Changeset 148 for trunk/Packages/VCard/Languages
- Timestamp:
- Jun 5, 2023, 7:40:45 PM (22 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk/Packages/VCard/Languages
- Files:
- 4 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r147 r148 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n" 13 13 14 #: uquotedprintable.sdecodeerror 14 #: quotedprintable.sdecodeerror 15 #, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "quotedprintable.sdecodeerror" 15 17 msgid "Decode error" 16 18 msgstr "Chyba dekódování" 19 -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: uquotedprintable.sdecodeerror 4 #: quotedprintable.sdecodeerror 5 msgctxt "quotedprintable.sdecodeerror" 5 6 msgid "Decode error" 6 7 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n" 13 13 14 #: uvcard.saim 14 #: vcard.saim 15 #, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "vcard.saim" 15 17 msgid "AIM" 16 18 msgstr "AIM" 17 19 18 #: uvcard.sanniversary 20 #: vcard.sanniversary 21 #, fuzzy 22 msgctxt "vcard.sanniversary" 19 23 msgid "Anniversary" 20 24 msgstr "Výročí" 21 25 22 #: uvcard.scategories 26 #: vcard.scategories 27 #, fuzzy 28 msgctxt "vcard.scategories" 23 29 msgid "Categories" 24 30 msgstr "Kategorie" 25 31 26 #: uvcard.scontacthasnoparent 32 #: vcard.scontacthasnoparent 33 #, fuzzy 34 msgctxt "vcard.scontacthasnoparent" 27 35 msgid "Contact has no parent" 28 36 msgstr "Kontakt nemá rodiče" 29 37 30 #: uvcard.sdayofbirth 38 #: vcard.sdayofbirth 39 #, fuzzy 40 msgctxt "vcard.sdayofbirth" 31 41 msgid "Day of birth" 32 42 msgstr "Datum narození" 33 43 34 #: uvcard.sdepartement 44 #: vcard.sdepartement 45 #, fuzzy 46 msgctxt "vcard.sdepartement" 35 47 msgid "Departement" 36 48 msgstr "Oddělení" 37 49 38 #: uvcard.semail 50 #: vcard.semail 51 #, fuzzy 52 msgctxt "vcard.semail" 39 53 msgid "E-mail" 40 54 msgstr "E-mail" 41 55 42 #: uvcard.sexpectedproperty 56 #: vcard.sexpectedproperty 57 #, fuzzy 58 msgctxt "vcard.sexpectedproperty" 43 59 msgid "Expected contact property" 44 60 msgstr "Očekávána vlastnost kontaktu" 45 61 46 #: uvcard.sexpectedvcardbegin 62 #: vcard.sexpectedvcardbegin 63 #, fuzzy 64 msgctxt "vcard.sexpectedvcardbegin" 47 65 msgid "Expected vCard begin" 48 66 msgstr "Očekáván začátek vCard" 49 67 50 #: uvcard.sfacebook 68 #: vcard.sfacebook 69 #, fuzzy 70 msgctxt "vcard.sfacebook" 51 71 msgid "Facebook" 52 72 msgstr "Facebook" 53 73 54 #: uvcard.sfax 74 #: vcard.sfax 75 #, fuzzy 76 msgctxt "vcard.sfax" 55 77 msgid "Fax" 56 78 msgstr "Fax" 57 79 58 #: uvcard.sfieldindexnotdefined 80 #: vcard.sfieldindexnotdefined 81 #, fuzzy 82 msgctxt "vcard.sfieldindexnotdefined" 59 83 msgid "Field index not defined" 60 84 msgstr "Index pole nenalezen" 61 85 62 #: uvcard.sfieldindexredefined 63 #, object-pascal-format 86 #: vcard.sfieldindexredefined 87 #, object-pascal-format, fuzzy 88 msgctxt "vcard.sfieldindexredefined" 64 89 msgid "Field index %d redefined" 65 90 msgstr "Index pole %d předefinován" 66 91 67 #: uvcard.sfirstname 92 #: vcard.sfirstname 93 #, fuzzy 94 msgctxt "vcard.sfirstname" 68 95 msgid "First Name" 69 96 msgstr "První Jméno" 70 97 71 #: uvcard.sfullname 98 #: vcard.sfullname 99 #, fuzzy 100 msgctxt "vcard.sfullname" 72 101 msgid "Full Name" 73 102 msgstr "Celé jméno" 74 103 75 #: uvcard.sgadugadu 104 #: vcard.sgadugadu 105 #, fuzzy 106 msgctxt "vcard.sgadugadu" 76 107 msgid "GaduGadu" 77 108 msgstr "GaduGadu" 78 109 79 #: uvcard.sgender 110 #: vcard.sgender 111 #, fuzzy 112 msgctxt "vcard.sgender" 80 113 msgid "Gender" 81 114 msgstr "Pohlaví" 82 115 83 #: uvcard.sgoogletalk 116 #: vcard.sgoogletalk 117 #, fuzzy 118 msgctxt "vcard.sgoogletalk" 84 119 msgid "Google Talk" 85 120 msgstr "Google Talk" 86 121 87 #: uvcard.sgroupwise 122 #: vcard.sgroupwise 123 #, fuzzy 124 msgctxt "vcard.sgroupwise" 88 125 msgid "GroupWise" 89 126 msgstr "GroupWise" 90 127 91 #: uvcard.shomeaddresscity 128 #: vcard.shomeaddresscity 129 #, fuzzy 130 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresscity" 92 131 msgid "Home address city" 93 132 msgstr "Domácí adresa město" 94 133 95 #: uvcard.shomeaddresscountry 134 #: vcard.shomeaddresscountry 135 #, fuzzy 136 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresscountry" 96 137 msgid "Home address country" 97 138 msgstr "Domácí adresa země" 98 139 99 #: uvcard.shomeaddresspostalcode 140 #: vcard.shomeaddresspostalcode 141 #, fuzzy 142 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresspostalcode" 100 143 msgid "Home address postal code" 101 144 msgstr "Domácí adresa PSČ" 102 145 103 #: uvcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox 146 #: vcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox 147 #, fuzzy 148 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox" 104 149 msgid "Home address post office box" 105 150 msgstr "Domácí adresa číslo schránky" 106 151 107 #: uvcard.shomeaddressregion 152 #: vcard.shomeaddressregion 153 #, fuzzy 154 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressregion" 108 155 msgid "Home address region" 109 156 msgstr "Domácí adresa kraj" 110 157 111 #: uvcard.shomeaddressstreet 158 #: vcard.shomeaddressstreet 159 #, fuzzy 160 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressstreet" 112 161 msgid "Home address street" 113 162 msgstr "Domácí adresa ulice" 114 163 115 #: uvcard.shomeaddressstreetextended 164 #: vcard.shomeaddressstreetextended 165 #, fuzzy 166 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressstreetextended" 116 167 msgid "Home address extended street" 117 168 msgstr "Domácí adresa rozšířená ulice" 118 169 119 #: uvcard.shomeemail 170 #: vcard.shomeemail 171 #, fuzzy 172 msgctxt "vcard.shomeemail" 120 173 msgid "Home E-mail" 121 174 msgstr "Domov E-mail" 122 175 123 #: uvcard.shomefax 176 #: vcard.shomefax 177 #, fuzzy 178 msgctxt "vcard.shomefax" 124 179 msgid "Home fax" 125 180 msgstr "Domov fax" 126 181 127 #: uvcard.shomemobile 182 #: vcard.shomemobile 183 #, fuzzy 184 msgctxt "vcard.shomemobile" 128 185 msgid "Home mobile" 129 186 msgstr "Domov mobil" 130 187 131 #: uvcard.shomepager 188 #: vcard.shomepager 189 #, fuzzy 190 msgctxt "vcard.shomepager" 132 191 msgid "Home pager" 133 192 msgstr "Domov pager" 134 193 135 #: uvcard.shomephone 194 #: vcard.shomephone 195 #, fuzzy 196 msgctxt "vcard.shomephone" 136 197 msgid "Home phone" 137 198 msgstr "Domácí telefon" 138 199 139 #: uvcard.shomephone2 200 #: vcard.shomephone2 201 #, fuzzy 202 msgctxt "vcard.shomephone2" 140 203 msgid "Home phone 2" 141 204 msgstr "Domov telefon 2" 142 205 143 #: uvcard.sicq 206 #: vcard.sicq 207 #, fuzzy 208 msgctxt "vcard.sicq" 144 209 msgid "ICQ" 145 210 msgstr "ICQ" 146 211 147 #: uvcard.sinstagram 212 #: vcard.sinstagram 213 #, fuzzy 214 msgctxt "vcard.sinstagram" 148 215 msgid "Instagram" 149 216 msgstr "Instagram" 150 217 151 #: uvcard.sinternetemail 218 #: vcard.sinternetemail 219 #, fuzzy 220 msgctxt "vcard.sinternetemail" 152 221 msgid "Internet E-mail" 153 222 msgstr "Internetový E-mail" 154 223 155 #: uvcard.sirc 224 #: vcard.sirc 225 #, fuzzy 226 msgctxt "vcard.sirc" 156 227 msgid "IRC" 157 228 