Changeset 19 for minimanager/lang/ruRU.php
- Timestamp:
- Aug 13, 2007, 9:05:34 PM (18 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5 r19 2 2 /* 3 3 * Project Name: Russian Translate for MiniManager for Mangos Server 4 * Date: 11.07.2007 version 0.0.8e4 * Date: 30.07.2007 version 0.0.8h 5 5 * Author: Den Wailhorn 6 6 * Copyright: Catarina WoW Server … … 28 28 'none' => 'íåò', 29 29 'delete' => 'Óäàëèòü', 30 'delete_short' => 'Del.', 30 31 'edit' => 'Ïðàâèòü', 31 32 'yes' => 'ÄÀ!', … … 79 80 'acc_type' => 'Òèï àêêàóíòà', 80 81 'acc_type_desc' => 'Òèï èñïîëüçóåìîãî êëèåíòà', 81 'classic' => ' World of Warcraft',82 'expansion' => ' WoW - The Burning Crusade',82 'classic' => 'Ìèð Âîåííîãî Ðåìåñëà', 83 'expansion' => 'Ïûëàþùèé Êðåñòîâûé Ïîõîä', 83 84 'recover_acc_password' => 'Âîññòàíîâèòü ïàðîëü àêêàóíòà', 84 85 'user_pass_rec_desc' => 'Ââåäèòå èìÿ ïîä êîòîðûì âû çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíû', … … 257 258 'no_act_quests' => 'Íåò àêòèâíûõ êâåñòîâ', 258 259 'quest_id' => 'ID', 260 'quest_level' => 'lvl', 259 261 'quest_title' => 'Íàçâàíèå êâåñòà', 260 262 'professions' => 'Ïðîôåññèè', 261 263 'skills' => 'Íàâûêè', 264 'skill_id' => 'ID', //TODO 265 'skill_name' => 'Skill Name', //TODO 266 'skill_value' => 'Value', //TODO 267 // --- $skill_rank_array --- 268 'apprentice' => 'Apprentice', //TODO: Translate 269 'journeyman' => 'Journeyman', //TODO: Translate 270 'expert' => 'Expert', //TODO: Translate 271 'artisan' => 'artisan', //TODO: Translate 272 'master' => 'Master', //TODO: Translate 273 'inherent' => 'Inherent', //TODO: Translate 274 'wise' => 'Wise', //TODO: Translate 262 275 // ---- edit_char.php ---- 263 276 'update' => 'Îáíîâèòü äàííûå ïåðñà', … … 274 287 'to_char_view' => 'Âåðíóòüñÿ ê ïðîñìîòðó ïåðñà', 275 288 'inv_bank' => 'Ñíàðÿãà è âåùè â áàíêå', 276 'location' => ' Location', //TODO277 'move_to' => ' Teleport to (.tele location name)', //TODO278 'no_tp_location' => ' No teleport location found using provided name.' //TODO289 'location' => 'Ëîêàöèÿ', 290 'move_to' => 'Òåëåïîðò â (.tele íàçâàíèå ëîêàöèè)', 291 'no_tp_location' => 'Íå íàéäåíî ëîêàöèé òåëåïîðòà â äàííîå ìåñòî' 279 292 ); 280 293 … … 331 344 'thrown' => 'Ìåòàòåëüíîå', 332 345 'consumable' => 'Ñîçäàííîå', 333 'arrows' => ' Ïðîáèâíîå- Ñòðåëû',334 'bullets' => ' Ïðîáèâíîå- Ïóëè',335 'projectile' => ' Ïðîáèâíîå',346 'arrows' => 'Ñíàðÿäû - Ñòðåëû', 347 'bullets' => 'Ñíàðÿäû - Ïóëè', 348 'projectile' => 'Ñíàðÿäû', 336 349 'trade_goods' => 'Òîâàð', 337 350 'parts' => '×àñòè', … … 491 504 'tot_found' => 'Âñåãî íàéäåíî', 492 505 'char_ids' => 'Ïåðñîíàæè id', 493 'no_chars_del' => 'Íèêòî íå óäàëåí!< /br>Íåò ðàçðåøåíèÿ?',506 'no_chars_del' => 'Íèêòî íå óäàëåí!<br>Íåò ðàçðåøåíèÿ?', 494 507 'total' => 'Âñåãî', 495 508 'chars_deleted' => 'Ïåðñîíàæè óäàëåíû!', … … 592 605 $lang_mail = array( 593 606 // ----- MAIL.PHP ----- 594 'mail_options_type' => ' - | - Íàñòðîéêè ïî÷òû - | - ', 607 'mail_type' => 'Mail Type', 608 'mail_options' => 'Mail Options', 595 609 'email' => 'Ïî÷òà', 596 610 'ingame_mail' => 'Ïî÷òà â èãðå', … … 829 843 'chars_by_level' => 'Ïåðñîíàæè ïî óðîâíþ', 830 844 'reset' => 'Ñáðîñèòü ôèëüòðû', 831 'avg_uptime' => ' Average Server Uptime', //TODO832 'max_uptime' => ' Maximum Server Uptime',833 'uptime_prec' => ' Uptime percentage since first run'845 'avg_uptime' => 'Ñåðâåð â ñðåäíåì äîñòóïåí', 846 'max_uptime' => 'Ìàêñèìóì ñåðâåð äîñòóïåí', 847 'uptime_prec' => ' ñ ïåðâîãî çàïóñêà ñåðâåð äîñòóïåí' 834 848 ); 835 849 … … 878 892 $lang_item_edit = array( 879 893 // ----- ITEM.PHP ----- 880 'search_item' => ' Search for Item(s)',894 'search_item' => 'Ïîèñê âåùåé', 881 895 'model_id' => 'Íîìåð ìîäåëè', 882 896 'all' => 'Âñå', … … 897 911 'del_item' => 'Óäàëèòü', 898 912 'general_tab' => 'Îáùèå', 899 'additional_tab' => ' Extra',913 'additional_tab' => 'Äîïîëíèòåëüíî', 900 914 'stats_tab' => 'Ñòàòèñòèêà', 901 915 'damage_tab' => 'Óùåðá', 902 916 'spell_tab' => 'Ìàãèÿ', 903 'req_tab' => ' Req.',917 'req_tab' => 'Òðåáîâàíèÿ', 904 918 'general' => 'Îáùèå', 905 919 'entry' => 'Çàïèñü', … … 1019 1033 'spell_id' => 'Ìàãèÿ', 1020 1034 'spell_id_desc' => 'Íîìåð çàêëèíàíèÿ ïî Spell.dbc', 1021 'spell_trigger' => 'Òðèããåð ñïåëà',1035 'spell_trigger' => 'Òðèããåð çàêëà', 1022 1036 'spell_trigger_desc' => 'Äåéñòâèå ïî êîòîðîìó çàêëèíàíèå ñðàáàòûâàåò', 1023 'spell_charges' => 'Çàðÿäû ñïåëà',1037 'spell_charges' => 'Çàðÿäû çàêëà', 1024 1038 'spell_charges_desc' => 'Ñêîëüêî çàðÿäîâ ó çàêëèíàíèÿ. 