Changeset 456 for trunk/LocalPlayer

May 30, 2023, 11:31:10 AM (19 months ago)
  • Modified: Removed U prefix from unit names.
13 edited
1 moved


  • trunk/LocalPlayer/CityScreen.pas

    r447 r456  
    88  Protocol, ClientTools, Term, ScreenTools, IsoEngine, BaseWin,
    99  LCLIntf, LCLType, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, ExtCtrls,
    10   ButtonA, ButtonC, Area, GraphType, UTexture;
     10  ButtonA, ButtonC, Area, GraphType, Texture;
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/Enhance.pas

    r447 r456  
    52   Help, UKeyBindings;
     52  Help, KeyBindings;
    5454{$R *.lfm}
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/Help.pas

    r447 r456  
    130   Directories, ClientTools, Term, Tribes, Inp, Messg, UPixelPointer, Global,
    131   UKeyBindings;
     130  Directories, ClientTools, Term, Tribes, Inp, Messg, PixelPointer, Global,
     131  KeyBindings;
    133133{$R *.lfm}
    467467  xSrc := iix mod 7 * xSizeBig;
    468468  ySrc := (iix div 7 + 1) * ySizeBig;
    469   PaintPtr := PixelPointer(OffScreen, ScaleToNative(x0), ScaleToNative(y0));
    470   CoalPtr := PixelPointer(Templates.Data, ScaleToNative(xCoal), ScaleToNative(yCoal));
     469  PaintPtr := TPixelPointer.Create(OffScreen, ScaleToNative(x0), ScaleToNative(y0));
     470  CoalPtr := TPixelPointer.Create(Templates.Data, ScaleToNative(xCoal), ScaleToNative(yCoal));
    471471  for dy := -1 to 1 do
    472     ImpPtr[dy] := PixelPointer(BigImp, ScaleToNative(xSrc), ScaleToNative(ySrc));
     472    ImpPtr[dy] := TPixelPointer.Create(BigImp, ScaleToNative(xSrc), ScaleToNative(ySrc));
    473473  for Y := 0 to ScaleToNative(ySizeBig) * 2 - 1 do begin
    474474    if ((ScaleToNative(y0) + Y) >= 0) and ((ScaleToNative(y0) + Y) < ScaleToNative(InnerHeight)) then begin
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/IsoEngine.pas

    r447 r456  
    77  Protocol, ClientTools, ScreenTools, Tribes, LCLIntf, LCLType, SysUtils,
    8   Classes, Graphics, UPixelPointer, UGraphicSet;
     8  Classes, Graphics, PixelPointer, GraphicSet;
    255255  for ySrc := 0 to TerrainIconLines - 1 do begin
    256256    for I := 0 to yyt * 3 - 1 do
    257       MaskLine[I] := PixelPointer(Mask24, ScaleToNative(0),
     257      MaskLine[I] := TPixelPointer.Create(Mask24, ScaleToNative(0),
    258258        ScaleToNative(1 + ySrc * (yyt * 3 + 1) + I));
    259259    for xSrc := 0 to TerrainIconCols - 1 do begin
    14251425  FOutput.BeginUpdate;
    1426   Line := PixelPointer(FOutput, ScaleToNative(x0), ScaleToNative(y0));
     1426  Line := TPixelPointer.Create(FOutput, ScaleToNative(x0), ScaleToNative(y0));
    14271427  for Y := 0 to ScaleToNative(Height) - 1 do begin
    14281428    y_n := (ScaleFromNative(Y) + y0 - ym) / yyt;
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/KeyBindings.pas

    r455 r456  
    1 unit UKeyBindings;
     1unit KeyBindings;
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/MessgEx.lfm

    r426 r456  
    1212  DesignTimePPI = 144
    1313  Font.Color = clWindowText
    14   Font.Height = -13
     14  Font.Height = -20
    1515  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
    1616  FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
    2020  OnPaint = FormPaint
    2121  OnShow = FormShow
    22   LCLVersion = ''
     22  LCLVersion = ''
    2323  Scaled = False
    2424  object Button1: TButtonA
    6161  object EInput: TEdit
    6262    Left = 125
    63     Height = 26
     63    Height = 27
    6464    Top = 64
    6565    Width = 168
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/MessgEx.pas