msgstr "IRC" 158 229 159 #: uvcard.sjabber 230 #: vcard.sjabber 231 #, fuzzy 232 msgctxt "vcard.sjabber" 160 233 msgid "Jabber" 161 234 msgstr "Jabber" 162 235 163 #: uvcard.slastname 236 #: vcard.slastname 237 #, fuzzy 238 msgctxt "vcard.slastname" 164 239 msgid "Last Name" 165 240 msgstr "Poslední jméno" 166 241 167 #: uvcard.slasttimecontacted 242 #: vcard.slasttimecontacted 243 #, fuzzy 244 msgctxt "vcard.slasttimecontacted" 168 245 msgid "Last Time Contacted" 169 246 msgstr "Naposledy kontaktováno" 170 247 171 #: uvcard.slinkedin 248 #: vcard.slinkedin 249 #, fuzzy 250 msgctxt "vcard.slinkedin" 172 251 msgid "LinkedIn" 173 252 msgstr "LinkedIn" 174 253 175 #: uvcard.slogo 254 #: vcard.slogo 255 #, fuzzy 256 msgctxt "vcard.slogo" 176 257 msgid "Logo" 177 258 msgstr "Logo" 178 259 179 #: uvcard.smainphone 260 #: vcard.smainphone 261 #, fuzzy 262 msgctxt "vcard.smainphone" 180 263 msgid "Main phone" 181 264 msgstr "Hlavní telefon" 182 265 183 #: uvcard.smastodon 266 #: vcard.smastodon 267 #, fuzzy 268 msgctxt "vcard.smastodon" 184 269 msgid "Mastodon" 185 270 msgstr "Mastodon" 186 271 187 #: uvcard.smatrix 272 #: vcard.smatrix 273 #, fuzzy 274 msgctxt "vcard.smatrix" 188 275 msgid "Matrix" 189 276 msgstr "Matrix" 190 277 191 #: uvcard.smiddlename 278 #: vcard.smiddlename 279 #, fuzzy 280 msgctxt "vcard.smiddlename" 192 281 msgid "Middle Name" 193 282 msgstr "Prostřední jméno" 194 283 195 #: uvcard.smobilephone 284 #: vcard.smobilephone 285 #, fuzzy 286 msgctxt "vcard.smobilephone" 196 287 msgid "Mobile phone" 197 288 msgstr "Mobil" 198 289 199 #: uvcard.smsn 290 #: vcard.smsn 291 #, fuzzy 292 msgctxt "vcard.smsn" 200 293 msgid "MSN" 201 294 msgstr "MSN" 202 295 203 #: uvcard.smyspace 296 #: vcard.smyspace 297 #, fuzzy 298 msgctxt "vcard.smyspace" 204 299 msgid "MySpace" 205 300 msgstr "MySpace" 206 301 207 #: uvcard.snickname 302 #: vcard.snickname 303 #, fuzzy 304 msgctxt "vcard.snickname" 208 305 msgid "Nick name" 209 306 msgstr "Přezdívka" 210 307 211 #: uvcard.snote 308 #: vcard.snote 309 #, fuzzy 310 msgctxt "vcard.snote" 212 311 msgid "Note" 213 312 msgstr "Poznámky" 214 313 215 #: uvcard.sorganization 314 #: vcard.sorganization 315 #, fuzzy 316 msgctxt "vcard.sorganization" 216 317 msgid "Organization" 217 318 msgstr "Organizace" 218 319 219 #: uvcard.spager 320 #: vcard.spager 321 #, fuzzy 322 msgctxt "vcard.spager" 220 323 msgid "Pager" 221 324 msgstr "Pager" 222 325 223 #: uvcard.speertube 326 #: vcard.speertube 327 #, fuzzy 328 msgctxt "vcard.speertube" 224 329 msgid "PeerTube" 225 330 msgstr "PeerTube" 226 331 227 #: uvcard.sphoto 332 #: vcard.sphoto 333 #, fuzzy 334 msgctxt "vcard.sphoto" 228 335 msgid "Photo" 229 336 msgstr "Fotka" 230 337 231 #: uvcard.sqq 338 #: vcard.sqq 339 #, fuzzy 340 msgctxt "vcard.sqq" 232 341 msgid "QQ" 233 342 msgstr "QQ" 234 343 235 #: uvcard.sreddit 344 #: vcard.sreddit 345 #, fuzzy 346 msgctxt "vcard.sreddit" 236 347 msgid "Reddit" 237 348 msgstr "Reddit" 238 349 239 #: uvcard.srevision 350 #: vcard.srevision 351 #, fuzzy 352 msgctxt "vcard.srevision" 240 353 msgid "Revision" 241 354 msgstr "Revize" 242 355 243 #: uvcard.srole 356 #: vcard.srole 357 #, fuzzy 358 msgctxt "vcard.srole" 244 359 msgid "Role" 245 360 msgstr "Role" 246 361 247 #: uvcard.sskype 362 #: vcard.sskype 363 #, fuzzy 364 msgctxt "vcard.sskype" 248 365 msgid "Skype" 249 366 msgstr "Skype" 250 367 251 #: uvcard.ssnapchat 368 #: vcard.ssnapchat 369 #, fuzzy 370 msgctxt "vcard.ssnapchat" 252 371 msgid "Snapchat" 253 372 msgstr "Snapchat" 254 373 255 #: uvcard.stelephone 