well. $N. I\'ve prepared a set of tasks that should make good use of your skills as a $C.$B$BWith the continued efforts of you and people like you, our enemy will soon be crushed!','You\'ve completed your field duty. $N? Captain Skullsplit can be found outside of Hive\'Regal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3887insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3842,8732,'Field Duty Papers','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3888insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3843,8733,'Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream','This is a journey of redemption, hero. Would it be that I was slain today, I would have died for a just and righteous cause. You must recover the green scepter shard. You must cleanse Eranikus of the taint placed upon him by the Old Gods.$B$BTravel to Darnassus. Just outside the city walls you will find one of my agents. This agent will set things in motion for us and inform Tyrande of our plans without alerting Staghelm.$B$B<Malfurion sighs.>$B$BA fall from grace a thousand years in the making...','Travel to the continent of Teldrassil and find Malfurion\'s agent somewhere outside the walls of Darnassus.\r\n','The wisp is silent except for a low humming sound. Oddly enough, it is able to communicate with you through thoughts.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3889insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3844,8734,'Tyrande and Remulos','Tyrande will be notifed, mortal. Shan\'do Stormrage has prepared me for this contingency.$B$BNow you must venture to the Moonglade and speak with Remulos. He will have further instruction as to the summoning of Eranikus.$B$BWe all wish you great luck.','Travel to the Moonglade and speak to Keeper Remulos. ','It would be impossible to pull Eranikus from the Dream should he refuse. His intentions, however, require him to enter our world. He seeks to destroy the living manifestation of Malfurion. To do this successfully would mean an end to one of the most powerful allies of the Dream. The Nightmare would wholly consume all that would remain should Malfurion fall...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3890insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3845,8735,'The Nightmare\'s Corruption','You must travel to the four dream portals of Azeroth. From each you must draw a fragment of the Nightmare\'s corruption. The dragonkin that inhabit these areas will hold such fragments. Return to me when you have gathered these fragments.','Travel to the four Emerald Dream portals in Azeroth and collect a Fragment of the Nightmare\'s Corruption from each. Return to Keeper Remulos in the Moonglade when you have completed this task.\r\n','Are you prepared? Is the world prepared for what we are about to invoke? I do not know... I am bound by duty to Malfurion. Duty and honor...','<Remulos is lost deep in thought.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3891insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3846,8736,'The Nightmare Manifests','We must use restraint against Eranikus. We are to redeem him not destroy him.$B$BTyrande is already en route to assist us in this task. We must weather the dragon\'s blows and save Nighthaven from certain destruction.$B$BBe on guard! You and your allies are our only hope.\r\n','Defend Nighthaven from Eranikus. Do not let Keeper Remulos perish. Do not slay Eranikus. Defend yourself. Await Tyrande.\r\n','','','The Redemption of Eranikus','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3892insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3847,8737,'Azure Templar','The Twilight\'s Hammer and the elemental nobles they worship present a formidable threat to our operations in Silithus.  With the new enemies we\'re facing inside Ahn\'Qiraj, we cannot afford to lower our guard to our enemies outside.$B$BFind a way to summon and destroy an Azure Templar and report to Bor Wildmane.','Summon and slay an Azure Templar and report back to Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing I in order to complete this quest.','Good job, $N. Here\'s your next assignment.','Is your task done yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3893insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3848,8738,'Hive\'Regal Scout Report','We\'ve sent our best scouts deep into the silithid hives to gather intelligence.  Scout Landion has been watching the silithid movements at Hive\'Regal for several days now.  Find him and obtain a written report.  We need to be able to act on that information as soon as possible, $N.','Contact Cenarion Scout Landion inside Hive\'Regal and return the Hive\'Regal Scout Report to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing VII in order to complete this quest.','Your efforts are greatly appreciated, $N. I\'ll read these scouting reports right away, feel free to go over your next assignment.','You\'ll find Scout Landion inside Hive\'regal. Hurry, $N! Time is of the essence.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3894insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3849,8739,'Hive\'Ashi Scout Report','We\'ve sent our best scouts deep into the silithid hives to gather intelligence.  Scout Jalia has been watching the silithid movements at Hive\'Ashi for several days now.  Find her and obtain a written report.  We need to be able to act on that information as soon as possible, $N.','Contact Cenarion Scout Jalia inside Hive\'Ashi and return the Hive\'Ashi Scout Report to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing VIII in order to complete this quest.','Your efforts are greatly appreciated, $N. I\'ll read these scouting reports right away, feel free to go over your next assignment.','You\'ll find Scout Jalia inside Hive\'Ashi.  Hurry, $N!  Time is of the essence.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3895insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3850,8740,'Twilight Marauders','Bands of mounted Twilight\'s Hammer cultists have been spotted riding outside the reach of our forces in Cenarion Hold, picking off our smaller patrols and caravans.$B$BFind and defeat the twilight marauders along with their leader, a terrible warrior by the name of Morna.  Report to Windcaller Proudhorn after completing the task.','Slay Twilight Marauder Morna and 5 Twilight Marauders.  Report to Windcaller Proudhorn when your task is finished.  You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing IX in order to complete this quest.','Well done, $N. The twilight marauders were inflicting an unacceptable number of casualties on our patrols. Here\'s your next assignment.','Is your task done yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3896insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3851,8741,'The Champion Returns','The keeper awaits your return, $N. Take the green scepter shard to Anachronos at the Caverns of Time.\r\n','Take the Green Scepter Shard to Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3897insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3852,8742,'The Might of Kalimdor','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3898insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3853,8743,'Bang a Gong!','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3899insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3854,8744,'A Carefully Wrapped Present','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3900insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3855,8745,'Treasure of the Timeless One','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3901insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3856,8746,'Metzen the Reindeer','DISASTER has struck!  Metzen the Reindeer has been kidnapped!$B$BMetzen is one of Great-father Winter\'s eight reindeer - and property of Smokywood Pastures.  We\'ve received not one but TWO ransom letters from groups claiming to have Metzen.  With the holiday season well under way, we\'re strapped to the coin box here!  Please - find Metzen and return him to us!$B$BCheck out the ransom letters for clues, and sprinkle this reindeer dust on him - it will free him from any of his bonds!$B$BPlease, hurry!','Find Metzen the Reindeer.  Use the notes provided to you for clues as to where he is being held.$B$BWhen you find Metzen, have the Pouch of Reindeer Dust in your possession so you can sprinkle some of the dust on him; this should free Metzen from his bonds of captivity.$B$BReturn the Pouch of Reindeer Dust to Kaymard Copperpinch in Orgrimmar once Metzen is freed.','You did it!  Huzzah!$B$BMetzen flew back into Great-father Winter\'s stables - yes Metzen can really fly - just a little while ago!  The dust worked like a charm; I knew it would.  You\'ve saved the Feast of Winter Veil as well as Smokywood Pastures from disaster.  Thank you, $N.$B$BListen... because of what you\'ve done here, I want you to have this.  It\'s something VERY special; if you have a mount, I think you\'ll get a kick out of it.  Happy Winter Veil!','$N!  Did you find him?  Were the notes in the satchel I gave you enough information to locate Metzen?  I hate to think of what those cruel thugs might do to him... but there\'s no way we can afford to pay such an exorbitant ransom!','','Find Metzen the Reindeer and rescue him','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3902insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3857,8747,'The Path of the Protector','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3903insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3858,8748,'The Path of the Protector','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3904insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3859,8749,'The Path of the Protector','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3905insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3860,8750,'The Path of the Protector','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3906insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3861,8751,'The Protector of Kalimdor','Never have I seen such tenacity! The Bronze Flight grants you one final enchantment. The Timeless One himself has requested it so!$B$BHand me your signet ring so that I may make the necessary adjustments.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3907insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3862,8752,'The Path of the Conqueror','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3908insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3863,8753,'The Path of the Conqueror','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3909insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3864,8754,'The Path of the Conqueror','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3910insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3865,8755,'The Path of the Conqueror','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3911insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3866,8756,'The Qiraji Conqueror','Never have I seen such tenacity! The Bronze Flight grants you one final enchantment. The Timeless One himself has requested it so!$B$BHand me your signet ring so that I may make the necessary adjustments.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3912insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3867,8757,'The Path of the Invoker','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3913insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3868,8758,'The Path of the Invoker','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3914insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3869,8759,'The Path of the Invoker','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3915insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3870,8760,'The Path of the Invoker','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3916insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3871,8761,'The Grand Invoker','Never have I seen such tenacity! The Bronze Flight grants you one final enchantment. The Timeless One himself has requested it so!$B$BHand me your signet ring so that I may make the necessary adjustments.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3917insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3872,8762,'Metzen the Reindeer','DISASTER has struck!  Metzen the Reindeer has been kidnapped!$B$BMetzen is one of Greatfather Winter\'s eight reindeer - and property of Smokywood Pastures.  We\'ve received not one but TWO ransom letters from groups claiming to have Metzen.  With the holiday season well under way, we\'re strapped to the coin box here!  Please - find Metzen and return him to us!$B$BCheck out the ransom letters for clues, and sprinkle this reindeer dust on him - it will free him from any of his bonds!$B$BPlease, hurry!','Find Metzen the Reindeer.  Use the notes provided to you for clues as to where he is being held.$B$BWhen you find Metzen, have the Pouch of Reindeer Dust in your possession so you can sprinkle some of the dust on him; this should free Metzen from his bonds of captivity.$B$BReturn the Pouch of Reindeer Dust to Wulmort Jinglepocket in Ironforge once Metzen is freed.','You did it!  Huzzah!$B$BMetzen flew back into Greatfather Winter\'s stables - yes Metzen can really fly - just a little while ago!  The dust worked like a charm; I knew it would.  You\'ve saved the Feast of Winter Veil as well as Smokywood Pastures from disaster.  Thank you, $N.$B$BListen... because of what you\'ve done here, I want you to have this.  It\'s something VERY special; if you have a mount, I think you\'ll get a kick out of it.  Happy Winter Veil!','$N!  Were the notes in the satchel I gave you enough information to locate Metzen?  I hate to think of that those cruel thugs might do to him... but there\'s no way we can afford to pay such an exorbitant ransom!','','Find Metzen the Reindeer and rescue him','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3918insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3873,8763,'The Hero of the Day','Listen... I\'m not really supposed to be telling you this, but since you\'re the hero of the day and all...$B$BThere\'s fresh holly everywhere this time of the year, but it never lasts.  We\'ve got a machine that preserves holly - it never goes bad!  We use it to spice up the holiday... and profits during the summer!$B$BI\'ll let you use the preserver, but only if you\'re a master cook.  You\'ll need some deeprock salt and two, three, oh let\'s say five gold.  It\'ll net you a nice batch that\'s yours to keep.','Bring 1 Deeprock Salt and 5 gold coins to any Holly Preserver machine, upon which you will receive 5 Preserved Holly.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3919insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3874,8764,'The Changing of Paths - Protector No More','Champion, should you decide to walk another path, present me with your signet ring and a mountain of scarabs from our enemies in Ahn\'Qiraj.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3920insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3875,8765,'The Changing of Paths - Invoker No More','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3921insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3876,8766,'The Changing of Paths - Conqueror No More','Champion, should you decide to walk another path, present me with your signet ring and a mountain of scarabs from our enemies in Ahn\'Qiraj.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3922insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3877,8767,'A Gently Shaken Gift','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3923insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3878,8768,'A Gaily Wrapped Present','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3924insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3879,8769,'A Ticking Present','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3925insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3880,8770,'Target: Hive\'Ashi Defenders','As the war effort mounts, the silithid presence in the area presents an ever increasing threat to our operations.  You\'ve been selected to partake on an assault on Hive\'Ashi where your primary target will consist of Hive\'Ashi defenders.$B$BReport back to Commander Mar\'alith after your task is completed.','Slay 30 Hive\'Ashi Defenders and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing I in order to complete this quest.','Excellent work, $N. Your diligence is as noteworthy as always.','You have something to tell me, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3926insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3881,8771,'Target: Hive\'Ashi Sandstalkers','As the war effort mounts, the silithid presence in the area presents an ever increasing threat to our operations.  You\'ve been selected to partake on an assault on Hive\'Ashi where your primary target will consist of Hive\'Ashi sandstalkers.$B$BReport back to Commander Mar\'alith after your task is completed.','Slay 30 Hive\'Ashi Sandstalkers and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing II in order to complete this quest.','Excellent work, $N. Your part in the attack on Hive\'Ashi has been noted.','You have something to tell me, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3927insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3882,8772,'Target: Hive\'Zora Waywatchers','Reinforcements have been called on to join the assault on Hive\'Zora.  You have been selected to target Hive\'Zora waywatchers.  Report back to Commander Mar\'alith after completing your task.','Slay 30 Hive\'Zora Waywatchers and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing VI in order to complete this quest.\r\n','Excellent work, $N. Your part in the attack on Hive\'Zora has been noted.','You have something to tell me, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3928insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3883,8773,'Target: Hive\'Zora Reavers','Reinforcements have been called on to join the assault on Hive\'Zora.  You have been selected to target Hive\'Zora reavers.  Report back to Commander Mar\'alith after completing your task.','Slay 30 Hive\'Zora Reavers and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing IV in order to complete this quest.','I\'ve heard good things about your part in the Hive\'Zora attack. Keep up the good work and victory will soon be ours.','You have something to tell me, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3929insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3884,8774,'Target: Hive\'Regal Ambushers','As the war effort mounts, the silithid presence in the area presents an ever increasing threat to our operations.  You\'ve been selected to partake on an assault on Hive\'Regal where your primary target will consist of the Hive\'Regal ambushers.$B$BReport back to Commander Mar\'alith after your task is completed.','Kill 30 Hive\'Regal Ambushers and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing VIII in order to complete this quest.\r\n','Excellent work, $N. Your part in the attack on Hive\'Regal has been noted.','You wish to tell me something, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3930insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3885,8775,'Target: Hive\'Regal Spitfires','As the war effort mounts, the silithid presence in the area presents an ever increasing threat to our operations.  You\'ve been selected to partake on an assault on Hive\'Regal where your primary target will consist of the airborne Hive\'Regal spitfires.$B$BReport back to Commander Mar\'alith after your task is completed.','Kill 30 Hive\'Regal Spitfires and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing IX in order to complete this quest.\r\n','Excellent work, $N. Your part in the attack on Hive\'Regal has been noted.','You wish to tell me something, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3931insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3886,8776,'Target: Hive\'Regal Slavemakers','As the war effort mounts, the silithid presence in the area presents an ever increasing threat to our operations.  You\'ve been selected to partake on an assault on Hive\'Regal where your primary target will consist of the Hive\'Regal slavemakers.$B$BReport back to Commander Mar\'alith after your task is completed.','Kill 30 Hive\'Regal Slavemakers and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing X in order to complete this quest.\r\n','Excellent work, $N. Your part in the attack on Hive\'Regal has been noted.','You wish to tell me something, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3932insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3887,8777,'Target: Hive\'Regal Burrowers','As the war effort mounts, the silithid presence in the area presents an ever increasing threat to our operations.  You\'ve been selected to partake on an assault on Hive\'Regal where your primary target will consist of Hive\'Regal burrowers.$B$BReport back to Commander Mar\'alith after your task is completed.','Kill 30 Hive\'Regal Burrowers and report back to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Combat Task Briefing XI in order to complete this quest.\r\n','Excellent work, $N. Your part in the attack on Hive\'Regal has been noted.','You wish to tell me something, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3933insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3888,8778,'The Ironforge Brigade Needs Explosives!','The Ironforge Brigade has put in an unusual request for highly... volatile... components.  Gather them and bring them to Mr. Nozzlespring from the Ironforge Brigade.','Bring 6 Oils of Immolation, 5 Goblin Rocket Fuel and 10 Dense Blasting Powder to Arcanist Nozzlespring near Hive\'Zora in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing IV in order to complete this quest.','Ah, yes!  These will come in handy! Much obliged, $N!','You have something for me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3934insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3889,8779,'Scrying Materials','Geologist Larksbane\'s studies have proven to be of tremendous value to our operations in Silithus.  She has recently requested scrying materials to be used in her research.$B$BPlease gather these materials and deliver them to her directly so that she may continue her research.','Bring 1 Large Brilliant Shard, 1 Large Radiant Shard and 1 Huge Emerald to Geologist Larksbane at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing V in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3935insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3890,8780,'Armor Kits for the Field','The Ironforge Brigade\'s supply of armor kits in the battlefield is running dangerously low.  Obtain a batch and deliver them to Janela Stouthammer at the Ironforge Brigade\'s outpost outside Hive\'Zora.','Bring 8 Rugged Armor Kits and 8 Heavy Armor Kits to Janela Stouthammer at the Ironforge Brigade Outpost near Hive\'Zora in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing VII in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3936insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3891,8781,'Arms for the Field','The Ironforge Brigade has been a worthy ally in our fight in Silithus.  Unfortunately, many of their supplies were lost on their way here.  Procure a batch of weapons and deliver them to Janela Stouthammer near Hive\'Zora.','Bring 2 Moonsteel Broadswords to Janela Stouthammer at the Ironforge Brigade Outpost outside of Hive\'Zora.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing VI in order to complete this quest.','Oh, excellent! I won\'t have to hear complaints about dull blades anymore. Thank you, $N.','You have something for me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3937insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3892,8782,'Uniform Supplies','The latest influx of volunteers has caused a shortage of uniforms.  Procure a batch of uniform materials and bring them to Windcaller Proudhorn.','Bring 1 Mooncloth, 2 Bolts of Runecloth and 1 Ironweb Spider Silk to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing VIII in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3938insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3893,8783,'Extraordinary Materials','Vargus, Cenarion Hold\'s blacksmith, has requested enchanted materials to be used in the crafting of powerful weapons for our forces.  Obtain these and bring them directly to Vargus so that Cenarion Hold\'s troops may continue to be well equipped.','Bring 2 Enchanted Thorium Bars and 2 Enchanted Leather to Vargus at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing IX in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3939insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3894,8784,'Secrets of the Qiraji','You have discovered an ancient Qiraji artifact! Perhaps one of the dragons near the entrance of the temple would have a use for this relic.','Take the Ancient Qiraji Artifact to the dragons hiding near the entrance of the temple.\r\n','An exceptional find, $N. Simply marvelous! This will definitely give us some insight into our enemy\'s twisted minds.','You\'re glowing! I know what that means...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3940insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3895,8785,'The Orgrimmar Legion Needs Mojo!','The Orgrimmar Legion has put in a request for several unusual ingredients.  Given their current performance in Silithus, we\'d like to comply with their request as soon as possible.  Gather the materials and bring them to the troll called Shai.','Bring 6 Powerful Mojo, 6 Flasks of Big Mojo and 8 Oils of Immolation to Shadow Priestess Shai near Hive\'Regal in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing IV in order to complete this quest.','Ah, yes. Just what I needed! I\'ll make a special concoction with this. The silithid won\'t like it one bit!','Do you have my materials, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3941insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3896,8786,'Arms for the Field','The Orgrimmar Legion has put in a request for additional weapons that we haven\'t been able to provide at the moment.  Obtain the weapons they\'ve requested and bring them to Merok Longstride outside of Hive\'Regal.','Bring 3 Massive Iron Axes to Merok Longstride at the Orgrimmar Legion camp outside of Hive\'Regal.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing VI in order to complete this quest.','Excellent work. We were in short supply of these, $N.','You have something for me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3942insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3897,8787,'Armor Kits for the Field','The brave volunteers of the Orgrimmar Legion have arrived to Silithus to aid us in our cause.  Their supplies of armor kits were somehow lost in the trip.  Obtain a batch of armor kits and deliver them to Merok Longstride at the location of the Orgrimmar Legion camp.','Bring 8 Rugged Armor Kits and 8 Heavy Armor Kits to Merok Longstride near Hive\'Regal.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing VII in order to complete this quest.','Ah, yes... I will distribute these to the troops, $N. The Orgrimmar Legion thanks you!','You have something for me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3943insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3898,8788,'A Gently Shaken Gift','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3944insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3899,8789,'Imperial Qiraji Armaments','We have not sat idly by for a millennium, $N.$B$BWe have watched these beasts feast on their own when they have exhausted their utility. We have listened as they have plotted and schemed to destroy our world. And we have learned of their own internal treachery.$B$BWeaknesses exist and we know how to use those weaknesses to our advantage.$B$BFind and bring me their ceremonial armaments: Combined with the element created from the volatility of their own God, they will become a force of reckoning.','Arygos in the Temple of Ahn\'Qiraj will create Elementium Infused Armaments for you should you bring him Imperial Qiraji Armaments and 3 Elementium Ore.','Infused with Elementium, these weapons will cut through the Qiraji and their God with incredible ease.','Seek out what I requested. You will become greater than the sum of your parts, champion.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3945insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3900,8790,'Imperial Qiraji Regalia','Arygos theorizes that the element which is born of conflicts between the Old Gods and their minions is also extremely deadly to them under the right conditions. I speak of Elementium, mortal.$B$BFind and bring me Imperial Qiraji Regalia and the toxic element and I shall infuse weapons of great power.\r\n','Merithra of the Dream in the Temple of Ahn\'Qiraj will create Elementium Infused Armaments for you should you bring her Imperial Qiraji Regalia and 3 Elementium Ore.\r\n','Use the item well, $N. Let them feel the pain that they so dearly wish to inflict upon others.','You will strike them down and free us of these bonds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3946insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3901,8791,'The Fall of Ossirian','A terrible menace has been laid to rest. The cruel Ossirian has been vanquished.$B$BThe denizens of Kalimdor would be relieved to know of this victory. Take Ossirian\'s head and present it to Commander Mar\'alith of Cenarion Hold.','Deliver the Head of Ossirian the Unscarred to Commander Mar\'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.\r\n','I offer you my highest commendation and your choice of an item of power, $N. You have done the people of Kalimdor a great service.','Ah, $N, you have returned! And in one piece, I might add. What news do you bring from Ahn\'Qiraj?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3947insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3902,8792,'The Horde Needs Your Help!','Hello, I\'m glad that you\'ve decided to hear me out. The Horde needs all of the help that it can get to prepare for the Ahn\'Qiraj War, and that means that we need you! Even now as we speak, official collectors are gathering the necessary material needed for the upcoming war, but we won\'t be able to meet our goals without your assistance, $N!$B$BYou should go speak with the guy in charge, Warlord Gorchuk. What do you say, $c? Will you help out with the vital preparations?','Speak with Warlord Gorchuk in Orgrimmar\'s Valley of Spirits.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3948insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3903,8793,'The Horde Needs Your Help!','Hello, I\'m glad that you\'ve decided to hear me out. The Horde needs all of the help that it can get to prepare for the Ahn\'Qiraj War, and that means that we need you! Even now as we speak, official collectors are gathering the necessary material needed for the upcoming war, but we won\'t be able to meet our goals without your assistance, $N!$B$BYou should go speak with the guy in charge, Warlord Gorchuk. What do you say, $c? Will you help out with the vital preparations?','Speak with Warlord Gorchuk in Orgrimmar\'s Valley of Spirits.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3949insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3904,8794,'The Horde Needs Your Help!','Hello, I\'m glad that you\'ve decided to hear me out. The Horde needs all of the help that it can get to prepare for the Ahn\'Qiraj War, and that means that we need you! Even now as we speak, official collectors are gathering the necessary material needed for the upcoming war, but we won\'t be able to meet our goals without your assistance, $N!$B$BYou should go speak with the guy in charge, Warlord Gorchuk. What do you say, $c? Will you help out with the vital preparations?','Speak with Warlord Gorchuk in Orgrimmar\'s Valley of Spirits.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3950insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3905,8795,'The Alliance Needs Your Help!','Hello, I\'m glad that you\'ve decided to hear me out. The Alliance needs all of the help that it can get to prepare for the Ahn\'Qiraj War, and that means that we need you! Even now as we speak, official collectors are gathering the necessary material needed for the upcoming war, but we won\'t be able to meet our goals without your assistance, $N!$B$BYou should go speak with the guy in charge, Field Marshal Snowfall. What do you say, $c? Will you help out with the vital preparations?','Speak with Field Marshal Snowfall in Ironforge\'s Military Ward.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3951insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3906,8796,'The Alliance Needs Your Help!','Hello, I\'m glad that you\'ve decided to hear me out. The Alliance needs all of the help that it can get to prepare for the Ahn\'Qiraj War, and that means that we need you! Even now as we speak, official collectors are gathering the necessary material needed for the upcoming war, but we won\'t be able to meet our goals without your assistance, $N!$B$BYou should go speak with the guy in charge, Field Marshal Snowfall. What do you say, $c? Will you help out with the vital preparations?','Speak with Field Marshal Snowfall in Ironforge\'s Military Ward.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3952insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3907,8797,'The Alliance Needs Your Help!','Hello, I\'m glad that you\'ve decided to hear me out. The Alliance needs all of the help that it can get to prepare for the Ahn\'Qiraj War, and that means that we need you! Even now as we speak, official collectors are gathering the necessary material needed for the upcoming war, but we won\'t be able to meet our goals without your assistance, $N!$B$BYou should go speak with the guy in charge, Field Marshal Snowfall. What do you say, $c? Will you help out with the vital preparations?','Speak with Field Marshal Snowfall in Ironforge\'s Military Ward.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3953insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3908,8798,'A Yeti of Your Own','','','Say! You know what?! You\'re an engineer too! So, since you helped me teach my friends a lesson, I\'m going to teach you how to make your very own mechanical yeti! Now the fun can go on forever and ever, and you can scare whoever you want! Provided that you can scare up the components to make it that is. $B$BWhat do you say, $N? Do you want to learn the secret to making a mechanical yeti?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3954insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3909,8799,'The Hero of the Day','Listen... I\'m not really supposed to be telling you this, but since you\'re the hero of the day and all...$B$BThere\'s fresh holly everywhere this time of the year, but it never lasts.  We\'ve got a machine that preserves holly - it never goes bad!  We use it to spice up the holiday... and profits during the summer!$B$BI\'ll let you use the preserver, but only if you\'re a master cook.  You\'ll need some deeprock salt and two, three, oh let\'s say five gold.  It\'ll net you a nice batch that\'s yours to keep.','Bring 1 Deeprock Salt and 5 gold coins to the Holly Preserver machine, upon which you will receive 5 Preserved Holly.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3955insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3910,8800,'Cenarion Battlegear','As you complete the tasks you\'re assigned in the war you\'ll want to talk to Vargus, the blacksmith.  Show him any badges you\'ve earned along the way. He\'ll provide you with gear to match your level of commitment to our cause.','Talk to Vargus at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3956insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3911,8801,'C\'Thun\'s Legacy','The walls of Ahn\'Qiraj tremble. A force of evil, older than the world itself, has been destroyed.$B$BAs you look at the remnants of the colossal abomination your heart nearly freezes. Even in death you can feel the legacy of C\'Thun\'s evil around you.$B$BYou have done what was thought to be impossible.$B$BYou grab at an eye stalk of the fiend, stowing it safely in your pack.$B$BTake the Eye of C\'Thun to the dragons in the next chamber. ','Take the Eye of C\'Thun to Caelastrasz in the Temple of Ahn\'Qiraj.','We will leave this place on our own, Lady $N - once we are certain that the evil within has been wholly destroyed. Your journey of legend is almost at an end.','Lady $N, you have freed us of its grasp.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3957insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3912,8802,'The Savior of Kalimdor','To the Caverns of Time you go, $G Lord:Lady; $N. Anachronos awaits your return. Give him the eye of C\'Thun as he will undoubtedly wish to place it in his master\'s collection.\r\n','Take the Eye of C\'Thun to Anachronos at the Caverns of Time.','The Master has left these for you, champion. From the timeless cache: A collection of artifacts spanning thousands of years - the choice is yours.','Lord $N! It is over...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3958insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3913,8803,'A Festive Gift','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3959insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3914,8804,'Desert Survival Kits','With the arrival of fresh recruits to Cenarion Hold comes the problem of keeping them alive in the desert.  Dehydration as well as numerous poisonous creatures present a serious threat to inexperienced volunteers.  Gather the supplies necessary for a desert survival kit and bring them to Calandrath in Cenarion Hold.','Bring 4 Globes of Water, 4 Powerful Anti-Venom and 4 Smoked Desert Dumplings to Calandrath at the inn in Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing I in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3960insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3915,8805,'Boots for the Guard','The mounted division of the Cenarion Hold guard is in short supply of ornate mithril boots.  Procure a batch and deliver them immediately to Captain Vish Kozus in Cenarion Hold.','Bring 3 Ornate Mithril Boots to Vish Kozus, Captain of the Guard at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing II in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3961insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3916,8806,'Grinding Stones for the Guard','The Cenarion Hold guard is in short supply of grinding stones.  Procure a batch and deliver them immediately to Captain Vish Kozus in Cenarion Hold.','Bring 10 Dense Grinding Stones, 10 Solid Grinding Stones and 10 Heavy Grinding Stones to Vish Kozus, Captain of the Guard at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing III in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3962insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3917,8807,'Scrying Materials','Geologist Larksbane\'s studies have proven to be of tremendous value to our operations in Silithus.  She has recently requested scrying materials to be used in her research.$B$BPlease gather these materials and deliver them to her directly so that she may continue her research.','Bring 1 Large Brilliant Shard, 1 Large Radiant Shard and 1 Huge Emerald to Geologist Larksbane at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing V in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3963insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3918,8808,'Uniform Supplies','The latest influx of volunteers has caused a shortage of uniforms.  Procure a batch of uniform materials and bring them to Windcaller Proudhorn.','Bring 1 Mooncloth, 2 Bolts of Runecloth and 1 Ironweb Spider Silk to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing VIII in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3964insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3919,8809,'Extraordinary Materials','Vargus, Cenarion Hold\'s blacksmith, has requested enchanted materials to be used in the crafting of powerful weapons for our forces.  Obtain these and bring them directly to Vargus so that Cenarion Hold\'s troops may continue to be well equipped.','Bring 2 Enchanted Thorium Bars and 2 Enchanted Leather to Vargus at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing IX in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3965insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3920,8810,'Bandages for the Field','Our supply of bandages in the battlefield is running dangerously low after the recent casualties we have incurred.  Obtain a batch of first-aid supplies and deliver them to Windcaller Proudhorn in Cenarion Hold.','Bring 30 Heavy Runecloth Bandages, 30 Heavy Silk Bandages and 30 Heavy Mageweave Bandages to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing X in order to complete this quest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3966insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3921,8811,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Stormwind.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3967insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3922,8812,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Ironforge.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3968insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3923,8813,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Darnassus.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3969insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3924,8814,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with the Gnomeregan exiles.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3970insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3925,8815,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Orgrimmar.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3971insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3926,8816,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Undercity.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3972insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3927,8817,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Thunder Bluff.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3973insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3928,8818,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with the Darkspear tribe.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3974insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3929,8819,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Stormwind. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3975insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3930,8820,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Ironforge. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3976insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3931,8821,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Darnassus. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3977insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3932,8822,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with the Gnomeregan exiles. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3978insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3933,8823,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Orgrimmar. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3979insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3934,8824,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Undercity. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3980insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3935,8825,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Thunder Bluff. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3981insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3936,8826,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with the Darkspear tribe. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3982insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3937,8827,'Winter\'s Presents','I hear Greatfather Winter - with the generous support of Smokeywood Pastures - has put presents for everyone under the tree in Ironforge. I wish I could go, but I\'ve got to look after the PX-238 Winter Wondervolt.$b$bBut you should definitely check it out. I\'m sure Greatfather Winter has some presents with your name on them.','Speak with Greatfather Winter. He is located near the Smokywood Pastures vendor area in Ironforge.','Oh, ho hello there! You can only be here for one reason: to open your Winter Veil presents.$B$BNow, don\'t you worry, Greatfather Winter hasn\'t forgotten about his favorite $R $C. Look under the tree and you\'ll find your gifts.$B$BDuring this season of giving, perhaps your friends would also enjoy receiving some of Smokeywood Pasture\'s excellent products?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3983insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3938,8828,'Winter\'s Presents','I hear Great-father Winter - with the generous support of Smokeywood Pastures - has put presents for everyone under the tree in Orgrimmar. I wish I could go, but I\'ve got to look after the PX-238 Winter Wondervolt.$b$bBut you should definitely check it out. I\'m sure Great-father Winter has some presents with your name on them.','Speak with Great-father Winter. He is located near the Smokywood Pastures vendor area in Orgrimmar.','Oh, ho hello there! You can only be here for one reason: to open your Winter Veil presents.$B$BNow, don\'t you worry, Greatfather Winter hasn\'t forgotten about his favorite $R $C. Look under the tree and you\'ll find your gifts.$B$BDuring this season of giving, perhaps your friends would also enjoy receiving some of Smokeywood Pasture\'s excellent products?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3984insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3939,8829,'The Ultimate Deception','The Twilight\'s Hammer operates through innumerable layers of secrecy and deceit.  While their actions are carried out in our world, they are planned in a place we have not yet been able to reach.$B$BWe\'ve come to believe that the stones the Twilight\'s Hammer uses to summon their superiors allow for two-way transportation.  To attempt to use them in this manner, we must replicate - to every last detail - a twilight emissary\'s robe.$B$BGather the necessary materials and bring them to Aurel Goldleaf, $N.  ','Bring a Skin of Shadow, 3 Frayed Abomination Stitchings and 1 Twilight Cultist Robe to Aurel Goldleaf at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.  You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing XI in order to complete this quest.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3985insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3940,8830,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Stormwind.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3986insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3941,8831,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Stormwind. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3987insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3942,8832,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Orgrimmar.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3988insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3943,8833,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty.  For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Undercity.  I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition.  We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3989insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3944,8834,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Ironforge.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3990insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3945,8835,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Ironforge. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3991insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3946,8836,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Darnassus.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3992insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3947,8837,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Darnassus. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3993insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3948,8838,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with the Gnomeregan exiles.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3994insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3949,8839,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with the Gnomeregan exiles. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3995insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3950,8840,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Undercity.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3996insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3951,8841,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Undercity. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3997insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3952,8842,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with Thunder Bluff.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3998insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3953,8843,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with Thunder Bluff. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     3999insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3954,8844,'One Commendation Signet','','','Very well - your deeds have been entered into the records, and you are duly recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work, $C.$B$BIf you have any more signets to hand in, then I am able to assist you further in that regard.','For those adventurers who have but a single commendation signet, I\'ll exchange it for a small amount of recognition with the Darkspear tribe.$B$BPlease bear in mind that it is better to hand over a stack of ten signets at once; your efforts will receive greater recognition in doing so. We offer a single signet exchange as a service for those who don\'t have enough for a full stack of ten.$B$BWith that being said, I stand ready to assist you if you still wish to hand in a single signet.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4000insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3955,8845,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','Excellent! It is no small sacrifice that you\'ve made to earn these signets, and you will be acknowledged for your service appropriately. It\'s adventurers like you, $N, that truly make a difference.$B$BLet me know if you have additional signets to hand in; I\'ll gladly help you out with whatever ones you need exchanged.','I accept commendation signets from adventurers who have received them in the line of duty. For each set of ten that you hand to me, I\'ll make sure that you receive a significant acknowledgement of your deeds with the Darkspear tribe. I also accept single tokens, but at a much reduced rate of recognition. We are much more interested in greater feats of duty, though no feat will be ignored.$B$BWith that said, I\'ll gladly take your signets if you are ready to hand in a set.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4001insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3956,8846,'Five Signets for War Supplies','Ah, here for additional supplies for yourself, are you?  Well, I can certainly understand the need for additional materiel... just take a look around if you need any proof.$B$BI\'ll issue you some additional supplies, but you\'ll need to give me an appropriate number of commendation signets in exchange.  You won\'t receive any recognition for surrendering the signets in this manner, but you might find something useful that will help keep you alive when battle is finally upon us.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4002insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3957,8847,'Ten Signets for War Supplies','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4003insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3958,8848,'Fifteen Signets for War Supplies','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4004insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3959,8849,'Twenty Signets for War Supplies','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4005insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3960,8850,'Thirty Signets for War Supplies','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4006insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3961,8851,'Five Signets for War Supplies','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4007insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3962,8852,'Ten Signets for War Supplies','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4008insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3963,8853,'Fifteen Signets for War Supplies','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4009insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3964,8854,'Twenty Signets for War Supplies','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4010insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3965,8855,'Thirty Signets for War Supplies','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4011insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3966,8856,'Desert Survival Kits','With the arrival of fresh recruits to Cenarion Hold comes the problem of keeping them alive in the desert.  Dehydration as well as numerous poisonous creatures present a serious threat to inexperienced volunteers.  Gather the supplies necessary for a desert survival kit and bring them to Calandrath in Cenarion Hold.','Bring 4 Globes of Water, 4 Powerful Anti-Venom and 4 Baked Salmon to Calandrath at the inn in Cenarion Hold in Silithus.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4012insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3967,8857,'Secrets of the Colossus - Ashi','I\'m looking for battle hardened adventurers willing and able to get a fresh husk sample from the fallen Colossus of Ashi to Oglethorpe in Booty Bay. No, no, I wouldn\'t want you to go anywhere near that thing\'s corpse. Just take one of my samples and make it snappy. These things are no good to him rotten!','Take the Colossus of Ashi\'s Husk to Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay.\r\n','Oh the chickens I will craft from this wondrous husk! Well done, my $gboy:girl; !','Yes? What have you got there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4013insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3968,8858,'Secrets of the Colossus - Regal','There ain\'t nothin\' I\'d like more than to stuff this bug husk down Oilfist\'s fat face... Cept, I\'m stuck here collectin\' samples from that overgrown cockroach. I\'ll be here \'till the wee mornin\' hours given the size o\' that thing.$B$BTake this here sample to Oilfist fer me and do it fast, $c. He\'s payin\' BIG!$B$BYar, Thorium Point - it be in the Searin\' Gorge.','Take the Colossus of Regal\'s Husk to Overseer Oilfist in Searing Gorge.\r\n','Excellent. We could surely devise some incredibly powerful armor from this chitin. Here\'s the riches you were promised.','Hmmm...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4014insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3969,8859,'Secrets of the Colossus - Zora','My servants were nearly killed in their efforts to recover this sample. You absolutely must hurry! Lord Maxwell Tyrosus eagerly awaits a fresh husk sample. He believes that the secrets of this Colossus could help us in the war against the Scourge!$B$BWhy are you still here!? To Light\'s Hope! Yes, you will be rewarded handsomely for your efforts...\r\n','Take the Colossus of Zora\'s Husk to Lord Maxwell Tyrosus at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.\r\n','Excellent and timely! Well done, $Glad:lass;.','You look a bit heavy in the boots, friend.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4015insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3970,8860,'New Year Celebrations!','Stormwind is holding a celebration for the new year!  All day long today you can get free booze, and at night they\'ll put on a firework show!  It should be pretty nice... but Booty Bay is also having a party today; I bet it\'ll be even better!$B$BWell anyway, Innkeeper Allison in Stormwind needs a supply of Smoky Wood Pasture fare to help feed all the party goers.  Can you do me a favor and deliver it!$B$BThanks, $N!  Innkeeper Allison is in the Gilded Rose, in the Trade District of Stormwind.','Bring the Smokywood Supplies to Innkeeper Allison in Stormwind.','Oh, my Smokywood supplies! Splendid! I\'ll need these to feed all the people in town for the celebration!$B$BThank you, $N. Please take this as payment, and don\'t forget to drink and dance with the revelers outside!','Greetings! Are you here for the party! Or perhaps you just need to rest those weary feet of yours...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4016insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3971,8861,'New Year Celebrations!','Thunder Bluff is holding a celebration for the new year!  All day you\'ll find free booze there, and at night they\'ll put on a firework show!$B$BIt should be pretty nice... but Booty Bay is also having a party today; I bet it\'ll be even better!$B$BWell anyway, Innkeeper Pala in Thunder Bluff needs a supply of Smoky Wood Pasture fare to help feed all the party goers.  Can you do me a favor and deliver it!$B$BThanks, $N!  Innkeeper Pala is in the inn near the bridge to Hunter\'s Rise.','Bring the Smokywood Supplies to Innkeeper Pala in Thunder Bluff.','Oh, very good! These supplies will help feed all our people, here to celebrate the new year!$B$BI thank you, $N. You are in my debt. Please, take these coins... and heed my advice - drink heartily from the kegs outside, and join our revelers in a dance of celebration!','Good day, $C! Did you come to Thunder Bluff for our celebrations?  Or are you here to rest a weary hoof between hunts?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4017insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3972,8862,'Elune\'s Candle','Elune\'s candle is an artifact of great reverence to the disciples of the Lunar Festival.  Stored within the candle is true moonlight, ready to be unleashed!$B$BThis light is harmless to most creatures, but you will find that Omen and his minions are burned and dazzled by it.','','Very well then - I accept these coins of ancestry. Please take Elune\'s candle with my blessing. Also, please enjoy these complimentary fireworks.$B$BMay your Lunar Festival be joyous and filled with merriment, $N.$B$BAnd if you choose to face Omen and his minions, you will find Elune\'s candle quite useful...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4018insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3973,8863,'Festival Dumplings','If you are hungry, then you have come to the right place my friend!$B$BDumplings are the traditional food of the Lunar Festival; it has been served since the time of the first Lunar Festival, and I am pleased to be able to offer it at this one.  In exchange for just a single coin of ancestry, I will share with you a sampling of one of the tastiest dishes you will ever enjoy!','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4019insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3974,8864,'Festive Lunar Dresses','I have a selection of dresses that may be of interest to you.  Such dresses have been worn in times past during the Lunar Festival, and the selection I have today is perhaps the finest I have ever seen.  Each is hand-crafted with only the finest and softest of components.$B$BIn exchange for some coins of ancestry, I will let you choose one of the three styles I have to keep as your own.  Is this acceptable to you?','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4020insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3975,8865,'Festive Lunar Pant Suits','I am please to inform you that I have a fine selection of festive pant suits available for you to own... but only in trade for coins of ancestry.  If fashion is important to you, then these are what you\'re looking for!  I assure you that you will not find pant suits like these anywhere else.$B$BIn exchange for some Coins of Ancestry, I will let you choose one of the three styles I have to keep as your own.  Is this acceptable to you?','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4021insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3976,8866,'Bronzebeard the Elder','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4022insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3977,8867,'Lunar Fireworks','Every year the druids of Moonglade hold a celebration of our city\'s great triumph over an ancient evil.$B$BWe celebrate the wisdom of our elders, share in magnificent feasts and of course... shoot fireworks!$B$BFor a small donation you can purchase colorful rockets from our vendor.  Try using some of the launchers around here, $N.','Launch 8 Lunar Fireworks and 2 Cluster Fireworks and return to a Lunar Festival Harbinger at any capital city.','','','','Lunar Fireworks Fired','Lunar Fireworks Cluster Fired','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4023insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3978,8868,'Elune\'s Blessing','The beast Omen was once a hero of this world.  A wolf of great strength and fortune, Omen fought beside the heroes of the War of the Ancients until he succumbed to demonic magics.  Turning against his allies, he raged across Azeroth and carried death and terror in his wake.$B$BFinally defeated here, in Moonglade, Omen now sleeps among the silt of Lake Elune\'ara.  But each new year, during the festival, he stirs...$B$BGather cohorts, $N, and summon and defeat the beast Omen.  Earn the blessing of Elune!','Summon Omen, defeat him and gain Elune\'s Blessing.  Return to Valadar Starsong in Nighthaven','','','Receive Elune\'s Blessing.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4024insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3979,8869,'Sweet Serenity','Within the confines of the Scarlet Bastion lies sweet Serenity. The Crimson Hammersmith guards the recipe with his life. Defeat him and bring me his apron. For that, I shall train you to become a hammersmith.$B$BUnderstand this: Once you have chosen the path of the hammersmith, the paths of the swordsmith and axesmith will no longer be available.\r\n','Travel to Stratholme and kill the Crimson Hammersmith. Recover the Crimson Hammersmith\'s Apron and return to Lilith.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4025insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3980,8870,'The Lunar Festival','It\'s that time of the year, $N!  The Cenarion Circle invites all denizens of Azeroth to partake in our celebration of the Lunar Festival.  You will find the Lunar Festival Harbinger in this very city at a location marked by a blessed circle of moonlight.  She can tell you more about the holiday.','Talk to the Lunar Festival Harbinger in the Mystic Ward of Ironforge.  You can also talk to Lunar Festival Harbingers in other capital cities.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4026insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3981,8871,'The Lunar Festival','It\'s that time of the year, $N!  The Cenarion Circle invites all denizens of Azeroth to partake in our celebration of the Lunar Festival.  You will find the Lunar Festival Harbinger in this very city at a location marked by a blessed circle of moonlight.  She can tell you more about the holiday.','Talk to the Lunar Festival Harbinger in the Park District in Stormwind.  You can also talk to Lunar Festival Harbingers in other capital cities.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4027insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3982,8872,'The Lunar Festival','It\'s that time of the year, $N!  The Cenarion Circle invites all denizens of Azeroth to partake in our celebration of the Lunar Festival.  You will find the Lunar Festival Harbinger in this very city at a location marked by a blessed circle of moonlight.  She can tell you more about the holiday.','Talk to the Lunar Festival Harbinger at the Cenarion Enclave in Darnassus.  You can also talk to Lunar Festival Harbingers in other capital cities.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4028insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3983,8873,'The Lunar Festival','It\'s that time of the year, $N!  The Cenarion Circle invites all denizens of Azeroth to partake in our celebration of the Lunar Festival.  You will find the Lunar Festival Harbinger in this very city at a location marked by a blessed circle of moonlight.  She can tell you more about the holiday.','Talk to the Lunar Festival Harbinger in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar.  You can also talk to Lunar Festival Harbingers in other capital cities.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4029insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3984,8874,'The Lunar Festival','It\'s that time of the year, $N!  The Cenarion Circle invites all denizens of Azeroth to partake in our celebration of the Lunar Festival.  You will find the Lunar Festival Harbinger in this very city at a location marked by a blessed circle of moonlight.  She can tell you more about the holiday.','Talk to the Lunar Festival Harbinger in the entrance to the Undercity.  You can also talk to Lunar Festival Harbingers in other capital cities.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4030insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3985,8875,'The Lunar Festival','It\'s that time of the year, $N!  The Cenarion Circle invites all denizens of Azeroth to partake in our celebration of the Lunar Festival.  You will find the Lunar Festival Harbinger in this very city at a location marked by a blessed circle of moonlight.  She can tell you more about the holiday.','Talk to the Lunar Festival Harbinger at the Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff.  You can also talk to Lunar Festival Harbingers in other capital cities.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4031insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3986,8876,'Small Rockets','I hold the secrets to creating Lunar Festival rockets, and I am happy to share my knowledge with the honored.$B$BIn exchange for coins of ancestry, I can offer you the recipe to make a small rocket...','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4032insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3987,8877,'Firework Launcher','Although rockets are a wonderful way to celebrate, in order to see their glory... they must be fired from a launcher.$B$BBring me coins of ancestry and I can offer you the knowledge to create rocket launchers like the ones you see in Moonglade.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4033insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3988,8878,'Festive Recipes','The dresses and pant suits you see are traditional clothes from many years past.  They are worn in honor of old ways and loved ones gone.$B$BIf you bring me coins of ancestry, $N, then I will give you the pattern to create traditional red dresses or suits.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4034insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3989,8879,'Large Rockets','Large Festival rockets light up the sky brilliantly - only the cluster rockets rival their magnificence!$B$BBring me coins of ancestry, $N, and I shall share the knowledge of their creation.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4035insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3990,8880,'Cluster Rockets','Cluster rockets are a collection of individual rockets, and their beauty is awesome!  Bring me coins of ancestry and I will share the knowledge of their creation to you...','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4036insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3991,8881,'Large Cluster Rockets','Large cluster rockets require vast resources and skill to create, but their brilliance and beauty is worth that effort!  Bring me coins of ancestry and I will grant you the knowledge of their crafting.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4037insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3992,8882,'Cluster Launcher','The most splendid fireworks shows must include cluster rockets, and those cluster rockets must be fired from cluster launchers!  Is it not then logical for you to learn the secrets of making cluster launchers?  Bring me coins of ancestry and I will give this knowledge to you.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4038insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3993,8883,'Valadar Starsong','Now that you have your Lunar Festival invitation, you may travel to Moonglade!  There you will find many revelers, and in the village of Nighthaven Valadar Starsong and his sister Fariel await those eager to participate in the celebration.$B$BTravel to Moonglade through the greater moonlight and speak with Valadar Starsong; see what prizes you might gain during the festival!','Use your Lunar Festival Invitation in the moonlight to travel to Moonglade. Speak with Valadar Starsong in Nighthaven when you arrive.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4039insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3994,8884,'Fish Heads, Fish Heads...','Greetings, $c.  Take a look toward the shore; what do you see?  That\'s right, our beach... our Tranquil Shore, has been infested with the malignancy known as the murloc.$B$BThis blight will not stand!$B$BI have a task for you.  If you feel that you\'re up to it, I would have their heads!  Let us see if we can put a dent in their numbers so large that, if they have any sense at all, they will return to the murky depths from which they sprang!','Collect 8 Grimscale Murloc Heads.  Return them to Hathvelion Sungaze in the Eversong Woods on the bluff overlooking the Tranquil Shore.','A job well done. by the smell of it, I\'d say you returned all that I asked for, and possibly more. I\'m sure we can find some use for these, in a stew, or somesuch.$B$BAlas, it does not appear that your efforts have done the trick; the murlocs are not in retreat. This calls for more direct action! ','We rangers of the Farstrider Retreat are dedicated to setting right the damage that has been wreaked upon our fair lands. We will go to any length to do so.$B$BI trust that you have returned with the murloc heads I tasked you to gather? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4040insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3995,8885,'The Ring of Mmmrrrggglll','The Grimscale murlocs have not been scared off by your efforts. But, I think I know what will send them packing, as well as get me some personal retribution.$B$BThey have a murloc chieftain that calls itself Mmmrrrggglll. It wanders the Golden Strand south of the river inlet. The beast once slew a compatriot of mine, and now wears his ring in open defiance and mockery.$B$BSlay Mmmrrrggglll, and bring back my friend\'s ring. Then we shall see these monsters cowed!','Retrieve the Ring of Mmmrrrggglll from the Grimscale chieftain\'s dead clutches.  Return it to Hathvelion Sungaze in the Eversong Woods on the bluff overlooking the Tranquil Shore.','At last! Though the Grimscale did not route. as hoped, it was entertaining to watch them panic in confusion when you laid low their so-called chieftain. You have my thanks, and the gratitude of the sin\'dorei of Silvermoon City!$B$BPlease, take one of these in thanks for the service that you have rendered. ','You are the instrument of my success and revenge!$B$BHave you the ring? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4041insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3996,8886,'Grimscale Pirates!','Thank goodness for you, $c! Those slimy Grimscale murlocs have pirated away my cargo! It\'s bad enough that the Wretched have stolen what little magical goods I had, but the murlocs took the rest! What has this land come to?$B$BCould you retrieve my cargo? I can\'t expect that you\'d be able to get all of it back, but I\'ll be grateful for any of it at this point. It was the Grimscale murlocs in the huts, just to the west and south of the anchorage on the Golden Strand, I\'m sure of it!\r\n','Retrieve 6 of Captain Kelisendra\'s Cargo and return them to Captain Kelisendra at the defended camp just to the east of the Sunsail Anchorage in Eversong Woods.','You did it! You\'ve saved me from ruin and delivered my revenge upon those disgusting creatures!$B$BNow if I can just get these pretty rangers here to help me with this cargo, I\'ll finally get out of here! I\'ll have to come back when Velendris has retaken the shipyard.$B$BHere, take this coin. It\'s what little I can afford, and the least that I can do to reward your efforts.','I am grateful for the assistance of someone like you, $N. It almost puts a smile on my face. But then I realize what these monsters have done to my ship and what\'s happening to Quel\'Thalas.$B$BHave you managed to retrieve any of my cargo?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4042insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3997,8887,'Captain Kelisendra\'s Lost Rutters','Interesting... what you have found here is a water-proofed, leather tube containing a number of sheets of parchment. By the markings upon them, the pages are clearly navigation rutters, and each bears the signature of one Captain Kelisendra.$B$BYou\'ve heard of a small, defended camp just east of the nearby Sunsail Anchorage. Maybe the captain is there?','Return Captain Kelisendra\'s Lost Rutters to Captain Kelisendra at the defended camp just to the east of the Sunsail Anchorage in Eversong Woods.','Oh you sweet, sweet $C! I had no idea that those disgusting Grimscale murlocs had also pirated away with my navigation rudders! Without them, I would have no chance of navigating the seas again once we retake the anchorage and repair the ship.$B$BThank you very much! Here, take this coin as a sign of my appreciation.','Hello, $C, you\'re a sight for sore eyes. I know, it\'s crazy for me to be here, what with the anchorage overrun by the Wretched. Velendris and his rangers have sworn to protect me on the condition that I get out of here as soon as I\'ve recovered my cargo.$B$BWhat\'s that you have there... it looks vaguely familiar?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4043insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3998,8888,'The Magister\'s Apprentice','$C, hear my request. For reasons that I cannot go into now, I decided to shut down my nearby school. A few days ago, I sent one of my pupils, Apprentice Loralthalis, there with this very task. I have not heard back from her since.$B$BWill you go to Duskwither Spire and check in on her, to make sure that she is well? You\'ll find it by heading north on the path out of Farstrider Retreat, then go to the right when the road branches.','Speak with Apprentice Loralthalis near Duskwither Spire in Eversong Woods.','The magister was concerned for my wellbeing? How sweet; I wish that he had shown such an interest before, when we were at the Spire.$B$BThat doesn\'t matter now. Please listen carefully, $C, as I have a favor to ask of you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4044insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (3999,8889,'Deactivating the Spire','As you may know, Magister Duskwither sent me back here to shut down the power sources that feed the Spire. There are three of them, each located in a different place inside.$B$BUnfortunately, I appear to be too late, and Duskwither Spire has been overrun with strange, magical creatures. While I haven\'t the expertise to accomplish this task, surely a $c, such as yourself, could do so easily?','Deactivate the 3 Duskwither Spire Power Sources inside Duskwither Spire. Then return the Deactivating Jewel to Apprentice Loralthalis in Eversong Woods.','I am grateful to you for your assistance, but saddened to hear that some of my fellow apprentices have fallen to their addiction.$B$BWith the power to the Spire cut off, I think I\'ll stay here a while and see if things calm down long enough for me to sneak in and retrieve their remains.','I can\'t be certain from this distance... have you already shut down the power to Duskwither Spire?','','First Power Source Deactivated','Second Power Source Deactivated','Third Power Source Deactivated','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4045insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4000,8890,'Word from the Spire','$N, I have one last favor to ask of you. Would you please relay what\'s transpired here to Magister Duskwither, back at the Farstrider Retreat? Let him know that I am well, but make certain that he is aware that some of the apprentices have become Wretched.$B$BThank you for your help!','Return to Magister Duskwither at the Farstrider Retreat in Eversong Woods.','No! I was too late. It is all my fault.$B$BMy investigation into purifying alternative magical sources got out of hand before I could put a stop to it. If only I had gone myself... or that they had listened to me, and heeded my warnings!$B$BI have blood on my hands, $C. I thank you, though, for putting to rest the tortured souls of my former apprentices. It is some small consolation that they will not linger in that state where a Blood Elf is better off dead.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4046insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4001,8891,'Abandoned Investigations','You have discovered what appears to be an investigative journal left behind by Magister Duskwither. A brief scan of its contents reveal some shocking attempts at filtering corrupted magical flows, which might explain what has happened here at Duskwither Spire. The magister is sure to want this brought back to him.','Return Magister Duskwither\'s Journal to Magister Duskwither at the Farstrider Retreat in Eversong Woods.','Here it is, $N, the proof of my crime. This journal contains all of my ill-conceived studies.$B$BHeedless of the warnings, I continued my research, until it was almost too late. Then, when I grasped my error, I did what I could. But by then, some of my pupils had already gone too far. I evacuated the Spire to get them away from the corruption, but in my haste, forgot to shutdown the power sources.$B$BI will burn this tome so that no one else falls prey to its contents. I only wanted to help the sin\'dorei.','What\'s this? It looks familiar. Oh no, this journal... my investigations... this is what caused all of this in the first place.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4047insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4002,8892,'Situation at Sunsail Anchorage','Sunsail Anchorage has been overrun by Wretched scum.  As soon as we manage to get reinforcements to the area we\'ll show those thugs who\'s boss, $N.$B$BIn the meantime you can help by showing them a bit of discipline.  Go in there and show them we are not to be trifled with.  You will find Sunsail Anchorage just to the west of Fairbreeze Village.','Kill 5 Wretched Thugs and 5 Wretched Hooligans and report to Ranger Degolien in Eversong Woods.','That\'ll teach them not to mess with us.  Good work, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4048insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4003,8893,'The Super Egg-O-Matic','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4049insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4004,8894,'Cleaning up the Grounds','It\'s horrible, I tell you! Strange things happening in the spire, the magister and his apprentices run off, and then the next thing that you know, the whole grounds are overrun with these magical beasties! And who told Wyllithen? No one, that\'s who!$B$B$C, you\'ve got to help me clear some of these things out... I cannot maintain the grounds while these \'anomalies\' are running amok!','Kill 6 Mana Serpents and 6 Ether Fiends and return to Groundskeeper Wyllithen at Duskwither Grounds in Eversong Woods.','Well, I suppose that will have to do, now won\'t it? Thanks for the help, $C. I can only hope to get this mess completely cleaned up before the Magister returns to Duskwither Spire.$B$BTake this pocket change; it\'s not much but it\'s all that I have at the moment. Feel free to dispatch a few more of the beasties on your way out, if you\'d be so kind.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4050insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4005,8895,'Delivery to the North Sanctum','I\'m pleased to discover that you\'re at least somewhat competent, $N.  I\'ll give you another task since you seem so eager to prove yourself.$B$BThis is a letter to Ley-Keeper Caidanis, the arcanist in charge of the upkeep of the North Sanctum.  Go southwest of Falconwing Square  and you will find him.  He is a very important person, so I hope you don\'t bother him too much with trivial chatter.','Deliver the Unmarked Letter to Ley-Keeper Caidanis at the North Sanctum in Eversong Woods.','Thank you, $N.  I\'ve been expecting this letter.','Yes, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4051insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4006,8896,'BETA The Dwarven Spy','Are you sure you found these notes on a Night Elf, then?  Most of them are written in the Dwarven...$B$BProspector Anvilward!  He was sent here from Ironforge on a diplomatic mission.  I should\'ve known his interest in our Arcane Sanctums was a bit excessive.  $N, find the dwarf in the North Sanctum and take care of him.  Oh, and be discrete about it.','Find and kill Prospector Anvilward in the North Sanctum and report back to Aeldon Sunbrand in Eversong Woods.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4052insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4007,8897,'Dearest Colara,','I\'ve got to keep watch here at the gate, but I\'m always worrying about my sweetheart, Colara. I only get to see her for a few hours, if I\'m lucky, and well, just look at me. I\'ve got a minor officer\'s pay and I could be called to the front any day now.$b$bWould she just forget about me? There are a lot of men in the city. A lot of rich ones.$b$bAnyways, I\'ve scribbled some things down... nothing much, but if you could take it to her for me, that\'d be great.','Deliver Lieutenant Heldric\'s Carefully Penned Note to Colara Dean outside the bank in Stormwind.','Oh, isn\'t that sweet! This is the first time he\'s ever sent me something. Do you suppose he\'s getting serious?$B$BColara Heldric? I suppose it has a ring to it. Oh, but I\'m getting ahead of myself. Thank you.','Hello there, handsome. Something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4053insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4008,8898,'Dearest Colara,','I met a lass in Stormwind when I was last there on the bank\'s business. She stole my heart away. Now, I can\'t stop thinking about her! I\'d like to send her this message - I\'ve rewritten it twelve times!$b$bThe mail is so full now, and I want to make sure it gets there.$b$bIf you\'re heading that way, could you help me?','Deliver the Creased Letter to Colara Dean outside the bank in Stormwind.','Tormek? Oh yes, I do remember him. He had quite a nice beard and smile underneath.$B$BAh, I can\'t believe he remembered me!','Hello there, handsome. Something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4054insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4009,8899,'Dearest Colara,','How to describe her beauty? Thousands of years of words and I am at a loss.$b$bThese mortals confound the mind and leave us babbling fools.$b$bI\'ve stared at these words too long. No more eloquent meaning can I squeeze from them. No, she must have it now, or some other suitor will surely steal her eye.','Deliver the Immaculate Letter to Colara Dean outside the bank in Stormwind.','I\'ve never received something like this before. How lovely!','Hello there, handsome. Something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4055insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4010,8900,'Dearest Elenia,','She was so sad. I could see that, once I saw past her state. I mean, she seemed sad - wouldn\'t you?$b$bBut after talking to her, there was a connection. I didn\'t think anyone could understand what I was thinking, but she could.$b$bWhen I told the others, they laughed at me, so I never spoke with her again. But I miss her. Can you take this letter to her for me? I want to be sure it finds her hands.','Deliver the Slightly Creased Note to Elenia Haydon near the bank in the Undercity.','You wouldn\'t expect an orc to be so eloquent. Of course, we never really had a chance to know them before now. Thank you for bringing this to me.','Oh, and to what do I owe this pleasure?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4056insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4011,8901,'Dearest Elenia,','Have you ever known love, young one? It was a thing foreign to me until lately, when I met a girl from the Undercity, Elenia. It is rare enough for one of my kind to look outside our own, let alone one of the Forsaken.$b$bBut now thoughts of her occupy my mind both days and nights.$b$bIf you can, could you take this letter to her? I want her to come here to Mulgore. I hope that she will say yes.','Deliver the Carefully Written Letter to Elenia Haydon near the bank in the Undercity.','What kind words Temma writes for me. But, as much as his words move me, I cannot consider the love of a tauren. In thoughts, body and mind we are too different.$B$BIt is good I do not have to receive these thoughts of his in person. I could not bear to break his heart.','Oh, and to what do I owe this pleasure?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4057insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4012,8902,'Dearest Elenia,','A lifetime ago, I was betrothed to marry Elenia, my childhood sweetheart. It\'s been years since I thought about her last, but of late, she frequently occupies my thoughts.$b$bPerhaps, even with everything that has passed, there can be some room in each other\'s lives for our love.$b$bI\'m sure she has changed, also. Can you deliver this letter to her for me? I am too nervous to give it in person.','Deliver the Lovingly Composed Letter to Elenia Haydon near the bank in the Undercity.','This brings back memories from a lifetime ago, $N. Elenia Tor. That was going to be my name, you know. We would have a beautiful ceremony out on the shores of the lake. When he retired, we\'d find a farm to retire to.$B$BSimple dreams, then.$B$BBut if he saw me now, I doubt he\'d even see Elenia in me. Only cold flesh and a dead heart...','Oh, and to what do I owe this pleasure?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4058insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4013,8903,'Dangerous Love','There\'s something unnatural about this epidemic of love. It\'s not proper, it\'s an eyesore, and at worst, it could be a threat to the the safety of the Alliance itself.$b$bJust think: what if the guards have been taken in by this strange affliction? Something must be done.$b$bGo to one of the guards here in Stormwind and see if they\'ve been caught up in this foolishness.','Get a Stormwind Guard\'s Card and return it to Aristan Mottar in Stormwind.','So it is true. This is unbelievable. How could this have happened? Let me think for a moment. There must be a reason behind this.','Was I right to worry? Are the guards afflicted with this lovesickness?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4059insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4014,8904,'Dangerous Love','There\'s something unnatural about this epidemic of love. It\'s disgusting, and as it lowers our defenses, it could be a threat to the all of us.$b$bIt\'s bad enough that so many of our people are caught up in this ridiculous behavior. But I think that it has spread even to our guardians, who should be immune to such things.$b$bFind one of our guardians and see if they\'ve been caught up in this foolishness.','Get a Guardian\'s Moldy Card and bring it to Fenstad Argyle in the Undercity.','So it is true. This is unbelievable. How could this have happened? Let me think for a moment. There must be a reason behind this.','Was I right to worry? Have our idiot guardians been overcome?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4060insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4015,8905,'An Earnest Proposition','Well met, $c.  I\'ve something that might interest you.$B$BI have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality.  I\'d be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor.$B$BThe blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit Winterspring has properties I\'m in need of at the moment.  Bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold.  You shall find the effort worth your while.','Acquire 15 Winterspring Blood Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Wildheart Bracers to Deliana in Ironforge.','Excellent! Let\'s perform the trade then. It\'s hard to part with this excellent armor, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be needing it any time soon.$B$BIf you\'re interested in performing more work for me, I might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces.','Have you brought me what I requested of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4061insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4016,8906,'An Earnest Proposition','Well met, $c.  I\'ve something that might interest you.$B$BI have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality.  I\'d be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor.$B$BThe blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit Winterspring has properties I\'m in need of at the moment.  Bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold.  You shall find the effort worth your while.','Acquire 15 Winterspring Blood Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Beaststalker\'s Bindings to Deliana in Ironforge.','Excellent! Let\'s perform the trade then. It\'s hard to part with this excellent armor, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be needing it any time soon.$B$BIf you\'re interested in performing more work for me, I might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces.','Have you brought me what I requested of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4062insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4017,8907,'An Earnest Proposition','Well met, $c.  I\'ve something that might interest you.$B$BI have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality.  I\'d be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor.$B$BThe blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit Winterspring has properties I\'m in need of at the moment.  Bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold.  You shall find the effort worth your while.','Acquire 15 Winterspring Blood Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Magister\'s Bindings to Deliana in Ironforge.','Excellent! Let\'s perform the trade then. It\'s hard to part with this excellent armor, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be needing it any time soon.$B$BIf you\'re interested in performing more work for me, I might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces.','Have you brought me what I requested of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4063insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4018,8908,'An Earnest Proposition','Well met, $c.  I\'ve something that might interest you.$B$BI have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality.  I\'d be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor.$B$BThe blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit Winterspring has properties I\'m in need of at the moment.  Bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold.  You shall find the effort worth your while.','Acquire 15 Winterspring Blood Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Lightforge Bracers to Deliana in Ironforge.','Excellent! Let\'s perform the trade then. It\'s hard to part with this excellent armor, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be needing it any time soon.$B$BIf you\'re interested in performing more work for me, I might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces.','Have you brought me what I requested of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4064insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4019,8909,'An Earnest Proposition','Well met, $c.  I\'ve something that might interest you.$B$BI have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality.  I\'d be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor.$B$BThe blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit Winterspring has properties I\'m in need of at the moment.  Bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold.  You shall find the effort worth your while.','Acquire 15 Winterspring Blood Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with 1 set of Devout Bracers to Deliana in Ironforge.','Excellent! Let\'s perform the trade then. It\'s hard to part with this excellent armor, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be needing it any time soon.$B$BIf you\'re interested in performing more work for me, I might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces.','Have you brought me what I requested of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4065insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4020,8910,'An Earnest Proposition','Well met, $c.  I\'ve something that might interest you.$B$BI have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality.  I\'d be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor.$B$BThe blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit Winterspring has properties I\'m in need of at the moment.  Bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold.  You shall find the effort worth your while.','Acquire 15 Winterspring Blood Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Shadowcraft Bracers to Deliana in Ironforge.\r\n','Excellent! Let\'s perform the trade then. It\'s hard to part with this excellent armor, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be needing it any time soon.$B$BIf you\'re interested in performing more work for me, I might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces.','Have you brought me what I requested of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4066insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4021,8911,'An Earnest Proposition','Well met, $c.  I\'ve something that might interest you.$B$BI have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality.  I\'d be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor.$B$BThe blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit Winterspring has properties I\'m in need of at the moment.  Bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold.  You shall find the effort worth your while.','Acquire 15 Winterspring Blood Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Dreadmist Bracers to Deliana in Ironforge.\r\n','Excellent! Let\'s perform the trade then. It\'s hard to part with this excellent armor, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be needing it any time soon.$B$BIf you\'re interested in performing more work for me, I might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces.','Have you brought me what I requested of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4067insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4022,8912,'An Earnest Proposition','Well met, $c.  I\'ve something that might interest you.$B$BI have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality.  I\'d be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor.$B$BThe blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit Winterspring has properties I\'m in need of at the moment.  Bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold.  You shall find the effort worth your while.\r\n','Acquire 15 Winterspring Blood Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Bracers of Valor to Deliana in Ironforge.','Excellent! Let\'s perform the trade then. It\'s hard to part with this excellent armor, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be needing it any time soon.$B$BIf you\'re interested in performing more work for me, I might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces.','Have you brought me what I requested of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4068insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4023,8913,'An Earnest Proposition','Hail, $c!  I can tell by your demeanor that you\'ve seen and done much in this world.  Yet I\'m willing to wager you haven\'t seen a piece of armor like this.$B$BPerform a small favor for me and I\'ll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.$B$BI\'m in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus.  Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I\'ll perform the exchange.','Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Wildheart Bracers to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Ah, yes. Mux will be quite happy with this.$B$BThose bracers were part of a larger armor set. If you\'re interested in providing me with further assistance, I\'d be willing to consider parting with the rest of it.','Have you obtained the items I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4069insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4024,8914,'An Earnest Proposition','Hail, $c!  I can tell by your demeanor that you\'ve seen and done much in this world.  Yet I\'m willing to wager you haven\'t seen a piece of armor like this.$B$BPerform a small favor for me and I\'ll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.$B$BI\'m in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus.  Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I\'ll perform the exchange.','Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Beaststalker\'s Bindings to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Ah, yes. Mux will be quite happy with this.$B$BThose bindings were part of a larger armor set. If you\'re interested in providing me with further assistance, I\'d be willing to consider parting with the rest of it.','Have you obtained the items I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4070insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4025,8915,'An Earnest Proposition','Hail, $c!  I can tell by your demeanor that you\'ve seen and done much in this world.  Yet I\'m willing to wager you haven\'t seen a piece of armor like this.$B$BPerform a small favor for me and I\'ll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.$B$BI\'m in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus.  Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I\'ll perform the exchange.','Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Magister\'s Bindings to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.\r\n','Ah, yes. Mux will be quite happy with this.$B$BThose bindings were part of a larger armor set. If you\'re interested in providing me with further assistance, I\'d be willing to consider parting with the rest of it.','Have you obtained the items I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4071insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4026,8916,'An Earnest Proposition','Hail, $c!  I can tell by your demeanor that you\'ve seen and done much in this world.  Yet I\'m willing to wager you haven\'t seen a piece of armor like this.$B$BPerform a small favor for me and I\'ll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.$B$BI\'m in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus.  Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I\'ll perform the exchange.\r\n','Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Devout Bracers to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.\r\n','Ah, yes. Mux will be quite happy with this.$B$BThose bracers were part of a larger armor set. If you\'re interested in providing me with further assistance, I\'d be willing to consider parting with the rest of it.','Have you obtained the items I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4072insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4027,8917,'An Earnest Proposition','Hail, $c!  I can tell by your demeanor that you\'ve seen and done much in this world.  Yet I\'m willing to wager you haven\'t seen a piece of armor like this.$B$BPerform a small favor for me and I\'ll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.$B$BI\'m in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus.  Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I\'ll perform the exchange.','Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Shadowcraft Bracers to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.\r\n','Ah, yes. Mux will be quite happy with this.$B$BThose bracers were part of a larger armor set. If you\'re interested in providing me with further assistance, I\'d be willing to consider parting with the rest of it.','Have you obtained the items I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4073insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4028,8918,'An Earnest Proposition','Hail, $c!  I can tell by your demeanor that you\'ve seen and done much in this world.  Yet I\'m willing to wager you haven\'t seen a piece of armor like this.$B$BPerform a small favor for me and I\'ll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.$B$BI\'m in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus.  Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I\'ll perform the exchange.','Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Bindings of Elements to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.\r\n','Ah, yes. That old goblin shall be quite happy with this blood.$B$BThose bindings were part of a larger armor set. If you\'re interested in providing me with further assistance I\'d be willing to consider parting with the rest of it.','Have you obtained the items I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4074insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4029,8919,'An Earnest Proposition','Hail, $c!  I can tell by your demeanor that you\'ve seen and done much in this world.  Yet I\'m willing to wager you haven\'t seen a piece of armor like this.$B$BPerform a small favor for me and I\'ll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.$B$BI\'m in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus.  Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I\'ll perform the exchange.','Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Dreadmist Bracers to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Ah, yes. Mux will be quite happy with this.$B$BThose bracers were part of a larger armor set. If you\'re interested in providing me with further assistance, I\'d be willing to consider parting with the rest of it.','Have you obtained the items I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4075insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4030,8920,'An Earnest Proposition','Hail, $c!  I can tell by your demeanor that you\'ve seen and done much in this world.  Yet I\'m willing to wager you haven\'t seen a piece of armor like this.$B$BPerform a small favor for me and I\'ll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.$B$BI\'m in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus.  Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I\'ll perform the exchange.','Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Bracers of Valor to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.\r\n','Ah, yes. Mux will be quite happy with this.$B$BThose bracers were part of a larger armor set. If you\'re interested in providing me with further assistance, I\'d be willing to consider parting with the rest of it.','Have you obtained the items I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4076insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4031,8921,'The Ectoplasmic Distiller','Ah, you\'re in need of my latest project... the extra-dimensional ghost revealer!  Unfortunately I\'ve run out of funds and manpower.$B$BYou\'re willing to help?  Excellent!  Our first task is to build a device to harvest the very fabric of death!  Building an ectoplasmic distiller won\'t be an easy task, $N.$B$BI\'ll need you to bring me an arcanite converter, some greater eternal essences and stonescale oil. I\'ll also need some volcanic ash from the lava pools in the Burning Steppes to build a filter.','Return to Mux Manascrambler in Gadgetzan with 1 Delicate Arcanite Converter, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 10 Stonescale Oil, 25 Volcanic Ash and 40 gold.','These are precisely the materials I needed. Quite timely too, $N!$B$BIn mere moments I will have your distiller ready to go! In the meantime, take this as a reward for aiding me in my project.','I understand the materials are a bit pricey... but I promise you every last one of them shall be necessary!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4077insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4032,8922,'A Supernatural Device','I must find a way to speak with Anthion Harmon... or more specifically, his ghost!$B$BI know of an engineer with a queer interest in the supernatural.  He claims he can build a machine that allows him to speak with the dead!$B$BThe blood you collected was intended for him; travel to Gadgetzan and bring it to him as payment for his services! ','Bring the Sealed Blood Container to Mux Manascrambler inside Gadgetzan in Tanaris.','Excellent! Just as I was running low!$B$BYou say Deliana sent you?','You\'ve something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4078insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4033,8923,'A Supernatural Device','You must be quite brave to have stuck around after that.  That or I\'ve piqued your interest with the piece of armor I gave you.  There is more from where that came from, if you\'re still interested in aiding me.$B$BThe venom samples you collected are for an acquaintance of mine, Mux Manascrambler, an engineer with an interest in the supernatural.  His latest project consists of a device that allows you to communicate with the dead!  My last hope is to contact Anthion and find out more about my situation.','Take the Sealed Venom Container to Mux Manascrambler in Gadgetzan.','Excellent! Just as I was running low!$B$BYou say Mokvar sent you?','You wish to speak to me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4079insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4034,8924,'Hunting for Ectoplasm','A fine piece of engineering, if I do say so myself!  You will need to travel a bit, I\'m afraid, in order to find the incorporeal undead we require.$B$BYou see, different climates lend different consistencies to the spectral fabric of the dead.  The tortured night elves of Silithus, the spirits of the highborne from Winterspring and the ghosts and banshees of the Eastern Plaguelands should give us the different types of ectoplasm we need.  Be sure to place the distiller nearby before you harvest them!','Use the Ectoplasmic Distiller near incorporeal undead to collect 12 Scorched Ectoplasms in Silithus, 12 Frozen Ectoplasms in Winterspring and 12 Stable Ectoplasms in the Eastern Plaguelands.  Bring them along with the Ectoplasmic Distiller back to Mux Manascrambler in Gadgetzan.','Yes, these will do great!$B$BBy tapping into the otherworldly energies contained within these substances we\'ll be able to reach out to those whose souls haven\'t quite left this world yet!','Have you gathered the ectoplasm yet, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4080insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4035,8925,'A Portable Power Source','Next we shall need to find a stable and portable source of energy to keep the ectoplasm active.  I\'ve heard rumors of a mighty elemental called Magma Lord Bokk, whose heart is a powerful magma core - an endless supply of heat!$B$BIt\'s said he can be found in the Burning Steppes, south of Blackrock Mountain.  Bring the magma core to me and we shall have enough juice to power the extra-dimensional ghost revealer!','Find Magma Lord Bokk in the Burning Steppes, obtain his Magma Core and bring it to Mux Manascrambler in Gadgetzan.','You\'ve done it! This will certainly provide enough energy to power up the extra-dimensional ghost revealer!','Have you found the Magma Lord, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4081insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4036,8926,'Just Compensation','You kept your word and brought the device built by Mux.  I believe a reward is in order if I\'m to keep you interested in saving my skin.  Bring me the belt and set of gloves that you wish to upgrade.  I promise the ones I give you in return will be far superior.','Bring a Wildheart Belt and a set of Wildheart Gloves Deliana in Ironforge.','You\'ve kept your end of the bargain, I shall keep mine.$B$BJust remember that I\'m holding on to the best pieces until your work is finished.','You\'re ready to perform the trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4082insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4037,8927,'Just Compensation','You\'ve proven to be a very reliable individual, $N.  As much as I trust that you\'ll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.$B$BFor now I will exchange your belt and gloves.  If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.','Bring a Wildheart Belt and a set of Wildheart Gloves to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.','You\'re ready to perform the exchange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4083insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4038,8928,'A Shifty Merchant','The core will provide us with enough juice to power our device; now we just have to build a rod that can channel that energy without melting.$B$BI met an imp in Winterspring that sold all manner of exotic goods.  He had an elemental rod that would do perfectly.  I\'m kicking myself in the head right now for not having bought it.$B$BHe lives inside a cave in the entrance to Darkwhisper Gorge.  Sneak in there and try to find him.$B$BMake sure he only charges you forty gold; that\'s the price he quoted me!','Search for an imp inside a cave at the entrance of Darkwhisper Gorge in southern Winterspring, purchase a Fel Elemental Rod and return to Mux Manascrambler in Gadgetzan.','You did it! This rod will do perfectly. Now to put it all together...','Have you had any luck finding the imp in Darkwhisper Gorge?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4084insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4039,8929,'In Search of Anthion','Well, nothing left for us to do but try out the goblin\'s invention.  Word has it that Anthion was mowed down by the undead legions of Stratholme as he tried to enter its gates.$B$BTry using the device there and find out whatever Anthion knew.','Use the Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer at the entrance to Stratholme and speak with the ghost of Anthion Harmon.','Deliana had you contact me? I\'ll do my best to help you, but first I must ask a great favor of you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4085insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4040,8930,'In Search of Anthion','Very well, $N.  All that remains is to put the goblin\'s invention to the test.  Word has it that Anthion was slain by the undead legions of Stratholme as he tried to enter its gates.$B$BTry using the device there and see if, indeed, you can speak with the dead!','Use the Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer at the entrance to Stratholme and speak with the ghost of Anthion Harmon.','Mokvar had you contact me? I\'ll do my best to help you, but first I must ask a great favor of you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4086insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4041,8931,'Just Compensation','You kept your word and brought the device built by Mux.  I believe a reward is in order if I\'m to keep you interested in saving my skin.  Bring me an ordinary belt and a set of gloves that you wish to upgrade.','Bring a Beaststalker\'s Belt and a set of Beaststalker\'s Gloves to Deliana in Ironforge.','You\'ve kept your end of the bargain, I shall keep mine.$B$BJust remember that I\'m holding on to the best pieces until your work is finished.','You\'re ready to perform the trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4087insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4042,8932,'Just Compensation','You kept your word and brought the device built by Mux.  I believe a reward is in order if I\'m to keep you interested in saving my skin.  Bring me an ordinary belt and a set of gloves that you wish to upgrade.','Bring a Magister\'s Belt and a set of Magister\'s Gloves to Deliana in Ironforge.\r\n','You\'ve kept your end of the bargain, I shall keep mine.$B$BJust remember that I\'m holding on to the best pieces until your work is finished.','You\'re ready to perform the trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4088insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4043,8933,'Just Compensation','You kept your word and brought the device built by Mux.  I believe a reward is in order if I\'m to keep you interested in saving my skin.  Bring me the belt and set of gauntlets that you wish to upgrade.  I promise the ones I give you in return will be far superior.','Bring a Lightforge Belt and a set of Lightforge Gauntlets to Deliana in Ironforge.\r\n','You\'ve kept your end of the bargain, I shall keep mine.$B$BJust remember that I\'m holding on to the best pieces until your work is finished.','You\'re ready to perform the trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4089insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4044,8934,'Just Compensation','You kept your word and brought the device built by Mux.  I believe a reward is in order if I\'m to keep you interested in saving my skin.  Bring me the belt and set of gloves that you wish to upgrade.  I promise the ones I give you in return will be far superior.','Bring a Devout Belt and a set of Devout Gloves to Deliana in Ironforge.','You\'ve kept your end of the bargain, I shall keep mine.$B$BJust remember that I\'m holding on to the best pieces until your work is finished.','You\'re ready to perform the trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4090insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4045,8935,'Just Compensation','You kept your word and brought the device built by Mux.  I believe a reward is in order if I\'m to keep you interested in saving my skin.  Bring me the belt and set of gloves that you wish to upgrade.  I promise the ones I give you in return will be far superior.','Bring a Shadowcraft Belt and a set of Shadowcraft Gloves to Deliana in Ironforge.','You\'ve kept your end of the bargain, I shall keep mine.$B$BJust remember that I\'m holding on to the best pieces until your work is finished.','You\'re ready to perform the trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4091insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4046,8936,'Just Compensation','You kept your word and brought the device built by Mux.  I believe a reward is in order if I\'m to keep you interested in saving my skin.  Bring me the belt and set of gloves that you wish to upgrade.  I promise the ones I give you in return will be far superior.','Bring a Dreadmist Belt and a set of Dreadmist Wraps to Deliana in Ironforge.','You\'ve kept your end of the bargain, I shall keep mine.$B$BJust remember that I\'m holding on to the best pieces until your work is finished.','You\'re ready to perform the trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4092insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4047,8937,'Just Compensation','You kept your word and brought the device built by Mux.  I believe a reward is in order if I\'m to keep you interested in saving my skin.  Bring me the belt and set of gauntlets that you wish to upgrade.  I promise the ones I give you in return will be far superior.','Bring a Belt of Valor and a set of Gauntlets of Valor to Deliana in Ironforge.','You\'ve kept your end of the bargain, I shall keep mine.$B$BJust remember that I\'m holding on to the best pieces until your work is finished.','You\'re ready to perform the trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4093insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4048,8938,'Just Compensation','You\'ve proven to be a very reliable individual, $N.  As much as I trust that you\'ll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.$B$BFor now I will exchange your belt and gloves.  If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.','Bring a Beaststalker\'s Belt and a set of Beaststalker\'s Gloves to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.','You\'re ready to perform the exchange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4094insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4049,8939,'Just Compensation','You\'ve proven to be a very reliable individual, $N.  As much as I trust that you\'ll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.$B$BFor now I will exchange your belt and gloves.  If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.','Bring a Magister\'s Belt and a set of Magister\'s Gloves to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.','You\'re ready to perform the exchange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4095insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4050,8940,'Just Compensation','You\'ve proven to be a very reliable individual, $N.  As much as I trust that you\'ll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.$B$BFor now I will exchange your belt and gloves.  If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.','Bring a Devout Belt and a set of Devout Gloves to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.','You\'re ready to perform the exchange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4096insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4051,8941,'Just Compensation','You\'ve proven to be a very reliable individual, $N.  As much as I trust that you\'ll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.$B$BFor now I will exchange your belt and gloves.  If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.','Bring a Shadowcraft Belt and a set of Shadowcraft Gloves to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.','You\'re ready to perform the exchange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4097insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4052,8942,'Just Compensation','You\'ve proven to be a very reliable individual, $N.  As much as I trust that you\'ll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.$B$BFor now I will exchange your belt and gauntlets.  If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.','Bring a Cord of Elements and a set of Gauntlets of Elements to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.\r\n','Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.','You\'re ready to perform the exchange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4098insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4053,8943,'Just Compensation','You\'ve proven to be a very reliable individual, $N.  As much as I trust that you\'ll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.$B$BFor now I will exchange your belt and gloves.  If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.','Bring a Dreadmist Belt and a set of Dreadmist Wraps to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.\r\n','Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.','You\'re ready to perform the exchange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4099insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4054,8944,'Just Compensation','You\'ve proven to be a very reliable individual, $N.  As much as I trust that you\'ll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.$B$BFor now I will exchange your belt and gauntlets.  If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.','Bring a Belt of Valor and a set of Gauntlets of Valor to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.\r\n','Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.','You\'re ready to perform the exchange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4100insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4055,8945,'Dead Man\'s Plea','I\'ll provide you the information you ask for, $N.  But more pressing matters are at hand.$B$BMy beloved wife has been taken prisoner by Rivendare\'s undead scum.$B$BI strongly objected to her joining the Argent Dawn\'s foolish crusade, yet that\'s not of importance anymore.  You must finish what I attempted to do, you must rescue Ysida from the clutches of the Baron!','Go into Stratholme and rescue Ysida Harmon from Baron Rivendare.','Thank you for rescuing me... I feared for my life. Please accept this as a small token of my gratitude.$B$BAnthion is... no... he can\'t be...','','','Ysida Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4101insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4056,8946,'Proof of Life','It is the cruelest of fates that my beloved has perished while trying to rescue me.  Yet, you claim to possess the ability to converse with him.$B$BBring him this locket as proof that I am well.  He must not linger in this world; my heart would not be able to bear it.$B$BFarewell, $N.  I shall be in your debt always.','Bring Ysida\'s Locket to Anthion Harmon in Eastern Plaguelands.','That locket... you found her! I can rest in peace at long last.$B$BI shall now answer any questions you might have, $N. But make haste, my time in this world is not long.','Ysida... is she alive?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4102insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4057,8947,'Anthion\'s Strange Request','We didn\'t realize the importance of Valthalak\'s medallion, so it was divided along with the rest of the spoils.  The first piece was taken by a dwarf named Theldren.  I tried to retrieve it from him and he beat me within an inch of my life.  You shall have to take the fragment by force.$B$BLast I heard of him, he\'d become a gladiator for the Dark Iron dwarves.  Getting him to fight you is going to present a bit of a challenge, though.$B$BGather the following materials for me.  You\'re going to need them.','Bring 3 Dark Iron Bars, 20 Enchanted Leather, 3 Mooncloth and 4 Cured Rugged Hides to Anthion Harmon in the Eastern Plaguelands.','Excellent. I shall transmute these into something more suitable to our needs.','Did you obtain the materials I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4103insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4058,8948,'Anthion\'s Old Friend','Theldren is not one to willingly participate in a fair fight.  I\'ve shaped this banner to display his family colors.$B$BWith some additional sorcery, this banner shall provoke him in a way he won\'t be able to resist.$B$BAn old acquaintance of mine named Falrin knows the exact procedure required.  He has a particular way of... aggravating people.  You shall find him at the library in Dire Maul.','Take the incomplete Banner of Provocation to Falrin Treeshaper at the library in Dire Maul.','Anthion sent you, you say? I thought he was dead. I guess I\'ve heard stranger things in my life.$B$BVery well, then.  What is it you want me to do with this banner?','Speak up stranger, can\'t you see I\'m busy?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4104insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4059,8949,'Falrin\'s Vendetta','Yes, it is true that I am familiar with this enchantment you require, $c.  Yet I\'m not one to give out favors freely, even if you were sent here by an old friend.$B$BI hold nothing but hatred and contempt for our brutish ogre neighbors.  And not only them, I hate the followers of Omokk just as much as I hate those that follow King Gordok.$B$BI want you to kill them.  Kill lots of them!  Bring me the beads they carry around their neck as proof of your work.  Do this and we shall talk about your request.','Collect 25 Ogre Warbeads from Ogres inside Dire Maul or Blackrock Spire and return to Falrin Treeshaper inside the Athenaeum in Dire Maul.','Hmmm... strangely enough I don\'t feel any better about my brother\'s death at the hands of those brutes.$B$BWell, you held your end of the bargain. Let\'s see what I can do for you.','Have you performed the favor I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4105insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4060,8950,'The Instigator\'s Enchantment','I can place the enchantment you require on the banner quite easily, $N.  Unfortunately I don\'t have the materials I need as it is very rarely that someone asks for this sort of charm.$B$BI will require the essence of one of the Eldreth ghosts that haunt these halls, a handful of Scholomance dark runes and some large brilliant shards.  Bring me these reagents and I shall perform this task for you.','Bring the following to Falrin Treeshaper inside Dire Maul: 1 Jeering Spectre\'s Essence, 4 Dark Runes and 8 Large Brilliant Shards.','Yes, these will do just fine. After I\'m done, no force in the world will be able to stop your victim from accepting your challenge.','Have you gathered the materials I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4106insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4061,8951,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to her about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Deliana in Ironforge with a set of Wildheart Boots, a Wildheart Kilt and Wildheart Spaulders.','I can\'t believe our lives are all but forfeit all because of a stupid medallion! And you\'re sure Anthion mentioned Bodley?$B$BWell, you\'ve done your job so let\'s get your reward out of the way.','You\'re back, $N. You must tell me all about what you\'ve found out. But first let us arrange for your reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4107insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4062,8952,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to her about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Deliana in Ironforge with a set of Beaststalker\'s Boots, Beaststalker\'s Pants and Beaststalker\'s Mantle.','I can\'t believe our lives are all but forfeit all because of a stupid medallion! And you\'re sure Anthion mentioned Bodley?$B$BWell, you\'ve done your job so let\'s get your reward out of the way.','You\'re back, $N. You must tell me all about what you\'ve found out. But first let us arrange for your reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4108insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4063,8953,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to her about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Deliana in Ironforge with a set of Magister\'s Boots, Magister\'s Leggings and Magister\'s Mantle.','I can\'t believe our lives are all but forfeit all because of a stupid medallion! And you\'re sure Anthion mentioned Bodley?$B$BWell, you\'ve done your job so let\'s get your reward out of the way.','You\'re back, $N. You must tell me all about what you\'ve found out. But first let us arrange for your reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4109insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4064,8954,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to her about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Deliana in Ironforge with a set of Lightforge Boots, Lightforge Legplates and Lightforge Spaulders.','I can\'t believe our lives are all but forfeit all because of a stupid medallion! And you\'re sure Anthion mentioned Bodley?$B$BWell, you\'ve done your job so let\'s get your reward out of the way.','You\'re back, $N. You must tell me all about what you\'ve found out. But first let us arrange for your reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4110insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4065,8955,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to her about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Deliana in Ironforge with a set of Devout Sandals, Devout Skirt and Devout Mantle.','I can\'t believe our lives are all but forfeit all because of a stupid medallion! And you\'re sure Anthion mentioned Bodley?$B$BWell, you\'ve done your job so let\'s get your reward out of the way.','You\'re back, $N. You must tell me all about what you\'ve found out. But first let us arrange for your reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4111insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4066,8956,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to her about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Deliana in Ironforge with a set of Shadowcraft Boots, Shadowcraft Pants and Shadowcraft Spaulders.','I can\'t believe our lives are all but forfeit all because of a stupid medallion! And you\'re sure Anthion mentioned Bodley?$B$BWell, you\'ve done your job so let\'s get your reward out of the way.','You\'re back, $N. You must tell me all about what you\'ve found out. But first let us arrange for your reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4112insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4067,8957,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the amulet back together.  Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to him about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of Boots of Elements, Kilt of Elements and Pauldrons of Elements.','I can\'t believe our lives are all but forfeit all because of a stupid medallion! And you\'re sure Anthion mentioned Bodley?$B$BWell, you\'ve done your job so let\'s get your reward out of the way.','You\'re back, $N. You must tell me all about what you\'ve found out. But first let us arrange for your reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4113insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4068,8958,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to her about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Deliana in Ironforge with a set of Dreadmist Sandals, Dreadmist Leggings and Dreadmist Mantle.','I can\'t believe our lives are all but forfeit all because of a stupid medallion! And you\'re sure Anthion mentioned Bodley?$B$BWell, you\'ve done your job so let\'s get your reward out of the way.','You\'re back, $N. You must tell me all about what you\'ve found out. But first let us arrange for your reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4114insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4069,8959,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to her about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Deliana in Ironforge with a set of Boots of Valor, Legplates of Valor and Spaulders of Valor.','I can\'t believe our lives are all but forfeit all because of a stupid medallion! And you\'re sure Anthion mentioned Bodley?$B$BWell, you\'ve done your job so let\'s get your reward out of the way.','You\'re back, $N. You must tell me all about what you\'ve found out. But first let us arrange for your reward.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4115insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4070,8960,'Bodley\'s Unfortunate Fate','So we need to recover the rest of the medallion?  Finding Bodley\'s going to be a bit of a headache.  He went back to Blackrock Mountain to attempt to re-enter Blackrock Spire and never came back.$B$BI\'d suggest taking the goblin\'s ghost revealing device with you, as I fear the worst might have happened.','Travel to Blackrock Mountain and use the Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer to find Bodley near Blackrock Spire.','I am so glad that you can see me. Finally someone to talk to!$B$BWill you help us, $N? Help to undo the wrong that we perpetrated and put things to right? If it\'s true that you already have the Top Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet, then I think I can point you in the right direction to acquire the other two parts, reunite them and put an end to all of this.$B$BOh, by the way, hello, my name is Bodley. Nice to meet you!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4116insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4071,8961,'Three Kings of Flame','In order to summon Lord Valthalak we\'re first going to need to gather the other two-thirds of the amulet. To do that we need to get a brazier and some special coals to burn in it.$B$BThere are three nobles of fire, Lord Incedius in Blackrock Depths, Pyroguard Emberseer in Blackrock Spire and The Duke of Cynders in Silithus, with what we need. Collect from each a piece of their remains, and then return to me with a Hallowed Brazier, which can be purchased from the Argent Dawn if you are honored by them.','Gather the Incendicite of Incendius, the Ember of Emberseer and the Cinder of Cynders, along with a Hallowed Brazier, and return them to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','I\'m impressed, $C, but there\'s no time to lose. I will give you your next task, because you will still need to acquire a few more important components before we can proceed.$B$BSpeak to me again when you feel that you are ready for the challenge that lies ahead.','It was our folly... our doom that we took that last job. If only we hadn\'t inadvertently stolen Lord Valthalak\'s spirit, which was contained in the amulet; if only there weren\'t those in our mercenary group that had been so greedy and divided it up amongst themselves. I\'d be alive today, maybe tossing back a beer, or tossing one of my kids into the air.$B$B$N, don\'t let the avarice of the ignoble in our old mercenary company be your doom as well.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4117insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4072,8962,'Components of Importance','$C, listen closely. Now that we have the brazier, and the means to light it, we still need another component to suffuse it with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to entice the spirit of my deceased, former comrade.$B$BMor Grayhoof, our most prominent druid, had many close friends amongst the Cenarion Circle, some of which have fallen to the silithid. I need you to retrieve some Druidical Remains from the silithid that inhabit the environs of Hive\'Regal in southeastern Silithus.','Acquire Druidical Remains and return them to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','A job well done, $N. I will imbue the essence of the remains into the brazier.$B$BNow all that is left is to go to the lower portion of Blackrock Spire, to the chamber where War Master Voone resides in Tazz\'Alaor, and use the brazier to summon forth the corrupted spirit of my former cohort, Mor Grayhoof. He cannot rest until the amulet piece is taken from him.','Have you returned already then, $C, with what I sent you out to gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4118insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4073,8963,'Components of Importance','$C, listen closely. Now that we have the brazier, and the means to light it, we still need another component to suffuse it with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to entice the spirit of my deceased, former comrade.$B$BIsalien, our priestess, grew up in Winterspring at Starbreeze Village. I need you to gather a Starbreeze Village Relic from the Frostmaul giants of Frostwhisper Gorge in southern Winterspring, who are known for raiding to the north from time to time.','Acquire a Starbreeze Village Relic and return it to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','A job well done, $N. I will imbue the essence of the relic into the brazier.$B$BNow all that is left is to go to the Shrine of Eldretharr in the east wing of Dire Maul, and use the brazier to summon forth the spirit of my former cohort, Isalien. Her spirit has been corrupted by her possession of the piece of Valthalak\'s amulet, and the portion of his soul within it.','Have you returned already then, $C, with what I sent you out to gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4119insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4074,8964,'Components of Importance','$C, listen closely. Now that we have the brazier, and the means to light it, we still need another component to suffuse it with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to summon the remains of my deceased, former comrades.$B$BThe siblings, Jarien and Sothos, were believers in the way of the Scarlet Crusade. They aspired to knighthood within that vile organization. Go to Tyr\'s Hand in Eastern Plaguelands and retrieve a Brilliant Sword of Zealotry from the praetorians there.','Retrieve a Brilliant Sword of Zealotry and return it to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','A job well done, $N. I will imbue the essence of the sword into the brazier.$B$BNow all that is left is to get into The Crimson Throne inside The Scarlet Bastion at Stratholme, and use the brazier to summon forth the remains of my former cohorts, Jarien and Sothos. Their souls have been twisted further by their possession of Valthalak\'s amulet piece and his spirit within.','Have you returned already then, $C, with what I sent you out to gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4120insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4075,8965,'Components of Importance','$C, listen closely. Now that we have the brazier, and the means to light it, we still need another component to suffuse it with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to entice the spirit of my deceased, former comrade.$B$BAn ogre necromancer that traveled with us, Kormok, delighted in summoning forth the souls of the banished dead of Purgation Isle, off the south coast of the Hillsbrad Foothills. Go there and retrieve some Soul Ashes of the Banished from their remains.','Obtain Soul Ashes of the Banished and return them to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','A job well done, $N. I will imbue the essence of the ashes into the brazier.$B$BNow all that is left is to get into Scholomance, to Ras Frostwhisper\'s chamber, and use the brazier to summon forth the spirit of my former cohort, Kormok. The amulet piece, and Valthalak\'s spirit within, has corrupted him even further, and he will not rest until you forcibly take it from him.','Have you returned already then, $C, with what I sent you out to gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4121insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4076,8966,'The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet','My friend, Mor Grayhoof, was the first to fall victim to possession of a piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet, and the corrupting spirit fragment that it contains. After stealing Valthalak\'s spellbook and amulet, we fled for our lives from the upper portion of Blackrock Spire. Along the way, Mor fell into the lower portion of the spire.$B$BLater, we discovered that he survived the fall, only to be captured and tortured by War Master Voone. A few spectral assassins snuck in and slew him right in front of Voone.','Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth the spirit of Mor Grayhoof and slay him. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the Left Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.','You have done a great thing, $N. One spirit rests in peace, but there is still much work to be done before we can put all of this behind us.$B$BUnfortunately, I do not know the location of the one who died with the right piece of the amulet in their possession. But do not fear; in life I was a dabbler in the art of divination, so I have another task for you, which is going to enable us to ferret out the final piece.','Then it is done? You have retrieved the left piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet and finally put to rest the spirit of my old companion, Mor Grayhoof?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4122insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4077,8967,'The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet','It became known to us in later days, as we were doing what we could ourselves to survive, that Isalien, a night elf priestess of our company, had gone to the night elvic ancestral city, now known as Dire Maul. From what we gathered, she went there both for personal reasons and also to unlock the secrets of the piece of the amulet that she had in her possession.$B$BShe didn\'t quite make it, though. Word got back to us that she was ambushed at the Shrine of Eldretharr by Alzzin the Wildshaper and his forces.','Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth the spirit of Isalien and slay her. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the Left Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.','Thank you, $N, for putting Isalien\'s spirit to rest. Now, perhaps, she will find peace with her goddess. But, there is still a great deal of work ahead of us if we are to get out of this fine pickle we find ourselves in.$B$BUnfortunately, I do not know the location of the one who died with the right piece of the amulet in their possession. But do not fear; in life I was a dabbler in the art of divination, so I have another task for you, which is going to enable us to ferret out the final piece.','Surely you haven\'t already dealt with the salvation of Isalien\'s spirit and the retrieval of the left piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4123insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4078,8968,'The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet','The siblings, Jarien and Sothos, decided to join the Scarlet Crusade upon the disbanding of our mercenary company. They took the left piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet with them. Good riddance, I say, but we need that piece back.$B$BFrom what we could gather, they were actually slain by Grand Crusader Dathrohan himself for failing the initiation rites inside his chamber in the Scarlet Bastion.$B$BIn any case, we... meaning you, are still going to need to retrieve that piece of the amulet.','Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth Jarien and Sothos and slay them. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the Left Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.','I suppose it\'s for the best that the souls of those two have finally been put to rest, even if I didn\'t like them while they were alive. In any case, we have what we were after, and that is definitely a good thing!$B$BUnfortunately, I do not know the location of the one who died with the right piece of the amulet in their possession. But do not fear; in life I was a dabbler in the art of divination, so I have another task for you, which is going to enable us to ferret out the final piece.','Does this mean then, $C, that you\'ve already put the souls of those two fools to rest and retrieved the left piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4124insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4079,8969,'The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet','Now we have what we need, so it\'s time to discuss who it is that you\'ll be summoning.$B$BKormok was ok for an ogre, right up until he turned to necromancy. After that, things got creepy for just about everyone in the outfit. It was no surprise then when he took his piece of the amulet and returned to his new home, Scholomance.$B$BBut even there, or perhaps especially there, he was not safe from the spectral assassins. They slew him right in front of his master, Ras Frostwhisper.','Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth the spirit of Kormok and slay him. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the Left Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.','Good work, $N! Kormok wasn\'t all that bad for an ogre, at least not while he was still alive, so I hope he gets the rest that he deserves. But, there is more work ahead of us.$B$BUnfortunately, I do not know the location of the one who died with the right piece of the amulet in their possession. But do not fear; in life I was a dabbler in the art of divination, so I have another task for you, which is going to enable us to ferret out the final piece.','I commend you, $N, if you have returned with the left piece of the amulet. If not, however, please take care of that as there is no time to waste, I assure you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4125insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4080,8970,'I See Alcaz Island In Your Future...','As I was saying, $c, in my living years I flirted with becoming a diviner. But, there really wasn\'t as much profit in it as you might imagine, mostly because it\'s dangerous and the reagents are rare and expensive. However, I do know enough to be able to pinpoint the final piece of the amulet, and the spirit of my former comrade along with it.$B$BThis is where you come in, $N. I need you to go to Alcaz Island off the coast of Dustwallow Marsh and collect Bloodkelp from the Strashaz naga that live there.','Gather 20 Bloodkelp from the Strashaz naga and then return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','To be honest, $N, I\'m surprised you made it back in one piece. Then again, I guess Alcaz Island is the least of your worries right now.$B$BOk, give me a moment here... divination isn\'t something that you can just snap your fingers and expect accurate answers from.','Bloodkelp, $N, a big stack of it, that\'s what I need to power my divinatory spells. You\'re likely to need to take at least a couple of friends along with you to Alcaz Island to gather it up... those Strashaz are a nasty lot!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4126insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4081,8977,'Return to Deliana','It\'s been great working with you, $N.  Here is the finished product.$B$BI hope it helps you in your current endeavors.  And hey, if you don\'t mind, help spread the word.  I wouldn\'t mind having more customers!','Bring the Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer  to Deliana in Ironforge.','Excellent! You\'ve done well, $N. I\'m not sure I trust the goblin\'s craftsmanship, but I\'m left with no other choice.','You\'ve returned?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4127insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4082,8978,'Return to Mokvar','It\'s been great working with you, $N.  Here is the finished product.$B$BI hope it helps you in your current endeavors.  And hey, if you don\'t mind, help spread the word.  I wouldn\'t mind having more customers!','Return to Mokvar in Orgrimmar with the Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer.','You\'ve returned with the device! I\'m impressed by your dedication, $N. Excellent work.','You\'ve returned with the device?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4128insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4083,8979,'Fenstad\'s Hunch','I believe I know the cause of this recent behavior. Have you smelled the new fragrance on the wind, over the stink of the canals? The new colognes and perfumes that have come into fashion?$b$bOur thinking has been clouded by some foul alchemy.$b$bThere is only one way to be sure - bring a bottle of cologne and perfume to my friend, Apothecary Zinge. The Royal Apothecary Society will find the truth.$b$b I will reimburse you for their purchase when you return.','Bring 1 Cologne Bottle and 1 Perfume Bottle to Apothecary Zinge in the Undercity\'s Apothecarium.','Another one of Fenstad\'s obsessions, I see. Does he think that the Royal Apothecary Society has nothing better to do than to perform his little investigations?$B$BVery well, I will humor him once again.','How may I serve you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4129insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4084,8980,'Zinge\'s Assessment','This is unexpected. It looks like Fenstad might be on to something after all. I found traces of substances used in mind control potions.$b$bIt isn\'t unheard of for perfumes to have some of this, but a few of the ingredients I detected... This is serious alchemy, along the abilities of a member of the Royal Apothecary Society.','Return to Fenstad Argyle outside the bank in the Undercity.','So, I was right. We must waste no time. We must determine the source of these tainted fragrances.$B$BHere, to repay you for the purchase of the cologne and perfume.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4130insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4085,8981,'Gift Giving','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4131insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4086,8982,'Tracing the Source','We must find who the supplier is. I noticed Apothecary Katrina with a bottle of the perfume tucked in her pack. She told me that she purchased it from Norman, the innkeeper.','Speak with Innkeeper Norman in the Undercity.','Ah yes, I just recently received stock of the perfume and cologne. I don\'t know how long I can keep it on the shelves - seems like no one can get enough of it.$B$BIf you ask me, I don\'t see what the big deal is.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4132insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4087,8983,'Tracing the Source','Something\'s wrong with my product? Well, I\'ve never seen so many people wanting something so badly.$b$bI bought my supply from a merchant named Mara Rennick. She\'s new in town.$b$bShe mentioned she had some goods she had to deliver to the tailor in the Mage Quarter.','Speak with Mara Rennick at the tailor\'s shop in the Undercity\'s Mage Quarter.','I\'m afraid I sold my entire supply of perfume and cologne to Norman, the innkeeper. If you\'d like some, you should speak with him - assuming he has any left.$B$BYou shouldn\'t waste any time, though. I think you\'ll find the cologne  irresistible.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4133insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4088,8984,'The Source Revealed','Look, the actions of a rogue apothecary are not my concern. If he\'s undermining our efforts, then let me be the first to point you in the right direction$b$bIf he\'s innocent, then he\'s got nothing to hide, right?$b$bI purchased the goods from Apothecary Staffron Lerent. He\'s working in a secluded area past Ravenholdt Manor in the hills over Hillsbrad. To be honest with you, I thought he was a little odd.','Find Apothecary Staffron Lerent in the Hillsbrad Foothills past Ravenholdt Manor.','Yes, I made those fragrances. Wonderful smell, isn\'t it? Irresistible.$B$BOnce the warriors of Alliance and Horde alike are smitten with these feelings of love, they will be powerless to stop the rise of the Shadow Council.$B$BThey will be weakened, unprepared. As they worry for their loved ones, they will lose their edge.$B$BThe solution was so simple. Why did it take me so long to come upon it? The weakness of all is through the heart. And there is nothing you can do to stop the inevitable.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4134insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4089,8985,'More Components of Importance','$C, listen closely. Now that we have the location of the last amulet piece, we still need another component to suffuse the brazier with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to entice the spirit of my deceased, former comrade.$B$BIsalien, our priestess, grew up in Winterspring at Starbreeze Village. I need you to gather a Starbreeze Village Relic from the Frostmaul giants of Frostwhisper Gorge in southern Winterspring, who are known for raiding to the north from time to time.','Acquire a Starbreeze Village Relic and return it to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','A job well done, $N. I will imbue the essence of the relic into the brazier.$B$BNow all that is left is to go to the Shrine of Eldretharr in the east wing of Dire Maul, and use the brazier to summon forth the spirit of my former cohort, Isalien. Her spirit has been corrupted by her possession of the piece of Valthalak\'s amulet, and the portion of his soul within it.$B$BOh, by the way, I had some leftover bloodkelp from your trip to Alcaz Isle, so I made it into some potions for you. Take your pick!','Have you returned already then, $C, with what I sent you out to gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4135insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4090,8986,'More Components of Importance','$C, listen closely. Now that we have the location of the last amulet piece, we still need another component to suffuse the brazier with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to entice the spirit of my deceased, former comrade.$B$BMor Grayhoof, our most prominent druid, had many close friends amongst the Cenarion Circle, some of which have fallen to the silithid. I need you to retrieve some Druidical Remains from the silithid that inhabit the environs of Hive\'Regal in southeastern Silithus.','Acquire Druidical Remains and return them to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','A job well done, $N. I will imbue the essence of the remains into the brazier.$B$BNow all that is left is to go to the lower portion of Blackrock Spire, to the chamber where War Master Voone resides in Tazz\'Alaor, and use the brazier to summon forth the corrupted spirit of my former cohort, Mor Grayhoof. He cannot rest until the amulet piece is taken from him.$B$BOh, by the way, I had some leftover bloodkelp from your trip to Alcaz Isle, so I made it into some potions for you. Take your pick!','Have you returned already then, $C, with what I sent you out to gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4136insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4091,8987,'More Components of Importance','$C, listen closely. Now that we have the location of the last amulet piece, we still need another component to suffuse the brazier with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to summon the remains of my deceased, former comrades.$B$BThe siblings, Jarien and Sothos, were believers in the way of the Scarlet Crusade. They aspired to knighthood within that vile organization. Go to Tyr\'s Hand in Eastern Plaguelands and retrieve a Brilliant Sword of Zealotry from the praetorians there.\r\n','Retrieve a Brilliant Sword of Zealotry and return it to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','A job well done, $N. I will imbue the essence of the sword into the brazier.$B$BNow all that is left is to get into The Crimson Throne inside The Scarlet Bastion at Stratholme, and use the brazier to summon forth the remains of my former cohorts, Jarien and Sothos. Their souls have been twisted further by their possession of Valthalak\'s amulet piece and his spirit within.$B$BOh, by the way, I had some leftover bloodkelp from your trip to Alcaz Isle, so I made it into some potions for you. Take your pick!','Have you returned already then, $C, with what I sent you out to gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4137insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4092,8988,'More Components of Importance','$C, listen closely. Now that we have the location of the last amulet piece, we still need another component to suffuse the brazier with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to entice the spirit of my deceased, former comrade.$B$BAn ogre necromancer that traveled with us, Kormok, delighted in summoning forth the souls of the banished dead of Purgation Isle, off the south coast of the Hillsbrad Foothills. Go there and retrieve some Soul Ashes of the Banished from their remains.','Obtain Soul Ashes of the Banished and return them to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','A job well done, $N. I will imbue the essence of the ashes into the brazier.$B$BNow all that is left is to get into Scholomance, to Ras Frostwhisper\'s chamber, and use the brazier to summon forth the spirit of my former cohort, Kormok. The amulet piece, and Valthalak\'s spirit within, has corrupted him even further, and he will not rest until you forcibly take it from him.$B$BOh, by the way, I had some leftover bloodkelp from your trip to Alcaz Isle, so I made it into some potions for you. Take your pick!','Have you returned already then, $C, with what I sent you out to gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4138insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4093,8989,'The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet','My friend, Mor Grayhoof, was the first to fall victim to possession of a piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet, and the corrupting spirit fragment that it contains. After stealing Valthalak\'s spellbook and amulet, we fled for our lives from the upper portion of Blackrock Spire. Along the way, Mor fell into the lower portion of the spire.$B$BLater, we discovered that he survived the fall, only to be captured and tortured by War Master Voone. A few spectral assassins snuck in and slew him right in front of Voone.','Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth the spirit of Mor Grayhoof and slay him. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the recombined Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.','Thank you for helping Mor Grayhoof, $N. Another spirit rests in peace, and we now have the reassembled amulet! But we still have the hardest test ahead of us.$B$BIn order for the brazier to be attuned to calling forth Lord Valthalak, there are a few more items that need to be gathered and brought back to me here.','Then it is done? You have retrieved the right piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet, recombined the amulet into one whole, and finally put to rest the spirit of my old companion, Mor Grayhoof?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4139insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4094,8990,'The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet','It became known to us in later days, as we were doing what we could ourselves to survive, that Isalien, a night elf priestess of our company, had gone to the night elvic ancestral city, now known as Dire Maul. From what we gathered, she went there both for personal reasons and also to unlock the secrets of the piece of the amulet that she had in her possession.$B$BShe didn\'t quite make it, though. Word got back to us that she was ambushed at the Shrine of Eldretharr by Alzzin the Wildshaper and his forces.','Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth the spirit of Isalien and slay her. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the recombined Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.','Thank you, $N, for putting Isalien\'s spirit to rest. Now, perhaps, she will find peace with her goddess. And, we have the reassembled amulet, as well! But we still have the hardest test ahead of us.$B$BIn order for the brazier to be attuned to calling forth Lord Valthalak, there are a few more items that need to be gathered and brought back to me here.','Surely you haven\'t already dealt with the salvation of Isalien\'s spirit and the retrieval of the right piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet, $N? Be sure to recombine the pieces of the amulet before handing it to me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4140insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4095,8991,'The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet','The siblings, Jarien and Sothos, decided to join the Scarlet Crusade upon the disbanding of our mercenary company. They took the right piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet with them. Good riddance, I say, but we need that piece back.$B$BFrom what we could gather, they were actually slain by Grand Crusader Dathrohan himself for failing the initiation rites inside his chamber in the Scarlet Bastion.$B$BIn any case, we... meaning you, are still going to need to retrieve that piece of the amulet.','Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth Jarien and Sothos and slay them. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the recombined Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.','I suppose it\'s for the best that the souls of those two have finally been put to rest, even if I didn\'t like them while they were alive. In any case, we have what we were after, and now the amulet is reassembled! But we still have the hardest test ahead of us.$B$BIn order for the brazier to be attuned to calling forth Lord Valthalak, there are a few more items that need to be gathered and brought back to me here.','Does this mean then, $C, that you\'ve already put the souls of those two fools to rest and recombined the pieces of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4141insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4096,8992,'The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet','Now we have what we need, so it\'s time to discuss who it is that you\'ll be summoning next.$B$BKormok was ok for an ogre, right up until he turned to necromancy. After that, things got creepy for just about everyone in the outfit. It was no surprise then when he took his piece of the amulet and returned to his new home, Scholomance.$B$BBut even there, or perhaps especially there, he was not safe from the spectral assassins. They slew him right in front of his master, Ras Frostwhisper.','Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth the spirit of Kormok and slay him. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the recombined Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.','Good work, $N! Kormok wasn\'t all that bad for an ogre, at least not while he was still alive, so I hope he gets the rest that he deserves. And now we have the completed amulet! But we still have the hardest test ahead of us.$B$BIn order for the brazier to be attuned to calling forth Lord Valthalak, there are a few more items that need to be gathered and brought back to me here.','I commend you, $N, if you have returned with the completed amulet. If not, however, please take care of that as there is no time to waste, I assure you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4142insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4097,8993,'Gift Giving','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4143insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4098,8994,'Final Preparations','We\'re nearly there, $c. All that is left is to retrieve a few more components so that I can attune the brazier and enable it to beckon forth Lord Valthalak.$B$BTo begin I must ask you to journey forth into Blackrock Spire and slay the orcs therein. They wear bracers that contain trace metals that I will need, so I\'ll need more than a few to extract the right amount out of them. Then, to complete the imbuing process, you\'ll need to bring me a Flask of Supreme Power.$B$BGood luck, $N!','Gather 40 Blackrock Bracers and acquire a Flask of Supreme Power. Return them to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.','That\'s it then. I\'ll extract the metal from the bracers and imbue the brazier with these final components. Then it will be ready for you to summon Lord Valthalak, and finally return his spirit amulet to him.$B$BYou\'ve come quite a distance, $N, don\'t falter now that the end is in sight!','We\'ve come a long way, $N, and I just wanted to say that no matter what happens, thank you! You\'ve put yourself in mortal danger to try to help the surviving members of our mercenary company, The Veiled Blade, and as far as I\'m concerned, you\'re one of us now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4144insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4099,8995,'Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak','All is now ready, $N.$B$BWhen alive, Lord Valthalak used to inhabit what is now The Beast\'s chamber. Go there and use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth Lord Valthalak. It will reincorporate him, so he\'ll have to be killed again. I\'d take care of The Beast first, and be sure take enough friends along to survive the upper portion of Blackrock Spire.$B$BOnce you\'ve dispatched Valthalak, use the amulet on his corpse. With his spirit reunified, he\'ll likely want his amulet back, as well.$B$BGood luck!','Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon Lord Valthalak. Dispatch him, and use Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet on the corpse. Then, return Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet to the Spirit of Lord Valthalak.','How fortunate for you that I know you\'re not part of the original group that stole this from me.$B$BI\'ll take back what is mine now, mortal! Give the amulet to me!','$C, you dare disturb my rest!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4145insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4100,8996,'Return to Bodley','I will ignore your impertinence this time, $c, because you have done a noble thing today; returning the rest of my stolen spirit to me. Despite your obviously weak nature, $r, you have shown courage where those that stole from me did not, and probably never could!$B$BReturn to them, before I change my mind and slay you where you stand. Go back and tell them that they are safe... for now.','Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain and give him the Brazier of Beckoning.','He really said all of that? Wow, I can\'t believe he\'s going to call off the spectral assassins and stalkers, even if he did hint at causing my living companions further harm in the future.$B$BThis is a great day, $N! You\'ve accomplished what few ever could, and absolved us, at least in part, of some of our past sins.$B$BThank you! As a sign of appreciation, I\'d like to give you this. You can use it to summon forth spirits at the same haunted locations that you already have, and a few others, too.','$N, you\'re back and still alive! Well, at least that makes one of us.$B$BYou\'re going to have to tell me all about it!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4146insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4101,8997,'Back to the Beginning','I suppose that this is goodbye then, my friend. But, I\'ll always be here if you want to come back and talk with me from time to time. Probably while you\'re loitering around waiting for your buddies to join you for a raid on Blackrock Spire.$B$BGo, before I start to cry. Go back to Deliana in Ironforge and tell her what\'s happened.','Speak with Deliana at The High Seat in Ironforge.','I am very happy to see you return to me safely, $N. You look well, if not a bit worse for the wear.$B$BCome, tell me of all that has transpired.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4147insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4102,8998,'Back to the Beginning','I suppose that this is goodbye then, my friend. But, I\'ll always be here if you want to come back and talk with me from time to time. Probably while you\'re loitering around waiting for your buddies to join you for a raid on Blackrock Spire.$B$BGo, before I start to cry. Go back to Mokvar in Orgrimmar and tell him what\'s happened.','Speak with Mokvar at Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar\'s Valley of Wisdom.','I am pleased to see that you have survived, $N. You look well, if not a bit more seasoned.$B$BCome, tell me of all that has transpired.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4148insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4103,8999,'Saving the Best for Last','That\'s an amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved. Now maybe I\'ll be able to sleep at night with both eyes shut.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you\'ll really enjoy.','Give Deliana your Wildheart Cowl and Wildheart Vest.','I\'m going to miss you, $N. I owe you such a debt of gratitude; I think I\'ll never be able to repay it.$B$BI hope that you enjoy your new head and chest armor, and that it protects you for a long time to come.','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Wildheart pieces in exchange for your new Feralheart Cowl and Vest?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4149insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4104,9000,'Saving the Best for Last','That\'s an amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved. Now maybe I\'ll be able to sleep at night with both eyes shut.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you\'ll really enjoy.','Give Deliana your Beaststalker\'s Cap and Beaststalker\'s Tunic.','I\'m going to miss you, $N. I owe you such a debt of gratitude; I think I\'ll never be able to repay it.$B$BI hope that you enjoy your new head and chest armor, and that it protects you for a long time to come.','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Beaststalker pieces in exchange for your new Beastmaster\'s Cap and Tunic?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4150insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4105,9001,'Saving the Best for Last','That\'s an amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved. Now maybe I\'ll be able to sleep at night with both eyes shut.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you\'ll really enjoy.','Give Deliana your Magister\'s Crown and Magister\'s Robes.','I\'m going to miss you, $N. I owe you such a debt of gratitude; I think I\'ll never be able to repay it.$B$BI hope that you enjoy your new head and chest armor, and that it protects you for a long time to come.','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Magister\'s pieces in exchange for your new Sorcerer\'s Crown and Robes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4151insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4106,9002,'Saving the Best for Last','That\'s an amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved. Now maybe I\'ll be able to sleep at night with both eyes shut.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you\'ll really enjoy.','Give Deliana your Lightforge Helm and Lightforge Breastplate.','I\'m going to miss you, $N. I owe you such a debt of gratitude; I think I\'ll never be able to repay it.$B$BI hope that you enjoy your new head and chest armor, and that it protects you for a long time to come.','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Lightforge pieces in exchange for your new Soulforge Helmet and Breastplate?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4152insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4107,9003,'Saving the Best for Last','That\'s an amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved. Now maybe I\'ll be able to sleep at night with both eyes shut.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you\'ll really enjoy.','Give Deliana your Devout Crown and Devout Robe.','I\'m going to miss you, $N. I owe you such a debt of gratitude; I think I\'ll never be able to repay it.$B$BI hope that you enjoy your new head and chest armor, and that it protects you for a long time to come.','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Devout pieces in exchange for your new Virtuous Crown and Robe?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4153insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4108,9004,'Saving the Best for Last','That\'s an amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved. Now maybe I\'ll be able to sleep at night with both eyes shut.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you\'ll really enjoy.','Give Deliana your Shadowcraft Cap and Shadowcraft Tunic.','I\'m going to miss you, $N. I owe you such a debt of gratitude; I think I\'ll never be able to repay it.$B$BI hope that you enjoy your new head and chest armor, and that it protects you for a long time to come.','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Shadowcraft pieces in exchange for your new Darkmantle Cap and Tunic?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4154insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4109,9005,'Saving the Best for Last','That\'s an amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved. Now maybe I\'ll be able to sleep at night with both eyes shut.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you\'ll really enjoy.','Give Deliana your Dreadmist Mask and Dreadmist Robe.','I\'m going to miss you, $N. I owe you such a debt of gratitude; I think I\'ll never be able to repay it.$B$BI hope that you enjoy your new head and chest armor, and that it protects you for a long time to come.','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Dreadmist pieces in exchange for your new Deathmist Mask and Robe?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4155insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4110,9006,'Saving the Best for Last','That\'s an amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved. Now maybe I\'ll be able to sleep at night with both eyes shut.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you\'ll really enjoy.','Give Deliana your Helm of Valor and Breastplate of Valor.','I\'m going to miss you, $N. I owe you such a debt of gratitude; I think I\'ll never be able to repay it.$B$BI hope that you enjoy your new head and chest armor, and that it protects you for a long time to come.','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Valor pieces in exchange for your new Helm and Breastplate of Heroism?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4156insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4111,9007,'Saving the Best for Last','A truly amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.','Give Mokvar your Wildheart Cowl and Wildheart Vest.','I will truly miss you, $N. There is a debt that I owe you, which I may never be able to repay.$B$BEnjoy your new head and chest armor. May it protect you for a long time to come, and help you to achieve even greater honor!','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Wildheart pieces in exchange for your new Feralheart Cowl and Vest?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4157insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4112,9008,'Saving the Best for Last','A truly amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.','Give Mokvar your Beaststalker\'s Cap and Beaststalker\'s Tunic.','I will truly miss you, $N. There is a debt that I owe you, which I may never be able to repay.$B$BEnjoy your new head and chest armor. May it protect you for a long time to come, and help you to achieve even greater honor!','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Beaststalker pieces in exchange for your new Beastmaster\'s Cap and Tunic?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4158insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4113,9009,'Saving the Best for Last','A truly amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.','Give Mokvar your Devout Crown and Devout Robe.','I will truly miss you, $N. There is a debt that I owe you, which I may never be able to repay.$B$BEnjoy your new head and chest armor. May it protect you for a long time to come, and help you to achieve even greater honor!','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Devout pieces in exchange for your new Virtuous Crown and Robe?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4159insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4114,9010,'Saving the Best for Last','A truly amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.','Give Mokvar your Shadowcraft Cap and Shadowcraft Tunic.','I will truly miss you, $N. There is a debt that I owe you, which I may never be able to repay.$B$BEnjoy your new head and chest armor. May it protect you for a long time to come, and help you to achieve even greater honor!','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Shadowcraft pieces in exchange for your new Darkmantle Cap and Tunic?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4160insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4115,9011,'Saving the Best for Last','A truly amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.','Give Mokvar your Coif of Elements and Vest of Elements.','I will truly miss you, $N. There is a debt that I owe you, which I may never be able to repay.$B$BEnjoy your new head and chest armor. May it protect you for a long time to come, and help you to achieve even greater honor!','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Elements pieces in exchange for your new Coif and Vest of The Five Thunders','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4161insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4116,9012,'Saving the Best for Last','A truly amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.','Give Mokvar your Dreadmist Mask and Dreadmist Robe.','I will truly miss you, $N. There is a debt that I owe you, which I may never be able to repay.$B$BEnjoy your new head and chest armor. May it protect you for a long time to come, and help you to achieve even greater honor!','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Dreadmist pieces in exchange for your new Deathmist Mask and Robe?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4162insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4117,9013,'Saving the Best for Last','A truly amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.','Give Mokvar your Helm of Valor and Breastplate of Valor.','I will truly miss you, $N. There is a debt that I owe you, which I may never be able to repay.$B$BEnjoy your new head and chest armor. May it protect you for a long time to come, and help you to achieve even greater honor!','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Valor pieces in exchange for your new Helm and Breastplate of Heroism?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4163insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4118,9014,'Saving the Best for Last','A truly amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.','Give Mokvar your Magister\'s Crown and Magister\'s Robes.','I will truly miss you, $N. There is a debt that I owe you, which I may never be able to repay.$B$BEnjoy your new head and chest armor. May it protect you for a long time to come, and help you to achieve even greater honor!','As per our deal, are you ready to hand over your Magister\'s pieces in exchange for your new Sorcerer\'s Crown and Robes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4164insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4119,9015,'The Challenge','Heed me well, $N.  For the banner to work in the desired way, you will need to step into the Ring of the Law in Blackrock Depths.  Allow yourself to be sentenced by High Justice Grimstone and place the banner firmly on the ground in a sign of defiance.$B$BYour victim will not be able to restrain himself and shall enter the fray filled with a desire to fight you.  Once you obtain that which you seek, go back to Anthion.','Travel to the Ring of the Law in Blackrock Depths and place the Banner of Provocation in its center as you are sentenced by High Justice Grimstone.  Slay Theldren and his gladiators and return to Anthion Harmon in the Eastern Plaguelands with the first piece of Lord Valthalak\'s amulet.','You\'ve recovered part of the medallion, $N?','You\'re back, $N!','','Theldren\'s Team Defeated','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4165insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4120,9016,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the amulet back together.  Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to him about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of Wildheart Boots, a Wildheart Kilt and Wildheart Spaulders.\r\n','This curse was bestowed upon us but for a mere medallion. Lord Valthalak certainly knows how to hold a grudge.$B$BWe\'ll endeavor to find the remaining pieces - hopefully before I meet an untimely demise. But before that, let us see about your reward.','You\'ve returned and I see in your eyes that you\'ve much to tell me, $N.  Let us take care of your reward first.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4166insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4121,9017,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the amulet back together.  Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to him about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of Beaststalker\'s Boots, Beaststalker\'s Pants and Beaststalker\'s Mantle.','This curse was bestowed upon us but for a mere medallion. Lord Valthalak certainly knows how to hold a grudge.$B$BWe\'ll endeavor to find the remaining pieces - hopefully before I meet an untimely demise. But before that, let us see about your reward.','You\'ve returned and I see in your eyes that you\'ve much to tell me, $N.  Let us take care of your reward first.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4167insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4122,9018,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the amulet back together.  Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to him about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of Magister\'s Boots, Magister\'s Leggings and Magister\'s Mantle.','This curse was bestowed upon us but for a mere medallion. Lord Valthalak certainly knows how to hold a grudge.$B$BWe\'ll endeavor to find the remaining pieces - hopefully before I meet an untimely demise. But before that, let us see about your reward.','You\'ve returned and I see in your eyes that you\'ve much to tell me, $N.  Let us take care of your reward first.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4168insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4123,9019,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the amulet back together.  Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to him about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of Devout Sandals, Devout Skirt and Devout Mantle.','This curse was bestowed upon us but for a mere medallion. Lord Valthalak certainly knows how to hold a grudge.$B$BWe\'ll endeavor to find the remaining pieces - hopefully before I meet an untimely demise. But before that, let us see about your reward.','You\'ve returned and I see in your eyes that you\'ve much to tell me, $N.  Let us take care of your reward first.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4169insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4124,9020,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the amulet back together.  Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to him about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of  Shadowcraft Boots, Shadowcraft Pants and Shadowcraft Spaulders.','This curse was bestowed upon us but for a mere medallion. Lord Valthalak certainly knows how to hold a grudge.$B$BWe\'ll endeavor to find the remaining pieces - hopefully before I meet an untimely demise. But before that, let us see about your reward.','You\'ve returned and I see in your eyes that you\'ve much to tell me, $N.  Let us take care of your reward first.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4170insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4125,9021,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the amulet back together.  Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to him about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of Dreadmist Sandals, Dreadmist Leggings and Dreadmist Mantle.','This curse was bestowed upon us but for a mere medallion. Lord Valthalak certainly knows how to hold a grudge.$B$BWe\'ll endeavor to find the remaining pieces - hopefully before I meet an untimely demise. But before that, let us see about your reward.','You\'ve returned and I see in your eyes that you\'ve much to tell me, $N.  Let us take care of your reward first.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4171insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4126,9022,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the amulet back together.  Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to him about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of Boots of Valor, Legplates of Valor and Spaulders of Valor.','This curse was bestowed upon us but for a mere medallion. Lord Valthalak certainly knows how to hold a grudge.$B$BWe\'ll endeavor to find the remaining pieces - hopefully before I meet an untimely demise. But before that, let us see about your reward.','You\'ve returned and I see in your eyes that you\'ve much to tell me, $N. Let us take care of your reward first.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4172insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4127,9023,'The Perfect Poison','My brother and I run the poison operations out of the manor Ravenholdt.$B$BLord Ravenholdt tasked me to track down a new and extremely effective poison compound that can be crafted from the venom sacs of the inhabitants of Zul\'Gurub and the Ruins of Ahn\'Qiraj.$B$BThere are two particularly venomous beasts residing in those blasted ruins that possess what it is that we might be looking for, $c. Bring me a venom sac from the beasts Kurinnaxx and Venoxis and we would be eternally grateful.','Dirk Thunderwood at Cenarion Hold wants you to bring him Venoxis\'s Venom Sac and Kurinnaxx\'s Venom Sac.','Ravenholdt thanks you, hero! Take your pick!','This ain\'t no smash and grab job, $N. You\'re gonna need to bring friends.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4173insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4128,9024,'Aristan\'s Hunch','I\'ve got it! Have you smelled the new fragrance on the wind? The new colognes and perfumes that have come into fashion? Our guards wouldn\'t neglect their duties so easily.$b$bThat is, unless their thinking has been clouded by some foul alchemy.$b$bThere is only one way to be sure - bring a bottle of cologne and perfume to Morgan Pestle, and tell him my suspicions. I will reimburse you for their purchase when you return.','Bring 1 Cologne Bottle and 1 Perfume Bottle to Morgan Pestle in the Trade District of Stormwind.','I understand Aristan\'s concerns, but I really think he\'s overreacting. Let young men and women do what they will. I think Aristan has forgotten what it means to be young and in love.$B$BBut it would be better not to tell him that. We\'ll humor him.','Something I can help you with?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4174insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4129,9025,'Morgan\'s Discovery','Well, I\'ll be. It looks like Aristan might be on to something after all. I found traces of substances used in love potions and insidious mind-altering draughts.$b$bIt isn\'t unheard of for perfumes to have some of them, but a few of the ingredients I detected... Smells funny.','Return to Aristan Mottar outside the bank in Stormwind\'s Trade District.','While I thought this would be the case, finding out that my suspicions were correct is still unsettling. We must carefully consider our next move.$B$BHere, to repay you for the purchase of the cologne and perfume.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4175insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4130,9026,'Tracing the Source','We\'ve got to find the source. I\'ve seen a lot more people than usual - guards included - going in and out of The Gilded Rose. Talk to Allison. If she\'s selling them, she can tell you where they came from.','Speak with Innkeeper Allison at The Gilded Rose in Stormwind\'s Trade District.','Oh yes, I just got the perfume and cologne in stock recently. It\'s been selling so well, I don\'t know how long I can keep it on the shelves.$B$BIf you ask me, it\'s kind of boring. Everyone smelling the same? It smells great, but still.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4176insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4131,9027,'Tracing the Source','Something funny about the cologne? It\'s possible. I\'ve never seen so many people after one product like this.$b$bLook, if there\'s something wrong with it, I want to know, too. I bought my supply from a merchant named Evert Sorisam. He\'s new in town.$b$bHe mentioned he had some goods he was going to deliver to The Finest Thread.','Speak with Evert Sorisam at The Finest Thread along Stormwind\'s Canals.','Yes, of course. Those fragrances are the hottest items this season. You must be the fifth or sixth person this hour to inquire about them.$B$BI\'m afraid my supplies are all sold out. If you\'d like some, you should speak with Allison, the innkeeper of The Gilded Rose.$B$BYou shouldn\'t waste any time, though. I think you\'ll find the perfume will be irresistible.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4177insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4132,9028,'The Source Revealed','What? Treason? No, no. I assure you, my intentions are completely harmless.$b$bIs it so wrong to help those who wish to ease the painful ritual of courtship? Come, that is no crime.$b$bAnd to prove that I mean no harm, I will even tell you my source.$b$bThey were shipped to me by a Staffron Lerent, an apothecary of some sort. I never spoke with him.$b$bOur goblin middle man said that he worked in the foothills over Hillsbrad past that mysterious Ravenholdt Manor. I wish you luck in finding him.','Find Apothecary Staffron Lerent in the Hillsbrad Foothills behind Ravenholdt Manor.','Yes, I made those fragrances. Wonderful smell, isn\'t it? Irresistible.$B$BOnce the warriors of Alliance and Horde alike are smitten with these feelings of love, they will be powerless to stop the rise of the Shadow Council.$B$BThey will be weakened, unprepared. As they worry for their loved ones, they will lose their edge.$B$BThe solution was so simple. Why did it take me so long to come upon it? The weakness of all is through the heart. And there is nothing you can do to stop the inevitable.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4178insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4133,9029,'A Bubbling Cauldron','','','A pleasant smell wafts up from the cauldron.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4179insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4134,9030,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck, and you shall need it!','Speak to Deliana in Ironforge.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4180insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4135,9032,'Bodley\'s Unfortunate Fate','The medallion contained Valthalak\'s soul?  It\'s no surprise it was guarded by such a powerful curse.$B$BLocating Bodley presents a bit of a problem.  Last time I heard of him, he was preparing to venture back into Blackrock Spire.  He was never heard of again.$B$BSeek him out in Blackrock Mountain, though I\'m afraid to say he\'s probably dead by now.  I suggest taking the goblin\'s device with you, friend.','Travel to Blackrock Mountain and use the Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer to find Bodley near Blackrock Spire.','I am so glad that you can see me. Finally someone to talk to!$B$BWill you help us, $N? Help to undo the wrong that we perpetrated and put things to right? If it\'s true that you already have the Top Piece of Lord Valthalak\'s Amulet, then I think I can point you in the right direction to acquire the other two parts, reunite them and put an end to all of this.$B$BOh, by the way, hello, my name is Bodley. Nice to meet you!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4181insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4136,9033,'Echoes of War','Five years since the last war...$B$BTens of thousands of lives were lost and for what? The threat was never fully extinguished.$B$BAnd so the Lich King stirs once more... His yes-man, Kel\'Thuzad, amassing for another attack upon our lands.$B$BWe will not allow it! Prove your dedication. Prove that you are willing to risk life and limb to stop this madness and the combined might of the Dawn and the Crusade will be at your beck and call.$B$BEnter Naxxramas and destroy the Scourge within...','Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants you to slay 5 Living Monstrosities, 5 Stoneskin Gargoyles, 8 Deathknight Captains and 3 Venom Stalkers.','A job well done! You will be rewarded via the services of the men and women at Light\'s Hope.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4182insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4137,9034,'Dreadnaught Breastplate','During your battles with the Scourge in Naxxramas, should you come across desecrated battlements and wartorn plate scraps, return them to me and I shall craft for you a piece of armor worn by heroes.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Dreadnaught Breastplate if you bring him the following items: 1 Desecrated Breastplate, 25 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars and 2 Nexus Crystals.\r\n','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Dreadnaught Breastplate.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4183insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4138,9035,'Roadside Ambush','You, there!  You must help me, please!$B$BA fellow apprentice and I were attacked by the Wretched!  In their mad hunger for magic, they took everything they could get their hands on: mana crystals, wands, spellbooks... everything!$B$BMeledor gave chase after them; I had to stay behind and look after what they didn\'t take.  Continue down the road and see if you can lend him a hand.','Speak to Apprentice Meledor in Eversong Woods along the road heading south from Silvermoon City.','They\'re gone now. Scared the breeches out of them with a well-placed fireball! Unfortunately for me, they threw our precious cargo into the river.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4184insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4139,9036,'Dreadnaught Legplates','During your battles with the Scourge in Naxxramas, should you come across desecrated battlements and wartorn plate scraps, return them to me and I shall craft for you a piece of armor worn by heroes.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreadnaught Legplates if you bring him the following items: 1 Desecrated Legplates, 20 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Dreadnaught Legplates.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4185insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4140,9037,'Dreadnaught Helmet','During your battles with the Scourge in Naxxramas, should you come across desecrated battlements and wartorn plate scraps, return them to me and I shall craft for you a piece of armor worn by heroes.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Dreadnaught Helmet if you bring him the following items: 1 Desecrated Helmet, 15 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 5 Arcanite Bars and 1 Nexus Crystal.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Dreadnaught Helmet.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4186insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4141,9038,'Dreadnaught Pauldrons','During your battles with the Scourge in Naxxramas, should you come across desecrated battlements and wartorn plate scraps, return them to me and I shall craft for you a piece of armor worn by heroes.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreadnaught Pauldrons if you bring him the following items: 1 Desecrated Pauldrons, 12 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Dreadnaught Pauldrons.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4187insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4142,9039,'Dreadnaught Sabatons','During your battles with the Scourge in Naxxramas, should you come across desecrated battlements and wartorn plate scraps, return them to me and I shall craft for you a piece of armor worn by heroes.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreadnaught Sabatons if you bring him the following items: 1 Desecrated Sabatons, 12 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.\r\n','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Dreadnaught Sabatons.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4188insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4143,9040,'Dreadnaught Gauntlets','During your battles with the Scourge in Naxxramas, should you come across desecrated battlements and wartorn plate scraps, return them to me and I shall craft for you a piece of armor worn by heroes.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreadnaught Gauntlets if you bring him the following items: 1 Desecrated Gauntlets, 8 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 5 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Dreadnaught Gauntlets.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4189insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4144,9041,'Dreadnaught Waistguard','During your battles with the Scourge in Naxxramas, should you come across desecrated battlements and wartorn plate scraps, return them to me and I shall craft for you a piece of armor worn by heroes.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Dreadnaught Waistguard if you bring him the following items: 1 Desecrated Waistguard, 8 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 5 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Dreadnaught Waistguard.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4190insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4145,9042,'Dreadnaught Bracers','During your battles with the Scourge in Naxxramas, should you come across desecrated battlements and wartorn plate scraps, return them to me and I shall craft for you a piece of armor worn by heroes.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreadnaught Bracers if you bring him the following items: 1 Desecrated Bracers, 6 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 1 Nexus Crystal.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Dreadnaught Bracers.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4191insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4146,9043,'Redemption Tunic','You will find the remnants of our fallen heroes on the corpses of the Lords of Naxxramas. Bring those desecrated keepsakes to me along with wartorn plate scraps and crafting materials capable of revitalizing the cursed armor and I shall craft a fine piece of armor for you.','Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Redemption Tunic if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Tunic, 25 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Redemption Tunic.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4192insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4147,9044,'Redemption Legguards','You will find the remnants of our fallen heroes on the corpses of the Lords of Naxxramas. Bring those desecrated keepsakes to me along with wartorn plate scraps and crafting materials capable of revitalizing the cursed armor and I shall craft a fine piece of armor for you.','Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a pair of Redemption Legguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Legguards, 20 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Redemption Legguards.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4193insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4148,9045,'Redemption Headpiece','You will find the remnants of our fallen heroes on the corpses of the Lords of Naxxramas. Bring those desecrated keepsakes to me along with wartorn plate scraps and crafting materials capable of revitalizing the cursed armor and I shall craft a fine piece of armor for you.','Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Redemption Headpiece if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Headpiece, 15 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 5 Arcanite Bars and 2 Cured Rugged Hides.','<Eligor points to his head.>$B$BKeep it covered, $C.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4194insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4149,9046,'Redemption Spaulders','You will find the remnants of our fallen heroes on the corpses of the Lords of Naxxramas. Bring those desecrated keepsakes to me along with wartorn plate scraps and crafting materials capable of revitalizing the cursed armor and I shall craft a fine piece of armor for you.','Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a pair of Redemption Spaulders if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Spaulders, 12 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Redemption Spaulders.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4195insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4150,9047,'Redemption Boots','You will find the remnants of our fallen heroes on the corpses of the Lords of Naxxramas. Bring those desecrated keepsakes to me along with wartorn plate scraps and crafting materials capable of revitalizing the cursed armor and I shall craft a fine piece of armor for you.','Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Redemption Boots if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Boots, 12 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Redemption Boots.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4196insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4151,9048,'Redemption Handguards','You will find the remnants of our fallen heroes on the corpses of the Lords of Naxxramas. Bring those desecrated keepsakes to me along with wartorn plate scraps and crafting materials capable of revitalizing the cursed armor and I shall craft a fine piece of armor for you.','Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Redemption Handguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Handguards, 8 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 5 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Redemption Handguards.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4197insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4152,9049,'Redemption Girdle','You will find the remnants of our fallen heroes on the corpses of the Lords of Naxxramas. Bring those desecrated keepsakes to me along with wartorn plate scraps and crafting materials capable of revitalizing the cursed armor and I shall craft a fine piece of armor for you.','Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Redemption Girdle if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Girdle, 8 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 3 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Redemption Girdle.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4198insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4153,9050,'Redemption Wristguards','You will find the remnants of our fallen heroes on the corpses of the Lords of Naxxramas. Bring those desecrated keepsakes to me along with wartorn plate scraps and crafting materials capable of revitalizing the cursed armor and I shall craft a fine piece of armor for you.','Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Redemption Wristguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Wristguards, 6 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 2 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Redemption Wristguards.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4199insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4154,9051,'Toxic Test','The toxin you helped me create is for a special purpose.  The great devilsaurs of the crater make it dangerous to hunt and difficult for me to survive.  Even if I possessed the necessary strength, killing a devilsaur simply allows another to move into its territory.$b$bTake this poisoned barb and stab it deep into a living devilsaur.  The toxin should pacify the creature, though I do not know how quickly...','Stab a Devilsaur with the Devilsaur Barb. Return to Torwa Pathfinder in Un\'Goro Crater when you have completed this task.','Thank you, $N.  You are brave and wise.$B$BTell me, how did the devilsaur react to the toxin?','','Devilsaur stabbed with barb','Devilsaur stabbed with barb','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4200insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4155,9052,'Bloodpetal Poison','I would ask you to help me create a toxin of sorts, to pacify a great creature living here in the crater.  It is not deadly, and only the keen eyes of a $c can hope to collect the ingredients.$b$bYou can find the bloodcap mushrooms growing within the bloodpetal sprouts all across the crater.  Gorishi stings are from the insects inside and around the Slithering Scar, located in the southern part of the crater.','Collect 8 Bloodcap and 8 Gorishi Stings, and return to Torwa Pathfinder in Un\'Goro Crater.','The ingredients at last!$B$BWith the Un\'Goro soil I have collected, the toxin is easily concocted...','Have you met with success?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4201insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4156,9053,'A Better Ingredient','It is as I feared -- the toxin is simply too weak for such a powerful creature.$b$bIf we are to create a toxin of high enough potency, you must venture to the bottom of the Temple of Atal\'Hakkar, unlock the secrets of the altar and recover a putrid vine from the guardian there.  The temple is dangerous, and it would behoove you to bring friends.$b$bReturn to me when this is done.','Retrieve a Putrid Vine from the guardian at the bottom of the Sunken Temple and return to Torwa Pathfinder.','At last, the toxin can be created in full. I dare not require you to inflict it upon the creature again, as I have asked too much already.$B$BYou have my thanks and respect. May you be well in your travels, $N.','Have you recovered the vine?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4202insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4157,9054,'Cryptstalker Tunic','I have discovered a use for the carapace of the crypt fiend. I am able to fashion an extremely light and very deadly set of armor by combining the fragments with some of the desecrated magical armors lost in Naxxramas.$B$BBring me the items I require and I shall fashion for you a suit of armor the likes of which has never before been seen in our world!','Huntsman Leopold at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Cryptstalker Tunic if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Tunic, 25 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Cryptstalker Tunic.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4203insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4158,9055,'Cryptstalker Legguards','I have discovered a use for the carapace of the crypt fiend. I am able to fashion an extremely light and very deadly set of armor by combining the fragments with some of the desecrated magical armors lost in Naxxramas.$B$BBring me the items I require and I shall fashion for you a suit of armor the likes of which has never before been seen in our world!','Huntsman Leopold at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Cryptstalker Legguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Legguards, 20 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 3 Arcanite Bars and 5 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Cryptstalker Legguards.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4204insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4159,9056,'Cryptstalker Headpiece','I have discovered a use for the carapace of the crypt fiend. I am able to fashion an extremely light and very deadly set of armor by combining the fragments with some of the desecrated magical armors lost in Naxxramas.$B$BBring me the items I require and I shall fashion for you a suit of armor the likes of which has never before been seen in our world!','Huntsman Leopold at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Cryptstalker Headpiece if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Headpiece, 15 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Cryptstalker Headpiece.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4205insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4160,9057,'Cryptstalker Spaulders','I have discovered a use for the carapace of the crypt fiend. I am able to fashion an extremely light and very deadly set of armor by combining the fragments with some of the desecrated magical armors lost in Naxxramas.$B$BBring me the items I require and I shall fashion for you a suit of armor the likes of which has never before been seen in our world!','Huntsman Leopold at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Cryptstalker Spaulders if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Spaulders, 12 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Cryptstalker Spaulders.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4206insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4161,9058,'Cryptstalker Boots','I have discovered a use for the carapace of the crypt fiend. I am able to fashion an extremely light and very deadly set of armor by combining the fragments with some of the desecrated magical armors lost in Naxxramas.$B$BBring me the items I require and I shall fashion for you a suit of armor the likes of which has never before been seen in our world!','Huntsman Leopold at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Cryptstalker Boots if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Boots, 12 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 3 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Cryptstalker Boots.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4207insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4162,9059,'Cryptstalker Handguards','I have discovered a use for the carapace of the crypt fiend. I am able to fashion an extremely light and very deadly set of armor by combining the fragments with some of the desecrated magical armors lost in Naxxramas.$B$BBring me the items I require and I shall fashion for you a suit of armor the likes of which has never before been seen in our world!','Huntsman Leopold at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Cryptstalker Handguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Handguards, 8 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 5 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Cryptstalker Handguards.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4208insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4163,9060,'Cryptstalker Girdle','I have discovered a use for the carapace of the crypt fiend. I am able to fashion an extremely light and very deadly set of armor by combining the fragments with some of the desecrated magical armors lost in Naxxramas.$B$BBring me the items I require and I shall fashion for you a suit of armor the likes of which has never before been seen in our world!','Huntsman Leopold at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Cryptstalker Girdle if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Girdle, 8 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 3 Nexus Crystals.\r\n','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Cryptstalker Girdle.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4209insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4164,9061,'Cryptstalker Wristguards','I have discovered a use for the carapace of the crypt fiend. I am able to fashion an extremely light and very deadly set of armor by combining the fragments with some of the desecrated magical armors lost in Naxxramas.$B$BBring me the items I require and I shall fashion for you a suit of armor the likes of which has never before been seen in our world!','Huntsman Leopold at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Cryptstalker Wristguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Wristguards, 6 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 2 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Cryptstalker Wristguards.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4210insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4165,9062,'Soaked Pages','Those blasted Wretched sure can run fast at the sight of someone who\'ll stand up to them.  But let\'s not worry about that now.  I need to find my instructor\'s elemental grimoire.$B$BI\'m certain I saw one of those cowards throw it into the river but I cannot seem to be able to locate it.  I could use another set of eyes.  I\'ll throw in a bit of coin if you spot it.','Apprentice Meledor in Eversong Woods wants you to search the water beneath the bridge nearby and bring him Antheol\'s Elemental Grimoire.','The book is completely soaked. Instructor Antheol\'s not going to like this at all.$B$BHere, take this money. I have an idea.','No luck? Well, keep looking. The book is of utmost importance, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4211insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4166,9063,'Torwa Pathfinder','A hunter by the name of Torwa Pathfinder has requested the help of a druid.  He said only we would possess the necessary skills and respect for nature to help him.$b$bThere is a road that connects the Un\'Goro Crater and the desert of Tanaris.  As that road enters the crater, you will find Torwa close by.','Speak with Torwa Pathfinder in Un\'Goro Crater.','You have traveled far to meet with me, $C, and not a moment too soon.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4212insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4167,9064,'Taking the Fall','Antheol is going to fly off his rocker when he finds out his book is ruined.  I\'ve got a little proposal for you; don\'t worry, I\'ll make it worth your while.$B$BTake this book to him and tell him nothing of this incident.  If he asks, just tell him you dropped the book into a puddle.  He has no direct authority over you, so there\'s not much he can do.$B$BAntheol delivers his lectures at Stillwhisper Pond, southeast of Silvermoon.  You\'ll do this for us, right?  I\'ll reward you handsomely for this favor!','Bring Antheol\'s Elemental Grimoire to Instructor Antheol at Stillwhisper Pond in Eversong Woods.','You say those two incompetent fools bribed you to lie to me? You\'ve done very well in coming to me, $N.','What calls for this interruption to my lecture, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4213insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4168,9065,'The \"Chow\" Quest (123)aa','$Tpunk;!  Kill Kobold Vermin, 2 of em.','Kill Kobold Vermin, 2 of em.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4214insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4169,9066,'Swift Discipline','I hope you learn a valuable lesson today, $N.  Never trust someone else to lie for you.$B$BNow I want you to go back to my two dimwitted students and discipline them using this wand.  My magic tells me that you\'ll find them along the road to the west on the other side of the Dead Scar.$B$BCome back to me after you\'ve done this.  I\'ll give you a small reward for your troubles.','Use Antheol\'s Disciplinary Rod on his two students: Apprentice Ralen and Apprentice Meledor.  Return to Antheol at Stillwhisper Pond in Eversong Woods with the rod after this.','Excellent job, $N. Don\'t worry, they\'re not stuck in that form permanently.  Their apprenticeship, however, won\'t be restored until they earn it back.','Did you do what I asked of you, $N?','','Apprentice Meledor Disciplined','Apprentice Ralen Disciplined','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4215insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4170,9067,'The Party Never Ends','I like to throw parties... just a little something to celebrate the magnificence that is Quel\'Thalas!$B$BBut, I\'m in a bit of a bind.  I need you to gather up more party supplies.$B$BFrom Vinemaster Suntouched at the Silvermoon City inn, bring me a bottle of Suntouched Special Reserve.  From Zalene Firstlight at Farstrider Retreat acquire more of those delicious Springpaw Appetizers.  And you can pick up my delivery of fireworks from Halis Dawnstrider at Fairbreeze Village.$B$BBe quick about it!','Acquire a bottle of Suntouched Special Reserve, Springpaw Appetizers and a Bundle of Fireworks, and return them to Lord Saltheril at Saltheril\'s Haven in Eversong Woods.','You\'re quite the energetic young woman, aren\'t you?$B$BThis all looks very adequate.  You certainly deserve compensation for gathering up all of this for me, and something a little extra I think.$B$BOh, I almost forgot, here\'s an invitation to the party.  And, $C, next time that you drop in make sure to dress up in something a little more... festive.','Didn\'t I just send you out to gather up more party supplies?  Was that you?  Oh, I can\'t be expected to remember everyone\'s face, now can I?  I meet so many... interesting people.$B$BWhat is it that you want?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4216insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4171,9068,'Earthshatter Tunic','Would you honor me by returning the armor of those that fell in the defense of these lands?$B$BThe armor has been desecrated and is undoubtedly being used for evil; however, with wartorn armor scraps, the desecrated armor can be renewed and worn for battle once more.$B$BBring me the remnants of the fallen along with purification materials and Earthshatter shall be yours to don.$B$BSearch Naxxramas.','Rimblat Earthshatter at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make an Earthshatter Tunic if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Tunic, 25 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Earthshatter Tunic.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4217insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4172,9069,'Earthshatter Legguards','Would you honor me by returning the armor of those that fell in the defense of these lands?$B$BThe armor has been desecrated and is undoubtedly being used for evil; however, with wartorn armor scraps, the desecrated armor can be renewed and worn for battle once more.$B$BBring me the remnants of the fallen along with purification materials and Earthshatter shall be yours to don.$B$BSearch Naxxramas.','Rimblat Earthshatter at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Earthshatter Legguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Legguards, 20 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 3 Arcanite Bars and 5 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Earthshatter Legguards.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4218insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4173,9070,'Earthshatter Headpiece','Would you honor me by returning the armor of those that fell in the defense of these lands?$B$BThe armor has been desecrated and is undoubtedly being used for evil; however, with wartorn armor scraps, the desecrated armor can be renewed and worn for battle once more.$B$BBring me the remnants of the fallen along with purification materials and Earthshatter shall be yours to don.$B$BSearch Naxxramas.','Rimblat Earthshatter at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make an Earthshatter Headpiece if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Headpiece, 15 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Earthshatter Headpiece.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4219insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4174,9071,'Earthshatter Spaulders','Would you honor me by returning the armor of those that fell in the defense of these lands?$B$BThe armor has been desecrated and is undoubtedly being used for evil; however, with wartorn armor scraps, the desecrated armor can be renewed and worn for battle once more.$B$BBring me the remnants of the fallen along with purification materials and Earthshatter shall be yours to don.$B$BSearch Naxxramas.','Rimblat Earthshatter at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Earthshatter Spaulders if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Spaulders, 12 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars and 2 Mooncloth.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Earthshatter Spaulders.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4220insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4175,9072,'Earthshatter Boots','Would you honor me by returning the armor of those that fell in the defense of these lands?$B$BThe armor has been desecrated and is undoubtedly being used for evil; however, with wartorn armor scraps, the desecrated armor can be renewed and worn for battle once more.$B$BBring me the remnants of the fallen along with purification materials and Earthshatter shall be yours to don.$B$BSearch Naxxramas.','Rimblat Earthshatter at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Earthshatter Boots if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Boots, 12 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 3 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Earthshatter Boots.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4221insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4176,9073,'Earthshatter Handguards','Would you honor me by returning the armor of those that fell in the defense of these lands?$B$BThe armor has been desecrated and is undoubtedly being used for evil; however, with wartorn armor scraps, the desecrated armor can be renewed and worn for battle once more.$B$BBring me the remnants of the fallen along with purification materials and Earthshatter shall be yours to don.$B$BSearch Naxxramas.','Rimblat Earthshatter at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Earthshatter Handguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Handguards, 8 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 5 Cured Rugged Hides.','These handguards channel the power of the elements!','Have you brought me that which I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4222insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4177,9074,'Earthshatter Girdle','Would you honor me by returning the armor of those that fell in the defense of these lands?$B$BThe armor has been desecrated and is undoubtedly being used for evil; however, with wartorn armor scraps, the desecrated armor can be renewed and worn for battle once more.$B$BBring me the remnants of the fallen along with purification materials and Earthshatter shall be yours to don.$B$BSearch Naxxramas.','Rimblat Earthshatter at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make an Earthshatter Girdle if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Girdle, 8 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 3 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Earthshatter Girdle.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4223insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4178,9075,'Earthshatter Wristguards','Would you honor me by returning the armor of those that fell in the defense of these lands?$B$BThe armor has been desecrated and is undoubtedly being used for evil; however, with wartorn armor scraps, the desecrated armor can be renewed and worn for battle once more.$B$BBring me the remnants of the fallen along with purification materials and Earthshatter shall be yours to don.$B$BSearch Naxxramas.','Rimblat Earthshatter at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Earthshatter Wristguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Wristguards, 6 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 2 Cured Rugged Hides.\r\n','The wristguards are ready, $N.$B$B<Rimblat bows.>','Have you brought me that which I require?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4224insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4179,9076,'Wretched Ringleader','The Wretched are so oblivious, gorging on foul magic, that they haven\'t realized we\'ve recovered most of our weapons.  We can\'t expect them to remain in their stupor, though.  Now is the time for a decisive attack.  Let us make an example of their leader, Aldaron.  He was spotted on the top floor of the building by the anchorage.  Bring me his head; I\'ll reward you suitably.','Bring Aldaron\'s Head to Velendris Whitemorn near Sunsail Anchorage in Eversong Woods.','You defeated him after all!  Undoubtedly my men softened him up for you.$B$BI jest, $C.  You\'ve done well.  You\'ll make a name for yourself if you keep your nose clean.','Well, do you have his head or not?  I\'ve no time to waste, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4225insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4180,9077,'Bonescythe Breastplate','If you want Bonescythe made, you\'re going to have to supply the materials.$B$BEnter Naxxramas, the big floating city of death in the sky up there, and find desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps. Bring those back along with the materials to put everything together and you\'ll have your Bonescythe. Oh, and you\'ll need to pay me for my troubles... I\'ll supply the bones.','Rohan the Assassin at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Bonescythe Breastplate if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Breastplate, 25 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars and 6 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B,you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Bonescythe Breastplate.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4226insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4181,9078,'Bonescythe Legplates','If you want Bonescythe made, you\'re going to have to supply the materials.$B$BEnter Naxxramas, the big floating city of death in the sky up there, and find desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps. Bring those back along with the materials to put everything together and you\'ll have your Bonescythe. Oh, and you\'ll need to pay me for my troubles... I\'ll supply the bones.','Rohan the Assassin at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Bonescythe Legplates if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Legplates, 20 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar, 8 Cured Rugged Hides and 100 gold pieces.','Be careful walking around in those things. You might cut yourself.','<Rohan laughs.>$B$BI just realized the irony in all of this.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4227insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4182,9079,'Bonescythe Helmet','If you want Bonescythe made, you\'re going to have to supply the materials.$B$BEnter Naxxramas, the big floating city of death in the sky up there, and find desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps. Bring those back along with the materials to put everything together and you\'ll have your Bonescythe. Oh, and you\'ll need to pay me for my troubles... I\'ll supply the bones.','Rohan the Assassin at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Bonescythe Helmet if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Helmet, 15 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 8 Cured Rugged Hides, 1 Nexus Crystal and 75 gold pieces.\r\n','Exellent $N !$B,you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Bonescythe Helmet.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4228insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4183,9080,'Bonescythe Pauldrons','If you want Bonescythe made, you\'re going to have to supply the materials.$B$BEnter Naxxramas, the big floating city of death in the sky up there, and find desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps. Bring those back along with the materials to put everything together and you\'ll have your Bonescythe. Oh, and you\'ll need to pay me for my troubles... I\'ll supply the bones.','Rohan the Assassin at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Bonescythe Pauldrons if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Pauldrons, 12 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 5 Cured Rugged Hides, 1 Nexus Crystal and 50 gold pieces. ','<Rohan wipes the sweat from his brow.>$B$BThese shoulders took some work! Don\'t go out and get yourself killed like a scrub, $N.','<Rohan eyes you suspiciously.>$B$BBeen to Tyr\'s Hand lately?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4229insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4184,9081,'Bonescythe Sabatons','If you want Bonescythe made, you\'re going to have to supply the materials.$B$BEnter Naxxramas, the big floating city of death in the sky up there, and find desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps. Bring those back along with the materials to put everything together and you\'ll have your Bonescythe. Oh, and you\'ll need to pay me for my troubles... I\'ll supply the bones.','Rohan the Assassin at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Bonescythe Sabatons if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Sabatons, 12 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 3 Cured Rugged Hides, 2 Nexus Crystals and 25 gold pieces. ','They go on your feet. Say, you haven\'t been nosing around in Tyr\'s Hand again, have you?','Just bring me the materials and stop wasting my time, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4230insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4185,9082,'Bonescythe Gauntlets','If you want Bonescythe made, you\'re going to have to supply the materials.$B$BEnter Naxxramas, the big floating city of death in the sky up there, and find desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps. Bring those back along with the materials to put everything together and you\'ll have your Bonescythe. Oh, and you\'ll need to pay me for my troubles... I\'ll supply the bones.','Rohan the Assassin at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Bonescythe Gauntlets if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Gauntlets, 8 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 5 Cured Rugged Hides. ','These gauntlets could probably substitute as weapons if absolutely necessary. Wear them with pride!','How do you expect me to get anything done without the items I requested?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4231insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4186,9083,'Bonescythe Waistguard','If you want Bonescythe made, you\'re going to have to supply the materials.$B$BEnter Naxxramas, the big floating city of death in the sky up there, and find desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps. Bring those back along with the materials to put everything together and you\'ll have your Bonescythe. Oh, and you\'ll need to pay me for my troubles... I\'ll supply the bones.','Rohan the Assassin at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Bonescythe Waistguard if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Waistguard, 8 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 5 Cured Rugged Hides, 1 Nexus Crystal and 15 gold pieces.','The belt is ready, $N. Have you ever seen such a high-quality item sold for so little?','How do you expect me to get anything done without the items I requested?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4232insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4187,9084,'Bonescythe Bracers','If you want Bonescythe made, you\'re going to have to supply the materials.$B$BEnter Naxxramas, the big floating city of death in the sky up there, and find desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps. Bring those back along with the materials to put everything together and you\'ll have your Bonescythe. Oh, and you\'ll need to pay me for my troubles... I\'ll supply the bones.','Rohan the Assassin at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Bonescythe Bracers if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Bracers, 6 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar, 2 Cured Rugged Hides and 10 gold pieces.','The bracers are ready, $N.$B$B<Rohan bows.>','How do you expect me to get anything done without the items I requested?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4233insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4188,9085,'Shadows of Doom','After you bring down the defenses of the Scourge summoning circles that have appeared in the zones under attack, you will be able to confront the acolytes who protect them.$b$bIn truth, these are not men. They are shadows, some of the Lich King\'s most frightening creatures. They can be revealed using the necrotic runes they carry, and then destroyed with magic or strength of arms.','Go to a summoning circle and kill a Shadow of Doom, then return to Commander Thomas Helleran at Light\'s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4234insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4189,9086,'Dreamwalker Tunic','Many heroes fell in the last war and many continue to perish at the hands of the Scourge to this day. From the corpses of the fallen, the armor is stripped and taken back to Naxxramas to be used for unknown purposes.$B$BRecover the desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps and supply to me the other material components I require and I will craft Dreamwalker armor.','Rayne at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Dreamwalker Tunic if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Tunic, 25 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 6 Cured Rugged Hides and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Your Dreamwalker Tunic is ready, $N.','The material cost is high, but soon forgotten.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4235insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4190,9087,'Dreamwalker Legguards','Many heroes fell in the last war and many continue to perish at the hands of the Scourge to this day. From the corpses of the fallen, the armor is stripped and taken back to Naxxramas to be used for unknown purposes.$B$BRecover the desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps and supply to me the other material components I require and I will craft Dreamwalker armor.','Rayne at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreamwalker Legguards if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Legguards, 20 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 8 Cured Rugged Hides and 1 Nexus Crystal.','As promised, Dreamwalker Legguards.$B$B<Rayne hands you the armor.>','The material cost is high, but soon forgotten.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4236insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4191,9088,'Dreamwalker Headpiece','Many heroes fell in the last war and many continue to perish at the hands of the Scourge to this day. From the corpses of the fallen, the armor is stripped and taken back to Naxxramas to be used for unknown purposes.$B$BRecover the desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps and supply to me the other material components I require and I will craft Dreamwalker armor.','Rayne at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Dreamwalker Headpiece if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Headpiece, 15 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 6 Cured Rugged Hides and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Your Dreamwalker Headpiece is ready, $N.','The material cost is high, but soon forgotten.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4237insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4192,9089,'Dreamwalker Spaulders','Many heroes fell in the last war and many continue to perish at the hands of the Scourge to this day. From the corpses of the fallen, the armor is stripped and taken back to Naxxramas to be used for unknown purposes.$B$BRecover the desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps and supply to me the other material components I require and I will craft Dreamwalker armor.','Rayne at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreamwalker Spaulders if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Spaulders, 12 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 5 Cured Rugged Hides and 1 Nexus Crystal.','Your Dreamwalker Spaulders are ready, $N.','The material cost is high, but soon forgotten.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4238insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4193,9090,'Dreamwalker Boots','Many heroes fell in the last war and many continue to perish at the hands of the Scourge to this day. From the corpses of the fallen, the armor is stripped and taken back to Naxxramas to be used for unknown purposes.$B$BRecover the desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps and supply to me the other material components I require and I will craft Dreamwalker armor.','Rayne at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreamwalker Boots if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Boots, 12 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 3 Mooncloth and 2 Cured Rugged Hides.','Your Dreamwalker Boots are ready, $N.','The material cost is high, but soon forgotten.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4239insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4194,9091,'Dreamwalker Handguards','Many heroes fell in the last war and many continue to perish at the hands of the Scourge to this day. From the corpses of the fallen, the armor is stripped and taken back to Naxxramas to be used for unknown purposes.$B$BRecover the desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps and supply to me the other material components I require and I will craft Dreamwalker armor.','Rayne at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreamwalker Handguards if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Handguards, 8 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 5 Cured Rugged Hides and 1 Nexus Crystal.','Your Dreamwalker Handguards are ready, $N.','The material cost is high, but soon forgotten.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4240insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4195,9092,'Dreamwalker Girdle','Many heroes fell in the last war and many continue to perish at the hands of the Scourge to this day. From the corpses of the fallen, the armor is stripped and taken back to Naxxramas to be used for unknown purposes.$B$BRecover the desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps and supply to me the other material components I require and I will craft Dreamwalker armor.','Rayne at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Dreamwalker Girdle if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Girdle, 8 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 3 Mooncloth and 2 Cured Rugged Hides.','Your Dreamwalker Girdle is ready, $N.','The material cost is high, but soon forgotten.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4241insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4196,9093,'Dreamwalker Wristguards','Many heroes fell in the last war and many continue to perish at the hands of the Scourge to this day. From the corpses of the fallen, the armor is stripped and taken back to Naxxramas to be used for unknown purposes.$B$BRecover the desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps and supply to me the other material components I require and I will craft Dreamwalker armor.','Rayne at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Dreamwalker Wristguards if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Wristguards, 6 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 1 Arcane Crystal and 2 Cured Rugged Hides.','Your Dreamwalker Wristguards are ready, $N.','The material cost is high, but soon forgotten.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4242insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4197,9094,'Argent Dawn Gloves','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4243insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4198,9095,'Frostfire Robe','As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh\'s personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.$B$B<Angela points to her head.>$B$BIt\'s all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Frostfire Robe if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Robe, 25 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !,$Byou got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Frostfire Robe.','ou got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4244insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4199,9096,'Frostfire Leggings','As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh\'s personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.$B$B<Angela points to her head.>$B$BIt\'s all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Frostfire Leggings if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Leggings, 20 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !,$Byou got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Frostfire Leggings.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4245insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4200,9097,'Frostfire Circlet','As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh\'s personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.$B$B<Angela points to her head.>$B$BIt\'s all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Frostfire Circlet if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Circlet, 15 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 3 Mooncloth and 3 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !,$Byou got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Frostfire Circlet.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4246insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4201,9098,'Frostfire Shoulderpads','As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh\'s personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.$B$B<Angela points to her head.>$B$BIt\'s all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Frostfire Shoulderpads if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Shoulderpads, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.\r\n','Exellent $N !,$Byou got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Frostfire Shoulderpads.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4247insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4202,9099,'Frostfire Sandals','As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh\'s personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.$B$B<Angela points to her head.>$B$BIt\'s all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Frostfire Sandals if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Sandals, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !,$Byou got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Frostfire Sandals.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4248insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4203,9100,'Frostfire Gloves','As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh\'s personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.$B$B<Angela points to her head.>$B$BIt\'s all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Frostfire Gloves if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Gloves, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps and 4 Mooncloth.','Exellent $N !,$Byou got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Frostfire Gloves.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4249insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4204,9101,'Frostfire Belt','As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh\'s personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.$B$B<Angela points to her head.>$B$BIt\'s all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Frostfire Belt if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Belt, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Arcane Crystals and 2 Mooncloth.','Exellent $N !$B ,you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Frostfire Belt.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4250insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4205,9102,'Frostfire Bindings','As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh\'s personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.$B$B<Angela points to her head.>$B$BIt\'s all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Frostfire Bindings if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Bindings, 6 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 1 Arcane Crystal and 1 Nexus Crystal.','Exellent $N !,$Byou got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Frostfire Bindings.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4251insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4206,9103,'Plagueheart Robe','I make no pretenses, maggot. The darkness Plagueheart items hold could very well destroy the both of us. That is why the price is so high. If I\'m going to die, it\'s going to be as a rich man.$B$BAnd I don\'t give an ounce of gnoll spit how you die, only that you do as I ask. Bring me what I require and we will both benefit - or die; but I\'ve already explained this...','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Plagueheart Robe if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Robe, 25 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Plagueheart Robe.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4252insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4207,9104,'Plagueheart Leggings','I make no pretenses, maggot. The darkness Plagueheart items hold could very well destroy the both of us. That is why the price is so high. If I\'m going to die, it\'s going to be as a rich man.$B$BAnd I don\'t give an ounce of gnoll spit how you die, only that you do as I ask. Bring me what I require and we will both benefit - or die; but I\'ve already explained this...','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Plagueheart Leggings if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Leggings, 20 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Plagueheart Leggings.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4253insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4208,9105,'Plagueheart Circlet','I make no pretenses, maggot. The darkness Plagueheart items hold could very well destroy the both of us. That is why the price is so high. If I\'m going to die, it\'s going to be as a rich man.$B$BAnd I don\'t give an ounce of gnoll spit how you die, only that you do as I ask. Bring me what I require and we will both benefit - or die; but I\'ve already explained this...','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Plagueheart Circlet if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Circlet, 15 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 3 Mooncloth and 3 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Plagueheart Circlet.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4254insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4209,9106,'Plagueheart Shoulderpads','I make no pretenses, maggot. The darkness Plagueheart items hold could very well destroy the both of us. That is why the price is so high. If I\'m going to die, it\'s going to be as a rich man.$B$BAnd I don\'t give an ounce of gnoll spit how you die, only that you do as I ask. Bring me what I require and we will both benefit - or die; but I\'ve already explained this...','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Plagueheart Shoulderpads if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Shoulderpads, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Plagueheart Shoulderpads.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4255insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4210,9107,'Plagueheart Sandals','I make no pretenses, maggot. The darkness Plagueheart items hold could very well destroy the both of us. That is why the price is so high. If I\'m going to die, it\'s going to be as a rich man.$B$BAnd I don\'t give an ounce of gnoll spit how you die, only that you do as I ask. Bring me what I require and we will both benefit - or die; but I\'ve already explained this...','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Plagueheart Sandals if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Sandals, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Plagueheart Sandals.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4256insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4211,9108,'Plagueheart Gloves','I make no pretenses, maggot. The darkness Plagueheart items hold could very well destroy the both of us. That is why the price is so high. If I\'m going to die, it\'s going to be as a rich man.$B$BAnd I don\'t give an ounce of gnoll spit how you die, only that you do as I ask. Bring me what I require and we will both benefit - or die; but I\'ve already explained this...','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Plagueheart Gloves if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Gloves, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps and 4 Mooncloth.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Plagueheart Gloves.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4257insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4212,9109,'Plagueheart Belt','I make no pretenses, maggot. The darkness Plagueheart items hold could very well destroy the both of us. That is why the price is so high. If I\'m going to die, it\'s going to be as a rich man.$B$BAnd I don\'t give an ounce of gnoll spit how you die, only that you do as I ask. Bring me what I require and we will both benefit - or die; but I\'ve already explained this...','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Plagueheart Belt if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Belt, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Arcane Crystals and 2 Mooncloth.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Plagueheart Belt.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4258insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4213,9110,'Plagueheart Bindings','I make no pretenses, maggot. The darkness Plagueheart items hold could very well destroy the both of us. That is why the price is so high. If I\'m going to die, it\'s going to be as a rich man.