1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class ModuleModuleManager extends Module
4 | {
5 | public UpdateManager $UpdateManager;
6 |
7 | function __construct(System $System)
8 | {
9 | parent::__construct($System);
10 | $this->Name = 'ModuleManager';
11 | $this->Version = '1.0';
12 | $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
13 | $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
14 | $this->Description = 'User interface for module management.';
15 | $this->Dependencies = array(ModuleSetup::GetName());
16 | $this->Revision = 1;
17 | $this->Type = ModuleType::System;
18 | $this->Models = array(ModelField::GetClassName(), ModuleDependency::GetClassName());
19 | }
20 |
21 | function DoStart(): void
22 | {
23 | $this->Manager->OnInstallModel = array($this, 'InstallModel');
24 | $this->Manager->OnUninstallModel = array($this, 'UninstallModel');
25 | $this->Manager->OnInstallModule = array($this, 'InstallModule');
26 | $this->Manager->OnUninstallModule = array($this, 'UninstallModule');
27 |
28 | Core::Cast($this->System)->RegisterPage(['modules'], 'PageModules');
29 | //$this->Manager->OnModuleChange = array($this, 'ModuleChange');
30 | //$this->LoadFromDatabase();
31 |
32 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('Module', array(
33 | 'Title' => 'Moduly',
34 | 'Table' => 'Module',
35 | 'Items' => array(
36 | 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Systémové jméno', 'Default' => ''),
37 | 'Title' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Název', 'Default' => ''),
38 | 'Description' => array('Type' => 'Text', 'Caption' => 'Popis', 'Default' => ''),
39 | 'Version' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Verze', 'Default' => ''),
40 | 'License' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Licence', 'Default' => ''),
41 | 'Creator' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Tvůrce', 'Default' => ''),
42 | 'HomePage' => array('Type' => 'Hyperlink', 'Caption' => 'Domovské stránky', 'Default' => ''),
43 | 'Installed' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Instalováno', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
44 | 'Models' => array('Type' => 'TModelListModule', 'Caption' => 'Modely', 'Default' => ''),
45 | 'Links' => array('Type' => 'TModuleLinkListModule', 'Caption' => 'Vazby', 'Default' => ''),
46 | ),
47 | 'Actions' => array(
48 | array('Caption' => 'Aktualizovat z disku', 'URL' => '/module/?A=SaveToDb'),
49 | ),
50 | ));
51 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TModule', array(
52 | 'Type' => 'Reference',
53 | 'Table' => 'Module',
54 | 'Id' => 'Id',
55 | 'Name' => 'Title',
56 | 'Filter' => '1',
57 | ));
58 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TModelListModule', array(
59 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
60 | 'Table' => 'Model',
61 | 'Id' => 'Id',
62 | 'Ref' => 'Module',
63 | 'Filter' => '1',
64 | ));
65 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('Model', array(
66 | 'Title' => 'Modely',
67 | 'Table' => 'Model',
68 | 'Items' => array(
69 | 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Systémové jméno', 'Default' => ''),
70 | 'Title' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Název', 'Default' => ''),
71 | 'Module' => array('Type' => 'TModule', 'Caption' => 'Module', 'Default' => ''),
72 | 'Query' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'SQL dotaz', 'Default' => ''),
73 | 'DefaultSortColumn' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Výchozí sloupce řazení', 'Default' => ''),
74 | 'DefaultSortOrder' => array('Type' => 'Text', 'Caption' => 'Výchozí směr řazení', 'Default' => ''),
75 | 'Fields' => array('Type' => 'TModelFieldListModel', 'Caption' => 'Pole', 'Default' => ''),
76 | ),
77 | ));
78 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TModel', array(
79 | 'Type' => 'Reference',
80 | 'Table' => 'Model',
81 | 'Id' => 'Id',
82 | 'Name' => 'Title',
83 | 'Filter' => '1',
84 | ));
85 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TModelFieldListModel', array(
86 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