0: áåñêîíå÷íî, -X: item is expendable, +X: item is kept when all charges are spent).', 1025 'spell_cooldown' => 'Ïåðåçàðÿäêà ñïåëà',1026 'spell_cooldown_desc' => 'Ïåðåçàðÿäêà ñïåëà â ìñ',1027 'spell_category' => 'Êàòåãîðèÿ ñïåëà',1028 'spell_category_desc' => 'Êàòåãîðèÿ ñïåëà',1039 'spell_cooldown' => 'Ïåðåçàðÿäêà çàêëà', 1040 'spell_cooldown_desc' => 'Ïåðåçàðÿäêà çàêëà â ìñ', 1041 'spell_category' => 'Êàòåãîðèÿ çàêëà', 1042 'spell_category_desc' => 'Êàòåãîðèÿ çàêëà', 1029 1043 'spell_category_cooldown' => 'Ïåðåçàðÿäêà êàòåãîðèè', 1030 'spell_category_cooldown_desc' => 'Îáùàÿ ïåðåçàðÿäêà ïî âñåé êàòåãîðèè ñïåëîâ',1044 'spell_category_cooldown_desc' => 'Îáùàÿ ïåðåçàðÿäêà ïî âñåé êàòåãîðèè çàêëîâ', 1031 1045 'allow_class' => 'Äîñòóïíî êëàññàì', 1032 1046 'allow_class_desc' => 'Êàêèå êëàññû ìîãóò èñïîëüçîâàòü ýòó âåùü', … … 1037 1051 'req_skill_rank' => 'Ðàíã íàâûêà', 1038 1052 'req_skill_rank_desc' => 'Ìèíèìàëüíûé ðàíã íåîáõîäèìûé äëÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ âåùè', 1039 'req_spell' => 'Íåîáõîäèìûé ñïåë',1040 'req_spell_desc' => 'Ïåðñ äîëæåí çíàòü äàííûé ñïåë ÷òîáû èñïîëüçîâàòü âåùü',1053 'req_spell' => 'Íåîáõîäèìûé çàêë', 1054 'req_spell_desc' => 'Ïåðñ äîëæåí çíàòü äàííûé çàêë ÷òîáû èñïîëüçîâàòü âåùü', 1041 1055 'req_honor_rank' => 'Íåîáõîäèìûé ðàíã', 1042 1056 'req_honor_rank_desc' => 'Ðàíã ÏâÏ Õîíîðà íåîáõîäèìûé äëÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ âåùè', … … 1105 1119 'quest_drop_chance' => 'Øàíñ äðîïà â êâåñòå', 1106 1120 'quest_freeforall' => ' êâåñòå - äëÿ âñåõ', 1107 'armor_dmg_mod' => 'Armor Damage Modifier', 1108 'armor_dmg_mod_desc' => 'TODO:' 1121 'armor_dmg_mod' => 'Ìîäèôèêàòîð óùåðáà äîñïåõà', 1122 'armor_dmg_mod_desc' => 'TODO:', 1123 'RacialLeader' => 'Racial Leader', //TODO 1124 'RacialLeader_desc' => 'Set to 1 if the creature is Racial Leader' 1109 1125 ); 1110 1126 … … 1113 1129 'unknown' => 'Íåèçâåñòíî', 1114 1130 'custom_search' => 'Ñâîé ôèëüòð', 1115 'search' => ' + Ïîèñê +',1131 'search' => '- Ïîèñê -', 1116 1132 'add_new' => 'Ñîçäàòü', 1117 1133 'tot_go_templ' => 'Âñåãî øàáëîíîâ', … … 1129 1145 'save_to_db' => 'Ñîõðàíèòü â áàçó', 1130 1146 'save_to_script' => 'Ñîõðàíèòü ñêðèïò', 1131 'lookup_go' => 'Ïîèñê GO',1147 'lookup_go' => 'Ïîèñê Îáúåêòà', 1132 1148 'DOOR' => 'DOOR', 1133 1149 'BUTTON' => 'BUTTON', … … 1180 1196 'size_desc' => 'Ìàñøòàá ìîäåëè ãåéì-îáúåêòà', 1181 1197 'sound' => 'Äåéñòâèå', 1182 'sound_desc' => 'Ïîëå äàííûõ, óíèêàëüíîå äëÿ ðàçíîãî òèïà çíà÷åíèé.<br /> - äîïîëíèòåëüíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ',1198 'sound_desc' => 'Ïîëå äàííûõ, óíèêàëüíîå äëÿ ðàçíîãî òèïà çíà÷åíèé.<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_new\"> - äîïîëíèòåëüíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ</a>', 1183 1199 'tmpl_not_found' => 'Øàáëîí íå íàéäåí', 1184 1200 'del_go' => 'Óäàëåíèå', … … 1218 1234 $lang_creature = array( 1219 1235 // ----- CREATURE.PHP ----- 1220 'none' => ' None',1221 'custom' => ' Custom',1222 'gossip' => ' Gossip',1223 'quest_giver' => ' Quest Giver',1224 'vendor' => ' Vendor',1225 'taxi' => ' Taxi',1226 'trainer' => ' Trainer',1227 'spirit_healer' => ' Spirit Healer',1228 'guard' => ' Guard',1229 'inn_keeper' => ' Inn Keeper',1230 'banker' => ' Banker',1231 'retitioner' => ' Retitioner',1232 'tabard_vendor' => ' Tabard Vendor',1233 'battlemaster' => ' Battlemaster',1234 'auctioneer' => ' Auctioneer',1235 'stable_master' => ' Stable Master',1236 'armorer' => ' Armorer',1237 'normal' => ' Normal',1238 'elite' => ' Elite',1239 'rare_elite' => ' Rare Elite',1240 'world_boss' => ' World Boss',1241 'rare' => ' Rare',1236 'none' => 'Íåò', 1237 'custom' => 'Ðàçíîå', 1238 'gossip' => 'Îòâå÷àåò', 1239 'quest_giver' => 'Êâåñòåð', 1240 'vendor' => 'Ïðîäàâåö', 1241 'taxi' => 'Òàêñè', 1242 'trainer' => 'Òðåíåð', 1243 'spirit_healer' => 'Äóõ-îæèâëÿòåëü', 1244 'guard' => 'Ñòðàæà', 1245 'inn_keeper' => 'Òðàêòèðùèê', 1246 'banker' => 'Áàíêèð', 1247 'retitioner' => 'Ãèëüäååö', 1248 'tabard_vendor' => 'Ïðîäàâåö íàêèäîê', 1249 'battlemaster' => 'Îðóæåéíûé ìàñòåð', 1250 'auctioneer' => 'Àóêöèîíåð', 1251 'stable_master' => 'Êîíþøèé', 1252 'armorer' => 'Áðîííèê', 1253 'normal' => 'Îáû÷íûé', 1254 'elite' => 'Ýëèòà', 1255 'rare_elite' => 'Ðåäêàÿ ýëèòà', 1256 'world_boss' => 'Ìèðîâîé âðàã', 1257 'rare' => 'Ðåäêî', 1242 1258 'search_template' => 'Ïîèñê øàáëîíà ìîíñòðà', 1243 1259 'select' => 'Âûáðàòü', 1244 