Last change
on this file was 232, checked in by chronos, 5 years ago |
- Fixed: Set all as non-scaled to avoid Lazarus IDE to resize buttons with fixed size.
File size:
1.9 KB
Line | |
1 | object LogDlg: TLogDlg
2 | Left = 256
3 | Top = 187
4 | BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
5 | Caption = 'Log'
6 | ClientHeight = 280
7 | ClientWidth = 339
8 | Color = clBtnFace
9 | Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 | Font.Color = clWindowText
11 | Font.Height = -13
12 | Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
13 | Font.Style = []
14 | FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
15 | KeyPreview = True
16 | OnCreate = FormCreate
17 | OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown
18 | OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp
19 | PixelsPerInch = 96
20 | Scaled = False
21 | object List: TMemo
22 | Left = 0
23 | Top = 0
24 | Width = 339
25 | Height = 280
26 | Align = alClient
27 | ReadOnly = True
28 | ScrollBars = ssVertical
29 | TabOrder = 0
30 | WordWrap = False
31 | OnMouseDown = ListMouseDown
32 | end
33 | object LogPopup: TPopupMenu
34 | AutoPopup = False
35 | Left = 8
36 | Top = 8
37 | object mInvalid: TMenuItem
38 | Caption = 'Invalid Server Calls'
39 | OnClick = Toggle
40 | end
41 | object mNegotiation: TMenuItem
42 | Caption = 'Negotiation'
43 | OnClick = Toggle
44 | end
45 | object mTime: TMenuItem
46 | Caption = 'Client Handover'
47 | OnClick = Toggle
48 | end
49 | object N2: TMenuItem
50 | Caption = '-'
51 | end
52 | object mLog0: TMenuItem
53 | Caption = 'AI Messages Off'
54 | Checked = True
55 | RadioItem = True
56 | OnClick = mLogClick
57 | end
58 | object mLog1: TMenuItem
59 | Tag = 1
60 | Caption = 'AI Messages Level 1'
61 | RadioItem = True
62 | OnClick = mLogClick
63 | end
64 | object mLog2: TMenuItem
65 | Tag = 2
66 | Caption = 'AI Messages Level 1+2'
67 | RadioItem = True
68 | OnClick = mLogClick
69 | end
70 | object mLog3: TMenuItem
71 | Tag = 999
72 | Caption = 'All AI Messages'
73 | RadioItem = True
74 | OnClick = mLogClick
75 | end
76 | object N1: TMenuItem
77 | Caption = '-'
78 | end
79 | object mSlot: TMenuItem
80 | Caption = 'Nation <-> Slot'
81 | OnClick = mSlotClick
82 | end
83 | object mClear: TMenuItem
84 | Caption = 'Clear'
85 | OnClick = mClearClick
86 | end
87 | end
88 | end
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