Changeset 155 for trunk/Forms
- Timestamp:
- Jun 6, 2023, 10:45:32 PM (22 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk/Forms
- Files:
- 10 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r151 r155 1 1 object FormCompareSideBySide: TFormCompareSideBySide 2 Left = 4792 Left = 377 3 3 Height = 888 4 Top = 4114 Top = 269 5 5 Width = 1191 6 6 Caption = 'Compare side by side' 7 ClientHeight = 85 47 ClientHeight = 858 8 8 ClientWidth = 1191 9 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 … … 18 18 object PanelLeft: TPanel 19 19 Left = 0 20 Height = 85 420 Height = 858 21 21 Top = 0 22 22 Width = 584 23 23 Align = alLeft 24 24 BevelOuter = bvNone 25 ClientHeight = 85 425 ClientHeight = 858 26 26 ClientWidth = 584 27 27 TabOrder = 0 28 28 object EditLeftFileName: TEdit 29 29 Left = 15 30 Height = 4330 Height = 33 31 31 Top = 11 32 32 Width = 523 … … 37 37 inline SynEditLeft: TSynEditEx 38 38 Left = 15 39 Height = 78 139 Height = 785 40 40 Top = 61 41 41 Width = 562 … … 48 48 ParentFont = False 49 49 TabOrder = 1 50 Gutter.Width = 7 550 Gutter.Width = 73 51 51 Gutter.MouseActions = <> 52 52 RightGutter.Width = 0 … … 503 503 end 504 504 object SynGutterLineNumber1: TSynGutterLineNumber 505 Width = 1 5505 Width = 13 506 506 MouseActions = <> 507 507 MarkupInfo.Background = clBtnFace … … 548 548 object Splitter1: TSplitter 549 549 Left = 584 550 Height = 85 4550 Height = 858 551 551 Top = 0 552 552 Width = 8 … … 554 554 object PanelRight: TPanel 555 555 Left = 592 556 Height = 85 4556 Height = 858 557 557 Top = 0 558 558 Width = 599 559 559 Align = alClient 560 560 BevelOuter = bvNone 561 ClientHeight = 85 4561 ClientHeight = 858 562 562 ClientWidth = 599 563 563 TabOrder = 2 564 564 object EditRightFileName: TEdit 565 565 Left = 12 566 Height = 43566 Height = 33 567 567 Top = 11 568 568 Width = 527 … … 573 573 inline SynEditRight: TSynEditEx 574 574 Left = 15 575 Height = 78 1575 Height = 785 576 576 Top = 61 577 577 Width = 571 … … 584 584 ParentFont = False 585 585 TabOrder = 1 586 Gutter.Width = 7 5586 Gutter.Width = 73 587 587 Gutter.MouseActions = <> 588 588 RightGutter.Width = 0 … … 1039 1039 end 1040 1040 object SynGutterLineNumber1: TSynGutterLineNumber 1041 Width = 1 51041 Width = 13 1042 1042 MouseActions = <> 1043 1043 MarkupInfo.Background = clBtnFace -
r152 r155 55 55 TabOrder = 1 56 56 object ComboBoxField: TComboBox 57 Left = 19258 Height = 4259 Top = 1 457 Left = 232 58 Height = 33 59 Top = 16 60 60 Width = 326 61 ItemHeight = 061 ItemHeight = 25 62 62 OnChange = ComboBoxFieldChange 63 63 ParentFont = False … … 67 67 object Label1: TLabel 68 68 Left = 13 69 Height = 2 669 Height = 25 70 70 Top = 19 71 Width = 1 3571 Width = 125 72 72 Caption = 'By contact field:' 73 73 ParentColor = False … … 75 75 end 76 76 object ButtonMerge: TButton 77 Left = 5 2877 Left = 568 78 78 Height = 38 79 Top = 1 479 Top = 16 80 80 Width = 113 81 81 Caption = 'Merge' -
r149 r155 1 1 object FormGenerate: TFormGenerate 2 2 Left = 470 3 Height = 5854 Top = 3725 Width = 8463 Height = 318 4 Top = 616 5 Width = 652 6 6 Caption = 'Generate contacts' 7 ClientHeight = 5858 ClientWidth = 8469 DesignTimePPI = 1 507 ClientHeight = 318 8 ClientWidth = 652 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 10 OnClose = FormClose 11 11 OnCreate = FormCreate 12 12 OnShow = FormShow 13 LCLVersion = '2.2. 0.4'13 LCLVersion = '' 14 14 object Label1: TLabel 15 Left = 2016 Height = 2 717 Top = 2018 Width = 5 915 Left = 19 16 Height = 25 17 Top = 19 18 Width = 52 19 19 Caption = 'Count:' 20 ParentColor = False 20 21 ParentFont = False 21 22 end 22 23 object SpinEditCount: TSpinEdit 23 Left = 1 6124 Height = 4325 Top = 1 926 Width = 15 824 Left = 155 25 Height = 33 26 Top = 18 27 Width = 152 27 28 MaxValue = 1000000000 28 29 MinValue = 1 … … 32 33 end 33 34 object ButtonGenerate: TButton 34 Left = 70435 Height = 3 936 Top = 52837 Width = 11 835 Left = 516 36 Height = 37 37 Top = 264 38 Width = 113 38 39 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 39 40 Caption = 'Generate' -