374 #: vcard.stelephone 375 #, fuzzy 376 msgctxt "vcard.stelephone" 256 377 msgid "Telephone" 257 378 msgstr "Telefon" 258 379 259 #: uvcard.stimescontacted 380 #: vcard.stimescontacted 381 #, fuzzy 382 msgctxt "vcard.stimescontacted" 260 383 msgid "Times Contacted" 261 384 msgstr "Počet kontaktování" 262 385 263 #: uvcard.stitle 386 #: vcard.stitle 387 #, fuzzy 388 msgctxt "vcard.stitle" 264 389 msgid "Title" 265 390 msgstr "Titul" 266 391 267 #: uvcard.stitleafter 392 #: vcard.stitleafter 393 #, fuzzy 394 msgctxt "vcard.stitleafter" 268 395 msgid "Title After" 269 396 msgstr "Titul za" 270 397 271 #: uvcard.stitlebefore 398 #: vcard.stitlebefore 399 #, fuzzy 400 msgctxt "vcard.stitlebefore" 272 401 msgid "Title Before" 273 402 msgstr "Titul před" 274 403 275 #: uvcard.stwitter 404 #: vcard.stwitter 405 #, fuzzy 406 msgctxt "vcard.stwitter" 276 407 msgid "Twitter" 277 408 msgstr "Twitter" 278 409 279 #: uvcard.suniqueidentifier 410 #: vcard.suniqueidentifier 411 #, fuzzy 412 msgctxt "vcard.suniqueidentifier" 280 413 msgid "Unique identifier" 281 414 msgstr "Unikátní identifikátor" 282 415 283 #: uvcard.sversion 416 #: vcard.sversion 417 #, fuzzy 418 msgctxt "vcard.sversion" 284 419 msgid "Version" 285 420 msgstr "Verze" 286 421 287 #: uvcard.svoipphone 422 #: vcard.svoipphone 423 #, fuzzy 424 msgctxt "vcard.svoipphone" 288 425 msgid "VoIP phone" 289 426 msgstr "VoIP telefon" 290 427 291 #: uvcard.swebaddress 428 #: vcard.swebaddress 429 #, fuzzy 430 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddress" 292 431 msgid "Web address" 293 432 msgstr "Webová adresa" 294 433 295 #: uvcard.swebaddresshome 434 #: vcard.swebaddresshome 435 #, fuzzy 436 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddresshome" 296 437 msgid "Web address home" 297 438 msgstr "Webová adresa domácí" 298 439 299 #: uvcard.swebaddresswork 440 #: vcard.swebaddresswork 441 #, fuzzy 442 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddresswork" 300 443 msgid "Web address work" 301 444 msgstr "Webová adresa pracovní" 302 445 303 #: uvcard.swindowslive 446 #: vcard.swindowslive 447 #, fuzzy 448 msgctxt "vcard.swindowslive" 304 449 msgid "Windows Live" 305 450 msgstr "Windows Live" 306 451 307 #: uvcard.sworkaddresscity 452 #: vcard.sworkaddresscity 453 #, fuzzy 454 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresscity" 308 455 msgid "Work address city" 309 456 msgstr "Pracovní adresa město" 310 457 311 #: uvcard.sworkaddresscountry 458 #: vcard.sworkaddresscountry 459 #, fuzzy 460 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresscountry" 312 461 msgid "Work address country" 313 462 msgstr "Pracovní adresa země" 314 463 315 #: uvcard.sworkaddresspostalcode 464 #: vcard.sworkaddresspostalcode 465 #, fuzzy 466 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresspostalcode" 316 467 msgid "Work address postal code" 317 468 msgstr "Pracovní adresa PSČ" 318 469 319 #: uvcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox 470 #: vcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox 471 #, fuzzy 472 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox" 320 473 msgid "Work address post office box" 321 474 msgstr "Pracovní adresa číslo schránky" 322 475 323 #: uvcard.sworkaddressregion 476 #: vcard.sworkaddressregion 477 #, fuzzy 478 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressregion" 324 479 msgid "Work address region" 325 480 msgstr "Pracovní adresa kraj" 326 481 327 #: uvcard.sworkaddressstreet 482 #: vcard.sworkaddressstreet 483 #, fuzzy 484 