Nov 25, 2021, 12:27:52 PM (3 years ago)
  • Modified: Translated contact fields titles.
  • Added: Full name, Middle name, title after and title before into contact form.
1 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormContact.lfm

    r31 r33  
    1717    Top = 10
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    34         Caption = 'Name:'
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    36         ParentFont = False
    37       end
    38       object EditName: TEdit
     32        Top = 72
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     34        Caption = 'First name:'
     35        ParentColor = False
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     37      end
     38      object EditFirstName: TEdit
    3939        Left = 144
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    97       object EditSurname: TEdit
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     171        Top = 250
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     212        Left = 144
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     220        Left = 432
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     226        ParentFont = False
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     237        Left = 16
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     243        ParentFont = False
     244      end
     245      object EditTitleBefore: TEdit
     246        Left = 144
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     257        Width = 85
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     260        ParentFont = False
     261      end
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     521        ParentFont = False
     522      end
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     524        Left = 584
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Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.