1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class PageFinanceTaxFiling extends Page
4 | {
5 | public int $StartEvidence = 0;
6 |
7 | function __construct(System $System)
8 | {
9 | parent::__construct($System);
10 | $this->Title = 'Daňová evidence';
11 | $this->ParentClass = 'PageFinance';
12 | }
13 |
14 | function GetTimePeriodBalance(int $StartTime, int $EndTime): array
15 | {
16 | $Balance = array();
17 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(`Value`) FROM `FinanceOperation` '.
18 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceOperationGroup` ON `FinanceOperationGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`Group` '.
19 | 'WHERE (`Time` < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime).'") AND (`Time` >= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->StartEvidence).'") AND (`Taxable` = 1) AND (`FinanceOperationGroup`.`ValueSign` = 1)');
20 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
21 | $Balance['Income']['Start'] = $Row[0] + 0;
22 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(Value) FROM FinanceOperation '.
23 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceOperationGroup` ON `FinanceOperationGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`Group` '.
24 | 'WHERE (Time <= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime).'") AND (Time >= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->StartEvidence).'") AND (Taxable = 1) AND (`FinanceOperationGroup`.`ValueSign` = 1)');
25 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
26 | $Balance['Income']['End'] = $Row[0] + 0;
27 |
28 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(Value*ValueSign) FROM FinanceOperation '.
29 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceOperationGroup` ON `FinanceOperationGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`Group` '.
30 | 'WHERE (`Time` < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime).'") AND (`Time` >= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->StartEvidence).'") AND (`Taxable` = 1) AND (`FinanceOperationGroup`.`ValueSign` = -1)');
31 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
32 | $Balance['Spend']['Start'] = $Row[0] + 0;
33 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(Value*ValueSign) FROM FinanceOperation '.
34 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceOperationGroup` ON `FinanceOperationGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`Group` '.
35 | 'WHERE (Time <= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime).'") AND (Time >= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->StartEvidence).'") AND (Taxable = 1) AND (`FinanceOperationGroup`.`ValueSign` = -1)');
36 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
37 | $Balance['Spend']['End'] = $Row[0] + 0;
38 |
39 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(Value*ValueSign) FROM FinanceInvoice '.
40 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Group` '.
41 | 'WHERE (Time < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime).'") AND (Time >= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->StartEvidence).'") AND (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`ValueSign` = 1)');
42 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
43 | $Balance['Claims']['Start'] = $Row[0] + 0;
44 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(Value*ValueSign) FROM FinanceInvoice '.
45 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Group` '.
46 | 'WHERE (Time <= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime).'") AND (Time >= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->StartEvidence).'") AND (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`ValueSign` = 1)');
47 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
48 | $Balance['Claims']['End'] = $Row[0] + 0;
49 |
50 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(Value*ValueSign) FROM FinanceInvoice '.
51 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Group` '.
52 | 'WHERE (Time < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime).'") AND (Time >= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->StartEvidence).'") AND (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`ValueSign` = -1)');
53 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
54 | $Balance['Liabilities']['Start'] = $Row[0] + 0;
55 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(Value*ValueSign) FROM FinanceInvoice '.
56 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Group` '.
57 | 'WHERE (Time <= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime).'") AND (Time >= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->StartEvidence).'") AND (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`ValueSign` = -1)');
58 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
59 | $Balance['Liabilities']['End'] = $Row[0] + 0;
60 |
61 | // SmallAssets
62 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(SellPrice) FROM StockSerialNumber WHERE (TimeEnlistment < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime).'") AND (TimeEnlistment != 0) AND ((TimeElimination > "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime).'") OR (TimeElimination IS NULL))');
63 | //$Output .= $Database->error;
64 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
65 | $Balance['SmallAssets']['Start'] = $Row[0] + 0;
66 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(SellPrice) FROM StockSerialNumber WHERE (TimeEnlistment < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime).'") AND (TimeEnlistment != 0) AND ((TimeElimination > "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime).'") OR (TimeElimination IS NULL))');
67 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
68 | $Balance['SmallAssets']['End'] = $Row[0] + 0;
69 | return $Balance;
70 | }
71 |
72 | function ShowAnnualBalance(): string
73 | {
74 | $Output = '<table style="font-size: smaller;" class="WideTable">';
75 | $Output .= '<tr><th colspan="3">Účetní období</th><th colspan="5">Na konci</th><th colspan="6">Během</th></tr>'.
