Changeset 617

Sep 15, 2024, 1:31:30 PM (4 days ago)
  • Fixed: City screen rename right mouse click didn't work on Windows due to window title are. Change to behave the same way as on Linux.
  • Fixed: Allow full screen switching in editor and movie mode.
  • Modified: Precalculate scaling coefficients also for from native values conversions for faster speed.
5 edited


  • trunk/LocalPlayer/CityScreen.pas

    r613 r617  
    11881188        with MainScreen.MessgExDlg do
    11891189        begin
    1190           { MessgText:=Phrases.Lookup('OUTOFCONTROL');
    1191             if C.Project and cpImp=0 then
    1192             MessgText:=Format(MessgText,[Tribe[cOwner].ModelName[C.Project and cpIndex]])
    1193             else MessgText:=Format(MessgText,[Phrases.Lookup('IMPROVEMENTS',C.Project and cpIndex)]); }
     1190          { MessgText := Phrases.Lookup('OUTOFCONTROL');
     1191            if C.Project and cpImp = 0 then
     1192            MessgText := Format(MessgText, [Tribe[cOwner].ModelName[C.Project and cpIndex]])
     1193            else MessgText := Format(MessgText, [Phrases.Lookup('IMPROVEMENTS',
     1194              C.Project and cpIndex)]);
     1195          }
    11941196          MessgText := Phrases.Lookup('NOCHANGEINANARCHY');
    11951197          Kind := mkOk;
    12011203        begin
    12021204          ProdHint := False;
    1203           SmartUpdateContent
     1205          SmartUpdateContent;
    12041206        end;
    12051207        ChooseProject;
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/Term.pas

    r616 r617  
    70927092  ShortCut := KeyToShortCut(Key, Shift);
     7094  if BFullScreen.Test(ShortCut) then begin
     7095    FullScreen := not FullScreen;
     7096    SetFullScreen(FullScreen);
     7097  end;
    70947099  if GameMode = cMovie then begin
    70957100    if BScienceStat.Test(ShortCut) then MenuClick_Check(StatPopup, mScienceStat)
    71077112    else if BFillMap.Test(ShortCut) then mFillMap.Click
    71087113    else if BHelp.Test(ShortCut) then mHelp.Click;
    7109     (*if Shift = [ssCtrl] then
    7110       case Char(Key) of
    7111          'A':
    7112           begin // auto symmetry
    7113           Server($7F0,Me,0,nil^);
    7114           MapValid:=False;
    7115           PaintAll;
    7116           end;
    7117           'B':
    7118           begin // land mass
    7119           dy:=0;
    7120           for dx:=G.lx to G.lx*( do
    7121           if MyMap[dx] and fTerrain>=fGrass then Inc(dy);
    7122           dy:=dy
    7123           end;
    7124       end;
    7125     *)
    71267114    Exit;
    71277115  end;
    71297117  if BEndTurn.Test(ShortCut) then EndTurn
    7130   else if BFullScreen.Test(ShortCut) then begin
    7131     FullScreen := not FullScreen;
    7132     SetFullScreen(FullScreen);
    7133   end
    71347118  else if BHelp.Test(ShortCut) then mHelp.Click
    71357119  else if BUnitStat.Test(ShortCut) then MenuClick_Check(StatPopup, mUnitStat)
  • trunk/Packages/CevoComponents/DrawDlg.pas