$B$BAnd I don\'t give an ounce of gnoll spit how you die, only that you do as I ask. Bring me what I require and we will both benefit - or die; but I\'ve already explained this...','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Plagueheart Bindings if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Bindings, 6 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 1 Arcane Crystal and 1 Nexus Crystal.','Exellent $N !$B , you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Plagueheart Bindings.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4259insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4214,9111,'Robe of Faith','<Father Montoy makes some strange gestures in the air in front of you.>$B$BBlessed $g boy:girl;, have you found the vestments of the fallen? The poor souls whose last breaths were taken on the field of battle - stripped of everything including their dignity.$B$BBring me the desecrated remnants of the departed along with reagents of purification and you shall know faith.','Father Inigo Montoy at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Robe of Faith if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Robe, 25 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B, you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Robe of Faith.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4260insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4215,9112,'Leggings of Faith','<Father Montoy makes some strange gestures in the air in front of you.>$B$BBlessed $g boy:girl;, have you found the vestments of the fallen? The poor souls whose last breaths were taken on the field of battle - stripped of everything including their dignity.$B$BBring me the desecrated remnants of the departed along with reagents of purification and you shall know faith.','Father Inigo Montoy at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Leggings of Faith if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Leggings, 20 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth and 2 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B, you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Leggings of Faith.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4261insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4216,9113,'Circlet of Faith','<Father Montoy makes some strange gestures in the air in front of you.>$B$BBlessed $g boy:girl;, have you found the vestments of the fallen? The poor souls whose last breaths were taken on the field of battle - stripped of everything including their dignity.$B$BBring me the desecrated remnants of the departed along with reagents of purification and you shall know faith.','Father Inigo Montoy at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Circlet of Faith if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Circlet, 15 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 3 Mooncloth and 3 Nexus Crystals.','Exellent $N !$B, you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Circlet of Faith.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4262insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4217,9114,'Shoulderpads of Faith','<Father Montoy makes some strange gestures in the air in front of you.>$B$BBlessed $g boy:girl;, have you found the vestments of the fallen? The poor souls whose last breaths were taken on the field of battle - stripped of everything including their dignity.$B$BBring me the desecrated remnants of the departed along with reagents of purification and you shall know faith.','Father Inigo Montoy at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Shoulderpads of Faith if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Shoulderpads, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.','The vestments are ready, $N. Smite those that would harm our world in your righteous fire.','Have you brought me the reagents, child?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4263insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4218,9115,'Sandals of Faith','<Father Montoy makes some strange gestures in the air in front of you.>$B$BBlessed $g boy:girl;, have you found the vestments of the fallen? The poor souls whose last breaths were taken on the field of battle - stripped of everything including their dignity.$B$BBring me the desecrated remnants of the departed along with reagents of purification and you shall know faith.','Father Inigo Montoy at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Sandals of Faith if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Sandals, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth and 3 Cured Rugged Hides.\r\n','The vestments are ready, $N. Smite those that would harm our world in your righteous fire.','Have you brought me the reagents, child?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4264insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4219,9116,'Gloves of Faith','<Father Montoy makes some strange gestures in the air in front of you.>$B$BBlessed $g boy:girl;, have you found the vestments of the fallen? The poor souls whose last breaths were taken on the field of battle - stripped of everything including their dignity.$B$BBring me the desecrated remnants of the departed along with reagents of purification and you shall know faith.','Father Inigo Montoy at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Gloves of Faith if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Gloves, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps and 4 Mooncloth.\r\n','The vestments are ready, $N. Smite those that would harm our world in your righteous fire.','Have you brought me the reagents, child?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4265insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4220,9117,'Belt of Faith','<Father Montoy makes some strange gestures in the air in front of you.>$B$BBlessed $g boy:girl;, have you found the vestments of the fallen? The poor souls whose last breaths were taken on the field of battle - stripped of everything including their dignity.$B$BBring me the desecrated remnants of the departed along with reagents of purification and you shall know faith.','Father Inigo Montoy at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Belt of Faith if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Belt, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Arcane Crystals and 2 Mooncloth.','Exellent $N !$B, you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Belt of Faith.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4266insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4221,9118,'Bindings of Faith','<Father Montoy makes some strange gestures in the air in front of you.>$B$BBlessed $g boy:girl;, have you found the vestments of the fallen? The poor souls whose last breaths were taken on the field of battle - stripped of everything including their dignity.$B$BBring me the desecrated remnants of the departed along with reagents of purification and you shall know faith.','Father Inigo Montoy at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Bindings of Faith if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Bindings, 6 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 1 Arcane Crystal and 1 Nexus Crystal.','Exellent $N !$B, you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Bindings of Faith.','You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4267insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4222,9119,'Malfunction at the West Sanctum','Since you\'re here, $N, I\'ve a favor to ask you.  Ley-Keeper Velania\'s apprentice dropped by earlier to ask for assistance.  Apparently there\'s some malfunction happening at the West Sanctum.  I\'ve been a bit busy entertaining our... most pleasant... dwarven guest.  See if you can give her a hand.  You\'ll find the West Sanctum southwest of here.','Speak to Ley-Keeper Velania at the West Sanctum in Eversong Woods.','Look around you. Things aren\'t exactly in order.$B$BWe have a severe malfunction at the West Sanctum. Let us do our best to prevent matters from getting worse.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4268insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4223,9120,'The Fall of Kel\'Thuzad','The phylactery is all that remains of the master of Naxxramas. Your better judgment dictates that you destroy the phylactery, preventing the lich from ever reforming. Thankfully, you seldom listen to that internal voice of reason.$B$BSomeone at Light\'s Hope will pay you hugely for this artifact. Who cares if Kel\'Thuzad regenerates to full power?','Take the Phylactery of Kel\'Thuzad to Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4269insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4224,9121,'The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas','In the thick of Plaguewood lies the entrance to the dread citadel of Naxxramas. Previously, all attempts to enter had been stymied by the magical wards placed upon the rune portal. That is, until now.$B$BWe have devised a way to gain entry via arcane cloaking - an old cantrip of the Kirin Tor with a few modifications of my own. Since your dedication to the cause of the Dawn is somewhat lacking, $N, the price will be high. You may decline and choose to return when you are revered or exalted for a discount.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 5 Arcane Crystals, 2 Nexus Crystals, 1 Righteous Orb and 60 gold pieces. You must also be Honored with the Argent Dawn.\r\n','You will feel a slight tingle, $N. That sensation means it\'s working. Once complete, you will be able to enter Naxxramas by stepping upon the rune portal in Plaguewood.','None have entered Naxxramas and lived to tell the tale.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4270insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4225,9122,'The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas','In the thick of Plaguewood lies the entrance to the dread citadel of Naxxramas. Previously, all attempts to enter had been stymied by the magical wards placed upon the rune portal. That is, until now.$B$BWe have devised a way to gain entry via a permanent arcane cloaking of sorts - an old cantrip of the Kirin Tor with a few modifications of my own. With that said, the cloaking is costly. Since your dedication to the cause of the Dawn is admirable, we are willing to incur some of those costs.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 2 Arcane Crystals, 1 Nexus Crystal and 30 gold pieces. You must also be Revered with the Argent Dawn.','You will feel a slight tingle, $N. That sensation means it\'s working. Once complete, you will be able to enter Naxxramas by stepping upon the rune portal in Plaguewood.','None have entered Naxxramas and lived to tell the tale.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4271insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4226,9123,'The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas','In the thick of Plaguewood lies the entrance to the dread citadel of Naxxramas. Previously, all attempts to enter had been stymied by the magical wards placed upon the rune portal. That is, until now.$B$BWe have devised a way to gain entry via a permanent arcane cloaking of sorts - an old cantrip of the Kirin Tor with a few modifications of my own. With that said, the cloaking is costly; however, your dedication to the cause of the Dawn is unwavering! We will waive all cost associations.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will grant you Arcane Cloaking at no cost. You must be Exalted with the Argent Dawn.','You will feel a slight tingle, $N. That sensation means it\'s working. Once complete, you will be able to enter Naxxramas by stepping upon the rune portal in Plaguewood.','None have entered Naxxramas and lived to tell the tale.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4272insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4227,9124,'Cryptstalker Armor Doesn\'t Make Itself...','How would you like to earn yourself one of these shiny coins?$B$B<Leopold holds up an insignia of the Crusade.>$B$BI\'ve got a little problem that you might be able to help me with, $N. You see, I make Cryptstalker armor for those daft enough to venture into Naxxramas. While they supply me with the core material requirements for the armor, I always run out of the crypt fiend parts. Bring me back a bundle of parts and I\'ll pay you with an insignia - usable at the quartermaster.','Huntsman Leopold at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 30 Crypt Fiend Parts.','Ah, that\'ll do nicely, $N. Remember, I\'m always acceptINg more parts. For every bundle you brINg me, I\'ll reward you with an INsignia.','How goes the hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4273insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4228,9125,'Crypt Fiend Parts','You did an exemplary job on the first bundle, $N. If you have more, I will take them now. For every bundle that you turn in, I will reward you with another insignia.','You did an exemplary job on the first bundle, $N. If you have more, I will take them now. For every bundle that you turn IN, I will reward you with another INsignia.','Most excellent, $N! These will defINitely come to good use.','How goes the hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4274insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4229,9126,'Bonescythe Digs','Don Julio\'s Bonescythe armor pattern requires bone fragments - a lot of bone fragments. While those crazy enough to venture into Naxxramas provide me with enough of the core materials to make the armor, I\'m always looking for more Scourge bone fragments.$B$BSo what do you think? Interested in getting your hands dirty and destroying some Scourge at the same time? It\'s a win-win situation.','Rohan the Assassin at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 30 Bone Fragments.\r\n','You work fast, $N. Fast like a fox... Say, have I ever told you about the time I was IN a barber shop quartet?$B$BRemINd me to tell you that story one of these days.','I can direct you to skeleton INfested locales, $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4275insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4230,9127,'Bone Fragments','A man in my line of work can never have too many bone fragments, $N. Whenever you have a surplus of fragments, bring them to me and I\'ll reward you with another insignia.','A man IN my lINe of work can never have too many bone fragments, $N. Whenever you have a surplus of fragments, brINg them to me and I\'ll reward you with another INsignia.','My dream of becomINg a full-time dancer at the Gadgetzan disco is soon to become a reality! Keep up the good work, $N.','I can direct you to skeleton INfested locales, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4276insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4231,9128,'The Elemental Equation','Greetings, adventurer! Are you interested in some work? I pay those under my employ with insignias. These insignias can be used at the Quartermaster to purchase items of power.$B$BAll I need you to do is bring me as many core of elements as you can carry. The more the better!$B$BYou\'ll find them on elementals of varying shapes and sizes that exist across our world.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 30 Core of Elements.\r\n','A job well done, $N! As promised, the INsignia is yours. Just remember, there\'s more WHERE that came from...','I can only steer you IN the right direction, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4277insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4232,9129,'Core of Elements','Truth be told, I use the cores to create Frostfire armor. It is the armor used by the mages battling in Naxxramas. Without you and others like you, we would most definitely be losing this war.$B$BWith that said, bring me more cores and I shall grant you more insignias.','Truth be told, I use the cores to create Frostfire armor. It is the armor used by the mages battlINg IN Naxxramas. Without you and others like you, we would most defINitely be losINg this war.$B$BWith that said, brINg me more cores and I shall grant you more INsignias.','You perform a great service for us, $N. Well done!','I can only steer you IN the right direction, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4278insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4233,9130,'Goods from Silvermoon City','Welcome volunteer!  We\'re running low on supplies here, but the blood elves have promised us materiel assistance.  That\'s where you come in.$B$BTake this bill of lading over to Skymaster Sunwing. He\'ll have further instructions for you on how best to get up to Silvermoon City.','Deliver Quartermaster Lymel\'s Bill of Lading to Skymaster Sunwing in Tranquillien.','Lymel wants you to head up to Silvermoon City and bring back her goods. huh? Sure. I can get you there quickly... for a small fee, of course.','Yes. what\'s this?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4279insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4234,9131,'Binding the Dreadnaught','Have you ever seen Dreadnaught armor, $c? No, of course you haven\'t. You\'re still a $g boy:girl; - a tyke. Let me tell you, it is glorious.$B$BYou\'re probably asking yourself what any of this has to do with you, right? I\'ll tell you what, scrub; I need Dark Iron scraps and I\'m willing to pay to get my hands on as many as possible.$B$BI need the scraps to put together sets of Dreadnaught for our champions. Bring me scraps and get paid.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 30 Dark Iron Scraps.','This will do, for now. If you get more, you know WHERE to fINd me.','<Korfax growls at you.>$B$BWhat do you want? Directions? I can provide those...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4280insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4235,9132,'Dark Iron Scraps','For every armful of the scraps, I\'ll give you an insignia - the more the better. Now get out of my sight before I split you in two!','For every armful of the scraps, I\'ll give you an INsignia - the more the better. Now get out of my sight before I split you IN two!','This will do, for now. If you get more, you know WHERE to fINd me.','That\'s all you brought me? Maybe you didn\'t hear me the first time. I need MORE!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4281insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4236,9133,'Fly to Silvermoon City','$C, for a very modest amount of coin, I can send you swiftly flying through the air on one of these magnificent beasts.  And, it\'s safer than walking there, I can assure you!$B$BWhen you arrive in Silvermoon City, seek out Sathren Azuredawn in the Bazaar.$B$BSpeak with me once more when you\'ve decided you\'re ready to brave the skies.','Purchase a flight to Silvermoon City and deliver Quartermaster Lymel\'s Bill of Lading to Sathren Azuredawn in Silvermoon City.','What\'s this? Has Lymel\'s rotting brain finally slid out of her head? She wants all of this!?$B$BDid you bring anyone with you to help take it back?','That\'s quite a list you have there. friend. Let me take a look at it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4282insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4237,9134,'Skymistress Gloaming','It doesn\'t look as if you have a cart or a beast of burden with you, so I\'d better send you back only with what you can carry.  If you\'ve spoken with Skymaster Sunwing at Tranquillien, then you should get this to Quartermaster Lymel as soon as possible by flying back.$B$BTake these goods for final inspection to Skymistress Gloaming just outside Silvermoon City\'s Shepherd\'s Gate.','Bring Quartermaster Lymel\'s Goods to Skymistress Gloaming just outside Silvermoon City\'s Shepherd\'s Gate.','Back down to Tranquillien in the Ghostlands. then? Sure. I can get you there fast!','Wow, that box of goods you have there looks heavy! You want to load that up on one of my flying beauties?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4283insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4238,9135,'Return to Quartermaster Lymel','It all checks out as far as I can tell.  Seems to me that the Forsaken have put their backs to the wall for us and we owe them, even if they are all ugly and rotting.$B$BSo, the question is, have you already spoken to Skymaster Sunwing in Tranquillien?  If so, then this can be as simple as you paying the small fare and quickly flying back.$B$BLet me know when you\'re ready.','Purchase a flight back to Tranquillien in the Ghostlands and deliver Quartermaster Lymel\'s Goods to Quartermaster Lymel at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Well, I guess if he said that the rest of it will be coming quickly overland, then I\'ll take him at his word.  He\'s certainly never failed to provide the goods in the short time that we\'ve been working together.$B$BThank you, $N, you\'re a credit to the sin\'dorei!  Here take this coin... it\'s done nothing but jingle around in my pocket all day.','$C, back so soon?  Are those the goods that I sent you for?  Doesn\'t look like it could possibly be everything that I asked for!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4284insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4239,9136,'Savage Flora','I make a special type of armor for the brave heroes that enter Naxxramas known as Dreamwalker. They are able to provide me with most of the materials I require but I am always looking for those able to retrieve savage fronds from the flora of our world.$B$BYou may think of this job as beneath you, but without the fronds, the armor could not be made.$B$BI am also in a unique position to pay you with an insignia of your choice as both the Dawn and the Crusade supply me with funds.\r\n','Rayne at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 30 Savage Fronds.','I am much obliged, $N.$B$B<Rayne bows.>$B$BPlease remember that I am always acceptINg fronds.','I have INtimate knowledge of the flora IN our world. Do you require direction?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4285insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4240,9137,'Savage Fronds','For every bundle of fronds that you deliver to me, I will pay you with your choice of an insignia of the Dawn or the Crusade.$B$BInsignias may be turned in to the Quartermaster for various rewards.','For every bundle of fronds that you deliver to me, I will pay you with your choice of an INsignia of the Dawn or the Crusade.$B$BInsignias may be turned IN to the Quartermaster for various rewards.','Thank you, $N. Your work is vital to the success of our campaign agaINst the Scourge.','I have INtimate knowledge of the flora IN our world. Do you require direction?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4286insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4241,9138,'Suncrown Village','We\'re surrounded here, $c.  The outlying villages have all been overrun by the Scourge!$B$BYou must head northeast to Suncrown Village immediately and deal with the nerubian Scourge menace.  You can\'t miss them - they\'re spider-like creatures.$B$BThere\'s no time to waste.... Quel\'Thalas must be reclaimed!','Slay 10 Nerubis Guards and then return to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Outstanding! But, there\'s much to be done before the Scourge menace is completely driven from mighty Quel\'Thalas!$B$BHere, take this coin... it\'s not much, but you\'ve earned it.','With your aid we\'ll get the Scourge problem contained, mage. Dar\'Khan will be dealt with!$B$BHave you handled the nerubian problem at Suncrown Village yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4287insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4242,9139,'Goldenmist Village','We\'ve had one success, but there are two more villages that must be reclaimed!$B$BGoldenmist Village is our next target. It lies to the northwest, and has been taken by the ghosts of the high elves that used to live there. Gruesome, I know, but these are apparently the sorts of tactics that the Scourge like to employ.$B$BGo and defeat these ghosts and wraiths, $c. Take the west road out of Tranquillien to get there.','Defeat 6 Quel\'dorei Ghosts and 4 Quel\'dorei Wraiths at Goldenmist Village, and then return to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Your success at Goldenmist Village takes us another step closer to taking our land back. Don\'t fool yourself though, $c; this fight is far from over.$B$BHere, you\'ve more than earned this. You may need it when you go up against Windrunner Village.','I\'ve learned much about fighting the Scourge in the time that I\'ve been here. They can be beaten back, but it must be done in small steps. The obscene manner in which they can take your fallen and add them to their own ranks as the newly risen makes it imperative that you make no mistakes along the way.$B$BNow, how goes the fight against Goldenmist Village?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4288insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4243,9140,'Windrunner Village','$N, the final battle against the Ghostlands villages is upon you. Windrunner Village to the southwest has been overrun by a large force of the more powerful Scourge shocktroopers; shades and gargoyles. You will be the spearpoint of our offensive by thinning out their numbers.$B$BThe magisters at the nearby Sanctum of the Sun have made a special request this time; they want the remains from these Scourge to study in hopes of finding creative ways of fighting them.$B$BGood hunting!','Gather 6 Phantasmal Substance and 4 Gargoyle Fragments.  Return them to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','You\'ve done it, $N. You\'ve broken the Scourge hold on the three villages! Now we can focus our forces with greater ease against the Scourge on the Dead Scar and south at Deatholme.$B$BHere, take your choice of any one of these. I trust that you\'re not going anywhere? We can really use your continued assistance!','$C, has Windrunner Village been liberated? Those damned magisters at the Sanctum of the Sun have been berating me to get their hands on those Scourge remnants I asked you to gather.$B$BDon\'t worry about that, though. You take your time and get the job done right. I\'ll deal with the magisters.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4289insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4244,9141,'They Call Me \"The Rooster\"','You want a writ? What? Do you expect me to hand you a highly sought after work order just for showing up? I think not, scrub. Crafters from around the world bid for jobs here at the front lines.$B$BIf you want a work order, you\'ll have to show me that you\'re willing to bleed for the cause. Bring me a valor token and we\'ll talk.$B$BAnd there\'s only one way to get your grubby little scrub mitts on those - get to killin\'.','Dispatch Commander Metz at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants an Argent Dawn Valor Token.\r\n','Alright, here\'s how it works: For every valor token that you turn in, I\'ll give you another writ. You complete the order on that writ and deliver the order to Packmaster Stonebruiser. Got it? Good. Now get out of here.','<Commander Metz chews on his cigar.>$B$BWhat is it? I\'m a busy man.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4290insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4245,9142,'Craftsman\'s Writ','You know the drill, kid. One valor token gets you a craftsman\'s writ.','','You earned this, scrub. Now, don\'t cry about your orders. Fill \'em or destroy \'em.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4291insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4246,9143,'Dealing with Zeb\'Sora','The lieutenant here rushed us into battle with the trolls across the lake instead of scouting the situation first. We were decimated by his stupidity! You hear me Tomathren? You\'re an idiot!$B$BWill you help us, $c? Those trolls still need to be dealt with. I need to stay here and nursemaid him -- I think he\'s lost his mind.$B$BJust head east to the other side of the lake into Zeb\'Sora. I want revenge... bring me their ears so that I can fashion a nice necklace!','Collect 6 Zeb\'Sora Troll Ears and return them to Ranger Valanna in the Ghostlands.','I appreciate your efforts, $c! Thank you. Now, we can say that this expedition and all the lives lost on it haven\'t been in vain.','You get those troll ears yet?$B$BYou know, if we could get some help from Tranquillien every once in a while this wouldn\'t be such a problem. I\'m just glad that you\'re here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4292insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4247,9144,'Missing in the Ghostlands','My nephew was sent into the Ghostlands a few days ago.  He never mentioned anything about his task, except that it was of an extremely secret nature.$B$BHe never returned and I fear for the worst, $c.  A missing messenger might not mean much to the callous magisters of Silvermoon, but he\'s like a son to me.  Please, $N, will you look for him?','Follow the road out of Fairbreeze Village towards the south and look for Courier Dawnstrider as you approach the Ghostlands.','Help me, stranger. I must... reach Tranquillien... I cannot fail.$B$B<The blood elf falls back into unconsciousness as his eyes go blank.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4293insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4248,9145,'Help Ranger Valanna!','$C, I can\'t just sit here waiting for an audience with the high executor or Dame Auriferous! This cannot wait!$B$BWe were dealing with the Shadowpine trolls of Zeb\'Sora to the northeast across Lake Elrendar. But the lieutenant mishandled the attack and we lost a lot of Farstriders. Then he just fell to pieces afterward.  Ranger Valanna sent me here, and Ranger Salissa to the Farstrider Enclave for help.$B$BPlease find them, $c. Valanna was badly injured and the lieutenant\'s useless.','Find Ranger Valanna and Lieutenant Tomathren on the shore of Lake Elrendar in the Ghostlands near Suncrown Village.','Good to hear that Lethvalin made it to safety. and that he was smart enough to ask you for help instead of just waiting there.$B$BI hope that Ranger Salissa made it safely to Farstrider Enclave.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4294insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4249,9146,'Report to Captain Helios','I need one last favor of you, $c.  Just in case Ranger Salissa didn\'t make it back to Farstrider Enclave on the south edge of the lake, I need you to go there and get help.$B$BJust check in with Captain Helios and let him know what\'s happened here.  I\'m sure he\'ll send help back as soon as he can.','Speak with Captain Helios at the Farstrider Enclave on the southern shore of Lake Elrendar in the Ghostlands.','That\'s dire news indeed -- I completely overestimated Tomathren\'s ability to lead. I\'ll see to it that a group is dispatched to safely bring him and Valanna back in.$B$BUnfortunately, we never heard from Ranger Salissa, so I fear the worst in her case.$B$BYou\'ve done the Farstriders a great service this day, $c. Please take one of these as a small token of our appreciation.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4295insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4250,9147,'The Fallen Courier','What are you standing around for?  Can\'t you see this boy needs immediate attention?  By the looks of it, the plague is beginning to take over his body.  Within minutes not even a master apothecary like me will be able to save him.$B$BThe animals south of the river all carry the plague in their blood.  Go across the bridge and hunt the plagued beasts there.  Bring me enough plagued blood samples and I\'ll distill a serum capable of saving this blood elf.  Hurry!','Apothecary Thedra in Eversong Woods wants you to bring her 4 Plagued Blood Samples from beasts in the Ghostlands.','Just in time, $N! I was about ready to start digging a hole for our friend here.$B$BMy potion seems to be working; he\'s coming to.$B$BHey, I think he\'s trying to get your attention. Why don   you talk to him?','Well? Did you bring me what I need? Hurry, or the pretty Blood Elf boy is a goner!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4296insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4251,9148,'Delivery to Tranquillien','I... I\'m too weak to continue.  I carry a dire warning from Regent Lord Theron, in the form of a letter.  You\'ll have to deliver it for me.$B$BTake it to Arcanist Vandril in Tranquillien.  You\'ll find the town further to the south along this road.  Go there and... find Vandril...','Bring the Letter from Silvermoon to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Finally!  We\'ve waited for a response from the regent lord for weeks! Let me see here...$B$B<Vandril begins to read the letter.>$B$BWhat\'s this? A dark presence? He senses a dark presence in the Ghostlands?! No kidding; I could have told him that!$B$BThis is what we\'ve been waiting for?','You have the letter?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4297insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4252,9149,'The Plagued Coast','To find a cure for the plague we need to understand how it affects different creatures, from the most complex life forms to the lowliest subspecies.$B$BI\'ve come here to study the murlocs since, like us, they\'ve retained free will in undeath.  What makes these lowly mongrels so special?  I need to find out, $N!$B$BTravel northwest and bring me their spines so that I may study the accumulation of plague in their marrow.  Who knows what secrets their little bones hold?','Bring 6 Plagued Murloc Spines to Apothecary Renzithen in Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Excellent!  These spines will be invaluable to my research!  When I find a cure for the plague and word of my name spreads I\'ll make sure to make mention of you!$B$BIn the meantime, take these as a reward.  You might need them if you decide to go back to the coast.','Have you obtained the specimens I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4298insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4253,9150,'Salvaging the Past','Can you believe it?  We have an actual functioning arcane sanctum up and running southeast of here: the Sanctum of the Sun.  All manner of important magisters have come to take part in running it.$B$BOf course they\'ve all forgotten about the Sanctum of the Moon.  Not much remains of it and its energies have given rise to bizarre creatures.$B$BI\'m not one to let good resources go to waste, however.  Go to the Sanctum of the Moon and see if you can recover the crystallized essences from the creatures there.','Magister Darenis wants you to travel to the Sanctum of the Moon to the west of Tranquillien and recover 8 Crystallized Mana Essences from the Arcane Devourers and Mana Shifters that inhabit the structure.','These are remarkably powerful, $N.  I\'m very pleased with your work.','Did you obtain the essences, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4299insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4254,9151,'The Sanctum of the Sun','You\'ve proven your loyalty to Tranquillien and have helped us defend it against the threat of the Scourge.  Some of our most powerful magisters have come from Silvermoon to help us take the fight to the enemy\'s doorstep.$B$BThey\'ve rebuilt the arcane sanctum to the south and have driven the Scourge away from the surrounding area.  They plan to launch an offensive into Deatholme, Dar\'Khan\'s stronghold.  You would do well to join them, $N.  I\'m sure they can make use of a seasoned $c like yourself.','Speak to Magister Idonis in the Sanctum of the Sun in the Ghostlands.','Darenis sent you? Very well, I suppose we can use your aid in fighting Dar\'Khan\'s forces.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4300insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4255,9152,'Tomber\'s Supplies','How am I supposed to supply the war effort when I cannot even safely get my supplies here? I was promised an escort that never came. And then, I had to leave one of my carts behind to the west when I was attacked by a band of ghouls!$B$BWant to help out, and get me open for business in the process? Go down the western road out of town and past the graveyard. On the other side of the Dead Scar is a fork in the road. The hill that my cart had to be left on lies just beyond.','Retrieve Rathis Tomber\'s Supplies and return it to him at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','With the rest of my supplies here. I can finally open shop. I\'m sure that the high executor will be most pleased to hear that the war on Dar\'Khan and the Scourge can commence.$B$BAnd, of course, there\'s the small matter of your recompense. Very well, $c, here is the coin that I alluded to. Do be sure to drop by should you find yourself in need of any trade goods.','Just as soon as I get the rest of my supplies. I\'ll be open for business. The forces here aren\'t going to get very far if they can\'t purchase what they need to ply their trades.$B$BWar zones can be such profitable places, wouldn\'t you agree, $c? Now, did you manage to fight your way to my cart through all of those ghouls?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4301insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4256,9153,'Under the Shadow','The floating necropolises of the Scourge plague the lands of Horde and Alliance alike. Tanaris, the Blasted Lands, Winterspring and the Burning Steppes are blanketed in the shadows of the flying fortresses.$b$bOnly through our combined efforts will they be turned away.$b$bThe necropolises are supported by magical circles at various points in the invaded areas. We have determined that destroying the mindless hordes that surround these circles will destroy their defenses.','Check your map to find an area under Scourge attack. Go there and damage a necropolis by defeating the Scourge around them. Return 10 of their Necrotic Runes to Commander Thomas Helleran at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','You\'ve done well, $N. Through these incremental defeats, we shall prevail against this renewed Scourge threat.$B$BRest and recover, but then you must head out to the front again, lest we lose the ground we have gained today.$B$BTo aid you in your further battles, we will make some of our special items available to you in trade for more necrotic runes. ','It will take time to prevail against this threat. How have you fared, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4302insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4257,9154,'Light\'s Hope Chapel','The Scourge have returned in greater numbers than we have seen before. The Argent Dawn is recruiting all willing and capable men and women to defend our lands.$b$bIf we share common cause, take this document to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','Deliver the Call to Arms Announcement to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4303insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4258,9155,'Down the Dead Scar','If you\'ve made it this far then you probably know about the Dead Scar and how to this day mindless Scourge follow the path of destruction that Arthas created on his way to Silvermoon City.$B$BMake yourself useful and thin down the Scourge\'s numbers in the Scar.  If you prove to be worth your salt I\'ll put in a good word for you.','Slay 10 Risen Hungerers and 10 Gangled Cannibals on the Dead Scar.  Return to Deathstalker Rathiel in Tranquillien for a reward.','Not bad, $N. Keep it up, we could use a few more people like you around here.','Are you done with your task yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4304insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4259,9156,'Wanted: Knucklerot and Luzran','A bounty is hereby declared for the abominations known as Knucklerot and Luzran.  These dreadful creations of Dar\'Khan are extremely dangerous and have been sighted patrolling near the Howling and Bleeding Ziggurats.  Individuals seeking to claim the reward must present the abominations\' heads to Deathstalker Rathiel as proof of the deed.','Search the Ghostlands for Knucklerot and Luzran.  Bring their heads to Deathstalker Rathiel in Tranquillien for a reward.','Ah... Luzran and Knucklerot!  Not looking so tough anymore, are you?  I can see you\'re still looking ugly as ever.Take one of these rewards, $N.  You\'ve earned it. ','You have something to show me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4305insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4260,9157,'Forgotten Rituals','Every year we, the denizens of Suncrown Village, would take part in a ritual to keep the different aspects of nature under our control.  Dominion over the element of water was symbolized by the summoning and enslavement of an elemental named Aquantion.  Through a wicked perversion of our magic, the scoundrel broke his bonds and enslaved us instead!$B$BWe wore medallions shaped like waves during the ritual.  Seek them at the bottom of the lake; we\'ll need them to free my compatriots\' spirits!','Bring 8 Wavefront Medallions to Geranis Whitemorn in the Ghostlands.','With these necklaces we shall once again summon Aquantion.  The rebellious elemental will pay and our deaths will be avenged!','Have you obtained the medallions? The drowned still haunt this lake! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4306insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4261,9158,'Bearers of the Plague','You show courage coming to the Ghostlands, $N.  There is much work to be done here and not enough brave souls to do it.$B$BI\'ve a thankless task to offer you, should you have the inclination to aid our cause.  The very wildlife in this land has been tainted by the plague and we must stop it from spreading.  Hunt the ghostclaw lynxes to the east and south of here and return when you\'ve slain enough of them.','Farstrider Sedina at the Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands wants you to slay 10 Ghostclaw Lynxes.','You\'ve done well, $N. It\'s important that the plague doesn\'t spread to the healthy wildlife in Eversong. I have more work for you if you\'re looking for something to do.','Have you completed the task I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4307insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4262,9159,'Curbing the Plague','You\'ve proven your worth as an ally, $N.  I need you to continue your task and track down more plagued wildlife.  This time seek out some of the more dangerous beasts.  Hunt the spindleweb lurkers west of the Dead Scar and the vampiric mistbats just south of here.  Return to me when you\'re done.','Farstrider Sedina at the Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands wants you to slay 8 Spindleweb Lurkers and 10 Vampiric Mistbats.','You\'ve taken your task seriously and thus I\'d like to present you with suitable rewards. We need more allies with your courage and determination, $N.','Have you completed the task I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4308insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4263,9160,'Investigate An\'daroth','$C, we are having difficulty with a group of night elves that have recently taken over a nearby island. They\'ve set up a small camp at the old high elf ley-line nexus, An\'daroth, to the northwest. There is a dirt path that leads up to it just past the Dead Scar.$B$BI suggest that you lend us your aid by going there, investigating what they are up to, and slaying as many of the conceited night elves as you can.','Investigate the area at An\'daroth, kill 12 Sentinel Spies and then return to Dame Auriferous at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Disappointing that the night elves\' plans were not readily apparent at An\'daroth. However, those objects that looked like small magically-grown trees with powered orbs atop them sound interesting. It would appear that we\'ll need to be more direct in our information gathering efforts.$B$BHere, take this coin and these potions. I believe that you\'ll have use for them before we\'re done dealing with these night elves.','$C. what word do you bring concerning An\'daroth and what the night elves were up to there?','Investigate An\'daroth','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4309insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4264,9161,'The Traitor\'s Shadow','Dar\'Khan Drathir is believed to have returned from the dead to rule over the armies of the Scourge in the Ghostlands.  Dar\'Khan aligned himself with the Scourge long ago... yet he was once a living, breathing elf.  Much of his time was spent inside Dawnstar Spire, northeast of here.  He hid there for many nights, scheming against his own. $B$BSearch the tower for more information, $N.  Perhaps he had a journal or kept notes.  One never knows where useful information might present itself.','Travel to Dawnstar Spire in the Ghostlands and search for any clues involving Dar\'Khan\'s past.','After browsing through the first few pages of this old book, you come to the conclusion that it once belonged to the one known as Dar\'Khan Drathir.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4310insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4265,9162,'Hints of the Past','As you skim through the pages in the journal you\'re overcome by an unnerving sense of being watched.$B$BThe contents are unsettling.  Dar\'Khan\'s soul was one filled with hatred and contempt for his own people.  The extent of his machinations and plots are all documented in great detail.$B$BPerhaps there is something here that Vynna will find useful.','Return to Ranger Vynna at the Farstrider Enclave with Dar\'Khan\'s Journal.','This information is very valuable, $N.  We all knew about Dar\'Khan\'s plans to steal the power of the Sunwell for the Scourge, but much of the information found here is completely new to us.  Magister Kaendris at the Sanctum of the Sun will want to look at this. ','Tell me, $N, what did you find out?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4311insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4266,9163,'Into Occupied Territory','Now, the more direct course of action that we are going to take, to figure out what these night elves are really up to, is to have you go to their island and steal any information that you can come by.$B$BI want you to head west down the road out of town to Shalandis Isle, just off the coast. Go there and recover any plans they might have on the island or on their ship.','Steal the Night Elf Plans: An\'daroth, Night Elf Plans: An\'owyn and Night Elf Plans: Scrying on the Sin\'dorei, and return them to Dame Auriferous at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Troubling! These plans show the night elf forces at An\'daroth, which we already knew, but also at An\'owyn, a more remote ley-line nexus to the southeast.There is a third nexus to the east, which is not mentioned, named An\'telas. I have a very bad feeling about all of this.','How fare our efforts to uncover the night elf plot on Shalandis Isle?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4312insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4267,9164,'Captives at Deatholme','Ah, yes.  One of my finest creations.  This draught will break most forms of alchemically induced stupor.$B$BSide effects include confusion, nausea and - in rare cases - temporary blindness.  All much preferable to whatever the Scourge plans to do to those prisoners in Deatholme, if you ask me.$B$BBest of luck, brave $c.  You are going to need it.','Take Renzithen\'s Restorative Draught to Deatholme and rescue Apprentice Varnis,  Apothecary Enith and Ranger Vedoran.  Return to Arcanist Janeda at the Sanctum of the Sun for a reward.','Excellent job, $N. Without your help those prisoners would\'ve lost their minds and souls to the Scourge.','What became of the prisoners in Deatholme? Have you ventured there yet?','','Apothecary Enith Rescued','Apprentice Varnis Rescued','Ranger Vedoran Rescued','Ranger Vedoran Rescued',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4313insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4268,9165,'Writ of Safe Passage','Without the help of adventurers, my caravan would have never made it! Scourge were coming out of the woodwork to try and stop us from getting here.$B$B<Guard Didier wipes his brow.>$B$BNow we need to wait here for Field Marshal Chambers to arrive. He\'ll sign your writ of safe passage to take back to Dispatch Commander Metz at Light\'s Hope Chapel.$B$BAnd $N, watch what you say around Chambers. He\'s the \'bite off your head and spit down your wind pipe\' type of guy - except that he\'ll actually do it...','Deliver the signed Writ of Safe Passage to Dispatch Commander Metz at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','<Dispatch Commander Metz takes the writ and signs it.>$B$BExcellent work, $N. Outstanding even! Take this as a token of our appreciation. No pun intended, scrub.','Name, rank and serial number!','','','Writ of Safe Passage Signed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4314insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4269,9166,'Deliver the Plans to An\'telas','You must deliver the recovered night elf plans to An\'telas for me. It is to the east, on the southern slopes of Sungraze Peak, just to the northeast of the Sanctum of the Sun.$B$BMagister Sylastor is there conducting ongoing studies into the ley-line nexus energy for potential use in our fight against the Scourge. Have him look at these plans to shed some light on what it is that these night elves are up to.','Deliver the Night Elf Plans to Magister Sylastor at An\'telas in the Ghostlands.','It was just horrible! Night elves! They conjured their moon crystal here for some nefarious plot, but I snuck away and gathered a larger group of our scouts and casters from the nearby Sanctum of the Sun. We killed most of them and the rest of the group is hunting down the remnants!I\'m glad that you\'re here now; I was only left a couple of scouts for protection! It\'s not safe out here!Give me a moment and I\'ll read through these plans to see what the night elves are up to. ','Oh, thank goodness for you! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4315insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4270,9167,'The Traitor\'s Destruction','Everything we\'ve done in the Ghostlands has been done with the goal of taking back what is rightfully ours.  The Scourge have maintained their chokehold on the region for far too long.$B$BThe time has come for payback, $N.  Thanks to your help and the help of our new allies, the Forsaken, vengeance will soon be ours.$B$BHe who sought to steal the power of the Sunwell must die.  Go to Deatholme, the Scourge stronghold south of the Dead Scar.  Bring me Dar\'Khan\'s head and your deeds will go down in history!','Slay Dar\'Khan Drathir inside Deatholme and bring his head to Magister Kaendris at the Sanctum of the Sun in the Ghostlands.','Today you\'ve dealt a deadly blow to the Scourge\'s grasp in the region.$B$BWith the vile traitor gone, it shall not be long before we\'ve reclaimed our lands and our greatness is restored once again.','Is it done, then?  Has Dar\'Khan been destroyed?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4316insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4271,9168,'BETA Heart of Deatholme','Deep inside Deatholme our enemies are striving to create stronger, deadlier spectral soldiers.  These abhorrent creatures are perfect killing machines, handcrafted by Dar\'Khan himself and hardened by the dark magic of Deatholme.$B$BTravel to the Tower of the Damned inside Deatholme and destroy them, $N.  We cannot let our enemy\'s army grow in power while we struggle to maintain our foothold in the Ghostlands.','Destroy 8 Eyes of Dar\'Khan and report back to Magister Idonis at the Sanctum of the Sun in the Ghostlands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4317insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4272,9169,'Deactivate An\'owyn','Their moon crystals are scrying devices -- they\'re going to spy on us! I know that An\'daroth can\'t provide enough power for that, but An\'owyn, directly to the south, most definitely can!$B$BFrom the plans I now have a basic knowledge of how these moon crystals work; enough to shut them down. They\'re keyed so that they can be turned off. You must go to An\'owyn, retrieve the controlling orb from one of the night elves and then use it on the moon crystal to stop them from enacting their plan!$B$BHurry, $c!','Retrieve the Crystal Controlling Orb and then use it to deactivate the Night Elf Moon Crystal at An\'owyn. Then return to Magister Sylastor at An\'telas in the Ghostlands.','That\'s a relief, $c! I can assure you that if you hadn\'t deactivated those scrying orbs we would be in a more tenuous position than the one we\'re already in! To think, surrounded by enemies, and one of them able to spy upon our every move!$B$BBut now we don\'t need to worry about that thanks to you! Here, take this, I want you to be rewarded for your efforts and I just happen to have a few things here that I no longer have any use for.$B$BThank you again, $N!','Is it over then, $c? Did you deactivate the night elf moon crystal at An\'owyn?','','Night Elf Moon Crystal Deactivated','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4318insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4273,9170,'Dar\'Khan\'s Lieutenants','The odious traitor, Dar\'Khan, has risen to great power among the ranks of the Scourge.  His lieutenants command vast armies of undead against our dwindling numbers.$B$BMasophet the Black, Jurion the Deceiver, Borgoth the Bloodletter, Mirdoran the Fallen.  Learn these names well for in the Ghostlands these Scourge leaders are second only to Dar\'Khan himself.  Slay them and their mindless armies will be thrown into disarray.','Magister Idonis wants you to venture into Deatholme to slay Masophet the Black, Jurion the Deceiver, Borgoth the Bloodletter and Mirdoran the Fallen.  Report back to him in the Sanctum of the Sun in the Ghostlands after you\'ve completed this task.','Dar\'Khan\'s armies will soon fall. The Scourge shall not stand a chance against the combined might of the sin\'dorei and the Forsaken.','Have you succeeded in severing the Scourge\'s chain of command, $N? Are Dar\'Khan\'s lieutenants dead?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4319insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4274,9171,'Culinary Crunch','This is intolerable!  I have nothing to work with here! Milady asks me to come from Silvermoon City; she deserves cuisine as befits her station.  No?  But I get here and there is no food.  You must go out, $c, and bring back fresh kills so that I have something to prepare.$B$BDame Auriferous prefers a crunchy texture to her food.  There are plenty of spindleweb lurkers to the southwest on the other side of the Dead Scar.  Disgusting, I know, but that\'s what we have to work with.','Collect 5 Crunchy Spider Legs and return them to Master Chef Mouldier at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Very well. these will have to do. No, don\'t describe them crawling around, I don\'t want to know! I\'ll work my magic upon these legs and they\'ll turn out quite tasty. A little spice here, a pinch of herb there, and then of course some arcane ingredients, and voila, a meal fit for a queen... or in this case, a dame.$B$BYour service has been adequate, $c. Here, take this recipe and some samples.','I believe I can hear the dame\'s belly rumbling even from here!  I take it that you are here talking to me because you have what I asked you to obtain?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4320insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4275,9172,'Report to Magister Kaendris','The magisters at the Sanctum of the Sun have made great progress in analyzing the Scourge\'s weaknesses with the aid of the Forsaken.  Magister Kaendris will know what to do with this information.$B$BYou\'ll find the Sanctum of the Sun southwest of here.  You must hurry, $N.  Dar\'Khan is a cunning enemy and watches our every move!','Bring Dar\'Khan\'s Journal to Magister Kaendris at the Sanctum of the Sun in the Ghostlands.','This book... it can\'t be!  It\'s Dar\'Khan\'s very own handwriting.  There must be information here that will reveal a weakness in our opponent.$B$BYou\'ve done well in coming to us, $N.  The Farstriders have shown great wisdom in leaving this matter in our hands.  This armor should help you further our cause. ','You wish to speak to me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4321insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4276,9173,'Retaking Windrunner Spire','$C, I want you to reclaim Windrunner Spire!$B$BIt\'s an honor, really. Windrunner Spire is the original home of Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, queen of the Forsaken and former ranger-general of the elves. But now it\'s been overrun by the mindless Scourge.$B$BTo get there take the road south until it branches. Take the right fork and after crossing the Dead Scar continue southwest. You can\'t miss it.','Slay 8 Deatholme Acolytes and 10 Fallen Rangers, and return to High Executor Mavren at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','I\'m certain that Lady Sylvanas will be pleased to hear that we\'ve made progress in the matter.$B$BHere, take this coin as payment for your efforts.','I trust that you return to me with news that Windrunner Spire has been cleansed of its Scourge infection?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4322insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4277,9174,'Vanquishing Aquantion','That willful elemental ended many lives that fateful day when he revolted against us.  By calling to the lowly murloc to sabotage our rites he subverted our magic and turned it against us.$B$BShow him our thirst for vengeance has not waned!  Take these medallions and lay them at the Altar of Tidal Mastery at the bottom of the lake.  Aquantion shall immediately answer your summons!$B$BBeware, $r!  Without our magic controlling him, his wrath will be unrestrained.  Destroy Aquantion so we may rest!','Geranis Whitemorn wants you to swim to the bottom of the lake east of Suncrown Village and use the Bundle of Medallions on the Altar of Tidal Mastery.  Summon and slay the elemental known as Aquantion and return to Geranis.','You\'ve avenged our deaths and broken Aquantion\'s grasp on our souls. We may finally rest.','Has Aquantion been destroyed yet? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4323insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4278,9175,'The Lady\'s Necklace','The necklace shimmers, a remarkable piece of jewelry that doesn\'t seem to succumb to the gloom that permeates the Ghostlands. Given the inscription, and where you found it, it must be the lost property of Lady Sylvanas Windrunner herself!$B$BPerhaps it would be best to first take it to High Executor Mavren at Tranquillien? He seems to be the highest ranking Forsaken in the area and is sure to know what to do with it.','Take The Lady\'s Necklace to High Executor Mavren at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','You say that you found it on one of the Scourge at Windrunner Spire and that there\'s an inscription on it? Let me see!Here, take this coin for a job well done. ','What\'s that you have there? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4324insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4279,9176,'The Twin Ziggurats','According to this journal, Dar\'Khan promised the Scourge two powerful elven artifacts: the stone of light and the stone of flame.  These were imbued with the magical energies of the Sunwell and attuned to have warding powers against the Scourge.$B$BThe crystals were to be transported to where the Howling Ziggurat and the Bleeding Ziggurat now stand, in the middle of the Dead Scar.  If they\'re still held there, we need to recover them.  Their power will be greatly useful in our struggle against the enemy.','Travel to the Bleeding Ziggurat and the Howling Ziggurat and recover the Stone of Light and the Stone of Flame.  Return to Magister Kaendris at the Sanctum of the Sun after recovering the items.','The rumors were true!  The stone of light and the stone of flame do exist!  We shall use their power to create weapons against Dar\'Khan.$B$BUse them when the time is right and the energies of the Sunwell, trapped within these objects, will vanquish him with the very power he sought to steal from us!','Have you recovered the crystals yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4325insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4280,9177,'Journey to Undercity','This is quite extraordinary! It appears to be a gift to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner from her sister, Alleria!$B$BYou must take it to her in the Undercity at once! The lady holds court in the Royal Quarter.$B$BTo get there, use the orb of translocation in the Inner Sanctum of Sunfury Spire in Silvermoon City to cross over to the Undercity.  Once there, take the elevator ride down into the city proper. Use your maps if you need help finding the Royal Quarter.','Take The Lady\'s Necklace to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner at the Royal Quarter in Undercity.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4326insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4281,9178,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Dense Weightstone','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order BS-091:$B$B120 Dense Weightstones.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 120 Dense Weightstones and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Dense Weightstone - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','Yep, these will come in handy for the infantry\'s bashin\' weapons.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4327insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4282,9179,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Imperial Plate Chest','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order BS-428:$B$B3 Imperial Plate Chests.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 3 Imperial Plate Chests and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Imperial Plate Chest - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','More armor for the troops! Fantastic, $N!','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4328insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4283,9180,'Journey to Undercity','This is quite extraordinary! It appears to be a gift to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner from her sister, Alleria!$B$BYou must take it to her in the Undercity at once! The lady holds court in the Royal Quarter.$B$BTo get there, use the orb of translocation in the Inner Sanctum of Sunfury Spire in Silvermoon City to cross over to the Undercity.  Once there, take the elevator ride down into the city proper. Use your maps if you need help finding the Royal Quarter.','Take The Lady\'s Necklace to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner at the Royal Quarter in Undercity.','<Sylvanas takes the necklace from your grasp.>$B$BIt can\'t be! After all this time, I thought it was lost forever.$B$B<After a lingering moment the Lady seems to become aware once again of her surroundings, composing herself.>$B$BYou thought this would amuse me? Do you think I long for a time before I was the queen of the Forsaken? Like you, it means nothing to me, and Alleria Windrunner is a long dead memory!$B$B<She drops the amulet to the ground.>$B$BYou may now remove yourself from my presence, $c. ','And you are?$B$BWhat\'s that you have there? That necklace looks somehow familiar. Give it here! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4329insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4284,9181,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Volcanic Hammer','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order BS-697:$B$B3 Volcanic Hammers.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 3 Volcanic Hammers and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Volcanic Hammer - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','These should go well with the dense weightstones we\'re stockpiling.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4330insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4285,9182,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Huge Thorium Battleaxe','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order BS-6020:$B$B3 Huge Thorium Battleaxes.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 3 Huge Thorium Battleaxes and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Huge Thorium Battleaxe - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','These aren\'t as huge as I expected. Regardless, a deal is a deal.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4331insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4286,9183,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Radiant Circlet','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order BS-80:$B$B3 Radiant Circlets.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 3 Radiant Circlets and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Radiant Circlet - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','I still can\'t believe Metz expects our troops to wear this low-quality garbage to protect against the freezing attacks of the Scourge.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4332insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4287,9184,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Wicked Leather Headband','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order LW-971:$B$B10 Wicked Leather Headbands.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 10 Wicked Leather Headbands and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Wicked Leather Headband - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.\r\n','These are... wicked.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4333insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4288,9185,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Rugged Armor Kit','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order LW-448:$B$B25 Rugged Armor Kits.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 25 Rugged Armor Kits and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Rugged Armor Kit - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.\r\n','The rugged armor kits have many uses, $N. They aren\'t JUST for slapping on certain armor pieces for added protection. Like this one here, I\'m going to use it as teapot cozy.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4334insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4289,9186,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Wicked Leather Belt','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order LW-736:$B$B9 Wicked Leather Belts.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 9 Wicked Leather Belts and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Wicked Leather Belt - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','These belts are actually more wicked than the headbands - if you can believe such a thing to be possible.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4335insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4290,9187,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Runic Leather Pants','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order LW-8485:$B$B4 Runic Leather Pants.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 4 Runic Leather Pants and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Runic Leather Pants - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','The druids will definitely appreciate the craftsmanship that went into the making of these pants. Many thanks, $C.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4336insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4291,9188,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Brightcloth Pants','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order TR-95:$B$B6 Brightcloth Pants.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 6 Brightcloth Pants and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Brightcloth Pants - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','I can almost see my reflection in these things! That\'s crazy.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4337insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4292,9189,'Delivery to the Sepulcher','You have stirred the lady\'s heart, though it no longer beats.$B$BHowever, I have instructions that must be delivered to the Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest.  Advisor Sorrelon represents us to the Forsaken there.$B$BThe shortest route, barring the use of their flying bats, is to leave Undercity and take the road south.  Follow the signposts.  Finding the place shouldn\'t be difficult.  Brace yourself, though; the Sepulcher itself is a dilapidated crypt.$B$BThese Forsaken are certainly odd creatures.','Deliver the Sealed Sin\'dorei Orders to Advisor Sorrelon at the Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest.','I see here that Ambassador Sunsorrow has high hopes for your continued rise as a credit to the sin\'dorei. Unfortunate that business with Lady Sylvanas, though. Pay it no heed, $N, you did the right thing in returning her necklace. She should have been grateful, but such is the way of royalty.$B$BWhile you are here, should you choose to assist with the tasks of the Forsaken, be on your best behavior. You wouldn\'t want to damage our new bond with the Horde now would you?','Greetings, $Gbrother:sister;. What news do you bring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4338insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4293,9190,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Runecloth Boots','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order TR-635:$B$B8 Runecloth Boots.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 8 Runecloth Boots and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Runecloth Boots - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','By Bronzebeard\'s beard! You actually brought me runecloth boots... I guess I lost that bet.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4339insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4294,9191,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Runecloth Bag','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order TR-9999:$B$B8 Runecloth Bags.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 8 Runecloth Bags and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Runecloth Bag - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','Blessed bootstraps! Are those what I think they are? The troops have been complaining non-stop about the lack of storage space for all that is required while in the field. One of them even drew me a diagram - such a pansy...$B$BThese will definitely help alleviate some of the whining.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4340insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4295,9192,'Trouble at the Underlight Mines','The Underlight Mines to the southwest have been overrun by a clan of gnolls calling themselves the Blackpaw. I don\'t need to remind you how important those mines are to us as a strategic asset in our ongoing campaign here in the Ghostlands!$B$BTake the south road out of town and follow the fork to the right. Just past the ziggurat on the right there will be a short dirt path to the west. Follow it.$B$BThe ore must flow!','Slay 8 Blackpaw Gnolls, 6 Blackpaw Scavengers and 4 Blackpaw Shaman, and return to Deathstalker Maltendis at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','That\'s a fair job of butchery you managed there, $c. We\'ll get the miners back to work now. I\'m sure they\'ll be disappointed that their break is over, but there\'s armor and weaponry to be made, and that requires ore to be mined.$B$BHere, take this as payment for doing your duty. Go get your armor and weapons repaired, and have a drink on me.','Is it good news, or bad, darling?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4341insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4296,9193,'Investigate the Amani Catacombs','$C, our sources tell us that the trolls buried in the Amani Catacombs inside Sungraze Peak have been rising from the dead. Dame Auriferous would have you investigate these catacombs and put to the torch any of the unanimated remains you come across so as to prevent any more of these creatures from rising.$B$BThe fastest way there is to head north out of town and then take the first fork to the right. This will put you on the north side of the peak, so look to the south for the entrance.','Investigate the Amani Catacombs and burn 10 Mummified Troll Remains, then return to Advisor Valwyn at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Disgusting, but necessary I can assure you. You have done us good service by investigating this matter, Please, take this as a token of our generosity and appreciation. ','This is a most grim and undignified business, I trust that you will complete this task to milady\'s complete satisfaction? ','Investigate the Amani Catacombs','Mummified Troll Remains Burned','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4342insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4297,9194,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Runecloth Robe','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order TR-7229:$B$B8 Runecloth Robes.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 8 Runecloth Robes and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Runecloth Robe - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','You shouldn\'t have! No really, you shouldn\'t have. I don\'t know what Metz is thinking, but nobody is going to be wearing these robes into Naxxramas.$B$B<Packmaster Stonebruiser sighs.>$B$BBah, another pile of junk I\'ll have to get transferred to the front lines and another berating I\'ll have to take from Chambers.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4343insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4298,9195,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Goblin Sapper Charge','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order EN-11:$B$B20 Goblin Sapper Charges.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 20 Goblin Sapper Charges and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Goblin Sapper Charge - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','Now you\'re talking my language, $C. Things that go BOOM!','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4344insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4299,9196,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Thorium Grenade','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order EN-7:$B$B20 Thorium Grenades.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn\r\n','Deliver 20 Thorium Grenades and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Thorium Grenade - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','These must have cost a pretty copper piece to make. Am I right or am I right, $N?','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4345insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4300,9197,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Gnomish Battle Chicken','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order EN-0:$B$B4 Gnomish Battle Chickens.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 4 Gnomish Battle Chickens and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Gnomish Battle Chicken - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','Why are you smiling? What\'s so funny? Listen, $Gmister:missy;, a gnomish battle chicken is a very important unit and not to be taken lightly - EVER. We send these in to areas that might be heavily plagued or infested and they clean up any plagued insects or carrion maggots that might still be fluttering about. Everybody knows that robots are immune to the plague.$B$BI bet you don\'t feel so smart now, do you? Big dummy...','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4346insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4301,9198,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Thorium Tube','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order EN-558:$B$B14 Thorium Tubes.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 14 Thorium Tubes and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Thorium Tube - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','Thorium tubes? Gee, thanks.$B$B<Packmaster Stonebruiser throws the stack of thorium tubes into a large pile of assorted junk.>','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4347insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4302,9199,'Troll Juju','The corpses of trolls buried inside the Amani Catacombs have been rising from the dead! I want you to go there and bring back proof of their final demise. Some of these mummy trolls, and their living counterparts, carry juju; glowing objects that house an unknown power source.  It\'s probably what is animating them!$B$BThe catacombs lie within Sungraze Peak, directly to the east. I am told that the easiest way in lies on the north face of the mountain. See to it, $c!','Collect 8 Troll Juju and return them to Deathstalker Maltendis at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Mummies being raised by troll priests... clever! The Shadowpine trolls must be trying to bolster their numbers through necromantic means. I\'d wager that these oracles were using the juju in their reanimation ritual.$B$BOnce again you perform your duty as befits a $C of your growing reputation. Take this with our gratitude.','I don\'t have to remind you that we can ill afford this trouble with the troll dead rising in our very backyard! We have enough trouble with Deatholme to the south!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4348insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4303,9200,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Major Mana Potion','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order AL-473:$B$B10 Major Mana Potions.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn\r\n','Deliver 10 Major Mana Potions and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Major Mana Potion - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','The utility of these should go without saying.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4349insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4304,9201,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Greater Arcane Protection Potion','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order AL-1420:$B$B15 Greater Arcane Protection Potions.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn\r\n','Deliver 15 Greater Arcane Protection Potions and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Greater Arcane Protection Potion - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.\r\n','<Packmaster Stonebruiser pops open one of the greater arcane protection potions and take a swig.>$B$BWOOT! These pack a kick, baby! A kick I say!','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4350insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4305,9202,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Major Healing Potion','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order AL-169110:$B$B20 Major Healing Potions.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 20 Major Healing Potions and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Major Healing Potion - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','Do you know what the troops on the front lines call these? Priests in a bottle...$B$B<Packmaster Stonebruiser sings.>$B$B\"I\'m your priest in a bott-le baby... you gotta drink me the right way...\"$B$BWhat\'s the matter sonny? It\'s a very popular song around these parts.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4351insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4306,9203,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Flask of Petrification','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order AL-90:$B$B1 Flask of Petrification.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 1 Flask of Petrification and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Flask of Petrification - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','No comment.$B$B<Packmaster Stonebruiser glares at you.>$B$BI said no comment! Now get out of my sight!','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4352insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4307,9204,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Stonescale Eel','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order FS-5:$B$B40 Stonescale Eel.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 40 Stonescale Eel and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Stonescale Eel - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','You could have used this for something else, but you didn\'t, did you? No use crying about it now, $N.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4353insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4308,9205,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Plated Armorfish','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order FS-12:$B$B30 Plated Armorfish.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 30 Plated Armorfish and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Plated Armorfish - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','You really don\'t know what these are for?$B$B<Packmaster Stonebruiser laughs.>$B$BLike I\'m going to tell you! ','Filling a work order, $C? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4354insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4309,9206,'Craftsman\'s Writ - Lightning Eel','The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.$B$BWork Order FS-9:$B$B30 Lightning Eel.$B$BAll filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.$B$BContract is  and void if tampered with or damaged.$B$B-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn','Deliver 30 Lightning Eel and the Craftsman\'s Writ - Lightning Eel - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','These make the best eel rolls in the world. That\'s right - IN THE WORLD.','Filling a work order, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4355insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4310,9207,'Underlight Ore Samples','I was sent here from the Sanctum of the Sun to collect some ore samples, but the gnolls have overrun the place! It\'s going to be my head on a platter if I don\'t get those samples to the magister soon. Maybe you could help, $c?$B$BYou can find the ore in the tin and copper veins here, and the gnolls are carrying it around, too. When you have enough, take it to Magister Quallestis at the Sanctum of the Sun directly to the east. Go across the Dead Scar and you\'ll find the sanctum just south of Sungraze Peak.','Collect 6 Underlight Ore and deliver them to Magister Quallestis at the Sanctum of the Sun in the Ghostlands.','My apprentice was unable to take care of this herself?  I shall have a word with her when she returns then, gnolls or not.  Speaking of which, why didn\'t she return with you?<The magister sighs.>That one is a handful, and is going to be quite a challenge to properly train.  Thank you, for bringing these samples to me.  We are hoping that we can uncover some special property from them that will help in the fight against the Scourge.Please take this coin as a token of my appreciation. ','How may I help you? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4356insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4311,9208,'The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Protection','Zanza can create many ancient troll enchantments with proper components! Have you heard of the Savage Guard? No, of course you haven\'t. Your mind is addled with the inferior elven magic.$B$BBring me an arcanum of elven creation so that I may destroy the aberration. Do this and the Savage Guard will be yours.\r\n','Zanza the Restless in Zul\'Gurub wants an Arcanum of Protection.','The worthless magic in these enchantments fuels my anger. My anger gives me strength.$B$BBring me more and you shall receive another Savage Guard.','Do you have the arcanum?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4357insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4312,9209,'The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Rapidity','Zanza can create many ancient troll enchantments with proper components! Have you heard of the Savage Guard? No, of course you haven\'t. Your mind is addled with the inferior elven magic.$B$BBring me an arcanum of elven creation so that I may destroy the aberration. Do this and the Savage Guard will be yours.\r\n','Zanza the Restless in Zul\'Gurub wants an Arcanum of Rapidity.','The worthless magic in these enchantments fuels my anger. My anger gives me strength.$B$BBring me more and you shall receive another Savage Guard.','Do you have the arcanum?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4358insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4313,9210,'The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Focus','Zanza can create many ancient troll enchantments with proper components! Have you heard of the Savage Guard? No, of course you haven\'t. Your mind is addled with the inferior elven magic.$B$BBring me an arcanum of elven creation so that I may destroy the aberration. Do this and the Savage Guard will be yours.\r\n','Zanza the Restless in Zul\'Gurub wants an Arcanum of Focus.','The worthless magic in these enchantments fuels my anger. My anger gives me strength.$B$BBring me more and you shall receive another Savage Guard.','Do you have the arcanum?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4359insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4314,9211,'The Ice Guard','Ah, the Ice Guard. It is a thin sheen of protective magic that covers certain pieces of equipment. Those that do battle with creatures of frost and ice will gain increased protection from their attacks by using the Ice Guard.$B$BAs with all things the Wrathcaster creates, there is a price - a price that I will not lower, regardless of how much you whimper. Interested?','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 10 Insignia of the Crusade and 30 gold.','<Mataus pockets the gold.>$B$BEnjoy the repair costs, $R. Naxxramas is \'unkind\' to the uninitiated.','If it were not for these Argent Dawn guards, you would be a stain upon this floor.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4360insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4315,9212,'Escape from the Catacombs','These trolls ambushed me and have been keeping me in this cage.  I think they\'re planning to sacrifice me!  Help me get out of here!$B$BThe lock on the cage isn\'t that complex... I just can\'t get to it from this side.  Please escort me back to the Farstrider Enclave.  I\'m sure Captain Helios will reward you, and you\'ll have my undying gratitude!','Escort Ranger Lilatha to Captain Helios at Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.','oh my! thank you! we will send a couple scouts and warriors out there quickly to deal with those trolls, and rescue Ranger Lilatha, you are so kind to help!','','Escort Ranger Lilatha back to the Farstrider Enclave','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4361insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4316,9213,'The Shadow Guard','A creation of genius! Much like the Ice Guard, the Shadow Guard employs a thin sheen of protective magic that covers certain pieces of equipment. And like the Ice Guard, the Shadow Guard is going to cost you a good amount of money.$B$B<Mataus holds his hand out and rubs his fingers together.>$B$BInterested?','Mataus the Wrathcaster at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 10 Insignia of the Crusade and 30 gold.','<Mataus stuffs the gold into his robe.>$B$BWhat are you still standing around for, $R? Our business is done.','<Mataus yawns.>$B$BBe gone, insect, lest you have something for me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4362insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4317,9214,'Shadowpine Weaponry','$C, I want you to kill as many Shadowpine trolls as you can. We need their numbers greatly reduced before we can shift our attention toward Deatholme. And while you\'re at it, we might as well kill two birds with one stone, so bring me back a load of their weapons. Better that they not go to waste, and we can use them in the fight against the Scourge.$B$BHit their camps hard to the east and the south at Zeb\'Tela and Zeb\'Nowa.','Collect 3 Headhunter Axes, 3 Shadowcaster Maces, 3 Catlord Claws and 3 Hexxer Staves. Return them to Captain Helios at Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.','I\'ll immediately send a few rangers out to survey the damage that you wreaked upon the Shadowpine trolls. I\'ve no doubt that we\'ll be able to mop up after your offensive and launch an attack on the Scourge soon if these weapons are any indication of your success.$B$BHere, I want you to take this coin in payment. It\'s burning a hole in my pouch anyway.','Have those weapons yet? With the Shadowpine numbers decimated we\'ll finally be able to turn our attention to the fight against the Scourge.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4363insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4318,9215,'Bring Me Kel\'gash\'s Head!','WANTED: Bring the head of Kel\'gash the Wicked, chieftain of the Shadowpine trolls, to Captain Helios. No questions asked. Kel\'gash is known to dwell somewhere to the south in Zeb\'Nowa.$B$B$B$BREWARD: Yes, but no advances!','Return the Head of Kel\'gash the Wicked to Captain Helios at the Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.','Ah. Kel\'gash\'s head is what smelled so bad. That\'s a nice piece of work there, $C!$B$BWith their chieftain dead, the Shadowpine trolls should be in total disarray. Combined with your recent efforts to decimate their numbers, this should be the perfect opportunity to launch our counter-offensive against them and wipe them out for good.$B$BYou have my thanks, Might I interest you in one of these? ','What is that awful smell?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4364insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4319,9216,'Rotting Hearts','I hear the Amani trolls eat their enemies\' hearts to steal their strength.  They might just be on to something, $N.  With the proper treatment, the hearts of the unliving can produce potent elixirs.$B$BHunt down the zombies that roam the Dead Scar and bring me their hearts.  I\'ll show you the kind of enhancement we can perform to your physical prowess against the undead.','Bring back 10 Rotting Hearts to Magistrix Aminel in Tranquillien.','Take this draught, $N.  After you drink it, your physical strength against the Scourge will receive a boost. If you need more than this sample bring me more hearts.','Do you have the zombie hearts I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4365insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4320,9217,'More Rotting Hearts','I hear the Amani trolls eat their enemies\' hearts to steal their strength.  They might just be on to something, $N.  With the proper treatment, the hearts of the unliving can produce potent elixirs.$B$BHunt down the zombies that roam the Dead Scar and bring me their hearts.  I\'ll show you the kind of enhancement we can perform to your physical prowess against the undead','Bring back 10 Rotting Hearts to Magistrix Aminel in Tranquillien.','Take this draught, $N.  After you drink it, your physical strength against the Scourge will receive a boost. If you need more than this sample bring me more hearts.','Do you have the zombie hearts I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4366insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4321,9218,'Spinal Dust','The dark energy that flows through the bodies of reanimated skeletons tends to accumulate primarily in their spine.  I\'ve discovered a method of instilling this energy into a potion that boosts our magical abilities against the undead.$B$BBring me some spinal dust and I\'ll be glad to provide you with a sample.  You\'ll find an ample number of skeletons wandering the Dead Scar, west of here.','Bring back 10 Spinal Dusts to Magistrix Aminel in Tranquillien.','Take this, $N.  You\'ll feel the difference immediately!$B$BFeel free to bring more spinal dust; I can use as much of it as you can provide.  Side effects?  You might start feeling your joints acting up a bit.  Nothing permanent, I assure you!','Do you have the samples I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4367insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4322,9219,'More Spinal Dust','The dark energy that flows through the bodies of reanimated skeletons tends to accumulate primarily in their spine.  I\'ve discovered a method of instilling this energy into a potion that boosts our magical abilities against the undead.$B$BBring me some spinal dust and I\'ll be glad to provide you with a sample.  You\'ll find an ample number of skeletons wandering the Dead Scar, west of here.','Bring back 10 Spinal Dusts to Magistrix Aminel in Tranquillien.','Take this, $N.  You\'ll feel the difference immediately!$B$BFeel free to bring more spinal dust; I can use as much of it as you can provide.  Side effects?  You might start feeling your joints acting up a bit.  Nothing permanent, I assure you!','Do you have the samples I requested, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4368insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4323,9220,'War on Deatholme','If you seek to aid our cause there is no better place to start than here and no better time to do it than now.$B$BBy rebuilding the Sanctum of the Sun we\'ve raised a banner of defiance in front of our enemy\'s seat of power: Deatholme.$B$BGo forth and fight the hordes of undead that inhabit the vile Scourge fortress.','Slay 5 Eyes of Dar\'khan, 6 Nerubis Centurions and 6 Wailers in Deatholme and return to Magister Idonis at the Sanctum of the Sun in the Ghostlands.','The Scourge has felt our wrath, $N. It won\'t be long before their cursed citadel lies in ruins.$B$BWith their numbers weakened, it is time to launch an attack on more strategic targets.','Have you returned from Deatholme victorious, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4369insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4324,9221,'Superior Armaments of Battle - Friend of the Dawn','Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of power?$B$BI must warn you; purchases made at a friendly reputation with the Dawn come with a hefty surcharge. I would advise that you gain a better reputation with the Dawn before moving forward with your plans.','For 30 Insignias of the Dawn and 30 Insignias of the Crusade you may choose an item from the Argent Dawn\'s treasure cache.\r\n','Good day, $N. It was a pleasure doing business with you.','Choose carefully. There are no refunds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4370insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4325,9222,'Epic Armaments of Battle - Friend of the Dawn','Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of great power?$B$BI must warn you; purchases made at a friendly reputation with the Dawn come with an extremely hefty surcharge. I would advise that you gain a better reputation with the Dawn before moving forward with your plans.\r\n','For 110 Insignias of the Dawn and 110 Insignias of the Crusade you may choose an item from the Argent Dawn\'s treasure cache.','Good day, $N. It was a pleasure doing business with you.','Choose carefully. There are no refunds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4371insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4326,9223,'Superior Armaments of Battle - Honored Amongst the Dawn','Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of power?$B$BI must warn you; purchases made at honored reputation with the Dawn come with a fairly prohibitive surcharge. I would advise that you gain a better reputation with the Dawn before moving forward with your plans.','For 20 Insignias of the Dawn and 20 Insignias of the Crusade you may choose an item from the Argent Dawn\'s treasure cache.','Good day, $N. It was a pleasure doing business with you.','Choose carefully. There are no refunds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4372insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4327,9224,'Epic Armaments of Battle - Honored Amongst the Dawn','Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of great power?$B$BI must warn you; purchases made at honored reputation with the Dawn come with an extremely hefty surcharge. I would advise that you gain a better reputation with the Dawn before moving forward with your plans.','For 75 Insignias of the Dawn and 75 Insignias of the Crusade you may choose an item from the Argent Dawn\'s treasure cache.','Good day, $N. It was a pleasure doing business with you.','Choose carefully. There are no refunds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4373insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4328,9225,'Epic Armaments of Battle - Revered Amongst the Dawn','Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of great power?$B$BI must warn you; epic purchases made at revered reputation with the Dawn are still quite expensive. I would advise that you gain a better reputation with the Dawn before moving forward with your plans.','For 45 Insignias of the Dawn and 45 Insignias of the Crusade you may choose an item from the Argent Dawn\'s treasure cache.','Good day, $N. It was a pleasure doing business with you.','Choose carefully. There are no refunds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4374insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4329,9226,'Superior Armaments of Battle - Revered Amongst the Dawn','Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of power?$B$BItems offered to those revered amongst the Dawn are priced quite reasonably. I encourage you to make a purchase!','For 7 Insignias of the Dawn and 7 Insignias of the Crusade you may choose an item from the Argent Dawn\'s treasure cache.\r\n','Good day, $N. It was a pleasure doing business with you.','Choose carefully. There are no refunds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4375insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4330,9227,'Superior Armaments of Battle - Exalted Amongst the Dawn','Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of power?$B$BItems offered to those exalted amongst the Dawn are discounted. I encourage you to make a purchase!','For 6 Insignias of the Dawn and 6 Insignias of the Crusade you may choose an item from the Argent Dawn\'s treasure cache.','Good day, $N. It was a pleasure doing business with you.','Choose carefully. There are no refunds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4376insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4331,9228,'Epic Armaments of Battle - Exalted Amongst the Dawn','Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of great power?$B$BThose exalted amongst the Dawn receive our greatest discounts! I encourage you to make a purchase.','For 27 Insignias of the Dawn and 27 Insignias of the Crusade you may choose an item from the Argent Dawn\'s treasure cache.','Good day, $N. It was a pleasure doing business with you.','Choose carefully. There are no refunds.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4377insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4332,9229,'The Fate of Ramaladni','Ramaladni was a warrior of the Brotherhood - a pupil of Highlord Mograine before the Dawn even existed! When news of Mograine\'s death reached him, hatred and anger took over.$B$BUnderstand this, $N, when rage and retribution take the reins, a man ceases to be a man. The man personifies the emotions that control him instead. And so it would be that Ramaladni, the spirit of retribution, would enter Naxxramas to exact vengeance... and never return.$B$BEnter Naxxramas and find what became of Ramaladni.','Enter Naxxramas and uncover the Fate of Ramaladni.','It is his ring! But it is destroyed. No other evidence of Ramaladni was found?$B$B<Korfax grimaces.>$B$BThis does not bode well for Ramaladni. The ring, however... it might be salvageable.','Any news of Ramaladni?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4378insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4333,9230,'Ramaladni\'s Icy Grasp','Fixing this band may prove to be quite challenging, $N. You see, it was made from the very runes that form inside Scourge structures - like Naxxramas. Additional materials are also required but your main concern should be getting those frozen runes. Bring me what I need and I will restore the ring to its former glory.','Korfax at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants you to bring him 1 Frozen Rune, 1 Blue Sapphire and 1 Arcanite Bar.\r\n','Ramaladni himself couldn\'t have done better! Here is the ring, as promised.','Frozen runes could probably be found inside Naxxramas.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4379insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4334,9232,'The Only Song I Know...','You fancy yourself a hero of the Dawn, eh? I\'ve seen our greatest soldiers get rolled over by Kel\'Thuzad\'s plebes! How well could someone so clueless possibly fare in Naxxramas?$B$B<Wilhelm sighs.>$B$BBah, what choice do I got? You\'re the best I can do; I may as well help you.$B$BOmarion left me with one recipe. It\'s the only song I know... I can make a few variations of these pants; you just gotta supply the materials.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants you to bring him 2 Frozen Runes, 2 Essence of Water, 2 Blue Sapphires and 30 gold pieces.','<Wilhelm wipes the sweat from his brow.>$B$BThat\'s some hard work! Enjoy the pants, $C. At least you\'ll die in a clean pair now.','You haven\'t run into Omarion, have you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4380insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4335,9233,'Omarion\'s Handbook','Wilhelm,$B$BIf you are reading this, I have perished - finally. I want you to know that my dying thoughts revolved around you and your ineptitude when it comes to tradeskills. Unfortunately, the bearer of this handbook is in even worse shape than you in regards to crafting.$B$BAbout the book: These are the rest of my recipes. Make the bearer of this book whatever they request. I\'m sure you will charge a hefty fee for your services because you are, after all, a bastard.$B$BIn Disdain,$B$BOmarion','Take Omarion\'s Handbook to Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.\r\n','He musta really been off his rocker when he wrote this! Omarion and I - we were thick as thieves!$B$BAnyhow, this certainly opens up some new possibilities, $N. I am now able to craft more items - for a small fee and material charges, of course.','Is that what I think it is?$B$B<Wilhelm appears to be drooling.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4381insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4336,9234,'Icebane Gauntlets','Thanks to you and Omarion, may he rest in peace, I am now able to create Icebane gauntlets. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 5 Frozen Runes, 12 Thorium Bars, 2 Arcanite Bars, 2 Essences of Water and 200 gold.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4382insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4337,9235,'Icebane Bracers','Thanks to you and Omarion (May he rest in peace), I am now able to create Icebane bracers. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 4 Frozen Runes, 12 Thorium Bars, 2 Arcanite Bars, 2 Essence of Water and 200 gold.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4383insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4338,9236,'Icebane Breastplate','Thanks to you and Omarion (May he rest in peace), I am now able to create an Icebane breastplate. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 8 Frozen Runes, 16 Thorium Bars, 2 Arcanite Bars, 4 Essence of Water and 300 gold. You will also need to be of Exalted reputation with the Argent Dawn.\r\n','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4384insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4339,9237,'Glacial Cloak','Thanks to you and Omarion, may he rest in peace, I am now able to create a Glacial cloak. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 5 Frozen Runes, 4 Bolts of Runecloth, 2 Essences of Water, 4 Ironweb Spider Silks and 200 gold. You must also be of Exalted reputation with the Argent Dawn.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4385insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4340,9238,'Glacial Wrists','Thanks to you and Omarion, may he rest in peace, I am now able to create Glacial wrists. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 4 Frozen Runes, 2 Bolts of Runecloth, 2 Essences of Water, 2 Ironweb Spider Silks and 200 gold.','Now that\'s one face I was not expecting to see so soon.$B$BThis is quite the good news. $N, in more ways than you can imagine.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4386insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4341,9239,'Glacial Gloves','Thanks to you and Omarion, may he rest in peace, I am now able to create Glacial gloves. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 5 Frozen Runes, 4 Bolts of Runecloth, 4 Essences of Water, 2 Ironweb Spider Silks and 200 gold.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4387insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4342,9240,'Glacial Vest','Thanks to you and Omarion, may he rest in peace, I am now able to create a Glacial vest. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 8 Frozen Runes, 8 Bolts of Runecloth, 6 Essences of Water, 4 Ironweb Spider Silks and 300 gold. You must also be of Exalted reputation with the Argent Dawn.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4388insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4343,9241,'Polar Bracers','Thanks to you and Omarion (May he rest in peace), I am now able to create Polar bracers. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 4 Frozen Runes, 12 Enchanted Leather, 3 Essence of Water, 3 Cured Rugged Hides and 200 gold. \r\n','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4389insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4344,9242,'Polar Gloves','Thanks to you and Omarion (May he rest in peace), I am now able to create Polar gloves. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 5 Frozen Runes, 12 Enchanted Leather, 3 Essence of Water, 3 Cured Rugged Hides and 200 gold.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4390insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4345,9243,'Polar Tunic','Thanks to you and Omarion, may he rest in peace, I am now able to create a Polar tunic. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 8 Frozen Runes, 16 Enchanted Leathers, 5 Essences of Water, 5 Cured Rugged Hides and 300 gold. You must also be of Exalted reputation with the Argent Dawn.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4391insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4346,9244,'Icy Scale Bracers','Thanks to you and Omarion, may he rest in peace, I am now able to create Icy Scale bracers. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 4 Frozen Runes, 16 Heavy Scorpid Scales, 5 Essences of Water, 3 Cured Rugged Hides and 200 gold.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4392insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4347,9245,'Icy Scale Gauntlets','Thanks to you and Omarion (May he rest in peace), I am now able to create Icy Scale gauntlets. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 5 Frozen Runes, 16 Heavy Scorpid Scale, 5 Essence of Water, 3 Cured Rugged Hides and 200 gold.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4393insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4348,9246,'Icy Scale Breastplate','Thanks to you and Omarion (May he rest in peace), I am now able to create an Icy Scale breastplate. All you need to do is bring me the materials and pay a small crafting fee.','Craftsman Wilhelm at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants 8 Frozen Runes, 24 Heavy Scorpid Scale, 7 Essence of Water, 5 Cured Rugged Hides and 300 gold. You must also be of Exalted reputation with the Argent Dawn.','Here is your order, $N. Delivered as promised!','Have you brought the materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4394insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4349,9247,'The Keeper\'s Call','$N,$B$BIn times past you have served the interests of the Argent Dawn, always to the best of your abilities. Now, once again, we sound the clarion call in our time of greatest need.$B$B$N, please report to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands if you are willing to aid us once more.','Take the Letter from the Keeper of the Rolls to him at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4395insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4350,9248,'A Humble Offering','Ishnu-alah, $r. Show me proof of the demise of a Lord of the Abyssal Council and I shall reward you with an item that should aid you in your battles against the Qiraji.','Aurel Goldleaf at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to bring her 1 Abyssal Scepter. You must also be Honored with the Cenarion Circle.','Ande\'thoras-ethil. It means; \'May your troubles be diminished,\' in my native tongue.$B$BWear the band proudly and in good health, $N.','Fandu-dath-belore? Oh, pardon me, $N. I did not recognize you. Have you the scepter?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4396insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4351,9249,'40 Tickets - Schematic: Steam Tonk Controller','Step right up, step right up!  If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so!  You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes.  Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','','Here you go, here you go!  A prize fit for a king!  Congratulations to you, my friend!$B$BIf you have more tickets you\'d like to turn in, then please let me know!  For as long as the Darkmoon Faire is here, I\'ll redeem your tickets.','Step right up, step right up!  If you have tickets from the Darkmoon Faire you\'d like redeemed, then just say so!  You can redeem tickets in various denominations for wondrous and fantastic prizes.  Don\'t be shy, give it a try!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4397insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4352,9250,'Frame of Atiesh','With the frame formed, Atiesh is nearly whole. Only the head and base of the staff are now missing. There is also a minor issue regarding the staff being a conduit for Sargeras\'s evil.$B$BFind someone that can assist you in locating the remaining pieces and exorcising the evil from the staff.','Find someone that will help you in recovering the last two pieces of the staff and ridding it of evil.','The archmages have died.$B$BDo not mourn their passing, $N. All such things are fated. Just as you holding the staff of the Guardian was fated...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4398insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4353,9251,'Atiesh, the Befouled Greatstaff','You question why you are still alive. After all, you have in your possession an item of great evil. The answer is not clear, $N. I only do as I must.$B$BKel\'Thuzad sits atop his throne in Naxxramas, plotting... He seeks that which you hold and holds that which you seek.$B$BAs for the base of the staff; the dwarf, Brann Bronzebeard, held it when he entered Ahn\'Qiraj. He has left Ahn\'Qiraj but the base of Atiesh remains.$B$BShould you succeed in recovering the pieces, return them to me.','Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris wants the Staff Head of Atiesh and the Base of Atiesh.','There is a being within... a being not of this world.','In its current form, the staff is far too dangerous to be in the hands of a mortal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4399insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4354,9252,'Defending Fairbreeze Village','We\'ve experienced a marked increase in Scourge attacks, $N.  Our defenses are barely holding and there\'s no sign of reinforcements from Silvermoon City.  Lend us a hand in defending the village by thinning the numbers of the undead roaming the Dead Scar nearby.','Slay 4 Rotlimb Marauders and 4 Darkwraiths and return to Ranger Sareyn at Fairbreeze Village in Eversong Woods.','Many thanks, $N. Our job is a thankless one, but today you helped make it a bit easier.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4400insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4355,9253,'Runewarden Deryan','This increase in Scourge attacks leads me to believe there might be a malfunction at one of the protective runestones at the border with the Ghostlands.$B$BWe used these ancient stones to protect us against the undead.  Most of them were destroyed or lost after the attack on the Sunwell. $B$BFollow the road south, towards the Ghostlands, and look to the west for a small path.  You will find Runewarden Deryan by the runestone nearby; he will know whether anything\'s wrong.','Speak to Runewarden Deryan in Eversong Woods, near the border with the Ghostlands.','You must\'ve been sent by someone at Fairbreeze Village. I knew it would just be a matter of time until help arrived.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4401insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4356,9254,'The Wayward Apprentice','Thank you for your help, $N.  While I get things back in order here, I\'d like to ask you for a favor.  One of my former apprentices embarked in a very dangerous line of research.  She journeyed to the East Sanctum, in the middle of the Dead Scar.$B$BI worry for her well-being.  See if you can find her and convince her to return to her senses.','Speak to Apprentice Mirveda at the East Sanctum in Eversong Woods.','It\'s so nice of my old mentor to check on me. It\'s too bad she lost faith in my research long ago.$B$BDon\'t waste your time trying to get me to return to her; you can either help me with my research or leave.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4402insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4357,9255,'Research Notes','As discouraging as my research results are, they still contain valuable data.  I must have a magister review my work before it is taken seriously.  Please, take these notes to Magistrix Landra Dawnstrider at Fairbreeze Village, west of here.','Deliver the Research Notes to Magistrix Landra Dawnstrider at Fairbreeze Village in Eversong Woods.','These notes... are shocking. If they\'re correct it means the damage to the land on the Dead Scar is irreversible.$B$BI\'ll notify the grand magister right away. More reason for our race to escape this world and find our true fate in Outland.','You\'ve something for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4403insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4358,9256,'Fairbreeze Village','I have another task for you, $N.  Ranger Degolien was sent to Fairbreeze Village to find out more about a Wretched attack on a nearby shipyard.  He has requested reinforcements which we cannot yet provide.  Seek him out and grant him whatever aid you can.$B$BFairbreeze Village can be reached by following the road out of Falconwing Square all the way towards the south.  Good luck, $N.','Speak to Ranger Degolien at Fairbreeze Village in Eversong Woods.','Thanks for coming, $N. Things are worse than we had anticipated. The Wretched have taken over Sunsail Anchorage in its entirety.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4404insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4359,9257,'Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian','This final task will be the most difficult of all, $N. You have faced and defeated both an Old God and the Lich King\'s General, but now you must face the hand of Sargeras.$B$BTake the staff to Stratholme. It is there that you will find a piece of consecrated earth: ground where the greatest knights of Lordaeron were murdered. Place the befouled staff upon the holy ground and prepare for an entity of immense power to break from within... Defeat the demonic being that controls the staff and return to me.','Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris wants you to take Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian to Stratholme and use it on Consecrated Earth. Defeat the entity that is exorcised from the staff and return to him.','','','','Atiesh Cleansed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4405insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4360,9258,'The Scorched Grove','A foul taint in the soil precedes the expansion of the Scourge into a new area.  The protective runestones along the border with the Ghostlands have warded the land against this taint in the past.$B$BThe westernmost runestone was destroyed during a Scourge attack, which forced us to burn the ground around it to prevent the taint from spreading.$B$BMy sister, Larianna Riverwind, watches over the Scorched Grove.  Go find her; she might have some work for you.','Find Larianna Riverwind near the Scorched Grove in the southwest of Eversong Woods.','Ah, my brother sent you. I do have a task I could use assistance with.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4406insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4361,9259,'Traitor to the Bloodsail','That mangy dog, Revilgaz, has offered to pardon any former Bloodsails willing to turn on their cap\'n!  That bilge sucker asked me to go an\' off me ole\' mates and to bring back their bandannas as proof.$B$BI don\'t have it in me heart to do that, nor will I ask ye to.  Bring me some silk cloth and red dye and I\'ll make suitable replicas.  I\'ll tell the Baron you went turncoat, but be warned... the Bloodsails are not gonna like it!','','Let us observe a minute of silence for our fallen mates, $N.$B$B<The Bloodsail Traitor grins at you and winks.>$B$BBeing a traitor is one thing, murdering yer own buckos... that\'d be just downright despicable, aye!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4407insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4362,9260,'Investigate the Scourge of Stormwind','The Scourge is camped upon our very doorstep; we cannot remain idle! Surely you will step up to defend Stormwind from these accursed invaders? $b $bThere are strange runic circles outside, glowing with the same energy that surrounds the undead and the Necropolis above. They have significance, I\'m certain, and I want you to find out what. Thin the numbers of those aberrations while you\'re at it; bring me proof of their death along with your results, and I will reward you.  Go!','Collect three Dim Necrotic Stones from the Scourge outside Stormwind and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment.','','','Investigate a circle','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4408insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4363,9261,'Investigate the Scourge of Ironforge','The Scourge is camped upon our very doorstep; we cannot remain idle! Surely you will step up to defend Ironforge from these accursed invaders? $b $bThere are strange runic circles outside, glowing with the same energy that surrounds the undead and the Necropolis above. They have significance, I\'m certain, and I want you to find out what. Thin the numbers of those aberrations while you\'re at it; bring me proof of their death along with your results, and I will reward you.  Go!','Collect three Dim Necrotic Stones from the Scourge outside Ironforge and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment.','','','Investigate a circle','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4409insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4364,9262,'Investigate the Scourge of Darnassus','The Scourge is camped upon our very doorstep; we cannot remain idle! Surely you will step up to defend Darnassus from these accursed invaders? $b $bThere are strange runic circles outside, glowing with the same energy that surrounds the undead and the Necropolis above. They have significance, I\'m certain, and I want you to find out what. Thin the numbers of those aberrations while you\'re at it; bring me proof of their death along with your results, and I will reward you.  Go!','Collect three Dim Necrotic Stones from the Scourge outside Darnassus and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment.','','','Investigate a circle','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4410insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4365,9263,'Investigate the Scourge of Orgrimmar','The Scourge is camped upon our very doorstep; we cannot remain idle! Surely you will step up to defend Orgrimmar from these accursed invaders? $b $bThere are strange runic circles outside, glowing with the same energy that surrounds the undead and the Necropolis above. They have significance, I\'m certain, and I want you to find out what. Thin the numbers of those aberrations while you\'re at it; bring me proof of their death along with your results, and I will reward you.  Go!','Collect three Dim Necrotic Stones from the Scourge outside Orgrimmar and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment.','','','Investigate a circle','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4411insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4366,9264,'Investigate the Scourge of Thunder Bluff','The Scourge is camped upon our very doorstep; we cannot remain idle! Surely you will step up to defend Thunder Bluff from these accursed invaders? $b $bThere are strange runic circles outside, glowing with the same energy that surrounds the undead and the Necropolis above. They have significance, I\'m certain, and I want you to find out what. Thin the numbers of those aberrations while you\'re at it; bring me proof of their death along with your results, and I will reward you.  Go!','Collect three Dim Necrotic Stones from the Scourge outside Thunder Bluff and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment.','','','Investigate a circle','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4412insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4367,9265,'Investigate the Scourge of the Undercity','The Scourge is camped upon our very doorstep; we cannot remain idle! Surely you will step up to defend the Undercity from these accursed invaders? $b $bThere are strange runic circles outside, glowing with the same energy that surrounds the undead and the Necropolis above. They have significance, I\'m certain, and I want you to find out what. Thin the numbers of those aberrations while you\'re at it; bring me proof of their death along with your results, and I will reward you.  Go!','Collect three Dim Necrotic Stones from the Scourge outside the Undercity and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment.','','','Investigate a circle','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4413insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4368,9266,'Making Amends','You must\'ve done something really bad to us or our friends, $N.  At any rate, I\'m here to offer you a way to get our good graces back.$B$BAs you know, Winterspring is quite cold.  With so many of us goblins coming from other cities, we could use a hand keeping warm.  Bring me some runecloth and coal and I\'ll put in the good word for ya.  Be warned though, our enemies are not going to take kindly to your helping us.','','Thank you, $N. You\'re on a quick path to redeeming yourself with our fair town.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4414insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4369,9267,'Mending Old Wounds','You\'d better think twice before setting foot in Ratchet, $N!  Word\'s been getting around of your dirty deeds.$B$BYou\'re in luck though, a ship just arrived with many wounded from an encounter with the Bloodsail Buccaneers.  This is your chance to prove you\'re not a complete scoundrel.  Lend us a hand by bringing linen cloth for bandages and empty vials for potions.','','I\'m happy you\'re seeing the error of your ways, $N. Keep the supplies coming; we\'re not going to forget about you so easily, $Gmister:miss;!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4415insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4370,9268,'War at Sea','You seek to befriend the goblins of Tanaris once again, $N?  We\'re in need of materials for sails and guns to fight off our old enemies, the Bloodsail Buccaneers.  Bring me mageweave and strong flux and we\'ll be on our way to pardoning your trespasses.','','Keep it coming, $N. Us goblins don\'t forget that easily!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4416insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4371,9269,'Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian','This final task will be the most difficult of all, $N. You have faced and defeated both an Old God and the Lich King\'s General, but now you must face the hand of Sargeras.$B$BTake the staff to Stratholme. It is there that you will find a piece of consecrated earth: ground where the greatest knights of Lordaeron were murdered. Place the befouled staff upon the holy ground and prepare for an entity of immense power to break from within... Defeat the demonic being that controls the staff and return to me.','Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris wants you to take Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian to Stratholme and use it on Consecrated Earth. Defeat the entity that is exorcised from the staff and return to him.','','','','Atiesh Cleansed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4417insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4372,9270,'Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian','This final task will be the most difficult of all, $N. You have faced and defeated both an Old God and the Lich King\'s General, but now you must face the hand of Sargeras.$B$BTake the staff to Stratholme. It is there that you will find a piece of consecrated earth: ground where the greatest knights of Lordaeron were murdered. Place the befouled staff upon the holy ground and prepare for an entity of immense power to break from within... Defeat the demonic being that controls the staff and return to me.','Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris wants you to take Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian to Stratholme and use it on Consecrated Earth. Defeat the entity that is exorcised from the staff and return to him.','','','','Atiesh Cleansed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4418insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4373,9271,'Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian','This final task will be the most difficult of all, $N. You have faced and defeated both an Old God and the Lich King\'s General, but now you must face the hand of Sargeras.$B$BTake the staff to Stratholme. It is there that you will find a piece of consecrated earth: ground where the greatest knights of Lordaeron were murdered. Place the befouled staff upon the holy ground and prepare for an entity of immense power to break from within... Defeat the demonic being that controls the staff and return to me.','Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris wants you to take Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian to Stratholme and use it on Consecrated Earth. Defeat the entity that is exorcised from the staff and return to him.','','','','Atiesh Cleansed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4419insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4374,9272,'Dressing the Part','','','Yarrr... if ye be keen on enjoying the company of us experienced sea dogs, you\'d best belay dressing like a blaggard! Here, put on something proper \'fore I keelhaul yer hide.$B$BThese\'ll fit ye better than they ever fit that old dog, Red-Eyed Ben. Lost him in a devil of a storm at sea.$B$BWear \'em with pride, mate!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4420insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4375,9274,'Spirits of the Drowned','The lake to the north has been haunted by the ghosts of my ancestors for as long as I can remember, $N.  The poor souls were victims of a tragic incident in which scores of them drowned at the bottom of the lake.$B$BThe details of the event are mostly forgotten, but their haunting cries serve as a constant reminder of their curse.$B$BIf you\'re up to the task, I want you to go to the lake and put an end to their suffering, $N.  You will have my gratitude as well as theirs... I\'m sure.','Ranger Krenn\'an, at the Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands, wants you to kill 8 Vengeful Apparitions and 8 Ravening Apparitions in the nearby lake.','I appreciate your help, $N. It pains me to see the spirits of my ancestors in their pitiful state. May they finally get the rest they deserve.','You\'ve done what I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4421insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4376,9275,'A Little Dash of Seasoning','I\'m on loan to the Farstriders in an attempt to help with their troll difficulties. I believe that I have a solution to their problem.$B$BAt my disposal are a number of potent poisons. The trolls, as you know, are living creatures and therefore must eat. If we combine my poison with their food... well, I\'m sure that the results will be entertaining!$B$BCare to help rid us of the Shadowpine trolls at Zeb\'Nowa to the south? The camp straddles both the north and south sides of the road to Zul\'Aman.','Poison the Troll foodstuff at the camps in Zeb\'Nowa and then return to Apothecary Venustus at the Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.','Ah, excellent! I knew that a $r-delivery system would make for the most efficient application of the poison. With any luck the Shadowpine trolls will get fat on it before keeling over. That should get them off of the backs of the Farstriders, and me back to Tranquillien.$B$BIt has been a pleasure working with you, $c!','Isn\'t this exciting? I really do take great pride in my work; I hope you appreciate it, $c.$B$BSo, I trust that you have \'seasoned\' the food at the troll camps in Zeb\'Nowa?','','Poison the Raw Meat Rack','Poison the Smoked Meat Rack','Poison the Fresh Fish Rack','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4422insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4377,9276,'Attack on Zeb\'Tela','Our resources are spread pretty thin here, $c, so your help is going to be invaluable.  The captain has tasked me with overseeing the harassment of the local Shadowpine troll camps. We have a policy of keeping them off balance until the day when we can launch a brutal offensive to wipe them out.$B$BUntil then, we need all of the volunteers that we can get so that those Shadowpine troll numbers are decreased.$B$BThink you could head east to Zeb\'Tela and hurt them a little?','Kill 8 Shadowpine Shadowcasters and 8 Shadowpine Headhunters, and return to Farstrider Solanna at Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.','Good, good! You handled that very well! Let\'s see if you\'re up to something a little more difficult now.','How are you doing with the attack on Zeb\'Tela?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4423insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4378,9277,'Assault on Zeb\'Nowa','Time for something a little more challenging. Zeb\'Nowa, to the south, is where the more powerful Shadowpine trolls make their home. In our continuing effort to keep the troll numbers to a minimum I\'m dispatching you to go down there and assail them by whatever means you have at your disposal.$B$BWhat do you say, $N? Ready to deal with some more trolls?','Kill 10 Shadowpine Catlords and 10 Shadowpine Hexxers, and return to Farstrider Solanna at the Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.','Unbelievable! You really should talk to the captain about joining up as a Farstrider.$B$BAlright, $N, you\'ve given us the breathing room that we need to continue building up our forces here. Actually, by your account there aren\'t many of those trolls left at all! Maybe now we can join with Tranquillien and attack Deatholme?$B$BI think you\'ve earned a little something. Take your pick.','Is your assault on Zeb\'Nowa complete already?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4424insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4379,9278,'Welcome!','Welcome to the World of Warcraft!$B$BAs special thanks for purchasing the World of Warcraft Collector\'s Edition, turn in this gift voucher to Jaeleil at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.  You\'ll then be given a gift: a little companion to join you on your quest for adventure and glory.$B$BThanks again, and enjoy your stay in the World of Warcraft!\r\n','Bring the Ammen Vale Gift Voucher to Jaeleil inside the ship at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','You are indeed a special hero, $N. We welcome you to the world of Azeroth, and offer you one of these unique gifts!','Greetings! It is a pleasure to meet you!$B$BI see you have a special voucher. Give it to me and I will offer you something in exchange.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4425insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4380,9279,'You Survived!','Nevermind my injuries, $g brother : sister;. It\'s a miracle that any of us are alive!$b$bIt didn\'t look like you\'d pull through; you\'ve been in suspension for weeks.$B$BSomething happened and the Exodar crashed. Many have died.$B$BBut I\'m relieved that you are alive, $N. With you leading our efforts, I\'m sure we\'ll get to safety soon! Proenitus asked me to send you to him when you awoke. He\'s waiting for you at the bottom of the hill. Just follow the path southwest.','Speak with Proenitus at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','$N. by my eternal soul, it is good to see you! I don\'t know why the Exodar crashed. Only those of us that were in this part of the ship remain.$B$BThere\'s not much time if we\'re to save everyone that we can!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4426insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4381,9280,'Replenishing the Healing Crystals','Our immediate concern is the depleted state of our healing crystals.  We must replenish them quickly!$B$BUnfortunately, the only way to do this at this point is to extract the blood from the local vale moths.  Their blood will make for a suitable substitute.$B$BThe moths can be found in many places around the vale, but they are mostly concentrated in the northwest.','Acquire 8 Vials of Moth Blood from the nearby Vale Moths and give them to Proenitus at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','Regrettable that those creatures had to die so that we might live - indiscriminate killing is not the $R way.  However, the blood you gathered will replenish our healing crystals, so their deaths will not be in vain.','$N, have you harvested the necessary moth blood for the healing crystals yet?  With survivors scattered all over the vale, time is of the essence!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4427insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4382,9281,'Clearing the Way','Magister Kaendris sent me down here to clear the area of any hostile wildlife.  Once this area is secured, the magisters plan to turn it into some sort of advance outpost against the Scourge.$B$BNow if there\'s one thing I\'ve learned as an apprentice it\'s to delegate responsibility - especially in matters that endanger one\'s life!$B$BIf you\'re interested, I\'ll pay you well to kill the greater spindlewebs and ghostclaw ravagers to the west and south of here.','Apprentice Vor\'el at Andilien Estate in the Ghostlands wants you to slay 10 Greater Spindlewebs and 10 Ghostclaw Ravagers.','Thanks for giving me a hand, $N. I was dreading the thought of venturing into the woods this close to Deatholme.','Did you take care of the business we discussed, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4428insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4383,9282,'The Farstrider Enclave','Magisters and Farstriders may not see eye to eye all the time, $N.  When it comes to Dar\'Khan, however, we\'re all in agreement that a way must be found to defeat him and his legions.$B$BRanger Vynna, at the Farstrider Enclave northeast of here, has come across important information regarding our enemy.  Speak to her and see if you can be of assistance.  ','Magister Kaendris, at the Sanctum of the Sun, wants you to talk to Ranger Vynna at the Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.','Kaendris sent you? I might have a task for you, $c.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4429insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4384,9283,'Rescue the Survivors!','The healing crystals are replenished, but that is not the only way we can help the injured. All draenei can tap the gift of the Naaru to heal. You must use this ability to heal one of the crash survivors.$b$bYou\'ll find most of the survivors in the areas to the west and northwest, but the crash scattered us all over the vale.$b$bThe survivors have suffered from exposure to the irradiated power crystals, so you should be able to find them by the red glow that surround them.$B$BYou must save them, $N.','Use your Gift of the Naaru ability on one of the Draenei Survivors spread throughout Ammen Vale, then return to Zalduun at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','The Light be praised! You\'ve done what only a true heroine could have done, $N! The draenei you saved owes their continued life to your selflessness!$B$BPlease, take this supply pouch. You look like you can use it more than I.','We\'ll survive this yet with your help.','Draenei Survivors Saved','Draenei Survivors Saved','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4430insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4385,9284,'Aldor Faction Test','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4431insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4386,9285,'Consortium Faction Test','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4432insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4387,9286,'Scryers Faction Test','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4433insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4388,9287,'Paladin Training','','','I am heartened by your initiative to speak with me. In the past I was responsible for the training of young paladins as they entered our order. This is a duty and privilege that I humbly take up once more. Your name has been mentioned as one who seeks to do good in the name of the Light. It would be my honor to guide you in your first steps as a $c.$B$BShall we begin?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4434insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4389,9288,'Hunter Training','As you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you. For young hunters here on Ammen Vale, your trainer is me.','Speak with Keilnei - the Hunter class trainer - inside the Crash Site on Ammen Vale.','I\'m glad that you have come to me. For quite some time now I have been responsible for the training of our young $cs, a responsibility that I intend to continue on this new world. I\'ve had my eye upon you for a while now and it would be my honor to help train you in the ways of the $c.$BShall we begin?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4435insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4390,9289,'Warrior Training','','','It is good that you seek my guidance.  For centuries I have taught young <race> warriors, so I may know a thing or two on how you should begin.  I see in you the makings of a great $C, but only if you listen carefully to what I have to teach.$B$BAre you ready to learn, young $C?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4436insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4391,9290,'Mage Training','','','I am pleased that you have come seeking my knowledge. We have much to do if your magical skills are to be honed. For over a hundred years I have taught the arcane, frost and fire magics, and I can feel them just as strongly on this world.  Would you like me to impart some of what I know to you?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4437insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4392,9291,'Priest Training','','','It gives me great hope for our future that you come seeking my wisdom. While I have my hands full here with our injured, I am not so busy that I cannot spare a moment to aid you in your first steps as a $C.  To walk in the Light is the highest of callings, and one that I am certain you are more than ready to undertake! Speak with me again when you feel that you are ready to begin your training.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4438insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4393,9292,'Cracked Necrotic Crystal','On the corpse of the fallen abomination, you discover a cracked crystal, slowly pulsing with necrotic energy.','Bring the Cracked Necrotic Crystal to Lieutenant Orrin outside the gates of Stormwind.','Hm, you took this from the corpse of one of the invading abominations?$B$BWe have received word about the necropolis base camps that are being summoned by the Scourge. I suspect they wanted to create one inside Stormwind. It is good that they were unseccessful.','Is there something you need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4439insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4394,9293,'What Must Be Done...','The nearby lake has been contaminated by one of the ship\'s power crystals.  Many of the plants and animals of Ammen Vale have been mutated because of this.$B$BI have a theory on how to heal the lake, but I must have samples from the mutated lashers for analysis.  They can be found to the west in the Ammen Fields.$B$BWill you help me, $c?','Gather 10 Lasher Samples and return them to Botanist Taerix at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','These will do. Thank you, $C!$B$BWhile you were out, I managed to gather some equipment together to make an analysis of the samples.  This should only take a moment.','I\'ll need all of the samples in good condition if we\'re to have a chance of cleansing the lake.$B$BWe don\'t have much time, $C!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4440insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4395,9294,'Healing the Lake','Thank goodness, I think it\'ll work!  I have an agent for you to spread at Silverline Lake to the south.  It will neutralize the effects of the irradiated ship\'s power crystal that fell there.$B$BSwim out and scatter the neutralizing agent near it.  Don\'t worry, you won\'t be exposed long enough to become irradiated.','Disperse the Neutralizing Agent at the Irradiated Power Crystal, then return to Botanist Taerix at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','From what you describe, the neutralizing agent worked! I just wish that I knew how long it will last; we really need to remove that power crystal from the lake entirely.$B$BThank you, $N! I will tell Tedon to try the neutralizing agent on one of the captured beasts at once.','','Disperse the Neutralizing Agent','Disperse the Neutralizing Agent','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4441insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4396,9295,'Letter from the Front','You found this letter on one of the many Scourge minions you\'ve slain. From its appearance and smell, it has been with the undead for some time. Perhaps someone at Light\'s Hope Chapel would be interested in examining it further...','Take the Torn Letter to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4442insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4397,9299,'Note from the Front','You found this letter on one of the many Scourge minions you\'ve slain. From its appearance and smell, it has been with the undead for some time. Perhaps someone at Light\'s Hope Chapel would be interested in examining it further...','Take the Careworn Note to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4443insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4398,9300,'Page from the Front','You found this letter on one of the many Scourge minions you\'ve slain. From its appearance and smell, it has been with the undead for some time. Perhaps someone at Light\'s Hope Chapel would be interested in examining it further...','Take the Ragged Page to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4444insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4399,9301,'Envelope from the Front','You found this letter on one of the many Scourge minions you\'ve slain. From its appearance and smell, it has been with the undead for some time. Perhaps someone at Light\'s Hope Chapel would be interested in examining it further...','Take the Bloodstained Envelope to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4445insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4400,9302,'Missive from the Front','You found this letter on one of the many Scourge minions you\'ve slain. From its appearance and smell, it has been with the undead for some time. Perhaps someone at Light\'s Hope Chapel would be interested in examining it further...','Take the Crumpled Missive to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4446insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4401,9303,'Inoculation','Zhanaa needs our help to salvage parts from the Exodar.  Taerix prepared an inoculum that can be given to the Nestlewood owlkin that live in the area of a lot of the salvage.$B$BJust get close to the unaffected ones and use the crystal on them.  Unfortunately, you\'ll have to kill the others.  You\'ll find the owlkin at Nestlewood Thicket and Nestlewood Hills to the southeast.','Use the Inoculating Crystal on 6 Nestlewood Owlkin. Then return to Vindicator Aldar at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','With many of the owlkin now inoculated. we can focus on getting out of here and not have to worry about wiping out the owlkin population in the area.$B$BHere. choose from these. You\'ve done good work. and you deserve to be rewarded!','The more we can do to clear up Nestlewood. the faster Zhanaa can get back to work.','','Nestlewood Owlkin inoculated','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4447insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4402,9304,'Document from the Front','You found this letter on one of the many Scourge minions you\'ve slain. From its appearance and smell, it has been with the undead for some time. Perhaps someone at Light\'s Hope Chapel would be interested in examining it further...','Take the Smudged Document to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4448insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4403,9305,'Spare Parts','We managed to recover a damaged holographic emitter from the crash. If we repair it, we\'ll have a chance to find other survivors outside of Ammen Vale.$B$BThere were devices from the ship that could be salvaged for spare parts in the area, but the local owlkin carried them off before we could get to them. $B$B$N, you must go south to Nestlewood Thicket and Hills to find the spare parts.','Collect 4 Emitter Spare Parts and then return to Technician Zhanaa at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','Let me take a look at those.$B$BYes, I think that these will do nicely; good job, $N. The emitter is rather complex so it may take some time to finish the repairs. I\'ll let you know when it\'s ready.$B$BIn the meantime, you might see if Vindicator Aldar has anything he could use you for.','When we have those spare parts, I know that we\'ll get this emitter repaired. With any luck there will be someone else out there left to talk to.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4449insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4404,9309,'The Missing Scout','We now have several separate confirmations of unusual activity up on the Shadow Ridge.$B$BThis is disturbing; we thought that the scouting missions already undertaken had been thorough. One of my scouts hasn\'t reported back yet.$B$B$C, I need you to head southwest to the other side of Silverline Lake and find Tolaan, and see what has delayed him.','Find and speak with Tolaan at Shadow Ridge in Ammen Vale.','Help... blood elves! They... ambushed... me. Don\'t have... long.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4450insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4405,9310,'Faint Necrotic Crystal','On the corpse of the fallen wight, you find a crystal that is faintly radiating necrotic energy.','Bring the Faint Necrotic Crystal to Lieutenant Rukag in the courtyard of the Undercity.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4451insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4406,9311,'Blood Elf Spy','I have a plan. We must kill their leader. Without their master, perhaps they will retreat to regroup. We just need to buy time until the repairs are completed.$b$bThen Vindicator Aldar must know of this. Kill the surveyor, then return and tell him what we\'ve found.','Slay Surveyor Candress and then inform Vindicator Aldar at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','I thank you for dealing with the blood elf surveyor. Surely she was their leader. Rest assured, we will deal with whatever remnant of them is still nearby.$B$BPlease, take one of these weapons as a sign of my gratitude.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4452insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4407,9312,'The Emitter','$N, while you were out investigating the Shadow Ridge, Zhanaa here has been going on about the holographic emitter.  You might want to speak with her.','Speak with Technician Zhanaa at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','I got it. I got it! I think I managed to fix the emitter! Here, I\'ll just activate this last crystal and that should do it.$B$BTake a look at the emitter, $N. It looks like it\'s beginning to work... someone is appearing!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4453insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4408,9313,'Travel to Azure Watch','By all that is good, $N, you must go at once to this Azure Watch and speak with Dyvuun!$B$BThere is a path that leads west off of this tiny isle.  Follow it and cross the Crystalbrook River to arrive on the larger part of the isle.  Continue to follow the path and you should find Azure Watch.$B$BSee if you can convince them to send us some aid and supplies.  The rest of us will follow when we can.$B$BThank you, we wouldn\'t have made it without you!','Speak with Technician Dyvuun at Azure Watch on Azuremyst Isle.','Ah, good to see you again! I\'m glad that we were both able to get our emitters fixed or we might never have found one another. And don\'t worry, we\'ll see to it that Ammen Vale gets help and supplies.$B$BSpeaking of assistance, now that you\'re here, go around and introduce yourself to the others. I know that there\'s plenty to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4454insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4409,9314,'Word from Azure Watch','$C! A couple mutated beasts jumped me and my leg is injured.$B$BI was sent on a scouting mission from Azure Watch after we received word from Zhanaa. Please, could you go speak with Caregiver Chellan in my stead? She needs to know how many people to expect in Azure Watch. Just cross the Crystalbrook River here and continue following the road until you get to Azure Watch.$B$BBe sure to ask her for a place for yourself to stay in.','Speak with Caregiver Chellan at Azure Watch on Azuremyst Isle.','Oh, you must be one of the survivors we\'ve been hearing about!$B$BI\'m glad that you came. Don\'t worry, we will send someone to see to Aeun\'s injured leg.$B$BI\'m most interested in hearing all about your harrowing story of survival. You\'re a brave one to have made it all the way here.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4455insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4410,9315,'Anok\'suten','Come closer, I am ... dying.$B$BI was sent here ... to slay these nerubians, but Vandril didn\'t ... know that they have a leader.$B$B<The dying blood elf coughs up a good amount of blood.>$B$BYou must find and ... slay Anok\'suten.  Get help.  She wanders around ... Suncrown Village.','Slay Anok\'suten and return to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','I apologize for the shoddy intelligence. $C. Had I known of this Anok\'suten ahead of time, I surely would have told you.$B$BWe\'re spread too thin and things are slipping through the cracks!','A nerubian leader? None of the scouting missions reported anything about this Anok\'suten!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4456insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4411,9317,'Consecrated Sharpening Stones','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4457insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4412,9318,'Blessed Wizard Oil','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4458insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4413,9319,'A Light in Dark Places','We are not the only ones who celebrate this holiday, $n. All creatures, all cultures, are touched by the flame. Even in the darkest places, the fires are being lit.$b$bIf you wish to see them for yourself, travel into the depths. Seek out the bonfires burning within Stratholme, Scholomance, among the ogres of Dire Maul, and the halls of Blackrock Spire itself; I will await your return.','Find and touch the bonfires located within Blackrock Spire, Dire Maul, Scholomance, and Stratholme, then return to the Festival Flamekeeper.','You have proven that you are not entirely useless, mortal.','','','Flame of Blackrock Spire','Flame of Dire Maul','Flame of the Scholomance','Flame of Stratholme',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4459insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4414,9320,'Major Mana Potion','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4460insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4415,9321,'Major Healing Potion','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4461insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4416,9322,'Wild Fires in Kalimdor','The Midsummer Fire Festival is celebrated everywhere in Azeroth, and the diverse land of Kalimdor is no exception. You look fit to travel -- perhaps a journey is in order.$b$bMidsummer cannot be truly appreciated unless you\'ve seen the blistering blue fires abroad. The celebrants have lit fires in chilly western Winterspring, northeastern Azshara, near Valor\'s Rest in the wastes of Silithus, and by the entrance to lush Un\'Goro. Return once your journey is complete.','Visit the Midsummer camps located in Azshara, Silithus, Un\'Goro Crater, and Winterspring, then return to the Festival Flamekeeper.','Your spirit glows with the warmth of the Kalimdor fires, friend. Is the heat not invigorating? Once the power fades from you, perhaps these will help rekindle the feeling.','Are the flames of Kalimdor burning brightly?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4462insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4417,9323,'Wild Fires in the Eastern Kingdoms','Our celebration of the flame is spread throughout the land, $c. Not a single place remains untouched by the heat of this holiday, and the strongest fires burn a brilliant blue. Seek them out.$b$bYou\'ll find one just north of Blackrock Spire. The others are located deep within the Eastern Plaguelands near a decrepit town, along the road to the cliffs within the mountainous Hinterlands, and on the way to the Dark Portal within the Blasted Lands.$b$b Return once your journey is done.','Visit the Fire Festival camps located in Blasted Lands, Eastern Plaguelands, the Hinterlands and Searing Gorge, then speak with the Festival Flamekeeper.','Ah, here you are. A little wearier, a bit dustier, but enlightened! The heat touches us all during this season and unites us; your very being glows with the power of the fires you touched. Ah, but these days enlightenment is taken as a rather poor reward for being sent on a task, I suppose. Take these, then, and enjoy the celebration.','It will take time to prevail against this threat. How have you fared, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4463insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4418,9324,'Stealing Orgrimmar\'s Flame','This flame, stolen from the heart of Orgrimmar itself, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the Loremaster might know more...','Return the Flame of Orgrimmar to the Festival Loremaster.','What\'s this? Unless I\'m mistaken, this flame has been taken from the heart of Orgrimmar itself! The fierce hearts of the orcs and trolls are reflected in its searing heat. What a fine addition to our collection--how brave you are, stealing into the enemy\'s lair to retrieve the sacred flame!','You\'re practically glowing, $R. What do you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4464insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4419,9325,'Stealing Thunder Bluff\'s Flame','This flame, stolen from the shaman of Thunder Bluff, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the Loremaster might know more...','Return the Flame of Thunder Bluff to the Festival Loremaster.','Unless I miss my guess, this fire has been taken from the cliffs of Thunder Bluff! How it sings with the power of the spirits! You are quite the thief, $N. Take this as just payment for your skill. Now, if only we had the flames of all three cities...','You\'re practically glowing, $R. What do you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4465insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4420,9326,'Stealing the Undercity\'s Flame','This flame, stolen from the ruins above the Undercity, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the Loremaster might know more...','Return the Flame of the Undercity to the Festival Loremaster.','Hm... what a strange fire! It is subdued, nearly smoldering, but the heat is intense. And you received this from the Undercity, you say? Fascinating. With the flames of all three cities, who knows what we could accomplish?','You\'re practically glowing, $R. What do you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4466insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4421,9327,'The Forsaken','I know it seems strange, but these Forsaken are here to help. You should speak with their leader, High Executor Mavren. He\'s in the tower on the west side of town.$B$BAnd, $c, when you\'re done talking with him return to me; I have something dire that needs to be dealt with immediately!','Speak with High Executor Mavren at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','We Forsaken are here because of a common enemy with the blood elves: Dar\'Khan! He has returned and now commands the Scourge that are invading this land from his steadfast, Deatholme, to the south.$B$BLady Sylvanas Windrunner, who originally hails from these lands, and used to be an elf, has a history with Dar\'Khan and wants him dead!$B$BWe will defeat him, $c, and you will help us do it!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4467insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4422,9328,'Hero of the Sin\'dorei','This is the beginning of a new chapter in the history of our race, $N.  Our lands will be reclaimed and we shall cement our bond with Sylvanas and her allies.$B$BTake the traitor\'s head to Regent Lord Lor\'themar Theron in Silvermoon City.  He\'ll be eager to hear the news.','Take Dar\'Khan\'s Head to Lor\'themar Theron in Silvermoon City.','Now that\'s one face I was not expecting to see so soon.$B$BThis is quite the good news, $N, in more ways than you can imagine. ','You seek audience with me, $c?  I do not recall hearing of an appointment.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4468insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4423,9329,'The Forsaken','I know it seems strange, but the Forsaken are here to help. You should speak with their leader, High Executor Mavren.  He\'s in the tower on the west side of town.$B$BAnd, $c, when you\'re done talking with him return to me; I have something dire that needs to be dealt with immediately!','Speak with High Executor Mavren at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','We Forsaken are here because of a common enemy with the blood elves: Dar\'Khan! He has returned and now commands the Scourge that are invading this land from his steadfast, Deatholme, to the south.$B$BLady Sylvanas Windrunner, who originally hails from these lands, and used to be an elf, has a history with Dar\'Khan and wants him dead!$B$BWe will defeat him, $C, and you will help us do it!','I know it seems strange, but the Forsaken are here to help. You should speak with their leader, High Executor Mavren. He\'s in the tower on the west side of town.$B$BAnd, $C, when you\'re done talking with him return to me; I have something dire that needs to be dealt with immediately!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4469insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4424,9330,'Stealing Stormwind\'s Flame','This flame, stolen from the heart of Stormwind itself, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the Talespinner might know more...','Return the Flame of Stormwind to the Festival Talespinner.','And this brightly-burning fire... you say it came from Stormwind? Remarkable! That must have been quite an adventure! I\'ll pay you for this, of course. If you find anything else like this, be sure to speak with me again.','You\'re practically glowing, $R. What do you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4470insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4425,9331,'Stealing Ironforge\'s Flame','This flame, stolen from the heart of Ironforge itself, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the Talespinner might know more...','Return the Flame of Ironforge to the Festival Talespinner.','This hearty flame must be from the halls of Ironforge; it\'s as stalwart as the dwarves themselves. A fine catch, $N. If I had the fires of the other cities... ah, but never mind. Here is your payment.','You\'re practically glowing, $R. What do you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4471insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4426,9332,'Stealing Darnassus\'s Flame','This flame, stolen from the shores of Teldrassil, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the Talespinner might know more...','Return the Flame of Darnassus to the Festival Talespinner.','This fire aches of ancient sorrow, $N. You pulled this from the roots of Teldrassil, you say? Fascinating! Here is a reward for your skill. Return to me should you find anything else like this; I may have a use for it.','You\'re practically glowing, $R. What do you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4472insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4427,9333,'Argent Dawn Gloves','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4473insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4428,9334,'Blessed Wizard Oil','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4474insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4429,9335,'Consecrated Sharpening Stones','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4475insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4430,9336,'Major Healing Potion','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4476insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4431,9337,'Major Mana Potion','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4477insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4432,9338,'Allegiance to Cenarion Circle','Even if you have no need for the material rewards we offer, these badges still mark our mutual trust and friendship.$B$BBring them to me.  I\'ll make due note of your service should your performance go above and beyond the call of duty.','','You honor us, $N. With your continued efforts we will overcome all obstacles.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4478insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4433,9339,'A Thief\'s Reward','This flame, stolen from the heart of Stormwind itself, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the (NAME) might know more...','Return the Flame of Stormwind to (NAME).','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4479insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4434,9340,'The Great Fissure','We\'re dangerously close to becoming fenced in by Alliance forces.  With the influx of sin\'dorei pilgrims from Azeroth, we must establish a route that\'s safe from our enemies\' prying eyes.$B$BI\'ve given it some thought and have arrived at a solution.  We\'re to establish a secret path through the Great Fissure.$B$BYes, even though the area is crawling with brutal rock flayers, they are merely beasts and can be taught to fear us.  I want you to go and kill a good number of them.  They shall learn fear.','Ranger Captain Venn\'ren at Falcon Watch wants you to slay 8 Stonescythe Whelps and 3 Stonescythe Alphas at the Great Fissure, east of Falcon Watch.','Good job, $N. That should teach the rock flayers to stay far away from us.','You\'ve returned. Is the task done?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4480insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4435,9341,'Tabard of the Argent Dawn','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4481insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4436,9342,'BETA Marauding Crust Bursters','As if the gan\'arg that overran the mines aren\'t bad enough, now we\'ve got gigantic worms encroaching on us from the other direction!$B$BWith Thrallmar\'s garrison pinned down defending against the Legion and tending to their wounded, it leaves me and the miners to deal with the problems.$B$B<The foreman gestures at the sleeping peons.>$B$BAnd you can see how useful they are...$B$BI\'d gladly pay you their wages to clear out some of those worms.','Foreman Razelcraz at the mines near Thrallmar wants you to kill 15 Marauding Crust Bursters. The worms have a tendency to attack suddenly from their tunnels below ground.','Thank you for your help, $N. Got anything up your sleeve to make the peons earn their keep?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4482insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4437,9343,'Tabard of the Argent Dawn','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4483insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4438,9344,'BETA A Hasty Departure','Greetings, $N. Outland is a perilous place, as many of our expedition quickly learned. I\'m afraid young Grelag may have learned that lesson firsthand.$B$BGrelag is a promising student, but he lacks patience! He eagerly studies the history of his people, but he sometimes forgets the threats of the present day.$B$BHe departed for the Spinebreaker Post, ignorant of the Legion and fel orc presences. I fear something may have happened to him.','Far Seer Regulkut wants you to track down her student Grelag.  ','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4484insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4439,9345,'BETA Preparing the Salve','Just as Zeth\'Gor came into view, a Legion patrol caught sight of me. I ran, hoping to duck into one of the towers in the distance, but one of their felhounds caught up with me and nearly hamstrung me!$B$BI managed to escape, but my leg is in terrible shape. Stone Guard Ambelan found me and brought me here.$BNow, I have to find a way to tend my leg. Spineleaf grows in and around the Valley of Bones to the north . A salve made from it will dull the pain enough for me to travel.','Gather 12 Hellfire Spineleaf plants for a salve and return to Grelag at Spinebreaker Post.','These should do the job. I\'m going to prepare the salve and finish my splint before making my way back to Thrallmar. Why do I have the feeling that I know what Far Seer Regulkut will say when she sees me?$B$B<Grelag sighs half-heartedly.>$B$BThank you for your help, $N. I have some of the spineleaf left over. You\'re welcome to take it with you. Who can tell when it will prove useful?','Have you brought the plants?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4485insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4440,9346,'BETA When Helboars Fly','Have you ever seen a helboar fly? They don\'t even need wings!$B$B<Watch Commander Krunk laughs.>$B$BThe fight against the Legion camps to the north has depleted our supplies, including catapult ammunition. This is the perfect opportunity to try something new.$B$BInstead of using boulders, I want to try igniting the corpses of the starving helboars I\'ve seen around the eastern ruins and use them to bombard the Legion\'s camps.$B$BAre you going to volunteer, or do I have to order you? ','Watch Commander Krunk in Thrallmar wants you to bring him 10 Plump Helboar Carcasses from Starving Helboars.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4486insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4441,9349,'Ravager Egg Roundup','I\'m starving!$B$BThere\'s irony in that, wouldn\'t you say?  A starving cook?$B$B<Legassi laughs half-heartedly and taps a folded piece of parchment he has in his pocket.>$B$BAccording to this tourist map we were following - before we were so rudely shot down - there\'s an area to the southwest, near Terokkar Forest.  It\'s called the Razorthorn Trail, and supposedly it\'s brimming with delicious ravager eggs!$B$BI could cook up quite a feast if only someone were brave enough to go down there and get me some!','Retrieve 12 Ravager Eggs for Legassi at the Zeppelin Crash in Hellfire Peninsula.','In order to have great cuisine, you need to have great ingredients.  And these eggs look great!$B$BI\'ve just finished cleaning off my frying pan, so you\'re more than welcome to join me for a meal!','You have those eggs yet?$B$B<Legassi\'s stomach grumbles in anticipation.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4487insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4442,9351,'Voidwalkers Gone Wild','Even if I can get the zeppelin\'s frame repaired, I\'ll have to find something else to power the engine. I\'m all out of fuel and there\'s no place to fill up around here!$B$BTo the south of us is an area of broken land called the Warp Fields. It\'s full of rogue and uncontrolled voidwalkers, but I like to think of them as walking batteries.$B$BIf you can bring me enough of their essence, I can convert the zeppelin\'s engine to run on it. Five gold says I\'ll even get better mileage out of it, too!','Bring 10 Condensed Voidwalker Essences to \"Screaming\" Screed Luckheed at the Zeppelin Crash.','This is perfect! In fact, I think it\'s going to work so well, I might just have to redesign the engine to take advantage of all this extra power. If, I mean, when we get out of here, I\'ll have to show my design to everyone back at Area 52!','Were you able to get the essence?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4488insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4443,9352,'Darnassian Intrusions','Besides the constant threat that the Wretched represent, I also have to deal with all kind of fictitious reports of night elf sightings.$B$BThough most reports are unfounded, one recent incident demands further investigation.  The West Sanctum, one of our primary energy sources, has suffered a terrible malfunction and rumors of Darnassian sabotage are rampant.$B$BTravel there and deal with anyone that looks suspicious.  Report back to Ley-Keeper Velania, who watches over the sanctum.','Travel to the West Sanctum, southwest of Falconwing Square and defeat any intruders present there.  Report your findings to Ley-Keeper Velania.','Night elves? Here? Those rats!$B$BDo you suppose they had anything to do with the malfunction in my sanctum? If you have any information, you\'d better take it to Captain Sunbrand at once!','','','Intruder Defeated','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4489insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4444,9355,'A Job for an Intelligent Man','Well met, $c. Now that reinforcements are finally arriving, we can recapture some semblance of a normal life.$B$BOne of our first goals is to restore the flow of men and goods along the road to the southwest, but it must be reclaimed from the crust bursters that\'ve overrun the area.$B$BIf you\'re willing to help us deal with this menace, you would have the gratitude of the Sons. Watch carefully for the disturbed ground they leave in their wake.','Kill 15 Marauding Crust Bursters and return to Foreman Biggums at Honor Hold.','Well done, $N. We shouldn\'t be too quick to congratulate ourselves, though. I\'m certain we haven\'t seen the last of those worms. If they show their hideous heads around these parts again, the Sons\'ll be ready for them!','Were you able to clear the road?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4490insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4445,9356,'Smooth as Butter','Screed likes to say his flying is as \"smooth as butter.\" I think \"butterfingered\" is more like it!$B$BTake a look at the wreckage over there. He calls it a \"rough\" landing.$B$BSure, we got shot at, but I\'d be willing to cut him a little more slack if he didn\'t brag about his piloting skills so often!$B$BI think I\'m going to make him a batch of wings to drive the point home. To the east, in the Valley of Bones, you\'ll find bonestripper buzzards. Their wings are plump, juicy, and perfect for my needs.','Bring 12 Plump Buzzard Wings to Legassi at the Zeppelin Crash.','Ravager Eggs.  Bam!$B$BHellboar Bacon. Bam!$B$BBuzzard Wings. Bam!  Bam!$B$BWhat a great meal.  You\'ve really got to try it.  ','I can\'t wait to see the look on his face when he digs in. Ever since the crash, he\'s been complaining that all I can think of is food. Well, someone\'s got to feed us while he tinkers with the zeppelin!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4491insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4446,9357,'BETA Report to Aeldon Sunbrand','If you\'re looking for work, you\'ll find Captain Sunbrand inside the Inner Elf Gate, through the doors behind me.$B$BNow leave me be, I must question this scoundrel.','Report to Aeldon Sunbrand at the Inner Elf Gate in Eversong Woods.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4492insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4447,9358,'Ranger Sareyn','Don\'t take the safety of this village for granted.  We\'re under siege by the Scourge on the east and the Wretched to the west.$B$BRanger Sareyn keeps our borders safe from the undead that pour in from the Dead Scar.  Follow the road eastwards out of town and see if you can lend her a hand.','Report to Ranger Sareyn outside Fairbreeze Village in Eversong Woods.','You\'re here to help us? Why didn\'t you say so earlier? We can always use a hand!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4493insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4448,9359,'Farstrider Retreat','Your help in subduing the Wretched has been invaluable.  The Farstriders would surely have use for someone like you in their fight against the Amani trolls.$B$BLook for the Farstrider Retreat to the northeast of here, speak to Lieutenant Dawnrunner and see what assistance she might need.','Report to Lieutenant Dawnrunner at the Farstrider Retreat in Eversong Woods.','You\'re here to help? Excellent!$B$BThe battle against the Amani trolls has taken its toll on us and capable fighters such as yourself are always welcome.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4494insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4449,9360,'Amani Invasion','Though you don\'t understand the language in these battle plans, you clearly make out a map marking the positions of the Farstrider Retreat and Fairbreeze Village.$B$BYou\'d best let Lieutenant Dawnrunner at the Farstrider Retreat know about this.','Deliver the Amani Invasion Plans to Lieutenant Dawnrunner at Farstrider Retreat.','The trolls have been keeping us pinned here while planning an attack on Fairbreeze Village. We were not expecting this at all.','What do you want to show me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4495insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4450,9361,'Helboar, the Other White Meat','Those eggs are superb, but what do you say we kick it up another notch?$B$BA side of bacon would round out the meal perfectly and I know just where to get it.$B$BThis place is littered with helboars. Of course, there\'s no one here to inspect and tenderize the meat, but we\'re in luck!$B$B<Legassi rummages around in his pack and produces a flask.>$B$BThis wasn\'t made for use on pork, but cooking is as much about improvisation as anything else!','Legassi at the Zeppelin Crash wants you to gather 8 Purified Helboar Meat. To purify the meat, use the Purification Mixture on the Tainted Helboar Meat you gather from Helboars.','Hmm...$B$BThis looks edible, if spiced properly. Just don\'t tell Screed where his breakfast came from, ok?','Were you successful in purifying the helboar meat?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4496insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4451,9362,'Warlord Krellian','There isn\'t much time, $n!  My scrying spells have revealed a powerful source of magic.  I cannot leave the tower, and would ask you to kill the vile creature in possession of this artifact.$b$bThe pathetic little cretin is known as Warlord Krellian, hiding behind his guards in the Temple of Zin-Malor.  Burn him to ashes and take the prismatic shell he covets so dearly.','Retrieve the Prismatic Shell for Archmage Xylem.  The Archmage resides in a tower atop the cliffs of Azshara.','I must say, this shell has a strange aura. It seems only fitting that part of your reward for retrieving it would be to test its magical capabilities...','There is not time to waste! Have you the shell?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4497insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4452,9363,'Warning Fairbreeze Village','Go to Fairbreeze Village and notify Ranger Degolien of the Amani plans.  Even with Zul\'Marosh dead, Fairbreeze must prepare for a troll attack.  Tell Degolien I will send him reinforcements as soon as possible.','Travel to Fairbreeze Village in Eversong Woods and speak to Ranger Degolien.','The information you\'ve brought is of vital importance, $N.  Now that we know of the trolls\' plans we can prepare for an attack.$B$BWe won\'t be caught with our guard down.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4498insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4453,9364,'Fragmented Magic','My research has revealed a unique purpose for the prismatic shell.$b$bCarry the shell and cast your polymorph spell on the Spitelash in Azshara.  If you wait a few moments, the chaotic aura of the shell will cause them to split into several smaller clones for a few moments.  Kill these clones as quickly as possible, and the shell will collect their essence.$b$bWhen the shell is full, return it to me.','Polymorph the Spitelash of Azshara and kill the clones that appear several seconds later.  When you have slain 50 Polymorph Clones, return to Archmage Xylem in Azshara.','Splendid! Splendid!$B$BNow we are able to reform this magic into a new spell. Behold!','Have you collected the magic?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4499insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4454,9365,'A Thief\'s Reward','This flame, stolen from the heart of Stormwind itself, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the (NAME) might know more...','Return the Flame of Stormwind to (NAME).','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4500insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4455,9366,'In Need of Felblood','Northeast of here lie the Pools of Aggonar.  Once a sacred site to the draenei, their waters were corrupted after the blood from the demon Aggonar was spilled into them.$B$BThat blood, though old and diluted, still possesses tremendous power.  Terrorfiends now walk the area, empowered by the pure demonic energies of the original blood.  Slay them and retrieve as much felblood as you can.  I\'ll make it worth your while.','Ryathen the Somber at Falcon Watch in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to bring him 6 Felblood Samples from the Terrorfiends that inhabit the Pools of Aggonar.','The energy contained in these samples is tremendous, $N.  Now we just need to ensure that our access to this felblood continues uninterrupted.','The felblood... did you obtain it, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4501insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4456,9367,'The Festival of Fire','Midsummer is upon us once again!$b$bEach year, as tradition dictates, Flamekeepers are chosen to tend the bonfires within our capitals. While fires are burning throughout Azeroth, it is imperative that ours be the hottest and brightest, to properly pay homage to the season.$b$bIn fact, I have a task for you, if you don\'t mind. I\'ve not yet heard if the fires in all capitals are properly burning. Travel there yourself and warm yourself by the fires--make sure they\'re hot!','Touch the bonfires within Stormwind, Ironforge, and Darnassus, then speak to a Festival Loremaster within the capital cities.','Excellent! It seems we\'ve appointed dutiful Flamekeepers this year if the bonfires are as well-kept as you claim. Thank you for inspecting them for me; here, take this as a small token of my esteem.','Are the fires burning?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4502insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4457,9368,'The Festival of Fire','Midsummer is upon us once again!$b$bEach year, as tradition dictates, Flamekeepers are chosen to tend the bonfires within our capitals. While fires are burning throughout Azeroth, it is imperative that ours be the hottest and brightest, to properly pay homage to the season.$b$bIn fact, I have a task for you, if you don\'t mind. I\'ve not yet heard if the fires in all capitals are properly burning. Travel there yourself and warm yourself by the fires--make sure they\'re hot!','Touch the bonfires within Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, and the Undercity, then speak to a Festival Talespinner within the capital cities.','Excellent work, $N. With the shadows destroyed, it can only be a matter of time before the Lich King decides to recall his necropolises and leave us in peace.','Have you had any luck, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4503insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4458,9369,'Replenishing the Healing Crystals','We are the draenei.  Our ship crashed and, since we have many wounded, our immediate concern is the depleted state of our healing crystals.  We must replenish them quickly!$B$BUnfortunately, the only way to do this at this point is to extract the blood from the local vale moths.  Their blood will make for a suitable substitute.$B$BThe moths can be found in many places around the vale, but mostly in the northwest.','Acquire 8 Vials of Moth Blood from the nearby Vale Moths and bring them to Proenitus at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','Regrettable that those creatures had to die so that we might live - indiscriminate killing is not the draenei way. However, the blood you gathered will replenish our healing crystals, so their deaths will not be in vain.','Have you harvested the necessary moth blood for the healing crystals yet? With survivors scattered all over the vale, time is of the essence!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4504insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4459,9370,'The Cleansing Must Be Stopped','Our scouts captured a draenei paladin at the Pools of Aggonar.  He was to take part in a cleansing ritual to purify the pools.  We must stop the draenei from succeeding or we will lose our supply of felblood!$B$BHe was carrying this signaling gem, looking to mark a spot where a priest - or \"anchorite\" as they call themselves - could perform their rituals in safety.  Place the gem near the Altar of Aggonar and be ready to ambush any approaching draenei.$B$BI suggest that you take a friend or two along.','Place the Signaling Gem near the Altar of Aggonar at the Pools of Aggonar and defeat any Draenei Anchorites that respond to your summons.  Return to Ryathen the Somber at Falcon Watch with the Signaling Gem after completing this task.','That\'ll show those holy fanatics to mind their own business.','You\'ve returned, $N.  Did you put an end to the draenei\'s folly?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4505insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4460,9371,'Botanist Taerix','$N, Botanist Taerix is in need of your assistance. You\'ll find her with her apprentices to the west, outside the ship.','Speak with Botanist Taerix at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','Oh, thank goodness you\'ve come. We have much to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4506insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4461,9372,'Demonic Contamination','Welcome to the Cenarion Post, $c. We don\'t often get company out here, but I\'m grateful for the visit. My work with the creatures of this desolate land requires me to travel to many remote places.$B$BThe Cenarion Expedition has dispatched me to study some of the most dangerous wildlife in Outland, and I\'ve made a startling discovery. While many creatures here have already undergone radical changes, they continue to mutate. I\'m collecting blood samples to document the changes, and any help would be welcome.','Thiah Redmane, at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula, has asked you to gather 6 Helboar Blood Samples from Hulking Helboars.','Well done, $N. These blood samples will prove helpful in my research and in the Expedition\'s wider studies of Outland\'s creatures.$B$BIf I could isolate what causes these creatures to change continuously, perhaps I could concoct an antidote.','Were you able to collect the blood samples?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4507insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4462,9373,'Missing Missive','Upon examining the battered leather case, it becomes apparent that the container\'s damage must\'ve been caused by the caustic fluid of the worm\'s digestive tract. The leather appears to have been intricately tooled at one time, but the details of its adornment can no longer be made out.$B$BThe only recognizable feature of the case is a worn logo of the Cenarion Circle. Knowing nothing about the contents of the case, you decide the best course of action would be to deliver it to a Circle member.','Return the Eroded Leather Case to Thiah Redmane, camped near the Ruins of Sha\'naar in western Hellfire Peninsula.','Thank you for bringing this to me, $c. I was wondering why I hadn\'t heard from the Expedition in so long. I wonder how long ago this message was dispatched and what befell its carrier.$B$BHere\'s a bit of coin for your trouble.','Good day, $c. What brings you to my encampment?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4508insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4463,9374,'Arelion\'s Journal','My husband, Arelion, had been fascinated with the Pools of Aggonar ever since we arrived in Outland.  He spent much of his time studying slimes, of all things!$B$BHe went missing in there a few days ago.  They say he\'s dead and there\'s nothing I can do about it.$B$BOne thing I can do is try to ensure that his research doesn\'t die with him.  Go northeast to the pools and look for his journal.  He always carried it inside a brown knapsack.','Magistrix Carinda at Falcon Watch in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to go to the Pools of Aggonar and retrieve Arelion\'s Journal.','My husband\'s journal... it\'s not about research at all!$B$BHow could I\'ve been such a fool?  \"Magical properties of fel-infused slime forms,\" he really had me going there.','Any luck, $N?  You\'ll find the Pools of Aggonar north of Hellfire Citadel.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4509insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4464,9375,'The Road to Falcon Watch','<The battered blood elf\'s face displays relief at your presence.>$B$BPlease, $c, get me out of this cage! I foolishly set out from Thrallmar ahead of the main group, despite Martik Tor\'seldori\'s warnings.$B$BI was set upon by horrible creatures that could only be the ravagers he talked about. I managed to drive them off, but that was only the beginning of my troubles.$B$BAs I bound my wounds, those bird men found me, dragged me back to this cave, and locked me in this cage! I must get to Falcon Watch!','Protect the Wounded Blood Elf Pilgrim on her way to Falcon Watch, then speak with Taleris Dawngazer.','<Taleris shouts to several of the blood elves at the outpost.>$B$BGet her inside and see to her wounds!$B$B<Taleris turns back to you.>$B$BShe\'s fortunate that you found her when you did, $C. I don\'t think she\'d have lasted much longer out there.$B$BCan you make out what she was saying? ','','Escort Wounded Blood Elf Pilgrim to Falcon Watch','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4510insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4465,9376,'A Pilgrim\'s Plight','That wounded pilgrim seems to be shouting something about a pack.$B$BWhen you encountered her, did you see a pack nearby? Hmm...$B$BShe must\'ve left it when fleeing from her attackers. The quillfang ravagers, in their ravine to the south, are known to attack solitary travelers.$B$BIf she doesn\'t calm down, I won\'t be able to tend her wounds. Her stubbornness may just cost her her life.$B$BGo to Dustquill Ravine and see if you can find her campsite. I\'m willing to bet she left it there.','The Wounded Blood Elf Pilgrim was attacked by Quillfang Ravagers while camped in Dustquill Ravine. Find her camp and search it for the missing pack.','Thank you for returning this, $N. I\'m not sure what significance it holds for the wounded pilgrim, but she refuses to let anyone get near her until it\'s in her hands again.','Things aren\'t going well. At this rate, she\'ll never make it back onto the road. Were you able to find that pack?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4511insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4466,9378,'DND FLAG The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas','In the thick of Plaguewood lies the entrance to the dread citadel of Naxxramas. Previously, all attempts to enter had been stymied by the magical wards placed upon the rune portal. That is, until now.$B$BWe have devised a way to gain entry via a permanent arcane cloaking of sorts - an old cantrip of the Kirin Tor with a few modifications of my own. With that said, the cloaking is costly; however, your dedication to the cause of the Dawn is unwavering! We will waive all cost associations.','Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light\'s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will grant you Arcane Cloaking at no cost. You must be Exalted with the Argent Dawn.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4512insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4467,9380,'[Not Used] BETA Hounded for More','I swear, if I get one more letter from Ironforge...$B$BHave you ever tried to explain something to someone who just wouldn\'t listen, $c? I sent the boys in Ironforge the warp hound they asked for, and they had the gall to write back saying they wanted a \"pack\" of the things! A pack!$B$BSo, I tried to tell \'em that warp hounds are solitary creatures, but they\'d have none of it. I\'ve given up on setting \'em straight. Grab 6 of the best ones from the area east of the hold, and brimg \'em back here?','Collect 6 Undamaged Warp Hound Corpses and bring them to Prospector Murantus in Honor Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4513insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4468,9381,'Trueflight Arrows','With the influx of pilgrims and the encroachment of Alliance forces, things around Falcon Watch have gotten quite busy lately. In my spare time, I usually help prepare batches of arrows for the rangers, but I haven\'t had the chance to gather feathers for the fletching in a long time.$B$BI could offer you a bit of coin if you\'d be willing to gather the tail feathers of the bonestripper vultures. In the past, I\'ve found them circling the bones of large beasts to the north of Falcon Watch.','Gather 8 Bonestripper Tail Feathers from Bonestripper Vultures and bring them to Falconer Drenna Riverwind at Falcon Watch.','These should do the job. I was concerned that the rangers might be short on arrows for a while, but that\'s one less thing I have to worry about. Thank you for your help, $C.','Were you able to get all the feathers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4514insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4469,9382,'BETA The Fate of the Clefthoof','Greetings, $c.$B$BI\'m certain your travels in Outland have shown you something of the corruption in this world. It is so pervasive that it has transformed the very creatures who dwell here - the ones that survived, that is.$B$BThe clefthoof to the south and west were once docile grazers, but the corruption has created an unquenchable rage in them. They only find release from their torment in death, though it grieves us to spill their blood. Will you help me end the suffering of the bristlehide clefthoof?','Kill 15 Bristlehide Clefthoof and return to Amaan the Wise at the Temple of Telhamat.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4515insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4470,9383,'An Ambitious Plan','The blood elves epitomize the irresponsible use of magic, $c. They do not control magical energy. Rather, they are slaves to it and will suffer nothing to stand between them and their addiction. They consume the energies of Outland\'s voidwalkers to power their demonic magics.$B$BI\'ve prepared a crystal charged with a spell that will allow us to neutralize a voidwalker and sever its link to this world when destroyed. I\'ve mostly seen the voidwalkers in the Warp Fields to the southeast of Hellfire Citadel.','Use the Sanctified Crystal against a wounded Uncontrolled Voidwalker and return to Elsaana at the Temple of Telhamat.','You\'ve done well, $N. It seems the containment crystal is holding for now, but how long it will last remains a mystery. We\'ll keep an eye on it and prepare more of the crystals in the meantime.','Have you used the crystal\'s magic against an uncontrolled voidwalker?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4516insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4471,9385,'Rampaging Ravagers','So Honor Hold sends us to deal with the arakkoa and we set up camp here thinking hey isn\'t this a great spot.  Little did we know how close we were to the quillfang ravagers.$B$BThey are relentless predators and have made any sort of work on our part impossible.  There\'s a bit of coin in it for you if you can deal with them for us.  Do you feel up to it?','Kill 10 Quillfang Ravagers and return to Gremni Longbeard in Hellfire Peninsula.','Well done, $N. That should teach those beasts who\'s boss!','Have you made any progress against the ravagers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4517insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4472,9386,'A Light in Dark Places','An eager one, aren\'t you? If you\'re willing to enter the depths once more, I\'ll gladly reward you.$b$bSeek out the bonfires burning within Stratholme, Scholomance, Dire Maul, and the halls of Blackrock Spire itself; I look forward to your return, $n.','Find and touch the bonfires located within Blackrock Spire, Dire Maul, Scholomance, and Stratholme, then speak with the Festival Flamekeeper.','You have proven that you are not entirely useless, mortal.','','','Flame of Blackrock Spire','Flame of Dire Maul','Flame of the Scholomance','Flame of Stratholme',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4518insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4473,9387,'Source of the Corruption','Uncorrupted draenei, like this unlucky fellow here, are virtuous champions of the Light.  What corruption caused their great race to devolve into the Broken and Lost Ones?$B$BI\'ve heard a theory that exposure to fel energies is what caused the mutation.  I would like to put that theory to the test.$B$BNorthwest of here lie the Ruins of Sha\'naar.  There you will find lowly Broken commanded by Illidari taskmasters.  Bring me demonic essences from the taskmasters so that I can test them on this draenei.','Travel to the Ruins of Sha\'naar in Hellfire Peninsula and obtain 5 Demonic Essences from the Illidari Taskmasters.  Return to Apothecary Azethen at Falcon Watch after you\'ve completed the task.','You\'ve been most helpful, $N.  Now let\'s see what we can learn from our blue friend.','Have you obtained the samples?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4519insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4474,9388,'Flickering Flames in Kalimdor','There are many flames burning throughout the world today, $n. The trickiest fires to tend are those that burn green; they do not stay lit long without supervision. Make certain the emerald fires still burn on Kalimdor for our Flamekeeper, eh?$b$bYou will find them near Ratchet in the Barrens, close to the Master\'s Glaive in Darkshore, in the forest of Ashenvale by the bridge near Silverwing Outpost, and near the road to Windshear Crag along the main road in Stonetalon Mountains.','Visit the bonfires within Ashenvale, the Barrens, Darkshore, and Stonetalon Mountains, then speak with the Festival Flamekeeper.','Ahhh, so they do still burn. I am glad; it would not do for those fires to burn out before their time. You have done well, $N. Take this with my blessing.','The fires cannot die until the festival is done!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4520insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4475,9389,'Flickering Flames in the Eastern Kingdoms','The Midsummer Fire Festival traditionally lights up the land with a myriad of flames. Some argue that the green fires are the finest, as they are the hardest to maintain and have such a distinctive hue.$b$bMake sure they still burn in the Eastern Kingdoms for our Flamekeeper. They sit near Dun Modr in the Wetlands, close to Pyrewood Village within Silverpine Forest, on the cliffs overlooking the lighthouse in Westfall, and by the ruined tower in Hillsbrad Foothills.','Visit the bonfires within Hillsbrad Foothills, Silverpine Forest, Westfall, and the Wetlands, then speak with the Festival Flamekeeper.','So you\'ve returned, and you\'ve seen to the emerald flames of the continent. What do you think, mm? A rare and wonderful sight, to be certain. I am aware, however, that tangible rewards are better appreciated... so please, take this for your trouble.','Have you seen to your task?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4521insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4476,9390,'In Search of Sedai','Hear my plight, $c.  My brother, Sedai, left long ago to contact the orcs of Mag\'har Post.  Ever the idealist, he thought the time was ripe to set our differences aside and negotiate a peace with them.$B$BHe\'s been missing for days and I fear for the worst.$B$BWould you set my mind to rest and look for him?  Sedai must be somewhere nearby to the east.','Anchorite Obadei wants you to look for his brother, Sedai, nearby to the east in Hellfire Peninsula.','You\'ve found the body of a young draenei $C. He appears to have been slain by a blow to his back.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4522insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4477,9391,'Marking the Path','With the rock flayer population thinned, all that\'s left is to signal the safe path to our pilgrims.  Return to the Great Fissure with this torch and seek the three beacons that mark the path from the east.$B$BLight the three beacons and return to me.  Be warned that the beacons will attract any nearby rock flayers when you first light them.','Ranger Captain Venn\'ren at Falcon Watch wants you to go to the Great Fissure in Hellfire Peninsula and light the Southern Beacon, Western Beacon and Central Beacon.  Return to him with the Lit Torch after you\'ve completed this task.','The Great Fissure, though still dangerous, will prove to be a useful path for our pilgrims.$B$BWith the Alliance watching all the roads in and out of Falcon Watch this is the manner of desperate act that is required of us.','Have you done what I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4523insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4478,9392,'Rogue Training','As you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you.  For young rogues here on Sunstrider Isle, your trainer is Pathstalker Kariel.  Speak with Kariel and see what training he has available for you.  The things he will teach do have a cost, so bring some coin with you.$B$BKariel - as with all the trainers on Sunstrider Isle - is inside the Sunspire on the lower level.','Speak with Pathstalker Kariel - the Rogue class trainer - inside the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','I\'ve heard your name whispered from the shadows, $N. It\'s said that you\'re looking for someone experienced to show you the ropes - someone like me. I can do that, but it\'ll cost you a small cut of your take every time I\'ve got something to teach you. So yes, I will train you in what it means to be a rogue.$B$BBut remember, if you ever get caught stealing something, this conversation never took place. Now get out there and show me what you\'re made of!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4524insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4479,9393,'Hunter Training','As you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you.  For young hunters here on Sunstrider Isle, your trainer is Ranger Sallina.  Speak with Sallina and see what training she has available for you.  The things she will teach do have a cost, so bring some coin with you.$B$BSallina - as with all the trainers on Sunstrider Isle - is inside the Sunspire on the lower level.','Speak with Ranger Sallina - the Hunter class trainer - inside the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','$N, are your eyes keen as a hawk\'s, your motions as fluid as a monkey\'s, or your speed that of a cheetah? Mine are, and yours can be too with the proper training. The way of the hunter is one of mastery over the beasts of the world, an unparalleled precision in marksmanship, and the knowledge of how to survive in situations where others would perish.$B$BIf these are the things that you seek to learn, then I will train you - for a small fee, of course. Shall we begin?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4525insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4480,9394,'Where\'s Wyllithen?','The Duskwither groundskeeper has gone missing! Someone must have forgotten to tell him to leave when the magister and everyone else did.  I know that he\'s still somewhere around here on the grounds, but I dare not go looking for him myself with all of these magical creatures roaming about.$B$BWill you find him for me, $c, and make sure that he\'s alright?','Find Groundskeeper Wyllithen on the Duskwither Grounds in Eversong Woods.','Who are you? You\'re not one of the magister\'s apprentices, that\'s for certain!$B$BSent here to help me clean up this mess, no doubt!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4526insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4481,9395,'Saltheril\'s Haven','I swear that I\'m going to fireball someone if I get one more request from Lord Saltheril concerning supplies for his party!  Do I look like a party planner?!  Between you and me, that fool and his sycophants are living in denial that we\'re under attack here!$B$BSome of us are actually busy with, oh, I don\'t know, defending what\'s left of Quel\'Thalas!  $C, would you please head over to Saltheril\'s Haven and see if you can shut him up?  It\'s just down the road to the west.','Speak with Lord Saltheril at Saltheril\'s Haven in Eversong Woods.','Ah, good of Magistrix Dawnstrider to finally respond to my simple requests.  I should take up the matter of her attitude with the regent lord in Silvermoon. She\'s quite rude!$B$BNothing for you to concern yourself with though. Now that you\'re here, maybe I\'ll finally be able to get those party supplies that I\'ve been waiting for? ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4527insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4482,9396,'Magic of the Arakkoa','Outland holds many secrets, $N.  It\'s only a matter of time before we uncover them all.$B$BThe half-bird, half-man species of the arakkoa possesses ancient arcane knowledge that would aid us greatly in our exploration of this world.  Travel to the Den of Haal\'esh, south of here.  Obtain any magical scrolls that the Haal\'eshi might be carrying on them and bring them to me.','Bring 4 Haal\'eshi Scrolls to Arcanist Calesthris Dawnstar at Falcon Watch in Hellfire Peninsula.','Good work, $N.  Outland\'s secrets will not stay hidden from us for very long.$B$BIt\'s our destiny to become the masters of this world.','Have you obtained the scrolls yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4528insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4483,9397,'Birds of a Feather','The Haal\'eshi arakkoa have domesticated a beautiful bird species called the kaliri.$B$BI\'ve managed to capture a young male and they appear to be trainable.  The females are much rarer, but if I had one I could attempt to breed them.  She has to be young, though... a hatchling.  An older wild bird wouldn\'t survive in captivity.$B$BTake this cage and travel south, to the Den of Haal\'esh.  Search the nests for eggs that are ready to hatch.  If you bring me back a female hatchling, I\'ll reward you handsomely.','Travel to the Den of Haal\'esh in Hellfire Peninsula and search the Kaliri Nests for a Female Kaliri Hatchling.  Use the Empty Birdcage to capture it and bring it to Falconer Drenna Riverwind at Falcon Watch.','You did it!  You caught a female hatchling!$B$BShe\'s precious.  You have my thanks, $N.','You\'ve returned.  Did you bring me the kaliri female?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4529insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4484,9398,'Deadly Predators','The Broken that live in Outland have endured endless violence.  It is of little surprise that as soon as the Dark Portal opened they flocked to it in droves with hopes of escaping this land.$B$BUnfortunately for our confused brothers and sisters coming from the south, the rock flayers that inhabit the Great Fissure see them as easy prey.  Go there and thin the rock flayer population, so that our kin might have a chance.','Scout Vanura at the Temple of Telhamat in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to slay 8 Stonescythe Whelps and 4 Stonescythe Alpha.','You\'ve done well, $N.  It is always unfortunate to have to resort to taking a life, even when it\'s that of a dangerous beast such as the rock flayer.$B$BYou have my thanks for carrying out this grim task.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4530insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4485,9399,'Cruel Taskmasters','You probably think most Broken are evil, don\'t you?  In reality many just lack guidance.$B$BBefore I met the Omenai, I too was lost.$B$BOur minds suffered terrible pain from the orcs\' demonic magic.  We are easily confused and taken advantage of.$B$BDemons allied with Illidan raid Hellfire daily and capture our kind as slaves.  With the Omenai we now have hope.  Travel to the Ruins of Sha\'naar, southwest of here, and slay the Illidari taskmasters so my people may be free!','Slay 4 Illidari Taskmasters at the Ruins of Sha\'naar and return to Ikan at the Temple of Telhamat in Hellfire Peninsula.','You did it!  I\'m in your debt, $N.  Look at all the Dreghoods that are showing up.$B$BUnder my guidance they\'ll learn all about the old ways, you\'ll see.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4531insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4486,9400,'The Assassin','$n, we recently uncovered a plot to assassinate our envoy to Falcon Watch.  Hellfire Citadel learned of our plans to send an expedition there earlier this morning and set up an ambush.$B$BOur scouts have informed me that an assassin known as Krun Spinebreaker waits along the road north of the Citadel.  Go there and slay this assassin.  Show the fel orcs we\'re not to be trifled with!','Nazgrel wants you to travel to the road north of Hellfire Citadel and look for an assassin named Krun Spinebreaker.','The corpse matches the description of Krun Spinebreaker, Hellfire Citadel\'s assassin. As you turn the body over, you notice a stone axe protruding from his back.','','Find Krun Spinebreaker','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4532insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4487,9401,'A Strange Weapon','You pull the stone axe out of the body to examine it more closely.  There\'s something unusual about the craftsmanship of the weapon.$B$BIts origin appears orcish, though the materials aren\'t like anything you\'ve seen before.  Nazgrel might be interested in seeing the weapon.','Bring the Heavy Stone Axe to Nazgrel in Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','He was killed by this weapon?  It can\'t be!$B$BHave we... found them?','Tell me, is the assassin dead?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4533insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4488,9402,'Fetch!','So... $n is it?  Don\'t be flattered I know your name, one of my students has been fawning over you and won\'t shut up.$b$bHmm... if you\'d like to impress $gher:him;, why don\'t you do something for me?  There\'s an azure phial at the bottom of the pond behind me.  Dive in, retrieve it, and bring it here.','Dive to the bottom of Stillwhisper Pond and retrieve the Azure Phial for Instructor Antheol.','Oh, well done...  I told you to jump in a pond, and you did.  I can only imagine what you\'d do if one of your good friends asked it of you.$B$BIf you want a reward for your efforts, it is this: never lift a finger without first knowing what\'s in it for you.  The $C\'s mind is his greatest weapon.  Remember that and try to use yours a bit more.','How\'s the water?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4534insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4489,9403,'The Purest Water','Now that you\'ve learned a little lesson, I\'ll offer you something more substantial.  It concerns your ability to defend yourself in close combat.  Of course, you should only resort to melee in the most dire of circumstances, but that is no excuse to be unprepared.$b$bI can assist you in creating a staff befitting a mage of your learning.  Simply take the phial you retrieved for me and fill it at the base of Elrendar Falls.  Just follow the river southeast from here.','Instructor Antheol wants you to fill the Azure Phial at Elrendar Falls.','Let\'s see what you\'ve brought me...$B$B<He holds the phial up to the light and examines it closely.>$B$BYes, this will do. Well done, $N. ','Only water from the Elrendar Falls has the purity required for use with magic. Do you have it? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4535insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4490,9404,'Recently Living','You may have noticed the walking trees near Elrendar Falls.  As the keepers of nature, they are infused with a primal magic we can reform to our own purposes using the pure water you have already brought to me.$b$bUnfortunately, the green keepers are gnarled and twisted creatures, so you may need to kill a few before you find a useable branch.','Slay the Eversong Green Keepers until they yield a Living Branch for Instructor Antheol.','You\'ve done as I\'ve asked, $N, and you may take your reward now. ','Do you have the living branch? Hand it over quickly! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4536insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4491,9405,'The Warchief\'s Mandate','As you know, the warchief put his power behind this expedition for one reason.  This is the world we came from.  This is where our roots lie.$B$BThis journey means different things to orcs and blood elves.  To them it\'s a search for the promised land.  To us it\'s more like returning home.$B$BWhoever made this axe is familiar with the old ways and we must contact them.  This is too important for us to use ordinary tracking methods.  Show the weapon to Far Seer Regulkut; she will know what to do.','Bring the Heavy Stone Axe to Far Seer Regulkut at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','I understand Nazgrel\'s request, $C. Say no more.','Tell me what you seek, so that I may help you find it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4537insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4492,9406,'The Mag\'har','This news you bring from beyond the Dark Portal...  you want us to believe the son of Durotan now rules over the lands beyond it... free from any demonic taint?  And that now his people have returned to this world?$B$BI hope for your sake that this isn\'t some manner of joke, $c.  What this means to my people... cannot be described.  I must send word to Nagrand at once!  Hellscream must hear about this.$B$BTake this letter back to your leader in Thrallmar.  Tell him the Mag\'har welcome them!','Deliver the Letter from the Mag\'har to Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','You\'re certain of this?  True orcs... here in Hellfire!  This is big news, $N.$B$BWe must inform the warchief at once.','What do you bring us, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4538insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4493,9407,'Through the Dark Portal','For years the Dark Portal loomed silent... forgotten.  But it is silent no longer.$B$BAfter stopping the demonic assault here, our forces breached the portal and met the demons on their own ground!$B$BNow, we are locked in a savage war, and there are some who think we might not win.  So it is our duty, our grim pleasure, to battle the fiends of Outland and ensure our victory, $N.$B$BIf you would help us, then report to Lieutenant General Orion at once. He awaits you in the Outland...\r\n','Travel through the Dark Portal and find Lieutenant General Orion. He awaits your arrival on the other side, in Outland.\r\n','Our Expedition made it safely through the Portal and set up a new base called Thrallmar. Yet as you can see. the Burning Legion moved in and cut us off from our brothers. Clearly, the demons hope to retake the Dark Portal and prevent us from gathering reinforcements from Azeroth.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4539insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4494,9408,'BETA Forgotten Heroes','While it pains me to know that we have lost so many soldiers in our efforts to breach the portal, my heart swells with pride to know that the original expeditionary force is still alive.$B$BI can hardly believe it; but here they stand - a testament to the resolve of the Alliance.$B$BInside that keep stands one of our greatest heroes: Danath Trollbane! Seek him out, $c. He has already met and addressed all of our soldiers. He will surely want to meet you.','Speak with Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4540insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4495,9409,'Urgent Delivery!','Now that you\'ve gathered all that we need to replenish our healing crystals, I need you to deliver the vials to Zalduun, our priest.  You\'ll find him tending to our wounded inside the central chamber of the ship.','Deliver the Bundle of Vials to Zalduun at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','Good work!  This will do nicely to replenish our depleted healing crystals.$B$BBut now that you\'re here, I think I have another use for you, if you\'re willing?','Hello, $C.  What have you there? Is it for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4541insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4496,9410,'A Spirit Guide','Even our best tracking wolves\' senses can fail them, $N.  The spirits have a way of seeing the world differently than ours.  The being you will call forth will find the person you seek, for they\'ll be drawn not to their scent but their essence.$B$BGo now, $c, take this totem with you and use it at the location you found the stone axe.','Use the Wolf Totem at the location where you found Krun Spinebreaker\'s body and follow the Ancestral Spirit Wolf.','Who are you to walk in here unannounced?  I ordered my men to stay their hand only because Ryga sensed that the spirits were with you.$B$BSpeak freely, but choose your words wisely.  We rarely trust strangers this close to the Citadel.','You are lucky to be alive.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4542insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4497,9415,'Report to Marshal Bluewall','Are you Marshal Bluewall\'s new recruits? Of course you are.$b$bWhat are you waiting for? Good soldiers are dying in the desert. Aren\'t you excited to join them?$b$bNow, get going and don\'t dry out on the way.','Speak with Marshal Bluewall at the Alliance encampment near Hive\'Zora.','The Alliance needs every able body they can get. The Horde has been receiving a steady supply of reinforcements from the northern part of the continent, and it\'s been a struggle to keep up.$B$BLet me explain the situation to you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4543insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4498,9416,'Report to General Kirika','You must be one of General Kirika\'s new recruits. It\'s about time you showed up. Bodies wear down quick in the desert.$b$bThe dwarves have been getting reinforcements daily, and we can\'t afford to lose ground in our struggle for resources in Silithus.$b$bGet your instructions from the General. It\'s not my job to train you, just find you.','Speak with General Kirika at the Horde encampment near Hive\'Regal.','It\'s good that you\'re here, but there\'s no time to waste making small talk. You need instructions, and then you need to get out there.$B$BListen up.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4544insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4499,9417,'The Arakkoa Threat','The arakkoa are smart creatures... smart as any gnome you ever met.  They have this way with magic and a violent temper, however. $B$BLately they\'ve taken to attacking Honor Hold patrols, which is why we were sent here.  See, Mirren and I are world-famous marksmen, we are!  But fowl and game are what we specialize in... not these... lightning-invoking birdmen.$B$BSo what do you say you give us a hand in this one assignment?  You\'ll find the Den of Haal\'esh to the southwest.','Gremni Longbeard in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to slay 4 Haal\'eshi Windwalkers and 6 Haal\'eshi Talonguards.','Great job, $N! I hereby proclaim you an honorary Longbeard.$B$BStick around and have a drink with us, won\'t you?','You\'re back! How did you do?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4545insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4500,9418,'Avruu\'s Orb','<As you hold the orb closer to you, you hear a voice address you.>$B$BI sense you\'re not of the arakkoa, so I will attempt to barter for my freedom.  My name is Aeranas. I once ruled over the eastern winds.  The Haal\'eshi mage, Avruu, trapped me inside this orb.$B$BFind the altar the arakkoa used to enslave me.  It is hidden to the southeast of the arakkoa\'s den.  Approach it with the orb and give it to me once I\'m free.  In exchange for my liberty I\'ll reward you with powerful treasure!','Take Avruu\'s Orb to the Haal\'eshi Altar southeast of the Den of Haal\'esh in Hellfire Peninsula and give it to Aeranas once he\'s free.','With this orb I regain my liberty.  Take your reward, mortal, so that our debt may be settled.','The freedom I\'ve yearned for is finally mine!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4546insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4501,9419,'Scouring the Desert','We recently found out that the Horde has been scavenging the Silithus desert for resources, but paid them little mind. We thought it could not be worth it to station large numbers in this sweltering desert.$b$bHowever, it was discovered the importance of the resources, and now we are scrambling to catch up.$b$bIf I have your assistance, you must go into the desert and recover the silithyst and return it here.','Find and deliver Silithyst to the Silithyst Extractor, then speak with Marshal Bluewall at the Alliance encampment near Hive\'Zora.','Thank the Light you were successful.$B$BNow if we could only have started this sooner, our need would not be so desperate. We must keep the bounty of the desert from falling into the hands of the Horde.','Be careful out there, but also be quick. We have no time to lose.','','Return Silithyst','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4547insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4502,9420,'The Finest Down','The arakkoa at the Den of Haal\'esh, south of here, breed a magnificent species of birds called kaliri.  Their feathers would fetch a bundle at the trading posts back in Azeroth.  Just think of all the ale I could buy then!$B$BTell you what, you bring me a stack of kaliri feathers and I\'ll give you my very own hat.  What do you say?  You\'ll never find a hat like this one!  Do we have a deal?','Mirren Longbeard in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to bring him 8 Kaliri Feathers from the various kaliri found in the Den of Haal\'esh.','You did your part. I guess a deal is a deal! $B$BHere you go. friend. Treat it well.','Did you bring me the kaliri feathers, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4548insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4503,9421,'Shaman Training','','','I am Firmanvaar and you are wise to seek me out. It is my calling to provide instruction to $C, especially those who are just beginning to learn.$B$BShamanism is only now being relearned amongst the $R, $N. You are brave to follow its path as it is not popular amongst your kind.$B$BI will be here when you feel you are ready for further training.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4549insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4504,9422,'Scouring the Desert','For some time now, we have been tapping the crystal resources of the Silithus desert. The only dangers we faced were from the creatures that made this place their home and the oppressive sand and dust and heat.$b$bBut now the Alliance seems to have caught on to what we have found here. It is now a race between us to capture the natural resources, and keep them from the other.$b$bI need every set of hands that is available. I hope I have yours.','Find and deliver Silithyst to the Silithyst Extractor then speak with General Kirika at the Horde encampment near Hive\'Regal.','You\'ve done well, $N. These resources will be added to our stockpiles, and every bit is to our gain and our enemy\'s loss.','Be wary of the dangers of the desert, $N. With the Alliance lurking in the dunes, any step could be your last.','','Deliver Silithyst','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4550insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4505,9423,'Return to Obadei','With Sedai\'s death confirmed, you\'re left with the unpleasant task of returning to Obadei with the grim news.','Return to Anchorite Obadei at the Temple of Telhamat in Hellfire Peninsula and inform him of Sedai\'s death.','Sedai, dear brother...$B$BThose cowardly orcs! He was unarmed, how could they?$B$BLeave me be, $N. I thank you for your assistance but I wish to be alone with my thoughts now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4551insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4506,9424,'Makuru\'s Vengeance','Sedai was like a brother to Makuru.   We owe him our lives and more!  They call Makuru crazy but if the Omenai are not going to do anything about his death then they\'re the crazy ones!$B$BMakuru doesn\'t have much to call his own in this world, but he will give you his only possession if you avenge Sedai.  $B$BI\'ve seen the brown orc Mag\'har grunts before, up in the hills to the northeast.  They hate us!  They don\'t deserve our mercy!  Go, avenge Sedai!  Bring me their ancestral beads as proof!','Makuru at the Temple of Telhamat in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to bring him 10 Mag\'har Ancestral Beads.','Yes... revenge! You did good.$B$BYou take this now. It was a gift from Sedai. It only makes Makuru sad to see it.','Did you avenge Sedai for Makuru?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4552insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4507,9425,'Report to Tarren Mill','Ah, good to see you here, $c!  I\'ve a task that you are perfectly suited to.$B$BAs new members of the Horde, we need to make sure that we support their efforts and help them with their problems.  That way they\'ll be more receptive to helping us with ours.$B$BTravel to the Forsaken town, Tarren Mill, in the Hillsbrad Foothills to the southeast.  Check in with Advisor Duskingdawn when you arrive.','Travel to Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills and speak with Advisor Duskingdawn.','My, my! Another of my brothers arrives to pitch in. Good! There is much to be done in support of our new Forsaken friends, $C. Ask around to see who you can help out.$B$BI know that you will support them to your utmost ability!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4553insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4508,9426,'The Pools of Aggonar','Much has changed since the days when we called this land Draenor.  Parts of the land have been forever changed by the demons\' taint.$B$BOne such place is known as the Pools of Aggonar.  It was once the location of our people\'s sacred springs.  The blood of the demon Aggonar fouled the very essence of the holy waters.  This fel blood has spawned foul beings that must be cleansed if we\'re ever to reclaim the pools.  Travel east of here and slay the Terrorfiends and slimes that wander the pools.','Amaan the Wise wants you to go to the Pools of Aggonar and slay 6 Terrorfiends and 6 Blistering Rots.','Yes. I feel the fel presence in the pools weakening.$B$BYou\'ve done well, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4554insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4509,9427,'Cleansing the Waters','I must ask that you finish what we\'ve set in motion.  Now that the demonic influence has weakened you must take this cleansing vial and pour it at the very source of the taint - Aggonar\'s own corpse.$B$BYou will find the demon\'s bones at the northern end of the pools.  Beware, I sense that Aggonar\'s essence has not quite left this world.','Amaan the Wise wants you to travel to the Pools of Aggonar and use the Cleansing Vial at Aggonar\'s corpse.  Return to him when Aggonar\'s essence is cleansed from the water.','The essence of Aggonar lived on in the form of his foul offspring Aggonis.  With your success in defeating the demon, we can begin to work towards restoring the pools to their former purity.$B$BYou have our thanks, $N.  Your work will have a deep impact in this world.','You return, $N. Are the waters cleansed?','','Aggonar\'s Presence Cleansed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4555insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4510,9428,'Report to Splintertree Post','<The ambassador keeps her voice low as she leans in close.>$B$BYour reputation precedes you, $N.  I want you to travel to Splintertree Post in Ashenvale.  The easiest way to get there on foot is to travel west through Durotar and the Barrens, and then turn north at the fork in the road.$B$BWhen you arrive, speak with Advisor Sunsworn.  Travel carefully; Ashenvale can be a very dangerous place!','Travel to Splintertree Post in Ashenvale and speak with Advisor Sunsworn.','The ambassador sent word ahead, so I\'ve been expecting you.$B$BThe ambassador simply wants you to do as much as you can to help out around here. She said something about making sure to cement our relationship with the rest of the Horde.$B$BAsk around - there are others in need of help further back in the Post. And I hear that there\'s another Horde outpost called Zoram\'gar Outpost on the coast all the way to the west.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4556insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4511,9429,'Travel to Darkshire','I am told that there is a thorn in the side of the kingdom of Stormwind.  It is known as Duskwood, and it is a place that is filled with evil and the vile stench of undeath.$B$BAs we\'re trying to help as much as we can, I would like for you to travel southeast to the main human settlement there, named Darkshire.  Anchorite Delan will be awaiting your arrival.','Travel to Darkshire in Duskwood and speak with Anchorite Delan.','Greetings, $C.  I trust that you\'re journey here was uneventful?$B$BThese poor souls are beset upon all sides by the creatures of the night.  It is our wish that you lend them what aid you can in pushing back the darkness.$B$BTravel about the town and get to know its inhabitants.  Please, $N, help them in any way that you can.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4557insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4512,9430,'Sha\'naar Relics','As I\'ve told you before, I do not require eyes to see what others cannot.  I will not pass judgment on what you did on Makuru\'s behalf, yet I think you need to see beyond what your eyes show you.$B$BTravel southwest to the Ruins of Sha\'naar and salvage any relics you find.  If fate wills it you will find what we need.$B$BThe meaning of my request might not be immediately apparent.  Have faith though, $N.  Clarity comes to those with patience.','Amaan the Wise at the Temple of Telhamat in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to travel to the Ruins of Sha\'naar and retrieve 10 Sha\'naar Relics.','You\'re very fortunate.  Just as I had hoped, you\'ve found a special relic among these other ones.','Did you retrieve the Sha\'naar relics, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4558insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4513,9431,'A Different Approach','What\'s a sin\'dorei doing standing on the top of a windswept butte in Thousand Needles instead of the halls of Silvermoon?$B$BIt\'s simple. My brethren will no longer have me. Every copy of my treatise on natural cures for our magical addiction was burned.$B$BI can safely pursue my research here, but I am without my reagents. If you\'d be willing to gather purifying earth from the thundering boulderkin near the western end of the Needles and deliver it to my associate at Whitereach Post, I\'d appreciate it.','Gather 2 handfuls of Purifying Earth from Thundering Boulderkin and take them to Wizlo Bearingshiner at Whitereach Post.','What? She didn\'t mention the moonwell? That\'s what she had in mind all along. I admit the whole thing\'s a bit wacky, but who am I to turn away a client, especially when she\'s the only one I\'ve got?$B$BMaybe trying to sneak into a night elf settlement and steal water from their moonwell isn\'t the most prudent thing I\'ve ever helped a customer do, but her money is as gold as anyone else\'s!','Magistrix Elosai\'s note was a bit cryptic, but I think I understand what she wants me to do. If you have the earth she talked about, I can put it into the vessel you\'ll need for the moonwell water.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4559insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4514,9432,'Travel to Astranaar','I am glad that you are here to help.  In fact, there is something that you can do.$B$BAs part of our inclusion within the Alliance, I would like for you to travel to the night elf town, Astranaar.  It is located in Ashenvale, a large forest that is south of Darkshore on the continent of Kalimdor.$B$BPlease speak with Vindicator Palais when you arrive to see if there\'s anything that you can do to help the inhabitants.','Travel to Astranaar in Ashenvale and speak with Vindicator Palais.','Always good to see a semi-familiar face. You must be $N. Emissary Valustraa sent me word to expect you.$B$BThe people of Ashenvale need our assistance, $C. Speak with the citizens of Astranaar to see how you can help.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4560insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4515,9433,'A Dip in the Moonwell','Stop looking at me like that! I didn\'t say I was going to send you to Thalanaar\'s moonwell out in the open with dipper and a flask!$B$BI\'ve been, err... tinkering with a product I was transporting for a client. In fact, I\'ve already set up a portable control console for the Robotron out near Thalanaar. You\'ll need to bring this control unit with you and use it in the vicinity of my concealed console.$B$BIf my client ever heard that I so much as removed Robotron from its packaging, he\'d hang me by my ears!','Use the Robotron Control while standing near the Concealed Command Console hidden in a small cluster of bushes on the rim of the needle closest to Thalanaar to take command of a Robotron 3000. Pilot the robot to the western edge of Thousand Needles where the Alliance outpost of Thalanaar is located. Use the robot to collect a sample of the moonwell\'s water and return it to Wizlo Bearingshiner at Whitereach Post.','That worked better than I expected! Chalk up another one for good old goblin ingenuity!$B$BThe only problem is that it\'s hopelessly covered in dust! It\'s going to take me forever to get this thing cleaned up and replaced in its crate.$B$BOf course, time is the one thing I have in ample supply.','Did it do the job?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4561insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4516,9434,'Testing the Tonic','<Wizlo retrieves the water sample from the robot and places it in a crate with the boulderkin earth and several other items.>$B$BThere you go, that\'s everything on Magistrix Elosai\'s list. Tell her that it\'s been a pleasure working with her and that I wish her luck in her research.','Deliver the Crate of Reagents to Magistrix Elosai at Freewind Post.','Excellent, it appears everything is here. Now, all I have to do is mix everything together and give it a try. If this tonic does what my research indicates it should do, I may have discovered a way to lessen the effects of my people\'s magic addiction.$B$BYou\'re about to witness history in the making, $N. Just think, without your help, this wouldn\'t have been possible.','Were you and Wizlo able to gather the reagents?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4562insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4517,9435,'Missing Crystals','If there\'s one great truth about Hillsbrad, it\'s that this region is destined to live under the shadow of war. Even something as innocuous as a cartload of stone is a target.$B$BNormally the loss of building materials is no great setback, but the most recent shipment from the Azurelode mine contained a crate of rare crystals I was eager to study. Forsaken raiders intercepted the cart and drove it northeast to a tower they\'re attempting to rebuild. It\'s imperative that we retrieve those crystals, $c!','Retrieve the Shipment of Rare Crystals from the Forsaken and return it to Huraan in Southshore.','Thank the Light! From the tone of the foreman\'s letter, it sounded as if that box of crystals contained the only known samples from the mine. If we had lost them, $N, we may never have seen another like them.$B$BI can\'t thank you enough for your help.','Were you able to retrieve the crystals from the Forsaken?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4563insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4518,9436,'Bloodscalp Insight','Well met, $c. I\'ve made a habit of studying the fighting techniques of the various troll tribes in my travels, and I\'ve noticed a trend. The Bloodscalp trolls at the Tkashi Ruins and Bal\'lal Ruins to the north use some of the same tactics as the Amani of the northern forests.$B$BTheir magic seems to have diverged in an interesting direction and they\'ve used it to become the strongest tribe in the area. It could form the core of a powerful weapon against the Amani, but first I must find out more about it.','Nemeth Hawkeye at Grom\'gol Base Camp wants you to bring him a Bloodscalp Totem from a Bloodscalp Shaman.','Well done. Now, this is curious...$B$BThe inscription on this totem is in a language no troll could ever hope to learn, but one that is known to us. It names the bearer as an ally of a water elemental named Naias and marks him as one worthy to channel his power.$B$BThis is most unexpected, but not entirely bad, $N. With your help, I\'d like to pursue this further.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4564insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4519,9437,'Twilight of the Dawn Runner','The ogres here are useful for little more than crude jokes, sour ale, and bouts of headbutting. When my ship, the Dawn Runner, ran aground, those curs from Theramore made off with my cargo and last surviving crewman. I made my way here searching for help, but those good-for-nothing ogres stared blankly at me when I told them my story.$B$BI could use the help of a reliable $r in recovering what remains of my cargo and freeing Ithania from North Point Tower, to the northeast, where they\'re being held.','Balandar Brightstar in Brackenwall Village wants you to reclaim the Dawn Runner Cargo and rescue his first mate Ithania from forces of Theramore at North Point Tower.','Well done, $N! As soon as Ithania has had time to rest and my preparations are complete, we\'ll depart this sodden wasteland and head back to civilization.','Have you freed Ithania and reclaimed my cargo from those glorified privateers?','','','Rescue Ithania from North Point Tower','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4565insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4520,9438,'Messenger to Thrall','The warchief has been waiting for word of this ever since we set foot on Outland.  Now you get the honor of giving him the news of the Mag\'har yourself.$B$BGo quickly, $N.  Take this letter with you; it bears my personal seal.  There is nothing that Thrall wants to hear more than the message you bear.','Travel to Orgrimmar and give Thrall the Letter from Nazgrel.','<You watch Thrall\'s jaw slacken as he begins to read the message from Nazgrel.>$B$BMy people... we must reach them.  We must reach Nagrand as soon as possible!','You bring news from Outland, $C?  Speak at once!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4566insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4521,9439,'Unclaimed Baggage','This is Kargath? Oh, dear. I expected a, a... well, some kind of settlement, some sign of civilization here in the wilderness.$B$BThere must be a mistake; surely this hovel full of uncouth, unwashed, sniggering savages can\'t be the headquarters of the Expeditionary Force. The loutish barbarians had the gall to laugh at me when I told them about how the Dark Iron dwarves robbed me and then disappeared into the Angor Fortress. I can count on you to help me recover my possessions and my dignity, can\'t I?','Retrieve the Advisor\'s Pack and Advisor\'s Rapier from their holding places in the Angor Fortress and return them to Advisor Sarophas at Kargath.','You\'re a miracle worker, $N! I tell you, I\'ve never been so eager for a change of clothes in my life.$B$BAnd my rapier! I felt positively naked without my blade.$B$BYou are to be commended and rewarded for your efforts. Never let it be said that Sarophas failed to acknowledge the little people who\'ve helped him along the way!','For Sunstrider\'s sake, don\'t stare at me! It\'s bad enough I\'m forced to endure out here in my soiled clothing! After all I\'ve been through, the last thing I need is to be gawked at. Did you manage to collect my possessions from that hole-in-the-ground those Dark Irons call a fortress?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4567insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4522,9440,'Little Morsels','I\'m perfecting a weapon to use against the draenei and you\'re going to help me!$B$BThe Lost Ones are the backward cousins of the draenei, and I\'ve been experimenting on them.  I just need you to feed some fel-tainted morsels to their captured livestock.  In turn, when they slaughter and eat the animals, they\'ll be cursed!  That\'ll show that stuffy Anchorite Avuun at the Harborage!$B$BGo now, hurry!  You\'ll find the Lost Ones and their caged animals to the northeast at the Fallow Sanctuary.','Feed the Fel-Tainted Morsels to the Lost Ones\' captured animals.  Then return the leftovers to Cersei Dusksinger at Stonard in the Swamp of Sorrows.','Oh, excellent! I can\'t wait to measure the effects from this latest batch!$B$BWell, you did an admirable job, sweetie.  Wish I could give you more than this for the entertainment you\'ve provided, but you know how it is.  There\'s not much money to be made out here in the swamp.$B$BI\'m sure it was worth it just for the fun!','Did you feed their captured animals all of the morsels?  Wait!  You didn\'t give any to that stupid human they have out there in the cage, did you?$B$BOh, good!  That would have been a waste!','','Captured Crocolisk Fed','Captured Jaguar Fed','Captured Tarantula Fed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4568insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4523,9441,'Envoy to the Mag\'har','I\'d leave for Outland this very minute after hearing the news you brought.  Important matters require my attention in Durotar, however.$B$BI will arrange for a fitting tribute to be sent to the Mag\'har immediately.  I will send my most trusted diplomats as well.  This will all take time... I need someone to represent us there right now.$B$BI must place my trust on you, $N.  Go to the Mag\'har Post in Hellfire and render whatever services you can to my kin.  Do not fail me, $N.  Too much depends on this.','Thrall wants you to return to Gorkan Bloodfist at Mag\'har Post in Hellfire Peninsula and offer him your services.','It means very much to us that you come to aid us in our time of need.  We\'ll not easily forget you nor he who sends you.$B$BYou have our thanks.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4569insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4524,9442,'A Debilitating Sickness','It is good that you\'ve offered to aid us, $N.  Our grunts have fallen sick from drinking contaminated water and I\'m missing an ingredient to produce a healing salve.  I\'m in need of a rare mushroom called drycap.$B$BOur foremost orders are to keep our location secret and not risk being spotted while looking for it, or I would go myself.  The only place in Hellfire Peninsula where drycap grows is a cave at the Great Fissure, south of here.$B$BBe extremely careful if you choose to seek it.','Earthcaller Ryga at Mag\'har Post in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to bring her 1 Drycap Mushroom from a cave inside the Great Fissure.','Gorkan said good things about you.  They\'re all turning out to be true.$B$BThanks for your help.','Did you obtain the mushroom I need, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4570insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4525,9443,'The So-Called Mark of the Lightbringer','I was once a pupil of Uther Lightbringer, founder of the Knights of the Silver Hand. I saw how he mishandled Prince Arthas\'s training. It led to the destruction of my homeland, Quel\'Thalas, and I blame Uther and his incompetence for all of it! And now he has a tomb in his honor - how lovely.$B$BMy sources tell me that the scarlet fools are keeping one of his \'holy\' relics atop their guard tower near the gates of Hearthglen.$B$BGo to the Western Plaguelands and retrieve it for me.','Obtain the Mark of the Lightbringer and return it to Mehlar Dawnblade at the Bulwark in the Western Plaguelands.','The first step is complete. Hand me the Mark of the Lightbringer and I will transform it into something more suitable.$B$BThen my revenge will begin in earnest, $C!','When you\'ve managed to retrieve his \'mark\', we\'re going to change it a bit; make it better.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4571insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4526,9444,'Defiling Uther\'s Tomb','There, that\'s better.  I\'ve added a little fel magic to it.$B$BNow, you must take it to his resting place in the Western Plaguelands.  Use the corrupted holy symbol in the presence of Uther\'s statue to defile his tomb!  You\'ll have to get close for it to work.$B$BTo find the tomb go southeast of the Ruins of Andorhal.  Return to me when the deed is done.$B$BBe quick about it, $c!','Defile Uther\'s Tomb and return to Mehlar Dawnblade at the Bulwark in the Western Plaguelands.','Forgives me?  He FORGIVES ME?!!!$B$BI don\'t care what that old ghost had to say - it was his fault!  Everything that\'s happened to Quel\'Thalas was a result of his incompetence!$B$BIt is clear that the defiling did not work.  Go, be gone from my sight!  I must think this through.','It is done, then?  Uther\'s Tomb is defiled?','','Uther\'s Tomb Defiled','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4572insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4527,9446,'Tomb of the Lightbringer','Now that you\'ve recovered the Mark of the Lightbringer, all that is left is to return it to Uther\'s Tomb.$B$BWould you be willing to accompany me there to do this?  It\'s not far and I would enjoy your company.  Afterward you can come back here and relate the experience to High Priestess MacDonnell.$B$BWhat say you, $N?','Escort Anchorite Truuen to Uther\'s Tomb in the Western Plaguelands.  Afterward, speak with High Priestess MacDonnell at Chillwind Camp in the Western Plaguelands.','The Lightbringer appeared before you? That is amazing! And you made it all possible through your selfless help to the anchorite.$B$BIf even half of the stories are to be believed, Uther was a great man. And, like him, you are a true hero to all of the good people of Azeroth, $N!','Aren\'t you supposed to be walking to Uther\'s Tomb with Anchorite Truuen?','Escort Anchorite Truuen to Uther\'s Tomb','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4573insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4528,9447,'Administering the Salve','I\'ve prepared a simple salve that should restore our grunts\' strength with the herbs you brought me.  Take it and administer it to any debilitated grunts you see in the vicinity.  Return to me when you\'re done.','Earthcaller Ryga wants you to administer the Healing Salve to 10 Debilitated Mag\'har Grunts nearby Mag\'har Post in Hellfire Peninsula.','May the spirits bless you, $N.  The Mag\'har are in your debt.','You\'ve returned, $N.  Is your task complete?','','Debilitated Grunts Healed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4574insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4529,9448,'Mercy for the Cursed','That blood elf witch, Cersei Dusksinger, has been cursing the Lost Ones, I just know it!  I don\'t know why or how, but the results are tragic.  Several of the Lost Ones have now been further corrupted - cursed with even more fel energies!$B$B$C, can you find it in you to take pity on these poor creatures?  They should not have to live out the rest of their lives in such a horrible condition.$B$BYou\'ll find these cursed Lost Ones at the Fallow Sanctuary, east down the path.','Slay 3 Cursed Lost Ones and then return to Anchorite Avuun at the Harborage in the Swamp of Sorrows.','It is done then. I thank you for showing your compassion. Once corrupted by whatever Cersei was feeding them, there is nothing else that could be done.$B$BThey are now at peace and hopefully my studies of the others will bear fruit so that they can be rehabilitated.','You are doing the right thing, hunter. The Lost Ones have suffered so much already. They shouldn\'t have to suffer this further indignity.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4575insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4530,9449,'Call of Earth','The time has come, $N.  You have grown to the point where you are ready to commune directly with the elemental spirits of this world.$B$BBut be warned.  I can sense that the manner of our entry into this world, and its unfortunate side effects, have angered the earth spirits and caused an imbalance of the elements.$B$BIf you are to create your earth totem, you must first speak with the Spirit of the Vale.  You will find it in the Sacred Grove, nestled in the hills to the northwest.','Speak with the Spirit of the Vale at the Sacred Grove in Ammen Vale.','You are bold to seek my wisdom after what your people have done to these islands, stranger! Still, there is much to be said for your bravery, so I will impart to you some knowledge.