Changeset 148
- Timestamp:
- Jun 5, 2023, 7:40:45 PM (22 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 2 added
- 26 edited
- 63 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r138 r148 12 12 OnDestroy = FormDestroy 13 13 OnShow = FormShow 14 LCLVersion = '2.2. 2.0'14 LCLVersion = '' 15 15 object ButtonOk: TButton 16 16 Left = 583 -
r138 r148 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, UVCard;6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, VCard; 7 7 8 8 type … … 54 54 55 55 procedure TFormColumns.FormShow(Sender: TObject); 56 var57 I: Integer;58 56 begin 59 57 Core.PersistentForm1.Load(Self); -
r134 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, 7 UVCard, Diff, LCLType, LCLIntf, ComCtrls, Buttons, Menus, ActnList, SynEdit,8 SynEditMiscClasses, SynHighlighterPosition, SynEditHighlighter, UCommon,7 VCard, Diff, LCLType, LCLIntf, ComCtrls, Buttons, Menus, ActnList, SynEdit, 8 SynEditMiscClasses, SynHighlighterPosition, SynEditHighlighter, Common, 9 9 USynEditEx; 10 10 -
r140 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, 7 ComCtrls, ActnList, Menus, ExtCtrls, ExtDlgs, Buttons, UVCard, LCLIntf,8 UFormProperties, DateUtils, {$IFDEF LCLGTK2}Gtk2Globals, {$ENDIF} UContactImage,7 ComCtrls, ActnList, Menus, ExtCtrls, ExtDlgs, Buttons, VCard, LCLIntf, 8 UFormProperties, DateUtils, {$IFDEF LCLGTK2}Gtk2Globals, {$ENDIF}ContactImage, 9 9 ubarcodes; 10 10 … … 257 257 258 258 uses 259 UCore, UCommon, UFormImage, UFormNameDetails, UDataFile;259 UCore, Common, UFormImage, UFormNameDetails, DataFile; 260 260 261 261 resourcestring -
r138 r148 13 13 OnResize = FormResize 14 14 OnShow = FormShow 15 LCLVersion = '2.2. 2.0'15 LCLVersion = '' 16 16 object ListView1: TListView 17 17 Left = 0 -
r138 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ComCtrls, 7 Menus, ActnList, UVCard, UListViewSort, LazUTF8, Clipbrd, URegistry,8 Generics.Collections , Types;7 Menus, ActnList, VCard, ListViewSort, LazUTF8, Clipbrd, RegistryEx, 8 Generics.Collections; 9 9 10 10 type -
r129 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ComCtrls, 7 ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ActnList, Menus, UVCard, UFormContacts;7 ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ActnList, Menus, VCard, UFormContacts; 8 8 9 9 type -
r134 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ComCtrls, 7 ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ActnList, Menus, UVCard, Generics.Collections,7 ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ActnList, Menus, VCard, Generics.Collections, 8 8 Generics.Defaults; 9 9 -
r129 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, 7 Spin, UVCard;7 Spin, VCard; 8 8 9 9 type -
r131 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, 7 ExtDlgs, UContactImage;7 ExtDlgs, ContactImage; 8 8 9 9 type -
r138 r148 15 15 OnResize = FormResize 16 16 OnShow = FormShow 17 LCLVersion = '2.2. 2.0'17 LCLVersion = '' 18 18 object CoolBar1: TCoolBar 19 19 Left = 0 -
r138 r148 78 78 79 79 uses 80 UCore, UFormContacts, UVCard, UVCardFile, URegistry;80 UCore, UFormContacts, VCard, UVCardFile, RegistryEx; 81 81 82 82 resourcestring -
r133 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ComCtrls, 7 Menus, ActnList, UVCard, UDataFile, UListViewSort, LazUTF8,7 Menus, ActnList, VCard, DataFile, ListViewSort, LazUTF8, 8 8 Generics.Collections; 9 9 … … 85 85 86 86 uses 87 UFormProperty, UCore, UCommon;87 UFormProperty, UCore, Common; 88 88 89 89 resourcestring -
r129 r148 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, UVCard;6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, VCard; 7 7 8 8 type -
r101 r148 1 1 object FormSettings: TFormSettings 2 2 Left = 798 3 Height = 4 213 Height = 404 4 4 Top = 321 5 Width = 5 485 Width = 526 6 6 Caption = 'Settings' 7 ClientHeight = 4 218 ClientWidth = 5 489 Constraints.MinHeight = 4 2110 Constraints.MinWidth = 5 4811 DesignTimePPI = 1 507 ClientHeight = 404 8 ClientWidth = 526 9 Constraints.MinHeight = 404 10 Constraints.MinWidth = 526 11 DesignTimePPI = 144 12 12 OnClose = FormClose 13 13 OnCreate = FormCreate 14 14 OnShow = FormShow 15 15 Position = poScreenCenter 16 LCLVersion = '2.2. 0.4'16 LCLVersion = '' 17 17 object ComboBoxLanguage: TComboBox 18 Left = 2 5018 Left = 240 19 19 Height = 42 20 Top = 1 721 Width = 2 7520 Top = 16 21 Width = 264 22 22 ItemHeight = 0 23 23 ParentFont = False … … 26 26 end 27 27 object Label1: TLabel 28 Left = 2 529 Height = 2 730 Top = 2 531 Width = 9628 Left = 24 29 Height = 26 30 Top = 24 31 Width = 88 32 32 Caption = 'Language:' 33 ParentColor = False 33 34 ParentFont = False 34 35 end 35 36 object ButtonOk: TButton 36 Left = 4 1637 Height = 3 938 Top = 3 6539 Width = 11 837 Left = 400 38 Height = 37 39 Top = 351 40 Width = 113 40 41 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 41 42 Caption = 'Ok' … … 46 47 end 47 48 object ButtonCancel: TButton 48 Left = 2 6649 Height = 3 950 Top = 3 6551 Width = 11 849 Left = 256 50 Height = 37 51 Top = 351 52 Width = 113 52 53 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 53 54 Caption = 'Cancel' … … 57 58 end 58 59 object CheckBoxAutomaticDPI: TCheckBox 59 Left = 2 460 Height = 3 161 Top = 2 5762 Width = 1 5460 Left = 23 61 Height = 30 62 Top = 247 63 Width = 148 63 64 Caption = 'Automatic DPI' 64 65 OnChange = CheckBoxAutomaticDPIChange … … 68 69 end 69 70 object SpinEditDPI: TSpinEdit 70 Left = 2 4971 Left = 239 71 72 Height = 43 72 Top = 2 9173 Width = 1 5173 Top = 279 74 Width = 145 74 75 MaxValue = 300 75 76 MinValue = 96 … … 80 81 end 81 82 object LabelDPI: TLabel 82 Left = 5 783 Height = 2 784 Top = 2 9985 Width = 3 683 Left = 55 84 Height = 26 85 Top = 287 86 Width = 35 86 87 Caption = 'DPI:' 88 ParentColor = False 87 89 ParentFont = False 88 90 Visible = False 89 91 end 90 92 object CheckBoxReopenLastFileOnStart: TCheckBox 91 Left = 2 492 Height = 3 193 Top = 2 1694 Width = 2 3993 Left = 23 94 Height = 30 95 Top = 207 96 Width = 226 95 97 Caption = 'Reopen last file on start' 96 98 ParentFont = False … … 100 102 Left = 12 101 103 Height = 2 102 Top = 3 46103 Width = 517104 Top = 332 105 Width = 496 104 106 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 105 107 end 106 108 object Label2: TLabel 107 Left = 2 5108 Height = 2 7109 Top = 7 5110 Width = 6 7109 Left = 24 110 Height = 26 111 Top = 72 112 Width = 63 111 113 Caption = 'Theme:' 114 ParentColor = False 112 115 ParentFont = False 113 116 end 114 117 object ComboBoxTheme: TComboBox 115 Left = 2 50118 Left = 240 116 119 Height = 42 117 Top = 6 7118 Width = 2 75120 Top = 64 121 Width = 264 119 122 ItemHeight = 0 120 123 ParentFont = False … … 123 126 end 124 127 object Label3: TLabel 125 Left = 2 5126 Height = 2 7127 Top = 12 5128 Width = 1 99128 Left = 24 129 Height = 26 130 Top = 120 131 Width = 186 129 132 Caption = 'Default vCard version:' 133 ParentColor = False 130 134 end 131 135 object EditDefaultVcardVersion: TEdit 132 Left = 2 50136 Left = 240 133 137 Height = 43 134 Top = 11 7135 Width = 1 50138 Top = 112 139 Width = 144 136 140 TabOrder = 2 137 141 end 138 142 object Label4: TLabel 139 Left = 2 5140 Height = 2 7141 Top = 1 72142 Width = 1 44143 Left = 24 144 Height = 26 145 Top = 165 146 Width = 133 143 147 Caption = 'Map query URL:' 148 ParentColor = False 144 149 end 145 150 object EditMapUrl: TEdit 146 Left = 2 50151 Left = 240 147 152 Height = 43 148 Top = 16 8149 Width = 2 78153 Top = 161 154 Width = 267 150 155 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 151 156 TabOrder = 8 -
r127 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, 7 Menus, Spin, ExtCtrls, ULanguages;7 Menus, Spin, ExtCtrls, Languages; 8 8 9 9 type … … 49 49 50 50 uses 51 UCore, UTheme;51 UCore, Theme; 52 52 53 53 { TFormSettings } -
r115 r148 1 1 object FormSource: TFormSource 2 2 Left = 754 3 Height = 7133 Height = 684 4 4 Top = 496 5 Width = 9 515 Width = 913 6 6 Caption = 'Source' 7 ClientHeight = 7138 ClientWidth = 9 519 DesignTimePPI = 1 507 ClientHeight = 684 8 ClientWidth = 913 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 10 OnClose = FormClose 11 11 OnCreate = FormCreate 12 12 OnDestroy = FormDestroy 13 13 OnShow = FormShow 14 LCLVersion = '2.2. 0.4'14 LCLVersion = '' 15 15 inline SynEditSource: TSynEdit 16 16 Left = 8 17 Height = 6 4917 Height = 620 18 18 Top = 8 19 Width = 93519 Width = 897 20 20 Align = alCustom 21 21 BorderSpacing.Around = 8 22 22 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 23 23 Color = clBtnFace 24 Font.Height = 1 324 Font.Height = 12 25 25 Font.Name = 'DejaVu Sans Mono' 26 26 Font.Pitch = fpFixed … … 30 30 PopupMenu = PopupMenu1 31 31 TabOrder = 0 32 Gutter.Width = 8032 Gutter.Width = 75 33 33 Gutter.MouseActions = <> 34 34 RightGutter.Width = 0 … … 479 479 inline SynLeftGutterPartList1: TSynGutterPartList 480 480 object SynGutterMarks1: TSynGutterMarks 481 Width = 3 8481 Width = 36 482 482 MouseActions = <> 483 483 end 484 484 object SynGutterLineNumber1: TSynGutterLineNumber 485 Width = 1 7485 Width = 15 486 486 MouseActions = <> 487 487 MarkupInfo.Background = clBtnFace … … 505 505 end 506 506 object SynGutterCodeFolding1: TSynGutterCodeFolding 507 Width = 1 6507 Width = 15 508 508 MouseActions = <> 509 509 MarkupInfo.Background = clNone … … 515 515 end 516 516 object ButtonOk: TButton 517 Left = 824518 Height = 3 9519 Top = 6 64520 Width = 11 7517 Left = 791 518 Height = 37 519 Top = 637 520 Width = 112 521 521 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 522 522 Caption = 'Save' … … 525 525 end 526 526 object ButtonCancel: TButton 527 Left = 6 88528 Height = 3 9529 Top = 6 64530 Width = 11 7527 Left = 661 528 Height = 37 529 Top = 637 530 Width = 112 531 531 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 532 532 Caption = 'Cancel' … … 536 536 object ActionList1: TActionList 537 537 Images = Core.ImageList1 538 Left = 3 61539 Top = 1 52538 Left = 347 539 Top = 146 540 540 object APaste: TAction 541 541 Caption = 'Paste' … … 563 563 end 564 564 object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu 565 Left = 3 88566 Top = 411565 Left = 372 566 Top = 395 567 567 object MenuItem1: TMenuItem 568 568 Action = ACut -
r147 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ActnList, Menus, 7 StdCtrls, SynEdit, SynHighlighterAny, UVCardHighlighter, UCommon;7 StdCtrls, SynEdit, SynHighlighterAny, UVCardHighlighter, Common; 8 8 9 9 type … … 51 51 52 52 uses 53 UCore, UTheme, UVCard;53 UCore, Theme, VCard; 54 54 55 55 { TFormSource } -
r146 r148 11 11 OnCreate = FormCreate 12 12 OnShow = FormShow 13 LCLVersion = '2.2. 2.0'13 LCLVersion = '' 14 14 object ListViewTestCases: TListView 15 15 Left = 19 -
r146 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, 7 ActnList, Menus, UTest, UTestCase;7 ActnList, Menus, TestCase; 8 8 9 9 type … … 48 48 49 49 uses 50 UCore, UFormTestCase, UVCard;50 UCore, UFormTestCase, VCard; 51 51 52 52 { TFormTest } -
r147 r148 1 unit UAboutDialog;1 unit AboutDialog; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, Menus, 7 ExtCtrls, UApplicationInfo, UCommon, UTranslator, UTheme, UFormAbout;7 ExtCtrls, ApplicationInfo, Common, Translator, Theme, FormAbout; 8 8 9 9 type … … 50 50 51 51 end. 52 -
r147 r148 1 unit UApplicationInfo;1 unit ApplicationInfo; 2 2 3 3 interface 4 4 5 5 uses 6 SysUtils, Classes, Forms, URegistry, Controls, Graphics, LCLType;6 SysUtils, Classes, Forms, RegistryEx, Controls, Graphics, LCLType; 7 7 8 8 type -
r147 r148 1 unit UDelay;1 unit Common.Delay; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 71 71 72 72 end. 73 -
r146 r148 41 41 Source:"/> 42 42 <License Value="Copy left."/> 43 <Version Minor="1 0"/>44 <Files Count="3 1">43 <Version Minor="11"/> 44 <Files Count="33"> 45 45 <Item1> 46 46 <Filename Value="StopWatch.pas"/> … … 48 48 </Item1> 49 49 <Item2> 50 <Filename Value=" UCommon.pas"/>51 <UnitName Value=" UCommon"/>50 <Filename Value="Common.pas"/> 51 <UnitName Value="Common"/> 52 52 </Item2> 53 53 <Item3> 54 <Filename Value=" UDebugLog.pas"/>55 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 56 <UnitName Value=" UDebugLog"/>54 <Filename Value="DebugLog.pas"/> 55 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 56 <UnitName Value="DebugLog"/> 57 57 </Item3> 58 58 <Item4> 59 <Filename Value=" UDelay.pas"/>60 <UnitName Value=" UDelay"/>59 <Filename Value="Common.Delay.pas"/> 60 <UnitName Value="Common.Delay"/> 61 61 </Item4> 62 62 <Item5> 63 <Filename Value=" UPrefixMultiplier.pas"/>64 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 65 <UnitName Value=" UPrefixMultiplier"/>63 <Filename Value="PrefixMultiplier.pas"/> 64 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 65 <UnitName Value="PrefixMultiplier"/> 66 66 </Item5> 67 67 <Item6> 68 <Filename Value="U URI.pas"/>69 <UnitName Value="U URI"/>68 <Filename Value="URI.pas"/> 69 <UnitName Value="URI"/> 70 70 </Item6> 71 71 <Item7> 72 <Filename Value=" UThreading.pas"/>73 <UnitName Value=" UThreading"/>72 <Filename Value="Threading.pas"/> 73 <UnitName Value="Threading"/> 74 74 </Item7> 75 75 <Item8> 76 <Filename Value=" UMemory.pas"/>77 <UnitName Value=" UMemory"/>76 <Filename Value="Memory.pas"/> 77 <UnitName Value="Memory"/> 78 78 </Item8> 79 79 <Item9> 80 <Filename Value=" UResetableThread.pas"/>81 <UnitName Value=" UResetableThread"/>80 <Filename Value="ResetableThread.pas"/> 81 <UnitName Value="ResetableThread"/> 82 82 </Item9> 83 83 <Item10> 84 <Filename Value=" UPool.pas"/>85 <UnitName Value=" UPool"/>84 <Filename Value="Pool.pas"/> 85 <UnitName Value="Pool"/> 86 86 </Item10> 87 87 <Item11> 88 <Filename Value=" ULastOpenedList.pas"/>89 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 90 <UnitName Value=" ULastOpenedList"/>88 <Filename Value="LastOpenedList.pas"/> 89 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 90 <UnitName Value="LastOpenedList"/> 91 91 </Item11> 92 92 <Item12> 93 <Filename Value=" URegistry.pas"/>94 <UnitName Value=" URegistry"/>93 <Filename Value="RegistryEx.pas"/> 94 <UnitName Value="RegistryEx"/> 95 95 </Item12> 96 96 <Item13> 97 <Filename Value=" UJobProgressView.pas"/>98 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 99 <UnitName Value=" UJobProgressView"/>97 <Filename Value="JobProgressView.pas"/> 98 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 99 <UnitName Value="JobProgressView"/> 100 100 </Item13> 101 101 <Item14> 102 <Filename Value=" UXMLUtils.pas"/>103 <UnitName Value=" UXMLUtils"/>102 <Filename Value="XML.pas"/> 103 <UnitName Value="XML"/> 104 104 </Item14> 105 105 <Item15> 106 <Filename Value=" UApplicationInfo.pas"/>107 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 108 <UnitName Value=" UApplicationInfo"/>106 <Filename Value="ApplicationInfo.pas"/> 107 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 108 <UnitName Value="ApplicationInfo"/> 109 109 </Item15> 110 110 <Item16> 111 <Filename Value=" USyncCounter.pas"/>112 <UnitName Value=" USyncCounter"/>111 <Filename Value="SyncCounter.pas"/> 112 <UnitName Value="SyncCounter"/> 113 113 </Item16> 114 114 <Item17> 115 <Filename Value=" UListViewSort.pas"/>116 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 117 <UnitName Value=" UListViewSort"/>115 <Filename Value="ListViewSort.pas"/> 116 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 117 <UnitName Value="ListViewSort"/> 118 118 </Item17> 119 119 <Item18> 120 <Filename Value=" UPersistentForm.pas"/>121 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 122 <UnitName Value=" UPersistentForm"/>120 <Filename Value="PersistentForm.pas"/> 121 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 122 <UnitName Value="PersistentForm"/> 123 123 </Item18> 124 124 <Item19> 125 <Filename Value=" UFindFile.pas"/>126 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 127 <UnitName Value=" UFindFile"/>125 <Filename Value="FindFile.pas"/> 126 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 127 <UnitName Value="FindFile"/> 128 128 </Item19> 129 129 <Item20> 130 <Filename Value=" UScaleDPI.pas"/>131 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 132 <UnitName Value=" UScaleDPI"/>130 <Filename Value="ScaleDPI.pas"/> 131 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 132 <UnitName Value="ScaleDPI"/> 133 133 </Item20> 134 134 <Item21> 135 <Filename Value=" UTheme.pas"/>136 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 137 <UnitName Value=" UTheme"/>135 <Filename Value="Theme.pas"/> 136 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 137 <UnitName Value="Theme"/> 138 138 </Item21> 139 139 <Item22> 140 <Filename Value=" UStringTable.pas"/>141 <UnitName Value=" UStringTable"/>140 <Filename Value="StringTable.pas"/> 141 <UnitName Value="StringTable"/> 142 142 </Item22> 143 143 <Item23> 144 <Filename Value=" UMetaCanvas.pas"/>145 <UnitName Value=" UMetaCanvas"/>144 <Filename Value="MetaCanvas.pas"/> 145 <UnitName Value="MetaCanvas"/> 146 146 </Item23> 147 147 <Item24> 148 <Filename Value=" UGeometric.pas"/>149 <UnitName Value=" UGeometric"/>148 <Filename Value="Geometric.pas"/> 149 <UnitName Value="Geometric"/> 150 150 </Item24> 151 151 <Item25> 152 <Filename Value=" UTranslator.pas"/>153 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 154 <UnitName Value=" UTranslator"/>152 <Filename Value="Translator.pas"/> 153 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 154 <UnitName Value="Translator"/> 155 155 </Item25> 156 156 <Item26> 157 <Filename Value=" ULanguages.pas"/>158 <UnitName Value=" ULanguages"/>157 <Filename Value="Languages.pas"/> 158 <UnitName Value="Languages"/> 159 159 </Item26> 160 160 <Item27> 161 <Filename Value=" UFormAbout.pas"/>162 <UnitName Value=" UFormAbout"/>161 <Filename Value="FormAbout.pas"/> 162 <UnitName Value="FormAbout"/> 163 163 </Item27> 164 164 <Item28> 165 <Filename Value=" UAboutDialog.pas"/>166 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 167 <UnitName Value=" UAboutDialog"/>165 <Filename Value="AboutDialog.pas"/> 166 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 167 <UnitName Value="AboutDialog"/> 168 168 </Item28> 169 169 <Item29> 170 <Filename Value=" UPixelPointer.pas"/>171 <UnitName Value=" UPixelPointer"/>170 <Filename Value="PixelPointer.pas"/> 171 <UnitName Value="PixelPointer"/> 172 172 </Item29> 173 173 <Item30> 174 <Filename Value=" UDataFile.pas"/>175 <UnitName Value=" UDataFile"/>174 <Filename Value="DataFile.pas"/> 175 <UnitName Value="DataFile"/> 176 176 </Item30> 177 177 <Item31> 178 <Filename Value=" UTestCase.pas"/>179 <UnitName Value=" UTestCase"/>178 <Filename Value="TestCase.pas"/> 179 <UnitName Value="TestCase"/> 180 180 </Item31> 181 <Item32> 182 <Filename Value="Generics.pas"/> 183 <UnitName Value="Generics"/> 184 </Item32> 185 <Item33> 186 <Filename Value="CommonPackage.pas"/> 187 <Type Value="Main Unit"/> 188 <UnitName Value="CommonPackage"/> 189 </Item33> 181 190 </Files> 182 191 <CompatibilityMode Value="True"/> -
