Changeset 154 for trunk/Forms

Jun 6, 2023, 10:11:12 PM (16 months ago)
  • Fixed: Resize of compare and normalize forms.
4 edited


  • trunk/Forms/FormCompare.lfm

    r151 r154  
    1313  OnShow = FormShow
    1414  LCLVersion = ''
    15   object EditAnotherFile: TEdit
    16     Left = 144
    17     Height = 43
    18     Top = 19
    19     Width = 570
    20     Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    21     TabOrder = 0
    22   end
    23   object ButtonBrowse: TButton
    24     Left = 730
     15  object ButtonCancel: TButton
     16    Left = 736
    2517    Height = 38
    26     Top = 19
    27     Width = 113
    28     Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
    29     Caption = 'Browse'
    30     OnClick = ButtonBrowseClick
    31     TabOrder = 1
    32   end
    33   object Label1: TLabel
    34     Left = 21
    35     Height = 26
    36     Top = 26
    37     Width = 104
    38     Caption = 'Another file:'
    39     ParentColor = False
    40   end
    41   object ButtonCancel: TButton
    42     Left = 730
    43     Height = 38
    44     Top = 389
     18    Top = 400
    4519    Width = 113
    4620    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    4721    Caption = 'Cancel'
    4822    ModalResult = 2
    49     TabOrder = 2
     23    TabOrder = 0
    5024  end
    5125  object ButtonCompare: TButton
    52     Left = 586
     26    Left = 600
    5327    Height = 38
    54     Top = 389
     28    Top = 400
    5529    Width = 113
    5630    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    5832    ModalResult = 1
    5933    OnClick = ButtonCompareClick
    60     TabOrder = 3
     34    TabOrder = 1
    6135  end
    62   object CheckBoxSortContacts: TCheckBox
    63     Left = 23
    64     Height = 30
    65     Top = 81
    66     Width = 136
    67     Caption = 'Sort contacts'
    68     Checked = True
    69     State = cbChecked
    70     TabOrder = 4
    71   end
    72   object CheckBoxNormalizePhoneNumbers: TCheckBox
    73     Left = 23
    74     Height = 30
    75     Top = 120
    76     Width = 253
    77     Caption = 'Normalize phone numbers'
    78     Checked = True
    79     State = cbChecked
    80     TabOrder = 5
    81   end
    82   object CheckBoxWithoutPhotos: TCheckBox
    83     Left = 24
    84     Height = 30
    85     Top = 160
    86     Width = 157
    87     Caption = 'Without photos'
    88     Checked = True
    89     State = cbChecked
    90     TabOrder = 6
    91   end
    92   object CheckBoxRemoveExactDuplicates: TCheckBox
    93     Left = 24
    94     Height = 30
    95     Top = 200
    96     Width = 236
    97     Caption = 'Remove exact duplicates'
    98     Checked = True
    99     State = cbChecked
    100     TabOrder = 7
     36  object ScrollBox1: TScrollBox
     37    Left = 8
     38    Height = 376
     39    Top = 8
     40    Width = 841
     41    HorzScrollBar.Page = 276
     42    VertScrollBar.Page = 230
     43    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
     44    ClientHeight = 374
     45    ClientWidth = 839
     46    TabOrder = 2
     47    object EditAnotherFile: TEdit
     48      Left = 144
     49      Height = 43
     50      Top = 19
     51      Width = 562
     52      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
     53      TabOrder = 0
     54    end
     55    object ButtonBrowse: TButton
     56      Left = 720
     57      Height = 38
     58      Top = 19
     59      Width = 113
     60      Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
     61      Caption = 'Browse'
     62      OnClick = ButtonBrowseClick
     63      TabOrder = 1
     64    end
     65    object Label1: TLabel
     66      Left = 21
     67      Height = 26
     68      Top = 26
     69      Width = 104
     70      Caption = 'Another file:'
     71      ParentColor = False
     72    end
     73    object CheckBoxSortContacts: TCheckBox
     74      Left = 23
     75      Height = 30
     76      Top = 81
     77      Width = 136
     78      Caption = 'Sort contacts'
     79      Checked = True
     80      State = cbChecked
     81      TabOrder = 2
     82    end
     83    object CheckBoxNormalizePhoneNumbers: TCheckBox
     84      Left = 23
     85      Height = 30
     86      Top = 120
     87      Width = 253
     88      Caption = 'Normalize phone numbers'
     89      Checked = True
     90      State = cbChecked
     91      TabOrder = 3
     92    end
     93    object CheckBoxWithoutPhotos: TCheckBox
     94      Left = 24
     95      Height = 30
     96      Top = 160
     97      Width = 157
     98      Caption = 'Without photos'
     99      Checked = True
     100      State = cbChecked
     101      TabOrder = 4
     102    end
     103    object CheckBoxRemoveExactDuplicates: TCheckBox
     104      Left = 24
     105      Height = 30
     106      Top = 200
     107      Width = 236
     108      Caption = 'Remove exact duplicates'
     109      Checked = True
     110      State = cbChecked
     111      TabOrder = 5
     112    end
    101113  end
    102114  object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
    103     Left = 713
    104     Top = 113
     115    Left = 753
     116    Top = 153
    105117  end
  • trunk/Forms/FormCompare.lrj