r153 r155 92 92 procedure TFormMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); 93 93 begin 94 SaveConfig; 94 95 FormContacts.Close; 95 96 Core.Core.PersistentForm1.Save(Self); … … 108 109 Core.Core.OnDataFileChange := DataFileChangeExecute; 109 110 Core.Core.OnLastOpenedListChange := LastOpenedFileChangeExecute; 111 LoadConfig; 110 112 end; 111 113 -
r149 r155 1 1 object FormNameDetails: TFormNameDetails 2 2 Left = 670 3 Height = 3294 Top = 5 255 Width = 6043 Height = 299 4 Top = 542 5 Width = 572 6 6 Caption = 'Name details' 7 ClientHeight = 3298 ClientWidth = 6049 Constraints.MinHeight = 31110 Constraints.MinWidth = 2 8111 DesignTimePPI = 1 507 ClientHeight = 299 8 ClientWidth = 572 9 Constraints.MinHeight = 299 10 Constraints.MinWidth = 270 11 DesignTimePPI = 144 12 12 OnClose = FormClose 13 13 OnCreate = FormCreate 14 14 OnShow = FormShow 15 LCLVersion = '2.2. 0.4'15 LCLVersion = '' 16 16 object EditFirstName: TEdit 17 Left = 20018 Height = 4319 Top = 6 420 Width = 3 8417 Left = 192 18 Height = 33 19 Top = 61 20 Width = 361 21 21 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 22 22 ParentFont = False … … 24 24 end 25 25 object Label1: TLabel 26 Left = 1 627 Height = 2 728 Top = 7229 Width = 4426 Left = 15 27 Height = 25 28 Top = 69 29 Width = 37 30 30 Caption = 'First:' 31 ParentColor = False 31 32 ParentFont = False 32 33 end 33 34 object Label5: TLabel 34 Left = 1 635 Height = 2 736 Top = 16 837 Width = 4235 Left = 15 36 Height = 25 37 Top = 161 38 Width = 35 38 39 Caption = 'Last:' 40 ParentColor = False 39 41 ParentFont = False 40 42 end 41 43 object EditLastName: TEdit 42 Left = 20043 Height = 4344 Top = 1 6045 Width = 3 8444 Left = 192 45 Height = 33 46 Top = 154 47 Width = 361 46 48 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 47 49 ParentFont = False … … 49 51 end 50 52 object EditMiddleName: TEdit 51 Left = 20052 Height = 4353 Top = 1 1254 Width = 3 8453 Left = 192 54 Height = 33 55 Top = 108 56 Width = 361 55 57 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 56 58 ParentFont = False … … 58 60 end 59 61 object Label25: TLabel 60 Left = 1 661 Height = 2 762 Top = 1 2463 Width = 6762 Left = 15 63 Height = 25 64 Top = 119 65 Width = 59 64 66 Caption = 'Middle:' 67 ParentColor = False 65 68 ParentFont = False 66 69 end 67 70 object Label26: TLabel 68 Left = 1 669 Height = 2 770 Top = 2 471 Width = 4371 Left = 15 72 Height = 25 73 Top = 23 74 Width = 36 72 75 Caption = 'Title:' 76 ParentColor = False 73 77 ParentFont = False 74 78 end 75 79 object EditTitleBefore: TEdit 76 Left = 20077 Height = 4378 Top = 1 679 Width = 3 8480 Left = 192 81 Height = 33 82 Top = 15 83 Width = 361 80 84 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 81 85 ParentFont = False … … 83 87 end 84 88 object Label27: TLabel 85 Left = 1 686 Height = 2 787 Top = 2 1688 Width = 5589 Left = 15 90 Height = 25 91 Top = 207 92 Width = 48 89 93 Caption = 'Suffix:' 94 ParentColor = False 90 95 ParentFont = False 91 96 end 92 97 object EditTitleAfter: TEdit 93 Left = 20094 Height = 4395 Top = 20 896 Width = 3 8498 Left = 192 99 Height = 33 100 Top = 200 101 Width = 361 97 102 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 98 103 ParentFont = False … … 100 105 end 101 106 object ButtonOk: TButton 102 Left = 4 67103 Height = 3 9104 Top = 2 76105 Width = 11 7107 Left = 441 108 Height = 37 109 Top = 249 110 Width = 112 106 111 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 107 112 Caption = 'OK' … … 110 115 end 111 116 object ButtonCancel: TButton 112 Left = 3 37113 Height = 3 9114 Top = 2 76115 Width = 11 7117 Left = 316 118 Height = 37 119 Top = 249 120 Width = 112 116 121 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 117 122 Caption = 'Cancel' -