r147 r148 1 unit UCommon;1 unit Common; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 10 10 11 11 type 12 TObjects = TObjectList<TObject>;13 12 TArrayOfByte = array of Byte; 14 13 TExceptionEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; E: Exception) of object; … … 66 65 function GetFileFilterItemExt(Filter: string; Index: Integer): string; 67 66 function IntToBin(Data: Int64; Count: Byte): string; 67 function Implode(Separator: Char; List: TList<string>): string; 68 68 function LastPos(const SubStr: String; const S: String): Integer; 69 69 function LoadFileToStr(const FileName: TFileName): AnsiString; … … 314 314 end; 315 315 316 function Implode(Separator: Char; List: TList<string>): string; 317 var 318 I: Integer; 319 begin 320 Result := ''; 321 for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin 322 Result := Result + List[I]; 323 if I < List.Count - 1 then Result := Result + Separator; 324 end; 325 end; 326 316 327 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} 317 328 function GetUserName: string; -
r147 r148 1 unit UDataFile;1 unit DataFile; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 109 109 110 110 end. 111 -
r147 r148 1 unit UDebugLog;1 unit DebugLog; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 134 134 135 135 end. 136 -
r147 r148 19 19 } 20 20 21 unit UFindFile;21 unit FindFile; 22 22 23 23 interface … … 85 85 begin 86 86 s.Free; 87 inherited Destroy;87 inherited; 88 88 end; 89 89 … … 143 143 SysUtils.FindClose(Rec); 144 144 end; 145 end; 145 end; 146 146 147 147 end. 148 -
r147 r148 1 1 object FormAbout: TFormAbout 2 2 Left = 1014 3 Height = 4023 Height = 349 4 4 Top = 577 5 Width = 7025 Width = 609 6 6 Caption = 'About' 7 ClientHeight = 402 8 ClientWidth = 702 9 DesignTimePPI = 144 10 OnCreate = FormCreate 7 ClientHeight = 349 8 ClientWidth = 609 9 DesignTimePPI = 125 11 10 OnShow = FormShow 12 11 Position = poScreenCenter 13 LCLVersion = '2. 0.10.0'12 LCLVersion = '' 14 13 object LabelDescription: TLabel 15 Left = 3016 Height = 2 417 Top = 1 3518 Width = 64214 Left = 26 15 Height = 22 16 Top = 117 17 Width = 557 19 18 Align = alTop 20 BorderSpacing.Left = 3021 BorderSpacing.Right = 3022 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 3019 BorderSpacing.Left = 26 20 BorderSpacing.Right = 26 21 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 26 23 22 Caption = 'Description' 24 23 ParentColor = False … … 27 26 end 28 27 object LabelContent: TLabel 29 Left = 3030 Height = 2 431 Top = 1 8932 Width = 64228 Left = 26 29 Height = 22 30 Top = 165 31 Width = 557 33 32 Align = alTop 34 BorderSpacing.Around = 3033 BorderSpacing.Around = 26 35 34 Caption = ' ' 36 35 ParentColor = False … … 39 38 object PanelTop: TPanel 40 39 Left = 0 41 Height = 1 3540 Height = 117 42 41 Top = 0 43 Width = 70242 Width = 609 44 43 Align = alTop 45 44 BevelOuter = bvNone 46 ClientHeight = 1 3547 ClientWidth = 70245 ClientHeight = 117 46 ClientWidth = 609 48 47 FullRepaint = False 49 48 ParentFont = False 50 49 TabOrder = 0 51 50 object LabelAppName: TLabel 52 Left = 10853 Height = 8454 Top = 2055 Width = 56451 Left = 94 52 Height = 73 53 Top = 17 54 Width = 489 56 55 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] 57 56 AutoSize = False 58 BorderSpacing.Around = 3057 BorderSpacing.Around = 26 59 58 Caption = 'Title' 60 Font.Height = - 6059 Font.Height = -52 61 60 ParentColor = False 62 61 ParentFont = False … … 64 63 end 65 64 object ImageLogo: TImage 66 Left = 2 467 Height = 7468 Top = 3069 Width = 7265 Left = 21 66 Height = 64 67 Top = 26 68 Width = 62 70 69 Proportional = True 71 70 Stretch = True … … 74 73 object PanelButtons: TPanel 75 74 Left = 0 76 Height = 7577 Top = 32778 Width = 70275 Height = 65 76 Top = 284 77 Width = 609 79 78 Align = alBottom 80 79 BevelOuter = bvNone 81 ClientHeight = 7582 ClientWidth = 70280 ClientHeight = 65 81 ClientWidth = 609 83 82 TabOrder = 1 84 83 object ButtonHomePage: TButton 85 Left = 2 486 Height = 3 887 Top = 2 488 Width = 2 6484 Left = 21 85 Height = 33 86 Top = 21 87 Width = 229 89 88 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] 90 89 Caption = 'Home page' … … 94 93 end 95 94 object ButtonClose: TButton 96 Left = 53297 Height = 3 898 Top = 2 499 Width = 1 4095 Left = 461 96 Height = 33 97 Top = 21 98 Width = 122 100 99 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 101 100 Caption = 'Close' -
r147 r148 1 unit UFormAbout;1 unit FormAbout; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, Menus, 7 StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, UApplicationInfo, UCommon, UTranslator, UTheme;7 StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ApplicationInfo, Common, Translator, Theme; 8 8 9 9 type … … 20 20 PanelButtons: TPanel; 21 21 procedure ButtonHomePageClick(Sender: TObject); 22 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);23 22 procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); 24 private25 { private declarations }26 23 public 27 24 AboutDialog: TObject; //TAboutDialog … … 35 32 36 33 uses 37 UAboutDialog;34 AboutDialog; 38 35 39 36 resourcestring … … 77 74 end; 78 75 79 procedure TFormAbout.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);80 begin81 end;82 83 76 end. 84 -
r147 r148 1 unit UGeometric;1 unit Geometric; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 8 8 type 9 9 TPointArray = array of TPoint; 10 11 { TVector } 12 13 TVector = record 14 Position: TPoint; 15 Direction: TPoint; 16 function GetLength: Double; 17 function GetAngle: Double; 18 procedure SetLength(Value: Double); 19 class function Create(P1, P2: TPoint): TVector; static; 20 end; 10 21 11 22 function Distance(P1, P2: TPoint): Integer; … … 13 24 function AddPoint(const P1, P2: TPoint): TPoint; 14 25 function SubPoint(const P1, P2: TPoint): TPoint; 15 function PointToLineDistance(const P, V, W: TPoint ): Integer;26 function PointToLineDistance(const P, V, W: TPoint; out Intersect: TPoint): Integer; 16 27 function ComparePoint(P1, P2: TPoint): Boolean; 17 28 function RotatePoint(Center, P: TPoint; Angle: Double): TPoint; … … 50 61 end; 51 62 52 function PointToLineDistance(const P, V, W: TPoint ): Integer;63 function PointToLineDistance(const P, V, W: TPoint; out Intersect: TPoint): Integer; 53 64 var 54 65 l2, t: Double; … … 68 79 if T < 0 then begin 69 80 Result := Distance(P, V); // Beyond the 'v' end of the segment 70 exit; 81 Intersect := V; 82 Exit; 71 83 end 72 84 else if T > 1 then begin 73 85 Result := Distance(P, W); // Beyond the 'w' end of the segment 86 Intersect := W; 74 87 Exit; 75 88 end; … … 77 90 TT.Y := Trunc(V.Y + T * (W.Y - V.Y)); 78 91 Result := Distance(P, TT); 92 Intersect := TT; 79 93 end; 80 94 … … 162 176 end; 163 177 178 { TVector } 179 180 function TVector.GetLength: Double; 181 begin 182 Result := Sqrt(Sqr(Direction.X) + Sqr(Direction.Y)); 183 end; 184 185 function TVector.GetAngle: Double; 186 begin 187 Result := ArcTan2(Direction.Y, Direction.X); 188 end; 189 190 procedure TVector.SetLength(Value: Double); 191 var 192 Angle: Double; 193 begin 194 Angle := GetAngle; 195 Direction := Point(Round(Cos(Angle) * Value), 196 Round(Sin(Angle) * Value)); 197 end; 198 199 class function TVector.Create(P1, P2: TPoint): TVector; 200 begin 201 Result.Position := P1; 202 Result.Direction := Point(P2.X - P1.X, P2.Y - P1.Y); 203 end; 164 204 165 205 end. 166 -
r147 r148 1 unit UJobProgressView;1 unit JobProgressView; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 5 5 uses 6 6 SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Syncobjs, 7 Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Generics.Collections, UThreading, Math,7 Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Generics.Collections, Threading, Math, 8 8 DateUtils; 9 9 … … 154 154 end; 155 155 156 //var157 // FormJobProgressView: TFormJobProgressView;158 159 156 procedure Register; 160 157 … … 185 182 try 186 183 try 187 //raise Exception.Create('Exception in job');188 184 ProgressView.CurrentJob.Method(Job); 189 185 except … … 641 637 begin 642 638 FLock.Free; 643 inherited Destroy;639 inherited; 644 640 end; 645 641 -
r147 r148 1 unit ULanguages;1 unit Languages; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 443 443 444 444 end. 445 -
r147 r148 1 1 msgid "" 2 2 msgstr "" 3 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"4 3 "Project-Id-Version: \n" 5 4 "POT-Creation-Date: \n" … … 7 6 "Last-Translator: \n" 8 7 "Language-Team: \n" 8 "Language: cs\n" 9 9 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 10 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 10 11 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 11 "Language: cs\n" 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n" 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1\n" 13 13 14 #: udatafile.sallfiles 14 #: datafile.sallfiles 15 #, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "datafile.sallfiles" 15 17 msgid "All files" 16 18 msgstr "Všechny soubory" 17 19 18 #: udatafile.sdatafilename 20 #: datafile.sdatafilename 21 #, fuzzy 22 msgctxt "datafile.sdatafilename" 19 23 msgid "Data file" 20 24 msgstr "Datový soubor" 25 -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: udatafile.sallfiles4 #: datafile.sallfiles 5 5 msgid "All files" 6 6 msgstr "" 7 7 8 #: udatafile.sdatafilename8 #: datafile.sdatafilename 9 9 msgid "Data file" 10 10 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 10 10 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 11 11 12 #: udebuglog.sfilenamenotdefined 12 #: debuglog.sfilenamenotdefined 13 #, fuzzy 14 msgctxt "debuglog.sfilenamenotdefined" 13 15 msgid "Filename not defined" 14 16 msgstr "Neurčen soubor" -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: udebuglog.sfilenamenotdefined4 #: debuglog.sfilenamenotdefined 5 5 msgid "Filename not defined" 6 6 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.9\n" 13 13 14 #: ufindfile.sdirnotfound 14 #: findfile.sdirnotfound 15 #, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "findfile.sdirnotfound" 15 17 msgid "Directory not found" 16 18 msgstr "Adresář nenalezen" -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: ufindfile.sdirnotfound4 #: findfile.sdirnotfound 5 5 msgid "Directory not found" 6 6 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n" 13 13 14 #: uformabout.slicense 14 #: formabout.slicense 15 #, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "formabout.slicense" 15 17 msgid "License" 16 18 msgstr "Licence" 17 19 18 #: uformabout.sreleasedate 20 #: formabout.sreleasedate 21 #, fuzzy 22 msgctxt "formabout.sreleasedate" 19 23 msgid "Release date" 20 24 msgstr "Datum uvolnění" 21 25 22 #: uformabout.sversion 26 #: formabout.sversion 27 #, fuzzy 28 msgctxt "formabout.sversion" 23 29 msgid "Version" 24 30 msgstr "Verze" -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: uformabout.slicense4 #: formabout.slicense 5 5 msgid "License" 6 6 msgstr "" 7 7 8 #: uformabout.sreleasedate8 #: formabout.sreleasedate 9 9 msgid "Release date" 10 10 msgstr "" 11 11 12 #: uformabout.sversion12 #: formabout.sversion 13 13 msgid "Version" 14 14 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" 13 13 14 #: ujobprogressview.sestimatedtime 15 #, object-pascal-format 14 #: jobprogressview.sestimatedtime 15 #, object-pascal-format, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "jobprogressview.sestimatedtime" 16 17 msgid "Estimated time: %s" 17 18 msgstr "Odhadovaný čas: %s" 18 19 19 #: ujobprogressview.sexecuted 20 #: jobprogressview.sexecuted 21 #, fuzzy 22 msgctxt "jobprogressview.sexecuted" 20 23 msgid "Executed" 21 24 msgstr "Vykonané" 22 25 23 #: ujobprogressview.sfinished 26 #: jobprogressview.sfinished 27 #, fuzzy 28 msgctxt "jobprogressview.sfinished" 24 29 msgid "Finished" 25 30 msgstr "Dokončené" 26 31 27 #: ujobprogressview.spleasewait 32 #: jobprogressview.spleasewait 33 #, fuzzy 34 msgctxt "jobprogressview.spleasewait" 28 35 msgid "Please wait..." 29 36 msgstr "Prosím čekejte..." 30 37 31 #: ujobprogressview.sterminate 38 #: jobprogressview.sterminate 39 #, fuzzy 40 msgctxt "jobprogressview.sterminate" 32 41 msgid "Termination" 33 42 msgstr "Přerušení" 34 43 35 #: ujobprogressview.stotalestimatedtime 36 #, object-pascal-format 44 #: jobprogressview.stotalestimatedtime 45 #, object-pascal-format, fuzzy 46 msgctxt "jobprogressview.stotalestimatedtime" 37 47 msgid "Total estimated time: %s" 38 48 msgstr "Celkový odhadovaný čas: %s" -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: ujobprogressview.sestimatedtime4 #: jobprogressview.sestimatedtime 5 5 #, object-pascal-format 6 6 msgid "Estimated time: %s" 7 7 msgstr "" 8 8 9 #: ujobprogressview.sexecuted9 #: jobprogressview.sexecuted 10 10 msgid "Executed" 11 11 msgstr "" 12 12 13 #: ujobprogressview.sfinished13 #: jobprogressview.sfinished 14 14 msgid "Finished" 15 15 msgstr "" 16 16 17 #: ujobprogressview.spleasewait17 #: jobprogressview.spleasewait 18 18 msgid "Please wait..." 19 19 msgstr "" 20 20 21 #: ujobprogressview.sterminate21 #: jobprogressview.sterminate 22 22 msgid "Termination" 23 23 msgstr "" 24 24 25 #: ujobprogressview.stotalestimatedtime25 #: jobprogressview.stotalestimatedtime 26 26 #, object-pascal-format 27 27 msgid "Total estimated time: %s" -