76 | '<tr><th>Rok</th><th>Od</th><th>Do</th><th>Příjmy</th><th>Výdaje</th><th>Pohledávky</th><th>Závazky</th><th>Drobný majetek</th><th>Příjmy</th><th>Výdaje</th><th>Pohledávky</th><th>Závazky</th><th>Drobný majetek</th><th>Základ daně</th></tr>';
77 |
78 | $this->StartEvidence = mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 2007);
79 | $StartYear = date('Y', $this->StartEvidence);
80 | $EndYear = date('Y', time());
81 | for ($Year = $StartYear; $Year <= $EndYear; $Year++)
82 | {
83 | $EndTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $Year);
84 | //$Year = date('Y', $EndTime);
85 | $StartTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $Year);
86 | if ($StartTime < $this->StartEvidence) $StartTime = $this->StartEvidence;
87 |
88 | $Balance = $this->GetTimePeriodBalance($StartTime, $EndTime);
89 |
90 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$Year.'</td><td>'.date(HumanDate(TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime))).'</td><td>'.date(HumanDate(TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime))).'</td>';
91 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Income']['End']).'</td>';
92 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Spend']['End']).'</td>';
93 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Claims']['End']).'</td>';
94 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Liabilities']['End']).'</td>';
95 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['SmallAssets']['End']).'</td>';
96 |
97 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Income']['End'] - $Balance['Income']['Start']).'</td>';
98 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Spend']['End'] - $Balance['Spend']['Start']).'</td>';
99 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Claims']['End'] - $Balance['Claims']['Start']).'</td>';
100 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Liabilities']['End'] - $Balance['Liabilities']['Start']).'</td>';
101 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['SmallAssets']['End'] - $Balance['SmallAssets']['Start']).'</td>';
102 | $Output .= '<td>'.round(($Balance['Income']['End'] - $Balance['Income']['Start']) - ($Balance['Spend']['End'] - $Balance['Spend']['Start'])).'</td></tr>';
103 | }
104 | $Output .= '</table>';
105 | return $Output;
106 | }
107 |
108 | function ShowMonthlyBalance(): string
109 | {
110 | $Output = '<table class="WideTable" style="font-size: smaller;">';
111 | $Output .= '<tr><th colspan="4">Účetní období</th><th colspan="5">Na konci</th><th colspan="6">Během</th></tr>'.
112 | '<tr><th>Rok</th><th>Měsíc</th></th><th>Od</th><th>Do</th><th>Příjmy</th><th>Výdaje</th><th>Pohledávky</th><th>Závazky</th><th>Drobný majetek</th><th>Příjmy</th><th>Výdaje</th><th>Pohledávky</th><th>Závazky</th><th>Drobný majetek</th><th>Základ daně</th></tr>';
113 |
114 | $this->StartEvidence = mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 2007);
115 | $StartYear = date('Y', $this->StartEvidence);
116 | $EndYear = date('Y', time());
117 | for ($Year = $StartYear; $Year <= $EndYear; $Year++)
118 | {
119 | for ($Month = 1; $Month <= 12; $Month++)
120 | {
121 | $EndTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $Month, 31, $Year);
122 | //$Year = date('Y', $EndTime);
123 | $StartTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $Month, 1, $Year);
124 | if (($StartTime < time()) and ($EndTime > $this->StartEvidence))
125 | {
126 | if ($StartTime < $this->StartEvidence) $StartTime = $this->StartEvidence;
127 |
128 | $Balance = $this->GetTimePeriodBalance($StartTime, $EndTime);
129 |
130 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$Year.'</td><td>'.$Month.'</td><td>'.date(HumanDate(TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime))).'</td><td>'.date(HumanDate(TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime))).'</td>';
131 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Income']['End']).'</td>';
132 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Spend']['End']).'</td>';
133 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Claims']['End']).'</td>';