$B$BThe earth beneath your feet forms the foundation for all things. The sky, the waters, even great fire - all rest upon its shoulders. While those others often form chaotic tempests, the earth abides. It grants strength and fortitude to the core of your being.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4576insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4531,9450,'Call of Earth','The balance of the elements has been disrupted by the violent intrusion of the draenei to the Vale.  Your crash has caused the spirits of earth to be enraged and turn upon the other elements who have come to quell them.  You will learn that an understanding of the elements can only come when all are in harmony.$B$BThus, it falls to you to seek a balance.  Behind me in the grove you will find the restless spirits of earth warring upon the other three elements.  Help restore the balance.','Slay 4 Restless Elements of Earth and then return to the Spirit of the Vale at the Sacred Grove in Ammen Vale.','You have done well. By thinning out the restless spirits you have helped to heal the imbalance between the elements, which your people inadvertently caused.$B$BThroughout your journey as a $C you must keep this in mind when calling upon our power. The balance must be preserved.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4577insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4532,9451,'Call of Earth','I will now give you a piece of my physical being that you may create your earth totem.  Return it to he who sent you here.$B$BYou and I will be bound together for all time.  Throughout your life the forces of earth will be at your disposal.  The balance will come when your bones return to us at the end of your days.$B$BUse our power wisely.','Deliver the Earth Crystal to Firmanvaar at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','You have done well, $N.  In helping to restore the balance of the elements at the grove, you have also created a balance between the earth element of this world and the $R.  Perhaps this will help to bring understanding to those amongst us who do not approve of our ways?$B$BI will create for you a totem through which you will be able to call on the power of earth to do your bidding.  And with time, more of the mysteries of earth will be revealed to you.$B$BNow, take your totem, $C.','Together, the Broken and the $R will regain a deeper understanding of the mysteries that the elements hold.$B$BHave you returned with that which is necessary for the creation of your earth totem?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4578insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4533,9452,'Red Snapper - Very Tasty!','I\'ve found that these waters are bustling with red snapper, a very tasty fish. With a fishing net, I can catch enough to feed dozens of draenei! Unfortunately, I was recently attacked by a creature known as a murloc while netting in the river and have suffered some injuries that prevent me from doing my job. I need help!$B$BUse this fishing net near schools of red snapper, found in the Crystalbrook river to the east to catch the fish.$B$BWhat do you say? Remember to return the net when you are finished.','Use the Draenei Fishing Net to catch 10 Red Snappers. Return both the fish and the net to Diktynna on Azuremyst Isle when the task is complete.','I hope the murlocs didn\'t cause too much trouble, $N. I owe you a great debt of gratitude for all that you\'ve done.$B$BPerhaps I could teach you how to fish? I\'ll even supply the fishing pole and a bauble.','Watch out for murlocs: Strange and extremely annoying little creatures.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4579insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4534,9453,'Find Acteon!','You did a wonderful job, $N. Our people will be thankful for this bounty. With that said, would you mind taking this haul of red snapper to Acteon at Azure Watch?$B$BHe shouldn\'t be hard to find as he is awaiting this catch.','Deliver the Crate of Red Snapper to Acteon at Azure Watch.','Poor Diktynna... That murloc gave her quite a scare.$B$B<Acteon sighs.>$B$BHopefully she will recover from the injuries soon...$B$BSo I presume you\'re looking for work. Well there\'s plenty of that to be found at Azure Watch!','What do you think of my armor? Crafted it myself! It\'s a little different than what we\'d traditionally wear but extremely comfortable.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4580insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4535,9454,'The Great Moongraze Hunt','You\'re starting to make a name for yourself, $N. How about trying your hand at hunting?$B$BBack on Draenor, our greatest hunters would hunt a beast that resembled the moongraze stag of this region known as a talbuk.$B$BIf you think yourself draenei enough, go out into the wilds and kill enough stags to fill your pack with meat.$B$BYou will find them grazing south of Azure Watch. Watch out for their horns!','Bring 6 Moongraze Stag Tenderloins to Acteon at Azure Watch.','Well done. $N, well done! $B$BHere, I cooked up some tenderloins while you were gone. Maybe you\'d like the recipe, too?','The stag hides are frail which tend to make for tender. succulent flesh.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4581insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4536,9455,'Strange Findings','The crystal you found on the nightstalker runt\'s body appears to be a piece of the Exodar. This may help explain the unusual appearance and demeanor of some of the animals in this region.$B$BTake the crystal back to Azure Watch. The exarch will surely want to know about this discovery.','Deliver the Faintly Glowing Crystal to Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch.','How did such a thing end up in the stomach of a nightstalker? Could the debris from the crash have contaminated more beasts?','You found what? Where?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4582insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4537,9456,'Nightstalker Clean Up, Isle 2...','I\'m not going to make any excuses for what you\'ve found. This is clearly our fault. We had gotten reports of crushed crystal fragments showing up in the river to the east but chose to ignore the implications. Now we can either sit around on this island and cry about the tragedy that has befallen this land or we can do something about it and prevent it from spreading.$B$BIf you\'ve got the stomach for it, I want you to go back into the wilds and kill as many of the infected nightstalkers as you can find.','Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch has asked that you slay 8 Infected Nightstalker Runts.','I just hope it\'s not too late...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4583insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4538,9457,'An Unusual Patron','So this Naias is the mastermind behind the Bloodscalp and their exotic magic? I\'ll admit, this is the last place I expected my inquiry to lead, but no matter, our findings may still prove useful.$B$BOff the coast to the northwest is an island inhabited by lesser water elementals. There\'s a crude stone slab there that might serve as an altar for the likes of the trolls. Take the totem you found to that altar. Let\'s see if we can draw this Naias out and distill his power into a more agreeable form.','Use the Gift of Naias near the Altar of Naias to summon the water elemental Naias. Defeat him and return to Nemeth Hawkeye at Grom\'gol Base Camp with the Heart of Naias.','I can feel the raw power contained in this gem, $N. I\'ll send it to Silvermoon for our magisters to study further, but I am sure it will prove useful in our struggle against the Amani.$B$BYour help has been invaluable in procuring this gem, and I will see to it that the Farstriders know the name of the $R who made this find possible.','What news of Naias, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4584insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4539,9460,'Combining Forces','Keltus Darkleaf reporting for duty!$b$bOh... who are you, anyhow?  If you are here for my report, I insist you help me first.$b$bI am planning to attack the sentinel spies, but I intend to send in my faithful Whisper as a first strike.  She just needs a scent to hone in on them.$b$bSurely someone of your skill could sneak in and steal something from the sentinel leader?','Keltus Darkleaf wants you to pickpocket the Lacy Handkerchief from the Sentinel Leader and bring it to him.','Excellent!  Such a personal item carries a strong scent of the intruders--enough to guide Whisper into their ranks... ','Did you get something? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4585insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4540,9461,'Call of Fire','You should know that The Prophet has been asking for you, having heard of your success in your trial. The creation of your fire totem will have to wait until you have spoken with him.$b$bThis is a rare honor; you must hurry to the Exodar to see him at once!','Seek out Prophet Velen at the Vault of Lights in the Exodar.','Hello, $N, I have been expecting you. I trust this day finds you well?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4586insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4541,9462,'Call of Fire','$N! It is time for you to receive further training in the ways of the spirits. You should seek out Tuluun, the shaman at Azure Watch. He can begin your introduction to understanding and harnessing the power of flame.','Speak with Tuluun at Azure Watch on Azuremyst Isle.','Just in time, $N. I hope you are ready to continue your training. This next task will be a difficult one.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4587insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4542,9463,'Medicinal Purpose','I have found that lashers milling about on the island hold restorative medicinal properties in their vines. Through proper treatment, the vines can be broken down into a powerful healing ointment. Unfortunately, with so many injured draenei passing through Azure Watch, we are always in short supply.$B$BOur delicate guest was found injured and unconscious by the Crystalbrook only yesterday. If you bring me vines, we may be able to save her.$B$BYou will find root trappers both south and east of Azure Watch.','Anchorite Fateema at Azure Watch wants you to bring her 8 Root Trapper Vines.','Let us hope that this ointment will strengthen her spirit!','I fear that her health is in steady decline.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4588insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4543,9464,'Call of Fire','Once again you are to be tested, and this time the chaotic element of fire must be understood if you\'re to create a totem to harness its energies.$B$BTo the northeast on the coast is a sacred place of fire known as Emberglade. Amidst its burned trees stands Temper, a fire elemental of great power, and the one that you must speak with.$B$BGo to him now and may the elemental spirits of Azeroth go with you.','Speak with Temper at Emberglade on Azuremyst Isle.','I trust that the burning I see behind your eyes is from a desire to grow and understand?  Good!$B$BTuluun has sent you here because he sees your potential to both learn and help with a problem that the crash of your Exodar has caused.$B$BWe shall see.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4589insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4544,9465,'Call of Fire','One of my brethren, Hauteur, has gone insane, no doubt because of the crash of your ship.  He\'s begun demanding that the local owlbeasts worship him.$B$BThis will not continue!  None of us would ever impersonate a god!  It falls to you to restore the balance.$B$BFirst, you must retrieve their ritual torch, which has been taken by the crazed wildkin inside Stillpine Hold to the west.$B$BReturn the torch to me.','Retrieve the Ritual Torch and return it to Temper at Emberglade on Azuremyst Isle.','See how its fire never goes out?  That is the work of Hauteur.  It is a symbol of his arrogance.  Flame is meant to consume that which it burns and then itself die, to be reborn anew another time.$B$BI would help you douse the torch, but it must stay lit for you to deal with Hauteur.  We will let it burn a little while longer.','You have the torch?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4590insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4545,9466,'Wanted: Blacktalon the Savage','By order of the Ranger Captain, a reward is hereby offered for the slaying of the vicious rockflayer matriarch known as Blacktalon the Savage.$B$BBlacktalon was last sighted inside a cave in the Great Fissure.  Individuals seeking the reward are to present the creature\'s claws as proof of the deed.','Bring Blacktalon\'s Claws to Ranger Captain Venn\'ren at Falcon Watch in Hellfire Peninsula.','You\'re a brave $C, $N. That savage beast took many of my best hunters\' lives.$B$BTake this reward, you\'ve earned it.','You have news regarding Blacktalon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4591insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4546,9467,'Call of Fire','The owlbeasts of Moonwing Den on Silvermyst Isle, far to the southwest, have been deluded into thinking that Hauteur is a god to be worshipped.  What he truly is, is a fallen elemental who needs to be put out of his misery.  That torch is the key to his downfall.$B$BHauteur regularly demands that these owlbeasts burn an effigy in his honor.  So, when you light it, he will come.  Slay him and bring me the ashes.  Then use the orb in the satchel that I will give you to return to me here.','Retrieve Hauteur\'s Ashes and then return them and the Ritual Torch to Temper at Emberglade on Azuremyst Isle.  Remember that you can use the Orb of Returning to teleport back to Temper once you have the ashes.','It is a valuable lesson that you learn here today.  It is the story of endings and new beginnings.$B$BWhen first we spoke I told you that fire was not just destruction, but also a renewing force of the elements.  Through your actions you have both destroyed and saved Hauteur, for he shall be reborn from his ashes.','Do not speak to me again until you have Hauteur\'s ashes.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4592insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4547,9468,'Call of Fire','You have done a great thing here today in your pursuit of understanding your relationship to the flame.  Remember to always treat it with the utmost respect lest you get burned.$B$BI saved a portion of Hauteur\'s ashes for you.  Use them in the creation of your fire totem and remember all that you have learned in their attainment.$B$BNow, return to Tuluun.','Deliver Hauteur\'s Ashes to Tuluun at Azure Watch on Azuremyst Isle.','You have passed through the cleansing fire of destruction and been renewed, $N.  This is not unlike the tribulation the $R people are currently undergoing.  And through saving Hauteur from himself, you have secured your connection to the elemental fire of this world.','You look a bit singed around the edges.  How fared your communion with the flame, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4593insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4548,9469,'Featherbeard\'s Endorsement','When I am finally granted an audience with Falstad Wildhammer, I hope to have our strongest advocate among the Wildhammer dwarves at my side, $N.$B$BFeatherbeard is revered among his people, both for his legendary gryphon training skills and for his wisdom. If anyone can sway Falstad Wildhammer, it is he.$B$BI would go to see him myself, except that I cannot leave the confines of Aerie Peak while awaiting my audience. Visit Featherbeard at his residence to the south and ask if he will speak with me.','Go to Featherbeard\'s Hovel and visit the dwarf if he is at home. If he is not at home, search for evidence of where he can be found.','Featherbeard\'s journal appears to have a large number of recent entries. Leafing back to the beginning of the latest ones, you begin searching for clues about where he might have gone.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4594insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4549,9470,'A Gesture of Goodwill','The rugged terrain of the Hinterlands is not only home to the Wildhammer dwarves and their gryphons, but also to a number of forest troll tribes.$B$BThe trolls view the Wildhammers as squatters on their ancestral lands and spare no opportunity to accost the dwarves by attacking the gryphon aeries. One way to prove ourselves in the eyes of the Wildhammer is to help staunch these attacks by killing a Witherbark leader, Witch Doctor Mai\'jin, who shelters in a cave at Bogen\'s Ledge, to the west of Shadra\'Alor.','Ambassador Rualeth at Aerie Peak wants you to slay Witch Doctor Mai\'jin and his pet spider Tcha\'kaz.','Well done, $N. The Wildhammers will be heartened to know that they don\'t stand against the Witherbark trolls alone. Showing them that the Alliance can prove a reliable partner in protecting the gryphons should lend more weight to our proposition.','Have you returned with news of Witch Doctor Mai\'jin\'s death?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4595insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4550,9471,'Preying on the Predators','The Wildhammer dwarves act as companions, caretakers, and trainers to the gryphons. The gryphons have no shortage of enemies, especially among the forest troll tribes.$B$BSometimes, though, the threat comes from natural predators, such as wolves. A single animal is no match for a gryphon, but packs have taken to targeting gryphons more often because normal prey is scarce. Culling the wolves can help to reduce their impact on the gryphons and ingratiate us to the Wildhammer.','Ambassador Rualeth at Aerie Peak wants you to kill 10 Mangy Silvermane and 5 Silvermane Wolves.','<Ambassador Rualeth nods as you give your report.>$B$BYou have done well. The culling of the silvermane will not go unnoticed by the Wildhammer. When I meet with their leaders, I am certain that your deeds will reflect well upon the Alliance. Please accept this coin as a small token of my thanks, $N.','Have you culled the silvermane population?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4596insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4551,9472,'Arelion\'s Mistress','With all the important matters at hand Arelion still found time in his schedule to see a mistress!$B$BIt\'s all becoming perfectly clear.  Viera Sunwhisper, that filthy wench... we\'ll show her to never cross a magistrix again.$B$BTake this scroll and find Viera.  Find a way to lure her away from town and use the scroll on her.$B$BArelion mentioned she couldn\'t resist a particular wine harvested by the cenarion druids.  You might find some at Cenarion Refuge, just inside Zangarmarsh, west of here.','Magistrix Carinda at Falcon Watch wants you to lure Viera Sunwhisper away from the settlement and then use Carinda\'s Scroll of Retribution on her.','Excellent! That little backstabber won\'t be running off with anyone\'s husband any time soon.$B$BHere\'s a little something for your troubles. I trust we can keep this incident between us, $N.','Well, $N. Is it done?','','Carinda\'s Scroll of Retribution used','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4597insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4552,9473,'An Alternative Alternative','The girl is too far gone for mere ointments to be effective. There may be another way...$B$BThe forest of Azuremyst holds many secrets, one of those being a rare plant known as the azure snapdragon that some claim to be a panacea - a cure all.$B$BYou can identify the plant by its stark contrast to the other plants of Azuremyst and its need to grow at the base of the azure pine trees. Make haste!$B$BAnd $N, be wary of the root threshers of the region as they consume snapdragon for sustenance.','Daedal at Azure Watch wants you to bring him 5 Azure Snapdragon Bulbs.','Watch as the plant works its magic.','Do not waste time, girl.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4598insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4553,9474,'The Mark of the Lightbringer','In the short time that I have been on Azeroth I have studied many of its heroes.  Of them all, Uther Lightbringer stands above the rest.  A hero for the ages, in the end Uther was betrayed by his most promising pupil, Arthas.$B$BIn his honor, I would like to return something he lost to his nearby tomb.  It is rumored that the Scarlet Crusade is keeping one of his holy relics atop their guard tower near the gates of Hearthglen.$B$BPlease, $c, go and retrieve it.','Obtain the Mark of the Lightbringer and return it to Anchorite Truuen at Chillwind Camp in the Western Plaguelands.','Thank you, $C!  The recovery of this holy symbol means a great deal to myself and others that honor the memory of Uther Lightbringer.','The Mark of the Lightbringer is a powerful symbol of Uther\'s faith in the Light.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4599insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4554,9475,'Reclaiming the Eggs','Looking over the remains, you surmise that this broken and battered skeleton must be all that is left of Featherbeard. Clutched in one skeletal hand is a torn and stained sheaf of paper. You gently remove and unroll it, revealing a hand-drawn map and a few hastily scrawled notes.$B$BThe map appears to be a rendering of Shadra\'Alor and its three temples with \'x\' marks in several places, presumably the locations of the stolen eggs. You place the map in your pack for inspection at a safer location.','Gather 5 Gryphon Eggs and return them to Ambassador Rualeth at Aerie Peak.','<Handing the eggs to the ambassador, you describe the findings at Featherbeard\'s Hovel and Shadra\'Alor.>$B$BThe Witherbark killed Featherbeard?$B$B<Rualeth\'s face contorts in horror at your description of the dwarf\'s death and the implications for Rualeth\'s mission.>$B$BI understand why he felt he had to go in search of the eggs, but I wish he\'d thought to bring others along. His death will no doubt enrage Falstad Wildhammer, triggering retaliation against the trolls, and delaying my audience indefinitely.','The look on your face marks you as the bearer of bad news. What have you discovered?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4600insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4555,9476,'In Pursuit of Featherbeard','The journal\'s most recent entries detail Featherbeard\'s concern about a growing number of Witherbark troll raids on the Wildhammer gryphon aeries and a rash of egg thefts. A search of the smaller Witherbark settlements in the area appears to have yielded no information.$B$BThe last entry describes Featherbeard\'s suspicion that a Witherbark witch doctor named Mai\'jin is behind the raids. The last, hastily written sentence states the dwarf\'s intention to travel to Shadra\'Alor in search of the eggs.','Travel to Shadra\'Alor and search for traces of Featherbeard.','Upon the altar is a heap of bones that appear to have belonged to a dwarven male. No identifying features remain, but you decide to search the body for confirmation that these are the remains of Featherbeard.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4601insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4556,9483,'Life\'s Finer Pleasures','Just because we\'re on this pilgrimage doesn\'t mean we have to give up all of life\'s pleasures. It\'s been ages since I had a good wine.$B$BI\'d literally kill for a bottle of cenarion spirits!$B$BI know, I know, how unfashionable of me to enjoy a drink brewed by night elves.','','You know, maybe we can become friends after all. Follow me; we don\'t want to have to share this with the others now, do we?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4602insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4557,9484,'Taming the Beast','You have undoubtedly hunted and slain beasts for both your defense and sustenance, yet to befriend them and harness their strengths is only now within your grasp.  This I can teach you.$b$bTake this magical taming rod that allows a wild animal to temporarily bond and fight beside you.  Begin with the crazed dragonhawk, a nearly docile bird found just outside of Farstrider Retreat.  Return to me when this is done.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Crazed Dragonhawk, and then return to Lieutenant Dawnrunner.','Withstanding the numerous claws and bites from the dragonhawk is a sign of your tenacity. Do you have the strength to learn more? ','Have you mastered the dragonhawk? ','Tame a Crazed Dragonhawk','Tame a Crazed Dragonhawk','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4603insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4558,9485,'Taming the Beast','You have done well, $n.  Your understanding of the wild grows quickly.$b$bThe mistbat is a clever hunter, combining the swiftness of the dragonhawk and the ferocity of the springpaw.  Mistbats are found just across the Elrendar River to the south, preying on hapless travelers who wander into the Ghostlands.$b$bUse this final taming rod to befriend a mistbat and return to me when you have finished.','Use the Taming Rod to tame a Mistbat, and then return to Lieutenant Dawnrunner.','So you see $N, there is nothing left for me to teach you at this time. You already understand what it is to befriend those you once hunted. You need only to choose one of nature\'s allies with traits that match your own. ','Have you mastered the mistbat? ','Tame a Mistbat','Tame a Mistbat','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4604insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4559,9486,'Taming the Beast','The elder springpaw is an efficient and swift hunter.  In attempting to befriend one, it sees you as prey.  Do not be dissuaded.$b$bUse the taming rod to bring the great cat to your side and hunt beside it.  They are found throughout Eversong Woods, some very close to the lodge.  When you have learned enough, return to me.','Use the Taming Rod to tame an Elder Springpaw, then return to Lieutenant Dawnrunner.','You have shown both strength and tenacity. There remains the final test until you can tame without the use of magic. ','Have you hunted alongside the springpaw? ','Tame an Elder Springpaw','Tame an Elder Springpaw','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4605insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4560,9487,'Arcane Reavers','Arcane reavers are magical creations of brute strength.  They are heavily armored and deliver stunning blows.  You, however, can bypass their defenses and avoid their attacks.  Your spellcraft is not without many advantages, $n.$b$bTravel to Dawnstar Spire and blast apart the arcane reavers.  From their remains, collect the crystallized fragments of magical energy and return to me.  Dawnstar Spire is found to the east, across the lake.','Arcanist Vandril wants you to collect 10 Arcane Fragments for him.','Such a waste, using magic to construct beings of physical strength. I always thought that\'s why we allied with the lesser races, after all.$B$BYou were good to destroy them so we can use what remains for a more suitable purpose.','Didn\'t get too close to the brutes, I hope?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4606insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4561,9488,'A Simple Robe','The arcane fragments you collected will do nicely.$b$bNicely for what, you ask?  For making a splendid robe fit for a $c like yourself!$b$bAll we need now is some linen cloth and a spindleweb silk gland.  You can find the silk gland from any spindleweb spider, preferably after killing them.','Arcanist Vandril wants you to bring him 15 Linen Cloth and a Spindleweb Silk Gland.','You really don\'t need to know the intricacies of crafting a magical robe, $N, you just need to know what to bring me.$B$BAnd let me be honest, you brought enough for several robes.  The profit I\'ll make should more than cover the costs to make your robe, and even enough to buy myself something nice.  Looks like the thanks belong to you!','The robe cannot be completed without the necessary supplies.  But you knew that, didn\'t you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4607insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4562,9489,'Cleansing the Scar','$N, it is good you are here.  The Scourge attack our city with such endless hate that I fear the morale of our guard is breaking.$b$bHurry to the Dead Scar just south of the city where Jaela and her rangers stand ready.  Fill them with the power of the Light through your blessings.','Cast Power Word: Fortitude on 6 Eversong Rangers in the Dead Scar.','Already the rangers speak of your blessings with awe and respect. Now you can see how the Light serves us, allowing us to help others, but only after we have helped ourselves.','Have you given hope where it waned?','','Eversong Ranger Blessed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4608insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4563,9490,'The Rock Flayer Matriarch','Rock flayers are mean, nasty, violent creatures.  But the plain ones are like tame beasts when compared to their matriarch, Blacktalon the Savage.$B$BMy cousin got eaten by her and it wasn\'t pretty.  I swore that one day Blacktalon would pay for that.  You bring back proof of that monster\'s death and I will give you my life\'s savings.  Deal?$B$BYou\'re going to need some friends to kill Blacktalon.  Big tough friends with sharp swords.  You\'ll find her inside a cave in the Great Fissure.  Good luck!','Obtain Blacktalon\'s Claws from Blacktalon the Savage at the Great Fissure and bring it to Ikan at the Temple of Telhamat in Hellfire Peninsula.','Yes, I remember these sharp claws!$B$BTake this reward, $N.  That was a dangerous task you just did.  You deserve every bit of this reward.','Did you bring back proof of Blacktalon\'s death, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4609insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4564,9491,'Greed','A rich, and I mean filthy rich, merchant came through here yesterday talking about some ring of \"immense archeological importance\" locked in one of the countless burial chests found in the Amani Catacombs.  When he wasn\'t talking about the ring, he was talking about how much he\'d pay for it.$b$bTell you what, I\'ll front the thieves\' tools, and if you manage to bring the ring back, I\'ll pay you enough to buy ten rings of your own!','Eralan in Tranquillien wants you to retrieve the Pitted Gold Band from the Amani Catacombs.','This is the ring, is it? Not much to look at, but you know what they say about one elves\' trash...$B$BAnd let\'s not forget your payment. Don\'t feel shy about spending it right here sister!','Please tell me you found the ring. It won\'t be long before that merchant finds his own $C.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4610insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4565,9492,'Turning the Tide','The permanence of the orcish threat is one of the sad truths of Outland. There was a time when we Sons of Lothar believed we\'d purchased Honor Hold\'s safety with our blood, but there was to be no peace.$B$BThe Sons will yield to no orc - green, brown, and now red - we will overcome them or die trying. If we are to have any expectation of victory, we must take the fight to them in Hellfire Citadel. Bring me the weapon of their self-styled \'Warchief\' Kargath Bladefist and you will be well rewarded.','Bring Warchief Kargath\'s Fist to Force Commander Danath Trollbane in Honor Hold.','Well done, $N. With your victory in Hellfire Citadel, we have struck a major blow against the orcs.$B$BI must speak with Field Commander Romus about following up and ensuring that the orcs stay on the defensive. Now that we\'ve been reinforced, we can do far more than simply defend Honor Hold.','Have you returned with proof of \'Warchief\' Kargath Bladefist\'s demise?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4611insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4566,9493,'Pride of the Fel Horde','We know precious little about the Fel Horde presence in Hellfire Citadel and our information has come at the cost of many lives.$B$BFel Horde troops under the command of Kargath Bladefist are a brutal, battle-hardened lot fortified by foul magics. The elite of this force, the Shattered Hand legionnaires, champions, and centurions are feared by the regulars and serve as an officer corps.$B$BTargeting and eliminating them is a necessary first step in any successful assault on the Fel Horde\'s leadership.','Field Commander Romus at Honor Hold wants you to kill 8 Shattered Hand Legionnaires, 4 Shattered Hand Centurions, and 4 Shattered Hand Champions.','That is excellent news, indeed, $N. With progress to report from Hellfire Citadel, perhaps we can afford to turn our attention to the Fel Horde presence other parts of the peninsula and Outland as a whole.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4612insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4567,9494,'Fel Embers','The stuffy academics of Azeroth have cowered in their towers for too long and it\'s fallen to me to show them what cutting edge research is! They\'re afraid to play with fire and that\'s exactly what I intend to do, once I get my hands on the fire, that is.$B$BWithin Hellfire Citadel\'s Shattered Halls, Grand Warlock Nethekurse performs unrivaled magical feats augmented by the powers of a pair of strange braziers. Using the vessel he uses to contain these fel embers, capture one and bring it back to me, $N.','Magus Zabraxis at Honor Hold wants you to bring her a Fel Ember.','Well done! I can\'t hope to replicate the feats of Grand Warlock Nethekurse, nor should I aspire to, but we would be fools to ignore the power of the fel embers.$B$BHowever, there are those who would forbid the type of research I\'m about to embark upon, and for that reason, I must keep my efforts secret. Please do not speak of this to anyone, $N.','Did you bring the, err, ember?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4613insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4568,9495,'The Will of the Warchief','The struggle to free the orcish people from our tainted blood has not been easy, $N. Warchief Thrall has seen too many orcish heroes laid low by fate\'s hand. Now, it seems Kargath Bladefist numbers among them.$B$BIn the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel, Kargath has claimed the title of \'Warchief\' of the Fel Horde. With an army of crazed, bloodthirsty fel orcs at his back, he won\'t rest until Thrallmar is destroyed. Warchief Thrall has commanded us to defeat Kargath and his forces at all costs.','Bring Warchief Kargath\'s Fist to Nazgrel in Thrallmar.','You have done well, $N. In his prime, Kargath Bladefist was a fine warrior, a hero and example to his people.$B$BHis death is a blow to us all, but especially to Warchief Thrall. Whatever happened to him in his final days, we should not forget the orc Kargath once was, nor the lessons to be learned from his downfall.$B$BFor your service to the Horde, $N, you are to be rewarded with your choice from among these weapons.','Have you proof of Kargath Bladefist\'s defeat?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4614insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4569,9496,'Pride of the Fel Horde','Overlord Maimfist\'s insults aside, $N, this Fel Horde is nothing to be trifled with.$B$BFrom what we know, Fel Horde troops under the command of Kargath Bladefist are a brutal, battle-hardened lot fortified by foul magics. The elite of this force, the Shattered Hand legionnaires, champions, and centurions are feared by the Fel Horde regulars and serve as an officer corps.$B$BTargeting and eliminating them is a necessary first step in any successful assault on the Fel Horde\'s leadership.\r\n','Shadow Hunter Ty\'jin at Thrallmar wants you to kill 8 Shattered Hand Legionnaires, 4 Shattered Hand Centurions, and 4 Shattered Hand Champions.','Excellent job, $N. With the legionnaires broken, it will be easier to face the Fel Horde on the battlefield, though they remain a formidable enemy.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4615insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4570,9498,'Falcon Watch','My people recently finished building Falcon Watch, a base of operations in the southwestern region of Hellfire Peninsula - beyond Hellfire Citadel.  You are welcome there as an ally, $N.$B$BIf you\'re looking for work, go there and tell Ranger Captain Venn\'ren that I sent you.  He will see to it that you\'re given tasks worthy of someone of your caliber.','Report to Ranger Captain Venn\'ren at Falcon Watch in Hellfire Peninsula.','Welcome to Falcon Watch, <race>.  All our Horde allies are welcome here, especially those recommended by Martik.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4616insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4571,9499,'Falcon Watch','What are you still doing here, $N?  Didn\'t you hear we built a proper sin\'dorei outpost here in Hellfire Peninsula?$B$BSurely you\'d rather be among fellow blood elves and away from all this... smell.  You\'ll find Falcon Watch in the southwest, beyond Hellfire Citadel.  Report to Ranger Captain Venn\'ren; he will take care of you.$B$BThe road ahead is dangerous and heavily patrolled by Alliance scouts.  I would recommend travelling with companions.  Blood elves, preferably.','Travel to Falcon Watch in the southwest of Hellfire Peninsula and report to Ranger Captain Venn\'ren.','Welcome to Falcon Watch, $Gbrother:sister;. Many other blood elves haven\'t been fortunate enough to make it this far.$B$BIt\'s a terrible shame; our work in Outland has just begun.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4617insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4572,9500,'Call of Water','It\'s been a while since last you were tested.  Farseer Nobundo has been asking for you.  You must have grown greatly in wisdom because you are being called to learn the mysteries of the element of water.$B$BYou remember where to find him at the Crystal Hall inside of the Exodar, right?','Speak with Farseer Nobundo at the Crystal Hall inside the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle.','We meet again. I have been watching your progress from afar, $C, and I am pleased.$B$BThe time has come for you to commune with the element of water, to learn its mysteries and give yourself over to the water so that you might in turn learn to master it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4618insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4573,9501,'Call of Water','A powerful water elemental named Aqueous has requested your presence.  It would seem that there is a great imbalance occurring in the water element on Bloodmyst Isle.  Not surprising given the unnatural predilections of the blood elves.$B$BYou will find Aqueous in a hidden reef under the waves off the northern shore of Bloodmyst Isle.$B$BTake this potion; it can help you to get to her once you get into the water near the reef.','Speak with Aqueous in the Hidden Reef at Bloodmyst Isle.','Do not fear, $N. While you are here we will speak using our minds.$B$BI am grateful to Farseer Nobundo for sending you to me. There is a great disturbance that is polluting the waters on and around Bloodmyst Isle. Not even the blind would fail to notice the effect this is having on its creatures and the environment.$B$BYou and I will work together to stop this corruption before it spreads further. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4619insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4574,9502,'Call of Water','It\'s been a while since last you were tested.  Farseer Nobundo has been asking for you.  You must have grown greatly in wisdom because you are being called to learn the mysteries of the element of water.$B$BYou remember where to find him at the Crystal Hall inside of the Exodar, right?','Speak with Farseer Nobundo at the Crystal Hall inside the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle.','We meet again. I have been watching your progress from afar, $C, and I am pleased.$B$BThe time has come for you to commune with the element of water, to learn its mysteries and give yourself over to the water so that you might in turn learn to master it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4620insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4575,9503,'Call of Water','In balance with the other elements, water is the source and sustenance of all living things.  It gives and nurtures life, and all rely upon it for their existence.  Yet, when polluted, it also brings life to an end.$B$BWe must determine the extent of the damage that has been done.  To the southwest is one such contaminated body of water that has come to be known as the Foul Pool.  Travel there and extract the foul essence from the water spirits that inhabit the pool.','Collect 6 Foul Essences and return them to Aqueous in the Hidden Reef at Bloodmyst Isle.','Thank you, $c. These should be enough so that I can examine this corruption. Then we will have a better idea of how to proceed. ','Have you collected the foul essences of my unfortunate sisters so soon, $N? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4621insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4576,9504,'Call of Water','It is worse than I feared. The corruption is very potent and if unchecked it could spread to the ocean currents and be carried throughout all of Azeroth!$B$BWe are going to need a sample of the purest water to counter this malignancy. There is a forest on the nearby continent of Kalimdor named Ashenvale. Near its southwestern border is a place called the Ruins of Stardust.$B$BTake this bota bag and fill it with the water from the fountain on the small island at the center of the ruins. Hurry, $N!','Fill the Empty Bota Bag and then return to Aqueous in the Hidden Reef at Bloodmyst Isle.','Water parts easily, yet put enough of it together and it will create an unstoppable force. It washes away earth and fire, and easily pushes air out of the way.$B$BWe are that unstoppable force, $N, not those that have poisoned Bloodmyst Isle! ','You have the pure water from the ruins? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4622insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4577,9505,'The Prophecy of Velen','The Prophet spoke of this day: That on this island, in this new world, our allies would find us.$B$B\"We will be tested. They will ask that we pay for the sins of our fathers...\"$B$BAt the time, I did not understand the meaning behind his words, but seeing this creature and her reaction to us, it is now coming into focus. The corruption of our people has been felt even here.$B$BVenture south. It is there that we found this being. Find its kin and tell them of our people.','Daedal wants you to travel south and seek out the people that the injured creature mentioned.','You say that you\'ve found one of our crew and that she is injured? I will send one of my crewmen to your village immediately!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4623insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4578,9506,'A Small Start','I am Admiral Odesyus of Alliance Naval Command. Our ship was forced to port on your island due to an infestation of sorts. It\'s embarrassing to even talk about, but goblins somehow managed to stow away in the holds of both of my ships.$B$BLast night, while most of the ship\'s crew was asleep below deck, they struck!$B$BStranger still, they took our navigation gear and jumped ship!$B$BThey disappeared into the thicket, east of here. Will you go in search of our gear? It will make for a strong gesture.','Admiral Odesyus at Odesyus\' Landing wants you to recover the Nautical Compass and Nautical Map stolen by the Venture Co.','You\'re a resourceful one! With our navigation gear, we can figure out just how far we\'ve veered off course.$B$BBut wait, what\'s this? There\'s something rolled up in the map. Let me see...$B$BThese are orders from Mogul Razdunk of the Venture Company. According to these plans, they\'re here to strip-mine the island of the crystal wreckage, then hijack our ships once they\'re finished.$B$BBy Bronzebeard\'s bushy brow! This is why they forced us to land? How could they know of our plans?$B$BI smell a traitor...','Any luck, stranger?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4624insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4579,9508,'Call of Water','I have determined where the corruption is coming from.  It is the by-product of some demented research and you\'re going to put an end to it!$B$BJust to the southwest of the Foul Pool is a small camp.  There you will find the \'research\' of Tel\'athion the Impure.  This is where he produces the filth that has been seeping into the island\'s water.$B$BUse the pure water you obtained from Ashenvale to destroy his cache of barrels.  That will be sure to bring him out.$B$BWe will have an end to this!','Bring the Head of Tel\'athion to Aqueous in the Hidden Reef at Bloodmyst Isle.','It is done then!  The crisis is averted and you have put in motion the restoration of the water on Bloodmyst Isle.  Over time, the water, in conjunction with the other elements, will heal itself.$B$BIt is unfortunate that the blood elves cannot see that by contaminating their surroundings they\'re killing themselves off as well! ','Have you succeeded?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4625insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4580,9509,'Call of Water','I held back a little of the water from Ashenvale, not because I doubted your ability to deal with the situation.  Rather, I knew that you would succeed, and I wanted to make sure that you had something special to take back to Nobundo.$B$BHere, $N, take this flask of pure water.  It will ensure that you receive a very powerful water totem.$B$BFarseer Nobundo awaits your return at the Exodar.','Take the Flask of Purest Water to Farseer Nobundo inside the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle.','You have comported yourself with wisdom beyond your years, $N.  I can sense that the water element is pleased with your actions.  It will be my great honor to take the pure water that you bear and combine its essence into your new water totem.$B$BRemember well the lessons of water as you go forward and you will gain an even greater understanding and mastery of the element.','The elements have spoken to me of the great deeds you have accomplished.  Come, let us speak.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4626insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4581,9510,'[Not Used] BETA Bristlehide Clefthoof Hides','So you\'re looking to make yourself useful?  We\'re in very short supply of clefthoof hides, $N.$B$BIf you go southwest of here you\'ll find bristlehide clefthoof in abundance near a place called Falcon Watch.  Their hides are ideal for leatherworking.  Bring me a stack of them and I\'ll reward you appropriately.','Provisioner Braknar at Mag\'har Post in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to bring him 5 Bristlehide Clefthoof Hides.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4627insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4582,9511,'BETA Kargath\'s Battle Plans','<TXT>The documents you found on Kargath\'s body detail plans on what appears to be a massive invasion on Honor Hold.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4628insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4583,9512,'Cookie\'s Jumbo Gumbo','The Admiral be right, ye are a resourceful one. Mayhap ye could help Cookie out?$B$BIf I serve the crew chicken for dinner again, I\'ll be sent to the brig fer sure.$B$BI noticed that thar be crawlers all along the coastline - lots o\' crawlers! Bring me crawler meats and I\'ll be forever indebted to ya.$B$BHelp a reformed pirate out?','\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce at the Odesyus\' Landing wants you to bring him 6 Skittering Crawler Meat.\r\n','Bless yer heart. stranger. This\'ll go a long ways in liftin\' the morale o\' the crew.','Arrr... Yarr... Shiver me timbers... Er. sorry lass, I gotta practice me pirate lest I forget it...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4629insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4584,9513,'Reclaiming the Ruins','While some may look at our current predicament as an unfortunate turn of events, I sense that we are here for a reason. The invisible hand of fate has pushed us in this direction. The reason why will become evident in time.$B$BTo the west lies an ancient night elf city, now in ruin and overrun with naga. It would be remiss of me to sit idly by as the naga tainted my ancestral lands.$B$BYou have shown yourself a capable $c. Honor my people and cleanse the ruins of their unwelcome inhabitants.','Priestess Kyleen Il\'dinare at Odesyus\' Landing on Azuremyst Isle wants you to kill 5 Wrathscale Myrmidons, 5 Wrathscale Naga and 5 Wrathscale Sirens.','Elune be praised! The restless spirits may find tranquility after all.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4630insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4585,9514,'Rune Covered Tablet','You cannot make out any of the symbols on the tablet. Perhaps the priestess would be able to decipher the mysterious runes.','Take the Rune Covered Tablet to Priestess Kyleen Il\'dinare at Odesyus\' Landing on Azuremyst Isle.\r\n','I can\'t read these runes but I know someone who can...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4631insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4586,9515,'Warlord Sriss\'tiz','A naga invasion would be disastrous, $N. I\'ve seen what naga can do and I would not want to see such a catastrophe befall any being. If I were to guess, this Warlord Sriss\'tiz will be hidden in a cave - probably along the coast to the west.$B$BFind Warlord Sriss\'tiz and put an end to his reign.','Priestess Kyleen Il\'dinare at Odesyus\' Landing on Azuremyst Isle wants you to kill Warlord Sriss\'tiz.','With Warlord Sriss\'tiz dead, the possibility of a naga invasion is now only a distant memory. We are safe, for the time being...$N$NI must admit, I was wrong to think badly of you, $N. You have shown that you are nothing like the filth that was Archimonde. Accept this as a gift from the night elves.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4632insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4587,9516,'Destroy the Legion','I will not tolerate their existence on this world!  The Burning Legion all but destroyed our race and we fell back to settle a new home on a new world.  Then they came again.  And we retreated, over and over.$B$BNo more!$B$BThere is a remnant of the Legion to the south in the regions known as Felfire Hill, Demon Fall Canyon and Demon Fall Ridge.  They are what is leftover from a force that once long ago invaded this world.$B$BGo and destroy as many as you can before it is too late!','Slay 6 Mannoroc Lashers, 6 Felguards and 6 Searing Infernals, and then return to Vindicator Vedaar at Forest Song in Ashenvale.','You have my respect and thanks, $C. Perhaps we\'ll be able to create a new home here without having to worry about the Burning Legion yet again.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4633insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4588,9517,'A Shameful Waste','Welcome to Forest Song, $c. Where you see tents, there will one day be buildings, but such ambitions require a steady stream of building materials. I cannot bring myself to order our workers to fell any of the ancient trees of this grove, but our neighbors to the south and west have no such reverence for the forest.$B$BWe shall relieve the Warsong loggers of their excess, and reclaim some of the tainted wood from the satyr stronghold to the west. Bring the wood to Gnarl, who will purify it for our use.','Bring 15 pieces of Warsong Lumber and 5 Satyrnaar Fel Wood to Gnarl at Forest Song.','Wood cut with orcs\' crude blades is warped as surely as that exposed to elemental extremes. Nothing sound can be built with it, but I shall purify it and return it to Architect Nemos and his men for their use. Some good will come from this tragedy, after all.','<The ancient creaks as it turns toward you.>$B$BArchitect Nemos said that you might be bringing wood salvaged from the deforesters\' encampment and befouled Satyrnaar.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4634insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4589,9518,'Agents of Destruction','The Warsong Lumber Camp is a blight upon an embattled landscape. Every time we make progress in halting their operations, Overseer Gorthak orders his loggers to redouble their efforts!$B$BNow, the orcs are cutting more wood than they can possibly use, leaving it to rot while their blades bite into fresh trees! This is an affront to all we stand for, $N, and we will show them that we\'ll not suffer further destruction of our lands!$B$BGo, and do not rest until Overseer Gorthak and his minions are dead!','Sentinel Luciel Starwhisper at Forest Song wants you to kill Overseer Gorthak, 2 Warsong Shredders, 5 Horde Deforesters, and 10 Horde Scouts.','At last we have sent a message that the orcs won\'t dare ignore. Any overseer or foreman who sets foot within the camp to replace Gorthak will feel my wrath!$B$BWe must press our advantage, $N, and never rest until the Warsong Lumber Camp is a distant memory and a glade of trees stands upon that ground.','As long as Overseer Gorthak lives, I will oppose him. What news from the lumber camp?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4635insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4590,9519,'The Lost Chalice','The area to our west, now called Satyrnaar, was once a prominent shrine built by my people. It housed a priceless relic, the Chalice of Elune, entrusted to the shrine\'s keepers by the priests of Elune. Pilgrims once traveled to the shrine to experience the healing powers the chalice was rumored to hold.$B$BThese stories might be nothing but old wives\' tales, but if there is any truth to them, the relic may hold the key to rejuvenating the wounded forest. I must know, $N.','Bring the Chalice of Elune to Kayneth Stillwind at Forest Song.','Excellent work, $N. There is certainly a latent power here, one that not even constant exposure to the corruption of the satyr can dim. Do you see how it still shines, after all these years?','Can you feel it, $N, the touch of corruption upon the wind? If we do nothing, it will continue to advance. That is why I seek the Chalice of Elune. Were you able to find it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4636insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4591,9520,'Diabolical Plans','The demon dropped this parchment, which is amazingly written in the Common tongue!  The ones mentioned in it, Diathorus and Gorgannon, are the two infamous dreadlords that control the demons hereabouts.$B$BThe plans detail preparations for a demonic attack on Forest Song to the north; the location where a new draenei settlement is being established.$B$BPerhaps Vindicator Vedaar at Forest Song would be interested in these?','Deliver the Diabolical Plans to Vindicator Vedaar at Forest Song in Ashenvale.','By the Seven Crystals of Ata\'mal, this cannot be!  They plan to attack us here at Forest Song?!$B$BNot on my watch!$B$B<Vindicator Vedaar crumples the demon-scrawled plans in his fist.>$B$BNo.  We will not allow this to happen!','What do you have there, ma\'am?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4637insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4592,9521,'Report from the Northern Front','The battle against the Warsong Lumber Camp isn\'t being waged from Forest Song alone, $N. There\'s a more substantial Silverwing Sentinel presence at Silverwing Grove to the southwest, near the border with the Barrens. From the grove, Sentinel Farsong directs our efforts against those who would destroy our lands.$B$BI\'m a bit late in sending my latest report to Sentinel Farsong, but also hesitant to leave Forest Song unattended. If your travels take you near Silverwing Grove, would you deliver my report?','Deliver Sentinel Luciel\'s report to Sentinel Farsong at Silverwing Grove.','Thank you for delivering this report, $C. From what Sentinel Luciel writes, it seems our worst fears have come to pass. With each advance we make, the Horde appears more determined to do as much damage as possible.$B$BWe can\'t afford to back down; the fate of our ancestral lands hangs in the balance. With more people like you on the frontlines, I\'m certain we could triumph. Will you join our fight?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4638insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4593,9522,'Never Again!','$N, it falls to you to see that this attack by the Burning Legion never comes to pass.  You must go and slay their leaders.  Without them the rest of the demons are essentially mindless.$B$BYou will find Gorgannon in Demon Fall Canyon south beyond Felfire Hill, near Mannoroth\'s floating, broken spear.$B$BDiathorus the Seeker resides somewhere in the barrow den atop Demon Fall Ridge.  To find the ridge, look for a ramp up from Demon Fall Canyon near the Horde\'s monument to Grom Hellscream.','Kill Gorgannon and Diathorus the Seeker, and then return to Vindicator Vedaar at Forest Song in Ashenvale.','Never again will the Burning Legion threaten us here! You have delivered us from a fight we very likely would have lost, $C.$B$BI give you thanks and the deepest gratitude of the Hand of Argus. It honors me to have you at our side.','Our night elf scouts report that preparations for the attack may still be ongoing. Those dreadlords must die soon, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4639insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4594,9523,'Precious and Fragile Things Need Special Handling','The priestess tells me that the ruins to the west are what\'s left of a night elf civilization. That got me thinking about what my pappy used to always say about night elf ruins, \"Sonny, whenever you see night elf ruins, night elf relics are sure to be close by.\"$B$BNow what kind of a dwarf would I be if I didn\'t hire the first person I saw to go digging up night elf relics for me? Now get going!','Archaeologist Adamant Ironheart at Odesyus\' Landing on Azuremyst Isle wants you to bring him 8 Ancient Relics.','My pappy would be proud! His boy strikes it big at the first set of night elf ruins he comes across... With your help, of course. Yes, don\'t worry, I won\'t leave you out of the discovery. You\'re a $R, right? Right, sure... $R. They\'ll learn all about you in Ironforge.','Don\'t come back without some ancient relics.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4640insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4595,9524,'Imprisoned in the Citadel','Alliance, here?!  Listen carefully, $c.$B$BKargath has captured several of our soldiers.  Captain Alina, an important officer is among them.  You must try to save her before she is executed.$B$BDon\'t worry about me, I\'ll find a way out as soon as I catch my breath.','Rescue Captain Alina inside Hellfire Citadel before she is executed.$B$BThis quest must be completed in Heroic dungeon difficulty.','I thank you, $N. I must admit I didn\'t expect a rescue party to be on its way.$B$BI will round up the remaining prisoners and lead them back to Honor Hold.','','','Captain Alina Rescued','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4641insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4596,9525,'Imprisoned in the Citadel','I was fortunate to escape Kargath\'s prison today, $N.  Several prisoners are scheduled to be executed, an important officer among them.$B$BIt would be a huge blow against our forces if Captain Boneshatter was slain.  You must do what you can to rescue him.  I\'m too weak to go on...','Rescue Captain Boneshatter inside Hellfire Citadel before he is executed.$B$BThis quest must be completed in Heroic dungeon difficulty.','You\'ve brightened my day, $C. When I die, I will make sure it\'s in the battlefield... covered in the blood of my opponents and taking them down with me.','','','Captain Boneshatter Rescued','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4642insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4597,9526,'Reclaiming Felfire Hill','Little one, to the south is an area of Nightsong Woods that has in recent times come to be called Felfire Hill.  It is very sad to see the demons crawling over it, spreading their corruption.$B$BWould you do something to help take back the land?$B$BI have a number of seeds that I have been saving for such a purpose.  Take them to Felfire Hill and plant them in the fertile dirt mounds.','Plant 8 Tree Seedlings in the Fertile Dirt Mounds and then return to Gnarl at Forest Song in Ashenvale.','Good. Though it may take a great deal of your years for the seedlings to grow into ancients, in the fullness of time they will aid us in our fight against the demons at Felfire Hill.$B$BGo in peace, little $Gbrother:sister;.','Surely you have not yet planted all of my seeds?','','Tree Seedling Planted','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4643insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4598,9527,'All That Remains','We had lived peacefully among the Owlbeasts of this island for many years. You can imagine my surprise when they stormed the beach and attacked us.$B$BI fought tooth and nail but was easily overpowered. As I blacked out from the vicious blows that I had been dealt, I prayed that my family not suffer.$B$BWhen I awoke, all was quiet. The sand was soaked red with blood - their blood. They were devoured whole.$B$BI care not for vengeance, $N. I only ask that their remains be returned to me for proper burial.','Cowlen on Azuremyst Isle wants you to recover the Remains of Cowlen\'s Family.','Thank you, $N. Their spirits will be at peace now.','My wife was named Thalrisa and my daughter, Magwin.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4644insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4599,9528,'A Cry For Help','My family was attacked by the murlocs and owlkin of this island several weeks ago. I managed to escape but I think that both my mother and father have been slain. I don\'t know what I\'m going to do now, but I must try and get back to my home - or what\'s left of it... Will you help me get through the forest?','Escort Magwin through the island to her home.','<Tears of joy stream down Cowlen\'s face.>$B$BHow can I ever repay you for this, $N? Please, take this heirloom. It symbolizes a sacred bond of friendship, trust and love amongst night elves. You are a $Gbrother:sister; to me - from this day until the end of time...','Hail, $N.','Magwin Escorted to Safety','Magwin Escorted to Safety','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4645insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4600,9529,'The Stone','While I\'m certain your imp has proven a useful and sometimes entertaining servant, it is time you mastered a more powerful demon: the voidwalker.$b$bTravel down the Dead Scar until it is crossed by the Elrendar River.  Just south of the river, locate one of the blue glowing stones and take it.  Your path will be revealed there.','Obtain a Voidstone from the Dead Scar.','As you gaze into the stone, your vision begins to swirl...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4646insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4601,9530,'I\'ve Got a Plant','I\'ve wondered about this for some time now, but this proves it to be true.$B$BThere is a traitor among us.$B$BThe plans left behind by the goblins document the conspiracy. Since I don\'t know who it could be, I\'m going to need your help in finding the traitor. None of my crew can be trusted.$B$BIf this is going to work, I\'m going to need a hollowed out tree and leaves. Search near the loggers north of us for the tree. You\'ll need to find the leaves by yourself. Check the forest.','Admiral Odesyus at Odesyus\' Landing on Azuremyst Isle wants you to bring him a Hollowed Out Tree and 5 Piles of Leaves.','I must warn you, what I ask of you next will be dangerous. I won\'t think less of you if you decide not to help me out, $N.','I love it when a plan comes together...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4647insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4602,9531,'Tree\'s Company','According to the plans, the traitor and the leader of the goblins, Geezle, are to meet at a cove on the western island. I need you to be at that meeting, $N.$B$BRemember the tree and leaves? You\'re going to wear them! It\'s a perfect disguise.$B$BGo to the cove and look for a naga flag. If the flag is there, it means a meeting is planned. Use the disguise kit when you see the flag and wait. Eventually the traitor will show up. Let the meeting finish then return to me with the identity of the scoundrel.','Admiral Odesyus at Odesyus\' Landing on Azuremyst Isle wants you to observe the meeting that is to take place between Geezle and the traitor.$B$BReturn to him when you know the identity of the traitor.','According to the plans. the traitor and the leader of the goblins. Geezle. are to meet at a cove on the western island. I need you to be at that meeting. $N.$B$BRemember the tree and leaves? You\'re going to wear them! It\'s a perfect disguise.$B$BGo to the cove and look for a naga flag. If the flag is there. it means a meeting is planned. Use the disguise kit when you see the flag and wait. Eventually the traitor will show up. Let the meeting finish then return to me with the identity of the scoundrel.','That traitor is going to wish he never messed with Alliance Naval Command!','The Traitor Uncovered','The Traitor Uncovered','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4648insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4603,9532,'Find Keltus Darkleaf','$n, one of our scouts has taken too strong an interest in his duties.  He surveys our enemies relentlessly, but sends no reports of his findings.$b$bYou must find this spy, Keltus Darkleaf, convince him to hand over his report and return it to me as swiftly as possible.  He can be found far to the southwest, where the Elrendar River forks and flows around Goldenmist Village.  The night elves of An\'daroth are his quarry, and he won\'t be far from them.','Locate Keltus Darkleaf.','I hope you can see I am deep under cover... at least I was.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4649insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4604,9533,'A Helping Hand','My people have undertaken an important endeavor in the eastern part of Ashenvale, with support and cooperation from the kaldorei.$B$BUnder the supervision of Architect Nemos and Vindicator Vedaar, they are revitalizing an old night elf outpost. The task of building won\'t be easy, $N, for the challenges and enemies they face are many. I know Architect Nemos and his compatriots at Forest Song would appreciate any help they can get, and he has asked me to send any interested $g men:women; his way.','Make your way to Forest Song and speak with Architect Nemos.','It\'s good to see another new arrival here at Forest Song.$B$BVindicator Palanaar is sending as much help as she can muster and each set of hands is appreciated.$B$BTake a look around, $C. It may not be much now, but with time and help from our night elf allies, we\'ll build a settlement worthy of calling home. There is much to be done here and any help you can provide would be welcome.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4650insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4605,9534,'Destroy the Legion','The remains of the demonic Burning Legion have been making raids against our Warsong Lumber Camp!$B$BNo more!$B$BThe demons are attacking from the areas known as Felfire Hill, Demon Fall Canyon and Demon Fall Ridge to the east.$B$BGo and destroy as many as you can to bring glory to both yourself and the Horde!','Slay 6 Mannoroc Lashers, 6 Felguards and 6 Searing Infernals, and then return to Valusha at Splintertree Post in Ashenvale.','That\'s better! There\'s nothing quite like ridding our world of a demon. And they make for worthy opponents as well, unlike the weak races of the Alliance.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4651insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4606,9535,'Diabolical Plans','The demon dropped this parchment, which is amazingly written in the Orcish tongue!  The ones mentioned in it, Diathorus and Gorgannon, are the two infamous dreadlords that control the demons hereabouts.$B$BThe plans detail preparations for a demonic attack on Splintertree Post to the northwest.$B$BYou\'re certain that Valusha at Splintertree Post would be interested in these.','Deliver the Diabolical Plans to Valusha at Splintertree Post in Ashenvale.','Dreadlords!  They plan to attack us here at Splintertree Post?!$B$BNot while I still draw breath!$B$B<Valusha crumples the demon-scrawled plans in her fist.>$B$BNo.  We will not allow this to happen!  They are a blight upon our world!','What do you have there, scout?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4652insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4607,9536,'Never Again!','$N, you will see to it that this attack by the Burning Legion never comes to pass!  Go and slay these dreadlords!  Without them the rest of the demons are essentially mindless.$B$BYou will find Gorgannon in Demon Fall Canyon south beyond Felfire Hill, near Mannoroth\'s floating, broken spear.$B$BDiathorus the Seeker resides somewhere in the barrow den atop Demon Fall Ridge.  To find the ridge, look for a ramp up from Demon Fall Canyon near the monument to Grom Hellscream.','Kill Gorgannon and Diathorus the Seeker, and then return to Velusha at Splintertree Post in Ashenvale.','Never again will the Burning Legion make slaves of the orcs, or any other race of the Horde!$B$BBravely fought, $C! You have the true heart of the Horde beating inside of you! You give us much honor!','Those dreadlords must die soon, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4653insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4608,9537,'Show Gnomercy','Spark must be brought to justice!$B$BI need you to go down to the beach and find that deceitful gnome. Once you find him, get whatever information you can out of him!$B$BIf a high ranking official of the Alliance has committed treasonous acts, who knows how many others are corrupt?$B$BAnd $N, use force if you have to...\r\n','Admiral Odesyus at Odesyus\' Landing wants you to recover the Traitor\'s Communication from Engineer \"Spark\" Overgrind.','Incredible! This was all part of their master plan!$B$BThis information must reach the king and your own leaders. The implications are staggering.','Did you find the lying dog?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4654insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4609,9538,'Learning the Language','I think I\'ve cracked it, $N!$B$B<Aurren points to the totem.>$B$BAll that we need to know about the Stillpine furbolg language is imprinted on their totems. With just a rudimentary understanding of how their symbols work, we can study the totems and learn to communicate with the furbolgs.$B$BI\'ve written down the basics of the symbol matrix on this parchment. Study it and then examine the totem. It should lead you to the next language totem.$B$BSpeak to Arugoo when you return an educated $r!','Read the Stillpine Furbolg Language Primer that Aurren gave you and interact with the Totem of Akida at Azure Watch.','The totem has various primal markings. You see owls, bears, wolves and stags carved into the surface.$B$BYou note a strange collection of symbols that makes your mouth form the word A-K-I-D-A.','','Stillpine Furbolg Language Primer Read','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4655insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4610,9539,'Totem of Coo','You begin to read the totem, barely able to pronounce the awkward words and phrases. Slowly, words start to form in your head. You think that the totem is telling you to go up the nearby hill, to the northeast.','Find the Totem of Coo using the clues provided to you.','The totem has various primal markings. You see owls, bears, wolves and stags carved into the surface of the totem.$B$BYou note a strange collection of symbols that makes your mouth form the word C-O-O.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4656insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4611,9540,'Totem of Tikti','You begin to read the totem, better able to pronounce the words and phrases. Words start to form in your head. You think that the totem is telling you to go across the Crystalbrook river to the east. Perhaps your destination is on the other side of the river.','Find the Totem of Tikti using the clues provided to you.','The totem has various primal markings. You see owls, bears, wolves and stags carved into the surface of the totem.$B$BYou note a strange collection of symbols that makes your mouth form the word T-I-K-T-I.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4657insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4612,9541,'Totem of Yor','The symbols on this totem seem to translate much faster. The patterns and imagery all seem to blend into familiar words. You are fairly certain the totem is pointing you south, down the river. Something is at the bottom of the river itself.','Find the Totem of Yor using the clues provided to you.','The totem has various primal markings. You see owls, bears, wolves and stags carved into the surface of the totem.$B$BYou note a strange collection of symbols that makes your mouth form the word Y-O-R.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4658insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4613,9542,'Totem of Vark','You no longer see unrecognizable symbology in the totems. The totem of Yor reads to you just as easily as your native tongue.$B$BThe markings identify another furbolg den, due west of here. You are able to expertly decipher the language on the totem and know that your destination is Bristlelimb Village. Yor will guide you but if you get lost, you know that you are able to take the ancient elven road in the forest leading west to reach your destination.','Find the Totem of Vark using the clues provided to you.','As you read the totem, your mouth forms the word V-A-R-K. You understand this to mean justice.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4659insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4614,9543,'Atonement','Our history with the orcs is one of constant conflict, $N.  We were once near driven to extinction due to their bloodlust and have since then avoided them even when not under demonic influence.$B$BYet, this retaliation... it\'s not what Sedai would\'ve wanted.  Speak with our elder, Amaan the Wise.  He will help shed light on these events.','Speak to Amaan the Wise at the Temple of Telhamat in Hellfire Peninsula.','Can I offer you any assistance, $N? You sound troubled.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4660insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4615,9544,'The Prophecy of Akida','The images on this totem depict a war between the Stillpine and the Bristlelimb furbolg tribes. The etchings show that the Bristlelimb have done unconscionable things to the furbolgs of Stillpine.$B$BAmidst the chaos, a prophecy has begun to unfold: A hero will rise - not of furbolg blood - and save the Stillpine tribe.$B$BSlay Bristlelimb furbolgs at Bristlelimb Village for their keys. Use the keys to free the Stillpine captives. Return to Arugoo of the Stillpine when you have freed them all!\r\n','Free 8 Stillpine Captives from cages found in Bristlelimb Village. Return to Arugoo of the Stillpine at Azure Watch when you have completed this task.','The prophecy spoke of one that would rise and deliver us from the oppressive grasp of Bristlelimb -- that the spirits themselves would herald the arrival of this hero.$B$BAnd now, you have come.$B$BI humble myself before you, great one.','','','Stillpine Captive Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4661insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4616,9545,'The Seer\'s Relic','The stubborn close their mind and convince themselves of one truth.  The wise keep an open mind to the different possibilities leading to and stemming from the present.$B$BTake this relic with you to where you found Sedai.  See not with your eyes, $N, but with your mind.','Amaan the Wise at the Temple of Telhamat in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to return to Sedai\'s Corpse, northeast of the Temple of Telhamat, and use the Seer\'s Relic at that location.  Return to him after you\'ve completed this task.','I hope the vision you witnessed helped you gain some perspective on Sedai\'s death.  The relic showed you a likely series of events leading up to the present.  The truth may have been different, we\'ll never know for sure.$B$BWould you act differently knowing what you know now?$B$BWho can say whether our conflict with the orcs will continue?  What\'s important is to remain open to the possibilities.','Have you seen the vision yet, $N?','','Vision Granted','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4662insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4617,9547,'Call of Air','$N, Farseer Nobundo has been asking for you.  It must be time for you to learn the secrets of air, the last of the elements!$B$BI want you to know that I\'m very proud of all that you have accomplished thus far.  I know that you have great things ahead of you.','Speak with Farseer Nobundo at the Crystal Hall inside the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle.','And finally we come to it, the last of the four great elements: air. Do you think yourself wise enough to continue, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4663insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4618,9548,'Pilfered Equipment','Shh! Keep your voice down and don\'t call attention to me.$B$BIf the murlocs detect my presence, the experiment will be ruined! I\'ve already come perilously close to contaminating my data.$B$BWhile I was foraging yesterday, one of them must\'ve wandered too close and discovered my camp. I returned just in time to see two of them carrying off a crate with most of my equipment! It\'s bound to be in one of their settlements around here, but I can\'t risk revealing my presence. Are you willing to help?','Bring Clopper\'s Equipment back to Clopper Wizbang, who is hiding in a beached turtle shell.','This is fantastic! The theft of my equipment has given me more insight into the nature of these murlocs than I could have possibly gained in weeks of observations!$B$BI know what I\'m going to say in my report already.$B$B\'When faced with the products of a technologically superior culture, the Blacksilt displayed none of the curiosity characteristic of emerging cultures in humanoid species.\'$B$BIt\'s brilliant! The gentlemen in Ironforge are going to love it! I can\'t thank you enough, $N.','Did you manage to find my equipment?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4664insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4619,9549,'Artifacts of the Blacksilt','My observations and writings about the Blacksilt murlocs are quite illuminating, $N, but they are just the beginning. I plan to return to Ironforge with items produced by the Blacksilts\' rudimentary crafting skills.$B$BThe problem is that the Blacksilt carry these items with them at all times, and I can\'t have their blood on my conscience. If you\'re willing to help me gather the idols carried by Blacksilt seers and crude knives of the Blacksilt warriors and shorestrikers, I won\'t ask how you came by them.','Bring 3 Crude Murloc Idols and 6 Crude Murloc Knives to Clopper Wizbang, who is hiding in a beached turtle shell.','Astounding, simply astounding! These are perfect, $N. I can already see them under the glass in the museum in Ironforge. The text for the display is virtually writing itself in my head!$B$BYour help has been invaluable in getting my studies back on track. How do you spell your name? I\'ll make sure it appears in my report as co-author.$B$BOne of the chaps on the ship gave me this \'treasure map\' to cover a gambling debt, but mythology isn\'t my area of study. Superstitious lot, sailors. ','Do you have those samples for me to send back to Ironforge?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4665insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4620,9550,'A Map to Where?','The crudely-drawn map reveals nothing of its maker, but it appears to have been drawn with an unsteady hand. Wavering lines and symbols depict a small pavilion with broken columns located to the west of a partially submerged tower. $B$BIf the map is to be believed, this cluster of ruins appears to be located on the eastern coast of the island. You have no idea what you\'ll find, but it was important enough for the map\'s creator to record.','Locate the pavilion described by the map and search for what the map\'s maker was trying to record.','Examining the book carefully, you conclude that it must be a journal. Its pages are filled with an elegant script differing from that of the map. The text of many of the pages is obscured by drawings and writing in the mapmaker\'s hand.$B$BIt\'s nearly impossible to make out the text beneath the mapmaker\'s tales of drunken carousing during shore leave. ','Perhaps this old journal is what the map is referencing.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4666insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4621,9551,'Call of Air','$N, Farseer Nobundo has been asking for you.  It must be time for you to learn the secrets of air, the last of the elements!$B$BI want you to know that I\'m very proud of all that you have accomplished thus far.  I know that you have great things ahead of you.','Speak with Farseer Nobundo at the Crystal Hall inside the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle.','And finally we come to it, the last of the four great elements: air. Do you think yourself wise enough to continue, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4667insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4622,9552,'Call of Air','The great spirit of air calls out to you, $N, and it is time for you to take heed.$B$BI wish for you to travel up the Wildwind Path on the north facing of the mountain that the Exodar has crashed into.  At its peak you will find a cave and within will be one of my most accomplished pupils, Velaada.$B$BPlease, listen to her wisdom and do as she bids.  When you return you will have a greater understanding of the element of air.','Speak with Velaada at Wildwind Peak on Azuremyst Isle.','It was whispered to me on the winds that you would be coming, $C.$B$BFarseer Nobundo thinks very highly of you, and from what I have heard of your travels, so do I.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4668insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4623,9553,'Call of Air','While air may seem ethereal, it is an all pervasive force, covering and permeating everything around us.$B$BThough you cannot see it, the rocks of this cave are composed mostly of air, the waters of the oceans are saturated in it and without it, fire cannot be sustained.  Just don\'t let those elements hear you repeat that!$B$BWho you really wish to speak with for such wisdom is nearby.  At the northern edge of the precipice, Susurrus awaits you.  It is from him that you will gain understanding.','Speak with Susurrus at Wildwind Peak on Azuremyst Isle.','I have been awaiting your arrival, $C. You come seeking wisdom, and something else I sense.$B$BVery well, let us begin.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4669insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4624,9554,'Call of Air','While my brothers and sisters of the other elements have demanded that you perform various tasks, I will not ask anything further of you.  I think that you have done enough to \'atone\' for the accident of your ship falling to this place from my skies.  I can see that you have all the wisdom within you already to use the element of air wisely.$B$BTake this portion of my being back to Farseer Nobundo so that he might help you fashion your totem.  And when you\'re ready, I will fly you back down to the Exodar.','Return to Farseer Nobundo at the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle with the Whorl of Air.','I am proud of you, $N.  You have persevered where others falter, and in the process you\'ve gained a greater understanding of the elements and yourself.  Remember their lessons as you go through life and you will be the wiser for it.$B$BNow, hand me the whorl from Susurrus so that I may imbue it into your air totem.  As with the other totems, it will serve as both a focus and a reminder of the connection that you have forged with the elements. ','Back so soon?  Your hair looks ruffled.$B$B<Nobundo grins knowingly.> ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4670insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4625,9555,'Call of Fire','I am thankful that you have chosen the difficult path of the shaman. Few enough do, but I foresee it as critical to our future that we learn shamanism from the Broken.$B$BThey are called that, but once they were draenei. Fel magics transformed them, and that is why they cannot call upon the power of the Light. Some disapprove of them and the shamanism they teach, but they are not evil.$B$BI wish you to speak with Farseer Nobundo. He is the wisest shaman I know and you will learn much with his guidance.','Speak with Farseer Nobundo at the Crystal Hall in the Exodar.','Greetings. It is always heartening to meet a $R who is open to the way of shamanism. There are so few.$B$BYou have learned not to judge the flame for its outward appearance, just as you should not judge mine.$B$BYou are here because you are ready to create your fire totem.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4671insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4626,9556,'To The Victor...','You\'ve no doubt been fighting long and hard among the towers, $r. We would like to give something back to you in return for your defense of these lands, but first, you must prove to us you understand the weight of the tragedies that took place here.$b$bWalk the streets of Stratholme and find a vial of the holy water. Once you have it, travel to the mage quarter of Stormwind or the Undercity... There, if you are victorious within these lands, you will find my colleague.','Collect a bottle of Stratholme Holy Water from within the city of Stratholme and deliver it to the Lordaeron Mage within the Mage Quarter of Stormwind or the Undercity when your side is victorious in the Eastern Plaguelands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4672insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4627,9557,'Deciphering the Book','Lacking the means to read the book\'s contents, you think about who might be able to help you separate the author\'s words from the mapmaker\'s scrawl.$B$BRemembering Anchorite Paetheus\'s collection of artifacts from countless cultures, you wonder if his experienced eye might be able to help you decipher the book\'s contents.','Take the Ancient Journal to Anchorite Paetheus in Blood Watch.','Hmm... this is most intriguing. Yes, I should be able to make out what the original author wrote in the pages of this book.$B$BI should have everything I need for the process. This should only take a moment.','The Light shine upon you in all your endeavors, $c. What is it you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4673insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4628,9558,'The Longbeards','We were having a problem with arakkoa bandits raiding many of our supply caravans, so I hired some dwarves to take care of them.$B$BThey were brothers; Gremni Longbeard was the oldest.$B$BI\'m a little worried about them.  Those crazy dwarves packed more ale than food or ammunition!  Maybe you can go check up on them?$B$BThe arakkoa\'s hideout, the Den of Haal\'esh, can be found to the far west of here - beyond the Great Fissure.  They set up camp northwest of there, south of Dustquill Ravine.','Look for Gremni Longbeard northwest of the Den of Haal\'esh, to the far west of Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','How\'d you find us, $C?  No matter, I imagine you were sent here to give us a hand.  Let\'s get to work then!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4674insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4629,9559,'Stillpine Hold','Promised one, you must travel north to the home of my people - Stillpine Hold. It is there that you will face your most daunting challenge.$B$BGo now, High Chief Stillpine awaits your arrival.','Speak with High Chief Stillpine at Stillpine Hold.','For centuries, we lived in relative peace with the creatures of the land. Several months ago, Kurz began to see dark omens. The peace that we enjoyed for so long was to be lost. The extent of the catastrophe could not be known!$B$BSo it would be that the gods would shatter our land - turning both friend and foe against us. But there was something else... Amidst the chaos, a hero would rise: A hero not of Stillpine blood. The Promised One would deliver us from devastation.$B$BThat prophesied hero was you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4675insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4630,9560,'Beasts of the Apocalypse!','My brother and I were hunting in the woods to the east when we were ambushed by strange, insect-like beasts. Such aberrations have never before been seen in Azuremyst! Could they be a sign of the coming apocalypse? The apocalypse that YOU are destined to prevent?$B$BIf you truly are the Promised One, you will strike the creatures of the apocalypse down... and bring me their hides. From their hides, I can fashion armor of great power!$B$BFind them to the east, beyond the road.','Moordo at Stillpine Hold on Azuremyst Isle wants you to bring him 8 Ravager Hides. ','Not only is the prophecy true, this armor is also amazing! Surely it is armor fit for a champion! And I will sell it to you at discounted prices, furless one.$B$BI jest... The first piece is complimentary.','They are ugly little creatures. Even the Blind Watcher could see them... and he\'s blind.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4676insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4631,9561,'Nolkai\'s Words','The translation is ready now, $N.$B$B<Anchorite Paetheus points out a block of text at the end of his translation.>$B$B\'The enemy is nearly upon us. We\'ve gathered up all the survivors and retreated to the temple to the east. It\'s the last ground we truly hold on the island, and there is a sense among the survivors that we will make our last stand here. I\'ve taken care to bury my last few possessions on the grounds of the temple, with the hope that someone will find them and know what happened here.\'','Find the location described in Nolkai\'s journal and discover his long-buried possessions.','Grasses and shrubs cover an unnatural bulge in the earth.$B$BA few minutes spent digging reveals an old box, almost certainly the one mentioned in Nolkai\'s journal.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4677insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4632,9562,'Murlocs... Why Here? Why Now?','These are dark days, Promised One. Even the murlocs are kicking our tails - literally. Unfortunately, more than just my ego has been bruised.$B$BWhile our relationship with the Siltfin murlocs had always been tenuous, never could we have imagined that they would have the gall to attack us and steal from our food stores! Travel west to the Silting Shore and recover our stolen food-stuffs!$B$BAnd if you see a dark-skinned murloc with a patch of white fur stuck in between his webbed toes... ','Gurf at Stillpine Hold on Azuremyst Isle wants you to recover 5 sacks of Stillpine Grain.','Mmmmm... Delicious grain... Parkat will be delighted!','A murloc kicked me in the behind and spit on me... in broad daylight!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4678insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4633,9563,'Gaining Mirren\'s Trust','So you want to gain our trust?  I don\'t trust many people these days.$B$BWe lost one of our own not long ago to the arakkoa.  It\'s got me a bit on edge.$B$BTell you what, if you can prove your loyalty to Honor Hold and... bring me a mug of Nethergarde Bitter... yes, that sounds rather good about now... I\'ll have a deal to offer you then.$B$BBernie at Nethergarde Keep keeps the bitter in stock.','Mirren Longbeard wants you to bring him 1 Nethergarde Bitter.  You must also attain Friendly reputation with Honor Hold to complete this quest.','Why. yes! You seem to be quite an OK $R. I suppose I can trust you.','Having trouble finding the bitter? Good old Bernie at Nethergarde Keep should stock barrels of it.$B$BUnless he\'s run out... that would be disastrous!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4679insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4634,9564,'Gurf\'s Dignity','You recover the piece of fur that Gurf had \"lost\" in his struggle with the murlocs. Return the fur to Gurf and let him know that the fearsome Murgurgula has been slain.','Return Gurf\'s Dignity to Gurf at Stillpine Hold on Azuremyst Isle.','<Gurf spits on the clump of fur and tries to affix it to the hairless patch on his backside.>$B$BThis will have to do for now! Hopefully one of the $C will be able to repair the damage.','Is that what I think it is?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4680insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4635,9565,'Search Stillpine Hold','As High Chief, my immediate concern is the root of the corruption in Stillpine Hold.$B$BWhy did the wildkin - once our allies - attack us? Why have they taken residence in Stillpine Hold?$B$BPerhaps something inside will hold the answer. Search Stillpine Hold for clues as to the source of corruption.','Search Stillpine Hold for clues.','The blood crystal radiates a sickly aura that seeps into the water of the cave.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4681insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4636,9566,'Blood Crystals','On the surface, the crystal appears to be a piece of the Exodar. Something has gone terribly wrong with this crystal, however, as it is blood red and rapidly dissolving into the water supply of the cave.$B$BThis may explain the unusually aggressive behavior of the creatures in Azuremyst. Return to High Chief Stillpine with this information.\r\n','Speak with High Chief Stillpine at Stillpine Hold.','These blood crystals that you saw; my scouts have seen many more to the north.$B$BI thank you for aid but now ask that you leave me to confer with the elders. I will call for you once I have spoken with the other elders of the village.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4682insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4637,9567,'Know Thine Enemy','It\'s good to see another new face here in Blood Watch, $c. Although the blood elves are the most immediate threat, there are other sinister creatures that call Bloodmyst Isle home.$B$BThe Nazzivus satyr are of particular concern. They are foul, demonic creatures, commanding dark magics and feeding on the corruption created by the Exodar\'s crash.$B$BWe must hold them in check, but first we must learn more about them. Go southwest to Nazzivian and learn what you can from their grotesque monument.','Find the Nazzivus Monument in Nazzivian and retrieve a Nazzivus Monument Glyph. Return to Vindicator Aalesia in Blood Watch when you have one of the glyphs.','Well done, $N. Let me see what I can learn from this glyph, so we can plan our next move.','Were you successful in obtaining knowledge of the Nazzivus satyr?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4683insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4638,9568,'BETA On the Offensive','It\'s worse than I had imagined, $N. We draenei know well what comes of selling one\'s soul to the Burning Legion in return for promises of power and immortality.$B$BThe satyr on this island, the Nazzivus, are descendents of that first, twisted creature who allied with the Legion. I fear that they will find a way to use the power of the Exodar\'s crystals against us.$B$BYou\'ve seen what they\'ve done to the land. Imagine what the satyr could do with them. Go southwest to Nazzivian and begin our offensive!','Vindicator Aalesia at Blood Watch wants you to kill 10 Nazzivus Satyr, 5 Nazzivus Rogues, and 5 Nazzivus Felsworn.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4684insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4639,9569,'Containing the Threat','Now that we have made our presence known to the satyr, we must send a message that we will not tolerate the Burning Legion\'s hounds in these lands.$B$BToo long have the draenei fled in the wake of the Legion and its minions, $N. Wherever they have found us, they have shown no mercy.$B$BWe must not permit the satyr to exploit the Exodar\'s crash and use the corrupted crystals as weapons. Go north to where their leader resides in Axxarien, destroy him, and recover the corrupted crystals he has been gathering!','Kill 5 Axxarien Shadowstalkers, 5 Axxarien Hellcallers, and Zevrax, then gather 5 Corrupted Crystals and return to Vindicator Aalesia in Blood Watch.','Without their leader, and with the recovery of the corrupted crystals underway, we can safely keep the satyr in check. Light knows how many more of these wretched creatures are out there.$B$BHarbinger Mikolaas and I are grateful for the help you\'ve provided in dealing with the satyr before they could become a larger threat. Your work stands as a reminder that vigilance is the key to victory against the Legion and its minions.','<Vindicator Aalesia seems to look through you rather than at you, her mind fixed on dealing with the satyr.>$B$BHave you moved against the satyr leader as I have asked?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4685insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4640,9570,'The Kurken is Lurkin\'','After the crystal storm had subsided, a beast of myth appeared in our village. Brought here by the invading wildkin, this beast, the Kurken, laid waste to our village. Many Stillpine were slain in defense of our lands by this fiend and many have since lost their lives attempting to subdue the beast.$B$BIn my visions, I have seen one defeat the Kurken. The one must be you, $N. You are our only hope. Enter Stillpine Hold and slay the Kurken. Bring me his hide as proof of deed.\r\n','Kurz the Revelator at Stillpine Hold on Azuremyst Isle wants you to kill the Kurken and bring back the Kurken\'s Hide.','The Promised One has emerged victorious!$B$BThe prophecy is nearly complete. Now about that hide...','<Kurz grunts at you.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4686insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4641,9571,'The Kurken\'s Hide','Take the Kurken\'s hide to Moordo, on the other side of the village. He will fashion the hide into an item of your choice.\r\n','Deliver the Kurken\'s Hide to Moordo at Stillpine Hold.','This is the strongest armor I\'ve ever made! Make good use of it, $N.','Hello, hero!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4687insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4642,9572,'Weaken the Ramparts','Quick, there isn\'t much time.  Thrallmar\'s existence balances on the razor\'s edge!$B$BWe\'re caught between Hellfire Citadel in the west and the Burning Legion to the east.  With the Legion\'s attention turned toward the Dark Portal we must take this opportunity to strike at the fel orcs of Hellfire Citadel.  The key to this is to first break through their ramparts!$B$BGo there, slay their leaders, and then bring back proof to Caza\'rez across the room from me!','Slay Watchkeeper Gargolmar, Omor the Unscarred and the drake, Nazan.  Return Gargolmar\'s Hand, Omor\'s Hoof and Nazan\'s Head to Caza\'rez at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','It\'s a good start.  With those three dead their forces should be in disarray.  And with their artillery up there silenced we\'ll have an easier time getting close enough to take the citadel!$B$BBut there\'s more to this than meets the eye - I can feel it - so I\'m going to have something else for you to do.$B$BFor the time being, though, you\'ve done well.  Take your pick of any of these from the Thrallmar armory.','$N, right?  Stok\'ton told me to be expecting your report.$B$BI trust that you bring good news?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4688insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4643,9573,'Chieftain Oomooroo','I am Stillpine the Younger, heir to the Stillpine legacy. As you can see, my defenders have set up a death trap for the raving wildkin that attack from inside Stillpine Hold. While we are able to hold them off out here, none of my defenders have been able to infiltrate the hold. If you could get inside and slay their leader, it might give us an opportunity to strike!$B$BFind Chieftain Oomooroo and destroy him. Slay any crazed wildkin that you encounter inside as well.','Stillpine the Younger at Stillpine Hold on Azuremyst Isle wants you to slay Chieftain Oomooroo and 9 Crazed Wildkin.\r\n','This may very well be the opportunity that we needed! I will send an attack at once! The Stillpine thank you for your service, $N!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4689insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4644,9574,'Victims of Corruption ','Bloodmyst Isle was forever changed by our arrival. The Exodar\'s crash scattered debris all over the islands and I think it\'s beginning to have an adverse effect on the wildlife.$B$BBefore I can be certain of my conclusion, I\'ll need to get a closer look. The crystals seem to have affected the trees the fastest, so it seems that the treants would be the most likely to show symptoms. If you bring me samples of bark from corrupted treants, I can begin my in-depth studies.','Bring 6 pieces of Crystallized Bark to Morae in Blood Watch.','There\'s more than enough here for my research. Thank you, $N. If you find any other evidence that the crystals are corrupting Bloodmyst\'s native creatures, let me know right away.','Were you able to get the samples I need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4690insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4645,9575,'Weaken the Ramparts','Quick, $c, there isn\'t much time.  Honor Hold\'s existence balances on the razor\'s edge!$B$BWe\'re caught between Hellfire Citadel in the west and the forces of the Burning Legion to the east.  With the Legion\'s attention turned toward the Dark Portal we must take this opportunity to strike at the fel orcs of Hellfire Citadel.  The key to this is to first break through their ramparts!$B$BGo there, slay their leaders, and then bring back proof to Gunny across the hall here from me!','Slay Watchkeeper Gargolmar, Omor the Unscarred and the drake, Nazan.  Return Gargolmar\'s Hand, Omor\'s Hoof and Nazan\'s Head to Gunny at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','Do you know what I hate worse than being wrong? Losing gold on a bet that you couldn\'t pull it off, sweetheart.$B$BOutstanding! With those three dead their forces should be in disarray. And with their artillery up there silenced we\'ll have an easier time getting close enough to take the citadel!$B$BI have a feeling there\'s more to this than meets the eye, though ','$N, right? Chadwick told me to be expecting your report.$B$BWHAT are you doing in my presence?! Is your assignment complete? Are you a complete and utter lackwit? You make me want to vomit!$B$BNow get your worthless hide up on those ramparts and do what you were instructed to do! Do you hear me?!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4691insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4646,9576,'Cruelfin\'s Necklace','Examining the crudely constructed pendant, you notice the crystal pulsating softly. Though it emits little light, you can almost feel the crystal radiating a sense of wrongness.$B$BYou\'re not quite sure what might have possessed Cruelfin to create this pendant, but the find is too important to ignore. You should probably show it to someone at Blood Watch.','Bring the Red Crystal Pendant to Morae at Blood Watch.','This is most curious, $C. I don\'t believe we\'ve ever seen the murlocs wearing any kind of adornment before.$B$BGiven the corrupting influence that the crystal shards are known to have, the murloc that wore this pendant must have believed it granted him power over his fellows. I wouldn\'t be surprised if he had rapidly outgrown his fellow murlocs and gained in strength.','What is it you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4692insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4647,9578,'Searching for Galaen','Do you think often of your family, $N? There were a number of families aboard the Exodar, but I\'ve heard of very few being reunited.$B$BI, myself, am looking for traces of my husband Galaen, who was a technician in the Cryo-Core. The wreckage of it is located to the west, and it\'s swarming with blood elves!$B$BI must find out what became of Galaen! Even news of his death is better than never knowing. My husband will be wearing a pendant identical to my own; they were a gift from my sister.','Search for Morae\'s husband Galaen.','The corpse appears to be dressed in the manner of an Exodar technician, but the pendant described by Morae is absent.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4693insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4648,9579,'Galaen\'s Fate','You have no means of identifying the corpse as Galaen with the information Morae gave you, but the clothing appears to have been torn in search of valuables.$B$BThe blood elves in the area would\'ve claimed anything of value from the wreckage, including Galaen\'s jeweled amulet.$B$BAlthough her husband did not survive the crash, you believe that Morae would be grateful if you recovered her husband\'s amulet from the blood elves.','Bring Galaen\'s Amulet to Morae at Blood Watch.','<You tell Morae of your findings in the wreckage of the Cryo-Core.>$B$BSo... he\'s...$B$BI guess I knew on some level, but just wouldn\'t let myself believe it. It\'s not the news I was hoping for, but you have my deepest thanks for finding Galaen.','<Morae looks at you hopefully.>$B$BDid your search turn up any trace of Galaen?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4694insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4649,9580,'The Bear Necessities','As I\'m sure you\'ve seen in your time on Bloodmyst Isle, very little remains unchanged by our arrival. My training and experience has taught me that even the products of an environment like this one can be put to use.$B$BWith so few resources, we must rely on our ingenuity to provide for us. I\'ve been supplementing our stores with meat from the bears that wander this island. With the proper preparation, it can safely be eaten. If you\'re going to be out in the field, why not help replenish our stocks?','Bring 8 Elder Brown Bear Flanks to Tracker Lyceon in Blood Watch.','This will keep us supplied for quite a while, and preparing it for consumption will certainly keep me busy. Thank you for your help, $n.','How goes the hunt, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4695insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4650,9581,'Learning from the Crystals','Welcome to Blood Watch, $c. Seeing to the defenses of the outpost is my primary concern, but I\'ve also been tasked with a variety of other duties by our leaders at the Exodar.$B$BThe problem is that it\'s hardly safe to send out large amounts of researchers when the island is this dangerous. I need someone to gather a series of crystal samples from various sites on the island.$B$BThe first sample I need must come from the ravager infested ship debris south of the town and across the bridge.','Get an Impact Site Crystal Sample using the Crystal Mining Pick on the Impact Site Crystal and bring it to Harbinger Mikolaas in Blood Watch.','This crystal shard will give our researchers a baseline to compare against samples from other parts of the island, since it comes from one of Bloodmyst\'s less corrupted regions.$B$BI won\'t be able to send it off until we have a full set of samples, but this is a great start. If you\'re willing to help gather the other samples, I\'ll see to it that you\'re rewarded for your efforts.','Were you able to gather the first crystal sample?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4696insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4651,9582,'Strength of One','When the ship crashed, our menagerie was scattered on the northeast beaches of this isle.  I have been handed a key that unlocks the cage holding one of the deadlier specimens, a death ravager.  The creature is little armored but resistant to most magic.  It must be killed by a simple blade.$b$bTake this key and release the creature from both its prison and its pain.  We cannot afford to have it escape and cause even more damage to the ecology than we already have.','Unlock the Ravager Cage and kill the Death Ravager, then return to Ruada at Azure Watch in Azuremyst.','<Ruada nods solemnly.>$B$BThen it is done.$B$BYou are ready for your next lesson, $N, but I will not be the one to teach it to you. ','Have you put down the beast? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4697insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4652,9584,'The Second Sample','Now that we have the baseline crystal, we\'re going to need samples from more dangerous areas of the island to complete the set I\'ll be sending to the Exodar.$B$BThe next sample must come from the crystals controlled by the blood elves in the Bladewood area to the northwest of Blood Watch. I have heard reports that they alter and harvest the crystals for use in some magical apparatus. See if you can find one that has not yet been incorporated into one of their devices, and mine a sample from it.','Get an Altered Crystal Sample using the Crystal Mining Pick on the Altered Bloodmyst Crystal and bring it to Harbinger Mikolaas in Blood Watch.','<Harbinger Mikolaas examines the crystal shard.>$B$BThis shard is much different from the initial sample.$B$B<Harbinger Mikolaas holds the crystal up to catch the light.>$B$BDo you see how it pulsates like that? That\'s worrisome. I\'ll make a note in my report of the alterations the blood elves appear to have made to this crystal. Thank you again for your help, $N.','Do you have the second crystal sample?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4698insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4653,9585,'The Final Sample','There\'s just one sample remaining before I can send this set of crystals to the Exodar, $n. The final sample must come from the satyr stronghold of Axxarien to the northwest.$B$BI\'m not certain what to expect from this crystal sample, but I\'m sure there will be some signs of corruption. Take care to mine your shard from the crystal that looks like the ones you took your previous samples from, or else our researchers cannot make a valid comparison.','Get an Axxarian Crystal Sample using the Crystal Mining Pick on the Axxarien Crystal and bring it to Harbinger Mikolaas in Blood Watch.','<Harbinger Mikolaas accepts the last crystal from you.>$B$BThat rounds out the set. All that remains to be done is to box them and send them to the Exodar.$B$B<The harbinger seems glad to be done with the task.>$B$BDon\'t get me wrong, $N, I\'m sure the research is valuable, but we\'re faced with a number of other pressing problems out here. ','Have you returned with the last sample for my set?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4699insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4654,9586,'Help Tavara','Tavara, one of our herbalists, has been gone far too long in her search for herbs.  I fear she is hurt and in need of help, yet I cannot look for her myself.$b$bPlease find her and lend your healing if needed, fellow $c.  She was heading east towards some hot springs when she left Azure Watch.','Guvan at Azure Watch wants you to find Tavara and heal her wounds.','Thank you for helping Tavara. So many are unfamiliar with these lands and find trouble where they least expect.$B$BIt would honor me if you were to wear these robes. They mark you as one of the protectors of Azure Watch and a devout follower of the Light.','','','Heal Tavara','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4700insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4655,9587,'Dark Tidings','Giving the lifeless form of Vazruden the Herald the once-over, you discover a rolled letter, its seal yet unbroken.  An elaborate \"I\" is pressed within the blood-red ink.  Cracking the note open, the message that you read is most disturbing.$B$BForce Commander Danath Trollbane back at Honor Hold will definitely want to take a look at this!','Take the Ominous Letter to Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','It\'s signed by Illidan you say?! Let me have that.$B$B<The commander reads the letter, and then again a second time, thinking a moment before going on.>$B$BThis news that you bring is ominous indeed. Knowing this, we must accelerate our plans against Hellfire Citadel and this Blood Furnace. Because you have shown that you can get the job done, I want you to head up those plans.$B$BGunny will give you your next mission, though I suspect it will be far deadlier than your first.$B$BLight be with you, $N!','What\'s that you have there, son?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4701insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4656,9588,'Dark Tidings','Giving the lifeless form of Vazruden the Herald the once-over, you discover a rolled letter, its seal yet unbroken.  An elaborate \"I\" is pressed within the blood-red ink.  Cracking the note open, the message that you read is most disturbing.$B$BNazgrel back in Thrallmar will definitely want to take a look at this!','Take the Ominous Letter to Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','It\'s signed by Illidan you say?! Let me have that.$B$B<Nazgrel reads the letter, and then again a second time, thinking a moment before going on.>$B$BThis news that you bring is ominous indeed. Knowing this, we must accelerate our plans against Hellfire Citadel and this Blood Furnace. Because you have shown that you can get the job done, I want you to head up those plans!$B$BCenturion Caza\'rez will give you your next mission, though I suspect it will be far deadlier than your first.$B$BLok\'tar ogar, $N!','What is that letter you have there, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4702insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4657,9589,'The Blood is Life','That letter is going to get folks all riled up around here.  They\'ll think there\'s something we might do about all those new fel orcs being created if only we knew how it was being done.  It\'s bad enough that we have to fight the Burning Legion to the east.$B$BSo, it\'s your lucky day, sweetness!  You get to take a stroll into what they call the Blood Furnace inside Hellfire Citadel.  Sounds hot!$B$BGet in there, kill some fel orcs and bring back samples of their blood.$B$BYou think you can handle that?','Collect 10 Fel Orc Blood Vials and return them to Gunny at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','Out-frikkin-standing!  As of right now Private $N, you are my favorite person on the sorry remains of this sorry planet!$B$BI\'m sure that the eggheads are going to wet themselves when I hand that blood over to them for study.  Who knows, maybe we\'ll find a new weapon in the fight against those damned fel orcs?','You have that blood, darlin\'? Might be kind of important if we asked you to get it, you know?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4703insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4658,9590,'The Blood is Life','That letter is disturbing, and not just because it comes from the Betrayer.  We must know how they are creating these new fel orcs if we\'re to defeat them!  It\'s bad enough that we must fight the Burning Legion on our eastern flank, but now a new army of fel orcs to the west!$B$BYou must infiltrate this Blood Furnace inside Hellfire Citadel.  Bring back samples of blood from the fel orcs that you find in there.','Collect 10 Fel Orc Blood Vials and return them to Centurion Caza\'rez at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','I am impressed with your abilities, $N.  Not once, but twice now you have infiltrated Hellfire Citadel for us and accomplished what was asked of you.$B$BI will see to it that this blood is delivered to those who can unlock its mysteries.  Who knows, perhaps we can find a way to reverse the process?','Surely you have not collected all of the blood so quickly?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4704insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4659,9591,'Taming the Beast','When the $c first begins $ghis:her; path, $ghe:she; learns only to kill.  Now it seems you are ready for more.$b$bThe Stillpine furbolgs have provided a means to master the skill of taming without months of study.  They are able to carve a totem into the likeness of an animal, which you can use to temporarily bond with a creature of that type.$b$bFor your first lesson, take this totem and use it on the barbed crawlers found along the western coast of the isle.','Use the Taming Totem to befriend a Barbed Crawler and return to Huntress Kella Nightbow when you have succeeded.','I\'m sure the first thing you learned was how unsympathetic the crawler was during the bonding process.  It\'s all claws until they know you aren\'t there to throw them into a boiling pot. ','Were you able to harness the magic of the totem to befriend a barbed crawler?  They are feisty little creatures! ','Tame a Barbed Crawler','Tame a Barbed Crawler','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4705insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4660,9592,'Taming the Beast','The crawler was undoubtedly mean, but the timberstrider will test your resolve.  More powerful allies require more tenacity from the hunter.$b$bTake this taming totem and befriend a greater timberstrider.  They are found in the northern reaches of Azuremyst Isle.','Use the Taming Totem to befriend a Greater Timberstrider and return to Huntress Kella Nightbow.','Looks like the timberstrider didn\'t peck your eyes out.$B$B<Kella looks away for a moment.>$B$BNot that I thought that would happen, of course! ','The timberstrider is a powerful bird, often misjudged by predators with dire results.','Tame a Greater Timberstrider','Tame a Greater Timberstrider','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4706insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4661,9593,'Taming the Beast','You probably noticed the big cats known as nightstalkers when you tamed the timberstrider.  They are efficient and deadly hunters... and allies.$b$bUse this taming totem to befriend a nightstalker.  Hunt with the vicious cat and keep it from harm.  When you are finished, return to me.','Use the Taming Totem to befriend a Nightstalker and return to Huntress Kella Nightbow.','I must say, $N, you have learned far more quickly than I first imagined.  Looks like we won\'t need to use this last taming totem.  And honestly, I\'m not even sure what it is.  It appears to be some sort of monstrous lizard with wings and a long tail.  Oh well, perhaps another time!$B$BYou\'ve experienced enough to try it on your own now, without the aid of a taming totem.  Good luck! ','The nightstalker is basically a big kitty with razor sharp claws and an appetite for flesh...','Tame a Nightstalker','Tame a Nightstalker','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4707insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4662,9594,'Signs of the Legion','The armor scrap is forged from a deep black metal that seems to absorb light. Although it doesn\'t appear to be enchanted, there is an unmistakable sense of wrongness about it.$B$BSuch armor is only used by one force - the Burning Legion. The Legion\'s presence here can only mean that they\'re intending to mobilize the island\'s satyr against the draenei.$B$BTake action against the local satyr, then return to Blood Watch and show this armor scrap to Vindicator Aalesia. ','Kill 8 Nazzivus Satyr and 8 Nazzivus Felsworn, then bring Tzerak\'s Armor Plate to Vindicator Aalesia in Blood Watch.','You\'ve done well in bringing this to me, $N. This is, without a doubt, an armor fragment from a felguard.$B$BThen, it is as I feared. The Nazzivus satyr are renewing their contacts with the Burning Legion. If we don\'t stop them, the satyrs and their demonic allies will overrun us. I will notify Harbinger Mikolaas right away.','Yes, $C? What is it you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4708insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4663,9595,'Control','You have chosen the path of the $c, and so you must learn control. Magic, when unchecked, can corrupt souls and destroy worlds.$b$bTo fully understand, you must face one who has been consumed by magic. Travel to the beaches on the northwest coast of Azuremyst Isle and use your spells to decimate the murlocs. The display of power will attract the attention of the evil force lurking there, a Quel\'dorei magewraith. Defeat it.$b$bWhen you have finished, seek out Bati at the Vault of Lights in the Exodar.','Kill Murlocs of the Silting Shore to summon a Quel\'dorei Magewraith, then destroy it. Afterwards, speak with Bati at the Vault of Lights in the Exodar.','With every spell you must steel yourself against its seductive lure, using it only as needed for the purposes of good. Hopefully the wraith granted a glimpse of what you might turn into should you become careless--a mindless slave to magic.','Have you faced your nightmares?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4709insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4664,9598,'Redemption','I am responsible for putting paladins on the path to greater virtue as they devote themselves to the Light and defend our people from threats.$B$BThe time has come for you to take your first step towards being truly virtuous. If you accept it, I will give you a tome of divinity. In studying it, you shall learn some about the Light, and what is expected of you. If you understand it, and are capable, then you will succeed in attaining greater abilities.','Study the Tome of Divinity and speak with Jol.','You\'ve spent time reading the book, I hope?$B$BThen you should be prepared to have yourself tested. There are always tasks to be done in the wake of the Exodar\'s crash throughout these new lands: acts of compassion and understanding...people who need help...creatures to slay...$B$BBy proving you have the patience to help others, especially those who are less fortunate, you prove that you are a servant of the Light and of sound mind.','Welcome back, $N','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4710insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4665,9599,'<UNUSED>','In all things, paladins must reflect the Light, which supplements our strength. To strive to be divine for one of our kind does not mean we strive for godhood--we strive to be good in all actions.$B$BAlthough called upon to smite evil in these harsh times, you must always remember that it\'s aiding others that will truly set you apart from the other citizens. Compassion, patience, bravery--these things mean as much to a paladin as strength in battle.$B$BKnow this well, and never forget it.','Speak with Jol in the Exodar.','Thank you $N! I am glad that Young Furbolg Shaman is fine.$B$BYou truly are blessed with the Light! Therefore, you shall use it to brign back the light in everyone!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4711insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4666,9600,'Redemption','Your task then, $N, is to aid our new allies, the Stillpine furbolgs.$b$bSeveral of the younger Stillpine shaman stumbled across a Bristlelimb camp and were slaughtered to the last.  Take this Symbol of Life and resurrect one of the shaman.$b$bBristlelimb Enclave is located to the east of the road just after you cross the bridge spanning Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isle.  Speak with me when you have done this.\r\n','Jol wants you to resurrect a Young Furbolg Shaman with the Symbol of Life and return to her.','who.....who are you? .....Jol? Yes! Praise the Light! We are ok thanks to the forces Jol sent us to help in our battles. Yes I am fine...although I cannot say the same about my brothers....','','','Young Furbolg Shaman Resurrected','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4712insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4667,9601,'To The Bulwark','The blood knight Mehlar Dawnblade has requested an audience with you, $n.  Mehlar can be found at the Bulwark, guarding the passage between Tirisfal Glades and the Western Plaguelands.$b$bHe is not known for his patience.  It would not be wise to keep him waiting.','Speak with Mehlar Dawnblade at the Bulwark.','Ahh... it seems it is time.$B$B<Mehlar nods knowingly.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4713insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4668,9602,'Deliver Them From Evil...','You must get this information to your people, $N. While your brave acts have certainly slowed down the plans of Kael\'thas and his dark master, the attacks will undoubtedly continue.$B$BTake the traitor\'s communication to your leaders. They must see this for themselves. Perhaps they will be able to better understand some of what was written.','Deliver the Traitor\'s Communication to Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch.','<Exarch Menelaous takes the letter from you and begins to read it.>$B$BDamn them... Damn them all to the Nether. They\'ve had a spy watching everything that we\'ve done! And for how long?$B$BI will notify Velen at once!$B$BYou\'ve done us a great service, $N. Be on guard as I will be contacting you once the Prophet has given me instruction as to what to do.','You have returned!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4714insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4669,9603,'Beds, Bandages, and Beyond','Welcome to Blood Watch, $c. Please excuse the disorder you see around you. It\'s easy to take simple things for granted, like a fully furnished and stocked inn, until you\'re forced to build one from nothing.$B$BWe\'ve managed to salvage this pod for a building, but without the proper furnishings and first aid supplies, the inn is little more than a glorified tent. Nurguni at the Exodar has offered to put together a package to help with our most immediate needs, but I need someone to deliver this list to him.','Take Topher\'s List to Laando, the Hippogryph Master at Blood Watch.','So you need to go to the Exodar?$B$BThat\'s going to be a long trip, but don\'t worry, I have a way to get you there very quickly.','Good day, $N. Are you interested in renting a hippogryph?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4715insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4670,9604,'On the Wings of a Hippogryph','For a small fee, you can rent one of my hippogryphs to fly you to the Exodar.$B$BTaking the hippogryph is a faster, not to mention safer, alternative for someone carrying an important message. If you\'d like to take a ride, speak to me again and I\'ll make the arrangements.','Purchase a hippogryph ride to the Exodar from Laando. When you land, take Topher\'s List to Nurguni in the Seat of the Naaru at the Exodar.','So you\'ve brought Topher\'s list. Excellent! I was hoping to receive this today. Let\'s see what he needs.$B$B<Nurguni reads over the list and begins placing various items in a box.>$B$BThat\'s most of what he requested. The pieces for the beds are simply too large to be delivered by hippogryph, but I\'ll make arrangements to have them sent by wagon. ','Greetings, friend. You look like you\'ve come a long way. How can I help you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4716insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4671,9605,'Hippogryph Master Stephanos','Here\'s the box, $N. That should be enough for Topher to get the inn up and running. Let him know that he can keep sending in orders as the need arises. Blood Watch urgently needs a place to care for the wounded and put up any travelers they receive.$B$BWhen you\'re ready to return to Blood Watch, seek out Stephanos near the gates of the Exodar.','Find Stephanos outside the Exodar and purchase a hippogryph ride back to Blood Watch.','So you\'re headed back to Blood Watch with this package? No problem at all, $C. Just speak with me again and we\'ll get you on your way with those supplies.','Where are you headed, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4717insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4672,9606,'Return to Topher Loaal','If I remember correctly, Blood Watch\'s hippogryph master is Laando.  If you\'ve spoken to him before, then you can take one of my hippogryphs to him.$B$BThat\'s a good lesson to know: hippogryphs are always trained to fly to their capital city, but they\'ll only take you to a remote hippogryph master after you\'ve already been there.$B$BSince you arrived on one of Laando\'s hippogryphs, you can also use that route to return to Blood Watch with the caregiver\'s supplies.','Speak with Stephanos to purchase a hippogryph ride back to Blood Watch. Once you have arrived, deliver Nurguni\'s Supplies to Caregiver Topher Loaal.','<Handing Topher the box, you tell him that Nurguni is making arrangements to have the larger items delivered by wagon.>$B$BSplendid! Now, I\'ll finally be able to set up some beds and a first aid station so that we can better treat the wounded and any survivors we encounter.$B$BI can\'t thank you enough for your help, $N. You have my thanks and that of the Blood Watch\'s vindicators.','Welcome back, $N. Was Nurguni able to gather everything on the list? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4718insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4673,9607,'Heart of Rage','$C, put together a force to investigate the Blood Furnace inside Hellfire Citadel at once!  And that means today, princess!$B$BThe magic we have at our disposal indicates that something unnatural is occurring in there.  But something more powerful inside is blocking any detailed arcane investigations.  It figures!$B$BYou can expect heavy resistance - no other mission that we\'ve sent in there has yet to return!$B$BScout it entirely and then report back to the force commander with what you witness.','Fully investigate the Blood Furnace and then report to Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','THEY HAVE A PIT LORD?!$B$B<The force commander looks around at the stares of the others and then lowers his voice to a whisper.>$B$BThat seals it.  They must be using the blood from this pit lord to create new fel orcs that are somehow not aligned with the Burning Legion.  And if they can do this to the brown orcs, they can do it to the green ones too.  With all of the new Horde orcs streaming in through the Dark Portal, that\'s not good!$B$BWe must strike at the heart of their military might, and soon!','','Fully Investigate The Blood Furnace','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4719insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4674,9608,'Heart of Rage','$C, you must gather a group to investigate the Blood Furnace inside Hellfire Citadel at once!$B$BThe magical scrying that we have at our disposal indicates that something unnatural is occurring in there.  But a powerful force inside is blocking any detailed arcane investigations, so it must be very important.$B$BYou should expect heavy resistance - no other mission that we\'ve sent in there has ever returned!$B$BScout it entirely and then report back to Nazgrel, advisor to Thrall, with what you witness.','Fully investigate the Blood Furnace and then report to Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','THEY HAVE A PIT LORD?!$B$B<Nazgrel notices the glances of the others assembled and lowers his voice to a whisper.>$B$BThat seals it. They must be using the blood from this pit lord to create new fel orcs that are somehow not aligned with the Burning Legion. And if they can do this to the Mag\'har brown orcs, they can do it to us!$B$BWe\'ll have to strike at the heart of their military might, and soon!','Have you scouted all of the Blood Furnace yet? What do you have to tell me?','Fully Investigate The Blood Furnace','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4720insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4675,9609,'Help Watcher Biggs','Magtoor has informed me that there\'s a stranded watcher nearby.  Apparently the caravan he was escorting from Darkshire was attacked by Lost Ones.  It sounds as if he\'s the sole survivor.$B$BHe\'s somewhere to the south.  Please, $c, lend him your aid.','Find Watcher Biggs in the Swamp of Sorrows.','What? A draenei sent you here from the Harborage? How odd.$B$BWell, I\'m not one to turn down assistance. Thanks for coming, $C!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4721insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4676,9610,'Pool of Tears','I am interested in studying Azeroth\'s past and I\'m wondering if you\'d be willing to help?$B$BThere is a nearby place of historical significance within the swamp that I would like for you to venture to.  The Pool of Tears lies to the southeast.  It is said that upon its shores and within its depths are buried artifacts of the Atal\'ai troll civilization.$B$BBut beware, it is guarded by Somnus, an ancient green dragon, and his dragonkin, as well as carnivorous fish in the pool itself!','Obtain 10 Atal\'ai Artifacts and return them to Holaaru at the Harborage in the Swamp of Sorrows.','I thank you, $C.  The study of these artifacts should keep me occupied for some time.  How else are we Broken and draenei to fit in if we do not come to understand the history of your world?','I look forward to you gathering enough of the Atal\'ai artifacts so that I might begin to study them.  I\'m eager to discover what happened to their once-great civilization.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4722insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4677,9612,'A Hearty Thanks!','You saved my life, $N! Thank you so much! That beast would have torn me to shreds if it weren\'t for you.$B$BIf you see the exarch at Azure Watch, tell him of what you did. I\'m sure he\'ll be pleased to hear such news!','Speak with Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch.','Well done, $N. Well done indeed! You are turning out to be a special $R - a cut above the others of your age. Take this as a reward!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4723insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4678,9616,'Bandits!','This appears to be a bounty ledger. You cannot understand the blood elf language but you note that there is a picture depicting a dead draenei, a smiling blood elf standing over the corpse, and a symbol of what you think is some sort of blood elf currency.$B$BThey\'ve put a hit out on draenei! You must inform the exarch.','Take the Blood Elf Communication to Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch.','By the beardless, geometric head of O\'ros! It is good you brought this to me, $N. These blood elves are out for... well, blood. Velen will be informed at once! Take this as a reward.','Yes? I\'m very busy, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4724insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4679,9617,'Seek the Farstriders','Lieutenant Dawnrunner at Farstrider Retreat has requested an audience with all able hunters.  It would greatly benefit you to seek her out, $N.  She is a beacon of wisdom for those of our calling.$b$bFarstrider Retreat lies south of Silvermoon City.','Speak with Lieutenant Dawnrunner at Farstrider Retreat.','$N, it is good you have come. Our list of allies grows thin, and even those who share our cause are not completely trusted. It is because of this that we, the rangers, turn to nature for aid.$B$BIn the allies of the forest we find a deep bond that does not know deceit.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4725insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4680,9618,'Return the Reports','Your sleight of hand was most impressive.  There\'s no question that I can trust you to take these reports to Zelanis.','Bring Keltus Darkleaf\'s Reports to Zelanis in Silvermoon City.','All of these reports are from Keltus?  He\'s been quite busy, that\'s for sure.$B$BKeltus is a $c among rogues--he rarely follows orders to the letter, and often takes matters into his own hands!  Don\'t take that wrong, however, as he is one of my most trusted spies and we would be lost without him.$B$BYou\'ve done an exemplary job today.  Please accept this blade and guide it into our enemy\'s back. ','Were you able to locate Keltus? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4726insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4681,9619,'The Rune of Summoning','The voidstone reveals a vision of a multi-story building haunted by ghostly figures.  As the scene sharpens and blurs, other buildings come into view, leading you to believe it is Goldenmist Village.$b$bRooftops and tree canopies suddenly flash by, revealing the way to Goldenmist by following the Elrendar River to the west.$b$bOnce there, use the voidstone near the rune of summoning atop the center building and defeat the summoned voidwalker.  Only then can you return to your teacher.','Use the Voidstone to summon a Voidwalker in Goldenmist Village, defeat it, and return to Talionia in Silvermoon City.','I\'m impressed you are standing here, $N. Many an apprentice has perished to the voidwalker, or even the voidstone itself.$B$BThe voidwalker is now yours to command. Use your new servant well.','','','Summoned Voidwalker slain','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4727insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4682,9620,'The Missing Survey Team','As we\'ve gotten ourselves established here at Blood Watch, I\'ve been sending out survey teams to create more reliable maps of the island. In most cases, they returned unharmed with the data we need, but the team I sent east to the ruins hasn\'t reported back.$B$BI worry about what might have happened to them, but I can\'t spare the men to send another mission after them. Find them, $N, and lend them any assistance they require to return with their survey data.','Harbinger Mikolaas wants you to find the Survey Team he sent to the Ruins of Loreth\'Aran and assist them in any way you can.','The bodies of the $R survey team are scattered all over the ground here, pierced by naga weaponry. The area is littered with the remains of their supplies and survey equipment, but their data crystals are nowhere to be seen.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4728insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4683,9621,'Envoy to the Horde','There were doubts about our capabilities among our potential new allies.  Of what use could we be to them when perceived as unable to deal with our problems at home?$B$BThis changes everything.  No longer will our power be questioned.  We\'ll be able to join the Horde as equals.$B$BTake this letter to Sylvanas, ruler of the Forsaken.  She\'s already on our side but the news of Dar\'Khan\'s death will be music to her ears.  Prepare for a long trip, $N.  If all goes well she will send you to Orgrimmar.','Bring the Letter from Lor\'themar Theron to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in Undercity, the Forsaken capital in Tirisfal Glades.','It is done then.  The foul traitor got what he deserved.$B$BYou did this yourself?  An impressive feat that proves that your race remains worthy, $N.$B$BI see that Lor\'themar has additional news that will greatly improve his relations with Thrall. ','Ah, a visitor from Quel\'Thalas!  What news do you bring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4729insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4684,9622,'Warn Your People','The Hold is saved and soon my people will make their way back to the ancestral home. The prophecy has come to pass and a new age of prosperity begins for the Stillpine.$B$BBut I fear that darkness looms ahead for your own people. There are questions left unanswered - visions of prophecy unseen.$B$BReturn to your leaders and tell them of what you have seen here.$B$BAnd Promised One, should you ever require the aid of Stillpine, you have merely to ask.','Speak with Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch.','Visions you say? Interesting... And this prophecy has come to pass?$B$BBut you say they saw the power core of the Exodar? And O\'ros was also in the vision? What can it mean?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4730insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4685,9623,'Coming of Age','You have survived the wilds of our new home and shown yourself a cut above the others. I believe that you have come of age to assist those battling on the front lines of Bloodmyst. The Hand of Argus could use a $r like you. $B$BReport to Torallius the Pack Handler. You will find him outside the Exodar, tending to the elekk. Give him these orders so that he may direct you towards your new duties on Bloodmyst.','Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch has asked that you deliver the Exarch\'s Orders to Torallius the Pack Handler, standing outside of the Exodar.','<Torallius sighs.>$B$BAlright, let me have a look at those orders.','<Torallius adjusts his eyepatch to look at you.>$B$BThis is the best we can offer the Hand of Argus?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4731insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4686,9624,'A Favorite Treat','I\'ve made a wonderful discovery, $c. On the uncorrupted part of the island grows a remarkable fruit called the sand pear. They\'re found near the bottoms of the trees.$B$BI\'ve been preparing pies from them, but if I\'m not careful, the elekk will start to wander over and steal my fruit. I\'ve taken to gathering enough to share with the animals, but my stores are gone and the craving for pie has returned. Would you be willing to help gather the fruit I need for another batch of pies? I promise I\'ll share!','Aonar at Kessel\'s Crossing wants you to bring him 10 Sand Pears.','Did you have a difficult time finding enough? It\'s been taking me longer with each trip.$B$BSoon, I\'ll have to stop altogether since I won\'t be able to spare the time. Thank you for gathering the pears for me, $N. It gives me a chance to make a last pie or two before the season\'s out.','The sand pears are getting harder to find and, of course, that means less pie and fewer treats for the elekk here. Were you able to gather all the fruit I\'ll need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4732insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4687,9625,'Elekks Are Serious Business','Is he crazy? Entrusting something like this to some no-named $r youngling!$B$BJust remember this kid: You\'ll never make it as a Hand of Argus! You don\'t have the guts!$B$BI guess I\'ll have to humor him this time. Speak with Vorkhan at Kessel\'s Crossing on Bloodmyst Isle. Just follow the road north from here, and when it forks, just keep on going north.','Speak with Vorkhan the Elekk Herder on Bloodmyst Isle.','Well ya made it this far! Let\'s put ya to work before you get too bloodied up.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4733insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4688,9626,'Meeting the Warchief','I haven\'t lost any love for my homeland or its people, as you know.  I\'ve fought tooth and nail for Silvermoon to be allowed a place beside Undercity and Orgrimmar at the negotiating table.$B$BThis should silence any opposition. Take this letter to Thrall in Orgrimmar.  As leader of the Horde he will have the final say on accepting your race\'s pledge.$B$BI\'ve added my own seal to the letter as a personal endorsement.  Go northwest of the city and board the zeppelin bound for Durotar at the tower.','Lady Sylvanas Windrunner wants you to take the Letter Sealed by Sylvanas to Thrall in Orgrimmar, capital of Durotar.','<Thrall begins to read the letter.>$B$BSylvanas is a persistent one.  So she\'s sent one of Silvermoon\'s own champions... how does this change anything?','You\'ve come to see me, $r?  Speak and be quick.  I\'ve no time for the formalities of your race. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4734insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4689,9627,'Allegiance to the Horde','Your people suffered a great betrayal by the Alliance.  You\'ve succeeded in fending off Darnassian attacks as well as spies from Ironforge.  Now you\'ve defeated a powerful Scourge leader at the footsteps of your home.  Your worthiness is no longer in question.$B$BIt is now apparent that you need us and we need you.  Return to Lor\'themar.  Tell him I received his message loud and clear.$B$B<The warchief crushes the letter inside his palm.>$B$BWelcome to the Horde, elf.','Return to Silvermoon City and report back to Lor\'themar Theron.','Your work has helped advance our race\'s cause a tremendous deal. Not only does Thrall believe we\'re capable of handling ourselves in the face of the enemy, he also believes he can use our link with Outland as a means to reach his people.$B$BNot exactly the truth, but not a lie either.$B$BBrace yourself for great changes, $N. We are now officially part of the Horde.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4735insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4690,9628,'Salvaging the Data','It\'s too late to assist the cartographers in completing their mission, but it appears they collected the data Harbinger Mikolaas was expecting. The crystal storing their survey information was not among their ransacked packs, so it must be in the hands of the Wrathscale naga.$B$BYou know that Harbinger Mikolaas will be saddened by the loss of the survey crew, but would want to salvage the survey data.','Obtain the Survey Data Crystal from the Wrathscale near the dead cartographers and return it to Harbinger Mikolaas at Blood Watch.','<You tell Harbinger Mikolaas of the survey team\'s fate. He accepts the crystal from you, but remains silent for a long moment.>$B$BThey were good men, $N, and they knew their mission would be dangerous. I\'m grateful for your help in locating the team and recovering the crystal.$B$B<The harbinger\'s fists clench.>$B$BWe\'ve lost too many good men already, and our mission has only just begun.','Were you able to find out what was keeping the survey team from returning?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4736insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4691,9629,'Catch and Release','The Blacksilt murlocs on the southwestern coast are curious creatures. In some ways, they act barely sentient, yet in others, they show a remarkable degree of organization.$B$BI have a few theories about that, but no real way to test them until recently. I\'ve devised a method that will allow me to track the murlocs I\'m interested in without doing any lasting harm or interfering with their natural behavior. If you\'re willing to help with the marking, I\'ll gladly pay you for your assistance.','Morae at Blood Watch wants you to \'mark\' 6 Blacksilt Scouts using the Murloc Tagger. ','Well done, $N. I was worried that the marking device might malfunction, but it seems like everything went according to plan.','Did the device work? Have you marked the murlocs for my research?','Blacksilt Scouts Tagged','Blacksilt Scouts Tagged','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4737insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4692,9630,'Medivh\'s Journal','Your name is getting around, $N.  You\'ve made your way into and out of Karazhan - more than most mortals can claim.$B$BI need to ask a special favor of you.  As part of our research, the Violet Eye has been trying to track down Medivh\'s own journal.$B$BUnfortunately, none of the agents we\'ve sent inside have come out.  Wravien was the last to be sent; see if you can find him and see about any leads on the journal.','Archmage Alturus at Deadwind Pass wants you go into Karazhan and speak to Wravien.','A vast wealth of information... I could spend years here!  I\'m sure Dalaran will understand...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4738insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4693,9631,'A Colleague\'s Aid','There is a small detail I\'ve forgotten to take into account.  The residue of Medivh\'s essence contained in this bone fragment is completely devoid of life - just like Arcanagos.$B$BThere is a way, however.  And I know just the person to help us.$B$BTravel to Area 52 in Netherstorm and show the bone fragment to Kalynna Lathred.  She will know just what to do.','Take the Charred Bone Fragment to Kalynna Lathred at Area 52 in Netherstorm.','Alturus wants to raise a whole dragon back from the dead? Not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination.$B$BLet us discuss how we can be of mutual assistance, $N.','Alturus sent you. The stars spoke of your arrival.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4739insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4694,9632,'Newfound Allies','Harbinger Mikolaas has done a commendable job of safeguarding Blood Watch, $c, but our enemies are many and our resources few.$B$BOur weakness is well known to our enemies, but your contact with the forces of the Alliance is something they haven\'t accounted for. I have prepared a letter of introduction to the people of Auberdine, the closest Alliance settlement, proposing cooperation in the fight against our foes. Take it with you and seek out Huntress Kella Nightbow near the docks west of the Exodar.','Take the Letter of Introduction to Huntress Kella Nightbow.','I can help you get to Auberdine. Fortunately, it\'s only a short boat trip away! ','Greetings, $c. What have you there? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4740insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4695,9633,'The Way to Auberdine','If you wait out on the dock, you\'ll see the boat arriving from the port of Auberdine in Darkshore. Once it has offloaded its passengers, you\'ll be able to board.$B$BAfter a short journey, the boat will put in at Auberdine and you\'ll be able to deliver your message.$B$BIt\'s probably best to take this to Thundris Windweaver, an old friend of mine and a well-respected citizen of the town. ','Take the boat from the dock near Huntress Kella Nightbow to Auberdine. Once you have arrived in Auberdine, take the Letter of Introduction to Thundris Windweaver.','<Thundris accepts the letter from you and reads it quickly, nodding.>$B$BThe isles the $R call Azuremyst and Bloodmyst were inhabited long ago by my people. Some of the threats faced by Anchorite Paetheus and his brethren are ancient enemies of the night elves.$B$BI am certain that the people of Auberdine are willing to provide what aid we can to our new allies. As soon as I have spoken with the townspeople and the sentinels, I will send word to Paetheus.','Welcome to Auberdine, friend. What brings you to Darkshore?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4741insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4696,9634,'Alien Predators','One thing we\'ve learned in our travels is that extreme care must be taken when introducing wildlife from one world to another. When the Exodar crashed, it was carrying specimens of various Outland species, including an insectoid predator called the ravager.$B$BSome of the specimens were lost, but many others survived and took to the wild. If we don\'t keep them in check, they will upset the natural balance here on the islands.$b$bYou\'ll find these ravagers to the west of Kessel\'s Crossing, near the coast.','Kill 10 Bloodmyst Hatchlings then return to Vorkhan the Elekk Herder at Kessel\'s Crossing on Bloodmyst Isle.','Well done, $N. The ravager population will bear watching for some time to come, but we\'ve made a good start.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4742insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4697,9635,'The Zapthrottle Mote Extractor!','The swamp gas is truly amazing, and can be very useful, mon!  But first, you gotta be able to suck it up, and that, my friend, requires a Zapthrottle Mote Extractor.$B$BNow, I could just give you the schematics, but I\'ll need something in return first.  How about some spare parts?  Last time I checked, there were plenty laying around near the broken steam pump at the Dead Mire, far to the northeast.$B$BI heard that the withered giants spread the pieces all over that dried-out lake bed.','Bring 15 Steam Pump Parts to Mack Diver at Zabra\'jin in Zangarmarsh.','Alright!  Now if we only had a stretchy loop, a parchment clamp, a guzzle tube and some sticky duck ribbon.  Then we could really make something!$B$BOk, ok, I guess you\'ve earned this, $N.  Have fun!','You got those parts yet?  I\'ve got some diving to do.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4743insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4698,9636,'The Zapthrottle Mote Extractor!','Have you seen the swamp gas?  Isn\'t it just shiny?$B$BIt takes a Zapthrottle Mote Extractor to suck \'em dry though.  I could give you the plans to make one, but I really need some spare parts to fix stuff \'round here.$B$BLast time I checked, there were plenty of parts laying around near the steam pump at the Dead Mire to the northeast.  I think the withered giants broke the pump out there.$B$BShall we help each other out?','Bring 15 Steam Pump Parts to K. Lee Smallfry at Telredor in Zangarmarsh.','Shiny!  And really, what engineer ever has enough spare parts just hanging around?  Ooh, maybe I could sell off the extra and buy me some of that Tigule and Foror\'s Strawberry Ice Cream?!  I just love strawberries!  Do you think they have any around here?$B$BOk, ok, I guess you\'ve earned this, $N. Have fun!','You got those parts yet?  I\'ve got a compression coil to fix before Anchorite Ahuurn starts breathing down my neck!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4744insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4699,9637,'Kalynna\'s Request','I left the Kirin Tor in pursuit of knowledge forbidden by those of my order; it is beyond ironic that I am now asked to assist them with that very same knowledge.$B$BIf I\'m to perform this favor for you, you will have to do something for me first.  I want you to obtain two of the tomes I\'ve been searching for.$B$BThe first one is called the Tome of Dusk and is owned by the orc warlock known as Nethekurse.  The second, known as the Book of Forgotten Names, belongs to the arakkoa known as Darkweaver Syth.','Kalynna Lathred wants you to retrieve the Tome of Dusk from Grand Warlock Nethekurse in the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel and the Book of Forgotten Names from Darkweaver Syth in the Sethekk Halls in Auchindoun.$B$BThis quest must be completed in Heroic difficulty.','Excellent, $N. I\'ve been trying to attempt these books for a very long time. It is fortunate that we were able to be of mutual assistance.','Have you obtained the tomes I seek, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4745insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4700,9638,'In Good Hands','Was I supposed to be looking for this journal?  It can\'t be... I don\'t quite recall...$B$BOf course!  It is Gradav you\'re thinking of.  He was looking for the book when I got here.  Surely he must\'ve found it by now; why don\'t you go ask him about it?$B$BI\'d lend you a hand... but these books are just so... interesting!','Speak to Gradav at the Guardian\'s Library in Karazhan.','Can\'t you see I\'m in the middle of something here? What do you want?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4746insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4701,9639,'Kamsis','Journal, what journal?  You\'re thinking of Kamsis, surely.$B$BGo and ask her about it.  I can\'t leave my project right now or all my work will be wasted!','Speak to Kamsis at the Guardian\'s Library in Karazhan.','The journal you speak of... I was sent here to look for it wasn\'t I?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4747insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4702,9640,'The Shade of Aran','Let me think for a second.  The Violet Eye... Medivh\'s Journal...  Why yes, it\'s all coming back to me now.$B$BI believe I had the journal you\'re looking for before I started to read these scrolls...$B$BAran... yes, Aran asked me for the book.  So nicely too.  I just had to give it to him.  He\'s Medivh\'s father after all, did you know?','Obtain Medivh\'s Journal and return to Kamsis at the Guardian\'s Library in Karazhan.','Did you find what you were looking for? You were looking for something, weren\'t you?','Weren\'t you looking for a journal or something?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4748insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4703,9641,'Irradiated Crystal Shards','The Exodar\'s crash scattered pieces of fouled crystals all over Bloodmyst Isle, corrupting the water and the landscape.$B$BWe\'ve even begun finding pieces of the crystals inside the flesh of animals taken for meat. I\'ve uncovered a way to purify the shard and turn them into functional crystals, so if you bring me enough shards, I\'ll trade one of my completed crystals for them. So far I\'ve found the shards in the bodies of bears, ravagers, flutterers, and treants inhabiting the corrupted part of the island.','Vindicator Boros at Blood Watch wants you to bring him 10 Irradiated Crystal Shards.','Well done. These will provide the raw materials for another batch of enhancement crystals.$B$BYou\'re welcome to choose from among the three kinds of crystals I can make. I find each of them useful for stalking different kinds of prey.','Have you gathered crystal shards from the creatures of Bloodmyst?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4749insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4704,9642,'More Irradiated Crystal Shards','If you have more of the irradiated crystal shards, I\'d be happy to exchange them for another of my crystals.','','Very well, here are the crystals that I have, $N. Use them well.','If you have more of the irradiated crystal shards, I\'d be happy to exchange them for another of my crystals.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4750insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4705,9643,'Constrictor Vines','A good woodsman makes use of every available resource, $c. Even the most bizarre creatures possess attributes we can use to our advantage.$B$BWith Blood Watch under constant assault from the Sunhawks, we\'re looking to a variety of natural defenses including traps. The lasher\'s thorny vines are perfectly suited to the construction of the traps I have in mind. The combination of sharp spines and deadly toxin will fell unwary attackers. Bring me the vines of mutated constrictors so that I can begin my work.','Tracker Lyceon at Blood Watch wants you to bring him 6 Thorny Constrictor Vines.','These seem sturdy enough to do the job. Thank you for your help, $N. Your contribution to Blood Watch\'s defense will not be forgotten.','Did you manage to get the constrictor vines?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4751insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4706,9644,'Nightbane','Our preparations are complete.  I have put the materials you gathered into this urn.  Take it to the Master\'s Terrace, where the fight took place, and set it on fire.$B$BThe energy released will bring life back to the charred remains of Arcanagos.  Defeat the creature and retrieve its essence immediately!  You will need to take it to Alturus.$B$BShould you fail, the stars predict you will have let a great terror loose upon the skies.$B$BA terror known as Nightbane!','Go to the Master\'s Terrace in Karazhan and use Kalynna\'s Urn to summon Nightbane.  Retrieve the Faint Arcane Essence from Nightbane\'s corpse and bring it to Archmage Alturus.','This is astounding! Not only have you brought back Medivh\'s Journal, but you\'ve also retrieved a fragment of his very essence.$B$BAs faint as this lingering essence is, it will reveal to us vital information about Medivh. We will not forget this, $C.','What news do you bring, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4752insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4707,9645,'The Master\'s Terrace','Journal?  What journal?$B$BOh, right.  That journal!  The Violet Eye sent me here for it.  It\'s all coming back now.$B$B<Kamsis points to a page in the journal.>$B$BThis is the page that Alturus is interested in.  Did you know that while other people\'s journals serve as a record of their memories, Medivh\'s is literally just that?$B$BTry it.  Go to the Master\'s Terrace and read the page; you\'ll see just what I mean.  Might as well report to Alturus while you\'re at it.  I\'m afraid I\'ll be here for a while.','Go to the Master\'s Terrace in Karazhan and read Medivh\'s Journal.  Return to Archmage Alturus with Medivh\'s Journal after completing this task.','It is a shame that the agents we sent succumbed to Karazhan\'s magic. At least you managed to obtain what they were after.','You\'ve returned! What news do you bring?','Journal Entry Read','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4753insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4708,9646,'WANTED: Deathclaw','By order of Harbinger Mikolaas: A bounty of 18 silver to be paid to the brave soul who returns with proof of the marauding bear Deathclaw\'s demise.$B$BDeathclaw should be considered extremely dangerous and is responsible for the killing of a survey team on the coast to the northwest of Blood Watch. Travelers are advised to avoid the area.','Bring Deathclaw\'s Paw to Harbinger Mikolaas in Blood Watch.','Well done. From what I\'ve heard, it couldn\'t have been an easy fight. You\'ve more than earned your reward, $N.','How can I help you, $c?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4754insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4709,9647,'Culling the Flutterers','When we first encountered flutterers, they showed few signs of mutation. As the corruption got progressively worse, the moths and other species began to show signs of contamination.$B$BIt has progressed to the point where they damage nearly everything they come in contact with. They\'re amplifying the damage being done by the crystal shards scattered by the Exodar\'s crash. We have no choice but to begin culling their population in the lands north of Blood Watch.','Tracker Lyceon at Blood Watch wants you to kill 10 Royal Blue Flutterers.','In time, we\'ll have to devise a plan for returning the species to its native state, but for now, periodically culling their numbers is about the best we can hope for. Thank you for your help, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4755insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4710,9648,'Mac\'Aree Mushroom Menagerie','Did you know mushroom hunting is far more dangerous than mushroom consumption? Mushroom hunters expose themselves to many unknowns - not including potential wildlife dangers!$B$BWhat would life be without a little danger? I am in need of mushrooms for my collection. Scattered throughout these unexplored wilds you will find four different types: An aquatic stinkhorn, a blood mushroom, a ruinous polyspore, and a fel cone fungus. They are each unique to various regions in Bloodmyst. Bring them to me.','Jessera of Mac\'Aree at Blood Watch wants 1 Aquatic Stinkhorn, 1 Blood Mushroom, 1 Ruinous Polyspore, and 1 Fel Cone Fungus.','Well, I did warn you - did I not? Hopefully this payment more than makes up for the mild discomfort that you may have suffered. Return to me when you have gained strength and perhaps I will have another job for you - mushrooms of course!','Remember, the mushrooms I requested are each unique to the different environments of Bloodmyst.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4756insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4711,9649,'Ysera\'s Tears','Good to see you again, $N! You were exceptionally efficient in completing the last task that I offered you. Perhaps you would be interested in another?$B$BTo the northeast lies Wyrmscar Island, home to a rare species of mushroom known as Ysera\'s tear - named after the green dragonlings that inhabit the island. I only require a small sampling of the mushroom, but I must warn you that the denizens of the island do not welcome visitors. Tread carefully.\r\n','Jessera of Mac\'Aree at Blood Watch wants 2 Ysera\'s Tears.','I hope this wasn\'t too strenuous a task, $N. Once again you have proven yourself a competent and considerate $r. I offer my gratitude and a small bit of monetary compensation.\r\r\n','Back so soon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4757insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4712,9663,'The Kessel Run','You\'re just in time, $N. Blood elf activity in this area has doubled in the past week. Our agents have informed us that the blood elves that call themselves Sunhawks plan to launch an offensive upon Azuremyst soon. I need you to get a warning out to our allies and compatriots.$B$BWarn High Chief Stillpine at Stillpine Hold, Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch and Admiral Odesyus at Odesyus\' Landing.$B$BTime is of the essence so I am lending you my elekk. Be sure to keep it out of water.','Kessel at Kessel\'s Crossing wants you to warn High Chief Stillpine at Stillpine Hold, Exarch Menelaous at Azure Watch and Admiral Odesyus at Odesyus\' Landing of the imminent blood elf invasion. Return to Kessel when you complete this task. You have 15 minutes. (Be sure to keep it out of water.)','Well done, $N. This was a difficult test of your abilities, but you have passed with flying colors. To become a soldier of the Hand of Argus, you must pass many such tests.','','','High Chief Stillpine Warned','Exarch Menelaous Warned','Admiral Odesyus Warned','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4758insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4713,9664,'Establishing New Outposts','Welcome to the Plaguelands, $n. As you know, the Forsaken and their allies hold the lands to the west of here against our best efforts. The Alliance commanders have decided that here in the east, we will establish new fortifications to tighten the noose around our enemies.$b$bTowers long abandoned since the days of Lordaeron are to be seized and rebuilt for this purpose. These lands are dangerous, and we could use your help.','Capture Crown Guard Tower, Eastwall Tower, Northpass Tower and Plaguewood Tower in the Eastern Plaguelands, then return to Emmisary Whitebeard at Light\'s Hope Chapel.','Very good, $N. It will be important for us to hold these towers against future attacks, and for that we may need your assistance until reinforcements can be brought in to secure the area.','When the towers are under our control, we will soon be able to surround the Forsaken. After that, it is only a matter of time before we can crush them.','','Capture Crown Guard Tower','Capture Eastwall Tower','Capture Northpass Tower','Capture Plaguewood Tower',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4759insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4714,9665,'Bolstering Our Defenses','Agents of the Forsaken uncovered an Alliance plot to establish new bases here in the Eastern Plaguelands, at abandoned towers throughout the area.$b$bIt is imperative that we not allow them to establish a significant presence on our eastern borders, and so we must stave off this Alliance incursion. Our current plans are to drive them out of any towers they may have already seized, and occupy those that we have under our control against further attacks.','Capture Crown Guard Tower, Eastwall Tower, Northpass Tower and Plaguewood Tower in the Eastern Plaguelands, then return to Emmisary Gormok at Light\'s Hope Chapel.','This is good news, $N. It will be a constant struggle here in the Plaguelands until we have fully driven back the forces of the Alliance.$B$BUntil that day, I hope that we will have your continued assistance.','They must be fools to think that we would allow them to establish bases so close to one of our capitals.$B$BWe will bleed their numbers until they turn tail and retreat back to the south.','','Capture Crown Guard Tower','Capture Eastwall Tower','Capture Northpass Tower','Capture Plaguewood Tower',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4760insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4715,9666,'Declaration of Power','Have you seen the serpent men? The ones that call themselves naga?$B$B<Kessel spits.>$B$BThey dared make an advance upon this camp under cover of darkness only three nights ago. Can you believe the audacity of those primitive beasts?$B$BI need you to deliver a message to their leadership, $N. To the northeast is Wrathscale Lair, home to Lord Xiz. Find him, slay him where he stands and drive this banner through his corpse.$B$BLet them know fear whenever they should see our standard!','Kessel at Kessel\'s Crossing on Bloodmyst Isle wants you to kill Lord Xiz at Wrathscale Lair and drive the Draenei Banner through his dead body.','I am sorry that you had to do that, $N. Heavy-handed violence is not the $R way, but sometimes it is the only way.$B$BThis is one of life\'s truths that many do not understand until it is too late. So it was for our people, when we were slaughtered at the hands of the orcs.$B$BBecoming a Hand of Argus is a process of rebirth. And with birth comes pain...','Is it done?','Declaration of Power','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4761insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4716,9667,'Saving Princess Stillpine','Help me, $N! The Bristlelimb captured me and are planning to sacrifice me to their foul gods!$B$BHigh Chief Bristlelimb holds the key that opens the cage. To force him to appear, you must slaughter the evil Bristlelimb furbolgs that inhabit the enclave, just two camps to the west of this camp. If you kill enough of them, he will surely come for vengeance! When he shows up, kill him and get the key!$B$BMy father will richly reward you if you can save me!','Release Princess Stillpine from her cage and then speak with Stillpine Ambassador Frasaboo at Blood Watch.$B$BYou must kill High Chief Bristlelimb for the key that opens the cage.','Once again you have proven yourself to be all that was prophesied. You have the eternal gratitude of the high chief $N -- and these Stillpine relics to choose from...','','Princess Stillpine Saved','Princess Stillpine Saved','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4762insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4717,9668,'Report to Exarch Admetius','A Hand of Argus soldier is many things: Obedient, brave, intelligent, and above all, honorable. You may yet exhibit some of these traits, $c.$B$BReport to Exarch Admetius at Blood Watch if you are still interested in joining the Hand. He and his subordinates will further train you in the ways of the draenei soldier.$B$BAnd remember this, $N: Honorable people do not always perform honorably. Sometimes they cannot.$B$BYou will find Blood Watch just up this road, to the north.','Speak with Exarch Admetius at Blood Watch.','I had a feeling that you would make it this far, $C. If you are willing to go further, I am willing to teach you...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4763insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4718,9669,'The Missing Expedition','About a week ago, my research team and I were out exploring the western wilds of Bloodmyst when we were attacked by bloodthirsty spiders. The effect of the crystal contamination was clearly evident as these spiders were massive and extremely aggressive.$B$BI managed to escape but my team wasn\'t so lucky. We must not let the same fate befall others. Go west to the Amberweb Pass and destroy the spiders and their matriarch, Zarakh.','Kill 8 Myst Spinners, 8 Myst Leechers and their leader, Zarakh. Return to Achelus at Blood Watch when the task is complete.','Incredible! Did you find any survivors?$B$B<Achelus lowers his voice to a whisper.>$B$BI\'ll be honest, $N; nobody else was willing to take on this mission. You are a brave $c...','It was a terrible mess... ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4764insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4719,9670,'They\'re Alive! Maybe...','It was a bloody mess, $N. We were ambushed by a large pack of these spiders. Their progenitor descended upon us with incredible speed and wrapped us up in cocoons.$B$BAfter we were webbed, she began to lay eggs near us. We were to be food for her young! FOOD!$B$BI managed to cut my way out and escape but I will not leave the others behind. So far I\'ve been unsuccessful in nearing the pass. Would you lend a hand?$B$BDestroy those cocoons! Hopefully some of our team is still alive!\r\n','Researcher Cornelius has asked that you free 5 Expedition Researchers.','You rescued over half the team! Word of your deed will definitely get back to Blood Watch and the exarch. Thanks again, $N.','Any luck?','Expedition Researcher Freed','Expedition Researcher Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4765insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4720,9671,'Urgent Delivery','','Talk to Messenger Hermesius','Are you $N? It\'s about time! I\'d just about given up on finding you!$B$BThere\'s an urgent message waiting for you at the mailbox. The person that gave it to me was a human admiral from Azuremyst. Admiral Odesy-something... the name escapes me. He said you would know who he was.$B$B<Hermesius shrugs.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4766insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4721,9672,'The Bloodcurse Legacy','Dear friend,$B$BMy hand trembles as I ink this letter. I pray that it reaches you in time.$B$BLast night, Edward Hanes, captain of the ship \'Lost Hope\', appeared before me in my tent. The same Edward Hanes that died of scurvy 20 years ago.$B$BThis apparition told me a tale that made my heart tremble. A tale that I need you to hear and a mission that I need you to accomplish. Will you do it? Will you seek out Edward on Wyrmscar Island, northeast of your base?$B$BRegards,$B$BAdmiral Odesyus\r\n','Admiral Odesyus has asked that you find and speak with Captain Edward Hanes.','Have you heard of the bloodcurse, landlubber? No, of course you haven\'t. The bloodcurse is what sunk all these ships. The spoiled, desecrated part of the water here is known as Bloodcursed Reef - a part of the world you never want to visit. I\'ve been here myself for 20 years.$B$BScurvy my foot! I died on these wild shores as food for the dragons... Ah, but that\'s another story for another time. Right now, we have to help the poor souls that are trapped in that reef.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4767insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4722,9673,'Beast Training','Beyond bonding with your chosen pet, there remains the intricacies of caring and training it.  For this, Halthenis the beast trainer of Silvermoon City can show you the way.$b$bHe always shows the utmost respect for my students, if they do the same for him.  Do not disappoint me.','Speak with Halthenis in Silvermoon City.','So you\'ve learned a bit, have you?$B$B<Halthenis looks at you carefully.>$B$BYou\'ll serve the city, and our greater cause, well with your newly-learned skills. Allow me a moment to show you how to train your pet to do some interesting tricks, like disemboweling your enemy, and you can be on your way.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4768insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4723,9674,'The Bloodcursed Naga','They say when the world was sundered, this land cried the loudest. It was here that thousands of night elves faded into oblivion and in their place rose terrible creatures of hate - the naga.$B$BObedient to their twisted queen, Azshara, they would destroy all that would dare pass through their sea. It would remain this way for thousands of years - until now.$B$BThe first order of business is to remove the bloodcursed naga from the reef.','Captain Edward Hanes on Wyrmscar Island wants you to kill 10 Bloodcursed Naga.\r\n','A good start, but there\'s much more to be done!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4769insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4724,9675,'Beast Training','Oh, one more thing!  You\'ll want to speak with Ganaar at the Exodar.  He\'ll be able to teach you the last bits of knowledge necessary to care for your pet and train it.$b$bYou can find him in the southwest corner of the Traders Tier.','Speak with Ganaar at the Traders Tier of the Exodar.','Knowing how to feed and revive your pet from death is not just an extra \"tidbit\" as your last teacher so mildly put it. Even more so, training allows your pet to improve in ways they couldn\'t have on their own.$B$BI\'ve already learned much from the furbolgs, so pay attention and I\'ll pass the knowledge on to you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4770insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4725,9676,'Paladin Training','As you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you.  For young paladins here on Sunstrider Isle, your trainer is Jesthenis Sunstriker. Speak with Jesthenis and see what training he has available for you.  The things he will teach do have a cost, so bring some coin with you.$B$BYour trainer - as with all the trainers on Sunstrider Isle - is inside the Sunspire on the lower level.','Speak with Jesthenis Sunstriker - the Paladin class trainer - inside the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','I see the pride swelling in your chest. Already you fancy yourself one of the Blood Knights.$B$BIn time, you will earn your place among us. But first you must learn to harness and master the powers of the Light, hone your skills at arms, and prove your worthiness.$B$BYou must be prepared to endure the derision, fear, and revulsion of those you\'re sworn to defend. So it is among those who can\'t comprehend the price of the great power that safeguards them. Keep your head high and your blade at the ready, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4771insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4726,9677,'Summons from Knight-Lord Bloodvalor','$N, you have excelled in your early training and distinguished yourself among those who would become Blood Knights. You are ready to undertake the next phase of your training and, to that end, Knight-Lord Bloodvalor himself has asked to speak with you.$B$BI have no doubt that Knight-Lord Bloodvalor wishes to set a trial for you to test your abilities and training. You will find him in the Blood Knight headquarters in Silvermoon City\'s Farstriders\' Square. I wish you well, $N.','Speak with Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Farstriders\' Square in Silvermoon City.','Welcome, young initiate. That you have answered my summons so promptly bodes well for you.$B$BLet us dispense with pleasantries, then, as they are best left to courtiers and their ilk.$B$BYour rapid progress has caught my attention, $N. We will see if you have taken your lessons to heart.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4772insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4727,9678,'The First Trial','You have learned much of combat and bloodshed, initiate, but there is much more to our order.$B$BMastery of the Light requires a focused mind and tremendous willpower. Without these, you are little better than a street thug.$B$BThere is an island in the northeastern reaches of the Ghostlands, called the Isle of Tribulations, that we use to hone these skills. You will find a brazier within a shallow cave there. Kneel before the brazier, light it, and focus on what you see before your eyes.','Travel to the island Knight-Lord Bloodvalor described, find the cave, and light the brazier. When the First Trial is over, return to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Silvermoon City.','I know what must be going through your mind.$B$BYes, I sent Stillblade to kill you.$B$BDo not take offense, $N; it was a necessary test. The Blood Knights are a brotherhood, but we must ensure that our brothers are alert and prepared at all times. Was it necessary to take Stillblade\'s life to make the point to you?$B$BYes, and that is as much a part of your training as any sword drill.','','','Undergo the First Trial','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4773insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4728,9680,'Digging Up the Past','Kamsis was right!  This information is extremely important.$B$BIf Medivh weaved his own essence into the magic he used to defeat the dragon, it is quite possible we could retrieve even a faint residue of that essence from the dragon\'s remains.  What great insight may lie beneath the ashes of Deadwind Pass, awaiting discovery.$B$BGo to the mountains south of Karazhan and bring me back a bone fragment of seemingly draconic origin.','Archmage Alturus wants you to go to the mountains south of Karazhan in Deadwind Pass and retrieve a Charred Bone Fragment.','Excellent! Though small in size, this fragment is teeming with energy, I can feel it!','Have you retrieved the bone fragment I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4774insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4729,9681,'A Study in Power','Do not think me unduly harsh, $N. Stillblade knew well what he was being sent to do. He understood and accepted his duty and is an example for all aspiring Blood Knights.$B$BMy words are no eulogy, $N. Stillblade\'s service to us is far from over and you will be the instrument of his resurrection.$B$BYour education in the use of the Light has focused on mere charms and parlor tricks thus far. The time has come for you to learn of the nature and breadth of our power. Seek out Magister Astalor Bloodsworn.','Speak with Magister Astalor Bloodsworn in the hidden chamber beneath Blood Knight headquarters.','Welcome, young $C.$B$BThe power of the Blood Knights is taken from a being of immense power.$B$B<The magister gestures to the large, captive being in the center of the room.>$B$BIsn\'t it magnificent? \'Twas a gift from our beloved Prince Kael\'thas, and it is the foundation of the Blood Knights\' mastery of the Light. This creature begrudges us its power, so we have devised a method for claiming it on our own terms.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4775insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4730,9682,'The Hopeless Ones...','On a ledge of the reef, deeper than where you found the bloodcursed naga, you will find the hopeless ones: The bloodcursed voyagers, ghosts of those taken by the bloodcurse.$B$BIt is regrettable, what I ask of you now... but they must be destroyed and their cursed shells brought back to me.$B$BTheir souls must be put to rest. Return to me when you have done as asked and I shall give you one final task.','Captain Edward Hanes on Wyrmscar Island wants you to recover 4 Bloodcursed Souls.','You have done the hopeless ones a great service, $N. There is but one final task: Destroy the leader of the Bloodcursed.','Do not mourn their demise, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4776insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4731,9683,'Ending the Bloodcurse','To the south you will find Bloodcurse Isle. Atop the island you will find a shrine dedicated to the beloved queen of the naga, Azshara. Destroy the statue - burn it in effigy! This will surely draw the ire of Atoph, the Bloodcursed leader.$B$BSlay Atoph and return to me!','Captain Edward Hanes on Wyrmscar Island wants you to destroy the Statue of Queen Azshara and kill Atoph the Bloodcursed.','You did it! Hundreds of souls are grateful for all that you have done.$B$BAllow me to make an offering...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4777insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4732,9684,'Claiming the Light','Take this vessel, $N. Invoking its magic will allow you to take this creature\'s power and claim it for yourself. With it, you will be able to restore your fallen comrade to life.$B$BThere are those who would say what we\'re doing is wrong, but much of what has befallen us is also wrong. Would they have us throw away such a gift?$B$BThey do not complain when our power is used to prevent the further destruction of Silvermoon. No, they object when they are safe from harm and indulging their magic addictions.','Use the Shimmering Vessel on M\'uru to fill it and return to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Silvermoon City.','Well done, $N. The powers granted by the Light will never come \'naturally\' to the Blood Knights, but we are not so naive as to be thwarted by the will of a single being, however powerful.$B$BOur mastery of the arcane has unlocked this path and these powers for you, initiate. Few have the stomach or the aptitude to wield them, but I know you will not disappoint the order.','Have you spoken with Magister Astalor Bloodsworn?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4778insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4733,9685,'Redeeming the Dead','While you were preparing the vessel, I sent a group of initiates to retrieve Sangrias Stillblade. You will find him on the top level of Silvermoon\'s inn with an attendant. Make your way there with all haste and unleash the vessel\'s magic to restore him to life.$B$BTime is of the essence, $N. Once he has been dead for too long, not even the Light can bring him back to us. Return to me once you have resurrected Stillblade.','Take the Filled Shimmering Vessel to Silvermoon City\'s inn and use its magic to resurrect Sangrias Stillblade.','Welcome back, initiate. Now that you know the truth about the source of our power and you have demonstrated your skill in wielding it, I will grant you the ability to resurrect the fallen in the field.$B$BStay true to the order and excel at your training and you will only continue to grow in power.','','','Resurrect Sangrias Stillblade','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4779insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4734,9686,'The Second Trial','You stand on the verge of adept status in the order, $N. First, you must prove your worthiness by undertaking another trial.$B$BThe Second Trial differs from the first in that there will be no surprises this time. The challenge before you is simple; you must face and best four Blood Knight champions in combat.$B$BWhen you accept the challenge, a crystal will appear in the middle of the pavilion. Touch it to begin your trial and do not stray far from the building.$B$BAre you prepared?','Complete the Second Trial by defeating Champion Bloodwrath, Champion Lightrend, Champion Swiftblade, and Champion Sunstriker in the pavilion near Master Kelerun Bloodmourn.','Well done, $N! You have proven yourself worthy of full membership in the Blood Knights and elevation to adept status. However, there are a few more tasks that remain before your induction can take place.','A Blood Knight would rather die than submit to the enemy. Remember that, $N.','Complete the Second Trial','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4780insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4735,9687,'Restoring Sanctity','Not long ago, the once tranquil owlkin of the region appeared on the shores of this island. One by one they would come to steal the bones of the fallen dragons. I do not know what would cause these creatures such distress or why they would want the bones of the deceased, but the spirits of the brood have grown restless due to this sacrilege.$B$BTo the west, across the Crimson Reach, you will find Ragefeather Ridge. Venture to the owlkin encampments and recover the pilfered dragon bones.','Prince Toreth on Wyrmscar Island wants you to recover 8 Dragon Bones.','A ritual? The owlkin had lived in harmony with the land for thousands of years. Such a thing is an aberration!$B$BSuch a pity...','The dragon wars have long since passed. All that remains are bones and the agitated remnants of Ysera\'s brood.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4781insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4736,9688,'Into the Dream','The whelps that you see on this island are the agitated spirits of the green dragonflight. Like me, they are bound to the land, unable to ascend to their final resting place in the Dream.$B$BRecovering the bones of the fallen has settled them somewhat but you must take further action.$B$BDestroy their ethereal manifestations. I cannot leave this place until it is done. They must be released!','Prince Toreth at Wyrmscar Island has asked that you slay 5 Viridian Whelps and 5 Viridian Broodlings.','As reprehensible as your task was, it had to be done. Now you must look into the face of evil.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4782insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4737,9689,'Razormaw','Many of the black dragonflight were slain during the attacks. One of them, a lieutenant of Deathwing himself, still haunts this place. If you look to the heavens, you can see his spectral countenance circling the skies. His hatred is so great that he remains even in death.$B$BTake the bones that you gathered for me earlier to the top of the mountain on this island and place them in the ever-burning pyre. This act should signal Razormaw to descend. When he does, slay his undead form.','Prince Toreth at Wyrmscar Island has asked that you slay Razormaw.','How long has it been? A thousand years? Ten-thousand perhaps? You have done me and the memory of my people a great service, $N. Please accept this item of power as a token of appreciation from Loreth\'Aran - in honor of your deeds.','I recommend that you bring allies, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4783insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4738,9690,'The Second Trial','Initiate $N, you have worked hard to master the powers of the Light won by our magisters. You have learned the source of our abilities and of the duties of a Blood Knight.$B$BThe time has come for you to undergo the Second Trial, and contest for status as an adept among the Blood Knights. The trial will be administered by Master Kelerun Bloodmourn at a location north of the city. Travel north through the Ruins of Silvermoon and take the east path immediately before the bridge to Sunstrider Isle.','Report to Master Kelerun Bloodmourn.','When you are ready, I will tell you more about the trial you are to undergo. Make your preparations and speak to me again when you wish to begin.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4784insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4739,9691,'Return to Silvermoon','Return to Silvermoon City and report to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor promptly. Your arrival will tell him all he needs to know about the outcome of the trial.$B$BHe will tell you of your remaining tasks on the road to becoming an adept. Hold your head high, $N. Many undertake this trial, but very few return to tell of their success.','Return to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Silvermoon City.','I knew you had the potential to pass the trial, $N. Your remaining duties are mostly ceremonial, but they are no less dangerous than staring down one of our champions with his weapon drawn. Listen closely, and I will tell you what else you must do to claim your new rank.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4785insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4740,9692,'The Path of the Adept','Before a newly-minted adept can be accepted into the ranks of the Blood Knights, $g he:she; must procure the resources  to create our order\'s distinctive weapon, the blood-tempered ranseur.$B$BYou must also earn the right to wear our order\'s insignia. When the order was founded, a set number were forged and distributed, so each new adept inherits $g his:hers; from a veteran. Your insignia will come from a fallen knight who bravely led an assault on Deatholme.$B$BI have prepared a set of notes to guide you.','Bring a Corrupted Kor Gem, a Crate of Bloodforged Ingots, a quantity of Blood of the Wrathful, and a Blood Knight Insignia to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Silvermoon City.','Excellent, $N. It\'s all here. All that remains is to forge the weapon.','Have you done all that was asked of you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4786insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4741,9693,'What Argus Means to Me','What does Argus mean to you, $N? Many draenei probably do not know or remember our home planet. It is there that we split from the man\'ari: the twisted demonic reflections of ourselves that were \'gifted\' by Sargeras. Or as they call themselves, eredar.$B$BEredar... this word once held meaning.$B$B<Admetius smacks his lips as if to taste the word.>$B$BDisgusting.$B$BLet us not waste anymore time. Find Vindicator Boros to begin your training.','Exarch Admetius at Blood Watch has told you to speak with Vindicator Boros.','Ah, $N... I\'ve heard about you. You\'re the one that made the Kessel Run in under 15 minutes, right? Bah, probably not.$B$BAre you ready to spill some blood in the name of the Light? For Velen? For Argus?$B$B<Boros laughs.>$B$BI\'ll slow down.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4787insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4742,9694,'Blood Watch','Blood Watch is one of two forward bases operated by the Hand of Argus. You have already been to the other base, Azure Watch; things are completely different in Bloodmyst. When we first got here, the land was as beautiful as Azuremyst. We even called it Silvergale but now sickness is spreading across the land, worse yet, the blood elves that we were battling on the Exodar survived the crash. This brings me to your assignment: Venture northwest into Bladewood and terminate any blood elves that you find.','Vindicator Boros at Blood Watch wants you to slay 10 Sunhawk Spies.','You have returned - and in one piece!$B$BI have some good news, $N. We have received some new information about the possible location of more survivors. A new crash site has been discovered! When I am done attending to those matters, I will call for you.','There are so many of them that I cannot help but think that they are somehow multiplying.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4788insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4743,9696,'Translations...','Our chief interrogator, Elysia, is fluent in Thalassian. Take the document to her and see what she has to say.','Take the Sunhawk Missive to Interrogator Elysia at Blood Watch.','<Elysia reads from the document.>$B$BIf what this document says is true, the blood elves have opened a portal to the Outland! It would certainly explain their seemingly endless numbers...','I\'m a bit busy here, agent $N. This better be important. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4789insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4744,9697,'Watcher Leesa\'oh','There\'s important research to be conducted into the ecology of the local creatures, especially the sporelings and bog lords of the marsh.  And trust me, once you get out into the field, you\'ll find the work to be challenging.$B$BSeek out Watcher Leesa\'oh at the Cenarion Watchpost in the western region of the marsh toward the south.  Follow the path west and you will eventually find her.  She can be a bit -- studious -- but don\'t let that get to you.$B$BOh, and watch out for her cat.','Speak with Watcher Leesa\'oh at the Cenarion Watchpost in Zangarmarsh.','Oh, good... help finally! There\'s just so much to do, and I need to stay here to organize it all.$B$BI hope that you\'re ready to get your hands dirty.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4790insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4745,9698,'Audience with the Prophet','I need you to deliver the translated documents to Velen personally, $N. I don\'t trust that deranged messenger.$B$BExplain to the Prophet that the blood elves are receiving reinforcements from the Outland and that they have a spy amongst the draenei at the Exodar. Velen resides in the Vault of Lights inside the Exodar.$B$BMake haste!\r\n','Take the Translated Sunhawk Missive to Prophet Velen at the Exodar.','<Velen begins to read the document.>$B$BInteresting... This does indeed explain much.','<Velen smiles.>$B$BGreetings, $N. I have been expecting you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4791insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4746,9699,'Truth or Fiction','I thank you for the timely delivery, $N. You are turning out to be one of the Hand\'s better agents.$B$BIf only we knew who they reported to in Bloodmyst and more importantly, where this sun portal was... They seem to have it tightly guarded - wherever it may be.$B$BWould you be interested in some reconnaissance work?$B$BIf so, take these orders back to Vindicator Boros. He will give you your next mission.','Take Velen\'s Orders to Vindicator Boros at Blood Watch.','It\'s a good plan, but a dangerous one. I\'m sure you\'ll be fine.','Well?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4792insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4747,9700,'I Shoot Magic Into the Darkness','Velen states that if the blood elves have been opening rifts between this island and the Outland, there will be residue or anomalies left in the areas where the portals have been opened. You must search the island for locations that exhibit or display these anomalies.$B$BBe warned, $N; some of these anomalies will be creatures from the void itself. Should you find void anomalies, slay them! Report back to me with any new information that you may find. Begin your search to the north, near the Warp Piston.\r\n','Vindicator Boros at Blood Watch wants you to locate the Sun Portal Site and slay 5 Void Anomalies.','How many did you say you saw at the Warp Piston? Just how many times have they opened up this sun portal? This is very bad news...$B$BAlas, you have learned all that I am able to teach you, $N. Kuros will call for you when it is time.','I\'ve been hearing reports of strange creatures appearing in the area. Whether they are mutated indigenous animals or true void anomalies is something that you need to find out.','Sun Portal Site Confirmed','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4793insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4748,9701,'Observing the Sporelings','We need to learn all that we can of the sporelings at Sporeggar and their relationship to the creatures around them.  One way to do that is what I\'m doing; passive observation while making a note of their interactions.$B$BI need you to head over to the Spawning Glen to the west.  Investigate the whole area and then return to tell me what you saw.','Investigate the Spawning Glen in Zangarmarsh, and then report back to Watcher Leesa\'oh at the Cenarion Watchpost in Zangarmarsh with your findings.','What?! The bog lords of Quagg Ridge are EATING the sporelings\' pods? This isn\'t good!','Back so soon? Your observation of the Sporeggar sporelings is critical to my research. I hope you aren\'t the type to rush things. Show patience and make certain that you have explored the entirety of the Spawning Glen before giving me your final report.','Investigate the Spawning Glen','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4794insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4749,9702,'A Question of Gluttony','I was wondering why the bog lords were crossing the road to go to the Spawning Glen - they must be starving for some reason.  This just will not do!$B$BI mean, normally I wouldn\'t get involved, but if they continue to eat all of the sporeling pods they\'ll wipe them out!$B$BHere\'s what we\'ll do: I\'ll stay here and you head to the Quagg Ridge to the east and look for dietary clues as to why they\'re raiding the sporelings.','Collect 10 pieces of Discarded Nutriment and then return to Watcher Leesa\'oh at the Cenarion Watchpost in Zangarmarsh.','This is what you found?  That\'s odd.  These husked mushroom remains are both unusual and somehow look familiar.$B$BI have to think on this a moment.  Don\'t go anywhere!','Be sure that you collect all of the evidence carefully, $C!  We\'re fitting the pieces of a giant puzzle together here.  A mistake on your part could lead us to the wrong conclusions.$B$BThen where would we be in our understanding of Zangarmarsh\'s ecology?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4795insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4750,9703,'The Cryo-Core','We have others pursuing leads on the sun portals, $N. I need you to focus on the task at hand.$B$BBoros has received new reports of another crash site. What we\'ve since discovered is that the crash site is actually the Exodar\'s cryo-core. This is a pod holding area that houses pods exactly like the ones we draenei crawled out of in Ammen Vale.$B$BThis area also holds medical supplies. Head to the Cryo-Core, directly west of Blood Watch. Search for supplies and search for survivors.\r\n','Vindicator Kuros at Blood Watch wants you to recover 12 boxes of Medical Supplies.','Just blood elves? No survivors? This is troubling. I\'ll need some time to think this through, $N. Perhaps Aesom or Boros have an assignment for you to complete.','Was the information accurate?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4796insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4751,9704,'Slain by the Wretched','It\'s hard work being an outrunner between Sunstrider Isle and Falconwing Square.  Tight deadlines, long hours and worst of all... the Wretched!$B$BThe road south goes through the ruins of Silvermoon... the place is crawling with Wretched ready to kill you for a few mana crystals.  Unfortunately, I think that\'s what happened to the last outrunner we sent with one of Erona\'s packages.$B$BI see you\'re eager to prove yourself.  Venture into Dawning Lane and see if you can find any traces of our outrunner.','Go south into the ruins of Silvermoon and look for the Slain Outrunner in Dawning Lane.','The outrunner\'s belongings have all been stolen with the exception of one package. It seems to match Alarion\'s description of Erona\'s package.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4797insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4752,9705,'Package Recovery','You take the package and confirm that indeed it comes from Magistrix Erona.  Alarion would probably want you to bring it to her.','Return to Outrunner Alarion with Erona\'s Package.','By the Sunwell!  That\'s the third outrunner we\'ve lost this month.$B$BI appreciate your courage in venturing into Dawning Street.  The guards need to keep a closer eye on these blasted Wretched.','What did you find, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4798insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4753,9706,'Galaen\'s Journal - The Fate of Vindicator Saruan','Your hands tremble as you pick up the book. Kuros must be told about this tragedy. Return the book to him.','Take Galaen\'s Journal to Vindicator Kuros at Blood Watch.\r\n','<Kuros\' face turns pale as he reads the journal; tears stream down his face.>$B$BSaruan was my master... my teacher... my mentor... I took his place among the Triumvirate only recently - after we had given up searching for him.$B$B<Kuros\' face contorts in anger.>$B$BMatis...','What have you got there, $N? Is that a journal?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4799insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4754,9707,'Forging the Weapon','Once again, you have proven yourself worthy before the order and your peers. It is with great pleasure that I bestow upon you the rank of adept, $N. Prince Kael\'thas himself would be proud of you.$B$BAny of us would be honored to fight by your side on the field of battle. Continue to serve as an example for those who aspire to join us. Show neither mercy nor weakness, defend your people and your brothers tirelessly, and hone your mastery of the Light.$B$BNow, claim the weapon befitting your new rank.','Take the Crate of Materials to Bemarrin in Silvermoon City.','It looks like you\'ve got everything I\'ll need. Let\'s get started!','Congratulations, $N. Achieving the rank of adept is no mean feat, believe me. I\'ve seen the number of people who enter that building, and how few of them last long enough to visit me bearing these materials.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4800insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4755,9708,'Familiar Fungi','Yes, that\'s it, I knew I had seen this particular phylum of mushroom elsewhere in the marsh!$B$BTo the north is a place known as the Hewn Bog.  Odd name for the place if you ask me, but I\'ve never been there.  I\'ll need samples of those mushrooms to confirm my hypothesis.$B$BJust be careful, $c.  I\'d heard that ogres have moved in to the area, so you\'ll have to get the samples from them.  Could that be why the bog lords are no longer going there for their food?','Collect 15 Mushroom Samples and return them to Watcher Leesa\'oh at the Cenarion Watchpost in Zangarmarsh.','We definitely have a match here.  And the presence of the ogres and what they were doing there explains everything.  Now I get why it\'s called the Hewn Bog, duh!$B$BWe have to do something about this situation, but what?  We can\'t just wipe out all of those ogres; they have every bit as much a right to be here as any of the other creatures in the marsh!','Do you have those samples yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4801insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4756,9709,'Stealing Back the Mushrooms','$C, I\'ve got an idea.   I want you to head north again, this time into the heart of ogre territory!$B$BNorthwest of the Hewn Bog there is a place named Ango\'rosh Stronghold, which sits on a floating island across a large mushroom bridge.$B$BThe ogres must be storing the harvested mushrooms there.  I bet you\'ll find them all over the place, and probably on the ogres themselves, too!$B$BBring me a sufficient number and I will try to do something about providing the bog lords with a new source of nourishment.','Collect 10 Boxes of Mushrooms and return them to Watcher Leesa\'oh at the Cenarion Watchpost in Zangarmarsh.','These are perfect!  Oh, thank you, $C!$B$BYou\'ve been ever so careful not to disturb the natural order of things, and we\'ve gathered so much information in such a short amount of time!$B$BNow, let\'s see if our little plan to grow a new food supply for the bog lords is going to work.','You have all of the mushrooms that we need to create a new garden for the bog lords?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4802insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4757,9710,'The Blood-Tempered Ranseur','I\'ve got everything prepared, $N. Very soon you will have a weapon befitting your new status.','Wait while Bemarrin forges your weapon.','Here it is, $N. Use it well in the service of Silvermoon and your order.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4803insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4758,9711,'Matis the Cruel','Matis will be brought to justice, $N; and I want you to be the one to find him and bring him back to the Triumvirate.$B$BScour the island for this bastard. Should you find him, use this flare gun. When my trackers see the flare, they\'ll come and assist in capturing Matis. Return to me after he\'s been captured.','Vindicator Kuros at Blood Watch wants you to capture Matis the Cruel.','The Triumvirate has decided to try Matis immediately. You have brought an arch-criminal to justice on this day, young $r.$B$BYou have performed admirably for two of three; only Aesom remains.\r\r\n','','Matis the Cruel Captured','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4804insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4759,9712,'The Thalassian Warhorse','You have distinguished yourself in the service of the order, $N. Your skill in wielding the Light energies granted by Magister Astalor and his fellows has proven you worthy to receive a new kind of knowledge.$B$BWith the Light at your command, it is possible to summon a fearsome warhorse that will serve as your faithful mount.$B$BContinue to serve with dedication and honor, $N, and even greater boons await you.','Talk to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor to learn how to summon your Thalassian Warhorse.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4805insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4760,9713,'Glowcap Harvesting Enabling Flag','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4806insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4761,9714,'Bring Me Another Shrubbery!','We can still use more of the sanguine hibiscus from the shamblers, bog giants and underbats of the Underbog at Coilfang Reservoir.  Bring them to me in bunches of five and I will be most grateful.','','We can still use more of the sanguine hibiscus from the shamblers, bog giants and underbats of the Underbog at Coilfang Reservoir.  Bring them to me in bunches of five and I will be most grateful.','These will do nicely, but we can always use more.  Perhaps you will find yourself in the Underbog again soon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4807insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4762,9715,'Bring Me A Shrubbery!','We must replenish our supply of sanguine hibiscus, which we use for a number of purposes.  They used to grow thick as shrubs, but the lowering of the marsh\'s water levels means that they can only be found now in the Underbog at Coilfang Reservoir, under Serpent Lake.$B$BIt is said that the shamblers, bog giants, and underbats there consider them a delicacy.  So, if you are to help us, you must retrieve the flowers from them.','Collect 5 Sanguine Hibiscus and return them to Gzhun\'tt at Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.','These will do nicely, but we can always use more. Perhaps you will find yourself in the Underbog again soon?','Do you have all of the hibiscus that I asked you to gather?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4808insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4763,9716,'Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake','We came to Outland expecting to find small pockets of life.  What we discovered in Zangarmarsh was a lush environment with a thriving ecosystem.$B$BOur initial assessment of the area was deceiving, however.  The water levels at the lakes and marshes have consistently been going down since we started taking measurements.$B$BThe impact this could have on the local animal and plant life is disastrous.  Go to Umbrafen Lake, southwest of here, and look for clues related to this water depletion.','Investigate the cause of the water depletion at Umbrafen Lake.  Then return to Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','The naga are behind this! But why? From what you describe, that steam pump must be part of the cause for the water levels dropping in the marsh!$B$BNo matter - this explains their open hostility towards us. Let\'s not waste any time, I need you to perform another task for us.','','Umbrafen Lake Investigated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4809insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4764,9717,'Oh, It\'s On!','While we are a peaceful people, we are at war with the spore giants, whether we like it or not.  And there is a saying amongst us that all is fair in mushrooms and war!$B$BOne of the leaders of the spore giants, Hungerfen, has been tending a very special plant, known as the Underspore, to perfection for millennia.  It would break his spirit if something were to happen to that plant.$B$BTravel to the Underbog in Coilfang Reservoir and steal a frond off of it for us.  Trust me, he\'ll notice.','Gather an Underspore Frond and return it to T\'shu at Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.','<The sporeling makes a sound that is vaguely reminiscent of snorting laughter.>$B$BPerfect! No doubt the morale of the spore giants will be at an all time low once they realize what you\'ve done.$B$BEither that, or they\'ll be so incensed that they\'ll attack us again soon.$B$B<T\'shu makes a shrugging motion.>','The Underbog is a very dangerous place. I would not consider you a coward if you were to balk at going there. I also wouldn\'t be appreciative of you if you did not return with what I\'ve asked for.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4810insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4765,9718,'As the Crow Flies','We must determine how widespread the naga\'s activity truly is and react accordingly.$B$BExploring each body of water in Zangarmarsh could be a lengthy undertaking.  If you allow me to, I will use my magic to mold your shape to one more suited to scouting the marsh.$B$BHold this amulet above the balcony near me when you\'re ready to begin.  I will guide your way back to safety after we\'re done.','Ysiel Windsinger wants you to use the Stormcrow Amulet to explore the major lakes in Zangarmarsh.','It is as I suspected.  The naga have set up pumping stations at all the major lakes in Zangarmarsh.$B$BThey must be stopped if the marsh is to have a future.','Hail, $N.','Lakes of Zangarmarsh Explored','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4811insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4766,9719,'Stalk the Stalker','Historically the greatest danger to my people has been from the marsh walkers.  With the new problems we are facing from spore giants, we cannot afford another attack from our ancient enemies.$B$BYou have proven yourself to be capable, $c.  Do you think that you\'d be able to journey to the Underbog in Coilfang Reservoir and eliminate the great mother of the marsh walkers, known as The Black Stalker?!$B$BBring me her brain as proof.','Bring the Brain of the Black Stalker to Khn\'nix at Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.','It is doubtful that the orcs will understand or appreciate what you just did but Nagrand is better off for the deed. Thank you, problem solver...','You have returned. Does this mean that The Black Stalker is no more?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4812insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4767,9720,'Balance Must Be Preserved','I cannot begin to comprehend why the naga would drain the water out of their own habitat.  What I do understand is a need to put a stop to their operations.$B$BThese seeds carry with them the rage of the earth.  Take them to the steam pumps operated by the naga and use them on their controls.$B$BThe vines that grow from the seeds will be as thick as your arm and as strong as iron.  Go, $N.  Restore the balance that the naga have upset.','Ysiel Windsinger wants you to use the Ironvine Seeds on the Steam Pump Controls at Serpent Lake, Umbrafen Lake, Marshlight Lake and the Lagoon.  Then return to her at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh with any leftover seeds you have.','It is done, then.  The marsh has been saved for now.$B$BDon\'t think for a second that this will be the last we hear of the naga.  We must remain vigilant of our enemy as we continue with our mission in Outland.  ','Is it done, $C?','','Umbrafen Lake Controls Disabled','Marshlight Lake Controls Disabled','Serpent Lake Controls Disabled','Lagoon Controls Disabled',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4813insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4768,9721,'A Summons from Lady Liadrin','Your dedication to our order and advancement through the ranks has not gone unnoticed. In fact, Lady Liadrin, leader of the Blood Knights, has asked to speak with you.$B$BThis is a rare honor, $N. Normally, Lady Liadrin leaves the management of the order\'s rank-and-file to me, but she has taken a personal interest in you. Do not tarry, $N.','Speak with Lady Liadrin in Silvermoon City.','We will discuss the purpose for your visit soon. First. let me say that I am indeed impressed by your service and your skill in wielding the Light.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4814insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4769,9722,'The Master\'s Path','Within the ranks of my order, there exists an inner circle of elite knights. Members of the circle represent the most dedicated, skilled, and trustworthy of all Blood Knights and are handpicked by the leadership. Most simply know the masters by their thalassian charger mounts.$B$BEach candidate for membership must have a sponsor within the circle and must demonstrate their dedication to the order\'s central tenets.$B$BI have chosen to sponsor you for standing as a Blood Knight master, if this is your wish.','Speak with Lady Liadrin again to accept her offer of sponsorship.','That you have chosen to accept my offer speaks well of you. $N. I wish you luck in the tasks I am about to set for you, but I\'m certain you\'ll prove yourself more than capable.$B$BI will present the tasks in order from easiest to most difficult and we may begin when you are prepared.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4815insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4770,9723,'A Gesture of Commitment','A Blood Knight\'s loyalty does not stop at the end of $g his:her; blade, $N. The order asks more of its members than mere drilling and combat. A true knight contributes to all of the order\'s activities, even the ones that may not seem glorious on the surface.$B$BThis first task is neither combat intensive, nor glorious, but without such contributions, the order would fall apart. I will give you a list of items Magister Astalor Bloodsworn\'s men require to keep us supplied with Light energy for our magics.','Bring 40 Runecloth, 6 Arcanite Bars, 10 Sungrass, 5 Dark Runes, and 150 Gold to Lady Liadrin in Silvermoon City.','Excellent. It appears everything is here.$B$BDon\'t worry. your next task will include plenty of opportunities to wield your weapon again, I promise.$B$BI\'ll have an initiate bring it all to Magister Astalor. There\'s no need to send you on such a trivial errand when there are more important things to be done.','Have you returned with the materials Magister Astalor requires?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4816insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4771,9724,'Warning the Cenarion Circle','The Cenarion Expedition has become a large organization with a good degree of autonomy.  These events are important enough that we need to warn the Cenarion Circle.$B$BDo not worry, I will not ask you to travel back to Moonglade; we have emissaries as nearby as Hellfire Peninsula.','Speak to Amythiel Mistwalker at Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.','The news you bring about the naga activity in Zangarmarsh is dire. Ysiel was wise in sending word to us. She hasn\'t forgotten that the Expedition cannot exist without the Circle\'s support.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4817insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4772,9725,'A Demonstration of Loyalty','We Blood Knights are bound to defend Quel\'Thalas, $N. This is a central part of your training. Our enemies are fierce and unrelenting. Silvermoon and its people remain free by our efforts and the support of our allies.$B$BI have received some disturbing reports of a renewed Scourge presence to the southeast of our border with the Eastern Plaguelands. A company of Scourge siege engineers and their equipment appear to be staging for an attack on the Ghostlands. They must not be permitted to succeed.','Lady Liadrin in Silvermoon City wants you to destroy 3 Scourge Meat Wagons and kill 15 Scourge Siege Engineers.','You have done well in demonstrating your loyalty to your homeland and dedication to the needs of the order. $N. I have one last task for you before you may lay claim to the title of master.','','','','Destroy Scourge Meat Wagons','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4818insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4773,9726,'Now That We\'re Friends...','The naga of the Bloodscale Enclave to the northeast have begun to kill our people.  We cannot allow this to continue, $c!$B$BWe suggest that you teach them a lesson as proof of our friendship.','Kill 12 Bloodscale Slavedrivers and 12 Bloodscale Enchantresses, and then return to Gzhun\'tt at Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.','<Gzhun\'tt nods to you.>$B$BWe are pleased that you have affirmed our friendship, $N. Perhaps the naga heathens will think twice about harassing us in the future now that we have such a powerful ally?','Have you paid the naga a visit yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4819insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4774,9727,'Now That We\'re Still Friends...','Reports have come in that the naga of the Bloodscale Enclave to the northeast continue to kill our people.  We thought that you had dealt with this, $c!$B$BI suggest that you to teach them a lesson as proof of our continued friendship.','Kill 12 Bloodscale Slavedrivers and 12 Bloodscale Enchantresses, and then return to Gzhun\'tt at Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.','<Gzhun\'tt nods to you.>$B$BWe are pleased that you have reaffirmed our friendship, $N. Surely now that you have made our point clear multiple times, their senseless attacks upon our people will cease?','Have you paid the naga a visit yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4820insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4775,9728,'A Warm Welcome','While the druids from the expedition have made themselves busy studying plants and researching the lakes, I\'ve made it my business to deal with the hostiles in the area.$B$BEver since we set foot in Zangarmarsh, the naga have launched lethal attacks against us without warning.  We\'ve done our best to keep them at bay, but our resources are limited.$B$BI want you to go to the various naga strongholds in Zangarmarsh and show them that we\'re not to be crossed.  Bring me their claws as proof of your victories.','Warden Hamoot at the Cenarion Refuge wants you to bring him 30 Naga Claws.','Good job, $N.  You\'d do well to shed any feelings of remorse you might harbor.  These naga are vicious creatures - even more so than the Azerothian ones.','It\'s good to see you again, $N.  How\'s your hunt for the naga going?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4821insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4776,9729,'Fhwoor Smash!','Little naga make Fhwoor angry!  Sporelings good friend to Fhwoor, so Fhwoor get naga ark.$B$BWe go into nearby naga village.  You help?  Bring friends!','Escort Fhwoor into the area of the Marshlight steam pump to retrieve the Ark of Ssslith.  Bring Fhwoor and the ark back safely and then report back to Gzhun\'tt at Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.','Fhwoor\'s a good giant. We saved him from the naga a while ago and he\'s stayed here helping us with things ever since.$B$BWe can only hope that the naga will take the hint and realize that if we can infiltrate their village and steal their most prized possession, we can do much worse. Perhaps now they will return to their reservoir and leave us in peace?','Is Fwhoor alright? Have you recovered the ark?','Ark of Ssslith safely returned to Sporeggar','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4822insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4777,9730,'Leader of the Darkcrest','A bounty is hereby declared by the Cenarion Expedition on Rajah Haghazed, leader of the Darkcrest naga.  Haghazed was last sighted by Cenarion scouts at the Lagoon, in the central southern region of Zangarmarsh.$B$BThe Darkcrest have been linked to numerous attacks against the Cenarion Expedition and their leader is considered extremely dangerous.$B$BThose seeking to claim the bounty are advised to report to Warden Hamoot.','Slay Rajah Haghazed at the Lagoon and return to Warden Hamoot at the Cenarion Expedition in Zangarmarsh for a reward.','I didn\'t like the naga in Azeroth and I like them less here. It\'s a real shame our mission could not remain a peaceful one, but you won\'t see me shedding tears for dead naga.$B$BHere\'s your reward for taking care of the Darkcrest leader, $N.','You want to talk about the bounty for Haghazed? Well, is he dead? There isn\'t much else to talk about!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4823insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4778,9731,'Drain Schematics','The schematics you\'ve obtained show an underground system of drains and pumps that connect the lakes in the region to Serpent Lake.$B$BIf the schematics are correct, there is a giant drain in the center of Serpent Lake.  Confirm this and bring the news to Cenarion Refuge.','Search Serpent Lake for signs of a drain.  Return to Ysiel Windsinger at Cenarion Refuge with news of your discovery.','The naga have turned Serpent Lake into a giant water sink for the rest of Zangarmarsh. What could they possibly be doing?$B$BYou\'ve done well in bringing this news to us, $N. We will send a team to investigate this drain you\'ve discovered. I have a different task for you in the meanwhile.','What news do you bring, $N?','Drain Located','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4824insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4779,9732,'Return to the Marsh','Return to Ysiel and let her know that help will be extended to her as soon as it is possible.$B$BAffairs in Moonglade and Silithus have kept our members occupied, but we will do our best to send the necessary resources to the Cenarion Refuge.  ','Return to Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','You are a welcome sight, $N. Matters at the Cenarion Refuge have only gotten worse since you left.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4825insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4780,9733,'Warning the Cenarion Circle','The Cenarion Expedition has become a large organization with a good degree of autonomy.  These events are important enough that we need to warn the Cenarion Circle.$B$BDo not worry, I will not ask you to travel back to Moonglade; we have emissaries as nearby as Hellfire Peninsula.','Speak to Mahuram Stouthoof at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4826insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4781,9734,'Return to the Marsh','Return to Ysiel and let her know that help will be extended to her as soon as it is possible.$B$BAffairs in Moonglade and Silithus have kept our members occupied, but we will do our best to send the necessary resources to the Cenarion Refuge.  ','Return to Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4827insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4782,9735,'True Masters of the Light','A Blood Knight master possesses incredible skill at wielding and weaving the Light in a way that other so-called \'paladins\' can never comprehend. It doesn\'t stop them from despising us for unleashing the Light\'s true potential.$B$BWe must send them a message and show them that we are not to be trifled with. What I have in mind will be neither brief nor easy, but if you are committed, the first step will be to infiltrate the library wing of the Tyr\'s Hand Abbey and procure a vial of Tyr\'s Hand holy water.','Lady Liadrin in Silvermoon City wants you to bring her a vial of Tyr\'s Hand Holy Water.','Hmm... this is a rather small amount. but if we\'re careful. it should be sufficient. You see. the Scarlet Crusade believes itself dedicated to the Light. I suppose they still are, in a twisted sort of way, and that\'s exactly what I\'m hoping to capitalize on.$B$BTheir misguided zeal has even tainted the blessing spoken over this water, making it ideal for my purpose.','Were you able to get the water?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4828insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4783,9736,'True Masters of the Light','Now that we have the water, we\'re going to need a number of reagents in precise quantities. Some of these substances are rare and expensive, $N, but I have located sources for two.$B$BYou should be able to purchase some arcane catalyst from Zalle, the reagent vendor in one of the shops on the plaza near the Dead Scar. Darlia, the poison merchant near the rogue trainers on Murder Row, stocks crepuscular powder.$B$BTo complete my mixture, I\'ll also need an azerothian diamond and a pristine black diamond.','Lady Liadrin in Silvermoon City wants you to bring her 1 Arcane Catalyst, 1 Crepuscular Powder, 1 Azerothian Diamond, and 1 Pristine Black Diamond.','Now that we have all the reagents. I can prepare the mixture.$B$B<A slow smile spreads across Lady Liadrin\'s face.>$B$BIt\'s all coming together perfectly. $N. When this is finished, I\'ll give you the details about what remains to be done.','Have you gathered the reagents I\'ll need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4829insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4784,9737,'True Masters of the Light','Ours is the true way of utilizing the Light, $N. To show others that would call themselves \'paladins\' the folly of their ways, I intend to send an unmistakable message.$B$BThe Alonsus Chapel, where the Order of the Silver Hand was founded, seems immune to the destruction of Stratholme. The chapel\'s eternal flame affords it the Light\'s protection, but when you use this mixture to extinguish the flame, that protection will be no more. It will burn, and our dominion over the Light will be proven to the world.','Use the Extinguishing Mixture near the eternal flame in the Alonsus Chapel to remove the Light\'s protection. Be prepared to fight anyone who may attempt to defend the chapel.','Well done. $N. All who would oppose us would do well to heed the warning you delivered. Our foes should know that they are in peril, from the lowest foot soldier to the mightiest hero.$B$BYou have earned your place in the ranks of the masters. Your dedication and prowess serve as an example for all Blood Knights. As a symbol of your new status, I grant you the ability to summon and command the thalassian charger.','','','Remove Alonsus Chapel Protection','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4830insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4785,9738,'Lost in Action','You have to help me!  We were sent here by Ysiel to investigate the mystery of the steam pumps and why they\'re being used to drain the water from the marsh.  But my friends split up and went on recklessly without me.$B$BThose four can be such jerks sometimes, but I love them anyway.$B$BThat is why I need you to discover what became of them, though I fear the worst.  Seek them in both the Slave Pens and the Underbog.$B$BThank you, $c.','Discover what happened to Earthbinder Rayge, Naturalist Bite, Weeder Greenthumb, and Windcaller Claw.  Then, return to Watcher Jhang at Coilfang Reservoir in Zangarmarsh.','I\'m glad that some of my friends yet live, but it breaks my heart to hear of the fate of others. <sigh>$B$BAt least they died doing what they loved most in life. You have my eternal gratitude for helping me with this, $N.$B$BPlease, take one of these as a sign of gratitude.','Have you discovered the whereabouts of my four companions yet?','','Earthbinder Rayge Discovered','Naturalist Bite Discovered','Weeder Greenthumb Discovered','Windcaller Claw Discovered',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4831insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4786,9739,'The Sporelings\' Plight','You there!  You must help us!$B$BThe fungal giants are devouring all of our spore sacs!  You must do something, or we\'ll lose our young!$B$BThe spore sacs start out large and become smaller as the air inside them is depleted.  Look for the small, mature spore sacs and save as many of them as you can!','Fahssn at the Spawning Glen wants you to collect 10 Mature Spore Sacs.','You\'ve done it! You have my people\'s thanks.$B$BI hope you understand... this is where our young ones come from. We can\'t let these beasts devour the sacs!','The spore sacs! Did you get them?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4832insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4787,9740,'The Sun Gate','Thanks to you and the work you did, my scouts were able to find the sun gate. The elves keep the portal location mobile so that they can move it at a moment\'s notice. That\'s why the site you investigated was empty.$B$BThe strength of such a system is also its greatest weakness. The sun gate is stabilized by portal controllers. If we can take down the controllers, the portal will be ours to destroy. The current sun gate location can be found west of here, south of the Vector Coil. Find it and destroy it!','Vindicator Aesom at Blood Watch wants you to destroy the Sun Gate.','Smashing! We\'ve cut off their supply line. Now all that we need to do is finish them off! ','You must take out their portal controllers before you can destroy the gate itself!','','The Sun Gate Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4833insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4788,9741,'Critters of the Void','Aesom sent my squad out on a reconnaissance mission to search for the sun gate a few days ago. Needless to say, we found it...$B$B<Loryi points at Jorli.>$B$BWhatever those fool elves are transporting through that portal is causing void energy to be released. The area is teaming with void critters. $B$BWe must destroy them before they have a chance to grow into void anomalies. You\'ll find the source of the creatures southwest of here, near the sun gate. Kill them and report back to Aesom when you\'re done.','Kill 12 Void Critters and report to Vindicator Aesom at Blood Watch.\r\n','It\'s a real mess up there, eh? You\'ve done well, $N. I\'ll send some anchorites out to help Loryi and Jorli.\r\r\n','Void critters grow into void anomalies. Truth be told, we really don\'t know what these creatures are... the name is more of a classification.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4834insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4789,9742,'More Spore Sacs','Yes! You\'ve saved more spore sacs.$B$BYou\'re different than the other outsiders. I\'ll let my people know about your deeds!','Fahssn at the Spawning Glen wants you to collect 10 Mature Spore Sacs.','Yes! You\'ve saved more spore sacs.$B$BYou\'re different than the other outsiders. I\'ll let my people know about your deeds!','The spore sacs! Did you get them?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4835insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4790,9743,'Natural Enemies','Us sporelings and the bog lords have never gotten along well.  In the past, we\'ve managed to keep them at bay with spears and stones.  Lately they seem to have become more aggressive... or more desperate.  They do not fear us or our weapons.$B$BYou are much scarier and better armed than us.  If you were to fight the boglords for us, we\'d be forever in your debt!  Bring me their tendrils so I know how many you\'ve killed.','Fahssn at the Spawning Glen in Zangarmarsh wants you to bring him 6 Bog Lord Tendrils.','You made it back alive!  I\'ll let the other sporelings know about you!  $N, the giant slayer!','How\'s the bog lord slaying going?  Teach those brutes not to come into sporeling territory!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4836insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4791,9744,'More Tendrils!','You killed many giants, but there are still many more left.  And they\'re still attacking our spore sacs!','','Unbelievable!  It would take hundreds of sporelings to slay as many giants as you have.  I will make sure to let everyone know of your feats!$B$B<This quest is repeatable up to friendly reputation.>','You killed many giants, but there are still many more left.  And they\'re still attacking our spore sacs!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4837insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4792,9746,'Limits of Physical Exhaustion','Victory is close at hand, $N. With the discovery of the sun gate, it won\'t be long until their supply lines are completely closed off. Now is the time to strike at their numbers.$B$BTo the west you will find numerous Sunhawk camps. The Sunhawk pyromancers and defenders occupy the vast majority of the area. Find them, kill them and return to me.','Vindicator Aesom at Blood Watch wants you to slay 10 Sunhawk Pyromancers and 10 Sunhawk Defenders.\r\n','This will surely soften up their defenses and make them think twice before rushing foolishly into our ranks!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4838insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4793,9747,'The Umbrafen Tribe','The naga are terrible, yes.  But even more terrible are the traitor tribes of Broken and Lost Ones that helped them!$B$BThe worst of all are the Lost Ones of the Umbrafen tribe; they use dark magic to trap and enslave others. They\'re especially cruel to escaped slaves and would slit my throat if I left the refuge even for a day.$B$BTravel to Umbrafen Village south of here and kill them and their leader, Kataru.  Until then I will fear for my life every single day.','Ikeyen at the Cenarion Refuge wants you to travel to Umbrafen Village and slay Kataru, 8 Umbrafen Seers, 6 Umbrafen Witchdoctors and 6 Umbrafen Oracles.','Thank you, $N. I will finally sleep comfortably at night. Were I not so old and weakened I would deal with my own enemies.$B$BTake this gold. It is not much, but your kindness cannot go unpaid.','You\'ve returned; are Kataru and the Umbrafen slavers dead?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4839insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4794,9748,'Don\'t Drink the Water','Our shaman claim that the elements of water have become greatly agitated by the pollution of the water source. We know that the Exodar\'s power core is lodged into the mountain to the west. It must be leaking volatile fluids into the water supply! I need you to get me more information.$B$B<Aesom points to a flask and nods.>$B$BYou are to take this flask and follow the beach north until you reach the area where the rivers of Bloodmyst drain into the ocean. Take a sample from that location and return to me.','Vindicator Aesom at Blood Watch wants you to use the Water Sample Flask to get a Bloodmyst Water Sample.','As I suspected, the water has turned red due to contamination from leaking core fluid.$B$BI hope you didn\'t swim in any of that contaminated water.\r\r\n','Don\'t drink the water, $N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4840insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4795,9749,'BETA They\'re Alive! Maybe...','It was a bloody mess, $N. We were ambushed by a large pack of these spiders. Their progenitor descended upon us with incredible speed and wrapped us up in cocoons.$B$BAfter we were webbed, she began to lay eggs near us. We were to be food for her young! FOOD!$B$BI managed to cut my way out and escape but I will not leave the others behind. So far I\'ve been unsuccessful in nearing the pass. Would you lend a hand?$B$BDestroy those cocoons! Hopefully some of our team is still alive!\r\n','Researcher Cornelius has asked that you free 5 Expedition Researchers.','','','','Expedition Researcher Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4841insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4796,9750,'UNUSED Urgent Delivery','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4842insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4797,9751,'The Bloodcurse Legacy','Last night, Edward Hanes, captain of the ship \'Lost Hope\', appeared before me in my tent. The same Edward Hanes that died of scurvy 20 years ago.$B$BThis apparition told me a tale that made my heart tremble. A tale that I need you to hear and a mission that I need you to accomplish. Will you do it? Will you seek out Edward on Wyrmscar Island, northeast of Blood Watch?\r\n','Admiral Odesyus has asked that you find and speak with Captain Edward Hanes.','Have you heard of the bloodcurse, landlubber? No, of course you haven\'t. The bloodcurse is what sunk all these ships. The spoiled, desecrated part of the water here is known as Bloodcursed Reef - a part of the world you never want to visit. I\'ve been here myself for 20 years.$B$BScurvy my foot! I died on these wild shores as food for the dragons... Ah, but that\'s another story for another time. Right now, we have to help the poor souls that are trapped in that reef.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4843insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4798,9752,'Escape from Umbrafen','You must help me get out of here!$B$BI was gathering herbs nearby when a handful of these little savages abducted me.  I tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them.$B$BHelp me return to the Cenarion Refuge and away from these cruel wretches and their vile magic!','Escort Kayra Longmane to the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.  Report to Ysiel Windsinger when you\'ve completed this task.','You rescued one of my druids. We could never repay you, $N.$B$BYou have my thanks as well as that of the expedition.','','Escort Kayra Longmane to safety','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4844insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4799,9753,'What We Know...','We\'ve learned much of our enemies in recent days. The blood elves are led by a being known as Sironas and plot to destroy us. Ultimately, they seek to enslave O\'ros and regain control of the Exodar.$B$BLight be praised, we have stopped their supply line by destroying the sun gate. Unfortunately, they continue to use the contaminant of the Vector Coil to poison the land, using the mutagenic properties of the fallout to their advantage.$B$BWith this knowledge, Admetius has devised a plan. Seek him out.','Speak to Exarch Admetius at Blood Watch.','I am in need of your services, $N. I have a plan to topple the entire Sunhawk army, but before we can progress, we need to gather some vital information.$B$BWe need to identify the weaknesses in their primary defense. Unfortunately, we have been unable to get close enough to the Vector Coil to gauge their defenses. If we could get the prisoner to talk, we could get the information that we needed to break through the line and destroy the Vector Coil.$B$BYou heard me, I want to blow the damned thing up.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4845insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4800,9756,'What We Don\'t Know...','Our attempts at interrogation have failed miserably, $N. Torture is - of course - out of the question. What we need is a draenei on the inside.$B$BI can cast a spell upon you that would make you appear blood elf and adjust your language. Through subterfuge, we may be able to get the information we need out of the captured agent.$B$BUnder this guise, I want you to get whatever information you can out of the prisoner.$B$BAnd $N, do not leave Blood Watch while disguised as the spell will fail.','Speak to a Captured Sunhawk Agent at Blood Watch and recover Sunhawk Information. Return to Exarch Admetius when the task is complete.','A-ha! Well done, $N. Well done, indeed. Are you ready to eradicate the blood elf menace from our island forever?','','','Sunhawk Information Recovered','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4846insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4801,9757,'Seek Huntress Kella Nightbow','Huntress Kella Nightbow seeks the audience of all eligible hunters.  She is the one to teach you the skill of taming wild beasts, a lesson you should learn above all else at this point in your training.$b$bKella can be found near Valaar\'s Berth, the docks west of the Exodar.','Speak with Huntress Kella Nightbow near Valaar\'s Berth.','Let\'s begin our lesson at once!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4847insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4802,9758,'Return to Arcanist Vandril','Now my friend, if you would be so kind as to return to Arcanist Vandril, I know that he is very anxious to send you out on your first mission here in the Ghostlands.$B$BWe\'re counting on you, $N.  Don\'t let us down.','Return to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.','Oh good, there you are! And just in time... there is much to be done!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4848insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4803,9759,'Ending Their World','Don\'t accept this assignment if you value your life. You see that gigantic power core jutting out of the mountain side over yonder? Whoever takes on this burden will need to fight their way through that mountain, battling an army of Sunhawks while protecting me as I rig the core up for demolition. Sironas the eredar is somewhere up there as well.$B$BI won\'t think less of you if you just walk away, $N.$B$BBut maybe you\'re the one - the one to destroy the Vector Coil and take down Sironas. Well, are you?','Follow and protect Demolitionist Legoso as he attempts to destroy the Vector Coil and slay Sironas. Return to Exarch Admetius at Blood Watch should you complete the mission.','You have saved the whole of Bloodmyst and Azuremyst, securing the $R way of life on Azeroth, $N! For this, there can be no amount of thanks, no reward, nothing large enough in scope to truly express our appreciation.$B$BYet, there are still so many that were left behind on Draenor who cannot be here for this historic event. You must find your way back. Find your way back to the Outland, Hero of Argus. Bring our people home. Home to the land that you saved. Home to Azeroth...','','Vector Coil Destroyed and Sironas Slain','Vector Coil Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4849insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4804,9760,'Vindicator\'s Rest','I would not ask you to single-handedly bear the burden of destroying the Vector Coil and slaying Sironas, $N; however, I believe that you can be of some help in clearing the way for others that might take on such a dangerous assignment.$B$BTake the road going north out of Blood Watch and follow it until you get to the fork. Once there, take the left road and follow it until you see Vindicator\'s Rest - it will be slightly west of the road itself. Corin will be waiting for you.','Speak with Vindicator Corin at Vindicator\'s Rest on Bloodmyst Isle.\r\n','Perhaps you will be the one to deliver our people into a new age of prosperity and peace.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4850insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4805,9761,'Clearing the Way','Only the most battle hardened, noble and positively fearless of draenei will submit to Legoso\'s mission. The exarch will not order any agent of the Hand to take on the task of destroying the Vector Coil and dispatching Sironas. He refuses to send any draenei to their death - which is what the mission is: suicide...$B$B<Corin sighs.>$B$BMy job is to soften up the Sunhawk defenses. You are to slay Sunhawks near the Vector Coil and keep the path clear for our champion - whoever that may be.','Vindicator Corin at Vindicator\'s Rest wants you to slay 8 Sunhawk Saboteurs and 8 Sunhawk Agents.\r\n','Hopefully a hero arrives before they are able to call forth reinforcements to guard the area you just secured.','Do you see any unusually brave and powerful draenei around here?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4851insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4806,9762,'The Unwritten Prophecy','','','These islands will serve as the home to thousands. Most of these people will remain here their entire lives. If you so desired, you could do the same. But that\'s not what you want, is it, $N?$B$B<Velen nods.>$B$BYou will do many more great things before you pass. You must embrace your destiny and meet it head on!$B$BBefore you leave, I present you with two gifts: This tabard is worn by only the most revered of the Hand of Argus and this signet ring worn by our wisest sages. Wear them both with pride, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4852insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4807,9763,'The Warlord\'s Hideout','There are benefits to hiding very, very quietly at the entrance of your enemy\'s hideout.$B$BJust hours ago I saw a group of naga go through the stone archway on the second tunnel from the left.  I\'m not well versed in their language, yet I clearly understood one word: Kalithresh.$B$BThat must be the entrance to the steam vaults, where Warlord Kalithresh has been commanding his troops from.  You must find him and stop him.  I am too weak to be of any assistance.','Watcher Jhang wants you to find and slay Warlord Kalithresh inside Coilfang Reservoir.','Our biggest enemy in the region is finally dead. You\'ve done the expedition a great favor, $N.$B$BWe shall be forever in your debt.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4853insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4808,9764,'Orders from Lady Vashj','This letter contains detailed orders to the Coilfang naga operating the steam vaults.  