1 | unit Engine;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Dialogs, Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, SpecializedMatrix, RegistryEx, Common,
7 | IntfGraphics, FPImage, LCLType, SpecializedBitmap, GraphType, Math, Rectangle,
8 | Syncobjs, Threading, Forms, DateUtils, AudioSystem, Generics.Collections,
9 | World, Matter, Sound;
10 |
11 | const
12 | MaxBulletCount = 10;
13 | EnergyDecreaseDig = 0;
14 | EnergyDecreaseMove = 0.00025; // ~2.5 minutes of movement
15 | EnergyDecreaseShoot = 0.005; // ~20 seconds of shooting
16 | EnergyDecreaseOutside = 0.00003; // ~5 minutes of live
17 | EnergyIncreaseHome = 0.001;
18 | ShieldIncreaseHome = 0.001;
19 | ShieldDecreaseHit = 0.15;
20 | ExplosionBulletCount = 100;
21 | ExplosionRange = 20;
22 | ExplosionBulletMaxSpeed = 0.5;
23 | ExplosionBulletMinSpeed = 0.2;
24 | BulletExplosionRange = 4;
25 | ShootDelay = 0.1; // seconds
26 | DigDelay = 0.2; // seconds
27 | ShootDigDelay = 0.05; // seconds
28 | MoveDelay = 0.05; // seconds
29 | PlayerFrameWidth = 80;
30 | PlayerFrameHeight = 80;
31 | PlayerHouseSize = 29;
32 | PlayerHouseDoorSize = 7;
33 | ExplosionDelay = 2;
34 | NewRoundDelay = 2;
35 | clTuna = $5555ff;
36 | clPurple = $aa00aa;
37 | clOrange = $0055aa;
38 | clDarkOrange = $0000aa;
39 | clDarkGreen = $00aa00;
40 | clCyan = $ffff00;
41 |
42 | type
43 | TEngine = class;
44 | TPlayer = class;
45 |
46 | TRealPoint = record
47 | X, Y: Real;
48 | end;
49 |
50 | TPlayerKeys = record
51 | Left: Word;
52 | Right: Word;
53 | Up: Word;
54 | Down: Word;
55 | Shoot: Word;
56 | end;
57 |
58 | { TBullet }
59 |
60 | TBullet = class
61 | Player: TPlayer;
62 | Position: TRealPoint;
63 | PositionTail: TRealPoint;
64 | Direction: TRealPoint;
65 | MaxDistance: Integer;
66 | Distance: Real;
67 | StopByDirt: Boolean;
68 | CanKill: Boolean;
69 | constructor Create;
70 | end;
71 |
72 | { TBullets }
73 |
74 | TBullets = class(TObjectList<TBullet>)
75 | procedure HideAll;
76 | end;
77 |
78 | { TTank }
79 |
80 | TTank = class
81 | Image: TMatrixByte;
82 | Mask: TMatrixByte;
83 | procedure Assign(Source: TTank);
84 | constructor Create;
85 | destructor Destroy; override;
86 | end;
87 |
88 | { TTanks }
89 |
90 | TTanks = class(TObjectList<TTank>)
91 | procedure Assign(Source: TTanks);
92 | end;
93 |
94 | TColisionState = record
95 | Blocking: Boolean;
96 | Diggable: Boolean;
97 | end;
98 |
99 | { TPlayer }
100 |
101 | TPlayer = class
102 | private
103 | FExploded: Boolean;
104 | NewDirection: Integer;
105 | NewPosition: TPoint;
106 | Dig: Boolean;
107 | LastPos: TPoint;
108 | ExplosionPending: Boolean;
109 | ExplosionTime: TDateTime;
110 | procedure SetExploded(const AValue: Boolean);
111 | function ShowTankProc(Item1, Item2: Byte): Byte;
112 | function HideTankProc(Item1, Item2: Byte): Byte;
113 | function DigProc(Item1, Item2: Byte): Byte;
114 | function CheckMinStartPositionDistance: Boolean;
115 | public
116 | Name: string;
117 | Color1: TColor;
118 | Color2: TColor;
119 | Id: Integer;
120 | Enabled: Boolean;
121 | Engine: TEngine;
122 | Position: TPoint;
123 | StartPosition: TPoint;
124 | Score: Integer;
125 | Direction: Integer;
126 | ScreenFrame: TRectangle;
127 | Keys: TPlayerKeys;
128 | Tanks: TTanks;
129 | Bullets: TBullets;
130 | LastShootTime: TDateTime;
131 | LastDigTime: TDateTime;
132 | LastMoveTime: TDateTime;
133 | Energy: Real;
134 | LastEnergy: Real;
135 | Shield: Real;
136 | LastShield: Real;
137 | House: TRectangle;
138 | ShotsCount: Integer;
139 | ShotsHit: Integer;
140 | MetersDug: Integer;
141 | MetersTravelled: Integer;
142 | procedure ResetTank;
143 | procedure Init;
144 | procedure Explosion(Position: TPoint; Distance: Integer);
145 | procedure Control;
146 | function CheckNewDestination: Boolean;
147 | procedure Tick;
148 | procedure Paint;
149 | procedure PlaceHouse;
150 | function CheckColision: TColisionState;
151 | procedure ShowTank;
152 | procedure HideTank;
153 | procedure InitTanks;
154 | procedure ClearKeys;
155 | constructor Create;
156 | destructor Destroy; override;
157 | procedure Assign(Source: TPlayer);
158 | procedure LoadFromRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
159 | procedure SaveToRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
160 | property Exploded: Boolean read FExploded write SetExploded;
161 | end;
162 |
163 | { TPlayers }
164 |
165 | TPlayers = class(TObjectList<TPlayer>)
166 | Engine: TEngine;
167 | function AddNew: TPlayer;
168 | procedure Assign(Players: TPlayers);
169 | procedure LoadFromRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
170 | procedure SaveToRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
171 | function GetAliveCount: Integer;
172 | function GetWinner: TPlayer;
173 | function GetEnabledCount: Integer;
174 | procedure EnableMore;
175 | procedure EnableLess;
176 | procedure ClearKey(Key: Integer);
177 | end;
178 |
179 | { TKeyboard }
180 |
181 | TKeyboard = class
182 | KeyState: array[0..High(Word)] of Boolean;
183 | procedure ClearAll;
184 | end;
185 |
186 | { TSystemThread }
187 |
188 | TSystemThread = class(TListedThread)
189 | Engine: TEngine;
190 | procedure Execute; override;
191 | end;
192 |
193 | { TDrawThread }
194 |
195 | TDrawThread = class(TListedThread)
196 | private
197 | procedure DrawSync;
198 | public
199 | Engine: TEngine;
200 | procedure Execute; override;
201 | end;
202 |
203 | TCanvasMethod = procedure (Canvas: TCanvas) of object;
204 |
205 | TGameState = (gsMenu, gsGame, gsNewRound, gsMap, gsInformation,
206 | gsInstructions, gsSettings, gsPlayerKeys, gsPlayerKeysRedefine);
207 |
208 | TPlayerColor = (pcGreen);
209 |
210 | { TEngine }
211 |
212 | TEngine = class(TComponent)
213 | private
214 | FActive: Boolean;
215 | FBitmap: TBitmap;
216 | FBitmapLock: TCriticalSection;
217 | FOnClose: TNotifyEvent;
218 | FOnGameEnd: TNotifyEvent;
219 | FRedrawPending: Boolean;
220 | FBitmapLower: TBitmapTColor;
221 | FDrawThread: TDrawThread;
222 | FState: TGameState;
223 | FSystemThread: TSystemThread;
224 | FClearBackground: Boolean;
225 | FStateTime: TDateTime;
226 | FShowMenuStats: Boolean;
227 | FSelectedPlayer: TPlayer;
228 | function Scale(Value: Integer): Integer;
229 | procedure InitDigMasks;
230 | procedure SetActive(const AValue: Boolean);
231 | procedure SetBitmap(const AValue: TBitmap);
232 | function IsInsideHouses(Pos: TPoint): Boolean;
233 | procedure InitPlayers;
234 | procedure CheckGameEnd;
235 | procedure ClearBackground;
236 | procedure DrawMenu;
237 | procedure DrawStatsPartial(var Y: Integer; PlayerIndex: Integer);
238 | procedure DrawStats;
239 | procedure DrawGamePrepare(Thread: TVirtualThread);
240 | procedure DrawGame;
241 | procedure DrawInformation;
242 | procedure DrawInstructions;
243 | procedure DrawSettings;
244 | procedure DrawPlayerKeys;
245 | procedure DrawPlayerKeysRedefine;
246 | procedure DrawNewRound;
247 | procedure DrawMap;
248 | procedure SetState(AValue: TGameState);
249 | procedure ShowMenuItem(Key, Text: string; X, Y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas);
250 | function TextOutWordWrap(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; Text: string; Width: Integer): Integer;
251 | function GetMenuWidth: Integer;
252 | function GetAudioDir: string;
253 | public
254 | ThreadErrorMessage: string;
255 | Keyboard: TKeyboard;
256 | World: TWorld;
257 | PlayerPool: TPlayers;
258 | Players: TPlayers;
259 | DigMasks: TObjectList<TMatrixByte>;
260 | Lock: TCriticalSection;
261 | CurrentRound: Integer;
262 | MaxScore: Integer;
263 | AudioShot: TSound;
264 | AudioExplode: TSound;
265 | DrawDuration: TDatetime;
266 | HomePage: string;
267 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
268 | destructor Destroy; override;
269 | procedure ResizePlayerFrames;
270 | procedure Tick;
271 | procedure Redraw;
272 | procedure Draw;
273 | procedure DrawThread(Thread: TVirtualThread);
274 | procedure NewGame;
275 | procedure NewRound;
276 | procedure KeyUp(Key: Word);
277 | procedure KeyDown(Key: Word);
278 | procedure LoadFromRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
279 | procedure SaveToRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
280 | procedure InitPlayerPool;
281 | procedure Translate;
282 | property Bitmap: TBitmap read FBitmap write SetBitmap;
283 | property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive;
284 | property State: TGameState read FState write SetState;
285 | property OnGameEnd: TNotifyEvent read FOnGameEnd write FOnGameEnd;
286 | property OnClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnClose write FOnClose;
287 | end;
288 |
289 | const
290 | DirectionToDelta: array[0..7] of TPoint =
291 | ((X: 0; Y: -1), (X: 1; Y: -1), (X: 1; Y: 0), (X: 1; Y: 1),
292 | (X: 0; Y: 1), (X: -1; Y: 1), (X: -1; Y: 0), (X: -1; Y: -1));
293 |
294 |
295 | implementation
296 |
297 | uses
298 | Platform, FastPixel, UITypes2, Geometric;
299 |
300 | resourcestring
301 | SRound = 'Round';
302 | SPressEsc = 'Press ESC to continue';
303 | SStartGame = 'Start game';
304 | SInstructions = 'Instructions';
305 | SInstructionsDetails = 'Tunneler is a two player game. The objective of the game is to be the first to win three rounds. ' +
306 | 'A round continues until one tank blows up (from being shot or simply running out of energy).';
307 | SInstructionsDetails2 = 'The display: Each player has a view screen and an instrument panel with two meters. ' +
308 | 'The view screen shows your surroundings from above (about 1% of the entire "worlds"). ' +
309 | 'The two meters indicate the player''s energy and shield condition.';
310 | SInstructionsDetails3 = 'The Game: Players can move in one of 8 directions. ' +
311 | 'Movement in tunnels is three times as fast as normal digging. ' +