87 | 'Table' => 'ModelField',
88 | 'Id' => 'Id',
89 | 'Ref' => 'Model',
90 | 'Filter' => '1',
91 | ));
92 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('ModelField', array(
93 | 'Title' => 'Pole modelu',
94 | 'Table' => 'ModelField',
95 | 'Items' => array(
96 | 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Systémové jméno', 'Default' => ''),
97 | 'Title' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Název', 'Default' => ''),
98 | 'Model' => array('Type' => 'TModel', 'Caption' => 'Model', 'Default' => ''),
99 | 'Query' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'SQL dotaz', 'Default' => ''),
100 | 'Type' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Typ', 'Default' => ''),
101 | 'DefaultValue' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Výchozí hodnota', 'Default' => ''),
102 | 'IsNull' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Také nulová hodnota', 'Default' => ''),
103 | 'Suffix' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Text za', 'Default' => ''),
104 | ),
105 | ));
106 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TModuleLink', array(
107 | 'Type' => 'Reference',
108 | 'Table' => 'ModuleLink',
109 | 'Id' => 'Id',
110 | 'Name' => 'Module',
111 | 'Filter' => '1',
112 | ));
113 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TModuleLinkListModule', array(
114 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
115 | 'Table' => 'ModuleLink',
116 | 'Id' => 'Id',
117 | 'Ref' => 'Module',
118 | 'Filter' => '1',
119 | ));
120 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('ModuleLink', array(
121 | 'Title' => 'Vazby modulu',
122 | 'Table' => 'ModuleLink',
123 | 'Items' => array(
124 | 'Module' => array('Type' => 'TModule', 'Caption' => 'Modul', 'Default' => ''),
125 | 'LinkedModule' => array('Type' => 'TModule', 'Caption' => 'Vázaný modul', 'Default' => ''),
126 | 'Type' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Typ vazby', 'Default' => ''),
127 | ),
128 | ));
129 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TModule', array(
130 | 'Type' => 'Reference',
131 | 'Table' => 'Module',
132 | 'Id' => 'Id',
133 | 'Name' => 'Name',
134 | 'Filter' => '1',
135 | ));
136 | }
137 |
138 | function DoStop(): void
139 | {
140 | Core::Cast($this->System)->UnregisterPage(['modules']);
141 | }
142 |
143 | function DoBeforeInstall(): void
144 | {
145 | $this->AddModelDatabase(Module::GetModelDesc());
146 | $this->Manager->OnInstallModule = array($this, 'InstallModule');
147 | $this->Manager->OnUninstallModule = array($this, 'UninstallModule');
148 | $this->AddModelDatabase(Model::GetModelDesc());
149 | $this->Manager->OnInstallModel = array($this, 'InstallModel');
150 | $this->Manager->OnUninstallModel = array($this, 'UninstallModel');
151 | }
152 |
153 | function DoAfterUninstall(): void
154 | {
155 | $this->Manager->OnInstallModel = null;
156 | $this->Manager->OnUninstallModel = null;
157 | $this->RemoveModelDatabase(Model::GetModelDesc());
158 | $this->Manager->OnInstallModule = null;
159 | $this->Manager->OnUninstallModule = null;
160 | $this->RemoveModelDatabase(Module::GetModelDesc());
161 | }
162 |
163 | function DoInstall(): void
164 | {
165 | $this->InstallModel(Module::GetModelDesc(), $this->System->GetModule($this::GetName()));
166 | $this->InstallModel(Model::GetModelDesc(), $this->System->GetModule($this::GetName()));
167 | }
168 |
169 | function AddModelDatabase(ModelDesc $ModelDesc)
170 | {
171 | $Query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".$ModelDesc->Name."` (\n";
172 | $Query .= ' `'.$ModelDesc->PrimaryKey.'` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,'."\n";
173 | foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
174 | {
175 | $Query .= " `".$Column->Name."` ";
176 | if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Integer) $Query .= 'int(11)';
177 | else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::String) $Query .= 'varchar(255)';
178 | else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Float) $Query .= 'varchar(255)';
