1 | {$INCLUDE Switches.inc}
2 | unit Battle;
3 |
4 | interface
5 |
6 | uses
7 | ScreenTools, Protocol, ButtonBase, ButtonA, Types, LCLIntf, LCLType,
8 | SysUtils, Classes, DrawDlg, IsoEngine,
9 | {$IFDEF DPI}Dpi.Graphics, Dpi.Controls, Dpi.Forms, System.UITypes{$ELSE}
10 | Graphics, Controls, Forms{$ENDIF};
11 |
12 | type
13 |
14 | { TBattleDlg }
15 |
16 | TBattleDlg = class(TDrawDlg)
17 | OKBtn: TButtonA;
18 | CancelBtn: TButtonA;
19 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
20 | procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
21 | procedure FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
22 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
23 | procedure FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject);
24 | procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
25 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
26 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
27 | procedure OKBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
28 | procedure CancelBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
29 | procedure PaintBattleOutcome(ca: TCanvas; xm, ym, uix, ToLoc: Integer;
30 | Forecast: TBattleForecastEx);
31 | private
32 | IsoMap: TIsoMap;
33 | public
34 | uix, ToLoc: Integer;
35 | Forecast: TBattleForecastEx;
36 | IsSuicideQuery: Boolean;
37 | end;
38 |
39 |
40 | implementation
41 |
42 | uses
43 | Term, ClientTools;
44 |
45 | {$R *.lfm}
46 |
47 | const
48 | Border = 3;
49 | MessageLineSpacing = 20;
50 |
51 | DamageColor = $0000E0;
52 | FanaticColor = $800080;
53 | FirstStrikeColor = $A0A0A0;
54 |
55 | procedure TBattleDlg.PaintBattleOutcome(ca: TCanvas; xm, ym, uix, ToLoc: Integer;
56 | Forecast: TBattleForecastEx);
57 | var
58 | euix, ADamage, DDamage, StrMax, DamageMax, MaxBar, LAStr, LDStr, LADamage,
59 | LDDamage, LABaseDamage, LAAvoidedDamage, LDBaseDamage: Integer;
60 | // TerrType: Cardinal;
61 | UnitInfo: TUnitInfo;
62 | TextSize: TSize;
63 | LabelText: string;
64 | FirstStrike: Boolean;
65 | begin
66 | MaxBar := 65;
67 |
68 | // TerrType:=MyMap[ToLoc] and fTerrain;
69 | GetUnitInfo(ToLoc, euix, UnitInfo);
70 |
71 | FirstStrike := (MyModel[MyUn[uix].mix].Cap[mcFirst] > 0) and
72 | (Forecast.DBaseDamage >= UnitInfo.Health);
73 | ADamage := MyUn[uix].Health - Forecast.EndHealthAtt;
74 | if FirstStrike then
75 | ADamage := ADamage + Forecast.ABaseDamage div 2;
76 | DDamage := UnitInfo.Health - Forecast.EndHealthDef;
77 | if Forecast.AStr > Forecast.DStr then
78 | StrMax := Forecast.AStr
79 | else
80 | StrMax := Forecast.DStr;
81 | if ADamage > DDamage then
82 | DamageMax := ADamage
83 | else
84 | DamageMax := DDamage;
85 | if Forecast.ABaseDamage > Forecast.DBaseDamage then
86 | StrMax := StrMax * DamageMax div Forecast.ABaseDamage
87 | else
88 | StrMax := StrMax * DamageMax div Forecast.DBaseDamage;
89 |
90 | LAStr := Forecast.AStr * MaxBar div StrMax;
91 | LDStr := Forecast.DStr * MaxBar div StrMax;
92 | LADamage := ADamage * MaxBar div DamageMax;
93 | LABaseDamage := Forecast.ABaseDamage * MaxBar div DamageMax;
94 | if FirstStrike then
95 | LAAvoidedDamage := LABaseDamage div 2
96 | else
97 | LAAvoidedDamage := 0;
98 | LDDamage := DDamage * MaxBar div DamageMax;
99 | LDBaseDamage := Forecast.DBaseDamage * MaxBar div DamageMax;
100 |
101 | DarkGradient(ca, xm - 8 - LAStr, ym - 8, LAStr, 2);
102 | VDarkGradient(ca, xm - 8, ym - 8 - LDStr, LDStr, 2);
103 | LightGradient(ca, xm + 8, ym - 8, LDBaseDamage, DamageColor);
104 | if LDDamage > LDBaseDamage then
105 | LightGradient(ca, xm + 8 + LDBaseDamage, ym - 8, LDDamage - LDBaseDamage,
106 | FanaticColor);
107 | if LAAvoidedDamage > 0 then
108 | VLightGradient(ca, xm - 8, ym + 8, LAAvoidedDamage, FirstStrikeColor);
109 | VLightGradient(ca, xm - 8, ym + 8 + LAAvoidedDamage,