312 | 'Fast digging can be accomplished by firing the tank''s cannon while moving. ' +
313 | 'Various actions use up different amounts of energy : moving costs some energy, digging costs more, and shotting costs the most. ' +
314 | 'Shields are damaged when hit by the other player''s cannon. ' +
315 | 'Players can refuel at either base but can repair their shields only at their own bases.';
316 | SInstructionsDetails4 = 'Controls: \n ' +
317 | 'Blue: W - up, A - left, X - down, D - right, Control - shoot \n ' +
318 | 'Green: arrows key, Enter - shoot';
319 | SInformation = 'Information';
320 | SInformationDetails = 'Tunneler is written from scratch in Lazarus/FPC. ' +
321 | 'It is designed to be as similar as the original MS-DOS game (https://tunneler.org/) but also with some modern extensions. ' +
322 | 'The program uses standard canvas drawing with combination of low resolution fast pixel matrix. ' +
323 | 'It supports High DPI scaling. It supports up to eight players.';
324 | SInformationDetails2 = 'This is a public domain open source program: feel free to copy it for friends and study the source code. \n ' +
325 | 'Homepage: %s';
326 | SSettings = 'Settings';
327 | SWorldReady = 'World ready';
328 | SExit = 'Exit';
329 | SStatistics = 'Statistics';
330 | SShotsFired = 'Shots fired';
331 | SShotsHit = 'Shots hit';
332 | SPercentHit = 'Percent hit';
333 | SMetersDug = 'Meters dug';
334 | SMetersTravelled = 'Meters travelled';
335 | SWinnerIs = 'The winner is';
336 | SGreen = 'Green';
337 | SBlue = 'Blue';
338 | SRed = 'Red';
339 | SPink = 'Pink';
340 | SCyan = 'Cyan';
341 | SYellow = 'Yellow';
342 | SOrange = 'Orange';
343 | SGray = 'Gray';
344 | SMorePlayers = 'More players';
345 | SLessPlayers = 'Less players';
346 | SPlayersKeys = 'Players keys';
347 | SDefinePlayerKeys = 'Define player keys';
348 | SBack = 'Back';
349 | SPlayersCount = 'Players count';
350 | SLeft = 'Left';
351 | SUp = 'Up';
352 | SRight = 'Right';
353 | SDown = 'Down';
354 | SShoot = 'Shoot';
355 | SSet = 'Set';
356 | SDone = 'Done';
357 |
358 | { TBullets }
359 |
360 | procedure TBullets.HideAll;
361 | var
362 | I: Integer;
363 | begin
364 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
365 | with Items[I] do begin
366 | Player.Engine.World.Surface.ItemsXY[Trunc(Position.X), Trunc(Position.Y)] := Byte(miSpace);
367 | Player.Engine.World.Surface.ItemsXY[Trunc(PositionTail.X), Trunc(PositionTail.Y)] := Byte(miSpace);
368 | end;
369 | end;
370 |
371 | { TTanks }
372 |
373 | procedure TTanks.Assign(Source: TTanks);
374 | var
375 | I: Integer;
376 | begin
377 | Clear;
378 | Count := Source.Count;
379 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
380 | Items[I] := TTank.Create;
381 | Items[I].Assign(Source.Items[I]);
382 | end;
383 | end;
384 |
385 | { TPlayers }
386 |
387 | function TPlayers.AddNew: TPlayer;
388 | begin
389 | Result := TPlayer.Create;
390 | Add(Result);
391 | end;
392 |
393 | procedure TPlayers.Assign(Players: TPlayers);
394 | var
395 | I: Integer;
396 | begin
397 | while Count < Players.Count do Add(TPlayer.Create);
398 | while Count > Players.Count do Delete(Count - 1);
399 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
400 | Items[I].Assign(Players[I]);
401 | end;
402 |
403 | procedure TPlayers.LoadFromRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
404 | var
405 | Player: TPlayer;
406 | begin
407 | for Player in Self do begin
408 | Player.LoadFromRegistry(TRegistryContext.Create(Context.RootKey, Context.Key + '\' + IntToStr(Player.Id)));
409 | end;
410 | end;
411 |
412 | procedure TPlayers.SaveToRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
413 | var
414 | Player: TPlayer;
415 | begin
416 | for Player in Self do begin
417 | Player.SaveToRegistry(TRegistryContext.Create(Context.RootKey, Context.Key + '\' + IntToStr(Player.Id)));
418 | end;
419 | end;
420 |
421 | function TPlayers.GetAliveCount: Integer;
422 | var
423 | I: Integer;
424 | begin
425 | Result := 0;
426 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
427 | with Items[I] do
428 | if not Exploded then Inc(Result);
429 | end;
430 |
431 | function TPlayers.GetWinner: TPlayer;
432 | var
433 | I: Integer;
434 | TopScore: Integer;
435 | begin
436 | Result := nil;
437 | TopScore := 0;
438 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
439 | with Items[I] do
440 | if Enabled and (Score > TopScore) then begin
441 | TopScore := Score;
442 | Result := Items[I];
443 | end;
444 | end;
445 |
446 | function TPlayers.GetEnabledCount: Integer;
447 | var
448 | I: Integer;
449 | begin
450 | Result := 0;
451 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
452 | if Items[I].Enabled then Inc(Result);
453 | end;
454 | end;
455 |
456 | procedure TPlayers.EnableMore;
457 | var
458 | I: Integer;
459 | begin
460 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
461 | if not Items[I].Enabled then begin
462 | Items[I].Enabled := True;
463 | Break;
464 | end;
465 | end;
466 | end;
467 |
468 | procedure TPlayers.EnableLess;
469 | var
470 | I: Integer;
471 | begin
472 | if GetEnabledCount > 2 then
473 | for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
474 | if Items[I].Enabled then begin
475 | Items[I].Enabled := False;
476 | Break;
477 | end;
478 | end;
479 | end;
480 |
481 | procedure TPlayers.ClearKey(Key: Integer);
482 | var
483 | I: Integer;
484 | begin
485 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
486 | with Items[I].Keys do begin
487 | if Left = Key then Left := 0;
488 | if Up = Key then Up := 0;
489 | if Right = Key then Right := 0;
490 | if Down = Key then Down := 0;
491 | if Shoot = Key then Shoot := 0;
492 | end;
493 | end;
494 |
495 | { TSystemThread }
496 |
497 | procedure TSystemThread.Execute;
498 | begin
499 | try
500 | repeat
501 | Engine.Tick;
502 | Sleep(10);
503 | until Terminated;
504 | except
505 | on E: Exception do
506 | Engine.ThreadErrorMessage := E.Message;
507 | end;
508 | end;
509 |
510 | { TDrawThread }
511 |
512 | procedure TDrawThread.DrawSync;
513 | begin
514 | with Engine do
515 | if Assigned(Bitmap) then begin
516 | Lock.Acquire;
517 | Bitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
518 | try
519 | Draw;
520 | finally
521 | Bitmap.EndUpdate;
522 | Lock.Release;
523 | end;
524 | end;
525 | end;
526 |
527 | procedure TDrawThread.Execute;
528 | begin
529 | try
530 | repeat
531 | Engine.DrawThread(Self);
532 | if not Terminated then Synchronize(DrawSync);
533 | Sleep(50);
534 | until Terminated;
535 | except
536 | on E: Exception do
537 | Engine.ThreadErrorMessage := E.Message;
538 | end;
539 | end;
540 |
541 | { TKeyboard }
542 |
543 | procedure TKeyboard.ClearAll;
544 | var
545 | I: Integer;
546 | begin
547 | for I := 0 to High(KeyState) do
548 | KeyState[I] := False;
549 | end;
550 |
551 | { TBullet }
552 |
553 | constructor TBullet.Create;
554 | begin
555 | MaxDistance := -1;
556 | Distance := 0;
557 | CanKill := True;
558 | end;
559 |
560 | { TTank }
561 |
562 | procedure TTank.Assign(Source: TTank);
563 | begin
564 | Image.Assign(Source.Image);
565 | Mask.Assign(Source.Mask);
566 | end;
567 |
568 | constructor TTank.Create;
569 | begin
570 | Mask := TMatrixByte.Create;
571 | Image := TMatrixByte.Create;
572 | end;
573 |
574 | destructor TTank.Destroy;
575 | begin
576 | FreeAndNil(Mask);
577 | FreeAndNil(Image);
578 | inherited;
579 | end;
580 |
581 | { TPlayer }
582 |
583 | procedure TPlayer.Control;
584 | var
585 | Delta: TPoint;
586 | NewBullet: TBullet;
587 | begin
588 | if Exploded then Exit;
589 |
590 | Delta.X := 0;
591 | Delta.Y := 0;
592 | if Engine.KeyBoard.KeyState[Ord(Keys.Down)] then Delta.Y := Delta.Y + 1;
593 | if Engine.KeyBoard.KeyState[Ord(Keys.Up)] then Delta.Y := Delta.Y - 1;
594 | if Engine.KeyBoard.KeyState[Ord(Keys.Right)] then Delta.X := Delta.X + 1;
595 | if Engine.KeyBoard.KeyState[Ord(Keys.Left)] then Delta.X := Delta.X - 1;
596 |
597 | NewDirection := Direction;
598 | if (Delta.X <> 0) or (Delta.Y <> 0) then begin
599 | if (Delta.X = 0) and (Delta.Y = -1) then NewDirection := 0
600 | else if (Delta.X = 1) and (Delta.Y = -1) then NewDirection := 1
601 | else if (Delta.X = 1) and (Delta.Y = 0) then NewDirection := 2
602 | else if (Delta.X = 1) and (Delta.Y = 1) then NewDirection := 3
603 | else if (Delta.X = 0) and (Delta.Y = 1) then NewDirection := 4
604 | else if (Delta.X = -1) and (Delta.Y = 1) then NewDirection := 5
605 | else if (Delta.X = -1) and (Delta.Y = 0) then NewDirection := 6
606 | else if (Delta.X = -1) and (Delta.Y = -1) then NewDirection := 7;
607 |
608 | if NewDirection = Direction then begin
609 | NewPosition := Point(Position.X + Delta.X, Position.Y + Delta.Y);
610 | CheckNewDestination;
611 | end else begin
612 | NewPosition := Position;
613 | if not CheckNewDestination then begin
614 | // if direction is changed then try to check movement plus one step
615 | // to prevent tank block
616 | NewPosition := Point(Position.X + Delta.X, Position.Y + Delta.Y);
617 | CheckNewDestination;
618 | end;
619 | end;
620 | end;
621 |
622 | if Engine.KeyBoard.KeyState[Ord(Keys.Shoot)] then
623 | if (Bullets.Count < MaxBulletCount) and
624 | ((Now - LastShootTime) > ShootDelay * OneSecond) then begin
625 | Inc(ShotsCount);
626 | NewBullet := TBullet.Create;
627 | NewBullet.Player := Self;
628 | NewBullet.Position.X := Position.X + DirectionToDelta[Direction].X * 3;
629 | NewBullet.Position.Y := Position.Y + DirectionToDelta[Direction].Y * 3;
630 | NewBullet.Direction.X := DirectionToDelta[Direction].X;
631 | NewBullet.Direction.Y := DirectionToDelta[Direction].Y;
632 | NewBullet.StopByDirt := True;
633 | Bullets.Add(NewBullet);
634 | LastShootTime := Now;
635 |
636 | Energy := Energy - EnergyDecreaseShoot;
637 | if Energy < 0 then Energy := 0;
638 |
