1 | {$INCLUDE Switches.inc}
2 | unit Rates;
3 |
4 | interface
5 |
6 | uses
7 | Protocol, ScreenTools, BaseWin, LCLIntf, LCLType, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics,
8 | Controls, Forms, ButtonB, ButtonC;
9 |
10 | type
11 | TRatesDlg = class(TBufferedDrawDlg)
12 | CloseBtn: TButtonB;
13 | LuxBtn: TButtonC;
14 | ScienceBtn: TButtonC;
15 | TaxUpBtn: TButtonC;
16 | TaxDownBtn: TButtonC;
17 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
18 | procedure CloseBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
19 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
20 | procedure TaxLuxBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
21 | public
22 | procedure OffscreenPaint; override;
23 | procedure ShowNewContent(NewMode: TWindowMode);
24 | end;
25 |
26 | var
27 | RatesDlg: TRatesDlg;
28 |
29 |
30 | implementation
31 |
32 | uses
33 | ClientTools, Term, Tribes;
34 |
35 | {$R *.lfm}
36 |
37 | const
38 | MessageLineSpacing = 20;
39 |
40 | procedure TRatesDlg.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
41 | begin
42 | TitleHeight := Screen.Height;
43 | InitButtons;
44 | end;
45 |
46 | procedure TRatesDlg.OffscreenPaint;
47 | var
48 | p, x, y, current, max, i: integer;
49 | s, s1: string;
50 | begin
51 | if (OffscreenUser <> nil) and (OffscreenUser <> self) then
52 | OffscreenUser.Update;
53 | // complete working with old owner to prevent rebound
54 | OffscreenUser := self;
55 |
56 | Fill(Offscreen.Canvas, 0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight,
57 | (Maintexture.Width - ClientWidth) div 2, (Maintexture.Height - ClientHeight) div 2);
58 | Frame(Offscreen.Canvas, 0, 0, ClientWidth - 1, ClientHeight - 1, 0, 0);
59 | Frame(Offscreen.Canvas, 1, 1, ClientWidth - 2, ClientHeight - 2,
60 | MainTexture.ColorBevelLight, MainTexture.ColorBevelShade);
61 | Frame(Offscreen.Canvas, 2, 2, ClientWidth - 3, ClientHeight - 3,
62 | MainTexture.ColorBevelLight, MainTexture.ColorBevelShade);
63 |
64 | BtnFrame(Offscreen.Canvas, CloseBtn.BoundsRect, MainTexture);
65 | Offscreen.Canvas.Font.Assign(UniFont[ftCaption]);
66 | s := Phrases.Lookup('TITLE_RATES');
67 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas,
68 | (ClientWidth - BiColorTextWidth(Offscreen.Canvas, s)) div 2 - 1, 7, s);
69 |
70 | if MyRO.Wonder[woLiberty].EffectiveOwner = me then
71 | s := Phrases.Lookup('NORATES')
72 | else
73 | s := Phrases.Lookup('RATES');
74 | Offscreen.Canvas.Font.Assign(UniFont[ftNormal]);
75 | p := pos('\', s);
76 | if p = 0 then
77 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas, (ClientWidth - BiColorTextWidth(Canvas, s))
78 | div 2, 114, s)
79 | else
80 | begin
81 | s1 := copy(s, 1, p - 1);
82 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas,
83 | (ClientWidth - BiColorTextWidth(Offscreen.Canvas, s1)) div 2,
84 | 114 - MessageLineSpacing div 2, s1);
85 | s1 := copy(s, p + 1, 255);
86 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas,
87 | (ClientWidth - BiColorTextWidth(Offscreen.Canvas, s1)) div 2,
88 | 114 + (MessageLineSpacing - MessageLineSpacing div 2), s1);
89 | end;
90 | Offscreen.Canvas.Font.Assign(UniFont[ftSmall]);
91 |
92 | if MyRO.Wonder[woLiberty].EffectiveOwner = me then
93 | begin
94 | GlowFrame(Offscreen, ClientWidth div 2 - xSizeBig div 2, 52, xSizeBig,
95 | ySizeBig, Tribe[me].Color);
96 | BitBltCanvas(Offscreen.Canvas, ClientWidth div 2 - xSizeBig div 2, 52,
97 | xSizeBig, ySizeBig, BigImp.Canvas, (woLiberty mod 7) * xSizeBig,
98 | (woLiberty div 7 + SystemIconLines) * ySizeBig);
99 | end
100 | else
101 | begin
102 | // ImageOp_CBC(Offscreen,Templates,260,40,145,112,36,36,$404000,$8B8BEB);
103 |
104 | s := Phrases.Lookup('SCIENCE');
105 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas,
106 | 16 + 120 - BiColorTextWidth(Offscreen.Canvas, s), 44, s);
107 | s := Format('%d%%', [100 - MyRO.TaxRate - MyRO.LuxRate]);
108 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas,