179 | else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Text) $Query .= 'text';
180 | else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::DateTime) $Query .= 'datetime';
181 | else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference) $Query .= 'int(11)';
182 | else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Boolean) $Query .= 'tinyint(1)';
183 | else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Date) $Query .= 'date';
184 | else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::BigInt) $Query .= 'bigint(20)';
185 | else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Enum)
186 | {
187 | $Query .= 'enum("'.implode('", "', $Column->States).'")';
188 | }
189 |
190 | if ($Column->Nullable) $Query .= '';
191 | else $Query .= ' NOT NULL';
192 |
193 | $Query .= ' COLLATE utf8_general_ci';
194 |
195 | if ($Column->HasDefault)
196 | {
197 | if ($Column->Default == null)
198 | $Query .= ' DEFAULT NULL';
199 | else $Query .= ' DEFAULT '.$Column->GetDefault();
200 | }
201 | $Query .= ",\n";
202 | }
203 | $Query .= ' PRIMARY KEY (`'.$ModelDesc->PrimaryKey.'`)';
204 | foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
205 | {
206 | if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference)
207 | $Query .= ','."\n".' KEY `'.$Column->Name.'` (`'.$Column->Name.'`)';
208 | else if ($Column->Unique)
209 | $Query .= ','."\n".' UNIQUE KEY `'.$Column->Name.'` (`'.$Column->Name.'`)';
210 | }
211 | $Query .= "\n";
212 |
213 | if ($ModelDesc->Memory) $Engine = 'MEMORY';
214 | else $Engine = 'InnoDB';
215 | $Query .= ') ENGINE='.$Engine.' DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;';
216 | foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
217 | {
218 | if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference)
219 | $Query .= "ALTER TABLE `".$ModelDesc->Name."` ".
220 | "ADD CONSTRAINT `".$ModelDesc->Name."_ibfk_".$Column->Name."` FOREIGN KEY (`".$Column->Name."`) REFERENCES `".$Column->RefTable."` (`Id`);";
221 | }
222 | $this->Database->query($Query);
223 | }
224 |
225 | function RemoveModelDatabase(ModelDesc $ModelDesc)
226 | {
227 | /*$Query = '';
228 | foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
229 | {
230 | if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference)
231 | $Query .= "ALTER TABLE `".$ModelDesc->Name."` ".
232 | "DROP FOREIGN KEY `".$ModelDesc->Name."_ibfk_".$Column->Name."`;";
233 | }
234 | if (($Query != '') and $this->Database->TableExists($ModelDesc->Name))
235 | {
236 | $this->Database->query($Query);
237 | }
238 | */
239 | $this->Database->query('SET foreign_key_checks = 0; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'.$ModelDesc->Name.'`');
240 | }
241 |
242 | function InstallModel(ModelDesc $ModelDesc, Module $Module)
243 | {
244 | $this->AddModelDatabase($ModelDesc);
245 | $this->Database->insert('Model', array('Name' => $ModelDesc->Name, 'Module' => $Module->Id));
246 | $ModelId = $this->Database->insert_id;
247 | foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Field)
248 | {
249 | $this->Database->insert('ModelField', array('Name' => $Field->Name, 'Model' => $ModelId,
250 | 'Type' => ModelColumnType::GetName($Field->Type), 'Nullable' => (int)$Field->Nullable));
251 | }
252 | }
253 |
254 | function UninstallModel(ModelDesc $ModelDesc, Module $Module)
255 | {
256 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Model', 'Id', '(Name="'.$ModelDesc->Name.'") AND (Module='.$Module->Id.')');
257 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
258 | {
259 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
260 | $ModelId = $DbRow['Id'];
261 | $DbResult = $this->Database->delete('ModelField', '(Model='.$ModelId.')');
262 | $this->Database->delete('Model', '(Id='.$ModelId.')');
263 | } else echo('Can\'t remove model '.$ModelDesc->Name.'<br/>');
264 | $this->RemoveModelDatabase($ModelDesc);
265 | }
266 |
267 | function InstallModule(Module $Module)
268 | {
269 | $this->Database->insert('Module', array(
270 | 'Id' => $Module->Id,
271 | 'Name' => $Module->Name,
272 | 'Title' => $Module->Title,
273 | 'Creator' => $Module->Creator,