    r447 r456  
    65   ClientTools, BaseWin, Term, Help, UnitStat, Tribes, UPixelPointer,
     65  ClientTools, BaseWin, Term, Help, UnitStat, Tribes, PixelPointer,
    6666  Diagram, Sound;
    211211  else
    212212    Result := inherited;
    213   Gtk2Fix;
     213  //Gtk2Fix;
    244244    Screwed := Default(TScrewed);
    245245    BigImp.BeginUpdate;
    246     SrcPtr := PixelPointer(BigImp, ScaleToNative(xIcon), ScaleToNative(yIcon));
     246    SrcPtr := TPixelPointer.Create(BigImp, ScaleToNative(xIcon), ScaleToNative(yIcon));
    247247    for iy := 0 to ScaleToNative(Height) - 1 do begin
    248248      for ix := 0 to ScaleToNative(Width) - 1 do begin
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/Select.lfm

    r232 r456  
    11object ListDlg: TListDlg
    22  Left = 290
     3  Height = 262
    34  Top = 145
     5  Width = 381
    46  BorderIcons = []
    57  BorderStyle = bsNone
    79  ClientWidth = 381
    810  Color = clBtnFace
    9   Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
     11  DesignTimePPI = 144
    1012  Font.Color = clWindowText
    11   Font.Height = -13
     13  Font.Height = -20
    1214  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
    13   Font.Style = []
    1415  FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
    1516  OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
    1718  OnDestroy = FormDestroy
    1819  OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown
    19   OnMouseWheel = FormMouseWheel
    2020  OnMouseDown = PaintBox1MouseDown
    2121  OnMouseMove = PaintBox1MouseMove
     22  OnMouseWheel = FormMouseWheel
    2223  OnPaint = FormPaint
    2324  OnShow = FormShow
    24   PixelsPerInch = 96
     25  LCLVersion = ''
    2526  Scaled = False
    2627  object CloseBtn: TButtonB
    2728    Left = 343
     29    Height = 25
    2830    Top = 6
    2931    Width = 25
    30     Height = 25
    3132    Down = False
    3233    Permanent = False
    3738    Tag = 2
    3839    Left = 344
     40    Height = 25
    3941    Top = 224
    4042    Width = 25
    41     Height = 25
    4243    Down = False
    4344    Permanent = True
    4849    Tag = 1
    4950    Left = 312
     51    Height = 25
    5052    Top = 224
    5153    Width = 25
    52     Height = 25
    5354    Down = False
    5455    Permanent = True
    5859  object Layer0Btn: TButtonB
    5960    Left = 280
     61    Height = 25
    6062    Top = 224
    6163    Width = 25
    62     Height = 25
    6364    Down = False
    6465    Permanent = True
    6869  object ToggleBtn: TButtonB
    6970    Left = 13
     71    Height = 25
    7072    Top = 6
    7173    Width = 25
    72     Height = 25
    7374    Down = False
    7475    Permanent = False
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/Select.pas

    r447 r456  
    850850procedure TListDlg.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
    852   Gtk2Fix;
     852  //Gtk2Fix;
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/Term.lfm

    r427 r456  
    1212  Constraints.MinHeight = 480
    1313  Constraints.MinWidth = 800
    14   DesignTimePPI = 120
     14  DesignTimePPI = 144
    1515  Font.Color = clWindowText
    16   Font.Height = -13
     16  Font.Height = -20
    1717  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
    1818  KeyPreview = True
    3131  OnShow = FormShow
    3232  Position = poDefault
    33   LCLVersion = ''
     33  LCLVersion = ''
    3434  Scaled = False
    3535  WindowState = wsMaximized
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/Term.pas