639 | // Do not imedietelly clear dirt by bullet in front of tank
640 | //with Engine, World do
641 | //if TMatter(Matter[Surface.Items[Position]]).Diggable ;
642 | Engine.AudioShot.Play;
643 | end;
644 | end;
645 |
646 | function TPlayer.CheckNewDestination: Boolean;
647 | var
648 | ColisionState: TColisionState;
649 | begin
650 | Result := False;
651 | HideTank;
652 | ColisionState := CheckColision;
653 | if not ColisionState.Blocking then begin
654 | if ColisionState.Diggable then begin
655 | if (Engine.KeyBoard.KeyState[Ord(Keys.Shoot)] and
656 | ((Now - LastDigTime) > ShootDigDelay * OneSecond)) or
657 | (not Engine.KeyBoard.KeyState[Ord(Keys.Shoot)] and
658 | ((Now - LastDigTime) > DigDelay * OneSecond)) then begin
659 | Dig := not Dig;
660 | with Engine, World do
661 | Surface.Merge(Surface.CreateIndex(
662 | Position.X - TMatrixByte(DigMasks[Direction]).Count.X div 2,
663 | Position.Y - TMatrixByte(DigMasks[Direction]).Count.Y div 2),
664 | TMatrixByte(DigMasks[Direction]), DigProc);
665 | Energy := Energy - EnergyDecreaseDig;
666 | if Energy < 0 then Energy := 0;
667 | Engine.Redraw;
668 | LastDigTime := Now;
669 | Direction := NewDirection;
670 | Result := True;
671 | Inc(MetersDug);
672 | end;
673 | end else begin
674 | if ((Now - LastMoveTime) > MoveDelay * OneSecond) then begin
675 | Position := NewPosition;
676 | Direction := NewDirection;
677 | Result := True;
678 | Engine.Redraw;
679 | LastMoveTime := Now;
680 | Energy := Energy - EnergyDecreaseMove;
681 | Inc(MetersTravelled);
682 | end;
683 | end;
684 | end;
685 | ShowTank;
686 | end;
687 |
688 | procedure TPlayer.Tick;
689 | var
690 | I: Integer;
691 | P: Integer;
692 | Pos: TPoint;
693 | begin
694 | // Check energy
695 | if not ExplosionPending and not Exploded then begin
696 | if not Engine.IsInsideHouses(Position) then begin
697 | Energy := Energy - EnergyDecreaseOutside;
698 | end else begin
699 | if not Exploded then
700 | Energy := Energy + EnergyIncreaseHome;
701 | if Energy > 1 then Energy := 1;
702 | end;
703 | if Energy <= 0 then begin
704 | Energy := 0;
705 | Explosion(Position, ExplosionRange);
706 | Exploded := True;
707 | ExplosionPending := True;
708 | ExplosionTime := Now;
709 | Engine.AudioExplode.Play;
710 | end;
711 | end;
712 | if ExplosionPending and (SecondOf(Now - ExplosionTime) > ExplosionDelay) then begin
713 | ExplosionPending := False;
714 | Engine.CheckGameEnd;
715 | end;
716 | if LastEnergy <> Energy then begin
717 | LastEnergy := Energy;
718 | Engine.Redraw;
719 | end;
720 |
721 | // Check shield
722 | if House.IsInside(Position) then begin
723 | if not Exploded then
724 | Shield := Shield + ShieldIncreaseHome;
725 | if Shield > 1 then Shield := 1;
726 | end;
727 | if LastShield <> Shield then begin
728 | LastShield := Shield;
729 | Engine.Redraw;
730 | end;
731 | if (Shield <= 0) and not Exploded then begin
732 | Shield := 0;
733 | Explosion(Position, ExplosionRange);
734 | Exploded := True;
735 | ExplosionPending := True;
736 | ExplosionTime := Now;
737 | Engine.AudioExplode.Play;
738 | end;
739 |
740 | // Bullet movement
741 | for I := Bullets.Count - 1 downto 0 do
742 | with Bullets[I], Engine.World.Surface do begin
743 | Pos := Point(Trunc(Position.X), Trunc(Position.Y));
744 | if (ItemsXY[LastPos.X, LastPos.Y] = Byte(miBullet1)) or
745 | (ItemsXY[LastPos.X, LastPos.Y] = Byte(miBullet2)) then
746 | ItemsXY[LastPos.X, LastPos.Y] := Byte(miSpace);
747 | LastPos := Pos;
748 | P := Trunc(Direction.Y);
749 |
750 | PositionTail := Position;
751 | Position.X := Position.X + Direction.X;
752 | Position.Y := Position.Y + Direction.Y;
753 | Distance := Distance + Sqrt(Sqr(Direction.X) + Sqr(Direction.Y));
754 | if (Distance > MaxDistance) and (MaxDistance >= 0) then begin
755 | Bullets.Delete(I);
756 | Engine.Redraw;
757 | Continue;
758 | end;
759 |
760 | Pos := Point(Trunc(Position.X), Trunc(Position.Y));
761 |
762 | if (ItemsXY[Pos.X, Pos.Y] <> Byte(miSpace)) and
763 | (ItemsXY[Pos.X, Pos.Y] <> Byte(miBullet1)) and
764 | (ItemsXY[Pos.X, Pos.Y] <> Byte(miBullet2)) then begin
765 | if (ItemsXY[Pos.X, Pos.Y] = Byte(miDirt1)) or
766 | (ItemsXY[Pos.X, Pos.Y] = Byte(miDirt2)) then begin
767 | //ItemsXY[Pos.X, Pos.Y] := Byte(miSpace);
768 | if StopByDirt then begin
769 | Explosion(LastPos, BulletExplosionRange);
770 | Bullets.Delete(I);
771 | Engine.Redraw;
772 | Continue;
773 | end;
774 | end else begin
775 | for P := 0 to Engine.Players.Count - 1 do
776 | with Engine.Players[P] do
777 | if (Self.Id <> P) and
778 | (Engine.World.Matters[ItemsXY[Pos.X, Pos.Y]].Kind = mkTankBody) and
779 | (Engine.World.Matters[ItemsXY[Pos.X, Pos.Y]].Player = P) and CanKill then begin
780 | Shield := Shield - ShieldDecreaseHit;
781 | Inc(Self.ShotsHit);
782 | end;
783 | if StopByDirt then Explosion(LastPos, BulletExplosionRange);
784 | Bullets.Delete(I);
785 | Engine.Redraw;
786 | Continue;
787 | end;
788 | end;
789 |
790 | // Max position limit checking
791 | with Engine.World.Surface do
792 | if (Pos.X >= Count.X) or (Pos.X < 0) or
793 | (Pos.Y >= Count.Y) or (Pos.Y < 0) then begin
794 | Bullets.Delete(I);
795 | Engine.Redraw;
796 | Continue;
797 | end;
798 | ItemsXY[Pos.X, Pos.Y] := Byte(miBullet1);
799 | ItemsXY[LastPos.X, LastPos.Y] := Byte(miBullet2);
800 | Engine.Redraw;
801 | end;
802 |
803 | if (Engine.State = gsGame) and not Exploded then ShowTank;
804 | end;
805 |
806 | procedure TPlayer.Paint;
807 | var
808 | X, Y: Integer;
809 | XX, YY: Integer;
810 | I: Integer;
811 | B: TColor;
812 | begin
813 | with Engine.FBitmapLower do begin
814 | Fill(CreateIndex(ScreenFrame.Left, ScreenFrame.Top),
815 | CreateIndex(ScreenFrame.Width, ScreenFrame.Height),
816 | Engine.World.Matters[Integer(miRock)].Color);
817 |
818 | with Engine.World do
819 | for Y := ScreenFrame.Top to ScreenFrame.Bottom - 1 do
820 | for X := ScreenFrame.Left to ScreenFrame.Right - 1 do begin
821 | XX := X - ScreenFrame.Left - ((ScreenFrame.Right - ScreenFrame.Left) div 2) + Position.X;
822 | YY := Y - ScreenFrame.Top - ((ScreenFrame.Bottom - ScreenFrame.Top) div 2) + Position.Y;
823 | if (YY >= 0) and (YY < Surface.Count.Y) and
824 | (XX >= 0) and (XX < Surface.Count.X) then begin
825 | B := Engine.World.Matters[Surface.ItemsXY[XX, YY]].Color;
826 | ItemsXY[X, Y] := B;
827 | end;
828 | end;
829 |
830 | // Energy bar
831 | for I := 1 to ScreenFrame.Width - 2 do
832 | if Energy < I / (ScreenFrame.Width - 2) then
833 | ItemsXY[ScreenFrame.Left + I, ScreenFrame.Bottom - 2] := clBlack
834 | else ItemsXY[ScreenFrame.Left + I, ScreenFrame.Bottom - 2] := clYellow;
835 |
836 | // Shield bar
837 | for I := 1 to ScreenFrame.Width - 2 do
838 | if Shield < I / (ScreenFrame.Width - 2) then
839 | ItemsXY[ScreenFrame.Left + I, ScreenFrame.Bottom - 1] := clBlack
840 | else ItemsXY[ScreenFrame.Left + I, ScreenFrame.Bottom - 1] := clAqua;
841 | end;
842 | end;
843 |
844 | procedure TPlayer.PlaceHouse;
845 | var
846 | X, Y: Integer;
847 | Matter: Byte;
848 | begin
849 | House.AsTRect := Rect(Position.X - PlayerHouseSize div 2, Position.Y - PlayerHouseSize div 2,
850 | Position.X + PlayerHouseSize div 2, Position.Y + PlayerHouseSize div 2);
851 | for Y := 0 to PlayerHouseSize - 1 do
852 | for X := 0 to PlayerHouseSize - 1 do begin
853 | if ((Y = 0) or (Y = (PlayerHouseSize - 1)) or (X = 0) or (X = (PlayerHouseSize - 1))) and
854 | not (((Y = 0) or (Y = (PlayerHouseSize - 1))) and
855 | (X >= ((PlayerHouseSize - PlayerHouseDoorSize) div 2)) and
856 | (X <= ((PlayerHouseSize - 1 + PlayerHouseDoorSize) div 2)))
857 | then Matter := Byte(miPlayer1Home) + Id * 4
858 | else Matter := Byte(miSpace);
859 | Engine.World.Surface.ItemsXY[House.Left + X,
860 | House.Top + Y] := Matter;
861 | end;
862 | end;
863 |
864 | function TPlayer.CheckColision: TColisionState;
865 | var
866 | X, Y: Integer;
867 | XX, YY: Integer;
868 | begin
869 | Result.Diggable := False;
870 | Result.Blocking := False;
871 | with Engine, World, TTank(Tanks[NewDirection]) do
872 | for Y := 0 to Image.Count.Y - 1 do
873 | for X := 0 to Image.Count.X - 1 do begin
874 | XX := X + NewPosition.X - Image.Count.X div 2;
875 | YY := Y + NewPosition.Y - Image.Count.Y div 2;
876 | if Image.ItemsXY[X, Y] > 0 then begin
877 | if TMatter(Matters[Surface.ItemsXY[XX, YY]]).Blocking then
878 | Result.Blocking := True;
879 | if TMatter(Matters[Surface.ItemsXY[XX, YY]]).Diggable then
880 | Result.Diggable := True;
881 | end;
882 | end;
883 | end;
884 |
885 | function TPlayer.ShowTankProc(Item1, Item2: Byte): Byte;
886 | begin
887 | if Item2 > 0 then Result := Item2
888 | else Result := Item1;
889 | end;
890 |
891 | procedure TPlayer.SetExploded(const AValue: Boolean);
892 | begin
893 | if FExploded = AValue then Exit;
894 | FExploded := AValue;
895 | if FExploded then begin
896 | HideTank;
897 | Energy := 0;
898 | Shield := 0;
899 | end else ShowTank;
900 | end;
901 |
902 | procedure TPlayer.ShowTank;
903 | begin
904 | with Engine.World do begin
905 | Surface.Merge(Surface.CreateIndex(
906 | Position.X - Tanks[Direction].Image.Count.X div 2,
907 | Position.Y - Tanks[Direction].Image.Count.Y div 2),
908 | Tanks[Direction].Image, ShowTankProc);
909 | end;
910 | end;
911 |
912 | function TPlayer.HideTankProc(Item1, Item2: Byte): Byte;
913 | begin
914 | if Item2 > 0 then Result := 0 else Result := Item1;
915 | end;
916 |
917 | function TPlayer.DigProc(Item1, Item2: Byte): Byte;
918 | begin
919 | if ((Item1 = Integer(miDirt1)) or (Item1 = Integer(miDirt2))) and (Item2 = 1) then
920 | Result := Integer(miSpace) else Result := Item1;
921 | end;
922 |
923 | function TPlayer.CheckMinStartPositionDistance: Boolean;
924 | var
925 | I: Integer;
926 | MinDistance: Integer;
927 | begin
928 | MinDistance := Trunc(Sqrt(Sqr(2 * PlayerHouseSize) + Sqr(2 * PlayerHouseSize)));