134 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Liabilities']['End']).'</td>';
135 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['SmallAssets']['End']).'</td>';
136 |
137 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Income']['End'] - $Balance['Income']['Start']).'</td>';
138 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Spend']['End'] - $Balance['Spend']['Start']).'</td>';
139 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Claims']['End'] - $Balance['Claims']['Start']).'</td>';
140 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['Liabilities']['End'] - $Balance['Liabilities']['Start']).'</td>';
141 | $Output .= '<td>'.round($Balance['SmallAssets']['End'] - $Balance['SmallAssets']['Start']).'</td>';
142 | $Output .= '<td>'.round(($Balance['Income']['End'] - $Balance['Income']['Start']) - ($Balance['Spend']['End'] - $Balance['Spend']['Start'])).'</td></tr>';
143 | }
144 | }
145 | }
146 | $Output .= '</table>';
147 | return $Output;
148 | }
149 |
150 | function ShowIncomes(): string
151 | {
152 | $Table = array('Ne', 'Ano');
153 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceYear', '*', 'Id='.$_GET['year']);
154 | $Year = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
155 |
156 | $Total = 0;
157 | $TotalTax = array(0, 0);
158 | $TotalCash = array(0, 0);
159 | $Output = '<strong>Příjmy za rok '.$Year['Year'].'</strong>';
160 | $Output .= '<table style="font-size: smaller;" class="WideTable">';
161 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Čas</th><th>Kód</th><th>Subjekt</th><th>Text</th><th>Hodnota [Kč]</th><th>Daňový</th><th>Hotovost</th></tr>';
162 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `FinanceOperation`.*, `DocumentLineCode`.`Name` AS `BillName`, `Subject`.`Name` AS `Name` FROM `FinanceOperation` '.
163 | 'LEFT JOIN `Subject` ON `Subject`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`Subject` '.
164 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceOperationGroup` ON `FinanceOperationGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`Group` '.
165 | 'LEFT JOIN `DocumentLineCode` ON `DocumentLineCode`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`BillCode` '.
166 | 'WHERE (`ValueSign` = 1) AND (`FinanceOperation`.`Time` >= "'.$Year['DateStart'].'") '.
167 | 'AND (`FinanceOperation`.`Time` <= "'.$Year['DateEnd'].'") ORDER BY `Time`');
168 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
169 | {
170 | $Row['Time'] = explode(' ', $Row['Time']);
171 | $Row['Time'] = $Row['Time'][0];
172 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.HumanDate($Row['Time']).'</td><td>'.$Row['BillName'].
173 | '</td><td>'.$Row['Name'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Text'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Value'].
174 | '</td><td>'.$Table[$Row['Taxable']].'</td><td>'.$Table[$Row['Cash']].'</td></tr>';
175 | $Total += $Row['Value'];
176 | $TotalTax[$Row['Taxable']] += $Row['Value'];
177 | $TotalCash[$Row['Cash']] += $Row['Value'];
178 | }
179 | $Output .= '</table><br/>';
180 | $Output .= '<strong>Souhrn</strong><br/>';
181 | $Output .= 'Celkem: '.$Total.' Kč<br/>';
182 | $Output .= ' Daňové: '.$TotalTax[1].' Kč<br/>';
183 | $Output .= ' Nedaňové: '.$TotalTax[0].' Kč<br/>';
184 | $Output .= ' Hotovostní: '.$TotalCash[1].' Kč<br/>';
185 | $Output .= ' Bezhotovostní: '.$TotalCash[0].' Kč<br/>';
186 | return $Output;
187 | }
188 |
189 | function ShowExpenses(): string
190 | {
191 | $Table = array('Ne', 'Ano');
192 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceYear', '*', 'Id='.$_GET['year']);
193 | $Year = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
194 |
195 | $Total = 0;
196 | $TotalTax = array(0, 0);
197 | $TotalCash = array(0, 0);
198 | $Output = '<strong>Výdaje za rok '.$Year['Year'].'</strong>';
199 | $Output .= '<table style="font-size: smaller;" class="WideTable">';
200 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Čas</th><th>Kód</th><th>Subjekt</th><th>Text</th><th>Hodnota [Kč]</th><th>Daňový</th><th>Hotovost</th></tr>';
201 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `FinanceOperation`.*, `DocumentLineCode`.`Name` AS `BillName`, '.