r147 r148 10 10 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 11 11 12 #: ulanguages.slangauto 12 #: languages.slangauto 13 #, fuzzy 14 msgctxt "languages.slangauto" 13 15 msgid "Automatic" 14 16 msgstr "Automaticky" 15 17 16 #: ulanguages.slang_aa 18 #: languages.slang_aa 19 msgctxt "languages.slang_aa" 17 20 msgid "Afar" 18 21 msgstr "" 19 22 20 #: ulanguages.slang_ab 23 #: languages.slang_ab 24 #, fuzzy 25 msgctxt "languages.slang_ab" 21 26 msgid "Abkhazian" 22 27 msgstr "Abcházština" 23 28 24 #: ulanguages.slang_ae 29 #: languages.slang_ae 30 msgctxt "languages.slang_ae" 25 31 msgid "Avestan" 26 32 msgstr "" 27 33 28 #: ulanguages.slang_af 34 #: languages.slang_af 35 #, fuzzy 36 msgctxt "languages.slang_af" 29 37 msgid "Afrikaans" 30 38 msgstr "Afrikánština" 31 39 32 #: ulanguages.slang_ak 40 #: languages.slang_ak 41 msgctxt "languages.slang_ak" 33 42 msgid "Akan" 34 43 msgstr "" 35 44 36 #: ulanguages.slang_am 45 #: languages.slang_am 46 msgctxt "languages.slang_am" 37 47 msgid "Amharic" 38 48 msgstr "" 39 49 40 #: ulanguages.slang_an 50 #: languages.slang_an 51 msgctxt "languages.slang_an" 41 52 msgid "Aragonese" 42 53 msgstr "" 43 54 44 #: ulanguages.slang_ar 55 #: languages.slang_ar 56 #, fuzzy 57 msgctxt "languages.slang_ar" 45 58 msgid "Arabic" 46 59 msgstr "Arabština" 47 60 48 #: ulanguages.slang_as 61 #: languages.slang_as 62 msgctxt "languages.slang_as" 49 63 msgid "Assamese" 50 64 msgstr "" 51 65 52 #: ulanguages.slang_av 66 #: languages.slang_av 67 msgctxt "languages.slang_av" 53 68 msgid "Avaric" 54 69 msgstr "" 55 70 56 #: ulanguages.slang_ay 71 #: languages.slang_ay 72 msgctxt "languages.slang_ay" 57 73 msgid "Aymara" 58 74 msgstr "" 59 75 60 #: ulanguages.slang_az 76 #: languages.slang_az 77 msgctxt "languages.slang_az" 61 78 msgid "Azerbaijani" 62 79 msgstr "" 63 80 64 #: ulanguages.slang_ba 81 #: languages.slang_ba 82 msgctxt "languages.slang_ba" 65 83 msgid "Bashkir" 66 84 msgstr "" 67 85 68 #: ulanguages.slang_be 86 #: languages.slang_be 87 msgctxt "languages.slang_be" 69 88 msgid "Belarusian" 70 89 msgstr "" 71 90 72 #: ulanguages.slang_bg 91 #: languages.slang_bg 92 #, fuzzy 93 msgctxt "languages.slang_bg" 73 94 msgid "Bulgarian" 74 95 msgstr "Maďarština" 75 96 76 #: ulanguages.slang_bh 97 #: languages.slang_bh 98 msgctxt "languages.slang_bh" 77 99 msgid "Bihari" 78 100 msgstr "" 79 101 80 #: ulanguages.slang_bi 102 #: languages.slang_bi 103 msgctxt "languages.slang_bi" 81 104 msgid "Bislama" 82 105 msgstr "" 83 106 84 #: ulanguages.slang_bm 107 #: languages.slang_bm 108 msgctxt "languages.slang_bm" 85 109 msgid "Bambara" 86 110 msgstr "" 87 111 88 #: ulanguages.slang_bn 112 #: languages.slang_bn 113 msgctxt "languages.slang_bn" 89 114 msgid "Bengali" 90 115 msgstr "" 91 116 92 #: ulanguages.slang_bo 117 #: languages.slang_bo 118 #, fuzzy 119 msgctxt "languages.slang_bo" 93 120 msgid "Tibetan" 94 121 msgstr "Tibetština" 95 122 96 #: ulanguages.slang_br 123 #: languages.slang_br 124 msgctxt "languages.slang_br" 97 125 msgid "Breton" 98 126 msgstr "" 99 127 100 #: ulanguages.slang_bs 128 #: languages.slang_bs 129 msgctxt "languages.slang_bs" 101 130 msgid "Bosnian" 102 131 msgstr "" 103 132 104 #: ulanguages.slang_ca 133 #: languages.slang_ca 134 #, fuzzy 135 msgctxt "languages.slang_ca" 105 136 msgid "Catalan" 106 137 msgstr "Katalánština" 107 138 108 #: ulanguages.slang_ce 139 #: languages.slang_ce 140 msgctxt "languages.slang_ce" 109 141 msgid "Chechen" 110 142 msgstr "" 111 143 112 #: ulanguages.slang_ch 144 #: languages.slang_ch 145 msgctxt "languages.slang_ch" 113 146 msgid "Chamorro" 114 147 msgstr "" 115 148 116 #: ulanguages.slang_co 149 #: languages.slang_co 150 msgctxt "languages.slang_co" 117 151 msgid "Corsican" 118 152 msgstr "" 119 153 120 #: ulanguages.slang_cr 154 #: languages.slang_cr 155 #, fuzzy 156 msgctxt "languages.slang_cr" 121 157 msgid "Cree" 122 158 msgstr "Kríjština" 123 159 124 #: ulanguages.slang_cs 160 #: languages.slang_cs 161 #, fuzzy 162 msgctxt "languages.slang_cs" 125 163 msgid "Czech" 126 164 msgstr "Čeština" 127 165 128 #: ulanguages.slang_cv 166 #: languages.slang_cv 167 msgctxt "languages.slang_cv" 129 168 msgid "Chuvash" 130 169 msgstr "" 131 170 132 #: ulanguages.slang_cy 171 #: languages.slang_cy 172 msgctxt "languages.slang_cy" 133 173 msgid "Welsh" 134 174 msgstr "" 135 175 136 #: ulanguages.slang_da 176 #: languages.slang_da 177 #, fuzzy 178 msgctxt "languages.slang_da" 137 179 msgid "Danish" 138 180 msgstr "Dánština" 139 181 140 #: ulanguages.slang_de 182 #: languages.slang_de 183 #, fuzzy 184 msgctxt "languages.slang_de" 141 185 msgid "German" 142 186 msgstr "Němčina" 143 187 144 #: ulanguages.slang_de_at 188 #: languages.slang_de_at 189 #, fuzzy 190 msgctxt "languages.slang_de_at" 145 191 msgid "Austrian German" 146 192 msgstr "Australská němčina" 147 193 148 #: ulanguages.slang_de_ch 194 #: languages.slang_de_ch 195 #, fuzzy 196 msgctxt "languages.slang_de_ch" 149 197 msgid "Swiss German" 150 198 msgstr "Švédská němčina" 151 199 152 #: ulanguages.slang_dv 200 #: languages.slang_dv 201 msgctxt "languages.slang_dv" 153 202 msgid "Divehi" 154 203 msgstr "" 155 204 156 #: ulanguages.slang_dz 205 #: languages.slang_dz 206 msgctxt "languages.slang_dz" 157 207 msgid "Dzongkha" 158 208 msgstr "" 159 209 160 #: ulanguages.slang_ee 210 #: languages.slang_ee 211 msgctxt "languages.slang_ee" 161 212 msgid "Ewe" 162 213 msgstr "" 163 214 164 #: ulanguages.slang_el 215 #: languages.slang_el 216 #, fuzzy 217 msgctxt "languages.slang_el" 165 218 msgid "Greek" 166 219 msgstr "Řečtina" 167 220 168 #: ulanguages.slang_en 221 #: languages.slang_en 222 #, fuzzy 223 msgctxt "languages.slang_en" 169 224 msgid "English" 170 225 msgstr "Angličtina" 171 226 172 #: ulanguages.slang_en_au 227 #: languages.slang_en_au 228 #, fuzzy 229 msgctxt "languages.slang_en_au" 173 230 msgid "Australian English" 174 231 msgstr "Australská angličtina" 175 232 176 #: ulanguages.slang_en_ca 233 #: languages.slang_en_ca 234 #, fuzzy 235 msgctxt "languages.slang_en_ca" 177 236 msgid "Canadian English" 178 237 msgstr "Kanadská angličtina" 179 238 180 #: ulanguages.slang_en_gb 239 #: languages.slang_en_gb 240 #, fuzzy 241 msgctxt "languages.slang_en_gb" 181 242 msgid "British English" 182 243 msgstr "Britská angličtina" 183 244 184 #: ulanguages.slang_en_us 245 #: languages.slang_en_us 246 #, fuzzy 247 msgctxt "languages.slang_en_us" 185 248 msgid "American English" 186 249 msgstr "Americká angličtina" 187 250 188 #: ulanguages.slang_eo 251 #: languages.slang_eo 252 #, fuzzy 253 msgctxt "languages.slang_eo" 189 254 msgid "Esperanto" 190 255 msgstr "Esperanto" 191 256 192 #: ulanguages.slang_es 257 #: languages.slang_es 258 #, fuzzy 259 msgctxt "languages.slang_es" 193 260 msgid "Spanish" 194 261 msgstr "Španělština" 195 262 196 #: ulanguages.slang_et 263 #: languages.slang_et 264 #, fuzzy 265 msgctxt "languages.slang_et" 197 266 msgid "Estonian" 198 267 msgstr "Estonština" 199 268 200 #: ulanguages.slang_eu 269 #: languages.slang_eu 270 msgctxt "languages.slang_eu" 201 271 msgid "Basque" 202 272 msgstr "" 203 273 204 #: ulanguages.slang_fa 274 #: languages.slang_fa 275 #, fuzzy 276 msgctxt "languages.slang_fa" 205 277 msgid "Persian" 206 278 msgstr "Perština" 207 279 208 #: ulanguages.slang_ff 280 #: languages.slang_ff 281 msgctxt "languages.slang_ff" 209 282 msgid "Fulah" 210 283 msgstr "" 211 284 212 #: ulanguages.slang_fi 285 #: languages.slang_fi 286 #, fuzzy 287 msgctxt "languages.slang_fi" 213 288 msgid "Finnish" 214 289 msgstr "Finština" 215 290 216 #: ulanguages.slang_fj 291 #: languages.slang_fj 292 msgctxt "languages.slang_fj" 217 293 msgid "Fijian" 218 294 msgstr "" 219 295 220 #: ulanguages.slang_fo 296 #: languages.slang_fo 297 msgctxt "languages.slang_fo" 221 298 msgid "Faroese" 222 299 msgstr "" 223 300 224 #: ulanguages.slang_fr 301 #: languages.slang_fr 302 #, fuzzy 303 msgctxt "languages.slang_fr" 225 304 msgid "French" 226 305 msgstr "Francouzština" 227 306 228 #: ulanguages.slang_fr_be229 msgctxt " ulanguages.slang_fr_be"307 #: languages.slang_fr_be 308 msgctxt "languages.slang_fr_be" 230 309 msgid "Walloon" 231 310 msgstr "" 232 311 233 #: ulanguages.slang_fy 312 #: languages.slang_fy 313 msgctxt "languages.slang_fy" 234 314 msgid "Frisian" 235 315 msgstr "" 236 316 237 #: ulanguages.slang_ga 317 #: languages.slang_ga 318 #, fuzzy 319 msgctxt "languages.slang_ga" 238 320 msgid "Irish" 239 321 msgstr "Irština" 240 322 241 #: ulanguages.slang_gd 323 #: languages.slang_gd 324 msgctxt "languages.slang_gd" 242 325 msgid "Gaelic" 243 326 msgstr "" 244 327 245 #: ulanguages.slang_gl 328 #: languages.slang_gl 329 msgctxt "languages.slang_gl" 246 330 msgid "Gallegan" 247 331 msgstr "" 248 332 249 #: ulanguages.slang_gn 333 #: languages.slang_gn 334 msgctxt "languages.slang_gn" 250 335 msgid "Guarani" 251 336 msgstr "" 252 337 253 #: ulanguages.slang_gu 338 #: languages.slang_gu 339 msgctxt "languages.slang_gu" 254 340 msgid "Gujarati" 255 341 msgstr "" 256 342 257 #: ulanguages.slang_gv 343 #: languages.slang_gv 344 msgctxt "languages.slang_gv" 258 345 msgid "Manx" 259 346 msgstr "" 260 347 261 #: ulanguages.slang_ha 348 #: languages.slang_ha 349 msgctxt "languages.slang_ha" 262 350 msgid "Hausa" 263 351 msgstr "" 264 352 265 #: ulanguages.slang_he 353 #: languages.slang_he 354 #, fuzzy 355 msgctxt "languages.slang_he" 266 356 msgid "Hebrew" 267 357 msgstr "Hebrejština" 268 358 269 #: ulanguages.slang_hi 359 #: languages.slang_hi 360 msgctxt "languages.slang_hi" 270 361 msgid "Hindi" 271 362 msgstr "" 272 363 273 #: ulanguages.slang_ho 364 #: languages.slang_ho 365 msgctxt "languages.slang_ho" 274 366 msgid "Hiri Motu" 275 367 msgstr "" 276 368 277 #: ulanguages.slang_hr 369 #: languages.slang_hr 370 #, fuzzy 371 msgctxt "languages.slang_hr" 278 372 msgid "Croatian" 279 373 msgstr "Chorvatština" 280 374 281 #: ulanguages.slang_ht 375 #: languages.slang_ht 376 msgctxt "languages.slang_ht" 282 377 msgid "Haitian" 283 378 msgstr "" 284 379 285 #: ulanguages.slang_hu 380 #: languages.slang_hu 381 #, fuzzy 382 msgctxt "languages.slang_hu" 286 383 msgid "Hungarian" 287 384 msgstr "Maďarština" 288 385 289 #: ulanguages.slang_hy 386 #: languages.slang_hy 387 #, fuzzy 388 msgctxt "languages.slang_hy" 290 389 msgid "Armenian" 291 390 msgstr "Arménština" 292 391 293 #: ulanguages.slang_hz 392 #: languages.slang_hz 393 msgctxt "languages.slang_hz" 294 394 msgid "Herero" 295 395 msgstr "" 296 396 297 #: ulanguages.slang_ia 397 #: languages.slang_ia 398 msgctxt "languages.slang_ia" 298 399 msgid "Interlingua" 299 400 msgstr "" 300 401 301 #: ulanguages.slang_id 402 #: languages.slang_id 403 msgctxt "languages.slang_id" 302 404 msgid "Indonesian" 303 405 msgstr "" 304 406 305 #: ulanguages.slang_ie 407 #: languages.slang_ie 408 msgctxt "languages.slang_ie" 306 409 msgid "Interlingue" 307 410 msgstr "" 308 411 309 #: ulanguages.slang_ig 412 #: languages.slang_ig 413 msgctxt "languages.slang_ig" 310 414 msgid "Igbo" 311 415 msgstr "" 312 416 313 #: ulanguages.slang_ii 417 #: languages.slang_ii 418 msgctxt "languages.slang_ii" 314 419 msgid "Sichuan Yi" 315 420 msgstr "" 316 421 317 #: ulanguages.slang_ik 422 #: languages.slang_ik 423 msgctxt "languages.slang_ik" 318 424 msgid "Inupiaq" 319 425 msgstr "" 320 426 321 #: ulanguages.slang_io 427 #: languages.slang_io 428 msgctxt "languages.slang_io" 322 429 msgid "Ido" 323 430 msgstr "" 324 431 325 #: ulanguages.slang_is 432 #: languages.slang_is 433 #, fuzzy 434 msgctxt "languages.slang_is" 326 435 msgid "Icelandic" 327 436 msgstr "Islandština" 328 437 329 #: ulanguages.slang_it 438 #: languages.slang_it 439 #, fuzzy 440 msgctxt "languages.slang_it" 330 441 msgid "Italian" 331 442 msgstr "Italština" 332 443 333 #: ulanguages.slang_iu 444 #: languages.slang_iu 445 msgctxt "languages.slang_iu" 334 446 msgid "Inuktitut" 335 447 msgstr "" 336 448 337 #: ulanguages.slang_ja 449 #: languages.slang_ja 450 #, fuzzy 451 msgctxt "languages.slang_ja" 338 452 msgid "Japanese" 339 453 msgstr "Japonština" 340 454 341 #: ulanguages.slang_jv 455 #: languages.slang_jv 456 msgctxt "languages.slang_jv" 342 457 msgid "Javanese" 343 458 msgstr "" 344 459 345 #: ulanguages.slang_ka 460 #: languages.slang_ka 461 #, fuzzy 462 msgctxt "languages.slang_ka" 346 463 msgid "Georgian" 347 464 msgstr "Gruzínština" 348 465 349 #: ulanguages.slang_kg 466 #: languages.slang_kg 467 #, fuzzy 468 msgctxt "languages.slang_kg" 350 469 msgid "Kongo" 351 470 msgstr "Konžština" 352 471 353 #: ulanguages.slang_ki 472 #: languages.slang_ki 473 msgctxt "languages.slang_ki" 354 474 msgid "Kikuyu" 355 475 msgstr "" 356 476 357 #: ulanguages.slang_kj 477 #: languages.slang_kj 478 msgctxt "languages.slang_kj" 358 479 msgid "Kuanyama" 359 480 msgstr "" 360 481 361 #: ulanguages.slang_kk 482 #: languages.slang_kk 483 msgctxt "languages.slang_kk" 362 484 msgid "Kazakh" 363 485 msgstr "" 364 486 365 #: ulanguages.slang_kl 487 #: languages.slang_kl 488 #, fuzzy 489 msgctxt "languages.slang_kl" 366 490 msgid "Greenlandic" 367 491 msgstr "Grónština" 368 492 369 #: ulanguages.slang_km 493 #: languages.slang_km 494 msgctxt "languages.slang_km" 370 495 msgid "Khmer" 371 496 msgstr "" 372 497 373 #: ulanguages.slang_kn 498 #: languages.slang_kn 499 #, fuzzy 500 msgctxt "languages.slang_kn" 374 501 msgid "Kannada" 375 502 msgstr "Kannadština" 376 503 377 #: ulanguages.slang_ko 504 #: languages.slang_ko 505 #, fuzzy 506 msgctxt "languages.slang_ko" 378 507 msgid "Korean" 379 508 msgstr "Korejština" 380 509 381 #: ulanguages.slang_kr 510 #: languages.slang_kr 511 msgctxt "languages.slang_kr" 382 512 msgid "Kanuri" 383 513 msgstr "" 384 514 385 #: ulanguages.slang_ks 515 #: languages.slang_ks 516 msgctxt "languages.slang_ks" 386 517 msgid "Kashmiri" 387 518 msgstr "" 388 519 389 #: ulanguages.slang_ku 520 #: languages.slang_ku 521 msgctxt "languages.slang_ku" 390 522 msgid "Kurdish" 391 523 msgstr "" 392 524 393 #: ulanguages.slang_kv 525 #: languages.slang_kv 526 msgctxt "languages.slang_kv" 394 527 msgid "Komi" 395 528 msgstr "" 396 529 397 #: ulanguages.slang_kw 530 #: languages.slang_kw 531 #, fuzzy 532 msgctxt "languages.slang_kw" 398 533 msgid "Cornish" 399 534 msgstr "Kornština" 400 535 401 #: ulanguages.slang_ky 536 #: languages.slang_ky 537 msgctxt "languages.slang_ky" 402 538 msgid "Kirghiz" 403 539 msgstr "" 404 540 405 #: ulanguages.slang_la 541 #: languages.slang_la 542 #, fuzzy 543 msgctxt "languages.slang_la" 406 544 msgid "Latin" 407 545 msgstr "Latina" 408 546 409 #: ulanguages.slang_lb 547 #: languages.slang_lb 548 #, fuzzy 549 msgctxt "languages.slang_lb" 410 550 msgid "Luxembourgish" 411 551 msgstr "Lucemburština" 412 552 413 #: ulanguages.slang_lg 553 #: languages.slang_lg 554 msgctxt "languages.slang_lg" 414 555 msgid "Ganda" 415 556 msgstr "" 416 557 417 #: ulanguages.slang_li 558 #: languages.slang_li 559 msgctxt "languages.slang_li" 418 560 msgid "Limburgan" 419 561 msgstr "" 420 562 421 #: ulanguages.slang_ln 563 #: languages.slang_ln 564 msgctxt "languages.slang_ln" 422 565 msgid "Lingala" 423 566 msgstr "" 424 567 425 #: ulanguages.slang_lo 568 #: languages.slang_lo 569 #, fuzzy 570 msgctxt "languages.slang_lo" 426 571 msgid "Lao" 427 572 msgstr "Laoština" 428 573 429 #: ulanguages.slang_lt 574 #: languages.slang_lt 575 #, fuzzy 576 msgctxt "languages.slang_lt" 430 577 msgid "Lithuanian" 431 578 msgstr "Litevština" 432 579 433 #: ulanguages.slang_lu 580 #: languages.slang_lu 581 msgctxt "languages.slang_lu" 434 582 msgid "Luba-Katanga" 435 583 msgstr "" 436 584 437 #: ulanguages.slang_lv 585 #: languages.slang_lv 586 #, fuzzy 587 msgctxt "languages.slang_lv" 438 588 msgid "Latvian" 439 589 msgstr "Lotyština" 440 590 441 #: ulanguages.slang_mg 591 #: languages.slang_mg 592 msgctxt "languages.slang_mg" 442 593 msgid "Malagasy" 443 594 msgstr "" 444 595 445 #: ulanguages.slang_mh 596 #: languages.slang_mh 597 msgctxt "languages.slang_mh" 446 598 msgid "Marshallese" 447 599 msgstr "" 448 600 449 #: ulanguages.slang_mi 601 #: languages.slang_mi 602 msgctxt "languages.slang_mi" 450 603 msgid "Maori" 451 604 msgstr "" 452 605 453 #: ulanguages.slang_mk 606 #: languages.slang_mk 607 #, fuzzy 608 msgctxt "languages.slang_mk" 454 609 msgid "Macedonian" 455 610 msgstr "Makedonština" 456 611 457 #: ulanguages.slang_ml 612 #: languages.slang_ml 613 msgctxt "languages.slang_ml" 458 614 msgid "Malayalam" 459 615 msgstr "" 460 616 461 #: ulanguages.slang_mn 617 #: languages.slang_mn 618 #, fuzzy 619 msgctxt "languages.slang_mn" 462 620 msgid "Mongolian" 463 621 msgstr "Mongolština" 464 622 465 #: ulanguages.slang_mo 623 #: languages.slang_mo 624 #, fuzzy 625 msgctxt "languages.slang_mo" 466 626 msgid "Moldavian" 467 627 msgstr "Moldavština" 468 628 469 #: ulanguages.slang_mr 629 #: languages.slang_mr 630 msgctxt "languages.slang_mr" 470 631 msgid "Marathi" 471 632 msgstr "" 472 633 473 #: ulanguages.slang_ms 634 #: languages.slang_ms 635 msgctxt "languages.slang_ms" 474 636 msgid "Malay" 475 637 msgstr "" 476 638 477 #: ulanguages.slang_mt 639 #: languages.slang_mt 640 msgctxt "languages.slang_mt" 478 641 msgid "Maltese" 479 642 msgstr "" 480 643 481 #: ulanguages.slang_my 644 #: languages.slang_my 645 msgctxt "languages.slang_my" 482 646 msgid "Burmese" 483 647 msgstr "" 484 648 485 #: ulanguages.slang_na 649 #: languages.slang_na 650 msgctxt "languages.slang_na" 486 651 msgid "Nauru" 487 652 msgstr "" 488 653 489 #: ulanguages.slang_nb 654 #: languages.slang_nb 655 msgctxt "languages.slang_nb" 490 656 msgid "Norwegian Bokmaal" 491 657 msgstr "" 492 658 493 #: ulanguages.slang_nd 659 #: languages.slang_nd 660 msgctxt "languages.slang_nd" 494 661 msgid "Ndebele, North" 495 662 msgstr "" 496 663 497 #: ulanguages.slang_ne 664 #: languages.slang_ne 665 msgctxt "languages.slang_ne" 498 666 msgid "Nepali" 499 667 msgstr "" 500 668 501 #: ulanguages.slang_ng 669 #: languages.slang_ng 670 msgctxt "languages.slang_ng" 502 671 msgid "Ndonga" 503 672 msgstr "" 504 673 505 #: ulanguages.slang_nl 674 #: languages.slang_nl 675 #, fuzzy 676 msgctxt "languages.slang_nl" 506 677 msgid "Dutch" 507 678 msgstr "Němčina" 