929 | Result := False;
930 | for I := 0 to Engine.Players.Count - 1 do
931 | if Engine.Players[I] <> Self then
932 | if Distance(Engine.Players[I].StartPosition, StartPosition) < MinDistance then begin
933 | Result := True;
934 | Break;
935 | end;
936 | end;
937 |
938 | procedure TPlayer.ResetTank;
939 | begin
940 | HideTank;
941 | Position := StartPosition;
942 | ExplosionPending := False;
943 | Bullets.HideAll;
944 | Bullets.Clear;
945 | Energy := 1;
946 | Shield := 1;
947 | Direction := 0;
948 | ShowTank;
949 | Exploded := False;
950 | end;
951 |
952 | procedure TPlayer.Init;
953 | var
954 | I: Integer;
955 | begin
956 | with Engine do
957 | for I := 0 to 100 do begin
958 | StartPosition := Point(Round(World.Surface.Count.X * 0.2) + Random(Round(World.Surface.Count.X * 0.6)),
959 | Round(World.Surface.Count.Y * 0.2) + Random(Round(World.Surface.Count.Y * 0.6)));
960 | if not CheckMinStartPositionDistance then Break;
961 | end;
962 | Position := StartPosition;
963 | PlaceHouse;
964 | ShotsCount := 0;
965 | ShotsHit := 0;
966 | MetersDug := 0;
967 | MetersTravelled := 0;
968 | end;
969 |
970 | procedure TPlayer.Explosion(Position: TPoint; Distance: Integer);
971 | var
972 | NewBullet: TBullet;
973 | I: Integer;
974 | Speed: Real;
975 | Angle: Real;
976 | begin
977 | if not Exploded then begin
978 | for I := 0 to Distance * 2 - 1 do begin
979 | NewBullet := TBullet.Create;
980 | NewBullet.Player := Self;
981 | Speed := ExplosionBulletMinSpeed + (ExplosionBulletMaxSpeed - ExplosionBulletMinSpeed) * Random;
982 | Angle := Random * 2 * Pi;
983 | NewBullet.Direction.X := Sin(Angle) * Speed;
984 | NewBullet.Direction.Y := Cos(Angle) * Speed;
985 | NewBullet.Position.X := Position.X; // + NewBullet.Direction.X * 3;
986 | NewBullet.Position.Y := Position.Y; // + NewBullet.Direction.Y * 3;
987 | NewBullet.MaxDistance := Random(Distance);
988 | NewBullet.CanKill := False;
989 | Bullets.Add(NewBullet);
990 | end;
991 | end;
992 | end;
993 |
994 | procedure TPlayer.HideTank;
995 | begin
996 | with Engine.World do begin
997 | Surface.Merge(Surface.CreateIndex(
998 | Position.X - Tanks[Direction].Image.Count.X div 2,
999 | Position.Y - Tanks[Direction].Image.Count.Y div 2),
1000 | Tanks[Direction].Image, HideTankProc);
1001 | end;
1002 | end;
1003 |
1004 | procedure TPlayer.InitTanks;
1005 | var
1006 | NewTank: TTank;
1007 | I: Integer;
1008 | X, Y: Integer;
1009 | begin
1010 | Tanks.Clear;
1011 |
1012 | NewTank := TTank.Create;
1013 | with NewTank do begin
1014 | Image.Count := Image.CreateIndex(7, 7);
1015 | for I := 0 to 3 do
1016 | Image[3, I] := Byte(miPlayer1Cannon) + Id * 4;
1017 | for I := 1 to 6 do begin
1018 | Image[1, I] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody) + Id * 4;
1019 | Image[5, I] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody) + Id * 4;
1020 | end;
1021 | for I := 2 to 5 do begin
1022 | Image[2, I] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1023 | Image[4, I] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1024 | end;
1025 | Image[3, 4] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1026 | Image[3, 5] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1027 | end;
1028 | Tanks.Add(NewTank);
1029 |
1030 | NewTank := TTank.Create;
1031 | with NewTank do begin
1032 | Image.Count := Image.CreateIndex(7, 7);
1033 | for I := 0 to 2 do
1034 | Image[3 + I, 3 - I] := Byte(miPlayer1Cannon) + Id * 4;
1035 | for I := 0 to 3 do begin
1036 | Image[I, 3 - I] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody) + Id * 4;
1037 | Image[3 + I, 6 - I] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody) + Id * 4;
1038 | end;
1039 | for I := 0 to 2 do begin
1040 | Image[1 + I, 3 - I] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1041 | Image[3 + I, 5 - I] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1042 | end;
1043 | Image[3, 2] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1044 | Image[2, 3] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1045 | Image[2, 4] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1046 | Image[3, 4] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1047 | Image[4, 3] := Byte(miPlayer1TankBody2) + Id * 4;
1048 | end;
1049 | Tanks.Add(NewTank);
1050 |
1051 | NewTank := TTank.Create;
1052 | NewTank.Image.Assign(Tanks[0].Image);
1053 | NewTank.Image.Reverse;
1054 | NewTank.Image.ReverseHorizontal;
1055 | Tanks.Add(NewTank);
1056 |
1057 | NewTank := TTank.Create;
1058 | NewTank.Image.Assign(Tanks[1].Image);
1059 | NewTank.Image.ReverseVertical;
1060 | Tanks.Add(NewTank);
1061 |
1062 | NewTank := TTank.Create;
1063 | NewTank.Image.Assign(Tanks[0].Image);
1064 | NewTank.Image.ReverseVertical;
1065 | Tanks.Add(NewTank);
1066 |
1067 | NewTank := TTank.Create;
1068 | NewTank.Image.Assign(Tanks[1].Image);
1069 | NewTank.Image.ReverseVertical;
1070 | NewTank.Image.ReverseHorizontal;
1071 | Tanks.Add(NewTank);
1072 |
1073 | NewTank := TTank.Create;
1074 | NewTank.Image.Assign(Tanks[0].Image);
1075 | NewTank.Image.Reverse;
1076 | Tanks.Add(NewTank);
1077 |
1078 | NewTank := TTank.Create;
1079 | NewTank.Image.Assign(Tanks[1].Image);
1080 | NewTank.Image.ReverseHorizontal;
1081 | Tanks.Add(NewTank);
1082 |
1083 | for I := 0 to Tanks.Count - 1 do
1084 | with Tanks[I] do begin
1085 | Mask.Assign(Image);
1086 | for Y := 0 to Mask.Count.Y - 1 do
1087 | for X := 0 to Mask.Count.X - 1 do
1088 | if Mask.ItemsXY[X, Y] > 0 then Mask.ItemsXY[X, Y] := 1;
1089 | end;
1090 | end;
1091 |
1092 | procedure TPlayer.ClearKeys;
1093 | begin
1094 | Keys.Left := 0;
1095 | Keys.Up := 0;
1096 | Keys.Right := 0;
1097 | Keys.Down := 0;
1098 | Keys.Shoot := 0;
1099 | end;
1100 |
1101 | constructor TPlayer.Create;
1102 | begin
1103 | Tanks := TTanks.Create;
1104 | Bullets := TBullets.Create;
1105 | House := TRectangle.Create;
1106 | ScreenFrame := TRectangle.Create;
1107 | end;
1108 |
1109 | destructor TPlayer.Destroy;
1110 | begin
1111 | FreeAndNil(ScreenFrame);
1112 | FreeAndNil(House);
1113 | FreeAndNil(Bullets);
1114 | FreeAndNil(Tanks);
1115 | inherited;
1116 | end;
1117 |
1118 | procedure TPlayer.Assign(Source: TPlayer);
1119 | begin
1120 | Engine := Source.Engine;
1121 | Id := Source.Id;
1122 | Keys := Source.Keys;
1123 | Color1 := Source.Color1;
1124 | Color2 := Source.Color2;
1125 | Energy := Source.Energy;
1126 | Shield := Source.Shield;
1127 | Name := Source.Name;
1128 | Enabled := Source.Enabled;
1129 | Position := Source.Position;
1130 | StartPosition := Source.StartPosition;
1131 | Score := Source.Score;
1132 | ShotsCount := Source.ShotsCount;
1133 | ShotsHit := Source.ShotsHit;
1134 | MetersDug := Source.MetersDug;
1135 | MetersTravelled := Source.MetersTravelled;
1136 | FExploded := Source.FExploded;
1137 | Tanks.Assign(Source.Tanks);
1138 | end;
1139 |
1140 | procedure TPlayer.LoadFromRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
1141 | begin
1142 | with TRegistryEx.Create do
1143 | try
1144 | CurrentContext := Context;
1145 | Name := ReadStringWithDefault('Name', Name);
1146 | Color1 := ReadIntegerWithDefault('Color1', Color1);
1147 | Color2 := ReadIntegerWithDefault('Color2', Color2);
1148 | Enabled := ReadBoolWithDefault('Enabled', Enabled);
1149 | Keys.Left := ReadIntegerWithDefault('KeysLeft', Keys.Left);
1150 | Keys.Right := ReadIntegerWithDefault('KeyRight', Keys.Right);
1151 | Keys.Down := ReadIntegerWithDefault('KeyDown', Keys.Down);
1152 | Keys.Up := ReadIntegerWithDefault('KeyUp', Keys.Up);
1153 | Keys.Shoot := ReadIntegerWithDefault('KeyShoot', Keys.Shoot);
1154 | finally
1155 | Free;
1156 | end;
1157 | end;
1158 |
1159 | procedure TPlayer.SaveToRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
1160 | begin
1161 | with TRegistryEx.Create do
1162 | try
1163 | CurrentContext := Context;
1164 | WriteString('Name', Name);
1165 | WriteInteger('Color1', Color1);
1166 | WriteInteger('Color2', Color2);
1167 | WriteBool('Enabled', Enabled);
1168 | WriteInteger('KeysLeft', Keys.Left);
1169 | WriteInteger('KeyRight', Keys.Right);
1170 | WriteInteger('KeyDown', Keys.Down);
1171 | WriteInteger('KeyUp', Keys.Up);
1172 | WriteInteger('KeyShoot', Keys.Shoot);
1173 | finally
1174 | Free;
1175 | end;
1176 | end;
1177 |
1178 | { TEngine }
1179 |
1180 | procedure TEngine.SetActive(const AValue: Boolean);
1181 | begin
1182 | if FActive = AValue then Exit;
1183 | FActive := AValue;
1184 | if AValue then begin
1185 | FDrawThread := TDrawThread.Create(True);
1186 | FDrawThread.Engine := Self;
1187 | FDrawThread.FreeOnTerminate := False;
1188 | FDrawThread.Name := 'Draw';
1189 | FDrawThread.Start;
1190 | FSystemThread := TSystemThread.Create(True);
1191 | FSystemThread.Engine := Self;
1192 | FSystemThread.FreeOnTerminate := False;
1193 | FSystemThread.Name := 'Engine';
1194 | FSystemThread.Start;
1195 | end else begin
1196 | FDrawThread.Terminate;
1197 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1198 | FreeAndNil(FDrawThread);
1199 | FreeAndNil(FSystemThread);
1200 | end;
1201 | end;
1202 |
1203 | procedure TEngine.SetBitmap(const AValue: TBitmap);
1204 | begin
1205 | FBitmap := AValue;
1206 | ResizePlayerFrames;
1207 | end;
1208 |
1209 | procedure TEngine.Redraw;
1210 | begin
1211 | FRedrawPending := True;
1212 | end;
1213 |
1214 | function TEngine.IsInsideHouses(Pos: TPoint): Boolean;
1215 | var
1216 | I: Integer;
1217 | begin
1218 | Result := False;
1219 | for I := 0 to Players.Count - 1 do
1220 | if Players[I].House.IsInside(Pos) then begin
1221 | Result := True;
1222 | end;
1223 | end;
1224 |
1225 | procedure TEngine.DrawGame;
1226 | var
1227 | X, Y: Integer;
1228 | PixelX, PixelY: Integer;
1229 | SubPixelPtr: PInteger;
1230 | SubPixelRowPtr: PInteger;
1231 | SubPixelSizeX: Integer;
1232 | SubPixelSizeY: Integer;