'other' => ' Other',1245 'beast' => ' Beast',1246 'dragonkin' => ' Dragonkin',1247 'demon' => ' Demon',1248 'elemental' => ' Elemental',1249 'giant' => ' Giant',1250 'undead' => ' Undead',1251 'humanoid' => ' Humanoid',1252 'critter' => ' Critter',1253 'mechanical' => ' Mechanical',1254 'not_specified' => ' Not Specified',1255 'class' => ' Class',1256 'mounts' => ' Mounts',1257 'trade_skill' => ' Trade Skill',1258 'pets' => ' Pets',1259 'wolf' => ' Wolf',1260 'cat' => ' Cat',1261 'spider' => ' Spider',1262 'bear' => ' Bear',1263 'boar' => ' Boar',1264 'crocolisk' => ' Crocolisk',1265 'carrion_bird' => ' Carrion Bird',1266 'crab' => ' Crab',1267 'gorilla' => ' Gorilla',1268 'raptor' => ' Raptor',1260 'other' => 'Äðóãîå', 1261 'beast' => 'Çâåðü', 1262 'dragonkin' => 'Äðàêîí', 1263 'demon' => 'Äåìîí', 1264 'elemental' => 'Ýëåìåíòàëü', 1265 'giant' => 'Ãèãàíò', 1266 'undead' => 'Íåæèòü', 1267 'humanoid' => 'Ãóìàíîèä', 1268 'critter' => 'Òâàðü', 1269 'mechanical' => 'Ìåõàíè÷åñêèé', 1270 'not_specified' => 'Íå óêàçàíî', 1271 'class' => 'Êëàññ', 1272 'mounts' => 'Âåðõîâîé', 1273 'trade_skill' => 'Òîðãîâûé íàâûê', 1274 'pets' => 'Ïðèðó÷åííûé', 1275 'wolf' => 'Âîëê', 1276 'cat' => 'Êîøêà', 1277 'spider' => 'Ïàóê', 1278 'bear' => 'Ìåäâåäü', 1279 'boar' => 'Êàáàí', 1280 'crocolisk' => 'Êðîêîäèë', 1281 'carrion_bird' => 'Îòâðàòèòåëüíàÿ ïòèöà', 1282 'crab' => 'Êðàá', 1283 'gorilla' => 'Ãîðèëëà', 1284 'raptor' => 'ßùåð', 1269 1285 'tallstrider' => 'Tallstrider', 1270 1286 'felhunter' => 'Felhunter', 1271 1287 'voidwalker' => 'Voidwalker', 1272 'succubus' => ' Succubus',1273 'doomguard' => ' Doomguard',1274 'scorpid' => ' Scorpid',1275 'turtle' => ' Turtle',1276 'scorpid' => ' Scorpid',1277 'imp' => ' Imp',1278 'bat' => ' Bat',1279 'hyena' => ' Hyena',1280 'owl' => ' Owl',1281 'wind_serpent' => ' Wind Serpent',1288 'succubus' => 'Ñóêêóá', 1289 'doomguard' => 'Ñóäüáîñòðàæ', 1290 'scorpid' => 'Ñêîðïèîí', 1291 'turtle' => '×åðåïàõà', 1292 'scorpid' => 'Ñêîðïèîí', 1293 'imp' => 'Èìï', 1294 'bat' => 'Ëåòó÷èé ìûøü', 1295 'hyena' => 'Ãèåíà', 1296 'owl' => 'Ñîâà', 1297 'wind_serpent' => 'Âåòðîçìåé', 1282 1298 'search' => 'Ïîèñê', 1283 1299 'new_search' => 'Íîâûé ïîèñê', … … 1322 1338 'type_desc' => 'Òèï òâàðè', 1323 1339 'npc_flag' => 'Ôëàã NPC', 1324 'npc_flag_desc' => ' This is way to cliet know how info you see if you clic(RMB) on NPC if is vendor if is auction in fact is menu how you see. Is what type of NPC it is.',1340 'npc_flag_desc' => 'Ïåðåäàåò èíôîðìàöèþ êëèåíòó, ÷òî ýòîò NPC äîëæåí äåëàòü ïî êëèêó íà íåãî - íàïðèìåð òîðãîâåö èëè àóêöèîíåð', 1325 1341 'trainer_type' => 'Òèï òðåíåðà', 1326 'trainer_type_desc' => ' If NPC flag is set to Trainer this flag will specify its type.',1342 'trainer_type_desc' => 'Åñëè ôëàã NPC ñòîèò êàê -Òðåíåð-, òî íàäî óêàçàòü òèï òðåíåðà', 1327 1343 'loot' => 'Ëóò', 1328 1344 'loot_id' => 'Ëóò òâàðè', … … 1365 1381 'bounding_radius_desc' => 'Ðàäèóñ â êîòîðîì ìîíñòð àòàêóåò', 1366 1382 'spells' => 'Ìàãèÿ', 1367 'spell' => ' Ñïåë',1368 'spell_desc' => ' Ñïåëû òâàðè',1383 'spell' => 'çàêë', 1384 'spell_desc' => 'çàêëû òâàðè', 1369 1385 'resistances' => 'Çàùèòà îò ìàãèè', 1370 1386 'resis_holy' => 'Ñâÿòîé', 1371 'resis_holy_desc' => ' Holy Resitance.',1387 'resis_holy_desc' => 'Çàùèòà îò ìàãèè ñâÿòîñòè', 1372 1388 'resis_fire' => 'Îãíåííîé', 1373 'resis_fire_desc' => ' Fire Resitance.',1389 'resis_fire_desc' => 'Çàùèòà îò ìàãèè îãíÿ', 1374 1390 'resis_nature' => 'Ïðèðîäíîé', 1375 'resis_nature_desc' => ' Nature Resitance.',1391 'resis_nature_desc' => 'Çàùèòà îò ìàãèè ïðèðîäû', 1376 1392 'resis_frost' => 'Ëåäÿíîé', 1377 'resis_frost_desc' => ' Frost Resitance.',1393 'resis_frost_desc' => 'Çàùèòà îò ìàãèè ìîðîçà', 1378 1394 'resis_shadow' => 'Òåíåâîé', 1379 'resis_shadow_desc' => ' Shadow Resitance.',1395 'resis_shadow_desc' => 'Çàùèòà îò ìàãèè òåíåé', 1380 1396 'resis_arcane' => 'Àðêàííîé', 1381 'resis_arcane_desc' => ' Arcane Resitance.',1397 'resis_arcane_desc' => 'Çàùèòà îò àðêàííîé ìàãèè', 1382 1398 'models' => 'Ìîäåëè', 1383 1399 'modelid_male' => 'Ìóæñêàÿ', 1384 'modelid_male_desc' => ' Graphical model that client must apply on this male creature.',1400 'modelid_male_desc' => 'Ãðàôè÷åñêàÿ ìóæñêàÿ ìîäåëü èç êëèåíòà', 1385 1401 'modelid_female' => 'Æåíñêàÿ', 1386 'modelid_female_desc' => ' Graphical model that client must apply on this Female creature.',1402 'modelid_female_desc' => 'Ãðàôè÷åñêàÿ æåíñêàÿ ìîäåëü èç êëèåíòà', 1387 