202 | '`Subject`.`Name` AS `SubjectName`, `FinanceOperationGroup`.`ValueSign` AS `ValueSign` FROM `FinanceOperation` '.
203 | 'LEFT JOIN `Subject` ON `Subject`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`Subject` '.
204 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceOperationGroup` ON `FinanceOperationGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`Group` '.
205 | 'LEFT JOIN `DocumentLineCode` ON `DocumentLineCode`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`BillCode` '.
206 | 'WHERE (`FinanceOperationGroup`.`ValueSign` = -1) AND (`FinanceOperation`.`Time` >= "'.$Year['DateStart'].'") '.
207 | 'AND (`FinanceOperation`.`Time` <= "'.$Year['DateEnd'].'") ORDER BY `Time`');
208 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
209 | {
210 | $Row['Time'] = explode(' ', $Row['Time']);
211 | $Row['Time'] = $Row['Time'][0];
212 | $Row['Value'] = $Row['Value'] * $Row['ValueSign'];
213 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.HumanDate($Row['Time']).'</td><td>'.$Row['BillName'].
214 | '</td><td>'.$Row['SubjectName'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Text'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Value'].
215 | '</td><td>'.$Table[$Row['Taxable']].'</td><td>'.$Table[$Row['Cash']].'</td></tr>';
216 | $Total += $Row['Value'];
217 | $TotalTax[$Row['Taxable']] += $Row['Value'];
218 | $TotalCash[$Row['Cash']] += $Row['Value'];
219 | }
220 | $Output .= '</table><br/>';
221 | $Output .= '<strong>Souhrn</strong><br/>';
222 | $Output .= 'Celkem: '.$Total.' Kč<br/>';
223 | $Output .= ' Daňové: '.$TotalTax[1].' Kč<br/>';
224 | $Output .= ' Nedaňové: '.$TotalTax[0].' Kč<br/>';
225 | $Output .= ' Hotovostní: '.$TotalCash[1].' Kč<br/>';
226 | $Output .= ' Bezhotovostní: '.$TotalCash[0].' Kč<br/>';
227 | return $Output;
228 | }
229 |
230 | function ShowClaims(): string
231 | {
232 | $Table = array('Ne', 'Ano');
233 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceYear', '*', 'Id='.$_GET['year']);
234 | $Year = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
235 |
236 | $Total = 0;
237 | $Output = '<strong>Pohledávky za rok '.$Year['Year'].'</strong>';
238 | $Output .= '<table style="font-size: smaller;" class="WideTable">';
239 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Čas vystavení</th><th>Kód</th><th>Subjekt</th><th>Text</th><th>Hodnota [Kč]</th></tr>';
240 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `FinanceInvoice`.*, '.
241 | '`DocumentLineCode`.`Name` AS `BillName`, `Subject`.`Name` AS `SubjectName`, '.
242 | '(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`Description` SEPARATOR ",") '.
243 | 'FROM `FinanceInvoiceItem` WHERE `FinanceInvoiceItem`.`FinanceInvoice` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Id`) AS `Text` FROM `FinanceInvoice`'.
244 | 'LEFT JOIN `Subject` ON `Subject`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Subject` '.
245 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Group` '.
246 | 'LEFT JOIN `DocumentLineCode` ON `DocumentLineCode`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`BillCode` '.
247 | 'WHERE (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`ValueSign` = 1) AND (`FinanceInvoice`.`Time` >= "'.$Year['DateStart'].