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressstreet" 328 485 msgid "Work address street" 329 486 msgstr "Pracovní adresa ulice" 330 487 331 #: uvcard.sworkaddressstreetextended 488 #: vcard.sworkaddressstreetextended 489 #, fuzzy 490 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressstreetextended" 332 491 msgid "Work address extended street" 333 492 msgstr "Pracovní adresa rozšířená ulice" 334 493 335 #: uvcard.sworkemail 494 #: vcard.sworkemail 495 #, fuzzy 496 msgctxt "vcard.sworkemail" 336 497 msgid "Work E-mail" 337 498 msgstr "Práce E-mail" 338 499 339 #: uvcard.sworkfax 500 #: vcard.sworkfax 501 #, fuzzy 502 msgctxt "vcard.sworkfax" 340 503 msgid "Work fax" 341 504 msgstr "Práce fax" 342 505 343 #: uvcard.sworkmobile 506 #: vcard.sworkmobile 507 #, fuzzy 508 msgctxt "vcard.sworkmobile" 344 509 msgid "Work mobile" 345 510 msgstr "Práce mobil" 346 511 347 #: uvcard.sworkpager 512 #: vcard.sworkpager 513 #, fuzzy 514 msgctxt "vcard.sworkpager" 348 515 msgid "Work pager" 349 516 msgstr "Práce pager" 350 517 351 #: uvcard.sworkphone 518 #: vcard.sworkphone 519 #, fuzzy 520 msgctxt "vcard.sworkphone" 352 521 msgid "Work phone" 353 522 msgstr "Pracovní telefon" 354 523 355 #: uvcard.syahoo 524 #: vcard.syahoo 525 #, fuzzy 526 msgctxt "vcard.syahoo" 356 527 msgid "Yahoo!" 357 528 msgstr "Yahoo!" 358 529 359 #: uvcard.syoutube 530 #: vcard.syoutube 531 #, fuzzy 532 msgctxt "vcard.syoutube" 360 533 msgid "YouTube" 361 534 msgstr "YouTube" 535 -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: uvcard.saim 4 #: vcard.saim 5 msgctxt "vcard.saim" 5 6 msgid "AIM" 6 7 msgstr "" 7 8 8 #: uvcard.sanniversary 9 #: vcard.sanniversary 10 msgctxt "vcard.sanniversary" 9 11 msgid "Anniversary" 10 12 msgstr "" 11 13 12 #: uvcard.scategories 14 #: vcard.scategories 15 msgctxt "vcard.scategories" 13 16 msgid "Categories" 14 17 msgstr "" 15 18 16 #: uvcard.scontacthasnoparent 19 #: vcard.scontacthasnoparent 20 msgctxt "vcard.scontacthasnoparent" 17 21 msgid "Contact has no parent" 18 22 msgstr "" 19 23 20 #: uvcard.sdayofbirth 24 #: vcard.sdayofbirth 25 msgctxt "vcard.sdayofbirth" 21 26 msgid "Day of birth" 22 27 msgstr "" 23 28 24 #: uvcard.sdepartement 29 #: vcard.sdepartement 30 msgctxt "vcard.sdepartement" 25 31 msgid "Departement" 26 32 msgstr "" 27 33 28 #: uvcard.semail 34 #: vcard.semail 35 msgctxt "vcard.semail" 29 36 msgid "E-mail" 30 37 msgstr "" 31 38 32 #: uvcard.sexpectedproperty 39 #: vcard.sexpectedproperty 40 msgctxt "vcard.sexpectedproperty" 33 41 msgid "Expected contact property" 34 42 msgstr "" 35 43 36 #: uvcard.sexpectedvcardbegin 44 #: vcard.sexpectedvcardbegin 45 msgctxt "vcard.sexpectedvcardbegin" 37 46 msgid "Expected vCard begin" 38 47 msgstr "" 39 48 40 #: uvcard.sfacebook 49 #: vcard.sfacebook 50 msgctxt "vcard.sfacebook" 41 51 msgid "Facebook" 42 52 msgstr "" 43 53 44 #: uvcard.sfax 54 #: vcard.sfax 55 msgctxt "vcard.sfax" 45 56 msgid "Fax" 46 57 msgstr "" 47 58 48 #: uvcard.sfieldindexnotdefined 59 #: vcard.sfieldindexnotdefined 60 msgctxt "vcard.sfieldindexnotdefined" 49 61 msgid "Field index not defined" 50 62 msgstr "" 51 63 52 #: uvcard.sfieldindexredefined64 #: vcard.sfieldindexredefined 53 65 #, object-pascal-format 66 msgctxt "vcard.sfieldindexredefined" 54 67 msgid "Field index %d redefined" 55 68 msgstr "" 56 69 57 #: uvcard.sfirstname 70 #: vcard.sfirstname 71 msgctxt "vcard.sfirstname" 58 72 msgid "First Name" 59 73 msgstr "" 60 74 61 #: uvcard.sfullname 75 #: vcard.sfullname 76 msgctxt "vcard.sfullname" 62 77 msgid "Full Name" 