It warns of the arrival of Cenarion druids into the region and orders them to be slain on sight.  The rate of water redirection from other lakes into Coilfang Reservoir is to be doubled.  The orders bear the seal of the infamous Lady Vashj.$B$BThis letter would be of great interest to the druids of the Cenarion Expedition.  Take it to their leader, Ysiel Windsinger.','Deliver the Orders from Lady Vashj to Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','Vashj!$B$BThis is much more than we bargained for. Our small victories here and there against the naga mean nothing.$B$BIf Lady Vashj is involved in this, then forces much greater than us are at work.$B$BYou\'ve done well in bringing this to us, $N. Now, we must prepare for war.','What\'s that you have there, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4854insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4809,9765,'Preparing for War','The Cenarion Expedition began as a peaceful venture, yet we now face the prospect of all out war with the naga.$B$BWe have many among us who are willing to fight but are ill equipped.  Bring me the naga\'s own weapons so that we may reforge them into glaives and arrowheads.$B$BOnly the best armaments will have materials useful to us, $N.  You will have to seek out the naga of Coilfang Reservoir.','Obtain Coilfang Armaments from naga at Coilfang Reservoir and return them to Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','These will do perfectly, $N. Bring any more armaments you find. Our need is great and our resources are scarce.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4855insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4810,9766,'Coilfang Armaments','We will forge the naga\'s own steel into weapons to use against them.  Bring me all the armaments you manage to salvage from Coilfang Reservoir.','','Excellent work, $N. The naga will learn not to underestimate us.','We will forge the naga\'s own steel into weapons to use against them. Bring me all the armaments you manage to salvage from Coilfang Reservoir.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4856insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4811,9767,'[Not Used] Know Your Enemy','Defeating an enemy requires more than superior power or numbers.  Victory often hinges on knowledge of an opponent\'s weaknesses, the anticipation of their plans or the recognition of a behavior pattern.$B$BWe know much about the naga, yet much of their magical practices remain foreign to us.$B$BI seek to learn of the Hydromancy used by the naga of Coilfang Reservoir.  Bring me one of their spellbooks so I may learn more about it.','Obtain a Coilfang Spellbook from the naga inside of Coilfang Reservoir and bring it to Ashyen at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4857insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4812,9769,'There\'s No Explanation for Fashion','<Magasha chuckles softly to herself.>$B$BI bet if they knew they were wearing bug parts, the fashion trend would end very quickly.$B$BWe first started killing the bugs \'round here \'cause they were getting in the way of our construction. Some enterprising merchant stops here, spends the night, and next thing you know he\'s buyin\' up all the bug wings we have!$B$BSays he makes clothes out of \'em. I be stickin\' to my armor, thanks. But if you gather the wings of any of the fireflies, I\'ll gladly buy \'em.','Bring 8 Diaphanous Wings from any species of Zangarmarsh fireflies to Magasha in Swamprat Post.','These be fine ones, $N. Here\'s your payment.$B$B<Magasha bends one of the wings and holds it up to her head.>$B$BNope, not my thing, but who\'m I to complain?$B$B<Magasha shrugs.>$B$BCoin speaks.','What\'s that, there? Been bitten by the wing bug, have ya?$B$B<Magasha chuckles at her own joke.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4858insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4813,9770,'Menacing Marshfangs','Sometimes I wish Denjai had sent a shaman with us, or at least given us a totem to keep the marshfang rippers at bay.$B$BThe whole place is crawling with the pests! It\'s just not right. Shouldn\'t something be eating these despicable things?$B$BWe\'ve all been taking turns playing exterminator. You showed up at just the right time, $N. Congratulations! Now get out there and mop up some marshfangs!','Reavij at Swamprat Post wants you to kill 10 Marshfang Rippers.','Had your fill already?$B$B<Reavij laughs.>$B$BThere\'s a reason why our visitors don\'t stay long.$B$BIf I had a choice, I\'d find a more agreeable spot for the post, but I\'ll take marshfangs over Denjai\'s temper any day.','I still see marshfangs, Esbam. Surely you can\'t be done so soon.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4859insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4814,9771,'Searching for Scout Jyoba','Now that you\'re familiar with the terrain, I\'d like to ask your help with something else. The Dead Mire, we\'ve taken to calling the area to the northwest, is an eerie place. No one has ever reported seeing anything alive there, but they didn\'t stay for very long, either.$B$BScout Jyoba volunteered to investigate the area and report on his findings. He left the post three days ago and hasn\'t returned. It\'s not like him to be gone that long without sending some kind of report. Will you search for him, $N?','Search for Scout Jyoba.','The battered corpse matches Zurai\'s description perfectly. Whatever killed the scout appears to have taken him by surprise, as his weapon is sheathed and the contents of a small inkwell stain the nearby ground.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4860insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4815,9772,'Jyoba\'s Report','Flecks of withered fungus dot the body of Scout Jyoba. Whatever killed him must\'ve been made of the same dying fungus as the giant wilting mushrooms of the Dead Mire. Perhaps one of the withered giants caught him by surprise as he sat writing his report.$B$BWithout the text of the report, it\'s nearly impossible to tell what the scout discovered. If the report can be found, it should be returned to Zurai.','Retrieve Scout Jyoba\'s Report from the Withered Giants and return it to Zurai at Swamprat Post.','<Zurai accepts the report from you and glances over it.>$B$BMuch of this is information we already know. Everything in the area seems to be dried or wilting. but here\'s something new.$B$BHe says the fungal giants seem to have gone berserk from the lack of moisture. From your description, that must be what killed him.$B$BI\'ll instruct my men to avoid the area. We can\'t afford any more casualties.','You\'re back. but Jyoba\'s not with you. What became of him?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4861insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4816,9773,'No More Mushrooms!','Mushroom soup, mushroom stew, mushroom sauce!$B$BMushroom, mushroom, mushroom! It\'s all there is to eat around here. If you say you\'re hungry, the cook hands you an axe and tells you to go chop down your dinner!$B$BWell, I\'m tired of mushrooms. I\'ve seen fish in the lakes around here. Sure, they look like a nasty piece of work, but they\'ve got to be better than mushrooms!$B$BHow much will it cost me to hire you to bring me my first decent meal in weeks?','Gather 8 Eel Filets from Umbrafen Eels and bring them to Magasha at Swamprat Post.','Finally, a break from the monotony of mushrooms! If you didn\'t smell like fish, I\'d hug you.$B$BLet\'s see how jealous the others get when they smell the meat cooking over the fire.','Tell me you haven\'t come back empty-handed. $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4862insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4817,9774,'Thick Hydra Scales','Reavij was wise to bring leather armor. This swamp will render my mail useless before long.$B$BI\'ve been replacing the scales bit by bit as I\'m able. The hydra in the marsh have thick, protective scales that stand up well to the dampness of their home.$B$BFinding suitable ones is a tedious process, though. All too often, the best scales are torn or worn too thin for use in armor. Bring me any good ones that you might get from the hydra in the larger lakes.','Zurai at Swamprat Post wants you to bring him 12 Thick Hydra Scales.','Thank you, $N. Every little bit helps.$B$BI\'ve still got a long way to go, but let\'s face it, what else am I going to do between patrols?','I see you smirking. Yes, my armor\'s going to look a bit odd until I\'ve replaced all the old metal, but it\'s better this than unprotected.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4863insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4818,9775,'Report to Shadow Hunter Denjai','Shadow Hunter Denjai will no doubt expect to receive a report about my progress in establishing our outpost. I\'ve prepared a short summary of what we\'ve accomplished here already, but with the loss of Scout Jyoba, I can\'t spare a runner to take the report to Denjai\'s base of Zabra\'jin to the west.$B$BIf you\'re headed that way, would you mind bringing this to him? Shadow Hunter Denjai can be a little intimidating at first, but once you get used to him, he\'s not so bad.','Bring Zurai\'s Report to Shadow Hunter Denjai in Zabra\'jin','Why didn\'t you say you had a report from Zurai? I\'ve been waiting to hear from him.$B$BI sent him out there to give us a presence on the eastern border, not sit on his hands. Let\'s see what he has to say.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4864insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4819,9776,'The Orebor Harborage','As you know, many of Telredor\'s inhabitants are refugees from the war that decimated the draenei. It is my goal to maintain Telredor as a safe haven for all of our allies in this struggle. There are some who desire to join us, but feel they are not yet ready.$B$BWe owe them whatever help we can provide, $N. A group of Broken under the leadership of Ikuti have taken shelter in the ruins of an old temple to the northwest of Serpent Lake. Seek them out and extend your hand in friendship to them.','Speak to Ikuti at the Orebor Harborage.','If Anchorite Ahuurn counts you a friend, then you may prove trustworthy. Please forgive my wariness, $R, but it is often all that stands between my people and death. You are welcome to shelter among us, and perhaps our mutual trust will grow.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4865insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4820,9777,'Fulgor Spores','There is little in this swamp that will burn, $r, so we must resort to other means for lighting Telredor. Many of the creatures and plants in the marsh emit a soft glow.$B$BIt\'s difficult and cruel to confine the glowing creatures, so we\'ve turned to a species of mushroom for our light source.$B$BWe pick and cultivate the fulgor mushroom here, but our needs require us to gather new crops occasionally. The small green mushrooms often grow at the base of larger ones near Telredor.','Bring 6 Fulgor Spores to Ruam at Telredor.','These are good spores and they should keep us going for quite some time. Thank you for helping us to replenish our supplies, $N.','From the looks of things, we\'ll need to replenish our spores soon.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4866insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4821,9778,'Warden Hamoot','Before you leave Cenarion Refuge, make sure you speak with Warden Hamoot.  He\'s in charge of the expedition\'s security.$B$BHe would never forgive me if I didn\'t send a seasoned adventurer like you his way.','Report to Warden Hamoot at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','Ysiel sent you? Of course I can use someone like you! We\'re always in need of a little muscle.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4867insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4822,9779,'Intercepting the Message','It is good to see you again, $N. I have a quandary that you might be able to solve.$B$BOur agents situated behind Sunhawk lines have reported seeing Sunhawk soldiers parsing an unusual document.$B$BUnfortunately, we have been unsuccessful in acquiring a copy of the document for ourselves. I need you to go out in the field and try to recover the document. I am certain that if you apply enough pressure, a Sunhawk agent will turn over the information we seek. I leave the use of force to your discretion.','Kill Sunhawk elves until you find the Sunhawk Missive, then return it to Vindicator Boros at Blood Watch.','<Vindicator Boros eyes the document.>$B$BThis is in Thalassian. Fortunately, I know just the person that can translate it...','Back so soon? Have you found the missive?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4868insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4823,9780,'Umbrafen Eel Filets','It\'s good to see another fresh face here. When Haalrun and I first came to Telredor, we were the only outsiders, but that seems like a lifetime ago.$B$BStill, we try to welcome newcomers and ensure that there\'s always enough food and supplies. We can never fully repay the kindness of the Telredor anchorites, but we can follow their example and extend it to others.$B$BIf you would like to help, the nearby lakes are populated with a fish called the Umbrafen eel, whose meat is a staple of our diet.','Noraani at Telredor wants you to bring her 8 Eel Filets.','Thank you for your help, $N. Your generosity will not be forgotten. As a token of my gratitude, I\'ve prepared a hot drink for you.','Have you any fish to contribute to our stores?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4869insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4824,9781,'Too Many Mouths to Feed','On my last hunting trip, I caught sight of a new outpost being built by a group of trolls. No doubt they\'ve begun hunting these lands, too.$B$BIf they establish a permanent presence out here, the competition for food will be fierce. We cannot take direct action against them without provocation, but we can remove some of the natural competition for food.$B$BFor each mire hydra you kill, that\'s three fewer mouths to feed!','Kill 10 Mire Hydra and return to Haalrun at Telredor.','Well done. That should ease the demand on the food supply around here for the immediate future, although we\'re going to need to find new sources of food. Fish and mushrooms suffice, but variety can never be underestimated.','How goes the hunt, friend?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4870insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4825,9782,'The Dead Mire','I have lived among the anchorites of Telredor for some time, $N, and in that time I\'ve come to know the marsh quite well. Recently, I\'ve started to notice a disturbing change in the land to the northeast.$B$BVirtually all life there has begun to wither and die, seemingly without explanation. I have a few ideas as to what might be happening, but they are little more than speculation. If you were to bring me a sample of the soil in that area, I may be able to get to the bottom of this mystery.','Bring a Dead Mire Soil Sample to Vindicator Idaar at Telredor.','Hmm... The soil seems to be depleted, so it can\'t be the cause of the problem, as I\'d thought. What\'s the common link here? Why is everything suddenly dying?','Were you able to get a sample of the soil in the Dead Mire?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4871insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4826,9783,'An Unnatural Drought','The soil sample you brought me is nearly devoid of moisture, $N. If the soil itself is losing moisture, then the creatures that live in the Dead Mire must be suffering terribly.$B$BI\'ve seen what happens when the region\'s fungal giants begin to wither and die. The pain drives them mad, causing them to attack anything in their path.$B$BThese creatures have no idea what\'s happening to them. They\'re beyond our ability to save, so the best we can do is to end their suffering.','Vindicator Idaar at Telredor wants you to kill 12 Withered Giants.','Thank you for helping with this difficult task, $N. Our work in the Dead Mire is not yet done, but now our efforts will focus on doing what we can to restore balance to the area.','It pains me to kill the creatures of the Dead Mire, but they are beyond saving. The best we can do is work to restore the area and nurture a new generation.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4872insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4827,9784,'Identify Plant Parts','I could still use some more plant parts.  With the lakes losing their water, I\'ve a feeling the number of invasive species is on the rise.  I need more numbers to back up my theory, however.','','Excellent. Keep bringing me more plant parts if you find any.','I could still use some more plant parts. With the lakes losing their water, I\'ve a feeling the number of invasive species is on the rise. I need more numbers to back up my theory, however.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4873insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4828,9785,'Blessings of the Ancients','You\'ve earned the trust of the Cenarion Expedition, $N.  It is time you spoke to the ancients allied with our cause, Ashyen and Keleth, and asked for their blessing.$B$BCarrying the mark of an ancient will fill you with great power.  These boons will become more powerful as your renown among us increases.$B$BGo, $N, and ask the ancients for their blessing. ','Windcaller Blackhoof wants you to speak to the ancients Ashyen and Keleth at Cenarion Refuge and obtain their blessings.','You\'ve returned. Did you receive the ancients\' blessings?','Have you spoken to the ancients yet, Tokerr?','','Mark of Lore','Mark of War','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4874insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4829,9786,'The Boha\'mu Ruins','Before my people were decimated by the orcs, Telredor served as a retreat for draenei anchorites and spiritualists. A small order of anchorites and vindicators maintained a number of shrines in this region.$B$BDuring the war, we lost contact with the anchorites assigned to the shrines, particularly the Boha\'mu temple to the southwest. I\'ve heard reports that a tribe of Lost Ones has settled in the area and may even be using the ruins. Visit the Boha\'mu Ruins and tell me of what you find there.','Anchorite Ahuurn at Telredor wants you to explore the Boha\'mu Ruins.','So, the Feralfen Lost Ones have taken over the ruins? Most intriguing. They must remember something of their heritage and the significance of the site. We must learn more, $N. This temple could hold the key to redeeming the Lost Ones and reuniting the many threads of draenei.','Have you examined the Boha\'mu Ruins? Can you imagine what they were like in their full splendor?','Explore the Boha\'mu Ruins','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4875insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4830,9787,'Idols of the Feralfen','From what you\'ve told me about your observations at the Boha\'mu Ruins, it seems this tribe of Lost Ones has reverted to the worship of animal spirits. Before we can approach them, we must know more of their beliefs.$B$BReturn to Feralfen Village and discreetly gather some of their idols so that I may study them. Try to avoid angering them, $N, as it may hurt our chances of making contact with them.','Gather 6 Feralfen Idols and return them to Anchorite Ahuurn at Telredor.','These should be more than sufficient, $N. They seem to be fixated on birds, which is odd, because there aren\'t any bird species native to Zangarmarsh. What could this mean?$B$BCould they have encountered the arakkoa? To a shamanistic people, they might seem like the embodiment of a powerful bird spirit.','Do you have the idols?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4876insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4831,9788,'A Damp, Dark Place','Soon after I escaped the Umbrafen tribe, I holed up in a cave south of their village.  Little did I know that the cave was being fought over by marsh beasts and spore men!$B$BI had to leave in a hurry and left behind a box containing my only worldly possessions.$B$BAfter managing to sneak out of Umbrafen with my belongings it was terrible irony that I would lose them so soon after.  If you\'re willing to bring them back to me I\'ll give you one of my very own personal items.  What do you say, $N?','Look for Ikeyen\'s Belongings inside a cave south of Umbrafen.  Return them to Ikeyen at Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','My things! They\'re all here!$B$BI thank you, $N. As promised, I\'ll let you pick one of the items for yourself. I don\'t have much to offer, but my people have always shared what little we have.','Did you find my belongings, Neteeka? The cave is not far from Umbrafen, near the border with Nagrand.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4877insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4832,9789,'Clefthoof Mastery','You want to earn a place in this safari?  You\'ll have to prove yourself.$B$BI don\'t care what you\'ve hunted before, you haven\'t hunted until you hunt what we hunt here.  Start with the clefthoof if you\'re $g man : tough; enough.$B$BI know that I\'ve seen them in the immediate area around the safari and also close by to the south.','Hunt down 30 Clefthoof and return to Hemet Nesingwary at Nesingwary\'s Safari in Nagrand to prove yourself.','A fair start. But that\'s just the beginning.$B$BThe lesser clefthoof prove nothing. Let\'s move you up to a bigger challenge','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4878insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4833,9790,'Diaphanous Wings','Living in such a remote location has taught us to make use of everything available. Of course, you have to learn to stop thinking about where some of these materials come from first.$B$BI\'ve found that the wings of the umbraglow stingers are very helpful for waterproofing. They\'re strong, thin, and flexible.$B$B<Haalrun chuckles.>$B$BI see the look on your face. Like I said, it takes time to get used to the idea. If you\'re going to be out and about, would you mind bringing me some of the wings?','Haalrun at Telredor wants you to bring him 8 Diaphanous Wings from any of the firefly species in Zangarmarsh.','Thank you, $N.$B$B<Haalrun smiles sympathetically.>$B$BAt least you don\'t have to clean them. That\'s the worst job of the lot, but once it\'s done, you\'d never know they were attached to a giant insect.','Did you manage to gather any diaphanous wings?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4879insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4834,9791,'Menacing Marshfangs','During the orcs\' war against my people, gatherers rarely left Telredor for fear of being attacked or captured. Now, we venture out more often, but the marsh is no less perilous.$B$BIt seems that the nether rays have grown bolder in recent months. I don\'t know if it has something to do with more competition for their normal prey, but they\'ve been attacking our foraging parties on a regular basis. If we can thin their ranks in the area around Telredor, perhaps they would learn to leave us alone.','Kill 10 Marshfang Rippers and return to Noraani at Telredor.','Thank you for your help in clearing out some of the marshfang rippers, $N. If they had any intelligence, perhaps they\'d learn that it\'s best to live and let live.$B$B<Noraani shrugs.>$B$BGiant, overgrown bugs with intelligence. I wonder what that would be like...','Have you been successful in your marshfang hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4880insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4835,9792,'A Message to Telaar','You\'ve been honorable in our dealings, $N, at a time when trust is hard to win among my people.$B$BA large group of my brethren have made their home in the old draenei city of Telaar in Nagrand, to the south. To reach Telaar, take the road south into Nagrand, then continue southeast until you find yourself in the cliffs east of Oshu\'gun.$B$BAnyone who has aided us, as you have, would be welcome among the people of Telaar.$B$BSeek out Nahuud and tell him you have earned my trust.','Speak with Nahuud at Telaar in Nagrand.','I\'m flattered that your Broken friend considers me a scholar of his people\'s relics, but to be honest, I haven\'t had much chance to study them since my arrival here. It was certainly my intent, but when I arrived, I found that there were other matters that required my attention.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4881insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4836,9793,'The Fate of Tuurem','Prophet Velen\'s search for allies has emboldened those draenei remaining in Outland to begin a search of their own. The Legion\'s war on my people drove us from our cities and temples, but they have not destroyed the traces of our civilization.$B$BTuurem, my former home in the Terokkar Forest, was one of the first cities overrun by the orcs. It\'s been too long since I\'ve received news of its status. Take this letter to Andarl in the Allerian Stronghold within Terokkar and see what you can find out.','Take Vindicator Idaar\'s Letter to Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.','Hmm... I remember hearing our scouts speak of the ruins of a draenei settlement in the forest\'s northern reaches. I don\'t know much about the ruins, personally, but you\'re welcome to talk to some of the scouts.','How may I help you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4882insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4837,9794,'No Time for Curiosity','$N, I have a favor to ask of you. Normally, I would do this myself, but my hands are already beyond full.$B$BI have an associate named Kialon at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains to the north. He\'s expecting to hear from me in the near future, although I suspect he won\'t like what I have to say.$B$BIf you would deliver my response to him, you would have my gratitude. I must insist, and this is very important, that you not attempt to read the letter. It is for Kialon\'s eyes alone.','Deliver Timothy\'s Letter to Kialon at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','So you\'ve brought Timothy\'s response?$B$B<Kialon pauses a moment to read the letter, then laughs.>$B$BHe\'s got everything under control, he says. Doesn\'t need help, he says. I could\'ve predicted that!$B$BSome people never change. Look, he even took the time to correct my spelling.$B$B<Kialon lets out a half-hearted sigh.>$B$BI shouldn\'t have sent the letter. I forgot. The specialist always has the situation under control. Always.','<Kialon eyes you suspiciously.>$B$BI don\'t know you, $R. Do you have business with me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4883insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4838,9795,'The Ogre Threat','As if the naga and their allies weren\'t enough, the ogres are extending their reach in the marsh. They\'ve already conquered most of the area to the northwest and there isn\'t much of a buffer left.$B$BFor each one we kill, several more take their place. I\'m not sure how long we\'ll be able to hold Zabra\'jin once they decide to attack. Make your way north into the mountains, to the orcish stronghold of Thunderlord Stronghold and let Nekthar know of our plight. Any help he can spare would be most welcome.','Travel to Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains and speak with Nekthar.','Denjai seeks help? I\'d send him reinforcements, but we\'re spread thin here as it is. We\'ve got trouble of our own with the ogres up here.$B$BWhen I can, I\'ll give him what information we have on the local ogre tribes and their tactics. Perhaps if he can survive long enough, we\'ll be able to launch a two-pronged assault on the vile scum.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4884insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4839,9796,'News from Zangarmarsh','Shadow Hunter Denjai isn\'t the only one expecting a report from me. Mokasa at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar is eager to hear of our progress, especially since most of her messengers travel through here.$B$BShe asked me to send word once Swamprat Post was completed. If you wouldn\'t mind delivering the news, I\'d be very grateful. We may be up and running, but there is still much to be done.$B$BTo get to Stonebreaker Hold, follow the road south out of Zangarmarsh, into Terokkar Forest and beyond Tuurem.','Speak with Mokasa at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.','It\'s about time he got that outpost up and running. We\'ve lost far too many runners to Alliance outriders.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4885insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4840,9797,'Reinforcements for Garadar','<Still catching his breath, the messenger gestures for you to sit.>$B$BThey may not survive, $r! Get to Garadar as quickly as your legs will carry you.$B$B<In response to your blank stare, the messenger elaborates.>$B$BThe home of the Mag\'har, lies to the south, in Nagrand. Take the southern road out of the marsh, then turn east at the first fork and look for a large settlement on the lake.$B$BFind our commander, Captain Kroghan, there and offer him what assistance you can. Garadar must not fall!','Speak with Captain Kroghan at Garadar in Nagrand.','<Even though he endeavors to hide it, a look of relief spreads over Kroghan\'s face.>$B$BIt\'s about time you got here! Granted, you\'re not an army, but any able-bodied $R than can wield a weapon or chant a spell is welcome here. The people of Garadar are kin to all the Horde and we are proud to shed our blood in their defense.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4886insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4841,9798,'Blood Elf Plans','These plans seem important.  You should take them to Vindicator Aldar at the crash site.','Take the Blood Elf Plans to Vindicator Aldar at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','Here, let me read those plans.$B$BThe blood elves have followed us here?  They are evil to the core and should be wiped from existence!$B$B<The vindicator takes a moment to regain his composure.>$B$BI apologize, that was uncalled for.  We are indebted to you for uncovering this information, $N.','What have you got there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4887insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4842,9799,'Botanical Legwork','The Ammen Fields to the west are the primary breeding ground of the local lasher population. With the corruption of the water table from the nearby lake, Botanist Taerix is worried that the lashers will not be able to repopulate themselves once we\'ve cleansed the lake.$B$BGo to the Ammen Fields and pick some of the corrupted flowers for me so that I might take a look at them and see what can be done. You should be able to identify them by their uncharacteristic red petals.','Gather 3 Corrupted Flowers and return them to Apprentice Vishael at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','These look like fine specimens. Thank you for performing the field work. Once I can find the time to analyze these, I should be able to tell what it will take to restore the fields.','Hello, $C.  Do you have those flowers yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4888insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4843,9800,'A Rare Bean','You are ill-equipped to face the restless elements of Nagrand. Before you can help the Earthen Ring, you must help yourself.$B$BTo the west you will find dung heaps left behind by the wildlife of Nagrand. You must search the dung for the digested remnants of the Nagrand caracoli. From this bean I am able to make a tablet that will aid you in your battle against the restless forces of nature.$B$BReturn to me when you have collected no less than two fists worth of caracoli... Ogre sized fists.','Elementalist Lo\'ap at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand wants you to bring him 15 Digested Caracoli.','Please do not wash yourself in the sacred waters of the Throne.$B$B<Elementalist Lo\'ap holds a prepared caracoli tablet up.>$B$BYou place this under your tongue and allow it ample time to dissolve. Once it has dissolved, you will be able to breathe water as if it were air.','<Elementalist Lo\'ap makes two fists and shakes his head in disapproval.>$B$BOgre sized...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4889insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4844,9801,'Gathering the Reagents','I have a feeling that these Lost Ones may not respond well to a draenei, but would welcome an arakkoa. I can create a potion that will allow you to take on the form of an arakkoa for a short time. It requires a couple of reagents which cannot be stored and must be used within hours of being gathered.$B$BYou will need to bring me a handful of spore bat eyes and some fen strider tentacles. Both species dwell in the wilderness surrounding Telredor.','Anchorite Ahuurn at Telredor wants you to bring him 4 Spore Bat Eyes and 4 Fen Strider Tentacles.','These will do quite nicely. Allow me a moment to mix up the potion.','Have you gathered the reagents?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4890insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4845,9802,'Plants of Zangarmarsh','The lakes of Zangarmarsh are slowly being drained of their water.  We don\'t quite know why, but we do know that many plants species are in danger of becoming extinct.$B$BAs the expedition\'s cataloguer, it is my job to track and identify these plants so we can better understand what\'s happening to them.$B$BIf you\'d like to help, bring me unidentified plant parts.  They can be picked right from the ground if you\'re an herbalist, and the indigenous creatures of the swamp may also carry plant parts on them.','Bring 10 Unidentified Plant Parts to Lauranna Thar\'well at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','The decrease in native species is certainly a cause for concern. The increase in invasive species could be related to the recent disturbance in the ecosystem. I don\'t have enough information to make a conclusion. yet.$B$B<Lauranna jots down some notes on a journal as she goes through the plant parts.>$B$BTake these. $N. They might be of some use to you.$B$BBring me any other plant parts you find. I\'ll incorporate them into my statistics.','Did you find any plant parts. $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4891insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4846,9803,'Messenger to the Feralfen','The time has come for us to embrace the Feralfen and teach them that the Light has not forsaken them. Take the potion I\'ve prepared and carry it with you to the Boha\'mu Ruins.$B$BOnce you arrive at the ruins, drink the potion to assume the form of one of their bird spirits. Speak with Elder Kuruti and let him know the draenei are ready to welcome his people as our long lost brothers.','Drink Ahuurn\'s Elixir while standing in the Boha\'mu Ruins. Speak to Elder Kuruti while you are in the form of an arakkoa.','They refused? They are welcome to choose their own path, of course, but their choice surprises me. I would think that all the draenei, including the Broken and Lost Ones, would still remember that we\'re all a part of the same people.$B$BI suppose he is right about the folly of deceiving them, but still, could he not see that our intentions were friendly?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4892insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4847,9804,'Agitated Spirits of Skysong','The disturbance in the ebb and flow of the waters of Nagrand has greatly agitated the water spirits of Skysong Lake. They have in turn begun sowing destruction throughout the waterways of the area.$B$BWatoosun of the Water has come to us in a vision and granted us permission to remedy the problem - so long as the source of the disturbance is also dealt with...$B$BWe will get to the source, but first you must deal with the problems immediate to the Throne. Destroy the agitated lake spirits and return to me.','Elementalist Lo\'ap at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand wants you to destroy 12 Lake Spirits.','<Elementalist Lo\'ap kneels in the water and says a prayer.>$B$BThe Earthen Ring takes no pride in what was done. We do what we must to heal the land.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4893insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4848,9805,'Blessing of Incineratus','The wretched Lost Ones, heretofore banished to the swamps of Zangarmarsh, are seeking to spread their filth to other parts of our world.$B$BI have sought the wisdom of the furies and gained their blessing. To stop the source, we must unleash the elements upon them!$B$BI give you living fire, plucked from the fiery essence of Incineratus himself. Travel to Windyreed Village, southeast of here, and unleash the living fire upon their huts! Let them see the fury of the elements!','Elementalist Lo\'ap at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand wants you to destroy the Large Hut, the Western Hut, the Southern Hut and the Eastern Hut at Windyreed Village.$B$BReturn the Living Fire to Elementalist Lo\'ap when the task is complete.','Your efforts have stifled the spread of pollution but other troubles have surfaced.','With great shame I tell you that it is my own kin who seek to drudge up the waters of Nagrand and create marshland.','','Large Hut Destroyed','Western Hut Destroyed','Southern Hut Destroyed','Eastern Hut Destroyed',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4894insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4849,9806,'Fertile Spores','Spore bats and marsh walkers accumulate fertile spores on their appendages from wandering around the tallstalk mushrooms in the marsh.$B$BAs you can see, we\'re a short people so our options for gathering these spores are limited.  Seek out the spore bats and marsh walkers and gather the fertile spores.  All of Sporeggar will be in your debt.','Gshaff wants you to gather 10 Fertile Spores from the various Zangarmarsh Spore Bats and Marsh Walkers.  Return to Ghsaff at Sporeggar when you\'ve completed this task.','These are great spores, $N!  Tallstalks are vital to rebuilding our town.  And after all the bog lord attacks we\'ve suffered, we\'re in quite the short supply.','You\'re back, $N.  Did you obtain the fertile spores?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4895insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4850,9807,'More Fertile Spores','Your help is appreciated, $N. You will keep it up, yes?','Gshaff wants you to gather 10 Fertile Spores from the various Zangarmarsh Spore Bats and Marsh Walkers. Return to Ghsaff at Sporeggar when you\'ve completed this task.','Your help is appreciated, $N. You will keep it up, yes?','You\'re back, $N. Did you obtain the fertile spores?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4896insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4851,9808,'Glowcap Mushrooms','I\'ve seen your kind use shiny round pieces of metal to trade for things that you need.  We\'re not so different from you.  We use shiny round mushrooms as our currency.$B$BGlowcap mushrooms grow everywhere in the marsh, you just have to know how to pick them from the ground without wrecking them.  I\'ll teach you how to do it, if you promise to bring us some for our reserves.  What do you say, $N?','Bring 10 Glowcaps to Msshi\'fn at Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.','This will help us trade with other sporelings for food and supplies. Sporeggar thanks you, $N!','Did you find any glowcaps, $N? They\'re literally everywhere in the marsh.$B$BYou can spot their bright glow from far away if you pay attention.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4897insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4852,9809,'More Glowcaps','','','Thank you, $N. As Sporeggar\'s elder, I must ensure my people have adequate supplies. You make my task that much easier.','I\'ll take more glowcaps if you have them. Our village can always use more of them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4898insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4853,9810,'The Spirit Polluted','Watoosun was able to shed the stink of corruption; but in doing so, created a twisted spirit essence. A spirit essence composed of the vilest corruption found amongst the elements!$B$BYou will find this polluted spirit of the swamp southwest of here, hidden in the depths of Lake Sunspring.$B$BFind and destroy the polluted essence of Watoosun and any corrupt offspring that it may have created.','Elementalist Lo\'ap at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand wants you to destroy Watoosun\'s Polluted Essence and 10 Lake Surgers.','The elements sang of your victory the moment the disturbed essence was destroyed! The Earthen Ring thanks you and wishes for you to choose a reward.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4899insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4854,9811,'Friend of the Sin\'dorei','This is the beginning of a new chapter in blood elf history, $N.  You\'ve helped cement the bond between my race and yours, $r.$B$BTake the traitor\'s head to Regent Lord Lor\'themar Theron in Silvermoon City.  He\'ll be eager to hear the news.','Take Dar\'Khan\'s Head to Lor\'themar Theron in Silvermoon City.','So you killed Dar\'Khan, $R?  Impressive.  I\'ve a feeling my people and yours will soon get to be very good friends.','You seek audience with me?  I do not recall hearing of an appointment. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4900insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4855,9812,'Envoy to the Horde','There were doubts about our capabilities among our potential new allies.  Of what use could we be to them when perceived as unable to deal with our problems at home?$B$BThis changes everything.  No longer will our power be questioned.  We\'ll be able to join the Horde as equals.$B$BTake this letter to Sylvanas, ruler of the Forsaken.  She\'s already on our side but the news of Dar\'Khan\'s death will be music to her ears.  Prepare for a long trip, $N.  If all goes well she will send you to Orgrimmar.','Bring the Letter from Lor\'themar Theron to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in Undercity, the Forsaken capital in Tirisfal Glades.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4901insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4856,9813,'Meeting the Warchief','I haven\'t lost any love for my homeland or its people, as you know.  I\'ve fought tooth and nail for Silvermoon to be allowed a place beside Undercity and Orgrimmar at the negotiating table.$B$BThis should silence any opposition. Take this letter to Thrall in Orgrimmar.  As leader of the Horde he will have the final say on accepting the sin\'dorei\'s pledge.$B$BI\'ve added my own seal to the letter as a personal endorsement.  Go northwest of the city and board the zeppelin bound for Durotar at the tower.','Lady Sylvanas Windrunner wants you to take the Letter Sealed by Sylvanas to Thrall in Orgrimmar, capital of Durotar.','<Thrall begins to read the letter.>So the blood elves finally took care of their little problem.  Never mind that it took your help as well as that of an entire Forsaken regiment to get the job done.<Thrall breaks into laughter.>I suppose there\'s no stopping this.  In the end we need them just as much as they need us. Welcome to the horde Blood Elf.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4902insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4857,9814,'Burstcap Mushrooms, Mon!','You like mushrooms, mon? There be a powerful one here in Zangarmarsh, growin\' real close to Zabra\'jin.$B$BYou gotta be careful, though, mon. They be callin\' it the burstcap for a reason. If you be gettin\' too close without takin\' the proper precautions, it\'ll blow right up on you! Poof! Right into a cloud o\' toxic spores.$B$BI been usin\' them for readin\' the omens, but they be almost gone now.','Bring Witch Doctor Tor\'gash 6 Burstcap Mushrooms.','These be excellent, mon!$B$BI\'ll tell you what. Since you been a good sport and helped with the mushrooms, I\'ll let you in on the fun!','Have you got the mushrooms, mon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4903insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4858,9815,'Muck Diving','The most affected elements of water can be found in the Halaani Basin, southwest of here, beneath the abandoned city of Halaa. While some distressed elements can be destroyed without any impact upon the environment, spawns of muck must be physically removed from the world once destroyed.$B$BYou see, muck spawns leave behind globules of tainted debris that if left untouched will spread and further contaminate the environment.$B$BDestroy these muck spawns and bring back their muck-ridden cores.','Elementalist Lo\'ap at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand wants you to retrieve 5 Muck-ridden Cores.','The Earthen Ring thanks you, $N. The elements also give their thanks. Your continued efforts in cleansing our world are appreciated and noted.','Do not leave any tainted muck behind!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4904insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4859,9816,'Have You Ever Seen One of These?','This marsh be missin\' one thing, mon! There be no murlocs here.$B$BDon\'t worry, mon, I got a plan to fix the problem. See Gargle \'n\' Gurgle over there? I plan to give the gift o\' murlocs to the Lost Ones!$B$BTake this cage with you to Daggerfen Village an\' release \'em in the northeastern cluster of huts. Now you know I can\'t be riskin\' Gargle \'n\' Gurgle with you, but I\'ll give you a cage full o\' colorful young murlocs. Just set it on the flat rock you be findin\' up there and open the door!','Take the Murloc Cage and place it on the flat rock near Daggerfen Village.','Excellent work, mon! I do hope they had a good time!','<Witch Doctor Tor\'gash grins.>$B$BDid the lil\' Lost Ones like their gift?','','Release Murlocs at Daggerfen Village','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4905insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4860,9817,'Leader of the Bloodscale','A bounty is hereby declared by the Cenarion Expedition on Rajis Fyashe, leader of the Bloodscale naga.  The naga sorceress was last sighted at Serpent Lake, in the northern region of Zangarmarsh.$B$BThe Bloodscale are to be considered extremely dangerous and their leader is to be approached with extreme caution.$B$BThose seeking to claim the bounty are advised to report to Warden Hamoot at Cenarion Refuge.','Slay Rajis Fyashe at Serpent Lake and return to Warden Hamoot at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh for a reward.','I\'ll bet the Bloodscale will think twice about attacking expedition scouts again. Take this as a reward, $N. You\'ve earned it.','You\'re here to claim the bounty for Fyashe? That\'s the best news I\'ve heard all day.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4906insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4861,9818,'The Underneath','Something rails the underneath. It beats the ground as if to punish.$B$B*Thud*$B$B<Untrag beats his chest with his fist.>$B$BIt makes this sound a hundred-thousand times. Endlessly it beats. The earth reels. It is calling out to us now.$B$BGordawg speaks to me. Gordawg knows that something forces the elements out. Something from the underneath.$B$BGo now and speak to Gordawg. No, listen to Gordawg, do not speak. Hear Gordawg...','Communicate with Gordawg.','<Gordawg appears to be nodding at you.>$B$BSit.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4907insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4862,9819,'The Tortured Earth','Bring up the usurper. You will find him. Follow earthen path. First you put to rest tortured earth spirits. Must sleep once more.$B$B<Gordawg smashes his fist into the ground and brings up very foul smelling soil.>$B$BMust sleep!$B$B<Gordawg points southeast.>$B$BFind spirits near mountains. Near hills. Near rocks. Near earth.$B$BPut to sleep.$B$BTelaari Basin... Southeast.\r\n','Gordawg at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand has asked that you destroy 15 Tortured Earth Spirits.','<Gordawg nods in approval.>$B$BGood. Spirits sleep now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4908insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4863,9820,'WANTED: Boss Grog\'ak','Wanted - Dead or Alive: Boss Grog\'ak, overseer of the Ango\'rosh mushroom-cutting operation.$B$BThis brute and his axe-wielding cronies are responsible for chopping down the mushrooms to the north of town. Unless he is stopped, he and his band will cut a path to the walls of Zabra\'jin.$B$B$g He:She; who presents the head of Boss Grog\'ak to Shadow Hunter Denjai shall be well-rewarded.','Bring Boss Grog\'ak\'s Head to Shadow Hunter Denjai in Zabra\'jin.','Well done, $N. The presence of these ogres so close to our outpost does have me worried, though. It seems like they\'ve been filtering down from the northern mountains for some time.','What do you have there, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4909insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4864,9821,'Eating Damnation','<Gordawg picks up a rock and begins to chew on it.>$B$BGordawg tastes. Gordawg knows where this earth has been.$B$B<Gordawg raises one of his massive legs and stomps the ground.>$B$BLook. See Nagrand.$B$B<Gordawg directs you to the imprint of his foot. Within the imprint you see what appears to be a perfect geological map of Nagrand, marked with the locations of where you can find the elementals Gordawg wants you to destroy.>$B$BBREAK THEM! Bring Gordawg the pieces to eat.$B$BTake the map.','Gordawg at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand has asked that you bring him 15 Enraged Crusher Cores. ','<Gordawg spits out the chewed up rock, pelting you with a hail of rubble.>Poison. These rocks are not Nagrand. These rocks are from poison. You destroy poison rock. You find usurper. ','Gordawg eats this rock. Gordawg finds usurper. Bring rock! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4910insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4865,9822,'Impending Attack','The position of the ogres\' mushroom-cutting operation can\'t be an accident. I can\'t escape the suspicion that they\'re preparing for an attack on Zabra\'jin.$B$BI must know for certain, $N. The ogres have another outpost to the northwest, the Ango\'rosh Grounds. If they\'re staging for an attack, there will be evidence of their plans there. Go there, $N and search the camp for signs of their intentions. Return to me with anything that might be suspicious.','Bring the Ango\'rosh Attack Plans to Shadow Hunter Denjai in Zabra\'jin.','<Shadow Hunter Denjai examines the plans.>$B$BI knew it! The stench of ogres always carries an implicit threat. Now that we have proof of their intentions, we must act before they do.','Have you found proof of the ogres\' intentions?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4911insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4866,9823,'Us or Them','In order to end the Ango\'rosh threat, we must kill their leader, Overlord Gorefist. We\'ll do better than that, though. We\'ll make an example of the overlord and his followers.$B$BGo to the Ango\'rosh Stronghold and deal with our foes. The stronghold is located in a cave on a small island to the northwest of Zabra\'jin. You\'ll see a bridge made from a fallen mushroom beyond the Ango\'rosh Camp.$B$BShow no mercy, $N. They certainly wouldn\'t spare any of us.','Kill Overlord Gorefist, 10 Ango\'rosh Maulers, and 10 Ango\'rosh Souleaters and report back to Shadow Hunter Denjai in Zabra\'jin.','Your victory over the Ango\'rosh is to be celebrated, $N. I wonder how long it will be before those ogre brutes find themselves another bloodthirsty chieftain.$B$BNo matter, we\'ll be ready for them.','The threat of the Ango\'rosh looms over us. Have you eliminated their leader?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4912insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4867,9824,'Arcane Disturbances','I\'m trying to obtain an imprint of Karazhan\'s energy... for a personal project, of course.  Unfortunately, I\'m not getting anything up here.  If I could get near an underground water source, my crystal would pick up the signals much more clearly.$B$BI\'ve heard of an underground pond as well as a well in a cellar below us.  This whole place is crawling with ghosts however, and venturing there would be hazardous for someone my age.  What do you say; will you help an old man and perform the scrying for me?','Use the Violet Scrying Crystal near underground sources of water in the Master\'s Cellar and return to Archmage Alturus outside of Karazhan.','These readings do not bode well, $N. Karazhan should be emanating all manner of arcane currents... instead it has become a huge energy vacuum. No signals. Nothing. Except for a very faint demonic echo.$B$BThis is bad news, $N.','The readings, $N. Did you complete them?','','Underground Well Reading','Underground Pond Reading','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4913insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4868,9825,'Restless Activity','As you may have noticed, the outside of Karazhan is crawling with ghostly beings. The reason for their existence is unknown and unknowns bother me!$B$BBring me their ghostly essence so that I may study their nature.  Karazhan has many secrets, $N.  I\'m determined to uncover all of them.','Bring 10 Ghostly Essences to Archmage Alturus outside of Karazhan.','Fascinating. I will study these essences, $N. I thank you for your help.','Have you obtained the ghostly essences I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4914insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4869,9826,'Contact from Dalaran','These signs do not bode well for us, $N.  I\'ve never been one for secrecy so I will tell you a bit about my organization, the Violet Eye.$B$BWe are agents of the Kirin Tor, the Magus Senate of Dalaran.  We were assigned to keep an eye on Karazhan and Medivh, in case things got out of hand.$B$BWhich they did... very quickly, after Medivh disappeared.$B$BThis report details my findings.  Take it to Archmage Cedric, also from the Violet Eye; you will find him in the outskirts of Dalaran.','Bring Alturus\'s Report to Archmage Cedric in the outskirts of Dalaran.','You know of the Violet Eye? You do not look familiar.','Alturus entrusted you with this information? That old fool.$B$BI suppose the damage is done, we might as well make use of you. I suppose you will cooperate?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4915insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4870,9827,'Withered Basidium','A close inspection of the basidium reveals a number of indentations that might have once held something. The alien mass of fungus presents something of a puzzle. It\'s far from healthy, but you have little clue as to what function it might normally perform.$B$BPerhaps someone more familiar with the denizens of Zangarmarsh would be able to tell you more about the basidium.','Take the Withered Basidium to Ruam in Telredor.','It looks like the basidium of a bog giant. but I haven\'t seen one in this condition before. I\'d heard that the giants in the Dead Mire had begun to wither. but it\'s far more advanced than I expected.$B$BThe Dead Mire was once a lake like the others in the marsh, and it served as the spawning ground for the giants. With the waters receding, it seems the changes are preventing the giants from sporing. If this continues, the giants may disappear entirely.','What is it you have there. $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4916insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4871,9828,'Withered Basidium','A close inspection of the basidium reveals a number of indentations that might have once held something. The alien mass of fungus presents something of a puzzle. It\'s far from healthy, but you have little clue as to what function it might normally perform.$B$BPerhaps someone more familiar with the denizens of Zangarmarsh would be able to tell you more about the basidium.','Bring the Withered Basidium to Reavij at Swamprat Post.','It looks like the basidium of a boglord. but I haven\'t seen one in this condition before. I\'d heard that the giants in the Dead Mire had begun to wither. but it\'s far more advanced than I expected.$B$BThe Dead Mire was once a lake like the others in the marsh, and it served as the spawning ground for the giants. With the waters receding, it seems the changes are preventing the giants from sporing. If this continues, the giants may disappear entirely.','What is it you have there. $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4917insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4872,9829,'Khadgar','Alturus\'s report is unsettling.  We thought it was bad when Karazhan sealed itself off to the outside world.  We had agents inside; we never heard from any of them again.  Now this... demonic emanation.  We must investigate it.$B$BThe only people who can reopen Karazhan were presumed dead: Khadgar and Medivh.$B$BWhile we hope that the latter is indeed gone, we recently learned that his apprentice, Khadgar, is alive and well in a place called Shattrath City.  Find him and give him Alturus\'s report.','Deliver Alturus\'s Report to Khadgar in Shattrath City in Terokkar Forest.','The Violet Eye? You don\'t say.$B$BShow me this report you speak of.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4918insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4873,9830,'Stinger Venom','When I speak to draenei, I often get the sense that they consider themselves removed from their environment. Many seem to pity my brethren, the Broken, who they say have lost something.$B$BWe Broken may have lost our inclination toward the Light, but our experiences have brought us closer to the land.$B$BMy people see opportunities where few draenei do. Take, for example, the venom of the marshlight bleeders that live to the south and west. It has a wide variety of uses from hunting to healing.','Bring 6 Marshlight Bleeder Venom to Puluu at the Orebor Harborage.','Thank you for bringing this venom, $N. It will go a long way toward making my demonstration possible without depleting my personal stores.','I hope to demonstrate the uses of bleeder venom to Anchorite Ahuurn and the others at Telredor. That\'s going to require me to double my supply.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4919insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4874,9831,'Entry Into Karazhan','I am deeply troubled by the news in this report, $N.  Gaining entry into Karazhan will be difficult, however.$B$BYou see, when it became apparent that I was stranded here I split the key into three fragments.$B$BI placed the keys inside enchanted containers, and in turn placed those in places that were safe at the time.$B$BWith the dark changes Outland has endured this no longer is the case.  The first fragment is in a section of Auchindoun taken over by the Shadow Council.  Return this fragment to me.','Khadgar wants you to enter the Shadow Labyrinth at Auchindoun and retrieve the First Key Fragment from an Arcane Container hidden there.','You\'ve done well, $N.  I wasn\'t sure you would succeed.$B$BThe containers are enchanted with a potent spell that masks their presence from unworthy eyes.  I\'m glad to see they did not elude you.','Have you obtained the fragment, $c?  You would do well not to waste any time in this matter','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4920insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4875,9832,'The Second and Third Fragments','I hid the second fragment at the bottom of Serpent Lake, long before it was called that.  The giant drain installed there after the naga took over has likely pulled the container into the depths of Coilfang Reservoir.$B$BThe third fragment will prove the most trying, as I left it inside Tempest Keep back when it was controlled by the naaru.  Kael\'thas now rules it and the chamber where I left it has become a prison.$B$BBring me these remaining fragments, $N.  Much depends on your success.','Obtain the Second Key Fragment from an Arcane Container inside Coilfang Reservoir and the Third Key Fragment from an Arcane Container inside Tempest Keep.  Return to Khadgar in Shattrath City after you\'ve completed this task.','You have the fragments. This is most impressive, $N. You\'re certainly worthy of holding the key to Karazhan.$B A small problem remains.','How goes your search for the key fragments, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4921insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4876,9833,'Lines of Communication','One of the reasons Ikuti led us to Zangarmarsh was to help open the lines of communication between the draenei and the Kurenai home city of Telaar in Nagrand. In order for messengers to pass swiftly between Telaar and Telredor, the roads must be secured.$B$BOn our way here, we were attacked repeatedly by marshfang slicers. We were able to fight them off, but they would pose a formidable threat to a solitary messenger. Reducing their numbers will help ensure the safety of our messengers.','Puluu at the Orebor Harborage wants you to kill 12 Marshfang Slicers.','That\'s excellent news. The way is still far from perfectly safe, but the messengers are clever and resourceful.','Have you made progress in securing the roads?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4922insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4877,9834,'Natural Armor','Maktu can always see a draenei approaching in his shiny armor from a mile away, even in this murky swamp!$B$BMaktu wants to laugh at them, but then he remembers that they have been kind to the Kurenai and he wants to teach them about how Kurenai make armor.$B$BThe dark, scaly hides of the fenclaw thrashers make some of the best armor Maktu has ever worn. If $N can bring Maktu some of these hides from the fenclaw thrashers deep in Serpent Lake, he\'ll be happy to share some of his armor.','Bring 8 Fenclaw Hides to Maktu at the Orebor Harborage.','These are good hides, Maktu thinks. They will make very good armor.$B$BWho knows? There might even be enough left over for Maktu to make some armor for the draenei.','Does $N have hides for Maktu?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4923insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4878,9835,'Ango\'rosh Encroachment','The small band of Broken you see here is a mission from a larger settlement in Nagrand. The Kurenai, as we call ourselves, are Broken who desire to reunite with our draenei brothers.$B$BMy group has come here to strengthen Kurenai ties to the draenei of Telredor.$B$BIf the Ango\'rosh ogres have their way, this temple will not stand much longer. They have cleared the Hewn Bog of its towering mushrooms and draw ever closer to our refuge. If you would call yourself our friend, aid us in fighting this enemy.','Kill 10 Ango\'rosh Ogres and 5 Ango\'rosh Shaman and return to Ikuti at the Orebor Harborage.','The Ango\'rosh threat is contained for the moment, but I\'m certain they won\'t give up that easily. I\'ve forgotten many things since the end of my life as a draenei, but the stubbornness of the ogres is an enduring memory.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4924insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4879,9836,'The Master\'s Touch','I\'ve put together the very key I used as an apprentice.  It looks completely functional as far as keys go.  In regards to opening Karazhan, however, this might as well be a piece of scrap metal.$B$BWithout Medivh\'s consent, the key is worthless.  Yes, of course I know Medivh is dead.  This merely makes things difficult, not impossible.$B$BThere is a place in Azeroth called the Caverns of Time, guarded by the bronze dragonflight.  Find a way inside, travel back in time and get Medivh to enable the key.','Go into the Caverns of Time and convince Medivh to enable your Restored Apprentice\'s Key.','That key, I recognize it. That is Kadghar\'s key... of course I haven\'t given it to him yet.','Who are you and what do you want?','Master\'s Touch','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4925insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4880,9837,'Return to Khadgar','I seem to have memories about future events surrounding you and this key.$B$B<Medivh looks at you like he\'s just seen a ghost.>$B$BYou have trying times ahead of you, $N.  Let us hope your strength does not fail you.$B$BRegarding the key, I am to hand it to Khadgar when he\'s sent to me.  I couldn\'t hope for a better apprentice.$B$BI suppose you will need a key of your own.$B$B<Medivh reaches into his robe and hands you his own key.>$B$BGo on then.  And best of luck, $c.','Return to Khadgar in Shattrath City and show him the Master\'s Key.','His own key? That\'s incredible!$B$BI do not sense any disturbances in our timeline, so I suppose it was meant to occur all along. There\'s no turning back now, $N. The key is yours and only yours.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4926insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4881,9838,'The Violet Eye','A great responsibility has been bestowed upon you, $N.  If the signs that the Violet Eye has observed are to be trusted, then you must help them.$B$BFor all my disagreements with Cedric, the work that men like Alturus do is still important.  Beware that they do not use you, however.  Remember it is you who the key is bound to, not them.  But if the danger in Karazhan is real, then it is they who are best prepared to guide you in dealing with it.  Go back to Alturus and help him in any way that you can.','Speak to Archmage Alturus outside Karazhan.','I sent you to deliver a report and you come back with a key to this place? There must be more to you than meets the eye, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4927insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4882,9839,'Overlord Gorefist','The centerpiece of any ogre tribe is its leader. Without leadership, the Ango\'rosh\'s organization will disappear and they\'ll resort to infighting to determine who will lead next.$B$BAlthough we\'ve seen the ogres out and about in this area, their true strength is concentrated in their Ango\'rosh Stronghold to the northwest. It\'s located in a cave on a small island connected to the marsh by a fallen mushroom.$B$BGo there and defeat Overlord Gorefist. That should provide us with a well-deserved respite.','Ikuti wants you to kill Overlord Gorefist and 10 Ango\'rosh Maulers. Return to the Orebor Harborage once you have completed the task.','At last! You have our thanks for your help in securing our position at the Orebor Harborage. I will send word of your deeds to the Kurenai city of Telaar in Nagrand. There will be many more opportunities for our peoples to work together.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4928insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4883,9840,'Assessing the Situation','Now that we\'ve found a way back into Medivh\'s Tower - or rather you have - the first thing we need to do is try to get a sense of what the situation inside is.$B$BOne of our agents who had managed to infiltrate Karazhan kept an encoded log of her observations.  Unfortunately her death was confirmed shortly before Karazhan was shut down.  Koren, Karazhan\'s blacksmith, was under our pay.  Though not a member of the Violet Eye, he should be able to help us find Keanna\'s log.  Look for him inside.','Find Koren inside Karazhan.','<Koren looks at you with an uncertain look.>$B$BI know nothing of this Violet Eye you speak of. A blacksmith is all I am.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4929insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4884,9841,'Stinging the Stingers','It\'s impossible to work with all this infernal buzzing! Do you hear it?$B$BI can\'t get it out of my head! I know exactly what\'s making the noise, too. It\'s those damnable marshlight bleeders! The noise always comes from the south and west of the village.$B$BThey\'re too big to swat, crush underfoot, or wave away. The only way to stop that unholy droning is to kill them. I don\'t care how you do it, $N, just quiet them!','Kill 8 Marshlight Bleeders and return to Gambarinka at Zabra\'jin.','I thought so. I can hear the difference already. I\'ll finally be able to get back to work, thanks to you. If you ever find yourself in need of tradeskill supplies, don\'t forget ol\' Gambarinka!','The sound seems to have receded into the distance. Is that wishful thinking or have you really done something about the problem?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4930insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4885,9842,'The Sharpest Blades','The damp atmosphere of the marsh has taken a toll on my metal tools. It\'s made woodworking a lot more difficult than it ought to be, so I\'ve given up on metal blades.$B$BIt turns out that the marshfang slicers living to the south and west of town grow blades that are sharper than any steel I\'ve ever owned. They\'re also resistant to rust and wear. It\'s just a little tricky to attach them to a handle, but I think I\'ve got it figured out. I\'d appreciate any blades you could bring me.','Bring 10 Marshfang Slicer Blades to Gambarinka at Zabra\'jin.','These should keep me supplied for some time to come! I think some of the others have begun to take notice. I\'ve had several offers to buy my blades already. Selling them on the side might provide better business than my customary goods.','Have you managed to scare up some of those marshfang blades?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4931insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4886,9843,'Keanna\'s Log','Who did you say you were looking for again?  Keanna?$B$BI once met someone with that name.  She was staying up at the guest chambers.  I was supposed to keep that a secret now, wasn\'t I?$B$BDid you say you were with the Violet Eye?  No, I\'ve never heard of them.$B$BI need to return to my work now, if you don\'t mind.$B$B<Koren seems to have forgotten about you already.>','Search the Guest Chambers inside Karazhan for Keanna\'s Log and bring it to Archmage Alturus outside Karazhan.','You found the log. I sure hope the information we need is in here, $N.','Keanna\'s log... did you find it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4932insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4887,9844,'A Demonic Presence','Keanna\'s last few entries confirm our suspicions of a demonic presence inside Karazhan.$B$BShe detected the arrival of a Burning Legion agent whose location she describes as coming from the top of the tower.$B$BHer entries stop there.$B$BKarazhan is a very important place, $c.  It is a portal into the nether, a beacon shining into other worlds.  The possible repercussions of it falling into the wrong hands are unthinkable.  This demonic intrusion must be stopped.  And you, $N, are the only one with a key.','Archmage Alturus wants you to destroy the Demonic Presence at the top of Karazhan.','You did it! Yes, the readings are becoming normal once again!$B$BWe must give this news to Cedric. He\'s going to be very impressed with your achievement.','','','Demonic Presence Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4933insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4888,9845,'Angling to Beat the Competition','It\'s a relief to be in someplace with water after trekking through the wasteland of Hellfire Peninsula. I was worried there might not be any respectable fishing holes in Outland.$B$BNow I\'m glad I lugged my fishing supplies along. For the most part, the fishing\'s been good, except for those no good fenclaw thrashers in Serpent Lake.$B$BNot only do they scare the fish away, but they\'re bold enough to snap the bait right off my hook. I spend more time re-baiting the hook than I do catching anything!','Kill 10 Fenclaw Thrashers and return to Zurjaya at Zabra\'jin.','I can\'t wait to return to fishing! Now I\'ll be able to return to town with some real fish in my bucket and Gambarinka won\'t be able to make fun of me anymore!','Is it safe for me to fish again?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4934insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4889,9846,'Spirits of the Feralfen','The most powerful tribe of Lost Ones in the marsh, the Feralfen, are said to possess powerful medicine. There may be no truth to such rumors, but anything that might help me channel the spirits of this world cannot be ignored.$B$BFind the Feralfen mystics, hunters and druids, $N, and capture their totems. Everything I need to know should be apparent from the carvings.','Bring 10 Feralfen Protection Totems to Seer Janidi at Zabra\'jin.','Hmm... They seem to be divided between images of a serpent spirit and a bird spirit. No self-respecting Darkspear troll engages in bird worship. Their spirits are weak, capricious, and best left to the Amani.$B$BBut the serpent, $N, the serpent wields considerable power and this is the spirit I shall study.','Have you gathered those totems?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4935insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4890,9847,'A Spirit Ally?','We must find out how much power this Feralfen snake spirit possesses and whether it can be bent to our will. Imagine what I could do with the powers of an Outland spirit at my command!$B$BTake this totem with you and make your way to the foot of the stairs leading to the Boha\'mu Ruins. Plant the totem in the ground and it should do the rest. The spirit should not be able to tell who has used the totem until it has manifested.','Take the Feralfen Totem to the foot of the stairs at the Boha\'mu Ruins and plant it in the ground. Report your findings to Seer Janidi at Zabra\'jin.','<You tell Seer Janidi about what happened when you used the totem.>$B$BThe spirit attacked you? It must have a higher affinity for those Lost Ones than I\'d thought. There\'s no way to compel it to serve me without expending considerable effort. I\'ll have to search for a new source of power in this wretched world.','','','Summon Serpent Spirit','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4936insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4891,9848,'Secrets of the Daggerfen','Bugs, bugs, bugs! The marsh is full of them and my companions here seem obsessed with them.$B$BWell, I\'ve had it with the bugs! Something far more intriguing has captured my interest. To the west, there is a village of Lost Ones who call themselves the Daggerfen.$B$BThe whole tribe consists of highly specialized assassins. I\'ve noticed them mixing and using a particularly potent kind of poison. I\'m dying to know more about the poison, but that\'s going to require a copy of the recipe and a sample vial.','Bring the Daggerfen Poison Manual and a Daggerfen Poison Vial to Timothy Daniels at the Orebor Harborage.','<Timothy leafs through the manual.>$B$BThey\'re using ragveil as a base for the poison? No, that can\'t be right. Ragveil has no toxic properties.$B$BIncluding ragveil in a poison is like a rogue wielding two maces. Sure, you can do it, but it isn\'t true to the essence of your calling! I just can\'t understand...$B$B<Timothy clears his throat.>$B$BI mean, thank you for fetching these for me. I\'ll try out the poison as soon as time permits.','Did your search of Daggerfen Village yield the information I need in order to get to the bottom of this poison puzzle?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4937insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4892,9849,'Shattering the Veil','<Gordawg breaks off a piece of ebon rock from his back.>$B$BYou are granted a piece of the fury of the earth. Take the boulder of Gordawg and hurl it at the poison rock. Shatter their shells to discover the truth. Destroy the minions of the usurper and return to Gordawg with the name.$B$BYou find the shattered elements at the edge of the world. Southwest.','Gordawg at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand has asked that you slay 30 Minions of Gurok.','GUROK! Gurok betrayed the elements! ','Gordawg wants the boulder returned. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4938insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4893,9850,'Clefthoof Mastery','You\'ve proved to me that you can find and take down a regular clefthoof, but far more dangerous are the clefthoof bulls.$B$BBag yourself thirty of those.  Then you can talk to me of your hunting prowess.$B$BLook for them all along the middle region of Nagrand to the west and south.','Kill 30 Clefthoof Bulls and then speak to Hemet Nesingwary at Nesingwary\'s Safari in Nagrand about your prowess.','Impressive. Most impressive.$B$BYou\'ve got potential, kid. Now I\'m going to give you the chance to have some real fun!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4939insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4894,9851,'Clefthoof Mastery','Banthar is the fiercest and most elusive of all the clefthoof in Outland.  She\'s also the hairiest.$B$BIt is said that she roams with her clefthoof herd in the Field of Spirits near Oshu\'gun.$B$BYou want to truly prove your hunting mastery?  Bring me her horn!','Acquire the Horn of Banthar and return it to Hemet Nesingwary at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.','You did it! You took down Banthar! I never had a doubt, $N.$B$BHere, I think you\'ve more than earned this.','A warm fire and a woman at your side for idle chit-chat is something you can get at home. Here we hunt big game or die trying.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4940insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4895,9852,'The Ultimate Bloodsport','The queen of all that dwell in Nagrand is known as Tusker.  She\'s a giant elekk the likes of which you won\'t see anywhere else!$B$BYou\'re right to be fearful of that name.  Bach\'lor, Gutripper, and Banthar are nothing when compared to her.  It is said that she can be found on a huge bluff far to the southwest overlooking Oshu\'gun.  Bring me her massive heart if you dare.$B$BDo you want to leave a letter with me so that I can have it delivered to your next of kin in the likely event that you don\'t return?','Bring the Heart of Tusker to Hemet Nesingwary at Nesingwary\'s Safari in Nagrand.','$N! You bring joy to this old dwarf\'s heart.$B$BYou have now proven yourself; you\'ve joined the ranks of the elite! Others ran away in fear, or died, trampled under the foot of the beast. You used your mind, your cunning, your determination to prove your mastery of the hunt.$B$BTake this and know that you are always welcome to hunt at my side!','There\'s no shame in admitting that you haven\'t the spine to hunt the mightiest of animals this land has to offer, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4941insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4896,9853,'Gurok the Usurper','Gurok must be summoned. You summon Gurok and you destroy.$B$BYou must go to Warmaul Hill to the northwest and find where ogre worships Gurok. You put ogre skull from Warmaul ogres on Gurok\'s earthen brand. Only then will Gurok come. Seven skulls.$B$BIf you live, bring Gordawg back Gurok earthen head. Gordawg crushes head.$B$B<Gordawg bites down hard, shaking the earth beneath your feet.>','Gordawg at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand has asked that you destroy Gurok the Usurper and bring back Gurok\'s Earthen Head.','<Gordawg chomps down hard on Gurok\'s earthen head, nearly disintegrating the stone formation.>$B$BGurok\'s reign has come to an end. The earthen elements are free. All sleep now. Champion gets reward!','Gordawg eat Gurok power.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4942insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4897,9854,'Windroc Mastery','Do you live for the hunt as I do, $c?  Do you seek the quietude that comes as you stalk your prey?  Would you know what it is to honor the last heartbeats of your fallen quarry?  I will help you to achieve this.$B$BNagrand is a lush land, full of life in the midst of this broken world.  Bring down a handful of the windrocs and then we will speak more.$B$BYou can find them in many places nearby in all directions around our camp.','Kill 30 Windrocs and then return to Fitz at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.','Every day is a gift. Make the most of it. For tomorrow we shall stride swifter over the plains than today. We will spread our arms further and strain to achieve that which tonight we can only dream of, though it may ever elude us. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4943insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4898,9855,'Windroc Mastery','You must always push yourself if you are to one day stalk the mightiest of prey!  While you are not yet ready, I will point you in the right direction.$B$BThere is another breed of windroc even deadlier.  Seek out the ravenous windroc to test your mettle against.  You will find them in the heart of Nagrand to the west and southwest.','Hunt down 30 Ravenous Windrocs and then return to Fitz at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.','You have proven your skill once more, $C. Now you must go on to stalk the fiercest of the windrocs.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4944insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4899,9856,'Windroc Mastery','You are ready, $c.  Ready to face the mother of all windrocs, Gutripper!  Honor demands that after hunting so many of her children that you give her the chance to defeat you!  Seek her out amongst the greater windroc far to the west.$B$BShould you survive, bring her eye to me.','Bring the Eye of Gutripper to Fitz at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.','Her eye looks as if it is still alive. Do you think that she can still see into your soul?$B$B$N, you can now count yourself as one of the elite safari hunters. And you are another step closer to stalking the ultimate prey of this land, Tusker!$B$BYou\'ve earned the right to have this. May it serve you well.','Have you faced Gutripper yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4945insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4900,9857,'Talbuk Mastery','I don\'t think that I\'m up to the hunt today.  Do you think that you might take my place?$B$BI told Hemet that I was going to see about bagging us some of those talbuk that seem to be all over the place.  The stags are especially nice to hunt.  You can find them congregated around the nearby trees.$B$BThink that you could take care of that for me?','Kill 30 Talbuk Stags and then return to Harold Lane at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.','That\'s a good tale... <cough>...of how you bagged all of those stags, $C. But I think that you can do better. I\'ve got something else in mind for you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4946insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4901,9858,'Talbuk Mastery','This darned scratch is getting the worst of me it would seem.  So, are you up to filling...<cough>... in for me again?$B$BThis time you\'re going to bag yourself some thorngrazers.  They\'re tougher and wilier than the stags, so keep your wits about you.  Look for them... <cough>... sheltered under the trees in the middle of Nagrand to the west and south.$B$BGo on, get out there and...<cough>... show Hemet what you\'re made of.  I\'ll be fine.','Hunt down 30 Talbuk Thorngrazers and then return to Harold Lane at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.','<cough>, <cough>... $N! You did it. There\'s only...<cough>... one thing left to...<cough>... do then.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4947insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4902,9859,'Talbuk Mastery','<Wracking cough.>$B$BDon\'t worry about...<cough>... me.  I\'ll be fine.  It\'s just a...<cough>... scratch.$B$BJust the same, I think you\'ll... <cough>... have to fill in for me one more... <cough>... time.$B$BYou must seek out the great Bach\'lor, king of...<cough>... the stags.  It\'s ok if you... <cough>... take friends along.$B$BBring me one of his hooves...<cough>, <cough>... as confirmation.$B$BLook for him...<cough>... leading his herd in the far west of Nagrand.','Obtain the Hoof of Bach\'lor and return it to Harold Lane at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.','Wow! You did it! That\'s really Bach\'lor\'s hoof!$B$BUm, I\'m starting to feel much better it would seem. Here, let me give you something in celebration of your proven hunting prowess!','You have... the hoof?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4948insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4903,9860,'The New Directive','Return to Cedric at once, $N.  The aid you\'ve given the Violet Eye will not go unrewarded.$B$BThink what you want of us and our organization, $c, but gaining the favor of the archmages of Dalaran will not be something you regret.','Speak to Archmage Cedric in the Outskirts of Dalaran.','Alturus told me all about what happened, $N. This is not the end of it, however. With Karazhan remaining sealed to outsiders, it\'s only a matter of time until the Legion renews its attacks while we stand powerless in the sidelines.$B$BUnless you accept the responsibility that fate has bestowed upon you, that is.$B$B<Cedric extends an open palm towards you, holding a badge with the Violet Eye\'s symbol on it.>$B$BWhat do you say, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4949insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4904,9861,'The Howling Wind','This amorphous mass of elemental air is speaking to you in a language that you cannot understand. You believe the language to be the tongue of the elements: Kalimag. Perhaps someone at the Throne of the Elements could shed some insight on this unusual find.','Find someone at the Throne of the Elements that knows how to speak Kalimag and show them the Howling Wind.','It is a distress call, <race>. An outside force is attempting to subvert the elements.','Give it here! Quickly!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4950insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4905,9862,'Murkblood Corrupters','Murkblood are capturing and torturing the spirits of air! Murkblood are my kin: A tribe of the Broken who serve the vile Musel\'ek, beast lord of Coilfang.$B$BThe air spirit states that the Murkblood putrifiers are capturing other spirits of air and using them to sow chaos into the ranks of the elements. It would seem that the Murkblood have recently sacked an orc village to the southwest known as Sunspring and are using powerful elemental magic to disturb the lake. Find the putrifiers and destroy them.','Elementalist Morgh at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand wants you to slay 8 Murkblood Putrifiers.','You saw them controlling the elements? The wind bent to their will?$B$B<Morgh is lost in thought for a moment.>$B$BThis is troubling, $N. I must consult with the others.$B$BWe thank you for your efforts, $N. Perhaps you should return to your village and see if they have any other information about the Murkbloods and their nefarious goals.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4951insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4906,9863,'Vile Idolatry','With our leadership in ruin, we are left open to attacks from all sides. The foul Murkblood tribe could not have picked a better time to attack us!$B$BIn recent days, we have been subject to no less than 5 assaults from the Broken. They have even taken over our only other territorial holding in the area: Sunspring Post.$B$BWe must strike and show them that we are not powerless! Strike down the vile idolaters and bring me their twisted idols of worship so that they may ride the lightning.','Farseer Kurkush at Garadar in Nagrand wants you to bring him 20 Murkblood Idols.','You have given the Lightning Sons hope, $N. If our leader will not protect us, perhaps there are others that are capable - like you. ','Do this for us because we cannot do it for ourselves. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4952insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4907,9864,'The Missing War Party','After the last Murkblood raid, a group of younglings decided to act. We tried to stop them but the rage had taken hold. It has now been one week since we last saw our beloved younglings.$B$BPlease, $r, you must find them! They have just barely reached adolescence. How can they expect to defeat such savages?$B$BThey took the road leading west out of town. Follow that road around and look for signs of our younglings.$B$BAnd $N, avoid Halaa if you value your life. It is a war-zone.','Try and find the missing Garadar war party.','I have been told stories of my people. They say that once, we were warriors... ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4953insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4908,9865,'Once Were Warriors','I do not know you, stranger, but I ask for your help. I feel shame for this, but I am only one orc.$B$BEmotions have surfaced that I have never felt. I... I seek vengeance. Blood for blood. Do your people ever feel this? I wish to pick up my axe and split my enemies in two. To swing the weapon until my arms fall lifelessly at my sides, exhausted.$B$BSunspring Post is directly south of this procession. It is there that you will find our enemies... Kill them... Kill them all...','Kill 40 Murkblood Scavengers and 20 Murkblood Raiders.','<Saurfang turns to face you.>$B$BIs it blood that I smell? I regret being unable to lend assistance. How proud you must be. My chest swells just knowing what you have done.$B$BAre there others like you? Where you come from, do more heroes exist?','','','Kill 40 Murkblood Scavengers.','Kill 20 Murkblood Raiders.','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4954insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4909,9866,'He Will Walk The Earth...','Will you do me one last honor, $N? I do not wish to return to Garadar. I believe that my destiny lies elsewhere - that I will serve a greater purpose someday.$B$BPlease, return to Farseer Corhuk and tell him that I will not be returning. That I cannot return. I must walk the earth... He will understand.','Deliver the news to Farseer Corhuk at Garadar.','<Farseer Corhuk stares at the ground, lost in contemplation. He nods his head affirmatively.>$B$B<Farseer Corhuk wipes a tear away.>$B$BThe son is the father... May the spirits have mercy on those that stand in his way.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4955insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4910,9867,'Murkblood Leaders...','We have lost many friends in recent weeks.$B$BFor decades we have dealt with the ogres of Nagrand but now a new threat has arisen. The Broken tribe of Murkblood attacked our fishing village to the southwest, Sunspring Post, and managed to kill or evict all of the orcs that inhabited the town.$B$BWhile the others feel that the best course of action is to kill indiscriminately, I know that we must destroy their leadership. I do not know who their leader is but I suspect that you will know when you find him.','Farseer Margadesh at Garadar in Nagrand wants you to bring him the Head of Ortor of Murkblood. ','So, this is the face of our enemy? I will have this put upon a pike and placed outside of Garadar, near the gates. Should they think to attack us again, they will see the consequences for their actions looking down upon them... ','Bring me their leader\'s head, $N. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4956insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4911,9868,'The Totem of Kar\'dash','Thank you, stranger. They would have surely killed me had it not been for you.$B$BI was kidnapped by these Murkbloods 3 nights ago during a nighttime raid on Garadar. What I have since uncovered may very well shake the foundation of the Outland: these savages seek to recover the totem of Kar\'dash! We cannot allow the totem to fall into the hands of the Murkbloods!$B$BYou must help me escape. And stranger, if I do not make it back to Garadar, you must tell Garrosh what happened here... ','Escort the Mag\'har Captive out of Sunspring Post. Speak to Garrosh at Garadar if you succeed.','What does it matter? The Greatmother is dying. Life is not worth living... ','','Free the Mag\'har Captive','Free the Mag\'har Captive','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4957insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4912,9869,'The Throne of the Elements','Greetings, $r. I am Ioki, elementalist of the Earthen Ring. I have come to Telaar to inform the Kurenai of the state of the elements.$B$BCould I ask a favor of you? Would you travel to the Throne of the Elements in the northern hills of Nagrand, beyond Skysong Lake, and tell elementalist Sharvak that I have arrived at Telaar safely? She will surely reward you for this small deed.','Elementalist Ioki wants you to travel to the Throne of the Elements and speak with Elementalist Sharvak.','Ah, thank you for the message. Perhaps you would not mind helping out the Earthen Ring? The elements are in flux. We can use all of the assistance that we can get.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4958insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4913,9870,'The Throne of the Elements','Greetings, $r. I am Yal\'hah, elementalist of the Earthen Ring. I have come to Garadar to inform the Mag\'har of the state of the elements.$B$BCould I ask a favor of you? Would you travel to the Throne of the Elements in the northern hills of Nagrand, beyond Skysong Lake, and tell elementalist Sharvak that I have arrived at Garadar safely? She will surely reward you for this small deed.','Elementalist Yal\'hah wants you to travel to the Throne of the Elements and speak with Elementalist Sharvak.','Ah, thank you for the message. Perhaps you would not mind helping out the Earthen Ring? The elements are in flux. We can use all of the assistance that we can get.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4959insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4914,9871,'Murkblood Invaders','The parchment holds a crudely painted map of Nagrand. There is a big red \'X\' where Telaar would be on the map. It would seem that these savages are planning an attack on the city. Take the Murkblood invasion plans to Arechron in Telaar.\r\n','Take the Murkblood Invasion Plans to Arechron.','<Arechron slams his fist into his hand.>Ortor... Treacherous bastard! ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4960insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4915,9872,'Murkblood Invaders','The parchment holds a crudely painted map of Nagrand. There is a big red \'X\' where Garadar would be on the map. It would seem that these savages are planning an attack on the city. Take the Murkblood invasion plans to Garrosh in Garadar.','Take the Murkblood Invasion Plans to Garrosh.','<Garrosh crumples up the map and throws it into the fire.>What\'s the use? They\'ve been attacking us for weeks. This is nothing new.Don\'t you understand? We\'re done for... Greatmother Geyah is dying. ','What is it? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4961insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4916,9873,'Ortor My Old Friend...','These invasion plans were written by someone I once knew. Ortor of Murkblood, once a noble Broken, versed in the way of the elements, now a muck addled yes-man of Musel\'ek the bog lord.$B$BThe plans state that they have taken over an orc village northwest of here known as Sunspring.$B$BTravel to Sunspring Post and rid the world of Ortor of Murkblood. What you do, you do for the good of us all...','Arechron at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to kill Ortor of Murkblood.','A thousand dead orcs you say? What could have triggered such an audacious advance into orc lands? It is good that he is dead but there is more to this than what meets the tentacle.','Remember, $N, Ortor is a shaman of great power.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4962insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4917,9874,'Stopping the Spread','I have just gotten word of a catastrophe of epic proportions, $N. The foul Murkblood have sacked the orc village of Sunspring Post, northwest of here, and murdered its residents. To make matters worse, they have begun dumping the bodies into Sunspring Lake. Should those bodies rot, our primary source of water in the region will be compromised.$B$BIt\'s a gruesome task that I give you next but it must be done. Take this enchanted torch and return to Sunspring. Burn all of the rotting orc corpses...','Otonbu the Sage at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to use the Torch of Liquid Fire to destroy 10 Sunspring Villager corpses. Return the Torch of Liquid Fire when the task is complete.\r\n','<Otonbu sighs.>$B$BThis will set back any chance of peace with the orcs another 10 years. At least we will be around to see those years as opposed to what could have happened had those corpses been allowed to rot. ','The orcs will not understand what we are doing but it must be done. For the good of both orc and Broken. ','','Sunspring Villager Corpse Burned','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4963insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4918,9875,'Uncatalogued Species','Lauranna must\'ve missed this particular plant.  You\'re certain you\'ve discovered a species not yet catalogued by Lauranna\'s work.  You\'d best show it to her to see what she makes of it.','Bring the Uncatalogued Species to Lauranna Thar\'well at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','A new species! Are you sure?$B$B<Lauranna flips through pages of notes and diagrams.>$B$BNice job, $N. We\'ll have to add this one to our list. How does \"Purple Leafed Ororarium\" sound to you? It does have a ring to it.','You have something to show me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4964insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4919,9876,'Failed Incursion','I sent a small group of our druids to investigate the drain you discovered inside of Serpent Lake.  They were expected to return shortly after.  Needless to say, they did not.$B$BYou are amongst our most capable allies; I ask you to seek them and find out what became of them.','Ysiel Windsinger wants you to look for signs of Cenarion Expedition Druids near the entrance to Coilfang Reservoir.','Thank Cenarius you showed up. My injuries prevented me from going back to the outside for help.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4965insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4920,9877,'A Restorative Draught','The battle against the Scourge is not one without casualties.  Many are slain every day yet many more meet a worse fate.$B$BIt is not uncommon for the Scourge to take prisoners.  Death would be preferable to what awaits them in Deatholme.  They\'re interrogated and tortured while under the effects of horrible will-breaking poisons.$B$BApothecary Renzithen in Tranquillien has developed a remedy; go to him and retrieve this restorative draught.','Speak to Apothecary Renzithen in Tranquillien.','Janeda\'s sending you to rescue the Deatholme prisoners? She must think very highly of you, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4966insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4921,9878,'Solving the Problem','The appearance of the Murkblood in Nagrand has had a profound negative impact on our environment. The elementals are all in flux which has, in turn, greatly disturbed the wildlife. Worse yet, the razing of Sunspring Post has reignited the hatred that the orcs held for our people.$B$BWhile the Kurenai are a different tribe than the Murkblood, all an orc sees is Broken.$B$BWe must make an effort to solve this dilemma. Travel to Sunspring Post, northwest of here, and resolve the Murkblood problem.','Poli\'lukluk the Wiser at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to kill 20 Murkblood Scavengers and 10 Murkblood Raiders.','It is doubtful that the orcs will understand or appreciate what you just did but Nagrand is better off for the deed. Thank you, problem solver...','Murkblood are a nefarious tribe of Broken, $N. They may look like Kurenai but they are most assuredly savage, murdering beasts.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4967insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4922,9879,'The Totem of Kar\'dash','I would have been killed had you not come along, stranger. They have already murdered so many Kurenai in their search for a lost relic.$B$BWhat they seek is the totem of Kar\'dash. Why they think that we would know anything about this totem, I cannot understand. Is a totem not an orcish implement by nature?$B$BThis information must be taken back to Arechron. Perhaps he knows why Murkblood are kidnapping Kurenai and torturing them for information regarding an orcish device.$B$BLet\'s go before more come.','Escort the Kurenai Captive out of Sunspring Post. Speak to Arechron at Telaar if you succeed.','Yes, I know of the totem... but there is much more to this story. Alas, I lack the authority to reveal this information to you. Only the chosen may be privy to such knowledge. ','','Free the Kurenai Captive','Free the Kurenai Captive','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4968insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4923,9882,'Stealing from Thieves','Nexus Prince Haramad has ordered us to not begin work inside of Oshu\'gun as it might anger a certain powerful naaru.  Sort of puts a damper on our operation.$B$BI think I might\'ve found a loophole, however.$B$BYou see, we\'re not the only ethereals drawn to this colossal diamond.  A thief called Gava\'xi has led a band of rogue ethereals into Oshu\'gun and they\'ve begun to dislodge large fragments from it.$B$BYour job, $r, is to go there and retrieve what is rightfully ours.','Obtain 10 Oshu\'gun Crystal Fragments and bring them to Gezhe at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.','Color me impressed. These are in excellent condition, for the most part.I will make sure to put in a good word for you with our people. ','Have you retrieved the crystal fragments I asked of you, $N? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4969insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4924,9883,'More Crystal Fragments','You\'ve got more crystal fragments?  Make sure you\'re not taking any that are still attached to the mountain; we wouldn\'t want to stir up trouble with the naaru.','','Keep the crystal fragments coming, $N. We cannot let these thieves take our property.$B$BEven if it\'s not ours just quite yet. A technicality, of course.','You\'ve got more crystal fragments? Make sure you\'re not taking any that are still attached to the mountain, we wouldn\'t want to stir up trouble with the naaru.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4970insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4925,9884,'Membership Benefits','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4971insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4926,9885,'Membership Benefits','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4972insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4927,9886,'Membership Benefits','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4973insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4928,9887,'Membership Benefits','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4974insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4929,9888,'The Impotent Leader','I have escaped certain death, surviving a cowardly nighttime attack by Boulderfist ogres upon my village.$B$BBut I ask you, stranger: For what?$B$B<Jorin points to Garrosh.>$B$BHe has refused to give us assistance. Ogres are rampaging through my town and he sits here, weeping into a fire. What has become of us? What will become of us?$B$BI\'ve sent a scout, Kilrath, to the village, now the Bleeding Hollow Ruins. Will you find him and give him your assistance? He hides on the border of Nagrand and Terokkar.','Jorin Deadeye has asked that you find and speak with Kilrath.','These ogres are extremely peculiar. They are also extremely stupid. Look how the fat one makes the, um, lesser fat ones dance. It\'s mesmerizing.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4975insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4930,9889,'Don\'t Kill the Fat One','I have been watching these beasts for days. The fat one says that he is waiting for something. What he is waiting for, however, is a mystery.$B$BI have a plan but it is going to involve some violence on your part. You will need to kill several of his subordinates and then beat him within an inch of his life. Do this and I am certain he will tell us everything that we need to know.','Kilrath in Terokkar Forest has asked that you kill 10 Boulderfist Invaders and beat Unkor the Ruthless until he talks.','Let me live and I\'ll tell you whatever you want to know!','I submit! I submit!','Unkor Submits','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4976insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4931,9890,'Success!','For many years, Boulderfist ruled all ogres in the Outland. The ogres were united under Krol and content with the lands that they were given. In the past few months, we have lost many ogres to a new clan known as Warmaul. Warmaul has taken most of our land in Nagrand and killed many of our people.$B$BWe had no choice but to take this town. We are being exterminated...$B$BKrol has gone missing and Boulderfist is in turmoil. Lantresor of the Blade rules in his absence.\r\n','Take the information that you beat out of Unkor back to Kilrath in Terokkar Forest.','Slow down, $N. I am but a lowly rogue. I have no idea what to do with such information.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4977insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4932,9891,'Because Kilrath is a Coward','Take what you have learned and tell Jorin at Garadar. I can assure you that he won\'t be happy to know that our village was destroyed and many of our people killed because the ogres needed more space.$B$BMay the ancestors watch over you... I will be hiding in the bushes if you need me for anything else.','Take the information that you beat out of Unkor to Jorin Deadeye at Garadar in Nagrand.','So they think that they are within their rights to displace and slaughter orcs on a whim, eh? I\'m sure that this had nothing to do with our leader being an impotent whelp... If only he\'d gotten a fraction of the passion that his father had...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4978insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4933,9892,'More Obsidian Warbeads','','','We\'ll make a good profit on these, $N. I\'ll make sure Khoraazi hears about your work here.','Have you obtained any more warbeads? You\'ll find plenty of ogres to the far north, near the border with Zangarmarsh.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4979insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4934,9893,'Obsidian Warbeads','All this waiting around for Oshu\'gun to be ready for digging is eating into our profits, $N.$B$BFortunately, I\'ve devised an alternate source of income.  The ogres of Nagrand wear warbeads made of obsidian, a mineral that commands a hefty price in many other worlds.$B$BZerid already has had to take care a few of the brutes as a matter of security.  Think of the warbeads as an added bonus.  Or better yet, don\'t think about it too much and just bring them to me.','Bring 10 Obsidian Warbeads to Gezhe at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.','Excellent. This will keep us in business while we wait for the Sha\'tar to finish whatever housekeeping it is they need to do inside Oshu\'gun. ','How are those ogres treating you, $N? Tough bunch, aren\'t they?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4980insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4935,9894,'Safeguarding the Watchers','In your travels, you might have encountered some of the expedition\'s watchers. They do the majority of the field work: documenting the unique inhabitants of the marsh, collecting samples, and making contact with sentient species.$B$BThe safety of the watchers is paramount, $c. We\'ve had to recall the watchers we sent to explore Funggor Cavern to the south, because of marshbeast attacks. Warden Hamoot believes that killing their leader, Lord Klaq, will bring a swift end to the attacks. ','Kill Lord Klaq and return to Windcaller Blackhoof at the Cenarion Refuge.','You have my gratitude, $N, and that of the watchers. They will be heartened to hear that they can continue their work to the south without fear of attack.','Have you located and dealt with Lord Klaq?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4981insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4936,9895,'The Dying Balance','Have you observed your surroundings closely, $N? This is an ailing landscape, struggling to keep itself in balance and losing the fight.$B$BIf you know where to look, you can see the symptoms. Members of some species rapidly outgrow their peers and become more aggressive.$B$BA good example of this uncontrolled growth is the marshtrekker Boglash. If you wish to see it for yourself, look no further than the waterways south of the refuge.$B$BBe prepared to defend yourself. The creature knows no mercy.','Locate and deal with Boglash, then return to Lethyn Moonfire at Cenarion Refuge.','Now that you\'ve seen the symptoms of imbalance with your own eyes, be mindful of them in your travels. ','Have you encountered Boglash?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4982insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4937,9896,'Blacksting\'s Bane','By Khaz\'goroth\'s flaming navel, it\'s hot here! I can\'t blame the first party for leaving, but everyone knows \'twasn\'t the heat that drove them away. No, it was Blacksting, although they won\'t admit it.$B$BThey were camped just to the south of the glowing draenei towers to the west, just north of the Feralfen Village, when the giant wasp appears out of nowhere and attacks! I can\'t wait to see the looks on their faces when I bring the creature\'s stinger back to Ironforge and show it to them!','Bring Blacksting\'s Stinger to Prospector Conall at Telredor.','I can\'t thank you enough. I\'m going to enjoy this...','Did you manage to get the stinger? Remember, it\'s useless to me if it\'s damaged.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4983insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4938,9897,'I\'m Saved!','I don\'t mind sharing.  I\'m just glad to be saved from that creep, Gankly!  And I collected tons of skins from Zangarmarsh, so it\'s no problem at all!','Give the Bundle of Skins to Harold Lane at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.','Well, I couldn\'t see if you helped out with saving Kristen, or not. But if she handed you one of her bundles of skins then you\'re alright in my book.Here\'s your reward.','Kristen is a very nice...<cough>... person to share her skins, wouldn\'t you agree?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4984insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4939,9898,'Nothin\' Says Lovin\' Like a Big Stinger','She will be mine. Oh yes - she will be mine.$B$BIsn\'t Magasha the most beautiful troll you\'ve ever seen? I have to find a way to win her heart. Sure, she has her eye on Zurai, but that is about to change. My foolproof plan will see to that.$B$BAll I need is a way to demonstrate my superior hunting skills, and that\'s where you come in my friend. There\'s a gigantic bog wasp known as Blacksting that roams the area south of the glowing draenei towers to the west. Bring me its stinger and I\'ll work my magic.','Bring Blacksting\'s Stinger to Reavij at Swamprat Post.','Fantastic! I\'ll never forget how you helped me to win her heart. In fact, you can be a guest of honor at our wedding.','My luck is about to change - I can feel it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4985insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4940,9899,'A Job Undone','Someone needs to find a way to make Reavij come to his senses! He\'s ignoring his duty and instead, he\'s devoting all his energy to getting my attention. I\'ve tried ignoring him and telling him to stop. Nothing seems to work.$B$BUntil he gets over this, I\'m left cleaning up after him. He was supposed to have dealt with Sporewing, but I\'ll bet the monster is alive and well. If you have time, would you mind going to the western part of the Dead Mire and killing the bat? I\'ll deal with Reavij in the meantime.','Magasha at Swamprat Post wants you to kill Sporewing.','At least someone is pulling his weight around here. Thank you for taking care of that matter, $N. I need to have a word with Zurai about Reavij. His scheming and daydreaming have gone on long enough.','There\'s no changing his mind, I swear. I think I\'m going to have to ask Shadow Hunter Denjai for a transfer back to Zabra\'jin.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4986insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4941,9900,'Gava\'xi','The presence of rogue ethereals in this area might amuse Gezhe, who sees nothing but opportunity wherever we go, but it\'s a true threat to the security of our operations.$B$BTheir leader, Gava\'xi, is a dangerous criminal and I\'ve made it my top priority to see to it that he is neutralized.$B$BIf you\'re looking to make yourself useful, go and take care of Gava\'xi.  I will see to it that you\'re rewarded properly.','Slay Gava\'xi near Oshu\'gun and return to Zerid at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.','We won\'t have to worry about Gava\'xi anymore, thanks to you. Let us arrange for your reward now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4987insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4942,9901,'Unfinished Business','The first expedition the league sent reported encountering a gigantic spore bat they\'d taken to calling Sporewing. They had to leave in a hurry, so they didn\'t have the chance to kill him while they were here, so I figured I\'d finish the job for them.$B$BWhat\'s left of their report suggests that the creature can be found in the southwestern parts of the Dead Mire. I think Vindicator Idaar mentioned that it\'s to the northeast of Telredor.','Prospector Conall at Telredor wants you to kill Sporewing.','Well done, $N. I think you and I have managed to outshine a whole team of prospectors. When I get back to Ironforge, I\'m sure I\'ll get my choice of assignments.','Did you manage to track down Sporewing?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4988insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4943,9902,'The Terror of Marshlight Lake','Traveling through naga-infested lands has shown me the cruel truth about how my less fortunate brethren are treated. At Marshlight Lake, to the southwest, I observed a particularly malicious taskmaster playing a deadly game. He orders his slaves out to the islands in Marshlight Lake when he knows that Terrorclaw, a giant bogstrok, is ready to feed.$B$BI needn\'t describe what results. We are too few to take on the naga directly, but we can deprive them of their amusement by killing their pet.','Slay Terrorclaw and return to Puluu at the Orebor Harborage.','Thank you. $N. Perhaps with the help of the draenei, this marsh will one day be free of naga. I can\'t imagine what it must be like to be forced to serve them.$B$BHe doesn\'t talk about it often, but Maktu was once a slave.','I am ashamed that I cannot do more to help my enslaved brethren. but at least we have prevented more needless deaths.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4989insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4944,9903,'The Biggest of Them All','You\'ve dealt with most of the little hydra, but I doubt Mragesh was impressed by your display. He\'s a cunning, ferocious beast and he\'s dogged many an angler in his time.$B$BI intend to be the last one he\'ll ever bother. He\'s bound to be hiding deep in the waters of Serpent Lake, to the northeast. He\'s a has-been; he just doesn\'t know it yet.','Slay Mragesh and return to Zurjaya in Zabra\'jin.','I\'m sure the old boy must\'ve seen his days coming to an end. With all these new arrivals, the old order couldn\'t stand. It\'s just as well his spirit is at rest now.','Have you \"retired\" old Mragesh?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4990insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4945,9904,'Pursuing Terrorclaw','I\'ve caught every kind of fish that lives in the marsh, but there\'s one that eludes me. Sure, I\'ve caught eels and mudfin frenzies. But the last time I was out on one of the islands in Marshlight Lake, I hooked a gigantic bogstrok that snapped my line and got away.$B$BTerrorclaw, he\'s called, and I won\'t rest until he\'s dead. He\'s too big for any fisherman to catch, so I suppose we\'ll just have to kill him the old-fashioned way.','Kill Terrorclaw and return to Zurjaya at Zabra\'jin.','At last! They say every great fisherman has a story of \"the one that got away,\" but I haven\'t yet met a creature I couldn\'t beat one way or another.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4991insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4946,9905,'Maktu\'s Revenge','Last time Maktu was out hunting hydras for hides at Serpent Lake, he was attacked by the biggest hydra he\'s ever seen. Maktu reached for his spear, but it was too late. He had just enough time to escape becoming hydra food.$B$BWho knows? Maybe next time, Maktu not be so lucky. Maktu wants to be there so there won\'t be a next time. Will you help Maktu get his revenge on Mragesh?','Locate and kill Mragesh, then return to Maktu at the Orebor Harborage.','<Maktu nods approvingly.>$B$BMaktu is thankful for your help. Maktu\'s pride is satisfied. He will not be caught off guard again.','Long time ago, Maktu might have used Mragesh\'s hide to make strong armor. Mragesh far too old for that now. Hide too soft for good armor.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4992insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4947,9906,'Message in a Battle','Ogres are moved by one thing: Might. If we expose ourselves to them as being weak, they will take advantage of that weakness and wipe us out.$B$BGarrosh might be ready to lie down and let the ogre dogs take our lands but I am not! I need you to deliver a message to the Boulderfist, $N. The only type of message that they are capable of understanding: Brutality.$B$BTravel to the Burning Blade Ruins, southeast of here and show them the might of the Mag\'har.$B$BAnd $N, check in with the others before leaving.','Jorin Deadeye at Garadar in Nagrand has asked that you slay 15 Boulderfist Crushers and 15 Boulderfist Mystics.','Our task is not yet finished. There are more that must be taught a lesson!','I\'m sending out a small organized search party for the rest of the villagers.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4993insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4948,9907,'An Audacious Advance','Directly west of here you will find the Halaani Basin. Within the basin are the twin clefts of Nagrand: Northwind and Southwind. Boulderfist shock troops use the clefts to hide their ogre mounds.$B$BI need you to track down those troops and kill all that you encounter in the name of Mag\'har.','Jorin Deadeye at Garadar in Nagrand has asked that you slay 25 Boulderfist Warriors and 25 Boulderfist Mages.','If this does not freeze the blood in their veins, nothing will. You have done the Mag\'har justice, $N. And for justice, Mag\'har rewards greatly.','They must be reminded that we are a force to be reckoned with in this region.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4994insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4949,9910,'Standards and Practices','If you\'re venturing into the Burning Blade Ruins, I have a task for you. Take these Mag\'har battle standards and place them at three distinct locations in the ogre compound. An area of high visibility is recommended. Look for the gigantic flaming pyres on the upper levels. Place a standard near the first, second, and third Burning Blade pyres.$B$BThe standard will leave a lasting impression upon any ogres who may have missed the battle.','Elkay\'gan the Mystic at Garadar in Nagrand wants you to use the Mag\'har Battle Standard at the First Burning Blade Pyre, Second Burning Blade Pyre, and Third Burning Blade Pyre. Return the left-over Mag\'har Battle Standards to him when you are finished.','Perhaps you would like another task? A more delicate matter, eh? ','Respect from fear! It is as good as any other kind. ','','First Battle Standard Placed','Second Battle Standard Placed','Third Battle Standard Placed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4995insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4950,9911,'The Count of the Marshes','This bloody mandible comes from an unbelievably large creature. The nether ray that it belonged to has to be the largest ever seen in Zangarmarsh. Judging from the condition of the mandible, the count must\'ve abandoned a diet of carrion in favor of living flesh.$B$BSurely the Cenarion Expedition would be interested in such a specimen. Watcher Leesa\'oh has a small camp to the west of Quagg Ridge.','Bring \"Count\" Ungula\'s Mandible to Watcher Leesa\'oh.','Are you sure that\'s real? I mean, I knew there was large wildlife in the marsh, but there are giant creatures and then there are GIANT bugs.$B$BCome to think of it, the sporelings did mention a story about a fearsome nether ray that used to terrorize them before the boglord incursion.$B$BWhat if the stories are true? Oh, dear. I\'d better take that for safekeeping. The expedition will want to know about this.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4996insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4951,9912,'The Cenarion Expedition','The Cenarion Circle\'s main expeditionary force in Outland is known as the Cenarion Expedition.  Though it began as a small venture controlled directly by the Cenarion Circle, it\'s become a large and fairly autonomous body.$B$BThe expedition\'s leader, Ysiel Windsinger, has asked us to direct volunteers to her outpost.  Report to her at the Cenarion Refuge in eastern Zangarmarsh.  Take the main path to the west and it will lead you directly there.','Speak to Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','Welcome to Cenarion Refuge, $N.  I hope you\'ve come to aid us in our mission.  We\'ve much work ahead of us.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4997insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4952,9913,'The Consortium Needs You!','My organization, the Consortium, is looking for a few resourceful individuals just like yourself.  You\'ll be hard pressed to find ethereals more honest, hard-working or pleasant to be around than us.$B$BAll we require is loyalty, dedication and a reasonable amount of moral flexibility.  If you\'re interested, speak to Gezhe, our ground operations leader.  You will find him at Aeris Landing, north of Oshu\'gun.','Report to Gezhe at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.','Are you ready to get to work, $R? I think I\'ve got the perfect task for you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4998insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4953,9914,'A Head Full of Ivory','Ivory is a much sought after prize.  I have many customers lined up in far off places to purchase it.$B$BI could be convinced to let you in on a cut of the profits.$B$BThe wild elekk roaming Nagrand have the high quality of tusks that I\'m after.  Steer clear of the bull elekk; their ivory isn\'t in the condition that I desire.$B$BOh and don\'t worry, it\'s not poaching; I have an understanding with both the orcs and the draenei.$B$BDo you and I have an understanding?','Collect 3 Pair of Ivory Tusks and return them to Shadrek at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.','Never doubted you for a second, friend. Most of those look like fine specimens, if a bit dirty and scratched up. Still, I think they\'re worth the value we agreed upon previously.I hope that we can continue to do business in the future. ','It\'s ivory that I\'m after, not excuses. Of course, if you\'d rather, we can renegotiate your percentage of the profits. I doubt that you\'d be pleased with the result. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     4999insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4954,9915,'More Heads Full of Ivory','I still have a need for more pairs of ivory tusks from the wild elekk that roam this land.  Unfortunately, my budget will no longer handle your cut of the profits.  If you continue to provide me what I need, however, you will be ingratiating yourself with the Consortium.','','Excellent, more fine tusk specimens, though some look a bit dingy.You have the far-reaching gratitude of the Consortium, $N. ','I still have a need for more pairs of ivory tusks from the wild elekk that roam this land. Unfortunately, my budget will no longer handle your cut of the profits. If you continue to provide me what I need, however, you will be ingratiating yourself with the Consortium.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5000insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4955,9916,'Bleeding Hollow Supply Crates','The Boulderfist have moved the supplies they stole from our village to the twin clefts of Nagrand, found west of here in the Halaani Basin.$B$BWhile you are in the area, keep your eye out for the supply crates. If we can get those back, it would ease much of the burden that has fallen upon the matrons of Garadar.','Elkay\'gan the Mystic at Garadar in Nagrand wants you to recover 20 Bleeding Hollow Supply Crates.','Most of our possessions were destroyed or stolen in the attacks. I cannot offer you much, but there are some items that you may find useful...','The children might be able to go a day without feeling hunger pangs.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5001insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4956,9917,'Do My Eyes Deceive Me','Do my eyes deceive me or is there an ogre hunting party over yonder? What could ogres be doing this far from their mound? I don\'t like this one bit, stranger. First Murkbloods and now ogres. We just don\'t have the manpower to handle all of these threats to our land.$B$BCould you investigate the ogre presence to the east for us? Their forward camp is about 200 paces east of here. You\'ll know you\'re at the right place if you see the Boulderfist hunters. Kill them to find the plans!','Huntress Bintook at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to recover Boulderfist Plans.','<Bintook reads the plans.>BY THE LIGHT! Their penmanship is atrocious. From what I can gather, they\'re either planning to \"eat the blue skins and take their village\" or bake a blueberry pie. It really could go either way. We must get to the bottom of this! ','Have you found any new information?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5002insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4957,9918,'Not On My Watch!','The battle plans were written up by an ogre lieutenant. His name is either Dump or Lump.$B$B<Bintook turns the parchment sideways and cocks her head.>$B$BIt could also be Billy.$B$BAnyhow, I think you should go back out there and have a word with Billy or Lump or Dumpy or whatever! Try to approach him diplomatically. If that doesn\'t work, try using some muscle.','Huntress Bintook at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to speak to Lump. Return to Huntress Bintook when you have gathered the information that she requested.','Oh my! This is a small scouting and hunting party? You must tell Mo\'mor what you have discovered.','He\'ll probably be asleep on a ridge.','Lump Interrogated','Lump Interrogated','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5003insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4958,9919,'Sporeggar','You\'re a kind $r, $N.  Not like some of the others I\'ve met.$B$BYou should meet the rest of my people; they\'ll be very grateful for your help.  Take these spore sacs to my leader, Msshi\'fn.  You will find him in Sporeggar, north of here.','Go to Sporeggar, north of the Spawning Glen, and deliver the Salvaged Spore Sacs to Msshi\'fn.','You\'ve helped protect the next generation of sporelings, $R. We can only repay you by welcoming you into our homes. Stay for a bit and meet the other sporelings. They will have many questions, I hope you don\'t mind.','You\'ve something to show me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5004insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4959,9920,'Mo\'mor the Breaker','You must seek out Mo\'mor immediately! You will find him in the center of Telaar, by the fountain. Tell him exactly what the ogre told you.','Huntress Bintook at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to speak to Mo\'mor the Breaker.','So, a new tribe of ogres is forcing the Boulderfist further and further south. This is quite troubling. We must first deal with the situation closest to home...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5005insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4960,9921,'The Ruins of Burning Blade','These ogre hunting parties are a precursor to invasion. We must strike at them before they have a chance to amass an army big enough to take over our town.$B$BYou\'re going to need to get your hands dirty, $r.$B$BThe largest collection of Boulderfist in this region can be found at the Burning Blade Ruins, almost directly east of Telaar, near the border of Terokkar. Go there and show the Boulderfist that Telaar will not bend to their will!','Mo\'mor the Breaker at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to kill 15 Boulderfist Crushers and 15 Boulderfist Mystics.','Excellent. Did you happen to locate this Lantresor creature that the stupid one\'s letter mentioned?$B$BRegardless, we must press on. I have gotten reports of more ogre activity that must be dealt with at once!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5006insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4961,9922,'The Twin Clefts of Nagrand','You made a strong showing, $N. Are you ready for more?$B$BI have received reports of a large contingent of Boulderfist ogres hidden in the twin clefts of Nagrand, northwest of here in the Halaani Basin.$B$BVenture forth to the clefts and deal with the remaining Boulderfist ogres.','Mo\'mor the Breaker at Telaar in Nagrand has asked that you slay 25 Boulderfist Warriors and 25 Boulderfist Mages.','Excellent work! I am currently researching the Warmaul tribe that the Boulderfist lieutenant mentioned. Now the tasks you have performed must be tested.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5007insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4962,9923,'HELP!','HELP! They\'re gonna eat me! I just know it!$B$BFind the key, I know it has to be on one of these ogres.$B$BIf you get me out of here, my father will reward you handsomely! He\'s the leader of Telaar, Arechron.\r\n','Find the Boulderfist Key and Free Corki. Speak with Arechron in Telaar should you succeed.\r\n','I\'m really sorry about this, $R. He\'s always getting himself into trouble. I just wish I could put a leash on him...','That boy...$B$B<Arechron shakes his head in disapproval.>$B$BHe\'ll be the death of me.','','Corki Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5008insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4963,9924,'Corki\'s Gone Missing Again!','<Arechron sighs.>$B$BThis is so embarrassing. Do you remember my boy, Corki? You rescued him from the Burning Blade Ruins recently. Well, his curiosity has gotten the best of him once more. He told me that he was going to investigate the Boulderfist menace for \'uncle\' Mo\'mor and ran off to the ogre mounds in the Halaani Basin, north of here.$B$BDo you think you could track him down? I would be eternally grateful.\r\n','Arechron at Telaar has asked that you find and free Corki.','Thank you so much, $N. His mother will deal with him from now on.','Did you find him?','','Corki Freed Again','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5009insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4964,9925,'Matters of Security','Gezhe chose to base our operations as close to Oshu\'gun as possible, without any regard for the safety of our crew.  Why?  Because he projected a ten percent increase in productivity by setting up shop here instead of in the mountains to the south.$B$BNever mind the crazed voidspawn wandering all of ten feet away from us.  That would be the security officer\'s problem, not Gezhe\'s.$B$BKill some voidspawn for me and I\'ll pay you a tenth of our security budget.  Don\'t get excited, it\'s not much of a budget.','Zerid at Aeris Landing in Nagrand wants you to kill 12 Voidspawn near Oshu\'gun.','You bring a smile to my face, $N. Or you would, rather, if I had a face.$B$BKeep it up and you and I are going to be the best of friends.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5010insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4965,9926,'FLAG Shadow Council/Warmaul Questline','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5011insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4966,9927,'Ruthless Cunning','<Lantresor hands you a pack full of banners.>$B$BThese are Warmaul ogre banners that I recently acquired.$B$BI want you to travel to Kil\'sorrow Fortress, directly south of here, and kill as many of the Kil\'sorrow filth as you can find. Drive a Warmaul ogre banner through the heart of each fallen Kil\'sorrow soldier. Return to me when you have completed this task and the other that this plan requires.','Lantresor of the Blade at the Burning Blade Ruins in Nagrand wants you to drive 20 Warmaul Ogre Banners through the bodies of Kil\'sorrow members at Kil\'sorrow Fortress.$B$BReturn any unused Warmaul Ogre Banners.','Can you imagine their puzzlement over what is happening, $R? This will be glorious. ','<Lantresor\'s eyes open in bewilderment.>Is it done? ','','Warmaul Ogre Banner Planted','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5012insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4967,9928,'Armaments for Deception','You will need to steal Kil\'sorrow armaments from Kil\'sorrow Fortress if my plan is to work.$B$BSearch the fortress for crates of Kil\'sorrow armaments. Bring whatever you can find to me.$B$BKil\'sorrow Fortress is located directly south and a little to the west of the Burning Blade Ruins.','Lantresor of the Blade at the Burning Blade Ruins in Nagrand wants you to collect 20 Kil\'sorrow Armaments.','Excellent! Our next target will be the Laughing Skull Ruins. ','We will ignite a hatred heretofore unseen between the two clans! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5013insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4968,9929,'BETA The Missing Merchant','I don\'t suppose you\'ve been here long enough to know Dugar, have you? He\'s a merchant with contacts among the various factions in Shattrath.$B$BDon\'t ask me how he does it, but he manages to trade with them for some of the goods our quartermasters can\'t provide.$B$BHe set out for Shattrath three days ago and hasn\'t returned. He\'s normally able to make the entire trip in less than that. If you\'re going to be traveling in the forest, would you keep an eye out for him?','Travel northwest along the road toward Shattrath and search for evidence of what happened to Dugar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5014insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4969,9930,'BETA The Missing Merchant','I don\'t suppose you\'ve been here long enough to know Deirom, have you? He\'s a merchant with contacts among the various factions in Shattrath.$B$BDon\'t ask me how he does it, but he manages to trade with them for some of the goods our quartermasters can\'t provide.$B$BHe set out for Shattrath three days ago and hasn\'t returned. He\'s normally able to make the entire trip in less than that. Keep an eye out for him and report anything you find to the mercenary captain, Thander.','Travel northwest along the road toward Shattrath and search for evidence of what happened to Deirom.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5015insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4970,9931,'Returning the Favor','Now you must plant the seed of war in the fat, useless heads of the Warmaul. To the northwest, near the mountains, you will find the Laughing Skull Ruins.$B$B<Lantresor points into the crate of armaments you brought him.>$B$BDo you recognize those banners? They are Kil\'sorrow banners. I want you to take a stack of Kil\'sorrow banners and plant them on the corpses of Warmaul ogres. Remember, northwest is where you will find the ogres.','Lantresor of the Blade at the Burning Blade Ruins in Nagrand wants you to drive 20 Kil\'sorrow Banners through the bodies of Warmaul ogres at the Laughing Skull Ruins.$B$BReturn any unused Kil\'sorrow Banners.','The plan is perfect, $N. I am already seeing the fruits of your labor. ','Can you predict what will happen next? ','','Kil\'sorrow Banner Planted','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5016insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4971,9932,'Body of Evidence','Your rampage through Kil\'sorrow Fortress has provided us with a special opportunity. We have enough bodies to make it appear as if a great battle has taken place.$B$BTravel to the Laughing Skull Ruins and find the Laughing Skull Courtyard. There should be a blazing pyre in the courtyard. Make sure the area is secure and then use this blanket to send up smoke signals. When my ogres see the smoke, they will sneak in and plant the bodies of slain Kil\'sorrow soldiers.$B$BThat should be the final straw!','Lantresor of the Blade at the Burning Blade Ruins in Nagrand wants you to use the Damp Woolen Blanket at the Blazing Warmaul Pyre in the Laughing Skull Courtyard to signal his ogres.','I must admit, I have not felt this alive in decades. You have performed well, $N. ','Do you now understand why you could never win a war against me? ','','Kil\'sorrow Bodies Planted','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5017insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4972,9933,'Message to Telaar','<Lantresor points to an unmarked crate.>$B$BTake it. It is my offering to your people. You have single-handedly saved my clan from extermination.$B$BYou may tell your leader that Lantresor of the Burning Blade and his Boulderfist ogres accept the offering of peace.$B$B<Lantresor bows.>\r\n','Take the Burning Blade Peace Offering to Arechron at Telaar.','Please, $N, take from the peace offering whatever it is that you may desire. After all, without your efforts, this would not have been possible.','Peace you say? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5018insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4973,9934,'Message to Garadar','<Lantresor points to an unmarked crate.>$B$BTake it. It is my offering to your people. You have single-handedly saved my clan from extermination.$B$BYou may tell your leader that Lantresor of the Burning Blade and his Boulderfist ogres accept the offering of peace.$B$B<Lantresor bows.>','Take the Burning Blade Peace Offering to Garrosh at Garadar.','<Garrosh kicks the crate aside.>$B$BYou waste your time, $R. Take whatever you desire from the crate. I nor Garadar have any need for these useless trinkets.','<Garrosh seems unmoved by the offering.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5019insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4974,9935,'Wanted: Giselda the Crone','Wanted: Dead or Alive$B$BGiselda the Crone of Kil\'sorrow and her lackeys for murder, ritual sacrifice, communing with the Legion, kidnapping, and burglary.$B$BKnown to congregate at Kil\'sorrow Fortress in southeastern Nagrand, near the border of Terokkar.$B$BLarge gold reward to be dispensed by Warden Bullrok at Garadar to anyone able to bring Giselda to justice.','Slay Giselda the Crone and any combination of 15 Kil\'sorrow Agents. Return to Warden Bullrok at Garadar should you complete this task.','The crone has been slain! This is wonderful news, $N. Here is your reward.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5020insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4975,9936,'Wanted: Giselda the Crone','Wanted: Dead or Alive$B$BGiselda the Crone of Kil\'sorrow and her lackeys for murder, ritual sacrifice, communing with the Legion, kidnapping, and burglary.$B$BKnown to congregate at Kil\'sorrow Fortress in southeastern Nagrand, near the border of Terokkar.$B$BLarge gold reward to be dispensed by Warden Moi\'bff Jill at Telaar to anyone able to bring Giselda to justice.','Slay Giselda the Crone and any combination of 15 Kil\'sorrow Agents. Return to Warden Moi\'bff Jill at Telaar should you complete this task.','The crone has been slain! This is wonderful news, $N. Here is your reward.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5021insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4976,9937,'Wanted: Durn the Hungerer','You have destroyed two of the biggest threats in Nagrand, $N. Are you ready to take on the scourge of the Spirit Fields?$B$BDurn the Hungerer lords over the area surrounding Oshu\'gun, decimating all in his path. Thus far, none have been able to rid Nagrand of this ferocious gronn. Gather your allies and venture to the Spirit Fields, far southwest of here, near Oshu\'gun, and track down Durn. Slay him and I assure you rewards commensurate with the difficulty of the task at hand.\r\n','Slay Durn the Hungerer. Return to Warden Bullrok if you manage to complete this task.','Durn\'s murderous grip has been loosed! Nagrand has a brighter tomorrow because of you, hero. Well done!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5022insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4977,9938,'Wanted: Durn the Hungerer','You have destroyed two of the biggest threats in Nagrand, $N. Are you ready to take on the scourge of the Spirit Fields?$B$BDurn the Hungerer lords over the area surrounding Oshu\'gun, decimating all in his path. Thus far, none have been able to rid Nagrand of this ferocious gronn. Gather your allies and venture to the Spirit Fields, west of here, and track down Durn. Slay him and I assure you rewards commensurate with the difficulty of the task at hand.','Slay Durn the Hungerer. Return to Warden Moi\'bff Jill if you manage to complete this task.','Durn\'s murderous grip has been loosed! Nagrand has a brighter tomorrow because of you, hero. Well done!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5023insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4978,9939,'Wanted: Zorbo the Advisor','Wanted: Dead or Alive$B$BZorbo the Advisor, wanted for numerous planned attacks on Garadar. Along with his reavers and shaman, Zorbo has slain countless orcs. Consider Zorbo as armed, dangerous, and merciless.$B$BZorbo makes his home in the Laughing Skull Ruins in the northern mountains of Nagrand.$B$BReward for Zorbo the Advisor\'s death or capture to be dispensed by Warden Bullrok at Garadar. ','Slay Zorbo the Advisor, 10 Warmaul Shaman and 10 Warmaul Reavers. Return to Warden Bullrok if you manage to complete this task.','This is a great victory for the people of Telaar! Well done, $N!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5024insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4979,9940,'Wanted: Zorbo the Advisor','Wanted: Dead or Alive$B$BZorbo the Advisor, wanted for numerous planned attacks on Telaar. Along with his reavers and shaman, Zorbo has slain countless Broken. Consider Zorbo as armed, dangerous, and merciless.$B$BZorbo makes his home in the Laughing Skull Ruins in the northern mountains of Nagrand.$B$BReward for Zorbo the Advisor\'s death or capture to be dispensed by Warden Moi\'bff Jill at Telaar.','Slay Zorbo the Advisor, 10 Warmaul Shaman and 10 Warmaul Reavers. Return to Warden Moi\'bff Jill if you manage to complete this task.','This is a great victory for the people of Telaar! Well done, $N!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5025insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4980,9941,'BETA Tracking Down the Culprits','The arakkoa tracks, accompanied by a pair of shallow ruts, lead north across the road. It seems the arakkoa dragged something away from the site of the battle, perhaps toward a nearby settlement.$B$BWhile the broken cart shows signs of a struggle, there\'s little information about Deirom\'s fate. Follow the arakkoa tracks north and continue your search for the merchant. If he was captured alive, there may still be a chance to rescue him. ','Continue your search for signs of Deirom in the Arakkoa settlement north of the broken cart.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5026insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4981,9942,'BETA Tracking Down the Culprits','The arakkoa tracks, accompanied by a pair of shallow ruts, lead north across the road. It seems the arakkoa dragged something away from the site of the battle, perhaps toward a nearby settlement.$B$BWhile the broken cart shows signs of a struggle, there\'s little information about Dugar\'s fate. Follow the arakkoa tracks north and continue your search for the merchant. If he was captured alive, there may still be a chance to rescue him. ','Continue your search for signs of Dugar in the Arakkoa settlement north of the broken cart.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5027insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4982,9943,'BETA Return to Thander','Deirom\'s cargo doesn\'t seem to have been harmed or even opened. The cargo clearly seemed of interest to them, but it seems their prisoner was more important. What the arakkoa hoped to gain from attacking and kidnapping Deirom remains unclear, but the merchant is certainly not being held here. $B$BWithout any further clues as to how to continue your search, you decide it might be a good time to report your findings to Thander.','Return to Thander at the Allerian Stronghold with news of your findings.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5028insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4983,9944,'Missing Mag\'hari Procession','Greatmother says that we must press on and serve our people. She says that we must serve as an example for Garrosh - to show that life goes on.$B$BI have so many matters to attend to here, especially with Greatmother having taken ill. Would you honor the Mag\'har by helping one of their matrons?$B$BSeveral days ago we sent a funeral procession to the Ancestral Grounds and they have yet to return. Will you go search for them? They took the western road out of Garadar. Follow it around and avoid Halaa.','Search for the missing Mag\'hari procession.','Thirty orcs, $R! Of those original thirty, only Ungriz and I remain. We found the young orc, Saurfang, nearly dead near Sunspring. Apparently he was here for another reason...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5029insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4984,9945,'War on the Warmaul','We were en route to the Ancestral Grounds when we were ambushed by Warmaul. They came from all sides, killing several of the procession guards and many of the others. They even desecrated the remains of the elder in the wagon.$B$BAnd for what? So they could humiliate us and display their power. Not even Boulderfist would have sunk so low.$B$BI am a spiritual orc, $N, but even I have limitations. Find the attackers at Warmaul Hill to the northwest and destroy them!','Elder Yorley at the Mag\'hari Procession in Nagrand has asked that you slay 15 Warmaul Brutes and 15 Warmaul Warlocks.','It is a good start, but their leader must be dealt with for your actions to have any lasting impact.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5030insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4985,9946,'Cho\'war the Pillager','Have you ever seen an ogre king, $r? Few have and lived to tell the tale. Unfortunately, that is exactly what we are dealing with here.$B$BThe leader of these barbarians is an ogre named Cho\'war. Rumor has it that Cho\'war was the ogre responsible for forcing the gronn out of the cave. Cho\'war then declared himself king and dissolved the ogre clans that served under the gronn. Thus, Warmaul was born.$B$BFind Cho\'war deep in the caves of Warmaul Hill. Slay him and bring me his head.','Elder Yorley at the Mag\'hari Procession in Nagrand has asked that you slay Cho\'war the Pillager and retrieve the Head of Cho\'war.','This head will be posted at the gates of Garadar for all to see. The ogres will think twice before interrupting sacred Mag\'hari rituals.','He will undoubtedly be heavily guarded.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5031insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4986,9947,'BETA Return to Rokag','Dugar\'s cargo doesn\'t seem to have been harmed or even opened. The cargo clearly seemed of interest to them, but it seems their prisoner was more important. What the arakkoa hoped to gain from attacking and kidnapping Dugar remains unclear, but the merchant is certainly not being held here. $B$BWithout any further clues as to how to continue your search, you decide it might be a good time to report your findings to Rokag.','Return to Rokag at Stonebreaker Hold with news of your findings.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5032insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4987,9948,'Finding the Survivors','If I know anything about ogres, it\'s that they like their food fresh. This means that the Mag\'har that they captured are more than likely being kept alive until they are ready to serve. It\'s a sickening thought, I know, but one that we must use to our advantage.$B$BVenture to Warmaul Hill and search for Mag\'har prisoners. If you find prisoners, then you will find keys to their cages on the nearby Warmaul ogres.$B$BKill ogres for their keys and release the prisoners.','Elder Ungriz at the Mag\'hari Procession in Nagrand has asked that you free 15 Mag\'har Prisoners.','You have done what none thought was possible and brought back our missing brothers and sisters. You are a hero to the Mag\'har, $N. All will know your name and the deeds that you have performed for us.','<Ungriz sighs.>$B$BI know it\'s a lot to ask for, $N; but bring them back alive...','','Mag\'har Prisoner Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5033insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4988,9949,'BETA A Bird\'s-Eye View','With no further information to go on, we\'re in a difficult situation. I\'m not going to give up on finding and rescuing Deirom. His abduction isn\'t an accident, $N.$B$BThe arakkoa are up to something, but what is it they\'re planning?$B$BAndarl, over in the mage tower, knows something of their peculiar magic. With the right tools, he can scare up some new information for us. He\'ll need the \"eye\" crystals from each of the arakkoa towns north of the Bone Wastes - Veil Skith, Veil Reskk, and Veil Shienor.','Bring the Eye of Veil Skith, the Eye of Veil Shienor, and the Eye of Veil Reskk to Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5034insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4989,9950,'BETA A Bird\'s-Eye View','With no further information to go on, we\'re in a difficult situation. I\'m not going to give up on finding and rescuing Dugar. His abduction isn\'t an accident, $N.$B$BThe arakkoa are up to something, but what is it they\'re planning?$B$BKurgatok the warlock knows something of their peculiar magic. With the right tools, he can scare up some new information for us. He\'ll need the \"eye\" crystals from each of the arakkoa towns north of the Bone Wastes - Veil Skith, Veil Reskk, and Veil Shienor.','Bring the Eye of Veil Skith, the Eye of Veil Shienor, and the Eye of Veil Reskk to Kurgatok at Stonebreaker Hold.','Odd, these eyes are not exactly what I am used to working with.  The way that the arakkoa use their magic is slightly different than our own.$B$BIt looks like we\'re going to need one more thing if I\'m going to be able to scry for the information to locate Dugar.','Rokag has told me about his plan. You have the eyes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5035insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4990,9951,'It\'s Watching You!','Quick, hide!  The eyes of Naphthal\'ar are upon you... upon us all!$B$BI dare not go to the top of the tower to speak with it, but you... you look as if you might know the right words to say.  Just be careful, it doesn\'t like jokes and will not suffer fools easily.$B$BIf you can, convince it to come down for tea.  But, by all means, get it to stop staring at me!','Kill Naphthal\'ar and then return to Warden Treelos at the Cenarion Thicket in Terokkar Forest.','It\'s for the best, really. If it cannot civilly accept an invitation then it has no business attending.$B$B<Warden Treelos looks momentarily confused.>$B$BWho are you and what are you doing here? You must get out of here quickly before it is too late!','We should never have invited them to dinner. That much is certain!$B$BOr, at least, we should have insisted upon a couple of courses before the dessert that they brought.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5036insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4991,9952,'BETA Prospector Balmoral','So Andarl is certain Deirom is being held in Veil Shalas? That\'s the largest of the arakkoa settlements that we know of.$B$BVeil Shalas is in the far south of the forest, close to the eastern rim of the Bone Wastes. Unfortunately, I don\'t have much information on it, but there is an Explorers\' League member camped down there who may be able to help you. Prospector Balmoral\'s camp is perched on the very edge of the land to the southwest of Veil Shalas. Consult him before making any move against the arakkoa.','Locate and speak with Prospector Balmoral.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5037insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4992,9953,'BETA Lookout Nodak','So Kurgatok is certain Dugar is being held in Veil Shalas? That\'s the largest of the arakkoa settlements that we know of.$B$BVeil Shalas is in the far south of the forest, close to the eastern rim of the Bone Wastes. Unfortunately, I don\'t have much information on it, but we have a scout camped down there who may be able to help you. Lookout Nodak\'s camp is perched on the very edge of the land to the southwest of Veil Shalas. Consult him before making any move against the arakkoa.','Locate and speak with Lookout Nodak.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5038insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4993,9954,'Corki\'s Ransom','<Arechron shows you a grime covered letter.>$B$BI just received this letter. It\'s from a clan of ogres known as Warmaul that rule the northwestern lands of Nagrand. It says that they have Corki and if we don\'t cooperate, they\'re going to eat him. Admittedly, Corki is a moron, but he\'s still my blood. Will you rescue him, $N?$B$BI presume that he\'s locked up in a cage somewhere on Warmaul Hill. That should be your first stop.','Arechron wants you to find Corki at Warmaul Hill.','They\'ve got me locked up good this time, $N. The Warmaul king, Cho\'war, has the key.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5039insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4994,9955,'Cho\'war the Pillager','They call him Cho\'war the pillager, $N. He\'s the ogre that forced out the gronn that used to rule over these ogres. You better believe he\'s powerful!$B$BThe chef said that Cho\'war lives in the big cave - wherever that may be... Get that key and get me out of here! If we live through this, my father will no doubt give you the big reward! As soon as I\'m free, seek him out.','Corki wants you to get Cho\'war\'s Key so that you can free him from his cage. Return to Arechron at Telaar should you manage this task.','Thank you, $N. Corki\'s been sent away to live among the night elves in Blade\'s Edge. Hopefully they\'ll be able to keep him out of trouble.$B$BAbout that reward...','Where\'s Corki?','Corki Freed','Corki Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5040insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4995,9956,'The Ravaged Caravan','I was part of a caravan taking supplies to the Orebor Harborage in Zangarmarsh. As we were nearing the border of the marsh, we were jumped by a vicious squad of Warmaul ogres. They killed the others and took me prisoner, along with all of our supplies.$B$BThankfully, they neglected to place a backing on my cage. When they fell asleep, I made my escape.$B$BIt\'s too late for my comrades but we could really use the supplies they stole. Warmaul Hill is in the northwestern mountains of Nagrand.','Huntress Kima at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to recover 20 Telaar Supply Crates.','Amazing! How did you manage to carry all of that back by yourself? ','I feel so stupid. Arechron\'s son, Corki, asked me what happened and I told him. Now he\'s gone missing again! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5041insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4996,9957,'What\'s Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?','We haven\'t heard from the druids at the Cenarion Thicket of Terokkar Forest in quite some time.$B$B$N, I\'d like for you to go down there and check in with them to see what\'s happening.  There are several ways to get there, but the fastest is to head south along the path, and then take the road that branches east from Shattrath City once you\'re in the forest.','Speak with one of the druids at the Cenarion Thicket in Terokkar Forest.','I\'m glad that the refuge sent you. The druids of the thicket have been slain! Only myself and one other have survived. and he\'s insane.$B$BI don\'t know what happened, but I intend to get to the bottom of it. Whatever it was, it happened quickly and feels unnatural.$B$BWill you help me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5042insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4997,9958,'BETA Scouting the Defenses','In my time out here, I\'ve had a few interactions with the arakkoa, none of them friendly. They seem very territorial, but I suppose we\'re the same way, aren\'t we?$B$BThe arakkoa wield a kind of primal magic unknown to us on Azeroth and have used it to weave defenses for Veil Shalas. Before moving against them, it would be prudent to scout out their defenses so we know what we\'re up against.','Approach Veil Shalas and observe the town\'s defenses.','','','','Investigate Veil Shalas Defenses','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5043insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4998,9959,'BETA Scouting the Defenses','In my time out here, I\'ve had a few interactions with the arakkoa, none of them friendly. They seem very territorial, but I suppose we\'re the same way, aren\'t we? Not even the ancestors recorded any encounters with the bird-men.$B$BThe arakkoa wield a kind of primal magic unknown to our seers and have used it to weave defenses for Veil Shalas. Before moving against them, it would be wise to scout out their defenses so we know what we\'re up against.','Approach Veil Shalas and learn about the magic defending the settlement.','','','Investigate Veil Shalas Defenses','Investigate Veil Shalas Defenses','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5044insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (4999,9960,'What\'s Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?','Hey there, $c.  We haven\'t heard from the druids of the Cenarion Thicket in quite some time.$B$BI want you to go over there and check to see what\'s happening.  You can find it by heading northwest through the forest.','Speak with one of the druids at the Cenarion Thicket in Terokkar Forest.','I\'m glad that Stonebreaker Hold sent you. The druids of the thicket have been slain! Only myself and one other have survived, and he\'s insane.$B$BI don\'t know what happened, but I intend to get to the bottom of it. Whatever it was, it happened quickly and feels unnatural.$B$BWill you help me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5045insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5000,9961,'What\'s Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?','$C, I have urgent business for you.  We haven\'t heard from the druids of the Cenarion Thicket in quite some time.  This is unusual as we usually hear from them at least once every few days.$B$BI want you to go up there and make sure that they\'re alright.  You can find the thicket by heading northwest through the forest.','Speak with one of the druids at the Cenarion Thicket in Terokkar Forest.','I\'m glad that Stonebreaker Hold sent you. The druids of the thicket have been slain! Only myself and one other have survived. and he\'s insane.$B$BI don\'t know what happened, but I intend to get to the bottom of it. Whatever it was, it happened quickly and feels unnatural.$B$BWill you help me?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5046insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5001,9962,'The Ring of Blood: Brokentoe','So are you ready for your first battle? If you are, let me know and I\'ll get things started. All you have to do is go wait in the Ring of Blood for your opponent to arrive.$B$BThis fight is against Brokentoe, a ferocious clefthoof.$B$BGood luck! I hope you brought friends.$B$BAnd remember, the fight\'s over when either you or your opponent are lying face down on the arena floor.\r\n','Defeat Brokentoe. Should you win, speak with Wodin the Troll-Servant to collect your reward.','Hrm, not bad. Not bad at all... You\'ve got potential, kid. Here\'s a little gold to line your pockets with...','The fight\'s over when you or your opponent are dead on the floor.','Brokentoe Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5047insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5002,9963,'BETA Seeking Help from the Source','The wards you encountered are powerful magic, indeed. The techniques employed by the arakkoa are so far beyond our understanding that we can only hope to find a counter with their help.$B$BI know what\'s going through your mind. Why would an enemy help us to overcome their defenses? The answer is that they wouldn\'t, of course. Have you heard the tales of a crazy old arakkoa sage named Kokorek? They say he\'s hiding in Veil Lithic on the western edge of the Bone Wastes, waiting for the return of a lost age.','Find Kokorek in Veil Lithic and speak with him.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5048insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5003,9964,'BETA Seeking Help from the Source','The wards you encountered are powerful magic, indeed. The techniques employed by the arakkoa are so far beyond our understanding that we can only hope to find a counter with their help.$B$BI know what\'s going through your mind. Why would an enemy help us to overcome their defenses? The answer is that they wouldn\'t, of course. Have you heard the tales of a crazy old arakkoa sage named Kokorek? They say he\'s hiding in Veil Lithic on the western edge of the Bone Wastes, waiting for the return of a lost age.','Find Kokorek in Veil Lithic and speak with him.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5049insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5004,9965,'BETA A Show of Good Faith','I\'d like to propose something of a trade: demonstrate your good intentions by helping me resolve a little problem, and I\'ll help you rescue your comrade.$B$BThe ogres are an ancient enemy of my people, and lately they have begun to filter back into our forest from the grasslands of Nagrand.$B$BOne particular ogre, Mug\'gok, is quite an adventurous fellow, but none too bright. He goes back and forth between causing trouble for his friends at the Bleeding Hollow Ruins and trying to provoke us.','Bring Mug\'gok\'s Head to Kokorek in Veil Lithic.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5050insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5005,9966,'BETA A Show of Good Faith','I\'d like to propose something of a trade: demonstrate your good intentions by helping me resolve a little problem, and I\'ll help you rescue your comrade.$B$BThe ogres are an ancient enemy of my people, and lately they have begun to filter back into our forest from the grasslands of Nagrand.$B$BOne particular ogre, Mug\'gok, is quite an adventurous fellow, but none too bright. He goes back and forth between causing trouble for his friends at the Bleeding Hollow Ruins and trying to provoke us.','Bring Mug\'gok\'s Head to Kokorek in Veil Lithic.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5051insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5006,9967,'The Ring of Blood: The Blue Brothers','This next battle involves a duo - twin brothers to be precise. They call themselves the \"Blue Brothers.\"$B$BIt\'s not too late to chicken out, $N. I\'d certainly understand.$B$BBut if you\'re ready for some action, step in the Ring of Blood and wait for the Murkblood twins to arrive.$B$BLast one standing is the winner!','Defeat the Murkblood Twins that call themselves the Blue Brothers. Should you win, speak with Wodin the Troll-Servant to collect your reward.','I\'ll admit that I didn\'t think you had a prayer, $N! That was amazing! So how \'bout another fight? Gurgthock\'s got the perfect match lined up.','The fight\'s over when you or your opponent are dead on the floor.','The Blue Brothers Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5052insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5007,9968,'Strange Energy','Something strange has changed the teromoths of the thicket.$B$BWhere once there was a diversity of life in there, now only the teromoths remain.  And while before they were at peace, now they are agitated and will not hesitate to attack you should you get close.$B$BI need to compare the vicious ones to the normal.  Collect for me a number of samples from both.  You\'ll find the unaffected teromoths both to the south and the north.$B$BI\'m certain this is related to whatever killed all of the druids.','Collect 4 Teromoth Samples and 4 Vicious Teromoth Samples.  Then return to Earthbinder Tavgren just outside the Cenarion Thicket in Terokkar Forest.','Odd. The samples from the vicious teromoths are infused with what feels to me to be pure mana.$B$BIt would seem that whatever caused all of this death also left behind that strong field of residual energy. But for some reason the teromoths were not killed by it; instead being driven into an agitated state.$B$BIt seems apparent that this strange energy is the by-product of whatever attacked the thicket.','Do you have my samples?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5053insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5008,9969,'BETA The Final Reagents','I can create an item that will neutralize the ward spells protecting Veil Shalas, but be warned, $N. The magic will only work as long as your friend is held captive. I will not give you a means to attack my people at will.$B$BI have most of the materials I require to create the charm, but there are a couple that I\'m going to need you to gather before I can finish the work. I\'ll need some warp hunter essence and a handful of Terokkar chokeberries. Both can be found in the area around the veil.','Bring 5 Warp Hunter Essences and 30 Terokkar Chokeberries to Kokorek in Veil Lithic.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5054insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5009,9970,'The Ring of Blood: Rokdar the Sundered Lord','This fight is gonna be painful, $N. Do you have any friends that are brave enough to help you out? The ogres managed to get a giant from Blade\'s Edge named Rokdar! Trust me, you\'re gonna need friends, he seems unbeatable! He\'s hard as a rock - literally!$B$BIf you still want to fight him, step into the Ring of Blood and he will come.','Defeat Rokdar the Sundered Lord. Should you win, speak with Wodin the Troll-Servant to collect your reward.','You\'ve got the ogres sweatin\', kid! Here\'s a little something extra this time - don\'t use \'em all in one place.$B$BAre you ready for another fight? Gurgthock\'s bettin\' the bank on you!','The fight\'s over when you or your opponent are dead on the floor.','Rokdar the Sundered Lord Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5055insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5010,9971,'Clues in the Thicket','I have no idea what killed all of the druids here.  I\'ve been away for a couple of days on a survey of the Bone Wastes to the south.$B$BPlease, you must help me to uncover what\'s behind this horrible tragedy.  Go into the thicket and look for a clue that might reveal something to us.  When I was in there briefly, I could have sworn I saw a dead Broken and a strange object next to him.$B$B And don\'t worry about Treelos - he might have been driven insane by what happened, but I think he\'s mostly harmless.','Investigate the Strange Object next to the Broken Corpse to determine what might have befallen the Cenarion Thicket.  Then return to Earthbinder Tavgren just outside the thicket in Terokkar Forest.','So, I was right. That was the corpse of one of the Broken? And you can confirm that there was a strange object on the ground next to him?$B$BThis doesn\'t make any sense. What would one of the Broken be doing here? And what is that thing it had with him?$B$BIs it was caused all of this death?','Have you discovered anything yet?','','Strange Object examined','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5056insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5011,9972,'The Ring of Blood: Skra\'gath','You\'re murderin\' \'em out there, kid! They got a ringer for the next match. They say he\'s a void lord or something... No way do they want you up against their champion. Did you here that palooka, Mogor, yapping at you? The bets are through the roof!$B$BGet in that ring and take this one out fast!','Defeat Skra\'gath. Should you win, speak with Wodin the Troll-Servant to collect your reward.','KID! KID THIS IS IT! The next fight is the big one! The championship!$B$BOk, keep it cool. We don\'t want the ogres to know that we got anything going on. I get a cut of all this, after all.','The fight\'s over when you or your opponent are dead on the floor.','Skra\'gath Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5057insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5012,9973,'The Ring of Blood: The Warmaul Champion','They had to ship the champion in from the Blade\'s Edge gladiator pits. He was training on mountain giants - three at a time.$B$BIf you win this one, you become the new champion. What do you think your odds are, kid? Do you have a shot? Just give me the word and I\'ll bet the house on you.$B$BNow get in there and win!','Defeat the Warmaul Champion. Should you win, speak with Wodin the Troll-Servant to collect your reward.','Oh boy. Mogor has invoked his right of battle as hero of the Warmaul. You have to fight him!$B$BNobody ever said the Warmaul were good sports... erm... ogres.','The fight\'s over when you or your opponent are dead on the floor.','The Warmaul Champion Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5058insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5013,9974,'BETA The Final Reagents','I can create an item that will neutralize the ward spells protecting Veil Shalas, but be warned, $N. The magic will only work as long as your friend is held captive. I will not give you a means to attack my people at will.$B$BI have most of the materials I require to create the charm, but there are a couple that I\'m going to need you to gather before I can finish the work. I\'ll need some warp hunter essence and a handful of Terokkar chokeberries. Both can be found in the area around the veil.','Bring 5 Warp Hunter Essences and 30 Terokkar Chokeberries to Kokorek at Veil Lithic.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5059insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5014,9975,'BETA Primal Magic','I\'ve stored the spell inside this talisman. Unleash it while standing near the totems that guard the approach to Veil Shalas. It should be sufficient to unravel the wards.$B$B<You mention that the figure in the talisman doesn\'t especially resemble an arakkoa.>$B$BMy people weren\'t always as they appear now. We were once magnificent creatures, but we... we made many ill-advised choices and failed in our sacred task. It cost us our beauty, our power, and very nearly our lives. Do not repeat our mistakes, $N.','Use Kokorek\'s Talisman near the totems that guard the path to Veil Shalas, then speak with Prospector Balmoral.','','','','Use Kokorek\'s Talisman','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5060insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5015,9976,'BETA Primal Magic','I\'ve stored the spell inside this talisman. Unleash it while standing near the totems that guard the approach to Veil Shalas. It should be sufficient to unravel the wards.$B$B<You mention that the figure in the talisman doesn\'t especially resemble an arakkoa.>$B$BMy people weren\'t always as they appear now. We were once magnificent creatures, but we... we made many ill-advised choices and failed in our sacred task. It cost us our beauty, our power, and very nearly our lives. Do not repeat our mistakes, $N.','Use Kokorek\'s Talisman near the totems that guard the path to Veil Shalas, then speak with Lookout Nodak.','','','Use Kokorek\'s Talisman','Use Kokorek\'s Talisman','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5061insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5016,9977,'The Ring of Blood: The Final Challenge','<Gurgthock is counting his massive pile of gold.>$B$BYou\'ve made me a lot of money, kid. If you can defeat Mogor, I promise to make it worth your while. All that pain you suffered in the Ring of Blood is gonna end up paying off.$B$BNow get in there and show these ogres what you\'re made of!','Defeat Mogor, Hero of the Warmaul. Should you win, speak with Wodin the Troll-Servant to collect your reward.','Gurgthock told you he\'d make it worth your while, kid. Take your pick!','The fight\'s over when you or your opponent are dead on the floor.','Mogor, Hero of the Warmaul Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5062insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5017,9978,'By Any Means Necessary','I don\'t know what to make of all of this, but I do know how we can find more clues.$B$BEmpoor is a Broken merchant that traffics in all sorts of goods and information.  If you were to persuade him to talk, I\'m sure he might have something interesting to say.$B$BHe travels the road here between Tuurem and Shattrath.  Watch out, though -- he travels with a bodyguard.','Find and convince Empoor to tell you what he knows.','Fine, fine... I\'ll tell you what I know, but it\'s not much!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5063insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5018,9979,'Wind Trader Lathrai','I was asked to pick up and deliver some boxes of goods from an ethereal in Shattrath City.$B$BLast I saw him, he was standing outside of the World\'s End Tavern in Lower City.  His name is Wind Trader Lathrai, and that\'s all that I know!$B$BWant more answers, go talk with him!','Speak with Wind Trader Lathrai near the World\'s End Tavern in the Lower City section of Shattrath City.','Yes? How may I help you today, $R?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5064insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5019,9980,'BETA Rescue Deirom!','Make your way to Veil Shalas with all haste, $N! Time is of the essence here. If the arakkoa discover what you\'ve done to their defenses, they may attempt to move Deirom, or even kill him.$B$BIf you can, bring a friend or two with you. It\'s likely to be rough there. The bird-men have gone to great lengths to secure their prisoner and they\'re not likely to give him up easily. After you\'ve found Deirom and dealt with his captor, return to the Allerian Stronghold and notify Thander.','Venture into Veil Shalas, kill Luanga, and free Deirom. Report to Lady Dena Kennedy at the Allerian Stronghold when you have completed your mission.','','','','','Free Deirom','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5065insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5020,9981,'BETA Rescue Dugar!','Make your way to Veil Shalas with all haste, $N! Time is of the essence here. If the arakkoa discover what you\'ve done to their defenses, they may attempt to move Dugar, or even kill him.$B$BIf you can, bring a friend or two with you. It\'s likely to be rough there. The bird-men have gone to great lengths to secure their prisoner and they\'re not likely to give him up easily. After you\'ve found Dugar and dealt with his captor, return to Stonebreaker Hold and notify Rokag.','Venture into Veil Shalas, kill Luanga, and free Dugar. Report to Rokag at Stonebreaker Hold when you have completed your mission.','','','','','Free Dugar','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5066insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5021,9982,'He Called Himself Altruis...','A being riding atop a nether drake arrived in town late last week. He introduced himself as Altruis and then proceeded to ask us several questions about Nagrand.$B$BHe claimed that he was hunting Legion. That such insanity was actually his job. Can you imagine? A person that would willingly hunt demons?$B$BBefore he left, he asked that we let the would-be heroes in town know that he will be staying in western Nagrand for awhile and that should they seek a purpose, to find him.','If you are looking to fight the Burning Legion, find Altruis the Sufferer in western Nagrand.','Does my appearance startle you? Do you know what I am?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5067insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5022,9983,'He Called Himself Altruis...','A being riding atop a nether drake arrived in town late last week. He introduced himself as Altruis and then proceeded to ask us several questions about Nagrand.$B$BHe claimed that he was hunting Legion. That such insanity was actually his job. Can you imagine? A person that would willingly hunt demons?$B$BBefore he left, he asked that we let the would-be heroes in town know that he will be staying in western Nagrand for awhile and that should they seek a purpose, to find him.','If you are looking to fight the Burning Legion, find Altruis the Sufferer in western Nagrand.','Does my appearance startle you? Do you know what I am?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5068insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5023,9984,'BETA Host of the Hidden City','Although you cannot read the strange script on the scroll, the ornate seal at the bottom of the document implies that it was drafted by an arakkoa of high standing. Luanga may have masterminded the capture and interrogation of Deirom, but it seems he was taking orders from someone else.$B$BYou remember Thander mentioning that Andarl has studied the arakkoa. Perhaps he can decipher the scroll\'s contents.','Take Luanga\'s Orders to Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5069insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5024,9985,'BETA Host of the Hidden City','Although you cannot read the strange script on the scroll, the ornate seal at the bottom of the document implies that it was drafted by an arakkoa of high standing. Luanga may have masterminded the capture and interrogation of Dugar, but it seems he was taking orders from someone else.$B$BYou remember Rokag mentioning that Kurgatok has studied the arakkoa. Perhaps he can decipher the scroll\'s contents.','Bring Luanga\'s Orders to Kurgatok at Stonebreaker Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5070insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5025,9986,'Stymying the Arakkoa','We need to show the arakkoa that they cannot attack our people with impunity. If we don\'t stop them here, the roads will no longer be safe for our merchants, couriers, or soldiers.$B$BMy scouts have identified the leaders of each of the major arakkoa settlements in the area. Seek out Ashkaz, Ayit, and Urdak, in Veil Reskk, Veil Shienor, and Veil Skith and kill them. ','Kill Ashkaz in Veil Reskk, Ayit in Veil Shienor, and Urdak in Veil Skith and return to Thander at the Allerian Stronghold.','Well done, $N. We have enough to worry about without wondering when the arakkoa will accost our merchants and messengers again.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5071insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5026,9987,'Stymying the Arakkoa','We need to show the arakkoa that they cannot attack our people with impunity. If we don\'t stop them here, the roads will no longer be safe for our merchants, couriers, or soldiers.$B$BMy scouts have identified the leaders of each of the major arakkoa settlements in the area. Seek out Ashkaz, Ayit, and Urdak, in Veil Reskk, Veil Shienor, and Veil Skith and kill them. ','Kill Ashkaz in Veil Reskk, Ayit in Veil Shienor, and Urdak in Veil Skith and return to Rokag at Stonebreaker Hold.','Well done, $N. We have enough to worry about without wondering when the arakkoa will accost our merchants and messengers again.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5072insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5027,9988,'BETA A Dandy\'s Best Friend','Don\'t let Thander and company fool you. They may look like a band of fearsome warriors, but underneath all that steel, they\'re nothing more than a troop of dandies!$B$BAnd they won\'t be seen in public without their hats. They\'re extravagant affairs made from felt and fur, complete with the gaudiest feathers you\'ve ever seen.$B$BThe most desirable feathers come from any of the arakkoa, of course, and my supply is running low. I\'ll gladly pay you if you\'ll collect them for me.','Bring 30 Arakkoa Feathers to Ros\'eleth in the Allerian Stronghold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5073insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5028,9989,'BETA Alien Spirits','When I first came to Outland, and opened my ears to the voices of its spirits, I was amazed at what I heard. In time, I also came to notice which spirits I couldn\'t hear.$B$BFor all my attempts, I have never been able to make contact with the spirit of an arakkoa ancestor. Their magic is fundamentally different from ours, but I\'m not convinced that their spirits are beyond my reach.$B$BBring me feathers from many arakkoa; perhaps having some token from them will provide the link I need.','Bring 30 Arakkoa Feathers to Malukaz at Stonebreaker Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5074insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5029,9990,'Investigate Tuurem','You know, come to think of it, I do recall selling several boxes of strange and exotic engineering parts to Empoor about a month ago.  I\'m not sure what they\'d be used for, but I know that they were delivered to Tuurem.$B$BPerhaps one or more of those boxes is still there?','Find the Sealed Box and then deliver it to Earthbinder Tavgren just outside of the Cenarion Thicket in Terokkar Forest.','Ethereals?  Goods delivered to Tuurem?  Exotic engineering parts?  And a blood elf getting ready to deliver this last box to Firewing Point?$B$BWhat does all of this mean?!  How does it relate to what happened to the druids in the Cenarion Thicket?$B$BI think we should have a look inside that box.','What news do you bring, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5075insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5030,9991,'Survey the Land ','To be my eyes will require some diligence on your part. Nethrandamus will take you through the Legion camps, but you must catalog everything that you see. Even the smallest detail that you may think to be inconsequential could be useful for our purposes.$B$BPrimarily, I want you to note what structures are in the camps and what comprises the camps\' defenses.$B$BNethrandamus is ready when you are, $N. Do not be afraid, he will keep you safe from harm.\r\n','Sit back and enjoy the ride. Speak to Altruis when the survey is complete. ','Excellent work. $N! We now have a point from which we can plan our counter-attack.','','Forge Camps Surveyed','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5076insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5031,9992,'Olemba Seeds','Aren\'t the trees in the forest beautiful? I\'ve often wondered if they would survive on Azeroth.$B$BI\'m hesitant to send back seedlings, though. It\'s a rough trip and they\'re much harder to transport than something like a sack of seeds. The seeds are stored in tough cones that fall from the tree\'s branches once they\'ve reached maturity.$B$BIf you come upon some of those cones in your travels, would you mind bringing some of the seeds back to me?','Gather 30 Olemba Seeds and return them to Ros\'eleth in the Allerian Stronghold.','Thank you for bringing these seeds. I\'ve almost got enough to send back the first batch!','I\'ve started a seed collection, but I\'m going to need some help before I have enough to send back to the park in Stormwind.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5077insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5032,9993,'Olemba Seed Oil','The oily seeds from the forest\'s olemba trees could prove very valuable. I\'d like to gather a larger quantity of them, press them for their oil, and then see what I can do with it.$B$BJust think, there\'s a whole forest full of trees out there, producing a lot of seeds that go to waste. I don\'t care if it turns out to be cooking oil, lamp oil, or weapon oil, I won\'t let it go to waste!$B$BBring me any of the seeds that you happen to gather from the olemba cones. They\'re all over the place.','Bring 30 Olemba Seeds to Rakoria in Stonebreaker Hold.','That\'s a good start, but we\'re going to need more than that if we\'re to press a respectable amount of oil!','Do you have any seeds for me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5078insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5033,9994,'What Are These Things?','I don\'t know about you, but I have no idea what all of those things are.  I do know one thing though - they look dangerous!$B$B$N, I think you should take this box of parts to Jenai Starwhisper at the Allerian Stronghold to the southeast.  She may have some idea of what these are.','Deliver the Box of Parts to Jenai Starwhisper at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.','Oh no! That\'s horrible news! I can\'t believe that all but two of our Cenarion friends are dead.$B$BAlright, let me have a look at those parts. I\'m just hoping they aren\'t what I suspect that they might be.$B$BYes, as I feared, I believe these are bomb parts. Our eyes and ears in Shattrath City have been feeding us information about some of the ethereals importing proscribed goods from other dimensions that they\'re in contact with.','You look concerned. What is it, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5079insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5034,9995,'What Are These Things?','I don\'t know about you, but I have no idea what all of those things are.  I do know one thing though - they look dangerous!$B$B$N, I think you should take this box of parts to Tooki at Stonebreaker Hold to the southeast.  He may have some idea of what these are.','Deliver the Box of Parts to Tooki at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.','Oh no!  That\'s horrible news!  I can\'t believe that all but two of our Cenarion friends are dead.$B$BAlright, let me have a look at those parts.  I\'m just hoping they aren\'t what I suspect that they might be.','You look concerned.  What is it, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5080insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5035,9996,'Attack on Firewing Point','We know that the blood elves of Firewing Point are working for Kael\'thas and Illidan.  And from what you\'ve told me, clearly they are using the Broken of Tuurem as smuggling go-betweens for the creation of some horrible weapon.$B$BWhatever they\'re up to out there, the most efficient thing that we can do right now is to thin out their numbers.$B$BThe Firewing blood elves need to be taken out!  Head up to Firewing Point to the north and see to it.','Kill 10 Firewing Defenders, 10 Firewing Bloodwarders, and 10 Firewing Warlocks.  Then report back to Lieutenant Meridian at the Allerian Post in Terokkar Forest.','That\'s a good start, but based on what you witnessed there in the courtyard, as well as intelligence that I\'ve received, we have a far more pressing matter at hand!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5081insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5036,9997,'Attack on Firewing Point','We know that the blood elves of Firewing Point are working for Kael\'thas and Illidan.  And from what you\'ve told me, clearly they are using the Broken of Tuurem as smuggling go-betweens for the creation of some horrible weapon.$B$BWhatever they\'re up to out there, the most efficient thing that we can do right now is to thin out their numbers.$B$BThe Firewing blood elves need to be taken out!  Head over to Firewing Point to the northeast and see to it.','Kill 10 Firewing Defenders, 10 Firewing Bloodwarders, and 10 Firewing Warlocks.  Then report back to Sergeant Chawni at Stonebreaker Camp in Terokkar Forest.','That\'s a good start, but based on what you witnessed there in the courtyard, as well as intelligence that I\'ve received, we have a far more pressing matter at hand!','Report. What news do you bring from Firewing Point?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5082insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5037,9998,'Unruly Neighbors','The recent arrival of the fel orcs at the ruins to the east both puzzles and troubles Thander. They wasted no time in starting to construct fortifications and repair the buildings.$B$BThe construction goes on day and night, $N. I\'ve dispatched one of my most reliable agents to keep watch, but we can ill afford to delay action. Move against their workers, then seek out Theloria Shadecloak at the Allerian Post to the north of the Bonechewer Ruins. She\'ll give you further instructions.','Kill 12 Warped Peons and then report to Theloria Shadecloak at Allerian Post.','<The high elf nods.>$B$BIt\'s a good start, but Bertelm was right to send you to me. I\'ve made a discovery that may help explain the fel orc presence here.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5083insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5038,9999,'Buying Time','As long as the transporters stand, nothing we do to the forge camps will have any permanence. We must find a way to destroy the Legion structures.$B$BI need time to devise a plan of attack. If you can keep their engineers and tinkerers busy, it would greatly slow down their progress, buying me the time I need.$B$BStay as far away as possible from the overseers, $N. They are extremely dangerous beings.','Altruis the Sufferer in western Nagrand has asked that you kill 2 Felguard Legionnaires, 3 Mo\'arg Engineers and 8 Gan\'arg Tinkerers.','It is as I suspected. There are no conventional means of destroying fel steel. All is not lost, however...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5084insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5039,10000,'An Unwelcome Presence','Our forces at Thrallmar thought they had the fel orcs contained in the Hellfire Citadel area, but the recent arrivals at the ruins to the east say otherwise.$B$BWe can\'t permit them to gain a foothold here. Rokag has dispatched Shadowstalker Kaide to the ruins to keep an eye on them, but we have to do something to keep them from digging in.$B$BGo to the ruins, decimate their peons, and then look for Kaide in the trees to the north. He\'ll tell you where to go from there.','Kill 12 Warped Peons and then report to Shadowstalker Kaide.','Stopping the fel orcs is going to take more than merely harassing their workers, I\'m afraid. I\'ve made a discovery that\'s shed some light on the reason for their presence here and it\'s reinforced my belief that we must act quickly.','I was about to send a message back to Rokag recommending an attack, but I see that won\'t be necessary.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5085insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5040,10001,'The Master Planner','All forge camps have a master planner. The master planner dictates what types of structures are present at a forge camp and how each structure is situated. Moreover, this information is kept on a set of blueprints that the planner carries around on their person.$B$BWe need the master planner\'s blueprints. Armed with such exacting information, we could persuade an acquaintance of mine to lend some assistance.$B$BFind the mo\'arg master planner and take his blueprints. He will be stationed behind the forges.','Altruis the Sufferer in western Nagrand has asked that you recover the Master Planner\'s Blueprints.','My acquaintance will hopefully know of a way to destroy the camps. He was a Legion engineer, after all... ','Avoid the overseers at all costs. They must not be let on to your presence. The results could be disastrous! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5086insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5041,10002,'The Firewing Liaison','Over the past couple of days, I\'ve observed a blood elf woman traveling to and from the fel orc stronghold and conversing with the fel orc leader. From her body language, she\'s clearly issuing orders. But why? Whose orders is she conveying?$B$BMy curiosity got the better of my judgment and I shadowed her when she left the fel orc encampment. She headed north, to Firewing Point. I stopped before reaching the perimeter of the blood elf outpost.$B$BKill her before she leaves the fel orc camp again.\r\n','Locate and slay Lisaile Fireweaver, then return to Theloria Shadecloak.','<Theloria nods at you.>$B$BWell done. We have bought ourselves a little time. The blood elves will grow curious about what happened to their friend. Hopefully, by that time, we will have a better understanding of their intentions.','The activity in the camp continues to escalate. Have you carried out your mission?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5087insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5042,10003,'The Firewing Liaison','Over the past couple of days, I\'ve observed a blood elf woman traveling to and from the fel orc stronghold and conversing with the fel orc leader. From her body language, she\'s clearly issuing orders. But why? Whose orders is she conveying?$B$BMy curiosity got the better of my judgment and I shadowed her when she left the fel orc encampment. She headed north, to Firewing Point. I stopped before reaching the perimeter of the blood elf outpost.$B$BKill her before she leaves the fel orc camp again.','Locate and slay Lisaile Fireweaver, then return to Shadowstalker Kaide.','<Kaide nods at you.>$B$BWell done. We have bought ourselves a little time. The blood elves will grow curious about what happened to their friend. Hopefully, by that time, we will have a better understanding of their intentions.$B$BWhen the time is right, I will inform Rogak of our progress.','The longer we permit them to make preparations, the more difficult it will be to root them out. Have you killed the liaison?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5088insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5043,10004,'Patience and Understanding','Take the blueprints and travel to Shattrath City in the Terokkar forest. Once at Shattrath, go to the Lower City and look for a mo\'arg by the name Sal\'salabim. He\'ll probably be at the bar, drinking away his sorrows.$B$BBy the way, you may need to convince him to lend his assistance. Try to approach him with patience and understanding. If that does not work, use your fists.','Altruis the Sufferer in western Nagrand wants you to take the Master Planner\'s Blueprints to Sal\'salabim in Shattrath City and convince him to help you.\r\n','Calm down, bright eyes! Sal\'salabim will help.','','Sal\'salabim Persuaded','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5089insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5044,10005,'Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know','$N, after you\'re done celebrating here, I think that you should go back to the Cenarion Thicket and speak with Earthbinder Tavgren.$B$BI\'m certain that he\'ll want to know what really happened out there.','Speak with Earthbinder Tavgren just outside the Cenarion Thicket in Terokkar Forest.','A bomb utilizing pure mana that can take out whole towns! But why? Why would the blood elves create such a thing and use it on us? The Cenarion Thicket was a place of peace and repose.$B$BWhatever the reason, it must be locked inside the head of Warden Treelos, and I have no idea how to cure him. Perhaps his mind will heal in time?$B$BRegardless, I want to thank you for helping me to figure out what happened. I can only hope that this tragedy will never befall anyone else ever again!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5090insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5045,10006,'Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know','$N, I think that after you\'re done celebrating here, you should go back to the Cenarion Thicket and speak with Earthbinder Tavgren.$B$BI\'m certain that he\'ll want to know what really happened out there.','Speak with Earthbinder Tavgren just outside the Cenarion Thicket in Terokkar Forest.','A bomb utilizing pure mana that can take out whole towns! But why? Why would the blood elves create such a thing and use it on us? The Cenarion Thicket was a place of peace and repose.$B$BWhatever the reason, it must be locked inside the head of Warden Treelos, and I have no idea how to cure him. Perhaps his mind will heal in time?$B$BRegardless, I want to thank you for helping me to figure out what happened. I can only hope that this tragedy will never befall anyone else ever again!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5091insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5046,10007,'Thinning the Ranks','Knowing Thander and Bertelm, they won\'t tolerate such a large buildup of hostile forces on our doorstep. Asking them to dispatch members of the garrison to participate in an attack on the camp isn\'t an option either. It would just leave us too vulnerable to attack.$B$BIt falls to us to do what we can to diminish the threat the fel orc buildup poses. Kill what you can of their forces and I will look for ways to stall any reinforcements.','Kill 10 Bonechewer Devastators and 6 Bonechewer Backbreakers and return to Theloria Shadecloak.','Things are starting to look up. I think if we can prevent the fel orcs from reinforcing their fellows here, we can keep this post under control.','Was your attack successful?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5092insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5047,10008,'What Happens in Terokkar Stays in Terokkar','If word reaches Thrallmar that they\'ve failed to contain the fel orcs, we\'re going to be receiving a lot of company down here. Frankly, I\'m not sure I want all that attention, so we\'re going to keep this little problem under wraps, got it?$B$BIf we can inflict enough casualties on the fel orcs, chances are their presence will never come to the attention of anyone outside Stonebreaker. So, let\'s end it now.$B$BWade in there, swing your weapon, wave your hands, or whatever it is you do - just kill fel orcs.','Shadowstalker Kaide wants you to kill 10 Bonechewer Devastators and 6 Bonechewer Backbreakers.','I know you\'re well-traveled, but understand, $N, that some stories are best left where they happened. Do we understand each other?','Tell me I wasn\'t wrong to trust you with this mission...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5093insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5048,10009,'Crackin\' Some Skulls','<Sal\'salabim laughs.>$B$BThis Sal\'salabim design.$B$B<Sal\'salabim points to the architecture and formations on the blueprints.>$B$BLook at towers. Demon hunter no can see, yes? Poor, poor Altruis. He cry if he had eyes, yes?$B$BYes, Sal\'salabim help but first you help Sal\'salabim.$B$B<Sal\'salabim gives you a ledger.>$B$BThese creatures owe Sal\'salabim golds. Many golds. Go collect for Sal\'salabim and come back. They no give you Sal\'salabim gold easy. Have to fight, but you strong. You defeat Sal\'salabim!','Sal\'salabim at Shattrath City wants you to recover Raliq\'s Debt, Coosh\'coosh\'s Debt and Floon\'s Debt.','Now, deal is deal but when Sal\'salabim tell you, you not be mad, yes?','You no come back without Sal\'salabim golds!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5094insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5049,10010,'It\'s Just That Easy?','<Sal\'salabim points to the blueprint.>$B$BYou see where fel cannons are?$B$B<Sal\'salabim draws an arrow denoting a change of direction.>$B$BYou turn fel cannon around and use on structures.$B$BWait! Don\'t be mad! One thing you not know. Overseers have key to turn cannons. You need key first! One from each overseer!$B$BNot so easy, eh?$B$BTake information back to Altruis.\r\n','Sal\'salabim at Shattrath City wants you to return to Altruis the Sufferer in western Nagrand.','Of course! We will use their own weapons against them!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5095insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5050,10011,'Forge Camp: Annihilated','Gather your allies, $N. You will need them if you are to face an overseer.$B$BOnce you have a suitable group, find and kill the overseers at each camp. Take their keys and use them to turn and fire the fel cannons upon the camps. Return to me once the camps are destroyed.','Altruis the Sufferer in western Nagrand has asked that you Destroy Forge Camp: Hate and Destroy Forge Camp: Fear.','We are victorious! The Legion\'s advances have been halted!$B$BI offer you a choice of rewards for your heroic deeds!','','','Forge Camp: Hate Destroyed','Forge Camp: Fear Destroyed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5096insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5051,10012,'Fel Orc Plans','The writing on the plans is far too delicate and precise to have come from any of the fel orcs. You can\'t make out what the text says, but the implications are pretty clear: the fel orcs are taking orders from the blood elves at Firewing Point.$B$BWhy would the two forces be working together? Bertelm might have some insight into this odd alliance. You decide to make your way back to the Allerian Stronghold and show him the map.','Bring the Fel Orc Plans to Bertelm at the Allerian Stronghold.','<Bertelm takes the plans from you and looks them over.>$B$BIf you hadn\'t brought this map, I\'d say you were out of your mind, but here it is, plain as day. Not only are the fel orcs here to serve the blood elves, but it appears, they\'ve been ordered to keep us occupied.$B$BThis map raises more questions than it answers, but it gives us a better idea of what we\'re facing here.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5097insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5052,10013,'An Unseen Hand','The writing on the plans is far too delicate and precise to have come from any of the fel orcs. You can\'t make out what the text says, but the implications are pretty clear: the fel orcs are taking orders from the blood elves at Firewing Point.$B$BWhy would the two forces be working together? Rokag might have some insight into this odd alliance. You decide to make your way back to Stonebreaker Hold and show him the map.','Bring the Fel Orc Plans to Rokag at Stonebreaker Hold.','<Rokag takes the plans from you and looks them over.>$B$BSo Kaide was right! Those fel orc scum are up to something. I never would\'ve guessed they were colluding with the blood elves, though.$B$BAccording to this map, the fel orcs are to keep us busy... but why? This is disturbing news, $N. You were correct in bringing it to me it to me right away.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5098insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5053,10014,'BETA The Firewing Point Project','As I was saying, we\'ve just received some further intel and there\'s a much larger problem at hand.$B$BThe blood elves are hard at work on the construction of a second bomb at Firewing Point.  I cannot stress strongly enough the implications of them completing and using such a device on the Allerian Stronghold!$B$BMy scouts tell me that they are guarding the codes to the device in the four smaller buildings ringing the central courtyard.  Get in there and retrieve those codes before it\'s too late!','Steal the four Mana Bomb Code Sheets and deliver them to Lieutenant Meridian at the Allerian Post in Terokkar Forest.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5099insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5054,10015,'BETA The Firewing Point Project','As I was saying, we\'ve just received some further intel and there\'s a much larger problem at hand.$B$BThe blood elves are hard at work on the construction of a second bomb at Firewing Point.  I cannot stress strongly enough the implications of them completing and using such a device on Stonebreaker Hold!$B$BMy scouts tell me that they are guarding the codes to the device in the four smaller buildings ringing the central courtyard.  Get in there and retrieve those codes before it\'s too late!','Steal the four Mana Bomb Code Sheets and deliver them to Sergeant Chawni at Stonebreaker Camp in Terokkar Forest.','Good work!$B$BLet me have a look at those code sheets.  I\'ve got an idea and it might just be crazy enough to work!','You have those codes yet?  You saw what happened to the druids at the Cenarion Thicket.$B$BDo you want that to happen to Stonebreaker Hold?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5100insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5055,10016,'Timber Worg Tails','Have you come across the timber worgs in your travels? I\'ve had the opportunity to observe them while mapping some of the northern reaches of the forest. I wouldn\'t recommend getting close to them unless you\'re prepared for combat.$B$BThey have no fear of us and won\'t hesitate to defend their territory.$B$BIt\'s fitting that such a creature would have a magnificent tail. I\'ve been trying to collect enough of them to trim a new cloak, but the worgs have a habit of evading my snares. Will you help?','Bertelm at the Allerian Stronghold wants you to bring him 12 Timber Worg Tails. The tails can come from either Timber Worgs or Timber Worg Alphas.','Ah, well done, friend. These are finer than I thought they\'d be. They\'ll make a fine cloak.$B$B<Bertelm glances toward the inn.>$B$BYes, a fine cloak it shall be.','I see you\'ve managed to survive the rigors of the forest. Have you brought any tails for my cloak?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5101insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5056,10017,'Strained Supplies','More and more refugees come through the gates of Shattrath City each day.  Some have sustained such injuries, it\'s a real wonder they made it here.$B$BI can deal with most of the conventional injuries; my training as an Aldor healer has prepared me for that.  Poison wounds are more problematic as my anti-venom supplies have begun to run low.$B$BBring me venom sacs from the local dreadfang spiders so I can produce more antidotes.  You\'ll find a pocket of the spiders in the southeastern region of Terokkar.','Bring 8 Dreadfang Venom Sacs to Sha\'nir in Shattrath City.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','You have my thanks, $N. The Aldor will hear of your actions.','Have you obtained the venom sacs, $N? These refugees can\'t wait much longer.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5102insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5057,10018,'Vestments of the Wolf Spirit','Generations ago, when orc clans still called Terokkar Forest home, the wolf spirit played an important role in their lives. When the orcs departed, they had no longer had any need for the spirit and they left it behind.$B$BIn time, the spirit grew lonely and it too left the forest.$B$BI believe I can bring the wolf spirit back to his ancestral home, just as we orcs have returned. The ritual will require me to create vestments from the pelts of the wolves of the forest to guide the spirit back to its home.','Bring 12 Timber Worg Pelts to Malukaz at Stonebreaker Hold. ','These are perfect, $N! I could not have asked for better.','Were you able to find all the pelts that I need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5103insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5058,10019,'More Venom Sacs','','','You have my thanks, $N. The naaru have extended their protection to these unfortunate souls; it would be a shame if they made it to Shattrath and perished to previous wounds.$B$B<This quest can be repeated up to Neutral reputation.>','Many refugees still need treatment for their poisonous wounds. Have you brought more venom sacs for me to use, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5104insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5059,10020,'A Cure for Zahlia','The woman to my right suffered a severe injury to the head.  She survived, but lost her eyesight.$B$BA traditional cure used among my people requires the blood of a very old basilisk.$B$BUnfortunately, due to poaching from various groups, Terokkar basilisks don\'t tend to live very long.$B$BThere is one basilisk whose name I\'ve known since I was a youngling.  It is known only as \"Stonegazer\" and it\'s rumored to live east of here, near the land\'s edge.$B$BBring me its blood so that Zahlia may see once again.','Bring Stonegazer\'s Blood to Sha\'nir in Shattrath City.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Thank you, $N. Caring for those in need is a difficult task, but in time I\'ve discovered that it is its own reward.','Have you obtained the blood, $N?  Without it, Zahlia may never see her son again.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5105insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5060,10021,'Restoring the Light','Much of this region was inhabited by draenei long ago.  We Aldor were charged with the safeguarding of our holy sites and altars.  Many of them have since been destroyed or taken over by our enemies.$B$BTo the east of here there is an arakkoa outpost.  It was purposefully built on the location of three of our sacred altars. The arakkoa use their foul magic to warp and defile the innate power of our shrines.$B$BTake this to the arakkoa outpost and use it to cleanse the three altars.','Ishanah wants you to go to the Arakkoa outpost east of Shattrath City and use the Blessed Vial to cleanse the Eastern Altar, the Western Altar and the Northern Altar.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','You have my thanks, $N. We are keepers of the light and cannot forsake our responsibilities, even in the most difficult of times.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5106insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5061,10022,'The Elusive Ironjaw','Now that I have the fur I\'ll need for the trim, I\'ve been thinking that the pelt of a particular wolf would make a good hood for my cloak. Imagine seeing your enemy clad in the pelt of the most cunning predator in the forest!$B$BI\'ve tried trapping old Ironjaw without success. I\'ve tried cornering him, outsmarting him, and baiting him. None of it has worked.$B$BHe stalks the northeastern reaches of the forest, and I\'d gladly reward you if you could succeed where I have failed.','Bring Ironjaw\'s Pelt to Bertelm at the Allerian Stronghold.','I bow to your skills, $N. You have proven yourself the superior hunter.$B$BI won\'t forget your help in making this cloak. It will truly be a one-of-a-kind piece and I\'ll wear it proudly.','Has old Ironjaw gotten the better of you, too, friend? Or have you managed to outsmart the old fellow?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5107insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5062,10023,'Patriarch Ironjaw','You\'ve done well in gathering the first pelts.$B$BThe final piece of the vestments requires a pelt unlike any other. There is one particular wolf, an old and cunning one, that has earned his place as the patriarch of the forest wolves. He is known among them as Ironjaw, the mighty hunter.$B$BIn my visions, I have seen him wandering the northeastern region of the forest. Including his pelt in the vestments will surely light the wolf spirit\'s path.$B$BDo not mourn Ironjaw. He will be well honored.','Bring Ironjaw\'s Pelt to Malukaz at Stonebreaker Hold.','The pelt is even more magnificent than I had hoped! This is a good omen, $N, and the spirits will favor you for your contribution to this ceremony.$B$BI have fashioned a helmet for you from the remaining pelts, $N. It identifies you as a mighty hunter and an ally of the great wolf spirit of Terokkar Forest.','The spirit awaits, $N. Have you the pelt of the wolf patriarch?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5108insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5063,10024,'Voren\'thal\'s Visions','Our leader, Voren\'thal the Seer, was once a close advisor to Kael\'thas.  His prophetic visions warned him that Kael\'s path would lead to the destruction of our race.$B$BThe visions are usually vague and unfocused, but our alchemists have devised an elixir to help him focus his clairvoyance.  Unfortunately, this elixir calls for a rare ingredient: basilisk eyes.  My usual source, this pathetic ethereal, has failed me.$B$BSeek the dampscale basilisks in the rocky regions of Terokkar and bring me their eyes.','Bring 8 Dampscale Basilisk Eyes to Arcanist Adyria in Shattrath City.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','These are all in excellent state, $N. Carry on and you will soon count the Scryers as your friends.','Have you obtained the basilisk eyes for Voren\'thal\'s elixir?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5109insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5064,10025,'More Basilisk Eyes','It takes many basilisk eyes to make even a small dose of Voren\'thal\'s elixir.  Bringing me more would certainly incur the Scryers\' favor.','It takes many basilisk eyes to make even a small dose of Voren\'thal\'s elixir. Bringing me more would certainly incur the Scryers\' favor.','I thank you, $N. Voren\'thal\'s visions might one day decide the fate of our race. It would behoove us to do our best to ensure that those visions are as accurate as possible.$B$B<This quest can be repeated up to Neutral reputation.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5110insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5065,10026,'Magical Disturbances','It\'s embarrassing to admit this, but something has happened to me here in Terokkar Forest that hasn\'t occurred since my apprentice days.$B$BOccasionally, my spells will fizzle when I know I\'ve done everything correctly. I almost drove myself crazy the first time it happened.$B$BI think I\'ve found the cause. The forest is full of creatures called warp stalkers, demonic creatures with an affinity for magic and a habit of disturbing magical flows. The best way to deal with them is simply to kill them.','Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold wants you to kill 10 Warp Stalkers.','<Andarl dabs at his forehead with the sleeve of his robe.>$B$BThank goodness. I was beginning to wonder if the things had displaced the rest of the forest\'s creatures.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5111insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5066,10027,'Magical Disturbances','There\'s nothing more annoying than preparing to cast a spell, only to have it interrupted by some unseen force. After the fourth time, I knew it couldn\'t be coincidence and I sent Keb\'ezil out to investigate.$B$BI guarantee you\'ll never encounter an imp that talks back more than Keb.$B$BAnyway, he managed to find the source of the problem, a pesky creature known as a warp stalker. They have a habit of disturbing the magical energy wherever they blink into existence. I\'ve had enough of their interference.','Kill 10 Warp Stalkers and return to Kurgatok at Stonebreaker Hold.','Keb\'ezil is relieved that you\'ve taken care of that little problem, aren\'t you, Keb?$B$B<The imp ignores its master, presumably out of indignation.>$B$BYou\'ll have to forgive his bad manners. You know how demons can be...','Keb\'ezil wants to know if it\'s safe to hurl a fireball without embarrassing himself again.$B$B<The imp makes a few clicking sounds and the warlock turns toward him.>$B$BNo, it wasn\'t my shadow bolt! Take it back, you overgrown pixy!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5112insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5067,10028,'Vessels of Power','Amid the ruins of Tuurem are a number of vessels containing raw, magical energy. We are fortunate that the Broken who have overrun the city are ignorant to the resource in their midst, but we cannot assume they will remain so forever.$B$BWith those vessels and their power in hand, the scattered survivors of my people can resist the lure of demonic magic. Every quel\'dorei we can save from our prince\'s folly is one more that can help us regain our lost glory. Bring me these vessels, $c.','Bring 8 Draenei Vessels to Ros\'eleth at the Allerian Stronghold.','I hope these aren\'t the only intact vessels in the city. This is a good start, but I suspect we\'ll need many more than this.','Were you able to find any intact vessels?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5113insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5068,10029,'BETA The Spirits Are Calling','The spirits of the dead in the Bone Wastes have been calling out to me and they are in pain!$B$B$C, you must journey to the Bone Wastes to the south and find my assistant, Soolaveen with the Refugee Caravan.  He must be feeling it too, and will need your assistance to help put the spirits there to rest.$B$BIf you hurry, you may catch them.  I know that they were going to stop for a while in the northern portion of the Bone Wastes before continuing south to Auchindoun.','Anchorite Lyteera wants you to locate her assistant, Soolaveen at the Refugee Caravan in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5114insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5069,10030,'Recover the Bones','The bones of the dead draenei litter the Bone Wastes from the explosion of Auchindoun.  Their spirits are restless, and cannot move on to the next life.$B$B$C, you must help me to recover their bones and take them to their final resting place!  Only then will they be at peace; only then will they know comfort.$B$BGather up the restless bones with care and deliver them to Ramdor the Mad at Auchindoun in the center of the Bone Wastes.  Despite his name, he will know how to care for them.','Collect 10 Restless Bones.  Deliver them to Ramdor the Mad, just off the western side of the Ring of Observance in Auchindoun, which is in the middle of the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest.\r\n','Great, just what I needed... more bones.$B$B<Ramdor sighs.>$B$BYes, yes, I will see to it that these remains of our honored ancestors are given a proper burial, have no fear.$B$BThere is something else that you can do if you\'re truly interested in aiding the dead.','What\'s this? Who are you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5115insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5070,10031,'Helping the Lost Find Their Way','Many spirits of the draenei were corrupted by the explosion of Auchindoun.  Now they wander the wastes in torment.$B$B$N, I beseech you to put them to rest.  Destroy the lost spirits and broken skeletons that haunt the Bone Wastes beyond Auchindoun\'s walls.$B$BWhat?  You think leaving them to wander in blind agony would be better?$B$BAfterward, return to Soolaveen at the Refugee Caravan and tell him of that which you have done.','Destroy 10 Lost Spirits and 10 Broken Skeletons, and then speak with Soolaveen at the Refugee Caravan in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest.\r\n','You have done that which needed doing and there is nothing to forgive. Though it saddens me to hear that they were corrupted into a horrible undeath, through your actions you have put them to rest.$B$BThank you for setting them free, $N. You must accept a humble token of my regard for you and your selflessness.','$N? What brings you back to me? Did you deliver the bones of the restless to Ramdor as I requested?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5116insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5071,10033,'Wanted: Bonelashers Dead!','A bounty is declared on the bonelashers of the Bone Wastes.  As known carriers of the plague, they are to be destroyed forthwith!$B$BWhile they can be found throughout the wastes, they are known to congregate at Carrion Hill in the north.$B$BReport to Taela Everstride afterward to collect your reward.','Kill 20 Bonelashers and then report to Taela Everstride at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.','Yeah, I\'m sure that you killed all of those bonelashers. It\'s obvious since the captain asked for you to turn in proof on that wanted poster.$B$B<Taela gives you a sarcastic look.>$B$BI\'ll take your word for it. I\'m not certain who I angered to pull this duty, but thanks for your efforts on behalf of the Alliance. Here\'s a little something for all of your trouble.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5117insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5072,10034,'Wanted: Bonelashers Dead!','The bonelashers of the Bone Wastes bit Mawg and made him sick.  Now he wants all of them destroyed!$B$BWhile they can be found throughout the wastes, they are known to congregate at Carrion Hill in the north.$B$BReturn to Mawg Grimshot after you\'ve done the deed and he\'ll give you a good reward.','Kill 20 Bonelashers and then report to Mawg Grimshot at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.','You must have killed a lot of those bonelashers! Good, I hate them! Ever since I was bit by one of them, I keep having fainting spells.$B$BDo you realize how embarrassing that is? Here, take this as thanks for exacting some revenge for me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5118insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5073,10035,'Torgos!','There\'s a creature in the Bone Wastes so fearsome that only the dauntless dare to stalk him.$B$BI speak of Torgos, king of the bonelashers, who circles over Veil Rhaze on the western edge of the wastes.$B$BToo bad that there\'s an arakkoan scarecrow there, known as Torgos\'s Bane, which keeps him at bay.  I\'d bet if you laid his mate Trachela\'s carcass at the foot of that scarecrow he\'d come down anyway.  She can be found at Carrion Hill in the northern wastes.$B$BBring me one of Torgos\'s tail feathers.','Call down Torgos with Trachela\'s Carcass.  Acquire a Tail Feather of Torgos and return it to Taela Everstride at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.','Color me impressed, $C. Torgos was one of the toughest creatures I know of this side of Nagrand.$B$BWell, I suppose that\'s good enough for something from the Allerian Stronghold treasury. Take your pick.','You have the feather? Am I to reward you for your foolhardy bravery?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5119insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5074,10036,'Torgos!','I want Torgos, king of the bonelashers, dead!$B$BNot long ago, while I was out hunting at Veil Rhaze on the western edge of the wastes, he fell upon me.$B$B<Mawg taps his eyepatch.>$B$BHe took my eye, and now I would have his life!  Bring me one of his tail feathers as proof and I\'ll give you a worthy reward.$B$BYou\'ll need his mate Trachela\'s carcass though to call him down as he\'s deathly afraid of the old arakkoan scarecrow known as Torgos\'s Bane.$B$BFind her at Carrion Hill in the northern wastes.','Call down Torgos with Trachela\'s Carcass.  Acquire a Tail Feather of Torgos and return it to Mawg Grimshot at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.','I thank you, $N! You have exacted my revenge, and as promised you will be rewarded!$B$BTake your pick of one of these and use it well!','Did you kill him? Is Torgos dead?!$B$BYou have proof?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5120insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5075,10037,'Rather Be Fishin\'','Speaking of lakes, there\'s a lake with real good fishin\' up to the northeast. I used to go up there with my friends, but my mom won\'t let me go anymore.$B$BShe says it\'s too dangerous, but I haven\'t seen anything up there but a few little spiders. Like spiders can do anything to you...$B$BMy favorites were always the eels that live up there. If you\'re going to be up by the lake, would you think about bringing back some of the eels? They\'re feisty but once you subdue \'em, you can bring \'em back no problem.','Bring 8 Pristine Shimmerscale Eels to Seth in Shattrath.','Thanks! I can\'t remember the last time I had eel!$B$BHow should I cook \'em?','<Seth tugs on your cloak.>$B$BDid you find the eels? Didja?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5121insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5076,10038,'Speak with Private Weeks','A report\'s just come in from one of our scouts near Grangol\'var Village.  He says that a shadowy band has moved into the ruins there.$B$B$N, I want you to speak with Private Weeks and see how you can assist him to figure out what this unknown group is up to.  Just head west past Stonebreaker Hold.  His last report puts his position near the north entrance to the village.','Locate and speak with Private Weeks near the north entrance to Grangol\'var Village in Terokkar Forest.','It\'s about time someone came out here. I sent that report to the Allerian Stronghold over a week ago!$B$BBureaucracy!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5122insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5077,10039,'Speak with Scout Neftis','I am informed that one of our scouts near Grangol\'var Village is currently observing a shadowy band that has recently moved in there.$B$B$N, I want you to speak with Scout Neftis and see how you can assist her in figuring out what this unknown group is up to.$B$BJust head south out of here, and then due west, skirting the north of the Bone Wastes.  Her last report puts her position near the southern entrance to the village.','Locate and speak with Scout Neftis near the south entrance to Grangol\'var Village in Terokkar Forest.','It\'s about time someone came out here. I sent that report to Stonebreaker Hold over a week ago!$B$BBlood elves and their bureaucracy!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5123insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5078,10040,'Who Are They?','I don\'t know who they are, but I know they\'re hostile!$B$BI\'m going to give you a disguise, and I want you to go in there and speak with three of them that I\'ve observed as being \'chatty\'. Talk with the initiate, the laborer, and the advisor.$B$BJust watch out; there\'re a few hunters in there who\'ll be able to see through your disguise and they look tough! And whatever you do, don\'t leave the village -- the disguise is kind of flimsy. If you lose your disguise, come back to me and I\'ll give you another.','While in disguise, speak with the Shadowy Initiate, the Shadowy Laborer and the Shadowy Advisor.  Then return to Private Weeks at Grangol\'var Village in Terokkar Forest.','Good, you finally made it back! Okay, what did you figure out? Who are they?','','','Shadowy Initiate Spoken To','Shadowy Laborer Spoken To','Shadowy Advisor Spoken To','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5124insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5079,10041,'Who Are They?','I don\'t know who they are, but I know they\'re hostile!$B$BI\'m going to give you a disguise, and I want you to go in there and speak with three of them that I\'ve observed as being \'chatty\'. Talk with the initiate, the laborer, and the advisor.$B$BJust watch out; there\'re a few hunters in there who\'ll be able to see through your disguise and they look tough! And whatever you do, don\'t leave the village -- the disguise is kind of flimsy. If you lose your disguise, come back to me and I\'ll give you another.','While in disguise, speak with the Shadowy Initiate, the Shadowy Laborer and the Shadowy Advisor.  Then return to Scout Neftis at Grangol\'var Village in Terokkar Forest.','Good, you finally made it back! Okay, what did you figure out? Who are they?','You speak with all of them yet? What did they have to say?','','Shadowy Initiate Spoken To','Shadowy Laborer Spoken To','Shadowy Advisor Spoken To','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5125insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5080,10042,'Kill the Shadow Council!','What!  Those guys are Shadow Council?!$B$B$N, you have to go back in there and waste them!  I want you to take out their leader and as many of their executioners and summoners as you can.$B$BAfter you\'re done with that, report back to Lieutenant Gravelhammer at the Allerian Stronghold.$B$BGood luck, $c!','Kill 10 Shadowy Executioners, 10 Shadowy Summoners and Shadowmaster Grieve, and then return to Lieutenant Gravelhammer at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.','That\'s dire news indeed! Well, it would seem I made the right choice in sending you out there to help Weeks. The last thing that we want is the Shadow Council establishing themselves right on our doorstep!$B$B$N, in recognition of your efforts at Grangol\'var Village, I hereby grant you the right to your pick of any of these fine rewards.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5126insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5081,10043,'Kill the Shadow Council!','What!  Those guys are Shadow Council?!$B$B$N, you have to go back in there and waste them!  I want you to take out their leader and as many of their executioners and summoners as you can.$B$BAfter you\'re done with that, report back to Advisor Faila at Stonebreaker Hold.$B$BGood luck, $c!','Kill 10 Shadowy Executioners, 10 Shadowy Summoners and Shadowmaster Grieve, and then return to Advisor Faila at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.','That is unfortunate news! But, of course, I made the right choice in sending you out there to help Neftis. The last thing that we need is the Shadow Council establishing a strong point right on our doorstep!$B$B$N, you\'ve earned yourself something nice. Go ahead, take your pick.','Well, what did you find out?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5127insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5082,10044,'A Visit With the Greatmother','The Greatmother has asked that I seek you out and deliver a message. She wishes to speak with you at once.$B$BMy will has been sapped but make no mistake, $N, if you anger the Greatmother, I will come down upon you with all the force that I can muster. She is in the main hall.$B$B<Garrosh points at the large building to the north.>$B$BListen to what she has to say and do as she tells you.','Speak to Greatmother Geyah and listen to what she has to tell you.\r\n','We must first expand your mind so that you may commune with the ancestors.','Please, sit down, dear.','Listen to Greatmother Geyah','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5128insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5083,10045,'Material Components','Mother Kashur wishes to speak with you, $N. Before this becomes possible, you must collect the herbs required to create a potion that will expand your mind, allowing you to commune with the spirits.$B$BYou must gather Olemba root from Terokkar, marshberries from Zangarmarsh, Telaari fronds from Nagrand and dragonspine from the Blade\'s Edge mountains. I have written down instructions on this parchment as to the cultivation of these herbs. Return to me when you have gathered the materials.','Greatmother Geyah at Garadar in Nagrand has asked that you collect 1 Olemba Root, 1 Marshberry, 1 Telaari Frond and 1 Dragonspine.\r\n','You are very resourceful, $N. Our greatest gatherers would have taken twice as long to collect the herbs.<Greatmother Geyah mixes the herbs into a potion and then places the tincture to your lips, forcing you to drink.>Do not be afraid. ','','','Collect 1 Olemba Root','Collect 1 Marshberry','Collect 1 Telaari Frond','Collect 1 Dragonspine',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5129insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5084,10046,'BETA Through the Dark Portal','Two weeks ago, our scouts reported a heavily armed Alliance force under the command of Field Commander Romus departing Nethergarde Keep. With so many soldiers and supplies, along with such a distinguished commander, they can only have one goal: Outland.$B$BThe warchief sent an advance force through the portal, but if the Alliance believes there is a need for that many troops, perhaps we\'d be wise to send our own reinforcements.$B$BJourney through the Dark Portal and report to Nazgrel at Thrallmar.','Travel through the Dark Portal and speak with Nazgrel at Thrallmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5130insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5085,10047,'The Path of Glory','The \'Path of Glory,\' they called it. A road leading from the heart of their gruesome fortress to the Dark Portal, paved with the bones of my people.$B$BIt wasn\'t enough for them to hunt us down like animals, destroy our cities, and torture those who survived. No, they had to use our bones as paving stones, denying my brethren a proper burial under the Light.$B$BThose tortured souls still wander these lands, crying out for release. I ask you, $N, help me in this undertaking.','Cleanse 8 Trampled Skeletons on the Path of Glory with Draenei Holy Water, then return to Warp-Scryer Kryv at Honor Hold.','You have my sincere thanks for your efforts, $N. Though much remains to be done, it gladdens me to know we have helped some find their long-deserved rest. ','The cries seem somehow... fainter than they were before. The Light grant it\'s more than wishful thinking. ','','Cleanse Trampled Skeleton','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5131insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5086,10048,'A Handful of Magic Dust BETA','I\'m going to need dust, but not just any dust.$B$BThe royal teromoths that inhabit the forest nearby have a magical dust upon their wings, which they use to pacify those that hunt them.  I can make use of that property of the dust to assuage the resistance that I am feeling from the arakkoa eyes you retrieved.  This, in turn, will allow me to use them to find Deirom.$B$BI won\'t need much, perhaps half a dozen handfuls, or so.','Collect 7 handfuls of Pacifying Dust for Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5132insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5087,10049,'A Handful of Magic Dust BETA','I\'m going to need dust, but not just any dust.$B$BThe royal teromoths that inhabit the forest nearby have a magical dust upon their wings, which they use to pacify those that hunt them.  I can make use of that property of the dust to assuage the resistance that I am feeling from the arakkoa eyes you retrieved.  This, in turn, will allow me to use them to find Dugar.$B$BI won\'t need much, perhaps half a dozen handfuls, or so.','Collect 7 handfuls of Pacifying Dust for Kurgatok at Stonebreaker Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5133insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5088,10050,'Unyielding Souls','Near the end of our invasion, the Armory to the south fell under attack by the Horde\'s insidious Death Knights. Those vile shades cursed the Armory\'s defenders - and trapped their souls between the realms of the living and the dead.$B$BThose noble souls must be set free! I beg you, $N, end my comrades\' torment, for I have not the heart to slay them myself.','Honor Guard Wesilow wants you to defeat 12 Unyielding Footmen, 10 Unyielding Sorcerers, and 5 Unyielding Knights at the Expedition Armory to the south.','The Sons appreciate your efforts, even if few are willing to speak of the armory.','What I asked of you is a terrible thing to request of anyone. But what you must understand is many of the men won\'t go near the ruins. The memories and the pain are too fresh, but we can\'t allow the spirits to continue to wander.$B$BThe longer they persist, the more they shed their remaining ties to their past life and give themselves over to malevolence.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5134insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5089,10051,'Escape from Firewing Point!','Thank goodness for you!$B$B$C, I need you to help me escape.  I have information vital to the security of the Allerian Stronghold and probably all of Outland!$B$BI came here from the Cenarion Expedition on a diplomatic mission, but as you can see, they weren\'t very friendly.  If you help me get to safety, I can assure you that you will be handsomely rewarded!$B$BWe won\'t be able to do this on our own - you do have a group with you, right?','Escort Isla Starmane to safety and then report to Captain Auric Sunchaser at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.','Isla Starmane just left, but she gave me a full rundown on what\'s going on out at Firewing Point. It\'s understandable that she\'s quite distraught over what happened to the Cenarion Thicket. Nasty blood elves!$B$BShe told me how you were instrumental in saving her so that we could get that information. Allerian Stronghold is indebted to you for your service.$B$BPlease, accept this gift on behalf of us all.','','Escort Isla Starmane to safety','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5135insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5090,10052,'Escape from Firewing Point!','Thank goodness for you!$B$B$C, I need you to help me escape.  I have information vital to the security of Stonebreaker Hold and probably all of Outland!$B$BI came here from the Cenarion Expedition on a diplomatic mission, but as you can see, they weren\'t very friendly.  If you help me get to safety, I can assure you that you will be handsomely rewarded!$B$BWe won\'t be able to do this on our own - you do have a group with you, right?','Escort Isla Starmane to safety and then report to Advisor Faila at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.','Isla Starmane just left, but she gave me a full rundown on what\'s going on out at Firewing Point. It\'s understandable that she\'s quite distraught over what happened to the Cenarion Thicket.$B$BShe told me how you were instrumental in saving her so that we could get that information. Stonebreaker Hold is indebted to you for your service.$B$BPlease, accept this gift on behalf of us all.','','Escort Isla Starmane to safety','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5136insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5091,10053,'BETA Dealing with Zeth\'Gor','It is imperative that we follow up on the momentum created by your defeat of Warboss Nekrogg, $N. If we\'re lucky, the leadership at Zeth\'Gor won\'t have heard about Nekrogg.$B$BThe Bonechewers at Zeth\'Gor to the southeast are usually led into battle by Grillok \"Darkeye\". Seek him out in his lair, a cave cut beneath the fel orc settlement, and kill him. Once he is dead, search the cave for the fel orc battle plans. We must not be taken by surprise.','Defeat Grillok \"Darkeye\" and search his lair for the Bleeding Hollow Attack Plans.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5137insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5092,10054,'BETA Impending Doom','A quick examination of the plans reveals Zeth\'Gor\'s leader, Warlord Morkh, as the mastermind behind the attacks led by Bone Magus Warlor. There\'s more to the map than just Morkh\'s forces.$B$BThe plans indicate that the Bonechewer force is armed and marshalling for an all out attack on Honor Hold in concert with forces from Hellfire Citadel.$B$BThere\'s no time to bring word to Lieutenant Amadi. You must stop the Bonechewer forces before they can launch their attack!','Slay 15 Bleeding Hollow Grunts, 10 Bleeding Hollow Necrolytes, 5 Bleeding Hollow Peons, and Warlord Morkh, then make your report to Lieutenant Amadi at Honor Hold\'s western tower.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5138insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5093,10055,'Waste Not, Want Not','Reinforcements are great, but I don\'t see \'em haulin\' any wagons loaded with ingots or timber.$B$BTake a look around, friend. Trees are in short supply, and the mines are overrun with Legion scum.$B$BI\'m in a bad way fer supplies, and I\'m makin\' what substitutions I can, but it\'s time to start reusing what we can.$B$BThe southern edge of the Path o\' Glory is strewn with the ruins of siege machinery. Some pieces of \'em are still usable. Feeling up to a bit o\' a salvage operation?','Bring 8 pieces of Salvaged Metal and 8 pieces of Salvaged Wood to Dumphry at Honor Hold.','This is in better condition than I thought it\'d be. Sure. it\'s going to take some time to work off all the rust. the char. and the like, but I\'ll not complain.','Were you able to find any usable materials out there underneath all the dust, ash, and char?','','Eastern Thrower Burned','Central Eastern Thrower Burned','Central Western Thrower Burned','Western Thrower Burned',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5139insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5094,10056,'BETA Bleeding Hollow Supplies','The orcish ruins of Zeth\'Gor to the southeast serve as a base for an ever-growing tide of orcs emerging from Hellfire Citadel.$B$BThe Sons of Lothar have been fighting them for some time, and the stories they tell would be nigh unbelievable if I hadn\'t seen these \'fel\' orcs with my own eyes.$B$BSomething has changed them, augmented them in a way we\'ve never seen before. We have to do anything we can to keep them from strengthening. Go to Zeth\'Gor and destroy any supplies you find there.','Destroy 6 piles of Bleeding Hollow Supplies and report to Lieutenant Amadi at Honor Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5140insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5095,10057,'Looking to the Leadership','The disturbances at Expedition Armory continue, despite your best efforts. No one truly knows everything that happened there, nor exactly what binds the spirits of the fallen soldiers to the ruins.$B$BPerhaps we\'ve been approaching this the wrong way. I\'ve always assumed that each of the ghosts had a tie to the ruins, but what if their ties were to their leaders?$B$BArch Mage Xintor and Lieutenant Commander Thalvos were particularly close to their men, so perhaps overcoming their ghosts will calm the rest.','Overcome the ghosts of Arch Mage Xintor and Lieutenant Commander Thalvos and return to Honor Guard Wesilow in the tower northwest of Honor Hold.','We can only hope that with the quieting of the ghosts of the officers, the spirits of the foot soldiers will follow. Thank you once again for your help, $N.','Were you able to overcome the officers at the ruins?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5141insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5096,10058,'An Old Gift','<The priest\'s gaze slowly moves from his mug to you.>$B$BDon\'t you know better than to bother a man in his cups?$B$BOh, what\'s the use? I suppose newcomers are a good sign. What would Turalyon think?$B$BI remember the eve of our departure, when I gave Mysteries of the Light to him. During the campaign and the ensuing years, he never forgot to read his daily passage to the men.$B$BWhen he left us again, he gave the book back to me. Like a fool, I believed it safe in my quarters to the south of the armory.','Retrieve Mysteries of the Light and return it to Father Malgor Devidicus at Honor Hold.','Is that really it? It\'s hard to believe it survived the battle. Conditions in the ruins haven\'t been kind to the book, but still, I\'m glad to have it.$B$BIt\'s the only token I have of Turalyon.$B$B<Father Devidicus seems to be fighting back tears.>$B$BWhen you fight beside someone for so many years, they become closer than even family.','I thought I asked you not to bother me. What is it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5142insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5097,10059,'BETA Dealing With Zeth\'Gor','It is imperative that we follow up on the momentum created by your defeat of Warboss Nekrogg, $N. If we\'re lucky, the leadership at Zeth\'Gor won\'t have heard about Nekrogg.$B$BThe Bonechewers at Zeth\'Gor are usually led into battle by Grillok \"Darkeye\". Seek him out in his lair, a cave cut into the rock beneath the outpost, and kill him. Once he is dead, search the cave for the fel orc battle plans. Thrallmar must not be taken by surprise.','Slay Grillok \"Darkeye\" and search his lair for the Bleeding Hollow Attack Plans.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5143insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5098,10060,'BETA Impending Doom','A quick examination of the plans reveals Zeth\'Gor\'s leader, Warlord Morkh, as the mastermind behind the attacks led by Bone Magus Warlor. There\'s more to the map than just Morkh\'s forces.$B$BThe plans indicate that the Bonechewer force is armed and marshalling for an all out attack on Thrallmar in concert with forces from Hellfire Citadel.$B$BThere\'s no time to bring word back to Thrallmar. You must stop the Bonechewer forces before they can launch their attack!','Slay 15 Bleeding Hollow Grunts, 10 Bleeding Hollow Necrolytes, 5 Bleeding Hollow Peons, and Warlord Morkh. Then report to Stone Guard Ambelan at Spinebreaker Ridge.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5144insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5099,10061,'BETA The Unyielding','When the Bonechewer fel orcs attacked the Expedition Armory, the garrison there fell quickly.  The battle was bloody and fierce, and there were no survivors.$B$BAlthough the dead were buried, their spirits continue to haunt those ruins.  Of late, I have been receiving visions that these spirits may soon become a threat to Thrallmar.$B$BThere is only one course of action to take.  We must grant these spirits rest.  You must overcome them in battle.','Grelag wants you to defeat 12 Unyielding Footmen, 10 Unyielding Sorcerers, and 5 Unyielding Knights at the Expedition Armory to the south of Honor Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5145insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5100,10062,'BETA Looking to the Leadership','The disturbances at the Expedition Armory continue, despite your best efforts. No one truly knows everything that happened there, nor exactly what binds the spirits of the fallen soldiers to the ruins.$B$BWe may be approaching this the wrong way. My visions suggested that each of the ghosts had a tie to the ruins, but what if their ties were to their leaders?$B$BArch Mage Xintor and Lieutenant Commander Thalvos were particularly close to their men, so perhaps overcoming their ghosts will calm the rest.','Overcome the ghosts of Arch Mage Xintor and Lieutenant Commander Thalvos and return to Grelag at Spinebreaker Ridge.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5146insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5101,10063,'Explorers\' League, Is That Something for Gnomes?','Babysitting! Would you believe it?$B$BThey pulled me out of a promising dig and sent me along with Captain Odesyus\' expedition to babysit that little gnome!$B$BI\'d never heard o\' a gnome wanting to become a prospector before, so I asked.$B$BSeems we are takin\' gnomes now, and this particular one has a fascination with murlocs!$B$BWell, he\'s gone off and set up shop in an old turtle shell on the northern shore of the island. Go and have a look if you don\'t believe me!','Find Clopper Wizbang camped in an old turtle shell on the shore north of Blood Watch.','I thought so! That grumpy old dwarf was supposed to help me carry my equipment and gather data, but all he does is sit in that strange draenei town, drinking himself into a stupor.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5147insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5102,10064,'Talk to the Hand','The Hand of Argus has established a forward base at Vindicator\'s Rest, but they are sorely outnumbered by both the blood elves and mutated wildlife. Without backup, their outpost is in danger of falling, and we\'d have no way to keep an eye on events near the Vector Coil.$B$BReport to Scout Jorli at Vindicator\'s Rest to the northwest and offer her your assistance, $N.','Report to Scout Jorli at Vindicator\'s Rest.','I was hoping Blood Watch would send reinforcements once they learned what we\'re up against.