508 679 509 #: ulanguages.slang_nl_be 680 #: languages.slang_nl_be 681 msgctxt "languages.slang_nl_be" 510 682 msgid "Flemish" 511 683 msgstr "" 512 684 513 #: ulanguages.slang_nn 685 #: languages.slang_nn 686 msgctxt "languages.slang_nn" 514 687 msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk" 515 688 msgstr "" 516 689 517 #: ulanguages.slang_no 690 #: languages.slang_no 691 #, fuzzy 692 msgctxt "languages.slang_no" 518 693 msgid "Norwegian" 519 694 msgstr "Norština" 520 695 521 #: ulanguages.slang_nr 696 #: languages.slang_nr 697 msgctxt "languages.slang_nr" 522 698 msgid "Ndebele, South" 523 699 msgstr "" 524 700 525 #: ulanguages.slang_nv 701 #: languages.slang_nv 702 #, fuzzy 703 msgctxt "languages.slang_nv" 526 704 msgid "Navajo" 527 705 msgstr "Navažština" 528 706 529 #: ulanguages.slang_ny 707 #: languages.slang_ny 708 msgctxt "languages.slang_ny" 530 709 msgid "Chichewa" 531 710 msgstr "" 532 711 533 #: ulanguages.slang_oc 712 #: languages.slang_oc 713 msgctxt "languages.slang_oc" 534 714 msgid "Occitan" 535 715 msgstr "" 536 716 537 #: ulanguages.slang_oj 717 #: languages.slang_oj 718 msgctxt "languages.slang_oj" 538 719 msgid "Ojibwa" 539 720 msgstr "" 540 721 541 #: ulanguages.slang_om 722 #: languages.slang_om 723 msgctxt "languages.slang_om" 542 724 msgid "Oromo" 543 725 msgstr "" 544 726 545 #: ulanguages.slang_or 727 #: languages.slang_or 728 msgctxt "languages.slang_or" 546 729 msgid "Oriya" 547 730 msgstr "" 548 731 549 #: ulanguages.slang_os 732 #: languages.slang_os 733 msgctxt "languages.slang_os" 550 734 msgid "Ossetian" 551 735 msgstr "" 552 736 553 #: ulanguages.slang_pa 737 #: languages.slang_pa 738 msgctxt "languages.slang_pa" 554 739 msgid "Panjabi" 555 740 msgstr "" 556 741 557 #: ulanguages.slang_pi 742 #: languages.slang_pi 743 msgctxt "languages.slang_pi" 558 744 msgid "Pali" 559 745 msgstr "" 560 746 561 #: ulanguages.slang_pl 747 #: languages.slang_pl 748 #, fuzzy 749 msgctxt "languages.slang_pl" 562 750 msgid "Polish" 563 751 msgstr "Polština" 564 752 565 #: ulanguages.slang_ps 753 #: languages.slang_ps 754 msgctxt "languages.slang_ps" 566 755 msgid "Pushto" 567 756 msgstr "" 568 757 569 #: ulanguages.slang_pt 758 #: languages.slang_pt 759 #, fuzzy 760 msgctxt "languages.slang_pt" 570 761 msgid "Portuguese" 571 762 msgstr "Portugalština" 572 763 573 #: ulanguages.slang_pt_br 764 #: languages.slang_pt_br 765 #, fuzzy 766 msgctxt "languages.slang_pt_br" 574 767 msgid "Brazilian Portuguese" 575 768 msgstr "Brazislká portugalština" 576 769 577 #: ulanguages.slang_qu 770 #: languages.slang_qu 771 msgctxt "languages.slang_qu" 578 772 msgid "Quechua" 579 773 msgstr "" 580 774 581 #: ulanguages.slang_rm 775 #: languages.slang_rm 776 msgctxt "languages.slang_rm" 582 777 msgid "Raeto-Romance" 583 778 msgstr "" 584 779 585 #: ulanguages.slang_rn 780 #: languages.slang_rn 781 msgctxt "languages.slang_rn" 586 782 msgid "Rundi" 587 783 msgstr "" 588 784 589 #: ulanguages.slang_ro 785 #: languages.slang_ro 786 #, fuzzy 787 msgctxt "languages.slang_ro" 590 788 msgid "Romanian" 591 789 msgstr "Romština" 592 790 593 #: ulanguages.slang_ru 791 #: languages.slang_ru 792 #, fuzzy 793 msgctxt "languages.slang_ru" 594 794 msgid "Russian" 595 795 msgstr "Ruština" 596 796 597 #: ulanguages.slang_rw 797 #: languages.slang_rw 798 msgctxt "languages.slang_rw" 598 799 msgid "Kinyarwanda" 599 800 msgstr "" 600 801 601 #: ulanguages.slang_sa 802 #: languages.slang_sa 803 msgctxt "languages.slang_sa" 602 804 msgid "Sanskrit" 603 805 msgstr "" 604 806 605 #: ulanguages.slang_sc 807 #: languages.slang_sc 808 msgctxt "languages.slang_sc" 606 809 msgid "Sardinian" 607 810 msgstr "" 608 811 609 #: ulanguages.slang_sd 812 #: languages.slang_sd 813 msgctxt "languages.slang_sd" 610 814 msgid "Sindhi" 611 815 msgstr "" 612 816 613 #: ulanguages.slang_se 817 #: languages.slang_se 818 msgctxt "languages.slang_se" 614 819 msgid "Northern Sami" 615 820 msgstr "" 616 821 617 #: ulanguages.slang_sg 822 #: languages.slang_sg 823 msgctxt "languages.slang_sg" 618 824 msgid "Sango" 619 825 msgstr "" 620 826 621 #: ulanguages.slang_si 827 #: languages.slang_si 828 msgctxt "languages.slang_si" 622 829 msgid "Sinhalese" 623 830 msgstr "" 624 831 625 #: ulanguages.slang_sk 832 #: languages.slang_sk 833 #, fuzzy 834 msgctxt "languages.slang_sk" 626 835 msgid "Slovak" 627 836 msgstr "Slovenština" 628 837 629 #: ulanguages.slang_sl 838 #: languages.slang_sl 839 #, fuzzy 840 msgctxt "languages.slang_sl" 630 841 msgid "Slovenian" 631 842 msgstr "Slovinština" 632 843 633 #: ulanguages.slang_sm 844 #: languages.slang_sm 845 msgctxt "languages.slang_sm" 634 846 msgid "Samoan" 635 847 msgstr "" 636 848 637 #: ulanguages.slang_sn 849 #: languages.slang_sn 850 msgctxt "languages.slang_sn" 638 851 msgid "Shona" 639 852 msgstr "" 640 853 641 #: ulanguages.slang_so 854 #: languages.slang_so 855 msgctxt "languages.slang_so" 642 856 msgid "Somali" 643 857 msgstr "" 644 858 645 #: ulanguages.slang_sq 859 #: languages.slang_sq 860 #, fuzzy 861 msgctxt "languages.slang_sq" 646 862 msgid "Albanian" 647 863 msgstr "Albánština" 648 864 649 #: ulanguages.slang_sr 865 #: languages.slang_sr 866 msgctxt "languages.slang_sr" 650 867 msgid "Serbian" 651 868 msgstr "" 652 869 653 #: ulanguages.slang_ss 870 #: languages.slang_ss 871 msgctxt "languages.slang_ss" 654 872 msgid "Swati" 655 873 msgstr "" 656 874 657 #: ulanguages.slang_st 875 #: languages.slang_st 876 msgctxt "languages.slang_st" 658 877 msgid "Sotho, Southern" 659 878 msgstr "" 660 879 661 #: ulanguages.slang_su 880 #: languages.slang_su 881 #, fuzzy 882 msgctxt "languages.slang_su" 662 883 msgid "Sundanese" 663 884 msgstr "Sundština" 664 885 665 #: ulanguages.slang_sv 886 #: languages.slang_sv 887 #, fuzzy 888 msgctxt "languages.slang_sv" 666 889 msgid "Swedish" 667 890 msgstr "Švédština" 668 891 669 #: ulanguages.slang_sw 892 #: languages.slang_sw 893 msgctxt "languages.slang_sw" 670 894 msgid "Swahili" 671 895 msgstr "" 672 896 673 #: ulanguages.slang_ta 897 #: languages.slang_ta 898 msgctxt "languages.slang_ta" 674 899 msgid "Tamil" 675 900 msgstr "" 676 901 677 #: ulanguages.slang_te 902 #: languages.slang_te 903 msgctxt "languages.slang_te" 678 904 msgid "Telugu" 679 905 msgstr "" 680 906 681 #: ulanguages.slang_tg 907 #: languages.slang_tg 908 msgctxt "languages.slang_tg" 682 909 msgid "Tajik" 683 910 msgstr "" 684 911 685 #: ulanguages.slang_th 912 #: languages.slang_th 913 msgctxt "languages.slang_th" 686 914 msgid "Thai" 687 915 msgstr "" 688 916 689 #: ulanguages.slang_ti 917 #: languages.slang_ti 918 msgctxt "languages.slang_ti" 690 919 msgid "Tigrinya" 691 920 msgstr "" 692 921 693 #: ulanguages.slang_tk 922 #: languages.slang_tk 923 msgctxt "languages.slang_tk" 694 924 msgid "Turkmen" 695 925 msgstr "" 696 926 697 #: ulanguages.slang_tl 927 #: languages.slang_tl 928 msgctxt "languages.slang_tl" 698 929 msgid "Tagalog" 699 930 msgstr "" 700 931 701 #: ulanguages.slang_tn 932 #: languages.slang_tn 933 msgctxt "languages.slang_tn" 702 934 msgid "Tswana" 703 935 msgstr "" 704 936 705 #: ulanguages.slang_to 937 #: languages.slang_to 938 msgctxt "languages.slang_to" 706 939 msgid "Tonga" 707 940 msgstr "" 708 941 709 #: ulanguages.slang_tr 942 #: languages.slang_tr 943 #, fuzzy 944 msgctxt "languages.slang_tr" 710 945 msgid "Turkish" 711 946 msgstr "Turečtina" 712 947 713 #: ulanguages.slang_ts 948 #: languages.slang_ts 949 msgctxt "languages.slang_ts" 714 950 msgid "Tsonga" 715 951 msgstr "" 716 952 717 #: ulanguages.slang_tt 953 #: languages.slang_tt 954 #, fuzzy 955 msgctxt "languages.slang_tt" 718 956 msgid "Tatar" 719 957 msgstr "Tatarština" 720 958 721 #: ulanguages.slang_tw 959 #: languages.slang_tw 960 msgctxt "languages.slang_tw" 722 961 msgid "Twi" 723 962 msgstr "" 724 963 725 #: ulanguages.slang_ty 964 #: languages.slang_ty 965 msgctxt "languages.slang_ty" 726 966 msgid "Tahitian" 727 967 msgstr "" 728 968 729 #: ulanguages.slang_ug 969 #: languages.slang_ug 970 msgctxt "languages.slang_ug" 730 971 msgid "Uighur" 731 972 msgstr "" 732 973 733 #: ulanguages.slang_uk 974 #: languages.slang_uk 975 #, fuzzy 976 msgctxt "languages.slang_uk" 734 977 msgid "Ukrainian" 735 978 msgstr "Ukrajinština" 736 979 737 #: ulanguages.slang_ur 980 #: languages.slang_ur 981 msgctxt "languages.slang_ur" 738 982 msgid "Urdu" 739 983 msgstr "" 740 984 741 #: ulanguages.slang_uz 985 #: languages.slang_uz 986 msgctxt "languages.slang_uz" 742 987 msgid "Uzbek" 743 988 msgstr "" 744 989 745 #: ulanguages.slang_ve 990 #: languages.slang_ve 991 msgctxt "languages.slang_ve" 746 992 msgid "Venda" 747 993 msgstr "" 748 994 749 #: ulanguages.slang_vi 995 #: languages.slang_vi 996 #, fuzzy 997 msgctxt "languages.slang_vi" 750 998 msgid "Vietnamese" 751 999 msgstr "Vietnamština" 752 1000 753 #: ulanguages.slang_vo 1001 #: languages.slang_vo 1002 msgctxt "languages.slang_vo" 754 1003 msgid "Volapuk" 755 1004 msgstr "" 756 1005 757 #: ulanguages.slang_wa758 msgctxt " ulanguages.slang_wa"1006 #: languages.slang_wa 1007 msgctxt "languages.slang_wa" 759 1008 msgid "Walloon" 760 1009 msgstr "" 761 1010 762 #: ulanguages.slang_wo 1011 #: languages.slang_wo 1012 msgctxt "languages.slang_wo" 763 1013 msgid "Wolof" 764 1014 msgstr "" 765 1015 766 #: ulanguages.slang_xh 1016 #: languages.slang_xh 1017 msgctxt "languages.slang_xh" 767 1018 msgid "Xhosa" 768 1019 msgstr "" 769 1020 770 #: ulanguages.slang_yi 1021 #: languages.slang_yi 1022 msgctxt "languages.slang_yi" 771 1023 msgid "Yiddish" 772 1024 msgstr "" 773 1025 774 #: ulanguages.slang_yo 1026 #: languages.slang_yo 1027 msgctxt "languages.slang_yo" 775 1028 msgid "Yoruba" 776 1029 msgstr "" 777 1030 778 #: ulanguages.slang_za 1031 #: languages.slang_za 1032 msgctxt "languages.slang_za" 779 1033 msgid "Zhuang" 780 1034 msgstr "" 781 1035 782 #: ulanguages.slang_zh 1036 #: languages.slang_zh 1037 #, fuzzy 1038 msgctxt "languages.slang_zh" 783 1039 msgid "Chinese" 784 1040 msgstr "Čínština" 785 1041 786 #: ulanguages.slang_zu 1042 #: languages.slang_zu 1043 #, fuzzy 1044 msgctxt "languages.slang_zu" 787 1045 msgid "Zulu" 788 1046 msgstr "Zuluština" -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: ulanguages.slangauto4 #: languages.slangauto 5 5 msgid "Automatic" 6 6 msgstr "" 7 7 8 #: ulanguages.slang_aa8 #: languages.slang_aa 9 9 msgid "Afar" 10 10 msgstr "" 11 11 12 #: ulanguages.slang_ab12 #: languages.slang_ab 13 13 msgid "Abkhazian" 14 14 msgstr "" 15 15 16 #: ulanguages.slang_ae16 #: languages.slang_ae 17 17 msgid "Avestan" 18 18 msgstr "" 19 19 20 #: ulanguages.slang_af20 #: languages.slang_af 21 21 msgid "Afrikaans" 22 22 msgstr "" 23 23 24 #: ulanguages.slang_ak24 #: languages.slang_ak 25 25 msgid "Akan" 26 26 msgstr "" 27 27 28 #: ulanguages.slang_am28 #: languages.slang_am 29 29 msgid "Amharic" 30 30 msgstr "" 31 31 32 #: ulanguages.slang_an32 #: languages.slang_an 33 33 msgid "Aragonese" 34 34 msgstr "" 35 35 36 #: ulanguages.slang_ar36 #: languages.slang_ar 37 37 msgid "Arabic" 38 38 msgstr "" 39 39 40 #: ulanguages.slang_as40 #: languages.slang_as 41 41 msgid "Assamese" 42 42 msgstr "" 43 43 44 #: ulanguages.slang_av44 #: languages.slang_av 45 45 msgid "Avaric" 46 46 msgstr "" 47 47 48 #: ulanguages.slang_ay48 #: languages.slang_ay 49 49 msgid "Aymara" 50 50 msgstr "" 51 51 52 #: ulanguages.slang_az52 #: languages.slang_az 53 53 msgid "Azerbaijani" 54 54 msgstr "" 55 55 56 #: ulanguages.slang_ba56 #: languages.slang_ba 57 57 msgid "Bashkir" 58 58 msgstr "" 59 59 60 #: ulanguages.slang_be60 #: languages.slang_be 61 61 msgid "Belarusian" 62 62 msgstr "" 63 63 64 #: ulanguages.slang_bg64 #: languages.slang_bg 65 65 msgid "Bulgarian" 66 66 msgstr "" 67 67 68 #: ulanguages.slang_bh68 #: languages.slang_bh 69 69 msgid "Bihari" 70 70 msgstr "" 71 71 72 #: ulanguages.slang_bi72 #: languages.slang_bi 73 73 msgid "Bislama" 74 74 msgstr "" 75 75 76 #: ulanguages.slang_bm76 #: languages.slang_bm 77 77 msgid "Bambara" 78 78 msgstr "" 79 79 80 #: ulanguages.slang_bn80 #: languages.slang_bn 81 81 msgid "Bengali" 82 82 msgstr "" 83 83 84 #: ulanguages.slang_bo84 #: languages.slang_bo 85 85 msgid "Tibetan" 86 86 msgstr "" 87 87 88 #: ulanguages.slang_br88 #: languages.slang_br 89 89 msgid "Breton" 90 90 msgstr "" 91 91 92 #: ulanguages.slang_bs92 #: languages.slang_bs 93 93 msgid "Bosnian" 94 94 msgstr "" 95 95 96 #: ulanguages.slang_ca96 #: languages.slang_ca 97 97 msgid "Catalan" 98 98 msgstr "" 99 99 100 #: ulanguages.slang_ce100 #: languages.slang_ce 101 101 msgid "Chechen" 102 102 msgstr "" 103 103 104 #: ulanguages.slang_ch104 #: languages.slang_ch 105 105 msgid "Chamorro" 106 106 msgstr "" 107 107 108 #: ulanguages.slang_co108 #: languages.slang_co 109 109 msgid "Corsican" 110 110 msgstr "" 111 111 112 #: ulanguages.slang_cr112 #: languages.slang_cr 113 113 msgid "Cree" 114 114 msgstr "" 115 115 116 #: ulanguages.slang_cs116 #: languages.slang_cs 117 117 msgid "Czech" 118 118 msgstr "" 119 119 120 #: ulanguages.slang_cv120 #: languages.slang_cv 121 121 msgid "Chuvash" 122 122 msgstr "" 123 123 124 #: ulanguages.slang_cy124 #: languages.slang_cy 125 125 msgid "Welsh" 126 126 msgstr "" 127 127 128 #: ulanguages.slang_da128 #: languages.slang_da 129 129 msgid "Danish" 130 130 msgstr "" 131 131 132 #: ulanguages.slang_de132 #: languages.slang_de 133 133 msgid "German" 134 134 msgstr "" 135 135 136 #: ulanguages.slang_de_at136 #: languages.slang_de_at 137 137 msgid "Austrian German" 138 138 msgstr "" 139 139 140 #: ulanguages.slang_de_ch140 #: languages.slang_de_ch 141 141 msgid "Swiss German" 142 142 msgstr "" 143 143 144 #: ulanguages.slang_dv144 #: languages.slang_dv 145 145 msgid "Divehi" 146 146 msgstr "" 147 147 148 #: ulanguages.slang_dz148 #: languages.slang_dz 149 149 msgid "Dzongkha" 150 150 msgstr "" 151 151 152 #: ulanguages.slang_ee152 #: languages.slang_ee 153 153 msgid "Ewe" 154 154 msgstr "" 155 155 156 #: ulanguages.slang_el156 #: languages.slang_el 157 157 msgid "Greek" 158 158 msgstr "" 159 159 160 #: ulanguages.slang_en160 #: languages.slang_en 161 161 msgid "English" 162 162 msgstr "" 163 163 164 #: ulanguages.slang_en_au164 #: languages.slang_en_au 165 165 msgid "Australian English" 166 166 msgstr "" 167 167 168 #: ulanguages.slang_en_ca168 #: languages.slang_en_ca 169 169 msgid "Canadian English" 170 170 msgstr "" 171 171 172 #: ulanguages.slang_en_gb172 #: languages.slang_en_gb 173 173 msgid "British English" 174 174 msgstr "" 175 175 176 #: ulanguages.slang_en_us176 #: languages.slang_en_us 177 177 msgid "American English" 178 178 msgstr "" 179 179 180 #: ulanguages.slang_eo180 #: languages.slang_eo 181 181 msgid "Esperanto" 182 182 msgstr "" 183 183 184 #: ulanguages.slang_es184 #: languages.slang_es 185 185 msgid "Spanish" 186 186 msgstr "" 187 187 188 #: ulanguages.slang_et188 #: languages.slang_et 189 189 msgid "Estonian" 190 190 msgstr "" 191 191 192 #: ulanguages.slang_eu192 #: languages.slang_eu 193 193 msgid "Basque" 194 194 msgstr "" 195 195 196 #: ulanguages.slang_fa196 #: languages.slang_fa 197 197 msgid "Persian" 198 198 msgstr "" 199 199 200 #: ulanguages.slang_ff200 #: languages.slang_ff 201 201 msgid "Fulah" 202 202 msgstr "" 203 203 204 #: ulanguages.slang_fi204 #: languages.slang_fi 205 205 msgid "Finnish" 206 206 msgstr "" 207 207 208 #: ulanguages.slang_fj208 #: languages.slang_fj 209 209 msgid "Fijian" 210 210 msgstr "" 211 211 212 #: ulanguages.slang_fo212 #: languages.slang_fo 213 213 msgid "Faroese" 214 214 msgstr "" 215 215 216 #: ulanguages.slang_fr216 #: languages.slang_fr 217 217 msgid "French" 218 218 msgstr "" 219 219 220 #: ulanguages.slang_fr_be221 msgctxt " ulanguages.slang_fr_be"220 #: languages.slang_fr_be 221 msgctxt "languages.slang_fr_be" 222 222 msgid "Walloon" 223 223 msgstr "" 224 224 225 #: ulanguages.slang_fy225 #: languages.slang_fy 226 226 msgid "Frisian" 227 227 msgstr "" 228 228 229 #: ulanguages.slang_ga229 #: languages.slang_ga 230 230 msgid "Irish" 231 231 msgstr "" 232 232 233 #: ulanguages.slang_gd233 #: languages.slang_gd 234 234 msgid "Gaelic" 235 235 msgstr "" 236 236 237 #: ulanguages.slang_gl237 #: languages.slang_gl 238 238 msgid "Gallegan" 239 239 msgstr "" 240 240 241 #: ulanguages.slang_gn241 #: languages.slang_gn 242 242 msgid "Guarani" 243 243 msgstr "" 244 244 245 #: ulanguages.slang_gu245 #: languages.slang_gu 246 246 msgid "Gujarati" 247 247 msgstr "" 248 248 249 #: ulanguages.slang_gv249 #: languages.slang_gv 250 250 msgid "Manx" 251 251 msgstr "" 252 252 253 #: ulanguages.slang_ha253 #: languages.slang_ha 254 254 msgid "Hausa" 255 255 msgstr "" 256 256 257 #: ulanguages.slang_he257 #: languages.slang_he 258 258 msgid "Hebrew" 259 259 msgstr "" 260 260 261 #: ulanguages.slang_hi261 #: languages.slang_hi 262 262 msgid "Hindi" 263 263 msgstr "" 264 264 