274 | 'Version' => $Module->Version,
275 | 'License' => $Module->License,
276 | 'Installed' => (int)$Module->Installed,
277 | 'Description' => $Module->Description,
278 | 'InstalledVersion' => $Module->InstalledVersion
279 | ));
280 | }
281 |
282 | function UninstallModule(Module $Module)
283 | {
284 | $this->Database->delete('Module', 'Name="'.$Module->Name.'"');
285 | }
286 |
287 | function ModuleChange(Module $Module): void
288 | {
289 | if ($Module->Installed) $Installed = 1;
290 | else $Installed = 0;
291 | $this->Database->query('UPDATE `Module` SET `Installed`='.$Installed.' WHERE `Name`="'.$Module->Name.'"');
292 | }
293 |
294 | function LoadFromDatabase(): void
295 | {
296 | //DebugLog('Loading modules...');
297 | $this->Modules = array();
298 | $Query = 'SELECT `Id`, `Name`,`Installed` FROM `Module`';
299 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query($Query);
300 | while ($Module = $DbResult->fetch_array())
301 | {
302 | include_once('Modules/'.$Module['Name'].'/'.$Module['Name'].'.php');
303 | $ModuleClassName = 'Module'.$Module['Name'];
304 | $NewModule = new $ModuleClassName($this->Database, $this->Manager);
305 | $NewModule->Id = $Module['Id'];
306 | $NewModule->Installed = $Module['Installed'];
307 | $this->Manager->RegisterModule($NewModule);
308 | }
309 | }
310 |
311 | function SaveToDatabase(): string
312 | {
313 | $Output = '';
314 | $Modules = array();
315 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Module`');
316 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
317 | {
318 | $Modules[$DbRow['Name']] = $DbRow;
319 | if ($this->System->ModuleManager->ModulePresent($DbRow['Name']))
320 | $this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule($DbRow['Name'])->Id = $DbRow['Id'];
321 | }
322 |
323 | // Add missing
324 | foreach ($this->System->ModuleManager->Modules as $Module)
325 | {
326 | if (!array_key_exists($Module->Name, $Modules))
327 | {
328 | $this->Database->insert('Module', array('Name' => $Module->Name,
329 | 'Version' => $Module->Version, 'Creator' => $Module->Creator,
330 | 'HomePage' => $Module->HomePage, 'Title' => $Module->Title,
331 | 'Description' => $Module->Description, 'License' => $Module->License,
332 | 'Installed' => $Module->Installed));
333 | $this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule($Module->Name)->Id = $this->Database->insert_id;
334 | }
335 | else $this->Database->update('Module', 'Name = "'.$Module->Name.'"', array(
336 | 'Version' => $Module->Version, 'Creator' => $Module->Creator,
337 | 'HomePage' => $Module->HomePage, 'Title' => $Module->Title,
338 | 'Description' => $Module->Description, 'License' => $Module->License,
339 | 'Installed' => $Module->Installed));
340 | }
341 |
342 | // Remove exceeding
343 | foreach ($Modules as $Module)
344 | if (!$this->System->ModuleManager->ModulePresent($Module['Name']))
345 | {
346 | $Output .= 'Removing module '.$Module['Name'].' from list</br/>';
347 | $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `ModuleLink` WHERE `Module` = '.$Module['Id']);
348 | $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `ModuleLink` WHERE `LinkedModule` = '.$Module['Id']);
349 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Id FROM `PermissionOperation` WHERE `Module` = '.$Module['Id']);
350 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
351 | {
352 | $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `PermissionGroupAssignment` WHERE `AssignedOperation` = '.$DbRow['Id']);
353 | $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `PermissionUserAssignment` WHERE `AssignedOperation` = '.$DbRow['Id']);
354 | }
355 | $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `PermissionOperation` WHERE `Module` = '.$Module['Id']);
356 | $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `Model` WHERE `Module` = '.$Module['Id']);
357 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Id FROM `Model` WHERE `Module` = '.$Module['Id']);
358 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
359 | $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `ModelField` WHERE `Model` = '.$DbRow['Id']);