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5148insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5103,10065,'Cutting a Path','During our mission to reconnoiter the Sunhawks and their portal, I sustained a serious wound. Scout Loryi has managed to staunch the bleeding and she\'s trying to figure out a way to evacuate me to Blood Watch.$B$BThe problem is that we\'d have to abandon our position here in order to guarantee a safe return.$B$BAs soon as we leave this consecrated ground, we\'ll be set upon by ravagers. If you can clear some of the enraged ravagers, it might allow us to make the trip back safely.','Kill 10 Enraged Ravagers and return to Scout Jorli at Vindicator\'s Rest.','It looks a bit better out there, but I still wonder if I wouldn\'t be better off waiting for a medic here.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5149insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5104,10066,'Oh, the Tangled Webs They Weave','We don\'t dare abandon our post, or wander too far from Vindicator\'s Rest, $r. The mutated creatures closest to the Vector Coil have been changed profoundly by energy leaking from the crystals.$B$BThe mutated tanglers appear to have gained a certain degree of sentience. They\'ve learned to create, set, and conceal vicious traps that can ensnare even the most careful warrior.$B$BWe\'ll never be able to move against the Sunhawks if we\'re constantly forced to look underfoot. Attack the problem at its source, $N.','Kill 8 Mutated Tanglers and report to Vindicator Corin at Vindicator\'s Rest.','Well done, $N. It\'s going to be much easier to get reinforcements from Blood Watch, or launch strikes against the Sunhawks without having to worry about what the tanglers are up to.','Have you managed to clear any of the mutated tanglers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5150insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5105,10067,'Fouled Water Spirits','Most of the creatures touched by the crystals\' energy have been corrupted in the same ways: strange marks on their flesh, increased aggression, and small crystal shards in their bodies. However, the fouled water spirits north of here appear to be turning entirely to crystal.$B$BI\'ve never seen anything react to the crystals this way before, when we explored the foul pool, they were particularly dangerous. We must get rid of them before the Sunhawks can exploit them as a new source of energy.','Kill 6 Fouled Water Spirits and return to Vindicator Corin at Vindicator\'s Rest.','Well done, $N. It\'s important not to overlook any opportunity to deny the Sunhawks sustenance.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5151insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5106,10068,'Well Watcher Solanian','And now, I need for you to do something.$B$BWell Watcher Solanian is in need of your services.  You would do well to ingratiate yourself with him.$B$BHe awaits you on the exterior platform that the ramp in this chamber leads up to.','Speak with Well Watcher Solanian at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Ah good, a $C. I\'ve been expecting you.$BThere are a few tasks that I have which you are particularly suited to.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5152insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5107,10069,'Well Watcher Solanian','And now, I need for you to do something.$B$BWell Watcher Solanian is in need of your services.  You would do well to ingratiate yourself with him.$B$BHe awaits you on the exterior platform that the ramp in this chamber leads up to.','Speak with Well Watcher Solanian at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Ah good, a $C. I\'ve been expecting you.$B$BThere are a few tasks that I have to which you are particularly suited to.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5153insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5108,10070,'Well Watcher Solanian','And now, I need for you to do something.$B$BWell Watcher Solanian is in need of your services.  You would do well to ingratiate yourself with him.$B$BHe awaits you on the exterior platform that the ramp in this chamber leads up to.','Speak with Well Watcher Solanian at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Ah good, a $C. I\'ve been expecting you.$B$BThere are a few tasks that I have to which you are particularly suited to.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5154insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5109,10071,'Well Watcher Solanian','And now, I need for you to do something.$B$BWell Watcher Solanian is in need of your services.  You would do well to ingratiate yourself with him.$B$BHe awaits you on the exterior platform that the ramp in this chamber leads up to.','Speak with Well Watcher Solanian at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Ah good, a $C. I\'ve been expecting you.$B$BThere are a few tasks that I have to which you are particularly suited to.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5155insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5110,10072,'Well Watcher Solanian','And now, I need for you to do something.$B$BWell Watcher Solanian is in need of your services.  You would do well to ingratiate yourself with him.$B$BHe awaits you on the exterior platform that the ramp in this chamber leads up to.','Speak with Well Watcher Solanian at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Ah good, a $C. I\'ve been expecting you.$B$BThere are a few tasks that I have to which you are particularly suited to.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5156insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5111,10073,'Well Watcher Solanian','And now, I need for you to do something.$B$BWell Watcher Solanian is in need of your services.  You would do well to ingratiate yourself with him.$B$BHe awaits you on the exterior platform that the ramp in this chamber leads up to.','Speak with Well Watcher Solanian at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.','Ah good, a $C. I\'ve been expecting you.$B$BThere are a few tasks that I have to which you are particularly suited to.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5157insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5112,10074,'Oshu\'gun Crystal Powder','This base was the primary draenei research facility for the study of naaru crystals.$B$BWhat we have discovered is a veritable goldmine of research notes about the crystals from the \"diamond\" mountain, Oshu\'gun. It would seem that everything in this region carries with it some residual powder of the Oshu\'gun crystals. If you find any powder while adventuring in this region, return it to me and I shall reward you with a token of my appreciation which you may use to make purchases from the quartermaster.','Chief Researcher Amereldine at Halaa wants 20 Oshu\'gun Crystal Powder Samples.','Wonderful, $N. This will help us in our battle against the Alliance filth that have surfaced in the Outland. ','The crystalline powder from the mountain is infused within the earthen core of this region. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5158insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5113,10075,'Oshu\'gun Crystal Powder','','','I thank you for your contribution, $N. Should you find more, you know where to bring them!','This base was the primary draenei research facility for the study of naaru crystals.$B$BWhat we have discovered is a veritable goldmine of research notes about the crystals from the \"diamond\" mountain, Oshu\'gun. It would seem that everything in this region carries with it some residual powder of the Oshu\'gun crystals. If you find any powder while adventuring in this region, return it to me and I shall reward you with a token of my appreciation which you may use to make purchases from the quartermaster.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5159insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5114,10076,'Oshu\'gun Crystal Powder','This base was the primary draenei research facility for the study of naaru crystals.$B$BWhat we have discovered is a veritable goldmine of research notes about the crystals from the \"diamond\" mountain, Oshu\'gun. It would seem that everything in this region carries with it some residual powder of the Oshu\'gun crystals. If you find any powder while adventuring in this region, return it to me and I shall reward you with a token of my appreciation which you may use to make purchases from the quartermaster.','Chief Researcher Kartos at Halaa wants 20 Oshu\'gun Crystal Powder Samples.','Wonderful, $N. This will help us in our battle against the Horde filth that have surfaced in the Outland.','The crystalline powder from the mountain is infused within the earthen core of this region.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5160insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5115,10077,'Oshu\'gun Crystal Powder','','','I thank you for your contribution, $N. Should you find more, you know where to bring them!','This base was the primary draenei research facility for the study of naaru crystals.$B$BWhat we have discovered is a veritable goldmine of research notes about the crystals from the \"diamond\" mountain, Oshu\'gun. It would seem that everything in this region carries with it some residual powder of the Oshu\'gun crystals. If you find any powder while adventuring in this region, return it to me and I shall reward you with a token of my appreciation which you may use to make purchases from the quartermaster.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5161insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5116,10078,'Laying Waste to the Unwanted','Now that we\'ve gotten our salvage operation off the ground, it\'s time to begin the second phase of the plan.$B$BAcross the Path of Glory, the Horde still has their old blade throwers trained on us. Don\'t let their age fool you, $N, they\'re still very dangerous. Much as we\'re working to reclaim what we can, we can\'t assume the Horde is going to dismantle their weaponry.$B$BTake this torch and burn the remaining siege equipment. I\'ll take no chances with Honor Hold\'s safety.','Use the Flaming Torch to burn the Horde Blade Throwers overlooking the Path of Glory.  Then, bring the Flaming Torch to Dumphry in Honor Hold.','That\'s the spirit!$B$BI\'m glad we finally got some reinforcements, but I\'m not so sure about their attitude toward the Horde. Where I come from, anyone with a weapon pointed at you is an enemy and needs to be dealt with like one!','You seem to be in good spirits. Has burning Horde siege machinery put the spring back in your step?','','Eastern Thrower Burned','Central Eastern Thrower Burned','Central Western Thrower Burned','Western Thrower Burned',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5162insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5117,10079,'When This Mine\'s a-Rockin\'','The mine\'s been overrun by a plague of gan\'arg misfits!$B$BNot only did they run all my workers out of the tunnels, but they\'re pounding away in there night and day! To make things worse, now I\'ve got Danath on me back! He says he\'s going to take away me ale ration if I don\'t get this taken care of soon!$B$BNone of the miners\'ll go in there, and the guards are busy drinking themselves silly.$B$BI\'m begging you, $N, help me here. Danath can take me dignity, but he\'ll never take me ale!','Kill 12 Gan\'arg Sappers and return to Foreman Biggums.','By Bronzebeard\'s bronze... beard, you\'ve done it! You\'re a hero, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5163insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5118,10081,'To Meet Mother Kashur','Do not be alarmed by what you might see once the effect has taken hold! These spirits are all around us - always. The potion allows your mind to be able to understand and ultimately see the spirits. You will need to be under its influence if you are to speak with Mother Kashur.$B$BYou will find her a great ways to the southwest, at the Ancestral Grounds.\r\n','Greatmother Geyah wants you to speak with Mother Kashur.','The potion that you drank has no real effect. You can only see a spirit if they allow it. The potion is merely a symbol of your belief and dedication. It was a test and you passed... ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5164insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5119,10082,'The Agitated Ancestors','Do you see them walking around us? The Ancestral Grounds are normally quiet and undisturbed.$B$BAs of late, the ancestral spirits have risen and are extremely agitated. Something is causing a great disturbance to the spirits. We must discover what that something could be, but first, we must put the immediate threat to rest.$B$BThese ghosts that you see walking about are not truly the ancestors but a representation of their state of being. You must destroy the agitated orc spirits. Do this and return to me.','Mother Kashur has asked that you put to rest 15 Agitated Orc Spirits.\r\n','It\'s no use. They continue to rise. There must be something more insidious underway.','You do not need a potion to see spirits, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5165insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5120,10084,'BETA Assault on Mageddon','With the skills of the mo\'arg engineers and an endless supply of their gan\'arg minions, they\'ll begin churning out fel reavers before we can get word to Nethergarde.$B$BWe have no choice but to move against them as soon as possible. We cannot strip Honor Hold\'s defenses to support you in this offensive, for to do so would be suicide. The fel orcs and the Horde will pounce on us at the first sign of weakness.$B$BHonor Hold has stood for 20 years, and we don\'t intend to lose it now.','Kill Nightlord Malphas at Forge Base: Mageddon, and report to Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5166insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5121,10085,'A Visit With The Ancestors','I need for you to journey to the villages of the ancestors, $N. Seek each one out and see if the ancestors remain.$B$BVisit Sunspring Post to the north, visit the Laughing Skull Ruins far to the north against the mountains, visit Garadar to the northeast, and finally, visit the Bleeding Hollow Ruins on the borders of Nagrand and the Terokkar Forest, to the east.$B$BReturn to me once you have observed the ancestors in their homes.','Mother Kashur at the Ancestral Grounds in Nagrand has asked that you Visit Sunspring Post, Visit Laughing Skull Ruins, Visit Garadar and Visit Bleeding Hollow Ruins.','This is very troubling. You say that none of the ancestors were at their villages? That they were all moving south?','Move as the wind, $N.','','Visit Sunspring Post','Visit Laughing Skull Clan Ruins','Visit Garadar','Visit Bleeding Hollow Clan Ruins',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5167insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5122,10086,'I Work... For the Horde!','Would you believe it?  These orcs hired me to help them shore up damaged fortifications and build explosives.  What a dream job!  It\'s too bad we\'re so short on materials, but a clever goblin like myself learns how to make do!$B$BCan you help me?  I need salvaged wood and metal from the ruined battlements along the Path of Glory.  Go down there and salvage, and watch out for those red-skinned orcs!$B$BWhen you\'re done, come back for big rewards!','Bring 8 pieces of Salvaged Metal and 8 pieces of Salvaged Wood to Megzeg Nukklebust in Thrallmar.','This stuff is great! A little bent and a little burnt, but I\'ve never let low grade materials stop me from making precision high explosives.$B$BThanks, $N. You really have an eye for quality trash!','So how did the salvage mission go? Did you find anything useful?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5168insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5123,10087,'Burn It Up... For the Horde!','I\'m a lucky, lucky goblin.  I get to make explosives and killing machines, knowing they\'ll be used immediately on important missions!$B$BSpeaking of missions, I just got one from Thrallmar command: burn the Alliance cannons on the far side of the Path of Glory... the ones pointing dangerously close to Horde fortifications.  Take this torch and make your way to each cannon.  Fire the torch and watch the sparks fly!','Use the Flaming Torch to burn the Eastern Alliance Cannon and the Western Alliance Cannon, and then return to Megzeg Nukklebust in Thrallmar.','I thought so! I couldn\'t quite make out the destruction from here. but I can imagine how it must have looked. Splendid!$B$BWell done. $N. Thrallmar command will be happy to hear of your success!','I\'ve been looking for the telltale signs of burning cannons ','','Eastern Cannon Burned','Western Cannon Burned','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5169insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5124,10088,'BETA When This Mine\'s a-Rockin\'','The mine\'s been overrun by a plague of gan\'arg misfits, and on top of that, the peons have decided that this is a fine time for a nap! I don\'t know how they can sleep through all the disturbances coming from the mine, but that\'s the least of my problems.$B$BIf we don\'t get rid of those gan\'arg pests soon, Thrallmar\'s supply of ore and other minerals will be cut off. I\'ve already asked Watch Commander Krunk for help, but he says he can\'t spare the men with the town under constant attack. Will you help?','Kill 12 Gan\'arg Sappers and return to Foreman Razelcraz.','At last! Now, I don\'t suppose you\'re willing to bop a few peons on the head, or will that cost extra?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5170insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5125,10089,'BETA Forge Camps of the Legion','Thrallmar has been subjected to bombardment from the Legion Camps since its establishment. We\'ve managed to hold out so far, but the situation is getting more desperate with every day.$B$BShadow Hunter Ty\'jin has made several attempts to learn more about the camps, but none of his scouts ever returned.$B$BThe time for subtlety has passed, $N. Fight your way into Forge Camp: Rage and find out just what the Legion is up to.','Kill 10 Gan\'arg Servants, 5 Forge Camp Legionnaires, and 5 Sisters of Grief, then search Forge Camp: Rage for evidence of the Legion\'s intentions.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5171insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5126,10090,'[Not Used] BETA The Legion\'s Plans','You make a copy of the glowing glyphs etched into the ground, but without the second half, the diagram doesn\'t make sense.$B$BThe glyphs indicate that another camp to the west, Forge Camp: Spite, is also involved in the project. Could that be where the Legion is keeping the other half of the plans?$B$BIf the Legion was forging something truly monstrous, assembling it at multiple sites would make sense.','Retrieve the Forge Camp: Spite Plans and return them to Overlord Hun Maimfist at Reaver\'s Fall.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5172insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5127,10091,'The Soul Devices','Gah!  They\'ve been torturing me, trying to get me to tell them everything that I know.$B$BI failed - they fed the others to Hellmaw, and I was to be next.  But I told them nothing!$B$BThey\'re crazy!  They\'re hell-bent on summoning demonic forces that they have no way of controlling!$B$BThey\'re using special devices to make their soul shards, and their summoning, more powerful.  You must steal these devices!$B$BI would join you, but I must return to Shattrath City to report to the Lower City\'s spymistress.','Steal 5 Soul Devices and deliver them to Spymistress Mehlisah Highcrown at the Terrace of the Light in Shattrath City.','To\'gun was here earlier giving me his report. He should have stayed with you to help!$B$BI sent him back out there to assist Grik\'tha. I think they make a cute couple.$B$BSo, these are the soul devices that the Shadow Council were using to enhance their summoning power? They look dangerous to me ','Yes? What can I do for you, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5173insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5128,10092,'BETA Assault on Mageddon','With the skills of the mo\'arg engineers and an endless supply of their gan\'arg minions, they\'ll have churned out a fleet of fel reavers before we can get word to Orgrimmar.$B$BWe have no choice but to move against them as soon as possible. I cannot use Thrallmar\'s garrison to support you, since it would leave us too vulnerable.$B$BThere are any number of opportunists, the Alliance notwithstanding, who would eagerly pounce on our unprotected outpost. Do not fail, $N. Too much depends on you.','Kill Nightlord Malphas at Forge Base: Mageddon, and return to Overlord Hun Maimfist at Reaver\'s Fall.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5174insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5129,10093,'The Temple of Telhamat','Fortunately, the Path of Glory is not the only trace of my people in these lands. To the west, a few of our holy sites survive, although some have been overrun.$B$BWhile Velen prepared for the journey that would lead him to Azeroth, those of us who would remain behind sought to reestablish a presence at our holy places.$B$BIn the western part of the Hellfire Peninsula, you will find a small group of draenei at the Temple of Telhamat, led by Amaan the Wise. I am certain he\'d be interested in meeting you.','Speak with Amaan the Wise at the Temple of Telhamat in western Hellfire Peninsula.','Ah, so you\'ve met Seer Kryv. He is a wise and gifted man and any <race> he would name a friend is also a friend of mine.$B$BMake yourself comfortable and introduce yourself to the others who call the temple home.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5175insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5130,10094,'The Codex of Blood','It has been two years since the Shadow Council summoning that resulted in the explosion of this once-great mausoleum, and the formation of the Bone Wastes.$B$BNow they are at war with an unbelievably powerful force on the inside.$B$B$N, you must make your way into the Shadow Labyrinth to determine what they are up against, and to see if it poses a threat to us.  Our spies speak of their use of a forbidden book of unholy summoning, known only as the Codex of Blood.$B$BSeek your answers within its pages.','Read from the Codex of Blood in the Shadow Labyrinth of Auchindoun.','Opening the magically suspended tome, a sense of dread overwhelms you.$B$BSomething is most definitely wrong here!$B$BYou read on, but what you read seems unbelievable!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5176insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5131,10095,'Into the Heart of the Labyrinth','The Shadow Council has lost control of the cosmic being that they summoned here almost two years ago!  It is what caused the explosion of Auchindoun, and the creation of the Bone Wastes beyond.$B$BKnown only as Murmur, it threatens to overrun the Shadow Council and break free into the outside world!$B$BWith the grandmaster, and the rest of their leadership dead, you are Outland\'s last hope against this monstrosity!$B$B$N, you know at the core of your being that you and your companions dare not fail!','Destroy Murmur and inform Spymistress Mehlisah Highcrown at the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City of the events that have transpired inside the Shadow Labyrinth.','Murmur almost broke free?! They\'ve had that thing contained in there for two years... I wonder what they did wrong to lose control over it after all this time?$B$B$N, by putting that beast down you\'ve likely saved all of us! I cringe to think what would have happened to all of us here, and the rest of Outland, if that thing had somehow managed to break free!$B$BI\'m glad you helped us to take matters into our own hands and deal with the Shadow Council threat at Auchindoun. How can we ever reward you?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5177insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5132,10096,'Saving the Sporeloks','Ikeyen\'s been telling me stories about what happened to him down in those caves and I think it\'s just awful!$B$BYou know, maybe we should do something to help out those poor sporeloks.  Ikeyen says that they live there in the Funggor Cavern, but that the marsh beasts have recently invaded.$B$BWhy don\'t you go down there and see if you can clear some of those marsh beasts out?  It\'s just to the southwest.','Slay 10 Marsh Dredgers and 10 Marsh Lurkers, and then return to Lauranna Thar\'well at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','Good! Those marsh beasts have no right to invade the home of the sporeloks!$B$BIt would be better if these creatures would learn to live in harmony, but when that\'s not possible, we\'ll be here to take care of the situation!$B$BHere, please take one of these as thanks for your help.','What? Back so soon? How did it go?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5178insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5133,10097,'Brother Against Brother','The Sethekk departed Skettis with great fanfare when Auchindoun exploded. Surely it must\'ve been an omen of our master\'s arrival.$B$BMy brother, Syth, was one of their leaders and told us we were obligated to go into the temple ruins and face our god.$B$BAfter we took up residence in the ruins, calling them the Sethekk Halls, I began to doubt my brother and his ally, Ikiss.$B$BIn time, Syth had me cast out of the Halls, but he refused to let me take our sister Lakka with me. Will you help me rescue her?','Kill Darkweaver Syth in the Sethekk halls, then free Lakka from captivity. Return to Isfar outside the Sethekk Halls when you\'ve completed the rescue.','I can\'t thank you enough, $N. Knowing that Lakka is free means I can cut the rest of my ties to the Sethekk.$B$BPart of me will never forgive myself for Syth\'s death, but it had to be done. When I reach Skettis, I will perform the death rites for him. Perhaps his spirit will find rest once it has atoned for leading our people astray.','','','','Free Lakka','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5179insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5134,10098,'Terokk\'s Legacy','My people honor an ancient hero named Terokk. Arakkoa hatchlings are regaled with stories of his deeds and descriptions of his beautiful plumage.$B$BHe dwelt among my people for hundreds of years, but mysteriously vanished one day, leaving only his mask, spear, and writings behind.$B$BThe relics are cherished by the arakkoa, but they were heartbroken when the Sethekk bore the objects away from Skettis at their departure.$B$BI have written down what little I know about their location within the halls.','Bring Terokk\'s Mask, Terokk\'s Quill, and the Saga of Terokk to Isfar outside the Sethekk Halls.','I may never truly be forgiven for my role in the crimes of the Sethekk, but perhaps by restoring the relics of Terokk to my people, I can begin to redeem myself.$B$BThank you for helping me in this, $N. You have no idea of the magnitude of what you\'ve done this day.','The relics of Terokk have been absent from Skettis for too long. Were you able to recover them from the Sethekk?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5180insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5135,10099,'The Mastermind','Those infernal gan\'arg keep scurrying into the mine! For each one you kill, two or three more seem to take its place!$B$BThere\'s got to be someone down there in the deepest reaches of the mine directing the incursion. You seemed to do well against them last time, and Light knows you\'re the only one brave enough to venture back into the mine. Find out who\'s responsible for this disturbance and make him pay!','Locate and kill Z\'kral in the mines beneath Honor Hold, then report back to Foreman Biggums.','I\'m glad you managed to take care of, of... what did you say he called himself? Z\'kral?$B$BFrom your description, it sounds more like an \'it\' than a \'him\' but all that matters is it\'s dead.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5181insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5136,10100,'BETA The Mastermind','Don\'t get me wrong, $N, I\'m glad that you agreed to help with the mines, but for every sapper you killed, I swear two more appeared.$B$BI\'ve been giving Watch Commander Krunk an earful, but he\'s still refusing to send me any help. He keeps muttering something under his breath about helboars. If I wasn\'t so sure he\'d hit me, I\'d tell him this is no time to be thinking about ribs!$B$BAnyway, it looks like there\'s someone down there deep in the mines directing this whole thing. Find him and kill him!','Locate and kill Urga\'zz within the mines beneath Thrallmar, then return to Foreman Razelcraz.','Hopefully, getting rid of their overseer will cause the leftovers to panic and break. Should be easy cleanup for my boys, once I\'ve found a way to keep them awake, that is.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5182insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5137,10101,'When Spirits Speak','Oshu\'gun - the diamond mountain - was once sacred to my people. It was there that the clans would gather every year to celebrate the springtime festival. It was there that our shaman communed with the honored ancestors. It was the center of our culture - until the shadows overtook us. When the clans became a horde, the spirits of Oshu\'gun fell silent. The ancestors turned their backs on us.$B$BYet something now draws them from their rest. Venture to Oshu\'gun and discover what could trouble the spirits so.','Mother Kashur at the Ancestral Grounds in Nagrand has asked that you seek out the vision you had. Find K\'ure in Oshu\'gun.','<A gentle, melodic voice fills your mind.>$B$BI am K\'ure of the naaru, $N. You stand within the heart of my ancient vessel.$B$BOshu\'gun, as the orcs named it, is the ship that first brought the draenei to this world. Though we fell from the heavens and crashed here many hundreds of years ago, my weakened energies have remained trapped within this wreckage. Regrettably, I am the source of the orc spirits\' pain.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5183insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5138,10102,'A Secret Revealed','As my energies bled away over the centuries, a void slowly grew in my place - devouring the souls of those nearby. Helplessly, I watched as generations of orc souls were drawn into the vortex. Recently, my enemies harnessed the vortex and used it to draw countless void minions into their Burning Legion.$B$BNow, the key to ending this cycle and freeing the orc spirits lies with another naaru - A\'dal. I have sensed his essence within the ancient city of Shattrath in the Terokkar Forest.','Speak with A\'dal in Shattrath City.','K\'ure was wise to send you here. While we cannot assist you with the suffering of the orc ancestors, there is one that can.$B$BOne that is soon to be reborn of Light...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5184insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5139,10103,'Report to Zurai','With the arrival of Field Commander Romus and his forces, the Alliance and their draenei friends have grown bold. They\'re militarizing every old draenei ruin from here to Shattrath.$B$BIn response, the trolls have established a new outpost in the eastern part of Zangarmarsh, just south of the Dead Mire. Swamprat Post, they\'re calling it. I\'m glad they have a sense of humor about living in a place like that, because I wouldn\'t relish it.$B$BThe post\'s commander has asked me to send anyone I can spare.','Report to Zurai at Swamprat Post in Zangarmarsh.','To be honest, I had expected more, but you\'ll have to do. Welcome to Swamprat Post.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5185insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5140,10104,'Concerns About Tuurem','The rumors from Tuurem are unsettling. Some say the town\'s ruins are overrun with crazed Broken and Lost Ones, while opportunistic artifact hunters steal draenei relics.$B$BIt\'s hard to know which are true and which aren\'t, but we have a responsibility to safeguard the ruins as best we can. Find Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest. He is something of a student of magical relics. More than anyone else, he\'s likely to know what\'s going on there.','Speak with Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.','I\'m flattered that your Broken friend considers me a scholar of his people\'s relics, but to be honest, I haven\'t had much chance to study them since my arrival here. It was certainly my intent, but when I arrived, I found that there were other matters that required my attention.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5186insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5141,10105,'News for Rakoria','Now that Swamprat Post is complete, our control of the roads in and out of the marsh is much less tenuous. Our presence in Terokkar Forest is much less secure. Even so, at Stonebreaker Hold, Rakoria awaits word of our progress.$B$BShe\'s sharp and capable, $N, but be careful around her. She\'s got a lot of a goods she\'s eager to move along the roads, but don\'t assume she\'s got our best interests at heart. Rakoria goes where she believes there\'s profit to be found.','Speak with Rakoria at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.','I\'d hoped his men would have the outpost complete sooner, but it\'s not costing him money. Still, it\'s progress.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5187insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5142,10106,'Hellfire Fortifications','The Hellfire Citadel wages constant battles with our forces.  We are holding our own so far, but we can\'t yet launch a real offensive against them.  To do that, we need forward staging areas.$B$BOur scouts identified three fortifications near Hellfire Citadel.  We want you to help secure these forts.  Capture each fort, and then report back to me.$B$BMay fortune shine upon you in the conflicts ahead, $N, for you will no doubt clash with Horde forces eager to gain these same fortifications.','Capture the Overlook, the Stadium and Broken Hill, then return to Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell in Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','Well done, $N. Your actions in the field are instrumental in our battle for Hellfire Peninsula.','','','Capture The Overlook','Capture the Stadium','Capture Broken Hill','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5188insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5143,10107,'Diplomatic Measures','Kilrath sends news of the Boulderfist leader: He is an orc! An ancient orc that passed through the Dark Portal in the time of our fathers and has since returned to his homeland. I wish for you to track down this orc and try to convince him to pull back the Boulderfist ogres. He resides on an upper platform in the Burning Blade Ruins to the southeast near the border of Terokkar. Good luck, $N!$B$BBe warned, he is a blademaster...','Jorin Deadeye at Garadar in Nagrand has asked that you find and speak with Lantresor of the Blade in the Burning Blade Ruins.','So what is your decision? Will it be war or will you lend your assistance?','','Hear the Tale of the Blademaster','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5189insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5144,10108,'Diplomatic Measures','The huntress\'s agents send news of the Boulderfist leader: He is an orc! An ancient orc that passed through the Dark Portal in the time of our fathers and has since returned to his homeland. I wish for you to track down this orc and try to convince him to pull back the Boulderfist ogres. He resides on an upper platform in the Burning Blade Ruins to the east. Good luck, $N!$B$BBe warned, he is a blademaster...','Mo\'mor the Breaker at Telaar in Nagrand has asked that you find and speak with Lantresor of the Blade in the Burning Blade Ruins.','So what is your decision? Will it be war or will you lend your assistance?','','Hear the Tale of the Blademaster','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5190insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5145,10109,'I Must Have Them!','Do you see them?? By Gazlowe\'s horrific halitosis, I will have those eggs! Say, you look like you might be of some use.$B$BI\'ll tell you what, $r; if you gather a few items for me to make my Jump-a-tron 4000 functional, I\'ll give you a key that will let you operate the machine as well! What can you do with a Jump-a-tron 4000 you say? What can\'t you do is more like it...$B$BI\'ll need air elemental gas from the air elementals of Nagrand. They\'re all over the place so don\'t ask me where to find \'em!','Wazat across from Clan Watch in southern Nagrand wants you to bring him 3 Air Elemental Gases.','Excellent! Now just a few adjustments and this thing will be as good as new. Oh yes, your key! Here you go.By the way, the Jump-a-tron still has a few kinks that I need to work out. Um, just be careful. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5191insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5146,10110,'Hellfire Fortifications','The fel orcs of Hellfire Citadel must be scoured from our birthland!  To attack them, we must first secure forward staging points near the Citadel.$B$BOur outrunners found three fortifications that will suit this purpose, but the Alliance has the same idea and even now sends forces to take them!$B$BWe want you to stop the Alliance and capture these forts.  Aid in the capture of each fort and then return to me.$B$BFor the Horde!','Capture the Overlook, the Stadium and Broken Hill, then return to Battlecryer Blackeye in Thrallmar.','Nice work, $N.  I could almost hear the battles waged at those forts.  I wish I was there to see them!','','','Capture The Overlook','Capture the Stadium','Capture Broken Hill','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5192insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5147,10111,'Bring Me The Egg!','Now that you\'ve been initiated, I want you to get me that egg! Use the Jump-a-tron and try to hit the nest dead center. But be careful! Bodily injury or serious permanent damage may occur from a bad jump.','Wazat in Nagrand wants you to use the Jump-a-tron 4000 to get to the nest in the nearby tree and steal the Mysterious Egg.','Well, it\'s no egg... Hey! I love chicken too! I\'ll just chomp right through this ginourmous talon! Thanks! ','Did I mention my love for eggs? Completion','','Attempt to Steal Egg','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5193insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5148,10112,'A Personal Favor','Hmmm?  A box you say?  Or was it several?  Do you know what material the box was constructed from?$B$BAnd what was the name of this merchant?  Empoor?  Are you certain that he\'s one of the Broken?  I don\'t do much business with their kind.$B$BPerhaps my memory would be jogged if you were to do me a favor?$B$BThe Skithian arakkoa - primitive casters that they are - recently stole a huge shipment of my more exotic goods.  I want it all back!$B$BYou can find Veil Skith just to the south of Shattrath City.','Retrieve 5 of Lathrai\'s Stolen Goods.  Return them to Wind Trader Lathrai near the World\'s End Tavern in the Lower City section of Shattrath City.','Yes, indeed, I do believe that it\'s all getting clearer now.$B$BAnd I think that your diligence in this matter deserves more than just the information that you seek.','Hmm, is my memory improving?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5194insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5149,10113,'The Nesingwary Safari','\"Go out and find us some supplies,\" he said. I was nearly killed about 15 times before I found this place! These Broken might not be the most hospitable bunch but at least they\'re not trying to tear my skin from my bones.$B$BAnyway, I\'m not going back. My days of huntin\' big game are over. If you end up heading northeast towards Zangarmarsh and run into the Nesingwary Safari, let them know that \"Shotgun\" quit. $B$BHey, maybe you can take my place! Good luck, stranger.\r\n','\"Shotgun\" Jones wants you to speak with Hemet Nesingwary at the Nesingwary Safari on the outskirts of northeast Nagrand.\r\n','I suppose we\'ll have to find a replacement water boy. Say, you look like a powerful $C. Interested in a job? Or did you come for the hunt?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5195insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5150,10114,'The Nesingwary Safari','These orcs have never seen a tauren before - if you can believe such a thing. If it weren\'t for Captain Kroghan, they would have probably been serving me for their next meal right about now.$B$BBut where are my manners? I am Ohlorn Farstrider, hunter extraordinaire! I am part of the Nesingwary expedition that came up here from Azeroth in search of big game. If you are interested in the hunt, perhaps you should visit my crew at the Nesingwary Safari, due east of here near the border of Zangarmarsh.\r\n','Ohlorn Farstrider wants you to speak with Shado \'Fitz\' Farstrider at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.','I am relieved to hear that he is safe. Have you come to join the hunt ?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5196insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5151,10115,'Daggerfen Deviance','The Kurenai and the draenei don\'t always see eye to eye, particularly on the issue of the Lost Ones. We are content to help the Lost Ones who seek us out, but we won\'t pursue them. Some draenei are intent on \'redeeming\' them all.$B$BHowever, there are times when even the Lost Ones go too far, such as the Daggerfen. In their village to the west, they dabble in poisons and deceit, arts that come unnaturally to us.$B$BWe must put an end to this before the vile Daggerfen can extend their influence.','Slay 3 Daggerfen Assassins and 15 Daggerfen Muckdwellers.','You have done well, $N. The Daggerfen are beyond redemption by anyone\'s standards, but I\'m not certain that the draenei would\'ve acted with the proper speed in this situation.','Have you seen what the Daggerfen have done? Now you understand why we must isolate them from the other Lost Ones.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5197insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5152,10116,'Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki','Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki - leader of the foul and degenerate Lost One tribe of the Daggerfen, for his brutal attacks against the Orebor Harborage.$B$BThe chieftain and his band of assassins are responsible for the deaths of numerous Kurenai and draenei and should only be approached by seasoned combatants.$B$BTravelers are advised to avoid the Daggerfen Village area to the west of the Orebor Harborage.$B$BTo claim the bounty, present proof of the chietain\'s demise to Ikuti.','Bring Chieftain Mummaki\'s Totem to Ikuti at the Orebor Harborage.','Remarkable! There have been others who tried to claim the bounty, but they never returned. It\'s not hard to figure out what happened to them.$B$BI\'m relieved that we\'ll no longer be troubled by Mummaki and his degenerates.','So you wish to claim the bounty on Chieftain Mummaki?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5198insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5153,10117,'Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki','Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki - leader of the foul and degenerate Lost One tribe of the Daggerfen, for his brutal attacks against Zabra\'jin and its inhabitants.$B$BThe chieftain and his band of assassins are responsible for the deaths of numerous scouts and messengers and should only be approached by seasoned combatants.$B$BTravelers are advised to avoid the Daggerfen Village area to the northwest of Zabra\'jin.$B$BTo claim the bounty, present proof of the chietain\'s demise to Shadow Hunter Denjai.','Bring Chieftain Mummaki\'s Totem to Shadow Hunter Denjai.','You have my thanks, $N. I was beginning to think that I was going to have to take a substantial part of the garrison up there and deal with Mummaki myself. Of course, there\'s no telling what might have happened to Zabra\'jin then.','So you wish to claim the bounty on Chieftain Mummaki?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5199insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5154,10118,'Message to the Daggerfen','Of all the Lost One tribes in Zangarmarsh, the Daggerfen are the most cunning and most aggressive. They are highly organized and make no secret of the fact that they desire control over the other Lost Ones in the marsh.$B$BTheir attacks have already taken quite a toll on my scouts and messengers. I cannot afford to lose any more men.$B$BIf we don\'t act soon, they\'ll have complete control over the roads and Zabra\'jin will effectively be surrounded.','Slay 3 Daggerfen Assassins and 15 Daggerfen Muckdwellers and return to Shadow Hunter Denjai at Zabra\'jin.','I think you\'ve managed to send a fairly strong message to them. Perhaps now, the rest of my men won\'t be so afraid to take the fight to the Daggerfen. Or, if they are, they\'ll find themselves ashamed by their lack of bravery.','The only thing the Daggerfen understand is swift and brutal action. They should know that we will not let them have their way.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5200insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5155,10119,'Through the Dark Portal','For 20 years the Dark Portal has remained a silent monument - a eulogy to a time long since forgotten.$B$B<Relthorn looks around.>$B$BI never thought to see this day, yet here we stand, looking into the abyss.$B$BOn the other side of this gate we are locked in a savage war - a war that we cannot win without support. You must go through the Dark Portal and help our troops, $c.$B$BReport to Commander Duron at once. He awaits you in Outland...','Travel through the Dark Portal and find Commander Duron. He awaits your arrival on the other side - in the Outland.\r\n','Welcome to Outland, $N -- welcome to the nightmare! Though the initial Expeditionary Force made it through unscathed, the Legion is attempting to retake the Dark Portal and prevent any of our reinforcements from coming though.$B$BAs much as I\'d like your aid here, our troops and the Horde soldiers are able to fend off the Legion platoons that are attempting to take control of this platform.$B$BWe need you where your talents can best be utilized.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5201insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5156,10120,'Arrival in Outland','Aided by the Alliance, my forces will hold the line here, but I need you to deliver my report to General Krakork in Thrallmar. With his help, we\'ll be able to drive these demons back into the abyss that spawned them! Speak to Vlagga Freyfeather who stands on the platform behind us. She\'ll speed you on your way.','Lieutenant General Orion at the Dark Portal in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to bring Orion\'s Report to Vlagga Freyfeather.','So you\'re Orion\'s new messenger? I pray you fare better than the last one he sent, $C. With the Legion pressing in, you\'d never make it to Thrallmar on foot. Say the word, and my faithful wyvern will deliver you there safely.','I saw you speaking with Orion - it must be important business...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5202insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5157,10121,'Eradicate the Burning Legion','Though this land is full of strange new enemies, the Burning Legion is still the greatest threat to our Expedition. One of my most trusted warriors, Sergeant Shatterskull, has been studying the Legion\'s tactics - trying to discern the demons\' true purpose in this land. Seek him out at the supply caravan just outside the southern wall.$B$BAnd $n - be wary of the Legion. Their evil cannot be underestimated.','Speak with Sergeant Shatterskull at the Supply Caravan just outside of Thrallmar, to the east.','No doubt you saw the Legion\'s warriors dotting the landscape on your flight from the Dark Portal. Though we defeated them at the Battle of Mount Hyjal some five years past, the cursed demons just keep coming back for more. If it\'s a challenge they crave, then the Horde will answer in kind!$B$BWe orcs have more than just a score to settle with the Legion. What about you, $N? Shall I tell you of our enemy?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5203insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5158,10122,'BETA The Citadel\'s Reach','Each day, Hellfire Citadel opens its gates, and more fel orcs pour out and into the camps they\'ve established along the ramparts south of the fortress.$B$BI dispatched one of my most capable scouts, Private Imarion, to track their movements, preparations and numbers, but he hasn\'t returned to report his findings.$B$BImarion was to focus his efforts on the northernmost camp along the Southern Rampart, near where it joined the Citadel. Find him, $N. Without his information, we\'re sitting ducks.','Search the northernmost camp along the Southern Rampart for any trace of Private Imarion.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5204insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5159,10123,'Felspark Ravine','Doom Lord Kazzak commands the Burning Legion in Outland. While we can\'t get to Kazzak - yet - we can and must get to his lieutenants that command Legion troops from the ground.$B$BThey have stationed dreadlords in Felspark Ravine, east of here. They are responsible for these infernal storms that rain down upon our heads. To take them and their minions out would be a great set back to the Burning Legion.','Sergeant Shatterskull at the Supply Caravan east of Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to kill 4 Flamewaker Imps, 6 Infernal Warbringers and 1 Dreadcaller.','Outstanding work, soldier. The frequency of the attacks is sure to lessen - at least until they bring forth more dreadlords.$B$BNow for the bad news: I\'ve got your new orders...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5205insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5160,10124,'Forward Base: Reaver\'s Fall','Your battle prowess has been noted by high command, $c. They want to send you to the front lines to meet up with Maimfist\'s crew. They\'re radicals, devoted to the complete extermination of the Burning Legion, so you may fit right in...$B$BHead east about 200 paces and veer south at the jutting mass of land. You\'ll see Reaver\'s Fall where an old farm used to stand. Once there, you are to report to Foward Commander To\'arch.$B$BNow move out!','Report to Forward Commander To\'arch at Reaver\'s Fall.','So you\'re the one responsible for clearing out Felspark, eh? That\'s good to hear - we need soldiers like you who can take these fiends head on!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5206insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5161,10125,'BETA Mission: Disrupt Communications','Directly east of here is the Legion Front. The front acts as a mobile command station for the Burning Legion. Jutting out of the ground you\'ll see Legion antennas. The Legion uses these to communicate with their forge camps throughout Outland. They also serve as wards to scramble Legion transmissions, making magical surveillance impossible.$B$BI want you to take these explosives and use them to obliterate the antennas. Get all of them, $N. They run south to north on the border of the Legion Front.','Forward Commander To\'arch at Reaver\'s Fall in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you use To\'arch\'s Explosives and destroy Legion Antenna: Spite, Legion Antenna: Rage, Legion Antenna: Hate, Legion Antenna: Fear.','','','','Legion Antenna: Spite Destroyed','Legion Antenna: Rage Destroyed','Legion Antenna: Hate Destroyed','Legion Antenna: Fear Destroyed',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5207insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5162,10126,'BETA Warboss Nekrogg\'s Orders','The orders, signed by \'Warboss Nekrogg,\' order the fel orc patrols stationed at this camp to bring their human prisoner south for interrogation.$B$BLieutenant Amadi mentioned that the Southern Rampart is dotted with fel orc camps. Perhaps the next large section of the wall to the south is where they took Private Imarion.$B$BJudging by the note\'s mention of interrogation, it seems the private\'s fel orc captors see some value in keeping him alive. Pick up the trail before they decide to change their minds.','Travel south along the west side of the South Rampart and search the next camp for signs of Private Imarion.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5208insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5163,10127,'BETA Mission: Sever the Tie','It would be a dereliction of duty if I did not order you to take out the demons that inhabit the Legion Front, just east of this base.$B$BBoth sides of the front are set up in the same manner: Fel handlers roam between Legion encampments, which are in turn guarded by wrathguards. A shivan subjugator oversees the entire operation. Kill \'em all and let Kazzak sort \'em out.$B$BAnd watch out for patrolling fel reavers. I know you\'re tough but those things will make short work of you.','Forward Commander To\'arch at Reaver\'s Fall in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to kill 4 Fel Handlers, 8 Wrathguards, and Subjugator Shi\'aziv.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5209insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5164,10128,'BETA Saving Private Imarion','The tracks lead south from Imarion\'s equipment, appearing to follow the Southern Rampart. The roughness of the shallow ruts suggests that Imarion\'s captors were in a hurry to move him to his next destination, but why?$B$BWas someone waiting there for him, perhaps the Warboss Nekrogg, the leader named in the orders you found further north?$B$BThe shield and the tracks raise more questions than they solve, but it seems certain that where you find Private Imarion, you\'re likely to find Warboss Nekrogg too.','Continue south along the Southern Rampart and search for where Warboss Nekrogg is holding Private Imarion.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5210insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5165,10129,'Mission: Gateways Murketh and Shaadraz','We\'ve identified the two main transporters that the Burning Legion are using to bring in reinforcements: Gateway Murketh and Gateway Shaadraz.$B$BIf you look east up the Path of Glory, you\'ll see them on either side of the road.  I want you to bomb them both into oblivion!$B$BHere are the bombs you\'ll use, specially designed by a goblin in Area 52.  Now, speak with Wing Commander Brack -- he\'ll put you on a wyvern.','Speak with Wing Commander Brack, bomb Gateway Murketh and Gateway Shaadraz and then return to Forward Commander To\'arch at Reaver\'s Fall.','That will set them back weeks! Fantastic work, $N. The Legion never expected such heavy resistance.','If you missed during your first pass, take another...','','Gateway Murketh Destroyed','Gateway Shaadraz Destroyed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5211insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5166,10130,'BETA The Western Flank','In addition to other instructions, the orders tell the remaining fel orcs to prepare their equipment and rations for a coming attack.$B$BAccording to the plans, Warboss Nekrogg\'s forces are to form the western flank of a pincer attack on Honor Hold.$B$BWith the hold\'s garrison concentrating on its eastern walls, an attack from the west would be devastating. Honor Hold can only hope to hold out if the western forces are kept out of the battle.','Kill 10 Shattered Hand Guards, 10 Shattered Hand Berserkers, and 5 Shattered Hand Acolytes, then report to Lieutenant Amadi at Honor Hold\'s western guard tower.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5212insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5167,10131,'BETA Planning the Escape','Like I said, getting out of here won\'t be easy. Warboss Nekrogg may look like an overgrown brute, but he\'s no simpleton.$B$BHe won\'t let the cage key out of his sight and doesn\'t come down from his tower atop that chunk of wall until he\'s ready to question me or that orc he\'s managed to capture.$B$BIt\'s going to take something extraordinary to get him off that wall, but I have an idea. Find one of the grenadiers that patrol the ground along the Southern Rampart and bring me some of his explosives.','Kill a Shattered Hand Grenadier and bring his Crude Explosives to Private Imarion at Gor\'gaz Outpost.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5213insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5168,10132,'Colossal Menace','You see that huge red crystal to the north?  It fell from the sky not long ago, causing a massive earthquake.$B$BWhen we came out here to investigate the disturbance, we found all of these colossi wandering about that weren\'t previously here.$B$BThere\'s definitely something strange about that crystal and the energies that it\'s emanating, but I don\'t have time for that.  Those mountain giants are my immediate concern.$B$BI want you to head up to Fallen Sky Ridge with some friends and deal with them.','Slay 5 Raging Colossi and then return to Tola\'thion at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.','Good work.$B$BIf you ask me, all that we have to do is kill enough of those colossi, and then we won\'t have to worry any longer about the ridge or that strange crystal in the middle of it.$B$BHere, take one of these as a gift from the Cenarion Expedition.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5214insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5169,10133,'BETA Mission: Kill the Messenger','Your handiwork is already causing the Legion great discomfort, $N. My scouts have just informed me that the Legion has resorted to sending communication via courier. We have successfully managed to cut their troops off from the host!$B$BWhat I ask of you next is more than I would ask of an ordinary soldier.$B$BThe Legion courier travels from the Pools of Aggonar to Forge Base: Mageddon, north of here. You must intercept the courier at Mageddon, dispose of him, and return to me with the Legion missive.','Forward Commander To\'arch at Reaver\'s Fall in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you find and slay Arix\'malidash and recover the Legion Missive.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5215insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5170,10134,'Crimson Crystal Clue','As the colossus falls under the weight of your attacks, you notice for the first time that it was holding a red crystal fragment.$B$BWhile it was small and unnoticeable in the mountain giant\'s hand, it\'s a fairly hefty piece for you to carry around.  It also suspiciously looks like it\'s a piece of the giant crystal in the middle of the ridge.$B$BIt\'s most definitely a clue as to the strangeness that is occurring here, and you\'re sure that the druids at the Cenarion Post to the south will want to see it.','Deliver the Crimson Crystal Shard to Tola\'thion at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.','Hmph.  Just looks like a big lump of unrefined crystal to me.$B$BAdmittedly, I can feel a sickly, evil aura emanating off of it, but that\'s not exactly in my line of work.  I\'m just here to put an end to the mountain giant menace.','That\'s a big crystal you have there.  Did you get that while you were up at the ridge killing colossi?$B$BLet me take a look at it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5216insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5171,10135,'BETA Mission: Be the Messenger','I am merely a field commander, $c. The authority to act on this kind of information falls squarely on the shoulders of our leader, Nazgrel. You must take this missive to him in Thrallmar. Ride with the wind at your back, soldier. Let nothing prevent you from reaching Nazgrel!','Take the Legion Missive to Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5217insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5172,10136,'Cruel\'s Intentions','Magister Bloodhawk finally deciphered the Legion missive you found earlier. It turned out to be attack plans sent by one of Highlord Kazzak\'s lieutenants - Arazzius the Cruel. Apparently, Arazzius commands the Legion ground forces in Hellfire. The time has come to terminate his command, $N. Terminate with extreme prejudice. $B$BHead west to the Pools of Aggonar and put an end to this so-called \'Legion lord\'. Today, the Horde reclaims Hellfire Peninsula. Let the Legion be damned. ','Kill Arazzius the Cruel, then return to Nazgrel in Thrallmar.','For generations to come, they will sing songs of this day, $N - songs of your valor. I wish Thrall had been here to celebrate this victory with us. The Legion is undone - and Hellfire now belongs to the Horde once again! There may yet be hope for this ravaged world - and our peoples\' place within it. $B$BLok\'tar ogar!$B$B','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5218insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5173,10137,'BETA Provoking the Warboss','The plan succeeds or fails on how well these explosives are made...$B$BAs much as I\'d hate to rely on anything made by an orc, it\'s my only real chance to get out of here. Take this and throw it against the banner hanging from the tower up there.$B$BOnce it explodes, Warboss Nekrogg won\'t be able to resist the chance to make an example of the troublemaker. Kill him, take the key, and then open my cage. Good luck, $N.','Use the Crude Explosives to create a disturbance and lure Warboss Nekrogg out of his tower. Kill him, obtain Nekrogg\'s Key, and use it to open Private Imarion\'s cage. Once you have freed Private Imarion, report to Lieutenant Amadi.','','','','','','Rescue Private Imarion','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5219insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5174,10138,'BETA Under Whose Orders?','One thing is clear, $N: we can\'t keep this up. The fel orcs have us surrounded and as quickly as we can kill them, several spring up to replace them. We can\'t hope to win this war huddled behind Honor Hold\'s shattered walls and counting the days until our deaths at the hands of the fel orcs or the Legion.$B$BYou\'ve done a remarkable job of sparing us from the brunt of the fel orc attack, but now you must fight your way up the Path of Glory and learn who is orchestrating these attacks.','Kill 20 Shattered Hand Grunts, 10 Shattered Hand Warlocks, and capture Drillmaster Zurok\'s Orders. Then, return to Lieutenant Amadi at Honor Hold\'s western guard tower.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5220insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5175,10139,'BETA Dispatching the Commander','From what I can tell, Drillmaster Zurok served as the right hand of the fel orc leader in Hellfire Peninsula, Force-Commander Gorax.$B$BThis Gorax isn\'t your typical fel orc brute, though. I almost admire the way he managed to keep us on the defensive for so long.$B$BZurok\'s orders indicate that Gorax\'s command center is located at the end of the Path of Glory, near where the citadel\'s walls meet the Northern Rampart. There\'s no telling what to expect, $N, but it would be wise to travel with allies.','Slay Force-Commander Gorax and report to Lieutenant Amadi at Honor Hold\'s western tower.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5221insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5176,10140,'Journey to Honor Hold','When you\'re ready, I\'ll arrange a flight straight to Honor Hold.$B$BFrom there, speak with Marshal Isildor and give him Duron\'s report.  He\'ll be happy to see another recruit from the homelands, and I\'m sure the information in that report is important stuff!','Take a flight to Honor Hold and deliver Duron\'s Report to Marshal Isildor.','Our expedition to this forsaken, wreck of a world has almost ground to a halt, $N. We encountered more resistance than we bargained for.$B$BAs if facing the Burning Legion again wasn\'t bad enough - there are horrors in this land unlike anything we\'ve ever encountered.','Thank the Light you made it here safely. Honor Hold needs all the seasoned warriors it can muster.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5222insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5177,10141,'The Legion Reborn','While the Burning Legion invaded Azeroth, they were also at work here, in Outland.  We have tracked their movements over the years, but this latest activity, $c - well, this is beyond anything we\'ve seen.$B$BSeek out Sergeant Altumus near the eastern supply caravan. She has been monitoring the invaders and may have insights into their purpose.$B$BBe swift - and take care, $n - the Burning Legion is not to be underestimated.','Speak with Sergeant Altumus at the East Supply Caravan just outside of Honor Hold, to the east.','Force Commander Danath may have misunderstood my request for reinforcements. You look capable, but... I asked for a full sized battalion!$B$BYou see, we have a bit of a demon problem...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5223insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5178,10142,'The Path of Anguish','Doom Lord Kazzak commands the Burning Legion in Outland. While we can\'t get to Kazzak - yet - we can and must get to his lieutenants that command Legion troops from the ground.$B$BThey have stationed dreadlords at the Path of Anguish, east of here. They are the ones responsible for these infernal storms that rain down upon our heads. To take them and their minions out would be a great set back to the Burning Legion.','Sergeant Altumus at the East Supply Caravan east of Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to kill 4 Flamewaker Imps, 6 Infernal Warbringers and 1 Dreadcaller.','Outstanding work, soldier. The frequency of the attacks is sure to lessen - at least until they bring forth new dreadlords.$B$BNow for the bad news: I\'ve got your new orders...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5224insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5179,10143,'Expedition Point','Your battle prowess has been noted by high command, $c. They want to send you to the front lines to meet up with Rohamus\'s crew. They\'re radicals, devoted to the complete extermination of the Burning Legion, so you may fit right in...$B$BHead east about 400 paces, across the Valley of Bones, until you run into a destroyed fel reaver. You\'ll see Expedition Point where a Legion base used to stand. Once there, you are to report to Forward Commander Kingston.$B$BNow move out!','Report to Forward Commander Kingston at Expedition Point.','Glad to meet you, soldier.$B$BEnough chatting... now listen up -- I have a vital mission for you and I want you to succeed... and survive!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5225insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5180,10144,'Disrupt Their Reinforcements','You\'ll find the Legion front to our northeast, and spaced along it are portals used to gather reinforcements from throughout Outland. We, $n, are going to destroy those portals!$B$BTake this primer.  Designed in Area 52, it uses the demons\' own power as an explosive device!  Defeat Legion forces around Portals Grimh and Kaalez to gather demonic rune stones, use the primer to detonate the stones inside the portals... then watch the fireworks!!$B$BGo, $n, and return to me when your mission is complete.','Defeat enemies around Portal Grimh and Portal Kaalez to gather Demonic Rune Stones.$B$BUse Kingston\'s Primer inside Portal Grimh and Portal Kaalez.$B$BReturn to Forward Commander Kingston with the remaining explosives.','Well done, $N. Disabling those portals will stem the flow of Legion reinforcements for a long time!$B$BBut we can\'t rest yet...','I wish I could be there to watch the fire display. Those explosives pack a big punch!','','Disrupt Portal Grimh','Disrupt Portal Kaalez','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5226insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5181,10145,'BETA Mission: Sever the Tie UNUSED','It would be a dereliction of duty if I did not order you to take out the demons that inhabit the Legion Front, just north of this base.$B$BBoth sides of the front are set up in the same manner: Fel handlers roam between Legion encampments, which are in turn guarded by wrathguards. A shivan subjugator oversees the entire operation. Kill \'em all and let Kazzak sort \'em out.$B$BAnd watch out for patrolling fel reavers. I know you\'re tough but those things will make short work of you.','Forward Commander Kingston at Expedition Point in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to kill 4 Fel Handlers, 8 Wrathguards, and Subjugator Yalqiz.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5227insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5182,10146,'Mission: The Murketh and Shaadraz Gateways','Just west of the Dark Portal are two huge transporters: Gateway Murketh and Gateway Shaadraz.$B$BIf you look east up the Path of Glory, you\'ll see them on either side of the road.  I want you to bomb them both into rubble!$B$BHere are the bombs you\'ll use, specially designed by a goblin in Area 52.  Now, speak with Wing Commander Dabir\'ee -- he\'ll put you on a gryphon and send you on your way.','Speak with Wing Commander Dabir\'ee, bomb Gateway Murketh and Gateway Shaadraz and then return to Forward Commander Kingston at Expedition Point.','That will slow them down, there\'s no denying it! I think you just put me in an uncharacteristically good mood, $N!','This is a vital mission, $N. It\'s one I would not trust to just anyone.','','Gateway Murketh Destroyed','Gateway Shaadraz Destroyed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5228insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5183,10147,'BETA Mission: Kill the Messenger','Your handiwork is already causing the Legion great discomfort, $N. My scouts have just informed me that the Legion has resorted to sending communication via courier. We have successfully managed to cut their troops off from the host!$B$BWhat I ask of you next is more than I would ask of an ordinary soldier.$B$BThe Legion courier travels from the Pools of Aggonar to Forge Base: Mageddon, far north of here. You must intercept the courier at Mageddon, dispose of him, and return to me with the Legion missive.','Forward Commander Kingston at Expedition Point in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you find and slay Arix\'malidash and recover the Legion Missive.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5229insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5184,10148,'BETA Mission: Be the Messenger','I am merely a field commander, $c. The authority to act on this kind of information falls squarely on the shoulders of our leader, Force Commander Danath Trollbane. You must take this missive to him in Honor Hold. Ride with the wind at your back, soldier. Let nothing prevent you from reaching Danath!','Take the Legion Missive to Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5230insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5185,10149,'BETA Mission: End All, Be All','Do you know what would have happened if you had not intercepted this missive, $N?$B$B<Danath nods.>$B$BThe entirety of the Legion army in Hellfire would have been knocking on our door. There is no way that we could have survived such an assault.$B$BThere is only one way to make sure that these orders never reach the Legion Front. You must travel to the Pools of Aggonar, far northwest of here, and slay this Arazzius creature.$B$BDo this and I will grant you a commendation.','Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you slay Arazzius the Cruel.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5231insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5186,10150,'BETA The Citadel\'s Reach','Each day, Hellfire Citadel opens its gates, and more fel orcs pour out and into the camps they\'ve established along the ramparts south of the fortress.$B$BI dispatched one of my most capable trackers, Scout Makha, to track their movements, preparations and numbers, but she hasn\'t returned to report her findings.$B$BMakha was to focus her efforts on the northernmost camp along the Northern Rampart, near where it ends in the rocks. Find her, $N. Without her information, we\'re sitting ducks.','Search the northernmost camp along the Northern Rampart for any trace of Scout Makha.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5232insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5187,10151,'BETA Warboss Nekrogg\'s Orders','The orders, signed by \'Warboss Nekrogg,\' order the fel orc patrols stationed at this camp to bring their orcish prisoner south for interrogation.$B$BShadow Hunter Ty\'jin mentioned that the Northern Rampart is dotted with fel orc camps. Perhaps the next large section of the wall to the south is where they took Scout Makha.$B$BJudging by the note\'s mention of interrogation, it seems the scout\'s fel orc captors see some value in keeping her alive. Pick up the trail before they decide to change their minds.','Travel south along the west side of the Northern Rampart and search the next camp for signs of Scout Makha','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5233insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5188,10152,'BETA The Western Flank','In addition to other instructions, the orders tell the remaining fel orcs to prepare their equipment and rations for a coming attack.$B$BAccording to the plans, Warboss Nekrogg\'s forces are to form the western flank of a pincer attack on Thrallmar.$B$BWith the town\'s garrison concentrating on its eastern walls, an attack from the west would be devastating. Thrallmar can only hope to hold out if the western forces are kept out of the battle.','Kill 10 Shattered Hand Guards, 10 Shattered Hand Berserkers, and 5 Shattered Hand Acolytes, then report to Stone Guard Ambelan at Spinebreaker Post near Zeth\'Gor.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5234insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5189,10153,'BETA Saving Scout Makha','The tracks lead south from Makha\'s equipment, appearing to cross the Path of Glory. The roughness of the shallow ruts suggests that Makha\'s captors were in a hurry to move her to the next destination, but why?$B$BWas someone waiting there for her, perhaps Warboss Nekrogg, the leader named in the orders you found further north?$B$BThe shield and the tracks raise more questions than they solve, but it seems certain that where you find Scout Makha, you\'re likely to find Warboss Nekrogg too.','Continue south across the Path of Glory to the Southern Rampart and search for where Warboss Nekrogg is holding Scout Makha.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5235insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5190,10154,'BETA Planning the Escape','Like I said, getting out of here won\'t be easy. Warboss Nekrogg may look like an overgrown brute, but he\'s no simpleton.$B$BHe won\'t let the cage key out of his sight and doesn\'t come down from his tower atop that chunk of wall until he\'s ready to question me or that human he\'s managed to capture.$B$BIt\'s going to take something extraordinary to get him off that wall, but I have an idea. Find one of the grenadiers that patrol the ground along the Southern Rampart and bring me some of his explosives.','Kill a Shattered Hand Grenadier and bring his Crude Explosives to Scout Makha at Gor\'gaz Outpost.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5236insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5191,10155,'BETA Provoking the Warboss','The plan succeeds or fails on how well these explosives are made...$B$BAs much as I\'d hate to rely on anything made by a fel orc, it\'s my only real chance to get out of here. Take this and throw it against the banner hanging from the tower up there.$B$BOnce it explodes, Warboss Nekrogg won\'t be able to resist the chance to make an example of the troublemaker. Kill him, take the key, and then open my cage. Good luck, $N.','Use the Crude Explosives to create a disturbance and lure Warboss Nekrogg out of his tower. Kill him, obtain Nekrogg\'s Key, and use it to open Scout Makha\'s cage. Once you have freed Scout Makha, report to Stone Guard Ambelan at Spinebreaker Post near Zeth\'Gor.','','','','','','Rescue Scout Makha','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5237insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5192,10156,'BETA Under Whose Orders?','One thing is clear, $N: we can\'t keep this up. The fel orcs have us pinned down and as quickly as we can kill them, several spring up to replace them. We can\'t hope to win this war with our forces divided and locked in constant combat with the fel orcs and the demons of the Legion.$B$BYou\'ve done a remarkable job of blunting the fel orc attack, but now you must fight your way up the Path of Glory and learn who is orchestrating this offensive.','Kill 20 Shattered Hand Grunts, 10 Shattered Hand Warlocks, and capture Drillmaster Zurok\'s Orders. Then, return to Stone Guard Ambelan at Spinebreaker Post.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5238insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5193,10157,'BETA Dispatching the Commander','From what I can tell, Drillmaster Zurok served as the right hand of the fel orc leader in Hellfire Peninsula, Force-Commander Gorax.$B$BThis Gorax isn\'t your typical fel orc brute, though. I almost admire the way he managed to keep us on the defensive for so long.$B$BZurok\'s orders indicate that Gorax\'s command center is located at the end of the Path of Glory, near where the citadel\'s walls meet the Northern Rampart. There\'s no telling what to expect, $N, but it would be wise to travel with allies.','Slay Force-Commander Gorax and report to Shadow Hunter Ty\'jin at Thrallmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5239insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5194,10158,'BETA Bleeding Hollow Supplies','The orcish ruins of Zeth\'Gor to serve as a base for an ever-growing tide of orcs emerging from Hellfire Citadel.$B$BShadow Hunter Ty\'jin sent me here to keep an eye on the outpost and its strange inhabitants.$B$BSomething has changed these orcs, augmented them in a way we\'ve never seen before. We have to do anything we can to keep them from strengthening. Fight your way into Zeth\'Gor and destroy any supplies you find there.','Destroy 6 piles of Bleeding Hollow Supplies and report to Stone Guard Ambelan at Spinebreaker Post.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5240insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5195,10159,'Keep Thornfang Hill Clear!','We\'ve been fighting an ongoing battle to keep the pass through Thornfang Hill to the west clear of ravagers.  It would be bad if we were to become completely cut off from the refuge in Zangarmarsh.$B$BWe don\'t want to displace the creatures, but there seems to be little choice as their attacks on travelers through the area have become more aggressive.$B$BClear some of the ravagers out of there if you can.','Kill 8 Thornfang Ravagers and 8 Thornfang Venomspitters, and then return to Mahuram Stouthoof at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.','With the ravagers cleared, travelers to and from the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh should have an easier time of it.$B$BThe Cenarion Expedition is indebted to you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5241insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5196,10160,'Know your Enemy','Rumors have surfaced that some new breed of orc is on the rise. Larger, meaner - more cunning than the brutes we\'re familiar with.  If these rumors are true then our forces, already stretched, may be taxed beyond their limit.$B$BI have entrusted my lieutenant, Amadi, with investigating this matter. If you would help us in this dark hour, seek her out. She is stationed at the broken tower just west of the Hold.$B$BAnd $N - be careful out there. You\'re heading into a dangerous new world.','Speak with Lieutenant Amadi at the old guard tower just west of Honor Hold.','<Lieutenant Amadi nods.>$B$BGood, we need all the help we can get. The increasing fel orc presence around the Southern Rampart concerns me. I sent out a scout to investigate, but he hasn\'t yet returned.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5242insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5197,10161,'In Case of Emergency...','In the event of an emergency, it\'s always the pilot\'s job to keep a level head, especially when the only orders your co-pilot follows come from his stomach.$B$BThe good news is that we won\'t need to wait days for replacement parts to be imported. The bad news is that the \"spare\" parts got scattered from here to the Valley of Bones to the east.$B$BThe other bad news? The spare parts aren\'t so spare. They, uh, fell off during our rapid descent. Could you help me collect enough to get us off the ground again?','Collect 30 pieces of Zeppelin Debris and bring them to \"Screaming\" Screed Luckheed at the Zeppelin Crash.','Some of this is in pretty bad shape, but there should be enough to work with here. With some creative engineering, I\'m confident I can make it work!','Did you find enough of the parts? If not, I might have to use that frying pan Legassi keeps waving around. Then, I\'d have to rename the zeppelin the \"Flying Skillet.\"','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5243insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5198,10162,'Mission: The Abyssal Shelf','Now that you\'ve got your wings, perhaps you\'d be interested in running another bombing mission?$B$BThis time we\'ve isolated the Legion\'s main production area, behind the forge camps to the north. I need you to get on a wyvern and destroy the whole damned thing!$B$BHere are your bombs - now, talk to Wing Commander Brack when you\'re ready for takeoff.','Forward Commander To\'arch at Reaver\'s Fall in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you destroy 20 Gan\'arg Peons, 5 Mo\'arg Overseers and 5 Fel Cannons.','You fly as if you\'ve been doing this your entire life, $N. Outstanding performance out there! Not even a scratch on the wyvern destroyers!','Show them that not even the skies are safe!','','','','Fel Cannon Destroyed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5244insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5199,10163,'Mission: The Abyssal Shelf','Now that you\'ve got your wings, perhaps you\'d be interested in running another bombing mission?$B$BThis time we\'ve isolated the Legion\'s main production area, behind the forge camps to the north. I need you to get on a gryphon and destroy the whole damned thing!$B$BHere are your bombs - now, talk to Gryphoneer Windbellow when you\'re ready for takeoff.\r\n','Wing Commander Gryphongar at Shatter Point in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you destroy 20 Gan\'arg Peons, 5 Mo\'arg Overseers and 5 Fel Cannons.','You fly as if you\'ve been doing this your entire life, $N. Outstanding performance out there! Not even a scratch on the wyvern destroyers!','Show them that not even the skies are safe!','','','','Fel Cannon Destroyed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5245insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5200,10164,'Everything Will Be Alright','You\'ve had quite an adventure, $N. And before you\'ve even set foot inside of the Auchenai Crypts.$B$BI am one of the fortunate spirits. I was neither bound to Levixus nor a part of Exarch Maladaar\'s vile experiments in necromancy. While you have destroyed Levixus, Maladaar lives on, continuing to torment the spirits inside the crypts.$B$BWhat I ask is simple. Enter the Auchenai Crypts and destroy Exarch Maladaar so that the spirits trapped inside can finally rest in peace.','Greatfather Aldrimus standing outside the Auchenai Crypts of Auchindoun has asked that you enter the Auchenai Crypts and destroy Exarch Maladaar.','You\'ve done it, $N! The spirits are freed!$B$BAlthough I am without a material manifestation, I am still able to reward you with items from the spirit world. Use them with caution as such items are often volatile and can cause great harm to their user.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5246insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5201,10165,'Undercutting the Competition','That Shaffar is a shrewd one - I\'ll give him that... He\'s managed to keep the Consortium out while he safely pillages this crypt for all it\'s worth. I have no faith in these imbeciles actually breaking through Shaffar\'s defenses so I\'ll make you a deal, $r.$B$BEnter the Mana-Tombs and kill Nexus-Prince Shaffar. Bring me back his body wrap as proof of this deed and I\'ll reward you handsomely.','Nexus-Prince Haramad located outside of the Mana-Tombs wants you to kill Nexus-Prince Shaffar and bring Shaffar\'s Wrappings back to him.','Another competitor goes under... You do good work for a flesh beast, $R. If you are ever in Netherstorm, look me up. I make my home at the Stormspire.','I don\'t like to share.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5247insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5202,10166,'Whitebark\'s Memory','This pendant brings back memories of a different time.  A better time.$B$BUnfortunately, memories are the last thing I need right now.$B$BI want you to bury this by the runestone in the Scorched Grove.  It was there that I first met the treant elder.  Put my old friend\'s memory to rest.','Larianna Riverwind wants you to place Old Whitebark\'s Pendant by the runestone at the Scorched Grove.','I no longer belong to this world and must admit defeat.  The land has forever changed and nothing will ever be the same.Leave the pendant here with me, maybe one day, long after the elves are gone, a new tree will grow on this very spot - amongst a burnt forest and the husks of dead treants. ','You\'ve returned, haven\'t you done enough?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5248insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5203,10167,'Auchindoun...','Deep within the Auchenai Crypts is a tomb: A tomb unlike any that exists on this shattered realm. It was from this tomb, the first tomb, that the vast mausoleum of Auchindoun was born.$B$BYou must venture to the Auchenai Crypts of Auchindoun and find this tomb. Slay the guardian of the crypt to release the captive spirit within. The spirit holds the key... ','Travel to the Auchenai Crypts in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest and slay Exarch Maladaar to free the spirit of D\'ore.\r\n','The memory is vivid. $N. My energies were wholly drained from the crash. I was only a dim speck of void energies when the Prophet Velen and his draenei compatriots lifted my remains and brought them here. After much ceremony, my diminished form was laid to rest within this sarcophagus. I have been regenerating for nearly a thousand years. The cycle is almost complete...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5249insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5204,10168,'What the Soul Sees','For several centuries, the spirits of Auchindoun coalesced into my darkened essence. Many of the catastrophes that befell this crypt were a direct result of my weakened state.$B$BRegrettably, there is nothing that can be done to stop this cycle. It is a facet of the naaru condition - without the void, the Light cannot exist.$B$BYour only recourse is to destroy the ancient spirits of Nagrand before they transform into creatures of the void. Use the soul mirrors found throughout this crypt to free them...','Locate a Soul Mirror somewhere in the Auchenai Crypts and use it to call forth a Darkened Spirit from Ancient Orc Ancestors in Nagrand. Destroy 15 Darkened Spirits so that the ancestors may rest in peace.$B$BReturn to Mother Kashur at the Ancestral Grounds when this task is complete.','You have completed a long and dangerous journey, risking life and limb to ensure the safety of the Mag\'har and the serenity of our ancestors. For this I am thankful beyond what words could convey. ','<Mother Kashur is visibly upset.>These naaru are wise beyond all manner of life on this world. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5250insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5205,10169,'Losing Gracefully','The Aldor have gained the favor of the Sha\'tar today.  As if that should come as any sort of surprise!$B$BWatch them showing off their fancy footwork a few feet away from A\'dal.  Could they possibly put any more effort into sucking up to the naaru?$B$BHarbinger Haronem\'s marksman regiment is so dedicated, it even brings its own cooking pot to avoid taking long breaks for lunch.  This cannot go without retribution, $N.$B$BI want you to pour this vial into their meal.  The results should be... comical.','Magister Falris in Shattrath wants you to take the Vial of Sedative Serum to the Terrace of Light and pour it into Haronem\'s Regiment Cooking Pot.','The Aldor marksmen appear distracted with their drill, allowing you ample time to place the contents of the vial into the stew.','The smell of herbs and spices fills the air around the pot.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5251insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5206,10170,'Return to the Greatmother','Return to Greatmother Geyah at Garadar with news of your victory, $N. This will surely lift the spirits of the Mag\'har. Perhaps even the young Hellscream will be lifted from his malaise.','Return to Garadar and speak to Greatmother Geyah.','I want you to personally deliver this news to Garrosh.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5252insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5207,10171,'The Inconsolable Chieftain','You have done so much for the Mag\'har, $N. Your accomplishments are known to all, including Garrosh. Go to him now and tell him of your latest victory. Tell him that you do what you do for him and his people. Surely he will be lifted by your words.','Greatmother Geyah at Garadar has asked that you speak with Garrosh.','Everyone is proud. Proud that our people will live to see another winter. But beyond that? What is there?$B$BMaybe you should lead this clan, $N. Maybe then I will be allowed to die when the Greatmother passes. Allowed to finally erase the shame of my family name. I long for such peace.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5253insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5208,10172,'There Is No Hope','You are an honorable $r, $N. You have done much for the Mag\'har. No one could ever deny your service to my people. Alas, the time of the Mag\'har is at an end. You have shown me, more than anything, that I am unfit to lead these people. My cursed blood runs too deep. I will not... I cannot become the second Hellscream to damn the orcs.$B$BPlease, $N, return to the Greatmother and tell her what I have told you. I am too ashamed to see her... to look into her eyes.','Speak to Greatmother Geyah and tell her what Garrosh told you.','<Tears stream down Greatmother Geyah\'s face.>$B$BSeek out your warchief. Tell him that I await him here...','<Greatmother Geyah is lying down.>','Speak to Greatmother Geyah','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5254insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5209,10173,'The Archmage\'s Staff','Allow me to introduce myself, $c.$B$BI am Ravandwyr, apprentice to the Archmage Vargoth.$B$BMy master is... indisposed, shall we say. I am here on a matter of great importance.$B$BThe Arklon Ruins southeast of the city are a hotbed of Burning Legion activity. Their purpose in the ruins concerns neither me nor my master, but their leader, Ekkorash, possesses the archmage\'s staff.$B$BThis conjuring powder will allow you to draw the demon out of hiding. Sprinkle it on the brazier at the center of the ruins.','Retrieve Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff from Ekkorash the Inquisitor and bring it to Ravandwyr in Area 52. To bring Ekkorash out of hiding, sprinkle the Conjuring Powder on the brazier in the center of the ruins.','Ah, so you managed to recover the staff. Impressive, $N. Perhaps you are the one I\'ve been looking for.$B$BOh yes, your reward...$B$B<Ravandwyr presses a few coins into your palm.>$B$BNo doubt you had higher expectations, but that too will come with time. For now, consider opportunity the true reward.','I will not rest until Archmage Vargoth\'s staff is restored to him. Were you able to wrest it from the demon\'s grasp?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5255insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5210,10174,'Curse of the Violet Tower','Now, you will be able to use the archmage\'s staff to contact him.$B$BHe resides in the Violet Tower, on an \'island\' to the southeast. The tower is both sanctuary and prison to him, cursed as it is. Kirin Tor can neither enter nor leave, keeping me apart from my master.$B$BThe staff\'s magic can penetrate the tower\'s defenses, but only if invoked by one outside the Kirin Tor.$B$BTake the archmage\'s staff and use it to conjure his image. Tell him what has happened and that I have not completely failed him.','Use Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff to make contact with Archmage Vargoth.$B$BIf you lose Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff, speak to Ravandwyr at Area 52 to receive a replacement.','<Archmage Vargoth\'s image examines you as you convey Ravandwyr\'s message.>$B$BRavandwyr has everything a master can expect of his apprentice. When I gave him the staff and told him to flee. I hoped that he would use it to find help and free me once Kael\'thas\'s forces withdrew from the tower. Since then, I have learned a great deal about the nature of the curse.$B$BIt can be broken, $N, but it will require your help.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5256insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5211,10175,'Thrall, Son of Durotan','Return to your world, $N. Go to my grandchild and tell him that his blood is here - on this shattered world.$B$BTell him that his father\'s legacy lives on.$B$BTell him everything...\r\n','Venture to Orgrimmar and deliver Geyah\'s message to Thrall.','<Thrall\'s voice takes on the hollow essence of a storm cloud.>I... I have a grandmother? She lives? ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5257insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5212,10176,'Ar\'kelos the Guardian','Now that you\'ve gathered all the items I\'ll need to break Kael\'thas\'s curse, one thing remains to be done. When Kael\'thas sealed the tower, he placed an arcane golem, known as Ar\'kelos, at the bottom of the tower.$B$BYou must defeat Ar\'kelos in order allow me to work magic within the tower again.$B$BWhen you enter the Violet Tower, the curse will begin to affect you.$B$BOnce you have defeated Ar\'kelos, ascend the tower and assist me in making preparations for the ritual.','Enter the Violet Tower at the center of Kirin\'Var Village and defeat Ar\'kelos, then speak with Archmage Vargoth.','You have done well, $N. Destroying the dampening field will make it much easier for me to prepare the magic that will lift the tower\'s curse at last.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5258insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5213,10177,'Trouble at Auchindoun','I have spies within Auchindoun and they have been sending me disturbing reports.  That place has been nothing but trouble ever since it exploded a couple of years ago.$B$BSomething in there has gone horribly wrong - again - and the Shadow Council is now on a war footing.  Though the reports were lacking on details, their preparations appear to be directed inward.$B$BYou must make your way to the entrance of the Shadow Labyrinth.  My field commander, Mahfuun, will fill you in on what needs to be done.','Report to Field Commander Mahfuun at the entrance to the Shadow Labyrinth at Auchindoun in Terokkar Forest.','It\'s about time that you arrived.$B$BMehlisah said that she would be sending help days ago. And we\'ve been fighting in here longer than that!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5259insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5214,10178,'Find Spy To\'gun','To\'gun, the fool!  We\'re barely holding off the attacks here, and he goes back in to get more information and try to save the other spies!$B$BI don\'t know whether to love him or kill him!$B$BThe Shadow Council must have used magic to ferret us out, because all of our spies had to get out of there in a hurry.  Most of us didn\'t make it.$B$BPlease, if you\'re brave enough to enter the Shadow Labyrinth, will you keep an eye peeled for To\'gun?  It\'s been a while, and I fear the worst.','Locate Spy To\'gun in the Shadow Labyrinth of Auchindoun.','What? Grik\'tha sent you in here after me?$B$BI don\'t know whether to be touched or call her a fool!$B$BDo you think you could help me get out of this cage? It\'s a bit cramped.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5260insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5215,10179,'BETA The Custodian of Kirin\'Var','When it became clear that our expedition was trapped in Outland with no way to return to Azeroth, the Kirin Tor contingent traveled to the Plains of Farahlon and built Kirin\'Var village. I left the administration of the town in the hands of Custodian Dieworth, but when Kael\'thas and his forces sealed me in the Violet Tower, I lost contact with the custodian.$B$BSearch for him in Kirin\'Var Village and help him in any way you can, $N. I\'m certain he\'s got his hands full in the aftermath of the attack.','Speak with Custodian Dierworth in Kirin\'Var Village.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5261insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5216,10180,'Can\'t Stay Away','I tried to persuade Isfar to remain here, in the safety of Shattrath, but he would have none of it. Instead, he\'s decided to venture out to Auchindoun again on his own.$B$BHe was lucky enough to escape the Sethekk Halls once, but if they discover him, there won\'t be a second time.$B$BI admire his desire to free his sister, but he\'s not going to be able to do it without help.$B$BFind Isfar and have a word with him, $N. If you can\'t persuade him to come back, perhaps you could help him rescue Lakka?','Speak with Isfar, who can be found near the entrance to the Sethekk Halls in Auchindoun.','I should\'ve suspected he would send you after me. He tried to talk me out of returning to the Sethekk Halls, but I couldn\'t live with myself if I allowed Lakka to die in there.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5262insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5217,10182,'Battle-Mage Dathric','The sword is of exceptional quality, finely crafted and perfectly balanced for a battle-mage. The seal of the Kirin Tor and the name \"Dathric\" are engraved into the weapon\'s pommel.$B$BTurning the weapon over in your hands, you notice a sense of wrongness radiating from the metal, as if the item is torn between two worlds. Could this be the item anchoring Battle-Mage Dathric\'s spirit to this world?$B$BPerhaps returning it to its proper place can break the bond, freeing Dathric\'s spirit to rest at last.','Locate Battle-Mage Dathric\'s quarters in Wizard\'s Row and return the blade to his weapon rack. Then, speak with Custodian Dieworth at Kirin\'Var Village.','You\'ve done well, $N. I can no longer sense any restlessness in Dathric\'s spirit. I would give much for the opportunity to speak to him one more time, but it is enough that he is finally at rest.','','','Put Dathric\'s Spirit to Rest','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5263insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5218,10183,'Off To Area 52','I\'m out here studying the nether - the ethereal currents and all that.  This is an ideal spot away from the lights and hubbub of town.  Isn\'t this bridge great?  If I could just keep this junk working.$B$BHey, you know, if you\'re looking for work there\'s plenty at Area 52!  It\'s just up the path and take a right at the fork in the road.$B$BWhy don\'t you deliver my latest research notes to Rocket-Chief Fuselage?  I\'m sure that he\'d have plenty for you to do, what with the X-52 rocket ship, and all!','Deliver the Netherologist\'s Notes to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Oh, Coppernickels finally decided to report his findings, did he?  Lazy scientists!$B$BWhat\'s this?$B$B<The chief riffles through the notations a few times, clearly with a look of disbelief.>$B$BHe says here that the violent nether-energies flowing through the Netherstorm are going to rip everything to shreds in only a few months.$B$BThat\'s inconvenient - now we\'ll have to move up the time-table on building the rocket ship!','Busy, busy.  No time to waste!  There\'s a rocket ship to be built!$B$BWhat do you want?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5264insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5219,10184,'Malevolent Remnants','Most of the spirits in the village are little more than pale remnants of Kirin Tor mages. They retain no knowledge of their former selves and wander the ruins in blind anger.$B$BIt wasn\'t always like this, though. In the immediate aftermath of the attack, the spirits were restless, but not spiteful. With the passage of time they have only grown more aggressive. I dare not venture into the southern part of the village, for they will not spare even me. Quiet them and let us hope it will purge their anger.','Custodian Dieworth at Kirin\'Var Village wants you to defeat 20 Severed Spirits in Kirin\'Var\'s Town Square.','It is not what they deserved, but it is the best we can do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5265insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5220,10185,'A Fate Worse Than Death','After the blood elves leveled Kirin\'Var Village, they started the construction of a large building to the northwest. Without the expertise of the archmage, we can\'t say for certain what\'s going on there.$B$BOne thing is clear, though. The blood elf activities have unleashed a tide of ravenous mana elementals on the village. They seem drawn to the ruins of Wizard Row, wreaking further destruction. We cannot permit this to continue.','Kill 10 Mageslayers and 10 Mana Seekers and return to Custodian Dieworth at Kirin\'Var Village.','<The custodian looks dismayed.>$B$BI can already see the next wave coming over the horizon. Culling them will work for the time being, but more permanent measures are needed.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5266insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5221,10186,'You\'re Hired!','Let me be the first to welcome you aboard, Junior Technician 3rd Grade $N!$B$BWe\'re building my masterpiece out here - the X-52 Nether-Rocket!$B$BBut first we need to get all of the parts and fuel for it.  That\'s where you come in.$B$BTo start, I need crystals - LOTS of crystals - for the rocket\'s Etherlithium Engine Matrix.  The draenei had crystals coming out of their ears!$B$BSo head north to the Ruins of Enkaat and get them for me!  Nevermind all of the draenei ghosts.','Collect 10 Etherlithium Matrix Crystals and return them to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Gah!  Those look rough.  Maybe we can use them in the tertiary engine manifold chamber?$B$BStill, a good job Junior Technician 3rd Grade!  You\'ll make 2nd Grade in no time.','Does it look like the X-52 Nether-Rocket is ready for liftoff?  Am I cruising the Twisting Nether in the comfort of my command chair?  Exploiting strange new worlds?  Seeking out new technology and business opportunities?  Boldly going where no goblin has gone before?$B$BNo!$B$BSo, I hope you have those crystals that I sent you after.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5267insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5222,10187,'BETA A Message for the Archmage','Although things are grim here, it heartened us quite a bit to hear from you that the archmage has not forgotten the village\'s plight.$B$B<The custodian glances up at the tower.>$B$BIt\'s ridiculous, isn\'t it? Sometimes it seems all that separates us is a wall of mere stone. The wall of magic is easy enough to forget.$B$BIf you would be so kind, ascend the tower and let Archmage Vargoth know that we are making progress with the village and will soon have a plan to ward off the mana creatures.','Speak to Archmage Vargoth at the top of the Violet Tower.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5268insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5223,10188,'The Sigil of Krasus','Before we departed Azeroth all those years ago, the Kirin Tor entrusted our expedition with a powerful artifact, the Sigil of Krasus. It was a great boon to us in our battle against the orcs and it could play a key role in helping me break the enchantment that imprisons me.$B$BHowever, when Kael\'thas divested me of my possessions, he gave the sigil to Spellbinder Maryana, who remained behind with the garrison. If he truly realized what he had in his possession, he wouldn\'t have given it away so easily.','Retrieve the Sigil of Krasus from Spellbinder Maryana at Manaforge Coruu, northwest of the Violet Tower. When you have gained the sigil, use Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff to project an Image of Archmage Vargoth and inform him of your progress.$B$BIf you lose Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff, speak to Ravandwyr at Area 52 to receive a replacement.','Ah, it is as magnificent as I remembered. Can you not feel the power radiating from it?$B$BOf course, there is much more to be done, but you have my deepest thanks for restoring the sigil to me.','If I am to be free of the tower\'s curse, I must have the sigil.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5269insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5224,10189,'Manaforge B\'naar','You may have noticed one of Kael\'s manaforges on your way here.  You know, the large purple buildings sucking energy from the sky?$B$BWe were sent here by the Sha\'tar to investigate them.  You can help our information gathering efforts by obtaining a personnel roster.  Giving us an idea of who\'s there and what they do will prove to be invaluable information.$B$BWe believe Captain Arathyn, leading a ballista team just outside of Manaforge B\'naar, is in possession of one such roster.  Obtain it for us.','Spymaster Thalodien at Area 52 wants you to go to the outskirts of Manaforge B\'naar and retrieve the B\'naar Personnel Roster from Captain Arathyn.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Excellent! With this roster we can make more educated decisions when targeting Kael\'s followers at the manaforges.$B$BIt\'s too bad, I was beginning to take a liking to killing his lackeys indiscriminately.','Did you obtain the items I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5270insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5225,10190,'Recharging the Batteries','I have the very important task of collecting the machinery inside these ruins, but I\'m having a problem keeping all of my bots charged up.$B$BThe phase hunters - those wyrm-looking things - have lots of energy!  You can find them all over the edges of this island, floating in from the nether.$B$BFill the battery on this recharging blaster by using it on a phase hunter when they\'re very weak, and then finish it off to soak up the last of its energy.','Use the Battery Recharging Blaster on enough Phase Hunters to get the Battery Recharge Level to 10.  Then return it to Bot-Specialist Alley at the Ruins of Enkaat in the Netherstorm.','Hey, watch where you\'re pointing that thing! You\'ve got it set to \'Kill\'!!!$B$BIt looks like you\'ve recharged the battery, and then some. This\'ll help immensely to keep these guys going.','Have you recharged the battery in that blaster yet?','','Battery Charge Level','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5271insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5226,10191,'Mark V is Alive!','Greetings, $r.  I am charged up and fully functional.$B$BThere are fragile draenei machines in these ruins, which I must retrieve.  I am equipped with delicate servos in my wrist actuators, and the latest in combustion-pneumatic bump soakers.  Handling them with care will not be an issue.$B$BHowever, the ghosts that haunt these ruins will likely attack, so I will need you and your friends along for protection.','Escort the Maxx A. Million Mk. V through the Ruins of Enkaat and back out to safety.  Then speak with Bot-Specialist Alley just outside the Ruins of Enkaat in the Netherstorm.','You did it! You did it! I could just kiss you!$B$BOh, darn... the Maxx A. Million Mk. V is out of juice again. Ah well, he had enough to get the job done, and that\'s what counts!$B$BRocket-Chief Fuselage will be pleased to get these draenei machines hooked up inside the X-52 Nether-Rocket! That means a promotion for me! I\'m so happy, I just have to give you a reward!$B$BHere, take your pick from one of these.','Back so soon?$B$BIs everything okay with the Maxx A. Million Mk. V?!','Escort the Maxx A. Million Mk. V safely through the Ruins of Enkaat','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5272insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5227,10192,'Krasus\'s Compendium','The Kirin Tor sent one other of Krasus\'s possessions with our expedition. It was his spellbook, called Krasus\'s Compendium. Containing all the spells he mastered, it lent us a much-needed advantage in the war.$B$BBefore Kael\'thas and his forces laid siege to Kirin\'Var, the compendium had been stolen from me by a rebellious apprentice intent on studying necromancy. The apprentice and his followers divided and studied the text in secret, locking themselves inside their houses in the southern part of town.','Reclaim Krasus\'s Compendium - Chapter 1, Krasus\'s Compendium - Chapter 2, and Krasus\'s Compendium - Chapter 3 from Kirin\'Var Village\'s Town Square. Use Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff to contact the archmage once you have the chapters.$B$BIf you lose Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff, speak to Ravandwyr at Area 52 to receive a replacement.','<Archmage Vargoth\'s image seems to inspect the compendium.>$B$BIt\'s a little worse for the wear, but considering the treatment it\'s been through, it\'s a miracle all of it survived. Safeguard it, $N. Without it, we stand little chance of being able to break the tower\'s ward.','Have you brought the book?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5273insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5228,10193,'High Value Targets','Based on the roster information, we know that the brains of the manaforge operations are the warp-masters and warp-engineers.  It is they who oversee the retrieval of a so called \"warp-energy\" by the manaforge and its delivery to a remote destination via a system of underground pipes.$B$BThe only other specialists in the area are geologists.  Everyone else is either part of the military or a magister crony; both easily replaced.$B$BGet in there and kill Kael\'s specialists; that\'s what\'ll hurt him the most.','Spymaster Thalodien at Area 52 wants you to go to Manaforge B\'naar and slay 2 Sunfury Warp-Masters, 6 Sunfury Warp-Engineers and 8 Sunfury Geologists.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','You\'re one reliable fellow, $N. If there\'s one thing I like more than killing Kael\'s lapdogs, it is having someone else do it for me.$B$BLess blood on my clothes that way.','How goes it, $N? Got any news? What have you done for me lately?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5274insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5229,10194,'Stealth Flight','While you were gone, my men uncovered another one of these manaforges.  It is east of here and is known as Manaforge Coruu.$B$BTwo of my best spies have arranged a secret landing spot outside of the manaforge.  You are to help them infiltrate Kael\'s forces and obtain whatever information you can.$B$BSpeak to Veronia just outside the city walls; she\'s arranged for a windrider that will take you to Manaforge Coruu.  Once there, speak to Caledis Brightdawn; he will brief you on your mission.','Speak to Veronia outside Area 52 and fly to Manaforge Coruu.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','Arranging for your flight wasn\'t cheap. Let\'s hope you have what it takes to get the job done.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5275insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5230,10195,'BETA Mercenary See, Mercenary Do','Ever since you brought that first batch of feathers and I completed Bertelm\'s hat, all the other mercenaries have been clamoring for their own, including Thander. It told them I\'d get right on it, but I\'m going to need a steady supply of arakkoa feathers for the project.$B$BI\'ll gladly accept any you happen to gather in your adventures in the forest.','Bring 30 Arakkoa Feathers to Ros\'eleth at the Allerian Stronghold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5276insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5231,10196,'BETA More Arakkoa Feathers','I\'ve had some success drawing the arakkoa spirits closer to me, but they are still very shy. Perhaps if I improve my disguise, they will be more willing to approach me in the trance.$B$BTo do that, though, I\'ll need more feathers like the ones you\'ve already brought me. If you get any more of the feathers, I\'d be very happy to take them off your hands.','Bring 30 Arakkoa Feathers to Malukaz at Stonebreaker Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5277insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5232,10197,'A Convincing Disguise','Infiltrating the ranks of Kael\'s army will not be an easy task.  With my knowledge of illusionary magic I could pass you off as one of Kael\'s followers, but there are certain details in their uniforms I could not replicate.$B$BBring me a set of their robes, a pair of their gloves and a Sunfury guardsman medallion.  This will make the results of my magic much more convincing.','Obtain a set of Sunfury Arcanist Robes, one pair of Sunfury Researcher Gloves and a Sunfury Guardsman Medallion and bring them to Caledis Brightdawn at Manaforge Coruu in Netherstorm.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','Excellent! When I\'m through with you, you will be able to slip among the Sunfury ranks unnoticed.','Have you obtained the outfit pieces I asked of you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5278insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5233,10198,'Information Gathering','I\'ve prepared a uniform with the pieces you obtained.  It is magically enhanced to complete the illusion.$B$BWe spotted Commander Dawnforge going in to meet Arcanist Ardonis a few minutes ago.  He had a full retinue of guards with him, so whatever they\'re discussing is bound to be incredibly important; see if you can catch any of it.$B$BOh, I almost forgot.  You\'ll want to stay away from the arcane golems patrolling the manaforge.  They will see right through the illusion.','Use the Sunfury Disguise, go into Manaforge Coruu and listen to the conversation between Commander Dawnforge and Arcanist Ardonis.  Report back to Caledis Brightdawn after completing this task.$B$BCompleting tasks for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Manaforge Duro is in trouble? I\'m sure Thalodien will love to hear the news. Let\'s wrap up the job here first.','How goes the eavesdropping, $N? You\'d best hurry. I\'m getting antsy here.','Information Gathering','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5279insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5234,10199,'That Little Extra Kick','So, I\'m just missing the one ingredient that\'ll give my concoction that little extra kick that it needs.$B$BThe sting of the nether rays, roaming around near the shaleskin flayers, delivers quite a punch.  Bring me some of their stingers and I\'ll extract the venom right out of them!$B$BI\'m certain the results will be explosive!','Obtain 5 Nether Ray Stingers for Boots at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Wow! Alright, now we\'re talking!$B$BLet me just take those little beauties and squeeze the badness right out of them. This should make a rocket fuel brew that\'ll blow everyone\'s socks off!$B$BHere, just let me mix the shale oil and this stinger venom together, and we\'ll see what happens....','If I can drain the venom from enough of those nether ray stingers, I think we might just have the most explosive fuel ever devised!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5280insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5235,10200,'Return to Thalodien','It would be best if this information got back to Thalodien as soon as possible.  I\'ll stay here and cover our tracks.$B$BIt wouldn\'t do us much good to have Kael\'thas find out what we were snooping around here.  Secret information is always better if your enemy doesn\'t know you have it.','Return to Spymaster Thalodien at Area 52 in Netherstorm.','You do not cease to amaze me, $N. That was quite the feat of stealth you pulled off at Manaforge Coruu.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5281insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5236,10201,'And Now, the Moment of Truth','The oil is finally ready for its first test. It seems heavy enough to serve as a high quality weapon oil.$B$BThe only way to find out is to have a professional try it out. See Grek over there by the wanted posters? Sure, he\'s no poet, but the orc knows his way around a weapon!$B$BTake a sample of the oil to him and ask him to use it on his weapon. After he\'s had a chance to test it out, let me know what he thinks of it.','Find Grek and ask him to try it on his weapon. Once he\'s tried out the oil, return to Rakoria with the results.','<You tell Rakoria the results of the test and she throws her head back, laughing.>','Well, do you have the test results?','Have Grek Test Olemba Oil','Have Grek Test Olemba Oil','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5282insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5237,10202,'A Defector','We\'ve recently been contacted by a Sunfury magister who wishes to join our ranks and swears he has information we\'re in need of.  We\'ve checked our informants to make sure he\'s not a double agent and he checks out.$B$BHe\'s stationed in Manaforge Ara which makes communication difficult.  Talk to him and see what he knows.  If he\'s half as useful as he claims to be, we\'ll be able to put him to good use.','Go to Manaforge Ara and speak to Magister Theledorn.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','It\'s about time you showed up. I was beginning to wonder if the Scryers were interested at all.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5283insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5238,10203,'Invaluable Asset Zapping','See the fissure running through Area 52?  We did that!  <grin>$B$BIt\'s yielding up all sorts of goodies for the X-52 Nether-Rocket, but we\'re running short on equipment.$B$BWe had an operation at the Arklon Ruins to the southeast until the Burning Legion moved in.  I need you to take this Ultra Deconsolodation Zapper to the ruins.  Use it to beam our gear back to Lead Sapper Blastfizzle down in the fissure.$B$BJunior Technician 3rd Grade $N, this is your chance for that promotion.  Don\'t blow it!','Use the Ultra Deconsolodation Zapper to beam the Hyper Rotational Dig-A-Matic, Servo-Pneumatic Dredging Claw, Multi-Spectrum Terrain Analyzer, and the Big Wagon Full of Explosives back to Area 52.  Then report to Lead Sapper Blastfizzle at the eastern end of the fissure that runs through Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','You must be the one that zapped all of that sapping equipment back to us here from the ruins! Hooray for you!$B$BI\'ve already reallocated the equipment out to our other locations. Now we\'ll be able to expedite our fissure operations on this whole island by an order of magnitude! The nether','Isn\'t this place great? And everyday yields something new and exotic!$B$BWhat a stroke of luck that we nearly destroyed the town digging down here.','','Hyper Rotational Dig-A-Matic retrieved','Servo-Pneumatic Dredging Claw retrieved','Multi-Spectrum Terrain Analyzer retrieved','Big Wagon Full of Explosives retrieved',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5284insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5239,10204,'Bloodgem Crystals','Kael\'s magisters have refined their usage of mana crystals to the point where they can siphon large amounts of energy in a matter of seconds.$B$BThey do this by attuning smaller bloodgem crystal shards to larger, fully charged ones.$B$BGo to Manaforge B\'naar and obtain one of these shards from a Sunfury magister and use it to siphon energy from one of the larger crystals.$B$BReturn to me so that I may study the effects of the aura.  Do not worry; any side effects should be temporary.','Magistrix Larynna wants you to go to Manaforge B\'naar and obtain a Bloodgem Shard from a Sunfury Magister.  Use this shard near the larger Bloodgem crystals and return to her at Area 52.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Hmmm... just as I suspected.$B$BExposure to this level of raw energy greatly magnifies our innate addiction to magic.$B$BI\'m not surprised Kael gets away with what he does; all his subordinates are basically drunk on this.','Did you investigate the bloodgems used by the Sunfury magisters, $N?','Siphon Bloodgem Crystal','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5285insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5240,10205,'Warp-Raider Nesaad','Warp-Raider Nesaad must be dealt with!  I have no idea how he survived my attack, but he cannot be allowed to continue his operation out there.$B$BGo back and take out Nesaad.  He keeps a small ethereal camp near the southwestern corner of the Heap.$B$BDon\'t fail like I did, $c.','Kill Warp-Raider Nesaad and then return to Nether-Stalker Khay\'ji at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','It\'s a relief to hear that scum is finally dealt with. You do good work. $N... may I be so forward as to call you by your name?$B$BIf you\'re willing, I have another task that needs doing. One that is very important and someone of your obvious skill should be able to handle with ease.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5286insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5241,10206,'Pick Your Part','Those ethereal clowns are as opportunistic as us, I\'ll give them that.  But no one, and I mean NO ONE, moves in on a B.O.O.M. claim!$B$BThe Heap to the south is ours!$B$BIf we\'re to finish the X-52 Nether-Rocket, we\'re going to need all of the new tech that we can get our hands on.  And since the ethereals are stealing from us, I think it\'s only fair that we repay them in kind.$B$BWhy don\'t you head down there and see if you can acquire some of their technology out from under their noses!','Collect 10 pieces of Ethereal Technology and return them to Papa Wheeler at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Hehe, ethereal suckers!$B$BThanks for getting us these parts, $C.  I bet we can just hook these babies right up inside the rocket.  I wonder what they do?  Should be fun finding out!$B$BHmm, let me see if I can dig up some pocket change to throw your way.','Back with their tech so soon?  You better not just be pulling my leg here, $C.$B$BThe success of the X-52 project out here depends upon you getting us that stuff a.s.a.p.!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5287insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5242,10207,'BETA Forward Base: Reaver\'s Fall REUSE','Your battle prowess has been noted by high command, $c. They want to send you to the front lines to meet up with Maimfist\'s crew. They\'re radicals, devoted to the complete extermination of the Burning Legion, so you may fit right in...$B$BHead east about 200 paces and veer south at the jutting mass of land. You\'ll see Reaver\'s Fall where an old farm used to stand. Once there, you are to report to Foward Commander To\'arch.$B$BNow move out!','Report to Forward Commander To\'arch at Reaver\'s Fall.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5288insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5243,10208,'Disrupt Their Reinforcements','Directly east of here is the Legion Front.  Spaced across the front are infernal portals and gateways, used to bring reinforcements to Hellfire Peninsula and throughout Outland. We\'re going to destroy those portals!$B$BTake these primers.  Designed in Area 52, they use the demons\' own power as an explosive!  Defeat Legion forces around Portals Xilus and Kruul to gather demonic rune stones, use the primer to detonate four stones inside the portals, and watch!  Return to me when your mission is complete.','Defeat enemies around Portal Xilus and Portal Kruul to gather Demonic Rune Stones.$B$BUse To\'arch\'s Primer within Portal Xilus and Portal Kruul.$B$BReturn to To\'arch with To\'arch\'s Primers at Reaver\'s Fall in Hellfire Peninsula.','Well done! I could almost feel the tremors of the explosions from here!$B$BNow, we have one more bombing mission for you...','The Legion won\'t be prepared for the surprise you have for them, eh $N?','','Disrupt Port Xilus','Disrupt Port Kruul','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5289insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5244,10209,'Summoner Kanthin\'s Prize','The next thing we must do is reclaim my familiar, Glacius, from the blood elf summoner who holds it captive. Summoner Kanthin was one of the most senior magisters in the force Kael\'thas sent to decimate Kirin\'Var. It\'s only natural that he would claim my familiar as a kind of trophy.$B$BI\'m certain that Kanthin, fool that he is, has tried to compel Glacius to serve him. My scrying has revealed that Kanthin is now stationed at \'Manaforge Duro,\' if that terminology has any meaning for you.','Defeat Summoner Kanthin at Manaforge Duro, on the island to the north of Sunfury Hold, and reclaim the Stone of Glacius from him. When you have obtained the stone, use Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff to contact the archmage.$B$BIf you lose Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff, speak to Ravandwyr at Area 52 to receive a replacement.','<You\'re not sure whether it\'s just distortion. or the archmage really is smiling.>$B$BWith the last of my possessions restored, I have everything I need to break through Kael\'thas\'s magic. I\'ll begin working the spell right away.','Have you secured the Stone of Glacius?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5290insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5245,10210,'A\'dal','Welcome to Shattrath City, $c.  This might be the one place in all of Outland where you\'ll find any semblance of safety.$B$BA group of naaru known as the Sha\'tar drove the demons away from here.$B$BIf you\'ve never met a naaru, you ought to see A\'dal inside the Terrace of Light.  The leader of the Sha\'tar is an awe-inspiring sight if I ever saw one.  Sure is a change of pace from anything else in this bleak land.','Speak to A\'dal, the leader of the Sha\'tar, in the center of the Terrace of Light.','<The light that filled your senses as you approached A\'dal intensifies as you address him. Melodic chimes continue to ring within your head.>$B$B<You are safe here.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5291insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5246,10211,'City of Light','Do not burden A\'dal with petty inquisitions, $c.  That just might be the most powerful being you ever come face to face with.$B$BYou do not look familiar.  I suppose you want to learn about the city?$B$BYou\'ll have to excuse me if I don\'t give you a tour myself, but I\'m a bit busy discussing strategy with A\'dal.  Perhaps you\'ll find a summoned servant acceptable in my stead?  Excellent!','Follow Khadgar\'s servant and listen to its story.  Return to Khadgar after completing this task.','I hope you learned a thing or two about Shattrath, $N. It might take some time for things to sink in.','The stories of men are ephemeral, $N. The stories of cities last well into the years.','City of Light','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5292insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5247,10212,'Hero of the Mag\'har','I must set things in order before I leave. Return to the Greatmother and tell her that her grandson comes. ','Return to Greatmother Geyah at Garadar in Nagrand.\r\n','You are truly the hero of the Mag\'har, $N. If not for you, we would have surely been overrun by the ogres and Broken.$B$BWe are a poor people but we do have some artifacts of power. Please, I insist that you take from our coffer.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5293insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5248,10213,'BETA Investigate the Crash','When I was wounded in the wastes I saw a goblin zeppelin crash.  It went down to the northwest, beyond the Expedition Armory. $B$BThe zeppelin was on fire.  Shrieking, burning goblins were falling like bombs from the sky.  Of course I was in a lot of pain and I had lost a lot of blood.  I may have imagined the whole thing.$B$BIf you can find any survivors, we can offer them sanctuary here at Spinebreaker Post.  ','Search for crash survivors.  ','We were shot down by the Burning Legion, even though we waved a flag of truce.  Who knew the Burning Legion was so mean? $B$BWe cannot come with you to Spinebreaker Post.  We need to repair our zeppelin and be on our way.  ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5294insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5249,10214,'BETA When This Mine\'s a-Rockin\'','The mine\'s been overrun by a plague of gan\'arg misfits, and on top of that, the peons have decided that this is a fine time for a nap! I don\'t know how they can sleep through all the disurbances coming from the mine, but that\'s the least of my problems.$B$BIf we don\'t get rid of those gan\'arg pests soon, Thrallmar\'s supply of ore and other minerals will be cut off. I\'ve already asked Watch Commander Krunk for help, but he says he can\'t spare the men with the town under constant attack. Will you help?','Kill 15 Gan\'arg Sappers and return to Foreman Razelcraz.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5295insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5250,10216,'Safety Is Job One','Shaffar\'s ethereals have completely blocked us out of the Mana-Tombs. Thankfully, I\'ve got a plan. While we can\'t go in through the front door, there are sure to be several transporters inside.$B$BI want you to clear the way for my crew first and then I want you to activate one of their transporters to teleport us inside.$B$BActivate the teleporter in the chamber right before Shaffar\'s chambers when the way has been cleared. Don\'t worry, I\'ll make it worth your while...','Artificer Morphalius wants you to kill 10 Ethereal Crypt Raiders, 5 Ethereal Sorcerers, 5 Nexus Stalkers and 5 Ethereal Spellbinders.$B$BOnce that\'s done, find the Ethereal Transporter in the chamber before Shaffar\'s and activate it.','<You close your eyes and press a button.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5296insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5251,10218,'Someone Else\'s Hard Work Pays Off','Who were you expecting!? That idiot Morphalius was \'de-prioritized.\' Now I\'m here to clean up his mess. All I need from you is to watch my back as I go through Shaffar\'s ether gatherers and suck them dry of all that they have collected. If I successfully complete my mission, Haramad himself will reward you!$B$BWhat do you say? Escort me through the Mana-Tombs and then collect some incredible treasure? You already did most of the work anyway! Nothing\'s alive back behind us, right?','Escort Cryo-Engineer Sha\'heen safely through the Mana-Tombs so that he can gather the ether held inside Shaffar\'s ether collectors.$B$BReport to Nexus-Prince Haramad located outside the Mana-Tombs at the Consortium encampment should you succeed.','Seeing as how this was Morphalius\'s idea, I decided to give him his old job back. Well done little flesh beast. Well done, indeed!$B$BRemember, if you\'re ever looking for work and happen to be in Netherstorm, come find me at the Stormspire.','','Escort Cryo-Engineer Sha\'heen','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5297insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5252,10219,'Walk the Dog','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5298insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5253,10220,'Make Them Listen','I was sent here to make contact with the Unyielding spirits.  These once proud Alliance soldiers were defeated long ago, and now their cursed spirits haunt the ruins to the west.  $B$BIf they would only join us we would gain a powerful ally.  Imagine, a legion of undying warriors to use against our enemies.  But these undead are mad with hatred and will not listen to me.  $B$BPerhaps they can be forced to join us.  ','Mordiba wants you to defeat 12 Unyielding Footmen, 8 Unyielding Knights, and 6 Unyielding Sorcerers at the Expedition Armory to the west of Spinebreaker Post.','The Unyielding have felt the strength of the Horde.  No doubt they will soon be in the mood to listen to my proposed alliance.','Have you taught the Unyielding the consequences of defying the Forsaken?  ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5299insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5254,10221,'Dr. Boom!','$N, my former protege, Sparky Uberthruster, wouldn\'t wear his helmet while down here and one day transformed into the infamous Dr. Boom!$B$BAnd he stole off to the northeast with most of our sapping equipment!  He and his Boom Bots have been a menace to Area 52 ever since.$B$BI need you to go to his Camp of Boom just outside of town and put an end to him!  Use these Boom\'s Doom bombs to take him out.$B$BAnd make sure not to get too close to him or his Boom Bots!','Kill Dr. Boom and return with the good news to Lead Sapper Blastfizzle at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','I\'ll always miss Sparky. <sniff> But we\'ll all sleep better now knowing that as Dr. Boom he is no longer around to terrorize us!$B$BJust let this be a lesson to you. Don\'t come down here without a nether helmet!$B$BNow, how can I repay you?','Have you saved us from the depredations of Dr. Boom? I promise this time there won\'t be any exploding wagons, though that was a lot of fun!$B$BWe really should do that more often.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5300insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5255,10222,'The Sunfury Garrison','After Prince Kael\'thas\'s forces destroyed the village and imprisoned the archmage in the Violet Tower, they withdrew to Sunfury Hold to the northeast. The very men who destroyed our village and slew our fellows toast their \'amazing victory\' while we are helpless to avenge the fallen.$B$BWe must not allow these crimes to go unanswered! Be the instrument of our vengeance, $N. Go to Sunfury Hold and claim the lives of those responsible for this crime.','Custodian Dieworth at Kirin\'Var Village wants you to kill 10 Sunfury Archers.','What you\'ve done this day can never bring back the fallen, but perhaps it can help soothe their spirits. Although, truth be told, no amount of blood can quench my anger over the actions of Kael\'thas.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5301insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5256,10223,'Down With Daellis','I\'ll never forget the blood elf who led the attack. He wore a tabard with a device I\'ve never seen before, over top of crimson armor.$B$BHe was ferocious and merciless, leading from the front where most other blood elf officers would never be seen. He was responsible for the deaths of many Kirin Tor mages that day, but he didn\'t linger long at Sunfury Hold. Kael\'thas has ordered him to Manaforge Duro to aid in their attempt to control the area. Find him, $N, and silence his bow for good.','Custodian Dieworth at Kirin\'Var Village wants you to kill Master Daellis Dawnstrike.','<You\'re not certain, but it seems as though Custodian Dieworth is on the verge of tears.>$B$BAt last, it is through. If I could will myself out of existence, I would, but the truth is I don\'t know how to let go. For the ones in the village, it is difficult but straightforward. I suppose this is the price we pay for retaining such strong ties to this place.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5302insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5257,10224,'Essence for the Engines','As the X-52\'s chief of engineering, I have to see to it that the nether-rocket\'s main engines are in tip-top shape.$B$BUnfortunately, I haven\'t built them yet.$B$B$C, I\'m in dire straits here!  I have almost all of the parts.  All that I\'m missing is the engine core.$B$BLuckily for us, I think we can make use of the essence from the local mana wraiths to jump-start the engines.$B$BThey can be found near most of the glowing trenches in the northern part of the island.  Except for here in Area 52, of course.','Collect 7 Mana Wraith Essences and return them to Chief Engineer Trep at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Wow, that\'s a lot of essence!$B$BOk, let\'s see what happens when I mix it with the etherlithium matrix crystals.','You have all of those essences yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5303insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5258,10225,'Report to Engineering','$N!  I need you to take all of these etherlithium crystals over to Chief Engineer Trep, my, uh, chief of engineering.$B$BHe should know what to do with them.  And if he doesn\'t, you see to it that he finds out!','Deliver the Etherlithium Matrix Crystals to Chief Engineer Trep at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Ooh, etherlithium matrix crystals. Yeah, those sound important!$B$BLet\'s just put them over here and I\'ll get to figuring them out in a moment.','Um, hi. I\'m a little busy here. What\'s that you have there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5304insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5259,10226,'Elemental Power Extraction','Darn it, that didn\'t do it!$B$BOk, I\'ve got another idea!  I had Xyrol whip up an elemental power extractor.  I\'m not certain exactly what this power will do, but I know that I can use it.$B$BThe sundered rumblers and warp aberrations on the ledge of the Crumbling Wastes to the south have just what I need for the engines!$B$BThe extractor will change the form of their power into something solid that you\'ll be able to gather up after you\'ve defeated them.','Extract 5 Elemental Power for Chief Engineer Trep at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','That\'s more like it! Alright, now I think we\'re in business.$B$BJust let me dump this stuff into the thing','You have the power from those elementals yet? Oh, don\'t hurry or anything. It\'s just my life and career on the line.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5305insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5260,10227,'I See Dead Draenei','I see dead draenei. They\'re all around us.$B$BBah, nobody believes me because I\'m a child. Not even my own mommy believes me.$B$B<Ha\'lei points to Ramdor.>$B$BHe believes me, though... He sees them too. Boy does he get angry about it!$B$BIt\'s kind of funny. I see ghosts and people just smile and pat me on the head, trying to placate me. Ramdor sees ghosts and people label him as crazy. I sure hope I never grow up!$B$BYou should probably talk to Ramdor before you go inside. He was once a death priest.','Speak to Ramdor the Mad, standing on the bone pile outside of the Auchenai Crypts.','The child is correct. I was once a \"death priest.\"$B$B<Ramdor winces.>$B$BSuch an unsavory title.$B$BThrough that corridor lies the Auchenai Crypts. Inside you will find the remnants of my priory. They are all mad now, of course. Insane to the last! I suppose I stood out, being the last one among them with any common sense. Of course, I was excommunicated for my beliefs.$B$BWhat are my beliefs, you say?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5306insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5261,10228,'Ezekiel','I believe that the dead, which we have been caring for these last 500 odd years, should be left alone. Maladaar has other plans. He has retreated to the Crypt of Remembrance to start his experiments... Necromancy.$B$BI hope you weren\'t thinking about going in there... Not before helping me out so that these damned spirits will finally leave me alone. I know where they keep their treasures, $r. Got your attention, eh?$B$BBring me the book of the dead, held by the Aldor, Ezekiel of Shattrath.\r\n','Find and speak with Ezekiel of Shattrath in Shattrath City.','Book of the dead? Never heard of it... What\'s this about anyway? Who sent you?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5307insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5262,10229,'Decipher the Tome','This tome appears to be some sort of history written in a secret Alliance cipher.  Althen, the historian in Spinebreaker Post, has studied the Unyielding for some time; he may be able to crack the Alliance code and decipher the book.  ','Take the Mysterious Tome to Althen the Historian in Spinebreaker Post.  ','I have studied ancient history my entire un-life.  I have never seen anything like this book.  It tells the entire history of the Armory, including events that happened after its destruction.  $B$BThe Unyielding have kept their history, even after they had fallen in battle.  With this book we will be able to understand the Unyielding and convince them to join us.  ','What is this?  A book carried by an Unyielding spirit?  How strange.  Let me study it.  Perhaps I can learn the history of the Unyielding.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5308insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5263,10230,'The Battle Horn','Perhaps we have taken the wrong approach to the Unyielding? $B$BThe tome tells me the Expedition Armory was destroyed by orcs and death knights long ago.  The Unyielding remain here as vengeful spirits trapped in an eternal battle against the fel orc clans.  $B$BThey think only of revenge.  We must arrange for them to defeat their most hated enemies.  Enter the Expedition Armory once again and find Lieutenant Commander Thalvos.  He carries a battle horn that can summon the Unyielding.  Bring it to me.  ','Take the Unyielding Battle Horn from Lieutenant Commander Thalvos and bring it to Althen the Historian in Spinebreaker Post.','You have done well $N.  This ancient horn will allow us to summon the Unyielding. $B$BThat is, if they are willing.  ','We must help the Unyielding soon.  If we can convince them to join us the Horde will have gained a powerful ally.  ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5309insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5264,10231,'What Book? I Don\'t See Any Book.','Ramdor? Hrm, let me think... Ramdor... Oh yes, the death priest. What does he want with the book? Well it doesn\'t matter. Yes I lied to you and no I don\'t have the book. Not anymore, anyway. It was stolen. Probably by one of those filthy refugees.$B$BBesides, Auchindoun is now defunct. We have no use for the book. If you find it, you can keep it.$B$BLike I said, I saw some of those ruffians snooping around the terrace last week. Start your search with them. They\'re probably playing dice in the slums.','Ezekiel said the book has been stolen. Your best bet is to find the Ruffians and see if they have any information.\r\n','Ok, ok! Don\'t hurt us. We had the book but we sold it...','Whaddya want?','Beat Down \"Dirty\" Larry and Get Information','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5310insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5265,10232,'In A Scrap With The Legion','The Burning Legion has moved in on our claim at the Scrap Field down the path and across the bridge to the east.$B$BThis could be a huge problem for us!  With the Legion at the Arklon Ruins, and now there, it\'s starting to look bad for us - and the rocket project - here at Area 52.$B$B$N, I need you to go out there and deal with those demons!  I\'d do it, but I\'m a lover, not a fighter.$B$BYep, this is going to be trouble, I can feel it!','Kill 5 Mo\'arg Doomsmiths and 15 Gan\'arg Engineers.  Then return to Papa Wheeler at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Well, that\'s good and bad news, now isn\'t it? We\'ve dealt them a blow, but with the Burning Legion running free all over the Netherstorm ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5311insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5266,10233,'Torching Sunfury Hold','Ridding Sunfury Hold of its garrison is not sufficient to keep the blood elves from reoccupying it. Kael\'thas\'s followers are zealous and tenacious. Leaving them anything to use at Sunfury is effectively an invitation to return.$B$BNo, it must all be destroyed. Take this torch, $N, and see to it that their tents and artillery burn to ashes!$B$B<The ghost\'s fists clench.>$B$BSteal torches from the Sunfury Flamekeepers to accomplish your task, $N.','Using a Flaming Torch, destroy 4 Sunfury Ballistas and 4 Sunfury Tents and return to Lieutenant-Sorcerer Morran at Kirin\'Var Village.','The Kirin Tor hardly relish destruction for its own sake, but we have no qualms about acting against our enemies, even in death.','','','Sunfury Ballista Destroyed','Sunfury Tent Destroyed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5312insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5267,10234,'One Demon\'s Trash...','You look like a capable young $g man: woman;!  I was wondering if you could lend me a hand?$B$BTo the east is the Scrap Field, which the Burning Legion has moved into.  It\'s full of huge fel reaver parts.  There\'re also a whole bunch of smaller parts in there that they don\'t seem to care about.$B$BI want you to get in there and get me a lot of those smaller fel reaver parts!','Gather 10 Fel Reaver Parts and return them to Mama Wheeler at the Midrealm Post inside Eco-Dome Midrealm in the Netherstorm.','These will have to do for now, I suppose. If only we could scare them off.$B$BHey, that gives me an idea!','You have those parts yet?  With the Burning Legion moving in on each of our claims around here one at a time, we unfortunately have little time.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5313insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5268,10235,'Declawing Doomclaw','You know what might just discourage them?  Take out their leader!$B$BIt seems to work everywhere else from what I\'ve heard.  And when they see a $g grizzled : tough; $c, such as yourself take out their leader... why, I bet they\'ll tuck tail and run for the hills!$B$BGet back in there and take out the big one they call Doomclaw.  I hear he keeps himself in the eastern part of the Scrap Field underneath the pipe.$B$BBring me his claw, too!  Maybe we can make use of it.','Obtain Doomclaw\'s Hand and deliver it to Mama Wheeler at the Midrealm Post inside Eco-Dome Midrealm in the Netherstorm.','He, uh... he said what? THEY\'RE GONNA GO AFTER AREA 52?!$B$BOh, this is not good... not good!','Dealt with Doomclaw yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5314insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5269,10236,'Outland Sucks!','I can\'t believe I left Booty Bay to come to Outland.  My cousin Screed Luckheed promised me I would make a fortune, but instead he flew off in his zeppelin and left me here to try to scrape a living out of this mine.  $B$BHow am I suppose to make a living here with helboars and demons and fel orcs attacking all the time?  My shredder here was broken yesterday and the parts I need to fix it were stolen by fel orcs.  They took the parts into the fissure to the southwest and may have dropped them there.','Find 6 Shredder Parts and return to Foreman Razelcraz by the mine northwest of Thrallmar.','Hurray, you found some parts!  Now maybe I can get my shredder working.  If I earn enough money I might be able to get back to Booty Bay.$B$BI sure hope my cousin, Screed Luckheed, crashes that stupid zeppelin of his.  I can\'t believe he tricked me into coming to Outland.','Did you find some spare parts for my shredder?  I really want to get it fixed so I can get back to mining.  I have to make a living somehow, if only so I can buy a one-way ticket back to Booty Bay.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5315insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5270,10237,'Warn Area 52!','$N, you have to get word back to Area 52 immediately!  Hurry!$B$BTell the rocket-chief that the Burning Legion is after us now!','Deliver the bad news to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Heh, you\'re kidding, right? The Burning Legion is blaming us for all of that?$B$BBut YOU\'RE the one that did it!$B$BOy, I have a headache and it\'s as big as this rocket. Okay, okay, this calls for a change of plans.$B$BIf the Burning Legion thinks that it\'s going to come here, destroy our town and ruin my dream of cruising through the Twisted Nether, they are sadly mistaken.$B$BAnd I know just the goblin to help us out.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5316insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5271,10238,'How to Serve Goblins','Why would fel orcs steal my shredder parts?  I hate them so much.  They just sneak into my camp here and take things all the time.  A couple of days ago they stole three of my peons!  Now the rest of my peons have run off because they are afraid they are going to be eaten by fel orcs.  $B$BI can\'t run a mine without peons.  If you could save the peons that I lost maybe the others would come back.  The fel orcs have their camps along the wall to the southwest.','Rescue Manni, Moh and Jakk from the Fel Orc camps and return to Foreman Razelcraz by the mine northwest of Thrallmar.','Thank you for saving my peons.  Now maybe I can get them to fix my shredder with those parts you found. earn some money and get out of Outland.  I can\'t wait to be back in Booty Bay.','','','Manni Saved','Moh Saved','Jakk Saved','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5317insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5272,10239,'Potential Energy Source','We are not the only ones battling the influx of the mana beings. The blood elves, too, are troubled by them, but I\'m not sure why.$B$BWhatever they\'re involved in over there, they don\'t seem to be stopping. Instead, I\'ve seen them employ a variety of methods to kill the creatures. The most effective involves magical defenses fueled by some sort of concentrated energy.$B$BCapture some of these energy sources and bring them to me. Don\'t hesitate to stymie the elves if an opportunity presents itself.','Lieutenant-Sorcerer Morran at Kirin\'Var Village wants you to capture 10 Energy Isolation Cubes from the blood elf operations at Manaforge Coruu.','I don\'t believe I\'ve seen anything like this before. There\'s certainly a lot of energy suspended in here, but it\'s in a raw form. We\'ll have to be careful with it, but I think we can find a way to adapt this to help ward off the mana creatures.','Were you able to gather any of their energy sources?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5318insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5273,10240,'Building a Perimeter','We are prepared to try to construct a perimeter around the village using the energy source taken from the blood elves. I can\'t guarantee that it will work, but we have to attempt it.$B$BOtherwise, the mana creatures will surely continue devouring the spirits of the fallen Kirin Tor.$B$BUse this device at the small runes around the perimeter of town to release the energy there. If I\'ve woven the field correctly, we should start noticing a difference once you\'ve used the device at each point.','Use the Rune Activation Device near the East Rune, Northeast Rune, and West Rune. The runes can be found around the perimeter of Kirin\'Var Village\'s Wizard Row and Town Square districts. Return to Lieutenant-Sorcerer Morran once you\'ve completed the task.','Excellent work. Keep your fingers crossed. $N. I\'m going to activate the shield.','Have you activated all the runes? I\'m eager to see if we can\'t improve upon the blood elf method here. Anything one of Kael\'thas\'s men can do. real Kirin Tor can do better.','','Activate Eastern Rune','Activate Northeastern Rune','Activate Western Rune','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5319insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5274,10241,'Distraction at Manaforge B\'naar','We were sent here by the Sha\'tar to investigate the manaforges that Kael\'thas\' army is operating here.  Unfortunately, the Scryers threaten to renege on their information-gathering duties unless we support them with military action.$B$BWe can\'t afford to compromise this mission over politics, so we\'ve agreed to weaken the manaforge\'s defenses so that the Scryers can do their work.$B$BProve your loyalty to the Aldor and slay the Sunfury magisters and bloodwarders that guard Manaforge B\'naar.','Slay 8 Sunfury Magisters and 8 Sunfury Bloodwarders and return to Exarch Orelis at Area 52.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','Excellent work, $N. The Scryers have uncovered valuable information thanks to your distraction. Maybe they\'ll actually share it with us this time.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5320insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5275,10242,'Spinebreaker Post','$n, my equipment here is, unfortunately, not configured for all the tests I\'d like to perform.  However, my colleague at Spinebreaker Post, Apothecary Albreck, possesses the required implements.$B$BI have acquired a sample of Bleeding Hollow blood -- gained from a past mission of Thrallmar\'s agents.  Take the sample to Albreck and allow him to study it.$B$BTo reach Spinebreaker Post, speak with Wing Commander Brack, near the wyverns to the south.','Apothecary Zelana at Reaver\'s Fall wants you to speak with Wing Commander Brack to take a wyvern to Spinebreaker Post, and then bring the Bleeding Hollow Blood Sample to Apothecary Albreck at Spinebreaker Post.  ','A blood test, is it?  It will be my pleasure.  I always enjoy working with blood...','Welcome to Spinebreaker Post.  How might my talents serve you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5321insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5276,10243,'Naaru Technology','The Scryers obtained a personnel roster for Manaforge B\'naar and are now having a field day picking out assassination targets.$B$BThey\'ve missed one small bit of information, scribbled on the side of the roster.  It appeared to be a password or code like those used to access naaru-made technology like the Exodar or Tempest Keep.$B$BGo inside the manaforge and look for a control panel.  Copy its readouts on this scroll as well as you can.  We must confirm our suspicions about the origin of the technology.','Go inside Manaforge B\'naar and find the B\'naar Control Console.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','You unwrap the scroll and ready yourself to copy down the strange symbols.','The symbols scrolling in front of you look alien and unintelligible.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5322insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5277,10244,'BETA R.T.F.R.C.M.','Cracking the seal on this rather large tome, you can\'t quite make out what the words say.  They appear to be written in the language of demons.$B$BHowever, you can make out the pictures, which tell their own story.$B$BThis is clearly a fel reaver construction manual, and you know for a fact that Mama Wheeler will want to take a look at it!','Take the Fel Reaver Construction Manual to Mama Wheeler at the Midrealm Post inside Eco-Dome Midrealm in the Netherstorm.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5323insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5278,10245,'B\'naar Console Transcription','You try to transcribe the shapes as you see them flash across your eyes.  The results are less than exact, but should serve as adequate evidence to prove or disprove the Aldor\'s suspicions.','Deliver the B\'naar Console Transcription to Anchorite Karja at Area 52 in Netherstorm.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','You\'ve done well, $N. Allow me a few moments to go over your transcription.$B$BYou have the priesthood\'s thanks, $C.','Let us see what you\'ve brought to us, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5324insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5279,10246,'Attack on Manaforge Coruu','Your success at Manaforge B\'naar was quite noteworthy.  I\'m sure that Anchorite Karja will ask you for a repeat performance at Manaforge Coruu next.$B$BWe\'ve learned of a particularly important regiment of Sunfury arcanists and researchers being deployed there and I would like you to target them.  Succeed and you will deliver a crushing blow against our enemy\'s forces.','Travel to Manaforge Coruu and slay 8 Sunfury Arcanists and 5 Sunfury Researchers.  Return to Exarch Orelis when you\'ve completed this task.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Excellent job, $N. With your dedication we\'re sure to defeat our enemy.','Have you completed your task, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5325insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5280,10247,'Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T.','On the outskirts of town to the east are the Proving Grounds.  Our top experimentalist, Doctor Vomisa, has been toying with a combination of fel reaver, ethereal, and of course, goblin technologies there.$B$BThis is in no small part thanks to your gathering efforts Junior Technician 3rd Grade, $N!$B$BGo to him; I know that he\'ll have a solution for saving Area 52.$B$BAnd since he\'s likely to use you as a test subject, if I were you, I\'d bring some friends along just in case.','Speak with Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T. at the Proving Grounds in Netherstorm.','Well. well, it would appear that we are in luck, young man.$B$BI was just recently able to finish the construction of my latest invention, the Scrap Reaver X6000!$B$BAnd you\'re going to have the honor of helping me test it so that it can be used in defense of Area 52!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5326insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5281,10248,'You, Robot','Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T. at your service.  Here, take this controller.  I want you to activate it and give my newly-invented Scrap Reaver X6000 a spin.$B$BJust stay nearby!  The controller is tied to my console here, and if you get too far away, the robot will cease to function.$B$BTry out everything... I\'ll be watching and calibrating its servos based upon your test run.','Activate the Scrap Reaver X6000 Controller and test out its capabilities.  Then give your feedback to Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T at the Proving Grounds in the Netherstorm.  Deal with any problems that arise.','Well, my boy that certainly was exciting! And for my money, I\'d say that the Scrap Reaver X6000 performed admirably, despite its rookie pilot.$B$BHehe, no, don\'t take offense, I was just kidding. After all, you just saved Area 52 and the X','','','Scrap Reaver X6000 Test Complete','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5327insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5282,10249,'Back to the Chief!','I\'m certain that the rocket-chief is going to want to have a word or two with you!$B$BIf I were you, I wouldn\'t hesitate to get back to Area 52 and speak with him!','Report to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52 in the Netherstorm immediately!','$N! Or, should I say Junior Technician 1st Grade $N?! Oh hell, who am I kidding? Skipping a grade isn\'t a good enough reward for what you\'ve done. I\'m going to make you my first officer!$B$BYou\'ve saved all of us, and more importantly the X-52 Nether-Rocket! I could just kiss you... but I won\'t.$B$BInstead, please let me present you with the gratitude of Area 52. Take your pick!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5328insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5283,10250,'Bloody Vengeance','East of here is an old destroyed Alliance siege tower.  Now scavengers loot it for old nails and bits of scrap.  Long ago, many Alliance warriors lost their lives at this tower and their banner was captured by Urtrak, a foul orc commander.$B$BBlow the Unyielding battle horn near the Alliance banner.  This will get the attention of Urtrak.  It may also summon forth warriors who fell in battle long ago.','Blow the Unyielding Battle Horn near the Alliance Banner.  Kill Urtrak and then return to Althen the Historian at Spinebreaker Post.','I am glad to hear that the Unyielding joined you in your battle.  I thought they might come to the sound of their own battle horn, but I could not be sure.  Perhaps we have given some of them the vengeance they so desperately crave.  $B$BYou have slain Urtrak and we must report your victory to Commander Hogarth in the Expedition Armory.  He will understand the risks you have taken on his behalf.','Have you blown the horn by the siege tower yet?  We must do this soon.  Who knows when Thrallmar will have need of the Unyielding.  ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5329insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5284,10251,'The Master\'s Grand Design?','A couple of draenei paid us a visit last night. They\'d somehow learned that we had the book in our possession and made a very generous offer to \"take it off our hands.\"$B$BWe didn\'t ask them what they wanted with the book but the young one kept talking about \"the master\'s grand design,\" whatever that means.$B$BLook, I don\'t ask questions when money is in play. They gave us a lot of gold and we gave them the book.$B$BHe said that they lived in Nagrand - in the old Abandoned Armory, north of Telaar.','Find Nitrin the Learned at the Abandoned Armory in Nagrand.','The signs were all there but I turned a blind eye.$B$BThe Legion\'s grasp grows stronger every day. Even in these parts...$B$BHad I known... Had I known that my boy was communing with demons... They offered him power and then gave him a taste of that power. That was all that it took...$B$BThe book is gone. Taken by Levixus... His plans are known only to me and his dark master.$B$BStranger, I don\'t know if you\'ve ever done right in your life, but know this: the boy must be stopped.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5330insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5285,10252,'Vision of the Dead','It has already begun. Levixus stands atop the ruins of Auchindoun and reads from the book of the dead. He calls the dead out by name and, through demonic ritual, binds the tortured souls to his will. He will raise all of Auchindoun if given the chance!$B$BBut... you must first prepare. You cannot do battle with that which you cannot see.$B$B<Nitrin hands you a parchment.>$B$BBring me the items I require to brew the tincture. It will open your mind and allow you to see into the spirit world.','Nitrin at the Abandoned Armory in Nagrand wants you to bring him 1 Mountain Gronn Eyeball, 1 Flawless Greater Windroc Beak, and 1 Aged Clefthoof Blubber.','Stranger... I was not forthright with you. Once you drink this potion, you will forever see into the world of the dead. This recipe that you drink of is a rite of initiation for all death priests of Auchindoun. Many go mad after its effects have taken hold. Seeing the dead is ... shocking.$B$B<Nitrin puts the potion up to your lips.>$B$BDo you wish to continue?','Levixus\'s army grows in size and power with each second that passes. You must hurry.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5331insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5286,10253,'Levixus the Soul Caller','Go now, $N. You will find Levixus on the uppermost ruins of Auchindoun. Enter there from the southern reaches of the Bone Wastes. He stands amidst a storm of souls...$B$BDestroy him and take the book of the dead. Once you have the cursed book in your possession, destroy it! Destroy it so that such an atrocity can never again be made possible.','Destroy Levixus and take the Book of the Dead from his possession.$B$BDeliver the Book of the Dead to Ramdor the Mad standing outside the Auchenai Crypt entrance of Auchindoun.$B$BYou had a deal, remember?','If the old draenei said to destroy the book, why didn\'t you?$B$B<Ramdor glares at you.>$B$BBah, what\'s the difference. You might be greedy but at least you\'re honest.$B$BMe on the other hand... I lied to get this book. I have no idea where these poor lost souls kept their treasure nor would I tell you if I did - however - I do have something for you. You did a good thing on this day. Perhaps a great thing... You should be rewarded.$B$BBy the way, welcome to the fold.$B$B<Ramdor points to the spirits.>','Who are you and what do you want? Oh... It\'s YOU.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5332insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5287,10254,'Force Commander Danath','<Marshal Isildor spits in the dust.>$B$BWell, time to earn your pay. Report at once to Force Commander Trollbane within the keep. He and his advisors will no doubt be heartened to see you.$B$B<Marshal Isildor salutes you stoically.>$B$BFor the Alliance!','Marshal Isildor wants you to report to Force Commander Danath Trollbane in Honor Hold.','Well met, my brother.  I\'m glad you\'ve come. I am Danath - leader of the Sons of Lothar, and force commander of this hold.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5333insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5288,10255,'Testing the Antidote','I think there\'s something we can use in the blood as the base of an antidote. Don\'t look at me like I\'ve lost my mind!$B$BIt\'s a common theme in nature. Often, the cure for something can be derived from the toxin itself. That\'s just what I aim to do.$B$BRidding the boars of their demonic influence would probably eliminate their aggression and give us insight into how to best attempt to help other species.','Use the Cenarion Antidote on a Hulking Helboar and observe the results. Once you have the results of the experiment, return to Thiah Redmane at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.','<Thiah Redmane\'s eyes widen as you describe the results of the experiment.>$B$BBut, how could that happen? I\'m certain I prepared the antidote correctly!$B$BI\'ve seen it work with spider and snake venoms, so why would it backfire here? Perhaps that\'s one of Outland\'s many peculiarities, $N. I\'d best pass this information along to my comrades.','Do you have the results of the experiment?','','Administer Antidote','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5334insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5289,10256,'Finding the Keymaster','In retrospect, I suppose I should\'ve expected Kael\'thas\'s magic to be this robust. He\'s always been a talented mage, but I\'ve never seen anything like the power he wielded during the attack on the tower.$B$BThe ward keeps me from being able to scry out the force holding it in place, but it doesn\'t preclude you from scrying.$B$BYou\'ll require a focus, though. A crystal-bearing giant named Apex roams the plains to the west of Manaforge Duro. One of its crystals would make an excellent scrying focus.','Locate Apex and obtain Apex\'s Crystal Focus from him. Return to the Violet Tower and use  Apex\'s Crystal Focus near Archmage Vargoth\'s Orb to discover who holds the key to breaking the tower\'s curse.','Commander Sarannis, you say? Hmm...$B$BShe\'s one of Kael\'thas\'s advisors, but certainly not a mage. I remember her from the attack on Kirin\'Var Village. I think your impressions are correct, $N. She\'s not maintaining the curse personally, but she holds the key to it.','','','Discover the Keymaster\'s identity','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5335insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5290,10257,'Capturing the Keystone','It doesn\'t surprise me that Kael\'thas has put the key to this ward in the hands of someone like Commander Sarannis. Prince Kael\'thas is a great many things, but he is no simpleton.$B$BIn order to break this curse once and for all, you must enter Tempest Keep and claim the keystone.$B$BOnly once the keystone has been destroyed will I regain my freedom.','Venture into Tempest Keep\'s Botanica and retrieve the Keystone from Commander Sarannis. Bring it to Archmage Vargoth at the Violet Tower.','Amazing! From what little I\'ve seen of the fate of Farahlon, I\'m not certain I want to go outside, but it\'s much better than being trapped here for the rest of my days.','Did you obtain the keystone?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5336insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5291,10258,'Honor the Fallen','Hogarth, the commander of the Armory, is in the eastern tower.  You must report your victory over Urtrak to him.  Perhaps he will be friendly?  Of course he may try to consume your soul.  One can never tell with spirits such as these. $B$BThe Unyielding are still against us and will no doubt kill you if they can.  Be careful $N.  ','Report to Commander Hogarth in the Expedition Armory.  ','We lost our battle against the fel orcs so very long ago. You have restored some of our lost honor by killing Urtrak. $B$BTake one of our weapons with you.  When you are fighting our most hated foes, use this weapon, and those who are free of our curse will come to your aid.  $B$BBefore you leave, those who died at the siege tower wish to honor you for destroying our enemies. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5337insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5292,10259,'Into the Breach','Battle rages non-stop at the portal!  The Argent Dawn is fighting a desperate fight -- and if we lose, then there will be no end to the demon\'s fire.$B$BHelp us, $N.  Enter the breach and lend aid to our brothers and sisters.  Help stem this tide of darkness!  The Argent Dawn -- and the world -- needs you!','Kill 6 Invading Felguards and then return to Argent Emissary Proudwell.','Thank you, $N. Among the chaos of battle, heroes burn bright against the darkness. Your light shines true!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5338insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5293,10260,'BETA Netherologist Coppernickels','You must have crossed the main bridge into Netherstorm from Blade\'s Edge.  Did you see Netherologist Coppernickels working with all of his crazy equipment there?$B$BStrange... I\'ve been expecting a report from him and it\'s overdue.  He\'s probably forgotten.  You know those \'science\' types.$B$BHead back out to the bridge and pin him down.  Don\'t accept any of his excuses, just get me that report.$B$BThanks!','Speak with Netherologist Coppernickels at the bridge leading into the Netherstorm from Blade\'s Edge.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5339insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5294,10261,'Wanted: Annihilator Servo!','WANTED:  1 Annihilator Servo to replace the failing one in my Long Neck Spectrum Analyzer.$B$BYou and your friends might want to check with the blood elves at Manaforge B\'naar to the west to see if they have any spares.  They seem to have a few arcane annihilators roaming about.$B$BPlease deliver the servo in pristine condition to Papa Wheeler at Area 52.','Obtain an Annihilator Servo and deliver it to Papa Wheeler at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Woo hoo! Do you know how hard these things are to come by? It\'s not like I\'m getting a regular shipment of parts out here.$B$BTell you what, as payment I want you to take something out of my box of junk. I\'m sure there\'ll be something in there you can use. And if not, sell it.$B$BAlright, let me just take that off of your hands and get it into my Long Neck Spectrum Analyzer before the failing servo in it explodes!','I hope that you\'re here concerning the wanted ad that I placed!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5340insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5295,10262,'A Heap of Ethereals','There is something else that I want your help with.$B$BA group of ethereals, known as the Zaxxis, have cut their relationship with the Consortium and gone into business for themselves.  They\'ve even cut deals with the Sunfury blood elves.  This will not be tolerated!$B$BI infiltrated their group at the Heap to the south.  But after I took out their leader, I had to escape here to Area 52.$B$B$C, go down there and bring back their insignias.  Of course, not all wear them because they\'re cowards.','Collect 10 Zaxxis Insignias and return them to Nether-Stalker Khay\'ji at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','These insignia are a good start.$B$BUnfortunately while you were at the Heap, one of my other agents amongst the Zaxxis sent word to me that Warp-Raider Nesaad still lives!','Is it done? Have you wiped the Zaxxis scum from the face of Outland and brought me their insignia?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5341insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5296,10263,'Assisting the Consortium','The naaru of Shattrath City have been trying to find a means to bring the Consortium over to their way of seeing things.$B$BLuck would have it that the business relationship between the ethereals and the blood elves of the Netherstorm has recently soured.$B$BThere\'s a Consortium representative in town named Nether-Stalker Khay\'ji who recently ran into trouble with a pack of renegade ethereals.  As a representative of the Aldor, I would like for you to help him in any way that you can.','Speak with Nether-Stalker Khay\'ji at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Hello, $R.$B$BYou don\'t happen to be available for a recovery mission of some importance?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5342insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5297,10264,'Assisting the Consortium','The naaru of Shattrath City have been trying to find a means to bring the Consortium over to their way of seeing things.$B$BLuck would have it that the business relationship between the ethereals and the blood elves of the Netherstorm has recently soured.$B$BThere\'s a Consortium representative in town named Nether-Stalker Khay\'ji who recently ran into trouble with a pack of renegade ethereals.  As a representative of the Scryers, I would like for you to help him in any way that you can.','Speak with Nether-Stalker Khay\'ji at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Hello, $R.$B$BYou don\'t happen to be available for a recovery mission of some importance?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5343insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5298,10265,'Consortium Crystal Collection','Our leader, Nexus-Prince Haramad, has tasked me with the acquisition of a crystal artifact from the Arklon Ruins to the southeast.$B$BThey\'re old draenei ruins.  Unfortunately for both myself and the goblins here, the Burning Legion has decided to move in to perform their own excavation.$B$BIf you\'re willing to help me, go to the ruins and take the crystal artifact from the dreadlord named Pentatharon.','Obtain an Arklon Crystal Artifact and return it to Nether-Stalker Khay\'ji at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Let me have a look at that.$B$BHmm, there doesn\'t appear to be anything special about it. I doubt this is it, though the manner in which you describe the Burning Legion\'s activities at the ruins, it sounds as if they\'re searching for something in particular as well.$B$BLet us hope that it\'s not the crystal that the nexus-prince wants so badly.','I get the impression that the prince is looking for a particular crystal, but I\'m not certain what it is.$B$BHave you already recovered the one from the dreadlord?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5344insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5299,10266,'Request for Assistance','While you were at the Arklon Ruins, I received a request for assistance from one of our representatives out in the field.  It would appear that the Consortium is having some \'difficulties\' in trying to recover property from the blood elves, which they refuse to pay for.$B$BPlease head east out of Area 52 and cross the bridge to the next island over.  You\'ll find my associate, Gahruj, at the Midrealm Post, just inside of Eco-Dome Midrealm.','Seek out and offer your services to Gahruj.  He is located at the Midrealm Post inside Eco-Dome Midrealm in the Netherstorm.','Yes, it\'s true. The blood elves have reneged on yet another purchase of goods that has already been delivered.$B$BAs Nether-Stalker Khay\'ji has vouched for you, I am hopeful that you will be able to assist me in this matter.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5345insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5300,10267,'Rightful Repossession','Our business relations with the blood elves appear to be at an end.  A few weeks ago a large shipment of surveying equipment was delivered to them at Manaforge Duro.  They have refused to pay for it.$B$B$N, I would ask that you pay the blood elves of Manaforge Duro to the east a visit.  They appear to be having some trouble with an infestation of mana creatures there, so take advantage of their preoccupation.$B$BI care not what happens to them, but I would very much like to see the return of our property.','Collect 10 Boxes of Surveying Equipment and return them to Gahruj at the Midrealm Post inside Eco-Dome Midrealm in the Netherstorm.','Well, I for one am glad that this petty little business is behind us. I cannot remember a time when the Consortium has had dealings with such boorish and untrustworthy beings.$B$BYou, however, seem to be very trustworthy, $N. Perhaps you wouldn\'t mind doing me one more favor?','Do you have possession of the surveying equipment which the blood elves defaulted on?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5346insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5301,10268,'An Audience with the Prince','Nexus-Prince Haramad has conveyed to me that he is interested in the immediate return of this property to him personally.  I would greatly appreciate if you would deliver it in my stead.$B$BIt is a great honor to gain an audience with the nexus-prince, and I am sure that he would be keenly interested in hearing the tales of your adventures here in the Netherstorm.$B$BSeek out his chamber atop the Stormspire to the north.  He is often present as a holographic image, which you may address.','Deliver the Surveying Equipment to the Image of Nexus-Prince Haramad at the Stormspire in the Netherstorm.','I welcome you to the Stormspire, $C. Please enjoy the hospitality of the Consortium.$B$BYou may place that equipment anywhere. I suspect that you\'ll be picking it back up rather soon.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5347insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5302,10269,'Triangulation Point One','There is another reason for the retrieval of the surveying equipment.  There is a crystal from draenei legend of great importance to me.$B$BIt is said that the crystal bestows god-like powers to its bearer!  But it is in danger of being unearthed by others - namely the Burning Legion.$B$B$N, take the equipment and use it to find the first triangulation point.  We know it to be somewhere to the east near Manaforge Ultris.$B$BAfterward, check-in with my agent, Dealer Hazzin, on the Manaforge Ultris island.','Use the Triangulation Device to point your way toward the first triangulation point.  Once you have found it, report the location to Dealer Hazzin at the Protectorate Watchpost on the Manaforge Ultris island in the Netherstorm.','Ah, I know of your mission. It is one of great importance to Nexus','Hello, traveler. You come to Hazzin because you are in need of my goods?','First triangulation point discovered','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5348insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5303,10270,'A Not-So-Modest Proposal','From the look on your face, I can tell you\'re a $r who appreciates a good profit.$B$BI\'ve built a reputation as a dealer in exotic goods, and I\'m about to launch a new venture.$B$BI need a reliable subcontractor to procure the goods from the Celestial Ridge.$B$BFirst, you\'ll need to re-energize a teleport pad. There is a spare power pack in Access Shaft Zeon, which is on the south side of Manaforge UItris. The Protectorate is operating in there, so you may be able to follow their tracers to your goal.','Retrieve the Teleporter Power Pack and bring it to the Ethereal Teleport Pad on the Celestial Ridge to the east of Manaforge Ultris. Activate the pad and give the Teleporter Power Pack to the Image of Wind Trader Marid so he can install it.','This power cell should hold for our purposes. Once the money starts rolling in, we\'ll improve it even more.$B$BEnough with such things. Every moment spent in discussion translates to lost profit.','Are you prepared to discuss business now, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5349insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5304,10271,'Getting Down to Business','As you\'ve no doubt seen, the area is teeming with nether dragons in various stages of growth. All nether dragons, young and old, contain an essence that\'s highly desired by K -- err, by a client of mine.$B$BMost people aren\'t willing to risk their lives to gather it, so we\'ve got the place to ourselves. You can start by gathering the essence from any of the creatures out here, but it\'s imperative that we start building a supply right away. Return to me once you have the first batch.','Gather 8 Nether Dragon Essence, then return to the Ethereal Teleport Pad area. Nether Dragon Essence may be obtained from Nether Drakes or Nether Dragons.','And to think, that wretched ethereal was going to sell these essences to the blood elves like so much candy...','I\'m certain you have many questions, all of which will be answered in due time.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5350insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5305,10272,'A Promising Start','We\'ve come here to investigate rumors of a strange breed of dragons, perhaps even descendents of Deathwing himself. These are clearly not ordinary black dragons, though.$B$BWe\'ll know more once we\'ve had a chance to examine their eggs. Their hatred for my flight runs deep, so I can\'t get close enough to gather the eggs. Will you agree to help?','Gather 15 Nether Dragonkin Eggs, then return to Tyri and Jorad on the Celestial Ridge.','These will work quite nicely, $N. Thank you for agreeing to help us.$B$BBefore we can continue, however, there is something else we\'ll need to address.','Were you able to gather the eggs?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5351insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5306,10273,'Troublesome Distractions','Your former employer, Wind Trader Marid, must\'ve gotten wind that you\'re helping us now. Through my projection, I\'ve seen his nether-stalkers entering the area, hoping to track us down.$B$BWe\'ve been able evade them so far, but Marid must be dealt with before the problem grows more severe.$B$BIf your impressions of Marid are correct, he\'ll do just about anything to secure the supply of his product. Return to him and tell him you\'re prepared to offer a deal. Lure him away and slay him.','Speak with Wind Trader Marid and lure him away from his trading post. Deal with him and then return to Tyri and Jorad on the Celestial Ridge.','Now that that troublesome ethereal has been dealt with, we can focus our efforts on understanding these nether dragons. I\'ve had a chance to examine the eggs and I\'ve made a few discoveries.','This Marid is a fool, or shall I say, was a fool.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5352insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5307,10274,'Securing the Celestial Ridge','The nether dragons have the same ferocious temperament as their black dragon forbears, but there is something entirely alien about them. They hatch and mature rapidly, harnessing the strange energies that forged their kind in the destruction of Draenor.$B$BThere is so much more I need to know about them, but I believe the powers may be of use to my own flight. If we can displace the leader of these drakes, Veraku, with a show of dominance, we can cow the rest of them into submission.','Use the Challenge of the Blue Flight to provoke Veraku on the southern edge of the Celestial Ridge. Defeat him and return to Tyri and Jorad on the Celestial Ridge.','Well done, $N. Well done indeed. The nether dragonkin will not accept a blue dragon among them at first, but with time and the firm demonstration of my authority, they will come around. Scattered, isolated, and without a definitive leader, we must be vigilant in preventing them from falling under the sway of a malevolent power, keeping them in check all the while.','Have you challenged and defeated Veraku?','','Slay Veraku','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5353insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5308,10275,'Triangulation Point Two','I\'ve recalibrated the triangulation device with the information that you provided from the first point.  You\'ll use it in exactly the same manner to discover the second.$B$BAll that I can tell you is that the second point is somewhere far to the west.$B$BOnce you\'ve located it, speak with Wind Trader Tuluman; another of the nexus-prince\'s agents.  He\'s posing as a weapon merchant at a small trading post next to the bridge, which leads to the island that Manaforge Ara is on.','Use the Triangulation Device to point your way toward the second triangulation point.  Once you have found it, report the location to Wind Trader Tuluman at Tuluman\'s Landing, just on the other side of the bridge from the Manaforge Ara island in the Netherstorm.','Very good indeed. The nexus-prince shall be pleased!$B$BWe now have the second point, which will now tell us where the third is, and the general vicinity of the crystal!','You wish to buy or sell?','Second triangulation point discovered','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5354insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5309,10276,'Full Triangle','With the data from both the first and second points, I\'m now certain that the crystal is at the top of the Ruins of Farahlon to the northeast.$B$BUnfortunately, the data indicates that the crystal is moving, which means that it has already been discovered, probably by the Burning Legion!$B$BJust in case, I recommend that you take some friends along.$B$BSlay the demon that has the crystal and return it to Nexus-Prince Haramad.','Recover the Ata\'mal Crystal and deliver it to the Image of Nexus-Prince Haramad at the Stormspire in the Netherstorm.','Beyond my wildest dreams, I never thought that you would be able to retrieve the crystal!$B$BAnd then to actually give it to me! Do you have any idea how powerful it is?$B$BYour selflessness is inspirational and beyond reproach, $N! You have given me much to think about.','Hello again, my friend. How fare your efforts to find the crystal?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5355insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5310,10277,'The Caverns of Time','Greetings, $N. Please follow the custodian. She will make things a bit more... clear.','Andormu at the Caverns of Time has asked that you follow the Custodian of Time around the cavern.','Hopefully you now have a better understanding of what is expected of you.','','Caverns of Time Explained','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5356insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5311,10278,'The Warp Rifts','Long have I wandered through Outland, searching for the truth of the void.  Now I am old and weak.  Perhaps you will help me? $B$BI must learn the secrets of the voidwalkers.  You must find the Warp Fields to the west.  West of the Expedition Armory there is a dark place on the edge of the abyss where time and space are weak.  Use my unstable warp rift generator in the Warp Fields to create a warp rift.  You must gather warp nether from the creatures that come through.  ','Use the Unstable Warp Rift Generator in the Warp Fields.  Gather 3 Warp Nethers from Unstable Voidwalkers and return them to Ogath the Mad in Spinebreaker Post.  ','Unbelievable.  You have touched the void itself!  $N, you have saved my life\'s work.  But there is more that must be done, and you can help me.  ','Have you managed to use my experimental device yet?  I think my unstable warp rift generator will work out there so close to the abyss. ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5357insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5312,10279,'To The Master\'s Lair','Ah, $N. We have been expecting you. Please, allow one of my brothers to fly you down to the master. He awaits you below...','Speak to Andormu at the Caverns of Time.','We must prepare you for the battles that lie ahead... ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5358insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5313,10280,'Special Delivery to Shattrath City','I am an ethereal of my word, $N.  You have truly inspired me.$B$BI am now going to give you the ata\'mal crystal to hand over to the naaru.  As it was your heroics that made this possible, I wish for you to deliver it.$B$BYou may use my personal teleporter to go directly to Shattrath City.  Simply step through it and you will be transported there.$B$BGive the crystal to the naaru known as A\'dal on the Terrace of Light.  May the trade winds be at your back.','Deliver the Ata\'mal Crystal to A\'dal on the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City.','You have recovered Spirit\'s Song!  It is the ata\'mal crystal that Prophet Velen left behind with his people for safekeeping before he went upon his ill-fated mission to the Exodar.$B$BOdd that he did not foresee it falling into the hands of the Burning Legion, if even for a short time.$B$BOr, perhaps he did?  It may be that he foresaw all of this, and left it there so that you would retrieve the crystal and deliver it to me here?$B$BI sense that is the truth of it.  You are a great hero of your people, $N!','<The musical tinkling of the naaru\'s speech fills your mind.>$B$BI sense that you have something of great power with you, $R.  What is it that you bring to me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5359insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5314,10281,'Formal Introductions','Greetings, $N. Do not be alarmed. This is merely a projection of my current form. It\'s the only way my companion and I could keep watch without revealing ourselves.$B$BThe ethereal who approached you, Marid, is little better than a swindler in the guise of a legitimate merchant. I\'d like you to consider working with me instead. My purpose out here is to find out more about the unusual dragonkin on this ridge. Meet me at the north end of the ridge and we will discuss this further.','Find Tyri at the north end of the Celestial Ridge and speak with her.','My name is Tyrygosa, of the brood of Malygos, but most call me \'Tyri.\' My companion is the $C Jorad Mace.$B$BWord of these strange dragonkin has already traveled far and I fear that too many will rush to exploit them for profit without realizing the true nature of what they\'re dealing with. With your help, we\'re hoping to gain insight into these creatures before others discover their presence.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5360insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5315,10282,'Old Hillsbrad','To the west is the timeway to Hillsbrad of the past - 7 years to be exact.$B$BForces are working against the Horde warchief, Thrall, attempting to prevent him from ever escaping Durnholde Keep.$B$BIf Thrall never escapes, this world - as you know it - will cease to exist.$B$BGather a group of adventurers and take the timeway to old Hillsbrad. Two of our agents await you inside.$B$BSpeak with Erozion on the other side.','Andormu at the Caverns of Time has asked that you venture to Old Hillsbrad and speak with Erozion.','Our worst fears might soon be realized. The forces at work behind this temporal disturbance are a new flight of dragons known as the Infinite. We do not know where they came from or why they are destroying timeways.$B$BIn this pocket of time, they have kidnapped Taretha Foxton, daughter of Tammis Foxton, the secretary of Aedelas Blackmoore, ruler of Durnholde and overseer of all internment camps on Azeroth.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5361insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5316,10283,'Taretha\'s Diversion','Taretha was integral in Thrall\'s survival and upbringing and instrumental in shaping Thrall\'s life.$B$BIt was Taretha who created the original diversion at Durnholde, allowing Thrall to escape.$B$BNow the Infinite have captured Taretha and hold her at Tarren Mill. The diversion will not happen without our involvement. You must use the incendiary devices that I give you and burn down the internment lodges in Durnholde. When you have done this, speak with young Thrall in the basement prison of Durnholde.','Travel to Durnholde Keep and set 5 incendiary charges at the barrels located inside each of the internment lodges using the Pack of Incendiary Bombs given to you by Erozion.$B$BSpeak to Thrall in the basement prison of Durnholde Keep when you have the Internment Lodges Set Ablaze.','You are friends of Taretha? So this is her new plan? Very well then...','','','Internment Lodges Set Ablaze','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5362insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5317,10284,'Escape from Durnholde','You look upon me now and see only a boy, but in my heart and soul I hide my dreams. I have plans for my people, stranger. One day, they shall overthrow their oppressors and rise as one. They will break free from the bonds that hold them and from that uprising shall be born the orcish Horde.$B$BI promise you, stranger, should we make it out of here alive, when I have the means to reward this selfless deed, I will seek you out... I will find you.$B$B<Thrall nods.>$B$BWe will leave when you are ready.','When you are ready to proceed, let Thrall know. Follow Thrall out of Durnholde Keep and help him free Taretha and fulfill his destiny.$B$BSpeak with Erozion in Old Hillsbrad should you complete this task.','You have done a great thing, $N. Alas, the young warchief\'s memory of these events must be as they originally were... Andormu awaits you in the master\'s lair.','','','Thrall\'s Destiny Fulfilled','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5363insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5318,10285,'Return to Andormu','This timeline has been restored and the assault of the Infinite Dragonflight upon Hillsbrad has been quashed.$B$BReturn to Andormu at once. He awaits your arrival in the master\'s lair.','Return to the child Andormu at the Caverns of Time in the Tanaris desert.','Please accept a gift from the bronze flight. These items will assist you in your journeys through time.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5364insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5319,10286,'Arelion\'s Secret','Arelion\'s journal does not deal with any sort of scholarly studies.  It details his escapades with a young female blood elf!  How could I\'ve been such a fool?$B$BUnfortunately, the floozy\'s identity is not revealed in this journal.  Aledis, a colleague of Arelion\'s, was his best friend and confidant.  Go question him and find out who he was having this affair with.$B$BI saw Aledis leave Falcon Watch for Zangarmarsh.  Follow the road headed north from town; it\'ll eventually lead west, toward Zangarmarsh.','Magistrix Carinda wants you to interrogate Magister Aledis, last seen traveling from Falcon Watch to Zangarmarsh.','I\'ll talk, $c.  Put your weapon down, I don\'t want any more trouble.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5365insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5320,10287,'The Mistress Revealed','I\'m Arelion\'s friend, but I\'m not going to take the beating of my life for him.  His mistress is Viera Sunwhisper.$B$BGo tell that harpy of a wife of his.  What\'s she going to do anyway?','Return to Magistrix Carinda at Falcon Watch.','Viera Sunwhisper?  That lousy little brat.$B$BI will show her I\'m not one to be trifled with!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5366insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5321,10288,'Arrival in Outland','I want you to speak with Amish Wildhammer, standing about 30 paces south of us, and catch the first flight to Honor Hold. When you arrive at Honor Hold, you\'ll be greeted by Marshal Isildor. I have prepared a report detailing our situation here.  Give him the report, and tell him you\'re ready for duty.$B$BYou have your orders, soldier, now move out!  And though your blood must be burning to help us against the fiends below, waste no time here.  Honor Hold needs you even more.','Commander Duron at the Dark Portal in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to bring Duron\'s Report to Amish Wildhammer.','Reports for Honor Hold?  No problem -- we\'ll get you there fast and safe on one of my gryphons!','I saw you speaking with Duron over there.  You must be on an important mission!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5367insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5322,10289,'Journey to Thrallmar','When you\'re ready, I\'ll summon a wyvern to fly you to Thrallmar. Once you arrive, deliver Orion\'s report to General Krakork.$B$BLok\'tar ogar, $n - good luck.','Take Vlagga Freyfeather\'s Wind Rider to Thrallmar.  Bring Orion\'s Report to General Krakork.','I\'ll rally what troops I can and send them to aid Orion\'s forces at the Dark Portal. The Legion will not soon forget the battle cry of the Horde! As for you $N, you\'ve done a great service for Thrallmar this day. I expect you\'ll be a great help to us here... if you have the wits to survive, that is.','A report from Orion? Give it here, quickly!$B$B<Frowning, General Krakork quickly scans the tattered document.>$B$BDamn, it\'s just as we feared. Orion and his warriors could be overrun at any moment!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5368insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5323,10290,'In Search of Farahlite','To the northeast is an area called the Netherstone, a landmark not seen when this was a lush, green land. Newly-exposed crystal formations have shown us a mineral we\'ve called farahlite in honor of this land\'s former identity.$B$BThe tiny amount of farahlite we\'ve mined has already proven popular with our clients. The highest grade of the mineral comes not from static deposits, but from the giants around the Netherstone. I can offer you a cut of the profits if you\'ll help supply the higher grade farahlite.','Gather 4 pieces of Raw Farahlite and return to Zuben Elgenubi at the Stormspire.','Ah, yes. This is precisely the grade I was hoping for. We may give up mining the crystal formations altogether if we can secure a supply from the giants.','I understand the dangers of gathering farahlite are great, but so are the opportunities. A merchant who isn\'t willing to take the risk may as well close his doors and save himself the trouble.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5369insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5324,10291,'Report to Nazgrel','Though our warriors are without peer, our hold on this wasteland is still tenuous. Report to Nazgrel inside the barracks - he has need of agents... such as you. If we can\'t protect our holdings here, we\'ll be of no use to anyone. Now go!','General Krakork in Thrallmar wants you to speak with Nazgrel.','We\'ve already lost many brave warriors to this cursed wasteland. I have little interest in sending more untested recruits to the slaughter.$B$B<Nazgrel glares at you sternly through his ragged wolf-mask>$B$BStill, if General Krakork sent you to me, he must have seen something in you. What say you then, $N? Will you serve your warchief with honor?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5370insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5325,10292,'BETA More Power!','Gathering a precious commodity in small batches has a quaint, cottage-industry feel to it, but it\'s just not competitive in today\'s market.$B$BNo, what we need is a method of mass producing farahlite! Then, the quantity on the market will be completely within our control.$B$BI have an idea, but it\'s going to require a powerful, focused energy source. There\'s only one possible place to find an energy source powerful enough. Go to the Legion\'s camps to our north and \'procure\' some of their cannon.','Zuben Elgenubi wants you to capture 8 Legion Cannon and bring them back to the Stormspire.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5371insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5326,10293,'Hitting the Motherlode','Now that we\'ve got a good baseline product, we\'re going to need something of higher quality. Certainly the farahlite we\'ve gathered so far is nice, but I know there\'s better out there.$B$BWe\'ll have to get a sample directly from Cragskaar, the patriarch of the Farahlon giants! You should be able to find it among the other giants in the Netherstone area. It\'s got huge pieces of farahlite jutting from its back and that\'s exactly what we need. Fell the giant and collect a farahlite core from it.','Zuben Elgenubi at the Stormspire wants you to obtain a Farahlite Core.','Well done! I can\'t wait to put this to the test.','You\'re still alive, which means you\'ve either got the core, or you\'ve changed your mind. Which is it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5372insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5327,10294,'Void Ridge','We have to improve my warp rift generator.  You must take it to Void Ridge.  Head east of here.  You must avoid the foul fort of Zeth\'Gor.  To the east beyond Zeth\'Gor is a small pass through the mountains.  Through this pass you will find Void Ridge, a terrible place on the edge of the abyss.$B$BYou must kill the walkers that you find there, and bring me shards of their souls.  With their power we will improve upon the warp rift generator and open a portal to the beyond that cannot be closed.  ','Go to Void Ridge and kill the creatures you find.  Collect 40 Void Ridge Soul Shards and return them to Ogath the Mad in Spinebreaker Post.','$BExcellent. the warp rift generator is almost complete. There is only one final ingredient we require. Soon we shall be able to open up a warp rift to the deepest parts of the abyss. $B$BWho knows what strange creature may come through? Think of it $N. the power such knowledge will bring is limitless.','You have done it then?  You have the shards that we need?  ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5373insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5328,10295,'From the Abyss','My warp rift generator is complete. You can now use it to summon a true prince of the void, a creature whose soul shard will tell us much of what lies beyond.  $B$BGo south in Void Ridge and use my warp rift generator near the void stones.  Look for a cluster of crystals near the edge of the abyss.  A huge warp rift will form and Void Baron Galaxis will surely appear.  $B$BDestroy this creature and bring me his soul shard.  ','Kill Void Baron Galaxis and collect his soul shard.  Take the shard to Ogath the Mad in Spinebreaker Post.','You have saved my life\'s work $N.$B$BThey called me insane. they laughed at me. they thought I was mad for my obsession with the Void Ridge and Warp Fields. Now with this soul shard I can unlock the secrets of the voidwalkers. I will command the power of the abyss.','Have you destroyed Void Baron Galaxis yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5374insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5329,10296,'The Black Morass','The Infinite Dragonflight have abandoned all pretense of subtlety. They plot to destroy the Guardian, Medivh, and prevent the Dark Portal from ever opening. While outwardly, this may appear a boon to the forces of the Alliance, it is in actuality catastrophic and will result in your world ending.$B$BYou must venture through the timeway leading to the Black Morass. Go west and then south, past my future self, until you reach the tunnel that houses the swamp specimens. Cross over and speak with Sa\'at.','Travel through the Caverns of Time to the Black Morass during the opening of the Dark Portal and speak with Sa\'at.','Indeed, if the orcs never make it to Azeroth, the Alliance will never form. Eventually civil war will break out, further weakening the human kingdoms.$B$BUltimately the Burning Legion will invade Azeroth, destroying it in the absence of any defenders.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5375insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5330,10297,'The Opening of the Dark Portal','Beyond this timeway, in the heart of the Black Morass, the Guardian, Medivh, feverishly works to open the Dark Portal, heralding in the age of orcs upon Azeroth.$B$BThe Infinite have sent their rift lords to stop this from happening.$B$BScattered across the morass, rifts will materialize. Infinite will pour out of the rifts and attempt to destroy Medivh\'s shields and, ultimately, Medivh.$B$BKill their rift lords and leaders! Do this until Medivh succeeds. Use this chrono-beacon should you require aid.','Sa\'at inside the Black Morass of the Caverns of Time has tasked you with defending Medivh until he succeeds in opening the Dark Portal.$B$BReturn to Sa\'at should you succeed in your task.','You have done well, $N. The child, Andormu, wishes to speak to you once more.','','The Dark Portal Opened','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5376insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5331,10298,'Hero of the Brood','Return to the child, Andormu, $N. He awaits you outside this pocket of time, in the master\'s lair.$B$BI hear flutterings. The Scale of Sands has shown interest in your abilities. Perhaps they too would like to speak with you.','Return to the child, Andormu, at the Caverns of Time in the Tanaris desert.','Once more you have secured the present and the future of this world, $N. Please accept these items as reward for your accomplishments.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5377insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5332,10299,'Shutting Down Manaforge B\'naar','We cannot shut down the manaforges by force as we\'d risk causing an explosion that would shake Outland to the core.$B$BAccording to your transcription, there is an emergency shutdown that permanently disables the technology - a safety mechanism common in naaru constructs.$B$BTo perform this procedure you will have to obtain a crystal that will allow you to communicate with the console.  This access crystal is in the possession of an overseer called Theredis according to our information.','Return to Manaforge B\'naar and obtain the B\'naar Access Crystal from Overseer Theredis.  Use it at the Manaforge B\'naar console to shut it down and report back to Anchorite Karja.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','The Light smiles upon you, $N. We were all praying for your success.','Have you succeeded in your task, $N?','','','Manaforge B\'naar Shut Down','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5378insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5333,10300,'Rebuilding the Staff','<Ravandwyr inspects the staff, noting that part of the headpiece seems to be missing.>$B$BSimply barbaric! Ekkorash must\'ve taken the staff\'s crystalline headpiece for use in some other trinket, not realizing that it works in concert with the rest of the staff.$B$BAs long as it remains broken, the staff\'s power is greatly diminished. With a suitable draenei crystal, I should be able to repair it. I\'ve heard the goblins remarking about the crystals carried by the ghosts at the Enkaat Ruins to the north.','Obtain 4 Flawless Crystal Shards from the ghosts at the Enkaat Ruins and return them to Ravandwyr at Area 52.','<Ravandwyr carefully examines the crystals. then selects one.>$B$BThis crystal should work. I\'ll reshape the stave\'s socket to secure the new headpiece.$B$BWhen Archmage Vargoth sees it, he will be disappointed, but I can bear my master\'s disappointment if it means we\'ve freed him.','Have you managed to find some suitable crystals for a new headpiece for the archmage\'s staff?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5379insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5334,10301,'Unlocking the Compendium','While I\'m glad to have most of Krasus\'s Compendium back, it\'s useless without the heliotrope oculus. You see, Krasus was well aware of the sheer power of the spells recorded in the book and took steps to safeguard them from prying eyes.$B$BOnly a knowledgeable mage can use the oculus to unlock the compendium\'s secrets.$B$BDuring Kael\'thas\'s attack, one of his lieutenants, Spellreaver Marathelle, looted it and took it to Sunfury Hold northeast of the tower. No doubt she thought it a pretty little bauble.','Obtain the Heliotrope Oculus from Spellreaver Marathelle at Sunfury Hold. Use Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff to contact the archmage once you have achieved your goal.$B$BIf you lose Archmage Vargoth\'s Staff, speak to Ravandwyr at Area 52 to receive a replacement.','Excellent, $N. Now, we have most of what we\'ll need to attempt to break Kael\'thas\'s magic.$B$BAnd if the blood elves suffer from the loss of their local commander, so much the better.','Have you recovered the oculus?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5380insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5335,10302,'Volatile Mutations','The irradiated power cores from the Exodar have been wreaking havoc on the environment here. The most obvious effect has been the appearance of the strange creatures that seem to have sprung up near them.$b$bThere may be something we can do to help them, but now, their sheer numbers are becoming too much for us to handle.$b$bI\'d like you to go out and cull their numbers somewhat, and perhaps I\'ll have another idea after giving it some thought.','Kill 8 Volatile Mutations, then return to Botanist Taerix at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','You\'re finished? That\'s good news. Hopefully, we can find a way to avoid the killing of these mutated beasts in the future.$B$BI believe I have formed a plan that might give us an alternative solution to this problem, but I will need your help.','I am working on a solution I think may be effective with the strange creatures. I just need more time.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5381insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5336,10303,'The Blood Elves','You must eliminate... the blood elf... threat.  Find out... what they\'re... up to!$B$BThey\'re on the... ridge behind me.','Kill 10 Blood Elf Scouts then return to Tolaan in the Shadow Ridge of Ammen Vale.','These blood elves mean to kill us all. How are we to divert them from this course?','There are too many of them... We must whittle them down or else the survivors will have no chance against them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5382insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5337,10304,'Vindicator Aldar','With your help, we were able to find a solution to our problems faster than I could have hoped.$b$bI don\'t have any other work for you to do. My apprentices and I can handle the rest.$b$bYou should go speak with Vindicator Aldar on the other side of the ship.','Speak with Vindicator Aldar at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.','$N, is it? I\'ve heard good things about you and the work you\'ve been doing in the short time since you came to.$B$BWe\'ll definitely need your help getting things back to normal. Zhanaa, over there, could also use your help, I\'m sure.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5383insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5338,10305,'Abjurist Belmara','This worn, sturdy tome is no spellbook, as you might expect a Kirin Tor mage to carry. The pages of the volume are covered with hand-copied stories, accompanied by colorful illustrations.$B$BThe tome seems to be far older than its former owner and may have even been a family heirloom. A powerful tie to the book may have been the last thread tying Belmara\'s spirit to the ruins of Kirin\'Var. Returning it to its proper place on the bookshelf in her quarters might help appease her restless spirit.','Locate Abjurist Belmara\'s quarters in Wizard Row and return the book to its Bookshelf. Then, speak with Custodian Dieworth at Kirin\'Var Village.','Ah, yes. I\'d heard that Abjurist Belmara had an old book of stories, but I had no idea that she brought it with her to Outland. I\'m certain her spirit will rest easier knowing that you\'ve found it and returned it to her dwelling.','','','Put Belmara\'s Spirit to Rest','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5384insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5339,10306,'Conjurer Luminrath','The cloak, undoubtedly of high elven craftsmanship, is richly tailored, even by the standards of the Kirin Tor. The symbols and characters sewn into the cloak\'s fabric hold no meaning for you, but clearly imbue the garment with magical properties.$B$BPerhaps this object binds the spirit of its former owner to this plane of existence. If so, returning it to the dresser in Conjurer Luminrath\'s quarters might break the spirit\'s link to this world, allowing it to rest.','Locate Conjurer Luminrath\'s quarters in Wizard Row and return the mantle to his Dresser. Then, speak with Custodian Dieworth at Kirin\'Var Village.','We used to always comment that Luminrath would wear that cloak with just about anything. To him, red went equally well with white, black, purple, blue, yellow, orange, and green. He would never wear the same robe two days in a row, but the cloak was always there...','','','Put Luminrath\'s Spirit to Rest','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5385insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5340,10307,'Cohlien Frostweaver','Looking at the hat, you find yourself asking if any Kirin Tor mage would own such headgear. Judging from the hat\'s wear, it seems the gnome wouldn\'t go anywhere without it.$B$BYou try on the hat momentarily, discovering no magical properties beyond a faint urge to dance.$B$BThe treasured possession might be the source of the dead mage\'s bond to the village. Placing the hat in the footlocker in Cohlien\'s quarters might free his spirit.','Locate Cohlien Frostweaver\'s quarters in Wizard Row and return the hat to his Footlocker. Then, speak with Custodian Dieworth at Kirin\'Var Village.','<The custodian smiles at the mention of Cohlien\'s name.>$B$BYou\'re absolutely right about the hat. He wore it all the time and wouldn\'t let it out of his sight.$B$BThere were a couple of times when a fellow mage, who shall remain nameless, \'borrowed\' the hat and hid it as a prank. Needless to say the threat of one of Cohlien\'s frostbolts changed his mind.$B$BI\'m going to miss little Cohlien. He had quite a way with the elven women.','','','Put Cohlien\'s Spirit to Rest','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5386insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5341,10308,'Another Heap of Ethereals','The Consortium is keenly interested in wiping out all of the Zaxxis rebels at the Heap to the south.$B$B$C, if you would like to ingratiate yourself further with us, go back down there and bring back more of their affiliation insignia.','','Traitors, all of them!$B$BGood work, $C! If you find your way back down there again, I\'m always looking to add to my collection of their insignia!','The Consortium is keenly interested in wiping out all of the Zaxxis rebels at the Heap to the south.$B$B$C, if you would like to ingratiate yourself further with us, go back down there and bring back more of their affiliation insignia.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5387insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5342,10309,'It\'s a Fel Reaver, But with Heart','You see that scrapped fel reaver over there to the south?  Isn\'t it a thing of beauty?$B$BI want its heart!$B$BWhat?  Yes, of course it has a heart... what doesn\'t?$B$B<N. D. looks indignant for a moment.>$B$BGo on over there, pry it open, bring back what I want and I\'ll give you a nice finder\'s fee in return.$B$BOh, and I\'d take a friend or two along if I were you.  These Zaxxis ethereals are a pretty mean bunch!$B$BTake this fel zapper to jumpstart its heart when you\'re ready to begin.','Recover the Heart of the Fel Reaver and deliver it to N. D. Meancamp at The Heap in the Netherstorm.','Wow, look at that... a beating fel reaver heart! Well, it\'s not really \'beating\', but you know what I mean.$B$BI can\'t wait to put this thing to good use. Or, maybe sell it. I know a few suck... er, clients that might be interested.$B$BHere, you\'ve earned your pay and then some!','My eyesight must be going from all of the nether radiation. You have that fel reaver\'s heart yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5388insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5343,10310,'Sabotage the Warp-Gate!','With the Burning Legion nearby at the fel reaver scrap field, we must do what we can to stop the flow of demons into the area.$B$BThey have a warp-gate to the south in an area that they\'ve cleverly named Invasion Point: Destroyer.$B$BI need you to go with me to the site and keep me safe while I sabotage it.$B$BAfterward, go to the Midrealm Post to the north inside Eco-Dome Midrealm and apprise Gahruj of our success.$B$BWe\'re going to need a friend or two of yours along to help with this.','Escort Drijya to the warp-gate at Invasion Point: Destroyer, and see to it that he is kept safe while he attempts to sabotage it.  Then speak to Gahruj at the Midrealm Post inside Eco-Dome Midrealm in the Netherstorm.','That is most excellent news, my friend!$B$BYou and Drijya have done us a great service. With that warp','','Burning Legion warp-gate sabotaged','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5389insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5344,10311,'Drijya Needs Your Help','$C, it is good to see a helpful face around here.$B$BThe Burning Legion at the nearby fel reaver heap has become more bold, and I am beginning to fear for our safety here.  The demons are constantly receiving reinforcements from Invasion Point: Destroyer to the south.$B$BMy compatriot, Drijya, has gone down there to scout and see if he can do something about the Burning Legion\'s warp-gate.$B$BPlease find and assist him in any way that you can.','Speak with Drijya near Invasion Point: Destroyer in the Netherstorm.','I hope that Gahruj has sent you to help me with my mission.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5390insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5345,10312,'The Annals of Kirin\'Var','Silencing the spirits has not bled them of their aggression as we had hoped it would. The malevolent spirits you subdued have reemerged in the streets of the town.$B$BWe must uncover what is causing this to happen. The destruction of Kirin\'Var was just the beginning, or else the spirits would have been quieted by now.$B$BThe town hall in the southern section of Kirin\'Var maintained a logbook of all the residents. Last I heard, it was in the keeping of Battle-Mage Dathric. Perhaps his spirit still has it.','Retrieve the Annals of Kirin\'Var from the town hall of Kirin\'Var Village and return it to Custodian Dieworth.','Hmm...$B$BIt seems I was right. There is a pattern here.$B$BThe most aggressive and dangerous ghosts coincide with the most powerful and highest ranking Kirin Tor who resided in the village. The townspeople and tradesmen seem overlooked by comparison. What could this mean?','Were you able to find the registry?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5391insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5346,10313,'Measuring Warp Energies','If our instincts are right and these manaforges have been made using technology from Tempest Keep, then all of Outland could be in grave danger.$B$BTempest Keep\'s energy-recharging mechanisms were never supposed to be used this close to the land.  The warp energies are capable of destroying this very land, even when contained within Kael\'s pipelines.$B$BTake this orb to Manaforge B\'naar; it is attuned to measure warp energies.  Use it at the pipelines\' ends, where they go into the earth.','Exarch Orelis in Area 52 wants you to take the Warp-Attuned Orb to Manaforge B\'naar and use it at the end of its four pipelines.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','This is grave news, $N.  The warp energies emanating from the pipelines are dangerously high.$B$BWe must find a way to shut down the manaforges or what little remains of Outland will be shattered into pieces.','Have you performed the measurements I asked for, $N?','','Northern Pipeline Measured','Eastern Pipeline Measured','Southern Pipeline Measured','Western Pipeline Measured',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5392insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5347,10314,'A Lingering Suspicion','The strange magical device resembles nothing you\'ve ever seen before. It\'s certainly not of blood elf manufacture.$B$BAs you sense spirits moving closer to the building, the orb glows with a greater intensity, which fades as the spirits leave. There\'s no question that it plays a role in the corruption of the ghosts.$B$BHow it works remains a mystery. Perhaps Custodian Dieworth will have some insight if you can provide the remains of some of the spirits along with your observations.','Collect 10 Loathsome Remnants from the twisted spirits in Kirin\'Var Village\'s Chapel Yard and bring them to Custodian Dieworth.','<Custodian Dieworth examines the remnants.>$B$BThe device you described sounds like a necromantic focus... I should\'ve known that no-good apprentice would stoop to this. I thought his training would keep him from going this far. but I guess he\'s proven me wrong.','What have you discovered. $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5393insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5348,10315,'Neutralizing the Nethermancers','The blood elves are fools!  I\'m glad that our trade relations with them have fallen apart.  In all of my travels throughout the cosmos, I have never encountered beings so selfish.$B$BThey continue to destroy the land around us with their manaforges, so let\'s see if we can put a dent in their operations across the bridge at Manaforge Ara.$B$BTheir nethermancers channel energy to and from the blood gems to stabilize the flow of power.  Go over there and wipe them out!','Kill 15 Sunfury Nethermancers and return to Nether-Stalker Oazul at Tuluman\'s Landing in the Netherstorm.','Anything that we can do to encourage them to stop what they\'re doing at these manaforges is a good thing.$B$BThey certainly do not seem to be able to be reasoned with. And it seems clear to me that whatever their leaders have in mind, they are insane.$B$BAs remuneration for your faithful service to the goals of the Consortium, I would like to offer you the coin of your realm if it does not offend you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5394insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5349,10316,'Searching for Evidence','Whoever is behind the transformation of the spirits has been very deliberate in their actions, taking care to target the most powerful mages first, but why? The kind of magic required to influence the spirits of slain Kirin Tor mages must be very powerful.$B$BWhy would a powerful mage go to all this trouble? I\'m inclined to say this is another plot of Kael\'thas\'s, designed to cause more misery here. If there are blood elves here, they\'re likely to be hiding in the houses across the covered bridge.','Search Kirin\'Var Village\'s Chapel Yard for clues about who is behind the manipulation of the spirits.','A glowing orb sits atop a square-shaped pedestal. At first glance, it seems to be a repository for magical energy, but what kind of energy, and for whose use?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5395insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5350,10317,'Dealing with the Foreman','The blood elves call the mine underneath Manaforge Ara the Trelleum Mine.  Ever since they lost the one underneath Manaforge Ultris, this is where their sole supply of material for running the forges is coming from.$B$BNeedless to say, it would be a boon for us to cripple their mining operation.  Perhaps we\'d even be able to move in and take it over for ourselves?$B$BWhatever the case, I want you to go in there and deal with Foreman Sundown.  The mine is around the back of the island to the left.','Deal with Foreman Sundown inside the Trelleum Mine, which is underneath Manaforge Ara in the Netherstorm.','<The foreman speaks in hushed tones.>$B$BYou came in here to kill me? Hmph. Well I guess the ethereal don\'t know everything, do they?$B$BI\'m not the one that you want, trust me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5396insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5351,10318,'Dealing with the Overmaster','I used to be the foreman here.  But now that I\'ve been demoted, I\'ve come to realize our pilgrimage from Quel\'Thalas to Outland was all a lie.$B$BA lie perpetrated by Kael\'thas to strengthen his forces here in the Netherstorm.$B$BI\'ve tried to convince my brethren that we should leave, especially with the Burning Legion here, but they are all too stubborn.$B$BDo me a favor?  Kill Overmaster Grindgarr.  Then return to your ethereal and tell him that I am no longer his enemy.','Slay Overmaster Grindgarr.  Then return to Wind Trader Tuluman at Tuluman\'s Landing in the Netherstorm.','A doomguard overmaster? That\'s odd! What\'s the Burning Legion doing in there?$B$BSo, some of the blood elves are defecting. We\'ll keep that in mind if we ever attempt to take the place by force. At least there\'s some good news that has come from all of this, no?$B$BPlease, $N, take this with my deepest gratitude.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5397insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5352,10319,'Capturing the Phylactery','I suppose an explanation is in order. You\'ve met one of the archmage\'s apprentices, Ravandwyr, but there was also another named Naberius.$B$BHe was an ardent student, but was drawn to necromancy. When Kael\'thas appeared with his forces, Naberius seized the opportunity to betray the archmage, handing over the secrets to the tower\'s defense.$B$BNow, it seems, he has become a lich. If we are to stop him, we must capture his phylactery. Knowing him, he would\'ve buried it somewhere out of sight in his domain.','Recover Naberius\'s Phylactery from Kirin\'Var Village\'s Chapel Yard district and bring it to Custodian Dieworth.','Excellent work, $N. Possession of the phylactery will be the key to our victory. When you enter battle with Naberius, I will smash it, exposing him to your attacks.','You must recover Naberius\'s phylactery before we can attack him. Otherwise, he will be invulnerable.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5398insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5353,10320,'Destroy Naberius!','Archmage Vargoth saw the danger in Naberius\'s pursuit of necromancy, but I don\'t think he ever anticipated that his own apprentice would wreak this much destruction upon the Kirin Tor.$B$BYou must defeat him, $N, or else he will continue enslaving the spirits of our fallen brothers, robbing them of their rightful rest and destroying what little remains of Kirin\'Var.$B$BWith his phylactery in hand, he can be confronted by two or three combatants, but who knows what his magic might do to more foes?','Custodian Dieworth in Kirin\'Var Village wants you to confront and defeat Naberius in the village\'s Chapel Yard.','The defeat of Naberius is a great achievement, $N. I can\'t help thinking that we might have had a chance against Kael\'thas\'s forces if the apprentice\'s loyalties had been in the right place that day.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5399insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5354,10321,'Shutting Down Manaforge Coruu','Your success at B\'naar has given us a great deal of hope, $N.$B$BWe\'ve shared our discoveries with the Scryers and in return they\'ve given us more information on the remaining manaforges.$B$BThree other manaforges still stand, in full control of the Sunfury army.$B$BYou will find Manaforge Coruu to the east.  Overseer Seylanna holds the access crystal there.  Obtain it and use it on the manaforge\'s control console to begin the emergency shutdown.$B$BWe\'re all counting on you, $N.','Travel to Manaforge Coruu, east of Area 52, and obtain the Coruu Access Crystal from Overseer Seylanna.  Use it at the Manaforge Coruu Console to shut it down and return to Anchorite Karja.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Excellent work. Only two manaforges remain active.$B$BSoon Kael\'thas will be cut off from his main source of power.','Have you completed your task yet, $N?','','','Manaforge Coruu Shut Down','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5400insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5355,10322,'Shutting Down Manaforge Duro','We\'ve received news from one of the two manaforges that remain operational.  The Sunfury army is losing control of Manaforge Duro.$B$BDroves of errant mana creatures have been attracted to it by its increased energy production - the manaforge is in chaos.$B$BAn explosion at Duro has the potential to cause a chain reaction that would endanger all of Outland.  Overseer Athanel is in possesion of the access crystal you need to safely disable the manaforge.','Anchorite Karja wants you to go Manaforge Duro and obtain the Duro Access Crystal from Overseer Athanel.  Use it at the Manaforge Duro Console to shut it down.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','You are blessed by the naaru, $N. Your dedication to the cause will not go unnoticed or unrewarded.','Have you completed your task yet, $N?','','','Manaforge Duro Shut Down','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5401insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5356,10323,'Shutting Down Manaforge Ara','One manaforge is all that keeps Tempest Keep functional.  After we bring Manaforge Ara down, Kael will have to resort to depleting whatever energy he\'s got stored up.$B$BTravel to Manaforge Ara, in the northwest, and deliver the final blow that we need by shutting it down.$B$BThe last access crystal is in the possession of Overseer Azarad.  Be warned that we expect heavy opposition in the last of Kael\'s functional manaforges.  You\'re likely to need the assistance of reliable friends.','Travel to Manaforge Ara and obtain the Ara Access Crystal from Overseer Azarad.  Use it at the Manaforge Ara console to shut it down.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','The Burning Legion? Allied with Kael\'thas Sunstrider?$B$BThis is dire news. It explains much about what we\'ve seen here and in Shadowmoon.$B$BWe must send word back to Shattrath City immediately.','Have you completed the task I asked of you, $N?','','','Manaforge Ara Shut Down','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5402insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5357,10324,'The Great Moongraze Hunt','Well done, $n! Well done!$b$bNow that you\'ve cut your teeth with the moongraze stag, it\'s time you graduated to more formidable prey. Do not allow the casual disinterest of the moongraze bucks to fool you: when provoked, they are a fearsome foe.$b$bYou\'ll find the bucks north of here. Good hunting.','Bring 6 Moongraze Buck Hides to Acteon at Azure Watch.','Wonderful! You\'re turning into quite the hunter, $N.$B$BHow would you like to look more like me? Well here is your chance! While you were out hunting, I fashioned these items out of some buck hides I had laying around. Take your pick!','The buck hides are rugged and strong, making for very tough flesh - almost inedible, but we can use them for other purposes.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5403insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5358,10325,'Marks of Kil\'jaeden','As you probably know, $N, the Aldor are keepers of the Light and servants of the naaru.$B$BDiametrically opposed to us are the agents of the Burning Legion - demons bent on the destruction of worlds and the corruption of the innocent.$B$BIf you wish to prove yourself to the Aldor, bring me the insignias of low-ranking Legion and their Shadow Council followers.  We know of a Shadow Council hideout in the Bone Wastes and there are many Legion outposts in Nagrand and the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Bring 10 Marks of Kil\'jaeden to Adyen the Lightwarden in Shattrath City.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Facing the demons of the Burning Legion and the mad cultists that worship them is no small feat, $N.  You\'ve shown great dedication and courage.  Keep it up and your renown among the Aldor will continue to grow.','Do you bear any of our enemies\' insignias, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5404insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5359,10326,'More Marks of Kil\'jaeden','Do you bear more of our enemies\' insignias, $C?  The Burning Legion continues to be a threat and we continue to pursue them anywhere that we find them.','','You continue to prove your worth, $N.  Fight the enemies of the Light wherever you may find them; your actions will be well-rewarded.','Do you bear more of our enemies\' insignias, $C?  The Burning Legion continues to be a threat and we continue to pursue them anywhere that we find them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5405insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5360,10327,'Single Mark of Kil\'jaeden','I\'ll take any leftover marks you might have.  Do not worry; your actions will be duly noted.','','You continue to prove your worth, $N.  Fight the enemies of the Light wherever you may find them; your actions will be well-rewarded.','I\'ll take any leftover marks you might have.  Do not worry; your actions will be duly noted.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5406insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5361,10328,'Sunfury Briefings','Something about these manaforges has been bothering me, $N.  Naaru technology is incredibly advanced; it should\'ve taken Kael\'thas years to even begin to understand it.$B$BInformation-gathering on the subject has been difficult as Kael\'s army is well disciplined and destroys all evidence of written communication.$B$BWe\'ve been informed Manaforge Duro is under attack by mana creatures.  It is possible that those defending it have not yet destroyed their briefings.  Obtain them and bring them to me.','Go to Manaforge Duro and retrieve the Sunfury Military Briefing and the Sunfury Arcane Briefing from the Sunfury units stationed there.  Return to Exarch Orellis when you\'ve completed this task.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Excellent job, $N! Let us see what can be learned from these briefings.','Did you have any luck with the briefings from Manaforge Duro?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5407insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5362,10329,'Shutting Down Manaforge B\'naar','I was having a friendly discussion with the Aldor while you were gone.  Manaforges sure look like modified naaru technology from Tempest Keep.  Apparently, most naaru constructs have certain safeguards that allow them to be permanently disabled in case of emergency.$B$BThe procedure is usually initiated at a control console via an access crystal.  Lo and behold, according to the roster you secured, such a crystal is in the possession of a fellow called Overseer Theredis.  Obtain it and see what you can do.','Return to Manaforge B\'naar and obtain the B\'naar Access Crystal from Overseer Theredis.  Use it at the B\'naar Control Console to shut it down, then report back to Spymaster Thalodien.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Of course it worked! I\'m a spymaster; my information is always accurate.$B$BAnyhow, I have a whole new exciting job lined up for you. You want to hear about it? Of course you do.','Did the plan work? I was half-expecting you to get blown up, to tell you the truth.','','','Manaforge B\'naar Shut Down','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5408insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5363,10330,'Shutting Down Manaforge Coruu','Thalodien told us of your success in disabling Manaforge B\'naar.  He expects a repeat performance here and asked us to keep an eye out for anyone using a crystal to access the console inside.  Overseer Seylanna holds the access crystal, we\'re sure of it.$B$BGo back in there and finish the operation.  No need to be stealthy anymore; get the crystal, begin the shutdown, kill the technicians trying to stop you and get out.$B$BHurry, it won\'t be long before Kael\'s lapdogs sniff us out.','Obtain the Coruu Access Crystal from Overseer Seylanna.  Use it at the Coruu Control Console to shut down the manaforge and return to Caledis Brightdawn.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','We heard all the commotion and were just about to leave. Glad to see you didn\'t take too bad of a beating.','Have you completed your task yet, $N?','','','Manaforge Coruu Shut Down','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5409insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5364,10331,'Indispensable Tools','You haven\'t seen a heavy smithing hammer lying around by chance, have you? I brought it out here with me to finish the shoes for some of old man Amorlin\'s horses, but I can\'t find it.$B$BI\'ve searched the barn no less than a half dozen times and I just can\'t seem to find it. Maybe one of the other apprentices retrieved it and took it back to the smithy? Would you be willing to go down there and take a look? The workshop is to the southeast of the tower in the Town Square.','Retrieve the Smithing Hammer from the Kirin\'Var Apprentices and bring it back to Apprentice Andrethan in Kirin\'Var Village.','Thank goodness! Now I can get back to work. I know you think I\'m crazy, working on the piece that will earn me journeyman status away from the forge proper, but I can\'t run the risk of one of the other apprentices copying my design.','Did you have any luck finding my hammer?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5410insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5365,10332,'Master Smith Rhonsus','At last, my journeyman project is complete! I can\'t wait to formally present it to Master Rhonsus.$B$B<The apprentice looks at you as you describe your experiences retrieving the hammer.>$B$BThey attacked you? All of them? By the Light, they\'ve gone mad!$B$BWhat are we to do, $N? It grieves me to say so, but it may be necessary to kill Master Rhonsus. It would leave me as the only smith in Kirin\'Var, but I believe my training is sufficient to serve the town\'s needs.','Apprentice Andrethan in Kirin\'Var Village wants you to kill the ghost of Rhonsus, the town\'s master blacksmith.','Master Rhonsus taught me everything I know about my trade. I will honor his memory by using my skills to serve the people of Kirin\'Var.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5411insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5366,10333,'Help Mama Wheeler','Say, $N, I was wondering if you could do me another favor.$B$BMy partner out in the field could probably use a hand.  I was wondering if you could go check in on her.$B$BI\'m sure that Mama Wheeler will appreciate the help.  Just don\'t mind her sharp tongue.$B$BShe\'s trying to look out for our interests to the east.  You\'ll find her just inside Eco-Dome Midrealm at the Midrealm Post.','Speak with Mama Wheeler at the Midrealm Post inside Eco-Dome Midrealm in the Netherstorm.','What?! He called me his \'partner\'? I\'m his wife!$B$BAnd he said I had a sharp tongue! Ooh, when I get back to Area 52, I\'m going to box his big, green ears!$B$BBut I\'m glad that you\'re here. He was right about one thing; I can definitely use your help!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5412insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5367,10334,'Needs More Cowbell','Where, oh where has my Bessy gone? After the attack, I searched the fields and the Chapel Yard for her, but she was nowhere to be seen!$B$BAll I have left of her is this old cowbell. She usually comes running when she hears it, but these feeble old bones probably couldn\'t shake it hard enough.$B$BI\'ll loan you Bessy\'s bell if you\'re willing to go out to the fields and ring it as hard as you can. Perhaps all Bessy\'s waiting for is a little more cowbell.','Find Bessy in the fields near Kirin\'Var Village\'s Chapel Hill.','<Removing the bell from your pack, you ring it a couple of times and show it to Bessy, who seems to recognize it. The cow allows the bell\'s cord to be fastened around her neck and looks at you expectantly.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5413insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5368,10335,'Surveying the Ruins','I have to get over to the Ruins of Farahlon to start my excavations!  The problem is that the place has been infested by demons!$B$BMaybe you could do some preliminary work for me?$B$BThere are three locations within the ruins to the northeast where I want you to place surveying markers.  Each is near a draenei banner.$B$BReturn to me when you\'ve managed to place all three markers.','Place the three Surveying Markers and then return to Zephyrion at the Stormspire in the Netherstorm.','You\'re not just pulling my bandage, right? That\'s most excellent news!$B$BNow that you\'ve done the surveying grunt','That was fast. You must be a very efficient person to have placed all three of those markers already.','','Surveying Marker One placed','Surveying Marker Two placed','Surveying Marker Three placed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5414insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5369,10336,'The Minions of Culuthas','A few weeks ago, the Burning Legion moved into the Ruins of Farahlon, thwarting our plans to excavate the site for its artifacts.$B$BThen earlier today, I learned that one of their dreadlords, Culuthas, somehow killed off all of the other Burning Legion.  He has since summoned in demons that serve him.$B$B$C, I want you to go up to those ruins to the northeast and rid them of their demon infestation.','Slay 10 Hounds of Culuthas and 5 Eyes of Culuthas.  Then return to Nether-Stalker Nauthis at the Stormspire in the Netherstorm.','Truly an exceptional job.$B$BWith the demons of Culuthas slain, Zephyrion will be able to safely take his excavation team into the Ruins of Farahlon.$B$BAccept this coin as a token of my gratitude.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5415insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5370,10337,'When the Cows Come Home','Realizing that Bessy is still staring at you, you gesture toward Thadell\'s location. You find yourself promising to protect the cow on her way home. Upon finishing your sentence, you realize there\'s no possible way the cow could understand anything you\'ve said.$B$BShrugging your shoulders, you prepare to guard the bovine on her way back to Thadell.','Escort Bessy safely back to her owner, Thadell.','Bessy, is that you?$B$BThank you for bringing back my Bessy, $N. I couldn\'t live without her!','','Escort Bessy on her way home.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5416insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5371,10338,'Shutting Down Manaforge Duro','So Manaforge Duro is under attack and Sunfury forces have lost control?  What a dilemma!  If Duro goes down, then Tempest Keep goes down.  Only drawback is... if Tempest Keep is destroyed, the explosion will probably take what little remains of this forsaken land with it.$B$BDead Kael\'thas is good.  Dead everyone else is... not that great, I suppose.  It pains me to ask this of you, but go to Manaforge Duro and shut it down before it goes up in flames.  The access crystal is held by Overseer Athanel.','Return to Manaforge Duro and obtain the Duro Access Crystal from Overseer Athanel.  Use it at the Duro Control Console to shut it down and report back to Spymaster Thalodien.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','That makes three manaforges you\'ve shut down, $N. Kael\'thas must be having a real fit right about now.','Did you complete the shut down? You should hurry before I change my mind about the whole deal.','','','Manaforge Duro Shut Down','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5417insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5372,10339,'The Ethereum','Directly south of here you will find the Ethereum Staging Grounds. The Ethereum are there, preparing for something... Perhaps an assault on Ultris.$B$BWe can\'t take any chances, though, $c. Break through their perimeter defenses and take out their training facility.$B$BOnce you\'ve destroyed their soldiers and Captain Zovax, locate Ethereum transponder Zeta and use it to establish contact with me to get your next set of orders.','Commander Ameer wants you to kill 5 Ethereum Assassins, 5 Ethereum Shocktroopers, 2 Ethereum Researchers and Captain Zovax then activate Ethereum Transponder Zeta.','We must gather whatever data that they\'ve stored in this area.','Well done, fleshling...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5418insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5373,10340,'Shatter Point','$n, you\'ve done a great job here at the front, and you showed a lot of talent with that armored gryphon... I think I have another mission in mind for you.$B$BThis new mission launches from Shatter Point -- an attack base the Wildhammers set up on a floating piece of land near the Portal.  It\'s a little unnerving there, but you have tough guts.  You\'ll be fine.$B$BTalk to Wing Commander Dabir\'ee and have him send you to Shatter Point.  From there, report to the gryphon master Runetog Wildhammer.','Forward Commander Kingston wants you to speak with Wing Commander Dabir\'ee, ride a gryphon to Shatter Point, and then report to Runetog Wildhammer.','Hah hah! A fresh $R from the mainland! Well don\'t worry - Shatter Point might make you queasy but she doesn\'t stray far!$B$BAnd I\'ve only seen her flip upside down once... or twice.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5419insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5374,10341,'Kick Them While They\'re Down','The news you\'ve discovered is fortunate, $N.  Not only do you get to waltz into Manaforge Duro unfettered, this also presents a great opportunity to deal a blow to Kael\'s army.$B$BUse the mana creature assault to your advantage and pick off any Sunfury stragglers you run into.$B$BI do not take particular glee in the senseless slaughter of my own kin the way that Thalodien does, but the tactical advantage here is too high to pass up.','Slay 8 Sunfury Conjurers, 6 Sunfury Bowmen and 4 Sunfury Centurions.  Return to Magistrix Larynna at Area 52 after completing this task.$B$BCompleting tasks for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','You\'ve done well, $N. Kael\'s army will not easily recover from the blow you\'ve dealt today.','Have you completed your task, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5420insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5375,10342,'Securing the Shaleskin Shale','I make a good living selling drinks to the boozehounds around here.  But I want something more!$B$BThe rocket-chief is always telling me how he can\'t perfect the rocket fuel needed to get the X-52 off of the ground.$B$BWe can solve that little problem for him.$B$BFor starters I need to extract the oil from the shale of the local shaleskin flayers!  It\'ll form a concentrated, if explosive, base for the mix that I have in mind.$B$BFind the flayers, and their shale, all over the place near the purple rocks.','Collect 5 Shaleskin Shale and give them to Boots at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','OK! Ingredient number one is down.$B$BNow, if you\'re up to it, we\'ll move on to something that\'ll give the shale oil that little extra kick that it\'ll need to blast the nether rocket into the Twisting Nether... or oblivion, whichever comes first.','You have enough of that shale yet? I\'m going to need a lot of it to extract the amount of oil that\'ll be needed for the X-52 Nether Rocket\'s fuel.