265 #: ulanguages.slang_ho265 #: languages.slang_ho 266 266 msgid "Hiri Motu" 267 267 msgstr "" 268 268 269 #: ulanguages.slang_hr269 #: languages.slang_hr 270 270 msgid "Croatian" 271 271 msgstr "" 272 272 273 #: ulanguages.slang_ht273 #: languages.slang_ht 274 274 msgid "Haitian" 275 275 msgstr "" 276 276 277 #: ulanguages.slang_hu277 #: languages.slang_hu 278 278 msgid "Hungarian" 279 279 msgstr "" 280 280 281 #: ulanguages.slang_hy281 #: languages.slang_hy 282 282 msgid "Armenian" 283 283 msgstr "" 284 284 285 #: ulanguages.slang_hz285 #: languages.slang_hz 286 286 msgid "Herero" 287 287 msgstr "" 288 288 289 #: ulanguages.slang_ia289 #: languages.slang_ia 290 290 msgid "Interlingua" 291 291 msgstr "" 292 292 293 #: ulanguages.slang_id293 #: languages.slang_id 294 294 msgid "Indonesian" 295 295 msgstr "" 296 296 297 #: ulanguages.slang_ie297 #: languages.slang_ie 298 298 msgid "Interlingue" 299 299 msgstr "" 300 300 301 #: ulanguages.slang_ig301 #: languages.slang_ig 302 302 msgid "Igbo" 303 303 msgstr "" 304 304 305 #: ulanguages.slang_ii305 #: languages.slang_ii 306 306 msgid "Sichuan Yi" 307 307 msgstr "" 308 308 309 #: ulanguages.slang_ik309 #: languages.slang_ik 310 310 msgid "Inupiaq" 311 311 msgstr "" 312 312 313 #: ulanguages.slang_io313 #: languages.slang_io 314 314 msgid "Ido" 315 315 msgstr "" 316 316 317 #: ulanguages.slang_is317 #: languages.slang_is 318 318 msgid "Icelandic" 319 319 msgstr "" 320 320 321 #: ulanguages.slang_it321 #: languages.slang_it 322 322 msgid "Italian" 323 323 msgstr "" 324 324 325 #: ulanguages.slang_iu325 #: languages.slang_iu 326 326 msgid "Inuktitut" 327 327 msgstr "" 328 328 329 #: ulanguages.slang_ja329 #: languages.slang_ja 330 330 msgid "Japanese" 331 331 msgstr "" 332 332 333 #: ulanguages.slang_jv333 #: languages.slang_jv 334 334 msgid "Javanese" 335 335 msgstr "" 336 336 337 #: ulanguages.slang_ka337 #: languages.slang_ka 338 338 msgid "Georgian" 339 339 msgstr "" 340 340 341 #: ulanguages.slang_kg341 #: languages.slang_kg 342 342 msgid "Kongo" 343 343 msgstr "" 344 344 345 #: ulanguages.slang_ki345 #: languages.slang_ki 346 346 msgid "Kikuyu" 347 347 msgstr "" 348 348 349 #: ulanguages.slang_kj349 #: languages.slang_kj 350 350 msgid "Kuanyama" 351 351 msgstr "" 352 352 353 #: ulanguages.slang_kk353 #: languages.slang_kk 354 354 msgid "Kazakh" 355 355 msgstr "" 356 356 357 #: ulanguages.slang_kl357 #: languages.slang_kl 358 358 msgid "Greenlandic" 359 359 msgstr "" 360 360 361 #: ulanguages.slang_km361 #: languages.slang_km 362 362 msgid "Khmer" 363 363 msgstr "" 364 364 365 #: ulanguages.slang_kn365 #: languages.slang_kn 366 366 msgid "Kannada" 367 367 msgstr "" 368 368 369 #: ulanguages.slang_ko369 #: languages.slang_ko 370 370 msgid "Korean" 371 371 msgstr "" 372 372 373 #: ulanguages.slang_kr373 #: languages.slang_kr 374 374 msgid "Kanuri" 375 375 msgstr "" 376 376 377 #: ulanguages.slang_ks377 #: languages.slang_ks 378 378 msgid "Kashmiri" 379 379 msgstr "" 380 380 381 #: ulanguages.slang_ku381 #: languages.slang_ku 382 382 msgid "Kurdish" 383 383 msgstr "" 384 384 385 #: ulanguages.slang_kv385 #: languages.slang_kv 386 386 msgid "Komi" 387 387 msgstr "" 388 388 389 #: ulanguages.slang_kw389 #: languages.slang_kw 390 390 msgid "Cornish" 391 391 msgstr "" 392 392 393 #: ulanguages.slang_ky393 #: languages.slang_ky 394 394 msgid "Kirghiz" 395 395 msgstr "" 396 396 397 #: ulanguages.slang_la397 #: languages.slang_la 398 398 msgid "Latin" 399 399 msgstr "" 400 400 401 #: ulanguages.slang_lb401 #: languages.slang_lb 402 402 msgid "Luxembourgish" 403 403 msgstr "" 404 404 405 #: ulanguages.slang_lg405 #: languages.slang_lg 406 406 msgid "Ganda" 407 407 msgstr "" 408 408 409 #: ulanguages.slang_li409 #: languages.slang_li 410 410 msgid "Limburgan" 411 411 msgstr "" 412 412 413 #: ulanguages.slang_ln413 #: languages.slang_ln 414 414 msgid "Lingala" 415 415 msgstr "" 416 416 417 #: ulanguages.slang_lo417 #: languages.slang_lo 418 418 msgid "Lao" 419 419 msgstr "" 420 420 421 #: ulanguages.slang_lt421 #: languages.slang_lt 422 422 msgid "Lithuanian" 423 423 msgstr "" 424 424 425 #: ulanguages.slang_lu425 #: languages.slang_lu 426 426 msgid "Luba-Katanga" 427 427 msgstr "" 428 428 429 #: ulanguages.slang_lv429 #: languages.slang_lv 430 430 msgid "Latvian" 431 431 msgstr "" 432 432 433 #: ulanguages.slang_mg433 #: languages.slang_mg 434 434 msgid "Malagasy" 435 435 msgstr "" 436 436 437 #: ulanguages.slang_mh437 #: languages.slang_mh 438 438 msgid "Marshallese" 439 439 msgstr "" 440 440 441 #: ulanguages.slang_mi441 #: languages.slang_mi 442 442 msgid "Maori" 443 443 msgstr "" 444 444 445 #: ulanguages.slang_mk445 #: languages.slang_mk 446 446 msgid "Macedonian" 447 447 msgstr "" 448 448 449 #: ulanguages.slang_ml449 #: languages.slang_ml 450 450 msgid "Malayalam" 451 451 msgstr "" 452 452 453 #: ulanguages.slang_mn453 #: languages.slang_mn 454 454 msgid "Mongolian" 455 455 msgstr "" 456 456 457 #: ulanguages.slang_mo457 #: languages.slang_mo 458 458 msgid "Moldavian" 459 459 msgstr "" 460 460 461 #: ulanguages.slang_mr461 #: languages.slang_mr 462 462 msgid "Marathi" 463 463 msgstr "" 464 464 465 #: ulanguages.slang_ms465 #: languages.slang_ms 466 466 msgid "Malay" 467 467 msgstr "" 468 468 469 #: ulanguages.slang_mt469 #: languages.slang_mt 470 470 msgid "Maltese" 471 471 msgstr "" 472 472 473 #: ulanguages.slang_my473 #: languages.slang_my 474 474 msgid "Burmese" 475 475 msgstr "" 476 476 477 #: ulanguages.slang_na477 #: languages.slang_na 478 478 msgid "Nauru" 479 479 msgstr "" 480 480 481 #: ulanguages.slang_nb481 #: languages.slang_nb 482 482 msgid "Norwegian Bokmaal" 483 483 msgstr "" 484 484 485 #: ulanguages.slang_nd485 #: languages.slang_nd 486 486 msgid "Ndebele, North" 487 487 msgstr "" 488 488 489 #: ulanguages.slang_ne489 #: languages.slang_ne 490 490 msgid "Nepali" 491 491 msgstr "" 492 492 493 #: ulanguages.slang_ng493 #: languages.slang_ng 494 494 msgid "Ndonga" 495 495 msgstr "" 496 496 497 #: ulanguages.slang_nl497 #: languages.slang_nl 498 498 msgid "Dutch" 499 499 msgstr "" 500 500 501 #: ulanguages.slang_nl_be501 #: languages.slang_nl_be 502 502 msgid "Flemish" 503 503 msgstr "" 504 504 505 #: ulanguages.slang_nn505 #: languages.slang_nn 506 506 msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk" 507 507 msgstr "" 508 508 509 #: ulanguages.slang_no509 #: languages.slang_no 510 510 msgid "Norwegian" 511 511 msgstr "" 512 512 513 #: ulanguages.slang_nr513 #: languages.slang_nr 514 514 msgid "Ndebele, South" 515 515 msgstr "" 516 516 517 #: ulanguages.slang_nv517 #: languages.slang_nv 518 518 msgid "Navajo" 519 519 msgstr "" 520 520 521 #: ulanguages.slang_ny521 #: languages.slang_ny 522 522 msgid "Chichewa" 523 523 msgstr "" 524 524 525 #: ulanguages.slang_oc525 #: languages.slang_oc 526 526 msgid "Occitan" 527 527 msgstr "" 528 528 529 #: ulanguages.slang_oj529 #: languages.slang_oj 530 530 msgid "Ojibwa" 531 531 msgstr "" 532 532 533 #: ulanguages.slang_om533 #: languages.slang_om 534 534 msgid "Oromo" 535 535 msgstr "" 536 536 537 #: ulanguages.slang_or537 #: languages.slang_or 538 538 msgid "Oriya" 539 539 msgstr "" 540 540 541 #: ulanguages.slang_os541 #: languages.slang_os 542 542 msgid "Ossetian" 543 543 msgstr "" 544 544 545 #: ulanguages.slang_pa545 #: languages.slang_pa 546 546 msgid "Panjabi" 547 547 msgstr "" 548 548 549 #: ulanguages.slang_pi549 #: languages.slang_pi 550 550 msgid "Pali" 551 551 msgstr "" 552 552 553 #: ulanguages.slang_pl553 #: languages.slang_pl 554 554 msgid "Polish" 555 555 msgstr "" 556 556 557 #: ulanguages.slang_ps557 #: languages.slang_ps 558 558 msgid "Pushto" 559 559 msgstr "" 560 560 561 #: ulanguages.slang_pt561 #: languages.slang_pt 562 562 msgid "Portuguese" 563 563 msgstr "" 564 564 565 #: ulanguages.slang_pt_br565 #: languages.slang_pt_br 566 566 msgid "Brazilian Portuguese" 567 567 msgstr "" 568 568 569 #: ulanguages.slang_qu569 #: languages.slang_qu 570 570 msgid "Quechua" 571 571 msgstr "" 572 572 573 #: ulanguages.slang_rm573 #: languages.slang_rm 574 574 msgid "Raeto-Romance" 575 575 msgstr "" 576 576 577 #: ulanguages.slang_rn577 #: languages.slang_rn 578 578 msgid "Rundi" 579 579 msgstr "" 580 580 581 #: ulanguages.slang_ro581 #: languages.slang_ro 582 582 msgid "Romanian" 583 583 msgstr "" 584 584 585 #: ulanguages.slang_ru585 #: languages.slang_ru 586 586 msgid "Russian" 587 587 msgstr "" 588 588 589 #: ulanguages.slang_rw589 #: languages.slang_rw 590 590 msgid "Kinyarwanda" 591 591 msgstr "" 592 592 593 #: ulanguages.slang_sa593 #: languages.slang_sa 594 594 msgid "Sanskrit" 595 595 msgstr "" 596 596 597 #: ulanguages.slang_sc597 #: languages.slang_sc 598 598 msgid "Sardinian" 599 599 msgstr "" 600 600 601 #: ulanguages.slang_sd601 #: languages.slang_sd 602 602 msgid "Sindhi" 603 603 msgstr "" 604 604 605 #: ulanguages.slang_se605 #: languages.slang_se 606 606 msgid "Northern Sami" 607 607 msgstr "" 608 608 609 #: ulanguages.slang_sg609 #: languages.slang_sg 610 610 msgid "Sango" 611 611 msgstr "" 612 612 613 #: ulanguages.slang_si613 #: languages.slang_si 614 614 msgid "Sinhalese" 615 615 msgstr "" 616 616 617 #: ulanguages.slang_sk617 #: languages.slang_sk 618 618 msgid "Slovak" 619 619 msgstr "" 620 620 621 #: ulanguages.slang_sl621 #: languages.slang_sl 622 622 msgid "Slovenian" 623 623 msgstr "" 624 624 625 #: ulanguages.slang_sm625 #: languages.slang_sm 626 626 msgid "Samoan" 627 627 msgstr "" 628 628 629 #: ulanguages.slang_sn629 #: languages.slang_sn 630 630 msgid "Shona" 631 631 msgstr "" 632 632 633 #: ulanguages.slang_so633 #: languages.slang_so 634 634 msgid "Somali" 635 635 msgstr "" 636 636 637 #: ulanguages.slang_sq637 #: languages.slang_sq 638 638 msgid "Albanian" 639 639 msgstr "" 640 640 641 #: ulanguages.slang_sr641 #: languages.slang_sr 642 642 msgid "Serbian" 643 643 msgstr "" 644 644 645 #: ulanguages.slang_ss645 #: languages.slang_ss 646 646 msgid "Swati" 647 647 msgstr "" 648 648 649 #: ulanguages.slang_st649 #: languages.slang_st 650 650 msgid "Sotho, Southern" 651 651 msgstr "" 652 652 653 #: ulanguages.slang_su653 #: languages.slang_su 654 654 msgid "Sundanese" 655 655 msgstr "" 656 656 657 #: ulanguages.slang_sv657 #: languages.slang_sv 658 658 msgid "Swedish" 659 659 msgstr "" 660 660 661 #: ulanguages.slang_sw661 #: languages.slang_sw 662 662 msgid "Swahili" 663 663 msgstr "" 664 664 665 #: ulanguages.slang_ta665 #: languages.slang_ta 666 666 msgid "Tamil" 667 667 msgstr "" 668 668 669 #: ulanguages.slang_te669 #: languages.slang_te 670 670 msgid "Telugu" 671 671 msgstr "" 672 672 673 #: ulanguages.slang_tg673 #: languages.slang_tg 674 674 msgid "Tajik" 675 675 msgstr "" 676 676 677 #: ulanguages.slang_th677 #: languages.slang_th 678 678 msgid "Thai" 679 679 msgstr "" 680 680 681 #: ulanguages.slang_ti681 #: languages.slang_ti 682 682 msgid "Tigrinya" 683 683 msgstr "" 684 684 685 #: ulanguages.slang_tk685 #: languages.slang_tk 686 686 msgid "Turkmen" 687 687 msgstr "" 688 688 689 #: ulanguages.slang_tl689 #: languages.slang_tl 690 690 msgid "Tagalog" 691 691 msgstr "" 692 692 693 #: ulanguages.slang_tn693 #: languages.slang_tn 694 694 msgid "Tswana" 695 695 msgstr "" 696 696 697 #: ulanguages.slang_to697 #: languages.slang_to 698 698 msgid "Tonga" 699 699 msgstr "" 700 700 701 #: ulanguages.slang_tr701 #: languages.slang_tr 702 702 msgid "Turkish" 703 703 msgstr "" 704 704 705 #: ulanguages.slang_ts705 #: languages.slang_ts 706 706 msgid "Tsonga" 707 707 msgstr "" 708 708 709 #: ulanguages.slang_tt709 #: languages.slang_tt 710 710 msgid "Tatar" 711 711 msgstr "" 712 712 713 #: ulanguages.slang_tw713 #: languages.slang_tw 714 714 msgid "Twi" 715 715 msgstr "" 716 716 717 #: ulanguages.slang_ty717 #: languages.slang_ty 718 718 msgid "Tahitian" 719 719 msgstr "" 720 720 721 #: ulanguages.slang_ug721 #: languages.slang_ug 722 722 msgid "Uighur" 723 723 msgstr "" 724 724 725 #: ulanguages.slang_uk725 #: languages.slang_uk 726 726 msgid "Ukrainian" 727 727 msgstr "" 728 728 729 #: ulanguages.slang_ur729 #: languages.slang_ur 730 730 msgid "Urdu" 731 731 msgstr "" 732 732 733 #: ulanguages.slang_uz733 #: languages.slang_uz 734 734 msgid "Uzbek" 735 735 msgstr "" 736 736 737 #: ulanguages.slang_ve737 #: languages.slang_ve 738 738 msgid "Venda" 739 739 msgstr "" 740 740 741 #: ulanguages.slang_vi741 #: languages.slang_vi 742 742 msgid "Vietnamese" 743 743 msgstr "" 744 744 745 #: ulanguages.slang_vo745 #: languages.slang_vo 746 746 msgid "Volapuk" 747 747 msgstr "" 748 748 749 #: ulanguages.slang_wa750 msgctxt " ulanguages.slang_wa"749 #: languages.slang_wa 750 msgctxt "languages.slang_wa" 751 751 msgid "Walloon" 752 752 msgstr "" 753 753 754 #: ulanguages.slang_wo754 #: languages.slang_wo 755 755 msgid "Wolof" 756 756 msgstr "" 757 757 758 #: ulanguages.slang_xh758 #: languages.slang_xh 759 759 msgid "Xhosa" 760 760 msgstr "" 761 761 762 #: ulanguages.slang_yi762 #: languages.slang_yi 763 763 msgid "Yiddish" 764 764 msgstr "" 765 765 766 #: ulanguages.slang_yo766 #: languages.slang_yo 767 767 msgid "Yoruba" 768 768 msgstr "" 769 769 770 #: ulanguages.slang_za770 #: languages.slang_za 771 771 msgid "Zhuang" 772 772 msgstr "" 773 773 774 #: ulanguages.slang_zh774 #: languages.slang_zh 775 775 msgid "Chinese" 776 776 msgstr "" 777 777 778 #: ulanguages.slang_zu778 #: languages.slang_zu 779 779 msgid "Zulu" 780 780 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 10 10 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 11 11 12 #: upool.sobjectpoolempty 12 #: pool.sobjectpoolempty 13 #, fuzzy 14 msgctxt "pool.sobjectpoolempty" 13 15 msgid "Object pool is empty" 14 16 msgstr "Zásobník objektů je prázdný" 15 17 16 #: upool.sreleaseerror 18 #: pool.sreleaseerror 19 #, fuzzy 20 msgctxt "pool.sreleaseerror" 17 21 msgid "Unknown object for release from pool" 18 22 msgstr "Neznýmý objekt pro uvolnění ze zásobníku" -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: upool.sobjectpoolempty4 #: pool.sobjectpoolempty 5 5 msgid "Object pool is empty" 6 6 msgstr "" 7 7 8 #: upool.sreleaseerror8 #: pool.sreleaseerror 9 9 msgid "Unknown object for release from pool" 10 10 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 10 10 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 11 11 12 #: uresetablethread.swaiterror 12 #: resetablethread.swaiterror 13 #, fuzzy 14 msgctxt "resetablethread.swaiterror" 13 15 msgid "WaitFor error" 14 16 msgstr "Chyba WaitFor" -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: uresetablethread.swaiterror4 #: resetablethread.swaiterror 5 5 msgid "WaitFor error" 6 6 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.9\n" 13 13 14 #: uscaledpi.swrongdpi 15 #, object-pascal-format 14 #: scaledpi.swrongdpi 15 #, object-pascal-format, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "scaledpi.swrongdpi" 16 17 msgid "Wrong DPI [%d,%d]" 17 18 msgstr "Chybné DPI [%d,%d]" -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: uscaledpi.swrongdpi4 #: scaledpi.swrongdpi 5 5 #, object-pascal-format 6 6 msgid "Wrong DPI [%d,%d]" -
r147 r148 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1\n" 13 13 14 #: utestcase.sfailed 14 #: testcase.sfailed 15 #, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "testcase.sfailed" 15 17 msgid "Failed" 16 18 msgstr "Selhalo" 17 19 18 #: utestcase.snone 20 #: testcase.snone 21 #, fuzzy 22 msgctxt "testcase.snone" 19 23 msgid "None" 20 24 msgstr "Žádný" 21 25 22 #: utestcase.spassed 26 #: testcase.spassed 27 #, fuzzy 28 msgctxt "testcase.spassed" 23 29 msgid "Passed" 24 30 msgstr "Prošlo" -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: utestcase.sfailed4 #: testcase.sfailed 5 5 msgid "Failed" 6 6 msgstr "" 7 7 8 #: utestcase.snone8 #: testcase.snone 9 9 msgid "None" 10 10 msgstr "" 11 11 12 #: utestcase.spassed12 #: testcase.spassed 13 13 msgid "Passed" 14 14 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 10 10 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 11 11 12 #: uthreading.scurrentthreadnotfound 13 #, object-pascal-format 12 #: threading.scurrentthreadnotfound 13 #, object-pascal-format, fuzzy 14 msgctxt "threading.scurrentthreadnotfound" 14 15 msgid "Current thread ID %d not found in virtual thread list." 15 16 msgstr "Aktuální vlákno ID %d nenalezeno v seznamu virtuálních vláken." -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: uthreading.scurrentthreadnotfound4 #: threading.scurrentthreadnotfound 5 5 #, object-pascal-format 6 6 msgid "Current thread ID %d not found in virtual thread list." -
r147 r148 1 unit ULastOpenedList;1 unit LastOpenedList; 2 2 3 3 interface 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, Registry, URegistry, Menus, XMLConf, DOM;6 Classes, SysUtils, Registry, RegistryEx, Menus, XMLConf, DOM; 7 7 8 8 type … … 194 194 195 195 end. 196 -