1233 | PixelPtr: PInteger;
1234 | PixelRowPtr: PInteger;
1235 | BytePerPixel: Integer;
1236 | BytePerRow: Integer;
1237 | RawImage: TRawImage;
1238 | Color: Int64;
1239 | Shift: TPoint;
1240 | XDiv, XMod, XAcc: Integer;
1241 | YDiv, YMod, YAcc: Integer;
1242 | Ratio: Real;
1243 | TargetHeight: Integer;
1244 | TargetWidth: Integer;
1245 | BgColor: Cardinal;
1246 | begin
1247 | // TODO: To be able to draw into Bitmap not just through Canvas
1248 | Bitmap.EndUpdate;
1249 | Bitmap.BeginUpdate;
1250 |
1252 | Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
1253 | {$ENDIF}
1254 | RawImage := Bitmap.RawImage;
1255 | BytePerPixel := RawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel div 8;
1256 | BytePerRow := RawImage.Description.BytesPerLine;
1257 | if FClearBackground then begin
1258 | BgColor := World.Matters[Integer(miBorder)].Color;
1259 | BgColor := SwapBRComponent(BgColor);
1260 | FillDWord(RawImage.Data^, Bitmap.Height * BytePerRow div 4, BgColor);
1261 | FClearBackground := False;
1262 | end;
1263 |
1264 | if (FBitmap.Width / FBitmapLower.Width) < (FBitmap.Height / FBitmapLower.Height) then
1265 | Ratio := FBitmap.Width / FBitmapLower.Width
1266 | else Ratio := FBitmap.Height / FBitmapLower.Height;
1267 |
1268 | // Preserve aspect ratio
1269 | TargetWidth := Trunc(FBitmapLower.Width * Ratio);
1270 | TargetHeight := Trunc(FBitmapLower.Height * Ratio);
1271 |
1272 | Shift.X := Trunc((Bitmap.Width - TargetWidth) / 2);
1273 | Shift.Y := Trunc((Bitmap.Height - TargetHeight) / 2);
1274 |
1275 | XDiv := TargetWidth div FBitmapLower.Width;
1276 | XMod := TargetWidth mod FBitmapLower.Width;
1277 | YDiv := TargetHeight div FBitmapLower.Height;
1278 | YMod := TargetHeight mod FBitmapLower.Height;
1279 |
1280 | PixelRowPtr := PInteger(RawImage.Data + BytePerRow * Shift.Y);
1281 | YAcc := FBitmapLower.Height div 2;
1282 | for Y := 0 to FBitmapLower.Height - 1 do begin
1283 | SubPixelSizeY := YDiv;
1284 | Inc(YAcc, YMod);
1285 | if YAcc >= FBitmapLower.Height then begin
1286 | Dec(YAcc, FBitmapLower.Height);
1287 | Inc(SubPixelSizeY);
1288 | end;
1289 |
1290 | PixelPtr := PixelRowPtr + Shift.X;
1291 | XAcc := FBitmapLower.Width div 2;
1292 | for X := 0 to FBitmapLower.Width - 1 do begin
1293 | SubPixelSizeX := XDiv;
1294 | Inc(XAcc, XMod);
1295 | if XAcc >= FBitmapLower.Width then begin
1296 | Dec(XAcc, FBitmapLower.Width);
1297 | Inc(SubPixelSizeX);
1298 | end;
1299 | Color := FBitmapLower.Pixels[X, Y] and $ffffff;
1300 |
1301 | Color := SwapBRComponent(Color);
1302 |
1303 | // Draw large pixel
1304 | SubPixelRowPtr := PixelPtr;
1305 | for PixelY := 0 to SubPixelSizeY - 1 do begin
1306 | SubPixelPtr := SubPixelRowPtr;
1307 | for PixelX := 0 to SubPixelSizeX - 1 do begin
1308 | SubPixelPtr^ := Color;
1309 | Inc(PByte(SubPixelPtr), BytePerPixel);
1310 | end;
1311 | Inc(PByte(SubPixelRowPtr), BytePerRow);
1312 | end;
1313 | Inc(PByte(PixelPtr), BytePerPixel * SubPixelSizeX);
1314 | end;
1315 | Inc(PByte(PixelRowPtr), BytePerRow * SubPixelSizeY);
1316 | end;
1317 | end;
1318 |
1319 | procedure TEngine.DrawInformation;
1320 | var
1321 | Text: string;
1322 | X: Integer;
1323 | Y: Integer;
1324 | LineHeight: Integer;
1325 | begin
1326 | LineHeight := Scale(40);
1327 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1328 | ClearBackground;
1329 |
1330 | X := Bitmap.Width div 2;
1331 | Y := Bitmap.Height div 20;
1332 |
1333 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
1334 | Pen.Style := psSolid;
1335 | Pen.Color := clWhite;
1336 | Font.Color := clGreen;
1337 | Font.Size := Scale(20);
1338 | Text := SInformation;
1339 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text) div 2, Y, Text);
1340 | Inc(Y, 2 * LineHeight);
1341 |
1342 | X := Scale(30);
1343 |
1344 | Font.Color := clYellow;
1345 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1346 | Text := SInformationDetails;
1347 | Inc(Y, LineHeight * TextOutWordWrap(Bitmap.Canvas, X, Y, Text, Bitmap.Width - Scale(60)));
1348 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
1349 |
1350 | Text := Format(SInformationDetails2, [HomePage]);
1351 | Inc(Y, LineHeight * TextOutWordWrap(Bitmap.Canvas, X, Y, Text, Bitmap.Width - Scale(60)));
1352 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
1353 |
1354 | X := Bitmap.Width div 2;
1355 |
1356 | Font.Color := clGreen;
1357 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1358 | Text := SPressEsc;
1359 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 9, Text);
1360 | end;
1361 | end;
1362 |
1363 | procedure TEngine.DrawInstructions;
1364 | var
1365 | Text: string;
1366 | X: Integer;
1367 | Y: Integer;
1368 | LineHeight: Integer;
1369 | begin
1370 | LineHeight := Scale(40);
1371 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1372 | ClearBackground;
1373 |
1374 | X := Bitmap.Width div 2;
1375 | Y := Bitmap.Height div 20;
1376 |
1377 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
1378 | Pen.Style := psSolid;
1379 | Pen.Color := clWhite;
1380 | Font.Color := clTuna;
1381 | Font.Size := Scale(20);
1382 | Text := SInstructions;
1383 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text) div 2, Y, Text);
1384 | Inc(Y, 2 * LineHeight);
1385 |
1386 | X := Scale(30);
1387 |
1388 | Font.Color := clTeal;
1389 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1390 | Text := SInstructionsDetails;
1391 | Inc(Y, LineHeight * TextOutWordWrap(Bitmap.Canvas, X, Y, Text, Bitmap.Width - Scale(60)));
1392 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
1393 |
1394 | Text := SInstructionsDetails2;
1395 | Inc(Y, LineHeight * TextOutWordWrap(Bitmap.Canvas, X, Y, Text, Bitmap.Width - Scale(60)));
1396 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
1397 |
1398 | Text := SInstructionsDetails3;
1399 | Inc(Y, LineHeight * TextOutWordWrap(Bitmap.Canvas, X, Y, Text, Bitmap.Width - Scale(60)));
1400 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
1401 |
1402 | Text := SInstructionsDetails4;
1403 | Inc(Y, LineHeight * TextOutWordWrap(Bitmap.Canvas, X, Y, Text, Bitmap.Width - Scale(60)));
1404 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
1405 |
1406 | X := Bitmap.Width div 2;
1407 | Font.Color := clGreen;
1408 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1409 | Text := SPressEsc;
1410 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 9, Text);
1411 | end;
1412 | end;
1413 |
1414 | procedure TEngine.DrawSettings;
1415 | var
1416 | Text: string;
1417 | MenuWidth: Integer;
1418 | X: Integer;
1419 | begin
1420 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1421 | ClearBackground;
1422 |
1423 | MenuWidth := GetMenuWidth;
1424 |
1425 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
1426 | Pen.Style := psSolid;
1427 | Pen.Color := clWhite;
1428 | Font.Color := clTuna;
1429 | Font.Size := Scale(20);
1430 | Text := SSettings;
1431 | TextOut((MenuWidth - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 20, Text);
1432 |
1433 | Pen.Color := clPurple;
1434 | Pen.Width := Scale(6);
1435 | Frame((MenuWidth - Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 - Scale(40),
1436 | (MenuWidth + Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(200));
1437 |
1438 | Font.Color := clPurple;
1439 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1440 |
1441 | X := MenuWidth div 2 - Scale(180);
1442 | ShowMenuItem('F1', SMorePlayers, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4, Bitmap.Canvas);
1443 | ShowMenuItem('F2', SLessPlayers, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(40), Bitmap.Canvas);
1444 | ShowMenuItem('F3', SPlayersKeys, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(80), Bitmap.Canvas);
1445 | ShowMenuItem('ESC', SBack, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(120), Bitmap.Canvas);
1446 |
1447 | Font.Color := clDarkGreen;
1448 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1449 | Text := SPlayersCount + ': ' + IntToStr(PlayerPool.GetEnabledCount);
1450 | TextOut((MenuWidth - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 8, Text);
1451 | end;
1452 | end;
1453 |
1454 | procedure TEngine.DrawPlayerKeys;
1455 | var
1456 | Text: string;
1457 | MenuWidth: Integer;
1458 | X: Integer;
1459 | Y: Integer;
1460 | I: Integer;
1461 | begin
1462 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1463 | ClearBackground;
1464 |
1465 | MenuWidth := GetMenuWidth;
1466 |
1467 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
1468 | Pen.Style := psSolid;
1469 | Pen.Color := clWhite;
1470 | Font.Color := clTuna;
1471 | Font.Size := Scale(20);
1472 | Text := SPlayersKeys;
1473 | TextOut((MenuWidth - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 20, Text);
1474 |
1475 | Pen.Color := clPurple;
1476 | Pen.Width := Scale(6);
1477 | Frame((MenuWidth - Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 - Scale(40),
1478 | (MenuWidth + Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(400));
1479 |
1480 | Font.Color := clPurple;
1481 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1482 |
1483 | X := MenuWidth div 2 - Scale(180);
1484 | Y := Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4;
1485 | for I := 0 to PlayerPool.GetEnabledCount - 1 do begin
1486 | Font.Color := PlayerPool[I].Color1;
1487 | ShowMenuItem('F' + IntToStr(I + 1), PlayerPool[I].Name, X, Y, Bitmap.Canvas);
1488 | Y := Y + Scale(40);
1489 | end;
1490 | Font.Color := clPurple;
1491 | ShowMenuItem('ESC', SBack, X, Y, Bitmap.Canvas);
1492 | end;
1493 | end;
1494 |
1495 | procedure TEngine.DrawPlayerKeysRedefine;
1496 | var
1497 | Text: string;
1498 | MenuWidth: Integer;
1499 | X: Integer;
1500 | Y: Integer;
1501 | I: Integer;
1502 |
1503 | function IsKeySet(Key: Integer): string;
1504 | begin
1505 | if Key <> 0 then Result := SSet
1506 | else Result := '';