248 | '") AND (`FinanceInvoice`.`Time` <= "'.$Year['DateEnd'].'") ORDER BY `Time`');
249 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
250 | {
251 | if ($Row['TimePayment'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') $Row['TimePayment'] = ' ';
252 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.HumanDate($Row['Time']).'</td><td>'.$Row['BillName'].
253 | '</td><td>'.$Row['SubjectName'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Text'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Value'].'</td></tr>';
254 | $Total += $Row['Value'];
255 | }
256 | $Output .= '</table><br/>';
257 | $Output .= 'Celkem: '.$Total.' Kč<br/>';
258 | return $Output;
259 | }
260 |
261 | function ShowLiabilities(): string
262 | {
263 | $Table = array('Ne', 'Ano');
264 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceYear', '*', 'Id='.$_GET['year']);
265 | $Year = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
266 |
267 | $Total = 0;
268 | $Output = '<strong>Závazky za rok '.$Year['Year'].'</strong>';
269 | $Output .= '<table style="font-size: smaller;" class="WideTable">';
270 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Čas vystavení</th><th>Kód</th><th>Subjekt</th><th>Text</th><th>Hodnota [Kč]</th></tr>';
271 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT *, `DocumentLineCode`.`Name` AS `BillName`, `Subject`.`Name` AS `SubjectName`, '.
272 | '(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Description SEPARATOR ",") '.
273 | 'FROM `FinanceInvoiceItem` WHERE `FinanceInvoiceItem`.`FinanceInvoice` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Id`) AS `Text` '.
274 | 'FROM `FinanceInvoice` '.
275 | 'LEFT JOIN `Subject` ON `Subject`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Subject` '.
276 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Group` '.
277 | 'LEFT JOIN `DocumentLineCode` ON `DocumentLineCode`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`BillCode` '.
278 | 'WHERE (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`ValueSign` = -1) AND (`FinanceInvoice`.`Time` >= "'.$Year['DateStart'].
279 | '") AND (FinanceInvoice.Time <= "'.$Year['DateEnd'].'") ORDER BY Time');
280 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
281 | {
282 | if ($Row['TimePayment'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') $Row['TimePayment'] = ' ';
283 | $Row['Value'] = $Row['Value'] * $Row['ValueSign'];
284 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.HumanDate($Row['Time']).'</td><td>'.$Row['BillName'].
285 | '</td><td>'.$Row['SubjectName'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Text'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Value'].'</td></tr>';
286 | $Total += $Row['Value'];
287 | }
288 | $Output .= '</table><br/>';
289 | $Output .= 'Celkem: '.$Total.' Kč<br/>';
290 | return $Output;
291 | }
292 |
293 | function ShowSubjectList(): string
294 | {
295 | $Output = '<strong>Seznam subjektů</strong>';
296 | $Output .= '<table style="font-size: smaller;" class="WideTable">';
297 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Jméno</th><th>Závazky [Kč]</th><th>Pohledávky [Kč]</th><th>Příjmy [Kč]</th><th>Výdaje [Kč]</th><th>Stav účtu</th><th>Starý systém</th></tr>';
298 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Id, Name, 0 AS Cash, '.
299 | '(SELECT SUM(T1.Value) FROM FinanceInvoice AS T1 '.
300 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `T1`.`Group` '.
301 | 'WHERE (T1.Subject = Subject.Id) AND (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.ValueSign = 1)) AS `Claims`, '.
302 | '(SELECT SUM(T2.Value) FROM FinanceInvoice AS T2 '.
303 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `T2`.`Group` '.
304 | 'WHERE (T2.Subject = Subject.Id) AND (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`ValueSign` = 1) AND (TimePayment IS NULL)) AS `OpenedClaims`, '.
305 | '(SELECT -SUM(T3.Value) FROM FinanceInvoice AS T3 '.
306 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `T3`.`Group` '.
307 | 'WHERE (T3.Subject = Subject.Id) AND (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`ValueSign` = -1)) AS `Liabilities`, '.
308 | '(SELECT -SUM(T4.Value) FROM FinanceInvoice AS T4 '.
309 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceInvoiceGroup` ON `FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`Id` = `T4`.`Group` '.