110 | LABaseDamage - LAAvoidedDamage, DamageColor);
111 | if LADamage > LABaseDamage then
112 | VLightGradient(ca, xm - 8, ym + 8 + LABaseDamage, LADamage - LABaseDamage,
113 | FanaticColor);
114 | Sprite(ca, HGrSystem, xm - 12, ym - 12, 24, 24, 26, 146);
115 |
116 | LabelText := Format('%d', [Forecast.AStr]);
117 | TextSize := ca.TextExtent(LabelText);
118 | if TextSize.cx div 2 + 2 > LAStr div 2 then
119 | RisedTextOut(ca, xm - 10 - TextSize.cx, ym - (TextSize.cy + 1) div 2,
120 | LabelText)
121 | else
122 | RisedTextOut(ca, xm - 8 - (LAStr + TextSize.cx) div 2,
123 | ym - (TextSize.cy + 1) div 2, LabelText);
124 |
125 | LabelText := Format('%d', [Forecast.DStr]);
126 | TextSize := ca.TextExtent(LabelText);
127 | if TextSize.cy div 2 > LDStr div 2 then
128 | RisedTextOut(ca, xm - (TextSize.cx + 1) div 2, ym - 8 - TextSize.cy,
129 | LabelText)
130 | else
131 | RisedTextOut(ca, xm - (TextSize.cx + 1) div 2,
132 | ym - 8 - (LDStr + TextSize.cy) div 2, LabelText);
133 |
134 | if Forecast.EndHealthDef <= 0 then
135 | begin
136 | BitBltCanvas(ca, xm + 9 + LDDamage - 7, ym - 6, 14, 17,
137 | HGrSystem.Mask.Canvas, 51, 153, SRCAND);
138 | Sprite(ca, HGrSystem, xm + 8 + LDDamage - 7, ym - 7, 14, 17, 51, 153);
139 | end;
140 | LabelText := Format('%d', [DDamage]);
141 | TextSize := ca.TextExtent(LabelText);
142 | if TextSize.cx div 2 + 2 > LDDamage div 2 then
143 | begin
144 | if Forecast.EndHealthDef > 0 then
145 | RisedTextOut(ca, xm + 10, ym - (TextSize.cy + 1) div 2, LabelText);
146 | end
147 | else
148 | RisedTextOut(ca, xm + 8 + (LDDamage - TextSize.cx) div 2,
149 | ym - (TextSize.cy + 1) div 2, LabelText);
150 |
151 | if Forecast.EndHealthAtt <= 0 then
152 | begin
153 | BitBltCanvas(ca, xm - 6, ym + 9 + LADamage - 7, 14, 17,
154 | HGrSystem.Mask.Canvas, 51, 153, SRCAND);
155 | Sprite(ca, HGrSystem, xm - 7, ym + 8 + LADamage - 7, 14, 17, 51, 153);
156 | end;
157 | LabelText := Format('%d', [MyUn[uix].Health - Forecast.EndHealthAtt]);
158 | TextSize := ca.TextExtent(LabelText);
159 | if TextSize.cy div 2 > (LADamage - LAAvoidedDamage) div 2 + LAAvoidedDamage
160 | then
161 | begin
162 | if Forecast.EndHealthAtt > 0 then
163 | RisedTextOut(ca, xm - (TextSize.cx + 1) div 2, ym + 8 + LAAvoidedDamage,
164 | LabelText);
165 | end
166 | else
167 | RisedTextOut(ca, xm - (TextSize.cx + 1) div 2, ym + 8 + LAAvoidedDamage +
168 | (LADamage - LAAvoidedDamage - TextSize.cy) div 2, LabelText);
169 |
170 | IsoMap.SetOutput(Buffer);
171 | UnshareBitmap(Buffer);
172 | BitBltCanvas(Buffer.Canvas, 0, 0, 66, 48, ca, xm + 8 + 4, ym - 8 - 12 - 48);
173 | { if TerrType<fForest then
174 | Sprite(Buffer,HGrTerrain,0,16,66,32,1+TerrType*(xxt*2+1),1+yyt)
175 | else
176 | begin
177 | Sprite(Buffer,HGrTerrain,0,16,66,32,1+2*(xxt*2+1),1+yyt+2*(yyt*3+1));
178 | if (TerrType=fForest) and IsJungle(ToLoc div G.lx) then
179 | Sprite(Buffer,HGrTerrain,0,16,66,32,1+7*(xxt*2+1),1+yyt+19*(yyt*3+1))
180 | else Sprite(Buffer,HGrTerrain,0,16,66,32,1+7*(xxt*2+1),1+yyt+2*(2+TerrType-fForest)*(yyt*3+1));
181 | end; }
182 | IsoMap.PaintUnit(1, 0, UnitInfo, 0);
183 | BitBltCanvas(ca, xm + 8 + 4, ym - 8 - 12 - 48, 66, 48, Buffer.Canvas, 0, 0);
184 |
185 | UnshareBitmap(Buffer);
186 | BitBltCanvas(Buffer.Canvas, 0, 0, 66, 48, ca, xm - 8 - 4 - 66, ym + 8 + 12);
187 | MakeUnitInfo(Me, MyUn[uix], UnitInfo);
188 | UnitInfo.Flags := UnitInfo.Flags and not unFortified;
189 | IsoMap.PaintUnit(1, 0, UnitInfo, 0);
190 | BitBltCanvas(ca, xm - 8 - 4 - 66, ym + 8 + 12, 66, 48, Buffer.Canvas, 0, 0);
191 | end;
192 |
193 | procedure TBattleDlg.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
194 | begin
195 | IsoMap := TIsoMap.Create;
196 | OKBtn.Caption := Phrases.Lookup('BTN_YES');
197 | CancelBtn.Caption := Phrases.Lookup('BTN_NO');
198 | InitButtons;
199 | end;
200 |
