Aug 13, 2007, 9:05:34 PM (17 years ago)

Aktualizace MaNGOS Minimanageru na verzi 0.1.4a.

1 edited


  • minimanager/lang/noBM.php

    r5 r19  
    2828        'none' => 'ingen',
    2929        'delete' => 'Slett',
     30        'delete_short' => 'Del.',
    3031        'edit' => 'Endre',
    3132        'yes' => 'JA',
    256257        'quests' => 'Oppdrag',
    257258        'no_act_quests' => 'Ingen aktive oppdrag funnet.',
    258         'quest_id' => 'ID',
     259        'quest_id' => 'ID',
     260        'quest_level' => 'lvl',
    259261        'quest_title' => 'Oppdrags navn',
    260262        'professions' => 'Professions', //TODO
    261263        'skills' => 'Skills', //TODO
     264        'skill_id' => 'ID', //TODO
     265        'skill_name' => 'Skill Name', //TODO
     266        'skill_value' => 'Value', //TODO
     267        // --- $skill_rank_array ---
     268        'apprentice' => 'Apprentice', //TODO: Translate
     269        'journeyman' => 'Journeyman', //TODO: Translate
     270        'expert' => 'Expert', //TODO: Translate
     271        'artisan' => 'artisan', //TODO: Translate
     272        'master' => 'Master', //TODO: Translate
     273        'inherent' => 'Inherent', //TODO: Translate
     274        'wise' => 'Wise', //TODO: Translate
    262275        // ---- edit_char.php ----
    263276        'update' => 'Oppdater person data',
    591604$lang_mail = array(
    592605        // ----- MAIL.PHP -----
    593         'mail_options_type' => 'E-post innstillinger / Type',
     606        'mail_type' => 'Mail Type',
     607        'mail_options' => 'Mail Options',
    594608        'email' => 'E-post',
    595609        'ingame_mail' => 'InGame Mail',
    629643$lang_run_patch = array(
    630644        // -----RUN_PATCH.PHP -----
    631         'err_in_line' => 'MySQL syntax fil i forespørsel nummer ',
     645        'err_in_line' => 'SQL syntax fil i forespørsel nummer ',
    632646        'run_sql_file_only' => 'Du kan kun kjøre .sql eller .qbquery filer.',
    633647        'file_not_found' => 'Fil ikke funnet!',
    10901104        'armor_dmg_mod' => 'Armor Damage Modifier',
    10911105        'armor_dmg_mod_desc' => 'TODO:'
    1092 );
    1094 $lang_game_object = array( //TODO:
    1095         // ----- GAME_OBJECT.PHP -----
    1096         'unknown' => 'Unknown',
    1097         'custom_search' => 'Custom Filter',
    1098         'search' => '+ Search +',
    1099         'add_new' => 'Add New',
    1100         'tot_go_templ' => 'Total Game Object Templates',
    1101         'search_template' => 'Search Game Object Template',
    1102         'select' => 'Select',
    1103         'new_search' => 'New Search',
    1104         'tot_found' => 'Total Templates Found',
    1105         'add_new_go_templ' => 'Add New Game Object Template',
    1106         'edit_go_templ' => 'Edit Game Object Template',
    1107         'err_adding_new' => 'Error Adding New Game Object Template',
    1108         'err_no_fields_updated' => 'Error: No Fields Updated',
    1109         'search_go' => 'Search Game Objects',
    1110         'general' => 'General',
    1111         'sounds' => 'Additional Sounds',
    1112         'save_to_db' => 'Save to DB',
    1113         'save_to_script' => 'Save to Script',
    1114         'lookup_go' => 'Lookup GO',
    1115         'DOOR' => 'DOOR',
    1116         'BUTTON' => 'BUTTON',
    1117         'QUESTGIVER' => 'QUESTGIVER',
    1118         'CHEST' => 'CHEST',
    1119         'BINDER' => 'BINDER',
    1120         'GENERIC' => 'GENERIC',
    1121         'TRAP' => 'TRAP',
    1122         'CHAIR' => 'CHAIR',
    1123         'SPELL_FOCUS' => 'SPELL_FOCUS',
    1124         'TEXT' => 'TEXT',
    1125         'GOOBER' => 'GOOBER',
    1126         'TRANSPORT' => 'TRANSPORT',
    1127         'AREADAMAGE' => 'AREADAMAGE',
    1128         'CAMERA' => 'CAMERA',
    1129         'MAP_OBJECT' => 'MAP_OBJECT',
    1130         'MO_TRANSPORT' => 'MO_TRANSPORT',
    1131         'DUEL_FLAG' => 'DUEL_FLAG',
    1132         'FISHING_BOBBER' => 'FISHING_BOBBER',
    1133         'RITUAL' => 'RITUAL',
    1134         'MAILBOX' => 'MAILBOX',
    1135         'AUCTIONHOUSE' => 'AUCTIONHOUSE',
    1136         'GUARDPOST' => 'GUARDPOST',
    1137         'SPELLCASTER' => 'SPELLCASTER',
    1138         'MEETING_STONE' => 'MEETING_STONE',