360 | $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `Module` WHERE `Id` = '.$Module['Id']);
361 | }
362 |
363 | // Reload dependencies
364 | $DbDependency = array();
365 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `ModuleLink`');
366 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
367 | $DbDependency[$DbRow['Module']][] = $DbRow['LinkedModule'];
368 |
369 | foreach ($this->System->ModuleManager->Modules as $Module)
370 | {
371 | // Add missing
372 | foreach ($Module->Dependencies as $Dependency)
373 | {
374 | if (!array_key_exists($Module->Id, $DbDependency) or
375 | !in_array($this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule($Dependency)->Id, $DbDependency[$Module->Id]))
376 | {
377 | if ($this->System->ModuleManager->ModulePresent($Dependency))
378 | $DependencyId = $this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule($Dependency)->Id;
379 | else throw new Exception('Dependent module '.$Dependency.' not found');
380 | $this->Database->insert('ModuleLink', array('Module' => $Module->Id,
381 | 'LinkedModule' => $DependencyId, 'Type' => 'DependOn'));
382 | }
383 | }
384 |
385 | // Remove exceeding
386 | if (array_key_exists($Module->Id, $DbDependency))
387 | foreach ($DbDependency[$Module->Id] as $Dep)
388 | {
389 | $DepModName = $this->System->ModuleManager->SearchModuleById($Dep);
390 | if (!in_array($DepModName, $Module->Dependencies))
391 | $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `ModuleLink` WHERE `Module` = '.
392 | $Module->Id.' AND LinkedModule='.$Dep);
393 | }
394 | }
395 | return $Output;
396 | }
397 | }
398 |
399 | class PageModules extends Page
400 | {
401 | public array $YesNo;
402 |
403 | function __construct(System $System)
404 | {
405 | parent::__construct($System);
406 | $this->Title = T('Modules');
407 | $this->ParentClass = 'PageSetup';
408 | $this->YesNo = array(false => T('No'), true => T('Yes'));
409 | }
410 |
411 | function Show(): string
412 | {
413 | $Output = '';
414 | if (array_key_exists('op', $_GET)) $Operation = $_GET['op'];
415 | else $Operation = '';
416 | if ($Operation == 'install')
417 | {
418 | $this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule($_GET['name'])->Install();
419 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
420 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' instalován.<br/>';
421 | } else
422 | if ($Operation == 'uninstall')
423 | {
424 | $this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule($_GET['name'])->Uninstall();
425 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
426 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' odinstalován.<br/>';
427 | } else
428 | if ($Operation == 'enable')
429 | {
430 | $this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule($_GET['name'])->Enable();
431 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
432 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' povolen.<br/>';
433 | } else
434 | if ($Operation == 'disable')
435 | {
436 | $this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule($_GET['name'])->Disable();
437 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
438 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' zakázán.<br/>';
439 | } else
440 | if ($Operation == 'upgrade')
441 | {
442 | $this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule($_GET['name'])->Upgrade();
443 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
444 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' povýšen.<br/>';
445 | } else
446 | if ($Operation == 'install-all')
447 | {
448 | $this->System->ModuleManager->InstallAll();
449 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
450 | $Output .= 'Všechny moduly instalovány.<br/>';
451 | } else
452 | if ($Operation == 'uninstall-all')
453 | {
454 | $this->System->ModuleManager->UninstallAll(array(ModuleCondition::Application));
455 | $this->System->ModuleManager->UninstallAll(array(ModuleCondition::Library));
456 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
457 | $Output .= 'Všechny moduly odinstalovány.<br/>';