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5421insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5376,10343,'The Unending Invasion','Kael\'thas\'s assault on Kirin\'Var began with thundering noise and a bright flash of light in the officer quarters to the northwest. The destruction there was the most severe and after the withdrawal of the blood elves, a strange thing began to happen.$B$BBeings of pure mana began streaming into the village from all over the area. For now, we\'re containing them as we can, but with more information about the weapon Kael\'thas used, I hope to cut off the flow of mana creatures entirely.','Search the mana creature infested area of Kirin\'Var Village for a Mana Bomb Fragment and bring it to Lieutenant-Sorcerer Morran.','A mana bomb?$B$B<Morran turns the fragment over in his hands.>$B$BIt\'s nigh unthinkable! Even the best minds in Dalaran couldn\'t have conceived of a weapon like this. The sheer magnitude of the disturbance must\'ve torn a rift in the nether, giving these creatures access to our lands.','Did you find the remains of the weapon Kael\'thas used against the village?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5422insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5377,10344,'Wing Commander Gryphongar','Wing Commander Gryphongar runs this outfit of Wildhammers.  If this is your first time to Shatter Point, then you should report to him.$B$BYou\'ll find him inside what\'s left of that tower over yonder.','Speak with Wing Commander Gryphongar in Shatter Point.','You spoke with Runetog? A fine dwarf he is. Keeps his gryphons in good shape and battle ready.$B$BI\'m Gryphongar, commander here at Shatter Point. I know it\'s not pretty, but this hunk of rock is a vital staging point for sorties into Hellfire. You\'ll see gryphons flying out and in non-stop!$B$BAdvice? Here\'s some: keep your gear stowed, your stomach empty, and your eye on the horizon... if Shatter Point starts to teeter, then grab onto something that won\'t float away!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5423insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5378,10345,'The Flesh Lies...','You see these corpses, $r? Arconus is responsible for this slaughter. He\'s sucked them dry, leaving nothing more than a fleshy husk. But don\'t let the bodies fool you! Inside those corpses lie flesh beasts, waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting fool that gets too close.$B$BI\'ve got my orders. I must remain here until backup arrives. That doesn\'t mean that you can\'t take my igniter and destroy the withered corpses that litter the mines. One way or another, the mission must be completed.','Use the Protectorate Igniter on 12 Withered Corpses. Return the Protectorate Igniter to Agent Araxes outside of Access Shaft Zeon when the task is complete.\r\n','You saved my wrappings, $N. The Protectorate will know of what you\'ve done on this day, friend.','Any luck in finding Ya-six?','','Withered Corpses Burned','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5424insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5379,10346,'Return to the Abyssal Shelf','$n, you\'ve proven yourself as a capable gryphon rider, and we could use you on more sorties over the Abyssal Shelf.  What say you, $c?  Do you want some more flight time?','Gryphoneer Windbellow at Shatter Point in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you destroy 20 Gan\'arg Peons, 5 Mo\'arg Overseers and 5 Fel Cannons.','How\'d it go out there this time? You\'re in pretty good shape... maybe even good enough for another run!','There are still plenty of targets on the Abyssal Shelf, $N. Grab a gryphon when you\'re ready for another run.','','','','Fel Cannon Destroyed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5425insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5380,10347,'Return to the Abyssal Shelf','$n, are you ready for another sortie over the Abyssal Shelf?  I fear that, if we do not maintain pressure on the legion forces there and allow them to strengthen their hold, then we may suffer a large demon attack from the north.$B$BWhat say you, $c?  Do you want to take another windrider and hammer the Abyssal Shelf one more time?','Wing Commander Brack at Reaver\'s Fall in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you destroy 20 Gan\'arg Peons, 5 Mo\'arg Overseers and 5 Fel Cannons.','The other windrider pilots speak highly of you, $n.  You\'ve scored quite a lot of kills on the Abyssal Shelf.  Keep up the good works!','The Legion must not think they are safe high atop the Abyssal Shelf.  We must hit them repeatably!','','','','Fel Cannon Destroyed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5426insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5381,10348,'New Opportunities','I hear that a group of \'druids\' from Azeroth has taken quite an interest in the effects of our eco-dome technology.$B$BThe Cenarion Expedition\'s representatives are eager to get access to the plants growing within the domes, particularly one called the ivory bell, known for its healing properties. They\'re found in clumps of brush around larger plants in Eco-Dome Midrealm.$B$BI\'ll share the profits with you if you\'re willing to gather the herbs for my first delivery.','Gather 15 Ivory Bells and return to Mehrdad at Midrealm Post.','Interesting choice, isn\'t it? The healing properties had better be miraculous. I\'m charging a lot of money for a rather plain looking flower.','Have you managed to gather the herbs?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5427insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5382,10349,'The Earthbinder','You should take the crystal lump over to the earthbinder.  She\'s just like you... always needing to get to the bottom of a mystery and thinking all of the time.$B$BIf you ask me, she thinks a little too much.$B$BJust give it to her and I\'m sure that she\'ll get you into a heap of trouble figuring out what is going on up there on the ridge.','Take the Crimson Crystal Shard to Earthbinder Galandria Nightbreeze at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.','Oh, excellent!  I\'ve been waiting to get my hands on a piece of that thing, but Tola\'thion\'s been dragging his feet.$B$BHe\'s supposed to be out here helping me to investigate what\'s going on up on Fallen Sky Ridge.  Instead he\'s just been sending poor dupes like you - no offense - up there into the slaughter mill.$B$BIf you give me the crystal maybe I can find a link between it and the colossi.','Is that a piece from the giant crystal shard up on Fallen Sky Ridge?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5428insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5383,10350,'Behomat','While you have learned many hard lessons from me during our time together, it is time that I entrusted you to wiser hands.$b$bBehomat, who trained me when I was as green as grass, will be your new teacher. I have told him that you will be seeking him out, and he is expecting you.$b$bYou will find him at the center of the Warriors\' Terrace, at the highest point of the Traders Tier of the Exodar.','Speak with Behomat at the Traders Tier of the Exodar.','Ah, so you\'ve finally come. I am Behomat, and I will instruct you in the ways of the $C arts. Ruada told me of your trial against the ravager, and I am impressed. And I have a gift for you.$B$BWhat we have scavenged from the wreckage of the Exodar is little, and must be given to those most able. Please take a weapon suited to your fighting style and carry it with the knowledge you have earned it.$B$BAnd speaking of fighting styles, it\'s time you learned something new.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5429insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5384,10351,'Natural Remedies','It must be that the evil emanations from that giant crystal are summoning the mountain giants and driving them insane.$B$BIt\'s too big to move, and beyond our ability to destroy, but I know a way to quell its power.$B$BI\'ve summoned a circle at the northwest corner of the crystal on the ridge.  Take this seed to the circle and channel its powers to heal the land through the natural forces of rain, growth and insect repopulation.$B$BBeware, $N, I sense an external force at play here... this is not natural!','Use the Seed of Revitalization at the Earthbinder\'s Circle to heal the land around the crystal.  Then, return to Earthbinder Galandria Nightbreeze at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula with any information that you gain.','Goliathon?  Pathaleon the Calculator?$B$BKAEL\'THAS!?$B$BPrince Kael\'thas has a hand in this?$B$B<The earthbinder fumes.>$B$BIt is insanity what he has done!  Dropping giant crystals from the sky and decimating the land can only be the work of a madman!$B$BI can assure you, the Cenarion Expedition will counter any further attempts by their forces to do this ever again.$B$BWe owe you a great debt, $N.','Did it work?  What did you learn?  Did you find out who or what is behind what happened at Fallen Sky Ridge?','Fallen Sky Ridge Revitalized','Fallen Sky Ridge Revitalized','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5430insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5385,10352,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by Exodar for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Dugiru.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5431insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5386,10353,'Arconus the Insatiable','Araxes and I were deployed to Ultris 2 days ago. Our mission: Find and terminate the void lord Arconus. We tracked him to this mine and discovered that he\'d been feeding off the energies of the creatures in the area.$B$BA fire-fight broke out which resulted in Araxes and I separating. Now I\'m stuck here, badly injured. The mission is in shambles!$B$BIf you can take out Arconus, high command would be grateful. Should you accept this mission, I will assist by providing a reflection of myself as a guardian.','Agent Ya-six at Access Shaft Zeon in Netherstorm has asked you to slay Arconus the Insatiable and return to Commander Ameer at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm.','And Ya-six? Did he make it?$B$BLet\'s damn well hope so. I was unable to get reinforcements back to them... Ethereum have the entire area covered now.$B$BMy apologies, I nearly forgot about your reward.','Status, fleshling? What is your status?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5432insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5387,10354,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by Exodar for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Dugiru.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5433insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5388,10355,'Withered Flesh','We must determine how far the damage has spread. The basidium you brought me comes from a bog giant. Their larger, hardier cousins, the bog lords, should prove more resistant to the degeneration that\'s struck the giants.$B$BIt would be good to know how the changes in the Dead Mire have affected the other creatures out there, too.$B$BReturn to the Dead Mire and see if you can get samples from the bog lords and the hydra in the area.','Gather 5 Parched Hydra Samples and 5 Withered Bog Lord Samples and bring them to Ruam at Telredor.','It\'s exactly as I\'d feared, $N. The drying environment is taking a heavy toll on creatures never meant to live outside swampy environments. We\'ll have to continue to monitor the area and consult with the Cenarion Expedition to see if anything can be done.','Were you able to gather the samples?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5434insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5389,10356,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by Exodar, I assure you!$B','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Dugiru.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5435insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5390,10357,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Dugiru.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5436insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5391,10358,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the community.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Dugiru.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5437insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5392,10359,'A Donation of Wool','We are currently accepting donations for wool cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of wool cloth will net you full recognition by Silvermoon City for your generous actions. Our stores are such on wool that we would only need sixty pieces from you total; we should be able to acquire enough from others in the realm to support our drive.','Deliver 60 wool cloth to Sorim Lightsong.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5438insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5393,10360,'A Donation of Silk','We are currently accepting donations for silk cloth. A donation of sixty pieces of silk cloth will net you full recognition by Silvermoon City for your generous actions. As with most other fabrics, our stocks of silk are at an all-time low. Our stores are such that we\'d only need sixty pieces of silk from you total; we should be able to reach our goal with the support of others.','Deliver 60 silk cloth to Dugiru.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','A benevolent gift such as silk, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of silk cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5439insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5394,10361,'A Donation of Mageweave','Mageweave is running low, and we could use your help to replenish our stocks! By counting on the community as a whole, we would only need a donation of 60 pieces of mageweave cloth from you to enable us to reach our goal. Such generosity would not go unnoticed by Silvermoon City, I assure you!$B','Deliver 60 mageweave cloth to Sorim Lightsong.','Wonderful! We thank you for your generous donation, $N!','If you have the sixty pieces of mageweave cloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5440insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5395,10362,'A Donation of Runecloth','$N, you\'ve been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, I must impart news upon you the most severe of our deficiencies - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.$BIf you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We\'ll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we\'ll go from there.','Deliver 60 runecloth to Sorim Lightsong.','With all the donations you\'ve made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I\'ll personally make sure that your good deeds won\'t go unrecognized!','A benevolent gift such as runecloth, might I add, would certainly increase your local standing in the community! If you have the sixty pieces of runecloth on you and are ready to donate them, I\'m able to take them from you now.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5441insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5396,10363,'Additional Runecloth','Greetings once again, $N! Our need for runecloth is constant, and we can always use additional resources if you are willing to part with them. For an additional stack of twenty runecloth, I will make sure that you are recognized for your continuing efforts on behalf of the community.','Deliver 20 runecloth to Sorim Lightsong.','$N - without heroes like you working on behalf of the tribe, we\'d surely suffer. Thank you for your continued efforts!','Whenever you are ready to hand in the stack of runecloth, I\'ll accept it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5442insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5397,10364,'Caedmos','You have come far in a short time, $n. Faster than I had expected or hoped. It is time that you continued your training under the tutelage of Caedmos.$b$bI have sent word to him at the Exodar to expect you. You\'ll find him in the Anchorites\' Sanctum near the entrance of the Vault of Lights.','Speak with Caedmos in the Vault of Lights of the Exodar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5443insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5398,10365,'Shutting Down Manaforge Ara','You\'ve done much better than any of us anticipated.  Manaforge Ara is the last of Kael\'s working manaforges.  You\'ll find it northwest of here, though you\'re likely to have to do some circumnavigating to get to it.  We want you to shut it down.$B$BThe last access crystal is in the possession of Overseer Azarad.  This is Kael\'s very last source of energy as far as we know, so expect heavy opposition.  I\'d bring a couple of friends along if I were you.$B$BHmm... Azarad.  What an odd name for a sin\'dorei.','Travel to Manaforge Ara and obtain the Ara Access Crystal from Overseer Azarad.  Use it at the Manaforge Ara console to shut it down.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','The Burning Legion is in cahoots with Kael? Hah! Voren\'thal is going to have a field day with this information.$B$BDo you think the thousands of pilgrims that have come from Azeroth want to be allied with the Burning Legion? I think not!','Have you completed the task I asked of you, $N?','','','Manaforge Ara Shut Down','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5444insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5399,10366,'Jol','The path of the Light and purity is not an easy one to walk, $n. Even I, at times, struggle with following its course.$b$bYou should seek out my master, Jol, at the Exodar. She trained me when I was beginning my journey, and I believe she will find in you a new star pupil.$b$bYou will find Jol in the Vault of Lights of the Exodar at the Vindicators\' Sanctum, a room surrounded by a vibrant glow of light.','Speak with Jol in the Vindicators\' Sanctum of the Exodar.','$N, I have been expecting you.$B$BTullas has sung your praises and I am eager to continue your training on the path of Light. When you are ready to unlock greater understanding of your abilities and power, I will guide you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5445insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5400,10367,'A Traitor Among Us','Anywhere you see a tribe of enslaved Broken you will also find a traitor.  A despicable being who sold his brothers for promises of power.$B$BThere is a hut at the top of the stairs in the center of the ruins.  That\'s the turncoat\'s hut.$B$BHe\'s not there right now, so you will be able to sneak in if you\'re patient.  Inside you will find a coffer with a key inside of it.  That key unlocks the chains that keep the Dreghood elders prisoner.  Bring it to me.$B$BBeware, Arzeth the Merciless wanders nearby.','Naladu at the Ruins of Sha\'naar wants you to obtain the Sha\'naar Key from a nearby hut.','I thank you, $N. My people will soon be free thanks to you.','Did you obtain the key, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5446insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5401,10368,'The Dreghood Elders','The Dreghood spirit is broken because our elders are imprisoned.  Take this key and go downstairs to free them.$B$BThey are Morod the Windstirrer, Akoru the Firecaller and Aylaan the Waterwaker.  Once they are free, the spirits will return to the Dreghood tribe.','Free Morod the Windstirrer, Akoru the Firecaller and Aylaan the Waterwaker at the Ruins of Sha\'naar.  Return to Naladu after completing this task.','I can feel it, $N! The spirits are returning to us.','Tell me, $N. Have the Dreghood elders been released?','','Morod Freed','Akoru Freed','Aylaan Freed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5447insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5402,10369,'Arzeth\'s Demise','Yes, the elemental spirits have returned to us!  We are not as strong as we once were, but a little magic can go a long way in the right hands.$B$BArzeth has great powers bestowed upon him by his dark lord.  Take this staff.  It was once a great symbol of our tribe.  Use it against Arzeth and his powers will be temporarily removed from him.  Defeat him then, so that my people may finally be free!','Use the Staff of Dreghood Elders on Arzeth the Merciless and slay him after he\'s lost his powers.  Return to Naladu at the Ruins of Sha\'naar after completing this task.','It is true, $N. I was once Naladu the Keeper of Earth.$B$BIt was I who betrayed the other Dreghood elders in exchange for empty promises of power.  You can despise me now if you wish to.  What matters is that my tribe is free once again and that the spirits have returned to us.$B$BI will not be joining the rest of the tribe, but I can die in peace now.  May the spirit of earth find a new servant among my brothers.','Is it done, $N?  Is Arzeth dead?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5448insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5403,10370,'BETA Nazgrel\'s Command <TXT>','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5449insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5404,10371,'Yorus Barleybrew','A dwarven warrior known as Yorus Barleybrew has issued a challenge to all skilled Alliance warriors.$B$BHe waits at the Lakeshire Inn, in a place known as the Redridge Mountains in the Eastern Kingdoms.  The journey will be long, but it\'ll be worth it for you to test yourself, $N.','Speak with Yorus Barleybrew.','Hah! So you heard of my challenge, did you?$B$BWell sit down and listen. Have a drink, and savor it... because it might be your last.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5450insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5405,10372,'A Discreet Inquiry','Eralan, an associate of mine in Tranquillien, has made an inquiry about securing some help for an urgent job.$B$BNow, I don\'t know what she has in mind because I don\'t ask questions, but you\'ve proven yourself more than capable. I want you to travel to Tranquillien in the Ghostlands and have a word with Eralan.$B$BShe may be a bit gruff, but she\'s trustworthy.','Speak with Eralan in Tranquillien.','I was beginning to wonder if Zelanis received that letter.$B$BGood. Let\'s get to work.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5451insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5406,10373,'A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!','Hear ye, hear ye!  All heroes are called upon to heed these words!$B$BA call to arms has been issued by the Kingdom of Stormwind!  All able bodied individuals are entreated to take up arms against the dark threat of the Scourge in the northern lands of the Eastern Kingdoms!  Rumors fly of new threats rising from the ruins of the Plaguelands!$B$BHeroes of the realm - seek out Commander Ashlam Valorfist who has set up his base camp in Chillwind Camp, north of the Alterac Mountains!','Seek out Commander Ashlam Valorfist.  His base camp is located at Chillwind Camp, north of the Alterac Mountains.','Welcome to the Plaguelands, hero. This is one of the most dangerous frontiers in Azeroth, especially with the looming threat of the Scourge to our north and northeast. I am glad to hear that the clarion call of duty and service to the greater good did not fall on deaf ears with you!$B$BIf you are ready to get your hands dirty, then there is plenty for willing and able heroes to do here on the edge of the Plaguelands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5452insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5407,10374,'A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!','Heroes of the realm, hear me - the Horde calls upon you for swift action!$B$BA call to arms has been issued for all able bodied individuals to take up arms against the Scourge!  Rumors fly of new threats rising from the ruins of the Eastern Kingdoms.  They loom to the east of the Undercity, in the northern reaches of the lands now known as the Plaguelands!$B$BHeroes of the realm - seek out High Executor Derrington, who has set up his base camp at the Bulwark, east of Tirisfal Glade!','Seek out High Executor Derrington.  His base camp is located at the Bulwark, east of Tirisfal Glade and the Undercity.','Welcome to the Plaguelands, hero. This is one of the most dangerous frontiers in Azeroth, with the looming threat of the Scourge to our east, and then even further still eastward from there. I am glad to hear that the call of duty and service to the Horde did not fall on deaf ears with you!$B$BIf you are ready to get your hands dirty, then there is plenty for willing and able heroes to do here on the edge of the Plaguelands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5453insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5408,10375,'BETA Obsidian Warbeads','You\'ve proven yourself to our people, $N.  Now is time for you to show us that you\'re willing to stand by us, even in the face of the strongest enemy.$B$BThe ogres of Outland are ','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5454insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5409,10376,'Symbol of Hope','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5455insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5410,10377,'Nothing to Fear','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5456insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5411,10378,'Consume Magic','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5457insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5412,10379,'Touch of Weakness','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5458insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5413,10380,'A Dark Pact','We\'ve been so blind, $N, that the alliance of two of our most dangerous enemies went completely unnoticed.$B$BI wouldn\'t be surprised if the Scryers had something to do with hiding this information from us, but we must now face the reality.  The Burning Legion and Kael\'thas\' Sunfury army serve under the same banner.$B$BThese demons are the only reason Kael\'thas was ever able to utilize the technology in Tempest Keep.  Under Orelis\'s orders I must command you to destroy them.','Kaylaan at Tuluman\'s Landing in Netherstorm wants you to slay 6 Gan\'arg Warp-Tinkers, 3 Daughters of Destiny and 3 Mo\'arg Warp-Masters.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','It is done then. We come here, hunt them down and slay them at the bidding of our masters. No quarter is given or expected.$B$BMakes you wonder sometimes.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5459insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5414,10381,'Aldor No More','My mission here is finished.  I did what Orelis ordered me to - I\'ve never failed to.$B$BNo more.  I foresee a great carnage - a crusade, they\'ll call it - following the news of this alliance between Kael\'thas and the Burning Legion.$B$BFirst they give our holiest city away to our enemies and then they ask us to die fighting their enemies.  Go back to Orelis; tell him the naaru can fight their own fights from now on.','Report back to Exarch Orelis at Area 52.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','The bad news you bring fills my heart with sorrow. Two of our deadliest foes join forces and one of the dearest sons of Shattrath has lost his way.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5460insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5415,10382,'Go to the Front','Well, $N, I hope you\'re prepared for the next phase of our operation. The Legion never rests - and neither shall we! Take a gryphon and fly over to Honor Point - it\'s a small post near the Legion Front. $B$BSpeak with Field Marshal Brock. He\'ll have instructions for you when you arrive. Oh, and tell that pasty-faced shield-kisser I said \'hello\'.  \r\n','Take a gryphon to Honor Point and speak with Field Marshal Brock.','Well met, $C. I\'m glad that crusty old dwarf finally saw fit to send us some help!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5461insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5416,10383,'This is a Breadcrumb!','Hello.  You should find out about those wabbits.','Speak with Jonathan LeCraft about the wabbits.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5462insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5417,10384,'Ethereum Data','Look around you, fleshling. Very close to this transponder should be an Ethereum data cell. Locate that data cell, open it, and retrieve the contents.$B$BBring it back to this transponder at once!','The Image of Commander Ameer at the Ethereum Staging Grounds - Ethereum Transponder Zeta - wants you to recover the Ethereum Data Cell.','<You hold the data cell out so Ameer can read the plans.>$B$BNothing... Damn them! They\'re clever but not as clever as Ameer!$B$BWhat I\'m about to ask you to do is quite dangerous. I\'ll understand if you don\'t want to continue, fleshling.','Have you recovered the data cell?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5463insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5418,10385,'Potential for Brain Damage = High','They\'re using relays to transfer information around the staging grounds.$B$BThere is only one way for you to see these relays and extract the information they hold. Unfortunately, doing so may cause you irreparable brain damage.$B$BIf you\'re still interested, you\'ll need to slay Ethereum here at the staging grounds and take their essences. Once you have an essence, drink it down. It will temporarily allow you to see an Ethereum relay - giving you enough time to destroy a relay and extract its information.','The Image of Commander Ameer at the Ethereum Staging Grounds - Ethereum Transponder Zeta - wants you to recover 15 pieces of Ethereum Relay Data.','The Protectorate\'s reason for existence is now fully realized.$B$BThe Ethereum are not here to hunt Dimensius! They are here to become void!$B$BThey are manipulating the void energy at this manaforge to bond their own energy into a creature known as a nexus-stalker.$B$BThey are undoubtedly using a proto-accelerator to complete the transformation.','Have you recovered the relay data?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5464insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5419,10386,'BETA The Fel Reaver Slayer','Overlord Hun Maimfist is always looking for volunteers for his suicide attacks against the Burning Legion.  You definitely have the courage for one of his \"missions.\"  $B$BSpeak with him if you\'ve got the stomach for more carnage.  He is celebrating just over there by that fallen fel reaver.  He and his guards killed it just a few hours ago, we would all have died here but for his ferocity and skill in battle.','Speak with Overlord Hun Maimist.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5465insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5420,10387,'BETA The Fel Reaver Slayer','Overlord Hun Maimfist is always looking for volunteers for his suicide attacks against the Burning Legion.  You definitely have the courage for one of his \"missions.\"  $B$BSpeak with him if you\'ve got the stomach for more carnage.  He is celebrating just over there by that fallen fel reaver.  He and his guards killed it just a few hours ago, we would all have died here but for his ferocity and skill in battle.','Speak with Overlord Hun Maimist.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5466insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5421,10388,'Return to Thrallmar','Hope you enjoyed your flight, friend. A messenger arrived while you were away - seems Nazgrel\'s got a new use for you. You\'d best head back to Thrallmar and check in with him. I have a feeling the Legion\'s just getting warmed up. \r\n','Return to Thrallmar and speak with Nazgrel.\r\n','Ah, $N, you\'ve come just in time. Our scouts have discovered that the Legion positions on the ridge behind us are actually \'forge camps\'. It\'s there that the demons are constructing their infernal fel reavers. If we move against them quickly we can disrupt their production!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5467insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5422,10389,'The Agony and the Darkness','Greetings, $N. I\'ve deciphered the Legion missive and uncovered the demons\' strategic plans for this Peninsula. Apparently, there is a large group of hellish terrorfiends gathering near the Pools of Aggonar in the west. We cannot allow such a force to go unchallenged. You must go there and decimate their cursed numbers. ','Magister Bloodhawk wants you to kill 10 terrorfiends in the Pools of Aggonar.','Bravo, $N. I knew you would be victorious! The Legion\'s defeat draws ever nearer!','Well, $C - have the terrorfiends been defeated?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5468insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5423,10390,'Forge Camp: Mageddon','$N, we have reason to believe that the easternmost forge camp is not yet complete. The Legion\'s gan\'arg servants are working \'round the clock to get the facility up and running. We can\'t allow that to happen. $B$BHead east to Forge Camp: Mageddon and slay 10 gan\'arg. Bring me the head of their master - Razorsaw - and the Legion\'s fel reaver production will grind to a halt!   \r\n\r\n','Nazgrel in Thrallmar wants you to attack Forge Camp: Mageddon and kill 10 gan\'arg servants and return with the head of Razorsaw.','Well done, $C, That\'s one less forge camp we\'ll need to worry about. It\'ll take the Legion a while to get that facility back up and running. You\'ve just bought us the one thing we\'d run out of ','Move quickly, $C, we\'ve got to shut down Forge Camp: Mageddon before the demons finish its construction! ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5469insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5424,10391,'Cannons of Rage','There is a second production facility, Forge Camp: Rage, that lies to the immediate northeast of Thrallmar. The demons have positioned a number of their fel cannons along the ridge - and they\'re aimed straight at us! You must enter the camp and destroy these fel cannons. $B$B$N, you must be sure to detonate them all - or nothing will stop the Legion from raining fiery hell down upon our heads!  \r\n','Destroy 3 Fel Cannon MKIs in Forge Camp: Rage and return to Nazgrel in Thrallmar.','I knew you had spirit. $N, but you\'ve outdone yourself this time! We heard those wretched cannons exploding from here! That should teach the Legion not to underestimate the Sons of Durotar!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5470insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5425,10392,'Doorway to the Abyss','You are an honor to us, $N. But now we must strike before the Legion recovers! To the north of Thrallmar lies Invasion Point: Annihilator. It houses a warp-portal through which the Legion draws its reinforcements. $B$BYou must overload that portal - and blast it back to the abyss it came from. The portal\'s activation key will be held by the Point\'s commander - Warbringer Arix\'Amal. Slay him. Take the key. Use it on the portal and do what must be done. May the warchief\'s blessings be with you.   ','Slay Arix\'Amal to get the Burning Legion Gate Key.  Use the Burning Legion Gate Key on the Rune of Spite, then return to Nazgrel in Thrallmar.','Praise the ancients, you\'ve done it, $N! The Legion has suffered a terrible defeat - and Thrallmar is safe once again. Ah, if I had but a hundred warriors with your heart and cunning, this broken land would be tamed already! I salute you. $B$B<Nazgrel salutes you crisply>','Hurry, $N. Every second that warp-portal stands open, another foul demon is brought into this world!','','','Close Burning Legion Gate','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5471insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5426,10393,'Vile Plans','The text on the note is written in some dark, indecipherable scrawl. The more you stare at them, the more the symbols seem to twist and burn before your eyes. There is only one in Thrallmar that can transcribe such vile script - the blood elf Magister Bloodhawk. \r\n\r\n','Take the Burning Legion Missive to Magister Bloodhawk in Thrallmar. ','You were right to bring this to my attention. This could be a production order for additional fel reavers - or new attack plans! This will take some time to decipher. Leave me. I will summon you when I know more. $B$B<Magister Bloodhawk nods to you as you turn to leave> $B$BYou are a sharp one, $N. I shall be watching your progress with interest. ','I have little time to waste, $C. What is this you pester me with? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5472insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5427,10394,'Disruption - Forge Camp: Mageddon','Pay close attention, $N. We\'ve been surveying the Legion camps that lie along the ridge ahead. We have reason to believe that these so-called \'Forge Camps\' are where the demons are constructing those blasted Fel Reavers. $B$BYou can see the closest target, Forge Camp: Mageddon, to the west. Our intelligence suggests that it\'s still under construction. If you can slay the Gan\'arg Servants and their master - Razorsaw - we can bring the Legion\'s Fel Reaver production to a grinding halt!   \r\n\r\n','Kill 10 Gan\'arg Servants and Razorsaw at Forge Camp Mageddon and return to Forward Commander Brock at Honor Point.','Well, I must say, I am impressed, $N. I didn\'t think you had the mettle for this mission. Well done. Well done, indeed.','Don\'t tell me your getting cold feet, $C? If they finish construction on that Forge Camp, you\'ll have more to worry about than just those Fel Reavers! Get to it!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5473insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5428,10395,'The Dark Missive ','The text on the note is written in some dark, indecipherable scrawl. The more you stare at them, the more the symbols seem to twist and burn before your eyes. There is only one at Honor Hold who can decipher such archaic script - the draenei mystic, Kryv. $B$BTake the Burning Legion Missive to Warp-Scryer Kryv who resides within the War-Room at Honor Hold.\r\n','Take the Missive to Warp-Scryer Kryv in the main keep of Honor Hold.','It is fortuitous that you intercepted this missive when you did, $N. Though it will take me some time to decipher, I can already sense the hatred and urgency woven into this scroll. I fear the Legion\'s true motives in this land will soon be made evident...$B$BGive me a moment to decipher this script.$B$B<Warp-Scryer Kryv begins to read the demonic missive>','What is it, $C? I sense you\'ve found something that speaks of a coming doom!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5474insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5429,10396,'Enemy of my Enemy...','Now we focus on the second target - Forge Camp: Rage. It lies just west of Mageddon. Trouble is, the demons have a number of fel cannons aimed straight at the Horde\'s outpost of Thrallmar! Though I can scarcely believe it, we actually need the Horde to help us hold the line at the Dark Portal. We can\'t afford to let Thrallmar fall.  You\'ve got to destroy these cannons before the Legion pulverizes our allies! ','Destroy 3 Fel Cannon MKIs in Forge Camp: Rage and return to Field Marshal Brock at Honor Point.','I have to hand it to you, $N, you\'re a fighter born! Those Horde yokels may never know how close they came to the end. It takes real character to step in harm\'s way on behalf of your enemies. That\'s the kind of honor and commitment that holds the Alliance together!$B$B<Field Marshal Brock salutes you crisply>','The Legion could start shelling the Horde at any time, $N! You need to destroy those blasted cannons!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5475insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5430,10397,'Invasion Point: Annihilator','Well, we\'ve located the Legion\'s final base on the ridge - Invasion Point: Annihilator. It lies northwest of Forge Camp: Rage - and it houses a warp-portal through which the Legion has been drawing its reinforcements! $B$BYou\'ve got to close that portal to prevent any more demons from coming through. The Point\'s overlord, Warbringer Arix\'Amal, holds the portal\'s activation key. Take it from him and shut that blasted gateway down!  \r\n','Slay Arix\'Amal.  Take the Burning Legion Gate Key.  Use the Burning Legion Gate Key on the Rune of Spite.','Great job! That should drastically cut down on the number of demons trying to creep up our backsides. I can\'t thank you enough for your help out here, $N.','You close down that war-portal yet, $N? While you\'re here shuffling your feet, there are more demons entering Outland!','','','Close Burning Legion Gate','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5476insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5431,10398,'BETA Return to Honor Hold','PH: Go to Honor Hold.','PH:  Go to Honor Hold.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5477insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5432,10399,'The Heart of Darkness','It is just as I feared. Arix\'Amal - the demon you killed earlier, was working for a secret Legionlord - Arazzius the Cruel. It appears this new villain has amassed a force of hellish terrorfiends near the Pools of Aggonar. $B$BYou must journey there and slay the terrorfiends before they strike against us. But be wary, friend - the Pools of Aggonar lie within a tortured, poisonous valley. You can find the cursed pools to the northwest of here, beyond Hellfire Citadel. $B$BLight be with you, $N.  \r\n','Kill 10 Terrorfiends in the Pools of Aggonar and return to Warp-Scryer Kryv in the main keep of Honor Hold.','I foresaw this great victory, $N. The blessed naaru smile upon you this day. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5478insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5433,10400,'Overlord','The honorable Warp-Scryer has told me of your perils, $N - and of the new foe you\'ve discovered. If Kryv is to be believed, this \'Arazzius the Cruel\' is as powerful and evil as any foe the Sons of Lothar have ever faced. $B$BWill you stand for us now, $N? Will you face this Legionlord and deliver the Light\'s justice upon him? If so, you will find him at the Pools of Aggonar. If not, his evil will most certainly find you. \r\n','Slay Arazzius the Cruel in the Pools of Aggonar and return to Force Commander Danath Trollbane in the keep of Honor Hold.\r\n','Light be praised, I knew you\'d do it! Arazzius and his minions are no more! Soon, we\'ll have the Legion running for home and this battered world will be safe once more. Then, when justice has been met, we can return home as well.$B$BThanks you, $N - the Alliance and the Sons of Lothar honor you this day!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5479insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5434,10401,'BETA Mission: End All, Be All','Do you know what would have happened if you had not intercepted this missive, $N?$B$B<Nazgrel nods.>$B$BThe entirety of the Legion army in Hellfire would have been knocking on our door. There is no way that we could have survived such an assault.$B$BThere is only one way to make sure that these orders never reach the Legion Front. You must travel to the Pools of Aggonar, west of here, and slay this Arazzius creature.$B$BDo this and I will see to it that the Warchief grants you a commendation.','Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you slay Arazzius the Cruel.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5480insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5435,10403,'Naladu','Perhaps not all hope is lost for the Dreghood.  I am one of four elders that guided this tribe before we were enslaved by the Illidari.  I thought the others were dead, but I\'ve slowly learned that at least two others are alive - chained down and powerless just as I am.$B$BI\'ve not yet been able to find Naladu and fear for the worst.  There are more huts in the ruins upstairs; perhaps you could look for him.  It would be a great boon for our tribe if all our elders were alive.','Seek out Naladu inside the Ruins of Sha\'naar.','You\'ve come to help my tribe, $R? How unusual. There aren\'t many that care about the fate of the Broken in this land.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5481insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5436,10404,'BETA Against the Legion','We\'ve established that the Burning Legion has been providing Kael\'thas with technological assistance, magnifying his threat many times over.$B$BBased on the Legion\'s numbers in the region, the largest impact we can make on our enemy\'s alliance is through a head-on attack on the forge bases to the north.$B$BGo to Forge Base: Oblivion and Forge Base: Gehenna and destroy our enemies.  May the Light guide your blade, $N.','Exarch Orelis at Area 52 wants you to go to Forge Base: Oblivion and Forge Base: Gehenna and slay 12 Gan\'arg Forgehands, 6 Mo\'arg Forgelords and 6 Wrathbringers.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','You\'ve dealt a mighty blow to the enemies of the Light, $N. You have my thanks as well as that of the Aldor.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5482insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5437,10405,'S-A-B-O-T-A-G-E','We must destroy the machinery that is making these nexus-stalker aberrations possible. To strike at their proto-accelerator would be futile as it is an ethereal creation. We must instead destroy the manaforge energy tube that they are using as a conduit.$B$BI have all that I need to create a device to overload the conduit save for one item. I need a wrapping from an archon or overlord that might be transforming soon in order to calibrate the device.','The Image of Commander Ameer at the Ethereum Staging Grounds - Ethereum Transponder Zeta - wants you to recover 1 Prepared Ethereum Wrapping.','Excellent! Now to calibrate the device.','Have you recovered the wrapping?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5483insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5438,10406,'Delivering the Message','I\'m sending one of my demolitionists out to place the disruption device. Just make sure no harm comes to him as he\'s placing the disruptor.$B$BKeep him protected! He will not fight back if enemies attack him as he is only a holographic image but the image can be destroyed!$B$BReturn to me once the job is done.\r\n','The Image of Commander Ameer at the Ethereum Staging Grounds - Ethereum Transponder Zeta - wants you to escort the Protectorate Demolitionist to the Manaforge Ultris conduit and keep him protected while he works to sabotage the pipeline.','Thanks to you, their plans are in ruin! Now only one thing remains... Salhadaar.','He must succeed!','Ethereum Conduit Sabotaged','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5484insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5439,10407,'Socrethar\'s Shadow','The infamous eredar, Socrethar, leads the Burning Legion in Netherstorm.  Mentioning his name is enough to make most draenei shudder.  He gives orders from an island in the northwest that only his most trusted lieutenants can access.$B$BTo get there you will need to obtain a teleportation stone, which won\'t be an easy task.  The first half of the stone is in the possession of Forgemaster Morug at Forge Base: Oblivion.  The second half is held by Silroth at Forge Base: Gehenna.','Anchorite Karja at Area 52 wants you to obtain the First Half of Socrethar\'s Stone from Forgemaster Morug at Forge Base: Oblivion and the Second Half of Socrethar\'s Stone from Silroth at Forge Base: Gehenna.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','Your dedication to our cause is exemplary, $N. With Socrethar\'s teleportation stone in our possession only one thing remains to be done.','Have you obtained Socrethar\'s teleportation stone, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5485insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5440,10408,'Nexus-King Salhadaar','I have in my possession another disruptor, one capable of destroying the three conduits that surround Salhadaar. Once the conduits are destroyed, Salhadaar\'s protective force fields will be down. For this act, he will strike at you with a ferocity you have never before witnessed, $N.$B$BIf you are willing to rid the world of Salhadaar, I will give you the disruptor.','The Image of Commander Ameer at the Ethereum Staging Grounds - Ethereum Transponder Zeta - wants you to use the Protectorate Disruptor to bring down Salhadaar\'s force fields and then destroy Nexus-King Salhadaar.','It has been a thousand years, maybe more, since Salhadaar began his crusade to exterminate all that would stand in his way. I can hardly believe that this is the last we\'ll see of him... You have done all of us a great service, $N, and for that you will be rewarded.','Is... Is he really dead? Destroyed?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5486insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5441,10409,'Deathblow to the Legion','When facing eredar of great power, large armies are useless for the most part.  Their corruptive powers over mortal souls are such that only the strongest-willed can even stand face to face with them.$B$BTake this stone to the Invasion Point: Overlord, between Forge Base: Oblivion and Gehenna and bring your closest, strongest friends with you.  Orelis and Karja will meet you at Socrethar\'s Seat; I will send Adyen along with them.$B$BMay the Light prevail today, $N.  May Socrethar meet his end.','High Priestess Ishanah wants you to go to the Legion Teleporter at the northwestern corner of Netherstorm and use it to teleport to Socrethar\'s Seat.  Once there, defeat Socrethar.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','It is done, $N. Socrethar has been destroyed.$B$BI and the others will recover from our wounds, $N. The wrath of Socrethar\'s magic was far too much for young Kaylaan, however. Not even my strongest prayer could raise him.$B$BIt is an unbearable pity that one so young would fall in battle. However, in the end his will was strong enough to recover from the Legion\'s corruption and we may find solace in that.','Light be with you, $C.','Deathblow to the Legion','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5487insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5442,10410,'Ishanah\'s Help','The time has come to face Socrethar, $N.  Confronting an eredar leader isn\'t something that\'s taken lightly among us.  A single mistake is likely to cost us our lives if we\'re ill-prepared.$B$BTake Socrethar\'s teleportation stone to High Priestess Ishanah at the Shrine of Unending Light in Shattrath City.  She will determine how we need to handle the situation.','Take Socrethar\'s Teleportation Stone to High Priestess Ishanah at the Shrine of Unending Light on the Aldor Rise in Shattrath City.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','Socrethar... I remember that name.  He was once a renowned warrior of the Light and pride was his only flaw.','What troubles you, child?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5488insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5443,10411,'Electro-Shock Goodness!','Around the ruined manaforge you will find the run-off of Dimensius\'s handy work. Seeping sludge occupies the pools that surround Ultris. Directly below those pools, where the Ethereum Staging Grounds now stand, you will find even more run-off in the form of void waste.$B$BThe best method of disposal is to use electro-shock to break slimes down to globules. Use this elixir to augment your attacks with electricity. The resultant discharge will break the slimes up into their raw form. Destroy the globules!','Researcher Navuud at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm has asked that you destroy 30 Void Waste Globules and 30 Seeping Sludge Globules.\r\n','I hope it\'s not too late. Did you notice any abnormally large slimes at or near the area where the void wastes drain into?','Both the sludge and waste are extremely toxic. They will form into a congealed void horror if left unchecked!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5489insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5444,10412,'Firewing Signets','It is no secret that Kael\'thas Sunstrider perceives us as a great threat.  Let\'s face it - not many sin\'dorei, fresh from Silvermoon, are willing to join the sort of company that Kael keeps.$B$BIt\'s also no secret that this is not just a war of words.  Scryers and the armies that serve Kael\'thas attack each other on sight.  The only way to prove you\'re with us, $N, is to do your share of fighting.$B$BKael\'s lower ranking followers wear Firewing signets to indicate their rank.  Bring them to me.','Magistrix Fyalenn in Shattrath City wants you to bring her 10 Firewing Signets.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Well done, $N. You might prove to be a useful ally after all.','Go on, $N.  Speak.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5490insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5445,10413,'The Horrors of Pollution','You carefully fill a vial with the fallen void horror\'s ooze.$B$BResearcher Navuud at the Protectorate Watch Post would be quite interested in such a find! Take it to him at once!','Take the Vial of Void Horror Ooze to Researcher Navuud at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm.','WHAT!? You faced off against a void horror? And lived?! Incredible!$B$BThis sample is worth its weight in gold. A find like this deserves a reward.','Hrm, you look a bit dirty... What have you gotten yourself into?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5491insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5446,10414,'Single Firewing Signet','Even the smallest contribution to our cause is noted, $N.  Our enemies are many, but we shall prevail!','','Yes... Kael\'s numbers continue to dwindle as our numbers continue to grow.','Even the smallest contribution to our cause is noted, $N. Our enemies are many, but we shall prevail!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5492insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5447,10415,'More Firewing Signets','What have you done for us lately, $N?  The war against Kael\'thas is not going to fight itself, you know?','','Excellent!  All who oppose us will be crushed!','What have you done for us lately, $N?  The war against Kael\'thas is not going to fight itself, you know?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5493insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5448,10416,'Synthesis of Power','Arcane tomes are not ordinary books that happen to deal with arcane matters.  There is intrinsic power in them - a power I\'ve learned to synthesize into a single arcane rune.$B$BShould you find an arcane tome in your travels I will give you one such rune.  Only the most powerful wielders of magic carry the books I need.  In Outland this usually means Kael\'s blood elves - but you\'d be surprised by where such tomes often turn up.','Voren\'thal the Seer in Shattrath City wants you to obtain an Arcane Tome.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','As promised, $N. The entirety of the book\'s raw power, condensed into a single rune.','Have you obtained an arcane tome yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5494insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5449,10417,'Run a Diagnostic!','Wherever the Consortium establishes a presence, we bring our eco-dome technology. The fields allow us to work in a controlled and life-sustaining atmosphere since we often find ourselves in hostile environments.$B$BNetherstorm\'s volatile conditions and creatures have begun to destroy the equipment that sustains our domes, especially the generator east of here. I\'ve started a diagnostic there in hopes of understanding what can be done to combat the damage. Would you collect the results and bring them to me?','Retrieve the Diagnostic Results and return them to Mehrdad at Midrealm Post.','This is worrisome. The damage is much more severe than I believed. I can send to the Stormspire for some tools to begin repairs, but that\'s useless unless we\'ve isolated what\'s damaging the equipment in the first place.','Did you get the diagnostic results?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5495insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5450,10418,'Deal With the Saboteurs','In searching the area for clues about the damage to our equipment, I\'ve seen pieces of the shield generators at the bottom of the small lake to the north. I\'m not sure why the crocolisks have taken an interest in the equipment, but we have to put a stop to this problem.$B$BThe Consortium is quite clear on this matter. If it comes down to a choice between the equipment and crocolisks, the animals will have to go. I\'ll make it worth your while to deal with them.','Mehrdad at Midrealm Post wants you to kill 8 Barbscale Crocolisks.','The area\'s looking clearer already. The domes are quite useful, but the major drawback is the rampant growth they encourage in some places, accelerating the growth and proliferation of native species.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5496insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5451,10419,'Arcane Tomes','Have you obtained any more arcane tomes, $N?','','The power contained in this tome is tremendous. Yet it is easily condensed into a single rune by one with a clear mind.','Have you obtained any more arcane tomes. $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5497insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5452,10420,'A Cleansing Light','This temple is one of the holiest places in all of Outland.  The power of the Light here is so strong, that even items with the strongest fel taint can be cleansed of a worldly item.$B$BShould you run into any fel armaments in your confrontations with demonic enemies, bring them to me and I will demonstrate the cleansing power of the Light.','Bring a Fel Armament to Ishanah in Shattrath City.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','Watch as foul materials disintegrate. Watch as metal turns to dust.$B$BThe Light cleanses all and only the purest residue remains.','Have you obtained any fel armaments yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5498insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5453,10421,'Fel Armaments','','','The fel materials are removed from this world.  Only the Light\'s residue remains.','Have you run into any fel armaments lately?  Let the Light do its work, $N.  Do not allow these foul objects to remain in this world.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5499insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5454,10422,'Captain Tyralius','Captain Tyralius took a platoon of soldiers south towards the Ethereum Staging Grounds 10 days ago. We haven\'t heard from him or his crew since.$B$BChances are good that they were ambushed and killed but I\'m getting a curious reading from my instruments.$B$BI think it\'s a distress signal but these things have been wrong before. If Tyralius is still alive, they\'re keeping him in one of their prisons. You\'ll have to locate the prison and open it with a key, probably found on the warden.','Flesh Handler Viridius at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm has asked that you find and free Captain Tyralius.\r\n','Thank you, $N. Tyralius suffered massive injuries but we think he\'s going to make it.$B$BHe mentioned fields of prisons, much like the one you rescued him from. Prisons full of creatures from all across the universe!$B$BWe\'ll be in touch should a need arise to crack those open. The Consortium has already expressed some interest in sending some teams out and is working on some technology to break through the Ethereum\'s locks.','','','Captain Tyralius Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5500insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5455,10423,'To the Stormspire','Master Engineer Ghabar will want to know about the results of the diagnostics. If anything, they caution us to keep a close eye on the workings of our dome generators. As the fields become more and more unstable, their effects will become harder to control. It could spell disaster for our expedition and anything else housed within the domes.$B$BYou\'ll find Ghabar at the Stormspire. Just follow the road north from this eco-dome and across the bridge. It\'ll lead you to the elevator at the base of the spire.','Speak with Ghabar at the Stormspire.','<You introduce yourself and report the results of Mehrdad\'s diagnostics at EcoDome Midrealm.>$B$BMehrdad is little more than a technician, but he possesses a keen eye for detail. If his observations are correct, then we\'ll need to take diagnostics at the rest of our dome generators as soon as possible.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5501insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5456,10424,'Diagnosis: Critical','If Mehrdad\'s results are correct -- and I have no reason to believe they\'re faulty -- then the rest of the domes could be in trouble.$B$BI do think Mehrdad has failed to identify the underlying cause of the failures. From time to time, creatures damage the generators, but never this severely.$B$BTo be on the safe side, I\'d like for you to run a set of diagnostics at the Stormspire\'s main dome generator, located in Eco-Dome Sutheron at the very eastern edge of the dome.','Use the Diagnostic Device while standing near the Eco-Dome Sutheron Generator and bring the Diagnostic Results back to Ghabar at the Stormspire.','These results match Mehrdad\'s exactly, but why? The only possible explanation I can think of is that some of the dome generation equipment has failed or gone missing. That would cause the domes to weaken significantly and fall out of balance as the diagnostics indicate.','Did you get those diagnostics?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5502insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5457,10425,'Escape from the Staging Grounds','Thank K\'aresh! He would have torn me apart!$B$BI\'m a Protectorate soldier, fleshling. My platoon was sent on a recon mission about 10 days ago. As we were moving across the upper ledges of this island, a group of Ethereum jumped us. At least I think it was Ethereum. They had the same energy color but their wrappings looked void.$B$BOnly Tyralius was spared. I think they put him in a prison cell.$B$BI\'ve got to get back to the Protectorate Watch Post! Can you escort me back?\r\n','Escort the Captured Protectorate Vanguard back to Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm.','<Commander Ameer appears pleased.>$B$BWell done, fleshling! This soldier might be the key to taking down the Ethereum\'s entire operation.','Yes?','Captured Protectorate Vanguard Escorted','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5503insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5458,10426,'Flora of the Eco-Domes','Just look around you, $c! Isn\'t it amazing? Of course, this incredible resurgence of life is a byproduct of the ethereal domes, but imagine what it could do in the hands of the expedition.$B$BI\'m preparing to negotiate with the ethereals for access to their technology, but I\'d like to get a better idea of its effects on plant-based life.$B$BI\'ve built a device to concentrate the dome\'s energies on the lashers in this area. Would you be so kind as to test it for me and share the results?','Use the Energy Field Modulator on Farahlon Lashers. Observe the results and report back to Aurine Moonblaze at the Stormspire when you have conducted 10 tests.','Oh my! Focusing the dome\'s energy seems to continue accelerating growth to the point where it breeds extreme aggression. If we do get the ability to use this technology, we have to be sure to calibrate it correctly.','Did you try focusing the dome\'s energy?','','Test Energy Modulator','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5504insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5459,10427,'Creatures of the Eco-Domes','Your work with the lashers turned up some astounding information, but I wonder if it holds true for animals as well.$B$BGathering information on the talbuks that live underneath this dome is going to be trickier than studying the lashers, I\'m afraid.$B$BUsing this tagging device, you can put a weakened talbuk to sleep and apply a tag that I\'ll use to track the animal as it matures. The tagging mechanism won\'t work unless the talbuk has expended most of its energy.','Tag 12 Talbuks for Aurine Moonblaze at the Stormspire. You may tag either Talbuk Sires or Talbuk Does using the Talbuk Tagger.','Excellent work. I\'ll keep a close eye on the ones you tagged and see if they mature as quickly as the other lifeforms in the dome.$B$BWith the proper control, we could use this technology to regrow the ruined areas of Outland and Azeroth.','Were you able to tag enough of the talbuk?','','','Talbuk Tagged','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5505insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5460,10428,'The Missing Fisherman','In the fevered dreams of our injured guest, she spoke of a fisherman, Cowlen, who was in some distress at Silvermyst Isle, to the southwest, off the coast of Azuremyst.$b$bWith all that has been happening, no one has had the opportunity to look into it, but I do feel a bit of worry. Perhaps there\'s something you can do, $n?','Find Cowlen at the southeast docks of Silvermyst Isle off the coast of Azuremyst.','My family... What have I done... What could I have done?$B$BWhy must I be punished so?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5506insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5461,10429,'When Nature Goes Too Far','The dome technology possesses such power! Certainly, there are bounds beyond which we dare not go, $N.$B$BCreatures allowed to grow too large or too fast could be just as bad as a barren landscape.$B$BI have heard rumors of just such a creature in the pool to the east. I\'ve heard the ethereal merchants conspiring to catch the overgrown hydra for sport, but I have another purpose in mind for the giant. Bring me the creature\'s heart so I may study it.','Aurine Moonblaze at the Stormspire wants you to bring her a Hulking Hydra Heart.','Even for a creature of that size, this heart is far too large. It struggled to keep up with the creature\'s gigantic body. I have little doubt it would\'ve died before reaching half its normal lifespan.$B$BEven with such risks, I\'m determined to convince the Consortium to share their technology. There\'s too much promise here to give up now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5507insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5462,10430,'Testing the Prototype','I\'ve been working on a portable generator repair kit for use in some of the harsher climates that the Consortium operates in. Granted, it wasn\'t designed for Netherstorm, but we shouldn\'t have any problems with it.$B$BI had already scheduled a test with one of my best techs up at Eco-Dome Farfield beyond the Netherstone to the northeast. Take this prototype to Tashar. He\'ll know what to do with it. If it works, we can use it to reinforce the shield generators at the larger domes.','Bring the Repair Apparatus to Tashar at Eco-Dome Farfield.','This looks a little peculiar. Ghabar definitely didn\'t have Netherstorm in mind when he designed it.$B$BDon\'t look so surprised, $N. Netherstorm is tame compared to some of the environments I\'ve worked in. Nevertheless, a failing dome is always a concern.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5508insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5463,10431,'Outside Assistance','The Sunfury briefings support the theory that Kael\'thas has been receiving outside help in constructing and running these manaforges.  Who this is remains a bit of a mystery, though we\'re likely to find out in Manaforge Ara.$B$BI\'ve sent a group of my men to scout the surrounding area.  Go to Tuluman\'s Landing, north of here, and speak to Kaylaan.  See what he\'s discovered at Manaforge Ara.  Find out who is assisting the Sunfury army and take care of them. ','Go to Tuluman\'s Landing, north of Area 52, and speak to Kaylaan.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','You\'re all the help Orelis is sending? He must think very highly of you.$B$BLet\'s get this over with.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5509insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5464,10432,'Damning Evidence','As you may have noticed, there are servants of the Burning Legion all over Manaforge Ara.  Kael\'thas has entered an alliance with the Burning Legion.  He must\'ve caught wind of Illidan\'s descent into insanity and switched paymasters accordingly.$B$BIf the Scryers get definite proof of this, it will give them a considerable political advantage.  I know for a fact that the Legion forces at this manaforge have orders that bear Kael\'s seal.$B$BGet these orders and bring them to Thalodien.','Obtain 8 Orders from Kael\'thas from demons at Manaforge Ara and bring them to Spymaster Thalodien in Area 52.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','This is big, $N. Very big!$B$BVoren\'thal is going to want to hear about this as soon as possible.','Well?  What did Theledorn have to say?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5510insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5465,10433,'Keeping Up Appearances','The ethereals are clever and very observant, so it\'s no accident that I\'m here posing as a simple furrier. In fact, I\'ve been sent from Area 52 to appraise the technology the ethereals use to generate their eco-domes.$B$BI\'d like to enlist your help, $c. We\'ve been asked to use non-goblin agents whenever possible.$B$BWhat I want you to do is bring me a number of ripfang lynx pelts in the guise of a hunter. You can find the lynxes all over Eco-Dome Midrealm.','Bring 10 Ripfang Lynx Pelts to Shauly Pore at Midrealm Post.','These are magnificent, utterly magnificent! I\'ll pay you top coin for these! How much to retain your services?','Have any pelts to sell me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5511insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5466,10434,'The Dynamic Duo','Excellent job.$B$B<Shauly winks at you.>$B$BI think they\'re buying it. Now, when I send you up to speak with my associates at the Stormspire, there won\'t be any suspicion at all.$B$BYou\'ll want to look for Action Jaxon and Audi the Needle up there. They\'ll tell you everything you need to know. Tell \'em Shauly sent you.','Speak with Audi the Needle at the Stormspire.','<You introduce yourself and tell Audi that Shauly sent you.>$B$BAh, yes, we\'ve been expecting someone to help us, err move some, uh, merchandise.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5512insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5467,10435,'Retrieving the Goods','<Audi looks around and then lowers her voice.>$B$BI\'m sure Shauly told you a bit about our work here. When Jaxon and I are out in the field \'hunting,\' we\'ve been collecting pieces of the ethereal eco-dome generators and hiding them in the nests of our prey, the raptors in Eco-Dome Farfield.$B$BIt\'s a remote area to the northeast of the Stormspire, close to the Netherstone. I don\'t anticipate you\'ll run into many ethereals there, but would you be willing to help us collect the dome generator pieces?','Audi the Needle at the Stormspire wants you to bring her 10 Dome Generator Segments.','Excellent work! The most difficult part of the project is done. Now, all we need is a way to get these back to Area 52 and attract the interest of the Cenarion Expedition as well. There should be enough here for our own needs and to earn a little profit on the side.','Did you collect everything?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5513insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5468,10436,'All Clear!','Before we can begin the test, we have to make certain the area is clear of anything that might interfere. In our case, that means these overgrown lizards.$B$B<Tashar gestures toward the scythetooth raptors.>$B$BThere\'s no telling what might happen if one those decides to take a nice bite out of the generator while it\'s charging. I\'ve seen a lot of strange things in all my years as a technician, including more than a few abominations that had their beginnings as humble animals.','Tashar, stationed at Eco-Dome Farfield, wants you to kill 12 Scythetooth Raptors.','Well done. It looks like everything is in order. We\'re ready to begin.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5514insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5469,10437,'Recipe for Destruction','Atop Manaforge Ultris lies the tear in the nether that the void lord, Dimensius, came through. That tear provides Dimensius with a link to the void, rendering him immune to physical harm. If we can get a lock on the conduit that Dimensius is using to keep himself phased out of this plane of existence, we can destroy it and then destroy Dimensius.$B$BTo do this, we\'re going to first need you to collect fragments of Dimensius from the void creatures that he sends out to do his dirty work.','Professor Dabiri at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm wants you to recover 8 Fragments of Dimensius.','Excellent. With these fragments, we can calibrate a bomb that will destroy the void conduit atop Ultris. With the void conduit destroyed, Dimensius\'s connection with the void will be severed and he will be left defenseless!','Have you collected enough fragments?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5515insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5470,10438,'On Nethery Wings','Here it is, $N. Take this phase disruptor and mount up! The Protecotrate nether drake will fly you close enough to Ultris so that you can drop the disruptor on top of the void conduit.$B$BDrop as many disruptor charges as possible to ensure complete annihilation!$B$BWhen you are ready, speak with the nether drake and he\'ll take you up.$B$BIf you miss the mark you will have to get more bombs from me before you can go up again.','Professor Dabiri at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm wants you to use your Phase Disruptor when you get in range of the Void Conduit that rests atop Ultris. Drop as many charges of the Phase Disruptor as you can to ensure total annihilation. The Phase Disruptor charges will automatically home in on the Void Conduit so long as you are close enough to use it.$B$BReturn to Professor Dabiri should you succeed!\r\n','The time to strike has come! With the tear gone, Dimensius is vulnerable to physical and magical attacks!','Did you hit the mark?','','Void Conduit Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5516insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5471,10439,'Dimensius the All-Devouring','Your brave actions have forced Ameer to react! He has deployed Captain Saeed and the Avengers!$B$BNow all that is left to do is destroy Dimensius.$B$BWhen you are ready, I will call for Saeed. If he is not currently fighting another battle, he will be awaiting orders from you - directly east of here.$B$BLet him know when you are ready to fight and he will put his troops in motion!$B$BI wish you luck, fleshling! We have hunted Dimensius for a thousand years!','Professor Dabiri at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm wants you to speak with Captain Saeed and then follow his army to Manaforge Ultris and kill Dimensius the All-Devouring!','For a thousand years, all we have known is conflict. We have defended our people from the attacks of both void creature and ethereal alike.$B$BNow, one of our most hated enemies lies dead - finally.$B$BI give you the thanks of a hundred million ethereals, fleshling.','What of the void lord?','','','Speak to Captain Saeed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5517insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5472,10440,'Success!','The test was a resounding success! We can certainly use this device to start repairing the domes.$B$BCarry word of the test results to the Stormspire and let Ghabar know that I\'ve also found a pattern in the damage to the shield generators. Key pieces of generator units have gone missing from a number of sites. This is no accident, $N, no technological failure. We\'re being stolen from. ','Return to the Stormspire and speak with Ghabar.','I\'ll have my techs get to work on those repairs right away.$B$BTashar\'s suspicion of sabotage worries me, though. I can\'t think of anyone who would be bold enough to steal our technology. Not anyone who knows what we\'re capable of, anyway. It may be time to lock down the Stormspire.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5518insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5473,10441,'BETA Peddling the Goods','<Audi lowers her voice again.>$B$BNow that we have the goods, I\'ll be sending most of the parts on to Area 52. There\'s enough here for more than one generator, presenting us with a perfect business opportunity.$B$BI\'ve seen the Cenarion Expdedition\'s representative trying to negotiate. I want you to let her know that we can provide what she seeks at a very reasonable price. There\'s no reason for her to continue dealing with those two-timing ethereals.','Speak with Aurine Moonblaze at the bottom of the Stormspire.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5519insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5474,10442,'Helping the Cenarion Post','$C, there\'s some tauren by the name of Thiah Redmane that keeps pestering us for assistance.  She\'s with the Cenarion Expedition, and they\'ve setup a little post just to the west on the south side of the the road leading to Zangarmarsh.$B$BIf you hit Thornfang Hill, you\'ve gone too far.$B$BDo you think you might head over there and see what she needs?  I don\'t want to have to bother Ranger Captain Venn\'ren with such trivialities.','Falconer Drenna Riverwind wants you to offer your services to Thiah Redmane at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.','Oh, goodness, you must be the help I requested weeks ago from Falcon Watch.$B$BWell, you\'re here now and there\'s a lot to be done.  I have just the thing to start you out.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5520insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5475,10443,'Helping the Cenarion Post','The Cenarion Circle has sent an expedition to Outland and, as I understand it, they are here to study what has happened and to help reverse any damage that they can.$B$BThey\'ve setup a little post just to the west on the south side of the road leading to Zangarmarsh.$B$BIf you hit Thornfang Hill, you\'ve gone too far.$B$BWould you please go and see how you might help them?  Speak with Thiah Redmane as she is the one that sent the request to us for assistance.','Amaan the Wise would like for you to offer your services to Thiah Redmane at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.','Oh, goodness, you must be the help that I requested from the Temple of Telhamat.$B$BI\'m glad that you\'re here; there\'s a lot to be done, and I have just the thing to start you out.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5521insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5476,10444,'Report to the Allerian Post','This calls for immediate action!$B$BWe have someone out in the field closer to Firewing Point that I want you to speak with.  He\'ll have a better idea of what our next step should be.$B$BReport to Lieutenant Meridian out at the Allerian Post and apprise him of the situation.  You\'ll find the post to the northeast on the southern bank of the river just south of Firewing Point.$B$BGodspeed, $N.','Jenai Starwhisper wants you to report to Lieutenant Meridian at the Allerian Post in Terokkar Forest.','Bomb parts. So my suspicions were true. That\'s not something that I wanted to be right about.$B$BOkay, you and I have some grim business ahead of us then.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5522insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5477,10445,'The Vials of Eternity','Seven vials were drawn from the Well of Eternity by Illidan.  He poured three into the lake on top of Mount Hyjal and a second Well of Eternity was created.  For years the rest were believed lost.$B$BWith the opening of the Dark Portal, we\'ve come to know that he gave one each to his lieutenants Kael\'thas and Vashj.  Retrieve what remains of them; we will need them as foci to open a gateway to any events tied to Mount Hyjal, recent or ancient.  The outcome of the Battle of Mount Hyjal must be preserved.','Soridormi at Caverns of Time wants you to retrieve Vashj\'s Vial Remnant from Lady Vashj at Coilfang Reservoir and Kael\'s Vial Remnant from Kael\'thas Sunstrider at Tempest Keep.','I\'ve asked the impossible of you, yet I expect you to succeed. Much depends on it.','I\'ve asked the impossible of you, yet I expect you to succeed.  Much depends on it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5523insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5478,10446,'The Final Code','They\'re building a second mana bomb in the courtyard.  My intel suggests that the final code for the bomb is being held by Sharth Voldoun, the overseer of the project at Firewing Point.$B$B$N, you have to go back in there and retrieve the final code from him.  He keeps himself to the top of the highest spire.$B$BTake the final code to the mana bomb that they\'re working on in the central courtyard and set it off.$B$BOnly then will we be certain that the Allerian Stronghold is safe.','Lieutenant Meridian wants you to use The Final Code to set off the Mana Bomb.  Then report back to Jenai Starwhisper at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.','YOU DID IT! YOU SAVED US! YOU SAVED THE ALLERIAN STRONGHOLD!!$B$BWith their forces decimated, their leader dead and the mana bomb destroyed, we can all breathe much easier now.$B$B$N, I\'ve never seen such selflessness... such heroism! Please, accept this on behalf of all of us.','','','Mana Bomb Activated','Mana Bomb Activated','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5524insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5479,10447,'The Final Code','They\'re building a second mana bomb in the courtyard.  My intel suggests that the final code for the bomb is being held by Sharth Voldoun, the overseer of the project at Firewing Point.$B$B$N, you have to go back in there and retrieve the final code from him.  He keeps himself to the top of the highest spire.$B$BTake the final code to the mana bomb that they\'re working on in the central courtyard and set it off.$B$BOnly then will we be certain that Stonebreaker Hold is safe.','Sergeant Chawni wants you to use the Final Code Sheet to set off the Mana Bomb.  Then report back to Tooki at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.','YOU DID IT! YOU SAVED US! YOU SAVED STONEBREAKER HOLD!!$B$BWith their forces decimated, their leader dead and the mana bomb destroyed, we can all breathe much easier now.$B$B$N, I\'ve never seen such selflessness... such heroism! Please, accept this on behalf of all of us.','Sergeant Chawni has been keeping us apprised of the situation at Firewing Point. Is everything okay?','Mana Bomb Activated','','Mana Bomb Activated','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5525insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5480,10448,'Report to Stonebreaker Camp','This calls for immediate action!$B$BWe have someone out in the field closer to Firewing Point that I want you to speak with.  She\'ll have a better idea of what our next step should be.$B$BReport to Sergeant Chawni out at Stonebreaker Camp and apprise her of the situation.$B$BTake the road north out of the hold.  From the middle of Tuurem, follow the road to the east.  You\'ll find the camp on the bank of the river that lies just southwest of Firewing Point.$B$BGood luck, $N.','Tooki wants you to report to Sergeant Chawni at Stonebreaker Camp in Terokkar Forest.','Bomb parts. So my suspicions were true. That\'s not something that I wanted to be right about.$B$BOk, you and I have some grim business ahead of us then.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5526insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5481,10449,'Apothecary Zelana','Apethecary Zelana has been studying the beasts of Hellfire Peninsula in the field.  She wants a sample of the blood you gathered; with luck, she might discover what turned those Bonechewer bastards\' skins red!$B$BZelana is at Reaver\'s Fall, southeast of Thrallmar.  Follow the road east and when you see a destroyed, green-glowing hunk of metal, you\'re there.  She has a camp set up behind the wyverns.','Vertok Axebreaker in Thrallmar wants you to bring Bonechewer Blood Samples to Apothecary Zelana at Reaver\'s Fall.','Ah, yes.  The blood of the Bonechewer clan.  I am very curious about these orcs... they are still the depraved fiends of the past, but their strength and power is greater than what I had heard...$B$BWell, let us begin, shall we?','It is my honor to serve the wishes of the Horde.  How might I aid you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5527insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5482,10450,'Bonechewer Blood','Bonechewers!  They should all die!  The sight of their red skin and depravity makes my blood boil!$B$BI have a mission for you, $N.  Kill bonechewer orcs and collect their vile blood.  There is an apothecary who needs the blood for her tests, so we can discover how these orcs fell to the demon taint, a taint from which we so recently freed ourselves.$B$BBonechewers scavenge near the ruined battlements along the Path of Glory, to the south.  Return to me when your mission is complete.','Bring 12 Bonechewer Blood Vials to Vurtok Axebreaker in Thrallmar.','Hah!  So you did meet the bonechewers, our depraved cousins.  Well done, $N.  My only regret is that more of them could not lay down their lives and spill their blood, to cool my outrage!','Did you face the bonechewers, $N.  I hope their blood was spilled in great gouts!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5528insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5483,10451,'Escape from Coilskar Cistern','Thank the Earthmother! I parted ways with the others several days ago. I was intent on discovering the source of the disturbance that the spirits of water were feeling. My search led me to Coilskar where I discovered that the naga were befouling the water supply of Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BUnfortunately, I was discovered and taken prisoner. There\'s no telling what ghastly things they had in store for me.$B$BWe must leave this place! Help me escape and then seek out Torlok at the Altar of Damnation.\r\n','Escort Earthmender Wilda out of Coilskar Cistern and then seek out Earthmender Torlok at the Altar of Damnation, found at the western outskirts of the Hand of Gul\'dan.','Praise the Earthmother. I am certain that Wilda will find her way home. Please accept this as a token of our appreciation.','You found sister Wilda?','Earthmender Wilda Escorted to Safety','Earthmender Wilda Escorted to Safety','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5529insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5484,10454,'FLAG - OFF THE RAILS','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5530insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5485,10455,'The Encroaching Wilderness','We\'ve been growing the Living Grove at an accelerated rate, but somehow the lynxes there have become lost to our control.$B$BWhere once their population was stable, the grovestalker lynxes are now beginning to encroach upon Sylvanaar, and there have been a number of unpleasant incidents of late.$B$BI suspect that the arakkoa of Veil Lashh are somehow behind it, but the immediate issue is with the lynxes themselves.$B$BI would be most grateful if you would help us to deal with this situation.','Rina Moonspring wishes you to slay 12 Grovestalker Lynxes with all due haste and then return to her at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','That was fast. Are you sure that you dealt with as many as was necessary?$B$BExcellent, there\'s something else that you can help us with if you are willing?','Did I not speak the truth? The grovestalker lynxes have become a menace not only to those who would travel the path here, but also to Sylvanaar itself.$B$BTheir deaths are regrettable, but the whole point of our creation of the Living Grove is so that Sylvanaar can be surrounded by a defensive region of natural beauty and tranquility.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5531insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5486,10456,'Marauding Wolves','The filthy races of the Horde have taken over a settlement to the east.  They\'ve brought with them a large pack of the dire wolves that they prefer to use as mounts and sentries.$B$BThese sentries have been marauding across the bridge that separates us.  They\'ve been stalking our fey drakes, which are critical to the pollination of the Living Grove.$B$BUse the east exit to traverse the bridge over Bloodmaul Ravine that leads to the Jagged Ridge to the east, and bring me their tails as proof!','Rina Moonspring has asked you to bring her 4 Thunderlord Dire Wolf Tails.  After doing so, return to her at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Good. I\'ll see if I can fashion something useful from these tails.$B$BNo doubt that the Horde will find a way to replenish the numbers of their wolf pack, but for now we can breathe a little easier.$B$B$N, if you are willing there\'s something else that I would ask of you in defense of Sylvanaar and the Living Grove.','I cannot stress strongly enough the need for those Thunderlord dire wolves to be dealt with. Their very existence endangers the stability of the Living Grove and all of our work here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5532insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5487,10457,'Protecting Our Own','Though you\'ve done a great deal of good work in defense of our new home here, I still feel that the Living Grove needs more protection.$B$BPlease, take this small tree bough that I have imbued with the force of nature.  When used upon the seedlings that I have planted out in the grove, it will call down a storm to accelerate the growth of a treant defender.$B$BThese treants are critical to the defense of the grove, especially if you choose not to make Sylvanaar your home for long.','Use Rina\'s Bough on 5 of the Grove Seedlings to summon forth defenses for the Living Grove.  Then return to Rina Moonspring at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Now that you have strengthened the grove\'s defenses, I feel much safer.$B$BYou\'ve earned our thanks and appreciation, $N.$B$BOf course, it just occurred to me that there\'s something else that we need to take care of!','How fares the bolstering of the Living Grove\'s defenses?$B$BWith the intentions of the arakkoa at Veil Lessh unknown, and the Horde just on the other side of the ravine, I fear that if we do not move quickly we will find ourselves in a poor situation to protect our new home and our work in the grove.','','Living Grove Defenders summoned','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5533insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5488,10458,'Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth','We must try and make amends. We must commune with the elements of this region and see if anything can be done!$B$BI grant you the totem of spirits, $r. If you slay an enraged elemental spirit in close proximity of the totem, it will consume the elemental\'s soul. You must use the totem to consume many souls before you may return to me.$B$BDo this for the spirits of fire and earth first. Return to me when the totem is full.','Earthmender Torlok at the Altar of Damnation in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to use the Totem of Spirits to capture 8 Earthen Souls and 8 Fiery Souls.','When all of the elemental souls of this region have been placed inside the totem, we will commune with them and find out if anything can be done for Shadowmoon Valley.','I fear that this land may be without hope.','','Earthen Soul Captured','Fiery Soul Captured','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5534insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5489,10459,'Revered Among the Cenarion Expedition','We\'ve taken notice of your accomplishments, $N.  What you\'ve done for us goes beyond what we expect from our allies.$B$BI\'ve a special request to ask of you, but I must test your dedication first.','Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge wants you to become revered with the Cenarion Expedition.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5535insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5490,10460,'Defender\'s Pledge','','','Are you sure this is the path you seek to take. $N? This is not a decision you ought to take lightly.$B$BThis ring is imbued with a droplet from the Well of Eternity. It will grow in power as you prove yourself to the Scale of the Sands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5536insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5491,10462,'Champion\'s Pledge','','','Are you sure this is the path you seek to take. $N? This is not a decision you ought to take lightly.$B$BThis ring is imbued with a droplet from the Well of Eternity. It will grow in power as you prove yourself to the Scale of the Sands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5537insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5492,10463,'Sage\'s Pledge','','','Are you sure this is the path you seek to take. $N? This is not a decision you ought to take lightly.$B$BThis ring is imbued with a droplet from the Well of Eternity. It will grow in power as you prove yourself to the Scale of the Sands.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5538insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5493,10464,'Sage\'s Vow','You\'ve made your pledge, $c.  Now it is up to you to see it through.$B$BServe the Scale of the Sands well and you will be rewarded.$B$BFail and the timeline as we know it will be unravelled!','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Honored reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You\'ve proved your worth. $R. Up to a certain point. at least.$B$BThe favor of Nozdormu\'s prime mate is not obtained quickly.','You continue to serve us well. $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5539insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5494,10465,'Restorer\'s Vow','You\'ve made your pledge, $c.  Now it is up to you to see it through.$B$BServe the Scale of the Sands well and you will be rewarded.  Fail and the timeline as we know it will be unravelled!','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Honored reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You\'ve proved your worth. $R. Up to a certain point. at least.$B$BThe favor of Nozdormu\'s prime mate is not obtained easily.','You continue to serve us well. $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5540insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5495,10466,'Champion\'s Vow','You\'ve made your pledge, $c.  Now it is up to you to see it through.$B$BServe the Scale of the Sands well and you will be rewarded.  Fail and the timeline as we know it will be unravelled!','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Honored reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You\'ve proved your worth. $R. Up to a certain point. at least.$B$BThe favor of Nozdormu\'s prime mate is not obtained easily.','You continue to serve us well. $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5541insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5496,10467,'Defender\'s Vow','You\'ve made your pledge, $c.  Now it is up to you to see it through.$B$BServe the Scale of the Sands well and you will be rewarded.  Fail and the timeline as we know it will be unravelled!','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Honored reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You\'ve proved your worth. $R. Up to a certain point. at least.$B$BThe favor of Nozdormu\'s prime mate is not obtained quickly.','You continue to serve us well. $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5542insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5497,10468,'Sage\'s Oath','You\'ve carried out the promise you made to us, $N.  And for that you\'ve gained the recognition you deserve.$B$BAs you continue to become attuned with past events surrounding mount Hyjal, I can continue to tap into the power contained in your ring.  It won\'t be long until it has reached its full potential.','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Revered reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You are a worthy ally indeed. As you grow in power so does the band of eternity!','You\'ve returned. You wish to speak to me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5543insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5498,10469,'Restorer\'s Oath','You\'ve carried out the promise you made to us, $N.  And for that you\'ve gained the recognition you deserve.$B$BAs you continue to become attuned with past events surrounding mount Hyjal, I can continue to tap into the power contained in your ring.  It won\'t be long until it has reached its full potential.','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Revered reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You are a worthy ally indeed. As you grow in power so does the band of eternity!','You\'ve returned. You wish to speak to me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5544insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5499,10470,'Champion\'s Oath','You\'ve carried out the promise you made to us, $N.  And for that you\'ve gained the recognition you deserve.$B$BAs you continue to become attuned with past events surrounding mount Hyjal, I can continue to tap into the power contained in your ring.  It won\'t be long until it has reached its full potential.','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Revered reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You are a worthy ally indeed. As you grow in power so does the band of eternity!','You\'ve returned. You wish to speak to me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5545insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5500,10471,'Defender\'s Oath','You\'ve carried out the promise you made to us, $N.  And for that you\'ve gained the recognition you deserve.$B$BAs you continue to become attuned with past events surrounding mount Hyjal, I can continue to tap into the power contained in your ring.  It won\'t be long until it has reached its full potential.','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Revered reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You are a worthy ally indeed. As you grow in power so does the band of eternity!','You have returned. You wish to speak to me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5546insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5501,10472,'Sage\'s Covenant','Your accomplishments have gone beyond my greatest expectations, $N.$B$BYou step in and out of time as comfortably as any bronze dragon I\'ve known.  You are destined for great power and I am more than pleased to help you on your way there.$B$BContinue to serve the Scale of the Sands and I will unleash your gift\'s full potential.','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Exalted reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You are one with time, $N. You are one with us.$B$BBehold! Power beyond mortal understanding is unleashed from even that small remnant of the Well of Eternity.$B$BAccept this gift so that all may know of your covenant with the Scale of the Sands.... so that all may know of your covenant with time itself!','May time always be on your side, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5547insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5502,10473,'Restorer\'s Covenant','Your accomplishments have gone beyond my greatest expectations, $N.$B$BYou step in and out of time as comfortably as any bronze dragon I\'ve known.  You are destined for great power and I am more than pleased to help you on your way there.$B$BContinue to serve the Scale of the Sands and I will unleash your gift\'s full potential.','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Exalted reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You are one with time, $N. You are one with us.$B$BBehold! Power beyond mortal understanding is unleashed from even that small remnant of the Well of Eternity.$B$BAccept this gift so that all may know of your covenant with the Scale of the Sands.... so that all may know of your covenant with time itself!','May time always be on your side, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5548insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5503,10474,'Champion\'s Covenant','Your accomplishments have gone beyond my greatest expectations, $N.$B$BYou step in and out of time as comfortably as any bronze dragon I\'ve known.  You are destined for great power and I am more than pleased to help you on your way there.$B$BContinue to serve the Scale of the Sands and I will unleash your gift\'s full potential.','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Exalted reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You are one with time, $N. You are one with us.$B$BBehold! Power beyond mortal understanding is unleashed from even that small remnant of the Well of Eternity.$B$BAccept this gift so that all may know of your covenant with the Scale of the Sands.... so that all may know of your covenant with time itself!','May time always be on your side, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5549insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5504,10475,'Defender\'s Covenant','Your accomplishments have gone beyond my greatest expectations, $N.$B$BYou step in and out of time as comfortably as any bronze dragon I\'ve known.  You are destined for great power and I am more than pleased to help you on your way there.$B$BContinue to serve the Scale of the Sands and I will unleash your gift\'s full potential.','Bring your Band of Eternity to Soridormi at the Caverns of Time after obtaining Exalted reputation with the Scale of the Sands.','You are one with time, $N. You are one with us.$B$BBehold! Power beyond mortal understanding is unleashed from even that small remnant of the Well of Eternity.$B$BAccept this gift so that all may know of your covenant with the Scale of the Sands.... so that all may know of your covenant with time itself!','May time always be on your side, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5550insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5505,10476,'Fierce Enemies','If you seek to prove your loyalty to us, there is no better way than to fight against our enemies.$B$BOf these, there are none that can match the ogres in strength and fierceness.  Bring me the warbeads they wear around their necks as proof of their demise and I\'ll let the others know of your prowess.','Warden Moi\'bff Jill at Telaar wants you to obtain 10 Obsidian Warbeads from the various ogres that inhabit Nagrand.','You\'re starting to prove your worth as an ally and combatant. Keep up the good work.','Well, $N? Are you all talk or do you have something to show me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5551insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5506,10477,'More Warbeads','Do you bear any additional obsidian warbeads, $N?','','You continue to prove your worth to us, $N. May your strength never fail you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5552insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5507,10478,'More Warbeads!','Have you obtained more warbeads, $N?','','You continue to prove your strength and honor, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5553insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5508,10479,'Proving Your Strength','Though we seek a peaceful life, our enemies are many.  Of these, none match the ogres in sheer brute power.$B$BIf you seek to prove your prowess to us, bring me the warbeads they wear around their necks.  I will tell others of your accomplishments.','Warden Bullrok at Garadar wants you to obtain 10 Obsidian Warbeads from the various ogres that inhabit Nagrand.','You are a strong ally indeed, $N. Going head to head against the ogres of Outland is not something that just anyone can do. ','You have something to show me, $N? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5554insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5509,10480,'Enraged Spirits of Water','The Illidari naga of the region have taken control of the only clean water supply that exists in Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BDirectly north of here you will find the lair of the naga: Coilskar. Around Coilskar are pockets of agitated water that howl to the land in anguish. It is at those pockets that the enraged spirits of water now wander.$B$BTravel to Coilskar and use the totem of spirits to capture watery souls. You will find the largest concentration of these spirits near Coilskar Cistern.\r\n','Earthmender Torlok at the Altar of Damnation in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to use the Totem of Spirits to capture 5 Watery Souls.\r\n','Only air remains, $N.','Wherever you find naga you will almost certainly find tortured water spirits.','','Watery Soul Captured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5555insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5510,10481,'Enraged Spirits of Air','Venture southeast, hero. When you see fields of gigantic blue crystals jutting out from the land, you will have reached your destination. It is there, at the Netherwing Fields, that you will find the enraged spirits of air. They roam the cliffs and mountain bases that surround the fields.$B$BDestroy their tortured forms and capture their souls with the totem of spirits. Return to me when this is done.','Earthmender Torlok at the Altar of Damnation in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to use the Totem of Spirits to capture 10 Airy Souls.','Allow me to reward you for undertaking such an arduous task, hero.$B$BNow, we must get to work! Please stand back so that I may place the totem and unleash the souls.','Soon, we will speak with the spirits.','','Airy Soul Captured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5556insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5511,10482,'Fel Orc Scavengers','Scavengers, orcs of the Bonechewer clan, skulk about the ruined battlements overlooking the Path of Glory.  We must assume that these fel orcs are gathering war machine parts for their masters within Hellfire Citadel -- they must be stopped!$B$BFind Bonechewer orcs to the north, $n.  Find them and slay them!  But use caution, for although these orcs are the lesser of the fel orc clans, their strength is the match of any green-skinned orc we\'ve faced thus far...','Kill 20 Bonechewer Orcs and return to Amadi in Honor Hold.','Very good. I\'m sure their loss will be felt in Hellfire Citadel. Although that dark bastion looms over us and seems nigh insurmountable, it is only with bold moves like you have made that we will find victory over the fel orcs!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5557insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5512,10483,'Ill Omens','$n, in our battles with the Bleeding Hollow clan of fel orcs, we have found upon them foreboding trinkets.  These orcs have collected the insignias of fallen Honor Hold soldiers and created cursed talismans from them.  We fear the dark magic of the Bleeding Hollow orcs have transformed our insignias into evil charms with powers against us!$B$BFind such a talisman from the Bleeding Hollow orcs of Zeth\'Gor, to the east, and bring it to Corporal Ironridge at Expedition Point, northeast of Zeth\'Gor.','Lieutenant Amadi in Honor Hold wants you to bring 1 Cursed Talisman to Corporal Ironridge at Expedition Point.','Ah, you recovered an insignia from the Bleeding Hollow orcs?  Good -- it is outrageous that they use our own symbols against us, and mock our comrades who\'ve fallen to those red-skinned beasts!','Reporting from Honor Hold, $N?  That\'s good -- our campaign against the demons and the fel orcs is running thin on able bodies!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5558insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5513,10484,'Cursed Talismans','$n, we cannot allow the Bleeding Hollow orcs to possess their cursed talismans!  You must acquire them for us so they may be disposed of, and so the soldiers who owned them may be honored for their sacrifices.$B$BGo to Zeth\'Gor, the cursed abode of the Bleeding Hollow, and perform your grim task... return to me when you have collected the talismans.','Bring 12 Cursed Talismans to Corporal Ironridge at Expedition Point.','Thank you, $N.  My heart is saddened to see these talismans -- they underline the great losses we of Honor Hold have suffered against the fel orcs.  But I am heartened to see you successful against them.  If we can kill enough, perhaps we might emerge from this war victorious.','Do you have the talismans, $N?  It pains me to know that those cursed orcs possess our soldiers insignias...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5559insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5514,10485,'Warlord of the Bleeding Hollow','You have shown great strength and fortune, for you have delved into Zeth\'Gor and lived!  Now, let us hope your fortune holds, for I have a dire task to ask of you...$B$BWarlock Morkh sits within the barracks of Zeth\'Gor, commanding his fel troops against us.  His tactics are as clever as they are cruel, and I must admit that his successes against us have cut deep.  And so, $n, I ask you to remove Morkh from his seat.  Bring me his armor so that we might display it for our soldiers and bolster them.','Bring Warlord Morkh\'s Shattered Armor to Corporal Ironridge in Expedition Point.','You\'ve done it!  Morkh is slain!  Now, we have a fighting chance against the fel orc beasts!$B$BThank you, $N.  Your aid to the war effort here is beyond measure.','Do you have Morkh\'s shattered armor?  Have you braved into Zeth\'Gor again?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5560insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5515,10486,'The Encroaching Wilderness','The Thunderlord were once a proud orc clan before they were transformed into fel orcs through the blood of Mannoroth.$B$BRecently we recovered this orc stronghold from the ogres that infest the ravine below.  They had moved in when the Thunderlord clan abandoned it.$B$BWe will keep this place and I will have your help doing so.$B$BIn the Jagged Ridge to the south and the west, there are bloodletters that have become like a plague upon us.  They eat and breed incessantly.$B$BKill them and then return to me.','Gor\'drek has asked you to slay 12 Bladewing Bloodletters.  Return to him at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have accomplished that.','That didn\'t take as long as I thought it would. Are you sure that you dealt with as many as was necessary?$B$BVery well, there\'s something else that I want you to help us with. Something far more important.','Our survival here depends upon our ability to concentrate our efforts against those that truly matter, not the mere bladewing bloodletters.$B$BYou are here again, so this must mean that you have dealt with the matter at hand?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5561insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5516,10487,'Dust from the Drakes','The Alliance has recently moved in to the west, using their elven magics to grow a town and grove in a short matter of time.  We must keep their defenses weak so that they do not also grow a spine.$B$BI have a plan that will do that and more.  I want you to traverse the bridge to the southwest, which crosses over Bloodmaul Ravine and leads into the Living Grove.$B$BAttack their fey drake defenses in the Living Grove and bring back the magical dust that sometimes can be found upon their wings.','Gor\'drek wants you to gather 4 Dusts of the Fey Drake.  After doing so, return to him at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Not only have you weakened their defenses, but we\'re going to put this dust to use in bolstering our own defenses against the Alliance.','It would seem that the Alliance is determined to follow us wherever we go. Let us teach them that we are not intimidated by their presence.$B$BDo you have that which I have requested?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5562insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5517,10488,'Protecting Our Own','With the magical dust you recovered, I have fashioned a magic ointment that will aid in our own defenses.$B$BOur dire wolves are the perfect combination of mount, sentry and friend, but the Alliance scum have been poaching them in the Jagged Ridge.$B$B$N, I want you to take this ointment and apply it to our dire wolf friends.  The Alliance will get a rude surprise the next time that they send one of their hunting parties.$B$BBe aware though that some of the wolves may not like this, and will turn on you.','Use Gor\'drek\'s Ointment on 5 of the Thunderlord Dire Wolves to strengthen them and the defense of the Jagged Ridge.  Then return to Gor\'drek at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Now that you have strengthened the wolves, and the Jagged Ridge\'s defenses, perhaps we can refocus our attentions on more deadly matters, such as the ogres?$B$BYou have done a good job in aiding us here. We could use the help of someone capable, such as yourself, should you decide to stay.$B$BWhatever you do, you have earned my respect and appreciation.','How fares the bolstering of our Thunderlord dire wolve\'s defenses?','','Thunderlord Dire Wolf strengthened','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5563insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5518,10489,'Felling an Ancient Tree','WANTED!$B$BStronglimb Deeproot, ancient of war and chief defender of the Living Grove south of Sylvanaar.$B$BFind him by heading west across the bridge that traverses the Bloodmaul Ravine.$B$BReturn his hewn trunk to Tor\'chunk Twoclaws inside the Thunderlord Stronghold inn.','Acquire Stronglimb Deeproot\'s Trunk and deliver it to Tor\'chunk Twoclaws at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Stronglimb Deeproot\'s Trunk! Did you chop him down by yourself?$B$BI bet you did. You know, Rexxar and I are looking for a young, strong $C, such as yourself, to help out around here, especially with the problems we continually have with the ogres. Make sure that you follow-up with me on that possibility.$B$BWell that trunk\'s definitely proof, which means you\'re here to collect the bounty and not to listen to me talk. Go ahead, take your pick.','What\'s that you have there? You\'re a strong one!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5564insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5519,10490,'Call of Water','I\'m sensing that it\'s been a while since last you were tested.  This is because Farseer Nobundo has been asking for you.$B$BYou must have grown greatly in wisdom because you are being called to learn the mysteries of the element of water.$B$BI trust that you remember how to take the boat from Auberdine in Darkshore on Kalimdor back to the Exodar?  And that you remember where to find the farseer at the Crystal Hall inside the Exodar, yes?','Speak with Farseer Nobundo at the Crystal Hall inside the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle.','We meet again. I have been watching your progress from afar, $c, and I am pleased.$B$BThe time has come for you to commune with the element of water, to learn its mysteries and give yourself over to the water so that you might in turn learn to master it. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5565insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5520,10491,'Call of Air','$N, once again Farseer Nobundo has been asking for you.  It must be time for you to learn the secrets of air, the last of the elements!$B$BI want you to know that I\'m very proud of all that you have accomplished thus far.  I know that you have great things ahead of you.$B$BTake the boat from Auberdine in Darkshore on Kalimdor.  Cross the Veiled Sea and seek out the farseer inside the Crystal Hall of the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle.','Speak with Farseer Nobundo at the Crystal Hall inside the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle.','And finally we come to it, the last of the four great elements: air. Do you think yourself wise enough to continue, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5566insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5521,10492,'An Earnest Proposition','Well met, $c.  I\'ve something that might interest you.$B$BI have in my possession a set of armor much like the one worn by those of your profession, but of much higher quality.  I\'d be willing to trade the bracers for ordinary ones in exchange for a small favor.$B$BThe blood of the frostsabers and bears that inhabit Winterspring has properties I\'m in need of at the moment.  Bring me a sizeable sample of it along with the bracers and a small amount of gold.  You shall find the effort worth your while.','Acquire 15 Winterspring Blood Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Bindings of Elements to Deliana in Ironforge.','Excellent! Let\'s perform the trade then. It\'s hard to part with this excellent armor, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be needing it any time soon.$B$BIf you\'re interested in performing more work for me, I might be willing to give up the rest of the pieces.','Have you brought me what I requested of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5567insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5522,10493,'An Earnest Proposition','Hail, $c!  I can tell by your demeanor that you\'ve seen and done much in this world.  Yet I\'m willing to wager you haven\'t seen a piece of armor like this.$B$BPerform a small favor for me and I\'ll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.$B$BI\'m in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus.  Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I\'ll perform the exchange.','Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Lightforge Bracers to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Ah, yes. Mux will be quite happy with this.$B$BThose bracers were part of a larger armor set. If you\'re interested in providing me with further assistance, I\'d be willing to consider parting with the rest of it.','Have you obtained the items I require, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5568insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5523,10494,'Just Compensation','You kept your word and brought the device built by Mux.  I believe a reward is in order if I\'m to keep you interested in saving my skin.  Bring me the belt and set of gloves that you wish to upgrade.  I promise the ones I give you in return will be far superior.','Bring a Cord of Elements and a set of Gauntlets of Elements to Deliana in Ironforge.','You\'ve kept your end of the bargain, I shall keep mine.$B$BJust remember that I\'m holding on to the best pieces until your work is finished.','You\'re ready to perform the trade?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5569insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5524,10495,'Just Compensation','You\'ve proven to be a very reliable individual, $N.  As much as I trust that you\'ll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.$B$BFor now I will exchange your belt and gloves.  If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.','Bring a Lightforge Belt and a set of Lightforge Gauntlets to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.','Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.','You\'re ready to perform the exchange?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5570insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5525,10496,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the medallion back together.  Return to Deliana and tell her that Bodley is her only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to her about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Deliana in Ironforge with a set of Boots of Elements, a Kilt of Elements and Pauldrons of Elements.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5571insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5526,10497,'Anthion\'s Parting Words','Valthalak\'s soul was stored in this amulet.  In our greed we foolishly split it into three parts, not knowing the curse that would await us.$B$BThe only way to stop Valthalak\'s spell is to put the amulet back together.  Return to Mokvar and tell him that Bodley is his only hope for finding the remaining pieces.  Speak to him about any rewards you\'ve arranged for.$B$BI, for once, shall rest in peace.  I wish you the best of luck; you shall need every bit of it!','Return to Mokvar in Orgimmar with a set of Lightforge Boots, Lightforge Legplates and Lightforge Spaulders.\r\n','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5572insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5527,10498,'Saving the Best for Last','That\'s an amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved. Now maybe I\'ll be able to sleep at night with both eyes shut.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you\'ll really enjoy.','Give Deliana your Coif of Elements and Vest of Elements.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5573insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5528,10499,'Saving the Best for Last','A truly amazing story, $N! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.$B$BAs to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.','Give Mokvar your Lightforge Helm and Lightforge Breastplate.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5574insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5529,10500,'The Horde Needs Your Help!','Hello, I\'m glad that you\'ve decided to hear me out. The Horde needs all of the help that it can get to prepare for the Ahn\'Qiraj War, and that means that we need you! Even now as we speak, official collectors are gathering the necessary material needed for the upcoming war, but we won\'t be able to meet our goals without your assistance, $N!$B$BYou should go speak with the guy in charge, Warlord Gorchuk. What do you say, $c? Will you help out with the vital preparations?','Speak with Warlord Gorchuk in Orgrimmar\'s Valley of Spirits.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5575insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5530,10501,'The Alliance Needs Your Help!','Hello, I\'m glad that you\'ve decided to hear me out. The Alliance needs all of the help that it can get to prepare for the Ahn\'Qiraj War, and that means that we need you! Even now as we speak, official collectors are gathering the necessary material needed for the upcoming war, but we won\'t be able to meet our goals without your assistance, $N!$B$BYou should go speak with the guy in charge, Field Marshal Snowfall. What do you say, $c? Will you help out with the vital preparations?','Speak with Field Marshal Snowfall in Ironforge\'s Military Ward.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5576insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5531,10502,'The Bloodmaul Ogres','There is a threat to Sylvanaar far deadlier than the Horde at Thunderlord Stronghold.$B$BI\'m speaking of the native ogres of these mountains.  Just to the south and east, down in the ravine, lives the Bloodmaul clan.  While they aren\'t the only group of ogres that threaten us here, they are the closest.$B$BI would have you head south through the Living Grove, and then go down the path to the east, which leads to their outpost.  Slay as many of the Bloodmaul ogres at Bloodmaul Outpost as you can.','Commander Skyshadow has tasked you with the destruction of any 30 Bloodmaul Ogres at Bloodmaul Outpost.  Return to him at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once your gruesome task is completed.','This is a good first step toward securing Sylvanaar and the grove.$B$BWith their ogres not so numerous, the Bloodmaul will think twice about attacking us here.$B$BNow, if only they were the only clan of ogres that we have to worry about.','Our scouts have reported that the Bloodmaul ogres have begun to creep up the switchback, which leads up to the Living Grove from their hold.$B$BIt is unfortunate that we cannot find a way to live together in peace with the ogres, but then, when have we ever been able to do so?','','Bloodmaul Ogres killed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5577insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5532,10503,'The Bladespire Threat','There is a threat to Thunderlord Stronghold worse than the Alliance at Sylvanaar.$B$BI speak of the ogres of these mountains.  Just to the west, down in the ravine, lies the Bladespire clan.  While they aren\'t the only ogres, they are the closest and they\'re the ones that we defeated to take this place.$B$BHead north through the Jagged Ridge, and then down the path, which leads to their hold.  Slay as many of the Bladespire ogres and their raptors as you can at Bladespire Hold and the Bladespire Grounds.','Tor\'chunk Twoclaws has tasked you with the destruction of any 30 Bladespire Ogres and 10 Bladespire Raptors at Bladespire Hold and the Bladespire Grounds.  Return to him at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once your task is completed.','This is a good first step toward securing our position here against the ogres.$B$BWith their numbers decimated, the Bladespire will think twice about attempting to retake Thunderlord Stronghold.$B$BNow, if they were the only clan of ogres that we have to worry about.','Our scouts have reported that the Bladespire ogres have established a camp even closer to the switchback, which leads from their hold up to us here.$B$BIt is unfortunate that we cannot simply subjugate these ogre scum to our will, but if it\'s a fight that they want, they will find the Horde more than accommodating.','','Bladespire Ogres killed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5578insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5533,10504,'The Bladespire Ogres','To the north of the Bloodmaul clan lies a threat more grave:  Bladespire Hold.$B$BThe Bladespire ogres are the strongest clan in the mountains, having the favor of the gronn known as Gruul the Dragonkiller, and his seven sons.$B$BNow that we\'ve dealt with winnowing the Bloodmaul, it is time to turn our eye upon their rivals.$B$BFrom Bloodmaul Hold head north through the ravine until you come to Bladespire Hold and the Bladespire Grounds.  Slay as many of the Bladespire ogres therein as you can.','You have been asked by Commander Skyshadow to kill any 30 Bladespire Ogres in Bladespire Hold and the Bladespire Grounds.  Return to him at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have done so.','Your actions against both the Bloodmaul and the Bladespire ogre clans have gone a long way to securing Sylvanaar\'s future. While we do not seek to expand past this patch of land, which we initially found empty, we will also not suffer those that would destroy us.$B$BAs you have done us good service, I would reward that service with the appreciation of the Alliance.','Bloodmaul or Bladespire, it doesn\'t matter. All of the ogre clans fight against each other, vying for the dominance that comes with having the favor of Gruul the Dragonkiller.$B$BEach is still our enemy, regardless of who that favor has fallen to.','','Bladespire Ogres killed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5579insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5534,10505,'The Bloodmaul Ogres','To the south of the Bladespire clan lies yet another threat:  Bloodmaul Outpost.$B$BWhile the Bloodmaul ogres are not the strongest clan in the mountains, not having the favor of the gronn known as Gruul the Dragonkiller, they run a close second.$B$BNow that we\'ve dealt with winnowing the Bladespire, it is time to turn our eye upon their rivals.$B$BFrom Bladespire Hold head south through the ravine until you come to Bloodmaul Outpost.  Slay as many of the Bloodmaul ogres in the vicinity as you can.','You have been asked by Tor\'chunk Twoclaws to kill any 30 Bloodmaul Ogres at Bloodmaul Outpost.  Return to him at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have done so.','Your actions against both the Bladespire and the Bloodmaul ogre clans have gone a long way to securing Thunderlord Stronghold\'s future. We will not suffer those that would get in the way of our destiny here.$B$BAs you have done good work in destroying these ogres, I intend to reward you with the appreciation of the Horde.','Bladespire or Bloodmaul, it matters not. All of the ogre clans fight against each other, vying for the dominance that comes with having the favor of Gruul the Dragonkiller.$B$BEach is still our enemy, regardless of who that favor has fallen to, and we will drive them before us!','','Bloodmaul Ogres killed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5580insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5535,10506,'A Dire Situation','With their wolf pack reduced, the Horde is looking for replacements.  Unfortunately there\'s another source nearby.$B$BThe Bloodmaul ogres in the ravine below to the east keep a strong pack as their own sentries.  I hated sending you to kill the Thunderlord wolves, so why don\'t we do something different this time?$B$BI\'ve derived a magic powder from the dust that naturally falls off the wings of our fey drakes.  Sprinkle it on the Bloodmaul dire wolves to make them undesirable to the Horde.','Rina Moonspring wants you to take her Diminution Powder and apply it to 5 of the Bloodmaul Dire Wolves, which can be found at Bloodmaul Outpost and in Bloodmaul Ravine.  After doing so, return to her at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','I\'m glad to hear that it worked. The fewer the number of Nature\'s creatures that have to die, the better.$B$BWith all that you\'ve done for us already, I must say that I\'m beginning to grow very fond of your company.$B$BTake care, $N.','Any luck out there? I know that it\'s dangerous work to be doing this amongst the Bloodmaul ogres, but if we can avoid the killing of any more animals, I\'ll be happy.','','Bloodmaul Dire Wolf weakened','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5581insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5536,10507,'Turning Point','This is the chance we\'ve been waiting for, $N.  Not only have we uncovered the evidence we need to show our people who Kael\'thas is really working for, but we can prove our strength by defeating his new masters.$B$BMy frail health prevents me from aiding you in person with this endeavor, but I will offer you an object that will allow me to project my powers across the continent.  ','Use Socrethar\'s Teleportation\'s Stone at Invasion Point: Overlord, north of Forge Base: Oblivion to transport your party to Socrethar\'s Landing.  Once there, use Voren\'thal\'s Presence to defeat Socrethar.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','You are an individual of formidable power, $N. The Scryers are fortunate to count you as an ally.$B$BAs word of Kael\'s new allegiance spreads, more people will see things our way. The fact that we can claim such a decisive victory against Kael\'thas\' new overlords puts us in a most favorable situation.$B$BI will not forget your deeds.','Is it done, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5582insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5537,10508,'A Gift for Voren\'thal','I don\'t want to send you to Voren\'thal empty-handed.  It\'s not in my style to be underwhelming.$B$BTo gain access to Socrethar\'s Seat in the north, we\'ll need to use his own teleporters - locked by Socrethar\'s teleportation stone.  The first half of the stone is in the possession of Forgemaster Morug at Forge Base Oblivion.  The second half is held by the demon Silroth at Forge Base: Gehenna.$B$BObtain these and Voren\'thal will be impressed beyond words.','Spymaster Thalodien at Area 52 wants you to obtain the First Half of Socrethar\'s Stone from Forgemaster Morug at Forge Base: Oblivion and the Second Half of Socrethar\'s Stone from Silroth at Forge Base: Gehenna.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','You do not cease to amaze me, $N!  Good thing you\'re on our side.','Have you obtained Socrethar\'s teleportation stone, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5583insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5538,10509,'Bound for Glory','Now I can properly send you back to Shattrath City.  You\'ve uncovered evidence of Kael\'thas making pacts with the Burning Legion and you\'ve got the key to the overlord\'s back door.$B$BMake sure Voren\'thal doesn\'t topple over with excitement from the news - the old man\'s getting a bit fragile, if you know what I mean.  You\'ll find him inside the Seer\'s Library at the Scryer\'s Tier.','Bring Socrethar\'s Teleportation Stone to Voren\'thal the Seer at the Scryer\'s Tier in Shattrath City.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','You have no idea what this will mean for the Scryers, $N. You will have to excuse me while I catch my breath and assess the situation.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5584insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5539,10510,'Into the Draenethyst Mine','Well it\'s good to see someone who\'s willing to help out around here!$B$BBorgrim and I are part of the Explorers\' League, and we\'re here to learn what we can of these mountains.  We\'ve heard all sorts of tales, and I can\'t wait to get settled in and started.$B$BOne thing in particular has caught my attention.  The night elves speak of a place down in the ravine to the east known as the Draenethyst Mine.  It\'s at the south end of Bloodmaul Outpost.  I\'d like some of the crystals that grow naturally therein.','Bronwyn Stouthammer has asked you to collect 5 Draenethyst Mine Crystals and then return to her at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Ooh, by the looks of those, they\'re fine specimens.  I can\'t wait to get my examination tools unpacked and have a real look at them!$B$BThank you!','Isn\'t this exciting?  After all of the dirt and insects of Silithus, this place is like a paradise.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5585insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5540,10511,'Strange Brew','If I\'m going to start this vacation out right, then I\'m going to need more brew.  Unfortunately, the elves know nothing of the fine art of fermentation.$B$BI overheard that the Bloodmaul ogres down in the ravine have plenty.  I\'m willing to give it a try.$B$BDo me a favor?  Head south through the Living Grove and then down the ramp to the east into Bloodmaul Outpost and procure me some?  I hear they have big barrels of it laying around and that their brewmasters carry it around to all the other ogres.','Borgrim Stouthammer wants you to procure 11 Bloodmaul Brutebane Brew for him.  Once you\'ve done that, return it to him at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','What is that smell?  Oh no, don\'t tell me that\'s the ogre brew?!$B$BI\'m almost afraid to try this stuff out.  Oh well, what the hell?  Bottoms up!','It\'s getting pretty dry around here.  How am I supposed to enjoy my vacation without something to drink?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5586insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5541,10512,'Getting the Bladespire Tanked','I\'ll not take another sip of that ill-smelling muck!  But it does give me an idea.$B$B<Borgrim gets a twinkle in his eye.>$B$BSo here\'s the plan.  We know that the Bloodmaul practically live off of this swill.  But I wonder what their enemies, the Bladespire ogres, think of it?$B$B$N, I want you to take the rest of this rubbish and see if you can get the Bladespire ogres tanked.  You can find them by heading north from Bloodmaul Outpost through the ravine.','Take the Bloodmaul Brutebane Keg and use it in an attempt to get 5 Bladespire Ogres drunk.  If you\'re successful, return to Borgrim at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Ah, hahaha! That\'s what I thought. I guess ogre\'s will drink anything.$B$BStupid, the lot of \'em!$B$BWell, I must say even though I didn\'t get my brew, you have given me a great start to my vacation.$B$BTell you what... we have all sorts of stuff here we don\'t really need. Can I offer you something?','What\'s the word? Are the Bladespire ogres as indiscriminate as the Bloodmaul, or did it nearly kill them like it did me?','Bladespire ogres drunk','Bladespire Ogres drunk','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5587insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5542,10513,'Oronok Torn-heart','I do not know how we can acquire the spell that the spirits mentioned, $N. Truth be told, I don\'t even know where we would start such a search.$B$B<Torlok stares off in the distance, lost in thought.>$B$BHrm... It is a long shot but it might be our only chance. There is an orc that I have seen visit this area before. I spoke to him briefly once. He is a hermit that claims to live above Coilskar Cistern to the northeast. Seek out this orc, Oronok Torn-heart.$B$BAs I said, it is a long shot.','Seek out Oronok Torn-heart on the Shattered Shelf - north of Coilskar Cistern.\r\n','Words of damnation? Never heard of \'em. Take my advice: Let the dead rest.$B$BBut since you\'ve already come all this way, I could use some help with a few other matters. What do you say?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5588insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5543,10514,'I Was A Lot Of Things...','I\'ve been a lot of things, stranger, but what I once was isn\'t what\'s important. What I am now is what matters and what I am now is a farmer.$B$BI use trained felboars to dig up tubers from the hardened earth of the Shattered Plains. Recently, though, flayers from a nest to the northeast have been attacking my animals, preventing me from gathering tubers.$B$BWould you go to the area north of here and gather tubers for me? Use this whistle while standing on a tuber mound and a boar will come dig one up!','Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok\'s Farm in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover 10 Shadowmoon Tubers from the Shattered Plains.$B$BHe also wants Oronok\'s Boar Whistle back when you\'re done.','You say there were a lot more of those flayers than you expected? Looks like it\'s time to take out the trash.','Get me those tubers!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5589insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5544,10515,'A Lesson Learned','We need to show those flayers what happens when you mess with Oronok\'s business!$B$BI want you to go back to the Shattered Plains and destroy every flayer egg that you see. They\'ll be deep in flayer territory so keep your guard up.','Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok\'s Farm in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to destroy 10 Ravenous Flayer Eggs on the Shattered Plains.','That\'ll teach those damned, filthy animals not to kill my boars! Well done, $N!','No mercy!','','Ravenous Flayer Egg Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5590insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5545,10516,'The Trappings of a Vindicator','I know it\'s strange, but I do want to stay in this cage.  It gives me the perfect opportunity to do what I came here for; to gather information on the Bladespire.$B$BI can leave at any time, but I would like to have my sword and shield back.$B$BTwo of their leaders have my trappings.  Droggam has my sword and Mugdorg has my shield.$B$BIf you have need, obtain and use the brew from Bloodmaul Outpost to the south to thin out their help and entice those two, but beware their sober guards who don\'t drink!','Retrieve Vindicator Vuuleen\'s Blade and Vindicator Vuuleen\'s Shield.  Then return them to Vindicator Vuuleen at Bladespire Hold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','And now I owe you a great debt, for you have helped me to restore my honor.  But our work here is not yet over.','$C, do you have my sword and shield?$B$BWhile I could leave at any time, it would be embarrassing for me to return to Sylvanaar without my trappings.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5591insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5546,10517,'Gorr\'Dim, Your Time Has Come...','The leader of Bladespire Hold is known as Gorr\'Dim.  Trust me... the name is appropriate.$B$BStill, I wouldn\'t underestimate him.  He\'s crafty enough to have elevated his clan to be the favorite of Gruul the Dragonkiller and they now dominate these mountains.  And Gorr\'Dim keeps an entourage about him at all times, including defenders who are sworn not to drink the Bloodmaul brew.$B$BFor the safety of Sylvanaar, I\'m asking that you go back in there and deal with him.','Vindicator Vuuleen has asked you to kill Gorr\'Dim, leader of the Bladespire Hold ogres.  Once you have done so, return to her at Bladespire Hold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Very well. You\'re a very resourceful $C, that\'s for certain.$B$BI wonder then if there\'s one more thing that you can do for myself and Sylvanaar?','What was all of that noise? Was that you dealing with Gorr\'Dim?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5592insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5547,10518,'Planting the Banner','I want you to steal the Bladespire banner from one of their champions and take it south to Bloodmaul Outpost.  Plant it atop their Northmaul Tower.$B$BThis will infuriate the Bloodmaul and they will attack you relentlessly.  But it will also keep their hatred focused on Bladespire Hold, and away from Sylvanaar.$B$BYou will know you have accomplished the deed when you have defeated Gurn Grubnosh and taken his helm.  Return it to Sylvanaar.$B$B$N, this isn\'t going to be easy.  Take a  friend or two with you.','Use the Bladespire Banner atop the Northmaul Tower to lure Gurn Grubnosh.  Deliver the banner and the Helm of Gurn Grubnosh to Commander Skyshadow at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Gurn Grubnosh\'s helm and a Bladespire banner?$B$BQuite clever of you and the vindicator to come up with that plan.$B$BBy keeping the attention of the Bloodmaul clan on Bladespire Hold, you\'ve relieved the pressure that they were beginning to assert upon us here.$B$BPlease, $N, accept a humble gift from Sylvanaar.','What brings you to me? Surely not more trouble with the Bloodmaul ogre clan?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5593insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5548,10519,'The Cipher of Damnation - Truth and History','<Oronok adjusts his posture and stands to his full height.>$B$BI had to be sure, $N. And to be sure, I had to test you. Please excuse the little masquerade. I am as much a farmer as you are $g female:male;. Which is to say, not at all.$B$BIf you are to recover the Cipher of Damnation, you will need to listen to what I have to tell you. When you are ready, let me know and I will tell you the story.','Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok\'s Farm in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to listen to his story. Speak to Oronok to begin hearing his story.','Do you understand what must be done? Find the sons of Oronok. Find my boys...','Be patient and listen, $N.','The Cipher of Damnation - History and Truth','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5594insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5549,10520,'Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm','Excuse me $c, but I\'d like just a moment of your time if possible.$B$BThe Cenarion Circle in Darnassus is looking for seasoned adventurers such as yourself to lend them aid in a vital research project.  While I do not know the specifics, I can inform you that none other than Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm is spearheading this research.$B$BPlease - if you are interested, speak with him directly in the Cenarion Enclave within Darnassus proper.','Speak with Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm in Darnassus.','Well now, $C... since you were informed that I was leading this research myself, you obviously came as quickly as you could.$B$BNow that you are here, be sure to pay attention the first time I tell you the details; I have no desire to repeat myself.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5595insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5550,10521,'Grom\'tor, Son of Oronok','My first born, Grom\'tor, left to search Coilskar Point - directly southwest of here.$B$BHe\'s the warrior in the family - ill-tempered and blood-thirsty... Traits he inherited from his mother. Search along the outskirts of Coilskar Point. If you see naga corpses, Grom\'tor is sure to be close.$B$BWhen you find him, tell him this: \"We spill blood for just cause.\" It will let him know that you are a friend to Torn-heart and prevent your premature death.','Find Grom\'tor, Son of Oronok at Coilskar Point in Shadowmoon Valley.','<Grom\'tor grunts.>$B$BIt\'s good you came. This maggot just spilled its guts. We\'ve got them now!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5596insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5551,10522,'The Cipher of Damnation - Grom\'tor\'s Charge','This naga filth is the sixth one I\'ve interrogated today. He\'s got the fancy armor so I figured he knew something. Those other ones were useless.$B$B<Grom\'tor points to the corpses of the naga around him.>$B$BI only had to beat him once and he told me everything.$B$BThe first part of the cipher is hidden in a naga chest at Coilskar Point or Coilskar Cistern, east of here. He says naga carry the keys. Kill \'em, take their keys and use them to open the Coilskar chests. Return to me when you find the cipher.','Grom\'tor, Son of Oronok at Coilskar Point in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover the First Fragment of the Cipher of Damnation.','This must be taken back to father at once.','Any luck?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5597insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5552,10523,'The Cipher of Damnation - The First Fragment Recovered','<Grom\'tor wraps the documents up and places them in a lockbox.>$B$BTake this box to father. He awaits your return at the farm, northeast of here.$B$BTell him that I will be home soon. As soon as I am done having my fun...','Take Grom\'tor\'s Lockbox to Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok\'s Farm in Shadowmoon Valley.','When the Cipher of Damnation is reformed, we shall end this curse!','You have succeeded?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5598insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5553,10524,'Thunderlord Clan Artifacts','The artifact bears markings that indicate its origins as being created by the Thunderlord clan orcs.  These orcs used to live at Thunderlord Stronghold before they were changed into fel orcs.$B$BFor a time the Bladespire ogres inhabited the stronghold until recently when the Horde pushed them out.$B$BYou\'ve heard of other artifacts that were lost.  A drum, an arrow and a tablet come to mind as objects that you know are being sought after.$B$BFind them in Bladespire Hold and return them to Rokgar Bloodgrip.','Retrieve the Thunderlord Clan Drum, Thunderlord Clan Arrow and the Thunderlord Clan Tablet.  Return them, along with the Thunderlord Clan Artifact, to Rokgah Bloodgrip at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','I do not believe my eyes! If this is some sort of trick, I will flay the flesh from your bones, $C!$B$BQuickly, let me examine these priceless artifacts before you break them with your clumsy hands.','Do I know you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5599insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5554,10525,'Vision Guide','$R fool.  You almost destroyed the drum!$B$BI\'ve worked too hard to get here, and my hands have been empty up until now.  At least you were able to succeed where the others only met with failure, or worse.$B$BIt is time to evoke a vision that will lead you to the last relic that I have been seeking.$B$BTake this fiery fragment of my soul.  Use it to transform your body into flame and denature your spirit into a vision guide that will shoot forth to reveal the location of the final Thunderlord relic.','Use the Fiery Soul Fragment to transform your spirit into a vision guide.  Speak with Rokgah Bloodgrip at Thunderlord Stronghold after your vision has guided you to the location of the final Thunderlord relic.','The back of the Draenethyst Mine? The Bloodmaul clan must have stolen it from the Bladespire ogres.$B$BBah! That is too far away... too deep into Bloodmaul territory for me to travel.$B$BBut you. You know the path. You will go there in my stead!','What did you see? Tell me, I must know where it is!','Final Thunderlord artifact discovered','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5600insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5555,10526,'The Thunderspike','If the vision that I granted you is true, then you must travel down into the ravine and to the south end of Bloodmaul Ravine.  There you will find the Draenethyst Mine.$B$BJourney to the back of the mine, and retrieve the Thunderspike.  Ignore everything else!  I have no interest in the crystals of the mine, nor the ogres therein.$B$BAs soon as you have the spear return it to me here!$B$BAnd, $N, be very careful with it... I would hate to think what would happen to you should you break it.','Rokgah Bloodgrip has tasked you with the retrieval of the Thunderspike.  Return it to her at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Now I am impressed! Do you have any idea how many others died attempting to retrieve all of these relics?$B$BWe are fortunate to have you working with us here, $N. Even if you are a bit slow.$B$BYou must allow me to reward your dedication to our cause. Choose, but choose wisely. When you are done, I will hand over the artifacts to appease the ghosts of Thunderlord Stronghold.','The significance of these artifacts eludes you, I am sure.$B$BWhen we have all five, our right to the ownership of Thunderlord Stronghold will be secured through the appeasement of its dead spirits.$B$BDo you begin to grasp now why this is so important? Do you understand why I have little patience for niceties?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5601insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5556,10527,'Ar\'tor, Son of Oronok','My youngest son, Ar\'tor, left to search Illidari Point - far to the southwest, nestled between Legion Hold and Wildhammer Stronghold.$B$BWhile Ar\'tor is a hunter of remarkable skill and an expert tracker, I fear that he may be in over his head this time. Illidari Point is the proving grounds for Illidan\'s demons. These are demons that left the Burning Legion to join the Betrayer!$B$BTravel to Illidari Point and find Ar\'tor, $N.','Find Ar\'tor, Son of Oronok at Illidari Point in Shadowmoon Valley.','Ar\'tor\'s body lies limp, suspended in mid-air. You have no idea how long he has been dead but your heart aches for Oronok.$B$BPerhaps you should try and get him down and take his corpse back to his father.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5602insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5557,10528,'Demonic Crystal Prisons','From assessing the scene, you note that Ar\'tor is being held in place by energy beams emanating from the crystals hovering around the rune. Try as you might, Ar\'tor is unmovable.$B$BYou note that the crystals have an empty slot at their base - perhaps for a key. It also seems as if succubi periodically perform some sort of ritual at the site.$B$BSearch Illidari Point for their leader. Perhaps she holds the key to releasing Ar\'tor.','Seek out and slay Painmistress Gabrissa at Illidari Point and return to the corpse of Ar\'tor, Son of Oronok with the Crystalline Key.','You slide the crystalline key into the slots at the base of each of the demonic crystals.','Ar\'tor hovers lifelessly before you.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5603insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5558,10529,'The Hunter\'s Path','Lieutenant Dawnrunner at Farstrider Retreat has requested an audience with all able hunters.  It would greatly benefit you to seek her out, $N.  She is a beacon of wisdom for those of our calling.$b$bFarstrider Retreat lies south of Silvermoon City.','Speak with Lieutenant Dawnrunner at Farstrider Retreat.','$N, it is good you have come. Our list of allies grows thin, and even those who share our cause are not completely trusted. It is because of this that we, the rangers, turn to nature for aid.$B$BIn the allies of the forest we find a deep bond that does not know deceit.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5604insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5559,10530,'The Hunter\'s Path','Lieutenant Dawnrunner at Farstrider Retreat has requested an audience with all able hunters.  It would greatly benefit you to seek her out, $N.  She is a beacon of wisdom for those of our calling.$b$bFarstrider Retreat lies south of Silvermoon City.','Speak with Lieutenant Dawnrunner at Farstrider Retreat.','$N, it is good you have come. Our list of allies grows thin, and even those who share our cause are not completely trusted. It is because of this that we, the rangers, turn to nature for aid.$B$BIn the allies of the forest we find a deep bond that does not know deceit.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5605insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5560,10531,'The Battle for Arathi Basin!','$N, the battle for Arathi Basin is a battle for resources and territory.  Key points in the area must be held and operated in order to supply our forces with much needed raw materials and supplies.  I charge you to assault the points farthest from our Arathi Basin base.$B$BAssault the farm, the mine, the lumber mill and the blacksmith when they are controlled by the enemy.  Find the enemy\'s banner and rip it from its flag post!$B$BWhen you have done this to all four points, return to me.','Assault the mine, the lumber mill, the blacksmith and the farm, then return to Field Marshal Oslight in Refuge Pointe.','','','','Mine Assaulted','Lumber Mill Assaulted','Blacksmith Assaulted','Farm Assaulted',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5606insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5561,10532,'Cut Arathor Supply Lines','The League of Arathor is sparing no expense in their move to retake Arathi.  They, and all the races of the Alliance, now stream to this distant region, intent on expanding their hold from Refuge Pointe.  We must stop them, and the best means to stop them is to take their supplies.$B$BYou can help us, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsman.  Capture and control every base you can, win the battle, and return to me with the resources you gain.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Deathstalker Mortis at Hammerfall.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5607insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5562,10533,'More Resource Crates','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5608insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5563,10534,'Returning Home','A $r $c...$b$bYes, there was a priest of your order here recently, $n.  He told me it was time you returned to the Exodar met with Caedmos.  There was a sense of urgency in his request, so I wouldn\'t take too long to see him.','Caedmos at the Exodar has requested you come see him.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5609insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5564,10535,'Arathi Basin Resources!','War must be fought with soldiers, any soldier will tell you.  They\'ll also say that a battle fought with poor gear or on an empty stomach is lost before it starts!$B$BThat is why Arathi Basin is important.  There are key areas in the basin that hold essential resources.  Metals, weapons, food, lumber - all are needed, and all can be gained there.$B$BThat is what I want from you, $N.  Enter Arathi Basin, win the battle by holding more bases than the enemy, and return to me with a crate of resources.','Win the battle for Arathi Basin, get an Arathi Resource Crate, and return it to Sergeant Maclear at Refuge Pointe.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5610insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5565,10536,'More Resource Crates','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5611insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5566,10537,'Lohn\'goron, Bow of the Torn-heart','It is a sign, $N. Even in death, I cannot be stopped. Recovering a part of the Cipher of Damnation is my destiny. With your help, that destiny will be fulfilled.$B$BBefore we embark on that journey, I must have my longbow, Lohn\'goron. It is a family heirloom that has been handed down from Torn-heart to Torn-heart for generations.$B$BMy instinct tells me that a demon stole it from my corpse. Kill the demons here until you find my bow. ','The Spirit of Ar\'tor at Illidari Point in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover Lohn\'goron, Bow of the Torn-heart from the demons of the area.','It means \"hero\'s sojourn\" in my native tongue. It rings true even now - in this era where our heroes have all died...$B$BIt seems as though one always rises.','Fear not, hero. When the time is right, I will assist you...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5612insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5567,10538,'Boiling Blood','That last experiment was not a complete loss -- I did save a small bit of the blood you brought me.  Now boiled down, it should be free of whatever curses the Bleeding Hollow witches placed on their people\'s blood.$B$BI need more for study.  Go gather bleeding hollow blood from the orcs in Zeth\'Gor.  When you\'ve gathered the blood, bring it to their cursed cauldron and boil it.  Bring me the boiled blood.','Use Bleeding Hollow Blood at the Cursed Cauldron to make Boiled Blood.  Bring 12 Boiled Blood to Apothecary Albreck at Spinebreaker Post.','Very good. Now I can more easily perform my tests...$B$BThank you, $N. Your talents are considerable.','Do you have the boiled blood, $N? I am eager to study it without an interruption this time...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5613insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5568,10539,'Returning Home','A $r $c...$b$bYes, there was a priest of your order here recently, $n.  He told me it was time you returned to the Exodar met with Caedmos.  There was a sense of urgency in his request, so I wouldn\'t take too long to see him.','Caedmos at the Exodar has requested you come see him.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5614insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5569,10540,'The Cipher of Damnation - Ar\'tor\'s Charge','At last, we are ready. I will bestow a piece of my spirit upon you, hero. It will guard you and help you in your battle against evil.$B$BYou must then travel south of here towards the back of Illidari Point. Hidden in the ether is a vile creature known as Veneratus the Many. My spirit hunter will call him out when he is near.$B$BDestroy Veneratus and take from his corpse the second part of the Cipher of Damnation.','The Spirit of Ar\'tor at Illidari Point in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover the Second Fragment of the Cipher of Damnation from Veneratus the Many.$B$BCreatures attacked or damaged by the Spirit Hunter will not yield loot or experience.','<Ar\'tor fades in and out of existence.>$B$BIt would seem that my time is nearly at an end, hero.','The cipher must be recovered!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5615insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5570,10541,'The Cipher of Damnation - The Second Fragment Recovered','I thank you, hero. For without you, my spirit would forever remain in this cursed place.$B$B<Ar\'tor hands you a spectral lockbox.>$B$BTake it and deliver it to my father at the farm, far to the northeast, above Coilskar Cistern... Inside are Lohn\'goron and the second part of the cipher.$B$BHe will be sad to hear news of my death. Promise me that you will assure him that I died a free soul. Tell him that I see the hunting grounds and they are glorious. Tell him that I wait for him there...','Take Ar\'tor\'s Lockbox to Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok\'s Farm in Shadowmoon Valley.\r\n','<Oronok wipes the tear away and smiles at you.>$B$BThank you. I promise you, hero, a song of honor will be written in your name.','<A single tear rolls down Oronok\'s cheek.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5616insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5571,10542,'They Stole Me Hookah and Me Brews!','T\'chali used to be a pretty friendly troll.  Me come down here to teach the Bloodmaul how to brew their beer.  But once me do that, the Bloodmaul bury T\'chali and leave him here to rot!$B$BThe worst part of it was that they stole me hookah!$B$BSo, you want to help T\'chali?  You bring me hookah back.  T\'chali think the ogres that stole it headed southwest over by the mine.$B$BAnd while you\'re in there, pick up some brews, too!','Retrieve T\'chali\'s Hookah and 10 Bloodmaul Brutebane Brews.  Bring them back to T\'chali the Witch Doctor at Bloodmaul Ravine in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Yes, that is what T\'chali is talking about! Though me not sure what those ogres put in there; that not T\'chali\'s brand of tobacco that me smell in the hookah.$B$BNo matter, T\'chali is happy. Happy enough, in fact, to ask you to do something else.','Hey, you got me hookah and those brews yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5617insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5572,10543,'Grimnok and Korgaah, I Am For You!','T\'chali has been waiting for his revenge!$B$BThe day they bury T\'chali and leave him to die, it was Grimnok Battleborn that led them.  And the next day it was Korgaah that come south to raid and kick T\'chali in the head.$B$BI want them dead!$B$BYou will find Grimnok atop the Southmaul Tower in Bloodmaul Outpost.  You will find Korgaah in the top of a building at the north end of Bladespire Hold.  Korgaah has sober defenders, so use the brew to distract him away from them, because they won\'t drink.','T\'chali the Witch Doctor has asked you to kill his chief tormentors, Grimnok Battleborn and Korgaah.  After you have done so, return to him at Bloodmaul Ravine in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','T\'chali is pleased that Korgaah and Grimnok Battleborn are pushing up daisies just like him.$B$BBut T\'chali\'s thirst for revenge is not quenched. There\'s one more thing that you must do!','You think T\'chali likes being this way? No!$B$BSo, have you exacted me revenge yet? Are Grimnok and Korgaah dead?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5618insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5573,10544,'A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans!','T\'chali wants revenge on all of the ogres!$B$BT\'chali was a powerful witch doctor in life.  If you reach into me grave you will find a wicked strong fetish.$B$BInvoke the fetish\'s magic at the entrances to the buildings and towers of both Bladespire Hold and Bloodmaul Outpost.  The voodoo you work will summon an evil spirit that you must defeat.  This in turn will curse that building.$B$BBeware, if you attempt to curse a building that is already cursed, you will call down another cursed spirit!','Use the Wicked Strong Fetish to curse 5 buildings or towers in Bladespire Hold and 2 in Bloodmaul Outpost.  Return to T\'chali the Witch Doctor at Bloodmaul Ravine in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have done so.','Hahaha, revenge is sweet!$B$BBut, T\'chali can see you be interested in moving on now that you help him get his revenge. I hear you, mon... life is for the living.$B$BTell you what, T\'chali got lots of goodies still left here in his grave. You pick the one you like best!','T\'chali does not want to speak again until $N has used the fetish to curse the buildings and towers of both the Bladespire and Bloodmaul clans!','','Bladespire Hold building cursed','Bloodmaul Outpost building cursed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5619insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5574,10545,'Bladespire Kegger','As T\'chali was saying, he helped out his Bloodmaul friends to make their brew.  But what T\'chali did not say was why.$B$BThe Bloodmaul are in dire straits.  The Bladespire clan be crushing them, and they needed a new weapon to help out with their fight.$B$BThat\'s when T\'chali came up with a great idea.  Why not make the perfect brew, one that strengthens you and weakens your enemy?  Only thing is, T\'chali does not know if it works.$B$BSo, you gonna take this brew up to Bladespire Hold and see if it works!','T\'chali has asked you to take the Bloodmaul Brutebane Keg and use it in an attempt to get 5 Bladespire Ogres drunk.  If successful, return to T\'chali the Witch Doctor at Bloodmaul Ravine in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','That\'s good news! That brew is gonna come in handy with what T\'chali is gonna ask you to do next.','Tell T\'chali... did the brew work? Did the Bladespire ogres like it?','','Bladespire Ogres drunk','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5620insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5575,10546,'Borak, Son of Oronok','While Ar\'tor was off hunting and Grom\'tor was off fighting, Borak studied. Eventually he took up a vocation as a scholar and left for the wilds of Draenor. He returned home a few years ago a changed orc.$B$BHis heightened sense of awareness and mental acuity had forged a silent assassin.$B$BNow a confident and powerful orc, he has taken to recovering the most guarded piece of the cipher.$B$BFind Borak hiding near Eclipse Point, far to the south. He watches from the shadows of the bridge.','Find Borak, Son of Oronok near Eclipse Point in Shadowmoon Valley.','<Borak is silent for a moment.>$B$BI\'ve been watching these blood elves for weeks now, trying to get a lock on where they\'ve hidden the third part of the Cipher of Damnation.$B$BThus far, I\'ve been unsuccessful in gathering any clues. The only thing I do know is that Illidan sends an envoy from the Black Temple here once a day.$B$BThis envoy is untouchable. I\'ve shadowed him for a week, trying to figure out how to separate him from his bodyguard. Unfortunately, the bodyguard never leaves his side.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5621insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5576,10547,'Of Thistleheads and Eggs...','I\'d have given up had I not noticed... He\'s a Thistlehead. I couldn\'t place it at first but the signs are all there...$B$BNow if we could get our hands on some bloodthistle, we\'d be in business.$B$BIn my travels, I met a shady Broken in Shattrath named Tobias.$B$BTobias made a business of trading bloodthistle to blood elves for rotten arakkoa eggs.$B$BDirectly west of here are arakkoa ruins. Search them for an egg and head to the lower city of Shattrath. That\'s where you\'ll find Tobias.','Borak, Son of Oronok at the bridge north of Eclipse Point wants you to find a Rotten Arakkoa Egg and deliver it to Tobias the Filth Gorger in Shattrath City, located in northwest Terokkar Forest.','You\'ve got a rotten arakkoa egg? Well why didn\'t you say so! I think we can do business.$B$B<Tobias smiles, exposing a mouthful of decay and filth.>','<Tobias raises an eyebrow.>$B$BBloodthistle? Never heard of it... Are you a peacekeeper? You know you\'d have to tell me if you were... I\'ve got rights!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5622insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5577,10548,'The Sad Truth','Remember how I told you about the fat merchant who was looking for that ring?  As it turns out, he had his archeologist son looking for the thing and it didn\'t turn out so well.  By not so well I mean they killed him and shrunk his head.$b$bNow this might seem cold, calculating, and exceptionally callous, but he\'d pay a lot to get his son\'s head back.  Sounds like the perfect job for you!$b$bGo east until you find the troll ruins of Zeb\'Tela and Zeb\'Nowa.  You\'re bound to find it one of the chests there.','Eralan in Tranquillien wants you to retrieve the Archeologist\'s Shrunken Head from one of the chests in Zeb\'Tela or Zeb\'Nowa.','Oh, wow. That is not pretty. I\'m sure the merchant will appreciate it more than me.$B$BAs payment, the merchant offered to buy one of my special stock items for you, so take your pick sweetie!','How\'s the head hunting?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5623insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5578,10550,'The Bundle of Bloodthistle','I wasn\'t lying. That egg was incredible. Where did you get it from?$B$BWell, if you ever need more bloodthistle, you know where I am and what I need.$B$BHere\'s a bundle of the stuff. Take it back to your benefactor.','Take the Bundle of Bloodthistle back to Borak, Son of Oronok at the bridge near Eclipse Point in Shadowmoon Valley.\r\n','Now to set the trap!','Do you have the bloodthistle?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5624insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5579,10551,'Allegiance to the Aldor','','','Are you certain of your choice, $N? $BThe Aldor will welcome you as an ally, but the Scryers will not easily forgive your decision.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5625insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5580,10552,'Allegiance to the Scryers','','','Are you certain of your choice, $N? $BThe Scryers will welcome you as an ally, but the Aldor will not easily forgive your decision.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5626insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5581,10553,'Voren\'thal the Seer','Now that you\'ve chosen a side, $N, you should meet the Scryers\' leader.$B$BYou will find Voren\'thal the Seer inside the Seer\'s Library at the Scryer\'s Tier.$B$BSee if you can be of assistance to him.  He will be glad to hear you\'ve decided to lend them a hand.','Speak to Voren\'thal the Seer inside the Seer\'s Library at the Scryer\'s Tier in Shattrath City.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Khadgar sends a new recruit? Let us put you to work, $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5627insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5582,10554,'Ishanah','Now that you\'ve decided to side with the Aldor, you\'d do well to introduce yourself to their leader.  You will find High Priestess Ishanah inside the Shrine of Unending Light.','Speak to Ishanah inside the Shrine of Unending Light at the Aldor Rise in Shattrath City.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Welcome, $N. I\'m glad to hear you\'ve decided to join us in our mission. May the Light always protect you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5628insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5583,10555,'Malaise','The magic practiced by the Lashh\'an arakkoa is unnatural. They rip out handfuls-clawfuls?-of their own feathers as reagents!$b$bThat doesn\'t sound like good magic to me. I\'ve come here to learn more about their spells. Unfortunately getting close is too much for me.$b$bYou could succeed: cast one of their spells on yourself, then return to me. You\'ll have to find one of their spellbooks, high up in the trees of Veil Lashh.$b$bAnd unless you\'ve grown feathers I can\'t see, you\'ll need to get some of those.\r\n','Collect 18 Plucked Lashh\'an Feathers, then read the Lashh\'an Tome in the treetops of Veil Lashh.','Flipping through the pages of the scratched notes and spindly script of the Lashh\'an arrakoa, you find a page with a pictogram of the circles of power you have seen in Veil Lashh.','From the crude pictographs on the pages of the aged tome, you discern that a large number of Lashh\'an feathers will be needed when casting the spells contained within.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5629insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5584,10556,'Scratches','The pictograms indicate using feathers to cast the spell at one of the circles of power in Veil Lashh.$b$bConfusing iconography seems to show an arakkoa being suffused with the spirit of a kaliri.','Use the Fistful of Feathers on the Lashh\'an Spell Circle, then return to Daranelle at Sylvanaar before the kaliri spirit fades.','I don\'t know what to say. This spell is very strange. It is not a simple conjuration or enchantment. but some sort of communion or communication spell.$B$BI\'m not sure what to make of it. $N. I\'ll have to think about it some more.$B$BBut thanks for your help. anyways! I\'m sure I\'ll think through this sooner or later.$BGains.','This is exciting! I can\'t wait to examine the workings of the spell.','','Have Daranelle analyze the Kaliri aura','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5630insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5585,10557,'Test Flight: The Zephyrium Capacitorium','I built an amazing device, the Zephyrium Capacitorium, and I\'m sure it\'ll work perfectly, but... do you want to help me test it?$B$BThere\'s plenty of hazard pay!$B$BSpeak with my twin over there, Rally. Good luck, $N. Come back after your experiment.  Or... if that\'s not possible due to sustained injuries, your next of kin can report to collect your pay.','Speak with Rally Zapnabber and use the Zephyrium Capacitorium.  Return to Tally Zapnabber at Toshley\'s Station.','Wow, you made it! And not a single bruise or compound fracture! See, I told you everything would work out!$B$BHere\'s your pay, $N, though I factored in medical expenses and you don\'t need those... so that\'s a bonus for you!','Don\'t be afraid! This is for science, and science is painful!','Test Tally\'s Experiment','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5631insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5586,10558,'Revered Among Honor Hold','You\'ve proven your worth to our cause, $N.  One such as yourself could one day become a great leader.$B$BContinue to fight our enemies in the Shattered Halls and gain renown among my men.  If you live up to my expectations I will have greater tasks to ask of you.','Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to become revered with Honor Hold by fighting Fel Orcs inside the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5632insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5587,10559,'Revered Among Thrallmar','You\'ve proven yourself time and again, $c.  Yet more trials await you.$B$BContinue to fight the Fel Horde inside the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel and your name will be known to all of Thrall\'s followers in this land.','Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to become revered with Thrallmar by fighting the Fel Orcs inside the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5633insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5588,10560,'Revered Among the Sha\'tar','<The calming melodic tones projected by A\'dal become more hushed and somber.>$B$B<You are shown the large naaru structure known as Tempest Keep.  It is now inhabited by the forces of Kael\'thas and its power used for nefarious ends.  A\'dal promises you greater tasks once you\'ve done your part to take back Tempest Keep.>','A\'dal in Shattrath City wants you to become revered with the Sha\'tar by defeating the forces of Kael\'thas inside Tempest Keep.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5634insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5589,10561,'Revered Among the Keepers of Time','You\'ve proven yourself to us, $r.  The timeline is not yet safe, however.$B$BWe\'re in need of true champions and you may prove to be one.$B$BContinue to defend the events of the past from intruders and you\'ll get the renown you deserve.','Andormu inside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris wants you to become revered with the Keepers of Time by continuing to defend the events of Old Hillsbrad and the Black Morass inside the Caverns of Time.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5635insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5590,10562,'Besieged!','Don\'t let your guard down, $r. We\'re under constant assault from the Burning Legion.$B$BFrom their base of Legion Hold to the northwest, the demons rain down a ceaseless stream of infernals. As quickly as we can kill them, the new meteors impact and begin a new wave of attacks.$B$BMy men are ragged and exhausted. I don\'t know how much longer they\'ll hold out. Please, $N, lend your help to our defenses. Take your place on the line and halt the advance of the infernals!','Wing Commander Nuainn, outside of Wildhammer Stronghold, wants you to kill 10 Infernal Attackers.','Thank you for relieving my men, $N. With your help, and that of others, we may yet hold out. Unfortunately, merely holding out is not enough. We must go on the offensive.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5636insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5591,10563,'To Legion Hold','The fortress of Legion Hold is nigh impregnable, and to be completely honest, I can\'t spare the forces for an assault. Our hopes are riding on you, $N.$B$BWhat little information we\'ve been able to gather indicates that the Legion stocks and prepares its infernals at the hold. With the help of a disguise I\'ll give you, you must sneak into Legion Hold and learn about the their plans. Your best hope is to intercept or overhear communication between their commanders. Good luck, $N.','Make your way to Legion Hold and locate the Legion Communication Device. While standing near the communication device, use your disguise and learn about the Legion\'s plans. Return to Wing Commander Nuainn at Wildhammer Stronghold when you\'ve completed your mission.','<Wing Commander Nuainn listens to your report, growing more alarmed with each sentence.>$B$BSo you\'re saying they have more than enough infernals to intensify the bombardment? If we don\'t stop them before they can put the next phase of their plan into motion, Wildhammer Stronghold is finished.','What did you discover? ','','','','Discover Legion\'s Plans','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5637insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5592,10564,'Blast the Infernals!','The device we\'ve assembled won\'t win any beauty contests, but it should be capable of destroying the infernals amassed at Legion Hold. Judging from what the fel reaver power core\'s energy did to the Fetid Pool, it holds a respectable amount of explosive power.$B$BIf you set the device off in the middle of the green glyph at the hold, it should be in range to hit all of the infernals.','Use the Fel Bomb while standing on the green glyph in Legion Hold, then report to Wing Commander Nuainn at Wildhammer Stronghold.','Well done, $N! I wish I could say that the Legion would give up after a setback like this, but you and I know better than that. The Deathforge that you learned about during your reconnaissance mission will be our next target.','Have you found a way to destroy the Legion\'s infernal stockpile?','','','Destroy Legion Hold Infernals','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5638insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5593,10565,'The Stones of Vekh\'nir','The arakkoa of Vekh\'nir have been a thorn in our sides for many years. Some strange religion guides them, a religion which has the arakkoa in a frenzy of activity. They carry these crystals with them now, which they have turned to some dark purpose.$b$bI know something of their rituals. They take the crystals to their spell circles to infuse them. We at the village would like to know more. Waylay a few of the arakkoa until you find a crystal, charge it, then return it to me.','Collect and use a Vekh\'nir Crystal at the Vekh\'nir Spell Circle, then return the Charged Vekh\'nir Crystal to Dertrok at the Mok\'Nathal Village.','Ah, look how it glows! I must try this at once.','The Vekh\'nir arakkoa have been benign for many years, but now something has stirred them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5639insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5594,10566,'Trial and Error','I\'ve fashioned four wands that I believe will enhance the power of the arakkoa\'s crystals. Take these wands to Trogma\'s Claim, and try them on the ogre slaves.$b$bYou\'ll need to find an infused crystal off of the arakkoa in the area.$b$bWhen you figure out which is best, come back to me.','Try out each of Dertrok\'s wands on an Arakkoa Ogre Slave, then return to Dertrok. Each wand will require an Infused Vekh\'nir Crystal to use.','This information will be every helpful, $N. I will further refine that design and see if we can\'t expand its utility.','','','Test the first wand','Test the second wand','Test the third wand','Test the fourth wand',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5640insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5595,10567,'Creating the Pendant','The arakkoa of Ruaan Weald elevate from their flock the Harbingers of the Raven, the heralds of their god.$b$bThey believe that the Harbingers watch over them from the sky, where they receive the teachings of the Raven, and descend to pass this message along.$b$bThe Harbingers hold a powerful sway over the souls of the arakkoa. They use magical pendants, which we need.$b$bAttract one of the Harbingers by slaying its flock and taking their claws. Place the claws upon the altar to get his attention.','Find 6 Ruuan\'ok Claws and use them at the Ruaan\'ok Oracle Circle to summon a Harbinger of the Raven. Kill it and return its Harbinger\'s Pendant to Timeon at Ruuan Weald.','You have it!$B$BWith this pendant, I will be able to attune you to the arakkoa of Grishnath in such a way that will enable you to comprehend their speech.$B$BWith this, we may gain further understanding of the arakkoa, and the nature of the Raven. I will need your help to do this.','Once the Harbinger is aware of your attack upon his flock, he will be quick to respond.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5641insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5596,10568,'Tablets of Baa\'ri','Years ago, the dreaded warlock known as Gul\'dan raised the volcano in the middle of Shadowmoon.  The draenei village of Baa\'ri, to the southwest, was buried under the lava along with its inhabitants and artifacts of religious importance.$B$BThe treacherous tribe of Broken known as the Ashtongue has been ordered by Illidan to excavate the area.  We must use this opportunity to recover the Tablets of Baa\'ri, an ancient text rumored to hold the secrets of the Temple of Karabor, now known as the Black Temple.','Anchorite Ceyla at the Altar of Sha\'tar wants you to collect 12 Baa\'ri Tablets from the ground and from Ashtongue Workers at the Ruins of Baa\'ri.$B$BCompleting quests with the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','The Baa\'ri tablets! Yes, this might provide us with very useful information.','Have you found the tablets yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5642insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5597,10569,'The Sketh\'lon Wreckage','Our scouts have brought back disturbing reports from the ruined arakkoa encampments in the area.$B$BThe ghosts of powerful arakkoa magicians wield powers we never thought they possessed. They seem to be organizing, as though preparing for something, but our knowledge is limited. We cannot afford to remain ignorant!$B$BTravel north to the Sketh\'lon Wreckage, to the northwest of the Deathforge and search for signs of their motives.','Recover the Skethlon Commander\'s Journal Page 1, Skethlon Commander\'s Journal Page 2, and Skethlon Commander\'s Journal Page 3 from the Dark Conclave arakkoa at the Sketh\'lon Wreckage to Gryphonrider Kieran.','<Kieran leafs through the journal pages.>$B$BMuch of this is unintelligible. but I can make out bits here and there about preparations for a spell gone awry. casualties, and a deteriorating situation. There\'s also a curious note here about a \'deserter.\'','What have you discovered?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5643insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5598,10570,'To Catch A Thistlehead','<Borak takes the bundle of bloodthistle from you and places it to his nose.>$B$BPungent...$B$BNow, take this bundle and place it at the other end of this bridge. When the envoy makes his daily rounds, he will be compelled to pick it up - without his bodyguard. You see, blood elves look down upon bloodthistle addicts. If any of his compatriots ever found out...$B$BAll you need to do is lie in wait for him to dismiss his bodyguard. When he is alone, make your strike! Kill him and take the missive.','Borak, Son of Oronok at the bridge near Eclipse Point in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover the Stormrage Missive.','<Borak takes the missive from you and begins to read.>$B$BClever bastards! This is a directive from Illidan that dictates where the cipher is to be hidden next. Apparently, they keep it moving. It does not tell us where it currently rests... If only we could deliver the missive now that we know the next location.$B$BToo bad the seal on the missive is broken, rendering it unusable.$B$BHrm... Yet...','Be quick about it, $Gboy:girl;.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5644insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5599,10571,'Oronu the Elder','According to the tablets, an artifact known as a Medallion of Karabor was kept at Baa\'ri.  Only the highest-ranking draenei priests were granted these, as they allowed unfettered access into the Temple of Karabor.$B$BWe must find out whether the Ashtongue have recovered the medallion that was kept at Baa\'ri yet.  Its power would provide great aid in our fight against Illidan.$B$BAkama\'s lieutenant at Baa\'ri, Oronu the Elder, receives written orders from him daily.  Obtain them and bring them to me.','Anchorite Ceyla at the Altar of Sha\'tar wants you to obtain the Orders from Akama from Oronu the Elder at the Ruins of Baa\'ri.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Akama\'s very own handwriting. It is truly sad to think of what became of one as wise and beloved as he.','Any news yet, $N? Time is not on our side.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5645insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5600,10572,'Setting Up the Bomb','We cannot permit the Legion to carry out its plan to destroy Wildhammer Stronghold on their march to the Black Temple.$B$BThere\'s only one way to stop them, $N. You must create an explosive large enough to destroy the Legion\'s entire stockpile of infernals at the hold.$B$BThe Fetid Pool near Legion Hold holds an old fel reaver power core you could use as the base of your device. Search the other wreckage near the fel reaver for armor plating we might be able to make a casing from.','Obtain a Fel Reaver Power Core and a Fel Reaver Armor Plate and bring them to Wing Commander Nuainn at Wildhammer Stronghold.','<The wing commander inserts the power core into the armor plates and seals the device shut, nodding.>$B$BThis should do the trick. Should make quite an explosion too, if I do say so m\'self.','<You hand the materials to the wing commander.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5646insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5601,10573,'The Deathforge','From your findings at Legion Hold, we know that the Legion\'s Shadow Council allies are producing infernals in the Deathforge. I\'ve dispatched a small scouting party to keep watch over the area, but they\'re not able to accomplish everything we need.$B$BIf the Deathforge is left alone to operate, they\'ll rebuild the infernal stockpile that you destroyed at Legion Hold.$B$BI want you to meet up with Stormer Ewan Wildwing, at the Deathforge Tower, to the northwest, overlooking the Deathforge itself.','Report to Stormer Ewan Wildwing at the Deathforge Tower.','<The dwarf nods.>$B$BIt\'ll be good to have the backup. We\'ve gathered some preliminary information on what the Shadow Council is up to in there, but I\'ll feel better once we\'re able to start taking action against them.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5647insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5602,10574,'The Ashtongue Corruptors','According to Akama\'s letter, four fragments of the medallion were unearthed and given to the Ashtongue Corruptors.  These dreaded Broken were once powerful shaman who now defile the very elements they revered.$B$BHaalum, Corruptor of Air, can be found at Netherwing Pass.  Eykenen and Uylaru, Corruptors of Earth and Fire, were last seen at the Fel Pits near the Hand of Gul\'dan.  Lakaan, Corruptor of Water, is rumored to be near Coilskar Point.$B$BFind them and obtain the medallion fragments.','Obtain the four medallion fragments from Haalum, Eykenen, Lakaan and Uylaru and return to Anchorite Ceyla at the Altar of Sha\'tar in Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BPerforming quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Yes! The four fragments of the medallion. Now to put them together...','Have you obtained the four medallion fragments, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5648insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5603,10575,'The Warden\'s Cage','The fragments you obtained are only half of the medallion.  The Ashtongue leader, Akama, must have kept the other half.$B$BI dread to ask this of you, as Akama is both evil and cunning.$B$BHe and the Ashtongue Deathsworn - the vilest and most brutal of the tribe - are rumored to run a torture chamber inside the Warden\'s Cage.$B$BI want you to find that dreaded prison,  and find the whereabouts of Akama.  His second in command at the location is a Broken known as Sanoru - interrogate him if you have to.','Anchorite Ceyla wants you to enter the Warden\'s Cage, south of the Ruins of Baa\'ri and interrogate Sanoru on Akama\'s whereabouts.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','We\'ve been expecting you, $N. Akama said you would arrive sooner or later.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5649insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5604,10576,'The Shadowmoon Shuffle','<Borak looks you up and down.>$B$BThis is going to be tricky, but I think I can make it work.$B$BI can disguise you as one of these Illidari blood elves, $N. What I need first, though, are several pieces of their armor. It is imperative that the armor be clean. No blood stains! We want to avoid suspicion.$B$BBring me the gear and I\'ll take care of the rest of the disguise.$B$BOnce the disguise is assembled, you\'re going to deliver the message to the Grand Commander - in person.','Borak, Son of Oronok at the bridge near Eclipse Point in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover 6 pieces of Eclipsion Armor.\r\n','Well done, $N. I hope you are a good actor. The next step in my grand plan is going to require some theatrics!','It\'s far too complicated, $R. You wouldn\'t understand.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5650insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5605,10577,'What Illidan Wants, Illidan Gets...','Take this disguise and enter Eclipse Point. Once inside, use the disguise to cloak yourself. The Eclipsion blood elves will be unable to see through the disguise, thereby granting you safe passage to Grand Commander Ruusk.$B$BOnce you find Ruusk, tell him where next to move the cipher. You\'re going to have to act your heart out, $N. Play it off as if you are his superior, delivering a message from his lord. That should do it!$B$BOh - watch out for the dragonhawks as they see through the disguise.','Borak, Son of Oronok at the bridge near Eclipse Point in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to Deliver Illidan\'s Message to Grand Commander Ruusk at Eclipse Point.','Now all you need to do is go get the cipher. Easy, right?','The disguise is delicate. Almost any action, aside from walking, will disrupt the magic holding it together.','Illidan\'s Message Delivered','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5651insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5606,10578,'The Cipher of Damnation - Borak\'s Charge','That Cipher fragment will never reach Zuluhed. You\'re going to ambush Ruul the Darkener and his transport before it has a chance to make the delivery.$B$BThe Dragonmaw Fortress is directly east of here, across the Netherwing Fields. Somewhere between Dragonmaw Fortress and the Sanctum of the Stars is where you\'ll find Ruul. Strike hard and strike fast! And $N, from the sound of it, this Ruul is going to be tough. Keep your guard up.$B$BReturn the Cipher to me should you succeed.\r\n','Borak, Son of Oronok at the bridge near Eclipse Point in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover the Third Part of the Cipher of Damnation from Ruul the Darkener.$B$BThis mission will require a group.','Finally! The cipher fragment is ours!$B$B<Borak places the fragment into a box.>','You must act quickly!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5652insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5607,10579,'The Cipher of Damnation - The Third Fragment Recovered','Take this box to my father. He still resides at Oronok\'s Farm, far to the north, above Coilskar Cistern. When all three fragments are pieced together, the ancient words will be known once more.$B$BGood luck, $N. Tell my father that I will be home soon.','Take Borak\'s Lockbox to Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok\'s Farm in Shadowmoon Valley.','As soon as all three of the fragments of the cipher are together, the ancient words will be known.$B$BRecovery of this fragment was no doubt challenging. You must be rewarded for such heroism.','$N!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5653insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5608,10580,'Where Did Those Darn Gnomes Go?','Despite the good that we\'ve done here, I feel bad about one thing: driving Toshley and his gnome friends away.$B$BWe had no choice; they were making a mess of our efforts in the grove with all of their technology and experimentation.$B$BI would appreciate it if you would find out what became of them.  Last we heard, they headed east across the bridge.  I\'m certain that they must have turned south, away from Thunderlord Stronghold.$B$BLook for a clue as to their whereabouts in the southern Jagged Ridge.','Commander Skyshadow has asked you to look in the southern area of the Jagged Ridge of the Blade\'s Edge Mountains for a clue as to the whereabouts of Toshley and the other gnomes.','SYLVANAAR? COMMANDER SKYSHADOW?$B$BTHIS DOES NOT COMPUTE!$B$BBACK AWAY BEFORE I AM FORCED TO PLAY LOUD SOUNDS AT YOU!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5654insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5609,10581,'Follow the Breadcrumbs','VERY WELL, I AM HEREBY WARNING YOU THAT YOU WILL FIND NOTHING UP ON THE RIDGE.$B$BDO NOT FOLLOW THE TRAIL OF SPARE PARTS THAT LEAD TO TOSHLEY\'S STATION!  YOU WILL NOT FIND TOSHLEY, NOR ANY OTHER GNOME THERE.','In a round-about way, R-3D0 has informed you that if you follow the trail of spare parts up the ramp here to the Razor Ridge, you will find the gnomes at a place named Toshley\'s Station.$B$BIf you find him, speak with Toshley.','Alright, you want to make yourself useful? Good, I have just the thing that you can prove yourself with.$B$BI think you\'ll like it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5655insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5610,10582,'Minions of the Shadow Council','<Ewan listens to you recount the events at Legion Hold, nodding.>$B$BThat puts our observations into perspective. We\'ve caught glimpses of them launching infernals in the direction of the hold, but haven\'t been able to find much more than that.$B$BThe Shadow Council has the Deathforge sealed tighter than a new keg o\' thunderbrew. The first thing you\'ll need to do is crack some skulls so you can get in there and poke around. Start eliminating the Shadow Council guarding the entrance to the Deathforge!','Stormer Ewan Wildwing at the Deathforge Tower wants you to kill 10 Deathforge Guardians and 5 Deathforge Summoners.','I wish I could\'ve been out there with you! I\'ve been itching to put my hammer to use, but my mission is to observe, not to kill.$B$BNow that you\'ve punched a hole in their defenses, let\'s get to work on shutting down production in the Deathforge.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5656insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5611,10583,'The Fate of Flanis','Wing Commander Nuainn originally sent three of us out here to keep watch over the Deathforge and to gather information. Flanis Swiftwing volunteered to try to infiltrate the Deathforge, but we haven\'t heard anything from him in days.$B$BI fear the worst, $N. Flanis is a skilled scout, but if he\'s gotten in over his head, we have no way of knowing. Search the Deathforge for him and recover any information or items he might have collected.','Stormer Ewan Wildwing at Deathforge Tower wants you to search the Deathforge for Flanis Swiftwing and recover Flanis\'s Pack.','<Ewan shakes his head as he accepts the pack from you>$B$BI don\'t think Flanis realized how heavily guarded the Deathforge would be. Now that we know what\'s really going on there, I don\'t blame them. I just wish Flanis had known that when he went in.$B$BI can only hope there\'s something here that will help us shut down the Deathforge once and for all.','Did you find any sign of Flanis in the Deathforge?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5657insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5612,10584,'Picking Up Some Power Converters','Those dumb ogres at the Bladespire Outpost to the north have been raiding our power converters!  And you\'re going to get them back for me, sort of.$B$BNo doubt, with their big, clumsy hands, the ogres have damaged the converters.  So, what I want you to do is release the energy from them and then use this protovoltaic magneto collector on the resultant electromental to encase it.$B$BIt\'ll likely be sore with you, so you\'ll need to \'kill\' it while it\'s contained in the magneto sphere.','Toshley has asked you to take the Protovoltaic Magneto Collector and gather up 5 Electromentals.  Return to him at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have done so.','Excellent! With all of this power that you\'ve recovered we\'ll be able to keep the machinery running for a little while, anyway.$B$BThe Zephyrium Capacitorium is a real pig when it comes to power consumption!$B$BI hope dealing with those electromentals wasn\'t too difficult. I have something else in mind for you to do, and I have a feeling that it\'s going to be a little more dangerous.','This line of research we have going with the electromentals is exciting! Just think of it... intelligent electrical creatures that we can create at will and that will follow our every instruction!','','Electromentals collected','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5658insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5613,10585,'The Summoning Chamber','In order for the Shadow Council to construct infernals as quickly as they\'re being used, they must have an area dedicated to summoning the corrupted elementals that serve as the souls of the creatures.$B$BThe summoning chamber is likely to be found below ground, near a pool of fouled water or lava. Locate the summoning chamber within the Deathforge and find a way to end their summoning ritual. The mo\'arg involved in making the infernals may carry a tool that will help disrupt the summoner\'s magics.','Obtain an Elemental Displacer from a Deathforge Smith or Deathforge Tinkerer and use it to disrupt the ritual in the summoning  chamber. Report to Stormer Ewan Wildwing at the Deathforge Tower when you\'ve completed your task.','Well done, $N. Disrupting the Shadow Council\'s summoning puts us one step closer to shutting down the Deathforge.','We cannot afford to let their production continue. Have you put an end to the summoning ritual?','','End Infernal Summoning Ritual','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5659insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5614,10586,'Bring Down the Warbringer!','We\'ve made a lot of progress against the Shadow Council\'s operations at the Deathforge, but if we\'re to truly be triumphant, we\'ll need to defeat the Legion\'s overseer there.$B$BI found a key among the items in Flanis\'s pack. I\'m certain it will prove useful in tracking down this Warbringer Razuun you observed at Legion Hold.$B$BAfter you\'ve hunted down and dealt with Warbringer Razuun, report directly to Wing Commander Nuainn. He\'ll want to know immediately!','Defeat Warbringer Razuun, recover Razuun\'s Orders, and report to Wing Commander Nuainn at Wildhammer Stronghold.','<You make your report to the wing commander and hand over the captured orders.>$B$BDefeating Warbringer Razuun should\'ve meant the end of our troubles with the Legion, but these orders outline a much larger plan that I had anticipated. I fear that more remains to be done.','What news do you bring from the Deathforge?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5660insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5615,10587,'Karabor Training Grounds','Our scouts have reported a massive influx of Sunfury blood elf recruits heading to the Ruins of Karabor.  Normally this would represent a purely military threat, however we believe something else is amiss.$B$BDescriptions of their attire and fighting style are suspiciously close to that of Illidan himself.  I do not want to become alarmed without good reason, so I would like you to go there and bring me back their weapons.  We will then determine whether my fears are unfounded or not.','Exarch Onaala at the Altar of Sha\'tar wants you to obtain 8 Sunfury Glaives from Demon Hunter Supplicants and Demon Hunter Initiates at the Ruins of Karabor, southeast of the Altar of Sha\'tar.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Let\'s take a closer look at these weapons, $N.  Hmmm... this is rather unsettling.','Have you completed the task I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5661insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5616,10588,'The Cipher of Damnation','How many times has this spell has been used in the history of our worlds? Undoubtedly, its power for destruction is unparalleled.$B$BWhat you must do now is take the cipher, now made whole, and read from it at the Altar of Damnation - where the memory of Gul\'dan stands.$B$BWhat you will see once the words are uttered are the memories left imprinted upon the land. Stand your ground and await the coming of Cyrukh.$B$BYou must be victorious, $N. This land can not withstand another shattering.','Use the Cipher of Damnation at the Altar of Damnation to summon Cyrukh the Firelord.$B$BDestroy Cyrukh the Firelord and then speak with Earthmender Torlok, also found at the Altar of Damnation.','<Earthmender Torlok takes the Cipher of Damnation from you.>$B$BYou have done as the elements asked. For that, we are grateful. While you will be rewarded, trouble still looms. The spirits of fire are in turmoil. A claim has been made. The Cipher of Damnation is known by another.$B$BIt is cryptic, I know, but that is all that the spirits would have me know. That and this symbol...$B$B<Earthmender Torlok turns around and points to the sky.>$B$BWhat could it mean?','Is it done?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5662insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5617,10589,'Gaining Access','According to Razuun\'s orders, the massive infernal staging area is called Invasion Point: Cataclysm and it\'s nestled in the northern mountains. The only way to reach it is by using a teleporter located at Legion Hold.$B$BCertain members of the Legion host carry devices allowing them to activate the teleporters. You must capture one of these devices to win access to the teleporter. Slaughter all of the demons if you must, but you can\'t afford to return empty-handed.','Bring a Legion Teleporter Control to Wing Commander Nuainn at Wildhammer Stronghold. The Mo\'arg Weaponsmiths at Legion Hold are known to carry the devices.','Let me see if I can find out how this works...','We must find a way to destroy the rest of those infernals, $N. We\'ve come far, but failure could still cost us everything.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5663insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5618,10590,'Prove Your Hatred','It is time you remembered history that should not be forgotten... the slaughter of our people by Arthas and his Scourge army.$b$bVengeance on the Scourge is the only way to ease your pain.  It is unfortunate they are not susceptible to fear and pain.  Only their utter destruction will bring you even a shred of satisfaction.$b$bSpeak with Argent Officer Garush for knowledge of scourgestones and how to obtain them -- I will need to see many of them as proof of your commitment before we speak again.','Mehlar Dawnblade at the Bulwark wants you to bring him 20 Minion\'s Scourgestones.','Very good, $N. Perhaps you have a taste for revenge after all.','Have the Scourge crumbled beneath your weapon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5664insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5619,10592,'Wisdom of the Banshee Queen','The scourgestones are weak when separated from the skeletal grasp that once held them.  Simply holding them in my hands has caused them to fracture and break.$b$b<Mehlar crushes the scourgestones into a pile of rubble.>$b$bTake these fragments to the Banshee Queen, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, at her throne in Undercity.  With her lies the knowledge to turn these remains into a weapon against the Scourge.','Bring the Scourgestone Fragments to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in Undercity.','These stones carry a taint I do not wish to remember, but one I cannot forget. You try my patience dangerously by bringing these to me.$B$BHowever, it is clear your heart seeks the same vengeance as I, and I will aid you with instruction.','Do you have something for me, $R?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5665insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5620,10593,'Ancient Evil','If you wish to turn these stones into a weapon to fight the Scourge, you must acquire something equally vile to fortify them.$b$bAn ancient evil lies hidden at the bottom of the Temple of Atal\'Hakkar in the Swamp of Sorrows.  Release the creature there and destroy him, taking only a small part of his body back to Mehlar Dawnblade.  My guards will deliver the scourgestone fragments to Mehlar.','Unlock the secrets of the Temple of Atal\'Hakkar to release Atal\'alarion and recover the Putrid Vine from his flesh.  Return to Mehlar at the Bulwark when you have done this.','The Banshee Queen has guided you well. This is precisely what I need to combine the fragments.$B$B<Mehlar watches as the vine interweaves through the fragments, binding them together.>$B$BThere!  Scourgebane, I shall call it. Be wary when you use it, for it serves you against its will.','Given that you are alive, I can only surmise you were lucky enough to receive wisdom rather than death from Lady Sylvanas.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5666insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5621,10594,'Gauging the Resonant Frequency','Take these scanners to the Singing Ridge.  By dropping them in a pattern on the ground, you will create overlapping fields that will read the amplitude of the crystals.  Stand amidst them in such a way that you\'re in five oscillation fields and I\'ll have the information that I need!$B$BYour scanners will even work with those that others drop.$B$BOh, and it\'s likely that a rift will be formed!  I have no idea what, if anything, will come out of it, but be prepared for the worst.','Nickwinkle the Metro-Gnome wants you to place the Oscillating Frequency Scanners in such a way that when you stand amongst them, you are hit by five overlapping Oscillation fields.$B$BReturn to him at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have done so.','Oh, this is extraordinary! I had no idea... it\'s almost as if those crystals are alive.$B$BI wonder if there\'s some sort of symbiotic relationship between them and the nether drakes?$B$BThank you, thank you! You must accept a little something from my collection of odds and ends that I wouldn\'t be caught dead wearing.$B$BOne of them might look good on you, though.','Well, do you have the measurements from the singing crystals that I asked for?','Singing crystal resonant frequency gauged','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5667insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5622,10595,'Besieged!','<Gulmok looks to the sky.>$B$BOur scouts are putting up a good fight, but the infernals keep coming!$B$BFrom their base of Legion Hold to the southwest, the demons bombard us with impunity! Even the elite Kor\'kron guard cannot hold them off forever.$B$BI\'m drafting every able-bodied $r to do their part in defense of Shadowmoon Village. This is no game, $c. The survival of the village is at stake. Do your duty to the Horde, and join the fray!','Blood Guard Gulmok outside of Shadowmoon Village, wants you to kill 10 Infernal Attackers.','I\'m impressed that you managed to survive the carnage. You just might be the person we need for a dangerous mission.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5668insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5623,10596,'To Legion Hold','The fortress of Legion Hold is your target. You\'ll have no reinforcements, so a frontal attack is out of the question.$B$BWhat little information we have shows that the Legion stocks and prepares its infernals at the hold. With the help of a disguise I\'ll give you, you must sneak into Legion Hold and discover their plans.$B$BYour best hope is to intercept or overhear communication between their commanders. ','Make your way to Legion Hold, locate the Legion Communication Device, and learn about the Legion\'s plans while in disguise. Return to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village when you\'ve completed your mission.','What do you mean they\'re going to step up the bombardment? We can\'t allow that to happen. Get back out there and take care of it while there\'s something left of Shadowmoon Village!','What did you discover?','','','','Discover Legion\'s Plans','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5669insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5624,10597,'Setting Up the Bomb','We can\'t allow the Legion to trample us on their march to Black Temple.$B$BFind a way to destroy the infernals they intend to use against us. That\'s not a request, $N; it\'s an order.$B$BThe Fetid Pool near Legion Hold holds an old fel reaver power core you could use as the basis for a kind of fel bomb. Search the other wreckage near the fel reaver for a section of armor plating. You should be able to make a bomb powerful enough to take out those infernals and give the hold a nice shake!','Obtain a Fel Reaver Power Core and a Fel Reaver Armor Plate, then bring them to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village.','That should do the trick. I wouldn\'t want to be in the hold when that thing goes off.','<You hand the materials to Gulmok.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5670insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5625,10598,'Blast the Infernals!','The device we\'ve assembled won\'t win any beauty contests, but it should be capable of destroying the infernals amassed at Legion Hold. Judging from what the fel reaver power core\'s energy did to the Fetid Pool, it holds a respectable amount of explosive power.$B$BIf you set the device off in the middle of the green glyph at the hold, it should be in range to hit all of the infernals.','Use the Fel Bomb while standing on the green glyph in Legion Hold to destroy the infernals, then report to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village.','This is no time for celebration, $N. We\'re not out of the fire yet. I\'ve got new orders for you.','Have you found a way to destroy the Legion\'s infernal stockpile?','','','Destroy Legion Hold Infernals','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5671insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5626,10599,'The Deathforge','While you were taking care of the infernals at Legion Hold, I\'ve been going over your reports. We\'ve got no reason to believe the Legion lied about what\'s going on at the Deathforge. They\'re really cranking out infernals down there, so I\'ve dispatched a scouting party to keep watch over it.$B$BIf we don\'t shut down the Deathforge, they\'ll rebuild the infernal stockpile that you destroyed at Legion Hold.$B$BReport to Scout Zagran atop Slag Watch, to the southeast of here and overlooking the Deathforge.','Report to Scout Zagran at Slag Watch.','<The orc nods.>$B$BIt\'ll be good to have the backup. We\'ve gathered some preliminary information on what the Shadow Council is up to in there, but it\'s time for the hammer to fall.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5672insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5627,10600,'Minions of the Shadow Council','<Zagran listens to you recount the events at Legion Hold, nodding.>$B$BThat fills in the gaps we\'ve seen. We\'ve caught glimpses of them launching infernals in the direction of the hold, but haven\'t been able to find much more than that.$B$BThe Shadow Council has the forge pretty much locked down. Looks like you\'re going to need to fight your way in. Start eliminating the Shadow Council guarding the entrance to the Deathforge!','Scout Zagran at Slag Watch wants you to kill 10 Deathforge Guardians and 5 Deathforge Summoners.','I\'d\'ve been down there cracking skulls myself, but I\'m under strict orders not to engage the enemy.$B$BLet\'s get to work on shutting down production in there.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5673insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5628,10601,'The Fate of Kagrosh','The scouting party originally had three members. Unfortunately, Kagrosh decided he wanted to be a hero.$B$BHe descended into the Deathforge and we haven\'t heard from him since.$B$BIn all likelihood, the fool\'s gone and gotten himself killed. The Shadow Council members aren\'t idiots and Kagrosh wasn\'t exactly strong in the subtlety department, if you know what I mean. Keep an eye out for him in the Deathforge and recover any information or items he might have collected.','Scout Zagran at Slag Watch wants you to search the Deathforge for Kagrosh and recover Kagrosh\'s Pack.','<Zagran shakes his head as he accepts the pack from you>$B$BI told you he was a fool. I hope there\'s something in here that justifies the time you spent searching for him.','Did you find any sign of Kagrosh in the Deathforge?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5674insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5629,10602,'The Summoning Chamber','In order to churn out infernals as quickly as the Deathforge seems to, they must have an area dedicated to summoning the elementals that form the core of the infernals.$B$BThe summoning chamber is likely to be found below ground, near a pool of fouled water or lava. Locate the summoning chamber within the Deathforge and find a way to end their summoning ritual. The mo\'arg involved in making the infernals may carry a tool that will help disrupt the summoner\'s magics.','Obtain an Elemental Displacer from a Deathforge Smith or Deathforge Tinkerer and use it to disrupt the ritual in the summoning chamber. Report to Scout Zagran at Slag Watch when you\'ve completed your task.','Good, we\'re making progress. That puts us one step closer to shutting down this facility and returning safely to Shadowmoon Village.','We cannot afford to let their production continue. Have you put an end to the summoning ritual?','','End Infernal Summoning Ritual','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5675insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5630,10603,'Bring Down the Warbringer!','We\'ve made a lot of progress against the Shadow Council here at the Deathforge, but now it\'s time to finish the job.$B$BI found a key among the items in Kagrosh\'s pack. At least he accomplished something before they got to him.$B$BThe key should help you to track down this Warbringer Razuun you observed at Legion Hold.$B$BAfter you\'ve hunted down and dealt with Warbringer Razuun, report directly to Blood Guard Gulmok. We must not keep him waiting.','Defeat Warbringer Razuun, recover Razuun\'s Orders, and report to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village.','<You make your report to the blood guard and hand over the captured orders.>$B$BGood work, $N, but don\'t go thinking you\'ll be getting any ribbons for it. Let the night elves decorate their pretty little uniforms if they wish. Real warriors share tales of battle over a mug of ale.','What news do you bring from the Deathforge?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5676insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5631,10604,'Gaining Access','According to Razuun\'s orders, the massive infernal staging area is called Invasion Point: Cataclysm and it\'s located in the mountains behind our village! The only way to reach it is by using a teleporter at Legion Hold.$B$BCertain Legion minions carry a device allowing them to use the teleporter. You must capture one of these devices to win access to the teleporter. Slaughter all of the demons if you must, but you can\'t afford to return empty-handed. Do not delay; the enemy is perilously close.','Bring a Legion Teleporter Control to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village. The Mo\'arg Weaponsmiths at Legion Hold are known to carry the devices.','At last, we have a means with which to drive the Legion from Shadowmoon!','A Legion presence in our midst is intolerable! We must find a way to deal with it before they can renew their assault.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5677insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5632,10605,'Carendin Summons','You have a hungry look about you, $n.  Perhaps it is time you advanced your training.$b$bTravel to Undercity and speak with Carendin Halgar, the old bag of bones knows a trick or two you might find useful.','Speak with Carendin Halgar in Undercity.','Ah, yet another power hungry initiate. Wonderful!$B$BWouldn\'t be much of a $C if you didn\'t thirst for power, now would you boy? Let\'s get on with it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5678insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5633,10606,'The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance','The best way to destroy the rest of the Legion\'s supplies is to use their own weapons against them. I\'ve been working on a rig that will let you take control of one of those Fel Reaver Sentinels below.$B$BThere are a couple things I need to work out, yet. For that, I\'ll need the manual that Doctor Gutrick keeps locked in a chest at the bottom of the ramp. He probably won\'t give up the key without a fight, so you\'ll need to capture it. Bring the fel reaver manual back to me and I\'ll do the rest!','Kill Doctor Gutrick and obtain the Doctor\'s Key. Use the key to open the Doctor\'s Strongbox to retrieve The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance and deliver the book to Plexi at Invasion Point: Cataclysm.','Ah, this is exactly what we\'ll need. I\'d never accuse the Legion of producing anything resembling literature, but it gets the job done.','Did you get that manual?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5679insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5634,10607,'Whispers of the Raven God','At Grishnath, totems left by the Oracles of the Raven enable the arakkoa to hear the Word of the Raven. Unfortunately, the language of the arakkoa is indecipherable to us.$b$bUsing the Harbinger\'s pendant, we can understand it. You will be able to take the souls of the arakkoa to understand their language. While you are suffused with the arakkoa\'s spirit, you can visit the totems and understand their message.$b$bDiscover this for us, $n.','Kill Grishna arakkoa to gain Understanding Ravenspeech for 2 minutes. While under the effects of the spell, you can find and receive the prophecy from the four shrines. Return when you have visited all four.','This is truly disturbing. The arakkoa were peaceful for a long time. This cult of the Raven was nothing more than a gathering of misfits and madmen.$B$BBut their power has grown, that we cannot discount. Perhaps there is more to this Raven than we know.','','','Receive the First Prophecy','Receive the Second Prophecy','Receive the Third Prophecy','Receive the Fourth Prophecy',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5680insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5635,10608,'Crystal Clear','The damned rock flayers are keeping me from my research down in the Singing Ridge!  By digging at the crystals there, with every scratch they are ruining my chances of studying the harmonics of the singing crystals.$B$BYou look like someone who can help me deal with this problem.  Head south and clear those crystal flayers out.','Nickwinkle the Metro-Gnome wants you to slay 10 Crystal Flayers and then return to him at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Good riddance to them; that\'s what I say. Filthy creatures!$B$BSo, if you\'re certain that you eliminated those pests, then I have a little research project for you. I think you\'ll like it.','Have you cleared those crystal flayers out of the Singing Ridge yet? We can\'t get started on my research until you do.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5681insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5636,10609,'What Came First, the Drake or the Egg?','I\'m researching the applications of drake essences to my work as a physician.  I think they could be a panacea for a host of maladies!$B$BI need someone to go south to the Singing Ridge and get me some.$B$BWilling to take my temporal phase modulator and use it on the nether whelps that hatch from the nether drake eggs?  Retrieve the essences from whatever they turn into.$B$BWhich, I might add, I\'m not certain of what that will be as we\'re using some pretty dicey, time  and space modifying tech here.','Collect 3 Proto-Nether Drake Essences, 3 Adolescent Drake Essences and 3 Mature Drake Essences.  Return with them to Fizit \"Doc\" Clocktock at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','You\'ve no idea how important this research could be. Thank you!$B$BIt\'ll be interesting to delve into these essences. I\'m particularly curious to see if the nether effect that changed the black dragon eggs into nether dragon eggs resulted in any potential extra blessings for my studies.$B$BI\'m thinking, in fact, that you should be the first person to test out the benefits of my little concoction. Here, take these preliminary samples and use them when you find the need.','You have them? You have the three drake essences that I so dearly need to continue my research?$B$BYou know that those nether drake eggs used to be black dragon eggs? It\'s a fact! But when Draenor blew apart, the resultant nether that raced across what was left mutated the eggs.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5682insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5637,10610,'Prospecting Basics','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5683insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5638,10611,'The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance','The best way to destroy the rest of the Legion\'s supplies is to use their own weapons against them. I\'ve been working on a rig that will let you take control of one of those Fel Reaver Sentinels below.$B$BThere are a couple things I need to work out, yet. For that, I\'ll need the manual that Doctor Maleficus keeps locked in a chest near the bottom of the ramp. He probably won\'t give up the key without a fight, so you\'ll need to capture it. Bring the fel reaver manual back to me and I\'ll do the rest.','Kill Doctor Maleficus and obtain the Doctor\'s Key. Use the key to open the Doctor\'s Strongbox to retrieve The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance and deliver the book to Nakansi at Invasion Point Cataclysm.','This has the information I\'m looking for. Just a couple more tweaks, and we\'ll have you taking control of a fel reaver in no time.','Did you get that manual?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5684insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5639,10612,'The Fel and the Furious','<Plexi leafs through the manual.>$B$BWell, this has everything we need, but there\'s just one problem. Fel Reavers aren\'t really built to respond to remote control.$B$BWe can modify one for you to use for a short time, but you\'ll have to work fast, or there\'s no telling what might happen! I wouldn\'t be surprised if your little stunt with the fel reaver catches the attention of the Legion\'s lackeys, either. Keep an eye out, and whatever you do, don\'t forget to destroy as much as you can!','Use a Fel Reaver Control Console to take control of a Fel Reaver Sentinel. Destroy 60 Deathforged Infernals before your fel reaver fails. When your mission is complete, report to Plexi at Invasion Point: Cataclysm.','Amazing! You\'ve managed to do what all the gryphonriders in Wildhammer Stronghold couldn\'t! You\'ve broken the back of the Burning Legion\'s advance and spared us from annihilation at the hands of their infernals. You have our deepest gratitude for your service, $N.','You\'re back, so I\'ll assume the operation went well. What\'ve you got to report?','','Deathforged Infernal Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5685insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5640,10613,'The Fel and the Furious','<Nakansi leafs through the manual.>$B$BAll the information is here, but be warned. These things weren\'t built to be controlled remotely.$B$BWe can modify one for you to use for a short time, but you\'ll have to work fast, or there\'s no telling what might happen! I wouldn\'t be surprised if your little stunt with the fel reaver catches the attention of the Legion scum, either. Try to keep yourself safe, but remember, the mission and the safety of Shadowmoon Village come first!','Use a Fel Reaver Control Console to take control of a Fel Reaver Sentinel. Destroy 60 Deathforged Infernals before your fel reaver fails. When your mission is complete, report to Nakansi at Invasion Point: Cataclysm.','I\'ll admit it, $N. I\'m impressed by all you\'ve managed to accomplish. Destroying the Legion\'s ability to make war in Shadowmoon will give us the opportunity to turn the tide elsewhere.','','','Deathforged Infernal destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5686insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5641,10614,'Whispers on the Wind','I have chased rumors of the Mok\'Nathal across Outland with nothing to show for it. Finally, we may have found their home.$b$bBut now that the moment is here, I am filled with unease. Unease that has kept me awake deep into the nights during my search. Will they accept me?$b$bI... know their leader\'s name: Leoroxx. Seek him out. You must be my eyes in this.','Search out Leoroxx at the Mok\'Nathal Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','What brings you to our village?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5687insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5642,10615,'Ruuan Weald','The information you have helped me reveal about the nature of the arakkoa here will be of great interest to another.$b$bWe were visited by members of the Cenarion Expedition, who have also become concerned with the arakkoa\'s intentions here in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.$b$bYou should seek him out. His name is Timeon, and you will find him at Evergrove in Ruuan Weald. Follow the road west from here, then north when it forks in Razor Ridge. Finally, follow the road west when it splits in the Bladed Gulch.','Speak with Timeon at Evergrove, which is in the Ruuan Weald in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Ah, yes, Dertrok. We spoke briefly about the arakkoa. I must say that our... interests in them vary quite significantly.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5688insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5643,10617,'Silkwing Cocoons','The silk from the cocoons of the silkwings are used for all manner of things in the village. We can never get enough, and we never have enough.$b$bIt is difficult to harvest the cocoons from the larva once they begin the process of metamorphosis.$b$bOur warriors are occupied with the assault on our village. If you could gather these for us, that would be helpful.','Taerek at Mok\'Nathal Village wants you to collect 8 Silkwing Cocoons from Silkwing Larva.$b$bKill the Larva quickly or they will turn into Silkwings, ruining their cocoons.','Good quality cocoons, these. I can see you\'ve gotten the hang of harvesting them.$B$BWe have experimented with trying to raise our own silkwing larva, but unfortunately the small ones do not produce enough silk to be of use to us.','A swift and sure hand is needed for the harvesting. I hope you will be successful.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5689insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5644,10618,'The Softest Wings','Hunting silkwing larva is a difficult challenge for our young warriors, but luckily, even if they fail to harvest the cocoon from the larva, we can still use the wings of hatched silkwings.$b$bIn fact, we use the wings for much more than the cocoons, and we can never have too many.$b$bIf you\'ll be out there, it would be a great help if you could bring me some.','Silmara at Mok\'Nathal Village wants you to collect 12 Iridescent Wings.','Thank you, $N. We will use these sooner than you might think.','The wings are quite delicate, but can be inlaid as a decorative element in many of our designs.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5690insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5645,10619,'The Ashtongue Tribe','The Ashtongue tribe is feared among all Broken.  It consists of the most vicious and bloodthirsty individuals, handpicked by Akama himself.  They are as fierce and ruthless as any naga, demon or blood elf in Illidan\'s army and they have been deployed in large numbers at the Ruins of Baa\'ri, southwest of here.  Go there and put a dent in their numbers before they get a chance to mount an attack on us.','Vindicator Aluumen wants you to go to the Ruins of Baa\'ri and slay 3 Ashtongue Handlers, 4 Ashtongue Warriors and 6 Ashtongue Shaman.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Glory to the naaru, $N.  You\'ve done the Light\'s bidding by defeating those who follow Illidan.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5691insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5646,10620,'Ridgespine Menace','We hired on to help Toshley when he decided to move to Outland, and we\'ve been on the move ever since.$B$BNow it looks like we\'ve finally put down some roots.  All of the crazy scientists have their projects going, and us Roughriders are here to protect them.$B$BWhat we need right now is for you to go north into Razor Ridge, or east to the Scalewing Shelf, and keep them clear by killing the stalkers.  They\'re stealthy spiders that live amongst the rock outcroppings, and jump unsuspecting passersby.','Dizzy Dina wants you to kill 10 Ridgespine Stalkers.  After you have done so, return to her at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Pretty good for a rookie. As it turns out, we\'ve got a small group of eggheads that want to go \'observe\' the ethereals and their technology up north. They\'ll be thrilled to know that you cleared the way for them.$B$BHere, take some of these. We don\'t have many, but maybe they\'ll help you out in the future.','Those stalkers cleared out yet? We\'ve had a few of our people who headed north disappear.$B$BIf it\'s because of the stalkers, I want to make sure that it doesn\'t happen again.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5692insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5647,10621,'Illidari-Bane Shard','The shard appears to be a piece of a larger weapon. Sharp-looking runes etched into the metal glow with a menacing light.$B$BThe weapon\'s intended purpose isn\'t clear to you, but it\'s hard to ignore. Most of the mo\'arg at Legion Hold seem to be working with fragments of the same metal you hold in your hand. Perhaps one of the weaponsmiths at Wildhammer Stronghold might be able to tell you more about it.','Bring the Illidari-Bane Shard to Ordinn Thunderfist at Wildhammer Stronghold.','<Ordinn accepts the weapon fragment from you.>$B$BI haven\'t seen something like this in a long time. Sure, it\'s made from a rare ore, but this is destined for no mundane weapon, $N. It\'s infused with a magic intended to destroy demons. If you obtained this from the Legion, it must be some kind of \'secret weapon\' they\'re planning to deploy against Illidan. What a find!','What have you got there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5693insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5648,10622,'Proof of Allegiance','Akama has been tracking your progress quite closely, $N.$B$BThe Ashtongue you\'ve slain at the Ruins of Baa\'ri are amongst the most evil Broken known among us... carefully hand-picked by Akama himself to maintain the facade we need to present to Illidan.  The Deathsworn, however, know of Akama\'s true intentions.$B$BFirst things first.  We need to know that you are not with Illidan.  A Satyr known as Zandras watches over us from above the prison walls on his behalf.  Slay him as proof of your allegiance.','Slay Zandras at the Warden\'s Cage in Shadowmoon Valley and return to Sanoru.','Very well, $N. Your allegiance is no longer in question. You may see Akama now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5694insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5649,10623,'Illidari-Bane Shard','The shard appears to be a piece of a larger weapon. Sharp-looking runes etched into the metal glow with a menacing light.$B$BThe weapon\'s intended purpose isn\'t clear to you, but it\'s hard to ignore. Most of the mo\'arg at Legion Hold seem to be working with fragments of the same metal you hold in your hand. Perhaps one of the weaponsmiths at Shadowmoon Village might be able to tell you more about it.','Bring the Illidari-Bane Shard to Grokom Deatheye at Shadowmoon Village.','<Grokom accepts the weapon fragment from you.>$B$BI haven\'t seen this in years. Not only is it made from a rare ore. but it\'s not about to be used in an ordinary weapon, $N.$B$BThese runes imbue the blade with the power to obliterate demons. This shows how much the Legion hates Illidan, if they\'re willing to arm their own troops with demon-destroying weapons. We could use this to our advantage.','What have you got there?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5695insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5650,10624,'A Haunted History','Have you felt the cold chill? Perhaps what you thought was a hand on your shoulder? That was not your mind playing tricks on you, $r. The land is haunted. Ghosts litter the landscape, stuck here for all eternity.$B$BWould you like to see them? Are you sure about that? These types of things tend to change a person - and not for the better.$B$BVery well, I will need you to collect for me the ever-burning ash that is found near any of the fel lava pools of western Shadowmoon. Anywhere near green lava...\r\n','Chief Apothecary Hildagard at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to bring her 15 Ever-burning Ash samples.','Your world is about to change, $N.','What do you mean? I\'m going to make something out of the ash ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5696insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5651,10625,'Spectrecles','I call them \"Spectrecles.\" Clever, no? When you equip these goggles, you will be able to see the spirits of Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BBefore I let you have them, though, you must promise me that you will help us clear out the ghosts at the village.$B$BTake the goggles and destroy any and all spirits that you see wandering about Shadowmoon Village. Hopefully, destroying these spirits will force any that remain to move elsewhere.','Chief Apothecary Hildagard at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to slay 12 Shadowmoon Zealots.','Gorefiend? T... Teron Gorefiend? But... How?$B$BHow could Gorefiend be here? This is impossible!$B$BThe legend of Teron Gorefiend is one that causes even the Forsaken to tremble in fear. By all accounts, Gorefiend was a warlock of Gul\'dan ','If you lose your goggles, let me know and I will craft another pair.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5697insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5652,10626,'Capture the Weapons','With a larger supply of this material, we might be able to forge a weapon for you to use.$B$BThe two pit lords at Legion Hold, Makazradon and Morgroron, have already been equipped with these anti-demon weapons. We have no way of knowing how many more the Legion intends to produce, but if we can capture these prototypes, there should be enough for our project.$B$B<Ordinn grins.>$B$BThere\'s a certain amount of satisfaction in using the Legion\'s own \'secret weapons\' against them, don\'t you think?','Ordinn Thunderfist at Wildhammer Stronghold wants you to bring him Mazakradon\'s Glaive and Morgroron\'s Glaive.','These should work nicely. Now, let\'s forge them into a more useful form.','Did you capture those prototypes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5698insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5653,10627,'Capture the Weapons','With a larger supply of this material, I can forge a weapon suitable for you.$B$BThe two pit lords at Legion Hold, Makazradon and Morgroron, have already been equipped with these anti-demon weapons. Capturing those two weapons should provide us with enough material to make your weapon, and then some.$B$BI can\'t wait to bring the battle to the enemy using these weapons. That\'ll teach the Legion to trifle with anti-demon magics.','Grokom Deatheye at Shadowmoon Village wants you to bring him Mazakradon\'s Glaive and Morgroron\'s Glaive.','These should work nicely. Now, let\'s forge them into a more useful form.','Did you capture those prototypes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5699insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5654,10628,'Akama','You\'ve proven what side you\'re on.  I will reveal to you our leader\'s hideout.$B$BFollow the halls beyond; there will be an underground passage hidden by stagnant water on your right.$B$BI must warn you, $N.  You are not to speak to anyone of what you see there.','Speak to Akama inside the hidden chamber in the Warden\'s Cage.','Hail, $N. There is much we need to talk about.$B$BI hope your mind is an open one. The decisions I make are not understood by many. Only my closest collaborators have understanding of the portents I see and the signs I await.$B$BWhen I joined forces with Illidan it was based on visions foretelling that otherwise my race would have been destroyed. I\'ve waited patiently for other signs and visions to come to pass... Velen\'s exodus... the opening of the Dark Portal... and now... your arrival.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5700insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5655,10629,'Shizz Work','I finally got my shredder working but I seem to have lost the keys.  I keep a pack of felhounds to protect my camp.  They don\'t do a very good job and they like to bite me a lot.  They also like shiny things.  I think this one felhound I have may have eaten my shredder keys.  I\'ll pay you if you\'ll take my felhound on a walk.  Kill some helboars and let him eat.  He\'ll do his business.  When he\'s done, see if you can\'t find the keys in his \"leavings.\"','Use the Felhound Whistle to summon a Fel Guard Hound.  Take the Fel Guard Hound for a walk and kill some Deranged Helboars.  Search for the Shredder Keys in the Fel Guard Hound\'s \"leavings.\"  Return the Shredder Keys to Foreman Razelcraz by the mine northwest of Thrallmar.','You smell terrible.  But you found my keys!  Thank you so much.  Now I can get my shredder started and make some money.  Pretty soon I will have enough money to leave Outland.  I don\'t know why you stay, I hate this place.  Wouldn\'t you rather be back in Booty Bay?$B$BMaybe do some fishing?','Did you manage to find my keys?  I\'m sure one of my felhounds ate them.  It\'s probably the one I sent with you.  Probably.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5701insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5656,10630,'Beneath Thrallmar','I\'m almost back in business.  Problem is all these gan\'arg are in my mine.  I can\'t send my peons in and even once I fix this shredder I wouldn\'t want to risk it in combat. Deep down in the mine the gan\'arg have a leader.  If you kill him maybe the gan\'arg will leave.  Then I could make some money and buy my way out of here. ','Kill Urga\'zz and return to Foreman Razelcraz by the mine northwest of Thrallmar.','All those gan\'arg are sure to clear out now.  I\'ll be back in Booty Bay within a week.  I can\'t wait to go fishing again.  Coming to Outland was a mistake.  If you\'ll take my advice, you\'ll head back the way you came.  Spend some time in Stranglethorn, or maybe, if you feel adventurous, head to Un\'Goro Crater.  Just don\'t stay here.  ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5702insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5657,10632,'Cutting Your Teeth','It\'s nice that you\'ve been helping out Toshley and his scientists.  I, however, do not have the luxury of indulging in my \'personal\' interests.$B$BIf you want to make a difference around here, you\'ll do what I ask of you, and right now, I need weapons.$B$BOur guns are effective at range, but when the bugs get in close, we need to have powerful melee weapons as a backup.$B$BThe teeth of the daggermaw lashtails in the northern part of the Razor Ridge make for great vibro-weapon blades.  Scare me up some.','Razak Ironsides has asked you to gather up 5 Extra Sharp Daggermaw Teeth.  Return them to him at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Good work, kid. All of the pain is worth it if even one of my soldiers\' lives is saved by your efforts.$B$BI think you should benefit from your sweat and tears, too. Since we\'re going to have a new batch of weapons soon, why don\'t you take one of mine?','How\'s that collection of teeth coming along?$B$BI\'m sure that you\'re going to do a fine job of getting them for us. While you\'re doing that, we\'ll just hold down the outpost here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5703insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5658,10633,'Teron Gorefiend - Lore and Legend','Stories abound about the life of Teron Gorefiend, but most are just that - stories. We do not know what happened to Gorefiend after he returned to Draenor.$B$BThe only thing we are certain of is that he has already died once.$B$BI have heard the scouts here speaking of an ancient orc spirit that resides at the Altar of Shadows, far to the southeast, across the Netherwing Fields and through Netherwing Pass. Take the Spectrecles and track this orc down. He will surely have more information on Gorefiend.','Chief Apothecary Hildagard at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to find the Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit.$B$BIf you lose your Spectrecles, Chief Apothecary Hildagard can make you a new pair.','Gorefiend? Why, I have not heard that name in ages!$B$BAfter the Second War, Gorefiend returned here, along with his death knights. Unable to cope with the terrible nature of his new form and without the support of his beloved leader, Gul\'dan, Gorefiend killed himself.$B$BIf he walks these lands now as a spirit, it is news to me. Yet, perhaps I can divine such knowledge with your assistance.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5704insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5659,10634,'Divination: Gorefiend\'s Armor','In life, Gorefiend was a bastard, but in death, Gorefiend was an unmitigated terror.$B$BTo the southeast you will find Netherwing Ledge. What was once part of the mainland of Shadowmoon is now a floating island in the sky.$B$BVhel\'kur, spawn of Deathwing, once called it his home, but now knows it as his grave. He flies an endless circle above the island, seething at his defeat to Gorefiend.$B$BIf you are to recover the Gorefiend\'s armor, it is Vhel\'kur that you must defeat.','The Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit at the Altar of Shadows in southeast Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover Gorefiend\'s Armor.','I must have all of the pieces before I am able to divine the fate of Gorefiend.','Fly to Netherwing Ledge to recover the piece.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5705insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5660,10635,'Divination: Gorefiend\'s Cloak','Many a cruel act he committed but none so cold as the slaughter of the clerics of Karabor.$B$BAfter Gul\'dan\'s Horde defeated the draenei of Karabor, the surviving clerics of Karabor were marched out, told that they were to be taken to Hellfire Citadel as prisoners of war.$B$BGorefiend, not yet a death knight, murdered each and every last one of them in cold blood. They now roam in front of the Black Temple with vengeance in their hearts.$B$BIt is the clerics of Karabor that hold the cloak of Gorefiend.','The Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit at the Altar of Shadows in southeast Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover Gorefiend\'s Cloak.','When I have all three of the pieces in my possession, I will be able to divine the whereabouts of Gorefiend.','You must use the Spectrecles if you wish to see the spirits of Shadowmoon.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5706insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5661,10636,'Divination: Gorefiend\'s Truncheon','One by one they knelt before him, offering their lives as a show of allegiance. Gorefiend hoisted his sickle and cut clean their heads. Shortly after this slaughter, Gorefiend took his own life.$B$BBut this was no act of contrition! No, Gorefiend sought immortality! From the corpses of the fallen death knights rose the Ghostriders of Karabor.$B$BThey now ride the roads encircling the Hand of Guldan, awaiting the day that their master returns. It is they who hold the truncheon of Gorefiend. Retrieve it...','The Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit at the Altar of Shadows in southeast Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover Gorefiend\'s Truncheon.','Only with all three united may I divine the secrets you so desperately seek!','You must use the Spectrecles if you wish to see the spirits of Shadowmoon.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5707insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5662,10637,'A Necessary Distraction','The weapons are authentic, as we feared.  Illidan is training demon hunters at the Ruins of Karabor and we must put an end to it.$B$BDo not be fooled by their name, $N, their power will be used against us as often as against any demon.$B$BTheir warlocks summon and subdue demons to be used as part of the initiates\' training.  A pit lord named Azaloth has proven too strong to be used in training and is kept banished.  Find a way to let him loose on his captors.  That should buy us the time we need.','Exarch Onaala wants you to return to the Ruins of Karabor and find a way to unleash Azaloth on his captors.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Let us hope that distraction bought us the time we need to fully learn what we need of the training grounds at Karabor.','Have you completed the task I asked of you?','','Azaloth Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5708insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5663,10639,'Teron Gorefiend, I am...','With Gorefiend\'s items restored, there is but one last piece to this puzzle: A host.$B$B<The ancient shadowmoon spirit\'s lips curl up  to form a wicked grin.