Aug 27, 2024, 11:27:27 AM (3 weeks ago)
  • Fixed: Corrected packaging files.
1 edited


  • trunk/Install/flatpak/net.zdechov.app.vCardStudio.appdata.xml

    r179 r182  
    4242    <screenshot type="default">
    4343      <caption>Main window</caption>
    44       <image>https://svn.zdechov.net/vcard-studio/vcard-studio/Images/Screenshots/vCard%20Studio.png</image>
     44      <image>https://svn.zdechov.net/vcard-studio/trunk/Images/Screenshots/vCard%20Studio.png</image>
    4545    </screenshot>
    4646    <screenshot type="default">
    7979      <description>
    8080        <ul>
     81          <li>Added: Keyboard shortcuts form accessible from Help menu.</li>
     82          <li>Added: Menu action View - Fullscreen for switching into full screen mode.</li>
     83          <li>Added: More menu action icons.</li>
     84          <li>Added: File menu action Import to export vCard data from CSV, XML, JSON and MediaWiki.</li>
     85          <li>Added: File menu action Export to export vCard data into CSV, XML, JSON, MediaWiki, Excel paste, plain text and HTML.</li>
     86          <li>Added: Detect Beyond Compare as compare tool on Windows.</li>
     87          <li>Added: Accept dropped files onto the application form.</li>
     88          <li>Added: VCardProcessor class for processing contacts available from VCard package.</li>
     89          <li>Added: Normalize menu action for normalization of contact property values.</li>
     90          <li>Added: New file compare dialog with additional normalize options.</li>
     91          <li>Modified: Improved new contact neme generation.</li>
     92          <li>Modified: Improved forms resize handling.</li>
     93          <li>Modified: Compare action uses external compare tool.</li>
     94          <li>Fixed: Property form error.</li>
     95          <li>Fixed: Not loaded last opened files.</li>
     96          <li>Fixed: Correctly apply theme to contacts form.</li>
     97          <li>Fixed: Width of not all contacts columns was remembered.</li>
     98          <li>Fixed: Resize of compare and normalize forms.</li>
     99          <li>Fixed: Report error if compare tool was not found.</li>
     100          <li>Fixed: Font size was not scaled in source code form.</li>
    81101        </ul>
    82102      </description>
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