458 | } else
459 | if ($Operation == 'enable-all')
460 | {
461 | $this->System->ModuleManager->EnableAll();
462 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
463 | $Output .= 'Všechny moduly povoleny.<br/>';
464 | } else
465 | if ($Operation == 'disable-all')
466 | {
467 | $this->System->ModuleManager->DisableAll();
468 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
469 | $Output .= 'Všechny moduly zakázány.<br/>';
470 | } else
471 | if ($Operation == 'upgrade-all')
472 | {
473 | $this->System->ModuleManager->UpgradeAll();
474 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
475 | $Output .= 'Všechny moduly povýšeny.<br/>';
476 | }
477 | $Output .= '<h3>Správa modulů</h3>';
478 | $Output .= $this->ShowList();
479 | return $Output;
480 | }
481 |
482 | function ShowList(): string
483 | {
484 | $Output = '';
485 |
486 | $Pageing = new Paging();
487 | $Pageing->TotalCount = count($this->System->ModuleManager->Modules);
488 | $Table = new VisualTable();
489 | $Table->SetColumns(array(
490 | array('Name' => 'Name', 'Title' => T('Name')),
491 | array('Name' => 'Creator', 'Title' => T('Creator')),
492 | array('Name' => 'Version', 'Title' => T('Version')),
493 | array('Name' => 'InstalledVersion', 'Title' => T('Installed version')),
494 | array('Name' => 'Type', 'Title' => T('Type')),
495 | array('Name' => 'License', 'Title' => T('License')),
496 | array('Name' => 'Installed', 'Title' => T('Installed')),
497 | array('Name' => 'Enabled', 'Title' => T('Enabled')),
498 | array('Name' => 'Description', 'Title' => T('Description')),
499 | array('Name' => 'Dependencies', 'Title' => T('Dependencies')),
500 | array('Name' => '', 'Title' => 'Akce'),
501 | ));
502 | $ModuleType = array(T('System'), T('Library'), T('Application'));
503 | foreach ($this->System->ModuleManager->Modules as $Module)
504 | {
505 | if (($Module->Dependencies) > 0) $Dependencies = implode(',', $Module->Dependencies);
506 | else $Dependencies = ' ';
507 | $Actions = '';
508 | if ($Module->Type != ModuleType::System)
509 | {
510 | if ($Module->Installed == true)
511 | {
512 | $Actions .= ' <a href="?op=uninstall&name='.$Module->Name.'">Odinstalovat</a>';
513 | if ($Module->Enabled == true) $Actions .= ' <a href="?op=disable&name='.$Module->Name.'">Zakázat</a>';
514 | else $Actions .= ' <a href="?op=enable&name='.$Module->Name.'">Povolit</a>';
515 | if ($Module->InstalledVersion != $Module->Version) $Actions .= ' <a href="?op=upgrade&name='.$Module->Name.'">Povýšit</a>';
516 | } else $Actions .= ' <a href="?op=install&name='.$Module->Name.'">Instalovat</a>';
517 | }
518 |
519 | $Table->Table->Cells[] = array($Module->Name,
520 | $Module->Creator, $Module->Version, $Module->InstalledVersion, $ModuleType[$Module->Type],
521 | $Module->License, $this->YesNo[$Module->Installed],
522 | $this->YesNo[$Module->Enabled], $Module->Description,
523 | $Dependencies, $Actions);
524 | }
525 | $Output .= $Pageing->Show();
526 | $Output .= $Table->Show();
527 | $Output .= $Pageing->Show();
528 |
529 | $Output .= '<div>'.
530 | '<a href="?op=install-all">Instalovat vše</a> '.
531 | '<a href="?op=uninstall-all">Odinstalovat vše</a> '.
532 | '<a href="?op=disable-all">Zakázat vše</a> '.
533 | '<a href="?op=enable">Povolit vše</a> '.
534 | '<a href="?op=upgrade">Povýšit vše</a> '.
535 | '</div>';
536 |
537 | return $Output;
538 | }
539 | }
540 |
541 | class ModelField extends Model
542 | {
543 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
544 | {
545 | $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
546 | $Desc->AddString('Name');
547 | $Desc->AddReference('Model', Model::GetClassName());
548 | $Desc->AddString('Type');
549 | $Desc->AddBoolean('Nullable');
550 | return $Desc;
551 | }
552 | }
553 |
554 | class ModuleDependency extends Model
555 | {
556 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
557 | {
558 | $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
559 | $Desc->AddReference('Module', Module::GetClassName());
560 | $Desc->AddReference('Dependency', Module::GetClassName());
561 | return $Desc;
562 | }
563 | }