1507 | end;
1508 |
1509 | begin
1510 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1511 | ClearBackground;
1512 |
1513 | MenuWidth := GetMenuWidth;
1514 |
1515 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
1516 | Pen.Style := psSolid;
1517 | Pen.Color := clWhite;
1518 | Font.Color := clTuna;
1519 | Font.Size := Scale(20);
1520 | Text := SDefinePlayerKeys;
1521 | TextOut((MenuWidth - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 20, Text);
1522 |
1523 | Pen.Color := clPurple;
1524 | Pen.Width := Scale(6);
1525 | Frame((MenuWidth - Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 - Scale(40),
1526 | (MenuWidth + Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(280));
1527 |
1528 | Font.Color := clPurple;
1529 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1530 |
1531 | X := MenuWidth div 2 - Scale(180);
1532 | ShowMenuItem(IsKeySet(FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Left), SLeft, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4, Bitmap.Canvas);
1533 | ShowMenuItem(IsKeySet(FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Up), SUp, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(40), Bitmap.Canvas);
1534 | ShowMenuItem(IsKeySet(FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Right), SRight, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(80), Bitmap.Canvas);
1535 | ShowMenuItem(IsKeySet(FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Down), SDown, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(120), Bitmap.Canvas);
1536 | ShowMenuItem(IsKeySet(FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Shoot), SShoot, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(160), Bitmap.Canvas);
1537 | ShowMenuItem('ESC', SBack, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(200), Bitmap.Canvas);
1538 |
1539 | if (FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Left <> 0) and
1540 | (FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Up <> 0) and
1541 | (FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Right <> 0) and
1542 | (FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Down <> 0) and
1543 | (FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Shoot <> 0) then begin
1544 | Font.Color := clDarkGreen;
1545 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1546 | Text := SDone;
1547 | TextOut((MenuWidth - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 9, Text);
1548 | end;
1549 | end;
1550 | end;
1551 |
1552 | procedure TEngine.DrawNewRound;
1553 | var
1554 | Text: string;
1555 | I: Integer;
1556 | Y: Integer;
1557 | begin
1558 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1559 | ClearBackground;
1560 |
1561 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
1562 | Pen.Style := psSolid;
1563 | Pen.Color := clWhite;
1564 | Font.Color := clTuna;
1565 | Font.Size := Scale(20);
1566 | Text := SRound + ' ' + IntToStr(CurrentRound);
1567 | TextOut((Bitmap.Width - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 5, Text);
1568 |
1569 | Pen.Color := clPurple;
1570 | Pen.Width := Scale(6);
1571 | Frame((Bitmap.Width - Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 5 - Scale(10),
1572 | (Bitmap.Width + Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 5 + Scale(70));
1573 |
1574 | Y := 0;
1575 | for I := 0 to Players.Count - 1 do
1576 | with TPlayer(Players[I]) do begin
1577 | if Enabled then begin
1578 | Font.Color := Color1;
1579 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1580 | Text := Name + ': ' + IntToStr(Score);
1581 | TextOut((Bitmap.Width - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 5 * 2 + Y, Text);
1582 | Inc(Y, Scale(40));
1583 | end;
1584 | end;
1585 | end;
1586 | end;
1587 |
1588 | procedure TEngine.DrawMap;
1589 | var
1590 | Text: string;
1591 | begin
1592 | Bitmap.EndUpdate;
1593 | Bitmap.BeginUpdate;
1594 |
1595 | World.DrawToBitmap(Bitmap);
1596 |
1597 | Bitmap.EndUpdate;
1598 | Bitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
1599 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1600 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
1601 | Pen.Style := psSolid;
1602 | Font.Color := clGreen;
1603 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1604 | Text := SPressEsc;
1605 | TextOut((Bitmap.Width - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 9, Text);
1606 | end;
1607 | end;
1608 |
1609 | procedure TEngine.SetState(AValue: TGameState);
1610 | begin
1611 | if FState = AValue then Exit;
1612 | FState := AValue;
1613 | FRedrawPending := True;
1614 | FStateTime := Now;
1615 | end;
1616 |
1617 | function TEngine.TextOutWordWrap(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; Text: string; Width: Integer): Integer;
1618 | var
1619 | Parts: TStringArray;
1620 | I: Integer;
1621 | XX: Integer;
1622 | begin
1623 | Result := 1;
1624 | XX := 0;
1625 | Parts := Explode(' ', Text);
1626 | for I := 0 to Length(Parts) - 1 do begin
1627 | if (X + XX + Canvas.TextWidth(Parts[I]) > Width) or (Parts[I] = '\n') then begin
1628 | Y := Y + Canvas.TextHeight(Parts[I]);
1629 | XX := 0;
1630 | Inc(Result);
1631 | end;
1632 | if Parts[I] = '\n' then Continue;
1633 | Canvas.TextOut(X + XX, Y, Parts[I]);
1634 | XX := XX + Canvas.TextWidth(Parts[I]) + Canvas.TextWidth(' ');
1635 | end;
1636 | end;
1637 |
1638 | function TEngine.GetMenuWidth: Integer;
1639 | begin
1640 | if FShowMenuStats then begin
1641 | Result := Bitmap.Width div 2;
1642 | DrawStats;
1643 | end else Result := Bitmap.Width;
1644 | end;
1645 |
1646 | function TEngine.GetAudioDir: string;
1647 | {$IFDEF UNIX}
1648 | const
1649 | AudioDirName = 'Audio';
1650 | UnixDataDir = '../share/Tunneler';
1651 | var
1652 | NewDir: string;
1653 | BaseDir: string;
1654 | {$ENDIF}
1655 | begin
1656 | BaseDir := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)));
1657 | Result := BaseDir + DirectorySeparator + AudioDirName;
1658 | {$IFDEF UNIX}
1659 | NewDir := ExpandFileName(BaseDir + DirectorySeparator + UnixDataDir +
1660 | DirectorySeparator + AudioDirName);
1661 | if not DirectoryExists(Result) and DirectoryExists(NewDir) then begin
1662 | Result := NewDir;
1663 | end;
1664 | {$ENDIF}
1665 | end;
1666 |
1667 | function TEngine.Scale(Value: Integer): Integer;
1668 | begin
1669 | Result := ScaleX(Value, 96);
1670 | end;
1671 |
1672 | procedure TEngine.InitDigMasks;
1673 | var
1674 | NewMask: TMatrixByte;
1675 | I: Integer;
1676 | begin
1677 | DigMasks.Clear;
1678 |
1679 | // 001111100
1680 | // 0111A1110
1681 | // 00z1A1z00
1682 | // 00zxAxz00
1683 | // 00zxAxz00
1684 | // 00zxxxz00
1685 | // 00z000z00
1686 | // 000000000
1687 | // 000000000
1688 |
1689 | NewMask := TMatrixByte.Create;
1690 | with NewMask do begin
1691 | Count := CreateIndex(9, 9);
1692 | for I := 0 to 4 do ItemsXY[2 + I, 0] := 1;
1693 | for I := 0 to 2 do begin
1694 | ItemsXY[1 + I, 1] := 1;
1695 | ItemsXY[5 + I, 1] := 1;
1696 | end;
1697 | ItemsXY[3, 2] := 1;
1698 | ItemsXY[5, 2] := 1;
1699 | end;
1700 | DigMasks.Add(NewMask);
1701 |
1702 | // 000011110
1703 | // 0000z1111
1704 | // 000zx1A11
1705 | // 00zxxA111
1706 | // 0zxxAxxz1
1707 | // 000xxxz00
1708 | // 0000xz000
1709 | // 0000z0000
1710 | // 000000000
1711 |
1712 | NewMask := TMatrixByte.Create;
1713 | with NewMask do begin
1714 | Count := CreateIndex(9, 9);
1715 | for I := 0 to 3 do begin
1716 | ItemsXY[4 + I, 0] := 1;
1717 | ItemsXY[5 + I, 1] := 1;
1718 | end;
1719 | ItemsXY[5, 2] := 1;
1720 | ItemsXY[7, 2] := 1;
1721 | ItemsXY[8, 2] := 1;
1722 | for I := 0 to 2 do
1723 | ItemsXY[6 + I, 3] := 1;
1724 | ItemsXY[8, 4] := 1;
1725 | end;
1726 | DigMasks.Add(NewMask);
1727 |
1728 | NewMask := TMatrixByte.Create;
1729 | NewMask.Assign(DigMasks[0]);
1730 | NewMask.Reverse;
1731 | NewMask.ReverseHorizontal;
1732 | DigMasks.Add(NewMask);
1733 |
1734 | NewMask := TMatrixByte.Create;
1735 | NewMask.Assign(DigMasks[1]);
1736 | NewMask.ReverseVertical;
1737 | DigMasks.Add(NewMask);
1738 |
1739 | NewMask := TMatrixByte.Create;
1740 | NewMask.Assign(DigMasks[0]);
1741 | NewMask.ReverseVertical;
1742 | DigMasks.Add(NewMask);
1743 |
1744 | NewMask := TMatrixByte.Create;
1745 | NewMask.Assign(DigMasks[1]);
1746 | NewMask.ReverseVertical;
1747 | NewMask.ReverseHorizontal;
1748 | DigMasks.Add(NewMask);
1749 |
1750 | NewMask := TMatrixByte.Create;
1751 | NewMask.Assign(DigMasks[0]);
1752 | NewMask.Reverse;
1753 | DigMasks.Add(NewMask);
1754 |
1755 | NewMask := TMatrixByte.Create;
1756 | NewMask.Assign(DigMasks[1]);
1757 | NewMask.ReverseHorizontal;
1758 | DigMasks.Add(NewMask);
1759 | end;
1760 |
1761 | procedure TEngine.InitPlayerPool;
1762 | var
1763 | I: Integer;
1764 | begin
1765 | PlayerPool.Clear;
1766 | with PlayerPool.AddNew do begin
1767 | Name := SGreen;
1768 | Keys.Left := vkA;
1769 | Keys.Down := vkX;
1770 | Keys.Right := vkD;
1771 | Keys.Up := vkW;
1772 | Keys.Shoot := vkControl;
1773 | Color1 := $00ff00;
1774 | Color2 := $00a000;
1775 | Enabled := True;
1776 | end;
1777 | with PlayerPool.AddNew do begin
1778 | Name := SBlue;
1779 | Keys.Left := vkLeft;
1780 | Keys.Down := vkDown;
1781 | Keys.Right := vkRight;
1782 | Keys.Up := vkUp;
1783 | Keys.Shoot := vkReturn;
1784 | Color1 := $ff2c2c;
1785 | Color2 := $b60000;
1786 | Enabled := True;
1787 | end;
1788 | with PlayerPool.AddNew do begin
1789 | Name := SRed;
1790 | Keys.Left := vkL;
1791 | Keys.Down := 147;
1792 | Keys.Right := vkQuote;
1793 | Keys.Up := vkP;
1794 | Keys.Shoot := vkSlash;
1795 | Color1 := $0000ff;
1796 | Color2 := $0000a0;
1797 | end;
1798 | with PlayerPool.AddNew do begin
1799 | Name := SPink;
1800 | Keys.Left := vkNumpad4;
1801 | Keys.Down := vkNumpad2;
1802 | Keys.Right := vkNumpad6;
1803 | Keys.Up := vkNumpad8;
1804 | Keys.Shoot := vkNumpad9;
1805 | Color1 := $ff2cff;