310 | 'WHERE (T4.Subject = Subject.Id) AND (`FinanceInvoiceGroup`.`ValueSign` = -1) AND (`TimePayment` IS NULL)) AS `OpenedLiabilities`, '.
311 | '(SELECT SUM(T5.Value) FROM FinanceOperation AS T5 '.
312 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceOperationGroup` ON `FinanceOperationGroup`.`Id` = `T5`.`Group` '.
313 | 'WHERE (T5.Subject = Subject.Id) AND (`FinanceOperationGroup`.`ValueSign` = 1)) AS `Gains`, '.
314 | '(SELECT SUM(T6.Value) FROM FinanceOperation AS T6 '.
315 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceOperationGroup` ON `FinanceOperationGroup`.`Id` = `T6`.`Group` '.
316 | 'WHERE (T6.Subject = Subject.Id) AND (`FinanceOperationGroup`.`ValueSign` = -1)) AS `Spends` '.
317 | 'FROM Subject ORDER BY Name');
318 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
319 | {
320 | $Output .= '<tr><td style="text-align: left;"><a href="?table=SubjectAccount&Id='.$Row['Id'].'">'.$Row['Name'].'</a></td><td>'.$Row['Liabilities'].' / '.$Row['OpenedLiabilities'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Claims'].' / '.$Row['OpenedClaims'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Gains'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Spends'].'</td><td>'.($Row['Gains'] - $Row['Spends'] - $Row['Claims'] + $Row['Liabilities']).'</td><td>'.$Row['Cash'].'</td></tr>';
321 | }
322 | $Output .= '</table>';
323 | return $Output;
324 | }
325 |
326 | function ShowSmallAssets(): string
327 | {
328 | $Output = '<strong>Drobný majetek</strong>';
329 | $Output .= '<table style="font-size: smaller;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">';
330 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Název</th><th>Hodnota [Kč]</th><th>Datum zakoupení</th><th>Datum vyřezení</th></tr>';
331 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Product.Name AS Name, StockSerialNumber.SellPrice AS Price, StockSerialNumber.TimeEnlistment AS TimeEnlistment, StockSerialNumber.TimeElimination AS TimeElimination '.
332 | 'FROM StockSerialNumber JOIN Product ON Product.Id = StockSerialNumber.Product '.
333 | 'WHERE (TimeElimination IS NOT NULL)');
334 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
335 | {
336 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$Row['Name'].'</td><td>'.$Row['Price'].'</td><td>'.$Row['TimeEnlistment'].'</td><td>'.$Row['TimeElimination'].'</td></tr>';
337 | }
338 | $Output .= '</table>';
339 | return $Output;
340 | }
341 |
342 | function ShowSubjectAccount(): string
343 | {
344 | $Finance = &ModuleFinance::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Finance'))->Finance;
345 |
346 | $Output = '<table style="width: 100%"><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">';
347 | $Output .= '<strong>Výpis příjmů/výdajů</strong>';
348 | $Output .= '<table style="font-size: smaller;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">';
349 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Datum</th><th>Název</th><th>Hodnota [Kč]</th><th>Doklad</th></tr>';
350 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `FinanceOperation`.*, `DocumentLineCode`.`Name` AS `BillName` '.
351 | 'FROM `FinanceOperation` '.
352 | 'LEFT JOIN `DocumentLineCode` ON `DocumentLineCode`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`BillCode` '.
353 | 'LEFT JOIN `FinanceOperationGroup` ON `FinanceOperationGroup`.`Id` = `FinanceOperation`.`Group` '.
354 | 'WHERE `Subject`='.$_GET['Id'].' ORDER BY `Time`');
355 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
356 | {
357 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.HumanDate($Row['Time']).'</td><td>'.$Row['Text'].
358 | '</td><td>'.$Row['Value'].'</td><td>'.$Row['BillName'].'</td></tr>';
359 | }
360 | $Output .= '</table></td><td style="vertical-align: top;">';
361 |
362 | $Output .= '<strong>Výpis závazků/pohledávek</strong>';
363 | $Output .= '<table style="font-size: smaller;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">';
364 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Datum vytvoření</th><th>Datum zaplacení</th><th>Název</th><th>Hodnota [Kč]</th><th>Doklad</th></tr>';
365 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `FinanceInvoice`.*, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Description SEPARATOR ",") '.
