1 | ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | ;; Pascal.ebnf
3 | ;; Transcribed from The Pascal User Manual and Report 4th ed.
4 |
5 | program = programheading semicolon block dot.
6 | programheading = proglit identifier [ programparameterlist ] .
7 | programparameterlist = lparen identifierlist rparen .
8 | block = label-declaration-part const-declaration-part type-definition-part variable-declaration-part procedure-declaration-part procedure-and-function-declaration-part statement-part.
9 | label-declaration-part = ["label" number {"," number} semicolon].
10 | const-declaration-part = ["const" constant-definition semicolon {constant-definition semicolon}].
11 | type-definition-part = ["type" type-definition ";" {type-definition ";"}].
12 | variable-declaration-part = ["var" variable-declaration semicolon {variable-declaration semicolon}].
13 | procedure-and-function-declaration-part = {(procedure-declaration | function-declaration) semicolon}.
14 | statement-part = compound-statement.
15 | constant-definition = identifier "=" constant.
16 | type-definition = identifier "=" type.
17 | variable-declaration = identifierlist ":" type.
18 | procedure-declaration = procedure-heading semicolon directive
19 | | procedure-identification semicolon block.
20 | function-declaration = function-heading semicolon block
21 | | function-heading semicolon directive
22 | | function-identification semicolon block.
23 | procedure-heading = "procedure" identifier [formal-parameters-list].
24 | procedure-identification = "procedure" procedure-identifier.
25 | function-heading = "function" identifier [formal-parameters-list] colon result-type.
26 | formal-parameters-list = lparen formal-parameters-section {semicolon formal-parameters-section} rparen.
27 | formal-parameters-section = value-parameter-specification
28 | | variable-parameter-specification
29 | | procedural-parameter-specification
30 | | functional-parameter-specification .
31 | value-parameter-specification = identifier-list ":" (type-identifier | conformat-array-schema).
32 | variable-parameter-specification = "var" identifier-list ":" (type-identifier | conformat-array-schema).
33 | procedural-parameter-specification = procedure-heading.
34 | functional-parameter-specification = function-heading.
35 | conformat-array-schema = packed-constant-array-schema
36 | | unpacked-constant-array-schema.
37 | packed-constant-array-schema = "packed" "array" "[" index-type-specification "]" "of" type-identifier.
38 | unpacked-constant-array-schema = "array" "[" index-type-specification { ";" index-type-specification } "]" "of" (type-identifier | conformat-array-schema).
39 | index-type-specification = identifier ".." identifier ":" ordinal-type-identifier.
40 | compound-statement = "begin" statement-sequence "end".
41 | statement-sequence = statement {";" statement}.
42 | statement = [label ":"] (simple-statement | structured-statement).
43 | simple-statement = empty-statement
44 | | assignment-statement
45 | | procedure-statement
46 | | goto-statement.
47 | structured-statement = compound-statement
48 | | conditional-statement
49 | | repetitive-statement
50 | | with-statement.
51 | conditional-statement = if-statement
52 | | case-statement.
53 | repetitive-statement = while-statement
54 | | repeat-statement
55 | | for-statement.
56 | empty-statement = empty.
57 | assignment-statement = (variable | function-identifier) ":=" expression.
58 | procedure-statement = procedure-identifier [actual-parameter-list | write-parameter-list].
59 | goto-statement = "goto" label.
60 | if-statement = "if" boolean-expression "then" statement ["else" statement].
61 | case-statement = "case" case-index "of" case {semicolon case} [semicolon] end.
62 | repeat-statement = "repeat" statement-sequence "until" boolean-expression.
63 | while-statement = "while" boolean-expression "do" statement.
64 | for-statement = "for" control-variable ":=" initial-value ("to" | "downto") final-value "do" statement.
65 | with-statement = "with" record-variable-list "do" statement.
66 | record-variable-list = record-variable {comma record-variable}.
67 | case-index = ordinal-expression.
68 | case = constant {comma constant} semicolon statement.
69 | control-variable = variable-identifier.