r147 r148 1 unit UListViewSort;1 unit ListViewSort; 2 2 3 3 // Date: 2019-05-17 … … 6 6 7 7 uses 8 {$IFDEF Windows}Windows, CommCtrl, LMessages, {$ENDIF}Classes, Graphics, 9 ComCtrls, SysUtils, Controls, DateUtils, Dialogs, Forms, Grids, StdCtrls, 10 ExtCtrls, UCommon, LclIntf, LclType, LResources, Generics.Collections, 11 Generics.Defaults; 8 {$IFDEF Windows}Windows, CommCtrl, LMessages, {$ENDIF}Classes, Graphics, ComCtrls, SysUtils, 9 Controls, DateUtils, Dialogs, Forms, Grids, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, 10 LclIntf, LclType, LResources, Generics.Collections, Generics.Defaults; 12 11 13 12 type … … 18 17 TCompareEvent = function (Item1, Item2: TObject): Integer of object; 19 18 TListFilterEvent = procedure (ListViewSort: TListViewSort) of object; 19 20 TObjects = TObjectList<TObject>; 20 21 21 22 { TListViewSort } … … 148 149 destructor TListViewEx.Destroy; 149 150 begin 150 inherited Destroy;151 inherited; 151 152 end; 152 153 -
r147 r148 1 unit UMemory;1 unit Memory; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 49 49 procedure TPositionMemory.SetSize(AValue: Integer); 50 50 begin 51 inherited SetSize(AValue);51 inherited; 52 52 if FPosition > FSize then FPosition := FSize; 53 53 end; … … 106 106 begin 107 107 Size := 0; 108 inherited Destroy;108 inherited; 109 109 end; 110 110 … … 120 120 121 121 end. 122 -
r147 r148 1 unit UMetaCanvas;1 unit MetaCanvas; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 63 63 64 64 TCanvasPolygon = class(TCanvasObject) 65 Pen: TPen; 66 Brush: TBrush; 67 Points: array of TPoint; 68 procedure Paint(Canvas: TCanvas); override; 69 procedure Zoom(Factor: Double); override; 70 procedure Move(Delta: TPoint); override; 71 constructor Create; 72 destructor Destroy; override; 73 end; 74 75 { TCanvasPolyline } 76 77 TCanvasPolyline = class(TCanvasObject) 78 Pen: TPen; 79 Brush: TBrush; 80 Points: array of TPoint; 81 procedure Paint(Canvas: TCanvas); override; 82 procedure Zoom(Factor: Double); override; 83 procedure Move(Delta: TPoint); override; 84 constructor Create; 85 destructor Destroy; override; 86 end; 87 88 { TCanvasPolyBezier } 89 90 TCanvasPolyBezier = class(TCanvasObject) 65 91 Pen: TPen; 66 92 Brush: TBrush; … … 133 159 procedure DoMoveTo(X, Y: Integer); override; 134 160 procedure DoLineTo(X, Y: Integer); override; 161 procedure DoPolyline(const Points: array of TPoint); override; 162 procedure DoPolyBezier(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; 163 Filled: Boolean = False; Continuous: Boolean = False); override; 135 164 public 136 165 Objects: TCanvasObjects; … … 141 170 procedure TextOut(X,Y: Integer; const Text: String); override; 142 171 procedure Polygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: Boolean = False); override; 172 procedure Polyline(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer); override; 173 procedure PolyBezier(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; 174 Filled: Boolean = False; Continuous: Boolean = True); override; 143 175 procedure Ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); override; 144 176 procedure StretchDraw(const DestRect: TRect; SrcGraphic: TGraphic); override; … … 159 191 160 192 uses 161 UGeometric, LCLIntf; 193 Geometric, LCLIntf; 194 195 { TCanvasPolyBezier } 196 197 procedure TCanvasPolyBezier.Paint(Canvas: TCanvas); 198 begin 199 Canvas.Pen.Assign(Pen); 200 Canvas.Brush.Assign(Brush); 201 Canvas.PolyBezier(Points); 202 end; 203 204 procedure TCanvasPolyBezier.Zoom(Factor: Double); 205 var 206 I: Integer; 207 begin 208 for I := 0 to High(Points) do 209 Points[I] := Point(Trunc(Points[I].X * Factor), 210 Trunc(Points[I].Y * Factor)); 211 Pen.Width := Trunc(Pen.Width * Factor); 212 end; 213 214 procedure TCanvasPolyBezier.Move(Delta: TPoint); 215 var 216 I: Integer; 217 begin 218 for I := 0 to High(Points) do 219 Points[I] := AddPoint(Points[I], Delta); 220 end; 221 222 constructor TCanvasPolyBezier.Create; 223 begin 224 Pen := TPen.Create; 225 Brush := TBrush.Create; 226 end; 227 228 destructor TCanvasPolyBezier.Destroy; 229 begin 230 FreeAndNil(Brush); 231 FreeAndNil(Pen); 232 inherited; 233 end; 234 235 { TCanvasPolyline } 236 237 procedure TCanvasPolyline.Paint(Canvas: TCanvas); 238 begin 239 Canvas.Pen.Assign(Pen); 240 Canvas.Brush.Assign(Brush); 241 Canvas.Polyline(Points); 242 end; 243 244 procedure TCanvasPolyline.Zoom(Factor: Double); 245 var 246 I: Integer; 247 begin 248 for I := 0 to High(Points) do 249 Points[I] := Point(Trunc(Points[I].X * Factor), 250 Trunc(Points[I].Y * Factor)); 251 Pen.Width := Trunc(Pen.Width * Factor); 252 end; 253 254 procedure TCanvasPolyline.Move(Delta: TPoint); 255 var 256 I: Integer; 257 begin 258 for I := 0 to High(Points) do 259 Points[I] := AddPoint(Points[I], Delta); 260 end; 261 262 constructor TCanvasPolyline.Create; 263 begin 264 Pen := TPen.Create; 265 Brush := TBrush.Create; 266 end; 267 268 destructor TCanvasPolyline.Destroy; 269 begin 270 FreeAndNil(Brush); 271 FreeAndNil(Pen); 272 inherited; 273 end; 162 274 163 275 { TCanvasPie } … … 304 416 destructor TCanvasPolygon.Destroy; 305 417 begin 306 Brush.Free;307 Pen.Free;418 FreeAndNil(Brush); 419 FreeAndNil(Pen); 308 420 inherited; 309 421 end; … … 511 623 APoints[I] := Points[I]; 512 624 DoPolygon(APoints); 625 end; 626 627 procedure TMetaCanvas.Polyline(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer); 628 var 629 APoints: array of TPoint; 630 I: Integer; 631 begin 632 APoints := nil; 633 SetLength(APoints, NumPts); 634 for I := 0 to High(APoints) do 635 APoints[I] := Points[I]; 636 DoPolyline(APoints); 637 end; 638 639 procedure TMetaCanvas.PolyBezier(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; 640 Filled: Boolean; Continuous: Boolean); 641 begin 642 DoPolyBezier(Points, NumPts, Filled, Continuous); 513 643 end; 514 644 … … 580 710 end; 581 711 712 procedure TMetaCanvas.DoPolyline(const Points: array of TPoint); 713 var 714 NewObj: TCanvasPolyline; 715 I: Integer; 716 begin 717 NewObj := TCanvasPolyline.Create; 718 NewObj.Brush.Assign(Brush); 719 NewObj.Pen.Assign(Pen); 720 SetLength(NewObj.Points, Length(Points)); 721 for I := 0 to High(Points) do 722 NewObj.Points[I] := Points[I]; 723 Objects.Add(NewObj); 724 end; 725 726 procedure TMetaCanvas.DoPolyBezier(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; 727 Filled: Boolean; Continuous: Boolean); 728 var 729 NewObj: TCanvasPolyBezier; 730 I: Integer; 731 begin 732 NewObj := TCanvasPolyBezier.Create; 733 NewObj.Brush.Assign(Brush); 734 NewObj.Pen.Assign(Pen); 735 SetLength(NewObj.Points, NumPts); 736 for I := 0 to High(NewObj.Points) do 737 NewObj.Points[I] := Points[I]; 738 Objects.Add(NewObj); 739 end; 740 582 741 procedure TMetaCanvas.FillRect(const ARect: TRect); 583 742 begin … … 664 823 665 824 end. 666 -
r147 r148 1 unit UPersistentForm; 2 3 // Date: 2020-11-26 1 unit PersistentForm; 4 2 5 3 interface 6 4 7 5 uses 8 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, URegistry, LCLIntf, Registry, Controls, ComCtrls,6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, RegistryEx, LCLIntf, Registry, Controls, ComCtrls, 9 7 ExtCtrls, LCLType; 10 8 … … 21 19 procedure SaveControl(Control: TControl); 22 20 public 23 FormNormalSize: TRect;24 21 FormRestoredSize: TRect; 25 22 FormWindowState: TWindowState; … … 155 152 RootKey := RegistryContext.RootKey; 156 153 OpenKey(RegistryContext.Key + '\Forms\' + Form.Name, True); 157 // Normal size 158 FormNormalSize.Left := ReadIntegerWithDefault('NormalLeft', FormNormalSize.Left); 159 FormNormalSize.Top := ReadIntegerWithDefault('NormalTop', FormNormalSize.Top); 160 FormNormalSize.Right := ReadIntegerWithDefault('NormalWidth', FormNormalSize.Right - FormNormalSize.Left) 161 + FormNormalSize.Left; 162 FormNormalSize.Bottom := ReadIntegerWithDefault('NormalHeight', FormNormalSize.Bottom - FormNormalSize.Top) 163 + FormNormalSize.Top; 154 164 155 // Restored size 165 156 FormRestoredSize.Left := ReadIntegerWithDefault('RestoredLeft', FormRestoredSize.Left); … … 169 160 FormRestoredSize.Bottom := ReadIntegerWithDefault('RestoredHeight', FormRestoredSize.Bottom - FormRestoredSize.Top) 170 161 + FormRestoredSize.Top; 162 171 163 // Other state 172 164 FormWindowState := TWindowState(ReadIntegerWithDefault('WindowState', Integer(FormWindowState))); … … 183 175 RootKey := RegistryContext.RootKey; 184 176 OpenKey(RegistryContext.Key + '\Forms\' + Form.Name, True); 185 // Normal state 186 WriteInteger('NormalWidth', FormNormalSize.Right - FormNormalSize.Left); 187 WriteInteger('NormalHeight', FormNormalSize.Bottom - FormNormalSize.Top); 188 WriteInteger('NormalTop', FormNormalSize.Top); 189 WriteInteger('NormalLeft', FormNormalSize.Left); 190 // Restored state 177 178 // Restored size 191 179 WriteInteger('RestoredWidth', FormRestoredSize.Right - FormRestoredSize.Left); 192 180 WriteInteger('RestoredHeight', FormRestoredSize.Bottom - FormRestoredSize.Top); 193 181 WriteInteger('RestoredTop', FormRestoredSize.Top); 194 182 WriteInteger('RestoredLeft', FormRestoredSize.Left); 183 195 184 // Other state 196 185 WriteInteger('WindowState', Integer(FormWindowState)); … … 257 246 begin 258 247 Self.Form := Form; 248 259 249 // Set default 260 FormNormalSize := Bounds((Screen.Width - Form.Width) div 2,261 (Screen.Height - Form.Height) div 2, Form.Width, Form.Height);262 250 FormRestoredSize := Bounds((Screen.Width - Form.Width) div 2, 263 251 (Screen.Height - Form.Height) div 2, Form.Width, Form.Height); … … 267 255 LoadFromRegistry(RegistryContext); 268 256 269 if not EqualRect(FormNormalSize, FormRestoredSize) or 270 DefaultMaximized then begin 257 if (FormWindowState = wsMaximized) or DefaultMaximized then begin 271 258 // Restore to maximized state 272 259 Form.WindowState := wsNormal; … … 277 264 // Restore to normal state 278 265 Form.WindowState := wsNormal; 279 if FEntireVisible then Form NormalSize := CheckEntireVisible(FormNormalSize)266 if FEntireVisible then FormRestoredSize := CheckEntireVisible(FormRestoredSize) 280 267 else if FMinVisiblePart > 0 then 281 FormNormalSize := CheckPartVisible(FormNormalSize, FMinVisiblePart);282 if not EqualRect(Form NormalSize, Form.BoundsRect) then283 Form.BoundsRect := Form NormalSize;268 FormRestoredSize := CheckPartVisible(FormRestoredSize, FMinVisiblePart); 269 if not EqualRect(FormRestoredSize, Form.BoundsRect) then 270 Form.BoundsRect := FormRestoredSize; 284 271 end; 285 272 if FormFullScreen then SetFullScreen(True); … … 290 277 begin 291 278 Self.Form := Form; 292 FormNormalSize := Bounds(Form.Left, Form.Top, Form.Width, Form.Height); 293 if not FormFullScreen then 294 FormRestoredSize := Bounds(Form.RestoredLeft, Form.RestoredTop, Form.RestoredWidth, 295 Form.RestoredHeight); 296 FormWindowState := Form.WindowState; 279 if not FormFullScreen then begin 280 FormWindowState := Form.WindowState; 281 if FormWindowState = wsMaximized then begin 282 FormRestoredSize := Bounds(Form.RestoredLeft, Form.RestoredTop, Form.RestoredWidth, 283 Form.RestoredHeight); 284 end else 285 if FormWindowState = wsNormal then begin 286 FormRestoredSize := Bounds(Form.Left, Form.Top, Form.Width, Form.Height); 287 end; 288 end; 297 289 SaveToRegistry(RegistryContext); 298 290 SaveControl(Form); … … 312 304 if State then begin 313 305 FormFullScreen := True; 314 FormNormalSize := Form.BoundsRect; 315 FormRestoredSize := Bounds(Form.RestoredLeft, Form.RestoredTop, Form.RestoredWidth, 316 Form.RestoredHeight); 306 if Form.WindowState = wsMaximized then begin 307 FormRestoredSize := Bounds(Form.RestoredLeft, Form.RestoredTop, Form.RestoredWidth, 308 Form.RestoredHeight); 309 end else 310 if Form.WindowState = wsNormal then begin 311 FormRestoredSize := Bounds(Form.Left, Form.Top, Form.Width, Form.Height); 312 end; 317 313 FormWindowState := Form.WindowState; 314 Form.WindowState := wsMaximized; 315 Form.WindowState := wsNormal; 318 316 ShowWindow(Form.Handle, SW_SHOWFULLSCREEN); 319 317 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} … … 327 325 ShowWindow(Form.Handle, SW_SHOWNORMAL); 328 326 if FormWindowState = wsNormal then begin 329 Form.BoundsRect := FormNormalSize; 327 Form.WindowState := wsNormal; 328 Form.BoundsRect := FormRestoredSize; 330 329 end else 331 330 if FormWindowState = wsMaximized then begin … … 337 336 338 337 end. 339 -
r147 r148 1 unit UPixelPointer;1 unit PixelPointer; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 15 15 private 16 16 procedure SetRGB(AValue: Cardinal); 17 function GetRGB: Cardinal; 17 function GetRGB: Cardinal; 18 18 public 19 19 property RGB: Cardinal read GetRGB write SetRGB; … … 310 310 end; 311 311 312 313 312 end. 314 -
r147 r148 1 unit UPool;1 unit Pool; 2 2 3 3 interface 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, syncobjs, Generics.Collections, UThreading;6 Classes, SysUtils, syncobjs, Generics.Collections, Threading; 7 7 8 8 type … … 106 106 constructor TThreadedPool.Create; 107 107 begin 108 inherited Create;108 inherited; 109 109 Lock := TCriticalSection.Create; 110 110 end; … … 114 114 TotalCount := 0; 115 115 Lock.Free; 116 inherited Destroy;116 inherited; 117 117 end; 118 118 … … 199 199 200 200 end. 201 -
r147 r148 1 unit UPrefixMultiplier;1 unit PrefixMultiplier; 2 2 3 3 // Date: 2010-06-01 … … 31 31 ( 32 32 (ShortText: 'y'; FullText: 'yocto'; Value: 1e-24), 33 33 (ShortText: 'z'; FullText: 'zepto'; Value: 1e-21), 34 34 (ShortText: 'a'; FullText: 'atto'; Value: 1e-18), 35 35 (ShortText: 'f'; FullText: 'femto'; Value: 1e-15), … … 52 52 ( 53 53 (ShortText: 'ys'; FullText: 'yocto'; Value: 1e-24), 54 54 (ShortText: 'zs'; FullText: 'zepto'; Value: 1e-21), 55 55 (ShortText: 'as'; FullText: 'atto'; Value: 1e-18), 56 56 (ShortText: 'fs'; FullText: 'femto'; Value: 1e-15), … … 124 124 125 125 end. 126 -
r147 r148 1 unit URegistry;1 unit RegistryEx; 2 2 3 3 interface -
r147 r148 1 unit UResetableThread;1 unit ResetableThread; 2 2 3 3 interface 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, syncobjs, UThreading, UPool;6 Classes, SysUtils, syncobjs, Threading, Pool; 7 7 8 8 type … … 165 165 FreeAndNil(FStopEvent); 166 166 FreeAndNil(FLock); 167 inherited Destroy;167 inherited; 168 168 end; 169 169 … … 284 284 constructor TThreadPool.Create; 285 285 begin 286 inherited Create;286 inherited; 287 287 end; 288 288 … … 291 291 TotalCount := 0; 292 292 WaitForEmpty; 293 inherited Destroy;293 inherited; 294 294 end; 295 295 296 296 end. 297 -
r147 r148 1 unit UScaleDPI;1 unit ScaleDPI; 2 2 3 3 { See: } … … 30 30 end; 31 31 32 TOnScaleControl = procedure (Control: TControl) of object;33 34 32 { TScaleDPI } 35 33 … … 39 37 FDesignDPI: TPoint; 40 38 FDPI: TPoint; 41 FOnScaleControl: TOnScaleControl;42 FOnScaleControls: TOnScaleControl;43 39 procedure SetAutoDetect(AValue: Boolean); 44 40 procedure SetDesignDPI(AValue: TPoint); … … 60 56 published 61 57 property AutoDetect: Boolean read FAutoDetect write SetAutoDetect; 62 property OnScaleControl: TOnScaleControl read FOnScaleControls63 write FOnScaleControl;64 58 end; 65 59 … … 376 370 end; 377 371 378 if Assigned(FOnScaleControl) then379 FOnScaleControl(Control);380 381 372 //if Control is TForm then 382 373 // Control.EnableAutoSizing; -
r147 r148 1 unit UStringTable;1 unit StringTable; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 69 69 end; 70 70 71 72 71 end. 73 -
r147 r148 1 unit USyncCounter;1 unit SyncCounter; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 68 68 begin 69 69 Lock.Free; 70 inherited Destroy;70 inherited; 71 71 end; 72 72 … … 78 78 79 79 end. 80 -
r147 r148 1 unit UTestCase;1 unit TestCase; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 127 127 128 128 end. 129 -
r147 r148 1 unit UTheme;1 unit Theme; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 186 186 end; 187 187 188 189 188 end. -
r147 r148 1 unit UThreading;1 unit Threading; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 292 292 end; 293 293 FThread.Free; 294 inherited Destroy;294 inherited; 295 295 end; 296 296 … … 366 366 367 367 end. 368 -
r147 r148 1 unit UTranslator;1 unit Translator; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, Forms, ExtCtrls, Controls, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8, 7 Translations, TypInfo, Dialogs, FileUtil, LCLProc, ULanguages, LCLType,7 Translations, TypInfo, Dialogs, FileUtil, LCLProc, Languages, LCLType, 8 8 LCLVersion, Generics.Collections; 9 9 … … 569 569 end; 570 570 571 572 571 end. 573 -