>$B$BSurely you did not believe the fairy tale that I told you. The Altar of Shadows is my prison. Without your help, I would have been stuck here for all eternity. Now, I will take over your body and you will destroy my captors and break these bonds. Refuse and we will both be stuck here forever.$B$BTeron Gorefiend will be free!','The Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit has used you as a pawn! Now that you have collected the items he required, he has revealed himself to be Teron Gorefiend. To break free of his possession, you must do his bidding and slay Karsius the Ancient Watcher.$B$BIf you succeed, return to Chief Apothecary Hildagard at Shadowmoon Village.','You did what? FOOL!$B$BYou must right this wrong. After all, it is your fault. Take one of these helmets. They are each infused with the ever-burning ash that you retrieved for me. More importantly, they will allow you to see the ghosts of Shadowmoon, including Teron Gorefiend.$B$BShould you ever find Teron Gorefiend, destroy him.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5709insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5664,10640,'Altruis','It is rare in this day and age to hear of those who follow the path of the demon hunter.  It is rarer still to find someone who does and has no allegiance to Illidan.$B$BThere are rumors of one such individual here in Outland.  One name is said to be feared in the Legion fields of Nagrand more than any army of Aldor vindicators.  That name is Altruis.$B$BGo to western Nagrand and find him.  He might be willing to shed some light on these new demon hunter training grounds.','Travel to western Nagrand and find Altruis the Sufferer.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','You\'ve come a long way, stranger. I\'m surprised whoever sent you has heard of me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5710insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5665,10641,'Against the Legion','The Burning Legion has proven its capacity to corrupt mortal souls time and again.  If I\'m to entrust you with the knowledge you seek, I must have proof of your allegiance.$B$BA demoness known as Sathal has eluded me for a long time as she\'s gifted with an incorporeal form.$B$BShe watches over the Wrath Priestesses as they do her bidding at Forge Base: Gehenna.  Slay one of her minions and spill her blood on the ground.  This affront should cause Sathal to materialize temporarily.  Slay her while you can.','Altruis the sufferer wants you to obtain Freshly Drawn Blood from a Wrath Priestess at Forge Base: Gehenna in Netherstorm.  Spill it on the ground and slay the Avatar of Sathal.  Return to Altruis when you\'ve completed this task.','You\'ve proven you\'re not tainted by the Legion\'s touch and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5711insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5666,10642,'A Ghost in the Machine','I fear that these dwarves do not understand what they have built upon. This area was once the ancestral grounds for the Shadowmoon orcs. I speak of spirits, $r.$B$BFor nearly twenty years they have laid dormant beneath the WIldhammer Stronghold, but recently, something has riled them up.$B$BVenture beyond the gates of Wildhammer and seek out the pools and rivers of fel lava found across this land. Near the lava will be ever-burning ash. Bring me this ash so that I may craft something that will help us.\r\n','Zorus the Judicator at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to bring him 15 Ever-burning Ash samples.','<Zorus begins to craft something out of the ash samples.>$B$BIt is done. Behold, Spectrecles!','Aye, a duality exists... I can feel it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5712insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5667,10643,'Harbingers of Shadowmoon','Let it be known that Zorus does have a sense of humor.$B$BEnough small talk. Don the Spectrecles so that you are able to see the Shadowmoon orc spirits that wander this stronghold. Do not be frightened as we are truly the invaders here. Alas, they must be destroyed, for their time has long since passed.$B$BDestroy the Shadowmoon harbingers infesting Wildhammer Stronghold and return to me.','Zorus the Judicator at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to slay 12 Shadowmoon Harbingers.','You claim to have heard the ghosts whisper to you? And they mentioned Teron Gorefiend?$B$B<Zorus shudders.>$B$BYes... I know Teron Gorefiend. Rather, I knew of him. He has long been thought dead. What could these ghosts be speaking of?','If you lose your goggles, let me know and I will craft another pair.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5713insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5668,10644,'Teron Gorefiend - Lore and Legend','Stories abound about the life of Teron Gorefiend, but most are just that - stories. We do not know what happened to Gorefiend after he returned to Draenor.$B$BThe only thing we are certain of is that he has already died once.$B$BI have heard the scouts here speaking of an ancient orc spirit that resides at the Altar of Shadows, far to the east, across the Netherwing Fields and through Netherwing Pass. Take the Spectrecles and track this orc down. He will surely have more information on Gorefiend.','Zorus the Judicator at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to find the Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit.$B$BIf you lose your Spectrecles, Zorus the Judicator can make you a new pair.\r\n','Gorefiend? Why, I have not heard that name in ages!$B$BAfter the Second War, Gorefiend returned here, along with his death knights. Unable to cope with the terrible nature of his new form and without the support of his beloved leader, Gul\'dan, Gorefiend killed himself.$B$BIf he walks these lands now as a spirit, it is news to me. Yet, perhaps I can divine such knowledge with your assistance.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5714insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5669,10645,'Teron Gorefiend, I am...','With Gorefiend\'s items restored, there is but one last piece to this puzzle: A host.$B$B<The ancient shadowmoon spirit\'s lips curl up  to form a wicked grin.>$B$BSurely you did not believe the fairy tale that I told you. The Altar of Shadows is my prison. Without your help, I would have been stuck here for all eternity. Now, I will take over your body and you will destroy my captors and break these bonds. Refuse and we will both be stuck here forever.$B$BTeron Gorefiend will be free!','The Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit has used you as a pawn! Now that you have collected the items he required, he has revealed himself to be Teron Gorefiend. To break free of his possession, you must do his bidding and slay Karsius the Ancient Watcher.$B$BIf you succeed, return to Zorus the Judicator at Wildhammer Stronghold.','You did what? FOOL!$B$BYou must right this wrong. After all, it is your fault. Take one of these helmets. They are each infused with the ever-burning ash that you retrieved for me. More importantly, they will allow you to see the ghosts of Shadowmoon, including Teron Gorefiend.$B$BShould you ever find Teron Gorefiend, destroy him.','What\'s that you say?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5715insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5670,10646,'Illidan\'s Pupil','You\'ve proven your allegiance, $N.  You must forgive my caution, but in this world things are not what they appear.$B$BI will tell you about Varedis when you\'re ready.','Listen to Altruis\'s story.','You know the story now. Only one thing remains to be done.','','Illidan\'s Pupil','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5716insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5671,10647,'Wanted: Uvuros, Scourge of Shadowmoon','Wanted - DEAD:$B$BUvuros, scourge of Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BBy order of Overlord Or\'barokh, the fel beast, Uvuros, is to be killed on sight and his mane stripped from his carcass as proof of deed. Return the fiery mane of the beast to Warcaller Sardon Truslice should you succeed.$B$BUvuros was last seen at the Hand of Gul\'dan, located in the heart of Shadowmoon Valley - east of Shadowmoon Village.','Slay Uvuros and recover Uvuros\'s Fiery Mane. Return it to Warcaller Sardon Truslice at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley.','Quite da haul you got der, mon. Well done! An\' ya be getting\' yer reward. Don\'t ya worry!','Here ta collect a reward, mon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5717insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5672,10648,'Wanted: Uvuros, Scourge of Shadowmoon','Wanted - DEAD:$B$BUvuros, scourge of Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BBy order of Thane Yoregar, the fel beast, Uvuros, is to be killed on sight and his mane stripped from his carcass as proof of deed. Return the fiery mane of the beast to Warcaller Beersnout should you succeed.$B$BUvuros was last seen at the Hand of Gul\'dan, located in the heart of Shadowmoon Valley - northeast of Wildhammer Stronghold.','Slay Uvuros and recover Uvuros\'s Fiery Mane. Return it to Warcaller Beersnout at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley.','Yep, here\'s your reward. Don\'t go spendin\' it all in once place.','I hope you\'ve done somethin\' special, $Glad:lass;. Otherwise, buzz off!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5718insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5673,10649,'The Book of Fel Names','I sympathize with your intentions of stopping Varedis and his followers, but you won\'t stand a chance against him.  That is, unless you find the artifact that gave him his power.$B$BThe Book of Fel Names is rumored to be in the possession of Blackheart the Inciter inside the Shadow Labyrinth in Auchindoun.  Obtaining it will be your only hope against Varedis.','Venture inside the Shadow Labyrinth in Auchindoun and obtain the Book of Fel Names from Blackheart the Inciter.  Return to Altruis in Nagrand once you\'ve completed this task.','I was able to sense the book\'s power from yards away. The temptation to keep it is... very strong.','Have you obtained the book, $N? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5719insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5674,10650,'Return to the Aldor','This book... I could use it to increase my power tenfold...  No!  It would end up corrupting my very soul, this I am sure of.  Return to those who sent you here, $N.$B$BYou now have the means to stop Varedis.  Wait until he manifests his demonic form through metamorphosis, at that point you will need to burn the book in his presence.  That will be the only way you can deprive him of his power.','Speak with Exarch Onaala at the Altar of Sha\'tar in Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','You bring this abomination of a book to this holy site? You\'d better have a very good explanation, $N?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5720insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5675,10651,'Varedis Must Be Stopped','We must dispose of this foul artifact, but not before we use it to dispose of Varedis\'s powers.$B$BWe need to permanently shut down the Ruins of Karabor training grounds, which will mean killing not only Varedis but also the three night elf masters that assist him: Alandien, Theras and Netharel.$B$BGather a suitable force and return to the Ruins of Karabor.  Follow Altruis\'s instructions for defeating Varedis.  For all of our sakes, I hope they work.','Exarch Onaala wants you to go to the ruins of Karabor and slay Alandien, Theras, Netharel and Varedis.  Use the Book of Fel Names when Varedis uses Metamorphosis to weaken him.  Return to Exarch Onaala with the Book of Fel Names after you\'ve completed this task.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.','Excellent work, $N! Your victory over Varedis will have a tremendous impact on our war against Illidan.$B$BYou\'ve proven yourself not just to the Aldor but to all of Outland. Allow me to destroy what remains of that horrible book.','Have you completed what I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5721insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5676,10652,'Behind Enemy Lines','All arrangements have been made to take you to where our spies are hiding.  Just come see me when you\'re ready and we\'ll get you on your way.','Speak to Veronia when you\'re ready to depart to Manaforge Coruu.  Once there, speak to Caledis Brightdawn.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Welcome, $C. Try not to give our position away.$B$BWe wouldn\'t last long if Kael\'s cronies sniff us out.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5722insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5677,10653,'Marks of Sargeras','By now it should be clear to you why we oppose the Burning Legion and those who serve them.$B$BIf you wish to prove yourself to the Aldor, bring me the insignias of high-ranking Legion and their Shadow Council followers.  The highest-ranking Legion can be found in Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley.','Bring 10 Marks of Sargeras to Adyen the Lightwarden in Shattrath City.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Facing the demons of the Burning Legion and the mad cultists that worship them is no small feat, $N.  You\'ve shown great dedication and courage.  Keep it up and your renown among the Aldor will continue to grow.','Do you bear any of our enemies\' insignias, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5723insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5678,10654,'More Marks of Sargeras','','','You continue to prove your worth, $N.  Fight the enemies of the Light wherever you may find them; your actions will be well-rewarded.','Do you bear more of our enemies\' insignias, $C?  The Burning Legion continues to be a threat and we continue to pursue them anywhere that we find them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5724insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5679,10655,'Single Mark of Sargeras','','','You continue to prove your worth, $N.  Fight the enemies of the Light wherever you may find them; your actions will be well-rewarded.','I\'ll take any leftover marks you might have.  Do not worry; your actions will be duly noted.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5725insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5680,10656,'Sunfury Signets','As you might know, the Scryers and the armies of Kael\'thas are at war.  Kael sees us as a threat to his influence over other blood elves and has tried to crush us time and again.$B$BIf you wish to aid us in our battle against Kael\'thas, there are plenty of targets for you to go after.  Kael\'s highest ranking soldiers wear Sunfury signets to mark their ranks.  You will find them all over Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley.','Magistrix Fyalenn in Shattrath City wants you to bring her 10 Sunfury Signets.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause you Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Kael\'s Sunfury army is extremely well-trained.  Very impressive job, $N.','Go on, $N.  Speak.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5726insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5681,10657,'Ride the Lightning','We haven\'t kept the use of the Zephyrium Capacitorium under budget.  But, it occurs to me that the serpents of the Scalewing Shelf to the east have a lightning breath and glands that we can make use of.$B$BI\'ve repolarized the magneto collector to absorb lightning strikes and I want you to head up there, activate it on yourself, and get us some cheap fuel from those serpents.','Toshley wants you to use the Repolarized Magneto Sphere to absorb 25 lightning strikes from the Scalewing Serpents.  As well, collect 5 Scalewing Lightning Glands.  Then, deliver them back to him at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Woo hoo, it worked! To be honest I wasn\'t sure... I calculated a twenty-three point seven two chance that you\'d implode by the third strike.$B$B<Toshley grins innocently.>$B$BSo, now we know that the sphere works, we should have no problem meeting our energy needs for the Zephyrium Capacitorium. Well, that is if we can find more volunteers to go out there and get zapped.$B$BStill, you\'ve pioneered our efforts and deserve something in return!','The trick to using the repolarized magneto sphere is to know when to turn it off before you end up getting truly fried.$B$BOf course, you need to balance that against how many of those flying serpents you want to have to face.$B$BSpeaking of which, have you managed to charge up the sphere?','','Lightning Strikes Absorbed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5727insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5682,10658,'More Sunfury Signets','','','Excellent! That\'ll show Kael\'thas not to underestimate our power.','What have you done for us lately, $N?  The war against Kael\'thas is not going to fight itself, you know?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5728insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5683,10659,'Single Sunfury Signet','','','Kael\'s army will soon fall.','Even the smallest contribution to our cause is noted, $N. Our enemies are many, but we shall prevail!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5729insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5684,10660,'What Strange Creatures...','I am interested in learning more about the strange reptiles that mill about the lava flows of Shadowmoon Valley. Never have I seen beasts able to withstand the searing heat of molten lava!$B$BOutside of Shadowmoon Village, where the ground has ruptured and lava flows through the cracks, you will find felfire diemetradons. Slay them and bring me their spleens. From their spleens I will be able to begin preliminary analysis of their resistance to heat.$B$BBegin your search to the southeast.\r\n','Researcher Tiorus at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover 8 Felfire Spleens.','This may take a while. Take these coins for your hard work.','Spleens! I need spleens!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5730insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5685,10661,'Spleendid!','Have you ever heard of food that cooks itself and stays hot forever? Dare to dream, I say!$B$BBut maybe it\'s not a dream at all! Outside the fortress, near the lava pools and streams, you can find beasts that thrive in the sizzling heat. They\'re called felfire diemetradons.$B$BThe dwarves around here tell me that those diemetradons have the tastiest spleens ever and that the spleens practically come pre-cooked! Bring me those spleens and I\'ll give you some coin.$B$BStart your search directly east of here.','Gnomus at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover 8 Felfire Spleens.','<Gnomus hungrily grabs at the spleens.>$B$BHere\'s your coin as promised. I\'ll call for you if I need more spleens.$B$BSo delicious... I dare say that they are \'spleendid!\'','Spleens! I need spleens!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5731insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5686,10662,'The Hermit Smith','<Ordinn examines the results from his attempt at smithing the metal and shakes his head.>$B$BThis is beyond my ability, but that\'s not to say the weapon can\'t be recreated for your use.$B$BThere was a talented smith who accompanied the Sons of Lothar to Draenor, David Wayne. He was a remarkable blacksmith, but chose to leave the expedition. These days, he lives in a small camp on a peninsula east of Firewing Point in Terokkar Forest. Take the ingots to him and see if he can help you with the weapon.','Bring the Box of Ingots to David Wayne at Wayne\'s Refuge in Terokkar Forest.','Ordinn sent you with these?$B$B<The smith examines the ingots.>$B$BHe was right. Most of the magic is gone, but I can still sense traces of it. With some work and a few \'exotic\' resources, I can forge you a powerful anti-demon sword from this metal.','What brings you here, $C? I don\'t get many visitors.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5732insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5687,10663,'The Hermit Smith','<The orc shakes his head at his failure.>$B$BThis is beyond my ability, but that\'s not to say the weapon can\'t be recreated.$B$BIt pains me to suggest this, but your only hope may be a human smith by the name of David Wayne. It\'s true he was once a member of the Alliance\'s expedition, but that was a long time ago and he has since left the Sons of Lothar. These days, he lives in a small camp on a peninsula east of Firewing Point in Terokkar Forest. Take the ingots to him and see if he can help you.','Bring the Box of Ingots to David Wayne at Wayne\'s Refuge in Terokkar Forest.','<The smith frowns and examines the ingots.>$B$BI\'ll be frank with you, $C. I\'m a relic of an age when cooperation with the Horde was unthinkable.$B$BI am not so blind as to see that we do not have common enemies. I will help you to reforge the anti-demon weapon but it\'s going to take a lot of hard work and a few \'exotic\' resources.','What brings you here, $C? I don\'t get many visitors.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5733insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5688,10664,'Additional Materials','The ingots that you brought contain most of the metal I\'ll need to forge the sword\'s blade, but I\'ll need a variety of things to create other parts of the weapon.$B$BLet\'s see, among the things I don\'t have here are an adamantite frame, some heavy knothide leather, and a demon warding totem. Skilled crafters should be able to produce the first two, but the third is only sold by the reagent vendor in Shattrath\'s Lower City, Fantei. You\'ll find him with the other tradesmen.','David Wayne at Wayne\'s Refuge wants you to bring him an Adamantite Frame, 4 Heavy Knothide Leather, and a Demon Warding Totem.','<The smith accepts the materials, nodding approvingly.>$B$BThese will suffice. The remainder of the materials I\'ll need won\'t be quite so easy to come by.','Did you get those materials?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5734insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5689,10665,'Fresh From the Mechanar','Working with the ingots you brought is going to require a lot of heat -- rather more than a conventional forge can supply.$B$BI\'m going to need a supplemental heat source for the forge and there are very few things in Outland that can supply that kind of power.$B$BThe Mechanar area of Tempest Keep turns out manacells containing an incredible amount of power. Find one of the overcharged manacells from the stacks around Mechano-Lord Capacitus and bring it back here.','David Wayne at Wayne\'s Retreat wants you to bring him an Overcharged Manacell.','This is even more potent than I expected! With this much power, I could forge a dozen blades!','Were you able to smuggle a manacell out of the Mechanar.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5735insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5690,10666,'The Lexicon Demonica','Recreating the enchantments on the blade requires several spells to be spoken in demonic.$B$BIt\'s not something I was taught during my training as an apprentice, but there\'s no way around it. There\'s a book, called the Lexicon Demonica, that will provide most of the words I need, but it\'s in the hands of a powerful Shadow Council warlock.$B$BDeep in the halls of Auchindoun\'s Shadow Labyrinth, it is held by Grandmaster Vorpil. Do whatever you must to secure the book and bring it to me. ','Obtain the Lexicon Demonica from Grandmaster Vorpil and bring it to David Wayne at Wayne\'s Refuge.','<David leafs through the book\'s pages, shuddering.>$B$BThis is not something to be trifled with, $N. After the weapon is created, I will destroy it. There is enough demonic power about in the world without this text out in the open.','Have you retrieved the book?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5736insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5691,10667,'Underworld Loam','The frame that you brought me earlier will not be sufficient to hold molten metal without reinforcement. A rare kind of earth can be used to cool and imbue the frame, giving the adamantite an unnatural strength.$B$BUnderwold loam, as the earth is known, is accorded great value among the naga. Few enough of them possess it, and in Outland, I know of only one naga who uses it -- Hydromancer Thespia, who resides in the Steamvault of Coilfang Reservoir.','Get a Vial of Underworld Loam from Hydromancer Thespia and bring it to David Wayne at Wayne\'s Refuge.','This should do the trick. I\'d hoped for a bit more, but to be honest, we were lucky to get our hands on any at all out here.','Have you secured the underworld loam?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5737insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5692,10668,'Against the Illidari','I still have respect for Illidan.  Without him I would not have found my path.$B$BHe is not who he once was, however.  His soul has been corrupted by power, his mind has been twisted by defeat.  He has become what I am sworn to destroy and his pet servants, the Illidari, are as much of an abomination as any demon of the Burning Legion.$B$BHis grasp on Outland is slipping yet his reach is still vast.  Prove you\'re not with him by slaying his lieutenant Lothros at Illidari Point in Shadowmoon Valley.','Altruis the Sufferer wants you to slay Lothros at Illidari Point in Shadowmoon Valley.','So you\'re not with Illidan. You\'re one step closer to gaining my full trust.','Is the Illidari lieutenant dead?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5738insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5693,10669,'Against All Odds','Some demons pledge allegiance to no one but themselves.  A true enemy of demons finds and destroys his prey regardless of affiliation, however.$B$BThe demon Xeleth - a Legion defector - was once worshipped as a god by primitive swamp creatures in Zangarmarsh.  When Draenor was nearly destroyed, he retreated into a slumber deep beneath Marshlight Lake.  Find the portal at the lake and plant this spear into the ground.$B$BXeleth will awake - be ready to slay him and prove you\'re an enemy to all demons.','Altruis the Sufferer wants you to take the Imbued Silver Spear and use it at Portal Clearing near Marshlight Lake in Zangarmarsh to awake Xeleth.  Return to Altruis after you\'ve slain the demon.','Well done, $N.  He still remembered the day I drove this spear into him?  That was so long ago...','You\'ve returned.  Has Xeleth been slain?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5739insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5694,10670,'Tear of the Earthmother','The sword\'s enchantments must be contained within a powerful focus, such as a gem. I know of a gem that we can use for this purpose, for there are few that can play host to such powerful magics without shattering.$B$BThe gem we need is called the tear of the earthmother. It\'s a powerful artifact in the hands of the ogres who created it, and Warbringer O\'mrogg, who currently holds the gem, has many powerful allies in Hellfire Citadel\'s Shattered Halls. Take care in retrieving the tear, $N.','Recover the Tear of the Earthmother from Warbringer O\'mrogg and return it to David Wayne at Wayne\'s Refuge.','<David Wayne holds the gem up, to the light, admiring it.>$B$BIt\'s aboslutely flawless, and that\'s exactly what we\'ll need. A flawed gem would endanger the weapon\'s wielder, twisting the magic against them.','Were you able to wrest the gem from the grip of O\'mrogg?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5740insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5695,10671,'More than a Pound of Flesh','$N, I\'ve got something else for you to do.  One of the eggheads wants to study the fiendling flesh beasts that can be found at Razaan\'s Landing, north of the Razor Ridge.$B$BMore to the point, they want to study the flesh of the flesh beasts that are there.$B$B<Dizzy makes a disgusted face.>$B$BBut, of course, they aren\'t willing to get their hands dirty, and they only want the ether-energized flesh, which it\'s not likely that all of them have.$B$BI say, beggars can\'t be choosers, but what can you do?','Dizzy Dina has asked you to acquire 5 Ether-Energized Flesh and return them to her at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','These ought to do nicely. Don\'t they stink, though?$B$BI hope that this is worth your troubles... I\'m just glad that it was you collecting this stuff instead of me!','You have my pound of flesh? What, you didn\'t think that was funny?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5741insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5696,10672,'Frankly, It Makes No Sense...','We must study these creatures further.$B$BFar to the east - near the huge lava flow beneath the ruins of Baa\'ri - you will find arcano control units. These controllers were crafted by a genius named Gnomus for the sole purpose of exploring lava via mechanical scorpion.$B$BHe has long since lost his mind and is now only interested in eating the hottest food known to gnome-kind.$B$B<Tiorus gives you a funny look.>$B$BI want you to use the control and tag the diemetradons of the lava flow for further study.\r\n','Researcher Tiorus at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to travel to the lava flow near the Ruins of Baa\'ri and use the Arcano Control Unit to control an Arcano-Scorp, swim in the lava with the Arcano-Scorp, and tag 8 Greater Felfire Diemetradons.','Listen, there is no time to spare. I\'ve been watching the tagged diemetradons and have discovered that they all report to a gigantic, nay, ENORMOUS, diemetradon named Felspine the Greater.','','','Greater Felfire Diemetradon Tagged','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5742insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5697,10673,'Felspine the Greater','Gnomus knows about the massive diemetradon and plans to eat it! He must have been able to see what I could see through the eyes of his arcano-scorp. Look, there\'s no time to explain. He\'s crazy and that craziness is going to cost us the closest thing we\'ve got to a fireproof jumpsuit.$B$BGet back to the lava flow near Baa\'ri and track down Felspine the Greater. Once you find it, kill it and bring me back its hide.$B$BDon\'t try and reason with me, $N. I\'m well past that point.','Researcher Tiorus at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to kill Felspine the Greater and recover Felspine\'s Hide.\r\n','At last! Total protection against lava is mine! Of course you get a cut of this technology too, $N. You\'ve earned it!','At last! Total protection against lava is mine! Of course you get a cut of this technology too, $N. You\'ve earned it','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5743insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5698,10674,'Trapping the Light Fantastic','The Razaani ethereals have been playing with some interesting technology at Razaan\'s Landing to the north.$B$BI\'m sure they won\'t mind if you use this trap to take a few samples of their little pink floating light orbs?  They\'re probably only for decoration anyway.$B$BThe trap has a special property to it that when opened should attract one of the floating balls towards it.  Of course, it\'ll probably also alert the Razaani to your presence.','Toshley would like you to use the Light Trap to catch 15 Razaani Light Orbs.  Return to him at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have done so.','Hey! Wait just one damned minute!!$B$BThis doesn\'t look good...','I take it that since we\'re speaking, you have the light orbs from the Razaan\'s Landing? It\'ll be interesting to take a look at them and see what the ethereal are up to.','','Razaani Light Orbs trapped','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5744insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5699,10675,'Show Them Gnome Mercy!','<The blood drains out of Toshley\'s face.>$B$BThese orbs are made up of both nether energy and souls, some of them gnome souls!$B$BHow dare they!  Were they the ones killing our people that traveled north?!$B$B$N, you must put a stop to this, and the only way to do that is to finish off their leader, Nexus-Prince Razaan.$B$BYou\'ll have to coax him out of hiding though.  I\'m guessing that you can do that by killing a lot of his Razaani ethereal.$B$BBring me the collection of souls that he no doubt has.','Toshley wants you to retrieve the Collection of Souls and return it to him at Toshley\'s Station in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Good riddance to him! Thank you for putting an end to their macabre twisting of magic and technology.$B$BAs a true hero of gnomes everywhere, I hereby bequeath unto you our highest honor... some power converters and your pick of any of these.$B$BI know that you\'ll put them to good use!','Have you dealt with that soul-stealing bastard, Razaan yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5745insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5700,10676,'Bane of the Illidari','<David gathers his smithing supplies.>$B$BYou\'ve done well in getting everything we\'ll need to reforge the anti-demon blade. Your hard work and dedication is about to be repaid.$B$BThe time has come to forge the sword.','Wait for David Wayne to finish forging a sword for you.','<David mops sweat from his brow.>$B$BThe bulk of the work is done, but to set the magics, the blade must now be quenched.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5746insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5701,10677,'The Second Course...','I remember seeing larger diemetradons east of the Hand of Gul\'dan, near the lava flows around the Ruins of Baa\'ri. What I want you to get for me now is one overdeveloped felfire gizzard from the beasts around that area. You might have to kill several to find a gizzard like the one I described. Keep at it! One of them is bound to have my next meal.','Gnomus at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover 1 Overdeveloped Felfire Gizzard.','This is fantastic but I just received some incredible news!','Special of the day: Gizzard.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5747insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5702,10678,'The Main Course!','Long story short, I used to work with a blood elf named Tiorus. My partnership with Tiorus dissolved once I got into gourmet living. He decided to take it upon himself to continue our research using MY inventions. Anyhow, he had some of his Horde goons using my arcano-scorp probes at the Ruins of Baa\'ri lava flow and discovered the mother of all diemetradons!$B$BI need you to get there before he does and kill the diemetradon, Felspine, and bring his hide back to me.$B$BHurry up!','Gnomus at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover Felspine\'s Hide.','I\'ll need some alone time now, $N. Thanks for all the help!','Special of the day: Felspine\'s hide.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5748insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5703,10679,'Quenching the Blade','The blade is nearly finished!$B$BYou can almost feel the magic beginning to coalesce inside the steel, but one thing remains to be done.$B$BYou must take the forged blade to the Scalding Pools near the top of the Hand of Gul\'dan in Shadowmoon Valley and plunge it into the lava pools to quench the sword. When you have quenched the sword, return.','Travel to the Scalding Pools located near the top of the Hand of Gul\'dan and use the Forged Illidari-Bane Blade to quench it in the lava pools. Once you have the Quenched Illidari-Bane Blade, return to David Wayne at Wayne\'s Refuge.','Well done!$B$B<The smith examines the blade closely.>$B$BI\'d say it\'s a fair improvement over the crude Legion weapons you started with. Not only will this blade cut down Illidari demons, but it will work against the Legion\'s minions as well.','Have you quenched the sword in the lava of the Hand of Gul\'dan?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5749insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5704,10680,'The Hand of Gul\'dan','The elements need your help, $r! Shadowmoon Valley has been subject to unspeakable evils. The spirits remain tortured to this day. Many are enraged and unwilling to commune with the Earthen Ring.$B$BHelp this world heal, friend.$B$BDirectly northeast of Wildhammer Stronghold you will find an area known as the Altar of Damnation. Make your way there and speak with Earthmender Torlok.','Speak with Earthmender Torlok at the Altar of Damnation in Shadowmoon Valley.','It is good that you came, $R. We have much work to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5750insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5705,10681,'The Hand of Gul\'dan','The elements need your help, $r! Shadowmoon Valley has been subject to unspeakable evils. The spirits remain tortured to this day. Many are enraged and unwilling to commune with the Earthen Ring.$B$BHelp this world heal, friend.$B$BSoutheast of Shadowmoon Village - in the heart of Shadowmoon Valley - you will find an area known as the Altar of Damnation. Make your way there and speak with Earthmender Torlok.','Speak with Earthmender Torlok at the Altar of Damnation in Shadowmoon Valley.','It is good that you came, $R. We have much work to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5751insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5706,10682,'A Time for Negotiation...','When we arrived in the Ruuan Weald, the wyrm cultists were keeping themselves to Blackwing Coven, through the tunnel to the west.  But now, they are encroaching upon us here.$B$BI need you to find the wyrmcultists\' overseer.  He\'s known to make a regular patrol between their various camps in the Ruuan Weald.$B$BNegotiate with him.  Let him know that there\'s room for compromise, but that we will not condone or allow the wholesale slaughter of the wildlife, nor the felling of all of the trees.','Tree Warden Chawn has asked you to negotiate with Overseer Nuaar.  Return to the tree warden at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains afterward.','WHAT?!  They dismissed you and our proposals out of hand?$B$BThis is outrageous!  We go to them in good faith, and they turn you away without even trying to come to a compromise?$B$BWell, we\'ll see about that!','','Negotiations with Overseer Nuaar complete','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5752insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5707,10683,'Tablets of Baa\'ri','The Ashtongue Broken have been ordered by Illidan to excavate the Ruins of Baa\'ri, to the far north.  They\'re in search of draenei artifacts, no doubt - Baa\'ri was home to many Baa\'ri relics before Gul\'dan buried the town under a volcanic explosion.  We must use this opportunity to recover the Tablets of Baa\'ri, an ancient text rumored to hold the secrets of the Temple of Karabor... a place you might know as the Black Temple.','Arcanist Thelis at the Sanctum of the Stars wants you to collect 12 Baa\'ri Tablets from the ground and from Ashtongue Workers at the Ruins of Baa\'ri.$B$BCompleting quests with the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','The Baa\'ri tablets! Yes, this might provide us with very useful information.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5753insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5708,10684,'Oronu the Elder','According to the tablets, an artifact known as a Medallion of Karabor was kept at Baa\'ri.  Only the highest-ranking draenei priests were granted these, as they allowed unfettered access into the Temple of Karabor.$B$BWe must find out whether the Ashtongue have recovered the medallion that was kept at Baa\'ri yet.  Its power would provide great aid in our fight against Illidan.$B$BAkama\'s lieutenant at Baa\'ri, Oronu the Elder, receives written orders from him daily.  Obtain them and bring them to me.','Arcanist Thelis at the Sanctum of the Stars wants you to obtain the Orders from Akama from Oronu the Elder at the Ruins of Baa\'ri.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','It matches Akama\'s handwriting... let us see what we can learn.','Any news yet, $N? Time is not on our side.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5754insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5709,10685,'The Ashtongue Corruptors','According to Akama\'s letter, four fragments of the medallion were unearthed and given to the Ashtongue Corruptors.  These dreaded Broken were once powerful shaman who now defile the very elements they revered.$B$BHaalum, Corruptor of Air, can be found at Netherwing Pass.  Eykenen and Uylaru, Corruptors of Earth and Fire, were last seen at the Fel Pits near the Hand of Gul\'dan.  Lakaan, Corruptor of Water, is rumored to be near Coilskar Point.$B$BFind them and obtain the medallion fragments.','Obtain the four medallion fragments from Haalum, Eykenen, Lakaan and Uylaru and return to Arcanist Thelis at the Sanctum of the Stars in Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Yes! The four fragments of the medallion. Now to put them together...','Have you obtained the four medallion fragments, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5755insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5710,10686,'The Warden\'s Cage','The fragments you obtained are only half of the medallion.  The Ashtongue leader, Akama, must have kept the other half.$B$BI dread to ask this of you, as Akama is both evil and cunning.$B$BHe and the Ashtongue Deathsworn - the vilest and most brutal of the tribe - are rumored to run a torture chamber inside the Warden\'s Cage.$B$BI want you to find that dreaded prison,  and find the whereabouts of Akama.  His second in command at the location is a Broken known as Sanoru - interrogate him if you have to.','Arcanist Thelis wants you to enter the Warden\'s Cage, south of the Ruins of Baa\'ri and interrogate Sanoru on Akama\'s whereabouts.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','We\'ve been expecting you, $N. Akama said you would arrive sooner or later.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5756insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5711,10687,'Karabor Training Grounds','Our scouts have reported a massive influx of Sunfury blood elf recruits heading to the Ruins of Karabor.  Normally this would represent a purely military threat, however we believe something else is amiss.$B$BDescriptions of their attire and fighting style are suspiciously close to that of Illidan himself.  I do not want to become alarmed without good reason, so I would like you to go there and bring me back their weapons.  We will then determine whether my fears are unfounded or not.','Larissa Sunstrike at the Sanctum of the Stars wants you to obtain 8 Sunfury Glaives from the Demon Hunter Supplicants and Demon Hunter Initiates at the Ruins of Karabor, northeast of the Sanctum of the Stars.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Let\'s take a closer look at these weapons, $N. Hmmm... this is rather unsettling.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5757insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5712,10688,'A Necessary Distraction','The weapons are authentic, as we feared.  Illidan is training demon hunters at the Ruins of Karabor and we must put an end to it.$B$BDo not be fooled by their name, $N, their power will be used against us as often as against any demon.$B$BTheir warlocks summon and subdue demons to be used as part of the initiates\' training.  A pit lord named Azaloth has proven too strong to be used in training and is kept banished.  Find a way to let him loose on his captors.  That should buy us the time we need.','Larissa Sunstrike wants you to return to the Ruins of Karabor and find a way to unleash Azaloth on his captors.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','That should buy us some time... hopefully it will be enough for us to obtain more information.','','','Azaloth Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5758insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5713,10689,'Altruis','You don\'t see many demon hunters nowawdays.  They\'re viewed with suspicion by their own people and it\'s very rare to find one that doesn\'t have some sort of allegiance to Illidan.$B$BThere are rumors of one such demon hunter out in Nagrand.  His name is Altruis.  He hates all demons with a passion and will help us if you can convince him that you share his goals.$B$BGo to western Nagrand and find him.  He might be willing to shed some light on these new demon hunter training grounds.','Travel to western Nagrand and find Altruis the Sufferer.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','You\'ve come a long way, stranger. I\'m surprised whoever sent you has heard of me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5759insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5714,10690,'The Den Mother','WANTED!$B$BRema, the den mother and primary defender of the Jagged Ridge south of Thunderlord Stronghold.$B$BFind her by heading east out of town and across the bridge that traverses the Bloodmaul Ravine.  She keeps herself secluded in the tunnel at the southern edge of the ridge.$B$BReturn with news of her demise to Commander Skyshadow of Sylvanaar.','Kill Rema and then inform Commander Skyshadow at Sylvanaar in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Unbelievable. Did you slay Rema all by yourself?$B$BBy the looks of you, I\'d say that you could. You know, we\'re looking for a young, strong $C, such as yourself, to help out around here, especially with the problems we continually have with the ogres. Make sure that you follow-up with me on that possibility.$B$BWell, you\'ve definitely earned the bounty that I put on that wanted poster.$B$BPlease, take your pick.','What can I do for you today?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5760insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5715,10691,'Return to the Scryers','This book... I could use it to increase my power tenfold...  No!  It would end up corrupting my very soul, this I am sure of.  Return to those who sent you here, $N.$B$BYou now have the means to stop Varedis.  Wait until he manifests his demonic form through metamorphosis, at that point you will need to burn the book in his presence.  That will be the only way you can deprive him of his power.','Speak with Larissa Sunstrike at the Sanctum of the Stars in Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Many would pay a great price for the book you carry with you. It is a shame we\'ll have to destroy it.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5761insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5716,10692,'Varedis Must Be Stopped','Of course we must destroy this book, but not before we use it to destroy Varedis.$B$BIf we\'re to shut down this academy of Illidan imitators, we\'ll have to deal not just with Varedis but also the three night elf masters that assist him: Alandien, Theras and Netharel.$B$BGather a suitable force and return to the Ruins of Karabor.  Follow Altruis\'s instructions for defeating Varedis.  Hopefully his plan will work - otherwise... it\'ll have been a pleasure working with you.','Larissa Sunstrike wants you to go to the ruins of Karabor and slay Alandien, Theras, Netharel and Varedis.  Use the Book of Fel Names when Varedis uses Metamorphosis to weaken him.  Return to Larissa Sunstrike with the Book of Fel Names after completing this task.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.','You\'ve done well, $N. By slaying Varedis you\'ve put an end to one of Illidan\'s most dangerous projects.$B$BYour name will definitely get around after this.$B$BAllow me to take what remains of the Book of Fel Names. I will make sure it\'s properly... disposed of.','Have you completed what I asked of you, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5762insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5717,10693,'One Commendation Signet','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5763insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5718,10694,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5764insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5719,10695,'One Commendation Signet','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5765insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5720,10696,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5766insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5721,10697,'One Commendation Signet','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5767insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5722,10698,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5768insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5723,10699,'One Commendation Signet','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5769insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5724,10700,'Ten Commendation Signets','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5770insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5725,10701,'Breaking Down Netherock','To whomever cares about the timely construction of the X-52 Nether-Rocket --$B$BThe king of the local mountain giants, Netherock, has been terrorizing the Crumbling Wastes.  He\'s been interfering with operations all along the south ledge of the island!$B$BTake your friends and deal with him!  Then, return to me here in Area 52.$B$BRocket-Chief Fuselage','Slay Netherock and then report in with Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.','Oh! Oh... you took care of Netherock. Good news that!$B$BWith that troublesome mountain giant out of the picture, we should have an easier time of exploi... er, husbanding the resources of the Crumbling Wastes.$B$BGlad to hear that those poor, innocent elementals down there won\'t be getting squished by him.$B$BHow ever can I repay you?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5771insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5726,10702,'A Grunt\'s Work...','All Horde forces in this region have been dispatched to handle the attacks from the Burning Legion. This means that we are short-handed for grunt work.$B$BOur supply caravans are in constant danger from the wildlife of the region. We can\'t veer 15 feet off the road without running into a chimaera, felboar, or abnormally large scorpion.$B$BGet out there and clear Shadowmoon Valley of its sadistic wildlife! Just kill \'em all!','Overlord Or\'barokh at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to kill 20 Shadowmoon Valley Wildlife.$B$BThese creatures include Felboars, Vilewing Chimaera, and Scorchshell Pincer. Any combination will be sufficient.','Fantastic! Should I have any other grunt work that needs to be done, I\'ll find you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5772insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5727,10703,'Put On Yer Kneepads...','It\'s time to get down in the muck and get dirty. What were you expectin\'? You gotta learn to walk before you can crawl, right? Er, reverse that...$B$BAnyway, we got all hands on deck fer killin\' the garbage being thrown at us by the Burning Legion. That leaves you with the honor of cleaning up the crazed wildlife of Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BGrab a sword, staff, whatever it is that makes you happy, and kill as much of the wildlife as you can see. That\'ll clear a way out for our supply caravans!','Thane Yoregar at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to kill 20 Shadowmoon Valley Wildlife.$B$BThese creatures include Felboars, Vilewing Chimaeras, and Scorchshell Pincers. Any combination will be sufficient.','Aye, good work! Here\'s some coin for your efforts. If we be needin\' more garbage taken out, I\'ll know who to call.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5773insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5728,10704,'How to Break Into the Arcatraz','A message was embedded in the ata\'mal crystal that you recovered.  Nexus-Prince Haramad has given us information vital to our campaign against Tempest Keep.$B$BHe tells us that there are two pieces, shards to a key, which, when combined, will unlock the keep\'s Arcatraz satellite.$B$BOne half is possessed by an ancient in the Botanica known as Warp Splinter.  The other is held by Pathaleon the Calculator inside the Mechanar.$B$BBring both shards to me and I will combine them into the Arcatraz key.','A\'dal has tasked you with the recovery of the Top and Bottom Shards of the Arcatraz Key.  Return them to him, and he will fashion them into the Key to the Arcatraz for you.','<A\'dal\'s voice vibrates melodically through your mind.>$B$BYou have returned. Do you bring with you the two shards of the Arcatraz key?','I am impressed. $N. though I should expect nothing less of the hero who returned the ata\'mal crystal to us.$B$BGive over the two shards and I will see to it that they are combined into their final form. Then you will have access to the Arcatraz.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5774insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5729,10705,'Seer Udalo','I hope you\'re not shocked when I reveal to you that the pieces of the Medallion of Karabor you obtained from my minions are mere replicas.$B$B<Akama shows you an identical medallion in his open palm.>$B$BMy Deathsworn and I have kept the secret from Illidan for as long as possible.   We are however, still missing the final piece.$B$BUdalo came to me in dreams  to announce he had found it.  Unfortunately he is held by Kael\'thas inside the Arcatraz in Tempest Keep.  Find him and see what he knows.','Find Seer Udalo inside the Arcatraz in Tempest Keep.','The Ashtongue Seer has been long dead.  As you turn over his body, you spot writing scrawled on the floor.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5775insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5730,10706,'A Mysterious Portent','Before he died, Udalo appears to have written a single word on the floor beneath him.  The writing is barely legible but you recognize the word Atam\'al.$B$BPerhaps Akama will understand the meaning of his brethren\'s message.','Return to Akama at the Warden\'s Cage in Shadowmoon Valley.','Yes... of course! It all becomes clear now.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5776insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5731,10707,'The Ata\'mal Terrace','It has been known to us that the fel orcs, under Illidan\'s command, have guarded an Ata\'mal crystal known as the Heart of Fury at the Ata\'mal Terrace.  They cloud its presence with dark magic, to keep it from the Sha\'tar.$B$BFight your way to the Atam\'al Terrace outside the Black Temple and turn your eyes to the sky.  Shadowlord Deathwail will circle the terrace, beyond your reach.  You will have to slay him and his warlocks before you can obtain the crystal.$B$BIt won\'t be easy, $N.  I wish you luck.','Go to the top of the Atam\'al Terrace in Shadowmoon Valley and obtain the Heart of Fury.  Return to Akama at the Warden\'s Cage in Shadowmoon Valley when you\'ve completed this task.','The crystal! Its power... now in my hands!','You\'ve returned, $N.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5777insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5732,10708,'Akama\'s Promise','<Akama inserts the crystal into the medallion in his hand.>$B$BI am not as strong as I once was, $N.  Being so close to evil itself all these years - I do not know if I can trust myself with an artifact as powerful as this.$B$BTake this as my promise to you that when the time comes and you face Illidan, I will be on your side.  Take it to the one being we know we can trust with its power.  Take the medallion to A\'dal in Shattrath City.','Bring the Medallion of Karabor to A\'dal in Shattrath City.','<As you give the medallion to A\'dal, it disappears into his being in a flash of light.>$B$B<You are briefly shown a glimpse of a moment... perhaps in the future. You see Akama and Maiev coming out of the Warden\'s Cage, fighting their way to the Dark Temple. A third figure shrouded in shadows is aiding them. Upon closer inspection you notice that the figure is you.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5778insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5733,10709,'Reunion','So you come from the world beyond the Portal? And you know of Rexxar. Oh yes, I am quite familiar with him.$b$bYou see, he is my son.$b$bBut he made his choice a lifetime ago. He is not one of us, and he is not welcome here. We have enough troubles with the Bloodmaul ogres.$b$bKnow this: being born a half-breed does not make you Mok\'Nathal.','Return to Rexxar at Thunderlord Stronghold in Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','So my father does live. I did not expect him to forgive - that was never his way. But I had hoped that the years had dulled the anger he must have felt at my departure.$B$BThirty years ago, I left the Mok\'Nathal to follow the Horde to Azeroth. Leoroxx was staunchly against it, but then, he never gave me any reason to stay. Still, a better welcome for this I had hoped for.$B$BHe wanted a Mok\'Nathal for a son and he has one now, even if he will not know it.$B$BI must open his eyes.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5779insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5734,10710,'Test Flight: The Singing Ridge','I\'ve been fiddling with the Zephyrium Capicitorium and I\'m ready to perform another test!  Do you want to help?$B$BThis next flight should be short, but fast!$B$BUm... and although I\'m sure there\'s no danger... I have this, uh, waiver that I\'d like  you to sign.  It\'s just a formality, I assure you!$B$BBest of luck!  Talk to Rally to launch yourself, and come back to me after the experiment is over!','Sign Tally\'s Waiver, then speak with Rally Zapnabber to use the Zephyrium Capacitorium.  Return to Tally Zapnabber at Toshley\'s Station.','Wow! Again, you survived! I\'m a much better engineer than I give myself credit for!$B$BHere\'s your pay! And check back with me later... I\'ll have more experiments that\'ll need more test subjects!','Don\'t worry, Mitharan! Worry never got anyone anywhere!','Throw caution to the wind.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5780insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5735,10711,'Test Flight: Razaan\'s Landing','$n, I raised the efficiency of the Zephyrium Capacitorium by 30 percent.  That will launch a test subject of your weight and wind drag ratio to new heights!  Want to test my theory?  This experiment ought to send you near Razaan\'s Landing.$B$BSpeak with Rally... he\'ll get you prepared for launch.','Speak with Rally Zapnabber to use the Zephyrium Capacitorium.  Return to Tally Zapnabber at Toshley\'s Station.','Oh, gosh! You\'re back so soon! I saw you take off and you shot up like a rocket! I was sure it would take at least a month of convalescing to mend the broken legs from that flight! You\'re tough, and brave, and foolhardy! But mostly... you\'re brave!','What? You don\'t want to perform the experiment? Don\'t fret, Domme! I\'m behind you all the way!','Reach the Sky\'s Limit.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5781insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5736,10712,'Test Flight: Ruuan Weald','Hey, $N.  I\'m glad I caught you!  I have a very important mission!$B$BHere is a nether-weather vane.  I need you to take some in flight readings for me and deliver them to my cousin in Ruuan Weald.$B$BSpeak with Rally and take a Zephyrium Capacitorium flight to Ruuan Weald.  While you\'re flying, spin the vane!$B$BAfter you land, bring the spinning vane to O\'Mally Zabnabber.$B$BGood luck, $n.  And don\'t delay!','Speak with Rally Zapnabber to use the Zephyrium Capacitorium.  While flying to Ruuan Weald, spin the Nether-weather Vane.  Deliver the Spinning Nether-weather Vane to O\'Mally Zapnabber in Ruuan Weald.','Oh, you took readings from the nether-weather vane? Splendid! The data gained from this instrument -- coupled with my measurements of druid magic -- will bear much fruit!$B$BOh, the applications will boggle the mind, I assure you!','Hello hello! My clo-... I mean, my cousin Tally told me you\'d be dropping in. Do you have something for me?','Launch to Ruuan Weald.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5782insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5737,10713,'...and a Time for Action','We will not stand idly by while they decimate the Ruuan Weald around us.  Our first priority must be to the trees.$B$B$C, I want you to go back out into the Weald and deliver a very different message for us.  I want you to slay every one of their hewers that you come into contact with!$B$BIf they will not listen to reason, perhaps they will listen to a more assertive method of persuasion!','Venture out into the Ruuan Weald and slay 10 Wyrmcult Hewers, then return to Tree Warden Chawn at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Thank you, $N.$B$BWhile we\'ll see to it that the wildlife will replenish itself in quick order, regrowing the trees, especially in a natural fashion, is a much more time-intensive process.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5783insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5738,10714,'On Spirit\'s Wings','If the Mok\'Nathal are tormented by the Bloodmaul ogres, then I will stop them and their followers. Ogres are simple creatures, and there is little profit they could gain from harassing the Mok\'Nathal.$b$bThere must be something more to this. $n, take Spirit, my hawk, and spy upon the conversations of the Bloodmaul\'s leaders. He may go undetected where we cannot.','Find a Bloodmaul Taskmaster and a Bloodmaul Soothsayer engaged in conversation, then use Rexxar\'s Whistle to summon Spirit to spy on them. When this is complete, return to Rexxar at Thunderlord Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','<Spirit perches upon Rexxar\'s shoulder, while Rexxar listens intently.>$B$BSo it is the sons of Gruul that are behind the ogres\' actions. They command the Bloodmaul ogres to destroy the Mok\'Nathal to gain their favor.','What have you learned, $N?','','Eavesdrop on the Bloodmaul ogres\' plans','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5784insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5739,10715,'Into the Churning Gulch','So, your Rexxar would have me fashion a poison for him? I\'ll give him what he desires, but there will be a price. Even for friends, there must be a price. Free things destroy friendships.$B$BFirst, you must venture a short distance to the southwest to the Churning Gulch.$B$BTherein mill some of the most poisonous creatures in all of Outland, or anywhere. I speak of the crust bursters, and this poison will require gathering their glands for me.','Baron Sablemane has told you that in order to make the poison that Rexxar needs, you must acquire 7 Crust Burster Venom Glands.  Return to him at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have done so.','Very well. A simple, if mundane, task has been completed. Now, hand me the glands and I will do the difficult part.','You have all of the venom glands? If not, begone and waste no more of my time until you do.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5785insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5740,10716,'BETA Test Flight: Raven\'s Wood <needs reward>','The Zephyrium Capacitorium is ready for its longest launch yet!  What do you say, $N?  Do you want to fly one more time?$B$BI\'ve been boosting the proplusion system but, until I get all the variables hammered out, the capicitorium will need added fuel to give it the necessary kick!  Speak with Rally before the flight -- he has the details.$B$BBest of luck, $N.  This flight will take you to distant Raven\'s Wood.  If you survive the flight -- and the wood\'s ogres and arakkoa -- come back and we\'ll celebrate!','Speak with Rally Zapnabber to use the Zephyrium Capacitorium.  Return to Tally Zapnabber at Toshley\'s Station.','','','Dive into Danger.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5786insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5741,10717,'Poaching from Poachers','Pardon me, but I couldn\'t help but overhear your conversation with Chawn.  I\'d like to help.$B$BI\'m studying the Blackwing Coven, and helping the druids in their dealings with them.$B$BI am very interested in acquiring a few of their dragon whelps; it would help us to gauge exactly what we\'re up against by understanding that which they revere.$B$BBut first, we\'re going to need to acquire some nets.  I noticed that the wyrmcult poachers out in the Ruuan Weald have an abundance of them.','Samia Inkling has asked you to acquire 5 Wyrmcult Nets and return them to her at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Oh, those look splendid.  These cultists certainly have an eye for craftsmanship.$B$BToo bad for them that it\'s misdirected.$B$BAnd now that we have the nets, would you be willing to help little old me with a thing or two?','How\'s the procurement of nets coming along?  From what I\'ve seen, those nets that the poachers use should be strong enough for the task at hand.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5787insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5742,10718,'The Spirits Have Voices','$N, now that you can see me, there is something you must tell Rexxar. I know that he seeks his people, and I know where they are.$B$BThe Mok\'Nathal, as they are known, have a village to the east beyond the Razor Ridge.$B$BGo, give Rexxar this news. His people are in danger, and I know that he will want to come to their aid.','Garm Wolfbrother has told you where the Mok\'Nathal, Rexxar\'s people, live. Speak of this to Rexxar at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','What is this you speak of?$B$BGarm Wolfbrother? He was the last chieftain of the Thunderlord clan. If you have communed with his spirit, then it must be true.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5788insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5743,10719,'Did You Get The Note?','The cultist dropped this note, which apparently was to be delivered to Overseer Nuaar.  It is signed by someone named Kolphis Darkscale.$B$BIt is likely that Tree Warden Chawn will be interested in looking at this.','Deliver the Meeting Note to Tree Warden Chawn at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','This is interesting, but disturbing.  I wonder if Samia knows who this Kolphis Darkscale is?','What\'s that you have there?  Is that a blood stain on that note?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5789insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5744,10720,'The Smallest Creatures','The ogres, simple as they are, would notice you dispersing this poison throughout their camp. Thus, I will teach you how to enlist the help of one of nature\'s smallest creatures to do this task.$b$bBy playing a simple rhythm on this drum, you can coax a marmot to follow your commands.$b$bThere is a den of marmots near the Bloodmaul camp, to the north, down in the Daggermaw Canyon past the Circle of Blood.$B$BOnce you have a marmot\'s aid, use it to disperse the poison to the Bloodmaul\'s kegs.','Use the Kodohide Drum at the Marmot Den. While controlling the Marmot, poison the three kegs in the Bloodmaul Camp. When that is completed, return to Rexxar at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','For many long years I have concentrated my efforts on perfecting the ways of communicating with nature. This is but a small part of the untapped potential that beasts can bring to you.','Is it done?','','Poison the keg of Green Spot Grog','Poison the keg of Ripe Moonshine','Poison the keg of Fermented Seed Beer','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5790insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5745,10721,'A Boaring Time for Grulloc','$N, I have a pet boar named Huffer. He wants to help you to have some fun with one of the nearby sons of Gruul.$B$BGrulloc inhabits a place known as the Cursed Hollow. When you get there, let Huffer loose. The gronn will have a fine time chasing him around, and you will retrieve the bag that he guards and deliver it to Baron Sablemane.$B$BTo get to the Cursed Hollow, head down the northern ramp and east through Dragons\' End. The hollow is on the eastern edge.','Obtain Grulloc\'s Sack and deliver it to Baron Sablemane at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','$N, I have a pet boar named, Huffer. He wants to help you to have some fun with one of the nearby sons of Gruul.$B$BGrulloc inhabits a place known as the Cursed Hollow. When you get there, let Huffer loose. The gronn will have a fine time chasing him around, and you will retrieve the bag that he guards and deliver it to Baron Sablemane.$B$BTo get to the Cursed Hollow, head down the northern ramp and east through Dragons\' End. The hollow is on the eastern edge.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5791insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5746,10722,'Meeting at the Blackwing Coven','I know what must be done!  $N, you must pose as Overseer Nuaar and attend that meeting!$B$BThe wyrmcultists at the coven all have a standard outfit that they wear, so go collect scraps from them, and when you have enough, put together a disguise.$B$BPose as Overseer Nuuar and speak with Kolphis Darkscale to see what he has to say, and then return to Tree Warden Chawn.$B$BYou\'ll find the coven by heading through the Wyrmskull Tunnel and following the path past the Raven\'s Wood and Grishnath to its end.','Gather up enough Costume Scraps from the various wyrmcultists to create an Overseer Disguise.  Use the disguise to attend the meeting with Kolphis Darkscale, and report your findings back to Tree Warden Chawn at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Attack us? Wipe us out? I think not!$B$BThis Blackwing Coven has a great deal to learn if they think the Cenarion Expedition is so easily dealt with!$B$BWhat is it that they say? Turnabout is fair play!','What news do you bring? Do you know what the wyrmcultists are up to?','Meeting with Kolphis Darkscale attended','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5792insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5747,10723,'Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater','The gronn we seek is Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater. With Sablemane\'s trap, you will make short work of the gronn. You will find him accepting sacrifices from the ogres of Boulder\'mok.$b$bFollow the road north from the Circle of Blood, then west at Ruuan Weald. Go northwest through the tunnel.$b$bFirst, kill the ogres for their heads. We will send a message. Set the trap at his altar. When he is dead, plant the grisly totems near him - none can mistake that message.$b$bTake the bear.$b$b<Misha growls.>','Go to Boulder\'mok and collect 3 Grisly Totems from the Boulder\'mok ogres. Use Sablemane\'s Trap at Gorgrom\'s Altar to set the trap and summon and kill Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater.$b$bWhen Gorgrom is dead, place the 3 Grisly Totems near his corpse, then return to Rexxar at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','The ogres of Bloodmaul and their master, Gorgrom, will trouble the Mok\'Nathal no longer.$B$BHowever, I worry about the effect our actions will have on the other gronn. I believe we must end this fight once and for all.','The Bloodmaul ogres will trouble us no longer when this task is done.','','Plant Grisly Totem','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5793insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5748,10724,'Prisoner of the Bladespire','Shortly after my arrival in the mountains, I came under attack by a group of Bladespire ogres.$b$bThough I fought free of them, and slew many, they took my wyvern, Leokk, captive. Spirit has found him, locked in a cage in the heart of the Bladespire encampment outside of Gruul\'s lair.$b$bOne of the ogres must carry his key. Find it and Spirit can use it to unlock Leokk\'s cage.$B$BYou will find the encampment at the north end of the Daggermaw Canyon down below.','Kill Bladespire ogres to get the Wyvern Cage Key. Once you have it, go to the Wyvern Cage and use Spirit\'s Whistle to summon Spirit, who will unlock the cage. After Leokk is free, return to Rexxar at Thunderlord Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Leokk has brought to us the head from one of the black dragons at Dragon\'s End. With this, we will be able to infuriate Goc, the gronn that captured him, and lure him into battle.','It will be good to have Leokk\'s aid once again.','','','','Rescue Leoxx','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5794insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5749,10725,'Eminence Among the Violet Eye','Your services have gone above and beyond what is expected of you, $N.  You are but a step away from achieving the highest honor available to non-citizens of Dalaran.$B$BContinue to prove your loyalty to us and I will empower your signet to its full capacity.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Exalted reputation with the Violet Eye.','The signet you now hold is as powerful as that of any Archmage of the Council. Wear it wherever you go so that the initiated may recognize your allegiance. Wear it wherever you go so its power may serve you as you\'ve served us!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5795insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5750,10726,'Eminence Among the Violet Eye','Your services have gone above and beyond what is expected of you, $N.  You are but a step away from achieving the highest honor available to non-citizens of Dalaran.$B$BContinue to prove your loyalty to us and I will empower your signet to its full capacity.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Exalted reputation with the Violet Eye.','The signet you now hold is as powerful as that of any Archmage of the Council. Wear it wherever you go so that the initiated may recognize your allegiance. Wear it wherever you go so its power may serve you as you\'ve served us!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5796insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5751,10727,'Eminence Among the Violet Eye','Your services have gone above and beyond what is expected of you, $N.  You are but a step away from achieving the highest honor available to non-citizens of Dalaran.$B$BContinue to prove your loyalty to us and I will empower your signet to its full capacity.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Exalted reputation with the Violet Eye.','The signet you now hold is as powerful as that of any Archmage of the Council. Wear it wherever you go so that the initiated may recognize your allegiance. Wear it wherever you go so its power may serve you as you\'ve served us!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5797insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5752,10728,'Eminence Among the Violet Eye','Your services have gone above and beyond what is expected of you, $N.  You are but a step away from achieving the highest honor available to non-citizens of Dalaran.$B$BContinue to prove your loyalty to us and I will empower your signet to its full capacity.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Exalted reputation with the Violet Eye.','The signet you now hold is as powerful as that of any Archmage of the Council. Wear it wherever you go so that the initiated may recognize your allegiance. Wear it wherever you go so its power may serve you as you\'ve served us!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5798insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5753,10729,'Path of the Violet Mage','','','Are you certain of your choice, $N? This is not a decision you ought to take lightly.$B$BThe Violet Signet will grow in power as you continue to prove yourself to the Violet Eye.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5799insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5754,10730,'Path of the Violet Restorer','','','Are you certain of your choice, $N? This is not a decision you ought to take lightly.$B$BThe Violet Signet will grow in power as you continue to prove yourself to the Violet Eye.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5800insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5755,10731,'Path of the Violet Assassin','','','Are you certain of your choice, $N? This is not a decision you ought to take lightly.$B$BThe Violet Signet will grow in power as you continue to prove yourself to the Violet Eye.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5801insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5756,10732,'Path of the Violet Protector','','','Are you certain of your choice, $N? This is not a decision you ought to take lightly.$B$BThe Violet Signet will grow in power as you continue to prove yourself to the Violet Eye.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5802insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5757,10733,'Down the Violet Path','You\'ve chosen your path, $c.  Now it is up to you to travel the path to wherever it may lead.$B$BYou will find that having friends among the Archmages of Dalaran has its advantages.  Serve us well and your deeds will not go unrewarded.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Honored reputation with the Violet Eye.','You honor us with your service, $N. Behold as I unleash the power contained in your signet!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5803insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5758,10734,'Down the Violet Path','You\'ve chosen your path, $c.  Now it is up to you to travel the path to wherever it may lead.$B$BYou will find that having friends among the Archmages of Dalaran has its advantages.  Serve us well and your deeds will not go unrewarded.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Honored reputation with the Violet Eye.','You honor us with your service, $N. Behold as I unleash the power contained in your signet!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5804insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5759,10735,'Down the Violet Path','You\'ve chosen your path, $c.  Now it is up to you to travel the path to wherever it may lead.$B$BYou will find that having friends among the Archmages of Dalaran has its advantages.  Serve us well and your deeds will not go unrewarded.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Honored reputation with the Violet Eye.','You honor us with your service, $N. Behold as I unleash the power contained in your signet!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5805insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5760,10736,'Down the Violet Path','You\'ve chosen your path, $c.  Now it is up to you to travel the path to wherever it may lead.$B$BYou will find that having friends among the Archmages of Dalaran has its advantages.  Serve us well and your deeds will not go unrewarded.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Honored reputation with the Violet Eye.','You honor us with your service, $N. Behold as I unleash the power contained in your signet!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5806insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5761,10737,'The Master\'s Touch','I\'ve put together the very key I used as an apprentice.  It looks completely functional as far as keys go.  In regards to opening Karazhan, however, this might as well be a piece of scrap metal.$B$BWithout Medivh\'s consent, the key is worthless.  Yes, of course I know Medivh is dead.  This merely makes things difficult, not impossible$B$BThere is a place in Azeroth called the Caverns of Time, guarded by the bronze dragonflight.  Find a way inside, travel back in time and get Medivh to enable the key.','Go into the Caverns of Time and convince Medivh to enable your Restored Apprentice\'s Key.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5807insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5762,10738,'Distinguished Service','You have not disappointed us, $N.  We continue to have very high hopes for you, however.$B$BContinue to serve the Violet Eye and you will be appropriately rewarded.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Revered reputation with the Violet Eye.','Your services have not gone unnoticed, $N. Your signet may look the same, but its powers grow as you continue to prove your loyalty.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5808insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5763,10739,'Distinguished Service','You have not disappointed us, $N.  We continue to have very high hopes for you, however.$B$BContinue to serve the Violet Eye and you will be appropriately rewarded.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Revered reputation with the Violet Eye.','Your services have not gone unnoticed, $N. Your signet may look the same, but its powers grow as you continue to prove your loyalty.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5809insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5764,10740,'Distinguished Service','You have not disappointed us, $N.  We continue to have very high hopes for you, however.$B$BContinue to serve the Violet Eye and you will be appropriately rewarded.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Revered reputation with the Violet Eye.','Your services have not gone unnoticed, $N. Your signet may look the same, but its powers grow as you continue to prove your loyalty.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5810insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5765,10741,'Distinguished Service','You have not disappointed us, $N.  We continue to have very high hopes for you, however.$B$BContinue to serve the Violet Eye and you will be appropriately rewarded.','Bring your Violet Signet to Archmage Leryda at Deadwind Pass after obtaining Revered reputation with the Violet Eye.','Your services have not gone unnoticed, $N. Your signet may look the same, but its powers grow as you continue to prove your loyalty.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5811insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5766,10742,'Showdown','Now it comes to this. We will bring Goc forth from his lair, and we will destroy him. With Goc dead, the Bladespire ogres will threaten the Mok\'Nathal no longer. Go to Goc\'s altar outside Gruul\'s Lair, then blow my horn. I will come, and we will face the son of Gruul together.','Use Rexxar\'s Battle Horn at the Altar of Goc, then kill Goc. Return to Rexxar at Thunderlord Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains when this is done.','The battle was hard and you fought well, $N. I am honored to have stood by your side in the battle against Goc. I am thankful beyond words.$B$BThe Mok\'Nathal should know of these great defeats, but I am not ready to face them yet. I know my father\'s mind, and I know my heart. There is still much I can learn and do to become stronger, to show to him that I am his true son.','Only through the deaths of Goc and Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater will we free the Mok\'Nathal.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5812insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5767,10744,'News of Victory','You must bring word of our success to Kurdran Wildhammer immediately! His men, under Wing Commander Nuainn, have fought nonstop to keep Wildhammer Stronghold safe and your return will surely bolster their spirits. With the threat from the Legion out of the way, Kurdran can finally turn his attention to dealing with the forces of Illidan. Our place here is far from secure, but we\'ve won a major victory this day.','Return to Wildhammer Stronghold and speak with Kurdran Wildhammer.','<Kurdran listens to your report.>$B$BThat is good news, indeed! Mere days ago, I wouldn\'t have dreamt that we could break the Legion\'s siege on the stronghold.$B$BNot only have you halted their offensive, but you\'ve broken the back of their war machine as well! You have the gratitude of the Wildhammer clan for your valor, $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5813insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5768,10745,'News of Victory','You must bring word of our success to Overlord Or\'barokh immediately! Now that we\'ve crushed the Legion and obliterated their presence in Shadowmoon Valley, the overlord can turn his attention to our other foes.$B$BAlthough the Kor\'kron guard will never admit it, they\'ll be glad we\'re no longer fighting on two fronts.','Return to Shadowmoon Village and speak with Overlord Or\'barokh.','<The overlord listens to your report.>$B$BExcellent news! Holding the line against the Legion\'s infernals was taking too many resources. Not that I expected my men to break, but they were greatly strained.$B$BYou have proven your worth to the Horde this day. The Kor\'kron guard would be honored to fight by your side anytime.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5814insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5769,10747,'Whelps of the Wyrmcult','I need to examine the whelps that they are raising at the Blackwing Coven.$B$BThere should be an abundance of them flying around inside their cavernous base, as well as a number of eggs, which if you get close to them will likely hatch.$B$BPlease, $N, take the net and capture a handful of them alive for me.$B$BFind them by heading west across the Wyrmskull Bridge and heading through the Wyrmskull Tunnel.  Follow the path to its end past Grishnath and the Raven\'s Wood.','Samia Inkling has asked you to use the Blackwhelp Net to capture 10 Wyrmcult Blackwhelps.  Return them to her at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Oh my goodness, these are more than I\'d hoped for! You are certainly to be lauded for your heroics!$B$BThis looks like a fine brood of blackwhelps to make a start with. Examining them, that is.$B$BPlease, accept this as payment. I insist!','Did you run into much trouble snatching the whelps? I hope you didn\'t get singed!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5815insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5770,10748,'Maxnar Must Die!','They\'ve left us no choice, $N.  It\'s time to put an end to the threat from the Blackwing Coven by taking out their leader, Maxnar the Ashmaw.$B$BI don\'t know if you caught a glimpse of him while you were in there, but he\'s one of the dragonkin, half-man, half-dragon.  And he\'s tough, so don\'t underestimate him!$B$BFinish it quickly and with any luck you\'ll secure the safety of Evergrove and the Ruuan Weald.','On behalf of the Cenarion Expedition druids of Evergrove, and the indigenous life of the Ruuan Weald, Tree Warden Chawn has asked you to slay Maxnar the Ashmaw.  Return to him at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have done so.','Now we can breathe more easily knowing that the leader of our enemy has been dealt with. Not only that, but you\'ve saved the entire mountain range from their depredations.$B$BWhatever their ultimate goals, you\'ve foiled them!$B$BYou have our gratitude, $N. Please accept this token of our esteem, as well as our unending hospitality.','You\'ve dealt with Maxnar the Ashmaw already?$B$BAre you having trouble finding him? As I understand it if you head to the right once you enter their caverns, it will eventually curve around and lead you to him.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5816insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5771,10749,'Baron Sablemane\'s Poison','Here, take this to your master. I\'m sure that whatever the reason, Rexxar will put it to good use.$B$BOh, and do be certain to remind him that he owes me.$B$BHe knows what I want, and I\'m certain that however he intends to obtain it for me, I\'ll be seeing you again sooner than you think.$B$BNow, do be a good little $g boy : girl; and run this up to Rexxar.','Deliver Baron Sablemane\'s Poison to Rexxar at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','This is unsavory business, this use of poisons. But it will do what we want.','$C, you are back so soon? Do you have the poison?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5817insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5772,10750,'The Path of Conquest','Word has come from my wind riders, $N. The Eclipsion blood elves are planning something big. They have begun forming their armies at the Path of Conquest, far to the southeast - adjacent to Eclipse Point.$B$BI want you to travel to the Path of Conquest and assess the situation. Once you have done so, use this flare gun to signal a wind rider. One will swoop down from the sky to meet you. Inform them of what you have discovered and they will give you your next set of orders.','Travel to the Path of Conquest in Shadowmoon Valley. Once you have done a preliminary assessment of the area, use the Kor\'kron Flare Gun to signal a Kor\'kron Wind Rider.$B$BSpeak with Overlord Or\'barokh should you lose your Kor\'kron Flare Gun and require a replacement.','Indeed, these troublesome whelps are up to something insidious. We must investigate further...','What have you to report, soldier?','The Path of Conquest Discovered','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5818insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5773,10751,'Breaching the Path','We\'re going to need more time, $r. I\'m going to fly further ahead with some of the other wind riders. Hopefully, we can gather some more information. What I need from you now is to clear a path and more importantly, keep their arrows pointed away from us!$B$BCall for a wind rider with the Kor\'kron flare gun once you have thinned their numbers.','Slay 20 Eclipsion Soldiers, 10 Eclipsion Cavaliers, and 10 Eclipsion Spellbinders and then use the Kor\'kron Flare Gun to signal another Kor\'kron Wind Rider to report your task complete.$B$BSpeak with Overlord Or\'barokh at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley should you lose your Kor\'kron Flare Gun and require a replacement.','You won\'t believe this, grunt.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5819insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5774,10752,'Onward to Ashenvale','Recently Raene Wolfrunner came through Auberdine from Darnassus and was heading to Ashenvale; she said something about the Furbolgs. I wasn\'t given an opportunity to ask more about her situation but perhaps you can seek her out and lend her your aid $C. Take the southern road out of Auberdine. Once you reach Ashenvale border continue your path down the road. There you will find Astranaar and Raene Wolfrunner.','Speak with Raene Wolfrunner in Astranaar.','So Thundris Windweaver still thinks I need looking after? I\'ll need to remind him who saved whom; he seems to forget it was I that pulled him from harm\'s way.$B$BWell now that you\'re here, $R, perhaps I can find something for you to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5820insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5775,10753,'Culling the Wild','The number of atrocities committed by the Burning Legion is countless. Even as we speak, they send their legion forces against the creatures of this land. Helpless to defend against their power, they fall one by one. $N, help me stop these crimes of nature destroy all which they corrupt. $B$BOver the hill, east of here, you will see the corruption spreading across Bladed Gulch. Kill the ones causing the crime, the Fel Corrupters, and as many Felsworn as you can.','Kill 4 Felsworn Scalewing, 4 Felsworn Daggermaw, and 2 Fel Corrupters.','I do not pride myself knowing we destroyed what Elune has created, but the corruption needed to be stopped. You have done well $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5821insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5776,10754,'Entry Into the Citadel','This freshly cast mold was to be used to create a key of some sort.  From the image engraved on its back, it appears to be related to Hellfire Citadel.$B$BMaybe this could prove to interest to Danath, the force commander at Honor Hold.','Bring the Primed Key Mold to Force Commander Danath at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','Could this be?  Let me take a closer look at that mold.','You\'ve something to show me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5822insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5777,10755,'Entry Into the Citadel','This freshly cast mold was to be used to create a key of some sort.  From the image engraved on its back, it appears to be related to Hellfire Citadel.$B$BMaybe this could prove to interest to Nazgrel, the leader of the Horde\'s forces in Thrallmar.','Bring the Primed Key Mold to Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','A key mold? Could this be what grants us access to the Shattered Halls?','You\'ve something to show me, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5823insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5778,10756,'Grand Master Rohok','The symbol on the key\'s handle... it is hard to make it out inside the mold, but I recognize it as the Shattered Hand\'s own.$B$BThere is a good chance this key will allow you to enter the Shattered Halls.$B$BSpeak to Rohok, our resident blacksmith.  If anyone can forge this key it is he.','Bring the Primed Key Mold to Rohok in Thrallmar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5824insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5779,10757,'Rohok\'s Request','Fel orc blacksmiths may not be the most skilled in the world, but there is some craftsmanship to their trade.  Only fel iron can be used with this mold if we want to end up with a working key - anything else would probably end up breaking it.$B$BBring me some fel iron bars, a bit of arcane dust and motes of fire.  I\'ll try my hand at it, but I make no promises.','Bring 4 Fel Iron Bars, 2 Arcane Dust and 4 Motes of Fire to Rohok at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','Excellent. Let\'s give it a shot.','Have you obtained the materials I requested?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5825insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5780,10758,'Hotter than Hell','It\'s no good, $N!  No matter how many coals I put to the fire, it\'s just not enough heat.$B$BThere\'s only one thing I can think of that is hot enough to temper this key and it is the insides of the Legion\'s fel reavers.$B$BI\'ve only ever seen one downed once.  I remember seeing its insides fuming, shooting fire and steam as it fell.  Take this mold and plunge it into a fallen fel reaver.  I recommend you get yourself some friends if you plan to take one down.','Destroy a Fel Reaver in Hellfire Peninsula and plunge the Unfired Key Mold into its remains.  Bring the Charred Key Mold to Rohok in Thrallmar.','You\'ve succeeded! Only thing left for you to do is try it out.','Did you do what I asked of you, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5826insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5781,10759,'Find the Deserter','I get the feeling that all the pieces are here, but I just can\'t put them together in a way that makes sense.$B$BI think our best lead is to attempt to locate this deserter. If he left his comrades at the camp, there\'s a chance you might be able to persuade him to help us understand what the dark conclave arakkoa are planning.$B$BStart your search for him along the road in Magma Fields to the northwest. It seems a likely place for him to take refuge.','Locate Parshah in the Magma Fields and speak to him.','<The arakkoa cackles.>$B$BYes, I am the deserter mentioned in the commander\'s journal. I have been waiting for the day when others might recognize the threat posed by those I once called brothers.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5827insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5782,10760,'The Sketh\'lon Wreckage','The Sketh\'lon Wreckage, just to the east, is an eerie place. The peons are convinced that it\'s cursed.$B$BThere are few trees here, so the peons have no choice but to venture into the arakkoa ruins to chop wood. The arakkoa spirits prey on the work groups, draining their life and using it to fuel their foul magics.$B$BWe must find out what is driving the dark conclave and stop them before their influence expands. Search the Sketh\'lon Wreckage for evidence of their plans.','Recover the Skethlon Commander\'s Journal Page 1, Skethlon Commander\'s Journal Page 2, and Skethlon Commander\'s Journal Page 3 from the Dark Conclave arakkoa at the Sketh\'lon Wreckage to Sergeant Kargrul at Shadowmoon Village.','I don\'t see much of use here, but there are a couple of entries that could prove useful. It looks as though these arakkoa were preparing some kind of elaborate magical ritual up until the time of their deaths, but why? There\'s also a curious note here about a \'deserter.\'','What have you discovered?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5828insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5783,10761,'Find the Deserter','There\'s nothing here that would explain why the spirits of these arakkoa have remained in this world or how they came into thirst for the blood of orcs.$B$BI think our best lead is to try to find the deserter mentioned in the journal. If he left his comrades at the camp, there\'s a chance you might be able to persuade him to help us understand what the dark conclave arakkoa are planning.$B$BStart your search for him on the road through the Magma Fields to the southeast.','Locate Parshah in the Magma Fields and speak to him.','<The arakkoa cackles.>$B$BYes, I am the deserter mentioned in the commander\'s journal. I have been waiting for the day when others might recognize the threat posed by those I once called brothers.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5829insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5784,10762,'Grand Master Dumphry','The symbol on the key\'s handle... it is hard to make it out inside the mold, but I recognize it at the Shattered Hand\'s own.$B$BThere is a good chance this key will allow you to enter the Shattered Halls.$B$BSpeak to Dumphry.  He is a master of his craft.  If he can\'t craft this key for you, no one can.','Bring the Primed Key Mold to Dumphry in Honor Hold.','A key?  Danath should have us working on siege engines!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5830insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5785,10763,'Dumphry\'s Request','Fel orcs might be complete barbarians but their smithing is not as primitive as you might think.  Only fel iron can be used with this mold if we want to end up with a working key - anything else would probably end up breaking it.$B$BBring me some fel iron bars, a bit of arcane dust and motes of fire.  I\'ll try my hand at it, but I make no promises.','Bring 4 Fel Iron Bars, 2 Arcane Dust and 4 Motes of Fire to Dumphry at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','Let\'s try it then. Let\'s see what fel orc crafting is all about.','Have you obtained the materials I requested?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5831insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5786,10764,'Hotter than Hell','It\'s not working, $g lad : lass;.  I cannot give it enough heat... the materials will not be properly tempered.$B$BYou know, the Fel Reavers used by the Burning Legion are powered by a scalding core of fel fire - it burns much hotter than normal fire.$B$BIf you could find enough people to take one down, you could heat the mold in the insides of the fallen reaver.  Beware, $c, those fel reavers pack quite a punch.','Destroy a Fel Reaver in Hellfire Peninsula and plunge the Unfired Key Mold into its remains.  Bring the Charred Key Mold to Dumphry in Honor Hold.','You\'ve done it, laddie!  Only thing left to do is for you to take it to Hellfire Citadel and kill yourself some orcs!','Did you do what I asked of you, $C?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5832insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5787,10765,'When Worlds Collide...','At the southern end of the Path of Conquest, near a stationary caravan, I discovered what looked like a meeting between a giant and a blood elf chancellor. You\'ve probably already noticed the smaller giants on the path as well. Something is just not right about all of this, grunt.$B$BI want you to fight your way to this meeting and break up the party. Recover whatever you can from the scene and then call for one of us with the flare gun.','Slay Chancellor Bloodleaf and Corok the Mighty and recover Illidan\'s Command. Use the Kor\'kron Flare Gun to signal another Kor\'kron Wind Rider once you have accomplished this task.$B$BSpeak with Overlord Or\'barokh at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley should you lose your Kor\'kron Flare Gun and require a replacement.','So they are attempting to gain the favor of the giants. eh? I have a plan that promises to sever this unholy union.','What have you to report. soldier?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5833insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5788,10766,'Invasion Point: Cataclysm','Now that we have access to the Legion\'s base at Invasion Point: Cataclysm, we need to figure out a way to shut down their operations there. Wildhammer Stronghold won\'t be safe until the Legion\'s presence is erased from Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BI\'ve sent an advance party up to the invasion point to help you formulate a plan to destroy the Legion\'s supplies. Go back to Legion Hold and step into the teleporter with the green crystals above it. Plexi will meet you at your destination.','Report to Plexi at Invasion Point: Cataclysm.','Pleased to meet you, $N. Name\'s Plexi.$B$BI won\'t bore you with formalities. We both know why we\'re here. Now, let\'s get to work.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5834insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5789,10767,'Invasion Point: Cataclysm','Now that we have access to the Legion\'s base at Invasion Point: Cataclysm, we need to figure out a way to shut down their operations there. Shadowmoon Village won\'t be safe until the Legion\'s presence is erased from the valley.$B$BI\'ve sent an advance party up to the invasion point to help you formulate a plan to destroy the Legion\'s supplies. Go back to Legion Hold and step into the teleporter with the green crystals above it. Nakansi will meet you at your destination.','Report to Nakansi at Invasion Point: Cataclysm.','You must be the <race> Blood Guard Gulmok told me to expect. I have a plan in mind, but I\'ll need your help to complete the preparations.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5835insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5790,10768,'Tabards of the Illidari','The wind riders must return to Shadowmoon Village to prepare for the next phase of our assault. What I need from you now are the tabards that these blood elves wear.$B$BWhen you have collected enough tabards, call for a wind rider using the Kor\'kron flare gun. Prepare yourself for a bit of espionage, $r!','Collect 10 Illidari Tabards and then use the Kor\'kron Flare Gun to signal another Kor\'kron Wind Rider.$B$BSpeak with Overlord Or\'barokh at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley should you lose your Kor\'kron Flare Gun and require a replacement.','Ah-ha! These will do quite nicely.','What have you to report, soldier?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5836insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5791,10769,'Dissension Amongst the Ranks...','Researcher Tiorus was kind enough to put this concoction together for the final strike. I merely pour it upon this tabard that you have provided for me and the item is imbued with the essence of the Illidari filth.$B$BTake the enchanted tabard and travel to the Eclipsion Fields, southwest of Eclipse Point. Once there, use the tabard to transform into an agent of Illidan. While in disguise, slay the crazed colossi that wander the field. They will think it an attack by the Eclipsion and sever all ties!','Slay 5 Crazed Colossus while in disguise as an Illidari blood elf and return to Overlord Or\'barokh at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley. He will also want his Kor\'kron Flare Gun returned.','Well, well, well... If it isn\'t the grunt I sent out into the field. You\'re back and in one piece.$B$B<Or\'barokh nods.>$B$BI knew you wouldn\'t let me down, soldier. You\'ve stopped a major Illidari advance and, in doing so, earned yourself a little reward.','You have returned!','','Crazed Colossus slain while in disguise','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5837insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5792,10770,'Little Embers','Northeast of here, on the plateau above us lies the burnt ashes of my ancient home. A great wood flourished there before the Burning Legion sent their imps to burn us away. So many died that even centuries later my tired old heart hungers for revenge. There are too many of them for us to ever reclaim the land, but you could make them afraid.$B$BSurely you will help me?','Mosswood the Ancient wants you to kill 8 Scorch Imps and then return to him in Ruuan Weald. ','There are so many that we can never kill them all, but you have given me hope.  Perhaps I shall try a little harder for another few centuries to revive my beloved wood.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5838insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5793,10771,'From the Ashes','If you follow the road east and up the side of the mountain, then turn north, you will come to my long lost home.$b$bOnce there was a wood there. Its name is forgotten. Long ago the Burning Legion summoned scorched imps and other creatures of flame. My home was destroyed and my people fled. Now only I remain. $B$BI have saved some ironroot seeds that could be planted in fertile volcanic soil. Their magic is strong. Do this for me and I will share with you the treasures of a forgotten age.','Mosswood the Ancient wants you to journey to Skald and plant Ironroot Seeds in three different mounds of Fertile Volcanic Soil and then return to him in Ruuan Weald.','You destroyed many of those foul little creatures.  I can rest easier knowing that so many were destroyed.','Is it done?  Did you return some life to my ancient home?','','Southern Volcanic Soil','Central Volcanic Soil','Northern Volcanic Soil','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5839insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5794,10772,'The Path of Conquest','My gryphon riders have come back with a bit of news! The Eclipsion blood elves are planning something big. They\'ve begun forming their armies at the Path of Conquest, located east of here - adjacent to Eclipse Point.$B$BI want you to travel to the Path of Conquest and assess the situation. Once you\'ve done so, use this flare gun to signal a gryphon rider. One will swoop down from the sky to meet you. Tell \'em what you\'ve discovered and they\'ll give you the next set of orders.','Travel to the Path of Conquest in Shadowmoon Valley. Once you have done a preliminary assessment of the area, use the Wildhammer Flare Gun to signal a Wildhammer Gryphon Rider.$B$BSpeak with Thane Yoregar at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley should you lose your Wildhammer Flare Gun and require a replacement.','Indeed, these troublesome whelps are up to something insidious. We must investigate further...','What have you to report, soldier?','The Path of Conquest Discovered','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5840insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5795,10773,'Breaching the Path','We\'re going to need more time, $r. I\'m going to fly further ahead with some of the other gryphon riders. Hopefully, we can gather some more information. What I need from you now is to clear a path and more importantly, keep their arrows pointed away from us!$B$BCall for a gryphon rider with the Wildhammer flare gun once you have thinned their numbers.','Slay 20 Eclipsion Soldiers, 10 Eclipsion Cavaliers, and 5 Sons of Corok and then use the Wildhammer Flare Gun to signal another Wildhammer Gryphon Rider to report your task complete.$B$BSpeak with Thane Yoregar at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley should you lose your Wildhammer Flare Gun and require a replacement.','You won\'t believe this, soldier!','What have you to report, soldier?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5841insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5796,10774,'Blood Elf + Giant = ???','At the southern end of the Path of Conquest, near a stationary caravan, I discovered what looked like a meeting between a giant and a blood elf chancellor. What are giants even doing here? Something is just not right about all of this, grunt.$B$BI want you to fight your way to this meeting and break up the party. Recover whatever you can from the scene and then call for one of us with the flare gun.','Slay Chancellor Bloodleaf and Corok the Mighty and recover Illidan\'s Command. Use the Wildhammer Flare Gun to signal another Wildhammer Gryphon Rider once you have accomplished this task.$B$BSpeak with Thane Yoregar at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley should you lose your Wildhammer Flare Gun and require a replacement.','So they are attempting to gain the favor of the giants, eh? I have a plan that could serve to sever this unholy union.','What have you to report, soldier?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5842insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5797,10775,'Tabards of the Illidari','The gryphon riders must return to Wildhammer Stronghold to prepare for the next phase of our assault. What I need from you now are the tabards that these blood elves wear.$B$BWhen you have collected enough tabards, call for a gryphon rider using the Wildhammer flare gun. Prepare yourself for a bit of espionage, $r!','Collect 10 Illidari Tabards and then use the Wildhammer Flare Gun to signal another Wildhammer Gryphon Rider.$B$BSpeak with Thane Yoregar at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley should you lose your Wildhammer Flare Gun and require a replacement.\r\n','Ah-ha! These will do quite nicely.','What have you to report, soldier?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5843insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5798,10776,'Dissension Amongst the Ranks...','Gnomus was kind enough to put this concoction together for the final strike. I merely pour it upon this tabard that you have provided for me and the item is imbued with the essence of the Illidari filth.$B$BTake the enchanted tabard and travel to the Eclipsion Fields, southwest of Eclipse Point. Once there, use the tabard to transform into an agent of Illidan. While in disguise, slay the crazed colossi that wander the field. They will think it an attack by the Eclipsion and sever all ties!','Slay 5 Crazed Colossus while in disguise as an agent of Illidan and return to Thane Yoregar at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley. He will also want his Wildhammer Flare Gun returned.','Well, well, well... If it isn\'t the soldier I sent out into the field. You\'re back and in one piece.$B$B<Yoregar nods.>$B$BI knew you wouldn\'t let me down, soldier. You\'ve stopped a major Illidari advance and, in doing so, earned yourself a little reward.','You have returned!','','Crazed Colossus slain while in disguise','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5844insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5799,10777,'Asghar\'s Totem','What you read in the commander\'s journal is true. While the orcish Horde massed under Gul\'dan, my people sought to defend ourselves from the threat by striking against him. Gul\'dan learned of their intentions and cast a mighty spell that destroyed our camps and twisted the spirits of my brothers.$B$BThey must be stopped before they unleash a greater evil. In the Sketh\'lon Wreckage to the north, seek out Asghar and bring me the totem he carries. With it, we can begin to thwart the dark conclave\'s plans.','Bring the Sketh\'lon War Totem to Parshah in the Magma Fields.','<Parshah examines the totem.>$B$BGood. This old totem hasn\'t lost its power over the years, but it alone is not enough to stop the dark conclave.','Have you recovered the totem from Asghar?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5845insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5800,10778,'The Rod of Lianthe','The totem alone is not strong enough to counteract the sinister magics of the dark conclave.$B$BWe can combine it with other objects of power, forming a staff to focus the energies. We cannot rescue my brethren from the depths of their depravity, but we can stop them.$B$BOne of the items I need for the staff is the Rod of Lianthe, held by the blood elves at Eclipse Point to the southeast. It is kept in a pavilion on the top tier of the ruins and will be heavily guarded. Use caution, $N.','Obtain Lianthe\'s Key from any of the blood elves at Eclipse Point and use it to open Lianthe\'s Strongbox and claim the Rod of Lianthe. Return the rod to Parshah in the Magma Fields.','Well done. Such a treasure deserves better than to be shut away in a dark chest. We shall see it used for a worthy purpose.','Did you manage to get the rod?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5846insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5801,10779,'The Hunter\'s Path','Hello, young hunter. You look to me like you are skilled enough to handle a beast and train it as your companion.$B$BYou must see Huntress Kella Nightbow at LOCATION. She can put you on the path to earning a pet of your own.','Speak with Huntress Kella Nightbow at LOCATION.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5847insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5802,10780,'Sketh\'lon Feathers','There is one last element missing from the staff. We must direct the staff\'s power toward the Dark Conclave spirits.$B$BWe can do that by gathering feathers scattered on the ground at the Sketh\'lon Base Camp and using them in the staff. The base camp is to the south, east of Wildhammer Stronghold.$B$BGul\'dan\'s magic utterly destroyed my brethren, leaving only their spirits, but it did not stop there. The magic fed on the spell the arakkoa were preparing, forging a sinister force that engulfed the spirits.','Gather 8 Sketh\'lon Feathers and bring them to Parshah in the Magma Fields.','<Parshah accepts the ash-dusted feathers, shaking his head.>$B$BIt would\'ve been better if they had died that day, but nothing is ever that simple. That Gul\'dan\'s magic would turn them into the kind of threat they tried to stop is a particularly cruel twist of fate.','Have you gathered the feathers for the staff?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5848insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5803,10781,'Battle of the Crimson Watch','They are probably searching for you on the Path of Conquest as we speak. You must make your escape, $r!$B$BLeave me, I\'m done for... They... I think I hear them coming. It\'s now or never! Get out! If you choose to stay, you will have to fight!$B$BIf you fight and somehow manage to survive, take what you have learned here and deliver that knowledge to A\'dal in Shattrath City.','Battle the forces of Illidan at Crimson Watch and survive!$B$BReturn to A\'dal at Shattrath City should you emerge the victor.','This Crimson Sigil will be investigated. They pose a threat to all life on Draenor. I foresee a day when their dark master has to answer for his crimes. Perhaps it will be you who brings him to justice, hero.','','Crimson Sigil Forces Annihilated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5849insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5804,10782,'Imbuing the Headpiece','The staff is nearly finished!$B$BAll that remains is to imbue the headpiece with power flowing from the echoes of Gul\'dan in this accursed place. To the east, near the Fel Pits and south of the Deathforge, is the Altar of Damnation.$B$BThere, fragments of Gul\'dan\'s past are trapped. When you carry the unfinished headpiece of the staff into the area around the altar, don\'t be surprised if some of the entities react to it. You will be carrying a dangerous object with strong connections to the cataclysm.','Equip the Unfinished Headpiece, travel to the Altar of Damnation, and use it while standing near Gul\'dan. When the headpiece is energized, return to Parshah in the Magma Fields.','<Parshah accepts the headpiece, handing it gingerly.>$B$BThis holds the power that we\'ll need to disrupt the dark conclave\'s efforts in the Sketh\'lon Base Camp.','Have you returned with the imbued headpiece?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5850insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5805,10783,'Baron Sablemane','Here is my plan. We will poison the ogres and then destroy their gronn master.$b$bDuring my travels in these mountains, I met a man named Baron Sablemane. He is a master of the alchemical arts, and may be convinced to assist us.$b$bYou will find him at the Circle of Blood, down in the canyon to the north of here. Whatever price he requires, I will leave it to your discretion to accept.','Speak with Baron Sablemane at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Hello, $R. I am Baron Sablemane. A friend of Rexxar\'s is a friend of mine.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5851insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5806,10784,'Crush the Bloodmaul Camp','<Tor\'chunk leans in close to whisper.>$B$B$N, you\'ve done us more than proud in the fight against the ogres so far.  And while I have every confidence in what Rexxar has planned, I would still ask that you crush the ogres at Bloodmaul Camp before returning.$B$BThat way we\'ll be doubly certain of the outcome.$B$BTo get there, head north down the ramp out of Thunderlord.  Then, at the base of the ramp, head west across Dragons\' End and north through the Churning Gulch and Daggermaw Canyon.','Tor\'chunk Twoclaws has asked you to slay 10 Bloodmaul Maulers and 5 Bloodmaul Warlocks.  Afterward, return to him at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','<Tor\'chunk nods his head in obvious approval of your killing prowess.>$B$BYou continue to impress me, $N. Every time one of those stinking ogres is felled, we come one step closer to ridding ourselves of an unworthy foe.','Have you destroyed the Bloodmaul Camp yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5852insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5807,10785,'It\'s a Trap!','There\'s is no cause of fury greater in this world than that of Gruul and his sons. They slaughtered my people - my children - and now I will have revenge.$B$BI have fashioned a trap from dragon fire, and if you\'re clever enough, you can use it to kill even a gronn.$B$BJust hurry, take the trap to Rexxar. My thirst for revenge must be quenched.','Deliver the Dragonfire Trap to Rexxar at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Hmm, a trap fashioned from the essence of dragon fire? I wonder how Sablemane comes by such rarified substances?$B$BIt does not matter. What does matter is that we are going to use it to slay a son of Gruul.','Did you recover whatever was in that gronn\'s sack for Sablemane? What has he given us?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5853insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5808,10786,'Slaughter at Boulder\'mok','I know that Rexxar has plans for you to head to Boulder\'mok.  I have something that I want you to do while you are there.$B$BWe must take any chance we can get to strike down the ogres of these mountains, or they will overrun us, and all that we have bled and died for will be for nothing!$B$BBoulder\'mok lies far to the northwest.  Travel north to Ruuan Weald, and from there head west through the tunnel and past the Raven\'s Wood.$B$B$N, I want you to kill the Bladespire ogres of Boulder\'mok.  Wipe them out!','Slaughter 5 Boulder\'mok Brutes and 3 Boulder\'mok Shaman, and then return to Tor\'chunk Twoclaws at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','<Tor\'chunk grins at the story that you tell him about your adventures at Boulder\'mok.>$B$BAh, I wish that I could have been there with you. Let me tell you something, $N: never accept any duty that keeps you from the glory of battle!$B$BHah! After all of the ogre killing that you\'ve done, are there any still left in these mountains for me?!','We have come a long way in a short time, you and I. I dare say that you are the most capable ogre hunter that I have ever known.$B$BI trust then that you will deal with the Boulder\'mok ogres soon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5854insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5809,10788,'Return to Talionia','One of your masters, Talionia, in Silvermoon City has sent a summons for you, $n.  I\'m certain it is time you learned to summon and control a more powerful demon, so I suggest you see her at once.  I understand Talionia is found in The Sanctum, a cozy little den of evil found along Murder Row.','Speak with Talionia in Silvermoon City.','So the world traveler returns...$B$BI hope my sarcasm is evident, $N, for you have inconvenienced me greatly by forcing me to send out a summons. Consider that you are but a felguard\'s hair away from incineration, and they don\'t have any hair.$B$BPay attention closely, this is not a lesson you\'ll get twice.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5855insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5810,10789,'Return to Carendin Halgar','Ah, so there you are, $n.$b$bCarendin Halgar has sent out word for you to come see him in the Magic Quarter of Undercity.  He is not known for his patience, so I would not wait long.','Speak with Carendin Halgar in Undercity.','Yes, I can see it in your eye sockets. You are eager to learn more.$B$BVery well, this is a lesson we\'ll both enjoy.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5856insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5811,10790,'Return to Gan\'rul Bloodeye','You are a long way from home, $r.  Perhaps it is time you returned to learn from your master, Gan\'rul Bloodeye.  His knowledge is known to all of our craft, even those of us here.$b$bGan\'rul dwells in the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar.','Speak with Gan\'rul Bloodeye in Orgrimmar.','It is the forbidden knowledge you hunger for, is it? I can give you that...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5857insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5812,10791,'Welcoming the Wolf Spirit','I\'ve nearly completed the vestments that I\'ll wear during the ceremony. As I add the finishing touches, I\'d like you to set this incense by the candles near the runestone to my left.$B$BI believe it will help us to attract the wolf spirit\'s attention, since it was made in the days of the orcish clans. I can almost imagine my ancestors using it in a ceremony paying tribute to the wolf spirit after a successful hunt.$B$BOnce you\'ve placed the incense, I\'ll begin the ceremony.','Use the Ceremonial Incense near the candles in Malukaz\'s hut and observe the ceremony. When the ceremony is complete, speak with Malukaz again.','This is incredible! I set out on this journey unsure of whether the wolf spirit would answer our summons and now it feels as though he\'s always been here. Perhaps he was, $N.$B$BPerhaps he was waiting for the orcs to realize what their choices had wrought.','Reestablishing ties with the wolf spirit is just the beginning of my journey, not the end.','','','Help Malukaz Summon the Wolf Spirit','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5858insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5813,10792,'Zeth\'Gor Must Burn!','The Bleeding Hollow clan have betrayed their noble heritage!  We, the orcs who fought and died to save ourselves from the fel taint of Mannoroth, look upon our vile cousins and see only weakness and ignobility... and for that, they must burn!$B$BEnter Zeth\'Gor, their bastion to the east, and burn their buildings.  Kill peons for their torches, ignite them at their forge, and hurl the burning torches at their hovels, their stable and their barracks.  Burn them all, and then return to me!$B$BFor the Horde!','Kill Bleeding Hollow Peons for their torches, ignite them at Zeth\'Gor\'s forge then throw the burning torches at Zeth\'Gor Buildings.','Hah! I could see the smoke and flames of Zeth\'Gor from here! May the Bleeding Hollow fiends burn to ash and drift far from the sight of any true orc!$B$BThank you, $N. You helped burn away an afront to every orc\'s spirit.','Zeth\'Gor must burn, $N! Speak with me again when your task is complete.','','Barracks Burned','Eastern Hovel Burned','Western Hovel Burned','Stable Burned',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5859insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5814,10793,'The Journal of Val\'zareq: Portends of War','This journal documents the recent activities of Illidan\'s armies. It also explains why Val\'zareq was parading around the Path of Conquest. He was personally responsible for the capture of a high general of the Sha\'tar.$B$BThis general is being held at a post known as Crimson Watch, located at the southern end of the Path of Conquest. A mysterious faction, calling itself the Crimson Sigil, is charged with his incarceration. If you choose to investigate, it would be wise to bring allies.','Locate Marcus Auralion, High General of the Sha\'tar, at Crimson Watch.$B$BLook for him inside a crystalline prison.','You slew their conqueror? Then we haven\'t much time...$B$BThe Crimson Sigil is a group comprised of Illidan\'s elite minions. They are at the top of the chain of command for all Illidari forces outside of the Black Temple. These soldiers communicate directly with the Betrayer here, carrying out his orders without question.$B$BThey are the fiends that will undoubtedly lead an assault on this world, trampling under foot all that would stand in their way.','<General Auralion is floating in the middle of the crystal.>$B$BWha... What are you doing here?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5860insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5815,10794,'Rogues of the Shattered Hand','$N, there are secrets in the world that we do not yet possess.  The Shattered Hand in Orgrimmar can lead you to one of these secrets: the method for brewing deadly poisons.  Do as they ask and you will gain their trust.$b$bTo reach Orgrimmar, take the portal in Silvermoon City to Undercity.  Then, travel outside the city and find the nearby tower where the goblin Zepplins pick up their passengers.  From there, fly to the city of Orgrimmar where you can find Shenthul in the Cleft of Shadow.','Speak with Shenthul in Orgrimmar.','So, you want to work for the Shattered Hand? Seems like we\'re getting someone new every day.$B$BPay close attention and I\'ll explain what you have to do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5861insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5816,10795,'A Date with Dorgok','Good, I\'ve seen you around and I\'ve been meaning to speak to you about a matter of some importance.$B$BThere are reports coming in that for some reason the Bloodmaul ogres are planning an offensive against Sylvanaar and Ruuan Weald.  We don\'t know who or what is pushing them to do this, but I intend to nip their plan in the bud!$B$BBloodmaul Camp is where the attacks are to be staged from.  Head northwest down the ramp out of the Ruuan Weald and you will find it.  I want you to kill their leader, Dorgok!','Commander Haephus Stonewall has asked you to kill Dorgok at Bloodmaul Camp.  Return to him at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have done the deed.','With Dorgok dead, the Bloodmaul ogres are without leadership, and should be in disarray until another leader arises from within their ranks.$B$BThank you, $C, I think we can breathe a little easier now.','I cannot express strongly enough how important it is that you kill Dorgok as quickly as possible.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5862insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5817,10796,'Crush the Bloodmaul Camp!','I\'ve heard that you\'ve done us more than proud in the fight against the ogres thus far.  Now, I would ask that you face them again.  I want you to crush the ogres at Bloodmaul Camp!$B$BTo get down there, head northwest down the ramp out of the Ruuan Weald.  You\'ll find them at the base of the ramp.$B$BGood luck, $c!','Lieutenant Fairweather has tasked you with slaying 10 Bloodmaul Maulers and 5 Bloodmaul Warlocks.  Afterward, return to her at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','<The lieutenant nods her head in obvious approval of your killing prowess.>$B$BI am impressed, $N. Your reputation seems to be well-deserved.$B$BEvery time one of the ogres is felled, we come one step closer to ridding ourselves of a danger that has no intention of leaving us in peace.','Have you destroyed the Bloodmaul Camp yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5863insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5818,10797,'Favor of the Gronn','A token in the form of a small statuette falls from Dorgok\'s dead clutch.  It bears a striking resemblance to one of the gronn.$B$BSurely, Commander Haephus Stonewall at Evergrove in the Ruuan Weald, up the ramp to the east, would be interested in this!','Deliver Gorgrom\'s Favor to Commander Haephus Stonewall at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Oh, now that\'s pretty. Looks a lot like those gronn that are always bossing the Bladespire ogres around.$B$BOdd that you should find it in the hands of one of the Bloodmaul leaders.','Hello, $Glad:lass;, what news do you bring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5864insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5819,10798,'Pay the Baron a Visit','This is bad news.  Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater is behind the recent Bloodmaul plans against Sylvanaar!$B$BWhy he\'s manipulating them, and not just using the Bladespire, I don\'t know.  But if we\'re to deal with a gronn, we\'re going to need help.$B$BI know a man who is wise in the ways of all sorts of exotic magics.  Baron Sablemane is his name, and you can find him at the Circle of Blood, back down the ramp to the northwest, and then southwest through the canyon.$B$BAsk him to fashion us a trap for the gronn.','Speak with Baron Sablemane about fashioning a trap.  He is located at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Ah, an envoy from the vaunted Alliance. Tell me, lackey, why is it that you are here, begging me for this thing, instead of your illustrious commander?$B$BCould it be that he is afraid of me? It says something about you that you are not, but I haven\'t quite decided yet what that is.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5865insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5820,10799,'Into the Churning Gulch','Very well, I\'ll create this trap, but first I want something in return.$B$BThere happens to be a nearby gronn that is in possession of an item that I want, but you can\'t face him, not yet anyway.$B$BSo, you and I are going to fashion a sleeping powder from the poison of the nearby crust bursters.$B$BYou\'ll find them in the Churning Gulch to the southwest.  Bring me a number of their glands, and be quick about it!','Baron Sablemane has told you to bring him 7 Crust Burster Venom Glands.  Return to him at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have procured them.','Very well. A simple, if mundane, task has been completed. Now, hand me the glands and I will perform the difficult part.','You have all of the venom glands? If not, begone and waste no more of my time until you do!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5866insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5821,10800,'Goodnight, Gronn','I\'ve outdone myself again.  I\'ve fashioned a sleeping powder for you to use on Grulloc, the gronn I spoke of who is guarding what I want.$B$BGrulloc keeps himself at the Cursed Hollow, an area at the eastern edge of Dragons\' End on the other side of the Circle of Blood.$B$BIf I were you, I wouldn\'t tarry long once you have his sack.  The effects of the dust won\'t last long.','Baron Sablemane wants you to steal Grulloc\'s Sack, and then return it to him at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','<Baron Sablemane peers inside the gronn\'s sack and seems satisfied.>$B$BVery well, you have upheld your end of the bargain. And now, I will gift your Commander Stonewall with the trap.','You are before me again, $C. This must mean that you\'ve procured the sack out from underneath Grulloc\'s nose.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5867insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5822,10801,'It\'s a Trap!','There\'s nothing more that I hate in this world than the sons of Gruul and their father!  They slaughtered my people, and my children, and now I will have a taste of revenge!$B$BI have fashioned a trap from some dragon fire, and if you\'re clever enough, you might just be able to use it to kill a gronn.$B$BI\'m sure that you have a particular gronn in mind; it matters not to me which one you kill.  Just hurry, take the trap to your Commander Stonewall.$B$BMy thirst for revenge must be quenched!','Deliver the Dragonfire Trap to Commander Haephus Stonewall at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Hmm, a trap fashioned from the essence of dragon flame? I wonder how Sablemane comes by such rarified substances?$B$BIt does not matter. What does matter is that we are going to use it to slay a son of Gruul!','Did the baron fashion us a trap? One powerful enough to kill a gronn?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5868insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5823,10802,'Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater','We must show the ogres that we are not to be trifled with. We must send a message.$b$bTravel to Boulder\'mok and kill the ogres there. Make sure you keep their heads.$b$bThen go to Gorgrom\'s altar and place the trap there for him. Gorgrom will appear, and you must lure him into the trap. When he is dead, mount your grisly totems near his corpse, so that the ogres may look at their fallen master and their fallen brothers, and know the price for seeking to destroy us.','Go to Boulder\'mok and collect 3 Grisly Totems from the Boulder\'mok ogres. Use Sablemane\'s Trap at Gorgrom\'s Altar to summon and kill Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater.$b$bWhen Gorgrom is dead, place the 3 Grisly Totems near his corpse, then return to Commander Haephus Stonewall at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Well done, $N. Well done!$B$BI suspect we will hear little more from the ogres and their master.','Has the message been delivered?','','Plant Grisly Totem','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5869insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5824,10803,'Slaughter at Boulder\'mok','I know that we have plans for you to head to Boulder\'mok. I have something that I want you to do while you are there.$B$BWe must take any chance we can get to strike down the ogres of these mountains, or they will overrun us, and all that we have bled and died for will be for nothing!$B$BBoulder\'mok lies to the west. Travel southwest, cross the bridge and head through the tunnel. On the west side of the Raven\'s Wood you will find them.$B$B$N, I want you to wipe out the Bladespire ogres of Boulder\'mok.','Slaughter 5 Boulder\'mok Brutes and 3 Boulder\'mok Shaman, and then return to Lieutenant Fairweather at Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','<Lieutenant Fairweather grins at the story that you tell her about your adventures at Boulder\'mok.>$B$BAh, I wish that I could have been there with you. Let me tell you something, $N: never accept any duty that keeps you from the glory of the battlefield!$B$BHah! After all of the ogre killing that you\'ve done, are there any still left in these mountains for me?!','I dare say that you are the most capable ogre hunter that I have ever known.$B$BI trust then that you will deal with the Boulder\'mok ogres soon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5870insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5825,10804,'Kindness','Something has them spooked, $r.$B$B<Mordenai points to the nether drakes flying overhead.>$B$BThey won\'t even come down to feed. I have seen several fall to the earth, dead from exhaustion before their bodies hit the ground.$B$BWe must save them! The Rocknail flayers that are found near the crystals are their natural prey. Kill flayers and take their carcasses. Place a carcass in the field and stand extremely still. As long as you do not make any aggressive motions, they will not attack you.','Mordenai at Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to feed 8 Mature Netherwing Drakes.','You are a kind and compassionate $R, friend.','I cannot save them by myself, $N!','','Mature Netherwing Drake fed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5871insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5826,10805,'Massacre at Gruul\'s Lair','You\'ve proven yourself resourceful, and now I think I\'m going to put you to personal use in my own fight against Gruul and his sons.$B$BThe Bladespire clan are the favored of the gronn, and while you may have thinned out their numbers elsewhere, you haven\'t yet dealt with their strongest.$B$BGruul protects the exterior of his lair with only the toughest of ogres, and it is those that you must kill.  Head north through the Daggermaw Canyon and you will find Gruul\'s Lair at the end.','Baron Sablemane has tasked you and your friends with the deaths of 10 Bladespire Enforcers, 5 Bladespire Battlemages, 5 Bladespire Ravagers and their leader, Fingrom.  When you have managed this feat, return to him at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Very well, I chose wisely when I selected you to spearhead my fight. Time to ramp things up to a whole new level, I think.$B$BYou remember that little goodie that you stole for me out from underneath Grulloc\'s nose? You\'re going to get a chance to put it to good use.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5872insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5827,10806,'Showdown','The time has come for us to face Goc, the master of the Bladespire ogres. It is also time that I take a hand in events, to see the last of the gronn\'s life.$b$bTake my signet ring. When you come to the Altar of Goc, use it, and I will come to join you.$b$bTogether we will destroy Goc.','Use Sablemane\'s Signet at the Altar of Goc, then kill Goc. Return to Baron Sablemane at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains when this is done.','You fought surprisingly well for a $R, and it was an honor to have you at my side. My transformation must have been quite a surprise for you. I trust it was not too startling?$B$BLet us keep my true identity between the two of us for now, shall we? In return, and for your adept service, I grant you your choice of any of these baubles.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5873insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5828,10807,'The Ashtongue Broken','The Ashtongue tribe is feared among all Broken.  It consists of the most vicious and bloodthirsty individuals, handpicked by Akama himself.  They are as fierce and ruthless as any naga, demon or blood elf in Illidan\'s army and they have been deployed in large numbers at the Ruins of Baa\'ri, to the north.  Go there and put a dent in their numbers before they get a chance to mount an attack on us.','Varen the Reclaimer wants you to go to the Ruins of Baa\'ri and slay 3 Ashtongue Handlers, 4 Ashtongue Warriors and 6 Ashtongue Shaman.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Glory to the Scryers, $N. You\'ve done the Seer\'s bidding by defeating those who follow Illidan.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5874insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5829,10808,'Thwart the Dark Conclave','The spirits of the dark conclave seek to summon an ancient and powerful evil through a ritual conducted at the lava pits to the south of the Sketh\'lon Base Camp.$B$BGul\'dan\'s magic mingled with their own, empowering them to aid this creature in manifesting in our world! We must not allow this to happen, $N. The death and destruction it would bring are unimaginable!$B$BCarry the staff with you to the site of the summoning and use its magics to stop the dark conclave once and for all!','Slay the Dark Conclave Ritualists and use the Staff of Parshah to end the Dark Conclave\'s summoning ritual, then return to Parshah in the Magma Fields.','I have sought a way to stop the dark conclave for years, and you have succeeded where I failed. The conclave\'s dark rituals will threaten us no more.$B$BI often feel guilty for abandoning my fellows all those years ago, but now I finally know that I made the right decision. If not for my wavering conscience then, I might have ended up as a shade among them.','Is it done, $N? Have you stopped the dark conclave from completing their ritual?','','End Dark Conclave Summoning Ritual','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5875insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5830,10809,'Wanted: Worg Master Kruush','The poster reads:$B$B\"Worg Master Kruush leads the worg riders of the Bleeding Hollow clan.  A price has been placed on his head, for his riders exact heavy tolls on supply trains to Spinebreaker Post.\"$B$B\"Scouts report him within Zeth\'Gor, and the hero able to bring the severed head of this villain to me will earn the thanks of the Horde, and a large bounty.\"$B$B\"-Captain Darkhowl\"','Kill Worg Master Kruush and bring his head to Captain Darkhowl in Spinebreaker Post.','Ah, so you slew that villain, Kruush! Well done, $N! Well done! His death will defang those cursed worg riders. In fact, I hope you took a few of them out during your foray into Zeth\'Gor!$B$BHere\'s your reward. You earned every piece of it!','Report, $N. Is that Bleeding Hollow blood I see on your sleeve? I hope so!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5876insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5831,10810,'Damaged Mask','As you examine the damaged mask, you hear strange sounds coming from within. If the mask wasn\'t damaged you might be able to hear the sounds more clearly.$B$BO\'Mally Zapnabber in Ruuan Weald might be able to fix the mask.','Bring the Damaged Mask to O\'Mally Zapnabber in Ruuan Weald.','Ah, what\'s that you have? Let me take a closer look, $C. Yes, yes... it\'s just what I thought it was. Here, let me fix this mask for you.','Don\'t be bothering me! Can\'t you see I\'m trying to unlock mysterious powers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5877insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5832,10811,'Seek Out Neltharaku','Their patron soars high above, $N. Perhaps the kindness that you showed his children has moved his heart. Seek Neltharaku out and enlist his aid. Together, you may be able to solve the plight of the Netherwing drakes.$B$B<Mordenai points to the sky.>$B$BFly high, friend...','Seek out Neltharaku, patron of the Netherwing Dragonflight.','My children have told me of your heroic deeds, $R. There is more that you can do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5878insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5833,10812,'Mystery Mask','Ok, it should work now. What is it, you ask? Why, it\'s a communication device - it allows those blockheads to communicate with each other. You know, the Burning Legion! I would suggest that you hand this mask to Wildlord Antelarion. He\'s over there pacing around. Always moving, he is.$B$BWell get moving, he\'s been trying to get his hands on one of these for sometime now.','Bring the Mystery Mask to Wildlord Antelarion in Ruuan Weald.','That mask you hold in your hands is a Felsworn gas mask and by the appearance, it\'s not damaged. The trouble we can cause Forge Camp: Anger is boundless. Are you interested in helping us out, $N?','I cannot believe my eyes.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5879insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5834,10813,'The Eyes of Grillok','$n, you have braved the lair of the Bleeding Hollow orcs, dreaded Zeth\'Gor, and survived!  Perhaps you have the strength to aid me, for I aim to gaze into the mind of its darkest witch, Grillok!$B$BTake this shard.  Use it to ensorcel an Eye of Grillok and bind it to yourself.  Return here and approach my cauldron... and it will pull the eye from you.$B$BGo, $N.  And use care -- An Eye of Grillok will betray you to our enemies if given the slightest opening!','Use Zezzak\'s Shard to capture an Eye of Grillok, then approach Zezzak\'s cauldron to extract it.  After it is removed, return Zezzak\'s Shard to him.','I am indebted to you, $N. You have again braved Zeth\'Gor and held its darkness close to your heart. I will study the eye and perhaps pierce the secrets of its master, Grillok.$B$BLet us hope that he can no longer use its magic!','The orcs of the Bleeding Hollow Clan were dark allies long ago... and even darker enemies now.','','Eye of Grillok Returned','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5880insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5835,10814,'Neltharaku\'s Tale','I have information that you may find useful. Please listen to what I have to tell you, $r.','Speak with Neltharaku and listen to his story.','So you will help us?','','The Tale of Neltharaku','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5881insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5836,10815,'BETA The Journal of Val\'zareq: Portends of War','This journal documents the recent activities of Illidan\'s armies. It also explains why Val\'zareq was parading around the Path of Conquest. He was personally responsible for the capture of a high general of the Sha\'tar.$B$BThis general is being held at a post known as Crimson Watch, located at the southern end of the Path of Conquest. A mysterious faction, calling itself the Crimson Sigil, is charged with his incarceration. If you choose to investigate, it would be wise to bring allies.','Locate Marcus Auralion, High General of the Sha\'tar, at Crimson Watch.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5882insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5837,10816,'Reclaiming Holy Grounds','You did well against the Broken in Baa\'ri, $N.  Let\'s see how well you do against Illidan\'s most feared army.$B$BThe fel orcs of the Shadowmoon Clan occupy the Ata\'mal Terrace, once a very holy site where ata\'mal crystals were used in spiritual ceremonies.$B$BWe had reason to believe they were hiding an actual ata\'mal crystal in the vicinity, but our scrying has revealed nothing.  Nevertheless, the fel orcs are on draenei holy ground and their presence must be dealt with.','Vindicator Aluumen wants you to slay 8 Shadowmoon Slayers, 8 Shadowmoon Chosen and 4 Shadowmoon Darkweavers.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Excellent work, $C. May the Light continue to protect you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5883insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5838,10817,'The Great Retribution','You did well against the Ashtongue Broken, $N.  I have another challenge for you, should you be up to it.$B$BNot too long ago, the Sanctum of the Stars suffered a tremendous attack by Illidan\'s fel orcs.$B$BWe\'ve determined it was perpetrated by the Shadowmoon orcs who occupy the Ata\'mal Terrace.$B$BShow them that the Scryers are not to be trifled with.','Varen the Reclaimer wants you to slay 8 Shadowmoon Slayers, 8 Shadowmoon Chosen and 4 Shadowmoon Darkweavers.$B$BCompleting quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.','You\'ve gained my utmost respect today, $N.$B$BSlaying one fel orc is not an easy task. Massacring a score of them is, well... heroic.','Hail, $N. What news do you bring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5884insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5839,10818,'Baron Sablemane Has Requested Your Presence','$N, while you were out being one hell of a $c, Baron Sablemane sent his pet dragon up here with a message.$B$BHe\'s asked for you personally.  From what I understand, he wants you to head up his own fight against the gronn.$B$BI guess you\'re the most qualified person in all of Outland to help him, but if I were you, I\'d get in contact with a couple of friends first and ask them to join you at the Circle of Blood.','You have received an invitation to speak again with Baron Sablemane on some matter of import.  Go to him at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Ah, I see that you decided to take your sweet time answering my summons.$B$BNo matter, I have plenty of time to exact my revenge, and I intend for you to be my proxy in the coming battle!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5885insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5840,10819,'Felsworn Gas Mask','I have a very special mission for you, $N. I need you to infiltrate Forge Camp: Anger east of here. When you enter the camp you will need to wear the Felsworn gas mask and locate the Legion communicator. Once you have located the communication device speak with whomever is on the other side of the device.$B$BIf all works out you can trick the demon into something devious! Try telling the demon that camp anger has revolted.$B$BGood luck to you $C.','Wear the Felsworn Gas Mask and use the Legion Communicator at Forge Camp: Anger.','What\'s the meaning of this! No one summons me! Speak, or I will silence you forever!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5886insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5841,10820,'Deceive thy Enemy','For every moment I hear silence, you draw closer to your death! SPEAK!$B$BWhat? The camp has revolted? This cannot possibly be true! My minions would not dare undermine my authority.$B$BWell then, every last one of them will pay for this treachery, they will pay dearly. Silence them all and be done with it! Report back to me once you have carried out my order or you shall be dealt with.','Kill 4 Doomforge Attendants and 4 Doomforge Engineers.','That will surely teach those that don\'t do as I say...$B$BBy the way... where is Doomcryer? Why have you reported this revolt to me and not she?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5887insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5842,10821,'You\'re Fired!','Doomcryer did nothing to stop the revolt? How dare she! She has been trying to undermine my authority for some time. However, this time will be her last. You must summon her and deal with her personally.$B$BHer anger guards hold the keys that summon her to Forge Camp: Anger. Retrieve the five keys and activate the five Legion obelisks. The obelisks have a short duration, so make sure they are all activated at the same time. Remember, the anger guards carry more keys.','Kill Doomcryer and report back to Wildlord Antelarion in Evergrove.','That is great news, great news indeed $N. I could not have asked for a better outcome. Your service to our people is most greatly appreciated, choose one of the following heroic items.$B$BYour name will forever be remembered in our peoples heart.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5888insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5843,10822,'Single Sunfury Signet','','','Kael\'s army will soon fall.','Even the smallest contribution to our cause is noted, $N. Our enemies are many, but we shall prevail!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5889insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5844,10823,'More Sunfury Signets','','','Excellent! That\'ll show Kael\'thas not to underestimate our power.','What have you done for us lately, $N? The war against Kael\'thas is not going to fight itself, you know?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5890insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5845,10824,'Sunfury Signets','The survival of the Scryers hinges on outrecruiting Kael\'thas.  Every pilgrim from Quel\'Thalas that joins his side brings him closer to victory.  The opposite is true for us.$B$BSoon, however, we will run out of recruits and it will come down to what side can kill the other quicker.  Prove your worth to the Scryers by bringing me Sunfury signets worn by  high-ranking blood elves allied with Kael\'thas and Illidan.  You\'ll find them at Eclipse Point to the west and the Ruins of Karabor, to the northeast.','Battlemage Vyara at the Sanctum of the Stars wants you to bring her 10 Sunfury Signets.$B$BPerforming quests for the Scryers will cause you Aldor reputation level to decrease.','Kael\'s elves are extremely well-trained. Excellent job.','Go on, $N. Speak.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5891insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5846,10825,'The Truth Unorbed','This strange, magical orb drops from beneath the contour feathers of the arakkoa.$B$BSuffused with an eerie, purple glow, the orb pulses to an unheard beat.  Holding it makes you mildly uncomfortable, and so you quickly place it within your pack.$B$BPerhaps Tree Warden Chawn at Ruuan Weald to the west, through the tunnel and across the Wyrmskull Bridge, would be interested in examining it?','Deliver the Orb of the Grishna to Tree Warden Chawn at Ruuan Weald in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Yes, it\'s that orb you have there!  Odd, it appears to be of arakkoan design.  Were you recently at Grishnath?$B$BAll right, that explains that, but I wonder what diabolical purpose this object serves.  Though it radiates evil, it also somehow feels as if it were connected to the natural world as well.$B$BHere, allow me to try activate it.  The evil is so strong within it, there\'s some sort of residual memory here....','$C, do you feel that?  I sense something unnatural and evil nearby.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5892insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5847,10826,'Marks of Sargeras','By now it should be clear to you why we oppose the Burning Legion and those who serve them.$B$BIf you wish to prove yourself to the Aldor, bring me the insignias of high-ranking Legion and their Shadow Council followers.  Here in Shadowmoon you will find a strong Legion presence to the far west in Legion Hold and the Deathforge.','Bring 10 Marks of Sargeras to Harbinger Saronen in Shadowmoon Valley.$B$BCompleting quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.','Your courage is strong, friend. Let it be known to all that you are a true ally of the priesthood!','Do you bear any of our enemies\' insignias, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5893insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5848,10827,'More Marks of Sargeras','','','You continue to prove your worth, $N. Fight the enemies of the Light wherever you may find them; your actions will be well-rewarded.','Do you bear more of our enemies\' insignias, $C? The Burning Legion continues to be a threat and we continue to pursue them anywhere that we find them.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5894insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5849,10828,'Single Mark of Sargeras','','','You continue to prove your worth, $N. Fight the enemies of the Light wherever you may find them; your actions will be well-rewarded.','I\'ll take any leftover marks you might have. Do not worry; your actions will be duly noted.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5895insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5850,10829,'Treebole Must Know','This is troubling!  The arakkoa are causing the ancients and protectors to become possessed by evil spirits!$B$BBut, there is one ancient that could not possibly have been affected.  His name is Treebole, and you must go to him at once if we\'re to save the trees of the Raven\'s Wood!$B$BGo back to the Raven\'s Wood.  You will find him at the fork in the path just past Grishnath.','Tree Warden Chawn has asked you to seek out and speak with Treebole, an ancient of lore who lives in the Raven\'s Wood of the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Greetings, tiny <race>.  The birds in my boughs whispered to me that you were to be expected.$B$BYou are here to help free the trees of the woods from their possession?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5896insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5851,10830,'Exorcising the Trees','The Grishna have caused the leafbeards and stonebarks to be inhabited by evil koi-koi spirits.$B$BWe must save the trees or soon all of the Raven\'s Wood will be lost forever!$B$BCombine the magic of a Grishnath orb, found throughout Grishnath, with a dire pinfeather from a dire raven.$B$BUse the resultant exorcism feather to draw out and slay the koi-koi spirit as quickly as possible.  The stonebarks are too powerful for this ritual, but if enough leafbeards are saved, they will be freed as well.','Collect 5 Grishnath Orbs and 5 Dire Pinfeathers and then combine them into Exorcism Feathers.  Use these feathers to exorcise and slay 5 Koi-Koi Spirits from the Raven\'s Wood Leafbeards.  Once you\'ve done this, return to Treebole in the Raven\'s Wood of the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','The evil is lifting from the Raven\'s Wood!  Can you feel it, $N?$B$BYou have saved us, and all of the surrounding wildlife, from certain destruction, little one!$B$BI keep stashed four magic rings amongst my boughs for such occasions as this, when a hero arises to do some great deed.$B$BYou are one such hero!  On behalf of all of the Raven\'s Wood, we give you thanks.','','','Leafbeard Exorcised','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5897insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5852,10831,'Becoming a Mooncloth Tailor','I can teach you the ways of mooncloth tailoring, if you are interested.. By specializing in mooncloth tailoring, creating primal mooncloth will yield twice the normal amount and you will have access to several exclusive patterns. All that is required is that you pass a simple test.$B$BAs to the test, your task is to create a small sample of primal mooncloth in the moonwell at Cenarion Refuge. I will provide all the materials you\'ll need. When you\'ve created the sample, bring it back to me for examination.','Use the Square of Imbued Netherweave while standing in Cenarion Refuge\'s moonwell to create a Sample of Primal Mooncloth. Bring the completed sample back to Nasmara Moonsong in Shattrath\'s Lower City.$B$B*WARNING!* You can only select one tailoring specialization.','<Nasmara examines the cloth, turning it over in her hands.>$B$BThis is an exceedingly fine sample, $N. You will make an excellent mooncloth tailor.','Have you created the primal mooncloth sample?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5898insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5853,10832,'Becoming a Spellfire Tailor','I can teach you the ways of spellfire tailoring if you wish, but be warned, it\'s a dangerous pursuit.$B$BCreating spellcloth in Netherstorm attracts powerful nether-wraiths. I\'m searching for a way to lessen backlash, but I need more nether-wraith essence for my research.$B$BTake this beacon with you to Netherstorm and use it to summon a nether-wraith. Bring back its essence and I\'ll agree to teach you. As a spellfire tailor, you\'ll receive twice as much cloth and have access to exclusive patterns.','Bring a sample of Nether-wraith Essence to Gidge Spellweaver in Shattrath\'s Lower City.$B$B*WARNING!* You can only select one tailoring specialization.','<Gidge examines the nether-wraith essence.>$B$BEven this small a sample of the creature\'s essence radiates power. Perhaps I misunderstood what\'s happening. We\'re not angering the wraiths by taking energy from the environment. Rather, the wraiths and the environment are the same thing!$B$BDon\'t hesitate to let me know if you make any further discoveries, now that you\'ve become a spellfire tailor.','Did you get the nether-wraith sample?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5899insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5854,10833,'Becoming a Shadoweave Tailor','If you become a shadoweave specialist, you will make twice as much shadowcloth as an average tailor and have access to several exclusive patterns.$B$BOf course, any tailor can use the Altar of Shadows, but a shadoweave tailor possesses a deeper attunement to the altar, unlocking powers that few can fathom.$B$BTake this crystal to eastern Shadowmoon Valley, and find Netherwing Pass leading south from the Netherwing Fields. Near the world\'s edge, you will find the Altar of Shadows. Use the crystal there.','Use the Crystal of Deep Shadows near the Altar of Shadows to deepen your attunement to the altar, then return to Andrion Darkspinner in Shattrath\'s Lower City.$B$B*WARNING!* You can only select one tailoring specialization.','I can see that your visit to the altar was a success. There is a subtle difference about you that few will see, but there\'s no doubt it\'s there.','Have you used the crystal\'s power to deepen your attunement to the Altar of Shadows?','','Deepen Altar of Shadows Attunement','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5900insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5855,10834,'Grillok \"Darkeye\"','Grillok Darkeye has wagered a piece of himself to dark powers, and gained great magic for it.  His lost eye burns deep in some hellish pit, now a demon\'s trinket... and the patch that covers his betrayal holds its own dark secrets.$B$BBring me Grillok\'s eyepatch, $N, and I will reward you greatly for your service...','Kill Grillok Darkeye and bring Grillok\'s Eyepatch to Zezzak in Spinebreaker Post.','Ah, yes. Just as some who lost a hand or a leg in battle will oftentimes feel their severed limb, I wonder if Grillok still clutched at his lost eye in his dark, dark dreams...$B$BI too will dream on this, and if fortune is with us then perhaps I will learn what drew Grillok and the Bleeding Hollow orcs to succumb to demons.','The evils of the Bleeding Hollow orcs know no bounds, and are rivaled by only their Shattered Hand cousins.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5901insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5856,10835,'Apothecary Antonivich','$n, I have prepared a preliminary report of my findings regarding the Bleeding Hollow orcs.  My colleague in Thrallmar, Apothecary Antonivich, will be happy to receive them.  He too studies the phenomenon of fel orcs... in hopes of preventing such a tragedy from again befalling our orcish allies.$B$BTake him this report, and I will continue my study of the blood you brought me.  If fortune is with us, we will isolate the cause of the fel orc affliction.','Bring Albreck\'s Findings to Apothecary Antonivich in Thrallmar.','Ah. a report from Albreck? Very good. $BThe Royal Apothecary Society works feverishly to determine how the orcs of Hellfire Peninsula became fel orcs. Their betrayal is unforgivable... and we must ensure that our orc friends are forever safe from future corruption.','Good day. $B$B. And how is your stay in Hellfire Peninsula? I trust it has been fruitful... ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5902insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5857,10836,'Infiltrating Dragonmaw Fortress','I require time so that I may devise a plan to save my children and mate. You will buy me this time, mortal.$B$BVenture into Dragonmaw Fortress, located on the eastern edge of the Netherwing Fields, and lay waste to all Dragonmaw orcs that you find. The ensuing chaos and confusion should have a considerable impact on their plans.$B$BBe warned, some of my kin are too far gone - their minds corrupted by the Dragonmaw. For them, the only resolution is death. You have my permission to end their lives as well.','Neltharaku, flying high above Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley, wants you to slay 15 Dragonmaw Orcs.$B$BAny Dragonmaw Orc in Dragonmaw Fortress will suffice.','Well done, $N. I have discovered a way in which we can free the enslaved drakes that are being held at Dragonmaw Fortress.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5903insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5858,10837,'To Netherwing Ledge!','I believe that I can imbue nethervine crystals with my own essence. The power contained within these imbued crystals should be sufficient to free enslaved drakes of their masters\' grasps.$B$BTravel to Netherwing Ledge, an island located off the broken shelf of Shadowmoon Valley, to the southeast. It is on Netherwing Ledge that you will find nethervine crystals. Return to me when you have collected enough crystals to fill your packs.$B$BAnd $N, Beware the Dragonmaw that now inhabit the island.','Neltharaku, flying high above Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley, wants you to collect 12 Nethervine Crystals from Netherwing Ledge.\r\n','<Neltharaku takes the crystals from you.>$B$BI will prepare the crystals for you now.','I require nethervine crystals.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5904insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5859,10838,'The Demoniac Scryer','The Demoniac Scryer is now ready.  Take it behind Hellfire Citadel, to Hellfire Basin, and summon it upon the ground.  It will then begin to attune itself to Hellfire Citadel.  After its attunement, speak to the Scryer and transcribe what it tells you.  Bring that transcription to me...$B$BGo, $n, but only when you are ready.  There is no doubt that Hellfire Citadel will detect the Scryer and send wardens to destroy it!','Use the Demoniac Scryer in Hellfire Basin, wait for it to attune, and then take a reading.$B$BReturn the Demoniac Scryer and the Demoniac Scryer Reading to Apothecary Antonivich in Thrallmar.','You obtained the reading? Excellent -- I am sure this data will prove invaluable to our research. I will disseminate it to Apothecaries Zelana and Albreck.$B$BYou should be proud. $N. Your strength and bravery is unquestionable... as is your service to the Horde.','Do you have the reading? Has your mission with the Demonaic Scryer been successful?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5905insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5860,10839,'Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk','Veil Skith lies to the northwest of the caravan and to the south of Shattrath in a secluded grove of the forest. It is rumored that the colony of Skettis has constructed a maligned altar of worship. This Darkstone of Terokk must be purified if the arakkoa of Skith are ever to be redeemed.$b$bTake this Rod of Purification and cast it upon the Darkstone. Blessed by A\'dal, the rod\'s purity might be enough to bring clarity to the Darkstone. Go now and may the light shine upon thee.','Use the Rod of Purification on the Darkstone of Terokk in Veil Skith and return to Kirrik at the Refugee Caravan in Bone Wastes.','I heard the explosion from here. Not with my ears, but with my heart.$B$BIf the touch of the blessed Naaru, A\'dal, is not enough to bring the arakkoa to redemption, nothing will be. Those who have not given themselves over to the Light are mere servants of evil.$B$BThey must be destroyed.','Darkness surrounds us. What have you to say about Veil Skith?','Attempt to purify the Darkstone of Terrok','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5906insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5861,10840,'The Tomb of Lights','To the east, buried under the charred sand, is the Tomb of Lights, a lost resting place of the dead.  Before our caravan was ambushed I was going to journey to the tomb and cleanse it of evil spirits.  $B$BLittle did I know it was already infested with another kind of evil.  Even now the ethereals plunder the bodies of the fallen for trinkets and keepsakes that were given to the dead centuries ago.  $B$BThere is little I can do while our caravan struggles to survive.  ','High Priest Orglum wants you to journey to the Tomb of Lights and kill 10 Ethereal Nethermancers and 10 Ethereal Plunderers and then return to him by the Refugee Caravan.','Out here in the wilds of Outland we are weak with few heroes to defend our rights, but you have given them something to fear $C. I do not think the ethereals will soon forget the strong right arm of $N.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5907insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5862,10841,'BETA The Vengeful Harbringer','[PH]  Go into the Tomb of Light and activate the thingy.','[PH]  Activate the thingy.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5908insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5863,10842,'The Vengeful Harbinger','The Tomb of Lights has become corrupted by the Shadow Council and the draenei dead have become cursed spirits, angry and confused with a burning hatred for the living.  $B$BBefore I left Shattrath I was given a draenei tomb relic.  It can be used near the Ancient Draenei Altar deep within the Tomb of Lights to summon a tomb guardian.  This creature will activate the altar and will begin to purge the tomb of corrupt spirits, freeing them to ascend.  Protect the tomb guardian until the ritual is complete.','High Priest Orglum wants you to journey into the Tomb of Lights and use the Draenei Tomb Relic near the Ancient Draenei Altar.$B$BDefend the Tomb Guardian and defeat the Vengeful Harbinger.  When the ritual is complete, speak with the Draenei Ascendant at the Ancient Draenei Altar.','You cannot know what you have done here $N. You have saved so many of us from an eternity of darkness. There is little that I can do for the living and nothing that I could give that would thank you enough. Take what seems useful to you.','You have saved us all. What can we do to thank you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5909insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5864,10843,'Since Time Forgotten...','Since time forgotten we have fought with the Bladespire ogres.$B$BWe have managed to push them back so that now they only hold a tenuous grip at Bladespire Outpost.  It\'s back the way that you came, on the southwestern edge of the Razor Ridge.$B$BProve your worth to me by killing their leader, Gnosh Brognat.$B$BLet us see what stuff you are made of when fighting the ogres.','In order to prove yourself to the Mok\'Nathal, Leoroxx has ordered you to slay Gnosh Brognat, leader of the ogres at the Bladespire Outpost.  Return to Leoroxx at Mok\'Nathal Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have done so, or do not return at all.','<Leoroxx appraises you with a keen eye, seemingly trying to take your measure.>$B$BThe death of Gnosh Brognat is a boon to all of the Mok\'Nathal.  This is a good thing for you.$B$BLet us see if we can push the boundaries of your prowess just a bit more.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5910insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5865,10844,'BETA Forge Camp: Anger','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5911insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5866,10845,'Slay the Brood Mother','My hunters have just returned from a scouting mission to the Singing Ridge.  It seems that the nether drakes, which infest the crystals there, have increased greatly in number, and threaten to spill out into our laps.$B$BSince you have proven yourself a competent slayer, let us see if your $c skills are the match of an adult drake.$B$BFind the Singing Ridge by heading south through the Scalewing Shelf.  Enter and slay their brood mother, Dreadwing.','Leoroxx has challenged you to slay Dreadwing.  Return to him at Mok\'Nathal Village once you have managed to kill her.','No?  You slew Dreadwing?  Perhaps I was wrong about you, $C.$B$BPerhaps.$B$BStill, you have slain the chiefs of the three greatest threats that we face.  That is something to be proud of.$B$BI offer you a token of my appreciation, but don\'t let it go to your head.  You still do not fully understand what it is to be Mok\'Nathal, and we may still have need to call upon your skills.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5912insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5867,10846,'Understanding the Mok\'Nathal','<Leoroxx looks you in the eye with the kind of stare that chills your soul.>$B$BYou come to the Mok\'Nathal, but you do not understand us.  You do not understand our struggle to survive.$B$BIf you would understand us, then you will have to endure a taste of that struggle.$B$BTo the south are the Vekh\'nir arakkoa.  They have enslaved a group of ogres in the caverns known as Trogma\'s Claim and their leader, Vekh is in there.$B$BSlay him!','To begin your understanding of the Mok\'Nathal, slay Vekh, leader of the Vekh\'nir arakkoa.  Then, return to Leoroxx at Mok\'Nathal Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','The Vekh\'nir are the least of our adversaries.$B$BSo, you know how to slay an overgrown bird.  This does not make you a true warrior.  This does not give you a full understanding of our ways.$B$BBut it\'s a start.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5913insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5868,10847,'The Eyes of Skettis','Doom harkens from the cliffs of Skettis.$b$bMy people, the arakkoa, face a fate shrouded in unspeakable evil. Too often have we abused dark magic for wrongdoing. Through A\'dal I have learned of the Light and of redemption.$b$bTerokk watches his colonies from Skettis through orbs enchanted by the black art. Steal these Eyes from Veil Reskk and Veil Shienor in northern Terokkar. Let me see what Terokk sees. Let me look through the eyes of Skettis.','Bring the Eye of Reskk and the Eye of Shienor to Rilak the Redeemed in the Lower City district of Shattrath.','Your bravery should be commended. The guardians of Skettis do not part with their belongings willingly.$B$BBut heroics of the past are of little consequence now. We shall see if such bravery continues to persist in the future, for Terokk\'s gaze fixates on the south.$B$BThese Eyes are all seeing.','You have returned, $C. What news do you bring?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5914insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5869,10848,'Veil Rhaze: Unliving Evil','Veil Rhaze was a particularly wicked colony of Skettis.$b$bDespite the village\'s eradication by the Auchindoun disaster, Terokk\'s influence remained in the maligned spirits there. Travel west to Veil Rhaze and slay those murderous wretches. You\'ll find them to the west of the Shadow Tomb, on the border of Bone Wastes and Terokkar Forest.$b$bThis will be our first blow against Terokk and the guardians of Skettis.','Kill 4 Deathtalon Spirits, 4 Screeching Spirits and 2 Spirit Ravens and return to Kirrik at the Refugee Caravan.','Those foul spirits deserved to die. The death they would have wrought on others is reason enough.$B$BWe cannot hope to redeem those in Terokk\'s grasp. But we shall deliver them a devastating blow in the name of the Light.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5915insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5870,10849,'Seek Out Kirrik','Other arakkoa took part in the betrayal of Terokk.$b$bKirrik recognized Terokk as a charlatan, not a prophet. The only prophecy Terokk envisioned was the doom borne of his own bidding.$b$bIt was Kirrik who led us bravely from Skettis. After our pilgrimage to Shattrath, Kirrik traveled to the colonies in search of others.$b$bThis missive tells of what the Eyes have seen. Kirrik must be told! Follow the road south out of Shattrath to the Bone Wastes and look for the caravan.','Take Rilak\'s Missive to Kirrik at the Refugee Caravan in the Bone Wastes.','Rilak\'s tale is grim, traveler. As you can see from the state of the caravan, there is much sorrow and darkness in the forest of Terokk these days.','You have traveled far and bear news for me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5916insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5871,10850,'Nether Gas In a Fel Fire Engine','You uncover an opening through which fuel is loaded into the fel reaver.','','The fel reaver\'s engine begins to rumble and sputter as you supply it with the incorrect fuel.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5917insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5872,10851,'The Totems of My Enemy','There is the right way to honor one\'s ancestors, and there is the wrong way.$B$BThe Bladespire ogres carry totems with them, but they do not use them to show their respect.  Instead, they seek to use them to manipulate and control.$B$BWe should steal their totems because they are unworthy!  We will then put them to better use.$B$BGo to the Bladespire Outpost to the west, just southwest of the Razor Ridge.  Slay the Bladespire mystics and crushers, and take their totems from them!','Collect 5 Bladespire Totems for Spiritcaller Dohgar at Mok\'Nathal Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','This looks like a good assortment.  We should be able to find a respectful use for one or two of them.$B$BIn fact, I have an idea for how to do just that!','Have you gone to Bladespire Outpost and taken their totems from them?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5918insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5873,10852,'Missing Friends','We broke down here because some guys came in the night and made a lot of noise.  It was scary.  I don\'t know when we are going to get moving again.  $B$BSome of my friends are missing though.  I don\'t know where they are.  I think those scary bird men took them away to the northwest.  They probably are all locked up in cages and stuff.  If you find them that would be great.  I\'m kind of worried about them.','Ethan wants you to find 12 of his missing friends in Veil Skith and then return to him at the Refugee Caravan.','You found all my friends!  Now I have someone to play with.  Thank you, Mister $N.  $B$BSince I have kids to play with maybe you would like one of my toys?  That way you have something to play with too.','','','Children Rescued','Children Rescued (3)','Children Rescued (3)','Children Rescued (3)',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5919insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5874,10853,'Spirit Calling','The spirits of the nether drakes in the Singing Ridge are in need of liberation.$B$BThe nether drakes were not always nether drakes.  They used to be black drakes.$B$BBut then, with the destruction of this world, a wave of nether energy washed over everything and had the side-effect of changing the drakeling eggs.$B$BNow they are all twisted versions of their former selves.  We must help them to find peace.$B$BDo this by slaying a drake near to the spirit calling totem, and then take its spirit from it.','Spiritcaller Dohgar has asked you to use the Spirit Calling Totems to collect 8 Lesser Nether Drake Spirits and return them to him at Mok\'Nathal Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','You have done a good thing this day, $C.  The spirits of the drakes will truly sing again now that they have been freed.  And the residual part of their spirits that they leave behind are powerful medicine, too.$B$BI wonder, are you up for a journey to the north?  There is something that I am curious about concerning the activities of the ethereal.$B$BI sense a great deal of pain coming from their direction.','The drakes of the Singing Ridge may pose a threat to us, but I think they are majestic creatures.$B$BOr, at least they were.  I hope that you will be able to save their spirits.$B$BAnd if you are in need of more totems, I have a few to spare.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5920insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5875,10854,'The Force of Neltharaku','Take this enchanted nethervine crystal and make your way back to Dragonmaw Fortress. Once there, seek out the enslaved drakes and invoke the magic of the nethervine crystal. My own energies will pour forth, causing the drakes to break free from the bond of their captors. When you see that the drake has broken free, help it defeat its captor! It will most assuredly be weak from the imprisonment.$B$BRelease all that you can find and return to me, $N.','Netharaku, flying high above Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley, wants you to free 5 Enslaved Netherwing Drakes.','<Neltharaku laughs.>$B$BThe orcs must have been shocked to see the drakes turn on them in such a manner. Well done, $N. Perhaps you truly are the hero of our flight.','Waste no time, we have much work to do!','','Enslaved Netherwing Drake freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5921insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5876,10855,'Fel Reavers, No Thanks!','Ah, yes - the fel reaver!  Certainly the Legion\'s most terrible mechanical creation.  There are no less than three of these abominations aimed at the Stormspire.$B$BFortunately for us, they are not active yet.  This affords us the possibility of dealing with them through sabotage instead of brute force.$B$BObtain condensed nether gas from the gan\'arg at Forge Base: Oblivion and fill a nearby fel reaver\'s fuel tank with it.  I\'ve a feeling its engine won\'t handle it too well.','Obtain 5 Condensed Nether Gas from Gan\'arg Mekgineers at Forge Base: Oblivion, northwest of the Stormspire, and load them into a nearby Inactive Fel Reaver.  Return to Nether-Stalker Nauthis after you\'ve completed this task.','That is excellent news, $N. Now that we know how to deal with these, I can have hirelings sabotage any remaining reavers.','','','','Inactive Fel Reaver Destroyed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5922insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5877,10856,'The Best Defense','Brave acts of industrial sabotage will only get us so far, $N.  Just as Forge Base: Oblivion serves as an assembly site for Fel Reavers, Forge Base: Gehenna serves as a staging ground for their army as it is where the majority of the Legion\'s teleportation devices are located.$B$BI want you to go in there and put a dent in their numbers.  They must have a full regiment of wrathbringers by now and we just can\'t allow that.','Nether-Stalker Nauthis wants you to slay 12 Wrathbringers at Forge Base: Gehenna, north of the Stormspire.','Nice work, $N. Keep it up and I\'ll put in a good word with the Nexus Prince.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5923insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5878,10857,'Teleport This!','As fun as killing demons might be, it does us little good when the Legion can keep using its teleporters to replace anything we kill.$B$BUnfortunately, I don\'t have any high-powered explosives handy... but the mo\'arg that maintain the teleporters do.$B$BTake this rod... I\'ve tuned its powers to interfere with mo\'arg brain frequencies.  Return to Forge Base: Gehenna and use it on any Mo\'arg you see.  You won\'t have long, but you\'ll be able to use their demolition charges on the nearby teleporters.','Nether-Stalker Nauthis wants you to use the Mental Interference Rod on the Mo\'arg at Forge Base: Gehenna and use their Detonate Teleporter ability on the three teleporters in the forge camp.','Thanks to you, $N, I\'ll breathe a little easier. Figure of speech, of course!$B$BI suppose you\'ll want some form of reward now.','','','Western Teleporter Destroyed','Central Teleporter Destroyed','Eastern Teleporter Destroyed','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5924insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5879,10858,'Karynaku','It shames me to ask for your assistance once more, $N, but you are my flight\'s only hope. Without my mate, the netherwing brood may die out completely.$B$BMake your way to the top of Dragonmaw Fortress and find Karynaku.$B$BWe will be flying overhead. Should a break appear in their defenses, the might of the netherwing will swoop down to assist you.\r\n','Seek out Karynaku at Dragonmaw Fortress.','It is the chains. They sap my power. The only way is to get the key from Zuluhed and unbind me.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5925insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5880,10859,'Gather the Orbs','The Razaani ethereals have strange devices that emit small, pink floating light orbs.  They remind me of souls.$B$BThey are not to be confused with the large yellow balls that break free of the ethereal when they die, these are something else entirely.$B$BI\'d like for you to head north to Razaan\'s Landing and drop some totems, which will attact the pink light orbs.$B$BBring them back to me so that I might determine exactly what they are.','Spiritcaller Dohgar has asked you to use the Orb Collecting Totem to collect 15 Razaani Light Orbs.  Return to him at Mok\'Nathal Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have done so.','Something does not feel right.$B$BPlease, $N, hand me the totem. I must examine those orbs!','Have you collected all of the Razaani Light Orbs that are needed?','','Razaani Light Orb collected','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5926insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5881,10860,'Mok\'Nathal Treats','Hungry, $r?  The Great Spirit helps those that help themselves.  If you want to earn a meal, I suggest that you listen up, because Braagor there isn\'t going to give you anything for free, nor as tasty!$B$BThe raptors and scalewings of Razor Ridge and the Scalewing Shelf have everything that\'s needed for two of the most delicious dishes you\'ll ever taste.  Bring me their raptor ribs and serpent flesh, and I\'ll make some of each for you.$B$BI may even teach you how to cook them up for yourself, if you hurry.','Matron Varah has given you a list of ingredients for the making of her two favorite dishes, which includes the collection of 3 Raptor Ribs and 3 Serpent Flesh.  Bring them to her at Mok\'Nathal Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Mmm, I can taste them already.  Quickly, hand over those parts... I\'m going to get them diced up and onto the fire!$B$BLuckily for you, this stuff keeps, and I mean for a long time!  So, take these, and I suppose you can have the recipes as well for being so kind as to restock my larder.','Have all of the ingredients yet?  Talking about it with you has made my mouth water!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5927insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5882,10861,'Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike','In the wretched colony to the southwest known as Veil Lithic, Terokk\'s minions are attempting to befoul their avian brethren before they hatch. The dark sorcerers of Lithic encase eggs in a shadowy curse. When the hatchlings emerge, they mindlessly serve Terrok.$b$bTravel to Veil Lithic and prematurely break the eggs before the curse has time to seep in. Even if you are too late, you can put down the tainted ones.$b$bRemember, the Light shines brightest in the darkness.','Break the cursed eggs in Veil Lithic. Redeem 3 Hatchlings and slay 3 Malevolent Hatchlings before returning to Kirrik at the Refugee Caravan.','It is grim work toiling with someone\'s hatchlings, yet ignoring the brewing evil would be a bleak proposition as well. You have done well. A\'dal\'s favor shines upon your heart.','','','Hatchlings Redeemed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5928insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5883,10862,'Surrender to the Horde','The cowardly arakkoa attack us daily.  They ambush our hunters and sometimes even raid inside our walls.  We kill them when we can, but their magic is strong and they often escape our warbands.  $B$BI have learned that some arakkoa claim to be friendly with the Horde.  They live in Shattrath City to the northwest.  Rilak the Redeemed is their leader.  Search for him in the Lower City, and when you find him, demand his surrender.','Rokag wants you to seek out Rilak the Redeemed in Shattrath and demand that he and his people surrender to the Horde.','Your people are angry but there is little I can do. Some of us have been touched by the power of the naaru and we are forever changed. Those of us who remain in the wild are as we have always been.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5929insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5884,10863,'Secrets of the Arakkoa','Out here on the frontier we have to deal with the arakkoa every day.  They strike at us when they please, raiding our supply lines and killing our scouts.  $B$BYet we know very little about these enigmatic creatures.  I have received news that northwest of here in Shattrath City there are arakkoa who are not hostile.  They might be willing to share the secrets of their race.  $B$BRilak the Redeemed is their leader.  He resides in the northern part of the Lower City.','Lady Dena Kennedy wants you to seek out Rilak the Redeemed in Shattrath and find out what secrets he will share of the Arakkoa.','You are wise to find me. There is much that I can show you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5930insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5885,10864,'A Burden of Souls','I have a device, the Demoniac Scryer, that can analyze fel magic.  I would have you use the Scryer, but first... you must appease it.  The Scryer, you see, has trapped within it a creature of vast intelligence and its needs are, shall we say, quite eccentric.$B$BTo appease the Scryer, you must kill orcs.  Specifically, they must be Shattered Hand orcs -- the Scryer demands their souls.$B$BReturn to me when the souls are reaped.  You will find the orcs north, and south, and surrounding... Hellfire Citadel.','Kill 20 Shattered Hand orcs, then return to Apothecary Antonivich in Thrallmar.','Well done. $N. Your soul is burdened with many deaths... and the Demonaic Scryer will now perform its duties for you.$B$BLet us hope you are ready for the coming trial...','','','Shattered Hand Souls Reaped','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5931insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5886,10865,'Inform Leoroxx!','Quickly, you must inform Leoroxx of what is transpiring up at Razaan\'s Landing!$B$BThose orbs were comprised of souls, some of them Mok\'Nathal!','Spiritcaller Dohgar has implored you to inform Leoroxx about what the Razaani ethereal are up to.  He can be found at Mok\'Nathal Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','What you say, is it even possible? What am I saying? Of course it is, if the spiritcallers say so.$B$BRemember before when I said that we might need your further assistance? It would seem that I can tell the future.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5932insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5887,10866,'Zuluhed the Whacked','He hides in my thoughts, mortal. He waits for me to break... for me to bend to his will.$B$BAnd this will be his undoing. I will call for him. I will tell him that I will do as he asks. When he appears, kill him and take the key!$B$BKnow this: Zuluhed is an ancient orc with unknown powers. He has surely been empowered further by Illidan. You risk your life for me in doing as I ask. Are you certain you wish to make such a sacrifice?','Kill Zuluhed the Whacked and recover Zuluhed\'s Key. Use Zuluhed\'s Key on Zuluhed\'s Chains to free Karynaku.','I am free! You have saved us, $N!','','','Karynaku freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5933insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5888,10867,'There Can Be Only One Response','There can be only one response to this... this, DEFILEMENT of the souls of our ancestors!$B$B$N, if you would aid us to restore the souls of our honored dead to their rightful place, go back to Razaan\'s Landing.$B$BGo back up there and kill the razaani until their leader, Nexus-Prince Razaan shows his cowardly face.  Kill him and get those souls back, and then give them over to Spiritcaller Dohgar!','Leoroxx has beseeched you to retrieve the Collection of Souls and return them to Spiritcaller Dohgar at Mok\'Nathal Village in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Good that the ethereal filth and their leader are dead. I wish a thousand plagues upon their brethren!$B$BYou are to be rewarded for you actions on behalf of all of the Mok\'Nathal, $N! You are truly one of our heroes.$B$BLet us now release the souls of our ancestors to the cleansing fire.','Have you done it? Are the souls of our ancestors safely recovered from the evil of the ethereals?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5934insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5889,10868,'Arakkoa War Path','The arakkoa have attacked us again, this time striking in the night and then using their dark magic to escape before we could charge out to meet them in numbers.  They use their summoning circles to rescue their warriors from certain death but they cannot run from us if we attack their homes.  Veil Reskk and Veil Shienor lie to the north and northeast.  $B$BFind these arakkoa nests and kill as many as you can.','Advisor Faila asks that you kill 14 Shienor Talonites and 6 Shienor Sorcerers and then return to her in Stonebreaker Hold.','Well done $C. The arakkoa have learned to fear the might of the Horde.','How many arakkoa have slain $N? Did they run from you? Did they run and hide when you stormed into their camp?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5935insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5890,10869,'Thin the Flock','The arakkoa have attacked us again, this time striking in the night and then using their dark magic to escape before we could marshal our soldiers.  $B$BVeil Reskk and Veil Shienor lie to the north and northwest.  Find these arakkoa nests and kill as many as you can.  They may not fear us, but at least we can thin their numbers.','Lieutenant Gravelhammer asks that you kill 14 Shienor Talonites and 6 Shienor Sorcerers and then return to him in Allerian Stronghold.','Well done $C. The arakkoa have learned to fear the might of the Alliance.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5936insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5891,10870,'Ally of the Netherwing','Allow me to return you to Mordenai. I am certain that he wishes to see you once more.','Let Karynaku return you to Mordenai in the Netherwing Fields.','You have proven yourself as an ally of the Netherwing. My mother is free and my brothers and sisters are saved! $B$BPerhaps someday, we will call for you again. When that day comes, know that you will be welcomed with open arms - a brother to the Netherwing Dragonflight.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5937insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5892,10871,'BETA Ally of the Netherwing','Allow me to return you to Mordenai. I am certain that he wishes to see you once more.','Let Karynaku return you to Mordenai in the Netherwing Fields.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5938insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5893,10872,'BETA Zuluhed the Whacked','He hides in my thoughts, mortal. He waits for me to break... for me to bend to his will.$B$BAnd this will be his undoing. I will call for him. I will tell him that I will do as he asks. When he appears, kill him and take the key!$B$BKnow this: Zuluhed is an ancient orc with unknown powers. He has surely been empowered further by Illidan. You risk your life for me in doing as I ask. Are you certain you wish to make such a sacrifice?','Kill Zuluhed the Whacked and recover Zuluhed\'s Key. Use Zuluhed\'s Key on Zuluhed\'s Chains to free Karynaku.','','','','Karynaku freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5939insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5894,10873,'Taken in the Night','Our small outpost is under constant attack. Several nights ago, we were raided by the spiders of Netherweb Ridge, on the southeastern edge of the Bone Wastes. They poisoned many of our people, wrapped them in webs and carried them away. Some of our warriors took up arms and with little preparation pursued the spiders.$B$BWe have not seen the captives or our hunting parties since. We hope that some may still be alive, perhaps imprisoned by the spiders.  Our numbers are few. Will you search for our people?\r\n','Scout Navrin wants you to travel to the Netherweb Ridge and free 6 Webbed Sha\'tar Warriors and then return to him at Sha\'tar Outpost.','You saved so many.  I didn\'t think we would ever see them again.  We cannot thank you enough, $N.  ','','','Sha\'tar Warrior Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5940insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5895,10874,'Veil Shalas: Signal Fires','Terokk\'s perch, Skettis, looms above the Bone Wastes to the east. At the base of Skettis lies Veil Shalas, the most formidable of Terokk\'s colonies. It is through the stronghold of Veil Shalas that Terokk\'s forward Sages wage war against the Light.$b$bThe evil-doers of Shalas communicate with their master using a complex system of magical signal fires. Travel to the east, $r, and extinguish the fires. Once Veil Shalas is silenced, we can begin to plot the fall of Skettis.$b$bBut I get ahead of myself.','Kirrik at the Refugee Caravan wants you to extinguish the four signal fires of Veil Shalas.','We witnessed the cursed smoke rise from here. You are most brave. $C. ','','','Sapphire Fire Extinguished','Emerald Fire Extinguished','Violet Fire Extinguished','Bloodstone Fire Extinguished',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5941insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5896,10875,'Report to Nazgrel','$n, during your foray with the Demoniac Scryer, I sent word of your exploits against the fel orcs.  Nazgrel, our illustrious leader in Thrallmar, wishes to speak with you.  I believe he has a bloody mission in mind...','Speak with Nazgrel in Thrallmar.','It is good to hear of all your moves against the fel orcs. $N. The apothecaries have spent much time and resources studying the cause of their corruption, and although such information in invaluable... my orc blood burns to strike a severe blow against these betrayers!$B$BListen close, and I will explain my task...','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5942insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5897,10876,'The Foot of the Citadel','Force Commander Gorax is training Shattered Hand captains at the base of Hellfire Citadel, honing them to a bloody razor\'s edge.  You must kill him, $N, for his loss would be a mighty blow to the fel orcs.$B$BHowever, that is not all you must do.$B$BTake this banner.  Place it atop Gorax\'s corpse.  Gorax\'s commander, the Hand of Kargath, must answer your challenge if he has even a drop of true orc blood within him!$B$BHis head, the head of the hand of Kargath, is what I seek.','Kill Force Commander Gorax, place the Challenge From the Horde upon his corpse, kill The Hand of Kargath, and then bring the Head of the Hand of Kargath to Nazgrel in Thrallmar.','You have done a great deed, $N. The fel orcs are a shame to all true orcs. If we have one fear, it is the fear of succumbing to demonic corruption once again. So you see, our war against the fel orcs is more than merely a battle with fierce foes -- it is also a battle within ourselves.$B$BAnd with strength, strength you have shown time again, it is a battle we will win.','Have you faced the Hand of Kargath, $N? ','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5943insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5898,10877,'The Dread Relic','Long ago a caravan went to Auchindoun with a mission to take a Dread Relic from the ancient tombs beneath the necropolis. They fled, but the relic was their undoing.  The relic is evil and it summons evil when touched.   Their caravan was destroyed somewhere to the east. $B$BThis dark artifact is the key to a terrible plan to defeat Teribus the Cursed, a creature that flies over the Bone Wastes.  Help me if you wish, but your life and even your soul will be at risk.','Oakun wants you to travel east to the Derelict Caravan to recover the Dread Relic.  Return to Oakun when the task is complete.','It is incredible that you succeeded.  The Dread Relic is far more powerful than I feared. Only a mighty hero could have survived the long journey back carrying such blasphemous evil.','Do you have the Dread Relic?  We must have it.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5944insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5899,10878,'Before Darkness Falls','After our caravan fell prey to an attack by Shadow Council cabal cultists, scouts were sent to Shattrath to call for help.  The guards think we\'re safe for now, but they underestimate these madmen.$B$BI, for one, am not looking forward to having my throat slit by some cabal initiate in the middle of the night.  Do us all a favor and take the fight to them, before they come to us.$B$BYou will find our attackers south of here, at Auchindoun\'s northern entrance.','Mekeda at the Refugee Caravan in Terokkar Forest wants you to kill 8 Cabal Skirmishers, 4 Cabal Spell-Weavers and 2 Cabal Initiates.','I can breath a sigh of relief for now, $N. The Shadow Council will be held off for the time being.$B$BThey are murderers and cowards and your display of courage will keep them at bay.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5945insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5900,10879,'The Skettis Offensive','Skettis has waged war on us! Have you gathered enough to help with Shattrath\'s defense?$b$bHold off the attackers!','Hold off the attackers and speak with Rilak.','I applaud your prowess in combat, $C. You have proven yourself to be a true defender of the Light. May A\'dal\'s blessing shine upon your darkest hours.$B$BBut look far into the horizon. Dark skies loom above Skettis. Terokk is undoubtedly plotting his next move. Shattrath is safe for now. But only tomorrow knows what terror will descend upon us.','','Attack thwarted','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5946insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5901,10880,'Cabal Orders','This message bears a dark seal and though the language seems somewhat familiar, it appears to be encoded.$B$BPerhaps someone at the Refugee Caravan will know something about it.','Bring the Cabal Orders to Mekeda at the Refugee Caravan in Terokkar Forest.','Ah, yes... this was written in a basic form of the shadow cypher. My knowledge of it is not perfect but it should suffice to translate this.$B$BYou learn much about unsavory subjects when you live among outcasts and refugees in the Lower City.','You wish to show me something, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5947insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5902,10881,'The Shadow Tomb','Many believe it was the Shadow Council that caused the explosion that tore Auchindoun apart.  It is rumored they awoke a great evil inside.$B$BIf that is true, then that evil must have turned against them.  According to these orders, part of the Shadow Council is fleeing Auchindoun.  They are using the Shadow Tomb to store powerful artifacts from Auchindoun.$B$BThree of these are sacred, for they belonged to the powerful patriarchs Arunen, K\'alen and Atalor.  I must ask you to retrieve them.','Go into the Shadow Tomb, west of the Refugee Caravan and retrieve the Drape of Arunen, the Gavel of K\'alen and the Scroll of Atalor.  Return to Mekeda at the Refugee Caravan after you\'ve completed this task.','The Light might have forgotten me, but I have not forgotten the Light. These relics were once very sacred to my people.$B$BAllowing the Shadow Council to use their power for evil is... unthinkable!','Have you retrieved the relics, $N? We cannot allow the Shadow Council to use their power for dark purposes.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5948insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5903,10882,'Harbinger of Doom','<A discordant note can be detected in A\'dal\'s \'voice\'.>$B$BPrince Kael\'thas has chosen his warden poorly, and now the entities that we kept locked up within the Arcatraz are breaking free.$B$BOne in particular, a servant of the Old Gods known as Harbinger Skyriss, seeks to usher in his masters\' vision of conquering all of the worlds in the universe.$B$B$N, you must not allow him to escape.  Return to Tempest Keep, enter the Arcatraz, and slay Harbinger Skyriss before it is too late!','You have been tasked to go to Tempest Keep\'s Arcatraz satellite and slay Harbinger Skyriss.  Return to A\'dal at the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City after you have done so.','Once again you have proven your mettle. Had Harbinger Skyriss broken free, countless thousands would have perished in the ensuing conflict, just as happened with another servant of the Old Gods, Skeram, on your world of Azeroth.$B$B$N, what I have to offer in return may seem a pittance in comparison, but know that it comes with the everlasting gratitude of the Sha\'tar.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5949insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5904,10883,'The Tempest Key','You have proven yourself capable of great feats, $N. Your discovery of the Cipher of Damnation and Kael\'Thas\' involvement is most important to our cause. Should Kael use the cipher, what little is left of this world may collapse.$B$BA\'dal is convinced that Kael must be stopped and now seeks adventurers willing to undergo trials. Those that prove their strength will be granted favor by the naaru.$B$B<Khadgar nods.>$B$BA\'dal awaits...\r\n','Speak with A\'dal in Shattrath City.\r\n','Tempest Keep is a naaru creation, mortal. Access to the vessel has always been within our power to grant. A return to Tempest Keep, though, had been deemed unnecessary. A point of pride for a mortal race, perhaps, but naaru invest little in such things.$B$BWe go now because we must. Kael\'thas cannot be allowed to utter the words of damnation.$B$BWhile the way is open, only a fool would enter unproven. Do not underestimate the purpose of the trials, mortal.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5950insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5905,10884,'Trial of the Naaru: Mercy','Four trials you must pass before you are deemed worthy of the Tempest key.$B$BWithin the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel are three of your people. They are held there by the merciless one, Kargath Bladefist. He seeks to execute them as a sign of his virility and power. You must save these prisoners before such an atrocity can come to pass. As proof of deed, bring me the unused axe of the executioner. It must not have a drop of blood on its blade!\r\n','A\'dal in Shattrath City wants you to recover the Unused Axe of the Executioner from the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel.$B$BThis quest must be completed in Heroic dungeon difficulty.','Well done, $N. You have passed the trial of mercy.','<A\'dal greets you.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5951insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5906,10885,'Trial of the Naaru: Strength','Four trials you must pass before you are deemed worthy of the Tempest key.$B$BThe trial of strength is divided in two. You must destroy the leader of the Coilfang Steamvaults, Warlord Kalithresh, and bring me his trident. Slay the extra-planar being known as Murmur, in the Shadow Labyrinth of Auchindoun, and bring me his essence.$B$BDo this and you will have passed the trial of strength.','A\'dal in Shattrath City wants you to recover Kalithresh\'s Trident and Murmur\'s Essence.$B$BThis quest must be completed in Heroic dungeon difficulty.','Well done, $N. You have passed the trial of strength.','<A\'dal greets you.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5952insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5907,10886,'Trial of the Naaru: Tenacity','Four trials you must pass before you are deemed worthy by the naaru.$B$BIn our travels we have encountered many dangerous beings. Some of these beings we incarcerated and placed in what is now known as the Arcatraz of Tempest Keep.$B$BThere is one prisoner, however, that is a victim of circumstance. A stowaway who was in the wrong naaru vessel at the wrong time.$B$BVenture to the Arcatraz and rescue the gnome, Millhouse Manastorm. Ensure his survival.','A\'dal in Shattrath City wants you to rescue Millhouse Manastorm from the Arcatraz of Tempest Keep.$B$BThis quest must be completed in Heroic dungeon difficulty.','Well done, $N. You have passed the trial of tenacity.','','Millhouse Manastorm Rescued','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5953insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5908,10887,'Escaping the Tomb','I appreciate your help, $N.  I was certain I was going to be killed.$B$BLet\'s get out of here with a hurry.  It won\'t be long before more cultists come after us.','Help Akuno find his way to the Refugee Caravan in Terokkar Forest.  Speak to Mekeda after you\'ve completed this quest.','You rescued Akuno, a dear friend of mine. For this I am in your debt, $N.','Yes, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5954insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5909,10888,'Trial of the Naaru: Magtheridon','Four trials you must pass before you are deemed worthy by the naaru.$B$BOnly one obstacle remains, mortal. Gather an army and travel to the lair of Magtheridon, deep inside Hellfire Citadel. Battle your way to the heart of the chamber and destroy the foul corrupter!','A\'dal in Shattrath City wants you to slay Magtheridon.','You have proven yourself as a being of great power. The naaru grant you access to Tempest Keep.','<A\'dal greets you.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5955insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5910,10889,'Return to Shattrath','Your actions, while brave, will surely rouse a vindictive response from Terokk.$b$bHurry to Shattrath. Send word to Rilak!','Travel to Shattrath City and speak with Rilak.','The guardians of Skettis grow restless from their perch. Shattrath is in trouble. We will surely feel the brunt of Terokk\'s revenge.$B$BMuster a defense party quickly! Speak with Defender Grashna and let him know you are ready to bear arms against our attackers!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5956insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5911,10891,'Imperial Plate Armor','There\'s a dwarf in Gadgetzan by the name of Derotain Mudsipper who\'ll teach you how to make imperial plate armor. All you gotta do is get to the Tanaris desert and find him. Interested?','Speak with Derotain Mudsipper in Gadgetzan.\r\n','Of course I\'ll teach you how to make imperial plate armor! It might cost you a bit of gold... in the form of thorium bars!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5957insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5912,10892,'Imperial Plate Armor','There\'s a dwarf in Gadgetzan by the name of Derotain Mudsipper who\'ll teach you how to make imperial plate armor. All you gotta do is get to the Tanaris desert and find him. Interested?','Speak with Derotain Mudsipper in Gadgetzan.\r\n','Of course I\'ll teach you how to make imperial plate armor! It might cost you a bit of gold... in the form of thorium bars!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5958insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5913,10893,'Longtail is the Lynchpin','With the Blackwing wyrmcultists massing in the tunnel, we\'re hard pressed to deal with the situation.  Quite frankly, they have the numbers.$B$BAnd while we\'ve been able to take care of any of their people that get too close, the fact remains that if they attack in earnest, we\'re going to be overrun.$B$BThe situation calls for someone to get through to the other end of the tunnel, and take out their leader, Draaca Longtail.  Up for some fun?','Eliminate Draaca Longtail, the leader of the wyrmcultists in Wyrmskull Tunnel.  Report back to Watcher Moonshade at the Wyrmskull Tunnel in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have done so.','With Draaca out of the picture, we should be able to take advantage of the situation.  They\'ll be in-fighting over who should be in charge, and that will relieve some of the pressure.$B$BThat is, unless the overseer mentioned in that note you gave me comes to take her place.$B$BLet\'s see if you can do something to make sure that never happens!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5959insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5914,10894,'Wyrmskull Watcher','Hmm, I\'m not certain what we should do.  I\'m not much of a military planner.$B$BWatcher Moonshade will know what to do.  He\'s heading up our defensive efforts at the Wyrmskull Tunnel to the west at the end of Wyrmskull Bridge.  We have a force out there just in case the cultists try anything funny.$B$BPlease, take the note to him with all due haste.','Deliver the Meeting Note to Watcher Moonshade at the entrance of the Wyrmskull Tunnel in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','It\'s as I thought, and that\'s not good!$B$BI\'ve got an idea for how to help you, but first, I was wondering if you might help us out first?$B$BYou scratch my back, I\'ll scratch yours.','How can I help you?  You bring news from Evergrove?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5960insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5915,10895,'Zeth\'Gor Must Burn!','It\'s time to strike Zeth\'Gor from the air!  Our gryphon riders are ready for a sortie, $n.  But they need someone on the ground to direct their fire.  Are you ready for a covert mission?$B$BTake these smoke beacons into Zeth\'Gor, the Bleeding Hollow stronghold to the west.  They have four guard towers: one near their northern wall, one near their southern wall, one near their forge and another nestled in their foothills.  Place a beacon underneath each of the towers and we\'ll fly in and bomb them!','Use the smoke beacon at each of Zeth\'Gor\'s towers, and then return to Wing Commander Dabir\'ee at Expedition Point.','I could see the smoke and flames from here! Good job, $N! You received more than a few words of praise from our gryphon riders -- what you just did took a lot of guts...','Time is crucial, $N. We need those guard towers burned!','','Northern Tower Marked','Southern Tower Marked','Forge Tower Marked','Foothill Tower Marked',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5961insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5916,10896,'The Infested Protectors','The trees of this land are ravaged by the power that was unleashed from Auchindoun.  The foul magic that was unleashed blasted the land into the wastes you see all around.  The trees that survived are now infested with wretched wood mites that crawl under their bark and gnaw at their flesh.  $B$BRotting forest-rages and infested root-walkers are breeding grounds for the mites.  They are found along the edge of the wood to the east.  Destroy these creatures and then kill the mites that flee their husks.','Lakotae wants you to kill 25 wood mites and then return to him at the Refugee Caravan.  The mites can be found living inside the bodies of rotting forest-ragers and infested root-walkers.  ','You have done much to help Terokkar Forest, $N. With the worst of the mite colonies destroyed we may yet be able to reclaim this wasted land.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5962insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5917,10897,'Master of Potions','As you know, plants have properties that allow alchemists to re-energize and reinvigorate others through potions.$B$BMy familiarity with the plants of Outland allows me to teach alchemists how to make the most out of them.  If you\'re interested in expanding your knowledge of potions, I have but one task to ask of you.$B$BHigh Botanist Freywinn in Tempest Keep is rumored to have written a comprehensive botany guide.  Bring it to me along with samples of your work and I\'ll teach you the knowledge you seek.','Lauranna Thar\'well wants you to go to the Botanica in Tempest Keep and retrieve the Botanist\'s Field Guide from High Botanist Freywinn.  In addition she also wants you to bring her 5 Super Healing Potions, 5 Super Mana Potions and 5 Major Dreamless Sleep Potions.$B$B*WARNING!* You can only select one alchemy specialization.','Excellent! It looks like you\'re eager to learn, so let\'s get to it. I will teach you how to make the most out of the plants you use in your alchemical potions.$B$BYou will find that you can make herbs go a really long way if you know what you\'re doing. Sometimes you will be able to make two potion with materials you initially judged necessary for just one.','Are you sure about this, $N? Specializing in potions will prevent you from pursuing other specializations.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5963insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5918,10898,'Skywing','Skywing flutters around you.$b$bYou get the feeling he wants you to follow him.','Escort Skywing and report to Rilak the Redeemed in Shattrath City.','Alas, poor Skywing was under the dreaded curse of Luanga the Imprisoner!$B$BSkywing traveled to Veil Shalas to attempt to sway others in seeing the way of the Light. They didn\'t take lightly to his actions, especially sitting on the doorstep of Skettis.$B$BLuanga was one of Terokk\'s most feared agents. You have done well by freeing Skywing! I thank you.','What brings you here?','Escort Skywing','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5964insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5919,10899,'Master of Transmutation','Any alchemist will tell you that matter is malleable, any substance can be transformed into another - but nothing is really created or destroyed.$B$BA true master of transmutation can learn to overcome this limitation - and I can teach you how to obtain this mastery!$B$BAs a prospective transmuter you\'re undoubtedly familiar with primal might - the combination of the material representation of all primal forces.  Show me proof of your transmuting prowess and I will share my knowledge with you.','Zarevhi at the Stormspire in Netherstorm wants you to bring him 4 Primal Mights.$B$B*WARNING!* You can only select one alchemy specialization.','Excellent work, $N! These transmutations are perfect in every way!$B$BI will now teach you the manner in which the alchemical transmutation process can conjure matter out of thin air! Make good use of your knowledge, master transmuter.$B$BNow, if you\'ll excuse me, I have to go see a buyer interested in primal might.','Are you sure you want to become a master transmuter? If you specialize in this field you will find it impossible to specialize in potions or elixirs.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5965insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5920,10900,'The Mark of Vashj','','','Burn it down, $R. Burn it all down! They deserve nothing! Do you hear me! NOTHING! They must pay for what they have done. For what they continue to do.$B$BI would kill Vashj myself if I could break free of these damned bindings.$B$BOr maybe you seek to do the work of Neptulon? Her death serves both of us, soft-skin. Will you assist me in forming the sacred cudgel.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5966insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5921,10901,'The Cudgel of Kar\'desh','Bring me the elemental signets that the cudgel requires!$B$BThe earthen signet is held by Gruul the Dragonkiller. Gruul can be found inside his lair in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.$B$BThe second signet is the blazing heart of a creature known as Nightbane. This mythical beast is said to reside in the hallowed halls of the prophet, Medivh.$B$BMake haste!\r\n','Skar\'this the Heretic in the heroic Slave Pens of Coilfang Reservoir wants you to bring him the Earthen Signet and the Blazing Signet.','At last!$B$BI have not forgotten our agreement, mortal. You too will now be able to enter the lair of Lady Vashj. Now leave me! I have much to plan.','With the cudgel reformed, I shall break free of my bonds and return to Serpentshrine to exact vengeance on Vashj and her minions!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5967insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5922,10902,'Master of Elixirs','I\'ve devoted my life to perfecting my elixirs.  Despite my success, I haven\'t been able to create an elixir of eternal life.$B$BI think I know the reagent I\'m missing.  I\'ve heard of a place called the Caverns of Time in Azeroth where intruders known as rift lords and rift keepers phase in and out of the timeline.$B$BThis intrusive time-shifting creates tears in time itself, twisting it infinitely into crystallized essences.  Bring these to me along with samples of your work and I\'ll teach you all I know.','Go to the Black Morass in the Caverns of Time and obtain 10 Essences of Infinity from Rift Lords and Rift Keepers.  Bring these along with  5 Elixirs of Major Defense, 5 Elixirs of Mastery and 5 Elixirs of Major Agility to Lorokeem in Shattrath\'s Lower City.$B$B*WARNING!* You can only select one alchemy specialization.','You are very good with elixirs, if these are any indication. You will make a fine student.$B$BThese essences will provide me enough materials to formulate my recipe. I will be known among all alchemists for this discovery!$B$BNow, if you\'re willing to learn, I am willing to teach.','The essences! Do you have them?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5968insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5923,10903,'Return to Honor Hold','$n, while were you on you mission in Zeth\'Gor, I received news of my commanding officer, Colonial Jules.  He was stricken with a demonic corruption while fighting near the Gol\'gaz Outpost, and his situation has grown very bad.$B$BYou have made such great gains for us against the fel orcs.  Your strength in battle is without question... is your spirit just as strong?$B$BPlease, return to Honor Hold and speak with Klatu, in an upper room at the Honor Hold inn.','Speak with Assistant Klatu, at Honor Hold\'s inn.','Yes, it is true. Colonel Jules\' situation has grown much worse these past days. Anchorite Barada is busy praying for him... let us hope he may be cured.','Yes, it is true. Colonial (sic) Jules\' situation has grown much worse these past days. Anchorite Barada is busy praying for him... let us hope he may be cured.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5969insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5924,10904,'Harvesting the Fel Ammunition','We must shut down the Burning Legion\'s access to Death\'s Door, but first you\'re going to destroy their two warp-gates!$B$BThe problem is, we can\'t even scratch one of those things, so you\'re going to need to use their own weapons against them.$B$BThe death\'s might, death\'s watch, deathforge over-smiths and deathforge technicians carry the ammunition for the fel cannons.$B$BNormally it wouldn\'t affect any of them, but if you bring the cannonballs to me, I will imbue them with Nature\'s unbridled wrath!','The Evergrove Druid has asked you to collect 5 Fel Cannonballs.  Once you have done so, use the Druid Signal to call to the Evergrove Druid inside of Death\'s Door at the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Those things stink more than I thought they would!$B$BQuickly, hand them over to me and I will imbue them with Nature\'s force such that they will prove extremely deadly to their fel masters and their unnatural creations.','Do you have the cannonballs yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5970insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5925,10905,'Master of Potions','My knowledge of alchemy is vast.  It is, however, general in nature.  If you wish to specialize, you will have to find others who have narrower fields of study.$B$BIf you wish to specialize in potion creation, I would recommend that you seek the help of Lauranna Thar\'well of the Cenarion Expedition.$B$BHer knowledge of plants will allow you to make the most of your raw materials.  Look for her in Zangarmarsh and tell her I sent you to her.','Speak to Lauranna Thar\'well at Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.$B$B*WARNING!* You can only select one alchemy specialization.','You want me to help you with your study of potions? Very well, $N. Let\'s see what we can do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5971insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5926,10906,'Master of Elixirs','My knowledge of alchemy is vast.  It is, however, general in nature.  If you wish to specialize, you will have to find others who have narrower fields of study.$B$BIf you wish to specialize in elixir creation, I would recommend that you seek the help of the arakkoa known as Lorokeem.$B$BHis knowledge of elixirs is unmatched, yet he  squanders his skill pursuing an elixir of eternal life.  Find him and see what he can teach you.','Speak to Lorokeem in Shattrath\'s Lower City.$B$B*WARNING!* You can only select one alchemy specialization.','You want to learn from me? Hmmm, yes. Perhaps you\'ll be a suitable student.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5972insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5927,10907,'Master of Transmutation','My knowledge of alchemy is vast.  It is, however, general in nature.  If you wish to specialize, you will have to find others who have narrower fields of study.$B$BIf you wish to specialize in transmutation, I would recommend that you seek the help of the ethereal known as Zarevhi.  He resides in the Stormspire in Netherstorm.$B$BHis mastery of transmutation is... well, outlandish!  See what you can learn from him, but beware - ethereals drive a hard bargain.','Speak to Zarevhi at the Stormspire in Netherstorm.$B$B*WARNING!* You can only select one alchemy specialization.','You want me to help you with your study of transmutations? Very well, $N. Let\'s see what we can do.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5973insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5928,10908,'Speak with Rilak the Redeemed','You look surprised to be talking to me. I do not blame you. My people, the arakkoa, deserve to be feared.$b$bSpeak with Rilak the Redeemed in Shattrath City if you wish to know more. He can be found in the northern part of the Lower City, with the other outcasts of Skettis.$b$bAnd, $n, we will speak again.','Kirrik the Awakened wants you to speak with Rilak the Redeemed in the Lower City district of Shattrath.','So we meet, $N. You must forgive the lack of formalities for time is of the essence.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5974insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5929,10909,'Fel Spirits','Colonel Jules was cursed in a battle near the Gor\'gaz Outpost, a haunt for Shattered Hand fel orcs.  My master, Barada, works feverishly to cure the poor human, but he needs help.  The Colonel\'s tormented spirit seeks peace, and his path to peace is, I fear, a path of vengeance.$B$BTake this anchorite relic to Gor\'gaz Outpost.  Place it upon the ground near Shattered Hand orcs and defeat them.  This will release their fel spirits -- you must slay those fel spirits for Jules\' own spirit\'s recovery.','Klatu in Honor Hold wants you to use the Anchorite Relic at Gor\'gaz Outpost southwest of Honor Hold, slay Shattered Hand Berserkers near the relic, and then slay 10 released Fel Spirits to avenge Colonel Jules.','The Shattered Hand orcs are foul and beyond hope, but my heart is saddened that the road to salvation for Colonel Jules holds such bloodshed.','The fel spirits of the Shattered Hand orcs are a blight to poor Jules\' soul. Tell me, $N... has he been appeased?','','Jules Avenged','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5975insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5930,10910,'Death\'s Door','Now there is an even greater threat from the Burning Legion.  To the south is a portal known as Death\'s Door, which opens upon the horrific world where the Legion breeds its deadly hounds.$B$BTo get there, exit Evergrove by heading east up the ramp.  Follow the path south, through the Bladed Gulch, Razaan\'s Landing, Razor Ridge and the Scalewing Shelf.  Then, take the ramp down into the Vekhaar Stand and enter Death\'s Door through the tunnel, south of Mok\'Nathal.$B$BOnce there, use this druid signal.','Wildlord Antelarion has implored you to travel to Death\'s Door.  Once you arrive there, use the Druid Signal to call down an Evergrove Druid so that you can speak with them.','It is a relief that Wildlord Antelarion has sent you to us. The problem is much worse than first we feared!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5976insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5931,10911,'Fire At Will!','Now that the ammunition can affect the Burning Legion, it\'s time for you to use it.$B$BThere are two warp-gates, which are used for teleportation and enhancement of the void terrors.  One is in the south and the other in the north, and each is within range of a fel cannon.$B$BUse the naturalized ammunition to take control of each fel cannon and destroy the warp-gates.$B$BAttack the gate with artillery to begin, and be prepared to kill its defenders to keep the cannon alive if necessary.','Use the Naturalized Ammunition to take control of the Death\'s Door Fel Cannons.  Use them to destroy both the South Warp-Gate and the North Warp-Gate.  Then, use the Druid Signal to call out to an Evergrove Druid to report your success.','Your prowess is staggering!$B$BVery well, with the warp-gates out of the picture, there\'s only one thing left to do.','Have you destroyed both of the warp-gates yet?','','South Warp-Gate Destroyed','North Warp-Gate Destroyed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5977insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5932,10912,'The Hound-Master','Baelmon the Hound-Master must die!  He maintains the ritual that keeps the portal functioning.$B$BThe Death\'s Door portal is located at the north end of the canyon.  When you find it, you will find Baelmon.$B$BYou\'re going to need help on this one, so take this wand.  When you battle the Hound-Master, use it and a couple of my friends will come to your aid.$B$BAfter you have defeated Baelmon, return to Wildlord Antelarion.$B$BAnd, $N, thank you for all that you\'ve gone through for us here.','The Evergrove Druid has told you that the final thing you must do is to slay Baelmon the Hound-Master.  Afterward, return to Evergrove in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains, and inform Wildlord Antelarion of your success.','You are truly an amazing $R! If I thought that we were indebted to you before, then now there is simply no way in which we could ever repay you.$B$BBut we\'ll give it a try. Thank you, $Ghero:heroine; of Evergrove!','It is over then? Has the danger at Death\'s Door been averted?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5978insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5933,10913,'An Improper Burial','Is there nothing that can be done to stem the tide of corruption? My soldiers have been battling the Auchenai for days now with no end in sight. Each casualty, whether Auchenai or Sha\'tar, is snatched from the battlefield - their souls lifted and taken to parts unknown.$B$BI will not have it! A proper burial is out of the question but those fiends will not have their souls! Take this torch and travel to the field of battle, directly east of here. Burn every corpse you see! We will not fuel their rituals.','Commander Ra\'vaj at the Sha\'tari Outpost in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest wants you to burn 8 Slain Auchenai Warriors and 8 Slain Sha\'tar Vindicators.','<Commander Ra\'vaj holds his head in his hands.>$B$BIt\'s not enough... It\'s just not enough.','It\'s a terrible thing to ask, I know...','','Slain Sha\'tar Vindicator corpse burned','Slain Auchenai Warrior corpse burned','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5979insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5934,10914,'A Hero Is Needed','It is not enough. A hero is needed. Our forces are overwhelmed as the Auchenai continue to grow in number.$B$B<Commander Ra\'vaj looks at you.>$B$BWill you be the hero? Return to the field of battle and strike at their soldiers. Keep them occupied so that my scouts can get behind their lines and see what they are creating.','Commander Ra\'vaj at the Sha\'tari Outpost in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest wants you to slay 12 Auchenai Initiates and 5 Auchenai Doomsayers.','You\'ve done it, $N! Because of you, we have made a new discovery...','Take no prisoners!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5980insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5935,10915,'The Fallen Exarch','They are feeding the souls they steal to a coffin that they have dragged out from the Auchenai Crypts. My scouts believe the contents of the coffin to contain the first exarch of the crypts. They seek to resurrect the ancient one!$B$BYou must battle your way to the western side of Auchindoun and disturb the contents of that coffin before they feed it enough souls. Should you lose your way, follow the walking souls.$B$BDestroy whatever is inside that coffin!','Commander Ra\'vaj at the Sha\'tari Outpost in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest wants you to destroy the contents of the Auchenai Coffin.','Victory is ours! This defeat will set the Auchenai back several weeks.','You must destroy the ancient evil before it has regained its powers.','','Contents of the Auchenai Coffin destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5981insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5936,10916,'Digging for Prayer Beads','Anchorite Barada plans to exorcise the corruption from Colonel Jules, and will require an assistant for the task.  Such an assistant must be prepared...$B$BI am ashamed to admit that my prayer beads were lost in Honor Hold\'s courtyard.  I believe the dog Fei Fei stole them and buried them, but I do not know where.  If you speak with his master, Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell, perhaps she will know where Fei Fei hides his stolen treasures.','Recover the Draenei Prayer Beads and bring them to Assistant Klatu in Honor Hold.','You found the prayer beads! Well done, $N. You are a wonder, indeed -- you slay the horrors of Hellfire Peninsula one moment and find lost treasures the next. Your people truly inspire!$B$BIt is good that you recovered these beads... for they will be invaluable in the exorcism ritual to come.','Have you found the prayer beads, $N? Their powers are crucial to many holy rites... including the rite of exorcism.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5982insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5937,10917,'The Outcast\'s Plight','As an outcast, I am marked by death by arakkoa loyal to the city of Skettis.  I cannot leave these walls for fear of my life, but that doesn\'t mean I cannot strike at them in retaliation.$B$BI have a small cache of treasure that I\'m willing to part with, should you help me strike back at my would-be assassins.  Bring me feathers from the denizens of the various Veils of Terokkar as proof of their demise.','Bring 30 Arakkoa Feathers to Vekax in Shattrath\'s Lower City.','<Vekax squawks in glee as you present him with proof of his enemies\' demise.>$B$BYes, that will show Skettis that we Outcasts will not take their punishment lying down. Here is the reward I promised you. I can arrange for more, should you provide me with additional feathers.','Do you bring the feathers I asked for, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5983insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5938,10918,'More Feathers','Skettis\'s lapdogs still keeps a close watch over us, outcasts.  The moment any of us sets foot outside Shattrath we\'ll be as good as dead.$B$BBring me more feathers as proof of your victory over them.','Skettis\'s lapdogs still keeps a close watch over us, outcasts. The moment any of us sets foot outside Shattrath we\'ll be as good as dead.$B$BBring me more feathers as proof of your victory over them.','<Vekax squawks in glee as you present him with proof of his enemies\' demise.>$B$BYes, that will show Skettis that we Outcasts will not take their punishment lying down. Here is the reward I promised you. I can arrange for more, should you provide me with additional feathers.$B$B<This quest can be repeated up to Honored reputation.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5984insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5939,10919,'Fei Fei\'s Treat','','','<Fei Fei barks happily and grabs the doggy treat. He looks left and right... deciding where he should hide this new treasure...>','Fei Fei looks at you expectantly...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5985insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5940,10920,'For the Fallen','When the dreadfang widows attacked our outpost we heard the voice of the naaru calling us to battle.  We pursued the creatures into the night.  Some of our people we found dead in the dark, others we could hear struggling against their captors. $B$BBy morning we had come to this place and we fought a fierce battle but we were beaten.  Dreadfang poison will soon take my companions and I cannot last long.  Before I die I must know that the dreadfang widows were beaten.','Vindicator Haylen wants you to slay 20 Dreadfang Widows and then return to him just west of Netherweb Ridge.','I heard the sounds of your battle from here, $C. The sounds of your victory filled my heart with hope. If you can win against such terrible odds, perhaps I can find the strength to drag my companions from this terrible place.','I can feel the poison flowing through my veins. The naaru call to me, I can see the light. Are the dreadfang widows defeated?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5986insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5941,10921,'Terokkarantula','You have slain many of the dreadfang widows but they will continue to spawn and soon they will strike at us again.  Deep within Netherweb Ridge is the lair of the Terokkarantula, the brood-mother of these gruesome creatures.  If we are to be safe, she must die.  ','Vindicator Haylen wants you to kill the Terokkarantula and then return to him west of Netherweb Ridge.','The dreadfangs are beaten. You have killed many and even their foul mother has fallen before you. I am too poisoned to fight my way to freedom.$B$BPlease, take some of my equipment. It will lighten my load and give you the tools you need to make the journey back to Sha\'tar Outpost.','Has Terokkarantula been slain?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5987insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5942,10922,'Digging Through Bones','Oy! You look like you can take care of yerself, $r. Me and the crew here are looking for a bodyguard to watch over us while we hit a dig site to the north. The pay is pretty good and all you gotta do is make sure no nasty creatures kill me or any of my employees.$B$BIf you successfully make it back without any casualties, Dwarfowitz over there will pay ya.','Escort Letoll and his crew and protect them while they make their dig. Return to Dwarfowitz at the Sha\'tari Outpost if you succeed.\r\n','A bone wurm! Fantastic! This may actually be the first time in recorded history that Letoll has actually made a discovery.','You get paid when the job is done, $Gsonny:missy;.','Protect the Explorers','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5988insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5943,10923,'Evil Draws Near','Now you must use the Dread Relic in a foul necromantic ritual if you wish to challenge Teribus the Cursed.  To the northeast, beyond Auchindoun, is the Writhing Mound, a place where necromancers gather.  $B$BThe auchenai death-speakers and doomsayers carry doom skulls that are laced with powerful necro-enchantments.  If you collect enough skulls you can use their power along with the power of the Dread Relic to command Teribus to face you.','Oakun wants you to take the Dread Relic to the Writhing Mound.  Once there, kill Auchenai Death-Speakers and Auchenai Doomsayers to collect 20 Doom Skulls.  Then find the Writhing Mound Summoning Circle and use the Dread Relic to summon and destroy Teribus the Cursed.  Return to Oakun when the deed is done.','A great evil has been cleansed from Terokkar. The Sha\'tar are in your debt.','Has Teribus the Cursed ben purged from the skies of Terokkar?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5989insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5944,10924,'Bloody Imp-ossible!','The blood of the warp chasers in this area is a powerful and rare reagent. It\'s one of my biggest sellers.$B$BNormally, I take my imp, Zeppit, out to help me gather it. Warp chaser blood is simply too caustic to be handled safely by you or I, but it doesn\'t bother Zeppit.$B$BThings are getting busier here at the shop, so if I send Zeppit with you, will you help gather the blood? Zeppit\'s attention tends to wander, so you\'ll need to be close to the chaser when it dies for Zeppit to do his work.','Bring 8 vials of Warp Chaser Blood to Sab\'aoth at Cosmowrench.','This should prove a large enough supply for my needs.$B$BI hope the imp didn\'t give you too much trouble. He has a bit of a nasty mouth on him.','Did Zeppit cooperate enough for you to get all the blood I\'ll need?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5990insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5945,10925,'BETA Evil Draws Near','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5991insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5946,10926,'Return to Sha\'tari Base Camp','We will not make it back on our own.  The dreadfang poison is too strong. You must return to Sha\'tari Base Camp for us.  Scout Navrin will send a rescue party out to find us.','Vindicator Haylen wants you to return to Sha\'tari Base Camp and speak with Scout Navrin.','It is good to know that some of our warriors fought well against the dreadfang widows. We will send a rescue party immediately.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5992insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5947,10927,'Killing the Crawlers','Commander Skyshadow wants this tunnel cleared out so we can expedite trade with the Harborage. I must not leave my post here so I am leaving the task in your hands. Clear the tunnel and report to Commander Skyshadow at once!\r\n','Sentinel Moonwhisper at the tunnel between Zangarmarsh and Blade\'s Edge Mountains wants you to kill 6 Cavern Crawlers and report to Commander Skyshadow in Sylvanaar.','Good work, $C. That tunnel is our lifeline to the swamp.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5993insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5948,10928,'Killing the Crawlers','Tor\'chunk Twoclaws wants this tunnel cleared out so we can expedite trade with Swamp Rat. I must not leave my post here so I am leaving the task in your hands. Clear the tunnel and report to Tor\'chunk Twoclaws at once!\r\n','Grunt Grahk at the tunnel between Zangarmarsh and Blade\'s Edge Mountains wants you to kill 6 Cavern Crawlers and report to Tor\'chunk Two-claws in Thunderlord Stronghold.','Good work, $C. That tunnel is our lifeline to the swamp.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5994insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5949,10929,'Fumping','How would you like to do a little more work for the Explorers\' League? These bone worms have us all quite intrigued.$B$BI\'ve got a drum right here that you can use out in the Bone Wastes. Just bang on the damned thing and see what you get. If it\'s a worm, kill it and bring back the carcass for us to study. We\'ll need a good lot of carcasses to get a valid testing sample.','Dwarfowitz at the Sha\'tari Base Camp in the Bone Wastes wants you to bring him 8 Mature Bone Sifter Carcasses.','Sand gnomes? Yea, sure... The desert can do strange things to a person.$B$BI think we\'re about to make a breakthrough here with these worms!','We think the one that popped up at the dig was actually a baby worm!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5995insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5950,10930,'The Big Bone Worm','I was right! These carcasses you brought me belong to the baby bone worms. Do you know what that means? It means that somewhere out there is a big one! I think we can get it to come out if we can provide the right kind of food. Let\'s see... something big! Yes!$B$BI remember seeing clefthooves east of here on the other side of the Bone Wastes. Get out there and kill a clefthoof. Once it\'s dead, use the drums. Hopefully the big one will come up to feed. If you manage to kill it, bring me its organs!','Dwarfowitz at the Sha\'tari Base Camp in the Bone Wastes wants you to recover Enormous Bone Worm Organs.$B$BHe wants his Fumper back too.\r\n','Amazing! Look at this stuff! The thing-a-ma-whatever has some sort of dust inside its whatcha-ma-bobber. Bah! I won\'t bore you with all this scientific jargon. I did manage to pull a few teeth from the little ones to make these incredibly sharp knives. Want one?','Take a friend with you!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5996insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5951,10931,'Return to the Exodar','Your master Caedmos of the Exodar has requested to see you.  It concerns your training, but I don\'t really know anything beyond that.','Speak with Caedmos at the Exodar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5997insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5952,10932,'Return to the Exodar','Your master Caedmos of the Exodar has requested to see you.  It concerns your training, but I don\'t really know anything beyond that.','Speak with Caedmos at the Exodar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5998insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5953,10933,'Return to Silvermoon','Your master Aldrae in Silvermoon City has requested to see you.  It concerns your training, but I don\'t really know anything beyond that.','Speak with Aldrae in Silvermoon City.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     5999insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5954,10934,'Return to Silvermoon','Your master Aldrae in Silvermoon City has requested to see you.  It concerns your training, but I don\'t really know anything beyond that.','Speak with Aldrae in Silvermoon City.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6000insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5955,10935,'The Exorcism of Colonel Jules','$n, it is time to save Colonel Jules.  His condition has worsened and Barada fears that, if we do not cleanse him of his corruption,  he will be lost to us.$B$BTake the prayer beads you found and speak with Anchorite Barada to begin the ritual.  Let no disruptions stop the ritual... and if all goes well, Colonel Jules will be saved.  Speak with Jules when he is saved, then return to me.','Speak with Anchorite Barada.  Use the prayer beads to help with the ritual, and then speak with Colonel Jules when he is saved.  Finally, return to Assistant Klatu.','You have done it, $N.  You have saved Colonial Jules\' soul and cast the darkness within him back to where it came.  A great, noble deed this is!  A hero\'s day!','Go to Anchorite Barada, $N.  He must succeed with his ritual if the colonial is to be saved.','','Colonial Jules Saved','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6001insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5956,10936,'Trollbane is Looking for You','While we were busy, a messenger was waiting out in the hall.  I suppose he grew tired, or perhaps he simply ran away at the sight of Jules floating around the room.$B$BEither way, Force Commander Danath is looking for you.  I suggest that you seek an audience with him inside the barracks as quickly as possible!','Assistant Klatu has informed you that Force Commander Danath Trollbane has been seeking you.  Speak to him in the barracks at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','It\'s about time!  I heard all about what you\'ve been up to with that draenei priest. You totally freaked my messenger out!$B$BNow that you\'re done with that, I have a little mission planned for you to Hellfire Citadel.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6002insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5957,10937,'Drill the Drillmaster','I\'m receiving reports that the Shattered Hand fel orcs, out in front of Hellfire Citadel, are organizing for what looks like an all-out assault.  No doubt, they\'re not happy about your successes against all of the clans.$B$BGet to the base of the citadel, where the Path of Glory ends.  You\'ll find the fel orcs busy with their preparations, but you\'re going to catch them with their pants down.$B$BEliminate the one that\'s in charge of that force.  Kill Drillmaster Zurok!','Force Commander Danath Trollbane has ordered you to kill Drillmaster Zurok with all due haste.  Return to the force commander at Honor Hold in the Hellfire Peninsula once the drillmaster is dead.','I wasn\'t going to believe it until I heard it from you, personally. Already our scouts are trickling in with information that the Shattered Hand are in disarray without their precious drillmaster to tell them what to do.