r154 r155 18 18 Width = 743 19 19 HorzScrollBar.Page = 600 20 VertScrollBar.Page = 2 1120 VertScrollBar.Page = 209 21 21 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 22 ClientHeight = 34 523 ClientWidth = 7 4122 ClientHeight = 343 23 ClientWidth = 739 24 24 TabOrder = 0 25 25 object CheckBoxRemovePhoneSpaces: TCheckBox 26 26 Left = 20 27 Height = 3027 Height = 29 28 28 Top = 16 29 Width = 3 1829 Width = 303 30 30 Caption = 'Remove spaces in phone numbers' 31 31 TabOrder = 0 … … 33 33 object CheckBoxAddPhonePrefix: TCheckBox 34 34 Left = 20 35 Height = 3035 Height = 29 36 36 Top = 55 37 Width = 30637 Width = 294 38 38 Caption = 'Add default country phone prefix' 39 39 TabOrder = 1 … … 41 41 object CheckBoxRemoveExactDuplicates: TCheckBox 42 42 Left = 20 43 Height = 3043 Height = 29 44 44 Top = 96 45 Width = 2 3645 Width = 225 46 46 Caption = 'Remove exact duplicates' 47 47 TabOrder = 2 … … 49 49 object EditPhoneCountryCode: TEdit 50 50 Left = 480 51 Height = 4351 Height = 33 52 52 Top = 55 53 53 Width = 120 … … 56 56 object CheckBoxRemovePhotos: TCheckBox 57 57 Left = 20 58 Height = 3058 Height = 29 59 59 Top = 136 60 Width = 15 860 Width = 157 61 61 Caption = 'Remove photos' 62 62 TabOrder = 4 … … 64 64 object CheckBoxConvertInternationaCallPrefixToCountryCode: TCheckBox 65 65 Left = 20 66 Height = 3066 Height = 29 67 67 Top = 176 68 Width = 4 2968 Width = 405 69 69 Caption = 'Convert international call prefix to country code' 70 70 TabOrder = 5 … … 72 72 object EditPhoneInternationalCallPrefix: TEdit 73 73 Left = 480 74 Height = 4375 Top = 1 6874 Height = 33 75 Top = 176 76 76 Width = 120 77 77 TabOrder = 6 -
r152 r155 30 30 procedure LoadConfig; 31 31 procedure SaveConfig; 32 33 public34 35 32 end; 36 33 -
r149 r155 1 1 object FormProperty: TFormProperty 2 2 Left = 760 3 Height = 4354 Top = 5765 Width = 7563 Height = 306 4 Top = 688 5 Width = 670 6 6 Caption = 'Field' 7 ClientHeight = 4358 ClientWidth = 7569 DesignTimePPI = 1 507 ClientHeight = 306 8 ClientWidth = 670 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 10 OnClose = FormClose 11 11 OnCreate = FormCreate 12 12 OnShow = FormShow 13 LCLVersion = '2.2. 0.4'13 LCLVersion = '' 14 14 object ButtonOk: TButton 15 Left = 4 7916 Height = 3 917 Top = 37918 Width = 1 2415 Left = 404 16 Height = 37 17 Top = 253 18 Width = 119 19 19 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 20 20 Caption = 'OK' … … 22 22 OnClick = ButtonOkClick 23 23 ParentFont = False 24 TabOrder = 424 TabOrder = 0 25 25 end 26 26 object ButtonCancel: TButton 27 Left = 62028 Height = 3 929 Top = 37930 Width = 1 2027 Left = 540 28 Height = 37 29 Top = 253 30 Width = 115 31 31 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 32 32 Caption = 'Cancel' 33 33 ModalResult = 2 34 34 ParentFont = False 35 TabOrder = 536 end37 object Label1: TLabel38 Left = 2539 Height = 2740 Top = 8341 Width = 5942 Caption = 'Name:'43 end44 object EditName: TEdit45 Left = 17546 Height = 4347 Top = 7548 Width = 55449 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]50 OnChange = EditNameChange51 35 TabOrder = 1 52 36 end 53 object Label2: TLabel 54 Left = 25 55 Height = 27 56 Top = 133 57 Width = 95 58 Caption = 'Attributes:' 