r147 r148 1 unit U URI;1 unit URI; 2 2 3 3 // Date: 2011-04-04 … … 182 182 begin 183 183 Items.Free; 184 inherited Destroy;184 inherited; 185 185 end; 186 186 … … 231 231 begin 232 232 Path.Free; 233 inherited Destroy;233 inherited; 234 234 end; 235 235 … … 242 242 Fragment := TURI(Source).Fragment; 243 243 Query := TURI(Source).Query; 244 end else inherited Assign(Source);244 end else inherited; 245 245 end; 246 246 … … 290 290 destructor TURL.Destroy; 291 291 begin 292 inherited Destroy;292 inherited; 293 293 end; 294 294 … … 343 343 begin 344 344 Directory.Free; 345 inherited Destroy; 346 end; 347 345 inherited; 346 end; 348 347 349 348 end. 350 -
r147 r148 1 unit UXMLUtils;1 unit XML; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 14 14 procedure WriteString(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; Value: string); 15 15 procedure WriteDateTime(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; Value: TDateTime); 16 procedure WriteDouble(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; Value: Double); 16 17 function ReadInteger(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; DefaultValue: Integer): Integer; 17 18 function ReadInt64(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; DefaultValue: Int64): Int64; … … 19 20 function ReadString(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; DefaultValue: string): string; 20 21 function ReadDateTime(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; DefaultValue: TDateTime): TDateTime; 22 function ReadDouble(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; DefaultValue: Double): Double; 21 23 procedure ReadXMLFileParser(out Doc: TXMLDocument; FileName: string); 22 24 23 25 24 26 implementation 27 28 function ReadDouble(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; DefaultValue: Double): Double; 29 var 30 NewNode: TDOMNode; 31 begin 32 Result := DefaultValue; 33 NewNode := Node.FindNode(DOMString(Name)); 34 if Assigned(NewNode) then 35 Result := StrToFloat(string(NewNode.TextContent)); 36 end; 25 37 26 38 procedure ReadXMLFileParser(out Doc: TXMLDocument; FileName: string); … … 200 212 end; 201 213 214 procedure WriteDouble(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; Value: Double); 215 var 216 NewNode: TDOMNode; 217 begin 218 NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(DOMString(Name)); 219 NewNode.TextContent := DOMString(FloatToStr(Value)); 220 Node.AppendChild(NewNode); 221 end; 222 202 223 function ReadInteger(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; DefaultValue: Integer): Integer; 203 224 var … … 252 273 253 274 end. 254 -
r147 r148 1 unit UContactImage;1 unit ContactImage; 2 2 3 3 interface 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, UVCard, ExtCtrls;6 Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, VCard, ExtCtrls; 7 7 8 8 type -
r147 r148 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n" 13 13 14 #: uquotedprintable.sdecodeerror 14 #: quotedprintable.sdecodeerror 15 #, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "quotedprintable.sdecodeerror" 15 17 msgid "Decode error" 16 18 msgstr "Chyba dekódování" 19 -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: uquotedprintable.sdecodeerror 4 #: quotedprintable.sdecodeerror 5 msgctxt "quotedprintable.sdecodeerror" 5 6 msgid "Decode error" 6 7 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 12 12 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n" 13 13 14 #: uvcard.saim 14 #: vcard.saim 15 #, fuzzy 16 msgctxt "vcard.saim" 15 17 msgid "AIM" 16 18 msgstr "AIM" 17 19 18 #: uvcard.sanniversary 20 #: vcard.sanniversary 21 #, fuzzy 22 msgctxt "vcard.sanniversary" 19 23 msgid "Anniversary" 20 24 msgstr "Výročí" 21 25 22 #: uvcard.scategories 26 #: vcard.scategories 27 #, fuzzy 28 msgctxt "vcard.scategories" 23 29 msgid "Categories" 24 30 msgstr "Kategorie" 25 31 26 #: uvcard.scontacthasnoparent 32 #: vcard.scontacthasnoparent 33 #, fuzzy 34 msgctxt "vcard.scontacthasnoparent" 27 35 msgid "Contact has no parent" 28 36 msgstr "Kontakt nemá rodiče" 29 37 30 #: uvcard.sdayofbirth 38 #: vcard.sdayofbirth 39 #, fuzzy 40 msgctxt "vcard.sdayofbirth" 31 41 msgid "Day of birth" 32 42 msgstr "Datum narození" 33 43 34 #: uvcard.sdepartement 44 #: vcard.sdepartement 45 #, fuzzy 46 msgctxt "vcard.sdepartement" 35 47 msgid "Departement" 36 48 msgstr "Oddělení" 37 49 38 #: uvcard.semail 50 #: vcard.semail 51 #, fuzzy 52 msgctxt "vcard.semail" 39 53 msgid "E-mail" 40 54 msgstr "E-mail" 41 55 42 #: uvcard.sexpectedproperty 56 #: vcard.sexpectedproperty 57 #, fuzzy 58 msgctxt "vcard.sexpectedproperty" 43 59 msgid "Expected contact property" 44 60 msgstr "Očekávána vlastnost kontaktu" 45 61 46 #: uvcard.sexpectedvcardbegin 62 #: vcard.sexpectedvcardbegin 63 #, fuzzy 64 msgctxt "vcard.sexpectedvcardbegin" 47 65 msgid "Expected vCard begin" 48 66 msgstr "Očekáván začátek vCard" 49 67 50 #: uvcard.sfacebook 68 #: vcard.sfacebook 69 #, fuzzy 70 msgctxt "vcard.sfacebook" 51 71 msgid "Facebook" 52 72 msgstr "Facebook" 53 73 54 #: uvcard.sfax 74 #: vcard.sfax 75 #, fuzzy 76 msgctxt "vcard.sfax" 55 77 msgid "Fax" 56 78 msgstr "Fax" 57 79 58 #: uvcard.sfieldindexnotdefined 80 #: vcard.sfieldindexnotdefined 81 #, fuzzy 82 msgctxt "vcard.sfieldindexnotdefined" 59 83 msgid "Field index not defined" 60 84 msgstr "Index pole nenalezen" 61 85 62 #: uvcard.sfieldindexredefined 63 #, object-pascal-format 86 #: vcard.sfieldindexredefined 87 #, object-pascal-format, fuzzy 88 msgctxt "vcard.sfieldindexredefined" 64 89 msgid "Field index %d redefined" 65 90 msgstr "Index pole %d předefinován" 66 91 67 #: uvcard.sfirstname 92 #: vcard.sfirstname 93 #, fuzzy 94 msgctxt "vcard.sfirstname" 68 95 msgid "First Name" 69 96 msgstr "První Jméno" 70 97 71 #: uvcard.sfullname 98 #: vcard.sfullname 99 #, fuzzy 100 msgctxt "vcard.sfullname" 72 101 msgid "Full Name" 73 102 msgstr "Celé jméno" 74 103 75 #: uvcard.sgadugadu 104 #: vcard.sgadugadu 105 #, fuzzy 106 msgctxt "vcard.sgadugadu" 76 107 msgid "GaduGadu" 77 108 msgstr "GaduGadu" 78 109 79 #: uvcard.sgender 110 #: vcard.sgender 111 #, fuzzy 112 msgctxt "vcard.sgender" 80 113 msgid "Gender" 81 114 msgstr "Pohlaví" 82 115 83 #: uvcard.sgoogletalk 116 #: vcard.sgoogletalk 117 #, fuzzy 118 msgctxt "vcard.sgoogletalk" 84 119 msgid "Google Talk" 85 120 msgstr "Google Talk" 86 121 87 #: uvcard.sgroupwise 122 #: vcard.sgroupwise 123 #, fuzzy 124 msgctxt "vcard.sgroupwise" 88 125 msgid "GroupWise" 89 126 msgstr "GroupWise" 90 127 91 #: uvcard.shomeaddresscity 128 #: vcard.shomeaddresscity 129 #, fuzzy 130 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresscity" 92 131 msgid "Home address city" 93 132 msgstr "Domácí adresa město" 94 133 95 #: uvcard.shomeaddresscountry 134 #: vcard.shomeaddresscountry 135 #, fuzzy 136 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresscountry" 96 137 msgid "Home address country" 97 138 msgstr "Domácí adresa země" 98 139 99 #: uvcard.shomeaddresspostalcode 140 #: vcard.shomeaddresspostalcode 141 #, fuzzy 142 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresspostalcode" 100 143 msgid "Home address postal code" 101 144 msgstr "Domácí adresa PSČ" 102 145 103 #: uvcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox 146 #: vcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox 147 #, fuzzy 148 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox" 104 149 msgid "Home address post office box" 105 150 msgstr "Domácí adresa číslo schránky" 106 151 107 #: uvcard.shomeaddressregion 152 #: vcard.shomeaddressregion 153 #, fuzzy 154 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressregion" 108 155 msgid "Home address region" 109 156 msgstr "Domácí adresa kraj" 110 157 111 #: uvcard.shomeaddressstreet 158 #: vcard.shomeaddressstreet 159 #, fuzzy 160 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressstreet" 112 161 msgid "Home address street" 113 162 msgstr "Domácí adresa ulice" 114 163 115 #: uvcard.shomeaddressstreetextended 164 #: vcard.shomeaddressstreetextended 165 #, fuzzy 166 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressstreetextended" 116 167 msgid "Home address extended street" 117 168 msgstr "Domácí adresa rozšířená ulice" 118 169 119 #: uvcard.shomeemail 170 #: vcard.shomeemail 171 #, fuzzy 172 msgctxt "vcard.shomeemail" 120 173 msgid "Home E-mail" 121 174 msgstr "Domov E-mail" 122 175 123 #: uvcard.shomefax 176 #: vcard.shomefax 177 #, fuzzy 178 msgctxt "vcard.shomefax" 124 179 msgid "Home fax" 125 180 msgstr "Domov fax" 126 181 127 #: uvcard.shomemobile 182 #: vcard.shomemobile 183 #, fuzzy 184 msgctxt "vcard.shomemobile" 128 185 msgid "Home mobile" 129 186 msgstr "Domov mobil" 130 187 131 #: uvcard.shomepager 188 #: vcard.shomepager 189 #, fuzzy 190 msgctxt "vcard.shomepager" 132 191 msgid "Home pager" 133 192 msgstr "Domov pager" 134 193 135 #: uvcard.shomephone 194 #: vcard.shomephone 195 #, fuzzy 196 msgctxt "vcard.shomephone" 136 197 msgid "Home phone" 137 198 msgstr "Domácí telefon" 138 199 139 #: uvcard.shomephone2 200 #: vcard.shomephone2 201 #, fuzzy 202 msgctxt "vcard.shomephone2" 140 203 msgid "Home phone 2" 141 204 msgstr "Domov telefon 2" 142 205 143 #: uvcard.sicq 206 #: vcard.sicq 207 #, fuzzy 208 msgctxt "vcard.sicq" 144 209 msgid "ICQ" 145 210 msgstr "ICQ" 146 211 147 #: uvcard.sinstagram 212 #: vcard.sinstagram 213 #, fuzzy 214 msgctxt "vcard.sinstagram" 148 215 msgid "Instagram" 149 216 msgstr "Instagram" 150 217 151 #: uvcard.sinternetemail 218 #: vcard.sinternetemail 219 #, fuzzy 220 msgctxt "vcard.sinternetemail" 152 221 msgid "Internet E-mail" 153 222 msgstr "Internetový E-mail" 154 223 155 #: uvcard.sirc 224 #: vcard.sirc 225 #, fuzzy 226 msgctxt "vcard.sirc" 156 227 msgid "IRC" 157 228 msgstr "IRC" 158 229 159 #: uvcard.sjabber 230 #: vcard.sjabber 231 #, fuzzy 232 msgctxt "vcard.sjabber" 160 233 msgid "Jabber" 161 234 msgstr "Jabber" 162 235 163 #: uvcard.slastname 236 #: vcard.slastname 237 #, fuzzy 238 msgctxt "vcard.slastname" 164 239 msgid "Last Name" 165 240 msgstr "Poslední jméno" 166 241 167 #: uvcard.slasttimecontacted 242 #: vcard.slasttimecontacted 243 #, fuzzy 244 msgctxt "vcard.slasttimecontacted" 168 245 msgid "Last Time Contacted" 169 246 msgstr "Naposledy kontaktováno" 170 247 171 #: uvcard.slinkedin 248 #: vcard.slinkedin 249 #, fuzzy 250 msgctxt "vcard.slinkedin" 172 251 msgid "LinkedIn" 173 252 msgstr "LinkedIn" 174 253 175 #: uvcard.slogo 254 #: vcard.slogo 255 #, fuzzy 256 msgctxt "vcard.slogo" 176 257 msgid "Logo" 177 258 msgstr "Logo" 178 259 179 #: uvcard.smainphone 260 #: vcard.smainphone 261 #, fuzzy 262 msgctxt "vcard.smainphone" 180 263 msgid "Main phone" 181 264 msgstr "Hlavní telefon" 182 265 183 #: uvcard.smastodon 266 #: vcard.smastodon 267 #, fuzzy 268 msgctxt "vcard.smastodon" 184 269 msgid "Mastodon" 185 270 msgstr "Mastodon" 186 271 187 #: uvcard.smatrix 272 #: vcard.smatrix 273 #, fuzzy 274 msgctxt "vcard.smatrix" 188 275 msgid "Matrix" 189 276 msgstr "Matrix" 190 277 191 #: uvcard.smiddlename 278 #: vcard.smiddlename 279 #, fuzzy 280 msgctxt "vcard.smiddlename" 192 281 msgid "Middle Name" 193 282 msgstr "Prostřední jméno" 194 283 195 #: uvcard.smobilephone 284 #: vcard.smobilephone 285 #, fuzzy 286 msgctxt "vcard.smobilephone" 196 287 msgid "Mobile phone" 197 288 msgstr "Mobil" 198 289 199 #: uvcard.smsn 290 #: vcard.smsn 291 #, fuzzy 292 msgctxt "vcard.smsn" 200 293 msgid "MSN" 201 294 msgstr "MSN" 202 295 203 #: uvcard.smyspace 296 #: vcard.smyspace 297 #, fuzzy 298 msgctxt "vcard.smyspace" 204 299 msgid "MySpace" 205 300 msgstr "MySpace" 206 301 207 #: uvcard.snickname 302 #: vcard.snickname 303 #, fuzzy 304 msgctxt "vcard.snickname" 208 305 msgid "Nick name" 209 306 msgstr "Přezdívka" 210 307 211 #: uvcard.snote 308 #: vcard.snote 309 #, fuzzy 310 msgctxt "vcard.snote" 212 311 msgid "Note" 213 312 msgstr "Poznámky" 214 313 215 #: uvcard.sorganization 314 #: vcard.sorganization 315 #, fuzzy 316 msgctxt "vcard.sorganization" 216 317 msgid "Organization" 217 318 msgstr "Organizace" 218 319 219 #: uvcard.spager 320 #: vcard.spager 321 #, fuzzy 322 msgctxt "vcard.spager" 220 323 msgid "Pager" 221 324 msgstr "Pager" 222 325 223 #: uvcard.speertube 326 #: vcard.speertube 327 #, fuzzy 328 msgctxt "vcard.speertube" 224 329 msgid "PeerTube" 225 330 msgstr "PeerTube" 226 331 227 #: uvcard.sphoto 332 #: vcard.sphoto 333 #, fuzzy 334 msgctxt "vcard.sphoto" 228 335 msgid "Photo" 229 336 msgstr "Fotka" 230 337 231 #: uvcard.sqq 338 #: vcard.sqq 339 #, fuzzy 340 msgctxt "vcard.sqq" 232 341 msgid "QQ" 233 342 msgstr "QQ" 234 343 235 #: uvcard.sreddit 344 #: vcard.sreddit 345 #, fuzzy 346 msgctxt "vcard.sreddit" 236 347 msgid "Reddit" 237 348 msgstr "Reddit" 238 349 239 #: uvcard.srevision 350 #: vcard.srevision 351 #, fuzzy 352 msgctxt "vcard.srevision" 240 353 msgid "Revision" 241 354 msgstr "Revize" 242 355 243 #: uvcard.srole 356 #: vcard.srole 357 #, fuzzy 358 msgctxt "vcard.srole" 244 359 msgid "Role" 245 360 msgstr "Role" 246 361 247 #: uvcard.sskype 362 #: vcard.sskype 363 #, fuzzy 364 msgctxt "vcard.sskype" 248 365 msgid "Skype" 249 366 msgstr "Skype" 250 367 251 #: uvcard.ssnapchat 368 #: vcard.ssnapchat 369 #, fuzzy 370 msgctxt "vcard.ssnapchat" 252 371 msgid "Snapchat" 253 372 msgstr "Snapchat" 254 373 255 #: uvcard.stelephone 374 #: vcard.stelephone 375 #, fuzzy 376 msgctxt "vcard.stelephone" 256 377 msgid "Telephone" 257 378 msgstr "Telefon" 258 379 259 #: uvcard.stimescontacted 380 #: vcard.stimescontacted 381 #, fuzzy 382 msgctxt "vcard.stimescontacted" 260 383 msgid "Times Contacted" 261 384 msgstr "Počet kontaktování" 262 385 263 #: uvcard.stitle 386 #: vcard.stitle 387 #, fuzzy 388 msgctxt "vcard.stitle" 264 389 msgid "Title" 265 390 msgstr "Titul" 266 391 267 #: uvcard.stitleafter 392 #: vcard.stitleafter 393 #, fuzzy 394 msgctxt "vcard.stitleafter" 268 395 msgid "Title After" 269 396 msgstr "Titul za" 270 397 271 #: uvcard.stitlebefore 398 #: vcard.stitlebefore 399 #, fuzzy 400 msgctxt "vcard.stitlebefore" 272 401 msgid "Title Before" 273 402 msgstr "Titul před" 274 403 275 #: uvcard.stwitter 404 #: vcard.stwitter 405 #, fuzzy 406 msgctxt "vcard.stwitter" 276 407 msgid "Twitter" 277 408 msgstr "Twitter" 278 409 279 #: uvcard.suniqueidentifier 410 #: vcard.suniqueidentifier 411 #, fuzzy 412 msgctxt "vcard.suniqueidentifier" 280 413 msgid "Unique identifier" 281 414 msgstr "Unikátní identifikátor" 282 415 283 #: uvcard.sversion 416 #: vcard.sversion 417 #, fuzzy 418 msgctxt "vcard.sversion" 284 419 msgid "Version" 285 420 msgstr "Verze" 286 421 287 #: uvcard.svoipphone 422 #: vcard.svoipphone 423 #, fuzzy 424 msgctxt "vcard.svoipphone" 288 425 msgid "VoIP phone" 289 426 msgstr "VoIP telefon" 290 427 291 #: uvcard.swebaddress 428 #: vcard.swebaddress 429 #, fuzzy 430 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddress" 292 431 msgid "Web address" 293 432 msgstr "Webová adresa" 294 433 295 #: uvcard.swebaddresshome 434 #: vcard.swebaddresshome 435 #, fuzzy 436 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddresshome" 296 437 msgid "Web address home" 297 438 msgstr "Webová adresa domácí" 298 439 299 #: uvcard.swebaddresswork 440 #: vcard.swebaddresswork 441 #, fuzzy 442 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddresswork" 300 443 msgid "Web address work" 301 444 msgstr "Webová adresa pracovní" 302 445 303 #: uvcard.swindowslive 446 #: vcard.swindowslive 447 #, fuzzy 448 msgctxt "vcard.swindowslive" 304 449 msgid "Windows Live" 305 450 msgstr "Windows Live" 306 451 307 #: uvcard.sworkaddresscity 452 #: vcard.sworkaddresscity 453 #, fuzzy 454 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresscity" 308 455 msgid "Work address city" 309 456 msgstr "Pracovní adresa město" 310 457 311 #: uvcard.sworkaddresscountry 458 #: vcard.sworkaddresscountry 459 #, fuzzy 460 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresscountry" 312 461 msgid "Work address country" 313 462 msgstr "Pracovní adresa země" 314 463 315 #: uvcard.sworkaddresspostalcode 464 #: vcard.sworkaddresspostalcode 465 #, fuzzy 466 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresspostalcode" 316 467 msgid "Work address postal code" 317 468 msgstr "Pracovní adresa PSČ" 318 469 319 #: uvcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox 470 #: vcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox 471 #, fuzzy 472 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox" 320 473 msgid "Work address post office box" 321 474 msgstr "Pracovní adresa číslo schránky" 322 475 323 #: uvcard.sworkaddressregion 476 #: vcard.sworkaddressregion 477 #, fuzzy 478 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressregion" 324 479 msgid "Work address region" 325 480 msgstr "Pracovní adresa kraj" 326 481 327 #: uvcard.sworkaddressstreet 482 #: vcard.sworkaddressstreet 483 #, fuzzy 484 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressstreet" 328 485 msgid "Work address street" 329 486 msgstr "Pracovní adresa ulice" 330 487 331 #: uvcard.sworkaddressstreetextended 488 #: vcard.sworkaddressstreetextended 489 #, fuzzy 490 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressstreetextended" 332 491 msgid "Work address extended street" 333 492 msgstr "Pracovní adresa rozšířená ulice" 334 493 335 #: uvcard.sworkemail 494 #: vcard.sworkemail 495 #, fuzzy 496 msgctxt "vcard.sworkemail" 336 497 msgid "Work E-mail" 337 498 msgstr "Práce E-mail" 338 499 339 #: uvcard.sworkfax 500 #: vcard.sworkfax 501 #, fuzzy 502 msgctxt "vcard.sworkfax" 340 503 msgid "Work fax" 341 504 msgstr "Práce fax" 342 505 343 #: uvcard.sworkmobile 506 #: vcard.sworkmobile 507 #, fuzzy 508 msgctxt "vcard.sworkmobile" 344 509 msgid "Work mobile" 345 510 msgstr "Práce mobil" 346 511 347 #: uvcard.sworkpager 512 #: vcard.sworkpager 513 #, fuzzy 514 msgctxt "vcard.sworkpager" 348 515 msgid "Work pager" 349 516 msgstr "Práce pager" 350 517 351 #: uvcard.sworkphone 518 #: vcard.sworkphone 519 #, fuzzy 520 msgctxt "vcard.sworkphone" 352 521 msgid "Work phone" 353 522 msgstr "Pracovní telefon" 354 523 355 #: uvcard.syahoo 524 #: vcard.syahoo 525 #, fuzzy 526 msgctxt "vcard.syahoo" 356 527 msgid "Yahoo!" 357 528 msgstr "Yahoo!" 358 529 359 #: uvcard.syoutube 530 #: vcard.syoutube 531 #, fuzzy 532 msgctxt "vcard.syoutube" 360 533 msgid "YouTube" 361 534 msgstr "YouTube" 535 -