366 | 'FROM FinanceInvoiceItem WHERE `FinanceInvoiceItem`.`FinanceInvoice` = `FinanceInvoice`.`Id`) AS `Text`, `DocumentLineCode`.`Name` AS `BillName` '.
367 | 'FROM `FinanceInvoice` '.
368 | 'LEFT JOIN `DocumentLineCode` ON `DocumentLineCode`.`Id` = `FinanceInvoice`.`BillCode` '.
369 | 'WHERE `Subject`='.$_GET['Id'].' ORDER BY `Time`');
370 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
371 | {
372 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.HumanDate($Row['Time']).'</td><td>'.HumanDate($Row['TimePayment']).
373 | '</td><td>'.$Row['Text'].'</td><td>'.round($Row['Value'], $Finance->Rounding).'</td><td>'.$Row['BillName'].'</td></tr>';
374 | }
375 | $Output .= '</table></td></tr></table>';
376 |
377 | /*$Output .= '<strong>Výpis záloh</strong>';
378 | $Output .= '<table style="font-size: smaller;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">';
379 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Datum vytvoření</th><th>Datum zaplacení</th><th>Název</th><th>Hodnota [Kč]</th></tr>';
380 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceAdvances', '*', 'Subject='.$_GET['Id']);
381 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
382 | {
383 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$Row['Time'].'</td><td>'.$Row['TimePass'].'</td><td>'.$Row['ValueSign'].'</td><td>'.($Row['Value']).'</td><td>'.$Row['CashFlowId'].'</td></tr>';
384 | }
385 | $Output .= '</table>';*/
386 |
387 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Id, 0 AS Cash, (SELECT SUM(FinanceInvoice.Value * FinanceInvoice.ValueSign) '.
388 | 'FROM FinanceInvoice WHERE (FinanceInvoice.Subject = Subject.Id) AND '.
389 | '(FinanceInvoice.ValueSign = 1)) as Claims, (SELECT SUM(FinanceInvoice.Value * FinanceInvoice.ValueSign) '.
390 | 'FROM FinanceInvoice WHERE (FinanceInvoice.Subject = Subject.Id) AND ('.
391 | 'FinanceInvoice.ValueSign = 1) AND (TimePayment IS NULL)) as OpenedClaims, '.
392 | '(SELECT SUM(FinanceInvoice.Value * FinanceInvoice.ValueSign) FROM FinanceInvoice '.
393 | 'WHERE (FinanceInvoice.Subject = Subject.Id) AND (FinanceInvoice.ValueSign = -1)) AS '.
394 | 'Liabilities, (SELECT SUM(FinanceInvoice.Value) FROM FinanceInvoice '.
395 | 'WHERE (FinanceInvoice.Subject = Subject.Id) AND (FinanceInvoice.ValueSign = -1) '.
396 | 'AND (TimePayment IS NULL)) AS OpenedLiabilities, '.
397 | '(SELECT SUM(FinanceOperation.Value*FinanceOperation.ValueSign) '.
398 | 'FROM FinanceOperation WHERE FinanceOperation.Subject = Subject.Id AND FinanceOperation.ValueSign = 1) '.
399 | 'AS Gains, (SELECT SUM(FinanceOperation.Value*FinanceOperation.ValueSign) FROM FinanceOperation WHERE '.
400 | 'FinanceOperation.Subject = Subject.Id AND FinanceOperation.ValueSign = -1) as Spends '.
