1 | Crystal (19 July 2008) for cEvo 1.1.1
2 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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5 | Concept
6 | =======
7 | Sign treaties with other tribes to prevent
8 | conflict and to fight common foes.
9 | Trade knowledge to speed up advancement.
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12 | Recommendations
13 | ===============
14 | Play on a map with at least 75% land mass: Crystal does not know boats.
15 | Put the Crystal players at the lowest difficulty (1 bar).
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18 | Diplomacy
19 | =========
20 | Crystal trades 1 tech for 1 tech.
21 | If you dont like diplomacy, you can reject contact.
22 | Crystal will get upset and not contact you again.
23 | If you want to make it happy again, you can give it
24 | your civil report and next some technology.
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27 | Modifying Crystal settings
28 | ==========================
29 | You can edit the file Crystal.ini to alter Crystal's behaviour.
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31 | For example, if you change the line "buildWonders=1" into
32 | "buildWonders=0", Crystal wont't build any world wonders.
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34 | Most settings can only have the value 1 or 0.
35 | 1 means True/On
36 | 0 means False/Off
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38 | If you have messed up the Crystal.ini file,
39 | you can delete it. A new file will be generated.
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41 | Regarding Crystal research:
42 | Advances with a higher value are researched first.
43 | The values are modified +1 or -1 during the game:
44 | +1 : advance has been acquired by trade
45 | -1 : advance can be acquired by trade (so delay research)
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48 | Contact
49 | =======
50 | programming: Ferenc van den Ham
51 | forum: www.c-evo.org