    r151 r154  
    46{"hash":205155338,"name":"tformcompare.label1.caption","sourcebytes":[65,110,111,116,104,101,114,32,102,105,108,101,58],"value":"Another file:"},
    5 {"hash":77089212,"name":"tformcompare.buttoncancel.caption","sourcebytes":[67,97,110,99,101,108],"value":"Cancel"},
    6 {"hash":174352581,"name":"tformcompare.buttoncompare.caption","sourcebytes":[67,111,109,112,97,114,101],"value":"Compare"},
    77{"hash":3349587,"name":"tformcompare.checkboxsortcontacts.caption","sourcebytes":[83,111,114,116,32,99,111,110,116,97,99,116,115],"value":"Sort contacts"},
    88{"hash":198682019,"name":"tformcompare.checkboxnormalizephonenumbers.caption","sourcebytes":[78,111,114,109,97,108,105,122,101,32,112,104,111,110,101,32,110,117,109,98,101,114,115],"value":"Normalize phone numbers"},
  • trunk/Forms/FormCompare.pas

    r153 r154  
    1313  TFormCompare = class(TForm)
     14    ButtonBrowse: TButton;
    1415    ButtonCancel: TButton;
    1516    ButtonCompare: TButton;
    16     ButtonBrowse: TButton;
    17     CheckBoxWithoutPhotos: TCheckBox;
    18     CheckBoxSortContacts: TCheckBox;
    1917    CheckBoxNormalizePhoneNumbers: TCheckBox;
    2018    CheckBoxRemoveExactDuplicates: TCheckBox;
     19    CheckBoxSortContacts: TCheckBox;
     20    CheckBoxWithoutPhotos: TCheckBox;
    2121    EditAnotherFile: TEdit;
    2222    Label1: TLabel;
    2323    OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
     24    ScrollBox1: TScrollBox;
    2425    procedure ButtonBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
    2526    procedure ButtonCompareClick(Sender: TObject);
  • trunk/Forms/FormNormalize.lfm

    r152 r154  
    11object FormNormalize: TFormNormalize
    2   Left = 460
    3   Height = 674
    4   Top = 476
    5   Width = 959
     2  Left = 663
     3  Height = 413
     4  Top = 452
     5  Width = 765
    66  Caption = 'Normalize'
    7   ClientHeight = 674
    8   ClientWidth = 959
     7  ClientHeight = 413
     8  ClientWidth = 765
    99  DesignTimePPI = 144
    1010  OnClose = FormClose
    1414  object ScrollBox1: TScrollBox
    1515    Left = 8
    16     Height = 608
     16    Height = 347
    1717    Top = 8
    18     Width = 937
     18    Width = 743
    1919    HorzScrollBar.Page = 600
    2020    VertScrollBar.Page = 211
    2121    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    22     ClientHeight = 606
    23     ClientWidth = 935
     22    ClientHeight = 345
     23    ClientWidth = 741
    2424    TabOrder = 0
    2525    object CheckBoxRemovePhoneSpaces: TCheckBox
    7979  end
    8080  object ButtonCancel: TButton
    81     Left = 832
     81    Left = 638
    8282    Height = 38
    83     Top = 624
     83    Top = 363
    8484    Width = 113
     85    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    8586    Caption = 'Cancel'
    8687    ModalResult = 2
    8889  end
    8990  object ButtonProcess: TButton
    90     Left = 696
     91    Left = 502
    9192    Height = 38
    92     Top = 624
     93    Top = 363
    9394    Width = 113
     95    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
    9496    Caption = 'Process'
    9597    ModalResult = 1
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