63 78 msgstr "" 64 79 65 #: uvcard.sgadugadu 80 #: vcard.sgadugadu 81 msgctxt "vcard.sgadugadu" 66 82 msgid "GaduGadu" 67 83 msgstr "" 68 84 69 #: uvcard.sgender 85 #: vcard.sgender 86 msgctxt "vcard.sgender" 70 87 msgid "Gender" 71 88 msgstr "" 72 89 73 #: uvcard.sgoogletalk 90 #: vcard.sgoogletalk 91 msgctxt "vcard.sgoogletalk" 74 92 msgid "Google Talk" 75 93 msgstr "" 76 94 77 #: uvcard.sgroupwise 95 #: vcard.sgroupwise 96 msgctxt "vcard.sgroupwise" 78 97 msgid "GroupWise" 79 98 msgstr "" 80 99 81 #: uvcard.shomeaddresscity 100 #: vcard.shomeaddresscity 101 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresscity" 82 102 msgid "Home address city" 83 103 msgstr "" 84 104 85 #: uvcard.shomeaddresscountry 105 #: vcard.shomeaddresscountry 106 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresscountry" 86 107 msgid "Home address country" 87 108 msgstr "" 88 109 89 #: uvcard.shomeaddresspostalcode 110 #: vcard.shomeaddresspostalcode 111 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresspostalcode" 90 112 msgid "Home address postal code" 91 113 msgstr "" 92 114 93 #: uvcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox 115 #: vcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox 116 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox" 94 117 msgid "Home address post office box" 95 118 msgstr "" 96 119 97 #: uvcard.shomeaddressregion 120 #: vcard.shomeaddressregion 121 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressregion" 98 122 msgid "Home address region" 99 123 msgstr "" 100 124 101 #: uvcard.shomeaddressstreet 125 #: vcard.shomeaddressstreet 126 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressstreet" 102 127 msgid "Home address street" 103 128 msgstr "" 104 129 105 #: uvcard.shomeaddressstreetextended 130 #: vcard.shomeaddressstreetextended 131 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressstreetextended" 106 132 msgid "Home address extended street" 107 133 msgstr "" 108 134 109 #: uvcard.shomeemail 135 #: vcard.shomeemail 136 msgctxt "vcard.shomeemail" 110 137 msgid "Home E-mail" 111 138 msgstr "" 112 139 113 #: uvcard.shomefax 140 #: vcard.shomefax 141 msgctxt "vcard.shomefax" 114 142 msgid "Home fax" 115 143 msgstr "" 116 144 117 #: uvcard.shomemobile 145 #: vcard.shomemobile 146 msgctxt "vcard.shomemobile" 118 147 msgid "Home mobile" 119 148 msgstr "" 120 149 121 #: uvcard.shomepager 150 #: vcard.shomepager 151 msgctxt "vcard.shomepager" 122 152 msgid "Home pager" 123 153 msgstr "" 124 154 125 #: uvcard.shomephone 155 #: vcard.shomephone 156 msgctxt "vcard.shomephone" 126 157 msgid "Home phone" 127 158 msgstr "" 128 159 129 #: uvcard.shomephone2 160 #: vcard.shomephone2 161 msgctxt "vcard.shomephone2" 130 162 msgid "Home phone 2" 131 163 msgstr "" 132 164 133 #: uvcard.sicq 165 #: vcard.sicq 166 msgctxt "vcard.sicq" 134 167 msgid "ICQ" 135 168 msgstr "" 136 169 137 #: uvcard.sinstagram 170 #: vcard.sinstagram 171 msgctxt "vcard.sinstagram" 138 172 msgid "Instagram" 139 173 msgstr "" 140 174 141 #: uvcard.sinternetemail 175 #: vcard.sinternetemail 176 msgctxt "vcard.sinternetemail" 142 177 msgid "Internet E-mail" 143 178 msgstr "" 144 179 145 #: uvcard.sirc 180 #: vcard.sirc 181 msgctxt "vcard.sirc" 146 182 msgid "IRC" 147 183 msgstr "" 148 184 149 #: uvcard.sjabber 185 #: vcard.sjabber 186 msgctxt "vcard.sjabber" 150 187 msgid "Jabber" 151 188 msgstr "" 152 189 153 #: uvcard.slastname 190 #: vcard.slastname 191 msgctxt "vcard.slastname" 154 192 msgid "Last Name" 155 193 msgstr "" 156 194 157 #: uvcard.slasttimecontacted 195 #: vcard.slasttimecontacted 196 msgctxt "vcard.slasttimecontacted" 158 197 msgid "Last Time Contacted" 159 198 msgstr "" 160 199 161 #: uvcard.slinkedin 200 #: vcard.slinkedin 201 msgctxt "vcard.slinkedin" 162 202 msgid "LinkedIn" 163 203 msgstr "" 164 204 165 #: uvcard.slogo 205 #: vcard.slogo 206 msgctxt "vcard.slogo" 166 207 msgid "Logo" 167 208 msgstr "" 168 209 169 #: uvcard.smainphone 210 #: vcard.smainphone 211 msgctxt "vcard.smainphone" 170 212 msgid "Main phone" 171 213 msgstr "" 172 214 173 #: uvcard.smastodon 215 #: vcard.smastodon 216 msgctxt "vcard.smastodon" 174 217 msgid "Mastodon" 175 218 msgstr "" 176 219 177 #: uvcard.smatrix 220 #: vcard.smatrix 221 msgctxt "vcard.smatrix" 178 222 msgid "Matrix" 179 223 msgstr "" 180 224 181 #: uvcard.smiddlename 225 #: vcard.smiddlename 226 msgctxt "vcard.smiddlename" 182 227 msgid "Middle Name" 183 228 msgstr "" 184 229 185 #: uvcard.smobilephone 230 #: vcard.smobilephone 231 msgctxt "vcard.smobilephone" 186 232 msgid "Mobile phone" 187 233 msgstr "" 188 234 189 #: uvcard.smsn 235 #: vcard.smsn 236 msgctxt "vcard.smsn" 190 237 msgid "MSN" 191 238 msgstr "" 192 239 193 #: uvcard.smyspace 240 #: vcard.smyspace 241 msgctxt "vcard.smyspace" 194 242 msgid "MySpace" 195 243 msgstr "" 196 244 197 #: uvcard.snickname 245 #: vcard.snickname 246 msgctxt "vcard.snickname" 198 247 msgid "Nick name" 199 248 msgstr "" 200 249 201 #: uvcard.snote 250 #: vcard.snote 251 msgctxt "vcard.snote" 202 252 msgid "Note" 203 253 msgstr "" 204 254 205 #: uvcard.sorganization 255 #: vcard.sorganization 256 msgctxt "vcard.sorganization" 206 257 msgid "Organization" 207 258 msgstr "" 208 259 209 #: uvcard.spager 260 #: vcard.spager 261 msgctxt "vcard.spager" 210 262 msgid "Pager" 211 263 msgstr "" 212 264 213 #: uvcard.speertube 265 #: vcard.speertube 266 msgctxt "vcard.speertube" 214 267 msgid "PeerTube" 215 268 msgstr "" 216 269 217 #: uvcard.sphoto 270 #: vcard.sphoto 271 msgctxt "vcard.sphoto" 218 272 msgid "Photo" 219 273 msgstr "" 220 274 221 #: uvcard.sqq 275 #: vcard.sqq 276 msgctxt "vcard.sqq" 222 277 msgid "QQ" 223 278 msgstr "" 224 279 225 #: uvcard.sreddit 280 #: vcard.sreddit 281 msgctxt "vcard.sreddit" 226 282 msgid "Reddit" 227 283 msgstr "" 228 284 229 #: uvcard.srevision 285 #: vcard.srevision 286 msgctxt "vcard.srevision" 230 287 msgid "Revision" 231 288 msgstr "" 232 289 233 #: uvcard.srole 290 #: vcard.srole 291 msgctxt "vcard.srole" 234 292 msgid "Role" 235 293 msgstr "" 236 294 237 #: uvcard.sskype 295 #: vcard.sskype 296 msgctxt "vcard.sskype" 238 297 msgid "Skype" 239 298 msgstr "" 240 299 241 #: uvcard.ssnapchat 300 #: vcard.ssnapchat 301 msgctxt "vcard.ssnapchat" 242 302 msgid "Snapchat" 243 303 msgstr "" 244 304 245 #: uvcard.stelephone 305 #: vcard.stelephone 306 msgctxt "vcard.stelephone" 246 307 msgid "Telephone" 247 308 msgstr "" 248 309 249 #: uvcard.stimescontacted 310 #: vcard.stimescontacted 311 msgctxt "vcard.stimescontacted" 250 312 msgid "Times Contacted" 251 313 msgstr "" 252 314 253 #: uvcard.stitle 315 #: vcard.stitle 316 msgctxt "vcard.stitle" 254 317 msgid "Title" 255 318 msgstr "" 256 319 257 #: uvcard.stitleafter 320 #: vcard.stitleafter 321 msgctxt "vcard.stitleafter" 258 322 msgid "Title After" 259 323 msgstr "" 260 324 261 #: uvcard.stitlebefore 325 #: vcard.stitlebefore 326 msgctxt "vcard.stitlebefore" 262 327 msgid "Title Before" 263 328 msgstr "" 264 329 265 #: uvcard.stwitter 330 #: vcard.stwitter 331 msgctxt "vcard.stwitter" 266 332 msgid "Twitter" 267 333 msgstr "" 268 334 