    1139         'BG_Flag' => 'BG_Flag',
    1140         'FISHING_HOLE' => 'FISHING_HOLE',
    1141         'FLAGDROP' => 'FLAGDROP',
    1143         'LOTTERY_KIOSK' => 'LOTTERY_KIOSK',
    1144         'CAPTURE_POINT' => 'CAPTURE_POINT',
    1145         'AURA_GENERATOR' => 'AURA_GENERATOR',
    1147         'general' => 'General',
    1148         'name' => 'Name',
    1149         'name_desc' => 'Object\'s name.',
    1150         'entry' => 'Entry',
    1151         'entry_desc' => 'Unique GO identifier value',
    1152         'displayId' => 'Display Id',
    1153         'displayId_desc' => 'Graphic model\'s id sent to the client.',
    1154         'faction' => 'Faction',
    1155         'faction_desc' => 'Object\'s faction, if any.',
    1156         'flags' => 'Flags',
    1157         'flags_desc' => 'TODO:',
    1158         'type' => 'Type',
    1159         'type_desc' => 'Game Object\'s type',
    1160         'script_name' => 'ScriptName',
    1161         'ScriptName_desc' => 'Script\'s name GO uses.',
    1162         'size' => 'Size',
    1163         'size_desc' => 'Object\'s size must be set because graphic models can be resample.',
    1164         'sound' => 'Sound',
    1165         'sound_desc' => 'Data fields specific for different type field values. Each type has unique fields.<br />For more informaton visit https://svn.mangosproject.org/trac/MaNGOS/wiki/Database/gameobject_template',
    1166         'tmpl_not_found' => 'Template not Found',
    1167         'del_go' => 'Delete GO',
    1168         'del_spawns' => 'Delete Spawns',
    1169         'loot' => 'Loot',
    1170         'quests' => 'Quests',
    1171         'loot_tmpl_id' => 'Loot Template',
    1172         'drop_chance' => 'Drop Chance',
    1173         'quest_drop_chance' => 'Quest Drop Chance',
    1174         'quest_freeforall' => 'Quest Free for All',
    1175         'add_items_to_templ' => 'Add Items to Template',
    1176         'loot_item_id' => 'Loot template ID',
    1177         'loot_item_id_desc' => 'ID of the item you wish to be added.',
    1178         'loot_drop_chance' => 'Drop Chance',
    1179         'loot_drop_chance_desc' => 'Item Drop chance',
    1180         'loot_quest_drop_chance' => 'Quest Drop Chance',
    1181         'loot_quest_drop_chance_desc' => 'Quest Drop chance',
    1182         'min_count' => 'Min. Count',
    1183         'min_count_desc' => 'Minimum number of stack size on drop.',
    1184         'max_count' => 'Max. Count',
    1185         'max_count_desc' => 'Maximum number of stack size on drop.',
    1186         'quest_loot' => 'Quest Loot Flag',
    1187         'quest_loot_desc' => 'Quest Free for all loot flag.',
    1188         'check_to_delete' => '* Check checkbox next to item to remove from template.',
    1189         'add_starts_quests' => 'Add Quest starts by this GO',
    1190         'quest_id' => 'Quest ID',
    1191         'quest_id_desc' => 'ID of the quest.',
    1192         'start_quests' => 'Start Quests',
    1193         'ends_quests' => 'Ends Quests',
    1194         'add_ends_quests' => 'Add Quest ends by this GO',
    1195         'go_swapned' => 'This Game Object spawned total of',
    1196         'times' => 'times',
    1197         'go_template' => 'Game Object Template',
    1198         'all_related_data' => 'Along with all related data.'
    14711378        'req_level_desc' => 'Character level required to learn this spell.',
    14721379        'check_to_delete' => '* Check checkbox next to item to remove from template.',
    1473         'search_results' => 'Search Results'
     1380        'search_results' => 'Search Results',
     1381        'RacialLeader' => 'Racial Leader',
     1382        'RacialLeader_desc' => 'Set to 1 if the creature is Racial Leader'
    14741383        );
    15961505        'total_auctions' => 'Total Auctions',
    15971506        'search_results' => 'Search Results',
    1598         'auction_over' => 'Auction Over'
     1507        'auction_over' => 'Auction Over',
     1508        'all' => 'All',
     1509        'item_id' => 'Item Id',
     1510        'item_name' => 'Item Name',
     1511        'seller_name' => 'Seller Name',
     1512        'buyer_name' => 'Buyer Name',
     1513        'tot_found' => 'Total Items Found'
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