source: trunk/Modules/Finance/Import.php

Last change on this file was 968, checked in by chronos, 9 months ago
  • Modified: Improved content of email with finance account state.
  • Added: Customer IS action to generate finance email into email queue.
File size: 5.8 KB
3class PageFinanceImportPayment extends Page
5 function __construct(System $System)
6 {
7 parent::__construct($System);
8 $this->Title = 'Import plateb';
9 $this->ParentClass = 'PageFinance';
10 }
12 function Show(): string
13 {
14 if (!ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('Finance', 'SubjectList')) return 'Nemáte oprávnění';
15 if (array_key_exists('Operation', $_GET))
16 {
17 if ($_GET['Operation'] == 'prepare') return $this->Prepare();
18 else if ($_GET['Operation'] == 'insert') return $this->Insert();
19 else echo('Neplatná akce');
20 } else
21 {
22 $Output = 'Vložte CSV data z SYLK exportu Poštovní spořitelny';
23 $Output .= '<form action="?Operation=prepare" method="post">';
24 $Output .= '<textarea name="Source" cols="80" rows="20"></textarea><br/>';
25 $Output .= '<input type="submit" value="Analyzovat"/>';
26 $Output .= '</form>';
27 return $Output;
28 }
29 }
31 function Prepare(): string
32 {
33 $Finance = &ModuleFinance::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Finance'))->Finance;
34 $Finance->LoadMonthParameters(0);
35 $Data = explode("\n", $_POST['Source']);
36 foreach ($Data as $Key => $Value)
37 {
38 $Value = str_replace('\"', '"', $Value);
39 $Data[$Key] = str_getcsv($Value, ',', '"', "\\");
40 foreach ($Data[$Key] as $Key2 => $Value2)
41 {
42 if (substr($Data[$Key][$Key2], 0, 2) == '\"')
43 $Data[$Key][$Key2] = substr($Data[$Key][$Key2], 2, -2);
44 }
45 }
46 $Header = array(
47 0 => 'datum zaúčtování',
48 1 => 'částka',
49 2 => 'měna',
50 3 => 'zůstatek',
51 4 => 'konstantní symbol',
52 5 => 'variabilní symbol',
53 6 => 'specifický symbol',
54 7 => 'označení operace',
55 8 => 'název protiúčtu',
56 9 => 'protiúčet',
57 10 => 'poznámka',
58 11 => '',
59 );
61 if ($Header != $Data[0]) {
62 $Output = 'Nekompatibilní struktura CSV';
63 print_r($Header);
64 print_r($Data[0]);
65 }
66 else
67 {
68 array_shift($Data);
69 $Automatic = '';
70 $Output = '<form action="?Operation=insert" method="post">';
71 $I = 0;
72 foreach ($Data as $Key => $Value)
73 {
74 if (count($Value) <= 1) continue;
75 if ($Value[9] == '') $Value[5] = 128; // Žádný účet => Poštovní spořitelna
76 $Time = explode('.', $Value[0]);
77 $Time = $Time[2].'-'.$Time[1].'-'.$Time[0];
78 $Money = $Value[1];
79 if (is_numeric($Value[5]))
80 {
81 $Subject = $Value[5] * 1;
82 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Id FROM Subject WHERE Id='.$this->Database->real_escape_string($Subject));
83 if ($DbResult->num_rows == 0) $Subject = '? ('.($Value[5] * 1).')';
84 } else
85 {
86 $Subject = '? ('.$Value[5].')';
87 }
88 if (!is_numeric($Subject))
89 {
90 $Mode = 'Ručně';
91 $Style = 'style="background-color: LightPink;" ';
92 } else
93 {
94 $Mode = 'Automaticky';
95 $Style = '';
96 }
98 if ($Money < 0) $Text = 'Platba převodem';
99 else $Text = 'Přijatá platba';
100 $Automatic .= '<tr>'.
101 //'<td>'.$Mode.'</td>'.
102 '<td><input type="text" name="Date'.$I.'" value="'.$Time.'"/></td>'.
103 '<td><input type="text" '.$Style.'name="Subject'.$I.'" value="'.$Subject.'"/></td>'.
104 '<td>'.$Value[8].'</td>'.
105 '<td><input type="text" name="Money'.$I.'" value="'.$Money.'"/></td>'.
106 '<td><input type="text" name="Text'.$I.'" value="'.$Text.'"/></td>'.
107 '<td><input type="text" name="Taxable'.$I.'" value="1"/></td>'.
108 '<td><input type="text" name="Network'.$I.'" value="1"/></td>'.
109 '</tr><tr><td colspan="7">'.implode(', ', $Value).'</td></tr>';
110 $I++;
111 }
112 $Output .= '<table class="WideTable">'.
113 '<tr>'.
114 //'<th>Zpracování</th>'.
115 '<th>Datum</th><th>Var. symbol</th><th>Protiúčet</th><th>Částka [Kč]</th><th>Text</th><th>Zdanitelné</th><th>Síť</th></tr>';
116 $Output .= $Automatic.'</table>';
117 $Output .= '<input type="hidden" name="ItemCount" value="'.$I.'"/>';
118 $Output .= '<input type="submit" value="Zpracovat"/></form>';
119 }
120 return $Output;
121 }
123 function InsertMoney(string $Subject, string $Value, string $Cash, string $Taxable, string $Time, string $Text, array $Group): void
124 {
125 $Year = date('Y', $Time);
126 $BillCode = ModuleDocument::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Document'))->GetNextDocumentLineNumberId($Group['DocumentLine'], $Year);
127 // TODO: Fixed BankAccount=1, allow to select bank account for import
128 $this->Database->insert('FinanceOperation', array('Text' => $Text,
129 'Subject' => $Subject, 'Cash' => $Cash, 'ValueUser' => $Value, 'Value' => $Value * $Group['ValueSign'],
130 'Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time), 'Taxable' => $Taxable, 'BillCode' => $BillCode,
131 'BankAccount' => 1, 'Group' => $Group['Id']));
132 // TODO: Update Value
133 }
135 function Insert(): string
136 {
137 $Finance = &ModuleFinance::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Finance'))->Finance;
138 $Finance->LoadMonthParameters(0);
139 $Output = '';
141 for ($I = $_POST['ItemCount'] - 1; $I >= 0 ; $I--)
142 {
143 if ($_POST['Money'.$I] < 0)
144 {
145 $FinanceGroup = $Finance->GetFinanceGroupById(OPERATION_GROUP_ACCOUNT_OUT, 'FinanceOperationGroup');
146 } else
147 {
148 $FinanceGroup = $Finance->GetFinanceGroupById(OPERATION_GROUP_ACCOUNT_OUT, 'FinanceOperationGroup');
149 }
150 $Date = explode('-', $_POST['Date'.$I]);
151 $Date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $Date[1], $Date[2], $Date[0]);
152 $this->InsertMoney($_POST['Subject'.$I], Abs($_POST['Money'.$I]),
153 0, $_POST['Taxable'.$I], $Date, $_POST['Text'.$I], $FinanceGroup);
154 $Output .= $I.', ';
155 ModuleLog::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Log'))->NewRecord('Finance', 'NewPaymentInserted');
156 }
157 return $Output;
158 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.