r147 r148 2 2 msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" 3 3 4 #: uvcard.saim 4 #: vcard.saim 5 msgctxt "vcard.saim" 5 6 msgid "AIM" 6 7 msgstr "" 7 8 8 #: uvcard.sanniversary 9 #: vcard.sanniversary 10 msgctxt "vcard.sanniversary" 9 11 msgid "Anniversary" 10 12 msgstr "" 11 13 12 #: uvcard.scategories 14 #: vcard.scategories 15 msgctxt "vcard.scategories" 13 16 msgid "Categories" 14 17 msgstr "" 15 18 16 #: uvcard.scontacthasnoparent 19 #: vcard.scontacthasnoparent 20 msgctxt "vcard.scontacthasnoparent" 17 21 msgid "Contact has no parent" 18 22 msgstr "" 19 23 20 #: uvcard.sdayofbirth 24 #: vcard.sdayofbirth 25 msgctxt "vcard.sdayofbirth" 21 26 msgid "Day of birth" 22 27 msgstr "" 23 28 24 #: uvcard.sdepartement 29 #: vcard.sdepartement 30 msgctxt "vcard.sdepartement" 25 31 msgid "Departement" 26 32 msgstr "" 27 33 28 #: uvcard.semail 34 #: vcard.semail 35 msgctxt "vcard.semail" 29 36 msgid "E-mail" 30 37 msgstr "" 31 38 32 #: uvcard.sexpectedproperty 39 #: vcard.sexpectedproperty 40 msgctxt "vcard.sexpectedproperty" 33 41 msgid "Expected contact property" 34 42 msgstr "" 35 43 36 #: uvcard.sexpectedvcardbegin 44 #: vcard.sexpectedvcardbegin 45 msgctxt "vcard.sexpectedvcardbegin" 37 46 msgid "Expected vCard begin" 38 47 msgstr "" 39 48 40 #: uvcard.sfacebook 49 #: vcard.sfacebook 50 msgctxt "vcard.sfacebook" 41 51 msgid "Facebook" 42 52 msgstr "" 43 53 44 #: uvcard.sfax 54 #: vcard.sfax 55 msgctxt "vcard.sfax" 45 56 msgid "Fax" 46 57 msgstr "" 47 58 48 #: uvcard.sfieldindexnotdefined 59 #: vcard.sfieldindexnotdefined 60 msgctxt "vcard.sfieldindexnotdefined" 49 61 msgid "Field index not defined" 50 62 msgstr "" 51 63 52 #: uvcard.sfieldindexredefined64 #: vcard.sfieldindexredefined 53 65 #, object-pascal-format 66 msgctxt "vcard.sfieldindexredefined" 54 67 msgid "Field index %d redefined" 55 68 msgstr "" 56 69 57 #: uvcard.sfirstname 70 #: vcard.sfirstname 71 msgctxt "vcard.sfirstname" 58 72 msgid "First Name" 59 73 msgstr "" 60 74 61 #: uvcard.sfullname 75 #: vcard.sfullname 76 msgctxt "vcard.sfullname" 62 77 msgid "Full Name" 63 78 msgstr "" 64 79 65 #: uvcard.sgadugadu 80 #: vcard.sgadugadu 81 msgctxt "vcard.sgadugadu" 66 82 msgid "GaduGadu" 67 83 msgstr "" 68 84 69 #: uvcard.sgender 85 #: vcard.sgender 86 msgctxt "vcard.sgender" 70 87 msgid "Gender" 71 88 msgstr "" 72 89 73 #: uvcard.sgoogletalk 90 #: vcard.sgoogletalk 91 msgctxt "vcard.sgoogletalk" 74 92 msgid "Google Talk" 75 93 msgstr "" 76 94 77 #: uvcard.sgroupwise 95 #: vcard.sgroupwise 96 msgctxt "vcard.sgroupwise" 78 97 msgid "GroupWise" 79 98 msgstr "" 80 99 81 #: uvcard.shomeaddresscity 100 #: vcard.shomeaddresscity 101 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresscity" 82 102 msgid "Home address city" 83 103 msgstr "" 84 104 85 #: uvcard.shomeaddresscountry 105 #: vcard.shomeaddresscountry 106 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresscountry" 86 107 msgid "Home address country" 87 108 msgstr "" 88 109 89 #: uvcard.shomeaddresspostalcode 110 #: vcard.shomeaddresspostalcode 111 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresspostalcode" 90 112 msgid "Home address postal code" 91 113 msgstr "" 92 114 93 #: uvcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox 115 #: vcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox 116 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddresspostofficebox" 94 117 msgid "Home address post office box" 95 118 msgstr "" 96 119 97 #: uvcard.shomeaddressregion 120 #: vcard.shomeaddressregion 121 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressregion" 98 122 msgid "Home address region" 99 123 msgstr "" 100 124 101 #: uvcard.shomeaddressstreet 125 #: vcard.shomeaddressstreet 126 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressstreet" 102 127 msgid "Home address street" 103 128 msgstr "" 104 129 105 #: uvcard.shomeaddressstreetextended 130 #: vcard.shomeaddressstreetextended 131 msgctxt "vcard.shomeaddressstreetextended" 106 132 msgid "Home address extended street" 107 133 msgstr "" 108 134 109 #: uvcard.shomeemail 135 #: vcard.shomeemail 136 msgctxt "vcard.shomeemail" 110 137 msgid "Home E-mail" 111 138 msgstr "" 112 139 113 #: uvcard.shomefax 140 #: vcard.shomefax 141 msgctxt "vcard.shomefax" 114 142 msgid "Home fax" 115 143 msgstr "" 116 144 117 #: uvcard.shomemobile 145 #: vcard.shomemobile 146 msgctxt "vcard.shomemobile" 118 147 msgid "Home mobile" 119 148 msgstr "" 120 149 121 #: uvcard.shomepager 150 #: vcard.shomepager 151 msgctxt "vcard.shomepager" 122 152 msgid "Home pager" 123 153 msgstr "" 124 154 125 #: uvcard.shomephone 155 #: vcard.shomephone 156 msgctxt "vcard.shomephone" 126 157 msgid "Home phone" 127 158 msgstr "" 128 159 129 #: uvcard.shomephone2 160 #: vcard.shomephone2 161 msgctxt "vcard.shomephone2" 130 162 msgid "Home phone 2" 131 163 msgstr "" 132 164 133 #: uvcard.sicq 165 #: vcard.sicq 166 msgctxt "vcard.sicq" 134 167 msgid "ICQ" 135 168 msgstr "" 136 169 137 #: uvcard.sinstagram 170 #: vcard.sinstagram 171 msgctxt "vcard.sinstagram" 138 172 msgid "Instagram" 139 173 msgstr "" 140 174 141 #: uvcard.sinternetemail 175 #: vcard.sinternetemail 176 msgctxt "vcard.sinternetemail" 142 177 msgid "Internet E-mail" 143 178 msgstr "" 144 179 145 #: uvcard.sirc 180 #: vcard.sirc 181 msgctxt "vcard.sirc" 146 182 msgid "IRC" 147 183 msgstr "" 148 184 149 #: uvcard.sjabber 185 #: vcard.sjabber 186 msgctxt "vcard.sjabber" 150 187 msgid "Jabber" 151 188 msgstr "" 152 189 153 #: uvcard.slastname 190 #: vcard.slastname 191 msgctxt "vcard.slastname" 154 192 msgid "Last Name" 155 193 msgstr "" 156 194 157 #: uvcard.slasttimecontacted 195 #: vcard.slasttimecontacted 196 msgctxt "vcard.slasttimecontacted" 158 197 msgid "Last Time Contacted" 159 198 msgstr "" 160 199 161 #: uvcard.slinkedin 200 #: vcard.slinkedin 201 msgctxt "vcard.slinkedin" 162 202 msgid "LinkedIn" 163 203 msgstr "" 164 204 165 #: uvcard.slogo 205 #: vcard.slogo 206 msgctxt "vcard.slogo" 166 207 msgid "Logo" 167 208 msgstr "" 168 209 169 #: uvcard.smainphone 210 #: vcard.smainphone 211 msgctxt "vcard.smainphone" 170 212 msgid "Main phone" 171 213 msgstr "" 172 214 173 #: uvcard.smastodon 215 #: vcard.smastodon 216 msgctxt "vcard.smastodon" 174 217 msgid "Mastodon" 175 218 msgstr "" 176 219 177 #: uvcard.smatrix 220 #: vcard.smatrix 221 msgctxt "vcard.smatrix" 178 222 msgid "Matrix" 179 223 msgstr "" 180 224 181 #: uvcard.smiddlename 225 #: vcard.smiddlename 226 msgctxt "vcard.smiddlename" 182 227 msgid "Middle Name" 183 228 msgstr "" 184 229 185 #: uvcard.smobilephone 230 #: vcard.smobilephone 231 msgctxt "vcard.smobilephone" 186 232 msgid "Mobile phone" 187 233 msgstr "" 188 234 189 #: uvcard.smsn 235 #: vcard.smsn 236 msgctxt "vcard.smsn" 190 237 msgid "MSN" 191 238 msgstr "" 192 239 193 #: uvcard.smyspace 240 #: vcard.smyspace 241 msgctxt "vcard.smyspace" 194 242 msgid "MySpace" 195 243 msgstr "" 196 244 197 #: uvcard.snickname 245 #: vcard.snickname 246 msgctxt "vcard.snickname" 198 247 msgid "Nick name" 199 248 msgstr "" 200 249 201 #: uvcard.snote 250 #: vcard.snote 251 msgctxt "vcard.snote" 202 252 msgid "Note" 203 253 msgstr "" 204 254 205 #: uvcard.sorganization 255 #: vcard.sorganization 256 msgctxt "vcard.sorganization" 206 257 msgid "Organization" 207 258 msgstr "" 208 259 209 #: uvcard.spager 260 #: vcard.spager 261 msgctxt "vcard.spager" 210 262 msgid "Pager" 211 263 msgstr "" 212 264 213 #: uvcard.speertube 265 #: vcard.speertube 266 msgctxt "vcard.speertube" 214 267 msgid "PeerTube" 215 268 msgstr "" 216 269 217 #: uvcard.sphoto 270 #: vcard.sphoto 271 msgctxt "vcard.sphoto" 218 272 msgid "Photo" 219 273 msgstr "" 220 274 221 #: uvcard.sqq 275 #: vcard.sqq 276 msgctxt "vcard.sqq" 222 277 msgid "QQ" 223 278 msgstr "" 224 279 225 #: uvcard.sreddit 280 #: vcard.sreddit 281 msgctxt "vcard.sreddit" 226 282 msgid "Reddit" 227 283 msgstr "" 228 284 229 #: uvcard.srevision 285 #: vcard.srevision 286 msgctxt "vcard.srevision" 230 287 msgid "Revision" 231 288 msgstr "" 232 289 233 #: uvcard.srole 290 #: vcard.srole 291 msgctxt "vcard.srole" 234 292 msgid "Role" 235 293 msgstr "" 236 294 237 #: uvcard.sskype 295 #: vcard.sskype 296 msgctxt "vcard.sskype" 238 297 msgid "Skype" 239 298 msgstr "" 240 299 241 #: uvcard.ssnapchat 300 #: vcard.ssnapchat 301 msgctxt "vcard.ssnapchat" 242 302 msgid "Snapchat" 243 303 msgstr "" 244 304 245 #: uvcard.stelephone 305 #: vcard.stelephone 306 msgctxt "vcard.stelephone" 246 307 msgid "Telephone" 247 308 msgstr "" 248 309 249 #: uvcard.stimescontacted 310 #: vcard.stimescontacted 311 msgctxt "vcard.stimescontacted" 250 312 msgid "Times Contacted" 251 313 msgstr "" 252 314 253 #: uvcard.stitle 315 #: vcard.stitle 316 msgctxt "vcard.stitle" 254 317 msgid "Title" 255 318 msgstr "" 256 319 257 #: uvcard.stitleafter 320 #: vcard.stitleafter 321 msgctxt "vcard.stitleafter" 258 322 msgid "Title After" 259 323 msgstr "" 260 324 261 #: uvcard.stitlebefore 325 #: vcard.stitlebefore 326 msgctxt "vcard.stitlebefore" 262 327 msgid "Title Before" 263 328 msgstr "" 264 329 265 #: uvcard.stwitter 330 #: vcard.stwitter 331 msgctxt "vcard.stwitter" 266 332 msgid "Twitter" 267 333 msgstr "" 268 334 269 #: uvcard.suniqueidentifier 335 #: vcard.suniqueidentifier 336 msgctxt "vcard.suniqueidentifier" 270 337 msgid "Unique identifier" 271 338 msgstr "" 272 339 273 #: uvcard.sversion 340 #: vcard.sversion 341 msgctxt "vcard.sversion" 274 342 msgid "Version" 275 343 msgstr "" 276 344 277 #: uvcard.svoipphone 345 #: vcard.svoipphone 346 msgctxt "vcard.svoipphone" 278 347 msgid "VoIP phone" 279 348 msgstr "" 280 349 281 #: uvcard.swebaddress 350 #: vcard.swebaddress 351 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddress" 282 352 msgid "Web address" 283 353 msgstr "" 284 354 285 #: uvcard.swebaddresshome 355 #: vcard.swebaddresshome 356 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddresshome" 286 357 msgid "Web address home" 287 358 msgstr "" 288 359 289 #: uvcard.swebaddresswork 360 #: vcard.swebaddresswork 361 msgctxt "vcard.swebaddresswork" 290 362 msgid "Web address work" 291 363 msgstr "" 292 364 293 #: uvcard.swindowslive 365 #: vcard.swindowslive 366 msgctxt "vcard.swindowslive" 294 367 msgid "Windows Live" 295 368 msgstr "" 296 369 297 #: uvcard.sworkaddresscity 370 #: vcard.sworkaddresscity 371 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresscity" 298 372 msgid "Work address city" 299 373 msgstr "" 300 374 301 #: uvcard.sworkaddresscountry 375 #: vcard.sworkaddresscountry 376 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresscountry" 302 377 msgid "Work address country" 303 378 msgstr "" 304 379 305 #: uvcard.sworkaddresspostalcode 380 #: vcard.sworkaddresspostalcode 381 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresspostalcode" 306 382 msgid "Work address postal code" 307 383 msgstr "" 308 384 309 #: uvcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox 385 #: vcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox 386 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddresspostofficebox" 310 387 msgid "Work address post office box" 311 388 msgstr "" 312 389 313 #: uvcard.sworkaddressregion 390 #: vcard.sworkaddressregion 391 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressregion" 314 392 msgid "Work address region" 315 393 msgstr "" 316 394 317 #: uvcard.sworkaddressstreet 395 #: vcard.sworkaddressstreet 396 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressstreet" 318 397 msgid "Work address street" 319 398 msgstr "" 320 399 321 #: uvcard.sworkaddressstreetextended 400 #: vcard.sworkaddressstreetextended 401 msgctxt "vcard.sworkaddressstreetextended" 322 402 msgid "Work address extended street" 323 403 msgstr "" 324 404 325 #: uvcard.sworkemail 405 #: vcard.sworkemail 406 msgctxt "vcard.sworkemail" 326 407 msgid "Work E-mail" 327 408 msgstr "" 328 409 329 #: uvcard.sworkfax 410 #: vcard.sworkfax 411 msgctxt "vcard.sworkfax" 330 412 msgid "Work fax" 331 413 msgstr "" 332 414 333 #: uvcard.sworkmobile 415 #: vcard.sworkmobile 416 msgctxt "vcard.sworkmobile" 334 417 msgid "Work mobile" 335 418 msgstr "" 336 419 337 #: uvcard.sworkpager 420 #: vcard.sworkpager 421 msgctxt "vcard.sworkpager" 338 422 msgid "Work pager" 339 423 msgstr "" 340 424 341 #: uvcard.sworkphone 425 #: vcard.sworkphone 426 msgctxt "vcard.sworkphone" 342 427 msgid "Work phone" 343 428 msgstr "" 344 429 345 #: uvcard.syahoo 430 #: vcard.syahoo 431 msgctxt "vcard.syahoo" 346 432 msgid "Yahoo!" 347 433 msgstr "" 348 434 349 #: uvcard.syoutube 435 #: vcard.syoutube 436 msgctxt "vcard.syoutube" 350 437 msgid "YouTube" 351 438 msgstr "" -
r147 r148 1 unit UQuotedPrintable;1 unit QuotedPrintable; 2 2 3 3 interface … … 15 15 16 16 uses 17 UCommon;17 Common; 18 18 19 19 resourcestring -
r142 r148 39 39 <Files> 40 40 <Item> 41 <Filename Value=" UVCard.pas"/>41 <Filename Value="VCard.pas"/> 42 42 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 43 <UnitName Value=" UVCard"/>43 <UnitName Value="VCard"/> 44 44 </Item> 45 45 <Item> 46 <Filename Value=" UQuotedPrintable.pas"/>47 <UnitName Value=" UQuotedPrintable"/>46 <Filename Value="QuotedPrintable.pas"/> 47 <UnitName Value="QuotedPrintable"/> 48 48 </Item> 49 49 <Item> 50 <Filename Value=" UContactImage.pas"/>50 <Filename Value="ContactImage.pas"/> 51 51 <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/> 52 <UnitName Value="UContactImage"/> 52 <UnitName Value="ContactImage"/> 53 </Item> 54 <Item> 55 <Filename Value="VCardPackage.pas"/> 56 <Type Value="Main Unit"/> 57 <UnitName Value="VCardPackage"/> 53 58 </Item> 54 59 </Files> -
r147 r148 1 unit UVCard;1 unit VCard; 2 2 3 3 interface 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, Dialogs, LazUTF8, Base64, Graphics, UCommon,7 Generics.Collections, Generics.Defaults ;6 Classes, SysUtils, Dialogs, LazUTF8, Base64, Graphics, Common, 7 Generics.Collections, Generics.Defaults, ListViewSort; 8 8 9 9 type … … 261 261 262 262 uses 263 UQuotedPrintable;263 QuotedPrintable; 264 264 265 265 const -
r146 r148 5 5 uses 6 6 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Controls, ActnList, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, 7 ULastOpenedList, UApplicationInfo, UPersistentForm, UScaleDPI, UCommon,8 UTranslator, UDataFile, UVCard, Menus, URegistry, UTheme, UAboutDialog,7 LastOpenedList, ApplicationInfo, PersistentForm, ScaleDPI, Common, 8 Translator, DataFile, VCard, Menus, RegistryEx, Theme, AboutDialog, 9 9 Registry; 10 10 … … 115 115 116 116 uses 117 UFormMain, UFormSettings, UFormContacts, UFormFindDuplicity, UTestCase,117 UFormMain, UFormSettings, UFormContacts, UFormFindDuplicity, TestCase, 118 118 UFormGenerate, UFormError, UFormFind, UFormTest, UFormSource, UFormCompare, 119 119 UTestCases, UVCardFile; … … 453 453 procedure TCore.TranslatorTranslate(Sender: TObject); 454 454 begin 455 UTestCase.Translate;455 TestCase.Translate; 456 456 end; 457 457 -
r146 r148 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, Generics.Collections, UVCard, UTestCase;6 Classes, SysUtils, VCard, TestCase; 7 7 8 8 type -
r146 r148 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, UTest, UTestCase;6 Classes, SysUtils, UTest, TestCase; 7 7 8 8 function InitTestCases: TTestCases; … … 12 12 13 13 uses 14 UVCard;14 VCard; 15 15 16 16 const -
r134 r148 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Classes, SysUtils, UVCard, UDataFile;6 Classes, SysUtils, VCard, DataFile; 7 7 8 8 type
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.