1403 'equip_slot' => 'Ñëîòû ñíàðÿãè', 1388 1404 'equip_slot_desc' => 'TODO:', 1389 1405 'equip_model' => 'Ìîäåëè ñíàðÿãè', 1390 'equip_model_desc' => ' Equipement\'s model of the first item weared by the creature.',1406 'equip_model_desc' => 'Ìîäåëü âåùè, íàäåòîé íà òâàðü', 1391 1407 'equip_info' => 'Èíôîðìàöèÿ ñíàðÿãè', 1392 1408 'equip_info_desc' => 'TODO:', 1393 1409 'scripts' => 'Ñêðèïòû', 1394 1410 'ai_name' => 'AIName', 1395 'ai_name_desc' => ' Name of the AI function creature uses.',1411 'ai_name_desc' => 'Èìÿ èñïîëüçóåìîé òâàðüþ AI ôóíêöèè', 1396 1412 'movement_type' => 'Òèï äâèæåíèÿ', 1397 1413 'movement_type_desc' => 'TODO.', … … 1400 1416 'race' => 'Ðàñà', 1401 1417 'race_desc' => 'Creature\'s race, like character.race field. Used for check in case npcflag include trainer flag (16) and trainer_type == TRAINER_TYPE_MOUNTS.', 1402 'trainer_spell' => 'Òðåíåð ñïåë',1418 'trainer_spell' => 'Òðåíåð çàêë', 1403 1419 'trainer_spell_desc' => 'Spell ID. Used for check in case npcflag include trainer flag (16) and trainer_type == TRAINER_TYPE_TRADESKILLS. Player must known trainer_spell to start training.', 1404 1420 'inhabit_type' => 'Òèï äâèæåíèÿ', … … 1434 1450 'count' => 'Êîë-âî', 1435 1451 'trains' => 'Òðåíèðóåò', 1436 'spell_id' => ' Ñïåë ID',1452 'spell_id' => 'çàêë ID', 1437 1453 'cost' => 'Öåíà', 1438 1454 'req_skill' => 'Òðåáóåò íàâûê', … … 1447 1463 'search_creatures' => 'Ïîèñê òâàðåé', 1448 1464 'custom_search' => 'Ñâîé ôèëüòð', 1449 'pickpocketloot_tmpl_id' => ' Pickpocket Loot TemplateID',1450 'skinning_loot_tmpl_id' => ' Skinning Loot TemplateID',1451 'add_items_to_templ' => ' Add Item to Template',1452 'loot_item_id' => 'I tem ID',1453 'loot_item_id_desc' => 'ID of the item you wish to be added.',1465 'pickpocketloot_tmpl_id' => 'Âîðîâñòâî øàáëîí ID', 1466 'skinning_loot_tmpl_id' => 'Ñêîðíÿê øàáëîí ID', 1467 'add_items_to_templ' => 'Äîáàâèòü âåùü â øàáëîí', 1468 'loot_item_id' => 'ID âåùè', 1469 'loot_item_id_desc' => 'ID âåùè, êîòîðóþ äîáàâëÿòü', 1454 1470 'loot_drop_chance' => 'Øàíñ äðîïà', 1455 1471 'loot_drop_chance_desc' => 'Øàíñ äðîïà', 1456 1472 'loot_quest_drop_chance' => 'Øàíñ äðîïà â êâåñòå', 1457 1473 'loot_quest_drop_chance_desc' => 'Øàíñ äðîïà â êâåñòå', 1458 'min_count' => ' Min. Count',1459 'min_count_desc' => ' Minimum number of stack size on drop.',1460 'max_count' => 'Ma x. Count',1461 'max_count_desc' => ' Maximum number of stack size on drop.',1474 'min_count' => 'Ìèíèìóì', 1475 'min_count_desc' => 'Ìèíèìàëüíîå êîëè÷åñòâî âûïàäàåò', 1476 'max_count' => 'Maêñèìóì', 1477 'max_count_desc' => 'Ìàêñèìàëüíîå êîëè÷åñòâî âûïàäàåò', 1462 1478 'quest_loot' => 'Ôëàã êâåñòîâîãî ëóòà', 1463 'quest_loot_desc' => ' Quest Free for all loot flag.',1464 'add_item_to_loot' => ' Add item to Loot Template',1479 'quest_loot_desc' => 'Êâåñòîâûé ôëàã -Ñâîáîäíî äëÿ âñåõ-', 1480 'add_item_to_loot' => 'Äîáàâèòü âåùü â øàáëîí ëóòà', 1465 1481 'drop_chance' => 'Øàíñ äðîïà', 1466 1482 'quest_freeforall' => ' êâåñòå - äëÿ âñåõ', 1467 'add_ends_quests' => ' Add Quest ends by thisNPC',1468 'add_starts_quests' => ' Add Quest starts by thisNPC',1469 'quest_id' => ' QuestID',1470 'quest_id_desc' => 'ID of the quest.',1471 'add_items_to_vendor' => ' Add item to Vendor',1472 'vendor_item_id' => 'I tem Id',1473 'vendor_item_id_desc' => ' Id of item you wish to add.',1474 'vendor_max_count' => ' Max. Count',1475 'vendor_max_count_desc' => ' Maximim number of items can be soled.',1476 'vendor_incrtime' => ' Increase Time',1477 'vendor_incrtime_desc' => ' Time before this item can be soled again.',1478 'train_spell_id' => ' Spell Id',1479 'train_spell_id_desc' => 'I d of the spell you like this trainer to train.',1480 'add_spell_to_trainer' => ' Add Spell to Trainer',1481 'train_cost' => ' Cost',1482 'train_cost_desc' => ' Cost in cooper of this skill.',1483 'req_skill' => ' Req. Skill',1484 'req_skill_desc' => ' Skill id required to learn this spell.',1485 'req_skill_value' => ' Req. Skill Value',1486 'req_skill_value_desc' => ' Skill level required to learn this spell.',1487 'req_level' => ' Req. Level',1488 'req_level_desc' => ' Character level required to learn this spell.',1483 'add_ends_quests' => 'Äîáàâèòü îêîí÷àíèå êâåñòà ýòîìó NPC', 1484 'add_starts_quests' => 'Äîáàâèòü íà÷àëî êâåñòà ýòîìó NPC', 1485 'quest_id' => 'Êâåñò ID', 1486 'quest_id_desc' => 'ID êâåñòà', 1487 'add_items_to_vendor' => 'Äîáàâèòü âåùü ïðîäàâöó', 1488 'vendor_item_id' => 