59 end 60 object EditAttributes: TEdit 61 Left = 175 62 Height = 43 63 Top = 129 64 Width = 554 65 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 66 OnChange = EditAttributesChange 37 object ScrollBox1: TScrollBox 38 Left = 16 39 Height = 235 40 Top = 8 41 Width = 637 42 HorzScrollBar.Page = 150 43 VertScrollBar.Page = 205 44 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 45 ClientHeight = 231 46 ClientWidth = 633 67 47 TabOrder = 2 68 end 69 object Label3: TLabel 70 Left = 25 71 Height = 27 72 Top = 188 73 Width = 64 74 Caption = 'Values:' 75 end 76 object EditValues: TEdit 77 Left = 175 78 Height = 43 79 Top = 179 80 Width = 554 81 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 82 TabOrder = 3 83 end 84 object Label4: TLabel 85 Left = 25 86 Height = 27 87 Top = 33 88 Width = 48 89 Caption = 'Field:' 90 end 91 object ComboBoxField: TComboBox 92 Left = 175 93 Height = 42 94 Top = 25 95 Width = 554 96 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 97 ItemHeight = 0 98 OnChange = ComboBoxFieldChange 99 Style = csDropDownList 100 TabOrder = 0 48 object Label1: TLabel 49 Left = 8 50 Height = 25 51 Top = 80 52 Width = 51 53 Caption = 'Name:' 54 ParentColor = False 55 end 56 object EditName: TEdit 57 Left = 141 58 Height = 33 59 Top = 72 60 Width = 476 61 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 62 OnChange = EditNameChange 63 TabOrder = 0 64 end 65 object Label2: TLabel 66 Left = 8 67 Height = 25 68 Top = 128 69 Width = 82 70 Caption = 'Attributes:' 71 ParentColor = False 72 end 73 object EditAttributes: TEdit 74 Left = 141 75 Height = 33 76 Top = 124 77 Width = 476 78 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 79 OnChange = EditAttributesChange 80 TabOrder = 1 81 end 82 object Label3: TLabel 83 Left = 8 84 Height = 25 85 Top = 180 86 Width = 54 87 Caption = 'Values:' 88 ParentColor = False 89 end 90 object EditValues: TEdit 91 Left = 141 92 Height = 33 93 Top = 172 94 Width = 476 95 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 96 TabOrder = 2 97 end 98 object Label4: TLabel 99 Left = 8 100 Height = 25 101 Top = 32 102 Width = 41 103 Caption = 'Field:' 104 ParentColor = False 105 end 106 object ComboBoxField: TComboBox 107 Left = 141 108 Height = 33 109 Top = 24 110 Width = 476 111 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 112 ItemHeight = 25 113 OnChange = ComboBoxFieldChange 114 Style = csDropDownList 115 TabOrder = 3 116 end 101 117 end 102 118 end -
r149 r155 14 14 ButtonOk: TButton; 15 15 ComboBoxField: TComboBox; 16 EditAttributes: TEdit; 16 17 EditName: TEdit; 17 EditAttributes: TEdit;18 18 EditValues: TEdit; 19 19 Label1: TLabel; … … 21 21 Label3: TLabel; 22 22 Label4: TLabel; 23 ScrollBox1: TScrollBox; 23 24 procedure ButtonOkClick(Sender: TObject); 24 25 procedure ComboBoxFieldChange(Sender: TObject); -
r152 r155 44 44 Width = 845 45 45 HorzScrollBar.Page = 504 46 VertScrollBar.Page = 4 7546 VertScrollBar.Page = 457 47 47 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 48 ClientHeight = 53 849 ClientWidth = 84 348 ClientHeight = 536 49 ClientWidth = 841 50 50 TabOrder = 2 51 51 object Label1: TLabel 52 52 Left = 24 53 Height = 2 653 Height = 25 54 54 Top = 24 55 Width = 8 855 Width = 81 56 56 Caption = 'Language:' 57 57 ParentColor = False … … 60 60 object ComboBoxLanguage: TComboBox 61 61 Left = 240 62 Height = 4262 Height = 33 63 63 Top = 16 64 64 Width = 264 65 ItemHeight = 065 ItemHeight = 25 66 66 ParentFont = False 67 67 Style = csDropDownList … … 69 69 end 70 70 object CheckBoxAutomaticDPI: TCheckBox 71 Left = 2 372 Height = 3073 Top = 24774 Width = 14 871 Left = 24 72 Height = 29 73 Top = 392 74 Width = 145 