1806 | Color2 := $b600b6;
1807 | end;
1808 | with PlayerPool.AddNew do begin
1809 | Name := SCyan;
1810 | Keys.Left := 0;
1811 | Keys.Down := 0;
1812 | Keys.Right := 0;
1813 | Keys.Up := 0;
1814 | Keys.Shoot := 0;
1815 | Color1 := $ffff2c;
1816 | Color2 := $b6b600;
1817 | end;
1818 | with PlayerPool.AddNew do begin
1819 | Name := SYellow;
1820 | Keys.Left := 0;
1821 | Keys.Down := 0;
1822 | Keys.Right := 0;
1823 | Keys.Up := 0;
1824 | Keys.Shoot := 0;
1825 | Color1 := $2cffff;
1826 | Color2 := $00b6b6;
1827 | end;
1828 | with PlayerPool.AddNew do begin
1829 | Name := SOrange;
1830 | Keys.Left := 0;
1831 | Keys.Down := 0;
1832 | Keys.Right := 0;
1833 | Keys.Up := 0;
1834 | Keys.Shoot := 0;
1835 | Color1 := $008cff;
1836 | Color2 := $002da0;
1837 | end;
1838 | with PlayerPool.AddNew do begin
1839 | Name := SGray;
1840 | Keys.Left := 0;
1841 | Keys.Down := 0;
1842 | Keys.Right := 0;
1843 | Keys.Up := 0;
1844 | Keys.Shoot := 0;
1845 | Color1 := $d0d0d0;
1846 | Color2 := $707070;
1847 | end;
1848 | for I := 0 to PlayerPool.Count - 1 do
1849 | with PlayerPool[I] do begin
1850 | Engine := Self;
1851 | Id := I;
1852 | InitTanks;
1853 | if I < 2 then Enabled := True;
1854 | end;
1855 | end;
1856 |
1857 | procedure TEngine.Translate;
1858 | begin
1859 | PlayerPool[0].Name := SGreen;
1860 | PlayerPool[1].Name := SBlue;
1861 | PlayerPool[2].Name := SRed;
1862 | PlayerPool[3].Name := SPink;
1863 | PlayerPool[4].Name := SCyan;
1864 | PlayerPool[5].Name := SYellow;
1865 | PlayerPool[6].Name := SOrange;
1866 | PlayerPool[7].Name := SGray;
1867 | end;
1868 |
1869 | procedure TEngine.InitPlayers;
1870 | var
1871 | I: Integer;
1872 | NewPlayer: TPlayer;
1873 | begin
1874 | Players.Clear;
1875 | for I := 0 to PlayerPool.Count - 1 do
1876 | with PlayerPool[I] do
1877 | if Enabled then begin
1878 | NewPlayer := TPlayer.Create;
1879 | NewPlayer.Assign(PlayerPool[I]);
1880 | Players.Add(NewPlayer);
1881 | Score := 0;
1882 | World.Matters[Integer(miPlayer1Cannon) + I * 4].Color := clYellow;
1883 | World.Matters[Integer(miPlayer1Home) + I * 4].Color := Color1;
1884 | World.Matters[Integer(miPlayer1TankBody) + I * 4].Color := Color1;
1885 | World.Matters[Integer(miPlayer1TankBody2) + I * 4].Color := Color2;
1886 | end;
1887 | end;
1888 |
1889 | procedure TEngine.CheckGameEnd;
1890 | var
1891 | I: Integer;
1892 | HighestScore: Integer;
1893 | begin
1894 | if Players.GetAliveCount <= 1 then begin
1895 | HighestScore := 0;
1896 | for I := 0 to Players.Count - 1 do
1897 | with Players[I] do begin
1898 | if not Exploded then Inc(Score);
1899 | HighestScore := Max(Score, HighestScore);
1900 | end;
1901 | if HighestScore < MaxScore then begin
1902 | Inc(CurrentRound);
1903 | NewRound;
1904 | State := gsNewRound;
1905 | end else begin
1906 | State := gsMap;
1907 | if Assigned(FOnGameEnd) then
1908 | FOnGameEnd(Self);
1909 | end;
1910 | end;
1911 | end;
1912 |
1913 | procedure TEngine.ClearBackground;
1914 | begin
1915 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1916 | Brush.Style := bsSolid;
1917 | Brush.Color := clBlack;
1918 | FillRect(0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height);
1919 | end;
1920 | end;
1921 |
1922 | procedure TEngine.ShowMenuItem(Key, Text: string; X, Y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas);
1923 | begin
1924 | Canvas.TextOut(X, Y, '<' + Key + '>');
1925 | Canvas.TextOut(X + Scale(140), Y, Text);
1926 | end;
1927 |
1928 | procedure TEngine.DrawMenu;
1929 | var
1930 | Text: string;
1931 | MenuWidth: Integer;
1932 | X: Integer;
1933 | begin
1934 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1935 | ClearBackground;
1936 |
1937 | MenuWidth := GetMenuWidth;
1938 |
1939 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
1940 | Pen.Style := psSolid;
1941 | Pen.Color := clWhite;
1942 | Font.Color := clTuna;
1943 | Font.Size := Scale(20);
1944 | Text := 'TUNNELER';
1945 | TextOut((MenuWidth - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10, Text);
1946 |
1947 | Font.Color := clDarkOrange;
1948 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1949 | Text := 'by Chronos';
1950 | TextOut((MenuWidth - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 + Scale(60), Text);
1951 |
1952 | Pen.Color := clPurple;
1953 | Pen.Width := 6;
1954 | Frame((MenuWidth - Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 - Scale(40),
1955 | (MenuWidth + Scale(400)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(240));
1956 |
1957 | Font.Color := clPurple;
1958 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1959 |
1960 | X := MenuWidth div 2 - Scale(180);
1961 | ShowMenuItem('F1', SStartGame, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4, Bitmap.Canvas);
1962 | ShowMenuItem('F2', SInstructions, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(40), Bitmap.Canvas);
1963 | ShowMenuItem('F3', SInformation, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(80), Bitmap.Canvas);
1964 | ShowMenuItem('F4', SSettings, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(120), Bitmap.Canvas);
1965 | ShowMenuItem('F10', SExit, X, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 4 + Scale(160), Bitmap.Canvas);
1966 |
1967 | Font.Color := clDarkGreen;
1968 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1969 | Text := '(' + SWorldReady + ')';
1970 | TextOut((MenuWidth - TextWidth(Text)) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10 * 9, Text);
1971 | end;
1972 | end;
1973 |
1974 | procedure TEngine.DrawStatsPartial(var Y: Integer; PlayerIndex: Integer);
1975 | var
1976 | X: Integer;
1977 | I: Integer;
1978 | Text: string;
1979 | ShotsPercent: Integer;
1980 | LineHeight: Integer;
1981 | TempY: Integer;
1982 | begin
1983 | TempY := Y;
1984 |
1985 | LineHeight := Scale(40);
1986 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
1987 | Font.Color := clOrange;
1988 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
1989 |
1990 | X := Bitmap.Width div 2 + Scale(50);
1991 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
1992 | Text := SShotsFired;
1993 | TextOut(X, Y, Text);
1994 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
1995 | Text := SShotsHit;
1996 | TextOut(X, Y, Text);
1997 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
1998 | Text := SPercentHit;
1999 | TextOut(X, Y, Text);
2000 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2001 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2002 | Text := SMetersDug;
2003 | TextOut(X, Y, Text);
2004 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2005 | Text := SMetersTravelled;
2006 | TextOut(X, Y, Text);
2007 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2008 |
2009 | for I := PlayerIndex to Min(Players.Count - 1, PlayerIndex + 3) do
2010 | if I < Players.Count then
2011 | with Players[I] do begin
2012 | Y := TempY;
2013 | X := Bitmap.Width div 2 + Scale(50 + 300 + 150 * (I - PlayerIndex));
2014 | Font.Color := Color1;
2015 | Text := Name;
2016 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text), Y, Text);
2017 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2018 | Text := IntToStr(ShotsCount);
2019 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text), Y, Text);
2020 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2021 | Text := IntToStr(ShotsHit);
2022 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text), Y, Text);
2023 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2024 | if ShotsCount > 0 then
2025 | ShotsPercent := Round(ShotsHit / ShotsCount * 100)
2026 | else ShotsPercent := 0;
2027 | Text := IntToStr(ShotsPercent) + '%';
2028 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text), Y, Text);
2029 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2030 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2031 | Text := IntToStr(MetersDug);
2032 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text), Y, Text);
2033 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2034 | Text := IntToStr(MetersTravelled);
2035 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text), Y, Text);
2036 | Inc(Y, LineHeight);
2037 | end;
2038 |
2039 | Inc(Y, 2 * LineHeight);
2040 | end;
2041 | end;
2042 |
2043 | procedure TEngine.DrawStats;
2044 | var
2045 | X: Integer;
2046 | Y: Integer;
2047 | Text: string;
2048 | Winner: TPlayer;
2049 | LineHeight: Integer;
2050 | begin
2051 | LineHeight := Scale(40);
2052 | with Bitmap.Canvas do begin
2053 | X := Bitmap.Width div 4 * 3;
2054 |
2055 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
2056 | Pen.Style := psSolid;
2057 |
2058 | Pen.Color := clWhite;
2059 | MoveTo(Bitmap.Width div 2, 0);
2060 | LineTo(Bitmap.Width div 2, Bitmap.Height);
2061 |
2062 | Font.Color := clCyan;
2063 | Font.Size := Scale(14);
2064 | Text := SStatistics;
2065 | TextOut(X - TextWidth(Text) div 2, Bitmap.Height div 10, Text);
2066 |
2067 | Y := Bitmap.Height div 10 + 3 * LineHeight;
2068 |
2069 | DrawStatsPartial(Y, 0);
2070 | if Players.Count > 4 then DrawStatsPartial(Y, 4);
2071 |
2072 | X := Bitmap.Width div 2 + Scale(50);
2073 | Font.Color := clOrange;
2074 | Winner := Players.GetWinner;
2075 | if Assigned(Winner) then begin
2076 | Text := SWinnerIs;
2077 | TextOut(X, Y, Text);
2078 | X := X + TextWidth(Text) + Scale(20);
2079 | Font.Color := Winner.Color1;
2080 | Text := Winner.Name;
2081 | TextOut(X, Y, Text);
2082 | end;
2083 | end;
2084 | end;
2085 |
2086 | procedure TEngine.DrawGamePrepare(Thread: TVirtualThread);
2087 | var
2088 | I: Integer;
2089 | OldCount: TBitmapTColorIndex;
2090 | begin
2091 | Lock.Acquire;
2092 | try
2093 | // TODO: Without this (re)initialization we get range error
2094 | OldCount := FBitmapLower.Count;
2095 | FBitmapLower.Count := FBitmapLower.CreateIndex(0, 0);
2096 | FBitmapLower.Count := OldCount;