401 | 'FROM Subject WHERE Id='.$_GET['Id']);
402 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
403 | $Output .= 'Stav placení: '.(-$Row['OpenedClaims'] + Abs($Row['OpenedLiabilities']));
404 | return $Output;
405 | }
406 |
407 | function ShowDefault(): string
408 | {
409 | $Output = '<strong>Celkové přehledy</strong><br/>';
410 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=AnnualBalance">Účetní závěrka</a><br />';
411 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=MonthlyBalance">Měsíční přehledy</a><br />';
412 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=SubjectList">Seznam subjektů</a><br />';
413 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=SmallAssets">Drobný majetek</a><br />';
414 | $Output .= '<br/>';
415 | $Output .= '<strong>Roční přehledy</strong><br/>';
416 | $Output .= $this->ShowFinanceYears();
417 | if (array_key_exists('year', $_GET))
418 | {
419 | $Year = $_GET['year'] * 1;
420 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=Incomes&year='.$Year.'">Příjmy</a><br />';
421 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=Expenses&year='.$Year.'">Výdaje</a><br />';
422 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=Claims&year='.$Year.'">Pohledávky</a><br />';
423 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=Liabilities&year='.$Year.'">Závazky</a><br />';
424 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=Advantages&year='.$Year.'">Zálohy</a><br />';
425 | $Output .= '<a href="?table=YearReport&year='.$Year.'">Souhrný přehled</a><br />';
426 | }
427 | return $Output;
428 | }
429 |
430 | function Show(): string
431 | {
432 | if (!ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('Finance', 'TradingStatus'))
433 | return 'Nemáte oprávnění';
434 |
435 | $Output = '';
436 | if (!array_key_exists('table', $_GET)) $_GET['table'] = '';
437 | switch ($_GET['table'])
438 | {
439 | case 'AnnualBalance':
440 | $Output = $this->ShowAnnualBalance();
441 | break;
442 | case 'MonthlyBalance':
443 | $Output = $this->ShowMonthlyBalance();
444 | break;
445 | case 'YearReport':
446 | $Output .= $this->ShowIncomes().'<hr>';
447 | $Output .= $this->ShowExpenses().'<hr>';
448 | $Output .= $this->ShowClaims().'<hr>';
449 | $Output .= $this->ShowLiabilities().'<hr>';
450 | break;
451 | case 'Incomes':
452 | $Output = $this->ShowIncomes();
453 | break;
454 | case 'Expenses':
455 | $Output = $this->ShowExpenses();
456 | break;
457 | case 'Claims':
458 | $Output = $this->ShowClaims();
459 | break;
460 | case 'Liabilities':
461 | $Output = $this->ShowLiabilities();
462 | break;
463 | case 'SubjectList':
464 | $Output = $this->ShowSubjectList();
465 | break;
466 | case 'SmallAssets':
467 | $Output = $this->ShowSmallAssets();
468 | break;
469 | case 'SubjectAccount':
470 | $Output = $this->ShowSubjectAccount();
471 | break;
472 | case 'PrintMonthOperations':
473 | $Output .= '<table><tr><th>Datum</th><th>Subjekt</th><td></td></tr></table>';
474 | break;
475 | case 'PrintMonthOperations':
476 | $Output .= 'Výpis operací od '.$_GET['TimeFrom'].' do '.$_GET['TimeTo'];
477 | $Output .= '<table><tr><th>Datum</th><th>Subjekt</th><th>Suma [Kč]</th><td></td></tr></table>';
478 | break;
479 | default:
480 | $Output = $this->ShowDefault();
481 | }
482 | return $Output;
483 | }
484 |
485 | function ShowFinanceYears(): string
486 | {
487 | $Output = 'Roky: ';
488 | $DbRows = $this->Database->select('FinanceYear', '*');
489 | while ($DbRow = $DbRows->fetch_assoc())
490 | $Output .= '<a href="?year='.$DbRow['Id'].'">'.$DbRow['Year'].'</a> ';
491 | $Output .= '<br/>';
492 | return $Output;
493 | }
494 |
495 | function AddMoney($Subject, $Value, $Text, $Time)
496 | {
497 | $TimeDue = $Time + 15 * 24 * 3600; // 15 dnů
498 | }
499 |
500 | function AddInvoice($Subject, $Value, $Text, $Time)
501 | {
502 | $TimeDue = $Time + 15 * 24 * 3600; // 15 dnů
503 | }
504 | }