    r565 r617  
    2525    procedure InitButtons;
    2626    procedure OnEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
    27     procedure OnHitTest(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_NCHITTEST;
    2827    procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
    2928      override;
    94 procedure TDrawDlg.OnHitTest(var Msg: TMessage);
    95 var
    96   I: integer;
    97   ControlBounds: TRect;
    98   Pos: TPoint;
    99 begin
    100   if BorderStyle <> TBorderStyle.bsNone then
    101     inherited
    102   else
    103   begin
    104     Pos := Point(ScaleFromNative(Integer(Msg.LParam and $ffff)),
    105       ScaleFromNative(Integer((Msg.LParam shr 16) and $ffff)));
    106     if Pos.Y >= Top + TitleHeight then
    107       Msg.Result := HTCLIENT
    108     else
    109     begin
    110       for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
    111         if Controls[I].Visible then
    112         begin
    113           ControlBounds := Controls[I].BoundsRect;
    114           if (Pos.X >= Left + ControlBounds.Left) and
    115             (Pos.X < Left + ControlBounds.Right) and
    116             (Pos.Y >= Top + ControlBounds.Top) and
    117             (Pos.Y < Top + ControlBounds.Bottom) then
    118           begin
    119             Msg.result := HTCLIENT;
    120             Exit;
    121           end;
    122         end;
    123       Msg.Result := HTCAPTION;
    124     end;
    125   end;
    126 end;
    12893procedure TDrawDlg.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
    12994  Y: Integer);
    13196  MousePos1: TPoint;
    13297  MousePos2: TPoint;
    133 {$IFDEF UNIX}
    13498  NewFormPos: TPoint;
    135 {$ENDIF}
    137100  MousePos1 := Mouse.CursorPos;
    138101  inherited;
    139102  MousePos2 := Mouse.CursorPos;
    140   {$IFDEF UNIX}
    141   // Only if client is not doing own mouse move handling
    142103  if not Assigned(OnMouseDown) or not Assigned(OnMouseMove) or not Assigned(OnMouseUp) then begin
    143     // HitTest is not supported under Linux GTK2 so use form inside move mechanizm
    144104    NewFormPos := ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos);
    145105    if (NewFormPos.X >= 0) and (NewFormPos.X < Width) and
    154114    end else MoveActive := False;
    155115  end;
    156   {$ENDIF}
    163122  inherited;
    164123  if MoveActive then begin
    165     MousePos := ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y));
     124    MousePos := Mouse.CursorPos;
    166125    SetBounds(MoveFormPos.X + MousePos.X - MoveMousePos.X,
    167       MoveFormPos.Y + MousePos.Y - MoveMousePos.Y,
    168       Width, Height);
     126      MoveFormPos.Y + MousePos.Y - MoveMousePos.Y, Width, Height);
    169127  end;
  • trunk/Packages/DpiControls/Dpi.Common.pas

    r608 r617  
    225225function ScaleToNative(Value: Integer): Integer; inline;
    227   Result := ScreenInfo.Lookup[Value];
     227  Result := ScreenInfo.LookupToNative[Value];
    228228  // Round and Trunc are fast. Ceil and Floor are slow.
    229229  // Without lookup table we would use:
    238238function ScaleFromNative(Value: Integer): Integer;
    240   Result := Trunc(Value * ScreenInfo.FromNative);
     240  Result := ScreenInfo.LookupFromNative[Value];
     241  // Round and Trunc are fast. Ceil and Floor are slow.
     242  // Without lookup table we would use:
     243  // Result := Floor(Value * ScreenInfo.FromNative);
  • trunk/Packages/DpiControls/Dpi.Graphics.pas

    r568 r617  
    354354    ToNative: Double;
    355355    FromNative: Double;
    356     Lookup: array[-10000..10000] of Integer; // Should be sufficient for 8K screens
     356    LookupToNative: array[-10000..10000] of Integer; // Should be sufficient for 8K screens
     357    LookupFromNative: array[-10000..10000] of Integer; // Should be sufficient for 8K screens
    357358    property Dpi: Integer read FDpi write SetDpi;
    358359  end;
    13531354  if FDpi = AValue then Exit;
    13541355  FDpi := AValue;
     1357  // Precalculate scaling coefficients
    13551358  ToNative := ScreenInfo.Dpi / 96;
    1357   // Precalculate scaling coefficients
     1359  for I := Low(LookupToNative) to High(LookupToNative) do
     1360    LookupToNative[I] := Ceil(I * ToNative);
    13581361  FromNative := 96 / ScreenInfo.Dpi;
    1359   for I := Low(Lookup) to High(Lookup) do
    1360     Lookup[I] := Ceil(I * ToNative);
     1362  for I := Low(LookupFromNative) to High(LookupFromNative) do
     1363    LookupFromNative[I] := Floor(I * FromNative);
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