1 | unit Platform;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | {$IFDEF Windows}Windows,{$ENDIF}
7 | {$IFDEF Linux}BaseUnix, UnixUtil, Unix,{$ENDIF}
8 | Classes, SysUtils, DateUtils, SyncObjs;
9 |
10 | function NowPrecise: TDateTime;
11 | function GetLogicalProcessorCount: Integer;
12 |
13 | implementation
14 |
15 | {$IFDEF Windows}
16 | var
17 | PerformanceFrequency: Int64;
18 | {$ENDIF}
19 |
20 | var
21 | NowPreciseLock: TCriticalSection;
22 |
23 | function NowPrecise: TDateTime;
24 | var
25 | {$IFDEF Linux}T: TimeVal;{$ENDIF}
26 | {$IFDEF Windows}TimerValue: Int64;{$ENDIF}
27 | begin
28 | // Result := Now;
29 | //try
30 | //NowPreciseLock.Acquire;
31 | {$IFDEF Windows}
32 | QueryPerformanceCounter(TimerValue);
33 | //Result := Int64(TimeStampToMSecs(DateTimeToTimeStamp(Now)) * 1000) // an alternative Win32 timebase
34 | Result := TimerValue / PerformanceFrequency;
35 | {$ENDIF}
36 |
37 | {$IFDEF Linux}
38 | fpgettimeofday(@t, nil);
39 | // Build a 64 bit microsecond tick from the seconds and microsecond longints
40 | Result := t.tv_sec + t.tv_usec / 1000000;
41 | {$ENDIF}
42 |
43 | Result := Result * OneSecond;
44 | //Result := (Trunc(Now / OneSecond) + Frac(Result)) * OneSecond;
45 | //finally
46 | //NowPreciseLock.Release;
47 | //end;
48 | end;
49 |
50 | function GetLogicalProcessorCount: Integer;
51 | {$IFDEF Windows}
52 | var
53 | SystemInfo: _SYSTEM_INFO;
54 | {$ENDIF}
55 | begin
56 | {$IFDEF Windows}
57 | GetSystemInfo(SystemInfo);
58 | Result := SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
59 | {$ENDIF}
60 | end;
61 |
62 | initialization
63 |
64 | {$IFDEF Windows}
65 | QueryPerformanceFrequency(PerformanceFrequency);
66 | {$ENDIF}
67 | NowPreciseLock := TCriticalSection.Create;
68 |
69 | finalization
70 |
71 | NowPreciseLock.Free;
72 |
73 | end.
74 |