201 | procedure TBattleDlg.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
202 | begin
203 | if IsSuicideQuery then
204 | begin
205 | ClientWidth := 300;
206 | ClientHeight := 288;
207 | OKBtn.Visible := True;
208 | CancelBtn.Visible := True;
209 | Left := (Screen.Width - ClientWidth) div 2; // center on screen
210 | Top := (Screen.Height - ClientHeight) div 2;
211 | end
212 | else
213 | begin
214 | ClientWidth := 178;
215 | ClientHeight := 178;
216 | OKBtn.Visible := False;
217 | CancelBtn.Visible := False;
218 | end;
219 | end;
220 |
221 | procedure TBattleDlg.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
222 | var
223 | ym, cix, P: Integer;
224 | S, s1: string;
225 | begin
226 | with Canvas do
227 | begin
228 | Brush.Color := 0;
229 | FillRect(Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight));
230 | Brush.Style := TBrushStyle.bsClear;
231 | PaintBackground(Canvas, 3 + Border, 3 + Border,
232 | ClientWidth - (6 + 2 * Border), ClientHeight - (6 + 2 * Border),
233 | ClientWidth, ClientHeight);
234 | end;
235 | Frame(Canvas, Border + 1, Border + 1, ClientWidth - (2 + Border),
236 | ClientHeight - (2 + Border), MainTexture.ColorBevelLight,
237 | MainTexture.ColorBevelShade);
238 | Frame(Canvas, 2 + Border, 2 + Border, ClientWidth - (3 + Border),
239 | ClientHeight - (3 + Border), MainTexture.ColorBevelLight,
240 | MainTexture.ColorBevelShade);
241 |
242 | if IsSuicideQuery then
243 | begin
244 | Canvas.Font.Assign(UniFont[ftCaption]);
245 | S := Phrases.Lookup('TITLE_SUICIDE');
246 | RisedTextOut(Canvas, (ClientWidth - BiColorTextWidth(Canvas, S)) div 2,
247 | 7 + Border, S);
248 | Canvas.Font.Assign(UniFont[ftNormal]);
249 | S := Phrases.Lookup('SUICIDE');
250 | P := Pos('\', S);
251 | if P = 0 then
252 | RisedTextOut(Canvas, (ClientWidth - BiColorTextWidth(Canvas, S))
253 | div 2, 205, S)
254 | else
255 | begin
256 | s1 := Copy(S, 1, P - 1);
257 | RisedTextOut(Canvas, (ClientWidth - BiColorTextWidth(Canvas, s1)) div 2,
258 | 205 - MessageLineSpacing div 2, s1);
259 | s1 := Copy(S, P + 1, 255);
260 | RisedTextOut(Canvas, (ClientWidth - BiColorTextWidth(Canvas, s1)) div 2,
261 | 205 + (MessageLineSpacing - MessageLineSpacing div 2), s1);
262 | end;
263 | ym := 110;
264 | end
265 | else
266 | ym := ClientHeight div 2;
267 | Canvas.Font.Assign(UniFont[ftSmall]);
268 | PaintBattleOutcome(Canvas, ClientWidth div 2, ym, uix, ToLoc, Forecast);
269 |
270 | for cix := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
271 | if (Controls[cix].Visible) and (Controls[cix] is TButtonBase) then
272 | BtnFrame(Canvas, Controls[cix].BoundsRect, MainTexture);
273 | end;
274 |
275 | procedure TBattleDlg.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
276 | begin
277 | FreeAndNil(IsoMap);
278 | end;
279 |
280 | procedure TBattleDlg.FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
281 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
282 | begin
283 | if not IsSuicideQuery then
284 | Close;
285 | end;
286 |
287 | procedure TBattleDlg.FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject);
288 | begin
289 | if not IsSuicideQuery then
290 | Close;
291 | end;
292 |
293 | procedure TBattleDlg.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
294 | Shift: TShiftState);
295 | begin
296 | if not IsSuicideQuery and (Key <> VK_SHIFT) then
297 | begin
298 | Close;
299 | MainScreen.Update;
300 | if Key <> VK_ESCAPE then
301 | MainScreen.FormKeyDown(Sender, Key, Shift);
302 | end;
303 | end;
304 |
305 | procedure TBattleDlg.OKBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
306 | begin
307 | ModalResult := mrOK;
308 | end;
309 |
310 | procedure TBattleDlg.CancelBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
311 | begin
312 | ModalResult := mrCancel;
313 | end;
314 |
315 | end.