1 | <?php
2 |
3 | define('IPV4_BIT_WIDTH', 32);
4 |
5 | class NetworkAddressIPv4
6 | {
7 | public int $Address;
8 | public int $Prefix;
9 |
10 | function __construct()
11 | {
12 | $this->Address = 0;
13 | $this->Prefix = 0;
14 | }
15 |
16 | function GetNetMask(): int
17 | {
18 | return ((1 << IPV4_BIT_WIDTH) - 1) ^ ((1 << (IPV4_BIT_WIDTH - $this->Prefix)) - 1);
19 | }
20 |
21 | function AddressToString(): string
22 | {
23 | return implode('.', array(($this->Address >> 24) & 255, ($this->Address >> 16) & 255, ($this->Address >> 8) & 255, ($this->Address & 255)));
24 | }
25 |
26 | function AddressFromString(string $Value): void
27 | {
28 | $Parts = explode('.', $Value);
29 | $this->Address = ($Parts[0] << 24) | ($Parts[1] << 16) | ($Parts[2] << 8) | $Parts[3];
30 | }
31 |
32 | function GetRange(): array
33 | {
34 | $From = new NetworkAddressIPv4();
35 | $From->Address = $this->Address;
36 | $From->Prefix = IPV4_BIT_WIDTH;
37 | $HostMask = 0xffffffff ^ $this->GetNetMask();
38 | $To = new NetworkAddressIPv4();
39 | $To->Address = $From->Address + $HostMask;
40 | $To->Prefix = IPV4_BIT_WIDTH;
41 | return array('From' => $From, 'To' => $To);
42 | }
43 |
44 | function ChangePrefix(int $NewPrefix): void
45 | {
46 | $this->Prefix = $NewPrefix;
47 | if ($this->Prefix > IPV4_BIT_WIDTH) $this->Prefix = IPV4_BIT_WIDTH;
48 | if ($this->Prefix < 0) $this->Prefix = 0;
49 | $this->Address = $this->Address & $this->GetNetMask();
50 | }
51 |
52 | function Contain(NetworkAddressIPv4 $Address): bool
53 | {
54 | $UpperNetmask = $this->GetNetMask();
55 | if (($this->Prefix < $Address->Prefix) and (($Address->Address & $UpperNetmask) == ($this->Address & $UpperNetmask))) $Result = true;
56 | else $Result = false;
57 | return $Result;
58 | }
59 | }
60 |
61 | define('IPV6_BIT_WIDTH', 128);
62 |
63 | class NetworkAddressIPv6
64 | {
65 | public string $Address;
66 | public int $Prefix;
67 |
68 | function __construct()
69 | {
70 | $this->Address = 0;
71 | $this->Prefix = 0;
72 | }
73 |
74 | function GetNetMask(): string
75 | {
76 | return Int128Xor(Int128Sub(Int128Shl(IntToInt128(1), IntToInt128(IPV6_BIT_WIDTH)), IntToInt128(1)),
77 | Int128Sub(Int128Shl(IntToInt128(1), IntToInt128(IPV6_BIT_WIDTH - $this->Prefix)), IntToInt128(1)));
78 | }
79 |
80 | function AddressToString(): string
81 | {
82 | return inet_ntop($this->Address);
83 | }
84 |
85 | function AddressFromString(string $Value)
86 | {
87 | $this->Address = inet_pton($Value);
88 | }
89 |
90 | function ChangePrefix(int $NewPrefix): void
91 | {
92 | $this->Prefix = $NewPrefix;
93 | if ($this->Prefix > IPV6_BIT_WIDTH) $this->Prefix = IPV6_BIT_WIDTH;
94 | if ($this->Prefix < 0) $this->Prefix = 0;
95 | $this->Address = Int128And($this->Address, $this->GetNetMask());
96 | }
97 |
98 | function GetOctets(): array
99 | {
100 | $Result = array();
101 | $Data = array_reverse(unpack('C*', $this->Address));
102 | foreach ($Data as $Item)
103 | {
104 |
105 | $Result[] = dechex($Item & 15);
106 | $Result[] = dechex(($Item >> 4) & 15);
107 | }
108 | return $Result;
109 | }
110 |
111 | function EncodeMAC(string $MAC): void
112 | {
113 | $MAC = explode(':', $MAC);
114 | $Data = unpack('C*', $this->Address);
115 | $Data[9] = hexdec($MAC[0]) ^ 0x02;
116 | $Data[10] = hexdec($MAC[1]);
117 | $Data[11] = hexdec($MAC[2]);
118 | $Data[12] = 0xff;
119 | $Data[13] = 0xfe;
120 | $Data[14] = hexdec($MAC[3]);
121 | $Data[15] = hexdec($MAC[4]);
122 | $Data[16] = hexdec($MAC[5]);
123 | $this->Address = pack_array('C*', $Data);
124 | }
125 |
126 | function Contain(NetworkAddressIPv6 $Address): bool
127 | {
128 | $UpperNetmask = $this->GetNetMask();
129 | if (($this->Prefix < $Address->Prefix) and ((Int128Equal(Int128And($Address->Address, $UpperNetmask), Int128And($this->Address, $UpperNetmask))))) $Result = true;
130 | else $Result = false;
131 | return $Result;
132 | }
133 | }