269 #: uvcard.suniqueidentifier 335 #: vcard.suniqueidentifier 336 msgctxt "vcard.suniqueidentifier" 270 337 msgid "Unique identifier" 271 338 msgstr "" 272 339 273 #: uvcard.sversion 340 #: vcard.sversion 341 msgctxt "vcard.sversion" 274 342 msgid "Version" 275 343 msgstr "" 276 344 277 #: uvcard.svoipphone 345 #: vcard.svoipphone 346 msgctxt "vcard.svoipphone" 278 347 msgid "VoIP phone" 279 348 msgstr "" 280 349 281 #: uvcard.swebaddress 350 #: vcard.swebaddress 351 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddress" 282 352 msgid "Web address" 283 353 msgstr "" 284 354 285 #: uvcard.swebaddresshome 355 #: vcard.swebaddresshome 356 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddresshome" 286 357 msgid "Web address home" 287 358 msgstr "" 288 359 289 #: uvcard.swebaddresswork 360 #: vcard.swebaddresswork 361 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddresswork" 290 362 msgid "Web address work" 291 363 msgstr "" 292 364 293 #: uvcard.swindowslive 365 #: vcard.swindowslive 366 msgctxt "vcard.swindowslive" 294 367 msgid "Windows Live" 295 368 msgstr "" 296 369 297 #: uvcard.sworkaddresscity 370 #: vcard.sworkaddresscity 371 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresscity" 298 372 msgid "Work address city" 299 373 msgstr "" 300 374 301 #: uvcard.sworkaddresscountry 375 #: vcard.sworkaddresscountry 376 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresscountry" 302 377 msgid "Work address country" 303 378 msgstr "" 304 379 305 #: uvcard.sworkaddresspostalcode 380 #: vcard.sworkaddresspostalcode 381 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresspostalcode" 306 382 msgid "Work address postal code" 307 383 msgstr "" 308 384 309 #: uvcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox 385 #: vcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox 386 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox" 310 387 msgid "Work address post office box" 311 388 msgstr "" 312 389 313 #: uvcard.sworkaddressregion 390 #: vcard.sworkaddressregion 391 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressregion" 314 392 msgid "Work address region" 315 393 msgstr "" 316 394 317 #: uvcard.sworkaddressstreet 395 #: vcard.sworkaddressstreet 396 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressstreet" 318 397 msgid "Work address street" 319 398 msgstr "" 320 399 321 #: uvcard.sworkaddressstreetextended 400 #: vcard.sworkaddressstreetextended 401 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressstreetextended" 322 402 msgid "Work address extended street" 323 403 msgstr "" 324 404 325 #: uvcard.sworkemail 405 #: vcard.sworkemail 406 msgctxt "vcard.sworkemail" 326 407 msgid "Work E-mail" 327 408 msgstr "" 328 409 329 #: uvcard.sworkfax 410 #: vcard.sworkfax 411 msgctxt "vcard.sworkfax" 330 412 msgid "Work fax" 331 413 msgstr "" 332 414 333 #: uvcard.sworkmobile 415 #: vcard.sworkmobile 416 msgctxt "vcard.sworkmobile" 334 417 msgid "Work mobile" 335 418 msgstr "" 336 419 337 #: uvcard.sworkpager 420 #: vcard.sworkpager 421 msgctxt "vcard.sworkpager" 338 422 msgid "Work pager" 339 423 msgstr "" 340 424 341 #: uvcard.sworkphone 425 #: vcard.sworkphone 426 msgctxt "vcard.sworkphone" 342 427 msgid "Work phone" 343 428 msgstr "" 344 429 345 #: uvcard.syahoo 430 #: vcard.syahoo 431 msgctxt "vcard.syahoo" 346 432 msgid "Yahoo!" 347 433 msgstr "" 348 434 349 #: uvcard.syoutube 435 #: vcard.syoutube 436 msgctxt "vcard.syoutube" 350 437 msgid "YouTube" 351 438 msgstr ""
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.