'ID âåùè', 1489 'vendor_item_id_desc' => 'Íîìåð âåùè, êîòîðóþ äîáàâëÿòü', 1490 'vendor_max_count' => 'Ìàêñèìóì', 1491 'vendor_max_count_desc' => 'Ìàêñèìóì âåùåé ìîæíî ïðîäàòü', 1492 'vendor_incrtime' => 'Óâåëè÷èòü âðåìÿ', 1493 'vendor_incrtime_desc' => 'Âðåìÿ ÷åðåç êîòîðîå âåùü ñíîâà ïîÿâèòñÿ â ïðîäàæå', 1494 'train_spell_id' => 'ID çàêëèíàíèÿ', 1495 'train_spell_id_desc' => 'ID çàêëèíàíèÿ, êîòîðîìó áóäóò ó÷èòü', 1496 'add_spell_to_trainer' => 'Äîáàâèòü òðåíåðó', 1497 'train_cost' => 'Öåíà', 1498 'train_cost_desc' => 'Öåíà â ìåäíûõ íà ýòó ñïîñîáíîñòü', 1499 'req_skill' => 'Òðåáóåò ñêèë', 1500 'req_skill_desc' => 'ID ñêèëà, êîòîðûé íåîáõîäèì äëÿ ïîêóïêè', 1501 'req_skill_value' => 'Çíà÷åíèå', 1502 'req_skill_value_desc' => 'Óðîâåíü ñêèëà, êîòîðûé òðåáóåòñÿ', 1503 'req_level' => 'Óðîâåíü', 1504 'req_level_desc' => 'Ìèíèìàëüíûé óðîâåíü äëÿ îáó÷åíèÿ', 1489 1505 'check_to_delete' => '* Ïîñòàâèòü ãàëêó ðÿäîì ñ âåùüþ äëÿ óäàëåíèÿ åå ñ ìîíñòðà' 1490 1506 ); … … 1493 1509 // ----- ID_TAB.PHP ----- 1494 1510 //---maps--- 1495 'azeroths' => ' Azeroths',1496 'kalimdor' => ' Kalimdor',1497 'test_zone' => ' Test Zone',1498 'kalidar' => ' Kalidar',1499 'alterac_valley' => ' Alterac Valley',1500 'shadowfang_keep_instance' => ' Shadowfang Keep',1501 'the_stockade_instance' => ' The Stockade',1502 'stormwind_prison' => ' Stormwind Prison',1503 'deadmines_instance' => ' Deadmines',1504 'plains_of_snow' => ' Plains of Snow',1505 'wailing_caverns_instance' => ' Wailing Caverns',1506 'monastery_interior' => ' Monastery Interior',1507 'razorfen_kraul_instance' => ' Razorfen Kraul',1508 'blackfathom_deeps_instance' => ' Blackfathom Deeps',1509 'uldaman_instance' => ' Uldaman',1510 'gnomeregan_instance' => ' Gnomeregan',1511 'sunken_temple_instance' => ' Sunken Temple',1512 'razorfen_downs_instance' => ' Razorfen Downs',1513 'outland' => ' Outland',1514 'emerald_forest' => ' Emerald Forest',1515 'scarlet_monastery_instance' => ' Scarlet Monastery',1516 'zul_farrak_instance' => ' Zul\'Farrak',1517 'blackrock_spire_instance' => ' Blackrock Spire',1518 'blackrock_depths_instance' => ' Blackrock Depths',1519 'onyxia_s_lair_instance' => ' Onyxia\'s Lair',1520 'caverns_of_time' => ' Caverns of Time',1521 'scholomance_instance' => ' Scholomance',1522 'zul_gurub_instance' => ' Zul\'Gurub',1523 'stratholme_instance' => ' Stratholme',1524 'maraudon_instance' => ' Maraudon',1525 'deeprun_tram' => ' Deeprun Tram',1526 'ragefire_chasm_instance' => ' Ragefire Chasm',1527 'the_molten_core_instance' => ' The Molten Core',1528 'dire_maul_instance' => ' Dire Maul',1529 'alliance_pvp_barracks' => ' Alliance PVP Barracks',1530 'horde_pvp_barracks' => ' Horde PVP Barracks',1531 'development_land' => ' Developpement Land',1532 'blackwing_lair_instance' => ' Blackwing Lair',1533 'warsong_gulch' => ' Warsong Gulch',1534 'ruins_of_ahn_qiraj_instance' => ' Ruins of Ahn\'Qiraj',1535 'arathi_basin' => ' Arathi Basin',1536 'temple_of_ahn_qiraj_instance' => ' Temple of Ahn\'Qiraj',1537 'naxxramas_instance' => ' Naxxramas',1511 'azeroths' => 'Àçåðîò', 1512 'kalimdor' => 'Êàëèìäîð', 1513 'test_zone' => 'òåñòîâàÿ çîíà', 1514 'kalidar' => 'Êàëèäàð', 1515 'alterac_valley' => 'äîëèíà Àëüòåðàê', 1516 'shadowfang_keep_instance' => 'çàìîê Òåíåêëûê', 1517 'the_stockade_instance' => '×àñòîêîë', 1518 'stormwind_prison' => 'Òþðüìà Øòîðìîâåòðà', 1519 'deadmines_instance' => 'Ñìåðòîøàõòû', 1520 'plains_of_snow' => 'Ðàâíèíû Ñíåãà', 1521 'wailing_caverns_instance' => 'Ñòåíàþùèå Ïåùåðû', 1522 'monastery_interior' => 'Ìîíàñòûðñêèå Ïàëàòû', 1523 'razorfen_kraul_instance' => 'Ðàçîðôåí Êðàóë', 1524 'blackfathom_deeps_instance' => '×åðíîïîíÿíû Ãëóáèíû', 1525 'uldaman_instance' => 'Óëüäàìàí', 1526 'gnomeregan_instance' => 'Ãíîìîðåãàí', 1527 'sunken_temple_instance' => 'Çàòîíóâøèé õðàì', 1528 'razorfen_downs_instance' => 'Ðàçîðôåí Íèæíèé', 1529 'outland' => 'Âíåøíåçåìüå', 1530 'emerald_forest' => 'Èçóìðóäíîëåñüå', 1531 'scarlet_monastery_instance' => 'Ìàëèíîâûé Ìîíàñòûðü', 1532 'zul_farrak_instance' => 'Çóë-Ôàððàê', 1533 'blackrock_spire_instance' => '×åðíîñêàëüíûé Øïèëü', 1534 'blackrock_depths_instance' => '×åðíîñêàëüíûå Ãëóáèíû', 1535 'onyxia_s_lair_instance' => 'Ëîãîâî Îíèêñèè', 1536 'caverns_of_time' => 'Ïåùåðû Âðåìåíè', 1537 'scholomance_instance' => 'Øêîëîìàíñüå', 1538 'zul_gurub_instance' => 'Çóë-Ãóðóá', 1539 'stratholme_instance' => 'Ñòðàòðå÷íîñòðîâüå', 1540 'maraudon_instance' => 'Ìàðîäîí', 1541 'deeprun_tram' => 