2097 |
2098 | if FClearBackground then FBitmapLower.FillAll(World.Matters[Integer(miBorder)].Color);
2099 | for I := 0 to Players.Count - 1 do
2100 | if Players[I].Enabled then begin
2101 | Players[I].Paint;
2102 | end;
2103 | finally
2104 | Lock.Release;
2105 | end;
2106 | end;
2107 |
2108 | procedure TEngine.ResizePlayerFrames;
2109 | var
2110 | HorizFrameCount: Integer;
2111 | VertFrameCount: Integer;
2112 | I: Integer;
2113 | begin
2114 | if Assigned(FBitmapLower) then begin
2115 | if Players.Count > 1 then begin
2116 | if Players.Count > 2 then VertFrameCount := 2
2117 | else VertFrameCount := 1;
2118 | HorizFrameCount := Ceil(Players.Count / VertFrameCount);
2119 | end else begin
2120 | VertFrameCount := 1;
2121 | HorizFrameCount := 1;
2122 | end;
2123 | FBitmapLower.Count := FBitmapLower.CreateIndex(PlayerFrameWidth * HorizFrameCount,
2124 | PlayerFrameHeight * VertFrameCount);
2125 | for I := 0 to Players.Count - 1 do begin
2126 | Players[I].ScreenFrame.AsTRect := Rect(
2127 | (I mod HorizFrameCount) * (FBitmapLower.Count.X div HorizFrameCount) + 1,
2128 | (I div HorizFrameCount) * (FBitmapLower.Count.Y div VertFrameCount) + 1,
2129 | ((I mod HorizFrameCount) + 1) * (FBitmapLower.Width div HorizFrameCount),
2130 | ((I div HorizFrameCount) + 1) * (FBitmapLower.Height div VertFrameCount));
2131 | end;
2132 | end;
2133 | FClearBackground := True;
2134 | Redraw;
2135 | end;
2136 |
2137 | constructor TEngine.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
2138 | begin
2139 | inherited;
2140 | Lock := TCriticalSection.Create;
2141 | FBitmapLower := TBitmapTColor.Create;
2142 | FBitmapLock := TCriticalSection.Create;
2143 | PlayerPool := TPlayers.Create;
2144 | PlayerPool.Engine := Self;
2145 | Players := TPlayers.Create;
2146 | Players.Engine := Self;
2147 | Keyboard := TKeyboard.Create;
2148 | World := TWorld.Create;
2149 | //DefaultAudioSystem := TAudioSystemMPlayer.Create(nil);
2150 | AudioShot := TSound.Create(nil);
2151 | AudioShot.FileName := GetAudioDir + DirectorySeparator + 'GE_KF7_Soviet.wav';
2152 | AudioExplode := TSound.Create(nil);
2153 | AudioExplode.FileName := GetAudioDir + DirectorySeparator + 'bomb.wav';
2154 | InitPlayerPool;
2155 | DigMasks := TObjectList<TMatrixByte>.Create;
2156 | InitDigMasks;
2157 | Redraw;
2158 | MaxScore := 3;
2159 | end;
2160 |
2161 | destructor TEngine.Destroy;
2162 | begin
2163 | Active := False;
2164 | FreeAndNil(DigMasks);
2165 | FreeAndNil(FBitmapLower);
2166 | FreeAndNil(FBitmapLock);
2167 | FreeAndNil(PlayerPool);
2168 | FreeAndNil(Players);
2169 | FreeAndNil(Keyboard);
2170 | FreeAndNil(World);
2171 | FreeAndNil(Lock);
2172 | FreeAndNil(AudioShot);
2173 | FreeAndNil(AudioExplode);
2174 | inherited;
2175 | end;
2176 |
2177 | procedure TEngine.Tick;
2178 | var
2179 | I: Integer;
2180 | begin
2181 | if State = gsGame then begin
2182 | Lock.Acquire;
2183 | try
2184 | for I := 0 to Players.Count - 1 do begin
2185 | Players[I].Control;
2186 | Players[I].Tick;
2187 | end;
2188 | finally
2189 | Lock.Release;
2190 | end;
2191 | end else
2192 | if State = gsNewRound then begin
2193 | if SecondOf(Now - FStateTime) > NewRoundDelay then begin
2194 | State := gsGame;
2195 | end;
2196 | end;
2197 | end;
2198 |
2199 | procedure TEngine.Draw;
2200 | var
2201 | DrawStart: TDateTime;
2202 | begin
2203 | if FRedrawPending then begin
2204 | DrawStart := NowPrecise;
2205 | FRedrawPending := False;
2206 | case State of
2207 | gsGame: DrawGame;
2208 | gsMenu: DrawMenu;
2209 | gsInformation: DrawInformation;
2210 | gsInstructions: DrawInstructions;
2211 | gsSettings: DrawSettings;
2212 | gsMap: DrawMap;
2213 | gsNewRound: DrawNewRound;
2214 | gsPlayerKeys: DrawPlayerKeys;
2215 | gsPlayerKeysRedefine: DrawPlayerKeysRedefine;
2216 | end;
2217 |
2218 | DrawDuration := NowPrecise - DrawStart;
2219 | end;
2220 | end;
2221 |
2222 | procedure TEngine.DrawThread(Thread: TVirtualThread);
2223 | begin
2224 | if State = gsGame then DrawGamePrepare(Thread);
2225 | end;
2226 |
2227 | procedure TEngine.NewGame;
2228 | var
2229 | I: Integer;
2230 | begin
2231 | Active := False;
2232 | InitPlayers;
2233 | ResizePlayerFrames;
2234 | CurrentRound := 1;
2235 | World.Generate;
2236 | for I := 0 to Players.Count - 1 do
2237 | Players[I].Init;
2238 | NewRound;
2239 |
2240 | Active := True;
2241 | end;
2242 |
2243 | procedure TEngine.NewRound;
2244 | var
2245 | I: Integer;
2246 | begin
2247 | for I := 0 to Players.Count - 1 do
2248 | Players[I].ResetTank;
2249 | FClearBackground := True;
2250 | Redraw;
2251 | end;
2252 |
2253 | procedure TEngine.LoadFromRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
2254 | begin
2255 | with TRegistryEx.Create do
2256 | try
2257 | CurrentContext := Context;
2258 | PlayerPool.LoadFromRegistry(TRegistryContext.Create(Context.RootKey, Context.Key + '\Players'));
2259 | finally
2260 | Free;
2261 | end;
2262 | end;
2263 |
2264 | procedure TEngine.SaveToRegistry(Context: TRegistryContext);
2265 | begin
2266 | with TRegistryEx.Create do
2267 | try
2268 | CurrentContext := Context;
2269 |
2270 | PlayerPool.SaveToRegistry(TRegistryContext.Create(Context.RootKey, Context.Key + '\Players'));
2271 | finally
2272 | Free;
2273 | end;
2274 | end;
2275 |
2276 | procedure TEngine.KeyUp(Key: Word);
2277 | var
2278 | I: Integer;
2279 | begin
2280 | KeyBoard.KeyState[Key] := False;
2281 |
2282 | if State = gsMenu then begin
2283 | if Key = vkF1 then begin
2284 | State := gsNewRound;
2285 | NewGame;
2286 | end else
2287 | if Key = vkF2 then begin
2288 | State := gsInstructions;
2289 | end else
2290 | if Key = vkF3 then begin
2291 | State := gsInformation;
2292 | end else
2293 | if Key = vkF4 then begin
2294 | State := gsSettings;
2295 | end else
2296 | if Key = vkF10 then begin
2297 | if Assigned(FOnClose) then FOnClose(Self);
2298 | end;
2299 | end else
2300 | if State = gsMap then begin
2301 | if Key = vkEscape then begin
2302 | State := gsMenu;
2303 | FShowMenuStats := True;
2304 | end;
2305 | end else
2306 | if State in [gsInformation, gsInstructions] then begin
2307 | if Key = vkEscape then begin
2308 | State := gsMenu;
2309 | end;
2310 | end else
2311 | if State = gsSettings then begin
2312 | if Key = vkF1 then begin
2313 | PlayerPool.EnableMore;
2314 | Redraw;
2315 | end else
2316 | if Key = vkF2 then begin
2317 | PlayerPool.EnableLess;
2318 | Redraw;
2319 | end else
2320 | if Key = vkF3 then begin
2321 | State := gsPlayerKeys;
2322 | end else
2323 | if Key = vkEscape then begin
2324 | State := gsMenu;
2325 | end;
2326 | end else
2327 | if State = gsPlayerKeys then begin
2328 | if Key = vkF1 then begin
2329 | FSelectedPlayer := PlayerPool[0];
2330 | FSelectedPlayer.ClearKeys;
2331 | State := gsPlayerKeysRedefine;
2332 | end else
2333 | if Key = vkF2 then begin
2334 | FSelectedPlayer := PlayerPool[1];
2335 | FSelectedPlayer.ClearKeys;
2336 | State := gsPlayerKeysRedefine;
2337 | end else
2338 | if Key = vkF3 then begin
2339 | FSelectedPlayer := PlayerPool[2];
2340 | FSelectedPlayer.ClearKeys;
2341 | State := gsPlayerKeysRedefine;
2342 | end else
2343 | if Key = vkF4 then begin
2344 | FSelectedPlayer := PlayerPool[3];
2345 | FSelectedPlayer.ClearKeys;
2346 | State := gsPlayerKeysRedefine;
2347 | end else
2348 | if Key = vkF5 then begin
2349 | FSelectedPlayer := PlayerPool[4];
2350 | FSelectedPlayer.ClearKeys;
2351 | State := gsPlayerKeysRedefine;
2352 | end else
2353 | if Key = vkF6 then begin
2354 | FSelectedPlayer := PlayerPool[5];
2355 | FSelectedPlayer.ClearKeys;
2356 | State := gsPlayerKeysRedefine;
2357 | end else
2358 | if Key = vkF7 then begin
2359 | FSelectedPlayer := PlayerPool[6];
2360 | FSelectedPlayer.ClearKeys;
2361 | State := gsPlayerKeysRedefine;
2362 | end else
2363 | if Key = vkF8 then begin
2364 | FSelectedPlayer := PlayerPool[7];
2365 | FSelectedPlayer.ClearKeys;
2366 | State := gsPlayerKeysRedefine;
2367 | end else
2368 | if Key = vkEscape then begin
2369 | State := gsSettings;
2370 | end;
2371 | end else
2372 | if State = gsPlayerKeysRedefine then begin
2373 | if Key = vkEscape then begin
2374 | State := gsPlayerKeys;
2375 | end else begin
2376 | if FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Left = 0 then begin
2377 | PlayerPool.ClearKey(Key);
2378 | FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Left := Key;
2379 | end else
2380 | if FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Up = 0 then begin
2381 | PlayerPool.ClearKey(Key);
2382 | FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Up := Key;
2383 | end else
2384 | if FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Right = 0 then begin
2385 | PlayerPool.ClearKey(Key);
2386 | FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Right := Key;
2387 | end else
2388 | if FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Down = 0 then begin
2389 | PlayerPool.ClearKey(Key);
2390 | FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Down := Key;
2391 | end else
2392 | if FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Shoot = 0 then begin
2393 | PlayerPool.ClearKey(Key);
2394 | FSelectedPlayer.Keys.Shoot := Key;
2395 | end;
2396 |
2397 | Redraw;
2398 | end;
2399 | end else
2400 | if State = gsGame then begin
2401 | if Key = vkEscape then begin
2402 | State := gsMap;
2403 | end;
2404 | end;
2405 |
2406 | {$IFDEF DEBUG}
2407 | if (State = gsGame) and (Key = vkF5) then begin
2408 | // Destroy first alive player
2409 | for I := 0 to Players.Count - 1 do
2410 | with Players[I] do begin
2411 | if not Exploded then begin
2412 | Energy := -100;
2413 | Break;
2414 | end;
2415 | end;
2416 | end;
2417 | {$ENDIF}
2418 | end;
2419 |
2420 | procedure TEngine.KeyDown(Key: Word);
2421 | begin
2422 | KeyBoard.KeyState[Key] := True;
2423 | end;
2424 |
2425 | end.
2426 |