109 | 16 + 120 - BiColorTextWidth(Offscreen.Canvas, s), 60, s);
110 | // PaintProgressBar(Offscreen.Canvas,2,16,81,(100-MyRO.LuxRate-MyRO.TaxRate)*120 div 100,0,120,MainTexture);
111 |
112 | // reverse progress bar for science
113 | x := 16;
114 | y := 81;
115 | current := (100 - MyRO.LuxRate - MyRO.TaxRate) * 120 div 100;
116 | max := 120;
117 | Frame(Offscreen.Canvas, x - 1, y - 1, x + max, y + 7, $000000, $000000);
118 | RFrame(Offscreen.Canvas, x - 2, y - 2, x + max + 1, y + 8,
119 | MainTexture.ColorBevelShade, MainTexture.ColorBevelLight);
120 | with Offscreen.Canvas do
121 | begin
122 | for i := 0 to current div 8 - 1 do
123 | BitBltCanvas(Offscreen.Canvas, x + max - 8 - i * 8, y, 8, 7,
124 | HGrSystem.Data.Canvas, 104, 9 + 8 * 2);
125 | BitBltCanvas(Offscreen.Canvas, x + max - current, y, current - 8 * (current div 8), 7,
126 | HGrSystem.Data.Canvas, 104, 9 + 8 * 2);
127 | Brush.Color := $000000;
128 | FillRect(Rect(x, y, x + max - current, y + 7));
129 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
130 | end;
131 |
132 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas, 16 + 160, 44, Phrases.Lookup('LUX'));
133 | s := Format('%d%%', [MyRO.LuxRate]);
134 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas,
135 | 16 + 160 { +120-BiColorTextWidth(Offscreen.Canvas,s) } , 60, s);
136 | PaintProgressBar(Offscreen.Canvas, 5, 16 + 160, 81,
137 | MyRO.LuxRate * 120 div 100, 0, 120, MainTexture);
138 | RFrame(Offscreen.Canvas, ScienceBtn.Left - 1, LuxBtn.Top - 1,
139 | LuxBtn.Left + 12, LuxBtn.Top + 12, MainTexture.ColorBevelShade,
140 | MainTexture.ColorBevelLight);
141 | end;
142 |
143 | DLine(Offscreen.Canvas, 1, ClientWidth - 2, 154, MainTexture.ColorBevelShade,
144 | MainTexture.ColorBevelLight);
145 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas, 16 + 80, 164, Phrases.Lookup('TAXRATE'));
146 | s := Format('%d%%', [MyRO.TaxRate]);
147 | RisedTextOut(Offscreen.Canvas,
148 | 16 + 80 { +120-BiColorTextWidth(Offscreen.Canvas,s) } , 180, s);
149 | PaintProgressBar(Offscreen.Canvas, 0, 16 + 80, 201,
150 | MyRO.TaxRate * 120 div 100, 0, 120, MainTexture);
151 | RFrame(Offscreen.Canvas, TaxUpBtn.Left - 1, TaxUpBtn.Top - 1,
152 | TaxUpBtn.Left + 12, TaxDownBtn.Top + 12, MainTexture.ColorBevelShade,
153 | MainTexture.ColorBevelLight);
154 |
155 | MarkUsedOffscreen(ClientWidth, ClientHeight);
156 | end;
157 |
158 | procedure TRatesDlg.ShowNewContent(NewMode: TWindowMode);
159 | begin
160 | inherited ShowNewContent(NewMode);
161 | end;
162 |
163 | procedure TRatesDlg.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
164 | begin
165 | Caption := Phrases.Lookup('TITLE_RATES');
166 | if MyRO.Wonder[woLiberty].EffectiveOwner = me then
167 | begin
168 | ScienceBtn.Visible := false;
169 | LuxBtn.Visible := false;
170 | end
171 | else
172 | begin
173 | ScienceBtn.Visible := true;
174 | LuxBtn.Visible := true;
175 | end;
176 | OffscreenPaint;
177 | end;
178 |
179 | procedure TRatesDlg.CloseBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
180 | begin
181 | Close;
182 | end;
183 |
184 | procedure TRatesDlg.TaxLuxBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
185 | var
186 | NewTax, NewLux: integer;
187 | begin
188 | NewTax := MyRO.TaxRate div 10;
189 | NewLux := MyRO.LuxRate div 10;
190 | if Sender = TaxUpBtn then
191 | begin
192 | if NewTax < 10 then
193 | inc(NewTax);
194 | if NewTax + NewLux > 10 then
195 | dec(NewLux);
196 | end
197 | else if (Sender = TaxDownBtn) and (NewTax > 0) then
198 | dec(NewTax)
199 | else if (Sender = ScienceBtn) and (NewLux > 0) then
200 | dec(NewLux)
201 | else if (Sender = LuxBtn) and (NewLux + NewTax < 100) then
202 | inc(NewLux);
203 | if Server(sSetRates, me, NewTax + NewLux shl 4, nil^) <> eNotChanged then
204 | begin
205 | CityOptimizer_BeginOfTurn;
206 | SmartUpdateContent;
207 | MainScreen.UpdateViews(true);
208 | end;
209 | end;
210 |
211 | end.