'Ãëóáîáåãíîå Ìåòðî', 1542 'ragefire_chasm_instance' => 'ßðîîãíèé Ðàçëîì', 1543 'the_molten_core_instance' => 'Ëèòîÿäðüå', 1544 'dire_maul_instance' => 'Æóòêîêóâàëäüå', 1545 'alliance_pvp_barracks' => 'Êàçàðìû Àëüÿíñà', 1546 'horde_pvp_barracks' => 'Êàçàðìû Îðäû', 1547 'development_land' => 'Ðàçðàáîò÷èêîçåìüå', 1548 'blackwing_lair_instance' => '×åðíîêðûëüå Ëîãîâî', 1549 'warsong_gulch' => 'Áîåâîïåñåííîå óùåëüå', 1550 'ruins_of_ahn_qiraj_instance' => 'Ðóèíû Àí-Êèðàæ', 1551 'arathi_basin' => 'Àðàòè', 1552 'temple_of_ahn_qiraj_instance' => 'Õðàì Àí-Êèðàæ', 1553 'naxxramas_instance' => 'Íàêñ-Êñðàìàñ', 1538 1554 //tbc - maps 1539 'cot_black_morass' => ' The Black Morass',1540 'karazahn' => ' Karazahn',1541 'cot_hyjal_past' => ' Hyjal Past',1542 'hellfire_military' => ' The Shattered Halls',1543 'hellfire_demon' => ' The Blood Furnace',1544 'hellfire_rampart' => ' Hellfire Ramparts',1545 'hellfire_raid' => ' Magtheridon\'s Lair',1546 'coilfang_pumping' => ' The Steamvault',1547 'coilfang_marsh' => ' The Underbog',1548 'coilfang_draenei' => ' The Slave Pens',1549 'coilfang_raid' => ' Serpentshrine Cavern',1550 'tempest_keep_raid' => ' Eye of the Storm',1551 'tempest_keep_arcane' => ' The Arcatraz',1552 'tempest_keep_atrium' => ' The Botanica',1553 'tempest_keep_factory' => ' The Mechanar',1554 'auchindoun_shadow' => ' Shadow Labyrinth',1555 'auchindoun_arakkoa' => ' Sethekk Halls',1556 'auchindoun_ethereal' => ' Mana-Tombs',1557 'auchindoun_draenei' => ' Auchenai Crypts',1558 'nagrand_arena' => ' Nagrand Arena',1559 'cot_hillsbrad_past' => ' Old Hillsbrad Foothills',1560 'blades_edge_arena' => ' Blade\'s Edge Arena',1561 'black_temple' => ' Black Temple',1562 'gruuls_lair' => ' Gruul\'s Lair',1563 'netherstorm_arena' => ' Netherstorm Arena',1564 'zulaman' => ' Zul\'Aman',1555 'cot_black_morass' => '×åðíîãðÿçáîëîòüå', 1556 'karazahn' => 'Êàðàçàí', 1557 'cot_hyjal_past' => 'Õèäæàë Ïðîøëûé', 1558 'hellfire_military' => 'Ðàçðóøåííûå Çàëû', 1559 'hellfire_demon' => 'Êðîâàâàÿ Ïå÷ü', 1560 'hellfire_rampart' => 'Àäñêîïëàìåííûå Âàëû', 1561 'hellfire_raid' => 'Ëîãîâî Ìàãñåðèäîíà', 1562 'coilfang_pumping' => 'Ïàðîâîõðàíüå', 1563 'coilfang_marsh' => 'Íèæíåòðÿñèíüå', 1564 'coilfang_draenei' => 'Ðàáîðó÷üå', 1565 'coilfang_raid' => 'Çìååñâÿòèëèùíûå Ïåùåðû', 1566 'tempest_keep_raid' => 'Ãëàç Øòîðìà', 1567 'tempest_keep_arcane' => 'Àðêàòðàç', 1568 'tempest_keep_atrium' => 'Áîòàíèêà', 1569 'tempest_keep_factory' => 'Ìåõàíàð', 1570 'auchindoun_shadow' => 'Òåíåâîé Ëàáèðèíò', 1571 'auchindoun_arakkoa' => 'Çàëû Ñåòõåêêà', 1572 'auchindoun_ethereal' => 'Ìàíà-Ìîãèëüå', 1573 'auchindoun_draenei' => 'Î÷åíàéñêèå Ñêëåïû', 1574 'nagrand_arena' => 'Íàãðàíäñêàÿ Àðåíà', 1575 'cot_hillsbrad_past' => 'Ñòàðîå Øòèôòõîëìüå', 1576 'blades_edge_arena' => 'Êëèíêîëåçâèéíàÿ Àðåíà', 1577 'black_temple' => '×åðíûé Õðàì', 1578 'gruuls_lair' => 'Ëîãîâî Ãðóóëà', 1579 'netherstorm_arena' => 'Âíåøíåøòîðìîâàÿ Àðåíà', 1580 'zulaman' => 'Çóë-Àìàí', 1565 1581 //---class/race--- 1566 1582 'unknown' => 'íåïîíÿòíî', … … 1586 1602 'draenei' => 'Äðàåíåé', 1587 1603 //---zone--- 1588 'undercity' => ' Undercity',1589 'ironforge' => ' Ironforge',1590 'stormwind_city' => ' Stormwind City',1591 'badlands' => ' Badlands',1592 'wetlands' => ' Wetlands',1593 'stranglethorn_vale' => ' Stranglethorn Vale',1594 'redridge_mountains' => ' Redridge Mountains',1595 'loch_modan' => ' Loch Modan',1596 'duskwood' => ' Duskwood',1597 'deadwind_pass' => ' Deadwind Pass',1598 'elwynn_forest' => ' Elwynn Forest',1599 'burning_steppes' => ' Steppes ardentes',1600 'searing_gorge' => ' Searing Gorge',1601 'dun_morogh' => ' Dun Morogh',1602 'the_hinterlands' => ' The Hinterlands',1603 'westfall' => ' Westfall',1604 'hillsbrad_foothills' => ' Hillsbrad Foothills',1605 'eastern_plaguelands' => ' Eastern Plaguelands',1606 'western_plaguelands' => ' Western Plaguelands',1607 'silverpine_forest' => ' Silverpine Forest',1608 'tirisfal_glades' => ' Tirisfal Glades',1609 'blasted_lands' => ' Blasted Lands',1610 'swamp_of_sorrows' => ' Swamp of Sorrows',1611 'arathi_highlands' => ' Arathi Highlands',1612 'alterac_mountains' => ' Alterac Mountains',1613 'darnassus' => ' Darnassus',1614 'thunder_bluff' => ' Thunder Bluff',1615 'orgrimmar' => ' Orgrimmar',1604 'undercity' => 'Ïîäãîðîä', 1605 'ironforge' => 'Æåëåçíîãîðí', 1606 'stormwind_city' => 'Øòîðìîâåòåð', 1607 'badlands' => 'Ïëîõîçåìüå', 1608 'wetlands' => 'Ìîêðîçåìüå', 1609 'stranglethorn_vale' => 'Øèïîäóøàùàÿ äîëèíà', 1610 'redridge_mountains' => 'Êðàñíîãîðüå', 1611 'loch_modan' => 'Ëîõ Ìîäàí', 1612 'duskwood' => 'Ñóìåðåëåñ', 1613 'deadwind_pass' => 'Ñìåðâåòåðíûé ïðîõîä', 1614 'elwynn_forest' => 'Ëåñ Ýëâèíí', 1615 'burning_steppes' => 'Ïûëàþùèå ñòåïè', 1616 'searing_gorge' => 'Èññóøåíîå óùåëüå', 1617 'dun_morogh' => 'Äóí Ìîðîã', 1618 'the_hinterlands' => 'Âíóòðåçåìüå', 1619 'westfall' => 'Çàïàäîïàä', 1620 'hillsbrad_foothills' => 'Øòèôòõîëìüå', 1621 'eastern_plaguelands' => 'Âîñò.