75 75 Caption = 'Automatic DPI' 76 76 OnChange = CheckBoxAutomaticDPIChange … … 80 80 end 81 81 object SpinEditDPI: TSpinEdit 82 Left = 24 083 Height = 4384 Top = 27982 Left = 241 83 Height = 33 84 Top = 424 85 85 Width = 145 86 86 MaxValue = 300 … … 92 92 end 93 93 object LabelDPI: TLabel 94 Left = 5 595 Height = 2 696 Top = 28797 Width = 3 594 Left = 56 95 Height = 25 96 Top = 432 97 Width = 32 98 98 Caption = 'DPI:' 99 99 ParentColor = False … … 102 102 end 103 103 object CheckBoxReopenLastFileOnStart: TCheckBox 104 Left = 2 3105 Height = 30106 Top = 207107 Width = 2 26104 Left = 24 105 Height = 29 106 Top = 352 107 Width = 217 108 108 Caption = 'Reopen last file on start' 109 109 ParentFont = False … … 112 112 object Label2: TLabel 113 113 Left = 24 114 Height = 2 6114 Height = 25 115 115 Top = 72 116 Width = 63116 Width = 57 117 117 Caption = 'Theme:' 118 118 ParentColor = False … … 121 121 object ComboBoxTheme: TComboBox 122 122 Left = 240 123 Height = 42123 Height = 33 124 124 Top = 64 125 125 Width = 264 126 ItemHeight = 0126 ItemHeight = 25 127 127 ParentFont = False 128 128 Style = csDropDownList … … 131 131 object Label3: TLabel 132 132 Left = 24 133 Height = 2 6133 Height = 25 134 134 Top = 120 135 Width = 1 86135 Width = 174 136 136 Caption = 'Default vCard version:' 137 137 ParentColor = False … … 139 139 object EditDefaultVcardVersion: TEdit 140 140 Left = 240 141 Height = 43141 Height = 33 142 142 Top = 112 143 143 Width = 144 … … 146 146 object Label4: TLabel 147 147 Left = 24 148 Height = 2 6148 Height = 25 149 149 Top = 165 150 Width = 1 33150 Width = 126 151 151 Caption = 'Map query URL:' 152 152 ParentColor = False … … 154 154 object EditMapUrl: TEdit 155 155 Left = 240 156 Height = 43156 Height = 33 157 157 Top = 160 158 Width = 58 8158 Width = 586 159 159 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 160 160 TabOrder = 6 161 161 end 162 162 object Label5: TLabel 163 Left = 2 3164 Height = 2 6165 Top = 340166 Width = 1 20163 Left = 24 164 Height = 25 165 Top = 212 166 Width = 114 167 167 Caption = 'Compare tool:' 168 168 ParentColor = False 169 169 end 170 170 object EditCompareTool: TEdit 171 Left = 24 0172 Height = 43173 Top = 336174 Width = 4 72171 Left = 241 172 Height = 33 173 Top = 208 174 Width = 462 175 175 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 176 176 TabOrder = 7 177 177 end 178 178 object ButtonBrowse: TButton 179 Left = 7 20179 Left = 713 180 180 Height = 38 181 Top = 340181 Top = 206 182 182 Width = 113 183 183 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] … … 187 187 end 188 188 object Label6: TLabel 189 Left = 2 3190 Height = 2 6191 Top = 392192 Width = 2 48189 Left = 24 190 Height = 25 191 Top = 264 192 Width = 231 193 193 Caption = 'Default phone country prefix:' 194 194 ParentColor = False 195 195 end 196 196 object EditDefaultPhoneCountryPrefix: TEdit 197 Left = 3 12198 Height = 43199 Top = 384197 Left = 328 198 Height = 33 199 Top = 264 200 200 Width = 144 201 201 TabOrder = 9 202 202 end 203 203 object Label7: TLabel 204 Left = 2 3205 Height = 2 6206 Top = 440207 Width = 2 67204 Left = 24 205 Height = 25 206 Top = 312 207 Width = 243 208 208 Caption = 'Default international call prefix:' 209 209 ParentColor = False 210 210 end 211 211 object EditDefaultInternationalCallPrefix: TEdit 212 Left = 3 12213 Height = 43214 Top = 432212 Left = 328 213 Height = 33 214 Top = 312 215 215 Width = 144 216 216 TabOrder = 10 … … 218 218 end 219 219 object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog 220 Left = 506221 Top = 258220 Left = 640 221 Top = 72 222 222 end 223 223 end
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.