    r447 r456  
    1414  LCLIntf, LCLType, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, DrawDlg, Types,
    1515  Forms, Menus, ExtCtrls, dateutils, Platform, ButtonB, ButtonC, EOTButton, Area,
    16   UGraphicSet, UMiniMap, IsoEngine;
     16  GraphicSet, MiniMap, IsoEngine;
    592592  Directories, CityScreen, Draft, MessgEx, Select, CityType, Help,
    593   UnitStat, Log, Diagram, NatStat, Wonders, Enhance, Nego, UPixelPointer, Sound,
    594   Battle, Rates, TechTree, Registry, Global, UKeyBindings, CmdList;
     593  UnitStat, Log, Diagram, NatStat, Wonders, Enhance, Nego, PixelPointer, Sound,
     594  Battle, Rates, TechTree, Registry, Global, KeyBindings, CmdList;
    596596{$R *.lfm}
    680680  for ix := 0 to BigImp.Width div xSizeBig - 1 do
    681681    for iy := 0 to BigImp.Height div ySizeBig - 1 do begin
    682       PixelPtr := PixelPointer(BigImp, ScaleToNative(ix * xSizeBig),
     682      PixelPtr := TPixelPointer.Create(BigImp, ScaleToNative(ix * xSizeBig),
    683683        ScaleToNative(Cut + iy * ySizeBig));
    684684      for Y := 0 to ScaleToNative(ySizeBig - 2 * Cut) - 1 do begin
    718718  SmallImp.SetSize(nx, ny);
    719719  SmallImp.BeginUpdate;
    720   PixelPtr := PixelPointer(SmallImp);
     720  PixelPtr := TPixelPointer.Create(SmallImp);
    721721  for Y := 0 to ScaleToNative(ny) - 1 do begin
    722722    for X := 0 to ScaleToNative(nx) - 1 do begin
    68776877        begin
    68786878          BrushType := trix[I];
    6879           PanelPaint
     6879          PanelPaint;
    68806880        end
    68816881        else if (TroopLoc >= 0) then
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/Tribes.pas

    r447 r456  
    77  Protocol, ScreenTools, LazFileUtils, Classes, Graphics, SysUtils, Global,
    8   UGraphicSet;
     8  GraphicSet;
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/UnitStat.pas

    r447 r456  
    54   Tribes, Help, Directories, UTexture;
     54  Tribes, Help, Directories, Texture;
    5656{$R *.lfm}
  • trunk/LocalPlayer/Wonders.pas

    r447 r456  
    40   Term, ClientTools, Help, Tribes, UPixelPointer;
     40  Term, ClientTools, Help, Tribes, PixelPointer;
    4242{$R *.lfm}
    110110  Height := ScaleToNative(128);
    111111  Offscreen.BeginUpdate;
    112   Line[0] := PixelPointer(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(Center.X), ScaleToNative(Center.Y));
    113   Line[1] := PixelPointer(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(Center.X), ScaleToNative(Center.Y) - 1);
    114   Line[2] := PixelPointer(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(Center.X) - 1, ScaleToNative(Center.Y));
    115   Line[3] := PixelPointer(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(Center.X) - 1, ScaleToNative(Center.Y) - 1);
     112  Line[0] := TPixelPointer.Create(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(Center.X), ScaleToNative(Center.Y));
     113  Line[1] := TPixelPointer.Create(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(Center.X), ScaleToNative(Center.Y) - 1);
     114  Line[2] := TPixelPointer.Create(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(Center.X) - 1, ScaleToNative(Center.Y));
     115  Line[3] := TPixelPointer.Create(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(Center.X) - 1, ScaleToNative(Center.Y) - 1);
    116116  for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin
    117117    for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin
    160160  x0Src := (I mod 7) * xSizeBig;
    161161  y0Src := (I div 7 + SystemIconLines) * ySizeBig;
    162   Src := PixelPointer(BigImp, ScaleToNative(x0Src), ScaleToNative(y0Src));
    163   Dst := PixelPointer(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(x0Dst), ScaleToNative(y0Dst));
     162  Src := TPixelPointer.Create(BigImp, ScaleToNative(x0Src), ScaleToNative(y0Src));
     163  Dst := TPixelPointer.Create(Offscreen, ScaleToNative(x0Dst), ScaleToNative(y0Dst));
    164164  for Y := 0 to ScaleToNative(ySizeBig) - 1 do begin
    165165    for X := 0 to ScaleToNative(xSizeBig) - 1 do begin
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