×óìíîçåìüå', 1622 'western_plaguelands' => 'Çàï.×óìíîçåìüå', 1623 'silverpine_forest' => 'Ñðåáðîåëüíûé áîð', 1624 'tirisfal_glades' => 'ïîëÿ Òèðèñôàëÿ', 1625 'blasted_lands' => 'Âçîðâàíîçåìüå', 1626 'swamp_of_sorrows' => 'Áîëîòà Ïå÷àëè', 1627 'arathi_highlands' => 'íàãîðüå Àðàòè', 1628 'alterac_mountains' => 'ãîðû Àëüòåðàê', 1629 'darnassus' => 'Äàðíàññ', 1630 'thunder_bluff' => 'Ãðîìîãðåì', 1631 'orgrimmar' => 'Îðãðèìàð', 1616 1632 'moonglade' => 'Moonglade', 1617 'silithus' => ' Silithus',1618 'winterspring' => ' Winterspring',1619 'un_goro_crater' => ' Un\'Goro Crater',1620 'felwood' => ' Felwood',1621 'azshara' => ' Azshara',1622 'tanaris' => ' Tanaris',1623 'dustwallow_marsh' => ' Dustwallow Marsh',1624 'mulgore' => ' Mulgore',1625 'feralas' => ' Feralas',1626 'desolace' => ' Desolace',1627 'thousand_needles' => ' Thousand Needles',1628 'durotar' => ' Durotar',1629 'ashenvale' => ' Ashenvale',1630 'darkshore' => ' Darkshore',1631 'teldrassil' => ' Teldrassil',1632 'stonetalon_mountains' => ' Stonetalon Mountains',1633 'the_barrens' => ' The Barrens',1633 'silithus' => 'Ñèëèòóñ', 1634 'winterspring' => 'Çèìíåêëþ÷üå', 1635 'un_goro_crater' => 'êðàòåð Óí-Ãîðî', 1636 'felwood' => 'Ôåëüñêèé ëåñ', 1637 'azshara' => 'Àæàðà', 1638 'tanaris' => 'Òàíàðèñ', 1639 'dustwallow_marsh' => 'Ïûëåïîêðûòûå áîëîòà', 1640 'mulgore' => 'Ìóëãîð', 1641 'feralas' => 'Ôåðàëàñ', 1642 'desolace' => 'Äåñîëàñ', 1643 'thousand_needles' => 'Òûùåèãëüå', 1644 'durotar' => 'Äóðîòàð', 1645 'ashenvale' => 'Àøåíâàëü', 1646 'darkshore' => 'Òåìíîáåðåæüå', 1647 'teldrassil' => 'Òåëäðàñèë', 1648 'stonetalon_mountains' => 'Êàìåííîêîãòüè ãîðû', 1649 'the_barrens' => 'Ïóñòîøè', 1634 1650 //tbc- zones 1635 'shattrath_city' => ' Shattrath City',1636 'silvermoon_city' => ' Silvermoon City',1637 'netherstorm' => ' Netherstorm',1638 'terokkar_forest' => ' Terokkar Forest',1639 'nagrand' => ' Nagrand',1640 'bloodmyst_isle' => ' Bloodmyst Isle',1641 'blades_edge_mountains' => ' Blade\'s Edge Mountains',1642 'shadowmoon_valley' => ' Shadowmoon Valley',1643 'the_exodar' => ' The Exodar',1644 'zangarmarsh' => ' Zangarmarsh',1645 'hellfire_peninsula' => ' Hellfire Peninsula',1646 'azuremyst_isle' => ' Azuremyst Isle',1647 'ghostlands' => ' Ghostlands',1648 'eversong_woods' => ' Eversong Woods',1651 'shattrath_city' => 'Øàòòðàñ', 1652 'silvermoon_city' => 'Ñðåáðîëóíüå', 1653 'netherstorm' => 'Íèæíåâåòðüå', 1654 'terokkar_forest' => 'ëåñ Òåððîêàð', 1655 'nagrand' => 'Íàãðàíä', 1656 'bloodmyst_isle' => 'Êðîâîòóìàííûé îñòðîâ', 1657 'blades_edge_mountains' => 'Êëèíêîëåçâèéíûå ãîðû', 1658 'shadowmoon_valley' => 'Òåíåëóííàÿ äîëèíà', 1659 'the_exodar' => 'Ýêñîäàð', 1660 'zangarmarsh' => 'Çàíãàðáîëîòüå', 1661 'hellfire_peninsula' => 'Àäñêîïëàìåííûé ïîëóîñòðîâ', 1662 'azuremyst_isle' => 'Ñèíåòóìàííûé îñòðîâ', 1663 'ghostlands' => 'Ïðèçðà÷íîçåìüå', 1664 'eversong_woods' => 'Ðåäêîïåñåííûé ëåñ', 1649 1665 //skills 1650 'SKILL_RIDING' => ' Riding',1651 'SKILL_LANG_DRAENEI' => ' Language Draenei',1652 'SKILL_JEWELCRAFTING' => ' Jewelcrafting',1653 'SKILL_RIDING_KODO' => ' Riding Kodo',1654 'SKILL_LANG_GUTTERSPEAK' => ' Language Gutterspeak',1655 'SKILL_LOCKPICKING' => ' LockPicking',1656 'SKILL_DISCIPLINE' => ' Descipline',1657 'SKILL_DESTRUCTION' => ' Destruction',1658 'SKILL_BALANCE' => ' Balance',1659 'SKILL_RIDING_UNDEAD_HORSE' => ' Riding Undead Horse',1660 'SKILL_RIDING_MECHANOSTRIDER' => ' Riding Mechanostrider',1661 'SKILL_RIDING_RAPTOR' => ' Riding Raptor',1662 'SKILL_FIST_WEAPONS' => ' Fist Weapons',1663 'SKILL_SHIELD' => ' Shield',1664 'SKILL_CLOTH' => ' Cloth',1665 'SKILL_LEATHER' => ' Leather',1666 'SKILL_MAIL' => ' Mail',1667 'SKILL_SKINNING' => ' Skinning',1668 'SKILL_ELEMENTAL_COMBAT' => ' Elemental Combat',1669 'SKILL_RESTORATION' => ' Restoration',1670 'SKILL_ENHANCEMENT' => ' Enhancement',1671 'SKILL_FISHING' => ' Fishing',1672 'SKILL_AFFLICTION' => ' Affiliction',1673 'SKILL_DEMONOLOGY' => ' Demonology',1674 