70 | initial-value = ordinal-expression.
71 | final-value = ordinal-expression.
72 | type = simple-type | structured-type | pointer-type.
73 | simple-type = ordinal-type | real-type-identifier.
74 | structured-type = ["packed"] unpacked-structure-type | structured-type-identifier.
75 | pointer-type = "^" domain-type | pointer-type-identifier.
76 | ordinal-type = enumerated-type | subrange-type | ordinal-type-identifier.
77 | unpacked-structure-type = array-type | record-type | set-type | file-type.
78 | domain-type = type-identifier.
79 | enumerated-type = lparen identifier-list rparen.
80 | subrange-type = constant dotdot constant.
81 | array-type = "array" "[" index-type {comma index-type} "]" "of" component-type.
82 | record-type = "record" field-list "end".
83 | set-type = "set" "of" basetype.
84 | file-type = "file" "of" component-type.
85 | index-type = ordinal-type.
86 | component-type = type.
87 | base-type = ordinal-type.
88 | result-type = ordinal-type-identifier
89 | | real-type-identifier
90 | | pointer-type-identifier.
91 | field-list = [(fixed-part [";" variant-part] | variant-part) [";"]].
92 | fixed-part = record-section {";" record-section}.
93 | variant-part = "case" variant-selector "of" variant {";" variant}.
94 | record-section = identifier-list colon type.
95 | variant-selector = [tag-field colon] tag-type.
96 | variant = constant {comma constant} colon lparen field-list rparen.
97 | tag-type = ordinal-type-identifier.
98 | tag-field = identifier.
99 | constant = [sign] (unsigned-number | constant-identifier | character-string).
100 | expression = simple-expression [relational-operator simple-expression].
101 | simple-expression = [sign] term {adding-operator term}.
102 | term = factor {multiplying-operator factor}.
103 | factor = unsigned-constant | bound-identifier | variable | set-constructor | function-designator | "not" factor | lparen expression rparen.
104 | relational-operator = op-eq | op-ne | op-lt | op-le | op-gt | op-ge | op-in.
105 | adding-operator = op-add | op-sub | op-or.
106 | multiplying-operator = op-mul | op-div | op-divdiv | op-mod | op-and.
107 | unsigned-constant = unsigned-number | character-string | constant-identifier | "nil".
108 | function-designator = function-identifier [actual-parameter-list].
109 | variable = entire-variable | component-variable | identified-variable | buffer-variable.
110 | entire-variable = variable-identifier.
111 | component-variable = indexed-variable | field-designator.
112 | identified-variable = pointer-variable "^".
113 | buffer-variable = file-variable "^".
114 | indexed-variable = array-variable "[" index {"," index} "]".
115 | field-designator = [record-variable "."] field-identifier.
116 | set-constructor = "[" [ elememt-description {"," elememt-description} ] "]".
117 | elememt-description = ordinal-expression [".." ordinal-expression].
118 | actual-parameter-list = lparen actual-parameter {comma actual-parameter} rparen.
119 | actual-parameter = expression | variable | procedure-identifier | function-identifier.
120 | write-parameter-list = lparen (file-variable | write-parameter) rparen.
121 | write-parameter = expression [colon integer-expression [colon integer-expression]].
122 | array-variable = variable.
123 | record-variable = variable.
124 | file-variable = variable.
125 | pointer-variable = variable.
126 | integer-expression = ordinal-expression.
127 | boolean-expression = ordinal-expression.
128 | ordinal-expression = expression.
129 | pointer-variable = type-identifier.
130 | structured-type-identifier = type-identifier.
131 | ordinal-type-identifier = type-identifier.
132 | real-type-identifier = type-identifier.
133 | constant-identifier = identifier.
134 | type-identifier = identifier.
135 | variable-identifier = identifier.
136 | field-identifier = identifier.
137 | procedure-identifier = identifier.
138 | function-identifier = identifier.
139 | bound-identifier = identifier.
140 | unsigned-number = unsigned-integer | unsigned-real.
141 | identifier-list = identifier {"," identifier}.