Apr 25, 2011, 7:46:28 PM (13 years ago)
1 edited


  • trunk/IDE/Forms/UMainForm.lfm

    r27 r30  
    11object MainForm: TMainForm
    2   Left = 146
     2  Left = 240
    33  Height = 501
    4   Top = 88
     4  Top = 119
    55  Width = 695
    66  Caption = 'Transpascal IDE'
    7   ClientHeight = 482
     7  ClientHeight = 478
    88  ClientWidth = 695
    99  Font.Height = -11
    2020    Left = 0
    2121    Height = 5
    22     Top = 477
     22    Top = 473
    2323    Width = 695
    2424    Align = alBottom
    2727  object DockPanel: TPanel
    2828    Left = 0
    29     Height = 451
     29    Height = 447
    3030    Top = 26
    3131    Width = 695
    4343    object ComboBoxProducer: TComboBox
    4444      Left = 192
    45       Height = 21
     45      Height = 24
    4646      Top = 2
    4747      Width = 135
    4848      Align = alLeft
    49       ItemHeight = 13
     49      ItemHeight = 0
    5050      ItemIndex = 1
    5151      Items.Strings = (
    7373      Height = 24
    7474      Top = 2
    75       Width = 105
     75      Width = 124
    7676      Align = alLeft
    7777      Caption = 'Log parsing to file'
    8080    object ComboBoxAnalyzer: TComboBox
    8181      Left = 40
    82       Height = 21
     82      Height = 24
    8383      Top = 2
    8484      Width = 124
    8585      Align = alLeft
    86       ItemHeight = 13
     86      ItemHeight = 0
    8787      Style = csDropDownList
    8888      TabOrder = 3
    185185    end
    186186  end
    187   object CoolDockMaster1: TCoolDockMaster
     187  object CoolDockMaster1: TCDMaster
     188    Customize = CDCustomize1
    188189    TabsEnabled = True
    189190    DefaultTabsPos = hpAuto
    191192    DefaultMoveSpeed = 0
    192193    ShowIcons = False
    193     left = 428
    194     top = 56
    195   end
    196   object CoolDockClient1: TCoolDockClient
     194    left = 504
     195    top = 104
     196  end
     197  object CoolDockClient1: TCDClient
     198    Master = CoolDockMaster1
     199    Panel = DockPanel
    197200    Dockable = False
    198201    Floatable = False
    199     Master = CoolDockMaster1
    200     Panel = DockPanel
    201202    left = 504
    202203    top = 56
    212213    top = 104
    213214  end
     215  object CDWindowList1: TCDWindowList
     216    left = 502
     217    top = 157
     218  end
     219  object CDLayoutList1: TCDLayoutList
     220    left = 502
     221    top = 205
     222  end
     223  object CDCustomize1: TCDCustomize
     224    Master = CoolDockMaster1
     225    LayoutList = CDLayoutList1
     226    left = 499
     227    top = 260
     228  end
     229  object ImageList1: TImageList
     230    left = 624
     231    top = 112
     232  end
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.