'SKILL_ENCHANTING' => ' Enchanting',1675 'SKILL_LANG_TROLL' => ' Language Troll',1676 'SKILL_LANG_GNOMISH' => ' Language Gnomish',1677 'SKILL_PLATE_MAIL' => ' Plate Mail',1678 'SKILL_PET_TALENTS' => ' Pet Talents',1679 'SKILL_BEAST_TRAINING' => ' Beast Training',1680 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=> ' Riding Ram',1706 'SKILL_RIDING_WOLF' => ' Riding Wolf',1707 'SKILL_RIDING_HORSE' => ' Riding Horse',1708 'SKILL_LANG_OLD_TONGUE' => ' Language Old Tongue',1709 'SKILL_LANG_TITAN' => ' Language Titan',1710 'SKILL_LANG_DEMON_TONGUE' => ' Language Demon Tongue',1711 'SKILL_LANG_DRACONIC' => ' Language Draconic',1712 'SKILL_LANG_THALASSIAN' => ' Language Thalassian',1713 'SKILL_STAVES' => ' Staves',1714 'SKILL_FERAL_COMBAT' => ' Feral Comabt',1715 'SKILL_FIRST_AID' => ' First Aid',1716 'SKILL_DUAL_WIELD' => ' Dual Wield',1717 'SKILL_LANG_TAURAHE' => ' Language Taurahe',1718 'SKILL_LANG_DARNASSIAN' => ' Language Darnassian',1719 'SKILL_LANG_DWARVEN' => ' Language Dwarven',1720 'SKILL_LANG_ORCISH' => ' Language Orcish',1721 'SKILL_LANG_COMMON' => ' Language Common',1722 'SKILL_DEFENSE' => ' Defense',1723 'SKILL_SHADOW' => ' Shadow',1724 'SKILL_2H_SWORDS' => ' Two-Handed Swords',1725 'SKILL_HOLY' => ' Holy',1726 'SKILL_MACES' => ' Maces',1727 'SKILL_SURVIVAL' => ' Survival',1728 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1681 'SKILL_LEATHER' => 'Êîæà', 1682 'SKILL_MAIL' => 'Êîëü÷óãà', 1683 'SKILL_SKINNING' => 'Ñêîðíÿê', 1684 'SKILL_ELEMENTAL_COMBAT' => 'Ñòèõèéíûé áîé', 1685 'SKILL_RESTORATION' => 'Ëå÷åíèå', 1686 'SKILL_ENHANCEMENT' => 'Óëó÷øåíèå', 1687 'SKILL_FISHING' => 'Ðûáîëîâñòâî', 1688 'SKILL_AFFLICTION' => 'Àôôèëèêöèÿ', 1689 'SKILL_DEMONOLOGY' => 'Äåìîíîëîãèÿ', 1690 'SKILL_ENCHANTING' => 'Î÷àðîâàíèå', 1691 'SKILL_LANG_TROLL' => 'ßçûê Òðîëëåé', 1692 'SKILL_LANG_GNOMISH' => 'ßçûê Ãíîìîâ', 1693 'SKILL_PLATE_MAIL' => 'Ïëàñòèí÷àòûé äîñïåõ', 1694 'SKILL_PET_TALENTS' => 'Ïðèó÷åíèå', 1695 'SKILL_BEAST_TRAINING' => 'Òðåíèðîâêà çâåðåé', 1696 'SKILL_PROTECTION' => 'Îáîðîíà', 1697 'SKILL_FURY' => 'ßðîñòü', 1698 'SKILL_ASSASSINATION' => 'Óáèéñòâî', 1699 'SKILL_ARCANE' => 'Òàéíîå', 1700 'SKILL_POLEARMS' => 'Àëåáàðäû', 1701 'SKILL_WANDS' => 'Ïàëêè', 1702 'SKILL_SPEARS' => 'Êîïüÿ', 1703 'SKILL_CROSSBOWS' => 'Àðáàëåòû', 1704 'SKILL_WEAPON_TALENTS' => 'Îðóæåéíûå òàëàíòû', 1705 'SKILL_ENGINERING' => 'Èíæåíåð', 1706 'SKILL_TAILORING' => 'Ïîðòíîé', 1707 'SKILL_MINING' => 'Øàõòåð', 1708 'SKILL_COOKING' => 'Ïîâàð', 1709 'SKILL_RETRIBUTION' => 'Âîçìåçäèå', 1710 'SKILL_HERBALISM' => 'Ãåðáàëèñò', 1711 'SKILL_THROWN' => 'Ìåòàíèå', 1712 'SKILL_DAGGERS' => 'Êèíæàëû', 1713 'SKILL_2H_AXES' => 'Äâóðó÷.Òîïîðû', 1714 'SKILL_ALCHEMY' => 'Àëõèìèÿ', 1715 'SKILL_LEATHERWORKING' => 'Êîæåâíèê', 1716 'SKILL_BLACKSMITHING' => 'Êóçíåö', 1717 'SKILL_MARKSMANSHIP' => 'Ñíàéïåð', 1718 'SKILL_UNARMED' => 'Áîðüáà', 1719 'SKILL_2H_MACES' => 'Äâóðó÷.Áóëàâû', 1720 'SKILL_RIDING_TIGER' => 'Åçäà íà òèãðå', 1721 'SKILL_RIDING_RAM' => 'Åçäà íà áàðàíå', 1722 'SKILL_RIDING_WOLF' => 'Åçäà íà âîëêå', 1723 'SKILL_RIDING_HORSE' => 'Åçäà íà ëîøàäè', 1724 'SKILL_LANG_OLD_TONGUE' => 'ßçûê Äðåâíèõ', 1725 'SKILL_LANG_TITAN' => 'ßçûê Òèòàíîâ', 1726 'SKILL_LANG_DEMON_TONGUE' => 'ßçûê Äåìîíîâ', 1727 'SKILL_LANG_DRACONIC' => 'ßçûê Äðàêîíîâ', 1728 'SKILL_LANG_THALASSIAN' => 'ßçûê Òàëàññêèé', 1729 'SKILL_STAVES' => 'Ïîñîõè', 1730 'SKILL_FERAL_COMBAT' => 'Çâåðèíûé áîé', 1731 'SKILL_FIRST_AID' => 'Ñàíèòàð', 1732 'SKILL_DUAL_WIELD' => 'Îáîåðó÷üå', 1733 'SKILL_LANG_TAURAHE' => 'ßçûê Òàóðåí', 1734 'SKILL_LANG_DARNASSIAN' => 'ßçûê Äàðíàññêèé', 1735 'SKILL_LANG_DWARVEN' => 'ßçûê Äâàðôñêèé', 1736 'SKILL_LANG_ORCISH' => 'ßçûê Îðêñêèé', 1737 'SKILL_LANG_COMMON' => 'ßçûê Îáùèé', 1738 'SKILL_DEFENSE' => 'Çàùèòà', 1739 'SKILL_SHADOW' => 'Òåíåìàãèÿ', 1740 'SKILL_2H_SWORDS' => 'Äâóðó÷.Ìå÷è', 1741 'SKILL_HOLY' => 'Ñâÿòîìàãèÿ', 1742 'SKILL_MACES' => 'Áóëàâû', 1743 'SKILL_SURVIVAL' => 'Âûæèâàíèå', 1744 'SKILL_BEAST_MASTERY' => 'Çâåðîòðåíèðîâêà', 1745 'SKILL_GUNS' => 'Ðóæüÿ', 1746 'SKILL_BOWS' => 'Ëóêè', 1747 'SKILL_AXES' => 'Òîïîðû', 1748 'SKILL_SWORDS' => 'Ìå÷è', 1749 'SKILL_POISONS' => 'ßäû', 1750 'SKILL_SUBTLETY' => 'Òîíêîñòü', 1751 'SKILL_COMBAT' => 'Áîé', 1752 'SKILL_ARMS' => 'Ðóêè', 1753 'SKILL_FIRE' => 'Îãîíü', 1754 'SKILL_FROST' => 'Ìîðîç', 1739 1755 //------ItemSets----- 1740 1756 'Set696' => 'High Warlord\'s Wartide',
See TracChangeset
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