$B$BYou\'ve traveled a long road, $N. I trust that you will accept this armor along with my thanks. Wear it proudly, you\'ve earned it!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6003insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5958,10938,'Darkmoon Blessings Deck','Now that you have gathered all of the Blessings cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight.   On this card is inscribed, \"Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded.\"   You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.','Return the Blessings Deck to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.','So you have put together a deck of Blessings. Your gesture of returning it to us will create a tie between you and the Darkmoon that will not soon be forgotten. Allow me to present you with one of the greater Darkmoon cards as a small token of our appreciation.','I see that you have managed to complete a deck of Blessings! Congratulations!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6004insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5959,10939,'Darkmoon Storms Deck','Now that you have gathered all of the Storms cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight.   On this card is inscribed, \"Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded.\"   You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.','Return the Storms Deck to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.','So you have put together a deck of Storms. Your gesture of returning it to us will create a tie between you and the Darkmoon that will not soon be forgotten. Allow me to present you with one of the greater Darkmoon cards as a small token of our appreciation.','I see that you have managed to complete a deck of Storms! Congratulations!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6005insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5960,10940,'Darkmoon Furies Deck','Now that you have gathered all of the Furies cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight.   On this card is inscribed, \"Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded.\"   You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.','Return the Furies Deck to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.','So you have put together a deck of Furies. Your gesture of returning it to us will create a tie between you and the Darkmoon that will not soon be forgotten. Allow me to present you with one of the greater Darkmoon cards as a small token of our appreciation.','I see that you have managed to complete a deck of Furies! Congratulations!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6006insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5961,10941,'Darkmoon Lunacy Deck','Now that you have gathered all of the Lunacy cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight.   On this card is inscribed, \"Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded.\"   You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.','Return the Lunacy Deck to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.','So you have put together a deck of Lunacy. Your gesture of returning it to us will create a tie between you and the Darkmoon that will not soon be forgotten. Allow me to present you with one of the greater Darkmoon cards as a small token of our appreciation.','I see that you have managed to complete a deck of Lunacy! Congratulations!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6007insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5962,10942,'Children\'s Week','One special little girl is going to be very happy to have you as a friend, even if it is for a short while.$B$BTake this whistle.  With it, you will be able to call for the child that you have agreed to sponsor.  It will only last for a limited time - not much longer than Children\'s Week itself, in fact.$B$BPlease, $N, call upon your orphan.  I know that she will be more than excited to meet you and have the opportunity to venture out of the city!','Use the Blood Elf Orphan Whistle to call for the ward that you will be looking after during Children\'s Week.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6008insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5963,10943,'Children\'s Week','One special little girl is going to be very happy to have you as a friend, even if it is for a short while.$B$BTake this whistle.  With it, you will be able to call for the child that you have agreed to sponsor.  It will only last for a limited time - not much longer than Children\'s Week itself, in fact.$B$BPlease, $N, call upon your orphan.  I know that she will be more than excited to meet you and have the opportunity to venture out of the city!','Use the Draenei Orphan Whistle to call for the ward that you will be looking after during Children\'s Week.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6009insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5964,10944,'The Secret Compromised','Thanks again, $N.  I recognize your name.  Akama has entrusted you with his plans and so I will trust you as well.$B$BThe naga discovered I was working against Illidan and tried to get me to speak by torturing me.  I did not tell them a thing - Akama himself taught me to master pain through meditation.$B$BIllidan asked the naga to bring me to him.  He would have seen right through my flesh and into my soul\'s deepest secrets.$B$BAkama must be warned.  Our plans are in jeopardy!','Travel to the Warden\'s Cage in Shadowmoon Valley and speak to Akama.','I thank you, $N.  Olum is one of my dearest friends and most trusted followers.  His contributions have been of vital importance to our plans.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6010insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5965,10945,'Hch\'uu and the Mushroom People','I had a friend named Hch\'uu.  She told me that she ended up in the orphanage because she had to run away from an evil fungal giant and got lost.$B$BWe had great fun until her people came and took her away last year.  I think she said she was going to live at a place called Sporeggar.$B$BI\'d like to go to see her and have a look at her mushroom village.  The orphan matron told me that it is on the west side of Zangarmarsh, between the Sporewind and Marshlight lakes.$B$BCan we go?  Can we go?  Please?!','Take your orphan, Salandria, to Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.  Then, speak with Hch\'uu.','','','Salandria taken to Sporeggar','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6011insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5966,10946,'Ruse of the Ashtongue','Olum\'s sacrifice was tremendous.  I would never have asked him to give up his life myself.  But it is done.$B$BIf we\'re to lure Illidan back into a false sense of security, we need to do his bidding - at least for now.$B$BI command a vast army of Ashtongue, but - aside from the Deathsworn - none can be trusted.$B$BYou are to perform the deed that Illidan demands.  Take this cowl; it is magical in nature.  You will appear to be one of my men to any who see you slaying Kael\'s phoenix, Al\'ar.','Travel into Tempest Keep and slay Al\'ar while wearing the Ashtongue Cowl.  Return to Akama in Shadowmoon Valley once you\'ve completed this task.','You\'ve done well, $N. This will bring us a step closer to shifting Illidan\'s focus away from us and from...$B$B<Akama looks in Maiev Shadowsong\'s direction.>$B$BMore work remains to be done, $N.','Is the deed done, $N?  Illidan is not a patient master!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6012insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5967,10947,'An Artifact From the Past','Illidan\'s attention is now on Kael\'thas, thanks to you.  The time has come to make our move.$B$BI\'ve had a vision of an artifact that will aid us in our final struggle - the phylactery of a lich known as Winterchill.  Unfortunately its power was lost forever after his defeat in the Battle of Mount Hyjal.$B$BThere might be a way to retrieve this artifact, however.  Legend speaks of a place in Azeroth guarded by bronze dragons...  a place where past and present meet.  It is there you will find what we seek.','Go to the Caverns of Time in Tanaris and gain access to the Battle of Mount Hyjal.  Once inside, defeat Rage Winterchill and bring the Time-Phased Phylactery to Akama in Shadowmoon Valley.','My vision... it all becomes clear now.  The powers this artifact has over a soul.... to contain it... to siphon it into itself... I will use those powers to reclaim what belongs to me!  The time has arrived for us to take the fight to Illidan!','Have you retrieved the phylactery yet, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6013insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5968,10948,'The Hostage Soul','You might wonder why I go to such lengths to hide my intentions.  Why not throw my lot in openly with the naaru?$B$BMy very essence - my soul - is held prisoner inside the Black Temple.  Illidan could destroy me any moment... until now!  This phylactery will allow me to regain control of my soul.$B$BThe time has come, $N.  I\'ll lead Maiev and my Deathsworn to Illidan\'s doorstep.$B$BSpeak to A\'dal and and tell him of our plan.  If we strike together we\'ll break through Illidan\'s defenses.','Travel to Shattrath City to tell A\'dal about Akama\'s request. ','<A\'dal\'s light surrounds you as he welcomes you back.  You have a feeling he knows what you\'re about to ask of him.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6014insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5969,10949,'Entry Into the Black Temple','<A\'dal shows you an image of a naaru outside of the Black Temple, fighting alongside draenei vindicators and blood elf magisters.  You immediately understand that this is the distraction Akama is waiting for.>','Travel to the entrance to the Black Temple in Shadowmoon Valley and speak to Xi\'ri. ','<Xi\'ri appears to acknowledge your presence.  He seems to be focused on the battle in the surrounding area.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6015insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5970,10950,'Auchindoun and the Ring of Observance','One of the priests that comes to visit told a story about a place nearby.  It\'s called Auchindoun, and it\'s supposed to be very important to the draenei.$B$BHe said it used to be the place where the bodies of the draenei were taken when they died.  But some time ago, something bad blew it up.$B$BI\'d like to see its Ring of Observance.  The orphan matron told me that it is in the middle of the Bone Wastes, on the south side of the Terokkar Forest.$B$BPlease, $G Mr. : Miss; $N, can we go?','Take your orphan, Dornaa, to the Meeting Stone at the Ring of Observance in the middle of Auchindoun.  Auchindoun, in turn, is in the middle of Terokkar Forest\'s Bone Wastes.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.','','','Dornaa taken to the Ring of Observance','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6016insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5971,10951,'A Trip to the Dark Portal','How can we look at all of these interesting places and not see the Dark Portal?!$B$BThe grown-ups are always trying to tell us scary stories about it and how it\'s so dangerous, with lots of demons, and stuff.$B$B<Salandria rolls her eyes.>$B$BBut you\'re here, so it can\'t be too bad, right?$B$BI want to see for myself.  You remember where it is on the east edge of Hellfire Peninsula?','Take your orphan, Salandria, up the steps of the Stair of Destiny to stand before the Dark Portal in Hellfire Peninsula.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.','','','Salandria taken to the Dark Portal','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6017insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5972,10952,'A Trip to the Dark Portal','There\'s one place that if we don\'t go anywhere else, we have to go to: the Dark Portal!$B$BThe orphan matrons are always trying to scare us with stories about how dangerous it is, with lots of demons, and people like you coming through it.$B$B<Dornaa rolls her eyes.>$B$BBut you\'re here, and nice, so it can\'t be too bad, right?$B$BI want to see it for myself.  You remember where it is on the eastern edge of Hellfire Peninsula?','Take your orphan, Dornaa, up the steps of the Stair of Destiny to stand before the Dark Portal in Hellfire Peninsula.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.','','','Dornaa taken to the Dark Portal','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6018insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5973,10953,'Visit the Throne of the Elements','Have you heard of the Throne of the Elements?  It\'s supposed to be this place in Nagrand where there are these powerful elementals.$B$BOne day soon, I\'m going to be a powerful mage, or maybe a warlock.  I\'m gonna have to learn about some of the elemental forces!$B$BDo you think maybe that we could go there?$B$B<Salandria looks at you slyly.>$B$BYa know, it would be educational to go there.  It\'s supposedly just north of Garadar, on the other side of Skysong Lake.','Take your orphan, Salandria, to the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.  Then, speak with Elementalist Sharvak.','','','Salandria taken to the Throne of the Elements','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6019insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5974,10954,'Jheel is at Aeris Landing!','I miss my brother, Jheel.  He\'s a couple of years older than me, so they let him start an apprenticeship with the ethereal in Nagrand.$B$BIt sure would be nice to go visit him.  He loves geology and stuff, so I bet he\'s having a great time.$B$BThe orphan matron told me that he\'s training at a place called Aeris Landing in Nagrand.  It\'s supposed to be along the road, far to the west of Telaar, and northwest of the great mountain, Oshu\'gun.','Take your orphan, Dornaa, to Aeris Landing in Nagrand.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.  Then, speak with Jheel.','','','Dornaa taken to Aeris Landing','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6020insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5975,10955,'Morthis Whisperwing','Before all of the druidic orders coalesced into the Cenarion Circle, the Druids of the Talon were responsible for teaching promising young druids the mysteries of flight. With the dissolution of the order, former members teach the skill sparingly.$B$BEven now, Morthis Whisperwing continues his search for a suitable apprentice. Few druids have truly mastered all the forms available to them, but you show the promise Morthis requires of his students. Seek him out at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','Seek out Morthis Whisperwing at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','Have you brought the Ingredients for the draught? <Morthis considers you somewhat skeptically.>$B$BI have long searched for an apprentice to pass my knowledge to. Though the Druids of the Talon are no longer a formal group, I shall remain one to the last of my days.$B$BI accept you as my apprentice from this moment forward. For my part, I will teach you the secrets of the stormcrow. For your part, you must be prepared to do all I ask. Do you understand?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6021insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5976,10956,'The Seat of the Naaru','Do you know anything about the naaru?  They\'re these angelic beings that have been helping the draenei for a really long time.  I\'ve seen a bunch around Shattrath.$B$BThey say that one naaru, O\'ros, was with the Exodar when it traveled to your homeworld.  I should like to see for myself.$B$BCan you take me there?  I bet we could get there fast by using one of the portals inside the Terrace of Light at Shattrath City!  When we get there, if you get lost, we could always just look at your map.','Take your orphan, Dornaa, to stand before O\'ros at the bottom of the Seat of the Naaru inside of the Exodar, which is on Azuremyst Isle.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.$B$BRemember that you can use your map inside the city.','','','Dornaa taken to the Seat of the Naaru','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6022insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5977,10957,'Redemption of the Ashtongue','When Illidan obtained the Broken\'s allegiance, Akama was our wisest.  He knew that openly opposing the Betrayer would lead to the extinction of our race.$B$BInstead he has plotted and schemed for this very moment under utmost secrecy.  Failure would be catastrophic... not just for Akama, not just for the Broken, but for all of Outland.  No one this close to Illidan has ever been able to deliver such a terrible blow to him.$B$BHelp Akama free his soul and he will grant you access to Illidan\'s sanctum.','Help Akama wrest control back of his soul by defeating the Shade of Akama inside the Black Temple.  Return to Seer Kanai when you\'ve completed this task.','It is done, $N.  The time to strike at Illidan has come.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6023insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5978,10958,'Seek Out the Ashtongue','<As you look up at Xi\'ri, your mind becomes focused and your will determined.  Your work here is not done; you must go inside the Black Temple and find Akama\'s followers.>$B$B<Much depends on Akama\'s success.>','Find Akama\'s Deathsworn inside the Black Temple.','We\'ve been expecting you, $N.  Akama is in great need of your help.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6024insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5979,10959,'The Fall of the Betrayer','With Illidan\'s lieutenants defeated, Akama will be able to force open the doors to Illidan\'s sanctum.  Be ready to bring your force inside as soon as Akama does.$B$BWe still do not know what has become of Maiev, but we must make our move without her.$B$BI hope your force is up to the task.  Illidan will not be pleased to see Akama.','Seer Kanai wants you to defeat Illidan inside the Black Temple.','It is as it was foretold, $N.  One by one, Illidan\'s lieutenants have fallen... and now the Betrayer himself has met his demise!$B$BKnow this, $N: every decision Akama made and every moment of his life since Illidan arrived, Akama planned for this moment.  Illidan is finally dead and our people... are free!','Yes, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6025insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5980,10960,'When I Grow Up...','When you were my age did you know that you wanted to be a $c when you grew up?$B$BI\'m not sure what I want to be.  Maybe a mage or a warlock, like I said before?  Or maybe a paladin Blood Knight?  Yeah, definitely a Blood Knight!$B$BThey say that the true ones are trained in Silvermoon City on your world.  Could you take me there?  The stories that I\'ve heard say that the paladin trainers reside in the Farstriders\' Square in that city.$B$BPlease take me there.  Please!','Take your orphan, Salandria, to the paladin trainers in Silvermoon City\'s Farstriders\' Square.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.  Then, speak with Lady Liadrin, the Blood Knight Matriarch.$B$BRemember that you can use your map inside the city, and speak to the guards to find the paladin trainers.','','','Salandria taken to the paladin trainers in Silvermoon City','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6026insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5981,10961,'The Ward of Wakening','Long ago, the relics used to teach the ways of the stormcrow were entrusted to an ancient druid.$B$BYour training requires these relics, so we must wake their guardian from his slumber.$B$BI will prepare a potion you can use to ease the process. The mixture requires common herbs, as well as bogblossom, which usually grows atop the tallest mushrooms in the marsh. Fly up there and pursue them but take care, as they\'re quite fragile and may explode violently if mishandled.','Bring 10 Bogblossoms, 10 Ancient Lichen, and 10 Dreaming Glory to Morthis Whisperwing at the Cenarion Refuge.','Have you brought the Ingredients for the draught? Take care not to get pollen on me, please. I sneeze uncontrollably in its presence.$B$B<Morthis sniffs at the indignity represented by a sneeze.>$B$B<Morthis accepts the herbs from you, inspecting them. Producing a vial, he begins mixing the potion.>$B$BThis will only take a moment, <Name>. Then, you must travel to Moonglade. ','Have you brought the ingredients for the draught? Take care not to get pollen on me, please. I sneeze uncontrollably in its presence.$B$B<Morthis sniffs at the indignity represented by a sneeze.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6027insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5982,10962,'Time to Visit the Caverns','In the orphanage, the old priest that comes by told us stories about the Caverns of Time.  He said that it sits in the middle of time, and is really important for keeping things straight.$B$BI don\'t know what that means, but he said that there were dragons there that were helping to save the world!  I want to see a dragon!$B$BDo you think that we could go there?  He said that the entrance was on the eastern edge of a great desert named Tanaris.$B$BMaybe you could buy me a souvenir while we\'re there?','Take your orphan, Dornaa, to stand before Zaladormu, the dragon on the dais in the middle of the Caverns of Time.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.$B$BThen, purchase a Toy Dragon for her from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster, Alurmi, near the bottom of the entrance tunnel.','','','Dornaa taken to the Caverns of Time','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6028insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5983,10963,'Time to Visit the Caverns','In the orphanage, the old stinky priest that comes by told us stories about the Caverns of Time.  He said that it sits in the middle of time, and is really important for keeping things straight.$B$BI don\'t know what that means, but he said that there were dragons there that were helping to save the world!  I want to see a dragon!$B$BI think we should go there.  He said that the entrance was on the eastern edge of a great desert named Tanaris.$B$BYou could buy me a souvenir while we\'re there!','Take your orphan, Salandria, to stand before Zaladormu, the dragon on the dais in the middle of the Caverns of Time.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.$B$BThen, purchase a Toy Dragon for her from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster, Alurmi, near the bottom of the entrance tunnel.','','','Salandria taken to the Caverns of Time','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6029insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5984,10964,'Waking the Sleeper','Take the ward with you and travel to Moonglade, to the Stormrage Barrow Dens. Within the southernmost of the Stormrage Barrow Dens, watched over by the dreamwardens, you will find Clintar Dreamwalker.$B$BAdminister the potion and watch over him while he wakes. He\'ll be extremely vulnerable as his spirit reunites with his body and he certainly won\'t recognize you. Declare yourself to him as soon as he comes around, $N. He will need your help to gather the relics for the ceremony.','Use the Ward of Waking to help Clintar Dreamwalker emerge from the Emerald Dream. When he is conscious, speak to him.','<The <class> emerges from his sleep, groggy and haggard looking. His gaze darts around the room in search on unseen pursuers.>$B$BMorthis?$B$BNo, you\'re not Morthis... Who are you, <race>, and why have you disturbed my rest?$B$B<Despite the hostility of the question, the <class> looks almost relieved to have been awakened.>','<You prepare to administer the potion to the sleeping $C.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6030insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5985,10965,'No Mere Dream','<Clintar listens as you relay Morthis\' instructions, nodding, but clearly fearful.>$B$BI cannot extricate myself fully from the Emerald Dream to help you, but a fragment of my spirit will guide you in your search for the relics. Guard it well, $r, for it is a fragile thing.$B$BThe Emerald Dream itself has become an alien, dangerous place. Its grasp on me is strong, and I will not be whole until the Emerald Dream returns to normalcy. What you see around you is but an echo of the reality inside the dream!','Protect Clintar Dreamwalker\'s Spirit while it gathers the relics of Aviana, then speak to Dreamwarden Lurosa.','You are fortunate that Clintar was strong enough to maintain the split in his essence for so long, <name>. Few druids can manage that kind of feat while under attack in Emerald Dream. Guard the relics well!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6031insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5986,10966,'Back to the Orphanage','Darn it all!  I guess it\'s time to go back to the orphanage at Shattrath City.$B$BI\'ve had such a great time.  You\'re the best person in all of the worlds, $N!  You\'re my big $g brother : sister; now!$B$B<Dornaa\'s eyes begin to well up with tears.>$B$BI\'m going to miss you so much!  When I grow up, I\'m going to be just like you!!!','Return your ward to the Shattrath City orphanage by handing in the Draenei Orphan Whistle to Orphan Matron Mercy in the Lower City.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6032insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5987,10967,'Back to the Orphanage','Darn it all!  I guess it\'s time to go back to the orphanage at Shattrath City.$B$BI\'ve had such a great time.  You\'re the best person in all of the worlds, $N!  You\'re my big $g brother : sister; now!$B$B<Salandria\'s eyes begin to well up with tears.>$B$BI\'m going to miss you so much!!!','Return your ward to the Shattrath City orphanage by handing in the Blood Elf Orphan Whistle to Orphan Matron Mercy in the Lower City.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6033insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5988,10968,'Call on the Farseer','I am sensing something very special about this child indeed.$B$BYou should take her to visit Farseer Nobundo, here in the Exodar.  I believe that he has been expecting the two of you.$B$BLook for Nobundo upon the highest terrace in the Crystal Hall.','Take your orphan, Dornaa, to visit Farseer Nobundo at the Crystal Hall inside of the Exodar, which is on Azuremyst Isle.  Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.$B$BRemember that you can use your map inside the city.','','','Dornaa taken to Farseer Nobundo','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6034insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5989,10969,'Seek Out Ameer','It would seem that an outside force has taken an interest in the business practices of the Consortium. Five Consortium dealers have gone missing in the past two days. We have reason to believe the Ethereum are involved. If you are interested in assisting, seek out Commander Ameer at the Protectorate Watch Post.$B$BYou will find the Protectorate Watch Post directly east of here on the next island. \r\n','Seek out Commander Ameer at the Protectorate Watch Post.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6035insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5990,10970,'A Mission of Mercy','We salvaged this prison orb on our last scouting mission into Ethereum territory. We\'d have never found it had it not been for the distress signal that it was faintly emitting.$B$BWe think one of our own might be locked up in there but we have no way of opening the orb up without harming whatever is inside.$B$BWhat we know about the Ethereum is that any of their members could - at any given time - be carrying a key to unlock an orb. Retrieve one and return so that we may uncover the mysteries of this orb.','Recover the Salvaged Ethereum Prison Key for Commander Ameer at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6036insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5991,10971,'Ethereum Secrets','<Ameer holds up a tag.>$B$BI found this prisoner I.D. tag with the remains of the fallen vanguard. I can only assume that all of their prisoners are tagged in the same manner.$B$BI\'m going to start cataloguing the tags in hopes of making sense of their penal system. If in your adventures you find more Ethereum prison keys, you can use them to open the Ethereum prisons at the Ethereum Staging Grounds - directly south of here. Bring me back any and all I.D. tags that you find.','Commander Ameer at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm wants you to bring him an Ethereum Prisoner I.D. Tag.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6037insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5992,10972,'Ethereum Prisoner I.D. Catalogue','I am in need of more I.D tags, $N. What I\'ve discovered thus far is that this is not just a way to catalogue prisoners but it also documents locations!$B$BOnce this code is broken we\'ll be able to pinpoint exactly where all of our allies are held and free them with minimal hostile action received.','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6038insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5993,10973,'A Thousand Worlds','I have cracked the code! Each tag is broken up into several segments. The front side of the tag is always the same and states: \"A Thousand Worlds...\" I am unsure as to the meaning of this phrase but it sounds insidious.$B$BOn the back side of the tag are the vital statistics. The first set of runes indicates location and the second indicates prisoner type. Furthermore, it would seem that the keys can be combined to form a special key that accesses another prison type. Now I just need more keys...','Commander Ameer at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm wants you to bring him 5 Ethereum Prison Keys.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6039insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5994,10974,'Stasis Chambers of Bash\'ir','The Ethereum have a settlement on the northernmost shelf of Blade\'s Edge Mountains known as Bash\'ir\'s Landing. According to the key tablet, much larger versions of the prisons are kept at Bash\'ir\'s. It should also be noted that the Ethereum refer to those prisons as stasis chambers.$B$BThe key tablet grants access to a very specific stasis chamber at the landing known as Stasis Chamber Alpha. Take the key and investigate.$B$BMy image will be awaiting your return at Bash\'ir\'s Landing. Speak to me there.','Use the Ethereum Key Tablet - Alpha to open Stasis Chamber Alpha at Bash\'ir\'s Landing in Blade\'s Edge Mountains.$B$BReturn Evidence from Alpha to the Image of Commander Ameer at Bash\'ir\'s Landing.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6040insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5995,10976,'The Mark of the Nexus-King','What I must now know is what the Ethereum have held inside the Mana-Tombs of Auchindoun.$B$BIn your battles against the beasts of the stasis chambers of Bash\'ir you may run across an item known as the Mark of the Nexus-King. Should you find such an item, return it to me immediately! It is the final piece in crafting a key that will allow access to the stasis chamber inside the Mana-Tombs.','The Image of Commander Ameer at Bash\'ir\'s Landing in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains wants you to bring him a Mark of the Nexus-King.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6041insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5996,10977,'Stasis Chambers of the Mana-Tombs','The Mark of the Nexus-King that you recovered has allowed me to forge a new key for the stasis chambers found inside the Mana-Tombs.$B$BAccording to the glyphs on the mark, two exist: one near the front and one near Nexus-Prince Shaffar. This key that I am about to give you will open the stasis chamber near the front.$B$BI want you to go to the Mana-Tombs of Auchindoun and open the Mana-Tombs Stasis Chamber.','The Image of Commander Ameer at Bash\'ir\'s Landing in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains wants you to use the Mana-Tombs Stasis Chamber Key on the Stasis Chamber inside the Mana-Tombs of Auchindoun.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','Mana-Tombs Stasis Chamber Investigated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6042insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5997,10978,'Return to Morthis Whisperwing','Now that the relics have been recovered, you must leave this place with all haste. Clintar risked his safety and that of the dreamwardens to help you, $N, but now he must fully devote his attention to fighting the force that has invaded the Emerald Dream.$B$BTake the relics back to Morthis Whisperwing, along with word of what you\'ve seen here. He may be able to help us identify just what Clintar is struggling against.','Bring the Relics of Aviana to Morthis Whisperwing at Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.','<Morthis accepts the relics from you as you describe your experiences in the barrow dens.>$B$BThis is most troubling news, <name>. There have been any number of strange disturbances in the Emerald Dream, but I can\'t remember any mention of outside forces tampering with it. Are you certain that\'s what Clintar believes?','Did Clintar help you recover the relics?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6043insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5998,10979,'To the Evergrove','Are you certain you saw a raven in the barrow den?$B$BThis is a troubling development. There\'s little we can do to help Clintar and the dreamwardens directly, but if we can learn more about what\'s threatening the Emerald Dream, we may be able to stop it.$B$BWe\'ve been learning about the resurgence in an ancient arakkoa cult in Blade\'s Edge -- one that venerates a raven god. Go to the Evergrove and find Arthorn Windsong. There may be a connection between what\'s happening there and in the Emerald Dream!','Speak with Arthorn Windsong at the Evergrove in Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','<Arthorn listens as you explain that Morthis Whisperwing sent you to investigate a connection between the cult of the raven god and strange happenings in Moonglade. Though shocked at the news, she seems more disappointed at the message\'s nature.>$B$BOh my...$B$BI\'ve been helping Timeon with his research on the raven cult, but we never imagined its patron had any reach beyond Blade\'s Edge!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6044insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (5999,10980,'The Book of the Raven','From what you\'ve told me, Morthis\'s suspicions seem plausible, but we need confirmation.$B$BIn his research, Timeon has uncovered clues that a \"book of the raven\" served as an ancient scripture to the cult.$B$BThe arakkoa spirits will not reveal themselves to your eyes. Take this stone with you to the high peaks in the western part of Blade\'s Edge, to the south of Raven\'s Wood, obtain an aether ray eye, and combine them to augment your sight. Search for the ghost Timeon identified as Sai\'kkal the Elder.','Use an Aether Ray Eye with your Seer\'s Stone to reveal the raven cult ghosts. Search the Vortex Pinnacle for the spirit of Sai\'kkal the Elder and question him about the book of the raven, then return to Arthorn Windsong.','Isn\'t it amazing that even among arakkoa, the cultists were considered heretics? That the traditional priests hated them enough to destroy their holy text is incredible! We must get our hands on that book, <name>.$B$BIt\'s the key to unraveling the mystery of the raven god and preventing him from taking over the Emerald Dream.$B$BPerhaps Morthis will finally agree to take me as a student if we succeed!','<Arthorn looks at you hopefully.>$B$BWere you able to track down any information about the book?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6045insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6000,10983,'Mog\'dorg the Wizened','Mog\'dorg wise!  Him send Grok to city, look for help.  Bloodmaul clan need help.$B$BMog\'dorg say, send powerful little ones to him at Blade\'s Edge Mountains.  Him stand on tower at Circle of Blood.  Mog\'dorg wise!','Visit Mog\'dorg the Wizened atop one of the towers just outside the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Grok said that I am wise?  I don\'t know about that.$B$BPerhaps it is because I am the only one in my clan that is truly trying to save us from annihilation by the Bladespire clan, and Gruul and his sons, who are backing them.$B$BI hope that you have come to deliver us from certain doom, $C.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6046insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6001,10984,'Speak with the Ogre','<V\'eru\'s voice fills your mind with crystalline tone and clarity.>$B$BThere is an ogre down in the Lower City, pleading for the assistance of passersby.  They have all turned a deaf ear upon his plight.$B$BDo you think you might aid him?$B$BHis name is Grok, and he is sitting near the merchants to the southeast.$B$BThank you, $N.','Speak with the Ogre, Grok, in the Lower City section of Shattrath City.','You help Grok?  Grok need help!  Bloodmaul clan need help!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6047insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6002,10985,'A Distraction for Akama','<Xi\'ri pulses with lights as the Aldor and Scryer forces around him respond to his orders.  Xi\'ri\'s army is ready to push Illidan\'s forces back and create a distraction for Akama.  The naaru awaits your request to begin the attack.>','Ensure that Akama and Maiev enter the Black Temple in Shadowmoon Valley after Xi\'ri\'s forces create a distraction. ','<Xi\'ri pulses with energy as you feel an object materialize in your hands.  It is the medallion you gave to A\'dal on Akama\'s behalf, its power augmented by the naaru\'s magic.  The Sha\'tar have entrusted you with the Medallion of Karabor, and with it access to the Black Temple.>','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6048insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6003,10986,'Eyes in the Sky','Locating the pieces of the Book of the Raven, if they survive at all, is going to be difficult. Our best hope is to use a keener pair of eyes than your own.$B$BDown in western Nagrand, on the eastern lip of the Twilight Ridge, Watcher Elaira studies the various bird species that make their home there. Visit her and see if she can help you harness avian sight to gather the pieces of the Book of the Raven.','Speak with Watcher Elaira at the Twilight Ridge in Nagrand.','<Elaira listens as you describe your search for the Book of the Raven and Arthorn\'s suggestion to use birds to locate the missing pieces of the tablet.>$B$BIt\'s an excellent idea and Nagrand is teeming with candidates, but which one to use?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6049insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6004,10987,'To Catch A Sparrowhawk','The wild sparrowhawks of Nagrand have the keenest sight of all the predatory birds here. But, because of their size, they\'ve been pushed out of most areas by the larger windrocs.$B$BMost of the sparrowhawks nest here, on the Twilight Ridge. If you can catch one, I\'ll train it to spot the pieces of your buried tablet.$B$BIt\'s going to be difficult, though. The sparrowhawks are very skittish and will flee at your approach. I\'d suggest cornering one or prowling to get close enough to cast your net.','Use the Sparrowhawk Net to capture a Wild Sparrowhawk and bring it to Watcher Elaira on the Twilight Ridge.','Well done! I\'m still in the process of getting the hawks to trust me, but I know enough about them to train this one for your needs.','Did you catch one of the sparrowhawks?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6050insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6005,10988,'The Raven Stones','I\'ve trained your sparrowhawk to respond to a specific whistle. When it hears the sound, the bird will fly to you and guide you to the location of the nearest tablet fragment. Arthorn sent word that the fragments you\'re looking for are buried in the Skettis area of southeastern Terokkar Forest, so the bird will wait for you there.$B$BWhen you\'ve gathered all the stones, return the whistle to Arthorn and she will see to the animal\'s care and release.$B$BConvey my greetings to Arthorn when you see her.','Gather 8 Raven Stones from Skettis and bring them to Arthorn Windsong at Evergrove in Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','<Arthorn accepts the fragments of the Book of the Raven from you and begins piecing them together.>$B$BSome of the characters have been worn away, but I should be able to make out most of this...','Did you recover enough of the Book of the Raven for me to reconstruct it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6051insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6006,10989,'Mog\'dorg the Wizened','Mog\'dorg the Wizened waits for you at top of da tower.  He tells me to look for a $r $c just like you.  You go speak with him about smart things.$B$BGo now, but don\'t tell no one.  It\'s a secret!','Visit Mog\'dorg the Wizened atop the tower where Chort is standing, just outside the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Finally, Chort has sent me someone who looks like they might be able to help.  I am trying to save the Bloodmaul from annihilation by the Bladespire clan, and Gruul\'s sons, who are backing them.$B$BI trust that you will be the one to aid our secret society and deliver us into freedom.','','','Gordunni Ogre','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6052insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6007,10990,'The Eagle\'s Essence','The Book of the Raven tells us the raven\'s followers captured and bound the spirits of his rivals within stone shrines. A guardian was set to watch over each, lest the raven\'s enemies attempt to free them.$B$BThe first of the shrines is the eagle\'s, found in the hills to the south of Lake Jorune and west of Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.$B$BThe tablet says that the eagle fought valiantly, but was overcome by a swarm of enemies. The armor and endurance of your bear form is well-suited to this fight.','Defeat the Guardian of the Eagle and obtain the Essence of the Eagle. Use Arthorn\'s Sparrowhawk Whistle to call Arthorn\'s Sparrowhawk to relay news of your success.$B$BIf you lose Arthorn\'s Sparrowhawk Whistle, return to Arthorn Windsong at the Evergrove for a replacement.','<Arthorn seems to feel the power in the recovered essence through the sparrowhawk\'s senses.>$B$BEven after thousands of years of captivity, the eagle\'s power remains strong. If the other essences are as strong as the eagle\'s, the raven god will be right to fear you.','<The sparrowhawk seems to speak with Arthorn\'s voice.>$B$BDid you succeed in freeing the essence of the eagle spirit?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6053insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6008,10991,'The Falcon\'s Essence','<The bird speaks with Arthorn\'s voice.>$B$BThe second spirit bound by the raven\'s followers was the falcon.$B$BIt was subdued and imprisoned close to Skettis as a reminder to the raven-priests when they held power.$B$BOn the shores of Lake Ere\'Noru, to the northwest of Skettis, you\'ll find the falcon\'s shrine.$B$BTo overcome the falcon\'s guardian, you\'ll need to use the falcon\'s strengths to your advantage. Use the speed and grace of your cat form to defeat the guardian before it reaches full strength!','Defeat the Guardian of the Falcon, obtain the Essence of the Falcon. Use Arthorn\'s Sparrowhawk Whistle to call Arthorn\'s Sparrowhawk to relay news of your success.$B$BIf you lose Arthorn\'s Sparrowhawk Whistle, return to Arthorn Windsong at the Evergrove for a replacement.','<The sparrowhawk dutifully conveys Arthorn\'s words.>$B$BWell done, <name>. I\'d feared that the falcon\'s prison had been destroyed in the explosion of Auchindoun. We\'re almost prepared to confront Anzu, <name>. I\'d love to go with you, to be there when this self-styled \"god\" is cast back into the pit that spawned him!','<Once again, Arthorn\'s voice issues from the sparrowhawk.>$B$BDo you have the falcon\'s essence?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6054insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6009,10992,'The Hawk\'s Essence','<Arthorn\'s voice addresses you.>$B$BThe last, and strongest, of the spirits spoken of in the Book of the Raven is that of the hawk. It was imprisoned far from Skettis, in a shrine on a remote island southeast of Auchindoun.$B$BI believe this description best matches the island we know as Sorrow Wing Point.$B$BThe tablet describes the hawk\'s guardian as nearly invulnerable to the bird\'s claws. Forsake physical attacks and call down the fury of the stars to defeat this foe. Do not repeat the hawk\'s mistake.','Defeat the Guardian of the Hawk and bring the Essence of the Hawk to Arthorn Windsong at the Evergrove.','Now that we have all the essences, Morthis Whisperwing must find a way to combine them into an amulet that you\'ll be able to use to challenge the raven god, draw him out of the Emerald Dream and defeat him. I\'ll be sending him my notes on the spirits with the hope that he\'ll realize the value of my insight.$B$BEach of the spirits has blessed a charm I\'ve prepared for you.','Did you overcome the hawk\'s guardian and win its essence?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6055insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6010,10993,'Return to Cenarion Refuge','Bring the essences to Morthis Whisperwing, along with word of our findings about the raven god.$B$BMorthis will know best how to use the essences and information in drawing Anzu out into the open. Make your way to him quickly, for there\'s no telling how long Clintar and the dreamwardens can withstand the raven\'s assault!$B$B<Arthorn grabs your arm before you turn to leave>.$B$BPlease, $N, tell Morthis how much of a help I\'ve been to you. I fear he will not see my hand in this work!','Bring Arthorn\'s Package to Morthis Whisperwing at Cenarion Refuge.','<Morthis accepts the package, opens it to discover Arthorn\'s notes, and reads over them without commenting on the author.>$B$BOn one level, I\'m relieved to finally know the identity of our enemy, but this Anzu is a being of considerable power. Knowing the nature and the name of your adversary is vital, but we are not yet ready to face him.','I\'ve been waiting for word from Arthorn. What have you discovered?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6056insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6011,10994,'Chasing the Moonstone','If the essences are combined within a rare gemstone such as a Southfury moonstone, you\'ll be able to release them when you\'re prepared to challenge Anzu.$B$BThe only problem is that Southfury moonstones are only found on the Azshara side of the river, on the cliffs near the river\'s source.$B$BTragedy befell the last night elf party that sought the stone. Their boat is still anchored in the river near where they sighted the moonstone. Keep your eyes open and approach the site by land from the Azshara side.','Bring a Southfury Moonstone to Morthis Whisperwing at the Cenarion Refuge.','<Morthis seems torn, at once desiring to laugh at your story, and mindful of how close you came to losing the moonstone. He settles for staring at the glowing stone.>$B$BI\'ll get to work on infusing it with the bird spirit essences. Soon, you\'ll be prepared to challenge our enemy.','You look like you\'ve been through quite an ordeal. Was the moonstone really that hard to find?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6057insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6012,10995,'Grulloc Has Two Skulls','To the east, at the terminus of Dragons\' End, is the Cursed Hollow.  Therein, Grulloc, son of Gruul, plots his dimwitted schemes.$B$BI heard that one of his possessions was stolen from him through trickery.  Was that you?  Unfortunate that he was not slain in the process.$B$BIf we are to regain our freedom, I would have you take his most prized possession, a dragon skull from when he rejoiced in his father\'s slaying of the Black Dragonflight.  The only way you\'ll get the skull is to vanquish him.','Retrieve Grulloc\'s Dragon Skull and deliver it to Mog\'dorg the Wizened atop the tower at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Indeed, it must have been a difficult struggle, $C.  I feel greatly relieved now that he will not be breathing down our necks here.$B$BI will send this skull down to Chort for safekeeping.  I\'m beginning to think that with your help, we might just pull this off.','Is Grulloc no more?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6058insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6013,10996,'Maggoc\'s Treasure Chest','On the Razor Ridge, above and to the southeast, Maggoc patrols.  His father assigned him as the warden of the eastern mountain range, and he revels in terrorizing any creature that gets in his way.$B$BAs a son of Gruul, he must be done away with if my clan is to survive.  That\'s where you come in.$B$BMaggoc carries a treasure chest with him at all times.  Prove to me that he has been slain by bringing me his precious chest.  Feel free to keep whatever you find within it.','Retrieve Maggoc\'s Treasure Chest and deliver it to Mog\'dorg the Wizened atop the tower at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','You say it was empty?  Unfortunate, but you can see the mindless brutality that we\'re up against.$B$BWith the fall of Maggoc, we are one step closer to realizing my dream of a home for the ogres where we can determine our own destiny.','Do you have the chest?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6059insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6014,10997,'Even Gronn Have Standards','Are you familiar with Shattrath City, $c?  Above it to the northwest is a place called the Barrier Hills, which you can only get to upon a flying mount.$B$BOne of Gruul\'s sons, Slaag, exiled himself and took control of the Gordunni ogres that reside there.  Even at such a distance, we cannot afford to leave him in peace, lest he return when the rest of his brothers have been slain.$B$B$N, you must travel there, and bring back his standard as proof that he has been dealt with.','Retrieve Slaag\'s Standard and deliver it to Mog\'dorg the Wizened atop the tower at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','What a relief that Slaag is gone.  No longer will we be threatened by the looming specter of his return!$B$BIf you do not mind, I will take the standard as a symbol of hope for all of the ogres of the mountains.$B$BThank you, $N.','Do you return with Slaag\'s standard in hand?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6060insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6015,10998,'Grim(oire) Business','There is one more gronn to be slain: Skulloc Soulgrinder.  He keeps himself hidden away, but there is a way to coax him forth.$B$BHe was trained by an ogre warlock known as Vim\'gol the Vile, whose grimoire you must retrieve!$B$BVim\'gol must be summoned by yourself, and four others, each standing within a different fire ring at his circle.  Find Vim\'gol\'s Circle in the mountains, to the northeast, near the Broken Wilds.$B$BAnd, $N, if you hear Vim\'gol talk about growing bigger, get back to the fire rings!','You must retrieve Vim\'gol\'s Vile Grimoire.  Deliver it to Mog\'dorg the Wizened atop the tower at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','I hesitate to even touch such a tainted thing of evil.  Yet read it we must if we are to glean what knowledge it contains and bring forth Skulloc from his hiding place.','Have you summoned forth Vim\'gol the Vile and taken the grimoire from his dead clutches?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6061insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6016,11000,'Into the Soulgrinder','The grimoire is the key to Skulloc\'s downfall.$B$BRead aloud from the book at Soulgrinder\'s Barrow to initiate the ritual.  An object known as the Soulgrinder will appear, as well as Skulloc\'s ghostly victims, who will try to destroy it.  You must keep them from doing so long enough to force Skulloc fully into the world.$B$BFind the barrow by heading north through the Daggermaw Canyon on the other side of the Circle of Blood.  It is on the right side before Gruul\'s Lair.$B$BBring back Skulloc\'s soul.','Retrieve Skulloc\'s Soul and deliver it to Mog\'dorg the Wizened atop the tower at the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','It is over then.  You have freed us from the shackles of our enslavement to the Sons of Gruul.  You have given the Bloodmaul Clan a reprieve from certain extinction.$B$BWords cannot describe the extent of the debt that ALL of the ogres of the Blade\'s Edge Mountains, Bloodmaul and Bladespire alike, owe you, $n.$B$BLook down, even now the ogres gather to pay you tribute.  Let Gruul and his puppet, the old king, Maulgar, cower within their lair.  Go to the ogres below as our new king!','Have you taken Skulloc\'s soul yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6062insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6017,11001,'Vanquish the Raven God','We must waste no time in dealing with the raven god. You must take the essence-infused moonstone to a place of great power in order to lure the god from the relative safety of the Emerald Dream.$B$BDescend into the Sethekk Halls and set the moonstone in the clutches of the raven\'s claw. You\'ll find it in the chamber before the talon king\'s hall.$B$BAnzu must be made believe that his followers have gathered to welcome him back into the world. Once he has manifested, show him no mercy!','Slay the Raven God and return to Morthis Whisperwing at Cenarion Refuge.$B$BThis quest must be completed in Heroic dungeon difficulty.','It\'s good to see you again, <name>. Your triumph over the raven god counts for far more than any test or rite of passage that I might set for you.$B$BYou have truly proven yourself worthy of the knowledge guarded by the Druids of the Talon for countless generations.','What news from Sethekk Halls? Have you defeated Anzu?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6063insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6018,11002,'The Fall of Magtheridon','The source of Illidan Stormrage\'s fel orc army has been vanquished. The manufactory halts production of its grim product - at least for now. All that remains are a few trinkets and this severed head - a fitting trophy for a hero of the Alliance.$B$BReturn Magtheridon\'s head to Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold.\r\n','Return Magtheridon\'s Head to Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.','This defeat is not only a blow to Illidan. The Legion too reels... A pit lord commander has been defeated. The siege of Hellfire Citadel now holds no purpose for the Burning Legion. All of their efforts will undoubtedly be turned upon the Black Temple.$B$BRedemption comes for Illidan... and soon.','For the first time - in as long as I can remember - there is silence.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6064insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6019,11003,'The Fall of Magtheridon','The source of Illidan Stormrage\'s fel orc army has been vanquished. The manufactory halts production of its grim product - at least for now. All that remains are a few trinkets and this severed head - a fitting trophy for a hero of the Horde.$B$BReturn Magtheridon\'s head to Nazgrel at Thrallmar.\r\n','Return Magtheridon\'s Head to Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.','This defeat is not only a blow to Illidan. The Legion too reels... A pit lord commander has been defeated. The siege of Hellfire Citadel now holds no purpose for the Burning Legion. All of their efforts will undoubtedly be turned upon the Black Temple.$B$BRedemption comes for Illidan... and soon.','For the first time - in as long as I can remember - there is silence.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6065insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6020,11004,'World of Shadows','Sky Commander Adaris was seriously injured during a Skettis incursion.  He\'s been in and out of consciousness since.$B$BI fear he has succumbed to a feverish delirium.  During brief lucid moments he demands that I prepare an elixir made from shadow dust carried by the arakkoa.  He seems to believe it will allow him to see into a \"world of shadows\" where the arakkoa\'s true leaders dwell.$B$BI do not believe this nonsense for a second, but I fear he won\'t rest until I obtain such an elixir.  Will you help?','Severin wants you to venture into Skettis and retrieve 6 Shadow Dusts from the arakkoa that dwell there.','I thank you, $N. I will administer a small amount to the commander... to humor him. You can keep the rest, perhaps you\'ll find a use for it.','Have you obtained the dust, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6066insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6021,11005,'Secrets of the Talonpriests','Thank you for paying heed to my fevered rants.  All along we had been trying to identify and destroy the Skettis chain of command; we had learned of three clerics known as the talonpriests, but we\'d never seen them with our own two eyes.  Now we know why.$B$BTalk to Severin to obtain more of the elixir he discovered.  Use the elixir to find and kill the three talonpriests: Ishaal, Skizzik and Zellek.  They\'re rumored to dwell in Veil Ala\'rak, near the eastern shore of Blackwind Lake.','Obtain an Elixir of Shadows from Severin and use it to find and slay Talonpriest Ishaal, Talonpriest Skizzik and Talonpriest Zellek in Skettis.  Return to Commander Adaris after completing this task.','You\'ve done well, $N. You\'ve dealt a tremendous blow to the enemy by slaying the talonpriests.','Is the deed done, $N? I\'d kill those blasted birdmen myself if it weren\'t for my injuries.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6067insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6022,11007,'Kael\'thas and the Verdant Sphere','The air around you hums - a gentle hum. The naaru are aware of your victory. Perhaps they are the reason you were compelled to pick up this sphere from the still-twitching remains of Kael\'thas Sunstrider. What secrets could it hold?$B$BPerhaps A\'dal in Shattrath City could make sense of the item.','Take the Verdant Sphere to A\'dal in Shattrath City.','<A\'dal\'s thoughts intermingle with your own.>$B$BThe sphere... Strange. Did you know that he lived? Yes. It is here - in the sphere itself. Maimed for certain. He calls to a higher power now. No, not Illidan.$B$BHigher.$B$BKil\'jaeden the Deceiver comes...$B$BNot here...$B$B<A\'dal points your mind elsewhere.>$B$BAzeroth. Unknown.$B$BRest. Your brothers and sisters will retake Tempest Keep now.$B$B<A\'dal hums a song of battle.>$B$B','You heard my call? Yes...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6068insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6023,11008,'Fires Over Skettis','You think you have what it takes to be part of the Skyguard?  We\'ll have to see how you handle yerself in the air.$B$BThe arakkoa are breeding a gargantuan variety of their attack pets and are using it against our scouts.  I want you to take these blasting charges and use them to destroy hatcheries above the arakkoa\'s dwellings.  Avoid the monstrous kaliri guarding the hatcheries.  They\'ll knock you off your mount before you know what hit you.','Seek out Monstrous Kaliri Eggs on the tops of Skettis dwellings and use the Skyguard Blasting Charges on them.  Return to Sky Sergeant Doryn.','Excellent job, $N! That\'ll show those bird men the meaning of air superiority!','Did you finish your assignment yet?','','Monstrous Kaliri Egg Destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6069insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6024,11009,'Ogre Heaven','Now that you have delivered us from bondage, we can begin the process of reunifying the clans.  This will take some time; old grudges are difficult to overcome.$B$BBut more pressing, you must go to Ogri\'la in the heavens above to the west.  You must defend it, and us, from those forces above that the gronn used to protect us from: ethereals, demons, and worst of all, the black dragonflight.$B$BWhen you find ogre heaven, seek out the wisdom of Chu\'a\'lor on how best to proceed.','Mog\'dorg the Wizened has asked you to speak with Chu\'a\'lor at Ogri\'la in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Mog\'dorg sent a message ahead, saying that I should expect you. I am glad that you came.$B$BWith the Sons of Gruul destroyed, it is only a matter of time - a short amount at that - before the various inhabitants of this mountain terrace, and the one to the north, decide to prey upon our ogre brothers down below.$B$BI trust that you will help us to prevent that, $B.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6070insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6025,11010,'Bombing Run','You have a flying mount... so what!  You think you have what it takes to use it properly?$B$BForge Camp: Wrath and Forge Camp: Terror, to the north and south, are a major pain in my backside, as well as being a threat to peaceful Ogri\'la.  With all of those fel cannons shooting down the Skyguard left and right, we can\'t get through there to take care of business.$B$BYou want to prove yourself?  Take these bombs and knock out their ammo stacks.  Just don\'t let them shoot you down, too!','Sky Sergeant Vanderlip has tasked you with the bombing of 15 Fel Cannonball Stacks.  Return to her at the Skyguard Outpost atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have done so.','Well, well, well, I guess you had it in you after all. Good work. Maybe Old Man Keller was wrong about you after all.$B$B<Sky Sergeant Vanderlip smirks.>','You take out their stacks of fel cannonballs yet?','','Fel Cannonball Stacks destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6071insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6026,11011,'Eternal Vigilance','Your defeat of Anzu, the raven god, is truly a remarkable accomplishment. He may not abandon his quest to return to Outland, I fear.$B$BAs long as he has followers here, he will attempt to rise again. Keep the essence-infused moonstone with you in case we have not heard the last of Anzu.','Speak with Morthis Whisperwing to receive an Essence-Infused Moonstone.','Keep the moonstone with you, $N. If you suspect that Anzu is gathering his strength to attempt another return to this world, use it to defeat him once again.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6072insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6027,11013,'In Service of the Illidari','Netherwing Ledge... What was once a bastion of sanctuary for the Netherwing is now home to the Dragonmaw. While the orcs may have control of our territory, our magic there is still strong. Strong enough to cloak your true identity and allow you to infiltrate the ranks of Dragonmaw.$B$BI have prepared this letter for you to present to their leader, Overlord Mor\'ghor. Fly headlong into the maw of our enemy and seek out Dragonmaw Base Camp to start your new life as a fel orc of Illidan Stormrage.','Travel to Netherwing Ledge and deliver the Illidari Service Papers to Overlord Mor\'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp.\r\n','<Mor\'ghor reads the letter and laughs.>$B$BA death knight? You couldn\'t shine the boots of a death knight, maggot.$B$B<Mor\'ghor looks you over.>$B$BBut yes... You might be able to work your way up to peon. At the worst, I\'ll toss you into the pit and leave you to die...','<Mor\'ghor grunts.>$B$BYou\'re late...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6073insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6028,11014,'Enter the Taskmaster','<Mor\'ghor crumples up the service letter and tosses it aside.>$B$BAlright grunt, first things first. If you\'re gonna join my beloved Dragonmaw army, you\'ll need to work. Everyone works up here on the ledge. Get a job and don\'t screw it up and I\'ll see if there might be something more interesting for you to do later.$B$BGo talk to Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath. He\'s standin\' in the middle of town. He\'ll assess your skills and assign work as he sees fit.$B$BNow get out of my face!','Speak with Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath at Dragonmaw Base Camp.','Varkule gonna set you up right, grunt. You get your choice of one job best suited to your skills and Netherwing crystal collection. You\'ll be required to fill your work orders once per day.$B$BYeah, it\'s a bunch of crap jobs but even the ascendants started out as peons.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6074insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6029,11015,'Netherwing Crystals','No good at nothin\'? That\'s fine. Even lunkheads like you can be used around here. Just find creatures on the ledge and kill \'em. Sometimes they\'ll have nether crystals on their carcasses. Gather those and bring \'em back to me and I\'ll consider your work order for the day complete.\r\n','Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to bring him 40 Netherwing Crystals.','You\'re done for today, kid. Come back tomorrow if you\'re still alive.','Nether crystals are used for lots of things. Mainly makin\' weapons and armor...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6075insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6030,11016,'Nethermine Flayer Hide','A skinner, eh? Well you\'ll find plenty to skin here! You gotta search for flayers around crystal formations. Take \'em down and take their hides. Sometimes they\'ll have a hide worth keepin\'. Bring those to me.','Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to bring him 35 Nethermine Flayer Hides.','You\'re done for today, kid. Come back tomorrow if you\'re still alive.','We use the flayer hides for armor lining and structural tarps.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6076insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6031,11017,'Netherdust Pollen','A flower picker?! Hilarious... Unfortunately, our mages and shaman need your services. The netherdust bushes that grow on this ledge have special pollen that is apparently very useful in their magical dealings. Bring me that stuff and I\'ll consider your work order complete.','Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to bring him 40 Netherdust Pollen.','You\'re done for today, kid. Come back tomorrow if you\'re still alive.','Like I said, netherdust pollen is used by our spell casters.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6077insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6032,11018,'Nethercite Ore','A miner!$B$B<Varkule salutes.>$B$BAn orc after my own heart! That\'s how Varkule got his start - minin\'! There ain\'t nothin\' better than getting down and dirty in the mines, is there?$B$BNow get out there and find those nethercite deposits. Strip \'em for all their worth and bring me back the ore.','Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to bring him 40 Nethercite Ore.','You\'re done for today, kid. Come back tomorrow if you\'re still alive.','Gug over there is gonna use the ore to reinforce our weapons and armor.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6078insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6033,11020,'A Slow Death','The Dragonmaw have peons stationed at nearly every crystal formation up here. While the outright slaying of them would draw far too much unwanted attention to you, there is a way that we can thin their numbers and remain below the suspicious eyes of Mor\'ghor.$B$BVenture into the wilds of Shadowmoon Valley and slay the tainted wildlife. Take from them their corrupt fel glands. Use those fel glands with this mutton that I\'ll give you near the peons. They\'ll take one bite and fall deathly ill!','Yarzill the Merc at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to use Yarzill\'s Mutton in conjunction with Fel Glands to poison 12 Dragonmaw Peon Camps.\r\n','<Yarzill speaks in a low whisper.>$B$BExcellent work, $N. Lay low for now. Come back to me tomorrow and we can do it again.','It is dirty work, $N.','','Dragonmaw Peon Camp Poisoned','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6079insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6034,11021,'Ishaal\'s Almanac','This mysterious tome was on Talonpriest Ishaal\'s body.  It contains arcane symbols and charts of celestial bodies beyond your comprehension.$B$BAll writing is in a language you don\'t understand; likely an ancient version of the arakkoa written tongue.  Perhaps you should bring this to Sky Commander Adaris.','Bring Ishaal\'s Almanac to Sky Commander Adaris north of Skettis.','What have you brought to me? I can\'t make out the writing on this tome, $N... my loss of blood... must\'ve blurred my vision.','You\'ve something to show me?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6080insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6035,11022,'Speak with Mog\'dorg','$G King : Queen; $N!  You speak with Mog\'dorg the Wizened before you leave and go to Ogri\'la!','Speak with Mog\'dorg the Wizened.  He stands atop the tower on the east side of the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','My good man, I am glad that you have decided to speak to me again before leaving.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6081insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6036,11023,'Bomb Them Again!','We\'re still having problems with those flak cannons, $N.$B$BDon\'t get me wrong -- I think that you did an outstanding job the last time out -- but, that doesn\'t change the fact that those damned demons seem to be replenishing their ammo supplies faster than we can knock them out.  And that means we\'re having a hell of a time getting our people through there, not to mention the risk those demons pose to Ogri\'la.$B$BWhat do you say?  Want to take another shot at it?','Sky Sergeant Vanderlip has tasked you with the bombing of 15 Fel Cannonball Stacks.  Return to her at the Skyguard Outpost atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have done so.','Outstanding work, $N!  I\'d have you back up in the air and bombing them again, but policy around here is to make sure that our pilots get plenty of R&R.  Sorry, I don\'t make the rules, but I sure as hell enforce them!','How goes the bombing run?','','Fel Cannonball Stacks destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6082insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6037,11024,'An Ally in Lower City','There is an arakkoa in Lower City by the name of Rilak...  He can be trusted.  Take the book... to him.$B$B<Adaris drifts into unconsciousness as he returns the book to you.>','Bring Ishaal\'s Almanac to Rilak the Redeemed in Lower City inside Shattrath.','This cannot be... this belonged to a talonpriest once. How did you ever come across it?','You have the smell of Skettis on you! Explain yourself!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6083insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6038,11025,'The Crystals','When prepared correctly, the crystals of the mountains exhibit strange powers, such as the clarity of mind that we have found here in Ogri\'la.$B$BAll of the creatures atop the mountains covet the crystal shards and use them to further their own goals.  An economy has even sprung up around them.$B$BTo assist us, you must first learn about the Apexis shards.  Bring me some.  In addition to the creatures here having them, they can sometimes be found where the flayers dig at the larger crystals.','Chu\'a\'lor has tasked you with gathering 5 Apexis Shards.  Bring them to him at Ogri\'la atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','<Chu\'a\'lor\'s left head begins to speak.>$B$BThese will do fine.$B$BRemember, $B, the value of the shard is not in what it can purchase for you. It is not even in what it can potentially do for you when properly forged, though there is some debate over that.$B$B<His right head finishes,...>$B$BThe true value is in the journey to attain the shard.','As you come to a understand the shards and crystals, you will be better able to assist us in protecting ourselves and our ogre brethren below.$B$BThe shards themselves get their name from an ancient and now-extinct arakkoan civilization, which used to live atop the mountains here.$B$BDo you have the shards with you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6084insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6039,11026,'Banish the Demons','You\'ve arrived at the perfect time, friend!  We are in need of assistance.  In return, you will receive something very rare, which will help us both in the end.$B$BWe\'re not a violent ogre any longer, but the demons nearby threaten to overrun us and the Skyguard.  The problem with demons is that, once killed, they come right back in new bodies!$B$BBut, if you use this crystal to summon a banishing portal, when they die near it, their essences will be drawn in and banished back from whence they came!','Kronk has asked you to use the Banishing Crystal to banish 15 demons at Forge Camp: Wrath or Forge Camp: Terror atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.  Return it to him once you have done so.','That\'ll teach them! And, of course, now for your reward.$B$BThe demons of Forge Camp: Wrath, to the north, have created a special transporter on their southern border. This experimental gate is being used to expand the forge camp, and we don\'t think we need to tell you how that will effect us if they expand too far.$B$BHowever, if we were you, we\'d take this darkrune over to Gahk, and ask him how you can help. Just take it easy on him, $N. Like you, he\'s new here.','We trust that you\'ve used the banishing crystal to send a whole slew of those Burning Legion things packing?!','','Demons banished','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6085insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6040,11028,'Countdown to Doom','This almanac presages the return of Terokk, the most powerful and terrible Skettis king in arakkoa history.$B$BI always believed this to be the mere legend, $N.  The return of the talonpriests and your recovery of this tome indicate otherwise.$B$BWith each day, Terokk comes closer to returning to full strength.  Your only chance is to bring him to our world prematurely.  Return to Skettis and speak to Adaris about this.  Let us hope he has the wisdom to do the right thing.','Return to Sky Commander Adaris with the news about Terokk\'s return.','The arakkoa seek to bring Terokk back beyond the veil of time and Rilak... wants to find a way to accelerate the process? Is he out of his mind?$B$B<Adaris lays back down as his strength fades.>$B$BYou\'ve done your duty, $N. It is time you let my men take over from here. This has become a purely military matter.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6086insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6041,11029,'A Shabby Disguise','Open the package, $N.  It is a disguise.  It doesn\'t look very convincing, does it?$B$BI craft them for ethereal smugglers in search of rare books.  There is an arakkoa scribe who dwells in the central island in Skettis, Terokk\'s Rest; his name is Sahaak.  He is old and nearly blind.$B$BUse the disguise to speak with him and obtain the book known as the Adversarial Bloodlines.  Be careful, $N.  The disguise won\'t fool the other arakkoa.','Use the Shabby Arakkoa Disguise to obtain the Adversarial Bloodlines from Sahaak and return to Hazzik.','Excellent! This book catalogs the descendants of Terokk\'s ancient enemies. It is prophesied that their demise will be followed by Terokk\'s return.','The book, $N. Have you obtained it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6087insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6042,11030,'Our Boy Wants To Be A Skyguard Ranger','$C, we\'ve got a problem -- we have lots of sons.  And ever since the Skyguard moved in nearby, all our sons ever talk about is joining their ranks.$B$BAs a proud father, we want them to have every advantage for when they apply.  So, would you go to the fel crystalforge at either forge camp to the north or south, and procure a magic flask for our sons?  You can\'t miss their green smoke.$B$BWe think that they take ten apexis shards to make.  We\'d give you the shards, but we don\'t have any at the moment.','Torkus has asked you to obtain an Unstable Flask of the Beast for him.  Return with it to him at Ogri\'la atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','You\'re a lifesaver, $N. Our boys are going to be so excited to hear the news!$B$BOK, so one down and one to go. We did tell you about the other magical flask that they\'re going to need, didn\'t we?','You have that magic flask, yet? It will mean the world to little Torkus Jr.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6088insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6043,11031,'Archmage No More','You\'ve decided against your previous choice?  I suppose I can help you reverse it.  In the end Dalaran cares more about your loyalty than how you choose to show it.$B$BIt won\'t be cheap.  And of course, I will need your old ring back.','You\'ve decided against your previous choice? I suppose I can help you reverse it. In the end Dalaran cares more about your loyalty than how you choose to show it.$B$BIt won\'t be cheap. And of course, I will need your old ring back','Make this next decision carefully. We do our best to accommodate our allies, but even Dalaran\'s resources have their limits. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6089insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6044,11032,'Protector No More','You\'ve decided against your previous choice?  I suppose I can help you reverse it.  In the end Dalaran cares more about your loyalty than how you choose to show it.$B$BIt won\'t be cheap.  And of course, I will need your old ring back.','You\'ve decided against your previous choice? I suppose I can help you reverse it. In the end Dalaran cares more about your loyalty than how you choose to show it.$B$BIt won\'t be cheap. And of course, I will need your old ring back. ','Make this next decision carefully. We do our best to accommodate our allies, but even Dalaran\'s resources have their limits.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6090insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6045,11033,'Assassin No More','You\'ve decided against your previous choice?  I suppose I can help you reverse it.  In the end Dalaran cares more about your loyalty than how you choose to show it.$B$BIt won\'t be cheap.  And of course, I will need your old ring back.','You\'ve decided against your previous choice? I suppose I can help you reverse it. In the end Dalaran cares more about your loyalty than how you choose to show it.$B$BIt won\'t be cheap. And of course, I will need your old ring back. ','Make this next decision carefully. We do our best to accommodate our allies, but even Dalaran\'s resources have their limits.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6091insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6046,11034,'Restorer No More','You\'ve decided against your previous choice?  I suppose I can help you reverse it.  In the end Dalaran cares more about your loyalty than how you choose to show it.$B$BIt won\'t be cheap.  And of course, I will need your old ring back.','You\'ve decided against your previous choice? I suppose I can help you reverse it. In the end Dalaran cares more about your loyalty than how you choose to show it.$B$BIt won\'t be cheap. And of course, I will need your old ring back. ','Make this next decision carefully. We do our best to accommodate our allies, but even Dalaran\'s resources have their limits.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6092insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6047,11035,'The Not-So-Friendly Skies...','On the northeast edge of this island exists a dock used for the packaging and transport of Netherwing crystals and relics. Dragonmaw Transporters transport the goods from the dock to Dragonmaw Fortress while Dragonmaw Ascendants guard the ground from any would-be attackers.$B$BThis leaves one opening for you to make a strike at the Dragonmaw: The Dragonmaw Skyway.$B$BFly to the shattered islands of the Dragonmaw Skyway and ambush the transporters that use the route. Recover our stolen relics!','Yarzill the Merc at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover 10 Netherwing Relics.','<Yarzill whispers.>$B$BYou are doing the Netherwing a great service, $N. Slowly, we will topple the Dragonmaw. From the inside a disease now grows - a disease with no cure...$B$BReturn to me tomorrow if you are interested in more work at the Dragonmaw Skyway.','Dead orcs tell no tales, $N. Make sure those Dragonmaw transporters do not escape.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6093insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6048,11036,'Out of This World Produce!','I\'ll be the first to admit I\'m not quite sure what this order is for, but Rocket-Chief Fuselage\'s instructions were very specific -- only the very best fruit, preserved to survive a long voyage and sealed against the elements.$B$BThere were other specifications, zero-gravity this and low pressure that. I don\'t pretend to understand it, but the price is right, so he\'ll get his superfood. Bring this crate to him up at Area 52. After crossing into Netherstorm, keep following the road until you see the town.','Bring the Preserved Fruit to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52.','<The chief inspects the crate\'s contents.>$B$BEverything looks good here. That\'s one more thing to cross off the list. Now all we need to do is get the rocket off the ground!','Is that the delivery from Old Orok?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6094insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6049,11037,'A Strange Vision','I\'ve had a most unusual vision, $N, and I don\'t know quite what to make of it. I\'ve seen an arrow, an immense arrow, riding into the sky on a trail of fire. Such a feat is trivial for a skilled mage, but somehow I know the arrow I saw is not the product of magic.$B$BIt will be unlike anything the people of Azeroth have ever achieved. You must seek out the people working on this, $N. Lend them your help, for without it, their efforts may yet fail.','Speak with Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52.','<The chief listens as you describe the seer\'s vision.>$B$BWell, I don\'t know about any of that, but we could certainly use your help around here. Behold the rocket behind me! That\'s the X-52...$B$BIsn\'t it the most beautiful thing you\'ve ever seen?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6095insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6050,11038,'Assist Exarch Orelis','Not long ago, High Priestess Ishanah sent a small group of anchorites to Netherstorm, under the command of Exarch Orelis. They were to investigate the activities of Kael\'thas and his minions, but we haven\'t received any reports of their findings yet.$B$BI worry that our presence in the area might not be strong enough to carry out the mission. I\'m certain that the exarch could benefit from your knowledge and experience. Are you willing to travel to Area 52 and assist him?','Speak with Exarch Orelis at Area 52.','So you\'re here to help us determine exactly what Kael\'thas is planning? Your help is most welcome. Netherstorm is crawling with blood elf agents whose activities threaten to tear the land asunder.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6096insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6051,11039,'Report to Spymaster Thalodien','Some time ago, Voren\'thal dispatched a small team to Netherstorm to investigate the activities of Kael\'thas. Our leader has the utmost confidence in Spymaster Thalodien and his compatriots, and has decided to honor his request for reinforcements.$B$BThalodien\'s report was brief, but clear that he\'s encountered something of great importance. Report to him at Area 52 and assist him in any way possible, $N.','Report to Spymaster Thalodien at Area 52.','<A brief look of disappointment crosses the spymaster\'s face.>$B$BI was hoping for at least a squad, but if Voren\'thal saw fit to send only you, then I will adjust my plans accordingly.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6097insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6052,11040,'Parts for the Rocket-Chief','You can count on one hand the number of times I\'ve collaborated with a goblin. We\'re far more likely to be in competition with them, but when I received Rocket-Chief Fuselage\'s request, I just couldn\'t refuse him.$B$BThis crate is full of parts I\'m not using here, but that the rocket-chief might be able to put to use on his project. Would you be kind enough to deliver them if you\'re on your way to Area 52?$B$BWho knows, maybe some fine gnomish parts could keep his creation from exploding!','Bring Bossi\'s Spare Parts to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52.','I don\'t even know what some of these parts do! I\'m certain I\'ll find a use for some of them, but I never suspected I\'d have to learn to think like a gnome!','That crate has the look of a master gnomish engineer about it. Did Bossi send you?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6098insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6053,11041,'A Job Unfinished...','In the name of our great master... For the glory of Illidan!$B$BBy order of Overlord Mor\'ghor, the great plateau of Netherwing Ledge is to be secured. With all Netherwing drakes captured or forced off of the land, rock flayers are running rampant and threatening crystal harvesting operations.$B$BDestroy them all, their den mother and her consort, Arvoar.$B$BMor\'ghor commands it!$B$B<It would appear that this orc failed to take the plateau. It is time to prove your worth to Mor\'ghor!>','Slay 10 Overmine Flayers and Barash the Den Mother. Return to Overlord Mor\'ghor at the Dragonmaw Base Camp should you succeed.','So from the remains of one of my own overseers you recovered the command and took matters into your own hands? You have managed to impress Mor\'ghor. Well done...','Who dares approach Mor\'ghor? This had better be important.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6099insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6054,11042,'A Mystifying Vision','A strange vision haunts me, $N. I see a continuous cloud of smoke ascending toward the sky, left in the wake of a giant fire moving ever faster away. It is not a natural phenomenon, nor a creation of evil; that much I know.$B$BI have no knowledge of what it looks like, save that it is the product of the labor of many. Yet, without more hands, it may never come to be.$B$BTravel to Netherstorm, $c. Locate those responsible for this creation and offer them your aid.','Speak with Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52.','<The chief listens as you describe the seer\'s vision.>$B$BWell, I don\'t know about any of that, but we could certainly use your help around here. Look at the behemoth behind me. That\'s the X-52...$B$BIsn\'t it the most beautiful thing you\'ve ever seen?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6100insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6055,11043,'Building a Better Gryphon','I\'ve heard that the Wildhammer dwarves maintain a gryphon roost at their fortress down in southern Shadowmoon Valley. If you\'re going down there, would you speak to them on my behalf? I have some ideas on how to improve their gryphons!$B$BWhy stop at armoring them when you could attach an altimeter, a rear view mirror, and rocket? Imagine how fast you could go with one of those babies strapped to your gryphon\'s back! I\'ll call it the TurboGryphon 8000!','Speak with Brunn Flamebeard at Wildhammer Stronghold.','<Brunn\'s face reddens until its color is indistinguishable from his beard.>$B$BHe wants to do WHAT to my gryphons?$B$BIf that little pipsqueak puts anything other than a saddle on them, I\'ll personally travel up to Blade\'s Edge and stuff that rocket o\' his down his throat!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6101insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6056,11044,'Visions of Destruction','A vision of cataclysm often disturbs my rest -- a rain of green fire falling to the earth, felling the valiant defenders of a mighty fortress. It has haunted me for weeks now, although I have only recently come to understand its meaning.$B$BTo the far east, in Shadowmoon Valley, the Wildhammer dwarves endure constant attacks from the Burning Legion and numerous other foes. They fight bravely, but without relief, their enemies will triumph. Go to their side, $N. Help them in their fight.','Speak with Wing Commander Nuainn at Wildhammer Stronghold.','A vision, you say? I don\'t care if he saw it in a vision, read it in a letter, or heard it from the mouth of a pit lord. He was dead on! What matters is that you\'re here, friend, and we need all the help we can get.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6102insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6057,11045,'Zorus the Judicator','The history of Shadowmoon Valley is a long and troubled one. Few delve into it for fear of breathing new life into the unspeakable atrocities that took place there.$B$BNot all are so timid, though. Zorus the Judicator searches for the truth about the ghosts of Shadowmoon\'s past. It is a staggering undertaking, one with which he would welcome help, I\'m sure.$B$BIf you should venture into the valley, look for Zorus at Wildhammer Stronghold, in the central portion of the valley\'s southern region.','Speak with Zorus the Judicator at Wildhammer Stronghold.','Fantei speaks the truth and I would welcome your help.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6103insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6058,11046,'Chief Apothecary Hildagard','The history of Shadowmoon Valley is a long and troubled one. Few study it for fear of breathing new life into the unspeakable atrocities that took place there.$B$BNot all are so timid, though. Chief Apothecary Hildagard\'s research delves into the ghosts of Shadowmoon\'s past. It is a staggering undertaking, one with which she would welcome help, I\'m sure.$B$BIf your travels bring you there, seek Hildagard at Shadowmoon Village, in the northwestern reaches of the valley.','Speak with Chief Apothecary Hildagard at Shadowmoon Village.','Fantei has a good memory. It\'s been months since I was last in Shattrath to buy reagents. He\'s right, though. I could use the help.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6104insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6059,11047,'The Apprentice\'s Request','As an apprentice wind rider master, one of my tasks is to care for the beasts when they\'re not flying. The problem is that we have so few here, there\'s very little downtime for any of them.$B$BI\'m afraid we\'ll work them all to death if we don\'t receive any replacements. There\'s a large stable down in Shadowmoon Village, in western Shadowmoon Valley. Dama Wildmane oversees the wind rider care and training there.$B$BWould you speak with her on our behalf and let her know about our situation?','Speak with Dama Wildmane at Shadowmoon Village.','<Dama listens to Agadai\'s request.>$B$BI can\'t guarantee that there will be any wind riders available, but I\'ll see what I can do. As it is, we\'re having trouble keeping up with the demands of other buyers and outposts.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6105insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6060,11048,'Kroghan\'s Report','My original orders were to remain in Garadar for a short time, then continue on and report to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village. What I\'ve seen in my time here is that Garadar could benefit from a long term Horde liaison.$B$BI know that Blood Guard Gulmok needs all the troops he can get, but I know he\'ll understand that my mission here isn\'t yet complete. Travel to Shadowmoon Village, in northwestern Shadowmoon Valley, and inform Blood Guard Gulmok of my delayed arrival. ','Speak with Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village. ','<Gulmok grumbles upon hearing of Kroghan\'s decision.>$B$BI understand his point of view, but we need warm bodies in the trenches here too! The Legion\'s bombarding us with infernals day and night. If Kroghan\'s going to be delayed, you can take his place on the field!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6106insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6061,11049,'The Great Netherwing Egg Hunt','Should you discover any Netherwing eggs while exploring, bring them to me.$B$BBe warned, a Netherwing egg is a rare discovery. Do not become frustrated if you cannot locate one. These Dragonmaw have been very thorough in collecting most of them and shipping them off to parts unknown.$B$BEggs might be found on creatures of the island, near crystal formations, in the mines, or even inside a nethercite node or netherdust bush.$B$BKeep a low profile. We don\'t need Mor\'ghor catching wind of your actions.','Yarzill the Merc at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover a Netherwing Egg.','Neltharaku will be most pleased, $N. Well done.','How goes the egg hunt?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6107insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6062,11051,'Banish More Demons','If we know the demons, and we do because we\'ve studied them extensively, they\'re fast at work repairing any damage that has been done to their precious transporter.$B$BSo, if you want a chance at another darkrune, take our banishing crystal back out there and eliminate more demons.  Besides, you want to help us to lessen the threat that the demons pose, yes?$B$BWe said \"chance\" because the process we use yields mixed results.  You might get a darkrune, or you might get something else entirely.','Kronk has asked you to use the Banishing Crystal to banish 15 demons at Forge Camp: Wrath or Forge Camp: Terror atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.  Return it to him once you have done so.','We wish the process of creating a darkrune was foolproof, $N. Alas, it is not. Please, take this bag and look in it to see what we\'ve wrought today. We couldn\'t bear to look ourselves.$B$BRemember, if you get a darkrune, take it to Gahk to exchange for a crystalforged darkrune. Then you\'ll be able to once more bring down Shartuul\'s transporter.$B$BOh, and $N, don\'t forget to come by again tomorrow and pickup the banishing crystal. There are always more demons to be banished.','A seasoned pro such as yourself shouldn\'t be having any difficulty banishing demons. You\'re not having any difficulties, right, $R?','','Demons banished','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6108insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6063,11052,'OLD Akama\'s Promise','<Akama inserts the crystal into the medallion in his hand.>$B$BI am not as strong as I once was, $N.  Being so close to evil itself all these years - I do not know if I can trust myself with an artifact as powerful as this.$B$BTake this as my promise to you that when the time comes and you face Illidan, I will be on your side.  Take it to the one being we know we can trust with its power.  Take the medallion to A\'dal in Shattrath City.','Bring the Medallion of Karabor to A\'dal in Shattrath City.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6109insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6064,11053,'Rise, Overseer!','Rare it is that a peon survives for as long as you have. Rarer still is when a peon rises from the dregs to attain a new rank.$B$B<Varkule claps.>$B$BThe Overlord has called for you, grunt. A new rank awaits, no doubt.','Speak with Overlord Mor\'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.','I have been following your activities closely, $N. You have proven to be an invaluable asset to Dragonmaw. With that said, I am going to promote you to Overseer. With that rank comes new responsibilities that you must fulfill.$B$BRise, Overseer $N! Rise and seek out those that need your assistance at the base camp.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6110insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6065,11054,'Overseeing and You: Making the Right Choices','So you\'re the new overseer, eh? Well there\'s one thing any good overseer needs and that\'s the proper disciplinary weapon. Before you can go out there and knock some sense into these peons you need to have your \"piece.\" Each overseer has to gather the materials required to make their own \"piece\" and you\'ll be no different.$B$BI\'ll need knothide leather and the hardened hide of Tyrantus. You\'ll find Tyrantus in Eco-Dome Farfield, located in the northern reaches of Netherstorm.','Chief Overseer Mudlump at the Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to bring him 10 pieces of Knothide Leather and 1 Hardened Hide of Tyrantus.\r\n','ARRR! You might make it as an overseer after all. That oversized lizard has been the bane of many an orc!$B$B<Chief Overseer Mudlump begins to fashion the weapon>.','There\'s peons to be disciplined, $N! Hurry it up!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6111insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6066,11055,'The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon','This is your booterang. There are many like it but this one is yours.$B$BAs an overseer you will use this booterang to sow terror into the hearts of defiant peons. Proper use of the booterang will instill obedience and ensure subservience.$B$BVenture forth to the crystal fields and discipline any peons that you see slacking off. Show them the might of the booterang!\r\n','Chief Overseer Mudlump at the Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to discipline 20 lazy Dragonmaw Peons. You will also need to return your Booterang.','A hard day\'s work! It pays off, though, doesn\'t it? Warms your heart seeing those worthless runts slavering over those crystals... Anyhow, that\'s all for today. Come back tomorrow for another round of booterang discipline. ','It\'s all in the wrist, $N. ','','Dragonmaw Peon Disciplined','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6112insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6067,11056,'Hazzik\'s Bargain','Do not draw attention to our conversation.  Adaris would not approve.$B$BI belong to the lowest caste of arakkoa, $N.  During Terokk\'s rule I would\'ve been sacrificed to the dark powers worshipped by his talonpriests.  If what you say is true and the talonpriests are seeking Terokk\'s return, then you must prevent them from succeeding - regardless of what your leader says!$B$BI\'ve something to offer you that you\'ll find useful.  There is a package at my old dwelling in Upper Veil Shil\'ak.  Bring it to me!','Obtain Hazzik\'s Package at his dwelling in eastern Skettis and return to him with it.','Excellent, $N. You will see that I\'m true to my word.','You\'ve returned, $N. I was beginning to think you\'d given up on me.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6113insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6068,11057,'The Trouble Below','We commend your zeal in wanting to help out here in Ogri\'la, $c.  However, we have a favor to ask of you before we can accept your assistance.$B$BDown below our brethren are enslaved to the Sons of Gruul.  Please, speak with Mog\'dorg the Wizened, who is leading an ogre resistance against their gronn masters.$B$BSeek him out atop the tower on the eastern side of the Circle of Blood arena.','Chu\'a\'lor has asked you to speak with Mog\'dorg the Wizened atop one of the towers just outside the Circle of Blood in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.\r\n','You were sent from on high? Truly my mission is blessed! I am trying to save the Bloodmaul from annihilation by the Bladespire clan, and Gruul\'s sons, who are backing them.$B$BI trust that you will be the one to aid our secret society and deliver us into freedom.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6114insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6069,11058,'An Apexis Relic','Long ago a now-extinct sect of the arakkoa known as the Apexis lived here.  Remnants of their civilization are still present.  We call them apexis relics.$B$BWhat we know about them is that, when properly used, they grant a boon.  Each relic presents a colored sequence which, when the crystals are pressed in the correct order, leads through a series of levels, each harder than the last.$B$BAn apexis shard is needed to power the relic.  Return when you have attained the insight of the apexis vibration.','Chu\'a\'lor has asked you to return to him at Ogri\'la atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have gained Apexis Vibrations from an Apexis Relic.','<Chu\'a\'lor nods his heads at you in satisfaction at your accomplishment.>$B$BYou have a quick mind. <name>. It took us much longer to successfully make use of the relic.$B$BNow that you know how. you can do so as much as you care to. Just remember that they require an apexis shard to power them.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6115insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6070,11059,'Guardian of the Monument','You\'ve figured out how to use the single-person relics, but as you may have seen, there are bigger ones, which they surround.$B$BThese larger apexis monuments function in much the same way, but they take many more apexis shards to activate and require four persons to operate.$B$BOf greater concern to us are the guardians that are summoned through their use.  These crystal constructs turned on their arakkoan masters long ago, and now endanger Ogri\'la.$B$BWe would ask that you destroy one and bring us proof.','Chu\'a\'lor has asked you to obtain an Apexis Guardian\'s Head for him as proof.  Return with it to him at Ogri\'la atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have done so.','<Chu\'a\'lor beams at you with obvious respect.>$B$BNot only are we impressed with the mental alacrity of you and your friends, but we are indebted to you, as is all of Ogri\'la and the Skyguard, for helping to protect our way of life here.$B$BAnd remember, $N, at any time you can gather others and return to any of those larger apexis monuments to make use of them; as long as you have enough apexis shards to power it that is.','We abhor violence, but at least the construct that we have sent you against isn\'t a living being.$B$BSpeaking of which, do you have the head?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6116insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6071,11061,'A Father\'s Duty','As to that other magical flask, it can only be obtained from one spot: Bash\'ir Landing.  It\'s an ethereal base, and they aren\'t too friendly with outsiders, so it might be a little dangerous to obtain.$B$BWhere\'s Bash\'ir Landing, you ask?  Well, if you get on your flying steed and head north by northeast, well past Forge Camp: Wrath, you\'ll eventually spot it.  The Bash\'ir crystalforge itself is at the northeast corner of the landing.$B$BThank you for doing this, $N.  It\'ll mean the world to our sons!','Torkus has asked you to obtain an Unstable Flask of the Sorcerer for him.  Return with it to him at Ogri\'la atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','We can\'t thank you enough, $N!$B$BNow with these two flasks, unstable though they may be, we\'ll be able to send one of our boys north to the Skyguard Outpost.$B$BHere, just wait a moment and we\'ll call for one of them.$B$B<Torkus\'s right head shouts out for his boy in a low growl.>','That sorcerer\'s flask is sure to make my boys more intelligent than they already are, and that should help immensely with what they\'ll need to do once they\'re in the Sha\'tari Skyguard.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6117insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6072,11062,'The Skyguard Outpost','$N, we were wondering if you might be willing to visit our friends just to the north at the Skyguard Outpost?$B$BSky Commander Keller and his Skyguard are here running missions for our mutual protection, and he\'s asked us to send along anyone that we feel would excel at helping out.$B$BThat would be you!$B$BHead up there as soon as you can, and please, give him our regards.','Chu\'a\'lor has asked you to speak with Sky Commander Keller at the Skyguard Outpost atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Welcome ta the Skyguard Outpost! I built it with me own hands ya know.$B$BYeah, the whole thing!$B$B<The sky commander looks serious.>$B$BSo, ye must be lookin\' ta spoil for a fight if ye\'re here talkin\' ta me. It was kind of old Chu\'a\'lor ta send ye along. We can always use fresh meat for the grinder around here.$B$BIf ye don\'t mind, I\'d like ya ta start by having a talk with my sergeant across the way: Vanderlip. Don\'t mind her tongue, though it be sharper than the greatsword she be carrying.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6118insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6073,11064,'Dragonmaw Race: The Ballad of Oldie McOld','Don\'t let the gray hair fool you, grunt. I\'m still ten times the rider that you are! And don\'t go thinking that this old dog doesn\'t have any tricks up his sleeve.$B$BNow all you gotta do is follow me and try not to get knocked down off your mount. If you can do that, Oldie will admit defeat.$B$BWe\'ll lift off as soon as you\'re ready.\r\n','Follow Murg \"Oldie\" Muckjaw while attempting to stay on your flying mount. Should you defeat Murg \"Oldie\" Muckjaw, report your victory to Ja\'y Nosliw at the Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.','Pumpkins? Oh how the mighty have fallen... I am certain the other riders will prove to be much more challenging.','','Murg \"Oldie\" Muckjaw Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6119insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6074,11065,'Wrangle Some Aether Rays!','Wanna help the Skyguard and Ogri\'la?$B$BJust hear me out before you walk away, $g hot stuff : girly;.  We\'re in need of remounts!  The bombing runs and missions to Bash\'ir Landing have taken a toll on our mounts.$B$BThe aether rays that fly around Vortex Pinnacle, and the Crystal Spine to the northeast, look like they\'d do just fine.  You don\'t even have to bring them back here, though that would be nice.  Just break and rope them, and we\'ll track them down later.$B$BThink you can wrangle me up some?','Skyguard Khatie has asked you to wrangle 5 Aether Rays.  After you have done so, return them to her at the Skyguard Outpost atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Woo hoo!  Nice job, $N! Those rays are going to make excellent mounts!$B$BStick around kid... the Sha\'tari Skyguard can always use a man of your obvious talents!','You wrangle me some aether rays yet? You look like you might have some skill with rope, so it shouldn\'t take you too long.','','Aether Rays wrangled','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6120insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6075,11066,'Wrangle More Aether Rays!','So, I hope that you\'re up to helping us wrangle up even more aether rays!  From what I can see, you\'re a natural with the rope!  And it\'s for a good cause, because not only do we get fresh mounts, but it helps us to protect Ogri\'la, which the ogres appreciate.$B$BRemember, the aether rays fly around Vortex Pinnacle, and the Crystal Spine to the northeast.$B$BThink you can wrangle me up some more?','Skyguard Khatie has asked you to wrangle 5 Aether Rays.  After you have done so, return them to her at the Skyguard Outpost atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','You continue to amaze me! Tell you what... why don\'t you come back tomorrow and we\'ll let the rope cool off for now?$B$B<Khatie laughs.>$B$BThank you so much, $N!','You\'re doing great work for us, $N. I want you to know that we really appreciate everything that you\'re doing to keep us stocked up in fresh mounts!','','Aether Rays wrangled','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6121insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6076,11067,'Dragonmaw Race: Trope the Filth-Belcher','Dragonmaw treat you right, $N. Even a worn out cursed being like me is given a chance. Now if you want to prove your worth to the Skybreakers, you will have to defeat me.$B$BI\'m going to shake you off my tail like a bad case of fleas...$B$BWe\'ll lift off when you are ready.','Follow Trope the Filth-Belcher while attempting to stay on your flying mount. Should you defeat Trope the Filth-Belcher, report your victory to Ja\'y Nosliw at the Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.','Interesting... Your next match will undoubtedly prove much more difficult. Corlok is no slouch.','Trope defeated some of my best riders. Don\'t let the filthiness fool you.','Trope the Filth-Belcher Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6122insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6077,11068,'Dragonmaw Race: Corlok the Vet','You are challenging ME? Don\'t make me laugh!$B$BYou\'re serious? Very well then! All you need to do is not die. You can manage to not die, right?? Even if I\'m hurling skulls at you and flying circles around your pathetic riding skills?$B$BJust let me know when you\'re ready and we\'ll lift off.','Follow Corlok the Vet while attempting to stay on your flying mount. Should you defeat Corlok the Vet, report your victory to Ja\'y Nosliw at the Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.','The next two riders were the two top pilots that the dwarves and orcs of Azeroth had to offer. You stand no chance!','','Corlok the Vet Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6123insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6078,11069,'Dragonmaw Race: Wing Commander Ichman','Three years I spent in that hell hole. Three years a prisoner of war to the damnable Frostwolf Clan. Made to sit in their tower and listen to them endlessly whine about the bridge to Dun Baldar. About how it\'s \"unfair\" that blah, blah, blah, blah... War isn\'t fair! To hell with \'em all!$B$BThe minute I was freed I left that place forever and came here to start a new life. Now Mulv and I are vying for the top orc spot. If you want it, you\'re gonna have to go through me, scrub.$B$BWe go when you\'re ready.\r\n','Follow Wing Commander Ichman while attempting to stay on your flying mount. Should you defeat Wing Commander Ichman, report your victory to Ja\'y Nosliw at the Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.','I don\'t believe it! Mulverick is your next challenge. There\'s no way you\'ll survive that match.','','Wing Commander Ichman Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6124insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6079,11070,'Dragonmaw Race: Wing Commander Mulverick','Three years of blood, sweat and tears. Mostly tears... The amount of crying that a hardened soldier does when it comes down to all-out war is amazing!$B$B\"They\'re jumping into our tower with their horses!\" \"Why is their base so well defended?\" \"They\'re taking our relief hut, I\'m going A.W.O.L.!\"$B$BWimps...$B$BI took the first train out of \"cry-town\" the minute the Dark Portal opened. Now I\'m a top gun for the Dragonmaw. If you want to be top orc, you\'ll have to defeat me.$B$BWe go when you are ready.\r\n','Follow Wing Commander Mulverick while attempting to stay on your flying mount. Should you defeat Wing Commander Mulverick, report your victory to Ja\'y Nosliw at the Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.\r\n','Well it looks like it\'s just you and the captain now, grunt. Good luck! You\'re gonna need it!','Mulverick is the most gifted rider I\'ve ever seen. The only thing holding him back from the top orc spot is his recklessness.','Wing Commander Mulverick Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6125insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6080,11071,'Dragonmaw Race: Captain Skyshatter','You dare challenge Skyshatter? The world around you will fall into darkness as the heavens are torn asunder by my meteors.$B$BYou stand no chance, soldier. Yet it is your desire to die...$B$BI will entertain this morbid obsession if only to prove a point to any that might foolishly dream of making the same mistake.$B$BWe ride when you are ready!','Follow Captain Skyshatter while attempting to stay on your flying mount. Should you defeat Captain Skyshatter, report your victory to Ja\'y Nosliw at the Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.','I never dreamed any would be skilled enough to defeat Skyshatter. You do know what this means, right? You are now the top orc! You must defend your title.','Second place isn\'t that bad, $N. You can take Mulverick\'s spot on the line-up...','Captain Skyshatter Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6126insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6081,11072,'Adversarial Blood','The descendants held prisoner by the Skettis talonpriests are listed in this book: Gezzarak the Huntress, Karrog the crystal giant, the heretic known as Darkscreecher Akkarai and Vakkiz the Windrager.  They will all need to be slain before Terokk returns to this world.$B$BYou will need the scrolls carried by the time-lost arakkoa to call them forth at the summoning circles in Skettis.  Bring me a token from each one.  These are powerful beings you will be facing; you would do well to bring friends.','Find the Skull Piles in the middle of the summoning circles of Skettis. Summon and defeat each of the descendants by using 10 Time-Lost Scrolls at the Skull Pile.  Return to Hazzik at Blackwind Landing with a token from each.','Excellent! Take this. I\'ve prepared this bundle with the items you obtained. They will allow you to summon Terokk.$B$BBeware, $N. He is the most powerful arakkoa to ever exist. Do not underestimate him!','Have you completed your task, $N?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6127insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6082,11073,'Terokk\'s Downfall','I... I\'ve turned a blind eye to your dealings with the arakkoa prisoner, $N.  It looks like your instincts to cooperate with him were right.$B$BYou must understand... I would\'ve faced a mutiny in my current state if I endorsed your efforts to bring Terokk to this world.$B$BTake the items that Hazzik prepared for you and go ahead with your plan.  I will command my men to back you up when the time comes.  I recommend that you bring a force of your own as well.  I fear you\'ll only get one chance at this.','Take the Time-Lost Offering prepared by Hazzik to the Skull Pile at the center of Skettis and summon and defeat Terokk.  Return to Sky Commander Adaris when you\'ve completed this task.','You\'ve made us all very proud, $N. I\'ll send word of your deeds back to Shattrath. The Skyguard will be forever in your debt.','Is it done, $N? Has Terokk been defeated?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6128insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6083,11074,'Adversarial Blood','The descendants held prisoner by the Skettis talonpriests are listed in this book.  Gezzarak the Huntress, Garokk the Crystal Giant, the heretic known as Darkscreecher Akkarai and Vekkaz the Windrager.  They will all need to be slain before Terokk returns to this world.$B$BYou will need the scrolls carried by the time-lost arakkoa and burn them at the summoning circles all over Skettis.  Bring me a token from each one.  These are powerful beings you will be facing; you would do well to bring friends.','Collect Time-Lost Scrolls from the time-lost arakkoa in Skettis and bring them to a Skull Pile inside a summoning circle in Skettis.  Summon and defeat the descendants of Terokk\'s adversaries and return to Hakkiz with Akkarai\'s Talon, Garokk\'s Spine, Vekkaz\'s Scale and Gezzarak\'s Claw.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6129insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6084,11075,'The Netherwing Mines','Your help is required at the Netherwing Mines, overseer $N.$B$BTwo days ago our mining operations came to a grinding halt when we made a grim discovery. A miner was working in the depths of the mine and struck his pick upon an unusual crystal formation. Unfortunately, this crystal formation was attached to a very angry nether dragon. The beast woke from its slumber and annihilated all of our workers.$B$BReport to the Mistress of the Mines. They await you at the mouth of the mines, southwest of here.','Seek out the Mistress of the Mines on Netherwing Ledge.','The miners are working hard but none dare step foot further into the mines. They choose death rather than being forced to mine deeper! It is going to be your job to carry out the duties and tasks that they failed to complete.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6130insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6085,11076,'Picking Up The Pieces...','Much of our hard work lies scattered about in these mines. Carts full of cargo are littered across every inch of this mine! We just can\'t get to any of it with the current infestation.$B$BThat\'s where you come in, $N. Your daily duty here at this mine is to collect the cargo left behind by the miners and deep mine workers.$B$BGather the nethermine cargo and return it to me or my sister.','The Mistress of the Mines at the Netherwing Mines in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover 15 Nethermine Cargo crates.','Well done, $N. Return tomorrow for another mission into the depths of the mine.','Have you gathered the cargo?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6131insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6086,11077,'Dragons are the Least of Our Problems','That dragon waking up riled up a host of other nasty creatures in these mines. Two types are proving to be a thorn in the side of the Dragonmaw: Nethermine flayers and Nethermine ravagers. You must help us by killing them off. All I ask is your involvement once per day.$B$BGet in there and kill as many as you can!','The Dragonmaw Foreman at the Netherwing Mines in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to kill 15 Nethermine Flayers and 5 Nethermine Ravagers.','That\'ll be enough for today, overseer. Come back tomorrow for another round of clean up.','How\'s that flayer infestation problem coming along?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6132insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6087,11078,'To Rule The Skies','As ye\'ve flown around, ye must have noticed the dragons above.  I trust ye haven\'t fallen victim ta their rage.  Help us put an end ta it, $N!$B$BRivendark and Obsidia lord over this terrace, while Insidion and Furywing rule the skies over yon terrace ta the northeast.  Each has a perch on their respective domains.  I be wondering if ye and yer friends will go ta one, $g lad : lass;, break open an egg and attract the dragon down.$B$BBring me some teeth as proof.  Ta rule the skies, it\'s either them or us.','Sky Commander Keller has asked you to acquire Dragon Teeth and return them to him at the Skyguard Outpost atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Yes! Those teeth look like they be sharp enough ta cut through just about anything!$B$BAnd let me encourage ye and yer friends ta keep up the good work! Those dragons be fierce predators that make the skies wholly unsafe.$B$BYe might have noticed, too, the dragon scales. I hear they be good fer making powerful cloaks if ye get one o\' each o\' their scales. And if yer not happy with the cloak ya get, I\'ll be willing ta trade ye an apexis crystal fer it.','How fares yer mission, $N? I needn\'t tell ye how important this be ta our continued ability ta fly around up here.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6133insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6088,11079,'A Fel Whip For Gahk','Gahk think being smart is dumb sometimes.  Gahk not want to think.  Me want little $r to smash big demons!$B$BDey have some chiefs, and da chiefs all have whips to hurt da little demons.  You bring Gahk a whip!$B$BYou challenge demon chief in forge camps at burning, green, fel crystal prism.  Use many apexis shards to get dem to come.  Dey called Galvanoth, Braxxus, Zarcsin and da Mo\'arg Incinerator.','Gahk has asked you to acquire a Fel Whip.  Bring it to him at Ogri\'la atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Gahk like whip. Maybe Gahk take whip and beat demons with it!$B$BMe say to $R that $R summon demon chiefs anytime $R have friends and many shards.','Yous have da whip?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6134insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6089,11080,'The Relic\'s Emanation','Now that you have felt the enlightening vibrations of the apexis relics, it is time for you to further your understanding of their workings.  We are very eager to benefit from your observations!$B$BAs you progress in your ability to attune to the relics, you will gain a higher level of knowledge.  This recognition will come in the form of an emanation from the relic.$B$BReturn to us when you have attained such an emanation.','Chu\'a\'lor has asked you to return to him at Ogri\'la atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains after you have gained Apexis Emanations from an Apexis Relic.','You continue to amaze us with your acumen as concerns the relics. $B. May we suggest that you practice with the relics at least once a day to maintain such a sharp edge to your mental acuity?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6135insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6090,11081,'The Great Murkblood Revolt','This document outlines a revolt planned by the Murkblood broken. It seems that the dragon was to be used as a diversion to draw attention away from their escape. Looking at all of the corpses littering the mine, it would be safe to assume that their plans failed.$B$BReturn the escape plans to the Mistress of the Mines.','Take the Murkblood Escape Plans to the Mistress of the Mines.','Excellent work, overseer. Mor\'ghor will hear of your outstanding service to the Dragonmaw.$B$BNow back to these Murkblood dogs. They plan an escape, eh? Dare they defy the one true lord of Outland? Their masters will pay for this!','What\'s this?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6136insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6091,11082,'Seeker of Truth','These miners are far too stupid to concoct any type of escape plan. We must find and punish the source. Venture into the depths of the mine and seek out the Murkblood overseers. If they have not been overcome by the denizens of the mine, they will undoubtedly be hiding.$B$BOnce you locate one, interrogate him until he reveals the true mastermind behind the escape. Return to me with the identity of this traitor and the hand of the overseer.','Find a Murkblood Overseer and interrogate him. Return to the Mistress of the Mines with the Murkblood information and the Hand of the Overseer.','Nothing to say? Perhaps as he lies bleeding to death on the floor of this cursed mine he will remember... Remember what it means to cross the forces of Illidan!.','Well? What\'s taking so long?','Murkblood Information Gathered','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6137insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6092,11083,'Crazed and Confused','Don\'t worry about this dragon, $N. We\'ve got plans for it...$B$BDeeper in this mine is a band of crazed Murkblood. After the dragon broke out, they were cut off from the exit. Somehow, after a mere 2 days of isolation, they\'ve lost all sense of decency.$B$BThey\'ve resorted to cannibalism and the promotion of mayhem. We don\'t need that kind of madness in this place. Find \'em and kill \'em. All of \'em.','Ronag the Slave Driver in the Netherwing Mines of Shadowmoon Valley wants you to slay the Crazed Murkblood Foreman and 5 Crazed Murkblood Miners.','Yeah, I don\'t understand it... You would think that they wouldn\'t even be that hungry after 2 days. Murkblood...$B$B<Ronag shakes his head.>$B$BDamn they\'re stupid...','Is the problem \"solved\"?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6138insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6093,11084,'Stand Tall, Captain!','Well, well, well... still alive I see. That\'s good, because Mor\'ghor has requested your presence in his tower at once. Get a move on!','Speak with Overlord Mor\'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.','<Mor\'ghor nods.>$B$BThat\'s right, I said captain. You\'ve earned another promotion, $N.$B$BYou certainly don\'t work like any fel orc I\'ve ever seen. Keep this up and you might make overlord some day.$B$BNow get out there and take command. I would suggest you try and earn your Skybreaker wings.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6139insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6094,11085,'Escape from Skettis','Hail, $N.  I thank you for coming to my aid.$B$BThe arakkoa\'s monstrous birds knocked me from my nether ray while on a scouting mission.$B$BLet\'s get out of here, while we can.','Escort the Skyguard Prisoner to safety and report to Sky Sergeant Doryn.','Thank you for rescuing one of our scouts, $N. We lose good people every day and there aren\'t enough new recruits to replace them.','Yes, $N?','Rescue the Skyguard Prisoner.','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6140insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6095,11086,'Disrupting the Twilight Portal','One of your responsibilities as a captain of Dragonmaw is to snuff out Burning Legion activity in Outland. It is your duty to silence those that defy Lord Illidan!$B$BThe demons foolishly attempt to stabilize the portal found on the Twilight Ridge of western Nagrand. They must pay for their treachery, and you will be the orc that collects on their debt.$B$BTravel to the Twilight Ridge and lay waste to its inhabitants. You will be responsible for making at least one attack per day on their fortifications.','Overlord Mor\'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to kill 20 Deathshadow Agents.','Excellent work, captain! Lord Illidan will hear of your heroism!','It was our lord, after all, that banished the demons from Outland and closed their portals. All should bow down to the magnificence of Illidan.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6141insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6096,11089,'The Soul Cannon of Reth\'hedron','Reth\'hedron now lords over the Twilight Ridge of Nagrand. An eredar of such power being loosed upon this world does not bode well for the Illidari. Alas, we do not have the resources required to slay Reth\'hedron. Not with the war the bastards have brought to the Black Temple. No... I have a better plan.$B$BYou will subdue Reth\'hedron, banishing him back through the Twilight Portal. For this a soul cannon must be fashioned.$B$BReturn to me with the materials on this list.','Illidari Lord Balthas at the Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to bring him 2 Felsteel Bars, 1 Adamantite Frame, 1 Khorium Power Core and 1 Flawless Arcane Essence.','<Balthas deftly combines the components you brought him.>$B$BYou are now ready for the second phase of the plan, captain.','Have you gathered the components required to fashion the soul cannon?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6142insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6097,11090,'Subdue the Subduer','<Balthas holds up an alien looking device.>$B$BThis is a soul cannon. Its effects are devastating when attuned. This one is attuned to my blood. The same blood flowing through the veins of Reth\'hedron - my brother. Aye, his misplaced allegiance will be the end of him.$B$BTake the cannon and fly to the Twilight Ridge in western Nagrand. Locate Reth\'hedron and fire! You must stay on your mount and within range for the effects to take hold. Stand your ground against him and he will have no choice but to flee!','Illidari Lord Balthas at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley has tasked you with using the Soul Cannon on Reth\'hedron the Subduer in Nagrand.$B$BYou must also return the Soul Cannon.','','','Subdue Reth\'hedron the Subduer','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6143insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6098,11091,'A Special Thank You','You honor us with your efforts on our behalf.  And now there is someone that we would like for you to meet.$B$BJho\'nass is our most trusted quartermaster.  He maintains a stock of goods that we provide for sale to only the most dedicated of friends to Ogri\'la.$B$BYou are one such friend, $N.$B$BWhen you find the time, go and speak with him.  As we understand it, he has prepared a little something for you as a token of our appreciation.','Chu\'a\'lor suggested that you speak with Jho\'nass at Ogri\'la atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','Hey. man. that\'s great. We hear you\'ve been doing good things. That\'s cool. We\'ve got a feeling that you\'re going to make things right for us here in Ogri\'la, and keep us safe, and everything nice and mellow.$B$BHere, take this. It\'s nothing much, just a care package that we whipped up as a thanks for your effort.$B$BFeel free to look around at our goods. We have a lot of really choice stuff that you\'re gonna want to get.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6144insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6099,11092,'Hail, Commander!','Captain $N!$B$B<Taskmaster Varkule salutes you.>$B$BOverlord Mor\'ghor has asked to see you in his chambers at once!','Speak with Overlord Mor\'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.','Lord Illidan himself has asked that I promote you to the rank of commander! This is unprecedented. You will be the first Dragonmaw to reach such a rank outside of the Black Temple.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6145insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6100,11093,'Hungry Nether Rays','Nether rays are surprisingly loyal and obedient once properly trained.  Unfortunately the war on Skettis is taking a toll on them.$B$BWe have dozens of sorties a day - the poor fellows rarely get a break.  And with recent shortages on feed, if those blasted birdmen don\'t kill them on a mission then starvation will.$B$BIf you can lend a hand, take one of our rays to the woods in the south.  They don\'t mind warp chaser meat as long as it\'s a fresh kill.','Use the Nether Ray Cage in the woods south of Blackwind Landing and slay Blackwind Warp Chasers near the Hungry Nether Ray.  Return to Skyguard Handler Deesak when you\'ve completed your task.','Thanks for taking care of the ray, $N. Goodness knows these guys fly much better when they\'re well-fed. We don\'t want our boys getting shot down because their ray was too weak to fly.','You\'re back! Did your ray behave well?','','','Nether Ray Meal','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6146insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6101,11094,'Kill Them All!','Commander $N, stand at attention! You are to take a battalion of Skybreakers and sack the Scryers\' outpost located at the foot of the Netherwing Fields. With the Sanctum of the Stars destroyed, our lines of communication to our posts at Eclipse Point and Illidari Point will once more be open.$B$BGo now! Use this flare gun to signal the Skybreakers for the attack!','Deliver news of your mission along with the Dragonmaw Flare Gun to Arcanist Thelis at the Sanctum of the Stars in Shadowmoon Valley.','It is good that you came to us. Perhaps we can use this attack to our advantage and turn the tables on the Dragonmaw.','Settle down, child.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6147insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6102,11095,'Commander Hobb','The Dragonmaw only dare attack us when our guard is down. They would face certain defeat if they were to attack us while we were prepared.$B$BI want you to let them come, $N.$B$B<Thelis nods.>$B$BYes... a trap. Take this flare that their overlord gave you and deliver it to Commander Hobb. He is standing guard right outside this building.','Give the Dragonmaw Flare to Commander Hobb at the Sanctum of the Stars in Shadowmoon Valley.','<Hobb grins.>$B$BThe deadliest trap ever laid...','<Hobb nods.>','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6148insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6103,11096,'Threat from Above','So you want to join the Skyguard?  Well, I know you can fly... but can you fight?$B$BThe Skyguard is sworn to protect Shattrath from the dangers that loom above us, both near and far.  The Gordunni ogres who dwell in the Barrier Hills to the north are an immediate threat to us.$B$BReaching the ogres has been problematic for Shattrath\'s ground units.  That\'s where we come in.  See what you can do to help contain them.','Slay any 20 Gordunni Ogres in the Barrier Hills and return to Yuula in Shattrath City.','Good job, ace.  I\'ve a feeling you\'re going to fit in well with us.','','','Gordunni Ogre','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6149insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6104,11097,'The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid','Take these Scryer medals. Mor\'ghor will need proof of \"victory\" once this is over. He will recognize them as coming from the corpses of fallen Scryer soldiers.$B$BNow all that remains is to use the signal flare to alert the Dragonmaw raiders. We will crush them when you are ready. Just give me the word.','Assist Commander Hobb and the Scryers in defending the Sanctum of the Stars. Once all of the Dragonmaw forces have been defeated, return to Overlord Mor\'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp with the Scryer Medals.\r\n','<Mor\'ghor laughs.>$B$BHAH! I knew you wouldn\'t let me down, commander! I want you to lead a raid on the Sanctum of the Stars at least once per day. They will have no choice but to leave Shadowmoon!','Did you crush them under your boot, commander?','Dragonmaw Forces Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6150insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6105,11098,'To Skettis!','The Barrier Hills are only one of the fronts where we\'ve been deployed.  A less immediate but far more dangerous threat looms from beyond the Skethyl Mountains, from within the arakkoa city of Skettis.$B$BA few months ago our scouts detected a huge increase in arakkoa activity there.  Several attacks against Shattrath followed.  We\'ve stationed forces outside of their city since.$B$BTake these explosives to Sergeant Doryn at Blackwind Landing, just outside Skettis.  Tell him you\'re a new recruit.','Take the Explosives Package to Sky Sergeant Doryn at Blackwind Landing outside Skettis.','Thanks for the supplies; we\'ll put them to good use!  A new recruit?  Well, let\'s see what you\'re made of.','You\'ve something for me, lad?','','0','0','0','0',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6151insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6106,11099,'Kill Them All!','Commander $N, stand at attention! You are to take a battalion of Skybreakers and sack the Aldor outpost located northwest of our beloved Black Temple. With the Altar of Sha\'tar destroyed, our lines of communication to our posts at Coilskar will once more be open.$B$BGo now! Use this flare gun to signal the Skybreakers for the attack!','Deliver news of your mission and the Dragonmaw Flare Gun to Anchorite Ceyla at the Altar of Sha\'tar.','It is good that you came to us. Perhaps we can use this attack to our advantage and turn the tables on the Dragonmaw.','Settle down, child.','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6152insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6107,11100,'Commander Arcus','The Dragonmaw only dare attack us when our guard is down. They would face certain defeat if they were to attack us while we were prepared.$B$BI want you to let them come, $N.$B$B<Ceyla nods.>$B$BYes... a trap. Take this flare that their overlord gave you and deliver it to Commander Arcus. He is standing guard right outside this building.\r\n','Give the Dragonmaw Flare to Commander Arcus at the Altar of Sha\'tar in Shadowmoon Valley.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6153insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6108,11101,'The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid','Take these Aldor medals. Mor\'ghor will need proof of \"victory\" once this is over. He will recognize them as coming from the corpses of fallen Aldor soldiers.$B$BNow all that remains is to use the signal flare to alert the Dragonmaw raiders. We will crush them when you are ready. Just give me the word.','Assist Commander Arcus and the Aldor in defending the Altar of Sha\'tar. Once all of the Dragonmaw forces have been defeated, return to Overlord Mor\'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp with the Aldor Medals.','','','Dragonmaw Forces Defeated','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6154insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6109,11102,'Bombing Run','You can fly around as a crow... so what!  Ever annihilate something on the ground while you were flying?  Want to?$B$BForge Camp: Wrath and Forge Camp: Terror, to the north and south, are a major pain in my backside, as well as being a threat to peaceful Ogri\'la.  With all of those fel cannons shooting down the Skyguard left and right, we can\'t get through there to take care of business.$B$BWant to prove yourself?  Take these bombs and knock out their ammo stacks.  Just don\'t let them shoot you down, too!','Sky Sergeant Vanderlip has tasked you with the bombing of 15 Fel Cannonball Stacks.  Return to her at the Skyguard Outpost atop the Blade\'s Edge Mountains once you have done so.','','','','Fel Cannonball Stacks destroyed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6155insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6110,11107,'Bow to the Highlord','I am unworthy to even carry a message directed at you, sir. Please forgive me for this indulgence. Overlord Mor\'ghor has requested your presence in his chambers at once!','Speak to Overlord Mor\'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley.\r\n','You are the first highlord of the Dragonmaw, $N. The master himself has chosen to come here to promote you.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6156insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6111,11108,'Lord Illidan Stormrage','Come, highlord $N. Illidan himself awaits us!','Meet Illidan Stormrage. Seek out Barthamus in the Lower City of Shattrath should you survive.','I was the first, you know. The abandoned child of a monster...$B$B<Barthamus shakes his head.>$B$BWe owe you everything, $N. You have single-handedly shattered the Dragonmaw empire and gathered enough information to keep my brethren occupied for ten lifetimes.$B$BIt is not much but there is something that we can offer... My kin have each offered to join you on your mission in Outland. Simply ask and they will bond with you.','','Meeting with Illidan Stormrage','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6157insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6112,11117,'Catch the Wild Wolpertinger!','Here now. Ye hear that? There be sounds in them hills. Those\'re the wolpertingers! Wily beasts, they are, attracted by the smells o\' Brewfest. I\'ve a mind to catch me some, but I knocked me shin and can\'t outrun the buggers. Ye can help me, though!$b$bTake this net and cast it over the little blighters. Bring me a good five of \'em and I\'ll make it worth yer while! Oh, and one more thing - in order to even see these critters, ye need t\' be blitzed! Load up on the booze!','Goldark Snipehunter has asked you to capture 5 Stunned Wolpertingers using the Wolpertinger Net. He mentioned that you must be intoxicated to see them.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6158insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6113,11118,'Pink Elekks On Parade','Getting drunk is a time-honored tradition at Brewfest -- it\'s damn near required! Thing is, I\'m getting reports across Azeroth saying the celebration\'s plagued by hallucinations!  We can\'t have that!$b$bThese elekks can\'t be harmed by normal weapons -- they pass right through \'em -- so take this fabulous piece of gnomish machinery, visit the other beer gardens, and zap \'em to oblivion. Remember, you have to be drunk to see \'em!','Visit the beer gardens outside of Stormwind, Darnassus, and the Exodar, zap three elekks at each location, and return to Goldark Snipehunter. You must be drunk to see the pink elekks.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6159insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6114,11119,'Assault on Bash\'ir Landing!','Heya, $g boyo : girly;!  Up fer some fun are ye?$B$BEvery couple o\' hours, me aether-techs launch an assault on Bash\'ir Landing, far ta the northeast in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.  They say that they\'re there \'studying\' the Bash\'ir crystalforge, but it\'s an assault; there be no two ways about it.  We use the crystalforge to resupply, and there\'s always extra to be sold.$B$BGo on down ta the landin\' pad and speak with the aether-tech apprentice.  He\'ll tell ye when the next mission is ta launch.','Sky Commander Keller has asked you to speak with the Aether-tech Apprentice at the Skyguard Outpost in the Blade\'s Edge Mountains.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6160insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6115,11120,'Pink Elekks On Parade','Look. We\'re running a business here. People being drunk? It\'s good business. But I\'ll tell ya one thing that puts a cramp in the profits - hallucinations. Wouldn\'t ya know it, the boys are reporting that the sot- er, the loyal customers are seeing pink elekks everywhere.$b$bI don\'t need my customers unsettled. Look, take this ray and travel to the other beer gardens to take care of \'em for me, would ya? And be sure to get drunk!','Visit the beer gardens outside of Silvermoon, Thunder Bluff, and the Undercity, zap three elekks at each location, and return to Glodrak Huntsniper. You must be drunk to see the pink elekks.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6161insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6116,11122,'There and Back Again','So you want to help out at Brewfest?  I\'ve got the perfect task for ya.  I\'ll put you on one of my racing rams and you head down to Kharanos.  I\'ve got some kegs I need to pick up.  $b$bFlynn Firebrew is waiting on a hill near a stack of kegs.  He\'ll toss you a keg when you get near, then you run the keg back here and toss the keg to Pol Amberstill.  You can only carry one at a time.  $b$bReady?','Get a keg from Flynn Firebrew in Kharanos and return it to Pol Amberstill.  Do this 3 times before your ram goes away.','','','','Kegs Delivered','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6162insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6117,11123,'Inspecting the Ruins','Poor James never recovered from the destruction of the Shady Rest and the murder of his family. The boys and I are doing what we can to find the bastards who did this.$B$BI\'ve sent our best investigator, Inspector Tarem, out to the ruins, but this is too big a job for any one man. If you\'d lend Tarem a hand, we\'d appreciate it  Light knows, we\'d all like to be out there helping.$B$BThe main road will lead you to the inn, but take care. Your journey will take you beyond the protection of my soldiers.','Speak to Inspector Tarem at the Shady Rest Inn.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6163insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6118,11124,'Inspecting the Ruins','If you follow the road south from the village, and then west toward the Barrens, you\'ll come across the ruins of the Shady Rest Inn.$B$BTheramore has sent an investigator to discover how the inn met its fate. Normally, I\'d advise you to steer clear, but we have orders from Orgrimmar to \'assist\' in the investigation.$B$BAccept any help the Theramore investigator offers, even feed him a tidbit or two of information if you\'d like, but save your real findings for me.','Speak to Inspector Tarem at the Shady Rest Inn.','<The inspector regards you with what can only be distrust.>$B$BI\'ve been told that you\'re to... aid in this investigation. Very well, then.$B$BI\'ve been using this powder to search the ruins for clues that might help identify the attackers. It will illuminate anything that might have been involved in the attack. Don\'t hesitate to examine anything that looks suspicious.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6164insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6119,11126,'Traitors Among Us','It\'s good to meet you, $c. I\'ve come to Theramore to help eliminate the problem of the deserters. Not only have some of the men abandoned their posts, but some have filtered back into the town.$B$BThese deserter agents are spreading lies and propaganda, hoping to convince others to join their ranks.$B$BThey\'re at virtually every guard post throughout the town and the docks. Find them, expose them, and discredit them. At this point, anything more risks inspiring more sympathy for them.','Confront 5 Deserter Agitators and return to Calia Hastings near the docks in Theramore.','','','','Deserter Agitator Exposed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6165insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6120,11128,'Propaganda War','The deserter agents were doing far more than just chatting up the guards. We\'ve found a number of leaflets the deserters somehow managed to smuggle in on a ship in the docks.$B$BThe ship used to transport the leaflets is still in Theramore, at the farthest dock. If you can sneak aboard and capture the rest of their propaganda documents, their agents will lose their most powerful tool. Be careful! The ship is manned by seasoned privateers and the cargo is probably being kept in the captain\'s quarters.','Bring the Deserter Propaganda to Calia Hastings near the docks in Theramore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6166insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6121,11129,'Kyle\'s Gone Missing!','Help, $N! My prized puppy, Kyle, has run away! I just know he\'s running around Bloodhoof Village, lost and hungry.$B$BWill you find him and feed him? Once he eats he will settle down and come home.$B$BTo feed him you will need to find food. His favorite meal is tender strider meat. Just venture east and you should find plenty of striders. Hunt one down and take its succulent meat to Kyle. When you see Kyle in town, put the meat down and he is sure to come to you.','Ahab Wheathoof at Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore wants you to feed his prized puppy, Kyle the Frenzied.$B$BFeed Kyle Tender Strider Meat and return to Ahab Wheathoof.','','','','','Kyle Fed','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6167insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6122,11130,'Oooh, Shinies!','Come closer, $G man:sweetheart;! Let ol\' Griftah look at yer shiny things....$b$bHmm. Yeh, yeh, not bad, but ya can do better. Much, much better.$b$b<Griftah leans in and whispers.>$b$bThere be priceless shinies everywhere, $N, ya just gotta know where to look! It be yer lucky day; I know a fella who can help ya find more shinies than ya can ever carry.$b$bVisit my ol\' friend, Budd, near Zul\'Aman and show him this here. Ya be tellin\' him ol\' Griftah sent ya and he\'ll let ya in on his new project.','Griftah wants you to take Griftah\'s Note to Budd in the Ghostlands, just outside of Zul\'Aman.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6168insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6123,11131,'Stop the Fires!','You must help us!  The Headless Horseman is attacking the village.  Fires are everywhere!  The children aren\'t safe!$B$BPlease, $n, join the fire brigade.  Grab a bucket and toss it on the fires, or pass it to a friend who\'s closer to the blaze.  Put out all the fires and we may yet be saved!','The Costumed Orphan Matron wants you to help put out all the village fires.  When they are out, speak again to the Costumed Orphan Matron.','','','Put Out the Fires','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6169insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6124,11132,'Promises, Promises...','My inscrutable theories confirm rumors of vast treasure in Zul\'Aman. There\'ll be mounts and mansions for everyone! First things first, though. You must earn your share, after all....$b$bOur initial efforts here haven\'t gone as well as I hoped. In fact, my map, and the recruits I lent it to, have gone missing. They were after a troll-beast named Nalorakk.$b$bForget the crew, I need that map! Succeed, and you\'ll go down in history as the one who helped Budd Nedreck unlock the secrets of Zul\'Aman!','Budd Nedreck in Hatchet Hills wants you to retrieve his map from High Priest Nalorakk\'s terrace in Zul\'Aman.','<Budd looks a bit shocked.>$b$bOh? You\'ve found it?$b$bAhem, I mean, of course you have! Well done, $c.$b$bLet me see if I can find you a little something nice... ahh yes, this should do.','Ahh yes, $n, isn\'t it?$b$bHave you recovered my map yet?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6170insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6125,11133,'Discrediting the Deserters','I\'ve altered the leaflets you captured from the deserters\' mercenary friends at the docks. Now, anyone who reads them will get an entirely different view of the deserters and their aims.$B$BIf we distribute these to enough of the guards, the deserters will be too embarrassed to ever reestablish their presence within our walls.$B$B<Calia hands you a stack of the altered leaflets.>$B$BWhy don\'t you get started while I plan our next move?','Calia Hastings wants you to distribute the Altered Leaflets to 6 Theramore Guards, then report back to her near the docks in Theramore.','','','','Leaflets Distributed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6171insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6126,11134,'The End of the Deserters','Now that we\'ve eliminated the deserters from Theramore, it\'s time to complete this operation. My local contacts have reported that the deserters base their operations in a ship moored on a small island to the southeast of the docks.$B$BArresting their leader, Gavis Greyshield, should cause the others to lose their will to fight. Find him within the ship and convince him to surrender. I wouldn\'t be surprised if he puts up a bit of a fight for show, but then surrenders when he understands he can\'t win.','Capture Gavis Greyshield, then report to Calia Hastings near the docks in Theramore.','','','','Gavis Greyshield Captured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6172insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6127,11135,'The Headless Horseman','The Headless Horseman is driven away, but he will return as long as Hallow\'s End looms.  $n, end our misery, and the insane lament of the Horseman.  Face him when he is joined with his head, and destroy it!$B$BHe rests in the Forlorn Cloister of the Scarlet Monastery, in Tirisfal Glade.  Find his pumpkin shrine and say this:$B$B  Horseman, rise$B  Your time is nigh$B  You felt death once$B  Now, know demise!$B$BGo, $n.  And may the Light go with you.','Find the Headless Horseman\'s pumpkin Shrine.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6173insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6128,11136,'A Disturbing Development','Reports from our scout patrols have recently taken a disturbing turn. They tell of men wearing red Defias bandanas walking the Dreadmurk Shore north of Theramore\'s walls.$B$BWreckage in the area suggests they may be survivors of a shipwreck, but our information is limited. Captain Wymor at Sentry Point, a guard tower to the north of the city, is looking for help in following up on the reports.','Report to Captain Wymor at Sentry Point.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6174insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6129,11137,'Defias in Dustwallow?','My scouts have reported a shipwreck just off the beach to the northeast. Shipwrecks aren\'t all that unusual out here, but the reports also indicated the survivors were all wearing red bandanas!$B$BThe Defias are craftsmen and guildsmen, not sailors. What are they doing at the site of a shipwreck on a continent they\'ve no interest in?$B$BTheir leader is rumored to reside on a large island just off the coast to the northeast of the tower. Kill him and retrieve any documents you find in his possession.','Obtain the Defias Orders from Garn Mathers and bring them to Captain Wymor at Sentry Point.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6175insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6130,11138,'Renn McGill','From the wording of the orders you recovered, it looks like the first priority of the Defias will be to locate and secure whatever cargo they possessed.$B$BSI:7 has had a salvage diver named Renn McGill working out of Theramore for some time. When he heard about the shipwreck, Renn went north to dive near the islands the Defias now occupy.$B$BIf we\'re to beat the Defias to this cargo, we\'ll need his help. Look for him in the waters northeast of a small island just north of the island you visited earlier.','Bring the Defias Orders to Renn McGill in the waters off the Dreadmurk Shore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6176insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6131,11139,'Secondhand Diving Gear','There\'s plenty of wreckage strewn across the bottom of the water from here to Alcaz, and the Defias have already got divers out there looking around. With the help of some of their gear, we can get you suited up and ready to join the hunt, but you\'ll have to do some creative \"borrowing\" first.$B$BSearch this island for a crate of diving gear and something to repair it with. When you\'ve got them, bring them to me and I\'ll have your gear ready in no time!','Bring the Tool Kit and Damaged Diving Gear to Renn McGill in the Dustwallow Marsh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6177insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6132,11140,'Recover the Cargo!','Well, I was able to make enough repairs to this gear to let you dive for awhile, anyway. I wouldn\'t count on it holding out for a long time, though.$B$BThe wreckage of the ship is strewn along the bottom from the east coast of this island out toward Alcaz Island. While that helm holds out, locate pieces of the wreckage on the bottom between this island and Alcaz. Use this salvage kit to search the wreckage for pieces of the cargo. Be careful not to venture too close to Alcaz Island. Those hydra are fierce.','Bring 6 Salvaged Strongboxes to Renn McGill in Dustwallow Marsh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6178insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6133,11141,'Jaina Must Know','You must bring news of our findings to Lady Jaina without delay! If the Defias were transporting a prisoner, there\'s no telling who it might be or if the person is still alive!$B$BOne thing is for certain, $N. The Defias wouldn\'t go to all this trouble for some petty grudge. Their prisoner must have been someone of importance. Lady Jaina would know better than anyone else what these findings mean. You\'ll find her at the top of the mage tower at Theramore\'s center.','Speak with Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6179insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6134,11142,'Survey Alcaz Island','It looks like Renn\'s hunch about Alcaz Island was right. We need to survey that island, but it would take a whole brigade of troops to fight our way in there.$B$BTheramore\'s defenses can\'t weather such a hit, so I\'ve arranged with Cassa Crimsonwing, the apprentice to Theramore\'s gryphon master, to allow you to use one of her beasts to survey Alcaz from the air.$B$BAlcaz Island holds the key to the Defias\' plans for their prisoner and perhaps the prisoner\'s identity itself.','Speak to Cassa Crimsonwing and use one of her gryphons to survey Alcaz Island. When your survey is complete, speak with Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore.','','','Survey Alcaz Island','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6180insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6135,11143,'A Grim Connection','I\'ve spoken with Inspector Tarem regarding the evidence you gathered from the ruins of the Shady Rest Inn. He seems certain that the hoofprints and the shield you found there point to the Grimtotem clan of tauren.$B$BWith reports of Grimtotem activity on the rise in the marsh, this has to be more than a mere coincidence. I\'m sending you to speak with Captain Darill, who is something of an expert on the Grimtotems. Follow the road north out of town to North Point tower. It\'s the second outpost on the road.','Report to Captain Darill at North Point.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6181insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6136,11144,'Confirming the Suspicion','The Grimtotems may be the most warlike of all the tauren clans, but they\'re by no means unorganized. If they\'re the ones who put the torch to the Shady Rest Inn, they\'ll have had orders from one of their clan elders.$B$BThere\'s a large Grimtotem settlement called Blackhoof Village to the northwest. They\'ve been using it as a base to attack the tower, but I\'ll bet that you\'ll find the orders you\'re looking for there. Check the village\'s elders for traces of the orders you seek.','Bring the Grimtotem Battle Plan to Captain Darill at North Point Tower.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6182insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6137,11145,'Prisoners of the Grimtotems','We\'re doing all we can to keep the Grimtotem raiders at bay, but they keep launching assaults on the tower. Even worse, they\'ve managed to discover and capture the patrols the captain sends out to gather information and safeguard the road.$B$BI suspect the captives are being held in Blackhoof Village, to the northwest. Knowing the Grimtotems, the defenders of the village probably carry the keys to the prisoners\' cages with them. I don\'t care what you have to do, $c, just bring back my men alive.','Sergeant Lukas at North Point Tower wants you to free 5 Theramore Prisoners.','','','','Theramore Prisoners Freed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6183insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6138,11146,'Raptor Captor','The patch of swamp to the northeast is home to a particularly nasty breed of raptors. We\'ve lost more than one unwary soldier to them, but I think we can turn them against our Grimtotem neighbors.$B$BTake this rope and use it to capture bloodfen raptors or bloodfen screechers that you\'ve subdued. I wouldn\'t try to capture one of the beasts until you\'ve weakened them quite a bit in combat. It\'s going to be quite a struggle.','Sergeant Lukas at North Point Tower wants you to capture 6 raptors. You can capture either Bloodfen Raptors or Bloodfen Screechers.','','','','Raptors Captured','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6184insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6139,11147,'Unleash the Raptors','Now that we\'ve got our raptors, our next move is to \"encourage\" them to attack the Grimtotems at Blackhoof Village to the northwest.$B$BI\'ve got a leftover haunch of... well, it doesn\'t really matter what it is. It\'ll be your bait. Set it down on the ground in Blackhoof Village near the windmill in the center of the settlement. The raptors should take care of the rest, if their training took.','Sergeant Lukas at North Point Tower wants you to place the Raptor Bait near the windmill in Blackhoof Village.','','','','Raptors Released','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6185insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6140,11148,'Arms of the Grimtotems','If the equipment you found at the ruins of the inn belonged to a Grimtotem attack party, there\'s likely to be more just like it within their camp to the northwest.$B$BWe haven\'t been able to gather much information about Blackhoof Village, but judging from the size of the raiding parties, there\'s a substantial force based there.$B$BDo whatever you have to to capture some of their equipment so that we can compare it with your findings from the inn.','Captain Darill at North Point Tower wants you to bring him 7 Blackhoof Armaments.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6186insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6141,11149,'Tabetha\'s Assistance','I can\'t spare any men to help search for a second Grimtotem outpost, but I think I know of someone who might be able to help you.$B$BDeep in the Quagmire, to the south, there is a small farmstead owned by Tabetha. She may seem little more than an old hermit, but the truth is that she\'s a mage and scryer of some renown. Follow the road south to her farm and seek her help in finding the culprits responsible for the massacre at the Shady Rest Inn.','Speak with Tabetha at her farm.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6187insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6142,11150,'Raze Direhorn Post!','There\'s no scrying necessary to see the trouble my new \"neighbors\" are creating. And if this is the band that burnt down the Shady Rest Inn, as you claim, there\'s no reason to tolerate their presence any longer.$B$BTake this torch and raze their camp to the ground! You\'ll find Direhorn just to the north of my farm. You can\'t miss it, really, as the Grimtotems have done a splendid job of announcing their presence with those totems they favor.','Burn the North Tent, East Tent, and the Northeast Tent at Direhorn Post, then return to Tabetha at her farm.','','','','North Tent Burned','Northeast Tent Burned','East Tent Burned','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6188insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6143,11151,'Justice for the Hyals','Although these Grimtotems were simply a nuisance to me, Captain Vimes will want to know of your deeds. Bring him the news that you have tracked down and dealt with those responsible for the burning of the Shady Rest Inn.$B$BIt\'s too late to save Jim Hyal\'s family, but perhaps the Grimtotems will think twice before attacking anyone connected to Theramore.','Speak to Captain Garran Vimes at Foothold Citadel in Theramore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6189insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6144,11152,'Peace at Last','I wish we had a way of letting James Hyal\'s wife and son know that we have brought their murderers to justice.$B$B<Captain Vimes produces a small wreath decorated with flowers.>$B$BThere are some who say that their spirits will know, even if we cannot reach them. It\'s not much, but I\'d like you to lay this wreath at the Hyal family monument. It\'s one of the larger stones in the graveyard just north of Theramore\'s gates.','Captain Garran Vimes at Foothold Citadel wants you to lay the Wreath at the Hyal Family Monument. ','','','','Wreath Laid at Hyal Monument','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6190insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6145,11156,'Direhorn Raiders','The Grimtotems up at Direhorn Post, just to the north, are getting bolder by the day. At night, you can often hear them chanting about their deeds in battle against people who\'ve tried to settle here.$B$BThey\'re determined to drive us from Tabetha\'s farm even though she\'s trained generations of apprentices here. We\'ve defended the farm as best we can, but Apprentice Garion was wounded in the last attack.$B$BGo to Direhorn Post and kill any Grimtotem you can find! The attacks must stop.','Kill 12 Direhorn Grimtotems and return to Apprentice Morlann at Tabetha\'s Farm.','<Apprentice Morlann nods.>$B$BGood. Can\'t say I\'ll miss the company, if you can call it that. You\'d think at least in the middle of the swamp you\'d get some privacy, you know?','Have you made any progress in stopping the Grimtotem attacks?','','Direhorn Grimtotems killed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6191insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6146,11158,'Bloodfen Feathers','Are you startled by Brogg\'s presence here, little $r? Don\'t worry. Goblins at Mudsprocket are Brogg\'s friends and you can be, too.$B$BBrogg left Brackenwall Village when new overlord not take revenge against black dragonkin for destroying old home and killing many of Brogg\'s old friends. Brogg come here to lay friends spirits to rest and avenge them, but Brogg need help preparing. For ritual, Brogg need feathers with strong magic, like ones worn by raptors at Bloodfen Burrow to the west of town.','Bring 5 Bloodfen Feathers to Brogg at Mudsprocket.','<Brogg accepts the feathers.>$B$BBrogg pleased with these feathers. Very strong magic. Brogg not know what raptors do to give feathers power, but raptor feathers always best for ritual.','<Brogg looks at you hopefully.>$B$BYou bring Brogg feathers?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6192insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6147,11159,'Spirits of Stonemaul Hold','Brogg has completed the totem that will put the spirits of his friends to rest. When the dragonkin came, they killed all Stonemaul who did not flee. Brogg fled with Overlord Mok\'Morokk, hoping to lead a counterattack with other Stonemaul survivors.$B$BThe counterattack never came and the spirits of the Stonemaul dead still haunt Brogg and the others. Take this totem north to Stonemaul Ruins and use it near ogre skeletons to draw the spirit to you. Defeat the spirit to give it rest with its bones.','Brogg, at Mudsprocket, wants you to put 10 Stonemaul Spirits to rest.','Brogg thanks you for your help, although he knows Overlord Mok\'Morokk never will. At least surviving Stonemaul can finally focus on problems with the living and leave dead where they belong. Only one thing remains for Brogg to do.','Brogg must know, have you brought peace to the violent spirits of the Stonemaul?','','Stonemaul Spirits laid to rest','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6193insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6148,11160,'Banner of the Stonemaul','When the dragons came and took over Brogg\'s old home, Stonemaul ogres fled and left everything behind, including clan\'s banner.$B$BBrogg knows banner was kept deep in Stonemaul ogre mound, but these days it\'s called Den of Flame. Brogg must have clan banner to get his revenge on dragons who killed his friends.$B$BBrogg\'s clan\'s old mound, Den of Flame, is northwest of Mudsprocket and crawling with dragonkin. Banner will be deep inside the cave. Be careful, $N.','Retrieve the Stonemaul Banner and bring it to Brogg at Mudsprocket.','You have Brogg\'s thanks, $N. Brogg has big plans for clan banner.','You bring Stonemaul banner?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6194insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6149,11161,'The Essence of Enmity','To make the totem Brogg will need for his ritual, he must use the essences of the creatures who killed his friends. The hate and anger of Brogg\'s enemies will fuel the magic of his vengeance.$B$BTrack down Firemane ash tails, scouts, or scalebanes and use Brogg\'s totem on their corpses. Only when the dragonkin die will they give up their essences.$B$BThe creatures you seek swarm over the Den of Flame to the northwest and the Stonemaul Ruins to the north.','Bring 10 Black Dragonkin Essences to Brogg at Mudsprocket.','You have Brogg\'s thanks, $N. Once Brogg adds their magic to the totem, it will be able to redeem the spirits of Brogg\'s fallen friends.','Do you have the essences? Brogg must have them to avenge his friends!','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6195insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6150,11162,'Challenge to the Black Flight','Brogg relishes the thought of taking his revenge on the black dragonkin of the marsh. $N, you have been very helpful in preparing for this moment. Will you help?$B$BTake Brogg\'s clan banner and travel east until you see a cave like a dragon\'s mouth. At the entrance to that cave, plant Stonemaul banner and issue Brogg\'s challenge to Onyxia.$B$BBrogg and the Stonemaul will have their lands back!','Plant the Stonemaul Banner near the entrance to Onyxia\'s Lair, then return to Brogg at Mudsprocket.','<Brogg listens as you recount your experience at the entrance to Onyxia\'s lair.>$B$BBrogg suspected Onyxia would be too much of a coward to confront you. Just like black dragonflight to attack when victory is guaranteed.$B$BBrogg is grateful for your help, $N, and he will never forget what you have done for him. Brogg will never give up his quest to bring Stonemaul back where they belong.','Brogg will have his revenge!','','Stonemaul Clan Avenged','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6196insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6151,11163,'Undercover Sister','<Donna looks around and then whispers to you.>$b$b$n, what I\'m about to tell you must remain confidential, understood?$b$bI\'ve been sent by the Shattrath Peacekeepers to infiltrate Budd\'s gang here. Truth be told, since you first arrived you\'ve been a key person of interest in my investigation. $b$bBut your deeds have since cleared you of any suspicion. In fact, for your slaying of the crazed warlord, Zul\'Jin, I\'m compelled to reward you for your efforts.','Report to Donna Brascoe to collect a reward for your heroism in Zul\'Aman. Donna is currently stationed in the Ghostlands, just outside Zul\'aman.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6197insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6152,11164,'Tuskin\' Raiders','\'Ey mon! You be new around \'ere, eh? Lemme ask a favor of ya.$b$bBudd\'s been refinin\' his forest troll disguise. Says that he be close now - just be needin\' one last touch. Tusks.$b$bMy skinnin\' talents be wasted \'ere. Somethin\' about yankin\' troll tusks be makin me queasy. $b$bBring me back 10 troll tusks, eh mon?','Prigmon needs you to collect 10 Forest Troll Tusks from the trolls in Zul\'Aman. Bring them to him at Budd\'s camp in the Ghostlands.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6198insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6153,11165,'A Troll Among Trolls','Lissen mon, there be sumthin\' else needs doin fer ol\' Prigmon.$b$bZungam, my good-fer-nuthin\' cousin, be stuck inside Zul\'Aman. He still be alive too - I seen his signal flare just last night!$b$bI should be lettin\' him rot fer gettin\' me tied up in this mess, but he be owin\' me big money.$b$bDo what ya can to help him out, then leave the collectin\' to me!','Prigmon has tasked you with locating and assisting his cousin Zungam, somewhere within Zul\'Aman.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6199insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6154,11166,'X Marks... Your Doom!','How did those fools fail? I told them to be careful - even gave them disguises to help them blend in. Ahh, well. The bright side of their failure is that this opportunity falls to you.$b$bSucceed, and you\'ll be well on your way to joining my crew and sharing in the immeasurable fame that will soon be mine. Not that I need any more, mind you.$b$bThere are yet a few portions of my map that require further exploration before our excavation can be initiated....','Enter Zul\'Aman and visit Halazzi\'s Chamber, Jan\'alai\'s Platform, and Akil\'zon\'s Platform. Report the details of those areas to Budd, at his camp in the Ghostlands.','','','','Examine Halazzi\'s chamber','Examine Jan\'alai\'s platform','Examine Akil\'zon\'s platform','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6200insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6155,11169,'The Grimtotem Weapon','During the last Grimtotem attack, I was wounded, but not before I managed to capture a curious totem our enemies were using against us.$B$BIt seemed to be emitting raw bolts of energy during the battle, but in all my experiments, I haven\'t managed to figure out how it works. I\'ll loan the totem to you if you agree to help me test it.$B$BThe watery areas surrounding the farm are home to pesky mottled drywallow crocolisks. No one will miss them, trust me. Try fighting the crocolisks near the totem.','Apprentice Garion at Tabetha\'s Farm wants you to test the Captured Totem on 10 Mottled Drywallow Crocolisks.','<The apprentice listens as you describe your experiment.>$B$BA haze and some lightning? That\'s it? There\'s got to be more to the totem than just that! The Grimtotems aren\'t likely to bring something like this to the battlefield unless it has some kind of utility.','Have you had any luck testing the totem?','','Totem Tests Performed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6201insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6156,11171,'Hex Lord? Hah!','Excellent! Everything\'s nearly ready for my grand entrance into Zul\'Aman.$b$bYou\'ve done a fine job, $n. I\'ve spoken with my crew and they\'re warming up to you nicely. I\'d say you\'re very close to becoming a permanent member of the team. Only one thing remains for you to do - dispatch that \'Hex Lord\' fellow.$b$bNothing to it, really. You stand up to this wretch and he\'ll likely just turn and run. Weaker, older trolls just add intimidating titles to their name to make up for their deficiencies, you see?\r\n','Budd Nedreck in Hatchet Hills wants you to kill Hex Lord Malacrass in Zul\'Aman.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6202insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6157,11172,'The Zeppelin Crash','Not long ago, a goblin zeppelin crashed to the east. A representative of the Steamwheedle Cartel passed through here a few days ago.$B$BShe was looking for information about the zeppelin\'s cargo and it\'s pilot, Beezil, but none of us really got a good look at the crash. I doubt she\'ll be able to clean up after the wreck by herself, much less recover whatever cargo the vessel might have carried.$B$BIf you have time, you may want to check up on her out at Beezil\'s Wreck, due east of here, near the mountains.','Speak with Moxie Steelgrille at Beezil\'s Wreck.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6203insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6158,11173,'The Reagent Thief','If there\'s one thing you can count on Apprentice Morlann to do, it\'s whine about reagents.$B$BNormally, I just ignore him, and it never works. This time, I\'m going to try something different.$B$BMaybe if I replace the missing reagents before he notices, he\'ll leave me alone. The most common reagent we both use is marsh venom, which comes from the darkfang creepers and noxious shredders in the marsh north of the farm. If you bring me the venom, I\'ll replace it before Morlann notices it\'s gone.','Bring 6 vials of Marsh Venom to Apprentice Garion at Tabetha\'s Farm.','<Apprentice Garion inspects the venom.>$B$BThis is absolutely perfect! He\'ll never know the difference.','Did you get that venom? Morlann\'s going to discover that it\'s gone any moment now...','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6204insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6159,11174,'Corrosion Prevention','Just look at this area! It\'s swarming with oozes. If I don\'t find some way to keep them under control, they\'ll corrode the wreckage and the zeppelin\'s cargo!$B$BI can\'t go back empty-handed, $c! Help me dissolve these oozes before they\'ve digested everything!$B$BThis device, when powered, will concentrate energy on the slimes, causing them to explode. The zeppelin\'s fragmented power core should power the device. The one near the main crash works all the time, but the others flicker on and off.','Moxie Steelgrille wants you to dissolve 10 oozes and report back to her at Beezil\'s Wreck.','Well, it does look a little cleaner out there...$B$BI suppose it\'s time to get down to the business of salvaging this wreckage.','Did you make any progress against those oozes?','','Oozes Dissolved','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6205insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6160,11177,'The Hermit of Swamplight Manor','There\'s a fellow the locals know as \"Swamp Eye\" Jarl, who lives alone out in the swamp. Sometime ago he \"took over\" Swamplight Manor after the previous owners disappeared under mysterious circumstances.$B$BI like to send someone to check up on him every once in a while. He kind of reminds me of my grandfather, you know? Some say he\'s not quite right in the head.$B$BIf you\'re headed northwest on the road out of Theramore, you\'ll find Swamplight Manor in the Witch Hill area, before the road turns west.','Speak to \"Swamp Eye\" Jarl at Swamplight Manor.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6206insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6161,11178,'Blood of the Warlord','As you examine the pulsating vial, your thoughts turn to the petulant little man outside Zul\'Aman.$b$bYou can\'t wait to see Budd\'s expression when he sees this!','Bring the Blood of Zul\'jin to Budd at his camp in the Ghostlands, outside Zul\'Aman.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6207insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6162,11180,'What\'s Haunting Witch Hill?','I traveled out here to pay Jarl a visit at his new home and it\'s been a nonstop horror show ever since! There\'s something seriously wrong here and I can\'t be the only one who sees it...$B$BHave you seen the ghosts and corpses shambling about Witch Hill? I\'ve a feeling that if anyone knows what happened here, it is them. Seek out these risen husks and risen spirits in the surrounding area, grant them rest through combat, and see what you can learn from them before this evil consumes Jarl!','Mordant Grimsby at Swamplight Manor wants you to gather information from 10 Risen Husks or Risen Spirits.','','What have you learned from the spirits haunting this place?','','Information Gathered','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6208insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6163,11181,'The Witch\'s Bane','In my years as an herbalist, I\'ve often observed that nature will provide subtle cures to the most vexing of problems. I\'ve read that hedge mages and witch doctors often use the smoke of an herb known as witchbane to draw evil from its hiding places.$B$BIf true, this would mean witchbane should be growing near the shallow waters of Witch Hill. You should be able to identify it by its broad leaves and reddish central stalk. Bring me any of the herb you can find, $N. It may be our only hope.','Bring 9 sprigs of Witchbane to Mordant Grimsby at Swamplight Manor.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6209insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6164,11183,'Cleansing Witch Hill','The torch is ready. Plant it at the end of the dock and be prepared to face whatever comes forth.$B$BI have no idea what the torch\'s smoke may reveal... if anything emerges at all. I must say, I have my doubts about this kind of folk magic, but we haven\'t time for anything else. For your sake and Jarl\'s, I wish you luck.','Mordant Grimsby at Swamplight Manor wants you to plant the torch at the end of the dock and defeat anything that appears.','','','','Witch Hill Cleansed','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6210insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6165,11184,'WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous','Travelers and Steamwheedle personnel working in the field are advised to avoid the Bloodfen Burrow to the west of town.$B$BThe area is overrun with raptors lead by the cruel and cunning Goreclaw the Ravenous, who has already killed at least two Steamwheedle engineers.$B$BDrazzit Dripvalve has authorized a generous reward to be paid to the individual who rids Mudsprocket of this menace.','Kill Goreclaw the Ravenous and report to Drazzit Dripvalve at Mudsprocket.','Thank goodness someone\'s finally taken me up on that offer. I was just thinking that I might need to triple the reward to get that stupid raptor killed, and our budget couldn\'t afford that!','You look pretty satisfied with yourself. Come to claim the bounty on that monstrous raptor?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6211insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6166,11185,'The Apothecary\'s Letter','Recovered from the body of a Forsaken apothecary, this letter contains alarming evidence of a close alliance between the Grimtotems and the new masters of Lordaeron.$B$B\"As a demonstration of good faith and a symbol of our newfound trust, we have dispatched Apothecary Cylla to aid you in battling our mutual enemy in the land of Kalimdor. None will stand before our combined might and determination.\"$B$BThis letter should be brought to the attention of the SI:7 agent at Tabetha\'s Farm, Andello Porter.','Bring the Sealed Letter to Andello Porter at Tabetha\'s Farm.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6212insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6167,11186,'Signs of Treachery?','Recovered from the body of a Forsaken apothecary, this letter hints at an underground correspondence between Undercity and the Grimtotem leadership.$B$B\"As a demonstration of good faith and a symbol of our newfound trust, we have dispatched Apothecary Cylla to aid you in battling our mutual enemy in the land of Kalimdor. None will stand before our combined might and determination.\"$B$BPerhaps Nazeer Bloodpike in Brackenwall Village will know how to handle this information.','Bring the Sealed Letter to Nazeer Bloodpike in Brackenwall Village.','If this is what it appears to be, the Forsaken have some explaining to do!$B$BThe antics of the Grimtotems have long tried the Warchief\'s patience. We have traditionally treated it as a matter to be settled among the tauren people, but this letter may change it.$B$BIt will take time to investigate these suspicions, but do not speak to anyone of what you have seen this day.','What is that you\'re carrying, $c?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6213insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6168,11191,'This Old Lighthouse','The old lighthouse out to the east hasn\'t worked for some time, but Babs Fizzletorque has gotten it into her head to get it working again.$B$BI don\'t know how she plans to do it by herself, but she claims that it\'ll make the movement of ships and goods into the docks smoother, so I can\'t really object. Drawing duty on the docks is really nothing to complain about when you could be on the front lines, you know?','Speak to Babs Fizzletorque at the lighthouse on the island east of Theramore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6214insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6169,11192,'Thresher Oil','The old log in the lighthouse indicates that the lamp was fueled with oil from the threshers that live along the coast here.$B$B<Babs wrinkles her nose at the mention of such outdated technology.>$B$BI suppose it\'s a practical, if inelegant solution. The log says that the oil taken from the youngest murk threshers works the best, and those live right underneath the docks of Theramore.$B$BIf you\'re up for it, would help resupply the lighthouse with fuel?','Bring 4 containers of Thresher Oil to Babs Fizzletorque at the lighthouse near Theramore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6215insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6170,11193,'Dastardly Denizens of the Deep','You know, it\'s amazing what you can find in that old lighthouse. After I lit the lamp, I noticed this book in one of the old trunks up there.$B$B<Babs holds up the book and reads the title dramatically.>$B$B\"Dastardly Denizens of the Deep!\"$B$BWhy, I think I might swoon if I ever saw one of these! I\'m sure it\'s good for a laugh or two, but I simply don\'t have time for reading right now.$B$BYou know who might enjoy it, though... that fishmonger on the docks, \"Dirty\" Michael Crowe. He collects old books.','Bring Dastardly Denizens of the Deep to \"Dirty\" Michael Crowe on the Theramore docks.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6216insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6171,11194,'Is it Real?','Oh, I\'m sure you and Babs had a good laugh over the outlandish descriptions and sketches in the book, but have you stopped to consider there might be some truth to the legends?$B$BIf you listen closely enough, I bet you can still hear sailors talk about Tethyr, the sea creature the book says lives right here! Of course, if you wanted to know for sure, you could always ask old Nat Pagle.$B$BHe\'s got a small fishing camp on a little island in Tidefury Cove, which is southwest across Dustwallow Bay.','Talk to Nat Pagle at Nat\'s Landing in Tidefury Cove.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6217insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6172,11195,'Playin\' With Dolls','I\'m touched, $n, an\' dat be da truth. I\'m not rememberin\' the last time a $r helped Zungam outta trouble.$b$bI snatched this from one of them savages when he was busy chainin\' me up. It don\'t look like much, but if anyone can determine its worth, it be my good friend, Griftah!$b$bIf ya be makin\' it outta here alive, it might be worth takin\' this to him out in Shattrath City.','Take the Tattered Voodoo Doll to Griftah in Shattrath City.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6218insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6173,11196,'TEMP X','Lissen mon, there be sumthin\' else needs doin fer ol\' Prigmon.$b$bZungam, my good-fer-nuthin\' cousin, be stuck inside Zul\'aman. He still be alive too mon - I seen his signal flare just last night!$b$bI should be lettin\' him rot fer gettin\' me tied up in this mess, but he be owin\' me big money.$b$bDo what ya can to help him out, then leave the collectin\' to me!\r\n\r\n\r\n','Prigmon has tasked you with locating and assisting his cousin Zungam, somewhere within Zul\'aman.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6219insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6174,11198,'Take Down Tethyr!','Sea monster or no, we\'re not going to risk the safety of our shipping. I\'ve ordered our best marksmen to prepare for a confrontation with this Tethyr. The artillerymen have augmented the dock\'s defenses with three mortars.$B$BI\'m going to order the lighthouse\'s lamp illuminated. If Tethyr does attack, it will be your job to operate the mortars and take down the beast before it can kill all of the marksmen. I wouldn\'t stand in one place too long, though. Using the mortars is likely to draw its attention.','Major Mills at the Theramore docks wants you to defeat Tethyr.','','','Defend Theramore Docks from Tethyr','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6220insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6175,11200,'More than Coincidence','We\'ve gleaned as much as we can from the ruins of the inn. I\'m concerned about where the investigation will lead us from here, but we must know the truth.$B$BBetween the hoofprints and the shield with Mosarn\'s mark, I\'m lead to believe that the Grimtotems may have been involved. They\'ve recently established a settlement in the swamp, Blackhoof Village to the northeast. Travel to Blackhoof Village and search for more arms of Mosarn\'s manufacture.','Krog at Brackenwall Village wants you to bring him 7 Blackhoof Armaments.','<Krog inspects the weapons and armor you\'ve brought from Blackhoof Village.>$B$BThis is unmistakably the work of Mosarn. Questioning him further may draw too much attention, but we have a bit more freedom in dealing with the Grimtotems.','What did your search of Blackhoof Village reveal?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6221insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6176,11201,'The Grimtotem Plot','With the activities of the Grimtotems in Thousand Needles brought to light, many tauren now regard them with suspicion.  We\'ve seen high-ranking Grimtotems engage in murder and kidnapping to advance their interests and I fear we may become their next target.$B$BBlackhoof Village, to the northeast, near Bluefen, is a large new Grimtotem settlement. Their leaders, the elders, will all have orders from Thunder Bluff. See if you can capture the orders and piece them together to learn the Grimtotems\' plans.','Bring the Grimtotem Battle Plan to Krog at Brackenwall Village.','<Krog reads over the battle plan.>$B$BThere\'s no doubt in my mind that the Grimtotems are moving against the humans. What I don\'t understand is what their intentions are toward us. The actions of the Grimtotems have caused tension within the Horde in the past, but the Warchief has always diffused it.','Were you able to find any trace of the orders?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6222insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6177,11203,'Seek Out Tabetha','The arms you captured in Blackhoof Village have not seen any combat beyond mere training exercises, which means the Grimtotems who destroyed the Shady Rest are still at large.$B$BTo the south, in the heart of the Quagmire, lives the witch Tabetha. Though she is a human, she has dealt honorably with us and trained some of our mages.$B$BAsk her for assistance in tracking down the band of Grimtotem responsible for burning the inn. The Alliance must not be allowed to think we were complicit in the attack.','Speak with Tabetha at her farm in the Quagmire.','<Tabetha smiles slightly.>$B$BKrog wishes me to scry for the Grimtotems, eh? Well, I have no need of magic in this case.$B$BIt seems we have a mutual enemy. The Grimtotems have built an outpost nearby and are a constant thorn in the side of me and my students.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6223insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6178,11204,'Return to Krog','I hope I\'ve been helpful to you and I\'m sorry I can\'t offer more information. My apprentices and I produce such a large volume of arms and armor that it\'s almost impossible to recall details about any individual piece.$B$BNot only do we outfit the braves defending tauren lands, but the Grimtotems have a particular fondness for my work. A seasoned warrior knows good work when he sees it.','Speak with Krog at Brackenwall Village.','He actually said that the Grimtotems are his biggest customers? Mosarn gave us more help than he knows. With this much pointing toward the Grimtotems, I think we just found our first suspects.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6224insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6179,11205,'Raze Direhorn Post!','There\'s no scrying necessary to see the trouble my new \"neighbors\" are creating. And if this is the band that burnt down the Shady Rest Inn, as you claim, there\'s no reason to tolerate their presence any longer.$B$BTake this torch and raze their camp to the ground! You\'ll find Direhorn just to the north of my farm. You can\'t miss it, really, as the Grimtotems have done a splendid job of announcing their presence with those totems they favor.','Burn the North Tent, East Tent, and the Northeast Tent at Direhorn Post, then return to Tabetha at her farm.','The Grimtotems should have no trouble understanding our latest message.$B$BAs for you, your contact at Brackenwall Village will want to know of your success. I know the destruction of the Shady Rest Inn could be a source of tensions between the Horde and Alliance. If I encounter any investigators from Theramore, I will gladly tell them the Grimtotems acted on their own.','Have you put that torch to good use?','','North Tent Burned','Northeast Tent Burned','East Tent Burned','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6225insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6180,11206,'Justice Dispensed','I doubt the Grimtotems will give up their campaign to drive humans from the marsh. At least we have dealt with the perpetrators of the crimes at the Shady Rest Inn.$B$BI\'m sure the investigator who sent you doesn\'t need to be told this, but the Horde can no longer afford not to rein in the Grimtotems. There will be a day when their actions will put the Horde in a regrettable position.$B$BNeither Lady Jaina nor Warchief Thrall desire another war, but are they willing to do what\'s necessary to avoid it?','Return to Krog at Brackenwall Village.','<Krog listens to your report.>$B$BI\'m impressed, $N. I would\'ve thought that the Grimtotem criminals would\'ve been more difficult to locate. $B$BTabetha\'s warnings have not fallen on deaf ears, but it is not my place to chastise the Grimtotems. I will, of course, mention it in my report to the Warchief. Do not speak of it to anyone until Thrall has dealt with the Grimtotems. You have done well in solving the mystery of the Shady Rest and sparing us from the suspicion of Theramore. ','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6226insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6181,11207,'Secure the Cargo!','This zeppelin was carrying six months\' worth of supplies to us at Mudsprocket! Sure, they\'ve been able to barter for some of what they need, but they won\'t hold out forever.$B$BI\'ve been sent out here to recover what I can of the cargo, but the wreckage is scattered all over the marsh in this area. I\'m sure a lot of the cargo didn\'t survive the crash, but are you willing to help me recover what we can?','Moxie Steelgrille at Beezil\'s Wreck wants you to recover 8 pieces of Zeppelin Cargo.','Wow! You certainly found a lot more than I expected would be out there. I\'m not sure how much Drazzit thought we were going to find out here, but he\'s going to have to be happy with this for now.','<Moxie looks frantic with worry.>$B$BDid the cargo survive? Did you find any of it?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6227insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6182,11208,'Delivery for Drazzit','Drazzit will expect to hear something from me soon, but I don\'t think the site is secure enough for me to leave. If you have time, would you be willing to take some of the salvaged cargo down to him at Mudsprocket?$B$BIf you haven\'t been there yet, it\'s a small settlement to the southwest of here, beyond the Stonemaul Ruins. You can take the road there from Tabetha\'s Farm, too. When you get to Mudsprocket, the guy you\'re looking for is Drazzit Dripvalve.','Take the Zeppelin Cargo to Drazzit Dripvalve at Mudsprocket.','<Drazzit accepts the cargo from you.>$B$BI\'m so hungry, I could eat a dragon! Thank goodness Moxie finally got some of that cargo down here. We\'ve been reduced to playing dice against the ogre for whatever he\'s managed to kill on his hunting trips!','Yes?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6228insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6183,11209,'Nat\'s Bargain','So you found a copy of Dastardly Denizens of the Deep, did you? Well, I can tell you from experience, it\'s all true. I\'ve even seen a few of \'em with my own eyes.$B$BBut you want to know about Tethyr.  I said I\'d make you a deal, so here\'s what I want you to do. I\'m working on a new line of baits, but I haven\'t tested this one yet.$B$BJust take this paste -- yeah, it smells a little foul -- smear it on yourself, and swim over to that wrecked ship to the southwest. If you survive, let me know how it works!','Nat Pagle at Nat\'s Landing wants you to test his new fish bait.','','','','Fish Paste Tested','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6229insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6184,11210,'Oh, It\'s Real','Yes, Tethyr is certainly real, and he lives in the waters off Theramore.$B$BHas a thing for bright lights. He\'s the reason they shut down the lighthouse in the first place, you know...$B$BAnd if you light it up again, he\'ll come right back. But no one in their right mind would do that.$B$BSo that must be your plan! It\'s been good sharing a drink with you, but don\'t blame ol\' Nat if Tethyr REALLY turns you into fish bait. If you\'re going to do this, make sure you consult Major Mills at the Theramore docks.','Speak with Major Mills at the docks in Theramore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6230insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6185,11211,'Help for Mudsprocket','When that goblin... what\'s her name... Boxie, Foxy... Moxie, that\'s it! Anyway, when she came through here on her way to the zeppelin wreck, she said the town of Mudsprocket was having some problems.$B$BThat crashed zeppelin was bringing them fresh supplies. If you follow the road south from here, past the Stonemaul Ruins, you\'ll eventually come to Mudsprocket.$B$BWhy don\'t you check in with Drazzit Dripvalve down there and see if there\'s anything you can do to help?','Speak with Drazzit Dripvalve at Mudsprocket.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6231insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6186,11212,'Tabetha\'s Farm','Deep in the heart of the swamp lives an old woman named Tabetha. We\'ve never really known much about her, save that she\'s a good deal older than she appears. She\'s helped us from time to time and helped keep the peace here between the Horde and our forces.$B$BShe used to keep in regular contact, but we haven\'t received one lately.$B$BCould you check in with her when you have time? Just follow the road beyond North Point Tower, where it turns south and into the Quagmire. You can see her farm from the road.','Speak with Tabetha at her farm in the Quagmire.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6232insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6187,11213,'Check Up on Tabetha','A human woman named Tabetha lives on a small farm near the middle of the marsh. Ordinarily, I wouldn\'t associate with a human, but her help has proven useful at times.$B$BUnfortunately, she\'s been out of touch for quite some time now and I\'m looking for someone to travel down to her farm to see if everything\'s all right.$B$BIf you follow the road south out of the village, then into the swamp\'s interior, you\'ll find her farm near the middle of the Quagmire.','Speak to Tabetha at her farm in the Quagmire.','It\'s fortunate Nazeer thought to send someone. We\'ve got some new neighbors and they\'ve been nothing but pests since they set up camp.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6233insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6188,11214,'Mission to Mudsprocket','The Steamwheedle Cartel has recently established a new outpost in the southern part of Dustwallow Marsh. It\'s called Mudsprocket, if I recall, and it\'s located on the main road south out of Tabetha\'s Farm and the Stonemaul Ruins.$B$BThis is an excellent opportunity for us to establish new trade contacts and Lady Jaina wants me to send a representative down there to establish contact. Would you be willing to go?','Speak with Drazzit Dripvalve at Mudsprocket.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6234insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6189,11215,'Help Mudsprocket','The Steamwheedle Cartel\'s new outpost in the southern part of the marsh isn\'t faring so well. The zeppelin carrying supplies to Mudsprocket crashed, leaving them without vital tools, food, and medical supplies.$B$BFollow the road down south and into the marsh\'s interior. You\'ll pass by Tabetha\'s Farm and the Stonemaul Ruins before the road brings you to Mudsprocket. Offer any help you can provide to the town\'s leadership.','Speak with Drazzit Dripvalve at Mudsprocket.','I won\'t turn down any help! We\'re in the process of setting up here and trying to make the most of what we\'ve got, until those supplies from the zeppelin arrive.','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6235insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6190,11216,'Archmage Alturus','I was sent here by my mentor to look for assistance, but unfortunately I\'m not allowed outside of Lower City and the individuals that frequent this establishment tend to be less than helpful.$B$BYou do seem different, more like the adventurous type.  If you\'re interested in aiding our cause, speak to Archmagae Alturus outside of Medivh\'s old dwelling, Karazhan.$B$BIn the meantime, I\'m going to see about gaining access to the rest of the city.  One of our old associates is rumored to be here.','Speak to Archmage Alturus outside of Karazhan in Deadwind Pass.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6236insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6191,11217,'Catch a Dragon by the Tail','With the zeppelin crash delaying supplies, we\'ve run out of medicines and bandages.$B$BWe\'re making use of what we can, but between all the insects, the injuries, and the enemies we\'re encountering here, I can barely keep up! I\'ve found one herb that seems to help heal wounds and dull pain, but it, too, is in short supply.$B$BIt\'s called wyrmtail, and it\'s abundant in the Dragonmurk and Wyrmbog areas east of town. The plants themselves are made of coiled stalks, and seem to pulsate when you look at them.','Gizzix Grimegurgle at Mudsprocket wants you to bring him 8 Wyrmtail stalks.','Thank you! This will help keep our guys going out in the field until Moxie returns with the rest of the supplies from the zeppelin crash.','Did you find any of the wyrmtail?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6237insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6192,11219,'Stop the Fires!','The Horde\'s children need you, $n.  The Headless Horseman, once a human paladin and now an insane fiend, has set fire to our village!  You must put out those fires!$B$BGrab a bucket and throw it onto the blaze, or toss it to an ally who is closer to the flames.  Extinguish all the fires and thwart the Headless Horseman!','The Masked Orphan Matron wants you to help put out all the village fires.  When they are out, speak again to the Masked Orphan Matron in town.','','','Put Out the Fires','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6238insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6193,11220,'The Headless Horseman','Until the head of the Headless Horseman is destroyed, his rampage will not end.$B$BThe Horseman rests within the Forlorn Cloister of the Scarlet Monastery, in Tirisfal Glade.  Go to his pumpkin shrine and speak these words:$B$B  Horseman, rise$B  Your time is nigh$B  You felt death once$B  Now, know demise!$B$BThis will rouse the fiend.  Destroy the head of the Horseman\'s and he will plague us no longer.','Find the Headless Horseman\'s Pumpkin Shrine.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6239insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6194,11222,'Warn Bolvar!','Although we don\'t have all the answers we might like, it\'s imperative that you bring our findings to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon right away!$B$BHe needs to know that the Defias have a powerful patron in Stormwind and that they\'re involved in the disappearance of King Varian!$B$BI can use my magic to expedite your trip to Stormwind. Just speak to me when you\'re prepared to go, $N.','Speak to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind Keep.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6240insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6195,11223,'Return to Jaina','Do not let Lady Prestor\'s protestations distract you, $N. That she is blind to this problem does not surprise me, but that is a separate matter.$B$BAs I was saying, you and Lady Jaina have my thanks for bringing your findings to me in such haste. Let her know that no good citizen of Stormwind will rest until our king walks among us again.$B$BGo to the Mage Quarter at the western end of the city and speak with Archmage Malin at the foot of the tower there. He will speed your return to Theramore.','Speak to Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6241insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6196,11225,'The Hermit of Witch Hill','The marsh seems to have a strange effect on humans. Some grow mad simply by living here.$B$BAnyone who has ever settled at Swamplight Manor has gone mad in a spectacular way. The latest owner, one \"Swamp Eye\" Jarl, is already showing signs.$B$BI don\'t completely understand what\'s happening there, you\'d have my thanks for looking into it.$B$BThe manor is at the eastern edge of the swamp. Trek east across Bluefen and past North Point Tower. The manor is in a haunted patch of land called Witch Hill.','Speak with \"Swamp Eye\" Jarl at Swamplight Manor.','Have you come here to spy on me? No?$B$BPerhaps you have an appreciation for fine cuisine, then? Good, you can help!','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6242insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6197,11242,'Free at Last!','Rage was my prison, $N, and you have freed me.  Though I thought I did right, my soul now weeps for the terror and the death I have caused the good people of Azeroth.$B$BThank you for leading me back to the Light.  May I never again lose my way.$B$BTake this torn prayer book to an orphan matron, so the children may know that I will haunt them no more.','Take the Tome of Thomas Thomson to the Costumed Orphan Matron in Goldshire, Kharanos or Azure Watch.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6243insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6198,11293,'Bark for the Barleybrews!','We need to get the word out about the Barleybrews at Brewfest.  You need to shout at the flags outside the bank, in the Military Ward, in the Hall of Explorers and in the Mystic Ward.  I\'ll make things easy though, I\'ll lend you some racing ram reins and a racing ram for 4 minutes.  Use the reins to let him go, but try not to tire him out.','Spread the word about Brewfest at the flags outside the bank, in the Military Ward, in the Hall of Explorers and in the Mystic Ward.','','','','Bark Outside the Bank','Bark in the Military Ward','Bark in the Hall of Explorers','Bark in the Mystic Ward',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6244insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6199,11294,'Bark for the Thunderbrews!','It\'s time to let people know that the Thunderbrew have heard their cries for good brew.  You need to shout at the flags outside the bank, in the Military Ward, in the Hall of Explorers and in the Mystic Ward.$b$bWe\'ll make it easy though.  We\'ll lend you a ram AND some reins for 4 minutes.$b$bBe careful with going too fast though since you won\'t find any apple crates in Ironforge...  We can\'t take the chance of helping out the Barleybrew messengers.','Spread the word about Brewfest at the flags outside the bank, in the Military Ward, in the Hall of Explorers and in the Mystic Ward.','','','','Bark Outside the Bank','Bark in the Military Ward','Bark in the Hall of Explorers','Bark in the Mystic Ward',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6245insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6200,11318,'Now This is Ram Racing... Almost.','So you want to check out the racing rams?  Well I hope you\'re ready for speed.  BUT before I let you loose in the world, you\'ll need to show me that you can handle these fine creatures.$b$bSo here\'s the deal:  I\'ll lend you some racing reins and the use of a ram. You need to prove to me that you can handle using these rams.$b$bKeep the ram at a trot, canter and gallop for 8 seconds each.  If you need instructions how to handle the ram, talk to my apprentice, Pol Amberstill.','You have 4 minutes to ride the ram and maintain 3 different levels of speed for 8 seconds.','','','','Maintain a Trot for 8 seconds','Maintain a Canter for 8 seconds','Maintain a Gallop for 8 seconds','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6246insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6201,11321,'Did Someone Say \"Souvenir?\"','Brewfest isn\'t just about racing rams, it\'s also about drinking!  When you have a moment, take this voucher to Belbi Quikswitch.  She\'s near the back of the Brewfest camp.  If you can\'t see her, don\'t worry, she\'ll be sure to see you.$b$bIn any case, take this voucher to her to get your free Brewfest stein.  She\'ll also be more than happy to handle any and all other Brewfest transactions.','Redeem the Brewfest Stein Voucher with Belbi Quikswitch in the Brewfest camp.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6247insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6202,11335,'Call to Arms: Arathi Basin','The reality of fighting on multiple fronts, $g lad : lass;, is that we cannot spread our forces too thin or we risk losing it all!$B$BCritical troop deployments are necessary on a day by day basis.  Today it is the battle of Arathi Basin that demands immediate reinforcements.$B$BReturn to me with news of victory, $N.  We cannot allow the Horde scum to secure the resources that are rightfully ours!','Win an Arathi Basin battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city or Shattrath.','','','Victory in Arathi Basin','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6248insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6203,11336,'Call to Arms: Alterac Valley','The reality of fighting on multiple fronts, $g lad : lass;, is that we cannot spread our forces too thin or we risk losing it all!$B$BCritical troop deployments are necessary on a day by day basis.  Today it is the battle for Alterac Valley that\'s in most need of brave combatants.$B$BGo now, $N, and aid the Stormpike Expedition.  We cannot allow the Frostwolf Clan to get away with the violence they\'ve inflicted on our brethren!','Win an Alterac Valley battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city or Shattrath.\r\n','','','Victory in Alterac Valley','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6249insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6204,11337,'Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm','The fight against the Horde knows no boundaries, $N.  Even in Outland, territorial disputes and old hatreds are enough to tip the scales in favor of war.$B$BGo into the Eye of the Storm and make sure the Alliance prevails in Outland just like it has in Azeroth.','Win an Eye of the Storm battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city or Shattrath.','','','Victory in the Eye of the Storm','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6250insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6205,11338,'Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch','The Silverwing Sentinels fight to protect the forest in Warsong Gulch.  We aid them, not because we\'re tree-lovers, but because the forest forms a natural protective barrier for Alliance territory.$B$BTheir need is greater today than it\'s ever been.  We need to deploy reinforcements right away unless we want to see Ashenvale annexed to the Barrens!','Win a Warsong Gulch battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city or Shattrath.','','','Victory in Warsong Gulch','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6251insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6206,11339,'Call to Arms: Arathi Basin','Arathi Basin is on the verge of being lost to Alliance forces.  We must send reinforcements at this very moment or all our efforts will have been in vain.$B$BDo not delay, $c, go to Arathi Basin and crush the enemy.  Victory to the Horde!','Win an Arathi Basin battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city or Shattrath.','','','Victory in Arathi Basin','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6252insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6207,11340,'Call to Arms: Alterac Valley','We\'ve recently come extremely close to driving the Stormpike invaders from Alterac Valley.  As a result we\'re redirecting all our reinforcements to aid the Frostwolf Clan.$B$BA decisive victory there would free up the resources we need to crush the Alliance scum on all the other battlefronts.$B$BGo, $N.  Earn great honor by heeding the call of the brave Frostwolf warriors.','Win an Alterac Valley battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city or Shattrath.','','','Victory in Alterac Valley','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6253insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6208,11341,'Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm','We will fight and crush the enemy wherever we find them.  Azeroth, Outland, the place makes no difference.$B$BWe cannot allow the Alliance to establish superiority in the Eye of the Storm.  Take the battle to them today... tomorrow it might be too late!','Win an Eye of the Storm battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city or Shattrath.','','','Victory in Eye of the Storm','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6254insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6209,11342,'Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch','The Alliance is an insidious enemy, $N.  They claim to defend the Ashenvale forests to justify their acts of aggression against our territories in the Barrens.$B$BToday we have an opportunity to drive the enemy from our lands once and for all.  Go to Warsong Gulch and take back what is rightfully ours!','Win a Warsong Gulch battleground match and return to an Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city or Shattrath.\r\n','','','Victory in Warsong Gulch','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6255insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6210,11354,'Wanted: Nazan\'s Riding Crop','Today I have a buyer who is interested in a piece that\'s held by the mount of Illidan\'s herald. I, of course, speak of Vazruden the Herald and his dragon mount, Nazan.$B$BIf you want the finder\'s fee that I offer in return, find them flying above the Ramparts at Hellfire Citadel and return with the dragon\'s riding crop.$B$BMy sources tell me that the item in question is personally held by the dragon. It is said that Nazan refuses to allow Vazruden to strike him with it.','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to obtain Nazan\'s Riding Crop. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6256insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6211,11356,'Costumed Orphan Matron','During Hallow\'s End, human orphanages have organized trips for their orphans to visit Alliance countryside villages.  Those poor children would love to see a real $c like yourself!$B$BWhy don\'t you visit them?  You\'ll find orphans at Goldshire in Elwynn Forest, Kharanos in Dun Morogh and Azure Watch in Azuremyst.  Speak to the children\'s ward, a costumed orphan matron, and she\'ll introduce you to the children.','Speak with a Costumed Orphan Matron in either Goldshire, Kharanos or Azure Watch.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6257insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6212,11357,'Masked Orphan Matron','For Hallow\'s End, orc orphans were taken on a trip to many Horde villages.  The orphan matrons thought it would be good for them to see real heroes adventuring in the field.$B$BWhy don\'t you visit them?  A brave $c like yourself could strengthen their spirits with tales of your valor!  Go to either Razor Hill in Durotar, Brill in Tirisfal Glades or Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods.  Speak with the masked orphan matron and she\'ll introduce you to the children.','Speak with a Masked Orphan Matron in either Razor Hill, Brill or Falconwing Square.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6258insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6213,11360,'Fire Brigade Practice','With the Headless Horseman at large, the heroes of Goldshire are always ready to form a fire brigade.  Do you want to help?$B$BNorth of here, guards set up a small area to practice fighting fires.  Go there and throw buckets onto the blazes.  You can fill a bucket from the water barrel here, or the one near the fires.$B$BGood bye, $N.  When you\'re done with fire brigade practice, please visit us again!','Throw water buckets onto 5 fires, and then speak with the Costumed Orphan Matron.','','','','Fight Fires','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6259insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6214,11361,'Fire Training','The grunts set up a fire training area outside the village.  These days, Razor Hill\'s buildings often catch fire -- you should lend a hand and train as a fire fighter!$B$BHead west out of Razor Hill, then turn right as you pass the village\'s wall.  Find the training area, then grab buckets and toss them on the practice fires.','Toss buckets on 5 fires, then speak with the Masked Orphan Matron in Razor Hill.','','','','Fight Fires','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6260insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6215,11362,'Wanted: Keli\'dan\'s Feathered Stave','There is no accounting for taste. Take my most recent buyer for instance.$B$BThere is a blood orc within Hellfire Citadel known as Keli\'dan the Breaker. He bears a most mundane stave; certainly nothing to take a second glance at. And yet, this is what my customer wishes.$B$BWho am I to say no?$B$BIf you desire my compensation, you will find him and his stave within the Blood Furnace.','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to obtain Keli\'dan\'s Feathered Stave. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6261insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6216,11363,'Wanted: Bladefist\'s Seal','Today I have a very wealthy collector in need of something very unique indeed.$B$BWarchief Kargath Bladefist carries upon his person his seal of command, which he uses to sign all official documents. I want you to retrieve it for me.$B$BYou will find him deep within the Shattered Halls. No doubt you will have to wade through a veritable army to get to him. I have no doubt that you will succeed.','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to obtain Bladefist\'s Seal. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6262insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6217,11364,'Wanted: Shattered Hand Centurions','Do you question your master? Neither does Mah\'duun.$B$BThe blood of the centurions of the Shattered Hand clan is what I seek. You will find them within the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel.$B$BIf you want the bounty, you will not return until you have slain them all.','Nether-Stalker Mah\'duun has tasked you with the deaths of 4 Shattered Hand Centurions. Return to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City once they all lie dead in order to collect the bounty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6263insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6218,11368,'Wanted: The Heart of Quagmirran','I have an unusual request. A certain wealthy individual that I am in contact with off-world is interested in a macabre piece.$B$BSpecifically, she wants the heart of Quagmirran.$B$BI hear that the beast has three, but one will suffice for our purposes. As I understand it, you can find Quagmirran resting within a deep pool of water at the Slave Pens.','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to obtain The Heart of Quagmirran. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6264insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6219,11369,'Wanted: A Black Stalker Egg','There is only ever one great mother of the marsh walkers in Zangarmarsh. She is always known as the Black Stalker, and she hatches from one of the eggs left behind when her mother dies.$B$BI have a buyer who is interested in one of those eggs. He mentioned something about adding her as a zoo attraction.$B$BIf you are interested in the reward I am offering, travel to the Underbog and slay the Black Stalker for her egg.','Wind Trader Zhareem wants you to obtain a Black Stalker Egg. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6265insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6220,11370,'Wanted: The Warlord\'s Treatise','While it is known that Warlord Kalithresh of the naga is a great warrior in his own right, there are fewer who know that he has codified all of his knowledge.$B$BOne of my customers is aware of it though, and is keenly interested in obtaining his treatise.$B$BI ask that you travel to the Steamvault in Coilfang Reservoir and obtain this book for me.','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to acquire The Warlord\'s Treatise. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6266insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6221,11371,'Wanted: Coilfang Myrmidons','Mah\'duun hears and obeys, and I now ask you to be my instrument.$B$BIt has been related to me that the myrmidons of the coilfang tribe must be destroyed. Seek them out within the humid confines of the Steamvault underneath Coilfang Reservoir.$B$BI will accept nothing less than their utter annihilation.','Nether-Stalker Mah\'duun has asked you to slay 14 Coilfang Myrmidons. Return to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City once they all lie dead in order to collect the bounty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6267insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6222,11372,'Wanted: The Headfeathers of Ikiss','I\'ve recently been approached by a tauren whose husband is about to be elevated to chieftain. She wishes to make a special addition to his headdress.$B$BSpecifically, she wants to obtain the headfeathers from the dastardly Talon King Ikiss.$B$BIf you are interested in collecting my reward, travel to Auchindoun\'s Sethekk Halls and find him.','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to acquire The Headfeathers of Ikiss. Deliver them to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6268insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6223,11373,'Wanted: Shaffar\'s Wondrous Pendant','Today I have a personal request of you, yet the reward will certainly match the danger.$B$BMy family has a \'history\', shall we say, with Nexus-Prince Shaffar and his followers. If the amulet he wears were to fall into my hands then surely that would mean that he had been dealt with.$B$BIf the bounty I am offering is of interest to you then journey to his lair within Auchindoun\'s Mana-Tombs.','Wind Trader Zhareem wants you to obtain Shaffar\'s Wondrous Amulet. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6269insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6224,11374,'Wanted: The Exarch\'s Soul Gem','Within Auchindoun\'s Auchenai Crypts many unsavory experiments are undertaken in the pursuit of a greater understanding of the necromantic arts. Many are the spirits that are tortured or destroyed therein.$B$BI have a customer who is interested in the liberation of one of those spirits. I have been informed that this spirit is contained within a soul gem held by none other than Exarch Maladaar himself.$B$BSeek him out within the crypts with all due haste and return to me with the gem.','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to recover The Exarch\'s Soul Gem. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6270insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6225,11375,'Wanted: Murmur\'s Whisper','When I\'m done speaking, you may not want to take this commission.$B$BI have an eccentric client who specializes in the study of dead realities. It is rumored that the being known as Murmur destroyed the last world from which he was summoned. The professor is interested in examining his \'whisper\' as he called it to understand how it is that Murmur accomplished such a feat.$B$BWill you journey to the Shadow Labyrinth within Auchindoun and retrieve it for me?','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to obtain Murmur\'s Whisper. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6271insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6226,11376,'Wanted: Malicious Instructors','Mah\'duun has heard it said that none are as cruel as the six-armed demonesses inside the Shadow Labyrinth.$B$BGo to Auchindoun, seek them out, kill them all.$B$BIf you cannot accomplish so simple a task, we do not have anything further to say to one another.','Nether-Stalker Mah\'duun wants you to kill 3 Malicious Instructors. Return to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City once they all lie dead in order to collect the bounty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6272insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6227,11377,'Revenge is Tasty','I\'m providing the catering for some unusual party guests tonight.  One of these fellows was flying around in Skettis and got knocked to the ground by a monstrous kaliri--his leg was broken badly.$b$bThey\'ve requested something special for his get well party: Kaliri Stew.$b$bI can loan you my cooking pot so you can whip up a batch of stew for me.  The recipe itself is simple, but you\'ll need to get a giant kaliri wing and some cooked warp burgers.','The Rokk in Lower City has asked you to cook up some Kaliri Stew using his cooking pot.  Return to him when it\'s done.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6273insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6228,11378,'Wanted: The Epoch Hunter\'s Head','The tastes of my customers range from the mundane to the exotic. And sometimes they want to do very mundane things with the exotic objects they seek.$B$BSuch is the case with my latest request. My client, who shall remain nameless, wishes to obtain the head of the Epoch Hunter to mount on his wall.$B$B$C, will you find a way to travel back in time to Old Hillsbrad and procure said head for my trophy-hunting patron?','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to obtain the Epoch Hunter\'s Head. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6274insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6229,11379,'Super Hot Stew','I\'m trying to invent something with some real zing.  But to be honest, I\'m more of an idea goblin these days.  I\'ve lost my sense of adventure.$b$bBut you... remind me of my younger days; ready to take on the world with a sword in one hand and a skillet in the other.$b$bI want you to take my beloved cooking pot and head out to Blade\'s Edge.  Throw in some shortribs and crunchy serpent--already cooked for extra flavor--and broil it over an abyssal\'s corpse, the only thing hot enough to do the trick.','The Rokk in Lower City has asked you to cook up some Demon Broiled Surprise using his cooking pot.  Return to him when it\'s done.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6275insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6230,11380,'Manalicious','Wouldn\'t you know it, I think my foodstuffs are up to date and someone comes along and requests the unusual: Mana Berry Delight.$b$bUnfortunately, mana berries are only found in the eco-domes of Netherstorm.  Just don\'t bother looking around Stormspire--it\'s picked clean.$b$bI could only trust someone trained in the culinary arts to pick the best berries, so don\'t let me down!','The Rokk in Lower City has asked you collect 15 Mana Berries from the Eco-Domes in Netherstorm.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6276insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6231,11381,'Soup for the Soul','Death is in the air.  I\'ve never had so many orders for my famous soup--it lifts your spirits and soothes the soul.$b$bAnd I know a fellow cook when I see one!  Would you like to help me out and get a cut of the profits?$b$bHere, take my cooking pot, gather some clefthoof meat and I\'ll let you in on a little secret.  What makes my soup so good for the soul?  It\'s not chicken--I cook it at the Ancestral Grounds in Nagrand to soak up all that spiritual stuff there.','The Rokk in Lower City has asked you to cook up some Spiritual Soup using his cooking pot.  Return to him when it\'s done.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6277insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6232,11382,'Wanted: Aeonus\'s Hourglass','I swear that some of my customers are crazy. There are possessions that you go after, and there are ones that you dare not even think of!$B$BMy current client is clearly over-the-top insane. He covets the hourglass that Aeonus holds.$B$BYes, you heard right, Aeonus of the Infinite Dragonflight!$B$BWho am I to argue since he\'s paying a king\'s ransom? So, ready to go to the Caverns of Time and travel to the Black Morass to retrieve it for me?','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to acquire Aeonus\'s Hourglass. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6278insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6233,11383,'Wanted: Rift Lords','Mah\'duun knows where you must go. Mah\'duun knows that you must kill rift lords. But, Mah\'duun does not know exactly when.$B$BI know that does not make sense, but the voice on the winds was not more specific.$B$BTravel to the Black Morass through the Caverns of Time and the way shall be made clear.','Nether-Stalker Mah\'duun wants you to kill 4 Rift Lords. Return to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City once they all lie dead in order to collect the bounty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6279insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6234,11384,'Wanted: A Warp Splinter Clipping','Not long ago, I was approached by a kaldorei druidess with a touching request. And plenty of gold, of course!$B$BIt would appear that the forces of Darnassus wish to restore an ancient of the arcane known as Warp Splinter. The giant tree has been confused or corrupted, I\'m not certain, but you\'ll find it inside of the Botanica at Tempest Keep.$B$BShe said that all they would need to regrow him was a small clipping.','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to obtain a Warp Splinter Clipping. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6280insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6235,11385,'Wanted: Sunseeker Channelers','It has been whispered to Mah\'duun that the channelers of the military unit known as the Sunseekers must be killed today.$B$BThey are to be found within the Botanica at Tempest Keep.$B$BYou want the bounty, you kill the channelers.','Nether-Stalker Mah\'duun wants you to kill 6 Sunseeker Channelers. Return to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City once they all lie dead in order to collect the bounty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6281insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6236,11386,'Wanted: Pathaleon\'s Projector','I always assumed that Pathaleon the Calculator used magic to project his image across Outland. Apparently I was wrong.$B$BMy latest customer tells me that the blood elf uses a mechanical device for his communication with the leaders of Prince Kael\'thas\'s special projects. As I understand it, he acquired it from the Zaxxis rebels in the Netherstorm.$B$BMy client wishes to obtain the projector. Why don\'t you pay Pathaleon a visit? He can be found within the Mechanar at Tempest Keep.','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to acquire Pathaleon\'s Projector. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6282insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6237,11387,'Wanted: Tempest-Forge Destroyers','There are mechanical constructs within the Mechanar which Mah\'duun has been told must be dismantled.$B$BGo to Tempest Keep, find the tempest-forge destroyers and destroy them.$B$BThen you may return to collect the bounty.','Nether-Stalker Mah\'duun wants you to destroy 5 Tempest-Forge Destroyers. Return to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City once they all lie dead in order to collect the bounty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6283insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6238,11388,'Wanted: The Scroll of Skyriss','Today\'s client seeks something truly unique.$B$BIt is said that Harbinger Skyriss is a servant of the Old Gods. It is also said that he carries a large scroll that contains their instructions for his domination of life in the universe on their behalf.$B$BMy current buyer wishes to get $g his : her; hands on that scroll, nevermind that $g he : she; won\'t be able to read the language upon it.$B$BTravel to Tempest Keep\'s Arcatraz and get it for me, will you, $c?','Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to obtain The Scroll of Skyriss. Deliver it to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6284insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6239,11389,'Wanted: Arcatraz Sentinels','The sentinels within the Arcatraz have gone haywire. The prisoners run rampant and the guards attack those that would help.$B$BMah\'duun hears the speaker on the nether winds. The speaker says to destroy the sentinels$B$BAccomplish this and today\'s bounty is yours.','Nether-Stalker Mah\'duun wants you to dismantle 5 Arcatraz Sentinels. Return to him in Shattrath\'s Lower City once that has been accomplished in order to collect the bounty.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6285insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6240,11400,'Brewfest Riding Rams','If you show this hand stamp to Pol Amberstill, the Ram Racing Apprentice, he\'ll allow you to purchase Brewfest riding rams.','Bring the \"Honorary Brewer\" Hand Stamp to Pol Amberstill near the entrance to the Brewfest Grounds in Dun Morogh.','Good job, $N... you\'ve won the trust of the festival\'s brewers, earning the right to purchase a Brewfest riding ram.','Is that an \"Honorary Brewer\" stamp you\'ve got on your hand?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6286insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6241,11401,'Call the Headless Horseman','Many dreary candles adorn this pumpkin shrine, which grins, taunting...','Take a Dreary Candle to the Loosely Turned Soil.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6287insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6242,11403,'Free at Last!','Rage was my prison, $N, and you have freed me.  Though I thought I did right, my soul now weeps for the terror and the death I have caused the good people of Azeroth.$B$BThank you for leading me back to the Light.  May I never again lose my way.$B$BTake this torn prayer book to an orphan matron, so the children will know that I will haunt them no more.','Take the Tome of Thomas Thomson to a Masked Orphan Matron in Durotar, Brill or Falconwing Square.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6288insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6243,11404,'Call the Headless Horseman','Many dreary candles adorn this pumpkin shrine, which grins, taunting...','Take a Dreary Candle to the Loosely Turned Soil.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6289insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6244,11405,'Call the Headless Horseman','Many dreary candles adorn this pumpkin shrine, which grins, taunting...','Take a Dreary Candle to the Loosely Turned Soil.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6290insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6245,11407,'Bark for Drohn\'s Distillery!','So, do you want to help bring strength and honor to Brewfest?  We need you to shout at the flags outside the auction house in the Valley of Strength, in the Valley of Honor, in the Valley of Wisdom and in the Valley of Spirits.$b$bWe\'ll lend you a racing ram for 4 minutes and also give you these racing reins.$b$bBe careful though, the cheap goblins didn\'t put any apple crates along the way.','Spread the word about Brewfest at the flags outside the auction house in the Valley of Strength, in the Valley of Honor, in the Valley of Wisdom and in the Valley of Spirits.','','','','Bark outside the Auction House','Bark in the Valley of Honor','Bark in the Valley of Wisdom','Bark in the Valley of Spirits',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6291insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6246,11408,'Bark for T\'chali\'s Voodoo Brewery!','We need to spread the word about the trolls at Brewfest.  Ya need to shout at the flags outside the auction house in the Valley of Strength, in the Valley of Honor, in the Valley of Wisdom and in the Valley of Spirits.$b$bBut I\'ll make it easy for ya, I\'ll lend you a racing ram for 4 minutes.  I\'ll also give you these racing reins.$b$bBe careful though, the goblins didn\'t put any apple crates along the way.  They are cheap like that.','Spread the word about Brewfest at the flags outside the auction house in the Valley of Strength, in the Valley of Honor, in the Valley of Wisdom and in the Valley of Spirits.','','','','Bark outside the Auction House','Bark in the Valley of Honor','Bark in the Valley of Wisdom','Bark in the Valley of Spirits',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6292insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6247,11409,'Now This is Ram Racing... Almost.','So you want to check out the racing rams?  The dwarves think they have got a handle on it, but let\'s be honest, they are drunk most of the time, so how hard can it really be?$b$bNow before I let you strut your stuff, you\'ll need to show me that you can handle these fine, legally obtained creatures.$b$bSo here\'s the deal:  I\'ll lend you some racing reins and the use of a ram. You need to prove to me that you can handle using these rams.$b$bKeep the ram at a trot, canter and gallop for 8 seconds each.','You have 4 minutes to ride the ram and maintain 3 different levels of speed for 8 seconds.','','','','Maintain a Trot for 8 seconds','Maintain a Canter for 8 seconds','Maintain a Gallop for 8 seconds','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6293insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6248,11412,'There and Back Again','Am I glad you\'re here.  We are in big trouble!  The goblin that was supposed to be bringing us more brew had an accident on his way from Razor Hill.  You gotta get us that brew!$b$bI\'ll put you on one of my racing rams and you follow the road to Razor Hill.$b$bOnce you get near him he\'ll toss you a keg, then you run the keg back here and toss the keg to my more capable assistant.  For now, all we want are 3 kegs.  Do a good job and maybe we\'ll have another job for you.','Get a keg from the Goblin stranded on the road to Razor Hill and return it to Ram Master Ray\'s assistant.  Do this 3 times before your ram goes away.','','','','Kegs Delivered','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6294insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6249,11413,'Did Someone Say \"Souvenir?\"','Not only are we supplying brew to everyone, we also have steins to give out!  Beautiful, commemorative steins all obtained by the most legal of means!  Here\'s a voucher for one.$b$bTalk to Blix near the back of the Brewfest camp.  He\'s pretty strange, even more so now that he\'s always wearing those goggles.  He\'ll handle the voucher for you, and any other Brewfest transaction.','Redeem the Brewfest Stein Voucher with Blix Fixwidget in the back of the Brewfest camp.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6295insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6250,11419,'Brewfest Riding Rams','If you show this hand stamp to Driz Tumblequick, the Ram Racing Apprentice, he\'ll allow you to purchase Brewfest riding rams.','Bring the \"Honorary Brewer\" Hand Stamp to Driz Tumblequick near the entrance to the Brewfest Grounds in Durotar.','Good job, $N... you\'ve won the trust of the festival\'s brewers, earning the right to purchase a Brewfest riding ram.','Is that an \"Honorary Brewer\" stamp you\'ve got on your hand?','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6296insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6251,11425,'Test Quest - Craig','Go on a quest!','Vermin, gotta hate \'em.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6297insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6252,11431,'Catch the Wild Wolpertinger!','Hey there!  I\'m a crazy dwarf!  We dwarves believe when you get enough brew together, invisible creatures show up.  In fact they are probably wandering around the Brewfest grounds right now! But you can only see them if you are really drunk.$b$bWe dwarves will come up with any excuse to drink.$b$bI bet you want a reason to drink too...  So here it is, bring me 5 of those wolpertingers with this net I got from a really drunk dwarf.$b$bIf you can\'t see them, you\'re probably not drunk enough.','The \"dwarf,\" Glodrak Huntsniper, has asked you to capture 5 Stunned Wolpertingers using the Wolpertinger Net. He mentioned that you must be intoxicated to see them.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6298insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6253,11439,'Fire Brigade Practice','The brave dwarves of Kharanos can form a fire brigade in an instant, now that the Headless Horseman is around. Do you want to help?$B$BSouth of here, the mountaineers set up a small area to practice fighting fires.  Go there and throw buckets onto the blazes.  You can fill a bucket from the water barrel here.$B$BGood bye, $N.  When you\'re done with fire brigade practice, please visit us again!','Throw water buckets onto 5 fires, and then speak with the Costumed Orphan Matron.','','','','Fight Fires','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6299insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6254,11440,'Fire Brigade Practice','With the threat of the Headless Horseman looming, the peacekeepers have been diligent in forming a fire brigade when needed. Do you want to help?$B$BWest of here, toward the Exodar, the peacekeepers set up a small area to practice fighting fires.  Go there and throw buckets onto the blazes.  You can fill a bucket from the water barrel here.$B$BGood bye, $N.  When you\'re done with fire brigade practice, please visit us again!','Throw water buckets onto 5 fires, and then speak with the Costumed Orphan Matron.','','','','Fight Fires','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6300insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6255,11441,'Brewfest!','Speak to the Brewfest Organizer at the Brewfest Grounds outside of Ironforge and receive a free beer.','Speak to the Brewfest Organizer.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6301insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6256,11442,'Welcome to Brewfest!','[PH] Speak to the Brewfest Organizer at the Brewfest Grounds outside of Ironforge and receive a free beer.','[PH] Speak to the Brewfest Organizer and receive a free beer.','Ho ho! Come for your free beer?','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6302insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6257,11446,'Brewfest!','Speak to the Brewfest Organizer at the Brewfest Grounds outside of Orgrimmar and receive a free beer.','Speak to the Brewfest Organizer.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6303insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6258,11449,'Fire Training','The deathstalkers have set up a fire training area outside the town.  We cannot afford further damage to the buildings of Brill - you should do your duty and train as a fire fighter.$B$BHead west past the graveyard, following the road. You\'ll find the training area there.','Toss buckets on 5 fires, then speak with the Masked Orphan Matron in Brill.','','','','Fight Fires','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6304insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6259,11450,'Fire Training','The guards have set up a fire training area outside the town.  We cannot allow the Horseman to destroy what we have worked so hard to rebuild - you should do your duty and train as a fire fighter.$B$BHead south through the gate to the crossroads. You\'ll find the training area there.','Toss buckets on 5 fires, then speak with the Masked Orphan Matron in Falconwing Square.','','','','Fight Fires','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6305insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6260,11451,'Alicia\'s Poem','Hi, I wrote a poem for my friend Caylee.  She likes to hang out with the Aldor in Shattrath City.  You know, in Outland?$b$bCould you take my poem to her?  My mommy says I\'m too young to go to Shattrath City!','You have been asked to deliver Alicia\'s Poem to Caylee Dak in Shattrath City in Outland.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6306insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6261,11454,'Seek the Saboteurs','This scrap of paper seems to have been left behind accidentally by the Dark Iron invaders.$B$BWhile the plans are complicated and written in some form of coded Dwarvish, the signature at the end - \"Coren Direbrew\" - is clear enough, as is mention of the Grim Guzzler deep within Blackrock Depths. You should seek out the instigator and put an end to these raids.','Find Coren Direbrew in the Grim Guzzler within Blackrock Depths.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6307insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6262,11486,'The Best of Brews','I know a bright $Glad:lass; like ya wants to stop the hostilities on the surface, eh? Ya want yer nice and merry Brewfest to go off without a hitch. I\'ll make ya a deal.$b$bTake this keg of our finest brew to the Brewfest Organizer outside Ironforge, so that we Dark Iron dwarves can be rightly represented! The best brew in all of Azeroth comes from right here in this mountain, and don\'t ya ferget it!','Take the Dark Iron Ale Keg to Ipfelkofer Ironkeg in Dun Morogh.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6308insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6263,11487,'The Best of Brews','I know a bright $Glad:lass; like ya wants to stop the hostilities on the surface, eh? Ya want yer nice and merry Brewfest to go off without a hitch. I\'ll make ya a deal.$b$bTake this keg of our finest brew to the Brewfest Organizer outside Orgrimmar, so that we Dark Iron dwarves can be rightly represented! The best brew in all of Azeroth comes from right here in this mountain, and don\'t ya ferget it!','Take the Dark Iron Ale Keg to Tapper Swindlekeg in Durotar.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6309insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6264,11497,'Learning to Fly','Though it may end up hurting my business in the long run, you look the sort that dreams of flying $g his : her; own mount through the skies, rather than being flown from place to place.$B$BI understand the feeling completely.$B$BYou, my friend, need to head to Wildhammer Stronghold in the southwest corner of Shadowmoon Valley. When you get there, speak with Ilsa Blusterbrew about some flight instruction. Mind you, her training\'s not cheap. But, I think that you\'ll find it worth your while.','Speak with Ilsa Blusterbrew at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6310insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6265,11498,'Learning to Fly','Though it may end up hurting my business in the long run, you look the sort that dreams of flying $g his : her; own mount through the skies, rather than being flown from place to place.$B$BI understand the feeling completely.$B$BYou, my friend, need to head to Shadowmoon Village in the northwest corner of Shadowmoon Valley. When you get there, speak with Olrokk about some flight instruction. Mind you, his training\'s not cheap. But, I think that you\'ll find it worth your while.','Speak with Olrokk at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6311insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6266,11528,'A Winter Veil Gift','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6312insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6267,11531,'Strange Engine Part','This strange engine part doesn\'t look like it fits in a steam pump, much less anything else you\'ve seen.  Perhaps K. Lee Smallfry might know something about it.','Take the Strange Engine Part to K. Lee Smallfry in Telredor.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6313insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6268,11558,'Dangerous Love','There\'s something unnatural about this epidemic of love. It\'s disgusting, and as it lowers our defenses, it could be a threat to the all of us.$b$bIt\'s bad enough that so many of our people are caught up in this ridiculous behavior. But I think that it has spread even to our guardians, who should be immune to such things.$b$bFind one of our guardians and see if they\'ve been caught up in this foolishness.','Get a Guardian\'s Moldy Card and bring it to Fenstad Argyle in the Undercity.','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6314insert  into `quests`(`ID`,`entry`,`Title`,`Details`,`Objectives`,`OfferRewardText`,`RequestItemsText`,`EndText`,`ObjectiveText1`,`ObjectiveText2`,`ObjectiveText3`,`ObjectiveText4`,`Language`,`Vote`,`CountVote`,`User`,`complete`,`Take`) values (6269,98381,'Armaments of War','','','','','','','','','',0,0,0,0,1,0);
     6316/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;
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